An Daire Academy of Irish Dance Portland State University
An Daire Academy of Irish Dance Portland State University
An Daire Academy of Irish Dance and the Pacific Celtic Foundation present Portland State University Smith Memorial Student Union Dear friends in dance: Welcome to the Portland New Year’s Feis and Northwest Winterfeis, back-to-back feiseanna sponsored by An Daire Academy of the Irish Dance. We hope the Portland New Year’s Feis and Northwest Winterfeis will be a weekend of fun and Irish dance in beautiful downtown Portland. Thank you for sharing your weekend with us! We are extremely pleased to welcome this year’s distinguished adjudicating panel – Anne Hall from Denver, Colorado; Patricia Kennelly from San Francisco, California; Judy & PJ McCafferty from Little Rock, Arkansas; and Laura Masters-Le Mesurier from Los Angeles, California. In addition, we are very fortunate to have the musical talents of Merv Bell from Edmonton, Alberta and Sean O'Brien from Calgary, Alberta. We are pleased to return to Portland State University’s Smith Memorial Student Union in beautiful downtown Portland. To improve the flow of spectators and to better utilize the space this year, we have reorganized the schedule so that dancers will dance by age group, adding a considerable amount of time to the schedule for a more accurate timetable. Finally, we have relocated our stages to reduce the noise for the dancers. We hope that these improvements will provide for a fun and successful weekend. This event would not be possible without the countless hours of planning and preparation by our feis committee: Sue Cannon, Gina Caples, Noal Clemons, Matt & Becky Fisk, Jennifer Ford, Mandy Mathisen, Angela Schaub, Annamanda Thompson, Steve Zander - words cannot express our gratitude - and to all of the families of An Daire Academy, without whom an event of this magnitude could never happen – go raibh mile maith agaibh! To assist us in making this an enjoyable weekend for all, we ask that you be dressed and ready to dance one hour before your scheduled time as we will try our best to run up to an hour ahead. Also remember to check your results and visit our vendors. Best wishes to all competitors and thank you for being part of the first feis weekend of the New Year in the Northwest! Jim Mueller, ADCRG Lauren Crowe-Mueller, TCRG Back-to-back with Northwest Winterfeis Member of the NAFC Lori Seeman, President Member of An Coimisiún Dublin, Ireland ~ [email protected] Sponsored by An Daire Academy Saturday, January 9th, 2015 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom, 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97201 ADJUDICATORS MUSICIANS Anne Hall Denver, CO Laura Masters-LeMesurier Los Angeles, CA Judy McCafferty Little Rock, AR PJ McCafferty Little Rock, AR Merv Bell Edmonton, AB Sean O'Brien Calgary, AB Patricia Kennelly San Francisco, CA Entry Deadline: Monday, December 12th, 2015 Entry Cap: 300 (100 Championships & 200 Grades) Enter online at NAFC Championships ~ Phoenix, AZ ~ January 16th, 2016 Gerry Campbell Perpetual Senior Belt Robert Gabor Junior Trophy George Sweetnam Minor Trophy NAFC Music Scholarship 15 &Over NAFC Music Scholarship Under 15 St. Louis Irish Arts Feis ~ St. Louis, MO ~ February 14th, 2015 Rockland County Feis ~ Tappan, NY ~ July 19th, 2015 Portland New Year’s Feis Saturday, January 9, 2016 Competitions may be split or combined depending upon number of entries. U11 11&O FIRST FEIS 2005+ Reel Light Jig 2004- 51 61 52 62 First Feis competitions are open to any competitor who has never competed before. U9 CHAMPIONS 2007+ Preliminary Open BEGINNER Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patrick's Day ADVANCED BEGINNER Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patrick's Day 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 U7 U9 U11 11&O 2009+ 07-08 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 U9 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 2004- 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 U9 2007+ U11 11&O 05-06 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 2007+ Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe Traditional Set Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe Traditional Set U9 07-08 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 NOVICE PRIZEWINNER U7 2009+ U11 05-06 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 U11 05-06 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 U13 03-04 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 05-06 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 2002- 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 U15 15&O 01-02 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 2004- U13 13&O 03-04 Adult 2000- 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 U13 03-04 U15 01-02 U17 17&O 99-00 1998- 703 705 707 709 751 753 970 755 757 971 972 759 761 973 701 PC & OC Treble Reel U11 05-06 Competitors dance 48 bars of a Heavy Jig or 40 bars of Horpipe, 48 bars of Reel or 40 bars of Slip Jig and a traditional set (Under 9) or choice of traditional or nontraditional set (9 & Over) . Dancing order will be randomly determined. One adjudicator's marks will determine solo competition results for each round. Treble reel danced one step down the line. U9 TROPHIES 2007+ First Feis Light Jig Beg. & Adv. Beg Light Jig Nov & PW Slip Jig Nov & PW Boys Light Jig Nov & PW Treble Jig Nov & PW Treble Reel U11 05-06 900 901 910 911 920 921 930 931 935 936 941 U13 13&O 03-04 902 912 922 932 937 942 2002- 903 913 923 933 938 943 Adult 961 962 One step down the line. Competitors should enter the trophy commensurate with their light jig or slip jig competition level. First Feis Light Jig open to any Beginner competitor who has never competed before. TEAMS Adult 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 Adult 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 Beg. 2-Hand Beg. 3-Hand Open 2-Hand Open 3-Hand 4-Hand Book 6-Hand Book 8-Hand Book U7 U9 2008+ 06-07 802 803 812 813 842 843 844 846 848 U11 04-05 822 823 852 853 854 856 858 U13 02-03 862 863 864 866 868 U16 16&O 99-01 1998- 832 833 872 873 874 876 878 882 883 884 886 888 Adult 892 893 894 896 898 48 bars. Beginner teams open to those in at least one Beginner or Advanced Beginner solo competition. Book dances from Ar Rince Foirne. MUSIC Amhrán na bhFiann U13 13&O 2003+ 990 2002- 991 Adult 992 Competitors must sing the choral refrain of "Amhrán na bhFiann"in Irish, unaccompanied. Portland New Year’s Feis Entry Fees Entry Deadline: December 12th, 2015 Light Shoe Com petitions $20.00 flat fee for all light shoe Heavy Shoe Com petitions $15.00 flat fee for all heavy shoe Cham pionships $50.00 including solos Team Com petitions $10.00 flat fee for all teams Trophy Com petitions $10.00 per competition Music Com petitions Fam ily Registration Fee $5.00 per competition $30.00 per family including online results Late Entry $25.00 after December 12th Family Maximum: $150 Excluding registration fees, late fees, and all Trophy Dances & Specials. Please note that entry fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Enter online at Tentative Schedule All grades and championships in order of age, from oldest to youngest. Teams at the end of the day. Dancing Competition Rules 1. Rules 1 - 35 adopted by the North American Feis Comission are included by reference. 2. Rules and requirements for each competition noted in the syllabus are included by reference. 3. Competitors must be in the hall, prepared to dance, one hour prior to the scheduled start of their event. 4. Competitions with fewer than five entrants may be combined or canceled by the Feis Committee. 5. The Feis Committee may add or combine trophy competitions at its discretion. 6. Competitors must be in costume, including soft shoes, to receive awards presented from stage. 7. An Daire Academy of Irish Dance, Pacific Celtic Foundation, Portland State University, the Portland New Year's Feis Committee and anyone associated in producing the feis, including feis volunteers, shall not be held responsible or liable for any personal injury, property loss, or damage. # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Light Jig Special Slip Jig Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel 755 971 2 Hand Reel 3 Hand Reel Amhran na bhFiann Acadamh Rince 105 Ella Lechner An Daire Academy 378 Aidan Mueller 451A 452A 185 Alaina McClanen-Clemons 471A 472A 249 Bekka Zander 280 Bethany Murphy 325 Bryan Caples 707 271 Hallidae Hunt 707 283 Hallie Petie 709B 232 Helen Peccia 320 James Petie 491A 104 Katherine Weiss 371B 295 Kathryn Petie 386 Matthew Petie 451A 352 229 mazzy griner 351B 352 453 114 Stella Ousley 251 252 253 473A 454 355A 456 357 474A 475A 476A 477 931 936 941 761B 481B 483B 482A 483A 372 373 973 485B 374 485A 486A 495 496 375 376 753 355A 356 357 354 355B 356 257 254 255 256 257 921 911 Brady Academy of Irish Dance, Calgary 265 Aine Brady 755 971 106 Cian Brady 703 970 Brosnan School of Irish Dance 340 Mairead Minihane 709B Butler-Fearon-O'Connor 120 Ariana Hofelmann 761A 213 Kira Hofelmann 707 306 Molly Martell 709A Claddagh Western U.S. 345 Frances Ryan 753 970 705 971 Cleary Irish Dance 311 Caroline Safford 361 Kelly Mack 491A 492 493 494 385 386 387 923 938B 943 991 # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Slip Jig Special Treble Jig Special 387 923 938B 962 Traditional Set Light Jig Special Champs Treble Reel 707 972 Comerford Olympia 268 Bonnie Gow 351A 252 253 454 255 166 142 Hailey Bramwell 381 492 383 384 385 386 374 Harper Gould 371A 262 473A 474A 375 376 227 Karen Bramwell 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 135 Lynn Gear 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 231 Sarah Gow 381 382 483A 384 385 266 204 Sophia Hubbard 451B 352 353 454 355B 356 911 961 167 962 923 357 Comerford Oregon 388 Alahna Whitfield 329 Allison McCoy 491B 317 Ayla Murphy 471A 224 144 493 385 473A 386 387 923 476A 922 942 Bailey Donham 61 62 Caitlyn Kreuzer 351B 452B 302 Catherine Hibbard 331 232 266 Devin Smith 481A 482A 377 Erin Smith 228 Estelle Canady 331 332 333 454 355A 136 121 Evelyn Hoppe 381 492 383 494 495 386 253 Georgia Canady 475A 476A 367 HALLIE DAPP 451B 452B 355B 456 322 Heidi Boyles 707 221 Katie McCoy 755 205 Kenadie Carlson 451A 330 Kendall Ferrell 471A 267 Leilani Gassner 451B 452B 453 384 Lilli Spakoski 481B 482B 483B 203 Madeline Smith 491A 382 493 143 Madison Pierce 351B 252 253 109 MAGGIE DAPP 471B 472B 473B 376 Margaret Brennan 164 165 353 354 255 233 234 135 485A 256 357 910 486A 487 933 943 705 473A 332 453 453 454 334 357 455 236 475A 376 355B 356 485B 486B 384 495 496 497 354 255 256 357 474B 475B 476B 477 473A 483B 237 454 486B 920 935 922 937A 971 921 971 237 477 922 938B 922 923 943 2 Hand Reel 3 Hand Reel Amhran na bhFiann # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig St. Patricks Day Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe Traditional Set 494 495 496 495 496 497 497 Light Jig Special Slip Jig Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel 2 Hand Reel Comerford Oregon (continued) 187 Nora Fogarty 375 Olivia Bogley 491A 201 Paige Alie 491A 355 Sophia McGough 491A 492 493 494 495 496 341 Tallulah Shearman 371A 262 373 374 375 266 192 Tia Wisco 371A 372 373 374 475A 376 377 328 Tristan Barthel 481B 482B 485B 486B 387 291 Veda Wryn Robertson 351B 352 255 356 357 495 496 375 376 761B 493 253 354 923 938B 943 267 Comerford Washington 183 Adeline Bader 491A 351 Anna Petrbokova 261 259 Bridget McMahon 273 David Pokluda 222 Emily Sprague 297 Frankie Segerstrom 161 162 163 336 Katriana Gardner 481B 482B 483B 484 485B 486B 288 Lili Gudgel 261 262 373 374 375 266 233 Lily Daly 451A 452A 453 454 455 456 457 921 141 Marie Petrbokova 471A 472A 473A 475A 476A 477 922 148 Vendula Pokludova 481A 483A 485A 486A 487 923 493 262 373 264 377 912 757 471A 475A 476A 477 937A 759 166 487 938A 943 936 941 267 Dillon Magh Adhair Academy 207 Jamie Carey 759 Grafton Street Academy 286 Aislin Travis 451B 452B 453 381 Ashley Hill 231 232 113 172 Ava Doohan 131 132 274 Brianna Smith 211 Ciaran Barrett 481A 482A 339 Emilie Bader 481B 482B 236 Emily Hill 455 356 357 921 936 941 852 910 910 709A 483B 485A 486A 385 486B 933 387 923 882 938A 943 938A 943 872 971 862 705 3 Hand Reel Amhran na bhFiann # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Light Jig Special Slip Jig Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel 2 Hand Reel 942 862 Grafton Street Academy (continued) 209 Eva Newkirk 371A 372 373 375 376 922 937A 115 Katya Warren 481B 482B 383 385 386 923 938A 111 Kaylie Fordham 351A 352 253 234 Kian Fordham 331 452A 246 Maggie Feinberg 251 352 238 Maverick Cradduck 451B 452B 182 Meagan Callan 451A 352 230 Megan Hill 491A 382 382 Megan Mclerran 381 383 385 496 372 Mikayla Hubbard 481B 483B 485B 486B 130 Morgan Cradduck 451B 452B 453 355B 456 189 Morgan Fulton 261 382 263 281 Neeva Travis 231 332 133 910 350 Payton Ross 131 132 133 910 481A 482A 483A 882 167 137 163 930 167 355B 356 353 355A 356 493 385 496 386 931 257 387 267 936 941 921 936 941 923 938B 943 923 938B 943 923 938A 943 921 936 941 913 Haran School of Irish Dance 108 Amalie Pancoast 257 David Pancoast 292 Sophie Pancoast 484 485A 486A 487 938A 761A 371B 472B 373 474B 375 376 377 922 937B Healy School 139 Erin O 707 972 Inishfree School of Irish Dance, TX 225 Ainsley Collins 194 Fallon Moore 351B 252 253 254 475A 476A 477 Keenan School of Irish Dancing 244 Elizabeth Carey 365 Samantha Gambonini 759 381 482A 383 384 385 386 387 481A 482A 483A 484 485A 486A 487 923 938A 943 938A 943 Killarney Irish Dance Company 331 Marlee Draper 852 872 3 Hand Reel Amhran na bhFiann # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Light Jig Special Slip Jig Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel Malone Academy 202 Abigail Powell 705 174 Anais Ovanessoff 709A 247 Shannon Matsch 491A 492 493 494 495 496 497 923 McBride School 344 Clare Baker 331 332 333 334 235 236 137 166 Isabella de Souza 351B 162 353 354 355B 356 257 318 Michael Yatsko 709A 973 256 Zoe Brickley 705 971 911 920 935 941 921 936 941 McKeever School of Irish Dance 285 Emma Taylor 156 Fiona Duggan 278 Kierney Alora McKinley 248 Laura Gorry 290 Loren Bykowski 491A 382 383 384 385 386 387 349 Raini Remley 381 382 493 494 385 386 387 481B 482B 483B 484 385 386 923 482B 483B 484 485B 486B 487 475B 476B 477 922 943 937B 942 709B 923 938B 943 McTeggart, Western U.S. Region 319 Julianne Radcliffe 324 Lauren O'Leary 761B 471A 472A 473A 474A 475A 476A 377 922 973 942 Murray School 296 Abby Cosart 360 Abby Matarazzo 131 132 133 134 134 Ainsley Barrett 371A 372 373 374 159 Alex Hailey 761B 210 Alyson Larson 757 132 Amelia Todd 171 Anna Meese 356 Ashleigh Walker 157 Caitlin Dougan 703 276 Cameron Carlson-Riddle 761A 362 Carly Straub 759 111 112 113 910 375 476A 267 114 910 757 631 161 632 162 633 163 634 164 635 616 617 911 970 2 Hand Reel 3 Hand Reel Amhran na bhFiann # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Light Jig Special Slip Jig Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel 2 Hand Reel Murray School (continued) 223 Chloe Montague 757 138 Danielle Work 707 161 Elizabeth Merten 471A 472A 473A 474A 375 476A 477 145 Ella Hoeckel 371B 372 373 374 375 476B 477 162 Ella Hutchinson 251 352 353 354 255 256 262 Eloise Hook 451A 452A 453 454 455 456 457 151 Fiona Kelley 471A 472A 473A 474A 475A 376 377 136 Isabelle Matarazzo 111 112 299 Jaiden Griffin 451A 452A 379 Julia Newman 351B 252 110 Juliette Kudrick 251 Liliya Zagorski 370 Madelaine Parry 759 186 Madeleine White 709B 260 Maia Lippay 351A 452A 353 354 355A 921 323 Maralynne Hoggatt 351B 352 253 354 255 921 354 Marcy Kent 707 261 Morgan Thiers 709A 152 Rachel Lynch 111 112 113 114 243 Reyna Smith 371B 372 373 374 284 Ronan Smith 331 269 Selina Olson 481A 937A 937B 167 114 253 922 921 936 941 910 454 455 356 254 165 166 457 931 936 852 911 822 705 481A 382 383 384 485A 386 387 923 938A 852 910 475B 376 377 357 482A 483A 484 385 386 387 923 938A O'Connor O'Brien School of Irish Dance 147 Alayna Menning 707 366 Breanne vanBoven 761A 206 Carmen O'Handley 709A 191 Daryl Morrison 346 Emily Parker 176 Emma Kent 127 Jessica Parker 491B 492 493 494 495 495 496 497 923 938B 923 938B 759 491B 492 493 494 923 971 938B 973 3 Hand Reel Amhran na bhFiann # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe 475A 476A St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Light Jig Special Slip Jig Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel O'Connor O'Brien School of Irish Dance (continued) 332 Katrina vanBoven 235 Lilia Lavoie 140 Sara McLaughlin 761A 371A 473A 474A 477 937A 942 761B O'Shea-Chaplin Academy 279 Jennifer Baily 761B 973 Penk-O'Donnell 335 Kari Barile 759 304 Maya Hirai 759 Richens/Timm, Wyoming 348 Amberlyn Hill 703 Rose-Ritchie Academy of Irish Dance 334 Layla Giles 331 452A 333 334 355A 356 357 920 935 941 471B 472B 473B 474B 475B 476B 477 922 937B 942 Scoil Rince De Danaan 343 Caitlin McCracken 239 Jessica Tipper 761B 359 Moira O'Donoghue 755 313 Naomi Jung 707 167 Taryn Trefanenko 709A 971 Scoil Rince Slieveloughane 126 Aaron Cnossen 101 Abigail Brogan 471B 472B 473B 160 Alana Sendlakowski 481A 482A 483A 103 Danielle Delvo 314 Eilis Williams 451A 452A 453 454 355A 356 357 198 Elizabeth Swenson 381 382 383 484 385 386 387 293 Elly Cosart 300 Emerson Bollert 475B 476B 477 242 Emma Dore 173 Fiona Ray 107 Isabelle Boylan 709B 474B 475B 476B 477 485A 486A 487 922 937B 938A 761B 920 761B 471B 473B 922 937B 942 705 471A 472A 473A 474A 495 496 475A 376 923 377 938B 2 Hand Reel 3 Hand Reel Amhran na bhFiann # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Light Jig Special Slip Jig Special 920 Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel 761A 973 2 Hand Reel Scoil Rince Slieveloughane (continued) 149 Jake Richardson 451A 332 333 334 930 179 Kathryn Hill 231 232 233 234 910 116 Liam Richardson 471A 472A 178 Lianne Lahaie 371 Lucy Kang 451A 452A 453 454 237 Lucy Teuteberg 231 132 233 234 165 Maia Kang 481B 482B 483B 484 117 Maren Lang 491B 321 Maura Kautz 481B 482B 483B 212 Moira Rader Rice 481B 482B 483B 137 Natasha Gregson 491A 492 493 208 Sarah Kate Goodspeed 759 364 Sydney Dore 761A 973 707 972 761B 973 474A 475A 455 476A 477 456 932 937A 457 910 485B 486B 487 495 496 497 484 485B 486B 487 484 385 386 387 923 494 495 496 497 923 938A 943 Sionnaine Irish Dance Academy 153 Annaliese Sporer Smith-Houlihan Academy - New England 193 Emily Walters Steel School of Irish Dance 216 Amanda Kervin 481A 483A 485A 486A 923 938A 922 937B Tara Academy of Irish Dance 368 Carys Dimmers-King 371A 262 263 264 265 266 267 118 Daphne Miller 351B 452B 453 354 355B 256 257 287 Delaney Dermody 471B 372 373 374 475B 131 Erica Bandy 481B 482B 483B 384 485B 309 Gabriel Dimmers-King 231 232 234 235 326 Gabrielle Bandy 471B 472B 473B 474B 475B 387 Genesis Dimmers-King 231 232 233 234 235 347 Gracie Lebold 371B 372 373 374 265 298 Jasmine Lee 709A 154 Kaili Jacobsen 709A 912 377 486B 476B 266 942 487 910 812 910 812 477 267 922 3 Hand Reel Amhran na bhFiann # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day 253 354 255 256 257 Traditional Set Light Jig Special Slip Jig Special 911 921 Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel 2 Hand Reel 3 Hand Reel 862 863 Tara Academy of Irish Dance (continued) 180 Keegan Henderson 289 Libby Otto 133 Lillie Geil 371B 372 373 374 265 376 377 170 Marguerite Cottington 481B 482B 483B 484 385 486B 487 158 Marie O'Connell 305 Rachel Culver 251 352 353 354 255 256 315 Sarah Bradburn 381 482B 483B 484 485B 486B 327 Sean Walsh 261 262 217 451B 352 709B 759 973 Shannon Curtin 757 972 240 Shannon Stockton 703 150 Sophia Zaboukos 471A 472A 473A 474A 375 376 377 922 937A 942 190 Sydney Jones 471A 472A 473A 474A 475A 376 477 922 937A 942 257 921 387 264 912 The Greene Academy of Irish Dance 303 Kate Behan 755 272 Morgan Alongi 707 972 Watt School 357 Annica Osterlund 707 972 254 Ashlyn Bolog 709A 973 215 Kale Dietz 703 970 Wick School 270 Gretchen Hummel 707 Yeates Academy of Irish Dance 200 Elizabeth Odell 481A 226 Agnes Dargen 351B 214 Alexus Taylor 245 Amelia Kelliher 351A 252 195 Amos Hauck 111 112 255 Aoife Brogan 471A 472A 113 Ashley VanHandel 369 Ava Dacchille 483A 352 453 354 485A 486A 487 455 456 357 923 938A 943 709A 353 254 165 166 475A 476A 167 114 473A 474A 477 922 937A 942 761A 161 162 163 164 165 166 911 Amhran na bhFiann # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Light Jig Special Slip Jig Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel 971 2 Hand Reel 3 Hand Reel Amhran na bhFiann Yeates Academy of Irish Dance (continued) 102 Brigid Walsh 381 482B 483B 384 385 486B 169 Carly Taylor 351A 352 353 354 355A 256 129 Daragh O 755 310 Emily Nims-Fournier 761A 263 Emmaline O'Donnell 371B 372 373 474B 375 376 377 181 Erin Dougherty 371A 472A 373 374 375 476A 377 164 Esther Hudkins 471B 372 473B 374 375 476B 377 383 Evalyn Grylewicz 331 232 233 334 235 356 237 312 Fiona Dubay 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 264 Grace Brown 161 162 163 164 165 166 199 Hanna Gorsline 381 382 383 264 265 386 307 Ivy Melcher 277 Jesse Hauck 389 Kaitlin Nims-Fournier 353 Karlynn Kenny 371B 472B 373 374 475B 376 155 Leah Painter 481B 482B 483B 484 485B 486B 146 Levi Hauck 282 Lily Trotter 51 52 119 Madeline Hagan 177 Mairead Evans 251 252 253 254 165 125 Mallory Ensing 161 252 253 164 165 166 380 Maura Kelley 381 382 383 484 485A 486A 275 Meegan Doherty 251 162 253 354 255 256 250 Molly Kate Young 705 301 Molly Shannon 705 294 Olive Paternoster 371A 472A 373 474A 475A 476A 477 352 Rachel Retchless 491B 492 493 494 495 496 497 337 Raegan Gritzmacher 175 Rhyan Thomas 351A 252 358 Rose Walsh 491B 492 387 167 990 862 862 910 912 267 709A 451B 452B 354 355B 356 457 757 267 922 487 938A 705 759 911 911 387 257 911 922 942 705 254 493 255 256 495 496 257 497 971 971 862 # Competitor Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe 483B 484 485B 486B St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Light Jig Special Slip Jig Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel 2 Hand Reel Yeates Academy of Irish Dance (continued) 112 Sarah York 385 Stella Kaplan 709A 128 Taliya Hunter 703 168 Tyra Hunter 331 452A 333 334 355A 356 316 Una O'Hare 351A 452A 453 354 355A 356 373 Valentina Paternoster 231 112 113 114 910 241 Zoelle Davis 161 162 163 164 913 381 482B 387 970 457 257 921 936 Mark your calendars now! SEASIDE, OREGON September 3rd & 4th, 2016 PORTLAND, OREGON January 14th & 15th, 2017 proudly hosted by An Daire Academy of Irish Dance more information at 3 Hand Reel Amhran na bhFiann Back-to-back with Portland New Year’s Feis Member of the NAFC Lori Seeman, President Member of An Coimisiún Dublin, Ireland ~ [email protected] Sponsored by An Daire Academy Sunday, January 10th, 2016 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY Smith Memorial Student Union, 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97201 ADJUDICATORS MUSICIANS Anne Hall Denver, CO Laura Masters-LeMesurier Los Angeles, CA Judy McCafferty Little Rock, AR PJ McCafferty Little Rock, AR Merv Bell Edmonton, AB Sean O'Brien Calgary, AB Patricia, Kennelly San Francisco, CA Entry Deadline: Monday, December 12th, 2015 Entry Cap: 300 (100 Championships & 200 Grades) Enter online at NAFC Championships ~ Phoenix, AZ ~ January 16th, 2016 Gerry Campbell Perpetual Senior Belt Robert Gabor Junior Trophy George Sweetnam Minor Trophy NAFC Music Scholarship 15 &Over NAFC Music Scholarship Under 15 St. Louis Irish Arts Feis ~ St. Louis, MO ~ February 14th, 2015 Rockland County Feis ~ Tappan, NY ~ July 19th, 2015 Northwest Winterfeis PORTLAND, OREGON Sunday, January 10, 2016 Competitions may be split or combined depending upon number of entries. U11 11&O FIRST FEIS Reel Light Jig 2005+ 2004- 51 61 52 62 First Feis competitions are open to any competitor who has never competed before. U9 CHAMPIONS 2007+ Preliminary Open 701 PC & OC Treble Reel BEGINNER Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patrick's Day Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patrick's Day U7 U9 07-08 U9 2007+ Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe Traditional Set 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 U9 2007+ 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 2009+ 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 NOVICE Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe Traditional Set U9 07-08 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 ADVANCED BEGINNER PRIZEWINNER U7 2009+ U11 05-06 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 U11 05-06 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 U13 03-04 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 U11 11&O 05-06 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 2004- 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 Adult 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 U11 11&O 05-06 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 2004- 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 U13 13&O 03-04 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 2002- 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 U15 15&O 01-02 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 2000- 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 U11 05-06 U13 03-04 U15 01-02 U17 17&O 99-00 1998- 707 709 755 757 971 972 759 761 973 703 705 751 753 970 Competitors dance 48 bars of a Heavy Jig or 40 bars of Horpipe, 48 bars of Reel or 40 bars of Slip Jig and a traditional set (Under 9) or choice of traditional or nontraditional set (9 & Over) . Dancing order will be randomly determined. One adjudicator's marks will determine solo competition results for each round. Treble reel danced one step down the line. U9 TROPHIES 2007+ First Feis Reel Beg. & Adv. Beg Reel Nov & PW Reel Nov & PW Treble Jig Nov & PW Treble Reel U11 05-06 900 901 910 911 920 921 935 936 941 U13 13&O 03-04 902 912 922 937 942 2002- 903 913 923 938 943 Adult 961 965 One step down the line. Competitors should enter the reel or treble reel trophy commensurate with the reel or hard shoe competition level, respectively. First Feis Reel open to any Beginner competitor who has never competed before. TEAMS Adult 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 Adult 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 Beg. 2-Hand Beg. 3-Hand Open 2-Hand Open 3-Hand 4-Hand Book 6-Hand Book 8-Hand Book U7 U9 2008+ 06-07 802 803 812 813 842 843 844 846 848 U11 04-05 822 823 852 853 854 856 858 U13 02-03 862 863 864 866 868 U16 16&O 99-01 1998- 832 833 872 873 874 876 878 882 883 884 886 888 Adult 892 893 894 896 898 48 bars. Beginner teams open to those in at least one Beginner or Advanced Beginner solo competition. Book dances from Ar Rince Foirne. MUSIC Instrumental Vocal U13 13&O 2003+ 990 995 2002- 991 996 Adult 992 997 Instrumental: prepare two Irish tunes in contrasting tempo. Vocal: prepare one (1) unaccompanied song in English or Irish. "BLIND" TREBLE REEL 950 All levels, one step down the line. Adjudicator facing with back to the competitors. Northwest Winterfeis PORTLAND, OREGON Entry Fees Entry Deadline: Monday, December 12th, 2015 Light Shoe Com petitions $20.00 flat fee for all light shoe Heavy Shoe Com petitions $15.00 flat fee for all heavy shoe Cham pionships $50.00 including solos Team Com petitions $10.00 flat fee for all teams Trophy Com petitions $10.00 per competition Music Com petitions Fam ily Registration Fee $5.00 per competition $30.00 per family including online results Late Entry $25.00 after December 12th Family Maximum: $150 Excluding registration fees, late fees, and all Trophy Dances & Specials. Please note that entry fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Enter online at Tentative Schedule All grades and championships in order of age, from oldest to youngest. Teams at the end of the day. Dancing Competition Rules 1. Rules 1 - 35 adopted by the North American Feis Comission are included by reference. 2. Rules and requirements for each competition noted in the syllabus are included by reference. 3. Competitors must be in the hall, prepared to dance, one hour prior to the scheduled start of their event. 4. Competitions with fewer than five entrants may be combined or canceled by the Feis Committee. 5. The Feis Committee may add or combine trophy competitions at its discretion. 6. Competitors must be in costume, including soft shoes, to receive awards presented from stage. 7. An Daire Academy of Irish Dance, Pcific Celtic Foundation, Portland State University, the Northwest Winterfeis Committee and anyone associated in producing the feis, including feis volunteers, shall not be held responsible or liable for any personal injury, property loss, or damage. # Name Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Reel Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel Blind Man 2 Hand Reel Vocal Acadamh Rince 209 Ella Lechner 755 An Daire Academy 228 Aidan Mueller 219 451A 452A Alaina McClanen-Clemons 471 472A 235 Bethany Murphy 481B 141 Bryan Caples 707 233 Christina White 761 334 Hallie Petie 709 130 Helen Peccia 119 James Petie 491A 179 Katherine Weiss 371 372 124 Kathryn Petie 212 Matthew Petie 451A 352 473 454 355 456 357 474 475A 476A 477 483B 482A 936 941 485B 483A 373 921 374 485A 486A 495 496 375 376 355 356 973 753 357 Brady Academy of Irish Dance, Calgary 175 Aine Brady 755 971 950 153 Cian Brady 703 970 950 Brosnan School of Irish Dance 346 Mairead Minihane 709 Butler-Fearon-O'Connor 146 Ariana Hofelmann 761 224 Kira Hofelmann 707 318 Molly Martell 709 Claddagh Western U.S. 336 Victoria Rose White 761 973 705 971 Cleary Irish Dance 289 Caroline Safford 238 Kelly Mack 491A 492 493 494 385 386 387 451B 352 353 454 355 356 357 Comerford Olympia 173 Sophia Hubbard 923B 938B 943 950 996 Misc Inst # Name Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Reel Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel Blind Man Comerford Oregon 295 Alahna Whitfield 265 Alannah Maher 261 135 Allison McCoy 491B 493 122 Ayla Murphy 471 473 190 Bailey Donham 151 152 205 Caitlyn Kreuzer 351 452B 125 Catherine Hibbard 331 232 193 Devin Smith 481A 482A 160 Erin Smith 201 Estelle Canady 331 332 333 454 355 136 292 Evelyn Hoppe 381 492 383 494 495 386 298 Georgia Canady 475A 476A 248 HALLIE DAPP 355 456 192 Heidi Boyles 145 Kenadie Carlson 451A 150 Kendall Ferrell 471 230 Leilani Gassner 451B 452B 453 254 Lilli Spakoski 481B 482B 483B 149 Madeline Smith 491A 382 493 384 108 Madison Kennedy 251 152 153 172 Madison Pierce 351 252 214 MAGGIE DAPP 471 472B 272 Margaret Brennan 171 Olivia Bogley 491A 177 Paige Alie 491A 237 Sean Maher 231 232 322 Tallulah Shearman 371 262 373 234 Tia Wisco 371 372 373 167 Tristan Barthel 481B 482B 241 Veda Wryn Robertson 351 352 707 472A 473 474 265 266 385 386 267 912 387 476A 154 155 353 354 255 233 234 135 485A 923B 922 256 950 357 920 486A 487 923A 950 705 473 451B 452B 453 454 950 971 950 237 357 921 707 332 453 334 455 236 475A 376 355 356 485B 486B 487 495 496 497 154 155 156 253 354 255 256 357 473 474 475B 476B 477 486B 487 473 454 483B 494 237 477 921 496 495 496 374 375 266 374 475A 376 377 485B 486B 387 255 356 357 354 922 497 234 253 943 157 495 493 923B 938B 910 267 923A 943 950 2 Hand Reel Vocal Misc Inst # Name Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe 495 496 375 376 St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Reel Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel Blind Man 2 Hand Reel Comerford Washington 127 Adeline Bader 491A 326 Anna Petrbokova 261 129 Bridget McMahon 332 David Pokluda 471 249 Katriana Gardner 481B 482B 483B 215 Lily Daly 451A 452A 453 258 Marie Petrbokova 471 472A 181 Vendula Pokludova 481A 493 262 373 264 377 757 475A 476A 477 484 485B 486B 487 454 455 456 457 473 475A 476A 477 483A 485A 486A 487 950 921 936 941 950 941 950 852 950 882 Dillon Magh Adhair Academy 246 Jamie Carey 759 Grafton Street Academy 247 Aislin Travis 451B 452B 453 155 Ashley Hill 231 232 133 198 Ava Doohan 131 132 105 Brianna Smith 312 Ciaran Barrett 481A 482A 232 Elizabeth Bingham 471 472B 206 Emilie Bader 481B 482B 255 Emily Hill 297 Ethan Nowack 328 Eva Newkirk 371 372 343 Katya Warren 481B 482B 347 Kaylie Fordham 351 352 253 339 Kian Fordham 331 452A 266 Maggie Feinberg 251 352 260 Maverick Cradduck 451B 452B 355 356 104 Max Perritt 451A 452A 355 356 132 Meagan Callan 451A 352 353 355 356 223 Megan Hill 491A 382 493 385 496 319 Megan Mclerran 381 383 385 496 239 Mia Perritt 481A 383 385 386 455 356 357 921 936 910 910 709 485A 486A 923A 938A 943 950 473 475B 476B 922 937 942 950 872 483B 385 486B 923A 938A 943 950 872 971 950 938B 943 950 942 387 705 491A 482A 495 496 373 375 376 922 937 383 385 386 923A 938A 153 923B 157 921 137 920 157 911 357 257 387 882 921 936 941 920 935 921 936 941 923B 938B 943 923B 938B 943 923A 938A 943 852 950 950 872 Vocal Misc Inst # Name Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Reel Special Treble Jig Special 486B 923A 456 921 Treble Jig Hornpipe 483B 485B 355 St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Treble Reel Blind Man 2 Hand Reel 938A 943 950 872 936 941 Champs Grafton Street Academy (continued) 315 Mikayla Hubbard 481B 211 Morgan Cradduck 451B 452B 453 102 Morgan Fulton 261 382 263 281 Neeva Travis 231 332 133 481A 482A 483A 386 267 913 910 Haran School of Irish Dance 269 Amalie Pancoast 251 Clare Fitzpatrick 335 David Pancoast 273 Sophie Pancoast 484 485A 486A 487 938A 923A 761 371 472B 373 474 375 376 377 922 950 937 Healy School 259 Erin O 707 972 950 Inishfree School of Irish Dance, TX 240 Ainsley Collins 217 Fallon Moore 351 252 253 254 475A 476A 477 Keenan School of Irish Dancing 338 Elizabeth Carey 202 Samantha Gambonini 759 381 482A 383 384 385 386 387 481A 482A 483A 484 485A 486A 487 923A Killarney Irish Dance Company 152 Marlee Draper 938A 943 Malone Academy 342 Abigail Powell 705 296 Anais Ovanessoff 709 200 Shannon Matsch 491A 492 493 494 495 496 497 923B McBride School 280 Clare Baker 331 332 333 334 235 236 137 920 935 305 Isabella de Souza 351 152 353 354 355 356 257 921 936 120 Michael Yatsko 709 973 950 350 Zoe Brickley 705 971 950 McKeever School of Irish Dance 262 Emma Taylor 309 Fiona Duggan 481B 482B 483B 484 385 386 482B 483B 484 485B 486B 487 941 Vocal Misc Inst # Name Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe 475B 476B St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Reel Special Treble Jig Special 477 922 937 Champs Treble Reel Blind Man 942 950 2 Hand Reel McKeever School of Irish Dance (continued) 194 Kierney Alora McKinley 242 Laura Gorry 308 Loren Bykowski 491A 382 383 384 385 386 387 313 Raini Remley 381 382 493 494 385 386 387 471 472A 473 474 475A 476A 377 709 923B 938B 943 922 937 942 McTeggart, Western U.S. Region 151 Lauren O'Leary 950 Millennium Academy of Irish Dance 185 Abigail Sharkis 705 Murray School 340 Abby Cosart 112 Abby Matarazzo 131 132 233 234 137 Ainsley Barrett 371 372 373 374 283 Alyson Larson 227 Amelia Todd 274 Anna Meese 757 163 Caitlin Dougan 703 285 Carly Straub 117 Chloe Montague 757 231 Danielle Work 707 101 Elizabeth Merten 471 472A 473 474 375 476A 199 Ella Hutchinson 251 352 353 354 255 256 207 Eloise Hook 451A 452A 453 454 455 263 Fiona Kelley 471 472A 473 474 475A 324 Isabelle Matarazzo 131 132 134 303 Jaiden Griffin 451A 452A 454 225 Juliette Kudrick 236 Liliya Zagorski 267 Madelaine Parry 759 299 Madeleine White 709 268 Maia Lippay 351 452A 353 354 355 921 218 Maralynne Hoggatt 351 352 253 354 255 921 759 910 375 476A 267 757 131 151 132 152 133 153 134 910 154 921 477 922 937 456 457 921 936 376 377 157 941 382 383 384 950 910 455 356 457 921 936 852 705 481A 970 485A 386 387 923A 971 938A 852 Vocal Misc Inst # Name Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Reel Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel Blind Man 973 950 2 Hand Reel Vocal Misc Inst Murray School (continued) 186 Marcy Kent 110 Morgan Thiers 159 Rachel Lynch 131 132 133 134 142 Reyna Smith 371 372 373 374 311 Ronan Smith 331 304 Selina Olson 481A 176 Teagan James 707 910 475B 376 377 357 482A 483A 484 385 386 387 923A 938A 759 O'Connor O'Brien School of Irish Dance 203 Alayna Menning 264 Daryl Morrison 491B 492 493 494 284 Emily Parker 491B 492 493 494 330 Jessica Parker 106 Lilia Lavoie 473 474 707 371 495 938B 923B 938B 495 496 497 923B 938B 475A 476A 477 922 937 950 942 O'Shea-Chaplin Academy 257 Jennifer Baily 761 973 Penk-O'Donnell 182 Kari Barile 759 351 Maya Hirai 759 Richens/Timm, Wyoming 341 Amberlyn Hill 703 Rose-Ritchie Academy of Irish Dance 103 Layla Giles 331 452A 333 334 355 356 357 920 935 941 950 471 472B 473 474 475B 476B 477 922 937 942 950 Scoil Rince De Danaan 345 Caitlin McCracken 331 Jessica Tipper 761 349 Moira O'Donoghue 755 174 Naomi Jung 707 286 Taryn Trefanenko 709 971 Scoil Rince Slieveloughane 287 Aaron Cnossen 709 243 Alexa Donion 705 971 990 # Name Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig 353 354 Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Reel Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel Blind Man 942 950 2 Hand Reel Vocal Misc Inst Scoil Rince Slieveloughane (continued) 139 Cayden Brunskill 275 Danielle Delvo 114 Eilis Williams 316 Elly Cosart 180 Emerson Bollert 111 Emma Dore 184 Fiona Ray 121 Isabelle Boylan 471 472A 473 474 136 Jake Richardson 451A 332 333 334 920 197 Kathryn Hill 231 232 233 234 910 208 Keelia Stevens 481B 483B 484 485B 486B 487 923A 938A 293 Liam Richardson 471 474 475A 476A 477 922 937 131 Lianne Lahaie 154 Lucy Kang 451A 452A 453 454 455 456 457 253 Maia Kang 481B 482B 483B 484 485B 486B 487 195 Maren Lang 491B 495 496 497 147 Maura Kautz 481B 482B 483B 484 485B 486B 487 288 Moira Rader Rice 481B 482B 483B 484 385 386 387 229 Natasha Gregson 491A 492 493 494 495 496 497 261 Sydney Dore 164 Zelie Wynne-Jones 351 352 921 761 451A 452A 453 454 355 356 357 761 471 473 475B 476B 477 922 937 705 472A 495 496 475A 376 923B 950 377 761 923A 950 938A 950 761 381 382 383 384 265 157 950 923A Sionnaine Irish Dance Academy 323 Annaliese Sporer 707 972 306 Katrina Huppe 709 973 950 761 973 950 Smith-Houlihan Academy - New England 170 Emily Walters Tara Academy of Irish Dance 107 Anna Preston 481B 482B 483B 187 Delaney Dermody 471 372 373 374 475B 169 Erica Bandy 481B 482B 483B 384 485B 486B 487 271 Gabrielle Bandy 471 472B 473 474 475B 476B 477 485B 486B 487 377 922 937 942 990 # Name Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day 373 374 265 266 267 Traditional Set Reel Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel Blind Man 2 Hand Reel Vocal Tara Academy of Irish Dance (continued) 134 Gracie Lebold 178 Jasmine Lee 191 Kaili Jacobsen 183 109 371 372 922 942 709 709 Keegan Henderson 451B 352 253 354 255 256 Lexie Dellinger 481A 482A 483A 384 385 386 487 301 Lillie Geil 371 372 373 374 265 376 377 321 Marguerite Cottington 481B 482B 483B 484 385 486B 487 213 Marie O'Connell 327 Rachel Culver 251 352 353 354 255 256 161 Sarah Bradburn 381 482B 483B 484 485B 486B 165 Shannon Curtin 757 329 Shannon Stockton 703 333 Wren Wagenbach 757 257 921 923A 759 257 911 995 387 972 972 The Greene Academy of Irish Dance 300 Kate Behan 755 210 Morgan Alongi 707 972 950 Watt School 148 Annica Osterlund 707 972 317 Ashlyn Bolog 709 973 144 Kale Dietz 703 970 278 Gretchen Hummel 707 Yeates Academy of Irish Dance 216 Elizabeth Odell 481A 485A 486A 487 320 Agnes Dargen 351 352 453 354 455 456 357 115 Amelia Kelliher 351 252 353 254 155 156 270 Aoife Brogan 471 472A 473 474 475A 476A 256 Bronagh Kelly 261 372 373 374 375 266 168 Carolyn Tchoe 491B 492 493 494 495 496 310 Charlotte Kelley 351 352 353 354 255 256 116 Erin Dougherty 371 472A 373 374 375 476A 307 Evalyn Grylewicz 331 232 233 334 235 356 483A 923A 938A 943 950 922 937 942 950 157 477 267 912 497 157 377 237 920 Misc Inst # Name Reel Light Jig Slip Jig Single Jig Treble Jig Hornpipe St. Patricks Day Traditional Set Reel Special Treble Jig Special Champs Treble Reel Blind Man 2 Hand Reel Yeates Academy of Irish Dance (continued) 189 Fiona Dubay 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 157 Hanna Gorsline 381 382 383 264 265 386 267 252 Ivy Melcher 250 Jesse Hauck 451B 452B 354 355 356 282 Karlynn Kenny 371 472B 373 374 475B 376 128 Leah Painter 481B 482B 483B 484 485B 486B 294 Levi Hauck 222 Lily Trotter 162 Madeline Wright 276 Maura Kelley 126 Meegan Doherty 156 Molly Kate Young 705 245 Molly Shannon 705 138 Olive Paternoster 371 472A 373 474 475A 476A 477 158 Rachel Retchless 491B 492 493 494 495 496 497 204 Raegan Gritzmacher 325 Roxana Manesh 491B 492 493 494 495 496 497 140 Sarah York 381 482B 483B 484 485B 486B 387 277 Stella Kaplan 709 118 Taliya Hunter 703 970 279 Tyra Hunter 331 452A 333 334 188 Valentina Paternoster 231 132 133 134 314 Zoe Raab 705 971 709 457 267 487 705 151 152 153 154 262 383 384 385 266 381 382 383 484 485A 486A 251 152 253 354 255 256 267 923A 387 257 911 862 705 356 971 971 457 Vocal Misc Inst PORTLAND NEW YEAR’S FEIS 2016: FINAL SCHEDULE TIME 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 SMSU VANPORT ROOM Stage A SMSU BALLROOM Stage B Stage C CHECK-IN Amhran na bhFiann 990, 991 Novice/Prizewinners 13&O & All Adults 761A Open Championships U20 761B Open Championships 20&O (back to back) 973 Championship Treble Reel 15&O 709A Preliminary Championships U17 709B Preliminary Championships 17&O 759 Open Championships U17 (back to back) 707 Preliminary Championships U15 757 Open Championships U15 (back to back) 972 Championship Treble Reel U15 971 Championship Treble Reel U13 970 Championship Treble Reel U11 705 Preliminary Championships U13 755 Open Championships U13 703 Preliminary Championships U11 753 Open Championship U11 (back to back) 381, 491A, 491B, 382, 492, 383, 493, 384, 494, 962, 961 481A, 481B, 611, 631, 641, 482A, 482B, 612, 632, 642, 483A, 483B, 613, 633, 643, 484, 614, 634, 644, 923, 933 385, 495, 386, 496, 387, 497, 938A 485A, 485B, 615, 635, 645, 486A, 486B, 616, 636, 646, 487, 617, 637, 647, 938B, 943 AWARDS Novice/Prizewinners U13 371A, 371B, 372, 373, 374 471A, 471B, 472A, 472B, 473A, 473B, 474A, 474B, 922, 932 375, 376, 377, 937A 475A, 475B, 476A, 476B, 477, 937B, 942 AWARDS Novice/Prizewinners U11 & All Beginners 51, 52, 111, 131, 231, 331, 351A, 351B, 112, 132, 232, 332, 352, 113, 133, 233, 333, 353, 114, 134, 234, 334, 354, 910, 913, 930, 920 61, 62, 900, 161, 251, 261, 451A, 451B, 162, 252, 262, 452A, 452B, 163, 253, 263, 453, 164, 254, 264, 454, 911, 912, 931, 921 135, 235, 165, 355A, 355B, 136, 236, 166, 356, 137, 237, 167, 357, 935 255, 265, 455, 256, 266, 456, 257, 267, 457, 936, 941 Teams 812, 822, 852, 862, 872, 882, 833, 863 AWARDS Music competitions will be held at 9:45 am on Stages B/C. NORTHWEST WINTERFEIS 2016: FINAL SCHEDULE TIME 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 SMSU VANPORT ROOM Stage A SMSU BALLROOM Stage B Stage C CHECK-IN Music 990, 995, 996 Novice/Prizewinners 13&O & All Adults 761 Open Championships 17&O 759 Open Championships U17 (back to back) 973 Championship Treble Reel 15&O 381, 491A, 491B, 611, 382, 492, 612, 383, 493, 613, 384, 494, 614, 923A 481A, 481B, 482A, 482B, 483A, 483B, 484, 923B 385, 495, 615, 386, 496, 616, 387, 497, 617, 938B 485A, 485B, 486A, 486B, 487, 938A, 943 AWARDS 709 Preliminary Championships 15&O Novice/Prizewinners U13 707 Preliminary Championships U15 757 Open Championships U15 (back to back) 972 Championship Treble Reel U15 371, 372, 373, 374 471, 472A, 472B, 473, 474, 922 375, 376, 377 475A, 475B, 476A, 476B, 477, 937, 942 950 Blind Man Special AWARDS First Feis 51, 61, 52, 62, 900 705 Preliminary Championships U13 755 Open Championships U13 703 Preliminary Championships U11 753 Open Championship U11 (back to back) 971 Championship Treble Reel U13 970 Championship Treble Reel U11 Novice/Prizewinners U11 & All Beginners 131, 231, 331, 351, 132, 232, 332, 352, 133, 233, 333, 353, 134, 234, 334, 354, 910, 920 151, 251, 261, 451A, 451B, 152, 252, 262, 452A, 452B, 153, 253, 263, 453, 154, 254, 264, 454, 911, 912, 913, 921 135, 235, 265, 355, 136, 236, 266, 356, 137, 237, 267, 357, 935 155, 255, 455, 156, 256, 456, 157, 257, 457, 936, 941 Teams 852, 862,872, 882 AWARDS Music competitions will be held at 8:45 am on Stages B/C. Awards Stages B & C C Registration & Tabulation Stage A SMITH MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION 3rd FLOOR
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