Staklo Antonija Musovic Studeni 2013 Sadržaj: AGC greške vezane za dimenzije greške vezane za održavanje i udobnost Greške vezane za zakonodavstvo standard AGC Glass Europe AGC Group – a global company under a single brand Global annual sales: more than €11bn 54,000 employees More than 200 companies Headquarters in Tokyo Quoted on Tokyo Stock Exchange Note: 2006 figures AGC Glass Europe mistakes AGC Greške vezane za dimezije mistakes regarding maintenance and confort mistakes regarding laws and standards mistakes regarding design AGC Glass Europe Greške vezane za dimenzije maksimalne dimenzije Težina stakla Troslojno staklo – primjeniti (ne) primjenii Optičke deformmacije i refleksija AGC Glass Europe Dimenzije maksimalne dimenzije stakla 321x600 cm Dostupne debljine (ovisno o vrsti stakla): 3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,19, 25 mm , najčešće 4,6,8,10 mm Mogućnost prerade: rezanje, posebni oblici, brušenje rubova, kaljenje, laminiranje AGC Glass Europe AGC Glass Europe dimenzije Maksimalnedimenzije za: kaljenje, najčešće 240x420 cm lokalno laminiranje najčešće 200x380 cm Na zahtjev veća kaljenja stakla mogu biti isporučena, no trošak može biti značajan. AGC Glass Europe težina Gustoća stakla ρ =2500kg/m3 Npr. 4mm - 1 m2=> 10 kg 10 mm - 1 m2=> 25 kg IZO 4000x2000mm, kompozicija 10-16-88.2 => 520 kg !! akvarij 2000x1000x1000 mm, kompozicija 10.10.2 prazan (samo staklo) = 400 kg Bez vode (without ‘metal structure!)= 2400 kg AGC Glass Europe Opterećenja vjetar, snijeg itd. Kalkulacija mora uzeti u obzir lokalne normative Specificne zahtjeve AGC može dati preporuke primjer AGC Glass Europe Double glazing unit ext int UV, light, short IR long IR > 2500 nm AGC Glass Europe AGC Glass Europe What about TGU? n t o n t o AGC Glass Europe Razmak u IZO jedinici 3,50 4-x-4 air 4-x-4 argon U (W/m² K) 4-x-4 krypton 3,00 2,50 2,00 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Width of spacer (mm) AGC Glass Europe TGU- troslojna IZO jedinica Optimalne dimenzije 2000 x 3600 mm AGC Flat Glass Europe AGC Glass Europe Low-E u troslojnoj IZO jedinici AGC Glass Europe Troslojno staklo Ukupna deljina = 44 mm, moze biti veća ovisno o dimenzijama, opterecenju, itd. (safety etc) AGC Glass Europe Razmak kod troslojne IZO jedinice 2 Low-E premaza #2, #5 4 Low-E - 9 Ar- 4 - 9 Ar -4 Low-E 4 Low-E - 10 Ar- 4 -10 Ar-4 Low-E 4 Low-E -12 Ar- 4 -12 Ar-4 Low-E 4 Low-E -14 Ar- 4 -14 Ar-4 Low-E 11/26/2013 - Ug 0,9 - Ug 0,8 - Ug 0,7 - Ug 0,6 19 AGC Glass Europe Coatings with one layer of silver cover layer silver oxides glass main parameters for insulating glazing (DGU): Ug = 1,0 W/m2K selekcivity LT/SF = 1,6 using: insulating glazing for residental segment AGC Glass Europe Coatings with two layer of silver cover layer silver oxides absorber oxides silver oxides glass main parameters for insulating glazing (DGU): Ug = 1,0 W/m2K selectivity LT/SF = 1,85 using: insulating glazing for comercial segment AGC Glass Europe Coatings with three layer of silver cover layer silver oxides absorber oxides silver oxides absorber oxides silver oxides glass main parameters for insulating glazing (DGU): Ug = 1,0 W/m2K selectivity LT/SF = 2,15 using : insulating glazing for comercial segment AGC Glass Europe deformacije • opticke deformacije • refleksija AGC Glass Europe AGC Glass Europe AGC Glass Europe AGC Glass Europe if possible, outside glass should be thicker than inside glass AGC Glass Europe Anisotropy “leopard spots” not really a mistake, but not so nice AGC Glass Europe solar control heat AGC Glass Europe solar radiation intensity energy W/m²n.m 1.5 light 1.0 0.5 wave length µm 0 0 0.38 0.78 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.50 AGC Glass Europe solar control LT = light transmission, SF = Solar Factor Light 100 80 LT LR 20 heat (DET) (SF) g (ER) Energie reradiata ext (EA) Energie reradiata int AGC Glass Europe green house effect 1. Energy : UV, light, shortIR 2. absorption of heat 1 3. radiation of heat (long IR) 4. glass is blocking long IR 3 4 2 green house effect = overheating of interior space AGC Glass Europe Što znači solarna kontrola Solarna kontrola = limitira prolaz topline kroz staklo kako bi se smanjio efekat staklenika. SF=20—45% Različita riješenja, bojena stakla ili stakla sa nanosom (pirolitički prmaz ili magnetron) itd.. AGC Glass Europe Transmision % 100 clear glass LT Selectivity= 50 SF Stopray (selective) 0 280 380 780 2000 wave lenght [nm] 2500 AGC Glass Europe Važnost solarne kontrole people are using different types of foils (sometimes from packages!) in order to stop the heat coming in the house AGC Glass Europe money, money, money.. Energy from Sun: 1000 W/ m2 (with normal clouds etc) Energy which is “touching” vertical window: 750 W. hypothesis: 100 m2 of windows or façade. Cost 1 kWh= 0.42 RON. HVAC working 30 days* 6 hours a day= total 180 hours •SF= 0.64 ( clear glass + lowE) => Heat = 750*0.64= 480 Wh/ m2 of window. For 100 m2 facade, monthly => heat: 480x100x180= 8640 KWh. •SF= 0.29 (Sunergy Green 6mm+ lowE) => Heat 750*0.29= 217,5 Wh/ m2 of window. For 100 m2 facade, monthly => heat: 217,5x100x180= 3915KW. Electricity COST if SF=0,64=>8640x0,42= 3628 RON= 863 EURO Electricity COST if SF=0,29=>3915x0,42= 1644 RON = 391 EURO For only 100 m2 of façade, monthly, there is a difference in cost of 472 Euro!! In only 3 months of summer, the slightly higher cost of Sunergy Green will be paid back! The smaller SF, the better , because cost of electricity will be smaller but also cost of HVAC (cooler or chiller) will be smaller. BUT DO NOT FORGET PLEASE about Light Transmission LT (or selectivity) , otherwise better to replace windows with bricks and you will have SF= 0 (zero). CONCLUSION? Look for low Solar Factor SF, especially for South oriented facades, and search for highest selectivity (S=LT/SF). Stopray Lime= the best solution. Sunergy Green= very smart solution Planibel Green= very good solution for E, W and N facades AGC Glass Europe Održavanje i udobnost- zvučna izolacija Različita rješenja, ovisno o izvoru buke: Asimetrična rješena ..... Najbolje rješenje laminirana stakla Stratophone AGC Glass Europe Glaverbel Czech 2005 Zvučna izolacija pressure of air= sound intensity Pa dB 20 120 2 100 0,2 80 0,02 60 0,002 40 0,0002 20 0,00002 0 AGC Glass Europe Zvučna izolacija sound insulation > 40 dB <30 dB >70 dB AGC Glass Europe type of walls and sound insulation Rw [dB] 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 brick wall DGU DGU Stratophone Double Skin façade AGC Glass Europe Različiti parametri buke AGC Glass Europe safety vs security safety is for persons EN 12600 security is for buildings EN 356 AGC Glass Europe safety- of persons EN 12600 – pendulum test 2 wheels, each 50 Kg Dim glass : 876 x 1938mm pression : 0,35 Mpa AGC Glass Europe Security- for buildings EN 356 – resistance on manual attack- falling ball Inaltimea de cadere STRATOBEL STRATOPHONE h EN 356 sticla 1,5 m P1A 44-1 3m P2A 6m P3A 4,1 kg h 13 cm 110 cm 90 cm 9m P4A 3x9m P5A 44-2 55-2 44-3 33-4 33-4 44-4 55-4 44-6 66-6 AGC Glass Europe Zaključak- sigurnost Sigurnost osoba EN 12600 Ukoliko je staklo od poda do stropa važno je Onemogućiti rizik od pada laminated minimum 44.2 Ograde laminated + tempered AGC Glass Europe ISOZAKI TOWER - Milano 11/26/2013 46 AGC Glass Europe ESTETSKI ZAHTJEV Da se vide planine kroz zgradu. Sjeverna fasada SF 32% Karakteristike Južna fasada SF 26% AGC Glass Europe 66.4 Stratobel Stopray Vision 60T / 16mm ar / 8mm Planibel Clearvision silkscreen 35% white dots 2mm diameter / 16mm ar / 8mm Energy NT on Clearvision Na Sjevernoj fasadi, ista kompozicija ali bez sitotiska WAVES OBTAINED BY BENDED GLASS AGC Glass Europe good example in USA, NY, Apple AGC Glass Europe good example in DE, Frankfurt, MyZeil, architect Fuksas AGC Glass Europe UNLIMIT YOUR CREATIVITY Hvala na pažnji Antonija Mušović [email protected] AGC Glass Europe