FA B R I C S A N D WA L L PA P E R S B Y C A R L U C C I D I C H I VA S S O FRACTIONS BY C ARLUCCI FA B R I C S A N D WA L L PA P E R S B Y C A R L U C C I D I C H I VA S S O WWW.C A RLUCCI.NL Cushions: CA7918 Venus Vol. 2, CA1235 Nomade, CA1139 , Brightside CA7248 New Casual Velvet Vol. 3 CARLUCCI LIFESTYLE Cushions: CA1237 Oasis, CA1236 Deser t, Nomad CA1235 CARLUCCI PRINTS CARLUCCI NOMADE For the modern nomads, Carlucci brings you these printed linen-look fabrics. The age-old tradition of Ikat from the islands of South East Asia was the inspiration for these bold, vibrant prints. Ikat is a technique used to dye the fabric. Like batik it is a resist dyeing technique but the fibres are tie-dyed before the cloth is woven rather than after, recreated using modern printing methods. Both traditional colours as well as contemporary colour were used. Use these fabrics for instant boost to your interior, giving it a warm, contemporary, ethnic feel. Chair : Nomade CA1235, Cushion: CA1236 Deser t giving it, its characteristic edgy look.This type of design was Cur tains and cushions: CA1232 Lucious Land CARLUCCI LUCIOUS LAND F O R E C A S T - FA B R I C S A N D WA L L PA P E R S B Y CARLUCCI - LIVE THE CARLUCCI LIFESTYLE Sofa: CA1179 Million, Cushions: CA1205 Manifesto , CA1172 Maestro, CA1178 Megastar, CA1202 Medalist C A R L U C C I M A N I F E S TO C A R L U C C I WA L L PA P E R S A rich collection of different timeless wallpapers with subtle ton-sur-ton all-over patterns, including a hounds-tooth and seventies inspired swirls. These classic designs will be an asset to many interiors. Colours range from deep chocolate to soft white and fresh turquoise. Some qualities have a soft metallic sheen for Wallpaper : CA8196 Forever a classic rich feel. Wallpaper CA8190 Fraction C A R L U C C I W A L L PA P E R S Wallpaper CA8194 Frantic C A R L U C C I F R A C T I O N S WA L L PA P E R S Chair and hocker : CA1158 Masterpiece, Cur tain: CA1164 Morciano CARLUCCI MASTER Cur tain: CA1212 Jannah Damast, Cushions: CA7918 Venus Vol. 2 C ARLUCCI PURE FABRICS Chair : CA1171 Bravado C A R L U C C I B R AVA D O Cushions: CA1171 Bravado, CA7918 Venus Vol. 2, CA1174 Palazzo Melange, CA1227 Alligator Washed C ARLUCCI FABRICS Chair, hocker and cushions: CA7248 New Casual Velvet Vol. 3 C A R L U C C I N E W C A S U A L V E LV E T Cur tain: CA1165 Misano Chair : CA1175 Palazzo Velvet Sofa: CA1176 Palazzo Cushions: CA7918 Venus Vol. 2, CA1174 Palazzo Melange, CA1175 Palazzo C A R L U C C I PA L A Z Z O Sofa: CA1169 Belong Cushions: CA1170 Beneath, CA1169 Belong , Throw: CA1168 Beyond, Hocker : CA1170 Beneath CARLUCCI LIFESTYLE Cushions: CA1166 Columbia, CA7918 Venus Vol. 2, Chair : CA1166 Columbia CARLUCCI VENUS Chair : CA1171 Bravado C ARLUCCI FABRICS Curtain: CA1173 Gladiator Cushions: CA1228 Performer, CA7918 Venus Vol. 2, CA1232 Lucious Land C ARLUCCI FABRICS CARLUCCI COLUMBIA Fabric: CA1233 Mysteryland M Y S T E R Y L A N D F A B R I C S A N D WA L L PA P E R S Cur tain and cushion: Winter Wonderland CA1230 C ARLUCCI WINTERWONDERLAND CA1234 Legendary Land F R AC T I O N S F A B R I C S A N D W A L L PA P E R S Cur tains and Cushions: Tropical Island CA1231, Chair : CA1166 Columbia C ARLUCCI TROPIC AL ISLAND Cushions and cur tains: Another land CA1229 C A R L U C C I A N OT H E R L A N D W W W. C A R L U C C I . N L 2014 FRACTIONS BY CARLUCCI DI CHIVASSO, THE NETHERLANDS, No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission of Chivasso. Chivasso is a member of the JAB Anstoetz Group.