Veaft Klan ...... . Voug and Naney and Canli buneh 501


Veaft Klan ...... . Voug and Naney and Canli buneh 501
Voug and Naney and Canli buneh
501 -6outh 1050 wu-t
Pay~on, Utah
{VM-t CUy}
Veaft Klan ...... .
Von' -t you all wL6h you eould move in-to my nw home in Pay~on? I do.
I ean' -t gd !tid 06 -tha-t hOMe! I-t' ~ a niee hOMe, U' ~ -tha-t -town
tha-t hM pftoblem6. I -though-t -the ftOaM weJte bad IM-t yeaft, well. -thL6
yeaft you have -to loek in -the hub~ t.o gd home. S eJtioMally now, I-t' ~
been 60ft ~ate 60ft about. 4 mo~ now .a-t $47,500. and we've only had
one ~eJtioM pfto~pec;t, and he 6ell. -thftough beeaMe he didn'-t wan-t -to
~a~6iee $425.00 peJt mon-th 60ft a home 06 hL6 own ... he ~aid he'd wail
a yeaft Oft -two ;t{ll hL6 ~atafty wen-t up. {and fteat-u-ta-te -too.J
10weJted -the p!tiee -to $45,000. hoping -tha-t would help. I-t'~
goind -to eo~-t M about. $55,000. -to ftepfaee -tha-t ~ame hOMe, exeep-t in
Pftovo. o.e. would like -to ~ell. $7,000.00 woJt-th 06 ~-toek M ~oon M we
ean ~o we ean gd the jeep payed 066. 16 any 06 you might be in-teJtu-ted
in buying -6ome eall mom' ~ phone #. I think Vavid migh-t buy a f.J.;ttfe.
I uo~ed down my f.J.;ttfe ~hop (oob) and am -tempoJtily (I hope)
a-t a uo-thing ~hop in -the uniVeMUy mall in oftem. (.Lt' -6 ealled
"Cheek Poin-t") The guy who ownu -tha-t -6hop L6 only about. 35 yeaJt-6 old,
and L6 ~emi-fte:tUted. Ii e gftO-6-6U about. 30,000.00 peJt month 6ftom uo-thing
-6atu. -6iekening!! ! ( ~inee he L6 only paying me $2.35 peJt h!t.
plM 1% eommL6-6ion on ~atu ... i6 -tha-t mueh.) I wL6h I eould 6ind a
be-tteJt paying job tha-t I would fteally enjoy.
Voug would like -to 6ind anotheJt goveJtnmen-t job J -6ueh a-6 one in an
066iee, Oft wUh -the wa-teJt depaJt-tmen-t Oft -6omething. ,'1 ~gUeAt>_' he! ~ ~g.~g/_~
tiJted 06 -6uJtveying. He'-6 been ftunning aftound with -the Il,iehu-t in
town. {a mufti miR...U.onafte due -to -6ome money hL6 6a-theJt bequeathed himl
He hM a indooft-out.doo~ pool in hL6 baek yaftd wi-th wh-i.Mpooa and -6aUnM,
and he ownu 5 80,000. diuel -tJtue~ that he. ften-t-6 out. 60ft $5 ~ 000, peJt
week. How would it be? (THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIG1 RJR ., ~I
Ccuz.,U AA getting :to a fteally c.Lde age. (2~1 She AA aJ.walj-6 '-10
help6ul . .. -6 ome-Umu ' ~t£. - hef.p6ul ! She :talk. quft.e well in
-6entenc.u, and -6he potty :tJtcUned heMef.6 . I uoed :to tfty '-10 halLd
:to mak.e heft go on :the :toilet, and -6he would fte1lAA:t., • . .60 6inally
I juo:t gave up. aboLd a week. Oft :two lat eft , -6he -6:taJt:ted go-<.ng l nto
:the bathftoom by heMel6, wilhoLLt even :telling M, and pfte:t:ty -6oon
all 06 :the :time. -6he hMn':t even had an ac.udent 60ft aboLd 3 weefG/.).
I'm -60 pftoud 06 heft! Some 06 heft 6avoJtile -6en:tenc.u aILe "Chec.k. i t oLd,
mom" and "Get down and boogie" When -6he wan:t-6 :to danc.e :to -6ome mMic.. )
Voug-6 bfto:theft ,cJtaig, ftemaJUtied, and hAA wi6e AA expecting a baby
-6ome-Ume in June. Evefty:time c.aJLli gou OVeft to theiJt hOMe, Una
lw c.aJti,[ 6eef. :the baby Ric.k. in heft :tummy, and c.aJr1J.. :th-lnfG/.) :tha:t-6
fteaLty neat. Lately -6he "-6 been ~Uc.Ring heft :tummy oLd and .6-aying _, .
"Fat :tummy mom, w:ten :to baby '-6 heaJLt beat." and -6he f U :tap heft
:tummy lighily ~ "babY'-6 in :thefte" , -6he l U -6ay. O,e. fteally get a kic.k.
oLd 06 heft. One day doug Mk.ed c.aJti,[ who ' -6 baby WM in Una 1-6 :tummy .
CaJti,[ amwefted bftlghily; "Vougiu baby!"
1 wAAh 1 c.Quid have anotheft
baby, bLd wilh two Rid!.), it would be fteally hCVtd 60ft me :to WOftk., and
i6 I didn':t WOftk., we c.ouid neveft buy a home in pftOVO, Oft even i6 we
had one, we. c.Quid l1eveft a660ftd it on doug-6 -6alCVty alone.
~'j/./.: :-<
... well, do n ':t delay 0n any do natio m . (hCVt - haIL}
..... love. ya all ...
Voug and Nal1c.y and CaJLli

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