Annual Report Annual Report


Annual Report Annual Report
Annual Report 2011
1] Our supporters
2] The Barriers Account
Taking stock of a year
in the life of the project
A New Start
Postcards and calendars
Sport Without Barriers
Endowment Investment Fund
Roads to People
Artis Pictus
Golf Without Barriers
The Czech Internet Helps
Reading Helps
Employer Without Barriers
Bank Without Barriers
3] Funds belonging
to the Barrier Account
RWE Fund
Globus Fund
Czech Post Fund
ČSOB and ERA Support Fund
Air Traffic Controller Fund
4] PCs Against Barriers
(Sensational Senior Citizens)
Small Projects
Culture Fund
Human Rights Fund
Elekta Instruments Fund
House of the Four Muses
President’s Fund
6] Healthcare-related Projects
Neuro-Euro Scholarship
Norwegian Funds
7] Awards
Jaroslav Seifert Prize
Tom Stoppard Prize
František Kriegel Prize
Josef Vavroušek Prize
8] Financial chapter
Donations made
Sponsoring gifts and grants
Donations in kind
Financial performance
Grant procedure rules –
Endowment Investment Fund
Auditor’s report –
Endowment Investment Fund
Auditor’s report
Statutory bodiesy
Contact details
2011 will be remembered by many as a period of
economic and social upheaval. Each day had its fair
share of bad news. But see: we are disinclined to
add to this avalanche. Having already done well
in the years before, we managed to advance even
further in 2011.
The project of the year 2011 was the major charity event „Roads to
People“, organized by our long-term partner Globus ČR on occasion
of the 15-year anniversary of their presence in the Czech market.
Their customers did not participate in a consumer sweepstake over
coupons for hundreds of thousands of crowns worth in grocery
shopping, which one would expect to be the typical scenario. The
opportunity they were offered was of a completely different nature
– namely, to choose and buy from a wide range of good whose
manufacturers (and by that token, the customers themselves) then
donated a small part of the proceeds to charity, to the clients of the
Barriers Account. No grandstanding – just plain old help for those in
need. I consider this successful project to be the charity event of the
year and possibly the decade, and am proud that it was tied to the
Barriers Account.
We are very much involved in promoting the cause of full-value
employment for handicapped people, and have been organizing
a Job Fair on our website, with tangible success.
Also, we are a partner for a number of „barrier-free“ contests:
Employer Without Barriers, Bank Without Barriers, and – coming in
2012 – Retailer Without Barriers.
We award a number of traditional prizes which enjoy special prestige
and which fill us with pride. Read on to find out about all this in
more detail! I am sure that you, who have been supporting us in so
many ways, will derive pleasure from our success.
Dear friends and supporters, donors, sponsors, and partners,
the news we bring are positive and optimistic throughout. Success
stories, lots of money, lots of aid and assistance. This kind of work is
a source of happiness for the two undersigned, but also for everyone
working at the Foundation, for the members of our councils and
statutory bodies. A single news item cast a shadow over this
atmosphere of joy: in December, our supporter and friend of many
years, an advocate for our Foundation and for the non-profit sector
in this country at large, our first democratic president, Václav Havel,
passed away. The entire nation bade him a dignified farewell. We
were there, and we shall never forget him.
Prague, June 7, 2012
Our flagship, the Barriers Account, did not lose any regular donors.
We did well. None the less, we do not rest on our laurels, but
make constant efforts to unearth new sources of financing and new
partners, and devise new projects.
Charta 77 Foundation, Executive Director
You will be surprised to read about „our artists“, as they painted
away on Old Town Square on a sunny October day, and how we 15
of them auctioned off their black-and-white paintings for about half
a million crowns.
Surely it will be hard for you to imagine that handicapped people
might play golf – and on tournament level to boot. 37 players
from ten European countries gathered in May at the golf resort
Darovanský dvůr. We were the co-organizers of this exceptional
sporting event, and opened this world, this particular social
environment to our clients. We intend to move further into this
direction in the future.
Charta 77 Foundation, President of the Administrative Board.
For sixteen years, we have been cooperating with Microsoft. This
is a source of pride for us, and gives us a privileged position in the
Czech non-profit sector thanks to which our clients have access to
licenses for Microsoft‘s popular software suites. We also participated
in an international program headed by the San Francisco-based
non-profit organization TechSoup, as one of only two partners in the
Czech Republic. The project seeks to ensure that a broad range of
software licenses remains or becomes affordable for the non-profit
Our Supporters
It is a time-honored tradition that the
opening section of our Annual Report is
devoted to our sponsors and supporters.
Aside from tens of thousands of small
donors to the Barriers Account, they are
the staunch pillar on which we may lean.
They did not desert us, and for this we
thank them from the bottom of our heart.
In fact, we were able to generate a number of new partners. Working with them
is a source of price for us; I therefore ask
you to indulge me as I present them in
more detail.
GLOBUS ČR, k.s. and the project Roads
to People
Unbelievable - GLOBUS Česká republika, k.s.
has been our partner for ten years. The fantastic idea of the company’s management
to donate one crown per each shopping
bag sold in any of their hypermarket stores
has generated many millions for our Foundation. Sadly, the individuals who stood
behind the idea that charity simply has to
become a part of their firm’s image, Petr
Vyhnálek and Boris Malý, have now left the
firm. However, corporate social responsibility is here to stay, and has taken the shape
of our joint project, “Roads to People”,
which in my view is the charity project of
the year, and which is a showcase of what
long-term charity partnerships are able to
Since 2004, our Foundation has been working with RWE Transgas, a.s. and in the past
two years, our partner was RWE Gas Storage, s.r.o. We greatly appreciate having the
trust of this large sponsor and donor, and
the opportunity to work with them on the
efficient deployment of the funds which the
company sets aside for their CSR program.
All told, we have jointly distributed tens of
millions of crowns within the RWE Fund
program. I greatly appreciate that we have
won the trust of a large multinational corporation and of people who, even though
they are at home in the unforgiving world
of business, are perfectly able to find their
way around in the non-profit world as well.
I am never afraid to approach Martin Chalupský and Jiří Wrobel with new ideas or
appeals for assistance. Thank you so much
for the awesome cooperation!
Our cooperation with MICROSOFT s.r.o.
looks back of a history of 18 years already,
and represents a unique partnership in the
Czech non-profit sector. I am grateful for
the exclusive relations which we have been
building for years, something which we also
enjoy with the current CEO, Roman Cabálek.
We are deeply indebted to them. Back in
the day, we cooperated with a nifty little
firm of 30 people. Everyone knew each
other, and the whole operation had a distinct family character. Today, our partner is
a huge company which has to meet performance figures and at which business comes
first. However, the support of those who
are less fortunate is an integral part of their
corporate culture. Our joint project - Computers Against Barriers - remains the flagship of Microsoft’s charity work. Together
with Roman Cabálek, we keep looking for
new opportunities to cooperate, and are
hatching pleasant surprises.
AVAST Endowment Fund
Two successful visionaries in the field of IT,
the founders of AVAST Software, a.s. – Eduard Kučera and Pavel Baudiš – “invaded”
the non-profit sector by founding their
own endowment fund. They are engineers
who have been able to capitalize on their
ideas in an unprecedented way, and they
are eager to share their achievements with
people in need - and consider it natural to
do so. This is why they keep setting aside
not inconsiderable amounts to support
time-tested charity projects. We are happy
that we are among those who have their
trust, and I am looking forward to implementing interesting ideas at their side that
will amaze everyone.
Our Foundation has been cooperating with
Tipsport a.s. for seven years already. Every
year, we dispose of a certain amount of
the funds set aside by the company for
charitable causes and paid out by Tipsport,
through us, to help the handicapped.
We appreciate the long-term trust of Mr.
Vratislav Randa and other members of the
management, and set great store in our
cooperation of many years. For the Foundation, this kind of partner is exceptionally
important and valuable.
The air traffic controller Řízení letového
provozu České republiky, s.p., is one of our
stable long-term partners, and whenever
their favorable results allow them to support charity projects, our supplicants and
clients are in luck, as their management
never fails to think of us. We are a vetted
and trusted partner of theirs, and we are
proud of this fact. Thank you!
FORTUNA, sázková kancelář a.s.
Our Foundation has a partnership of many
years with the largest betting agency,
Fortuna. We have the trust of the management of Fortuna, but also of the shareholders, the financial holding Penta Investments
and their co-owners, in particular Marek
Dospiva and Matěj Kúšik. Thank you for
your generous support in 2011!
ČSOB, a.s., ERA, and Poštovní spořitelna
are among those of our partners who have
an exceptionally well-designed CRS concept. They feel responsibility not only for
the monetary values with which they are
entrusted, but also for the society at large
within which they operate. I am glad that
we have been able to impress the bank and
win their support. Going into the second
year of partnership, our cooperation has
expanded. We are thankful for the opportunity to administer our joint Support
Fund, a unique project with which the Bank
turned to its own employees.
Martin Roman and the project
Reading Helps
I get to meet a lot of people in my line of
work, and I am happy to have met so many
patrons who want to share their success,
their money, and their happiness with those
in need. Among them is surely Martin Roman. I had the opportunity to witness how
he taught corporate social responsibility to
one of the largest companies in the Czech
Republic. At ČEZ, he leaves behind a wellworking foundation, and an atmosphere
conducive to the thought that the fortunate
must aid the weaker. On numerous occasions, our Foundation has seen proof of it.
Martin Roman believed in us, supported our
Foundation, and I won’t forget his efforts.
His personal charity project, “Čtení pomáhá”
(Reading Helps) is in my view one of the five
brightest stars in the sky of charity work
in 2011. We had the opportunity to share
its fruits and help a number of our clients.
Thank you, Martin Roman!
AGROFERT HOLDING, a.s. is a donor with
special charisma. The company’s owner,
Andrej Babiš, is a rational person. He knows
how hard it is to earn money, and he is
certainly not one to get involved in charity
work just to put on a show. We look back
on a relationship of several years with this
man – a relationship somewhat different
from what you would expect in the case of
someone who holds one of the top positions on the list of the wealthiest Czechs.
We do not supplicate at the PA’s desk – we
talk directly to the man. His SMS messages,
in which he asks “what do you want me
to do?”, or “what did I miss?”, put a smile
on my face. I have learned to always have
a prompt answer and good advice ready.
In most cases, he’ll accept and follow it. In
2011, Andrej Babiš supported our Foundation by placing the winning bid for a tennis
racket and t-shirt of André Agassi, and with
other cash donations, in a value of 500 000
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s. traditionally supports our combined auction/
exhibition events. The tenth, “anniversary”,
year was exceptionally successful, and we
are proud of the fact that the bank’s generosity allows us to use every single crown
generated by the auction to support our
handicapped students, and to fund our
charity activities. It is great to be able to
rely on certainties like these. Thank you!
Vodafone Foundation Czech Republic
and the staff of Vodafone
The Vodafone Foundation is the partner of
a project initiated by the company’s own
employees, who also play a major role in
it. This is our first experience with volunteering by young people, which has for the
second year now yielded substantial financial backing for handicapped cyclists and
Pioneer Investments
We at the Foundation have tremendous
appreciation for our long-term relationship with the financial group Pioneer Investments, our partner for the largest non-state literary prize in this country, which
is awarded by our Foundation: the Jaroslav
Seifert Prize. We are well aware that some
foundation projects easily find their sponsor, and that literary prizes, and culture
on the whole, are not among them. For
this reason, we especially value that this
financial group has stood by us over many
years - a favor which we cannot repay by
promising billboards at sports stadiums,
or advertising spots on television. What
we can offer are beautiful photographs
capturing the laureates, and great memories of meeting them. I believe that our
relationship with the members of the company’s management - let me name Roman
Pospíšil, chairman of the board, and Petr
Šimčák, board member, in particular - may
be now be called a very personal relationship, a friendship in fact, and that we try
to enrich each other through our cooperation. This is what we have always been
aiming for, and what the ideal partnership
should look like.
The mission of our Foundation is to help
and financially assist our clients – people
with handicaps – and return them to a life
fully lived and worth living. This, however,
also entails to have an understanding of
the world in which handicapped individuals live, and to raise awareness of the
barriers which stand in the way of their
“return to life”, and of the restrictions
which they experience. When you have
a large, renowned, successful, and time-tested partner come to you with the idea
to participate in their traditional contests,
“Employer of the Year” or “Bank of the
Year”, then you don’t have to think twice
about signing up. Fincentrum a.s. and its
owners, Petr Stuchlík and Martin Nejedlý,
have taught us to see banks and employers
through the eyes of our clients, people
afflicted with disabilities. I am glad that we
did not hold back but endorsed their ideas
– they have added yet another dimension
to our work.
Raiffeisenbank a.s. and the Barriers
Account share an indestructible friendship. The bank has been administering
the account of our highly successful public
fundraiser for twenty years. We are very
keen on deepening our connection further,
and demonstrate our mutual bond even
more clearly. The bank continued to pursue a project in which it refers its clients
to its preferred charity organizations who
carry the bank’s seal of approval. We are
very grateful that the Barriers Account is
among these. For each client who decides
to support one of the bank’s reference
charity organizations, the foundation receives a financial bonus. In 2011, the Barriers
Account thus received an amount of CZK
In the non-profit sector, jealousy is being
frowned upon, as we take pride in our
good mutual relationships - but when my
colleagues occasionally turn to talking
about what they miss and what they envy
us for, it is this relationship with Ogilvy
of twenty years standing. Behind us is a
mountain of work that cannot be expressed in numbers - whether in terms of the
fictitious volume of fees which we would
owe Ogilvy Group for their pro bono
work on dozens of advertising campaigns,
unique visuals, TV or radio spots, or in
terms of their inimitable ideas and breakthrough concepts. We are grateful for the
sympathy and professionalism shown by
Láďa Báča (who has moved on to become
the CEO, but who is still very close to the
Barriers Account). We are on excellent
terms with Dita Stejskalová and her team,
with Veronika Kyzlíková, Markéta Klingertová, Veronika Šoufková, but also staff
members of less seniority such as Petra
Pješčáková, and others. We have had a
taste of what it means to work with OGILVY ONE, a.s. and Pavel Matějíček, and we
are delighted. In the field of advertising,
Martin Petrásek and Tomáš Liška have been
great helpers.
We continue to have the trust of the large
media empire Mafra, a.s. - and this kind of
partnership is a priceless boon. In these
troubled times in the media market, it has
been a safe harbor for us, and we are very
grateful for the sympathies extended to us
by the daily paper MF DNES and the internet portal iDNES. What a pleasure to work
on charity projects with young people who
must be profit-oriented and success-oriented, and still are eager to come up with
ideas how to help those in need. We have
a shoulder to lean upon in their marketing
director, Aleš Pýcha, who never turns us
down, but always comes up with ideas how
to help the Barriers Account. By his side,
there are others: Jaroslav Kábele, Michal
Hanák, Ondřej Tolar, Iva Megalová, Martina
Riebauerová, and many more - the creators
and authors of our highly successful joint
projects. Thanks to their efforts, the readers of iDNES have become accustomed to
our fundraising events which promote the
Barriers Account and its clients, and bring
in welcome financial aid. Auctions, “yard
sales”, fund raisers. Seven times already,
we have organized a Christmas fundraiser
on the iDNES portal towards the end of the
year. As every year, so in December 2011,
we confronted readers with a specific story
and the human face behind it. I am proud
of this project which allows us to let readers glimpse a world which is somewhat
different from the one they live in. We
thank everyone for their kind support, and
will gladly and intensively draw again upon
it next year.
ČEZ, a.s. and our cooperation
As in every Annual Report, I return to our
cooperation with ČEZ. We have long been
following the work of the ČEZ Foundation,
and are always on the look out for joint
projects, for concerted action. In 2011, we
completed the employee project “Thinking
of Others, Making Dream Come True”,
which we handled in organizational and
administrative terms, and closed the project accounts. I am confident we will continue to cooperate in the future.
Global Wines, s.r.o. offers more than 500
varieties of proven quality wine on their
internet portal. The company gives lovers
of a fine wine the opportunity to participate in charity work, and join the firm in
helping the Barriers Account. Anyone who
buys a bottle of wine from them contributes one crown to the Barriers Account.
This, too, is one great partnership that
gives us a boost!
Our partners NEOLUXOR, s.r.o. and BONTONland, a.s. continue to sell our clown
noses with success. Buy them, too, and
contribute to a good cause!
Our partner of many years, the paper wholesaler igepa, velkoobchod papírem spol. s
r.o., has launched the project “Paper Helps”
in favor of the Barriers Account: 50 hellers
of the revenues from each package of “Maestro standard” office paper goes to help
handicapped children. In sum, this aid
amounts to 50 000 CZK. The firm will carry
on with this charity project until mid-2013.
EURO, both the paper magazine and its
internet manifestation, have been standing
by our Foundation’s side as valiant partners
for a number of years. Their new owner
is also a fan of our Foundation and always
lends a helping hand when we are in need.
This is why Euro is a partner on whom we
may always rely in our PR work: this year
alone, they donated ad space worth 1 220
000 crowns.
KPMG Czech Republic Audit
KPMG Audit Czech Republic, an auditing
company, is our long-term partner. They
are professionals in the field of numbers
and of their correct interpretation and
they are our guarantee of transparency in
accounting, registration and use of donations.
For many years, they have been contributing with their suggestions for improving
the management of our accounting and
presentation of results of the Foundation
to the public. We have learned a lot from
them and we thank them for it. We appreciate also good relations that in many
cases outgrown in personal support of our
I would venture to write that Milan Bláha,
Lenka Velehradská, František Jíša, and
other people from the wide team that
helps us, like to work for us.
Taking stock of a year
in the life of the project
A New Start
Postcards and calendars
Sport Without Barr iers
Endowment Investment Fund
Roads to People
Artis Pictus
Golf Without Barr iers
The Czech Internet Helps
Reading Helps
Employer Without Barr iers
Bank Without Barr iers
The Barriers Account
/ Taking stock of
one year in the life
of the project /
Since its inception in January 1993, the Barriers Account has already supported more
than twelve thousand projects, setting
aside almost 230 million crowns in funding; this includes approved scholarship
applications and projects supported within
the context of the Foundation Investment
Fund (see the chapter on the Foundation
Investment Fund).
IN 2011
2011 was a successful year for our Foundation, and for its oldest continuous project,
which has turned nineteen this year. More
than 10 million crowns were contributed to
our public fundraiser by our regular donors.
Our direct-mail campaigns were also highly
successful; in these campaigns we approach
donors who are known to us (and whom we
have won through such campaigns) to provide them with news regarding our work, as
well as new groups of people who receive
our newsletter on our work and on our current projects in which we ask them to support our activities. In 2011, we thus reached
more than 220 000 people. The direct-mail
campaigns have again been among our
most successful endeavors. Each crown
invested yielded more than three crowns
in revenues, and we have won more than
40 000 new donors and quite impressive
monetary gain to show for our efforts.
The Barriers Account Council is that body
of the project which is in charge of reviewing all incoming applications and
deciding on the amount of support for
each of them. In 2011, almost a thousand
petitioners turned to us with a request for
assistance – more than ever before in the
history of the Barriers Account’s work. We
were able to accommodate about 750 of
them. The approved payout was 12,5 million crowns.
The Barriers Account also decides on the
allocation of revenues from the Foundation Investment Fund (NIF). These monies
are earmarked for the support of nonprofit organizations. Given the steep cut
of subsidies in 2011, we decided to support
those organizations whose operational
budget was most in danger. We distributed an amount of 1 000 000 crowns among
the 10 winners of the tender.
Mountfield, as a part of their “Wheel of
Help” event, donate 80 000 crowns to the
Barriers Account (the amount having been
determined by the turn of the wheel of
fortune by actress Eva Holubová, broadcast
on TV Nova).
* The deal-of-the-day website Vykupto announces a post-Christmas event for the Barriers Account which raises 60 000 crowns.
Mountfield, as a part of their “Wheel of
Help” event, donate 100 000 crowns to
the Barriers Account (the amount having
been determined by the turn of the wheel
of fortune by TV anchorman Karel Voříšek,
broadcast on TV Nova).
We provide financial assistance for the
acquisition of lifting platforms that enable
wheelchaired individuals to use the train
stations in Okříšky and Horní Cerekev.
A new stairlift is put into operation at
Toužim Elementary School, co-funded by us
from revenues of the sale of Barriers Account postcards.
7 March: the festive opening of the “X-portrait” exhibition takes place – an exhibition
which has been organized under the joint
patronage of the Barriers Account and Fortuna. The betting agency donated 120 000
crowns to the cause of handicapped athletes who agreed to have artistic x-rays of
the handicapped parts of their bodies taken.
9 March: the sixteenth “Car Without Barriers”, purchased with means from the Globus
Fund, is being handed over, in this case to
the Sports Club of Wheelchaired Athletes in
Frýdek – Místek.
A new all-season postcard of the Barriers
Account is being issued, whose topic is the
popular cartoon character Maxipes Fík, created by visual artist Jiří Šalamoun.
20 March: a friendly gathering with key
business partners of Globus takes place at
the Ta Fantastika Theater, which includes
a recital starring Lucie Bílá and Petr Malásek. The project “Roads to People” is
presented to the general public for the first
21 March: the project “The Czech Internet
Helps” is being launched.
5 April: “The Czech Internet Helps” fundraiser is being wrapped up, having generated revenues of 738 000 crowns.
8 April marks the beginning of Martin Roman’s charity project “Reading Helps”. The
Barriers Account is an important partner of
this project.
9 April: We are the partners of the traditional fun fair organized by the magazine
Ona DNES. The face of the fair and of the
Barrier Account is actress Terezka Kostková.
2 May: Microsoft presents the Foundation with a cheque made out to 1 349 520
crowns – money which is to serve as funding for the “PCs Against Barriers” – and
software in a value of 6 180 000 crowns on
top of it.
the new “ČSOB and ERA Support Fund”
commences its activities and provides support in the case of seven initial petitions.
21/22 May: the first international golf
tournament at Darovanský Dvůr takes place
under the designation “Golf Without Barriers”. The Barriers Account acts as patron
and co-organizer.
1 June: a TV spot promoting the Barriers
Account’s job fair wins the bronze Rainbow
Marble at the 6th advertising festival “Rainbow Marble” in Zlín. The College League
organizes seven tournaments (in squash,
badminton, beach volleyball, tennis, and
bowling, respectively) in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, and Zlín. The tournament is attended
by 169 athletes; our clown noses are its
symbol, and are sold for 5 070 crowns in
favor of the Barriers Account.
7 June: our partner portal,, auctions off André Agassi’s tennis racket. The
Barriers Account thus obtains 200 000
crowns, thanks to the winning bidder, our
supporter Andrej Babiš and Agrofert Holding, a.s.
14 June: the winner of the Employer Without Barriers contest is being announced.
22 June: the Barriers Account Council announces the results of the grant procedure
which determines how the proceeds from
the Endowment Investment Fund are to be
23 June: Microsoft, in cooperation with
the Charta 77 Foundation, the company
TechSoup Global, and the Via Foundation,
organizes their “Day for non-profit organizations”.
26 June: a golf tournament in Beřovice
ends with the handover of a cheque of
funds raised in favor of the Barriers Account: 21 000 crowns.
12 July: the fifth installment of the Tomas
Golf Cup, also known as “Thomases Help
Thomases”. The Barrier Account receives
a cheque to the tune of 30 000 crowns,
which will be used to help 17-year old Tomáš
Červinka from Svídnice.
10 August: Marie Kousalíková, the mayor
of Prague 6, presents the CEO of the Barriers Account with a cheque made out in the
amount of 266 000 crowns: the proceeds
of a charity auction held during a dinner
party organized by the Prague 6 Municipal
District on 17 June.
20 September: the Barriers Account and
the editorial board of the magazine “Můžeš”
organizes a round table on the issue of integration and inclusion of pupils and students
at Czech schools.
The summer tour of the Čadík Brothers Trave-
ling Movie Theater ends with a final screening. At the open-air cinema in Brno, Božena
Jirků accepts a 360 816-crown cheque.
How does the Barriers
Account operate?
5 October: “Artis Picture”, an artistic contest for art schools across the nation, takes
place on Old Town Square in Prague.
20 October: we auction off the paintings
created by renowned artists for the Barriers
Account on Old Town Square alongside the
competing students – the proceeds amount
to 412 600 crowns.
The Barriers Account Council convenes on
regular dates - eight times in 2011. The rules
and criteria for the approval of applications or requests did not change in 2011.
In the overview of payouts in the financial
part of this Annual Report, you will find
a detailed breakdown of beneficiaries, the
purpose for which they received funds,
and the amount of the payout. More than
two thirds of beneficiaries are private individuals; in these cases, we have of course
complied with the Data Protection Act and
refrained from providing particulars. At this
point, we would merely like to give a broad
overview of the categories within which the
Barriers Account provides financial aid - after all, the details are generally well known
and reproduced in all our promotional
material and posted on our website.
3 November: the agency Taktika Muzika,
in cooperation with the Prague 6 Municipal
District, closes the exhibition My Airflection
by organizing a fashion show that showcases the brand E:be and the work of young
designers, part of which is an auction of
designer fashion that yields 48 500 crowns
for the welfare of the Barriers Account.
7 November: Božena Jirků ranks third in
a prestigious competition organized by the
daily paper Hospodářské noviny in the category Top Five Women in Public Affairs.
9 November: as a part of the “Bank of
the Year” contest, we award the title “Bank
Without Barriers 2011”. The winner in this
category is ČSOB, a.s.
23 November: the project “Roads to
People” culminates at the Žofín Palace in
Prague, where 16 super-size cars are being
donated to 16 non-profit organizations from
all over the country.
5 December: we participate in the traditional St. Nicholas Day bazaar at Pražská
As of 7 December, our traditional Christmas fundraiser takes place on the web portal of our co-organizer
Rehabilitative and compensatory aids
This is the Barriers Account’s basic fund for
contributions towards all types of rehabilitative and compensatory aids (mechanical
and electrical wheelchairs and accessories,
walking aids, rehabilitative perambulators,
cycling wheelchairs, tricycles, lifting equipment, ceiling systems, rehab beds, and
In 2011, the Barriers Account drew upon this
fund to accommodate more than 350 applicants, approving payouts in an amount of
approx. 4 300 000 crowns.
Handicap-friendly conversions
In 2011, we accommodated more than
110 applicants (including the retrofitting of schools). The amount released
to finance such projects was more than
CZK 2’900’000, of which more than CZK
1’100’000 are earmarked for the handicapfriendly conversion of nine schools across
the country. The money may be drawn
upon the completion of the actual structural
measures and construction work, either
during the same year or the following year.
BARRIERS Scholarships
In summer 2011, the Barriers Account announced the thirteenth year of the successful project “BARRIERS Scholarship”. As every
year so for the academic year 2011/2012,
students of secondary schools, colleges,
and universities applied for this scholarship
in an open tender. This unique long-term
educational project is financed primarily
from the proceeds of the auctions-andexhibitions organized by the Barriers Account. As of September 2011, 75 students
receive scholarship funds. We are currently
supporting 25 new students (11 secondarylevel students and 14 college students); 50
students continue their funded course programs. Of the students who receive longterm support, three graduated in 2011 with
a B.A., seven with a masters degree, and
five with A-levels (“maturita”).
As in previous years, most handicapped
students who receive scholarship funds
study a wide range of subjects at Masaryk
University in Brno, where 12 of our scholarship students are enrolled. Sizable numbers
of students also study at the Metropolitan
University in Prague, at Charles University
in Prague, and at the University in Hradec
A total amount of more than CZK 1’300’000
was set aside for the on-going monthly
payments under these scholarships in the
academic year 2011/2012.
Educational Fund
This is our “supplementary” educational
fund, which helps those applicants who
are too young to apply for a scholarship, or
who lack the means for purchasing various
educational tools or for covering course
and tuition fees.
In 2011, we supported only 5 applicants from
this fund; the amount of approved contributions remained below CZK 70’000.
Financial Support for Hearing-Impaired
Fellow Citizens
The Foundation has made a tradition of
supporting the purchase of state-of-the-art
hearing aids for hearing-impaired fellow
citizens, contributing to digital hearing devices, FM systems, and the latest generation
of the Nucleus Freedom speech processor,
which facilitates hearing and is much more
comfortable than previous systems. The approved limits of financial aid remained the
same as last year.
In 2011, we released funds in this category
for the purchase of hearing aids to 53 applicants; we also contributed financially to the
purchase of FM systems and speech processors for the welfare of another 30 people
in need. The overall amount released for
financing applications in this category
amounted to almost 900 000 crowns.
Traveling Without Barriers
We use this fund to make limited contributions towards the purchase of personal cars
by organizations who use them to provide
services to their handicapped clients. We
also contribute to the repair or handicapfriendly conversion of cars to the extent
that the cots exceed the government aid for
which our applicants are eligible.
This project is supported by API CZ s.r.o.,
the market leader in specialized car conversions. 5% of the price of each order go to
the Barriers Account.
In 2011, we supported 23 applicants, and
released more than 430’000 crowns to
finance their requests.
Cultural activities, sports activities, and
stays at health restoration and therapeutic
The Barriers Account supports events that
are aimed at actively involving handicapped
people in cultural and leisure-time activities.
With a view to the burgeoning number of
requests, the project council decided midyear to discontinue the subsidization of
domestic therapeutic, rehabilitative, and
health restoration stays.
In 2011, we accommodated only 7 requests,
releasing approx. CZK 80’000 for their financing.
People in Need
The Barriers Account entertains a long-term
special fund from which to support people
in dire straits, to many of whom a small
monetary contribution may make all the
In 2011, we approved payouts of approx.
70’000 crowns to help 14 applicants from
the People in Need fund.
Personal Assistance
In 2011, this fund was financed primarily
from the Avast Endowment Fund, whose
charter does envision the support of requests made by individuals; instead, they
refer such supplicants to the Barriers account and then provide us with financial
support for this specific circle of requests.
We remain firm in our approach to always
review the personal situation of the petitioner and their needs on a case-by-case
basis. We have been encountering cases in
which families are simply unable to finance
personal assistance e.g. in schools which
do not themselves provide such a service.
The amount of this kind of petition has
grown substantially.
In 2011, we supported 19 applicants, setting
aside an amount of almost CZK 181’773 for
Computers and special educational aids
and material
The Barriers Accounts has for years been
contributing towards such requests from this
small special fund, which also includes the
sales revenues from desk calendars. We e.g.
co-funded computer programs designed for
communicating with children with autisticspectrum disorders through alternative channels, a note book, or a signaling system.
In 2011, we approved financial support in
the amount of 36 000 crowns for a small
group of only three petitioners.
Assistance rendered to welfare service
All non-profit organizations which provide
(primarily welfare, but also other) services
to handicapped clients encounter the issue
of financing their activities on an annual
basis. The Barriers Account rarely covers
operating expenses, but does donate funds
from which organizations may purchase
equipment and furnishings.
In 2011, we supported seven organizations,
contributing e.g. towards the acquisition
of a kiln to be installed at a ceramics workshop, furniture for halfway houses, furnishings for a sports facility for the handicapped
and for senior citizens in Prague 6, a mobile
access ramp at the new headquarters of
social-therapeutic creative workshops,
furnishings for training kitchens, etc. The
approved payout exceeded 130 000 crowns.
The Čadík Brothers and their Traveling
Movie Theater
The “cinematographic caravan” of the brothers Josef and Pavel Čadík has been traveling
the Czech Republic since 1998. All those
years, the Čadík brothers donated the voluntary entry fees to the accounts of charitable organizations. In 2011, we received
a cheque made out in an amount in excess
of 360 000 crowns. Following tradition, the
Barriers Account was thus able to accommodate requests in the area of health care
which would otherwise have to be left unanswered, due to the dearth of funds in the
“classic” Barriers Account. In this manner,
we e.g. supported assisted reproduction,
co-funded an oxygen concentrator, an electric device for mucus removal, and a respirator. We also supported a film project of
the League for the Rights of Wheelchaired
Persons in Brno, organized under the name
of “To the Bottom”.
Our reader, pocket calculator at the ready,
might find that the number of supported
petitioners mentioned this far falls short
of the total amount by about two dozen.
These are petitions which do not fit into
any of the above categories, but are instead
labeled “Miscellaneous”. They bear testimony of the fact that the Barriers Account
Council takes a personal approach to each
individual request - indeed, hardly anyone
falls through the cracks of our network of
assistance and support.
In the course of 2011, two large events took
place whose significance was twofold: they
afforded the Barriers Account much positive
publicity, and they raised major funds for
our work.
Fundraisers organized by the MF DNES and
We have been cooperating with the internet
news portal iDNES and with the flagship of the
Mafra media group - the daily paper MF DNES
- since December 2006, and we look back on
five jointly organized public fundraisers. The
news portal iDNES is visited by almost 4 million
readers every month. The daily paper Mladá
fronta sells an average circulation of 220 000
copies per day, which are read by 800 000
readers. This is why each and every of our
appeals to the readers of the paper and on the
internet portal have been so successful.
In 2011, we did so on two occasions, auctioning off a tennis racket which belonged
to André Agassi in June and organizing
what is already our sixth joint Christmas
fundraiser in December.
Tennis legend helps the Barriers Account
The celebrity tennis couple Steffi Graf
and André Agassi visited Prague last year,
conquering the hearts of the locals. Their
one-day visit had to do with their participation in the “Advantage Tennis” exhibition.
A signed racket and t-shirt, played and
worn by André Agassi at the exhibition,
was donated by the organizers to a charity
fundraiser for the Barriers Account, which
was held on 8 June from 9:00 am on the
portal of the news server. A dramatic series
of ever-increasing bids culminated shortly
before the end, when one of the wealthiest
Czechs (and one of our staunchest supporters), Andrej Babiš entered the battle for
Agrofert Holding, a.s., and attained both
racket and t-shirt in a dramatic contest,
during the last minutes of the auction, for
200 000 crowns. The entire amount went
into the coffers of the Barriers Account.
Veronika Fundraiser
Our sixth Christmas fundraiser sought to ease
the fate of Veronika Dufková from Prague, the
mother of a three-year old who was paralyzed
shortly after his birth. Veronika needed to
make her home handicapped-friendly so that
she would not have to rely on the help of
others during the day and focus on caring for
her little son. She received 200 000 crowns
from this fundraiser for the planned construction work. What is more, after we published
her story, architect Tomáš Janáček rang up the
editors: he, his partners, and the construction
firm Svět interiérů wanted to offer Veronika
an architectural draft for barrier-free living and
retrofitting of her house at the cost of material
only, with no profit margin for the firm whatsoever.
The fundraiser also made other handicapped
people’s lives a little brighter: 26-year old Petr
Horský, an athlete from the Pardubice region,
was able to acquire a rehabilitative device
known as “motomed”, and to upgrade to a better wheelchair. A wheelchair contribution also
went to Markéta Čemusová from Strakonice
and to Martina Vrbová from Prague.
We greatly value the cooperation with the
MAFRA media group and are pleased to see
how many readers of iDNES found it in their
heart to give a mother the chance to be able to
take care of her son. Also, the average donation of approx. 790 crowns is certainly quite
sizable – for that kind of money, one could buy
a very nice Christmas gift. Veronika received
such a gift from 378 readers. We appreciate
the help, and would like to say: Thank you very
much! On behalf of Veronika, and of three
other clients of ours who benefited from this
Luboš Beniak, Martin Bojar, Běla Hejná,
Jan Kačer, Martin Kovář, Jan Marušiak,
Jiří Lábus, Jiří Soukup, Jiřina Šiklová,
Dana Štěrbová, Jindřich Štěpánek,
Jaroslav Šturma, Gita Tučná
40 000 donors who support the Barriers
Account with a regular contribution each
A New Start
We founded the project A New Start in
2008. It is aimed at helping people who
suffered an irreversible deterioration of
their health during the past 12–18 months,
due to accident, injury, or other causes (of
course, there may be exceptions to these
limiting criteria, as we will approach each
application on a case-to-case basis), seeking to “kick-start” the return to life of these
often very young people. It can happen to
any of us, and is a matter of seconds. An
injury, an accident, a malicious disease, or
other event that leads to a radical change of
one’s health status, and suddenly the affected individual’s life is turned upside-down,
and along with it the lives of those close
to him or her. The situation raises purely
practical issues as well, and the first among
them is likely the extreme financial burden.
One’s apartment has to be retrofitted, all
barriers must be removed, investments into
a car conversion, the purchase of a wheelchair, and other are likely necessary. A computer often becomes a necessity without
which communication is sometimes impossible and the chance to earn a livelihood
mostly minimal. Of course, such people may
expect assistance from the government, but
many things will still have to be resolved by
the person’s own ingenuity and resourcefulness. Our project facilitates an easier start,
but doesn’t provide for a carefree life.
We raised the funds for “A new Start” by
auctioning off, in three auctions, a collection of paintings, drawings, graphics,
and sculptures that was compiled by
Středočeská energetická společnost. For
the largest part, the collection was created
between the wars, but the company continued to play the role of a collector and
curator even after the war until a few years
ago. The collection thus remained an organic whole, and the supervisory board of
ČEZ, a.s. decided to donate it in its entirety
for charitable purposes. In this manner,
Charta 77 Foundation received a substantial
gift for the welfare of the Barriers Account.
The Barriers Account decided to grant
a more substantial payment to those petitioners who meet the project criteria. The
maximum amount of funds released to
resolve the problems of an individual applicant is 100 000 crowns. Maximum of
funds released to resolve the problems of
an individual applicant is 100,000 crowns.
We respect the individual requirements of
everyone who signs up for the project, and
have prepared an inspirational catalogue of
sorts that gives an idea of basic areas of assistance and support. Here, we also contribute to covering the kind of expenses that
are not standardly eligible for the Barriers
Account’s help, such as the purchase of
a car or the procurement of living quarters. For the needs and purposes of the
project, the Barriers Account appointed
a working commission that is in charge
of deciding on the financial aid based
upon individual applications. In 2008,
the project supported 13 petitioners; 27
petitioners received support in 2009 and
29 petitioners received support in 2010.
In 2011, the commission convened on
four different occasions to hear and approve 37 requests – 14 in January, 6 in
April, 8 in June, and 9 in December.
In seventeen cases, we donated the entire
amount for the purchase of personal cars, in
eight cases for handicapped-friendly retrofitting of houses and apartments, but also e.g.
for special vehicles, driver’s licenses, devices
designed to provide intensive rehab care,
and other expensive compensatory aids.
Picture Postcards
and Calendars of the
Barriers Account
Picture Postcards and New Year‘s Greeting Cards
2011 marked already the sixteenth year
for our successful project of foundation
postcards sold for the welfare of the Barriers Account. The author of the all-season
postcard was Jiří Šalamoun. The motif for
the Christmas postcard came from Brnobased visual artist Alois Mikulka. This
year’s authors of the New Year’s greeting
cards for companies and entrepreneurs
were Alena Mazochová, Vlasta Švejdová,
Vendula Císařovská, Jiří Novák a Jaroslav
Skoupý, Břetislav Kovařík, Barbara Issa Wagnerová, Kristýna Mothejzíková, Markéta
Podhůrská, Ivana Kotýnková, Michaela
Lesařová-Roubíčková, Vlastimil Zábranský,
Alexandra Dětinská, Naděžda Kotrčová,
the stock repository of the Czech Press
Agency ČTK, and Barbora Šimková, Vanessa
Přibylová, and Romana Benešová from the
Pre-School and Elementary School in Lišov.
For sixteen years now, the Opava-based
company Model Obaly a.s. has been contributing to the success of our fundraiser in the
form of sales of all-season and Christmas
postcards, in that they print these postcards
for us for free as a sponsoring gift. For just
as long, we have been cooperating with
Czech Post, who act as the official seller of
the postcards. Supplementary sales were
in the reliable hands of BONTONland, a.s.
and the network of Globus hypermarkets.
CHIPITA CZ, s.r.o., through their brand
7 DAYS, the Chateau Bzenec Winery,
and Espresso, s.r.o., through their brand
Dilmah, acted as sponsors in the preparatory stage and during a promotional
campaign aimed at boosting sales.
The revenues generated by selling postcards and New Year’s greeting cards were
earmarked, as always, for retrofitting all
kinds of schools in the Czech Republic
to make them handicapped-friendly.
Gita Tučná, Martin Kovář, Jaroslav
Šturma, Božena Jirků
Alois Mikulka
Desk calendars
With the help of sponsors and partners,
we published a calendar in 2011 that was
primarily designed for private households.
The pictures in this calendar, promoted
under the title “Children draw for the Barriers Account”, represented the best of
works sent in to national arts contests for
children organized by the Children and
Youth Center in Šumná and in Znojmo.
Helma 365 acted as sponsor for the design and distribution of the calendars
and sales guarantor. Preparation and
implementation of the advertising campaign in support of calendar sales were
sponsored for the second time by Procter
& Gamble, through their Ariel brand.
Jiří Šalamoun
the advertising campaign of this calendar.
The credit for making another edition of our
calendar possible goes to Helma 365, s.r.o.
the sponsor for the production, and guarantor for the distribution, of these calendars.
The sales revenues from desk calendars
went towards the purchase of educational
aids and material for handicapped children.
Wall calendar for Sport
Without Barriers
After a two-year break, we published another wall calendar last year in our series
of calendars devoted to the promotion and
support of the Sport Without Barriers project, under the title “Czech Hockey for Sport
Without Barriers”. The pictures in this calendar were created by sponsoring reporters
and contributors to the ČTK stock repository. Selected photographs presented the stars
in Czech hockey of recent years. Representatives of the Czech Ice Hockey Association
and the Czech Olympic Committee took on
advisory roles. The ČEZ Group supported
Sport Without Barriers
This sports-related project for handicapped people has been operative at
our Foundation since 2006. In the sixth
year of its existence, it again supported
primarily “sport for sport’s sake”, sports
activities pursued during people’ leisure
time, and competitive sport on the level
of regular competitions for athletes with
various handicaps. We consider these
activities to be important. They help
handicapped people find the will to live
on, overcome day-to-day obstacles and
challenges, and make their own dreams
come true. In order to draw attention
to the issues surrounding the financing of sporting activities by physically
handicapped athletes, we organize various events to raise funds for this target
group. This is one of the main objectives
of this project.
An exhibition of peculiar photographs:
X – portrait
Mlýnská coffee shop on Kampa Island saw
the festive opening on 7 March of an exhibition of photographs of 12 handicapped
athletes which allowed the photographers
of Euro magazine, Hynek Glos and Martin
Pinkas, to take artistic photographs whose
essential element are x-ray pictures revealing the physical disabilities of the athletes.
As a part of the opening exhibition, the
athletes (David Lukeš, Anna Kulíšková,
Jiří Ježek, Jan Ploužek, Pavel Bambousek,
Michal Šiška, Běla Hlaváčková-Třebínová, Miroslav Vaněk, Lukáš Hartig, Miroslav Šperk,
Jaroslav Filsák, Aleš Kisý) were presented
with a cheque made out in the amount of
120 000 crowns, which came from the Fortuna betting agency.
Red Noses Help
The symbol of the Barriers Account – a red
clown’s nose – was a part of seven tournaments of the College League that took place
at the beginning of June in Prague, Brno,
Ostrava, and Zlín. 169 athletes participated
in squash and badminton matches. The
sale of noses raised 5070 crowns for handicapped athletes.
Aggasi’s racket yields 200 000 crowns for
Sport Without Barriers
This is the amount of the bid with which
successful entrepreneur and tennis enthusiast Andrej Babiš secured for himself
a signed tennis racket and t-shirt belonging
to André Agassi, who donated this trophy
for a charity auction following the Prague
tennis exhibition on 7 June.
Handicapped athletes win the support
of Prague 6
The 18th social gathering and dinner party
of this municipal district took place on 17
June. For the first time, the event was conceived as a charity fundraiser, and funds it
did indeed raise, in the spectacular amount
of 266 000 crowns. The monies came from
an auction of artwork by artists who live
and work in Prague 6. Among the donors
were e.g. J. Andrle, I. Hüttnerová, J. Šetlík
and E. Pilarová, to name but a few. A part
of the proceeds will help 24-year old Jiří
Plešek to pay for a handbike. Jiří sustained
injuries when surfing in Australia, where
he had gone to study. Today, he studies
economics and business administration,
and works part-time at a private clinic in
Prague 6. He represents the Czech Republic
in quad rugby, rides a handbike, and is no
stranger to athletic disciplines. The remainder of the funds raised that night was
donated to the Czech national team of quad
rugby players, for financing their activities.
Golf helped other disciplines
We talk in more detail about the exceptional
first-ever International Golf Tournament for
the Handicapped on page 17.
On Saturday, 28 May 2011 at the Karlovy Vary
Golf Resort, the 12th annual Charity Golf
Party took place, which is organized by the
joint-stock company Golf Resort Karlovy Vary
in cooperation with Caverna Agency. During
the gala dinner, the Barriers Account accepted a cheque in the amount of 250 000
crowns – the proceeds of their time-honored
and exceptionally successful charity auction.
On the green of the Royal Golf Club Mariánské Lázně, the fifth Tomas Cup charity golf
tournament was held in July for the welfare
of the Barriers Account. More than 30’000
crowns were raised and went to the severely handicapped Tomáš Červinka from
Svídnice. The thirteen-year old was thus put
into a position to purchase state-of-the-art
educational aids helping him in his studies.
The motto of the tournament - “Thomases
helping Thomases” - was thus fulfilled.
Around eighty participants at the golf tournament held on 26 June in Beřovice lent
support to 41-year old Roman Charvát, the
dad of two small kids who became paralyzed three years ago after falling off a tree.
Roman swims, rides a bicycle, and skis –
and in fact intends to use the proceeds of
the tournament in the amount of 21 000
crowns to purchase a monoski.
The project Sport Without Barriers has its
own council which convened three times
last year to discuss all submitted petitions.
Thanks to the successful events co-hosted
by us (chiefly Golf Without Barriers), and
thanks to the support by the Fortuna betting agency, we were able to accommodate,
and provide financial assistance to, 76 applicants, both individuals and organizations,
in a total amount of CZK 1 874 720. You will
find them listed in detail in the financial
chapter on donations made.
Božena Jirků, Dana Štěrbová, Běla Hejná,
Martin Kovář, Alena Kábrtová, Pavel Kolář
Andrej Babiš a
Investment Fund
Name of the
in CZK
in CZK
2 419 571
100 000
charity organization
„Sue Ryder Care“
In March 2011, the Foundation organized a tender procedure to distribute the
proceeds from the Endowment Investment Fund (NIF) for 2010. The amount
earmarked for distribution, which is calculated based upon the “Pribid” as fixed
by the Ministry of Finance for 2011, was
about 500 000 crowns. With a view to
the comfortable financial situation, the
Barriers Account council that it would
pay out an amount in excess of the mandatory amount - specifically, one million
The topic in 2011
Our tender was aimed at registered organizations which provide their clients with
social services. The tender was “tailored”
specifically towards organizations whose
subsidies for 2011 had been curtailed,
jeopardizing the continuity in providing
accredited social services. Specifically, these
include the provision of personal assistance, caretaker services, services aimed at
the social activation of senior citizens and
handicapped individuals, the operation
of daycare centers, etc., under the Social
Services Act (act No. 108/2006 Coll.).
Financing of the project „Activation
of senior citizens with disabilities
or Alzheimer‘s dementia“
citizens‘ hospice
„Cesta domů“
citizens‘ association
FOKUS – Písek
Financing of the project „Family1 627 000
100 000
relief services provided by the
Domestic Hospice ‚Cesta domů‘“
113 900
100 000
Financing of the project „Operation
of an out-patient center“
Catholic Relief
Services Brno –
Žďár nad
regional chapter
308 000
100 000
Financing of the project „Domov pokojného
života Nížkov – caretaker services“
Žďár nad Sázavou
Financing of the project „Senior citizens‘
Elpida plus, o.p.s.
2 900 000
100 000
hotline“ – a toll-free anonymous
call service for senior citizens and
persons in a crisis situation
Association of
wheelchaired persons
and the physically
740 000
100 000
1 475 300
100 000
Financing of the project „Operation
of the Service and Support Center“
and mentally disabled
in the Czech Republic
citizens‘ association
Financing of the project „Comprehensive
domestic hospice care“
St. J. Neumann
The Foundation took into account the number of clients in the organization’s care,
the scope of their services (and the price
charged to clients), and the way in which
standards of quality of the social services
are being upheld. It also assessed whether
the organization procures the provision of
additional, related activities and follow-up
services. Another important criterion was
the total annual budget of the organization,
and the ratio between their budget and
the subsidy cut, with the goal to support
in particular those organizations for whom
our grant would make a tangible difference.
This grant procedure was designated
for NGOs that are registered as citizens’
associations, charitable organizations,
endowment funds, non-profit organizations established by municipalities and
regions, and church welfare institutions.
It turned out that the topic of the tender struck a nerve: a record number of
144 organizations submitted applica-
Purpose of the donation
331 200
100 000
Financing of the project „Familyrelief services provided in the field
– greater Prachatice area“
local chapter Hořovice
of the Association
of physically
handicapped in the
Czech Republic
citizens‘ association
LORM – society for
the deaf-blind
2 650 689
100 000
Charta 77 Foundation
296 411
296 411
Financing of the project „Handicap“,
200 000
100 000
aimed at the occupational and social
integration of handicapped individuals
and socially challenged individuals
tions. In three rounds of voting, credit
points were assigned which determined
the order in which projects would receive funding. An amount of 1 000 000
crowns was approved for payout. We
supported those ten projects which received the highest number of points;
each of them received 100 000 crowns.
1 296 411
Financing of the project „Social rehabilitation
of individuals with deaf-blindness““
Administrative costs of Foundation
Investment Fund (NIF)
Roads to People
In 2011, we added a further level to the
cooperation between the Foundation and
Globus, the beginnings of which hark back
to 2002, by kicking off a charity project
which is peerless within the Czech nonprofit sector in terms of scope and impact.
On occasion of the 15th anniversary of
Globus’s entry into the Czech market, this
long-term partner of ours inspired the
inception of the project ROADS TO PEOPLE.
On 21 July, Globus ČR, along with their
partners and with us, announced this
project with an audacious, unprecedented
goal – to raise enough funds within 15
weeks to purchase 15 special vehicles for
15 organizations that provide care for
handicapped clients.
It turned out to be successful. As we were
able to amass funds in the amount of
10 866 296 crowns, we were able to come
together on 23 November at the Žofín
Palace in Prague and present cars to the
representatives of 15 organizations which
provide a broad range of services to peo-
ple with a variety of health afflictions. 45
organizations had signed up to the tender
we had announced in March. The Barriers
Account Council had a hard time to choose
the best contenders among them. A huge
surprise during the festive closing of the
project was the handover of a sixteenth
car, donated as a “success bonus” by the
jubilarian - Globus ČR - itself.
How was this project financed?
In support of this project, Globus drummed
up fifteen of its major suppliers, who made
it possible for consumers to contribute to
the ROADS TO PEOPLE project fund (from
which the cars were financed) by buying
specially labeled goods (a percentage of
whose price then went into the fund).
Thanks to the Roads to People project logo,
people knew when they contributed to the
project. The said goods were sold within
the network of Globus’s 15 hypermarkets
across the country for a period of 15 weeks.
The fundraising principle of this project
had been copied from the “Islands of Life”
project, which had been very successful in
its own time. Mr. Boris Malý, Head of Marketing at Globus ČR, shouldered the arduous task of negotiations with the suppliers.
Aside from the 15 main partners, each of
which paid up for one car, Globus identified
another 45 suppliers for the project who
donated another 140 000 CZK to each organization which received a car, so as to pay
for technical modifications, handicappedfriendly and other modifications.
Celebrities became honorary project
Public personalities also lent their support
and thus underscored the importance of
the project. Lucie Bílá took the project as
a whole under her wings and promoted it
through active participation. In addition,
each donated car had a patron of its own.
These were Miroslav Táborský, Jan Jiráň,
Karel Voříšek, Markéta Fialová, Tereza Kostková, Lukáš Konečný, Dalibor Gondík, Adéla
Gondíková, Lenka Šmídová, Tomáš Sedláček,
Senta Čermáková, Táňa le Moigne, Jan Mühlfeit, Iva Hüttnerová, Ljuba Krbová. All of
them participated in the media campaign
and expressed their sympathies for the
work of the Barriers Account in promotional
spots, telling their audiences of the respect
they feel for the handicapped and for those
who work with them and care for them.
Which organizations received cars?
Arpida – a citizens’ association for rehabilitative work with the handicapped, České
Budějovice; P Z P Merlin s.r.o., Hlinsko
v Čechách; Citizens’ association in support of the Childrens’ Center in Kopřivnice,
Kopřivnice; Center for the Handicapped of
the Liberec Region, Liberec; “90” Children’s
Center, Olomouc; Paraplegics’ Association,
Prague; Elementary and Middle School
“Pomněnka”, o.p.s., Šumperk; Javorník Charity, Javorník; citizens’ association “Chráněné
bydlení” (group homes / protected housing), Sokolov; Život bez bariér (Life without
barriers), Nová Paka; “Modrý klíč” – School
for the Mentally Handicapped, Prague;
Wheelchaired League, Brno; Ergotep – Community for the Disables, Hlinsko; Krajánek
Foster Home, Jesenice u Rakovníka; Elementary and practice school SVÍTÁNÍ, o.p.s.,
Pardubice; Social Welfare Organization of
the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
–”Radost” Center, Merklín.
Artis Pictus
Old Town Square turned into an open-air
artist’s studio on Wednesday, 5 October
2011, open to students of art colleges across
the nation. Almost twenty art schools accepted the challenge to participate in this
crossing of the brushes, and sent almost
four hundred students to Prague into the
artistic battle. Their task was to give an artist’s rendition of the subject “World Without Colors” - which is why the only permitted shades on their palette were black and
white acrylic paint.
In this non-traditional workshop, the students also met with renowned Czech artists
who painted for the Barriers Account on
Old Town Square. Professor Kurt Gebauer,
Milan Chabera, Aleš Lamr, Michal Nesázal,
Jakub Špaňhel, Iva Hüttnerová, Jan Kačer,
Jiří Lábus, Zdeněk Netopil, Michal Novotný (MICL), Pavel Piekar, Mirek Pošvic, Jiří
Hauschka, Zora Jandová, and Esther Mertová
took up brush and paint.
Altogether three juries were concerned
with determining the winning entries in
Artis Pictus, Milan Chabera
the students’ artistic contest “Artis Pictus” – the general public, which cast votes
on the website; visual
artists; and teachers at the participating
schools. The students who won in the
individual categories received a new iPad2
from the main partner of the project, the
Xerox company. There was also a collective category; the winning schools received
a Xerox ColorQube 8570 printer, which uses
environmentally friendly and toner-saving
solid-ink technology.
Artis Pictus, Božena Jirků and Aleš Lamr
On the day on which the winners were
announced - 20 October 2011 - a charity
auction took place at the Prague Congress
Center with artwork created by artists and
celebrities who participated and painted for
the Barriers Account.
The highest bid was elicited by Milan
Chabera’s “Černo-bílý dialog” (Dialogue
in Black and White), which went over
for 60 000 crowns. All fifteen canvasses
painted on Old Town Square, and three
award-winning students’ works, found
a new owner. When the host, Martin Veselovský, closed the successful auction, funds
had been raised in a total amount of CZK
412 600. The Barriers Account will distribute them for the purchase of compensatory
aids for the blind.
Golf Without Barriers
On 21/22 May, the first-ever International Golf Tournament of the Handicapped took place at the Darovanský
dvůr golf resort, organized by the Barriers Account in cooperation with the
Czech Golfing Association of the Handicapped. This unique sports event was
under the patronage of the Czech prime
minister Petr Nečas.
We initiated this event primarily to present
golf as a suitable kind of sport - and, at the
same time, great kinesiatric therapy - for
a larger target group of people with disabilities. In this, we succeeded. We invited
a great number of our wheelchaired friends
to the Darovanský dvůr golf resort who encountered this kind of environment for the
first time, and they confessed that they feel
tempted to come back and try their hands
at this particular discipline.
Across the world, golf is played people
with disabilities in their upper and lower
extremities, paralytics, spastics, amputees,
people recovering from apoplectic strokes,
and visually impaired people.
At Darovanský dvůr, players from ten countries met to compete - aside from the Czech
representatives, 37 handicapped players
from Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Holland, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and Great
Britain. The Czech Republic was represented, among others, by Miroslav Lidinský,
the first European vice-champion in handicapped golf of Czech origin and winner of
the European Order of Merit Cup. Nine of
the participating players were confined to
the wheelchair, and used a special ParaGolfer wheelchair during the tournament.
This gave our Czech handicapped audience
the first-ever opportunity to see how golf is
played using this special aid, as there are as
of yet no active golfers among the wheelchaired in our country.
The tournament was won by Kurt Lirussi
from Austria, a blind golfer who plays with
the help of his navigator, K. Altenburger,
who “scans” the golf course for him.
This Sunday event of the Barriers Account
was presented by Marek Eben and Ondřej
Hejma, and had the support of a number
of celebrities, partners, and sponsors. The
latter donated by buying “flights” in which
they met with the handicapped champions
of professional European golf tournaments.
The proceeds of the charity event allowed
the Barriers Account to present the representatives of the Rehabilitation Center in
Kladruby, where young people, in particular,
get physical therapy after accidents and injuries, with a new ParaGolfer. At this center,
sport is an important component of the
rehabilitation effort. In addition, an amount
of 500 000 crowns went to the Sport Without Barriers project, aimed at supporting
a broad range of sporting activities.
This was not a one-off event: we intend to
continue to make golf courses accessible
to our clients - people with disabilities -, to
those who try to find the right kind of physical activity for themselves. We want to be
the initiators of a new label “Golf Course
Without Barriers”, which we plan to award
next year in cooperation with the Czech
Golfing Association, and we have called
upon the owners of golf resorts to make
efforts towards fulfilling our ‘Ten Commandments’ - necessary criteria for those who
wish to attain our new label.
The Czech Internet
Starting 21 March, we organized an unusual
charity fundraiser on the internet which
yielded 738 000 crowns in the course of just
two weeks. The proceeds were divided between the projects of the Barriers Account
and the projects of “Člověk v tísni” (People
in Need). What an exceptional project this
was: during its duration, the biggest players
on the Czech internet set aside their rivalry,
and momentarily ceased to use words like
“exclusivity” or “competition”. For the welfare of the Barriers Account and its clients,
they all got together and pursued one common goal: to help. We wanted to demonstrate that we in the non-profit sector are
capable of similar solidarity, and that we are
also not afraid of the competition. For this
reason, we invited “People in Need” to join
us; on the website www.internetpomaha.
cz, visitors could choose from among four
causes, pitched by the two organizations the site allowed visitors to learn more about
the fate of the people whom the Barriers
Account and People in Need assist, and then
to make a donation straight away, in any
The Barriers Account presented the stories
of two boys: Kryštof who, upon sustaining a spine injury, suddenly found himself
in a wheelchair and had to adjust to his
new and difficult situation; and little Lukáš,
who has been suffering from a severe
and rare muscular disease since he was
just six months old, and badly needed
a „Motomed“ - a special rehabilitative device. The organization „People in Need“
solicited donations towards the education
of children in Ethiopia and the building of
grammar schools there, and raised awareness of the hard life of raped women in
Congo, asking for monetary contributions
to improve their subsequent medical care.
Today, Kryštof has a new wheelchair
and Lukáš is able to practice daily on his
motomed. Thanks to the generosity of so
many donors, other petitioners from the
ranks of the handicapped could also be accommodated. Thank you to everyone who
cz,,, Fashion Days, Geewa,
Mall. cz, Mitton,,,
SanomaMedia,, SPIR, Superhry.
cz,,,, WLW,
and a number of others.
Reading Helps
the actual money for the projects supported
by young readers is supplied by Martin
Renowned non-profit organizations act as
guarantors for the project. In the course
of the year, young readers sent ten million
crowns their way.
Through the Barriers Account – one of the
key guarantors of the project – readers
were able to help 18 people in 2011: Kristina,
regarding the purchase of a wheelchair;
Dan, regarding the acquisition of an assistance dog; Ivan, by paying for his tuition;
Anetka and her hearing device; Míša, who
needed a computer with special accessories
allowing him to control the PC with eye
movements; Filípek, regarding a standing
verticalizer; Martínek, who needed a special
pram; Ondra, so they could purchase a stairlift for him; and others (see p. 52) for a list
of the recipients.
In this manner, children “read up” more
than 1.5 million crowns for the clients of the
Barriers Account.
Martin Roman
In 2011, we got involved in the first year of
a very personal charity project organized by
a philanthropist with whom we have a history of cooperation. Mr. Martin Roman has
established a project designed to motivate
pupils and students to read selected valuable literature. At the same time, the project reviews to what degree students have
a deeper understanding of these books,
with the added incentive of allowing them
to contribute to a variety of charity projects.
The books included in the project were
selected in a nationwide opinion poll on
the best children’s book, from among a preliminary selection done by a jury. Jurors
included, among others, Zdeněk Svěrák,
Marek Eben, Alena Ježková, Jiří Dědeček –
and the project donor, JUDr. Martin Roman.
Even so, the final word was spoken by eight
thousand respondents who cast their votes
in the opinion poll. In all age categories,
The Six Bullerby Children by Astrid Lindgren
came in ahead of “Záhada hlavolamu” by
Jaroslav Foglar.
How does the project work?
Each reader of up to 18 years of age who
registers with the website is expected to read one piece
of recommended literature, confirms this
by participating in a short test, receives
a notional reward of fifty crowns, and may
choose one of several charity fundraisers to
which to donate “their” reward. In real life,
Without Barriers
For the sixth time, we have been awarding
the prize of Employer Without Barriers in
the traditional, renowned contest “Employer of the Year”. Holding a contest to
identify good disability-friendly employers
is an important endeavor. Over the years,
we at the Barriers Account have confirmed
that even well-educated and well-qualified
handicapped individuals are happy to accept assistance to increase their chances
of employment, given their precarious
situation in the job market. The majority
of them is very eager to find decent work.
They need not only to improve their material situation, but also their sense of selfworth and, last but not least, the quality of
their lives.
Our jury acknowledges and honors firms
who employ handicapped workers not because they need to fulfill the quota requirements for drawing government subsidies
under the law, but because these people
are able carriers of success, and because
their handicap is irrelevant in this respect.
In 2011, 108 employers enrolled in the contest, with about 20% of them competing in
“our” category. This is not a big number,
though we trust that the ratio will eventu-
ally change in favor of employers without
Contestants were ranked in according with
the pre-approved contest criteria. The jury
reviews submissions in terms of the number
of handicapped employees in executive
positions, and in terms of the positions held
by handicapped employees overall, in terms
of flexitime options (to allow adjustments
depending on the condition of the handicapped worker), career development opportunities, leisure-time programs, but also the
willingness to remove physical/structural
barriers by making architectural changes at
the work place.
After all these criteria were taken into
account, the winners’ rostrum in 2011
looked as follows:
1st came Škoda Auto, a.s., who was awarded
the title Employer Without Barriers 2011
2nd place: MEDICCO s.r.o.
3rd place: Czech Television.
The Barriers Account’s preferred solution
is to give full-value jobs to handicapped
people. We are aware of the fact that the
approach towards employing handicapped
people will not change by waving a magic
wand. However, we do at the same time believe that our contest does its part in changing the overall atmosphere at the nation’s
workplaces. We trust that successful managers come to realize how the integration
of handicapped people in work teams does
not only benefit the handicapped worker
themselves, but improves the atmosphere
throughout the firm. The firms which received our award are an excellent example
and role model.
Božena Jirků (Executive Director of the Charta 77 Foundation and the Barriers Account),
Eva Hajdušková (on behalf of the projects PCs
Against Barriers and Job Fair), Martin Kovář,
ombudsman at ČSOB (and member of the
Barriers Account council), Jiří Devát, CEO of
CISCO ČR (and member of the PCs Against
Barriers project council), Jana Majerová,
Head of the Active Employment department
at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
(and member of the PCs Against Barriers
project council), Lenka Kohoutová, deputy of
Czech Parliament, and Roman Cabálek, CEO
of Microsoft ČR
Bank Without Barriers
In 2011, the Barriers Account acted
for the second time as the patron, the awarding authority, and
the professional guarantor for the
category “Bank Without Barriers” within the traditional, prestigious contest Bank of the Year.
Our Foundation became a part of this
contest as this gives us a chance to draw
attention to the everyday circumstances
which play a role in the life of handicapped
individuals. In so doing, we began to look
at banks and their products through the
eyes of our wheelchaired clients - quite
literally so, as they themselves went out
to investigate the issue in the course of
October, in fourteen regional cities, armed
with questionnaires we designed for them.
Each of them was tasked with testing the six
largest retail banks, whereas the choice of
the particular branch was at their discretion.
The evaluator focused on architectural barriers, on the option to use the services on
offer via internet banking, the accessibility
of the banks’ websites and, last but not
least, the professionalism of staff, and their
willingness to assist handicapped clients.
Our Foundation became
a part of this contest as
this gives us a chance
to draw attention to the
everyday circumstances
which play a role in
the life of handicapped
What are the most common barriers?
Among them are e.g. card sweepers and
ATMs that are installed high above the
ground, heavy doors, poorly placed buttons
for calling assistance. Nothing that could
not be fixed. Our evaluators often met
with embarrassment, but seldom with an
unwillingness to help. This is a great signal
of hope for future years of this contest.
The results for 2011:
ČSOB, a.s.
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Komerční banka, a.s.
What were the results? All banks have
quality internet banking, and one might
therefore think that no further evaluation is needed. However, the notion that
a wheelchaired person never needs to
physically visit their branch bank but are
able to handle all bank-related business
from the comfort of their home really is
a misconception. Each and every one of
our clients wants to have the same access
to banking products and bank staff as
we, the able-bodied. Those who disregarded this issue did so at their own peril,
as they did not make the cut among this
year’s award-winning institutions. Bank
accounts may well be barrier-free, but
buildings - and even people, the employees of the banks themselves - have still
some way to go to remove their barriers.
RWE Fund
Globus Fund
Czech Post Fund
ČSOB and ERA Support Fund
Air Traffic Controller Fund
RWE Fund
2 000 000 CROWNS
The beginnings of the cooperation between the Foundation and RWE Transgas
in the field of charity go back to 2004.
RWE is our stable long-term partner. To
date, RWE Transgas, a.s. has endowed the
Foundation with more than 30 million
crowns which allowed us to accommodate
requests from handicapped people and
from the organizations who care for them.
Since 2010 finance resources to the fund
are provided by RWE Gas Storage, Ltd.,
member of the RWE Group.
The terms of cooperation
Applicants submit their requests directly
to RWE Transgas, who pass them on to the
Foundation, along with a proposal reflecting the sponsor’s idea of support. We are
then tasked with using our expertise in the
field of social and health services, commenting on the requests under this aspect, and
reviewing their eligibility. We cooperate
with applicants in order to render their
request more specific, to determine budgeting details, and to procure supplementary
information. RWE Transgas, a.s. sets great
store in the professional expertise of our
team and accepts the recommendations
and comments to which our detailed review
gives rise. The Barriers Account is in charge
of handling all administrative aspects of the
Who are the beneficiaries?
RWE has long had a special fondness for
co-funding applications from the world of
sports. They support petitioners whose
efforts towards an active and independent
lifestyle set an example for others. Wheelchair-bound individuals who learn how to
ski at the Center for Disabled Skiers in Janské Lázně have for a number of years been
able to rely on the support of this fund. The
Czech Tennis Association of Wheelchaired
Athletes was able to organize the Prague
CUP Czech Indoor 2011 tournament thanks
to a payout from the fund, and a secondary
school for the visually impaired in Prague
5 was able to host athletic games for their
pupils. Also, top Paralympic athletes Jiří
Ježek and Anna Kulíšková received repeated
The RWE Fund has traditionally been supportive of organizations which care for
handicapped people. Funding goes e.g. to
the citizens’ association Green Doors. In
2011, a grant went towards the refurbishment of the coffee shop “Na půl cesty”. We
repeatedly supported the company HENDAVER, which organized the Mental Power
festival, as well as the Children’s Ranch
Hlučín, who used our support to finance
hippotherapy, as well as some necessary
reconstruction work. (A list of all supported
projects can be found on p. 52)
In 2011, the RWE Fund approved grants for
13 projects.
1 120 000 CROWNS.
In 2011, the financial support by the betting agency Fortuna, one of the largest
partners of the Foundation, was tied to,
and made a difference for, a number of
projects. We used these funds, allocated
under mandatory charitable-donation
rules for the gambling business, to support
the sporting activities of the handicapped.
The management of Fortuna has found
that the cooperation with our Foundation
is a mutually beneficial affair which has
been running smoothly. We assist them by
reviewing petitions for help which end up
on the desks of their management, and take
care of the administrative issues regarding
this “joint project”. Individuals and organizations alike have been on the receiving
end of these charitable activities.
In 2011, Fortuna supported the first International Golf Tournament for the Handicapped, co-financed the project “Sport
Without Barriers”, and covered some of the
expenses for the “X-portrait” exhibition project, which centers around the idea of pictures of top athletes (mostly from the ranks
of Paralympics participants), who agreed to
have artistic X-rays taken of their disabled or
handicapped body parts.
Globus Fund
1 447 860 CROWNS
The Barriers Account and GLOBUS started
their joint project in September 2002.
This unique charitable project allows each
customer of GLOBUS hypermarkets anywhere in the country to contribute to the
corporate social responsibility activities of
the firm’s owners:
for each plastic bag bought at the checkout,
one crown goes to the Barriers Account. Altogether, this long-term project has yielded
already more than thirteen million crowns,
which allowed us to purchase and distribute
sixteen large-capacity nine-seat vehicles
that do duty across the country as “Cars
Without Barriers”.
The non-profit world is very interested in
these cars. On 9 March 2011, we handed
over the sixteenth vehicle to the Sports Club
for Wheelchaired Persons in Frýdek–Místek.
The Sports Club for Wheelchaired Persons
in Frýdek–Místek is a voluntary citizens’ association, devoted to recreational sporting
and seeking to attract a maximum number
of wheelchaired persons and of families
with handicapped children so that they engage in physical activities. As of 2006, the
club operates the COMEBACK Center, which
provides advice to those who have only
recently become confined to a wheelchair
and their family members, organizes educational programs, assists in car retrofitting
and wheelchair servicing, offers restorative
massages, and - last but not least - procures
barrier-less transport services, with the goal
of ensuring comprehensive door-to-door
transportation for the handicapped in and
around Frýdek-Místek.
The GLOBUS Fund already made automobiles available to these organizations:
the Zahrada integration center in Prague,
Kutná Hora Regional Charity Services, the
Jablonec nad Nisou Chapter of the Association of Parents and Friends of Handicapped
Children, the Strakonice-based citizens’
association “Cestou vůle” (Way of the Will),
the ParaCENTRUM Fenix in Brno, the “Piafa”
Association in Vyškov, the “Liga za práva
vozíčkářů” (League for the Rights of the
Wheelchaired) from Brno, the private preschool, elementary school, and secondary
school “Slunce, o.p.s.” in Stochov, the Charity Services in Olomouc, the Center for the
Handicapped for the Region of Prague, the
citizens’ association “Borůvka” (Blueberry)
in Borovany, the Czech Maltese Charity in
České Budějovice, the Association for the
Environment of the Handicapped SALVIA in
Svitavy, the International Center UNIVERSIUM, o.p.s in Liberec, and “Jasněnka Uničov”,
an Olomouc-based organization.
Throughout the project’s existence, the
supplier of these vehicles has been FIAT,
who offered the most favorable terms of
purchase for their nine-seat FIAT Ducato.
Another partner of the project is DEFEND
GROUP a.s., who install theft protection in
each of the cars.
cants, the Tipsport fund helps mothers and
families with handicapped children finance
the personal cars which they require to be
able to take care of their children’s needs,
and which at the same time are the hardest
to finance. The fund provided this kind of
assistance in five individual cases.
The fund also supported the table tennis
section of the Sports Club Janské Lázně,
the Wheelchaired Sports Club in Ostrava,
a Center of Handicapped Skiers (coincidentally also at home in Janské Lázně),
and the Czech Sledge Hockey Association.
Funds earmarked for the acquisition of
additional furnishings went to four social
welfare/health facilities, namely the hospital in Vyškov, the charity organizations
“Dřevčická” in Brandýs nad Labem and
“Alka” in Příbram, and the Sue Ryder Home
in Prague.
During the year, TIPFOND funds were
used to accommodate 18 applicants.
900 000 CROWNS
2011 marks already the seventh year of the
cooperation between the Barriers Account
and the major betting agency Tipsport.
Over the years of our cooperation, we
distributed approximately eight million
crowns among petitioners.
The terms of cooperation
Applicants submit their projects and requests directly to the betting company,
who passes them on to the Foundation,
along with their idea of who should be
supported. This form of cooperation works
like a charm: Tipsport draws on the Foundation’s expertise in charity work and accepts
our occasional recommendations and opinions in making the final decision on whom
to support, and how. The Foundation is in
charge of all administrative aspects of the
900 000 CROWNS
2011 saw the continuation of cooperation
with this partner, who is required by law
to allocate a portion of their revenues to
charitable causes. They chose to team up
with our Foundation, thus enabling us for
the fourth year already to accommodate
requests from the area of healthcare, education, and aid in situations of immediate
Who are the beneficiaries?
The relative distribution of fulfilled requests
looked like this: ten petitioners in the area
of education, ten in the area of healthcare,
and four in immediate distress.
We purchased e.g. a tracheostomy tube for
3-year old Martínek from Uničov, an aspirator for the clients of the Klíček Endowment
Fund, anti-bedsore mattresses for handicapped young petitioners from Prague and
Tismice, and a special chair for 6-year old
Barborka from Nový Bor.
Several applicants received a co-payment
for the purchase of notebooks - in one case
including speech-control software. Two
families received support so they could pay
tuition fees. The Regional Library in Karlovy
Vary received a data beamer needed for the
computer courses that they organize for our
handicapped clients within the region.
Immediate distress
In 2011, we identified four handicapped
petitioners in this category, who had fallen
on hard times and found themselves in
a difficult economic situation (outstanding
rent payments, boarding-school fees, clothing for children, repairwork). All of them
received financial support.
In 2011, support for 24 applicants was
granted from the CHANCE Fund.
Anna Veverková, Martin Kolouch,
Božena Jirků
Who were the beneficiaries?
In 2011, the company somewhat rethought
its strategy in terms of the assistance given
to petitioners. Among individual appli-
Terms of cooperation
Applicants send their requests to the Foundation which reviews them for eligibility
and then puts them on the agenda of the
project council, which is appointed by the
Administrative Board. The Foundation
takes care of the entire administrative side
of the project, and annually reports on the
usage of funds that were donated. Eligible
for inclusion in the project are applications
which fit the mission statement of the fund,
i.e., the above-mentioned areas of interest
of the project.
300 000 CROWNS
The Czech Post has for many years been
a partner of the Foundation. As the first
non-profit organization ever, we were
given the opportunity way back in 1992 to
sell at all post offices our now legendary
decals for the MÍŠA Account fundraiser.
Since that time, we “never left the post
For sixteen years already, we have been
offering, at all post offices, picture postcards
for the welfare of the Barriers Account
which have won many fans and collectors.
In 2011, our cooperation with the Czech Post
on the field of charity work proper goes
into its third year. Thanks to them, we were
able to raise funds to accommodate the
requests of clients of the Barriers Account.
Who are the beneficiaries?
We decided to stay true to the strategy set
out in the year before for the allocation
of requests to this particular fund. Again,
the donation by the Czech Post allowed us
to grant a somewhat higher payout than
standardly provided by the Barriers Account
to applicants whose needs are particularly
financially demanding and who are now
able to buy indispensable medical aids.
Specially labeled donation agreements
inform the beneficiaries of the fact that the
funds which they received came specifically
from the Czech Post.
Thanks to them, we were able to purchase
seven mechanical wheelchairs and three
rehabilitative prams in 2011, and also alleviated a pressing need for repairwork on an
expensive electrical wheelchair.
In 2011, 11 applicants were granted financial support from the Czech Post Fund.
support Fund
and Corporate
600 000 CROWNS
Československá obchodní banka is constantly exploring new avenues in the area of
cooperation with non-profit organizations.
We are glad that they chose our Foundation for putting into practice a new project
which they devised in 2011. It was thus in
cooperation with the Barriers Account that
the “ČSOB and ERA Support Fund” came
into existence. The novelty here is that the
request for support may be submitted by
any employee of the bank who knows of
a family member or of a person close to
them in need of assistance (whereas only
individuals - natural persons - are eligible
beneficiaries). These could be disabled
people, mothers or families taking care of
handicapped children, a handicapped family member, but also e.g. a person in dire
straits who has no one to turn to.
In this manner, the bank’s staff had the
opportunity for the first time in 2011 to
help family members (both close and distant), relatives, family friends with whose
fate they were familiar, clients whose fate
touched them, or old acquaintances. The
maximum payout was set at 30 000 crowns,
and earmarked for the purchase of rehabilitative and compensatory aids, personal
assistance for children and handicapped
students, and the education of handicapped
The majority of donations granted from the
fund went into co-financing the acquisition
costs of basic aids needed by handicapped
children. 9-year old Barborka from České
Budějovice will get a walker, 4-year old
Matyáš from Dobšice and 5-year old Šimon
from Prague received a part of the payment towards special riser-recliner chairs.
Contributions were also made e.g. for the
base and mattress of an inclinable bed or
a new wheelchair, but also e.g. for a cochlear implant and modern digital hearing
aids. Yet other contributions went into the
education and up-bringing of handicapped
children, e.g. in the form of tuition fees, the
purchase of a computer, but also e.g. the
pay for personal assistants without whom
certain pupils and students cannot attend
school. A list of the approved requests can
be found on p. 52)
How does the project work?
Employees submit requests within previously announced deadlines, which are
then assessed by the project council, composed of experienced co-workers of our
Foundation and of the bank. This council
convened three times in 2011 in order to
review requests for support suggested by 26
employees. The total amount approved by
the fund for payout to the petitioners was
596 509 crowns.
Air Traffic
Controller Fund
500 000 CROWNS
In line with established tradition, we
received financial support from the state
enterprise “Řízení letového provozu” (Air
Traffic Control) also in 2011. The management provides us with funding under
Czech government resolution No. 334 of
14 April 1999. Side by side, we thus assist
handicapped fellow citizens with a donation towards the purchase of expensive
rehabilitative and compensatory aids. In
this manner, the enterprise also supports
those who turn directly to Air Traffic Control with a request for help, though they
do consult the legitimacy of such requests
with the Barriers Account. In accordance
with our understanding with the management, a part of the fund is used up by
requests which are submitted straight to
the Foundation.
For five years now, the Barriers Account
has been cooperating with this major
construction company. This successful
construction business receives a lot of
calls for help during the year, and Skanska, a.s. consults those which are related
to social and health issues with the experienced team of the Barriers Account,
passing them on to us for handling the
review and payout procedure, i.e., the
Foundation is in charge of the administrative tasks of our joint project.
Who are the beneficiaries?
We have an understanding with the company’s management that this fund should
serve to accommodate applications by
individuals for rather substantial financial
support, endowing them with such sums as
to actually put them into a position to purchase certain aids. In so doing, we choose
primarily from among those requests which
would not be eligible for support by the
Barriers Account.
The most pressing issue for families with
a handicapped child or family member remains the personal car. Thanks to Air Traffic
Control, we co-funded the purchase of a car
in seven families in 2011.
Three petitioners were granted a co-payment for a special wheelchair, and for mechanical wheelchairs with add-ons. We also
contributed towards a special perambulator,
a special chair, and barrier-free furnishing of
a bathroom.
The donation agreements contain an individualized clause to let the beneficiary know
that they received a cash gift specifically
from Air Traffic Control.
In 2011, we used this fund to support 12 petitioners, contributing e.g. towards mechanical wheelchairs for the handicapped twins
Petra and Renata, a personal car for three
handicapped applicants, and rehabilitative
and family-relief stays stay for patients with
infantile cerebral palsy.
(A list of all projects which received
support can be found on p. 52)
In 2011, the Air Traffic Controller Fund
allowed us to support 13 individual applicants.
PCs Against Barriers
For fifteen years already, our project
PCs Against Barriers has been successfully accomplishing its ambitious
goals. We are happy to report that
we have again been able to assist
handicapped people in learning how
to make better use of information
technology, study, and be successful in
the labor market. In these endeavors,
we were supported by our partner of
many years, Microsoft, who again provided us with a grant in 2011. Thanks
to them, we were able to continue our
exceptionally successful cooperation
with a nation-wide network of educational centers - partners of PCs Against
We have been further expanding our cooperation in the field of education with
regional libraries. In this vein, we were able
to organize altogether nine training courses
in 2011 at libraries in Karlovy Vary, Kladno,
and Liberec, which were attended by 92
persons – primarily individuals with hearing impairments, senior citizens, but also
parents of handicapped children. This activity has met with an enthusiastic response
among the patrons of these libraries, and
we will do everything in our power to keep
the current arrangement alive in the future.
In the area of employment, an increasing
number of firms show active interest, and
make a real effort, towards supplementing the ranks of their employees by hiring
handicapped colleagues. We have noticed
their efforts to obtain qualified advice in the
area of employment of handicapped people
and of communicating with them, and we
are pleased about this development. Firstly,
because of the good news for handicapped
people in the open job market as such, but
also because this is a sign that Czech firms
begin to take a responsible attitude towards
social issues and make the employment
of handicapped people an integral part of
their corporate culture. A highly popular
event among employers and job seekers
alike is our Job Fair Without Barriers. Over
the course of 2011, our Job Fair was able to
procure 156 vacancies to persons looking
for employment.
Twelve of them were given the opportunity
of an internship at an employer in a line of
industry which corresponds to the subject
matter of their studies, thus being able to
gain a first taste of real-life work experience. We are proud to have thus enabled
young handicapped people the chance to
gain an initial understanding of employment procedures and to develop a more
realistic picture of their future career. Our
goal, and the ideal outcome of these internships, is for the respective firm to actually
offer these interns a job. We will continue
to make efforts towards this goal in the future, which did not come to fruition during
the pilot stage of the project. Internships
took place at the Letiště Praha, a.s., the
Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, MICROSOFT s.r.o., Ogilvy,
the Endowment Fund for Promoting Employment of the Handicapped, the National
Library in Prague, the Office of the Czech
Government, the law firm ROWAN LEGAL
and Dialogus o.p.s.
Internship and Executive Piggybacking
This project of the Barriers Account was
launched at the beginning of 2011, and 23
young people with disabilities enrolled in it.
Software for non-profit organizations –
TechSoup Czech Republic
TechSoup Czech Republic is the Czech partner of the TechSoup Global organization,
which focuses on ensuring the technological capacity of NPOs. Our Foundation is
one of only two organizations running
this program in the Czech Republic. 2011
was in fact only the “ramp-up” period for
TechSoup, but exceptionally successful none
the less: almost 500 organizations signed
up through the website of TechSoup Czech
Republic, and over 270 orders could be
satisfied. In this manner, Czech non-profit
organizations have already obtained more
than 3000 software licenses, with a value
in excess of 26 million crowns. In the Czech
Republic, these organizations currently avail
of access to low-priced versions of software
supplied by Microsoft, SAP, and Giftworks;
a cooperation with other interesting providers is the topic of on-going negotiations.
Used but overhauled quality technology
for workplaces at private homes and for
non-profit organizations
We stayed true in 2011 to our time-tested
cooperation with REMA Systém, a.s., a company concerned with the environmentally
friendly liquidation of electronic waste
which regularly contributes older, overhauled (and fully functional) quality technology such as desktop computers, notebooks,
screens, and printers, as well as other computer technology to the PCs Against Barriers
project. This project has also been supplied
with great technology by other donors –
ČSOB and Vodafone.
Within the context of the TechSoup project,
we received a consignment from the U.S. of
156 high-performance second-hand computers, with MS Windows 7 and MS Office 2007
installed, that were designated for nonprofit organizations. Within 14 days, over
80 applicants signed up, needing more than
the 450 PCs we had to offer. In the end,
we accommodated 37 organizations which
received from one to fifteen computers.
This technology serves as compensatory aid
or as a gateway towards new employment
for individual applicants, and as an indispensable tool for educational activities (or
for operational / backoffice needs) in organizations. In 2011, we were able to distribute
more than a hundred items of overhauled
Calendar of events:
3 May
Roman Cabálek, the CEO of Microsoft, presents the Foundation with a cheque made
out in the amount of CZK 1 349 520 and
software worth 6 180 000 CZK, aimed to
support and expand the activities of PCs
Against Barriers.
2 June
The advertising spot for the Job Fair Without
Barriers, a product of the creative minds at
Saatchi & Saatchi, comes third in two categories at the International Advertisement
Festival “Duhová kulička” (Rainbow Marble):
Advertising for Good, and Radio.
10 June
The results of the contest “Employer of the
Year Without Barriers” are being announced
at the Congress Center U Hájků. The winner
is Škoda auto a.s.; Medicco s.r.o. and Czech
Television come second and third, respectively.
23 June
In cooperation with Microsoft, we organize
a Day for Non-Profit Organizations, during
which participants from the non-profit sec-
tor are given the opportunity to learn more
about the activities to do with the TechSoup
program, and other activities aimed at improving non-profit operations in the area
of IT.
23 September
We receive a donation in kind from ČSOB, in
the form of overhauled second-hand computers.
27 October
We receive a donation in kind from REMA
Systém, a.s., in the form of overhauled
second-hand computers.
27 December
We receive a consignment of 156 quality
second-hand computers for non-profit organizations from Interconnection, as a part
of the TechSoup project.
Martin Bojar, Jiří Devát, Gita Tučná,
Dagmar Havlová, Božena Jirků,
Martin Kovář, Jana Majerová,
Vlastimil Palata, Lucie Šmejkalová,
Rudolf Kubík
Culture Fund
Human Rights Fund
Elekta Instruments Fund
House of the Four Muses
President ’s Fund
(Sensational Senior Citizens)
Preparatory work on the SENSEN project
began in mid-2011, and we intend to fill
it with life in spring 2012. It is designed
for those of our fellow citizens who have
crossed the threshold of middle age, but
still wish to lead an active and fulfilled
SENSEN will become their ally, with the
same vigor as shown by the Barriers Account, 20 years ago, on behalf of the handicapped. The project will reach out to those
people who are not indifferent to life with
all its problems, open questions, and big
topics (both public and private). We want
to close ranks with them, with the goal to
counter the growing problem of miscommunication and lack of understanding in relations between senior citizens and the rest
of society. At the same time, we intend to
make a serious and sustained effort towards
overcoming inter-generational barriers and
that most serious and hurtful problem of
ripe age – isolation and loneliness.
We cast our lot with the experiences, skills,
and active approach of senior citizens. We
want others to also benefit from the interesting projects we introduce. We plan to
enrich the activities of existing senior citizens’ associations and individuals, support
their own ideas, but also inspire the inception of new communities.
A National Chronicle
This project aims at inspiring senior citizens
- and, eventually, as broad a cross-section
of society as possible - to create a National
Chronicle: the largest electronic archive of
current and recent events and contemporaries’ oral history in the country, seeded by us,
created by the community, and curated by
the National Museum (which will also use
the contents of the National Chronicle for
its own scholarly work).
A second life for children’s books
This project, which is about gathering
“abandoned” children’s book, responds
to the dramatic drop in demand for
children’s literature, which has always
been a traditional tool for cultivation
and socialization of children and youths.
The project draws upon the initiative of
senior citizens in order to organize collections of children’s and YA literature.
TV show “Computator”
We will co-produce an educational series
with numerous episodes about computers,
the “Computator”. It will be aimed at the
sizable group of senior citizens who were
confronted with the dawn of the era of computers at an age where people are loathe
to learn new things or acquire new skills.
Healthy Lifestyle
An important part of the project is the promotion of an all-encompassing healthy lifestyle - in physical and mental terms, but also
in social terms. The kick-off project, “I want
to live my active life”, draws upon the successful Europe-wide project “Healthy Aging”.
The SENSEN project’s means of information
and communication will be the website, which will provide all
the necessary information for supporting our core projects, and for providing
senior citizens with guidance in those
areas which most interest (or bother)
them, report on the activities of members
of the SENSEN clubs, announce interesting events, and present inspiring lifestyle
examples set by other senior citizens.
Culture Fund
As in the years before, so in 2011, the Foundation paid out minor grants to support
interesting cultural projects. Among them
were e.g. the issue of a catalogue of works
of the leading Czech glassmaker and artist
Eva Vlasáková, who among other things is
also a regular contributor to our auctions
held for the welfare of the Barriers Account.
Yet another creative personality, the graphic
artist Alena Laufrová, received funding for
an educational project in the sphere of art,
with which she lends professional support
to the citizens’ association “Dobromysl” for
the mentally handicapped. We also supported the multi-cultural festival “Pozdní
sběr” (Late Harvest), and an interesting
exhibition project which gathered the testimony of people suffering under Nazi and
Communist totalitarianism in the Olomouc
The Culture Fund is open to earmarked
financial gifts by sponsors. In 2011, the
TORST publishing house made use of this
On occasion of his 80th birthday, the Foundation approached dozens of his friends,
asking them to consider making a contribution towards the publication of a book containing his observations on energy policy:
“I think green, therefore I choose nuclear
energy”. In this manner, we put together
a joint birthday gift - an idea which was
welcomed enthusiastically by the gift givers
and made the recipient very happy. The
amount we amassed in the account of the
Human Rights Fund was sizable enough to
be able to co-fund also additional activities
in the same area.
Elekta Instruments
The Foundation’s President, František
Janouch, oversees the administration of
a small fund sponsored by the Swedish
company Elekta Instruments. In 2011, as
always in recent years, this fund was used to
finance the František Kriegel Prize for Civil
Jiří Czaban
Human Rights Fund
In 2011, the Foundation used this fund to
support, among other things, an event in
connection with the 25th anniversary of the
legendary archive of Vilém Prečan and his
Czechoslovak Documentary Center, or an
interesting project proposed by a young
doctoral candidate at Charles University
who seeks to have restored a large-scale
memorial for victims of the Holocaust in the
Pardubice district.
The “event of the year”, however, was
the publication of the ‘birthday book’ of
František Janouch, the President of the
Administrative Council of our Foundation.
of the Four Muses
The end of the year 2011 brought a sliver
of hope that this joint project of Charta 77
Foundation, the Artist’s Life Foundation, and
Schock agency might come to fruition after
all, after several years during which the
project was in hiatus. The Municipal District of Prague 4 re-opened the tender for
proposals on how to use the baroque Dominican manor Branický dvůr, within which
we submitted our project. If we succeed,
we intend to create a home in which artists
(actors, singers, dancers, musicians) could
spend their old age in an active manner.
The project has the sympathy and support
of well-known representatives of our cultural scene, among them e.g. Dagmar Havlová,
Bolek Polívka, Zdeněk Svěrák, and others,
but also a number of major cultural outlets.
It now appears that 2012 will be the decisive
year for the future of this project.
President’s Fund
The Administrative Council of the Charta
77 Foundation decided on its meetings on
9 February and 8 June 2011 to establish
a “President’s Fund”, aimed at resolving the
difficult social situation of former dissidents.
In this manner, the Foundation would like
to mitigate at least to some extent the economic hardship of these individuals, and
compensate for 20 years of this country’s
inability to resolve the issue politically. The
Administrative Council approved the appointments to this fund’s working commission.
During the first year of its operation, the
Foundation set aside 200 000 crowns for
this purpose. On 27 June 2011, the Administrative Council also approved the charter of
the fund and its grant rules.
The venture has met with an enthusiastic
response in practice among those who are
its intended beneficiaries.
František Janouch, Libuše Šilhánová,
Kamila Bendová
Neuro-Euro Scholarship
Norwegian Funds
Scholarship Program
The Neuro-Euro scholarship program
came into existence as a part of the
MÍŠA Account, which was the oldest
project of our Foundation, established
right after its foundation in 1990.
The goal of the first (and successful)
nationwide fundraiser was to purchase
a Leksell gamma knife. In November
2009, the Homolka Hospital replaced
this instrument, which had been in the
Foundation’s ownership, with a new
one, and our cooperation of many
years came to an end.
After seventeen years of work, the MÍŠA Account project was brought to a close upon
the sale of the Leksell gamma knife. What
remained is the Neuro–Euro scholarship
program. This educational project, which
helps finance professional internships of
young neuroscientists at premier clinical
workplaces within the EU and supports
scientific and clinical interaction of experts
on the European level, continues its work,
drawing on the interest and principal generated by the MÍŠA Account.
In January 2011, the eleventh annual round
of this scholarship project was announced.
Young professionals especially in the neurosciences, but also in related fields - college
and secondary school students of age 35
years or younger - may sign up for the tender. Prospective beneficiaries arrange for
their own short-term internship at a prestigious facility
abroad, and then apply for the scholarship at the Foundation. The scholarship is
endowed with a 1300 EUR stipend per applicant.
The selection board was presented with
seven applications; all applicants met the
criteria and became eligible for scholarship
payouts. In the end, the opportunity was
used by only six applicants, as one applicant
chose not to go on her internship. In addition, scholarship funds were paid out to
a successful 2010 applicant whose internship had been postponed until May 2011.
Martin Bojar, Roman Liščák, Evžen Růžička,
Jiří Votava, Eduard Zvěřina
Norway Grants
The foundation was successful in
the second call for bids of the EEA
(European Economic Area) / Norwegian
Financial Mechanism and in 2008
secured a grant in the amount of
EUR 761’651 for financing the project
“Reduction of neonatal mortality
through improving the quality of the
national system of care for extremely
premature infants”.
majority of afflicted newborns is hospitalized there.
In the course of 2009 and 2010, we faced
and resolved the rather demanding administrative tasks posed by this project. The
equipment was delivered to the various
perinatology centers, and financial settlement took place.
In October 2010, the project was brought to
an official close.
The project objective was to purchase 12
complete sets of equipment – a heated
resuscitation stretcher, a device to provide
artificial lung ventilation to newborns, and
a pulse oxymeter – to furnish 12 perinatology centers across the Czech Republic with
this technology. It is at these centers that
most at-risk deliveries take place, and the
2011 was the first year to mark the five-year
follow-up period during which the Foundation ensures the sustainability of the project
by reviewing whether the subsidization
criteria continue to be honored.
Motol Faculty Hospital, General Faculty
Hospital in Prague, Thomayer Hospital in
Prague, Institute for the Care of Mother
and Child in Prague, Faculty Hospitals in
Hradec Králové, Pilsen, Olomouc, Ostrava,
and Brno, a Hospital in České Budějovice,
Krajská zdravotní a.s. and its hospitals in
Most and in Ústí nad Labem
In 2011, the Charta 77 Foundation
continued for the third year this
project, which is a response to the
dismal financial conditions during
young physicians pre-licensing training.
In so doing, we have the support, and
draw upon the expertise, of the Czech
Medical Chamber.
The project is aimed at sponsoring the
mandatory pre-licensing training of young
doctors (who currently number around
five thousand in the Czech Republic).
Their average entry pay is about 16’000
crowns before taxes, whereas the price for
professional literature and pre-licensing
courses (which are necessary for preparing for, and successfully passing, the approbation exam) is easily in the range of
several tens of thousands of crowns.
The administration of grant money pertaining to the second year of the project
(2010) spilled over into the beginning of
2011 - 119 medical doctors received a total of
CZK 741 146 in grant money. In February we
received an additional payment of 500 000
crowns from IZIP (electronic healthcare
In spring 2011, we approached previous
benefactors with the request to continue
our cooperation. We also attempted to gain
new sponsors, so as to maximize the amount
which could be distributed among grant
applicants in the third year of the project.
Unfortunately, we were short of luck, and
aside from the JL ophthalmology clinic and
the company LINET spol. s r.o., none of the
previous sponsors were ready to continue
our cooperation. The day was saved by the
Czech Medical Chamber, which called upon
their district chapters to contemplate financial support for this project. And so it came
to pass that the majority of funds has its origin in these district chapters. Aside from the
Czech Medical Chamber’s President’s Office,
which contributed 250 000 crowns, the most
generous was the Prague 2 district chapter with a 300 000 crown donation, Brno
City offered 100 000 crowns, and 50 000
crowns each came from the district chapters
of Karviná, Olomouc, Kladno, and Hradec
Králové. Donations were also made by the
1. LF UK
district chapters of Prague 8, Liberec, Trutnov,
Přerov, Jablonec, Louny, Prostějov.
The criteria of the pilot stage of the project
remained in force in 2011 as approved by
the Project Council: the project is designed
for graduates of medical faculties in the
Czech Republic who are members of the
Czech Medical Chamber. In order to receive
a financial contribution, the applicant must
provide proof of their costs in connection
with their preparation for approbation - this
will usually include the costs for professional
literature and fees for courses and internships. The subsidy amount is capped off at
CZK 7’000.
The Foundation set up a website on which
applicants could register; this website was
launched in November 2011, and the interest was again tremendous. Given the fixed
amount of funds allocated for payout in
2011, we had to close registrations after
5 days. By then, 356 medical doctors had
signed up. The first 100 registered applicants were asked at the beginning of
December to submit documentation as per
the project criteria. By the end of 2011, we
paid an amount of CZK 100 469 among 15
The others received “their” grant in January
2012. Applicants who were unable to meet
the pre-defined criteria and failed to submit
the requested documentation within the
set deadline were dropped from the list. In
January 2012, we received an additional donation from the JL ophthalmology clinic, and
were thus able to ask additional applicants
on the lower ranks to submit their material,
so that the entire amount, we gained for the
3rd year, could be paid out.
The project met with great interest and
great expectations on the part of young
medical professionals. We are aware that
due to the limited funds, the number of
those whom we were unable to accommodate by far exceeds the number of those
who we were able to lend a helping hand.
This is why we intend to continue this project in the years to come. We would love to
cooperate with pharmaceutical firms, but
also other partners who might be interested
in supporting the education of medical doctors at the beginning of their career.
Prof. František Janouch, Mgr. Anna
Veverková, JUDr. Robert Bezděk (Charta 77
Foundation), MUDr. Milan Kubek (Czech
Medical Chamber), Ing. Martin Pospíšil (AIFP
- Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical
Jaroslav Seifert Pr ize
Tom Stoppard Pr ize
František Kr iegel Pr ize
Josef Vavroušek Pr ize
Jaroslav Seifert Prize
The Jaroslav Seifert Prize was founded by
the Charta 77 Foundation in Stockholm in
January 1986. This literary prize is awarded
in recognition of an outstanding work of
poetry or fiction published or otherwise disseminated in the Czech Republic or abroad
in the past three years. It is awarded annually on September 22, on the eve of the
poet’s birthday.
Karel Šiktanc is one of the strongest Czech
poets of the past fifty years. His creative
wellspring did not dry up even during the
years of Soviet occupation, when his work
was removed from public libraries and new
manuscripts were confined to samizdat
and exile, as there was no chance that they
would be published by regular publishing
houses. After 1989, he briefly chaired the
Writers’ Community. Readers rediscovered
him as a poet, but newly also as the author
of fairy tales, which eventually appeared in
three volumes. He created his own, immediately recognizable style, poetic ellipsis, and
narrative gesture.
Jiří Brabec (chairman of the jury), Michal
Bauer, Pavel Dominik, Libuše Heczková,
František Janouch (observer without vote),
Marie Jirásková, Jiří Peňás, Michael Špirit
Karel Šiktanc
The laureate for the Jaroslav Seifert Prize
2011 is KAREL ŠIKTANC. The jury awarded
the prize to him for his latest anthology
of poetry, “Nesmír” (U-No-Verse). Karel
Šiktanc already won the Prize in 1989 for
his samizdat collection “Srdce svého nejez”
(Don’t Eat Your Heart), and is thus the first
laureate in the 25-year history of the Jaroslav Seifert Prize who has thus been recognized repeatedly.
The award ceremony took place on 13
October 2011 at the Prague Mayor’s
Residence. At the close of the ceremony, all guests received a commemorative certificate and the award-winning
anthology. Let us quote from the laudatory speech by Michal Bauer:
“... Since as long as the end of the 1950s,
I know Karel Šiktanc as a poet who avails of
fresh metaphors and an original vividness of
imagination. a poet of both remembrance
and the present, a poet of the word, a poet
seeking the word, a poet defending the word,
a poet living the word and making a living of
the word …
… Especially in his recent work, the word is
the central motif and the main theme. For it
is in language that we are the present - it is
we who speak and who are silent in words,
we cannot hide anywhere nor behind anything (or anyone). In his poems, stories flutter in which one ‘trusts (...) on one’s word’, in
which eternal fragments of conversations resound in spaces ‘in which / each word carries
incredulously’, in which there is whispering
and shouting, and stony silence until darkness
falls, in which we plunge into the ‘brilliant
underworldly speech that is behind the things
one has seen “.
For eight years already, the Pioneer Investments Group in the Czech Republic has
been acting as the general sponsor of the
Seifert Prize. The prize money amounts to
CZK 250’000. In addition, the laureate also
received a marble sculpture - the Foundation’s symbol - a certificate, and a piece of
graphic artwork by academic painter Emanuel Ranný.
compensating investors who were hurt by
financial crimes. When Libor Michálek filed
a criminal complaint on 13 December 2010
for suspected deal-rigging in the award of
a public contract and illicit tampering of a
public tender, he was removed by minister
Pavel Drobil from the office of Head of the
State Environmental Fund on the very next
day. Again, proof was eventually rendered
that Libor Michálek had been on the side of
justice and democracy.
The award ceremony took place on 25 May
2011, at the Prague Mayor’s Residence.
Aside from the prize money, the laureate
also received a marble sculpture - the Foundation’s symbol - and a certificate.
Tom Stoppard Prize
The Tom Stoppard Prize was founded in
Stockholm in 1983. It is awarded annually
in May to authors of Czech origin for important work (preferentially of an essayistic
bent) that inspires through the depth of
its intellectual contribution. The prize is
sponsored by its namesake, an English playwright with Czech roots.
Cena Toma Stopparda / Tom Stoppard Prize
The Tom Stoppard Prize 2010 went to VĚRA
LINHARTOVÁ for her collection of essays
Soustředné kruhy (Concentric Circles)
(Prague, Torst 2010). The award ceremony
took place on 25 May 2011 at the Prague
Mayor’s Residence. The Prize was accepted
by playwright and author Daniela Fischerová on behalf of the laureate.
Aside from the prize money, the laureate
also received a gift sponsored by the company Moser, a.s.: “Paula”, a drinking set
made from crystal glass, as well as a marble
cube - the Foundation’s symbol - and a certificate.
Jitka Bednářová, Václav Cílek, Aleš Haman,
František Janouch, Anna Kameninová (chairwoman of the board), Martin Pilař, and Petr
Jan Dus, Martin Groman, František Janouch,
Miloš Rejchrt (chairman of the jury),
Břetislav Rychlík, Jiřina Šiklová, Jaroslav Veis
František Kriegel Prize
The František Kriegel Prize was founded
in 1987 in Stockholm; the laureate is announced every year on April 10, i.e.,
Kriegel’s birthday. The mission of the prize
is to highlight exemplary courage shown in
the previous year by individuals who strive
to preserve adherence to human rights, civil
liberties, and political tolerance.
In 2011, the František Kriegel Prize went to
laureate LIBOR MICHÁLEK in recognition
of his courageous, systematic, and uncompromising fight against corruption in the
administration of public affairs.
Way back in 1996, when Libor Michálek
worked for the National Property Fund, he
spoke up against the protracted privatization of banks and the leakage of monies
from privatization funds. For his criticism,
he was fired on the spot. He turned to the
courts, which eventually found him to be in
the right. Later, he played an active role in
Libor Michálek
Josef Vavroušek Prize
The Josef Vavroušek Prize was founded by
the Charta 77 Foundation in 1996 to commemorate the eponymous leading ecologist and former minister of environmental
affairs, who was also a Czech advocate of
world format for, and representative of, the
idea of sustainable development; his life
was cut short by tragic death in 1995.
Since 2004, the Charta 77 Foundation has
been awarding this prize in cooperation
with the Partnership Foundation. The common goal shared by both foundations is
to show, by way of positive examples, how
individuals can make an important change
when it comes to the protection of the environment and the implementation of principles of sustainable development. The prize
is being awarded for the active promotion
of sustainable development and for work
towards a positive solution to interrelated
ecological, social, and economic problems.
It is always announced on the 5th of June,
i.e., on World Environment Day.
In 2010, the Prize went to MARTIN ŘÍHA,
in recognition of his tireless promotion of
the principles of sustainable development
and protection of the environment in the
field of regional development.
The award ceremony took place on 6 June
2011 in the foyer of the National Technical
Museum. Aside from prize money, the laureate also receives a certificate and a glass
sculpture - a sponsoring gift by the Nižborbased glassworks RÜCKL CRYSTAL a.s.
Martin Říha
noise-making media campaigns. Of course,
this is a relativist and hard-to-prove assertion, but the tangible results and benefits of
Martin’s work, which he never used to put
himself into the limelight but to promote his
unflinching worldview based on morals, have
been adding up, and that is why today, he
may reap a rather sizable harvest...”
Antonín Buček, Tomáš Feřtek, Roman
Haken, Blažena Hušková, František Janouch,
Monika Kašparová, Miroslava Knotková, Jiří
Kulich, Jan Květ, Pavel Nováček (chairman of
the jury) and Eva Vavroušková
We may cite from the laudatory speech
by Jiří Dlouhý:
“…Martin Říha is not a household name - apparently, he is respected only by those who
know him very well, and that is a rather
small circle of the initiated. He earned this
respect above all through his patient, subtle
search for solutions which meet the environmental criteria, but also the economic, social,
political, and technical criteria, of sustainable
development, and by propagating them without coercion. Quite similar in his ways to
the namesake of his award, Josef Vavroušek,
Martin Říha prefers ‘evolutionary’ development over ‘revolutionary’ development, and
does not endorse extreme positions along the
lines of ‘everything’s been bad since we came
down the trees’.
I dare say that Martin, by virtue of his rational arguments and patient work on revising
various strategic papers on all levels of public
administration, has often been more successful than various ecological NGOs and their
Donations made
Sponsor ing gifts and grants
Grant procedure rules –
Endowment Investment Fund
Financial performance
Donations in kind
Auditor ’s report –
Endowment Investment Fund
Auditor ’s report
Statutory bodiesy
Contact details
Donations made
Foundation Investment Fund (NIF)
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
Asociace vozíčkářů, Děčín
Diecézní charita, Žďár nad Sázavou
Domov Sue Ryder, Praha
Elpida plus, Praha
Fokus, Písek
Hospic sv. Jana N.Neumanna, Prachatice
Hospicové občanské sdružení Cesta domů, Praha
LORM společnost pro hluchoslepé, Praha
Sdílení, Telč
Svaz tělesně postižených, Hořovice
Reversible contribution from the Foundation
400 000,00
300 000,00
InBáze Berkat, Praha
Spolek OKNNO, Praha
Př íspěvek byl poskytnut v průběhu roku 20011, vrácen do 31.12. 2011.
The Barriers Account
1 035 000,00
500 000,00
442 166,00
116 000,00
103 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
75 108,00
72 000,00
70 293,00
63 578,00
58 958,00
51 091,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
49 980,00
49 651,00
63 132,00
46 845,00
44 850,00
44 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
36 920,00
35 000,00
33 764,00
32 057,00
32 000,00
31 500,00
Dětské centrum Paprsek, Praha
Sdružení přátel Konta Bariéry, Praha
Město Hrádek nad Nisou
Dita P., Přerov
Asistence, Praha
Hamzova odborná léčebna, Luže
Ivan N., Hluboká nad Vltavou
Simona B., Bohušovice nad Ohří
České dráhy, Praha
Lada H., Praha
Kryštof P., Děčín
Milan S., Sedliště
Martina H., Rynárec
Camphill, České Kopisty
Farní sbor CČE, Horní Krupá
HELP-IN, Bruntál
Charita, Javorník
Jaroslav S., Hrádek nad Nisou
Plavecký klub Slávia VŠ, Plzeň
Sbor církve bratrské, Náchod
Zdeněk Č., Neveklov
Leoš V., České Budějovice
Eva B., Zábřeh
Tyfloservis, Praha
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů, Praha
Alexander J., Praha
Oblastní Charita, Sobotka
Sbor církve bratrské, Letovice
Středisko rané péče Educo, Zlín
Svaz tělesně postižených, Louny
Klára Č., Hostivice
Občanské sdružení Spokojený život, Mnichovo Hradiště
Veronika H., Poděbrady
Oblastní charita, Kutná Hora
Pavla G., Rousínov
Základní škola praktická, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
30 804,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
24 900,00
23 900,00
23 189,00
22 000,00
21 000,00
20 720,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
Centrum pro zdravotně postižené, Praha
Alice A., Mirošov
Diakonie ČCE středisko CESTA, Uherské Hradiště
David D., Frýdek-Místek
Farní sbor církve evangelické, Havlíčkův Brod
Miloš B., Trstěnice
Občanské sdružení Benediktus, Chotěboř
Josef P., Heřmanová Huť
Eva P., Praha
Iveta Ž., Opava
Anna L., Kasejovice
Dana B., Zvole u Prahy
Dana K.,Velké Přílepy
Emilie K., Orlová
Josef B., Praha
Kristýna B., Nová Bystřice
Ludmila D., Bělkovice-Lašťany
Miloš L., Příbram
Roman O.,Plumlov
Zdeňka H., Zbuzany
Zoologická zahrada, Liberec
Centrum handicapovaných lyžařů, Jánské Lázně
Michal H., České Budějovice
Zdeněk Č., Neveklov
Klára Z., Jablonec nad Nisou
Pavel K., Rochlice-Liberec
Marta S., Velešovice
Alena K., Brno
Alena K., Lovosice
Alexandra F., Praha
Antonín Ch., Neratovice
Centrum služeb Slunce všem, Unhošť
Daniela V., Ostrava
Hana G., Praha
Hana P., Kralupy nad Vltavou
Helena N., Šlapanice
Iva Š., Podbořany
Ivana Z., Hodonín
Iveta K., Krupka
Ivo K., Jihlava
Jakub Z., Albrechtice
Jan B., Sedlčany
Jan B., Svitavy
Jan H., Praha
Jan M., Česká Kamenice
Jan Z., Plzeň
Jaroslav T., Odolená Voda
Jaroslava D., České Budějovice
Jiří B., Benátky nad Jizerou
Jiří V., Králův Dvůr
Kamila M., Jihlava
Kateřina N., Troubská
Klára F., Pitkovice
Ladislav S., Dolní Němčí
Luboš V., Havířov
Lukáš V., Uherské Hradiště
Marie N., Nová Říše
Donations made
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
18 107,00
17 600,00
16 950,00
16 800,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
Marie T., České Budějovice
Martin I., Pardubice
Miroslav Š., Hořice
Monika H., Praha
Monika N., Písek
Monika Z., Lipůvka
Nikol J., Mladá Boleslav
Olga J., Církvice
Ondřej Č., Hodonín
Patrik G., Brno
Pevnost České centrum znakového jazyka, Praha
Pochodeň, Liberec
Společenství Andromeda, Čistá
Stanislav H., Hodonín
Šárka P., Most
Veronika Š., Praha
Vladimír P., Jablonec nad Nisou
Vlastimír Š., Praha
Základní škola praktická, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Zdeněk M., Lučany nad Nisou
Zdeněk Č., Neveklov
Anna P., Rohatec
Fokus Vysočina, Havlíčkův Brod
Sociální agentura, Ústí nad Labem
Alena J., Bruntál
Aleš A., Ostrava
Andrea Č., Praha
Andrea S., Nový Jičín
Aneta Š., Mimoň
Antonín H., Brno
Bohumil S., Kutná Hora
Dagmar K., Chotusice
Dalibor B., Olomouc
Dana B., Praha
Danuše M., Čechtice
David J., Olomouc
David P., Český Krumlov
Ester B., Praha
Eva Ch., Praha
Eva L., Kroměříž
Eva N., Šebkovice
Eva R., Plzeň
Filip J., Písek
Filip M., Praha
Hana K., Jablonec nad Nisou
Hana M., Č. Lípa
Hana R., Praha
Hedvika J., Dolní Bojanovice
Irena K., Lomnice nad Popelkou
Ivan R., Klímkovice
Ivan Š., Brno
Ivana S., Kardašova Řečice
Jan B., Praha
Jan F., Uhlířské Janovice
Jan H., Praha
Jan K., Opava
Jan K., Praha
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
Jan M., Bruntál
Jana B., Ústí nad Labem
Jana D., Mladá Boleslav
Jana K., Praha
Jana S., Pelhřimov
Jarmila K., Rajhrad
Jaroslav H., Pavlovice u Přerova
Jaroslav Š., Velká Bíteš
Jaroslav Z., Hutisko
Jiří K., Praha
Jiří M., Havířov
Jiří M., Orlová
Jiří M., Ostrava
Jitka V., Liberec
Josef G., Bohumín
Josef K., Loukov
Josef L., Běrunice
Karel H., Svitavy
Karel K., Praha
Kateřina C., Olomouc
Kateřina M., Louňovice pod Blaníkem
Květoslava S., Ostrava
Lada B., Valašské Meziříčí
Ladislav S., Uničov
Ladislav T., Luhačovice
Lenka Š., Pardubice
Leona N., Jičín
Lucie Š., Přelouč
Ludmila D., Bělkovice-Lašťany
Ludmila D., Olomouc
Ludvík M., Brno
Lukáš G., Ostrava
Lukáš H.,Brumovice
Lukáš K., Praha
Marcela H., Veverské Knínice
Marcela K., Frýdek-Místek
Marek S., Frýdek-Místek
Marie C., Brno
Marie H., Příbram
Markéta D., Praha
Martin K., Podbořany
Martin P., Benátky nad Jizerou
Martin T., Soběslav
Martina Č., Svitavy
Martina P., Nejdek
Michaela J., Jindřichův Hradec
Michal E., Kadaň
Michal I., Jihlava
Michal M., Králíky
Michal Š., Brno
Milan S., Sedliště
Milan V., Nymburk
Milan Z., Žamberk
Miroslav K., Určice
Monika S., Frýdek-Místek
Oldřich K., Hostouň
Ondřej P., Ostrava-Puruba
Donations made
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
16 000,00
15 980,00
15 930,00
15 788,00
15 700,00
15 457,00
15 278,00
15 240,00
15 184,00
15 184,00
15 184,00
15 184,00
15 184,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
Patrik N., Jalubí
Petr H., Holice
Petr H., Trutnov
Petr M., Slaná u Semil
Petr M., Staříč
Petr R., Hlinsko
Petr S., Litomyšl
Petra H., Frýdek-Místek
Petra H., Praha
Radek P., Prostějov
Radek Ř., Brno
Radek V., Řevnice
Robert Z., Frýdek-Místek
Roman M., Pardubice
Rostislav Č., Praha
Rostislav V., Praha
Stáj Rozárka, Kutná Hora
Sylva H., Poběžovice
Tomáš B., Ostrava
Tomáš M., Ostrava
Václav S., Čkyně
Václav T., Petřvald
Věra D., Brno
Vladimír C., Liberec
Vladimír D., Sázava
Vladimír F., Teplice
Vojtěch M., Hradec Králové
Vratislav H., Uherský Brod
Zdeněk J., Havířov
Zdeněk K., České Budějovice
Zdeněk Š., Plzeň
Zdeněk V., Litoměřice
Žaneta K., Opava
Sociální služby pro seniory, Olomouc
Miroslav H., Cheb
Andrea Z., Chomutov
Vladimír H., Kobylí
Jan H., Liberec
Ladislava B., Moravany
Marcela S., Janov nad Nisou
Anna M., Ostrava
Daniel P., Tanvald
Ivana H., Praha
Jan B., Říčany
Jan H., Netvořice
Alena P., Most
Anna A., Jablonec Nad Nisou
Blanka J., Jihlava
Blanka N., Dub nad Moravou
Dana J., Týnec nad Vltavou
Daniel K., Kněževes
Danuše H., Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí
Danuše M., Čechtice
František L., Prostřední Bečva
Gabriela P., Dvůr Králové
Irena K., Vranovice
Ivana K., Chodov u Karlových Varů
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
14 999,00
14 995,00
14 900,00
14 839,00
14 682,00
14 405,00
14 395,00
14 000,00
13 874,00
13 863,00
13 805,00
13 751,00
13 423,00
12 829,00
12 754,00
12 500,00
12 500,00
12 300,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
Iveta U., Medlov
Jan M., Chomutov
Jana N., Praha
Jarmila Š., Dubňany
Jarmila V., Sruby
Jitka R., Praha
Josef B., Praha
Karel H., Bezno
Kateřina M., Mladá Boleslav
Lada H., Praha
Lenka K., Jablonec nad Nisou
Leona G., Bílá Třemešná
Lucie Ch., Brno
Marie H., Praha
Marie H., Třinec
Miroslav Č., Liberec
Miroslav F., Šanov
Ovidiu-Mihai C., Tábor
Parkinson Slovácko, Dubňany
Pavel L., Mimoň
Pavel S., Vodňany
Radmila S., Ostrava
Rozkoš bez rizika, Brno
Rudolf D., Rosovice
Silvia V., Karlovy Vary
Stanislav B., Praha
Stanislav D., Olomouc
Šárka M., Opava
Václav Š., Znojmo
Vladimír B., Kolín
Vladimír Ch., Starovičky
Vladimír Ř., Praha
AMA společnost pro onkologické pacienty, Most
Podkrkonošská společnost přátel dětí ZP, Semily
Magdaléna V., Roztoky
Eva Š., Boskovice
Martina J., Křelovice
Pečovatelská služba OASA, Nový Jičín
Jana S., Náměšť nad Oslavou
Milan K., Bruntál
Zdeněk J., Plzeň
Jan N., Kunžak
Martin K., Choceň
Pavel K., Lanškroun
Petr K., Staňkov
Jana C., Praha
Jakub H., Stará Boleslav
Marcela P., Dubí
Stanislav R., Chrastava
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů, Frýdek-Místek
Alena Z., Valašské Meziříčí
Barbora M., Budišov
Daniel P., Křemže
Dáša R., Šitbořice
Edita K., Boskovice
Gabriela R., Křtiny
Hana V., Šardice
Donations made
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
11 999,00
11 939,00
11 700,00
11 420,00
11 220,00
11 220,00
11 045,00
11 000,00
11 000,00
10 933,00
10 545,00
10 300,00
10 247,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Jana H., Havířov
Jana K., Jablonec nad Nisou
Jana L., Český Krumlov
Jaroslav F., Boskovice
Jaroslava S., Dobruška
Jiří H., Straník
Jitka Z., Liberec
Josef T., Lešná
Katarína K., Ostrava
Lenka Š., Valašská Bystřice
Ludmila N., Velehrad
Martin H., Valašské Meziříčí
Martina D., Třemošná
Matouš H., Praha
Milan P., Praha
Miroslava H., Nechanice
Petr B., Havlíčkův Brod
Radim F., Nový Jičín
Renáta L., Osečná
Sportovní klub Kociánka, Brno
Šárka V., Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Věra H., Kostelec nad Černými lesy
Věra N., Třebechovice pod Orebem
Veronika Ř., Praha
Vladimír D., Sázava
Vlasta M., Hradec Králové
Xenie K., Brodek u Přerova
Žaneta B., Vřesina
František K., Žalany
Ivan S., Plzeň
Jiří J., Liberec
Lenka P., Syrovátka
Michaela S., Horní Pěna
SŠ, ZŠ a MŠ, Prostějov
Petra M., Poděbrady
Klíč, Olomouc
Marcela Č., Nymburk
Jiří F., Děčín
Ludmila V., Přimda
Hana J., Lískovice
Miroslava S., Psáry
Alena Š., Znojmo
Alice V., Frýdek-Místek
Bohumil P., Nové Město nad Metují
David J., Lukavec
Diakonie ČCE středisko Ratolest, Praha
Divadelní společnost K4, Praha
Edvín K., Olomouc
Engelbert D., Kobeřice
Eva P., Horažďovice
Femancipation, Praha
Františka M., Louny
Hana B., Mníšek u Liberce
Hana H., Praha
Iveta K., Trnávka
Iveta V., Třinec
Jan M., Praha
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Jan S., Praha
Jan Š., Úvaly
Jana G., Karviná
Jana K., Brno
Jana M., Slavičín
Jana Š., Pardubice
Jaroslava E., Rokycany
Jindřich M., Horní Dunajovice
Krajská vědecká knihovna, Liberec
Laura B., Praha
Lenka H., Živanice
Lenka M., Hodonín
Lenka S., Příbram
Lubomír T., Velké Opatovice
Lucie B., Vřesina
Lucie P., Ostrava
Ludmila B., Bohumín
Magdalena T., Praha
Marie S., Říčany
Marie S., Šternberk
Martin H., Vřesina
Martin Ž., Hrochův Týnec
Martina B., Budiměřice
Martina L., Petrov u Prahy
Mateřská škola, Louny
Michaela N., Dub nad Moravou
Michal Š., Opava
Miluše K., Praha
Miroslav H., Koryčany
Miroslav K., Studénka
Monika B., Frýdlant
Monika B., Úvaly - Květnice
Monika F., Jihlava
Monika L., Komárov u Hořovic
Nataša G., Praha
Nikolaus N., Ostrava
Ondřej M., Strážnice
Ondřej S., Lanškroun
Pavla V., Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Pavlína B., Praha
Pavlína B., Studénka
Pavlína H., Vrchlabí
Pavlína M., Liberec
Peter J., Mikulčice
Petr Z., Jirny
Petra K., Červený Kostelec
Petra N., Neratovice
Petra T., Měšice
Radim M., Kroměříž
Radka D., Velká Polom
Radka H., Tišnov
Ráchel S., Praha
Rostislav R., Kolín
Sportovní klub Hobit, Brno
Veronika Ž., Stříbro
Viera M., Hrádek nad Nisou
Donations made
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Vlasta B., Slavonice
Vlasta Ch., Liptál
Zdenka H., Praha
Zora V., Přerov
Educational Fund
11 000,00
Monika T., Praha
People in Need Fund
78 911,00
podpořeno 15 žadatelů
Personal Asistance Fund
27 000,00
20 000,00
14 000,00
13 999,00
12 722,00
12 240,00
12 000,00
11 965,00
11 000,00
Zbyšek L., Praha
Dorota P., Přelouč
Jitka F., Česká Třebová
Šárka D., Praha
Helena N., Šlapanice
Kateřina P., Praha
Věra F., Lázně Bohdaneč
Martina K., Turnov
Marek F., Brno
Wheelchair access schools
200 000,00
200 000,00
200 000,00
121 000,00
100 000,00
96 000,00
56 200,00
50 000,00
Fakultní základní škola, Praha
Základní a mateřská škola, Toužim
Mateřská škola Láň, Rychnov nad Kněžnou
Městys Nový Hrádek
Obchodní akademie, Praha
SOŚ a SOU, Uničov
Sdružení rodičů ZŠ, Holešov
Základní škola, Zdice
Architecture without Barriers
40 000,00
ParaCENTRUM Fenix, Brno
New Start
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 220,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
Filip V., Olomouc
Hana D., Vrchlabí
Jana B., Ústí nad Labem
Ladislav D., Domoradice
Marie N., Nová Říše
Martin V., Zlín
Martin Z., Vrchlabí
Michal V., Soběslav
Milan M., Pňovice
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
92 580,00
92 173,00
91 145,00
55 910,00
54 573,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
42 996,00
36 000,00
35 000,00
25 000,00
17 235,00
Patrik H., Moravský Krumlov
Pavel K., Ostrov
Petr P., Olomouc
Přemysl H., Úštěk
Sana S., Praha
Tomáš M., Jičíněves
Tomáš P., Šternberk
Václav A., Plzeň
Vladímír B., Proseč nad Nisou
Michal Č., Prostějov
Ondřej P., Sibřina
Jaroslava V., Zliv
David J., Olomouc
Roman Š., Petrovice nad Úhlavou
Aleš Ch., Beroun
Vít H., Milotice nad Bečvou
Rostislav R., Velim
Zdeněk M., Tišice
Jan M., Hradec Králové
Valerii P., Česká Lípa
Hana U., Moravský Krumlov
Sport without Barriers
349 200,00
250 000,00
179 800,00
114 870,00
100 000,00
96 187,00
84 335,00
53 050,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
49 700,00
47 000,00
45 000,00
43 602,00
40 000,00
37 560,00
35 000,00
35 000,00
35 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
28 000,00
25 907,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
Rehabilitační ústav Kladruby
Pavel K., Ostrov
Jiří P., Praha
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů, Praha
ASK Elna Počerady Louny
Občanské sdružení Handbike, Česká Ves
Český ragbyový svaz vozíčkářů, Praha
Sportovní klub Kontakt, Praha
KONTAKT bB., Praha
Miroslav L., Praha
Sportovní klub Hobit, Brno
Sportovní klub stolního tenisu TP, Jánské Lázně
Sportovní klub Kontakt, Karlovy Vary
Český svaz tělesně postižených, Praha
Sportovní klub handicapovaných Meteor, Plzeň
Gymnázium zrakově postižených, Praha
Český tým transplatovaných, Praha
Kristina M., Zbůch
Svaz paraplegiků, Praha
Denis G., Praha
František S., Most
Jitka K., Praha
Josef S., Smirady
Petr S., Lovčice
Stanislav C., Praha
Vladislav P., České Budějovice
Zdeněk Š., Ostrava
Jedličkův ústav, Praha
Sportovní klub, Ostrava
Jitka B., Kuřim
Krzysztof M., Trutnov
Michal P., Šternberk
Donations made
25 000,00
25 000,00
23 951,00
21 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
19 788,00
18 630,00
16 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
14 912,00
12 000,00
10 008,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Roman Ch., Kladno
Roman Š., Čestice
Sportovní klub Kontakt, Brno
Centrum handicapovaných lyžařů, Jánské Lázně
Jakub A., Jindřichovice
Jan S., Popice
Martina J., Praha
Město Hustopeče
Pavel O., Praha
Roman S., Praha
Sportovní klub stolního tenisu, Hodonín
TJ Dětské středisko Březejc, Velké Meziříčí
Sportovní klub Arkáda, Jánské Lázně
Domov Maxov, Lučany nad Nisou
ENERGIE o.p.s., Meziboří
Martin Ž., Karviná
Michal Ch., Jičín
Petra H., Ralsko
Rehabilitačně sportovní centrum Respekt, Frenštát pod R.
Vojtěch B., Pardubice
SK Kontakt, Brno
Sportovní klub Spastic Tricykl, Blatná
Jezdecký klubv NANKA, Orlová
Klub Kvítek, Ondřejov
Martin B., Rokycany
Michal Š., Řepiště
Náš svět, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
Restart, Dobříš
Sportem proti bariérám Český Ráj, Stará Paka
Veronika P., Holýšov
PCs against Barriers
213 062,00
85 160,00
60 000,00
55 990,00
47 500,00
45 000,00
39 053,00
38 365,00
26 640,00
22 000,00
21 045,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
19 000,00
17 743,00
17 000,00
15 008,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
14 500,00
13 081,00
Elpida plus, Praha
Sociálni agentura, Ústí nad Labem
Worktest, Praha
Křižovatka cz., Praha
Krajská knihovna, Karlovy Vary
BMI sdružení, Praha
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů, Frýdek-Místek
Centrum služeb pro zdravotně postižené, Strakonice
Jan N., Prostějov
Český helsinský výbor, Praha
Středočeská vědecká knihovna, Kladno
Arkan, Beau
Občanské sdružení TAP, Praha
Střední škola Roosevelta TP, Brno
Svaz paraplegiků, Praha
Charita, Hrabyně
Centrum pro seniory Zachar, Kroměříž
Život bez bariér Nová, Paka
Luděk B.,
Centrum Paraple, Praha
Sportovní klub, Ostrava
Svaz postižených civilizačními chorobami v ČR, Praha
Studijní a vědecká knihovna, Hradec Králové
13 000,00
11 500,00
11 500,00
11 480,00
11 104,00
10 909,00
10 900,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Krajská vědecká knihovna, Liberec
Jana H., Havířov
Kateřina B., Chrlice
Vzdělávací a komunitní centrum Integra, Vsetín
Středočeský kraj, Praha
Ladislav L., Znojmo
Barbora Š., Hořice
Eva Ch., Praha
Sdružení klubů neslyšících dětí, Praha
Světlana Č., Teplice
Jaroslav Seifert Prize
250 000,00
Šiktanc Karel, Praha
Tom Stoppard Prize
24 760,00
Linhartová Věra, Paříž
František Kriegel Prize
20 000,00
Michálek Libor, Praha
Josef Vavroušek Prize
15 000,00
Nadace Partnerství, Brno – pro laureáta Martina Říhu
Culture Fund
120 000,00
100 000,00
35 000,00
30 000,00
26 000,00
25 000,00
24 000,00
20 000,00
12 000,00
10 000,00
Dušan Š., Praha
Nakladatelství Torst Praha
Eva V., Malá Skála
Nakladatelství Akropolis, Praha
Lenka Š., Praha
Pozdní sběr, Řevnice
Portus, Praha
Společenství Dobromysl, Praha
Pavlína H., Ústí nad Orlicí
Moravskoslezský kruh, Brno
Human Rights Fund
155 000,00
50 000,00
27 500,00
Akropolis, Praha
Československé dokumentační středisko, Praha
InBáze Berkat, Praha
President‘s Fund
14 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Zdenka T., Kanada
Zbyněk B., Praha
Blanka C., Praha
Zina F., Praha
Zbyněk H., Praha
Donations made
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Ladislav H., Písek
František K., Praha
Marie Rút K., Praha
Julius T., Kanada
Václav V., Praha
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
OS Svítání Pardubice
PZP Merlin Hlinsko
SPMP Modrý klíč Praha
Svaz paraplegiků Praha
ZŠ Pomněnka Šumperk
Život bez bariér Nová Paka
Neuro - Euro Scholarship
Reading Helps
32 937,00
32 409,00
31 648,00
31 648,00
31 441,00
31 441,00
31 440,00
Libor M., Mšeno
Jan B., Praha
Amír Z., Plzeň
Roman K., Náchod
Barbora U., Zátiší
Michal S., Praha
Irena B., Praha
741 146,00
100 469,00
Příspěvky na předatestační vzdělávání pro 119 lékařů
(ročník 2010)
Příspěvky na předatestační vzdělávání pro 15 lékařů
(ročník 2011)
189 000,00
140 000,00
137 000,00
120 000,00
114 000,00
101 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
67 681,00
62 000,00
57 000,00
54 747,00
49 700,00
32 000,00
27 700,00
Jaroslava S., Dobřany
Jaroslav P., Šluknov
Ondřej N., Praha
Věra P., Bublava
Eva P., Libňatov
Kristina T., Týnec u Bředlavi
Ivana Ch., Kněždub
Linda L., Přelouč
Michal Č., Králíky - Dolní Morava
Mikuláš H., Bílovice
Tomáš T., Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Filip G., Opava
Martin K., Praha
Soňa V., Plzeň
Kateřina H., Oskořínek
Roads to People
RWE Fund
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
524 029,00
ARPIDA České Budějovice
Centrum pro ZP Liberec
DC 90 Olomouc
Dětské centrum Kopřivnice
Diakonie ČCE Radost Merklín
Domov Krajánek Jesenice u Rakovníka
Ergotep Proseč u Skuteče
Charita Javorník
Chráněné bydlení Sokolov
Liga vozíčkářů Brno
529 513,00
175 000,00
150 000,00
150 000,00
100 000,00
98 250,00
80 000,00
78 000,00
75 000,00
70 000,00
70 000,00
62 500,00
50 005,00
50 000,00
20 000,00
14 900,00
Centrum Handicapovaných lyžařů, Jánské Lázně
Bílá Hůl o.s., Praha
Hendaver, Praha
Bicycle Help, Praha
Blind sport, Plzeň
Denní a týdenní stacionář Klíček, Tábor
Český tenisový svaz vozíčkářů, Brno
Gymnázium zrakově postižených, Praha
Dětský ranč, Hlučín
Green Doors, Praha
Pavlína H.,Liberec
Sdružení na pomoc dětem s handicapy - Motýlek, Praha
Slezská diakonie, Český Těšín
Martin S., Praha
Vladimíra V., Praha
Lucie B., Hodoňovice
Globus Fund
600 945,00
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů Frýdek-Místek
150 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
45 000,00
Česká sledge hokejová asociace, Karlovy Vary
Centrum handicapovaných lyžařů, Janské Lázně
SKV Králové, České Budějovice
Jan V., Brno
Donations made
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
35 632,00
35 000,00
30 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
13 600,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Miloš B., Milovice
Jiří P., Praha
Ludmila S., Klatovy
Roman Z., Šumperk
Pavel R., Mníšek pod Brdy
Domov Sue Ryder, Praha
Společnost „E“,Czech Epilepsy Assosiation, Praha
Sportovní klub oddíl stolního tenisu, Jánské Lázně
TJ Zrapos, Opava
Dřevčická, Brandýs nad Labem
Jarmila J., Zlín
Dětský domov, Lety
Mamma HELP centrum, Přerov
Sportovní klub vozíčkářů, Ostrava
TyfloCentrum, Praha
Chance Fund
73 115,00
60 000,00
50 000,00
41 190,00
31 000,00
26 310,00
25 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
15 000,00
14 500,00
14 080,00
12 099,00
11 200,00
10 206,00
Domov pro seniory Elišky Purkyňové, Praha
Aleš Z., Náchod
Gabriela L., Prostřední Bečva
Speciálně pedagogické centrum, Karviná
Sportovní klub Spastic, Blatná
Popa Maria Olomouc
Česká unie neslyšících Praha
Jana L., Praha
Kamila M., Olomouc
Hana N., Uherské Hradiště
Alena K., Praha
Sociální agentura, Ústí nad Labem
Jarmila P., Plzeň
Hana H., Lednice
Helena Š., Praha
Czech Post Fund
47 079,00
46 370,00
36 952,00
30 666,00
29 843,00
25 169,00
20 666,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
18 255,00
Ivana D., Kojetín
Jana N., Neratovice
Jana K., Bor
Michaela P., Liberec
Martin K., Hůry
Lenka V., Kadaň
Libuše A., Ostrava
Jiřina H., Chotěboř
Martina K., Slaný
Luděk B., Lužice
Skanska Fund
10 713,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Romana H., Zlín
Cerebrum, Praha
DMO Pobyty, Mladá Boleslav
Federace rodičů a přátel SP, Praha
Jakub Ř.,Hradec Králové
Ludmila S., Klatovy
Nadace Křižovatka, Brno
Nikola H., Jiřetín pod Bukovou
Vodafone Fund
454 426,00
Redbikes, Praha
Jmenný seznam členů týmu k dispozici v nadaci.
Air Traffic Controller Fund
50 000,00
50 000,00
45 000,00
45 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
20 000,00
Karel B., Štětí
Mikuláš H., Bílovice u Uherského Hradiště
Pavel D., Úžice
Sára K., Týnec u Břeclavi
Barbora B., Lutín
Eva D., Český Krumlov
František S., Most
Kristýna D., Praha
Michaela L., Luhy
Petr M., Městečko
Jan R., Hradec Králové
Tomáš Č., Kopřivnice
Helena H., Praha
ČSOB and ERA Support Fund
Fortuna Fund
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Aleš K., Trutnov
Běla T., České Budějovice
Bicykle Help, Praha
Blind sport, Plzeň
David L., Praha
Jan P., Praha
Jaroslav F., Zlín
Lukáš H., Hradec Králové
Michal Š., Havlíčkův Brod
Miroslav Š., Hořice
Miroslav V., Pohořelice
Pavel R., Mníšek pod Brdy
30 935,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
29 896,00
28 800,00
24 700,00
20 000,00
19 940,00
Pavla H., Praha
Andrea K., Klášterec nad Ohří
Anna V., Říčany
Jana B., Dobšice
Jana K., Brandýs nad Labem
Jana K., Most
Jana M., Praha
Jiří F., Praha
Simona V., Praha
Alexandra L., Praha
Milada S., České Budějovice
Barbora Z., Liberec
Filip H., Praha
Michal M., Prostějov
Donations made
18 909,00
15 600,00
14 000,00
12 300,00
Josef K.,Kostelec nad Černými lesy
Helena V., Roztoky u Prahy
Martina N., České Budějovice
Jana H., Nový Jičín
ČEZ Foundation Fund
12 000,00
Michal E., Kadaň
assignet providet through the Barriers Account
669 500,00
427 410,00
276 850,00
275 822,00
264 679,00
263 584,00
250 000,00
207 974,00
186 000,00
172 850,00
167 181,00
152 196,00
125 709,00
121 200,00
121 000,00
114 000,00
110 000,00
109 889,00
108 000,00
100 960,00
100 000,00
89 700,00
88 685,00
88 409,00
80 000,00
80 000,00
71 335,00
70 500,00
69 351,00
63 914,00
61 863,00
61 200,00
60 728,00
60 000,00
60 000,00
59 743,00
57 644,00
55 172,00
55 000,00
54 025,00
53 073,00
51 600,00
50 099,00
Pavel K., Ostrov
Alena S., Choceň
Monika Z., Lipůvka
Marie P., Chlumec
František Š., Makov
Barbora B., Lutín
Dušan K., Plzeň
Jana S., Praha
Iveta V., Třinec
Ondřej H., Vidče
Tomáš N., Lhotka
Marie B., Plzeň
Stanislav M., Tábor
Jana D., Ostrava
Karel B., Štětí
Tomáš V., Praha
Jiří Z., Louny
Pavel S., Brno
Michal B., Třešňový Újezd
David Š., Smolnice
Martin V., Neveklov
Radek P., Šestajovice
Adam M., Hradčovice
Radek D., Žatec
Michaela K., Lomnice nad Popelkou
Stanislav H., Hodonín
Timoteus K., Jindřichův Hradec
Martin Z., Vrchlabí
Jiří B., Neratovice
Štěpán K., Jablonec nad Nisou
Vladimír R., Jaroměř
Jana F., České Budějovice
Daniela Š., Přerov
Barbora P., Roudnice nad Labem
Lukáš K., Praha
Ladislav V., Komárov
Jakub J., Hazlov
Tereza V., České Budějovice
Jiří K., Praha
Pavel Š., Březnice
Sára K., Týnec u Břeclavi
Barborka P., Úhřetice
Vojtěch M., Rosice
50 000,00
50 000,00
49 030,00
48 858,00
48 000,00
47 502,00
44 000,00
43 075,00
42 100,00
39 833,00
37 778,00
37 600,00
35 200,00
34 885,00
32 738,00
32 035,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
29 183,00
27 904,00
27 793,00
27 287,00
26 217,00
25 891,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
24 156,00
21 828,00
20 300,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
19 517,00
19 000,00
17 604,00
15 400,00
15 327,00
15 034,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
14 339,00
14 000,00
13 120,00
12 804,00
12 589,00
12 163,00
11 700,00
11 200,00
10 053,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Elpida, o.p.s., Praha
Václav J., Karlovy Vary
Štefanie V., Košice
Jakub N., Neratovice
Dominik B., Praha
Petr S., Lovčice
Josef B., Líbeznice
Patrik P., Praha
Mikuláš H., Bílovice
Daniela V., Ostrava
Dana B., Zvole u Prahy
Sylva B., Vrbice
Anna P., Rohatec
Jáchym P., Praha
Romana J., Třebenice
Michael M., Olomouc
Daniela D., Praha
Martina V., Karlovy Vary
Marie B., Praha
Renata P., Ostrava
Jana D., Včelákov
Samuel N., Praha
Bořek Š., Dolany
Pavla G., Rousínov
Asistence, Praha
Lukáš H., Holice
Společnost pro podporu lidí s mentálním postižením,
Valerii P., Česká Lípa
Tomáš L., České Budějovice
Matěj F., Bílý Újezd
Vladislava P., Uherský Brod
Jana D., Brno
Markéta D., Praha
Lubomír K., Brno
Julie J., Karviná
Karolína S., Praha
Klára Š., Praha
Silvie K., Brno
Pavlína H., Liberec
Josef B., Praha
Lenka S., Kojetín
Alena K., Praha
Filip H., Poděbrady
Alena K., Brno
Martin G., Praha
Petra K., Zděchov
Denisa M., Děčín
Alena J., Bruntál
Renata V., Kounov
Milan Š., Doubí
Alžběta J., Praha
Jiří P., Praha
Ludmila S., Klatovy
Magdalena D., Pardubice
Martin T., Soběslav
Petra T., Měšice
Donations made
List of supported grantees
Adéla S.
Andrea K.
Andrea Z.
Barbora S.
Dagmar M.
Daniel S.
Daniela V.
David D.
Dominik B.
Eliška J.
Eva B.
Eva W.
Filip H.
Filip J.
Filip N.
Gabriela S.
Jakub A.
Jakub G.
Jakub P.
Jan B.
Jan H.
Jan K.
Jan S.
Jan V.
Jana N.
Jiří K.
Jiří S.
Jiří Ž.
Kamila Š.
Karolína Š.
Kateřina Š.
Kristýna V.
Ladislav L.
Ladislava B.
Lenka D.
Lenka M.
Lubomír H.
Lucie B.
Lucie K.
Lukáš K.
Lukáš S.
Markéta P.
Martin F.
Martin G.
Michael K.
Michal B.
Milan F.
Milan K.
Miroslav Š.
Miroslav V.
Ondřej V.
Pavel B.
Petr K.
Petr K.
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Technická univerzita, Liberec
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Odborné učiliště při JÚŠ, Praha
Ostravská univerzita, Ostrava
Soukromá střední podnikatelská škola PrimMat,
Frýdek Mýstek
Moravská vysoká škola, Olomouc
Karlova univerzita, Praha
VOŠZ a SŠZ, Ústí nad Labem
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Vysoké učení technické, Brno
OA, OŠ a PŠ pro tělesně postižené, Jánské Lázně
EDUCAnet - SOŠ, Brno
Univerzita Tomáše Bati, Zlín
Univerzita, Hradec Králové
VŠ obchodní, Praha
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
EKONOMA - soukromá obchodní akademie, Praha
Praktická škola Karla Herforta, Praha
Gymnázium Hády, Brno
Palackého univerzita, Olomouc
Evengelická akademie a VOŠ sociálně právní, Brno
Gymnázium, Velké Meziříčí
VŠ ekonomie a managementu, Praha
Vysoké učení technické, Brno
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
VOŠ sociálně právní, Praha
VŠ manažerské informatiky a ekonomiky, Praha
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Karlova univerzita, Praha
SSOŠ a SOU veřejnosprávní, Třebíč
Karlova univerzita, Praha
SŠ sociálně právní při JUŠ, Praha
SŠ F. D. Roosevelta pro tělesně postižené, Brno
Metropolitní univerzia, Praha
Soukromá SOŠ a Gymnázium Bean, Staňkov
Technická univerzita, Liberec
Slezská univerzita, Opava
MŠ, ZŠ, SŠ pro sluchově postižené, Valašské Meziříčí
MŠ, ZŠ, SŠ pro sluchově postižené, Valašské Meziříčí
Karlova univerzita, Praha
Karlova univerzita, Praha
OA, OŠ a PŠ pro tělesně postižené, Jánské Lázně
Univerzita, Hradec Králové
Wichterlovo gymnázium, Ostrava
Vysoké učení technické, Brno
Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc
OA, OŠ a PŠ pro tělesně postižené, Jánské Lázně
Akademie STING soukromá VŠ, Brno
Petr M.
Petr S.
Petra G.
Petra H.
Petra M.
Radek N.
Radek P.
Romana J.
Šárka K.
Tomáš H.
Tomáš Ch.
Tomáš K.
Tomáš Ž.
Věra D.
Věra K.
Veronika D.
Veronika V.
Vít F.
Vladimíra Č.
SOŠ, Frýdek Místek
OA, OŠ a PŠ pro tělesně postižené, Jánské Lázně
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Karlova univerzita, Praha
Conservatorio di Musica, Itálie
Česká zemědělská univerzita, Praha
Mendelova univerzita, Brno
Univerzita, Hradec Králové
SŠ, ZŠ, MŠ pro sluchově postižené, Praha
Metropolitní univerzia, Praha
Metropolitní univerzia, Praha
FAMU, Praha
Univerzita, Hradec Králové
Gymnázium Dašická, Pardubice
Gymnázium, Jablonec nad Nisou
SŠ Aloyse Klára, Praha
Metropolitní univerzia, Praha
All contr ibutions are providet in accordance with the Law on Foundations No..277/1997 from
the amount given to 10 000 C ZK .
Sponsoring gifts and grants
Globus ČR, k.s.
RWE Gas Storage, s.r.o.
Roman Martin
Nadační fond Avast
Nadace Vodafone Česká republika
Československá obchodní banka, a.s.
IZIP, a.s.
Řízení letového provozu
České republiky, státní podnik
ČEZ správa majetku, s.r.o.
Bohemia Praha s.r.o.
výtěžek aukce Artis Pictus
výtěžek z prodeje pohlednic Česká pošta
Kinematograf bratří Čadíků
výtěžek aukce konta Bariéry
Česká lékařská komora
sdružení lékařů Praha 2
Česká pošta, s.p.
Česká lékařská komora kancelář prezidenta
Pioneer Asset Management, a.s.
VECOM zdvihací zařízení s.r.o.
Raiffeisenbank a.s. - příspěvky za klienty
Výtěžek DMS
Mountfield a.s.
Kovář Josef
Česká golfová asociace hendikepovaných
MONTAKO s.r.o.
API CZ s.r.o.
Základní škola Švermova
SLOT Groupe, a.s.
Elekta AB
Fincentrum a.s.
Ferona, a.s.
Czaban Jan
Nohejl Karel
Plánský Václav
Hlaváčková Andrea
FORTUNA sázková kancelář a.s.
Pinnacle Central § Eastern Europe, s.r.o.
B.H.Centrum a.s.
StringData, s.r.o.
Bělehrádková Hana
Boguszak Marek
Borkovcová Lucie
Česká lékařská komora
okresní sdružení lékařů Brno- město
EBM systém s.r.o.
FERRING Pharmacenticals CZ s.r.o.
město Ostrov nad Ohří
Praha 9
Praha 9
Praha 5
Praha 4
Praha 4
Praha 1
Česká Kubice
Praha 10
Praha 5
Praha 4
Praha 4
Částka v Kč
12 323 156,00
2 000 000,00
1 630 450,00
1 499 000,00
1 349 520,00
1 120 000,00
900 000,00
900 000,00
607 586,00
600 000,00
500 000,00
500 000,00
Praha 6
Praha 4
Praha 2
Praha 1
Praha 8
Praha 7
Praha 4
Zruč - Senec
Kralupy nad Vltavou
Slapy u Tábora
Žďár nad Sázavou
Karlovy Vary
Praha 8
Praha 1
Praha 1
Praha 6
Praha 1
Praha 1
Praha 1
Praha 2
Říčany u Prahy
Žďár nad Sázavou
Jesenice u Prahy
Ostrov nad Ohří
500 000,00
483 000,00
420 000,00
412 600,00
386 255,00
360 816,00
328 330,00
300 000,00
300 000,00
250 000,00
250 000,00
250 000,00
231 600,00
199 980,00
185 000,00
170 000,00
168 000,00
158 182,00
152 129,00
149 975,00
148 409,00
146 817,00
140 000,00
130 000,00
120 000,00
120 000,00
106 000,00
104 500,00
104 025,00
103 987,00
103 987,00
101 500,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
Nadace OKD
Pražská plynárenská, a.s.
Šultysová Eva
WEKOSA, a.s.
Marco Filip
Suchá Iva
Black § Decker (Czech) s.r.o.
I.G.D.Z.- Investment group DZ, a.s.
Jirků Vojtěch
Tomek Ondřej
E.M.T. spol. s r.o. s.r.o.
Skanska CZ a.s.
Elpro - Energo s.r.o.
Hanousek Martin
Pavlín Stanislav
Metrostav a.s.
Muchna Václav
Philips Česká republika s.r.o.
Juchelka Jan
Mixa Josef
TechSoup Global Network
ProFitness ČR, a.s.
Hrdá Marcela
Advokátní kancelář Chase Pullman v.o.s.
CAMPA - NET a.s.
Česká lékařská komora
okresní sdružení lékařů Kladno
Česká lékařská komora
sdružení lékařů Hradec králové
Česká lékařská komora
sdružení lékařů Karviná
Česká lékařská komora
sdružení lékařů Olomouc
DSF servis s.r.o.
ERTL GLASS , s.r.o.
Frankenbergerová Helena
Houdková Daniela
HV SYS s.r.o.
InterCora, spol. s.r.o.
Internet schop s.r.o.
Lions club Karlovy Vary Spa
Lumius, spol. s r.o.
Moravské kovárny, a.s.
Palata Vlastimil
Půček Ladislav
Raiffeisenbank a.s.
Rudolf Jan
Šnobr Michal
Vaclík Daniel
AZ FLEX, a.s.
ROMAX produkce - Roman Minařík
Šnobrová Ivana
Tůma Martin
Praha 1
Praha 8
Praha 8
Ústí nad Labem
Kostelec nad Labem
Říčany u Prahy
Praha 4
Praha 1
Praha 4
Praha 8
Praha 5
Praha 2
San Francisco USA
Praha 4
Praha 5
Praha 7
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
100 000,00
99 000,00
87 700,00
80 000,00
80 000,00
80 000,00
80 000,00
78 804,00
78 000,00
75 000,00
70 000,00
67 500,00
62 690,00
60 000,00
60 000,00
58 000,00
56 000,00
55 000,00
55 000,00
54 853,00
52 600,00
51 400,00
52 400,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
Hradec Králové
50 000,00
50 000,00
Praha 6
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
50 000,00
48 000,00
45 000,00
45 000,00
45 000,00
Praha 3
Praha 8
Karlovy Vary
Praha 4
Praha 1
Praha 5
Praha 4
Praha 8
Praha 6
Sponsoring gifts and grants
MND a.s.
Pešula Jan
ERIS, s.r.o.
Gavenda Petr
Hušek Ondřej
Očka Dušan
Lovochemie, a.s.
Welser profile s.r.o.
Mališ Daniel
RM Investing Group s.r.o.
AMO spol. s r.o.
KNAUF INSULATION, spol. s.r.o.
OKD, a.s.
Sýkorová Lenka
ESSOX s.r.o.
BiGy a SŠ gastronomická Adolpha Kolpinga
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.
Štádler Michal
AGRO Staré Město, spol. s r.o.
Bláhovi Leona a Milan
Burýšková Marie
COLORMAT Zlín, spol s.r.o.
Česká lékařská komora
sdružení lékařů Praha 8
DEL a.s.
Dušek Milan
Janda Ivo
Jonáš Vlastimil
Letiště Praha, a.s.
Multiprojekt Group a.s.
NRJ servis s.r.o.
POPP s.r.o.
Ryska Miroslav
Sdružení pro internetovou reklamu
v ČR, z.s.p.o.
STS Hodonín s.r.o.
SYNPO, akciová společnost
Tomáš Ševčík - SPRINTSPORT
Vysloužil Josef
Zívalová Věra
Dubec Rudolf
Lacina Marek
Laštůvka David
Bartoňová Andrea
DK OPEN, spol. s r.o.
Durt Zdeněk
Gumotex Automotive, s.r.o.
GUMOTEX, akciová společnost
INISOFT s.r.o.
Iveco Czech Republic, a.s.
Matějíček Pavel
MK-NEMO s.r.o.
Schwarzenberg Karel
ZDRAVÍ spol. s r.o.
Praha 4
Nový Bor
Český Těšín
Praha 1
Praha 1
Praha 1
Praha 6
Praha 5
České Budějovice
Žďár nad Sázavou
Praha 1
Praha 4
Praha 8
Žďár nad Sázavou
Praha 6
Lázně Bohdaneč
Praha 6
Praha 1
Praha 2
Praha 9
Praha 3
Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary
Jindřichův Hradec II
Liberec 1
Vysoké Mýto
Praha 6
Praha 6
Praha 4
42 502,00
41 813,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
40 000,00
37 800,00
37 400,00
36 000,00
36 000,00
35 000,00
35 000,00
35 000,00
33 000,00
32 000,00
32 000,00
30 739,00
30 700,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
30 000,00
28 000,00
27 793,00
27 000,00
26 480,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
25 000,00
ZŠ Komenského Pelhřimov
Černovský Radek
EVEKTOR, spol. s.r.o.
PARIO s.r.o.
Buriánová Jarmila
Strejček Roman
Golf Beřovice s.r.o.
Mehler Texnologie s.r.o.
Sdružení VIA
Českobratská církev evangelická
Allianz pojošťovna, a.s.
ČEZ, a.s.
Fabík Lubomír
FIAT ČR spol. s r.o.
GEMAX s.r.o.
Hniličková Hana
Isolit-Bravo, spol. s r.o.
Kaňovská Eva
Karous Miloš
Klaus Marcel
KONZULTA Brno, a.s.
MASOX a.s.
Měšťanský pivovar v Poličce, a.s.
Obrtelová A.
PARTR spol. s r.o.
Pleskač Filip
Pražské služby, a.s.
Rajmonová Lucie
Sádlo Petr
Slunečko Petr
Soukup Jaroslav
Sun Drive s.r.o.
Švidrnochová Pavla
Technodat, CAE - systémy, s.r.o.
TM ELITEX s.r.o.
Uhrin Josef
Vaillnat Group Czech s.r.o.
Veselý Petr
Coufal Jan
Fyzioterapie LHI s.r.o.
obec Pavlov
Klíma Jan
Dusinská Mária
BILLA, spol s r.o.
Cmíral Miloš
ENACON s.r.o.
Karlovy Vary
Hradec Králové
Praha 6
Praha 6
Lomnice n. Popelkou
Praha 1
Praha 1
Praha 8
Praha 4
Praha 8
Ústí nad Labem
Praha 6
Jablonné nad Orlicí
Praha 1
Praha 6
Praha 9
Lomnice n. Popelkou
Praha - západ
Lomnice n. Popelkou
Praha 1
Praha 9
Praha 3
Radostín nad Oslavou
Říčany u Prahy
Praha 8
Praha 4
24 720,00
24 000,00
24 000,00
24 000,00
23 000,00
22 000,00
21 000,00
21 000,00
20 600,00
20 500,00
20 455,00
20 150,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
20 000,00
19 000,00
18 000,00
18 000,00
17 796,00
17 724,00
17 000,00
17 000,00
15 600,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
Sponsoring gifts and grants
Fashion Days Shopping s.r.o.
Praha 8
Fencl Jiří
Praha 5
Filip Andrej
CHIRŠ realitní kanceláře s.r.o.
Praha 9
Kramoliš Ivo
Kundrátová Zdenka
Kusý Petr
L I N E T spol. s .r.o.
Nadace Dagmar a Václava Havlových VIZE 97Praha 1
Nadační fond
Praha 4
Pavlík Jan
Procházka Milan
Studio Fresh, s.r.o.
Karlovy Vary
Susak Michal
Štěpánková Klára
Praha 10
Trčka Pavel
ZOOS UNIONS, Čechofracht, a.s.
Praha 10
Procházka Miroslav
Havlík Samuel, advokát
Praha 1
Bednář Tomáš
Ústí n. Labem
Šostý Libor
Lisý Zdeněk
Praha 9
Bendík Radoslav
Beran Tomáš
Praha 10
Cieslar Michal
Drahoš Jiří
Praha 6
Eurofit Trading a.s.
Evan Jan
Chicevič Eugen
Malý Boris
Malý Libor
Měřínská Eva
Moutvičková Alena
Veselí nad Lužnicí
NEJDENT s.r.o.
Praha 2
Nekula Petr
Praha 5
Paclt Adam
Perry Lucie
Praha 4
Polák Petr
Veselí nad Lužnicí
Polanský Marián
Průcha Jan
Praha 4
vWS MEMSEP s.r.o.
Praha 5
Jírovec Jaroslav
Krištofová Anna
Žďár nad Sázavou
Vlček Jaroslav
Pils Jan
Hrabovská Gabriela
Halens s.r.o.
Hradec Králové
Andrlová Martina
Arcidiecézní Charita Olomouc
ATTN Consulting a.r.o.
AutoCont CZ a.s.
Baránek Pavel
Bartovská Hildegarda
Petrovice u Karviné
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
15 000,00
14 680,00
14 400,00
14 096,00
14 000,00
13 000,00
13 000,00
12 960,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
12 000,00
11 000,00
11 000,00
11 000,00
10 800,00
10 500,00
10 130,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Bauer Petr
Bednář Pavel
Brányik Alexander
Březina Petr
Bumbálková Dagmar
CAMARET s.r.o.
Cembrit a.s.
Centrum pro rodinu Jihlava
COPY SERVIS spol s.r.o.
CZ HERMEX, s.r.o.
Čermák Jiří
Česká lékařská komora
okresní sdružení lékařů Plzeň-jih
Česká lékařská komora
okresní sdružení lékařů Přerov
Česká lékařská komora
okresní sdružení lékařů Trutnov
Česká lékařská komora
sdružení lékařů Liberec
Česká společnost pro energetiku
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Česká zbrojovka a.s.
ČEZ Teplárenská, a.s.
DACHDECKER spol. s r.o.
Dama MB s.r.o.
Dudíková Eva
Elektroline a.s.
Evald Kost s.r.o.
EVPÚ Defence s.r.o.
Fesslová Jana
Galerie Kodl, s.r.o.
Greif Karel
Háková Jaroslava
Hamrová Ladislava
hARTS s.r.o.
Havlík Daniel
Hégrová Veronika
Hnídek Milan
Holeinová Martina
HSW Signall s.r.o.
Huisman Konstrukce, s.r.o.
Chirurgická ambulance KSK s.r.o.
Chvátal Ladislav
interiersystem s.r.o.
Jelínek Petr
JIPEZA, spol s r.o.
Jungmann Martin
JMM CS spol. s r.o.
JVJ Jičín s.r.o.
Kalaba Vladimír
Kejla Filip
Klímová Jana
Kočvara Lubomír
Kotlán Viktor
Krauer Daniela
Kroupa Martin
Praha 5
Praha 5
Praha 2
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Stod u Plzně
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Liberec 1
Praha 1
Praha 4
Uherský Brod
Bakov nad Jizerou
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 8
Praha 8
Uherské Hradiště
Praha 6
Praha 9
Praha 4
Praha 2
Praha 4
Žďár nad Sázavou
Praha 9
Praha 8
Praha 10
Nový Poddvorov
Praha 8
Praha 4
Praha 9
Jablonec nad Nisou
Sponsoring gifts and grants
Kuboušková Jana
Kučerová Jana
Kupka Martin
Laptěva Ljuba
Lékárna SALVIA spol. s r.o.
Ležal František
LOMAX & Co s.r.o.
MAPED PLUS, s.r.o.
Mareš Ivan
Mivalt s.r.o.
MLÝN HERBER spol. s r.o.
Muhlefeit Jan s.r.o.
Navrátil Jan
Nedvědová Marie
Nováková Jana
NOVIUS s.r.o.
obec Rýnarec
OSEP, spol s r.o.
Padalík Josef
Pejša Tomáš
ProInterier s.r.o.
Příkopová Renata
QISO - MIRAIS, s.r.o.
Rečman Dušan
RETRY s.r.o.
ROHDE § SCHWARZ - Praha, s.r.o.
Sádovský Jan
Salák Pavel
SATPO Development, s.r.o.
Slámová Božena
SMP CZ, a.s.
Straud Zdeněk
Svobodová Marie
Šafránek Jiří
Tomsa Jan
Topolánek Mirek
Trtílek Tomáš
Vančura Pavel
Vítková Jitka
VOCHOC, s.r.o.
Voldánová Zdenka
Volhejn Jan
Vosáhlo Jaroslav
Vrána Jiří
Weifurter Jiří
Zapletal Petr
Žídková Alena
Kopecký Martin
10 000,00
10 000,00
Říčany u Prahy
10 000,00
10 000,00
Bystřice pod Hostýnem 10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 4
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 5
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 6
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 5
10 000,00
Ústí nad Labem
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 5
10 000,00
Praha 2
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 6
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Praha 5
10 000,00
10 000,00
Žďár nad Sázavou
10 000,00
Praha 6
10 000,00
10 000,00
Velká Hleďsebe
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
Karlovy Vary
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
10 000,00
9 889,00
Online nákupy a.s.
Bulín Miroslav
Gabzdilová Mariana
Hrudička Zdeněk
Procházková Ljuba
Kasková Alexandra
Mensdorff-Pouilly Hugo
Angelová Barbora
Adamus Milan a.s.
Fritscherová Šárka
Mrozek Zdeněk
obec Homole
Petrík Rastislav
Šádek Jiří
Šebesta Martin
Hodějovský Pavel
Dobrovodský Vladimír
Občanské sdružení Sluníčko
Pačinek Ivo
Pálková Alena
Hladký Martin
Žák Stanislav
Gříbek Čestmír
Honěk Pětr
Hruša Josef
Kolátorová Alena
Kučerová Marie
Malý Tomáš
Musil Martin
Paracelsus, spol. s r.o.
RODA, spol. s r.o.
USU Software, s.r.o.
Vlková Tereza
Kolpingovo dílo České republiky o.s.
Brouček Jan
Fejfarová Martina
Dlasková Radka
Hošková Marie
Baláček Václav
Dvořák Libor
Dvořáková Jana
Goldschmied Jan
Hnilička Jiří
Charvát Michal
Kloubek Matěj
Kotalová Eva
Krásnická Martina
Kryštofová Pavlína
Kubsch Petr
Mík Jakub
Minář Antonín
Minx Aleš
Papežová Marie
Pintar David
Prágl Vladimír
Říčany u Prahy
Karlovy Vary
Praha 8
Praha 3
Praha 7
České Budějovice
Mladá Boleslav
Moravský Krumlov
Praha 4
Praha 4
Žďár nad Sázavou
Újezd nad Lesy
Praha 10
Praha 4
Praha 7
Praha 5
Praha 9
Praha 5
9 705,00
9 500,00
9 500,00
9 300,00
9 300,00
9 000,00
9 000,00
8 398,00
8 140,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
8 000,00
7 900,00
7 800,00
7 600,00
7 500,00
7 500,00
7 350,00
7 200,00
7 200,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
7 000,00
6 863,00
6 600,00
6 600,00
6 500,00
6 200,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
Sponsoring gifts and grants
Růžičková Jana
Sassmann Vladimír
Slancová Dita
Sokolovské strojírny a.s.
Šaršon Jindřich
Toman Martin
Urbánková Hana
Žák Ondřej
Vašíček David
Kumpošt Jiří
Procházková Pavlína
Spáčil Jiří
ABK - Pardubice, a.s.
Abrahám František
Agropodnik a.s. Jičín
Alpo spol. s r.o.
Angelis Marek
ARDIX spol. s r.o.
Augustová Alexandra
AUTOL s.r.o.
Bártová Klára
BEAS, a.s.
Benda Jiří
Blažek Vladimír autodoprava
Bojar Martin
Borská Hana
Brethová Jarmila
Cemper Aleš
CIPRA, spol. s r.o.
Cyrilovo pekařství s.r.o.
Černá Ludmila
Černý Miloš
Praha 9
Praha 6
Praha 6
Praha 10
Praha 10
Hradec Králové
Praha 5
Praha 6
Praha 1
Praha 10
Valašské Meziříčí
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
6 000,00
5 555,00
5 500,00
5 500,00
5 300,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
Česká lékařská komora
sdružení lékařů Jablonec n.Nisou
Česká lékařská komora
sdružení lékařů Louny
Češka Zbyněk
ČSAD BUS Chrudim a.s.
Dalík Zdeněk
Danel Alexander
DELEX, spol. s.r.o.
Derma Plus s.r.o.
Dernerová Alena
DEVA F-M. s.r.o.
DIPAK s.r.o.
Dolinský Michal
DRAGO, spol. s r.o.
Drumev Pavel
Dušek Jaroslav
Dvořáček Vladimír
EKRIN s.r.o.
Eliáš Pavel
Extra Vita s.r.o.
FILLPACK Group s.r.o.
Flemr Jan
Fořt Pavel
Francírek František
Gabrielová Ludmila
Gabryš Martin
GEO Hrubý spol. s r.o.
Green Ways s.r.o.
Grůšová Ilona
Gsys s.r.o.
Gynekologie a porodnictví
Hasík Jan
Havel Václav
Hejl Lukáš
HELIOS Tech., a.s.
Hezoučký František
Hlava Miroslav
Hodek Jiří
HOLS akciová společnost
Hongik Czech, s.r.o.
Hron Radek
Hubač Ján
Huml Josef
Huslin Pavlína
Hutyra Martin
Chlumský Pavel
Chuchma Pavel
INVOS, spol. s r.o.
Janečková Kateřina
Jánská Margot
Jirousová Ingrid
Kadlecová Gabriela
Kalab Jan
Kalhous Richard
Kirchnerová Martina
Klimeš Michal
Klusáček Milan
Kňazovčík Jan
Kocina Jan
Kočí Karel
Kodeš Jiří
Jablonec nad Nisou
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
Lomnice nad Popelkou
Praha 1
Praha 5
Praha 1
Praha 1
Brno, Žabovřesky
Jílové u Prahy
Praha 6
Praha 1
Praha 1
Karviná, Nové Město
Králův Dvůr
Praha 9
Praha 5
Sponsoring gifts and grants
Kokeš Jiří
Kopal Tomáš
Koucký Václav
Koutná Jiřina
Kovalchuk Volodymyr
Kovář Lubomír
Krystýnek Jiří
KUMAN spol. s r.o.
Kuncová Hana
Kůstka Zdenek
Kuťák Zdeněk
Kvasnička Michal
Kytlica Stanislav -kominictví
Laichman Libor
Lelka Vojtěch
LIDNER odlitky, s.r.o.
LINDEN s.r.o.
Máčalík Josef
Mach Dušan
Malát Filip
Matoušek Miroslav
Matoušková Ludmila
Medek Michal
Media Pro Pictures s.r.o.
Mencl Karel
Mikolášová Markéta
Moles Slavomír
Moníková Jitka
MORAVO trading spol. s r.o.
Nadace ADRA
Nádeníková Hana
Nobilis Oleksandr
Novoveský Karel
Nutter Petr
obec Vyskytná
Originální videojournal, spol. s r.o.
Ovsík Pavel
Pacner Jan
Peřinová Marie
PESTAV CZ s.r.o.
Píša - elektroservis s.r.o.
Podroužek Kamil
Pokorný Jaroslav
Pőpperl Jiří
Pospíchal Pavel
Pošar & Partner, s.r.o.
Poštulka Martin
Prašivka Jaromír
Primus Lukáš
Procházková Jana
Rajnoha Oldřich
RAPOS, spol. s r.o.
Reality GAIA, spol. s r.o.
Relaxace Sluníčko
Revlis, s.r.o.
Roháčková Alena
Praha 4
Karviná, Hranice
Říčany u Prahy
Hradec Králové
Praha 9
Praha 5
Praha 1
Praha 5
Praha 1
Horní Suchá
Praha 10
Hradec Králové
Praha 2
Ústí nad Labem
Žďár nad Sázavou
Lomnice nad Popelkou
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
Rychetský Lukáš
Řehula Aleš
Řezňák Pavel
Savov František
Sbor dobrovolných hasičů Rynárec
Sedláček Václav
Sedlák Ctirad
Seibertová Vendula
Schliegsbir Martin
Schwarz Jiří
Siempelkamp Handling Systeme
BOHEMIA, s.r.o.
Skarvan Jaroslav
Slavíčková Eliška
Stehlík Michal
Svačina Zdeněk
Šafránková Eva
Šavel Martin
Šícha Rostislav
Šilar Jan
Šilhánek Ivo
Šimánek Antonín
Šípová Jaroslava
Škarecký Rudolf
Šnajdr Pavel
Štolbová Martina
Šulc Dalibor
Švec Daniel
Tamchyna Daniel
TEZA, s.r.o.
Thomová Zuzana
Trojánek Josef
Trumpeš, spol. s r.o.
Turek Luboš
UNIKO stroje, s.r.o.
Valenta Stanislav
Váňová Martina
VAPES CE s.r.o.
Vargová Alena
Velkoborský Petr
Veselý Václav
Vincencová Šárka
Vlach Petr
Vlasáková Helena
Vlašín Michal
Vodička Miloš
Waszniowski Libor
WerTruck, spol. s r.o.
Xavio s.r.o.
Zaoralová Eva
Zdebor Jan
ZEDOB, s.r.o.
Zlatohlávek Jaroslav
Žabka Petr
Here are just gifts greater than 5 000 C ZK .
Mariánské Lázně
Ústí nad Orlicí
Kralupy nad Vltavou
Česká Třebová
Praha 10
Praha 4
Hradec Králové
Horní Suchá
Praha 4
Zruč nad Sázavou
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
5 000,00
Donations in kind
On an on-going basis, the agency Ogilvy Group
creates all print communication, TV and radio
spots, banners, and other material in connection
with the promotion of the Barriers Account and
other projects of the Foundation. This year, the
website and banners for the charity fundraiser “The
Czech Internet Helps” were added to the roster.
Ogilvy One was the initiator and main organizer
of the largest open-air creative event ever: the
artistic contest Artis Pictus which yielded an
incredible 412 600 crowns for the Barriers Account.
Ogilvy has also been creating the invitations
for all events hosted by the Foundation, and
ensures that the Foundation’s long-term projects
enjoy notoriety in the media. The PR support
by Ogilvy Public Relations, s.r.o. is priceless, and
has helped us communicate the project “Roads
to People”, among a great number of others.
Monetary value: 2 080 400 crowns
KPMG Česká republika Audit, s.r.o. / auditing of
our books for a symbolic price of 1 000 crowns
Monetary value: 700 000 crowns
JCDecaux Group/ image campaign for
the Barriers Account on their citylight ad
facilities across the city of Prague
Československá obchodní banka, a.s. /
donations in kind for charity purposes
Monetary value: 864 876.55 crowns, a.s./ provision of ad space for
the Barriers Account’s media campaign
Monetary value: 480 000 crowns
Model Obaly a.s. / sponsored the production of
40 000 Christmas cards and 40 000 all-season
picture postcards for the Barriers Account
Monetary value: 86 000 crowns (Christmas cards)
Monetary value: 96 000 crowns
(all-season postcards)
HANDY MEDIA s.r.o. / ad campaign on
5 000 public transport handle bars in
13 cities across the Czech Republic
Monetary value: 1 015 000 crowns
Reader´s Digest Výběr s.r.o./ advertising provided
Monetary value: 393 000 crowns
Media partners in support of the
all-season picture postcards /
History Revue, History Revue speciál, Epocha,
Akta History, Doteky štěstí, Paní domu, Tv
pohoda, Pražské listy, Reader´s Digest, Flora
na zahradě, Dřevo a stavby, Psí kusy
Media exposure: 759 900 copies
Monetary value: 920 000 crowns
Media partners in support of the Christmas cards /
Právo, Právní rádce, Učitelské noviny, Reader´s
Digest, Šíp, Epocha, Tv pohoda, Flóra na zahradě
Media exposure: 93 500 copies
Monetary value: 552 660 crowns
Media partners in support of the desk calendars /
Flóra na zahradě, Učitelské noviny, Bankovnictví,
Právní rádce, Moderní obec, Profit
Media exposure: 93 500 copies
Monetary value: 492 000 crowns
Media partners in support of sports calendars /
Týden, TV pohoda, Právo, Sport, Tv mini,,,,
Media exposure: 804 271 copies, 1.9
million visitors to the website
Monetary value: 400 800 crowns
CHIPITA CZ, s.r.o. / sponsor of an ad campaign
to promote the sale of Christmas and allseason postcards for the Barriers Account
Monetary value: 279 000 crowns
Helma 365, s.r.o. / production and distribution of
desk and wall calendars for Sports Without Barriers
Monetary value: 101 366 crowns
Espresso s.r.o./ sponsor of an ad campaign
to promote the sale of Christmas
postcards for the Barriers Account
Monetary value: 99 000 crowns
Zámecké vinařství Bzenec s.r.o. / support of the
sale of all-season postcards for the Barriers Account
Monetary value: 80 000 crowns
Skupina ČEZ, a.s./ sponsor of the sale
of the Czech Hockey wall calendar
Monetary value: 65 000 crowns
Winery LAHOFER, a.s. / 734 bottles of wine for the
Foundation’s special showing at Ungelt Theater
organized for sellers of the “You Can Do It”
magazine; the Foundation’s theater performance
at the Palace Theater (organized to boost the
sales of postcards), the festive closing of the
internet charity fundraiser “The Czech Internet
Helps”, and the award ceremonies for the Tom
Stoppard Prize, the František Kriegel Prize, the
Josef Vavrušek Prize, and the Jaroslav Seifert Prize
Monetary value: 117 017 crowns
NEWTON Media, a.s. / electronic clipping service
Monetary value: 128 016 crowns a.s. / media campaign in
support of the charity fundraiser “The Czech
Internet Helps” for the Barriers Account
Monetary value: 100 000 crowns
Equica, a.s. / creation of database and
information software for the Foundation
and its administrative needs
ACTIVA spol. s r.o. / procurement of office supplies
needed for the operation of the Foundation’s office
Monetary value: 45 852.85 crowns
igepa velkoobchod papírem spol. s r.o. /
exclusive sponsor of the paper on which the
Foundation’s annual report is printed
Monetary value: 15 000 crowns
EMWAC Group s.r.o. / creation and administration
of the Foundation’s website
KPCZ, s.r.o. / BPOS services for the
period from 10 – 30 June 2011
Monetary value: 1 255.93 EUR
FIAT ČR spol. s r.o. / 33 % discount on
the purchase of a Fiat Ducato vehicle
within the Globus Fund project
DEFEND GROUP a.s. / Defend Lock anti-theft
technology for the Globus Fund project vehicle
RÜCKL CRYSTAL a.s. / glass sculpture –
part of the sponsoring gift that comes
with the Josef Vavroušek Prize
Monetary value: 4 800 crowns
BOHEMIA SEKT, a.s. / procurement of a tasting
event at the International Golf Tournament for
the handicapped – “Golf Without Barriers”
Monetary value: 7 695.54 crowns
Visual artist Alois Mikulka donated his draft of
a Christmas postcard to the Barriers Account.
Visual artist Jiří Šalamoun donated a drawing of
the iconic cartoon character Maxipes Fík, used on
the all-season postcard of the Barriers Account.
Visual artist Emanuel Ranný donated a drawing
to the Foundation – part of the gift for the
laureate of the Jaroslav Seifert Prize.
Galerie La Femme / 20 pedestals
needed to exhibit artwork
Monetary value: 10 000 crowns
ROB SOFT s.r.o. / 3 “Sendmails” licenses
Monetary value: 1 997 crowns
Československá obchodní banka,
a.s. / 300 computers
Monetary value: 240 000 crowns
Metropolitní univerzita, o.p.s. / 7
Windows XP Home software licenses
T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. / 10 cell
phones with a “Twist” pre-paid card
REMA Systém, a.s. / 21 desktop PC
and printer configurations
Monetary value: 188 400 crowns
iAudit International s.r.o. / website
traffic rating for the online presence of
the Barriers Account:
MEGAFLEX, spol. s r.o. / creation
of a commemorative stamp for
the Jaroslav Seifert Prize
Financial Performance
Příjmy nadace
Příspěvky drobných dárců
Příspěvky sponzorů
Čistý výnos NIF
18 589 175,00
23 255 738,00
32 401 876,00
1 044 522,00
75 291 311,00
18 164 554,00
41 181 489,00
986 421,00
60 332 464,00
Výnosy nadace
Výnosy vkladů a depozit
Ostatní výnosy
Tržby za vlastní výrobky
Kurzové zisky
Výnosy z finančních investic
Tržby za prodané zboží
Přijaté příspěvky
Tržby z prodeje služeb
677 037,00
97 609,00
33 315,00
39 375,00
646 641,00
998 432,00
242 133,00
381 131,00
3 115 673,00
294 064,00
31 205,00
1 648,00
399 898,00
1 151 208,00
894 572,00
1 276 786,00
4 049 381,00
Výnosy nadace - finanční transakce
Tržby z prodej cenných papírů
Zúčtování pohledávky
Zúčtování fondů
Příjmy a výnosy nadace celkem
6 890 865,00
11 439 036,00
18 329 901,00
96 736 885,00
14 364 327,00
10 885 492,00
25 249 819,00
89 631 664,00
Nadační jmění zapsané v OR k 31.12.2010 činí 76,616.350,- Kč.
Náklady nadace
Výdaje na zajištění projektů
Režijní náklady
Kurzové ztráty
Prodané cenné papíry
Výdaje nadace
Pořízený dlouhodobý majetek
Poskytnuté příspěvky
Rozpis režijních nákladů
Spotřební materiál
Spotřeba energie
Opravy a údržba
Náklady na reprezentaci
Odvody a pojištění
Sociální náklady
Bankovní poplatky
Ostatní poplatky
Překlady, právní porady
Ostatní služby a náklady
9 477 782,00
4 651 710,00
459 692,00
6 838 013,00
18 378,00
21 445 575,00
8 675 370,00
6 052 287,00
16 738,00
14 527 800,00
27 006,00
29 299 201,00
76 700,00
58 524 400,00
58 601 100,00
45 972 986,00
45 972 986,00
81 385,00
68 076,00
7 107,00
1 770,00
19 791,00
178 230,00
57 934,00
137 794,00
2 192 428,00
784 384,00
89 103,00
9 800,00
26 197,00
22 860,00
24 560,00
950 291,00
4 651 710,00
260 112,00
41 991,00
246 758,00
53 638,00
231 682,00
57 162,00
144 496,00
2 475 962,00
786 225,00
120 435,00
1 740,00
35 889,00
19 680,00
32 029,00
1 544 488,00
6 052 287,00
V roce 2011 poměr správních nákladů vůči nadačnímu jmění zapsanému v obchodním
rejstř íku nepřekročil maximální poměr stanovený ve statutu nadace v souladu se vztahujícími
se právními předpisy. Za rok 2005 předpisy.
V roce 2011 činil tento poměr 7,90 %.
Grant procedure rules – Endowment Investment Fund
Nadace zveřejní tématické zaměření
výběrového řízení a základní podmínky,
které musí zájemce splňovat, aby se mohl
do řízení přihlásit.
Přednost mají projekty přinášející nové
přístupy a řešení, naopak běžné provozní
náklady nejsou z výnosu NIF hrazeny.
V omezené míře, pouze při speciálně
vyhlášeném zadání výběrového řízení, lze
poskytnout nadační příspěvky na investice.
V takovém případě je nutné doložit
majetkoprávní vztahy organizace k objektu,
v němž se projekt uskutečňuje, a záruku
vícezdrojového financování.
Nezbytnou součástí žádosti je vyjádření
představitelů obce, kraje, či dalších
nezpochybnitelných garantů ke kvalitě
projektu, jeho potřebnosti a začlenění
do struktury sociálních služeb v regionu
Nadace poskytuje příspěvky občanským
sdružením, účelovým zařízením církví,
obecně prospěšným společnostem, školám
a obcím na projekty, jejichž záměry jsou
v souladu s posláním a cíli nadace.
Zveřejnění zajišťují
internetové stránky nadace
dva celostátní deníky – odborné časopisy
Obecné podmínky pro účast
ve výběrovém řízení
Podrobně zpracovaný projekt
Konkrétní žádost o podporu
Detailní rozpočet
Doporučení dvou nezávislých garantů
Kopie zakládací listiny, registrace
organizace a plný statut
Výpis z účetní uzávěrky za minulý rok
Veškeré dokumenty je třeba odevzdat
v 9 kopiích.
Hlavní kriteria hodnocení
Kvalita předkládaného projektu
Dosavadní činnost organizace
Odborné i finanční zázemí pro
uskutečnění projektu
Přínos pro danou oblast, region, začlenění
do regionálního rozvoje
O přidělení nadačních příspěvků rozhoduje
Rada Konta BARIÉRY ve dvoukolovém hodnocení nejpozději do konce dubna. O výsledcích jednání je každý účastník písemně
informován do konce května. Se žadateli,
kteří získají nadační podporu, je podepsána
smlouva o poskytnutí nadačního příspěvku,
která zajistí efektivní a hospodárné využití
poskytnutých finančních prostředků a která
respektuje požadavky stanovené Fondem
národního majetku. Smlouva ošetřuje přesné určení konečného příjemce nadačního
příspěvku a omezuje možnost jakéhokoliv
dalšího přerozdělování. Pokud nejsou dodržena základní ustanovení, může Nadace
od smlouvy odstoupit a požadovat vrácení
nadačního příspěvku. Příspěvky, které nebyly využity do stanoveného termínu, získá
další projekt podle bodového pořadí výběrového řízení.
Auditor’s report – Endowment Investment Fund
Auditor’s report – Endowment Investment Fund
Auditor’s report
Statutory bodies
Members of the Board of Trustees
František Janouch, předseda, fyzik,
Gita Tučná, místopředsedkyně,
ekonomka, Praha
Evžen Hart, místopředseda, manažer,
Andrea Bartoňová Ferancová, manažerka,
Robert Bezděk, advokát, Praha
Martin Bojar, lékař, Praha
Jiří Fárek, ekonom, Praha
Petra Mašínová, manažerka, Praha
Anna Veverková, novinářka, Praha
Petr Hazuza, Počítače proti bariérám
(od července 2011)
[email protected]
Jan Beroun, Počítače proti bariérám
(od března 2012)
[email protected]
Patrik Zalmay, Počítače proti bariérám
[email protected]
Patricie Jirků, Norské fondy, Iuventus
Medica, Fond předsedy, Stipendium
[email protected]
Members of the Supervisory Board
Jana Kociánová, SENSEN
(do srpna 2011)
Petr Šimčák, manažer Praha
Jan Mühlfeit, manažer, Praha
Marie Kousalíková, ekonomka, Praha
Zdeněk Procházka, SENSEN
(od června 2011)
[email protected]
The Office of the Foundation
Romana Junková, SENSEN
(od listopadu 2011)
[email protected]
Božena Jirků, výkonná ředitelka Nadace
Charty 77, ředitelka Konta BARIÉRY
[email protected]
Martin Kolouch, finanční poradce
[email protected]
Věra Lošťáková, programově provozní
[email protected]
Dagmar Babková, Konto BARIÉRY
[email protected]
Iveta Štamposká, asistentka projektu
[email protected]
Martina Potomová, Sport bez bariér,
Nový start, Fondy
[email protected]
Indira Bornová, Cena Toma Stopparda,
Cena Jaroslava Seiferta, Cena Františka
Kriegla, Cena Josefa Vavrouška, aukční
salony výtvarníků
[email protected]
Eva Hajdušková, Počítače proti bariérám,
Stipendium BARIÉRY (do října 2011)
[email protected]
Blanka Loužecká, účetní
[email protected]
Eva Křížová, asistentka účetní
(od září 2011)
[email protected]
Eva Książczak, PR a marketing manager
[email protected]
Kristina Jakubcová, redakce webových
[email protected]
Soňa Formanová, Golf bez bariér,
Cesty k lidem (smluvní spolupráce)
[email protected]
Jan Šilpoch, fotoreportér
(od června 2011)
[email protected]
Zuzana Divišová, Matyáš a Šimon Bornovi,
Martina Pošvicová, Zdena Potměšilová,
Barbora a Vojta Sommerovi, Veronika
Bronislava Krausová, Počítače proti
bariérám, Stipendium BARIÉRY
(od listopadu 2011)
[email protected]
Contact details
Head office
Nadace Charty 77
Melantrichova 5, 110 00 Praha 1
IČ: 00417904
DIČ: CZ00417904
tel.: 224 230 216, 224 214 452,
224 225 092
fax: 224 213 647
e-mail: [email protected]
Nadace Charty 77 je zapsána
v nadačním rejstříku, vedeném Městským soudem
v Praze oddíl N, vložka 21.
Nadace Charty 77 je zakládajícím členem Asociace
nadací Fóra dárců.
Charta 77 Foundation
ČSOB, Na Příkopě 14, Praha 1
Číslo účtu:
478436313/0300 (Kč)
189385441/0300 (EUR)
IBAN: CZ15 0300 0000 0004 7843 6313
Sport without Barriers
UniCredit Bank, Nám. Republiky 3a/2090,
Praha 1
Číslo účtu: 66163005/2700
House of the Four Muses
Česká spořitelna, Olbrachtova 1929/62,
Praha 4
Číslo účtu: 55225522/0800
(veřejná sbírka)
Gift SMS
Dárcovská SMS ve tvaru
DMS KONTOBARIERY na tel. číslo 87777
Roční dárcovská SMS ve tvaru
na tel. číslo 87777
Každý měsíc po dobu jednoho roku Vám
bude automaticky stažena 1 DMS
v hodnotě 30 Kč.
Barriers Account
Raiffeisenbank, Václavské nám. 43,
Praha 1
Číslo účtu: 17111444/5500
(veřejná sbírka)
IBAN: CZ03 5500 0000 0000 1711 1444
Česká spořitelna, Olbrachtova 1929/62,
Praha 4
Číslo účtu: 777777222/0800
(sponzorské dary)
IBAN: CZ94 0800 0000 0007 7777 7222
Česká spořitelna, Olbrachtova 1929/62,
Praha 4
Číslo účtu: 555111222/0800
(adresné direct mailové zásilky)
PCs against Barriers
Česká spořitelna, Olbrachtova 1929/62,
Praha 4
Číslo účtu: 666444222/0800
Thank you Sponsors!
Nadace Charty 77
Výroční zpráva byla vydána s pomocí
Grafický návrh a typografie: Jiří Bušek
Foto: Jan Šilpoch a archiv
Překlad: SPĚVÁČEK překladatelská
agentura s.r.o.