February 2015 - Pinellas County Schools
February 2015 - Pinellas County Schools
Turtle Tidings February 2015 www.SanderlinIB.com James B. Sanderlin PK-8 Turtle Tidings Page 1 February 2015 From the Desk of Dr. Miller At A Glance Dr. Denise Miller Principal Miss Sue Cehi Assistant Principal Ms. Pat Wright Area I Supt. 727-588-5022 Student Hours: 8:35 a.m. - 2:35 p.m. Monday-Friday Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. www.sanderlinib.com Mission: Sanderlin IB World School is committed to teaching and learning with the brain and heart in mind. Our community of active, lifelong learners will use an inquiry approach through our challenging programs to become internationally-minded citizens. Dear Parent/Guardian: A number of times during the year, Sanderlin teachers use processes called “progress monitoring” and “common assessments” as tools to determine how well students are doing academically. In many classes and grade levels, children also set goals and write action plans to help them to focus on which areas they need to improve. You may want to ask your child how she or he is doing compared to the expectations for that grade level or subject area. You can definitely track grades and progress through FOCUS for the upper grades! We use our information to vary a teacher’s direct instruction, select specific activities for centers or computer-based software applications, and/or help students choose “just right” books, to name a few best strategies. We hope you were able to attend the Jan. 21st workshop for parents of students in grades 3-8 and learned about the new Florida Standards Assessments and what your child will need to be able to do to be successful with very different testing formats. You can always review valuable information included in the district’s web page (http://pcsb.schoolwires.net/domain/230) and the state’s web page (http:// www.fsassessments.org/students-and-parents). Our school was selected by the state for “field testing” a version of the Florida State Assessment writing test, which will be held for grades 4-8 on Feb. 4-5, 2015. That means we will be part of a group of schools who take the test to see how well it works under the conditions it will be used next year. After a field test, the developers make changes for the final assessment according to the results of this one. As we approach the first round of state tests, please help your child perform at his or her best each day by: eating a good breakfast, getting a good night’s sleep, and being in school every day on time and in seat by 8:35 a.m. (we recommend arrival no later than 8:15 a.m. so there is plenty of time for breakfast if needed, and settling in the classroom). In addition, getting students used to reading for long periods of time (called “reading stamina”) is also a plus during these testing times. Across the grade levels, reading 20 - 45 minutes each night (or being read to by a parent or family member in the primary grades) helps build that stamina. Our home-school partnership is the key to highest student achievement. Please stay in contact & keep up with what’s happening by insuring your phone numbers and email addresses in FOCUS are kept up -to-date, our communication source for the weekly voicemail messages and sending home digital copies of our monthly newsletter & other important information. I also encourage you to take time each night to talk with your child about the best part of each day & celebrate successes! Dr. Miller Turtle Tidings February 2015 Dates to Remember Feb. 3 Class Pictures Day Feb. 4 Magnet Acceptance Period opens Feb. 4-5 Florida Standards Assessment Writing Field Test for Grades 4-8 Feb. 6 All Pro Dads & iMoms Breakfast – Come out and enjoy some pancakes with your child! @ 7:30 a.m. (Cafeteria); PYP Birthday Table Feb. 10 School Advisory Council Mtg. 7-8:30 p.m. www.SanderlinIB.com Page 2 Monthly News Updates * School Messenger is the distr ict’s communication tool with which we can send voicemail and email messages WITH ATTACHMENTS! Due to budget cuts & the IB way of “going green” and conserving our natural resources, the vast majority of communication will be sent electronically this school year. Please listen to the Sunday night “Weekly Message” to keep you informed of weekly events! * It's very important that your current home and business telephone numbers, as well as two emergency contacts always be on file in the school office. PLEASE KEEP YOUR PHONE NUMBERS & EMAIL ADDRESSES UPDATED IN FOCUS! * New Address??? Quite a few student addr ess updates have been r ecently r epor ted to teachers or the front office. Parents MUST bring proof of any change in address to the front office, in order to have the address changed in the district database. Parents must bring in a utility bill, phone bill, or lease for the new address. It is very important to keep this information up-todate; transportation and county mailings depend on having the correct information in our system! Thank you. * Sanderlin PK-8 IB World School is in need of mentors for: Take Stock in Childen (6th-8th grade) & General Mentor Program (Grades K-5) Feb. 11 Magnet Acceptance Period ends at midnight * We are no longer collecting Capri Sun pouches - they pay very little and are messy/stinky to handle. Thanks for your support of this initiative in the past! Feb. 12 PTSA Spirit Night @ Flippers Pizza - 4 p.m. to close Student Handbook Reminder Feb. 14 Garden Club 9 a.m. to noon – lots of plants to plant! Please join us ! Feb. 16 District Professional Development Day – No school for students Feb. 19 Evening Among the Stars Family Fun Night Feb. 24 Evening of Excellence to announce Pinellas County Schools Educator of the Year Feb. 26 PTSA Board Mtg @ 6;30 p.m. ***Special thanks to Bob Evans and Lokey Motors for their support of iMoms and All Pro Dads Breakfast! MEDICATIONS: School per sonnel may assist students in the administr ation of clearly labeled medications only when the official authorization form is on file at school, and only at the time designated by the doctor. OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS: The medication for ms (ORANGE) ar e available in the school office. Please fill in with the name of the medication, dosage and special instructions. All forms must be signed by a physician/dentist and the parent/guardian. Medication must be in the original, unopened, and labeled container. PRESCRIBED MEDICATION: The medication for ms (BLUE) ar e available in the school office. The medication must be delivered to school in a labeled, original container that specifically states the dosage and time(s) the medication is to be given (i.e. “11:30am”, not “at lunchtime”). Please fill in the name of the medication, dosage and any special instr uctions. All forms must be signed by the parent/guardian. Eye and ear drops cannot be administered by school personnel. Turtle Tidings February 2015 www.SanderlinIB.com Page 3 INTERNATIONAL DINNER/AUCTION In anticipation of the Sanderlin International Dinner and Auction March 26th, we wanted to make sure you were informed about how thing s will work. In the last month you should have received a letter identifying your classes theme. In the letter we ask that each family donate one item that is related to your classes theme and bring it to your homeroom teacher Example: Fir st gr ades theme is baking Possible Items you might donate: Measur ing spoons, bowls, cups, r olling pins etc… Depending on your classes support we may have several baskets per theme to be auctioned off the night of the event. It is very possible you may bid on a basket worth $100.00 but only pay $25.00 for its contents. Additionally, we are soliciting local businesses to help support our school, some of the items already acquired include (Great Explorations Family Membership, Two Night Stay at the Tradewinds, Lacrosse Stick and Fall Clinic Registration) to name but a few. As a reminder please see below a listing of your class’s assigned theme. Remember no item is too big or to small we appreciate all you can do to support this fun filled evening with family and friends. Pre-K: Home Impr ovement K: Boar d Games 1st Grade: Baking 2nd Grade: Spor ts Equipment/Outdoor Games 3rd Grade: Ar ts and Cr afts 4th Grade: The Beach 5th Grade: Scr apbooking 6th Grade: Flor ida Fan (Any par apher nalia fr om a Flor ida Team) 7th Grade: Pamper the Ladies 8th Grade: Gift Car ds any amount If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help with the event please contact Tina Henderson 688-9875. All items should be brought to your homeroom teacher prior to March 1st Turtle Tidings February 2015 www.SanderlinIB.com Page 4 Turtle Tidings February 2015 www.SanderlinIB.com Page 5 Turtle Tidings February 2015 www.SanderlinIB.com Page 6 Additional Updates * Our middle school students were introduced to a career program last month called Career Cruising. It is a great resource to take interest assessments, research possible careers, and learn anything that you may want to know about successfully reaching their career goals. Please encourage your children to keep working on that website and taking advantage of all the available information. Here is the link: http://www2.careercruising.com/default/cplogin/PIN. The user name and password is the same R2D2 and student ID they use to login at school. Please check out the sign and have fun learning and preparing for your children’s future. Student Services Department: Robyn Royal school social worker Kim Curran PYP school counselor Jeremy Salyers MYP school counselor Shannon Myron school psychologist Parents, We know it's been quite a while since your fall portraits were taken at school, but there's still time to view and order. You may view your photos and purchase online. Click on this link: http://www.vernonphoto.com/order/ Please click on the RED button: that says "Order School Portraits". Enter your child's online code from the reprint reminder proof strip or ask your school for the individual code. If you should have any questions regarding viewing and ordering your photos, feel free to contact us. All products will be produced and mailed back to you within 3 weeks from the time your order is placed. Also, please mark your calendars – student class pictures will be taken on Tuesday February 3, 2015. Thank you, The Vernon Photo Team Turtle Tidings February 2015 www.SanderlinIB.com Page 7 MYP/PYP Superlatives PYP Dean's List Aguilar-Codina, Andrea Allgood, Elizabeth Marie Baker, Alena Nicole Bonczek, Jamy Lynn Diaz, Gabriella Andrea Difilippo, Sofia Gabriella Dubrule, LiLi Constance Early, Kalia Sharice Favaron, Zachary Alexander Giangrosso, Joy Lorraine Grimsley, Keyanna Dericia Harden, Nija LB Keyser, Isobel Random Kusek, Grace Violet Maronie, Morgan Kaleigh Michaelis, Madelyn James Morrow, Maria Lopez Needham, Russell Guillen Nobles, William Daniel Nordquist, Malakai Forest Norfleet, Elijah Markel Pineda, Mia Janelle Pohl, Marisa Kathleene Rodriguez, Tyler Li Rosen, Chandler Drew Ruiz, Izadora Nadege Ruiz, Zuri Belen Smet, Miles Alejandro Thompson, Haley Lynn Tittle, Nathanael Albert Voorhis, Ashley Haley Zebrowski, Ola Zofia 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 5 5 5 4 3 5 4 5 3 3 3 4 3 PYP Principal's List Altenore, Matthew Isaiah Anderson, Corey Gawayne Barnes, John Kenneth Billue Jr, Charles Earle Butler, Mason Demese Cagle, Dawson Thomas Callihan, Riana Nevaeh Chaloux, John Caldwell Christenson, Elizabeth Ann 3 3 3 5 4 5 3 5 5 Chugani, Shyam Naresh 3 Clemons, Angelic 4 Coates, Amari Tiffany 4 Corbett, Jabari Moyenda 4 Corbett, Saniyah Mo'Nique 3 Cowan, Carolyn Grace 5 Dade, Kennedi Ora 5 Daly, Ava Grace 5 Denehy, Derek William 5 Fahmy, Kenzy Mahmoud 4 Favors, Zahir Antonio 4 Ford, Antonio Micheal 3 Franklin, Gregory Jayden 4 Gardner, Elizabeth Rayne 4 Gibson, Isaac Jakobi 3 Gonzalez, Rylee Elizabeth 3 Gonzalez, Tyler Nelson 3 Henriksson, Benedict John Paul 4 Jackson, Akya Mechelle 3 Kates, Ahmarre Jiehl 5 Khalil, Jenann Osamah 3 Klemm, Ethan Bradley 5 Lampert, Alyssa 3 Lockhart, Jalicia Iyana 5 Major, Tafari 5 Maronie, Morgan Kaleigh 5 McCreedy, Eavan Jane 4 McDaniel, Jacobi Jovan 3 McDonald, Shania Sarai 5 McGuire, Za'Naisha Monae 3 Michaelis, Ursula Helene 3 Miller, Cole David 4 Mohr, Markus Hans 4 Montgomery, Zah' Janae Ladaijah 5 Morantes, Kayleigh Rosa 5 Morgan, Samara Deviegh 5 O'Reilly, Rebecca G 5 Oliphant, Jasmine Maria 5 Osborne, Chloe Mae 3 Pittman, Tanyah Monae 5 Ramirez, Jairo israel 5 Ritchie, Peyton Matthew 5 Ross, Violet Lucy Belle 4 Saysavang, Niyah 4 Shah, Mahi Tushar 3 Simpson, Arran Houston 3 Smith, Karmen Latay 5 Stephens, Brandon Jamaal 5\ Stricklett, Lucy Amelia 3 Swain, Jhada Amani 4\ Swenson, Allessandra Rihana 3 Torres, Damian Eduardo 4 Tzokas, Nikola Elias 4 Ulevich, Toby Brian 4 Voorhis, Nicole Bonnie 4 Walker, Patrick Taurus 4 Walker, Tegan Jayla Duanerria 5 Walton, Bayoahn Assante 3 Wannemacher, Sage Helen 3 Warwick, Harlow Dylan 4 Watson, Sawyer Patrick 5 Wick, Addison Elizabeth 3 Williams, Mary Lewis 4 Wiseman, Jose Luis 3 Wright, Emory Elison 3 Birthday Parties ~ Special Events Maria Baker, (727) 202-6860 240 46 Avenue, St Pete Beach, FL 33706 Turtle Tidings February 2015 www.SanderlinIB.com Page 8 MYP/PYP Superlatives MYP Dean's List Anderson, DaJaun Jeremiah Arick, Alexandra Josephine Bell, Ragan Braunwyn Bernhart, Julia Michelle Delucca, Addyson Marie Early, Kimora Ashanti Farris, Owen James Goddard, Hudson William Grant, Maslin Amias Hansen, Grace Mary Heganovic, Lana Kearney, Torrie Alysa Maronie, Taylor Leigh Martynow, Elizabeth Marie Marx, Ava Simone Minarcin, McKenna Katrina Morrow, Elena Lopez Morrow, Nicolas Lopez Pavelski, Zachary Wallace Pyhel, Madison Rasberry Robinson, Kara Elaine Royall, Chase William Shah, Mayur Tushar Smith, Ryan Matthew Sullivan, Jackson Sumilang, Layla Isabelle Susac, Matea Lucia Thomas, Dennis Tracy, Shannon Noel Walters, Andra' Lamar Wiktorsson, Julia Lynn Willett, Emma Ryan 6 6 7 8 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 7 7 8 6 8 6 8 8 6 7 6 6 7 8 6 6 6 6 7 MYP Principal's List Adderley; Jarwon Derek 7 Aguilar-Codina; Roger 8 Alexis; Adonis Michael 8 Allen; Sabrina Gray 7 Allen; Sy Francis 6 Ameer; Sabira Miriam 6 Anthony; Timothy Arlen 7 Austin-Williams; Aaliyah Dior 6 Barnhizer; Melissa Kimberly 8 Berman; Julia Paige 7 Brown; Molly Gabriele 6 Buettner; Merrick Daniel 8 Cagle; Margaret Kelsey Grace 8 Castellano-Kestler; Olivia Moon 6 Chaloux; Johnna Kathryn 8 Cooper; Lilian Delphine 7 Coovadia; Darwin Linnea Aviva 7 Cox; Kaela Leslie 6 Creollo; Taylor Lee-Ann 7 Culler; Macharia Laurhyn 6 Dorcas; Juliette Rosalie 8 Dunn; William Blaise 6 Fasce; Angelo Michael 8 Galluccio; Autumn Rose 6 Giangrosso; Jonas Anthony 8 Goldych; Rory Tighe 7 Grimes; Sara Kendall 6 Growe; Alanna Ada-Louise 6 Henderson; Gabriella Marie 6 Henderson; Philip 7 Henriksson; Jonah Tobias Pio 6 Henry; Ayeshah Khareemah 8 Hernandez; Samantha Liselth 6 Hopkins; Callista Morgan 8 Hudson; Wesley Charles 7 Hurskin; Valyncia 6 Jones; Alvin Danya 7 Jotch; Isabelle Jill 8 Koeske; Danielle Marie 7 Kowzan; Hailey Elizabeth 7 Kriseman; Samuel Anthony 6 Kwiatkowski; Connor Charles 8 Kwiatkowski; Emily Rose 6 Lewis; Andrew James 6 Loney; Jacob Campos 7 Lynch; Angela Francis 8 McDonald; Rayauna Shkira 8 Michaels; John Elliot 8 Miller; Erin Grace 8 Miller; Noah John 6 Miller; Zaire Ahmir 8 Montoya-Prescott; Jadyn Kianna 6 Habana Café 5402 Gulfport Blvd S., Gulfport, Fl 33706 Mosier; Cameron Audrey 7 Mut; Javier Alan 6 Nelson; Andrew Blair 6 Perkins; Jed Cary 7 Phung; Trian Luu 6 Plexico; Hollis Ann 7 Pridemore; Benjamin Jeffrey 7 Protho; Jasmine Charnez 8 Przyborowski; Anna Sophie 8 Pyhel; McKenzie Rasberry 6 Ramirez; Alexandra 8 Ritchie; Chloe Akira 7 Romero; Alexander Robert 7 Rosenthal; Kailyn Rose 6 Sahay; Saumya Samridhi 6 Schwager; Talia Martha 7 Schwartz; Christina Jade 8 Sheeley; Jacey Love 6 Sheridon; Maire Denelle 6 Smith; Myranda Niccole 6 Somarriba; Francisco Antonio 8 Stanley; John Graham 8 Stephens; Elijah Christian 6 Stoici; Sebastian 7 Torres; Ana Christina 7 Tritch; Andrew John 8 Ulevich; Ty Christopher 7 Warwick; Hunter Ryan 7 Waters; Brandan Wesley 6 Webster; Carson R 6 Welch; Rebecca Rose 7 Wiseman; Zachary Edward 7 Turtle Tidings February 2015 www.SanderlinIB.com Page 9