July 2015 Windword - Walnut Valley Sailing Club


July 2015 Windword - Walnut Valley Sailing Club
The Newsletter of the Walnut Valley Sailing Club
JULY 2015
July 3
Junior Cardboard Boat Race
July 4
Independence Day
July 4
Watermelon Run
July 9
Board of Governors Meeting
July 18
Hawaiian Pig Roast
July 18
Sunflower State Games
We b s i t e : w w w.w v s a i l i n g . c o m
From the Commodore
We finally got the boat out, raised sails and went out for a great sail. The winds were a little
stronger than we usually go for, on our first sail of the year. Deb had P1 close hauled with the rails
in the water. What a great way to start the sailing season! I can’t wait for the next sail and hope
to see more boats across the lake, from the club harbor to the dam.
Hopefully you’ve been to the lake, and noticed the water is coming down from the 5 ½' above pool
level. After several years of seeing drought conditions, it’s been very good to see this abundance
of water. However, this did result in the postponement of some of our favorite club functions:
the Long Distance Race and the Shrimp Boil. These have been moved to July and September
(respectively), so plan on being there to enjoy these events.
Zack and Jim did hold the Summer Sailstice event. At 12:00 pm we made as much noise as we
July 25 Long Distance Sailing Activity
could (horns/whistles/bells/etc.), welcoming the longest day of the year. Snacks, games and
hanging out with friends, were the plans of the day. It was so good to see everyone having a
good time together.
Aug. 8 Poker Run
Aug. 15
Souther Chicken Dinner /
Game Night
John Aschbrenner [email protected]
Zak Kissack
[email protected]
Brad Oblak
[email protected]
Blaine Van Dam
[email protected]
Randy Malcolm
[email protected]
Geri McFadden
Genee Kubin
Tim Miller
Amos Cape
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jennifer Pasternak [email protected]
Jennifer Pasternak [email protected]
July is going to be a very active month. Please watch your emails for events, and plan on attending
the sailing activities and the social activities. The MORE the MERRIER!!
The Audit Committee met with the CPA again. We plan on presenting the findings, recommendations,
and the incorporation of these recommendations to the August Board of Governors meeting.
The club races are scheduled to move to Wednesday nights. If you have any interest in racing or
learning to race, come on out and join us. After the races, there is time to hang out and swap
stories of the happenings from the races.
The club has had various members invite other groups to our club, to experience sailing and WVSC.
The Adventurous Babes, the Parrot Heads and the Friends of El Dorado Lake will all be out to
WVSC. All are FUN groups! This is a prime time to share the passion of sailing. If you happen
to see these groups, introduce yourself and welcome them to our club! These are
opportunities to grow our club!
The STEP program was also affected by the high water. The first session was moved, to be
incorporated with the 2nd session. Ted and Jack are also offering sessions to qualify our members
in the 14.2’s. This will allow members the use of these boats during the season — with the
exception of the time that STEP classes are being held.
Sailing the 14.2’s can be a lot of fun!
I hope you’ve caught the common thread I’ve been trying
to convey. It was SO good to see everyone having fun at
the Sailstice activity, and not one person came up to talk
politics with me! For one afternoon, it was just about
FUN!! We need more afternoon and evenings like this and
we need more members joining in. With your participation,
we can have a full house at our activities. You will have a
GREAT / FUN time!!! Hope to see you at the Lake!
Fair Winds!
John Aschbrenner
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------July 4th
Watermelon Run
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------July 18th
Pig Roast
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------August 8th
Poker Run
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------August 15th
Southern Chicken Dinner / Game Night
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------September 5th
Annual Decathlon Run
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------September 19th
Annual Shrimp Boil
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------October 10th
Chili Cook Off
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------November 14th
Annual Meeting
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------December 5th
Christmas Party at Crestview Country Club
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Watch for announcements of gatherings over Holiday weekends •
Wednesday Morning Breakfast Club: Now that the water is back
on at the lake, John McCabe has reinstituted the Wednesday Morning
Breakfast Club. Go to the lake for the 9 AM meeting. Hang out with
other sailors, eat and swap lies…er…I mean sailing stories!
Summer Racing Session Begins: The Spring racing session is
over, thankfully. Between the high water and high winds we only
got off two races! Summer racing starts Wednesday July 1. Races will
begin at 7:00 PM, with skippers’ meeting at 6:00 PM It will run from
July 1-August 26. After racing, stick around and swap sailing stories
and eat PIZZA (donations collected).
Model Sailing: We all are aware of the sailboat racing activities—
both within our club and at Ninnescah. Did you know there's another
club that races sailboats in the area? Primarily one design races are
held once a month, spring through fall. Usually 10 sailboats, give or
take a few, show up at one of the lakes at Sedgwick County Park, next
to the Zoo. Competitive racing is held according to established full
sized racing rules.
Hope to see you on the water,
Randy Malcom
We're talking about the Air Capital Model Sailing Club, or ACMSC.
They have a very good website that tells you when the races are, what
time, etc. One class is called the Seawind Class. The boats are built
from a kit sold by a company called Kyosho. Local hobby shops often
stock these. All put together, this boat is 1 meter long and 6' tall,
from keel to mast top. You can adjust stays, shrouds, down hauls, etc
but cannot modify the hull. Jib and mainsail have to not be modified
either. A 2 channel ( 2 function ) radio is used. One function is rudder,
and the other is operating the sails using a sail winch servo.
Security Bonus: Now that we have a new security system installed
in the activity center, WVSC can offer a share of the incentive bonus
offered by Central Security (previously “Securenet”).
If you are considering an alarm system for your house or business,
mention WVSC as your sponsor and when we receive confirmation of
the referral bonus, the club will contribute $30 to your cost of
I have had my Seawind for about 10 years. It is a quick model, and
takes surprisingly little wind to make way. I have never had to rescue
my boat, they always drift to shore, at least.
Capri 14.2 Checkout: We will be offering our "check-out" sessions
for the Capri 14.2 sailboats anytime during the summer months (warm
water required!).
This is a very friendly group. They will very freely let you try the
sailing...after all, you can't harm or damage the boat. They can also
be very competitive, and they keep scoring all season long. Rob Fresh
from the Ninnescah Sailing Association is a very good racer, perhaps
some of you know him.
Walnut Valley Club members are invited to call Tedd Blankenship
(775-1064) or Jack Van Dam (655-0046) to make arrangements for
an orientation session. The boats will not be available during the STEP
classes, but otherwise are available for club use. Experienced sailors
only please; those under the age of 24 must have a Kansas Boater
Safety certificate to be at the helm as per Kansas State law.
Liaison Positions
Come on out, watch and learn. You just might get hooked!!!
WVSC Member Randy White
Board LiaisonCommittee Chairs
Racing Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randy Malcom . Randy Malcom
Social Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geri McFadden . TBD
Membership Committee . . . . . . . . . Genee Kubin . . . Gwen Bonifield
Finance Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brad Oblak . . . . . Kathy Malcom
Building & Grounds/Dry Storage . Amos Cape . . . . John McCabe
Sailing Program Committee . . . . . . Tim Miller . . . . . . Jim Smith
Harbor Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amos Cap . . . . . Bart Peace
Archivist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genee Kubin . . . Janis Cooper
Liaison Positions
Board LiaisonCommittee Chairs
Long Range Planning . . . Zack Kissack . . . . . . Zack Kissack
Calling Committee . . . . . . Geri McFadden . . . Ardie Condon
Activities Center . . . . . . . . Randy Malcom . . . Randy Malcom
Power Boat . . . . . . . . . . . . Randy Malcom . . . . Gary Mackey & Ed Webb
Government Relations . . John Aschbrenner . Gene Nold (Randy back up)
STEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randy Malcolm . . . Randy Malcom
Public Relations . . . . . . . . Genee Kubin . . . . . Janet Van Epps
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Miller . . . . . . . . Tim MIller
On The Dock News Letter
Summer Sailstice 2015. Congratulations to John and Deb Aschbrenner! I
hope to submit pictures of all of our events to our webmaster to put on
our website’s Social page.
By Jim Smith, Chair - Sailing Activities Committee
The next upcoming events are shown on the schedule below and
remember a Great/Fun Club is made by the members and those who
participate. So I hope to see you soon and remember—we cannot help
our club to grow and flourish if we don’t give opportunities by inviting
those that we know to Come Sail With Us!
As most people already know, you just cannot stop Mother Nature.
However, she has turned her head and has permitted spring to change to
summer! If you’ve been keeping up to date with Fred Harvey’s emails, you
already know that most of our planned activities to date have either been
rescheduled or cancelled due to the inclement weather. If you haven’t
been brought up to date, I would like to add the following: The long
Distance Event scheduled for May 30th and has been rescheduled to
July 25th - it will include a visiting group of 20 of our friends from the
Adventurous Babe’s Society. Since last year’s visit the ABS has opened
a whole new avenue for getting the word out about the WVSC. Uncle
Gene’s Swap Meet was hampered some, but there were some deals made
no matter how deep the water was! The Event that was most effected
was the Ladies Maneuvering and Docking Event, scheduled for June 13th,
which was cancelled due to high water and lack of registrants. This event
may be rescheduled if there are enough parties interested in participating.
July 3rd: Cardboard Boat Race / Ernie Condon
July 4th: Pirates Pillage & Watermelon Run / Gene Plehal
July 11th: Lantern Lighting Event at El Dorado Lake. This might
(EVENING) be a great night sail to watch all of the lanterns go up!
July 25th: Long Distance Sailing Activity / Dave Leiker
Aug. 8th: Annual Poker Run / Jan and Payton Adair
Sept. 5th: Decathlon Sailing Activity / Amos Cape
If you did not pick up your Sailing Social t-shirt and/or tank top at the
Summer Sailtice Event I have them ready for pick up at the Club. Look me
up and I will get them to you. I want to thank all that placed orders for
the shirts to help support the Sailing Socials, which are where any monies
earned goes back into.
If you have been out to the Clubhouse or have read your Windword, you
would have most likely participated in this year’s first real Sailing/Dock
event, the 2015 Sailtice. If you didn’t, you really missed out! This year’s
2015 Sailtice event was bigger and better than the last, and I expect it to
grow even more in the future - this is what happens when everyone learns
how fun this event is! There were more decorated boats with even better
decorations than last year. This great event included not only decorated
boats, but a swimming relay event that included at least 18 people, and
a BBQ that provided hamburgers and hot dogs for all. Due to technical
difficulties, I was unable to publish a picture of the winning team for
Thanks again, from me and all of those on my committee.
Jim Smith | Sailing Social Committee Chair
[email protected] | 316-305-2030
Give Blood/Platelets
The AMERICAN RED CROSS needs your whole blood and/or
platelet donation NOW. The need is always present, no matter the
season, and you can help fill that need. Only humans can make
human blood! Call or contact the Red Cross today to set up your
donation. Ask Christie (316-621-0008) or me (316-621-0009)
...we are regular donors. Come join us!
Call 316-268-0875 for platelet donation or 316-268-0835 for
whole blood donations.
You can make a big difference for someone.
Submitted by Christie and David Reynolds (Past Commodore 2007; 2009)
The Annual Junior
Cardboard Boat Race
Friday, July 3 • • •
Come one, come all to the Annual Cardboard Race for the Lil Ones
hosted by Ernie Condon and members of the sailing social committee.
All materials and rules for the event will be provided and explained at
the skipper’s meeting starting at 12:00 PM, with construction starting
shortly thereafter. There will also be RC Sailing vessels to those who wish
to try their hand at sailing them (also provided by Ernie Condon).
Refreshments (Root Beer Floats and Ice Cream) will be served after the
awards presentation for the longest floating boat.
On July
Come Ye All to the
Annual Watermelon Run
This year’s Watermelon Run will
allow you to practice making those
close runs against your fellow
members. Be sure to dress in your
best Pirate Attire as well as bring
your Water Cannons and Balloons
to Blast your competitors (No
Slingshots Allowed) till you have
completed the course. After which,
you will practice a man overboard
maneuver retrieving a watermelon
from the water as you would a
crew of your vessel.
Skipper’s meeting will be at 12:00 PM for rules and instructions
with a shot gun start at 12:30 PM from your slip.
There will be refreshments for all where you can share
your War Stories of Pillage and Plunder.
          
2015 Poker
Run August 8
Come join us for this Annual
Sailing event and have a great
Time sailing with your
Friends and Family.
• Captains Meeting Starts at
12:00 with a shotgun start
from your dock.
• Instructions /Rules for the
event will be explained at
the meeting.
• There will be ice cream
and soda Bar after the
event for your pleasure .
Also, don’t forget to bring your Water Guns, Cannons
(Balloons must be Biodegradable)
Come Sail with Us! Bring a friend or spouse or just yourself…
Our fleet includes: Capri 14.2’s, Sunfish, Lasers, Sonar and Catalina
The Walnut Valley Sailing Club is offering USSA certified sailing
instruction this summer in a fun, non-competitive sailing environment
through our STEP program (Adult and Youth programs). We welcome
everyone from absolute beginners to seasoned racers.
22 & 25’s. Everyone will learn safety on the water, rigging, tacking,
jibing, knot tying, right of way rules and so much more. Centerboard
& keelboat classes are on the water and in our beautiful clubhouse
at El Dorado Lake.
Registration and Questions: Call Tedd Blankenship at (316) 775-1064
Come Join Us
on September 5th
for Our 3rd Annual
Decathlon Run to the
Blue Stem Dam and Back
Your Host for the day will be Amos Cape
and Various members of the SSC.
The Captain Meeting will be at 12:00
where Rules of the event will reviewed and
he course will be set per the Wind that day.
However, in years past the weather has
been good enough for a great run to Blue
Stem Dam and back. So come sail with your
fellow members on this Last Sailing Social
of the year.
Walnut Valley Sailing Club
Annual Shrimp Boil
When: Saturday, Sept. 19th, 2015
Time: 6:00 P.M. Social Hour
7:00 P.M. Dinner
Cost: $15.00 for adults
$7.50 for children under 10
All You Can Eat: Peel & Eat Shrimp, Potatoes,
Corn and Green Beans
Dessert on the Dock
FYI: All Vegetables are cooked and removed from pots
before the shrimp goes in.
in the Walnut Valley Sailing Club
The objective of this club shall be to encourage the sport of sail yachting, to promote the science of seamanship, to
conduct racing activities and to provide & maintain facilities for the recreation of its members on a non-profit basis.
Additional information about the club can be found on the club’s web site: http://wvsailing.com
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ___________________
Home Phone: __________________________________ Work Phone: __________________________________
E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Employer: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Spouse’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Spouse’s Employer: ____________________________________________________________________________
Names of Children, under 25 living at home: _________________________________________________________
Class of Boat _____________________ Name of Boat __________________________ Hull # _______________
I am also interested in working on a Committee: Yes __________ No __________
If you marked Yes, indicate your preferences: Racing Activities ____ Building & Grounds _____
Harbor ____ Membership _____ Sailing Activities _____ Finance _____ Public Relations _____
Activity Center _____ Security _____ Archivist _____ Planning _____ Calling _____
Jr. Sailing Program _____ Dry Storage _____
If I am accepted for membership, I agree to comply in full with the current rules and regulation of the club, and the
current yacht facilities rules of the club.
Membership Fee $250 annually
Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date: __________________
If this application is made for JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP, give date of birth and parents consent to join the Club:
Date of Birth: __________ Parent’s Name ___________________________________________________________
Parent’s Signature _______________________________________________________________________________
(Check your existing Homeowners Policy for coverage.
If needed, a separate policy can usually be purchased inexpensively)
Please mail the completed application to:
Walnut Valley Sailing Club
P.O. Box 20076
Wichita, KS 67208-1076
Action by WVSC Board of Governors: Accepted _____ Rejected: _____ Date: ____________
Rev. 04/28/2015
ZUMA, 1986
Wing keel sailboat with Nissan 9.8 outboard (electric
start) and trailer. Standard package PLUS: Pedestal
Steering with compass; 135% furling genoa; Raymarine
ST60 Tridata speed-depth combo; Canvas package;
Cockpit cushions; Cabin window shades; Flushing marine
head with tank; Galvanized trailer package-wing keel
(Tandem axle, winch, guide-ons, mast raising system,
extension tongue); 2nd battery – Engine starting; Marinco
AC charging inlet (installed in cockpit); 110 AC outlet
installed in cabin; Anchor kit; Battery charger; Windex
wind indicator; Life jackets; Life sling with assist tackle;
Extra set of sail battens; Extra set of cabin pop-top
enclosure canvas; Assortment of stainless steel hardware;
Transfer of slip (with dock box) with board approval; Many
other extras too numerous to list. Owner moving, all must
go. Can See at El Dorado Lake, $18,500. Please contact
Randy Holloway at 316-721-9549, 316-648-6460, or
[email protected]
• LOA: 12'-9"
• Beam: 5'
• Sail Area 65 s.f.
• Hull Weight: 130 lbs
• Trailer included, in good condition
• Third owner since new
• Original owners’ manual. This is an excellent small boat
for comfortable day sailing. The wide cockpit allows
room for two+ and is excellent for teaching someone
how to sail. It also provides easy thrills for one person,
as the boat will plane when blast reaching in a blow.
The boat can be towed (with trailer included) or car topped. Rigging and launching is quick and easy. Boat
is in good condition with consistent with age.
• All required rigging to sail included
• All lines in good condition
• Spars and sail are in good condition
• All battens included. Andover, Kansas
Please call 316-733-7741 or [email protected]
14.2 Centerboard sailboat with colorful main and jib
sails, whisker pole, jib furling system, headsail float, boat
cover and jib sock. Galvanized trailer has wheeled tongue
jack and mounted spare tire. Can see at El Dorado Lake.
Priced to sell at $2,500. Please contact Jacque or Randy
Holloway at 316-721-9549, 316-648-3551 or
[email protected]
• Very good condition
• Solid hulls
• Includes trailer, in good condition
Please contact Gary at 316-686-8823
Long shaft, excellent condition, $225. Will demo! Please
contact John Mcabe at 316-644-8344.
1981 CATALINA 27
One of the
best looking boats in the club! “Dark & Stormy” LOA
26'10"; Beam 8'10"; Fin keel, Draft 4'0"; 11hp Universal
Atomic Diesel, A/C, 150% roller furling jib, apparent wind
direction & speed gauge, depth finder, knot meter, cockpit
Bimini, Custom Zarcor French Doors, Peek-a-boo blinds &
cushions; Edsen cockpit console w/auto pilot. Two deep
cycle house batteries & one standard engine battery. Stern
rail BBQ, cockpit & cabin speakers w/CD/FM & Aux Stereo.
Wall-mounted Flat Screen TV, VHF marine, port-a-potty
head, much more!2007 Viking Spirit Dual Axle Trailer.
$16,000. Please contact Dean Pusateri 316-761-4658.
ECHOS Harken Furler, Dutchman flaking system.
Working sails in good shape, Yanmar diesel, fin keel draws
only 3'7", tandem axle trailer. Great sailing boat, $8,400.
Please call 316-540-3674 for more information.
With canvas cover and trailer.
Quick, good looking boat in great shape. $1,299. Please
call 316-519-4411.
MOTOR With tank, $500. Please contact Frank
Hopper at 316-641-6136; or email him at [email protected]
Please call John at 316-722-4356.
1979 CATALINA 30
SAILBOAT Standard Rig, bow spit, fin keel.
M15/5411 diesel Engine. Drip free stuffing box. Cleanest
bilge you have ever seen. Edison wheel steering.
Emergency tiller. Large Bruce anchor and nice anchor roller. Force 10 propane furnace and stove. New 120V refrigerator and new microwave oven. VHF. Raymarine ST-50
Tri-data. AM/FM/CD. USB outlets. Shore power. Fresh
VC17 bottom job last fall with multiple coats of West
System Epoxy barrier coat. Spent $1500 just for materials
to refinish the bottom. Her bottom is smooth! Folding
prop. Blue bimini and blue sail cover. Boat is striped and
named in red, yellow and blue. Mylar racing main. Midboom sheeting with traveler. Recently upgraded boom
with new internal 7:1 out haul and new boom end pulleys.
Harkin furler. Dacron 100 jib. Asymmetrical spinnaker.
Exterior teak is fair to good and freshly oiled. Interior is
beautiful. In process of sealing windows and installing a
lazy jack system. All records indicate this is a fresh water
boat that came from the Great Lakes to Wichita, KS.
Selling because we have replaced this boat with a larger
blue water cruiser on the coast. Catalina 22 plus cash is
possible. $15k or best acceptable offer. Currently slipped
at WVSC. By appoint only. Please contact Chris Collins
• New carburetor kit and impeller
• Runs great
• Low hours
Please contact Gary at 316-686-8823
1998 HUNTER 260
Runs good!
Bought from Ed Webb in 1998 for 30K. Spent a few years
at WVSC, then a few at Alameda, then 4 years at Elephant
Butte Reservoir. My various adult children had the boat for
all those years, now its back in my hands and I don't have
any use for it. I also don't know anything about it, except
to say that everything works well or else has been fixed.
Comes with all the usual extras such as life jackets,
cookware, tools, even a sextant. Parked in spot 105 at
WVSC. No reasonable offer refused. Please call or text
Ken Gebhart at 316-737-8765, or email
[email protected]
• 4000 pound capacity
• Good condition.
• $1500 OBO.
Please contact Gary at 316-285-7280
On trailer. Please call
John at 316-722-4356.
CATALINA 25 1985
Swing Keel,
trailer, 2003 Nissan 9.8 outboard. Good main, front sail
on roller furling. Can see at El Dorado Lake. $7,000.
Please call Bruce Ward at 316-250-4479 or
[email protected]
DOLPHIN 22, 1980
$3000. Red hull, 46" draft fixed keel. Includes:
• Teak companionway, with cover
• Teak & ash tiller with extension and cover
• Tiller tamer
• Bimini (awning), can be used while sailing
• Built in ice chest in cockpit
• Double axle trailer (new tires in 2008), needs new
lights on trailer
• 5hp auxiliary outboard and mount
• 2 Jibs, hank-on (one 110%, one 135%)
• 4 winches for sail trim, with self-tailing covers on jib
• Adjustable jib tracks
• Lifelines, bow and stern pulpits
• Whisker pole
• Anchor & rode
• Boarding ladder
• Roller furling kit (not installed)
• Mainsail (restored in 2008) with cover, and all running
• Knot meter, depth sounder & compass on bulkhead
• Deep cycle battery and charger
• CD/AM/FM radio and 4 speakers installed.
• Cushions and pillows, new in 2011. Sleeps 4 in cabin,
nice large v berth.
• Custom folding table and cabinet in cabin
• Has small sink in v berth.
• Portapotti included.
Located at Ninnescah Sailing Association at Cheney
Reservoir, 25 miles west of Wichita. See photos at
Contact Allen Johnson at [email protected]
Continued on Page 12
For Sail, cont. from Page 11
CLONE Virtually identical to the Sun Fish. This
boat is very seaworthy, all new paint on bottom and all
wooden parts recently varnished. New main sail control,
all new mast and boom caps. The boat comes with new,
high dollar, multi-color sail and a quality white window
racing sail, new snap on sail rings. Dagger board and kick
up rudder with tiller extension, all lines included, ready for
the lake. No trailer $650.00. Please call Ed Harned at
• Walking Foot Sewing Machine with TABLE.
Excellent condition
• Portable, heavy-duty machine for boat owners
looking to sew heavy canvas or sails
• Plus package includes carrying case, thread stand,
LED light,zipper foot, etc.
• Sailrite power table made for this machine w/ adj
height + drawer
• $999 (Orig.$1300)
Please contact Brad Oblak at 316-841-2815 or
[email protected]
The boat is a centerboard model with the standard rig
1980 O’Day 23-2. The boat has custom cruiser/racer full
cut sails made by Hild Sails in 1996. Up front is a 150%
genoa that can be reefed to 100% on a Hood Yacht
Systems roller furler. The main sail has standard battens
and one set of reef points. All lines have been run aft to
the cockpit so that one person can easily handle the boat.
The boat can also go almost anywhere due the shallow
draft (2.26' with the centerboard up). The cockpit features
custom Marine closed cell foam cushions made by JSI, a
compass, and Autohelm ST30 Bitdata instrumentation
(which I was told worked but never messed with). The
boat also comes with an electric start 9.9 Johnson
Sailmaster outboard motor. The motor starts and runs
great. All of the fuel lines were replaced last fall and the
carburetor and fuel pump were rebuilt (both with OEM
kits). After having this motor I don’t know if I’ll ever be
able to go back to a pull start. The electrical system is also
in working order featuring a marine deep cycle battery,
trickle charger, working lights, radio and speakers. (The
bilge was working when I purchased the boat but was
acting up when I checked it the second time so a new one
was purchased and hasn’t been installed yet). The cabin
interior is in good shape with all of the original cushions,
a nice dinette table and one piece carpet (which prevents
slipping). It sits on a freshly restored tandem axle trailer
(professionally sandblasted, painted, all new wiring, lights,
bearings, races and seals replaced. The only thing I haven’t
done yet to prepare it for a long haul is replace the tires).
The boat also comes with lots of extras: Set of hank-on
original O’Day sails, and additional 150% genoa. Swim
ladder. Multiple sets of hatch boards (originals, plexiglass,
and new unused teak). Set of new hatch runner boards
(never installed) I wish I could keep it but I am moving to
Santa Ana for work and between the cost of living
increase and how expensive it will be to keep it there I
need to sell it. All reasonable offers will be considered.
Please email me at [email protected] or call/text
me after 4PM at 251-508-0156.
9.2(30 FT.) New mainsail, genoa (new in
2000), spinnaker, stereo, VHF, Bimini, cockpit cushions,
and BBQ grill. Very good Universal diesel engine. Excellent
trailer. Price reduced to $9,999. Call 316-540-3674 to see
this boat.
1979 CATALINA 27
The Catalina
27 features a spacious interior with 6' headroom. A
forward stateroom contains a v-berth and locker, there is
a separate head compartment, a dinette, settee berth and
galley in the main salon. The dinette collapses to convert
to an aft berth as well. It has cushions for the dinette. The
cockpit area is large with storage seating. 9.9 outboard
motor. Two main 150 sails, two jibs, one spinnaker, and a
rolling furler CID, all in great shape. Covers on all sails.
Heavy duty transport trailer. Extras: Microwave, Grill, AM,
FM, CD radio and a GPS. $7,500. Please call 316-239-1472
or email [email protected]
8hp Nissan electric start 4 stroke, '04. Tandem axle trailer.
Fin keel draws only 3'1”. Knot and depth, VHF and stereo.
Shore power, Bimini, self-tailing Lewmars. Handcrafted
yacht from Chanute, KS. A well built, nicely equipped,
stable sailor in very good condition. Deep slip transfers
with BOG approval. $8,900. To see this boat at the club
call Patrick at 316-540-3674.
SAILBOAT 14ft., 2 seat day sailer. Good condition, Road ready Yarbrough trailer with lights & Buddy
Bearings. Includes all rigging, dagger board, tiller, clam
cleats for mainsheet, multi-color sailwhich is relatively new
and boat cover. Rudder is about to split, will require repair.
Phantoms are similar to a Sunfish, only considered a little
faster & lots of fun! $950, OBO. Call Laszlo after 3:00 PM
on any day @ 316-542-9892.
1999 CAPRI 13
With canvas cover and
trailer. Quick, good looking boat, eats Sunfishes for lunch.
Boat in great shape. You can see this boat at Cheney Lake.
$1,499. Call 316-540-3674.
Trailer, new cover. $2,950.
Call Wilson at 580-541-2326.
Liebchen. New bottom paint and teak refinishing Spring
2011. Main, jib and 150 genoa (Nuclear Dacron–almost
new.) Windex,Danforth anchor, porta potty, British seagull
engine. Galvanized “Dilly” trailer with newlights.
Asking $6,000 OBO. Call Tom at 316-260-6820 or cell
316-259-7656. Also, have 3-hp. to sell with or separate.
1969 Fixed keel 4'4", 2 main sails, Jib, and genoa,
8'6" beam, nice interior and exterior cushions, 9.9
outboard motor, bottom paint 2 years old, nice boat,
$4,500. Call Tim Peppard 316-838-8214 or email
[email protected]
IRWIN 25, 1974
25' with an 8' beam.
Mainsail, heavy duty hinged mast step, cabin will sleep
six. Foresail is on a roller furling with lines to cockpit. She
has a table, sink, closet storage, head and tandem trailer.
Sailboat and trailer together are $3,500.For more
information contact Gil Nye at 316-788-3454 or email at
[email protected]
Located at
Cheney. Large sail inventory of crisp and average sails
$3500.00. Contact Stan at 316-737-2753.
NEWPORT 30, 1976
Located at Perry Yacht Club, KS. 30 foot Sailboat, Beam
10.5 feet, Draft 4.75 feet, Displacement 8000 lbs. Triple
Axle Road trailer (needs tires and new bearings for highway service) 2 year old heavy winter cover. New battery
(1 of 2), New bilge pump, Yanmar Diesel inboard with new
impeller, Wheel steering (back up tiller included), Good
cockpit and cabin cushions, Large cabin due to wide beam,
5 headsails, Spinnaker, Sleeps 6, Bimini, Boat is ready to
enjoy! $15,300 or best offer. Cash only, no trades.
Contact: Beth Whitson at [email protected]
SNIPE Fiberglass Balsa core, alum. mast and boom,
sails maroon hull clear natural mahogany deck. $1,500.00.
Call Dick at 316-685-8611.
1981 CATALINA 22
Swing Keel,
trailer in great condition, Merc 4-stroke 6 hp, new main
sail, LED lighting, stereo, cockpit and inside cushions all
good, kitchenette, toilet, swim ladder. $3,000. Call or text
Stan at 316-737-2753.
For a 1991 Catalina tall rig with bow sprit. Sail is lightly
used and in excellent condition. Dacron sail is white with a
blue Sunbrella UV screen on the port side of the sail. The
sail has a #6 (6/32") luff tape. SAIL MEASUREMENTS:
Luff–42.2', Leech–40.85', Foot - 21.58', Area–430', Weight
6.5 oz. $750 OBO. Contact Steve Hieger at 316-761-5972
or [email protected]. Sail is located in Wichita, KS.
Good parts for sale. NACRA 5.2 PARTS.
Used Mains: (Skip Elliott) $275.00
Used Jibs: both are in good shape, show signs of wear
need a few minor repairs. $175.00
Rudder Blades: $250.00 ea.
Dagger Boards: Used $300.00, New, still in package,
Trailer: $300.00
Or everything listed $1,200.00. Contact Jaime at
Old, drained-out diesel fuel from
marine engines. I have several 5 gallon containers or will
use yours. I will transport from the Club. Please contact
David O. Reynold at 316-621-0009 or
[email protected]
9.9 hp short-shaft outboard,
electric start. Please call Ernie at 316- 640-8951.
Fiberglass rudder and dagger board
for Phantom or Sunfish. Any repairable condition, need not
be competitive. Call Dale Gronniger 316 -371-7891 or
email: [email protected]
7:00 PM
June 11, 2015
Candle Club, Wichita, KS
[email protected]
Minutes Subject to Change.
Call to Order:
• Re-decking will proceed within budget. Pending any repairs to docks from
high water.
7:00 PM
BOG Members: John Aschbrenner, Zack Kissack, Randy Malcom, Geri McFadden,
Amos Cape, Tim Miller, Blaine Van Dam
Guest Members: Deb Aschbrenner, Gary Mackey, Kathy Malcom, Gene Plehal,
Jim Smith
• Hand Books and Members club cards are in club house – Members may pick up their packet at any time.
Commodore’s Opening Remarks
Public Relations
• State of the Club? We are an open club; keep the communications lines open.
• Windword – still working issue to provide a secure “members only” section.
• Water levels are high, at over 5 feet above pool. Walkway to dock is underwater,
and getting slippery Please exercise caution to prevent injury. Expect changes to
scheduled events until the water recedes.
Racing Activities
Meeting Minutes from May 2015: Approved.
Finance Report
• Tim Miller and Jim Smith planning a long distance race later in the summer –
stay tuned for date.
• Randy Malcom reported that we’ve held just one race this spring, due to weather.
Sailing Activities
• Activities committee finalizing a waiver form for guests at our club that
participate in our activities.
• Review financials – report accepted.
• Pro-Rated Memberships – use per WVSC By Laws.
• Membership fee increases for 2016? BOG will determine need based on this
year’s financials.
• Club members are reminded that SecureNet, our club’s security provider, offers the
club a $60 credit for each new member signed up from WVSC.
- Amos Cape researched other Kansas sailing club fees and dues—our club
remains a “bargain” when compared to other venues.
• The Club will split the $60 offer with new SecureNet customer from WVSC ($30).
New Members
Social Activities: Shrimp Boil – Postponed!
• Arnie and Marilyn Kroupa – The Club extends a hearty “Welcome Back” to
the Kroupas!
• Geri McFadden reported that the Shrimp Boil, scheduled for 20 June – is postponed
(not cancelled!) due to safety issues with the high water.
WVSC 30th Anniversary
• Club conferred with Corps of Engineers, water expected to rise, not subside, prior
to 20 June event – Stay tuned for new date for one of our Club’s favorite socials.
• Scheduled to be held in conjunction with 20 June Sailstice, Sailstice will continue
as planned on 20 June.
• Expect update on revised WVSC 30th Anniversary date activities due to high water.
• 1st STEP Session combined with 2nd session due to high water.
Friends of El Dorado Lake
• Storage building design plans had been approved – The state is to come down
and review the ADA requirements.
• WVSC will sponsor event at the Activity Center and Shelter on Wednesday
6/10/15 – Passed in April Meeting.
• Catalina 14.2s - STEP will offer "check-out" sessions for the Capri 14.2 sailboats
anytime during the summer months (warm water required!).
• Due to high water levels, the Friends of El Dorado Lake postponed the meeting.
Committee Reports
Activity Center
• Exterior issues: Randy Malcom working details for paint and new fascia board
Walnut Valley Club members are invited to call Tedd Blankenship (775-1064) or
Jack Van Dam (655-0046) to make arrangements for an orientation session. The
boats will not be available during the STEP classes, but otherwise are available for
club use. Experienced sailors only please; those under the age of 24 must have a
Kansas Boater Safety certificate to be at the helm as per Kansas State law.
• Please bring your gear and food home with you...that includes your food and
beverages in the refrigerator!
By-Laws Reviews
Building and Grounds
Nominating Committee
• Special Committee status update, on limitations of proxies – Still under review.
• High water: Amos Cape anticipates the need for work party(s) to repair any
damage and clean up from the high water.
• Vice Commodore is to provide names of Nominating Committee to BOG for
Dry Storage
AUP Audit
• Gravel work will follow any higher priority repairs caused by high water.
• WVSC/STEP audit committee’s update:
Fleet Maintenance
The auditor selected is highly qualified and has no ties to WVSC, STEP, their
respective boards, or any of the audit committee members.
• Committee boat in great shape, old boat sold.
The WVSC/STEP audit team held our first meeting with our auditor on 5/21/2015.
Delay was at the auditor's request to avoid tax season. WVSC Members attending
were John Aschbrenner, Kathy Malcom, Dave Bonifield, and Gene Nold. A previous
informal meeting, phone conversations, and emails, occurred to supply the auditor
Continued on Page 14
Govt. Relations: No open issues to report.
• Pipe anchors on repaired entrance float still require attention.
• Extension cord removal – old, sub-standard extension cords removed from docks.
P.O. Box 20076
Wichita, KS 67208-1076
• Club members with issues in mind were invited to contact Tim with a view to
BOG Meeting, cont. from Page 13
with a list of issues, identified by the WVSC team last year as presented to the
WVSC annual meeting last November, and supporting documentation.
After reviewing the issues and documentation, the auditor suggested that WVSC
might be better served by a consultation, as opposed to an AUP audit, as approved
at the WVSC annual meeting. All of our issues could be resolved at a considerable
cost savings. The audit team present at the meeting chose to continue with the
consultation method vs the AUP.
During the meeting, all of the issues presented at the annual meeting, by the WVSC
audit team were discussed. When the audit is complete, the WVSC audit team will
release a report of findings and the auditor will supply a report that will be released
to the club membership.
New Business: None
Members Concerns
• Why are Powerboats listed in the “for sale” section of our newsletter…being sold
by “Wichita Marine”?
A: NSA submitted the ad. NSA and WVSC reciprocate with shared ads. This ad has
been pulled from our newsletter.
• What is STEP? A 501 C 3, a 503 C nonprofit corporation as listed in all their “Come
Sail With Us” applications for the past 2 years, or a 503B nonprofit as stated on
2/12/15? Clarify the 3 nonprofit classifications as pertaining to STEP.
A: STEP is a 501c(3). This has been a typo on the applications for some time, this
will be corrected. • Why are some of the ads for coming events, like the long distance race, Sailing swap meet and summer sailstice (Cannot even see the photo) only given a quarter
page ad and STEP’s “Come Sail With Us” always gets two full pages even when the
classes are full?
A: Ads are sized to fit the newsletter pages. Last month there were over 20 pages
of submittals; these were downsized to 14 pages. If you’re sponsoring the club’s
next major event, please mark your submission as a “priority item.” To limit full
page priority items to the upcoming month’s activities only.
Once we have the final report, the audit team will present the results to the Board
of Governors, including recommendations for the go-forward plan.
Second meeting with CPA is scheduled.
BOG / Membership Forums
WVSC Advisory Group: Tim Miller reported on the Advisory Group (AG) process. The
AG met for the second time on May 26th. Each AG member is invited to identify
issues that need attention. When everyone has completed their opening statements,
the agenda will schedule discussion time for the items on the table.
• A second list of recommendations was presented to the BOG – These were items
agreed by the AG with minimum discussion and do not represent the final output of
the group.
Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting: 7:00 PM, Thursday July 9, 2015, Candle Club.
SPECIAL NOTICE: If you have not done so already, please pick up your new Handbooks & Membership Cards at the Club House.