ENGLISH OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PRiT AOEJfOY No. 1125 GAZETTE mmmmmmgbg j| TUESDAY, EDITION DECEMBER Regulation ing General Miscellaneous follows ^ and Exchanges Commission Regulation No. 8 December 27, 1949 to amend a part of Regulation concernProvisions, Securities Dealers and Provisions shall be established as ^ Chairman of Securities and Exchanges Commission TOKUDA Kohei Regulation to amend a Part of Regulation concerning General Provisions, Securities Dealers and Miscellaneous Provisions A part of Regulation concerning Part of General Provisions, Securities Dealers and Miscellaneous Provisions (Securities and Exchanges Commission Regulation No. 1 of 1948) shall be amended as follows : In Form No. 1 (Form for Statement on Net Capital employed in Business) item "Amount of borrowing secured by land, building and other fixed assets (including invested immovables)" shall be deleted from among the deduction items in the Assets column. Supplementary Provision : This Regulation shall come into force as from the day of its promulgation. INSTRUCTIONS Economic Stabilization Board Instructions No.65 December 27, 1949 To each Ministry : Electric Power Demand and Supply Adjustment Regulation (Economic Stabilization Board Instructions No. 15 of 1947), shall be partially amended as follows : President of Economic Stabilization Board #YOSHIDA Shigeru Paragraph 3, Article 2 shall be amended to read as follows : 1. Large industrial power demand, a. Electric power demand over 500kw supplied by electric enterprisers in accordance with -1_ SgniZi-*M-PJ E+B BE 27, 1949 Price 28.00 yen the large power contract based upon rules and regulations governing electric service for the purposes prescribed in the Annex I. b. Electric power demand designated by the authorities responsible for electric power upon application made by the competent authorities with the approval of the Economic Stabilization Board and supplied by electric enterprisers in accordance with the large power contract based on rules and regulations governing electric REGULATIONS Securities "1 service. ' > * Small industrial power demand. a. Electric power demand supplied by electric enterprisers other than the abovementioned in accordance with the large power oontract based on rules and regulations governing: electric service for the purposes prescribed in the Annex I. b. Electric power demand supplied by electric enterprisers in accordance with the small power contract based on rules and regulations governing electric service. 3. Business use and residential power demand. Electric power demand required for the purposes prescribed in the Annex II and III respectively and supplied in accordance with the commercial light and power contract or large lighting contract based on rules and regulations governing electric service. In paragraph 1 of Article 8, "secondary power allocation" shall be amended to read as "off-peak, electric power allocation". Paragraph 2 of the same Article shall be deleted. Article 9 shall be deleted. In Article ll, "more than the allocated amount (hereinafter includes electric power permitted to use on and above the allocated amount by paragraph 3, Article 9) or consumes" shall be deleted. Items 3 and 6 of Article 12 shall be deleted, and items 4 and 5 shall read items 3 and 4 respectively. Item 7 shall read item 5. 2. NOTIFICATIONS Attorney-General's Office and Ministry Finance Notification No. 17 of December 27, 1949 The Notification concerning the Designation of the companies mentioned in Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Corporation Debentures Registration% Law Enforcement Ordinance (including the cases to which the provisions are applicable mutatis mutandis in the text of Article 12 paragraph 1 of the same Ordinance), the Local Government Bonds referred to in the proviso of Article 12 paragraph 1 of the same Ordinance, and the Registration Institutions and their Branches provided for in Article 12 paragraph 1 of the Corporation Debentures Registration Law Enforcement Regulations (Ministries df Finance and Justice Notification No. 1 of 1942) shall be partially amended as follows : The denominations of, those banks mentioned in No. 2 shall be changed into those given below respectively. Attorney-General UEDA Shunkichi Minister of Finance IKEDA Hayato In item 2 next to ''Bank of Tokyo, Ltd., Head Office of Bank of Tokyo, Ltd^, 1-chome, Nihombashi Honkoku-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo-To" "Bank of Tokai, Ltd., Head Office of Bank of Tokai, Ltd., 8-chome, Miyuki-Hommachi-dori, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi" shall be added. Ministry of Finance Notification (Ministries of Finance and Justice Ordinance No. 6 of 1946), Goshi Kaisha Winckler & Co., (Nos. 5, 6 & 7, 1 chome, Isobe-dori, Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Hyogo-ken) has been released from the designation as the Special Corporations and UCHIHASHI Nobutoshi, its custodian, has been relased from his functions. Minister of Finance IKEPA Hayato Ministry Ministry Notification No. 1039 December 27, 1949 In accordance with the provision of Article 7 of the Ministerial Ordinance concerning Preservation of Properties of the Specified Countrjes (Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 78 of 1945), Leybold Kabushiki Kaisha (No. 7, 3-chome, Gofukubashi/Nihom-, bashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) has been exempted from the restrictions or duties on act provided in the same Ordinance. Minister of Finance ' IKEDA Ministry of Finance of Welfare The following Health solved on September21, Hayato Notification No. 1040 December 27, 1949 In accordance with the provision of Article ll paragraph 5 of the Ministerial Ordinance concerning Control of the Property of Special Corporations Notification No. 1041 No. 279 December 27, 1949 Insurance Association dis1949: * Minister of Welfare HAYASHI Joji Name of association : Health Insurance Association, Nippon Stainless Matsumoto Factory Address of office : No. 2275-(l), Kojima, Idekawa-cho, Matsumoto-shi, Nagano-ken Name and address of business concern in which the association was organized : Matsumoto Factory, Nippon Stainless Co., Ltd., Matsumoto-shi, Nagano-ken Ministry of Finance Notification December 27, 1949 In accordance with the provision of Article 7 of the Ministerial Ordinance concerning Preservation of Properties of the Specified Countries (Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 78 of 1945), Goshi Kaisha Winckler & Co. (Nos. 5, 6 & 7, l-chome, Isobe-dori, Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Hyogo-ken) has been exempted from the restrictions or duties on act provided in the same Ordinance. % I Minister of Finance IKEDA Hayato No. 1038 December 27, 1949 In accordance with the provisions of Article ll paragraph 5 of the Ministerial Ordinance concerning Control of the Property of Special Corporations (Ministries of Finance and Justice Ordinance No. 6 of 1946). Leybold Kabushiki Kaisha (No. 7, 3-chome, Gofukubashi, Nihombashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) has been released from the designation as the Special Corporations and OGINO Saburo, its custodian, has been released from his functions. Minister of Finance IKEDA Hayato Ministry of Finance of Welfare Notification j No. 280 December 27, 1949 The following Health Insurance Association dissolved on October 31, 1949: ^ Minister of Welfare HAYASHI Joji Name of association : Health Insurance Association, Nomura Seiko (Steel manufacture) Address of office : No. 1896, 1-chome, Minami, Kaji-cho, Funabashishi, Chiba-ken Name and addresses of business concerns in which the association was organized : Funabashi Factory, Nomura Seiko (Steel manufacture) Co., Ltd., Funabashi-shi, Chiba-ken Yawata Factory, Nomura Seiko (Steel manufacture) Cp., Ltd., Ichikawa-shi, Chiba-ken , ^f V- Ministry of Transportation No. 347 Notification 1. December 27, 1949 In accordance with the provision of Article 10 of the General Regulations for the Transportation Council, (Ministry of Transportation Ordinance No. 75 of 1949) notification on the decision, of tne Transportation Council is hereby given as follows : Minister of Transportation OYA Shinzo Franchise of "Kounso" business We submitted the subject for deliberation to the Transportation Council, and received the following recommendation there from in regard to areas of Okayama and Minatogawa : No.12 November 14, 1949 To : Mr. OYA Shinzo, Minister of Transportation From : Mr. KlMURA Takaki, Chairman of Transportation Council Franchise of "Kounso" business In regard to the subject submitted for deliberation, it is judged that franchises shall be given, in areas of Okayama Station and Minatogawa Station, as follows : 1. Okayama Station: Okayama Shoun Co., Ltd. "2. Minatogawa Station : Hyogo Tsuun Co., Ltd., Representative of promotors : Yusuke Hirano Ministry of Transportation No. 348 Notification December 27, 1949 In accordance with the provision of Article 10 of 1:he General Regulations for the Transportation Council (Ministry of Transportation Ordinance No. 75 of 1949), notification on the decision is hereby given -as follows : Minister of Transportation OYA Shinzo Suspension of Passenger Traffic of 'Ugo Railway Co., Ltd. etc. We submitted the subject for deliberation,to the Transportation Council by Tetsu-Kan No. 777 dated November ll, 1949, and received the following ^recommendations there from : No. 13 To : Mr. OYA Shinzo, Minister From : Mr. KIMURA Takaki, portation Council ' / November 15, 1949 of Transportation Chairman of Trans- Suspension of Passenger Traffic of Ugo Railway Co., Ltd. etc. Since the Council has reached the following •Econclusions after deliberation, it is judged that ithe subject may be put in force as drafted: -3- It is judged that the passenger traffic between Niiyama and Oikata of Ugo Railway Co., Ltd. (12.1 k.m.) may be suspended until March 31, 1951, because the parallel bus service run by the Railway Company can be put to practical use by increasing the number of operations. 2. It is judged that the service between Dentsuinmae and Omagari of Tokyo Metropolitan Electric Tramway (0.55 k.m.) may be suspended until May 17, 1951.' •E. 3. It is judged that the followings, among the working lines of Tokyo Metropolitan Electric Tramway may be canceled : 1) Miharabashi-Shimbashi : 0.518 k.m. 2) Chojamaru-Tengenji : 1.159 ,, 3) Shimbashi-Sukiyabashi: 0.630 ,, 4) Ochanomizu-Nishikichogashi: 1.079 ,, 5) Tokyo-Eki-Joshaguchi-ChiyodarGinko-waki : 0.294 6) Ningyocho-Ryogoku : 1.163 7) Toshubashi-Suitengu : 0.165 8) Yaraishita-Edogawabashi : 0.244 ,, ' 9) Dobashi-loop line: 0.181 ,, 10) Wakamatsucho return track : 0.082 ll) Hakusan-Hongo-Sakanamachi: 0.171 ,, 12) Otemachi return track : 0.114 Total 5.900 Ministry of Transportation No. 349 Notification December 27, 1949 In accordance with tfye provision of Article 10 of the General Regulations for the Transportation Council, (Ministry of Transportation Ordinance No. 75 of 194Q) notification on the decision of the Transportation Council is hereby given as follows: Minister of *Transportation OYA Shinzo Revision We submitted Transportation November 4, recommendation No.14 of Rate Special for Newspaper Handling the subject for deliberation to the Council by Tetsu-Gyo No. 92 dated 1949/ and received the following there from : To : Mr. OYA Shinzo, Minister From : Mr. KIMURA Takaki, portation Council Revision of November 25, 1949 of Transportation Chairman of Trans- of Rate for Newspaper Special Handling of In regard to the subject submitted for deliberation", it is judged that /the existing rate of 50 sen per kilogram may be revised as 1yen per kilogram on the opportunity of revising the selling price of newspapers. Ministry of Transportation No. 350 President Notification December 27, 1949 In (accordance with the provision of Article 10 of the General Regulations for the Transportation Council (Ministry of Transportation Ordinance No. 75 of 1949), notification on the decision of the Transportation Council is hereby given as follows : Minister of Transportation OYA Shinzo, . Franchise Regular for New Establishment of the Service Between Beppu and Bofu ' We submitted the subject for deliberation to the Transportation Council by Kai-Yu No. 251 of October 28, 1949, and received the following recommendation there from : * of Japanese National Railways KAGAYAMA Yukio (Revised articles are omitted. Refer to* Japanese National "Railways Official Gazette dated December 27, 1949) JAPAN LAWYERS FEDERATION MATTERS JAPAN LAWYERS FEDERATION The Regulation for the Allotment of Duties in the Secretariat of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (Regulation No. 1 of 1949) Article 1. The following officials shall be instituted in the Secretariat of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (hereafter referred as "the SecretaNo. 15 * riat"): November 25, 1949 1. Secretary-General One person To : Mr. OYA Shinzo, Minister of Transportation 2. Vice-Secretary-General One person^ From : Mr. KIMURA Takaki, Chairman of Trans3. Clerks / portation Council 4. Assistant-Clerks 2 The number of Clerks and Assistant-Clerks shall Report on Franchise for New Establishment be fixed by the rule. of Regular Service Between Beppu and 3 Appointment and dismissal of the officials shall Bofu * be conducted through the deliberation of the In regard to new establishment of regular,service Directors* Meeting by the President, for which an application is made by Toho Kisen Article 2. The Secretary-General shall supervise Co., -Ltd., it is judged after reverential deliberation all the affairs relating to the Secretariat, and that a franchise should be given thereto. ' direct and control the personnel belonging to the Secretariat. Ministry of Transportation Notification 2 The Vice-Secretary-General assisting the SecreNo. 351 tary-General, shall adjust the businesses, affairs in December 27, 1§49 the Secretariat and supervise the business affairs, in each Section. The following company shall be authorized to 3 Clerks and Assistant-Clerks shall engage ,in the issue warehouse warrants under the provision of miscellaneous affairs, under the direction of their Article 1 of the Warehousing Business Law: superiors. Minister of Transportation OYA Shinzo Article 3. The following seven sections shall be instituted in the Secretariat to transact the. Name : Gumma Warehousing Co., Ltd. Location: No* 2455, Oaza Omama, Omama-machi, * business: Secretarial Section Yamada-gun, Gumma-ken General Affairs Section Date of permission: December 24, 1949 Registration Section HumanRights Section Research Section PUBLIC CORPORATION Accounts Section MATTERS Liaison Section Article 4. Each Section shall have its Chief, whom JAPANESE NATIONAL RAILWAYS t the Secretary-General shall appoint from among Japanese National Railways Notification Clerks with the consent of the President. HowNo. 214 ever, it shall not be precluded to have" the ViceDecember 27, 1949" Secretary-General hold post of the Section Chief, Effective today, the following partial amendment concurrently. shall be made to the Regulations concerning the 2 The Section Chief shall administer the matters, Authorizes Parcel Agents (Japanese National Railbelonging to his Section -under the direction of ways Notification No. 117 of September, 1949) : the superiors. ,£ Article of 1. 2. 3. 5. The Secretarial Section shall take charge the following matters : Confidential matters; Matter concerning Qustody of official seals ; Matter concerning Receipt, distribution and dispatch of documents ; 4. Matter concerning Public Notification in Official gazette ; , 5. Matter concerning Status of officials, repret sentatives and Committee members ; à¬. Matter concerning Disciplinary Committee ; 7. Matter concerning Lawyer Recommendation Conference ; 8. Matter concerning Honorary Members ; 9. Matter concerning Appointment and dismissal ; wages and other personnel,affairs of the personnel ; 10. Matter"- concerning. interests and welfare of the personnel. Article 6. The General Affairs Section shall take charge of the following matters : 1. Matter concerning guidance and liaison of or for the Bar Associations and lawyers; 2. Matter concerning approval of the rules of Bar Associations, and of the establishment of the Federation of Bar Associations ; 3. Matter concerning convocation and holding of the general meeting, representatives' meeting and directors* meeting ; 4. Matter concerning establishment or alternation of rules, regulations of this association and other regulations ; 3. Matter concerning professional Ethics Maintenance Committee ; •E6. Matter concerning Judicial Research and Training Committee ; 7. Matter concerning publication of organ magazines and other publications ; l 8. Matter not falling under the charge of any other Section. Article 7. The Registration Section shall take charge of the following matters : 1. Matter concerning custody of the lawyers* list; 2. Matter concerning qualifications Examination Committee ; 3. Matter concerning delivery and withdrawal of the lawyer's badge. Article 8. The Human Rights Section shall take charge of the following matters : Matter concerning Human Rights Protection Committee. Article 9. The Research Section shall take charge of the following matters : 1. Matter concerning Judicial System Investiga# tion Committee ; -2. Matter concerning proposal, -consultation, deliberation and report concerning the judicial affairs ; 3. Matter concerning reports to the Supreme Court and investigations on the government and public offices. Article 10. The Accounts Section shall take charge of the following matters : 1. Matter ,concerning preparation of budgets and settlement of accounts ; 2. Matter concerning revenue and expenditure; 3. Matter concerning purchase, receipts and disbursements and custody of articles. Article ll. The Liaison Section shall take charge of the following matters : Matter concerning Liaison. Supplementary Provision : This Regulation of the Association shall apply as from October 16, 1949. Regulations concerning the Qualifications Examination Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (Regulation No. 2 of 1949) Article 1., Qualifications Examination Committee of the Japan Federation Of Bar Associations (to be referred hereinafter as the Qualification Examination Committee) shall be summond by the President. Article 2. The President, members or reserve members of the Committee shall not take part in proceedings of or decision on a case which concerns him personally or he has previously taken part in the qualification committee of a Bar Association thereon. Article 3. A party concerned may challenge the President or a member or members in case where-the fairness of judgment is feared to be threatened with them., 2 The Qualifications Examination Committee shall promptly give decision upon the challenge men-^ tioned in the preceding paragraph. Article 4. The President, a member or members may be excused from taking part in the examination when they consider that the fairness of judgment might be feared to be doubted by others. Article 5. The Qualifications Examination Committee may, when necessary for examination, order a member or members to, investigate into a case. Article 6. The proceedings of the Qualifications Examination Committee shall not be open to the . public. Provided that, any person who had approval of the Qualifications Examination Committee may hear the proceedings. Article 7. In case where the Qualifications Examination Committee made a decision, it shall promptly inform the decision and the reasons for decision in writing to the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (to be referred hereinafter, as the Federation). 2 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply to the cases where the Qualifications Examination Committee finished the examination on a person who qualified for lawyer in a foreign country or made selection ufrder the provision of Article 1 of the Law concerning the Exception to the Qualification of Lawyers and Probationary Lawyers (Law No. ll, 1946). Article 8. The proceedings of the Qualifications Examination Committee shall be recorded in writing and the minutes shall be preserved in the Federation after being signed and sealed by the President and members of more than two who attended the committee. Article 9. The President, members and personnel of the Federation shall not divulge any secret concerning the proceedings of the Qualifications Examination Committee which may have come to their knowledge in the cause of performance of their duties. This provision shall, also prevail after they have retired from office. 2 Any person who heard the proceedings of the Qualifications Examination Committee as a audience shall not reveal any secret in the proceedings thereof. Supplementary Provision : This Regulation shall apply as from October 16, 1949. Regulations pertaining to the Procedures for the Qualification Examination of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (Regulation No. 3 of 1949) Article 1. When the JapanFederation of Bar Associations (to be referred to hereinafter as the Federation) receives the forwarding of request of registration jot change of registration in the lawyers' list from a Bar Association, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations if it deems it necessary, shall demand, without delay, the Qualification Examination Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (hereinafter to be referred to as the Examination Committee) to examine the said matters. Article 2. Any person who intends to demur to the Federation, in accordance with the provisionsof Article 14 paragraphs 1 and 2, the Lawyers* Law, shall present an original demurrer lodging application and one copy of it tothe Japan Federation of Bar Associations. 2 Alawyer may act for the said demurrer. In this case, the document to prove the right of representation shall be attached. 3 The reason of demurrer shall be written in the document of demurrer, and the person who demurs shall sign his name and affix his seal. 4 When the Federation receives a demurrer, the Federation shall demand without delay the Qualification Examination Committee to examine the said matter, and shall so notify the Bar Association concerned, attaching a copy of the demurrer application. Article 3. In ease the demurrer application provided for in the preceding article is against the Lawyers* Law, the Regulations of the Federation or jprocedures provided for in the Federation regulations, the Federation may order the applicant to correct it within a proper period fixed by the Federation. 2 When the applicant does not correct, or when the violation of the procedure is one which is> not able to be corrected, the Federation may reject the said demurrer application. 3 In case the slep as mentioned in the precedingparagraph has been taken by the Federation, it shall so notify, without delay, to the Bar Association concerned and to the applicant. Article 4. When the Examination Committee made; a decision, after examination, to make registration or change of registration, the Federation* shall make, without delay, the registration or change of registration m the lawyers' list. Article 5. When the Examination Committee made? a decision, after examination, to refuse the registration or change of registration, the Federation shall refuse, without delay, the registration or the change of registration. Article 6. When the Examination Committee made a decision that the demurrer application is justifiable, the Federation shall order, without delay, the Bar Association concerned to forward the request for registration or change of registration, or return the request for cancellation of registration. ( Article 7. When the Examination Committee made a decision that the demurrer application is unjustifiable, the Federation shallreject the demurrer application, without delay. 2 In case the Federation has taken the step provided for in the preceding paragraph, it shall so notify without delay, to the1 Bar Association which refused to forward the registration or change of registration, or requested the cancel of registration. Supplementary Provision : .. This Regulation shall apply as from October 16,, 1949. The Regulations of the Disciplinary Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (Regulation No. 4 of 1949) Article 1. The Disciplinary Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (to be referred to hereinafter as the Committee) shall be convened - by the chairman of the Committee. However, before the chairman is selected and appointed^ the President of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (to be referred to hereinafter as the Federation) shall convene the Committee. Article 2. The chairman, a member or a reserve member of the Committee shall not participate in the case in which he is personally involved or about which he participated in the disciplinary committee of a Bar Association. Article3. In case where it is feared that the chairman or a member of the Committee would injure the fairness of the examination, the party concerned may challenge him, * 2 The Committee shall promptly make a decision about the challenge mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Article4. The chairman or a member of the Committee, when considered that the fairness of the examination would be doubted by others, may be excused from taking part in the examination. Article 5. The Committee may order, if necessary for examination, one or several members of the Committee to investigate the case. Article 8. The proceedings of the Committee shall not be open to the public. However, the person who has been specially permitted by the Committee may hear the proceedings. 2 In base when the lawyer to be subjected to the examination, the proceedings mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be operi to the public. Article 7. The lawyer to be subjected to the examination may nominate a counsel at any time. 2 The counsel mentioned in the preceding paragraph should be selected and appointed from among lawyers. Article 8. The lawyer to be subjected to the examination shall present himself on the fixed day for examination with his counsel or may send the counsel as his proxy. Article 9. In case where the Committee made a decision, it shall promptly report the decision and the reason in writing to the Federation. 2 In the decision to subject the lawyer to a disciplinary punishment, the kind of the punishment to be sentenced, and the period, in the case of suspension of business, shall be determined. Article 10. In the connection of the proceedings of the Committee, minutes shall be prepared, and the chairman and two or more members who attended the meeting shall affix their seals and signatures on the minutes, which shall be kept by ,the Federation. Article ll. The chairman, member of the Committee or a personnel of the Federation shall not reveal any secrecy concerning the proceedings of the Committee which may come to his knowledge in the cause of performance of his duty. This provision shall, also, prevail after he has retired from his post. 2 The person who has heard the proceedings of the Committee shall not reveal the secrecy con- -7- tained in the proceedings. Supplementary Provision : This Regulation shall apply 1949. as from October 16 Regulation concerning Disciplinary Procedures of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (Regulation No. 5 of 1949) Article 1. One who intends to lodge a demurrer to the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (hereinafter referred to as the Federation) in accordance with the provision of Article 59 paragraph 1 or Article 61 paragraph 1 of the Lawyers Law, shall present dne original and copy of the demurrer lodging application to the Federation. 2' The application mentioned in the preceding paragraph may be made by having a lawyer as his proxy. In this case, the document which proves the right of representation shall be accompanied. 3 In the written demurrer lodging application, the reason for lodging demurrer shall be mentioned and affixed the seal and signature thereon by the ^applicant. Article 2. Upon receipt of the demurrer lodging application, the Federation shall request without delay the Disciplinary Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (hereinafter referred to as the Disciplinary Committee) to make an examination on the case except the case mentioned in Article 3 paragraphs 1 and 2 and Article 4 paragraph 1. 2 The Federation shall, when it made the request mentioned in the preceding paragraph, notify it without delay to the Bar Association to which the lawyer concerned bslongs attaching the copy of the written demurrer lodging application. Article 3. In case the demurrer lodging application is done in violation of the7 procedures as provided for in the Lawyers Law or Regulations or Rules of the Federation, the Federation may order the , applicant to correct it within a proper period v fixed by the Federation. 2 In case the applicant makes no correction as mentioned in the preceding paragraph or in case the violation of the procedures is the one that cannot be corrected, the Federation may reject the said demurrer lodging application. 3 In case the disposal as provided for in the prejceding paragraph was made, the Federation shall notify it without delay to the applicant and the Bar Association to which the said lawyer belongs. Article 4. The Federation may, if deems it proper to take disciplinary measures by itself against the lawyer, request the Professional Ethics Maintenance Committee to make an investigation into the said case. 2 When the demurrer lodging application made in accordance with the provision of Article 61 paragraph 1 of the Lawyers Law is deemed proper^ shall be done in reading the document of at the the Federation may request the Professional Ethics Maintenance Committee of the Japan Federation. 2 The name of lawyer to be disciplined, kind of Federation of Bar Associations (hereinafter referred to as the Professional Ethics Maintenance disciplinary measures, the period of duration in Committee) to make an investigation into the case his business is to be suspended and reasons of the disciplinary measure shall be mentioned said case. l' 3 The provision oi Article 2 paragraph 2 shall in the document of disciplin, and the chairman apply mutatis mutandis to the request as provided of the Federation shall affix his signature and for in the preceding two paragraphs. seal therein. Article 5. When the Professional Ethics Mainte3 The document of a disciplin shall be preserved nance Committee made a report to the effect that at the^* Federation, it deems it appropriate to take disciplinary meaArticle 10. The Federation shall notify the date sures against the lawyer upon its investigation, when the disciplinary measure is to be sentenced the Federation shall request without delay the to the lawyer to be disciplined. Provided that Disciplinary Committee to make an examination the,sentence of the disciplinary measure may be on the said case. made even in case the lawyer concerned does not 2 The provision 'of Article 2 paragraph 2 shall present himself. apply mutatis mutandis to the request as provided v 2 In case the disciplinary measure was sentenced for in the preceding paragraph. a copy of the document of disciplin shall be sent Article 6. When the Disciplinary Committee made to the lawyer to be disciplined. \a decision, upon its examination, to the effect 3 The.Federation shall, in case it has sentenced a that it found reasons for the application justifiable disciplinary measure, notify it to the Bar Assofor the demurrer application made in accordance ciation to which the lawyer concerned belongs with the provision of Article 59 paragraph 1 of without delay. the Lawyers Law, the Federation shall cancel or Supplementary Provision ; alter the said disciplinary measures without delay. This Regulation shall apply as from October 16, 2 When the Disciplinary Committee made a deci- 1949. sion, upon its examination, to the effect that it Regulations for the Accounts and Assets of found no due reasons justifiable the demurrer the Japan Federation of Bar Associations application mentioned for in the preceding para(Regulation No. 6 of 1949) graph, the Federation shall reject the said application without delay. , Article 1. The Federation shall have the Account3 The Federation shall, when it took measures as ants' Committee composed of one Vice-President provided for in the preceding two paragraphs, notify and seceral Directors to administer the affairs it without delay to the Bar Association to which relative to the accounts and assets. * the said lawyer belongs. Article 2. The Accountants Committee shall preArticle 7. When the Disciplinary Committee made pare a book to keep the accounts and assets a decision, upon its examination, to the effect clear, and keep ;t under custody. that it deemed that the taking disciplinary mea2 The auditors may audit the abovementioned sure by the Bar Association was proper measure book at any time. than that previously taken was proper with Article 3. The Federation may set up the special respect to the demurrer lodging application as account in addition to the general account to provided for in Article 61 paragraph 1 of the attain a special object. , Lawyers Law, the Federation shall notify it to Article 4. The budget shall customarily be prethe Bar Association concerned without delay. sented to the regular general meeting of each fiscal year. ^ 2 When the Disciplinary Committee made a decision, upon its examination, to reject the de2 The provisional budget of the expenses for April murrer lodging application mentioned in the preand May of each fiscal year shall customarily be ceding paragraph, the Federation shall reject it decided symultaneously with the decision of the without delay. •E , budget for the preceding fiscal year. 3 The provision of paragraph 3 of the previous 3 The provisional budget shall lose its validity article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the ' when the budget for the fiscal year concerned measure mentioned in the preceding paragraph. has been compiled, and the expenses and the Article 8. When the Disciplinary Committee made si discharge of liabilities based on the provisional a decision, upon its examination, to take disbudget shall be considered to have been made on ciplinary measure against the lawyer, the Fedethe basis of the budget for the fiscal year conration shall take a disciplinary measure -against cerned. the lawyer concerned without delay. Article 5. The settlement of accounts shall customArticle 9. The sentence of a disciplinary measure arily be drawn up by the Accountants' Com- -8- mittee at the end of each fiscal year and presented to the regular general meeting of the next fiscal year. 2 The Accountants* Committee who drew up the settlement of accounts shall explain the settlement of accounts at a general meeting. Supplementary Provisions : •E Article 6. The provisional budget of the expenses required for April and May of 1950 shall be decided symultaneously with the decision of the budget of 1949. Article 7. This regulation shall come into force as from October 16, 1949. The Standard Regulation for Fee, etc. of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (Regulation No. 7 of 1949) Article 1. The fee the lawyer is to receive shall be an amount deemed adequate and reasonable based on the amount determined in Article 3 and in consideration of the local circumstances, the degree of difficulty of a case, the client's social situation and means, the benefits to be obtained by the client, etc. Article 2. The fee shall consist of the retaining fee, the honorarium, the legal advice fee and the legal consultation fee. 2 The retaining fee shall be paid to the lawyer when he is entrusted with a case, the honorarium when the object of the commission has been achieved, the legal advice fee when legal advice has been given, and the legal consultation fee at the time determined by mutual consint with the client respectively. Article 3, The fee shall be decided upon according to the kind of the case entrusted to the lawyer based on the following standards : lc With reference to a case relating to civil or commercial affairs, the value of the object of which is able to be appraised, the retaining fee and the honorarium shall respectively be an amount equivalent to less than 30/100 of the value of the object in case the value is less than ¥100,000, and in case it is over ¥100,000 an amount equivalent to less than 30/100 for the part thereof corresponding to ¥100,000 plus an amount equivalent to less than 20/100 for the part over ¥100,000. However, the total of the amounts of the retaining fee and the honorarium shall not exceed 50/100of the value of the% object. 2. With reference to a personal case, a nonlitigation case, or a case relating to civil or commercial affairs, the value of the object of which is unable to be appraised, the amount of the retaining fee and the honorarium shall be decided upon according to the standards set forth in the preceding paragraph on the basis of the commercial and other benefits the client -9-- is to enjoy as the result of the disposition of the case. 3. The retaining fee and the honorarium for a provisional attachment case, a provisional disposition case or a case of protest against such, or the retaining fee for an evidence preservation case may be made to be included in the retaining fee or the honorarium for the principal case or be decided upon separately by mutual consent with the client. In case such is decided upon separately from the principal case, the amount shall be less than 1/2 of the standard amount determined in the preceding Item 2. 4. The retaining fee and the.honorarium for a bankruptcy case, a compromise case, a compulsory execution case, an auction case, or a case of readjustment of an individual's property or a juridical person shall be less than 1/2 of the standard amount determined in item 1. However, in case litigation, mediation, bankruptcy, compromise or other legal procedures incidentally occur to the readjustment case, the amount of the retaining fee and the honorarium for the legal procedures concerned may be decided upon according to the standard determined by these regulations by mutual consent with the client separately from the fees for the readjustment case. 5. In case the lawyer is entrusted with procedures relating to the establishment, amalgamation, increase in the capital, decrease in the capital or liquidation of a company, the retaining fee and the honorarium shall be respectively an amount of less than 5/100 of what is based on the amount ot the paid-in capital, the increased paid-in or decreased capital or the company's property at the time of its dissolution. 6. Theprovisions of item 2 shall mutatis mutandis apply to the retaining fee and the honorarium for an administrative litigation case and a litigation case according to the provisions of Article 128 paragraph 2 of the Patent Law (including the case where the provisions of Article 26 of the Utility Model Law, Article 25 of the Design Law or Article 24 of the Trade Mark Law shall be applied mutatis mutandis). The retaining fee and the honorarium for a petition case shall be less than 1/2 of the retaining fee and the honorarium which can be determined for an administrative litigation case. 7. The retaining fee and the honorarium ior a criminal case : ,. (1) Cases falling under the jurisdiction of the Summary Court. The retaining fee : More than ¥3,000. The honorarium : a) More than ¥3,000 when a sentence of "not guilty** or dismissal of the case has been passed( or prosecution has been dismissed. b) More than ¥2,000 when a sentence of a stay of execution has been passed. c) More than ¥1,000 when the client has been punished with a minor fine against the fine demanded in prosecution. d) More than ¥1,000.when the client has been sentenced to an exceedingly lighter t punishment than that demanded in prosecution. (II) Cases falling under the* jurisdiction of the District Court and the Higher Court. The retaining fee : More than ¥5,000. The honorarium : a) More than ¥5,000 when a sentence of "not guilty** or dismissal of the case has been passed or prosecution has been dismissed. b).More than ¥3,000 when a sentence of a stay of execution has been passed or the client has been punished with a fine or a minor fine against the penal servitude demanded in prosecution. c) More than ¥2,000 when the client has been punished with a minor fine against the fine demanded in prosecution. d) More than ¥2,000 when the client has been sentenced to an exceedingly lighter punishment than that demanded in prosecution. * (III) Appeal Cases. The retaining fee : More than ¥5,000. \ The honorarium : ' a) More than ¥5,000 when judgment has been delivered on annulment and return or annulment and transfer of the original decision of a lower court. b) More than ¥5,000 when the court appealed to has reversed the original judgment and has passed its own sentence, resulting in advantage to the client. 8. In case the lawyer has been commissioned to act for proxy for legal proceedings or complaint, the retaining fee shall be more than ¥ 5,000. 9. In case the matters prescribed in Article 3 paragraph 2 of the Lawyers' Law have been attended to, the retaining, fee and the honorarium shall be more than ¥2,000 respectively. 10. The legal advice fee shall be more than ¥1,000 for legal advice to be given orally and more than ¥3,000 for that to be given in writing. However, in case special investigation and study are required for giving legal advice, an amount therefor may be decided by mutual -10- consent with the client. The amount of the retaining fee for drawing up, etc. of a contract, the articles of incorporation of a juridical person or a company and other documents shall be determined as in the case where legal advice is given in writing. 12. The amount of legal consultation fee shall be more than ¥10,000 a year. 2 With reference to the standards for the retaining fee and the honorarium determined by items Nos. 1 and 2 of the preceding paragraph, no distinction shall be made between the case entrusted which concerns the matter in the court and that which concerns the matter out-side of the court. Article 4. The fee shall be determined for each single case. However, a case concerning the matter in the court shall be deemed to be one separate case for each instance, and with regard to a case concerning the matter outside of the court, one separate case shall be deemed to have been concluded when the affair first entrusted has been brought to a conclusion. 2 In case the necessity occurs for resorting to the procedure which corresponds to one separate case in connection with the procedure of a case, excepting the cases specially prescribed in each item of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, half the standard amount of the retaining fee and the honorarium determined by the provisions of the preceding Article may be added respectively for each procedure. Article 5. Wlien the client is indigent, or when there exitt kinsmanship or other special circumstances between the client and the lawyer, . the retaining fee and the honorarium may*be reduced in amount or may be made free despite the provisions of Article 3. 2 When the case entrusted is of specially grave nature or when it is especially complicated, the retaining fee and the honorarium may be increased in amount despite the provisions of Article 3. Article 6. When the client has released the lawyer from his commission for the cause, for which the latter cannot be held responsible, has brought to a conclusion without the latter's leave by resorting to withdrawal of the case, renunciation of the claim, avowal, compromise or any other acts, or has made it impossible, intentionally or by a gross mistake, for the lawyer to dispose of the affair entrusted to him, the lawyer may demand the payment of the whole amount of the honorarium. Article 7. When the lawyer is required to make a trip on business in connection with the case entrusted to him to any place other than that in which his office is situated, be shall receive the advance payment from the client of traveling expenses, daily allowances and hotel expenses ll. £ "V according to the followingstandards. Traveling Expenses : The railway and ship fares shall be those of first class. However, in case there is no train or ship service of first class, the fares shall be of second class, and actual expenses shall be received for carriage by automobile or horses and vehicles. Daily Allowances : More than ¥1,000 and less than ¥10,000 per day. Hotel Expenses : More than ¥1,000 and less than ¥5,000 per night. Article 8. Expenses for drawing np of documents, copying oi litigation records, revenue stamps to fee used for litigation documents, etc., payment in advance of a bond and the like, and those necessary for correspondence in connection with and disposition of the affair entrusted shall be received in advance upon rough estimation or shall be received every time as occasion arises therefor. Supplementary Provision : These Regulations shall apply as from October 16, 1949 Regulation for Appointment of the Officers of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations ' (Regulation No. 8 of 1949) Article 1. Except as provided in the Constitution of the Jatpan Federation of Bar Associations (to he referred to as the Constitution of the Federation hereinafter); all appointments of the officers of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (to be referred to as the Federation hereinafter) shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. Article 2C A meeting of the representatives to appoint officers under Article 61 paragraph 1, of the Constitution of the Federation, shall be held during March in the year when the term of the officers on the list expires. Article 3. The appointment of officers shall be effected separately according to the order provided for in Article 56 paragraph 1. of the Constitution of the Federation. Article 4. The appointment of officers shall be by election. 2 The election in the preceding paragraph shall be held by the secret ballot of the representatives with single entry at a meeting of the representatives. 3 As regards the right to vote by the representatives, each representative shall have one for him. 4 The right to vote mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be exercised by the representatives attending a meeting. However, those representatives present who exercise the other -ll- representative's right of voting on behalf of the other representative in accordance with the provision of Article 52 of the Constitution of the Federation, may exercise the right to elect in the place of the principal. Article Sv In case consent of not less than two thirds of the representatives present is obtained at a meeting of the representatives, officers may be appointed by other methods. 2 In applying the preceding paragraph, the representative for whom the representative present provided for in the preceding Article, paragraph 4 acts shall be deemed as have been present. Article 6. Any of suph votes as are specified below shall be invalid: 1. A vote for which a regular ballot has not been used. 2. A vote on which the name of a person other than lawyer is inscribed. 3. A vote on which the names of two or more persons eligible are inscribed. 4. A vote on which matters other than the name are inscribed. However, this shall not apply to the one on which honorifics are entered. 5. A vote whereby it is difficult to ascertain the name of the person eligible. Article 7. The person who has obtained the greatest number of valid votes as a result of election shall be declared elected. However, in case there are two or more persons who have obtained the greatest number of valid votes, the person elected shall be determined by lot. Article 8. When the person elected has been decided, the Chairman of a meeting of the representatives shall immediately report the fact to the meeting of the representatives, and notify the perstm elected of his election. Article 9. In case the person elected wishes to decline his election, he shall report his wish to the Chairman within ten davs from the date on which he has received the notification in the preceding Article. 2 In case the person elected does not make a report as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, he shall be deemed as accepted the appointment as officer. Article 10. In case the person elected has declined his election under the preceding Article, paragraph 1, the person elected shall be determined in the order from among the persons who have obtained the greatest number of valid votes out of those persons who have not been elected. However, the person elected who is -to be President shall obtain not less than one fifth of the valid votes. 2 The provisions of the proviso in Article 7 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Article ll. In regard to a person who becomes the * person elected under the provision of the preced•Eing Article, the provisions of Article 8 and Article 9 shall apply mutatis mutandis. However, notifi? cation may be made to each representative instead of reporting to a meeting of the representa•E tives under Article 8. Article 12. Business pertaining to the election of officers shall be administered by the Chairman of a meeting of the representatives. Article 13. Any doubt concerning election of officers shall be decided by a meeting of representatives. Article 14. The Federation shall immediately inform each Bar Association of the full names of "the persons who have been newly inaugulated as officers and the names of the Bar Associations to v which they belong, and give public notices thereof in the Official Gazette. Article 15. In regard to the appointment of officers to fill vacancies, the provisions from Article 3 to the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis. Supplementary Provision : This Regulation shall apply as from October 16, 1949. iRegulation Federation for Proceedings of Japan of Bar Associations (Regulation No. 9 of 1949) Article 1. All proceedings except those provided in the constitution of the Japan Federation of Bar - Associations to be referred (to as the Federation •E hereinafter) of general meeting, representatives meeting, and the board of directors of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (to be referred to as the Federation hereinafter) shall be done in . accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. Article 2. In general meeting, the President shall announce the opening of meeting, and hold the election of chairman and vice-chairman immediately. Article 3. The elections for chairman and vicechairman shall be held separately. 2 Aforementioned election shall be held according to the example#shown in the election of officers of the Federation stipulated in the Regulation for Appointment of the officers of the Japan Federation of Bar Association (Regulation No. 8, 1949). However, in case the person elected intends to decline his election, he shall promptly so report to the President. Article 4. Upon inaugulation of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the President shall introduce them to the members in the Assembly Hall of the general meeting, and lead the Chairman to the chair. Article 5. As regards items to be submitted to the , general meeting the President shall prepare the bill and submit it to the chairman in writing, attached with reasons for its presentation. -12 Article 6. A Bar Association, a group of ten or more than ten representatives or a group of three hundred or more than three hundred members who are the lawyers, may proposs any bill to be •E submitted to the regular general meeting. 2 The item mentioned in preceding paragraph shall be prepared by its proposer, together with reasons of its proposition, in document with his seal and sign affixed thereon, and presented to the President by the tenth of April of any year. Article 7. The item to be referred to the general meeting shall be printed beforehand, and be sent to be received by the member in advance of a week before the date of the meeting. However, in case it is urgent or there exist special circumstances, the term may be shortened. Article 8. Only the matters concerning the bill mentioned in Articles 5 and 6, the President and the member may, upon consent of more than hundred members present, propose a bill at the assembly hall, and submit it to the chairman. 2 Aforementioned bill shall be submitted either in writing or orally. Article9. An item voted down in the general meeting or those of similar purpose may not be proposed again unless six months have elapsed after the time when they were voted down. However, this shall not apply to those which were submitted by the President upon consent of the representatives meeting or those which were submitted by a member upon consent of other members of five hundred or more. Article 10. The proceedings of general meeting shall be done according the agenda on which items mentioned in Articles 5, 6 and 8 shall be placed respectively in its order. 2 In case the Chairman intends to change aforementioned order, he shall do it upon decision of the general meeting. Article ll. The general meeting shall, at first, hear the explanation on purport of the bill, and then begin its examination. Article 12. No member who has a special interests in the bill shall attend to the examination and decision on the bill. Article 13. The member present may freely interpellate on the subject. 2 When too many interpellations make it difficult to come to a conclusion, members present exceeding twenty in number may move to end interpellations. 3 When there is no more interpellation mentioned in paragraph 1, or, the motion under the preceding paragraph is adopted, the Chairman shall declare the interpellations concluded and refer the bill to discussion. 4 After discussion is concluded, the Chairman shall divide on the bill. Article 14. When a member intends to amend a bill, he shall submit the draft amendment to the Chairman at the time of discussion, upon consent of fifty or more than fifty members' present , and explain the purport of the draft amendment. 2 After conclusion of the discussion, the Chairman shall divide on the draft amendment mentioned in the preceding paragraph first. 3 When several draft amendments to one subject were proposed by a member, the Chairman shall decide the order to divide. 4 When all the draft amendments were voted down, the vote shall be taken on the original bill. Article 15. When the Chairman deems it espacia1ly necessary, he may appoint a committee from among the members present, and refer him with the bill. 2 The committee appointed under the provision of the preceding paragraph shall immediately begin the examination, and report the result to the Chairman upon conclusion of the examination. 3 Upon tearing the report under the provision of the preceding paragraph, the Chairman shall immediately report it to the general meeting. Article 16. A member who intends to speak at the meeting, may speak after he obtain the permission of the Chairman, by standing up and telling his full name after drawing the Chairman's attention, by calling "the Chairman." 2 When more than two persons stood up and demanded for voice, the Chairman shall nominate the person to speak whom he recognizes as the one stood up first. Article 17. As regards the voices concerning expediting the proceedings, the Chairman shall decide the time to entertain it, except those which have direct relation to the subject or those recognized as necessary to be disposed of immediately. Article 18. When a member spoke without the chairman's permissin, disturbed the order in the general meeting, or behaved to disgrace the dignity of a lawyer, the chairman shall restrain him or let him cancel his utterance. In case his order is not observed, the Chairman imay prohibit his voice until the end of session or order him out of the hall. Article 19. When the Chairman intends to speak by himself, he shall have the vice-chairman take the chair, and speak from the seat of a member. Article 20. When the proceedings of presented bills came to an end, the chairman shall announce the adjournment. Article 21. The minute-book of general meeting shall contain the following matters : a. The date, place and the object of the meeting. b. The names of members present, the chair- man, the vice-chairman, and officers. The bill referred to. Summary of proceedings and utterances. Besides, the matters which the chairman^ recognized necessary to enter. 2 The proceedings of general meeting may be re^ corded by short hand. Article 22. The opening,of representatives' meeting shall be announced by the chairman. However, only in the first representatives meeting after the representatives are elected, the President shall announce it. Article 23. As regards the proceedings in the representatives* meeting, the provisions provided in Articles 3 to 5, and inclusive 7 to 21 (excluding, proviso of Article 9) shall be applied mutatis mutandis. However, in this case, "the member" in the said provisions shall read as "the representatives", "general meeting" as "representatives* meeting", "hundred" in Article 8 as"thirty", "twenty" in Article 13 as "ten", and "fity" im Article 14 as "twenty", "respectively. Article 24. The Board of directors shall be summoned by the President. 2 In order to summon the board of directors, the notification shall be sent out more than ten days prior to the date of its meeting. However, the term can be shortened in case of urgency. 3 The date of meeting, place, and the object shall be shown in the aforementioned notification. Article 25. A group of more than fifteen directors may be submitting a document atating the objects and reasons for summoning the meeting, demand the President to summon the board of directors. 2 On receiving above demand, the President shall take procedures to summon the board of directors. Article 26. The President shall be the chairman of board of directors. Article 27. The opening of board of directors shall be announced by the chairman. Article 28. As regards the proceedings of board of directors, the provisions of Articles 5, 8 and Articles 10 to 18, inclusive Articles 20 and 21 shall be applied mutatis mutandis. However, in this case, "the member" mentioned in the said Articles shall read as "directors", "general meeting" as "board of directors", "hundred" in Article 8^ as "ten", "twenty" in Article 13 as "five", respectively. Supplementary Provision : This Regulation shall apply as from October 16, 1949. -13- c. d. e. PUBLIC NOTICE ATTORNEY-GENERAL OFFICE Factory Foundation December 27, 1949 Where as the Ube Soda Industrial Co., Ltd. (Ube= ants of attachments, provisional attachments of provisional disposition are expected to declare the right within thirty-two days from the date or publication of this announcement. The inventory of those which belong to the factory foundation is fitted up in our board, and submitted to the examination of the parties concerned. Ube Branch, Yamaguchi District Legal Affairs Bureau Soda Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha) No. 5253, Okiube, Ube-shi, Yamaguchi-ken, has applied for the registration fo alter the factory foundation inventory with the object to add new machinery installation .and equipment to the already established factory foundation owned by the Ube Soda Industrial Co., Ltd. Those who have the right on the movable property belonging to the said foundation or the claim- 1 MINISTRY On Sphere of Licenced OF FINANCE Business of Companies Outside.Japan December 27, 1949 The spheres of licenced business of companies outside Japan under the provisions of Article 3 paragraph 2 o£ the Cabinet Order concerning Liquidation of Properties in Japan of Companies outside Japan with Head Office in Areas formerly Occupied by Japan (Cabinet Order No. 291 of 1949) are as follows: •E Minister of Finance IKEDA Hayato Name of Companies Outside Japan Sphere of Licenced Business (Formosa) Minami Nihon Kisen K.K. 1. Shipping 2. Business incidental to the preceding item (South Japan Steamship Co., Ltd.) (Korea) 1. Shipping Keijin Shosen K.K. 2, Business incidental to the preceding iterp (Keijin Mail Steamship Co., Ltd.) Nishi Nihon Kisen K.K. 1. Shipping 2. Business incidental to the preceding item (West Japan Steamship Co., Ltd.) Hokoku Seifun K.K. 1. Manufacturing of sheet flour and noodles, and selling " (Hokoku Flourmilling Co., Ltd.) thereof 2. Business on selling of creals and flours 3. Business incidental to each preceding item (Above 4 cases were authorized as of August 1, 1949) JNIikko Sangyo K.K. 1. Manufacturing and selling of ceramic ware and (Nikko Industrial Co., Ltd.) terials thereof 2. Manufacturing and selling of fire-proof bricks 3. Business incidental to each preceding item (Above case was authorized as of October 31, 1949) On Cancellation their of Approval granted to Companies Outside Japan Business which can be undone without Authorization concerning December 27, 1949 In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 paragraph 3 of the Cabinet Order concerning the Liquidation of Properties in Japan of Companies Outside Japan with Head Office in Areas formerly Oc cupied by Japan (Cabinet Order No. 291 of 1949), the licenced business have been cancelled as follows : s Minister of Finance IKEDA Hayato Sphere of Business on which the Licence was Cancelled Name of Companies Outside Japan (Manchuria) 1. Making of sliding cloor, folding screen and frame and Manshu Rinsan Kagaku Kogyo K.K. (Manchuria Wooden Cbemical Indusdealing therein trial Co., Ltd.) 2. Lumber mfg. 3. Businesses incidental to each preceding items Taishin Kosan K.K. 1. Dealing in articles for buildings, ironwares and fixtures; machine and tool ; and various kinds of metals (Taishin Industrial Co., Ltd.) 2. Collection of old metals 3. Businesses incidental to each preceding items -14- (China) Seikei Baiko Ko fun Yugen Konsu (Seikei Baiko Co., Ltd.) (Formosa) Toho Kinzoku Seiren K.K. (Toho Metal Refining Co., Ltd.) (Korea) Daito Kogyo K.K. (Daito Mining Co., Ltd.) (South Seas Islands) Nan-yo Sekiyu K.K. (South Sea Petroleum Co., Ltd.) (Above cases were cancelled on Notice 1. 2. 3. Mfg. of fertilizer and salt Refining of fish oil and Processing to marine Business incidental to each preceding items 1. 2. Flour milling and baking Business incidental to the 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. and after re Examination -; preceding item Import of coal Businesses incidental to the preceding Agriculture Hog-raising Business incidental to each preceding November 30, 1949) of Certified Public products- item ,, items Accountant December 27, 1949 with the provisions of Article 2 of Regulations concerning Examination of Certified. (Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 39 of 1949), the schedule of the examinations, Accountant to be held during 1950 shall be noticed as follows : Minister of Finance IKEDA Hayato Type of Examination Schedule Preliminary Examination About in the first ten days in March, 1950 ! Secondary Examination About in the second ten days in June, 1950 Final Examination About in the second ten days in September, 1950 First Special Examination About in the last ten days in April, 1950 Second Special Examination About in the last ten days in October, 1950 Furthermore, "commercial laws connected with the Certified Public Accountants' business" in the examination subjects of Special Examination of Certified Public Accountant shall read as "code of commerce (Means code of commerce in substancial meaning, inclusive of Yugen-kaisha(Limited Company) Law and Security Exchange Law. Provided, however, excluding the parts concerning transaction, maritime commerce*, bill and check) as from the special examination of Certified Public Accountantin1950. * MINISTRY OF EDUCATION In accordance Public Accountant of Certified Public Registration of Publication Right December . Registration Number Date of Registration No. 91, a. 15 Nov., 1949 Ground for Registration Title of Work "Chugaku Kokugo." (Complete in 6 vols.) Date of Work Date of Publication or Performance 23 June, 1949. Not Published Yet Name of Author Tomotsugu Nose Purpose 1949 of Registration Establishment Publication ot Right The publication right was established between the undermentioned persons on Oct. 1, 1949, under the following conditions: Limit of the establishment of publication right is not fixed. Royalties shall be calculated on calculating basis in conformity with the provisions of the Ministry of Education Ordinance, and paid twice a year in June and December. Period of duration of the publication right shall be 20 years. No special agreement stated in the Proviso of Article 28-(3) of the Law of Copyright. Special agreement stated in the Proviso of Article 28-(5) paragraph 1 of the Law of Copyright. Shall be published soon after the direction to publish has been given by the Minister of Education. Special agreement stated in the Proviso of Article 28-(6), paragraph 1 of the Law of Copyright. Shall be published each time the direction to publish is given by the Minister of Education. Establisher of Publication Right : Tomotsugu Nose. (No. 793, 2-chome, Saginomiya, Nakano-ku, Tokyo) Publisher: Ippei Suzuki, Director and President of Taishukan Publishing Company. (No. 24. 3-chome, Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) Ministry -15- of Education MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION Notification of Land Expropriation N otification of Land, Expropriation No. 23 December 27, 1949 I hereby acknowledge and notify that the following work may condemn land in accordance with the Land Condemnation Law : Enterpriser : Osaka Kind of work: Construction of Water-works Location: in Nakakosaka, Hoji, Kamikosaka, Kowakae, Omido, Fu?e-shi, Osaka, in Sako Yao-shi, Osaka Minister of Construction MASUTANI Shuji COMPANIES Notice AND OTHERS (3rd Notice) November 26, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the general meeting of shareholders of the undermentioned company held on September 26, 1949. Passed a resolution to dissolve the company. The creditors to the company are required to send in their claims within two months from the date of publication of the first notice, or in default thereof they shall be excluded from the liquidation. Fuji Keiki Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha Liquidator: Isao Honda No. 507, Gojo, Shimmiyagawa-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto Dissolution of Dissolution Notice (Second Notice) following publication of the first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. Chidori Shokuhin Yugen Kaisha Liquidator : Shizue Araki No. 153, 4-chome, Ise-che, Nishi-ku, Yokohama Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) December 6, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on December 5, 1949, in accordance with the^ decision niade at the extraor dinary general meeting of shareholders. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months from the day following publication of the first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. Keihin Ktnzoku K.K. Liquidator : Isamu Sugiura No. 29, 3-chome, Hama-cho, Kawasaki-shi Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) December 10, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermeritiosed company was dissolved on September 30, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the general meeting of shareholders. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims by the end of February 1950. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. K.K. Gasho-do [ Liquidator : Jirokichi Fujiwara No. 3, 1-chome, Hinode-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama December 27, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentionedCompany was dissolved by the decision made at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on October 30, 1949. The creditors to the company are requested to lay their claims to the company within two months, from the day following publicaNotice re Dissolution (1st Notice) tion of the first notice. Any claim failing to be reported within the aboveDecember 5, 1949 mentioned pericd shall be excluded from the liquiNotice is hereby given that the undermentioned dation. company was dissolved on November 25, 1949, in Shimaya Toryo K.K. accordance with the decision made at the extraorLiquidator : Tokuji Ueda dinary members' general meeting held on the said No. 3, 1-chome, Nihombashi Kobuna-cho, •E day. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are Chuo-ku, Tokyo requested to report their claims within two months from the day of publication of this notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the December 27, 1949 liquidation. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Niigata-ken Kaya Kogyo Yugen Kaisha company was dissolved on November 30, 1949, in acLiquidators : Eikichi Matsuda cordance with the decision made at the extraordiUichiro lmai nary general meeting of members. Accordingly, the No. 319, 1-chome, Hon-cho, creditors to this company are requested to report Nagaoka-shi , Niigata-ken their claims within two months from the day -16- Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) ©f Company December 5, 1949 Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Code that the undermentioned company was dissolved on November 10, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the stockholders' extraordinary general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months from the day following publication of this notice. Kobe Sen-i Zakka K.K. (Kobe Textile Sundry Goods Co., Ltd.) Liquidators : Kaname Yamamoto Shuzo Okutsu No. 139, 3-chome, Moto-machi-dori, Ikuta-ku, Kobe-shi Notice (2nd Notice) December 15, 1949 Notice Is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on December 5, 1949, In accordance with the decision made at the stockholders* general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company who fail to report their claims within two ~months from the day of publication of the first notice shall be excluded from the liquidation. Shiga Kutsu Kogyo K.K. (Shiga Shoe Industrial Co., Ltd.) Representative Liquidator : Zen-ichi Takeda No. 388, Oaza Obayashi, Hachirnan-machi, Gamo-gun, Shiga-ken , Notice re Dissolution re Dissolution (2nd provisions of the Commercial Code that the undermentioned company was dissolved on August 8, 1949S in accordance with the decision made a£ the stockholders* extraordinary general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested xto report their claims within sixty days from the day of publication of this notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, It shall be excluded from the l iquidation. Marugo Shoji K.K. (Mariago Commercial Co., Ltd.) Liquidators : Yoichi Higashi Arajiro Ichimura No. 20, 3-chome, Hirano-cho, Higashi-ku, Osaka-sh i (3rd Notice) December 27, 1949 Notice" is hereby given that the undermentioned, company was dissolved on November 22, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the stockholders* general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company who fail to report their claims within two months from the pay of publication of this notice shall be excluded;from the liquidation. Seiko Shigyo K.K. (Seiko Paper Business Co., Ltd.) Liquidator : Yasuji Tachibana No. 51, Sonezaki-shinchi 3-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi Notice) December 27, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on November 30, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the members' general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months from the day following publication Of this notice. ' Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the li quidation. Matsushiro Sanshi Kogyo Yugen Kaisha (Matsushiro Silk-reeling Industrial Limited Co.) Representative Liquidator : Yoshiharu Hirabayashi No. 2480, Higashijo-mura, Hanishina-gun, Nagano-ken Notice .Notice re Calling for Qaims (3rd Notice) December 15, 1949 is hereby, given in accordance with the -17- Notice re Dissolution 1 Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) December 27/ 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on October 26, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the stockholders' genera! meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company who fail to report their claims within two months from the day of publication of this notice shall be excluded from the liquidation. San-yu Shoji K.K. (San-yu Commercial Co., Ltd.) Liquidator : Kazuo Kon No. 19, 1-chome, Azuchi-machi, Higashi-ku, Osaka-shi Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) December 27, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on November 30, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the stockholders' general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company who fail to report their claims within two months from the day of publication of this notice shall be excluded from the liquidation. Yamagami Mokusan Kogyo K.K. (Yamagami Wooden Products Industrial Co., Ltd.) Notice Liquidator : Yoshitaro Yamagami No. 38, 5-chame, Tsukuda-machi, Nish-i-yodogawa-ku, Osaka Notice re Dissolution Claims (2nd and Calling Notice) for ©ecember 16, 1949 Notice Is hereby given that the '-undermentioned company was dissolved on July 31, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the stockholders' general meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this company- are requested to report their claims within two months from the day following publication of this notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, It shall be excluded from the liquidation. Nishi TOhonKogaku K.K. (Western Japan Leather Mfg. Co., Ltd.) Representative Liquidator : Yaichiro Naikanishi No. 4-5, Hagoromo, Takaishi-machi, N Senhoku-gun, Osaka-Fu Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) December 13, 1949 Notice Is hereby given that the undermentioned company was'dissolved on November 30, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the members' extraordinary general meeting held, on October 30, 1949. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months from the day of publication of this notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, It shall be excluded from the liquidation. Yugen Kaisha Okayama Koki Tatami-fuchi Hambaisho Liquidator : Ken-ichi :Kubota No. 397, Oaza Hikiami, Kotoura-machi, Kojimargun, Okayama-ken Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) December 27, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on November 30, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the stockholders* general meeting held on the same day. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months from the day of publication of the first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. Shinshin Shoji K.K. Liquidator ; Kaoru*-8uhi No. 15, 2-chome,. Shtba Tamura-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo re Calling for Claims (2nd Notice) December 15, 1949 Notice is hereby given in accordance with Art421 of Athe Commercial Code and Art. 79 of the Civil Code that the undermentioned company wasdissolved on July 15, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the stockholders* general meeting held on the said day. Accordingly, the creditors to* this company are requested to report their claims by February 20, 1950. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. Abe Shokuhin Kogyo K.K. Liquidator : Tomiichi Abe Tsugitachi, Kuriyama-cho, Yubari-gun Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) December 27, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned: company was dissolved on November ll, 1949, in/ accordance with the decision made at the special stockholders' general meeting held on the said day. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two month s from the day of publication of the first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. Biho Shoji K.K. Liquidator : Chujiro Endo No. 2, Ginza 5-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) December 20, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the* undermentioned; company was dissolved on June 20, 1949, in accordance with the unanimous consent of the entire members. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months from the day of publication of the first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. Taniai Mokuzai Goshi Kaisha Liquidator : Kaichiro Taniai No. 5-3, 2-chome, Naka-kamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo -18- Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) December 15, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on November 28, 1949, in* accordance with the decision made at* the stockholders' general meeting held on the said day. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months ^ from the day of publication of the first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. ^ Fuji Shokuryo Kogyo K.K. Liquidator : Kichibei Fukai No. 23, 1-chome, Kobiki-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) December 19, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on November 30, 1949, with the unanimous consent of the.entire members. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months from the day of publication of the first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the li quidation. Goshi Kaisha Taiyo-sha Kogyo-sho Liquidator : Hideya Kawase No. 9, 3-chome, Kanda Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) December 27, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on June 5, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the special stockholders' general meeting held on the said day. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months from the day of publication of the first notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. . x r K.K.Sen-yu-sha Representative Liquidator : Teijiro Nagatsuka No. 450, 1-chome, Totsuka-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned company was dissolved on December 10, 1949, in accordance with the decision made at the special stockholders' general meeting held on the said day. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months from the day following publication of the first Failing any claim aforesaid period, it liquidation. ' to be submitted shall be excluded within from Notice the the re Capital Reduction December 20, 1949 Notice is hereby given that at the special stockholders' general meeting of the nudermentioned company held on December 15, 1949, it was decided that the total amount of the capital should be reduced to ¥ 385,000. Any creditor who has objection to the aforesaid decision is requested to notify the company to that effect. K.K. Kato Shoten Representative Director : Kiichiro Kato No. 9, 3-chome, Shiba Tamura-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo Notice re Amalgamation of Companies December 27, 1949 Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders' general meeting of the undermentioned companies respectively held on December 15, 1949, it was decided that the companies should be merged and, after completion of lawful procedure relating Prohibition of Private Monopoly and others, the amalgamation was executed, and A company shall be continued to exist and B company shall be dissolved. Accordingly, any creditor who has objection to the above decision is requested to notify the company concerned to that "effect within two months from the day of publication of this notice. In case of failure to do so within the said period, the said amalgamation shall be deemed as recognized. (A) Tomiya Kogyo K.K. No. 5785, 1-chome, Tsurubashi Minamino-cho, Ikuno-ku, Osaka (B) Maruni Sangyo K.K. No. 913, Moriguchi, Moriguchishi, Osaka Notice December 15, 1949 notice.. K.K. Sansho-do Liquidator : Shoji Chiba No. 1, 3-chome, Nishi-hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Reduction December 27, 1949 Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders' general meeting of the undermentioned company held on December 10, 1949, it was decided that ¥ 1,400,000 should be reduced from the capital. Any creditor who has objection to the aforesaid decision is requested to notify the company to that effect within two months from the day following publication of this notice. Hasshu Kanko K.K. (Hasshu Tourist Co., Ltd.) President and Director : Kohei Suzuki No. 5, Ginza Nishi 8-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 19- re Capital* Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) December 12, 1949 Motice is hereby given that theundermentioned company was dissolvedon November 30, 1949, inaccordance with the decision made at the stockholders* general meeting held on the said day. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims to the company within two months from the day of publication of the 1st notice. Failing any claim to be submitted within the aforesaid period, it shall be excluded frem the liquidation. Tokyo Kikai-kogyo K.K. Liquidator : Kikuji Tanikawa No. 2, 2-chome, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Notice re Dissolution (1st Notice) December 20, 1949 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned association was dissolved on February 28, 1947 in accordance with the provisions of Article 47 paragraph 4 of the Commercial and Industrial Co-operative Association Law. Accordingly, the creditors to this association are Notice re Nullification requested to report their claims to the association; within two months from the day following publication of this notice. In case of failure to do so within the aforesaid1 period, their claims shall be excluded from the; liqu idation. Osaka-Fu Yoriito Tosei Kumiai (Osaka Prefectural Thread Control Association) Liquidator : Tomizo Takagald No. 4, 2-chome, Hirano-kyo-machlr Sumiyoshi-kUy Osaka Notice re Dissolution December 21, 1949 Notice is hereby given that with the unanimous consent of the entire members, the undermentionedcompany was dissolved. Accordingly, the creditors to this company are requested to report their claims within two months from the day following publication of this notice. , Goshi Kaisha Sakurai Shoten Liquidator : Suejiro Sakurai No. 20, Higashino-cho, Daihojicho, Minami~ku, Osaka of Stock Certificates December 27, 1949 Notice Is hereby given that the following stock certificates shall be nullified as from December 2, 1949 in accordance with the provisions of Article 218 of the Commercial Code by reason that the 2nd (last) payment for the additional stocks is not paid and the stock certificates are not presented by the fixed period: Nippon Kinzoku Kogyo K.K. President and Director : Akira Miyashiro •ENo.2, 4~chome, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Place where notification is to be given : Stock Section of the Company No. 4, 4-chome, Kobiki-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Description "A", "B", "C", "D" & "B" put on the head of stock-number mean respectively "1 stock certificate", "5 stocks certificate", "10 stocks certificate", "50 stocks certificate" and "100 stocks certificate". (2) Word "No." shall be omitted before stock-number. (Denomination and (Name) (Address) Number of Stock) (1) (I) IZUMI Denkichi * INAMURA Yonezo INOUE Emiko IGA Yasushi INAGAKI Dengoro UNO Shukichi IMAI Tiro ITO Toku IKEDA Eizo ISHIWATA Takejiro ITO Shigeji IIDA Shinji No. 23, Yotsuyakami-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi No. 4, 1-chome, Hiranuma-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 170, Godo-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 126, Hatsunegaoka, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi Naka No. 42, Shimizunuma, Odawara, Hara-machi, Sendai-shi No. 48, 1-chome, Mineoka-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi Kamitsuruma, Sagamihara-cho, Koza-gun, Kanagawa-ken No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 35, Yotsuyakami-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 1076, Higashi 2-chome, Magome-cho, Ota-ku, Tokyo No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi -20- N T" E 7 4 9 - 7 50 N I 'J E 643 N X" E 18 1 3 N I" E 584 N I" E 2384 N I" C 1 30 3 - 1 3 0 7 N I" D 2 068 N I" E 579-580 N I" E 2 4 6 5 -2 4 6 6 N I" E 2 4 63 - 2 4 64 N l" E 591-592 N I" E 2 3 6 6 -2 3 6 7 Ok, INABA Chieko ISODA Kazuo IKEDA Teizo IRIKURA Kurajl IIJIMA Tomisaburo ISOBE Masataro ISHIWARA Karoku ditto ditto No. 132, Yotsuyakaml-clio, Kawasaki-shi No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 16, Shimizugaoka, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 1740, Futoo-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 555, Mori-machi, Isogo-ku^ Yokohama-shi 1TO Kakuemon No. 276, 1SOYA Jin-ichi No. 47, Ishitobi, Okudono, Iwatsu-machi, Nukada-gun, Aichi-ken No. 235, 5-chome, Den-en Chofu, Ota-ku, Tokyo ~ No. 156, Yokkasone, Shimminato, Takaoka-shi, Toyama-ken Hachiban-cho, Furumachi-dori, Niigata-shi No. 57, Yamanokuchi-machi, Kagoshima-shi No. 79, Fukuhara-chor Minatohigashi-ku, Kobe-shi Bamba-cho, Shibata-cho, Kitakambara-gun, Niigata-ken No. 1029, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo No. 567, Nakaizumi, Iwata-cho, Shizuoka-ken No. 616, 6-chome, Tsurumaki-cho, Setagaya-ku? Tokyo No. 32, Qdawaraurayamaxnoto-cho, Sendai-shi ISOKAWA GoichI INAGAKI Yoshio ' 1SHIZUKI Yae 1KEDA Bunzo 1NAMI Tsuneichiro IWANA Gunji ISHII Shinasuke ISHIKAWA Hisamij IWAMURA Eisiike ITQ Etsuo (Ha) HARA Sugiko HAYASHI Isarnu HASHIMOTO Takichi HASHIMOTO Toyoji HAGA Hachiro HARA Kazuo HARA Shoichi HASHIMOTO SeikicM .HAYASHI Tatsuya .HASEGAWA Eiichi HANASHIMA Yoshi ,(Ni) NISHIGAWARA Ohana NISHIMURA Torao NISHINO Kimiko NISHIMURA Tadashi iNIRASAWA Hideo NISHIOKA Yoko .(Ho) HOZO Yone HOMMATakeko MOTTA Nuiko HONDA Matsutaro (To) TOMA Giichi TOYAMA Norimichi TOKITA Fumiko TOMINAGA Shuichi TORII Shigeki Yada, Kuwana-shi, Mie-ken No. 93, 2-chome, Nishitobe-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 5152, Kamidono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi No. 97, 3-chome, Higashimonzen-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 561, Kamihirama, Kawasaki-shi c/o Urushibara, No. 590, 4-chome, Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo c/o SUGIYAMA Shozo, No. 738, Chofu Otsuka-cho, Ota-ku, Tokyo No. 135, Sugano, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba-ken No. 4402, Shimosuwa-machi, Nagano-ken No. 260, Higashi-nagai-cho, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka No. 4, 2-chome, Daishi Higashi-monzen, Kawasaki-shi No. No. No. No. No. No. 97, 3-chome, Higaghi-monzen, Kawasaki-shi 39, 2-chome, Chofu Ryo-machi, Ota-ku, Tokyo 1790, Kugenuma, Fujisawa-shi 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi 37, Komoromachi-cho, Nagano-ken 7, Sakurai, Minomo-mura, Toyono-gun, Osaka No. No. No. No. 99, Tsukimi-dai, Hodogaya ku, Yokohama-shi 247, 3-chome, Sengen-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi 27, Ushigome Nando-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 1222, Kawajiri-mura, Tsukui-gun, Kanagawa-ken No. 4322, Hinode-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 22, Odawar&nagacho-dori, Sendai-shi No. 58,- 4-chome, Tani-machi, Ota-ku, Tokyo No. 692, Senda, Kinomoto-cho, Ika-gun, Shiga-ken No. -45, Momozono-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo No. 532-1, Samban-cho, Gakko-machi-dori, Niigata-shi TOKIOKA Jiro No. 2116, 2-chome, Tanihara-cho, Shakujii, Nerima-ku, Tokyo TOYODA Hanzo No. 2444, Miho-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi TOKIWA Tokijiro No. 149, Takimo-mura, Nima-gun, Shimane-ken TOMO Minetoshi "TOSHIMA SHOKEN K.K. (AIZAWA Inosuke, representative Director) No. 72, Wakamatsu-cho, Yokosuka-shi -21- :N I " E 2622 N T" E 2640 :N I " E 2 63 7 :N I" E 1 1 58 N I" E 6 16 - 6 1 7 'N T" D 2038 ;N I " D 7788 , N I" E 22-24 N I" D N L7 N I" D C 9 8 , 13 9 14 4 , 1 9 76 229, 1 8 9 - 19 3 N I" D 19 9 - 2 0 0 N F ' D 2 8 8 -2 3 9 N T" D 84 4 - 84 5 N F * D 29 5 - 2 9 6 N T" 211-212 D N T" D 1793 :N I " D 188 ;N I " D 776 N I" D 135 N l" C 429 N I" D 2469 N I" E 860-862 N T" E 618-620 N T" E 2383 N T" E 2600 N I" D 2 55 - 2 6 0 N I" D 32 5 -3 2 6 " N I" D 3 15 -3 16 N I" D 2 0 9 6 , 2 33 2 " N I" C 444 N I" C 394 N F * E 1152-1154 N I" E 587-588 N l" D 2392 N T" E 802 N l" D 14 8 - 1 4 9 N I" D 19 7 :N I" E 1814-1815 N F ' D 2052 N T" E 2150 N I" D 406 N I" E 2609 N I" E 2085 " N T" E 786-787 N I" D 7 7 9 0 -7 7 9 3 N I" E 800-80 1, 803 <N I " D 488 , 2308 N I" D 20 2 1 - 20 22 N T" D 68 8 N I" E 97 N I" D 1759 (Chi) CHIGUSA Arikatsu JISHU Kyuzo No. 5152, Kamitono-cho, KO No. 120, Nakayama, Yamagata-ken (Nu) NUGAGAMI Yoshiaki NUNOMI Tsuneo (O) ONODERA Mankichi OKAYA Tomoo OTA Chozaburo OGAWA Shin-ichi OKAJIMA Shoshiro ONODEkA Kenshi OHASHI Toshio OWAKU Kazuo ONITKI Sakujiro OKUNO Toshfro ' OKAMOTO Yoshijiro OKUWAKI Ei OZAWA Shigeru OMORI Kintaro OTA Yasukichi OE Ryo ODA Fukuji OKIDA Shichitaro ONISHI Heihachi Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi Kamigo-mura, Nishi-tagawa-gun, "NI" E 770 "NX" B 12-13, "NI" C 653-656 No. 958, Kozukue-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 278, Kawashima-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi "NI" E 2433 "NI" D 2072 No. 74, Odawarauchi, Hara-machi, Sendai-shi No. 23, Takashima-dai, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 4650, Ueda-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 256, Izumi-cho, Suginami-ku, Tokyo No. 15, 3-chome, Kobiki-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo No. 4, 1-chome, Fukagawa Sarue-cho, Koto-ku, Tokyo No. 183, Shimo-kotanaka, Kawasaki-shi No. 4097, Daishi-dekino, Kawasaki-shi c/o Naruse Office, Toa Gosei Kagaku Kogyo K.K:, No. 8, 2-chome, Shiba Tamura-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo No. 38, Koyamahoriike-cho, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto No. 408, Niikura, Shimo-yoshida-cho, Minami:tsuru-gun, Yamanashi-ken c/o Nakamura-so, No. 388, 3-chome, Koenji, Suginami-ku, Tokyo No, 603, Hakoura, Shonai-mura, Mitoyo-gun, Kagawa-ken c/o MIZUNO Yoshitaro, Shimizu, Kamiyoshi-mura, Innami-gun, Hyogo-ken No. 15, 3-chome, Yanaka Hatsune-cho, Daito-ku, Tokyo No. 208, Iriya-machi, Daito-ku, Tokyo No. 495, 1-chome, Tamagawa Okuzawa-cho, Setagaya-ku , Tokyo No. 125, 3-chome, Tokiwa-cho, Urawa-shi "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI", "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" E 1626 "NI" D 664-665 "NI" D 2705-2706 'æfNI" D 670-671 "NI" D 2722, 1415' NI" E 2508 "NI" E 658-659, 640 "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" WATANABE Masao WATARAI Masuji (Ka) KATO Teruko KAWAHARA, Kiyoji KATSUTA Miyoko KATO Norio KASAI Tomie KATAOKA Tsuyako No* 37, 1-chorne, Asakusa Torigoe, No. 21, Nakayama-cho, Kohoku-ku, No. No. No. No. ditto No. 4, Odawarahigashi-cho, Sendai-shi 1363, Nagatsuda-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi 72, Yotsuya Kami-machi, Kawasaki-shi 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" KANEKO Yoshio KANAI Tokujiro KATO Tojiro KAWAHARA Uhei KAMIBAYASHI Zen-ichi No. No. No. No. 112, Nanashima-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi 6-3, 2-chome, Oji-cho, Kita-ku, Tokyo 504, Showa-cho, Kurashiki-shi c/o MACHII, No. 2465, Katase-cho, Kamakura-shi KAWAMURA Masao c/o IMAI Kin-ichiro, Asahi, Raikoji-mura, Santo-gun, Niigata-ken No. 4, 1-chome, Katabira-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama -shi No. 6, 2-chome, Kudan, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo KASAHARA Masakatsu KATANO Hideji 32, Minamimekitaura, Hara-machi, -22- Sendai-shi 1169-1173 2161 628-630 656-657 2165-21J362584 2149 2365 3173 109 "NI" E 114 "NI" D 662-663 (Wa) WATANABE Sanshi No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi WAKABAYASHI Teikichi No. 5152, Kamidono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi WATANABE Tomiji No. 348, 4-chome, Hisada-cho, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi WATANABE Uhei No. 430, Higashi-oi?umi-cho, Nerima-ku, Tokyo Daito-ku, Tokyo Yokohama-shi C E E E E E E E D E E 1155-1157 E 2363-2364: D 2391 D 246, 25862587, 2774 "NI" C 298-307 "NI" C 406 C D D E E E 1164-116& 2423 2420 508 2417 595-598, 1259 "NI" E 2443-2444 "NI" E 2378-2379 "NI" E 2146 "NI" D 780-791 "NI" D 509, 77, 1677-1678, 27712772, 1891, 2581, 405, 1686 "NI" E 1580, "NI" D 2130-2131 "NI" E 91 "NI" D 1308, 1310-1311, "NI" C 408-410 KAM1YA Nobuo KATO Seiryo KAWASAKI Kojiro KAWAI Shigeru KAWANO Kumaji KASAHARA Junko No. 1125, 3-chome, Kami-kitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo No. 1033, Yoyogi Oyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo No. 3510, 3-chome, Higashi-komatsugawa, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo No. 1110, Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo Maki, Maki-machi, Nishi-kambara-gun, Niigata-ken c/o KASAHARA Masao, Kuromizu, Nanatani-mura, Nakakambara-gun, Niigata-ken KATO Naoji No. 199, 5-chome, Takasago-cho, Urawa-shi (Yo) ' YOKOUCHI Kazoe No. 74,, Kanazawa-cho, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi YOKOHAMA JISHO K.K. No. 42, 4-chome, Sumiyoshi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama;shi YOSHIZAWA Genzo Arayashiki-cho, Nagaoka-shi YOSHIOKA Tsutomu No. 856, Niken-ya-cho, Tokushima-shi c/o ARIMA YOKO, No. 8, 3-chome, Marunouchi, YOSHIDA Taiji Chlyoda-ku, Tokyo (Ta) TAIRA Ko No. 2386, Midorigaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo TAKEUCHI Takashl7 No. 921, Horinouchi, Hayama-cho, Miura-gun, Kanagawa-ken T No. 5152, Kamidono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi AKEDA Yashichi TANAKA Hatsue No. 388, Nishikubo, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 167, Kubo-cho, JSIishi-ku, Yokohama-shi TAKANO KichijI No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kav^asaki-shi TACHIKAWA Hideo No. 127, 3-chome, Hiranuma-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi TAKATA Kunishiro TAKENAKA Minesaburo No* 348, Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo TAKATA Hidemi TAKAG1 Akisuke No. 6, Koishikawa Maruyama-cho, No. 1674, Haneki-cho, Setagaya-ku, TAMAGAWA Chiyokichi TAKAHASHI Shin-ichi No. 655, Sakae-cho, Wakamatsu-shi, Fukushima-ken No. 16-1, Kameyama-cho, Hamamatsu-shi TAKEDA Kichird Hon-cho, TAMANO Seiichlro TANAKA Kamataro TAKEGAWA Haru TAKAHASHI Shigeo TAMURA Kichigoro TAKAHASHI Saburo TAKEKOSHI Seiichi TAKAHASHI Sawashige TAI Tsuneichi Tanaka, Tamizuyama-mura, Tsukuba-gun, Tochigi-ken ; No. 3527, Irumagawa-cho, Iruma-gun, Saitama-ken No. 91, Higashi-ichiba-cho, Ikeda-shi, Osaka-Fu No. 53, Shiba Takanawa Minami-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo No.- 1202, Togane, Togane-cho, Sambu-gun, Chiba-ken No. 314, Ichino-machi, Sanjo-shi, Niigata-ken No. 582, Shimizu-cho, Meguro-ku, Tokyo c/o Oraachi Hokenjo, Tsuchiura-shi, Ibaragi-ken c/o Dai-Nippon Boseki K.K., Kodemma-cho, Nihombasni, Chuo-ku, '*Tokyo No. 12, 1-chome, Shitaya Kanasugi-cho, Daito-ku, Tokyo No. 77, Kodama, Kodama-cho, Saitama-ken TAJIMA Sensuke TANIYA Buntaro (So) SOBASHIMA Kazuko SOBASHIMA Kunizo (Tsu) TSURUOKA Satoshi TSURUMI Eiji TSUKAMOTO Fujio TSUBAKI Shigeo (Ne) NEGISHI Toranosuke (Na) $ NAKAGAWA Shu NAGANO Hisataka No. 5152, ditto No. No. No. No. Nagai-cho, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Yamagata-ken Kamidono-cho, Daisfrigawara, Kawasaki-shi 67, Shimo-igusa, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 4082, Dekino-rnachi, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi 1184, 2-chome, Nogata-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 5152, Kamidono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi No. 46, Nakanojo, Motomiya-cho, Adachi-gun, No. 1964, Namamugi-cho, Tsurumi-ku, No. 832, Noborito, Kawasaki-sfri -23- Fukusima-ken Yokohama-shi [N I " D N I" D 840-841 854-855 N I" D 8 52-853 N I 5> D 2002 N I" D 1392 " N I" D 824-825, N I" A 9-16 <N I " D 827 , 1620 N T" E 7 91-792 N I" E 124 N I" E 1 2 2 3 - 12 2 4 N I" D 7795 N I" D 12 8 6 - 12 87 N T" E 666-667 M I" E 2 15 4 :N I " E 236 8 N l" D '2 0 5 3 :N I " D 92 :N I " E 2 402 N T" D 206 1 " N I" D 1446-1447 , 14 50 - 14 5 5 , 14 6 6 1 4 69 , 1 4 7 8 - 1 4 7 9 , 1519-1522, 32073210 N I" E 1392-1395 <N I " N T" D E 1 1 7 5 - 1 17 8 , 16 1 1 N T" E 1408-1409 N I" D 772, 1767 , 3171-3172 N I" D 14 0 6 - 1 4 0 7 , 2418-2419 N l" D 1396-1397 N T" D 1400-1401 N I" D 1412-1413 N I" C 5 1 3 .- 5 2 2 N I" D 1 3 1 8 - 13 19 N I" D 1 7 60 - 1 76 1 N I" E 9 67 N I" E 934 * 'N I " D 1150-1151 N I" D 2092 N I" D 1681 N I" E 2321-2322 ;N I " E 2374 N I" E 623-625 N T" E 761-762 'N I " E 2544 N I" E 2428 "NI" D 518, 2132 "NI" E 653-655 '•ENJ" E 788, 790 NAGANUMA Gihachi NAGUMO Masao NAKAJIMA Yasuji NAKABAYASHI toshio N KARA Kiyoji NAKAGAWA Shiroji NAGAI Yasunosuke NAKAMURA Masao No. 72, Yotsuya Kami-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 88, Hemmi-cho, Yokosuka-shi No. 12, 1-chome, Sagiiiomiya, Nakano-ku, Tokyo c/o KANDA, No. 56, 2-chome, Naka-meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo No. 46, Minami-sengen-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 33, 2-chome, Higashiwatarida, Kawasaki-shi No. 953, Shimo-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shl No. 26, Oimatsu-cho, Nishi-ku,, Yokohama-shi ; NAKAMURA Chotaro ditto NAGASHIMA No. 418, Heijiro (Mu) 7 6 6 -7 6 7 N I" E 1768-1769 N I" E 2372-2373 N T" E 2 & LO M I" D 2056 N I" E 577 N I" E 261 1 :N l " D 1 5 0 0 ,1 5 3 9 15 4 6 , 15 4 9 - 1 5 5 7 N I " D 14 4 4 - 1 4 4 5 , 14 64 - 14 6 5 , 1486-1487 Kita-mitani-cho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo Minoyama, Yano-mura, Akaho-gun, Hyogo-ken No., 1821, Hojo, Tateyama-shi, Chiba-ken No. 389, Sakuragaoka, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohamarshi No. 688, 1-chome, Iwabuchi-cho, Kita-ku, Tokyo NAGAI Mitsuji NARUSE SHigeru NAGAI Noboru NAGAYA Sueo N I" E N X" E 19 2 7 , 17 9 0 - 17 9 3 TsTT " D 1617-1618 W 326 1 D 'N F -* C 3 9 0 -3 9 1 N I" D 18 19 , 5 19 ' No. 7, 1-chome, Nihombashi Hon-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo MURATA Kimiyoshi No. 8, 3-chome, Hachiman-dori, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo MURAI Shiro Oka-machi, Toyonaka-shi, Osaka-Fu MUTSUGURUMA Mitsuo No. 1, Takara-dori, (U) UEMURA Kogoro No. 496, UEMURA Kozo (person in parental authority : UEMURA Katsuzo) No. 138, Gekko-cho, Meguro-ku, Tokyo Kiyomappti-cho, Sorachi-gun, Hokkaido No. 28, 3-chome, Higashi-monzen-cho, Kawasaki-^hi No. Ill, 1-chome, Biwa-machi, Nada-ku? Kobe-shi No. 676, 3-chome, Den-en-chofu, Ota-ku, Tokyo UEMURA Teiichiro USAMI Hiroshi URABB Mitsumasa UN.OIKE Sadako (No) NOGUCHI Shigeru NQGUCHI Yukio NOGUCHI Kiyoko NOMURA SHOKEN 3-chome, Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo No. 1597, 1-chome, Haneda, Ota-ku, Tokyo c/o INAKUMA, No. 21, 4-chome, Higashi-rokugo, Ota-ku, Tokyo No. 314, Tobu, Wada-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 1, 1-chome, Nihombashi Kabuto-cho, Chuo-ku, K.K. Tokyo NOGUCHI Shikazo (Ku) KURASAWA Yasuo KURIHARA Nobuo KUBOI Saburo KUROISHI Itaro KUROZAWA Makoto KUNIHARA Kentoku (Ya) YAMANAKA Sanjiro YAMADA Koto YAMAMOTO Kimiko YAMASHITA Kazuo YAMAMOTO Shofuku YAGIHASHI Uichi YAMAGIJCHI Yushin YAMAMURATomoichi YAMAMOTO Norito YANAGAWA Takeo No. 837, Mutsugi-cho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 1663-1666 'N X " D 16 6 7 - 1 6 6 8 N X" E 1432 , 1435-1439 ,1507 , , 1509-1512 :N I" E 1 5 7 6 - 1 5 7 7 N T" B 6-7 :N I " E 2545 N T" D 1743-1744 N T" E 1816 NI" E 773-775 <NI" E 2393-2394( 'NI" D 2468 NI" D 13, 54, 186, 2380, 2485, 2524, 3182 *NI" D 1260-1265 Zushi-machi, Tokyo :'NI" D 7731 <NI" 'NI" 'NI" :'NI" 'NI" :'NI" [<NI" <NI" C<NF' 'NI" E D D D D E E E E D No. 180, 2-chome, Mineoka-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 22, 2-chome, Iwama-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 66, Wada-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 2652, Fukuda-cho, Shibuya-cho, Koza-gun, Kanagawa-ken No. 2224, Kumisawa-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 218, Hiyoshi-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi Nishiterao, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 5152, Kamidono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi No. 4650, Ueda-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi No. 921, Horinouchi, Hayama-cho, Miura-gun, Kanagawa-ken -24 2 4 50 -2 4 52 'NI" E 2599 'NI" E 2152 <NX" D 291-292, 2306-2307 'NI" D 3247-3250' 'NI" E 1581 No. 5621,. Shimodono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi No. 20, Iwai-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 1647, Nishi 1-chome, Omori Magome-cho, Ota-ku, Tokyo Nofu-machi, Nishi-kubiki-gim, Niigata-ken c/o No. 4, Sufu Villa, No. 2217, Niijuku, Yokosuka-shi No. 533, Kichijoji, Shimo-musashino-cho, M I" E 'N I " D 1762 2084 2083 2076 2069 1167-1169 2638-2639 626-627 2341 1316 YAMAZAKI Yoshiyuki YAJIMA Kurazo YAZAWA Masao Y AMAGUCHI Yoshio No. 65, Seijo-machi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo No. 132, Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 229, Shimooso, Enzan-cho, Higashi-yamanashi-gun, Yamanashi-ken No. 164, Kanno, Keno-mura, Ashikaga-gun, Tochigi-ken YAMAZAKI Manjiro YAMADA Yaichiro YAMADA Torao (Ma) MATSUNO Tsutomu MATSUMURA Teiryo MATSUNO Hideo MAKING Giichi MATSUMURA Chiyoko No. 32, 3-chome, Shin-dori, Shizuoka-shi Yanase, Kita-gokasho-mura, Kanzaki-gun, Shiga-ken No. 2, 4~chome, Den-en-chofu, Ota-ku, Tokyo MITRAMATSU Hideo MAGOSHI Kyoichi MATSUDA Chuemon MATSUMURA Kameko No. No. No. No. MATSUI No. 2, Wakamatsu-cho, Kichitaro MATSUI Aiho MACHII Yoshibei MATSUMOTO Densaku No. 1, Tzumi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 370, 3-chome, Kashiwagi, Shinjuku~ku, Tokyo No. 21, l-chome, Odawara-cho, Kawasaki-shi No., 5^11, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 2, 2-choipe, Asakusa Mukoyanagiwara, Daito-ku, 144, Kusumimototakenouchi, Ito-shi 46, Azabu Higakubo, Minato-ku, Tokyo 1338, Iwafune, Iwafune-cho, Niigata-ken 177Q, 4-chome, Kami-takaido, Suginami-ku, No. 96, Minami-kaji-cho, No. 218, Kutsukake-cho, No. 134, 1-chome, > Tokyo Tokyo Kofu-shi Sendai-shi Sugipami-ku, Tokiwa-cho, Tokyo Urawa-shi (Fu) FUKAGAWA Taichi FUKUOKA Shigeo FURUTA Asako FUGENJI Ryoko FUKUDA Shozo FUJIWARA Hiroshi No. 142, Iwasaki-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 26, Kubo-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 34, 4-chome, Minami-ota-cho, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 471, 1-chome, Totsuka-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi ditto; FUSO KINZOKU KOGYO K.K , No. 55, 4-choxne, Azuchi-cho, Higashi-ku, Osaka No. 34, Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo FXJKUHARA Shu De-machi, Kawase-mura, Inugami-gun, Shiga-ken FURUKAWA Soya (Ko) KONDO Juzo GOTO Shusuke KOMATA Toshizo KOTANI Ryoko* KODA Ichiei KOYAMA Toshio KOJIMA Shujiro KODA Taiji c/o Kotobuki Kbgyo-sho, No. 15, 1-chome, Nihombashi Edobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo s No. 30, 2-chome, Sakuramoto-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 5152, Kamidono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi No. 266, Shirahata-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-ahi No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi ditto No. 40, 4-chome, Minami-naka-dori, No. 2386, Namiki-cho, Niigata-shi Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi KONO Ryohei GOTO Nihei KQSUGI Shin-ichi No. 12, Ichigaya Kora-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo No. 964, Nakaizumi, Iwata-cho, Shizuoka-ken No. 10, Fukuro-cho, Takaoka-shi KONAMI Yoshiaki No. 322, KONDO Hirokichi (E) ENDO Yunosuke No. 54, 3-chome, 5-chome, No. 67, Hinode-cho, Aioi-cho, Ikuta-ku, Hitoyado-cho, Daishigawara, 25- Osaka Shizuoka-shi Kawasaki-shi N I" E 2 5 1 2 - 2 52 1 N T" E 9 4 -9 6 N I" D 2 1 14 - 2 1 1 7 N I" D 2008, 2012-2014 N I" D 712 , 2917 M I" D 1979 "N I " E 2441 :N I " E 641-642 N T" E 6 7 1- 6 7 2 :N I " E 2392 N F ' E .2 63 6 :N I" E 2245, 2 24 7 - 2 24 S :N I " D 2 206-2211 :N I" D 2198-2199 N T" D 1787-1790 N F > D 14 2 2 - 14 2 3 , 1850-18 51, 1868, 2 12 6 -2 12 7 , N I" C 2 12 -2 1 6 , 6 9 2 -7 0 1 N I" D 244, 1363 , 1874,2848. N I" D 2255 N I" N T" N T" B 16-17 , A 3 0 -3 1 E 18 12 , 1 8 1 0 ,, 1 8 0 7 - 18 0 8 , N X" D 2438 N I" D 60 N I" E 172 1 N T" C 1179-1183 N T" E 763-765 N T" E N I" D 2445 2 9 8 4 -3 0 2 3 , 3064-3083 N T" D 2302-2303 N I" D 2 3 59 "N I" N I" E D 99-100, 7778-7779 N I" E 636-637 N I" E 2610 N T" E 2 511 N T" E 2380 N I" E 784-785 N T" D N I" D 70 9 , 1815, 1810 N I" E 864-963 1 7 7 3 -1 7 7 4 , 1 7 9 4 -1 7 9 7 , 3 3 0 7 -3 30 8 , 1 9 6 3 -1 9 64 N I" D 2 4 3 8 -2 4 4 1 :N I " D 19 5 - 19 6 , 820-823 N I" D 1985-1986 , 2 7 7 7 -2 7 7 8 'N I" D 2464-2465 N T" E 633-635 <Te) TERAZAWA Tatsuo TERUTA Hifumi (A) AOYAMA Kyuzo AOYAGI Yasushi ASANUMA Hideo AOYAMA Asako AOKI Keisuke AKIYAMA Akira ASAKURA Keishiro AKIZAWA Tsuyako ASAHA Tomikp AIKAWA Sumio No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. ASAHI Iichiro ASHIZUKA Yu No, 2, 4-chome, No. 8, 1-chome, No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 639, Iga-cho, Sano-shi, Tochigi-ken 4082, 1-chome, Dekino, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi 1164, Nagata-cho, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi 5152, Kamjdono-chd, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi 31, 5-ohome, Oshima-cho, Kawasajd-shi 614, 5-chome, Kugenuma, Fujisawa-shi 115, Nishikubo-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi 52, Sakuragadka, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi 500, Kami-kurata-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi 661, Rokkakubashi-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi Kamezawa-cho, Shiba Atago-cho, Sumida-ku/ Minato-ku, " N I" E 5 85 - 58 6 " N I" D 2476-2479 N I" E "N T ' E 511-512 N I" E 2 4 1 5 -2 4 16 "N I" E 2148 " N I" E 772 !N I " D 20 65 'N I " D 2087 "N I" D 2724,2729, " N I" E 4 8 SAITO Hiroshi SAKAGUCHI T'oichiro <Ki) KITAJIMA Seiji KINO Chiharu KIJIMA Chujiro KISHIMOTO Yujo KIMURA Nagao No; 39, Eifuku-cho, Suginami-ku, Tokyo c/o TANIGUCHI, No. 30, Ikutamadera-cho, Tennoji-ku, Osaka No. 14, Tatsuo.ka-cho, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo No.t 15j84, Hoya-machi, Kita-tama-gun, Tokyo No. 82-1, Haramachi Wakatake, Sendai-shi Kita No. ll, Nakae-Jutaku, Odawara, Sendai-shi c/o MIURA, No. 25, Hakuraku-cho, Kanagawa-ku,'YokohamaNo. 219, Minami-asama-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 25, Ogawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasakr-shi ditto No. 44, 1-chome, Hama-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 5152, Kamidono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi ditto No. 59, Nishikubo-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 5137, Suida-cho, Mishima-gun, Osaka No. 10120, Higashi-kaigan, Chigasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken c/o YOSHIDA, No. 1151, 5-chome, Nishiki-cho, No. 1-2, Maeba, Sodeura-mura, Iwata-gun, No. 143, No. 394, No. 510, No. 246, Chiba-ken No. 53, Fukushima-shi, (Yu) YUHI Daiko No. 38, Okamoto, Ofuna-cho, <Me) MEIWA SHOKEN K.K. No. 8, 1-chome, Mihombashi (Mi). MINOMIYA Choichi MITAKE Kazuo Tachikawa-sh Shizuoka-ken Kodo-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi Toyooka-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi Sennen-cho, Kawasaki-shi Higashi-hiraga, Kogane-machi, Katsushika-gun, Yatsurugi-cho, Fukushima-ken Kamakura-shi, Kabuto-cho, No. 6, Heiraku, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi -26 Kanagawa-ken Chuo-ku, 2 1 5 5- 2 1 5 7 " N I " D 1 04 3 - 10 4 4 , N I" 」 AOKI Shin-ichi AiBE Junzo (Sa) SASAKI Buntei SASAGAWA SHoichiro SANEKATA Himeno SAITO Tomeko SAKURAI Takashi SATO Kuninosuke SAITO Kojiro ^ SAGEHASHI Akio SAITO Shiro SAITO Shoichi SARUWATARI Ko SATO Ryuji SAWAKI Takeshi SAITO Toraichi 833 " N I" 」 'N T ' C ABE Wakichi ASAMO Yone 1770-1771 N I" E N I" E Tokyo Tokyo 614-615 Tokyo 264 1, 4 69 - 4 7 0 , 10 6 5 - 10 72 "N I " E 9 63 -9 6 5 " N I" C 967-976 'N I " D 13 2 2 ,1 3 2 5 " N I" D 1152-1153 N I" C 1114-1118 N I" C 1104-1108 s h i " N I " E 2 62 3 *N I " D 2 0 8 6 " N I" E 5 89 - 59 0 " N I" E 751-752 " N I" E 2 4 6 7 -2 4 68 '" N I " E 595-596 " N I" E 2598 " N T" E 2 58 3 "N I" E 2 58 1 :N I " E 1924 " N I" C 985-986 " N I" D 8 5 0 - 8 5 1 , 2765-2768, 1300 , 1941 N I" D 251-254 " N I" D 1762,2032 N I" E 1925-1926 " N I" E 2375-2376 " N I" E 673 " N I" D 2 133 " N I" D 2039 , 2492-2494 "NI" D 2422 "NI" D 685, 1804, "NI" E 649,15131514, 1520-1522 "NI" D 2421 "NI" E 597-598 MIYASHITA Minekichi MINEMURA Fumip MINAGAWA Yoshiro No. 5152, Kamidono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi ditto* No. 1325, Yamaguchi, Oda-mura, Tsukuba-gun, Ibaraki-ken MITSUKA No. 1002. Umpei 2-chome, Daita, Setagaya-ku, MIYAGAWA Benjiro MIKAMI Kinjiro MIE SHOKEN K.K. No. 12, 6-chome, Naka-dori, Nishi-iru, Ayakoji Shin-machi, No. 4, 1-chome, Nihombashi (Shi) SHIBAMURA No. 9, 1-chome, Jun-ichiro SHIRAKURA Shoichi SHINDO Ichiji SHINTAN1 Takeji SHIMAZAKI Kozo SHOJI Takako SHIBAMOTO Hisatoshi SHIBASAKI Shiro No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Kami-itabashi, E E E D <N I " Tokyo Kure-shi Shimokyo-ku, Kyoto Kabuto-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Itabashi-ku, N I" "N I" "N I" N I" Tokyo 5152, Kamidono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi 13, 2-chome, H§pia-cho, Kawasaki~shi 138, Yotsuya Kami-cho, Kawasaki-sjii 41, Watarida Sanno-cho, Kawasaki-shi 16, Hara-machi, Wakatake, Sendai-shi, Miyagi~ken 222-4, Seya-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi 19, 2-chome, Tokiwa-dai, Itabashi-ki% Tokyo SHIMIZU Tokutaro SHIBAGAKI Kemmei SHI'MIZU Minoru SHIGEMASA Kohei SHIMOI Noboru SHIMIZU Seihachiro (Hi) H1GUCHI Bunzaburo HIROSE Kiyono HIRAI Juictii HIRANO Sokichi HIRATE Jiro HIROGAMI Ito HIDA Michi HIGO Eiichi HIROSE Kyutaro HIRATE Enji (Mo) MORI Shigeo MORI Kenji MORIYA Kiyoshi MORIYA Enakichi MOROHASHI Masao MOCHIZUKI.Toshi MORI Chieko MORI Kaneko (Se) SEKIYA Otozo SEINO Kaneyoshi SEKIYA Yosuke (Su) SUZUKI Tetsuo SUZUKI Fujio c/o Daido Kaiim K.K., No. 27, Naniwa-cho, Kobe-ku, Kobe-shi No. 690, 1-chome, Iwabuchi-cho, Kita-ku, Tokyo No. 63, Nakayashiki-go, Kitakata-miira, Aichi-ke,n c/o TAKAYAMA Toyota, No. 63, 'Kiho, Mikuni-cho, Sakai-gun, Fukui-ken , No. 29, 2-chome, Mabashi, Suginami-ku, No. 57, Murakami-cho, Taikyu-fu No. 18, Kitayama-cho, Sendai-shi Tokyo No. 200, 2-chome, Nishitobe-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi c/o Shiohama-ryo, Yako-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi No. 207, Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo No. 5311, ^gawa-cho, Kawasaki-shi No. 156, Tomioka-cho, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 1079, 7-bancho, Higashi-borimae, Niigata-shi No. 1898, Hoshigaoka, Tomatsuri-cho, Utsunomiya-shi No. 9, 1-chome, Sanno-cho, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 4384, Honjo-machi, c/o HIRATE Shotaro, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Kodama-gun, ^Saitama-ken No. 581, Hakota, Kumagaya-shi 5618, Shimodono-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi 320, Tsurumi-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi 13-4, 1-chome, Hasunuma, Ota-ku, Tokyo 6, Izumi-cho, Odawara, Sendai-shi 2727, 2-chome, Nerima Naka-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 9-1, Nakano-go, Fujikawa-cho, Ihara-gun, Shizuoka-ken 9, Nishi-machi, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 3, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo No. 1450, Kamihirama, Kawasaki-shi No. 616, Hemmi-cho, Yokosuka-shi No. 13, 1-chome, Shiba Atago-cho, Minato-ku, No. 89, Morikawa-cho, No. 33, Minaminome, Bunkyo-ku, Hara-machi, -27 Tokyo Sendai-shi Tokyo 258 5 1225-1226; 2240-224 1 E 1806, 1809, "N I " D 1 2 2 3 - 1 22 4 N I" D 2813-2814 N T" D 2805-2806, :N I" E 599-602, 660-665 N I" E 798 :N I " D 3 1 74 :N I " E 5 9 3 - 59 4 N I" E 6 3 1 - 63 2 N X" E 2582 'N I " E 2601 N I" C 1 1 5 9 - 1 16 3 " N T" D 2089 " N T * D 8-10 , 1 8 3 - 1 8 5 , 1 3 03 N I" SHIBANUMA Sho 2377 C 624-625 , 426, 794 , 1064 :N I" D 2815-2820 N T" D 2825-2828 'N I" D 2^35-2836 : N I" D 609-610 N I" D 265-266 N T" D 2 03 4 N T" C 4 30 N T" E 1865-1866 N F > E 1149-1151 N I" E 611-612 :N I" E 574 <N I " E *2 72 2 N I" E 1 3 9 0 - 13 9 1 N T" E 2723 " N I" D 19 19 , 3262-3263 *N I " D N I" 857, 1377 D 2 8 6 5 - 2 8 6 6 -. " N T" E 2371 " N I" E 2147 " N I" E 796-797 N I" C 590-594 ・ N I" N T" D D 2 9 0 1 -2 9 0 2 ' 2887-2888, N T" D 146-147 N I" B 28-29 N I" A 54-55 - :N I " E 6 2 1 -6 2 2 N I" E 2 151 N I" D 292 0 " N I" D 2393 N I" C 1 1 0 9 - 11 1& SUGANO Yoshio SUZUKI Chiyoko SUGINO Noboru " No. 335, Terao, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi No. 2, 2-chome, Mukoyanagiwara, Daito-ku, Tokyo c/o IZUMI Tetsu, No. 1057, 2-chome, Magome Higashi, Ota-ku, Tokyo <, Ko. 79, Daishi Nishi-machi, Kawasaki-shi No. 64, Higashi-okubo-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi SUZUKI Goro SUNAKAWA Kazuo SUGA Shoichi STJGIWAKA Masaaki , No. 5311, Egawa-cho, Daishigawara, Kawasaki-shi No. 451, 1-chome, Koenji, Suginami-ku, Tokyo SUGIYAMA Teishiro Notice No. 4265, Hanyu, Saitarna-ken re Capital Hanyu-machi, Reduction Notice , No. 5, 1-chome, Hamaguchi-cho, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka of Companies December 12, 1949 Notice Azuma Shoji K.K. No. 27, 1-chome, Azuma-cho, Shimizu-shi Azuma Soko Goshi Kaisha Address : ditto 1. The 54th Properties (a ) of Dissolved in the Official Gazette P r o p e r ty B u ild in g (d w e llin g h o u s e ) L an d (b ) Sale notified sold : of Sale re Amalgamation Organizations' of August ' . 1 u n it S a le s P r ic e ・ 1 5 3 ,0 0 0 9 5 .8 7 1 u n it - Reduction of Companies Properties 20 was decided 2 0 .7 5 tsu b o (r e s id e n tia l lo t) B u ild in g (d w . h .) re Capital December 21, 1949 Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders' general meeting of the undermentioned companies respectively held on Dec. 20, 1949, it was decided that Yamasa Hifuku K.K. should be merged with Nikoniko Tabi K.K., and the former continue to exist succeeding to all the rights and duties of the latter which is to be dissolved on the effectutaion of the said amalgamation. In this connection, any creditor who has objection to the above decision is requested to report to that effect to the company concerned within two months from the day of publication of this notice. Yamasa Hifuku K.K. (Yaniasa Clothing Co., Ltd.) No. 34, 3-chome, Sakurazuka Hondori, Toyonaka-shi Nikoniko Tabi K.K. (Nikoniko Socks Co., Ltd.) Address : ditto Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders* general meeting of Azuma Shoji K.K. and with the unanimous consent of the entire members of Azuma Soko G.K. respectively held on July 3, 1949, it was decided that the both companies should be merged, and the former continue to exist succeeding to all the rights and duties of the latter which is to be dissolved on the effectutaion of the said amalgamation. In this connection, any creditor who has objection to the above decision is requested to report to that effect to the company concerned within two months from the day following publication of this notice. on Decision 668-670 575-576 1680, 2074 2462 1362, 3229 -3230 "NI" C 232-236 November 30, 1949 Notice is hereby given that at the special partners' general meeting of the undermentioned association held on Nov. 30, 1949, it was decided that the total amount of the capital of ¥ 1,200,000 should be reduced to ¥ 300,000. Any creditor who has objection to the aforesaid decision is requested to notify the association to that effect within two months from the day following publication of this notice. , Joto Hifuku Kogyo Kyodo-kumiai (Joto Clothing Industrial Cooperative Association) No, 24, 3-chome, Minami-nakahama-cho, Joto-ku, Qsaka Any creditor who has objection to the aforesaid decision is requested to notify the company to that eftect within two months from the day of publication of this notice. K.K. Chub Shokai * Notice E E E P E D Kita-saitama-gun, * Notice is hereby given that at the special stockholders' general meeting of the undermentioned company held on Dec. 10, 1949, it was decided that the total amount of the capital of ¥ 2,100,p00 should be reduced to ¥ 1,500,000. ' re Amalgamation "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" "NI" D 3193-3198 December 10, 1949 Notice "NI" E 2469 "NI" E £160 2 0 .7 5 28 - 2 0 1 ,0 0 0 as follows : L an d (res. 1.) 96.3 5 (c) B u ild in g (d w . h .) (d ) LB an u ild d in g (res. (d w . h1.).) Land (e) (f) 1 un it 1 u n it (res. 1.) 152,000 146,000 8 1.26 LB au nd ild in g (res. (d w . h1..) 1 u n it B u ildin g (d w . h .) 1 un it L an d 20.7 5 96 .-75 20 52 (res . 1.) 20 81..59 75 146,000 20 .75 144,000 , 80 .25 (g) B uild in g (d w . h .) L a nd (res, 1.) 1 u n it 20 .75 80.25 145,000 (h ) B u ild in g (dw . h .) B u ild in g (d w . h .) L an d (res . 1.) 1 u n it 1 u n it , 26 .00 3.00 104 .87 238,000 (i) BL ua il ndd in g (d (res w .. h1..)) 1 u nit 13 24..7525 , l?6,000 (j) L a nd (re s. 1.) B u ild in g (dw . h .) 1 u n it 85 .33 24 .75 181 ,000 L an d * ' (re s. 1.) (k ) LB auil ndd in g (res (dw .. h1.).) (1) LB an u ild d in g (dw (res.. h1..) 85.99 1 un it 824.75 5.79 175,000 1 n it 84 24 .89 75 176,000 (m ) BL au nd ild in g (d (res w .. h1..) 1 u n it u24 -.u75 175 ,000 (ft ) B u ild in g (d w . h .) L a nd (res . 1.) 1 u n it 24 .75 88 .65 180 ,000 (o ) B u ild ing (dw . h .) Land (res. I.) 1 u n it 24.7 5 46.33 170 ,000 (p ) LLB aan u nildd in g (re (res. (dw s. . h1. 1..)) 1 " n it 24 20 .-49 70. 13 75 186 ,000 1 u n it 24 .7 5 83.6 5 188,0 00 v (t) . B u ild in g (d w . h .) Land (res . 1.) 1 u n it 24 .75 88 .10 19 1,000 (u ) 1 u n it 87 24 ..43 75 190 ,00q L a nd (q) , (re s. 1.) 2.52 B u ildin g (d w . h .) L an d (res. 1.) LB an uildd ing (re (d w s. . h1.).) N ote - 1 . E ach p urch a ser of item s (a) th rou gh (h) is a jo in t-po ssessor o f th e lan d (resid en tia l lot - 2 58 4 8 tsu bd) w ith 1/8 sh are of the title th ereto . 2. E a ch pu rch a se r o f item s (p) th ro u gh (u) is a jo in t-p o ssessor o f th e lan d (resid en tia l lot * 17 5.87 tsu bo) w ith 1/6 sh a re of th e title th ereto . 3. E a ch p u rc ha ser of ite m s (o ) an d (p) is a jo in t-p ossessor lot - 12 .89 tsu bo) w ith 1/2 s h are o f th e title th e reto . 2 . P u rch aser : (a) th ro u gh (u ) 1. la n d (resid en tial O h ara -H igash i R eside n ce A ssoc ia tion (L im ited C om p an y) Sales Public of the Notification of Decision Commission on Sale of Following decision was made on the 55th sale Items sold and prices thereof: * Property (1) Building (conference room) 1 unit Land of Dissolved Dissolved as made public 81.50 tsubo 122.30 -29- Organizations' Organizations' in the Properties Properties Official Gazette Sales Price ¥ 330,000 of 22 August : (2) Building ,, Land Building Residence Building Residence Building Residence Building Residence Building ,, Residence Building ,, Residence Building ,, Residence Building (3) (Archery gallery) (Target shed)_ (Lavatory) (Dwelling) lot (4) (Dwelling)* lot (5) (Dwelling) lot (6) (Dwelling) lot (7) (Dwelling) (Warehouse) lot (8) (Dwelling) (Warehouse) lot (9) (Dwelling) (Warehouse) lot (10) (Dwelling) (Warehouse) Residence lot (ll) Land (with building (12) Stove and others (13) Desk '& others (14) Clock & others (15) Book-case & others (16) Arm-chair & 1 (17) Screen & others (18) Desk 2. Purchase: (1) (2) (3), (ll) . (12) (14) (16) (18) (7) (8) (9) & (10) (4) (5) & (6) & (13) & (15) & (17) * , 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit ~ 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit æf 1 unit 1 unit ' •E 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit thereon) , 5 4 12 6 19 2 3 25.50 8.25 0.50 215.20 21.50 40.90 21.50 42.00 21.50 43.40 21.50 47.30 19.50 2.00 62.00 19.50 2.00 55.00 25.75 2.00 73.10 14.75 1.50 51.50 85.00 411 ,000 152 ,490 153,700 155,240 159, 530 160 ,000 135,000 180,000 115,000 55,000 1,070 650 1,250 330 1,500 1 ,000 300 Yamagata Prefecture YASUZAWA Kenji National Rural Police Yamagata Prefectliral Headquarters YOKOZAWA Masao NAGAKURA Susumu ABE Kiyoo Tonan Okitama Local Office Nishi Okitama Local Office Sales Commission of the Dissolved Organizations* Properties ^ -30-