fosas oceanicas
fosas oceanicas
Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología en Transportación Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Agrimensura UPR-‐Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez Call Box 9000 * Mayagüez, PR 00681 Tel. 787-‐834-‐6385 * Fax: 787-‐265-‐5695 * 29 Años de Excelencia en el Adiestramiento de O ficiales de Transportación a Nivel Municipal, Estatal, y Federal en Puerto Rico e Islas Vírgenes Instructores Dr. Ricardo R. López Rodríguez Dr. José A. Martínez Cruzado Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Agrimensura UPR – Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez 10 de diciembre de 2015 EFECTOS DE TERREMOTOS EN LA INFRAESTRUCTURA DE VIVIENDA Y TRANSPORTE Jueves 10 de diciembre de 2015 José A. Martínez Cruzado, PhD Ricardo R. López Rodriguez, PhD Repasar las fallas sísmicas que existen alrededor de Puerto Rico 2. Estado del arte del conocimiento de las fallas sísmicas DENTRO de Puerto Rico 3. Aprender sobre el procedimiento para el desarrollo de un mapa de peligrosidad sísmica 1. Hace 200 millones de años todos los continentes estaban juntos y formaban un solo SUPERCONTINENTE llamado Pangea 10 de diciembre de 2015 Continental Drift Progressive breakup of Pangaea into modern-day continents Similar process to sea ice break-up Efectos de los Terremotos T2 Mayaguez PR 5 Las celdas de convección en el manto generan el movimiento de las placas tectónicas Las placas se separan en las cordilleras oceánicas, Descienden en fosas oceánicas/zonas de subducción Cordillera Litosfera Fosa Fosa Manto 700 Km Núcleo Externo Núcleo Interno USGS - Distribución de Placas Tectónicas Caribbean Plate From Paul Mann and others, 2005 Present Day 00.0 Ma Late Oligocene 24.0 Ma Early Miocene 23.5 Ma Early Miocene 23.0 Ma Early Miocene 22.5 Ma Early Miocene 22.0 Ma Early Miocene 21.5 Ma Early Miocene 21.0 Ma Early Miocene 20.5 Ma Early Miocene 20.0 Ma Early Miocene 19.5 Ma Early Miocene 19.0 Ma Early Miocene 18.5 Ma Early Miocene 18.0 Ma Early Miocene 17.5 Ma Early Miocene 17.0 Ma Early Miocene 16.5 Ma Middle Miocene 16.0 Ma Middle Miocene 15.5 Ma Middle Miocene 15.0 Ma Middle Miocene 14.5 Ma Middle Miocene 14.0 Ma Middle Miocene 13.5 Ma Middle Miocene 13.0 Ma Middle Miocene 12.5 Ma Middle Miocene 12.0 Ma Middle Miocene 11.5 Ma Late Miocene 11.0 Ma Late Miocene 10.5 Ma Late Miocene 10.0 Ma Late Miocene 09.5 Ma Late Miocene 09.0 Ma Late Miocene 08.5 Ma Late Miocene 08.0 Ma Late Miocene 07.5 Ma Late Miocene 07.0 Ma Late Miocene 06.5 Ma Late Miocene 06.0 Ma Late Miocene 05.5 Ma Early Pliocene 05.0 Ma Early Pliocene 04.5 Ma Early Pliocene 04.0 Ma Late Pliocene 03.5 Ma Late Pliocene 03.0 Ma Late Pliocene 02.5 Ma Late Pliocene 02.0 Ma Pleistocene 01.5 Ma Pleistocene 01.0 Ma Pleistocene 00.5 Ma Present Day 00.0 Ma Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands Tectonic Scenario Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands Tectonic Scenario Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands Tectonic Scenario Review of existing maps and reports – Location where evidence of active faulting has been reported Trincheras en la Falla de Salinas Trinchera #3, Juana Diaz Trinchera #3, Juana Diaz Trinchera #1, Salinas Review of existing maps and reports – Location where evidence of active faulting has been reported Seismic Faults in the Puerto Rico Region Mapa de Amenaza Sísmica USGS 2003 Terremotos Históricos Significativos Seismic Hazard Map Definition: In general, this is a map that present the expected peak ground acceleration at a particular rock site for a certain recurrence. Seismic Hazard Maps: Procedure To identify seismic faults that could cause produce damaging earthquakes at the interested site. For each seismic fault: Determine its location & maximum focal depth Determine the Maximum Credible Earthquake Determine the Seismic Source Mechanism Draw a plot of EQ Recurrence vs Magnitude Establish an Attenuation Law Procedure (continued) Select an interest range of recurrence For each recurrence determine the magnitude of the EQ With the Magnitude, the distance to the seismic source, and using the attenuating law determine the peak ground acceleration at rock site Draw the seismic hazard map for each seismic source Add them up Magnitude vs Rupture Length Maximum Credible Earthquakes Seismic Year Last M MCE Source Big EQ PR Trench 1787, 7-8, 7.5 8.2 1943 Anegada 1867 7.3 7.5 Max FD, km 150 30 Mona 1918 7.3 7.5 200 Muertos --- --- 7.5 50 Inland --- --- 7.0 40 Epicenter of Earthquakes in the PR Region - 2005 Sismos en el año 2005- 1,085 Gutenberg – Richter Relationship Attenuation Law Equation (Donovan, 1973) 0.5 M L 1080e PGA 1.32 R 25 PGA in cm/sec2 R = Epicentral Distance in km ML = Local Magnitude Attenuation Law Plot Recurrences Usually Used # 1 Pexc 1 1 R 1. y Probability of Exceedance 2% Num. of Recurrence Years 50 2,475 y 2. 5% 50 975 y 3. 10% 50 475 y 4. 50% 50 72 y Fig. #4. PGA with 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years from all modeled sources. PR SEISMIC HAZARD MAP Fig. #7. PGA with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years from all modeled sources. PR SEISMIC HAZARD MAP PGA Hazard Curves for San Juan Recurrence for Insurance Agencies # 1. Probability of Exceedance 2% 2. 3. 4. 5. 5% 10% 18.2% 50% Num. of Recurrence Years 50 2,475 y 50 50 50 50 975 y 475 y 250 y 72 y PGA Hazard Curves for Ponce PGA at Rock Sites # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. City PGA (250 years) Arecibo 0.19g Caguas 0.14g Humacao 0.12g Mayagüez 0.20g Ponce 0.15g San Juan 0.18g ¿Preguntas?