PDF: 1774 KB - Infrastructure Australia
PDF: 1774 KB - Infrastructure Australia
Infrastructure Australia -- Submission DESERTEC-Australia -- "Clean Energy From Deserts" GENI - The Global Energy Network Initiative The Way Forward By exploiting its unrivalled supplies of sunshine, natural gas, wind, geothermal energy and uranium, Australia could power Asia. In coming years, Australia should capitalize on this opportunity by:. "The man who invented the first wheel was an idiot. The man who invented the other three, he was a genius." Sid Caesar, comedian "We need to use different thinking in soliving problems than the thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein --Rapidly expanding domestic natural gas electricity This would require building out natural gas capacity between now and 2020 at a rate of roughly 12% per year in coming years, twice the currently forecasted rate. -Banning new coal-fired power plants without carbon capture and storage. This is common sense. But it should be accompanied by a progressive phase-out of non carbon capture equipped coal-fired power over the next 25 years. The idled capacity can be kept on standby. Owners would be compensated through higher prices for less power. --Building out Australia's large-scale renewable energy resources such as concentrating solar power, geothermal and wind power. The market will do this anyway once coal is stripped of unfair market advantages. Smaller scale renewables such as solar photovoltaics and biomass also should be encouraged. -Exporting surplus energy. As the buildout of renewable energy capacity picks up speed, it will create large surpluses of clean energy that can be exported to Asia, particularly China. A combined electricity/natural gas export infrastructure can carry the energy to market. The Background "There's no energy shortage, there's no energy crisis, there's a crisis of ignorance." Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller Solar, geothermal and wind are rapidly falling in price. The compounding effects of innovation and experience are bringing these technologies to price competitiveness. Carbon capture and storage has no similar potential. It's still unproven and it has limited price reduction potential. Further, coal just doesn't have the scale of solar, geothermal and wind. This is critical. "Global warming has the potential to focus our national imagination." Michael Pusey, sociologist UNSW School of Social Sciences "Long-term economic health depends on environmental health" Sydney Morning Herald "We must build long-term competitive strengths in the global industries of tomorrow industries that will provide the high-paying jobs of the future." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister, Australia Renewable energy, led by high-volume concentrating solar power, geothermal and wind, offers the prospect of low-cost, clean, abundant energy in coming years Sources: ABARE, IEA, IPCC "Animal spirits" in the marketplace are already sensing the dynamics. The result has been major announcements in the area of renewable energy, particularly wind, geothermal and solar. As a result, Australia may soon start seeing the investments needed to satisfy 25% of the nation's electricity needs by 2020 from renewable energy sources like solar, geothermal, wind and biomass. The Current 'State of Play' Worley Parsons "BHP Billiton has recognised that our company, as well as society generally, must make real behavioural changes and accelerate technological progress if we are to achieve a meaningful reduction in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions." Chip Goodyear, Worley Parsons is a major, publicly-listed engineering company. It has Australia's largest mining companies as clients. It is investigating the feasibility of rolling out 34 250MW parabolic trough concentrating solar power plants around Australia by 2020. That's 8,500 Megawatts (MWs) of capacity totalling 25 Terawatthours (TWh) Gwhs of electricity. That would amount to 7% of Australia's 2020 forecast of 344 TWhs of electricity demand. Chief Executive, BHP "The powerful cost reductions now taking place in solar, wind and other renewable energy sources coupled with dramatic price increases for oil and coal have radically changed the economics of energy." Al Gore Worley Parsons estimates 34 250MW concentrating solar power plants could be operating in Australia by 2020 Source: "Advanced Solar-Thermal: Utility-scale Renewable Power for Australia," Worley Parsons/EcoNomics, 2008 "The costs of effective climate protection are far lower than the Geothemal costs of inaction. The longer we delay, the more expensive climate protection will become. " The Australian Geothermal Energy Group estimates 2,250+MWs of geothermal capacity could be on line in Australia by 2020, producing 17.5 Twhs of "New Impetus for Climate Policy", electricity by 2020, or five percent of consumption. Output by 2040 could be multiples of that. Over time, experts believe geothermal could easily power the entire country. German Advisory Council on Climate Change "When demand for oil and coal goes up, the price goes up. When demand for solar and geothermal goes up, the price goes down." Al Gore, Environmental educator "All indications are that solar CSP is moving to the forefront of renewable energy technologies." Emerging Energy Research Source: "Installed Capacity and Generation from Geothermal Sources by 2020", McLennan Magasanik Associates Pty Ltd, 2008 Wind, Biomass The Business Council of Australia (BCA) estimates Australia can handle 2,500MWs (18.6 Twhs) of biomass energy generating capacity and 7,500MWs of "Concentrating solar power is a wind. Assuming both are achieved by 2020, it would mean that Australia could be satisfying 24% of its electricity demand from solar, geothermal, wind and biomass alone by that year. well-proven and demonstrated technology, with over 100 years of accumulated operating experience since 1984." "Power Generation Options For Australia," Cooperative Center for Coal in Sustainable Development "The Cooper Basin can generate more (geothermal) power than eight to 10 Snowy Mountain (hydro) schemes. It's a very, very significant energy resource and we know it's there." Adrian Williams, Geodynamics "We've got four times more energy in the Cooper Basin than Australia has in all its gas reserves ... so all we have to do I think is get on with it and do it." Adrian Williams, Geodynamics So-called 'long-term' limits of new renewable energy capacity could easily be reached by 2020 Source: "Modelling Success: Designing an ETS that Works," Business Council of Australia, 2008 Prices Geodynamics, Australia's leading geothermal energy company, estimates it can eventually generate hot dry rock geothermal energy for 4.4c per kwh. That's on a par with natural gas without carbon capture and storage. "CSP technology is likely by 2015 to become competitive with world market prices of most fossil fuels, especially fuel oil, natural gas and liquid natural "gas. " "Concentrating Solar Power for Seawater Desalination," German Aerospace Center (DLR), 2007 Hot rock geothermal power could generate electricity at A4.5c/kwh Source: Geodynamics "At at time when deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are being called for, solar thermal can be installed in large capacities, yet constructed of modular, repeated components." "Strategy for the Market Development of Concentrating Solar Power," World Bank, 2005 Meanwhile, the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that parabolic trough concentrating solar power is on a downward price path that will reduce its cost to about US4c/kwh by 2020. At the current pace of rollout of this technology worldwide, it's likely this price forecast may prove conservative, and the 4c/kwh level could be reached by 2015 if not sooner. Solar thermal power stations can deliver power on demand, making use of their thermal storage capability and hybrid operation with fuels. They are the natural link between fossil fuels and other renewables." European Union Parabolic trough concentrating solar power is expected to fall to around 5c/kwh by 2020 Source: "Assessment of Parabolic Trough and Power Tower Solar Technology Cost and Performance Forecasts," Sargent & Lundy LLC Consulting Group (for US NREL), 2003 Coupled with similar downward price trends in wind and biomass, this provides a huge opportunity for Australia to exploit solar, wind and geothermal energy for both clean and cheap electricity. Doing so would yield very attractive weighted prices of around 5c/kwh in 2020. That's less than carbon capture and storage. And it would come from more proven technology. "Geothermal power plants can provide extremely reliable baseload capacity 24 hours a day." "Energy Technology Perspectives: Geothermal Scenarios and Strategies to 2050," CSP International Energy Agency, 2008 Wind Biomass Renewable Energy Growth Rates and Costs 2010 2020 10-year MWs MWs Growth Rate 50 50 2,000 300 2,250 8,500 7,500 2,500 46% 67% 14% 24% Post Post 2020 2030 Growth Growth Rate Rate 15% 15% 20% 15% 20% 15% 5% 2% CSP, geothermal, wind and biomass could be satisfying 24% of Australia's electricity needs in 2020. "The potential of the geothermal industry in Australia is truly staggering … It provides clean baseload power." Martin Ferguson, Federal Resources Minister Australia "Geothermal energy has the potential to generate one fifth of Australia's total electricity needs over the next 25 years without producing any carbon dioxide emissions." Anna Bligh Premier, Queensland Renewable Energy Growth Rates and Costs 102010 2020 Delivered year Growth Cost per MWs MWs Rate kwh Geothermal 50 2,250 46% $0.04 CSP 50 8,500 67% $0.05 Wind 2,000 7,500 14% $0.05 Biomass 300 2,500 24% $0.04 $0.05 Renewable energy prices in 2020 would cost about 5c/ kwh, including transmission charges to urban destinations Sources: Worley Parsons, Australian Geothermal Energy Group, US NREL, TREC estimates and others Concentrating solar power, geothermal and wind should be aggressively built out in Australia between now and 2020 and current coal-fired capacity should be idled at the rate of five percent per year with natural gas used as a 'bridge' energy source. Under this scenario, the graph below shows that the proportion of natural gas in the nation's electricity supply would rapidly swell to meet the energy gap created by falling amounts of coal fired power. The second graph below indicates that the percentage of natural gas power in the national electricity system would rise to 35% before renewables begin contributing large amounts of power to the grid. "Current CSP plants are achieving costs of about US12c/ kwh, which are the lowest of any solar technology. The technology can also be combined in hybrid form (solar thermal plants coupled with fossil fuel boilers), achieving costs of about US8c/kwh." "Synergies with Renewables: Concentrating Solar Thermal," Cooperative Research Centre for Coal in Sustainable Development, Australia, 2006 Gas would take the place of coal for new capacity Gas would comprise up to 35% of national generating capacity during the transition period. Source: Desertec Australia "Deep cuts in emissions are This short-term "dash to gas" would require a doubling of the curent forecast rollout pace of natural gas capacity. But the greenhouse gas impact compatible with continuing would be dramatically positive. It would result in a rapid decline in greenhouse gas emissions from stationary energy, the largest component of the strong economic growth and nation's greenhouse gas signature. improvements to living standards." CSIRO, Response to Issues Paper, Prime Minister’s Task Group on Emissions Trading "Australia can afford to take a leadership position in committing to substantial reductions in our net greenhouse emissions, in order to help manage the economic risks to Australia, and to contribute to the global momentum and concrete actions required to avoid dangerous global climate change." Leader, Follower or Free Rider, Climate Institute, 2007 A rapid buildout of natural gas would require a roughly 10% annual expansion of capacity, twice current estimates A 'dash for gas' between now and 2020 will drastically reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions Source: ABARE Source: Desertec-Austraila Between now and 2020, experts believe the geothermal and concentrating solar power industries can expand by 45-67% per year, while wind may expand more slowly due to short-term grid constraints. After 2020 onwards, concentrating solar power and geothermal's growth rates can be expected to fall back to 20% per year as they grow larger in size, while wind's expansion may accelerate due to vanishing grid constraints thanks to new infrastructure spending. After 2030, wind and geothermal can be expected to expand at slightly slower rates due to technical uncertainties, while concentrating solar power continues to expand rapidly. “We need to act now. We need roadmaps that accelerate international technology development and implementation, but that leave room for flexible responses on a country level”, Geothermal CSP Wind Biomass 2010 MWs 50 50 2,000 300 Renewable Energy Growth Rates and Costs 2020 10-year Post 2020 MWs Growth Rate Growth Rate 2,000 45% 15% 8,500 67% 20% 7,500 14% 20% 2,500 24% 5% Post 2030 Growth Rate 10% 20% 15% 2% Sources: Worley Parsons, Australian Geothermal Energy Group, US NREL, TREC estimates and others Nobuo Tanaka, Executive Director, As the chart below shows, after 2020 as the amount of renewables in the grid will grow to be sizeable. At that time, Australia will need to consider International Energy Agency caps on the amount of such energy allowed into the domestic grid to ensure stability. Reasonable maximums might be 25% apiece for wind, geothermal and concentrating solar power. After 2020, gas would continue to play a crucial load-balancing role (as would hydro), but its contribution could fall once baseload carbon capture and storage coal-fired power plants start coming on line. The beauty of the system is that it provides maximum flexibility as Australia's builds out its electricity generating capacity to meet its needs and to start serving export markets. "Earlier action (on global warming) allows a more gradual transition to a low carbon economy, allowing individuals Australia will begin generating surplus energy by around 2020 and businesses to adjust and Source: Desertec Australia learn over time. This learning process will give us a competitive advantage." Under the scenario above, several intriguing things start happening around 2020. The first, of course is that solar, geothermal and wind start creating Draft Carbon Trading Green Paper significant amounts of energy. The second is that the rapid 2010-2020 'dash to gas' gives way to falling domestic needs for additional gas-fired electricity as carbon capture and storage comes on line. After 2020, therefore, some gas-fired power capacity becomes surplus and therefore could be redirected to an electricity export market. As concentrating solar power, wind and geothermal cross over their respective 25% domestic market thresholds around 2025, they could join gas in generating power for export as well. By 2030, Australia could be producing electricity equal to nearly twice its electricity needs export nearly 400 Twhs of electricity per year. Around 2030, geothermal would enter the export mix after it surpasses the 25% domestic energy threshold. By 2039, Australia could be generating nearly 3,000 Twhs of low-emission electricity, six times its domestic electricity needs. "Greentech could be the largest economic opportunity of the 21st century. Leaders are calling for alternatives to $60-a-barrel oil, and entrepreneurs are rising to the challenge." John Doerr, partner, Kleiner Perkins, a Silicon Valley venture capital firm. "Markets for low-carbon energy products are likely to be worth at least $500bn per year by 2050, and perhaps much more. Individual companies and countries should position themselves to take advantage of these opportunities." Stern Review By 2050, Australia could be expected to be generating huge amounts of clean, low emission energy Source: Desertec Australia “After so many years of inaction, it is impossible for Australia to be in front of the rest of the world in tackling climate change. A greater risk is being left behind a world of emerging economic opportunities.” Peeny Wong, Federal Climate Minister, Australia "We must build long-term competitive strengths in the global industries of tomorrow industries that will provide the high-paying jobs of the future." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister, Australia Connecting to Asia With increasing energy surpluses to export, Australia will need an export delivery mechanism. In the graphs below show, clockwise from upper left, Asia's electricity, natural gas pipeline and telephone networks. The graph at the lower left shows how they form a backbone connecting Western Australia to China, the region's largest economy and energy consumer. A largely-comprehensive utility grid already spans the Asian region, with Australia as a notable outlier. Asia's electricity grid Asia's natural gas pipeline system Telecommunications cables between Australia and Asia An overlay of them all shows a backbone from Australia to Asia “There is a path to Australia being a low-emissions economy within around 40 years, consistently with continuing strong growth in material living standards." Prof. Ross Garnaut Sources: ASEAN, Teleconnect, NEMMCO To the composite picture above should be added two very significant infrastructure projects. The first is China's large-scale buildout of High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) power lines to carry western hydropower to the country's eastern cities. The second is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 'Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline' (TAGP). "The Energy Supply Association of Australia (ESAA) has estimated that, by 2030, additional installed generation capacity to meet Australia’s electricity demand growth will cost at least $35 billion." "Energy Reform: The way forward for Australia" The Energy Reform Implementation Group 2007 Given that Australia has potentially huge supplies of renewable energy to offer after 2020, HVDC cables should be strung from the renewable energyrich Australian interior up to the existing Asian electricity grid. This could be done in one of two ways: either through connecting to the Indonesian grid or through connecting directly to China by laying an HVDC cable across the South China Sea to Guangdong and interconnections with China's own planned HVDC system. The capacity of HVDC cables is increasing all the time. This is driving down their cost. An HVDC connection to to China would become a major economic asset to Australia. "Australia's power grids are beginning to show their age - we need a blueprint to renew those grids as more efficient and China is building out huge HVDC capacity to carry hydropwer to her eastern cities responsive Intelligent Networks. We need to put the digital age to Source: ABB --Click Image to Enlarge work for our network customers" Craig Murray, The ASEAN nations are planning to fill in the gaps in their existing regional natural gas pipeline infrastructure. The new bits of the network will traverse managing director, Country Energy. some of the same route an Australia-China HVDC cable might traverse. Furthermore, the additions to the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP) would result in a major interconnection point at the Natuna gas field off Malaysia. This would offer the potential of a major Asian natural gas and electricity nexus. Among other things, it would offer Australia a interconnection point to Palawan Island in the Philippines, to which China is considering building its own natural gas import pipeline. Asia's existing natural gas pipeline system is fragmented ASEAN is planning to connect its pipeline systems under the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline project Australia could hook into or transit the TAGP network in delivering natural gas to China or deliver the gas to Palawan Island in the Philippines, to which China is aleady considering building a natural gas pipeline Source: ASEAN Energy Department, Chinese government, Desertec-Australia Therefore, the potential exists for Australia to bundle HVDC and natural gas export infrastructure to complement infrastructure buildouts already planned for Asia. This would immensely deepen trade and energy ties in the region and enhance regional energy security through a network that would ultimately look something like the below. "The cost of an HVDC Light link now approaches the cost of an overhead line." ABB "We don't have an energy problem. We have an energy conversion and distribution problem." Hans Müller-Steinhagen, German Aerospace Center "There is no physical restriction limiting the distance or power level for HVDC underground or submarine cables." ABB Australia's power and gas lines could either intersect with the gas networks and electricity grid of ASEAN or press on for bilateral trade with China Source: Desertec-Australia The result would be an trans-Asian energy network with Australia as a key -- possibly dominant -- supplier. Naturally, the undertaking would be ambitious. The subsea HVDC and natural gas pipelines would be the longest of their kind in the world. The infrastructure project would be among the largest in the world. But Australia's huge energy resources, coupled with the pressing need for cost-effective Chinese carbon emission reductions and the huge costs of climate inaction, make such a project highly sensible since it would provide long-lasting infrastructure ensuring regional energy security and lower hemisphere greenhouse gas emissions. Farsighted investment along these line is aleady being made overseas. Noway is the leader here. It has two projects of relevance: the 1,200-km "Climate is one of the greatest challenges of our time - and our Langeled subsea natural gas pipeline connecting Norway to England and the 580km, 700MW Norned HVDC cable connecting Norway to The Netherlands. response must be decisive. It must also be delivered in a way that helps us build a stronger economy for the future." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister, Australia The 1,200 km Langeled undersea gas pipeline carries 20 billion cubic meters a year of natural gas from Norway to England The 700MW, 580km Norned HVDC cable carries hydroelelectricity from Norway to the Netherlands Source: Norwegian goverment Source: ABB Both projects are operations and delivering low emission energy (ie natural gas and hydro) to European countries without Norway's resources. To date, Norway to date has not taken advantage of bundling infrastructure. Another relevant project is Nord Stream, a proposed 1,200-kilometer subsea natural gas pipeline from Russian territory on the Baltic Sea directly to the German market, bypassing Russia's prickly former Baltic State Warsaw Pact allies. While the motivation for Nord Stream is clearly political, it is being considered seriously. “Instead of running all of the world’s generators’ half the time – which is very inefficient – we are talking about running half the world’s generators all the time… much more efficient.” Michael Powers, Global Energy Network Institute “By connecting regional electricity grids around the world into a global network, it will be possible to tap new renewable resources and phase out our worst polluting coal-fired power." plants” Michael Powers, Global Energy Network Institute The proposed 1,200-kilometer Nord Stream gas pipeline project would connect Russia with Germany under the Baltic Sea Source: Nord Stream "A global energy network makes enormous sense if we are to meet global energy needs with a Australia's energy resources are so vast it's in a position -- with some forethought -- to bundle cross-border HVDC and natural gas pipeline minimal impact on the world's infrastructure. Roughly half the cost of a land-based natural gas pipeline and two-thirds of an offshore one, lies in labor costs. Splitting labor costs environment." between a natural gas pipeline and HVDC cables laid simultaneously, therefore, should reduce overall project costs by 25%. That's significant. Al Gore, environmental activist "I want to see an energy freeway between Australia and East-Asia where we are supplying needs that a growing East-Asia will have. This is an enormous opportunity for Australia but it is important for these countries. They are going through with China, massive industrialisation, they need to be assured that they are going to get energy. " Peter Costello, Federal Treasurer (1996-2007) Australia Labor accounts for nearly half the cost of land-based gas pipelines and nearly 60% of offshore pipelines Source: Oil & Gas Journal Carbon pricing in Australia could be expected to alter the economics of liquid natural gas (LNG) exports versus pipelines. At present, cross-ocean LNG transport is considered more economical for natural gas when distances are greater than ~2,000 kilometers. However, compressing natural gas into LNG is highly energy intensive. LNG requires nearly 30% of the underlying natural gas energy to achieve the compression. Carbon pricing will make this compression process more expensive, adding to an already highly-expensive, extremely complicated infrastructure. By contrast, natural gas delivery by pipeline eliminates the need for ships, ports and expensive LNG trains. Transporting natural gas as LNG requires huge, expensive and complicated infrastructure pipelines don't require Source: Center For Energy The reduced labor costs from bundling subsea natural gas pipelines and HVDC power lines, coupled with the carbon savings of avoiding energy-intensive LNG compression could significantly 'push out' the 'crossover' point between natural gas pipelines and LNG. Assuming 25% project savings through labor and 10-20% carbon emission cost reductions from avoiding LNG, the crossover point between pipeline and LNG could lie at around 2,200 miles (3,666) kilometers. That's roughly the distance from Port Hedland to Guangdong, China through the South China Sea. "We need to start moving now to start building the infrastructure to meet the deadlines that nature will impose on us." Tim Flannery "We will have to find ways of satisfying our energy needs with Carbon pricing and bundled infrastructure labor savings could transform the near-zero net emissions of economics of Australia natural gas exports. greenhouse gases in order to avoid the worst damage from climate change. This will require an almost complete turnover in In addition, offshore wind farms could be placed along the gas pipeline/HVDC route. The wind farms could access and feed into the trunkline and the world's energy generate huge amounts of wind power. infrastructure." International Energy Agency Wind farms could be located alongside Australia-Asia HVDC power lines Similar projects are under active consideration in Europe. The UK has drawn up plans for a network of offshore wind turbines connected by an offshore HVDC trunk connected both to the the UK and continental Europe. Japan is already considering something like this with its eco-rigs plan. Designs are being drawn up for a series of North Sea wind farms The UK has drawn up plans for a major offshore HVDC network to carry wind power to the UK's mainland Finally, a combined HVDC/natural gas pipeline system connecting Port Hedland to Asia fits well with other large investment proposals like 'Iron Boomerang' and the development of Queensland coal seam methane resources. A gas pipeline and/or HVDC power lines strung alongside the proposed Bowen, Queensland to Port Hedland, Western Australia 'Iron Boomerang' rail system could fill out a northern Australian pathway for energy exports to Asia. This, in turn, begs the question whether natural gas exports to China, South Korea and Japan are best handled through pipeline exports centered at Port Hedland rather than through expensive, environmentally-questionable LNG trains in Gladstone, Queensland. Queensland's natural gas/ coal seam methane could be pumped to Port Hedland over a continental pipeline either for delivery to Asia through a gas pipeline, or by the 'gas-by-wire' alternative of placing natural gas-fired electricity-generation plants around Port Hedland and pumping the electricity to Asia over high-voltage direct current power lines rather than putting the natural gas through the pipeline system. Australia has some unusual diplomatic assets in the developing countries that are centrally important to successful global (greenhouse gas) mitigation policy. Chinese policy is crucial to a successful global outcome. A history of close and productive cooperation on domestic and international policy through the reform period gives Australia a strong base for cooperation with China. Garnaut Climate Change Review Supplementary Draft Report With the proper infrastructure, Australia could export wind, solar, geothermal, gas and 'closed-cycle' nuclear power to China over a huge capacity, terrorist-proof energy transmission system Source: Desertec-Australia, East-West Lines, company announcements Most of Australia's natural gas exports from the Northwest shelf are currently bound for China as LNG, typically offloaded in Guangdong which, coincidentally, is just where a proposed subsea natural gas pipeline from Port Hedland would reach land. Therefore, a massive Australia-China energy pathway carrying both HVDC electricity and natural gas could feed into China's natural southern nexus for both. China is already developing an offshore gas field at Huizhou, connected to Guangdong by a 369-km pipeline. Ultimately, this could end up being the first leg of a 1,500kilometer pipeline from Guangdong to Palawan in the Philippines. With an unrivalled richness in energy resources, Australia is unique in having such an opportunity to build its own energy pathway to international markets. China has a renewable energy market expected to grow to $550 billion by 2020. By generating massive clean energy export revenue that could dwarf the $20 billion Australia currently gets for coal, Australia could singlehandedly make a significant dent in global greenhouse gas emissions while expanding its geo-political geo-economic power hugely. This kind of energy export-oriented plan speaks directly to Australia's strengths. Australia has huge resources of natural gas. Australia has huge amounts of sun and geothermal energy. And Australia has expertise in laying subsea and buried terrestrial HVDC cables by virtue of having buillt Basslink and Murraylink. "It's dead obvious, we have to find a way of exporting energy in greater volumes than our gas resources can produce and with higher value than uranium can generate." Keith Lovegrove Australia is set to see huge increases in natural gas exports in coming years. This is sensible since the gas fetches higher prices overseas than in the domestic market. Furthermore, natural gas is a key transition fuel for the next 10 years as renewable energy sources build up volume. Australian natural gas exports are set to rise sharply in coming years This is sensible since natural gas yields higher prices overseas Source: "Australia’s Natural Gas: Issues and Trends, Research Paper no. 25, 2007–08," Australian Federal Parliament Library Source: EnergyQuest The massive energy transfers that could occur between Australia and China between now and 2050 clearly argue in favor of big infrastructure to handle it. If Australia follows the roadmap above, it could be providing China and/or the economies of Northeast Asia as much as 10,000 Twhs a year. That's enough to satisfy more than a third of China's much enlarged energy needs expected in that year. "Australia has a clear responsibility to develop its uranium resources in a sustainable way - irrespective of whether or not we end up using nuclear power." John Howard, prime minister, Australia (19962007) "I have very great concerns about the current fragile safety regimes (regarding nuclear power) and the porous nature of (nuclear) safeguards because of the International Atomic Energy Agency's inadequate monitoring of safety issues." Peter Garrett, Federal Labor Shadow Environment Minister "The current Australian Government came to office with a new commitment to seek to be much more active... as a nation on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament matters." Stephen Smith, Foreign Minister, Australia Australia could be exporting 10,000 Twhs by 2050... ..amounting to nearly 35% of China's electricity consumption that year And with those kinds of transfers, a combination of gas pipeline and HVDC system would provide maximum flexibility for very high throughput. By building both to handle such huge energy transfers, Australia reduces price risk by having a flexible delivery infrastructure that can adapt to changing prices. As such, bundled infrastructure would be the 'low-risk' strategy, particularly since it would be complemented by existing LNG infrastructure as a supplementary delivery method. "Renewable energy generally has a positive effect on energy security, employment and on air quality." Integovernmental Panel on Climate Change Source: "Electric Power Grid Connections in the APEC Region," APEC 2004 Nuclear Power In a 2007 report, the pro-nuclear Howard government suggested building out 25,000MW of nuclear power capacity by 2050 (Ziggy Switkowski' only spruiked for 6,000MW), claiming it would have a big impact on reducing carbon emissions. "A (emissions trading) scheme should allow the flexibility to accommodate substantially increased Australian exports of low emission fuels to world markets, which would have a net beneficial effect on the environment." BHP Billiton, Submission, Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading Renewable energy can be built out now, pending a buildout of nuclear capacity after 2020 "Uranium Mining, Processing and Nuclear Energy – Opportunities for Australia?" Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, 2007 However, even with 25,000MW of capacity, nuclear would only credibly contribute at the margin as the graph below shows. However, it could forestall a buildout of nuclear capacity elsewhere in Asia, enhancing geopolitical stability, as would a pipeline infrastructure. Even a 25,000MW of nuclear power capacity would be dwarfed by Australia's renewable energy output. Source: Desertec Nonetheless, there is an argument to be made for nuclear power. If nuclear power must take root in Asia, it should be undertaken in Australia where it can done in a safe, 'closed-cycle' manner entirely at Roxby Downs, South Australia. By opting to sell only higher-value electricity instead of low value uranium Australia develops another lucrative long-term revenue stream and limts the risks of nuclear proliferation. Centering an Australian nuclear industry at Roxby Downs, and putting that energy into the HVDC power lines serving Asia, will bring Australia commercial, safety and geopolitical benefits. Selling uranium to China creates a proliferation threat for tomorrow China is building up a nuclear industry that could be supplanted by energy imports from Australia Source: Deloitte Insights Source: IEA The Beneifts to China, Japan, South Korea and Asia Continued reliance on fossil fuels is risky on environmental, economic and geopolitcal grounds. China is bulding out one coal-fired power station a week, and is creating a fleet of coal-fired power stations each year equivalent in size to ALL of Australia's electricity generation capacity. Solutions must be found. In addition, Japan and South Korea are large greenhouse pollutors. Solving clmate change, then, means solving the energy issue in Asia. The plan above offers one way to do that. Traditional mercator map view of the world Carbon emission-adjusted view of the world Source: University of Sheffield The plan above would help China meet the objectives laid out in the Garnaut Review, in which economically-developing China's greenhouse gas emissions are allowed to rise on a per capita basis until they reach those of the greenhouse gas-reducing developed countries. At that point, China would join the developed world in lowering per capita greenhouse gas emissions at the same rate. As it happens, Australia's exports of 'clean energy' to China would occur around 2020, the same year China's per capita greenhouse gas emissions would meet those of the developing world, compelling China to match reductions made in developing economies. "It is in every nation's interest for China to strengthen its links to the global economy and to become an increasingly positive stakeholder." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister, Australia Energy exports to China beginning in 2020 could meet the recommendations of the Garnaut Review Source: Garnaut Review The Plan Makes a Virtue of Necessity, on Supply Grounds... China must stop relying on coal. So must the world. Independent researchers estimate that the world, far from having abundant coal supplies, is running out of the resource, with China particularly at risk. Should China face a coal crunch in 2020 with its attendant risks of economic and social dislocation due to power interruptions, Australia could find itself in the sights of a militarily-aggressive China obssessed with securing its own energy supplies. Australia would be far better off helping devise ways to satisfy China's huge energy appetite on economic instead of military terms. World energy supplies of coal, oil and natural gas are expected to decline sharply in coming years China's coal production has already peaked and is declining Source: "Coal, Resources and Future Production," Energy Watch Group, March 2007 ..And Energy Security Grounds At present, the Asian region is hugely vulnerable to disruptions in energy supply, particularly of LNG shipped from the Middle East through the Straits of Malacca. Terrorist sabotage of a LNG ship that closed the main shipping lane between Asia and the Middle East could cause huge economic dislocation in Asia. Having an alternative supply line from Australia reduces this exposure through having a reliable, hardened, subsea infrastructure that can ensure uninterrupted deliveries and presents no obvious weak spots for a terrorist attack. "We need to have a vision for an Asia-Pacific community, a vision that embraces a regional institution, which spans the entire Asia-Pacific region including the United States, Japan, China, India, Indonesia and the other states of the region." Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister, Australia “The European Parliament has shown its commitment to fair access to the electricity grids, which is essential if the EU is ever to attain effective competition in the power market while meeting its objective of 20% renewable energy by 2020.” Christian Kjaer, Chief Executive, European Wind Energy Association East Asia is vulnerable to natural gas and LNG supply disruptions through a closure of the Straits of Malacca Source: ASEAN Center for Energy, 2007 “Allowing power generation companies to own the transmission grid makes no more sense than allowing an airline company to own the sky.” Christian Kjaer, Chief Executive, European Wind Energy Association East Asia is similarly highly vulnerable to oil supply disruptions from shipping The Garnaut Review: Great Erudition, Utter Lack of Vision Despite being nearly 700 pages long, the Garnaut Review offered nothing more than a cursory examination of non-hydro renewables, dismissively assuming they will play little role in Australia's energy system until after 2050 while coal retains a favored place for another century. DESERTEC rejects this reflexive acceptance of coal as the dominant fuel. The two charts below illustrate the fundamental differences between the visions. The Garnaut plan involves dirty coal with no environmental remediation providing the majority of Australia's electricity until 2033. After that, carbon capture 'ready' coal fired power plants will take over. In 2033, under the Garnaut vision, non-hydro renewables will still account for only about 10% of Australia's electricity output. In 2063, non-hydro renewables will account for only about half. Ross Garnaut's plan foresees coal-fired power as far as the eye can see. Source: Chapter 20, Final Garnaut Review, page 19 in Acrobat, 485 in overall report DESERTEC's vision, by contrast, starts immediately winding down non-carbon capture equipped coal-fired power. The DESERTEC vision eliminates non-carbon capture coal-fired power by 2030 with renewables providing three quarters of Australia's electricity that year. Desertec's plan Another fundamental difference between Garnaut's vision of Australia's energy future and DESERTEC's is that Garnaut clings to the rather hopeless fiction that Australia's electricity consumption will rise by only 1% per year going forward, resulting in a 250 Twh national demand by 2020. DESERTEC believes this is naive. DESERTEC believes future consumption in Australia will rise as it has in the past at 2% per year, meaning 2020 demand of 343Twh and up to 800 Twhs by 2050. This is more in line with ABARE's estimates (see below). Source: ABARE