2009 Annual Statisical Report on United Nations Procurement
2009 Annual Statisical Report on United Nations Procurement Procurement of goods and services - all sources of funding Procurement profiles of the Development Assistance Committee member countries Procurement profiles of the top twenty developing countries and countries with economies in transition 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement UNOPS would like to acknowledge the contribution of the various organizations to the 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations. Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior permission of UNOPS. This document is available online at www.ungm.org. It has been published in electronic format only thereby eliminating the use of paper, ink, and transport emissions. Table of Contents Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................................1 Glossary of terms...........................................................................................................................................................2 Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................................................3 Total procurement of goods and services for operational activities of the UN system...........................................3 Ten major countries of supply to the UN system in 2009.......................................................................................4 Procurement by UN agencies in 2008 – 2009.......................................................................................................5 Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition.............................................6 Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by region.............................7 Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by top 10 UN agencies.......8 Top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition supplying UN operations in 2009......................................................................................................................................9 United Nations procurement and the Global Compact.........................................................................................10 Procurement from Global Compact members as a percentage of orders of $30,000 or more...........................10 Sustainability reporting in the UN system.................................................................................................................12 About the report...........................................................................................................................................................16 Procurement profiles of the DAC member countries...............................................................................................17 Australia...............................................................................................................................................................18 Austria..................................................................................................................................................................19 Belgium................................................................................................................................................................20 Canada.................................................................................................................................................................21 Denmark...............................................................................................................................................................22 Finland.................................................................................................................................................................23 France..................................................................................................................................................................24 Germany..............................................................................................................................................................25 Greece.................................................................................................................................................................26 Ireland..................................................................................................................................................................27 Italy.......................................................................................................................................................................28 Japan...................................................................................................................................................................29 Luxemburg...........................................................................................................................................................30 Netherlands..........................................................................................................................................................31 New Zealand........................................................................................................................................................32 Norway.................................................................................................................................................................33 Portugal................................................................................................................................................................34 Spain....................................................................................................................................................................35 Sweden................................................................................................................................................................36 Switzerland...........................................................................................................................................................37 United Kingdom....................................................................................................................................................38 United States........................................................................................................................................................39 i | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Procurement profiles of the top twenty developing countries and countries with economies in transition................................................................................................................ 40 Afghanistan.................................................................................................................................................... 41 Argentina........................................................................................................................................................ 42 Brazil.............................................................................................................................................................. 43 China.............................................................................................................................................................. 44 Congo, Democratic Republic of..................................................................................................................... 45 Ethiopia.......................................................................................................................................................... 46 India............................................................................................................................................................... 47 Indonesia........................................................................................................................................................ 48 Jordan............................................................................................................................................................ 49 Kenya............................................................................................................................................................. 50 Lebanon......................................................................................................................................................... 51 Pakistan......................................................................................................................................................... 52 Panama.......................................................................................................................................................... 53 Peru................................................................................................................................................................ 54 South Africa.................................................................................................................................................... 55 Sudan............................................................................................................................................................. 56 Turkey............................................................................................................................................................ 57 Uganda........................................................................................................................................................... 58 Ukraine........................................................................................................................................................... 59 United Arab Emirates..................................................................................................................................... 60 Procurement of goods and services - all sources of funding............................................................................ 61 Total procurement of goods by country of procurement and services by country of head office................... 62 Total procurement by UN agency................................................................................................................... 65 Procurement of goods by country of procurement and source of funds........................................................ 66 Total procurement of goods by UN agency and country of procurement....................................................... 69 Procurement of services by contractor’s country of head office and source of funds.................................... 84 Total procurement of services by agency and country of procurement.......................................................... 87 Top 10 items/product groups procured by UN agencies...................................................................................102 Agency share by category of goods and services.............................................................................................110 Major goods and supplies ordered by UN agencies..........................................................................................123 Major service and works contracts placed by UN agencies............................................................................. 224 Project personnel - all sources of funding..........................................................................................................336 Annexes.................................................................................................................................................................340.... Annex 1 - Abbreviations................................................................................................................................341 Annex 2 - Developing countries and those with economies in transition......................................................342 Annex 3 - Industrialized countries.................................................................................................................344 ii | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Introduction United Nations procurement delivery in 2009 has marginally increased in comparison to previous years. The total United Nations procurement volume has increased by $203 million over the previous year, representing an increase of 1.5 percent. In terms of procurement of goods and services, agencies decreased their procurement of goods by $360 million and increased that of services by $563 million over 2008. The 2009 data further confirms that the UN’s requirement for services exceeds that of goods, reversing the trend of previous years where the proportion of goods procured far outweighed that of services contracted. The 2009 report analyzes procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, and examines United Nations system performance in increasing opportunities for vendors in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Significant progress has been made towards achieving that objective (refer to Figures 3 to 8 in the Executive Summary for more detail). New for 2009, the report provides a comparative analysis of the agency share of goods and services categories procured by UN agencies. In addition, the 2009 report looks at procurement by United Nations organizations from vendors that support the ‘Global Compact’. The Compact measures engagement by the United Nations system with companies that take corporate social responsibility seriously, an increasingly important consideration in the global marketplace. While United Nations organizations give no preferential treatment to Compact signatories, the volume of procurement with registered Global Compact vendors shows an average increase over the period 2006-2009. The 2009 statistical report features an annual thematic supplement, now in its second year, that focuses on current issues in procurement. The focus of the 2009 supplement is on emerging issues relating to procurement from developing countries. It includes an overview of the international debate on the subject, case studies and contributions from practitioners and international experts. 1 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Glossary of terms All sources of UN funding: Covers technical cooperation and other development assistance from regular, extra budgetary and trust funds, as well as emergency, humanitarian and peacekeeping operations. Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries: A key forum of major bilateral donors who work together to increase the effectiveness of their common efforts to support sustainable development. DAC consists of 22 member countries as well as the Commission of the European Communities. Developing countries and countries with economies in transition (DC/ET): Countries for which the United Nations provides financial/technical assistance. A list of these countries is attached as Annex 2. Fellowships: Scholarships and study tours awarded to individuals for study and training within various operational activity programmes. Activities which do not involve individual award of a scholarship, such as group training and seminars, are not included. Goods: Includes both equipment and supplies. International Project Personnel: Experts and consultants hired internationally for technical cooperation activities. National Project Personnel: National personnel of all categories, including experts and consultants, hired locally for technical cooperation activities. Procurement: The acquisition of goods and services. Services: Contracts with companies/contractors or consulting firms. This does not include the hiring of individual experts and consultants. 2 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Executive Summary Total procurement of goods and services for operational activities of the UN system The overall procurement volume (goods and services combined) of United Nations organizations during 2009 increased to $13.8 billion, from $13.6 billion in 2008 – a gain of 1.5 percentage points. The total procurement of goods decreased by $360 million, a reduction of 5.3 percentage points, while procurement of services grew by $563 million, an increase of 8.2 percentage points. Between 2005 and 2009, United Nations procurement volume increased from $8.3 billion to $13.8 billion, primarily attributable to a $3.6 billion growth in the procurement of services in the same period. Figure 1 Total procurement of goods and services, 2005-2009 ($ Million) Services Goods 16,000 14,000 13,594 13,797 6,840 7,403 6,754 6,394 2008 2009 12,000 10,113 9,404 10,000 8,331 8,000 6,000 4,839 4,739 3,777 4,000 2,000 4,553 4,665 5,273 2005 2006 2007 0 From 2005 to 2009, United Nations system procurement of services rose as a share of total procurement, slightly overtaking the procurement share of goods for the first time in 2006 and again in 2008, increasing even further in 2009. In 2009, the share of services exceeded that of goods by 7.3 percent compared to just 0.6 percent in 2008, representing the largest increase in the history of the Annual Statistical Report. Figure 2 Proportion of goods and services procured, 2005-2009 Services Goods Figure 2: Proportion of goods and servcies procured 60.0% 53.7% 46.3% 50.3% 49.7% 52.1% 50.4% 49.6% 47.9% 20.0% 45.3% 30.0% Goods Services 58.0% 42.0% 54.7% 45.3% 49.6% 50.4% 52.1% 47.9% 49.7% 50.3% 46.3% 53.7% 54.7% 2004 50.0% 2005 2006 2007 40.0% 2008 2009 10.0% 0.0% 2005 2006 3 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2007 2008 2009 Ten major countries of supply to the UN system in 2009 The 10 major countries to supply United Nations organizations in 2009 included three developing countries – India, Sudan and Afghanistan. India has featured in this list since 2000, and in 2009, was the third largest supplier to the United Nations system, with a 4.9 percent share of total United Nations procurement volume. Procurement from India includes vaccines, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment purchased primarily by UNICEF. Procurement from Afghanistan consisted primarily of construction and transport services executed through national contractors by UNDP and UNOPS respectively. Procurement from Sudan also consisted of construction and transport services as well as fuel oils procured by the United Nations Procurement Division (UN/PD) and WFP. Table 1 Top 10 countries of supply to the UN system in 2009 Countries Goods Services USA Switzerland India Sudan Russian Federation Afghanistan United Kingdom France Italy Belgium Top 10 Total Grand Total 358.7 564.4 618.5 151.2 32.5 63.5 266.8 348.9 232.2 335.5 2,972.2 6,394.1 1,375.3 279.4 58.2 490.4 430.7 372.5 144.5 59.1 160.0 52.7 3,422.8 7,403.0 Total $ Million 1,734.0 843.8 676.7 641.7 463.2 436.0 411.3 408.1 392.2 388.1 6,395.0 13,797.2 % of Total 12.6% 6.1% 4.9% 4.7% 3.4% 3.2% 3.0% 3.0% 2.8% 2.8% 46.4% 100.0% The percentage share of total goods and services procured from the top 10 major countries of supply to the United Nations system had a promising decreasing trend between 2004 and 2006 and thereby broadening the geographical spread of UN procurement. Between 2006 and 2009 (see Figure 3) this downward trend has reversed and the procurement share of the top ten countries of supply to the United Nations has increased. During this period the percentage share has increased by 12 percent, the 2009 level of 46 percent is however, only one percent lower than the level recorded in 2004. Figure 3 Percentage share of total procurement volume of the top 10 countries to supply the UN system 50%2004 2005 2006 2007 40%2008 2009 47% 47%41% 34% 38% 38% 46% 46% 41% 38% 38% 34% 30% 2004 2005 4 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2006 2007 2008 2009 Procurement by UN agencies in 2008-2009 The following table lists the procurement volume of individual United Nations organizations in 2008 and 2009. Data are presented by the percentage share from developing countries and those with economies in transition. Although the increase of the total procurement volume from 2008 to 2009 was minor, 21 of the 33 reporting United Nations organizations increased their procurement volume over the previous year. The United Nations Procurement Division (UN/PD) and UNICEF recorded the largest volume increases, both increasing their volume by some $300 million. Table 2 Procurement by UN agencies, including percentage procured in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, 2008-2009 ($ Million) Agency Goods 2008 Services Total (%) Goods 2009 Services Total (%) ESCAP 2.14 5.16 7.30 96.12% 6.20 7.74 13.94 81.77% ESCWA 1.31 1.70 3.01 78.33% 1.77 1.17 2.95 69.82% ECE ECLAC Data included in UNOG figures Data included in UNOG figures 1.31 4.51 5.81 90.13% 3.05 5.20 8.24 83.86% FAO 72.73 35.83 108.57 45.86% 89.12 44.50 133.62 43.41% IAEA 63.63 36.28 99.91 17.36% 87.60 48.23 135.84 13.26% IFAD 3.94 27.09 31.02 1.57% 1.69 45.61 47.30 8.70% 15.17 38.69 53.86 59.06% 8.26 76.90 85.16 41.53% INSTRAW 0.06 0.07 0.13 ITC 0.47 3.60 4.07 3.92 5.29 6.97% ILO ITU OPCW 5.41 376.66 UNCTAD UNECA UNESCO UN/DPKO 22.18% Data not submitted PAHO UNDP 100.00% Data not submitted 1.37 Data not submitted 7.74 13.15 0.43% 2.59 376.66 31.54% 384.90 0.86 1.98 2.83 724.46 2,135.31 2,859.77 80.96% 610.02 1.76 29.42% 7.16 261.19 37.54% 1.76 114.84 146.35 4.94 7.53 0.37% 384.90 12.34% 93.96% Data included in UNOG figures Data included in UN/PD figures 58.70 2,000.91 126.97 2,610.93 79.89% 9.41 47.22% 185.67 33.39% Data included in UN/PD figures UNFPA 138.05 114.87 252.92 39.22% 131.60 226.33 357.93 60.79% UNHCR 206.75 159.35 366.10 71.51% 239.53 167.00 406.53 68.32% UNICEF 1,540.48 0.00 1,540.48 42.25% 1,829.12 0.00 1,829.12 40.46% UNIDO 25.52 28.37 53.89 45.16% 16.91 69.56 86.47 40.13% UN/PD 1,345.87 1,826.40 3,172.27 33.83% 1,076.38 2,412.04 3,488.42 28.71% UNOG 12.49 51.92 64.41 2.25% 21.48 82.78 104.25 1.31% 12.54 23.15 35.70 52.48% UNON UNOPS Data not submitted 358.90 503.95 862.85 71.69% 442.68 428.80 871.48 81.69% 5.47 10.88 16.34 9.79% 8.27 8.66 16.93 16.68% 150.82 54.49 205.31 85.68% 168.35 96.92 265.27 78.99% 0.35 1.80 2.16 48.07% 0.04 1.13 1.17 11.20% UNV 0.40 10.63 11.03 1.10% 0.45 11.25 11.70 1.12% UPU 1.83 1.83 73.95% 0.37 0.37 56.58% 3,063.92 46.00% 2,568.62 78.34% UNOV UNRWA UNU WFP WHO 1,579.55 WIPO WMO WTO TOTAL 1,484.37 Data not submitted due to ERP implementation 2.92 1,180.01 1,388.61 Data not submitted due to ERP implementation 138.24 138.24 1.62% 5.68 8.59 5.26% 3.57 109.50 109.50 2.46% 4.44 8.01 5.52% 0.17 4.67 4.84 0.00% 0.40 4.52 4.92 8.98% 6,754.33 6,839.93 13,594.26 51.29% 6,394.14 7,400.78 13,797.17 54.91% 5 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition General Assembly resolution 57/279 on procurement reform (specifically paragraph 6), encouraged United Nations organizations to increase sourcing opportunities for suppliers from developing countries and countries with economies in transition. General Assembly resolution 61/246 (specifically paragraph 24), reiterated this request. In response, United Nations organizations attempted to place more orders with suppliers from these countries. The growth of such orders has more than doubled in dollar terms from 2005 to 2009, as shown in Figure 4. ($ Million) Figure 4 UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, 2005-2009 8,000 Goods 7,576 6,972 7,000 6,000 5,425 5,166 5,000 4,000 3,594 3,000 1,504 3,337 4,263 3,635 3,313 2008 2009 2,673 2,656 2,000 1,000 Services 2,090 2,510 2,752 2005 2006 2007 0 In 2009 procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition increased by almost $1 billion over 2008 further building upon the $1.5 billion increase from 2007 to 2008. Of note, procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition has increased from 51.3 percent in 2008 to 54.9 percent of total United Nations procurement volume in 2009, while procurement from industrialized countries increased from 37.9 percent in 2008 to 43.9 percent in 2009. Procurement from unspecified countries decreased from $1.4 billion to $0.15 billion in 2009. Countries remain unspecified when organizations cannot attribute the origin of the supplier in their management information systems. This substantial decrease is due to WFP now being able to provide the origin of transportation services, which in previous years accounted for up to $1.2 billion in procurement from unspecified countries. Figure 5 UN procurement from industrialized countries, developing countries and countries with economies in transition, 2005-2009 (as a percentage of the total procurement volume) 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Developing Countries & Countries Industrialised Unspecified with Economies in Transition Countries Countries 41.1% 45.9% 13.0% 43.1% 42.7% 14.2% 54.9% 35.2% 9.9% 53.6% 37.7% 8.7% 51.3% 37.9% 10.8% 54.9% 44.0% 1.1% 2005 2006 6 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2007 2008 Industrialized countries Developing countries & countries with economies in transition Unspecified countries 2009 Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by region An analysis of United Nations procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by region, since 2005, shows that all regions except Latin America and the Caribbean states experienced growth in their share of procurement from the United Nations organizations. Procurement from Latin America and the Caribbean states decreased by $441 million from 2008 to 2009. While Africa experienced rapid growth in procurement business with the United Nations from 2005 to 2006, its share declined in 2007 but has since increased by $478.9 million in 2008 and by a further $382 million in 2009. The Arab, Asia & Pacific and Europe & CIS regions have enjoyed steady growth in the period from 2005 to 2009. Figure 6 UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by region, 2005-2009 ($ Million) 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 ARAB STATES AFRICA ASIA & PACIFIC EUROPE & CIS 2009 LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Regional data on percentage share of United Nations procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition show that all regions except the Latin American and Caribbean states have seen an upward trend in procurement business. The percentage share of United Nations procurement from the Latin American & the Caribbean states has decreased from 2007 to 2009 by five percent. The Asia & Pacific region while experiencing a decrease in procurement share from 2007 to 2008 has recovered by 1.2 percent in 2009. Figure 7 UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by region, 2005-2009 (percentage of total UN procurement) Figure 7: UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transistion (%) 20.00% 16.00% ARAB STATES 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 4.87% 6.68% 7.75% 8.61% 11.32% AFRICA 11.13% 15.67% 11.35% 11.94% 14.53% ASIA & PACIFIC 15.33% 15.33% 16.63% 14.26% 15.44% EUROPE & CIS 4.40% 4.46% 3.63% 3.98% 4.50% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. 8.00% 7.26% 12.79% 14.22% 12.50% 9.12% 12.00% 4.00% 0.00% 2005 2006 2007 2008 ARAB STATES AFRICA ASIA & PACIFIC EUROPE & CIS LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. 7 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2009 Procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition by top 10 UN agencies Figure 8 presents percentage of procurement volume by the 10 largest United Nations organizations (accounting for 94 percent of total procurement), from developing countries and countries with economies in transition in 2009, as well as the percentage of changes compared with 2008. Organizations are listed in descending order by total volume in millions of dollars, detailed on the right of Figure 8 below. Figure 8 UN agency procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transistion by region by top 10 UN agencies 28.7% UN/PD - 5.1% 79.9% 81.0% 78.3% WFP 40.5% - 1.1% 2 32.3% 3 - 1.8% 42.3% 81.7% UNOPS 10.0% 71.7% 68.3% UNHCR - 1.1% 71.5% 12.3% 64.5% 31.5% 60.8% 21.6% 39.2% 79.0% UNRWA UNESCO 3,488 1 3,172 2,611 2,860 2,569 3,064 46.0% UNICEF UNFPA 2008 33.8% UNDP PAHO 2009 - 6.7% 85.7% 33.4% 37.5% 8 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement - 4.2% 1,829 4 1,540 871 5 6 863 407 366 385 7 8 9 10 377 358 253 265 205 186 261 Top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition supplying UN operations in 2009 In total, procurement of goods and services from the top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition represents 34 percent of overall United Nations procurement volume, an increase of 2.1 percentage points over 2008. For a detailed overview of procurement volume trends, categories of goods and services procured, as well as United Nations organizations’ shares for each of the countries listed in Table 3, please refer to the complete 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement, available at www.ungm.org/Info/Publications. Table 3 Top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition supplying UN operations in 2009 Countries Goods Services Total India Sudan Afghanistan Kenya Peru South Africa Ethiopia Pakistan Panama Ukraine Argentina Congo, Dem. Rep. Jordan China Lebanon Uganda U.A.E. Brazil Turkey Indonesia Top-twenty Grand Total 618.5 151.2 63.5 76.5 163.8 132.2 68.4 116.7 68.0 86.5 86.6 66.0 25.8 91.8 38.9 72.0 85.7 30.4 84.3 59.9 2,186.7 6,394.1 58.2 490.4 372.5 223.5 126.6 125.7 125.3 68.4 111.0 87.1 84.0 99.8 123.9 39.8 90.2 56.4 42.4 94.7 31.0 54.4 2,505.4 7,403.0 676.7 641.7 436.0 300.0 290.4 257.9 193.7 185.1 179.1 173.6 170.6 165.8 149.6 131.6 129.1 128.4 128.1 125.1 115.3 114.3 4,692.1 13,797.2 9 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement % of Total 4.9% 4.7% 3.2% 2.2% 2.1% 1.9% 1.4% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.2% 1.2% 1.1% 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8% 34.0% 100.0% United Nations Procurement and the Global Compact UN agencies, in cooperation with their suppliers, are increasingly trying to ‘buy for a better world’. They are looking beyond traditional economic parameters to make decisions based on life-cycle costs and associated environmental and social implications, to help producers - especially in the developing world - become more efficient and competitive in larger markets. For the third year, the Annual Statistical Report 2009 features an analysis of the participation of UN suppliers in the world’s largest global corporate citizenship initiative, the Global Compact. • In 1999, the United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan challenged the business leaders gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos to develop greater social and environmental responsibility in their business activities. He offered them a new compact of shared values and principles, to give a human face to the global market: the Global Compact. • The Global Compact is a framework for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. As the world’s largest global corporate citizenship initiative, the Global Compact is a voluntary scheme, a learning dialogue and a platform for action. Procurement from Global Compact members as a percentage of orders of $30,000 or more The percentage of United Nations procurement volume which comes from contracts with Global Compact members has increased over the period 2006-2009, reaching 16.22 percent in 2009. Figure 9 Global compact membership as a percentage of orders of USD 30,000 or more 18.00% 16.22% 15.50% 16.00% 14.15% 14.00% 12.32% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 2006 2007 10 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2008 2009 Global Compact Geographical Origin according to the volume of orders Year Total contracts of USD 30,000 or more ($ Million) Procurement from Global Compact members % 2007 6,819 1,057 15.50% 2008 9,333 1,321 14.15% 2009 10,964 1,778 16.22% Global Compact membership is still limited among UN suppliers in developing countries, with the large majority of orders placed with Global Compact members located in developed countries. Between 2007 and 2008 the share of UN suppliers from developing countries adhering to the Global Compact has grown. However in 2009 participation among North American suppliers more than doubled, causing a contraction of the percentage share of suppliers from Europe, Africa and Central/South America. Figure 10 Regional breakdown of Global Compact registered suppliers in 2008 16% 0% 9% 11% 5% Africa Asia Central/South America Europe North America Oceania 59% Figure 11 Regional breakdown of Global Compact registered suppliers in 2009 0% 5% 37% 11% 3% Africa Asia Central/South America Europe North America Oceania 44% 11 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition supplying UN operations in 2009 In total, procurement of goods and services from the top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition represents 34 percent of overall United Nations procurement volume, an increase of 2.1 percentage points over 2008. For a detailed overview of procurement volume trends, categories of goods and services procured, as well United Nations organizations shares for each of the countries listed in Table 3, please refer to the complete 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement, available at www.ungm.org/Info/Publications. Table 3 Top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition supplying UN operations in 2009 Countries Goods Services Total India Sudan Afghanistan Kenya Peru South Africa Ethiopia Pakistan Panama Ukraine Argentina Congo, Dem. Rep. Jordan China Lebanon Uganda U.A.E. Brazil Turkey Indonesia Top-twenty Grand Total 618.5 151.2 63.5 76.5 163.8 132.2 68.4 116.7 68.0 86.5 86.6 66.0 25.8 91.8 38.9 72.0 85.7 30.4 84.3 59.9 2,186.7 6,394.1 58.2 490.4 372.5 223.5 126.6 125.7 125.3 68.4 111.0 87.1 84.0 99.8 123.9 39.8 90.2 56.4 42.4 94.7 31.0 54.4 2,505.4 7,403.0 676.7 641.7 436.0 300.0 290.4 257.9 193.7 185.1 179.1 173.6 170.6 165.8 149.6 131.6 129.1 128.4 128.1 125.1 115.3 114.3 4,692.1 13,797.2 9 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement % of Total 4.9% 4.7% 3.2% 2.2% 2.1% 1.9% 1.4% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.2% 1.2% 1.1% 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8% 34.0% 100.0% Sustainability reporting in the UN System The United Nations has an impact on the economic, environmental and social fabric where it operates. Acknowledging this, in 2009 the UN committed to achieving climate neutrality and overall environmental sustainability through the medium of a system-wide initiative. At the same time, the UN is increasingly focussed on promoting environmentally and socially sustainable development through both its operations and its procurement processes. Open and transparent management of UN operations and the use of donor funds are in the best interest of UN stakeholders and the international community. For these reasons, a sustainability reporting system has been introduced. For the second year running, the Annual Statistical Report contains a section on sustainability reporting, focusing on two key areas of sustainability performance for the UN: • sustainable procurement, and • environmentally friendly office management Out of the 30 agencies that returned statistical information, 44.8 percent provided (in whole or in part) information on their sustainability performance. This result confirms that sustainability reporting, despite difficulties in collecting information, is growing within the UN. Figure 13 Sustainability reporting among UN agencies 45% Agencies reporting on sustainability Agencies not reporting on sustainability 55% As far as the framework for sustainable procurement is concerned the report reflects the progress made by some sustainability leaders in the UN system. The International Trade Center (ITC) and the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) have adopted a sustainable procurement policy, and The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Volunteers (UNV) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) have it planned for 2010. The same goes for the implementation of a sustainable procurement programme, initiated by ITC and UNOPS, and planned for 2010 in UNHCR and UNV. While waiting for a General Assembly decision on sustainable procurement, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) makes attempts to include environmentally friendly specifications in its solicitation documents. Sustainable procurement training is also reaching more UN staff: ESCAP (18%), ILO (9%), and UNHCR (28%) trained a number of their procurement staff in 2009. ITC and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) propose the UN Supplier Code of Conduct to their suppliers for endorsement, and this has resulted in a very high level of buy-in from the suppliers’ side. In ITC the UN Sustainable Procurement Product Guidelines are regularly applied for the purchase of relevant goods. In UNON, the Guidelines are not mandatory, but they are provided to vendors as part of the bid documentation, in order to foster the replication of best practices. 12 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement However, some agencies are already moving forward and have reported best practice cases. In 2009 ESCAP procured 15,905 reams of paper, 100 percent of which was recycled. ITC uses Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) paper only for office use and publications; it makes extensive use of the UN Sustainable Procurement Product Guidelines when purchasing cleaning products (90%), office stationery (60%) and office furniture (100%). UNIDO uses 100 percent recycled paper, and follows the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines when purchasing cleaning products and office IT equipment (100%); it also organises ‘green’ meetings, to reduce their environmental impact. In UNV 86 percent of office paper is recycled and 100 percent of cleaning products are purchased according to the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines. For the second year, the participation of suppliers from the reporting agencies in the Global Compact initiative has been analysed. Procurement statistics on contracts above $30,000 have been cross checked with the list of Global Compact participants; the result shows a quite diverse level of participation among agencies: Figure 14 Percentage of expenditure with Global Compact suppliers 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% The use of resources and materials and the production of office waste have also been explored within the theme of environmental office performance. Considering the complexity of the reporting task - including material use, water withdrawal, waste production, electricity consumption – it is noticeable that more agencies have reported on these indicators compared to last year. 13 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement The first table below illustrates the consumption of water in relation to the number of office occupants – which varies largely from agency to agency. Figure 15 Water consumption by agency in metres cubed per occupant 60 56 54 50 39 40 30 22 20 14 8 10 0 UNECA ESCAP ITC UNIDO UNV WMO The second table on waste production and management provides information not only on the amount of waste produced (in kilograms per office occupant), but also on the disposal system. According to the waste hierarchy, recycling is the most favoured option, followed by energy recovery (incineration) with disposal in landfill being the least favoured option. Figure 16 Waste production (kilogram per occupant) and disposal method by agency 400 350 300 250 UNECA ESCAP ITC UNIDO UNV 50% WMO 100 50 50% 45% 77% 68% 95% 50% Landfill Incineration 50% 0% 55% 0% 23% 29%0% 3% 29% 0% 5% 3%50% 0% 174 49 147 249 45 67 Landfill Incineration 0 23% 174 60 0 68% 44 0 11 106 0 2 77% 0 67 347.6 108.5 190.6 366.1 47.5 133.3 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Incineration 200 150 Recycled UNECA ESCAP ITC UNIDO 50% UNV WMO Recycled 55% 45% 347.6 108.5 190.6 366.1 47.5 133.3 5% 95% Landfill Recycled 50% 50% 0 UNECA ESCAP ITC 14 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement UNIDO UNV WMO Finally, the third table shows the level of energy consumption per office occupant across seven reporting agencies. Electricity consumption (kWh/occupant) Figure 17 Electricity conumption by agency in kilowatt/hours per occupant 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 UNECA ESCAP ESCWA ITC UNIDO UNV WMO In addition to these statistical indicators, some agencies have provided examples of best practice in sustainability and environmental management. • For its headquarters building in Geneva, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) uses a system of underground pipes to harness geothermic energy to cool and heat the building. A double façade on the building also enhances isolation and limits energy loss. The lighting system is based on automatic sensors that activate lighting and rationalise energy use. • ESCAP has a green office initiative at its headquarters in Bangkok. All photocopiers and fax machines have been Energy Star certified since the end of 2006. Recycling facilities are provided to staff throughout the building, and the waste water system has been converted to deliver recycled waste water to the gardens. Awareness raising posters and reminders are used to encourage staff to recycle, save energy and avoid air conditioning losses. The objective for future reporting is to receive more information, of a higher quality, from a larger number of agencies. While acknowledging that the report may show some limitations in its initial years, it is anticipated that it will send the right signal to the international community, UN suppliers and the market at large as well as to other stakeholders. 15 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement About the report Background The first annual statistical report on procurement by UN agencies in respect of operational activities, prepared by the Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office (IAPSO) of the United Nations Development Programme, was submitted to the 39th session of the General Assembly (Doc. A/39/417) in 1984. By resolution 39/220 the General Assembly established the need for recurrent reporting of such information on operational activities and encouraged organizations of the UN system to co-operate in this important exercise. Since 2008 the report has been compiled by UNOPS. Methodology Statistical data on procurement of goods and services and the personnel components for operational activities are requested from UN organizations. To facilitate collection and compilation of the large amount of data, UNOPS provides pro forma tables available from the UNGM website, together with instructions for completing the reporting requirements. The 2009 report compiles information supplied by 36 UN organizations in total (of which 33 provided procurement data and only nine personnel data). UNOPS relies entirely on the co-operation of the reporting entities. In general, response rates were satisfactory and data quality has improved with the use of better reporting tools. Three UN entities did not provide data for 2009. Data are reported on goods, based on country of supply and on services, depending on the location of contractor’s head office. Procurement orders and contracts for services are reported by contract amount and rather than expenditures incurred. Most UN agencies are unable to report data based on country of origin of goods, or on actual expenditures, at the present time. 16 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Procurement profiles of the DAC member countries 17 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement AUSTRALIA Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 74.5 mill. 0.5% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNDP WFP UNICEF UNOPS PAHO IAEA UNHCR UNESCO UNFPA ILO UNIDO FAO UNV WIPO UNOG 55.93 10.25 4.58 0.73 0.73 0.44 0.44 0.35 0.32 0.27 0.17 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.03 TOTAL 74.54 18 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Petroleum Products • Electric Motors, Generators • Telecommunications Equipment • Medical Equipment • Food Services • Transport Services • Travel Services • Logistics Support • Construction • Environmental Management AUSTRIA Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 106.8 mill. 0.8% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) IAEA UNIDO UN/PD UNOV UNDP FAO UNOPS UNICEF WFP UNESCO UNRWA ILO UNHCR PAHO UNFPA UNV WIPO WMO UNON 49.57 34.12 6.15 5.95 5.93 2.61 0.81 0.68 0.27 0.22 0.17 0.09 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 19 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • IT Equipment • Electricity & Distribution Apparatus • Office Supplies • Medical & Lab. Equipment and Supplies • Pharmaceuticals • Telecommunication Equipment Services • Construction Design &Architecture • Management Consultancy • Hardware & Software Maintenance • Training & Transfer of Technology • Printing Services • Rental Services BELGIUM Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 388.1 mill. 2.8% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF WFP PAHO UN/PD UNDP UNRWA UNV UNHCR FAO IAEA WTO UNU UNESCO WIPO ILO UNOPS UNFPA UNOG OTHER 245.46 44.34 36.29 15.48 11.77 8.87 7.19 5.91 2.96 1.82 1.40 1.17 1.16 1.06 1.03 0.80 0.80 0.31 0.32 TOTAL 388.14 20 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Vaccines, Biologicals • Food, Nutrition • Shelter/Refugee Accomodation • Motor Vehicles & Parts • Medical Supplies, Renewables • Pharmaceuticals Services • Freight Forwarding • Insurance Services • Consultancy Services • IT Services CANADA Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 184.0 mill. 1.3% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD WFP UNDP UNICEF IAEA PAHO UNRWA UNESCO UNHCR ILO UNON UNFPA UNOPS FAO UNOV OTHER TOTAL 91.88 53.03 20.85 5.41 2.93 1.97 1.64 1.45 1.42 0.81 0.72 0.63 0.38 0.26 0.22 0.37 183.95 21 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • Motor Vehicles • Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals • Demining Equipment • Elections Equipment • Computer Equipment Services • Air Chartering • Freight Forwarding • IT Services • Training • Printing Services DENMARK Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 346.8 mill. 2.5% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF UNDP UN/PD UNHCR WFP UNOPS FAO UNFPA UNRWA UNON UNOV UNESCO ECA WIPO PAHO UNOG UNIDO OTHER 108.56 95.68 68.84 22.44 14.77 12.82 4.58 3.47 3.41 2.82 2.30 1.56 1.08 1.03 0.70 0.60 0.60 1.54 TOTAL 346.78 22 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • IT Equipment • Vaccines, Medical Supplies • Bednets • Elections Equipment • Communications Equipment • Motor Vehicles • Electric Motors Services • Freight & Transport Services • Mine Action Services, EOD • Environmental Consultancies • Training of Project Personnel & Technical Assistance FINLAND Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 9.5 mill. 0.1% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF UN/PD UNDP UNHCR WMO UNIDO PAHO UNOG WFP OPCW UNOV UNESCO UNFPA ILO 3.79 3.00 0.82 0.56 0.38 0.27 0.18 0.14 0.13 0.10 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.02 TOTAL 9.55 23 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Medical Consumables • Nutrition • Telecom Equipment • Cold Chain Equipment • Solar Power Systems Services • Machinery & Vehile Maintenance • Hardware & Software Maintenance • Transport Services • Ozone Layer Depletion FRANCE Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 408.1 mill. 3.0% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF UN/PD PAHO UNESCO WFP UNDP IAEA UNOPS UNOG FAO UNHCR ILO WIPO UNFPA UNON IFAD OTHER 133.87 76.79 69.49 50.96 39.74 9.09 7.45 4.62 3.44 2.71 2.48 2.13 2.01 0.88 0.72 0.67 1.04 TOTAL 408.08 24 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Vaccines, Biologicals • Motor Vehicles • Nutrition • Food Supplies • Prefabricated Buildings • Pharmaceuticals • Computer Software Services • Freight Forwarding • Printing Services • Consulting Services • Mine Action Services GERMANY Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 181.2 mill. 1.3% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNFPA UNICEF UNDP IAEA WFP UNHCR PAHO WIPO UNV UNOG UNRWA UNIDO UNESCO UNOPS FAO UNOV OTHER TOTAL 38.08 32.82 32.75 16.66 13.14 10.85 7.05 6.33 4.62 3.55 2.85 2.41 2.14 1.82 1.62 1.07 1.03 2.41 181.17 25 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Vaccines/biologicals • Motor Vehicles • Food Supplies • Prefabricated Buildings • Laboratory Equipment • Pharmaceuticals • Water and Sanitation equipment • Electrical Equipment Services • Freight Forwarding • Air charter • Prison Reforms • IT Services • Consulting Services • Engineering Services GREECE Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 5.7 mill. 0.04% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNON UNDP UN/PD UNHCR FAO UNESCO UNOPS ILO 3.67 0.66 0.40 0.40 0.37 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.02 TOTAL 5.69 26 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Silk Processing Equipment • Electrical Equipment Services • Transport Services • Environmental Management • Trade Facilitation IRELAND Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 9.5 mill. 0.1% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF WFP UN/PD WIPO UNDP UNOPS UNESCO ILO UNOG ECA PAHO IAEA UNFPA UNHCR ITC OTHER 2.46 1.72 1.21 1.01 0.96 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.23 0.20 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.24 TOTAL 9.51 27 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Diagnostic Test Kits • Water & Sanitation Equipment • Software • Clothing • Pharmaceuticals Services • Computer Services Training • Training • Consultancy Services ITALY Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 392.2 mill. 2.8% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD WFP FAO UNICEF PAHO IFAD UNDP UNHCR ILO UNIDO UNOPS UNESCO UNRWA IAEA UNOG UNOV OTHER 121.73 78.16 41.33 37.09 32.99 27.87 13.73 10.11 7.58 4.54 4.39 3.48 2.86 1.85 1.20 1.14 2.18 TOTAL 392.23 28 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Vaccines/biologicals • Prefabricated buildings • Food Supplies • Electric motors & Generators • Water & Sanitation Equipment • Medical, Surgical Supplies • IT Equipment Services • Freight Forwarding • Air Charter • IT Consultancies • Telecommunication Services • Engineering Consultancies JAPAN Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 231.6 mill. 1.7% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNICEF WFP UNOPS UNDP UNHCR WIPO IAEA FAO UNESCO UNRWA UNON ILO OTHER TOTAL 65.53 58.20 35.98 26.33 21.64 11.75 4.79 2.18 1.75 1.56 0.60 0.40 0.30 0.56 231.56 29 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Motor Vehicles • Motor Cycles • Armoured Vehicles • Food Supplies • Steem Boilers & Generators • Tankers, Bulldozers • Water Treatment Plant • Medical & Surgical Equipment Services • Engineering Services • Construction & Rehabilitation Works • Freight Forwarding • Training LUXEMBURG Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 6.3 mill. 0.05% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF ILO UNESCO UNDP UNHCR UNIDO PAHO 4.48 1.04 0.34 0.15 0.14 0.05 0.04 TOTAL 6.25 30 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Cold Chain Equipment • Electronic Data Storage Equipment Services • Feasibility Studies • Design/Photographic Services NETHERLANDS Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 141.3 mill. 1.0% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNFPA UNRWA UNDP PAHO WFP UN/PD UNICEF OPCW UNHCR FAO IAEA UNOPS ILO IFAD UNESCO UNIDO OTHER TOTAL 27.88 26.69 24.40 13.19 12.83 10.89 7.99 6.39 3.27 2.56 1.57 1.54 0.38 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.75 141.29 31 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Pharmaceuticals • Medical Equipment • Trucks • Dairy Products • Sugar Plants • Hand Tools • Software Services • Property Rent • Freight Forwarding • Consulting Services • Environmental Management • IT Services • Education and Training NEW ZEALAND Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 6.1 mill. 0.04% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNDP WFP UNOPS UNESCO UNHCR IAEA FAO ILO 3.76 1.59 0.27 0.19 0.15 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 TOTAL 6.09 32 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Telecommunication Equipment • Electricitry Distrib. Apparatus • Food Supplies Services • Management Training • PC Hardware Maintenance & Support • Telecommunication Services NORWAY Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 8.8 mill. 0.1% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UNICEF UNOG UNHCR UNOPS PAHO UNRWA UN/PD UNIDO UNON OTHER 3.96 1.12 0.98 0.95 0.60 0.39 0.21 0.15 0.11 0.11 0.23 TOTAL 8.81 33 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Tents, Tarpaulins & Camping Equipment • Nutrition • Pre-Fabricated Buildings • Medical Consumables • IT Equipment • Communications Equipment Services • Freight Forwarding • Environmental Counsultancies • Trade Services • Training PORTUGAL Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 3.2 mill. 0.02% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UNRWA UNOPS UNIDO UNESCO PAHO UNOG WFP ILO IAEA 2.24 0.54 0.14 0.14 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 TOTAL 3.22 34 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Pharmaceuticals • Software • Tools Services • Consultancy Services • Travel • Translation SPAIN Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 50.3 mill. 0.4% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNDP UNOPS WTO UNIDO WFP UNESCO IAEA PAHO FAO UNICEF ILO IFAD UNHCR OTHER 31.03 9.47 3.01 2.61 1.69 0.92 0.45 0.29 0.19 0.14 0.14 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.16 TOTAL 50.31 35 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food items • Motor Vehicles • ODS Phaseout Equipment • Laboratory Equipment • Electrical Motors & Generators • Hand Tools Services • Airline Management & Operations • Construction Works • Travel Services • Technical Studies • Catering Services • Conference Services SWEDEN Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 13.5 mill. 0.1% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF UN/PD UNDP FAO UNOPS WFP IAEA UNOG UNHCR UNFPA ECA OTHER 4.35 2.70 2.61 0.96 0.68 0.50 0.34 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.23 0.33 TOTAL 13.52 36 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Medical Consumables • Timber • Education Supplies • Cold Chain Equipment • Laboratory Supplies • Water Pumps Services • Environmental Protection • Water & Sanitation • Fesibility Studies • Mine Action SWITZERLAND Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 843.8 mill. 6.1% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF UN/PD UNOG WIPO UNHCR PAHO ILO UNOPS UNDP WFP WMO ITC IAEA UNESCO IFAD UNFPA UNIDO UNRWA FAO OTHER 361.33 153.82 86.40 82.59 42.16 30.47 29.96 18.52 15.02 6.42 4.50 3.71 1.81 1.64 1.35 1.08 0.88 0.73 0.59 0.80 TOTAL 843.78 37 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Vaccines & Biologicals • Pharmaceuticals • Food Supplies • Mosquito Nets • Laboratory Equipment • Medical Equipment & Supplies • Audio Visual Equipment • Shelter/Field Equipment Services • Freight Forwarding • Travel • Computer Services • Construction & Engineering Services • Leasing & Rental Services • Demining • Environmental Management UNITED KINGDOM Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 411.3 mill. 3.0% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD PAHO UNOPS UNDP UNICEF WFP UNFPA FAO UNHCR IAEA IFAD WIPO UNIDO UNOG UNESCO ILO UNRWA UNOV UNON OTHER 104.55 66.02 53.04 46.70 36.86 33.59 14.14 10.20 8.10 6.81 5.60 5.47 5.26 4.13 2.41 2.08 1.60 1.51 1.26 3.24 TOTAL 411.30 38 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Motor Vehicles • Armoured Vehicles • Contraceptives • Pharmaceuticals • Packaging • Cold Chain Equipment • Construction Materials • IT & Telecom Equipment • Laboratory Equipment • Prefabricated Buildings Services • Mine Action • Freight Forwarding • Office Equipment Leasing & Rentals • Printing Services • Technical Studies • Leasing & Rental Services • Security Services UNITED S TATES Procurement from DAC Member Countries Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 1,734.0 mill. 12.6% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD WFP UNDP PAHO UNFPA UNICEF UNOPS IAEA UNHCR IFAD WIPO ILO UNESCO ESCAP FAO WMO UNOG ECA UNOV OTHER TOTAL 1209.57 183.59 112.12 78.32 40.41 30.66 27.00 16.29 6.80 6.21 4.05 2.45 2.43 2.19 1.79 1.78 1.50 1.23 1.11 4.45 1,733.96 39 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Telecommunications Equipment • Contraceptives • Pharmaceuticals • Computer Equipment & Software • Food Supplies • Packaging • Medical Supplies Services • Construction & Civil Works • Transport Services • Architechture & Engineering Services • Communication Services • Software Services • Insurance Services • Management Advisory Services • Printing & Publishing Services Procurement profiles of the top 20 developing countries and countries with economies in transition 40 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement AFGHANISTAN Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 436.0 mill. 3.2% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UNOPS WFP UN/PD UNHCR UNICEF FAO UNON UNFPA UNESCO UNOV ILO UNOG 305.72 54.58 33.69 13.47 10.27 8.74 2.66 2.19 2.05 1.66 0.70 0.22 0.01 TOTAL 435.97 41 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Fuel (mainly forAviation) • Building Materials • Generators • Fertilizer • Construction Machinery/Vehicles • Common Tools Services • Tranport Services • Rental of Trucks • Demining Services • Construction Services • Engineering Services • ICT Maintnance & Support Services • Logistics Support ARGENTINA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 170.6 mill. 1.24% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UNOPS WFP UNICEF UNFPA IAEA UNESCO PAHO UNOG UNIDO UNHCR ECLAC ILO UNON IFAD UNV TOTAL 95.03 65.34 7.45 1.23 0.42 0.29 0.27 0.17 0.13 0.11 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 170.64 42 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • IT Equipment & Software • Food Supplies • Pharmaceuticals • Security & Safety Equipment • Medical Equipment • Office Machinery & Supplies • Audio Visual Equipment Services • Construction Services • Transport Services • ICT Maintenance & Support • Comprehensive Health Services • Environmental Management BRAZIL Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 125.1 mill. 0.9% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UNESCO PAHO UNICEF UNFPA WFP UNRWA FAO UNOPS ILO IAEA ECLAC OTHER TOTAL 67.63 38.01 9.00 4.97 2.66 0.71 0.69 0.32 0.31 0.25 0.24 0.13 0.15 125.09 43 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Vaccines/Biologicals • Food & Nutrition • Medical Equipment • Cold Chain Equipment • ICT Equipment Services • Communications Services • Travel Services • Consultancy Fees CHINA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 131.6 mill. 1.0% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF UNDP UNIDO UNHCR UN/PD WFP UNFPA UNOPS FAO UNESCO IAEA UNRWA WIPO ILO UNOG UNON TOTAL 35.03 25.12 16.45 13.14 11.07 10.33 7.05 6.75 3.26 1.32 0.71 0.37 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.17 131.57 44 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Plastic Products • Food Supplies • Medical Equipment • Pharmaceuticals • Educational Supplies • Cold Chain Equpment • Water & Sanitation Equipment • Shelters & Tarpaulins Services • Environmental Management • Ozone Layer Depletion • Freight Forwarding • Maintenance & Repair Services • Printing Services • Technical Services CONGO, DEM. REP. OF Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 165.8 mill. 1.2% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNDP WFP UNOPS UNFPA UNICEF UNHCR ILO IFAD UNESCO TOTAL 50.36 41.15 28.46 22.94 9.67 7.07 5.13 0.72 0.15 0.15 165.79 45 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Fuel Oils • Food Supplies • Motors, Generators • Building Materials • Solar Panels • Clothing & Footwear • Vehicles • IT & Office Supplies Services • Transport Services • Construction Services • Real Estate Services ETHIOPIA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 193.7 mill. 1.4% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNICEF UNDP UNHCR UNFPA ECA UN/PD UNOPS UNESCO ILO UNOG IAEA 151.15 16.79 10.77 5.64 3.46 2.46 2.33 0.69 0.20 0.17 0.04 0.01 TOTAL 193.73 46 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • Nutrition • Education Supplies • Shelter & Camp/Field Equipment Services • Transport Services • Air Charter • Construction Works • Security Services INDIA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 676.7 mill. 4.6% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNICEF UNOPS WFP UNDP PAHO UNFPA UNHCR ILO FAO UN/PD IAEA UNIDO WIPO UNESCO IFAD UNRWA OTHER 365.44 130.55 68.40 34.89 28.36 16.58 12.77 5.05 4.82 2.75 2.15 1.68 1.67 0.63 0.49 0.18 0.30 TOTAL 676.70 47 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Vaccines & Biologicals • Food Supplies • Medical Equipment • Pharmaceuticals • Cold Chain Equipment • Contraceptives • Diagnostic Test Kits • Shelter & Camp/Field Equipment, incl. Blankets & Matresses • Water & Sanitation Equipment Services • Transport Services • IT & Software Development • Printing Services • Technical Consulting Services • Environmnetal Protection Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition INDONESIA Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 114.3 mill. 0.8% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNDP UNICEF ILO UNOPS UNFPA UNHCR UNESCO FAO UN/PD ESCAP WIPO TOTAL 39.04 33.14 18.69 11.08 8.76 2.03 0.55 0.46 0.36 0.10 0.09 0.02 114.31 48 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • Vaccines/Biologicals • Education Supplies • Water & Sanitation Equipment • IT & Office Supplies • Medical Equipment • Motor Vehicles • Pharmaceuticals Services • Transport Services • Construction Works • HIV/AIDS • Social Aspects • Telecommunication Services JORDAN Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 149.6 mill. 1.1% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD UNRWA UNDP UNOPS UNHCR WFP UNFPA UNICEF UNESCO FAO IFAD UNIDO OTHER TOTAL 64.49 26.69 24.11 15.78 7.58 6.14 1.37 1.28 0.91 0.71 0.23 0.19 0.16 149.64 49 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies & Cereals • Pharmaceuticals • Medical Supplies • Communications Equipment • IT Equipment • Motor Vehicles Services • Airline Management & Operations • Transport Services • Construction & Engineering Services • Leasing & Rental Services • Training Services (Elections) KENYA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 300.0 mill. 2.2% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNDP UNOPS UNICEF UNHCR UNON UN/PD UNFPA FAO ECA ILO UNESCO OTHER 155.58 33.54 28.31 26.57 25.05 18.80 5.39 3.18 1.80 0.57 0.46 0.35 0.35 TOTAL 299.97 50 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • Nutrition • Shelter & Field Equipment • Water & Sanitation Equipment • Construction Material • Education Supplies • Fuels, Oils & Lubricants • IT & Communitations Equipment Services • Transport Services • Construction • Civil Works Rehabilitation • Architecural & Engineering Services • Management Consultancy • Trade & Business Services • Securitry Services LEBANON Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 129.1 mill. 0.9% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNRWA UN/PD UNDP UNOPS ESCWA UNFPA UNIDO FAO UNESCO WFP IAEA UNICEF ILO UNHCR UNOV IFAD UNON TOTAL 49.60 38.33 32.97 2.23 1.97 0.71 0.62 0.53 0.50 0.32 0.30 0.26 0.26 0.23 0.17 0.08 0.01 129.10 51 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Fuel Oils • Food Products & Nutrition • Air conditioning & Refrigerating Equipment • Bridges, Sections & Steel Rods • Electric Motors & Generators • Books & Paper Products • IT & Office Supplies Services • Civil Works Rehabilitation • Construction Services • Medical Care Services • Maintenance of Premisis • Hospital Services • Shelter Construction PAKISTAN Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 185.1 mill. 1.3% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNDP UNICEF UNOPS UN/PD UNFPA FAO ILO UNESCO UNON WIPO UNIDO IAEA UNV 133.77 18.32 14.47 6.68 4.28 3.06 2.73 1.14 0.41 0.15 0.08 0.05 0.01 0.01 TOTAL 185.14 52 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • Shelter & Field Equipment • Matresses, Blankets • Kitchen Ware • Water Cans Services • Education • Freight Forwarding • Printing & Publishing Services • Technical Services PANAMA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 179.1 mill. 1.3% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNDP UN/PD UNOPS WFP PAHO UNFPA UNICEF UNON UNHCR ILO UNESCO FAO ECLAC 116.04 55.12 2.88 1.59 0.91 0.84 0.67 0.65 0.20 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.02 TOTAL 179.05 53 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • IT Equipment • Office Supplies • Cold Chain Equipment • Packaging Services • Warehouse Management • Construction • Consulting Services • Engineering Services • Health Servies Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition PERU Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 290.4 mill. 2.1% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UNOPS UNDP WFP UNFPA UNICEF ILO PAHO UNESCO UN/PD IAEA IFAD WIPO 206.26 72.29 7.91 2.65 0.61 0.30 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.01 TOTAL 290.38 54 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Motor Vehicles, Trucks, Motor Cycles • Food Supplies • Medical & Surgical Equipment • Police Uniforms • Telecommunication Equipment • Construction Machinery & Material • Furniture & Office Equipment Services • Civil Works Rehabilitation • Construction • Leasing & Rental Services • Engeneering Services • Technical Services • Transport SOUTH AFRICA Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 257.9 mill. 1.9% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UN/PD UNICEF UNDP UNOPS FAO UNFPA UNHCR IAEA UNESCO ILO ECA UNIDO UNON OTHER 114.47 48.36 27.57 27.37 26.02 5.45 3.06 1.88 1.24 0.72 0.49 0.46 0.42 0.25 0.21 TOTAL 257.95 55 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • Elections Equipment • Water & Sanitation • Motor Vehicles • Medical & Lab Equipment • Pharmaceuticals • Education Supplies • ID & Signage Services • Airline Management & Operations • Transport Services • Mine Action Services • Environmental Management • Telecommunications Services • Technical Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition SUDAN Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 641.7 mill. 4.7% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD WFP UNDP UNOPS UNICEF UNFPA UNHCR FAO UNIDO IFAD UNESCO 305.08 267.98 28.94 12.63 9.21 8.99 7.39 0.86 0.32 0.20 0.05 TOTAL 641.65 56 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Fuel Oils • Food Supplies • Construction Materials • Water & Sanitation • Safety & Security Equipment • Vehicles & Spare Parts • IT & Office Supplies Services • Transport Service • Construction Services • Oil & Gas Distribution • Maintenance & Repair Services • Health Care Delivery • Technical Services TURKEY Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 115.3 mill. 0.8% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UNRWA UNDP UN/PD UNOPS UNFPA UNHCR UNICEF UNIDO FAO IAEA UNESCO WMO UNOV IFAD ILO TOTAL 58.39 28.55 15.42 4.99 1.93 1.74 1.28 1.10 0.65 0.62 0.25 0.19 0.11 0.08 0.01 0.01 115.32 57 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • Seeds, Cereals, Oils & Fats • Pharmaceuticals • Water & Sanitation Equipment Services • Transport Services • Construction Works • Security Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition UGANDA Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 128.4 mill. 0.9% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UN/PD UNDP UNHCR UNICEF UNOPS UNFPA FAO ILO IFAD UNESCO TOTAL 81.62 14.70 12.38 5.18 5.03 3.63 3.20 1.52 0.88 0.15 0.10 128.40 58 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • Fuel Oils • Building Materials, Timber • Water & Sanitation Equipment • Medical/Hygene Kits • Motor Vehicles Services • Transport Services • Construction Works • Rental of Facilities UKRAINE Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 173.6 mill. 1.3% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) WFP UN/PD UNDP UNICEF UNFPA UNHCR IAEA FAO UNOPS ILO UNESCO TOTAL 83.23 71.76 14.54 1.46 1.42 0.44 0.38 0.25 0.09 0.02 0.02 173.62 59 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • Diagnostic Test Kits • Pharmaceuticals Services • Airline Management & Operations • Transport Services • IT Consultancy Services Procurement from Developing Countries & Countries with Economies in Transition UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Share of Total Procurement Value 2009 Goods & Services UN SYSTEM USD 128.1 mill. 0.9% 1. Procurement Trend ($ Million) 2. Procurement by Agency of Goods & Services ($ Million) UN/PD WFP UNDP UNOPS UNHCR UNICEF FAO UNRWA UNFPA PAHO ECA ILO UNESCO UNON ESCWA TOTAL 35.02 31.10 13.58 11.52 10.13 9.95 8.56 6.36 0.69 0.59 0.39 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.03 128.09 60 ⏐ 2009 Annual S tatistical Report on Procurement 3. Commonly Procured Goods & Services Goods • Food Supplies • Motor Vehicles • Armouring for Vehicles • Fertilizers • Shelter & Field Equipment • Pharmaceuticals • Medical Equipment Services • Maintenance & Repair Services • Transport Services • Construction Works • Election Polls Procurement of goods and services - All sources of funding 61 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Total Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country and Services by Country of Contractor: 2008-2009 (USD Thousand) 2008 Country AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN 2009 Goods Services Total 49,034.73 1,476.21 4,040.43 366,568.31 3,264.80 2,380.11 415,603.04 4,741.00 6,420.54 6,004.85 111.59 85,299.45 2,060.11 27,190.80 33,604.56 4,898.97 22,363.45 455.80 94,656.23 6,459.77 12,036.68 21,627.65 4,487.93 24.11 518.72 41,396.01 688.53 4,330.93 21,556.79 891.76 4,050.55 855.73 11,107.83 10,882.29 5,530.22 120,496.74 0.50 13,547.76 13,706.20 25,181.45 25,362.66 4,601.53 76,310.07 3,721.91 6,185.18 18,555.13 16,366.94 53,919.19 84,946.32 729.07 7,226.09 49,715.14 8,026.38 35,531.97 6,425.37 2,361.73 10,391.46 1,969.33 73,102.32 1,570.64 229.24 4,584.10 577.52 20,640.74 70,511.80 7,990.38 481.80 11,779.32 3,595.30 17,147.53 3,057.71 2,723.59 68,320.55 2,151.22 1,644.34 17,114.38 37,045.76 12,944.47 1,499.00 0.40 60,275.75 6,328.60 7,200.08 1,207.34 25,428.38 22,713.48 4,833.69 67.42 57,146.80 58,976.17 8,816.63 45,908.69 4,364.01 12,392.78 154,270.99 1,833.98 38,185.09 28,368.30 567.39 179,955.68 8,519.88 39,227.48 55,232.21 9,386.90 24.11 699.15 93,784.96 839.47 7,940.07 308,025.18 1,867.67 9,504.02 2,393.09 43,672.12 15,014.70 8,194.69 166,697.61 0.50 47,569.00 23,676.33 39,220.47 40,759.80 12,188.51 182,280.64 5,023.44 12,661.13 39,784.18 19,713.64 178,662.46 105,745.94 2,057.06 9,981.10 183,075.78 9,846.40 60,724.99 7,440.64 13,824.50 18,578.95 8,156.84 327,426.91 3,627.12 229.24 7,255.09 3,243.96 130,862.48 96,027.97 22,596.11 886.79 9,865.29 4,275.26 77,104.91 4,691.55 16,783.47 503,378.02 3,929.87 2,411.35 27,538.18 275,049.38 28,553.48 1,576.69 0.40 80,562.68 10,501.35 9,516.36 2,770.32 53,089.10 42,550.94 9,410.48 67.42 620,018.45 112,571.76 11,318.59 57,815.09 14,482.06 40,624.80 465,974.25 3,180.99 279,662.33 180.43 52,388.94 150.94 3,609.15 286,468.39 975.91 5,453.47 1,537.35 32,564.29 4,132.41 2,664.46 46,200.88 34,021.24 9,970.13 14,039.02 15,397.14 7,586.98 105,970.57 1,301.53 6,475.96 21,229.05 3,346.69 124,743.27 20,799.62 1,327.98 2,755.01 133,360.65 1,820.01 25,193.02 1,015.27 11,462.77 8,187.49 6,187.52 254,324.59 2,056.47 2,670.99 2,666.45 110,221.74 25,516.17 14,605.73 404.99 -1,914.03 679.96 59,957.39 1,633.84 14,059.87 435,057.47 1,778.65 767.02 10,423.80 238,003.62 15,609.02 77.69 20,286.93 4,172.75 2,316.28 1,562.98 27,660.72 19,837.46 4,576.79 562,871.66 53,595.59 2,501.96 11,906.40 10,118.05 28,232.03 311,703.25 1,347.01 241,477.24 62 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement % Goods Services Total 3.06% 0.03% 0.05% 63,459.86 1,128.52 3,785.30 372,507.05 5,837.85 6,418.24 435,966.92 6,966.36 10,203.55 3.16% 0.05% 0.07% 0.21% 0.00% 1.32% 0.06% 0.29% 0.41% 0.07% 0.00% 0.01% 0.69% 0.01% 0.06% 2.27% 0.01% 0.07% 0.02% 0.32% 0.11% 0.06% 1.23% 0.00% 0.35% 0.17% 0.29% 0.30% 0.09% 1.34% 0.04% 0.09% 0.29% 0.15% 1.31% 0.78% 0.02% 0.07% 1.35% 0.07% 0.45% 0.05% 0.10% 0.14% 0.06% 2.41% 0.03% 0.00% 0.05% 0.02% 0.96% 0.71% 0.17% 0.01% 0.07% 0.03% 0.57% 0.03% 0.12% 3.70% 0.03% 0.02% 0.20% 2.02% 0.21% 0.01% 0.00% 0.59% 0.08% 0.07% 0.02% 0.39% 0.31% 0.07% 0.00% 4.56% 0.83% 0.08% 0.43% 0.11% 0.30% 3.43% 0.02% 2.06% 5,866.22 -30.28 86,587.75 1,489.69 36,470.97 39,864.41 3,125.20 10.76 320.09 38,965.39 1,963.15 5,521.14 335,478.09 538.80 6,854.69 2,032.27 9,757.88 4,606.59 1,404.88 30,363.34 19,224.62 603.58 84,049.21 3,877.04 38,073.45 66,892.27 5,859.49 689.04 1,082.83 35,884.21 769.88 6,242.80 52,660.20 1,221.42 11,764.49 1,342.73 11,564.48 9,989.33 5,948.42 94,724.16 25,090.84 573.30 170,636.97 5,366.74 74,544.42 106,756.68 8,984.69 699.80 1,402.92 74,849.60 2,733.03 11,763.94 388,138.30 1,760.21 18,619.18 3,375.01 21,322.36 14,595.92 7,353.30 125,087.50 0.18% 0.00% 1.24% 0.04% 0.54% 0.77% 0.07% 0.01% 0.01% 0.54% 0.02% 0.09% 2.81% 0.01% 0.13% 0.02% 0.15% 0.11% 0.05% 0.91% 12,746.65 11,926.10 12,984.09 8,738.59 5,518.66 50,511.79 1,587.99 4,183.06 31,035.61 5,230.81 91,774.96 18,378.64 1,383.90 2,651.64 65,956.17 1,128.80 36,737.43 2,798.58 6,465.16 14,009.60 17,658.21 246,278.88 3,743.00 16.38 9,177.28 1,636.03 7,956.87 11,763.86 9,738.72 121.23 1,589.81 69.60 68,401.42 1,333.71 6,269.27 348,933.93 3,331.76 586.94 9,634.55 136,002.33 8,878.59 202.17 26,216.82 18,687.22 22,251.36 26,088.65 38,616.42 133,441.58 2,862.93 12,778.03 38,473.33 14,844.46 39,796.21 61,926.58 1,379.50 6,664.83 99,835.67 6,718.91 43,234.11 5,604.00 2,386.78 10,781.16 1,140.98 100,503.48 20,025.37 196.69 5,793.06 1,716.67 15,736.74 61,235.57 11,281.76 1,158.06 11,616.37 289.54 125,323.88 4,195.17 3,278.48 59,148.12 1,946.95 3,238.19 27,291.56 45,165.66 11,076.88 5,487.63 71.12 39,281.82 8,951.08 8,407.61 1,537.26 49,859.77 26,495.57 2,243.18 27.29 58,227.81 54,379.71 13,169.77 36,138.05 4,502.04 16,064.93 159,985.54 3,025.01 32,268.10 38,963.47 30,613.32 35,235.45 34,827.23 44,135.08 183,953.36 4,450.91 16,961.09 69,508.94 20,075.27 131,571.17 80,305.22 2,763.40 9,316.46 165,791.84 7,847.71 79,971.54 8,402.57 8,851.94 24,790.77 18,799.19 346,782.37 23,768.37 213.07 14,970.34 3,352.70 23,693.61 72,999.43 21,020.49 1,279.29 13,206.17 359.14 193,725.30 5,528.88 9,547.75 408,082.05 5,278.72 3,825.13 36,926.12 181,167.99 19,955.47 5,689.80 71.12 59,148.97 12,957.09 11,207.82 2,014.95 62,826.09 41,838.99 8,522.75 32.77 676,702.32 114,319.36 15,870.97 47,428.91 9,514.19 45,577.91 392,228.78 4,265.84 231,563.74 0.28% 0.22% 0.26% 0.25% 0.32% 1.33% 0.03% 0.12% 0.50% 0.15% 0.95% 0.58% 0.02% 0.07% 1.20% 0.06% 0.58% 0.06% 0.06% 0.18% 0.14% 2.51% 0.17% 0.00% 0.11% 0.02% 0.17% 0.53% 0.15% 0.01% 0.10% 0.00% 1.40% 0.04% 0.07% 2.96% 0.04% 0.03% 0.27% 1.31% 0.14% 0.04% 0.00% 0.43% 0.09% 0.08% 0.01% 0.46% 0.30% 0.06% 0.00% 4.90% 0.83% 0.12% 0.34% 0.07% 0.33% 2.84% 0.03% 1.68% 19,867.15 4,006.01 2,800.21 477.69 12,966.32 15,343.43 6,279.57 5.48 618,474.51 59,939.64 2,701.20 11,290.86 5,012.15 29,512.98 232,243.24 1,240.83 199,295.64 % Total Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country and Services by Country of Contractor: 2008-2009 (USD Thousand) 2008 Country JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND 2009 Goods Services Total 33,794.05 22,894.52 89,135.35 49.05 2,318.77 4,874.53 10,027.19 1,429.11 67,658.26 5,162.85 42,077.50 600.04 107,128.91 49,155.18 100,281.22 156.18 19,749.56 5,386.91 5,254.75 915.56 64,719.95 1,981.94 33,213.71 5,657.81 140,922.97 72,049.70 189,416.56 205.23 22,068.33 10,261.44 15,281.94 2,344.67 132,378.21 7,144.79 75,291.21 6,257.85 633.04 6,261.95 924.55 6,450.49 22,115.62 48,610.89 940.66 8,126.33 25.67 12.45 3,800.59 4,130.14 11,406.85 10.02 7,252.44 15.52 2,818.13 164.62 8,952.31 25,670.04 46,742.68 2,103.60 11.37 18,399.00 100,625.84 4,438.94 10,499.83 9,100.21 5,104.73 22,699.57 2,364.90 927.61 155.58 6,937.62 7,884.76 10,199.49 6,631.38 4,316.96 13,716.10 288.31 201.50 4,978.87 1,339.80 15,744.11 342.09 3,777.88 309.52 2,389.99 241.89 9,424.77 13,951.31 2,915.58 4,769.63 84.98 20,491.10 26,064.85 2,382.91 12,224.92 9,000.10 24,038.87 23,670.14 -22.83 8.50 40,499.25 187,672.35 2,663.02 14,575.61 213,020.00 8,063.17 3,663.01 3,198.63 1,029.56 4,817.26 2,669.23 400,792.99 16,790.58 1,216.79 874.64 652.51 11,263.98 12,695.91 16,629.19 633.66 18,897.90 723.74 2,253.79 1,970.00 1,901.03 18,379.96 71,796.58 35,756.93 29,022.34 73.90 527.39 91.78 184,804.37 390.20 2,581.29 5,933.75 218,499.79 13,020.88 14,856.25 39,034.49 1,560.65 6,417.53 7,862.17 14,335.26 32,315.12 55,242.27 5,257.62 21,842.43 313.98 213.95 8,779.46 5,469.95 27,150.96 352.11 11,030.32 325.04 5,208.12 406.51 18,377.08 39,621.34 49,658.26 6,873.23 96.35 38,890.09 126,690.69 6,821.85 22,724.75 18,100.30 29,143.60 46,369.71 2,342.07 8.50 88,651.54 294,136.57 4,235.29 18,381.20 408,068.76 15,029.86 3,989.91 4,436.67 1,065.21 32,554.74 4,128.66 436,501.27 36,012.53 1,387.45 1,110.91 814.19 11,529.39 22,411.66 25,933.82 878.91 28,751.24 6,350.74 2,600.59 2,190.93 2,504.48 24,992.80 291,551.09 44,919.01 45,437.56 73.90 532.29 103.11 384,647.72 593.62 4,612.42 21,489.51 572,030.02 58,031.24 21,804.41 66,761.13 48,152.29 106,464.22 1,572.27 3,805.60 195,048.76 6,966.69 326.90 1,238.04 35.66 27,737.48 1,459.43 35,708.28 19,221.95 170.66 236.27 161.68 265.40 9,715.75 9,304.63 245.25 9,853.34 5,627.00 346.80 220.93 603.45 6,612.85 219,754.52 9,162.09 16,415.22 4.90 11.33 199,843.34 203.42 2,031.13 15,555.75 353,530.23 45,010.36 6,948.16 27,726.64 63 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement % Goods Services Total 1.04% 0.53% 1.39% 0.00% 0.16% 0.08% 0.11% 0.02% 0.97% 0.05% 0.55% 0.05% 25,765.60 13,057.09 76,453.56 23.29 377.48 4,685.36 12,664.65 673.32 38,938.63 2,312.24 31,644.19 495.21 123,873.27 29,606.22 223,515.25 75.12 2,870.65 10,083.71 8,032.70 1,011.29 90,162.43 4,708.04 35,260.28 17,034.92 149,638.87 42,663.31 299,968.80 98.41 3,248.13 14,769.07 20,697.36 1,684.61 129,101.06 7,020.28 66,904.48 17,530.13 1.08% 0.31% 2.17% 0.00% 0.02% 0.11% 0.15% 0.01% 0.94% 0.05% 0.48% 0.13% 0.01% 0.05% 0.06% 0.11% 0.24% 0.41% 0.04% 0.16% 0.00% 0.00% 0.06% 0.04% 0.20% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00% 0.04% 1,360.10 4,560.63 473.21 6,279.42 18,103.41 45,808.09 373.49 9,616.56 112.35 28.02 4,835.55 6,530.55 4,725.41 24.52 4,847.75 21.45 2,317.67 130.12 5,085.29 13,837.77 29,459.61 1,901.62 4.43 11,943.61 120,857.43 4,134.57 11,974.28 8,904.69 13,068.87 4,063.30 5,967.08 47,581.18 116,739.08 68,031.65 1,608.57 2,037.47 163,813.94 13,650.98 1,519.97 789.97 24.80 43,131.06 915.48 32,508.62 10,424.45 481.00 53.06 290.97 758.81 7,881.18 5,473.88 182.88 10,321.57 3,415.71 842.62 1,059.53 432.61 7,877.19 132,225.35 7,997.14 26,903.91 50.06 27.42 7.30 151,243.10 314.30 3,706.12 9,303.94 564,398.22 22,166.60 5,450.45 21,540.94 1,456.40 1,691.06 8,006.32 11,682.81 15,952.98 9,362.13 1,877.49 15,101.72 1,305.07 3,993.99 10,638.30 6,753.80 26,440.34 189.87 4,701.93 3,352.95 3,320.67 182.81 13,941.01 27,393.81 9,319.83 6,363.91 151.39 33,980.81 20,436.15 1,958.13 11,764.06 13,488.19 22,324.59 4,749.34 702.02 16,218.13 68,403.16 111,018.50 2,770.18 13,702.55 126,570.88 12,835.24 1,448.00 2,431.24 -785.17 3,424.25 1,985.80 430,678.29 14,367.48 1,548.11 1,029.00 467.77 13,271.10 18,929.94 16,318.86 755.17 17,792.34 3,650.02 3,545.62 2,634.49 1,852.47 74,207.07 125,721.10 42,311.38 33,530.70 418.92 392.48 80.71 490,412.04 842.94 3,245.31 4,219.81 279,384.71 19,652.38 13,474.78 21,855.71 2,816.50 6,251.69 8,479.53 17,962.23 34,056.40 55,170.22 2,250.97 24,718.28 1,417.42 4,022.01 15,473.86 13,284.35 31,165.75 214.39 9,549.68 3,374.40 5,638.34 312.93 19,026.30 41,231.58 38,779.45 8,265.53 155.82 45,924.41 141,293.58 6,092.70 23,738.34 22,392.87 35,393.47 8,812.64 6,669.10 63,799.31 185,142.24 179,050.15 4,378.75 15,740.01 290,384.82 26,486.22 2,967.97 3,221.21 -760.37 46,555.31 2,901.27 463,186.91 24,791.93 2,029.11 1,082.06 758.73 14,029.90 26,811.13 21,792.74 938.05 28,113.91 7,065.72 4,388.24 3,694.03 2,285.08 82,084.26 257,946.45 50,308.52 60,434.61 468.98 419.90 88.01 641,655.14 1,157.24 6,951.43 13,523.75 843,782.92 41,818.98 18,925.23 43,396.65 0.02% 0.05% 0.06% 0.13% 0.25% 0.40% 0.02% 0.18% 0.01% 0.03% 0.11% 0.10% 0.23% 0.00% 0.07% 0.02% 0.04% 0.14% 0.29% 0.37% 0.05% 0.00% 0.29% 0.93% 0.05% 0.17% 0.13% 0.21% 0.34% 0.02% 0.00% 0.65% 2.16% 0.03% 0.14% 3.00% 0.11% 0.03% 0.03% 0.01% 0.24% 0.03% 3.21% 0.26% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.08% 0.16% 0.01% 0.21% 0.05% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.18% 2.14% 0.33% 0.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.83% 0.00% 0.03% 0.16% 4.21% 0.43% 0.16% 0.49% % 0.14% 0.30% 0.28% 0.06% 0.00% 0.33% 1.02% 0.04% 0.17% 0.16% 0.26% 0.06% 0.05% 0.46% 1.34% 1.30% 0.03% 0.11% 2.10% 0.19% 0.02% 0.02% -0.01% 0.34% 0.02% 3.36% 0.18% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.10% 0.19% 0.01% 0.20% 0.05% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.59% 1.87% 0.36% 0.44% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.65% 0.01% 0.05% 0.10% 6.12% 0.30% 0.14% 0.31% Total Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country and Services by Country of Contractor: 2008-2009 (USD Thousand) 2008 Country TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UAE UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIB. 2009 Goods Services Total 2,592.56 2,641.64 10.69 216.34 769.35 84,820.20 492.91 8.58 70,158.24 71,271.54 33,523.52 178,489.57 34,736.45 3,131.18 311,382.47 2,034.47 15.27 7,808.45 18,577.04 6,279.79 20,821.04 13,100.69 5,538.94 5,232.91 234.88 2,017.19 2,638.18 19,915.59 888.78 102.80 25,917.72 27,520.58 60,063.20 146,973.28 22,101.96 15,574.18 737,402.90 3,244.26 123.66 12,350.28 6,780.22 6,185.70 7,505.46 7,863.19 8,131.50 7,874.55 245.57 2,233.53 3,407.54 104,735.79 1,381.69 111.38 96,075.97 98,792.12 93,586.71 325,462.85 56,838.41 18,705.36 1,048,785.37 5,278.72 138.93 20,158.73 25,357.26 12,465.50 28,326.51 20,963.88 6,609,622.63 5,433,177.81 93,384.95 % Goods Services Total 0.06% 0.06% 0.00% 0.02% 0.03% 0.77% 0.01% 0.00% 0.71% 0.73% 0.69% 2.39% 0.42% 0.14% 7.71% 0.04% 0.00% 0.15% 0.19% 0.09% 0.21% 0.15% 2,638.51 3,452.16 6.00 337.14 708.84 84,341.69 629.83 38.46 85,673.57 72,011.49 86,547.69 266,782.44 27,381.79 5,146.40 358,700.84 1,753.26 166.00 3,051.18 16,614.29 15,126.49 9,948.68 9,247.09 6,789.83 7,802.69 191.90 2,048.52 3,026.81 30,977.14 1,782.27 279.41 42,416.10 56,388.17 87,070.10 144,521.48 50,113.64 20,947.19 1,375,255.21 6,159.88 232.69 11,392.66 7,211.35 13,078.22 11,252.69 53,300.61 9,428.34 11,254.85 197.90 2,385.66 3,735.65 115,318.83 2,412.10 317.87 128,089.67 128,399.66 173,617.78 411,303.92 77,495.44 26,093.58 1,733,956.04 7,913.14 398.69 14,443.84 23,825.65 28,204.70 21,201.37 62,547.70 0.07% 0.08% 0.00% 0.02% 0.03% 0.84% 0.02% 0.00% 0.93% 0.93% 1.26% 2.98% 0.56% 0.19% 12.57% 0.06% 0.00% 0.10% 0.17% 0.20% 0.15% 0.45% 12,042,800.44 88.59% 6,266,022.78 7,248,967.59 13,514,990.37 97.95% 1,327,425.11 1,420,810.05 10.45% 40,365.70 110,394.45 150,760.15 1.09% 171.94 50,234.93 50,406.87 0.37% 400.25 321.67 721.92 0.01% 50,802.17 29,041.37 79,843.54 0.59% 86,439.47 13.20 337.44 14.50 33.00 27.70 370.44 0.00% 0.00% 112.17 435.30 359.88 39,728.02 35.99 1,080.07 2,507.32 126,167.49 35.99 1,192.24 435.30 2,867.20 0.91% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0.02% 6,394,135.55 46.34% 7,403,035.11 53.66% 13,797,170.66 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% GRAND-TOTAL 6,754,332.33 49.69% 6,839,926.72 50.31% 13,594,259.04 100.00% INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 3,025,632.65 44.80% 2,125,518.61 31.08% 5,151,151.26 37.89% 3,040,252.95 47.55% 3,029,517.52 40.92% 6,069,770.46 43.99% 3,635,142.79 53.82% 3,336,748.07 48.78% 6,971,890.86 51.29% 3,313,116.66 51.81% 4,262,801.47 57.58% 7,575,918.13 54.91% ARAB STATES Percentage 541,667.36 8.02% 628,646.50 9.19% 1,170,313.86 8.61% 480,252.46 7.51% 1,081,660.70 14.61% 1,561,913.17 11.32% AFRICA Percentage 946,986.61 14.02% 676,403.56 9.89% 1,623,390.17 11.94% 758,368.59 11.86% 1,246,796.51 16.84% 2,005,165.10 14.53% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 1,147,679.45 16.99% 791,389.69 11.57% 1,939,069.14 14.26% 1,284,062.81 20.08% 846,315.45 11.43% 2,130,378.26 15.44% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 259,282.78 3.84% 281,120.24 4.11% 540,403.02 3.98% 293,376.87 4.59% 327,124.46 4.42% 620,501.34 4.50% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage 739,526.59 10.95% 959,188.07 14.02% 1,698,714.66 12.50% 497,055.92 7.77% 760,904.34 10.28% 1,257,960.27 9.12% 93,556.88 1.39% 1,377,660.04 20.14% 1,471,216.92 10.82% 40,765.95 0.64% 110,716.12 1.50% 151,482.07 1.10% OTHERS Percentage % 64 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement by Agency: 2008-2009 (USD Million) 2008 Services Total % of Total Goods 2009 Services Total Agency Goods ESCAP 2.14 5.16 7.30 0.05% 6.20 7.74 13.94 0.10% ESCWA 1.31 1.70 3.01 0.02% 1.77 1.17 2.95 0.02% ECE ECLAC Data included in UNOG figures % of Total Data included in UNOG figures 1.31 4.51 5.81 0.04% 3.05 5.20 8.24 0.06% FAO 72.73 35.83 108.57 0.80% 89.12 44.50 133.62 0.97% IAEA 63.63 36.28 99.91 0.73% 87.60 48.23 135.84 0.98% IFAD ILO INSTRAW ITC ITU 3.94 27.09 31.02 0.23% 1.69 45.61 47.30 0.34% 15.17 38.69 53.86 0.40% 8.26 76.90 85.16 0.62% 0.06 0.07 0.13 0.00% 0.47 3.60 4.07 0.03% 3.92 5.29 0.04% Data not submitted OPCW 5.41 PAHO 376.66 UNCTAD UNDP UNECA UNESCO UN/DPKO Data not submitted 1.37 Data not submitted 7.74 13.15 0.10% 2.59 376.66 2.77% 384.90 4.94 7.53 0.05% 384.90 2.79% 2,610.93 18.92% 0.86 1.98 2.83 0.02% 724.46 2,135.31 2,859.77 21.04% 1.76 0.01% 7.16 2.25 9.41 0.07% 146.35 261.19 1.92% 58.70 126.97 185.67 1.35% 1.76 114.84 Data included in UN/PD figures Data included in UNOG figures 610.02 2,000.91 Data included in UN/PD figures UNFPA 138.05 114.87 252.92 1.86% 131.60 226.33 357.93 2.59% UNHCR 206.75 159.35 366.10 2.69% 239.53 167.00 406.53 2.95% UNICEF 1,540.48 1,540.48 11.33% 1,829.12 1,829.12 13.26% UNIDO 25.52 28.37 53.89 0.40% 16.91 69.56 86.47 0.63% UN/PD 1,345.87 1,826.40 3,172.27 23.34% 1,076.38 2,412.04 3,488.42 25.28% UNOG 12.49 51.92 64.41 0.47% 21.48 82.78 104.25 0.76% 12.54 23.15 35.70 0.26% 862.85 6.35% 442.68 428.80 871.48 6.32% UNON Data not submitted UNOPS 358.90 503.95 UNOV 5.47 10.88 16.34 0.12% 8.27 8.66 16.93 0.12% 150.82 54.49 205.31 1.51% 168.35 96.92 265.27 1.92% UNU 0.35 1.80 2.16 0.02% 0.04 1.13 1.17 0.01% UNV 0.40 10.63 11.03 0.08% 0.45 11.25 11.70 0.08% UPU 1.83 1.83 0.01% 0.37 0.37 0.00% WFP 1,579.55 3,063.92 22.54% 1,180.01 2,568.62 18.62% UNRWA WHO 1,484.37 Data not submitted due to ERP implementation WIPO 1,388.61 Data not submitted due to ERP implementation 109.50 109.50 0.79% WMO 2.92 5.68 8.59 0.06% 3.57 4.44 8.01 0.06% WTO 0.17 4.67 4.84 0.04% 0.40 4.52 4.92 0.04% 6,754.33 6,839.93 13,594.26 100.00% 6,394.14 7,403.04 13,797.17 100.00% TOTAL 138.24 138.24 1.02% 65 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country and Source of Funds: 2009 Supplier Country AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN 66 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Source of funding UNDP Agency Progr. 17,997.61 45,462.25 392.98 735.54 507.82 3,277.48 3,011.93 -30.28 20,504.39 1,117.76 2,808.83 3,145.29 2,715.96 8.44 222.77 5,066.11 327.49 2,530.22 3,624.99 503.07 2,833.17 1,197.55 3,871.09 3,933.91 574.75 12,220.10 166.10 2,835.33 6,626.42 1,322.99 1,376.08 4,737.33 969.63 1,901.88 1,757.79 1,292.77 9,406.22 6,949.52 748.80 1,464.44 15,942.69 743.81 5,321.90 656.81 4,960.89 668.53 97.13 58,439.81 627.63 16.38 3,931.43 4,459.98 2,802.71 3,564.31 63.27 987.18 15.38 6,029.38 751.03 164.00 2,014.55 3,050.30 378.14 1,220.17 11,072.28 1,357.18 45.41 6,872.36 675.96 1,502.91 266.82 1,660.25 2,553.58 98.17 5.48 4,474.81 4,497.87 1,798.04 2,630.63 42.95 1,558.60 3,566.84 481.74 7,006.78 2,854.29 66,083.36 371.93 33,662.14 36,719.12 409.24 2.32 97.32 33,899.28 1,635.66 2,990.92 331,853.10 35.73 4,021.52 834.72 5,886.79 672.68 830.13 18,143.24 12,580.55 9,090.77 6,357.67 7,415.60 4,142.58 45,774.46 618.36 2,281.18 29,277.82 3,938.04 82,368.74 11,429.12 635.10 1,187.20 50,013.48 384.99 31,415.53 2,141.77 1,504.27 13,341.07 17,561.08 187,839.07 3,115.37 5,245.85 1,636.03 3,496.89 8,961.15 6,174.41 57.96 602.63 54.22 62,372.04 582.68 6,105.27 346,919.38 281.46 208.80 8,414.38 124,930.05 7,521.41 156.76 12,994.79 3,330.05 1,297.30 210.87 11,306.07 12,789.85 6,181.40 613,999.70 55,441.77 903.16 8,660.23 4,969.20 27,954.38 228,676.40 759.09 192,288.86 (USD Thousand) Total % 63,459.86 0.99% 1,128.52 0.02% 3,785.30 0.06% 5,866.22 -30.28 86,587.75 1,489.69 36,470.97 39,864.41 3,125.20 10.76 320.09 38,965.39 1,963.15 5,521.14 335,478.09 538.80 6,854.69 2,032.27 9,757.88 4,606.59 1,404.88 30,363.34 0.09% 0.00% 1.35% 0.02% 0.57% 0.62% 0.05% 0.00% 0.01% 0.61% 0.03% 0.09% 5.25% 0.01% 0.11% 0.03% 0.15% 0.07% 0.02% 0.47% 12,746.65 11,926.10 12,984.09 8,738.59 5,518.66 50,511.79 1,587.99 4,183.06 31,035.61 5,230.81 91,774.96 18,378.64 1,383.90 2,651.64 65,956.17 1,128.80 36,737.43 2,798.58 6,465.16 14,009.60 17,658.21 246,278.88 3,743.00 16.38 9,177.28 1,636.03 7,956.87 11,763.86 9,738.72 121.23 1,589.81 69.60 68,401.42 1,333.71 6,269.27 348,933.93 3,331.76 586.94 9,634.55 136,002.33 8,878.59 202.17 0.20% 0.19% 0.20% 0.14% 0.09% 0.79% 0.02% 0.07% 0.49% 0.08% 1.44% 0.29% 0.02% 0.04% 1.03% 0.02% 0.57% 0.04% 0.10% 0.22% 0.28% 3.85% 0.06% 0.00% 0.14% 0.03% 0.12% 0.18% 0.15% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 1.07% 0.02% 0.10% 5.46% 0.05% 0.01% 0.15% 2.13% 0.14% 0.00% 19,867.15 4,006.01 2,800.21 477.69 12,966.32 15,343.43 6,279.57 5.48 618,474.51 59,939.64 2,701.20 11,290.86 5,012.15 29,512.98 232,243.24 1,240.83 199,295.64 0.31% 0.06% 0.04% 0.01% 0.20% 0.24% 0.10% 0.00% 9.67% 0.94% 0.04% 0.18% 0.08% 0.46% 3.63% 0.02% 3.12% Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country and Source of Funds: 2009 Supplier Country JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND 67 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Source of funding UNDP Agency Progr. 3,640.01 22,125.59 2,256.36 10,800.73 4,543.20 71,910.36 22.40 0.89 35.21 342.27 3,571.54 1,113.82 1,765.40 10,899.25 243.21 430.11 3,499.38 35,439.25 671.84 1,640.40 5,201.92 26,442.27 324.26 170.95 39.54 0.11 250.63 1,226.97 4,740.34 1,018.09 268.40 4,353.72 28.02 595.07 1,299.30 1,096.43 24.52 1,119.06 8.29 730.05 1,428.94 2,861.74 1,645.64 592.12 4.43 3,176.97 17,720.85 181.34 3,280.10 2,296.76 1,646.79 446.48 36.00 2,550.87 38,107.15 677.55 1,778.32 35,371.66 1,081.91 115.52 117.98 382.47 185.11 884.04 1,638.69 412.20 249.72 139.46 1,309.21 755.95 180.21 3,551.00 215.02 43.32 424.82 2,090.62 17,849.20 3,408.20 2,577.77 50.06 7.37 7.30 5,761.15 166.06 1,335.51 249.13 2,379.31 2,280.72 4,048.59 1,083.40 1,320.56 4,560.52 222.58 5,052.45 13,363.07 44,790.00 105.09 5,262.84 112.35 4,240.48 5,231.25 3,628.98 3,728.69 13.16 1,587.62 130.12 3,656.35 10,976.03 27,813.97 1,309.50 8,766.64 103,136.58 3,953.23 8,694.18 6,607.93 11,422.08 3,616.82 5,967.08 47,545.18 114,188.21 29,924.50 931.02 259.15 128,442.28 12,569.07 1,404.45 671.99 24.80 42,748.59 730.37 31,624.58 8,785.76 68.80 53.06 41.25 619.35 6,571.97 4,717.93 2.67 6,770.57 3,415.71 627.60 1,016.21 7.79 5,786.57 114,376.15 4,588.94 24,326.14 20.05 145,481.95 148.24 2,370.61 9,054.81 562,018.91 19,885.88 1,401.86 20,457.54 (USD Thousand) Total % 25,765.60 0.40% 13,057.09 0.20% 76,453.56 1.20% 23.29 0.00% 377.48 0.01% 4,685.36 0.07% 12,664.65 0.20% 673.32 0.01% 38,938.63 0.61% 2,312.24 0.04% 31,644.19 0.49% 495.21 0.01% 1,360.10 4,560.63 473.21 6,279.42 18,103.41 45,808.09 373.49 9,616.56 112.35 28.02 4,835.55 6,530.55 4,725.41 24.52 4,847.75 21.45 2,317.67 130.12 5,085.29 13,837.77 29,459.61 1,901.62 4.43 11,943.61 120,857.43 4,134.57 11,974.28 8,904.69 13,068.87 4,063.30 5,967.08 47,581.18 116,739.08 68,031.65 1,608.57 2,037.47 163,813.94 13,650.98 1,519.97 789.97 24.80 43,131.06 915.48 32,508.62 10,424.45 481.00 53.06 290.97 758.81 7,881.18 5,473.88 182.88 10,321.57 3,415.71 842.62 1,059.53 432.61 7,877.19 132,225.35 7,997.14 26,903.91 50.06 27.42 7.30 151,243.10 314.30 3,706.12 9,303.94 564,398.22 22,166.60 5,450.45 21,540.94 0.02% 0.07% 0.01% 0.10% 0.28% 0.72% 0.01% 0.15% 0.00% 0.00% 0.08% 0.10% 0.07% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00% 0.04% 0.00% 0.08% 0.22% 0.46% 0.03% 0.00% 0.19% 1.89% 0.06% 0.19% 0.14% 0.20% 0.06% 0.09% 0.74% 1.83% 1.06% 0.03% 0.03% 2.56% 0.21% 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 0.67% 0.01% 0.51% 0.16% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.12% 0.00% 0.16% 0.05% 0.01% 0.02% 0.01% 0.12% 2.07% 0.13% 0.42% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.37% 0.00% 0.06% 0.15% 8.83% 0.35% 0.09% 0.34% Procurement of Goods by Supplier Country and Source of Funds: 2009 Supplier Country TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL Source of funding UNDP Agency Progr. 2,638.51 2,905.21 546.95 6.00 99.75 237.39 397.74 311.10 1,171.90 83,169.79 411.21 218.62 38.46 8,058.97 77,614.60 3,271.08 68,740.41 1,857.52 84,690.17 15,702.11 251,080.33 5,299.01 22,082.78 2,565.15 2,581.25 25,570.42 333,130.42 441.22 1,312.04 146.37 19.63 2,833.25 217.93 573.73 16,040.56 2,289.38 12,837.11 719.07 9,229.61 1,752.79 7,494.30 (USD Thousand) Total % 2,638.51 0.04% 3,452.16 0.05% 6.00 0.00% 337.14 0.01% 708.84 0.01% 84,341.69 1.32% 629.83 0.01% 38.46 0.00% 85,673.57 1.34% 72,011.49 1.13% 86,547.69 1.35% 266,782.44 4.17% 27,381.79 0.43% 5,146.40 0.08% 358,700.84 5.61% 1,753.26 0.03% 166.00 0.00% 3,051.18 0.05% 16,614.29 0.26% 15,126.49 0.24% 9,948.68 0.16% 9,247.09 0.14% 587,185.66 5,678,837.12 6,266,022.78 98.00% 23,099.53 17,266.17 40,365.70 0.63% 400.25 400.25 0.01% 86,439.47 86,439.47 1.35% 330.04 435.30 29.84 112.17 435.30 359.88 0.00% 0.01% 0.01% GRAND-TOTAL 610,727.40 5,783,408.15 6,394,135.55 100.00% INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 164,901.40 27.00% 2,875,351.54 49.72% 3,040,252.95 47.55% 422,726.47 69.22% 2,890,390.18 49.98% 3,313,116.65 51.81% 38,535.44 6.31% 441,717.02 7.64% 480,252.46 7.51% 129,499.60 21.20% 628,868.99 10.87% 758,368.59 11.86% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 63,501.83 10.40% 1,220,560.98 21.10% 1,284,062.81 20.08% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 30,338.82 4.97% 263,038.05 4.55% 293,376.87 4.59% 160,850.78 26.34% 336,205.14 5.81% 497,055.92 7.77% 23,099.53 3.78% 17,666.42 0.31% 40,765.95 0.64% UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN ARAB STATES Percentage AFRICA Percentage LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage OTHERS Percentage 68 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 112.17 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country ESCAP AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN ESCWA ECA ECLAC FAO 2,660.95 0.79 81.53 9.91 56.28 2,607.61 2.69 0.53 IAEA 400.35 22,758.78 681.47 23.06 69.83 244.54 452.84 1,169.07 14.99 7.65 27.81 24.35 52.93 323.44 13.26 478.75 405.85 47.45 1.00 11.72 66.84 40.95 140.61 139.43 14.43 2,517.93 2.17 1,720.82 0.73 3,027.32 22.98 473.72 12.74 2.52 0.31 20.74 10.00 8.25 172.36 205.31 69 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 72.28 1,053.11 225.03 4,576.75 31.65 998.72 225.28 677.00 101.62 131.63 748.52 71.90 27.55 3.70 28.58 0.83 16.38 84.11 2,403.89 187.28 2,500.88 1,021.65 0.74 7,294.91 1.66 11,068.72 9.18 97.40 1,078.92 80.68 32.38 15.30 32.52 1.90 4,108.21 4,788.62 360.10 206.00 33.00 31.47 197.01 105.08 37.90 774.67 12,630.01 1,750.82 90.91 291.79 1,813.46 42.57 1,460.10 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country ESCAP JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND ESCWA ECA ECLAC 534.13 FAO 690.16 1,798.28 IAEA 10.94 102.81 193.21 815.41 534.13 430.11 304.58 176.37 167.80 5.46 0.44 100.18 245.61 6.90 4.49 3,428.20 151.53 15.33 53.89 546.17 6.84 0.38 402.01 32.27 1,268.30 25.49 42.20 122.93 464.08 2,475.79 24.26 50.03 1,461.38 7.95 12.37 2,733.10 26.66 2.66 19.45 23.69 82.67 5.69 50.12 1,553.67 544.53 59.26 65.38 4,086.70 63.70 40.48 6.48 7.60 58.28 62.44 432.46 1,638.52 63.10 2.80 329.65 601.48 17.53 5,150.55 134.39 1,073.52 215.29 694.51 47.71 3,792.63 70 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 36.98 228.28 88.59 952.73 956.02 371.13 2,486.99 22.62 328.53 1,758.81 1.06 1.24 100.71 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country ESCAP TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL ESCWA ECA ECLAC FAO IAEA 74.90 121.64 605.84 33.15 354.47 9.26 15.03 763.00 1,945.01 436.14 1,188.31 8,561.53 1,521.62 254.02 4,180.05 310.21 792.36 15.11 856.98 3.80 58.13 86.87 149.41 5,004.29 63.46 14,755.53 4.97 119.66 9.09 6,201.48 1,771.87 7,158.72 3,048.55 89,118.12 UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES 87,581.85 20.22 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES* (OpT) AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL 6,201.48 1,771.87 7,158.72 3,048.55 89,118.12 87,602.07 INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 2,234.61 36.03% 876.53 49.47% 4,675.70 65.31% 1,029.11 33.76% 35,013.52 39.29% 76,721.01 87.58% 3,966.88 63.97% 895.33 50.53% 2,483.02 34.69% 2,019.44 66.24% 54,104.60 60.71% 10,860.84 12.40% 880.03 49.67% 386.75 5.40% 13,137.08 14.74% 479.60 0.55% 1,891.40 26.42% 16,446.26 18.45% 1,273.20 1.45% 32.52 0.45% 18,151.08 20.37% 1,272.18 1.45% 172.36 2.41% 4,183.49 4.69% 7,351.37 8.39% 2,186.69 2.45% 484.48 0.55% ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage 3,966.88 63.97% EUROPE & CIS Percentage LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage OTHERS Percentage 71 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 15.30 0.86% 2,019.44 66.24% 20.22 0.02% Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country IFAD AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN ILO ITC OPCW PAHO UNDP 17,997.61 392.98 507.82 61.96 2.37 1.47 11.25 5.11 173.24 0.46 2.40 438.80 22.31 22.35 36,285.77 9.05 24.66 1.86 8,999.47 0.42 7.70 2.04 25.90 34.01 1,967.79 14.87 1.35 53.92 24.21 156.27 152.51 0.19 2.41 3.52 1.38 357.97 696.59 115.57 622.82 74.64 0.39 5.63 3.44 0.57 134.12 5.73 198.37 4.36 17.48 181.82 69,487.25 141.57 6,328.56 168.24 14.51 1.28 205.65 35.75 1,686.79 72 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 9.50 1,456.96 14.09 28,358.74 202.79 79.14 9.14 10.38 278.63 4.78 128.48 40.17 32,991.18 178.76 3,011.93 -30.28 20,504.39 1,117.76 2,808.83 3,145.29 2,715.96 8.44 222.77 5,066.11 327.49 2,530.22 3,624.99 503.07 2,833.17 1,197.55 3,871.09 3,933.91 574.75 12,220.10 166.10 2,835.33 6,626.42 1,322.99 1,376.08 4,737.33 969.63 1,901.88 1,757.79 1,292.77 9,406.22 6,949.52 748.80 1,464.44 15,942.69 743.81 5,321.90 656.81 4,960.89 668.53 97.13 58,439.81 627.63 16.38 3,931.43 4,459.98 2,802.71 3,564.31 63.27 987.18 15.38 6,029.38 751.03 164.00 2,014.55 3,050.30 378.14 1,220.17 10,674.54 1,357.18 45.41 6,872.36 675.96 1,502.91 266.82 1,660.25 2,553.58 98.17 5.48 4,474.81 4,497.87 1,798.04 2,630.63 42.95 1,558.60 3,566.84 481.74 7,006.78 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country IFAD JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND 73 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ILO ITC OPCW PAHO UNDP 3,547.01 2,256.36 4,543.20 22.40 35.21 3,571.54 1,765.40 243.21 3,499.38 671.84 5,201.92 324.26 20.65 5.31 0.96 43.97 36.84 9.39 5.50 1,108.66 0.87 9.09 6.59 211.04 0.95 2,081.56 13,194.15 25.03 1.35 3.49 11.71 0.35 389.37 72.41 905.91 28.05 95.11 1.75 25.00 5,436.20 2.01 39.63 1.72 187.05 17.50 2.55 42.22 28.02 595.07 1,299.30 1,096.43 24.52 1,119.06 8.29 730.05 1,428.94 2,861.74 1,645.64 592.12 4.43 3,176.97 17,720.85 181.34 3,280.10 2,296.76 1,646.79 446.48 36.00 2,550.87 38,107.15 677.55 1,778.32 35,371.66 1,081.91 115.52 117.98 222.47 185.11 884.04 1,638.69 412.20 249.72 139.46 1,309.21 755.95 180.21 3,551.00 3.54 0.14 3,804.29 39.54 0.11 250.63 1,226.97 4,740.34 1,018.09 268.40 4,353.72 1,330.97 10.71 7.28 30,473.63 215.02 43.32 424.82 2,090.62 17,849.20 3,408.20 2,577.77 50.06 7.37 7.30 5,761.15 166.06 1,335.51 249.13 2,379.31 2,280.72 4,048.59 1,083.40 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country IFAD TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL ILO ITC OPCW PAHO UNDP 90.37 1.91 594.61 3.53 79.72 6.77 2.82 146.32 0.90 128.26 66,016.13 80.33 312.53 78,316.74 13.00 92.33 41.30 1,694.92 7,824.69 1,367.50 2,590.39 384,867.43 UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES 2,905.21 6.00 99.75 397.74 1,171.90 411.21 38.46 8,058.97 3,271.08 1,857.52 15,702.11 5,299.01 2,565.15 25,518.17 441.22 146.37 2,833.25 573.73 2,289.38 719.07 1,752.79 586,482.67 23,099.53 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES* (OpT) AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN 112.17 435.30 1.23 27.91 330.04 GRAND-TOTAL 1,694.92 8,261.22 1,367.50 2,590.39 384,895.35 610,024.41 INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 1,694.92 100.00% 5,475.26 66.28% 1,331.87 97.39% 2,571.42 99.27% 337,393.67 87.66% 164,451.41 26.96% 2,785.96 33.72% 35.63 2.61% 18.96 0.73% 47,501.67 12.34% 422,473.47 69.26% 594.61 0.15% 38,442.44 6.30% ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage 202.09 2.45% AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage 283.11 3.43% 24.21 1.77% 1,760.20 21.31% 9.05 0.66% ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage EUROPE & CIS Percentage 487.25 5.90% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage 53.31 0.65% OTHERS Percentage 74 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 2.37 0.17% 129,499.60 21.23% 15.45 0.60% 33,800.44 8.78% 63,341.83 10.38% 3.52 0.14% 1.91 0.00% 30,338.82 4.97% 13,104.72 3.40% 160,850.78 26.37% 23,099.53 3.79% Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country UNESCO AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN UNFPA 88.54 217.76 UNHCR 8,097.23 152.95 74.91 UNICEF 8,739.35 350.78 338.85 9.50 242.21 2,602.57 4.85 73.31 104.50 91.69 36.65 94.57 1.16 1.28 164.44 1,232.46 121.92 732.34 684.09 153.10 129.32 8.64 551.02 2.56 30.14 232.64 5,131.53 37.92 2,172.55 40.26 6.52 36.94 8.30 10.29 35.76 55.58 8.82 13.68 25.62 10.73 6.49 19.84 93.32 511.73 50.24 9,916.82 129.58 295.45 245,458.91 35.11 1,658.74 667.86 1,910.88 543.25 250.80 4,969.77 2.87 48.46 273.83 39.73 300.74 143.10 581.04 65.15 801.80 150.39 315.11 1,467.75 2,264.82 1,805.89 537.19 5,409.69 118.07 1,736.63 267.91 4,876.53 11,933.78 549.73 14.33 57.55 5.65 5,286.77 1.54 84.11 575.91 90.56 32.13 2,015.14 31.64 1.15 5.29 1.79 371.04 0.34 7.55 12.65 128.48 230.78 2.58 855.64 5.82 1,960.59 84.09 14.70 87.97 61.25 30.68 153.81 83.65 78.26 1.25 160.45 38,258.97 71.20 2.11 15.52 141.54 65.35 134.56 98.94 7.76 395.96 79.68 0.09 112.17 31,434.63 25.29 3.55 41.16 502.89 3.80 0.66 9.28 27.19 97.13 2.05 12.00 1,131.90 61.99 254.24 75 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 162.98 592.17 889.06 8,246.08 694.49 30.19 44.47 86.15 9.63 576.53 24.46 44.73 349.56 2,948.43 50.80 417.91 1,935.82 61.13 3.17 11,142.08 352.53 1,176.48 107.68 10.17 3,142.24 494.53 2,032.38 13.34 52.72 3,197.11 6,126.76 329.13 1.67 741.12 258.79 12,123.66 195.83 460.57 2,194.72 67.23 535.18 11,112.85 856.92 1,600.18 615.07 35,029.41 1,155.51 550.39 200.51 7,067.45 90.67 2,894.59 195.76 1,288.45 8,127.19 222.85 108,556.92 742.82 UNIDO UNOG 22.15 2,462.50 34.09 85.54 37.34 7.50 78.79 590.50 35.12 410.36 557.95 168.60 135.14 126.96 830.11 2,010.39 125.83 2,077.60 2,850.21 1,492.33 214.15 650.50 597.38 56.71 433.78 16,791.35 419.16 3,788.88 133,872.89 94.78 120.28 441.50 32,747.19 3,698.26 610.84 1,393.48 1,135.96 196.36 1,367.30 1,776.26 742.73 365,440.95 18,690.07 214.68 3,366.01 2,455.21 9,553.15 37,093.40 615.04 58,197.34 87.04 68.76 80.92 279.64 53.60 1,867.65 163.32 239.03 1,159.82 171.25 1.25 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND UNESCO 55.18 47.18 95.24 UNFPA 16.42 12.61 187.59 0.04 0.11 5.49 62.78 129.74 4.64 35.90 UNHCR 2,496.49 18.75 17,178.33 8.89 88.65 49.63 35.58 77.53 596.61 16.00 0.05 41.68 42.38 3.23 1.39 145.72 37.08 6.94 668.22 60.35 840.37 1.56 208.83 207.41 160.57 10.86 60.77 UNICEF 1,282.02 220.42 26,571.76 0.89 UNIDO 189.65 UNOG 8.00 408.91 4,729.71 264.23 159.24 808.70 4,481.95 74.82 4,089.21 3,385.27 121.34 103.53 2,744.82 307.00 1,509.95 741.45 228.97 17.07 1,540.72 31.03 128.38 5.95 1,838.49 361.65 61.18 16.77 6.77 63.37 81.06 3.24 51.65 21.28 11.93 10.07 0.86 397.21 61.89 202.90 220.19 42.26 177.95 25,961.13 650.45 110.35 316.56 12.08 188.80 0.45 1.48 300.93 64.65 53.73 67.65 47.66 125.73 17.92 49.60 232.35 543.67 29.22 298.05 2,237.32 46.15 38.08 930.85 314.36 47,545.18 73.60 166.78 131.99 4.21 781.63 112.20 582.40 4,100.01 10,068.64 800.83 1,852.18 7,994.01 435.83 207.51 858.58 5,661.56 968.22 1,123.91 62.58 552.93 14,465.15 668.45 678.98 191.49 605.81 5,717.76 85.16 61.43 24.80 160.00 31.89 9.07 50.92 2.38 19.45 168.11 0.06 13.04 165.65 70.09 5.93 6.14 283.34 0.01 169.52 76 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 2,424.11 2.57 20.68 34.24 5,157.25 2.11 1,918.77 2,263.16 11,302.53 660.32 3,571.87 1,105.55 133.50 6.40 144.54 362.72 1,669.49 21.80 5.14 4,552.36 451.56 31.87 2,241.86 96.46 50.07 73.36 652.79 27.19 4.25 2.96 201.03 47.77 962.44 817.18 3,801.69 557.56 2,656.21 2.45 37.98 341.77 225.77 12.65 133.43 110.39 12,682.36 3,321.68 712.61 14.16 968.50 7.79 1,230.25 27,571.07 139.19 8,570.24 9,212.70 148.24 1,387.15 4,345.92 361,331.31 1,560.99 1,114.65 7,996.47 24.83 30.66 71.21 1,560.59 281.11 44.52 68.28 12,857.47 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE UNESCO 14.91 12.22 43.87 5.37 0.48 UNHCR 8.88 37.09 UNICEF 696.26 358.51 619.64 67.07 21.18 152.30 1,096.77 151.07 UNIDO UNOG 473.03 127.64 110.48 91.23 11,684.64 9.28 2.50 17,185.23 16.98 9,597.02 1,824.86 72.45 6,267.65 7,902.43 11.75 93.79 7.94 4.27 35.62 6.62 33.92 20.27 31.95 477.74 30.61 2,666.73 1,399.16 73.25 9,947.79 5,028.47 1,463.20 36,857.23 6,989.79 184.11 30,662.34 1,281.00 19.63 155.94 741.11 3,054.17 2,161.93 4,653.35 SUB-TOTAL 47,920.39 124,837.82 239,532.98 1,829,123.00 16,907.06 21,477.17 UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES 10,479.51 6,766.44 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES* (OpT) AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN 3.86 2.67 UNFPA 111.19 30.55 552.48 32.51 264.71 167.73 826.64 2,544.77 30.00 1,783.44 363.97 900.38 1,390.19 297.68 GRAND-TOTAL 58,697.58 131,604.25 239,532.98 1,829,123.00 16,907.06 21,477.17 INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 42,207.79 71.91% 90,025.16 68.41% 61,864.80 25.83% 1,089,057.74 59.54% 12,267.42 72.56% 21,477.17 100.00% 6,010.28 10.24% 34,812.65 26.45% 177,668.18 74.17% 740,065.26 40.46% 4,639.64 27.44% 872.70 1.49% 1,315.50 1.00% 24,567.97 10.26% 32,667.43 1.79% 604.90 3.58% AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage 1,081.68 1.84% 9,456.07 7.19% 50,604.48 21.13% 151,779.39 8.30% 890.79 5.27% ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage 1,059.06 1.80% 20,290.67 15.42% 91,520.54 38.21% 510,152.14 27.89% 2,385.58 14.11% 138.25 0.24% 1,582.53 1.20% 8,990.02 3.75% 21,436.71 1.17% 647.00 3.83% 2,858.59 4.87% 2,167.88 1.65% 1,985.17 0.83% 24,029.58 1.31% 111.37 0.66% 10,479.51 17.85% 6,766.44 5.14% ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage EUROPE & CIS Percentage LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage OTHERS Percentage 77 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN UNON 470.63 UNOPS 4,810.75 0.37 UNOV UN/PD 7,407.32 UNRWA UNU 175.00 57,409.88 14.15 228.34 9.94 1,959.29 29,062.37 5,857.19 66.39 2.32 85.42 3.26 12.96 1,500.78 78.67 0.61 0.33 1.96 0.62 0.86 0.24 3.83 720.22 2,861.02 16.20 691.32 6.73 310.75 142.39 2.23 47.01 2,486.26 59.06 78.84 27.06 29.77 5.72 2.24 1,913.71 10,645.25 457.98 17,382.46 74.85 1,358.49 5,614.43 1,212.24 0.60 4.15 1,313.73 1.02 1,446.61 10.83 127.42 174.89 2,877.84 1.29 1,125.79 615.21 10,423.72 373.20 33,298.83 24,437.03 148.98 2,088.30 1,829.64 16,008.96 37,318.80 0.38 1,178.69 59.37 20.24 78.37 2,976.33 3,345.84 850.21 -2.56 54.22 114.29 4.47 27.37 2,391.50 20.82 18.49 326.44 1,154.93 8.38 -140.69 76.42 30.23 748.88 59,220.50 877.22 488.60 18,131.82 26.44 40.84 2,406.59 57.69 3,695.71 43.91 27.63 47.72 1.01 7,147.54 59.13 22.88 127,698.07 10.91 1,696.98 491.62 170.53 1,137.06 2,561.28 1.82 25,590.55 270.27 148.89 2.81 39.23 78 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement -1.11 2,117.53 3.04 42.50 188.77 777.87 1,143.59 11,346.36 91,764.98 4,903.67 2,772.72 63,062.10 595.15 35.08 Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND UNON 41.72 4,714.51 UNOPS 426.17 3.60 887.74 UNOV 100.75 UNRWA 16,605.31 626.73 0.45 0.04 4.30 5.00 UN/PD 319.04 332.94 158.92 207.83 27.74 23,853.00 8,813.60 23,559.03 1.20 3.82 1.34 764.74 40.37 4.22 61.46 7.59 153.52 1.29 13.47 4.50 -6.62 1,603.97 1,184.61 29.34 0.06 106.73 2,756.52 568.71 8,699.44 3,408.03 67.02 65.63 607.17 191.01 3,720.55 4.04 216.97 214.16 215.33 75.36 1,306.27 26,619.95 105.53 76.67 3.37 213.32 675.04 26,489.19 121,925.89 19.00 9.77 6.48 880.67 15,854.11 268.40 52.77 538.80 3.61 279.84 10.20 16.23 232.33 459.92 2.67 37.94 11.18 2,040.41 480.64 807.36 21.87 5.69 282.27 8.24 79 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 8.53 0.55 9,377.24 497.75 6,404.48 1.48 24.49 88.83 6,654.57 923.90 14.58 2.55 989.23 1.18 12,973.27 21.68 1.70 78.75 96,939.65 11.26 125.24 2,578.42 121,844.28 2,101.33 7.19 2,671.05 UNU Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country UNON TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNOPS 23.54 2.74 1.12 35.14 249.21 607.17 UNOV 0.41 11.88 15.68 4,163.67 353.78 55.70 14,157.90 49.81 1,273.47 2,531.24 9.09 UN/PD 1,783.72 44.93 926.98 UNRWA UNU 28,518.63 16,185.15 5,079.06 5,755.48 817.37 83,764.20 3.66 543.57 616.25 170,824.26 164.21 8,271.64 1,076,316.37 113,492.46 61.54 54,858.28 32.59 2.42 35.44 12,544.76 430,688.66 35.08 UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES* (OpT) AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL 11,988.95 0.70 12,544.76 442,677.60 8,271.64 1,076,378.62 168,350.74 35.08 INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 4,601.44 36.68% 67,378.70 15.22% 7,102.09 85.86% 721,161.57 67.00% 46,219.63 27.45% 35.08 100.00% 7,943.32 63.32% 375,298.90 84.78% 1,169.55 14.14% 355,217.05 33.00% 122,131.11 72.55% ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage 2,146.52 17.11% 18,345.26 4.14% 158.92 1.92% 143,720.80 13.35% 89,570.15 53.20% AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage 4,876.28 38.87% 15,550.02 3.51% 720.74 8.71% 115,654.08 10.74% ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage 644.42 5.14% 145,850.26 32.95% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 55.73 0.44% 2,052.18 0.46% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage 220.38 1.76% 193,501.17 43.71% OTHERS Percentage 80 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 289.89 3.50% 39,644.77 3.68% 374.68 0.22% 21,365.07 1.98% 31,494.97 18.71% 34,832.33 3.24% 691.32 0.41% Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country UNV AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN UPU WFP 13,187.48 WMO 2,626.76 7,115.97 45.88 2,556.42 266.97 4.44 22,593.53 2,005.65 39,237.62 22.40 3.20 2,207.35 158.39 3,930.71 4.14 708.19 17.57 11.95 12,103.16 6,925.55 839.58 5,470.06 2,303.21 23,433.51 0.91 570.58 3,582.57 51.44 9,203.76 8,438.63 2.87 30.34 5,123.89 169.09 8.76 126.42 159.30 8,659.00 1,897.17 6.47 321.32 42.08 1,422.18 6,822.52 5,450.98 0.79 41,418.64 131.34 30,153.89 397.74 81 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 15.11 1,652.87 8,430.52 3,229.19 7,399.92 561.62 108.65 28.09 378.77 174.31 34.14 17.71 2,497.92 10,136.71 6.00 64,586.55 33,933.27 164.72 1.44 197.60 96.02 38,860.15 29,513.96 WTO Total All 63,459.86 1,128.52 3,785.30 % 0.99% 0.02% 0.06% 5,866.22 -30.28 86,587.75 1,489.69 36,470.97 39,864.41 3,125.20 10.76 320.09 38,965.39 1,963.15 5,521.14 335,478.09 538.80 6,854.69 2,032.27 9,757.88 4,606.59 1,404.88 30,363.34 0.09% 0.00% 1.35% 0.02% 0.57% 0.62% 0.05% 0.00% 0.01% 0.61% 0.03% 0.09% 5.25% 0.01% 0.11% 0.03% 0.15% 0.07% 0.02% 0.47% 12,746.65 11,926.10 12,984.09 8,738.59 5,518.66 50,511.79 1,587.99 4,183.06 31,035.61 5,230.81 91,774.96 18,378.64 1,383.90 2,651.64 65,956.17 1,128.80 36,737.43 2,798.58 6,465.16 14,009.60 17,658.21 246,278.88 3,743.00 16.38 9,177.28 1,636.03 7,956.87 11,763.86 9,738.72 121.23 1,589.81 69.60 68,401.42 1,333.71 6,269.27 348,933.93 3,331.76 586.94 9,634.55 136,002.33 8,878.59 202.17 0.20% 0.19% 0.20% 0.14% 0.09% 0.79% 0.02% 0.07% 0.49% 0.08% 1.44% 0.29% 0.02% 0.04% 1.03% 0.02% 0.57% 0.04% 0.10% 0.22% 0.28% 3.85% 0.06% 0.00% 0.14% 0.03% 0.12% 0.18% 0.15% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 1.07% 0.02% 0.10% 5.46% 0.05% 0.01% 0.15% 2.13% 0.14% 0.00% 19,867.15 4,006.01 2,800.21 477.69 12,966.32 15,343.43 6,279.57 5.48 618,474.51 59,939.64 2,701.20 11,290.86 5,012.15 29,512.98 232,243.24 1,240.83 199,295.64 0.31% 0.06% 0.04% 0.01% 0.20% 0.24% 0.10% 0.00% 9.67% 0.94% 0.04% 0.18% 0.08% 0.46% 3.63% 0.02% 3.12% Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country UNV JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND 82 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement UPU WFP 64.85 10,492.85 19,202.03 WMO 3.21 416.51 6,102.36 62.37 1,445.26 995.78 49.68 1,151.55 278.82 8,942.08 43,555.99 9.30 1,836.24 16.89 1,659.09 523.64 38.82 20.63 80.10 5,914.74 15,564.38 385.55 5,333.45 10,920.01 270.90 3,429.50 751.17 9,773.23 240.07 24.14 5,574.69 95,674.76 174.00 3.48 5,748.35 6,547.67 1,232.40 21,148.13 4,977.43 27.98 17.88 278.85 1,283.45 7.69 1,596.36 1,953.60 4,133.94 62,605.16 843.24 4,724.02 35.01 63.35 1.15 34,426.16 28.27 369.13 677.15 7,495.32 269.07 7,364.07 697.60 WTO Total All 25,765.60 13,057.09 76,453.56 23.29 377.48 4,685.36 12,664.65 673.32 38,938.63 2,312.24 31,644.19 495.21 % 0.40% 0.20% 1.20% 0.00% 0.01% 0.07% 0.20% 0.01% 0.61% 0.04% 0.49% 0.01% 1,360.10 4,560.63 473.21 6,279.42 18,103.41 45,808.09 373.49 9,616.56 112.35 28.02 4,835.55 6,530.55 4,725.41 24.52 4,847.75 21.45 2,317.67 130.12 5,085.29 13,837.77 29,459.61 1,901.62 4.43 11,943.61 120,857.43 4,134.57 11,974.28 8,904.69 13,068.87 4,063.30 5,967.08 47,581.18 116,739.08 68,031.65 1,608.57 2,037.47 163,813.94 13,650.98 1,519.97 789.97 24.80 43,131.06 915.48 32,508.62 10,424.45 481.00 53.06 290.97 758.81 7,881.18 5,473.88 182.88 10,321.57 3,415.71 842.62 1,059.53 432.61 7,877.19 132,225.35 7,997.14 26,903.91 50.06 27.42 7.30 151,243.10 314.30 3,706.12 9,303.94 564,398.22 22,166.60 5,450.45 21,540.94 0.02% 0.07% 0.01% 0.10% 0.28% 0.72% 0.01% 0.15% 0.00% 0.00% 0.08% 0.10% 0.07% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00% 0.04% 0.00% 0.08% 0.22% 0.46% 0.03% 0.00% 0.19% 1.89% 0.06% 0.19% 0.14% 0.20% 0.06% 0.09% 0.74% 1.83% 1.06% 0.03% 0.03% 2.56% 0.21% 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 0.67% 0.01% 0.51% 0.16% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.12% 0.09% 0.00% 0.16% 0.05% 0.01% 0.02% 0.01% 0.12% 2.07% 0.13% 0.42% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.37% 0.00% 0.06% 0.15% 8.83% 0.35% 0.09% 0.34% Total Procurement of Goods by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Goods (USD Thousand) Agencies Supplier Country UNV TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UPU WFP 16.48 WMO WTO 26.67 50,805.73 22,255.09 54,819.47 82,604.16 15,627.48 6,748.32 480.46 8,052.53 52.25 13,689.23 7,055.41 5,422.80 2,209.81 449.99 366.92 1,160,775.84 31.13 1,707.02 31.00 3,574.45 UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES* (OpT) AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage 400.25 19,233.03 % 0.04% 0.05% 0.00% 0.01% 0.01% 1.32% 0.01% 0.00% 1.34% 1.13% 1.35% 4.17% 0.43% 0.08% 5.61% 0.03% 0.00% 0.05% 0.26% 0.24% 0.16% 0.14% 6,266,022.78 98.00% 40,365.70 0.63% 400.25 0.00 86,439.47 0.01 112.17 435.30 359.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,394,135.55 100.00% 449.99 366.92 1,180,008.87 3,574.45 449.99 100.00% 159.30 43.42% 239,445.60 20.29% 3,330.42 93.17% 3,040,252.95 47.55% 47.55% 207.61 56.58% 940,563.27 79.71% 244.03 6.83% 3,313,116.66 51.81% 51.82% ARAB COUNTRIES Percentage 400.25 Total All 2,638.51 3,452.16 6.00 337.14 708.84 84,341.69 629.83 38.46 85,673.57 72,011.49 86,547.69 266,782.44 27,381.79 5,146.40 358,700.84 1,753.26 166.00 3,051.18 16,614.29 15,126.49 9,948.68 9,247.09 112,159.71 9.50% 480,252.46 7.51% AFRICAN COUNTRIES Percentage 168.80 46.00% 257,982.76 21.86% 185.71 5.20% 758,368.59 11.86% ASIAN COUNTRIES Percentage 38.82 10.58% 349,684.64 29.63% 52.32 1.46% 1,284,062.81 20.08% 162,779.82 13.79% 6.00 0.17% 293,376.87 4.59% EUROPE & CIS Percentage LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIB. Percentage OTHERS Percentage 83 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 57,956.34 4.91% 497,055.92 7.77% 400.25 100.00% 40,765.95 0.64% Procurement of Services/Works by Country of Contractor/Supplier: 2009 Country of Contractor/Supplier AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN 84 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Source of funding UNDP Agency Progr. 287,724.31 84,782.74 3,047.00 2,790.85 1,948.01 4,470.23 (USD Thousand) Total % 372,507.05 5.03% 5,837.85 0.08% 6,418.24 0.09% 2,346.17 385.15 74,528.63 2,937.58 7,437.72 2,789.41 4,677.18 74.41 847.04 28,801.08 517.65 5,395.82 8,148.53 993.37 6,161.78 1,191.45 9,845.88 8,450.68 3,908.62 55,409.64 16,878.45 218.43 9,520.58 939.46 30,635.73 64,102.86 1,182.31 614.63 235.79 7,083.13 252.23 846.98 44,511.67 228.05 5,602.71 151.28 1,718.60 1,538.65 2,039.80 39,314.52 19,224.62 603.58 84,049.21 3,877.04 38,073.45 66,892.27 5,859.49 689.04 1,082.83 35,884.21 769.88 6,242.80 52,660.20 1,221.42 11,764.49 1,342.73 11,564.48 9,989.33 5,948.42 94,724.16 0.26% 0.01% 1.14% 0.05% 0.51% 0.90% 0.08% 0.01% 0.01% 0.48% 0.01% 0.08% 0.71% 0.02% 0.16% 0.02% 0.16% 0.13% 0.08% 1.28% 7,948.04 10,205.85 12,767.67 22,402.30 2,148.39 16,107.84 2,775.42 5,937.66 4,460.83 10,476.17 15,710.76 47,131.04 986.87 4,409.09 25,211.88 4,041.80 12,586.61 5,153.54 2,023.63 4,052.88 823.50 37,238.97 1,564.72 114.82 4,678.35 18,268.78 8,481.37 9,483.69 3,686.35 36,468.03 117,333.74 87.51 6,840.37 34,012.50 4,368.29 24,085.45 14,795.54 392.63 2,255.74 74,623.79 2,677.11 30,647.50 450.46 363.15 6,728.28 317.48 63,264.51 18,460.65 81.87 1,114.71 1,716.67 6,979.36 7,009.15 2,112.61 796.50 671.22 17.43 120,579.76 2,153.87 2,626.39 52,074.13 562.77 852.37 21,060.89 39,184.62 5,216.02 5,130.23 71.12 9,556.12 4,563.05 1,046.95 234.79 26,390.16 4,644.88 889.60 26,216.82 18,687.22 22,251.36 26,088.65 38,616.42 133,441.58 2,862.93 12,778.03 38,473.33 14,844.46 39,796.21 61,926.58 1,379.50 6,664.83 99,835.67 6,718.91 43,234.11 5,604.00 2,386.78 10,781.16 1,140.98 100,503.48 20,025.37 196.69 5,793.06 1,716.67 15,736.74 61,235.57 11,281.76 1,158.06 11,616.37 289.54 125,323.88 4,195.17 3,278.48 59,148.12 1,946.95 3,238.19 27,291.56 45,165.66 11,076.88 5,487.63 71.12 39,281.82 8,951.08 8,407.61 1,537.26 49,859.77 26,495.57 2,243.18 27.29 58,227.81 54,379.71 13,169.77 36,138.05 4,502.04 16,064.93 159,985.54 3,025.01 32,268.10 0.35% 0.25% 0.30% 0.35% 0.52% 1.80% 0.04% 0.17% 0.52% 0.20% 0.54% 0.84% 0.02% 0.09% 1.35% 0.09% 0.58% 0.08% 0.03% 0.15% 0.02% 1.36% 0.27% 0.00% 0.08% 0.02% 0.21% 0.83% 0.15% 0.02% 0.16% 0.00% 1.69% 0.06% 0.04% 0.80% 0.03% 0.04% 0.37% 0.61% 0.15% 0.07% 0.00% 0.53% 0.12% 0.11% 0.02% 0.67% 0.36% 0.03% 0.00% 0.79% 0.73% 0.18% 0.49% 0.06% 0.22% 2.16% 0.04% 0.44% 8,757.38 54,226.42 9,169.15 361.56 10,945.15 272.11 4,744.12 2,041.30 652.09 7,073.99 1,384.18 2,385.82 6,230.67 5,981.04 5,860.86 357.40 29,725.70 4,388.03 7,360.66 1,302.47 23,469.61 21,850.69 1,353.58 27.29 30,417.18 28,644.28 6,311.24 21,271.58 913.16 5,444.09 10,163.18 1,277.03 14,631.24 27,810.63 25,735.43 6,858.53 14,866.47 3,588.88 10,620.84 149,822.36 1,747.98 17,636.86 Procurement of Services/Works by Country of Contractor/Supplier: 2009 Country of Contractor/Supplier JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND 85 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Source of funding UNDP Agency Progr. 20,561.55 103,311.72 3,237.32 26,368.90 28,999.83 194,515.42 64.12 11.00 734.02 2,136.63 8,275.75 1,807.96 4,732.47 3,300.23 936.91 74.38 29,474.27 60,688.16 1,949.28 2,758.76 23,079.24 12,181.04 733.07 16,301.85 1,327.14 153.15 7,477.89 4,808.48 8,215.71 2,665.36 1,446.04 11,189.48 818.46 99.01 3,398.57 1,064.26 15,801.26 137.87 3,469.56 5.56 1,633.50 10,395.35 6,996.13 2,496.73 4,852.17 140.39 12,643.79 6,676.22 1,410.90 8,695.82 5,566.58 16,366.03 3,512.88 50.00 15,768.01 77,937.66 2,141.65 13,031.05 36,921.93 6,840.63 1,093.52 2,122.84 3.00 2,038.48 1,642.49 8,813.62 7,975.20 1,376.95 355.43 5,926.34 8,599.30 10,293.46 375.07 14,404.43 3,203.49 2,229.62 1,837.57 23,705.14 9,519.42 6,060.70 10,766.88 11.98 176.21 63.88 23,175.21 506.70 1,661.89 2,365.22 12,644.08 3,099.01 11,357.53 5,625.79 129.26 1,537.91 528.43 6,874.33 7,737.27 6,696.77 431.45 3,912.24 486.61 3,894.98 7,239.73 5,689.54 10,639.08 52.00 1,232.37 3,347.39 1,687.17 182.81 3,545.66 20,397.68 6,823.10 1,511.74 11.00 21,337.02 13,759.93 547.23 3,068.24 7,921.61 5,958.56 1,236.46 702.02 16,168.13 52,635.15 33,080.84 628.53 671.50 89,648.95 5,994.61 354.48 308.40 -788.17 1,385.77 343.31 421,864.67 6,392.28 171.16 1,029.00 112.34 7,344.76 10,330.64 6,025.40 380.10 3,387.91 3,650.02 342.13 404.87 14.90 50,501.93 116,201.68 36,250.68 22,763.82 406.94 216.27 16.83 467,236.83 336.24 1,583.42 1,854.59 266,740.63 16,553.37 2,117.25 16,229.92 (USD Thousand) Total % 123,873.27 1.67% 29,606.22 0.40% 223,515.25 3.02% 75.12 0.00% 2,870.65 0.04% 10,083.71 0.14% 8,032.70 0.11% 1,011.29 0.01% 90,162.43 1.22% 4,708.04 0.06% 35,260.28 0.48% 17,034.92 0.23% 1,456.40 1,691.06 8,006.32 11,682.81 15,952.98 9,362.13 1,877.49 15,101.72 1,305.07 3,993.99 10,638.30 6,753.80 26,440.34 189.87 4,701.93 3,352.95 3,320.67 182.81 13,941.01 27,393.81 9,319.83 6,363.91 151.39 33,980.81 20,436.15 1,958.13 11,764.06 13,488.19 22,324.59 4,749.34 702.02 16,218.13 68,403.16 111,018.50 2,770.18 13,702.55 126,570.88 12,835.24 1,448.00 2,431.24 -785.17 3,424.25 1,985.80 430,678.29 14,367.48 1,548.11 1,029.00 467.77 13,271.10 18,929.94 16,318.86 755.17 17,792.34 3,650.02 3,545.62 2,634.49 1,852.47 74,207.07 125,721.10 42,311.38 33,530.70 418.92 392.48 80.71 490,412.04 842.94 3,245.31 4,219.81 279,384.71 19,652.38 13,474.78 21,855.71 0.02% 0.02% 0.11% 0.16% 0.22% 0.13% 0.03% 0.20% 0.02% 0.05% 0.14% 0.09% 0.36% 0.00% 0.06% 0.05% 0.04% 0.00% 0.19% 0.37% 0.13% 0.09% 0.00% 0.46% 0.28% 0.03% 0.16% 0.18% 0.30% 0.06% 0.01% 0.22% 0.92% 1.50% 0.04% 0.19% 1.71% 0.17% 0.02% 0.03% -0.01% 0.05% 0.03% 5.82% 0.19% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.18% 0.26% 0.22% 0.01% 0.24% 0.05% 0.05% 0.04% 0.03% 1.00% 1.70% 0.57% 0.45% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 6.62% 0.01% 0.04% 0.06% 3.77% 0.27% 0.18% 0.30% Procurement of Services/Works by Country of Contractor/Supplier: 2009 Country of Contractor/Supplier TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE Source of funding UNDP Agency Progr. 6,789.83 4,182.67 3,620.02 163.21 28.69 1,280.44 768.08 1,712.12 1,314.69 14,251.01 16,726.13 1,269.75 512.52 268.41 11.00 5,519.47 36,896.63 9,113.20 47,274.97 12,684.47 74,385.63 31,003.93 113,517.55 9,171.14 40,942.50 18,638.52 2,308.67 86,602.16 1,288,653.05 5,632.22 527.66 130.57 102.12 9,762.67 1,629.99 4,463.57 2,747.78 4,889.17 8,189.05 2,880.29 8,372.40 8,105.04 45,195.57 (USD Thousand) Total % 6,789.83 0.09% 7,802.69 0.11% 191.90 0.00% 2,048.52 0.03% 3,026.81 0.04% 30,977.14 0.42% 1,782.27 0.02% 279.41 0.00% 42,416.10 0.57% 56,388.17 0.76% 87,070.10 1.18% 144,521.48 1.95% 50,113.64 0.68% 20,947.19 0.28% 1,375,255.21 18.58% 6,159.88 0.08% 232.69 0.00% 11,392.66 0.15% 7,211.35 0.10% 13,078.22 0.18% 11,252.69 0.15% 53,300.61 0.72% SUB-TOTAL 1,941,207.52 5,307,760.07 7,248,967.59 97.92% 59,109.39 51,285.06 110,394.45 1.49% 321.67 321.67 0.00% 446.50 39,728.03 35.99 633.57 39,728.03 35.99 1,080.07 0.54% 0.00% 0.01% 149.18 2,358.14 2,507.32 0.03% 2,000,912.59 5,402,122.53 7,403,035.12 100.00% 278,337.21 13.91% 2,751,180.31 50.93% 3,029,517.52 40.92% 1,663,465.99 83.14% 2,599,335.49 48.12% 4,262,801.48 57.58% ARAB STATES Percentage 216,096.73 10.80% 865,563.98 16.02% 1,081,660.71 14.61% AFRICA Percentage 324,166.06 16.20% 922,630.45 17.08% 1,246,796.51 16.84% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 494,910.16 24.73% 351,405.29 6.50% 846,315.45 11.43% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 139,543.17 6.97% 187,581.29 3.47% 327,124.46 4.42% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 488,749.87 24.43% 272,154.47 5.04% 760,904.34 10.28% 59,109.39 2.95% 51,606.73 0.96% 110,716.12 1.50% UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION Percentage OTHERS Percentage 86 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country ESCAP AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN 87 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ESCWA ECA ECLAC FAO IAEA 6.91 44.14 24.59 2.92 2,720.26 212.43 7.99 38.22 26,813.62 21.39 651.36 3.97 6.91 3.77 103.46 108.56 4.15 15.91 217.74 203.43 2,468.35 3.94 231.74 10.00 413.14 17.35 2.94 51.03 232.82 28.38 4.00 4.27 26.36 0.26 15.00 6.91 0.63 4.97 85.69 1.05 30.31 4.71 122.39 1.80 0.11 0.50 4.85 371.00 8.23 5.19 11.06 1,715.23 4.81 67.91 31.50 1.26 50.28 7.29 134.21 306.01 155.68 43.56 215.42 1.00 2,072.33 2.00 75.00 0.49 23.49 0.32 51.92 32.13 1,940.04 4.96 90.46 88.64 40.87 1,293.71 65.05 28,702.09 37.06 54.73 38.45 3.46 718.83 Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country ESCAP JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND 88 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ESCWA ECA ECLAC FAO IAEA 19.62 1,634.57 24.20 40.85 31.15 1,155.97 40.83 6.91 3.00 3.39 96.44 17.20 64.10 7.00 1,509.44 18.65 250.74 216.32 6.98 26.16 2.90 2.11 0.27 13.25 88.05 111.93 24.66 11.66 8.00 4.00 4.93 16.95 9.70 0.20 2.26 27.70 16.43 213.22 145.36 343.80 67.02 9.64 6,248.16 15.00 974.68 66.93 933.15 29.37 8.04 12.55 25.00 23.00 5.91 297.00 9.84 167.77 77.13 169.27 4.00 217.51 16.12 54.28 8.41 27.00 6,914.88 42.00 2.79 Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country ESCAP TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL ESCWA ECA ECLAC FAO IAEA 1.80 494.21 12.42 7.43 17.67 160.39 6,022.30 133.37 4.00 225.94 1,802.20 203.23 934.53 1,534.07 570.00 9.50 9.75 39.16 37.80 240.49 56.91 15.72 10.00 41.71 15.44 28.80 225.11 55.40 24.89 60.00 7,735.21 1,173.14 2,250.94 5,195.73 44,503.08 48,234.36 7,735.21 1,173.14 2,250.94 5,195.73 44,503.08 48,234.36 305.56 3.95% 12.31 1.05% 290.94 12.93% 301.45 5.80% 40,604.96 91.24% 41,085.02 85.18% 7,429.65 96.05% 1,160.82 98.95% 1,960.00 87.07% 4,894.28 94.20% 3,898.12 8.76% 7,149.34 14.82% 1,160.82 98.95% 65.31 2.90% 1,853.61 4.17% 62.54 0.13% 1,894.69 84.17% 1,584.04 3.56% 649.76 1.35% 263.86 0.59% 2,249.58 4.66% 121.61 0.27% 3,755.62 7.79% 75.00 0.17% 431.84 0.90% UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES *(OpT) AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION: Percentage ARAB STATES Percentage AFRICA Percentage ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 25.00 0.32% 7,404.65 95.73% 2.79 0.05% EUROPE & CIS Percentage LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage Others Percentage 89 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 4,891.49 94.14% Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country IFAD AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN 90 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ILO 216.81 187.13 7.86 ITC OPCW 19.18 7.85 38.00 3.83 29.08 85.23 158.27 92.33 1.46 0.54 0.69 21.69 488.09 5.42 70.09 1,002.02 80.36 156.81 1.94 20.51 1.58 12.66 74.81 1.49 41.72 67.80 76.27 2.59 247.16 8.98 142.06 150.33 104.83 805.89 182.48 10.00 54.04 77.65 174.00 311.30 150.00 561.01 112.49 88.01 16.10 30.55 2.44 3.63 154.85 14.30 3.09 80.86 0.63 13.50 6.18 174.83 45.00 193.92 10.92 174.95 1.76 25.00 85.61 673.19 632.07 163.50 35.00 22.79 1,999.16 14.66 460.96 152.64 20.98 0.37 118.94 71.97 55.40 60.00 64.61 490.37 2.00 87.16 26,185.89 15.27 280.74 50.06 4.30 98.97 32.07 39.10 3.72 26.89 0.32 5,041.74 9,623.08 5.10 51.04 74.83 38.84 7,572.80 2.59 22.16 2.71 0.24 3.62 102.08 0.36 21.01 4.37 UNDP 287,724.31 3,047.00 1,948.01 UNESCO 1,657.46 122.98 45.78 2,346.17 385.15 74,528.63 2,937.58 7,437.72 2,789.41 4,677.18 74.41 847.04 28,801.08 517.65 5,395.82 8,148.53 993.37 6,161.78 1,191.45 9,845.88 8,450.68 3,908.62 55,409.64 55.86 3.00 244.29 49.47 316.93 200.32 52.14 3.00 11.33 15.50 117.67 21.90 784.59 31.45 232.31 8.51 54.52 116.08 21.57 35,841.77 7,948.04 10,205.85 12,767.67 22,402.30 2,148.39 16,107.84 2,775.42 5,937.66 4,460.83 10,476.17 15,710.76 47,131.04 986.87 4,409.09 25,211.88 4,041.80 12,586.61 5,153.54 2,023.63 4,052.88 823.50 37,238.97 1,564.72 114.82 4,678.35 29.50 93.96 8,757.38 54,226.42 9,169.15 361.56 10,945.15 272.11 4,744.12 2,041.30 652.09 7,073.92 1,384.18 2,385.82 6,230.67 5,981.04 5,860.86 357.40 29,725.70 4,388.03 7,360.66 1,302.47 23,469.61 21,850.69 1,353.58 27.29 30,417.18 28,644.28 6,311.24 21,271.58 913.16 5,444.09 10,163.18 1,277.03 14,631.24 32.91 782.11 1,439.97 21.20 57.15 36.13 669.55 1,089.84 115.17 133.15 314.67 100.24 13.92 182.09 3.09 707.41 147.05 22.46 147.15 89.90 252.50 621.67 151.61 1.00 49.10 83.31 46.03 12,703.83 75.34 52.77 63.36 1,676.20 247.58 46.91 14.00 20.98 54.06 73.62 16.52 0.42 97.35 49.21 598.26 366.52 31.87 100.66 301.39 168.77 2,350.63 152.32 1,310.51 Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND IFAD 229.36 91 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement ILO ITC 108.07 462.82 1.00 55.00 65.69 19.99 75.00 217.17 117.60 1,043.22 1.46 261.88 172.01 23.44 36.29 2.37 OPCW 60.18 67.42 9.90 318.08 125.27 3.00 54.10 1.45 370.26 174.23 183.00 216.45 56.29 23.03 19.48 18.11 335.17 141.35 10.00 265.40 165.94 15.49 120.00 150.98 202.76 14.01 4,308.65 5.44 0.05 40.00 1,066.81 59.06 30.00 182.51 300.31 78.17 10.94 10.56 1.09 1.37 48.88 7.02 60.51 3.15 200.77 438.40 2.57 6.00 0.67 6.80 3.18 5.75 150.95 60.61 1.39 1.41 93.38 66.53 24.16 450.61 79.43 11.79 45.57 195.20 20.00 99.28 12.34 43.00 26,154.61 42.73 1,041.33 UNESCO 851.46 38.35 251.99 1,327.14 153.15 7,477.89 4,808.48 8,215.71 2,665.36 1,446.04 11,189.48 818.46 99.01 3,398.57 1,064.26 15,801.26 137.87 3,469.56 5.56 1,633.50 20.73 344.91 22.30 111.25 135.37 99.93 7.50 175.05 22.23 4.37 149.06 49.31 222.45 10,395.35 6,996.13 2,496.73 4,852.17 140.39 12,643.79 6,676.22 1,410.90 8,695.82 5,566.58 16,366.03 3,512.88 57.96 2,379.91 1.39 1.50 76.35 91.01 18.72 371.91 34.97 75.03 48.15 253.12 104.82 212.40 1,077.06 2.04 193.09 33.11 298.55 142.75 22.31 95.92 45.69 57.68 50.00 15,768.01 77,937.66 2,141.65 13,031.05 36,921.93 6,840.63 1,093.52 2,122.84 3.00 2,038.48 1,642.49 8,813.62 7,975.20 1,376.95 12.50 219.67 53.47 7.34 9.20 88.93 112.26 30.63 68.53 51.84 57.58 75.37 323.84 73.68 48.01 355.43 5,926.34 8,599.30 10,293.46 375.07 14,404.43 4.33 4.50 392.87 525.26 248.33 27.00 16.95 9.99 3.30 0.49 42.51 7.87 49.90 1,354.77 UNDP 20,561.55 3,237.32 28,999.83 64.12 734.02 8,275.75 4,732.47 936.91 29,474.27 1,949.28 23,079.24 733.06 3,203.49 2,229.62 1,837.57 23,705.14 9,519.42 6,060.70 10,766.88 11.98 176.21 63.88 23,175.21 506.70 1,661.89 2,365.22 12,644.08 3,099.01 11,357.53 5,625.79 3.50 553.36 382.26 29.44 69.82 11.00 40.65 185.26 41.26 83.19 1,351.89 56.04 68.24 259.15 Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country IFAD TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES ILO ITC 326.07 991.08 15.00 11.02 6.61 50.71 9.61 151.40 5,593.38 49.06 12.11 6,210.01 63.00 876.39 20.21 2,000.21 2,591.65 235.16 2,304.38 OPCW 34.86 327.44 250.39 255.50 99.81 3,922.13 4,935.79 2.34 98.26 68.39 3.52 45,505.71 607.08 249.92 715.71 25.94 76,896.17 102.54 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES *(OpT) AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN UNDP 4,182.67 163.21 1,280.44 1,712.12 14,251.01 1,269.75 268.41 5,519.47 9,113.20 12,684.47 31,001.75 9,171.14 18,638.52 86,602.16 5,632.22 130.57 9,762.67 4,463.57 4,889.17 2,880.29 8,105.04 UNESCO 38.74 65.79 6.80 44.70 177.33 175.06 3.35 58.89 95.33 19.80 1,860.01 206.94 283.77 2,263.64 17.91 28.60 24.48 206.69 18.00 58.53 176.59 1,941,205.26 85,209.14 59,109.39 41,761.58 446.50 149.18 GRAND-TOTAL 45,608.25 76,896.17 3,922.13 4,935.79 2,000,910.33 126,970.73 INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION: Percentage 41,390.24 90.75% 44,317.22 57.63% 3,553.50 90.60% 4,926.67 99.82% 278,334.96 13.91% 29,230.74 23.02% 4,115.47 9.02% 32,578.95 42.37% 368.63 9.40% 9.12 0.18% 1,663,465.98 83.14% 55,978.40 44.09% 719.52 1.58% 858.37 1.12% 38.48 0.98% 1.76 0.04% 216,096.72 10.80% 2,806.38 2.21% AFRICA Percentage 1,467.84 3.22% 9,501.82 12.36% 11.10 0.28% 324,166.06 16.20% 6,423.96 5.06% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 1,250.84 2.74% 19,171.34 24.93% 166.89 4.26% 0.73 0.01% 494,910.16 24.73% 5,477.00 4.31% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 76.61 0.17% 616.48 0.80% 152.16 3.88% 6.63 0.13% 139,543.17 6.97% 1,803.20 1.42% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 600.66 1.32% 2,430.94 3.16% 488,749.87 24.43% 39,467.88 31.08% Others Percentage 102.54 0.22% 59,109.39 2.95% 41,761.58 32.89% ARAB STATES Percentage 92 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN UNFPA 1,964.40 796.47 843.96 93 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 1,261.33 1.07 418.86 510.24 162.41 20.58 648.86 1,845.01 109.52 592.03 769.64 167.09 1,801.28 105.77 1,099.74 269.47 1,557.01 2,629.13 171.31 2,719.60 1,706.41 1,063.23 1,635.01 488.21 62.56 1,533.48 3,825.85 38.26 1,765.11 5,340.43 365.79 930.76 9,576.73 713.54 6,148.08 3.06 70.87 6.41 1,510.74 204.52 0.15 453.11 595.95 1,827.69 1,789.18 1,150.23 793.27 370.71 UNICEF UNHCR 2,173.22 23.82 839.88 UNIDO 67.50 422.74 37.56 87.68 348.34 72.33 251.39 105.25 83.47 31,655.87 184.32 17.22 1,790.33 165.85 192.65 778.46 125.09 392.26 429.39 60.47 13.58 24.24 12.89 590.93 617.79 92.89 708.37 1,272.69 108.08 85.83 247.60 5,167.26 1,207.05 1,112.59 15,863.68 39.37 248.09 2,179.83 404.31 928.02 302.06 335.03 61.30 44.30 85.06 11,293.01 518.17 470.21 272.60 3,324.75 1,706.85 22.56 482.81 313.09 282.80 568.14 1,385.08 1,203.03 1.72 3.26 2,721.97 1,631.62 327.81 208.57 1,233.72 1,492.43 103.00 2,502.47 8,333.23 1,340.32 846.60 1,332.13 21.35 40.51 400.07 1,108.25 109.76 642.36 350.52 5,230.66 367.10 103.83 235.52 9,571.00 62.29 452.56 152.63 108.43 3,148.29 921.24 538.18 363.35 36.80 2.30 5.95 186.23 285.58 262.93 104.70 91.41 127.45 17.26 75.62 54.00 170.56 730.68 632.59 1,403.15 346.00 160.47 2,669.72 UNOPS 49,771.19 60.91 33.41 5.70 214.36 7,932.37 94.46 503.70 809.00 26.63 581.63 1.18 266.11 19.62 19.00 721.29 29.51 1,047.52 28.11 47.48 695.85 386.40 309.81 UNOG 13.58 130.57 221.92 16.19 389.35 790.66 147.55 219.93 373.44 3.75 447.51 218.23 753.23 1,137.19 1,515.18 26.85 20.37 21,621.66 1,090.71 2,894.18 5.22 88.99 209.80 27.69 9,944.55 34.34 39.26 238.47 42.24 1,290.99 153.50 3.23 15.67 16.43 579.07 175.20 2,223.51 21.72 135.21 8.46 460.15 199.77 28.50 25.26 4,944.92 63.84 7.14 93.02 201.63 2.46 42.97 20.00 35.85 18.00 2,606.80 14.50 768.47 1,679.76 63.05 17.95 2,851.09 8,753.63 37.74 3,528.93 161.22 806.79 1,827.17 379.34 742.11 14.50 64.20 37.87 Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND UNFPA 1,356.59 369.77 2,996.91 94 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 17.51 476.36 961.40 0.17 706.95 964.40 1,353.40 UNICEF UNHCR 5,079.27 211.57 7,873.16 UNIDO 762.81 79.55 15.48 178.86 256.75 615.47 50.29 139.95 95.47 123.55 54.31 2.32 294.02 2,668.20 2,922.09 244.70 253.23 1,333.70 5.01 4.71 2,663.85 120.65 1,987.02 7.91 525.91 30.00 360.00 636.55 9.15 42.23 192.83 1,421.71 114.34 183.79 228.48 998.90 1,133.73 2,650.25 1,721.24 1,075.09 2,163.65 1,918.59 2.60 1,710.34 1,775.07 3,354.67 4.06 243.04 2,755.39 773.02 597.95 549.33 2,601.94 2,042.88 1.11 1.60 69.08 20.03 143.45 372.33 80.96 218.02 1,030.66 14.57 571.30 165.11 91.92 36.97 616.61 18.41 34.03 16,115.63 167.25 114.05 40.00 46.51 UNOG 30.00 59.61 2,128.71 57.06 2,729.17 73.67 25.21 8.10 35.58 140.90 137.43 89.25 160.82 170.06 2.20 28.02 16.24 44.39 85.34 313.99 44.09 4.86 1.10 20.37 1.93 87.51 112.08 173.82 160.49 11.00 227.36 934.77 102.42 149.43 261.72 559.30 390.66 427.67 3,026.85 6,602.20 1,578.32 16.18 110.13 84,335.71 439.86 79.46 131.70 35.16 57.44 53.44 489.51 20.81 46.99 334.44 118.37 122.20 7.07 84.84 92.90 UNOPS 15,356.28 251.24 27,420.24 11.00 336.85 18.50 55.85 27.12 29.49 128.85 128.85 354.90 2,125.76 4.78 371.44 41.18 2,138.29 1,126.13 203.23 952.29 1,521.63 54.32 29.60 600.00 760.31 301.86 177.07 5.14 24.86 30.56 15.98 319.12 74.61 2,598.29 129.82 28.69 869.93 142.56 8.97 1,489.55 2,855.57 21.19 357.39 8,429.08 93.07 1,029.99 226.82 741.72 1,056.47 442.29 1,577.28 313.73 916.23 59.38 1,200.14 346.70 132.50 435.10 4,734.96 323.93 160.57 29,473.37 2,533.25 115.51 1,603.96 597.01 68.85 1.02 301.56 3.79 1,984.05 858.10 99.90 112.14 52.17 84.03 5.93 213.45 16,644.53 2,508.29 15,998.66 337.12 159.27 1.16 11,643.22 7.87 9.69 679.85 5,543.93 34.45 4.93 585.60 30.00 197.28 24.55 33.20 211.10 73,539.21 Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNFPA 1,399.60 737.75 1.89 91.08 464.19 1,735.64 462.22 19.70 664.21 43.95 531.21 3,359.58 365.45 1,832.32 5,025.96 216,668.84 UNIDO 148.72 36.20 180.75 5,974.65 2,710.89 40.00 12.00 393.09 381.43 124.50 2,037.03 1,085.86 635.00 166,999.27 69,346.40 9,188.73 GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES *(OpT) AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION: Percentage UNHCR 33.69 13.82 563.81 3,088.45 1,326.57 2,459.20 1,596.56 946.32 23,222.43 498.52 1.78 966.80 1,284.97 818.37 1,570.11 3,225.35 UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GRAND-TOTAL UNICEF UNOPS 234.90 85.03 20.00 115.72 426.45 1,914.79 3.00 11.00 7,352.03 3,273.36 37.32 38,877.51 1,090.17 787.04 24,467.56 11.23 14.00 9.52 292.31 195.16 66.16 128.33 420,621.06 UNOG 2,344.13 5.30 598.02 82,775.54 216.18 472.81 5,810.12 15.00 2,357.95 226,330.39 166,999.27 69,562.58 428,804.14 82,775.54 34,368.56 15.19% #DIV/0! 66,904.91 40.06% 39,285.68 56.48% 92,183.78 21.50% 81,410.53 98.35% 182,773.10 80.75% #DIV/0! 100,094.37 59.94% 30,060.72 43.21% 336,620.35 78.50% 1,365.01 1.65% ARAB STATES Percentage 21,768.48 9.62% #DIV/0! 23,744.01 14.22% 2,733.93 3.93% 48,584.49 11.33% 59.49 0.07% AFRICA Percentage 85,050.31 37.58% #DIV/0! 37,823.48 22.65% 4,153.02 5.97% 84,360.01 19.67% 182.99 0.22% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 35,237.36 15.57% #DIV/0! 26,905.17 16.11% 20,976.30 30.15% 88,819.30 20.71% 455.00 0.55% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 10,210.14 4.51% #DIV/0! 8,965.49 5.37% 1,139.61 1.64% 4,444.63 1.04% 489.83 0.59% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 30,506.81 13.48% #DIV/0! 2,656.22 1.59% 1,057.87 1.52% 110,411.92 25.75% 177.69 0.21% 9,188.73 4.06% #DIV/0! Others Percentage 95 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 216.18 0.31% Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN UNON 1,720.84 96 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement UNOV 698.96 UN/PD 6,060.88 UNRWA UNU UNV 50.17 14,909.97 15.53 5.00 3,994.81 13.68 26,870.71 294.17 30.00 106.29 1.84 59.82 16.74 101.26 78.09 11.28 14,761.95 6,010.31 1,134.11 7,192.60 92.80 19.37 8.00 11,990.54 118.11 1,703.28 4.68 404.35 218.13 9.03 81,231.48 515.15 74.40 112.01 8,775.02 56.98 26.30 30.08 10.26 28.00 646.79 26.30 17,056.53 14.05 18,141.22 4.29 3.26 1.07 36.97 332.54 206.95 5,202.55 5.26 31,523.51 -0.95 12.62 88.42 28.00 171.70 87.17 665.56 59.28 50.28 112.50 220.55 2,471.64 691.10 11.30 189.47 16.10 600.24 28.60 150.26 3.49 2,249.25 17,568.50 1.75 19.95 15,165.37 19,949.24 612.57 396.53 4.71 3,156.53 9.70 13,493.95 -247.59 27.68 29.85 57.16 947.69 101.86 365.45 636.42 92.17 11.68 5,699.63 66.34 3,843.56 29,965.20 2,466.52 177.28 45.35 5.47 601.85 91.10 56.09 2.73 Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country UNON JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND 97 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement UNOV 14,088.52 UN/PD 64,170.81 23,863.39 4,766.93 12.64 949.33 10.20 14,474.30 UNRWA 10,082.03 40,786.38 UNU UNV 4.70 4,852.61 44.63 398.44 143.72 3.10 124.34 155.15 65.65 83.70 17.98 15.33 27.52 50.80 34.46 1,443.97 49.49 354.52 501.09 2,191.88 347.16 69.33 9.27 508.48 69.69 60.00 3.94 38.46 146.30 435.39 3,607.45 28,629.64 10.00 0.56 85.95 4.60 0.73 3.02 1.97 97.00 13.98 7.64 -6.27 -880.89 21.84 7.00 410,057.78 677.68 6,453.00 22.60 1,731.39 878.50 66.90 235.72 63.98 36.54 602.70 238.57 9.00 22.46 25.11 41,701.94 30,101.35 14.50 4.67 208,142.21 50.05 298.72 118.04 126.54 31,975.41 2,258.82 169.68 2,828.14 5.84 733.29 8,894.83 Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country UNON TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL UNOV UN/PD 5,081.11 UNRWA UNU UNV 8.32 80.58 1,013.81 0.65 692.60 325.27 490.53 72.58 4,061.06 18,837.82 9,625.31 71,763.59 20,785.40 627.41 1,038,747.43 32.29 603.69 1,058.83 218.88 255.83 271.14 25.00 4.50 23,152.42 8,661.72 2,411,890.74 70,297.86 111.10 35.99 26,620.83 1,134.11 11,249.58 UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES *(OpT) AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN GRAND-TOTAL 23,152.42 8,661.72 2,412,037.83 96,918.69 1,134.11 11,249.58 4,419.12 19.09% 7,006.12 80.89% 1,765,583.32 73.20% 9,523.78 9.83% 1,134.11 100.00% 11,118.64 98.84% 18,733.30 80.91% 1,655.60 19.11% 646,454.51 26.80% 87,394.91 90.17% 130.94 1.16% 923.87 3.99% 10.20 0.12% 322,519.14 13.37% 87,185.34 89.96% 4.70 0.04% 14,549.78 62.84% 354.52 4.09% 127,911.04 5.30% 2,196.48 9.49% 905.81 10.46% 19,941.22 0.83% 177.28 0.18% 58.45 0.52% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 163.06 0.70% 385.07 4.45% 133,580.19 5.54% 32.29 0.03% 4.60 0.04% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 900.11 3.89% INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION: Percentage ARAB STATES Percentage AFRICA Percentage ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage Others Percentage 98 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 42,502.93 1.76% 11.94 0.11% 51.26 0.46% Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA & BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, DEM. REP. COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DPR KOREA ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN 99 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement WFP 20,505.42 1,592.62 2,581.68 WIPO WMO WTO 203.68 336.42 66.40 2,026.85 5.04 1.24 41.87 12.60 2,481.43 28.97 5,103.43 1,057.73 10.59 36.56 1,403.72 1,843.48 6.96 403.55 24.14 5,587.71 4,336.48 4,664.06 2,132.35 32,822.88 29,600.72 4,872.78 15,755.95 46.09 1,126.09 6,222.71 0.17 20.69 5.91 14.42 228.42 32.01 1,052.52 23,340.60 0.72 1,997.72 12.34 1,265.67 6,110.54 17,557.53 1,028.80 853.41 3,940.47 1,239.57 461.98 177.40 24.77 6.92 28.23 109,733.34 9,584.14 273.16 2,077.12 2,417.51 2,007.18 3,668.31 0.06 2,006.88 98.09 4,617.08 59.33 0.19 1,463.63 2,650.76 636.08 9,862.32 2,756.20 3,813.19 5,102.47 294.40 2,330.80 1,521.44 4,773.12 39,295.06 6,465.59 128.85 1.16 1,670.43 17.07 9.99 1.00 1,012.30 16.26 0.17 4,785.34 4.84 Total All 372,507.05 5,837.85 6,418.24 % 5.03% 0.08% 0.09% 19,224.62 603.58 84,049.21 3,877.04 38,073.45 66,892.27 5,859.49 689.04 1,082.83 35,884.21 769.88 6,242.80 52,660.20 1,221.42 11,764.49 1,342.73 11,564.48 9,989.33 5,948.42 94,724.16 0.26% 0.01% 1.14% 0.05% 0.51% 0.90% 0.08% 0.01% 0.01% 0.48% 0.01% 0.08% 0.71% 0.02% 0.16% 0.02% 0.16% 0.13% 0.08% 1.28% 26,216.82 18,687.22 22,251.36 26,088.65 38,616.42 133,441.58 2,862.93 12,778.03 38,473.33 14,844.46 39,796.21 61,926.58 1,379.50 6,664.83 99,835.67 6,718.91 43,234.11 5,604.00 2,386.78 10,781.16 1,140.98 100,503.48 20,025.37 196.69 5,793.06 1,716.67 15,736.74 61,235.57 11,281.76 1,158.06 11,616.37 289.54 125,323.88 4,195.17 3,278.48 59,148.12 1,946.95 3,238.19 27,291.56 45,165.66 11,076.88 5,487.63 71.12 39,281.82 8,951.08 8,407.61 1,537.26 49,859.77 26,495.57 2,243.18 27.29 58,227.81 54,379.71 13,169.77 36,138.05 4,502.04 16,064.93 159,985.54 3,025.01 32,268.10 0.35% 0.25% 0.30% 0.35% 0.52% 1.80% 0.04% 0.17% 0.52% 0.20% 0.54% 0.84% 0.02% 0.09% 1.35% 0.09% 0.58% 0.08% 0.03% 0.15% 0.02% 1.36% 0.27% 0.00% 0.08% 0.02% 0.21% 0.83% 0.15% 0.02% 0.16% 0.00% 1.69% 0.06% 0.04% 0.80% 0.03% 0.04% 0.37% 0.61% 0.15% 0.07% 0.00% 0.53% 0.12% 0.11% 0.02% 0.67% 0.36% 0.03% 0.00% 0.79% 0.73% 0.18% 0.49% 0.06% 0.22% 2.16% 0.04% 0.44% Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO P.D.R. LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA (TFYR) MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FED. STATES OF) MOLDOVA (REPUBLIC OF) MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PALAU PAKISTAN PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME & PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA ST KITTS & NEVIS ST. LUCIA ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAJIKISTAN THAILAND 100 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement WFP 6,076.12 136,376.44 WIPO WMO 25.93 1,091.52 2,171.98 8.86 321.27 1,584.73 2,415.41 16,177.89 WTO 19.76 0.01 32.07 3,659.09 3,997.62 5,102.47 12.76 0.08 1,563.43 3,885.90 2,835.53 5,193.94 5,826.37 3,111.99 16,120.26 4,553.68 17,910.28 1,908.42 63.97 32.94 1,017.52 5,629.92 79.78 324.95 1.57 38,092.51 1,412.58 78.61 2,163.38 12.21 10.81 19.84 2.26 2.84 14.14 1,827.87 2,039.59 9.86 80.88 2,877.32 1,142.95 2,907.35 93.62 0.72 47,879.00 51,863.13 81.12 4,667.76 0.34 3.96 8.50 2,607.53 233,554.32 482.27 132.20 5,747.41 1,607.93 1,466.29 1,141.41 24.58 82,587.21 6.43 36.93 3,803.34 Total All 123,873.27 29,606.22 223,515.25 75.12 2,870.65 10,083.71 8,032.70 1,011.29 90,162.43 4,708.04 35,260.28 17,034.92 % 1.67% 0.40% 3.02% 0.00% 0.04% 0.14% 0.11% 0.01% 1.22% 0.06% 0.48% 0.23% 1,456.40 1,691.06 8,006.32 11,682.81 15,952.98 9,362.13 1,877.49 15,101.72 1,305.07 3,993.99 10,638.30 6,753.80 26,440.34 189.87 4,701.93 3,352.95 3,320.67 182.81 13,941.01 27,393.81 9,319.83 6,363.91 151.39 33,980.81 20,436.15 1,958.13 11,764.06 13,488.19 22,324.59 4,749.34 702.02 16,218.13 68,403.16 111,018.50 2,770.18 13,702.55 126,570.88 12,835.24 1,448.00 2,431.24 -785.17 3,424.25 1,985.80 430,678.29 14,367.48 1,548.11 1,029.00 467.77 13,271.10 18,929.94 16,318.86 755.17 17,792.34 3,650.02 3,545.62 2,634.49 1,852.47 74,207.07 125,721.10 42,311.38 33,530.70 418.92 392.48 80.71 490,412.04 842.94 3,245.31 4,219.81 279,384.71 19,652.38 13,474.78 21,855.71 0.02% 0.02% 0.11% 0.16% 0.22% 0.13% 0.03% 0.20% 0.02% 0.05% 0.14% 0.09% 0.36% 0.00% 0.06% 0.05% 0.04% 0.00% 0.19% 0.37% 0.13% 0.09% 0.00% 0.46% 0.28% 0.03% 0.16% 0.18% 0.30% 0.06% 0.01% 0.22% 0.92% 1.50% 0.04% 0.19% 1.71% 0.17% 0.02% 0.03% -0.01% 0.05% 0.03% 5.82% 0.19% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.18% 0.26% 0.22% 0.01% 0.24% 0.05% 0.05% 0.04% 0.03% 1.00% 1.70% 0.57% 0.45% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 6.62% 0.01% 0.04% 0.06% 3.77% 0.27% 0.18% 0.30% Total Procurement of Services Works by Agency and Supplier Country: 2009 Procurement of Services & Works (USD Thousand) Agency Supplier Country WFP TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REP. OF TANZANIA URUGUAY USA UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE SUB-TOTAL WMO WTO 1,230.58 21.18 7,582.30 106.03 8,847.02 26,801.16 626.76 17,961.91 29,356.49 5,472.00 114.76 11.42 175,538.87 3.47 4,052.53 75.62 120.82 283.84 4,867.04 4,206.63 40,904.11 95.51 1,381,263.16 109,500.78 4,436.62 4,202.83 12.49 3.54 UNSPECIFIED COUNTRIES GLOBAL PROJECTS INTERREGIONAL PROJECTS ARAB COUNTRIES *(OpT) AFRICAN COUNTRIES ASIAN COUNTRIES EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN WIPO 321.67 6,713.16 618.57 Total All 6,789.83 7,802.69 191.90 2,048.52 3,026.81 30,977.14 1,782.27 279.41 42,416.10 56,388.17 87,070.10 144,521.48 50,113.64 20,947.19 1,375,255.21 6,159.88 232.69 11,392.66 7,211.35 13,078.22 11,252.69 53,300.61 % 0.09% 0.11% 0.00% 0.03% 0.04% 0.42% 0.02% 0.00% 0.57% 0.76% 1.18% 1.95% 0.68% 0.28% 18.58% 0.08% 0.00% 0.15% 0.10% 0.18% 0.15% 0.72% 7,248,967.59 97.92% 110,394.45 1.49% 321.67 0.00% 39,728.02 35.99 1,080.07 0.54% 0.00% 0.01% 2,507.32 0.03% 100.00% 0.19 186.96186.96 1,388,607.57 109,504.32 4,436.62 4,524.50 7,403,035.11 316,981.17 22.83% 106,802.97 97.53% 4,238.44 95.53% 4,202.83 92.89% 3,029,517.52 40.92% 1,071,626.40 77.17% 2,701.35 2.47% 198.19 4.47% 4,262,801.47 57.58% ARAB STATES Percentage 343,740.40 24.75% 9.99 0.01% 0.01 0.00% 1,081,660.70 14.61% AFRICA Percentage 546,499.52 39.36% 121.94 0.11% 53.70 1.21% 1,246,796.51 16.84% ASIA & PACIFIC Percentage 117,350.12 8.45% 2,362.12 2.16% 33.01 0.74% 846,315.45 11.43% EUROPE & CIS Percentage 21,397.32 1.54% 128.85 0.12% 107.91 2.43% 327,124.46 4.42% LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN Percentage 35,913.39 2.59% 74.90 0.07% 3.56 0.08% 760,904.34 10.28% 12.49 0.00% 3.54 0.00% GRAND-TOTAL INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES: Percentage DEVELOPING COUNTRIES/ ECONOMIES IN TRANSITION: Percentage Others Percentage 101 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 321.67 7.11% 110,716.12 1.50% Top 10 items (goods and services) - All sources of funding 102 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2009 UN Agency ECLAC Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Trade and business services, other Office, accounting and computing machinery Maintenance and repair services Electrical apparatus, electronic components, telecommunication equipment Information Technology Furniture; other transportable goods Audio visual equipment Transport, storage, manufacturing supportand communication services Architecture, engineering, construction and other technical services Trade related services Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: ESCAP Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Building Maintenance Services Services, Others Out-Sourced Personnel Services Computer Supplies Security/Safety Supplies Computer & IT Maintenance Institutional Contracts Catering & Hospitality Services Office Equipment Maintenance/Repair Rental Services Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: ESCWA Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 IT equipm.& software; office machinery 2 Building & machinery maintenance 3 Telecommunication equipment, Radio & Satellite 4 Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 5 Industial services 6 Construction, engineering and architectural services 7 Furniture 8 Construction machinery and tools, textile machinery 9 Transport services 10 Health control, disease prevention Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: FAO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Chemicals, Basic Agricultural Produce Repair and Maintenance Services Machinery, Special Purpose Information Technology Transportation, Storage and Materials Handling Transport Equipment Office, Accounting and Computing Machinery Communications Medical Applian. Precision and Optical Instruments Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: IAEA Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Medical, Lab. & Hospital equipm. Engineering and construction services IT equipm.& software; office machinery Building & machinery maintenance Electrical apparatus, electronic components General & Project management services/consultancy IT services Training services Industial services Cartographic Services, Hydrology Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: 103 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's Value (USD) 2,234,945.03 1,084,690.86 796,007.08 649,014.89 631,815.32 541,317.75 475,495.11 410,183.08 276,124.36 178,270.31 7,277,863.79 1,076 No. of PO's Value (USD) 3,359,425.67 1,015,133.28 907,557.52 821,314.13 440,432.48 331,799.71 144,744.02 139,102.64 99,564.15 94,688.92 7,353,762.52 903 No. of PO's Value (USD) 981,894.00 771,937.00 125,980.00 118,226.00 117,278.00 86,348.00 83,425.00 79,534.00 78,130.00 69,153.00 2,511,905.00 262 No. of PO's 55 93 344 91 219 620 134 633 51 143 2,383 3,440 No. of PO's Value (USD) 18,956,643.23 12,626,637.39 12,361,372.93 11,467,546.15 11,215,432.64 10,047,622.40 7,906,921.40 6,923,326.88 4,851,145.80 4,428,812.40 100,785,461.22 Value (USD) 46,873,959.43 22,550,466.94 15,703,697.09 7,426,045.60 7,080,079.08 6,235,990.26 4,497,950.74 3,444,943.32 2,368,398.56 2,363,973.73 118,545,504.74 Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2009 UN Agency IFAD Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Rent Development; General Investment Management Rural Development Utilities General Building Maintenance Telecommunications Insurance Conference organizing services Individual Consulting Service Total number of purchase orders raised during 2009: ILO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Social services, social sciences & population Conferences, workshops & training Technical studies Building & machinery maintenance Politics, peace keeping & mine action services It services Leasing and rental services Construction, engineering and architectural services IT equipment and & software; offiche machinery Printing, publishing services Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: ITC Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services IT services IT equipment & parts, incl software Leasing and rental services Conferences, workshops & training Building & office/IT machinery maintenance Trade related services Furniture Product support services Social services, social sciences and population HR services No. of PO's 0 189 No. of PO's Value (USD) 9,093,677.56 8,642,229.56 4,931,665.08 4,576,227.42 2,010,591.84 1,737,486.57 1,635,786.75 1,505,620.27 1,312,481.99 1,303,184.67 36,748,951.72 Value (USD) 16,453,665.79 15,320,329.12 7,911,623.60 6,125,531.79 5,899,678.21 5,498,200.57 4,624,432.10 3,924,358.38 3,519,155.49 2,948,220.78 72,225,195.83 5,562 No. of PO's Value (USD) 878,306.84 832,487.11 532,121.71 501,488.50 494,465.74 425,200.54 339,869.76 248,064.48 218,934.05 198,099.40 4,669,038.13 Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: ITU Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Software Licenses & Maintenance Laptop Computer Standard Paper (A4) Desktop Computer Monitors Printers Various Computer Material Special Paper No. of PO's Value (USD) 677,022.36 337,036.18 207,421.06 187,139.89 125,374.51 96,796.50 50,702.93 36,874.86 0 1,718,368.29 No. of PO's 10 27 25 24 3 149 6 43 14 12 313 2,909 Value (USD) 2,156,251.25 366,999.76 283,029.63 270,146.22 266,517.72 244,374.59 228,296.82 227,664.24 222,809.77 192,766.11 4,458,856.09 Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: OPCW Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Leasing or Rental Services Software, Computer, Including Manual General Building Maintenance Laboratory Equipment Conference Organizing Services Training Telecommunications Maintenance and Repair Services Computer Related Services N.E.C. Operations, Maintenance and Support Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: 104 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2009 UN Agency PAHO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Vaccines Shipping and Freight Costs Pharmaceuticals and Animal Vaccines Service Contracts Trade And Business Services Lab/Hospital S&E Insecticides/Pesticides Supplies & Equipment Diagnostic Kits, Serum, Reagents Needles / Syringes Lease/Rental Services Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UNDP Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Consultants - Intl/Local/Ind Service Contracts - Individual Travel Construction Procurement Services General and National Law Project Management Software; Computer Conference organizing services Motor Vehicles and Parts Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UNECA Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 IT equipment & software 2 Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 3 Construction 4 Pumps and engines 5 Pharmaceuticals 6 General management services 7 Furniture 8 Transport services 9 Office machinery 10 Electrical equipment, motors/generators Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UNESCO Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Service contracts activities 2 Conferences, seminars, meetings 3 Premises maintenance & repairs 4 Research contracts 5 Construction costs (buildings) 6 Evaluation studies of programme activities 7 Translation Contracts 8 Document Production 9 Supplies purchases 10 Hardware purchases No. of PO's Value (USD) 305,357,837.84 20,809,896.60 19,866,725.45 11,283,317.42 5,890,620.62 5,488,947.74 4,733,607.47 3,976,753.64 2,812,822.36 1,352,546.59 381,573,075.73 3,800 No. of PO's 19,151 14,380 51,442 2,305 2,172 1,571 1,289 1,625 3,020 715 97,670 169,403 No. of PO's Value (USD) 225,233,439.70 158,377,812.00 119,868,735.13 115,361,724.00 63,379,330.80 58,581,526.00 56,993,948.10 52,757,429.30 39,997,632.80 38,630,057.90 929,181,635.73 Value (USD) 2,868,738.89 1,080,085.47 845,703.21 693,083.71 516,258.46 410,268.27 365,836.33 297,040.40 290,863.43 269,553.44 512 No. of PO's Value (USD) 38,891,699.19 14,721,835.86 12,265,118.56 11,749,132.08 7,158,427.21 7,024,842.67 4,799,105.82 3,912,898.42 2,864,669.17 2,777,965.26 106,165,694.24 Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UNFPA Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Pharmaceuticals 2 Services - General 3 Medical, Lab. & Hospital equipm. 4 Motor Vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. 5 Printing, publishing services 6 IT equipm.& software; office machinery 7 Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 8 Furniture 9 Telecommunication equipment, Radio & Satellite 10 Common services, rent & maintenance of premisis and equipment Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: 105 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's 66,010 Value (USD) 88,984,905.49 83,437,872.01 21,201,347.26 10,913,417.83 5,737,047.13 5,637,582.87 2,704,570.64 1,407,258.61 755,171.30 259,243.98 221,038,417.12 Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2009 UN Agency UNHCR Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Tents/shelter & related camp equipm. 2 Transport services 3 Administrative services 4 Construction, maintenance services 5 Household furniture & equipm. 6 Motor Vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. 7 Petroleum & fuel products 8 IT services 9 Food products 10 Wood, concrete etc. for construction incl. doors, windows No. of PO's 0 Value (USD) 74,474,394.39 33,506,481.19 33,161,765.27 32,138,652.60 29,221,372.90 28,117,086.77 20,410,695.03 12,879,095.63 12,666,313.37 11,381,875.26 287,957,732.40 Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UNICEF Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Vaccines/Biologicals 2 Mosquito Nets 3 Pharmaceuticals 4 Education Supplies 5 Nutrition 6 IT & Office Equipm. & Supplies 7 Books, Printing Equipm. & Services 8 Water & Sanitation Equipm., Incl. Pipes & Pumps 9 Motor Vehicles And Other Transport Equipment 10 Medical Renewable Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UNIDO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services ODS, Ozone Depleting Substances Environment services Industry services Construction machinery and tools, textile machinery IT Information and Operations Laboratory, general and special purpose IT equipm.& software; office machinery Training Chemical products Energy related services Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UNOG Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Travel Building & machinery maintenance Leasing and rental services IT equipm.& software; office machinery Construction, engineering and architectural services IT services Motor Vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. Transport services Communications services Legal services Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UNON Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Petroleum & fuel products Construction Engineering & Architectural Services IT equipment & software, office machinery Books, paper, office stationery & supplies Audio Visual Equipment Electric motors, boards, panels, wires Printing, publishing services Service industries Common services, rent & maintenance of premises & equipment Construction machinery & tools, textile machinery Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: 106 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's Value (USD) 806,683,937.00 210,198,782.90 177,265,039.34 77,589,091.93 67,339,186.28 59,715,614.32 56,730,737.18 46,906,086.70 42,251,791.96 28,766,418.79 1,573,446,686.40 37,719 No. of PO's Value (USD) 14,234,984.27 8,927,284.09 5,128,643.83 4,047,800.00 2,349,993.34 1,916,417.00 1,664,754.00 1,315,001.00 1,256,841.00 1,075,956.00 41,917,674.53 842 No. of PO's Value (USD) 23,690,731.00 17,977,415.00 11,679,191.13 6,957,362.95 5,891,755.29 4,786,603.89 3,916,968.25 3,548,323.00 2,711,318.00 2,543,454.10 83,703,122.61 3,579 No. of PO's 1,676 Value (USD) 8,604,559.07 7,496,548.30 3,533,277.04 2,149,738.17 2,092,183.20 2,031,772.55 1,699,313.19 1,673,035.36 1,374,724.54 1,223,981.63 31,879,133.05 Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2009 UN Agency UNOPS Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Construction, engineering and architectural services 2 Medical, Lab. & Hospital equipm. 3 Motor Vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. 4 Politics, peace keeping and mine action services 5 Pharmaceuticals 6 IT equipm. & software 7 Bednets, uniforms, a.o. textiles 8 Environmental management & protection 9 Conferences, workshops & training 10 Travel Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UNOV Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Engineering services Software, computer, including manua Processing units for EDP and access Telecommunication equipment Software, computer, including manua Security and safety equipment Motor vehicles and parts and access Printing, publishing and bookbindin Transport equipment, other and part Storage units and storage media for Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UN-PD Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Airline management and operations Construction Food products, other Construction work and site management, civil works Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Freight forwarding Construction work and site management, buildings Gas oils (diesel oil) Shipping Travel Total number of orders & contracts raised during 2009: UNRWA Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Food products 2 Construction & Alteration of Agency Premises 3 Agricultural & forestry products 4 Pharmaceuticals & vaccines 5 Other Contractual Services 6 Medical Care Services 7 Group Medical Insurance 8 Maintenance of Premises 9 Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 10 Medical, Lab. & Hospital equipm. No. of PO's Value (USD) 210,715,552.67 157,311,075.31 100,890,289.10 78,833,302.26 72,727,725.75 34,732,462.51 20,020,864.37 17,874,847.75 16,666,846.47 13,187,137.82 722,960,104.02 25,282 No. of PO's 3 63 151 14 71 7 5 90 6 1 411 2,242 No. of PO's 436 122 104 74 332 1,582 96 280 349 2 3,377 21,886 No. of PO's Value (USD) 2,593,165.62 2,141,625.70 912,784.01 681,531.53 604,210.36 562,236.40 555,100.27 544,210.83 456,634.78 452,601.97 9,504,101.47 Value (USD) 769,899,500.42 544,883,871.80 158,076,603.61 152,579,080.34 143,703,453.16 114,222,077.97 86,423,414.48 72,648,893.85 66,066,443.28 48,214,988.00 2,156,718,326.90 Value (USD) 82,473,677.02 32,388,125.37 23,714,271.44 17,716,240.60 16,537,217.56 14,656,862.79 8,476,273.59 8,363,553.87 6,343,471.85 4,512,020.95 215,181,715.04 Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UNU Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services HR, consultants and project staff Travel Services Common Services, rent & maintenance of premises IT equipm, & software, office machinery Communications Services General & Project Management services Security services IT services Audio Visual equipment Public utilities, water & electricity Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: 107 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's Value (USD) 8,794,214.92 271,374.09 238,480.88 236,348.60 156,649.90 123,752.64 69,365.00 67,041.00 58,423.64 57,600.00 10,073,250.67 Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2009 UN Agency UNV Rank Group of Goods/Services 1 Insurance and pension fund services 2 HR, consultants 3 Travel services 4 Telecommunications services 5 IT services 6 IT equipm.& software 7 Training services 8 Printing, publishing services 9 Audio Visual Equipment 10 Common services, rent & maintenance of premisis and equipment Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: UPU Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services IT equipm.& software Motor Vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. Office stationery & supplies Furniture No. of PO's Value (USD) 7,224,665.12 944,468.21 924,190.00 458,977.79 388,268.00 382,056.00 201,685.00 81,384.00 73,710.00 58,245.00 10,737,649.12 934 No. of PO's Value (USD) 166,369.00 136,198.00 15,548.00 12,036.00 330,151.00 Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: WFP Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Transport Food items Warehousing and Logistics Vehicles Office Services IT Equip & Services Utilities & Rental Construction Air Operations Consultant Fees & UNV 17 No. of PO's 0 Value (USD) 1,195,125,379.55 965,193,332.63 55,200,000.00 43,000,000.00 35,600,000.00 33,000,000.00 32,500,000.00 31,600,000.00 22,700,000.00 22,700,000.00 2,436,618,712.18 0 Value (USD) 49,049,064.05 15,355,479.47 12,849,762.61 8,409,472.60 6,238,033.17 3,486,393.06 2,659,568.06 1,674,470.38 1,179,351.33 1,121,408.96 102,023,003.70 Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: WIPO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Repair & Maintenance Translation services IT Support and Maintenance Rental & leasing Security Guard services Consulting services IT equipment, office machinery Public utilities Goods for Cooperation for Development Stationery, office supplies, books, paper No. of PO's Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: WMO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Meteorological equipment, parts and accessories thereof Facility management services, outsourcing of IT services General building maintenance Software licenses Electricity distribution Security services Printing services, other Office equipment leasing and rentals Cleaning services Stationery articles n.e.c. Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: 108 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's Value (USD) 2,589,725.00 981,311.00 639,258.00 552,370.00 411,076.00 351,703.00 321,751.00 273,527.00 255,049.00 205,902.00 6,581,672.00 Top Ten Items (Goods and Services) Procured by Agency During 2009 UN Agency WTO Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group of Goods/Services Health Insurance services Travel Services Printing Services Security Services Telecommunication Services IT Equipment Hosting and publication services Consulting Services Exhibition Services Office Equipment Total number of purchase orders and contracts raised during 2009: 109 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement No. of PO's Value (USD) 1,403,721.34 1,101,184.97 575,510.69 220,797.50 198,205.38 192,501.02 120,821.36 103,239.55 42,813.85 35,629.28 2,512,260.47 Agency share by category of goods and services 110 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. In USD 1000 ECA USD 1000 % of total ECLAC USD 1000 % of total ESCAP USD 1000 % of total ESCWA USD 1000 % of total FAO USD 1000 % of total GOODS Agricultural & forestry products 47,769 Inorganic minerals 24,197 14.2 0.1% Energy - Utilities 2,860 17.6 0.6% Food & Nutrition 1,307,826 2,096.1 0.2% 158.0 0.0% 256.9 0.1% Beverages Textiles, incl. clothing, tents, blankets, mosquito nets etc. 1.7 0.0% 5.8 0.0% 2,030 3.4 0.0% 0.5 0.0% 1.9 0.1% 6.0 0.3% 10.0 0.0% 9.5 0.0% 380,670 223.5 0.1% 115.2 0.0% Footwear a.o. leather products 5,603 110.7 2.0% 8.6 0.2% Wood, timber for shelters etc. 13,281 195,322 1,080.1 0.6% Petroleum & fuel products 299,643 Pharmaceuticals & vaccines Detergents, paints, toners, a.o. chemicals Tyres, tubes & pipes a.o. rubber & plastic products Construction material: cement, bricks, glass Furniture 17,167 55.0 0.3% 24,085 73.3 0.0% 1.1 0.0% 2,295.5 0.2% 50.6 0.3% 9.9 0.1% 1,875.2 10.9% 38.4 0.2% 3.7 0.0% 2.6 0.0% 622.7 2.4% 3.5 0.0% 14.3 0.1% 183,554 365.8 0.2% 287.0 0.2% 606.1 0.3% 83.4 0.0% 639.6 0.3% Steel & metal products 61,339 104,740 0.4 0.0% 161.7 0.4% 693.1 0.7% 139.6 0.4% 538.0 1.4% 3,761 30,877 Office machinery 15,326 30.0 0.1% 37.0 0.1% 11.1 0.0% 1,529.8 2.5% 56.1 0.1% 10.5 0.0% 79.2 0.1% 56,129 Machinery, special purpose, incl. ODS Other goods 18,956.6 51.3% 35.0 0.1% 37,855 Medical, lab. & hospital equipment 5.5 0.0% 25,708 Security & safety equipment Measuring instruments (incl. lab, medical use) Motor vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. 118.2 0.1% 8.3 0.0% 40.7 0.0% 4,122 Audio visual equipment 111.5 0.1% 17.3 0.0% 516.3 0.0% Prefabricated buildings Computer & IT equipment, incl. software Electric motors, generators a.o. electrical equipment Telecommunication equipment, incl. radio & satellite 251.9 0.1% 1,184,084 4,447 Machinery for food & textile industry 33.4 0.0% 36,942 Equipment for gymnasiums, schools Pumps, engines, lifting & cold chain equipment Construction & agricultural machinery & tools 6.5 0.1% 27.4 0.2% Books, paper, office stationery & supplies Chemical products, incl. demining explosives, fertilisers, resins 14,384.5 30.1% 41.7 0.1% 5.0 0.1% 290.9 1.9% 6.7 0.2% 0.2 0.0% 16.1 0.1% 37.7 0.1% 11,467.5 20.4% 10.8 0.1% 479.6 3.1% 41.9 0.3% 1,118.2 7.3% 339,410 2,868.7 0.8% 1,073.9 0.3% 3,833.1 1.1% 940.0 0.3% 5,805.1 1.7% 3.6 0.0% 963.6 1.0% 96,413 269.6 0.3% 535.8 0.6% 123,062 71.3 0.1% 130.9 0.1% 0.3 0.0% 126.0 0.1% 34,703 53.5 0.2% 457.9 1.3% 245.4 0.7% 8.6 0.0% 3,126.3 9.0% 367,640 240.1 0.1% 13.1 0.0% 33.0 0.0% 4,428.8 1.2% 15.7 0.0% 18.7 0.1% 7,906.9 1.7% 34,049 477,673 11,304 111 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 138.6 0.0% 83.8 0.0% 153.6 0.0% 124.9 1.1% 37.9 0.0% Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. In USD 1000 ECA USD 1000 % of total ECLAC USD 1000 % of total ESCAP USD 1000 % of total ESCWA USD 1000 % of total FAO USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Construction, engineering and architectural services 1,375,953 Agriculture and forestry 13,321 Minral resources, mining 1,668 Energy resources 4,745 Water resources 6,133 Environmental management & protection Building & machinery maintenance & repair Trade & business services Travel & tourism Legal services Financial services, insurance, accountancy/audit Technical studies 845.7 0.1% 86.3 0.0% 2.4 0.0% 3.3 0.0% 88.5 0.0% 796.0 0.3% 87,021 178.3 0.2% 285,768 0.9 0.0% 3,616.3 1.2% 66,221 163,016 241.7 0.1% 30.0 0.0% 54.0 0.0% 157,294 HR, consultants and project staff 519,962 3.0 0.0% 907.6 0.2% Leasing & rental services 255,748 23.5 0.0% 1,851.2 0.7% 128.0 0.1% 44,225 95,648 Transport services 2,940.9 22.1% 1.0% 1.7 0.0% 600.4 1.2% 771.9 0.2% 12,388.7 3.9% 43.1 0.0% 3,474.0 4.0% 17.2 0.0% 854.5 0.5% 37.7 0.1% 375.1 0.2% 12,426.3 0.5% 0.4 0.0% Management services & consultancy Conference organizing, hotel & catering services 0.2% 60.7 5.8 0.0% 65,305 Security services 2,880.6 81.9 1.7% 48,445 313,737 276.1 0.0% 410.3 0.3% 2.2 0.0% 72.5 0.0% 12.3 0.0% 50.3 0.1% 20.1 0.0% 376.4 0.4% 195.9 0.2% 54.4 0.1% 78.1 0.0% 2,384,521 151.0 0.0% 100.9 0.0% 63.0 0.0% Communications services 97,133 130.6 0.1% 114.4 0.1% 69.1 0.1% 4,851.1 5.0% Training 87,692 105.1 0.1% 71.0 0.1% 2,355.5 2.7% 631.8 0.3% 341.7 0.2% 11,623.9 6.3% 944.8 5.6% 222.7 0.8% 401.5 5.0% 38.4 0.0% 9,409.2 0.1% 8,485.0 0.1% 13,936.7 0.1% 2,918.9 0.0% 133,628.2 1.0% Computer & IT services 184,328 0.5 0.0% 42.9 0.0% Research, development and quality control 16,788 Product related services 26,356 146.0 0.6% 1.4 0.0% Printing, publishing services 54,065 69.3 0.1% 408.8 0.8% Industrial/Manufacturing services 18,680 184.1 1.0% Politics, peace keeping and mine action services 130,839 8.1 0.0% Public utilities, water, electricity supply 8,079 3.4 0.0% 1.3 0.0% 397.3 0.7% 33.4 0.1% 9.3 0.1% Education 13,306 Health control, disease prevention 85,361 10.6 0.0% 2.3 0.0% 74,647 39.8 0.1% 1.8 0.0% Social & populaton science, translation Humanitarian aid and desaster prevention 17,111 Urban, rural & regional development 39,632 Other services 64,979 Total goods & services by agency UN grand total* 1,263.2 1.9% 13,797,171 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the above column. Data by category was not available from all submitting agencies. 112 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. In USD 1000 IAEA USD 1000 IFAD % of total USD 1000 ILO % of total USD 1000 ITC % of total USD 1000 ITU % of total USD 1000 % of total GOODS Agricultural & forestry products 47,769 4.5 0.0% Inorganic minerals 24,197 28.7 0.1% Energy - Utilities 2,860 Food & Nutrition 1,307,826 11.2 0.0% 2,030 2.2 0.1% 380,670 67.9 0.0% Footwear a.o. leather products 5,603 97.8 1.7% Wood, timber for shelters etc. 13,281 176.8 1.3% Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 195,322 1,152.4 0.6% Petroleum & fuel products 299,643 22.5 0.0% 36,942 1,318.3 3.6% 1,184,084 95.6 0.0% 17,167 198.1 1.2% 24,085 294.5 1.2% 25,708 50.9 0.2% 183,554 1,770.7 1.0% Equipment for gymnasiums, schools 4,447 20.6 0.5% Prefabricated buildings 4,122 Beverages Textiles, incl. clothing, tents, blankets, mosquito nets etc. Chemical products, incl. demining explosives, fertilisers, resins Pharmaceuticals & vaccines Detergents, paints, toners, a.o. chemicals Tyres, tubes & pipes a.o. rubber & plastic products Construction material: cement, bricks, glass Furniture 3.3 0.0% 36.5 0.0% 1.9 0.0% 14.9 0.1% 4.2 0.0% 1,012.6 0.5% 84.4 0.0% 13.5 0.0% 213.3 0.1% 5.9 0.0% 498.3 1.9% 367.4 0.2% 339.9 0.2% 5.2 0.0% Security & safety equipment 37,855 1,007.9 2.7% 39.9 0.1% Steel & metal products 61,339 503.3 0.8% 160.3 0.3% 104,740 510.0 0.5% 146.0 0.1% 56,129 863.1 1.5% 8.2 0.0% 3,761 33.8 0.9% 34.1 0.9% Machinery, special purpose, incl. ODS 30,877 106.6 0.3% 94.6 0.3% Office machinery 15,326 154.9 1.0% 153.9 1.0% 248.9 1.6% 339,410 15,548.8 4.6% 1,311.3 0.4% 3,270.2 1.0% 96,413 7,080.1 7.3% 16.5 0.0% 123,062 370.6 0.3% 319.3 0.3% 34,703 118.6 0.3% 42.8 0.1% 367,640 24,977.9 6.8% 135.2 0.0% 21,896.1 64.3% 9.6 0.0% 1,799.1 0.4% Pumps, engines, lifting & cold chain equipment Construction & agricultural machinery & tools Machinery for food & textile industry Computer & IT equipment, incl. software Electric motors, generators a.o. electrical equipment Telecommunication equipment, incl. radio & satellite Audio visual equipment Medical, lab. & hospital equipment Measuring instruments (incl. lab, medical use) Motor vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. Other goods 34,049 477,673 11,304 113 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 465.8 0.1% 244.3 0.1% 13.2 0.0% 841.1 5.5% 96.8 0.6% 1,377.3 0.4% 28.9 0.0% 9.7 0.0% Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. In USD 1000 IAEA USD 1000 IFAD % of total USD 1000 ILO % of total USD 1000 ITC % of total USD 1000 ITU % of total USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Construction, engineering and architectural services 1,375,953 22,548.0 1.6% Agriculture and forestry 13,321 2.4 0.0% Minral resources, mining 1,668 Energy resources 4,745 Water resources 6,133 Environmental management & protection Building & machinery maintenance & repair 234.4 0.0% 3,924.4 0.3% 8.9 0.0% 6,319.0 2.0% 572.8 0.2% 752.7 12.3% 48,445 1,611.3 3.3% 0.6 0.0% 313,737 7,426.0 2.4% 3,698.8 1.2% 87,021 82.2 0.1% 39.8 0.0% 285,768 746.7 0.3% 0.5 0.0% 66,221 7.2 0.0% 163,016 96.7 0.1% 65,305 550.6 0.8% 7,911.6 12.1% Management services & consultancy 157,294 6,236.0 4.0% 1,426.3 0.9% HR, consultants and project staff 519,962 52.4 0.0% 1,594.2 0.3% 17.5 0.0% 198.1 0.0% Leasing & rental services 255,748 1,850.3 0.7% 9,719.5 3.8% 4,624.4 1.8% 532.1 0.2% Security services 44,225 216.3 0.5% 1,083.4 2.4% 284.3 0.6% Conference organizing, hotel & catering services 95,648 440.1 0.5% 1,853.9 1.9% 165.9 0.2% 2,384,521 144.5 0.0% 320.7 0.0% 1,343.5 0.1% 33.6 0.0% Communications services 97,133 115.0 0.1% 1,788.3 1.8% 1,326.3 1.4% 40.1 0.0% Training 87,692 3,444.9 3.9% 1,514.3 1.7% 15,320.3 17.5% 501.5 0.6% 184,328 4,498.0 2.4% 408.8 0.2% 878.3 0.5% Research, development and quality control 16,788 1,156.8 6.9% Product related services 26,356 1,042.9 4.0% 260.8 Printing, publishing services 54,065 837.5 1.5% 760.7 Industrial/Manufacturing services 18,680 Politics, peace keeping and mine action services 130,839 33.6 0.0% 8,079 6.4 0.1% Education 13,306 64.4 0.5% Health control, disease prevention 85,361 152.9 0.2% 74,647 91.6 0.1% 17,111 0.1 0.0% Urban, rural & regional development 39,632 151.7 Other services 64,979 Trade & business services Travel & tourism Legal services Financial services, insurance, accountancy/audit Technical studies Transport services Computer & IT services Public utilities, water, electricity supply Social & populaton science, translation Humanitarian aid and desaster prevention UN grand total* 13,797,171 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the above c 114 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 4.2% 454.3 0.2% 18.0 0.0% 1,132.2 0.7% 5,498.2 3.0% 16.3 0.1% 1.0% 1,117.0 4.2% 1.4% 2,948.2 5.5% 2,368.4 12.7% 135,677.9 Total goods & services by agency 6,840.0 425.2 0.5% 13.2 0.0% 248.1 1.3% 6.4 0.0% 2,010.6 24.9% 4,045.8 1,853.9 22.9% 689.8 215.8 3.1% 32.8 0.4% 5.2% 0.3% 16,436.2 22.0% 218.9 0.3% 0.4% 13,218.5 33.4% 1.0% 47,264.7 0.3% 85,133.8 0.6% 5,032.3 0.0% 1,718.4 0.0% Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. In USD 1000 OPCW USD 1000 % of total UNDP USD 1000 UNESCO % of total USD 1000 % of total UNFPA USD 1000 UNHCR % of total USD 1000 % of total GOODS Agricultural & forestry products 47,769 5,377.3 11.3% Inorganic minerals 24,197 1,465.4 Energy - Utilities 2,860 Food & Nutrition 1,307,826 Beverages Textiles, incl. clothing, tents, blankets, mosquito nets etc. Wood, timber for shelters etc. 13,281 Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 195,322 Petroleum & fuel products 299,643 Chemical products, incl. demining explosives, fertilisers, resins Pharmaceuticals & vaccines Detergents, paints, toners, a.o. chemicals Tyres, tubes & pipes a.o. rubber & plastic products Construction material: cement, bricks, glass Furniture 4,514.7 44.0 0.8% 32.9 0.0% 8,966.3 2.4% 440.9 7.9% 464.1 3.5% 6,588.4 3.4% 14,354.2 4.8% 11,382.7 1,184,084 1.0% 78,039.2 20.5% 2,864.7 1.5% 2,704.6 1.4% 1.0% 88,984.9 7.5% 2,339.3 13.6% 17,167 120.2 0.5% 25,708 183,554 0.3% 164.4 2.9% 2,920.0 1.5% 20,410.7 6.8% 2,235.1 0.2% 3,798.9 10.3% 36,942 24,085 12,666.3 6.1% 356.2 17.5% 380,670 5,603 3.5% 1,144.6 40.0% 2,030 Footwear a.o. leather products 1,651.2 83.7 0.0% 4,536.5 26.4% 2,488.4 10.3% 1,319.2 5.1% 17,489.8 9.5% 11,381.9 44.3% 1,407.3 0.8% 31,186.0 17.0% Equipment for gymnasiums, schools 4,447 648.3 14.6% 1,384.6 31.1% Prefabricated buildings 4,122 1,523.1 36.9% 1,706.9 41.4% 9,623.8 25.4% 3,842.3 10.2% 3,869.6 6.3% 8,159.9 13.3% 6,170.0 5.9% 3,101.9 3.0% 9,391.8 16.7% 483.9 0.9% Security & safety equipment 37,855 Steel & metal products 61,339 Pumps, engines, lifting & cold chain equipment Construction & agricultural machinery & tools Machinery for food & textile industry 104,740 31.9 0.1% 70.2 0.1% 56,129 3,761 76.6 2.0% 1,959.4 52.1% Machinery, special purpose, incl. ODS 30,877 Office machinery 15,326 129.2 0.8% 5,616.2 36.6% 339,410 285.5 0.1% 74,246.2 21.9% 96,413 0.5 0.0% 14,441.6 15.0% Computer & IT equipment, incl. software Electric motors, generators a.o. electrical equipment Telecommunication equipment, incl. radio & satellite Audio visual equipment Medical, lab. & hospital equipment Measuring instruments (incl. lab, medical use) Motor vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. Other goods 9,176.9 29.7% 11,468.4 123,062 149.2 0.0% 11,304 115 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 48,947.7 13.3% 1,787.3 34,049 477,673 2,778.0 0.8% 5,637.6 755.2 1.7% 0.6% 6,693.6 19.3% 34,703 367,640 9.3% 1,930.8 12.6% 45.9 0.0% 11,366.7 3.3% 5,704.8 5.9% 5,202.7 4.2% 308.7 0.9% 21,201.3 5.8% 3,079.5 0.8% 10,913.4 2.3% 28,117.1 5.9% 5.2% 60,943.6 12.8% Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. OPCW In USD 1000 USD 1000 % of total UNDP USD 1000 UNESCO % of total USD 1000 % of total UNFPA USD 1000 UNHCR % of total USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Construction, engineering and architectural services 1,375,953 146,956.3 10.7% Agriculture and forestry 13,321 7,574.3 56.9% Minral resources, mining 1,668 1,479.9 88.7% Energy resources 4,745 2,549.9 53.7% Water resources 6,133 2,014.0 32.8% 48,445 9,989.4 20.6% Environmental management & protection Building & machinery maintenance & repair Trade & business services Travel & tourism Legal services Financial services, insurance, accountancy/audit 252.7 0.1% 313,737 33,186.1 10.6% 87,021 73,657.2 84.6% 285,768 147,224.3 51.5% 66,221 59,022.4 89.1% 30.5 0.0% 163,016 34,613.8 53.0% Management services & consultancy 157,294 95,425.7 60.7% HR, consultants and project staff 519,962 397,578.5 76.5% Leasing & rental services 255,748 2,120.6 0.8% 53,710.3 21.0% Security services 44,225 45.7 0.1% 9,762.4 22.1% Conference organizing, hotel & catering services 95,648 266.0 0.3% 54,592.6 57.1% 2,384,521 138.8 0.0% 34,464.2 Communications services 97,133 139.4 0.1% 36,050.9 37.1% Training 87,692 150.3 0.2% 18,266.4 20.8% 184,328 293.6 0.2% Transport services Computer & IT services 12,265.1 3.9% 259.2 0.1% 659.1 0.2% 8,161.9 5.0% 181.6 0.3% 47,710.4 16.7% 18,774.0 28.7% 73,634.9 14.2% 5,845.8 8,106.8 18.3% 8,875.4 9.1% 46,105.0 25.0% 12,879.1 7.0% 468.3 2.8% 5,093.7 19.3% Printing, publishing services 54,065 26,183.5 48.4% Industrial/Manufacturing services 18,680 6,357.0 34.0% Politics, peace keeping and mine action services 130,839 6,547.2 14,721.8 15.4% 8,205.6 0.3% 10,409.5 39.5% 3,912.9 7.2% 5,737.0 10.6% 5.0% 39,046.1 29.8% 1,862.4 23.1% 1,527.6 18.9% 2,891.3 21.7% Education 13,306 8,600.6 64.6% Health control, disease prevention 85,361 37,955.9 44.5% 74,647 28,389.7 38.0% 17,111 15,712.4 91.8% Urban, rural & regional development 39,632 21,440.9 54.1% Other services 64,979 4,799.1 6.4% 3,100.6 3.6% 694.7 0.9% 2.0% 406,634.5 2.9% 38,891.7 59.9% 4,649.4 0.0% 1,819,360.5 13.2% 106,165.7 Total goods & services by agency 2.3% 1.4% 26,356 UN grand total* 2.3% 33,506.5 Product related services Social & populaton science, translation Humanitarian aid and desaster prevention 32,138.7 1.4% 11,900.9 70.9% 142.0 1.8% 0.1% 4.6% 16,788 8,079 1,529.1 4,406.2 Research, development and quality control Public utilities, water, electricity supply 0.5% 36,094.7 22.1% 65,305 Technical studies 7,158.4 13,797,171 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the above c 116 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 0.8% 274,526.3 Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. In USD 1000 UNICEF USD 1000 UNIDO % of total USD 1000 % of total UNOG USD 1000 UNON % of total USD 1000 % of total UNOPS USD 1000 % of total GOODS Agricultural & forestry products 47,769 Inorganic minerals 24,197 Energy - Utilities 2,860 Food & Nutrition 1,307,826 Beverages Textiles, incl. clothing, tents, blankets, mosquito nets etc. 796.5 67,339.2 1.7% 0.0% 440.4 0.9% 501.1 1.0% 9.1 0.0% 354.7 1.5% 2,272.8 9.4% 198.4 0.0% 5.1% 2,030 380,670 17.3 247,907.9 65.1% 0.7 0.0% 67.0 3.3% 26.9 1.3% 1,185.4 0.3% 403.4 0.1% 20,020.9 5.3% Footwear a.o. leather products 5,603 44.1 0.8% 56.3 1.0% 9.5 0.2% Wood, timber for shelters etc. 13,281 67.7 0.5% 10.6 0.1% 59.7 0.4% 91.9 0.0% 2,174.0 Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 195,322 Petroleum & fuel products 299,643 Chemical products, incl. demining explosives, fertilisers, resins Pharmaceuticals & vaccines Detergents, paints, toners, a.o. chemicals Tyres, tubes & pipes a.o. rubber & plastic products Construction material: cement, bricks, glass Furniture 7,955.5 2.7% 36,942 6,153.6 16.7% 1,184,084 983,949.0 83.1% 1,256.8 3.4% 17,167 24,085 4,960.7 20.6% 1,004.0 7.6% 1.1% 4,267.6 2.2% 86.5 0.0% 10,754.3 3.6% 3,915.7 1.3% 15.2 0.0% 3,004.7 8.1% 46.2 0.0% 72,727.7 6.1% 95.2 0.6% 87.6 0.5% 219.4 1.3% 138.3 0.6% 219.4 0.9% 925.4 3.8% 86.7 0.2% 25,708 18.6 0.1% 6.0 0.0% 711.2 2.8% 1,013.4 3.9% 183,554 95.3 0.1% 1,239.3 0.7% 595.4 0.3% 11,077.4 6.0% 7.3 0.2% 9.2 0.2% 23.8 0.5% Equipment for gymnasiums, schools 4,447 Prefabricated buildings 4,122 Security & safety equipment 37,855 Steel & metal products 61,339 Pumps, engines, lifting & cold chain equipment Construction & agricultural machinery & tools 134,350.2 68.8% 1,708.6 30.5% 423.4 10.3% 808.3 2.1% 181.8 0.5% 7,398.6 19.5% 416.3 0.7% 865.9 1.4% 3.8 0.0% 2,223.3 3.6% 104,740 65,323.1 62.4% 1,524.2 1.5% 322.6 0.3% 655.6 0.6% 1,873.1 1.8% 56,129 19,226.4 34.3% 738.3 1.3% 173.3 0.3% 1,224.0 2.2% 1,055.8 1.9% 3,761 1,148.9 30.5% 25.1 0.7% 187.3 5.0% Machinery, special purpose, incl. ODS 30,877 16,395.6 53.1% 575.0 1.9% Office machinery 15,326 Machinery for food & textile industry Computer & IT equipment, incl. software Electric motors, generators a.o. electrical equipment Telecommunication equipment, incl. radio & satellite Audio visual equipment Medical, lab. & hospital equipment Measuring instruments (incl. lab, medical use) Motor vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. Other goods 339,410 59,715.6 17.6% 3,915.7 12.7% 0.1 0.0% 125.3 0.8% 875.4 1,831.7 0.5% 6,832.0 2.0% 3,533.3 1.0% 5.7% 34,732.5 10.2% 96,413 2,390.2 2.5% 801.5 0.8% 1,148.2 1.2% 2,031.8 2.1% 3,500.4 3.6% 123,062 9,306.2 7.6% 95.3 0.1% 1,249.0 1.0% 726.5 0.6% 3,507.4 2.9% 35.0 0.1% 349.0 1.0% 2,092.2 6.0% 1,908.6 5.5% 1,722.2 0.5% 458.3 0.1% 1,176.8 0.3% 156,495.7 42.6% 194.3 0.6% 167.5 0.5% 1,115.4 0.2% 3,916.7 0.8% 34,703 367,640 94,083.2 25.6% 34,049 477,673 11,304 117 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 42,251.8 8.8% 782.4 2.3% 547.8 0.1% 100,890.3 21.1% Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. UNICEF In USD 1000 USD 1000 UNIDO % of total USD 1000 % of total UNOG USD 1000 UNON % of total USD 1000 % of total UNOPS USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Construction, engineering and architectural services 1,375,953 991.5 0.1% 5,891.8 0.4% 7,805.0 0.6% 210,715.6 15.3% Agriculture and forestry 13,321 390.0 2.9% 7.3 0.1% 1,840.1 13.8% Minral resources, mining 1,668 Energy resources 4,745 Water resources 6,133 Environmental management & protection Building & machinery maintenance & repair Trade & business services Travel & tourism Legal services Financial services, insurance, accountancy/audit 141.8 8.5% 1,076.0 22.7% 287.8 0.4% 4.7% 9,793.5 20.2% 48,445 21.2 95.7 0.2% 814.2 1.7% 46.3 2.8% 61.3 1.3% 384.4 6.3% 17,874.8 36.9% 313,737 216.2 0.1% 17,982.7 5.7% 1,612.2 0.5% 6,204.2 2.0% 87,021 1,082.0 1.2% 1,021.6 1.2% 402.6 0.5% 4,899.4 5.6% 285,768 92.5 0.0% 23,690.7 8.3% 212.5 0.1% 13,187.1 4.6% 2,539.0 3.8% 80.4 0.1% 2,956.7 1.8% 2,101.1 3.2% 66,221 163,016 617.3 0.4% 1,627.7 1.0% 65,305 438.8 0.7% 53.8 0.1% Management services & consultancy 157,294 5,128.6 3.3% 1,064.9 0.7% 411.4 0.3% 5,933.4 3.8% HR, consultants and project staff 519,962 906.4 0.2% 434.5 0.1% 11,013.7 2.1% Leasing & rental services 255,748 11,679.2 4.6% 702.8 0.3% 10,592.8 4.1% 2,162.1 4.9% Technical studies 158.5 0.1% 756.8 0.5% Security services 44,225 Conference organizing, hotel & catering services 95,648 200.6 0.2% 1,077.0 1.1% 2,089.3 2.2% 7,138.3 7.5% 2,384,521 143.2 0.0% 98.0 0.0% 254.6 0.0% 13,090.1 0.5% Communications services 97,133 98.7 0.1% 2,711.3 2.8% 770.8 0.8% 5,427.8 5.6% Training 87,692 1,315.0 1.5% 1,313.7 1.5% 184,328 2,350.0 1.3% 4,786.6 2.6% 266.0 0.1% Research, development and quality control 16,788 64.1 0.4% 21.1 0.1% 78.9 0.5% Product related services 26,356 267.5 1.0% 3,580.2 13.6% 8.9 0.0% 1,142.0 4.3% Printing, publishing services 54,065 44.2 0.1% 1,266.9 2.3% 1,699.3 3.1% 2,175.7 4.0% Industrial/Manufacturing services 18,680 173.3 0.9% Politics, peace keeping and mine action services 130,839 69.5 0.1% 8,079 128.3 1.6% 1.3 0.0% 444.4 5.5% Education 13,306 3.9 0.0% 50.8 0.4% 199.4 1.5% Health control, disease prevention 85,361 28.7 0.0% 209.2 0.2% 2,548.8 3.0% 871.9 1.2% 379.5 0.5% 1,807.2 2.4% 44.4 0.3% 1,312.4 7.7% 19.0 0.0% 1,372.6 3.5% 0.8% 44,892.6 0.3% 871,481.7 6.3% Transport services Computer & IT services Public utilities, water, electricity supply Social & populaton science, translation Humanitarian aid and desaster prevention 0.3% 17,111 Urban, rural & regional development 39,632 Other services 64,979 60.4 0.2% 6,602.1 3.6% 2,192.9 13.1% 78,833.3 60.3% 8,286.8 12.8% 1,754,007.7 12.7% 53,439.6 Total goods & services by agency UN grand total* 233.5 74,647 14,463.8 16.5% 13,797,171 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the above c 118 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 0.4% 104,252.7 Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. In USD 1000 UNOV USD 1000 % of total UNPD USD 1000 UNU % of total USD 1000 UNV % of total USD 1000 UNWRA % of total USD 1000 % of total GOODS Agricultural & forestry products 47,769 877.3 1.8% Inorganic minerals 24,197 19,998.5 82.6% 23,714.3 49.6% 53.3 0.2% 23.4 0.8% Energy - Utilities 2,860 Food & Nutrition 1,307,826 173,284.1 13.2% 82,513.8 6.3% 2,030 1,529.7 75.4% 13.5 0.7% 380,670 15,747.5 4.1% 2,748.5 0.7% Footwear a.o. leather products 5,603 319.1 5.7% 2,592.4 46.3% Wood, timber for shelters etc. 13,281 11,178.4 84.2% Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 195,322 10,984.7 5.6% Petroleum & fuel products 299,643 215,825.2 36,942 Beverages Textiles, incl. clothing, tents, blankets, mosquito nets etc. Chemical products, incl. demining explosives, fertilisers, resins Pharmaceuticals & vaccines Detergents, paints, toners, a.o. chemicals Tyres, tubes & pipes a.o. rubber & plastic products Construction material: cement, bricks, glass Furniture 273.5 2.1% 7,401.2 3.8% 72.0% 4,449.3 1.5% 893.2 2.4% 1,449.5 3.9% 1,184,084 4,007.6 0.3% 17,716.2 1.5% 17,167 6,927.4 40.4% 766.1 4.5% 24,085 13,933.0 57.8% 963.1 4.0% 25,708 9,340.9 36.3% 50.3 0.2% 176.5 0.7% 183,554 94,664.0 51.6% 5.5 0.0% 2,702.1 1.5% 57.2 0.0% 6.3 0.0% Equipment for gymnasiums, schools 4,447 2,284.8 51.4% Prefabricated buildings 4,122 468.8 11.4% 562.2 1.5% 35.6 0.1% 48.1 0.1% 16.1 0.0% 2,291.4 3.7% 22.4% 715.4 0.7% 19.5% 503.0 0.9% 157.7 4.2% 255.0 0.8% 478.3 3.1% 3,606.2 1.1% 1,491.7 1.5% 669.8 0.5% 616.1 1.8% 3,626.6 1.0% Security & safety equipment 37,855 Steel & metal products 61,339 41,251.1 67.3% 104,740 23,489.0 56,129 10,951.7 Pumps, engines, lifting & cold chain equipment Construction & agricultural machinery & tools Machinery for food & textile industry 3,761 Machinery, special purpose, incl. ODS 30,877 Office machinery 15,326 Computer & IT equipment, incl. software Electric motors, generators a.o. electrical equipment Telecommunication equipment, incl. radio & satellite Audio visual equipment Medical, lab. & hospital equipment Measuring instruments (incl. lab, medical use) Motor vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. Other goods 304.0 1.0% 2,672.4 17.4% 45.3 0.3% 236.3 0.1% 339,410 4,425.8 1.3% 90,299.9 26.6% 96,413 309.5 0.3% 55,723.9 57.8% 123,062 681.5 0.6% 72,273.9 58.7% 17.2 0.0% 34,703 18,228.8 52.5% 58.4 0.2% 367,640 6,842.2 1.9% 6.0 0.0% 382.1 0.1% 73.7 0.2% 34,049 605.0 1.8% 5,096.9 15.0% 886.2 2.6% 477,673 1,011.7 0.2% 170,038.4 35.6% 4,093.1 0.9% 11,304 119 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. In USD 1000 UNOV USD 1000 % of total UNPD USD 1000 UNU % of total USD 1000 UNV % of total USD 1000 UNWRA % of total USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Construction, engineering and architectural services 1,375,953 2,917.9 0.2% 860,449.9 62.5% 563.5 4.2% 36,994.9 2.7% 8,681.5 2.8% 7,224.7 4.4% 8,772.9 5.4% 944.5 0.2% 1,030.0 0.2% 3,390.9 1.3% 691.9 0.7% 574.5 0.0% 459.0 0.5% 381.5 0.4% 201.7 0.2% 2,386.5 2.7% 355.0 0.2% 674.9 0.4% 46.6 0.2% 0.8 0.0% 81.4 0.2% 528.9 1.0% 1,323.5 1.0% Agriculture and forestry 13,321 Minral resources, mining 1,668 Energy resources 4,745 955.0 20.1% Water resources 6,133 2,633.9 42.9% 48,445 7,639.6 15.8% 7.0 0.0% 313,737 109,826.9 35.0% 238.5 0.1% 98.3 0.0% 87,021 1,715.4 2.0% 285,768 50,133.6 17.5% 271.4 0.1% 924.2 0.3% 66,221 4,553.9 6.9% 163,016 70,198.7 43.1% 65,305 641.8 1.0% Management services & consultancy 157,294 37,200.1 23.6% HR, consultants and project staff 519,962 Leasing & rental services 255,748 107,565.5 42.1% 57.5 0.0% Security services 44,225 15,611.0 35.3% 69.4 0.2% Conference organizing, hotel & catering services 95,648 6,921.0 7.2% 7.7 0.0% 1,005,471.2 42.2% 1.6 0.0% 160.7 0.2% Environmental management & protection Building & machinery maintenance & repair Trade & business services Travel & tourism Legal services Financial services, insurance, accountancy/audit Technical studies Transport services 8,794.2 1.7% 234.4 0.2% 2,384,521 Communications services 97,133 414.5 0.4% 32,044.8 33.0% Training 87,692 299.2 0.3% 7,378.8 8.4% 184,328 39,193.5 21.3% Research, development and quality control 16,788 -56.2 -0.3% Product related services 26,356 2,870.8 10.9% Printing, publishing services 54,065 4,877.8 9.0% Industrial/Manufacturing services 18,680 9,349.3 50.0% Politics, peace keeping and mine action services 130,839 925.2 0.7% Computer & IT services Public utilities, water, electricity supply 8,079 796.8 1.5% -813.9 -10.1% Education 13,306 805.8 6.1% Health control, disease prevention 85,361 25,666.5 30.1% 74,647 5,239.2 7.0% 17,111 41.5 0.2% Urban, rural & regional development 39,632 2,433.7 6.1% Other services 64,979 Social & populaton science, translation Humanitarian aid and desaster prevention UN grand total* 13,797,171 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the above c 120 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 67.0 0.0% 23.3 0.0% 3.2 0.0% 57.6 0.7% 15,359.9 18.0% 16,537.2 25.5% 12,562.6 0.1% 3,488,416.4 Total goods & services by agency 123.8 0.1% 25.3% 10,355.9 0.1% 10,852.2 0.1% 267,078.8 1.9% Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. UPU In USD 1000 USD % of 1000 total WFP USD 1000 WIPO % of total USD 1000 WMO % of total USD 1000 % of total GOODS Agricultural & forestry products 47,769 Inorganic minerals 24,197 Energy - Utilities 2,860 Food & Nutrition 1,307,826 Beverages Textiles, incl. clothing, tents, blankets, mosquito nets etc. 28.0 0.0% 15,200.0 7.8% 1,121.4 0.6% 21,800.0 7.3% 1,184,084 12.1 0.0% 17,167 0.7 0.0% 463.0 1.8% 295.1 0.2% 67.7 1.5% 126.6 3.4% Books, paper, office stationery & supplies 195,322 Petroleum & fuel products 299,643 Furniture 25,708 183,554 Prefabricated buildings 4,122 Security & safety equipment 37,855 Steel & metal products 61,339 15,326 Measuring instruments (incl. lab, medical use) Motor vehicles & parts, incl. other transport equipm. Other goods 9.8% 27.7 0.0% 13,400.0 35.4% 3,761 Office machinery Medical, lab. & hospital equipment 18,000.0 56,129 30,877 Audio visual equipment 12.0 0.0% 104,740 Machinery, special purpose, incl. ODS Computer & IT equipment, incl. software Electric motors, generators a.o. electrical equipment Telecommunication equipment, incl. radio & satellite 225.4 0.1% 24,085 4,447 Machinery for food & textile industry 15.5 0.0% 36,942 Equipment for gymnasiums, schools Pumps, engines, lifting & cold chain equipment Construction & agricultural machinery & tools 1.2% 1.3% 13,281 Pharmaceuticals & vaccines 25.1 5,000.0 Wood, timber for shelters etc. 1.6 0.0% 965,193.3 73.8% 380,670 5,603 Detergents, paints, toners, a.o. chemicals Tyres, tubes & pipes a.o. rubber & plastic products Construction material: cement, bricks, glass 0.0% 1,674.5 58.5% 2,030 Footwear a.o. leather products Chemical products, incl. demining explosives, fertilisers, resins 1.8 16.2 0.1% 339,410 166.4 0.0% 2,659.6 0.8% 48.7 0.0% 34,703 285.4 0.8% 367,640 13.3 0.0% 646.1 0.2% 96,413 123,062 16,000.0 13.0% 2,589.7 7.6% 34,049 477,673 136.2 0.0% 11,304 121 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 43,000.0 9.0% 10,000.0 88.5% 65.4 0.0% 1,179.4 10.4% WTO USD 1000 % of total Agency Share by Category of Goods and Services Goods & services procured by UN agency Total by cat. UPU In USD 1000 USD % of 1000 total WFP USD 1000 WIPO % of total USD 1000 WMO % of total USD 1000 % of total WTO USD 1000 % of total SERVICES Construction, engineering and architectural services 1,375,953 Agriculture and forestry 13,321 Minral resources, mining 1,668 Energy resources 4,745 Water resources 6,133 Environmental management & protection Building & machinery maintenance & repair Trade & business services Travel & tourism Legal services Financial services, insurance, accountancy/audit Technical studies 31,600.0 2.3% 13.2 0.0% 48,445 313,737 35,600.0 11.3% 945.1 0.3% 87,021 285,768 1,101.2 0.4% 66,221 163,016 14,700.0 9.0% 1,092.9 0.7% 3,486.4 2.2% 109.2 0.1% 1,403.7 0.9% 65,305 Management services & consultancy 157,294 HR, consultants and project staff 519,962 22,700.0 Leasing & rental services 255,748 32,500.0 12.7% Security services 44,225 Conference organizing, hotel & catering services 95,648 Transport services 50,031.0 15.9% 2,384,521 4.4% 1,273,025.4 53.4% 49.0 0.0% 8,409.5 3.3% 273.5 0.1% 6,238.0 14.1% 351.7 0.8% 220.8 0.5% 156.3 0.2% 42.8 0.0% 198.2 0.2% 12.0 0.0% 885.2 0.0% 962.5 1.0% 2.3 0.0% Communications services 97,133 Training 87,692 17,500.0 20.0% 1,005.5 1.1% 98.8 0.1% 184,328 33,000.0 17.9% 12,849.8 7.0% 981.3 0.5% Computer & IT services Research, development and quality control 16,788 Product related services 26,356 Printing, publishing services 54,065 Industrial/Manufacturing services 18,680 Politics, peace keeping and mine action services 130,839 Public utilities, water, electricity supply 13,306 Health control, disease prevention 85,361 Social & populaton science, translation Humanitarian aid and desaster prevention 74,647 101.5 0.2% 483.9 0.9% 696.3 1.3% 411.1 5.1% 71.8 0.1% 15,355.5 20.6% 89.0 0.1% 17,111 Urban, rural & regional development 39,632 Other services 64,979 935.2 330.2 0.0% 2,568,218.7 18.6% 109,504.3 Total goods & services by agency UN grand total* 144.4 0.5% 8,079 Education 103.2 0.0% 13,797,171 *The UN grand total is not the total of the values listed in the above c 122 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement 2.4% 0.8% 7,615.4 0.1% 3,766.3 0.0% Major goods and supplies ordered by UN agencies ($30,000 or more) 123 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) ECLAC Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Denmark Mexico USA USA USA USA USA ASESORIAS INFO2000 LIMITADA BASH MUEBLES DE OFICINA LTDA. CHILECTRA S.A. DEMARKA S.A. ELEVAIR S.A. EMC CHILE S.A. PHILIPS CHILENA S.A. R Y C SERVICIOS COMPUTACIONALES REXEL ELECTRA S.A. RICARDO RODRIGUEZ Y CIA. LTDA. ROLEC COMERCIAL E INDUSTRIAL S.A. SKC MAQUINARIAS S.A. VENTAS Y SERVICIOS DONOSO LTDA. WC COVERS Y CIA LTDA. OSCAR MANUEL GONZALEZ GALVEZ DAN:OFFICE APS INDUSTRIAS RIVIERA, S.A. DE C.V. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. HUDSON BAY ENVIRONMENTS LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION SOMES WORLD WIDE UNIFORMS SOFTWARE APPLICATION PACKAGES FURNITURE, OFFICE, OTHER THAN CHA TRANSFORMERS, ELECTRICAL SECURITY AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT SAFETY EQUIPMENT PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACC LIGHTING EQUIPMENT, PARTS THEREO MICRO-COMPUTERS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, PARTS AND A EXPENDABLES FOR USE WITH EDP EQU ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, PARTS AND A DERRIKS, CRANES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, N.E.C. TOILET TISSUE STOCK, MISCELLANEUOS FOOTWEAR, SAFETY MICRO-COMPUTERS FURNITURE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION OR CONTR FURNITURE, OFFICE, OTHER THAN CHA MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS CLOTHING OF TEXTILE MATERIALS 60,857.05 31,703.30 71,634.74 46,108.49 45,176.93 189,051.00 35,602.46 54,369.06 33,155.45 51,507.26 77,746.42 35,105.00 33,787.01 111,648.16 665,822.07 156,611.18 47,522.29 233,737.42 161,210.05 49,551.00 58,064.00 45,070.47 ESCAP Denmark Denmark Singapore Switzerland Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America DAN: Office UNOPS (UNWEBBUY) STRATECH SYSTEMS LIMITED F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE LTD. ASA FURNITURE CO., LTD. AV TECH SYSTEMS CO., LTD. B. GRIMM TRADING CORPORATION LTD. BOATBOOK STATIONERY CO., LTD. BURKE CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. CHM SYSTEMS LTD. CHM SYSTEMS LTD. CREATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS CO., LTD. CREATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS CO., LTD. FAIR & EASY CO., LTD. FIRST INTER BUSINESS LTD. FIRST INTER BUSINESS LTD. FIRST INTER BUSINESS LTD. GLOBAL FLEET SALES CO., LTD. INTER FAR EAST ENGINEERING PUBLIC CO., LTD. IT TECHCOM CO., LTD. IT TECHCOM CO., LTD. METRO SYSTEMS CORP. PUBLIC CO., LTD. METRO SYSTEMS CORP. PUBLIC CO., LTD. OTIS ELEVATOR CO. (THAILAND) LTD. PATARARUNGROJ LTD., PART. PATARARUNGROJ LTD., PART. PIYA SIGN ADVERTISING CO., LTD. RICOH (THAILAND) LTD. ROCKWORTH PUBLIC CO., LTD. SOLARTRON PUBLIC CO., LTD. T.R. ENTERPRISE TYCO FIRE, SECURITY & SERVICE (THAILAND) LTD. TYCO FIRE, SECURITY & SERVICE (THAILAND) LTD. VAN INTERTRADE CO., LTD. VANGUARD SOLUTIONS (THAILAND) CO., LTD. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. WAN optimizers LWB Vehicle for representational use in Almaty, Kazakhstan Software Upgrade for UVSS TAMIFLU, Capsules 75 mg Renovation of ESCAP Hall BARCO SLMR12 projector w/ installation&dismantling Circuit Breakers Stationery and office supplies Motorized roller blinds Ergonomic chairs Ergonomic chairs Chairs for the meeting rooms in UNCC Meeting room chairs TOYOTA Ventury: Official vehicle for ASD Rack Mount Servers and Rack for IMCTS Rack Mount Servers and Rack for COE-INSPIRA Servers for EPOC, UNLP Project & SRO-Inchoen LAND ROVER: Official vehicle for SSS Heavy-duty and medium-duty multifunction photocopiers Rack Mount Server Server and Host Bus Adapter card and installation Sofware license - VMware vSphere 4 Enterprise Plus and maintenance suppport VMware Software and maintenance support Supply and installation of passenger elevator Mobile Microphone System UNCC Theatre AV improvement Provision of Roof signage at the UNCC RICOH model PRO 907EX Office furniture for SRO - New Delhi Solar panels and Grid Tie Inverters Printing of Survey 2009 Provision of fire alarm and smoke detection devices Additional equipment involving CCTV for th ePACT Project LCD Projectors, related equipment and accessories Rectangular table for Meeting Room H and Public Foyer CISCO Equipment for UNFCCC Infrastructure CISCO (Network Upgrade Equipment) CISCO Network equipment for SRO - Incheon CISCO Network equipment for EPOC CISCO Network equipment for IMCTS EMC Virtual Tape Library EMC Virtual Tape Library and Storage Disk 2009 EMC Data Storage Equipment Supply and installation of EMC SAN and Backup System-2009 Supply and installation of EMC products-2009 PC LENOVO ThinkCentre M58 for IMCTS LENOVO ThinkCentre M58 + Flat panel Monitor LENOVO Desktops and Notebook for CMU 41,678.00 43,942.19 53,500.00 47,712.18 50,629.12 65,817.85 37,747.15 36,867.88 43,219.32 31,500.00 56,755.00 66,585.84 59,077.29 44,038.35 88,915.52 56,470.94 54,074.30 38,640.00 125,158.78 44,608.18 69,349.78 43,403.00 48,052.73 62,432.60 64,510.61 30,370.71 42,578.79 44,953.86 82,487.65 89,874.17 33,092.05 74,255.23 48,981.43 189,574.60 54,526.74 333,361.00 159,795.80 61,983.12 47,250.38 288,632.46 78,901.00 139,184.00 115,488.00 65,797.00 68,516.00 152,400.00 101,600.00 33,348.00 ESCWA Denmark Iraq Italy Japan Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Netherlands UAE USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Dan Office Al Thakira for IT & Software Co. LTD Intertrade International Services Srl Toyota Motor Corporation B.C.L. LUXUS Compu World Fairco Ladkani Office Solutions Midware Data Systems Midware Data Systems Midware Data Systems Mouawad Paper Co. A.B. Dick Golden Arrow Enterprises CISCO Systems Inc. CITRIX Systems Inc. CITRIX Systems Inc. CITRIX Systems Inc. CITRIX Systems Inc. Globecomm Systems Inc. Globecomm Systems Inc. Laser Printers & Digital Senders Printers for ICTEI Projrct in Iraq Diesel 10KVA Generators Toyota Land Cruiser 2010 Toner Supplies Notebooks and Docking Stations A4 Photocopying Paper Photocopiers HP Servers HP Blade Servers HP Blade Servers Provision of Printing Paper Supplies for Ryobi Offset Printing Machines Office Furniturte CISCO Equipment Citrix XenDesktop 3.0 license Citrix 9010 + XenApp 4.5 + Access Gateway + Citrix NS HA Gold Support Citrix 9010 + XenApp 4.5 + Access Gateway + Citrix NS HA Gold Support Citrix 9010 + XenApp 4.5 + Access Gateway + Citrix NS HA Gold Support Satalite Equipment Satalite Equipment 46,270.00 31,470.00 105,080.17 37,895.31 37,374.23 47,720.00 38,160.00 38,672.44 45,790.00 50,248.00 93,216.00 33,575.00 42,204.41 33,150.00 42,753.20 33,040.00 63,923.44 69,972.94 69,972.94 43,539.67 42,615.00 FAO Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Belgium Belgium BARAKAT COMPANY LTD EKHLAS KABUL BROTHERS L.LTD GHULAM MUHAMMAD DIN CO LTD GHULAM MUHAMMAD DIN CO LTD AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT- IMPORT GMBH WINTERSTEIGER AG ACI GODREJ AGROVET PRIVATE LTD. ACI GODREJ AGROVET PRIVATE LTD. ASHRAF ENTERPRISE DJ AGRO LIMITED DJ AGRO LIMITED CEREAL TESTER SA DEMIMPEX-VRP Tractors 80-85 HP UREA DAP TO KABUL AFGHANISTAN OSRO/AFG/903/CHA - OSRO/AFG/904/NET Potassium chloride and single supe phosphate - UTF/TAJ/004/TAJ - TCEOI UREA and DAP TO TIRIN KOT, URUZGAN, AFGHANISTAN OSRO/AFG/903/CHA OSRO/AFG/904 Elisa Kits and Laboratory Supplies for Project TCP/SUD/3105 Diagnostic Kits for Egypt - OSRO/EGY/701/USA - TCEOE Real Time PCR for Jordan - Ai Emergency - OSRO//INT/603/USA-OSRO/RAB/701/SWE - TCEOE Diagnostic Kits for Egypt - Ai Emergency - OSRO/EGY/701/USA-OSRO/EGY/801/USA - TCEOE Real Time PCR for Nepal - AI EMERGENCY - UTF/NEP/061//NEP/B - TCEOE Primers & Probes for various detinations - AI EMERGENCY- OSRO/RAS/703/USA-704/SWE - TCEO PCR consumables & equip. for Yemen "Ai Emergency" - OSRO/RAB/701/SWE - TCEOE Diagnostic Kits (WFP-UNHRD Brindisi) - OSRO/INT/602/USA-OSRO/GLO/604/UK-OSRO/INT/604/U Laboratory equipment for Project TCP/MOL/3103 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES - OSRO/IRQ/707/UDG Laboratory Threshers and Seed Drills. feed for chicken and ducks only concentrate feed for goat and sheep FISHING GEAR BANGLADESH Chicken and ducks - OSRO/BGD/801/SPA - TCEOI LIVESTOCK (GOATS) - OSRO/BGD/801/SPA - TCEOI Seed testing laboratory equipment as per your offer for items 5 to 8 and spare parts. - UTF/LIB/026/L NISSAN PATROL GR - OSRO/GEO/802/USA - TCEOI 124 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 842,596.44 1,120,730.00 162,000.00 535,620.00 40,983.50 117,775.00 60,082.00 180,343.01 60,057.00 28,629.20 43,274.80 111,048.00 109,822.00 57,251.00 172,451.20 1,468,977.17 54,618.00 71,645.52 154,312.00 126,750.00 249,600.00 38,749.20 32,155.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier FAO continued Belgium Belgium Botswana Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burundi Burundi Cameroon China China China China China China China China, Hong Kong China, Hong Kong China, Hong Kong Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Egypt Egypt France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France Georgia Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Greece Greece Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Haiti India India India India India India India India India India India Indonesia Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) GARMIN BELUX VITO NV BOTSWANA VACCINE INSTITUTE (PTY) LTD CASALE EQUIPAMENTOS LTDA TRAMONTINA MULTI SA ZENITH ASSESSORIA EX IMPORTACAO E EXPORTACAO LTDA ZENITH ASSESSORIA EX IMPORTACAO E EXPORTACAO LTDA ZENITH ASSESSORIA EX IMPORTACAO E EXPORTACAO LTDA AMEFERT SOCIETE CHIMIQUE AGRICOLE BURKINABE - SCAB SOCIETE CHIMIQUE AGRICOLE BURKINABE - SCAB SOCIETE CHIMIQUE AGRICOLE BURKINABE - SCAB MISAGO SEBASTIEN NIYONGABO PRIME BIO FIELD AMEROPA (BEIJING) TRADING CO LTD DANDONG HUAYI ECONOMIC TRADE CORPORATION DANDONG HUAYI ECONOMIC TRADE CORPORATION DANDONG IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION DANDONG IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION DANDONG IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION DANDONG IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION PACIFIC CENTURY DYNAMIC LIMITED PACIFIC CENTURY DYNAMIC LIMITED PACIFIC CENTURY DYNAMIC LIMITED BUKKEHAVE LTD BUKKEHAVE LTD BUKKEHAVE LTD DANOFFICE DANOFFICE DANOFFICE DANOFFICE DANOFFICE INTER AGENCY PROCUREMENT SERVICES OFFICE KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S PLANSON EUROPE UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) RED SEA AUTOMOTIVE - SAZF GRANOS NACIONALES SA VITRO PLANTAS DEL CARIBE, S.A. ACMATIC AFRICAN MARKET COMPANY CPS - CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICES E3 CORTEX E3 CORTEX EUROFINS SCIENTIFIC ANALYTICS SAS FARMEX TECHNOLOGIES SARL FRARIMPEX SARL FRARIMPEX SARL GERMICOPA SA GERMICOPA SA NETAFIM FRANCE SAS SCPA SIVEX INTERNATIONAL SODEXA SA SYNBIOTICS EUROPE SAS YARA FRANCE YARA FRANCE YARA FRANCE YARA FRANCE AGRO GEORGIA G. LTD BEGI COMPANY LTD DOGAN LTD EUROMAP SATELLITENDANTEN-VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO KG GRUBE KG FORSTGERAETESTELLE LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY LABSCO GMBH & CO KG LABORATORY SUPPLY COMPANY WEM WIRTSCHAFTSSTELLE EVANGELISCHER MISSIONS GMBH WEM WIRTSCHAFTSSTELLE EVANGELISCHER MISSIONS GMBH EVROSILK EVROSILK AGROVESSA DISAGRO DE GUATEMALA SA SEMILLAS COSTA SUR SEMILLAS DE ZACAPA SA SEMILLAS SA GERLY DISTRIBUTION BELLSTONE HI-TECH INTERNATIONAL BRILLIANT BIO PHARMA LIMITED CHADHA SALES PRIVATE LTD CHADHA SALES PRIVATE LTD COMP ENGINEERING AND EXPORTS GLONET MARKETING PVT LTD OSAW AGRO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD OSAW AGRO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD OSAW AGRO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD OSAW AGRO INDUSTRIES PVT LTD TATA MOTORS LIMITED PT BAREKA DUTA KARSA AASTRA ITALIA SPA AASTRA ITALIA SPA AYNO VIDEOCONFERENZE SRL AYNO VIDEOCONFERENZE SRL AYNO VIDEOCONFERENZE SRL AYNO VIDEOCONFERENZE SRL CANTONI FERNANDA SRL CHIMICA OMNIA SRL CHIMICA OMNIA SRL DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA GPS Receivers for Project GCP/ETH/071/EC Spot vegetation data - NRCED Vaccines for Project OSRO/UGA/805/CHA Harvesting Equipment for Project TCP/MON/3103 Agricultural Hand Tools TRACTORS/SEEDERS Agricultural Machinery & Spare Parts for Project GCSP/DRK/003/ITA Planters, Seeders and Boom Sprayers for DPR-Korea - OSRO/DRK/801/NET - TCESO Fertilizer NPK for Project GCP/BKF/052/EC Urea for Project GCP/BKF/052/EC FERTILIZER UREA NPK 14-23-14 Forage seeds Bean Seeds Vegetable Seeds for Project OSRO/CAF/804/EC UREA FOR DPR KOREA - OSRO/DRK/902/CHA - TCESO FARM MACHINARIES TO SINUIJU, NORTH KOREA FARM MACHINARIES TO SINUIJU, NORTH KOREA OSRO/DRK/801/NET Spring Barley seeds - OSRO/DRK/803/CHA - TCESO SPINACH SEEDS - OSRO/DRK/803/CHA - TCESO VEGETABLE SEEDS - OSRO/DRK/803/CHA - TCESO GREENHOUSE QUALITY PLASTIC SHEETING ROLLS TO NORTH KOREA VEHICLE FOR PROJECT GCP/RAS/237/SPA Toyota Prado Vehicle for FAOR TOYOTA PICK UPS (VEHICLE) OSRO/VIE/801/USA Toyota Landcruiser for Project GCP/AFG/045/EC Toyota Landcruiser for Project TEMP/INT/859/MSC Toyota Landcruiser (Armoured Vehicle) for Project GCP/AFG/056/GER DESKTOP+LAPTOPS+DOCK KITS TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS IT EQUIPMENT FOR 5 IGAD LOCATIONS - GCP/INT/963/EC - AGALD HP PRINTERS TO VARIOUS LOCATIONS - OCDO Network equipment - OCDOD Juniper items - KCTUS Toyota Land Cruiser (Replaces PO 212834 raised with expired budget code) VEHICLE WITH CODAN RADIO FOR PROJECT OSRO/ETH/905/USA Toyota Vehicle for FAOR VEHICLE FOR PROJECT OSRO/DRC/907/BEL Motorcycles for Project TCP/LIR/3202 IT Equipment for Egypt - OSRO/EGY/701/USA - TCEOE Toyota Land Cruiser for Project GCP/NER/047/MUL Motorcycles for Project GCP/NER/047/MUL VEHICLE FOR PROJECT GCP/DRC/040/EC VEHICLE FOR PROJECT OSRO/DRC/907/BEL VEHICLE FOR PROJECT OSRO/DRC/901/ECH VEHICLE FOR PROJECT OSRO/DRC/906/UNJ VEHICLE FOR PROJECT OSRO/DRC/905/NET VEHICLE FOR PROJECT OSRO/DRC/914/UNJ VEHICLE FOR PROJECT OSRO/DRC/909/UNJ VEHICLE FOR PROJECT OSRO/DRC/912/UNJ Toyota Land Cruiser (Replaces POs 237205 and 230721) Vehicle for project GCP/ZAM/066/EC Vehicle for project OSRO/ZAM/901/NOR VEHICLE WITH CODAN RADIO FOR FAO ZAMBIA VEHICLE FOR FAO ETHIOPIA Bean seeds Icta Ligero VITROPLANTS (BANANIER) LAMINAR AIR FLOW AIR TYPE - OSRO/EGY/701/USA - TCEO Drugs & Vaccines for Eritrea - OSRO/ERI/801/CHA - TCEOA VEHICLE WITH RADIO FOR PROJECT EP/INT/606/GEF IATA boxes for 10 destinations - AI Emergency IATA boxes for 33 destinations. AI Emergency Analysis of pesticides for Project TCP/TUN/3102 Miscellaneous irrigation equipment (35 items) Animal Feed for project OSRO/GEO/802/USA DELTAMETHRIN TO NAMPO PORT, NORTH KOREA Potato seeds for Project OSRO/NER/802/BEl & OSRO/NER/901/LUX Potato seeds for OSRO/NER/904/CHA Irrigation Equipment for Project GCP/DRC/028/BEL Fertilizers - GCP/SIL/034/EC VEHICLE FOR FAO CHAD RAPID ANTIGEN KITS FOR 26 COUNTRIES FOR AVIAN FLU Fertilizer and NPK for Project TCP/TOG/3201 Fertilizer NPK for project OSRO/NER/904/CHA Fertilizer NPK for OSRO/NER/901/LUX Fertilizer Urea - GCP/LIR/014/EC NPK Fertilizer for Project OSRO/GEO/803/ITA Animal Feed for Project OSRO/GEO/802/USA Animal feed for Project OSRO/GEO/802/USA SATELLITE IMAGERY - FOIMD LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR PROJECT OSRO/ETH/601/MUL Laboratory Equipment - OSRO/EGY/801/USA - TCEOE Fish Laboratory Equipment - Iraq - OSRO/IRQ/704/UDG WATER PUMP FOR PROJECT TCP/SEY/3201 Laboratory Equipment and Supplies for Project TCP/IVC/6702 Laboratory Equipment for Project TCP/DOM/3202 Laboratory Equip. for Georgia - AI Emergency - TCP/GEO/3103 -TCEOE Poultry related equipment for Etritrea - OSRO/ERI/801/CHA - TCEOA Toyota Landcruiser for Project TCP/ZIM/3201 Nissan Station Wagon for Project OSRO/ZIM/806/EC Silk processing equipment for Project TCP/TUR/3103 Silk Processing Equipment for Project TCP/TUR/3103 Bean seeds Icta Ligero for project UTF/HAI/023/HAI - OSRO/HAI/806/FRA Fertilizers (UREA and NPK) for Guatemala GCP/GUA/020/EC and OSRO/GUA/901/CHA Maize Seeds Maize Seeds Maize Seeds Tools for project OSRO;HAI/704/SPA Hardware and Kitchen tools for dairy processing equipment - Iraq FMD vaccines MILK COLLECTION CENTRE EQUIPMENT - OSRO/IRQ/801/UDG Dairy Processing items, Iraq - OSRO/IRQ/701/UDG SPRAY DRYING PLANT Cassava mills for Project CGP/CAF/013/EC Seed Cleaner for Project TCP/ETH/3102 Seed Grading Unit for Project GCP/MYA/009/EC Seed Weighing Machines - GCP/AFG/059/EC Seed and Farm Machinery VEHICLE FOR PROJECTS OSRO/NEP/805/SWE AND GCP/NEP/065/EC FERTILIZERS Telephones - KCTUT Upgrade & support of the telephony system - KCTU Video Wall Displays for Country Exhibits - KCIRD Video Conference Facilities KCTU Video Conference Facilities KCTU Video Conference Facilities - OCDO Uniforms for Security Staff - AFDUD Plant Incubator for Project TCP/IVC/6702 Poultry related equipment for Eritrea - OSRO/ERI/801/CHA - TCEOA Replacement of obsolete Equipment - KCT Latitude E4300 Laptops - OSRO/DRC/811/UNJ, OSRO/DRC/904/DRC, OSRO/DRC/906/UNJ, OSRO Optiplex 960 Desktops (Base Configuration) - TCID 125 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 41,310.50 31,294.49 52,930.00 49,856.00 43,390.64 33,326.50 58,147.28 112,908.60 180,148.80 48,979.77 51,942.07 186,075.00 34,150.00 371,700.00 57,033.61 945,600.00 132,519.30 119,189.04 141,995.00 101,170.00 96,878.00 1,093,736.00 31,600.00 30,300.00 287,000.00 272,297.50 272,297.00 137,155.00 1,241,124.00 59,650.00 327,933.25 34,085.00 54,244.50 42,589.57 89,290.00 33,647.00 35,350.00 34,999.10 51,660.00 49,818.66 35,029.13 171,257.79 41,747.41 42,020.09 38,069.62 42,827.07 42,827.07 44,333.89 42,936.26 44,301.22 122,763.07 41,827.29 57,120.38 31,653.36 428,650.00 248,350.00 39,850.00 71,210.00 25,753.01 54,133.48 67,942.31 58,806.04 181,047.92 388,150.00 113,600.00 133,408.00 113,700.00 31,653.54 274,000.00 60,637.05 76,411.00 172,200.00 96,875.00 155,000.00 188,700.00 221,280.00 2,049,600.00 230,000.00 100,000.00 30,171.25 267,515.76 34,747.60 35,565.00 44,146.93 42,126.08 54,285.50 39,990.00 43,635.66 33,234.13 65,107.50 32,290.00 587,000.00 340,518.77 38,454.68 47,447.88 55,282.44 80,675.00 46,601.00 61,250.00 124,857.00 63,320.00 142,360.00 789,780.00 83,535.00 40,035.00 208,800.00 3,077,988.00 44,000.00 360,096.00 105,194.28 616,716.87 35,610.88 339,814.76 121,915.66 241,126.51 89,419.94 30,341.48 126,346.00 42,532.19 58,790.44 31,246.04 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier FAO continued Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Korea, Democratic People's Rep Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Kosovo Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Liberia Liberia Mali Mali Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Mongolia Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DELL SPA DONA' DI CONTI PIERLOREN EDISCO SRL EDISCO SRL EDISCO SRL EDISCO SRL EDISCO SRL EDISCO SRL EDISCO SRL EDISCO SRL EVOSPACE SRL F.A.L.C. SRL FIAT CENTER ITALIA SPA FURIA SEMENTI GOLDONI SPA HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL HARPA ITALIA SRL H-MEDIA SRL IMPEX SRL IMPEX SRL IMPEX SRL INTECH SRL INTECH SRL INTECH SRL INTECH SRL INTECH SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL ITALTREND SPA MATICMIND SPA NARDI FRANCESCO & FIGLI SPA SETECO SPA SICPLANT INTERNATIONAL SRL SPACE ITALIA SRL SPAZIO PC SRL SPAZIO PC SRL TEAM OFFICE SRL TEAM OFFICE SRL TELECONSULT SRL TOSCANA ENOLOGICA MORI ARANO K & CO, LTD GERBER, J & COMPANY (JAPAN) LTD GERBER, J & COMPANY (JAPAN) LTD GERBER, J & COMPANY (JAPAN) LTD TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION JOVAC - JORDAN BIO INDUSTRIES CENTER JOVAC - JORDAN BIO INDUSTRIES CENTER JOVAC - JORDAN BIO INDUSTRIES CENTER JOVAC - JORDAN BIO INDUSTRIES CENTER JOVAC - JORDAN BIO INDUSTRIES CENTER JOVAC - JORDAN BIO INDUSTRIES CENTER AMIRAN KENYA LTD SPARTAN RELIEF SUPPLIES LTD SPARTAN RELIEF SUPPLIES LTD SPARTAN RELIEF SUPPLIES LTD TECHNO RELIEF SERVICES LTD TECHNO RELIEF SERVICES LTD WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME KOREA DAESONG 9TH TRADING CORPORATION BIONOTE INC BIONOTE INC GREENCROSS ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE CO. LTD AUTO KACANDOLLI SH.P.K. OSHKRASTEX ARD (UNIFERT) SAL ARD (UNIFERT) SAL JUBAILI BROS SAL PAN OXYGEN FACTORY SETHI BROTHERS, INC SOMADECO SARL TOGUNA AGRO INDUSTRIES V & M GRAIN MAURITIUS LIMITED V & M GRAIN MAURITIUS LIMITED V & M GRAIN MAURITIUS LIMITED V & M GRAIN MAURITIUS LIMITED FPSP RAUTEL SA STATIUNEA TEHNOLOGICO-EXPERIMENTALA PASCANI MONGOLIAN FARMERS ASSOC. FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT KAMA INDUSTRY CO LTD MYANMA SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED MYANMA SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED SUPREME ENTERPRISE LIMITED SUPREME ENTERPRISE LIMITED Optiplex 960 Desktops (Base Configuration) - KCT IT Hardware Order - AUDDD Optiplex 960 Desktops (Base Configuration) & Latitude E4300 Laptops - ESTDD Optiplex 960 Mini Towers (Base & Power Configuration) - AGPSD Latitude E6500, E4200, E4300 Laptops - AGPSD Optiplex 960 Desktops (Base Configuration) - AFHTD Optiplex 960 Mini Towers (Base Configuration) - AFFCD IT Equipment - KCT Optiplex 960 Desktops & Mini Towers (Base Configuration) - AFHTD PR 43504 - IT Equipment for TCE - TEMP/INT/859/MSC - TCE PR 43521 - SERVERS AND TAPE DRIVES - OCDOD PR 43530 - Optiplex 960 Desktops (Base Configuration) & Latitude E4200 Laptops + PC Accessories PR 43614 - SERVERS - KCT PR 43763 - IT Equipment - REUDD PR 43807 - Optiplex 960 Mini Towers & Desktops (Power Configuration) - KCT PR 41399 - UNIFORMS - AFDUD PR 41576 - Replacement of Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment in the King Faisal Room - KCT PR 41628 - Replacement of the Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment in the Red Room - KCT PR 42263 - Proovision of additional delegate and interpreter consoles compatible with existing - KCTU PR 42264 BID 7358/WWL REPLACEMENT OF SIE FACILITIES IN MALAYSIA ROOM PR 42556 - Audio visual equipment for Meeting Rooms - KCT PR 42719 - Equipment for SIE in Red, Green, Iran rooms & Plenary Hall - KCT PR 42820 - Digital Rapids Stream Systems for a webcasting solution - KCTUT PR's 43717 - 43737 - Audio digital equipment - KCTUT PR 42688 & 42693 - Armchairs and Chairs for Angola & Nigeria Rooms - AFSID PR 43083 - Cutting machine - KCCMD PR 43348 - Official Vehicles (Fiat/Lancia) - AFDUD FPO 9-05251 Vegetable Seeds for Projects OSRO/DRC/803/804/811/812/813/814/816/UNJ, OSRO/D PR 40475 TRACTOR ASTRA 4WD - OSRO/IRQ/502/UDG (2) & OSRO/IRQ/703/UDG PR 41246 - Memory, CPU and associated license for server RP7420 - KCTUT PR 41516 - Infrastructure servers for VOWE - KCTUT PR 42393 - Servers DL360 (Email-Mailbox) - KCT PR 42396 - Servers (FAPS servers) - KCT PR 42397 - SAN (item Storage Area Network) - KCT PR 43226 - Memory, CPU and associated license for Server RP7420 - KCTUT PR 43316 - San storage EVA 4400 - KCTUT PR 43317 - LTO4 tape drive (Contingency item 50) - KCTU PR 43497 - DL 360 Servers - KCTUT PR 43507 - DL360 Servers + racks - KCTU PR 43565 - Servers and enhanced servers - KCTU PR 42215 BID 7335/WWL AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT FOR VIDEO CONTROL ROOM FOR A P.R. 40675 - Vegetable Seeds for project UTF/HAI/023HAI -HAI/809/CHA- HAI/703/CAN & HAI/805/U PR 42273 - Vegetable seeds for Project OSRO/HAI/902/EC PR.40503 - Vegetable Seeds PR 41960 - Disposable Plasticware for Egypt - Ai Emergency - OSRO/EGY/701/USA-OSRO/EGY/80 PR 42376 - PCR kits and other reagents - OSRO/RAS/704/SWE - 42376 PR. 40166 - Sampling Kits Pr. 40923 - Fish Laboratory equipment - OSRO/IRQ/704/UDG - Iraq PR. 41245 - Sampling Kits PR 41839 - MILK COLLECTION TANKERS - OSRO/IRQ/801/UDG PR 42681 - Watering Cans for Bangladesh - OSRO/BGD/901/WFP - TCEOI PR 39843 - Sesame and Tahini Processing Equipment - OSRO/IRQ/603/UDG PR No's 43323 and 43331 Cisco Equipment - KCT PR. 42474 - Seed drills for sowing wheat. PR 42664 - X-RAYS SYSTEM "MULTIENERGY"- AFDUD PR 42456 - DAIRY PROCESSING EQUIPMENT - OSRO/IRQ/701/UDG PR 42486 - Audio visual equipment for the Plenary Hall & Iran Room - KCT PR 40782 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - KCIRD PR 43224 IT / Photography Hardware KCIRD PR 40434 - Purchase of Audio Visual Equipment for Angola Room - MTF/GLO/236/ANG - KCIMD PR 43000 - Monitors needed for WSFS - KCT FPO 9-05307 Radio Communication Equipment for Project UTF/DRC/039/DRC P.r. 41384 - Pilot olive oil extraction and processing Unit for project UTF/SAU/016/SAU/290 P.r. 41430 - Motorcycles for Project OSRO/ZAM/901/NOR P.r. 41962 - Motobikes for project project OSRO/DRC/803-804 ETC. PR 42494 - Motorcycles for Projects OSRO/DRC/905/NET - 906/UNJ - 908/CHA - 907/BEL - 909/UN PR 43808 - 24 Motorcycles for Projects OSRO/DRC/913/UNJ - OSRO/DRC/914/UNJ - OSRO/DRC/9 FPO 5-22348 Toyota Land Cruiser for FAOR FPO 5-22596 Toyota Vehicles for Project GCP/PAK/095/USA FPO 6-00481 Toyota Landcruiser Station Wagon for Subregional Office FPO 6-00542; VEHICLE FOR PROJECT GCP/CMB/033/EC FPO 6-00543; VEHICLE FOR PROJECT GCP/CMB/033/EC FPO BGD/2009/138 VEHICLE FOR PROJECT TCP/BGD/3204 FPO BGD/2009/176 VEHICLE WITH RADIO EQUIPMENTS FOR FAO BANGLADESH FPO CHN/2009/11 Toyota Land Cruiser for FAOR FPO CHN/2009/16 VEHICLE FOR PROJECT GCP/RAS/229/SWE FPO CHN/2009/18 VEHICLE FOR FAO CHINA FPO MMR/2009/3 Toyota Camry for FAOR FPO MMR/2009/9 VEHICLE FOR FAO MYANMAR FPO SEN/2009/7 Toyota Camry for FAOR FPO TUR/2009/4 VEHICLE FOR PROJECT GCP/KYR/003/FIN FPO TUR/2009/5 SUPERSEDING TUR/2009/3 VEHICLE WITH CODAN RADIO AND ACCESSORIE FPO NPL/2009/173 Toyota Land Cruiser for Project GCP/NEP/062/FIN FPO 5-24251 PPR Vaccine for Projects KEN/89/001/01/99 and OSRO/KEN/802/CHA FPO 5-24251 PPR Vaccine for Projects KEN/89/001/01/99 and OSRO/KEN/802/CHA PR 42057 BID 7299/WWL OSRO/TAJ/001/SWE OSRO/TAJ/901/EC OSRO/TAJ/805/EC BRUCELLA PR. 42270 - PPR VACCINE (Nigeria 75/1 strain) PR. 42784 - PPR VACCINE repeat order (238417) BID7299/WWL PR43576 OSRO/TAJ/805/EC BRUCELLA VACCINE REV1 PR.41335 - Certified crop seeds FPO 9-05323 TRIDENTS FOR PROJECT OSRO/DRC/905/NET PR 42269 - Urea fertilizer for OSRO/BDI/808/BEl and OSRO/BDI/809/BEL PR. 41353 - Hand Tools FPO 9-05316 Agricultural Hand Tools for Project OSRO/DRC/905/NET PR 42055 - Rice hullers - GCP/CAF/013/EC PR 41464 - Transportation against PO 230969 and 231736 - OSRO/SOM/808/WBK PR 41178 - Potato storage materials and equipment - OSRO/DRK/801/NET - TCESO PR 41542 BID 7219/RV OSRO/EGY/701/USA RAPID ANTIGENS TESTS HPAI TO EGYPT PR 42321 - Rapid Antigen test for INDONESIA - AI Emergency - OSRO/INS/604/USA - TCEOE Contract no. TF/TIM/CPA 235307-2009/TCEO - Construction, transport and installation of a modular t FPO 5-23928 VEHICLE FOR PROJECT GCP/RER/019/LUX PR 41496-41498 - UREA, SSP, AMMONIATE FERTILIZERS - OSRO/KYR/901/SWE - TCEOI PR 41014 - Tractors and Ridgers (OSRO/IRQ/502/UDG) PR. 42471 - 4 WD Tractors 45-50 HP. PR. 42446 - Diesel Generator Sets PR 40970 - Agricultural Machinery for Project GCP/LIR/014/EC PR 42925 - Agricultural Hand Tools for Liberia - GCP/LIR/014/EC PR. 41095 - Fertilizer UREA PR. 41095 - Fertilizer DAP PR 41897 - Maize seeds - ZM 521 - GCP/ZIM/017/EC - TCEOA PR 42253 - Maize seeds - ZM 521 - GCP/ZIM/017/EC - TCEOA PR 42709 - Maize seeds - ZM 521 - OSRO/ZIM/904/USA - TCEOA PR 43220 - CAN (Calcium, Ammonium, Nitrate) fertilizer - OSRO/ZIM/906/NET - TCEOA FPO 5-23940 Maize Seed for Project TCP/MOL/3202 FPO 5-23939 Maize Seeds for Projects GCP/MOL/001/AUS and TCP/MOL/3202 PR. 49523 - POTATO SEEDS PR 41618 - Two wheel power tiller tractor - OSRO/MYA/901/JPN - TCEOI PR 41534 - Urea for various local destinations MYANMAR - OSRO/MYA/804/UK- 901/JPNTCEO PR 41748 - Urea for various local destinations MYANMAR - OSRO/MYA/901/JPN-OSRO/MYA/902/S PR 41625 - Organic Fertilizer for Myanmar - TTCP/MYA/3103-OSRO/MYA/802/ITA-OSRO/MYA/901/ PR 41972 - Organic Fertilizer for Myanmar - OSRO/MYA/802/ITA - OSRO/MYA/902/SWE - TCEOI 126 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 30,647.48 42,244.19 41,639.05 52,744.08 32,541.42 49,099.11 37,703.31 112,851.16 35,460.66 53,409.64 111,109.47 31,854.37 113,117.47 33,237.95 55,751.51 33,250.00 69,721.49 205,490.72 79,662.92 301,841.73 314,890.99 36,337.21 43,599.40 235,963.86 32,567.88 41,987.95 72,882.17 29,429.75 128,861.00 33,612.53 76,810.28 44,258.99 33,194.24 131,876.26 114,353.55 35,146.08 59,124.26 47,725.90 187,468.37 209,522.59 155,107.45 234,730.90 47,872.50 337,416.77 34,609.00 60,768.00 88,022.40 34,631.00 71,081.00 494,277.00 110,900.00 221,995.00 63,317.77 582,863.44 60,465.12 38,969.90 171,534.96 74,262.15 47,019.58 58,297.62 68,047.34 69,126.00 145,330.00 493,206.77 115,180.00 63,227.00 70,406.00 44,601.33 184,088.24 31,204.19 31,942.29 31,942.29 31,448.12 49,614.60 40,632.46 34,210.53 42,645.38 32,567.54 47,012.54 32,047.52 38,030.00 41,309.01 39,315.69 32,000.00 132,000.00 180,740.00 161,000.00 54,000.00 39,000.00 548,010.00 64,800.00 109,940.00 563,918.60 45,280.00 338,600.00 88,358.27 101,623.25 139,049.52 92,459.23 1,292,000.00 58,283.13 193,213.79 166,663.85 163,455.85 204,008.00 80,536.00 94,518.80 132,470.00 102,406.50 2,470,800.00 156,600.00 226,200.00 574,600.00 340,807.17 205,366.06 402,006.00 278,800.00 190,000.50 100,000.00 368,220.00 193,800.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier FAO continued Myanmar Nepal Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Puerto Rico Russian Federation Russian Federation San Marino Sierra Leone Sierra Leone South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Togo Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) SUPREME ENTERPRISE LIMITED AGRICULTURE INPUTS COMPANY LTD AGRICULTURE INPUTS COMPANY LTD ALCET NEDERLAND AUTOCAR INTERNATIONAL BV AUTOCAR INTERNATIONAL BV AUTOCAR INTERNATIONAL BV BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV BAKKER BROTHERS ZAADTEELT EN ZAADHANDEL BV C VAN RIET DAIRY AND PROCESS TECHNOLOGY INSTITUT DE SELECTION ANIMALE B.V. INTERVET INTERNATIONAL BV IPA INTERNATIONAL PROCUREMENT AGENCY BV KOUDIJS FEED B.V. NETHERLANDS' SUPERINTENDING & SAMPLING COMPANY LTD NUNHEMS NETHERLANDS BV SIMONIS BV INDUSTRIE-EN HANDELSONDERNERNING SIMONIS BV INDUSTRIE-EN HANDELSONDERNERNING SIMONIS BV INDUSTRIE-EN HANDELSONDERNERNING SIMONIS BV INDUSTRIE-EN HANDELSONDERNERNING AL HAMD TRADERS AR-AGRI PARTNERS JOINT VENTURE JOINT VENTURE JOINT VENTURE JOINT VENTURE PUNJAB SEED CORPORATION PUNJAB SEED CORPORATION BIOANALYTICAL FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTION (FGI "ARRIAH") FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTION (FGI "ARRIAH") AXYS SRL FOMEL IND & NATIONAL INDUSTRALIZATION CENTER WINGIN HEAVY DUTY MACHINE CO LTD BIOLOGICAL CONTROL PRODUCTS SA PVT LTD BIOLOGICAL CONTROL PRODUCTS SA PVT LTD INDAC CORPORATION LIMITED ONDERSTEPOORT BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS LTD WALFORD MEADOWS INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD WALFORD MEADOWS INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD XCALLIBRE CZ VETERINARIA SA LABORATORIOS HIPRA SA AGRO NECTAR GROUP DOCTORS CO. LTD SARARAT INTERNATIONAL CO ZAS FOR IMPROVED SEEDS & CROPS PRODUCTION AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD AFRITOOL PTY LTD BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB PERTEN INSTRUMENTS AB PIONEER HI-BRED SWITZERLAND SA PRIONICS AG VESTERGAARD FRANDSEN GENERAL ORGANIZ. FOR SEED MULTIPLICATION (GOSM) GENERAL ORGANIZ. FOR SEED MULTIPLICATION (GOSM) GENERAL ORGANIZATION FOR FODDER GENERAL ORGANIZATION FOR FODDER PREMIUM AGROCHEMICAL CO QUALITY MOTORS LIMITED AGRIMAT SARL OST OLGUN DIS TICARET AS OST OLGUN DIS TICARET AS SEHA MUHENDISLIK MUSAVIRLIK TIC VE MAK SAN LTD STI TEMEL PETEK ARICILIK EVI AKUKU FARM SEEDS LTD AKUKU FARM SEEDS LTD EAST AFRICAN SEED (U) LTD KIBOKO ENTERPRISES LTD NASECO (1996) LTD TIANJIN MACHINERY COMPANY (U) LTD RIJK ZWAAN WELVER GMBH AGRI COMMODITIES & FINANCE FZE AGRI COMMODITIES & FINANCE FZE AGRI COMMODITIES & FINANCE FZE AGRI COMMODITIES & FINANCE FZE NATIONAL UNITED TRADING AND INVEST CO LLC (NUTICO) OKI GENERAL TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC WESTERN AUTO LLC WESTERN AUTO LLC WESTERN AUTO LLC WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME (UN) BIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTIC SUPPLIES LTD BIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTIC SUPPLIES LTD GREENHAM EXPORT INOTEC UK INSTITUTE FOR ANIMAL HEALTH KI-HARA CHEMICALS LIMITED MEDIWORLD LTD MEDIWORLD LTD MESACOM (UK) LTD MICRON SPRAYERS LIMITED MMB INTERNATIONAL LTD TWOSE OF TIVERTON LTD WA PRODUCTS UK LTD WAGTECH INTERNATIONAL LTD X OVO LTD X OVO LTD ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLES - APV ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLES - APV TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) PR 42684 - Organic Fertilizer for Myanmar - OSRO/MYA/904/AUS - TCEOI PR 41191 - UREA & NPK for Nepal - OSRO/NEP/806/CHA - TCEOI PR 42188 - Urea & NPK for Nepal (RO) - OSRO/NEP/805/SWE - TCEOI PR 42373 - Poultry related equipment for Eritrea - OSRO/ERI/801/CHA - TCEOA FPO RWA/2009/235 Toyota Vehicle for FAOR PR 41491 BID 7243/WWL OSRO/TOG/801/EC PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLES FOR TOGO FOR A PR 41561 - Procurement of Vehicles for Egypt - OSRO/EGY/701/USA - TCEOE FPO 9-05102 Vegetable Seeds for Project OSRO/DRC/803/UNJ FPO 9-05252 Vegetable Seeds for Projects OSRO/DRC/803/804/811/812/813/814/815/816/UNJ, OS FPO 9-05309 Vegetable Seeds for Project GCP/DRC/040/EC FPO 9-05350 Vegetable Seeds for Projects OSRO/DRC/901/ECHO, OSRO/DRC/903/CEF, OSRO/D FPO LBR/2009/122 FOR VARIOUS SEEDS FOR PROJECT OSRO/LIR/903/SWE PR 42455 DAIRY PROCESSING AND TRAINING EQUIPMENT OSRO/IRQ/701/UDG PR 40850 - One day old layer parent stock chicks Bovans white (female and male) - OSRO/ERI/801/C PR 42201 - SF Swine Fever Vaccine (SFV GPE Negative Strain) - OSRO/TIM/701/AUL - TCEOI PR 41089 - PLASTIC SHEETING - OSRO/DRK/803/CHA - TCESO P.R. 42933 - Animal feed for Project OSRO/SYR/901/EC PR 42102 - To cover cost of inspection services to be effected at loading and un loading points - GCP (Correction of address) PR 41394 BID 7179/WWL TOMATO SEEDS TO GE``ORGIA OSRO/GEO/80 PR 42240 - Fertilizer NPK - GCP/LIR/014/EC PR. 41168 - Fertilizers: Urea and TSP for Somalia PR. 42202 - UREA PR.41316 - DAP PR. 41648 - Certified wheat seed PR. 41674 - VEGETABLE SEEDS PR 40547 - Fertilizers SSP & TSP for Tajikistan - UTF/ITAJ/004/TAJ-OSRO/TAJ/804/SWI - TCEOE PR 41498 - UREA for Tajikistan - UTF/TAJ/004/TAJ - TCEOI PR. 41674 - LENTIL SEEDS PR. 41680 - UREA AND DAP PR. 41648 - Wheat Seed PR. 42462 - Certified wheat seed. FPO DOM/2009/3 Laboratory Equipment for Project TCP/DOM/3202 PR 41050 - FMD Vaccines for Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan - AGAHD PR 43635 - FMD Vaccines for Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan - MTF/INT/003/EC - AGAHD PR 41685 - Date Processing Equipment - OSRO/IRQ/701/UDG PR 41977 - Cassava Graters - GCP/SIL/034/EC, TCP/SIL/3204, GCP/SIL/033/MUL PR 41976 - Rice and Cassava Production Equipment - TCP/SIL/3204, GCP/SIL/033/MUL, GCP/SIL/0 P.R. 42154 - Green Muscle for Project OSRO/RAF/909/CHA PR 41692 & 41730 - Biopesticide GREENMUSCLE and pumps for Project OSRO/RAF/909/CHA Bab PR 41434 - Fertilizer (DAP) - OSRO/BDI/809/EC, OSRO/BDI/808/BEL & OSRO/BDI/902/ITA P.r. 42519 - Rift Valley Fever Vaccine for Project GCP/KEN/803/EC PR 41907 - Fertilizer compound D NPK (7.14.7) - GCP/ZIM/017/EC - TCEOA PR 42851 - Fertilizer compound D NPK (7:14:7) - OSRO/ZIM/906/NET - TCEOA FPO 5-24254 DIGITAL PENS WITH ACCESSORIES FOR PROJECT GCP/KEN/068/EC FPO 5-23942 Vaccines for Project GCP/ARM/001/ITA P.R. 42495 - Drugs and Vaccines for Project OSRO/ERI/801/CHA PR. 41334 - Certified Sorghum PR 40851 - Poultry Drugs & Vaccines for Eritrea - OSRO/ERI/801/CHA - TCEOA PR.41137 - Sesame Seed PR. 41333 - Certified Maize seeds FPO 9-05301 Hand Tools for Projects OSRO/DRC/810/BEL, OSRO/DRC/814/UNJ, OSRO/DRC/816/ FPO 9-05304 Agricultural Hand Tools for Projects OSRO/DRC/906/UNJ, OSRO/DRC/908/CHA and O FPO CAF/2009/6 Agricultural Hand Tools for Projects TCP/CAF/3201 and OSRO/CAF/806/NET FPO CAF/2009/7 Agricultural Hand Tools for Project TCP/CAF/3201 P.r. 42136 - Motocycles for project GCP/MOZ/099/EC PR 39728 - Hoes for projects OSRO/BDI/707/BEL - OSRO/BDI/704/EC - OSRO/BDI/709/EC & OSRO PR 42128 - Fertilizer NPK - GCP/MOZ/099/EC PR 40680 - Fruit and Vegetable Processing Equipment - OSRO/IRQ/701/UDG PR 41705 - Fruit and Vegetable Processing Equipment OSRO/IRQ/701/UDG PR 41820 - Date Processing Equipment - OSRO/IRQ/701/UDG PR 42012 - Agricultural Tools for Bangui, CAR - GCP/CAF/013/EC PR 42340 & 42354 - Bicycles for Projects GCP/ZAM/066/EC and OSRO/ZAM/901/NOR PR 43012 - Falling number, laboratory mill & glutomatic system (seed testing laboratory equipment) (PO cancels/superceeds PO 235216 to reflect right supplier's address)PR 41500 BID 7203/WWL MA PR 43537 - FMD Diagnostic Kits & Reagents for IRAN - MTF/INT/003/EC - AGAHD direct procurement PR 41547 Deltamethrin-impregnated tree banding TCP/DRK/3202 P.R. 42565 Barley Seeds for project OSRO/SYR/902/SPA P.R. 43580 - Wheat and Barley Seeds for Project OSRO/SYR/903/CHA P.r. 42410 - Animal Feed for Project OSRO/SYR/901/EC P.r. 43730 - PACKING AND MIXING OF ANIMAL FEED FOR PROJECT OSRO/SYR/901/EC PR. 41168 - Fertilizer TSP for Somalia - OSRO/SOM/808/WBK PR. 41551 - POWER TILLERS AND IMPLEMENTS PR 42289 - Fertilizer NPK - GCP/TOGO/016/EC PR. 41065 - Fertilizer Urea and DAP PR. 41154 - UREA PR 41241 - Tractor Massey Fergusson MF 385 4WD - UTF/IVC/027/IVC - FRIVC PR 41070 - Beekeeping and Honey Processing Equipment - OSRO/IRQ/701/UDG PR 41368 - Seeds : Groundnut, beans, sorghum, cowpeas and millet - OSRO/UGA/902/EC - TCEOA PR 42643 - Sorghum & millet finger seeds - OSRO/UGA/907/EC - TCEOA PR. 231344 - Certified Maize Seeds PR 39728 - Hoes for Project OSRO/BDI/801/EC PR 42643 - Millet, variety finger - OSRO/UGA/907/EC - TCEOA PR 42055 - Power Tiller Tractors for Project GCP/CAF/013/EC PR 41394 BID 7179/WWL SEEDS TO GEORGIA OSRO/GEO/803ITA PR 41908 - Fertilizer CAN - GCP/ZIM/017/EC - TCEOA PR 42128 - UREA Fertilizer - GCP/MOZ/099/EC PR 42253 - Fertilizer CAN - GCP/ZIM/017/EC - TCEOA PR 42269 - OSRO/BDI/808/BEL & OSRO/BDI/809/BEL - Fertilizer MOP PR 42255 - Fertilizers (UREA and NPK 12-24-12) - GCP/CAF/013/EC FPO CHN/2009/15 Toyota Prado for Projects OSRO/DRK/901/SWE, OSRO/DRK/801/NET and OSR FPO AFG/2009/175 Toyota Truck for Project GCP/AFG/040/GER FPO ERI/2009/20 Toyota Landcruiser for FAOR FPO SDN/2009/104 Toyota Vehicles for Project OSRO/SUD/620/MUL FPO SDN/2009/90 Motorcycles for Project OSRO/SUD/622/MUL P.r. 41855 - Vehicles for project GCP/MOZ/078/ITA FPO SOM/2009/10 VEHICLE FOR PROJECT OSRO/SOM/904/QAC FPO MDG/2009/232 Laboratory Test Kits for Project TCP/MAG/3204 FPO YEM/2009/3 Laboratory Supplies for Project TCP/YEM/3101 PR 41511 - Personal Protective Equipment for Project GCP/INT/959/NET PR 41340 - Barcode Labels - AGPPD PR 43537 - FMD Diagnostic Kits & Reagents for IRAN - MTF/INT/003/EC - AGAHD FPO YEM/2008/2 Insecticides for Project TCP/YEM/6701 PR 40194 BID 7007/NS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT TO ARMENIA TCP/ARM/3102 PR. 40925 Fish laboratory equipment - ORSO/IRQ/704/UDG - Iraq FPO TZA/2009/21 Audio/Visual Equipment for Project UNJP/URT/131/UNJ PR 41242 - Micron sprayers for Project TCP/ETH/3103 PR 42082 BID 7412/WWL MOBILE LABORATORI UNIT OSRO/RAS/605/USA BABY 03 FPO CHN/2009/2 Agricultural Machinery for Project TCP/MON/3103 PR - 42104 - Personal Hygiene Kits for WFP Medical - AFDMD PR 41694 - Laboratory equipment for TCP/UGA/6703 (Wagtech) PR 41738 BID 7261/WWL OSRO/RAS/704/SWE B1 ¿ OSRO/RAS/703/USA B1-B2 reagents to mult PR 42831 - Reagents for Syria & Jordan - OSRO/RAB/701/SWE - AI Emerngency - TCEOE PR. 41942 - ARMOURED VEHICLE PR. 42051 - ARMOURED VEHICLE FPO 5-019828 Toyota Landcruiser for FAOR FPO 5-23004 Toyota Hi-Lux Truck for Project GCP/MOZ/078/ITA FPO 5-23083 VEHICLE FOR FAO GHANA FPO 6-00153 VEHICLE FOR PROJECT GCP/MOZ/096/NET FPO 6-00574 Toyota Land Cruiser for Project GCP/NER/042/EC FPO 6-00676 VEHICLES WITH CODAN RADIOS FOR PROJECT OSRO/ETH/906/USA FPO 9-05025 Toyota Landcruiser for FAOR 127 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 135,660.00 326,730.00 137,345.42 112,285.00 30,200.00 144,050.00 196,325.00 72,319.50 47,947.50 40,333.50 86,277.59 37,969.00 134,074.81 137,100.00 64,060.00 165,337.00 134,640.00 30,275.00 85,310.00 236,250.00 255,000.00 128,137.50 53,762.50 245,385.00 41,257.69 269,900.00 57,500.00 243,215.00 1,171,350.00 596,355.00 82,305.00 51,150.00 505,531.01 39,000.00 40,478.48 243,900.00 1,370,514.99 109,193.78 292,540.18 87,000.00 375,912.20 3,825,000.00 331,500.00 42,850.00 29,259.73 102,130.00 101,200.00 49,000.00 203,730.00 340,580.00 117,748.65 39,276.05 184,500.00 59,596.20 74,710.00 88,990.39 365,925.00 53,312.50 159,667.00 87,374.60 154,254.00 397,000.00 52,187.13 115,608.87 47,805.72 77,685.50 345,595.93 1,202,673.19 833,160.00 105,560.00 150,000.00 160,210.20 74,900.00 240,845.00 162,615.00 149,500.00 42,676.35 661,400.00 300,434.90 192,278.00 86,615.33 80,625.00 171,516.77 254,020.06 6,132,000.00 207,795.00 551,880.00 50,473.50 1,042,400.00 37,375.00 32,772.00 54,245.00 117,250.00 70,340.00 60,465.00 49,803.86 30,610.00 54,361.34 42,937.68 41,497.00 34,701.17 40,482.00 72,693.50 128,796.80 38,650.00 50,983.38 70,226.00 57,988.00 50,983.53 69,514.81 157,116.16 34,564.40 157,924.34 157,924.34 47,688.00 30,836.44 57,270.00 33,902.58 53,565.00 46,660.79 65,080.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier FAO continued United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United Kingdom, (Gibraltar) United States United States United States United States United States United States Zambia Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD (TGS) ALMACO ISLAND PRESS - CENTER FOR RESOURCE ECONOMICS KENMORE AIR HARBOR INC. MICROWAVE TELEMETRY INC MICROWAVE TELEMETRY INC SERVICE FOR SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY, INC (SFSI) TOYOTA ZAMBIA LTD FPO 9-05121 Toyota Landcruiser for Project OSRO/DRC/714/UNJ FPO 9-05129 Toyota Hilux Pick-Up for Project OSRO/GAB/801/EC FPO 9-57357 VEHICLE FOR FAO EQUATORIAL GUINEA FPO GIN/2009/1 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado for Project OSRO/GUI/801/ITA FPO GIN/2009/3 Toyota Landcruiser Station Wagon for Project EP/INT/503/GEF FPO GMB/2009/37 VEHICLE AND ACCESSORIES FOR PROJECT GTFS/GAM/025/ITA FPO GNB/2009/160 Toyota Hi-Lux Pick Up Vehicle for Project GCP/GBS/030/EC FPO GNB/2009/161 Toyota Hi-Lux Pick-Up Vehicle for Project GCP/GBS/030/EC FPO LBR/2009/134 Toyota Hilux Vehicle for Project GTFS/LIR/010/ITA FPO LBR/2009/135 Toyota Hiace Vehicle for FAOR FPO LBR/2009/67 Toyota Hilux for Project UNJP/LIR/011/UNJ FPO LBR/2009/68 Toyota Hilux for Project UNJP/LIR/011/UNJ FPO MLI/2009/737 Vehicle for FAO MALI FPO MRT/2009/331 VEHICLE FOR PROJECT GCP/INT/958/AFB P.R. 42066 - Vehicles for Project GCP/LIR/014/EC PR 41888 - VEHICLE for Sri Lanka - GCP/SRL/057/CAN - FASRL PR 42004 - 5 vehicles for Project GCP/CAF/013/EC PR 42132 - TOYOTA VEHICLES for project GCP/MOZ/099/EC PR 42138 - Vehicles for Pakistan - GCP/PAK/115/EC - TCEOI PR. 42475 - Laboratory Thresher PR 43478 - PUBLICATIONS LIVESTOCK IN A CHANGING LANDSCAPE - AGALD P.R. 42522 - Aircraft Spare Parts for project GCP/INT/967/ITA PR 41814 - Satellite Transmitters - AI Emergency - OSRO/GLO/604/UK ¿ TCEOE PR 42413 - Satellite Transmitters for N. Africa, Egypt & Asia- AI Emergency - OSRO/GLO/604/UK TC PR40223 BID 6926/WWL LABORATORY EQUIPMENT TO NIGERIA OSRO/GLO/604/UK A.I. PR 42363 - Vehicles for Project GCP/MOZ/099/EC 34,678.00 103,578.22 63,582.14 45,168.84 92,599.14 32,699.58 38,337.21 38,337.21 41,000.00 34,583.00 39,667.09 39,667.09 53,279.52 63,506.47 125,458.00 37,119.00 276,377.00 97,423.00 331,994.58 100,736.00 50,000.00 72,100.16 99,000.00 187,050.00 31,310.18 119,664.00 IAEA ARGENTINA ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA PerkinElmer Argentina S.R.L. PLAZA SAN MARTIN TOWER S.A. Borehole Logging Systems CSIRO Exploration and Mining ACP Computer Handels GmbH ACP Computer Handels GmbH ACP IT Solutions GmbH ACP IT Solutions GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Amex Export-Import GmbH Aufricht GmbH Biolab Ges.m.b.H. Bitt Technology-A Gesselschaft m.b.H Bitt Technology-A Gesselschaft m.b.H CA Software Österreich GmbH CA Software Österreich GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH Canberra Packard Central Europe GmbH CLEANROOM TECHNOLOGY AUSTRIA GMBH DRAEGER SAFETY AUSTRIA GMBH eTel Austria AG Fastech Kommunikationseinrichtungen FILMARCHIV AUSTRIA HALI-BÜROMÖBEL Ges.m.b.H. HOPPEL Software Ing. Martin Hoppel HOPPEL Software Ing. Martin Hoppel IBM Österreich GmbH IBM Österreich GmbH IBM Österreich GmbH IVELLIO-VELLIN Josef UNTERWEGER OHG Kaleidoscope Communications Solutions LB-electronics Ges.m.b.H. LEMO ELEKTRONIK GesmbH LINDE GAS Ges.m.b.H. LINDEBERG GmbH Spectrometer, Emission Office equipment leasing and rentals Irradiator Gamma, Semi-Industrial Spectrometer Mass LAN file servers Project management software LAN file servers Vendor-specific software support and maintenance Chemicals Chemicals Electronic Equipment and Components Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Non-Destructive Testing Equipment (Radioactive) Spectrophotometer Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Hardware and/or software maintenance and repair Vendor-specific software support and maintenance Detectors, radiation, neutron counter tube Gamma ray spectrometer systems Chromatograph, HPLC Electronic Equipment and Components Gamma Camera Isotopes, Radioactive Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer Nuclear Spectrometer Nuclear Spectrometer Nuclear Spectrometer Nuclear Spectrometer Nuclear Spectrophotometer Spectrophotometer Ventilation equipment Safety equipment Wide area network (WAN) maintenance and support Electrical/mechanical installation work Film and video processing and duplication Furniture Bar code systems, general Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical reader Computer equipment maintenance and repair Hardware and/or software maintenance and repair Switches, other Laser printers Bags, plastic PC software, general Audio visual equipment maintenance and repair Electronic components Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and rare gases Cabinets, metal, other 33,420.00 42,108.00 78,506.50 87,167.27 30,871.40 613,354.81 578,044.91 39,819.30 31,210.68 35,091.73 45,927.00 30,764.79 31,735.01 31,863.78 34,487.30 36,882.67 36,904.40 38,630.00 38,651.25 40,320.49 41,143.29 41,244.10 42,957.83 42,986.92 43,399.10 45,821.95 51,635.00 52,492.76 52,644.24 60,417.89 63,062.09 78,518.04 111,460.00 62,321.79 99,410.50 36,012.81 121,700.22 127,910.17 61,700.77 87,183.73 52,786.14 53,970.00 77,230.00 58,410.00 72,151.90 43,500.00 47,126.98 48,412.70 40,473.31 81,038.17 31,905.74 32,080.00 39,650.00 52,330.00 53,580.00 54,949.50 56,190.00 65,120.00 69,126.60 76,450.22 79,590.00 79,839.97 80,780.00 84,700.00 90,216.45 100,890.00 205,610.00 86,050.00 30,450.00 43,950.00 44,920.00 53,710.00 142,870.00 50,429.99 137,710.00 31,008.58 36,814.97 42,199.49 73,458.72 60,240.96 32,586.19 33,625.90 32,379.52 145,909.53 212,097.84 379,695.78 39,943.74 37,130.31 51,150.79 40,409.21 39,541.28 35,861.97 41,265.06 128 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier IAEA continued AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA AUSTRIA BELARUS BELARUS BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BRAZIL BRAZIL BRAZIL BULGARIA BULGARIA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA CHINA CHINA CHINA CHINA CHINA CZECH REPUBLIC CZECH REPUBLIC CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK EGYPT FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Lindeberg GmbH MEET Handels GmbH METTLER-TOLEDO Ges.m.b.H. METTLER-TOLEDO Ges.m.b.H. MIDAS, Mikro-Datensysteme HandelsgmbH. MIDAS, Mikro-Datensysteme HandelsgmbH. Möbel Zottl GesmbH Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper Sales GmbH NTS Netzwerk Telekom Service AG ORACLE GmbH Österreichische Mediatek PANATRONIC Ges.m.b.H. PCQT International GmbH Pfeiffer Vacuum Austria GmbH Pfeiffer Vacuum Austria GmbH PH Palden GmbH PH Palden GmbH Punch Graphix International NV. Raytest Austria GmbH Raytest Austria GmbH Raytest Austria GmbH Reichholf & Reichholf GmbH S&T Austria GmbH S&T Austria GmbH S&T IT Solutions & Services SCHMIDBERGER ELEKTRO Ges.m.b.H. SCHMIDBERGER ELEKTRO Ges.m.b.H. SCHMIDBERGER ELEKTRO Ges.m.b.H. SCHOELLER Network Control GmbH Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft mbH Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft mbH Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft mbH Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft mbH Shimadzu Handelsgesellschaft mbH SIEMENS Building Technologies GmbH & Co SPP Handels GmbH STOW GmbH AUSTRIA TecBit Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H TEERAG-ASDAG Aktiengesellschaft TELEKOM AUSTRIA AG Telekom Austria TA AG Telekom Austria TA AG Thermo Fisher Scientific wissenschaftliche Geraete GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific wissenschaft. Thermo Fisher Scientific wissenschaft. Thermo Fisher Scientific wissenschaft. UNIVERSAL ELEKTRONIK IMPORT Ges.m.b.H. VITRA GmbH. VWR International GmbH (AUS/USA) WIESNER-HAGER GmbH XDS XTRA DATENSYSTEME GMBH. XEROX Austria/ Xerox Office Supplies MEET Handels G.m.b.H MEET Handels G.m.b.H Balteau NDT sa CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH FSE International IBT s.a. IBT s.a. IBT s.a. IBT s.a. ABACC AGFA GEVAERT DO BRASIL LTDA. IMAGEM GEOSISTEMAS & COMERCIO LTDA. BioSystems Ltd. DAVID Holding Company ADT Advanced Integration ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA (AECL-CANDU) BOT ENGINEERING Ltd BOT ENGINEERING Ltd BOT ENGINEERING Ltd BOT ENGINEERING Ltd BOT ENGINEERING Ltd BOT ENGINEERING Ltd Double V Contracting Limited Entrust Ltd. AGILENT Technologies Shanghai Co., Ltd. Andrews A. & Co. (Mail Order) Ltd. Goodwill China Business Information Ltd. PerkinElmer (Hong Kong) Ltd. STARLIMS ASIA PACIFIC LTD TOVEK spol. s.r.o. UJP Praha a.s. UJP Praha a.s. DanOffice plc Agitech - Arabian Group for Intregrated Technologies A2J LASER TECHNOLOGY AERIAL AZ-SYSTEMES ANTECIM CAMECA Fisher Bioblock Scientific HORIBA JOBIN YVON SAS HORIBA JOBIN YVON SAS Itech Instruments Itech Instruments RadPro International GmbH Saphymo SPOT IMAGE SA Thermo Electron S.A. AnalytiCON Instruments GmbH AnalytiCON Instruments GmbH AnalytiCON Instruments GmbH BrainLAB Sales Gmbh BrainLAB Sales Gmbh Bruker Daltonic GmbH CMS GmbH - Computerized Medical Systems CMS GmbH - Computerized Medical Systems DMG Austria, Vertriebs und Service GmbH DMT Druckmesstechnik GmbH Dr. Collin GmbH Dr. NEUMANN Elektronik GmbH DSG Detector Systems GmbH Eckert & Ziegler EUROTOPE GmbH Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH Elsinger Electronic Handel GmbH EUROPEAN COMMISSION FCI Frenzel Consulting & Instruments FerroVAZ Gesellschaft fuer Export, Import und Eng. GmbH. GAF AG GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies ICx Radiation GmbH Surveillance cameras and accessories Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Weighing machine weights of all kinds, parts of weighing mac Weighing machinery Printer accessories Toner for laser printers Construction work and site management, general Paper, photocopying Mini-computers Software application packages Film and video processing and duplication Video studio equipment Personal computers (PC), general purpose Accelerator, Electron Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Cables, telecommunication Co-axial cable and other co-axial electric conductors Printing equipment rental Air Monitoring Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Computer systems, special purpose other Hardware and/or software maintenance and repair Software licenses Vendor-specific software support and maintenance Cabinets, 19", for technical components Monitoring equipment Switchboxes Expendables for use with EDP equipment Chromatograph, HPLC Chromatographic Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Spectrophotometer Spectrophotometer, Fast Fourier Transform IR General building maintenance and repair n.e.c. Software licenses Stores shelving Personal computers (PC), general purpose Windows, french windows and their frames, of wood Internet related services Internet service providers Switches, other X-Ray Equipment Filament tow, artificial and staple fibres, not carded or co Instruments for measuring temperature or other physical prop Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Power supplies Chairs, office Laboratory consumables Chairs, revolving clerical Personal computers (PC), general purpose Photocopying machines Detectors, radiation, neutron counter tube Radiation monitors X-Ray Equipment Detectors Veterinary Equipment Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Radiotherapy Equipment - Brachytherapy Equipment Radiotherapy Planning System Monitoring equipment Medical Equipment Computer Software Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Computer Software Surveillance cameras and accessories Measuring, checking and testing instruments and appliances Computer monitored systems for radiation monitoring Detectors Detectors, electronics, preamplifier Detectors, gamma Preamplifiers Security system installation General building maintenance PC software, general Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Computer Equipment, Other Compact disk read only memory (CD ROM) station accessories Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Software licenses Computer network communication equipment Radiotherapy Equipment - Teletherapy Equipment, Cobalt-60 Machine Radiotherapy Equipment - Teletherapy Equipment, Cobalt-60 Machine Computer System, PC Chromatographic Equipment Medical Equipment Dosimeter Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Spectrometers, mass Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies X-Ray Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Computer monitored systems for radiation monitoring Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Satellite imagery Spectrometer Mass Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Non-Destructive Testing Equipment (Non-Radioactive) X-Ray Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Monitoring equipment Radiotherapy Planning System Radiotherapy Planning System Milling machines Transducers Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Interface Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Radiotherapy Planning System Spectrometer Mass Milling machines Nuclear materials analysis Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Non-Nuclear Industrial Equipment PC software, general Pressure gauges Detectors, radiation 129 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 89,265.09 42,900.00 31,626.40 33,551.54 229,960.78 40,600.00 90,461.13 135,122.30 83,133.81 842,268.48 60,240.96 105,298.55 43,547.82 30,630.33 37,151.97 39,622.09 63,467.57 416,286.92 94,386.72 86,651.14 56,304.47 505,562.13 40,692.12 53,813.30 36,213.95 69,718.37 62,085.80 57,977.53 34,893.28 58,070.57 150,529.79 44,080.87 32,120.84 32,164.13 43,450.28 51,634.53 92,970.71 117,869.82 90,290.94 64,876.90 247,819.77 296,367.29 78,085.00 46,016.27 78,253.01 37,090.36 35,732.52 50,303.37 40,816.33 37,985.61 52,915.61 36,890.06 112,000.00 33,340.00 54,054.83 384,337.35 34,502.39 137,698.83 196,421.36 276,322.76 34,014.39 39,188.11 49,969.61 34,954.15 65,450.00 68,975.47 31,290.02 89,679.10 181,460.00 1,025,620.00 312,030.00 168,240.00 53,150.00 142,240.00 90,032.62 76,079.14 54,000.00 53,090.70 70,639.53 35,321.00 36,000.00 162,650.60 52,000.00 734,776.71 72,922.44 65,156.15 45,519.92 43,088.02 178,881.67 5,325,443.79 37,637.98 104,272.38 202,138.52 86,662.34 131,464.65 150,435.37 31,737.79 280,898.88 37,370.85 58,585.86 65,613.28 67,819.64 31,126.58 59,853.42 64,737.95 55,522.37 261,360.75 207,990.56 34,458.51 69,180.38 40,843.21 129,184.70 80,114.80 252,525.25 38,461.54 50,000.00 55,927.79 287,443.64 44,691.27 34,641.35 67,135.55 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier IAEA continued GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY HUNGARY INDIA IRELAND ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN KENYA LATVIA LATVIA LATVIA LATVIA LEBANON LITHUANIA MALAYSIA MEXICO NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS POLAND ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RUSSIAN FEDERATION RUSSIAN FEDERATION RUSSIAN FEDERATION RUSSIAN FEDERATION RUSSIAN FEDERATION Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) ICx Technologies GmbH ICx Technologies GmbH ICx Technologies GmbH ICx Technologies GmbH INTEGRA Biosciences GmbH Isotopes Technologies Dresden GmbH Isotopes Technologies Dresden GmbH LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG LABSCO - Laboratory Supply Company GmbH & Co. KG Leica Microsysteme Vertrieb GmbH - DSA MADRAS Computer Vertriebsges.m.b.H. Magnettech GmbH METEOROLOGIE CONSULT GMBH Otto SAUSENG GmbH RadPro International GmbH - Synodys Passive Dosimetry GmbH RadPro International GmbH - Synodys Passive Dosimetry GmbH RadPro International GmbH - Synodys Passive Dosimetry GmbH RadPro International GmbH - Synodys Passive Dosimetry GmbH SAP Deutschland AG & Co. Kg SAPHYMO Siemens AG - Medical Solutions, GS SO Siemens AG - Medical Solutions, GS SO Siemens AG - Medical Solutions, GS SO Systerra Computer GmbH TechniData AG THERMO ELECTRON ERLANGEN Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) GmbH. Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific Messtechnik GmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific MesstechnikGmbH Thermo Fisher Scientific MesstechnikGmbH Vereinigte Papierwarenfabriken GmbH WAGNER Analysen Technik VertriebsgmbH. Csepel Mernokiroda Ltd. Csepel Mernokiroda Ltd. Csepel Mernokiroda Ltd. Institute of Isotopes Co., Ltd. Institute of Isotopes Co., Ltd. Institute of Isotopes Co., Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development and Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development and Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development and Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development and Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development and Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development and Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development and Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development and Service Ltd. Mediso Medical Equipment Development and Service Ltd. RADOSYS KFT. SAMAS HUNGARY OFFICE FURNITURE LTD. SAMAS HUNGARY OFFICE FURNITURE LTD. SAMAS HUNGARY OFFICE FURNITURE LTD. SAMAS HUNGARY OFFICE FURNITURE LTD. Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology (BRIT) Bechtle direkt GmbH Bio-Fly Bio-Fly Bio-Fly Bio-Fly Bio-Fly Comecer Srl Comecer Srl Comecer Srl Costech International SpA e-GEOS INOX-FER SRL (Food Industries Equipments) Joint Research Centre Milestone S.R.L. Milestone S.R.L. Perkin Elmer Italy S.p.A. Perkin Elmer Italy S.p.A. Perkin Elmer Italy S.p.A. Perkin Elmer Italy S.p.A. TTC Analytical Services Corp. Fa. Mitsubishi Denzel AG FF COMPANY OFFICE SOLUTIONS & MORE Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute JAPAN RADIOISOTOPE Association Kabushiki Kaisha Seibunkan MADRAS Computer Vertriebsges.m.b.H. MADRAS Computer Vertriebsges.m.b.H. Taiyo Keisoku Corporation TEMMA RIKA KENKYUSHO Nairobi Medical Stores Limited BRUKER BALTIC BRUKER BALTIC RITEC Ltd. ZRF RITEC SIA Technoline Sal MEET Handels G.m.b.H Flexcalesystems Resident Representative of the U.N. - MEX CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CELTIC KOELING B.V. Eijkelkamp Agrisearch Equipment ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV PANalytical B.V. EMEA HQ Veenstra Instrumenten B V Veenstra Instrumenten B V Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection Namicon Testing s.r.l. ISTC/Ministry of Atomic Energy of RUS JSC ARBYTE MC JSC ARBYTE MC JSC ARBYTE MC Laboratory for Microparticle Analysis NTL-Pribor Ltd. Detectors, radiation Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Monitoring equipment Voter registration and indentification systems Furniture, laboratory Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Agricultural Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies PC software, general Irradiation Equipment Isotope analysis equipment Electronics testing equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments TLD Reader Hardware and/or software maintenance and repair Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Radiotherapy Equipment - Simulator System design and development Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Detectors, radiation TLD Reader Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments TLD Reader TLD Reader Monitoring equipment Radiation monitors Bags, paper, commissary Laboratory equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Radiation Protection Supplies Radiation Protection Supplies Irradiation Equipment Irradiator Gamma, Semi-Industrial Isotopes, Radioactive Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Gamma Camera Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Desks, office Furniture Furniture, office, melamine Furniture, office, other than chairs Irradiator Gamma, Semi-Industrial Uninterruptable power supply units Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies Hot Cells and In-Cell Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Gas analyzer Satellite imagery Entomological Equipment & Supplies Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical reader Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Counter, Liquid Scintillation Automatic Counter, Liquid Scintillation Automatic Counter, Liquid Scintillation Automatic Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Medical Equipment Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Computers interfaced with analysers, laboratory use Nuclear materials analysis Sources General management services Computers, laptop/notebook Laptop/notebook computer accessories Spectrometers, mass, accessories thereof. Laboratory consumables Agricultural Equipment Monitoring equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Detectors Monitoring equipment Chromatograph, HPLC Detectors, radiation Computer Equipment, Other Computer Software Detectors Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Hydrology Equipment Data storage Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Nuclear Medicine Equipment Nuclear Medicine Equipment Air Monitoring Equipment Non-Destructive Testing Equipment (Non-Radioactive) Audio visual equipment Computer Equipment, Other Computer Equipment, Other Computer Equipment, Other Nuclear materials analysis Non-Nuclear Industrial Equipment 130 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 52,707.45 199,926.04 239,457.83 33,497.19 85,305.58 45,454.55 70,374.96 41,668.62 30,091.60 30,216.65 33,764.44 34,287.20 36,659.88 37,503.10 40,913.04 43,290.95 43,344.99 44,968.25 46,903.46 56,014.13 65,972.50 86,969.02 35,642.14 41,592.15 101,116.39 84,739.64 71,240.96 31,037.52 52,792.21 61,679.61 180,870.13 66,132.00 61,454.11 249,768.43 472,453.00 361,466.09 188,624.26 162,965.37 170,100.00 305,855.76 55,300.00 79,356.00 79,497.53 36,591.87 56,700.00 76,848.92 86,671.60 70,699.86 30,786.92 77,128.43 1,038,961.04 357,864.36 33,030.30 100,000.00 120,000.00 268,460.00 341,999.91 342,000.00 342,000.13 354,937.00 35,735.01 39,245.31 48,773.45 63,576.33 64,959.21 48,536.43 61,254.39 206,000.00 75,180.47 30,903.61 48,340.55 49,000.00 55,425.68 64,800.00 128,138.53 66,378.07 66,378.07 44,776.33 405,443.00 35,339.11 185,013.18 42,338.63 39,672.16 55,916.12 71,945.20 144,892.64 72,898.46 42,572.15 62,019.47 272,040.82 35,000.00 46,903.44 368,848.85 61,735.96 49,731.74 82,636.51 38,750.00 35,774.98 30,406.63 69,145.02 138,468.17 128,988.17 304,575.00 41,350.21 78,410.00 43,470.00 79,567.64 44,172.16 44,678.85 33,083.55 198,772.01 96,260.54 96,965.36 33,189.03 43,997.11 47,368.98 34,255.38 62,749.80 164,976.75 36,000.00 2,025,582.87 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier IAEA continued RUSSIAN FEDERATION RUSSIAN FEDERATION RUSSIAN FEDERATION SINGAPORE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVAKIA SLOVAKIA SLOVAKIA SLOVAKIA SLOVAKIA SLOVAKIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND THAILAND TUNISIA TURKEY UKRAINE UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM URUGUAY USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Public Limited Company, Vargashi Fire-Fighting and Spe. Equi Scientific Production Center "Aspect" Sovzond NDT Instruments Pte Ltd. PERICOM GmbH ABmerit - Ing. Peter Carny Divax Institute of Zoology - Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Zoology - Slovak Academy of Sciences MORO TECHNOS a.s. VUJE Trnava Inc. South African Nuclear Energy Corporation VARIAN IBERICA S.L. ABEM Instrument AB ENLIGHT AB FOSS Analytical AB Relcon Scandpower AB Unfors Instruments AB Convera Ges.m.b.H. Convera Ges.m.b.H. Convera Ges.m.b.H. Huber + Suhner GmbH Schiller AC Schiller AC United Nations Internat.Computing Centre Varian Medical Systems International AG Varian Medical Systems International AG ARCHEMICA INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. AES: Appareillage et Equipement Scientifique Telkotek Bilisim Teknolojileri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirk Atom Komplex Prylad Atom Komplex Prylad Activotec Advanced Measurement Technology Advanced Measurement Technology Afiniti Ltd. AMERCARE LTD. Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Ametek Advanced Measurement Technology Axios Systems Plc Axios Systems Plc Axios Systems Plc CROFT ASSOCIATES Ltd. Gulmay Medical Limited Gulmay Medical Limited John Caunt Scientific Ltd. KINGS COLLEGE LONDON Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited Labquip Projects Limited LEX-E-CON Malvern Instruments Ltd. Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited MIRION TECHNOLOGIES (IST) Ltd. NATIONAL NUCLEAR LABORATORY NU INSTRUMENTS LTD. SerCon Limited Wagtech International Ltd Wardray Premise Z+F UK LTD. Ridaline S.A. ACP Computer Handels GmbH ACP IT Solutions GmbH Adaptive Digital Systems Inc. Agilent Technologies Oesterreich GmbH AIR FORCE TECHNICAL APPLICATIONS CENTER Althen GmbH Mess-und Sensortechnik Applied Biosystems - Applera International Inc. Aquila Technologies Aquila Technologies b4you DI Gerhard Sobotka Bechtle direkt GmbH BOT ENGINEERING Ltd BOT ENGINEERING Ltd Cambridge Isotope Laboratories Inc CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH CANBERRA PACKARD Central Europe GmbH Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Canberra Albuquerque, Inc. Canberra Industries, Inc. Cryomech, Inc. Dionex Corp. e-GEOS EQUITRADE CORP Eton International FOSS THERAPY SERVICES, INC. FOSS THERAPY SERVICES, INC. GE Medical Systems Ultrasound & Primary Care Diagnostics GE REUTER-STOKES Inc. GE REUTER-STOKES Inc. Hopewell Designs Inc Hopewell Designs Inc Innovative Systems Software Instron Vehicles Radiation monitors Satellite imagery Non-Destructive Testing Equipment (Non-Radioactive) Computer network communication equipment Computer Software Computer Equipment, Other Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies Entomological Equipment & Supplies Miscellaneous Computer Software Radioactive waste drums/containers Spectrometer Mass Hydrology Equipment Computer related services n.e.c. Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Computer Software Electronic Equipment and Components Computer programming Hardware and/or software maintenance and repair Software, bibliographic resources Co-axial cable and other co-axial electric conductors Gamma Camera Medical Equipment Software, computer, including manuals Accelerator, Electron Accelerator, Electron Chromatographic Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Computer Equipment, Other Electrical Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Gamma survey meters Mainframe/mini based applications software development Computer training Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Detectors, radiation, neutron counter tube Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Spectrometer Nuclear Spectrometer Nuclear Spectrometer Nuclear Spectrometer, Emission PC software, general Software licenses Vendor-specific software support and maintenance Containers for atomic energy purposes X-Ray Equipment X-Ray Equipment Pulse counters Scientific research Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Timer counters Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Vendor-specific software support and maintenance Cameras specially designed for underwater use Nuclear materials analysis Spectrometer Mass Spectrometer Mass Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Guarantee agreement Chromatograph, HPLC PC software, general Data storage Surveillance cameras and accessories Oscilloscopes Nuclear materials analysis Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Containers, storage Stoppers, caps and lids, seals and other acc., of base metal PC software, general Uninterruptable power supply units Co-axial cable and other co-axial electric conductors Personal computers (PC), general purpose Chemicals Analysers, pulse height, multichannel Collimators Detectors Detectors, gamma Cameras Computer network communication equipment Computer systems, special purpose other Hard disk accessories Navigational instruments and appliances Surveillance cameras and accessories Surveillance/control systems Surveillance/control systems, other Surveillance cameras and accessories Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Chromatographic Equipment Satellite imagery Computer Equipment, Other Batteries, primary Container, shipment Transducers, Load cells X-Ray Equipment Detectors Detectors, radiation, fission chamber Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Computer Software Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 131 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 316,320.00 1,258,049.42 70,000.00 122,681.82 133,656.63 137,822.59 30,783.21 91,162.47 102,256.13 62,040.72 51,845.06 57,400.00 786,694.00 199,278.50 36,632.80 31,294.96 31,042.69 45,485.21 48,069.99 48,814.50 57,053.81 69,623.43 103,254.44 48,947.12 42,723.25 156,264.00 350,000.00 657,000.00 100,000.00 47,705.90 86,868.80 82,553.25 66,852.81 98,424.10 377,440.00 44,810.00 48,101.47 63,353.60 287,433.00 34,140.00 43,830.00 43,850.00 85,867.00 43,830.00 43,894.00 44,350.00 99,390.00 60,100.17 38,788.87 36,060.10 52,594.32 159,216.00 282,995.20 38,064.73 63,291.14 30,898.47 33,735.54 34,285.24 36,358.17 37,907.71 37,998.77 38,813.91 48,389.60 49,534.83 50,757.04 52,154.85 54,421.10 65,046.40 77,284.61 41,376.45 67,216.95 389,601.74 143,601.12 100,000.00 154,320.00 173,404.08 44,582.66 56,270.40 34,737.40 49,205.60 213,446.33 521,143.70 37,725.00 44,124.53 120,000.00 43,791.05 37,238.00 35,000.00 31,650.00 37,440.00 73,125.18 107,500.00 38,645.04 52,638.25 54,450.00 53,800.00 41,047.62 41,220.93 759,058.14 479,625.00 31,776.00 50,771.51 51,112.75 58,505.00 53,579.00 75,101.28 549,687.65 64,233.00 66,229.47 425,000.00 59,703.97 89,025.00 61,618.26 196,833.36 75,500.00 45,750.00 104,975.00 41,254.42 107,195.58 39,057.00 54,420.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier IAEA continued USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) IT-CUBE SYSTEMS GmbH Language Weaver Language Weaver Los Gatos Research Los Gatos Research Los Gatos Research Los Gatos Research Los Gatos Research Los Gatos Research Los Gatos Research Los Gatos Research Los Gatos Research Los Gatos Research Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited Mittli Mount Sopris Instrument Company, Inc. Ordela, Inc. PAJARITO SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION Palantir Technologies, Inc PCS IT-Trading GmbH PCS IT-Trading GmbH PDT - PRECISION DATA TECHNOLOGY Inc. PDT - PRECISION DATA TECHNOLOGY Inc. PDT - PRECISION DATA TECHNOLOGY Inc. PDT - PRECISION DATA TECHNOLOGY Inc. PEGATEC GmbH PerkinElmer Vertriebsgmbh Oesterreich PICARRO INC. Planson International Company Planson International Company Planson International Company RAD SOURCE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. RAD SOURCE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. RAD SOURCE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Refraction Technology Inc. (REF TEK) Reichholf & Reichholf GmbH Reichholf & Reichholf GmbH S&T Austria GmbH SCHOELLER Network Control GmbH SFSI - Service for Science and Industry, Inc. SFSI - Service for Science and Industry, Inc. SFSI - Service for Science and Industry, Inc. Software House International Sunset Laboratory Inc. Thermo Fisher Scientific/Thermo(Erlangen Touchtable Inc. XDS XTRA DATENSYSTEME GMBH. XDS XTRA DATENSYSTEME GMBH. XDS XTRA DATENSYSTEME GMBH. XDS XTRA DATENSYSTEME GMBH. Computer programming management Hardware and/or software maintenance and repair Software application packages Hydrology Equipment Hydrology Equipment Hydrology Equipment Hydrology Equipment Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments PC software, general Thickness gauges Geophysical Equipment Nuclear Research / Radiation Monitoring Instruments Monitoring equipment Software application packages Memory upgrades Network connection equipment, miscellaneous Counters, neutron Detectors Monitoring equipment Preamplifiers Hardware and/or software maintenance and repair Spectrometers, mass Water sample analysis equipment Computer Equipment, Other Computer System, PC Electronic Equipment and Components Irradiation Equipment Irradiation Equipment Irradiation Equipment Electronic Equipment and Components Hardware and/or software maintenance and repair Storage units and storage media for EDP Hard disks PC software, general Chemicals Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies PC software, general Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Software installation PC, notebook Colour display terminals, high or low resolution PC accessories PC software, general Personal computers (PC), general purpose 519,649.77 51,000.00 47,500.00 54,445.00 55,875.00 56,465.00 56,715.00 56,465.00 57,115.00 61,956.60 55,325.00 55,500.00 63,225.00 63,315.18 46,565.90 32,984.00 54,487.00 162,270.00 105,645.00 61,165.96 43,672.97 67,600.00 168,600.00 96,893.49 50,500.00 63,622.05 166,945.61 85,907.00 44,595.00 33,510.00 57,418.00 100,000.00 104,900.00 209,000.00 226,513.00 406,831.40 39,746.16 31,610.95 68,405.86 38,068.04 33,585.34 45,099.93 40,563.20 74,230.00 38,443.18 99,150.00 82,511.25 63,938.62 48,903.34 94,678.39 IFAD Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy SAET SPA OTIS SERVIZI SRL G.D. GRAFIDATA SRL ECS INTERNATIONAL ITALIA SPA DLI SRL DLI SRL Security Equipment Building Management Equipment IT Equipment Rental of IT Equipment IT Equipment IT Equipment 38,384.90 39,054.40 30,797.18 67,368.84 718,117.02 52,512.66 ILO Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark France Germany Germany Germany Indonesia Indonesia Ireland Ireland Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Netherlands Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United States DAN:OFFICE DANIMEX COMMUNICATION LTD KJAER & KJAER KJAER & KJAER KJAER & KJAER DAESIGN BMW-BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE AG BOMAG GMBH MAINTAINET AG PT BROTHERSINDO UTAMA SEJATI PT ZIONCOM TECHNOLOGY MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERV.EUROPE ANTALIS SA DELL COMPUTER S.A. DELL COMPUTER S.A. DELL COMPUTER S.A. DELL COMPUTER S.A. DELL COMPUTER S.A. DELL COMPUTER S.A. DL GROUPE GMG DOORS COMPUTER S.A. DOORS COMPUTER S.A. HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SARL HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SARL HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SARL HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SARL HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SARL HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SARL HP INVENT (COMPAQ COMPUTER AG) HP INVENT (COMPAQ COMPUTER AG) NOS S.A. OEKOPACK AG SHARP ELECTRONICS (SCHWEIZ) AG SWISSCOM (SUISSE) S.A. GRANDES ENTREPRISES TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD UNITED NATIONS - NEW YORK PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF ROAD VEHICLE N.E.C. SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS MACHINERY, SPECIAL PURPOSE, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF MICRO-COMPUTERS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS MICRO-COMPUTERS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF STORAGE UNITS AND STORAGE MEDIA FOR EDP PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS FURNITURE STATIONERY ARTICLES N.E.C. OFFICE AND ACCOUNTING MACHINERY AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC 60,083.74 37,682.23 30,607.00 33,240.00 33,388.00 53,146.94 44,746.16 75,011.01 36,337.21 34,060.00 73,962.08 82,512.90 73,812.66 36,295.21 31,538.22 47,430.98 25,064.50 31,570.34 183,000.00 31,626.02 38,341.46 40,615.45 38,926.83 56,679.39 55,582.93 39,366.81 34,328.46 31,300.81 39,251.52 216,164.07 116,033.05 84,800.28 68,001.40 30,783.09 78,973.78 50,581.88 38,252.36 31,388.43 101,528.46 213,731.38 133,531.88 109,591.96 30,766.02 122,909.69 36,235.59 32,259.79 34,483.86 35,598.91 33,257.13 104,456.14 132 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier ITC Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) INFO-LOGO SA INFO-LOGO SA NMB OFFICE DESIGN SA NMB OFFICE DESIGN SA NMB OFFICE DESIGN SA NEXTIRAONE MIB SUISSE SA LAN EXPERT SA LAN EXPERT SA DPS SA GLOBAL DIRECT SA IT equipment IT equipment Furniture Furniture Furniture IT equipment IT equipment IT equipment IT equipment IT equipment IT equipment 35,543.00 39,333.00 35,385.00 30,753.00 246,254.00 33,311.00 32,035.00 49,973.00 139,082.00 34,482.00 110,181.00 OPCW Belgium Germany Ireland Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom JOINT ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS BENELUX BV (JSB) BLÜCHER GMBH MICROSOFT IRELAND OPERATIONS LTD BECHTLE DIRECT B.V. BEEDIRECT BV BRUKER DALTONIK GMBH BRUKER OPTICS BV COGNOS BV CORPULS NEDERLAND B.V. ENECO ENERGIE SERVICES BV HOLLAND SYSTEMEN ELEKTRONISCHE BEVEILIGING BV INFOTEC NEDERLAND B.V. (EX DANKA NEDERLAND) KONINKLIJKE TNT POST BV MAIN ENERGY B.V. MAIN ENERGY B.V. OCE FINANCE NEDERLAND PROCARE BV QUINTIQ APPLICATIONS BV SRI CONSULTING WORLD FORUM CONVENTION CENTER LE BAGAGE (VICTORINOX SWISS ARMY) AVON TECHNICAL PRODUCTS DIVISION GC/FTIR SPECTROPHOTOMETER SYSTEMS PROTECTIVE OVERALLS OR TROUSER/JACK SOFTWARE LICENSES SOFTWARE LICENSES LAN FILE SERVERS, ADVANCED LEVEL FILTERING AND PURIFYING EQUIPMENT GC/FTIR SPECTROPHOTOMETER SYSTEMS SOFTWARE LICENSES MOBILE MEDICAL UNITS, MULTIPURPOSE HEATERS, GAS SECURITY SYSTEM INSTALLATION PHOTOCOPYING APPARATUS AND OFFICE E POSTAGE-FRANKING MACHINES, TICKET-I ELECTRICITY, TOWN GAS, STEAM AND HO ELECTRICITY, TOWN GAS, STEAM AND HO PHOTOCOPYING APPARATUS AND OFFICE E OXYGEN DEMAND TESTING EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE LICENSES LIBRARY AND REFERENCE BOOKS CONFERENCE ROOM FURNITURE BAGS, TRAVELLING MASKS, PROTECTION FROM CHEMICALS, W 65,682.82 83,193.43 79,142.30 43,687.02 30,593.82 38,171.02 82,747.10 46,183.03 45,931.28 76,621.46 31,866.19 34,308.62 38,439.88 109,560.40 32,457.62 56,436.21 32,066.51 79,176.56 32,864.75 81,901.81 42,591.45 37,017.75 UNCTAD Belize Belize Belize Central African Republic Central African Republic Haiti Israel Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Nepal Dell *No Information ( UNDP have not yet provided us with information) *No Information ( UNDP have not yet provided us with information) Dell Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding General Engineering Services *No Information ( UNDP have not yet provided us with information) Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Al Libya Ghad Elite Network &Communication IT Equipment Software IT Equipment IT Equipment vehicle IT Equipment Software vehicle vehicle IT Equipment 90,000.00 60,863.00 43,000.00 42,975.00 48,000.00 229,410.00 55,000.00 43,000.00 32,520.00 135,292.00 UNDP Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan ABDUL RAHIM SALEH ZADA CO LTD ABDUL RAHIM SALEH ZADA CO LTD Afghan Eagle Group of Companies Afghan Eagle Group of Companies AFGHAN ITT AHMAD PRINTING PRESS AHMAD PRINTING PRESS AHMAD PRINTING PRESS AHMAD PRINTING PRESS AHMAD PRINTING PRESS AL-RAHMAN COMPUTER CO.LTD ARIA STATIONERY LTD BAHEER COMPUTER AND PRINTING PRESS CARE INTERNATIONAL CENTURY GROUP CO LTD CENTURY GROUP CO LTD CETENA GROUP CETENA GROUP ELITE DECOR ELITE DECOR LTD ELITE DECOR LTD FARID NABI COMPANY LTD GHAZNI AFGHAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY GOOD PERFORMANCE INITIATIVE (GPI) GUTENBERG CO LTD HAMED WARASTA CO LTD INSIGHT CONSULTING INSIGHT CONSULTING INTEGRATED ICT SOLUTIONS INTEGRATED ICT SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGMENT INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGMENT INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGMENT INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGMENT IO GLOBAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED IO GLOBAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED IO GLOBAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED IO GLOBAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED IO GLOBAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED IO GLOBAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED IO GLOBAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED IO GLOBAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED JUBAILI BROS KHALIQYAR STORE LAPIS LTD LAPIS LTD LAPIS LTD LAPIS LTD LIWAL LIMITED MACHINE TRADERS LTD MEDIA MASTER PRODUCTION MEDIA MASTER PRODUCTION MEDIA MASTER PRODUCTION MEDIA SUPPORT PARTNERSHIP AFGHANISTAN MEGAPLUS AFGHANISTAN LTD MEGAPLUS AFGHANISTAN LTD MEGAPLUS AFGHANISTAN LTD MEGAPLUS AFGHANISTAN LTD MEGAPLUS AFGHANISTAN LTD Melad Nabi Noori LTD NATIONAL FUEL INC (KABUL) NATIONAL MOTORS NATIONAL MOTORS NAVY LOGISTIC SERVICES NEW ANSARI LTD NEW ANSARI LTD NEW ANSARI LTD New Mustafa Sear LTD RANA TECHNOLOGIES RANA TECHNOLOGIES RANA TECHNOLOGIES RANA TECHNOLOGIES FG Wilson (200 KVA/ 160KW 380/ To purchase Diesel Generator 200 KW Outdoor Plastic Chairs:Size: Pymnt IEc furniture RDP#3728 Polycom VSX (Equivalent) prese One Sheet Provincial councile Printing of Flipcharts for the Pymnt print IEC ballots#3499 Pymnt printing material R#3309 Two Sheets provincial councile Printer HP 2015 Not net work Providing stationeires for the LOT-2 Printing of Counting/Pol UNDP/AliceGhan/Civil Works/440 Correction of V# 77074 RDP#223-DIAG Vehicles (17) Concept development, design, l Design, Development, Placement 92811-1 Furniture Office Armchair (without tilti Payment Office desk: RDP#1099 Meduim Capacity Copier Black & Pymnt construction HQ RDP#1943 Clearance NEX Advance CTP Plate Maker Multi Functional Copier for AS Media Monitoring Services for Pymnt media monitoring RD#3233 Reimbursement-DIAG Exp (64553) RIBBONS FOR THE PRINTER (YMCK Mobilization payment - 30% Upon 100% Completion of works Upon 50% Completion of works Upon 75% Completion of works IEC net chrges June RDP#3242 Internet access charges for th Internet bandwith charges for Internet bandwith charges for 6 mon Internet chrges feb-may R#2081 Internet Services for UNDP Ele Pymnt net IEC july RDP#3504 Pymnt provision net ECC R#3243 650 KW Generator for Afghanist Air Condition Media Placement required for S Number of broadcasts of the radio r Second Milestone: Film documen Third Milstone final Rep #1442 Dell Laptop Computers Multi Functional Copier FULL OPTION Dissemination for 10 days 6 ti POD Advert on daily news paper POD advert on weeklies Half p Pymnt IEC script writing #3608 Dell Optipplex 960FF Desktop Desktop computer Dell, Dual Core op Pymnt laptop PC ECC RDP#3506 UNDP Afghanistan LTA:Dell Op Vostro 1510 Laptop computer with al Pymnt Ecc genrator RDP#3557 National Fuel invoice for the month Toyota Hiace Minibus / 2008 Toyota Land Cruiser 200 serio Purchasing of toners and cartr Pymnt comunication equip #3418 Thuraya Solar Chargers Thuraya Top up cards 20$ denom Pymnt IEC SFP modules RDP#3607 Digital Sender HP 9250c Digital Sender Printer HP for ASGP Projector LCD Screen for ASGP Proje 133 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 39,500.00 79,000.00 406,000.00 669,120.00 112,660.00 60,740.00 150,800.00 220,000.00 55,080.00 132,400.00 39,150.00 56,090.00 85,950.00 2,047,440.00 374,850.00 424,830.00 53,690.00 357,440.00 164,180.00 48,600.00 84,650.00 33,400.00 55,030.00 862,020.00 180,000.00 35,280.00 168,500.00 131,630.00 93,460.00 42,000.00 125,570.00 44,060.00 55,080.00 55,080.00 45,130.00 73,640.00 125,000.00 350,000.00 113,070.00 49,890.00 44,200.00 64,490.00 176,700.00 34,200.00 132,600.00 120,000.00 151,050.00 30,210.00 84,230.00 33,580.00 48,000.00 43,800.00 95,200.00 56,280.00 47,570.00 322,250.00 208,380.00 30,840.00 45,300.00 50,100.00 30,960.00 52,000.00 763,200.00 47,780.00 276,000.00 33,000.00 88,750.00 59,570.00 56,750.00 30,760.00 41,130.00 74,560.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Algeria Algeria Algeria Algeria Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) RANA TECHNOLOGIES RANA TECHNOLOGIES SALEEM NAJIB TAWANA CO LTD SAYARA MEDIA COMMUNICATION SAYARA MEDIA COMMUNICATION SAYARA MEDIA COMMUNICATION WESTERN AUTO LLC WHITE GALAXY ZABIHULLAH AZIZ CO.LTD (ZAC) EPE RETELEM - SPA ER2 EURL KAPTAN ELECTRICITE HITA ABDELATIF ARMAZENS CONTINENTAL LDA ARMAZENS CONTINENTAL LDA EMP TRANS LDA CARGO CENTER LUANDA TOYOTA DE ANGOLA S.A.R.L. TOYOTA DE ANGOLA S.A.R.L. TOYOTA DE ANGOLA S.A.R.L. TOYOTA DE ANGOLA S.A.R.L. UNICEF DENMARK UNICEF DENMARK UNICEF DENMARK UNICEF DENMARK UNICEF DENMARK UNICEF DENMARK UNOPS-UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT VAUCO-AUTOMOVEIS E EQUIPAMENTOS, LDA ADOX S.A. ALBI S.R.L. Y OTROS U.T.E. ALBI S.R.L. Y OTROS U.T.E. ALBI SRL ALBI SRL ALBI SRL ALBI SRL ALLMEDIC S.A. BASSET AEROBICA SRL BERNARDO LEW E HIJOS S.R.L. CARDIOMEDIC S.A. CARDIOPACK ARGENTINA SA CASA PIRO S.A. CASA PIRO S.A. CENTRO BOX SRL CENTRO DE SERVICIOS HOSPITALARIOS S.A. CENTRO DE SERVICIOS HOSPITALARIOS SA CLP SRL COMUNICACION EDITORIAL GRAFICA ARGENTINA CONSIST TELEINFORMATICA S.A. CROMOION SRL DELL AMERICA LATINA CORP. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DROGUERIA APONOR SA DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. DROGUERIA COMARSA S.A. EDISEC SRL EDSI TREND ARGENTINA SA EKIPOS S.R.L. EMELEC S.A. ESAOTE LATINOAMERICA S.A. ESTRAME SA EUROSWISS S.A. EUROSWISS S.A. FADA PHARMA S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. FARMED S.A. GEMED SRL GRAN BUENOS AIRES RAYOS X SA GRAN BUENOS AIRES RAYOS X SA GRAN BUENOS AIRES RAYOS X SA GRAN BUENOS AIRES RAYOS X SA GRIENSU S.A. GRIENSU S.A. GRIENSU S.A. GRIENSU S.A. GRUPO ARJE SRL HEWLETT PACKARD ARGENTINA S.R.L. HEWLETT PACKARD ARGENTINA S.R.L. HEWLETT PACKARD ARGENTINA S.R.L. HICOM GROUP SRL INDUSTRIAS MARO DE GENERAL ARENALES SRL INSTRUEQUIPOS S.A. INSTRUEQUIPOS S.A. INSTRUEQUIPOS S.A. INSTRUEQUIPOS S.A. IT DEALS SA KLONAL S.R.L. KLONAL S.R.L. KLONAL S.R.L. KLONAL S.R.L. KODENT S.A. KODENT S.A. KODENT S.A. LABORATORIO PABLO CASSARA SRL LABORATORIOS DUNCAN S.A. LABORATORIOS FABRA S.A. LABORATORIOS FABRA S.A. LABORATORIOS RICHMOND S.A.C.I.F. LABORATORIOS RICHMOND S.A.C.I.F. LABORATORIOS RICHMOND S.A.C.I.F. LOGICALIS ARGENTINA SA MACOR INSUMOS HOSPITALARIOS S.R.L. MALLINCKRODT MEDICAL ARGENTINA LIMITED MARIO HORACIO DEL GIUDICE S.R.L. MEDIX I.C.S.A. MERCK SHARP & DOHME ARG. INC. META 4 AUSTRAL S.A. UPS for ASGP XEROX Work Centre 7655 Color C Office Desk 180 CM with Drawer 3rd install radio roundtable LOT 1 Radio PSAs for the IEC P Pymnt IEC script writing #3722 09 mini-buses (26 seats TOYOTA Reimbursement-DIAG Exp (54419) ARSHIA Motorcycles for ASGP OMNIPCX OFFICE 200/z achat kit pompage solaire GROUPE ELECTROGENE DIESEL 167KVA SU Restauration d'une maison tradition Airfreight transport Furniture for HIV and TB Proje Paymt 310.085/09 PO 2087 EMP Hardtop 4X4 vehicle Purchase of one Toyota Land Cr Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 Toyota Pick up double cabine Airfreight transport Facscount reagents kit. / KIT Freight, Insurance and Fees HIV Rapid test kit. Determine HIV Rapid test kit. UniGold. / Purchase of OI/STI medicines as per Vehicle Toyota L/C Station Wagon Gx Vehicle, Chevrolet, CAPTIVA, T ARG/06/009-INV 143 ARG/07/007-INV 019 ARG/07/007-INV 025 ARG/07/007-INV 031 ARG/07/007-INV 078 ARG/07/007-INV 081 ARG/07/007-INV 096 ARG/06/009-INV 736 ARG/06/005-INV.2307 ARG/06/009-INV 13413/4/5/6/7/8 ARG/02/019-INV 2826 ARG/02/019-INV 1952 ARG/04/037-INV 153 ARG/04/037-INV 283 ARG/07/007-INV 1169 ARG/06/009-INV 6163/4/71/93 ARG/06/009-INV 6107/08/09 OFICINA PNUD - POR LA PROVISIÓ ARG/07/007-INV 315 ARG/06/005-INV.3522 ARG/06/009-INV 22603 ARG/05/025-INV.15036/54/150 ARG/03/026 - IMPRESORA HP LASE ARG/06/005-INV.5025 ARG/08/030-INV.5825 ARG/04/037-INV 1110 ARG/04/037-INV 38942/43 ARG/04/037-INV 39184/185 ARG/04/037-INV 39681 ARG/04/037-INV 39934/5/6 ARG/04/037-INV 40242/43 ARG/04/037-INV 40881/2 ARG/04/037-INV 41763 ARG/04/037-INV 42133/41274 ARG/04/037-INV 42185 ARG/05/025-INV.976 ARG/08/002-INV 086 ARG/03/020-INV 7716/7 ARG/03/026 - CONJUNTO DE UPS M ARG/06/009-INV 711 ND 714 ARG/08/029-INV.15720 ARG/03/020-INV 6129/6234/5/70 ARG/03/020-VARIOUS PAYMENTS ARG/03/020-INV 1062 ND ARG/04/037-INV 25182 ARG/04/037-INV 25235 ARG/04/037-INV 25705 ARG/04/037-INV 26013/049 ARG/04/037-INV 26522/537 ARG/04/037-INV 26664 ARG/04/037-INV 26871 ARG/04/037-INV 26898 ARG/06/009-INV 483 ARG/02/019-INV 1567 ARG/02/019-INV 1591 ARG/06/009-INV 013 ARG/06/009-INV 05 ARG/02/019-HON OCT/09 ARG/02/019-INV 147 ARG/02/019-INV 157 ARG/06/009-INV 164 ARG/06/005-INV.254 ARG/06/011 - INVOICE 5914 ARG/06/011-INV 5963 ARG/06/011-INV 6077 ARG/05/025-INV.90 ARG/04/001 - INVOICE 0067 ARG/04/037- INV 12588/89 ARG/04/037-INV 12516/7 ARG/04/037-INV 12638 ARG/04/037-INV 12649/652 ARG/06/005-INV.54 ARG/03/020-INV 25387/8/9 ARG/03/020-INV 294/ 032 ARG/03/020-INV 493 ARG/03/020-INV 647/678 ARG/04/037-INV 302 ARG/04/037-INV 320 ARG/04/037-INV 329/330 ARG/03/020-INV 983 ARG/03/020-INV 3581 ARG/03/020-INV 50505/6 ARG/03/020-INV 50667 ARG/04/037-INV 8203 ARG/04/037-INV 9094 ARG/04/037-INV 9801/9858 OFICINA PNUD - CISCO SWITCHES WS-C3 ARG/03/020-INV 22419/420 ARG/02/019-INV 20640 ARG/06/009-INV.2 ARG/06/009-VARIOUS PAYMENTS ARG/02/019-INV 27671 ARG/05/001-INV.946 134 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 39,490.00 31,480.00 63,910.00 68,550.00 95,970.00 109,670.00 139,910.00 93,640.00 57,010.00 34,030.00 39,600.00 40,060.00 32,430.00 56,920.00 287,840.00 108,760.00 50,900.00 43,800.00 43,800.00 33,900.00 64,970.00 99,000.00 34,780.00 560,000.00 113,230.00 86,960.00 45,540.00 73,000.00 46,810.00 278,800.00 159,320.00 198,610.00 153,510.00 154,310.00 193,910.00 60,200.00 40,450.00 157,770.00 44,510.00 195,700.00 58,600.00 31,180.00 96,470.00 93,980.00 54,060.00 60,790.00 96,640.00 89,100.00 30,010.00 85,080.00 52,000.00 92,260.00 95,770.00 39,090.00 93,390.00 90,350.00 91,530.00 79,140.00 82,640.00 39,320.00 77,140.00 128,560.00 58,670.00 61,830.00 45,970.00 30,250.00 36,300.00 69,900.00 76,300.00 37,750.00 109,670.00 49,880.00 93,820.00 93,610.00 41,760.00 106,980.00 153,420.00 54,340.00 61,360.00 80,040.00 132,000.00 82,380.00 78,120.00 169,710.00 48,780.00 159,370.00 258,630.00 32,330.00 85,410.00 66,500.00 1,610,920.00 843,300.00 460,260.00 45,930.00 33,550.00 64,150.00 39,300.00 40,700.00 45,640.00 162,350.00 116,950.00 47,200.00 46,900.00 35,990.00 38,740.00 44,510.00 64,040.00 54,080.00 46,160.00 110,670.00 54,410.00 51,580.00 51,320.00 65,880.00 30,090.00 94,350.00 38,150.00 35,130.00 66,830.00 32,780.00 50,000.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Barbados Barbados Barbados Barbados Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) MICROSOFT DE ARGENTINA S.A. MOVICAR AUTOMOTORES SA MOVICAR AUTOMOTORES SA NEC ARGENTINA S.A. NORGREEN S.A. PRODUCTOS FARMACEUTICOS FIDEX S.A. PROPATO HNOS. S.A.I.C. PROPATO HNOS. S.A.I.C. QUIRO-MED S.A.C.I.F. REDIMER S.A. SANT GALL FRIBURG Q.C.I. S.R.L. TALLARD TECHNOLOGIES ARGENTINA SA TECNOMEDICA SRL TRANS INDUSTRIAS ELECTRONICAS S.A. UNC-LABORATORIO DE HEMODERIVADOS VERTIGO FILMS SRL VISUP-FARM SRL AH BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES LLC EUROWAGEN LLC GALOPER Co. Ltd. MEGNA LLC MLL MOTORS LLC MURAN Ltd MURAN Ltd TRITON LTD AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX Export-Import Gmbh AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX Export-Import Gmbh AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH SYNERGY INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS INC AZEL SC BM Texnologiya BM Texnologiya Mebel Istehsalat LLC NTC Company RISK RISK RISK SINAM MMC SINAM MMC SINAM MMC SINAM MMC Subaru Azerbaijan LLC TRUST-ST TRUST-ST Ideas Information Technology Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Bitu Chakma CEGIS (CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENT AND Flora Limited Flora Limited Oriental Services AV (BD.) Ltd. Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Lim Radiant Automation Ltd., Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Tech Valley Computers Ltd. Tech Valley Computers Ltd. Tech Valley Networks Ltd The ACME Laboratories Ltd Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Limited GRENADA REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING GRENADA REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING TOKMAKJIAN INTERNATIONAL INC. TOKMAKJIAN INTERNATIONAL INC. AKHOVA PTUSHAK BATSKAUSHCHYNY ALGIMED ODO AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH ATLANT-M WOSTOK SOOO BELINFORMPROEKT MS-ANALYTICA USA, LLC ODO "Arnikatrade" WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION B.BEAM BD BIOSCIENCES BD BIOSCIENCES EUROPEAN DATACOMM NV INVOLUTION SA Krenotec SPRL MATERA S.A. MATERA S.A. MATERA S.A. MATERA S.A. MATERA S.A. MATERA S.A. MATERA S.A. MATERA S.A. Microson TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD ARG/05/001-INV.2362-2364 ARG/04/001 - INVOICE 1768 ARG/04/001 - TRANSP. EQUIPMENT ARG/06/005-INV.31 ARG/03/020-INV 1485/6 ARG/02/019-VARIOUS PAYMENTS ARG/02/019-INV 100/101 ARG/03/020-INV 27783 ARG/06/009-INV 2631/2/3 ARG/02/019-INV 2384091 ARG/03/020-INV 1688 ARG/08/029-INV.160 ARG/06/009-INV 3989/90 ARG/06/005-INV.1027 ARG/03/020-INV 6737 ARG/08/029-INV.1 ARG/03/020-INV 2428 SUPPLY OF ULTRASONIC HEAT METE VOLKSWAGEN TOUAREG SUPPLY OF AGRICULTURE MACHINER ?Purchase and delivery of Combine h TX3-150K-09 NISSAN TEANA NISSAN X-TRAIL LE GRADE Supply of nitreogen fertilizer 82827 Laboratory equipment 92827 Laboratory equipment 92844 Centrifuges, laboratory 92853-1 Syringes and needles 92853-1/2 Syringes and needles LAB EQUIPMENT Laboratory consumables Laboratory equipment miscellan Syringes and needles 92846-1 Syringes and Needles 92847-1 Lab Equipment LOT 1 92879-3 Lab. sup., blood saf Binocular microscope - 88 CD4 machine and Spectrophotometer GP92854-1Lab. equip. and suppl HIV test kits- Tridot HIV 1/2 test INFRA - PCR & Elisa readr&wash Lab Equipment LOT 1 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Laboratory equipment - Case 92 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - Hematol LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - Hematology A LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - Humalyz LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - Humalyzer LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - remaini LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - remaining it Laboratory equipment and supplies a Laboratory equipment for Lot Laboratory equipment for Lot 1 Laboratory equipment, miscella Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous LABORATORY EQUIPMENT.Please Laboratory equipments and supplies Syringes and Needles Payment for service rendered purchase of equipment Fixed camera, Dome camera, NVR Fixed camera, Dome camera, NVR (vid 80 % payment for archive furni Payment upon successful comple purch of equipment purchase of equipment purchase of office equipment Last payment for creation of s Payment for Automated workplac Payment for development of com Software for the needs of SSPF Procurement of vehicle Equipm/70%/MFA Purchase of equipment Software System Ideas IT, 50% upon 40% payment of Equipment (Increment 3 Sheets of CI sheeting (4 by Total Cost for supply, install Network Laser Printer to procure 50 Computers for Ba Multimedia Projector with Scre Wireless Modem & Sim / Ruim Photocopier 40% payment of Equipment (Increment ASICT Server Room Setup Desktop Computer with Monitor Laptop 40% payment of Equipment (Increment Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX, Second Tranche Payment for Com Second Tranche Payment for Componen REFRIGERATED TRUCK TRANSPORT TRUCKS FIN REPORT Q3 2009 Thermostats - 26 BACTEC reagents and related items net//Volkswagen transporter//2 TB-REGISTER SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Procurement of 2 GC/MS systems ULTRASONIC STATIONARY INHALERS Submission of application to G Paiement de la 2ème tranche (6 Cpteur automat. sur VIH ancien Cpteur automatiq sur VIH_C SATELLITE ANTENNA OBSERVERS KIT'S, USB Audio-visual services for the Charrue 4 disques portée Epandeur d'engrais porté Pulvérisateur Portée Remorque basculante Semoir pneumatique de précisio Tracteur LANDINI Landpower Tec Tracteur LANDINI Powerfarm DT9 Transport Anvers/Pointe Noire Audio Visual Equipment contrac Land Cruiser Prado (GX 8 Seate MOSS Compliant Land Cruiser 10 Our Ref: 79293-Toyota - Land C Toyota - 4WD Hi-Lux Pick-Up do 135 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 72,800.00 54,390.00 213,890.00 98,260.00 32,980.00 95,200.00 171,950.00 51,370.00 127,430.00 318,790.00 37,020.00 390,730.00 56,620.00 325,540.00 51,850.00 94,370.00 38,660.00 60,420.00 42,000.00 76,000.00 73,250.00 83,290.00 35,000.00 58,300.00 30,480.00 54,270.00 441,440.00 179,370.00 42,570.00 96,660.00 61,340.00 334,990.00 82,040.00 40,480.00 85,020.00 66,030.00 99,170.00 60,000.00 48,260.00 575,030.00 32,930.00 163,770.00 65,770.00 94,160.00 42,670.00 90,370.00 85,220.00 49,050.00 46,260.00 36,650.00 34,560.00 635,420.00 59,430.00 67,330.00 173,780.00 173,970.00 251,490.00 213,620.00 209,420.00 71,570.00 30,500.00 32,080.00 32,080.00 43,810.00 36,890.00 37,920.00 49,260.00 53,430.00 54,000.00 210,000.00 49,280.00 100,000.00 32,470.00 1,204,510.00 400,950.00 33,600.00 186,340.00 33,990.00 32,650.00 32,280.00 32,070.00 39,650.00 96,410.00 175,370.00 157,070.00 289,560.00 43,490.00 36,270.00 146,910.00 314,740.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 41,840.00 61,560.00 32,390.00 98,800.00 174,490.00 31,740.00 54,410.00 199,930.00 32,120.00 50,000.00 78,330.00 111,480.00 111,480.00 39,350.00 38,360.00 53,890.00 58,110.00 47,080.00 58,490.00 53,040.00 84,510.00 375,990.00 650,290.00 106,440.00 48,360.00 40,110.00 49,250.00 47,640.00 33,480.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belize Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Bosnia Botswana Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD INTERNATIONAL REFRIGERATION LTD CAO-BUCO CAO-BUCO HPC INFORMATIQUE MULTIMEDIA ALLIANCE INFORMATIC (MA-INFO) TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR VERGNET HYDRO VERGNET HYDRO VERGNET HYDRO VERGNET HYDRO Budget Fund Account P.C. Steel Centre Planning Comission Secretriat UNICEF ASOC. ACCIDENTAL CASA GRANDE Y ASOC. ASOC. ACCIDENTAL CASA GRANDE Y ASOC. ASOC. ACCIDENTAL CASA GRANDE Y ASOC. ASOC. ACCIDENTAL CASA GRANDE Y ASOC. ASOC. ACCIDENTAL CASA GRANDE Y ASOC. BIOTECNO LTDA. COACOM S.R.L. GEOSYSTEMS S.R.L. HANSA LTDA ICYS MEDICAL IMCRUZ COMERCIAL S.A. INBUSTRADE LTDA. MEDI-MARK MEDI-MARK MEDI-MARK NIBOL LTDA NIBOL LTDA ORIENTE MARVI SRL. OVANDO S.A. TAIYO MOTORS S.A. TAIYO MOTORS S.A. TAIYO MOTORS S.A. TOYOSA S.A. VEZLA S.R.L. ACCOM HERC AGROKOP DOO AMEX EXPORT-IMPORT GMBH AUTO TRUCK DOO GRADATIN DOO GRUBE DOO GT SATELIT HIDRO TERMO CENTAR DOO ITC DOO ITC DOO LAGER DOO LOGOSOFT MACROHARD MECHANIC DOO MACROHARD MECHANIC DOO MISEL PREDUZECE ZA TRGOVINU I USLUGE MISEL PREDUZECE ZA TRGOVINU I USLUGE MOS d.o.o Sarajevo OKAC DOO PING DOO SARAJEVO POLJOOPREMA DD POLJOVET DOO PREVENT SAFETY DOO PRO WALD DOO PROCEDO DOO SARAJEVO PROCEDO DOO SARAJEVO TEHNOGRADNJA TEHNOGRADNJA TEKNOXGROUP BH DOO TERRA BIH DOO TTA EXPORT IMPORT DOO VMS GROUP DOO GOVERNMENT OF BOTSWANA AERONET INFORMATICA E REPRESENTACOES ANTONIO O. D. SANTOS PAPELARIA BALLARD POWER SYSTEMS BAUMER S/A BAUMER S/A BIO CIENCIA PRODUTOS CIENTIFICOS LTDA CA PROG DE COMPUT, PARTICIP E SERV LTDA CA PROG DE COMPUT, PARTICIP E SERV LTDA CA PROG DE COMPUT, PARTICIP E SERV LTDA CA PROG DE COMPUT, PARTICIP E SERV LTDA CAVIGLIA & CIA LTDA CROMOS EDITORA E INDUSTRIA GRAFICA DELL COMPUTADORES DO BRASIL LTDA EMBAIXADA DO BRASIL PROJETO MALARIA EPRI INTERNATIONAL Five Acts Assessoria, Consultoria e FUNDAÇÃO ROBERTO MARINHO INTERNATIONAL FOOD POLICY RESEARCH LABORATORIO NEO QUIMICA COM. E IND. LTDA MAHVLA TELECOMM CONSULTORIA E SERVICOS MICROWARE TECNOLOGIA Toyota - 4WD Hilux Pick-Up Double C Toyota - 4WD Hilux pick-up double c Toyota - 4WD Land Cruiser Hard Toyota - 4WD Land Cruiser Hard Top, Toyota - 4WD Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 Toyota - 4WD PRADO Land Cruise Toyota 4WD Hilux pickup double cab, Toyota -4WD Land Cruiser Hardt Toyota Hard Top - FULLY MOSS, Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Statio Toyota Land cruiser 4WD, hard Toyota Land Cruiser 76-series Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 TOYOTA Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 door Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 door1 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX, Toyota Landcruiser 4WD, hard t Toyota Landcruiser Hard Top 5 Toyota Landcruiser Hard Top, 1 Toyota LHD Hilux Double Cabin Unpaid Balance of PO LBR10 000 Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Final 70% of Payment on Contra Transfert de fonds LEPI Transfert fonds FORS LEPI COMPUTERS Laptop/notebook computer accessorie Achat d'1 véhicule pour le Min Achat de 02 véhicule spour le Achat de 02 véhicules LHD Hilu Achat de 02 véhicules pour la Achat de 3 TOYOTA PRADO sur re REVERSEMENT FONDS Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain TOYOTA L Pumps, water 30 % Avance pour Pumps, water 30% Avance pour a Pumps, water 70% solde acaht d Pumps, water 70% Solde pour ac Expense Distribution payment to P.C.Steel Center(CG Expense Distribution Payment to UNICEF for tents pr PAGO DEL 10% DEL LOTE 1, SEGUN PAGO DEL 10% DEL LOTE 2, SEGUN PAGO DEL 20% FINAL DEL LOTE 2 PAGO DEL 20% FINAL DEL LOTE 1, PAGO DEL 50% DEL LOTE 2, SEGU LAMPARAS CIALITICAS 3. 5 ADQUISICIÓN DE CINCO SERVIDORE GEOSYSTEMS S.R.L. TORRE LAPAROSCOPICA PARA USO Q MAMOGRAFO PARA LA MATERNIDAD P 5 Jeeps Pago del 20% final a Inbustrad AUTOCLAVE A VAPOR 240 LTS AUTOCLAVE GRANDE - ESTERILIZAD AUTOCLAVE VAPOR HORZONTAL 200 Pago de anticipo 70% correspon Pago del 30% por la compra de BOL/48291-736/08-1 14 camionetas doble cabina 5 camionetas cabina sencilla 80% ADQUISICION DE DOS CAMIONE Pago único Vagoneta Nissan Pat Pago por la adquisicion de 7 c Pago correspondiente al 20% fi Procurement of an all-terrain High-Pressure Jetting Trailer Syringes, laboratory, general Procurement of a truck for was Purchase of waste management e Forest harvesting Safetu Wares Procur. of tractor with attach Procurement of materials for c Procurement and delivery of Mi Procurement of Backpack Motori Backhoes, wheeled Ref. UNDPBiH-08-033-ICT4D-LOGO Landmine Clearance (Demining) Procurement of 2 demining mach SAMLE HAY BALER SUITABLE FOR H Toolbars, tractor drawn Procurement of office furnitur Reconstruction of the portion Ref. UNDPBiH-08-022-ICT4D-Ping Buckets for Milk Transport LOT Procurement of Dairy Cattle Fe Lot 2 Prevent safety - Acquisi Equipment and tools for chains LOT 1-Wood processing CNC Mach LOT 5-Auxiliary carpenter equi Civil and mechanical works on Phase III of the water distrib Mini hydraulic excavator UDRDP Procurement of an excavator-lo Supply and delivery of motocu Supply and delivery of water-m acquisition of hardware Licença de software Toners diversos, totalizando 2 P6 - CELULA A HIDROGENIO 01 Horizontal Autoclave with B 02 Horizontal Autoclave with D 02 Lyofilizator01 Shacker In ITEM 1 ITEM 2 ITEM 3 ITEM 4 Aquisição de sistemas de armaz CONTRATAÇÃO DE EMPRESA Aquisição de Notebooks conform SUPRIMENTOS DE FUNDOS. P6 - LIDER DO CONSORCIO Contratação de 37 licenças OLA PGTO. DA 1ª PARCELA. Avaliação dos resultados do pr ARG/02/017-VARIOUS PAYMENTS Ferramenta Anti-Spam, conforme Aquisição de equipamentos de i 136 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 35,110.00 35,110.00 31,770.00 38,940.00 118,060.00 41,710.00 103,770.00 66,040.00 59,240.00 58,630.00 92,970.00 38,130.00 384,770.00 33,850.00 37,150.00 40,790.00 41,440.00 37,970.00 42,990.00 42,760.00 136,730.00 196,130.00 39,890.00 40,370.00 98,910.00 128,200.00 57,030.00 74,620.00 82,670.00 55,110.00 55,110.00 82,670.00 82,560.00 58,560.00 62,200.00 30,510.00 89,790.00 134,680.00 314,250.00 209,500.00 51,690.00 337,280.00 40,080.00 38,350.00 38,300.00 60,940.00 61,510.00 68,940.00 304,680.00 88,500.00 154,440.00 41,870.00 225,110.00 46,300.00 47,480.00 143,400.00 33,440.00 34,010.00 49,700.00 60,620.00 38,970.00 133,100.00 521,700.00 218,960.00 46,400.00 31,090.00 46,290.00 409,820.00 42,340.00 35,660.00 94,950.00 66,060.00 82,960.00 33,310.00 35,230.00 126,450.00 84,310.00 38,380.00 193,090.00 37,690.00 125,540.00 232,220.00 101,890.00 37,590.00 34,960.00 61,830.00 43,260.00 52,310.00 59,180.00 37,650.00 59,580.00 103,070.00 33,090.00 51,870.00 34,540.00 35,700.00 64,560.00 135,520.00 58,220.00 38,330.00 42,690.00 43,430.00 35,320.00 84,960.00 96,570.00 34,640.00 280,750.00 96,590.00 145,300.00 135,330.00 103,610.00 44,920.00 77,870.00 96,360.00 91,800.00 101,600.00 73,140.00 1,121,120.00 99,320.00 72,510.00 63,470.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) MY NOTE NOTEBOOK & INFORMATICA LTDA NEXTech LTDA NOVA ANALÍTICA IMPORT E EXP LTDA NOVA ANALÍTICA IMPORT E EXP LTDA NUCELLSYS GMBH OLYMPUS LATIN AMERICA INC Omega TI Comércio de Informática Ltda PRAISE INFORMÁTICA COMÉRCIO PROJETO PNUD BRA/04/043 - TIMOR LESTE RCI Informática Ltda RCI Informática Ltda RCI Informática Ltda RCI Informática Ltda RCI Informática Ltda REDISUL INFORMÁTICA LTDA REPROSET INDÚSTRIA GRAFICA LTDA RTI Technologies, INC RTI Technologies, INC RTI Technologies, INC RTI Technologies, INC RTI Technologies, INC RTI Technologies, INC RTI Technologies, INC RTI Technologies, INC SENAI SP SERVICO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAGEM INDUSTR SERVICO SOCIAL DA INDÚSTRIA SOCIEDADE TECNICA DE LABORATORIO LT SOFTWAREONE COMERCIO E SERVICOS DE INFO SOFTWAREONE COMERCIO E SERVICOS DE INFO SPSS Brasil Ltda SYSTECH SISTEMAS E TECNOLOGIA EM INFORMA TROX DO BRASIL DIFUSAO DE AR, ACUSTICA, TRUE ACCESS CONSULTING LTDA TST STAG SA TST STAG SA VERT SOLUCOES EM INFORMATICA LTDA VIDA EQUIPAMENTOS DE SEG E PREC LTDA VOICE VIDEO PRODUCAO LTDA ME CFAO MOTORS CFAO MOTORS CFAO MOTORS ETS TAMALGO DJIBRINAN & FRERES ETS TAMALGO DJIBRINAN & FRERES ETS TAMALGO DJIBRINAN & FRERES ETS TAMALGO DJIBRINAN & FRERES ETS TAMALGO DJIBRINAN & FRERES Grands Garages Tapsoba Issaka - MM Projet 00062711- Appui Sect Sante & Sida YI HIEN YI HIEN YI HIEN ACONET ACONET AKAGERA MOTORS S.A.R.L. ALCOMETAL AU BON PRIX AU BON PRIX AYINKAMIYE PERPETUE AYINKAMIYE PERPETUE BANQUE DE CREDIT DE BUJUMBURA BANQUE DE CREDIT DE BUJUMBURA BANQUE DE CREDIT DE BUJUMBURA BANQUE DE CREDIT DE BUJUMBURA BANQUE DE CREDIT DE BUJUMBURA BRAHLER ICS CENTRE INTERNATIONAL POUR LA JUSTICE TRA CENTRE INTERNATIONAL POUR LA JUSTICE TRA CHAIRE UNESCO/CERFOPAX/UNIVERSITE DU BDI CHIMIO S.A DAN OFFICE DELL MARKETING LP DELL MARKETING LP DREAM HOUSE FENACOBU - COOPEC GTZ - GmbH ITCO sa LE PALAIS DES MEUBLES MANIRAKIZA BENIGNE MANIRAKIZA BENIGNE MPB AGENCY NIYONSABA LEONIDAS PALAIS DES MEUBLES SOCICO S.A. SOCICO S.A. SOCIETE D'INFOS & DES TELECOMS SOFT CENTER SOFT CENTER SYMPHONY BDI SYMPHONY BDI SYMPHONY BDI TOYOTA BURUNDI UNOPS Headquarters ARMSTRONG ENGINEERING CO.,LTD CAMKO MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED ENVOSTAR NCDD-PSDD-2009 CAMI TOYOTA GROUPE CFAO ELEVAGE PROMOTION AFRIQUE LABORATOIRE NATIONAL VETERINAIRE SOCIETE CIVILE IMMOBILIERE FOULASSI SOCIETE CIVILE IMMOBILIERE FOULASSI TEHNO PLUS INFORMATIQUE UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED Servidor de Armazenamento (Sto parcelas do contrato Cromatógrafo Líquido Equipamentos Diversos - Labora P6 - SISTEMA DA CELULA A HIDRO PGTO 02 - 80% 04 Microscope Impressora com tecnologia elet BRA/00/021 sub 4 SUPRIMENTO DE FUNDOS. Aquisição de Software Business IBM infosphere datastage proce IBM infosphere information ana IBM Infosphere quality stage p IBM Infosphere qualitystage pr Aquisição de switches Contratação de empresa para pr Freight for Items 1 to 8 Portable Refrigerant Identifie Refillable ?100 Lbs.? CFC12 Refillable ?100 Lbs.? HCFC22 Refillable ?30 Lbs.? CFC12 Refillable ?30 Lbs.? HCFC22 Refrigerant Recycle Equipment Spare parts for iem 1 SUPRIMENTO DE FUNDOS. SUPRIMENTO DE FUNDOS PGTO. 1ª PARCELA 07 CO2 Incubator with 1 Cylind SQL Svr Enterprise 2008 SNGL M VStudio Team Suite All Lng Lic Please pay Aquisição software Aquisição de notebooks, confor 11 Class II / A2 Biological Sa PRODUTO 01 Maintenance Tool Kit - Refrige Portable multi-refrigerant ana DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SOFTWARE BRA/00/021 SUB 8.4 Produção e edição de 4 (quatro Achat de 14 Véhicules tout ter Achat de 2 Véhicules Pick -up Toyota CAMRY 2.4 L Acquisition d'équipement de plates Acquisition d'équipement de plates Acquisition d'équipements de plate Equipements plateformes multif Fourniture de moulin à meule m Achat véhicule tout 4 x 4 EXP AOUT 2009 ACT N°1 Matériel Informatique ADEPAC Matériel Informatique Copieur Matériel Informatique projet P Casseroles en aluminium de 5 L Casseroles en aluminium de 7L Vehicle Toyota PRADO GX M/T.En Armoires pour les bureaux d'ét Achat des KITS pour opération Achat des KITS pour opération DDR Achat des Kits pour opération Achat des Kits pour opération DDR 2è tranche /opér. spécile DDR 5è tranche DDR/KIBUYE ET MANEG DERNIERE TRANCHE OPERATION DDR Expense Distribution MISE A DISPO.DE FONDS/RUKOKO Full digital microphone discus Avance 4ème tranche PYT 5ème avance ICTJ PYT OF TRAINING FEES Equipements médicaux Kayanza - list Achat dematériels IT conformément à Latitude E6500, Intel Core 2 D OptiPlex 755 Minitower,Core 2 Achat de 8000 salopettes bleues pré Pecules femmes associees DDR Support for the implementation 20 Kits complets d'alimentatio Achat de meubles et aménagement du Achats des KITS pour opération Achats des KITS pour opération DDR Tôle galvanisée BG32 6955 pagnes pour le projet ALP Achat de mobiliers et amenagem ACHAT DES KITS DDR operation D ACHAT DES KITS DDR operation DDR Téléphone PABX Switchboard Fourniture d?un logiciel de ge LOGICIEL GESTION DES RESSOURCES HUM Installation de deux réseaux inform MiniDSLAM avec 8 accès xDSL Procurement of routers for the Buru 1 VEHICULE 4X4 8 PLACES LANDCR Toyota Land Cruiser 4WD Pickup Sing CCTVs and access control for B Purchase 2vehicles for CO ASAD2000 FRAGMENT PROOF BODY ARMOUR FACE Report 3rd 2009 Fourniture d'un mini bus LH202 Expense Distribution Fourniture de doses de vaccins Loyer bureau PNUD juillet-Août 2009 Paiement loyer pour la période Fourniture d'équipements infor Fourniture de 2 véhicules Hilu Fourniture de 2 véhicules Hilux Pic Fourniture de 20 motos YAMAHA Fourniture d'un véhicule TOYOTA Lan ,LED Camping Lantern (Coleman C, ,LED camping lantern (Coleman c, ,Pack of 12 Candles 47 L Ballot Boxes, PP, 47 x 39 Ballot Box Seals, Green with B Box of 24 black wax crayons (t Box of 24 x black wax crayons Calculator, can show minimun 8 Calculators can show minimum 8 Cardboard Voting screen with l Cardboard Voting Screen, to be Complaints form A4 Corrugated plastic ballot box HIPS Lids for the ballot boxes 137 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 55,120.00 402,230.00 100,530.00 152,130.00 174,750.00 246,610.00 47,050.00 31,460.00 297,510.00 67,340.00 114,170.00 32,220.00 36,730.00 48,330.00 72,550.00 50,460.00 93,700.00 102,490.00 131,100.00 131,100.00 131,100.00 131,100.00 392,730.00 32,150.00 38,300.00 566,490.00 304,950.00 619,680.00 52,770.00 66,680.00 38,160.00 36,390.00 172,110.00 57,340.00 543,750.00 143,640.00 92,920.00 35,330.00 32,390.00 425,670.00 54,750.00 36,340.00 85,830.00 82,290.00 99,210.00 452,570.00 31,240.00 50,920.00 31,000.00 34,160.00 58,350.00 32,720.00 35,890.00 40,380.00 37,800.00 77,200.00 35,250.00 64,830.00 35,250.00 64,830.00 74,800.00 75,600.00 382,670.00 59,110.00 74,800.00 122,900.00 76,000.00 82,470.00 53,040.00 41,210.00 44,450.00 48,060.00 145,810.00 72,000.00 81,230.00 223,900.00 63,110.00 88,560.00 35,250.00 64,830.00 1,097,250.00 56,100.00 41,290.00 35,250.00 64,830.00 84,370.00 122,920.00 44,720.00 44,540.00 48,960.00 102,520.00 35,290.00 60,780.00 43,340.00 37,200.00 73,600.00 305,280.00 33,210.00 42,010.00 80,800.00 33,120.00 88,850.00 38,390.00 64,160.00 64,160.00 49,990.00 38,540.00 187,680.00 187,320.00 69,720.00 192,250.00 60,000.00 47,880.00 47,880.00 92,760.00 92,760.00 142,080.00 142,080.00 35,630.00 108,720.00 147,160.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile China China China China China China China China China China China China Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbia Comoros Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED CODE INCORPORATED REDLINE COMMUNICATION INC SCINTREX LIMITED AYOUBI ELECTRONICS BOYLAMBA DISTRIBUTION BOYLAMBA DISTRIBUTION CVNET, L.DA CVNET, L.DA DELL EXPRESS QUALITE CENTRAFRIQUE IDA Foundation UNIVERS EQUIPEMENTS & CONSEILS CFAO CFAO PSI & E 2000 SARL SOPROFIM Toyota Gibraltar Stickholdings LTD Toyota Gibraltar Stickholdings LTD Toyota Gibraltar Stickholdings LTD Toyota Gibraltar Stickholdings LTD Toyota Gibraltar Stickholdings LTD Toyota Gibraltar Stickholdings LTD BARCO CONTROL ROOMS GMBH BARCO CONTROL ROOMS GMBH DELL WORLD TRADE L.P. EDITORA E IMPRENTA MAVAL LTDA ERGOTEC MUEBLES S.A. ERGOTEC MUEBLES S.A. 3 TECH CORPORATE LTD 3 TECH CORPORATE LTD BEIJING LINSHI KEJI FAZHAN CO.LTD Beijing Nuo Ran De Li Technology and Beijing Nuo Ran De Li Technology and CICETE FECO, MEP FECO, MEP GOOD BROTHERS' CO, LTD PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO SHANXI HUAKANG MEDICINE INDUSTRY SICON INTERNATIONAL GROUP LTD APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS ASIC S.A ASIC S.A ASIC S.A ASIC S.A AVANCE DIGITAL LTDA BABEL LIBROS EU CASA CIENTIFICA COMPONENTES ELECTRONICAS LTDA CONSORCIO SONDA CONSORCIO SONDA CONSORCIO SONDA CONSORCIO SONDA DELL COLOMBIA INC DELL COLOMBIA INC DELL COLOMBIA INC DELL MARKETING LP CO DELL USA LP DELL MARKETING LP CO DELL USA LP DELL MARKETING LP CO DELL USA LP DELL MARKETING LP CO DELL USA LP DISTRIBUIDORA TOYOTA LIMITADA ESPUMAS Y LONAS M Y M LTDA FONDO DE LA CULTURA ECONOMICA GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES GTS SA GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES GTS SA GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES LTDA HEINSOHN SOFTWARE HOUSE S.A. HEINSOHN SOFTWARE HOUSE S.A. IMCOLMEDICA S.A INDUSTRIAS CRUZ CAÑON LTDA INFORMATICA DATAPOINT DE COLOMBIA LTDA INFORMATICA DATAPOINT DE COLOMBIA LTDA MTBASE S.A MTBASE S.A PANAMERICANA LIBRERIA Y PAPELERIA SA PANAMERICANA LIBRERIA Y PAPELERIA SA PC MICROS LTDA PHARMEUROPEA DE COLOMBIA PHARMEUROPEA DE COLOMBIA PLAZA Y JANES EDITORES COLOMBIA S A PLAZA Y JANES EDITORES COLOMBIA S A PREMAC S.A. PROYECTO 31982 REVERSOS PROYECTO 58867 REVERSOS SISTEMAS GESTION Y CONSULTORIA ALFAGL SA SISTEMAS INTEGRALES DE INFORMATICA S A MAGASIN SUPER A SOCIETE COMORIENNE DE LOISIR 2AS ELECTRICITE AFUNET AFUNET AGB AGB AGETRAF AGETRAF AGETRAF AGETRAF AGETRAF AGETRAF AGETRAF AGETRAF AGETRAF AGETRAF AGETRAF AXENET ENTREPRISE AXENET ENTREPRISE AXENET ENTREPRISE BIOSHA CONSTRUCT BUREAU TECHNIQUE BIA sprl Indelebile election ink in a p Indelebile Election Ink, in a Ink Pens for Election Inkless Fingerprint pads, 1.5" Packs of 12 candles white burn Plastic Ballot Box 39x39x39cm Polling Station Result Forms: Roll of absorbant tissue paper Roll of Adhesive transparent P Roll of adhesive Transparent P Roll of Tissue Paper, absorban Strong Cardboard box 55x79x11c Strong cardboard box large eno Redline equipment Gravity Meter (w/ training) Armoire métallique de classeme Fourniture et installation d'u Fourniture et installation d'un gro 80% INFORMATIC TECH. MAT.-MAIO INFORM TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS Ordinateurs desktop DELL Optip Machine à écrire mécanique, AZERTY, Anti-infective drugs Panneau solaire phébus 120 WC Programme Relevement Precoce à Programme Relevement Precoce à l'Es Câblage reseau informatique, t VERSEMENT SOUSCRIPTION ACTION Global FundToyota Land Cru PROG RELEVEMENT Toyota Lan Toyota Corolla Berline 1.8 GLi Berl Toyota Land Cruiser Hartop 5 d Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX, TOYOTA LAND CRUISER PRADO GX, 5 POR EQUIPOS SERVICIO DE SOPORTE Y MANTENCI 100 COMPUTADORES DELL OPTI 360 IMPRESION DE 1000 EJEMPLARES ADQUIRIR E INSTALAR EL MOBILI PROVISION E INSTALACION DE MOB FG Wilson Power generator se Pymnt supply genrator RDP#3828 15000 pieces of 2 GB USB: RMB2 Cost on goods Protective clothes/accessories Expense Distribution Expense Distribution FR-00012117-CPR00G61-Adj-2008 267 nos power tiller 87 used containers Medical and dental supplies SICON20090122-2-PLASTIC CARDS ADQUISICION EXOGENA PRIMER PAGO 50% REEMPLAZO REQ No.3602. adquisi REEMPLAZO REQ No.3602. adquisición SEGUNDO PAGO 50% PAGO 100% BABEL LIBROS ADQUISICION BIENES CONTEMPLADOS EN FACE 5224 - PO.3634 - COMPONEN ADQUISICION E INSTALACION Y PU PRIMER PAGO SALDO PAGOS SEXTO PAGO (FINAL) DEL CONTRAT CTO SUB SUB 3751-2 solucion in CTO SUB SUB 3751-2 solucion integra PO.3889 - COP COL/59589 - ADQUISICION EQUIPO CTO SUB 3751-1 solucion integr DELL PO.3892 - USD ADQUISICION TRES CAMIONETAS 4 DOTACIONES ICBF - BEBETECAS FONDO DE CULTURA PO 6209 PAGOS ADQUISICIÓN E IM REEMPLAZA REQ 3758 PAGO 100% ORDEN 4TO PAGO CTO SUB 2493 SEXTO PAGO ENTREGABLES 56,57 Y INCOLMEDICA PAGO SUMINISTROS FACT 25486 Adquisición software PRIMER PAGO CTO SUB 4235 PROYE SOFTWARE PARA SERVIDOR FORTALE SOFTWARE PARA SERVIDOR FORTALECIMIE PAGO PO 00006441 PANAMERICANA PAGO 1 DE 2 Contrato dotaciones GUAVIARE Y PHARMAEUROPEA FACE 499 PO 00006442 PLAZA Y JANES ADQUISICION BIENES CONTEMPLAD Expense Distribution Expense Distribution PAGO 2 DE 5 PAGO 1 DE 2 SISA S.A ACHATS VEHICULES ET 1 HOUSE PO VOITURE TOYOTA/Pick-up,4doors Groupe électrogène SDMO - Réfé cartouche HP 56 cartouche HP 57 Printing services / FOURNITURE T-shirts / Blanc 220 grs QR°/ Agetraf, Palu_Transport MII et Cotation OUT 279 - 351 Paiemen Frais de transport - Cotation Frais de transport ACT GLUCOSE Frais de transport IO/ARV Frais de transport Mosquito Frais transport - Cotation IN Frais Transport Cotation OUT ( Paiement Facture Transport Transport Glucosé injectable s TRANSPORT MOSQUITO CD-R 700MB/80min (Paquet de 10 Fourniture Antenne VSAT 1.8M, Travaux LAN à la Cour des Comp Container, office/ Paiement de 20% Groupes électrogène de marque 138 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 30,480.00 30,480.00 488,000.00 44,640.00 69,720.00 108,720.00 51,910.00 50,160.00 56,880.00 56,880.00 50,160.00 96,720.00 144,960.00 34,170.00 115,560.00 46,470.00 58,630.00 58,630.00 40,120.00 80,020.00 43,570.00 34,120.00 212,000.00 39,050.00 53,630.00 69,900.00 35,480.00 286,570.00 35,650.00 178,250.00 48,040.00 37,340.00 55,260.00 117,940.00 364,410.00 31,440.00 62,110.00 71,350.00 43,970.00 32,450.00 337,370.00 37,440.00 52,010.00 377,600.00 1,051,600.00 5,145,790.00 1,020,140.00 70,600.00 371,930.00 188,400.00 97,400.00 48,040.00 154,770.00 386,250.00 226,190.00 451,360.00 193,130.00 37,080.00 103,010.00 239,220.00 60,010.00 245,390.00 48,370.00 196,000.00 368,090.00 209,140.00 222,560.00 33,210.00 129,980.00 280,010.00 89,550.00 53,140.00 166,120.00 93,180.00 92,810.00 300,280.00 47,050.00 30,630.00 49,890.00 49,890.00 78,450.00 37,800.00 30,110.00 114,700.00 115,990.00 120,000.00 71,850.00 72,110.00 77,660.00 88,050.00 32,650.00 92,680.00 116,270.00 34,800.00 97,820.00 138,470.00 61,820.00 139,740.00 90,060.00 60,570.00 74,550.00 1,050,000.00 540,000.00 99,520.00 58,690.00 83,220.00 34,940.00 66,800.00 66,760.00 30,220.00 470,760.00 46,530.00 34,760.00 39,380.00 46,460.00 470,760.00 58,800.00 118,860.00 39,690.00 73,440.00 61,510.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) BUROKAPA CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY PROGRAM CLIMAT DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE ENGINEER CONSULTANT COMPUTER & PERIPHERA GENITEC GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION INSTAPRINT Ital Motors KADIMAH TRADING CORPORATION KADIMAH TRADING CORPORATION LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES LIMITED M.INTERCOM MAPROCHIM LABO MEDAIR-CONGO MEDILOC RDC SPRL MIRAK IMPRESSIONS NAPS NAPS NAPS NAPS PRODIMPEX s.a.r.l. RCN JUSTICE & DEMOCRATIE SOCIETE NATIONALE D'ASSURANCE THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V U.A.C. sprl U.A.C. sprl U.A.C. sprl UNOPS Copenhague UNOPS Copenhague UNOPS Copenhague UNOPS Copenhague UNOPS Copenhague CENTRE SONGHAI ETS SOVEMAC TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCK HOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCK HOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCK HOLDINGS LTD LITOGRAFIA E IMPRENTA LIL,S.A. SUKIALOGIC SA AFRIDIS AFRIDIS AMMAR MOHAMED AHMAD BERNABE COTE D'IVOIRE CFAO MOTORS Danish Camp Supply Danish Camp Supply Danish Camp Supply DIBY SOUANGA KASSADJOU ETABLISSEMENT TIEM TECHNOLOGIE ETSALIMCO IMSA OPRN SARL SOW ABOU TECIA INTERNATIONAL TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD AGEM S.A. AGEM S.A. BLANC - LABO S.A. ENCARGOS S.A. ENCARGOS S.A. SIGNALGRAD D.O.O. TECNILLON S.A. TOKMAKJIAN INTERNATIONAL INC. TOKMAKJIAN INTERNATIONAL INC. UNESCO UNIDAD PRESUPUESTADA INVERSIONISTA VJESNIK d.d. MUSTAFA TAHSIN MUSTAFA TAHSIN MUSTAFA TAHSIN MUSTAFA TAHSIN MUSTAFA TAHSIN ZINGRAF TRADING LIMITED ADVIZING IT ATEA A/S CICCI ApS CICCI ApS Copenhagen Election A/S Copenhagen Election A/S Copenhagen Election A/S Copenhagen Election A/S Copenhagen Election A/S Copenhagen Election A/S COPENHAGEN ELECTION A/S Copenhagen Election A/S Copenhagen Election A/S Copenhagen Election A/S DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN:OFFICE DAN:OFFICE DAN:OFFICE DAN:OFFICE DAN:OFFICE DAN:OFFICE DAN:OFFICE APS DAN:OFFICE APS DAN:OFFICE LTD DAN:OFFICE LTD DAN:XX APS. DANIMEX COMMUNICATION LTD DANIMEX COMMUNICATION LTD DANIMEX COMMUNICATION LTD DANIMEX COMMUNICATION LTD DANIMEX COMMUNICATION LTD. DANISH CAMP SUPPLY APS DANISH CAMP SUPPLY APS DANISH DEMINING GROUP DANOFFICE DANOFFICE DANOFFICE APS DANOFFICE TRADING Dustin EMD INTERNATIONAL A S Cartouche d'encre HP 12A (WS-C3560G-24TS-E) : Catalyst SPLIT MURAL BTU 9000 (A LIVRER ET I HP compaq DC 6000 SFF Motorola GP380 VHF package (in Installation connexion Interne Marqueur permanent, encre rouge, po desktop DELL GX 755 XPP Ordinateur portables HP 6820 s Printing presses / Fourniture Camion Iveco Eurocargo ML140E24W do Dépliant foire aux questions : Dépliant sur la procédure de l Achat Groupe électrogène 4-6 K Laptop HP Compaq 6730S avec éc - ALCOOL A BRULER 70°: 60 FUTS Prévision Décaissement solde a Lit d'hopital Formulaire de demande de dupli Box, instruments Cable winders, extensions Solar panels, portable Tools for working in the hand, Vélos KINGA 4X4, conformément à vot PYT 1ere TRANCHE RENF.SECUR.HU Paiement Assurance Vehicules & Imputat° s/le proj.concerné Laboratory equipment, special LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, SPECIAL PURPO Groupes électrogènes (Diesiel) Lit métallique d'hôpital régul AP_ COORDINATION Achat de hors bord Bus Coaster for PNT DR Congo. Hors Bord TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 4WD PICK UP SIN Transport Agricultural machinery n.e.c. / Déc Feuille de Tôle en aluminium d Achat d'un véhicule Landcruise TOYOTA Land Cruiser 200 STW G Toyota LHD Hilux Double Cabin IMPRESION DE 7,000 EJEMPLARES Honor. 3y4,Direct.Agd.Cultural WOOD PRODUCTS, OTHER; ARTICLES WOOD PRODUCTS, OTHER; ARTICLES OF C FACTN° 010./09/2009 DU19/11/09 Generators 0903-08 DOSSIER PSCN 92841- 1 Transparent the 6 si 92842-1 Polling Kits 92842-1 Voting Booths FISDES / CNPRA CNPRA/FISDES FISDES / CNPRA FACT N° 09358L007/000008 FACT N° 09305L007/001009 FACT N° 09/11/235 FISDES/ CNPRA Vehicles, all terrain LAB EQUIPMENTS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LAB EQUIPMENTS AND DISPOSABLES LAB EQUIPMENTS LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS CITY LIGHTS SHOWCASE CABINETS AJ00032773 REFRIGERATED TRUCK TRANSPORT TRUCKS TRANSFER PAF 08/09 FUND UNESCO LIFT Printing and finishing of bro Excavation (Kyrenia). Excavation serv.30/06/09 Excavation services Tahsin-excav.services-Oct09-in Tahsin-excav.services-Sept09-i Contr. No 2008/73 dd. 27/12/08 100%post paym.for supply of IT Equi HP ML 350R05 servers Installation Materials Radio Recording Studio eqp. Freight Indelible Ink LOT 1: Pre-Assembled Items - 7 LOT 2: Pre-assembled polling s LOT 3: Pre-assembled Training Polling station Kit pre-assemb Purchase of Portable Transisto Pymnt candiate nomina kit#1750 Pymnt ECC polling center#3475 Pymnt IEC polling centerR#3475 Canon DR-X10C Scanner Consumab Canon DR-X10C Scanner:Scanne Printer for FARMERS Festival Pymnt IT consumables RDP#3619 15 Model: Dell OptiPlex 755 Mi 15,1 E198FP Dell 19 Flat Pane" 18 1371B003BA Canon iR5055N 2 05146561-5591 Powerware PW51 Airfreight transport/ Transpor Kit of Printer cartridges as p SUPPLY OF IT EQUIPMENT AS PER Supply of IT equpment to ABD p HP ProLiant DL360 G5 Server Photocopier CANON iR3245N, include Vehicles, all terrain 414 motorola VHF radios, 828 m Communication equipment manufa Materiel telecoms pour la cell Thuraya airtime extra charges NGT SRx Mobile Package Cold Laminating Pouch Elections Upon submission of a financia Dell PE 2950 III with all specs as Printers and Toners MATERIEL INFORMATIQUES ET PORT 92839-2IT Peripherals(Printers LAPTOPS DELL E-4300 WindPRO Software Standard License W 139 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 49,000.00 30,590.00 55,080.00 79,560.00 35,250.00 31,400.00 73,460.00 53,000.00 34,390.00 54,660.00 89,870.00 38,000.00 101,680.00 148,100.00 32,050.00 56,100.00 80,160.00 43,800.00 67,520.00 60,630.00 224,500.00 2,519,200.00 40,640.00 80,730.00 91,040.00 35,150.00 1,252,950.00 1,676,470.00 242,310.00 478,000.00 66,000.00 35,560.00 144,800.00 47,260.00 221,720.00 74,600.00 67,230.00 48,820.00 66,250.00 35,000.00 56,860.00 410,000.00 67,420.00 34,360.00 42,500.00 57,510.00 36,640.00 30,820.00 128,670.00 509,870.00 1,188,000.00 290,330.00 70,080.00 259,470.00 111,720.00 31,860.00 33,140.00 30,380.00 329,350.00 821,130.00 160,820.00 356,330.00 122,950.00 44,190.00 81,010.00 152,430.00 48,820.00 41,840.00 61,560.00 35,000.00 43,130.00 99,990.00 32,420.00 46,700.00 156,490.00 41,570.00 31,940.00 99,500.00 58,110.00 31,350.00 115,920.00 39,610.00 475,000.00 303,530.00 1,813,260.00 3,771,870.00 131,050.00 286,280.00 148,380.00 43,150.00 363,930.00 363,930.00 41,010.00 92,910.00 37,710.00 127,650.00 146,060.00 49,050.00 75,780.00 32,130.00 107,700.00 291,480.00 52,810.00 30,820.00 51,800.00 235,680.00 439,660.00 159,230.00 388,680.00 37,530.00 32,980.00 31,310.00 140,000.00 199,000.00 64,920.00 38,490.00 235,780.00 41,630.00 357,400.00 30,930.00 33,510.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) JOHS GRAM HANSSEN AS JOHS GRAM HANSSEN AS KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUEHNE + NAGEL A/S KUHNE AND NAGEL DAL LOGISTICS MONK BILER A/S ORICA DENMARK A/S PETER JUSTESEN PETER JUSTESEN PETER JUSTESEN PETER JUSTESEN PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S PHOENIX DESIGN AID A/S PHOENIX DESIGN AID A/S PHOENIX DESIGN AID A/S PLANSON EUROPE SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA UNFPA - 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COPENHAGEN UNICEF SUPPLY DIVISION - COPENHAGEN UNITED NATION CHILDREN'S FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVIC UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVIC UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVIC UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS FAGOT FAGOT MANOS PEQUEÑAS 92888-2 Consgn1: Airfreight 92888-2Consignment2:Airfreight Airfreight from HKG to DAR + trucki Consignment 3: Airfreight from Sea freight transport Sea transports: for Laboratory Equ Transport by Rail Airfreight for pouches, cartri Toyota Prius 1.8 5 door, 8V1 ? Reversal of expense Achat télévisions et Magnetosc Caméra DVCAM Moniteur de contrôle vidéo Purchase of discussion system Dell Optiplex 360MT, Desktop Comput DellOptiplex360MTDesktop(Equip POTABLE WATER POLYETHILENE PIP Phoenix Design Aid, IAR 09 Pri Printing of main ANDS documents as printing, fulfillment and distribut EQUIPEMENTS PORTUAIRES ET INFO 92828-1 Airfreight 92854-4 Air Transport: AIR TRANSPORT for Laboratory Equipm AIR TRANSPORT for Laboratory s AIR TRANSPORT for Laboratory suppli Air Transport: General cargo + Temp FEMALE CONDOM FEMALE CONDOM FC2 MALE CONDOM WITH FLAVOURS MALE CONDOM WITH FLAVOURS (march 20 MALE CONDOMS STANDARD 53 MM MALE CONDOMS STANDARD 53 MM (MARCH Male Condoms Standard 53mm, a Freight, Insurance, Inspection Handing fee Inland Freight Cost, Insurance Medical Equipment S0003581 SD Bioline, AgPf, HRP S1300101 Amodiaquine 135 mg + S1300112 Amodiaquine 270 mg + SOOOO982 Net, LN, 100d, white, Water Pumps ( 154 Unit) HPE-HIV/AIDS Test kits HPE-Mal5 RDT rapid kit Procu HPHE-Long Last Insct.Nets Long Last Insecticidal Long La M & PP - Procur, Antiritrovirl MP&P - Bednets for Malaria R2 MPP MPP - HIV/AIDS R3 Year4/5 Proc MPP- Opportun Diseases Drugs MPP-Arte sulphadoxine- pyr MPP-ArteLumefantrine(Coarte MPP-Cold box MPP-MArte sulphadoxine- pyri MPPQuin sulphate tablets 300mg PSM - Freight , Insur & Inspec PSM- Frei& Isnu& Insp Quinine sulphate injection S0002230 - Cold Box , ADV,ACBS0120020 - Cabinet ,medicine,d S0141020 - Scale , electronic Uni-Gold HIV test, kit of 20 ZDV+3TC+NVP 300+150+200mg tabs 18879 PARACHECK, KIT OF 25 ARvs & IO Cost Supplies moustiq. Palu6 FREIGHT, INSURANCE & INSPECTIO Medical test (Paracheck) MEDICAMENTS ANTITUBERCULEUX TEST RAPIDE MALARIA Pharmaceutical goods - Determi Artemeth 20mg + Lumefan 120mg Determine HIV-1/2 w/b Test Kit DetermineHIV1/2 w/bTestKitTB Freight and Insurance for Line Handling Charge for Line 7 RDT Paracheck Devices, w/acces SD BioleneHIV1/2,3.0TestKit TB SD Bioline HIV 1/2,3.0 Test Ki Sulfameth. + Trimeth. 400+80 m Sulfameth+trimeth400+80mTB Freight, Insurance and Inspect Freight, insurance and inspect S0330011 Gloves, exam, lates, S0531996 lancet, blood, ster, S0782111 Syringe, 5ml, w/needl S0782112 Syringe, 10ml, w/need S0782208 Safety box f.ussed sy S1400105 Nelfinavir 250Mg tabs S1400145 Saquinavir 200Mg (har U352500 Clarithromycin 250mg t U352910 Aciclovir 200mg tabs/P S0003407 SD Bioline HIV 1/2 3. S0003419 Determine HIV-1/2 Ser PROCUREMENT SERVICES ARVs as described in your Cost ARVs as described in your Cost Esti Determine Hepatitis B test kit Freight ,Insurance & Inspectio Freight, Insurance & Inspectio Freight, Insurance & Inspection Lab reagents as described in t Rec. Mosquito nets,polyester 1 STI/OIs drugs as described in Transfusion kit adult giving CT Scanner System Land Rover Defender 110 Station Wag Land Rover Freelander 2.2L TD4 Dies 10 motorcycles for Tigrai Region 100% ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR SUPPL 28 YAMAHA (Ex-stock) DT 125, 2 stro 5 Units Toyota Landcruisers Station Achat materiel roulant - UNOPS Acquisition de matériel roulant pou Acquisition de matériel roulant pro Audio Visual Equipments to HOP BOSCH-Discussion and Simultino 140 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 355,810.00 67,440.00 246,500.00 433,200.00 126,000.00 742,800.00 73,010.00 48,130.00 42,560.00 122,870.00 30,090.00 33,850.00 78,760.00 109,640.00 36,080.00 50,290.00 39,160.00 39,160.00 113,380.00 51,770.00 391,000.00 33,060.00 95,230.00 59,730.00 50,310.00 64,090.00 41,330.00 90,140.00 53,040.00 34,800.00 60,000.00 86,300.00 40,190.00 115,270.00 33,650.00 45,180.00 123,600.00 51,330.00 255,280.00 170,720.00 203,490.00 57,460.00 65,280.00 1,710,920.00 499,000.00 80,020.00 432,470.00 521,000.00 2,689,230.00 88,500.00 364,690.00 43,130.00 678,580.00 67,290.00 826,860.00 41,020.00 65,860.00 404,540.00 78,170.00 37,000.00 34,000.00 76,150.00 73,710.00 247,970.00 85,640.00 54,600.00 67,300.00 275,260.00 56,700.00 272,130.00 48,580.00 358,160.00 31,750.00 353,260.00 30,760.00 251,230.00 93,600.00 60,000.00 72,880.00 30,130.00 753,290.00 60,000.00 93,600.00 121,790.00 121,790.00 123,680.00 34,000.00 179,690.00 30,950.00 36,660.00 56,750.00 77,470.00 75,830.00 92,870.00 39,450.00 72,160.00 81,600.00 56,400.00 69,140.00 299,540.00 299,540.00 78,750.00 34,300.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 38,390.00 1,594,200.00 553,430.00 283,200.00 1,248,100.00 61,660.00 130,070.00 34,200.00 219,770.00 98,290.00 250,310.00 138,950.00 144,270.00 143,000.00 93,290.00 199,350.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS UNOPS COPENHAGEN UNOPS HEADQUARTERS USD VALUTA KONTO USD VALUTA KONTO ETS MARILL AGENCIA BELLA C POR A ANTONIO P. HACHE & CO.C.POR A. AUTOCAMIONES, C. POR A. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. ENCARGOS S.A. ENCARGOS S.A. FUNDACION SUR FUTURO FUNDACION SUR FUTURO FUNDACION SUR FUTURO MATEIDONCA CONSTRUCTION GROUP MATEIDONCA CONSTRUCTION GROUP PICHARDO ESCOTO, EUDI DOMINGO PICHARDO ESCOTO, EUDI DOMINGO PICHARDO ESCOTO, EUDI DOMINGO PICHARDO ESCOTO, EUDI DOMINGO REFOJOS, RAFAEL RTI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. THEMA, S.A. THEMA, S.A. THEMA, S.A. SYLVIA DILI Automotores y Anexos S.A. Automotores y Anexos S.A. COMERCIO Y ASESORIA, COMASE CIA. LTDA. COMERCIO Y ASESORIA, COMASE CIA. LTDA. COMPSESA COMWARE DEL ECUADOR COMWARE DEL ECUADOR COMWARE DEL ECUADOR COMWARE DEL ECUADOR COMWARE DEL ECUADOR DINFORSYSMEGA DINFORSYSMEGA DINFORSYSMEGA ELECTRO ECUATORIANA SA COMERCIAL E INDUS ELECTRO ECUATORIANA SA COMERCIAL E INDUS Firmesa Industrial Cia Ltda Firmesa Industrial Cia Ltda Firmesa Industrial Cia Ltda Firmesa Industrial Cia Ltda Firmesa Industrial Cia Ltda Firmesa Industrial Cia Ltda INFORMATICA Y SISTEMAS DIGITALES DINFORS INSTALACIONES ELECTROMECANICAS S.A. INES ISEYCO C.A. ISEYCO C.A. ISEYCO C.A. Kruger Corporation S A Kruger Corporation S A NOUX C.A Protecompu C.A. SOLUCIONES INTEGRADAS SOLUTIONS S.A. TELECUADOR CIA. LTDA. ARTOC AUTO ISSEMM MISR PROJECT SUPPORT TO THE NW COAST DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUPPORT TO THE NW COAST DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUPPORT TO THE NW COAST DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUPPORT TO THE NW COAST DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUPPORT TO THE NW COAST DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUPPORT TO THE NW COAST DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUPPORT TO THE NW COAST DEVELOPMENT PLAN THE STUDIO ADVERTISING AGENCY WHO CAIRO WHO CAIRO Amate Travel SA DE CV DIDEA S.A. DE C.V. DROGUERIA MASTERS, S.A. DE C.V. DROGUERIA MASTERS, S.A. DE C.V. GENERAL DE VEHICULOS, S.A. DE C.V. GRAFICOLOR, S.A. de C.V. GRUPO Q EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. GRUPO Q EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. Camioneta Station Wagon, marca Coaster Bus Codan HF mobile radio NGT SRx Different Heavu Duty Photocopi Different IT Hardware for HoPR Expense Distribution FULL OPTIONS and Standard Equip - T Hyundai, H1, Ambulance 2wd 2.4 Petr Inland transport by road from IT Equipment for Basrah Chidlren Ho LAND CRUISER 4WD Hard Top 4.2l Land cruiser hard top MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND A Motorcycles Motorcycles for SNNPR BoArd Motorcycles for SNNPR BoFED Nissan X-Trail ONE (1) TOYOTA LAND CRUISER PR P&A - Toy. Hilux Doubl Cab4x4 PALAT Payment to UNOPS for the supply of Programme Rélevement Precoce à Purchase of 4 Units Armored La Purchase of project vehicle Purchase of Toyota Land Cruiser Sta Quatation N° CR109272 MHH Nissan (D Sea Freight by FCL from Alegci Sedan, medium Supply of 7 Hyundai Tucson veh Toyota (Ex - stock) Land Cruis Toyota Land Cruiser 200 GX 4.5 Toyota Landcruiser Station Wag TWO (2) TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 76 UNOPS quotation No: CR 106440 UNOPS quotation No: CR 106440 DM Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain, truck, X-RAY Securuty Scanner Yamaha Motorcycles for Oromia Procurement of car Toyota (Ex-stock) Land Cruiser 50m XHD Symphonie Plus Tower, Logge Install Kit for 60mHD, 60m/50m XHD Pick-up Double Cabine, 4X4 Die COMPRA DE 35 MOTOCICLETAS HON COMPRA DE HERRAMIENTAS VARIAS Camión 4x4, motor 4.3cc, capac Dell AX4-51 DP Microsoft Software Solarwinds software VMware VSphere Software LAB EQUIPMENTS LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS Liq trimestre Jul-sept-/2209 Liquidacion DV Mar/Jun Liquidacion DV35731 Construcción de modulos de bañ Construcción de modulos de baños co Cubicación 1 construcción peaj Cubicación 1 construcción peajes Cubicación 2 construcción peajes Cubicación final, construcción peaj Revers. DV 31418 y 28853 Acquisición de Kits MAC retrof Mobiliario Importado 1er Nivel Acad Mobiliario Importado 2do Nivel Acad Mobiliario Importado Sede Navegació RFQ for 6 different types of E 63226 OC09380 Adquisicion 5 Ve 63226 OC09380 Adquisicion 5 Vehícul 12286 OC08559 Cableado Estruct 12286 OC08559 Enm3 Cableado Es 12286 OC08640 80 computadoras 12286 OC08504 Routers 12286 OC08508 Servidores de re 12286 OC08509 Cableado estruct 12286 OC08-564 Cableado Estruc 12286 OC08-564 Cableado Estructurad 12286 OC08592 Servidores y PCs 12286 OC09-419 / LTA08-249 Equ 41311 OC08632 618 computadoras 12286 OC09-122 Grupo electróge 12286 OC09-122 Grupo electrógenos S 12278 OC09321 Compra 355 UPS P 12286 OC08575 UPSs 40KVA - 3KV 12286 OC08577 UPS Powerware 93 12286 OC08600 UPS's para HCAM 12286 OC09-360 Equipos de Vide 12286 OC09-371 Generador y Equipos 12278 OC09186 Compra 160 Compu 12286 OC09-369 Transformador y Cabl 12286 OC08503 Switches 12286 OC08510 Switches 12286 OC08593 Switches SSC 12286 CS08541 Software Procura 12286 OC08653 Trade-up Licenci 12278 OC09123 Licencias Busine 12286 OC09-368 Aire Acondicionado y 12286 OC08498 Servidores IBM ( 12278 OC08636 Compra 20 videop 3 cars Octavia for Pro# 36732 LIQ. OF JUNE (PRJ #36187) ADJUSTMENT PURCHASING 3 CARS Liq June 09 _Mine Action USD Liq. April09_USD_Mine Action Liq_April 09 _EGP_Mine Action LIQ_EGP_JAN 09_M.ACTION_53680 Liq_Feb09_Mine Action_EGP LIQ_MAR 09_USD_M.ACTION_53680 LIQ_USD_AUG 09_M.ACTION_53680 PRINT1000STICKER+ELECT CAMPAIG Prevention: BCC - Community ou Treatment prompt and effective ATKT TALLER REGIONAL 3/6 JUNIO Pick Up, Doble Cabina 4x4; Marca:To 4592 DE TRIAMCINOLONA ACETONI TRIAMCINOLONA ACETONIDO 10MG/ML, SU Pick Up, Doble Cabina 4x4; Mar IMPRESION INFORME 262 DE ACUER 2 VEHICLES NISSAN PATHFINDER Compra de Vehículo 4x4, Marca. 141 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 31,690.00 53,480.00 43,770.00 274,460.00 176,210.00 228,650.00 132,930.00 40,380.00 85,820.00 76,790.00 33,830.00 38,260.00 146,790.00 77,520.00 106,290.00 37,820.00 67,570.00 45,310.00 1,868,250.00 50,600.00 50,750.00 50,230.00 587,490.00 81,590.00 33,570.00 38,830.00 52,910.00 33,690.00 165,610.00 739,090.00 446,230.00 125,490.00 93,080.00 126,970.00 127,340.00 116,430.00 178,960.00 37,440.00 50,890.00 36,170.00 292,240.00 46,050.00 40,000.00 51,650.00 82,140.00 43,040.00 41,760.00 77,430.00 62,500.00 61,960.00 63,350.00 44,190.00 81,010.00 38,790.00 41,490.00 43,270.00 46,250.00 47,770.00 33,340.00 33,950.00 33,950.00 33,950.00 194,040.00 166,500.00 91,420.00 127,280.00 901,000.00 148,820.00 65,310.00 100,950.00 178,270.00 30,700.00 74,800.00 33,340.00 166,340.00 60,240.00 147,430.00 177,180.00 50,030.00 105,490.00 329,180.00 110,790.00 199,340.00 49,350.00 55,750.00 33,450.00 204,080.00 54,670.00 121,500.00 121,800.00 80,640.00 245,560.00 84,040.00 55,830.00 51,800.00 39,520.00 131,840.00 80,730.00 165,000.00 32,900.00 64,350.00 42,350.00 64,350.00 112,980.00 156,140.00 31,890.00 116,770.00 61,880.00 41,490.00 36,720.00 30,280.00 42,300.00 39,000.00 33,360.00 86,210.00 91,750.00 128,530.00 157,660.00 35,840.00 60,800.00 32,020.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador Eritrea Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Finland France France France France France France France France France France France France Gabon Gabon Gabon Gabon Gabon Gabon Gabon Gabon Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Medios Internacionales, S.A de C.V PROMED DE EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. PROMED DE EL SALVADOR, S.A. DE C.V. PROTURISMO, S.A. DE C.V. SISTEMAS C & C, S.A. DE C.V. SISTEMAS C & C, S.A. DE C.V. SISTEMAS C & C, S.A. DE C.V. RED SEA TRADING CORPORATION Amhara BoFED - UN Food Security Amhara BoFED - UN Food Security DIP-Institution of the Ombudsman DIP-Institution of the Ombudsman DIRECT SOLARE ENEGERY TRADING ELECTRO COMMERCIAL S.C Eth. Chamber of Commerce &Sectoral Asoc. INTERNATIONAL FOOD POLICY RESEARCH INSTI LTA Auto Aps MINAYE PVT LTD CO. Oromia BoFED - UN Food Security Oromia BoFED - UN Food Security SECRETARIAT OF THE HOUSE OF PEOPLE'S REP SNAP TRADING AND INDUSTRY PLC SNAP TRADING AND INDUSTRY PLC SNNP BoFED - UN Food Security SNNP BoFED - UN Food Security SNNP BoFED - UN Food Security TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Tsedeke Tuloro Tsedeke Tuloro UNECA NAPS SYSTEMS BELIN BIO-RAD BUFFET CRAMPON SA BUFFET CRAMPON SA CFAO CPS FRANCE CFAO CPS FRANCE CICC FEVAM INDUSTRIE Groupe Leader SA METROBOX Renault Trucks S.A.S. SAGEM SECURITE UNESCO NESTLE GABON UNITED NATION CHILDREN'S FUND UNITED NATION CHILDREN'S FUND UNITED NATION CHILDREN'S FUND UNITED NATION CHILDREN'S FUND UNITED NATION CHILDREN'S FUND UNITED NATION CHILDREN'S FUND UNITED NATION CHILDREN'S FUND Frigojollinox HYUNDAI AVTO GEORGIA ALFRED WEGENER INSTITUT BERND MOOSMANN GmbH Datamatics Technologies GmbH Datamatics Technologies GmbH Datamatics Technologies GmbH Datamatics Technologies GmbH Datamatics Technologies GmbH Datamatics Technologies GmbH Datamatics Technologies GmbH Datamatics Technologies GmbH DELL COMPUTER GMBH DELL COMPUTER GMBH DELL COMPUTER GMBH Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technischa Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technischa Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technischa DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR TECHNISCHE DEUTSCHE POST AG DRESDNER KUHLANLAGENBAU GMBH F. Unduetsch GmbH F. Unduetsch GmbH F. UNDUTSCH GMBH F. UNDUTSCH GMBH FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO.KG GESELLSCHAFT TECHNISCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT GTZ GTZ International Services GTZ International Services GTZ International Services GTZ International Services GTZ International Services GTZ International Services GTZ International Services GTZ International Services GTZ International Services HAIN LIFESCIENCE GMBH Lahmeyer International GmbH Lahmeyer International GmbH MLW INTERMED H+C GMBH MMM Medcenter Einrichtungen GmbH MOTOROLA LTD MOTOROLA LTD Ott Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Otto E. Kobe KG Fabrik für Labor SARSTEDT AG&CO SIGMA LABORZENTRIFUGEN GMBH VALLON GmbH VALLON GmbH Vetter GmbH AFRICA 2000 NETWORK GHANA Pro Resolve Software Gh. Ltd. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR CORPORACION INMOBILIARIA LA LUZ,S.A. CORPORACION INMOBILIARIA LA LUZ,S.A. CORPORACION INMOBILIARIA LA LUZ,S.A. DISAGRO DE GUATEMALA, S.A. FAFG IMVERSA, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA IMVERSA, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA IMVERSA, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA IMVERSA, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA IMVERSA, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA IMVERSA, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA IPESA Secretaria de Integracion Economica CA Spot TV por cable campaña sens REACTIVO CD3/CD4/CD8 SET DE 50 REACTIVO CD3/CD4/CD8 SET DE 50 PRUE 11 VEHICLES RENTAL-14/02-19/03 Computadoras Personales; Marca: HP; LAPTOP HP MOD.6730b NOTEBOOK LAPTOP HP MOD.6730b NOTEBOOK P Expense Distribution FR- Sep.09-3-1-8082-56570 Amh Rev. Reim.-56570-Amhara 2nd Q Report-EIO-2009 3rd Q Report -EIO DIP 2009 Solar Panel with Accessoreis Motorcycles FR 2009 Chamber of Commerce FR -3rd Q- IFPRI-56570 Motorcycle for Farmers Festival. MoEFD let 8/12/09 & UN2/1/673 FR-Sep.093rdQ-01/2/171/244BoAR FR-Sep09-01/2/171/338-Or.BoFED 2nd FR 2009 DIP - HoPR Fax Machine canon L-380 Network Printer HP 3005DN FR for Oct.09-MU-132/1565/02 FR-Nov.09-MU-132/1634/02-SNNPR FR-Oct.09-MU-132/1490-SNNPR Vehicle Station Wagon purchase of Toyata Land Cruiser D Purchase of Toyota Land Cruiser 20 Being Reversal of JV # 81286 Expense Distribution H1N1 Flu-Puch of Medic Equ & M Complete solar power system 13 publication d'un ouvrage en Afrique SUPPLY OF NEW LAV-BLOT I, 18 T 50% OC-002/02/09 FACT.74345 50% OC-002/02/09 INSTRUMENTOS Achat de vehicule pour le compte du Achat du véhicule du projet PAREPH Bulletproof Male Vest Level 3A with Fire Search/safety equipment- Lot:1 EQUIPEMENTS INFORMATIQUES POUR Trucks, Cargo/Troop Carriers, Information Technology TRANSFER PAF 08/09 FUND UNESCO Milk powder917 CARTONS DE 6 AMODIAQUINE 135mg + ARTESUNATE FACSCOUNT REAGENS BOITE DE 50 Freight and insurance LOPINAVIR 133,3 MG + 33 MG BOI LOPINAVIR 200mg + RITONAVIR 50 Mosquito nets and nettingMO QUININE RESORCINE 100mg/ml, IN Amount only item Purchasing two brand new 4 whe ARG 06/018 - ITEM 1: 193.000 K OC-010/05/09 FACT.147318345 Signature of Contract St.1:Business Requirm.Analisysis St.2:Functional Specific. St.2:Techn. Specific. St.3:Develop custom comp. St.3:Setup MOSS Infrastr. St.4:User acc.testing St.5:Post Rollout Support DELL Latihude E4300 + IT equipment DELL Notebooks Laptops-Dell Latitude E4300 FR 1st Q. 2009 Protecte Area FR 2nd Q. 2009 Protected Area FR 3rd Q.2009 Protected Area Laboratory Equipment - 7 Micro Distribution of AR 2008/9 payment of Dresdner Kuhlanlage Crime Scene Vans for Laborator Fire rescue equipments- Rotary Hamm Procurement of laboratory equi Procurement of laboratory inst EMERGENCY TRAUMA BAGS Rifampicin 150mg/Isoniazid 75m FR-00059096-1Q09-USD Drugs 1st line TB / 2009 Laboratory testing, Pre-shipme R150 H75 E275 R150 H75 Z400 E275 RHE (150,75,275) RHZE (150,75,400,275) Seringues 5ml + Aiguilles SM 1g Transportation fees Thermal Cycler RLA services - review of envi RLA Consultancy services - Opt LAB EQUIPMENTS DRYING AND STERILIZATION CABIN Portable radios and antenna sy Portable radios and antenna systems Automatic hydrology stations f Laminar safety cabinet II biol CONTAINERS FOR SPUTUM COLLECTI Refrigerated Centrifuge Table 20% payment to be made upon si 40% payment to be made upon re Fire rescue equipments-Air lifting 3RD QUARTER RETURNS Lan supply/installation MOJ Toyota LHD Hilux Double Cabin Seate Toyota LHD Hilux Dourbel Cabin 100,000 PASAPORTES SALVADOREÑO 84,193 PASAPORTES SALVADOREÑOS PAGO DE 220,807 PASAPORTES Compra de 800 sacos urea perla INF.FINAN.OCT-DIC´09 2/3 61951 Cátedras COMPRA/DISTRIB. MOBILIARIO Mesa bipersonal grande Mesa bipersonal pequeña Silla escolar grande Silla escolar pequeña compra de reactivos de ADN ULTIMO PAGO CONTRATO 5/5 142 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 100,000.00 50,050.00 150,150.00 30,470.00 46,520.00 86,420.00 86,420.00 119,360.00 108,840.00 42,280.00 33,930.00 45,700.00 30,090.00 54,000.00 44,130.00 350,000.00 39,660.00 31,770.00 65,010.00 52,520.00 328,340.00 37,450.00 60,890.00 47,440.00 37,440.00 83,240.00 109,250.00 125,910.00 106,690.00 373,520.00 373,520.00 178,700.00 120,010.00 30,100.00 54,200.00 50,500.00 46,300.00 31,030.00 34,510.00 57,600.00 260,330.00 32,250.00 191,700.00 280,000.00 35,000.00 90,660.00 158,540.00 47,190.00 49,780.00 90,010.00 61,650.00 909,600.00 74,910.00 38,260.00 35,960.00 320,000.00 63,570.00 63,810.00 31,900.00 31,900.00 31,900.00 31,900.00 31,900.00 31,900.00 31,900.00 168,100.00 116,550.00 147,320.00 77,470.00 47,540.00 43,820.00 36,300.00 32,550.00 39,000.00 206,600.00 38,780.00 51,070.00 53,510.00 50,140.00 62,560.00 31,820.00 2,705,770.00 105,700.00 107,540.00 947,050.00 101,680.00 686,150.00 30,830.00 34,530.00 348,640.00 40,170.00 35,410.00 35,410.00 63,350.00 72,780.00 83,110.00 91,430.00 56,400.00 162,070.00 74,730.00 106,980.00 50,950.00 199,600.00 33,760.00 31,540.00 82,760.00 30,780.00 30,810.00 487,300.00 410,270.00 1,075,990.00 33,950.00 44,670.00 31,750.00 182,170.00 88,980.00 102,190.00 82,470.00 98,050.00 50,810.00 195,280.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Guinea Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Hungary India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Isreal Isreal Isreal Isreal Isreal Isreal Isreal Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Jamaica Japan Japan Japan Japan Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) DIXINN GATE DIXINN GATE PETROMAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD CARICOM-UNDP US DOLLAR A/C 000-256-8 COPROFER KENBE DIRECTION DEPARTEMENTALE ENVIRONNEMENT ETS ROBINSON FILS ETS ROBINSON FILS INTERNEGOCE S.A. JOCO MULTISPORTS JOCO MULTISPORTS NATHAN IMPORT EXPORT NATIONAL BAG AND TRADING CO SA UNDP HAITI BOMOHSA CENTROMATIC S.A. CENTROMATIC S.A. DISTRIBUIDORA COMERCIAL S.A. (DICOSA) DROGUERIA PHARMA GALVA INTERNACIONAL, S. DE R.L. GALVA INTERNACIONAL, S. DE R.L. SISTEMAS ABIERTOS VEHICULOS DE TRABAJO S.A DE C.V VETASA FERCOM LTD. AEROMARINE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY PVT LTD DELL INDIA PVT LTD FRIGTOOLS REFRIGERATION&ENGINEERING CO. FRIGTOOLS REFRIGERATION&ENGINEERING CO. JAL BHAGIRATHI FOUNDATION JAL BHAGIRATHI FOUNDATION LINKWELL ELECTRONICS PVT LIMITED M/S Siddharth Marketing Corporation M/S Siddharth Marketing Corporation MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA LTD. MEMBER SECRETARY GOMBRT NATIONAL FILM DEV CORPORATION LTD NBA-UNDP PROJECT PAT & VENKY PAT & VENKY POPULATION FOUNDATION OF INDIA POVERTY & HUMAN DEV MONITORING AGENCY PRAGA MARINE PVT LTD RAJDHANI OFFSET PVT.LTD RAJDHANI OFFSET PVT.LTD Sify Technologies Limited TAGROS CHEMICALS INDIA LIMITED UMANG PHARMATECH PVT LTD VIA INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD BANDUNG TRUST ADVISORY GROUP BRAINS AND COMPANIES INDONESIA, PT BRAINS AND COMPANIES INDONESIA, PT DATASCRIP PT HARINI PAPUA, CV. HARINI PAPUA, CV. INDONESIA PRINTER PT INDONESIA PRINTER PT KOMISI PENANGGULANGAN AIDS KOMISI PENANGGULANGAN AIDS LSM HUMAN INSTITUTE PERHIMPUNAN BANTUAN HUKUM RAKYAT SULTENG SUMBER BAHAGIA, PT SUMBER BAHAGIA, PT SURIS WAHANACIPTA, PT TOYOTA ASTRA MOTOR PT UNIVERSE ADVERTINDO, PT YAYASAN AMNAUT BIFE KUAN OR YABIKU YAYASAN VIDIA ISWARI Armin Teb Novin Fanavari Pishrafteh Jahan Iran Khodro Diesel-Code 510Birjand Iran Tractor Manufacturing Co.(ITMC) Mehrgan Sanat Ab Co. AL-GHAITH COMPUTER OFFICE AL-SAMI GENERAL TRADE COMPANY LTD. AL-SAMI GENERAL TRADE COMPANY LTD. NASHITA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION NASHITA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION NASHITA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION NASHITA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION NASHITA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION SNAFEE COMPANY AZTECTECHNOLOGIES(1984) LTD COMPUTER MEDIA CENTER GALint Ltd JAMAL O. MASRI CO. LTD JAMAL O. MASRI CO. LTD JAMAL O. MASRI CO. LTD TECHNO-LINE MEDICAL LTD AFRORIENTAL TRADE CENTER SRL AGMIN ITALY SRL BETA MUSIC DI FABRI GIANCARLO & C. S.A.S BRUNO SRL BRUNO SRL COM.INT S.P.A. COM.INT SPA COSTRUZIONI ELETTRONICHE INDUSTRIALI-AUT GALILEO TP PROCESS EQUIPMENT GALILEO TP PROCESS EQUIPMENT GALILEO TP PROCESS EQUIPMENT GALILEO TP PROCESS EQUIPMENT SRL INVENTA NUOVE SOLUZIONI TECNOLOGICHE SRL SAF NATURA SRL VENEFIR S.N.C. VENEFIR S.N.C. VENEFIR S.N.C. JAMAICA DRIP IRRIGATION FUKUOKA UNIVERSITY Hitachi, Ltd., Power Systems Hitachi, Ltd., Power Systems MARUBENI CORPORATION Paiement de 40% apres 75% de realis Paiement solde 40% a la fin de la p Gasoil (2ème tour) Achat 2 véhicules Pickup 4x4 - Proj Achat Vehicule - Projet GNB000 Achat vehicule - Projet GNB582 Achat véhicule 4x4 Land Cruiser Achat vehicule Land Cruiser Prado V Achat véhicule Toyota LHD Hilux Dou Acquisition Vehicule pour le p TOYOTA Land Cruiser Hard top 7 Toyota Land CRuiser Prado GX, TOYOTA LHD Hilux Double Cabin 6seat TOYOTA LHD Pick Up Hilux doubl CLEARING 3rd QTR ADV - CREDP 550 GABIONS + FIL A LIGATURER 1ER VERS. ACCORD DE PREV. DESA Achat materiel const. Latrines Achat materiel const. Latrines et R Coffre-fort anti feu S-5926 Etuis pour Flash Flash Mag. 4D (petite dimensio T-SHIRTS IMPRIMÉS SACS DE 25Kg PROLYPROPILENE REG TRACK FUND / IDB PG TOTALREPUESTOS/BOMBAS/SANAA Impresoras Matriciales Microcomputadoras Desktop CAMILLA SENCILLA, ITEM 3, LOTE AMOXICILINA 500mg F#03 PG CONT.BIENES Y SERV. PG. FACT#02 REPUESTOS CAPRARI Impresoras Matricialaes de med ADQUISICIÓN DE AUTOBUSES TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT CHAIN 16MM DIA I SIZE. (AVG. SQL SVR Enterprise Edtn Sngl L 2ND PYMT 50% OF P.O FINAL PYMT 30% OF PO FEES ss-FR for Oct-Nov.09 ss-FR-July to Sept.09 53570-B NO.3127/200 IN AP Fire Safety/Searh Equip. Thermal Im Two wheeler water mist system 30 vehicles (4 wheel drive) fo 3rd-4th-QTR-09 on Direct basis Contract#2008/296 nn-1st advance release-61122A1 Accessories for Remote radios Single channel Audio Amplifier 3rd Tranch rls Qtr Jul-Sep Advance against AWP 09 Orissa POWER BOAT FOR PATROL AND SURV PRINT OF REF KIT(SW&O) IN ORIY PRINTING OF REFERENCE KIT ROLL Conversion Courses in to Arabic e-c INSECTICIDE IRS ACQUISITION-AL COL/41425 - ADQUISICION EQUIPO invoice#08-09/0046,47,48 1st payment per Grant Agreemnt 2nd Payment PT.Brains and Comp 3rd Payment-PT.Brains and Comp Staff Chair 2.4 Resources Center Equipment 2.4.Equipment and furnit Resou 2nd payment - 60% after delive Final payment 40% after delive Settlement FR February 2009 Settlement FR May 2009 1st Payment for CSO Elections 1st Payment for CSO Elections Lot 5 Jawa Tengah KPPS Printin LOT 6 Jawa Timur KPPS Printing Last Payment PT.Suris Wahana C Toyota Fortuner 2,7L 4X4 V A/T LOT 4 Jawa Barat (including pa 1st payment per Grant Agreemnt 1st payment per Grant Agreemnt PURCHASE OF REALTIME PCR 80% cost of chromatography & i COST OF CAR FOR CSP OFFICE IN Tractor to plow fish farms PURCHASING MONITORING EQUIPMEN Mobile scratch cards for 1 year Provision of Civil, Mechanical Provision of Civil, Mechanical and Internet connection IT Equipment and office equipm IT Equipment and office Equipm IT Equipment and office equipment IT Equipment and office Equipment f Off Site Telephone for BCH Software licenses:Office Pro Item # 1: HP Compaq original D 1112 units of Encryption module KV1 10 Passengers Bus (VW Transpor 4X4 CAR - Touareg Item # 4 : 4 X 4 Vehicle Di Medical Equipment for the beni Expense Distribution Procurement of Autoclear X-Ray SCENE MECHANIC EQUIPMENT Generator, water cooled Generators, diesel Backhoe Loader New Holland B90B LR Purchase of Bulldozer 2nd PAYMENT -60 UNITS 148 Automatic Refrigerant Reco 148 Portable Evacuation and Ca 148 Set of Accesories ADQUISICION BIENES CONTEMPLAD SUPPLY AND TURNKEY INSTALLATION OF Wax sheets 420x220 mm in 50 pc Bedsheets, 2 pc set of single size, Freight Good quality blanket, for single be Construction of Greenhouse str Payment of 2nd installment Contract Amednment to Contract Steam boilers and generators Komatsu Bulldozed Spare parts 143 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 38,960.00 38,960.00 46,040.00 58,690.00 36,900.00 36,900.00 79,620.00 35,050.00 32,360.00 35,370.00 36,130.00 35,370.00 30,370.00 30,590.00 40,490.00 79,530.00 125,000.00 32,130.00 42,740.00 34,950.00 31,900.00 129,200.00 70,000.00 38,710.00 123,160.00 38,120.00 35,520.00 196,020.00 37,090.00 62,650.00 68,590.00 74,630.00 115,850.00 197,500.00 80,770.00 51,180.00 167,940.00 149,610.00 89,770.00 270,840.00 43,780.00 37,830.00 119,090.00 122,980.00 441,000.00 39,400.00 57,220.00 32,470.00 57,370.00 56,150.00 38,320.00 38,750.00 81,610.00 41,950.00 30,190.00 47,700.00 171,000.00 57,000.00 54,630.00 52,800.00 35,810.00 66,020.00 31,070.00 37,750.00 35,390.00 128,380.00 88,490.00 75,030.00 60,820.00 30,490.00 34,590.00 35,680.00 32,250.00 176,040.00 251,280.00 36,560.00 36,540.00 35,180.00 30,980.00 45,460.00 39,840.00 35,080.00 38,100.00 68,160.00 194,300.00 1,201,470.00 66,120.00 59,330.00 46,520.00 148,330.00 116,300.00 373,160.00 31,860.00 147,040.00 320,000.00 34,950.00 36,400.00 73,900.00 243,980.00 200,000.00 139,200.00 51,720.00 55,710.00 292,910.00 161,090.00 290,090.00 71,710.00 370,000.00 161,320.00 71,040.00 247,860.00 67,390.00 48,680.00 55,740.00 45,120.00 53,520.00 172,310.00 33,960.00 1,237,520.00 3,888,610.00 49,710.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Korea- Republic of Kosovo Kosovo Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Kyrgystan Laos Laos Laos Latvia- Republic of Latvia- Republic of Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) MARUBENI CORPORATION NISSAN TRADING CO LTD NISSAN TRADING CO LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION YAMAHA MOTOR CO LTD ANTEMINA INTERNATIONAL L.L.C. CASH COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT CO. LTD CASH COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT CO. LTD Ejada NATIONAL COMPUTER COMPANY PRO TECHNOLOGY PRO TECHNOLOGY SETRAA-JORDAN ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CO. ADAL INVEST ASTANA LTD ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES LLP. ASIA AUTO JSC ASIA AUTO JSC ENERGOSNAB -M OOO FELIKS ASTANA MALYAROV IE Torgoviy Dom Energomera LLP TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION WEST AVTO LLP WEST AVTO LLP WEST AVTO LLP WEST AVTO LLP WEST AVTO LLP ARID LANDS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROJECT BEDI INVESTMENTS LIMITED BEDI INVESTMENTS LIMITED Bee Ltd MAKIGA ENGINEERING SERVIES LIMITED MANCHESTER OUTFITTERS (EA) LIMITED MANCHESTER OUTFITTERS (EA) LIMITED MANCHESTER OUTFITTERS (EA) LIMITED MANCHESTER OUTFITTERS (EA) LIMITED MANCHESTER OUTFITTERS (EA) LIMITED MANCHESTER OUTFITTERS (EA) LIMITED MEDIA FOCUS ON AFRICA FOUNDATION MEDIA FOCUS ON AFRICA FOUNDATION MORVEN KESTER (EA) LTD NAVCOM LIMITED Partec East Africa Ltd Roselyn Nyawsarora Igwora STEAM ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY TODAY LIMITED THE PERMANENT SECRETARY (MOPAIS) TOYOTA EAST AFRICA LTD TOYOTA EAST AFRICA LTD TOYOTA EAST AFRICA LTD WHO SOUTH SUDAN YOGI TRANDING COMPANY LTD KYOUNGDONG UNIVERSITY Canon Ilir kosova Grafika REZNIQI ASIA WATER BUILD LTD ASIAMOTORS LTD MEDCO INTERNATIONAL MEDCO INTERNATIONAL MEDCO INTERNATIONAL MEDCO INTERNATIONAL MEDCO INTERNATIONAL MEDCO INTERNATIONAL MEDHITECH LTD MEDTECHTORG LTD MEDTECHTORG LTD PROGRESSIVE COMPANY SELL MASTER LTD SULTANOV B.M. PRIVATE ENTERPRENEUR UNI T REACTIV FARMA LTD UNI T REACTIV FARMA LTD UNI T REACTIV FARMA LTD UNIHELP LTD UNIHELP LTD UNIHELP LTD UNIHELP LTD UNIHELP LTD UNIHELP LTD UNIHELP LTD UNIHELP LTD UNIHELP LTD YU JENG LTD YU JENG LTD YU JENG LTD YU JENG LTD INFOTECH CO.Ltd MICRO-INFO COMPUTER QUALITY MEDICAL SUPPLY IMPORT-EXPORT CO REGULA BALTIJA LTD. REGULA BALTIJA LTD. AMIOUNI TRADING CO.SAL AMMOURI TRADING EST. ARC EN CIEL ARC EN CIEL ARC EN CIEL ARC EN CIEL ARC EN CIEL ARC EN CIEL BOUSTANY UNITED MACHINERIES CO. SAL CHEHAB BROTHERS SAL CHEHAB BROTHERS SAL IDEPCONSULT S.A.R.L IDEPCONSULT S.A.R.L INTERTECH BATINORM S.A.L. LEBANESE WELFARE ASSOC.FOR HANDICAPPED LEBANESE WELFARE ASSOC.FOR HANDICAPPED KOMATSU Bulldozer D85EX-15R wi NISSAN PATROL STATION WAGON LW NISSAN PATROL STATION WAGON LWS 4WD Procurement of a Vehicle for Purchase of one Vehicle for CL Toyota Corolla Sedan 1.8GLi S Toyota Hiace Mini-Bus: Toyota Toyota Hilux, Pickup 4x4 Ref: Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX,5 Toyota Land Cruiser Vehicle (S Your Quoation: PIE83558, dated 2 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado fo 3 Units of Vehicle for Project Purchase of 2 Toyota Prados Toyota (Ex-factory) Land Cruis Toyota (Ex-factory) Land Cruiser Pr Toyota Land CruiserGRJ200L-G TOYOTA LC 4x4 Station Wagon GX, GRJ Expense Distribution Supply of Water Tanker for dr Supply & Installation of Domes Supply & Installation of Gener EDMS ASSET Management system, BCH Backup Tape Library System Central Storage Area Network: Data Center Site Preparation as per Purchasing of inhabitable cont Detectors, radiation, X-ray Pmnt2nd trancshe to Asia Avto Pmnt2nd trancshe to Asia Avto JSC f 2nd installation, upon signatu 100%PmntFurniture P2Act2.1.2E& Malyarov IE/purchasing of sea 2nd installment Cinfirmation Car Purchase for UNV KAZ Vehicle purchase, Toyot Prado GRJ15 1-st installment 2009-0107s/a 1st installment under Purchase 2-nd installment sing act of a 2nd installment under Purchase 3-rd installment sign act of a Expense Distribution Item number: 3.7 Item number: 3.7Peak Caps No Bandwidth cost for 12 months at US$ 74 Straight Double Interlocking Soi Item number: 3.10 Item number: 3.3.1 Item number: 3.3.2 Item number: 3.9.3 Sports Shoes Track Suits Payment to Media Focus for Loi Payment to Media Focus for Loius Ot Expense Distribution Q-Mac QM9013 HF-90 HF-90 Trans PSM-Health Items Adj.-Activity & Donor ref. 3.16ghz,6mb,1333mhz,2gb8000mhz 2.26ghZ,RAM:3GB,HDD:160GB,DVDExpense Distribution Toyota hilux 4 x 4 Double cabin pic Toyota landcruiser 45x4 10 seater H Toyota Landcruiser 4x4 10 seat Office wooden prefabs Honda 125 cc XL(HONDA TYPE BRO FEB F/R 2009 Support MoJ, Interview rooms w Printing HDR 2008 MOBILE HATCHERY TWO OFF-ROAD VEHICLES PURCHASE 50%ADV PMNT/CONTR 1.4.9/GFHIV 50%ADV/CONTR 3.10.8&2.2.9/GFHI aquisition of digital ultrasound sy digital ultrasound echocardiography FINAL PMT/CONTRACT 1.4.9/GFHIV FINAL50%/CONTR 3.10.8&2.2.9/GF 50% ADVNC/CONTR 4.2.9/GFHIV 50% ADVNC/CONTR 8.2.09/GFHIV FINAL 50%/CONTRACT 8.2.9/GFHIV BOATS, MOTORS FOR BOATS AND CAR TRA COMP EQUIPMT/CONTRACT #6/GFHIV PUBLICATNS/CONTR 01-04 SH/GFTB 50% ADVANCE/CONTRACT 221/GFTB 60% ADVANCE/CONTRACT #146/GFTB FINAL 50%/CONTRACT 21/GFTB 50% ADVANCE/CONTR 5.2.09/GFHIV 50% ADVANCE/CONTRACT 1.10.9/GF 50% ADVNC/CONTRAC 7.2.09/GFHIV FINAL 50% PMT/CONTR 7.2.9/GFHI FINAL 50%/CONTR 1.11.08/GFHIV FINAL 50%/CONTRAC 5.2.09/GFHIV medicines/contr 06.04.08/gfhiv TEST SYSTEMS/CONTR #58/GFHIV TEST SYSTEMS/CONTR 56-57/GFHIV 50% ADVNC/CONTR 1.2.09/GFHIV 50%ADVNC/CONTR 6.2.09/GFHIV FINAL 50%/CONTRACT 6.2.09/GFHI FINAL PMNT/CONTRACT 1.2.09/GFH (PIMS) IT equipment IT equipment for GPAR XKG, May MEDICINE AND EQUIPMENTS FOR UX Cross border control equipment Mobile laboratory Regula 8003 COST OF MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT SETTLEMENT OF PO FEES 10TH PYMT. OF DISABILITY AIDS 12TH PYMT OF DISABILITY AIDS 13TH PYMT OF DISABILITY AIDS 14TH PYMT OF DISABILITY AIDS 15TH PYMT OF DISABILITY AIDS 9TH PYMT OF DISABILITY AIDS COST OF PROJECT VEHICLE Hilti steel products: Item 203000, Hilti steel products: Item 331550, Engineer Consulting Services w Engineer Consulting Services within COST OF EQUIPMENT&MATERIAL 7TH PYMT OF DISABILITY AIDS 8TH PYMT OF DIABILITY AIDS 144 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 294,000.00 32,900.00 32,380.00 37,180.00 37,180.00 54,020.00 64,440.00 35,140.00 36,730.00 117,520.00 161,470.00 46,710.00 67,260.00 44,840.00 79,020.00 71,590.00 36,030.00 37,680.00 44,770.00 50,160.00 769,770.00 636,820.00 212,950.00 682,510.00 32,820.00 45,540.00 69,550.00 35,050.00 59,000.00 53,540.00 52,940.00 54,660.00 39,480.00 50,770.00 70,250.00 37,470.00 34,620.00 102,540.00 45,520.00 205,090.00 182,080.00 205,090.00 78,100.00 90,000.00 32,000.00 39,460.00 78,280.00 210,000.00 60,000.00 66,000.00 52,800.00 106,000.00 90,600.00 88,300.00 88,300.00 39,100.00 94,260.00 81,760.00 41,730.00 44,750.00 87,490.00 43,390.00 32,970.00 357,950.00 37,040.00 95,000.00 55,500.00 68,120.00 37,820.00 30,520.00 44,000.00 44,660.00 65,000.00 50,060.00 31,300.00 33,500.00 65,000.00 50,060.00 33,230.00 37,740.00 37,740.00 57,100.00 53,470.00 91,990.00 30,670.00 70,090.00 30,560.00 46,250.00 31,490.00 32,600.00 32,600.00 79,980.00 46,250.00 31,800.00 59,810.00 62,670.00 110,920.00 117,330.00 117,330.00 110,920.00 31,340.00 45,030.00 42,010.00 76,370.00 109,580.00 191,950.00 80,010.00 49,030.00 84,360.00 35,860.00 55,400.00 39,490.00 81,060.00 31,790.00 30,380.00 38,220.00 49,230.00 87,040.00 243,720.00 40,570.00 33,380.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Lebanon Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Moldova Mongolia Mongolia Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Namibia Namibia Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Netherland Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) STE. DES CHAUX ET PLATRES DU LIBAN S.A.L BLUEPOINT TECHNOLOGIES BUILDERS LIBERIA INCORPORATED BUILDERS LIBERIA INCORPORATED C.C.O BUSINESS INC. Cristal Business Center Cristal Business Center ECO BANK General Supply & Const. Corporation General Supply & Const. Corporation HIGH-TEC HIGH-TEC Liberian Law Experts Inc. Liberian Law Experts Inc. Ministry of Communication MOSHOESHOE ROAD MOTORS ORION KATSE LODGE UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVIC MATERAUTO PNUD/PREA TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR BARLOWORLD EQUIPMENT BIOCLINICAL PARTNERS CLASSIC COLLECTION GENERAL VISION SCREEN PRINTERS IT CENTRE IT CENTRE MERCANTILE INTERNATIONAL TAYAMA HARDWARE TOYOTA MALAWI LIMITED CAPILLARY ARGOTECH (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD CAPILLARY ARGOTECH (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD DELL ASIA AND PACIFIC SDN DELL ASIA PACIFIC SDN Dell Global B.V. (Singapore Branch) AGETIER MALI AGETIER MALI AGETIER MALI CFAO CPS FRANCE CFAO CPS FRANCE CFAO MOTOR Commission Nat de la Gouvernance MAEP COMPUMALI SARL COMPUMALI SARL ECOLE DE MAINTIEN DE LA PAIX "ALIOUNE B. ECOLE DE MAINTIEN DE LA PAIX "ALIOUNE B. ECOLE DE MAINTIEN DE LA PAIX "ALIOUNE B. ECOSAP MANUTENTION AFRICAINE MALI MANUTENTION AFRICAINE MALI MANUTENTION AFRICAINE MALI ODHD/LCP - PROJET PNUD 00049125 Projet conjoint Droits Humains et Genre RESEAU APEM SOMADECO SOMADECO TOYOTA GIBRALTAR TOYOTA GIBRALTAR UGP-CADRE:APPUI AMLIORATION QUALITE Unité Transform Fruits Légumes Yanfolila UNICEF SUPPLY DIVISION COPENHAGUE D.A.Y. MARINE & SERVICES LTD D.A.Y. MARINE & SERVICES LTD FLOATDENE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED FLOATDENE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED FLOATDENE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED FLOATDENE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED SupplyQuip LTD SupplyQuip LTD SupplyQuip LTD CIRCULO DISEÑO S.C. ECI TELECOM LTD. GRUPO GRANDA S.A. DE C.V. META4 MEXICO SA DE CV META4 MEXICO SA DE CV SEESA TELECOMUNICACIONES, S.A. DE C.V. (R) DAAC SYSTEM INTEGRATOR SRL RADCOM CO.,LTD SUSTAINABLE LAND MANAGEMENT FOR Ass Guefait pour la Culture MEDI 1 SAT Mission Conseil Programme OASIS APDS PNUD Programme OASIS APDS PNUD Programme OASIS APDS PNUD Societe Benhsain Com Societe IB Maroc S A BK GROUP DATASERV LDA FREXPO DE MOCAMBIQUE, LDA. MOTORCARE LDA MOZ/01/001-MAPUTO MOZ/02/002-ICT FOR DEVELOPMENT SIR COMERCIO INTERNACIONAL TECNOSTRAL LDA TOYOTA DE MOCAMBIQUE, LDA. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD ACE DRAGON GROUP OF COMPANIES GOOD BROTHERS' CO, LTD Marlarmyaing Enterprise Ltd. Marlarmyaing Enterprise Ltd. Marlarmyaing Enterprise Ltd. Premier Machinery Trading Co.,Ltd GOBABIS TOYOTA LABWARE AFRICA (PTY) LTD ARATI & COMPANY COSMIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES COSMIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES COSMIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES DOS TRADING PVT. LTD. SIEMENS ENTERPRISE COM. GmbH & Co. UDECO PVT. LTD. UDECO PVT. LTD. UDECO PVT. LTD. UDECO PVT. LTD. UDECO PVT. LTD. UDECO PVT. LTD. BRUKER AXS BV SETTLEMENT OF PO FEES STRUCTURED CABLING OF BRYANT B 40% upon completion of items 1 40% upon completion of items 1.0 an Boots (Forced entry black tact Assorted Food items as per the Assorted Food items as per the list STIPENDS -750 VacStds Doors and window frame bars of stee FURNITURE 250 kva generator equipped wit Cummins 175 KVA Generator Procurement of fifteen sets o Procurement of fifteen sets of Law Hiring of outside Broadcast Procurement of ISUZU 4 X 4 D/C Support to W/S Nissan Patrol 4wd S/Wagon Std 4.2l Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Achat 2 voitures & accessoires Achat Hilux double cabin Moss Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX, 5 doo PURCHASE OF 2 FORKLIFTS 0636-PRINTING OF T-SHIRTS/CAPS 96- PRINTING OF TSHIRTS 1773-PRINTING OF T-SHIRTS/CAPS POLLING MATERIALS SUPPLY OF CARTRIDGE PRINTING OF TSHIRTS PENS,MARKERS, PENCILS,RULERS Toyota Prado 3.0 Diesel 10 Sea Procurement and Supply of Auto Procuremnt & Supply of Autopot Exchange Server for UN House a Desktop PC Batteries- Laptops 10% convention 1987 et 188 10% PROJET CONSTRUCTION PISTE 60% PROJET REHABILITATION DU C Achat de vehicule pour le compte du Achat du véhicule du projet PAREPH achat de deux prado pour le TO Expense Distribution AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT N.E.C. Onduleur Expense Distribution RAPPORT FINANCIER 1er TRIME09 RF SEPT/ OCT/ NOV 2009 Expense Distribution ACHAT DE GROUPES ELECTROGENES Achat et pose d'un groupe électrogè Groupe Electrogène de 200 KVA pour RAPPORT FINANCIER 3ème TRIME09 Expense Distribution Expense Distribution 125 tonnes d'urée 250 tonnes de DAP Achat d'une PRADO pour le bure TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 200 STATIO Expense Distribution RAPPORT FINANCIER 3è TRIMES 09 25000 moustiquaire LLIN 190x18 50% donwpayment order Buoys DERMACATION EQUIPMENT SEMPA Drug Detection Equipment - Ion Endoscope (The Ultimate Non-Co Portable Narcotics Detectors Test system for the detection 1-st installment under 2009-0 2-nd installment under Purchas 3-rd installment under Purchas CERTIFICADO DE SERVICIOS CIRCU Equipos DSLAM IP de 48 Puertos CLEANING EQUIPMENT 4TO PAGO SEXTO PAGO CORRESPONDIENTE ENT CERTIFICADO SERVICIOS SEESA TE Desktop computer Dell OptiPlex 360 HF Manpack transceiver SLM-FR Apr09 Expense Distribution F169/9-71259.Conv partenariat Servi d'interprétariat 50%FTTS 50750.FR 3th quarter 09-30161 50750.FR 3th quarter 09-30482 FR-50750 Apr-May 09 F10/8-56111.Inv 081211001 Chassis pour serveurs Lames : Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Diplomatic vehicles Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Expense Distribution Conference room furniture Expense Distribution TOYOTA HILUX 4X4 - IND TOYOTA LAND CRUISER - IND Procurement of Search and Resc 267 nos power tiller Procurement of Muriate of Pota Procurement of Triple Super Ph Procurement of Urea 46% Nitrat Powerlink Generator WPS 20 S ( Motor vehicles, goods transpor LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, SPECIAL 2nd installment- 50% 2nd remaining instlment_KIND Delivery/testing/charging powe remaining paymt (of 50%)_KIND Installation and Commissioning of S Procurement of SIEMENS Hipath 2000 Advance amount will provide up Advance amount will provide upon si Upon submission of factory test, tr Upon submission of invoice of Upon submission of invoice of all r VAT 13% FUENTE DE RAYOS X (Nº PARTE 15 145 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 49,500.00 43,160.00 32,470.00 32,470.00 35,000.00 53,320.00 53,320.00 75,410.00 33,950.00 67,900.00 39,000.00 31,500.00 51,630.00 51,630.00 40,430.00 37,320.00 31,700.00 32,910.00 39,040.00 432,220.00 70,280.00 36,470.00 46,320.00 74,950.00 142,720.00 127,330.00 138,850.00 91,570.00 256,350.00 295,790.00 257,200.00 48,340.00 92,070.00 73,660.00 32,910.00 69,700.00 69,000.00 59,250.00 35,130.00 165,700.00 31,030.00 34,510.00 57,700.00 88,700.00 38,450.00 35,420.00 107,060.00 384,030.00 892,360.00 36,960.00 44,380.00 47,820.00 54,630.00 85,640.00 58,990.00 48,850.00 70,450.00 176,130.00 50,740.00 97,070.00 140,000.00 130,140.00 125,500.00 43,800.00 87,030.00 273,460.00 52,160.00 92,900.00 39,520.00 77,840.00 155,690.00 155,690.00 52,570.00 46,380.00 43,470.00 58,570.00 58,570.00 77,050.00 31,300.00 30,940.00 53,610.00 36,680.00 39,420.00 36,310.00 56,270.00 95,910.00 127,890.00 33,870.00 30,470.00 64,520.00 58,100.00 54,900.00 30,900.00 30,170.00 140,160.00 146,290.00 46,630.00 468,430.00 32,610.00 120,500.00 62,790.00 371,930.00 34,830.00 68,150.00 148,890.00 53,400.00 84,820.00 65,400.00 43,410.00 436,670.00 130,460.00 180,300.00 46,100.00 58,620.00 55,280.00 55,280.00 55,280.00 114,670.00 110,550.00 35,930.00 105,000.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Netherland Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Norway Norway Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF CORPORATION b.v EVA KINGMA FLUTES IDA Foundation IDA FOUNDATION IDA FOUNDATION IDA Foundation IDA FOUNDATION IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA FOUNDATION IDA FOUNDATION IDA FOUNDATION IDA FOUNDATION IDA FOUNDATION IDA FOUNDATION IDA FOUNDATION IDA Foundation IDA FOUNDATION IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA FOUNDATION IDA FOUNDATION IDA Foundation IDA FOUNDATION IDA FOUNDATION IDA Foundation IDA FOUNDATION IDA Foundation IDA Foundation IDA FOUNDATION IDA FOUNDATION-HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IDA HIV/AIDS GROUP IMRES IMRES IMRES B.V. IMRES B.V. IMRES B.V. INTERMOTIVE B.V. INTERMOTIVE B.V. INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION SVIZERA EUROPE B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP B.V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV UvA-FdR AUTONICA SA AUTONICA SA Casa Pellas S A Edison Electric SA EDISA Edison Electric SA EDISA Gilberto Lizanias Angulo Jimenez Hopsa Nicaragua S.A. Industria de Perfiles Metalicos SA Industria de Perfiles Metalicos SA IDA FOUNDATION THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BU TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD UNICEF SUPPLY DIVISION UNICEF SUPPLY DIVISION UNICEF SUPPLY DIVISION HENRICH INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATES LIMITED RICHARD JACKSON AND SONS LIMITED TEC MAC sri O.B.WIIK AS SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS AN NAJAH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ARCOMED COMPANY LIMITED ARCOMED COMPANY LIMITED BCI BCI DAJANI COMPANY FOR FURNITURE ELECTRO CO. FOR TRADE & CONTRACTING INTERMED PAL CO INTERMED PAL CO JABER-SAFETY TECHNOLOGY LEMIX CO. LTD 92198-3 Mass scrng X-ray mobil OC-004/03/09,FACT.3040,INSTR. ACHAT MEDICAMENTS IO ET CONSOM Antituberculosis drugs DRUGS STAGE 2 ACTIVITY1 Efavirenz 600 MG Efavirenz 600mg, 30 tab Ethambutol HCI 400mg+isoniazid Fascount Reagent Kit, 50 tests Hepatitis B HBsAg Determine Hepatitis C Elisa Hepanostika Hepatitis C rapid test HCVSpot HIV 1+2 Determine HIV 1+2 Determine (100 tests) HIV 1+2 Rapid Test Unigold (20 Lamivudine 10mg/ml oral soluti Malaria Lab Consumable Kit, 1k Malaria Lab Supplementary Kit, Nelfinavir 250mg, 270 tab Nevirapine 10mg/ml oral suspen Nevirapine 200 mg Nevirapine 200mg, 60 tab OI/STI drugs for INLS. HIV/AIDS pro Quinine inj 300 mg/ml injectab Rif 150mg+Inh 75mg+Pyrazin 400 Ritonavir 100mg, 4x84 cap Saquinavir 200mg, 270 cap TRANSPORT CHARGES Transport charges Transport Charges for lot 1, 2 Various Medical supplies for t Zidovudine 1omg/ml oral soluti Zidovudine 300 mg + lamivudine Zidovudine 300 mg+ lamivudine Zidovudine 300mg, 60 tab ACHAT DES ARV Abacavir 300 mg tabs N60 Efavirenz 600mg tabs N30 Lamivudine 150mg+Zidovudine 30 Lamivudine 150mg+Zidovudine 300mg t Lopinavir 200 mg+ritonavir 50 Lopinavir 200 mg+ritonavir 50 mg ta PURCHASE OF 63.527 BTLS OF LAMIVUD Tenofovir DF 300mg+Emtricitabi Tenofovir DF 300mg+Emtricitabine 20 TRANSPORT, INSURANCE AND FEES Zidovudine 300 mg tabs N60 Achat consommable / VIH ACHAT DE SULPHADOXINE HIV 1 + 2 LATERAL FLOW QUICKTE HIV 1 + 2 LATERAL FLOW QUICKTEST, H Microscopes Achat de deux vehicules Toyota Achat de véhicule Toyota Prado 1,320 DIDANOSINE & 1490 DINANO 120,000 LAMIVUDINA + ZIDOVUDIN 144,600 TAB LOP 200+RITO 50 ARV PO 08/062 MENOS 25% ANT COMPRA DE MEDICAMENTOS ARV DIDANOSINE 400 MG ENTERIC COAT Efavirenz 600mg, a pack of 30 Lamivudine 150mg+Zidovudine 30 LOPINAVIR 200 MG+RITONAVIR 50M MED GOODS 2 LINE TB/2 INSTALMT MEDICAL GOODS/CONTRACT #27 PAYMENT LOPINAVIR + RITONAVIR ZIDOVUDINE 300MG (60 TAB), MAT Patients KIT I & III (Type A) consi Diagnostic HIV kits MEDICAL consummables SURGICAL Medical supplies Reagents, diagnostic or labora IFA diagnosticums on detection Laboratory consumables LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT PARTEC CD 4 Laboratory equipment as per your of Laboratory Equipment Case 9285 Laboratory reagents, test kits Laboratory reagents, test kits and Laboratory supplies, blood safety e Microscope binoculaire and related Tuberculin PPD 2TU, 1.0ml vial Western Blot for detection of Air Freight Charge Pharmaceuticals (Lot B) by Sea Pharmaceuticals (Lot C) by Air Pharmaceuticals (Lot C) by Sea Training onBasic concept of la Toyota Hilux doble Cabina 4x4 Toyota Hilux Doble Cabina 4x4 4 Camion.Hilux Deleg.Polic. Mat electricos Pytos RAAN RAAS Mat. electricos Pyto RAAN RAAS ANTIC 25% CONTRA No 033/09 SUM Compra paneles Pyto Academia 50% OC Pytos varios Cancelacion 50% OC Pytos vario Antimalarial drugs for curativ Achat Arthémether + Luméfantri Achat véhiule Toyota volant à Acquisition d'un véhicule pour Achat Coartem & ASAQ MALARIA Q ACHAT DE QUININES COÜT MEDICAMENT Industrial Process Machinery Clearing of 15nos Box Foam Mac 90% payment upon delivery of 1 Warehouses, prefabricated, por 92828-1 Airfreight Contracts Medical Equipment for the bene Medical equipments to the bene Security X-ray machines for bags (G VHF Hand-held Radio GP 388 wit School's furniture as per the Stand by generators Instruments, medical and surgi Medical Equipment for the bene Security Entrance for UNDP/PAPP - J Autoclave for Medical Waste Tr 146 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 391,210.00 32,380.00 49,790.00 255,790.00 39,380.00 146,670.00 31,170.00 151,980.00 375,240.00 42,080.00 124,000.00 123,240.00 36,180.00 35,160.00 114,980.00 32,000.00 164,830.00 82,840.00 37,000.00 42,000.00 55,840.00 34,000.00 370,510.00 92,990.00 174,900.00 130,910.00 73,990.00 93,820.00 56,170.00 85,030.00 76,340.00 39,690.00 242,080.00 1,595,350.00 70,960.00 44,070.00 221,090.00 257,890.00 146,540.00 146,540.00 394,910.00 394,910.00 724,140.00 55,150.00 55,150.00 64,230.00 66,990.00 30,350.00 44,380.00 128,070.00 141,910.00 282,240.00 53,290.00 30,220.00 253,150.00 102,470.00 101,520.00 146,620.00 130,530.00 93,430.00 39,870.00 83,350.00 381,360.00 110,000.00 436,760.00 274,530.00 34,200.00 62,140.00 244,870.00 784,700.00 35,090.00 281,180.00 536,630.00 31,690.00 59,600.00 145,720.00 67,190.00 111,680.00 181,760.00 464,380.00 208,490.00 196,480.00 82,750.00 95,710.00 353,560.00 351,330.00 30,940.00 214,660.00 57,610.00 43,760.00 43,560.00 86,450.00 69,850.00 131,780.00 61,220.00 31,910.00 35,080.00 35,080.00 57,020.00 339,980.00 40,630.00 50,470.00 123,090.00 58,340.00 144,500.00 80,190.00 109,350.00 772,200.00 175,000.00 59,730.00 32,320.00 67,120.00 118,570.00 106,500.00 61,360.00 60,610.00 55,270.00 311,400.00 311,400.00 32,990.00 72,900.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) MIDMAC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY MODERN INDSUSTRIAL GROUP SABTI TRADING COMPANY THURAYA INVESTMENT GROUP LTD TOWER MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY TOWER MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY TOWER MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC ALI BROTHERS ALI BROTHERS ALI BROTHERS INDUS MOTOR CO. LTD KARACHI M/S MODERN LABORATORY SUPPLY CORPORATION UNITED NATIONS CHILDRENS FUND UNITED NATIONS CHILDRENS FUND ACETIOXIGENO ACETIOXIGENO AIRE SI, S.A. ALIANZA TECNICA Y ELECTRICA ALIANZA TECNICA Y ELECTRICA ALIANZA TECNICA Y ELECTRICA ALIANZA TECNICA Y ELECTRICA ALIANZA TECNICA Y ELECTRICA BITCOM, S.A. CARDOZE & LINDO, S.A. CARDOZE & LINDO, S.A. CELDREX GROUP INC CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. CENTRO INDUSTRIAL, S.A. COMPULAB, S.A. COMPULAB, S.A. CORPORACION LA PRENSA CQTECH TRADING CORP. CRISTAL VITRO, S.A. CYBER AND COPY DATA SECURITY SOLUTIONS, S.A. DATA SERVE PANAMA, SA DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. C/O DELL USA L.P. EDUCATION & TECHNOLOGY CO, S.A. EMPRESAS MELO, S.A. FURSYS, S.A. GASECO, S.A. GEOSYSTEM ING. GEOSYSTEM ING. GLESEC PANAMA S.A GLOBAL ELITE CORPORATION GLOBAL ELITE CORPORATION GLOBALSTAR PANAMA CORP. GRUPO ACUARIO, S.A. GRUPO KAPAN INTERNACIONAL S.A. GRUPO KAPAN INTERNACIONAL S.A. GRUPO KAPAN INTERNACIONAL S.A. GRUPO KAPAN INTERNACIONAL S.A. GTC SUPPLIES, S.A. HALCON INVERSIONS , S.A HALCON INVERSIONS , S.A INGENIERIA Y PROYECTOS, S.A. KIT PANAMA LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUSAKA PANAMA S.A. LUZ BUENA, S.A. MCP MAQUINARIAS Y EQUIPOS PANAMA, S.A. MOVING TECHNOLOGY, SA MULTITEK PACIFICO MULTITEK PACIFICO MULTITEK PACIFICO O.D. PANAMA S.A. PANAMENA DE MOTORES, S.A. PANAMOTOR PANAMOTOR PANAMOTOR PASS, S.A. PASS, S.A. PRODUCTOS ROCHE (PANAMA), S.A. PRODUCTOS ROCHE (PANAMA), S.A. PROPINSA QUORUM COMPUTER GROUP DE PMA., CORP. RICARDO PEREZ, S.A. RICARDO PEREZ, S.A. ROSSLINK PROJECTS S.A. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, LTD.S.A SCIENTIFIC EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, LTD.S.A SCIENTIFIC EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, LTD.S.A SECURITY INTELLIGENCE, INC. SERVI AIRE, A.Q., S.A. SIONSA Expense Distribution School's furniture as per the Kitchen/Laundry equipments to Vehicle - Medical Waste for Pa Solid Waste Compactor Truck Solid Waste Compactor Truck- 8 Solid Waste Open Containers Supply of Toyota Land Cruiser Stat Supply of Toyota Land Cruiser Hardt Supply of Toyota Land Cruiser Prado Supply of Toyota LHD Hilux Double C Supply of Toyota LHD Hilux Single C Interim Perimeter related work incl To make solid concrete (T Wall) len To make solid concrete wall (T Wall Toyota Hilux4x2 SingleCabin Supply of Lab equipment/Gender Advert by UNICEF HRWG May-Jun Advert by UNICEF HRWG V#52927 F.08-0166-A. Pago 100% Insumos - 5 talleres Soldad Suministro e Instalación de do Orden de Compra, PNUD #065 Pago por adquisición del Siste Parcial. Sist. Respaldo Eléctr Sist. respaldo y prot.eléctric Sist.Respaldo y Prot.Eléctrica Osciloscopios Digitales F.09-0055-A. 6 SimulGruas PO14697 Simula. Excava. construction equipment, contr Adquisición de equipo para los Compra de insumos para cinco ( Compra de insumos para diez (1 Compra de insumos para diez (10) ta Enmienda F.07-0309-B F-07-0354-B. Cuarto pago corre Insum.10 tall-mec MEDUCA Insum.5 talleres soldadura Pago parcial por la compra de PO14591 parcial#2 PO-14890. PgoParcial1 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN 192/0 PNUD/PAN/219/08 PS14281 Pagos 2, 3 y 4 según Acuerdo d Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/081/0 Para la adquisición de Meriste SUMINISTRO E INSTALACIÓN DE EQ Provisión de licencias de anti Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/184/0 Adquisición de 1,500 computado Adquisición de 20,000 computad Adquisición de 6,000 computado Adquisición de 7,500 computado Orden de Compra PNUD/ PAN 142/ Orden de Compra PNUD/ PAN 143/ Orden de compra PNUD/PAN 144 / PAN/PNUD/324/PS62049 PAN/PNUD/345/08/PS62049 PNUD/PAN/357/08 PS62049 PNUD/PAN/358/08 PS62049 Viene de PO12736. Primer pago Insum. 20 tall. constr. IPTs PNUD/PAN/031-09 Adquisición de Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN 044/0 Orden de Compra PNUD #043/09, PO16058. Equipo Topográfico y Orden de Compra PNUD #19-2009, Equipo para laboratorio de ensayos Suministro de moldes y otros equipo Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN 175/0 PNUD/PAN/100/09 PS60235 COMPUTER SUPPLIES EFT 85% (FINAL) CTO. 608544/09 INFORMATIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPL. SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING Orden de Compra PNUD #105, PS PAYMENT FOR LAB FURNITURE PAYMENT FOR LAB FURNITURE Suministro e Instalación de dos air Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN 137/0 2ND PAYMENT- 45% UNIFORMS SNAP 3TH PAYM CTO 60805109 UNIFORMS COMMUNICATION MATERIALS EFT (1) 25% CTO. 608011/09 EFT (1) 60% CTO. 608011/09 EFT (2) 60% CTO 608011/09 EFT (3) 25% CTO. 608011/09 EFT (I) CONT. 608370/09 EFT 15% CTO. 608011/09 EFT 2ND PAYM 25% CTO 608011/09 EFT 2nd. PAYM. CTO. 608365 EFT 85% (FINAL) CTO. 608321/09 EFT FINAL PAY 85% CTO 60831709 PARTIAL PAYM CTO 608158/08 PNUD/PAN/287/08 PS62049 50% OC-013/10/2009 PO16059. Lice.Monit.SQL 1,632 micrófonos c / audíf 1632 micrófonos c/audifonos Adquisición de 500 UPS TRUE ON PNUD/PAN/030-09 Compra de 297 PNUD/PAN/343/08 PS60235 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN 176/0 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN 177/0 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/009/0 PNUD/PAN/289/08 PS62049 Suministro e instalación de si Kit CA-Prep-M HIV-1 x 48 det, Kit CA-Prep-M HIV-1 x 48 det, entre F.09-0051-A; Adquisición e ins PNUD/PAN/029-09 Adquisición de Orden de Compra PNUD #042/09, Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN 134/0 Purchase of IT equipment for OSS DG-67-09. Equip. refrigeración DG-67-09. Equipos de Refrigeración DG-67-09. Pago2. Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN 241/0 Orden de compra PNUD/PAN 205/09 PS4 F.08-0186-B, Consultoría para 147 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 45,630.00 42,710.00 132,850.00 64,120.00 2,630,910.00 386,750.00 118,300.00 223,700.00 463,400.00 180,600.00 147,300.00 41,400.00 33,430.00 60,550.00 42,510.00 133,750.00 33,860.00 73,560.00 73,560.00 49,460.00 102,080.00 41,000.00 36,120.00 31,420.00 217,030.00 48,520.00 48,730.00 37,560.00 148,690.00 88,830.00 99,340.00 40,960.00 165,340.00 154,590.00 517,150.00 126,450.00 66,890.00 197,420.00 464,700.00 161,170.00 118,400.00 106,300.00 67,230.00 46,470.00 66,940.00 71,530.00 49,500.00 35,300.00 56,280.00 75,810.00 630,000.00 8,400,000.00 2,280,320.00 3,150,000.00 131,350.00 38,680.00 35,780.00 378,020.00 75,940.00 688,500.00 1,238,130.00 62,780.00 37,170.00 35,660.00 43,180.00 97,300.00 121,590.00 77,500.00 69,760.00 119,800.00 78,960.00 56,400.00 186,880.00 105,250.00 31,080.00 50,970.00 38,530.00 98,530.00 98,530.00 41,630.00 41,800.00 63,000.00 37,900.00 53,680.00 78,550.00 188,520.00 244,340.00 49,180.00 71,050.00 108,210.00 52,630.00 42,330.00 51,260.00 72,080.00 53,130.00 99,000.00 59,600.00 58,910.00 63,350.00 63,350.00 174,970.00 39,900.00 115,290.00 1,511,660.00 73,920.00 78,000.00 99,000.00 99,840.00 114,140.00 338,850.00 39,980.00 101,610.00 82,620.00 78,000.00 44,490.00 921,260.00 1,074,800.00 1,074,800.00 35,070.00 57,750.00 35,060.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Phillippines Poland Portugal Portugal Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) SONITEL, S.A. SSA SISTEMAS, S.A. SSA SISTEMAS, S.A. SUPTEC, S.A. TECHNOLOGY WORLD, S.A. TECNOLOGIA APLICADA, S.A. (TECNASA) TECNOLOGIA APLICADA, S.A. (TECNASA) TECNOLOGIA APLICADA, S.A. (TECNASA) TECNOLOGIA APLICADA, S.A. (TECNASA) TECNOLOGIA, SERVICIOS, INGENIERIA TESORO NAC.8-NT-1-15233 DV03 TESORO NAC.8-NT-1-15233 DV03 TRIMMARK SOLUTIONS, S.A. ULTIMUS PANAMA, SA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM, S.A. WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM, S.A. YAMAHA MUSIC LATIN AMERICA, S.A YAMAHA MUSIC LATIN AMERICA, S.A YAMAHA MUSIC LATIN AMERICA, S.A AGOGO MAWULI Datec (PNG) Pty Ltd Pacom Communications SINTEC S.R.L. TECNOPLAN S.A. TST STAG SA C & S COMPUTERS AND SUPPLIES SAC CONSEJO DE LA PRENSA PERUANA CORPORACION INFARMASA S.A. CORPORACION INFARMASA S.A. CORPORACION INFARMASA S.A. COSAPI DATA SA DIMEXA SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES S.A.C. DIMEXA SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES S.A.C. DIMEXA SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES S.A.C. DIMEXA SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES S.A.C. DIMEXA SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES S.A.C. DIMEXA SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES S.A.C. DIMEXA SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES S.A.C. DIMEXA SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES S.A.C. DMS PERU SAC DMS PERU SAC EMP PERUANA DE SERV EDIT SA EDITORA PERU FERRIER SA GRAFICA BIBLOS SA GRUPO DELTRON SA GRUPO DELTRON SA GRUPO DELTRON SA IMPORTAC. Y REPRES. ELECTRONICAS S.A. INDUSTRIAS GABUTEAU SA INDUSTRIAS GABUTEAU SA INDUSTRIAS GABUTEAU SA INDUSTRIAS GABUTEAU SA INGENIO PUBLICITARIO SR LTDA INGENIO PUBLICITARIO SR LTDA INSTRUMENTOS Y COMPLEMENTOS SAC JEAN RONNY SOLDEVILLA SANCHEZ JOSE EDUARDO VALIENTE RAMIREZ MAXIMA INTERNACIONAL SA MAXIMA INTERNACIONAL SA MAXIMA INTERNACIONAL SA MAXIMA INTERNACIONAL SA MIRZA EDITORES E IMPRESORES SAC MIRZA EDITORES E IMPRESORES SAC OLC INGENIEROS EIRL OPEN SPACE SA OPENTECH SYSTEMS SAC OPENTECH SYSTEMS SAC OPENTECH SYSTEMS SAC OPENTECH SYSTEMS SAC OPENTECH SYSTEMS SAC PAPELERA NACIONAL SA PAPELERA NACIONAL SA SCI INTERNATIONAL GROUP CO LTDA SRLTDA SCI INTERNATIONAL GROUP CO LTDA SRLTDA SCI INTERNATIONAL GROUP CO LTDA SRLTDA SCI INTERNATIONAL GROUP CO LTDA SRLTDA SEGURINDUSTRIA SA SEGURINDUSTRIA SA T V SAT SAC T V SAT SAC T V SAT SAC T V SAT SAC T V SAT SAC T V SAT SAC T V SAT SAC T V SAT SAC T V SAT SAC MICROPHASE CORPORATION Pol-Eko-Aparatura sp.j. MICROFIL TECNOLOGIAS DE INFORMACAO, SA MICROFIL TECNOLOGIAS DE INFORMACAO, SA ALNIKO CO.LTD DELRUS CO LTD DELRUS CO LTD IP KOSTYUK A.A. IP KOSTYUK A.A. IP KOSTYUK A.A. OOO "Avtoprodukt" VOSKHOD JSC SPE FIRM Akagera Motors sarl Akagera Motors sarl AKAGERA MOTORS SARL Akagera Motors sarl DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. MANUMETAL NEC-PNUD PROGRAPH S.A.R.L PROGRAPH S.A.R.L VATCO INTERNATIONAL LTD MANUEL ROQUE,LDA VATEI - INFORMATICA, LDA FERMON LABO GESTION INTEGREE QUATRE PAYSAGES TII PADEL/PNDL SAGAM TECSEN INTERNATIONAL SARL H M SAFIDEEN Imres Pharmacy Imres Pharmacy MANAG'T & INFO TECH CONSULTANTS & SUPPLI PNUD/PAN214/08 Adq, equipo de Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/145/0 Orden de Compra PNUD/PAN/146/0 PAN/PNUD/360/08 PS62049 Mobiliario para Talleres del I Adquisición de cuatro (4) Estacione PAN/PNUD/17/08 PS62049 PNUD/PAN/306/08PS62049 PO-14513 Suministro e instalación de eq F.07-0381, F-07-0381 F.07-0400 y F.07-0401-A Orden de Compra PNUD #054, PS SPD N°618/09, PS14269, FACTS. Orden de Compra PNUD #21, PS 1 SPD N°11/09, PS14292 CORNO OBOE TROMBON 60% Satisfactory completion of Procurement of (18) Photo Copi COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTS - BOU Honorarios mes: /2009 Adquisión de Equipos Informáti Adquisición de herramientas y 1ERA ENTREG.ADQUIS.1500 TONER PUB.AVIS.DIS.ENCART.AFICH.IMP. ARG/02/017- VARIOUS PAYMENTS ARG/02/017-INV 387 NC 186 ARG/02/017-VARIOUS PAYMENTS CANCELACION VALORIZACION UNICA 30 COMP PORT. 5 COMP. ADQ 9 SOLUCIONES MODULOS ADQ.300 EQUIP COMP PORTATILES ADQUIS.2200 COMPUTAD.CORT.SUP. ADQUIS.EQUIP.COMP.PORTATIL ADQUIS.SERV.IMPLEM.N.COD.PRO ADQUIS.SOLUC.ALMACEN.DIVER CANCELAC.ORD.COMPRA Nº 06-2008 ADQUIS.26 TERMIN.PORTAT.PJ ADQUIS.26 TERMINAL.PORTAT.PJ PAGO PUBLICACION DE RESOLUCION ADQ. INSTRUMENTOS, ELEM.Y EQUI ADQ.5000 UNID.LIBRO PERU MUCHO ADQ.10000 TONER PJ 1ER ENTR. ADQUIS.12000 TONER PODER JUDIC ADQUIS.12000 TONERS P.JUDICIAL ADQUISIC. DE UN SISTEMA DE MED PAGO 1ER Y 2DO. LOTE CARPAS FA PAGO 3,800 CARPAS FAMILIARES PAGO 8000 CARPAS FAMILIARES PAGO CORRESPOND. A 6600 CARPAS AVISOS DIARIOS DIFUSION LOGROS AVISOS EN DIARIOS DIFUSION LOG ADQUISIC. INSTRUMENTOS, ELEM SERV IMPRESION 500,000 FOLLETO PULSERAS "COMPRALE AL PERU" ADQ.500 TONER LEXMARK ADQUIS. 2000 TONER LEXMARK ADQUIS.1500 TONER LEXMARK P.JU ADQUIS.2000 TONER LEXMARK SERV.IMPRESION 500 EJEMP.LIBRO SERVICIO DE IMPRESION DE EJEMP SUMIN.INSTAL.TRANSF.TRIF.SUM.C ADQUIS.SILLAS EJEC.BANCAS 3 PAGO ADQUIS.SIST.ANALIS.INV. ADQUIS.SIST.ANALIS.INVEST ADQUIS.SISTEM.ANALIS.INVEST.ET ADQUIS.SISTEM.ANALIS.INVEST.UN REV.ADQUIS.SIST.ANALIS.INVEST ADQ.280000 MILL PAPEL BOND ADQUIS.280000 MIL PAPEL BOND ADELANTO CORRESPOND. 10% MONTO PAGO 3ER LOTE, 24400 CAMAS PL PAGO PRIMER LOTE DE 24,926 CAM PAGO SEGUNDO LOTE 24,400 CAMAS PAGO 1ER LOTE DE 2200 CARPAS F PAGO CORRESPONDIENTE 2DO. Y 3E 10º PAGO INSTALACIONES REALIZA 14TO PAGO INSTALAC. RELIZADAS 1ER. PAGO VERIF. COND.TECNICAS 2DO. PAGO INSTALACIONES REALIZ 2DO. PAGO VERIF.CONDIC.TECNICA 5TO. PAGO INSTALACIONES DE ACU PAGO 21 VERIFICACION INSTALACI PAGO 8VA. ENTREGA PARC. BIENES PAGO ENTREGA PARCIAL SERV. #12 Hardware Component of PC clustering Drying oven SLW 115 STD Payment of Microfil PROCUREMENT SERVICES 100% payment upon delivery of payme 50% ADVANCE/CONTR 2.4.09/GFHIV FINAL PMNT/CONTRACT 2.4.09/GFH CTR#153-14/07/09 RANGER EQUIP CTR#160-31/07/09 RANGER EQUIP RANGER EQUIP CTR#148-15/06/09 Automobiles, utility vehicles SUPPLY AND TURNKEY INSTALLATION OF Achat d'un bus coaster tropica Achat d'un bus coaster tropicalisé Purchase of a vehicle for the Rwand Toyota Land Cruiser LC 200 GX Purchase 35 Computers Desktops Purchasing of 8 laptops & External 247/09 Supreme Court FR ADV 3RD QUARTER 2009 168/11/2009 IPGS 179/11/2009 Gacaca project 20094001 Gacaca Project GENERATOR PURCHASE & INSTALLAT COMUNICATION EQUIPEMENT PURCH PAIEMENT SOLDE FERMON LABO FONDS GEF Expense Distribution PAIEMENT SAGAM TV surveillance equipment COMPUTERS MEDICAL ITEMS FOR MI ROOMS - R MEDICAL ITEMS FOR MI ROOMS - RSLAF IT AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 148 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 46,120.00 40,010.00 34,290.00 108,150.00 31,900.00 75,550.00 158,170.00 193,550.00 72,270.00 236,580.00 101,530.00 34,480.00 34,460.00 53,680.00 37,180.00 42,180.00 277,910.00 120,270.00 42,670.00 45,980.00 35,440.00 33,350.00 169,340.00 44,170.00 95,810.00 79,850.00 50,000.00 49,610.00 313,550.00 540,040.00 211,540.00 75,020.00 498,900.00 615,000.00 2,277,760.00 1,065,990.00 331,890.00 3,153,500.00 99,780.00 49,460.00 49,460.00 38,420.00 140,650.00 32,360.00 232,050.00 312,670.00 306,650.00 58,260.00 2,009,310.00 979,790.00 2,041,380.00 1,562,510.00 83,600.00 164,370.00 187,570.00 38,980.00 47,600.00 80,210.00 320,820.00 240,620.00 320,820.00 54,650.00 54,650.00 48,000.00 50,000.00 41,940.00 63,200.00 56,320.00 56,320.00 63,200.00 238,500.00 451,030.00 526,860.00 522,340.00 1,071,820.00 1,049,200.00 595,120.00 1,027,930.00 60,480.00 79,090.00 70,890.00 63,970.00 243,160.00 38,380.00 33,400.00 82,960.00 65,590.00 75,370.00 74,100.00 204,020.00 51,010.00 36,260.00 52,030.00 52,030.00 51,350.00 37,000.00 44,350.00 48,170.00 33,640.00 58,500.00 58,500.00 31,160.00 57,470.00 49,360.00 31,950.00 97,140.00 130,000.00 37,740.00 83,950.00 56,910.00 37,340.00 40,940.00 34,360.00 81,920.00 32,920.00 30,660.00 30,380.00 66,080.00 192,490.00 201,530.00 99,240.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Slovenia Somolia Somolia Somolia Somolia Somolia Somolia Somolia Somolia Somolia Somolia Somolia South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sweden Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Syria Syria Syria Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) NABS TECH NABS TECH NOUVEAU MARCHE SAM KING SERVICES TOYOTA MOTOR MARKETING EUROPE TOYOTA MOTOR MARKETING EUROPE TOYOTA MOTOR MARKETING EUROPE TOYOTA MOTOR MARKETING EUROPE TOYOTA MOTOR MARKETING EUROPE WFP FIELD & EMERGENCY SUPPORT OFFICE WINGIN HEAVY DUTY MACHINE CO. LTD WINGIN HEAVY DUTY MACHINE CO. LTD BANG SINGAPORE PTE LTD. BANG SINGAPORE PTE LTD. BANG SINGAPORE PTE LTD. BANG SINGAPORE PTE LTD. BANG SINGAPORE PTE LTD. CTT Computer Services DELL GLOBAL B.V. (SINGAPORE BRANCH) DELL GLOBAL B.V. (SINGAPORE BRANCH) DELL GLOBAL B.V. (SINGAPORE BRANCH) DELL GLOBAL B.V. (SINGAPORE BRANCH) MACROLT SUPPLIES CO. SANDILINE DOO APJV BANAANEY COLLECTIVE COMPANY BEDER ELECTRONICS CO LTD SALAMA TRADING CO SALAMA TRADING CO SALAMA TRADING CO SALAMA TRADING CO SALAMA TRADING CO SALAMA TRADING CO TIRUPATI KENYA LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LIMITED AUTOTEC MOTOR DEALER GROUP AVIVA SYSTEMS(Pty)LTD CITY OF JOHANNESBURG CRIMESIGHT TECHNOLOGIES CC GENEX EXPORT CC HAB INTERNATIONAL HYDRAFORM INTERNATIONAL (Pty) Ltd HYDRAFORM INTERNATIONAL (Pty) Ltd ICT GLOBE MANAGEMENT LTD ICT GLOBE MANAGEMENT LTD ICT GLOBE MANAGEMENT LTD KAGISO EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS LITHOTECH EXPORTS MERCEDES BENZ FOUNTAINS UNIVERSAL PRINT GROUP (PTY) LTD UNIVERSAL PRINT GROUP (PTY) LTD UNOPSAFO UNOPSAFO WAYMARK INFORTECH WAYMARK INFORTECH AGEM S.A. AGEM S.A. AGEM,AUXILIAR GENERAL DE ELECTROMEDICINA CABRERA Y PEREZ, S. L EDUINTER Servicios Educativos EVENTOS Y COMUNICACION SL INDUSTRIA Y COMPLEMENTOS PARA EL LABORAT INGENIERIA DE INSTRUMENTACION Y CONTROL TOYOTA GIBRALTER STOCKHOLDING LTD TST STAG S.A. TST STAG S.A. TST STAG S.A. TST STAG SA TST STAG, S.A. ACCESS INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS (PVT) LTD. MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA LTD MINELAB ELECTRONICS PTY LTD MINELAB ELECTRONICS PTY LTD MINELAB ELECTRONICS PTY LTD ALBUGAA COMPUTER AND TELECOMMUNICATION Cisco Systems Inc DIESEL GENERTORS DIESEL GENERTORS DIESEL GENERTORS DIESEL GENERTORS DISON INVESTMENT & SERVICES CO. LTD GOLDEN ARROW HASS PETROLEUM (S) LTD KINGS CORP. LTD. MFI Office Solutions Philequip Enterprises Spedag Southern Sudan Ltd SURPASS ENGINEERING COMPANY SWITCH CO. FOR TRADING & ENG. LTD SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY CO. WHO SOUTH SUDAN MAQUET CRITICAL CARE AB UPPLANDS MOTOR STOCKHOLM AB VOLVO CAR CORPORATION BIOENGINEERING AG BLANC - LABO S.A. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION MOLECULAR MACHINES & INDUSTRIES AG NOVARTIS PHARMA AG NOVARTIS PHARMA AG NOVARTIS PHARMA AG NOVARTIS PHARMA AG NOVARTIS PHARMA AG NOVARTIS PHARMA AG NOVARTIS PHARMA AG AL-HAYAT MEDICAL SERVICES AL-HAYAT MEDICAL SERVICES ALKHIAMI BROTHERS CO. Printing of ballot papers BE REVERSAL VCHR 20547 Generating sets, diesel, more Printers, portable Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Statio TOYOTA LAND CRUISER HARDTOP 5 Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX, Vehicles, 4WD, Drug Interdiction T/Force UN P SKIP LOADER TRUCK FOR REFUSE COLLEC SKIPS TO SUIT LOADER TRUCK AS PER S 11/12 4th pay,Tsunami Docume 16/6 2nd payment _Tsunami Doc 16/6 2nd payment_Tsunami Docu 20/11 3rd pay,Tsunami Docume 30/3st payment for Tsunami Doc Dell servers and Accessories f AO-960V - Dell OptiPlex 960 (V Dell Lattitude ATG E6400 Procurement of 26 Dell Laptop (AL-E Procurement of 26 Dell Laptops(Dell 29 Laptops to CA office Kayaks and Blankets for UDRDP ROLS reversals 18 Nov 09 Contract No:2008.078.CON.EMOSS Metal Boxes Item number: 3.16 Shoes - Non Item number: 3.17 Shoes for Co Mattresses Metal Bunk beds Training Pants Training Shirts BRF Nrb, Harg, Gar Nov09 Toyota Landcruiser HZJ7 MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND A DELL POWEREDGE 2950 III SERVER INV 1307, 1327, 1328 and 1346 Expense Distribution Item number: 3.8 Stable belts Scanners M7MI BLOCK MAKING MACHINES TRANSPORT 92819 Serv provision, develo 92819 Services provis, develo Services for provision, develo Marketing activity 1 no 8&9 Camera kits as per Pro-forma I Fiche de sensibilisateur Fiche d'identification de l'él Lot 1A (Registration kits) + L Lot 1A (Registration kits) + Lot 1B Lot 3A (Training). As per spec Lot 3A (Training). As per specifica Lot 3B (Technical Assistance during Printing of voting cards (OPTI Printing of voting cards in ac Solar Power kits as per Pro-fo Transport fiche de sensibilisa Transport fiche d'identificati MOTOR VEHICLE POLLING MATERIALS SUPPLY OF ELECTROAL MATERIALS PURCHASE OF VEHICLE PURCHASE OF VEHICLES 412CD SCAMAX SCANNERS PC RAW DATA CAPTURE & VALID MODUL LAB EQUIPMENTS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT EFT 1ST PAYM (70%) CTO. 608470 MOTORCYCLE WITH SIDECAR JAWA 350 CC CLARINETE MANOS PEQUEÑAS (DO) Medios visuales EFT CTO 608346/09 GLASS/MISCEL Equipo de Laboratorio Especializado Payment for purchase of TOYOTA cars 01 TST-RR 12A-OFP-220V 04 MAC service unit MULTI-R Refrigeration equipment Equipment/services for CFCs ph REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT Portable Recovery/recycling ma Jeep, Scorpio 2.6 GLX 4WD 0302-0042 F SERIES CHARGER 3111-0502 F3LS WITH YELLOW CAP 3113-0102 F3LS UXO Desk top computer (ACER) Complete IP PABX System, 120 T GENERATOR 350KVA FOR MRC Generators, diesel, installation in Generators, stand-by 15kVA for Generators, stand-by 15kVA for NEC laptop toshiba Purchase of 2 Vehicles for Sup FUEL FOR UNDP-OFFICE MARCH-20 Sewage Suction Trucks for Prisons Photocopy machine Heavy Duty M Two (2) 50KVA Perkins Generato Delivery & clearance of DDR Warehouse tools/equipment (Nor 150 KVA Generator 50 x Digital interface boards Office wooden prefabs ARG/02/019-INV 0690384940 Volvo S80 office vehicle VOLVO S80 2.5T COL/41425 - ADQUISICION EQUIPO LAB EQUIPMENTS AND DISPOSABLES Payment of last installment fo Purchase of Second Hand Contai MICROSCOPIO INVERTIDO DE FLUOR 10570 COARTEM 30X24 4854 COARTEM 30X18 5141 COARTEM 30X12 9320 COARTEM 30X6 COARTEM/Fonds Recette.Ventes FREIGHT COST Imput° Ach.COARTEM/14975&58355 BENCH TYPE CENTRIFUGE (K240/CE BENCH TYPE CENTRIFUGE (K240/CENTURI Delegate Unit, Televic model C 149 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 51,690.00 422,690.00 59,800.00 45,330.00 110,380.00 214,800.00 40,000.00 278,590.00 34,420.00 106,000.00 62,420.00 31,800.00 80,170.00 101,050.00 31,190.00 48,890.00 35,790.00 48,080.00 33,540.00 42,240.00 49,140.00 49,140.00 32,250.00 37,400.00 112,990.00 48,820.00 144,000.00 175,000.00 46,000.00 120,000.00 300,000.00 45,300.00 41,100.00 43,490.00 58,690.00 44,770.00 36,720.00 76,470.00 338,440.00 39,000.00 78,110.00 575,520.00 77,660.00 52,540.00 87,170.00 1,825,670.00 107,980.00 225,290.00 86,400.00 489,600.00 4,019,930.00 4,430,480.00 30,520.00 30,520.00 384,000.00 4,000,000.00 887,410.00 90,140.00 81,690.00 490,120.00 47,020.00 314,480.00 518,600.00 62,520.00 680,400.00 141,950.00 525,450.00 160,820.00 356,330.00 296,830.00 44,590.00 76,520.00 38,250.00 39,940.00 32,050.00 535,000.00 47,470.00 56,050.00 81,110.00 48,000.00 96,100.00 53,090.00 32,400.00 34,350.00 542,000.00 170,300.00 52,500.00 68,670.00 78,840.00 43,730.00 186,290.00 192,550.00 62,090.00 66,000.00 41,780.00 178,000.00 66,750.00 31,400.00 39,630.00 34,970.00 85,230.00 52,230.00 95,000.00 153,890.00 33,250.00 33,300.00 101,500.00 122,950.00 79,990.00 37,500.00 72,240.00 412,230.00 157,270.00 111,050.00 100,660.00 463,750.00 123,800.00 544,450.00 44,280.00 44,420.00 64,620.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Syria Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo Tunisia Tunisia Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) AL-SHAHBA EQUIPMENTS Arabian Trade Center Arabian Trade Center AXIS MEDICAL SYSTEMS/YARA OUZDMIR EMIRCOM HAYA COMPANY HAYA COMPANY HAYA COMPANY MEHRAN KHWANDA Mohamad Marwan El-Ghafari ENTERPRISE LL "AMIN" GTZ Global TB Drug Facility JCLL Autocenter Rus-AUTO KAMOLIYON LLC KHONAI BOZORGONII TOJIKISTON, LLC LLC "PROLINE" LLC "TAJIKTRANSCAR" LLC "TILLYAGUL TAJIKISTAN" MADADI TURSUNZODA OJSC OOO"VIKOMPT" SHOHON LLC TOJIK-TOYOTA LLC AKSHAR AFRICA LIMITED Computer Connections Limited INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE JP5 CBS ZANZIBAR MICHEWENI INTERVENTIONS MONMAR & SONS BUILD & CIVIL ENG. CO. LTD QUALITY MOTORS QUALITY MOTORS TACAIDS/UN JOINT PROGRAMME TANZANIA FOREST CONSERVATION GROUP TECHNO BRAIN (T) LTD TECHNO BRAIN (T) LTD TECHNO BRAIN (T) LTD TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES LIMITED TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES LIMITED TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES LIMITED TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES LIMITED UNOPS UNWFP DUBAI UNWFP DUBAI GLOBAL FLEET SALES CO.,LTD GLOBAL FLEET SALES CO.,LTD THAI NIPPON RUBBER INDUSTRY CO. LTD THAI NIPPON RUBBER INDUSTRY CO. LTD THAI NIPPON RUBBER INDUSTRY CO. LTD THAI NIPPON RUBBER INDUSTRY CO. LTD BD BIOSCIENCES BD BIOSCIENCES BETEIR CFAO TOGO FNAFPP MINISTERE DE LA SECURITE SOCIETE TRANS EURO-AFRIKA SARL UNICEF - SYPPLY DIVISION DANEMARK UNICEF - SYPPLY DIVISION DANEMARK UNICEF - SYPPLY DIVISION DANEMARK UNICEF - SYPPLY DIVISION DANEMARK UNICEF - SYPPLY DIVISION DANEMARK UNICEF - SYPPLY DIVISION DANEMARK UNICEF - SYPPLY DIVISION DANEMARK DABBABI MOUNIR SOCIETE ENNAKL BURC ELEKTRONIK VE MAKINA SANAYI VE TICA BURC ELEKTRONIK VE MAKINA SANAYI VE TICA Dede Makina INTERMAK MAKINA IMALAT-ITHALAT SAN VE TI MEGA BASIM YAYIN SANAYI VE TICARET A.S. MEGA BASIM YAYIN SANAYI VE TICARET A.S. BOY BODRON INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE GYRMAN GYRMANOV PICFARE INDUSTRIES LIMITED PICFARE INDUSTRIES LIMITED PICFARE INDUSTRIES LIMITED PICFARE INDUSTRIES LIMITED TOYOTA UGANDA LIMITED TOYOTA UGANDA LIMITED TOYOTA UGANDA LIMITED TOYOTA UGANDA LIMITED TOYOTA UGANDA LIMITED ASSOL PRODUCTION COMMERCIAL SMALL PRIVAT AVTOCENTR KYIV, LLC PARITET, OOO AL-FUTTAIM MOTORS CREDO MOTORS GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES LLC GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES LLC Jubaili Bros. MALCO INTERNATIONAL GEN. TRADING L.L.C. Maptec Computer Systems MIG INFORMATION SYSTEMS OKI GENERAL TRADING LLC. PART SIGN LLC PART SIGN LLC TRUEBEL, MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C UN WFP DUBAI WADI MASILA TRADING L.L.C WESTERN AUTO WESTERN AUTO LLC WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME, DUBAI, UAE WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME, DUBAI, UAE WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME, DUBAI, UAE YAHYA GULF TRADING FZE AERO VOTE LIMITED AERO VOTE LIMITED ARMOR PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED ARMOR PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED ARMOR PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Astel (UK) LTD EAGLE SCIENTIFIC LIMITED EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd EAGLE SCIENTIFIC Ltd Vehicle, Honda CR-V 2.4 L , Mo SHAKER WITH INCUBATOR (CERTOMA SHAKER WITH INCUBATOR (CERTOMAT IS/ Procurement of Autoclave TKA code 7 Certificate of inspection and INSPISSATOR (MB-VFIN/GRANT) LAB EQUIPMENT-INCUBATOR(INE800 LAB EQUIPMENT-INCUBATOR(INE800-MEMM Microbus, Mazda E2000-Gasoline, Mod LAB EQUIPMENT-AUTOCLAVE (5075 Agricultural machinery and equ Antituberculosis drugs Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Cupboards, hospital PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Building workshop equipment Agricultural machinery and equ Catheters, disposable Fuel oils Supply of spare parts for CP vehicl SUPPLY POLLING MATERIALS supply of the IT equipments fo FACE November 2008 FACE September 2008 Micheweni expend Oct 09 Roofing Materials for MVP Clus Isuzu Light truck (payload 5 tons) Isuzu Light trucks (payload 5 FR - July 2009 Expense Distribution SERVICE FEES SOFTWARE TRACKING SYSTEM TBTLD/0809/EI/0016/0017/0002 Supply, installation of storag Supply, Installation of Storag Supply, installation of storage uni Supply, Installation of Storage Uni Toyota Land Cuiser Prado Station wa SECURITY NEEDS AT UNDP -CO TAN SECURITY NEEDS AT UNDP -CO TANZANIA AQUISIÇAO DE VEICULO 4 X 4 CABINE D Procurement of project car (pi Lubricant Gel 40%GFATM Lubricant Gel -60% DFID Lubricant Gel-40% GFATM Lubricant Gel-60% DFID Cpteur automat. sur VIH ancien Cpteur automatiq sur VIH_C Generators and generating sets Motorcycles MISE A DISPOSITION PAR LE PNUD EQUIPEMENT SECOURS MOTOPOMPE ZIEGLER (POUR SECOUR 18879 PARACHECK, KIT OF 25 ARvs & IO Cost Supplies moustiq. Palu6 FREIGHT, INSURANCE & INSPECTIO Medical test (Paracheck) MEDICAMENTS ANTITUBERCULEUX TEST RAPIDE MALARIA Avance fonds atelier Bas-Congo ACHAT UTILITAIRE PCR APPLIANCE ROTOR GENE 60000 Procurement of incinerator for Packaging for food, plastic Milk Processing Mini Plant Equ PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKB PRINTING, PUBLISHING AND BOOKBINDIN Procurement of 2 tons of disin Boats, fishing Affiche sur la participation à Affiche sur la procédure de la Transport Affiches sur la part Transport Affiches sur la proc Purchase of Toyota Landcrusier TOYOTA HI-LUX DOUBLE CABIN PIC TOYOTA LAND CRUISER HZJ76HARD TOYOTA LAND CRUISER HZJ76HARD TOP S Toyota Land Cruiser -Prado for Ente Pipe Layers Project vehicle Skoda Superb, Purchase of vehicle Hyundai H1 for Motor vehicles, passenger, oth SUPPLY FOR ONE TOYOTA PRADO 4X FG- Wilson or caterpillar , Diesel Supply and installation of Die FG Wilson / Marapco Brand Gene SPARE PARTS FOR ASPHALT PLANT Expense Distribution Nissan Truck Model CWB450PHLA Purchasing of 4-Coasters for u Pymnt 2nd installm tent R#3058 Pymnt 3rd instalmetn tent#3052 Supply of IT equipment to ABD Comm Equip for Rec Prog for Ty Benches for 3 persons with wooden s Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top S 09 mini-buses (26 seats TOYOTA Landcruiser 200 VEHICLES FOR MALARIA PROJECT Vehicles n.e.c. Pymnt personl body armour#2097 Additional charges for the Pri Printing of Presidential Run-o body armor and helmets (20 XL and 1 Flak Jacket, NIJ III, FEMALE, Flak Jacket, NIJ III, MALE, si Dell latitude Laptop E6400ATG: X-ray equipment, diagnostic, d 92876-1 Lab consumables Laboratory equipment and Reage Laboratory Equipment Case 9285 Laboratory equipment for Lot 3 Laboratory equipment miscellaneous Laboratory equipment UV fixtures an Microscopes and lab reagents, etc, Reagents, diagnostic or laboratory, Reagents,and laboratory suppl TB reagents/materials as per your p 150 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 182,800.00 47,670.00 47,820.00 79,780.00 54,720.00 93,370.00 55,300.00 55,470.00 36,000.00 81,650.00 43,040.00 342,250.00 42,750.00 30,820.00 42,000.00 64,940.00 33,850.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 36,770.00 78,190.00 76,610.00 138,720.00 45,770.00 170,860.00 54,000.00 34,250.00 55,850.00 48,650.00 97,310.00 62,750.00 216,560.00 90,000.00 175,700.00 268,230.00 300,000.00 100,810.00 300,000.00 100,810.00 69,820.00 91,880.00 91,880.00 33,400.00 33,400.00 36,000.00 54,000.00 36,000.00 54,000.00 111,480.00 111,480.00 47,650.00 30,010.00 99,780.00 275,000.00 33,930.00 275,260.00 56,700.00 272,130.00 48,580.00 358,160.00 31,750.00 353,260.00 40,450.00 76,440.00 53,820.00 52,680.00 32,650.00 74,980.00 73,870.00 74,740.00 53,330.00 56,450.00 229,900.00 229,900.00 94,830.00 94,830.00 34,150.00 32,510.00 45,330.00 43,510.00 36,530.00 498,000.00 35,040.00 31,050.00 37,600.00 40,500.00 59,900.00 217,000.00 77,500.00 86,990.00 54,170.00 328,370.00 228,800.00 326,540.00 326,540.00 48,230.00 73,330.00 51,400.00 63,000.00 139,910.00 45,890.00 43,530.00 117,380.00 104,000.00 768,940.00 121,620.00 49,500.00 32,380.00 58,460.00 95,980.00 544,500.00 57,530.00 69,540.00 60,680.00 108,350.00 308,620.00 40,240.00 288,440.00 113,880.00 33,080.00 76,460.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom 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BASTIAN LTD HESCO BASTION LTD INTEQUIP LTD INTEQUIP LTD J.C. BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. KALAMAZOO SECURE SOLUTIONS LTD LANDTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES LANDTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES LANDTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES LANDTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES LANDTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES LANTRADE GLOBAL SUPPLIES MARTIN JAMES MEDICAL MARTIN JAMES MEDICAL MARTIN JAMES MEDICAL MARTIN JAMES MEDICAL MARTIN JAMES MEDICAL LTD MARTIN JAMES MEDICAL LTD Medbioscience Ltd. 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Compra de Toyo 1 Motor Vehicle for PMU (North 13 Motor Vehicles for NEC (Sou 13 Motor Vehicles for NEC (South) @ 21 Motor Vehicles for NEC (NOr 4 Motor Vehicles for PPAC @ 3, 4 Motor Vehicles for PPAC @ 3,123,8 Cost of Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Sta Freight to Juba, Sudan via Kam INV No.M93299 Land Cruiser, Hardtop 5 doors (MOSS Purchase of 5 Toyota landcruis Purchase of Toyota land Cruise Re: 86173 Toyota Landcruiser Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Station Wa Toyota Land Cruiser - Hardtop 13 Se Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop 5 door Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop, 1 Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop, 13 Sea Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop,13 Toyota Land Cruiser Pick-Up, 3 Seat Toyota Land Cruiser, Station W TOYOTA LANDCRUISER HARD TOP 5 Toyota LHD Hilux Double Cabin Toyota Mini Bus for El Fasher Offic Toyota Mini Bus for El Genina Offic Toyota Mini Bus for Nyala Office Toyota Mini Bus for ROL Kassala off Achat 3 vehicules 4X4 pour le Achat de d'un véhicule TOYOTA Achat de vehicule CNLS PTA 2009 Achat de véhicule pour le Proj Regularization voucher 33764 TOYOTA Land Cruiser Hardtop,Am Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX, Toyota LandCruiser Prado GX, 5 Toyota LHD Hilux Double Cabin Transport Unité Vehicles, all terrain VEHICULE POUR LE COMPTE DU PRO Vehicule TOYOTA HILUX 4X4 DC L Cost of 2 Toyota LHD Hilux Dou Expense Distribution Toyota land cruiser 200 statio Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX, 5 doo Toyota Landcruiser Prado TX, 5-door Achat de deux vehicules: 01 T Achat de d'un vehiculeToyota H Achat d'un véhicule de marque TOYOT Fourniture de 1 véhicule TOYOT Fourniture de 1 véhicules TOYO Fourniture d'un véhicule TOYOT Fourniture d'une Hiace Commute 3 ESP Veh Landcruisers Achat de 2 vehicules Prado GX Achat Toyota Land cruiser Prad Pick-up Truck, Toyota RHD Hilux Do PURCHASE OF 2 PROGRAM VEHICLES PURCHASE OF VEHICLE - GOVERNAN Payment for purchasing 4X4 Lan Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop, 1 Achat de 13 pick-up Hilux TOYO ACHAT DE 4 VEHICULES HILLUX Achat de deux Pick-up pour le Achat de pick-up Achat de pick-up pour le proje Achat de pick-up pour le Proje Achat de Prado pour le projet Achat d'une PRADO pour le proj Automobiles, utility vehicles MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND A procurement of one 4 X 4 Toyota Lan Procurement of two Toyota double ca PURCHASE OF TOYOTA HILUX DOUBLE CAB SUPPLY OF TOYOTA LHD HILUX DOU Toyota Hiace Commuter Bus 15 S Toyota Hilux 2500 TD D/CAB 4 x TOYOTA Land Cruiser 200 Statio Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Statio 151 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 59,640.00 59,640.00 46,920.00 373,570.00 191,280.00 140,700.00 43,280.00 30,280.00 185,130.00 1,437,000.00 86,260.00 49,500.00 33,000.00 78,750.00 152,250.00 592,000.00 792,500.00 175,840.00 71,470.00 204,170.00 583,630.00 276,030.00 107,760.00 153,120.00 126,750.00 91,040.00 41,670.00 276,800.00 569,200.00 30,440.00 31,030.00 53,820.00 139,730.00 32,530.00 246,020.00 146,970.00 123,660.00 118,300.00 56,110.00 50,810.00 30,470.00 42,850.00 546,770.00 546,770.00 748,010.00 142,480.00 71,240.00 73,810.00 48,450.00 111,920.00 36,390.00 256,070.00 51,200.00 1,032,570.00 62,100.00 670,810.00 816,880.00 151,940.00 117,360.00 170,110.00 919,680.00 210,510.00 47,070.00 42,430.00 38,090.00 34,890.00 34,890.00 34,890.00 34,890.00 153,380.00 35,410.00 37,340.00 113,010.00 93,440.00 48,810.00 162,150.00 48,730.00 104,260.00 46,960.00 102,750.00 48,900.00 37,860.00 72,580.00 110,300.00 52,400.00 52,400.00 42,580.00 83,630.00 66,470.00 30,520.00 51,760.00 87,340.00 35,940.00 34,650.00 31,320.00 108,800.00 56,430.00 32,540.00 51,210.00 45,870.00 45,870.00 39,760.00 38,270.00 422,990.00 167,540.00 62,290.00 93,430.00 124,580.00 31,140.00 100,970.00 33,660.00 50,680.00 173,010.00 51,370.00 65,520.00 67,320.00 35,150.00 76,760.00 43,320.00 180,660.00 52,220.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 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Office Supplies, LTD A.K. Office Supplies, LTD A.K. Office Supplies, LTD ADISTEC CORP Broadcast Supply Inc Burton Group Inc CARIBBEAN DIRECT INTERNATIONAL CISCO SYSTEMS Cisco Systems Inc CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. Cisco Systems Inc. USA Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) Cisco Systems Inc.(C.C.N.P.) Cisco Systems, Inc. COMMERCIUM TECHNOLOGY, INC. Consolidated Graphics Consolidated Graphics CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC Cutter Consortium DELL DELL DELL DELL DELL DELL Dell Federal Systems L.P. Dell Federal Systems L.P. Dell Federal Systems L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P DELL MARKETING L.P DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. Dell Marketing L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. Dell Marketing L.P. Dell Marketing L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. Dell Marketing L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. 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Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop, 1 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX, 5 doo Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX, 5 doo Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX, Model Toyota Land Cruiser Prado GX,5 door Toyota Landcruiser GX, 5 Doors Toyota Landcruiser Prado GX, 5 Toyota LC 200 Station Wagon GX TOYOTA LC PRADO GX 5DOOR 8 SEA Toyota LHD Hilux Double Cabin Toyota LHD Hilux Double Cabin Toyota RHD DoubleCab Unit of Toyota LP TX LJ150L-GKMEE & VEHICLE PICK UP & SPARE PARTS VEHICLE TOYOTA LHD HILUX ACQUISITIO VEHICLES PICK UP & SPA Vehicles, 4WD, canvas top Achat 2 véhicules Toyota Hilux Achat d'un véhicule pour le compte LAND CRUISER PRADO GX & VX LAND TRANSPORT ONE (1) LAND CRUISER HARDTOP, 13 SE ONE (1) VEHICLE LAND CRUISER PRADO TOYOTA LAND CRUISER GX TOYOTA LAND CRUISER PRADO GX TWO (2) TOYOTA L. CRUISER PRADO GX TWO (2) VEHICLES TOYOTA L. CRUISER Vehicles, 4x4 LAND CRUISER 12 Radio Codan Véhicule VHF et HF a 7 véhicules pour la mobilisati Achat de Véhicules 4x4 de marq Achat Vehicules de collecte de Armoured vehicle-Toyota Land C Hilux Modèle LAN 25L-PRMDEN6 ( Hilux Modèle LAN25L-PRMDEN6 (C PRADO GX LJ120L-GKMEE/ YOUR REF MEL Toyota Land Cruiser Modèle VDJ Toyota Land Cruiser VDJ200L-GP Toyota Land Cruiser, Modèle VD Vehicles, all terrain Véhicules Toyota Land Cruiser Prado VX, ESSENTIAL ACTION ENGLISH/MSM FRAME/ HUMAN RIGHTS CARDS IN SPANISH/RUSSI Printing, M&E Handbook, AK Off PO.5786 - ADISTEC - FACE 00410 Sistema para entrenamiento Aud Burton Group INV.1208 INFORMATIC EQUIPMENT Acquisition d'équipements CISC Catalyst 3560 24 10/100/1000T PoE + ARG/03/026- CISCO ? 1 ASA 5550 CONC ARG/05/001-INV.12709638 CISCO equipment CISCO Cisco ASA 5510 Appliance with Cisco C4506 Switch WS-X4548-GB-RJ45V - Catalyst 4500 P Datacenter It equipment Postini - 2H 2008 printing, fulfillment and dist printing, fulfillment and distribut Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240 Ser Cutter Consortium Achat de desktops & Accessoires DELL OPTIPLEX 760 DESKTOP OPTIPLEX 755 Desktop optiplex 755 Server QUAD CORE PE 2900 Serveur Quad Core pe2900 Dell M1000E with 4 Blade Servers De Optiplex 755 Desktop Energy Sm Purchase of Dell PowerEdge 295 DELL COMPUTERS DESKTOP OPTIPLEX 755 MINITOWER 1 GB Module for Dell Latitude 160 GB USB 2.0 My passport Ess 45 ordinateurs pour les gouver 8 - Cell Lithium Ion Battery, Americas Merge Center, Customs COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Dell AX4-51 DP Dell Desk top computers Dell Desktop Computer Dell Optiplex 755 Desktop Ener DELL OPTIPLEX 960 minitower Up DESKTOP DESKTOP CLAVIER AZERTY, optipl Desktop Computer Desktop Computer DONOR Adjusmnt V#64874 Donor&ACT ADJ TO Laptop Comput F.XDXRT874CM&XDD28D8R6CR Laptop Computers Laptop for UNDP/ASGP Project Latitude E4300, Intel Core 2 D Latitude E4300;IntelREG CoreTM Microsoft Software Optiplex 755 Minitower, Core 2 OptiPlex 755 Small Form Factor PC OPTIPLEX 960Minitower, Core Pymnt Lap top E6500 RDP1827 Solarwinds software UNDP OFFICE - OPTIPLEX 760 DESKTOP VMware VSphere Software 15 NOTEBOOKS Latitude E6500, Intel Core 2 D NOTEBOOK DELL LATITUDE E4200 a OptiPlex 755 Minitower,Core 2 OPTIPLEX 960 MINITOWER BASE UP QUOTE 462872761 QUOTE 462878974 QUOTE 497053994 ARG/03/026 - DELL OPTIPLEX 75 ARG/03/026 - DELL OPTIPLEX 740 UNDP OFFICE - LATITUDE E4300, Microcomputadoras Desktop marc Servidores DELL PowerEdge R900 ARG/05/001-INV.XD2R88XP5 VS. Dynamic Systems 152 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 175,260.00 35,760.00 69,540.00 36,500.00 36,090.00 36,790.00 37,260.00 37,280.00 38,420.00 70,830.00 160,900.00 155,760.00 100,500.00 41,960.00 244,540.00 69,780.00 244,540.00 36,050.00 54,940.00 36,830.00 71,660.00 66,990.00 33,160.00 39,080.00 31,680.00 31,770.00 87,840.00 63,710.00 113,000.00 78,160.00 333,310.00 231,540.00 143,000.00 183,340.00 48,070.00 124,020.00 66,700.00 122,420.00 127,810.00 60,040.00 93,050.00 157,670.00 39,180.00 40,990.00 31,290.00 71,730.00 59,220.00 119,140.00 63,000.00 76,250.00 70,420.00 77,880.00 62,800.00 714,760.00 33,910.00 99,730.00 30,410.00 31,320.00 65,210.00 114,480.00 75,340.00 34,770.00 37,310.00 53,820.00 36,000.00 76,510.00 45,910.00 66,570.00 39,550.00 41,430.00 47,690.00 124,460.00 68,740.00 33,860.00 511,340.00 37,100.00 365,940.00 479,940.00 49,320.00 136,000.00 60,000.00 60,180.00 77,430.00 42,630.00 43,530.00 69,950.00 41,250.00 35,040.00 51,270.00 109,510.00 56,930.00 48,290.00 39,400.00 272,000.00 243,450.00 98,190.00 141,610.00 81,730.00 62,500.00 56,570.00 52,000.00 49,320.00 70,320.00 61,960.00 35,680.00 63,350.00 33,220.00 48,060.00 32,670.00 145,810.00 41,740.00 53,030.00 33,410.00 40,350.00 87,360.00 304,880.00 40,140.00 91,680.00 33,150.00 280,840.00 85,590.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNDP continued United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay Vanuatu Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (British) Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zimbabwe Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION FITCH INFORMATION INC. Gartner Group, Inc. Geocomp Corporation GLOBAL IMAGING GMMB HOCKMAN LEWIS LIMITED ICS Technologies, Inc. ICS Technologies, Inc. INGRAM MICRO INC INTERNATIONAL FOOD POLICY RESEARCH INSTI JQ American Corporation Kinemetrics Inc. KOMATSU LATIN AMERICA CORP MicroSoft Corporation MicroSoft Corporation MicroSoft Corporation Municipal Trucks & Equipment LLC Olson Instruments, Inc OLYMPUS LATIN AMERICA INC. PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS EXPORT INC PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION-USA PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION-USA PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION-USA PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION-USA Quartermaster Inc RNS Processing RTI TECHNOLOGIES RTI TECHNOLOGIES INC RTI TECHNOLOGIES INC RTI TECHNOLOGIES INC RTI TECHNOLOGIES INC. RTI TECHNOLOGIES INC. RTI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. SEASPACE COPORATION SERVICE FOR SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY INC SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS INC SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS INC SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS INC Shore Western Manufacturing Inc. Sun Microsystems, Inc. SUTRON CORPORATION Synergy International SYNERGY INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS TGI Office Automation TGI Office Automation TOP STAR INTERNATIONAL TOP STAR INTERNATIONAL TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD VAN STEENBURGH ENGG LABORATORIES INC VIDEOCAM CORPORATION Work Well Partners ITX S.A. ITX S.A. LABORATORIO TECNOLOGICO DEL URUGUAY RIDALINE SA SISTEMA DE GESTION EMPRESARIALSRL STONEL SRL VANUATU RURAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING CENTR AZERTIA, C.A. CORPORACION VIDEO CARRILLO, C.A. CORPORACION VIDEO CARRILLO, C.A. DEMO, S.A DEMO, S.A GRUPO CORPORATIVO LOGINCA GRUPO HARDWELL TECHNOLOGIES, C.A SUMITOMO CORPORATION DE VENEZUELA S.A. TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTION, CA TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SOLUTION, CA TRANSTEK ELECTRONICA C.A. BQL DA HO TRO CAI CACH HANH CHINH - UNDP CANIORY CORPORATION LTD (BVI) SHANXI HUAKANG MEDICINE INDUSTRY AL-MAJD ESTABLISHMENT ASIA GULF INTERNATIONAL Computer Engineering World Eagle Scientific Ltd Ebinger MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT MINE ACTION PROJECT Net Technology Net Technology Net Technology Sabeha Trading Corporation YEMEN EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY LTD. BRINGCOM ZAMBIA LIMITED FCL KITCHEN & OFFICE DESIGNERS LTD KANANI AGENCIES LIMITED PRINTECH LIMITED SARO AGRI EQUIPMENT LTD CISCO EQUIPMENT AVAMAR 1 TB INCR CAPACITY LICENSE AVAMAR GEN2 2TB STORAGE NODE (FIELD EMC ENHANCED SOFTWARE SUPPORT Service via web for 2009 Gartner Group Soil Automated Cyclic Tri-axial Equ El sistema completo entregado Expense Distribution PURCHASE OF EQUIP. FOR TPMP Supply, Installation, Commissi VSAT for Ramadi and Basrah. Supply Switches, other FR -3rd Q- IFPRI-56570 Coloring materials ETNA, High Dynamic Range (18 b Pago 20% FINAL:LOTE I, aplican BOM/OIST Microsoft Licenses True-up Invoice 9657674949 - A True-up Invoice 9657677378 - A Camión tipo cabezal, Marca Int Crosshole/Downhole Seismic system ARG/06/009-INV 738RI/884RI ARG/06/009-INV 144287 Achat des équipements IT Equipos Personales de Computac FRET ET ASSURANCE HP DX2400 Convertible Tower IMPRIMANTE LIGNE RAPIDE PC DE BUREAU RUBANS POUR IMPRIMANTES LIGNES RAPI Dell Latitude E6400 Notebook C Dell Optiplex 760 Desktop with INFRA - Computer and Printers INFRA - Desk top Computer FOOTWEAR, OTHER Ferro scan -02 units PAYMENT FOR TOOLS/EQUIPMENT FO ADQUISICION BIENES CONTEMPLAD ADQUISICION BIENES CONTEMPLADOS EN Recovery and Recycling of CFC Adquisición cilindros CFC Purchase of Refrigerant Identi Acquisición de Kits MAC retrof ARG/06/004-INV 1000/100769 HAZMAT procurement last shipme PO 5983 6595-AD BIENES CO PO 5983 ADQUISICION BIENES CO PO 5983 ADQUISICION BIENES CONTEMP Electric Seismic Shake TableCost of 500 Units of LTO4 Tape Plataforma Colectora de Datos Third Payment, on Satisfactory DAD Milestone 3 contrat 031/08 Lease for 1 January 2009 - 31 Lease for 1 January 2009 - 31 Decem PAYMENT FOR RAPID ONE STEP TES Supply of screening test syste Toyota LandCruiser Prado VX, 5-door REFRIGERANT MINI-RECLAIM UNITS Camcorder Sony PMW-EX3 EX HD Cluster of Eleven Workstations Adquisicion de la Segunda Fase ADQUISICIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE S REFRIGERACION INDUSTRIAL Y COM 5011 60% oc 344-043 F.08-0156-A, Consultoría para CABLEADO ELECTRONICO VAN PFNet QTR 2/09 FACE Form REMANENTE CT0070/06 CAMARA TIPO 2 ESTACION DE TRABAJO TIPO 1 Expense Distribution Val.1y2, CONTRATO-343/08/08 CAMARA DE CRECIMIENTO PLANT GR SUMINISTRO DEL SISTEMA DE DETECCION CONTRA FAGOT COMPUTADORES PORTATILES I (LAP EQUIPOS PERSONALES DE COMPUTAC 30 días luego de la entrega de FR.AWR.56616_Adv.Q3,09_Vc29903 Five UAZ Hunter vehicles for S Medical and dental supplies R.BILLS 5 NOV - 9 MAR 09 Refrigerators, FRIMED PN 45 V Desktop (Optiplex Minitower) LABORATORY EQUIPMENT and consumable 2nd & FINAL PAYMENT 30/06/2009 Jul.09 FR 58442-41403 Jun.09 FR 58442-41403 Mar.09 FR 57560-4000 Mar.09 FR 58843-30071 Nov.09 FR 57560-4000 Nov.09 FR 58441-26960 Nov.09 FR 58442-41403 Sep.09 FR 57560-4000 Sep.09 FR 58442-41403 HP 6530b Laptop/notebook nComputing L230 Access Termina nComputing L230 Access Terminal Suzuki Grand Vitara 4x4 Generator for CO building [Gen 50% payment upon delivery of all eq Inv 207 office furniture Inv 498 print govt office inst printing 1000 SOE reports Expense Distribution pabx equipment 43,350.00 42,000.00 33,150.00 38,920.00 56,830.00 110,000.00 140,960.00 140,510.00 158,200.00 39,260.00 321,580.00 177,970.00 59,300.00 350,000.00 33,260.00 130,540.00 219,230.00 97,500.00 102,660.00 499,650.00 37,250.00 45,500.00 235,000.00 34,210.00 39,410.00 216,640.00 59,920.00 66,780.00 51,000.00 255,140.00 100,000.00 225,840.00 88,770.00 68,250.00 94,500.00 42,880.00 51,270.00 34,940.00 822,790.00 825,590.00 50,100.00 54,950.00 151,750.00 166,500.00 66,830.00 31,500.00 177,740.00 44,440.00 222,180.00 232,000.00 30,420.00 32,410.00 39,710.00 57,890.00 140,880.00 282,000.00 95,000.00 52,460.00 37,040.00 35,310.00 30,800.00 34,730.00 120,100.00 50,000.00 55,650.00 55,760.00 44,000.00 37,740.00 55,540.00 46,330.00 48,430.00 128,960.00 81,850.00 216,860.00 156,380.00 97,260.00 266,950.00 164,740.00 203,730.00 35,410.00 42,000.00 80,750.00 97,400.00 137,340.00 36,240.00 31,430.00 122,880.00 101,150.00 81,670.00 94,760.00 149,780.00 197,400.00 89,890.00 49,900.00 48,690.00 49,900.00 78,240.00 39,120.00 41,250.00 32,130.00 32,130.00 43,000.00 39,400.00 32,960.00 31,910.00 40,650.00 33,070.00 40,430.00 63,230.00 UNECA BELGIUM CYPRUS DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK MULTI CORPORA INFOTREND COMPANY LTD DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DAN OFFICE DANOFFICE Plc DANOFFICE Plc DANOFFICE Plc DANOFFICE Plc DANOFFICE Plc Computer Software Office Supplies & Stationery Communications Equipment Computer Supplies Electronic Equipment Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Supplies 69,825.00 66,731.51 36,604.66 104,003.00 64,749.00 47,687.00 66,591.00 192,141.29 237,138.00 37,950.13 153 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNECA continued DENMARK DENMARK ETHIOPIA GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY INDIA IRELAND IRELAND ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY KENYA KENYA KENYA NETHERLAND RWAND SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA SWEDEN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND UAE UAE UAE UK UK UK UK UK UK UK USA USA USA USA USA USA Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) DANOFFICE Plc United Nations Office For Project Service AMBER TRADING FLEISCHHACKER FLEISCHHACKER FLEISCHHACKER BCS SWITCHGEAR INDUSTRIES APC NOVELL IRELAND LTD A BELLOMI S R L A BELLOMI S R L A BELLOMI S R L INTERTRADE INTERNATIONALSERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONALSERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONALSERVICES INTERTRADE INTERNATIONALSERVICES IT4 AFRICA KENYA LTD MFI OFFICE SOLUTIONS NJIMIA PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. Globe CommSystems SONATUBES SARL CANON SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) DIMENSION DATA (PTY) LTD SCHINDLER LIFT (SA) (PTY)LTD AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB NEAR EAST FINANCIAL CORPORATION EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION Honeywell Life Safety Avon Barrier Company li HUNTER PENROSE SUPPLIESLTD HUNTER PENROSE SUPPLIESLTD MOTOROLA QUAYLE DENTAL SOPHOS PLC WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED ASTROPHYSICS INC CITRIX SYSTEMS INC EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION SOMES WORLD- WIDE UNIFORM Computer Supplies Vehicles Office Supplies & Stationery Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Electrical Equipment Electrical Equipment Computer Software Office Supplies & Stationery Office Supplies & Stationery Office Supplies & Stationery Building Materials Cleaning/ Sanitary Supplies Furniture Kitchen & Cafeteria Supplies/ Cutlery Computer Hardware Photocopiers Medicines Communications Equipment Electrical Equipment Photocopiers Computer Software Electrical Equipment Communications Equipment Communications Equipment Vehicles Building Materials Computer Supplies Fire Fighting Equipment & Supplies Electronic Equipment Printing and Publishing Supplies Printing and Publishing Supplies Communications Equipment Medical Equipment Computer Software Printing and Publishing Supplies Electrical Equipment Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Uniform Linen and Related UNESCO Belgium Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Denmark France France France France France United States TELEVIC NV Abc Importacao E Exportacao Ltda Delta Engenharia Industria E Comerc Dmstor Storage Solutions E Informat Itautec S.A. - Grupo Itautec Office Mix Atacadista Ltda Office Mix Atacadista Ltda Plasma Engenharia E Comercio Ltda. Prisma Sys Informatica Comercio E R Riotron Comercio E Industria De Maq Sistema Construcoes Ltda. DANOFFICE AQUILA AUDIOVISUEL AQUILA AUDIOVISUEL LA WASH LAFI M B.A. DESIGN ET DISPLAY Lenovo Inc Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order ServCompany Contract Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order Commodities Order 136,765.14 30,498.27 133,226.80 167,069.32 2,263,133.33 30,074.34 104,035.09 73,578.06 38,532.11 30,854.43 99,412.63 47,978.51 39,575.87 112,795.95 42,530.39 39,010.60 167,673.75 79,545.00 UNFPA Afghanistan Albania Australia Bangladesh Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Canada China China China China Comoros Congo Congo Congo, The Democratic Republic Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Dominican Republic Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea Ethiopia France France France France TOYOTA Afghanistan Motors Limited CCS SHPK IT National Pty Ltd THAKRAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS PRIVATE LTD ETABLISSEMENT UNIVERS K Groupe SIA IT CENTER WYETH PHARMACEUTICALS BEIJING BRIL SANYOU TECHNOLOGY Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co. QINGDAO DOUBLE BUTTERFLY GROUP CO. LTD SHANGHAI EVENK INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO PHARMACIE NATIONALE AUTONOME DES COMORES DIRECTION CENTRALE DU SERVICE DE SANTE SARL EQUIPEMENT MEDICAL SANTE CFAO MOTORS R.D.CONGO AFRIYOUNG COMPAGNIES LTD AFRIYOUNG COMPAGNIES LTD ARIATT MULTI SERVICES CHERCHE MIDI EDITEUR COBATT CÖTE D'IVOIRE-EQUIPEMENTS EB ENTREPRISE BAMETI EDEN MEDICAL ENTREPRISE KOKIDJ FY SERVICES & PRESTATIONS HORIZON BIO PHARMA ISE ISI ENTREPRISES MJ WEST AFRICA NK MEDICAL PENIEL DISTRIBUTION SERVICES PHARMACIE DE LA SANTE PUBLIQUE (PSP-CI) PHARMACIE LES OLIVIERS PHCIE T.S.F QUALI 2M PHARM RCT AFRIQUE T COM MEDICAL XEROX ADVIZING IT LTD Codan Limited A.C.N. DANIMEX COMMUNICATION LTD DANOFFICE TRADING DANOFFICE TRADING MØBEL GRUPPEN A/S PETER JUSTESEN PLANSON EUROPE DELTA COMERCIAL, C. POR A. DUCRAY LENOIR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED FARAM E.A. LIMITED PATIENT FOCUS AFRICA PTY LTD ALTA COMPUTEC PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY Bio merieux DEPOLABO SA MEDIFF QIAGEN S A Vehicles IT/AV/Communications equipment IT/AV/Communications equipment IT/AV/Communications equipment Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Vehicles IT/AV/Communications equipment Office rent, furniture and supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies IT/AV/Communications equipment Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies IT/AV/Communications equipment IT/AV/Communications equipment IT/AV/Communications equipment IT/AV/Communications equipment Office rent, furniture and supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies IT/AV/Communications equipment IT/AV/Communications equipment Vehicles Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies IT/AV/Communications equipment Medical equipment/Supplies Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies 37,919.75 182,218.92 65,764.21 49,760.81 48,950.70 35,007.64 52,183.03 134,748.00 75,082.00 1,181,970.45 3,892,528.70 36,000.00 45,732.06 30,305.25 523,049.90 33,800.00 36,393.10 51,151.00 32,836.00 31,558.50 48,714.05 171,016.52 39,088.96 172,325.99 38,306.97 82,745.32 215,632.21 34,139.86 31,493.90 73,059.68 50,847.58 30,651.97 39,405.54 34,151.18 30,179.30 38,749.17 33,698.25 35,448.36 31,494.62 52,420.83 51,606.36 180,141.13 1,408,300.76 45,452.42 35,004.76 98,696.20 56,675.88 58,620.58 38,199.00 70,092.00 50,582.00 32,481.92 78,540.79 127,045.35 69,303.45 61,914.94 154 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 83,574.78 54,841.75 61,530.00 40,482.26 52,250.91 54,363.75 32,516.40 73,492.00 67,570.00 47,867.45 115,071.16 125,973.68 58,500.20 32,311.28 33,829.82 31,912.31 290,515.00 63,390.00 44,187.47 47,948.00 36,810.36 52,356.04 56,046.96 197,549.00 63,396.58 142,088.14 47,170.00 30,000.00 37,553.40 136,326.24 52,153.59 63,367.35 78,811.68 30,797.69 48,799.66 49,800.00 145,520.50 95,107.00 104,649.82 106,301.00 179,310.00 349,421.00 131,417.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNFPA continued France Gabon Georgia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Haiti Honduras Honduras Hungary India India India India India India India India India Indonesia Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Kenya Korea, Democratic People's Republic Korea, Democratic People's Republic Korea, Democratic People's Republic Korea, Democratic People's Republic Korea, Democratic People's Republic Korea, Democratic People's Republic Korea, Democratic People's Republic Korea, Democratic People's Republic Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Malaysia Mali Mali Mauritania Mauritania Mexico Mexico Mexico Mongolia Mongolia Mozambique (Moçambique) Mozambique (Moçambique) Myanmar Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Peru Philippines Philippines Republic of Chad Republic of Chad Republic of Chad Republic of Chad Sierra Leone South Africa Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Sudan Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Thailand Thailand Timor-Leste (Formerly East Timor) Tunisia Ukraine UN Agency UN Agency UN Agency UN Agency UN Agency United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) QIAGEN S A CFAO MOTORS GABON KARE DIS TICARET LTD.STI. 3B SCIENTIFIC GMBH ABBOTT GMBH & CO. KG ABBOTT GMBH & CO. KG BAYER SCHERING PHARMA AG BAYER SCHERING PHARMA AG ENIP ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS F UNDUTSCH GMBH FLEISCHHACKER GMBH AND CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH AND CO. KG HELM PHARMACEUTICALS GMBH KLUGHAMMER GMBH DIPHARMED F.B.F- DISTRI KAMADA SERVICES PHARMACIE ETOILE SOGUIMAP sarl SOGUIMAP sarl SOGUIPREM PROTECH DIMEX MEDICA, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. LATIN AMERICAN-HOSPITAL SUPPLY GEDEON RICHTER plc. CORPORATE CHANNELS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED EASTERN SURGICAL COMPANY FAMY CARE LTD HINDUSTAN LATEX LIMITED INDUS MEDICARE LIMITED PREGNA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED SMB CORPORATION OF INDIA Track Manufacturing Co. PVT. LTD TTK-LIG LTD. Dharma Polimetal, PT PT. TOYOTA ASTRA MOTOR TRINITY BIOTECH Karrel S.R.L TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION PHARM ACCESS AFRICA LIMITED CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS CHINA NATIONAL MEDICAL EQUIPMENT AND Shanghai Medical Instruments Impt. Shanghai Pharmaceutical Import and Standard Diagnostics, INC Pharmaceuticals Vehicles Vehicles Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Pharmaceuticals Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Pharmaceuticals Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Pharmaceuticals Medical equipment/Supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Contraceptives Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Contraceptives Contraceptives Contraceptives Contraceptives Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Vehicles Pharmaceuticals Medical equipment/Supplies Vehicles Contraceptives Vehicles Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Pharmaceuticals Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Contraceptives Vehicles Medical equipment/Supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Vehicles Medical equipment/Supplies Vehicles Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies IT/AV/Communications equipment Office rent, furniture and supplies Vehicles Medical equipment/Supplies Pharmaceuticals Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Vehicles IT/AV/Communications equipment Medical equipment/Supplies IT/AV/Communications equipment Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Contraceptives Vehicles Medical equipment/Supplies Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles IT/AV/Communications equipment IT/AV/Communications equipment Medical equipment/Supplies Medical equipment/Supplies Pharmaceuticals Medical equipment/Supplies IT/AV/Communications equipment Office rent, furniture and supplies Vehicles Medical equipment/Supplies Contraceptives IT/AV/Communications equipment IT/AV/Communications equipment Office rent, furniture and supplies IT/AV/Communications equipment Vehicles IT/AV/Communications equipment Vehicles Pharmaceuticals Medical equipment/Supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Vehicles IT/AV/Communications equipment Vehicles Pharmaceuticals Contraceptives UNIDUS CORPORATION SEOHUNG ZHEJIANG MEDICINES&HEALTH PRODUCTS FITAOVANA MEDIKALY (FIMED) MEDICAL STORE SALAMA DONGKUK TECHCO RUBBER INDUSTRIES SDN BHD ISSA SOW & FRERES PHARMACIE POPULAIRE DU MALI CENTRE DE DISTRIBUTION INFORMATIQUE CDI Ets. Mohamed Yeslem O. Cheikh ATENCION CORPORATIVA, DE MEXICO,SA DE CV AUTOS ECONOMICOS, S.A. DE C.V. MARIO ENRIQUE CHAVEZ GARCIA Khurd Auto Co., Ltd Medimpex International Co., Ltd FOR ALL MOCAMBIQUE LIMITADA TVSD-TELECOMUNICACOES E ELETRONICA LDA Geocomp Myanmar Ltd TATA MOTORS LIMITED IMRES IMRES N.V. ORGANON N.V. ORGANON SGS NEDERLAND B V FORMERLY SGS SVIZERA EUROPE B V THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV CASA PELLAS S A DATATEX DROGUERIA NUÑEZ & CIA. LTDA MARIA MAGDALENA SOLORZANO BUSTOS NIPRO MEDICAL CORPORATION PROMEDIX, S.A. RARPE MEDIHOSPITAL S.A. SANCHEZ COLLADO & CIA. LTDA ANGAZ NIG LIMITED C I O & SONS ENT NIG FOBAC EQUIPMENT MFG CO LIMITED AL MARWA Medical Supplies & General Trad Beddo New Pharmacy POLYFINE INTERNATIONAL QUALITY MEDICAL SERVICES THE MEDICA SUNAT-BANCO CONTINENTAL HONDA CARS MAKATI INC Standard Medical Supplies ABOUSSAMIA CFAO MOTORS TCHAD GARAGE AL AFIA sptc s.a COMPUTER SHOP DELL COMPUTERS BENHAM INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD Sri Lanka State Trading (Gen) Corporatio Sri Lanka State Trading (Gen) Corporatio ALWAHA MEDICAL COMPANY CONQUERS COMPUTER & ENGINEERING CO.LTD. SUDANESE TRACTOR COMPANY LTD VOLVO CAR CORPORATION BECKMAN COULTER INTERNATIONAL S.A. CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL TECHNO-MEDIA-CENTER-EYAD AL-ADAL DELL CORPORATION (THAILAND) CO., LTD. MODERNFORM GROUP PLC Zeon International ENNAKL LEADING COMPUTERS SYSTEMS UN World Food Programme Imprest Account UNICEF Mongolia UNICEF SUPPLY DIVISION United Nations University UNOPS O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC Biotec Laboratories LTD Crown Agents 155 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 34,436.69 33,827.44 56,464.00 110,647.48 49,671.00 128,000.00 24,336,952.35 32,268.68 84,851.41 71,654.75 4,551,100.50 46,952.67 1,908,285.50 72,935.39 69,996.04 31,654.68 51,745.91 30,326.35 45,489.45 50,304.65 55,666.67 36,956.27 144,083.54 33,927.83 886,007.75 35,450.79 47,794.72 2,267,278.42 1,682,534.70 2,744,236.45 286,763.71 486,439.44 43,440.00 624,641.50 538,616.77 33,759.50 75,015.15 529,486.71 37,086.78 46,155.00 38,273.38 94,560.00 157,665.85 316,465.24 197,062.00 137,025.00 1,307,372.90 30,028.62 36,201.12 55,572.85 393,911.69 839,083.89 39,273.69 86,502.14 53,087.31 43,729.77 30,486.01 66,141.58 52,292.30 214,225.00 54,819.20 34,373.04 30,532.94 31,815.00 65,634.54 4,213,512.21 7,151,007.29 13,633,390.86 49,734.75 127,102.71 681,342.19 31,566.09 52,646.20 45,448.80 42,974.11 52,847.00 38,268.97 66,697.81 81,445.75 36,696.69 80,602.63 65,148.67 71,542.76 56,374.69 108,121.05 49,174.01 88,799.72 49,499.83 38,332.23 30,198.27 32,648.08 672,696.61 31,893.11 49,161.17 788,172.77 30,197.80 58,953.44 403,794.73 331,385.49 59,994.04 41,263.95 43,700.30 64,276.64 37,977.69 223,990.76 98,156.30 40,021.93 31,226.61 36,000.00 44,068.00 32,000.00 56,059.99 34,384.56 35,180.00 260,041.59 64,592.71 5,869,285.76 60,347.00 58,062.00 54,796.41 586,536.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNFPA continued United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) DRS Data Services Limited THE FEMALE HEALTH COMPANY THE FEMALE HEALTH COMPANY TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD DELL FEDERAL SYSTEMS L.P. DELL MARKETING L.P. Emerging Markets Communications ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE GAUMARD SCIENTIFIC COMPANY InfraNet Solutions Inc. OFFICE DEPOT Pfizer Overseas LLC(Export Division) PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PREMIER SUPPLIES TERRA TELECOM, LLC UNITED MED-HEALTH INTERNATIONAL CORP UNIVERSAL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC WOMANCARE GLOBAL DAETA INTERNATIONAL TRADING C.C NATIONAL BLOOD SERVICE ZIMBABWE IT/AV/Communications equipment Contraceptives Medical equipment/Supplies Vehicles Vehicles IT/AV/Communications equipment IT/AV/Communications equipment IT/AV/Communications equipment Office rent, furniture and supplies Medical equipment/Supplies IT/AV/Communications equipment Office rent, furniture and supplies Contraceptives IT/AV/Communications equipment Office rent, furniture and supplies IT/AV/Communications equipment Contraceptives IT/AV/Communications equipment Medical equipment/Supplies Office rent, furniture and supplies Medical equipment/Supplies UNHCR Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Albania Angola Angola Angola Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana Botswana Brazil Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad China China China China Colombia Colombia Colombia Congo Congo Congo Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Nawi Nowbahar Fuel Pump Station MAHMOODULLAH FELEZ CO LTD OMRAN KARGAR LTD HAJI ABDUL ZAHIR PETROL PUMP NATIONAL FUEL CORPORATION DUNYA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY MOHAMMAD AMIN DAWOODZADA CONSTRUCTION BARAKAT COMPANY LTD SARWARI BROTHERS COMPANY LTD NOOR HI TECH CONTRUCTINON LTD ARMAN CO LTD YASER WALID LTD NAWID RASOOLI METAL MACHINE OCTAGON CONSTRUCTION CO Mohammad Zahir & Brothers (Hard Wear ) AFGHAN NATIONAL PETROLEUM CO. LTD MOHAMMAD KARIM ORGANIZATION FOR SECURITY & COOPERATION AHA - AFRICA HUMANITARIAN ACTION ANGOSET DESCO (ANGOLA) LDA IDEAL DIZAYN RIAD-FARM LTD M/s. Caytara Constructions FAYEZ AND BROTHERS FILLING STATION M/S. CHOWDHURY TRADING M/S RAHIMAFROOZ RENEWABLE ENERGY LIMITED M/s. Omar Faruk Charkul M/s. M. R. Co. Unique Charkol Mills AUTOSALON-AV ALPINTER ALPINTER BELGACOM BULO KINNARPS BELGIUM S.A. HOLOGIC N.V. ROYAL WHOLESALERS ROYAL WHOLESALERS ROYAL WHOLESALERS ROYAL WHOLESALERS ROYAL WHOLESALERS SHELL OIL BOTSWANA TOYOTA DO BRASIL LTDA INTERPETROL BURUNDI TOYOTA BURUNDI BURUNDI AUTO PARTS (B.A.P.) ETS REMEZO EMELINE HAKIZIMANA PROSPER T.T.H.K. CO. LTD SITRACEL NOSA SARL COMPLEXE CHIMIQUE INDUSTRIEL DU CAMEROUN MENUISERIE LUX MEUBLE ETS BOUBA DAMBA ETS OUMAROU WALI CARP ADAMAOUA CARP EST MEDGATE INC TOTAL CENTRAFRIQUE ABBA ALI SOULEYMAN ABDELLATIF MAHAMAT NOUR ETS CHEMA QUINCAILLERIE DE LA MOSQUEE WADI MOURA ETS ABOU HASSAN ABDELATIF MAHAMAT NOUR E.T.E.CO.GE TOTAL MARKETTING TCHAD LIBYA OIL TCHAD SA LIBYA OIL TCHAD SA Ets NADIF SQHE SOCIETE DES PRODUITS PETROLIERS TCHAD PETROLEUM SERVICE SOCATAM S.A ENTREPRISE E G C R ETS CARRIERE ANHUI TEA IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD ITI COMPANY SHANGHAI LIMITED QINGDAO GYOHA EN TECH CO. LTD. PALM BEACH CAMPING MFG. LTD. DATA POWER LTDA EDUARDOÑO S.A. SOLUCIONES TECNOLOGICAS GRASSET SPORAFRIC X-OIL CONGO X-OIL CONGO TOTAL CI TOTAL CI DOK-ING D.O.O. Infotrend Innovation U.A.C. SPRL GLOBAL BROADBAND SOLUTION CONGO PETRO GINKI - BUKAVU STATION GINKI SPRL - UVIRA AFRICA MEUBLES PRODIMPEX YAMAHA UNITED PETROLEUM SPRL DIESEL DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS DIESEL DIESEL DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS DIESEL TOOL KITS ARMOURED VEHICLES TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC POWER GENERATORS AGRICULTURE/FARM EQUIP HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT MISC DRUGS FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) SOLAR GENERATORS/ SUPPLIES FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) WATER TANK/ WATER CONTAINERS FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC WATER CANS SOFTWARE OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE FURNITURE MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES LENTILS MAIZE/CORN SEEDS/ BULBS/ SEEDLINGS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE VEGETABLE OIL FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) PASSENGER VEHICLES DIESEL SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES MOTORIZED CYCLES CONCRETE/ CEMENT/ PLASTER CLOTHING TERRAIN VEHICLES PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT EQUIPMENT MISC DRUGS MISC DRUGS SOFTWARE DIESEL ELECTRICAL SUPPL PETROL/BENZINE OILS ELECTRICAL SUPPL PETROL/BENZINE ELECTRICAL SUPPL DIESEL WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL DIESEL DIESEL OILS DIESEL DIESEL DIESEL FUEL PUMPS WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL BEVERAGES WATER CANS PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC COMPUTERS MARINE TRANSPORT COMPUTERS POWER GENERATORS DIESEL PETROL/BENZINE DIESEL PETROL/BENZINE SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES DIESEL DIESEL OFFICE FURNITURE NON-MOTORIZED CYCLES DIESEL 156 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 833,715.22 8,376,576.19 33,480.00 145,997.31 1,603,637.88 73,825.18 192,147.49 34,801.13 47,085.00 46,674.00 37,867.00 45,878.99 15,402,905.62 51,090.00 43,400.60 86,092.28 713,984.73 79,981.52 131,977.50 30,095.34 62,000.00 41,646.69 118,009.00 1,278,167.30 30,427.45 200,000.00 1,655,340.00 547,925.00 643,400.00 43,200.00 371,950.00 315,800.00 379,596.60 1,424,324.64 473,202.50 31,541.76 100,000.00 82,400.00 112,397.88 48,575.06 41,700.00 38,235.00 86,664.18 46,613.55 44,225.54 37,702.37 88,626.24 39,824.95 84,860.49 87,010.29 60,689.70 53,337.47 4,365,450.00 461,277.22 73,047.42 51,101.75 43,230.88 63,600.00 45,462.74 190,572.02 51,306.75 30,683.54 40,437.80 77,674.68 30,945.81 130,000.00 41,435.71 40,200.00 120,071.55 41,951.22 49,000.00 59,658.69 62,173.89 298,548.62 35,328.80 81,748.42 46,436.37 35,460.16 56,268.37 95,000.00 62,395.59 32,724.37 37,655.99 67,352.62 101,336.46 70,759.84 66,929.98 74,795.72 106,275.64 1,077,952.43 1,869,350.88 113,980.97 346,789.42 99,506.50 72,810.02 181,707.68 128,673.30 85,933.01 228,420.50 475,410.00 9,617,698.76 1,421,877.00 35,286.45 39,695.15 61,093.10 37,607.18 65,828.17 181,100.83 103,111.06 67,351.22 1,930,796.73 57,442.23 31,285.00 35,940.00 198,476.70 70,521.72 43,505.00 87,000.00 50,653.50 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNHCR continued Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Dem Rep Congo Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Djibouti Djibouti Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Egypt Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Finland Finland France France France France France Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Guinea Guinea Hong Kong Hong Kong Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary India Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) SONANGOL LIBERTY - MA MAISON BELTEXCO ECO-PROP S.P.R.L. ECO-PROP S.P.R.L. ENGEN QUIN T.M. AFRI.COM BOUTIQUE VALA VALA STATION MAKASI GROUPE NOKA & FILS HASS PETROLEUM CONGO SPRL DANIMEX COMMUNICATION DANIMEX COMMUNICATION DANIMEX COMMUNICATION DANIMEX COMMUNICATION DANIMEX COMMUNICATION DANIMEX COMMUNICATION DANIMEX COMMUNICATION DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC DANOFFICE PLC KJAER +KJAER A/S PLANSON EUROPE LTA AUTO APS TOTAL TAHER SAID SEIF ABDAN INNOVAOFFICE ParisQuito S.A. INDUSTRIAL DE ALUMINIO S.A. GLOBAL TRADE AUTOMOTORES Y ANEXOS S.A. SARANGO CALDERON, Victor Washington SARANGO CALDERON, Victor Washington LOGIKARD C.A. LOGIKARD C.A. TOYOTA EGYPT S.A.E AFRICAN HUMANITARIAN AID & DEV. AFRICAN HUMANITARIAN AID & DEV. DES GENERAL TRADING PLC DH GEDA BALNKET FACTORY FAFFA FOOD SHARE COMPANY KALEWOLD TRADE AND INDUSTRY PLC KK PLC MILLION ALEMAYEHU GENERAL IMPORTER MOAB PLC NATIONAL OIL ETHIOPIA PLC ORBIS TRRADING PALM ETHIOPIA PLC SAMUEL AYALEW GENERAL IMPORTER SHELL ETHIOPIA PLC TELKAM PLC TENAYE YIMAM KB PLC KB PLC FESSHA KONE FAST FOODS SUPPLY ENTERPRISE FAST FOODS SUPPLY ENTERPRISE TAMERAT ABATE PRINTING & ADVERTISING Libya Oil Ethiopia Limited Libya Oil Ethiopia Limited WAHEEN DRILLING COMPANY Kombolcha Steel Products Industry PLC UNITED ALPHA COMMERCIAL PLC LYDETCO PLC VERSEIDAG BALLISTIC PROTECTION OY NAPS SYSTEMS OY NUTRISET SA NUTRISET SA SMI EQUIPMENTS SARL VERGNET HYDRO IRIS INSTRUMENTS Ltd APSTA LUKOIL-GEORGIA TSAAVA ZURABI INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE LALI MCHEDLIDZE LALI MCHEDLIDZE LALI MCHEDLIDZE TEMUR MACHARASHVILI IND. ENTERPRISE MATE MOTORS LTD. IE LERI CHACHUA KOME LTD KOME LTD KOME LTD KOME LTD GURAMI TSITSAVA PRIVATE ENTERPRENEUR MERKANI LTD LEVAN TVILDIANI IND.ENTERPRENEUR ROMPETROL GEORGIA LTD. LX COMPANY LTD. BOSS PRO-TEC BOSS PRO-TEC MOTORENFABRIK HATZ GMBH & CO. KG MOTORENFABRIK HATZ GMBH & CO. KG FWW FAHRZEUGWERK Gmbh KOCH Anhangerwerke GmbH and Co. KG Farmingtons AUTOMOTIVE Gmbh Farmingtons AUTOMOTIVE Gmbh Farmingtons AUTOMOTIVE Gmbh PAUL CRAEMER GMBH ALPHA ARMOURING PANZERUNG GmbH E.M. COMMODORE - MENSAH LTD IROKKO LIMITED JEWEL G ENTERPRISE JOBETH MOTORS LTD RADEBS ENTERPRISE TOTAL GUINEE SOGUIPREM TOP SOURCES TRADING LTD TOP SOURCES TRADING LTD 3M Hungary Ltd. BALATON BUTORGYAR RT ABP APISZ-BUDAPIERT ZRT PATRONPARTNER KFT. EASTERN SURGICAL COMPANY DIESEL ROOFING MATERIAL NON-MOTORIZED CYCLES DIESEL PETROL/BENZINE PETROL/BENZINE AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS DIESEL CLOTHING DIESEL AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS DIESEL ANTENNAS/ ANTENNA ACCESSORIES HF EQUIPMENT INPUT DEVICES MISC TELECOMS ACCESSORIES TELECOMS ACC/ SMALL HARDWARE UHF EQUIPMENT VHF EQUIPMENT COMPUTERS DATA COLLECTION EQUIPMENT ELECTRONIC DATA STORAGE EQUIP MISC COMPUTER EQUIP/SUPPL NETWORK COMPONENTS / ACCESS PHOTOCOPY EQUIPMENT PRESENTATION EQUIP PRINTER/ PRINTER ACCESSORIES TONERS/ RIBBONS/ CARTRIDGES VIDEO/ CAMERA/ PHOTO EQUIP MOTORIZED CYCLES MISC COMPUTER EQUIP/SUPPL TERRAIN VEHICLES PETROL/BENZINE SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE OFFICE FURNITURE BLANKETS COOKING POTS/PANS/KETTLES BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS COOKING STOVES FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) MISC COMPUTER EQUIP/SUPPL PRINTER/ PRINTER ACCESSORIES TERRAIN VEHICLES PREFABRICATED House TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS WATER CANS BLANKETS CLOTHING PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS DIESEL PASSENGER VEHICLES SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE CLOTHING FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES WATER PIPES/ RELATED SUPPLIERS WATER PUMPS CLOTHING BEVERAGES PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS REGISTRATION EQUIP DIESEL FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL ROOFING MATERIAL DOMESTIC APPLIANCES SOLAR GENERATORS/ SUPPLIES PERSONAL SAFETY/ PROTECTION TELECOMS ACC/ SMALL HARDWARE DRIED SKIM MILK PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS MEDICAL KITS WATER PUMPS MEASURING/TESTING EQUIP/ SUPPL STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, DIESEL STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, ROPES/ CHAINS/ WIRES STRUCTURAL BUILDING PRODUCTS / STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, CONCRETE/ CEMENT/ PLASTER DOORS/ WINDOWS/ GLASS ROOFING MATERIAL STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, PACKAGING/ ARCHIVE EQUIP/ SUP PACKAGING/ ARCHIVE EQUIP/ SUP DIESEL TERRAIN VEHICLES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TOOL KITS AIR COOLED POWER GENERATORS POWER GENERATORS GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS COOKING POTS/PANS/KETTLES ARMOURED VEHICLES HF EQUIPMENT SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES PACKAGING/ ARCHIVE EQUIP/ SUP ARMOURED VEHICLES DIESEL OFFICE FURNITURE DIESEL OFFICE FURNITURE DIESEL MISC DRUGS CLOTHING WATER CANS PUBLIC SAFETY/ CONTROL OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE SUPPLIES TONERS/ RIBBONS/ CARTRIDGES CLEANING/ LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT 157 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 112,935.00 262,236.00 83,250.00 222,517.00 65,372.50 52,508.40 39,620.00 163,246.40 48,964.50 175,050.00 43,160.00 81,000.00 524,929.04 841,364.66 67,441.25 91,420.70 236,022.65 55,132.50 756,893.63 5,375,832.32 103,053.68 186,510.34 802,040.84 91,316.52 459,123.69 73,733.18 796,309.91 49,609.66 38,445.46 349,191.68 99,996.00 38,910.76 61,080.89 67,748.02 33,244.20 79,601.55 35,755.55 203,584.65 90,708.00 103,514.95 45,747.30 34,136.00 31,500.00 56,900.00 56,977.48 146,330.39 184,895.48 202,685.02 65,970.00 70,055.60 89,785.55 60,736.02 77,177.91 33,359.22 51,490.87 270,663.54 108,000.00 75,081.53 36,752.49 169,043.60 164,286.30 108,926.05 94,100.99 59,205.52 43,000.00 39,840.64 46,158.21 48,560.14 118,861.93 33,170.89 130,378.49 33,717.82 271,122.85 194,016.17 76,633.12 919,471.15 81,725.39 601,786.34 163,623.19 46,385.54 40,122.70 34,915.99 36,168.68 55,030.12 155,963.85 58,766.00 44,809.82 40,458.16 32,620.48 282,248.19 219,277.11 987,097.91 414,735.27 126,746.99 111,746.99 51,686.75 33,337.95 387,056.76 48,740.36 157,736.84 166,442.78 667,989.40 234,189.72 4,963,404.10 69,804.22 33,207.83 335,029.07 687,623.60 79,772.67 33,613.58 35,738.92 33,382.50 409,501.77 59,568.29 62,817.72 40,132.00 33,956.04 42,323.54 68,515.47 37,744.78 124,635.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNHCR continued India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic Of) Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Korea, Republic of KOSOVO Liberia Luxembourg Malawi Malawi Malaysia Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) EASTERN SURGICAL COMPANY PRIYANKA (INDIA) PVT LTD TOYOP RELIEF PVT LTD TOYOP RELIEF PVT LTD TOYOP RELIEF PVT LTD VANDANA LOGISTICS VANDANA LOGISTICS FORTRAN COMPUTERS TECHNO RELIEF OVERSEAS (I) PVT LTD TECHNO RELIEF OVERSEAS (I) PVT LTD TECHNO RELIEF OVERSEAS (I) PVT LTD INDO-DANE TEXTILE INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. INDO-DANE TEXTILE INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. KITCHEN ESSENTIALS Sunrise Corporation HEXAGON NUTRITION PVT. LTD. PT. PRIMATECH COMPUTAMA INFORMATINDO PT. ASTRA INTERNATIONAL, TBK PT. ARTHA INTI PRIMA BAHMAN DIESEL COMPANY Al Basrah Sponge Factory Al Nawagel Co. Nile Delta Trading Co. Zahrat Al Morouj Co. Tabarak Shop Abnaa Al Abdally Abnaa Al Abdally DIRECT CHANNEL COMPAGNIA TECNICA MOTORI SPA COELMO J. GERBER AND COMPANY (JAPAN) LTD. K. ARANO AND CO. LTD. NISSAN TRADING CO., LTD. NISSAN TRADING CO., LTD. NISSAN TRADING CO., LTD. NISSEI TRADING CO. LTD. NISSEI TRADING CO. LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION ALBURJ PETROL STATION CENTRAL TRADE & AUTO CO. Food Security Stores FOOD SECURITY STORES Baud Telecom Company, Ltd Baud Telecom Company Ltd Al Mahmoudia Vehicle Trading Company Unity Trading Est. Development Medical Supplies Co.Ltd Transjordan Trading Co. Protechnique Co. BIDCO OIL REFINERIES LIMITED GENERAL MOTORS (KENYA) LTD. GENERAL MOTORS (KENYA) LTD. GENERAL MOTORS (KENYA) LTD. KALUWORKS LTD. MABATI ROLLING MILLS LTD MABATI ROLLING MILLS LTD MABATI ROLLING MILLS LTD CORRUGATED SHEETS LTD. CORRUGATED SHEETS LTD. CORRUGATED SHEETS LTD. TECHNO RELIEF SERVICES LTD SPARTAN RELIEF SUPPLIES LIMITED SPARTAN RELIEF SUPPLIES LIMITED SPARTAN RELIEF SUPPLIES LIMITED UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT NAIROBI CORRUGATED SHEETS LIMITED GTZ-UNHCR KAKUMA 2007 CHEVRON KENYA LTD D. T. DOBIE & CO (K) LTD DAVIS & SHIRTLIFF ELECTRO WATTS LIMITED EXPORT TRADING COMPANY LTD EXPORT TRADING COMPANY LTD HARDTECH INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES LTD KINGS WEAR LIMITED KINGSWAY TYRES LTD. M. I. B. M. LIMITED MAALIM'S HARDWARE NAIROBI PLASTICS LTD PROSSAD AGENCIES PUMPING HYDRAULICS LIMITED SCHOOL OUTFITTERS TECHNO RELIEF SERVICES TECHNO RELIEF SERVICES TECHPRIDE LIMITED TOTAL KENYA LIMITED TOYOTA EAST AFRICA LIMITED HOTPOINT APPLIANCES LIMITED ULTRA EQUIPMENT LTD KOBIL PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD BARFIELD HOSPITAL SUPPLIES LTD INFINITE ENTERPRISES LTD NEW EDGE SOLUTION LTD TOTAL MARKETING KENYA LTD IBNU BASHIR ELECTRICAL MSINGI BORA BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS LTD GALANA OIL KENYA LIMITED PHILLIPS HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES LTD Wananchi Canvas & Tents Co Ltd ASS FOR THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED OF KENYA PORTCROSS LIMITED SAVANIS BOOK CENTRE LTD ELGON KENYA LTD. PHILAFE ENGINEERING LIMITED ORION EAST AFRICA LIMITED PUYOUNG IND CO. LTD NTP BUNA UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN LIBERIA IMPRIMERIE CENTRALE CHEVRON MALAWI LTD HUMA WHOLESALERS SINARAN TECHNOLOGY SERVICES ETS CHEIKH O/ AMAR O./ JIDDOU STAR MAURITANIE ETS O/ MOHAMED ABDELLAHI O/ AHMED NAJI ETS BAH OULD KHATTARY MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES KITCHENWARE BLANKETS PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL WATER BUCKET/ BASINE BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS KITCHENWARE COMPUTERS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS KITCHENWARE BLANKETS PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS BLANKETS PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL VITAMINS/ MINERALS COMPUTERS PASSENGER VEHICLES MISC OFFICE EQUIP GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS OFFICE FURNITURE WATER CANS AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP/ SUPPL AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP/ SUPPL BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS SOFTWARE WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS POWER GENERATORS MARINE EQUIPMENT TANKERS DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS MINIBUSES/ BUSES TERRAIN VEHICLES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES X-RAY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES ARMOURED VEHICLES DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS MINIBUSES/ BUSES PASSENGER VEHICLES SAFETY/ RESCUE VEHICLE TERRAIN VEHICLES DIESEL PASSENGER VEHICLES SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS TELEPHONY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES TELEPHONY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES PASSENGER VEHICLES MINIBUSES/ BUSES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES PASSENGER VEHICLES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE DUMP TRUCKS/TRAILERS GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS TANKERS KITCHENWARE HARDWARE ROOFING MATERIAL STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, HARDWARE ROOFING MATERIAL STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, BLANKETS BLANKETS CLOTHING MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES DIESEL ROOFING MATERIAL COOKING STOVES AVIATION FUEL SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES WATER PUMPS POWER GENERATORS LENTILS SEEDS/ BULBS/ SEEDLINGS TYRES/ TYRE TUBES PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS TYRES/ TYRE TUBES OFFICE FURNITURE CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT EQUIPMENT WATER CANS SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES POWER GENERATORS PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS BLANKETS WATER CANS SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES AVIATION FUEL DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP/ SUPPL RECREATIONAL/PLAYGROUND EQUIP DIESEL MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC TELECOMS ACCESSORIES AVIATION FUEL ELECTRICAL SUPPL OFFICE FURNITURE DIESEL MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES FISH PRINTED MEDIA WATER CANS ELECTRICAL SUPPL SEEDS/ BULBS/ SEEDLINGS PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ( TIMBER, DIESEL ELECTRONIC DATA STORAGE EQUIP FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) BLANKETS POWER GENERATORS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC BRICK-MAKING EQUIPMENT 158 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 438,274.89 1,288,446.48 493,065.00 68,250.00 269,369.12 692,733.60 2,253,718.08 49,975.21 555,929.30 2,915,900.00 644,950.20 526,385.00 321,300.00 750,905.00 952,300.00 102,500.00 47,121.00 46,968.73 51,450.00 91,783.07 384,000.00 351,000.00 45,775.00 32,400.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 570,000.00 79,616.96 33,949.29 378,295.81 33,399.91 467,844.93 31,709.61 128,575.83 738,831.02 150,800.00 49,698.80 256,697.01 1,651,738.48 591,326.99 162,420.81 674,649.25 7,158,922.18 33,592.54 64,971.75 129,824.00 1,026,000.00 37,926.00 64,584.00 81,567.80 42,372.88 38,135.59 68,149.72 805,850.00 642,271.98 100,025.00 480,301.00 126,200.00 1,323,490.00 44,100.00 810,810.00 43,470.00 91,850.00 2,351,360.00 146,125.00 37,568.81 430,950.00 79,920.00 42,992.16 31,472.76 229,260.00 411,028.07 38,858.05 109,095.25 31,356.86 67,279.25 1,786,494.31 1,016,856.21 45,999.71 100,578.95 74,795.64 34,742.88 41,810.69 119,879.12 44,447.71 48,097.90 557,295.56 495,235.36 59,868.42 92,315.84 73,382.18 228,981.62 59,949.34 37,682.81 1,017,786.70 39,139.44 41,372.59 47,257.60 76,346.72 33,560.05 41,161.85 1,174,345.76 60,329.35 71,013.48 31,967.76 88,381.46 91,026.19 34,251.18 47,011.42 199,724.80 6,496,076.00 48,192.77 334,298.24 41,684.91 30,841.26 69,098.17 33,461.54 136,471.04 41,145.34 50,612.94 192,624.46 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNHCR continued Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands New Zealand Norway Norway Norway Norway Oman Oman Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Philippines Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) ETS BAH OULD KHATTARY ETS BAH OULD KHATTARY ETS BAH OULD KHATTARY ETS BAH OULD KHATTARY ETS MEDELLAH OULD HANAFI ETS MOHAMED HAFEDH OULD NOUH BSA CIMENT Sidi Mohamed Ould Ely Salem FORS COMPUTERS AV MACROCOM SRL CIMPAN CIMPAN VICTOR MARTINS Shwe Moe Pyae Sone Garment MYANMA PETROLEUM AND PRODUCTS ENTERPRISE MYANMA PETROLEUM AND PRODUCTS ENTERPRISE Access Spectrum SHREE BALAJI TRADING CONCERN AKKERMANS INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION (ID THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV VIZADA TRANSITYRE B.V. STABI-CRAFT MARINE LTD O.B. WIIK AS W. GIERTSEN A/S RUBB HALL A/S RUBB HALL A/S SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC SAUD BAHWAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC H. NIZAM DIN AND SONS LTD. H. NIZAM DIN AND SONS LTD. H. NIZAM DIN AND SONS LTD. NATIONAL TENT HOUSE NATIONAL TENT HOUSE NATIONAL TENT HOUSE NATIONAL TENT HOUSE NATIONAL TENT HOUSE NATIONAL TENT HOUSE NATIONAL TENT HOUSE NATIONAL TENT HOUSE NATIONAL TENT HOUSE PAKISTAN STATE OIL AYS FRIDGECO ELECTRONICS PEARL ASSOCIATES PEARL ASSOCIATES PEARL ASSOCIATES SHARIF FILLING & SERVICE STATION IMGC GLOBAL (PVT) LTD IMGC GLOBAL (PVT) LTD IMGC GLOBAL (PVT) LTD IMGC GLOBAL (PVT) LTD IMGC GLOBAL (PVT) LTD ROYAL CROWN FLATWARE PRODUCTS Top Star Industries ( Pvt ) Limited Minhas Enterprises Minhas Enterprises PAK BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL PAK BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL SEESAM SOLUTIONS (PVT) LIMITED ALMOAYED GROUP GLOBAL PHARMACEUTICALS H. SHEIKH NOOR-UD-DIN & SONS (PVT) LTD H. SHEIKH NOOR-UD-DIN & SONS (PVT) LTD GOHAR TEXTILE MILLS PVT. LTD AL-AJWA ENTERPRISES BRIGHT BUSINESS LINKS BARKAT ENTERPRISES (Pvt) Ltd DOGAR TRADING CORPORATION (Pvt) Ltd FMG SUPPLIES FMG SUPPLIES FMG SUPPLIES KHAN TRADING COMPANY KOKUSAI COMPUTERS NOHA GROUP ORGANITEC PANAMA, S.A. BOROKO MOTORS LTD UMW NIUGINI LIMITED TOYOTA OTIS, INC. VIVAS EMERCOM EMERCOM EMERCOM LLC Factory RIDA FONDS ROUTIER NATIONAL KOBIL RWANDA SARL BANDAG UWIMANA JEANNE D'ARC MUKAKIMENYI EMMERANCE RUTAGANDA,Ariel ALPHA COMPUTER SARL PHARMACIE DU LAC IHEMA PROPERTY CONSULT LTD SULFO RWANDA INDUSTRIES S.A ERI-RWANDA ERI-RWANDA DEPOT PHARMACEUTIQUE LE MEDICAL ENTREPRISE DE CONSTRUCTION, HYDRAULIQUE MUTANGANA JANE AUTO TRANSPORT COMPANY (ATC) SAB EXPRESS TNT AL SENIDI CO., CFAO SENEGAL TOTAL SENEGAL OFFICE CHOICE SURL SHELL SENEGAL SA SURL ETABLISSEMENT MOUSSA GAYE CFAO SENEGAL NNTP "AL-TRADE" LTG AHP N&L Company Sh.p.k BEKO LTD, NTSH HIB PETROL VERANO REMONT DOO NIS JUGOPETROL, BELGRADE VITRO GROUP SIERRA LEONE NATIONAL PETROLEUM CO. LTD A.A. ENTERPRISES A.A. ENTERPRISES CONCRETE/ CEMENT/ PLASTER MASONRY/ CONCRETE TOOLS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC TOOL KITS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC TOOL KITS CONCRETE/ CEMENT/ PLASTER DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS COMPUTERS TELEPHONY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES MAIZE/CORN PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS MAIZE/CORN PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS DIESEL PETROL/BENZINE NETWORK COMPONENTS / ACCESS MISC COMPUTER EQUIP/SUPPL TELECOMS ACC/ SMALL HARDWARE MISC DRUGS MISC DRUGS MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES MARINE TRANSPORT PREFABRICATED Warehouse PREFABRICATED Warehouse PREFABRICATED Warehouse TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES BLANKETS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS KITCHENWARE PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC WATER BUCKET/ BASINE WATER CANS WINDOW TREATMENT SUPPLIES DIESEL AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP/ SUPPL BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS KITCHENWARE WATER BUCKET/ BASINE DIESEL BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS SIGNAGE/ PI ACCESSORIES WATER BUCKET/ BASINE WATER CANS WATER CANS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE WINDOW TREATMENT SUPPLIES BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS PHOTOCOPY EQUIPMENT TELEPHONY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES MISC DRUGS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE WATER CANS KITCHENWARE KITCHENWARE BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS SIGNAGE/ PI ACCESSORIES WATER CANS PREPARED/ PRESERVED FOODS COMPUTERS CLOTHING OFFICE FURNITURE GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES/EQUIP TERRAIN VEHICLES COMPUTERS BLANKETS POWER GENERATORS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC ARMOURED VEHICLES DIESEL DIESEL OILS COOKING STOVES COOKING STOVES COOKING STOVES NETWORK COMPONENTS / ACCESS MISC DRUGS TYRES/ TYRE TUBES SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE MOSQUITO NET SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE MISC DRUGS AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS COOKING STOVES PASSENGER VEHICLES BAGS TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC TERRAIN VEHICLES DIESEL OFFICE FURNITURE DIESEL SEEDS/ BULBS/ SEEDLINGS PASSENGER VEHICLES PREFABRICATED House SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES MINIBUSES/ BUSES HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT CLEANING/ LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT DIESEL PASSENGER VEHICLES DIESEL PASSENGER VEHICLES DIESEL DOMESTIC APPLIANCES POWER GENERATORS 159 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 232,036.06 83,128.34 158,192.15 41,011.93 63,551.19 40,319.38 241,918.40 48,229.08 39,541.62 30,947.04 46,390.43 36,203.98 32,250.98 42,636.07 109,768.00 91,374.00 31,269.00 45,000.00 60,173.60 882,153.98 32,268.90 913,813.73 286,632.39 67,345.22 40,411.00 299,952.32 369,162.18 185,200.00 44,500.00 269,260.78 51,591.00 4,363,504.73 230,400.15 1,083,600.00 778,374.18 1,738,161.94 1,328,714.55 120,573.72 257,663.96 8,041,548.14 435,058.31 369,214.27 821,778.45 51,803.19 58,737.75 888,775.70 1,382,845.15 414,596.85 398,150.16 3,196,197.87 1,651,969.72 30,120.81 823,459.13 217,441.68 204,321.61 2,024,218.15 315,640.70 63,316.58 452,147.70 778,894.47 50,743.20 58,900.00 99,306.71 62,295.91 3,565,954.35 1,534,212.29 78,667.75 109,669.72 651,251.24 1,845,157.24 4,972,280.50 30,506.41 254,019.09 254,225.01 75,273.12 764,748.73 31,141.42 45,633.29 114,031.01 74,215.44 40,222.23 300,000.00 120,265.17 794,545.68 543,112.00 44,725.83 487,690.21 31,669.76 87,062.74 196,376.15 128,347.78 43,733.00 80,644.42 103,595.41 157,351.69 39,999.82 219,436.61 372,141.28 58,014.44 35,123.24 69,728.92 30,703.75 48,000.00 33,425.17 31,462.24 46,597.18 46,720.70 141,318.38 39,949.04 687,455.68 110,314.95 45,143.07 142,315.86 31,042.74 95,736.15 32,556.18 134,023.73 59,627.62 224,963.91 34,222.50 30,500.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNHCR continued Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) GURU NANAK ENTERPRISE GURU NANAK ENTERPRISE HEMA Home Education material Center V&M GRAINS V&M GRAINS VSE COMPUTERS VSE COMPUTERS Reakgona Stationery Supplies cc Hochfeld Grains Argus Wholesalers CC Argus Wholesalers CC Mercedes Benz AFRI TURK TEXTILES CC SALEEMA'S CITY HARDWARE & STORES BENHAM INTERNATIONAL (PVT) LTD ANOMAA TEXTILE ANOMAA TEXTILE ANOMAA TEXTILE CEY NOR FOUNDATION LTD HAYLEYS INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS LIMITED KALKISONS KESELWATTA AGENCIES PVT LTD KESELWATTA DISTRIBUTORS (PVT) LTD LANKA ASHOK LEYLAND LANKALOHA HARDWARE LIMITED LANKALOHA HARDWARE LIMITED LANKALOHA HARDWARE LIMITED PIYADASA AND SONS RELIANCE TRADING COMPANY SUWIMAL ENTERPRISE TOYOTA LANKA (PVT) LTD FMJ PLASTICS (PVT) LTD GLOBUS ENTERPRISE GLOBUS ENTERPRISE Reliance Trading Co. Hemas Consumer Brands A & A VENTURES MANISHA (PVT) LTD MANISHA (PVT) LTD ORIENT PLASTICS (PVT) LTD NIPPON PLASTIC INDUSTRIES HUSSAIN TRADING COMPANY Keselwatta Metal Industries (Pvt) Ltd Keselwatta Metal Industries (Pvt) Ltd ALITE ENTERPRISES Penta Petroleum Company OMAR HASSAN OMAR Omar Hassan OMAR HASS PETROLUEM LTD HASS PETROLUEM LTD PETROCITY ENTERPRISES STEPHEN KUTENG DANGA DAR ELSAIG FURNITURE DIESEL GENERATOR COMPANY STERLING OFFICE SUPPLIES TAWFIG SOAP FACTORY GIAD TRACTORS & AGRICULTURE EQUIPMENT CO THE GREAT RUAHA DRILLING (SS) LIMITED Khalid Bilal Mohamed Gusm El Sied TECHNO SPARR DRILLING COMPANY. LIMITED ABAKER MAHDI IBRAHIM CREATIVE DESIGNERS & SCREEN PRINTERS HYDRO WATER WELL CONSPECTUS AB IBM Switzerland Ltd OPEN TEXT AG - SUISSE ORACLE SOFTWARE GMBH ROSCHI RHODE & SCHWARZ AG SIEMENS SUISSE SA VESTERGAARD FRANDSEN GROUP VICTORINOX PRIMELCO SYSTEM DEVICE AG PRIMELCO SYSTEM DEVICE AG SWISSCOM (Switzerland) Ltd GALEXIS SA F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE LTD LENOVO (SCHWEIZ) GMBH ARP DATACON AG Comsoft direct SA APEX GENERAL SUPPLIERS ALHOUDA CO. FORANI Bros Company ABDT MORCIANO KEBEH, Jihad Boutrous Al Sami General Trade Company Ltd Al Sami General Trade Company Ltd Al Sami General Trade Company Ltd Al Sami General Trade Company Ltd Al Sami General Trade Company Ltd Al Sami General Trade Company Ltd ALBION TRADE AND COMMERCE LLC, SADCOP AL Saady co AL Saady co AWAD Caravans Panorama Al-Amir Co for Food Products/Al Amir Lil Al-Amir Co for Food Products/Al Amir Lil Al-Amir Co for Food Products/Al Amir Lil KHARBOUTLY, Mohamed Mazen AL-HALLAK, Abed Al-Aziz AL-HALLAK, Abed Al-Aziz SAFADI & SULTAN CO. FOR TRADING ALHAYAT MEDICAL SERVICES ALLOUCH for Informatics Co. A TO Z TEXTILE MILLS LTD BP TANZANIA, LTD SOAP AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES LIMITED C-NET TECHNOLOGIES (T) LTD E.CHOCHA &DUBAI GENERAL SUPPLY ENGEN PETROLEUM (TANZANIA) LTD JANINA ENTERPRISES SUNFLAG (TANZANIA) LIMITED BALTON TANZANIA LIMITED KHRAAMUJAGI & CO SEIFI SCHOOL CENTRE FIRST 'N' FIRST COMPANY LIMITED PC LAND TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. VOLVO CAR CORPORATION PRINCESS BRA CO., LTD. CONCRETE/ CEMENT/ PLASTER ROOFING MATERIAL ROOFING MATERIAL BEANS MAIZE/CORN COMPUTERS PRINTER/ PRINTER ACCESSORIES COMPUTERS MAIZE/CORN MAIZE/CORN SEEDS/ BULBS/ SEEDLINGS SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES BLANKETS FOOTWEAR AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS TOOL KITS BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS CLOTHING LIGHTING INDOOR/ OUTDOOR ROPES/ CHAINS/ WIRES POWER GENERATORS CLOTHING WATER BUCKET/ BASINE WATER BUCKET/ BASINE GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS FORMING TOOLS KITCHENWARE ROPES/ CHAINS/ WIRES AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS PASSENGER VEHICLES WATER CANS AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS CLOTHING CLOTHING SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS TOOL KITS WATER BUCKET/ BASINE WATER BUCKET/ BASINE PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL AGRICULTURE/ GARDEN TOOLS FORMING TOOLS LIGHTING INDOOR/ OUTDOOR DIESEL DIESEL DIESEL DIESEL OILS DIESEL CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT EQUIPMENT CLOTHING WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS OFFICE SUPPLIES SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE AGRICULTURAL VEHICLES WATER PUMPS OFFICE SUPPLIES WATER PUMPS DIESEL CLOTHING WATER PUMPS REGISTRATION EQUIP SOFTWARE SOFTWARE SOFTWARE SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP MOSQUITO NET SIGNAGE/ PI ACCESSORIES MISC COMPUTER EQUIP/SUPPL PRINTER/ PRINTER ACCESSORIES TELEPHONY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES MISC DRUGS SPECIALIZED DRUGS COMPUTERS OFFICE SUPPLIES SOFTWARE GEN ACCESSORIES/ SPARE PARTS PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS TELEPHONY EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES PASSENGER VEHICLES BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS BLANKETS COOKING STOVES PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE WATER PUMPS PASSENGER VEHICLES DIESEL MINIBUSES/ BUSES PASSENGER VEHICLES PREFABRICATED House OFFICE FURNITURE FISH RICE SUGAR BEVERAGES CLOTHING PAPER PRODUCTS MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES COMPUTERS MOSQUITO NET AVIATION FUEL SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE MISC TELECOMS ACCESSORIES NON-MOTORIZED CYCLES DIESEL CLOTHING CLOTHING WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS CLOTHING CLOTHING SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE COMPUTERS PASSENGER VEHICLES PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS 160 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 108,000.00 105,000.00 61,859.70 58,033.42 112,789.20 56,778.37 30,234.50 37,622.73 49,277.96 75,237.23 76,872.26 131,953.07 36,136.54 39,329.58 63,120.68 125,636.52 125,051.80 88,689.07 46,306.07 30,809.65 96,633.00 69,114.29 45,632.13 196,144.08 81,900.00 85,738.12 61,612.13 77,633.70 31,211.59 136,742.76 38,805.97 32,812.82 82,782.01 46,356.45 119,695.35 243,760.76 131,220.51 36,705.89 98,121.57 237,867.76 69,475.08 96,338.77 63,824.41 34,899.04 63,213.35 66,286.22 57,521.51 50,072.82 83,910.64 528,809.90 38,051.60 386,032.08 58,124.01 40,016.95 51,694.92 45,259.67 100,166.67 86,432.37 48,660.00 39,977.11 47,650.00 71,077.06 35,110.09 88,480.00 44,927.85 187,327.81 44,090.00 523,376.32 54,722.50 154,642.86 4,560,619.20 47,167.67 89,640.00 40,950.00 490,854.20 58,185.20 168,539.33 362,020.00 130,548.30 95,019.08 63,122.13 831,160.80 1,288,386.00 113,280.17 35,000.00 1,000,500.00 300,000.00 1,003,400.00 35,928.00 256,533.00 122,000.00 113,400.00 139,798.53 79,645.00 66,000.00 68,000.00 35,370.92 322,401.86 157,894.74 426,400.00 582,400.00 737,447.76 284,994.23 52,302.63 122,807.02 58,245.61 1,601,492.88 73,857.84 429,366.23 30,181.73 74,677.13 4,674,669.07 41,180.87 80,156.95 31,791.32 64,042.19 68,678.03 136,752.17 55,225.46 31,742.04 304,532.14 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNHCR continued Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United Kingdom (Gibraltar) United States United States United States United States United States Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Yemen Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zimbabwe Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) ARBEL PULSE AND GRAIN GROUP TECIMER LTD SANAT KIRTASIYE LTD. STI. YASHLARYN MUKAMY MUKWANO INDUSTRIES UGANDA LIMITED CHEVRON UGANDA LIMITED AMLA GENERAL SUPPLIES LTD ARROW CENTRE UGANDA LTD CITY TYRES JOINT MEDICAL STORE N MATA LTD TOTAL UGANDA LIMITED TECHNOLOGY FOR TOMORROW LTD TASHA AGRO INDUSTRIES (U) LTD ARISTOC BOOKLEX LTD N-R-S INTERNATIONAL - FZE N-R-S INTERNATIONAL - FZE N-R-S INTERNATIONAL - FZE WESTERN AUTO LLC WESTERN AUTO LLC WESTERN AUTO LLC WESTERN AUTO LLC AL TASAHEEL (ASP) TRADING LLC AL TASAHEEL (ASP) TRADING LLC TRANSGLOBAL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED JACKYS GULF FZE Citytec LLC AMAZON AUTO PARTS L.L.C. VAN VLIET MIDDLE EAST FZE PEACOCK ELECTROMECHANICAL TRADING CO LLC AL SHIRAWI ENTERPRISES LCC DURBIN PLC TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD EPSILON INTERACTIVE INTERNATIONAL BESTNET EUROPE LTD HESCO BASTION LTD. ALLEN VANGUARD LTD DE LA RUE IDENTITY SYSTEMS LIMITED STAR PROJECT VEHICLES LTD STAR PROJECT VEHICLES LTD STAR PROJECT VEHICLES LTD STAR PROJECT VEHICLES LTD ARMOURED PROJECT VEHICLE PRECISION DYNAMICS CORPORATION EMERGING MARKETS COMMUNICATIONS INC 3M Innovative Properties Company TCS SUPPLY CO. SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL HOLDING CORP. ALSELWI TRADING GROUP4 SECURICOR ALHADI TRANSPORTATION CO. Furniture Al-Awadi Furniture Al-Awadi Automotive & Machinery Trading Center Automotive & Machinery Trading Center Automotive & Machinery Trading Center ELHUSSAINI MOTORS AGENCIES IBRAHIM ALI A.ESHACK CORPORATION Galal Ahmed Shaher Haidra Galal Ahmed Shaher Haidra Ammar Mohammed Mohammed Al-Maqrami Yemen Company for Manufacturing Detergen THE SILVER FILTER COMPANY, LTD. AL-HAZMI TRADING STORES SAEED YAHYA ALZZUBAIDI INTER'L FOR TRADE CONST, & SERVICES LTD SINDAZI WIZA ENTERPRISES TOYOTA ZAMBIA LIMITED CALTEX OIL ZAMBIA LTD. SOUTHERN CROSS MOTORS UNILEVER SOUTH EAST AFRICA ZAMBIA LTD TYRE-KING KOBIL ZAMBIA LIMITED HARPACH ENTERPRISES MACMILLAN PUBLISHERS (ZAMBIA) LTD PETROTECH OIL CORPORATION MIRZA AUTO SPARES & GENERAL ENGINEERING NATIONAL FOODS LIMITED BAKERY PRODUCTS POWER GENERATORS RECREATIONAL/PLAYGROUND EQUIP WATER PIPES/ RELATED SUPPLIERS SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE DIESEL TOOL KITS TYRES/ TYRE TUBES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES DIESEL PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS AGRICULTURAL VEHICLES PRINTED MEDIA BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS PLASTIC PRODUCTS (SHEETS & ROL TENT/ CAMP/ OUTDOOR EQUIP/ ACC GEN ACCESSORIES/ SPARE PARTS POWER GENERATORS SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES WATER COOLED POWER GENERATORS SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TYRES/ TYRE TUBES OFFICE SUPPLIES POWER GENERATORS SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP TYRES/ TYRE TUBES GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS TANKERS MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIP MISC DRUGS DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS HF EQUIPMENT MINIBUSES/ BUSES SAFETY/ RESCUE VEHICLE TERRAIN VEHICLES SOFTWARE MOSQUITO NET PERSONAL SAFETY/ PROTECTION SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP SIGNAGE/ PI ACCESSORIES GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS MINIBUSES/ BUSES SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TANKERS ARMOURED VEHICLES REGISTRATION EQUIP SATELLITE EQUIP/ ACCESSORIES PUBLIC SAFETY/ CONTROL TONERS/ RIBBONS/ CARTRIDGES PACKAGING/ ARCHIVE EQUIP/ SUP BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS SECURITY/ DETECTION EQUIP/ SUP FUELS (UNSPECIFIED) BEDCLOTHES/ MATRESSES/ TOWELS PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS DELIVERY VEHICLES/ PICK-UPS PASSENGER VEHICLES TERRAIN VEHICLES GENERAL CARGO TRUCKS POWER GENERATORS COOKING STOVES LIGHTING INDOOR/ OUTDOOR SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE WATER TREATMENT EQUIP/ SUPPL WATER PUMPS MISC MEDICAL SUPPLIES REGISTRATION EQUIP CLOTHING SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES DIESEL SPARE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES SOAP/CLEANING /HYGIENE SUPPLIE TYRES/ TYRE TUBES DIESEL PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS PRINTED MEDIA DIESEL TYRES/ TYRE TUBES RICE 78,764.00 428,923.20 59,984.48 67,074.00 52,457.50 142,786.01 35,356.99 33,692.95 55,018.37 35,162.69 40,174.94 405,892.16 80,796.69 136,072.58 81,781.65 162,831.50 476,981.00 5,735,727.70 44,218.00 795,248.06 176,300.00 968,045.34 259,249.40 143,130.00 62,205.30 226,474.99 78,087.00 80,693.75 145,996.00 328,848.00 55,256.02 58,156.75 169,092.14 30,339.91 56,430.15 400,972.49 1,889,577.34 45,666.22 995,879.00 44,425.20 682,873.96 95,700.00 800,298.68 222,380.95 70,005.55 189,198.64 562,552.03 63,745.88 427,500.00 66,346.98 41,636.00 62,400.00 511,227.01 74,072.95 61,090.91 794,741.97 32,100.37 56,000.00 34,500.00 81,600.00 34,600.00 54,184.00 69,729.48 35,684.23 32,682.67 38,548.37 73,648.50 55,700.00 32,172.12 98,306.00 35,298.15 71,589.29 71,139.30 49,325.63 102,055.70 37,325.18 150,621.04 30,288.87 42,522.97 168,000.00 41,720.00 45,150.00 UNICEF Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Albania Albania Albania Afghan Dubai Ahmad Printing Press, Kabul Aria Stationary Ltd Awesp, Khedamat Tabaht-E Bungah Z.A Baheer Computer And Printing Co. Ltd Bashiri Company Ltd. Dinsons Faryab Felez Haji Karim Shah Karimi Co Ltd Hewadwal Group Hewadwal Group High Standard Pipe Jamshidi Fuel Station. Jubaili Bros Kabul Packages Mashal Traders Naeemullah Hotak Supper Store(Naeemullah Hotak Co.Td) National Fuel Inc. Nawe Beradaran Hmidicompany Ltd. Nayebkhil Stationary Ltd New Jabel Saraj Transport New Jabel Saraj Transport Paak Ltd Peeraj General Trading Co. L.L.C Saifi Naween Brothers Co. Ltd Saleem Nanib Tawana Co. Ltd (Sntc) Sareh Graphics Sharikat Abdul Malik Ltd Shesham Bagh Petrol Pump Station Strength Innovation United Nations World Food Program (Wfp) Dubai United Nations World Food Program (Wfp) Dubai Uno Education Press, Kabul Wahidullah And Beratharan Danjela Pashollari Infosoft Systems Sh. A. Mediaprint Sh.P.K. - Publishing & Printing House It & Office Supplies Printing Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear It & Office Supplies Shelter/Field Equip. Water And Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants It & Office Supplies Warehousing Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Fuel & Lubricants It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Transport Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Printing Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies Printing It & Office Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing 40,917.59 59,016.34 435,947.49 39,844.58 635,641.57 49,221.46 42,893.18 172,287.64 64,530.88 39,741.38 232,997.06 30,849.75 39,351.28 38,950.79 346,158.52 44,785.53 45,242.65 433,791.30 76,983.80 1,069,698.59 114,809.26 337,560.57 113,140.36 72,960.05 40,281.20 1,420,574.01 77,054.86 207,123.05 50,723.89 65,895.03 231,810.70 51,857.91 252,631.58 156,606.09 52,558.00 31,846.39 54,069.66 161 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Algeria Algeria Algeria Algeria Algeria Algeria Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Australia Australia Austria Austria Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belarus Belarus Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Benin Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Algemira El Dallil Burotic Entreprise Des Travaux TeleCommunications D'Alger "Etta" Oasys Sarl Sovac Sarl Techno Stationery Concentra - Comercio E Representacioes, Lda Copycenter - Copias Graficas Eal - Edicoes De Angola, Lda. Ecitel Sistema De Comunicacioes, Lda Good Solutions, Lda J.L.P. (Angola) Engineering Solutions Ncr - Angola Organizacioes Sanysabel Organizacioes Sanysabel Oscar Gil Ponto Um, Publicidade, Lda Publibrinde, Brindes Publicitarios-Lda Socafrin Toyota De Angola, Sarl Baires Print S.A. Ciudad Grafica S.R.L. Crucijuegos Srl Dicopack S.A. Ediciones Emede S.A Exo S.A. Jose Freiberg S.A.C.I. Latin Play Srl Codan Limited Mono Pumps (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Sandoz Gmbh Semperit Technische Produkte Anifco Healthcare Babel Corporation Ltd. Bangladesh Progressive Enterprise Press Bangladesh Progressive Enterprise Press Ltd. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited Boc Bangladesh Limited Design Plus Limited Evergreen Printing And Packaging Extol Trade Fast Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. Flora Ltd. Gazi Enterprise Gazi Enterprise Globe Stationery Goodwill Trade International Goodwill Trade International Goodwill Trade International Haroon Enterprises Ltd. Himalaya Trading Company Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Intergraphic Limited Intergraphic Limited Karu Shaili Laser Scan Limited Lerica Trading Co. (Bd) Pvt. Ltd. Lerica Trading Co. (Bd) Pvt. Ltd. Lerica Trading Co. (Bd) Pvt. Ltd. M. K. Printers And Packaging M/S. Sagir & Brothers Maks Trading Ltd. Masro Printing & Packaging Ltd. Oboni Printing & Packaging Ltd. Orchid Printers Oriental Services Av (Bd) Ltd. Pacific Plasticrafts Company Papyrus International Partex Furniture Industries Limited Pavel Polythine Industries Rangs Electronics Ltd. Rangs Limited S. S. Scientific Corporation Sidko Limited Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Texwell Thakral Information Systems Private Limited Wagtech Bangladesh Western Engineering Co. Cot Caribbean Graphics Elitavto, Zao Prokop Invest, Oao Visa Group Alpinter Sa/Nv Becton Dickinson International Becton Dickinson International Dafra Pharma Sa Glaxosmithkline Biologicals Innogenetics Nv Michiels Fabrieken N.V. Msf Supply Scrl-Cv Purna Pharmaceuticals N.V. Serviloc Terumo Europe Nv Adverthis - Agence De Publicite Ameublement Libera Cobemag Complexe Textile Du Benin Comptoir Beninois De Papier Dankeza Ellissa Group Sa Entreprise Soud-Metal Imprimerie Minute - Sarl Socaaf Sarl Societe Des Entreprises Kognonsa & Fils Sonacop Sonaec Librairie-Papeterie-Presse Ste Nams - Sarl Ste Tunde S.A. Karma Steel Furniture Bhutan Sales Galing Printing & Desktop Publishing H Pema Import House Penden Cement Authority Co.Ltd. Rigsum Hardware And Enterprise Sharyang Enterprise Alejandra Weishem Artes Graficas Sagitario S.R.L. Artes Graficas Sagitario S.R.L. Eduardo Perez Hidalgo Eriberto Edwin Leiva Mancilla It & Office Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Transport Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Printing Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies Communication Equip. Water And Sanitation Communication Equip. Printing Printing Pharmaceuticals Transport Printing Printing Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Communication Equip. Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Medical Renewable Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Printing Printing Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment It & Office Supplies Printing It & Office Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Printing Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Medical Equipment Printing Printing Printing It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Medical Equipment Shelter/Field Equip. Communication Equip. Transport Shelter/Field Equip. Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Clothing & Footwear It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Printing Transport Nutrition Printing Education Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Renewable Pharmaceuticals Vaccines/Biologicals Diagnostic Test Kits Nutrition Nutrition Pharmaceuticals It & Office Supplies Medical Renewable Printing It & Office Supplies Agriculture Education Supplies Education Supplies Medical Equipment It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Printing It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies Agriculture Education Supplies Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Water And Sanitation 162 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 77,035.18 39,571.04 50,594.83 37,965.26 32,804.59 58,385.94 170,101.74 36,279.15 405,941.21 31,054.36 49,456.80 31,537.13 176,440.05 67,680.00 39,330.20 169,180.79 719,291.65 312,856.00 37,643.77 41,294.93 98,110.76 46,247.73 114,020.62 92,165.92 86,828.91 40,707.11 542,120.12 41,113.08 614,219.77 54,650.00 541,097.71 128,412.81 96,158.88 69,645.76 142,343.19 718,817.45 60,000.00 119,608.59 60,518.59 593,849.64 47,376.09 40,791.81 249,511.14 132,929.48 204,297.02 225,278.89 486,234.84 78,680.00 330,430.62 50,691.50 39,075.76 1,062,467.00 140,779.66 174,461.74 108,454.81 40,083.42 42,416.82 102,444.75 39,689.48 45,367.01 473,506.57 56,732.90 82,053.10 88,624.13 927,990.22 77,095.37 122,497.03 74,015.96 42,593.80 200,683.05 166,837.90 32,798.83 334,396.78 70,908.16 557,164.49 31,974.47 176,473.35 46,701.16 124,377.59 43,529.17 44,599.93 74,032.09 54,339.21 35,956.80 4,102,522.67 11,173,819.00 215,271.89 226,471,130.00 171,724.26 830,174.49 496,107.26 1,234,568.20 31,307.37 649,064.40 65,313.63 75,692.33 133,406.06 65,281.67 38,494.47 223,237.09 60,025.88 64,370.06 36,240.82 186,925.58 70,513.93 53,366.84 53,000.35 106,383.15 59,784.38 116,888.39 32,626.76 32,574.39 53,609.50 42,510.76 53,144.58 75,178.54 46,690.00 93,140.83 117,233.92 87,925.95 56,342.31 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bosnia-Herz. Bosnia-Herz. Bosnia-Herz. Botswana Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Bulgaria Bulgaria Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burkina-Faso Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Central Afr.Rep Central Afr.Rep Central Afr.Rep Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chile Chile Chile Chile China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Gonzalo Aranibar L. Grupo Design Nosiglia Sport Ltda. Oscar Avila Arias Quasar S.R.L. Sociedad Comercial Juan Bautista Ltda. Spc Impresores Taiyo Motors S.A. Victoriano Nova Xerografia Boliviana S.A. 5Th Dimension D.O.O. Afa Racing D.O.O. Infologic Printing And Publishing (Pty) Ltd Bio-Manguinhos Coronario Editora Grafica Ltda Ctis Tecnologia S.A. Elucid Solutions Ltda Fingerprint Proc Dados Graf Edit Ltda Grafica E Editora Brasil Ltda Grafica Jb Ltda Hallamo Artefactos De Papel Ltda Kontrax Ead Marketing-V Ltd. Azimut De Travaux Et Fournitures Bamogo Guingri Business Africa Cfao - Sifa Eniam-Batiment Sarl Eniam-Batiment Sarl Ets Tamalgo Djibrinan & Freres Fgz Trading Fgz Trading Graphi Imprim Groupe Satar Plastique Imprimerie Des Assemblees De Dieu King Agro Le Mobilier Oubda Placide Procard Spa Pro Buro Aigle Du Nord Bitco Centre De Commerce Et De Distribution "Cecodi" Ets Ndoricimpa J. Bosco Ets Vyimana Prime Fournitures Generales General Trading Services "G.T.S" General Trading Services "G.T.S" Grapex Imprimerie Moderne Du Burundi Interpetrol J.P. Nziraguhindwa Laherikant B.Metha Maimo Mpb Agency Regie Des Productions Pedagogiques Regie Des Productions Pedagogiques Toyota Burundi Sprl Tramwex Tramwex Utema Travhydro Burundi Ariyathoar Printing Shop Banna Kea Cheat Banna Kea Cheat C. M. Y. K Printing & Advertising Production Ganad Khmer Printers Co., Ltd Goodhill Entreprise (Cambodia) Ltd. Kao Chou Long Kim Heng Computer Center Makara Printing House Modern Printing Design Omc Co., Ltd. Pov Sopheak Song Heng Thakral Brothers Pte Ltd. Tho Sarin Total Cambodge Cami Toyota So.Ge.Co.Re. Btp Tex Repro Total Banner Pharmacaps (Canada) Ltd Envirogard Productslimited Intervax Open Text Corporation Pharmascience, Inc. Huilerie Savonnerie Centrafricaine - Husaca L.T Services Total Centrafrique E.G.C.A E.G.C.A Ets Chema - Cherif Malik Ets Mdak Hamama Commercial Hamama Commercial Hamama Commercial Imprimerie Agb Mahamat Al Khassim Ali Mahamat Seid Adoum Metal Bois Sahel Livres Tradco Tchad Distribution Ajay - Sqm Chile S.A. Empresa El Mercurio S.A.P Productora Grafica Andros Ltda Smog Diseño Limitada Atbaby Window International Trade (Beijing)Co., Ltd Atbaby Window International Trade (Beijing)Co., Ltd Beijing Cheng Xin International Trade Beijing Cheng Xin International Trade Beijing Cheng Xin International Trade Beijing Cheng Xin International Trade Beijing Chengxin International Trade Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Dida Colored Printing Factory Beijing Fu Ming Hao Tian International Trade Co., Ltd Beijing Fu Ming Hao Tian International Trade Co., Ltd Beijing Fuminghaotian Beijing Global Links Medical Technology Ltd. Beijing Hi-Target Computer Design Co., Ltd Beijing Huatong Lifeng Science & Technology Co., Ltd Beijing Huatong Lifeng Science & Technology Co., Ltd Shelter/Field Equip. Printing Transport Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Printing Transport Education Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Transport It & Office Supplies Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing It & Office Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Printing Transport Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Nutrition Identific. & Signage Printing Printing Medical/Hygiene Kits Printing Agriculture Water And Sanitation Identific. & Signage Education Supplies Transport Water And Sanitation Printing Transport Transport Water And Sanitation Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing Printing Fuel & Lubricants Transport Water And Sanitation Printing Water And Sanitation Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Transport Fuel & Lubricants Transport Water And Sanitation Printing Education Supplies Printing Printing Printing Printing Transport It & Office Supplies Printing Printing Transport Education Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Transport Water And Sanitation Printing Fuel & Lubricants Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Vaccines/Biologicals It & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals Bednets/Insecticides Printing Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Water And Sanitation Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Nutrition Printing Printing Communication Equip. Education Supplies Shelter/Field Equip. Communication Equip. Medical/Hygiene Kits Printing Water And Sanitation Medical/Hygiene Kits Printing Education Supplies Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Medical Equipment Printing Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies 163 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 49,322.85 64,955.52 102,829.05 31,885.71 89,437.34 33,292.95 290,585.71 38,139.45 67,061.14 45,202.86 35,414.29 96,496.32 41,181.18 80,883.45 4,070,480.00 52,466.21 167,148.95 34,604.80 54,362.26 34,405.94 31,186.68 47,628.84 31,136.07 211,422.54 46,148.02 41,461.24 39,867.14 59,775.54 35,926.25 48,711.52 65,804.79 31,191.64 56,731.59 43,717.13 38,531.45 33,032.33 31,517.27 48,214.35 41,467.82 83,785.62 59,557.70 36,696.31 41,522.43 30,446.07 30,204.36 58,362.67 149,142.52 251,183.05 50,378.51 64,585.21 138,266.33 34,328.70 31,249.49 55,856.23 99,849.82 41,958.55 66,689.97 31,069.96 38,057.59 90,387.29 200,989.39 227,375.71 157,877.92 30,019.37 60,917.87 37,272.50 48,524.36 34,983.00 54,426.60 80,357.70 58,543.80 30,810.00 37,050.00 131,100.00 199,959.50 44,100.00 90,241.46 34,258.23 38,459.43 41,331.61 50,292.08 483,750.00 88,014.30 4,353,949.90 147,002.01 313,372.00 44,867.31 60,204.76 365,491.07 42,380.29 67,319.89 36,498.03 68,696.41 55,654.62 33,439.21 38,864.17 42,958.40 30,482.49 56,760.52 216,018.29 70,177.17 222,123.21 225,045.00 53,981.63 51,570.99 34,460.06 812,031.38 123,180.03 62,792.68 300,447.52 108,219.69 101,257.50 89,095.00 33,476.22 278,956.50 32,815.74 117,247.50 106,851.45 67,797.79 48,599.96 374,528.54 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Comoros Congo Congo Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Beijing Jewels Furniture Co., Ltd Education Supplies Beijing Jialihengye International Trading Co., Ltd Medical Equipment Beijing Medicines & Health Products Medical Equipment Beijing Sanjiangjinke Auto Sales Co. Transport Beijing Shengchang International Economic Technical Cooperation Co. Lt Water And Sanitation Beijing U & 3 Trade Co. Ltd Medical/Hygiene Kits Beijing Xinchuangyuanyintong Science & Technical Co., Ltd It & Office Supplies Beijing Xintongjiu Science & Trade Co. It & Office Supplies Beijing Yibo Shunda Technology And Services Co., Ltd It & Office Supplies Beijing Zchh Automobile Sales Co., Ltd It & Office Supplies China Edu. Instrument & Equipment Corp. Education Supplies China Educational Instrument Education Supplies China Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd It & Office Supplies China National Medical Eqpt. Ind. Corp. Medical Equipment China National Medical Equipment And Supplies I/E Corp. Medical Equipment China-Han Technical Development Cor Education Supplies Dandong Sevsuns Trading Co. Ltd Water And Sanitation Department Of Education, Guangxi Water And Sanitation Department Of Water Resource, Gansu Province Water And Sanitation Department Of Water Resource, Shaanxi Province Water And Sanitation Department Of Water Resource, Sichuan Water And Sanitation Department Of Water Resources, Guangxi Province Water And Sanitation Dofcom, Inner Mongolia Water And Sanitation Guilin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Pharmaceuticals Haier Medical And Laboratory Products Co., Ltd Unknown Hammer Multi-Media Technology Co., Ltd Printing Hangzhou Cereal, Oils & Clothing & Footwear Hangzhou Cereal, Oils & Education Supplies Hangzhou Cereal, Oils & Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal Education Supplies Hebei New Vision Educational Book Distribution Company Education Supplies Henan Xinfei Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd Transport Hunan Yishi Hongda Teaching Aids Education Supplies Intec Products, Inc. Diagnostic Test Kits Iti Company (Shanghai) Ltd. Clothing & Footwear Iti Company (Shanghai) Ltd. Education Supplies Iti Company (Shanghai) Ltd. Identific. & Signage Iti Company (Shanghai) Ltd. Medical Equipment Iti Company (Shanghai) Ltd. Medical Renewable Iti Company (Shanghai) Ltd. Water And Sanitation Kunming Experience Exchange Centre Water And Sanitation Maxleaf Stationery Ltd. Education Supplies Maxshow Printing Co. Ltd, Beijing Printing Ningbo Binbin Stationery Co., Ltd. Education Supplies Ningbo Binbin Stationery Co., Ltd. Identific. & Signage Ningbo Binbin Stationery Co.,Ltd. Education Supplies Northern International Holding Co., Education Supplies Project Office, Phcco, Gansu Water And Sanitation Project Office, Phcco, Guizhou Water And Sanitation Project Office, Phcco, Shaanxi Water And Sanitation Project Office, Phcco, Sichuan Water And Sanitation Qingdao Gyoha Entech Co. Ltd. Shelter/Field Equip. Qinghua University Printing Factory Printing Shanghai Changhui Medical Instrument Co. Ltd. Medical Equipment Shanghai Kehua Bio-Engineering Co. Diagnostic Test Kits Shanghai Medical Instruments Imp/Exp Corp Medical Equipment Shanghai Pentagonal Mart Co.,Ltd. Warehousing Sichuan Children'S Publishing House Printing Tianjin Wantex Import & Export Co, Education Supplies Top Sources Trading Ltd. Clothing & Footwear Top Sources Trading Ltd. Education Supplies Xihe Education Commission, Gansu Shelter/Field Equip. Xinjiang Int. Economic Cooperation Co. Education Supplies Xinjiang Int. Economic Cooperation Co. Medical/Hygiene Kits Xinjiang International Economic Shelter/Field Equip. Zhe Jiang Daji Medical Instrument Co. Ltd. Medical Equipment Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile Co. Ltd Transport Admecol Ltda. Education Supplies Carpas Flash Ltda. Shelter/Field Equip. Carpas Miami Shelter/Field Equip. Coldidacticas Ltda. Education Supplies Damton Ltda Education Supplies De Vanny Publicidad Education Supplies Didacticos Pinocho Sa. Education Supplies Diego Rengifo Montoya Medical/Hygiene Kits Fundacion Creciendo Unidos Education Supplies Inmec Cnc De Colombia Ltda. Education Supplies Julian Gonzalez Pedroza Y/O Comercializadora A Y J Water And Sanitation Oce&Marketing S.A Printing Odessa Ingenieria Eu. Education Supplies Rimax- Plasticos Rimax Ltda. Education Supplies Atelier Aziad Maroquinerie Education Supplies Graphica Imprimerie Printing Imprimerie Simpage-Mhoma Printing Laser Communication Printing Station Bonzami Fuel & Lubricants Grasset Sporafric It & Office Supplies Sogeco It & Office Supplies Adneyd Clothing & Footwear Africa Meubles It & Office Supplies Agb S.P.R.L. Printing Asf (Action De Sante Familiale) Medical/Hygiene Kits Bilem Impressions Identific. & Signage Caritas Kenge Education Supplies Cfao Motors (Ex-Afrima) Transport Congo Graphic Identific. & Signage Congo Oil / Goma Fuel & Lubricants Datco/Goma Medical/Hygiene Kits Engen Drc Fuel & Lubricants Etire Services Printing Ets Banska (Banswe Kayembe) Education Supplies Ets Jambo Mart/ Lubumbashi Clothing & Footwear Ets Lokela - Papeterie Et Divers Education Supplies Ets Ndamwenge Clothing & Footwear Ets Quin Med/Kananga Fuel & Lubricants Ets Tupendane Water And Sanitation Food For Development Fuel & Lubricants Gr. Noka & Fils/Lubumbashi Water And Sanitation Groupe Jambo Sprl / Lubumbashi Clothing & Footwear Hassons Et Freres Medical/Hygiene Kits Imprimerie Pelamo Printing Instaprint Printing Journal Officiel Printing Katumbi Constructions "Katco" Education Supplies Kinpress (Imprimerie Typo-Ofset) Printing La Colombiere Clothing & Footwear Maison La Reference Clothing & Footwear Maison La Reference Medical/Hygiene Kits Maison M.L. Clothing & Footwear Maison M.L. Medical/Hygiene Kits Mebeco Sprl Education Supplies Prodimpex Transport 164 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 99,874.65 240,784.29 71,982.26 342,588.07 609,755.25 70,938.42 99,397.82 232,051.22 55,979.95 61,916.30 283,780.00 145,263.94 725,850.54 31,762.43 72,960.36 639,114.22 131,958.92 33,542.75 837,300.92 916,187.78 451,564.29 177,391.12 41,540.65 3,519,407.62 636,568.87 41,863.64 796,607.19 1,423,401.43 2,409,904.35 41,501.04 164,317.18 91,597.99 31,160.00 162,500.00 2,932,651.79 225,889.04 171,360.00 361,454.93 39,759.10 83,932.56 1,878,185.69 121,922.30 1,480,900.95 38,736.00 1,384,568.87 139,431.71 621,285.26 94,816.63 136,694.56 91,966.81 498,096.00 35,557.28 32,235.69 83,991.00 58,737.15 268,712.35 66,960.35 509,674.39 263,341.87 753,064.06 158,368.88 265,151.89 33,072.55 945,540.00 164,178.61 1,086,562.99 80,627.93 68,805.83 42,811.64 274,793.25 33,728.23 30,914.07 31,465.26 36,212.26 36,680.25 40,170.70 72,281.11 31,832.10 33,580.60 40,371.23 42,017.43 111,073.99 56,556.06 85,511.69 39,568.86 37,750.07 43,236.68 57,520.00 31,870.00 153,930.38 55,000.00 36,575.00 64,473.00 49,020.28 43,785.00 46,215.60 58,040.00 44,773.67 48,434.89 58,259.00 40,800.00 56,381.75 401,193.50 34,669.25 94,420.00 37,412.00 40,500.00 47,632.50 60,128.50 219,369.21 372,501.09 64,000.00 95,000.00 367,806.05 538,650.00 179,478.00 285,791.69 428,183.70 620,807.15 30,416.50 329,026.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Congo Dem. Rep Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Croatia Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Dominican Rep. DPR Korea North DPR Korea North DPR Korea North DPR Korea North DPR Korea North DPR Korea North DPR Korea North DPR Korea North DPR Korea North East Timor East Timor East Timor East Timor East Timor East Timor Ecuador Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador El Salvador Eritrea Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Quincaillerie Atlas De Secteur Quincaillerie Bon Marche Rima Sprl Societe Kotecha Station Jambo Safari Station Petro Bunia Station Sipet U.A.C. S.P.R.L. United Petroleum/Katanga Watson & French S.P.R.L. 2 B Pub Bernabe Ci Ets Alpha Flash Imprim Geci Sarl Impriscan Ip Ivoire Polyester Les Classiques Ivoiriens Les Classiques Ivoiriens Librairie De France Groupe Menuiserie Brou Sarl Nei Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes Papigraph Ci Satoci-Ci Seritex S.N. Seritex S.N. Shell Cote D'Ivoire Societe Borro Freres Spiral (Sdipm) Total Cote D'Ivoire Print Centar Krapina D.O.O. Tiskara Reprint D.O.O. Aludem Corporacion Copextel S.A. (Las Tunas) Duralmet Ecisa Girasol Overseas S.A. Grupo Kapan Internacional S.A. Inter Press Service-Ips Molinos Trade S.A. Remedica Ltd. Grifols S.R.O. Papirny Brno A.S. Papirny Brno A.S. Ahlsell Aps Ambu A/S Atea A/S Atea A/S Atlas Copco Kompressorteknik A/S Atlet Danmark A/S Bisca A/S Boxon A/S Bravida Danmark A/S Canon Danmark A/S Cheminova A/S Chr. Bardram Health-Care Aps Constructor Danmark A/S Danimex Communication A/S Danoffice Ltd Dsm Nutritional Products A/S Garmin Danmark A/S Groenbech & Soenner A/S Grundfos Dk A/S H. Jessen Jorgensen A/S Hach Lange A/S Johs. Gram-Hanssen A/S Kjaer Group A/S Kronlein Import & Export Agencies Kronlein Import & Export Agencies Kronlein Import & Export Agencies Mc Emballage A/S Missionpharma A/S Monarflex A/S Monarflex A/S Nilfisk Advance Niscotex Aps Paul Hartmann A/S Peter Justesen Company A/S Procurator A/S Renoflex-Gruppen A/S Select Sport A/S Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Aps Smith & Nephew A/S Statens Serum Institut Superoffice Danmark A/S Vestfrost A/S Zarges Aps Acs(Advertising & Commu. Services) Ets. Marill Imprimerie Nationale Napoleon Total Djibouti Total Djibouti Vitaset, S.A. General Bureau For Dip. Missions Korea Apro Co. Korea Apro Co. Korea Apro Co. Korea Jinung Trading Company Korea Paekma Trading Corporation Korea Soriggoch Trading Company Korea Soriggoch Trading Company Wfp Dubai Grafica Nacional Jape Dept. Store Jaya Comtl Startec Enterprises Sylvia Dili Victoria Ltd Imprenta Mariscal Al Ahram Commercial Press Clinilab International Group For Trading&Distrb Nahdet Misr For Producing Electronic Intellectual Content And Document On Line Smart Car Grupo Unicolor, S. A. De C. V. Impresos Multiples, S.A. De C.V. Industrias La Constancia, S.A. De C.V. Salvaplastic, S.A. De C.V. Ahmed Abadir M/Nir Import-Export Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants It & Office Supplies Fuel & Lubricants It & Office Supplies Identific. & Signage It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Identific. & Signage Fuel & Lubricants Printing It & Office Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Printing Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Printing Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Printing Printing Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Medical Renewable Water And Sanitation Medical Equipment Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Warehousing Nutrition Education Supplies Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies Nutrition Transport Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies Nutrition Communication Equip. Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment Water And Sanitation Medical Equipment Transport Clothing & Footwear Identific. & Signage Nutrition Warehousing Pharmaceuticals Shelter/Field Equip. Water And Sanitation Warehousing Education Supplies Medical Renewable It & Office Supplies Warehousing Warehousing Education Supplies Diagnostic Test Kits Pharmaceuticals Vaccines/Biologicals It & Office Supplies Cold Chain Equipment Education Supplies Printing Transport Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Nutrition Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Printing Education Supplies Printing Transport Printing Clothing & Footwear Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Printing Water And Sanitation Printing Printing Laboratory Supplies Transport Printing It & Office Supplies Transport Printing Printing Pharmaceuticals Medical/Hygiene Kits Water And Sanitation 165 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 75,947.25 50,363.00 122,924.00 67,587.70 70,037.60 30,728.40 63,034.00 37,147.40 30,615.00 41,735.00 51,485.63 41,544.29 283,867.98 35,271.88 70,120.04 49,819.19 101,905.82 54,290.64 73,182.20 68,376.36 207,412.44 40,241.92 60,749.57 49,862.83 100,229.92 249,446.95 157,911.09 34,221.37 30,498.38 178,729.44 32,740.65 57,052.56 221,158.27 77,904.24 189,860.57 34,888.28 143,238.89 104,564.50 32,090.99 39,389.29 8,127,186.60 71,211.50 110,320.77 41,315.09 379,087.07 1,315,409.60 297,871.37 17,356,633.16 158,501.30 283,089.12 67,512.85 581,094.00 41,290.02 623,251.05 48,640.16 52,669.96 69,389.61 601,556.11 111,319.83 106,600.55 183,261.56 70,673.76 355,508.93 62,179.91 31,206.75 73,635.84 840,039.03 37,820.00 247,147.52 231,486.30 76,551.44 865,579.68 60,564.56 135,890.62 42,469.81 106,043.90 307,886.48 384,815.93 30,365.06 34,008.24 510,289.52 241,809.47 194,095.87 3,969,583.54 63,581.00 3,320,208.83 1,198,572.91 52,514.12 37,645.12 107,646.79 49,659.82 31,407.88 151,735.59 2,729,059.02 108,161.39 141,312.00 100,515.90 438,416.55 121,894.07 54,884.90 69,550.00 286,809.62 88,196.00 120,687.00 47,550.00 39,315.00 57,800.00 52,554.00 107,783.75 47,830.62 37,954.29 177,453.21 32,950.00 48,182.61 33,670.58 36,980.00 36,434.20 31,297.00 61,511.40 30,971.45 39,573.33 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Eritrea Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Fiji Fiji Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Francescana Printing Press Abader Electronics Center Abc Trading Abc Trading Abe Dagne Household & Office Furniture Enterprise Abebe Rahmeto H & O Furniture P.L.C Abera Langano And Family General Trading P.L.C. Al Ghurair Printing &Publishing House L.L.C Alta Computec Plc Alta Computec Plc Alta Computec Plc Ambassador Garment & Trade P.L.C Amen Metal And Wood Work Cooperative Societies Andenet Trading & Printers Pvt. Ltd. Co Avon Industries Plc Bereket Plc Bishangari Purification Industries Plc. Central Printing Press P.L.C Dan Technocraft Double S Business Group P.L.C Double S Business Group P.L.C Empde Esayas Gashaw Advertising Work Excel Plastics P.L.C Fares Stationery Shop Fekadu Haile (Dama) Metal Work House Fits Private Limited Company Flamingo Printing Press P.L.C Geerlofs Trading Plc Getachew Mamo H & O Fur. Ent. Glorious Plc Harar Technical And Vocational College Hilina Enriched Food Processing Center Plc Kalu Works Ethiopa P.L.C Kangaroo Plast Plc Kk Private Limited Company Libya Oil Ethiopia Limited Maika Household & Office Furniture Enterprise Maky Tx Trading Master Printing Press Plc. Mekdes Office & House Furniture Enterprise Melaku Tadesse Modern Household & Office Production Enterprise Mengistu Tesfaye Household & Office Furniture Enterprise Minche P.L.C Moenco Mose Furniture P.L.C. Nardos Furniture General Metal & Wood Workshop National Oil Ethiopia P.L.C (Noc) Natran Plastic Goods Mfg. Pvt. Ltd. Co. Negussie G/Giorgis Office & Household Furniture Enterprise Omedad Pvt. Ltd. Co. Population Services International (Psi) Ethiopia Rias Furniture Rias Furniture Rias Furniture Ries Engineering Share Company . Rift Valley Water Technology P.L.C Sami House Hold & Office Furniture Sky Industries P.L.C Snap Trading And Industry P.L.C Star Printing Press Total Ethiopia Share. Co. Tsedenia Publisher Ultimate Printing Press Plc Webget Technology Plc Webget Technology Plc Yoseph Kibebew House Hold & Office Furniture Zak Ethiopia Manufacturing & Trading P.L.C. Zenebe Ferew Nails Factory R C Manubhai & Co. Ltd Vinod Patel Ab Crown Products Oy Huurre Insulation Oy Naps Systems Oy Pa-Hu Oy Sademan Oy Verseidag Ballistic Protection Oy Africasoins S.A.S Apex Bp Solar Apex Bp Solar Apex Bp Solar Bio Merieux S.A. Biomerieux Sa Bio-Rad Laboratories Biosynex Bristol-Myers Squibb Sarl Brochot Sa Cossanex Ctt Consultants Technolgie Guerbet Hachette Livre International Hachette Livre International Iec Telecom Interforum Labaronne-Citaf Sas Laboratoire Renaudin Lms World Water Treatment Groupe Gm Lms World Water Treatment Groupe Gm Nutriset S.A.S Nutriset S.A.S Omyacolor Sa Orange Logic Europe Sarl Panpharma S. A. Pronal S.A. Sadag Imprimerie Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Winthrop Industrie S.A. Sofip Export Sofip Export Sovema Spengler Sas Tenesol S.A. Vergnet Hydro Verre Et Quartz Technologies Sas Zhendre S.A. Diozeri Ltd Exim Georgia Ltd Toyota Center Tbilisi Watkinson Llc Branch In Georgia Abbott Gmbh & Co Kg Abbott Gmbh & Co Kg Printing Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Unknown Unknown Education Supplies Printing Nutrition Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Warehousing Shelter/Field Equip. Unknown Education Supplies Printing Transport Education Supplies Education Supplies Nutrition Printing Unknown Education Supplies Communication Equip. Education Supplies Nutrition Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies Shelter/Field Equip. Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Transport Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Water And Sanitation Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Unknown Transport Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Education Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Cold Chain Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Medical Renewable Nutrition Staff Supplies Pharmaceuticals Cold Chain Equipment Other Water And Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits Laboratory Supplies Diagnostic Test Kits Diagnostic Test Kits Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Printing Communication Equip. Printing Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Printing Water And Sanitation Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Other Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Medical Equipment Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Medical Equipment Cold Chain Equipment Education Supplies Education Supplies Transport Water And Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits Laboratory Supplies 166 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 51,166.67 92,868.96 77,146.71 42,477.97 244,025.84 66,084.07 98,193.84 63,664.62 30,331.52 451,178.98 60,807.84 43,184.20 179,071.51 93,376.59 66,298.34 1,102,309.73 71,827.61 61,723.06 31,298.50 220,707.24 64,059.88 82,491.37 32,108.82 83,495.53 73,253.16 89,223.19 56,120.60 226,005.13 65,182.50 65,713.81 53,617.90 337,104.46 5,162,885.12 80,478.79 39,104.60 289,351.99 225,563.11 102,851.39 112,306.28 41,957.87 52,142.72 278,024.81 163,152.33 133,735.31 132,370.80 115,001.04 52,640.09 113,616.95 98,024.33 234,098.92 49,138.61 453,236.60 1,274,054.28 112,452.58 73,931.89 127,800.00 73,500.17 380,091.72 30,906.76 77,636.30 214,392.73 96,037.65 107,560.91 48,896.04 194,589.13 154,102.74 112,735.86 54,355.26 70,582.07 203,634.24 40,030.43 380,269.13 285,452.71 107,941.45 1,945,413.57 946,542.39 73,446.31 1,175,058.55 333,773.34 41,929.68 313,467.22 34,638.68 594,361.57 429,631.44 48,117.15 68,293.52 95,164.10 35,385.00 241,421.31 247,671.23 348,085.37 440,315.75 30,482.00 298,970.75 36,272.64 278,190.74 78,274.59 322,633.60 22,998,046.29 1,597,006.61 100,365.33 107,760.00 347,217.37 145,574.13 40,332.70 100,273,502.00 223,278.64 73,465.94 908,412.81 53,276.24 114,912.62 208,583.77 527,089.82 190,471.66 307,617.57 43,936.27 34,637.22 51,204.85 84,801.49 5,273,846.32 407,742.05 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guyana Guyana Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Hong Kong Hong Kong Hungary Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Abbott Gmbh & Co Kg B. Braun Melsungen Ag Basf Se Bayer Healthcare Ag Boehringer Ingelheim Gmbh Boss Pro-Tec Gmbh Boss Pro-Tec Gmbh Boss Pro-Tec Gmbh Chempatex Medizinische Copack Gmbh Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co.Kg Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co.Kg Fleischhacker Gmbh & Co.Kg Henke-Sass, Wolf Gmbh Herlitz Pbs Ag Kbi Kunststoffbeutel Prod. Gmbh & C Kd Medical Gmbh Hospital Products Kirsch Pharma Gmbh Lomapharm, Rudolf Lohmann Gmbh Kg M. Schilling Gmbh Msi Gmbh Müller-Therm Gmbh Nortec Automation Gmbh Partec Gmbh Project Support Vehicles Gmbh & Co. Promens Packaging Gmbh Roche Diagnostics Gmbh Rotexmedica Gmbh Rudolf Riester Gmbh & Co. Kg Seca Gmbh & Co. Kg. Sieger Gmbh + Co. Freizeitmobel Smurfit Kappa Gmbh Smurfit Kappa Wellpappenwerk Waren Solar23 Gmbh Speedliner Mobility Gmbh Stoehr Turn- Und Sportgeraete Tintometer Gmbh Wilhelm Julius Teufel Gmbh Wissner Gmbh Abdullahi A.S. Limited Abm Systems Gh. Balikam Ventures Callprint Limited Capacity Press Ciel Consult Coc Rural Water Development Project Cool Keep Trading Agency Country Peace Ltd. Descraft Services Ltd Descraft Services Ltd Descraft Services Ltd Freward Enterprise Hious Ventures Interplast Ltd. Kingdom Books & Stationary Enterprise Kingdom Books & Stationary Enterprise Krif (Ghana) Ltd. My Own Trading Stores Overstep Agency Poly Tanks (Gh) Limited Pridormma Enterprise Pure Faith Ent. Royal Crown Press Ltd. Sharp Impressions Sharp Impressions Type Y.A. Razak Trading Co. Ltd. Ferreterias El Tejar, S.A. Fibrasol, S.A. Merck, S.A. Metaloplastica, S.A. Dalta Entreprise Diaby Diallo Et Freres Entreprise Ecbas Esse-Stars Sarl Guiprecom/Guineenne De Prestation Et De Commerce La Maison Du Livre Ocph Psi-Guinee Sodefa Total Guinee A.S.Bissau Inacep J.C. Import Export Lda. Novagrafica Lda Petro-Dis Petro-Dis Harris Art Productions Guyana Micro Design Technology Ator / Les Ateliers Oreste Ceec Delog Services Dopasmax Fourniturexpo Henropo Imprimerie Le Natal Imprimerie Le Natal Joca Ebenisterie Perfect Printers Perfecta S.A Tecina S.A. Total Haiti S.A Valerio Canez S.A. Azer Impresos S.A De C.V. Cortitelas Diunsa Importaciones Diversas Industrial Ferretera S.A. Intermark S. De R. L. Intertek S. De R. L. Lafarge Cementos Litho-Graphix Novatec Radio Nederland Training Centre Representaciones Handal'S S. De R.L. Representaciones Quimicas De C. A. Suplidora Industrial Del Centro, S.A. Tacoma A.Andrews & Co.(Mail Order) Ltd. Moneray International Ltd. Alkaloida Chemical Company Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Transport Water And Sanitation Medical Renewable Diagnostic Test Kits Laboratory Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Pharmaceuticals Medical Renewable Education Supplies Pharmaceuticals Medical Renewable Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Medical Renewable Nutrition Cold Chain Equipment Warehousing Laboratory Supplies Transport Water And Sanitation Laboratory Supplies Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment Nutrition Shelter/Field Equip. Warehousing Warehousing Communication Equip. Transport Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Medical Renewable Education Supplies Transport It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Printing Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Printing Printing Transport Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Laboratory Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies Unknown Education Supplies Printing Fuel & Lubricants Unknown Printing It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Unknown Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Unknown Education Supplies Unknown Unknown Warehousing Fuel & Lubricants Shelter/Field Equip. Printing Bednets/Insecticides Bednets/Insecticides Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Water And Sanitation Printing Laboratory Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Water And Sanitation Shelter/Field Equip. It & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals 167 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 72,072.00 119,366.31 38,903.76 663,707.52 171,694.26 379,230.16 74,244.66 350,899.53 337,051.88 92,551.15 1,245,221.19 69,104.90 305,141.75 2,144,935.38 1,657,781.18 3,964,128.24 129,407.00 289,468.47 3,517,064.87 36,981.24 1,444,531.04 99,065.86 159,261.62 1,205,065.26 285,643.92 1,073,342.42 294,054.39 697,415.14 86,526.00 3,775,729.66 55,068.01 432,538.14 47,626.88 840,160.07 227,709.00 318,550.81 38,792.05 142,205.75 40,256.54 280,965.51 32,400.59 62,432.43 81,730.77 60,803.11 65,299.67 48,793.89 73,786.76 151,622.82 42,814.42 65,399.36 258,123.94 85,296.56 56,218.20 217,383.69 119,406.29 43,503.24 34,671.11 120,369.41 41,880.59 49,901.09 148,356.44 135,774.52 364,855.12 132,183.11 119,498.78 67,464.84 46,309.87 81,975.58 61,903.30 70,845.17 58,938.50 53,750.21 33,225.61 34,448.26 30,105.01 48,493.80 56,456.11 75,577.85 87,695.12 151,417.55 213,182.33 59,456.20 84,859.54 270,627.97 54,975.84 30,717.53 58,528.06 37,438.10 36,604.97 125,862.05 116,118.14 31,350.00 81,319.37 39,967.08 131,399.75 31,424.04 31,060.00 96,365.27 31,280.00 36,830.00 116,427.91 59,898.81 35,910.00 44,058.18 55,238.10 32,857.14 247,243.17 74,522.66 40,546.42 31,019.61 74,453.06 106,770.89 141,961.46 30,780.00 34,733.94 72,844.94 211,805.95 34,347.94 509,228.29 312,750.00 70,056.39 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Hungary Hungary India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Pannonpharma Pharmaceutical Ltd. Teva Pharmaceutical Works A J Stationery Pvt. Ltd., Aadarsh Private Limited Ab Imaging & Prints Pvt. Ltd Advance Steel Tubes Limited Aey Kay Enterprises Aey Kay Enterprises Aid India Ajanta Pharma Limited Ajay Industrial Corporation Alkem Laboratories Ltd. Amrit Sales Corporation Annapurna Press & Process Offset Printers Aov International Army Printing Press Aurobindo Pharma Limited Bhabani Offset & Imaging Systems Pvt., Ltd Bharat Commercial Agency, Patna Bird Meditech Bird Meditech Blow Kings Blue Star Limited Brij & Co. Business Octane Solutions P Ltd Calcutta Sportsboats Mfg. Pvt. Ltd. Calcutta Sportsboats Mfg. Pvt. Ltd. Calibre Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Canon India Private Limited Caxton Offset Private Limited Chem-In Corporation Chiron Instruments (I) Pvt. Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Daga Plastic Industries Daga Polycontainers (P) Ltd. Db Power Electronics (P) Ltd Doctor Beli Ram & Sons (Mfg.) Door Darshan Marketing Doorbhash International Eastern Surgical Company Educational Emporium Elder Instruments Pvt. Ltd. Emco Meditek Private Limited Emco Meditek Private Limited Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited Excel Advertising Agency Excel Advertising Agency, Patna Fdc Limited Fdc Limited - International Division Galentic Pharma (India) Pvt.Ltd Garg Sports International Goldendays Creations Pvt. Ltd., Delhi Goodwill Brothers (Kochar) Gras Impex Pvt. Ltd. Gvs Trade Inc. Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corpora Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corpora Hcl Infosystems Limited Hetero Drugs Ltd. Hexagon Nutrition Pvt. Ltd. Himedia Laboratories Pvt.Ltd. Hindustan Syringes & Medical Home Attraction Il&Fs Education & Technology Services Ltd Innova Lab-Instruments Pvt Ltd. Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Ipca Laboratories Limited J. Mitra & Co. Ltd Jackson Limited Jaipur Printers Pvt.Ltd Jdm Overseas Pvt Ltd K.K.Nag Ltd Kadam Marketing Ltd Kailash Paper Conversion (P) Ltd Kailash Printing Press Kanam Latex Industries Private Ltd. Kay Tent Industries Kido Enterprises Kitchen Essential Krishna Flexi Printers Kumar & Company Lahore Music House Levelone Communications (India) Pvt. Ltd Libra Diesel Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Ltek Systems Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Mumbai Maruti Suzuki India Limited, New Delhi Matrix Laboratories Ltd Maxwel Metals (I) Pvt. Ltd. Mbi Kits International Mbi Kits International Park View, 3Rd Floor Medopharm Merck Specialities Pvt. Ltd. Micro Labs Ltd. Murliwala Agrotech Limited N.K. Jain Instruments Pvt. Ltd. Navnirmiti, Mumbai New Dilip And Company New Dilip And Company Newage Furniture Innovations Pvt Ltd Newage Industries Nikhil Offset Nikhil Offset Ok Play (India) Ltd Ok Play (India) Ltd Orchid Biomedical Systems Ori-Plast Ltd. Oudh Publishing House Nav Jyothi Press Panacea Biotec Ltd. Panacea Biotec Ltd. Pashupati Enterprises Patna Offset Press Piramal Healthcare Limited Poddar Screen Printers Poly Medicure Ltd. Pratham Books Premier Medical Corporation Limited Print House India Pvt. Ltd. Print Shop Private Limited Print Vision Private Limited Priyanka (India) Pvt. Ltd. Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Printing Printing Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Shelter/Field Equip. Printing Cold Chain Equipment Printing Pharmaceuticals Printing It & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Medical/Hygiene Kits Cold Chain Equipment Medical Equipment Clothing & Footwear Communication Equip. Clothing & Footwear Transport Nutrition It & Office Supplies Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Nutrition Nutrition Education Supplies Medical Renewable Printing Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical/Hygiene Kits Pharmaceuticals Printing Printing Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Other Vaccines/Biologicals Communication Equip. Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Medical Renewable Shelter/Field Equip. Printing Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Diagnostic Test Kits It & Office Supplies Printing Medical/Hygiene Kits Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Printing Printing Medical Renewable Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies Shelter/Field Equip. Printing Printing Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Transport Transport Pharmaceuticals Printing Laboratory Supplies Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Nutrition Laboratory Supplies Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Printing Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Diagnostic Test Kits Water And Sanitation Printing Other Vaccines/Biologicals Clothing & Footwear Printing Pharmaceuticals Printing Medical Renewable Education Supplies Diagnostic Test Kits Printing Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies 168 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 113,050.00 555,172.32 117,906.74 107,612.42 167,909.57 54,215.65 39,093.89 35,429.68 64,613.39 1,607,890.80 2,007,085.40 626,197.35 43,611.59 90,562.85 473,606.14 61,859.16 9,411,114.85 250,285.89 33,574.43 58,446.41 127,752.32 1,314,805.05 31,521.74 125,181.99 85,695.65 30,359.35 46,306.27 1,173,649.87 58,294.82 52,908.68 62,924.82 43,010.98 20,007,225.78 43,215.88 250,119.32 32,608.69 1,072,886.85 54,085.03 119,680.03 49,170.00 76,516.49 33,877.72 90,593.12 58,767.05 2,009,365.60 251,676.42 270,947.04 61,488.80 227,391.85 489,270.35 656,823.55 48,020.00 36,455.83 39,438.97 108,865.98 69,691.50 27,454,718.01 45,113.19 28,974,455.55 59,150.00 166,068.00 1,969,316.70 35,023.74 122,543.48 38,112.99 218,908.68 819,509.45 201,751.77 30,824.57 75,548.83 105,022.42 216,641.90 173,282.74 176,855.46 58,763.29 200,211.00 50,985.33 31,051.98 846,069.00 90,308.46 302,150.98 174,752.17 37,173.91 64,440.43 44,343.18 66,610.30 32,048.72 9,613,779.02 46,265.26 169,273.60 119,291.98 350,179.60 68,497.96 5,569,427.90 1,752,259.86 199,503.00 117,323.73 33,926.95 49,745.84 218,898.92 30,527.50 119,074.59 1,022,436.32 52,130.43 214,958.24 2,617,693.32 109,900.00 100,779.95 75,255.77 116,392,100.48 55,198.29 288,782.28 2,730,108.46 486,774.18 40,462.86 31,500.49 675,140.40 69,708.27 87,921.88 93,466.08 34,536.11 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Iran Iran Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Rajdhani Offset Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneswar Rama Steel Tubes Ltd. Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. Reliable Art Printery Rfb Latex Limited Roopayan Roopayan S. Narayan & Sons Sagar Printers Salter India Limited Salter India Pvt. Ltd Sansiya Sansiya Saptagiri Enterprises Scholastic India Pvt Ltd Serum Institute Of India Ltd. Shantha Biotechnics Ltd. Shreedhar Printers Pvt. Ltd. Sirmaxo Chemicals Pvt. Ltd Sohil Impex Span Diagnostics Ltd. Span Pumps Private Limited Span Pumps Pvt. Ltd Sports Land Overseas (Pvt.) Ltd. Sri Krishna Agency Sri Vani Print And Pack, Hyderabad Strides Arcolab Limited Strides Arcolab Limited, Bangalore Suru International Pvt. Ltd. Sutures India Pvt. Ltd. Swapna Printing Works Pvt. Ltd. Tagros Chemicals India Ltd Techno Relief Overseas (I) Pvt. Ltd. Techno Relief Overseas India Pvt. L Techno Relief Overseas India Pvt. L Techno Relief Overseas India Pvt. L Techno Relief Overseas India Pvt. L Thakral Brothers Pte. Ltd. Thakral Computer Pvt. Ltd. The Offsetters India Pvt. Ltd. Toyop Relief Private Limited Toyota Kirloskar Motor Ltd., Bangalore Union Quality Plastics Ltd. United Poly Engineering Private Ltd Vallabh Steels Ltd. Vanguard Interiors Pte. Ltd. Vijayavani Printers, Chittoor Vikrant Industries Xerox India Ltd. Zeal Medical Pvt. Ltd. C.V. Sigma Fiber Composite Cv Sepakat Raya Harapan Prima Mizan Publika Naga Cahaya Teknik, Pt Officepro P.T. Primatech Computama P.T. Bio Farma (Persero) Pt Alpha Graha Computindo Pt Anugrah Mitra Selaras Pt Artha Inti Prima Pt Chitose Indonesia Manufacturing Pt Cipta Sukses Bersama Pt Damarus Panen Utama Pt Dharma Polimetal Pt Dharmesta Swasti Mandiri Pt Erakomp Infonusa Pt Global Sinar Abadi Pt Gramedia Printing Pt Harapan Widyatama Pertiwi Pt Harrisma Informatika Jaya Pt Indo Arga Kharisma Pt Indolok Bakti Utama (Jakarta) Pt Indonesia Printers Pt Indonesia Steel Tube Works Pt Karya Prima Zimo Pt Karya Prima Zimo Pt Lancar Abadi Jaya Pt Magnus Kurnia Sentosa Pt Mitra Wira Pratama Pt Multi Wahana Muda Pt Packet Systems Indonesia Pt Persada Utama Tirta Lestari Pt Prometal Perkasa Indonesia (Pt Ppi) Pt Secom Indopratama Pt Tema Baru Pt Vanwin Jaya Nusantara Pt. Abbott Indonesia Pt. Dharma Polimetal Pt. Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk Pt. Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk Entesharat Amir Kabir Megaps Co. Al-Ahwar For Trading Ltd Al-Ahwar For Trading Ltd Al-Farah Computer & Office Automatio Al-Sabaya Printing Press Al-Sami General Trade Co.Ltd Al-Sami General Trade Co.Ltd Baali Trading Belad Al Nakhil Co. Belad Al Nakhil Co. Hajer Printing Press Integrated Standard Solutions (Iss) Musbah Al-Huda For General Trade Ltd Orbit Global L.L.C. Penous Printing Press Zhiyan Printing Press - Erbil Medentech Ltd Ovelle Limited Tibotec Pharmaceuticals Ltd Trinity Biotech Advanced Business Machines Ltd. Al-Bayan Company Anoud General Trading Colmibil Ltd. Hard Rock Company Ineem Co & Library Mashrooo Aamer Desalination Plant Odis Filtering Ltd. Orgenics Ltd. Printing Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Printing Medical Renewable Education Supplies Printing Printing Printing Nutrition Nutrition Clothing & Footwear Printing Education Supplies Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Vaccines/Biologicals Printing Pharmaceuticals Nutrition Diagnostic Test Kits Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Printing Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Medical Renewable Medical Renewable Printing Household Technology Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies Nutrition Shelter/Field Equip. Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing Medical Equipment Transport Shelter/Field Equip. Medical Equipment Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits It & Office Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Printing Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Vaccines/Biologicals It & Office Supplies Medical Equipment It & Office Supplies Transport Water And Sanitation Medical Equipment Medical Equipment It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Identific. & Signage Printing Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Printing Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Transport Printing Printing Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Communication Equip. Printing Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Printing Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing Printing Education Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits It & Office Supplies Printing Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Printing Printing Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Diagnostic Test Kits It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Transport Education Supplies Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits 169 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 158,940.98 182,373.64 10,586,585.78 66,711.57 44,531.20 37,105.70 252,447.68 482,427.67 55,637.90 522,246.12 117,738.16 63,187.05 54,869.38 37,952.07 87,161.81 32,111,369.63 52,564,981.55 93,985.94 633,848.40 72,826.08 340,028.00 606,182.19 41,408.00 191,249.64 299,590.00 42,409.77 1,664,389.00 521,692.62 53,757.57 193,883.00 203,184.47 5,700,000.00 202,946.99 41,472.00 52,290.00 879,927.80 98,948.00 31,330.00 827,417.80 290,040.30 32,417.28 36,262.75 249,474.06 106,329.72 126,484.00 161,686.92 61,606.75 154,347.83 103,564.65 116,407.52 160,166.90 31,073.91 47,941.67 31,901.88 81,171.76 52,490.63 57,530.93 10,153,148.00 39,746.00 30,492.35 51,450.00 59,015.77 235,594.27 85,787.69 45,864.51 97,107.66 47,521.99 58,266.20 66,051.73 483,651.72 118,350.66 130,574.60 38,385.86 71,748.76 379,502.33 264,566.62 62,976.98 65,834.80 95,746.79 74,866.28 76,599.90 102,315.11 124,904.64 105,566.72 236,441.57 186,769.02 82,784.48 658,921.00 1,421,700.42 1,579,758.07 148,163.84 51,270.59 32,728.41 45,501.35 553,537.80 188,135.00 450,031.34 148,315.75 793,001.50 37,044.24 309,764.90 52,500.00 111,654.24 148,429.95 39,535.00 55,436.00 33,100.00 117,080.00 925,755.36 451,280.51 67,933.34 1,010,243.07 34,726.52 37,903.22 84,853.78 452,021.56 40,120.13 106,397.42 57,017.79 360,795.54 4,130,345.32 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Pele Center Play & Think Royal Textile Company Royal Textile Company Techno-Line Medical Ltd Third Dimension Design And Printing Union Motors Ltd Abc Tipografia Srl Alfa Intes Beltapharm Spa Biologici Italia Laboratories Srl Bruno S.R.L. Coelmo S.R.L. Drillmec S.P.A. Fazzini S.R.L. Fazzini S.R.L. Ferrino & C. S.P.A. Ferrino & C. S.P.A. Fulton Medicinali S.P.A. Galenica Senese Gio' Style Lifestyle S.P.A. Karrel S.R.L. L. Molteni & C. Dei F.Lli Alitti So Laboratorio Farmacologico Milanese Novartis Vaccines And Diagnostics S Nuova Industrie Biscotti Crich S.P. Pharmatex Italia Srl Rovatti A. & Figli Pompe Spa Saponerie M. Fissi S.P.A. Saponerie M. Fissi S.P.A. Tasco S.R.L Jamaica Industrial Equipment Co. Ltd. Jamica Hospital Supplies Lithographic Printers Limited Pear Tree Press Scientific & Medical Supplies Limited Fujirebio Inc. J. Gerber & Company (Japan) Ltd. Japan Bcg Laboratory K. Arano & Co., Ltd. Nissan Trading Co., Ltd Nissan Trading Co., Ltd Nissan Yokohama Building Olympus Corporation Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Tsusho Corporation Aviocom Technologies Bci Enjaz Education Technology & Computer General Computers & Electronics Co. Integrated Standard Solutions (Iss) Rahma Integrated System Company Target Scientific Supplies Technical Distribution Agency Technical Distribution Agency Intellservice Design Bureau Niksan Studio Ie Tais Printing House Alpha Knits Limited Blackwood Hodge (Kenya) Ltd Chujio Ceramics Color Creations Color Creations Colour Creations Colour Creations Colourprint Limited D.T. Dobie & Company (Kenya) Ltd Delta Supplies 2000 (K) Ltd Diamond Chemicals Limited Doshi & Co (Hardware) Ltd East African Supply And Logistcs Ltd. English Press Ltd Furniture Elegance Indigo Telecom Ltd. Insta Products (Epz) Ltd Insta Products (Epz) Ltd Kuehne + Nagel Limited Kuehne + Nagel Limited Lino Stationers (K) Ltd. Lino Stationers (K) Ltd. Lisal Chemicals Company Ltd Nairobi Ironmongers Ltd Nairobi Sports House Ltd. Nation Media Group Ltd Polytanks Limited Population Services International Printfast Ltd Ramco Printing Works Ltd Rift Valley Machineries Rosewood Designs Ltd Roto Moulders Ltd Rymans Limited Sai Raj Limited Save The Gensets Nairobi School Outfitters School Outfitters Securex Agencies (K) Limited Sight And Sound Computers Ltd Spartan Trading Company Spss East Africa Standard Limited Tarpo Industries Limited Tarpo Industries Limited Tarpo Industries Ltd Techbiz Limited Techno Brain (K) Ltd Techno Relief Services Ltd. Techno Relief Services Ltd. Techno Relief Services Ltd. Techno Relief Services Ltd. Techno Relief Services Ltd. Techno Relief Services Ltd. Techno Relief Services Ltd. Techno Relief Services Ltd. Techno Relief Services Ltd. Techno Relief Services Ltd. Toyota East Africa Ltd Wood Products (K) Ltd Baratova T. A., Private Entrepreneur Faysel Construction & Logistics Llc Logic Ltd Education Supplies Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Printing Laboratory Supplies Printing Transport Printing Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Medical Equipment Nutrition Shelter/Field Equip. Staff Supplies Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Cold Chain Equipment Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Vaccines/Biologicals Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Medical Renewable Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Transport Medical Equipment Printing Printing Medical Equipment Diagnostic Test Kits Transport Vaccines/Biologicals Medical Equipment Transport Transport Laboratory Supplies Household Technology Transport Transport It & Office Supplies Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies Printing Education Supplies Printing Printing Medical Equipment Water And Sanitation Identific. & Signage Printing Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Printing Transport Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Nutrition Printing Education Supplies Communication Equip. Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Printing Printing Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Transport Water And Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Identific. & Signage It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Nutrition It & Office Supplies Printing Education Supplies Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Medical Renewable Medical/Hygiene Kits Nutrition Shelter/Field Equip. Staff Supplies Warehousing Water And Sanitation Transport Nutrition Education Supplies Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies 170 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 85,806.34 233,949.97 71,533.14 61,171.39 720,797.55 89,680.54 78,293.01 35,266.54 98,344.41 100,843.41 297,164.58 878,295.10 760,243.38 112,891.61 232,290.69 462,751.49 323,460.00 89,640.00 136,493.71 31,103.79 142,779.34 451,309.83 90,483.79 281,974.71 31,171,840.00 659,055.01 114,430.40 37,074.55 134,071.94 65,223.90 50,522.66 53,456.77 125,810.76 40,436.82 81,050.96 117,161.74 67,800.00 4,381,299.94 4,112,406.00 64,076.00 813,515.87 525,772.65 195,622.00 42,396,294.55 5,515,604.87 124,945.67 34,780.00 54,850.28 396,366.10 145,190.67 180,204.19 30,483.61 31,144.07 54,313.57 120,513.04 45,193.44 38,480.36 59,988.73 42,381.68 36,594.79 75,000.87 41,526.10 62,042.07 165,612.92 106,648.75 49,328.67 77,512.60 38,663.49 180,817.96 541,180.55 43,020.00 3,094,051.98 34,890.47 43,870.91 1,534,013.90 1,938,643.91 107,556.02 53,517.26 94,640.60 46,029.73 433,886.43 125,373.27 109,518.20 153,377.49 85,596.20 32,580.00 229,205.29 95,108.91 148,389.58 45,462.44 357,774.86 326,555.39 108,540.00 148,927.49 44,049.36 30,838.00 72,909.58 56,365.56 31,531.50 47,530.00 107,954.71 71,665.10 208,414.91 115,272.60 63,707.65 30,500.00 200,950.26 219,621.29 267,786.02 271,511.34 1,028,726.36 3,108,418.12 5,328,170.09 1,518,470.92 462,430.78 1,110,453.19 228,651.30 84,970.40 31,919.89 129,716.40 35,320.89 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lao Peo.Dem.Rep Lebanon Lebanon Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Luxembourg Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Malaysia Maldives Rep of Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mali Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) C Plus Computer Co., Ltd Chanthala Construction Company Homsombath Construction Co., Ltd Khammouane Chalernsay Lai Sign And Printing Mittaphab Material Supply Shop Mitthaphoum Shop Natthavong Construction Co., Ltd Oudomsouk Construction Co., Ltd Pakpasack Stationery Pankham-Jampa Co., Ltd Phanomphone Company Co, Phanomphone Company Co, Phetdaovong Construction Co., Ltd Phetpaseuth Construction Co., Tld Pheuane Construction Co., Ltd Phothixay Construction Co., Ltd Provincial Health Department Saravan Provincial Health Department Svk Provincial Health Dept. Khammouane Provincial Health Dept. L.Namtha Provin Provincial Health Dept. Of Borikhamxay Provincial Health Dept. Oudomxay Provincial Health Dept. Phongsaly Province Provincial Health Dept. Vientiane Provin Santiphab Suzuki Lao Factory Saysettha Construction Co., Ltd Sengphet Construction Co., Ltd Sisavath Printing Press Smp Enterprise Industrial Products Supply Sompaseuth Development Construction Co., Ltd Sonthala Const Equip Shop St Construction Co., Ltd Xaignavong Group Xiengkhuang Mixay Construction Co., Ltd Yaovai Printing Assy-Sport Dar El Kotob S.A.L Ministry Of Education National Printers Sethi Brothers Stella Maris Polytechnic Bookstore Thunder Bird Corporation Ultimate Investment & Holding Company Dometic S.A.R.L. Alu Bois Metallique (Abm Construction) Alu Bois Metallique (Abm Construction) Atelier Rahari Fils Badri Chandarana & Cie Cnapmad Cnapmad Cominor Delta Ftm - Foiben-Taosaritanin'I Madagasikara Imprimerie De Madagascar India Country Office, Unicef Jovenna Madagascar Madprint Magasin Honesti Makiplast Menuiserie D'Art Mye Newprint Niag -Nouvelle Imprimerie Des Arts Graphiqu Office Trading Sodim Somacoprim Total Madagasikara Toyota Rasseta Arkay Plastics Industry Limited Classic Collection Design Printers Encor Products Limited Fattani Offset Printers Hardware Shopping Centre Hub-Tech Ken Steel Engineering & General Suppliers Lords M & G Industries Mapanga Furniture Limited Mercantile International Osman Wholesalers Project Peanut Buttr (Ppb) Tiwale Distributors Total Malawi Limited Valid Nutrition Hovid Berhad Inc. Ipes Investments Pvt Ltd Compagnie Malienne Du Papier (Cmp) Etablissements Mande Sarl Ets Amoudjata Dembele Ets Amoudjata Dembele Hamza Ben Sidi (Quinc. Generale/Divers Imprim Color Imprim-Services Sarl Issa Yara Issa Yara Librairie Papeterie Rene (L.P.R) Matrans (Manutention Transit Au Mali) Ousmane Sylla Quincaillerie Danaya Daouda Diarra Quincaillerie De La Jeunesse Quincaillerie De La Jeunesse Societe Djigue S.A Societe Soleil Service Total- Mali Transcom Vita-Lux (Vitrerie -Aluminium) Cisco Systems Estmohamed Abdallahi Ould Zein Ets Alioun Ould Babah Le Copiste Somacogir Star Oil Mauritania Aurora Concepcion Maldonado Garcia Jose Fidel Vicente. Romero Medina Masterbox, S. De R. L. De C. V. Mega Direct, S. A. De C. V. Operadora Detiendas Voluntarias,Sacv Pisa It, S. A. De C. V. Plasti Esteril S.A. De C.V. It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Shelter/Field Equip. Printing Water And Sanitation Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Printing Transport Printing Cold Chain Equipment Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Printing Nutrition Fuel & Lubricants Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Printing Printing Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Transport Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Printing Shelter/Field Equip. It & Office Supplies Shelter/Field Equip. It & Office Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing Transport Nutrition Medical/Hygiene Kits Fuel & Lubricants Nutrition Pharmaceuticals It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Water And Sanitation Printing Printing Education Supplies Printing Medical/Hygiene Kits Transport Medical/Hygiene Kits Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Nutrition Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Printing Nutrition Communication Equip. Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies Transport Printing Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals 171 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 53,121.11 72,540.28 144,776.11 141,587.89 61,410.04 39,933.58 42,480.84 141,290.57 305,230.72 265,517.54 146,345.80 31,802.49 44,538.70 222,790.24 100,362.79 118,148.22 269,818.66 59,052.81 99,771.59 47,939.52 55,975.00 72,546.19 78,039.45 102,545.60 99,848.41 70,903.54 113,086.15 135,735.40 112,394.24 40,591.01 125,720.37 48,748.90 264,337.97 51,747.93 270,191.52 160,986.26 33,852.43 110,351.95 47,500.00 235,001.80 30,745.40 160,800.00 39,774.00 33,000.00 4,481,947.09 299,403.30 89,914.15 45,937.30 111,076.86 109,961.09 95,477.32 53,665.92 211,710.68 37,832.17 115,674.31 64,935.90 365,241.58 159,750.48 99,291.54 115,543.90 136,165.80 114,879.27 52,055.80 224,338.39 209,172.96 60,930.68 115,165.51 58,446.74 69,907.17 120,587.89 89,096.14 136,797.90 148,563.91 130,052.39 193,487.72 94,810.93 41,314.45 85,916.43 52,804.90 226,268.55 45,144.87 39,478.62 134,274.07 306,538.85 34,866.51 212,428.54 969,101.78 56,147.00 50,304.71 37,659.41 58,201.77 73,073.09 51,669.70 88,375.19 176,789.73 241,528.44 48,767.56 125,973.36 34,105.88 96,999.54 33,953.22 34,662.70 79,273.48 105,742.82 82,210.29 62,528.15 487,310.17 35,395.28 70,174.95 86,666.04 32,016.90 56,561.62 60,738.44 122,318.38 72,109.22 53,515.65 121,563.53 38,787.62 75,669.22 85,446.74 653,810.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Mexico Mexico Moldova Rep of Moldova Rep of Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Namibia Namibia Namibia Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Prov.De Arts. De Pap.Y Comp.Sadecv Education Supplies Tony Tiendas, S. A. De C. V. Education Supplies Combinatul Poligrafic Printing Moldagroproduct Srl Nutrition Anun Center Co., Ltd Education Supplies Best Color International Co., Ltd Printing Buural Sutai Co., Ltd Water And Sanitation Modens Co., Ltd Water And Sanitation Mon Chemo Co., Ltd Water And Sanitation Nomin Trading Co., Ltd It & Office Supplies Sansudai Co., Ltd Education Supplies Shijir Impex Co., Ltd Education Supplies Terkhiin Undraa Co., Ltd Water And Sanitation Efel Motors D.O.O. Transport Academie Regionale De L'Education Et La Formation De Tanger-Tetouan It & Office Supplies Manum Education Supplies Mjb Creation Printing Proelma Water And Sanitation Scandinavian Auto Maroc Transport Academica, Lda Printing Afritool (Pty) Ltd Transport Agro Alfa, S.A.R.L. Water And Sanitation Brithol Michcoma (Moc) Lda. Printing Casa Karsandas, Lda Transport Dataserv Lda It & Office Supplies Industria Madeireira De Mocambique Education Supplies J. Martins Marques & C. Lda Transport Leima Consultoria, Trading Printing Movarte - Moveis E Arte Education Supplies Officemart Ltd Education Supplies Plural Editores, Lda Education Supplies Randcom, Lda Education Supplies Serigrafia Aquarius Printing Serigrafia Crescente Clothing & Footwear Sonil Moz, Lda Shelter/Field Equip. Spectrum Graphics Limitada Printing Tipografia Litografia Globo, Lda Education Supplies Unibasma, Lda Shelter/Field Equip. Aa Pharmacy Medical Equipment Atlas Resources Co. Ltd. Education Supplies Baho Pipes And Pipes Accessories Water And Sanitation Basin International Ltd. Clothing & Footwear Basin International Ltd. Identific. & Signage Basin International Ltd. Shelter/Field Equip. Basin International Ltd. Warehousing Community Development Association Water And Sanitation Dagon Hand-Pump Manufacture Water And Sanitation Dynamic Engineering & Gen.Trading Co., Ltd (Global Service Interlink C Water And Sanitation Empire Printing And Publishing (Thiri Thandar Company Limited) Printing Ever Superior Engineering & Services Co., Ltd. (E.S.E Co., Ltd) Communication Equip. K.T.A Leather Bags Maker Warehousing Kaung Myat Kabar Trading Co., Ltd. Water And Sanitation Ko Zaw Naing (Generator Sales And Service) Water And Sanitation Mahar Kyaw Department Store Clothing & Footwear Mahar Kyaw Department Store Education Supplies Mahar Kyaw Department Store Identific. & Signage Mahar Kyaw Department Store Medical Equipment Mahar Kyaw Department Store Shelter/Field Equip. Mahar Kyaw Department Store Water And Sanitation Mahar Swe Printing & Advertising Printing Man International Co., Ltd. Printing Mercury Offset Printing Printing Minmahar Industry Company Limited Education Supplies Minmahar Industry Company Limited Transport Minmahar Industry Company Limited Water And Sanitation Moe Kaung Kin Offset Printing Multi-Vortex Trading Co., Ltd. Education Supplies Myanmar Ceramic Society (Mcs) Water And Sanitation Myanmar Pipes & Accessories Co.,Ltd Water And Sanitation New Telesonic (May Thu Trading) It & Office Supplies New Telesonic Wood & Gen.Prod.Trade It & Office Supplies Ocean Glory Limited It & Office Supplies Ocean Glory Limited Medical Equipment Ocean Glory Limited (Leerungruang Steel Co.,Ltd) It & Office Supplies Pacific Group Limited It & Office Supplies Pacific Group Limited Medical Equipment Shay Saung Printing Press Printing Shwe Htee Press Printing Shwe Naing Ngan Printing House Printing Silver Lion Industrial Co., Ltd. Water And Sanitation Tauk Tun Intl' Sports Co., Ltd.(Winner) Education Supplies Tin Tun Oo & Brothers Co. Ltd. Water And Sanitation U Kaday Htike General Mechanical Works Laboratory Supplies U Khin Sein Lin Pottery (Zawgyi Pottery) Water And Sanitation Unicorn Industries Company Limited Clothing & Footwear Yee Shin Co. Ltd. Medical Equipment John Meinert Printing Namibia Sanitation Solutions Water And Sanitation Solitaire Press Cc Printing Format Printing Press Printing Gem Plasticrafts (P) Ltd. Water And Sanitation Instant Meal Pvt. Ltd. Nutrition L. J. Imporium Clothing & Footwear Max International It & Office Supplies Nepal Tent & Tarpauline Pvt. Ltd. Shelter/Field Equip. Pancha Kanya Plastic Industries P. Ltd. Water And Sanitation Prudent Meditech International Medical Equipment Quality Printers (Pvt) Ltd. Printing Sagun Printing Press Printing Sewa Printing Press Printing Sheela Printers Printing Tri-Shakti Traders Clothing & Footwear Universal Furniture Industries It & Office Supplies Abbott Logistics B.V. Pharmaceuticals Development And Relief Corporation Laboratory Supplies Development And Relief Corporation Medical Equipment Development And Relief Corporation Drc Diagnostic Test Kits Development And Relief Corporation Drc Laboratory Supplies Erasmus Antiquariaat En Boekhandel Printing Ida Foundation- International Dispe Pharmaceuticals Jansen Venneboer B.V. Water And Sanitation Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. Pharmaceuticals Santpoort Project Supplies Warehousing Simed International B.V. Medical Equipment The Medical Export Group Bv Medical Equipment The Medical Export Group Bv Medical Renewable Vizada B.V. Communication Equip. Casa Pellas, S.A. Transport Comtech, S. A. It & Office Supplies Gbm De Nicaragua, S. A. It & Office Supplies Hermoso Y Vigil S. A. It & Office Supplies 172 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 113,406.35 36,674.30 81,349.84 1,733,616.76 30,214.34 54,466.87 93,677.62 31,294.08 45,423.24 31,936.34 53,510.30 46,153.91 44,728.06 32,842.81 177,132.07 46,022.46 50,883.23 68,317.61 36,704.58 200,752.08 565,661.67 35,128.05 157,357.41 101,513.87 72,882.93 77,750.00 58,829.51 78,667.09 249,947.97 304,621.67 527,956.00 166,897.70 116,416.82 66,136.76 265,192.08 183,952.07 30,989.33 383,463.56 96,673.00 30,704.60 36,530.05 94,410.54 137,692.42 177,523.94 400,084.00 31,112.50 34,200.00 805,982.34 182,409.60 33,660.00 69,440.00 38,962.50 50,570.00 190,955.79 74,636.60 116,075.35 197,048.15 99,125.56 1,010,843.60 52,945.29 598,785.23 75,357.00 205,425.00 225,410.00 371,000.00 155,262.32 55,312.40 220,000.00 1,177,751.62 116,950.00 183,873.00 119,034.50 34,398.00 101,578.00 75,250.00 47,870.00 201,358.00 40,408.00 771,340.48 45,920.00 49,717.80 62,400.00 38,750.00 84,755.93 56,433.50 172,229.00 204,984.40 67,714.39 109,544.65 98,619.91 39,059.14 96,570.45 60,561.53 54,165.00 48,567.95 60,226.35 44,479.31 104,177.74 47,536.77 140,170.11 35,838.46 34,438.33 63,208.99 995,935.69 1,271,646.27 153,416.58 61,970.07 618,576.11 68,114.19 307,597.45 260,085.77 343,454.24 58,356.00 239,318.70 3,390,252.67 59,466.81 74,327.50 72,164.81 67,078.43 44,144.68 33,900.65 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Nicaragua Nicaragua Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Niger Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) La Prensa Microsa Buropa Papeter E.B.N.M. Niger Meubles Ebbd-Entreprise Btp H Et Menui, Allu MeTal Et Bois El Hamissou Kalla Etablissement Academie Ets Hassane Salifou Ali Ets Joseph R. Aouad Ets Mag Niger Impression Graphitec Groupe Sanecom Hamdallaye Meubles Imprimerie Albarka Imprimerie Bon Beri Imprimerie Express Imprimerie Imb Librairie Nigemat Nouvelle Imprimerie Du Niger Ousmane Issoufou Point Services Sarl U Repro Services Sta (Societe De Transformation Alimentaire) Total Niger Unifam (Unite Nigerienne De Fabrication)/ El Hadji Yahaya Moussa Unilever Niger S.A Yaou Adamou Anene Franco Brothers (Nig.) Ltd Petra Digital Press Yaliam Press Limited Compact As Laerdal Medical A/S O.B. Wiik As Polynor As Protan As Rofi Industrier As A. R. Hijjawi & Sons Co. Adwaa Al Basheer Co. - For Trade & Electrical Supplies Al Manar Modern Press Al-Abnia Al Haditha Company Al-Haddad Brothers Company Al-Quds Stationery Mfg. & Trading Co. Annahda Book Shop Arab Medical Instruments & Equip. Bci Inc. Computer Media Center El-Khaesie Co. Esmael Alawa & Sons Co. Hirbawi Investment & Int'L Trade Co. Hirbawi Investment & Int'L Trade Co. Household International Company M. Sun Zughaiar Company Transorient - Trading Co. Waseem El Khozendar Co. Agha Jee Printers Ajmari International (Pvt) Ltd., Akbar & Zikria Pipes (Pvt) Ltd., Al-Aziz Textile Print Al-Aziz Textile Print Al-Hamid Traders Al-Hamid Traders Al-Hamid Traders Ali Abdullah Enterprises, Ali Brothers, Ali Brothers, Arshad Brothers Bashir Pipe Industries (Pvt) Ltd., Bata Pakistan Limited Bilal International Enterprises Bmm Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. Buraq Surgical Corporation Colgate Palmolive (Pakistan) Limited Crystal Printers Decora Furnishers, Dilshad Enterprises Dilshad Enterprises Dotcare (Pvt) Ltd Falcon Furniture Industry Forbes Forbes Campbell & Co. (Pvt) Ltd Frontier Furnishers & Welding Works Goga Arts H. Nizam Din & Sons (Pvt) Ltd. H.Sheikh Noor-Ud-Din & Sons (Pvt) Ltd., Hamdard Printers Imgc Global (Pvt) Ltd. Imgc Global (Pvt) Ltd. Imgc Global (Pvt) Ltd. Imtcl Indus Motor Company Ltd. International Industries Ltd. Iqbal Stationery Mart Jafri Medical Corporation Jubilee Traders Jubilee Traders Karachi Surgicals Kawsar Engineering (Pvt) Ltd. Khan Steel Company, King Faisal Multi Sign Service Lasani Wood Furnishers Lasani Wood Furnishers M/S Instant Print System (Pvt) Ltd., M/S Islamia Trading Company M/S Khursheed Printers(Pvt) Ltd., M/S Nwfp Textbook Board M/S Quality Medical Services M/S Sameer Enterprises M/S Sameer Enterprises M/S Time Stationers M/S Variety Palace Mak Pump (Pvt) Ltd., Malik Nayyar Ahmed & Co Maryah Printers Mechatronix Millat Tractors Limited, Mkb Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd. National Tent House National Tent House National Tent House Nescamp Services Co., New Khalil Printings New Tech Printing It & Office Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Printing Printing Printing Education Supplies Printing Printing Printing Printing Education Supplies Printing Water And Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Printing Nutrition Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Printing Nutrition Medical Equipment Warehousing Medical Renewable Water And Sanitation Transport Printing Medical Equipment Printing Water And Sanitation Medical Equipment Education Supplies Education Supplies Laboratory Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Printing Warehousing Shelter/Field Equip. Diagnostic Test Kits Medical Equipment Printing Medical/Hygiene Kits Water And Sanitation Identific. & Signage Printing Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Water And Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Medical/Hygiene Kits Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Shelter/Field Equip. Printing Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Printing It & Office Supplies Communication Equip. Education Supplies Printing Shelter/Field Equip. Shelter/Field Equip. Printing Medical Renewable Medical/Hygiene Kits Warehousing Communication Equip. Transport Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Medical Equipment Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Identific. & Signage Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing Medical/Hygiene Kits Printing Education Supplies Medical Equipment Medical Equipment Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies Warehousing Water And Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Printing It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies Clothing & Footwear Water And Sanitation 173 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 47,641.18 34,957.33 31,688.12 36,944.94 129,458.44 177,130.17 39,030.66 203,261.95 43,047.02 67,559.44 63,165.94 39,807.07 158,278.30 257,057.63 54,256.40 101,351.98 67,956.31 66,049.13 90,382.91 35,870.38 50,408.35 79,102.30 2,640,933.35 151,613.31 321,074.82 64,565.59 36,590.67 40,219.33 112,328.30 65,705.80 502,513.23 112,252.80 167,843.52 211,100.83 45,484.74 31,793.14 39,704.08 30,474.21 55,977.18 54,118.52 30,407.29 74,753.69 90,593.58 74,433.96 33,576.72 294,661.39 147,296.22 286,218.71 326,262.84 365,065.30 119,497.62 30,622.01 89,770.89 32,771.17 37,185.19 145,434.85 131,048.76 62,962.96 87,444.22 42,569.83 60,431.92 46,225.97 762,581.29 34,287.31 215,779.49 46,473.08 42,465.50 353,114.26 641,541.21 58,543.27 46,055.00 57,780.56 82,147.95 115,447.98 230,245.14 146,700.27 59,087.01 39,399.94 59,303.65 83,412.42 85,336.25 618,279.36 545,118.80 40,246.33 126,205.49 50,095.80 222,770.76 59,006.91 34,173.49 101,741.75 34,154.33 34,149.02 155,422.98 56,716.32 41,978.36 135,748.11 63,796.07 419,417.82 54,944.60 56,601.26 157,885.14 34,078.34 59,306.34 41,795.54 92,030.70 37,280.13 57,810.00 265,042.87 52,804.92 30,796.45 48,389.92 57,057.93 42,370.33 45,963.12 106,028.90 263,433.90 660,788.14 501,572.75 30,412.30 87,222.82 82,756.72 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Panama Panama Panama Panama Pap. New Guinea Pap. New Guinea Pap. New Guinea Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines Poland Romania Romania Romania Romania Romania Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Russian Fed. Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Newtech Noorani Printing & Packing Industry Pacific Medicare Limited Perfect Scientific Traders Posh Wood Trade And Industry Prime Star Industries (Pvt) Ltd., Quick Process Quicksilver Instruments Rustam Towel (Pvt) Limited, S.M. Jaffer & Co. Sanaulla Textile Mills, Screen Graphic Shaan International Sigma Press, Printers, Publishers Style Furnishers Style Furnishers Swabi Hand Pump Factory, Top Star Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Towne Brothers (Pvt.) Ltd Ubc Convertec (Pvt) Ltd. Worldwide Equipment Services, Xds Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd., Disenos E Impresiones Jeicos, S.A. Grupo Q Panama S.A. Ricardo Perez, S. A. Tecnasa Ela Motors (Png) Limited Holiday Inn Plumtrade Exituno S.A. Industria Grafica Cimagraf S.R.L. Inversiones Y Publicidad E.I.R.L. Kinko´s Impresores S.A.C. Peru Offset Editores Eirl Acm Graphics Adarna House, Inc. American Technologies, Inc. Anssel Enterprises Anssel Enterprises Anssel Enterprises Anssel Enterprises Anssel Enterprises Aris Printhaus Central Home Furnishing Inc. Central Home Furnishing Inc. Central Home Furnishing Inc. Central Home Furnishing Inc. Central Home Furnishing Inc. Central Home Furnishing Inc. Cofta Mouldings Corporation Contrade Enterprises, Inc. Ctlink Systems, Inc. Delta Distribution Corporation Delta Distribution Corporation Early Learners Enterprise Ec-Tec Commercial Ec-Tec Commercial Educational Marketing Mentors Gem Stationery Inc. Ilaw Ng Tahanan Publishing Inc. Integrated Computer Systems,Inc. J.D.E.S. Enterprises Jb Sports Jerrmed Distributors Kutawato Central Hardware Long Live Pharma Lsy Pharma & Gen. Mdse New Armando'S Ftwear & Music Store New Daily Hardware Pangarap Sheltered Home For Disabled People, Inc. Toyota Makati, Inc. Transprint Corporation Warsaw Pharmaceutical Works Extra Mob Team S.C. Be Proffice S.A. Sc Gerom International Prodimex Srl Sc Libris Srl Vanemonde Intrade "Promedfarm" Ooo "Sp Business Car"Llc Ie "B. S. Uzhakhov" Ip Gabaraev Boris Khazbievitch Kairov Tamerlan Borisovitch, Entrepneo Kairov Tamerlan Borisovitch, Entrepneo Ngo "Vzglyad V Budushee" Oao Depo Computers Ooo "Stormoff" Ooo "Best Print" Ooo "Derbi" Ooo "Globalmed" Ooo "Globalmed" Ooo "Leader Sport" Ooo "Medolina" Ooo "Novaya Vitrina" Ooo "Pkf Alma" Ooo "Resonans" Ooo "Verdi" Ooo "Vivas" Ooo "Yupiter" Ooo Medex Pboyul Dauev Tamerlan Valeryevitch Zao "Kil-M" Zao "Ksil" Zao Szba Rida Business Star Creative Communications Engen Rwanda Sarl Hopes Media Interhouse Ltd Psi-Rwanda Quincaillerie Belecom S.A.R.L Rwanda Foam Sarl Aliou Diarra Atelier Saint Joseph Autoprint Cfao Senegal Elec 2000 Imprimerie Du Centre Institut Pasteur De Dakar La Maison Du Medecin Office Choice Water And Sanitation Printing Medical/Hygiene Kits Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Medical Equipment Medical/Hygiene Kits It & Office Supplies Medical Renewable Identific. & Signage Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Medical Equipment Printing It & Office Supplies Transport Printing Transport Transport It & Office Supplies Transport Unknown Water And Sanitation Printing Printing Education Supplies Printing Printing Printing Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Medical Equipment Medical/Hygiene Kits Shelter/Field Equip. Printing Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Shelter/Field Equip. Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Clothing & Footwear Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Medical Equipment Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Transport Printing Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment Education Supplies Communication Equip. Education Supplies Printing Pharmaceuticals Transport Medical Equipment Transport Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing It & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Printing Education Supplies Laboratory Supplies Medical Equipment Education Supplies Medical Renewable Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing It & Office Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Medical Equipment It & Office Supplies Medical Renewable Education Supplies Transport Nutrition Printing Fuel & Lubricants Printing Transport Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Shelter/Field Equip. Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Transport It & Office Supplies Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Medical Equipment Education Supplies 174 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 161,769.24 66,929.97 48,407.40 276,802.88 31,941.61 66,969.87 171,920.45 172,946.00 680,730.18 320,234.65 89,825.20 122,266.95 109,191.22 43,608.50 68,683.26 30,120.18 38,340.09 67,488.18 52,135.00 247,356.80 319,158.42 110,378.28 36,707.00 38,136.00 59,629.05 95,820.88 56,222.72 34,715.64 362,714.06 31,051.13 40,117.48 49,519.84 32,200.06 41,466.07 44,192.07 36,566.86 64,151.55 208,726.75 217,848.60 44,871.08 220,635.06 243,679.86 88,553.14 111,757.26 241,031.10 32,200.44 384,148.95 273,631.13 63,364.86 80,349.18 108,015.32 40,759.15 61,479.02 111,499.99 55,313.70 86,197.41 169,728.55 114,017.70 205,522.02 34,496.22 40,566.78 115,553.86 122,171.92 39,629.87 37,468.44 62,045.16 383,633.51 67,079.32 45,124.77 33,837.38 32,950.34 74,794.51 85,163.69 195,645.31 54,594.64 42,587.90 76,122.49 40,661.00 31,047.77 125,269.95 50,967.02 41,512.76 51,110.58 120,324.12 70,123.23 47,501.22 356,235.09 50,377.82 174,368.68 51,331.78 75,706.85 74,271.87 61,202.79 38,004.35 187,292.35 311,282.92 70,926.69 93,014.08 47,807.42 542,617.51 96,821.68 67,045.61 49,265.64 176,439.90 45,352.59 35,055.93 167,782.64 40,669.01 58,823.10 114,436.62 44,623.46 43,657.86 31,017.77 30,188.45 41,203.33 36,005.54 61,551.75 103,202.24 3,484,855.00 32,308.70 38,432.55 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Senegal Senegal Senegal Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Singapore Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia Somalia South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Korea Rep South Korea Rep South Korea Rep Spain Spain Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Senepres Siplast Sofica Cicero Mag Centar D.O.O. Radunic Tipografik Plus D.O.O. Twins A.A. Enterprises Adnan & Adel Mullah & Sons Ltd All Stars Sport Shop Chriskal Printing Enterprises Dels Enterprises John B Screen Modern Metal Furniture Company Ltd Musa Sharaffdeen & Sons Office World Print Point Limited Ro-Marong Industries Ltd Sierra Leone Cement Corporation Ltd. Sierra Leone National Petroleum Co. Lt Neotec Medical Industries Pte. Ltd Krka, Tovarna Zdravil, Sandoz D.D Tomen D.O.O. Al Aqsa Gas Station Bulaal Trading Company City Center Enterprises L.L.C. City Center Enterprises L.L.C. Kheyr-Doon Sagal Furniture Centre Sudi Water Infrastructure & Dev Group Total Kenya Limited Amawiwa Agency Cc Arch Chemicals (Pty) Ltd Auto Baltic Volvo Basf South Africa Pty Ltd. Bayer Pty (Ltd) Brand Pack (Pty) Ltd Brand Pack (Pty) Ltd Brand Pack (Pty) Ltd Brand Pack (Pty) Ltd Bristol-Myers Squibb (Pty) Ltd. Business Print Centre Ceramco (Pty) Ltd Colorpress (Pty) Ltd Continental Enamelling (Pty) Ltd D.H Brothers Industries (Pty) Ltd T/A Willowton Oil & Cake Mills Distribution Component Systems S A (Pty) Ltd Diva Nutritional Products (Pty) Ltd Dynamic Plastics Edeni Chemical Trading Cc Edeni Chemical Trading Cc Fresenius Kabi Genpak ( Pty) Ltd Glaxosmithkline (South Africa) Griffin Exports Cc Griffin Exports Cc Griffin Exports Cc Griffin Exports Cc Hissco Security Detection Products Impala Stationery Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd Indit Technology Distribution Jlr International Services (Pty) Ltd Lazarus Motor Company Lebone Litho Printers (Pty) Ltd Lippy'S Intouch Stationers Little Rock Technologies M & S Plastics M Projects C.C. Macsteel Exports Medfurn Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd Meraka Institute (African Advanced Institute For Inforrmation & Commun Msd (Proprietary) Ltd Multiprint Litho , Litho Print Specialists Mustek Ltd Eastern Cape Nissan Diesel S.A. (Pty) Ltd Nissan South Africa (Pty ) Ltd O'Kagans Brand Aid Omnirapid Pronto It Solutions Quality Products(Pty) Ltd Reakgona Stationery Supplies C.C. Reakgona Stationery Supplies C.C. Reboni Furniture Group Reboni Furniture Group Reboni Furniture Group Saficon Industrial Equipment (Pty) Ltd T/A Toyota Forklift Scan Water Sa (Pty) Ltd Seriti Printing (Pty) Ltd. Sterling Export Corporation Tarpaulin Bags And Tents The Ranger Production Co Sa (Pty) Ltd Thorex C.C Thorex C.C Townsend International Pty Ltd. Townsend International Pty Ltd. Townsend International Pty Ltd. Townsend International Pty Ltd. Townsend International Pty Ltd. Townsend International Pty Ltd. Townsend International Pty Ltd. Townsend International Pty Ltd. Toyota Sa Motors (Pty) Ltd. Tshwane Truck & Bus Co. (Pty) Ltd Uniprint Xco Sport And Teamwear (Pty) Ltd Xco Sport And Teamwear (Pty) Ltd Lg Life Sciences Ltd. Puyoung Ind. Co., Ltd. Standard Diagnostics Inc. Cartay Productos De Acogida S.L. Laboratorio Aldo-Union S.A. Ace Printing & Packaging (Pvt) Ltd Bata Shoe Company Of Ceylon Ltd Benham International (Pvt) Ltd Benham International (Pvt) Ltd Benham International (Pvt) Ltd Benham International (Pvt) Ltd Biomed International (Pvt) Ltd Bodyline Education Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits It & Office Supplies Printing Transport Printing Printing Printing Water And Sanitation Transport Transport Printing Printing Clothing & Footwear It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing Printing Water And Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants Medical Renewable Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Fuel & Lubricants Water And Sanitation Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Transport Household Technology Household Technology Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Medical Renewable Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Printing Water And Sanitation Printing Education Supplies Pharmaceuticals Communication Equip. Nutrition Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Warehousing Pharmaceuticals It & Office Supplies Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Communication Equip. Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Nutrition Transport Printing Education Supplies Communication Equip. Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Shelter/Field Equip. It & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals Printing It & Office Supplies Transport Transport Clothing & Footwear Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing Warehousing Water And Sanitation Printing It & Office Supplies Shelter/Field Equip. Transport It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Identific. & Signage It & Office Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Pharmaceuticals Warehousing Water And Sanitation Transport Transport Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Vaccines/Biologicals Shelter/Field Equip. Diagnostic Test Kits Medical/Hygiene Kits Pharmaceuticals Printing Clothing & Footwear Bednets/Insecticides Education Supplies Medical Renewable Warehousing Medical Equipment Clothing & Footwear 175 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 32,117.09 33,599.79 31,467.54 35,216.41 31,174.70 36,554.50 31,093.35 55,570.61 33,571.95 118,216.07 48,826.17 88,732.78 76,531.72 31,821.33 347,934.00 81,952.86 78,445.17 241,263.10 205,304.32 105,698.87 362,427.22 96,460.00 598,344.50 338,313.40 31,846.95 73,749.90 248,350.00 106,635.00 32,740.00 64,191.12 210,745.00 80,900.70 39,391.57 611,734.01 419,082.94 34,753.94 820,000.00 3,476,834.29 34,038.04 184,047.82 39,131.47 1,253,094.40 179,240.35 146,367.07 59,262.51 150,752.19 70,453.06 901,599.36 147,916.61 1,908,004.91 341,051.16 121,130.08 70,893.91 59,653.24 47,338.01 57,002.27 75,113.75 52,596.40 640,455.90 42,273.98 156,244.69 1,261,180.39 81,013.95 35,029.78 55,623.87 35,032.56 101,771.44 135,708.03 333,996.45 163,763.39 180,276.99 37,204.40 344,239.29 845,600.88 339,130.98 355,749.02 139,332.00 1,232,512.00 113,464.60 138,401.03 83,129.64 149,746.48 248,975.87 39,680.90 766,259.73 498,157.01 251,042.50 117,068.46 65,551.36 319,544.22 70,908.80 38,895.42 320,912.51 51,123.95 39,919.89 56,484.51 102,697.96 1,426,685.34 42,248.10 56,562.20 88,733.07 45,339.84 3,640,114.85 33,961.15 158,180.76 39,519.36 49,400.73 108,972.06 6,868,984.25 3,297,839.60 1,111,819.10 68,971.58 37,310.67 59,734.87 46,043.55 1,082,361.02 175,585.84 41,504.13 55,550.12 64,644.71 151,521.83 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Swaziland Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Brown & Co. Ltd. Carousel Moldings (Private) Ltd Dax Engineering Co. (Pvt) Ltd Dms Electronics Limited Fmj Plastics (Pvt) Ltd Gimhan Furnitures Gunaratne Offset Limited Hydromet (Pvt) Ltd Jaykay Marketing Services (Pte) Ltd Keselwatta Agencies (Pvt) Ltd Kobian Technologies (Pvt)Ltd L. A. Alexander & Sons Labmasters (Pvt) Ltd Lallans Sports Goods Mnfctrer Pvt Ltd Lanka Ashok Leyland Plc Lanka Jathika Sarvodaya Shramadana Lazergraphic (Pvt) Ltd Leader Stationers Medex Holdings (Pvt) Ltd Metco Trading Company (Pvt) Ltd Nalaka Exercise Book Industries (Pvt) Ltd Narah Stationers Phoenix Industries Ltd Pilot Stationers (Pte) Ltd Pilot Stationers (Pte) Ltd Poobalasingham Book Depot Premium International (Pvt) Ltd R.P.C Polymers (Pvt) Ltd Singer (Sri Lanka) Ltd Solex Engineering (Pvt) Ltd St. Anthony'S Industries Group (Pvt) Ltd St. Anthony'S Industries Group (Pvt)Ltd Sujith Furniture Manufacturers Technomedics International (Pvt) Ltd Union Chemists (Pte) Ltd Vanguard Industries (Pvt) Ltd Weerodara Stationery (Pvt) Ltd Wimal Engineering (Pvt) Ltd Woodman Lanka (Pte) Ltd Abu Hagam Company Ltd. Afnan Consultancy For Security & Safety Al Magari For Engineering Services Enterprise Al Mhameed Trade Co. Al-Azhari Makki Elsadig Int. Co. Ltd. Albaraka Plastic Factory Albatrik Trading & Services Co. Ali Abdel Elgadim For Investment Co. Al-Mashriq For Furniture Amira Printing & Publishing Arena Information Technology & Security Arena Information Technology & Security Azoom Plastic Factory Bishoy Trading Co. Ltd. Central Advanced Digitech Co City Sport Creative Designers & Screen Printers Creative Designers & Screen Printers Diesel Generator Co. Ltd. Diesel Generator Co. Ltd. Diesel Generator Co. Ltd. Eurochamp Limited Eurochamp Limited Golden Arrow Co. Ltd. H.M.R. Printing Press & Enterprise Hemedan International Soap Factory Hurria Printing Press Juba Supplies & Maintenance M &E Trading Company Ltd Mfi Office Solutions (Ss) Ltd Modern Sudan Commercial P. Press New Life Printing Press Nile Petroleum Co. Nile Petroleum Company - Nyala Nimuly Petroleum Service Co. Petrocity Enterprises (Ns) Ltd Petronas Service Station Rnet Technologies Inc Rnet Technologies Inc Sawah For Advertising/Hotelservic Tawfig Soap Factory Techno Relief Techno Relief Services Free Zones Co. Ltd Technology Of Submersible Pumps Tiba Oil Company United Engineering Services Cashbuild Matsapha Erg Swaziland Improved Care Investments (Pty) Ltd J&E Hardware (Pty) Ltd T/A Nhlangano Mica-Build Leites Motors Ltd. Macmillian Publishing Co. Mzuzu Contractors & Blockyard (Pty) Ltd Printpak (Pty) Ltd V&H Surgical And Patient Care Suppliers (Pty) Ltd Biab International Ab Dometic Ab Halmstad Tryckeri Ab Halmstad Tryckeri Ab Hemocue Ab Kanmed Ab Pumpex Production Ab Rantzows Sport Ab Sibir International Ab Signode Ab Smurfit Kappa Lagamill Ab Antenna Technologies Atar Sa Basf Agro B.V., Arnhem (Nl) Beckman Coulter International Sa Berlinger & Co. Ag Connectis Covidien Ag Crucell Switzerland Ag Dps . Dps Sa Dsm Nutritional Products Europe Ltd Dsm Nutritional Products Europe Ltd Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. K-Tron (Switzerland ) Ltd. Lanexpert Simplify Complexity Lemanvisio Sa It & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Transport It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Water And Sanitation Bednets/Insecticides Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Laboratory Supplies Education Supplies Transport Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Medical Equipment Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Education Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Education Supplies Warehousing Printing Medical Equipment Water And Sanitation Transport Transport Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Medical Equipment Bednets/Insecticides Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Transport Education Supplies Printing Communication Equip. Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Printing It & Office Supplies Printing Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Clothing & Footwear It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Identific. & Signage Printing Communication Equip. Unknown Water And Sanitation Warehousing Warehousing Transport Printing Bednets/Insecticides Printing It & Office Supplies Shelter/Field Equip. It & Office Supplies Printing Printing Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Identific. & Signage Printing Identific. & Signage Bednets/Insecticides Nutrition Nutrition Water And Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Water And Sanitation Transport Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Laboratory Supplies Education Supplies Cold Chain Equipment Education Supplies Medical Renewable Laboratory Supplies Medical Equipment Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Cold Chain Equipment Warehousing Medical Renewable Water And Sanitation Printing Household Technology Laboratory Supplies Cold Chain Equipment It & Office Supplies Medical Renewable Vaccines/Biologicals It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Communication Equip. 176 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 44,501.52 98,794.71 174,022.40 50,138.38 46,575.94 581,991.67 104,314.13 31,225.84 868,167.37 74,821.23 32,940.26 114,242.86 92,434.81 55,362.63 232,005.74 82,240.00 61,429.08 71,799.45 31,144.95 232,288.88 39,124.59 200,790.76 48,470.07 796,323.89 36,893.07 101,088.68 31,222.49 35,789.70 36,517.04 35,549.24 40,566.22 47,582.40 376,651.44 80,594.08 240,512.14 87,233.25 93,749.90 216,630.20 520,321.49 185,021.56 58,189.66 59,622.10 35,639.97 113,253.09 184,077.81 218,082.38 136,552.29 56,894.82 153,768.04 275,431.03 35,144.74 440,846.27 98,087.50 35,108.10 35,033.81 43,944.13 55,496.79 34,648.12 39,535.59 755,491.73 58,872.97 72,823.56 170,075.21 53,073.38 325,922.44 33,262.94 32,678.87 43,519.22 44,666.67 55,687.50 62,080.63 45,471.62 44,366.84 36,073.47 85,577.59 30,562.06 83,610.34 94,120.09 52,965.63 2,212,999.31 124,312.50 420,090.53 501,739.25 486,407.03 134,489.42 145,825.27 191,051.43 33,288.44 183,987.31 43,357.81 332,835.67 55,679.11 33,031.71 63,375.33 691,273.00 94,717.00 48,661.57 33,875.74 674,521.71 104,081.38 180,305.99 157,844.16 1,107,587.48 52,481.68 1,146,272.77 32,863.95 48,130.72 32,483,620.47 968,042.09 376,613.88 203,058.24 107,391.66 184,113,494.85 74,398.97 167,321.18 448,125.76 59,688.90 3,103,247.33 112,266.84 30,360.00 88,378.67 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Syria Arab Rep Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tajikistan Tanzania Uni.Rep Tanzania Uni.Rep Tanzania Uni.Rep Tanzania Uni.Rep Tanzania Uni.Rep Tanzania Uni.Rep Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Togo Togo Togo Togo Tunisia Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Medela Ag Merck Sharp & Dohme Idea Ag Nos Novartis Pharma Ag Round Office Schering-Plough Central East Ag Sedelec Sa Selfix Ag Swisscom Fixnet Ag Symetria Ltd Vestergaard Frandsen Group Sa Vestergaard Frandsen Group Sa Westwood-Intrafin Sa Who - World Health Organization Alhouda Company Al-Mounakkel Alraed For Office Equipment Baghdadi For Shams Heaters Digital Plus Hyperdist Hyperdist Office World Panorama Salhani Printing Est. The Syrian Saudi Company For Industrial Tpp: Tarabishi For Printing & Packaging Contrast Llc Contrast Llc Llc "Burkhyon" Ngo "Istiqbol" Printing House Llc "Polygraphgroup" Private Enterpriser Murodova Private Entrepreneur Kodirov Jamshed Private Entrepreneur Yusupov Sherzod Publisher Adib Swiss Centre For International Health, Swiss Tropical Institute A To Z Textile Mills Limited Jamana Printers Limited Omar Enterprise Shelys Pharmaceuticals Ltd Tanzania Printing Services Ltd. The Print Factory Ltd Advanced Country Education Co.,Lt Canon Marketing (Thailand) Co.,Ltd Darnsutha Press Co., Ltd. Datapro Computer Systems Co., Ltd. Datapro Computer Systems Co., Ltd. Eastern Printing Public Co., Ltd. First Interbusiness Ltd. Global Fleet Sales Company Limited Global Fleet Sales Company Limited Good Luck Steel Tubes Ltd. Hua Nam Printing Co., Ltd. Nan Mee Industry Co., Ltd. Nationman (Thailand) Co., Ltd. P & P Stationery Ltd. Pimolchai Suksakorn Co. Ltd. Planet Communications Asia Co., L Promotion Of Appropriate Technology Ricoh (Thailand) Limited Rockworth Public Co. Ltd. Romar Industrial Company Limited Romar Industrial Company Limited S.C. Stationery Industry Co., Ltd. Saengroong Books Factory Co., Ltd Saengroong Books Factory Co., Ltd Siam Integrated Technology Co., Ltd. Siam Quality Industries Co., Ltd. Sirivatana Interprint Public Co.Ltd Sun Sports Marketing Co., Ltd. T.K.S. Siampress Management Co., Ltd. Taxaco (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thai Sports Co., Ltd. Thantawan Industry Public Company L Vichai Trading (1983) Co.,Ltd. Wireless Device Supply Co., Ltd. Cfao Motors Togo S.A. Ets Ipacom Ramco Ltd Transam. P Sayara Atabay Pharmaceuticals Factory A.S. Aydogdu Ofset Matb. Amb.San.Tic.Ltd Bicakcilar Dis Ticaret A.S. Egeplast A.S. Fersa Matbaacilik Paz.San.Tic.Ltd.Sti. Omni Teknoloji Bilgisayar Sanayi Ve Tic.Ltd Tugba Canta San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Volvo Car - Grup Mim. Mus. Ins. Tur. Ltd. Sti. Yorum Basin Yayin Sanayii Ltd.Sti. Garant Pm Hojalyk Jemgyyeti Gundogar Yyldyzy Afroplast Enterprises Ltd Amla General Supplies Limited Bidco Uganda Limited Bidco Uganda Limited Bidco Uganda Limited Dot Early Childhood Development Centre Fountain Publishers Ltd Graphic Systems(U) Ltd Hass Scientific & Medical Sups. Ltd Hass Scientific & Medical Sups. Ltd Kava International Ltd Kava International Ltd Macmillan Uganda Ltd Magric (U) Limited Mednet Healthcare (U) Ltd Mukwano Industries (U) Ltd Mulago Hill Diagnostics Ltd Multiple Industries Ltd New Vision Printg & Publishg Corp Nile Fishing Co (Nifco) Ltd Pearl Textiles Ltd Performance Furnishings(U) Ltd Picfare Industries Ltd Poly Fibre (U) Ltd Prime General Supply Ltd Psi Uganda Quick Color Print Raps Uganda Ltd Roadmaster Cycles (U) Ltd Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals It & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals It & Office Supplies Pharmaceuticals It & Office Supplies Identific. & Signage Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Household Technology Other Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment Medical/Hygiene Kits Education Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Printing Identific. & Signage Printing Fuel & Lubricants Printing Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing Laboratory Supplies Household Technology Printing Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Printing Printing It & Office Supplies Printing Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies Printing It & Office Supplies Transport Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Printing Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Nutrition It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Clothing & Footwear Education Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Printing Education Supplies Printing Health & Nutrition Education Supplies Education Supplies Communication Equip. Communication Equip. Transport Printing Transport Bednets/Insecticides Transport Pharmaceuticals Printing Medical Renewable Water And Sanitation Printing It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Transport Printing Printing Printing Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Medical/Hygiene Kits Shelter/Field Equip. Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies Printing Diagnostic Test Kits Medical Equipment Education Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Medical/Hygiene Kits Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Printing Transport Shelter/Field Equip. It & Office Supplies Printing Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing It & Office Supplies Transport 177 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 491,026.99 430,020.00 93,113.69 22,086,511.92 109,960.84 1,922,850.30 120,200.39 43,068.60 43,515.29 123,749.00 111,078,016.40 731,000.00 492,413.19 817,277.88 305,354.52 71,454.56 38,760.96 50,373.14 36,455.10 84,399.37 32,820.56 30,204.30 143,500.11 39,587.07 30,051.49 306,075.66 37,517.09 85,075.15 57,534.25 33,519.45 139,905.19 227,813.19 41,461.30 49,429.31 36,527.87 87,460.16 5,479,448.26 446,524.78 45,336.87 338,040.00 304,281.76 54,004.61 430,080.56 38,556.60 138,717.19 167,896.86 175,369.40 650,537.84 226,552.85 79,968.64 587,513.47 901,850.00 102,040.83 225,547.82 33,854.99 56,138.43 594,720.00 33,338.59 87,654.99 145,481.14 35,662.33 203,033.95 538,156.73 169,352.11 116,711.51 335,031.15 119,171.29 40,560.00 45,963.12 78,163.04 212,552.43 416,849.98 44,510.87 184,485.60 49,729.03 30,261.72 81,281.57 38,292.98 39,911.79 36,560.33 33,700.00 295,439.02 42,946.57 32,597.66 72,864.90 379,976.96 37,654.76 51,677.85 39,478.84 68,908.33 34,193.88 65,519.86 37,744.98 62,377.63 120,099.63 186,262.05 56,395.15 47,972.31 43,260.99 94,203.89 54,770.78 30,059.79 321,023.01 68,307.69 50,217.98 46,633.49 283,220.22 318,960.56 137,642.30 35,129.71 67,585.87 596,676.54 38,184.03 51,884.48 137,666.11 121,021.25 36,966.47 115,123.61 51,029.71 128,192.99 423,445.77 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Utd.Arab.Emir. Utd.Arab.Emir. Utd.Arab.Emir. Utd.Arab.Emir. Utd.Arab.Emir. Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Shell (Uganda) Tata Uganda Ltd Techno Relief Services (U) Ltd Techno Relief Services (U) Ltd Toyota Uganda Limited Wiyeda General Suppliers & Contractors Ltd. Biomedinvest Ihcc-Ukraine N.Z. Techno Verso-04 Aegis Engineering Ltd Armoured Project Vehicles Ltd. Astrazeneca Uk Limited Avery Weigh-Tronix Limited Avon Barrier Company Ltd Biotec Laboratories Ltd. Braithwaite Engineers Limited Bright Light Solar Ltd. Butyl Products Ltd. Core Diagnostic Limited Cromwell International A Division Of Cromwell Tools Limite Dando Drilling International Ltd. Dawson Books Delagua Water Testing Limited Dulas Ltd. Durbin Plc Evenproducts Limited F. G. Wilson (Engineering) Ltd. Fairey Industrial Ceramics Ltd. Findel Education Ltd Freeplay Energy Uk Limited Glaxosmithkline Export Limited Hattersley Aladdin Limited Herman Miller Ltd Hesco Bastion Limited Hydrachem Limited Mallory International Limited Medreich Plc Morningside Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Morningside Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Nrg International - World Accounts Osprey Ltd. Paintmaster (2000) Limited Palintest Ltd. Remonsys Limited Scanna Msc Ltd Security Support Solutions Ltd Smartlogic Semaphore Ltd Sollatek Uk Ltd Sunrise Medical Limited Thales Uk Limited The Chartered Institute Of Logistic Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd. Wagtech International Ltd. Wagtech International Ltd. Alsur S.R.L Meralir S.A. Tradinco S.A. Accessbio, Inc. Airsep Corporation American Water Works Association Atlantic Business Systems, Inc. Atlantic Business Systems, Inc. Brodock Press, Inc. Cardinal Scale Manufacturing Compan Challenge Dairy Products, Inc. Chembio Diagnostics Systems, Inc. Ciphertechs Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc Cisco Systems, Inc Citrix Systems, Inc. Clarke Mosquito Control Products, I Colorcraft Of Virginia, Inc. Computer Network Solutions Earthwalk Communications, Inc. Elastec Inc. Emerging Markets Communications Fast Search & Transfer Inc. Gaumard Scientific Company, Inc. Gist And Herlin Press Globecomm Systems Inc. Gsx Groupware Solutions Hatteras Press Inc. Hewlett Packard Hewlett Packard Ibm Corporation Industrial Test Systems, Inc. Insight Direct Usa, Inc. Insight Direct Usa, Inc. Intellicorp Inc. International Business Machines International Business Machines Cor Ivci Manhattan Information Systems, Inc. Manhattan Information Systems, Inc. Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation New Horizons Diagnostics Corp. Nextiraone,Llc Oracle Usa Inc. Orasure Technologies, Inc Pfizer H.C.P. Corporation, Usa Premier Supplies Procter & Gamble Company Sap America Inc., Sap America Inc., Shi International Inc. Shi International Inc. Shunra Software Ltd. Spss Inc. Sybase, Inc. Tabatchnick Fine Foods Inc The Document Company Xerox The Weeks Lerman Group Weigh And Measure, Llc Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Co. Inc. Abbott Laboratories S.A. Abu Dhabi Medical Devices Co. L.L.C Activa Pharmaceuticals (Fzc) Al Ghurair Printing & Publishing House Co. L.L.C. Al Ghurair Printing & Publishing House Co. L.L.C. Fuel & Lubricants Transport Medical/Hygiene Kits Water And Sanitation Transport Medical/Hygiene Kits Diagnostic Test Kits Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment Printing Staff Supplies Transport Pharmaceuticals Nutrition It & Office Supplies Diagnostic Test Kits Water And Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment Water And Sanitation Diagnostic Test Kits It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Water And Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Education Supplies Pharmaceuticals Cold Chain Equipment It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Pharmaceuticals Medical Renewable Pharmaceuticals It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Cold Chain Equipment It & Office Supplies Transport Other Communication Equip. Medical Equipment Communication Equip. Warehousing Transport Laboratory Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Printing Printing Diagnostic Test Kits Medical Equipment Printing It & Office Supplies Other Printing Nutrition Nutrition Diagnostic Test Kits Other Communication Equip. Other It & Office Supplies Household Technology Printing Other It & Office Supplies Other Other It & Office Supplies Medical Equipment Other Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies Printing It & Office Supplies Other It & Office Supplies Laboratory Supplies It & Office Supplies Other It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Communication Equip. It & Office Supplies Other It & Office Supplies Other Laboratory Supplies Other It & Office Supplies Diagnostic Test Kits Pharmaceuticals Printing Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Other It & Office Supplies Other Other It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Nutrition Other Other Nutrition Medical Equipment Pharmaceuticals Medical Renewable Pharmaceuticals Education Supplies Printing 178 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 236,399.39 35,416.16 40,059.89 213,270.33 80,585.71 82,795.88 581,562.28 579,378.00 94,839.90 48,633.31 432,600.98 3,612,833.51 467,520.00 2,246,638.90 145,871.00 35,782.13 236,613.82 543,175.29 732,481.36 484,845.00 334,142.25 314,557.34 434,406.35 30,461.48 3,842,608.15 430,175.03 770,757.69 49,854.00 76,442.62 104,516.11 657,877.18 930,680.85 300,498.21 100,624.47 42,649.24 100,545.03 156,271.85 4,450,499.34 620,704.40 872,385.23 61,497.31 234,124.44 99,955.20 62,295.32 54,406.23 246,046.00 571,097.00 236,990.00 126,252.58 196,140.00 188,373.91 60,000.00 10,034,186.92 247,073.47 703,637.12 36,773.24 62,503.68 32,485.55 1,220,845.20 204,280.00 50,961.00 1,654,954.00 108,275.00 168,825.00 191,346.24 295,678.20 432,259.00 66,506.00 93,781.04 887,009.04 66,191.25 8,742,250.56 73,420.00 49,380.00 665,600.00 123,240.00 41,400.00 65,625.00 403,292.50 35,150.00 97,565.09 55,882.17 132,279.00 41,592.80 3,303,232.33 30,387.64 122,086.88 893,647.05 39,065.09 96,600.00 200,550.00 165,588.05 75,666.50 483,089.94 134,555.00 2,115,933.83 1,117,677.05 266,750.00 131,746.95 224,182.84 56,400.00 1,008,420.00 30,050.00 307,629.60 966,350.89 309,166.67 62,884.68 123,079.49 195,975.00 73,275.00 196,144.56 191,649.50 64,218.66 33,354.36 302,193.75 563,491.68 61,656.00 5,384,717.25 413,098.31 114,391.30 824,731.31 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNICEF continued Utd.Arab.Emir. Utd.Arab.Emir. Utd.Arab.Emir. Utd.Arab.Emir. Utd.Arab.Emir. Utd.Arab.Emir. Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Yemen Rep of Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Emirates Water Technology Co Llc Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries National Plastic & Building N-R-S International Fzco Western Auto Llc Western Auto Llc Aivego Ooo Attorlik Oao Rsobk Business Communication Centre Es-Print Mega Basim Memory Technology Central Asia Peking Northern Excellent Construction Simfo Pvt Telist Zao Cong Ty Co Phan Tap Doan Hipt Cong Ty Co Phan Thiet Bi Giao Duc 1 (Eeco1, Jsc) Cong Ty In Thuong Mai Thong Tan Xa Viet Nam Cong Ty Sach - Thiet Bi Va Xay Dung Truong Hoc Ha Noi Cong Ty Sxtm Ung Dung Truong Thinh Cong Ty Tnhh Manh Duc Cong Ty Tnhh Mot Thanh Vien Duoc Lieu Tw2 Cong Ty Tnhh Tm & Tt Kim Do Cty Tnhh He Thong Thong Tin Fse-Fpt Abu Alrejal Trading Corporation Al-Azzani Trading Centre Al-Falak Ali Mohamed Ahmed Alhubaishi Ali Mohamed Ahmed Alhubaishi Ali Mohamed Ahmed Alhubaishi Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed Group Al-Mahfadi & Abo-Miskah Co.Ltd Al-Maktaba Al-Rayan Factory For Fiberglass Design Art Presses Group 4 Securitas Yemen Husein Ben Husein Al-Hababi Royal Factory For Fiberglass Seina For Gen. Trade & Agencies Silver Filters Company Agritech Zambia Limited Alive And Kicking Zambia Amalgamated Steel Engineering Compagny ( Biogroup Zambia Limited Care For Pharmaceuticals Ltd Everbright Printers Kitchenware Industries Ltd Kroupwood Company Ltd Lamise Investments Limited Micmar Investments Limited Modern Press & Stationers Ltd Namron Suppliers New Horizon Printing Press Omni Africa Zambia Shreeji Investments Limited Tata (Z) Limited Toyota Zambia Ltd Versafile Enterprises Ltd A.I. Davis & Co. (Pvt) Ltd Capri Wire Products Chemplex Corporation Ltd. College Press Publishers Double Bridge Exform Limited Fabs Home Centre Hardware Centre J & P Security Services Johnson & Fletcher Kyloe (Pty) Ltd Leghorn Investment T/A R K Hardware Longman Zimbabwe Mega Pak Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd Printworks (Pvt) Ltd Sable Press (Pvt ) Ltd Sable Press (Pvt ) Ltd Strauss Logistics Limited The Building Centre Ts Timber (Pvt) Ltd Wedzera Petroleum ( Pvt) Ltd Xaton Limited T/A Redan Petroleum Zimplastics (Pvt) Ltd Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Shelter/Field Equip. Cold Chain Equipment Transport It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Printing Printing Printing It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Education Supplies It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Printing Printing Pharmaceuticals Water And Sanitation Pharmaceuticals Printing It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Clothing & Footwear It & Office Supplies Bednets/Insecticides Medical/Hygiene Kits Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation It & Office Supplies Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Laboratory Supplies Pharmaceuticals Clothing & Footwear Nutrition It & Office Supplies Transport Water And Sanitation Printing Printing Printing It & Office Supplies It & Office Supplies Transport It & Office Supplies Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Medical Equipment Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Transport Fuel & Lubricants Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Transport Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Education Supplies Water And Sanitation Printing Education Supplies Printing Fuel & Lubricants Water And Sanitation Water And Sanitation Fuel & Lubricants Fuel & Lubricants Water And Sanitation UNIDO Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Burkina Faso China China China Cuba Denmark Finland France France Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Ghana Guinea Guinea Honduras India India Iraq Italy Italy Italy Italy AMEX Export Import GmbH Josef Krenn Gmbh Miscellaneous Obligations OSAKWE AGRO Consulting OSAKWE AGRO Consulting PESSL INSTRUMENTS GMBH SOCIETE CHIMIQUE AGRICOLE BURKINABE (S.C.A.B.) Chin Fu Industrial Corp. SHANGHAI Industrial Foreign Trade corp Sichuan Guoli Energy Science & Technology Co. Ltd Pexac DAN Office FINNSONIC OY AFNOR Association Francaise de Normalisation HUMEAU Laboratoires BME Biomasse Energie GmbH BME Biomasse Energie GmbH BOSS PRO TEC GMBH DE DIETRICH PROCESS SYSTEMS GMBH Ge:Net Gmbh HAEFNER Gewichte GmbH Hydrogenics GmbH RUF GMBH CO KG SARTORIUS AG TSSC GMBH TSSC GMBH VOGELSANG GMBH Biogas Technologies West Africa Ltd UNDP GUINEA UNDP GUINEA Industrias Erazo FOOD & BIOTECH ENGINEERS (INDIA) PVT LTD Global Power Engineers and Green Fields Exports Nareman Automobiles AV Comm-Tec S.r.l BOMBIERI & VENTURI S.P.A. CONTROLS SRL Intertrade International Services Metrology equipment n.e.c. Bending and forming machines for me LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Dryers, for agricultural products Dryers, for agricultural products CARTOGRAPHY, NATURAL RESOURCES SURV Agrochemicals Wood and bamboo working equipment a Ozone layer depletion Industrial and power plant boilers Solid waste management IT EQUIPMENT/MACHINERY, OTHER, AND Cleaning machinery BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Alternative energy equipment n.e.c. MACHINERY, SPECIAL PURPOSE, OTHER A WOOD PROCESSING ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INS Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous Fuel cells Special industrial plants and machi LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, SPECIAL PURPO ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph Ozone layer depletion - refrigerati Pumps for liquids, other than water Power plants Hydro-electric generators Motorcycles ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph Ozone layer depletion - solvents LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, SPECIAL PURPO Vehicles, all terrain Recording and reproducing apparatus LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LIFTING AND HANDLING EQUIPMENT AND 179 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 115,649.36 243,514.00 410,476.09 2,081,130.16 75,365.00 167,495.00 40,547.17 61,907.37 88,585.45 212,222.98 309,202.70 50,381.87 32,649.01 56,279.25 30,995.89 31,359.25 70,615.72 43,759.15 30,989.91 82,343.59 44,645.94 53,337.77 99,736.52 31,700.48 35,225.30 258,773.97 86,009.67 115,811.05 449,955.09 161,182.36 89,710.31 50,686.65 114,100.74 65,706.08 92,052.31 38,609.33 792,903.02 61,994.62 30,910.42 132,498.49 53,250.15 31,055.57 73,276.22 41,883.53 32,215.05 66,881.70 36,926.60 34,659.48 158,678.58 135,547.52 87,874.72 35,459.46 406,788.11 38,920.44 54,072.59 52,325.31 106,422.00 87,134.44 254,600.00 58,185.00 969,990.00 641,227.60 41,698.00 47,325.00 98,376.40 33,150.00 91,240.00 44,721.48 255,600.00 53,184.50 375,976.95 42,200.00 142,420.00 41,824.44 189,614.73 370,000.00 40,860.00 31,318.64 84,591.00 118,180.50 66,000.00 43,654.00 98,445.49 218,023.25 96,489.55 31,002.64 63,680.00 78,784.81 224,833.01 33,500.00 330,000.00 35,118.99 62,593.35 165,955.87 54,393.31 35,027.09 44,120.00 35,000.00 67,682.61 188,500.00 105,465.00 70,284.39 479,320.00 49,277.65 64,461.29 178,232.06 304,390.49 37,449.13 125,828.01 32,264.10 44,016.00 51,000.00 172,800.00 34,410.00 38,100.00 46,363.17 461,411.52 31,240.83 46,757.32 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNIDO continued Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Lebanon Lebanon Macedonia Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Portugal Republic of Korea Singapore South Africa Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Switzerland Turkey Turkey Turkey United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam ITALPROGETTI Engineering Tanneries and leather working equip SOVIMP Srl Lifting, hoisting and conveying equ TEC MAC s r l MACHINERY, SPECIAL PURPOSE TECMON S R L Fruit and vegetables general packag TORIELLI Rag Pietro C s P A Leatherworking workshop equipment TORIELLI Rag Pietro C s P A Machinery for preparing, tanning or Waldner S.r.L Fumehoods Asada Corporation ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph Al Ruba Company Ltd Forklift trucks and other works tru Al Ruba Company Ltd Generators, power Al-Hada'a General Trading Company Generators INTERTECH BATINORM SAL Food processing equipment INTERTECH BATINORM SAL Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous ARIAZONE INTERNATIONAL EUROPE ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph MOTORCARE LDA MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESS MOTORCARE LDA MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESS TOYOTA DE MOCAMBIQUE SARL MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESS POP VRIEND SEEDS B.V. Seeds, vegetable Tamson Instruments BV LABORATORY EQUIPMENT VOF Schinfa Handelsonderneming MACHINE TOOLS COPRINTEC Com Equip P Ind Calcado SA Tools for leather industry WON HI TECH CORP ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph Agilent Technologies Singapore LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LOTTERING AUC CC LABORATORY EQUIPMENT COMERCIAL J. HUETE S.L ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph COMERCIAL J. HUETE S.L ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph EDIBON International S A Workshop tools and equipment mainte TST STAG S A MACHINE TOOLS TST STAG S A ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph TST STAG S A Ozone layer depletion - refrigerati TST STAG S A Refrigerant compressors Uster Technologies AG Textile working machinery Erciyes University Engineering Faculty Mechanical Engineering Departme Hydrogen generators SOLEN Solar Enerji Sistemleri Sanayi. ve Tic. A.S. Photocells Soyut Yapi ve Muhendislik A.S Wind mills and wind motors ALVAN BLANCH Agriproduct processing ALVAN BLANCH Agriproduct processing CROMWELL International Tools Limited COMPUTER CENTRES CROMWELL International Tools Limited Metal working machine tools, manual CROMWELL International Tools Limited Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., p CROMWELL International Tools Limited Tool kits EAGLE Scientific Ltd LABORATORY EQUIPMENT EAGLE Scientific Ltd LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Labquip Projects Limited LABORATORY EQUIPMENT MEDIWORLD LTD LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Proptek Ltd ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph Pure Energy Centre Hydrogen Receptors Security Systems Computer network communication equi Toyota Gibralter Stockholdings Ltd Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, Olam Tanzania Ltd Food processing equipment Kwaplah International Inc. Pick-ups, 4WD, petrol, double cab Kwaplah International Inc. Pick-ups, 4WD, petrol, double cab Kwaplah International Inc. Pick-ups, 4WD, petrol, double cab Pressure Products Industries Compressors RTI Technologies, Inc. ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances) ph VIETTEL CORPORATION Project management, IT related VIETTEL CORPORATION Project management, IT related VIETTEL CORPORATION Project management, IT related 43,881.86 44,261.87 369,300.00 201,674.99 66,030.30 321,293.11 97,676.51 171,245.00 46,820.00 42,950.00 99,874.82 209,250.00 59,085.00 61,183.01 139,450.13 33,887.47 211,269.32 62,601.12 38,827.03 88,626.45 34,497.19 30,662.99 50,068.01 35,471.67 115,226.22 460,000.00 58,347.75 138,345.41 310,789.24 186,746.00 141,568.90 164,325.84 300,000.00 88,026.01 85,000.00 160,000.00 65,000.00 62,029.76 43,555.55 82,921.27 67,102.43 70,886.08 56,279.04 30,837.14 76,608.15 114,858.01 1,151,844.99 118,742.91 40,511.99 30,000.00 32,111.99 73,600.00 32,111.99 57,820.00 60,000.00 432,790.00 508,399.06 449,000.00 UNOG Belgium Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Finland Finland France France France France Germany Germany Ireland Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Norway Norway Norway Norway Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland TELEVIC NV DAN OFFICE (EMEA) DAN OFFICE (EMEA) DAN OFFICE (EMEA) DAN OFFICE (EMEA) DAN OFFICE (EMEA) OXFORD INSTRUMENTS ANALYTICAL OY NAPS SYSTEMS OY SILLINGER S.A. DYNETCOM ICOM France SAS SMI SERVICE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL CARD TECHNOLOGY GROUP ASC (ARMORED SPECIALTY CARS) Gmbh VMWARE INTERNATIONAL LTD UNION MOTORS Ltd. UNION MOTORS Ltd. COELMO s.r.l. COELMO s.r.l. G.M.P. Spa FERRINO & C. Spa METALLURGICA ITALO OTTINETTI s.r.l SCANDINAVIAN WATER TECHNOLOGY AS SCANDINAVIAN WATER TECHNOLOGY AS ROFI INDUSTRIER AS SCANDINAVIAN WATER TECHNOLOGY AS XMOMS Foeretagsprofilering AB TEXTIL-EMBALLAGEN AG LACHENAL SA LYBIRDE HEIDELBERG SUISSE SA HEIDELBERG SUISSE SA MAX C. MEISTER AG SIEGRIST S M C LENOVO (Schweiz) GmbH LENOVO (Schweiz) GmbH DELL COMPUTER SA LENOVO (Schweiz) GmbH LENOVO (Schweiz) GmbH DELL COMPUTER SA DAREST INFORMATIC SA EMC COMPUTER SYSTEMS SA EMC COMPUTER SYSTEMS SA HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SA ARP DATACON AG HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SA HEWLETT PACKARD (SUISSE) SA ABSOLIS SA LEMANVISIO SA MIB SUISSE SA LENOVO (Schweiz) GmbH DELL COMPUTER SA LENOVO (Schweiz) GmbH DELL COMPUTER SA DELL COMPUTER SA DELL COMPUTER SA LENOVO (Schweiz) GmbH DELL COMPUTER SA DELL COMPUTER SA LENOVO (Schweiz) GmbH MIB SUISSE SA 34,337.35 58,848.00 30,530.00 30,578.00 151,608.00 76,278.99 40,442.00 39,035.01 78,250.00 79,775.24 36,982.25 37,735.21 139,121.34 1,891,416.31 163,315.20 134,322.22 104,712.04 521,015.34 165,408.80 37,372.38 157,086.61 276,262.72 81,938.63 111,570.43 185,117.80 141,771.27 55,643.07 36,988.69 31,853.79 102,398.52 151,648.35 71,328.67 30,294.12 39,215.69 60,613.00 120,960.00 70,317.78 84,425.00 81,339.00 133,765.16 57,756.00 88,024.00 50,669.00 31,979.63 35,969.43 161,341.67 90,052.94 30,451.11 34,313.73 41,749.12 62,083.00 89,707.59 62,328.00 31,923.08 66,091.71 51,684.31 62,328.00 97,504.58 49,146.01 62,083.00 184,084.30 Name of supplier 180 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement Description of goods (equipment) Audio visual equipment n.e.c., part Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Super-computers Super-computers Instruments for measuring temperatu Electricity distribution or control Boats, skiffs Computer systems, special purpose o Radio or television transmission ap Articles for medical or surgical pu Atomic energy equipment n.e.c. Motor vehicles, special purpose Software application packages Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Electric motors, generators and the Electric motors, generators and the Pumps, water Camping equipment Domestic metal products Domestic metal products Containers of iron, steel or alumin Camping equipment Filtering and purifying equipment Hand tools Sacks and bags, of a kind used for Carpets and other textile floor cov Tractors MACHINERY, SPECIAL PURPOSE, OTHER A MACHINERY, SPECIAL PURPOSE, OTHER A Machinery, special purpose, other Printing and bookbinding equipment Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Super-computers Optical storage units Storage unit accessories Printing and plotting devices for E Printing and plotting devices for E Printing and plotting devices for E Printing and plotting devices for E Optical input/output units, such as Optical input/output units, such as Transmitting and communicating equi Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers PO value USD Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNOG continued Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) HEIMGARTNER FAHNEN AG HEIMGARTNER FAHNEN AG XEROX OFFICE SUPPLIES XEROX OFFICE SUPPLIES XEROX OFFICE SUPPLIES XEROX AG XEROX OFFICE SUPPLIES NOS NEW ORGANISATION SYSTEM SA INTERSITAG BUROROY SA NOS NEW ORGANISATION SYSTEM SA NOS NEW ORGANISATION SYSTEM SA INTERSITAG BUROROY SA INTERSITAG BUROROY SA ROUND OFFICE & COLLECTIVITES SA INTERSITAG BUROROY SA ROUND OFFICE & COLLECTIVITES SA ROUND OFFICE & COLLECTIVITES SA ROUND OFFICE & COLLECTIVITES SA BMW (SCHWEIZ) AG CITY GARAGE SERVETTE SA EES LOGISTICS Sarl DELL COMPUTER SA DELL COMPUTER SA DELL COMPUTER SA DELL COMPUTER SA DAREST INFORMATIC SA COMSOFT DIRECT SA (SOFTWARE) MICROSOFT SWITZERLAND Ltd Liab. Co COMSOFT DIRECT SA (SOFTWARE) ORACLE SOFTWARE AG COMSOFT DIRECT SA (SOFTWARE) SWISSCOM (SUISSE) SA NEXPERT AG DIMAG ENERGIE SA. VISUALS SWITZERLAND SARL AUDIOVISUEL SOLUTION DAREST INFORMATIC SA DEFI TECHNIQUE LEMANVISIO SA LEMANVISIO SA LEMANVISIO SA PHILIPS LIGHTING SA ELECTRO-MATERIEL SA CISCO SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL BV NEXTIRAONE SUISSE SARL POINTVUE SARL LARAG SA SATIGNY BMW (SCHWEIZ) AG TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. TOYOTA GIBRALTAR STOCKHOLDINGS LTD. JACK ELLIS BODY PROTECTION RELTEX RELIEF SUPPLIES LTD. TRI-MED SERVICES LTD. TRI-MED SERVICES LTD. NORTHWEST WOOLEN MILS NORTHWEST WOOLEN MILS CISCO SYSTEMS INC MOTOROLA LIMITED Textile articles made-up, other Textile articles made-up, other Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for pri Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for pri Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for pri Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for pri Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for pri FURNITURE Seats and chairs Seats and chairs Seats and chairs Seats and chairs Seats and chairs Seats and chairs Seats and chairs Furniture, office, other than chair Furniture, office, other than chair Furniture, office, other than chair Motor vehicles, passenger, public t Passenger saloons, 2WD Forklift trucks and other works tru Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Micro-computers Super-computers Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages PC software, general ELECTRIC MOTORS, GENERATORS AND TRA Radio or television transmission ap Radio broadcast and television rece Recording and reproducing apparatus Microphones, loudspeakers, headphon Projectors Projectors Projectors Insulated wire and cable; optical f Insulated wire and cable; optical f Telephone equipment Telephone equipment Inter-office communication systems Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, special purpose Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Crowd control equipment Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for pri Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures, Domestic metal products Blankets and travelling rugs Blankets and travelling rugs Computer systems, special purpose o Telecommunication equipment, other UNON AFGHANISTAN AFGHANISTAN AFGHANISTAN CHINA CHINA DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY IRAQ IRAQ IRAQ ISRAEL ITALY KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA KENYA CHARDHI KAFZAR BUSINESS CO. LTD. JUBAILI BROTHERS KHLID SHOJA DAWOODZAY TRADING CO. LTD. A. ANDREWS & CO. (MAIL ORDER) LTD. A. ANDREWS & CO. (MAIL ORDER) LTD. DANISH INTERPRETATION SYSTEMS DANISH INTERPRETATION SYSTEMS DANISH INTERPRETATION SYSTEMS DEKO PARTITIONS LTD. F. UNDUTSCH GMBH F. UNDUTSCH GMBH FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG AL-IRAQ AL-NAHED COMPANY AL-IRAQ AL-NAHED COMPANY AL-IRAQ AL-NAHED COMPANY ORAD CONTROL SYSTEMS LTD. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L ASHUT ENGINEERS LTD. BLACKWOOD HOGDE K LTD. CMC MOTORS GROUP LTD. ELITE COMPUTERS LTD. FARM ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES LTD. FIRST COMPUTERS LTD. FURSYS KENYA LTD. MAKIGA ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD. NEWLINE LTD. PASCHAL SPECIALITY FILMS (EA) LTD. PASCHAL SPECIALITY FILMS (EA) LTD. PEGRUME LTD PEGRUME LTD SEVEN SEAS TECHNOLOGIES SEVEN SEAS TECHNOLOGIES SYMPHONY SYMPHONY SYMPHONY THE COPY CAT LTD. TRANSPAPER KENYA LTD. TRANSPAPER KENYA LTD. TRANSPAPER KENYA LTD. High Yield tensile deformed steel (10, 12, 16mm) for CEDBP project in Jalalabad FG Wilson Marapco diesel generators 65KVA/52KW for Helmand office High yield tensile deformed steel for construction of reservoir tank # 1 of CEDPB project in Jalalabad Ink and Inkjet Media Purchase of Sanyo Projectors Additional equipment for conference rooms one to four Supply and Installation of Four Mobile conference Systems Conference equipment Supply of Deko Partitions for open office Production of 20,000 IYB T-Shirts at USD 3.04 each (This OBPG raise to cover the costs under the 2 Production of 20,000 IYB White T-shirts at USD 3.04 each (15,000 Large and 5,00 X-Large) Medical Equipment for Joint Medical Services, United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) Medical Equipment for Joint Medical Services, United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) TVET/Eqp/Irq-01, Supply of Lab Equipment for the Instutute of the Foundation of Technical Education TVET/Eqp/Irq-02, Supply of Lab Equipment for the Instutute of the Foundation of Technical Education Supply of Laboratory Equipment Additional Access Control readers, locks and CCTV cameras for conference areas Supply of Generators for UNSOA Bulk filers. Supply of CMMF Logistics Equipment Supply of one (1) Truck Skip Loader and twenty four (24) Containers Indigo Press Printer Tractors for UN-Habitat Purchase of Hardware Equipment as per Approved DGACM List Provision of Environmentally friendly furniture for the staff of EO Purchase of Block-Making Machines Furniture for United Nations Support Office for Amisom Supply of fifty (50) rolls shatter resistant Ultra Violet Window Film Supply and Installation of Ultra-Violet Window Film Replenishment of Nortel Network digital telephone sets for M3904 Model for UNON Stores Purchase of communication Spare Parts & Accessories for ICTS, UNON Supply of Disk Space SUN Enterprise Servers and SAS Disks Supply and Installation of 15KVA UPS Units complete with cabling Supply of 15KVA UPS Units UPS Replenishment of toner cartridges for UNON Stores Purchase of A4 white multi purpose office paper 80gsm, 500 sheets with 50% recycled for PSS/DCS. Annual Paper Supply for PSS Purcahse of Sheet Feed Ultra Violet 181 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 138,238.55 89,148.29 118,987.34 50,963.86 60,863.31 45,500.00 64,910.49 103,056.94 91,743.69 48,338.96 32,709.29 60,739.26 76,442.64 32,709.29 79,648.82 171,306.59 77,897.45 69,296.70 44,053.15 31,555.00 33,116.88 43,878.12 50,824.18 48,302.87 33,324.63 94,154.86 78,727.68 160,377.00 160,377.00 120,521.50 310,974.69 34,426.46 30,595.00 118,619.63 169,172.28 125,000.00 40,950.98 43,036.96 32,132.70 30,461.27 33,686.24 48,202.52 45,770.03 292,115.00 60,726.58 71,494.31 61,314.84 37,150.18 44,049.29 33,198.50 258,395.55 43,757.12 99,000.00 47,274.30 50,018.14 44,049.29 49,418.25 32,002.01 40,000.00 40,000.00 63,660.41 38,041.21 64,345.39 101,026.67 56,772.36 35,794.37 150,885.37 93,931.42 103,500.00 46,602.81 92,798.48 36,986.00 110,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 179,280.00 179,280.00 324,018.12 32,112.72 60,180.00 48,000.00 62,835.00 30,463.70 33,000.20 105,752.53 380,913.97 1,274,023.00 549,390.60 35,000.00 60,800.00 71,695.55 73,804.56 338,400.00 495,000.00 833,400.00 232,550.00 141,362.34 34,871.31 32,899.87 109,101.21 733,808.73 319,840.00 40,000.00 146,064.50 139,996.86 57,504.51 57,335.16 67,295.19 48,858.00 67,474.63 52,602.76 235,841.16 83,492.46 86,126.94 158,757.55 30,770.00 45,000.00 67,385.96 75,942.50 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNON continued KENYA KENYA KENYA MAURITIUS NORWAY SOMALIA UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM USA USA USA USA Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) TYPOTECH IMAGING SYSTEMS LTD. UCHUMI QUICK SUPPLIERS LTD. ULTRA ELECTRIC LTD. RAPISCAN AFRICA LTD. DRYTECH AS AL AMIN ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES AMSTORE CD PRODUCTION LTD. AMSTORE CD PRODUCTION LTD. MARLER HALEY EXPOSYSTEMS PRESSTEK EUROPE LTD U-TOUCH LIMITED CISCO SYSTEMS INC. IVCI, LLC PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORP SOME'S WORLD WIDE UNIFORM Purchase of Chemical-Free Thermal Computer to Plate system Replenishment of Photocopying paper A4, 210mm x 297mm. for United Nations Office at Nairobi (UN Low Rise Vertical Platform Wheel Chair Lifts Supply of Security Equipment Supply of Food Rations Construction of 167 Core Housing Units Memory Sticks for Seal The Deal Memory Sticks for Seal the Deal Purchase of Marler Haley Conf. Display Boards Pearldry Plus Plates for Quickmaster D146-4-4 Motorised Projection Screen Wireles Ruters from CISCO for DCS Purchase of Video Conference Equipment, Tandberg Replenishment of Cartridge Toners for UNOn Stores Purchase of Security Uniforms UNOPS Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Aaria Middle East Co.Ltd Afghan Momin Astana Co. Ltd. Afghanistan Motors Ltd Aftech International PVT Ltd Ahmadi Son's Company Aria Maihan Ltd Aria Obital Logisctic Co.Ltd Azizi Union construction.co Copier LTD FARIDNABI Co. Ltd Hamed Warasta Hamed Warasta Ishanlar LTD Machine Traders LTD NATIONAL FUEL INC NATIONAL FUEL INC Quick Bakhtar Construction Company Tiger International Armor and Processing UNITED NATIONS ASSISTANCE MISSION AFGHAN 3M Argentina S.A.C.I.F.I.A. ABBOTT LAB.ARGENTINA S.A ABBOTT LAB.ARGENTINA S.A ABBOTT LAB.ARGENTINA S.A AGUILAR ALTEA TAURUS ALFAGUARA S A DE ED America Brindajes S.A. America Brindajes S.A. Argüelles Claudio Omar AXXA PHARMA S.A AXXA PHARMA S.A AXXA PHARMA S.A BIOFARMA S.R.L.. BIOTENK S.A. BYMED SRL Cimar Electronica S.R.L. COASIN S.A. Dainippon Electronic S.A DELL AMERICA LATINA CORP DELL AMERICA LATINA CORP DELL AMERICA LATINA SUCURSAL ARG DELL AMERICA LATINA SUCURSAL ARG DELL AMERICA LATINA SUCURSAL ARG DENVER FARMA S.A. DESCA TRANSISTEMAS SA Detectra S.A DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DINATECH S.A. DRAGER MEDICAL ARGENTINA S.A. DROGUERIA BIOWEB S.A. Ediciones Santillana S.A ETYC SA EURO SWISS S.A. EXO S.A. EXO S.A. FADA PHARMA SA G & B SRL HYNET S.A. ICAP S.A. Intrumental Quirurgico Faico S.A UTE KLONAL S.R.L. KLONAL S.R.L. KLONAL S.R.L. KLONAL S.R.L. KLONAL S.R.L. LABORATORIO AUSTRAL SA Laboratorio Elea S.A.C.I.F. y A. Laboratorio Elea S.A.C.I.F. y A. LABORATORIO FABRA S.A. LABORATORIO LEMAX SRL LABORATORIO NORTHIA SACIFIA LABORATORIO PABLO CASSARA SRL LABORATORIO SANT GALL FRIBURG QCI S.R.L. LABORATORIO SANT GALL FRIBURG QCI S.R.L. LABORATORIOS BAGO SA LABORATORIOS BAGO SA LABORATORIOS RICHET SA LABORATORIOS VENT 3 SRL LAFEDAR S.A. LOGICALIS ARGENTINA S.A. Malkok S.R.L Mall Argentina S.R.L. MEDIFARM S.A. MEDIFARM S.A. MEDIPHARMA SA MEDIPHARMA SA MEDIPHARMA SA Megatrans S.A Megatrans S.A NORGREEN SA NORGREEN SA PRODUCTOS FARMACEUTICOS DR GRAY SACI PROPATO HNOS. SAIC PROPATO HNOS. SAIC PROPATO HNOS. SAIC PROPATO HNOS. SAIC PROPATO HNOS. SAIC Proyecciones Digitales S.A Rayos X Dinan S.A RODOLFO EDUARDO FRISARE SA SAVANT PHARM S.A. Personal computers (PC), general purpose Personal computers (PC), general purpose Transport Equipment; other Computers, laptop/notebook Generators Furniture fixtures Paper stationery sets Container, office Computers, laptop/notebook Software licenses Laptop/notebook computer accessories Mobile satellite communications Furniture fixtures Laptop/notebook computer accessories Fuel oils, n.e.c. Gas oils (diesel oil) Latrines and equipment therefore Vehicles n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Portable Printers for passports and id cards Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Books, brochures etc. Alco-meter Security and Safety Equipment Electric Motors and Parts Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Medical / Surgical equipment Office & Accounting Machinery Surveillance/Control Systems Medical / Surgical equipment Computer software Computer software Computer software Computer software Computors/IT Processing Units and parts Pharmaceuticals Computer software Electrical Equipment Computors/IT Processing Units and parts Input/Output Units for IT Input/Output Units for IT Input/Output Units for IT Pen drives, Memory card Printers multifunction Printers multifunction Medical / Surgical equipment Pharmaceuticals Books, brochures etc. Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Computer software Computer software Pharmaceuticals Computer software Storage Units / Media for IT Projectors; Related Equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Computer software Books, brochures etc. Office & Accounting Machinery Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Machinery; Special Purpose machines to print passports and id cards Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Computer software Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment 182 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 178,020.00 93,000.00 112,892.88 153,523.00 67,024.41 282,267.71 42,914.01 42,872.21 40,713.19 37,665.00 32,832.83 34,374.10 83,003.55 54,859.00 30,952.10 30,485.00 175,819.24 78,000.00 70,500.00 54,800.00 33,346.00 35,993.00 129,440.00 52,782.00 31,305.50 48,825.00 32,098.00 67,542.00 60,915.00 53,280.00 49,686.99 35,600.00 2,382,600.00 32,963.47 155,179.20 30,073.84 31,822.78 40,834.92 36,635.30 746,956.50 4,792,724.35 123,841.32 39,673.70 63,579.00 65,700.40 30,143.58 138,536.28 50,603.67 33,710.81 55,796.80 135,850.00 303,736.70 6,687,161.70 73,203.20 93,530.98 74,690.77 160,983.82 638,276.12 819,808.00 211,830.00 50,771.87 66,817.64 79,402.80 3,800,000.00 48,300.00 1,065,925.00 685,100.00 49,545.13 128,493.36 47,315.65 44,898.79 330,720.40 957,034.00 59,920.22 31,880.00 165,760.00 94,500.00 175,782.00 31,065.79 34,697.55 50,612.64 571,291.43 1,089,734.05 789,825.13 35,202.27 40,117.81 1,036,717.11 745,121.29 1,225,055.00 143,278.90 30,619.89 787,069.08 31,400.00 4,248,545.64 50,825.99 336,205.11 1,253,579.37 1,139,000.00 65,732.30 31,125.00 45,995.48 96,797.70 49,043.69 53,367.24 211,049.16 427,480.00 3,419,840.00 41,490.82 57,381.04 30,023.38 32,672.24 56,238.54 61,916.04 76,473.68 137,007.87 82,334.45 106,896.55 193,054.07 41,730.59 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNOPS continued Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Australia Australia Australia Barbados Chile Chile China China China Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire Cyprus Czech Republic Czech Republic Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark DRC DRC DRC DRC Ethiopia France France France France France France France France France France France France France Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Hong Kong Hong Kong India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) SAVANT PHARM S.A. Sony Argentina S.A Tecnologia Educativa S.A TELEFONICA MOVILES ARGENTINA S.A. TLEU UNION TRANSITORIA DE EMPRESAS WENT S.A. WENT S.A. WENT S.A. CODAN LIMITED CODAN LIMITED MINELAB ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. Paladin Labs (Barbados) Inc. Videocorp Videocorp HAIER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CORP., LTD. HAIER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CORP., LTD. Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Import & Export ABBOTT LABORATORIES DE COLOMBIA S.A. ABBOTT LABORATORIES DE COLOMBIA S.A. ABBOTT LABORATORIES DE COLOMBIA S.A. BIOTOSCANA FARMA S.A. CASA HIGEIA DISTRIBUCIONES AXA S.A. DISTRIBUIDORA TOYOTA LTDA INVERSIONES ROMERO S.A. TECNOSUMA INTERNATIONAL S.A. SUC COL TECNOSUMA INTERNATIONAL S.A. SUC COL TECNOSUMA INTERNATIONAL S.A. SUC COL UNOPS COL/01/RB4 AFRICAUTO AFRICAUTO ONUCI ONUCI ONUCI UNIVERSAL TECHNOLOGY Galligalar finance LTD Euro Security Producta X3000,a.s BUKKEHAVE LTD BUKKEHAVE LTD BUKKEHAVE LTD CANON DANMARK A/S DAN OFFICE LTD. DAN:OFFICE DELL A/S JOHS GRAM-HANSSEN A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KJAER & KJAER A/S KUEHNE & NAGEL A/S NETCOM IT APS PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S Planson Europe Planson Europe UNICEF, COPENHAGEN UNICEF, COPENHAGEN UNICEF, COPENHAGEN Essor Equipements Radio Communication Services Radio Communication Services Trading Congo ALTA COMPUTEC PLC CENTIGON FRANCE SAS CENTIGON FRANCE SAS CENTIGON FRANCE SAS CENTIGON FRANCE SAS CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICE CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICE CFAO PROCUREMENT SERVICE HTDS ITOCHU FRANCE PalmElit SAS PEUGEOT SODEXA PEUGEOT SODEXA SNETOR CHIMIE Drager Medical AG & CO. KG Drager Medical AG & CO. KG Drager Medical AG & CO. KG EBINGER GMBH F. Undütsch GmbH Nowar security equipment Gmbh BIO-NUCLEAR DE GUATEMALA, S.A. COMPAÑIA DE EQUIPO MEDICO HOSPITALARIO COMPAÑIA DE EQUIPO MEDICO HOSPITALARIO CORPORACION ANALYTICOS, S.A. EQUIPOS MEDICOS Y COMPAÑIA LIMITADA INNOVACIONES MEDICAS INNOVACIONES MEDICAS LABTRONIC, S.A. MEDICORP NIPRO MEDICAL CORPORATION SUCURSAL GUATE OXI-RENT, S.A. PREQUIND SERVICIOS QUIRURGICOS, S.A. T.A.G., S.A. T.A.G., S.A. T.A.G., S.A. T.A.G., S.A. Techcomp Limited Techcomp Limited Adarsh International Amar Chand & Company Aurobindo Pharma Limited Aurobindo Pharma Limited AUROCHEM LABORATORIES (INDIA) PVT. LTD. Becton Dickinson India Private Limited Becton Dickinson India Private Limited Bharat Parenterals Ltd Bharat Parenterals Ltd Bharat Serums & Vaccines Ltd BR AGROTECH LIMITED CIPLA LTD Concept Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Cryo Scientific Systems Pvt Limited Doshi Medical Service Medical / Surgical equipment Computer software Office & Accounting Machinery Laptops & software, educational Pulp. Paper and Paperboard Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Pharmaceuticals Computer aided radio equipment IT Equipment/Machinery, other, and parts Security and Safety Equipment ANTIPROTOZOAL DRUGS AND INSECT REPELLENTS Projectors; Related Equipment Projectors; Related Equipment MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES Special Laboratory Equipment Vehicles n.e.c. HIV test kits HIV test kits Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Medical / Surgical equipment Processed Milk and Cream Vehicles n.e.c. Dairy Products; Other Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Office or school supplies, of plastics Trucks Vehicles, all terrain, truck, light Truck, fuel Truck, fuel Truck, fuel Milk cans Monumental or Building Stone Pouch bags Harnesses and belts, safety Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Photocopiers, medium volume (10,000 - 30,000 copies/month) Computers, laptop/notebook Computers, laptop/notebook PROCESSING UNITS FOR EDP AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF Iron and Steel Products Motorcycles Motorcycles Motorcycles and bicycles, parts thereof Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Photocopying machines, diffusion transfer, parts and accesso Office & Accounting Machinery Computors/IT Processing Units and parts Photocopiers, medium volume (10,000 - 30,000 copies/month) Antiviral drugs Antiviral drugs HIV test kits Laboratory Equipment Radio/communication equipment, solar-powered Telecommunication Equipment Iron and Steel Products Computer software Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Motor vehicles, parts and accessories thereof, other Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Security and Safety Equipment PVC pipes and fittings Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruit Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Plastics in primary forms, n.e.c.; ion exchangers Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Security and Safety Equipment Crime Scene Investigation equipment Flashlights Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Pharmaceuticals Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES Electronic Components Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES Special Laboratory Equipment Special Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Equipment MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES Medical / Surgical equipment Vaccines and sera Antimalarial drugs Laboratory Equipment Syringes, hypodermic, medical Streptomycin Streptomycin Drugs Affecting Blood Agrochemicals Allergy and diagnostic kits Medical / Surgical equipment Special Laboratory Equipment Antimalarial drugs 183 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 91,663.88 49,855.23 63,210.00 10,794,654.90 1,826,226.00 33,334.85 269,496.40 238,205.10 58,273.83 34,868.47 66,774.00 1,500,781.34 58,700.18 1,299,789.70 2,070,000.00 305,200.00 107,835.00 32,590.58 59,452.78 106,787.41 46,124.95 31,964.50 59,397.16 65,172.40 74,704.76 61,232.23 93,898.30 159,673.30 111,019.14 271,447.06 559,835.23 42,508.01 122,073.86 135,781.90 572,226.27 60,240.96 49,494.38 110,955.06 32,419.61 45,042.66 48,210.20 48,727.41 198,428.00 39,447.10 198,045.75 208,054.41 33,600.00 69,125.91 51,162.00 157,364.34 35,200.00 53,377.69 73,403.47 97,388.48 156,070.00 38,800.00 31,105.49 52,402.03 67,412.07 48,976.19 40,097.28 42,050.43 73,078.59 41,800.00 38,608.00 50,177.00 56,960.00 36,970.00 157,644.50 166,374.18 173,882.85 522,987.12 95,844.00 32,725.20 75,427.59 43,787.05 343,000.00 148,209.54 39,774.94 42,554.99 519,333.00 40,300.00 164,300.00 685,100.00 30,000.00 66,598.00 110,007.02 46,836.48 34,018.85 391,800.94 38,281.54 482,211.01 60,927.84 466,057.32 47,294.96 315,674.98 138,392.86 160,205.35 57,962.00 60,091.79 51,792.69 200,276.38 285,648.84 285,244.11 950,000.00 2,157,024.79 32,595.52 119,988.26 160,977.59 554,908.85 102,058.09 911,409.23 3,905,413.00 189,860.21 208,021.50 30,209.58 245,303.19 42,950.90 95,565.59 101,990.44 34,314.59 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNOPS continued India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Ireland Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) GHARDA CHEMICALS LIMITED GHARDA CHEMICALS LIMITED GHARDA CHEMICALS LIMITED Haier Appliances(India) Pvt. Limited Hetero Drugs Limited Hetero Drugs Limited Hetero Drugs Limited Hetero Drugs Limited Hetero Drugs Limited Hetero Drugs Limited Hindustan Laboratories Hindustan Laboratories HLL Lifecare Ltd INBIOS INDIA IPCA LABORATORIES LTD. ITL Labs Pvt. Ltd. J. Mitra & Co Pvt Ltd J. Mitra & Co Pvt Ltd J. Mitra & Co Pvt Ltd LABEX K.K. INTERNATIONAL Lupin Limited Lupin Limited Lupin Limited Lupin Limited Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. MANCHANDA MEDICOS MANCHANDA MEDICOS MATRIX LABORATORIES LTD. Medicamen Biotech Ltd. Medicamen Biotech Ltd. Medispec India Ltd Meghmani Organics Ltd. Mitra Industries Pvt.Ltd. MODERN LABORATORIES N. K. Jain Instruments Pvt. Ltd. N. K. Jain Instruments Pvt. Ltd. PANACEA BIOTEC LIMITED Parenteral Drugs (India) Ltd Parenteral Drugs (India) Ltd PHARMIMAX INDIA Piramal Healthcare Limited Piramal Healthcare Limited Rajendra Electrical Industries Ltd. Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited RUSAN PHARMA LTD Sarvatra Technical Consultants (Pvt.) Lt SISCO MEDICALS DEVICE PRIVATE LIMITED Span Diagnostics Ltd Span Diagnostics Ltd Span Diagnostics Ltd Span Diagnostics Ltd Span Diagnostics Ltd Span Diagnostics Ltd Strides Arcolab Limited Strides Arcolab Limited Surgicoin Medequip Pvt. Ltd SVS Fine Chem Tagros Chemicals India Ltd Thermo Electron LLS India Pvt. Ltd. Toyop Relief (Pvt) Ltd Transasia Bio- Medicals Ltd. UNICURE (INDIA) PVT. LTD. Vardhman Electron Devices Vital Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. ZEE LABORATORIES LTD. ZEST PHARMA ZEST PHARMA ZEST PHARMA ZEST PHARMA Bilad Alrafidain Co. for General Trading Inana Energy Project Co. Nashita Information & Communication Taj Al-Zumurod General Constructions Co. MICROSOFT LICENSING LTD Aeolus Ltd Aeolus Ltd Export Erez Ltd L.A.D.M. Ltd. MAGAL SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD. Ofer Motor Company LTD Ofer Motor Company LTD Talcar Corporation Ltd. Talcar Corporation Ltd. BRUNO SRL CISA S.p.A. CISA S.p.A. CISA S.p.A. COELMO SRL VILLA SISTEMI MEDICALI SPA Ebara Corporation Ebara Corporation J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD J. GERBER AND CO. (JAPAN) LTD NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. Agrochemicals Agrochemicals Agrochemicals Refrigerators, refrigerators/freezers combined for vaccines Drugs Affecting Blood Drugs Affecting Blood Medical / Surgical equipment Vaccines and sera Vaccines and sera Vaccines and sera Kits, medical Vitamins and minerals, oral solids Kits, medical Allergy and diagnostic kits Antimalarial drugs Laboratory Equipment Allergy and diagnostic kits Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Binocular/trinocular microscopes Antituberculosis drugs Antituberculosis drugs Antituberculosis drugs Antituberculosis drugs Anthelmintics Antituberculosis drugs Antituberculosis drugs Antituberculosis drugs Antituberculosis drugs Vaccines and sera Kits, medical Syringes, hypodermic, medical Vaccines and sera Antimalarial drugs Antimalarial drugs Special Laboratory Equipment Agrochemicals Blood bag and CPDA Vitamin A, oral liquids Binocular/trinocular microscopes Binocular/trinocular microscopes Antituberculosis drugs Antimalarial drugs Antimalarial drugs Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Kits, medical Kits, medical Special Laboratory Equipment Drugs Affecting Blood Vaccines and sera Vaccines and sera Drugs Affecting Blood Security and Safety Equipment Syringes, hypodermic, medical Allergy and diagnostic kits Allergy and diagnostic kits Allergy and diagnostic kits Allergy and diagnostic kits Allergy and diagnostic kits HIV test kits Antituberculosis drugs Antituberculosis drugs Special Laboratory Equipment Chemicals for laboratory Agrochemicals Laboratory Equipment Tarpaulins MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES Kits, medical Laboratory Equipment Pharmaceuticals Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Antibacterial, other, oral solids Antibacterial, other, oral solids Drugs Affecting Blood Pharmaceuticals Electrical Equipment Water treatment Computors/IT Processing Units and parts Electrical Equipment Software licenses Protective clothes/accessories kit Safety cabinets Batons, wooden, military Gloves, mittens and mitts of leather or of composition leather SECURITY AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT Motorcycles Motorcycles Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Generators Adquisición de equipamiento medico y complementario para el Instituto Nacional del Corazón (INCOR Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Generators, air cooled Medical / Surgical equipment Water treatment plant Water treatment plant Motor vehicles, parts and accessories thereof, other Motorcycles Motorcycles Motorcycles Motorcycles Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Motorcycles, exceeding 50 cc but not 250 cc Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor vehicles, parts and accessories thereof, other Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc 184 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 279,885.13 338,694.76 379,076.93 140,825.21 1,289,848.08 1,639,676.93 387,599.06 255,286.13 326,309.02 24,485,714.24 6,864,719.84 310,427.41 2,660,253.43 493,740.00 53,528.75 82,711.52 270,910.56 129,942.43 135,892.41 110,704.79 122,498.21 298,480.26 1,641,149.84 2,591,830.07 30,272.05 59,399.12 59,399.12 93,792.20 178,708.14 3,243,396.30 810,510.95 4,782,281.49 403,293.58 303,021.59 530,287.76 350,479.30 173,155.20 5,158,687.54 371,730.30 58,333.78 230,505.32 619,124.49 105,183.59 167,846.15 103,465.13 12,030,335.10 20,800,455.88 103,431.95 4,138,107.70 823,512.25 1,183,535.76 1,569,817.60 91,500.00 99,489.30 127,617.15 325,192.30 589,781.68 723,208.25 750,943.03 5,023,308.11 1,919,043.32 2,554,590.61 87,460.99 54,328.44 534,429.59 65,753.62 30,075.00 290,239.67 2,187,948.50 36,761.32 380,029.96 44,028.82 173,897.55 561,828.87 40,509.08 249,405.89 33,060.00 31,674.44 226,850.00 190,345.00 141,577.92 42,394.74 31,766.58 54,000.00 37,943.74 300,596.00 90,636.79 591,173.47 49,297.29 91,200.00 89,433.75 106,154.60 807,720.17 1,015,951.62 79,186.39 429,900.12 103,671.97 505,667.51 84,092.93 44,516.13 54,555.70 92,892.56 320,307.35 33,702.73 35,625.31 45,112.56 97,644.63 109,424.15 141,932.77 142,322.95 169,017.63 479,818.57 165,761.88 482,228.74 43,147.23 43,283.19 43,283.19 38,076.03 44,233.47 44,883.77 53,083.33 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNOPS continued Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. NISSAN TRADING Co.,LTD. 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Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Ambulances, 2WD Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor vehicles, parts and accessories thereof, other Motor vehicles, parts and accessories thereof, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Motor vehicles, passenger, other Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain 185 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 55,987.39 32,995.87 33,509.68 35,538.21 36,839.42 37,030.05 37,318.20 38,735.28 40,414.04 40,772.68 41,161.76 41,758.58 72,848.30 90,564.05 218,157.82 309,377.28 32,823.92 32,823.92 49,081.61 247,067.28 77,495.87 33,201.61 33,231.45 36,879.58 39,377.10 39,637.70 41,273.11 42,147.09 45,108.32 49,562.17 51,577.59 55,098.68 56,518.91 62,795.81 76,678.95 102,371.71 107,423.69 117,436.60 120,456.16 193,595.21 249,257.67 253,000.52 272,668.88 272,668.88 316,992.97 462,200.11 597,865.45 30,002.09 46,008.40 40,935.01 53,222.35 36,978.66 49,235.60 52,208.67 77,524.79 82,233.07 83,814.08 89,305.23 184,893.49 847,494.74 30,215.91 30,533.78 30,632.63 30,725.85 30,864.01 30,992.84 31,021.04 31,043.19 31,144.17 31,468.64 32,021.67 33,329.78 33,468.64 33,507.85 33,689.88 33,730.90 34,239.73 35,866.74 37,804.37 38,002.04 38,292.43 38,664.62 38,971.37 40,769.74 41,444.79 41,472.87 41,761.26 41,805.79 41,857.94 42,680.67 43,065.79 44,075.95 45,322.31 49,797.23 50,147.76 50,639.92 52,721.34 53,285.12 53,931.82 60,020.45 60,843.51 64,012.61 72,597.14 75,783.56 79,417.76 86,385.48 103,474.51 124,026.58 127,221.48 134,623.48 185,226.99 212,954.73 223,877.80 279,666.32 291,459.29 1,371,232.25 31,717.61 32,258.03 32,457.84 35,795.61 35,795.61 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNOPS continued Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo Liberia Liberia Malawi Malawi Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Norway Norway Norway Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Occupied Palestinian Territory Panama Panama Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (JAPAN) Glamour Digital System Dante Diesel Limited GAS MART LIMITED SPECIALISED FIBREGLASS LTD. SPECIALISED FIBREGLASS LTD. Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation STANDARD DIAGNOSTICS INC Elting electronics Ismet Visoka UNMIK AFRICA MOTORS PRESTIGE MOTOR CFAO MALAWI LTD CFAO MALAWI LTD Intermed SRL Intermed SRL Intermed SRL Intermed SRL Intermed SRL UNMIN IMRES BV IMRES BV IMRES BV Nissan Trading Europe Ltd Nissan Trading Europe Ltd APOTEX NICARAGUA S.A. AUTONICA, S.A. BAXTER DE GUATEMALA S.A. BüHLER PHARMA S.A. BüHLER PHARMA S.A. CASA TERAN CASA TERAN CASA TERAN CASA TERAN COFARCA S.A. DICEGSA Distribuidora Delgado S.A. Drogueria Nuñez & Cia Ltda. Drogueria Nuñez & Cia Ltda. Drogueria Nuñez & Cia Ltda. Drogueria Nuñez & Cia Ltda. Empresa Nicaragüense de Importaciones GENCO S.A Generic Pharma S.A. Generic Pharma S.A. INDUSTRIAS FARMACEUTICAS Laboratorios Ramos S.A. Rarpe Medihospital S.A. RIVAS OPSTAELE S.A SUNLINE INTERNATIONAL S.A. SUNLINE INTERNATIONAL S.A. SUNLINE INTERNATIONAL S.A. ROFI INDUSTRIER AS STORK PROJECT AS STORK PROJECT AS BCI BCI BCI BCI BCI Computer Media Center Ltd Computer Media Center Ltd Computer Media Center Ltd Computer Media Center Ltd Hassouneh for building materials&tools Hassouneh for building materials&tools Hassouneh for building materials&tools Lamasat General Trading Company MAAYEH MFG COMPANY Pal - Mark Group Pal - Mark Group Palestine Motor Company Palestine Motor Company Palestine Motor Company SHARQ INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY SITTCO Transjordan Engineering Co. Ltd. UNITED MOTOR TRADE CO. LTD UNITED MOTOR TRADE CO. LTD UNITED MOTOR TRADE CO. LTD UNITED MOTOR TRADE CO. LTD UNITED MOTOR TRADE CO. LTD UNITED MOTOR TRADE CO. LTD UNITED MOTOR TRADE CO. LTD Tetra Pak, S.A. Tetra Pak, S.A. A. TARRILLO BARBA S.A. A. TARRILLO BARBA S.A. A. TARRILLO BARBA S.A. A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA A.JAIME ROJAS REPRESENTACIONES GRLES SA AHSECO PERU S.A. AHSECO PERU S.A. AHSECO PERU S.A. AHSECO PERU SA AHSECO PERU SA AHSECO PERU SA ALCON PHARMACEUTICAL DEL PERU S.A. ASCENSORES SCHINDLER DEL PERU S.A. ASCENSORES SCHINDLER DEL PERU S.A. ASCENSORES Y MONTACARGAS SRL ATILIO PALMIERI S.R.L. Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Computors/IT Processing Units and parts Generators, diesel FURNITURE Solid hull boats with outboard motor Solid hull boats with outboard motor Ambulances, 2WD Passenger saloons, 2WD, diesel driven, exceeding 1,500 cc, b Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Allergy and diagnostic kits Simultaneous translation systems Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven Sedan, heavy Vehicles n.e.c. Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts CT scanners CT scanners CT scanners CT scanners CT scanners Electrical Equipment Syringes, hypodermic, medical Syringes, hypodermic, medical Syringes, hypodermic, medical Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Pharmaceuticals Motor Vehicles and Parts Pharmaceuticals Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Iron and Steel; Basic Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Pharmaceuticals Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Pharmaceuticals Textile Articles made up Textile Articles made up Textile Articles made up Antennae, radio communication Radio/communication equipment, solar-powered Telecommunication Equipment Telecommunication Equipment Uninterruptable power supply, battery cabinet Computors/IT Processing Units and parts HP compaq original desktop Photocopiers, medium volume (10,000 - 30,000 copies/month) Super-computers Cables, electrical Fuel oils, n.e.c. Fuel oils, n.e.c. Kitchen equipment, iron or steel Lockers Bins, waste, pedal operated Utensils, kitchen Automobiles, utility vehicles Automobiles, utility vehicles Automobiles, utility vehicles Utensils, kitchen Shelves, steel, storage Automobiles, utility vehicles Automobiles, utility vehicles Lighting equipment Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Passenger saloons, 2WD, diesel driven, exceeding 1,500 cc, b Vans Containers, packing, other, including record sleeves of pape Containers, packing, other, including record sleeves of pape Medical / Surgical equipment MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT, OTHER MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT, OTHER Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Elevators and conveyors Elevators and conveyors Elevators and conveyors Medical / Surgical equipment 186 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 36,867.77 37,700.41 39,558.82 39,915.14 40,034.33 40,194.24 40,464.01 58,803.99 94,070.70 112,691.03 1,109,911.95 1,664,867.92 90,254.24 32,194.28 93,607.00 134,157.93 275,195.76 36,200.00 31,200.00 38,640.00 39,640.00 39,895.00 40,525.00 40,625.00 41,070.00 370,639.94 70,741.01 30,335.57 46,661.51 104,500.00 30,539.82 58,400.00 646,865.00 70,323.49 101,265.82 101,265.82 101,265.82 809,447.68 53,861.37 33,360.26 43,942.99 68,967.24 39,134.30 226,887.96 65,853.30 67,500.00 495,000.00 44,500.00 130,644.00 126,199.20 328,265.00 150,118.50 151,719.45 367,097.20 93,548.00 152,617.71 78,764.90 127,347.06 67,070.00 144,000.00 275,144.00 62,179.69 47,994.56 68,157.51 70,625.58 32,832.28 106,771.00 65,807.00 42,908.88 158,588.00 59,400.00 97,381.89 53,029.12 68,871.20 344,658.00 60,050.00 65,642.10 202,125.00 145,748.00 38,072.00 637,240.00 160,920.00 48,915.98 53,323.45 203,513.51 237,300.00 148,486.16 88,730.16 50,595.26 39,826.54 643,000.00 643,000.00 675,150.00 41,152.97 139,137.00 351,510.00 3,492,860.00 181,538.47 591,450.00 966,240.00 264,600.00 110,000.00 545,654.69 796,774.25 64,521.99 201,095.00 330,703.50 66,718.05 111,190.45 34,980.47 647,873.41 722,189.93 1,660,316.46 90,786.99 614,943.27 757,596.35 490,686.97 42,551.60 130,000.00 34,500.00 72,255.43 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNOPS continued Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) ATILIO PALMIERI S.R.L. CIA INDUSTRIAL ALFISA ST LTDA CIA. IND DE MATERIAL ELECTROMECANICO SRL COMERC CONFECC Y REPRESENT BMCC EIRL COMERCIALIZADORA INDUSTRIAL BMC EIRL CONS BIOMEDICAL DISTRIBUTORS SAC /ETMDS CONS BIOMEDICAL DISTRIBUTORS SAC /ETMDS Cons Cardiopulmonary Care-Maquet Critica Cons Cardiopulmonary Care-Maquet Critica CONS CONFEC RIVERA - IND ESTRELLA AZUL CONS CORP IND QUINCUAGESIMA - INV STAR CONS DEKALASER PERU SAC-DENTAL SANTACRUZ CONS TYCO HEALTHC COLOMBIA SA-TYCO HPERU CONS TYCO HEALTHC COLOMBIA SA-TYCO HPERU CONS. MULTI MED PERU SAC- CARDIOMEDIC SA CONS.ALBUJAR MEDICA S.A.C.-FANEM CONS.ALBUJAR MEDICA S.A.C.-FANEM CONS.ALBUJAR MEDICA S.A.C.-FANEM CONS.CASSANA TRADING-ESTRELLA AZUL EIRL CONS.GRUPO DELTRON S.A. - TOPSALE S.R.L. CONSOR.COMER.IND. BMC-BUSSINESS UNIDOS CONSORCIO BCCBIOMEDICAL SAC Y SHENZHEN CONSORCIO CYMED MEDICAL SAC-SOJITZ CORP. CONSORCIO CYMED MEDICAL SAC-SOJITZ CORP. CONSORCIO CYMED MEDICAL-TOSHIBA MEDICAL CONSORCIO GEIP/CYE MEDICA S.A. CONSORCIO GEIP/CYE MEDICA S.A. Consorcio Gral Electric Intl. Peru/Roca Consorcio Gral Electric Intl. Peru/Roca CONSORCIO SAFE SOLUTION PERU - VILSOL CONSORCIO STRYKER-ROCA S.A.C. CONSORCIO STRYKER-ROCA S.A.C. CONSORCIO SURGICAL MEDICAL SRL-TEKNO CONSORCIO TECNI STYLE - NUARSA CONSORCIO TEXGROUP - GORAK CONSORCIO WEM-BCCBIOMEDICAL CORPORACIÓN MISTI S.A. CREACIONES VALMAD EIRL CS TRADING CO SRL CYMED MEDICAL S.A.C. DELL PERU S.A.C. DENT IMPORT S.A. DENTAL SANTA CRUZ S.R.L. DRAGER MEDICAL AG & CO. KG SUC DEL PERU DRAGER MEDICAL AG & CO. KG SUC DEL PERU EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. EL TUMI PERU S.R.L. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. ELECTROMEDICA PERUANA S.A. FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C FABRICACIONES INDUSTRIALES METALIC S.A.C FERREYROS S.A.A. FERREYROS S.A.A. FERREYROS S.A.A. G. SEMPERTEGUI PROYECTOS GENERALES EIRL GAMEL S.R.LTDA GRUPO LEAFAR S.A.C. GRUPO LEAFAR S.A.C. GRUPO PANA S.A. GRUPO PANA S.A. GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA GRUPO TECNOLOGICO DEL PERU SA INDUSTRIAL GORAK SA INDUSTRIAL GORAK SA INTERNATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING S.A.C. INTERNATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING S.A.C. INTRAMEDICA S.A.C. INTRAMEDICA S.A.C. IPESA S.A.C KOMATSU -MITSUI MAQUINARIAS PERU S.A. KOSSODO S.A.C. MEDELCO SRL MEDIC IMPORT S.R.LTDA. MEDIC IMPORT S.R.LTDA. MEDIC IMPORT S.R.LTDA. MEDIC IMPORT S.R.LTDA. MEDISPEC PERU S.A.C. METAX INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO S.A.C. METAX INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO S.A.C. METAX INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO S.A.C. METAX INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO S.A.C. MITSUI AUTOMOTRIZ S.A. MITSUI AUTOMOTRIZ S.A. MOTORES DIESEL ANDINOS S.A. NISSAN MAQUINARIAS S.A. NISSAN MAQUINARIAS S.A. NISSAN MAQUINARIAS S.A. NISSAN MAQUINARIAS S.A. NISSAN MAQUINARIAS S.A. NISSAN MAQUINARIAS S.A. NISSAN MAQUINARIAS S.A. NISSAN MAQUINARIAS S.A. PARTES Y REFLECTIVOS S.A.C. PHYMED S.R.L. REFRIGERACION OLIVEROS SRL ROCA S.A.C. ROCA S.A.C. ROCA S.A.C. SAN BARTOLOME S.A. Siemens s.a.c. Siemens s.a.c. Medical / Surgical equipment Uniforms Washing machines, laundry-type, including machines which bot Uniforms FURNITURE Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Uniforms Uniforms MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT, OTHER Pulsioximetro (91). Capnógrafo + Pulsioxímetro (34) y Pulsioxíimetro (858) Adquisición de equipamiento medico para INCOR, 03 Maquinas de Circulacion Extracorporea Cunas de calor radiante - 10 para Sala de partos, 13 para UCI, 42 Incubadoras de transporte, 236 Inc Equipos de Neonatologia (47). Equipos de Neonatologia (47). Shoes, leather, men's Software licenses Furniture, school Electrocardiografo de 01 canal (262), marca Shenzhen Ecocardiografo+tee (10), Ecografo doppler (22), Ecógrafo de uso gral (98), Ecógrafo doppler portátil ( Ecocardiografo+tee (10), Ecografo doppler (22), Ecógrafo de uso gral (98), Ecógrafo doppler portátil ( Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment UN EQUIPO DE RESONANCIA MAGNÉTICA, MARCA GENERAL ELECTRIC, MODELO SIGNA HD Medical / Surgical equipment Monitor de funciones Vitales, Monitor de Sala de Operaciones, Monitor de Transporte, Electrocardiog Software licenses Equipo de Cirugia Laparascopica de uso general y especializado; Video Artroscopio de uso general y Medical / Surgical equipment Equipos de Endoscopia Rigida (6) Furniture, other, parts thereof Uniforms Medical / Surgical equipment Fertilisers Uniforms Uniforms Medical / Surgical equipment PC, laptop/portable workstation Medical / Surgical equipment; dental Dental chairs, electrically or hydraulically operated Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment X-ray equipment, diagnostic Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, other, parts thereof Furniture, parts and accessories thereof Furniture, parts and accessories thereof Truck, cargo, heavy Truck, cargo, heavy Trucks Furniture, other, parts thereof Medical / Surgical equipment Audio systems combined Audio systems combined Motorcycles, exceeding 800 cc Motorcycles, exceeding 800 cc Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Uniforms Uniforms Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Vehicles, all terrain, truck, specialised Vehicles, all terrain, truck, specialised Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Furniture, medical, surgical Furniture, medical, surgical Furniture, medical, surgical Medical / Surgical equipment Motor vehicles, special purpose Motor vehicles, special purpose Buses Motor vehicles, goods transport Motor vehicles, goods transport Motor vehicles, goods transport Motor vehicles, goods transport Motor vehicles, special purpose Motor vehicles, special purpose Vehicles, all terrain, truck, specialised Vehicles, all terrain, truck, specialised Lighting or visual signalling equipment, electrical of a kin Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Motor Vehicles and Parts Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment 187 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 432,918.00 1,087,121.00 100,900.72 1,364,742.55 70,191.28 51,541.39 605,281.51 854,745.16 1,380,641.04 743,378.01 1,241,585.84 36,631.00 65,719.98 468,672.20 173,138.29 1,109,856.01 266,428.88 284,219.43 1,599,492.38 157,461.20 3,089,775.56 88,104.04 235,721.33 1,299,893.35 619,515.63 2,054,902.79 1,491,616.30 858,151.05 3,244,890.41 427,389.42 5,283,798.83 2,681,374.11 289,217.60 128,298.86 2,753,580.71 463,498.44 217,774.05 275,302.34 175,640.06 130,915.07 209,019.30 52,934.77 711,750.00 711,788.74 932,644.62 39,290.53 99,189.90 193,428.48 722,083.30 1,388,048.28 58,621.22 114,251.13 287,809.12 312,173.92 345,316.05 388,938.35 671,554.60 3,725,295.00 252,482.30 36,774.36 56,014.52 61,286.05 453,162.90 466,624.30 631,193.07 37,687.54 914,624.24 206,554.24 691,027.02 767,837.98 94,838.85 31,987.20 347,211.80 925,666.67 1,200,866.72 4,041,450.33 186,000.07 214,236.55 337,947.02 666,072.92 699,278.59 901,809.55 49,880.18 672,577.57 387,904.43 1,049,543.30 90,304.76 373,594.55 336,056.00 370,685.00 161,987.97 116,363.44 31,311.13 73,059.31 99,497.33 191,677.92 224,570.66 62,210.00 85,823.86 902,410.40 101,511.61 76,789.20 1,185,743.00 2,908,157.09 40,561.27 191,936.89 743,679.87 15,182,024.72 44,837.30 763,543.00 610,889.49 1,848,604.80 715,804.84 646,613.78 36,789.00 199,975.83 1,040,106.18 1,662,186.62 32,650.00 1,801,733.26 1,934,215.80 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNOPS continued Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Spain Spain Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE Uganda UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Siemens s.a.c. SILMED S.A.C. SILMED S.A.C. SILMED S.A.C. SILMED S.A.C. SILMED S.A.C. SURGICAL MEDICAL S.R.LTDA. TECNOMED S.A. TECNOMED S.A. TECNOMED S.A. TECNOMED S.A. TECNOMED S.A. TELEFONICA DEL PERU S.A.A. VIDRIERIA 28 DE JULIO S.A.C. BRIDGE CONFERENCING SOLUTIONS Optron Geomatics Pharmquip (Pty)Ltd Robert Bosch (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd DOMINION TECNOLOGIAS SLU EDIBON International S.A. INYPSA INFORMES Y PROYECTOS, S.A. Manufacturas Auras S.A. Anoma Textile Bitumix (Private) Limited Bitumix (Private) Limited Bitumix (Private) Limited Bitumix (Private) Limited Bitumix (Private) Limited Bitumix (Private) Limited Dave Tractors (Pvt) Ltd Dax Engineering Co. (Private) Limited Don Dayananda Wijenayake Don Dayananda Wijenayake Globus Enterprise GTB Colombo Corporation (Pvt) Ltd Hinniappuhamy And Son Holcim (Lanka) Ltd. Ind-Sri Industrial Corporation (Pvt) Ltd Jayawardena Saw Mills ( Pvt) Ltd Jedara International Private Limited Jedara International Private Limited Lakshman Saw Mills & Timber Stores Lankem Ceylon Limited Lankem Ceylon Limited Lankem Ceylon Limited Lankem Ceylon Limited Nadeeka Timber Stores (Pvt) Ltd Nihal Enterprises Senok Trade Combine Ltd Senok Trade Combine Ltd Senok Trade Combine Ltd Senok Trade Combine Ltd Senok Trade Combine Ltd Senok Trade Combine Ltd Sierra Construction Ltd. Sierra Construction Ltd. Tissa Saw Mill & Timber Stores Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka) Ltd. UNITED TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT LTD. Golden Arrow co. LTD Imatongas KARAF COOLING ENTERPRICE SOIRA INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED ADDAX BV GENEVA BRANCH BASF Agro B.V., Arnhem (NL) Vestergaard Frandsen Group SA Vestergaard Frandsen Group SA Vestergaard Frandsen Group SA Al-Ghurair Printing and Publishing House OKI General Trading LLC OKI General Trading LLC STREIT GROUP FZE STREIT GROUP FZE ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZC ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZE ULTIMATE ARMOUR WORKS FZE VAN VLIET TRUCKS MIDDLE EAST FZE WESTERN AUTO Mantrac Uganda Limited AEGIS ENGINEERING LTD CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Medical / Surgical equipment Telephone equipment Glass articles, other Telecommunication Equipment Telecommunication Equipment Security and Safety Equipment Conference amplifier systems Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Pick-ups, 4WD, diesel, double cab Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Computer software Machine Tools Medical / Surgical equipment Helmets, motorcycle Tarpaulins Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Tractors Vehicles n.e.c. Timber, hard Timber, hard Tarpaulins Buckets, steel Petroleum Oils and Products Cements Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Timber, hard Water treatment plant Water treatment plant Timber, hard Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Timber, hard Timber, hard Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock Water treatment plant Water treatment plant Timber, hard Cements Road rollers Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Fuel oils, n.e.c. Prefabricated offices Telecommunication Equipment Fuel oils, n.e.c. Bed nets, impregnated Bed nets, impregnated Mosquito nets and netting Mosquito nets and netting Labels, paper, adhesive Machine Tools Transport Equipment; other Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Motor vehicles for travelling on snow, golf cars and similar Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Generators Bullet-proof vests Ambulances, 2WD Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc 188 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 3,166,432.65 74,444.67 123,231.11 139,908.30 744,431.67 4,699,996.82 43,356.96 38,532.20 90,927.90 135,723.45 1,185,566.08 2,805,186.00 107,576.00 59,701.72 42,398.93 45,135.40 483,633.14 178,161.34 106,348.14 119,438.03 129,762.61 45,831.93 67,611.57 68,747.90 68,747.90 44,190.08 44,582.04 48,231.09 48,507.20 52,544.12 69,055.79 74,914.48 143,840.18 158,941.85 234,959.10 269,801.54 281,791.62 4,922,970.03 42,931.94 67,561.46 71,151.65 116,875.71 136,212.62 137,499.28 92,409.02 223,381.84 32,206.06 45,378.15 50,968.31 114,376.65 126,695.84 127,701.81 132,289.92 158,078.77 36,745.41 41,861.49 33,608.13 33,608.13 32,710.08 88,908.45 64,823.54 54,232.43 53,805.44 39,106.82 46,178.99 101,297.50 76,508.69 57,103.60 63,347.92 63,850.90 157,740.92 33,456.70 40,321.09 47,582.65 57,273.05 63,347.92 63,850.90 99,852.94 157,740.92 89,858.84 226,509.04 41,582.92 31,792.43 33,524.48 146,000.00 39,875.00 47,577.09 48,299.90 1,939,655.00 138,910.00 77,005.00 4,780,000.00 5,942,600.00 61,605.00 76,140.00 304,800.00 113,275.00 342,000.00 117,820.00 124,515.00 154,082.00 178,900.00 205,640.00 205,640.00 223,960.00 364,000.00 119,320.00 243,540.00 448,000.00 699,350.00 99,360.00 60,067.50 163,000.00 51,438.85 61,350.00 62,180.00 64,530.00 303,501.00 332,206.00 43,272.00 56,932.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNOPS continued UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) UK (Gibraltar) Ukraine Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Jankel Armouring LTD Sheargold Limited STAR PROJECT VEHICLES LTD Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. 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Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. Toyota Gibraltar Stockholding Ltd. FOLGAT CO ASM LTDA. Billing Intec Uruguay S.A RIDALINE SA B AND G SERVICES LTD CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC Clarke Mosquito Control Clarke Mosquito Control COMPUTER VISION LTD. COMPUTER VISION LTD. DELL MARKETING L.P. DELL WORLD TRADE PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION REFRACTION TECHNOLOGY, INC. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Motor Vehicles and Parts LAN file servers Security and Safety Equipment Ambulances, 4WD Ambulances, 4WD Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor Vehicles and Parts Motor vehicles, parts and accessories thereof, other Motor vehicles, parts and accessories thereof, other Passenger saloons, 2WD, petrol driven, exceeding 1,500 cc, b Pick-ups, 2WD, g.v.w. exceeding 1.5 tons, but not 3.5 tons, Pick-ups, 2WD, g.v.w. exceeding 1.5 tons, but not 3.5 tons, Station wagons, 4WD Station wagons, 4WD Station wagons, 4WD Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, diesel driven, exceeding 2,500 cc Station wagons, 4WD, petrol driven, exceeding 3,000 cc Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles, 4WD, hard top Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Vehicles, all terrain Office & Accounting Machinery Laboratory Equipment Computer software Laboratory Equipment Furniture Computer network communication equipment Input/Output Units for IT Input/Output Units for IT Input/Output Units for IT Input/Output Units for IT Bed nets, impregnated Bed nets, impregnated Computers, laptop/notebook Desks, executive PC, laptop/portable workstation PC, laptop/portable workstation Computer software Computors/IT Processing Units and parts Computer software 189 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 30,689.00 30,822.00 31,365.00 32,221.00 35,505.00 37,656.00 45,407.00 70,976.00 73,785.00 117,600.00 120,232.00 183,476.00 183,960.00 233,337.00 238,168.00 373,416.00 126,900.00 52,930.00 96,691.96 50,940.38 133,125.00 30,701.00 32,246.32 32,959.91 35,275.97 45,490.77 53,651.63 56,601.46 58,792.59 105,414.39 117,585.17 133,048.47 1,347,069.20 33,819.20 62,728.80 46,048.93 57,191.18 1,440,004.82 30,305.79 33,550.70 66,252.23 32,765.50 32,801.91 35,641.37 41,812.43 60,356.22 61,594.60 65,377.29 70,186.24 72,816.75 75,391.74 91,733.90 94,302.43 95,204.00 160,753.47 166,455.26 182,041.74 195,779.70 278,109.41 38,744.83 30,002.08 30,212.60 32,246.32 32,342.20 32,640.00 33,153.24 33,791.57 33,971.94 34,266.01 34,520.23 36,655.23 38,732.00 40,246.42 43,260.78 45,175.42 46,054.39 46,656.36 48,600.23 51,154.75 54,391.23 55,504.55 60,309.79 65,924.25 81,467.98 87,133.13 101,353.87 115,863.80 119,366.12 124,770.48 153,781.39 219,028.15 265,835.38 304,907.75 333,542.77 1,087,659.49 32,165.00 31,614.04 33,561.69 33,861.89 33,861.89 88,248.57 135,836.78 47,745.00 54,946.00 1,030,900.00 109,562.80 51,453.64 32,760.00 31,818.80 51,299.10 62,796.30 160,048.10 45,760.00 108,330.00 114,325.00 35,409.80 33,376.54 55,500.66 47,100.00 135,945.00 55,796.80 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNOPS continued USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Zaire Zimbabwe Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) SCHONSTEDT INSTRUMENT COMPANY Software House International STEEL RESOURCES INC. The Armored Group LLC The Armored Group LLC The Armored Group LLC The Armored Group LLC Mine Action Assistance To The DRC WaterNet IT Equipment/Machinery, other, and parts Software licenses Steel sheet, cold or hot rolled Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Armoured 4X4 motor vehicles Computors/IT Processing Units and parts Electric Motors and Parts 35,477.00 32,611.80 299,301.31 89,905.00 114,620.00 115,230.00 390,375.00 124,576.00 35,444.00 UNOV Denmark Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Cape Verde Cape Verde Czech Republic Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Germany Germany Germany Italy Lebanon Nigeria Russian Federation United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States of America United States of America Bukehave Ltd. AMP Medizintechnik GmbH BMW Austria GmbH BMW Austria GmbH Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Nachfolge GmbH & CO KEG MADRAS COMPUTER VERTRIEBSGES.M.B.H MADRAS COMPUTER VERTRIEBSGES.M.B.H MADRAS COMPUTER VERTRIEBSGES.M.B.H MADRAS COMPUTER VERTRIEBSGES.M.B.H MADRAS COMPUTER VERTRIEBSGES.M.B.H PC-Ware Austria GmbH XEROX AUSTRIA GMBH Compta Cabo Verde, Tecnologias de Informacao SA Compta Cabo Verde, Tecnologias de Informacao SA SVOS SPOL S.R.O. Bukkehave Ltd. Bukkehave Ltd. Bukkehave Ltd. Bukkehave Ltd. DAN:OFFICE APS DAN:OFFICE APS DAN:OFFICE APS DAN:OFFICE APS DAN:OFFICE APS Real Systems Ltd Verseidag Ballistic Protection Oy Dermalog Identification Systems GmbH Dermalog Identification Systems GmbH Dermalog Identification Systems GmbH Dermalog Identification Systems GmbH C.D.F. SRL Intertech Batinorm Sal Mary-Victor Engineering Ltd. Speech Technology Center Barrett Communications PTY Ltd. SHI UK SHI UK SHI UK Smiths Detection-Watford Limited Smiths Detection-Watford Limited CISCO SYSTEMS INC SAS R & D SERVICES INC Armoured Vehicles List 4 Laboratory equipment and accessories as per attached offer and clarifications/confirmation rece BMW X3 30D BMW X3 30D Cameras and freight Quantum DXI 5500 upgradeto DXi7500 including 12 mos HW/SW bronze support Quantum SCALAR i2000 400GB 4 Gbit FC disk 600GB/10 K FC drives 600Gb/10 K FC Drives Acronis backup and recovery 10 advanced server budnle with universal restore and deduplication eng A4 Photocopying paper; white; 80 grams; environmental friendly Telephone equipment Telephone interception system Armoured Vehicles Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. Vehicles n.e.c. and freight PC Equipment and accessories PC Equipment and accessories PC Equipment and accessories PC Equipment and accessories PC Equipment and accessories i2 Licenses & freight Vests, Safety clothing AFIS for Cape Verde Lab + Freight+Portuguese Manual & training in Portuguese AFIS for Cape Verde - 2nd payment (40% of Eur321,800) AAFIS for Cape Verde - 3rd payment (20% of Eur 321,800) AFIS for Cape Verde - 4th and last payment (10% of Eur321,800) Vehicles Inspection Kits 1 and 2, plus freight 20 KVA UPS 3 phases IN and OUT Voice Recorders and freight Barrett 2050 Mobile Transceiver MS Office 2007 Standard (ENG) licenses. Microsoft Select License Apps, D-Part#021-07777 MS Office 2007 Standard (ENG) Licenses. Microsoft Select License Apps, D-Part#021-07777 MS SQL Server Enterprise 2008/SW Assurance Pack Microsoft Volume License, part no. 810-04871 Detectors Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous CP-7962G cisco unified IP phone 7962 Contraband Search kits and freight 462,460.00 53,049.06 45,228.92 40,000.00 34,913.42 53,032.54 78,975.47 36,604.77 50,421.43 33,941.33 35,008.72 48,946.61 178,563.00 416,647.00 148,982.56 91,000.00 171,150.00 107,000.00 57,050.00 38,417.27 58,565.40 32,210.97 30,042.19 109,375.02 54,216.42 71,420.12 452,601.97 185,743.15 92,871.57 46,435.79 30,434.78 105,200.00 105,532.00 268,398.27 47,781.06 87,691.79 38,917.97 41,623.20 289,432.00 113,053.32 57,246.00 123,860.00 UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Algeria Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria ARIA STATIONERY DAWI OIL LTD DINSONS EAGLE DESERT CONSTRUCTION CO. ELITE-DECOR LTD ELMI LTD HAMED HABIB TRADING Hewadwal Construction and Roads Building Company KABUL ELECTRIC MUSLEM INSAF DIESEL PUMP NAEEMULLAH HOTAK SUPER STORE NAEEMULLAH HOTAK SUPER STORE NAQIB TANIWAL THE TELO PUMP NASRAT MOHIB SAFI LTD NATIONAL FUEL INC. PACHAKHIL ESMAT TRADING CO;LTD. QASR-E-ARIANA LTD Rona Trading Company Saleem Apparel and supplies Ltd. UNITED NATIONS HUMANITARIAN AIR SERVICES NAFTAL SPA BARRETT COMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD BARRETT COMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD. BP AUSTRALIA LIMITED Draeger Safety Pacific Pty Ltd EXPRO QLD PTY LTD EXPRO QLD PTY LTD EXPRO QLD PTY LTD EXPRO QLD PTY LTD Fire Rescue Safety Australia HOLYMAN SHIPPING SERVICES PTY LTD. HOLYMAN SHIPPING SERVICES PTY LTD. HOLYMAN SHIPPING SERVICES PTY LTD. LIVINGSTONE INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD SBA DISTRIBUTORS SBA DISTRIBUTORS SBA DISTRIBUTORS UMEE LIMITED Dschulnigg GmbH & Co KG KREPS KREPS H. KEG KREPS H. KEG KREPS H. KEG KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg. Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg. KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG. KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT KEG. Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Keg. Kreps Handelsgesellschaft Nachfolge GmbH & Co KG KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFTKEG KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFTKEG KREPS HANDELSGESELLSCHAFTKEG KREPS KEG Kreps KG Kreps KG ROSENBAUER INTERNATIONAL AG ROSENBAUER INTERNATIONAL AG FEUERWEHRTECHNIK Schrack Energietechnik Gmbh Schrack Energietechnik Gmbh SCHRACK SECONET AG SCHRACK TECHNIK GMBH SCHRACK TECHNIK GMBH SCHRACK TECHNIK GmbH Schrack Technik GmbH SCHRACK TECHNIK GMBH Stationery articles n.e.c. Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Radio broadcast and television receivers Security equipment, special purpose Furniture, domestic Stationery articles n.e.c. Security equipment, special purpose Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Fuel oils, n.e.c. Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Radio broadcast and television receivers Fuel oils, n.e.c. Security equipment, special purpose Fuel oils, n.e.c. Security equipment, special purpose Seats and chairs Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) Metal cutting machine tools Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Testing equipment miscellaneous n.e.c. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Seats and chairs Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, or atomic energy purposes Electric motors, generators and the like Gas oils (diesel oil) Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of plastics, other Tapes and other unrecorded media for sound or other phenomena Software application packages Firearms and ammunition Surveillance/control systems, other Office machines, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telephone equipment Safety equipment EDP equipment n.e.c. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Ironmongry Metal goods n.e.c. Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Motor vehicle parts and accessories Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Stationery articles n.e.c. Camping equipment Pallets, box pallets and other load boards of wood Safety equipment Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Electricity distribution or control apparatus Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Safety equipment Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electricity distribution or control apparatus Lighting equipment, parts thereof Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pipes, iron and steel 190 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 68,700.00 30,483.00 31,937.60 50,400.00 199,324.00 82,000.00 319,523.74 222,700.00 320,680.70 41,442.10 67,510.00 177,708.00 47,236.13 36,190.95 1,675,613.35 328,407.22 68,900.00 38,400.00 99,500.00 2,598,054.26 175,000.00 123,618.19 151,279.44 114,500.00 39,228.41 116,933.53 32,251.36 61,358.18 34,931.82 188,171.86 2,000,000.00 4,700,000.00 22,700,000.00 75,686.81 52,989.32 30,245.57 47,256.99 30,156.66 43,727.81 325,741.38 46,461.38 49,972.89 32,028.78 32,919.38 34,071.13 38,231.23 32,989.77 35,508.72 98,512.60 31,409.81 33,425.52 35,296.86 34,043.24 85,223.30 330,105.42 72,346.00 99,514.61 403,429.22 74,801.97 32,398.56 172,530.72 41,164.30 2,146,373.36 250,039.79 68,197.12 379,849.80 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) Austria Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Burundi Burundi Burundi Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Central African Republic Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) SCHRACK TECHNIK GmbH Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors GENERAL BUSINESS CONSULTANTS Telephone equipment Mercur International For Development Co. Ltd Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Reibel (Belgium) N.V. Food products, other VINKER S.A Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof ENGEN PETROLEUM BURUNDI S.A Lubricating preparations ENGEN PETROLEUM BURUNDI S.A Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils INTERPETROL BURUNDI Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils AERONAV INC. Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof COMMPORT COMMUNICATIONS Software application packages LIFTKING INDUSTRIES INC Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof MDA GEOSPATIAL SERVICES Inc Expansion cards & other add-on hard- or firm-ware MDA GEOSPATIAL SERVICES INC Maps and charts MDA GEOSPATIAL SERVICES INC. Maps and charts MDA Geospatial Services Inc. (MDA GSI) Maps and charts NEWCON INTERNATIONAL LTD. Optical instruments NEWCON OPTIK Optical instruments TOTAL CENTRAFRIQUE Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit AL AMANNA Wood wool and wood flour BOUTIQUE SADAGUA Pipes, iron and steel BOUTIQUE SADAGUA Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products BOUTIQUE SADAGUA Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances BRASSERIES DU TCHAD Waters, not sweetened CARRIERE Cements ECBOTP Cements ECBOTP Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. ECBRO Gas oils (diesel oil) ETS LA RUCHE Timber, hard ETS WADIENNE Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. EUFOR Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. EUFOR Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse EUFOR Gas oils (diesel oil) EUFOR Waters, not sweetened GROUPE ALAMAN Umbrellas, walking-sticks, buttons, fasteners KMTD Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. MD ETS MAHAMAT MOUSSA DJOKO Lubricating preparations MENUISERIE GARANTIE Timber, hard MENUISERIE METALIQUE BOIS Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, or atomic energy purposes MENUISERIE METALIQUE BOIS Containers of iron, steel or aluminium OILIBYA Engines and turbines, parts thereof OILIBYA Gas oils (diesel oil) OILIBYA Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) QUINCAILERIE DU LAC ABECHE Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances QUINCAILLERIE BABALIA Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other QUINCAILLERIE BABALIA Cements QUINCAILLERIE BABALIA Hand tools QUINCAILLERIE BABALIA Pumps, water Quincaillerie du Centre Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. RECONNAISSANCE GARAGE Automotive workshop equipment RED SEA ENGINEERING AND SERVICES Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen etc. RED SEA ENGINEERING AND SERVICES Machinery for sorting, screening, separating, kneading earth, stone, ores etc. RED SEA ENGINEERING AND SERVICES Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics RIFAGH INTERNATIONAL Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. SAO TEQ Primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators,parts thereof SOCIETE SANI Pipes, iron and steel SOCIETE SANY Metal goods n.e.c. SOCIETE SANY Pipes, iron and steel SPP TCHAD Gas oils (diesel oil) TOTAL MARKETING TCHAD Gas oils (diesel oil) TOTAL MARKETING TCHAD Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) TOTAL MARKETING TCHAD Lubricating preparations A. ANDREWS & CO. (MAIL ORDER) LTD. Furniture, office, other than chairs Jiangsu Sainty Corp. Ltd. Camping equipment JIANGSU SAINTY CORP., LTD. Quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes, pillows, sleeping bags and the like Peak International Trade ( Tianjin ) Co.Ltd Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) Lamps, electric filament or discharge; arc lamps PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) Security and safety equipment PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) Trailers and semi-trailers; containers PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co. Ltd Pipes, iron and steel Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co. Ltd Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co. Ltd Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co. Ltd. Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co. LTD. Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Peak International Trade (Tianjin) Co. Ltd. Machinery, general purpose, n.e.c. PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO.LTD Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO.LTD. Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO.LTD. Lighting equipment, parts thereof PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO.LTD. Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE Co. LTD Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE Co. LTD Filtering and purifying equipment PEAK INTERNATIONAL TRADE Co. LTD Transformers, electrical PEAK INTL TRADE (TIANJIN) CO. LTD Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors Shanghai Koyo-anp I & E Co., ltd Pumps, water Shanghai Koyo-anp Imp & Exp Co. Ltd Glass articles, other SHANGHAI YIBAI INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD. (SHANGHAI C Containers of iron, steel or aluminium SHUNDE LONGLING WOODEN PRODUCTS CO Furniture, office, other than chairs Shunde Longling Wooden Products Co. Ltd Weighing equipment, micrometers, gauges etc. SHUNDE LONGLING WOODEN PRODUCTS CO.LTD Furniture, office, other than chairs Top Sources Trading Ltd. Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Top Sources Trading Ltd. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Zhe jiang Kangle Group Import & Export Co. Ltd. Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Zheijang Kangle Group Import & Export Co. LTD Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Zheijang Kangle Group Import & Export Co. LTD Electricity distribution or control apparatus ZHEJIANG KANGLE GROUP IMPORT & Electric motors, generators and the like ZHEJIANG KANGLE GROUP* Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof AFRIBATS COMPANY Sands AUTO PEINT Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables BEKI CONSTRUCT Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other BUROMECA Expendables for use with EDP equipment BUYORA HOUSE Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel BUYORA HOUSE Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. BUYORA HOUSE Timber, hard CENTRE MISSIONNAIRE EVANGELIQUE AU CONGO (CMEC) Sugar, refined CHAMPION MOTORS (ETS PABCO) Motor vehicle parts and accessories COBRA TYRES SARL Motor vehicle parts and accessories COMMITRAF S.P.R.L Electrical equipment for internal combustion engines COMMITRAF S.P.R.L Iron or steel, flat rolled products thereof, other COMMITRAF S.P.R.L Timber, hard CONGOLAISE DES TEXTILES "COTEX" Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof DELTA LOGISTICS ENTREPRISE/PRINTING HOUSE PC software, general DYNASTY AFI Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. EASTERN CONGO PROPRIETY (ECOPROP) Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils ELF OIL RDC Gas oils (diesel oil) ELF OIL RDC Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils ENGEN DRC Gas oils (diesel oil) ENGEN DRC Lubricating preparations 191 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 52,382.73 58,726.34 407,287.24 70,021.08 76,555.56 83,709.00 1,691,124.82 37,560.60 327,000.00 800,000.00 8,895,605.72 65,636.90 32,456.50 40,599.57 92,662.32 109,175.00 75,661.06 134,210.79 37,814.15 249,541.76 46,159.25 44,652.22 508,016.01 30,401.32 325,376.83 180,193.88 62,401.39 121,856.38 219,435.66 77,684.02 4,159,879.21 503,813.77 84,721.03 70,112.70 39,395.81 51,761.36 572,365.37 31,595.64 31,595.64 45,339.74 811,415.50 83,294.00 31,408.89 36,729.93 48,108.70 33,297.85 39,884.95 44,431.37 98,736.37 266,588.20 150,079.29 169,304.24 99,703.99 45,453.50 54,225.03 34,077.08 71,813.43 1,584,090.05 967,648.04 3,642,811.47 134,785.00 65,500.50 67,431.00 94,640.00 85,620.00 349,540.00 135,671.00 73,202.00 47,508.00 38,713.91 103,500.00 993,879.18 111,175.00 295,234.00 100,560.00 108,800.00 688,687.00 111,915.00 46,658.00 30,860.00 354,735.00 184,038.00 119,595.00 916,340.00 50,217.00 39,845.00 579,466.00 50,164.50 41,687.00 56,426.00 98,598.20 279,161.00 108,845.00 51,488.00 119,011.73 94,075.05 60,971.40 85,826.67 2,817,828.00 109,444.04 33,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 167,140.61 30,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 44,998.20 50,000.00 30,000.00 37,500.00 61,350.00 50,000.00 454,495.09 54,600.00 150,000.00 656,310.00 47,452.00 1,255,038.00 483,344.20 35,315.40 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Dem. Rep. Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) ENGEN DRC Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils ENGEN DRC (FORMER SHELL DRC) Gas oils (diesel oil) ENGEN DRC (FORMER SHELL DRC) Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils ENTREPRISE DE CONSTRUCTION & ASSAINISSEMENT - ARCO Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. ETS BRUNO Timber, hard ETS IRENE BYAMUNGU Electrical equipment n.e.c. ETS LIMIF TRADING Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. ETS LIMIF TRADING Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures, ceramic ETS MAISON LA VICTOIRE Electrical equipment n.e.c. ETS MAISON LA VICTOIRE Metal goods n.e.c. ETS MANDUNGU KOJACK Cements ETS MONA LUXE Gas oils (diesel oil) ETS MWAJUMA Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. ETS. NEW EAST AUTO CONGO Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof EXCE HOMO Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. FINA CONGO Gas oils (diesel oil) FINA CONGO Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils FINA CONGO Soldering, brazing or welding machinery and apparatus GARAGE CARROSSERIE Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof INSTAPRINT SPRL Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose M.NG BUSINESS (MURHULA NGABWE BUSINESS) Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. MAISON AMKA Timber, hard Maison Complet Wood, sawn of chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled Maison ELVA Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products MOBIMETAL S.P.R.L. Aerials and antennae MOBIMETAL S.P.R.L. Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Monsieur MWAMI Butsitsi Bigirwa Jean Bosco Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Ms. Andjei Tshomba fariala & Mr. Joseph Tshomba Fariala Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof NAVIGATION TELECOMMUNICATION (NAVTEL) Lighting equipment PEINTURE MAG Brushes PHARMACIE WAGENIA Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous QUIN KREML Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. QUINCAILLERIE ALBATROS Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. QUINCAILLERIE FULL BUSINESS Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. QUINCAILLERIE FULL BUSINESS Timber, hard QUINCAILLERIE LES FRERES Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. QUINCAILLERIE MAMLAKA Cements QUINCAILLERIE MAMLAKA Iron or steel, flat rolled products thereof, other QUING MATERIAUX S.P.R.L Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables QUING MATERIAUX S.P.R.L Metal goods n.e.c. QUING MATERIAUX S.P.R.L Plywood QUING MATERIAUX S.P.R.L Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures, plastic SANI-BEAUTÉ Agrochemicals, other SANI-BEAUTÉ Contraceptives TRAMIC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock TRAMIC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR POPULATION ACTIVITIES- UNFPA Contraceptives WATSON & FRENCH SPRL Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof AYUF SARL Filtering and purifying equipment AYUF SARL Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. BELLE DEMEURE Newspapers CACOMIAF Accumulators, electric CACOMIAF Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. CIPEX Furniture, domestic CMC Copper or copper alloys, semi-finished products thereof DAWUD Entreprise Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. DELS CONCEPTION Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. ELITYS Footwear, of rubber or plastics ELITYS Hats and headgear ETS S.A.P Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other FIRST (Formation Ingenerie Realisation et Services Technologiques) Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof HIRONDELLE TRADING Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. ITC (INTERNATIONAL TRADING COMPAGNY) Pipes and other accessories, for use with pumps IVOIR TRADING Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables IVOSEP Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums etc.;cable drums of wood MC CANN ERIKSSON Paper and paperboard products, other MULTI STAR Radio broadcast and television receivers NTECH SUPPORT Alternative energy systems; steam, hydraulic and gas turbines NTECH SUPPORT Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof RFI Expendables for use with EDP equipment SACOBAT Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. SATOCI-CI Toilet tissue stock; miscellaneous other papers SCA (STE DE CIMENTS D'ABIDJAN) Cements SECTRONIC Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video SECURICOM Security equipment, special purpose SOCIETE IVOIRENNE D' ASSISTANCE ET DE MAINTENANCE D' AVIA Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit SOTACI (SOCIETE DE TRANSFORMATION DE L'ACIER EN COTE D'IV Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled TOTAL COTE D'IVOIRE Ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene and other petroleum gas TOTAL COTE D'IVOIRE Gas oils (diesel oil) TOTAL COTE D'IVOIRE Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) UNIMATERIAUX Timber, hard AGROMARKETS LTD Food products, other BP EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN LTD. Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) CHARALAMBIDES DAIRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LTD. Dairy products n.e.c. DIGICOM LTD. Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof E.M. APOSTOLOU FORMULA LTD Sacks and bags, of plastic materials HELLENIC PETROLEUM CYPRUS LTD Input/output units, other KIYMET TRADING LTD Electricity distribution or control apparatus LAGROME TRADING LTD. Mortars and concretes, non-refractory LATOMIA SHIAS LIMITED Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. LENEXA TRADING LTD Forklift trucks and other works trucks PETROLINA (HOLDINGS) LTD. Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, or atomic energy purposes TEKLIMA LTD Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment TITAN OFFICE FURNITURE LTD Furniture, domestic UNIPLANT LTD Lifting and handling equipment, parts and accessories thereof BARUM CONTINENTAL SPOL. S.R.O. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. BARUM CONTINENTAL SPOL;S.R.O. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. SVOS SPOL S.R.O. PRELOUC Motor vehicle parts and accessories SVOS SPOL. S.R.O. Motor vehicle parts and accessories SVOS SPOL. S.R.O. Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof SVOS SPOL. V V. O. Motor vehicle parts and accessories BUKKEHAVE Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. CICCI ApS Audio and video accessories CICCI APS Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables CICCI ApS Office and accounting machinery, parts and accessories thereof CICCI APS Processing units for EDP, other CICCI APS Radio broadcast and television receivers Cicci Aps Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras CICCI APS Radio-broadcasting, reception apparatus, parts and accessories thereof CICCI APS Software application packages CICCI HOLDING Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras CICCI HOLDING LTD. Telecommunication equipment Connectra ApS Telecommunication equipment, other Dan Office Micro-computers Dan Office Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Dan Office Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment Dan Office Protection devices for EDP equipment Dan Office Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Dan Office Ltd Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. DAN OFFICE LTD Optical storage units DAN OFFICE LTD Protection devices for EDP equipment 192 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 2,953,028.80 860,548.12 1,673,976.00 40,000.00 30,000.00 37,500.00 40,000.00 70,000.00 37,500.00 75,000.00 124,150.00 159,250.00 75,000.00 35,250.60 30,000.00 2,364,725.35 25,496,374.35 290,232.00 35,000.00 70,320.00 165,000.00 30,000.00 59,032.00 30,000.00 33,898.67 105,200.00 55,000.00 36,000.00 136,262.29 60,000.00 65,640.72 30,000.00 40,000.00 35,000.00 65,000.00 85,000.00 75,000.00 80,000.00 75,000.00 57,897.00 186,880.00 30,000.00 41,300.00 40,857.02 297,000.00 32,312.00 38,893.08 192,000.00 47,733.35 37,779.88 35,057.77 54,753.05 83,841.53 38,014.79 35,423.17 55,984.42 201,063.26 58,938.95 34,714.30 37,579.23 37,125.00 44,652.23 59,805.15 37,621.53 37,254.63 31,643.32 72,385.87 110,881.49 41,928.53 73,986.24 134,801.25 47,602.69 120,753.15 69,787.57 41,741.70 600,000.00 31,602.09 245,613.96 20,039,220.48 930,869.14 163,175.29 63,451.59 31,682.43 48,453.61 48,224.85 102,692.31 307,015.99 44,879.52 30,215.83 89,292.33 30,839.90 35,161.74 95,164.56 42,977.45 31,656.80 239,250.85 135,412.87 193,680.48 32,711.54 15,164,091.51 31,325.43 38,276.70 111,709.32 82,755.00 35,429.18 30,236.05 72,442.69 333,385.61 181,793.58 35,702.00 1,046,689.38 690,793.31 132,552.30 1,464,843.00 90,934.00 153,248.00 147,694.80 283,420.00 38,690.00 95,010.00 106,793.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Egypt Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) DAN OFFICE PLC Expendables for use with EDP equipment DAN OFFICE PLC Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables DAN OFFICE PLC Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment DAN OFFICE PLC Safety equipment DAN OFFICE PLC Tapes and other unrecorded media for sound or other phenomena DAN OFFICE PLC Telecommunication equipment, other DAN OFFICE PLC Telephonic apparatus, other DAN OFFICE PLC Transformers, electrical DAN OFFICE TRADING Processing units for EDP, other DAN OFFICE TRADING Transmitting and communicating equipment for EDP, eg. modems, PC servers etc. DAN:OFFICE APS Electronic storage units/media DAN:OFFICE APS Expendables for use with EDP equipment DAN:OFFICE APS Micro-computers DANOFFICE Domestic metal products DANOFFICE Electronic storage units/media DANOFFICE Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks DANOFFICE Expendables for use with EDP equipment DANOFFICE Hand tools, powered DANOFFICE Lighting equipment, parts thereof DANOFFICE Micro-computers DANOFFICE Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. DANOFFICE Photocopying apparatus DANOFFICE Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment DANOFFICE Protection devices for EDP equipment DANOFFICE Transformers, electrical DANOFFICE Transmitting and communicating equipment for EDP, eg. modems, PC servers etc. DANOFFICE APS EDP equipment n.e.c. DANOFFICE APS Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks DANOFFICE APS Expendables for use with EDP equipment Danoffice ApS Micro-computers DANOFFICE APS Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment DANOFFICE APS Protection devices for EDP equipment DANOFFICE APS Software Licences Danoffice ApS Storage unit accessories Danoffice ApS Telephonic apparatus, other DANOFFICE PLC EDP equipment n.e.c. DANOFFICE PLC Electronic measuring equipment n.e.c. DANOFFICE PLC Electronic storage units/media DANOFFICE PLC Expendables and accessories for use with EDP equipment n.e.c. DANOFFICE PLC Expendables for use with EDP equipment DANOFFICE PLC Micro-computers DANOFFICE PLC Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. DANOFFICE PLC Optical instruments DANOFFICE PLC Optical instruments n.e.c.; other measuring equipment DANOFFICE PLC Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment DANOFFICE PLC Processing units for EDP, other DANOFFICE PLC Protection devices for EDP equipment DANOFFICE PLC Computer display terminals DANOFFICE PLC Computer systems, special purpose other DANOFFICE PLC Mainframe computers DANOFFICE PLC Telecommunication equipment DANOFFICE PLC Transmitting and communicating equipment for EDP, eg. modems, PC servers etc. DANOFFICE TRADING Micro-computers DANOFFICE TRADING Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment DSV AIR & SEA A/S Furniture, workshop, shop etc. JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Johs. Gram-Hanssen A/S Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Crowd control equipment JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Johs. Gram-Hanssen A/S Metal goods n.e.c. Johs. Gram-Hanssen A/S Quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes, pillows, sleeping bags and the like JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Johs. Gram-Hanssen A/S Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Johs. Gram-Hanssen A/S Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Trailers and semi-trailers; containers JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN PRODUCT LIMITED A/S Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment JOHS.GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel JOHS.GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic JOHS.GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Electric motors, generators and the like JOHS.GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Furniture, domestic JOHS.GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods JOHS.GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products JOHS.GRAM-HANSSEN A/S Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium JOHS.GRAM-HANSSEN A/S. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables PETER JUSTESEN Paper and paperboard products, other PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S Processing units for EDP, other PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S Transformers, electrical PETER JUSTESEN COMPANY A/S Alternative energy systems; steam, hydraulic and gas turbines PLANSON EUROPE Expendables for use with EDP equipment PLANSON EUROPE Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables PLANSON EUROPE PC software, general PLANSON EUROPE Protection devices for EDP equipment SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS A/S Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment Scan Global Logistics A/S Telecommunication equipment, other SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS( PREVIOUSLY MAHE DENMARK FREIGHTFood products, other SCAN GLOBAL LOGISTICS( PREVIOUSLY MAHE DENMARK FREIGHTMotor vehicle parts and accessories UNFPA (United Nations Population Found) Contraceptives ANTONIO P. HACHE & CO. C POR A Parquet panels and other flooring, of wood MADIG DOMINICANA Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock MADIG DOMINICANA Doors, windows and their frames, of iron, steel or aluminium MADIG DOMINICANA Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof MADIG DOMINICANA Filtering and purifying equipment MADIG DOMINICANA Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products MADIG DOMINICANA Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose EGYPTIAN MULTI SERVICES CO (EGMCO) X-ray or alpha, beta or gamma radiation apparatus, medical and surgical STONESOFT CORP. EDP equipment n.e.c. STONESOFT CORP. Telecommunication equipment, other STONESOFT CORP. Protection devices for EDP equipment STONESOFT CORPORATION Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks STONESOFT CORPORATION Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Stonesoft Corporation Telephonic apparatus, other AGENCE FRANCAISE DE DEVELOPPEMENT "AFD" Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. AGGREKO INTERNATIONAL Electrical equipment n.e.c. Bahia Europe SAS Machinery, special purpose, other DIRECTION GENERALE DE L'ECONOMAT DES ARMEES Food products, other ECONOMAT DE L'ARMEE Food products, other ECONOMAT DES ARMEES Food products, other ECONOMAT DES ARMEES Food products, other ECONOMAT DES ARMEES Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. ECONOMAT DES ARMEES Security and safety equipment ECONOMAT DES ARMEES 26;RUE DELIZY Food products, other ECONOMAT DES ARMES Food products, other F.E.V.A.M. IND. CO. LTD. Camping equipment F.E.V.A.M. IND. CO. LTD. Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics F.E.V.A.M. IND. CO. LTD. Clothing of textile materials FLORIDA PURCHASING AGENCY / PARIS Motor vehicle parts and accessories G. FERON - E. DE CLEBSATTEL SA Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse G. FERON - E. DE CLEBSATTEL SA Prefabricated buildings 193 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 180,267.52 142,270.56 201,742.00 170,850.00 36,848.35 70,700.77 66,790.00 240,270.00 196,395.00 419,125.00 106,224.00 132,626.82 75,240.00 34,798.00 332,130.00 70,042.00 90,962.42 110,865.00 59,825.00 880,009.20 168,449.00 39,980.95 216,490.00 70,745.00 56,012.00 246,237.59 363,611.00 935,215.18 38,989.46 86,420.00 824,998.00 1,230,623.20 44,251.51 692,590.00 506,367.00 350,610.00 51,835.00 593,502.42 33,500.00 336,748.30 1,626,152.00 481,004.00 40,500.00 54,928.00 576,459.00 155,545.00 80,687.00 41,799.16 872,841.00 786,220.00 1,813,404.20 4,822,423.92 854,529.24 32,655.00 45,285.00 51,230.00 39,015.06 73,977.20 172,774.58 176,260.43 52,591.00 607,200.00 186,851.88 43,920.80 203,182.15 260,590.16 1,666,445.00 51,230.00 276,759.46 31,327.47 71,561.15 30,360.00 67,108.47 301,736.74 129,396.42 71,599.76 55,564.50 100,725.47 298,203.95 55,030.00 158,344.00 55,484.00 38,004.00 248,560.00 42,801.77 63,347.48 62,591.82 196,425.00 37,379.00 150,507.39 120,482.07 730,949.96 49,230.00 40,995.00 36,293.00 73,963.50 39,250.00 58,853.25 65,968.50 54,327.00 43,979.00 58,283.00 39,509.00 413,051.30 132,000.00 1,816,798.42 33,093.53 42,864.77 1,925,438.36 925,523.38 3,684,022.18 915,122.48 451,345.26 86,555.06 365,462.51 45,730.00 31,199.98 255,360.00 33,288.40 1,587,624.67 6,752,829.78 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) France France France France France France France France France France France France Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti Haiti India India India India India India India India India Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) G. FERON E DE CLEBSATTEL SA G. FERON E. DE CLEBSATTEL. SA IEC TELECOM Maintlog Maintlog MANITOU RENAULT TRUCKS RENAULT TRUCKS RENAULT TRUCKS (SUSPENDED PD 09 JAN 09) Sagem Defense Securite SPOT IMAGE TLD EUROPE AIR BP GEORGIA LLC SUE "INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SUKHUM" ADC KRONE GmbH BARCO CONTROL ROOMS GMBH Boss Pro-Tec GmbH Boss Pro-Tec GmbH BRAHLER ICS AG CORNET TECHNOLOGY GmbH FLEISCHHACKER GMBH FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GMBH & CO. KG FLEISCHHACKER GmbH & Co. KG, Germany FLEISCHHACKER GmbH & Co. KG, Germany FLEISCHHACKER GmbH & Co. KG; PD_19315 FLEISCHHACKER, GmbH & Co., KG FLEISCHHACKER, GMBH & CO., KG FLEISCHHACKER, GmbH & Co., KG KAERCHER FUTURETECH GMBH KARCHER FUTURETECH GMBH KARCHER FUTURETECH GMBH KASSBOHRER GELANDEFAHRZEUG AG MOTOROLA;INC. Nowar NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT GMBH NOWAR SECURITY EQUIPMENT GMBH SUPREME FOODSERVICE AG Supreme Foodservice AG Supreme Foodservice AG VALLON GMBH A & D CONSTRUCTIONS ACIERIE D'HAITI ACIERIE D'HAITI ADDITEC, S.A. ANTOINE HOGARTH S.A. AUTO ET MECANIQUE S.A. (AUTOMECA) BETONEX BIMSA CIMENTERIE NATIONALE S.E.M. (CINA) DISTRIBUTEURS NATIONAUX S.A.(DINASA) DISTRIBUTEURS NATIONAUX S.A.(DINASA) EUROCERAM PLUS EUROCERAM PLUS GIGATECH GIGATECH GIGATECH GIGATECH HAITI TELECOMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL S.A. (Haitel) HAYTIAN TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT Co S.A. (Haytrac) IMEDIS INDUSTRIES ACRA INDUSTRIES METALLURGIQUES D'HAITI (INMETAL) MAF&D Company MEDIA & COMMUNICATION S.A. (MEDIACOM) MEDIA & COMMUNICATION S.A. (MEDIACOM) MEDIA & COMMUNICATION S.A. (MEDIACOM) MSC Trading S.A. PAP SECURITY SERVICES S.A. SEDEK ASSOCIATES S.A. UNIVERSAL MOTORS S. A BCS Switchgear Industries BCS Switchgear Industries BCS SWITCHGEAR INDUSTRIES INFORMATION QUOTIENT SOFTWARE LEARNINGMATE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LTD Techno Relief Overseas (India) Pvt. Ltd. Techno Relief Overseas (India) Pvt. Ltd. Track Manufacturing Co. Pvt. Ltd. TRIGYN TECHNOLOGIES INC AHMED SHOP AKADIAN COMPANY AL SAMI GENERAL TRADE COMPANY LTD. AL SAMI GENERAL TRADE COMPANY LTD. DUBAI CO. LTD. FOR GENERAL CONTRACTING ERBIL FUEL DISTRIBUTION DIRECTORY FIAFI GROUP LLC KAR FOR CONTRACTING PROJECTS, ENGINEERING CONSULTANC MISSAN ENGINEERING & CONTRACTING CO., LTD. RAMIN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS (RITS) MMI GROUP LTD MMI GROUP LTD. MMI GROUP LTD. MMI GROUP LTD. AEOLUS LTD ATARA LTD CLASSICA INTERNATIONAL LTD. CLASSICA INTERNATIONAL LTD. CLASSICA INTERNATIONAL LTD. Classica International Ltd. DATASAFE SYSTEM LTD. DATASAFE SYSTEMS LTD DataSafe Systems LTD DATASAFE SYSTEMS LTD. DATASAFE SYSTEMS LTD. DELEK -ISRAEL FUEL CORPORATION LTD. DISTRICT BAKERY E.D.T. E-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD E-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD E-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD. E-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD. E-DRIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD. Domestic metal products Prefabricated buildings, parts thereof Satellite communication systems Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicle parts and accessories Optical instruments Lighting equipment Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Petroleum oils medium, and other medium oils Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Agricultural machinery for soil preparation Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Audio and video accessories Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Antibacterials, other Electro-diagnostic apparatus, including ECG, EEG, ultrasound scanners Instruments & Appliances, Surgical Mechano-therapy appliances, respiration apparatus etc. Modelling pastes, dental plaster preps., laboratory reagents etc. Orthopaedic appliances; physiological appliances Sterilizers, medical, surgical or laboratory Theatre equipment X-ray or alpha, beta or gamma radiation apparatus, medical and surgical Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Mechano-therapy appliances, respiration apparatus etc. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous Medical, surgical or dental instruments and appliances Sampling equipment, water purification and histology equipment, laboratory Electronic measuring equipment n.e.c. Salts and peroxysalts of inorganic acids and metal n.e.c. Motor vehicle parts and accessories Radio broadcast and television receivers Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Security equipment, special purpose Firearms and ammunition Mechano-therapy appliances, respiration apparatus etc. Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums etc.;cable drums of wood Waters, not sweetened Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Timber, hard Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors Electric motors, generators and the like Mortars and concretes, non-refractory Books, brochures and leaflets, printed in single sheets Cements Gas oils (diesel oil) Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Tiles, flagstones, bricks etc. of cement, concrete or artificial stone Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Pipes, iron and steel Sands Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium PC software, general Lubricating preparations Parquet panels and other flooring, of wood Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Clothing of textile materials Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Transfers (decalcomanias); printed calendars; other printedmatter Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Motor vehicle parts and accessories Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Pipes and other accessories, for use with pumps Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Software application packages Training materials, EDP Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Non-EPI Vaccines Telecommunication equipment, other Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Expendables for use with EDP equipment Cements Stationery articles n.e.c. Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Fuel oils, n.e.c. Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Waters, not sweetened Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Metal goods n.e.c. Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Metal goods n.e.c. Clothing of textile materials Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Fruit, other, fresh Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Pipes and other accessories, for use with pumps Telecommunication equipment Aerials and antennae Security equipment, special purpose Expendables for use with EDP equipment Software application packages Fuel oils, n.e.c. Bread, other, and bakers' wares, other Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicle parts and accessories Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof 194 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 71,055.72 413,213.79 83,075.31 41,701.53 36,559.12 3,265,073.07 454,047.45 32,092,777.97 68,413.94 286,265.00 42,661.52 3,250,798.43 331,220.59 131,600.00 39,943.74 141,856.35 42,108.75 36,355.40 40,800.00 49,661.14 79,373.35 156,249.23 146,407.85 130,489.90 128,569.62 160,493.64 96,652.88 40,701.21 327,501.97 39,602.10 1,325,394.07 43,821.10 40,065.08 34,009.10 48,043.77 133,470.88 38,160.33 182,986.44 173,403.25 41,800.50 62,796.26 44,157.87 123,752.17 132,838.00 73,438.74 31,873.38 12,502,598.50 166,666.67 269,320.04 57,106.17 46,980.00 99,100.00 101,577.50 64,000.00 35,000.00 56,000.00 141,627.64 43,905.54 328,200.00 3,571,810.62 75,000.00 49,535.00 35,020.00 72,673.50 74,000.00 241,899.00 172,492.70 92,500.00 94,360.78 50,000.00 76,830.00 74,705.00 41,380.00 127,435.00 162,390.00 250,000.00 44,625.00 206,348.90 57,051.50 98,123.00 570,150.00 609,711.60 134,400.00 46,210.00 272,015.00 41,683.22 61,626.64 36,906.00 128,565.00 46,900.00 40,815.00 30,000.00 54,990.00 36,200.00 136,607.27 33,213.00 149,387.52 30,000.00 84,126.00 214,228.71 37,637.13 345,267.00 496,000.00 115,948.12 216,000.00 71,992.46 150,214.00 84,487.50 68,655.36 49,990.00 242,474.42 84,678.00 48,940.00 43,430.00 181,467.76 33,602.15 145,630.00 187,421.60 70,670.00 88,475.00 123,355.60 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) ELKIS LTD GALICOM MARKETING LTD. Gilat Satcom L. A. D. M. Agencies Ltd. L. A. D. M. Agencies Ltd. L.A.D.M AGENCIES LTD L.A.D.M. AGENCIES LTD L.A.D.M. LTD. LAN LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. LAN LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. LAN LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. LAN LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. LAN LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD.* LAN-LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD LAN-LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD LAN-LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. LAN-LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. Lan-Lee International Ltd. LAN-LEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. Linkcom Telecom Ltd ODIS FILTERING LTD Odis Filtering Ltd ODIS FILTERING LTD ODIS FILTERING LTD ODIS FILTERING LTD. ODIS FILTERING LTD. PAZ OIL COMPANY LTD. TNUVA LTD TNUVA LTD A BELLOMI S.R.L A BELLOMI S.R.L A BELLOMI S.R.L A BELLOMI S.R.L A BELLOMI S.R.L A BELLOMI S.R.L A. BELLOMI A. Bellomi S. R. L. A. Bellomi S. R. L. A. BELLOMI S.R.L A. BELLOMI S.R.L A. BELLOMI S.R.L A. BELLOMI S.R.L. A. BELLOMI S.R.L. A. BELLOMI S.R.L. A. BELLOMI S.R.L. A. BELLOMI S.R.L. A. BELLOMI S.R.L. A. BELLOMI SRL A. BELLOMI SRL A.BELLOMI S.R.L. A.BELLOMI S.R.L. A.BELLOMI S.R.L. AGMIN ITALY AGMIN ITALY S.R.L. AGMIN ITALY S.R.L. Agmin Italy s.r.l. AGMIN ITALY SRL* AMA S.P.A. AMA S.P.A. AMA S.P.A. AMA SPA AMA SpA AMA SPA AMA SPA AMA SpA AMA SPA - ITALY AMA SPA - ITALY B.D.B. INFORMATICA DI BIANCO GIOVANNI CGT LOGISTICA SISTEMI S.P.A. (CLS SPA)* CHIMAR SPA CHIMAR SPA COELMO S.R.L COELMO SRL COLAIANNI MARIO & C. SAS CORADE SPA CORADE SPA Corimec Italiana S.P.A CORIMEC ITALIANA S.P.A CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA CORIMEC ITALIANA SPA DB ELECTRONICA TELECOMMUNICAZIONI SPA DELEXPORT ITALIA DELEXPORT ITALIA DELEXPORT ITALIA Delexport Italia S.R.L DELEXPORT ITALIANA s.r.l Edilsider S.P.A. ELECTRONIC'S TIME SRL ELETTROMECCANICA CIAURRI S.R.L. EMERSON NETWORK POWER SRL ENI SPA ENTERPRISE SAS DI ATTILIO MELE & C.* ERRECI S.R.L ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. ERRECI S.R.L. Erreci Srl Erreci Srl Erreci SRL Erreci Srl EURO MEC S.R.L EURO MEC S.R.L EURO MEC S.R.L EURO MEC SRL EURO MEC SRL EURO MEC SRL Euromec SRL EUROMEC SRL EUROMEC SRL FAGIOLI S.P.A FAGIOLI S.P.A Fagioli S.P.A. Fagioli S.P.A. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Expendables for use with EDP equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Motor vehicle parts and accessories Safety equipment Safety equipment Machinery for sorting, screening, separating, kneading earth, stone, ores etc. Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Lighting equipment Optical instruments n.e.c.; other measuring equipment Security and safety equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Instruments for measuring temperature or other physical properties n.e.c. Filtering and purifying equipment Weighing equipment, micrometers, gauges etc. Clothing of textile materials Hydrographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Satellite communication systems Disinfectants Filtering and purifying equipment Sterilizers, medical, surgical or laboratory Wood charcoal Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Filtering and purifying equipment Fuel oils, n.e.c. Dairy products n.e.c. Eggs, birds' in shell Binders, folders and file covers Hats and headgear Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Projection accessories Transfers (decalcomanias); printed calendars; other printedmatter Stationery articles n.e.c. Binders, folders and file covers Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Registers, account books, note books, order books etc. Soap and cleaning preparations Stationery articles n.e.c. Gas oils (diesel oil) Newsprint, hand made-paper and punch card stock Paper and paperboard products, other Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Stationery articles n.e.c. Stationery of paper or paperboard Binders, folders and file covers Expendables for use with EDP equipment Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Stationery articles n.e.c. Transfers (decalcomanias); printed calendars; other printedmatter Domestic cooking and heating equipment Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Domestic appliances other than cooling and heating equipment Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Floating structures, other Primary cells and primary batteries Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Filtering and purifying equipment Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances Transmission equipment Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Photocopying apparatus Motor vehicle parts and accessories Expendables for use with EDP equipment Packing and sealing articles of plastics Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Construction goods, ceramic, other Electric motors, generators and the like Prefabricated buildings Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Prefabricated buildings, parts thereof Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Prefabricated buildings, parts thereof Rubber, articles thereof, n.e.c. Prefabricated buildings Radio broadcast and television receivers Prefabricated buildings, parts thereof Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Prefabricated buildings Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof Computer systems, special purpose other Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Photocopying apparatus Linen, household Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Camping equipment Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture, workshop, shop etc. Paper and paperboard products, other Seats and chairs Tableware, kitchenware, other household and toilet articles, of plastic Furniture, domestic Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Domestic appliances other than cooling and heating equipment Furniture, domestic Weighing equipment, micrometers, gauges etc. Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Electric motors, generators and the like Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Filtering and purifying equipment Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors Pumps, water Filtering and purifying equipment Lifting and handling equipment, parts and accessories thereof Pumps, water Prefabricated buildings, parts thereof Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Camping equipment Food products, other 195 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 38,905.91 42,522.50 52,413.00 41,180.00 283,580.00 82,932.50 88,800.00 48,182.28 132,160.00 288,481.00 245,482.00 564,821.00 115,454.00 952,357.83 45,481.00 64,136.00 56,145.94 58,374.00 53,560.00 62,250.00 136,478.10 2,345,241.20 35,538.00 144,800.50 52,777.70 2,005,868.00 112,500.00 50,000.00 32,608.70 244,697.39 58,842.51 256,031.81 34,173.09 36,523.13 42,673.15 234,179.93 523,208.59 548,834.71 262,181.08 152,383.71 35,097.45 39,763.51 53,491.65 119,257.00 387,019.36 106,773.23 95,966.32 31,752.71 255,772.20 103,800.00 396,738.28 195,130.63 44,607.55 4,591,508.77 35,830.04 302,362.20 54,386.30 519,229.00 126,903.49 171,870.50 373,197.28 79,229.25 76,424.87 53,387.03 35,520.25 65,160.11 62,730.37 61,337.21 33,000.00 90,000.00 44,000.00 307,025.94 75,532.41 49,839.35 178,266.09 623,178.62 1,370,754.44 4,755,555.56 17,070,041.49 5,333,183.12 720,033.76 7,663,813.93 91,257.01 2,430,417.52 105,029.59 924,375.47 2,403,237.95 102,528.09 305,370.84 65,865.38 95,397.49 44,528.59 291,600.00 59,838.93 63,687.77 258,237.14 35,101.87 96,843.50 51,590.24 30,145.50 125,564.83 74,705.06 146,025.60 972,724.98 115,210.84 56,317.99 2,061,058.34 130,983.26 176,797.28 283,313.00 622,554.10 594,586.83 33,600.00 158,281.26 3,542,001.64 142,424.04 202,065.54 720,000.00 30,650.00 118,020.00 68,690.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Jordan Jordan Jordan Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Fagioli S.p.A. Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Fagioli S.P.A. Trailers and semi-trailers; containers FANTUZZI-REGGIANE Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof FRIGO PUGLIA S.R.L.* Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment GEO VEHICLES S.R.L. Vehicles n.e.c. GRUPPO CADINI SRL Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment GRUPPO CADINI SRL Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment GRUPPO CADINI SRL Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics IMIEL A&G SRL Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof IMIEL A&G SRL Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Automotive workshop equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Calculating machines and similar calculating devices INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Domestic cooking and heating equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Electric motors, generators and the like INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Electricity distribution or control apparatus INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Expendables for use with EDP equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Footwear with uppers of leather INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Furniture, workshop, shop etc. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Industrial catering equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Lighting equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Metal goods n.e.c. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Office and accounting machinery, parts and accessories thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Pumps, water INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Safety equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Security equipment, special purpose INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Transformers, electrical INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) Domestic cooking and heating equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) Electric motors, generators and the like INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) Metal goods n.e.c. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES (IIS) Transformers, electrical INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Intertrade International Services S.r.L. Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices Intertrade International Services S.r.L. Domestic metal products Intertrade International Services S.r.L. Electric motors, generators and the like Intertrade International Services S.r.L. Food products, other Intertrade International Services S.r.L. Hand tools INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.R.L. Instruments and appliances, medical or surgical n.e.c. Intertrade International Services S.r.L. Paper and paperboard products, other Intertrade International Services S.r.L. Primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators,parts thereof Intertrade International Services S.r.L. Protection devices for EDP equipment Intertrade International Services S.r.L. Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Intertrade International Services S.r.L. Wood for joinery and carpentry, other INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Electric motors, generators and the like INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL Electricity distribution or control apparatus INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Electronic measuring equipment n.e.c. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Packing and sealing articles of plastics INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL PC software, general INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Protection devices for EDP equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Radio-broadcasting, reception apparatus, parts and accessories thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Safety equipment INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Sampling equipment, water purification and histology equipment, laboratory INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL Software application packages INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL Soldering, brazing or welding machinery and apparatus INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES SRL Telecommunication equipment, other INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Toilet tissue stock; miscellaneous other papers INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES Srl Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L Electric motors, generators and the like INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof INTERTRADE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES;S.R.L Safety equipment INTERTRADE INT'L SERVICES S.R.L. Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof INTERTRADE INT'L SERVICES S.R.L. Industrial catering equipment INTERTRADE S.P.A. Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products INTERTRADE S.P.A. Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics ITALTREND SPA Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof JAS S.p.A - Forwarding Worldwide Trailers and semi-trailers; containers LA TERMOSANITARIA S.R.L. Metal goods n.e.c. LET IT SHINE SRL Expendables for use with EDP equipment LIMONGELLI SRL Metal goods n.e.c. LIMONGELLI SRL Safety equipment MELUCCI GIOVANNI SRL Furniture, other, n.e.c. NEW DEALER SRL Expendables for use with EDP equipment Officine Di Annone SRL Software application packages PLANET SRL Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video RC Trade srl Primary cells and primary batteries RC Trade srl Radio broadcast and television receivers RC Trade srl Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof REGGIANE CRANES AND PLANTS S.P.A. (Formerly - FANTUZZI REGGMotor vehicle parts and accessories RITTAL SPA Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof ROPATEC SRL Alternative energy systems; steam, hydraulic and gas turbines SCAFF SYSTEM SRL Furniture, workshop, shop etc. SIMON DANZER S.R.L* Office and accounting machinery, parts and accessories thereof SMARTTECH DI SZOMANSKI AGNIESZKA YOLANTA Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof SOFTWAY S.R.L Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment SOFTWAY SRL Expendables for use with EDP equipment SOLARIT Alternative energy systems; steam, hydraulic and gas turbines SPATINGOM DI RUGGIERO VITO VINCENZO Motor vehicle parts and accessories TEREX ITALIA S.R.L. Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof VIRUS di Francavilla & Lanzillotti Michelangelo s.n.c Printing and bookbinding equipment K. ARANO & CO., LTD. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. NISSAN TRADING CO. LTD Motor vehicle parts and accessories NISSAN TRADING CO. LTD. Motor vehicle parts and accessories NISSAN TRADING CO., LTD. Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof NISSAN TRADING CO., LTD. Motor vehicles, special purpose NISSEI TRADING CO. LTD. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. TOYOTA INDUSTRIES CORPORATION Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Toyota Motor Corporation Instruments and appliances, medical or surgical n.e.c. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Motor vehicle parts and accessories TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Transmission equipment TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Vehicles n.e.c. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Al Ruba Company Ltd. Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium AL-SAUSANA FOR SCIENTIFIC & STATIONARY SUPPLIES Expendables for use with EDP equipment ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED SERVICEMEN Firearms and ammunition 196 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 36,685.00 219,258.49 2,163,435.97 44,156.98 37,496.48 60,520.00 36,512.00 43,670.00 49,156.63 45,180.72 55,350.00 103,414.00 53,841.22 47,380.97 153,622.34 44,279.69 4,818,612.04 214,783.59 60,605.99 268,262.17 126,175.92 36,721.07 33,861.45 40,437.67 34,714.10 525,823.29 200,330.00 153,609.29 39,418.83 87,580.17 32,078.10 41,627.14 33,665.41 73,470.01 63,674.76 302,644.62 48,541.49 986,924.45 36,421.76 32,316.60 127,019.55 40,893.28 46,497.80 38,527.15 123,188.86 3,823,446.89 966,531.38 338,060.88 39,123.32 277,778.51 39,530.00 32,870.84 383,579.88 990,249.22 145,908.80 317,517.15 72,276.00 168,459.32 79,288.01 35,547.63 45,780.20 73,394.90 79,236.74 31,832.91 40,968.17 45,511.83 69,049.71 106,144.50 112,512.03 37,056.06 106,987.70 53,647.67 67,680.50 562,945.97 78,390.00 35,442.77 39,606.25 31,770.36 36,841.43 74,370.39 43,592.18 73,374.00 35,161.74 35,899.85 49,226.44 107,760.00 62,216.19 164,138.45 32,391.91 46,512.23 95,373.00 63,080.40 135,226.35 46,608.69 91,737.62 85,423.28 45,855.65 31,187.09 34,116.87 277,030.82 259,168.18 50,754.59 44,600.00 127,374.68 73,000.00 261,399.00 2,358,300.76 1,205,720.60 19,725,370.04 345,559.66 285,000.00 320,980.14 65,375.23 166,847.03 2,980,158.42 234,417.18 103,715.17 34,290,802.82 54,966.00 87,855.58 62,024.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Liberia Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Nepal Nepal Nepal Netherlands Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) AMREF Flying Doctor Services Antidotes and other substances used in poisonings MABATI ROLLING MILLS LIMITED Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Petag Import and Export Company Limited Toilet tissue stock; miscellaneous other papers PHILEQUIP ENTERPRISES Motor vehicle parts and accessories PHILEQUIP ENTERPRISES Telecommunication equipment, other PolyTanks Limited Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Caravan Engineered Structure Inc Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Caravan Engineered Structure Inc Electricity distribution or control apparatus Caravan Engineered Structure Inc. Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Caravan Engineered Structure Inc. Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Caravan Engineered Structure Inc. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES INC. (Formerly Caravan Int'l C Camping equipment CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC Prefabricated buildings, parts thereof CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC. Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC. Electric motors, generators and the like CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC. Lighting equipment, parts thereof CARAVAN ENGINEERED STRUCTURES, INC. Prefabricated buildings Caravana Engineered Structure Inc. Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof HN CORPORATION Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment HN CORPORATION Clothing of textile materials Agility (PWC Logistics Services Co) K.S.C. (c) Trailers and semi-trailers; containers BRONZE TECHNICAL COMPANY Photocopying apparatus FUTURE COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY INTERNATIONAL WLL Converters, ladles, ingot moulds and casting machines, metallurgical GULF CATERING COMPANY FOR GENERAL TRADE AND CONTRACTElectric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof MERCATO DEL GOLFO (GULF MARKETS GENERAL TRADING CO.WLExpendables for use with EDP equipment MERCATO DEL GOLFO (GULF MARKETS GENERAL TRADING CO.WLSafety equipment A.M. DABBOUS Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables A.M. DABBOUS Telephone equipment A.M. DABBOUS Textile articles made-up, other Alam Reconstruction Consulting Associates sarl (ARCA) Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Alam Reconstruction Consulting Associates sarl (ARCA) Sands AL-RASHEED TRADING CO. Motor vehicle parts and accessories AQUARIUS SAL Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof CLIMAT TECHNOLOGY "CLIMATEC" Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment DAHER FOR CONTRACTING Mortars and concretes, non-refractory DAHER FOR CONTRACTING Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Dantziguian Hrayr Automation Systems SARL Machinery, special purpose, other ENGINEERING & BLDG. CO. (EBCO BITAR) Sands Ets. Avtech Seats and chairs FAKHRY TRADING CO. SARL Plastics in primary forms, n.e.c.; ion exchangers Farra Design Center Seats and chairs FOUAD KHALIFE & CO. Water pipe fittings and accessories HANNA KHOURY AND BROTHERS CO. Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. HANNA KHOURY AND BROTHERS CO. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. HANNA KHOURY AND BROTHERS CO.* Sands IMAGE SYSTEMS S.A.L. Photocopying apparatus KHONAYSSER MOTORS S.A.R.L* Electric motors, generators and the like LEBECO S.A.L. LEBANESE EUROPEAIN COMPANY FOR COMMERCE Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic LEBECO S.A.L. LEBANESE EUROPEAIN COMPANY FOR COMMERCE Metal goods n.e.c. LEBECO S.A.L. LEBANESE EUROPEAIN COMPANY FOR COMMERCE Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics LIBATEL S.A.R.L. Telecommunication equipment, other LUMATRON SARL. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables MAPS sarl Maps and charts MEDIROPA Company Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic MEDITERRANEAN OIL SHIPPING & TRANSPORT COMPANY (MEDCO Gas oils (diesel oil) MIDWARE DATA SYSTEMS S.A.L. Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks PARISSIS STEEL ENG. & CONT. CO. SARL Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of ironor steel RIM CO. FOR NATURAL MINERAL WATER S.A.L. Waters, not sweetened S.O.S. "KIMIAL" Safety equipment Sami Abdul Ghani Kotob Trading Est. Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment SIMA INT'L SARL Cement, concrete or artificial stone, other articles thereof SIMON ELECTRIC CENTER SARL Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof SPAN S.A.R.L Furniture, workshop, shop etc. Spectra Color SARL Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables SULTAN STEEL SARL Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled SULTAN STEEL SARL Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of ironor steel SULTAN STEEL SARL Drawn and folded products of iron or steel; products of cast iron or steel SULTAN STEEL SARL Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium BASHIR BUSINESS CENTER INC Lubricating preparations CEMENCO Cements CONEX PETROLEUM SERVICES, INC. Gas oils (diesel oil) FOFANA QUICK SERVICE SUPPLY Timber, hard H & A CORPORATION - (Formerly - H & A Enterprises) Lubricating preparations KIASON GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. LIBERIA FIRE SAFETY & ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. (LIFSES) Components for telecommunication equipment Monrovia Bulk Trading Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof NATIONAL PAINT INDUSTRIES Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products OANDO LIBERIA INC. Gas oils (diesel oil) PAN OXYGEN FACTORY Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and rare gases POWERTECH INC. Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit SETHI BROTHERS INC. Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel SETHI BROTHERS INC. Containers of iron, steel or aluminium SETHI BROTHERS INC. Linoleum SETHI BROTHERS INC. Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances SETHI BROTHERS INC. Timber, hard SETHI BROTHERS INC. Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics SETHI BROTHERS INC. Twine, cordage, rope and cables SRIMEX ENTERPRISES INC. Gas oils (diesel oil) ST. UMAH INTERNATIONAL SERVICES /COMPANY (SUISCO) Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete THUNDER BIRD CORPORATION Motor vehicle parts and accessories TOTAL LIBERIA INC. Gas oils (diesel oil) TOTAL LIBERIA INC. Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit U-SURDYS RESOURCES INC. Cement, concrete or artificial stone, other articles thereof W. C. TRADING CENTER Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit YORK TRADING INC. Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products FLOATDENE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Floatdene International Limited Domestic metal products Floatdene International Limited Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof FLOATDENE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Pipes, iron and steel FLOATDENE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Plywood FLOATDENE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED Engines and turbines, parts thereof SUPPLYQUIP LIMITED Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof SUPPLYQUIP LTD Electricity distribution or control apparatus JAMAL AHMED BEN M'BAREK OU JAMAA Waters, not sweetened LA SOCIETE ATLAS SAHARA S.A. Fuel oils, n.e.c. LANNET, INGENIERIE DES RESEAUX INFORMATIQUES ET TELECOMProtection devices for EDP equipment R.M.S (Rotomoulage du Sud) Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Société Shell du Maroc Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) STE. ABADA S.A.R.L. Lighting equipment, parts thereof NEPAL OIL CORPORATION LTD. (N.O.C) Gas oils (diesel oil) NEPAL OIL CORPORATION LTD. (N.O.C) Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit SHAKTIDEVI PETROL STATION Gas oils (diesel oil) DEVOTRA B. V. Automotive workshop equipment 197 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 42,144.00 175,480.00 74,344.06 30,932.61 34,440.00 58,323.22 639,450.00 95,112.01 2,489,250.00 170,870.00 3,566,192.00 75,700.00 577,500.00 164,556.50 143,034.14 953,400.00 442,600.00 66,045.00 3,368,041.06 892,747.33 1,508,800.00 368,139.20 55,750.00 474,650.00 96,109.95 64,357.14 50,334.00 75,000.00 37,224.60 79,841.00 89,615.00 31,600.00 44,640.00 61,250.00 222,913.00 32,000.00 77,065.00 38,125.00 316,655.00 32,000.00 31,328.00 44,850.00 32,000.00 38,848.00 84,985.00 77,983.00 56,000.00 69,525.00 537,500.00 55,310.00 42,500.00 36,440.63 70,500.00 50,709.40 121,050.00 36,455.70 80,000.00 30,316.00 21,341,863.99 142,175.00 189,640.00 46,800.00 32,600.00 36,350.00 35,160.00 33,498.80 298,045.50 39,600.00 323,471.50 132,000.00 34,256.00 82,345.50 1,044,940.00 305,750.00 3,683,590.22 30,550.00 176,650.00 219,289.95 48,257.43 343,851.99 49,250.00 982,285.37 35,100.00 450,062.35 62,490.00 55,830.00 40,600.00 101,472.55 183,338.00 69,520.46 31,149.00 2,246,754.99 30,662.00 57,500.00 5,369,348.40 7,534,562.84 150,066.00 140,370.56 47,236.00 50,207.50 49,701.60 40,266.70 135,421.50 78,870.75 45,592.10 30,910.05 47,065.90 66,546.60 39,332.49 50,874.00 702,887.48 137,502.60 371,035.33 31,700.51 38,174.52 1,612,503.07 30,506.10 255,435.67 38,204.38 169,407.24 37,709.68 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand Norway Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Panama Panama Panama Rwanda Rwanda Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Sierra Leone Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Somalia South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Spain Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Devotra B. V. DEVOTRA B.V DEVOTRA B.V DEVOTRA B.V. DEVOTRA B.V. DEVOTRA B.V. DEVOTRA B.V. DEVOTRA B.V. DEVOTRA B.V. DEVOTRA B.V. DEVOTRA BV DEVOTRA BV DEVOTRA BV DEVOTRA BV HOLLAND AVIATION HOLLAND AVIATION HOLLAND AVIATION IMRES IMRES IMRES IMRES IMRES IMRES BV IMRES BV Imres BV IMRES BV Imres BV IMRES BV IMRES BV Imres BV Imres BV Imres BV Imres BV IMRES BV INTERNATIONAL PROCUREMENT AGENCY International Procurement Agency B.V. KEMPER EN VAN TWIST DIESEL BV SANGUIN BLOOD BANK NORTH-WEST SANQUIN SANQUIN BLOEDVOORZIENING SANQUIN BLOOD BANK SANQUIN BLOOD BANK NORTH WEST SANQUIN BLOODSUPPLY FOUNDATION SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIERS B.V. SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES B.V. SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV Santpoort Project Supplies BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV SANTPOORT PROJECT SUPPLIES BV Santpoort Project Supplies BV STICHTING SANQUIN BLOEDVOORZIENING STICHTING SANQUIN BLOEDVOORZIENING THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV THE MEDICAL EXPORT GROUP BV VIZADA BV 4RF COMMUNICATION LTD. 4RF COMMUNICATION LTD. 4RF COMMUNICATIONS 4RF COMMUNICATIONS 4RF Communications LTD 4RF COMMUNICATIONS LTD 4RF COMMUNICATIONS LTD. Bremca Industries Ltd SURVEYLAB LTD. W. GIERTSEN A/S EQUINOX (Pvt) LIMITED IMGC GLOBAL (PVT) LTD INFORMATION SYSTEMS ASOCIATES LTD MICRO ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL (PVT) LTD ES-KO ES-KO INTERNATIONAL INC. ES-KO INTERNATIONAL INC. MAGASIN GULAM TRADING AS (MEHBOOB) MAGASIN GULAM TRADING AS (MEHBOOB) BIS OIL TEAM SH.P.K. DAGI COMMERCE IZOLIMI KOSOVA EXPORT IMPORT SUPPLY "KEIS" N.N. SA KONSTRUKSION G4S SECURITY SERVICES LTD HARRIS STRATEX NETWORKS OPERATING CORPORATION HILLS INTERNATIONAL (SINGAPORE) KHATIBENG ESTABLISHMENT VISION 8 PTE LTD VISION 8 PTE LTD VISION 8 PTE LTD VISION 8 PTE LTD VISION 8 PTE LTD VISION 8 PTE LTD I.A.G. General Trading Co. LLC BAE SYSTEMS BAE SYSTEMS BAE SYSTEMS - LAND SYSTEMS SOUTH AFRICA LTD BAE SYSTEMS - LAND SYSTEMS SOUTH AFRICA LTD COCHRANE STEEL PRODUCTS COCHRANE STEEL PRODUCTS COCHRANE STEEL PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD COCHRANE STEEL PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD. Cochrane Steel Products (PTY) Ltd. COCHRANE STEEL PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD. HISSCO (PTY) Ltd. NEW GENERATION AMMUNITION NEW GENERATION AMMUNITION PTY LTD RCS Africa, Leephy Studios TOWNSEND INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD TOWNSEND INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD Townsend International (Pty) Ltd. TOWNSEND INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD. CONSORCIO MODULAR EUROPEO Electric motors, generators and the like Hand tools Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Automotive workshop equipment Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, or atomic energy purposes Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Engines and motors, hydraulic and pneumatic power Hand tools Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Vehicles n.e.c. Automotive workshop equipment Capacitors, electrical Hand tools Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Lighting equipment Hydrographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments Security and safety equipment Antibacterials, other Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Drugs acting on the respiratory tract Non-EPI Vaccine, other Non-EPI Vaccines Antidotes and other substances used in poisonings Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Electro-diagnostic apparatus, including ECG, EEG, ultrasound scanners EPI Vaccines EPI vaccines, other Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous Medical, surgical or dental instruments and appliances Modelling pastes, dental plaster preps., laboratory reagents etc. Non-EPI Vaccines Orthopaedic appliances; physiological appliances Penicillins Pharmaceutical products n.e.c. Expendables for use with EDP equipment Soap and cleaning preparations Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Blood products and plasma substitutes Blood products and plasma substitutes Blood products and plasma substitutes Blood products and plasma substitutes Blood products and plasma substitutes Blood products and plasma substitutes Micro-computers Capacitors, electrical Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof Electricity distribution or control apparatus Filtering and purifying equipment Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables PC software, general Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors Safety equipment Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Satellite communication systems Accumulators, electric Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Electricity distribution or control apparatus Filtering and purifying equipment Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Toilet tissue stock; miscellaneous other papers Blood products and plasma substitutes Instruments and appliances, medical or surgical n.e.c. Laboratory equipment, miscellaneous Pharmaceutical products n.e.c. Satellite communication systems Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Components for telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment, other Electricity distribution or control apparatus Telecommunication equipment Camping equipment Telephone equipment Seats and chairs Satellite communication systems Telecommunication equipment, other Food products, other Food products, other Waters, not sweetened Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Domestic appliances other than cooling and heating equipment Fuel oils, n.e.c. Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Welding and soldering consumables Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Domestic cooking and heating equipment Laboratory glassware Telecommunication equipment, other Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Expendables for use with EDP equipment Lighting equipment Motor vehicle parts and accessories Primary cells and primary batteries Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Security equipment, special purpose Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles, special purpose Motor vehicle parts and accessories Motor vehicles, special purpose Crowd control equipment Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Firearms and ammunition Firearms and ammunition PC software, general Capacitors, electrical Safety equipment Furniture, workshop, shop etc. Telecommunication equipment, other Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse 198 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 198,413.67 235,192.33 101,749.23 30,382.96 65,718.33 64,182.48 31,113.71 293,864.63 38,197.02 132,680.66 40,762.45 32,509.08 253,047.22 32,304.80 54,375.00 156,150.00 41,382.00 280,920.42 31,119.20 44,197.81 55,115.40 55,670.00 50,980.02 327,315.40 74,359.17 35,862.53 63,199.00 121,625.65 149,974.20 57,982.16 102,843.00 87,425.03 93,202.11 41,521.49 44,864.23 34,533.65 47,285.29 323,234.81 258,119.10 160,567.42 43,877.81 88,973.31 65,039.33 40,152.00 31,152.50 79,853.13 73,400.00 583,880.00 46,310.24 162,347.50 74,393.31 73,383.25 73,406.56 34,678.46 37,270.71 73,155.00 33,429.00 73,800.00 31,811.75 30,250.00 44,690.41 94,041.57 193,819.38 35,361.94 52,934.38 111,059.97 75,231.00 476,266.26 74,880.00 55,320.00 698,150.09 1,217,770.40 198,658.92 304,517.17 273,296.00 36,168.00 59,502.00 86,245.68 100,695.80 148,285.85 145,895.04 1,693,051.90 27,922,117.35 40,140.02 172,001.30 72,130.05 1,648,762.76 272,859.03 31,036.85 41,209.84 31,598.67 204,177.57 248,512.98 32,400.00 41,760.00 52,755.46 35,250.00 34,715.37 34,906.27 33,150.00 72,840.00 69,144.65 63,459.40 1,012,209.48 47,053.63 889,846.73 43,534.34 110,781.34 500,772.80 85,024.00 212,100.80 2,688,477.00 32,850.00 155,250.00 42,000.00 36,269.17 250,627.43 54,889.08 152,386.35 39,436.56 84,679.22 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sudan Sweden Sweden Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) EINSA GRUPO ROS CASARES ITURRI S.A. ITURRI S.A. REDONDO Y GARCIA, S.A REDONDO Y GARCIA, S.A. REDONDO Y GARCIA, SA REDONDO Y GARCIA;S.A Redondo Y. Garcia S. A. REPSOL YPF LUBRICANTES ESPECIALDADES S.A REPSOL YPF LUBRICANTES ESPECIALDADES S.A Abdulhalim Adam Mustafa ABU AL FADIL FURNITURE & DECOR Abu Dasha For Trading and Transport and Consultants Co. Ltd Abu Dasha For Trading and Transport and Consultants Co. Ltd Abu Reem for Transport Abu Reem for Transport Abu Reem for Transport Aden Ltd. Aden Ltd. Advanced Engineering Works Co. Ltd. AGGREGATES & BUILDING MATERIALS-ABM AGS for Contracting & Trading AGS for Contracting & Trading Ahmed Elghazi For Petroleum & Transportation Works Ahmed Elghazi For Petroleum & Transportation Works Ahmed Elghazi For Petroleum & Transportation Works Asasco for Construction ATM Trading & Services Bangkok Consult Limited Baskali Multi Activities Co. Ltd. BIRAWI INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD BIRAWI INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD BIRAWI INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD BIRAWI INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD BUY BEST INVESTMENT CO Canbera International for Trading and Investment Co. Ltd CLEOPATRA LOGISTICS & CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. CLEOPATRA LOGISTICS & CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. Conssuda Engineering Investment Co. Ltd. Dal Engineering Company DAL ENGINEERING COMPANYLTD. DAL FOOD INDUSTRIES DALLOW FOR TRADES & CONTRACTING CO. LTD DARKA FOR TRADING & SERVICES CO. LTD. Deal Development Company Deal Development Company DEAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (DDC) DND for Trading and Construction Dorsheed Engineering Consultation Doser Investment Co. Ltd. Dumbar For Trading Services EL BARKAL ENGINEERING LTD. EL BARKAL ENGINEERING LTD. EL BARKAL ENGINEERING LTD. El-Fardos Shop Fair Deal International Gok Garkoth Trading Enterprises Haneer Engineering Co. Haneer Engineering Co. Haneer Engineering Co. Hawadin Stores HIGLEIG PETROLEUM SERVICES & INVESTMENT CO. LTD. Integrated Business Co. (IBC) Integrated Business Co. (IBC) Integrated Business Co. (IBC) Integrated Business Co. (IBC) Integrated Business Co. (IBC) Iqraa for Technology & Trading Services Juba Insurance Company Ltd KOMINE TRADING Mabbiti Construction Company Limited Mahmoud Ahmed Salim Store Manzola Consultation & Contracting Meethag for Transport MEGATRADE CO. LTD MEGATRADE CO. LTD MEGATRADE CO. LTD MEGATRADE CO. LTD MIERGHANI OSMAN MEIRGHANI MSC Shipping Company Ltd. NILE TECHNICAL AGENCIES COMPANY LTD NON-STOP TRANSPORT COMPANY LTD. OILFIELD SUPPLY CENTER (OSC) OMER KHALAFALLA FOR TRANSPORT & INVESTMENT Orbital for Trading Co. Ltd. Pancrop Commercial CO. Ltd Pancrop Commercial CO. Ltd Pancrop Commercial CO. Ltd Pancrop Commercial Co. Ltd (PCC) Petronas Marketing Sudan Ltd Petronas Marketing Sudan Ltd PIL Admiral Shipping Co Ltd. Promark for Promotions and Marketing Co. Ltd Rain Engineering, Const and Investment (SS) LTD RHINO STARS SUPPLIERS AND CONSTRUCTION WORK CO.LTD SDV Transintra Sudan Ltd SHIBARKAL ENGINEERING SHIBARKAL ENGINEERING Shibarkal Engineering Shiptaka for Trade & Industry Sito For Trading SKYLINE Contracting Co LTD Skytel Co.LTD Skytel Co.LTD SOFTWAY INTL COMPANY Sterling Office Supplies Co Sterling Office Supplies Co Sudan Consult Sudan Rotomould Factory for Water Tanks & Plastic Containers Sudanese Tractor Company LTD (SUTRAC) TRISTAR ENERGY TRISTAR ENERGY TRISTAR ENERGY Ultra Vision Co. Universal Brothers Universal Brothers Wad Al Zaky for Trading ZEBIAN SERVICES COMPANY LIMITED AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB Biab International AB Motor vehicle parts and accessories Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Motor vehicle parts and accessories Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Hand tools Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Pumps, water Hand tools Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit Petroleum oils medium, and other medium oils Accumulators, electric Furniture, domestic Cements Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Primary cells and primary batteries Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Electricity distribution or control apparatus Tiles, flagstones, bricks etc. of cement, concrete or artificial stone Motor vehicle parts and accessories Cements Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Sands Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Motor vehicle parts and accessories Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Radio broadcast and television receivers Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Hand tools Cements Chemical elements, n.e.c. Sands Tiles, flagstones, bricks etc. of cement, concrete or artificial stone Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Sands Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Motor vehicle parts and accessories Waters, not sweetened Cements Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Radio broadcast and television receivers Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Soap and cleaning preparations Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Camping equipment Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Cements Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Hand tools Cements Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Limestone flux and calcareous stone Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Cements Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Wood for joinery and carpentry, other Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Motor vehicle parts and accessories Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Cements Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Wood for joinery and carpentry, other Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, or atomic energy purposes Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Cements Orthopaedic appliances; physiological appliances Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Construction goods, ceramic, other Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Toilet tissue stock; miscellaneous other papers Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Food products, other Fuel oils, n.e.c. Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, or atomic energy purposes Registers, account books, note books, order books etc. Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Ironmongry Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, or atomic energy purposes Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Sands Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Cements Cements Micro-computers Toilet tissue stock; miscellaneous other papers Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Cements Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Motor vehicle parts and accessories Fuel oils, n.e.c. Gas oils (diesel oil) Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Bricks, blocks, tiles etc. and ceramic goods, other Sands Expansion cards & other add-on hard- or firm-ware Chemical elements, n.e.c. Telecommunication equipment Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse 199 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 36,553.02 94,233.87 50,839.90 30,818.72 102,438.66 151,129.87 33,781.61 37,273.92 104,848.34 67,437.58 36,063.75 106,182.73 58,867.84 61,779.66 235,000.00 58,000.00 33,700.00 230,400.00 147,989.50 38,930.00 59,077.57 45,372.32 231,832.67 44,223.11 43,824.70 41,621.54 58,392.86 54,337.90 167,250.00 297,812.50 33,039.65 363,629.11 50,930.00 755,986.06 68,987.22 35,593.22 999,791.67 1,036,900.00 131,000.00 6,114,000.00 57,404.80 45,294.32 50,000.00 54,112.50 157,400.00 31,850.00 58,900.00 125,200.00 75,616.65 49,500.00 267,415.00 52,270.92 145,300.00 30,000.00 63,800.00 40,178.57 174,611.00 131,034.48 134,000.00 66,850.76 175,140.00 47,010.42 199,969.00 63,720.00 311,099.00 150,118.55 48,775.90 620,322.18 371,765.00 533,308.64 184,100.00 69,000.00 30,100.00 45,089.29 289,828.00 174,355.00 60,894.20 40,355.90 35,078.95 123,817.57 184,522.71 96,994.00 267,500.00 32,001.08 667,500.00 41,300.00 55,840.00 131,681.00 40,875.00 58,500.00 4,054,990.78 36,645,769.49 38,198.38 34,450.00 31,025.00 129,063.98 33,499.38 65,500.00 65,625.00 618,883.93 69,530.30 32,000.00 30,600.00 36,433.20 38,790.00 266,114.90 149,371.55 81,137.93 31,128.90 94,458.33 33,572.93 18,312,658.97 11,346,401.00 30,069,465.57 56,023.00 168,346.28 378,486.06 67,318.73 36,517.50 559,529.79 89,342.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Tunisia Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda Uganda United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Biab International Ab Domestic appliances, parts and accessories thereof Biab International Ab Doors, windows and their frames, of iron, steel or aluminium BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB Metal goods n.e.c. Biab International Ab Pumps, water BIAB INTERNATIONAL AB Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Biab International AB Tableware, kitchenware, other household and toilet articles, of plastic Biab International AB Toilet tissue stock; miscellaneous other papers GRATTS INTERNATIONAL AB Timber, soft CATERPILLAR S.A.R.L. Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof CRYPTO AG Telecommunication equipment Supreme Foodservice AG Food products, other Supreme Foodservice AG Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. Supreme Foodservice AG Metal goods n.e.c. Supreme Foodservice GmbH Food products, other Supreme Foodservice GmbH Meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen n.e.c. Tradewell AG Firearms and ammunition UNOPS Motor vehicles, special purpose WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Vaccines and sera (immunologicals) ALRASHED COMMERCIAL COMPANY Fruit, other, fresh ALWALID ALIMENTARY COMPANY Dairy products n.e.c. AL-Wattar Co. Manufacturing and Commerce Domestic cooking and heating equipment General Company for Filling Figeh Spring Water Waters, not sweetened MHD/Suleiman Audah Bashi Fruit, other, fresh MOHAMAD NADER SANDOUK Sacks and bags, of plastic materials Nader Hamida Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations R & E HOMSI Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof SADCOP (MAHROUKAT) Gas oils (diesel oil) Alfa Dili Unipessoal Lda Waters, not sweetened Auto Timor Leste Lda Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Express Distribution Services I, Unipessoal Lda. Ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene and other petroleum gas GLOBAL AIR CON & ELECTRICAL TRADING Sampling equipment, water purification and histology equipment, laboratory GRAFICA PATRIA Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Makikit Hardware, Unipessoal LDA Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Makikit Hardware, Unipessoal LDA Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products MHM CONSTRUCTION LTD. Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit RMS ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Timor Gas Lda. Ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene and other petroleum gas HB AVIATION TRAINING SERVICES Books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter A.S.C. Zirai Urunler ITH SAN. TIC. LTD. STI. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables ASC ZIRAI URUNLER MUTEAHHITLIK KIMYASAL URUNLER NAKLIYA Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose CANER MEDIKAL TICARET SANAYIL LTD. Furniture, office, other than chairs ORBIT ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION & PROCUREMENT SERVICE Containers of iron, steel or aluminium ORBIT ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION & PROCUREMENT SERVICE Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Rion Ltd Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Rion Ltd. Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi Binders, folders and file covers Rion Ltd. Dis Ticaret Limited Sirketi Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Tecimer Ltd. Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of ironor steel AKKAB AUTO MOBILE STORE Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors BPC CHEMICALS LTD Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products CEMENTERS UGANDA LTD Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. CITY TYRES Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. CROWN BERGER (U) LTD Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products FONTANA AUTO PARTS (U) LTD Motor vehicle parts and accessories Great Lakes Regional Distributors (U) Limited Cements Innovative Furniture Ltd Furniture, domestic KIFRA GARAGE LTD Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof MITTICO INTERNATIONAL Timber, hard Mittico International Limited Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics MOTORCARE UGANDA LTD. Motor vehicle parts and accessories NILE PLYWOODS (U) LTD. Timber, soft PERFORMANCE FURNITURE (U) LTD Furniture, office, other than chairs SHELL UGANDA LIMITED Lubricating preparations SIAM AUTO DEALERS LTD Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Total (U) Ltd. Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils 4POWER INFOCOM FZ LLC Micro-computers ADWIN INTERNATIONAL Domestic metal products AL AZHAR Domestic appliances other than cooling and heating equipment AL AZHAR Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment AL AZHAR TRADING CO. Soap and cleaning preparations AL AZHAR TRADING CO. (LLC) Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products AL AZHAR TRADING CO. (LLC) Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Al Baddad International Group Camping equipment Al Yamulky General Trading L.L.C. Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium BUSINESS CONNECTION LCC Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION Computer systems, special purpose other EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION Electricity distribution or control apparatus, parts and accessories thereof EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION Furniture, office, other than chairs Ebasco Trading Corporation General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION Ironmongry EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION NULL EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION Packing and sealing articles of plastics EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION Photocopying apparatus EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Ebasco Trading Corporation Software application packages Ebasco Trading Corporation Weighing equipment, micrometers, gauges etc. Eurostar Communication LLC Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) FZE. Engines and motors, hydraulic and pneumatic power GOLDEN RELIEF RESOURCES L.L.C Lubricating preparations Headlinks General Trading LLC Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables INTERNATIONAL ARMORED GROUP FZE Motor vehicles, special purpose JACKY'S GULF FZE Telephone equipment M/S EBASCO TRADING CORPORATION Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices MODERN EMIRATES FURNITURE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT LLC Seats and chairs NK GLOBAL FZE Furniture, office, other than chairs O.K.I General Trading LLC Motor vehicle parts and accessories O.K.I General Trading Expendables for use with EDP equipment O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC Furniture, domestic O.K.I General Trading LLC Motor vehicle parts and accessories O.K.I general Trading LLC Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC Primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators,parts thereof O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC Satellite communication systems O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC Seats and chairs O.K.I GENERAL TRADING LLC Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. O.K.I. General Trading LLC Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel O.K.I. General Trading LLC Expendables for use with EDP equipment O.K.I. General Trading LLC Ironmongry O.K.I. General Trading LLC Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products O.K.I. General Trading LLC Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products O.K.I. General Trading LLC Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics O.K.I. General Trading LLC Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. O.K.I. GENERAL TRADING LLC (provisional) Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof PEACOCK ELECTROMECHANICAL TRADING CO. LLC Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Peacock Electromechanical Trading Co. LLC. Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Peacock Electromechanical Trading Co. LLC. Satellite communication systems PEACOCK IT SOLUTIONS LLC Electricity distribution or control apparatus POLYAFRIC TRADING FZCO (FORMER: AFRICAN COMMODITY TRADDispersing or spraying appliances for agriculture RA INTERNATIONAL Containers of iron, steel or aluminium 200 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 30,450.00 173,014.00 32,107.50 35,140.00 222,545.00 125,670.10 33,105.00 146,412.00 877,804.51 352,045.59 516,070.19 72,471,763.97 1,139,296.86 111,403.00 46,842,161.73 447,956.38 51,000.00 1,845,991.15 123,319.40 270,000.00 76,500.00 38,129.63 116,357.03 350,877.19 33,088.89 53,933.26 110,910.64 495,839.13 49,050.00 43,770.00 39,071.92 36,505.00 79,200.00 71,614.00 171,449.80 121,450.00 799,941.17 150,000.00 39,889.97 41,801.60 88,750.00 44,710.00 138,853.00 58,479.00 49,230.00 172,173.57 52,461.32 197,805.91 73,850.00 30,000.00 57,354.20 117,000.00 67,250.00 98,743.16 30,000.00 313,540.00 73,625.64 35,000.00 51,000.00 551,137.06 34,571.38 874,560.00 55,625.29 280,000.00 33,000.00 1,917,938.99 30,817.22 34,636.25 199,203.25 60,401.40 48,499.78 164,258.67 88,277.46 687,590.00 241,159.80 36,954.00 37,573.54 42,210.00 62,336.10 493,126.84 38,424.00 119,164.95 49,998.10 30,481.84 33,523.86 53,508.40 33,848.95 51,393.14 91,210.76 55,810.93 125,342.00 124,832.00 476,000.00 48,188.00 39,365.50 59,380.00 37,025.89 33,084.00 96,909.55 44,950.00 31,092.50 33,084.00 32,743.75 34,557.00 80,547.50 54,434.50 35,706.20 152,115.00 97,146.50 419,393.80 153,937.55 31,300.00 49,072.50 68,775.50 131,274.75 78,160.00 99,815.00 47,790.00 50,700.00 35,500.00 1,014,355.64 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) RA INTERNATIONAL RA INTERNATIONAL RA INTERNATIONAL RA INTERNATIONAL RA INTERNATIONAL RA INTERNATIONAL RA INTERNATIONAL RA INTERNATIONAL RA INTERNATIONAL SKY GULF TRADING SKY GULF TRADING SKY GULF TRADING Sky Gulf Trading SKY GULF TRADING Sky Gulf Trading TRANSGLOBAL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Transglobal International Ltd. Transglobal International Ltd. TRANSGLOBAL INTERNATIONAL LTD. TRILOK TRILOK TRILOK TRILOK Marketing & Trading LLC TRILOK MARKETING & TRADING LLC TRILOK Marketing & Trading LLC TRILOK MARKETING & TRADING LLC Trilok Marketing & Trading LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING Truebell Marketing & Trading TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING Truebell Marketing & Trading TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING L.L.C. Truebell Marketing & Trading LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING & TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING AND TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING AND TRADING LLC TRUEBELL MARKETING&TRADING L.L.C. Yamulky General Trading L.L.C. Yamulky General Trading L.L.C. Yamulky General Trading L.L.C. YAMULKY TRADING L.L.C. YAMULKY TRADING L.L.C. ABA STRONALVA LIMITED AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE SUPPORT AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE SUPPORT SERVICES LTD ALLEN VANGUARD LTD.* ALLEN VANGUARD LTD.* ALLEN-VANGUARD LTD ALLEN-VANGUARD LTD BAE SYSTEMS Barrett Europe Limited Barrett Europe Limited Barrett Europe Limited BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED BARRETT EUROPE LIMITED BARRETT EUROPE LTD BCB INTERNATIONAL LTD. BLADETEC LIMITED BRANDCONTACT BRANDCONTACT (UK) LTD BRANDCONTACT (UK) LTD BRANDCONTACT (UK) LTD BRANDCONTACT (UK) LTD BRANDCONTACT (UK) LTD BRANDCONTACT (UK) LTD. BRANDCONTACT (UK) LTD. BRANDCONTACT (UK) LTD. BRANDCONTACT (UK) LTD. BRANDCONTACT (UK)LTD BRANDCONTACT(UK) LTD. BRIDPORT AVIATION CONRICO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Consolidated Industrial Company Limited (CIC) CROMWELL TOOLS LIMITED CROMWELL TOOLS LIMITED Cromwell Tools Limited. DHL Danzas Air & Ocean A/S DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING (UK) LTD DOMINO TELECOM SOLUTIONS LTD. DRAFIX SERVICES LIMITED DUNLOP GRG HOLDINGS LTD ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL ETON INTERNATIONAL LTD Euro Controls Automation EuroControls Automation Inc EUROCONTROLS AUTOMATION INC. EUROCONTROLS AUTOMATION INC. F.G Wilson (Engineering) Ltd F.G. WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. F.G.WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. F.G.WILSON ENGINEERING Domestic metal products Hand tools Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Hand tools, powered Ironmongry Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Metal cutting machine tools Textile working machinery Trailers and semi-trailers; containers General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Ironmongry Motor vehicle parts and accessories Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Motor vehicle parts and accessories Quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes, pillows, sleeping bags and the like Testing equipment n.e.c. Electric motors, generators and the like Radio broadcast and television receivers Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Pumps, water Textile working machinery Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Motor vehicle parts and accessories Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Structures, other, and sections of iron, steel or aluminium Furniture, medical, surgical or veterinary Expendables for use with EDP equipment Petroleum oils, light, and other light oils Photocopying apparatus Safety equipment Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Accumulators, electric Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Electricity distribution or control apparatus Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Ironmongry Micro-computers Pipes and other accessories, for use with pumps Pipes, iron and steel Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics Pumps, water Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Motor vehicle parts and accessories Toilet tissue stock; miscellaneous other papers Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Pumps, compressors, valves, etc., parts thereof Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Motor vehicle parts and accessories Components for telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment, other EDP equipment n.e.c. Telecommunication equipment, other Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Components for telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Aerials and antennae Expendables for use with EDP equipment Radio broadcast and television receivers Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes, pillows, sleeping bags and the like Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Engines and turbines, parts thereof Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors Security equipment, special purpose Transformers, electrical Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Hand tools Motor vehicle parts and accessories Telecommunication equipment, other Satellite communication systems Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of ironor steel Plastic articles n.e.c. Motor vehicle parts and accessories Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, macadam etc. Metal goods n.e.c. Hand tools Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Furniture, office, other than chairs Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Pumps, other than water pumps; air or other gas compressors Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Aerials and antennae Components for telecommunication equipment Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Micro-computers Photographic and cinematographic equipment Primary cells, primary batteries and electric accumulators,parts thereof Radio broadcast and television receivers Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Safety equipment Stationery articles n.e.c. Telephone equipment Optical instruments Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of ironor steel Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of ironor steel Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Safety equipment Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like Electric motors, generators and the like 201 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 223,904.29 171,769.75 576,572.37 312,581.45 599,450.13 30,554.00 281,779.11 184,037.87 460,389.63 55,157.74 178,700.00 46,525.00 62,761.12 80,894.00 41,148.90 69,550.00 179,618.66 47,400.00 30,327.75 179,863.75 40,425.00 41,397.00 71,094.04 38,102.00 106,955.75 52,199.00 72,775.00 31,461.50 60,350.00 32,929.55 52,114.65 322,995.00 31,375.00 177,649.50 30,162.00 124,124.00 38,060.00 45,380.00 47,402.00 43,769.70 45,890.25 37,422.00 58,144.25 118,922.41 40,441.00 34,903.50 146,982.50 34,950.00 52,770.00 215,432.25 78,858.00 294,272.21 111,944.63 400,701.81 62,353.08 46,628.09 261,343.00 328,956.54 82,972.87 34,713.37 2,734,343.49 77,292.42 1,697,788.28 894,292.66 49,355.07 102,729.23 129,831.15 114,155.25 75,632.90 773,654.13 506,255.37 1,638,503.15 140,833.21 86,756.82 52,734.50 150,715.81 47,232.50 61,575.09 52,017.24 46,859.00 42,902.51 35,436.50 195,490.39 44,016.69 56,708.80 39,759.90 55,865.76 34,336.38 98,753.23 59,806.47 3,842,365.00 63,821.57 52,261.15 42,366.24 35,902.56 37,439.64 72,151.00 70,115.22 68,604.34 39,995.00 42,575.00 59,219.48 169,091.48 33,170.63 181,603.04 32,861.00 36,275.00 155,072.00 52,540.22 39,802.77 37,032.50 74,750.00 125,000.00 183,971.85 136,532.50 219,868.74 57,585.70 145,718.12 36,842.88 3,490,178.04 213,339.24 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LIMITED Electric motors, generators and the like FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. Electric motors, generators and the like FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof FG WILSON (ENGINEERING) LTD. Sampling equipment, water purification and histology equipment, laboratory FUJIKURA EUROPE LIMITED Components for telecommunication equipment Fujikura Europe Limited Hand tools FUJIKURA EUROPE LIMITED* Telecommunication equipment, other GREENHAM TRADING LTD Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Hesco Bastion Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods HESCO BASTION Security equipment, special purpose Hesco Bastion Limited Buildings, prefabricated for office, school, home or warehouse HESCO BASTION LIMITED Metal goods n.e.c. Hesco Bastion Limited Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods HESCO BASTION LIMITED Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products HESCO BASTION LTD Construction goods, ceramic, other HESCO BASTION LTD Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products HESCO BASTION LTD Wood for joinery and carpentry, other HESCO BASTION LTD. Doors and their frames and thresholds, of wood HESCO BASTION LTD. Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products HITZINGER UK LTD. Protection devices for EDP equipment J&S FRANKLIN LTD. Wood for joinery and carpentry, other JANKEL ARMOURING LTD Motor vehicle parts and accessories JANKEL ARMOURING LTD. Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof JANKEL ARMOURING LTD. Motor vehicles, special purpose L TEQ LIMITED Telecommunication equipment, other MEDIWORLD Non-EPI Vaccine, other Mediworld LTD Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Mediworld Ltd Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof METALITE AVIATION LIGHTING Lighting equipment METALLINE INTERNATIONAL LTD Lighting equipment MOTOROLA LIMITED Radio broadcast and television receivers MOTOROLA LIMITED Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Motorola Limited Telecommunication equipment, other MOTOROLA LIMITED Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof MOTOROLA LIMITED Radio or television transmission apparatus, parts and accessories thereof MOTOROLA LIMITED Telecommunication equipment MOTOROLA LIMITED ( UNITED KINGDOM ) Components for telecommunication equipment NESSTRA SERVICES (UK) LTD. Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof NRG INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cements NRG INTERNATIONAL LTD Photocopying apparatus NRG INTERNATIONAL LTD. Photocopying apparatus NRG INTERNATIONAL-WORLD ACCOUNTS Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment PowerSource Projects Ltd. Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof RAINBO SUPPLIES & SERVICES LTD Domestic appliances other than cooling and heating equipment RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD Clothing of textile materials Rainbo Supplies and Services Ltd Domestic metal products Rainbo Supplies and Services Ltd Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof Rainbo Supplies and Services Ltd Motor vehicle parts and accessories Rainbo Supplies and Services Ltd Paper and paperboard products, other RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD Pipes, iron and steel RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD Stationery of paper or paperboard Rainbo Supplies and Services Ltd Structural components, prefabricated, of cement or concrete Rainbo Supplies and Services Ltd Telecommunication equipment, other Rainbo Supplies and Services Ltd Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD. Containers of iron, steel or aluminium RAINBO SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LTD. Domestic cooking and heating equipment RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED Audio and video accessories RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED Lubricating preparations RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED Safety equipment RICHARDSON SUPPLY COMPANY LTD EDP equipment n.e.c. S. Koronka (Manufacturing) Ltd. Containers of iron, steel or aluminium SATCOM DISTRIBUTION LTD. Telephone equipment Sematron (UK) Ltd Telecommunication equipment, other SHEAR GOLD LTD Engines and motors, hydraulic and pneumatic power SHEAR GOLD LTD Expendables for use with EDP equipment SHEARGOLD LIMITED Accumulators, electric SHEARGOLD LIMITED Boring, grinding, cutting, pressing, pumping, heating equipand baths laboratory SHEARGOLD LIMITED Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof SHEARGOLD LIMITED Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks SHEARGOLD LIMITED Glues and gelatine, peptones and their derivatives, and related products SHEARGOLD LIMITED Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment SHEARGOLD LIMITED Metal goods n.e.c. SHEARGOLD LIMITED Micro-computers SHEARGOLD LIMITED Motor vehicle parts and accessories SHEARGOLD LIMITED Pipes, iron and steel SHEARGOLD LIMITED Protection devices for EDP equipment SHEARGOLD LIMITED Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances SHEARGOLD LIMITED Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof SHEARGOLD LIMITED Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. SHEARGOLD LTD. Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices SHEARGOLD LTD. Electricity distribution or control apparatus SHEARGOLD LTD. Micro-computers SHEARGOLD LTD. Satellite communication systems SHEARGOLD LTD. Security equipment, special purpose SHEARGOLD LTD. Telephonic apparatus, other Sigma Engineering Solutions Ltd. Security equipment, special purpose TEAM LEYLAND INTERNATIONAL LTD Motor vehicle parts and accessories TEAM OVERSEAS SERVICES LTD Electric motors, generators and transformers, parts thereof Thales UK Limited Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof THE KENNEDY GROUP LTD( Kennedy activies is transferred to Cromwe Furniture, office, other than chairs VT COMMUNICATIONS LTD. Telecommunication equipment WATERSIDE MANUFACTURING LTD T/A ENGLANDS Crowd control equipment WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT AGENCY Radio broadcast and television receivers WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED Mortars and concretes, non-refractory WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LIMITED Motor vehicle parts and accessories Winchester Procurement Limited Soldering, brazing or welding machinery and apparatus WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LTD Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Winchester Procurement Ltd Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LTD. Clothing of textile materials WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LTD. Electronic measuring equipment n.e.c. WINCHESTER PROCUREMENT LTD. Telecommunication equipment, other 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of plastics, other 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY Security equipment, special purpose 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY Security and safety equipment AAR MOBILITY SYSTEMS Packing and sealing articles of plastics AAR MOBILITY SYSTEMS Plastic articles n.e.c. AASTRA SWEDEN TELECOM AB Micro-computers AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB Components for telecommunication equipment AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB Software application packages AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB Telephone equipment AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB Components for telecommunication equipment Aastra Telecom Sweden AB Telecommunication equipment, other AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Aastra Telecom Sweden AB Telephone equipment AASTRA TELECOM SWEDEN AB Telephonic apparatus, other AASTRA USA INC. Telecommunication equipment ABBOTT LABORATORIES Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. ACCESS IT GROUP, INC. Computer systems, special purpose other ACROW CORPORATION OF AMERICA Measuring or checking instruments and apparatus for electrical quantities 202 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 454,152.09 532,940.94 215,073.99 52,048.97 43,379.71 38,001.59 31,261.97 30,511.27 1,852,022.29 44,665.61 1,845,446.10 377,263.50 6,086,644.83 5,833,830.10 119,129.94 125,601.31 2,336,177.92 65,287.90 1,387,088.84 274,134.04 2,166,892.00 117,599.30 21,742,342.39 130,189.05 453,773.10 61,823.35 74,361.00 39,437.70 323,890.00 742,074.88 411,583.18 69,584.37 53,523.85 53,183.00 457,081.70 1,722,169.30 85,572.66 54,855.61 78,111.94 1,000,000.00 34,834.72 252,359.68 60,022.44 35,540.00 31,102.00 119,301.80 129,474.00 53,734.61 84,000.00 79,197.80 43,788.40 1,423,675.00 32,495.10 459,667.70 61,178.31 51,490.36 40,705.39 51,496.56 45,787.89 41,890.99 68,093.49 46,510.74 100,289.68 54,618.00 60,390.00 57,540.00 59,084.30 71,380.26 95,018.87 57,760.00 66,373.00 44,940.00 32,302.00 76,971.18 508,070.00 83,425.00 38,539.00 37,312.19 38,650.00 254,325.00 33,690.00 173,955.00 116,373.71 108,044.00 54,820.00 337,782.55 58,258.11 87,110.53 120,710.40 36,730.86 219,008.97 30,788.22 54,822.00 74,755.65 74,527.36 74,866.78 591,023.87 32,747.50 109,619.52 59,620.54 50,135.00 84,730.00 109,988.48 105,088.40 100,102.80 216,122.70 51,807.82 114,338.80 166,801.50 86,809.80 35,507.33 1,626,227.43 472,889.35 227,103.54 737,962.40 2,896,267.03 4,926,075.44 733,589.02 47,000.00 66,150.00 508,289.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) ADVANCED INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS INC. ADVENTURE MEDICAL KITS ALL WEATHER ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. ALLIED GLOBAL, INC. ALLIED GLOBAL;INC AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL American Scientific and Industrial AMERIKOR SALES & HANWHA CORP AMERIKOR SALES & HANWHA CORPORATION AMERIKOR SALES & HANWHA CORPORATION AMERIKOR SALES & SERVICES INC. Amerikor Sales and Hanwha Corporation ANIXTER, INC. APC - AMERICAN POWER CONVERSION APC - AMERICAN POWER CONVERSION ARENSON OFFICE FURNISHINGS, INC. ARENSON OFFICE FURNISHINGS, INC. ASSET INVENTORIES INC. ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES Astrophysics Inc Astrophysics Inc ASTROPHYSICS INC. ASTROPHYSICS INC. ASTROPHYSICS INC. ASTROPHYSICS INC. ASTROPHYSICS INC. AT&T CORP. BARCLAY BRAND FERDON BETTER FAMILY PRODUCTS, INC. BREWER & DARRENOUGUE BRF LINK LIMITED CA, INC. CAVALIER TECHNICAL SERVICES CENTER INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, INC. CHARLES RIVER SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEM;INC. Cisco Systems CISCO SYSTEMS CISCO SYSTEMS CISCO SYSTEMS CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Cisco Systems, Inc. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Cisco Systems, Inc. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. CISCO SYSTEMS;INC. CITRIX SYSTEMS CITRIX SYSTEMS Columbia Par Car Corp. COMP-U-FIELD COMP-U-FIELD COMP-U-FIELD COMP-U-FIELD COMPUTER ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL COMPUTHINK COMPUTHINK INC. COMPUTHINK, INC. COMPUTHINK, INC. COMPUTHINK,INC COMPUTHINK,INC Computhink; Inc. COMPUTHINK;INC. COMTECH EF DATA CONSOLIDATED CARPET TRADE WORKROOM, CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY CORPORATE COMPUTER SOLUTIONS DADE SKY TRADING DADE SKY TRADING DADE SKY TRADING DADE SKY TRADING DADE SKY TRADING DADE SKY TRADING DADE SKY TRADING DADE SKY TRADING DADE SKY TRADING DADE SKY TRADING DIJIFI LLC DOOSAN INFRACORE AMERICA CORP. EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMC CORPORATION EMPRESS MEDIA INC. EMTEC FEDERAL, INC., ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INST ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC (ESRI) ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. (ESRI) EPLUS TECHNOLOGY, INC. ERICSSON FEDERAL INC. ERICSSON FEDERAL INC. EVER READY FIRST AID & MEDICAL SUP. EXCEL MEDIA SYSTEMS Express Business System Inc. FIRE ESCAPE SYSTEMS GABRIELLI TRUCK SALES Security equipment, special purpose Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Lighting equipment Hand tools (including glaziers diamonds) n.e.c. Lighting equipment Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Textile articles made-up, other Textile articles made-up, other Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Motor vehicle parts and accessories Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Telecommunication equipment Computer systems, special purpose other EDP equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Furniture Furniture, office, other than chairs Audio visual equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Detergents, perfumes and washing preparations Machinery, special purpose, other Machinery, special purpose, other Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Physics equipment n.e.c. X-ray or alpha, beta or gamma radiation apparatus, medical and surgical Telecommunication equipment Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, other Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables RECORDING AND REPRODUCING APPARATUS Software application packages Software application packages Expendables and accessories for use with EDP equipment n.e.c. Audio and video accessories Computer systems, special purpose other EDP equipment n.e.c. Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of ironor steel Expendables for use with EDP equipment Processing units for EDP, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Crowd control equipment Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Expendables for use with EDP equipment Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment Processing units for EDP, other Electronic components, parts and accessories thereof Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Hand tools, powered Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telephone equipment Transmitting and communicating equipment for EDP, eg. modems, PC servers etc. Components for telecommunication equipment EDP equipment n.e.c. Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Expendables for use with EDP equipment Protection devices for EDP equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Training materials, EDP Transmitting and communicating equipment for EDP, eg. modems, PC servers etc. Computer systems, special purpose other EDP equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Electricity distribution or control apparatus Processing units for EDP and accessories and parts thereof Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Computer systems, special purpose other Software, computer, including manuals Motor vehicle parts and accessories EDP equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Expendables and accessories for use with EDP equipment Processing units for EDP and accessories and parts thereof Telecommunication equipment Software application packages Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Security Printing, Finished Articles Machinery, general purpose, n.e.c. Photographic and cinematographic equipment NULL Security Printing, Finished Articles Paper and paperboard products, other Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment Telecommunication equipment Carpets and other textile floor coverings PC software, general Software, computer, including manuals Bars and rods of iron or steel, hot rolled Doors, windows and their frames, of iron, steel or aluminium Furniture, workshop, shop etc. Iron or steel, flat rolled products thereof, not further worked than hot rolled Lighting equipment, parts thereof Motor vehicle parts and accessories Plywood Safety clothing and headgear; other headgear of rubber or plastics Sanitaryware and plumbing fixtures, plastic Timber, hard Hydrographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments Motor vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Electronic storage units/media Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Expendables and accessories for use with EDP equipment n.e.c. EDP equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Micro-computers PC software, general Software, computer, including manuals Telecommunication equipment Tapes and other unrecorded media for sound or other phenomena Processing units for EDP and accessories and parts thereof Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Software application packages Components for telecommunication equipment Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Paper and paperboard products, other Metal goods n.e.c. Motor vehicles, goods transport 203 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 91,688.00 54,000.00 34,595.00 32,416.27 31,800.00 93,000.00 91,410.00 102,270.00 89,251.00 247,586.08 188,057.30 628,268.50 653,044.68 1,023,699.94 94,259.87 74,000.92 110,601.88 255,332.70 3,245,173.45 292,500.00 46,950.00 65,700.00 453,665.00 156,376.00 160,100.00 531,800.00 30,000.00 304,458.00 128,227.80 84,845.00 43,330.33 41,170.00 50,000.00 215,010.00 36,870.50 38,000.00 569,000.00 40,704.60 369,755.80 133,315.90 552,444.20 44,964.50 396,271.20 1,476,607.22 205,900.00 380,120.82 282,228.00 57,359.10 2,414,191.42 364,216.80 211,288.20 749,470.78 167,578.32 369,095.90 64,960.00 2,705,650.40 4,144,961.60 53,306.06 578,923.30 352,405.68 200,000.00 2,301,946.26 159,739.20 32,392.80 1,127,347.70 54,714.30 5,827,440.30 131,258.36 860,792.25 84,000.00 43,276.00 228,037.00 50,000.00 150,000.00 90,568.00 241,250.00 71,861.15 243,825.18 177,829.20 31,678.21 73,423.00 46,034.28 444,861.15 61,655.50 179,008.00 189,762.80 75,000.00 38,340.00 68,226.00 42,750.00 32,670.00 219,988.28 34,686.75 35,918.00 44,228.75 67,924.00 49,779.75 94,654.25 59,000.00 1,086,615.78 68,058.00 980,000.00 144,861.00 1,025,215.00 3,884,362.00 104,328.00 3,335,330.00 235,214.00 36,002.50 131,673.73 31,600.00 32,780.00 39,322.56 54,000.00 195,735.00 50,367.00 141,768.80 120,700.00 56,623.80 32,778.83 69,200.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) GATEKEEPER, INC. GIMCO GIMCO GIMCO GIMCO GIMCO GIMCO GIMCO GIMCO GLAXOSMITHKLINE GLOBAL FITNESS INC. GLOBE COMM. SYSTEM INC. GLOBECOM SYSTEMS INC Globecomm System Inc. Globecomm System Inc. Globecomm System Inc. GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. GLOBECOMM SYSTEMS INC. GRAPHIC PAPER NEW YORK, INC. H.A. METZGER INC. H.G. MAYBECK CO.,INC. HARRIS STRATEX NETWORKS HARRIS STRATEX NETWORKS HARRIS STRATEX NETWORKS (FORMERLY DMC STRATEX NETWO Harris Stratex Networks Inc. Harris Stratex Networks Inc. HARRIS STRATEX NETWORKS OPERATING COMPANY HARRIS STRATEX NETWORKS OPERATING CORPORATION INC. Harris Stratex Networks Operating Corporation Inc. HEIDELBERG USA, INC. HERMAN MILLER INC. HIGHCOM SECURITY INC. HighCom Security, Inc. HIGHCOM SECURITY, INC. HIGHCOM SECURITY, INC. HUDSON BAY ENVIRONMENTS HUDSON BAY ENVIRONMENTS I & E TIRE CORPORATION IBM CORPORATION IBM CORPORATION IBM CORPORATION IBM/LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. ID CARD SYSTEMS IMMUCOR INC. INTERACTIVE VISUALIZATION SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL VIDEO-CONFERENCING INC Ivci LLC IVCI, LLC IVCi, LLC IVCI, LLC IVCI, LLC IVCI, LLC IVCi, LLC. KEY SOURCE INTERNATIONAL KUEHNE & NAGEL INC Kuehne & Nagel Inc. KUEHNE & NAGEL INC. Kuehne & Nagel Inc. KWAPLAH INTERNATIONAL INC. Kwaplah International Inc. KWAPLAH INTERNATIONAL INC. KWAPLAH INTERNATIONAL;INC. KWAPLAH INTERNATIONAL;INC. KWAPLAH INTERNATIONAL;INC. KWAPLAH INTERNATIONAL;INC. KWAPLAH INTERNATIONAL;INC. La Cresta Communication LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS INC LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS INC. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS;INC. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS;INC. LA CRESTA COMMUNICATIONS;INC. La Cresta Communicatios Inc. LAWMEN SUPPLY CO. OF NEW JERSEY LENOVO LENOVO (United States) INC. LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. Lenovo (United States) Inc. Lenovo (United States)Inc LENOVO GROUP LENOVO GROUP LENOVO Group( UNITED STATES ) INC. LENOVO Group( UNITED STATES ) INC. LENOVO Inc LENOVO INC. LENOVO, INC. LENOVO, INC. LENOVO, INC. LENOVO, INC. LENOVO; INC. M.I.C. INDUSTRIES, INC. MAIN ATTRACTIONS MAJOR AUTOMOTIVE GROUP MAJOR AUTOMOTIVE GROUP MARQUARDT & COMPANY MBO AMERICA MICROSOFT CORPORATION MICROSOFT CORPORATION MID-ISLAND ELECTRICAL SALES CORP. MILLENIUM UN PLAZA HOTEL MODERN OFFICE SYSTEMS, INC. MODERN OFFICE SYSTEMS, INC. Motorola Inc MOTOROLA INC Motorola Inc MOTOROLA INC MOTOROLA INC Motorola Inc MOTOROLA INC. MOTOROLA INC. Security equipment, special purpose Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel Camping equipment Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Hand saws, files, rasps, pliers, pincers, tweezers, spanners etc. Office and accounting machinery, parts and accessories thereof Processing units for EDP, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Weighing equipment, micrometers, gauges etc. Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipment Aerials and antennae Satellite communication systems Components for telecommunication equipment Satellite communication systems Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Aerials and antennae Expendables for use with EDP equipment Satellite communication systems Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Transformers, electrical Telecommunication equipment Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Printing and bookbinding equipment Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods Components for telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Software application packages Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, other Transformers, electrical Printing and bookbinding equipment Seats and chairs Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Crowd control equipment Paper and paperboard products, other Security and safety equipment Furniture Seats and chairs Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Computer monitored systems, industrial, for measuring, steering etc. Software application packages Software, computer, including manuals Optical storage units Photographic and cinematographic equipment Electro-diagnostic apparatus, including ECG, EEG, ultrasound scanners Software application packages Audio and video accessories Components for telecommunication equipment Satellite communication systems Telecommunication equipment, other Audio visual equipment n.e.c., parts and accessories thereof Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Telecommunication equipment Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Software, computer, including manuals Electric motors, generators and the like Motor vehicle parts and accessories Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Trailers and semi-trailers; containers Air conditioning, cold chain and refrigerating equipment Expendables for use with EDP equipment Packing and sealing articles of plastics Calculating machines and similar calculating devices Firearms and ammunition Metal goods n.e.c. Seats and chairs Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Diodes, transistors and similar semi-conductor devices Automotive workshop equipment Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Transformers, electrical Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Audio and video accessories Expendables for use with EDP equipment Office and accounting machinery, parts and accessories thereof Pipes and other accessories, for use with pumps Firearms and ammunition Micro-computers Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Micro-computers Storage unit accessories Micro-computers Micro-computers Transmitting and communicating equipment for EDP, eg. modems, PC servers etc. Micro-computers Software Licences Micro-computers Micro-computers EDP equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Micro-computers Mini-computers Software, computer, including manuals Micro-computers General purpose machinery, parts and accessories thereof Camping equipment Motor vehicles, goods transport Motor vehicles, passenger, other Paper of paperboard n.e.c., for printing or other graphic purpose Printing and bookbinding equipment Computer systems, special purpose other Software application packages Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Furniture, office, other than chairs Furniture Furniture, workshop, shop etc. Aerials and antennae Measuring, checking and testing appliances n.e.c. Radio broadcast and television receivers Safety equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Radio broadcast and television receivers Telecommunication equipment, other 204 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 79,959.00 31,530.00 46,750.00 67,014.75 33,979.00 169,997.75 51,417.00 216,782.25 39,435.00 110,542.25 59,858.79 158,950.00 208,930.28 400,455.00 1,529,556.83 508,292.00 568,510.34 262,829.85 3,114,861.94 98,460.00 33,378.41 1,487,054.86 52,038.90 395,375.00 152,425.00 115,547.80 1,560,663.57 64,293.40 48,431.08 750,180.72 182,782.38 600,729.53 70,556.95 50,000.00 43,865.60 332,634.90 2,221,351.21 291,785.00 965,657.00 82,655.45 395,005.08 129,107.00 66,975.00 52,720.00 183,894.45 106,820.00 85,650.00 82,355.16 37,158.00 67,508.63 55,335.70 101,395.85 320,455.70 57,376.86 79,164.36 1,107,450.13 110,671.40 57,500.00 60,611.00 63,417.72 32,172.97 181,650.00 57,860.00 95,750.00 34,125.00 44,600.00 63,370.00 56,400.00 41,750.00 324,000.00 54,425.00 34,876.50 45,665.00 33,670.00 86,900.00 42,060.00 163,669.50 91,738.49 166,380.00 263,885.00 71,010.65 57,905.20 91,668.59 72,070.00 41,693.20 268,103.00 539,895.00 5,927,468.00 39,901.00 1,867,882.00 36,115.00 558,527.00 202,250.00 328,240.00 92,912.00 1,540,005.00 158,588.00 3,183,777.00 610,127.00 45,330.00 1,202,550.00 128,688.95 33,229.00 362,889.00 61,200.00 2,226,590.87 328,365.00 53,458.00 744,220.34 50,000.00 46,814.95 39,541.01 418,779.00 5,523,886.21 52,304.67 2,049,104.13 169,106.00 224,857.35 2,991,742.62 205,756.88 78,182.22 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UN-PD (UN Procurement Division) United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) MOTOROLA INC. MOTOROLA INC.. MOTOROLA INC.. MPEX INC MPEX INC MPEX INC ND Satcom Inc. ND Satcom Inc. ND Satcom Inc. ND SATCOM INC. ND SATCOM INC. NEW YORK FUNERAL SUPPLY INC. NEWPOINT TECHNOLOGIES INC Nonlethal Technologies Inc OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERVICES DIV OPEX CORPORATION ORACLE USA, INC. PACIFIC ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS INC. PACIFIC ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS INC. PACIFIC ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS INC. PACIFIC ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS INC. Pacific Architects and Engineers, Incorporated (PAE) Pacific Architects and Engineers, Incorporated (PAE) PARK SURGICAL CO., INC. PETROCELLI ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. PETROCELLI ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. PLANSON INTERNATIONAL PLANSON INTERNATIONAL PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORP. PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Planson International Corporation PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Planson International Corporation PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PLANSON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PRESIDENT CONTAINER INC. RODEN INDUSTRIES INC. RODEN INDUSTRIES, INC. ROHN PRODUCTS LLC SAMUEL MEISEL & CO., INC. SATURN BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. SCANTRON CORPORATION SC-ID, LLC SDL GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (IRELAND) LTD. SDV (USA) INC. SDV (USA) INC. SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS SKAE POWER SOLUTIONS LLC SKANSKA USA BUILDING INC. SKANSKA USA BUILDING INC. SMITHS DETECTION, INC SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL, INC. SOFTWRIGHT SOME'S UNIFORMS INC. SOME'S UNIFORMS INC. SOME'S UNIFORMS INC.; PD-5114 SOME'S UNIFORMS, Inc SOME'S WORLD WIDE UNIFORMS INC SOME'S WORLD-WIDE UNIFORMS SOME'S WORLD-WIDE UNIFROMS STEVEN WINTER ASSOCIATES, INC. STRATEX NETWORKS INC. STRATEX NETWORKS INC. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SYMANTEC CORPORATION TCS SUPPLY CO TCS SUPPLY CO TCS SUPPLY CO. TCS Supply Co. TCS SUPPLY CO. TCS SUPPLY CO. THE ARMORED GROUP LLC THE GUNLOCKE COMPANY LLC THE GUNLOCKE COMPANY LLC TOTOWA SYSTEMS INC. TRIGYN TECHNOLOGIES INC TRIGYN TECHNOLOGIES INC Trigyn Technologies Inc. U.S. POSTAL SERVICE UNFPA (United Nations Population Found) VERIZON BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICES VMWARE, INC. VMWARE, INC. Vocality INC VOCALITY INC. VOCALITY INC. VOCALITY INC. Vocality Incorporated Vocality Incorporated W.S. DARLEY CO. W.W. GRAINGER, INC. WESTHAM TRADE CO., LTD. WOODWING SOLUTIONS LLC WORLD FUEL SERVICES CORP WORLD FUEL SERVICES CORP XEROX CORPORATION Y&S TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Y&S TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Radio broadcast and television receivers Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Expendables for use with EDP equipment Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) and related products Software application packages Components for telecommunication equipment Satellite communication systems Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment, other Mortuary supplies Telecommunication equipment Firearms and ammunition Stationery articles n.e.c. Office machines, other Software application packages Containers of iron, steel or aluminium Forklift trucks and other works trucks Machinery for sorting, screening, separating, kneading earth, stone, ores etc. Mining, quarrying and construction machinery, parts thereof Construction materials of plastic; containers of plastic Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Electric motors, generators and the like Electrical equipment, other and parts thereof Books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter Software application packages Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Expendables and accessories for use with EDP equipment n.e.c. Metal goods n.e.c. PC software, general Printing and plotting devices for EDP equipment Safety equipment Telecommunication equipment, parts and accessories thereof Telephone equipment Telecommunication equipment Containers, paper and paperboard Tyres, pneumatic new, inner tubes, solid or cushion tyres, etc. Machinery, special purpose, other Bridges, bridge sections, towers and lattice masts, of ironor steel Liquor EDP equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. Telecommunication equipment, other Software application packages Security equipment and supplies n.e.c. Stoppers, caps, lids and other metal packing accessories; wire and wire products Articles for medical or surgical purposes n.e.c. Protection devices for EDP equipment Recording and reproducing apparatus, for sound and video Telecommunication equipment, other Machinery, special purpose, other Software application packages PC software, general Clothing of textile materials Radio broadcast and television receivers Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Clothing of textile materials Security equipment, special purpose Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Telecommunication equipment, other Telephonic apparatus, other Computer systems, special purpose other Micro-computers Telecommunication equipment Telecommunication equipment Insulated wire and cable; optical fibre cables Transformers, electrical Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Expendables for use with EDP equipment Firearms and ammunition Micro-computers Motor vehicles, special purpose Furniture Seats and chairs Records, tapes and other recorded media for sound or other recorded phenomena Furniture, domestic Software application packages Food products, other Postage, revenue or similar stamps, unused Contraceptives Telecommunication equipment PC software, general Software, computer, including manuals Components for telecommunication equipment Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Telephone equipment Telecommunication equipment Equipment and accessories for connecting EDP equipment intonetworks Telecommunication equipment, other Containers, paper and paperboard Electrical equipment, parts and accessories thereof Processing units for EDP, other Software application packages Jet fuel, spirit type (gasoline type) Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit EDP equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof EDP equipment/machinery, other, and parts thereof Optical input/output units, such as scanners, optical readers etc. UNRWA BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BELGIUM BRAZIL CANADA CHINA CHINA CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS Rhenus Logistics nv Rhenus Logistics nv Rhenus Logistics nv Rhenus Logistics nv Rhenus Logistics nv Rhenus Logistics nv Rhenus Logistics nv SERLAC COMERCIO DE LACTEOS S/A Saskan Pulse Trading Inc. Ningbo Jiangdong Jumbo Med Instr. Ningbo Jiangdong Jumbo Med Instr. Medochemie Medochemie Medochemie Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER VEGETABLES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES RUBBER PRODUCTS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS 205 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 232,223.07 78,730.92 42,429.76 290,031.15 134,250.00 36,505.00 108,640.00 3,491,100.00 1,082,450.00 137,080.00 166,580.00 153,517.90 67,325.75 37,110.00 2,127,000.00 297,505.00 746,845.22 287,715.34 1,697,226.99 936,963.01 3,380,882.43 84,691.69 4,282,104.73 33,000.00 61,823.00 41,823.00 124,965.00 57,687.36 37,395.00 147,368.00 39,030.00 47,030.00 33,401.00 71,822.00 65,821.42 44,522.31 57,502.00 54,000.00 123,832.00 32,610.00 1,238,760.00 33,885.00 346,642.00 30,115.90 72,905.10 204,760.00 33,814.66 35,420.00 30,000.00 228,000.00 532,485.00 135,487.00 179,690.00 154,832.00 35,002.73 171,160.72 47,335.60 33,566.30 100,315.14 101,433.75 297,087.98 54,776.60 65,023.00 148,832.17 80,846.98 57,188.70 114,734.86 95,314.50 102,343.28 70,140.00 39,950.00 40,123.00 106,920.00 126,950.00 163,135.00 498,312.00 109,058.06 47,891.08 68,800.00 56,880.00 127,480.00 1,956,600.00 40,000.00 51,644.70 445,665.06 527,535.30 118,864.00 32,888.15 603,763.61 72,127.03 1,496,385.40 65,302.78 67,317.20 31,412.00 50,000.00 36,778.24 122,850.00 2,083,651.95 3,763,430.00 95,590.00 55,809.42 44,544.00 63,597.00 64,864.50 119,095.20 156,676.00 158,992.50 191,565.00 611,460.00 345,660.00 562,896.75 61,997.55 61,997.55 83,794.47 85,891.16 147,506.63 32,471.60 48,251.23 59,841.83 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNRWA continued CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS CYPRUS DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Remedica Ltd. Buk-Auto Ltd. Buk-Auto Ltd. Buk-Auto Ltd. Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Novo-Nordisk A/S Globe Soft Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Riva Pharma Alpha Armouring Panzerung GmbH F. Undutsch Gmbh F. Undutsch Gmbh F. Undutsch Gmbh F. Undutsch Gmbh F. Undutsch Gmbh F. Undutsch Gmbh F. Undutsch Gmbh F. Undutsch Gmbh F. Undutsch Gmbh F. Undutsch Gmbh Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG Festo Didactic GmbH & Co. KG Merck Export GmbH Schwarz Pharma AG Schwarz Pharma AG Schwarz Pharma AG Schwarz Pharma AG Schwarz Pharma AG Akram Sbitany & Sons Co. Ltd. Amie Amie Amie Computer Media Center Ltd. (CMC) David Czapnik and Sons Ltd Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Dor Alon Energy (1988)Ltd. Mayers Cars & Trucks Co. Ltd. Pealton Co. Pealton Co. Pealton Co. ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC CHEMICALS, ORGANIC, BASIC MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF EXPENDABLES AND ACCESSORIES FOR USE WITH EDP EQUIPMENT GLASS AND GLASS PRODUCTS GLASS AND GLASS PRODUCTS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. ACCUMULATORS, PRIMARY CELLS AND PRIMARY BATTERIES AND PARTS THEREOF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT MACHINE TOOLS MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES PLASTIC, SEMI-MANUFACTURES THEREOF PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC POWER ENGINES, AND VALVES AND SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS ELECTRIC MOTORS, GENERATORS AND TRANSFORMERS, AND PARTS THEREOF INDUSTRIAL PROCESS MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT, OTHER EXPENDABLES AND ACCESSORIES FOR USE WITH EDP EQUIPMENT LIFTING AND HANDLING EQUIPMENT AND PARTS THEREOF PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF GAMES AND TOYS GAMES AND TOYS SPORTS GOODS 206 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 60,939.40 62,327.86 84,782.95 89,765.54 119,824.12 227,018.17 35,264.95 46,889.20 75,572.00 88,682.50 151,939.60 166,213.65 46,889.20 75,572.00 88,682.50 151,939.60 166,213.65 59,841.83 60,939.40 62,327.86 77,338.31 89,765.54 119,824.12 227,018.17 59,841.83 60,939.40 62,327.86 77,338.31 89,765.54 119,824.12 184,125.00 227,018.17 59,841.83 60,939.40 89,765.54 119,824.12 227,018.17 32,471.60 48,251.23 84,782.95 79,050.00 184,000.00 421,200.00 48,964.68 48,965.68 104,127.82 108,410.32 122,982.18 129,925.42 151,206.16 152,505.41 154,137.68 492,439.35 74,449.00 38,718.26 43,060.50 48,039.00 49,290.00 59,203.00 66,631.50 38,718.26 43,060.50 48,039.00 49,290.00 59,203.00 66,631.50 1,098,425.20 53,475.14 32,829.00 53,475.14 32,829.00 53,475.14 30,493.60 57,040.82 32,829.00 53,475.14 53,475.14 103,848.81 103,848.81 103,848.81 103,848.81 103,848.81 103,848.81 103,848.81 44,460.00 30,868.69 45,527.01 88,633.19 112,758.89 121,391.01 215,675.68 70,894.39 70,894.39 70,894.39 59,285.24 50,423.21 34,519.83 37,363.80 56,443.00 57,865.54 58,282.46 62,493.08 64,736.46 69,911.98 73,346.55 89,742.77 89,889.00 90,893.83 97,526.05 97,908.42 102,805.73 110,233.19 111,312.09 115,463.66 123,349.48 126,313.78 220,749.93 132,589.51 50,728.49 546,662.63 50,728.49 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNRWA continued ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ISRAEL ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY ITALY JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Sonol J'lem Ltd. Sonol J'lem Ltd. Union Motors Ltd. Union Motors Ltd. Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Fiat Group Automobiles SPA Kartell Kartell Kartell Nissei Trading Company Ltd Nissei Trading Company Ltd Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Advanced Glass Technology Al Fareed Electro-Mechanical Est. Al-Baraka Est. for Lab & Medical Supply Al-Hadi Medical Information Technology Al-Jmzawi for Buses & Cars Trading Al-Sausana for Scient. & Stat. Supplies Al-Wafi Group for Marketing& Int'l Trade Al-Wafi Group for Marketing& Int'l Trade Al-Wafi Group for Marketing& Int'l Trade Amman Pharmaceutical Industries Co. WLL Amman Pharmaceutical Industries Co. WLL Amman Pharmaceutical Industries Co. WLL Amman Pharmaceutical Industries Co. WLL BCI Communication & Advanced Tech. Dar Al-Dawa Dar Al-Dawa Dar Al-Dawa Dar Al-Dawa Elba House Co. Electronics Engineering Co. Electronics Engineering Co. Electronics Engineering Co. Electronics Engineering Co. Electronics Engineering Co. Electronics Engineering Co. e-Tech System Food Security Store Food Security Store Fourth Dimension System Hammoudeh Brothers for Trade Hassouneh Carpentry Jordan Chalk Manufacturing Co. Middle East Pharm. & Chem. Indust. Philadelphia Pharmaceuticals Philadelphia Pharmaceuticals Philadelphia Pharmaceuticals Philadelphia Pharmaceuticals PRO Technology RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals RAM Pharmaceuticals Rasheed's Plastic Company Rasheed's Plastic Company Shayboob Company Shayboob Company Shayboob Company Shayboob Company Shayboob Company Shayboob Company Shayboob Company Siniora Food Industries Co. STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services STS- Specialized Technical Services TIMCO Jordan Industries CHEMICAL PRODUCTS N.E.C. PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF BEARINGS, GEARS, GEARING AND DRIVING ELEMENTS, AND PARTS THEREOF BEARINGS, GEARS, GEARING AND DRIVING ELEMENTS, AND PARTS THEREOF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF GENERAL PURPOSE MACHINERY, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF GENERAL PURPOSE MACHINERY, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF RUBBER PRODUCTS RUBBER PRODUCTS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD CHEMICAL PRODUCTS N.E.C. MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FURNITURE MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES PROJECTORS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT RADIO AND TELEVISION RECEIVERS, RECORDING, REPRODUCING AND AMPLIFYING EQUIP TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS SUGAR PLANTS FURNITURE MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. CHEMICAL PRODUCTS N.E.C. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS PACKAGING PRODUCTS OF PLASTICS PACKAGING PRODUCTS OF PLASTICS CEREALS CEREALS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS VEGETABLES VEGETABLES, PREPARED AND PRESERVED VEGETABLES, PREPARED AND PRESERVED MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS INPUT/OUTPUT UNITS FOR EDP, ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF METAL PRODUCTS, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT PROCESSING UNITS FOR IT AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR IT AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR IT AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR IT AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR IT AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR IT AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PROJECTORS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT PROJECTORS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT PROJECTORS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT PROJECTORS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT PROJECTORS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE, COMPUTER, INCLUDING MANUALS MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF 207 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 53,283.63 30,557.78 92,096.82 96,761.25 46,444.26 53,268.14 46,444.26 53,268.14 46,444.26 53,268.14 31,962.21 32,529.59 33,117.47 37,493.61 42,728.55 42,893.26 46,444.26 51,547.12 53,268.14 53,994.08 65,059.17 77,274.10 103,094.23 107,233.15 306,694.56 46,444.26 53,268.14 34,977.63 34,977.63 34,977.63 31,217.49 74,417.32 58,351.83 75,514.43 31,000.00 80,085.00 31,000.00 40,063.56 38,488.70 53,797.34 47,457.63 33,200.00 62,644.07 97,815.07 200,861.04 97,815.07 200,861.04 61,531.78 37,657.00 68,998.00 37,657.00 68,998.00 220,000.00 48,874.29 48,874.29 48,874.29 48,874.29 48,874.29 48,874.29 60,105.00 49,450.00 58,587.50 138,000.00 279,822.50 127,210.45 44,385.59 40,984.00 42,271.80 42,271.80 62,800.00 69,533.80 55,881.06 53,490.00 57,015.61 60,822.02 62,827.00 81,387.65 201,578.50 308,952.05 333,174.70 57,015.61 60,822.02 62,827.00 68,740.00 81,387.65 201,578.50 308,952.05 333,174.70 57,015.61 60,822.02 62,827.00 68,740.00 81,387.65 201,578.50 308,952.05 333,174.70 57,256.36 62,489.41 46,045.20 219,336.16 46,045.20 107,887.01 49,152.54 39,724.75 39,724.75 784,119.95 101,705.00 101,705.00 35,855.00 44,756.00 52,200.00 98,775.00 322,913.00 615,722.00 35,855.00 44,756.00 98,775.00 322,913.00 615,722.00 51,443.00 41,500.00 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNRWA continued JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN JORDAN LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Umnia Drug Store Umnia Drug Store United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. United Telecom. Services Co. Ltd. Yaseen Factory for St. & Wood Furn. Yaseen Factory for St. & Wood Furn. Ajam Group Company Ajam Group Company Alfa Interfood sal AMAC s.a.r.l Amine Aour Middle East Foods S.A.L. Amine Aour Middle East Foods sal Amine Aour Middle East Foods sal Amine Aour Middle East Foods sal Amine Aour Middle East Foods sal Amine Aour Middle East Foods sal Bioteck Bioteck Bioteck Bitar International s.a.l. BOUSTANY UNITED MACHINERIES CO. SAL Cesar Chalhoub & Fils s.a.l. Dimitri Michel Eid & Son s.a.l Dimitri Michel Eid & Son s.a.l Educational Co. for Printing, Publishing and Distribution Educational Co. for Printing, Publishing and Distribution Educational Co. for Printing, Publishing and Distribution Educational Co. for Printing, Publishing and Distribution Electronic Business Equip. Co. sarl Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International Fairco International FORMETAL Future Golden Jamal Future Golden Jamal Future Golden Jamal Future Golden Jamal Future Golden Jamal Future Golden Jamal Future Golden Jamal Future Golden Jamal Future Golden Jamal George Al Hawa Est. for Agriculture George Al Hawa Est. for Agriculture Group 4 Security Systems Lebanon sal K. Fleifel Ind. Co. sarl K. Fleifel Ind. Co. sarl K. Fleifel Ind. Co. sarl M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons M. M Sinno & Sons Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Mediterranean Oil Shipping&Tran. Co Moh'd Mohieddine Al-Baba Nouvelle Librairie RAYMOND Nouvelle Librairie RAYMOND Nouvelle Librairie RAYMOND OFFICE DESIGN & SUPPLIES CO OFFICE DESIGN & SUPPLIES CO Rachidi Group For Trade & Industry S.A.R ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT FURNITURE FURNITURE OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE VEGETABLES, PREPARED AND PRESERVED RADIO AND TELEVISION RECEIVERS, RECORDING, REPRODUCING AND AMPLIFYING EQUIP OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE CHEMICAL PRODUCTS N.E.C. HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT CEREALS MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC OFFICE AND ACCOUNTING MACHINERY AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC CHEMICAL PRODUCTS N.E.C. EXPENDABLES AND ACCESSORIES FOR USE WITH EDP EQUIPMENT GAMES AND TOYS MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES METAL PRODUCTS, FABRICATED, OTHER PAINTS AND VARNISHES AND RELATED PRODUCTS, INK ETC. PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. PROCESSING UNITS FOR IT AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD REGISTERS, ACCOUNTING BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, AND OTHER STATIONERY RUBBER PRODUCTS SPORTS GOODS WOOD PRODUCTS, OTHER, ARTICLES OF CORK, PLAITING MATERIALS AND STRAW FURNITURE OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS SUGAR SUGAR VEGETABLES VEGETABLES VEGETABLES METAL PRODUCTS, FABRICATED, OTHER PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. TELEVISION AND RADIO TRANSMITTERS AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE FISH, PREPARED AND PRESERVED FISH, PREPARED AND PRESERVED FISH, PREPARED AND PRESERVED FISH, PREPARED AND PRESERVED OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE SUGAR VEGETABLES VEGETABLES VEGETABLES VEGETABLES PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TEXTILE ARTICLES MADE UP GAMES AND TOYS MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. SPORTS GOODS FURNITURE GLASS AND GLASS PRODUCTS VEGETABLES, PREPARED AND PRESERVED 208 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 36,355.93 36,355.93 33,905.94 43,892.53 50,005.63 86,075.55 91,165.00 208,076.90 30,800.00 33,905.94 43,892.53 50,005.63 86,075.55 91,165.00 143,016.80 208,076.90 30,800.00 33,905.94 43,892.53 50,005.63 86,075.55 91,165.00 143,016.80 208,076.90 33,905.94 43,892.53 50,005.63 86,075.55 91,165.00 143,016.80 208,076.90 36,810.00 37,655.37 151,836.16 43,934.60 66,088.20 44,391.60 37,950.00 349,747.20 65,939.81 78,010.80 79,908.70 88,870.80 65,939.81 33,188.36 33,188.36 33,188.36 196,812.00 69,300.00 33,363.75 55,935.00 68,900.00 71,880.67 97,387.83 113,103.65 215,580.19 30,448.00 32,491.64 32,491.64 32,491.64 32,491.64 46,348.28 32,491.64 37,490.75 32,491.64 32,491.64 32,491.64 32,491.64 46,348.28 32,491.64 32,491.64 32,491.64 32,491.64 46,348.28 37,490.75 34,012.00 96,389.66 144,661.67 96,389.66 144,661.67 96,389.66 144,661.67 85,485.00 96,389.66 144,661.67 50,964.10 50,964.10 34,679.36 34,133.00 45,540.00 199,606.00 41,419.59 45,112.08 69,478.50 280,584.66 69,478.50 280,584.66 280,584.66 41,419.59 45,112.08 69,478.50 280,584.66 30,456.79 31,974.62 35,926.39 39,756.21 41,880.62 43,249.69 44,230.91 45,177.04 45,739.18 46,424.32 52,418.77 69,606.78 33,900.00 55,579.70 55,579.70 55,579.70 99,726.00 99,726.00 39,092.63 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNRWA continued LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON LEBANON NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS NORWAY Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Sainik Trading Company Sainik Trading Company Sainik Trading Company Sainik Trading Company Sainik Trading Company Sainik Trading Company Sainik Trading Company Sainik Trading Company Shaker Mohammed Abdullah Shaker Mohammed Abdullah Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe El-Baba Pour Le Commerce Societe' Kamel Bekdach & Fils Sal Teletrade Computer System Teletrade Computer System Teletrade Computer System Teletrade Computer System Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Hoogwegt Int. BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV Limako Suiker BV N.V. Organon Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods Braillo Norway A/Fattah Hasan Safi & Sons Company A/Fattah Hasan Safi & Sons Company Adam Printing Adam Printing Adeeb El-Gherbawi Co. for General Trade Adeeb El-Gherbawi Co. for General Trade Adnan Mahmoud Ibrahim Bahloul Agis AL Raha Industrial & Trading Co. Al Safi for Trade & Investment Ltd. Al-Donia Co. for Contracting and General Trading Al-Haddad Bros. Co. Ltd for Industr Al-Haddad Bros. Co. Ltd for Industr Al-Haddad Bros. Co. Ltd for Industr Al-Haddad Bros. Co. Ltd for Industr Al-Haddad Bros. Co. Ltd for Industr Al-Haddad Bros. Co. Ltd for Industr Al-Haddad Bros. Co. Ltd for Industr Al-Haddad Bros. Co. Ltd for Industr Al-Hwaty Trading Co. Al-Jala' Pharmaceutical Co. Al-Nassar Household Co. Ltd. Al-Nassar Household Co. Ltd. Al-Nassar Household Co. Ltd. Al-Nassar Household Co. Ltd. Al-Nassar Household Co. Ltd. Al-Nassar Household Co. Ltd. Alraid for Medical Equipment Co. Alraid for Medical Equipment Co. Alraid for Medical Equipment Co. Alraid for Medical Equipment Co. Alraid for Medical Equipment Co. Alraid for Medical Equipment Co. AL-RAZ Industrial & Gen. Trade Co. AL-RAZ Industrial & Gen. Trade Co. AL-RAZ Industrial & Gen. Trade Co. Al-Salam Milling Al-Sarisi Company Al-Sawada Co, Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Aymen El-Belbesi Bahloul & Salah Co. for Petrol Bashir Siksik & Co. Ltd . Co. Bashir Siksik & Co. Ltd . Co. Bashir Siksik & Co. Ltd . Co. Bashir Siksik & Co. Ltd . Co. Bashir Siksik & Co. Ltd . Co. BCI Distances Disappear BCI Distances Disappear Bir Zeit Palestine Pharmaceutical Co DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD SUGAR PLANTS VEGETABLES VEGETABLES VEGETABLES, PREPARED AND PRESERVED OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS SALT AND PURE SODIUM CHLORIDE, SEA WATER VEGETABLES VEGETABLES VEGETABLES VEGETABLES PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES INPUT/OUTPUT UNITS FOR EDP, ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF IT EQUIPMENT/MACHINERY, OTHER, AND PARTS THEREOF PROCESSING UNITS FOR IT AND ACCESSORIES AND PARTS THEREOF DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER MACHINERY, SPECIAL PURPOSE, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF METAL PRODUCTS, FABRICATED, OTHER MINING, QUARRYING AND CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY AND PARTS THEREOF PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD STAMPS, POSTCARDS, GREETING CARDS, PICTURES AND OTHER PRINTED MATTER GAMES AND TOYS GAMES AND TOYS BAKERY PRODUCTS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES PLASTICS IN PRIMARY FORMS PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC DOMESTIC APPLIANCES AND PARTS THEREOF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION OR CONTROL APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT AND PARTS THER GENERAL PURPOSE MACHINERY, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF LAMPS, ARC LAMPS AND LIGHTING EQUIPMENT AND PARTS THEREOF PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. PROJECTORS AND RELATED EQUIPMENT CLOTHING DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS ASSISTIVE DEVICES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING GLASS AND GLASS PRODUCTS METAL PRODUCTS, FABRICATED, OTHER PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. SHIPS TEXTILE ARTICLES MADE UP CHEMICAL PRODUCTS N.E.C. CHEMICAL PRODUCTS N.E.C. HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT TANNING OR DYEING EXTRACTS, COLOURING MATTER GENERAL PURPOSE MACHINERY, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF LIFTING AND HANDLING EQUIPMENT AND PARTS THEREOF MACHINERY, SPECIAL PURPOSE, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD VEGETABLES ANIMAL PRODUCTS, OTHER BAKERY PRODUCTS BEVERAGE AND SPICE CROPS DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER FOOD PRODUCTS N.E.C. FRUIT AND NUTS INORGANIC CHEMICALS, BASIC, N.E.C. MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS MEAT, FISH, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, OILS AND FATS PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS SALT AND PURE SODIUM CHLORIDE, SEA WATER VEGETABLES PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS COPPER, NICKEL, ALUMINIUM, LEAD, ZINC, TITANIUM AND TIN SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTS, ROLLED, DRAWN AND FOLDED PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. PLASTIC, SEMI-MANUFACTURES THEREOF PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC POWER ENGINES, AND VALVES AND RADIO AND TELEVISION RECEIVERS, RECORDING, REPRODUCING AND AMPLIFYING EQUIP TELEVISION AND RADIO TRANSMITTERS AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS 209 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 107,074.25 160,075.50 30,739.50 53,978.40 115,500.00 107,074.25 160,075.50 44,352.36 66,237.44 30,213.00 115,973.95 65,506.72 70,384.42 65,506.72 70,384.42 115,973.95 44,707.45 44,707.45 65,506.72 70,384.42 115,973.95 33,572.10 138,794.70 138,794.70 138,794.70 138,794.70 35,564.85 62,915.60 99,000.00 104,556.96 130,127.88 139,428.57 139,755.10 158,471.67 171,896.79 202,046.04 242,857.14 276,897.96 277,468.35 280,168.78 295,380.00 476,315.05 528,000.00 557,940.00 572,000.00 616,402.88 704,602.51 1,557,597.63 2,927,573.96 39,345.00 93,310.00 131,150.00 131,150.00 161,250.00 201,240.00 393,450.00 679,830.00 50,026.25 202,692.00 550,164.00 106,660.00 43,155.30 43,155.30 36,715.46 36,715.46 85,039.79 200,097.09 30,579.03 32,117.09 40,188.89 175,185.00 42,057.78 38,834.89 38,834.89 38,834.89 38,834.89 38,834.89 38,834.89 38,834.89 38,834.89 168,796.07 221,214.00 91,365.60 91,365.60 91,365.60 91,365.60 91,365.60 91,365.60 50,619.30 65,197.17 65,197.17 50,619.30 65,197.17 50,619.30 65,780.25 65,780.25 65,780.25 972,962.38 75,370.49 413,835.71 60,472.42 60,472.42 60,472.42 60,472.42 60,472.42 60,472.42 60,472.42 60,472.42 60,472.42 60,472.42 60,472.42 60,472.42 47,498.42 50,314.42 50,314.42 50,314.42 50,314.42 50,314.42 41,041.38 108,088.00 55,290.45 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNRWA continued Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Bir Zeit Palestine Pharmaceutical Co Bir Zeit Palestine Pharmaceutical Co Bir Zeit Palestine Pharmaceutical Co Bir Zeit Palestine Pharmaceutical Co Bir Zeit Palestine Pharmaceutical Co Bir Zeit Palestine Pharmaceutical Co Bir Zeit Palestine Pharmaceutical Co Bir Zeit Palestine Pharmaceutical Co Bir Zeit Palestine Pharmaceutical Co Chempal Co. for General Trading Chempal Co. for General Trading Chempal Co. for General Trading Chempal Co. for General Trading Chempal Co. for General Trading Chempal Co. for General Trading Chempal Co. for General Trading Chempal Co. for General Trading Dar El-Arqam Bookshop Dar El-Manara Bookshop Dar El-Manara Bookshop Dar El-Manara Bookshop Eibal Dent (Tool & Lab) El-Eman Mills Company El-Eman Mills Company El-Essi Co. for Gen. Trad. & Cons. El-Essi Co. for Gen. Trad. & Cons. El-Essi Co. for Gen. Trad. & Cons. El-Mokhtar Bakery El-Mokhtar Bakery El-Mokhtar Bakery El-Mokhtar Bakery El-Mughrabi Co. for Trade & Industries Emad Hamada Co. Emad Hamada Co. Eng. Mostafa Mourtaga & Sons Co. Eng. Mostafa Mourtaga & Sons Co. Ersal Gas Station & Fuel Trading Gaza Central Drug Store Gaza Central Drug Store Gaza Central Drug Store Golden Wheat Mills Plc. Hamdi Abdullah Mahmoud Zaqout Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hard Rock Co. Gen.Trad. Const. Hassouneh for Building Materials Hassouneh for Building Materials Hassouneh for Building Materials Hassouneh for Building Materials Hassouneh for Building Materials Hassouneh for Building Materials Hassouneh for Building Materials Hassouneh for Building Materials Hassouneh for Building Materials Ibn Sina Drugs Stores Ibn Sina Drugs Stores Ibn Sina Drugs Stores Ibn Sina Drugs Stores Intermed Intermed Intermed INTERMED Company INTERMED Company INTERMED Company INTERMED Company INTERMED Company Jamal Sons Telecom Computer System Jamal Sons Telecom Computer System Jamil & Kamil Ajjour Co. Jerusalem Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. Jerusalem Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. Khadir Ibr. Khudair & Sons Co. Khadir Ibr. Khudair & Sons Co. Khaled Jamal Diab Salman Khalil Jawdat Khalil Zemlout Leader for General Trading Co. Lemix Co. Ltd. Mahmoud Ahmad Abed Mahmoud Shaker Al-Yazigi Mansour Bookshop & Press Mansour Bookshop & Press Mansour Bookshop & Press Mashreq Est. for Equipment & Production Mashreq Est. for Equipment & Production Mashreq Est. for Equipment & Production Ministry of Education Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammad Sa'id Hasan Shehada Mohammed A/Aziz Ahmad Jabr ANAESTHETICS, ANALGESICS, ANTIALLERGICS, ANTIDOTES, ANTIEPILEPTICS DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DERMATOLOGICAL, ANTI-INFECTIVE OPHTHALMIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL DRUGS ETC. DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES METAL PRODUCTS, FABRICATED, OTHER PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. SPORTS GOODS WOOD PRODUCTS, OTHER, ARTICLES OF CORK, PLAITING MATERIALS AND STRAW BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS PASTA PASTA GAMES AND TOYS MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. RUBBER PRODUCTS ELECTRIC MOTORS, GENERATORS AND TRANSFORMERS, AND PARTS THEREOF ELECTRIC MOTORS, GENERATORS AND TRANSFORMERS, AND PARTS THEREOF PETROLEUM OILS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ANTINEOPLASTIC AND IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE DRUGS AND ANTIPARKINSONISM DRUGS DRUGS AFFECTING THE BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR, BLOOD PRODUCTS, PLASMA SUBS MUSCLE RELAXANTS, OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ETC. GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS FRUIT AND NUTS CLAYS GENERAL PURPOSE MACHINERY, OTHER AND PARTS THEREOF MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES METAL PRODUCTS, FABRICATED, OTHER METAL PRODUCTS, FABRICATED, OTHER OFFICE AND ACCOUNTING MACHINERY AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF PAINTS AND VARNISHES AND RELATED PRODUCTS, INK ETC. PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. PLASTICS IN PRIMARY FORMS PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD REGISTERS, ACCOUNTING BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, AND OTHER STATIONERY REGISTERS, ACCOUNTING BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, AND OTHER STATIONERY REGISTERS, ACCOUNTING BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, AND OTHER STATIONERY REGISTERS, ACCOUNTING BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, AND OTHER STATIONERY RUBBER PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MINERAL PRODUCTS, ACTIVATED NATURAL ETC PACKAGING PRODUCTS OF PLASTICS PAINTS AND VARNISHES AND RELATED PRODUCTS, INK ETC. PAINTS AND VARNISHES AND RELATED PRODUCTS, INK ETC. PLASTICS IN PRIMARY FORMS PLASTICS IN PRIMARY FORMS PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD TEXTILE ARTICLES MADE UP HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS HORMONES, CONTRACEPTIVES, VITAMINS AND MINERALS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES EXPENDABLES AND ACCESSORIES FOR USE WITH EDP EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FURNITURE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES PUMPS, COMPRESSORS, HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC POWER ENGINES, AND VALVES AND RUBBER PRODUCTS WOOD PRODUCTS, OTHER, ARTICLES OF CORK, PLAITING MATERIALS AND STRAW IT EQUIPMENT/MACHINERY, OTHER, AND PARTS THEREOF IT EQUIPMENT/MACHINERY, OTHER, AND PARTS THEREOF BAKERY PRODUCTS ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. FURNITURE FURNITURE BAKERY PRODUCTS PASTA SUGAR PLANTS MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS BAKERY PRODUCTS BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD CLOTHING STAMPS, POSTCARDS, GREETING CARDS, PICTURES AND OTHER PRINTED MATTER TEXTILE ARTICLES MADE UP BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC BEVERAGE AND SPICE CROPS COCOA, CHOCOLATE AND SUGAR CONFECTIONERY DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER FOOD PRODUCTS N.E.C. FRUIT AND NUTS FRUIT AND NUTS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS JUICES, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS OIL SEEDS AND OLEAGINOUS FRUIT OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PASTA PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS SALT AND PURE SODIUM CHLORIDE, SEA WATER STARCHES AND STARCH PRODUCTS, SUGARS AND SUGAR SYRUPS N.E.C. VEGETABLES PASTA 210 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 84,169.51 51,750.60 55,290.45 84,169.51 51,750.60 55,290.45 55,290.45 84,169.51 55,290.45 64,008.98 50,334.20 64,008.98 65,097.83 64,008.98 64,008.98 64,008.98 64,008.98 600,692.31 57,730.33 60,423.08 97,675.37 38,930.00 3,109,863.65 4,039,268.03 31,839.02 42,250.50 177,503.63 144,125.96 161,667.09 144,125.96 161,667.09 41,089.56 59,013.26 59,013.26 235,870.00 481,236.58 46,007.27 64,738.18 178,501.18 54,696.44 2,244,200.00 1,005,750.00 207,656.56 207,656.56 38,339.68 42,367.39 207,656.56 1,063,464.89 42,367.39 38,339.68 207,656.56 42,367.39 38,339.68 207,656.56 207,656.56 38,339.68 113,930.43 207,656.56 42,367.39 60,673.02 1,063,464.89 1,178,756.24 207,656.56 93,154.59 37,172.21 93,154.59 37,172.21 93,154.59 75,140.63 83,155.63 93,154.59 33,386.46 51,504.39 97,237.98 51,504.39 97,237.98 35,343.86 35,343.86 78,005.42 52,195.96 52,195.96 52,195.96 52,195.96 52,195.96 45,361.39 47,758.52 50,317.03 49,464.00 112,960.00 40,704.75 306,349.33 53,819.79 71,489.44 39,141.48 112,668.00 40,172.62 97,113.44 48,447.81 179,753.55 172,654.45 48,960.17 48,960.17 48,960.17 281,430.00 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 38,228.67 80,225.79 Major Orders for Goods by Agency during 2009 (Orders of $30,000 or more) AGENCY Location of supplier UNRWA continued Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories Occupied Palestinian Territories PORTUGAL PORTUGAL PORTUGAL PORTUGAL SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA SYRIA TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY Name of supplier Description of goods (equipment) Mohammed A/Aziz Ahmad Jabr Moussa Hemaid & Sons Co. Ltd. Moussa Hemaid & Sons Co. Ltd. Moussa Hemaid & Sons Co. Ltd. Muheet Sabra Co. Muheet Sabra Co. Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Muian Hamdouna for General Trading Nabeel Husain Hamad Company Nabeel Husain Hamad Company Nabeel Husain Hamad Company Nabeel Mohd Yousef Abu Daya Nabeel Mohd Yousef Abu Daya Naim Brothers Company and Bookshop Naim Brothers Company and Bookshop Naim Brothers Company and Bookshop Naim Brothers Company and Bookshop Naim Brothers Company and Bookshop Palestinian Flour Mills Co. Palestinian Flour Mills Co. Palestinian Flour Mills Co. Palestinian Tractor & Equipment Co. Pharmacare PLC PNA-MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PNA-MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Polymers Trading Co. (PTCO) Qaraman Trading and Maintenance RABAH PLASTIC CO Road Runner Fast Food Co. Ltd Road Runner Fast Food Co. Ltd Road Runner Fast Food Co. Ltd Sakher Factory for Food Stuff SATARCO Co. for Indus., Trade & Gen Siniora Food Industries Company Sons of George Shukha Sons of George Shukha Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sport King Sports World Sports World Sports World Sports World Sports World Sports World Up to Date Plastics Co. (ELASRYA) Up to Date Plastics Co. (ELASRYA) Up to Date Plastics Co. (ELASRYA) Zakout for Metal Works ZALMOUT DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD ZALMOUT DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD ZALMOUT DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD ZALMOUT DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD ZALMOUT DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD ZALMOUT DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD ZALMOUT DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD ZALMOUT DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD Zant Co. for Medical Supplies & Lab Atral Atral Atral Atral Aleppo Pharmaceutical Industries L.L.C. Altoun Group Co. Anas Tareq Al Harash General Est.For Printed & Txt (GOV) Mohammadd Fayez Qasoumah Mohammadd Fayez Qasoumah Mohd Bashar Al-Majzoub Mohd Bashar Al-Majzoub Mohd Bashar Al-Majzoub Mohd Samir M. Salim Bani Marji Syrian Car and Truck Trading & Services Co. Syrian Foodstuff Investment Co. Ltd. Syrian Foodstuff Investment Co. Ltd. Talas Trdg Co. Arbel Pulse Grain Industry Ari Rafine Ve Yag Sanayi A.S Ari Rafine Ve Yag Sanayi A.S Armada Gida Tic. San. Ltd. Sti. Bashan Tarimsal Urunleri Pazarlama PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS MACHINE TOOLS METAL PRODUCTS, FABRICATED, OTHER BAKERY PRODUCTS BAKERY PRODUCTS COPPER, NICKEL, ALUMINIUM, LEAD, ZINC, TITANIUM AND TIN SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER FURNITURE GLASS AND GLASS PRODUCTS INORGANIC CHEMICALS, BASIC, N.E.C. MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MOTOR VEHICLE BODIES (COACHWORK), TRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERS PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. RUBBER PRODUCTS SOAP, CLEANING PREPARATIONS, PERFUMES AND TOILET PREPARATIONS TWINE, CORDAGE, ROPES AND ARTICLES THEREOF (INCLUDING NETTING) FRUIT AND NUTS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED JUICES, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE TANKS, RESERVOIRS AND CONTAINERS OF IRON, STEEL OR ALUMINIUM MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. PLASTIC PRODUCTS N.E.C. PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD REGISTERS, ACCOUNTING BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, AND OTHER STATIONERY TEXTILE ARTICLES MADE UP GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS ELECTRIC MOTORS, GENERATORS AND TRANSFORMERS, AND PARTS THEREOF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS AND VACCINES BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC PLASTICS IN PRIMARY FORMS OFFICE AND ACCOUNTING MACHINERY AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF PLASTICS IN PRIMARY FORMS MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS PASTA PLANTS, FLOWER, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER PULP, PAPER AND PAPERBOARD MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS VEGETABLES VEGETABLES AIRCRAFT AND SPACECRAFT, AND PARTS THEREOF ASSISTIVE DEVICES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER CHEMICAL PRODUCTS N.E.C. CLOTHING CLOTHING FABRICS, WOVEN OF COTTON FOOTWEAR, SPORTS FURNITURE GAMES AND TOYS LABORATORY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, OTHER N.E.C. MEASURING, CHECKING AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES METAL PRODUCTS, FABRICATED, OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS SPORTS GOODS SPORTS GOODS SPORTS GOODS SPORTS GOODS TANKS, RESERVOIRS AND CONTAINERS OF IRON, STEEL OR ALUMINIUM TEXTILE ARTICLES MADE UP TWINE, CORDAGE, ROPES AND ARTICLES THEREOF (INCLUDING NETTING) WOOD PRODUCTS, OTHER, ARTICLES OF CORK, PLAITING MATERIALS AND STRAW WOOD PRODUCTS, OTHER, ARTICLES OF CORK, PLAITING MATERIALS AND STRAW WOOD PRODUCTS, OTHER, ARTICLES OF CORK, PLAITING MATERIALS AND STRAW YARN AND THREAD YARN OF NATURAL FIBRES YARN AND THREAD, TEXTILE, OF MAN-MADE FILAMENTS OR STAPLE FIBRES AIRCRAFT AND SPACECRAFT, AND PARTS THEREOF ASSISTIVE DEVICES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING GAMES AND TOYS GAMES AND TOYS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SPORTS GOODS TEXTILE ARTICLES MADE UP TEXTILE ARTICLES MADE UP TEXTILE ARTICLES MADE UP FURNITURE CEREALS CEREALS GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS SUGAR PLANTS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL EQUIPMENT AND ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. ANTHELMINTICS, ANTIFILARIALS, ANTISCHIS TOSOMALS, ANTIBACTERIALS ETC. MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF VEGETABLES BOOKS, BROCHURES AND LEAFLETS, MAPS AND MUSIC DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER VEGETABLES CEREALS OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE SUGAR PLANTS FURNITURE MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, OTHER VEGETABLES GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS AND FATS, ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE VEGETABLES VEGETABLES 211 | 2009 Annual Statistical Report on Procurement PO value USD 80,225.79 154,756.74 238,561.28 637,280.33 32,288.24 32,288.24 691,320.77 811,518.75 61,743.04 672,816.76 42,393.99 61,743.04 48,165.93 39,338.20 48,165.93 47,175.00 61,743.04 48,165.93 39,338.20 61,743.04 942,907.50 806,080.00 942,907.50 69,183.33 69,183.33 34,308.78 34,308.78 34,308.78 34,308.78 30,915.00 149,227.74 437,328.54 870,276.06 341,001.61 61,830.00 68,857.04 88,563.04 421,818.00 36,983.50 70,102.63 317,182.33 317,182.33 317,182.33 130,944.52 31,109.43 587,755.04 31,762.50 109,119.73 48,698.74 477,182.38 1
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