Clinton VP Kaine`s Islamist ties


Clinton VP Kaine`s Islamist ties
DNC apologizes to
Bernie Sanders for
‘inexcusable’ emails
Clinton VP Tim Kaine
announces an insane
illegals plan
Volume 18, Issue 21
— Must read exposé —
Clinton Foundation:
‘Follow the money’
July 27-August 2, 2016
Clinton VP Kaine’s Islamist ties
By Ryan Mauro
Bear Witness Central
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s newly announced running mate, Virginia
Senator Tim Kaine, has a history of
embracing Islamists. He appointed
a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission; spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect; and received
donations from well-known Islamist groups.
Appointing a Muslim
Brotherhood Front Leader
Who Supports Hamas
In 2007, Kaine was the Governor of Virginia and, of all people,
chose Muslim American Society
(MAS) President Esam Omeish to
the state’s Immigration Commission. A Muslim organization against
My Point
of View
By Rolando Larraz
A paragraph from our last
week’s editorial read like this:
“Let’s not forget our own Silver
State, Nevada, where the RINO
Governor, Brian Sandoval, has
manipulated the Nevada delegation
— Senator Dean Heller and Congressmen Joe Heck, Cresent Hardy
and Mark Amodei — not to support by attending the Republican
National Convention in Cleveland,
Ohio, so they would not upset the
Master Nevada Puppeteer, Harry
Reid. Maybe the people of Nevada
should keep this in mind and the
next time those vote-beggars go out
looking for their support, they
should turn their back on every one
of them.”
After last week’s edition of the
Las Vegas Tribune was distributed
I was told of another reason why
Governor Brian Sandoval did not
go to the RNC Convention in
Cleveland, Ohio; I was told by a
very reliable source on the Democrat side that the reason Sandoval
did not go to the convention was
because he was afraid that a terrorist attack might have happened during the week-long convention
where Donald Trump was being
nominated as the Republican candidate for president of the United
Well as much as I dislike our
RINO (Republican in name only),
I hope my source is wrong and that
the governor did not go to Cleveland for political reasons, “so they
would not upset the Master Nevada
Puppeteer, Harry Reid,” as we reported last week — and not because
the Nevada Governor is a coward
and is afraid to be attacked by terrorists.
If the governor is afraid of facing terrorist attacks, how will he
behave if unfortunately our worldwide famous city is faced with a
terrorist attack? Will he be side by
side with our law enforcement personnel, or will he be under his bed
in the governor’s mansion? Hopefully we will never have to find that
For my part, I cannot think what
is worse: a traitor, a liar governor,
or a cowardly head of state.
The rest of the Nevada delegation, it is obvious, are a lucky bunch
of vote-beggars who waited so long
to show their true colors, and now
no other Republican is running for
office to give the Nevada constituents a choice to still vote Republican and not betray the party, as they
all do.
For my part I hope I still have
some clout with the editorial board
and that they will listen to me when
I say that we need to turn our backs
to Senator Dean Heller for being
part of the official group of merce(See My Point of View, Page 2)
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s newly-announced
running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, has a history of embracing
Islamists. He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration
commission; spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror
suspect; and received donations from well-known Islamist groups.
Islamism criticized the appointment
and reckless lack of vetting.
Federal prosecutors said in a
2008 court filing that MAS was
“founded as the overt arm of the
Muslim Brotherhood in America.”
A Chicago Tribune investigation in
2004 confirmed it, as well as MAS’
crafty use of deceptive semantics to
appear moderate.
Convicted terrorist and admitted U.S. Muslim Brotherhood
member Abdurrahman Alamoudi
testified in 2012, “Everyone knows
that MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood.”
According to Omeish’s website,
he was also President of the National Muslim Students Association
and served for two years on the national board of the Islamic Society
of North America (ISNA), which
the Justice Department also labeled
as a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity and unindicted co-conspirator
in a Hamas-financing trial.
His website says he was Vice
President of Dar al-Hijrah Islamic
Center, a radical mosque known for
its history of terror ties including
having future Al-Qaeda operative
Anwar Al-Awlaki as its imam and
being frequented by two of the 9/
11 hijackers and the perpetrator of
the Fort Hood shooting. Omeish’s
website says he remains a board
It says he was chairman of the
board of Islamic American University, which had Hamas financier and
Muslim Brotherhood spiritual
leader Yousef Al-Qaradawi as
chairman of its board until at least
2006. Omeish was also chairman of
the board for the Islamic Center of
Passaic County, a New Jersey
mosque with heavy terrorist ties and
an imam that the Department of
Homeland Security wants to deport
for having links to Hamas.
Omeish directly expressed extremism before Kaine appointed
him. He claimed the Brotherhood
is “moderate” and admitted that he
and MAS are influenced by the Islamist movement. In 2004, Omeish
praised the Hamas spiritual leader
as “our beloved Sheikh Ahmed
Yassin.” Videotape from 2000 also
(See Kaine, Page 6)
Bernie’s rebellion is going rogue
Many of those inspired by Sen. Bernie Sanders’ insurgent campaign are
now unwilling or reluctant to fall into line with his pleas to support Clinton.
By Amanda Paulson
Christian Science Monitor
“Bernie!”, and boos whenever
Hillary Clinton’s name was mentioned, filled the opening hours of
the Democratic National Convention, with delegates supporting Sen.
Bernie Sanders of Vermont repeatedly drowning out other speakers
with their vocal dissent.
Never mind that after the
weekend’s Wikileaks scandal revealed bias against Senator Sanders, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) issued a formal apology, forced the resignation of DNC
chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
and moved Senator Sanders’ speech
to the final keynote spot. His supporters were largely unappeased.
Indeed, the Vermonter whose
insurgent campaign tapped into latent frustration with America’s po-
Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont make their way around
downtown while protesting on Monday, July 25, 2016, in Philadelphia,
during the first day of the Democratic National Convention.
litical system, is now finding that not directing them, and that any
many of those he inspired are un- protest activity on the floor is a rewilling to fall into line. Sanders sult of grass-roots activism. That
delegates here emphasize that he’s makes the push for unity, now com-
ing from both Mrs. Clinton and
Sanders, an even more daunting
“If we learned one thing from
Bernie Sanders, it’s that the movement is about all of us, not him,”
says Justin Molito, a union organizer from Connecticut who is attending the convention as a Sanders delegate. “So when he asks us
not to protest, I’d respectfully disagree. You have to make a moral
choice about what your role is
Mr. Molito says Democrats
shouldn’t be scared of the divisions
on display, and that he sees the opinions expressed by Bernie delegates
as a healthy display of differences,
part of a robust democracy. “Unity
is a slogan, and if you have an
infomercial, the Democratic Convention falls flat,” Molito says.
(See Bernie’s Rebellion, Page 5)
Anticipation in the arena built as
Sanders took the microphone and
moved to suspend procedural rules
so a voice vote could be held.
“I move that Hillary Clinton be
selected as the nominee of the
Democratic Party for the presidency of the United States,” he said.
Convention chairwoman Rep.
Marcia Fudge (Ohio) said that
Sanders had “moved in the spirit of
(See Nomination, Page 6)
judge, clarified the entire issue back
on April 29, 2013 when he issued a
ruling where he stated that the
‘most important’ remaining issue in
the Feeley Case is how to pay all
the lawyers and from what source
they can be paid,” Feeley said.
For most of the past three years,
the Feeley case was awaiting an appeal decision. That decision was
rendered on January 20, 2016.
Most important, that longawaited appeal finally confirmed
that a misappropriation of Trust
assets by a Trustee is obviously a
“Breach of Trust.”
Trustee Wanda Feeley breached
her duty and the appellate court
(See Feeley, Page 3)
Sanders gives blessing as Dems nominate Clinton
By Peter Schroeder
and Elliot Smilowitz
The Hill
Bernie Sanders on Tuesday moved
for Democrats to choose Hillary
Clinton as the party’s presidential
nominee by acclimation, calling for
Democratic unity behind Clinton.
“I move that Hillary Clinton be
selected as the nominee for the
Democratic Party,” Sanders said
from the convention floor to a wave
of cheers from delegates.
Vermont was the last state of the
roll call, giving Sanders a dramatic
stage one day after he delivered an
impassioned plea for his backers to
get behind Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.
Sanders sat smiling and beaming from his perch within the Vermont delegation as his state’s delegate chairwoman talked about how
he had “changed the trajectory of
this country.”
Judge Kephart tries to be Houdini
By Rolando Larraz
Las Vegas Tribune
The Las Vegas Tribune was in
Judge William Kephart’s Court on
July 19 in a further action regarding attorney’s fees in Feeley v.
The ongoing convoluted saga of
Feeley v. Feeley, a civil tort case involving a misappropriation of funds
by a trustee, is becoming clearer
that the Court is convinced it can
perform magic tricks, according to
prevailing plaintiff Clark Feeley.
“Maybe Judge Kephart should
consult with David Copperfield to
see if he knows how to get blood
from a rock,” Feeley stated.
“Judge Earl, the [original] trial
Corrupt governments use bribery, infiltration, greed, coercion,
lies and attrition against anyone who disagrees with them
By Gordon Martines
The good news is that some of
us, realizing the potential danger
that exists to our self and family,
refuse to go along with the unholy
agenda and corruption that has just
about taken over completely local,
state, and federal government, and
who will risk all to save our country, our families, and our American
way of life.
The bad news is that corruption
will never totally cease to exist as
long as there are human beings involved. Human beings all have
weaknesses, and corruption some-
how finds that weakness and exploits it, Corruption is like a cancer that keeps coming back time
after time, by manifesting and
changing itself, so that the tools and
individuals used to combat it are
now outdated and ineffectual, and
sorely need upgrading.
The latest violation of the Constitution of the United States of
America and the Bill of Rights is
the unconstitutional arrest and detention of the American Patriots
associated with the Bunkerville,
NV standoff in 2014, the Malheur
(See From the Desk, Page 4)
Page 2 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
DNC apologizes to Sanders for ‘inexcusable’ emails
By Jesse Byrnes
The Hill
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Monday apologized to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
for internal emails that appeared to
show party officials plotting against
his presidential bid.
“On behalf of everyone at the
DNC, we want to offer a deep and
sincere apology to Senator Sanders,
his supporters, and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over email,” DNC officials said in the statement.
“These comments do not reflect
the values of the DNC or our steadfast commitment to neutrality dur-
VOL. 18, NO. 22
Rolando Larraz
Rolando Larraz
Perly Viasmensky
Maramis Choufani
Don Snook
Colleen Lloyd
Kenneth A. Wegner
ing the nominating process. The
DNC does not — and will not —
tolerate disrespectful language exhibited toward our candidates,” it
“Individual staffers have also
rightfully apologized for their comments, and the DNC is taking appropriate action to ensure it never
happens again.”
The statement was issued on
behalf of seven top DNC officials
but did not include the name of Rep.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.),
who announced Sunday she’d step
down as DNC chairwoman at the
end of the party’s convention this
week in the wake of the email leaks.
WikiLeaks published 20,000
emails on Friday that had been stolen from the DNC’s system earlier
this year.
The emails showed top DNC
officials discussing ways to undercut Sanders’s presidential campaign, something that he had long
accused party officials of doing.
The release of the emails has
stoked furor among Sanders supporters, many of whom are protesting at the Democratic National
Convention in Philadelphia.
Monday’s statement included
Donna Brazile, the interim DNC
chair; Baltimore Mayor Stephanie
Rawlings-Blake; DNC treasurer
Andrew Tobias; vice chairs
Raymond Buckley, Maria Elena
Durazo and R.T. Rybak, the former
mayor of Minneapolis; and Henry
Muñoz III, the DNC’s national finance committee chair.
been so loyal to the United States
as Cuba once was; and none of
those countries had ever been as
influencial in facilitating the success of American businesses as
Cuba has been.
This space happens to be my
space; it is my column and as the
name of this column clearly states
it is My Point Of View (my opinion) and as long as I live under the
stars of the American flag and the
Constitution of the United States, I
am entitled to my opinion, to the
right to express my personal point
of view.
And the fact that I own this
newspaper, these rights multiply
several times, giving me the right
to have My Point of View on the
front page of the most independent
newspaper in Nevada, as well as
perhaps many other places in this
great nation.
I started this newspaper eighteen
years ago after I became one more
victim of police corruption, judicial
misconduct and government abuse;
back then I put my money where
my mouth was and today without
money I am still putting my blood
into a voice for those who are victims of the government’s corruption
that exists in our wonderful city.
Before the Las Vegas Tribune
started writing about people like
Ron Mortensen, Kirstin Lobato,
Jessica Williams, Manuel
Menendez, Donovan Joseph, Ron
Brady Jr., Dagmar Diaz, Paul
Rockenwell, Oswaldo Lopez, and
Brian Lepley, we never met any of
them; some of them we only know
from their voices because we have
only talked to them on the telephone, yet they have become part
of the Las Vegas Tribune family
through the years.
Once we made a media request
to visit Ron Mortensen in person
and the Nevada Correctional Facility transfered him to Ellis Prison to
make it difficult to visit him due to
the fact that we are a small entity
and we cannot afford to close the
office to go out to visit someone.
This newspaper is to serve the
community and to fight for the
rights of any human being that is
abused or mistreated by corrupted
officials, criminal or now civil, as
in the case of Clark Feeley.
As I once said, with all the years
I have been in Las Vegas (60 to be
exact) and with all the people in the
right places that I have met during
all those years, I could be a very
popular, well-connected and perhaps even a little powerful man IF
I would only have been a “yes” man
and agreed with whom ever was in
office ...but that is not me.
My name is Rolando Larraz, and
as always, I approved this column.
Rolando Larraz is Editor in
Chief of the Las Vegas Tribune. His
column appears weekly in this
newspaper. To contact Rolando
[email protected] or
at 702-272-4634.
My Point of View
(Continued from Page 1)
nary politicians that want to bow to
the bloody government of the
Castro brothers.
Yes, I know that “Cuba is not the
only communist country with an
embassy in the U.S. China, Laos
and Vietnam come to mind,” wrote
a Las Vegas Tribune reader but none
of those countries had and still carry
such a tight relationship with Cuba.
For many years both neighbor
countries — the USA and Cuba —
maintained a social, cultural, and
economic environment like none
other; Cuba was one of the most
faithful yet unreciprocated allies the
United States ever had or will have.
The reader who commented on
an Alexandra Cohen article that was
published one year ago believes that
“The same can’t be said of some of
the other communist countries with
flag-flying embassies on US soil,”
but none of those countries are only
ninety miles away from the USA.
None of those countries has ever
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“If your actions create a
legacy that inspires others to
dream more, learn more, do
more and become more, then,
you are an excellent leader.”
—Dolly Parton
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July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 3
Sanders supporters chant ‘Lock
Her Up’ in protest against Clinton
“Maybe Judge
Kephart should
consult with
David Copperfield
to see if he knows
how to get blood
from a rock,”
Feeley stated.
(Continued from Page 1)
pointed to a New Hampshire statute that dictates she is, therefore,
personally responsible to restore the
Trust for any expenses incurred
because of her actions. That is the
The wording that Judge Earl had
used in his April 29, 2013 ruling
was complicated by his failure to
identify the misappropriation as a
“Breach,” but rather he declared
Wanda was not competent to handle
the affairs of a Trust.
Judge Earl had learned that
Wanda Feeley could not pay her
legal fees. She breached; she is liable. That is the reason Judge Earl
was concerned about “from what
source they can be paid.”
That problem will never be
solved by any judge of the Nevada
District Court unless, perhaps, Mr.
Copperfield becomes a Judge,
Feeley concludes.
A Las Vegas Tribune reporter
attended a hearing last year on July
21 and obtained a transcript. Futher
actions in the Feeley Case had been
assigned to Judge Kephart after Earl
retired for health reasons.
At that hearing, Judge Kephart
declared his personal belief and
agenda: “All lawyers must be paid.”
This newspaper would offer a suggestion that the word “must” be
changed to should. Again, the judge
is not a magician, so if there is absolutely no source of money to pay
the defendant’s lawyers, there is no
money; therefore “must” is meaningless.
Feely explains that if the defendant Wanda is the sole one responsible for paying the fees and restoring the Trust—whether she can or
can’t—that he is in no way liable.
This fact cannot be changed with
smoke and mirrors, Feely asserts.
Since the Appellate Affirmation
confirmed that Wanda must pay all
lawyers, therefore those fees cannot be forced upon another source.
They cannot change that fact simply because Wanda cannot pay or
maybe never can.
Judge Kephart, at some point,
must face that reality. Observation
of the proceedings by Feeley and
this newspaper revealed that the
Judge in this case appears very perplexed. Legally, he cannot magically make someone else responsible for Wanda’s crime.
The corpus of spendthrift Trust
assets is held for the future anticipation of beneficiaries only. Further, beneficiaries can never have
their assets held or squandered because a breaching Trustee cannot
pay for her misdeeds. Attention
judges: Trusts are not a source,
which is the point Feeley makes.
Clark Feeley was found to be
entitled to a return of monies from
Wanda that she misappropriated.
He is not a source of funds to pay
Wanda’s lawyers. “Banks don’t pay
a bank robber’s legal fees,” Feeley
Clark further explains. “Judge
Earl actually came up with a
scheme to reserve Trust funds to
pay future legal fees should his invalid rulings be appealed. He thinks
that would prevent anyone from
questioning his illegally attacking
a spendthrift Trust to pay lawyers.”
Feeley says the judge also probably had an idea that by tying up
those Trust funds, it would be an
enticement to settle the case. He
thought wrong. Feeley believes that
this case will never be settled if it
is dependent upon paying Wanda’s
lawyers. A settlement is not a source
but may be a dream for the lawyers.
It must be quite a travesty for a
judge to face reality that he is not a
magician. His black robe only goes
so far. The Las Vegas Tribune has
been wondering why the judge is
not concerned about beneficiaries
who have had their family summer
home ripped away from them by a
judge from another state who had
no jurisdiction to do what he did in
an attempt to pay Nevada lawyers.
That certainly strikes this newspaper as more of a travesty.
Another twist in this case: Judge
Earl took advantage of a CPA
named Randall Thoman and gave
him the title of Trustee of the New
Hampshire Trusts. He did not have
jurisdiction to do that and he has
put Mr. Thoman in a bad situation
whereby he is liable for all checks
he wrote to lawyers. Mr. Thoman
participated in bank fraud and violated any fiduciary obligation he
had acquired to protect beneficiaries interest in a spendthrift Trust.
The Las Vegas Tribune would like
to interview Mr. Thoman.
This newspaper got the impression that day in court that Judge
Kephart may have an idea that Mr.
Thoman will write more checks.
Feeley and The Tribune would like
to hear what Mr. Thoman says
about that.
If a Trustee upholds the law, he
would not pay anyone other than a
beneficiary. Even if a judge orders
a Trustee to pay a lawyer and he
does, the Trustee would be personally liable for a violation. Is Mr.
Thoman aware of that?
Feeley wonders if the court will
try to contact Mr. Copperfield to see
if he has any interest in magically
paying Wanda’s lawyers.
Feeley said if that doesn’t work
out, Judge Kephart might want to
just follow the law and enter a judgment that Wanda must pay all expenses that she alone incurred. Give
the judgment to the lawyers and let
them collect it. Then you can go on
to something more positive. No
magic required, just the law.
By Byron Tau
It’s not just Republicans that want
presumptive Democratic nominee
Hillary Clinton in prison.
At a lively Sunday march in support of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders,
chants of “lock her up,” “Hillary for
Prison” signs and t-shirts and calls
for indictment were common
among the most ardent supporters
of Mr. Sanders, who arrived in
Philadelphia to make their voices
heard to the delegates attending the
Democratic National Convention.
Republicans used last week’s
Republican National Convention to
make the case that Mrs. Clinton’s
perceived ethical lapses made her
unfit for office. Delegates to the Republican convention could be heard
chanting “Lock her up!” while
“Hillary for Prison” shirts and
bumper stickers have proliferated
across the country.
Mrs. Clinton hasn’t been accused of any criminal wrongdoing
— in fact, Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey explicitly said that her use of a private email server for government
work did not rise to the level that
would justify criminal charges.
However, Mr. Comey called her
“extremely careless” in her handling of the nation’s secrets by running her work email off a private
server, while a State Department
probe concluded that she was in
violation of Department rules.
But at the pro-Sanders rally, attendees were more than eager to list
Protester Erica Albanese
the reasons that Mrs. Clinton deserved to be incarcerated. At least
once during a four-mile march from
City Hall to Roosevelt Park,
rallygoers began loudly changing
“Lock her up!” — the same chant
heard on the floor of the RNC.
Javier Ruiz, 20, listed the 2012
Benghazi terrorist attacks, her use
of personal email email and her refusal to unconditionally condemn
hydraulic fracturing as reasons she
should be imprisoned.
Standing in Roosevelt Park, another protester named Tim Keane
saw a young woman dressed in a
costume with wings. “Are you the
indictment fairy?” he asked her
with a smile, then invited her to sign
a “Bernie card.”
In an interview after, he explained that it seems “there’s at least
some level of criminal negligence”
in her use of a private email server.
Erica Albanese, who traveled
from Oregon, wore a “Hillary for
Prison” shirt as she wandered
around the park after the four mile
She said that Mrs. Clinton was
guilty of “perjury” adding: “She
lied about her documents and her
Dylan Melnik, 24, from Boston
carried a sign in the march that said
“Hillary 4 Prison 2016.”
“He basically inferred under any
other circumstances she might be
indicted, but because she’s Hillary,
she won’t be indicted,” Mr. Melnik
said about Mr. Comey’s press conference.
Top Democrats and even some
Republicans have said that the calls
to jail Mrs. Clinton even as the
government’s top law enforcement
officials have said she has committed no wrongdoing were inappropriate.
“When I see this, you know,
“Crooked Hillary,” or I see the,
“Lock her up,” it’s just ridiculous.
It is ridiculous,” Mrs. Clinton’s new
running-mate Tim Kaine said in a
preview of an interview on 60 Minutes.
Jeff Flake, a Republican senator
from Arizona, wrote on Twitter last
week: “@HillaryClinton now belongs in prison? C’mon. We can
make the case that she shouldn’t be
elected without jumping the shark.”
A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton
didn’t respond to a request for comment.
Page 4 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
Hillary gets ugly surprise at chaotic DNC
Ex-RNC chairman: ‘Inflamed’ Sanders delegates mean major setback for Clinton
By Greg Corombos
(WND) — Democrats planned
to make this week a show of strong
unity in contrast to the divisions that
appeared among Republicans last
week, but instead they opened their
national convention Monday afternoon with their national chairwoman resigning in scandal, Bernie
Sanders supporters refusing to back
the nominee and a litany of embarrassing correspondence.
The upheaval stems from nearly
20,000 emails from the Democratic
National Committee that were
hacked and released Friday by
While the emails are being examined, the exchanges already reveal the DNC actively supporting
Hillary Clinton during the Democratic Party primaries and even hiring young people to argue with
Bernie Sanders supporters on social
The emails also show the DNC
demanding things from liberal media outlets and personalities, referring to Latino outreach as “taco
bowl outreach,” belittling donors
behind their backs and orchestrating anti-Trump protests.
In response, DNC Chairwoman
Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced she would step down after the convention, but that timing
got moved up after she was
roundly booed by her own
Florida delegation Monday morn-
Hundreds of Bernie Sanders supporters march outside DNC.
ing in Philadelphia.
convention actually begins is that have tried to deflect from the scanIt’s exactly the start to the con- that has not occurred,” he said.
dal by blaming Russia for the hackvention that the Democrats didn’t
Donatelli told WND and Radio ing and claiming it was done to help
America this is a massive setback Donald Trump.
“Given the cracks that appeared for Hillary Clinton after working
Donatelli said damage control
in the Republican convention last feverishly to secure a Sanders en- for the Democrats will be very difweek, one of the things that the dorsement and reach out to his vot- ficult.
Democrats wanted to do in Phila- ers.
“You just don’t know what’s
delphia would be to contrast what
“The Clinton folks have worked coming,” he said.
they would say was Republican dis- very, very hard to get the Sanders
“Normally, you can try to inocuarray with a smooth-running con- people in the tent,” Donatelli said. late against bad stories by leaking
vention in Philadelphia,” said “They finally get Sanders’ endorse- them yourself and explaining them
former Republican National Com- ment, so they thought that every- and trying to get ahead of the story.
mittee Deputy Chairman Frank thing was put to bed. Lo and be- You don’t know what that’s going
Donatelli, who also served as po- hold, this comes up and inflames all to be right now because you don’t
litical director in the Reagan admin- the Sanders delegates.”
know what the Wikileaks people
Other than Wasserman Schultz have.”
“What we’ve seen is, before the falling on her sword, Democrats
Donatelli admits one benefit for
(Continued from Page 1)
Wildlife Refuge occupation, in
Burns, Oregon in 2016, and the
murder of American Patriot Robert
LaVoy Finicum, in Burns, OR, on
January 26, 2016, allegedly by Federal Agents and their lackeys.
Not forgetting the slaughter of
innocent Americans in Waco.
Texas, and Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and
the unconstitutional arrest and detention of the Montana Freemen,
and of American Patriots in
Bunkerville, NV, and the Malheur
Wildlife Refuge occupation, in
Burns, OR, in January of 2016.
Compounding these unconstitutional acts by our present government is the January 26, 2016, murder of American Patriot Robert
LaVoy Finicum, which appears to
also be covered up by this same
corrupt government as well with
our corrupt Federal Judicial System
that also supports the corruption.
Not advocating violence in any
way, shape or form against our
country, or this current corrupt government (which would be playing
in to their hands), the only remedy
that I see is for the American public to expose these unconstitutional
acts and deeds by any means legally
possible. Corruption will die on the
vine when exposed to the light.
Mainstream media cannot be
trusted or counted on to report
“truth facts,” without their personal
opinion of distortion and perversion
also being published. Secondary
news media, free talk shows with
debates, free commentaries in
newspapers and air and digital radio shows are avenues that need to
be researched by all, whereby an
informative logical conclusion can
be formed as to what the truth really is. Violent protesters with
threats are not helping the matter
and only cause division.
Beware of the “snake oil salesman.” TV is by far the most powerful media that we have, which can
easily sway the public the quickest
and most efficient way, in any direction they chose. The pretty face
on TV Is not always a Truther, and
is usually a time-sensitive commodity; and depending on his/her loyalty, that “pretty face” may not even
exist later on.
Adding fuel to the fire, we allegedly have a “nip in the wire” in
the Oval Office that we also have
to contend with, along with his conman weekly executive orders that
From The Desk
AJ Maimbourg/Ed Klapproth, Co-Founders
Please join us in our national wave to bring God
back into our country! Our mission is to recruit State
leaders across the country to lead in vetting every
single federal, state, county and city candidate running
for office in 2016... We will then choose the ones we
at the Christian Crusade will endorse and publicize
nationally. We have allowed God to be removed far
too long now and it is time to pick up the “banner”
and bring Him back in a concentrated effort to restore
His word and code.
Please visit our website and review all the
categories. The volunteer section will allow you to do
just that, as well as we will post the State National
Directors in that section as we recruit them. The
website still has some construction to do, but, we are
nearly there.
If you have a desire to be a Contributor of articles,
please contact me and let me know.
Also, please join our Facebook group
if you are on Facebook:
CONTACT EMAIL: [email protected]
try to undermine and destroy our
beloved country and our American
way of life. Why doesn’t he just
stop and go away?
For American Patriots to just
stand by and do absolutely nothing,
is a testament to the power of the
“corrupted cancer” that has taken
grip of our country. To stand by and
do nothing when our neighbors are
wrongly attacked, prosecuted, incarcerated, and even murdered by
our own federal government, is our
testament to becoming slaves and
Just a note: while still employed
by the LVMPD, I filed a 2011 Federal lawsuit against the LVMPD,
Sheriff Douglas Gillespie, et al, and
fourteen other high-ranking police
officials, for discrimination; threats
to life; false arrest; tainting evidence; destruction of official documents; bribery; extortion; drug trafficking; three unsolved murders,
including LVMPD Officer Kevin
Scott Dailey; grand larceny; collusion; disability fraud; narcotics distribution; misprision of several felonies; and malfeasance.
Federal Judge George Foley Jr,
in March of 2014, dismissed my
Federal complaint, citing “Lack of
Merit.” It is strange that the previous year, Judge Foley stated that my
complaint would literally blow the
lid off of the police department,
which surprisingly, was said before
the details of the three unsolved
murders came out during legal
depositions in June of 2013,
whereby the LVMPD was
complicit. I resisted any and all efforts to give in and drop my lawsuit, even after learning that all four
of my attorneys had been coerced
in to withdrawing from representing me in my complaint. Thus, the
tentacles of corruption reach out far
and wide, but in doing so, expose
their corruption, greed and avarice,
which still exists in our community
Democrats might be ridding itself
of Wasserman Schultz at a critical
“You ask virtually any Democrat
in the know, and they will tell you
the DNC has been vastly under-performing for five or six years now,
the time she’s been chairman of the
DNC,” he said. “She’s not been an
effective chairman of the DNC. The
Obama folks didn’t want to fire her,
so they basically went around her.”
But the changes at the national
party level are peanuts compared to
the problem the Clinton campaign
now has to reach out to Sanders
supporters who are so angry they
booed Sanders Monday when he
told his delegates to back Clinton
and Kaine.
“The much bigger problem they
have is the Bernie Sanders left-leaning Democrats, who were suspicious of Hillary Clinton,” Donatelli
said. “Now that she’s picked another moderate within the Democratic context in Tim Kaine, they’re
doubly suspicious of her.”
Donatelli said there should be no
surprise that Republicans immediately seized on the story as a way
to revive Clinton’s email and server
“If they could hack the Democratic National Committee, why
couldn’t they hack her server?
There is no real answer to that, but
it does put the issue back front and
center,” Donatelli said.
for all to see.
Remember to Keep your Faith,
Keep your Gun, and they can Keep
their Change.
In God We Trust
Gordon Martines is a former
LVMPD detective who has served
in many capacities over his 39-year
career in law enforcement. He was
a candidate for sheriff in 2002,
2006, 2010 and 2014, with the intention of bringing integrity and accountability back to the department,
and filed a federal lawsuit against
LVMPD in 2011. Martines has appeared on “Face The Tribune” radio show several times and is currently the host of “Open Mic” on
Tuesdays and Thursday at 11:00
a.m. He contributes his opinions
and ideas to the Las Vegas Tribune
to keep the public informed and
help improve policing in Las Vegas.
Gordon Martines can be contacted
via email at [email protected].
Bernie’s Rebellion
(Continued from Page 1)
“That said, people will unify to beat
[Republican presidential nominee
Donald] Trump.”
‘No one is more disappointed’
Some Sanders delegates listened
to the senator’s keynote speech —
which recapped his calls to action
and the highlights of his campaign
stump speeches, and touted the progressive Democratic platform that
he helped influence — with tears
streaming down their faces.
“I understand that many people
here in this convention hall and
around the country are disappointed
about the final results of the nominating process. I think it’s fair to say
that no one is more disappointed
than I am,” Sanders told the crowd,
once their cheers died down enough
for him to speak. But he went on to
list the choices facing the American people and the policies and
leadership he believes are needed.
“By these measures, any objective
observer will conclude that —
based on her ideas and her leadership — Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the
United States. The choice is not
even close.”
While a few boos could still be
heard during his calls to elect
Clinton, they were scattered, and
the prime-time speeches seemed to
be received by a far more unified
crowd than the one shouting down
speakers a few hours earlier.
Still, between the thousands of
antagonistic Bernie-or-Bust protests and rallies filling the streets of
Philadelphia and the angry Sanders
delegates inside its convention hall,
the day underscored the challenge
faced by Clinton as she heads into
the fall, a deeply unpopular candidate facing off against another
deeply unpopular candidate, with
poll numbers showing the two to be
neck and neck.
Republican nominee Donald
Trump, who has tried to magnify
and capitalize on the divisions in the
Democratic Party, issued a flurry of
tweets aimed at disaffected Sanders supporters.
“Hard to believe that Bernie
Sanders has done such a complete
fold. He got NOTHING for all of
the time, energy and money. The
V.P. a joke!” Mr. Trump tweeted
early in the evening. “Sad to watch
Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution. We welcome all voters who
want to fix our rigged system and
bring back our jobs,” he wrote later,
during Sanders’ speech.
‘A raw deal’
Many Sanders supporters are
angry by what they say is too little
real action and some tone-deaf
moves on the part of Clinton.
In particular, some Sanders delegates see her running mate, Sen.
Tim Kaine of Virginia, as not progressive enough. A poll last week
by the Bernie Delegates Network,
which represents about two-thirds
of the Sanders delegates, found that
among potential vice-presidential
picks Tim Kaine was an “acceptable” choice to just 3 percent of the
delegates who responded, with 88
percent saying he was “unacceptable.”
Take the vice-presidential pick
and add to it the WikiLeaks scandal, and “it all reconfirms in the
minds of many Bernie delegates
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 5
Hundreds of environmentalists and Bernie Sanders supporters march through downtown before the start of the Democratic National Convention
on Sunday, July 24, 2016 in Philadelphia.
that we were given a raw deal, that unity was a running theme through- of the night.
says that she draws the line at boowe are dealing with a rigged sys- out the speeches Monday evening.
“When she lost eight years ago, ing during speeches, but is OK with
tem,” said Karen Bernal, a Sanders
Delegates heard from vocal she didn’t get angry or disillu- chanting.
delegate from California, speaking Sanders supporters, including Con- sioned,” Obama said of Clinton.
Stephen Woodruff, an attorney
at a press conference organized by gresswoman Diane Russell of “Hillary did not pack up and go and Sanders delegate from the
the Bernie Delegates Network.
Maine, who promoted a proposal to home. Because as a true public ser- Northern Mariana Islands, says he
And while Sanders supporters reform the DNC’s controversial vant, Hillary knows this is so much expects Sanders supporters to find
are glad that DNC chair Debbie superdelegate system, Oregon Sen. more than her own desires and dis- better ways to channel their anger
Wasserman Schultz was forced to Jeff Merkley, and Minnesota Rep. appointments.”
as the convention continues.
resign over the scandal, Clinton’s Keith Ellison, all of whom aligned
For many Sanders delegates,
“The bottom line is that Trump
decision to immediately gave her a themselves firmly behind Clinton. their main outlet for protest will has the ability to win by capitalizposition as an “honorary chair” of
Comedian Sarah Silverman, a come on Tuesday, when they stand ing on the hatred of Hillary by Reher campaign was seen as yet an- die-hard Sanders backer, took the up for their candidate and vote for publicans and capitalizing on the
other sign of a “rigged system.”
stage with Minnesota Sen. Al him during the roll-call vote.
distrust of Hillary in general,” he
“Debbie Wasserman Schultz Franken, a former comedian him“That’s all we really can do,” says. “We don’t have to have our
stepped down, but now Hillary is self.
says Sarah Knowlton, a young heart behind Hillary, but we do have
adding her to her campaign staff. If
This year, said Franken, “I’ve Sanders delegate from Indiana who to understand practical politics.”
she really did want to show party been, ‘Hashtag I’m with her.’” And
unity, she would have picked a pro- “I’ve been ‘feeling the Bern,’”
gressive for VP, she would have added Ms. Silverman.
pressed charges against [Schultz],”
Silverman then launched into a
This announces the passing of Miss Cheyenne
says Daniel, a Sanders supporter passionate tribute to Bernie and the
who travelled to Philadelphia from progressive policies he advocated
Kent-Welling into the presence of Jesus by her
Corvallis, Ore., to join in protests, even as she declared her support for
death at Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas. She
and who declined to give his last Clinton.
passed on Sunday, July 3, 2016 at 6:15 p.m. at
name. “This isn’t her pushing for
“I will vote for Hillary with
party unity. So why should we?”
gusto as I continue to be inspired
the age of 34 years. We miss her so dearly.
And as much as Clinton has tried and moved to action by the ideals
Cheyenne was a graduate of Sonoma State
to gain support by painting a dire set forward by Bernie, who will
University in California and completed her
picture of the alternative — never stop fighting for us,”
America under “President Trump” Silverman said.
Pharmacy Technician Certification in Las Vegas.
— some say that would be a better
As the convention hall erupted
She and her father lived together in Las Vegas
catalyst for change than a Demo- into dueling chants of “Bernie!” and
since June of 2010.
cratic administration they see as too “Hillary!” Silverman took the miShe is survived by Mrs. Danielle Orens and
crophone for an addendum: “Can I
If Trump is elected, “in four just say, to the ‘Bernie or bust’
Michel Lee, her mother and step-brother
years we would have a better people — you’re being ridiculous!”
respectively of the Los Angeles area, as well
Democrat elected,” says Jessica
And unity was an undercurrent
by her father, Delmar Lee of Las Vegas.
Griffith, a Sanders delegate from in the keynote speeches as well,
Las Vegas who went to a rally at including Michelle Obama’s,
Her memorial service is pending presently.
JFK plaza. “It’s like we need to burn perhaps the best-received speech
it down and start over.”
Others were more measured.
“We don’t want to see Trump in
the White House,” said Ms. Bernal,
the delegate from California. “But
we can still do everything we can
to make this a more progressive
‘All we can really do’
Inside the convention, party
Face the Tribune Guest
Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria to appear
on ‘Face The Tribune’ Tuesday, Aug. 2nd
Clark County Registrar of Voters, Joe Gloria, is scheduled to be
a guest on the Face The Tribune
radio show with Rolando Larraz.
Gloria has been the Registrar
of Voters since 2013 after serving as a Sr. Election Operations
Supervisor since 2009.
Gloria has led the County’s
voting registration, and tabulation
services in a manner which insures public confidence in the
Joe Gloria
integrity of our voting process.
During his appearence on Face The Tribune, Gloria will inform
the audience how to find their place to vote along with many other
useful bits of information.
Joe is a graduate of the 2004 Clark County Leadership Forum as
well as the 2010 Clark County Management Academy.
He has earned the Certified Election Registration Administrator
certificate from The Election Center.
He is also a graduate of the University of Phoenix with a bachelor’s
degree in business administration, a graduate certificate in public
management from UNLV, and a master’s degree in public administration, also from UNLV.
His appearance on would be one learning experience that many may be able to use while exercising their voting
Face The Tribune airs daily on from noon to one
and repeats later in the afternoon.
In Memoriam
Page 6 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
Clinton VP announces
an insane illegals plan
(HORN NEWS) — It seems Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine wants to
waste as little time as possible before reaching deep into tax payer
Kaine was named the vice presidential candidate of presumptive
Democratic presidential nominee
Hillary Clinton over the weekend.
Just days later, he’s announced
his priority for the first 100 days of
the Clinton administration — give
citizenship across the board to every single illegal immigrant in the
United States. And it would cost
taxpayers big time.
That’s according to The Washington Times, which reported that
“a new Clinton administration
would pursue a bill to legalize illegal immigrants in ‘the first 100
days’ of her tenure, vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine told Spanish-language network Telemundo in
an interview Monday, presenting a
deep contrast with Republicans.”
The cost of such a plan has been
analyzed previously by The Heritage Foundation, a conservative
think tank that concluded in a 2013
study that blanket legalization
would cost tax payers approximately $6.3 trillion.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump recently derided
Kaine as a “weird little dude” and
a political “hack” and argued that
Clinton made a mistake when she
chose him.
Some critics on the left agree,
and have suggested a potential
“Kaine Mutiny.”
Kaine is set to address the
American public for the first time
as Clinton’s running mate on
Wednesday night at the Democratic
National Convention.
The speech will offer a window
into how well received — or not —
far-left Democrats will be towards
(Continued from Page 1)
unity” to hold an acclimation vote.
The “ayes” resonated throughout the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, drowning out a small contingent of holdouts.
The crowd erupted. Sanders
hugged his wife Jane. Delegates
danced and held signs with
Clinton’s “Forward” symbol. Only
a few delegates remained holding
their “Bernie” signs as he climbed
the stairs to leave the arena.
Fudge praised Sanders — who
promptly left the floor to cheers —
saying he has “moved in the spirit
of unity to suspend the rules ... and
nominate Hillary Clinton by acclamation.”
It came moments after Clinton
officially became the Democratic
presidential nominee — the first
woman to be a major party’s nominee ever.
Have you been embarrassed lately when someone pointed
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Give yourself the luxury of looking your best in print!
[email protected]. 702-706-6875.
(Continued from Page 1)
surfaced where Omeish pledged to
help Palestinians who understand
“the jihad way is the way to liberate your land” (he denied this was
an endorsement of violence).
When a state delegate wrote a
letter to then-Governor Kaine warning him that the MAS has “questionable origins,” a Kaine spokesperson said the charge was bigotry.
Kaine obviously failed to do any
kind of basic background checking
in Omeish. Omeish resigned under
heavy pressure and Kaine acknowledged that his statements “concerned” him. But, apparently, they
didn’t concern him enough to actually learn about the Muslim Brotherhood network in his state and to
take greater precautions in the future.
Speaking at a Dinner
Honoring Muslim
Brotherhood Terror Suspect
In September 2011, Kaine spoke
at a “Candidates Night” dinner organized by the New Dominion PAC
that presented a Lifetime Achievement Award for Jamal Barzinji, who
the Global Muslim Brotherhood
Watch describes as a “founding father of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.”
He first came on to the FBI’s radar in 1987-1988 when an informant inside the Brotherhood identified Barzinji and his associated
groups as being part of a network
of Brotherhood fronts to “institute
the Islamic Revolution in the
United States.”
The source said Barzinji and his
colleagues were “organizing political support which involves influencing both public opinion in the
United States as well as the United
States Government” using “political action front groups with no
traceable ties.”
Barzinji had his home searched
as part of a terrorism investigation
in 2003. U.S. Customs Service Se-
nior Special Agent David Kane said
in a sworn affidavit that Barzinji
and the network of entities he led
were investigated because he “is not
only closed associated with PIJ
[Palestinian Islamic Jihad]... but
also with Hamas.” Counter-terrorism reporter Patrick Poole broke the
story that Barzinji was nearly prosecuted but the Obama Justice Department dropped plans for indictment.
Barzinji played a major role in
nearly every Brotherhood front in
the U.S. and was vice president of
the International Institute of Islamic
Thought, which came under terrorism investigation also. Barzinji’s
group was so close to Palestinian
Islamic Jihad operative Sami AlArian that IIIT’s President considered his group and Al-Arian’s to be
essentially one entity.
The indictment of Al-Arian and
his colleagues says that they “would
and did seek to obtain support from
influential individuals, in the United
States under the guise of promoting and protecting Arab rights”
(emphasis mine).
The quotes about Brotherhood
operative Barzinji’s aspirations to
use civil rights advocacy as a means
to influence politicians are especially relevant when you consider
that video from the event honoring
Barzinji shows Kaine saying that it
was his fourth time at the annual
dinner and thanked his “friends”
that organized it for helping him in
his campaign for Lieutenant-Governor and Governor and asked them
to help his Senate campaign.
Islamist Financial Support
Barzinji’s organization, IIIT,
donated $10,000 in 2011 to the New
Dominion PAC, the organization
that held the event honoring
Barzinji that Kaine spoke at. The
Barzinji-tied New Dominion PAC
donated $43,050 to Kaine’s gubernatorial campaign between 2003
and 2005. That figure doesn’t even
include other political recipients
that assisted Kaine’s campaign.
The PAC has very strong ties to
the Democratic Party in Virginia,
with the Virginia Public Access
Project tallying almost $257,000 in
donations. This likely explains why
Barzinji’s grandson served in Governor McAuliffe’s administration
and then became the Obama
Administration’s liaison to the Muslim-American community.
The Middle East Forum’s Islamist Money in Politics database
shows another $4,300 donated to
Kaine’s Senate campaign in 20112012 by officials from Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and
the Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR). Another $3,500
came from Hisham Al-Talib, a
leader from Barzinji’s IIIT organization.
It’s worth noting that Barzinji’s
IIIT donated $3,500 to Esam
Omeish’s 2009 campaign delegate
campaign, tying together the cadre
of Muslim Brotherhood-linked
leaders who got into Kaine’s orbit.
Kaine has no excuse. If he has
an Internet connection, then he and
his staff should have known about
their backgrounds. They were either
extremely careless (something
Kaine would have in common with
the top of the ticket) or knew and
looked the other way in the hopes
of earning donations and votes.
Clinton’s choice of Kaine is
widely seen as a way of strengthening her campaign’s national security credentials.
How can you trust a candidate
on national security who appoints
a Hamas supporter to their immigration commission and speaks at
a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect?
And how can you trust a candidate who picks such a person as
their “strong on national security”
running mate?
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 7
Clinton camp fears more leaks are coming
By Peter Schroeder
The Hill
Clinton’s campaign is bracing for
the possibility of more damaging
emails being leaked to the public
as the presidential campaign enters
its home stretch.
Jennifer Palmieri, communications director for Hillary for
America, said it’s possible that
more emails will be released at a
time designed to inflict maximum
political pain on Democrats.
“The WikiLeaks leak was obviously designed to hurt our convention,” she told reporters. “I don’t
think they’re done. That’s how they
“We can’t know, but it’s part of
the reason that we wanted people
to understand our belief that the
Russians are behind this,” she said.
“People need to understand —
when these leaks happen — what
they’re designed to do.”
Palmieri added that the Clinton
campaign was not worried about its
own email security.
The first day of the Democratic
National Convention was upended
by the WikiLeaks release over the
weekend of more than 20,000 internal emails from the Democratic
National Committee (DNC). Some
of those emails suggested that officials at the DNC, which is supposed
to be neutral during the party’s
presidential primary, worked
against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
and favored Clinton, now the presumptive Democratic presidential
The leak led to the resignation
of DNC Chairwoman Debbie
Wasserman Schultz, as Sanders’s
supporters made their displeasure
with the party known in and out-
side the Wells Fargo Center, where
the convention is being held.
The FBI announced it was opening an investigation into the leak
Monday, and the Clinton campaign
has previously suggested the email
theft and timing of the leak may
have been carried out by the Russian government to undermine her
campaign and boost GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s.
Palmieri’s comments come as
Priebus on Dem email leaks:
‘This is just the beginning’
By Jesse Byrnes
The Hill
Republican National Committee
(RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus is
predicting that more stolen emails
causing trouble for Democrats are
on the way.
“I think this is just the beginning.
I think there are going to be more
emails coming out,” Priebus told
Sean Hannity during a radio interview Monday.
“These folks don’t just dump
everything they have on one shot.
They’re gonna come back over and
over and over again,” he said.
“What about the emails that
show they were coordinating federal appointments for fundraising?
This is just the beginning.”
The RNC chairman made similar comments in an interview on
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s
campaign on Tuesday signaled it is
bracing for the possibility of more
damaging emails getting published
heading into the general election.
“The WikiLeaks leak was obviously designed to hurt our convention,” Clinton communications di-
mentions of Clinton’s name on the
convention floor. Party officials
apologized to Sanders, who urged
his vocal supporters to back
The FBI is investigating the leak,
the agency announced Monday.
rector Jennifer Palmieri said. “I
don’t think they’re done. That’s
how they operate.”
WikiLeaks on Friday published
20,000 emails that had been stolen
from the Democratic National
Committee (DNC) earlier this year.
Some of the emails show top officials criticizing Sen. Bernie
Sanders’s (I-Vt.) presidential campaign.
Fallout over the emails spilled
into the first day of the Democratic
National Convention in Philadelphia on Monday. DNC Chair-
woman Debbie Wasserman Schultz
resigned from her post, and Sanders supporters repeatedly jeered
Democrats prepare to officially
nominate Clinton for president,
making her the first woman to be
nominated for president by one of
the two major political parties.
The campaign downplayed
some of the intraparty strife that
was on display Monday, when
Sanders’s supporters broke out in
chants or occasionally booed convention speakers backing Clinton’s
“It is hard to work for someone
for over a year and all of a sudden
shift gears,” said Karen Finney, senior adviser for Hillary for America.
“It’s a process, so our message is
really that we understand that.”
Clinton’s campaign argued that
Sanders’s endorsement on Monday
evening was a big step toward unifying the party. But Tuesday’s roll
call vote of the Democratic delegates will give Sanders supporters
one final opportunity to push for
their candidate, while Clinton is
expected to formally receive the
nomination that evening.
Finney said all 57 states and territories will cast their votes for their
preferred candidates, as opposed to
prior conventions when all of the
delegates got behind the presumed
“We think it’s very important
that everybody have a chance to
vote and have their voice heard,”
Finney said.
Page 8 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 9
Clinton vs. Sanders: Leaked emails raise
many questions about DNC’s impartiality
A Russian hacker leaks email between top Democratic National Committee members
indicating that they saw Sanders as an obstacle for Clinton and not an asset to the party.
By Rowena Lindsay
Christian Science Monitor
Emails allegedly taken from top
officials in the Democratic National
Committee (DNC), released by
Wikileaks this Friday, reveal a bias
against Sen. Bernie Sanders during
the primary election from within his
own party.
The email release comes just
days before the start of the Democratic National Convention, causing concern that it may undermine
support for Hillary Clinton, especially among supporters of Senator
“[The DNC] wanted to start the
convention in a completely positive, unified, upbeat way and they
certainly didn’t want to be scandal
WikiLeaks published 20,000 emails on Friday that had been stolen from
the DNC’s system earlier this year. The emails showed top DNC officials
discussing ways to undercut Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign,
something he had long accused party officials of doing.
DNC turns women’s restroom
into ‘All-Gender’ bathroom
Women’s bathroom near media section reassigned to all genders
By Elizabeth Harrington
The Democratic National Convention has turned a women’s restroom
into an “all-gender” bathroom at the
Wells Fargo Arena.
The all-gender bathroom is one
of the ways the DNC is infusing its
party platform into the arena accommodations.
The arena also has a “gluten-free
zone” and garbage cans are categorized by landfill, recycling, and
A DNC volunteer told the Washington Free Beacon that there is
only one all-gender restroom to accommodate transgender individuals.
The change leaves female convention goers with one fewer bath-
room than male attendees.
No transgender individuals were
spotted using the restroom, but it
was being used by both male and
female reporters, as well as some
cameramen. The bathroom is closest to the media section of the arena.
The DNC will also for the first
time feature an openly transgender
individual in its speaking lineup.
Sarah McBride, the national press
secretary for the Human Rights
Campaign Foundation, will speak
on Thursday.
Transgender bathrooms have
become an issue in the presidential
campaign. A North Carolina law
placed heightened attention on
whether biological males who identify as females can use a women’s
Republican nominee Donald
Trump said he would let Caitlin
Jenner use whatever bathroom she
wanted at Trump tower, and PayPal
founder Peter Thiel called the issue
a distraction at the RNC last week.
“Now we are told that the great
debate is about who gets to use
which bathroom,” Thiel said. “This
is a distraction from our real problems. Who cares?”
At least one person at the DNC
cares, according to media reports.
“I don’t need no man in the next
stall next to me while I go to the
bathroom,” a female employee of
the arena told
“We need a male and female she
said. I’ve got personal business. I’m
trying to keep it real.”
“It’s privacy. I need privacy.”
ridden,” Jennifer Lawless, professor of government at American
University, tells The Christian Science Monitor. “And it is bad for
Clinton in particular because this
yet one more scandal that opponents can associate with her.”
The recent leak contains nearly
20,000 emails, reportedly from a
handful of leaders in the Democratic Party including Communications Director Luis Miranda, Communications Director Luis Miranda,
and Finance Chief of Staff Scott
Comer and are available through a
search tool on Wikileaks.
The leak was anonymous, but
the DNC says that it was the work
of the same Russian hacker, going
by the name Guccifer 2.0, who
breached the DNC server in June
and took opposition research on
Republican nominee Donald Trump
and compiled a dossier of Hillary
Clinton-related documents.
The emails, if authentic, reveal
a pointed attempt by the DNC to
derail the Sanders campaign, seeing him only as a threat to Mrs.
Clinton rather than a potential asset for the party.
Paustenbach, a committee communications official, wrote to Luis
Miranda, the communications director for the committee: “wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie
never ever had his act together, that
his campaign was a mess.” This
comment came after Sanders’ supporters, unbeknown to him, accessed the DNC server and got
ahold of Clinton’s voter data in
Making Sanders’ campaign look
unorganized and impractical was a
running theme in the leaked emails.
In another email exchange, concerning Sanders’ comment that he
would remove DNC committee
chairwoman Representative Debbie
Wasserman Schultz as soon as he
was in office, Luis Miranda, the
communications director for the
committee emailed Wasserman
Schultz to ask if they should call
CNN to complain about their coverage of Sanders’ comment.
“Do you all think it’s worth highlighting for CNN that her term ends
the day after the inauguration, when
a new D.N.C. Chair is elected anyway?” Mr. Miranda asked. Ms.
Wasserman Schultz responded by
dismissing the senator’s chances.
Her response: “This is a silly
story. He isn’t going to be president.”
Brad Marshall, the chief financial officer of the committee,
Paustenbach and Amy Dacey, the
committee’s chief executive, discussed how to force Sanders to talk
about his religion in states where it
would put him at a disadvantage.
“It might make no difference,
but for KY and WVA can we get
someone to ask his belief. Does he
believe in a God,” wrote Mr.
Marshall. “He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think
I read he is an atheist. This could
make several points difference with
my peeps.”
To which Dacey responded,
These emails support the many
claims Sanders made throughout
the primaries that the Democratic
Party leadership was biased and
was not supporting him. Although
he clearly had come to terms with
the disadvantages he faced by the
time he endorsed Clinton, his supporters my have a more difficult
time being as accepting.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was quick to
highlight the contentious issue.
“Leaked e-mails of DNC show
plans to destroy Bernie Sanders.
Mock his heritage and much more.
On-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. RIGGED” — Donald J.
Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July
23, 2016
Still some analysts aren’t certain
this will be a big problem or sow
much discontent at the Democratic
National Convention this coming
“It depends on how Bernie Sanders and the Clinton campaign decide if they want to acknowledge
or not acknowledge what happened,” says Professor Lawless. “If
Bernie Sanders chooses not to make
a big deal about it and Hillary
Clinton is gracious in accepting the
nomination also in recognizing the
importance of the Sanders campaign through the primaries — they
can do quite a bit of damage control.”
Page 10 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
Dems flirt with disaster on convention’s first day
By Niall Stanage
The Hill
the biggest names in Democratic
politics sought to get their national
convention back on track Monday
evening after the party flirted with
potentially disastrous disunity for
much of the day.
The prime-time session saw
clear-cut statements of support for
presumptive presidential nominee
Hillary Clinton from her main primary rival, Bernie Sanders; an emotional and widely praised address
from first lady Michelle Obama;
and a prolonged attack on Donald
Trump from Sen. Elizabeth Warren
But Sanders’s most fervent
backers, who are unreconciled to
Clinton becoming the nominee,
caused significant disruption during
the previous hours. Even respected
Democratic officeholders such as
Rep. Elijah Cummings (Md.) had
to cope with gusts of disapproval
for merely mentioning Clinton’s
Reverberations created after the
leak of internal Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails
that displayed favoritism for
Clinton dominated the day Monday.
And scattered boos and shouts of
dissent were still being heard in the
Wells Fargo Center during passages
of Sanders’s speech in which he
paid tribute to Clinton.
At one point, it seemed as if
Democrats were as divided here as
Republicans were during their convention last week in Cleveland.
But Sanders delivered a speech
far removed from Texas Sen. Ted
Cruz’s dramatic refusal to endorse
Trump, the GOP’s presidential
nominee. And prominent speakers
scheduled in the coming days, including former President Clinton on
Tuesday, President Obama on
Wednesday and Hillary Clinton
herself on Thursday, could see the
Democrats leave Philadelphia with
Sanders expressed his disap-
By Jonathan Easley
The Hill
of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders fought to be heard inside the
Wells Fargo Center at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on Monday.
Every mention of Clinton provoked cheers from her supporters,
with rounds of boos raining down
from Sanders supporters.
The jeers and chants of “Bernie”
frequently outlasted and overwhelmed cheers for Clinton inside
the arena.
Factions of Sanders supporters
brought signs with their candidate’s
name on it and pointed their thumbs
down, chanting “Bernie” at every
mention of Clinton.
It was a divisive start to a convention where Democrats had
hoped to achieve unity.
Marcia Fudge, who took over for
Democratic National Committee
Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman
Schultz, struggled to be heard over
the competing factions of Clinton
and Sanders supporters.
Fudge urged the crowd to stay
in line as the cheers and jeers threatened to overcome her opening
“We’re Democrats, and we need
to act like it,” Fudge said.
“I will be respectful of you, and
I want you to be respectful of me,”
she added.
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.),
a top Democrat in the House who
is widely respected, struggled to
speak over chants that broke out in
administration’s international trade
deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Convention-goers chanted and
held signs with a red line through
“TPP” as Cummings sought to
speak about the Black Lives Mat-
A former top spokeswoman for Bernie Sanders on Monday tried to quell angry supporters of the former
presidential candidate who loudly protested Hillary Clinton on the floor of the Democratic National
gent chanted “Bernie,” forcing Hale James and Steph Curry shaking
ter movement.
As the rowdy convention un- to pause her invocation for about hands after the NBA Finals.
“They both deserve our cheers,”
folded, NBC News obtained an 15 seconds.
Later, former Denver Mayor Webb repeated three times.
emailed plea from Sanders asking
The crowd erupted when Webb
his supporters not to boo or be dis- Wellington Webb sought to unite
the crowd, comparing the candi- told them to cheer equally for both
It was clear from the start that dates to basketball stars LeBron candidates.
the proceedings would be contentious as the crowd interrupted the
opening invocation.
The Rev. Cynthia Hale led the
opening prayer shortly after the
convention was gaveled into order.
“We have a responsibility to you
to be a party that celebrates diversity, values all people and treats
everyone with dignity and respect,”
Hale said.
“We have a platform that seeks
to address the ills of our nation,
right the wrongs and help us be a
just and equitable society... by
nominating Hillary Rodham
Much of the crowd cheered
loudly, but jeering was audible. As
the cheers subsided, a large contin-
pointment about losing the nomination and told his delegates he
would look forward to their votes
during the official roll call Tuesday
But he left no doubt that he was
sticking by his earlier endorsement
of Clinton, declaring that he was
“proud to stand with her tonight.”
He cautioned his supporters about
the dangers of sitting out the election, and hailed the agreements he
and the former secretary of State
had reached to create “the most progressive platform in the history of
the Democratic Party.”
Sanders, introduced by longtime
ally Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.),
was met with a roaring reception
when he strode to the lectern shortly
before 11 p.m. The ovation went on
for several minutes before he could
begin his speech. As he delivered
his address, TV cameras showed
some supporters in tears.
Earlier in the day, Sanders sent
out a text and email to supporters
asking them “as a personal courtesy
to me to not engage in any kind of
protest on the floor” against
Clinton. He added that disruptive
behavior was “what the corporate
Clinton, Sanders supporters
battle at Dem convention start
media wants” and “what Donald
Trump wants.”
A similar warning came, apparently unscripted, from comic Sarah
“To the ‘Bernie or Bust’ people:
You’re being ridiculous,”
Silverman, herself a Sanders supporter, said to uproarious cheers
during an appearance with Sen. Al
Franken (D-Minn.).
Fears of the Democratic National Convention falling into disarray began to fade with the first
lady’s speech.
Her address — which mixed
personal touches, implicit yet clear
jabs at Trump and deft references
to America’s historic racial inequality — electrified the crowd.
The first lady excoriated “bullies” and people who had called her
husband’s “citizenship or faith” into
question — both references to
Trump. She also paid tribute to
Clinton’s toughness but noted that
when she lost the 2008 nomination
battle, “she didn’t get angry or disillusioned.”
But it was the speech’s closing
stages, in which Obama wavered on
the edge of tears, that had some
observers lauding her address as the
highlight of the night.
She spoke about waking up each
day “in a house that was built by
slaves” and watching her daughters,
“two beautiful, intelligent, black
young women, playing with their
dogs on the White House lawn.”
“And because of Hillary
Clinton,” Obama added, “my
daughters, and all our sons and
daughters, now take for granted that
a woman can be president of the
United States. So don’t let anyone
tell you that this country isn’t great
— that somehow we need to make
it great again — because this right
now is the greatest country on
Warren, the liberal Massachusetts senator, couldn’t compete with
that kind of emotional punch, and
she didn’t try.
Instead, she accused Trump of
“taking advantage” of working
people and articulating a vision of
“an America of hate and fear.”
Warren’s speech effective, especially on TV. In the hall, it received
a more muted response. Warren
endorsed Clinton for president last
month, and some pro-Sanders hardliners have not forgiven her for it.
There were some hostile chants —
“we trusted you” was one, according to accounts on social media —
during her address.
The first lady and Sanders both
put some pep in Democrats’ step as
they prepare for the convention’s
second day. But this is a convention on edge, too, with supporters
of Clinton and Sanders continuing
to eye each other warily.
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 11
California governor on latest poll:
Hillary Clinton should be worried
By Alexander Bolton
The Hill
Gov. Jerry Brown (D) says the
presidential election is looking
“very uncertain,” and Hillary
Clinton should be worried.
Brown, who arrived in Philadelphia on Tuesday, said recent polls
show the race between Clinton and
Donald Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, is “very tight, very
When asked if Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential
nominee, should be nervous about
her sagging numbers, Brown said,
“Of course.”
“You think she isn’t? It’s very
uncertain at this point and very
threatening,” he told The Hill. “Full
alert is what I would say.”
Clinton’s campaign has signaled
that it is concerned about the polling numbers, which suggest Trump
got a bounce from last week’s Republican National Convention.
Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, sent out an alert to
supporters Tuesday.
“Poll after poll is showing that
Trump has been eating away at our
lead, and after his convention, he’s
erased it entirely,” he wrote in a
fundraising email.
He alluded to a recent CNN/
ORC poll that found Trump is leading Clinton, 44 percent to 39 percent, in a four-way race including
Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party
candidate Jill Stein.
While fundraising emails sometimes emphasize bad news as a way
to urge donors to send money, it’s
clear the race between Clinton and
Trump has tightened.
Mook said the campaign expected Trump to get a bounce out
of Cleveland but warned the next
few weeks are “critical.”
“With the polls leaning in the
wrong direction, your contribution
has never been more critical,” he
Media pundits and political
handicappers have given Trump
little chance of winning in November.
Mother Jones, a liberal-leaning
publication, wrote on July 7:
“Clinton’s poll numbers look nearly
But opinions are shifting in the
wake of several polls showing
Trump getting a strong bump after
the GOP convention in Cleveland.
Political analyst Nate Silver,
who correctly forecast the 2012
presidential election, now gives
Clinton a 53.2 percent chance of
New Poll: Trump
crushing Clinton
(HORN NEWS) — Republican
presidential candidate Donald
Trump’s march to the White House
goes through the voting booth in
November — and the future is looking better for the Trump campaign
by the day.
Down across the board in early
polling, Trump’s campaign has
seemingly turned things around
since the Republican National Convention.
And according to a CNN/ORC
Poll released Monday, Trump is
now beating Clinton. Big time.
In a four-way matchup between
Trump, Clinton and Libertarian
candidate Gary Johnson and Green
Party candidate Jill Stein, Trump
claims 44 percent of support, a 5
percent lead over Clinton (39 percent). In a head-to-head matchup,
Trump still tops Clinton, 48 percent
to 45 percent.
It’s largely thanks to a large 6point post-RNC bounce, CNN reports. “Trump’s new edge rests
largely on increased support among
independents, 43 percent of whom
said that Trump’s convention in
Cleveland left them more likely to
back him, while 41 percent were
dissuaded. Pre-convention, independents split 34 percent Clinton to
31 percent Trump, with sizable
numbers behind Johnson (22 percent) and Stein (10 percent). Now,
46 percent say they back Trump, 28
percent Clinton, 15 percent Johnson
and 4 percent Stein.”
winning and Trump a 46.8 percent
Clinton has seen her lead erode
in recent weeks following the
damning FBI report that criticized
her handling of classified informa-
tion while secretary of State as “extremely careless.”
Republicans spent much of their
convention last week trying to vilify
her, and survey data show that strategy is having an impact.
Brown said Tuesday that the angry rhetoric during this year’s presidential campaign speaks to a divided nation.
“This business of the hatred and
the extreme passion and intensity
reflects deep fissures in the American people,” he said.
He called the GOP convention
“boisterous, bitter” and “hostile to
a significant part of America.”
Clinton had a good night Monday when she got a strong endorsement from her primary rival, Sen.
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), at the
Democratic National Convention,
easing concerns that his supporters
may not embrace her campaign.
Her biggest vulnerability may be
the economy.
The CNN/ORC poll released
Monday showed that voters by an
11-point margin think Trump would
better handle the economy as president. By a similar margin, voters
think Trump would respond better
to terrorism than Clinton.
Be heard anywhere
in the world
(only $50 per hour)
RadioTribune Special
12 hours only $400
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DNC Chaos! Dems
boo opening prayer
(HORN NEWS) — Presumptive
Democratic presidential nominee
Hillary Clinton is slipping in the
polls, and her unfavorability rating
among Americans has officially
reached an all-time high, according
to a Gallup poll released Monday.
57 percent of all Americans view
Clinton as unfavorable, compared
to just 37 percent who view her favorably.
Nowhere was that more apparent than during Monday’s raucous
opening to the Democratic National
Convention, where Clinton’s divi-
siveness has pushed the Democratic
Party to the brink of civil war.
Thousands of angry supporters
of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders
screamed, chanted “lock her up,”
and clashed with rivals throughout
the day.
And proving that nothing is sacred to the radical left, shortly after
the DNC was officially gaveled into
order they even booed and chanted
“Bernie, Bernie” during the opening prayer by Rev. Cynthia Hale at
the very mention of the party’s presumptive nominee.
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Page 12 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
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If your vote counts, then your voice needs to be heard!
“Open Mic”
Every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00 a.m., Gordon Martines
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“Open Mic.”
Gordon Martines was a career police officer with 39 years of
on-the-job Law Enforcement experience. Past cases involving
Kevin Daley, Trayvon Cole and a variety of other covered-up
criminal cases, and a billion dollars worth of missing taxpayer
money, are discussed in depth and at length on the show.
Martines spent four years as police officer with the Hermosa
Beach Police Department before moving here and resuming his
police career in Las Vegas as a Detective in the Robbery/Homicide Bureau, retiring from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department after 36 years of police service.
The amount of corruption and cover-ups by executive Police
Administrative officers witnessed by Martines inside the department led to his decision to contest the good ol’ boy’s club
and run for Clark County Sheriff three times against what he
knew were almost insurmountable odds.
“Open Mic” carries the voice the LVMPD does not want you
to hear, yet it is always there, every Tuesday and Thursday at
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“Face The Tribune”
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The show’s host, Rolando Larraz, has been a journalist in
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local news and events in Las Vegas since the mid-’60s.
For stories and information not available anywhere else in
Las Vegas, tune into “Face The Tribune” Monday through Friday at 12:00 noon.
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“Solutions in Progress” is an interactive TV and radio show.
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Open Mic
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‘Face the Tribune’ is hosted
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July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 13
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. — Thomas Jefferson
Our Point of View
It is time to say
enough is enough
We can probably all agree that politics is just about
the most despicable and the dirtiest occupation that exists, but after watching the latest issues brought to light
by both of our alleged political parties, we have come to
this conclusion: it is not the politicians’ fault, but the
fault of the men and women of this nation who let those
politicians play us for fools because we allow them to
lie to us and take us for granted.
The president speaks out on crime reduction and the
people believe him, even if every day there are unreported shootings in several different locations all over
the nation — sometimes even right next door or two
blocks from home.
The president speaks out on how wonderful the
economy is and how the employment situation is improving and no one, in either party, contradicts him. The
reason that the unemployment line is shorter is because
most of the people have used up all their unemployment
allowance and have no more unemployment checks.
The president speaks out on how ISIS no longer exists and they are not a threat to our country, but what
about France; Germany; Orlando, Florida; San Bernardino, California; Dallas, Texas; Baton Rouge, LA and
many other terrorist attacks that show a different picture.
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton cynically looked
at the cameras and denied any wrongdoing; she never
knows anything about any wrongdoing making us wonder... if she is so misinformed and so ignorant about what
is going on around her, is she qualified to be the president or the commander in chief?
Hillary Clinton insults the intelligence of her party’s
rival, Bernie Sanders, and he goes on the podium to kiss
her feet and bow to her.
The chairwoman of the Democratic Party is caught
cheating on behalf of Hillary Clinton, committing a crime
that lead to an investigation by federal agents, and she
walks into the convention as if nothing has happened;
and after Clinton and Sanders followers booed her off
the stage, the presidential candidate announced that she
is going to join the campaign and work with her.
The former president met with the official who is overseeing his wife’s alleged criminal conduct by hiding on
a private plane to talk about the grandchildren and their
followers believe that explanation — and if they do not
believe the explanation, they still accept it as if it were
written in the Bible.
The whole life history of both the candidate and her
husband is like an obscure soap opera that will keep any
audience in tension and no one says a word to that effect
because they are all scared to hell of this new Bonny and
Clyde pair.
How can this couple of past-their-prime people control half of a country, including law enforcement, elected
officials and the judicial system?
The Democrats are so quick to criticize the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, for his way
of dealing with or treating women, but they refuse to
look at the modern Clyde (Bill Clinton) and his way of
openly dealing with, abusing, and disrespecting women
— including his wife and his daughter.
The supporters of the Democratic party have to remember that “abuse” is not just about when a man beats,
assaults or rapes a woman; it is so much more.
It is time to wake up, America! It is time to demand
something from those politicians that have taken the
country from its legitimate owner and it is time to tell
them that enough is enough.
If the judges cannot do their job right, they need to be
replaced. If law enforcement does not know how to enforce the law, it is time for them to get another job. If
they cannot protect the American people, it is time for
them to walk out and stay home.
If the elected officials cannot give the constituents the
respect they deserve and stop making backroom deals it
is time for them to get another job and only the American voters can replace them.
If the people cannot take this election seriously and
realize how important it is to secure the borders, stop the
immigration flow of enemies of this nation who want to
come here to commit crimes, kill the citizens that are
rightfully here and use all of the benefits to which the
legal citizens are entitled, we are in serious trouble.
It is time to take action and save the country from terrorists, mercenaries and anti-American activities. It is
time to say enough is enough and if someone is not happy
with the new USA, we can show them the door.
Judge rules Bundy case evidence
will be cloaked in secrecy
By Thomas Mitchell
with anyone not employed to assist
That was a futile gesture.
the defense, and anything filed in
A federal judge has rejected efcourt relating to the discovery must
forts by the Las Vegas Review-Jourbe filed under seal.
nal, Battle Born Media and The AsJudge Leen based her ruling on
sociated Press to be privy to evidence
the belief that, “The victims and witprovided to the defense attorneys for
nesses in this case are vulnerable to
the 19 defendants accused in the
cyberbullying, threatening commuarmed standoff at the Bundy ranch
nications, and intimidation from
in Bunkerville in April 2014, meanBundy supporters who have demoning that most evidence will remain
strated their ability to rapidly disveiled in secrecy until the trial next
seminate images and private inforFebruary.
mation about victims and witnesses
The judge did state that informaand encourage people to contact vicTHOMAS MITCHELL
tion already in the public domain —
tims and witnesses. These tactics
such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube postings — ‘have the potential to disrupt and prejudice the truth
could not be declared secret. The cat may not be put finding function of a trial by influencing potential witback in the bag, as one wag argued.
nesses or chilling their willingness to testify.’” Order
U.S. Magistrate Judge Peggy Leen wrote in her 7-15
order this week, “All materials produced by the govShe determined this even though almost all of the
ernment in discovery in this case, including, but not 22 allegations of intimidation are two years old and
limited to: grand jury transcripts, agency reports, wit- nothing substantive has come of any of them.
ness statements, memoranda of interviews, and any
The defendants face felony charges that include
documents and tangible objects produced by the gov- conspiracy, obstruction, extortion and assault, which
ernment shall be treated as confidential documents. carry penalties of up to 50 years in prison. The standInformation and documents in the public domain are off occurred after armed Bureau of Land Management
not confidential documents.” Protective order 7-15
law enforcement agents attempted to roundup Cliven
The judge warned that defense attorneys may not Bundy’s cattle after he had refused for 20 years to pay
even share notes relating to the contents of discovery
(See Mitchell, Page 15)
Republicans, excuses, and lies
By Perly Viasmensky
As a Republican who votes 100 percent Republican, this election cycle has been very difficult and
confusing for me. Everytime I turned around, there
was another person running for the ticket. There were
seventeen people hoping to sit in the White House.
My very first choice was Dr. Ben Carson, the retired Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns
Hopkins Hospital who performed the first and only
successful separation of Siamese twins joined at the
back of the head, and the one who pioneered the first
successful neurosurgical procedure on a fetus inside
the womb and many other things that labeled him a
Then it came to the duo of Marco Rubio and Ted
Cruz, both of Cuban descent.
I listened to speeches by Marco Rubio and he always introduced in his speeches the subject that his
mother was a maid and his father was a bartender in
Las Vegas. What’s the big deal? All people that have
emigrated to this country and even nationals have been
forced to perform odd jobs. I know a very reputable
attorney here in Las Vegas who worked as a busboy
in one of the hotels, and today he is one of the best
attorneys in town.
I kind of liked Marco Rubio until the day that he
falsely accused the owner of this newspaper of threatening his life and reported him to the FBI, taking the
misleading words of a woman on his staff. So I thought,
if he can do this now, only God knows what he would
do if he becomes president of the United States. I erased
him from my list of prospective candidates.
Thanks to God Mr. Larraz had emails exchanged
with that woman in Rubio’s office to prove there was
no derogatory or threatening communications, whatsoever.
Then I started looking at Ted Cruz’s platform.
The first thing that attracted my attention was that
he always brought to his audience the alleged story
that his father was imprisoned and tortured for his role
in the fight against the Cuban government. I thought,
what difference does it makes now after 60 years?
Is this man running for the presidency of the United
States or the presidency of Cuba? I even exchanged
this comment with members of the Green Party.
(See Viasmensky, Page 15)
A woman for president? Some
things are more important!
By Maramis
strange to many that women might
We’ve come a long way since
ever want to be in a job that requires
Virginia Slims first came on the
more from them to just keep up with
market, proclaiming “You’ve come
the men that are used to doing that
a long way, baby” — meaning that
kind of job, but if a woman is qualiWOMEN were now not only free to
fied and interested and it doesn’t in
smoke without being judged, as they
any way hurt the outcome of the job,
were in the past, but it was also time
why the heck should anyone insist
for women to have a cigarette just
on keeping her out?
for them. Of course women had
When I first joined the Army in
come a long way from the past in
the late ‘70s, female soldiers were
the ‘60s and ‘70s, and getting their
still a small minority. I had no desire
own cigarette was hardly the meato fight or use weapons — not that
sure of that progress.
those kind of jobs were open to me
It isn’t always easy for people at large to accept anyway — but I did have a desire to “do my part,”
changes in women at large, such as when they first whatever that would be, in an area in which I was inwanted to wear pants instead of skirts (Katherine terested and felt I could do a good job. Therefore, I
Hepburn helped with that major change in both her joined a medical unit and had no trouble being accepted
real life and her screen life), or when they wanted to or appreciated in that field.
be part of some organization traditionally intended
We’ve all seen M.A.S.H. at one time or another,
mainly or only for men. Women had to “fight” their and know that the nurses were very well appreciated,
way into the Army, for example, and fight even harder but they were also and often seen as conquests-in-waitto be allowed to take jobs that they were perfectly ing, predominantly by the male officers of the field
qualified to take, but not allowed to take. It might seem
(See Maramis, Page 16)
Page 14 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
Editors note: The views expressed are entirely those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Las Vegas Tribune.
If you can’t identify what the
problem is, you can’t fix the problem
By Chuck Muth
America has a LOT of problems
right now.
And in what detractors are labeling a “dark” speech last Thursday
night, future president Donald
Trump expertly identified those
He also explained how his opponent, Hillary Clinton, was either
a part of those problems or the
source of them.
And assured the electorate that
he can and will fix the problems and
everyone will be better off in the
It was EXACTLY the kind of
speech political professionals tell
candidates they need to give.
The very people who have created these problems for us —
people like Hillary, Barack Obama,
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, the open
borders crowd, welfare pimps, public school bureaucrats, the Black
Lives Matter gang and CNN —
absolutely HATED the speech.
As did many of the establishment Republicans who missed the
Trump Train and have been left at
the station.
That speech made it crystal clear
that this election will be a crystal
clear choice between two diametrically opposed candidates (by the
way, Gary Johnson has already
peaked) who would take our nation
in two completely different directions.
There’s a disturbance in the
Force. I sense a growing landslide
victory for Trump and America.
If I’m wrong, the country is already lost. Hillary will just drive the
final stake through our heart. We
truly are in a dark place right now.
Trump is the light at the end of the
I’m still amazed at Ted Cruz’s
total lack of class in being graciously afforded a speaking slot at
the convention and then not honoring his word to endorse the GOP
nominee. No class.
In trying to excuse his disgraceful performance yesterday morning,
Cruz repeated the same thing he
said many weeks ago; that he
wasn’t in the habit of endorsing
someone who attacked his wife and
OK, fine. Then boycott the convention like Jeb Bush and John
And stop hiding behind your
wife’s skirt. The fact is, Trump only
went after Heidi Cruz after Cruz
supporters first went after Melania
And it wasn’t Trump who said
Lyin’ Ted’s father might have been
involved in the Kennedy assassination. He referenced a story published by a news tabloid.
So spare us your self-righteous
indignation. And get ready to be
primaried in 2018.
Racial hypocrisy
Eight years ago we were told it
was time to put a black man in the
White House. According to the
Speech Police, that wasn’t racist.
But if someone was to say this
year it was time to “Make the White
House White Again,” that would be
Some black folks just don’t seem
to understand that white folks who
are NOT racists nevertheless see
such hypocrisy and object to it.
Meanwhile, Republican U.S.
Sen. Tim Scott, who is black, said
recently that “in the course of one
year, I’ve been stopped seven times
by law enforcement officers.” He
says he was targeted for being
But was he?
Was he targeted simply because
he was black? Or was he targeted
because so many black males before him have disproportionately
committed so many crimes that all
black males are now given additional scrutiny?
When Stephen Curry of the
Golden State Warriors is on the
court, he draws all kinds of additional attention because of his track
record of hitting three-pointers.
Often, he’s double-teamed.
In basketball, that’s called common-sense defense.
In inner city law enforcement it’s
derided as “profiling.”
The fault for innocent black
males drawing additional law enforcement attention are the bad
black males who commit violent
crimes. As such, every other black
male suffers the consequences of
the bad guys’ actions.
If innocent black males wish to
stop being targeted by law enforcement, maybe they should focus their attention on telling other
black males to stop breaking the law
(See Muth, Page 17)
Six police officers were indicted
on charges related to Gray’s death,
and three of them have faced separate bench trials with Circuit Judge
Barry G. Williams, and have been
acquitted. The 25-year-old Gray
suffered a spinal injury in a ride in
a police van after his arrest in April
2015 and died a week later. The
complaints against Mosby’s deputy
prosecutors are based in part on rulings by Judge Williams. For example, In June of 2016, in the case
of Officer Caesar Goodson Jr., the
judge said “the court finds there is
insufficient evidence that the defendant gave or intended to give Mr.
Gray a rough ride.”
Now this is the judge’s decision,
not the DA’s; I guess the DA’s could
have withheld or not produced evidence that could have helped secure
a conviction. I certainly wasn’t
there. Or maybe the jurors did not
want to convict a police officer? In
order to make these allegations, one
would need to do some thorough
investigation: See what evidence
the DA’s possessed. Review the
trial transcript to see what was presented to the jury and review the
DA’s argument. If the DA’s “deliberately took a dive” and did not
prosecute the case properly, then
maybe they should be sanctioned.
You May Think It, But You
Can’t Prove It!
I think that this would be very
difficult to prove. Reasonable
minds can differ. Perhaps the DA
did not enter some evidence because he was concerned about possible rebuttal evidence that could be
damaging to his case. During every trial, these issues are routinely
addressed by both DA’s and defense
counsel (separately). If one side is
concerned they can file a motion in
limine“ (Latin for “threshold,” a
motion made at the start of a trial
requesting that the judge rule that
certain evidence may or may not be
introduced in trial).
The trial of a fourth officer
ended in a mistrial in December and
is set for retrial in September. The
two other officers are set for trial
later this month and in October.
Banzhaf argues that the prosecutors
knew their cases were not supported by probable cause and went
to trial anyway. The State’s Attor(See Mace, Page 17)
Law professor files ethics complaints against
Baltimore prosecutors in Freddie Gray case
By Mace Yampolsky
Mr. D.A., You Should Have
Known Better!
Public-interest law professor is
filing complaints seeking the disbarment of two prosecutors with
the Baltimore City State’s Attorney
Office for actions in the prosecution of police officers in the death
of Freddie Gray, the Baltimore Sun
Professor John F. Banzhaf III of
the George Washington University
Law School said the complaints
with the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission are against Chief
Deputy State’s Attorney Michael
Schatzow and Deputy State’s Attorney Janice Bledsoe. He alleges
they failed to present enough evidence to support even bringing the
prosecution. Last month, Banzhaf
filed a similar complaint against
their boss, State’s Attorney Marilyn
J. Mosby, the Sun reported at the
Rough Rides Happen!
Hillary and race baiters will be held to account
Larry Klayman shares latest on lawsuit against ‘Wicked Witch of the Left’
By Larry Klayman
Hillary Rodham Clinton last
week during the Republican National Convention equated her opponent and presidential GOP candidate Donald Trump with the Wizard of Oz, suggesting that he is not
what he appears to be and hides
behind of a curtain of deception.
For the “Bonnie of the Bonnie
and Clyde” criminal duo, which includes her hubby, Bill, otherwise
known as “Slick Willy,” the analogy was ironic. Given her neverending spate of scandals, and the
fact that the private email caper is
not over, it’s clear that sooner or
later Dorothy’s house in Kansas is
about to fall on the Wicked Witch
of the Left.
Despite my skepticism of the legal and judicial systems — given
all I have experienced and fought
for over the years in the trenches of
Washington, D.C., and around the
nation, which I chronicled in my autobiography, “Whores: Why and
How I Came to Fight the Establishment,” and in my 300-plus columns
over the years at WND, I continue
to believe in justice and, more importantly, “divine justice.” Plain and
simple, the rank criminality and
corruption of the Wicked Witch of
the Left will catch up to her, and I
am not just talking about the possibility that she may never be president of the United States.
The stench surrounding her has
reached historic proportions. The
history of her misdeeds, all of which
have the establishments of both
major political parties and compro-
mised law enforcement authorities
have attempted to cover up, is at the
level of an unserviced and overflowing septic tank in your backyard. The putrid order of the past
of the Wicked Witch and her husband — a president who at a minimum engaged in oral sex with a
young White House intern while it
was the nation that was getting
screwed with illegalities, ranging
from Whitewater, to Chinagate, to
Filegate, to Travelgate, to IRSatre,
to name just a few of their more
than 40 scandals — is now a documented pattern of corruption and
Thus, when Hillary Clinton descends from her broom and shows
up in Philadelphia next week for the
Democratic National Convention,
she will be lucky to be confronted
not by Munchkins but by protesters in front of Independence Hall
and elsewhere in the “City of Brotherly Love” — which, despite my
own love for my birthplace and that
of the nation, is hardly a forgiving
place. For example, when I was a
young boy and was lucky enough
to be invited to attend a Philadelphia Eagles’ football fame at
Franklin Field at the University of
Pennsylvania, the crowd, angry at
the Eagles’ then likely loss to chief
regional rival the New York Giants,
even booed a squirrel that had wandered onto the field during a
timeout. Indeed, it has been reported
that 35,000 to 50,000 protesters,
many of whom are the supporters
of the Wicked Witch’s former rival
for the Democrat presidential nomination, will appear to confront her
and her henchmen. And their expression of anger will not be for
wont of squirrels in the nations’
For if ever there were a phony, it
is not the Wizard of Oz but the
Wicked Witch of the Left herself.
Initially associated with communists like Saul Alinsky during her
years at Yale and after her graduation from that leftist bastion of cancerous fools, she has along the way
of her long, sordid, so-called career
morphed into what is convenient
politically and otherwise at the time.
Today, in her quest for the presidency, she is not just a rabid feminist trying to win the “women’s
vote” in the face of what the mainstream media sell as The Donald’s
male chauvinism and crassness toward the opposite sex, but also an
ardent supporter of Black Lives
Matter and its co-conspirators who
are successfully igniting a race war.
These black, racist supporters of
the Wicked Witch, to put in mildly,
include but are not limited to the
racist-in-chief himself, Barack
Hussein Obama, who regrettably is
currently our president. The others
are the certified black Muslim Jew,
Christian, white hater and leader of
the Nation of Islam, Louis
Farrakhan, the degenerate “Rev.”
Al Sharpton, the race-baiting
former Attorney General Eric
Holder and the founders of Black
Lives Matter. This week, all were
served by same-day process servers with their pre-Christmas gift (of
course, Farrakhan and Obama and
many of their comrades celebrate
Ramadan), a class-action complaint
I filed as lead plaintiff in the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of Texas, where the Dallas police massacre recently was perpetrated.
The class-action complaint,
which alleges that these defendants
incited, provoked and/or engaged
in the violence that has resulted in
many police and law enforcement
killings, can be viewed at It is at
best amusing that Sharpton, the
charlatan that he is, actually ran
from the process server. As I stated
in this Daily Caller article, it is also
ironic at best that big mouth and
MSNBC commentator Sharpton,
the Muslim King Obama’s righthand man when it comes to racebaiting and hating, someone who
has a “seasons pass” to the White
House, did not have the courage to
willingly accept the complaint.
Apparently, a court of law is not
where the so-called Rev. Al feels
at home. Home for this sleaze ball
is a good riot pitting blacks against
whites and any others he can use
as a foil to jingle the change for his
(See Klayman, Page 17)
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 15
Editors note: The views expressed are entirely those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Las Vegas Tribune.
Sheriff’s Coercive Powers: Keeping Chit Sheets
At the end of the day you have to live with yourself and that is what dad is doing. (May 9, 2012)
By Norman Jahn
Those words, written by my
daughter, still ring true regarding
how my career ended with the
LVMPD. I was NOT going to tolerate or be submissive to the
management’s misconduct, corruption, and violations of employee
rights that allowed Sheriff Gillespie,
Captain Fasulo, and Sgt. McMahill
to orchestrate an end to my career.
I lost that battle because they
claimed I was untruthful about
crossing the street.
I elected to NOT go along with
the coercive powers of the sheriff
even though it cost me my ‘retirement’ credentials. Metro offered to
remove the untruthfulness allegation and allow me to post-date my
retirement if I would sign a multiparagraph gag order. That need for
secrecy has never seemed to bother
the ‘press’ or other elected officials
in Las Vegas — so much for transparency! I maintained the freedom
to give my opinion. I am actually
in plenty of ‘good company’ (with
people who have been denied their
credentials). There are dozens,
maybe even hundreds, of former
employees that are victims of the
Metro malice.
Metro policy requires that retirement badges and identification
cards be issued to: “Commissioned
personnel who have twenty or more
years of service within the State of
Nevada retirement system as a
peace officer... to those ‘retiring
honorably’ with at least ten, but less
than twenty years of service with the
department and who are receiving
a Nevada PERS retirement benefit
for NON-service connected injuries
or illness... or for those who are
‘medically’ retiring, under honorable conditions, according to the
rules of the Public Employees Re-
tirement System as a result of a service-connected injury or illness.”
‘Credentials’ are incredibly important and provide validation of a career of sacrifice and service that has
been EARNED and should not be
taken away!
There is no ‘caveat’ (at least not
in the written policy) that restricts
issuance of retirement credentials
only to those who the SHERIFF has
subjectively decided served HONORABLY — or not!
But, at Metro, it does not matter
what is in writing, what past practice has been, or what is just plain
righteous and just. If the sheriff (and
his corrupted ‘posse’) don’t like
you, if they feel you didn’t support
them at election time, or if you
didn’t do FAVORS for them when
you were called on... or drink and
golf with them... you can be denied
your credentials.
I believe that, over time, sheriffs owe favors and are owed favors.
Sheriffs Moran, Keller, Young,
Gillespie, and Lombardo were all
inevitably in a position at one time
or another during their tenures to
(Continued from Page 13)
As a Catholic, I am like St. Augustine: I need to see to believe,
since I could not see, I needed to
read, so I got on the Internet to find
out more about the story of Rafael
Cruz, the father of Ted Cruz. Cruz,
father and son, claimed that the elder Cruz fought alongside Fidel
Castro during the Cuban Revolution, but oldtimers with Castro’s
revolution claim that his role in
Cuba had been restricted to participating in strikes and in protests.
He also claimed that he fought
alongside Frank Pais, a Cuban rebel
who died at the age of twenty-five
with a fellow rebel, Raul Pajol, in a
house in Santiago de Cuba, after
someone snitched on them on July
30, 1957. Fidel Castro arrived in
Cuba from Mexico on December 2,
1956 to prepare his fight on the
mountains. Rafael Cruz arrived in
Texas in 1957 on a student visa.
What’s the purpose of lying to
people about something they
claimed happened 60 or more years
Apparently Ted Cruz learned to
lie from his father. He admitted his
lie and agreed to go to the Republican Convention and endorse
Donald Trump, but what did he do?
He told people to vote their conscience, and for confused Republicans, that could be like telling them
to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Apparently, he did not think
clearly when he brought his personal feelings and vendetta to the
podium. He didn’t think that he was
committing political suicide.
The other candidates started falling down like in the domino effect,
until only one was standing.
The Republican Party has never
been so divided. The failure of Governor Brian Sandoval and the Nevada congressional members to attend the Republican Convention is
also a very clear political suicide.
I wonder if Sen. Harry Reid is
going to give them a vote, because
I honestly and definitely CANNOT.
Perly Viasmensky is the General
Manager of the Las Vegas Tribune.
She writes a weekly column in this
newspaper. To contact Perly
Viasmensky, email her at
JOB! This is not illegal and, in fact,
it is just human nature to try to help
out people who work for you, but
any limitations on this are directly
connected to the values and integrity of the sheriff who gets to make
the final call.
A Sheriff can also ‘ease’ an employee out the door when problems
emerge. For example, a DUI or domestic violence arrest does NOT
automatically end an officer’s career, but it can open the door to the
friendly suggestion that you should
move on/resign before disciplinary
action is taken. The flip-side is that
they can also abandon you and be
vengeful or even malicious when
they have a chance to end your career. This would be likely to happen if you supported the wrong candidate for sheriff, if you spoke out,
if you caused negative publicity for
the LVMPD due to your on-duty or
off-duty conduct, and especially if
you posed a threat to the
incumbent’s power structure.
So I started thinking about this
process as a ‘chit system.’ What is
a chit?
Free Dictionary defines a chit
as: “A statement of an amount owed
for food and drink, especially one
signed to indicate acceptance of the
charge; a short letter or note.”
What goes hand in hand with collecting ‘chits’ or favors is coercion.
Coercion is defined as: “To pressure, intimidate, or force (someone)
into doing bring
about or gain by pressure, threat,
or force: coerced agreement among
the parties.”
Who can doubt that a sheriff can
call in favors? Who can doubt that
an employee can do a favor for the
department and then ask that the
favor be returned? The only way to
keep track of this is on a ‘chit’ sheet
(figuratively, of course). Wouldn’t
it be nice if WikiLeaks exposed
emails at Metro over the past decade or two and blew the lid off the
favoritism and/or illegal discrimination with regard to issuance of
retirement credentials? Maybe one
day there will be a class action lawsuit because I know many people
who are still hurting about being
rejected by the LVMPD after so
many years of service.
I’m not arguing that everyone
with ‘credentials’ should be allowed
to carry a firearm. Retired lieuten-
ant Randy Sutton (and others) seem
to be trying to argue for more ‘liberal’ policies across the nation to
allow retired officers to carry firearms to PROTECT AMERICA!
I’m not sure if he cares to research
how many Las Vegas officers are
precluded from carrying right now
due to arbitrary and capricious denial of retirement credentials.
I’m not talking about anyone
with an arrest history, protective
orders issued against them, or a
domestic violence charge! My concern is about career officers being
denied their credentials because of
POLITICS! Shouldn’t the County
Commission or the City Council or
maybe the Fiscal Affairs Committee have some interest in overseeing the retirement credentials issue
— especially if it could lead to lawsuits?
The National Law Enforcement
Safety Act requires retirement to be
in ‘good standing’ but that is not
further defined, leaving ‘clowns’ in
power the discretion to discriminate!
In order to stay up to date with
‘separations’ from Metro, I’ve
(See Jahn, Page 17)
(Continued from Page 13)
grazing fees in the Gold Butte area.
The BLM said he owed $1 million
in fees and penalties.
Armed Bundy supporters outnumbered the BLM agents 4-to-1,
the court claims, and the agents
eventually released the cattle and
left to avoid potential bloodshed.
Attorney Maggie McLetchie,
who represents the media in this
case, told the Las Vegas newspaper after the recent ruling, “From
the media’s perspective, the order
still cloaks much of the information
about this case in secrecy despite
the heightened need for transparency the judge recognized when
allowing the media to intervene. It
is deeply troubling that so many
documents will be automatically
hidden from public view.”
The lack of public scrutiny
Bundy ranch standoff.
means that any extenuating or mitigating circumstances that the public might shed light on will not
come until the time of trial, when it
might be too late.
One glaring example of this is
the court’s continued referencing to
the fact that a couple, Jared and
Amanda Miller, who were at the
Bundy ranch during the standoff
latter ambushed and killed two Las
Vegas police officers in a restaurant
and “draped a Gadsen (sic) flag
over one of the officers, and shouted
to patrons that this was the start of
‘a revolution.’”
Never mind that it was a
Gadsden flag, the court makes no
mention of the fact the Bundy’s say
they kicked the Millers off the ranch
due to their left-wing radicalism.
In a motion filed in support of
opening up discovery to the press
and the public, McLetchie argued,
“One of the most critical aspects of
news reporting is to inform the public of justice being carried out in the
courts. In this regard, the press is
vital to the health of a democracy...
This right is anchored in the value
of keeping ‘a watchful eye on the
workings of public agencies,’ and
in publishing ‘information concerning the operation of government...
In short, justice must not only be
done, it must be seen to be done.’”
The attorney for at least one of
the defendants plans to appeal the
secrecy decision.
Thomas Mitchell is a former
newspaper editor who now writes
conservative/libertarian columns
for weekly papers in Nevada. You
[email protected]. He blogs
Page 16 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
(Continued from Page 13)
hospital. Woman in general have
often had to accept that notion that
some men still see them as something not only a little less than they
are, but as a source of amusement
or a possible conquest.
Some men still say things like,
“You don’t have to worry your
pretty little head about that,” as
though women are to be seen for
their beauty or attraction, rather
than appreciated for their intelligence or abilities. A friend of mine,
who had been the brains behind a
thriving business she started with
her husband-partner, was never
taken seriously when she went to
the business meetings with him. All
the other members present at the
meeting were male, and whenever
she made a suggestion or comment,
they more or less pooh-poohed it,
turning instead to her husband, for
his opinion — which, by the way,
was the same as hers, but it was only
accepted coming from him. That
was how I met her: she had written
a book about how women are not
taken seriously when they are involved with men who traditionally
do what they are now doing, and
she was just plain sick of it. It was
a good point; I understood her feelings, and I was happy to be her editor and rewrite her book.
Which brings us up to today. The
highest job in the United States of
America has apparently been open
to woman for quite a while now,
even though none have yet passed
the application and interview process and gotten the job. One is now
in the running and getting close. We
can all be happy that we’ve come a
long way and accept that there’s no
reason that a woman cannot be
president. Yet is she the right
Just because she’s the only
woman who’s gotten this close, and
our first chance to have a female
president, does not mean that we
must vote for her. Now that we have
broken that barrier down, so to
speak, I can imagine women stepping up to the plate just about every new presidential race, hoping
to pass muster with the public and
get that job.
I am a big fan of letting a qualified woman have any job she is
qualified for, IF she also meets all
the other requirements for the job.
How often do we fail to factor in a
person’s honesty and integrity? It’s
one thing to lie and get away with
it, but it’s another to lie and have
the whole world know you are a liar.
So...has she really gotten away with
all her lies? Are we to actually come
to accept lying as a necessary part
of the job for the highest office in
the land?
When I was working for a certain TV station, I was told what to
tell our clients in order to make our
station look better. I’m sure that the
game of politics follows that line of
reasoning to an even greater degree.
In other words, “lying well” is probably a requirement for certain jobs,
and no doubt politics is one of them.
If that is so, then Hillary is more
than qualified in that area.
But if lying is indeed “part of the
job,” it won’t do us any good to
criticize Hillary or any other politician caught in a lie. So why don’t
we just move on past that stumbling
block and check into the
“applicant’s” background. When
you get a moment — and all wouldbe employers (that would be us)
must find the time to check into
their would-be employees (the
presidents we elect) — look into
Hillary’s background through the
eyes of someone searching for any
secrets that would disqualify her. If
you don’t find anything, than I
would have to say yea for her. She
will likely be our new president. But
if you do find something that causes
doubt, check more until you’re sure.
Remember, just because this is
our chance to elect our first female
president doesn’t mean it has to be
Hillary and has to be now. Not if
she is NOT the kind of person we
want to be in charge of this country, no matter how much political
experience she has, or how well she
can engage with world leaders, or
how well she can say just the right
thing to make us all feel better. Better to wait for the next round of contenders, including the next couldbe female president, if you truly
discover Hillary is not your cup of
Are we ready for a woman to be
president? Sure. But some things
are more important!
Maramis Choufani is the Managing Editor of the Las Vegas Tribune. She writes a weekly column
in this newspaper. To contact
[email protected].
An outreach
program to help
the homeless to
help themselves.
[email protected]
Clinton Foundation:
‘Follow the money’
By Charles Krauthammer
The Clintons are the most corrupt family ever to be in Washington, DC and uninformed or people
who just don’t care are going to vote
for her.
The Clinton Foundation is “organized crime” at its finest, and we
are financing it! Here is a good,
concise summary of how the
Clinton Foundation works as a tax
free international money laundering
It may eventually prove to be the
largest political criminal enterprise
in U.S. history and their undoing.
This is a textbook case on how to
hide foreign money sent to you and
re-package it, to be used for your
own purposes. All tax-free.
Here’s how it works:
1. You create a separate foreign
“charity.” In their case one in
2. Foreign oligarch’s and governments, then donate to this Canadian charity. In this case, over 1,000
contributed mega millions. I am
sure they did this out of the goodness of their hearts, and expected
nothing in return. (Imagine Putin’s
buddies waking up one morning and
just deciding to send untold millions
to a Canadian charity).
3.The Canadian charity then
bundles these separate unidentified
individual donations and makes a
massive donations to the Clinton
4. The Clinton Foundation, and
the cooperating Canadian charity
claim Canadian law prohibits, the
identification of individual donors.
5. The Clinton Foundation, then
“spends” some of this money, for
legitimate good works programs.
Unfortunately, experts believe this
is on the order of a mere 10 percent. Much of the balance goes to
enrich the Clintons: pay “salaries”
to untold numbers of hangers on,
and fund lavish travel, etc. Again
virtually all tax-free, which means
you and I are subsidizing it.
6. The Clinton Foundation with
access to the world’s best accountants somehow fails to report much
of this on their tax filings. They discover these “clerical errors” and
begin the process of refiling five
years of tax returns.
7. Net result: foreign money,
much of it from other countries,
goes into the Clinton’s pockets tax
free and untraceable back to the
original donor. This is the textbook
definition of money laundering. Oh,
by the way, the Canadian “charity”
includes, as a principal, one Frank
Giustra. Google him. He is the guy
who was central to the formation
of Uranium One, the Canadian
company that somehow acquired
massive U.S. uranium interests and
then sold them to an organization
controlled by Russia. This transaction required U.S. State Department
approval. Guess who was Secretary
of State when the approval was
As an aside, imagine how former
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell
feels. That poor schlep is in jail because he and his wife took $165,000
in gifts and loans for doing minor
favors for a guy promoting a vitamin company. Not legal, but it
didn’t exactly put U.S. security at
risk. Sarcasm aside, if you are still
not persuaded, this was cleverly
structured in order to get unidentified foreign money to the Clintons.
Ask yourself this: Why did these
foreign interests funnel money
through a Canadian charity? Why
not donate directly to the Clinton
Foundation? Better yet, why not
donate money directly to the
people, organizations and countries
in need? This is the essence of
money laundering and influence
Now you know why Hillary’s
destruction of 30,000 e-mails was
a risk she was willing to take. Bill
and Hillary are devious, unprincipled, dishonest, and criminal.
They are Slick!
Warning: They could be back in
the White House, in January 2017.
Do not let it happen.
Remember, most people are not
well informed. We must somehow
inform and educate them.
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 17
(Continued from Page 15)
looked at the ANNUAL REPORT
for the LVMPD over the past several years. On Page 19 of most of
the reports, is a list of retirements
for that year. How many officers
listed as ‘retired’ were known to
have had arrests, had been involved
in internal misconduct, had lengthy
disciplinary records, or ended up
under investigation (even by the
FBI), but they were allowed to
RETIRE. Not me. My name does
not show as ‘retired’ in November
of 2011.
Now the real ‘heartburn’ is that
there are plenty of people that have
NOT been fired after very serious
(fatal) incidents (i.e., Bryan Yant —
and who would have dreamed that
he would end up in the PPA?).
There are too many repeated drunk
driving arrests to list here, but one
(Officer Munoz) just made the news
this week after three hit-and-run
accidents! Will he keep his job? If
comparative discipline is applied —
he will! How about other notable
matters such as domestic violence
allegations (i.e. Charles Hank), and
how about repeat visits to prostitutes? Heck, how about Paul Page
and embezzlement charges and so
many other supervisors who left
(Continued from Page 14)
instead of telling police officers to
stop protecting us from criminal
black males.
Or as Hillary Clinton calls them,
“super predators.”
Liberal media’s in-kind
Clinton donations
The liberal media’s in-kind donations to Hillary “Rotten”
Clinton’s presidential campaign
continue with a Daily Beast column
this week headlined, “The Biggest
GOP Names Backing Hillary
Clinton — So Far.”
I fell for the click-bait and pulled
up the column. And get this...
There isn’t a single BIG GOP
NAME on the list! Go figure, huh?
Indeed, the closest thing to a “big
name” on the list is former national
security adviser Brent Scowcroft —
but you pretty much have to be a
political animal to remember that
name, let alone associate it with Republicans.
Other names on the “Who the
Hell is That?” list include Patrick
Cronin (who?), Philip Levy (who?),
Kori Schake (who?), Alan
Steinberg (who?), Dan Akerson
(who?) and Evan Siegfried (who?).
Remember, Donald Trump will
not be running just against Crooked
Hillary in the fall. He’ll be running
against the entire liberal media establishment, which will stop at
nothing to stop him. They are —
what’s the saying? — oh, yeah...
with her.
Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public
policy grassroots advocacy organization. and publisher of He
may be reached by email at
[email protected].
(Continued from Page 14)
racist organization and himself. He
is a coward, plain and simple. Indeed, most bullies run from a legal
fight when called to account.
But along with the Wicked
Witch herself, which I continue to
pursue in court concerning her private email server and related history of racketeering scandals,
Obama, Sharpton, Farrakhan,
Holder and Black Lives Matter will
now be called before the bar of justice. Let them appear in front of a
federal judge in Dallas, just as they
appear in front of their racist supporters who are now in the process
of irreparably dividing the races and
wreaking death and destruction to
not just law enforcement authorities, but others as well, including
their own creed in the inner cities.
Yes, Hillary Clinton, the Wicked
Witch of the Left and her enablers
like Obama, Sharpton, Farrakhan,
Holder (Holder illegally sold pardons for her and Bill while he was
deputy attorney general during the
Clinton administration, as well as
helped cover up the Clintons’
Chinagate scandal) and Black Lives
Matter are about to have a legal
house fall on them, one way or the
other. And, if this does not immediately work, we must believe in
“divine justice” to stay sane in this
day and age of destructive, dangerous and homicidal corruption and
criminality that has infested the
nation’s body politic.
Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch,
is known for his strong public in-
terest advocacy in furtherance of
ethics in government and individual
freedoms and liberties. During his
tenure at Judicial Watch, he obtained a court ruling that Bill
Clinton committed a crime, the first
lawyer ever to have done so against
an American president. In 2004,
Larry ran for the U.S. Senate as a
Republican in Florida’s primary.
After the race ended, he founded
Freedom Watch. Larry is a frequent
commentator on television and radio, as well as a weekly columnist,
on Friday, for He has
been credited as being the inspiration for the Tea Party movement.
(Continued from Page 14)
ney office said it cannot comment
on the complaints because Judge
Williams imposed a gag order in the
matters. I gotta tell you, this request
for disbarment of DA’s sounds a bit
far-fetched to me.
For more information regarding
Nevada laws, or if you feel your
rights have been violated, please
call Mace Yampolsky & Associates.
Call or text us at (702) 385-9777.
We are available 24/7 for emergencies. If you need help, CALL NOW
before it is too late. We can help!
under duress?
Could ‘chits’ or favors that are
being called in work this way (below) in Metro?
You are asked to be a ‘secret
agent’ for the sheriff. Does the sheriff allow officers to keep their jobs
in exchange for being ‘snitches’ on
other officers? Can the sheriff mitigate the damages when multiple
officers are in trouble and allow
some to stay and ‘work’ for him
while others are pushed out of the
department? Does race, gender, or
ethnicity matter? How about the
situation involving Detective
Bobby Kinch? There was plenty of
attention-getting material ‘published’ on Facebook, but who got
in trouble — and who didn’t?
You are told if you keep your
mouth shut (or agree to sign a ‘gag’
order. as they asked me to do in my
case) the sheiff will let you have
your retirement credentials. This
‘reward’ isn’t a reward at all — WE
DECADES. The clowns are still in
Norm Jahn served with the
LVMPD for over 21 years and
achieved the rank of lieutenant. He
also served as a police chief in Wisconsin for over three years. Jahn
has been a university professor and
also taught in the criminal justice
program at the College of Southern Nevada for over a decade.
Tourists targeted
downtown Vegas?
Last Saturday, while playing in
Binion’s Saturday poker tournament, my vest with my wallet, with
identification, money and personal
belongings, was stolen. Aside from
the indifference and inability of the
casino’s security to deal with the
theft, my discussions with other
patrons indicate that this is an all
too common occurrence at this establishment.
The theft took place near the end
of the tournament, which had then
been moved to the poker room from
the large poker area where it had
begun. To “balance the tables,” I
was moved quickly and as my
hands were full with two chip racks
and a bottle of water, I left my vest
draped over my chair. In the 15
minutes that I was at the second
table, someone who must have been
watching the action and waiting for
the opportune moment, swooped in
and grabbed the vest.
As a thief or thieves have found
it profitable to take the belongings
of poker players when they are vulnerable, being shuffled to another
table, or on a break, and security
and management are undoubtedly
aware of this problem, some action
needs to be taken. While, I will
never recover my money or credit
card or identification, I would certainly like to see property management and security take responsibility and make an effort to inform and
warn their patrons of this criminal
activity. They also need to better
monitor non-poker players hanging
around waiting for an opportunity
to grab someone’s valuables. Also,
if they have an idea who the culprits are, they should contact security in nearby casinos, where the
same thieves are undoubtedly operating, and discourage it.
As a tourist who is naive and
misinformed, I had always believed
that Las Vegas property owners and
managers would go out of their way
to discourage such activity and to
ensure us that something was being done to protect visitors. From
my attempted dealings with
Binion’s in the past week, I am certain that this is not the case and
nothing worthwhile is being done
and those in command do not care.
John Callas
Saltspring, BC
Phone: 250-537-9443
Page 18 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
CPR: A Blend of Country, Pop and Rock Music
By Sandy Zimmerman
Las Vegas Tribune
Photos by Southern Halo Music
Whether you love Classic Country, Southern Rock Country, Pop or “new” Country
music, you’ll enjoy Southern Halo’s great
original musical blend — CPR: Country, Pop
and Rock Music!
Watch the “Rewind” video and you’ll
know the difference!
They added the perfect amounts of each
of the musical styles with enough time to
blend the elements together just like wineries have the skills in flavor balancing as they
prepare different blends of their fine wines.
The Southern Halo trio brings their own
blends to the music.
They’re young, vivacious and so talented
— Sisters Hannah, Christina and Natalie
Morris are breaking through to become the
new stars of today. The trio’s appearance in
their “Rewind” video provides a showcaseover twenty-two jam packed action scenes
to get to know them better and enjoy the moments of their new music.
“Rewind” moves quickly through the action scenes in the forest, on the beach, in the
recording studio, at home, three on a hammock, riding a cart in a store with many more
scenes of people having fun and of course
seeing Hannah, Christina and Natalie performing.
“Rewind” opens with a close-up of a radio sitting on the ground in a forest as the
scenes begin to appear, later just like the title,
the scenes are rewound quickly to return to
the forest.
With the three vivacious ladies and their
exciting new “CPR” music, these are two
reasons to join the new sound in the “Rewind”
The Southern Halo sisters first live performance was in Cleveland — at the Airport
Grocery — when Hannah, the youngest, was
just nine years old.
It’s a youthful, signature sound made immediately recognizable by the sweet sibling
harmonies that are fast-becoming their trademark. The girls lay it all out on the line during their high-energy stage shows, honing
their chops as openers for top-tier acts
Brantley Gilbert, Eric Paslay, Tyler Farr,
Randy Houser, John Michael Montgomery,
Parmalee, Old Dominion, Jamie Lynn
Spears, Craig Campbell, Uncle Kracker, Julie
Roberts and B.B. King.
The stars aligned early for these three sisters: in 2014, Southern Halo made the National finals of the Texaco Country Showdown at Nashville’s historic Ryman Auditorium and recorded their first EP with
Alabama’s Jeff Cook. Since then, they have
headlined Sara Evans’ Rock The South Festival in Cullman, Alabama, walked the red
carpet at the CMT Music Awards and secured
an endorsement from Gibson Guitars. Earlier this year, the trio performed at an elite
pre-GRAMMY Awards show on the rooftop
terrace of the GRAMMY Museum at LA
Live in Los Angeles and filmed a series for
online distribution. They are featured on
RADIO COUNTRY DISNEY and their music video can be seen on CMT, MTV and THE
COUNTRY NETWORK. Southern Halo is
one of a handful of all-female bands listed in
a recent BILLBOARD article highlighting
the next hottest Country music trend. “Rewind” airs on SPOTIFY and AMAZON.
Award winning Syndicated Columnist
Sandy Zimmerman Reviews Shows and Restaurants, travel, cars, health, luxury and
more. Sandy is talk show host of the Las Vegas Today Show programs and Discover the
Ultimate Vacation travel specials. Suggest
topics for articles or ask questions, please
contact Sandy at (702)-731-6491 or email her
at [email protected].
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 19
Snake Oil: The ultimate arena rock experience at Cannery
Tribute to iconic 80s artists including Kiss, Van Halen, Black Sabbath and more
By Mike Kermani
Las Vegas Tribune
The Cannery Casino & Hotel in
North Las Vegas will bring “Snake
Oil: The Ultimate Arena Rock Experience” to North Las Vegas to
recreate some of the most iconic
1980s artists including Kiss, Van
Halen, Black Sabbath, Def
Leppard, Queen, Ozzy Osbourne,
Aerosmith, Guns and Roses,
Motely Crue, Alice Cooper, LED
Zeppelin, Twisted Sister, Poison,
ACDC, Journey, The Scorpions and
The audience will go back to a
time to partake in an interactive live
rock show fueled with energy and
sprinkled in humor. The artists portray each band with original costumes and mannerisms.
This show will appear, Saturday,
July 30, 2016, 8:00 PM, $20 at front
desk, Cannery Casino & Hotel,
2121 East Craig Road, North Las
—August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Mark
O’Toole, 6:00pm-10:00pm
—August 5-6, The Klique,
—August 12-13, Rewind,
—August 19-20, Déjà vu,
—August 26-27, Carmine
Mandia, 7:00pm-12:00am
All shows are complimentary
and begin at 7:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted). For more information, call 702-507-5900.
Located at Addison’s Lounge,
Bonkerz Comedy Club provides an
intimate setting, full bar and some
of the nation’s best up-and-coming
—August 4 Lang Parker As seen
on Last Comic Standing
—August 11, Anthony Padilla,
As seen on A&E and the History
—August 18, Chris Cope, As
seen on Comedy Central
—August 25, Warren Durso, As
seen in “Cutoff” and “Even Money
All shows begin at 7 p.m. and
are free to the public (based on
availability, first come first seated).
Doors open at 6 pm.
Celebrated ventriloquist Ronn
Lucas will bring his ventriloquist
comedy act to the Suncoast Showroom Aug. 26 and 27.
Lucas has been performing as a
ventriloquist for the last 45 years
after honing his skills from a young
age. By the time he was 21, Lucas
was touring the country and eventually found success in both the
United States and the U.K. He’s
made numerous television appearances over the years, including
“The Late Show with David
Letterman,” “The Tonight Show
with Jay Leno,” “America’s Funniest Home Videos,” “L.A. Law,”
FX Network’s “Nip/Tuck” and
Lucas is recognized as the first
ventriloquist to headline a long-running show in Las Vegas and has
received numerous awards for his
performances, including being
named “The World’s Best Ventriloquist” by The New York Times, The
London Times, the New York Post
and the San Francisco Chronicle.
He’s performed for U.S. Presidents
Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and
George W. Bush as well as Queen
Elizabeth II.
Lucas’ cast of zany characters
include well-known favorites
Scorch the Teenaged Dragon, Buffalo Billy and Chuck Roast.
Showtime is at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are available from $19.50 plus
taxes and fees, and can be purchased at any Boyd Gaming box
office, by calling 702.284.7777, or
visiting the website http://
Marie Callender’s, long known
for their commitment to high-quality, delicious and freshly-prepared
foods and pies, announces it will
unveiled an updated look at the restaurant located at 530 N. Stephanie
Street, Henderson, NV 89014 on
Friday, July 22, 2016.
The 5,700-square-foot restaurant seats 178 guests and features
freshly painted interiors drawing
from a warm palette of earthy colors. Working within the existing
framework, the restaurant was refreshed with a mix of contemporary
elements designed to perfectly
complement its existing traditional
décor. Updated elements include
interior paint, restrooms, light fixtures and booths.
“Marie Callender’s is excited to
reveal a newly-refreshed restaurant
to the Henderson community,” said
Marie Callender’s Regional Manager Jim Nelson. “We want to continue to make our restaurant a comfortable gathering place for friends
and family who enjoy our famous
pies and high-quality offering of
American favorites.”
Callender ’s
Henderson restaurant will continue
to serve a wide variety of classic
and traditional American foods updated with today’s flavors that have
made Marie Callender’s famous.
Favorites include signature Pot
Pies, Crisp Salads, Comfort Classics, Burgers, Sandwiches and legendary Pies.
Guests who visit the restaurant
now through September 15 and purchase a whole pie at the regular
price, will get another pie for just
$4.99 (plus tin) during the
#OhMyPie promotion. Marie
Callender’s prepares its fresh,
made-from-scratch pies using the
same recipes for more than 65
years. Customers can choose from
more than 20 varieties of Marie
Callender’s pies, including irresistible selections such as Apple, Banana Cream, Razzleberry, Coconut
Cream, Lemon Meringue and more.
The restaurant is open Sunday
through Thursday from 7am –10pm
and Friday and Saturday from 7 am
to 11pm. Breakfast is served every
day from 7am–11am.
For more information about
Marie Callender’s please visit
Friday, July 22nd WWE Superstar and E!’s “Total Divas” star
Natalie Eva Marie has been selected to serve as a judge in the
2016 Miss Teen USA Competition
being held at the Venetian Las Vegas on Saturday, July 30th. As a
This Week
in Las Vegas
By Mike Kermani
strong advocate for female empowerment who aims to shed light on
positive body image and a healthy
lifestyle, the stunning crimsonhaired beauty Natalie Eva Marie
was chosen as the ideal judge by
the Miss Universe Organization as
they introduce an important new
initiative into the competition. In
an effort to continue recognizing
women that strive to represent positive life values, the Miss Universe
Organization has introduced athletic wear as a replacement to
swimsuits bringing in global fitness
brand Tapout, the official fitness
and training partner of the WWE,
and designer Goldsheep to create
an exclusive collection for the 2016
Miss Teen USA Competition.
“I am so honored to have been
selected as a judge for this year’s
Miss Teen USA competition. As an
advocate of female empowerment,
the imperative decision to replace
the swimsuit category with athletic
wear will help shed light and encourage positive body image and a
healthy lifestyle for young women.”
— Natalie Eva Marie
This decision reflects an important cultural shift the organization
is celebrating that empowers
women who lead active, purposeful lives, and encouraging those in
their communities to do the same qualities that are also important to
Natalie Eva Marie.
The Miss Teen USA Competition will be streamed live from The
on on Saturday,
July 30th at 5 p.m. The Miss Teen
USA preliminary show will be held
at The Venetian on Friday, July 29th
at 11pmET/8pm PT.
It may have been Natalie Eva
Marie’s bright crimson locks that
first drew the WWE Universe to her
attention, but this “Total Divas” star
has even more fire to her than meets
the eye. Growing up in Northern
California, the Latina former model
traded in the runway for the wrestling ring- and was most recently
drafted by WWE’s Smackdown
LIVE, whose roster also features
renowned cross-over wrestler/actor
John Cena.
Her journey through the ranks of
the WWE Divas division was first
chronicled on the hit E! reality series, “Total Divas” (Season 6 premieres Fall 2016). There, she navigated personal and professional
obstacles to become the premiere
“heel” of the women’s division in
the WWE, stealing the spotlight and
becoming a fan favorite to millions
of people.
Although known for her fiery
personality on “Total Divas,” it is
Natalie Eva Marie’s ability to turn
this act off and let her real, “girlnext-door” personality shine
through that makes her a great business woman and beauty and fitness
expert. In 2015, Natalie created her
own hair extension line,
“TestaRossa” by partnering with
BELLAMI, and is always giving
beauty and health tips to her over 5
million followers via her social
media pages.
Natalie has also begun a career
in acting and has appeared in various television shows such as “Entourage”, “CSI: New York”,
“America’s Got Talent” and
“90210.” When Natalie Eva Marie
isn’t in the ring or working on new
business ventures, she is giving
back and inspiring a new generation of young women.
She is a strong advocate for female empowerment and anti-bullying, often lending her voice to shine
a spotlight on those deserving and
in need. Having a father that was in
the military, supporting Troops is
also one of her biggest priorities and
she has traveled to Afghanistan,
Dubai, and Washington, DC to meet
with US military and their families.
Mike Kermani is an entertainment writer for the Las Vegas Tribune newspaper. He writes a weekly
column in this newspaper. To contact Mike Kermani, email
mkermani@ lasvegas
Page 20 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
Gordie Brown makes the F.I.O.R.E.
12th Anniversary the event of the year
By The Las Vegas Tribune Roving Reporter
Photos by Dave Bananas Williams,
Lorraine and Nelson Sardelli
Frank Sinatra could not have learned the
blues during the last F.I.O.R.E meeting.
The tables were not empty and the floor
was not deserted.
The place was jammed. So much so, that
the Italian American Club had to create some
extra room to accommodate the record breaking crowd in attendance for the 12th Anniversary Party of the F.I.O.R.E., by removing
all statues and columns from the premises.
Gordie Brown, one of the finest and most
popular entertainers in Las Vegas, was the
featured guest speaker for the 12th Anniversary event. The renowned entertainer is already considered to be a true Las Vegas Treasure, and everyone fortunate enough to attend the July 18th party would definitely
agree. Gordie Brown was full of surprises.
Not only did he honor the event with his personality and enumerable talents, he surprised
everyone by bringing his entire band. Together they made it a most memorable night,
not because they did some great numbers, but
because they did an amazing, full performance. Wow!
All of the F.I.O.R.E members and guests
in attendance truly felt as if they had received
a wonderful gift. After the show Gordie
stayed for quite some time taking photos and
chatting with F.I.O.R.E. members
Aside from being a record breaking night,
this evening was one of the most exciting
events in the twelve year history of this non
club club. It opened with Siena Paglia singing a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem, followed by a moment of silence for
Brian Abbott, a recently deceased F.I.O.R.E.
president. After this, Chef Chaz LaForte lead
the Pledge of Allegiance, which like the invocation presented by Reverend Johnny
Crosby, is a F.I.O.R.E. tradition.
Get this... For only $25.00 they provided
delicious food, live music by the Gary
Anderson’s ensemble, chocolate and roses for
the ladies, a few gifts donated from some of
the members and a magnificent program. The
F.I.O.R.E. could have demanded a much
higher fee for this special event, and people
would have paid, happily. Demonstrated by
the line, which began at 4 p.m., for an event
advertised with doors opening at 5 p.m.
How do they do it?
For this group of friends, which is exactly
what this organization is, it has never been
about making a profit. It’s about a great bunch
of people who enjoy each other’s company.
Like with any successful group outing, everyone pays their own way and it all comes
out even. No comps, no VIP service, just great
food for great people experiencing great talent. Rumor has it that founder and driving
force behind the F.I.O.R.E, Nelson Sardelli,
has worked to secure all of the amazing special guests. We hear the next guest is quite
something, and they would have to be to follow Gordie Brown and maintain the standard
set over the past 12 years. Could Trump be
Not just a guest speaker, Gordie brought his entire ensemble.
Gordie Brown the man of the hour.
on the short list? How else to Trump the precedent?
Thru the years, the F.I.O.R.E., a non club
club which was created as a joke, has become
an incredibly popular organization. All of
their events over the past 12 years have been
successful and the F.I.O.R.E has grown in to
a social gathering enjoyed by many Las
Vegans and their guests.
Do yourself a favor, learn about this club.
Visit and be
sure to check the “about us” page.
12 years... Can you believe it?
All F.I.O.R.E. attendance records were broken. Over 270 members and guests came to this event.
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 21
F.I.O.R.E. 12th Anniversary
Gordie Brown and his All-Star band star in the Gordie Brown Theater at the
Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino. They made the event a special one.
Karon Kate Blackwell, Jimmy JJ Walker and Marty “Hello Dere” Allen.
Tom Saitta and Reverend John Crosby...
both F.I.O.R.E. Presidents.
Joe Darro, Nelson Sardelli, Siena Paglia (center) who sang the National Anthem,
Chas LaForte led the Pledge of Allegiance and Reverend Johnny Crosby gave the Invocation.
Italian American Club President and F.I.O.R.E.
President Angelo Cassaro and Gordie Brown.
“A Las Vegas Treasure,” a must see show.
Robert and Billie DeBlanc. Robert sings with Little Anthony
and the Imperials. Billie inspires him to sing.
First Lady Gail and President and
Sergeant at Arms Don Sanders
Denny Weddle, Nelson and Lorraine Sardelli, Gordie Brown,
Nora and Judge William Jansen
Karon Kate Blackwell, Gordie Brown and Marty Allen.
First Lady and President Martha and Michael Kimpel.
Cindy Doumani, Paul Lowden, Nelson and Lorraine Sardelli, Dondino, Gordie,
Pietra Sardelli and Ken Walther. Ken is another of the original members.
One of the original members of the F.I.O.R.E.,
President and First Lady Chuck and Stella Hughes.
Thank you Gordie. The F.I.O.R.E. and Las Vegas Love you.
Page 22 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
Texas Tenors headline at Bally’s August 30-31
By Jerry Fink
Las Vegas Tribune
Emmy Award winners and Billboard Top 10 Recording Artists The
Texas Tenors bring their hit touring show to the Las Vegas Strip for
a two night limited engagement
Aug. 30 and 31 exclusively at the
Windows Showroom at Bally’s.
The talented trio originally
showcased their unique sound on
NBC’s “America’s Got Talent,” and
have the distinction of being the
highest ranking vocal group in the
history of the series.
From Bruno Mars to Puccini,
these cowboys have delivered their
fun, personal and uplifting critically
acclaimed variety of music to
countless arenas and iconic theatres
around the world and have amassed
a huge fan base with their hit PBS
special “You Should Dream” and
four Billboard chart topping albums.
Now one of those dreams is being realized as The Texas Tenors
ride onto the famed Las Vegas Strip.
Experience JC, Marcus and John
like you’ve never seen them before
in a unique, intimate and one-of-akind show at Windows Showroom
at Bally’s.
This special engagement is presented in association with SPI Entertainment.
The show begins at 7:30 p.m.
each evening and tickets start at
$49.50 plus tax and fees and $69.50
plus tax and fees.
Tickets can be purchased by calling the box office or ticketmaster:
The Mob Museum, The National
Museum of Organized Crime and
Law Enforcement, announces its
roster of events taking place this
Hot Havana Nights — Thursday, August 4, 6 to 10 p.m. At this
annual celebration of Cuba’s PreRevolution stint as “America’s
Playground,” guests will immerse
themselves in the vibrancy of Cuban culture, in&cluding its delectable cuisine, tropical cocktails,
music, cabaret floor show performances, dancing, casino-style
games, hand-rolled Mob Museumlabel premium cigars and more. Hot
Havana Nights is presented in collaboration with the Cuban Heritage
Foundation and sponsored by
Johnson Brothers of Nevada. Tickets are $69 including open bar, admission and entertainment or $49
for admission and entertainment
only. Members receive a 10 percent
Wiseguy Speaker Series: Glen
Meek on the Vegas Call Girl
Racket — Thursday, August 31, 7
p.m. Award-winning TV investigative reporter and former federal investigator Glen Meek discusses the
late 1990s attempt by a New York
crime family to move into the Las
Vegas call girl racket only to find a
small-time computer hacker was
diverting the calls to set up his own
scam. Meanwhile, the FBI was also
involved with wiretaps, an informer
and undercover agent providing information about the escorts and the
huge sums of cash being generated.
When the Mob hired a hitman, the
FBI made arrests. Meek will explore the extraordinary twists and
double and triple dealing involved
in this bizarre tale. This event is free
with Museum admission and for
Museum Members.
Community Safety Forum on
Elder Abuse — Sunday, August 21,
2 to 3 p.m. For every case of elder
abuse reported, it is estimated five
remain unreported. This unfortunate reality can take numerous
forms — from neglect and physical harm to taking financial advantage of the vulnerable elderly. Attendees at this forum will learn what
constitutes elder abuse, how to report it and the resources that are
available to assist. Attendance at
Community Safety Forums is free
and includes Museum admission,
sponsored by NV Energy.
Museum After Dark — From
6 to 8 p.m., behind-the-scenes relics, objects, photographs and documents not typically on display are
brought out for public view and discussed by Museum educators.
For more information, please
call (702) 229-2734.
Summer of Caesars — The
50th anniversary celebration is officially underway at the world-renowned Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. On Friday, June 17 the resort
unveiled its 50-day countdown to
its golden anniversary on Aug. 5,
2016. Caesar and Cleopatra kicked
off the “Summer of Caesars” festivities which included the debut of
the self-guided historical walking
tour and photo exhibit, surprise and
delight moments for guests and the
unveiling of specialty dining and
value menus to honor the golden
During the “Summer of
Caesars” celebration, Caesars Palace invites Las Vegas locals to experience world-class entertainers at
The Colosseum for $50 (plus taxes
and fees).
Housing some of the most accomplished artists from across the
globe, The Colosseum at Caesars
Palace presents locals with a oneof-a-kind opportunity to see
“REBA, BROOKS & DUNN: Together in Vegas ” and “Rod Stewart:
The Hits.” Available through Aug.
5, this offer is valid on limited rear
orchestra seating; subject to availability.
Reba, Brooks & Dunn — Together in Vegas is a culmination of
the friendship and musical admiration Reba, Brooks & Dunn have
shared since first touring together
in 1993. The two-hour production
features more than 30 actionpacked hits backed by a band of 10
players from both of their touring
bands. The set includes solo and
joint performances of their signature tracks including “Fancy,” “My
Maria” and “Cowgirls Don’t Cry,”
as well as many surprises.
Showtimes: July 29, 30; 7:30
Rod Stewart: The Hits — is a
concert celebration featuring a set
list of the rock and R&B favorites
which have defined Stewart’s unparalleled five-decade-long career.
The spectacular, state-of-the-art
production is a culmination of
Stewart’s seminal hits like “Maggie
May,” “You Wear it Well,” “Hot
Legs,” “You’re in My Heart” and
“Some Guys Have All the Luck”
mixed with a few surprise rarities
and sizzling covers.
“Rod Stewart: The Hits” gives
audiences that intimate, only in Las
Vegas concert experience — with
no fan more than 140 feet from the
magnificent stage.
Showtimes: Aug. 3, 6, 7, 10, 13,
14, 17, 20, 21; 7:30 p.m.
— Mariah Carey, the iconic chanteuse and best-selling female artist
of all time with over 200 million
records sold, is performing in Las
Vegas with a headlining residency
at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace. For the first time ever, she performs all 18 of her timeless and
beloved Number One Hits together
in one concert. Designed exclusively for The Colosseum and directed by legendary Grammy
Awards Producer Ken Ehrlich,
embodies the true meaning of Vegas glitz and glamour.
Showtimes: Aug. 24, 27, 28, 31;
Sept. 3, 4, 7, 10, 11; 8 p.m.
Tickets may be purchased in person at The Colosseum at Caesars
Palace Box Office, by calling 866320-9763,
at or For
groups of 10 or more call 1-866574-3851 or email Entertainment
[email protected]. Taxes
and fees not included. Subject to
The 40th annual Mrs. America
Pageant will once again return to
its original home at the Westgate
Las Vegas Resort & Casino this
Hosted by actress Florence
Henderson, star of the classic show
“The Brady Bunch,” the 2016 Mrs.
America Pageant will be held Saturday, August 27 from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m. inside the renowned International Westgate Theater at Westgate
Las Vegas Resort & Casino.
Preliminaries for the 2016 Mrs.
America Pageant will be held
Thursday, August 25 from 10 a.m.
to 1 p.m. A winner will be crowned
during the final competition on Saturday, August 27 from 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. The winner of
the 2016 Mrs. America Pageant
will go on to represent the United
States in the internationally-televised Mrs. World Pageant.
The Mrs. America Pageant, rich
in history, was first held in 1938 and
continued until 1968. The pageant
was revived after a nine-year hiatus in 1977 at the-then Las Vegas
Hilton by David Marmel who, after a career in professional athletics and television production,
helped transform the pageant into
the multifaceted event is it today.
The event was the first, and remains
the foremost, competition for the
married woman of the United
States. For nearly four decades,
Mrs. America has epitomized excellence, professionalism and the
celebration of family values.
Tickets are available for purchase by phone at 310-829-9902
and in-person the day of the show.
The 2016 Mrs. America Pageant
will be streamed for free at For details,
please visit
Summer may be coming to an
end, but the events in Pahrump are
still in full effect. Come enjoy these
last few weeks in the sun and watch
jet skiers compete for the World
Cup with the 2016 Super Arena
World Cup Championship & National Super Arena Finals or spend
an evening watching cars zip by at
the Pahrump Valley Speedway. If
you’re into country, check this one
out.Find your adventure in
Bonkerz Comedy Club —
Held inside the Pahrump Nugget
Event Center, Bonkerz Comedy
Club presents comedians Lang
Parker and Grandma Lee during the
month of August.
Parker has been featured on
“Last Comic Standing” and
“Beverly Hills 90210”.
Lee has been seen on
“America’s Got Talent,” “Last
Comic Standing,” HBO, and much
Date: Lang Parker — Friday,
Aug. 5; Grandma Lee — Friday,
Time: 7 p.m.
Details: Tickets are only $10 and
can be purchased at the Pahrump
Nugget. Tickets include a free $5
slot play. Comedy hotel overnight
stay packages are available.
Location: Pahrump Nugget
Event Center; 681 Highway 160,
Pahrump, NV 89048
The Ultimate Garth Brooks
Tribute Show at the Sanders
Winery — Enjoy an evening under the stars filled with fun and
wine at Sanders Winery during their
Summer Under the Stars Concert
Series. For the month of August,
Sanders Winery presents The Ultimate Garth Brooks Tribute Show
starring Dean Simmons on Aug. 13.
Date: Saturday, Aug. 13
Time: Gates open at 6 p.m. and
show starts at 7:30 p.m.
Details: Tickets for The Ultimate
Garth Brooks Tribute are $25 per
person. Call (775) 727-1776 to
purchase your tickets.
Location: Sanders Family Winery; 3780 E. Kellog Rd., Pahrump,
NV 89061
Pahrump Valley Speedway —
Race season is in full effect at the
Pahrump Valley Speedway.
One of the only clay-based,
high-banked, quarter-mile dirt
tracks remaining in the U.S.,
Pahrump Valley Speedway promises action and thrills galore. Bring
the family for a day of racing and
cheer on different classes of cars
including Modifieds, Super Stocks,
Dwarf Cars, Coupes, Bombers,
Mod Minis, and more.
Date: Saturday, Aug. 13 and 27
Time: 7 p.m.
Details: Tickets can be purchased at the speedway. General
adult tickets cost $10 and children
between 6 — 14 years of age are
$6. Children age 5 and under are
FREE. Family six packs are available for $30 (two adults and four
kids under 14)
Location: Pahrump Valley
Speedway; 1881 Grieco Way,
Pahrump, NV 89041
The HUBB Classic Car &
Parts Swap Meet — Located at the
gates of Death Valley in Pahrump,
Nevada, The HUBB is the perfect
place to unwind after a long day of
work or travel. Held every second
Saturday of the month, the HUBB
Classic Car & Parts Swap Meet is
the premier monthly automotive
swap meet in Pahrump Valley. Buy
antique, vintage, classic and or
high-end cars and parts at bargain
prices. For more information visit
Date: Every second Saturday of
the Month, Aug.13
Time: 8 a.m.
Location: The HUBB; 3720 W.
Bell Vista Ave, Pahrump, NV 89060
2016 Super Arena World Cup
Championship & National Super
Arena — Final Round of USA
Championship: If you enjoy hanging out by the water, riding jet ski’s
or just simply looking for entertainment, then the IJSBA Super Arena
World Cup & National Super Arena
Finals is the place to be! Come out
and watch pro jet ski riders from
all over the country compete for the
Super Arena World Cup!
The event begins Saturday, August 27 through Sunday, August 28.
Date: Saturday, Aug. 27 and
Sunday, Aug. 28
Time: Saturday. 1 p.m.–7 p.m.;
Sunday.10 a.m.–3 p.m.
Location: Lakeside Casino and
RV Park; 5870 Homestead Rd,
Pahrump, NV 89048
Jerry Fink is an entertainment
columnist for the Las Vegas Tribune
newspaper and writes a weekly column. To contact Fink, email him at
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 21
Dr. Vliet warns about TB
By Sandy Zimmerman
Las Vegas Tribune
Photos by Dr. Vliet
After research and study, Dr. Elizabeth Lee
Vliet, MD, has some surprising information
about TB (Tuberculosis).
35 percent of refugees in Vermont test
positive for latent TB, yet officials are silent
on the amount of active TB infections.
22 percent or one in every 5 refugees resettled in Minnesota by the federal government tested positive for TB in 2014.
Recently two hospital workers in Minnesota tested positive for active TB and may
have exposed more than 140 patients.
18 percent of all refugees resettled in Arizona have latent TB on arrival. Arizona identified 222 cases of TB among refugees whose
latent TB became active and infectious.
Most Americans do not even know about
TB, much less have awareness of their rapidly increasing risk of being exposed to someone with TB because of the hundreds of thousands of refugees now being dispersed across
the US.
Individuals with known active disease are
sent to communities across America.
CDC is disregarding its own experts’ advice on screening and treatment of entrants.
Federal refugee resettlement officials apparently are testing some refugees for TB, but
individuals with known active disease are
sent to communities across America anyway!
Breitbart investigative journalists reported on
refugees known by the federal government
to have active TB being sent to Florida (11
cases) and Indiana (4 cases).
CDC is not publishing information to warn
the public about locations in which they have
identified cases, or where federal agencies
are sending refugees known to have active
Dr. Vliet is an Independent physician with
an active US medical practice in Tucson AZ
and Dallas TX, specializing in preventive and
climacteric medicine with an integrated approach to evaluation and treatment of women
and men with complex medical and hormonal
problems. Dr. Vliet is also Chief Medical
Officer of Med Expert Chile SpA, connecting patients to top tier, lower cost medical
care in Latin America, focused on medical
freedom, patient-centered, individualized
care preserving the Oath of Hippocrates. Dr.
Vliet is a past Director of the Association of
American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).
Dr. Vliet’s consumer health books include:
It’s My Ovaries, Stupid; Screaming To Be
Heard: Hormonal Connections Women Suspect— And Doctors STILL Ignore; Women,
Weight and Hormones; The Savvy Woman’s
Guide to PCOS, The Savvy Woman’s Guide
to Great Sex, Strength, and Stamina.
Dr. Vliet is a member of the International
Menopause Society and the International
Society for The Study of the Aging Male
(ISSAM). She received her M.D. degree and
internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern
Virginia Medical School, and completed specialty training at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She
earned her B.S. and Master’s degrees from
the College of William and Mary in Virginia.
For additional information visit the
w w w. M e d E x p e r t C h i l e . c o m ,
Award winning Sandy Zimmerman is a
syndicated columnist featuring Show and
Dining reviews, travel, health, luxury and
more. Sandy is talk show host of the Las Vegas Today Show programs and Discover the
Ultimate Vacation travel specials. Suggest
topics for articles or for questions contact
Sandy at 702-731-6491 or email
[email protected].
Page 24 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
Local road construction projects to cause
traffic delays Downtown and in Henderson
way 95 will be closed from 9 p.m.,
July 26, until 6 a.m., July 27, due
to utility work.
Thursday, July 28 thru
Friday, July 29
There will be lane restrictions
along Shadow Lane south of
Charleston Boulevard from 9 p.m.,
July 28, until 6 a.m., July 29, due
to utility work.
Motorists should use caution
while travelling through the work
zone, heed construction signage,
and take alternate routes, if possible. Check the Project Neon
website (
or Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages (@NDOTProjectNeon)
for up to date information. There is
also a hotline available at: 702-293NEON (6366).
Project Neon Construction
thru July 30 in Downtown
Las Vegas, Traffic
The Nevada Department of
Transportation (NDOT) will be
doing nightly Project Neon related
construction work from Sunday,
July 24, through Saturday, July 30,
in downtown Las Vegas. There will
be temporary lane restrictions, as
Sunday, July 24 thru
Saturday, July 30
The right lane of eastbound
Charleston Boulevard will be
closed from Interstate 15 to Grand
Central Parkway, and there will
lane restrictions along westbound
Charleston Boulevard from Grand
Central Parkway to Martin Luther
King Boulevard nightly from 9
p.m. until 6 a.m., July 24 through
July 29, due to grading, utility, and
median work.
There will be lane restrictions
on the northbound Interstate 15 offramp to westbound Charleston
Boulevard nightly from 9 p.m. until 6 a.m., July 24 through July 29,
due to grading, utility, and median
There will be lane restrictions
along south and northbound Grand
Central Parkway from the Iron
Horse Court loop to Charleston
Boulevard nightly from 9 p.m. until 6 a.m., July 24 through July 29,
due to grading, utility, and median
Tuesday, July 26 thru
Wednesday, July 27
The right lane and shoulder of
the Martin Luther King Boulevard
onramp to northbound U.S. Highway 95 will be closed from 9 p.m.,
July 26, until 6 a.m., July 27, due
to utility work.
Tuesday, July 26 thru
Saturday, July 30
There will be lane restrictions on
southbound Western Avenue at Wall
Street daily from 5 a.m. until 3 p.m.,
July 26 through July 30, due to utility work.
Wednesday, July 27 thru
Thursday, July 28
The left lane and shoulder of the
Martin Luther King Boulevard
onramp to northbound U.S. High-
U.S. Highway 93 Night Work
July 26-29 in Henderson,
Lane Restrictions
The Nevada Department of
Transportation (NDOT) will be installing portable precast concrete
barrier rails on the median shoulder of south and northbound U.S.
Highway 93 between Paradise Hills
Drive and Railroad Pass in
Henderson nightly from 9 p.m. until 5 a.m., July 26 through July 29,
resulting in a lane restriction. The
work is part of the $83 million, 2.5mile-long first phase of the Interstate 11 Boulder City Bypass,
which broke ground in April 2015.
Fisher Sand & Gravel is the general contractor. Motorists should
use caution while traveling through
the work zone, heed construction
signage, and take alternate routes,
if possible. For current road information go to:
Las Vegas Senior Center
Indoor Garage Sale
July 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00
p.m. at the Las Vegas Senior Center, 451 E Bonanza Road.
Las Vegas Senior Center Indoor
Garage Sale (all ages) Thursday,
July 28, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free admission for shoppers; $5 per table
for vendors. Las Vegas Senior Center, 451 E. Bonanza Road, 702-2296454. Come and sell your items or
shop and find treasures at our biannual indoor garage sale. Vendors
must be at least 50 years old and
purchase table space in advance, no
later than July 25.
1st Annual Las Vegas Health
& Fitness Chamber of
Commerce Expo
Save the Date... Mark your Calendar... The Place to be for Health
& Fitness! Get your Business Exposed to 400+ Attendees, along
with 40+ Exhibitors!
We are pleased to announce that
the Las Vegas Health & Fitness
Chamber of Commerce will be
hosting our 1st Annual Health &
Fitness Expo. The Expo, in sponsorship with The LEAD Team and
Natural Awakenings — Greater Las
Vegas Edition Magazine, will be
held on Wednesday, July 27, 2016,
from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the
Palace Station Hotel & Casino, located at 2411 W. Sahara Ave., Las
Vegas. This Amazing Event will
feature the following activities:
—Great Networking Opportunity
—Health & Fitness Exhibitors
—Health & Fitness Talks
—Health & Fitness Demonstrations
—Raffle Prizes and Entertainment
Please register for Complementary Admission and Exhibitor
Booth and Sponsorship Pricing at
Members of the #LVhealth
Chamber or The LEAD Team receive a discount from the Exhibitor Booth published pricing!
For further information on the
Expo for Exhibitor and Sponsorship
packages, please feel free to contact us today at the website:
[email protected]
#LVhealthChamber 702-483-2970,
Mark Weinberger of The LEAD
Team 702-429-4661, Lany Orlanda
of #LVhealthChamber 702-5040321.
Please Join Us in Creating a
“Healthy Las Vegas Community &
a Healthy You.” Thank You for your
continued support and look forward
to your participation. Moving forward in health and fitness... always!
City Beat is a compilation of
news and views of our editorial and
writing team, along with reader
submissions and topics. Readers
are invited to suggest a local topi
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 25
The 1/50 Effect: How Encouragement Defines Your Leadership
By Doug Dickerson
A word of encouragement from
a leader can inspire a person to
reach her potential. - John Maxwell
Edward Steichen, who eventually became one of the world’s most
renowned photographers, almost
gave up on the day he shot his first
pictures. At 16, young Steichen
bought a camera and took 50 photos. Only one turned out — a portrait of his sister at the piano.
Edward’s father thought that was a
poor showing. But his mother insisted that the photograph of his sister was so beautiful that it more than
compensated for 49 failures.
Her encouragement convinced
the youngster to stick with his new
hobby. He stayed with it for the rest
of his life, but it had been a close
call. What tipped the scales? The
vision to spot excellence in the
midst of a lot of failure.
If you were to look back on your
life when faced with great doubt or
uncertainty during times of fear,
career transition, sickness, or other
personal struggle — one thing on a
short list of game changers would
no doubt be the encouragement
from a friend or loved one.
In the case of Edward Steichen,
the encouragement came from his
mother to not give up on his dream
of being a photographer. What
about you? Who was the person(s)
who spoke words of hope, inspiration, or encouragement into your
life at that pivotal moment that
helped turn it around for you?
As a leader you have incredible
opportunities every day to speak
words of encouragement and inspiration into the lives of those around
Inexplicable Carnage
By Michael A. Aun
I informally knew two of the victims of the recent massacre in Orlando at the Pulse Night Club. Even
though I knew each only casually I
can only sense the tremendous loss
and pain their families must feel.
Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, was
only 20 years old. He was a nice
young man who always waited on
me when I would visit Starbucks in
Kissimmee to collect a couple of
coffees for my bride Christine.
I don’t drink Starbucks Coffee
but I’ll bet that I’m among their
largest volume customers. Each
day, I would take my bride’s Venti
containers into Starbucks to load up
on almost $12.00 worth of coffee.
Actually, it was about 50 cents
worth of coffee for which I paid
Omar would always pity me.
First, he knew I didn’t know the
Starbucks lingo. For instance, one
coffee I get Christine is a Mocha
Frappacino decaf with no whipped
cream. That one was not so complicated. My wife trained me always to ask for the “excess” to be
put in a separate bonus cup for her.
Omar knew it would earn me
brownie points at home and a tip
for him. If you’re going to pay
$12.00 for two containers of coffee, what’s $2.00 more?
The other coffee she likes is a
Venti White Chocolate Mocha
Decaf, iced but no ice (which simply means cold, but you can charge
more for fancy language), no whip
cream... and by the way, fill it with
non-fat milk. I always found a bit
of irony in the latter request by my
bride. But I digress.
Once I had Omar trained, I became his best customer. He went to
work the moment I walked into the
door because he knew the drill. I’ll
really miss his charming personality and his endless patience and
kindness. A true friend was taken
from many by the senseless massacre.
Omar would always share his
goal of becoming a dancer. I have
always found the entertainment
community to be among the most
dedicated groups of people in any
profession. Failure after failure
causes attrition rates that rival the
toughest professions on earth.
I used to tell Omar of my first
and only acting gig. I played the
part of the Governor in the madefor-Broadway play “Lizzie.” The
namesake of the play was Lizzie
Borden who took an axe and gave
her mom forty whacks... and you
know the rest of the riddle.
I’ve been on thousands of stages
in some 20 countries and every state
in the union giving speeches. Never
have I worked so hard for so little.
We only had one week to prepare
and practice for the play.
I got paid a whopping $100.00,
which amounted to $1.19 per hour.
It’s the hardest work I ever did in
my life. All week long I kept thinking to myself, there’s got to be an
opening on the Sopranos that I can
fill. I look the part of a mobster.
Sadly, Sopranos never called and
my acting career ended as fast as it
It was that acting assignment
where I had met another victim, 49year old Brenda Lee Marquez
McCool, who was one of the behind-the-scenes people who
worked on the same play “Lizzie”
in Orlando. Even back then, she
was fighting a bout with cancer,
which continued over the next 16
years of her life. She died protect-
ing one of her 11 children who she
accompanied to the nightclub to
dance and enjoy the evening with
The mass shooting and hostagetaking on that fateful June day and
have touched the lives of many and
have debilitated a frustrated nation,
attempting to fight an invisible enemy.
Was it terrorism? Yes. Was it a
hate crime? Yes. And... unfortunately it will continue. There is no
model for how to stop this. Those
attacking innocent victims have no
relationship to the victims of the
carnage. About the only thing victims have in common with the enemy are Twitter, Tumbler and
Instagram, three popular social
media communication tools.
Government is so completely
out of tune with the digital domain,
where the battle is being mapped
out. Big Brother not only does not
have the answers but is hampered
by the regulations that govern a
country of good will.
I submit it is impossible to “fight
the good fight” when you have an
empty gun, metaphorically speaking of course. The enemy has no
rules and yet the government and
its agencies have to play by rules
of a free society. The resulting carnage is simply inexplicable.
Michael Aun is a syndicated columnist and writes a weekly column
for this newspaper. To contact
Michael Aun, email him at
[email protected].
you. You may never know or understand the power of those words
today, or ever, but it can be transformational nonetheless.
Being an encouraging leader
will not only define your leadership
style, but it will also define your
leadership legacy. Encouraging
leaders are cut from a different
cloth. Do you desire to be an encouraging leader? If so, here are
four characteristics that will set you
Encouraging leaders
see beyond the failures
The myth surrounding encouraging leaders is that they live with
their heads in the sand and are
somehow detached from any sense
of reality. I submit that the opposite is true. Encouraging leaders are
perhaps some of the most attuned
leaders you will find not because
they refuse to look at negatives,
setbacks, or failures, but because although they do see it, and they
refuse to let others be defined by it.
Defining trait: Encouraging
leaders keep dreams alive.
Encouraging leaders care
enough to confront
Just as Edward Steichen’s
mother confronted him during a
time of great self-doubt about his
abilities, so too will encouraging
leaders take the same approach. Encouraging leaders know that if
negative thoughts and self-doubt
linger too long then the path forward will be much harder to conquer. An encouraging leader will
care enough to disturb negative
thinking and help you forget about
the 49 pictures that didn’t turn out
and focus on the one that did. There
is no time to wallow in self-pity
with the encouraging leader.
Defining trait: Encouraging
leaders have no tolerance for nega-
tive attitudes.
Encouraging leaders
take risks on the future
Seeing beyond failures and caring enough to confront are only part
of the equation for an encouraging
leader. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to act in a manner that is
consistent with his or her potential.
But encouraging leaders are those
special leaders who had rather risk
growth and potential by speaking
words of encouragement and faith
than by encouraging conformity
and mediocrity by playing it safe.
By speaking words of encouragement the leader is planting seeds of
faith and possibility into his or her
people that they otherwise may
have never thought possible.
Defining trait: Encouraging
leaders inspire action.
Encouraging leaders take
everyone to a higher level
Defining moments in your leadership come when you realize that
when you speak words of encouragement to your people it is like
pushing the “up” button on an elevator. Your words and actions as
an encourager will open doors of
opportunity that negativity never
will. The seeds you plant in their
minds and hearts will elevate them
to higher places because you believed in your people and dared to
encourage them.
Defining trait: Encouraging
leaders elevate the potential in others.
You will define your leadership,
in part, by your words and actions.
Be an encouraging leader!
Doug Dickerson is a syndicated
columnist. He writes a weekly column for this newspaper. To contact
Doug Dickerson, email him at
Sundays from 12.30 to 2 p.m.
Please call 702-706-6875 for information
and directions to the study group
Page 26 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
Five companies we would buy
and hold for the next 20 years
Whole Foods Market, MasterCard, Under Armour, LTC Properties, and
Novo Nordisk may deserve a spot in your portfolio over the coming decades.
By The Motley Fool
Market whims and whispers can
cause stocks to trade violently in the
short term, but strong companies
with top-shelf management and
rock-solid financials can deliver returns that trounce the market long
term. Because investing for longer
periods has proven to outperform
shorter periods of trading in and out
of stocks, we asked five top Motley Fool contributors to give us their
best ideas of stocks to buy in multidecade portfolios. Read on to find
out which five stocks they picked,
and why they think you ought to
consider owning them.
Steve Symington: Though
shares of Whole Foods Market
(NASDAQ:WFM) have climbed a
modest 3 percent (excluding dividends) since I highlighted it as a
stock the market loves to hate late
last year, not much has changed to
shift investor sentiment back in the
organic grocer’s favor. Most recently, Whole Foods revealed
mixed quarterly results in early
May, with revenue rising a weakerthan-expected 1.3 percent year over
year, to $3.7 billion, despite a 3 percent drop in comparable-store sales.
Within that decline was a 2.1
percent drop in the number of customer transactions, and a 0.9 percent decline in basket size. Meanwhile, Whole Foods’ net income
fell 10 percent, to $142 million, but
beat the market’s low expectations
by remaining flat on a per-share
basis, at $0.44, thanks to aggressive
share repurchases during the past
year. In short, Whole Foods has
continued to struggle to find topand bottom-line growth as competition has intensified as new market entrants and traditional grocers
alike fight to capture a slice of this
lucrative niche.
However, Whole Foods insists
that it’s continuing to make
progress on the nine-point turnaround plan it outlined last November, including goals to improve its
cost structure, bolster its technology and marketing investments, and
shift consumers’ perceptions of the
brand by becoming more competitive from a price standpoint. Whole
Foods has also garnered praise with
the opening of its first smaller-footprint 365 concept location last
month. Any further success from
365 could materially increase the
company’s stated long-term goal of
nearly tripling its number of stores
in the U.S., to 1,200 locations.
As long as Whole Foods continues to make progress in its turnaround as it realizes that ambitious
goal, I think patient investors willing to buy the stock now, and hold
for the next two decades, will be
more than happy they did.
Sean Williams: If the stock mar-
ket closed for the next 20 years, the
company I’d be happiest to buy and
hold would be payment-processing
(NYSE:MA). One of the biggest
advantages MasterCard holds over
the rest of the credit-services sector is that it’s solely a payment processor. MasterCard, unlike Discover Financial Services and
American Express, isn’t a lender,
meaning it has no exposure to credit
delinquencies. This lack of lending
exposure means it’s only minimally
affected by global growth slowdowns and recessions.
Opportunity is another big reason to like MasterCard. Based on
commentary from MasterCard’s
management, some 85 percent of
global transactions are still being
conducted in cash. This would
mean that, in spite of MasterCard’s
12.6 billion processed transactions
during the first quarter, it’s really
just touching the tip of the iceberg
of what’s possible. It has ample
opportunity to grow its business in
Asia, the Middle East, and Africa
in the coming decades, thus providing MasterCard with a high-singledigit, or low-double-digit top-line
annual growth potential.
The barrier to entry in the payment-processing business is also
relatively high. On top of the costly
infrastructure needed for merchants, you can essentially count
the big payment processors in the
U.S. on one hand. Processing market share and merchant relationships aren’t built overnight —
which means that MasterCard’s
market share and cash flow are generally safe and predictable.
Finally, MasterCard has a rocksolid balance sheet, complete with
more than $6.2 billion in cash, and
nearly $2.9 billion in net cash. Operating cash flow has totaled more
than $4.1 billion over the trailing
12-month period. This cash has allowed MasterCard to explore acquisition opportunities to improve its
network, as well as reward its shareholders. Its forward dividend yield
of 0.8 percent will likely grow substantially as time marches on, and
it still has $2.9 billion remaining on
an announced $4 billion stockbuyback program.
Without sounding too “punny,”
I fully expect MasterCard to charge
higher over the long term.
Jason Hall: Under Armour Inc.
(NYSE:UA) (NYSE:UA-C)stock
has taken a pummeling recently,
down about 30 percent from its alltime highs. The big reasons for the
decline? It’s largely due to concerns
around some weakness in apparel
market share in North America, but
also the loss of The Sports Authority, a major athletic retailer in the
U.S. that’s going out of business.
The Motley Fool
There’s likely some selling that’s
a result of valuation concerns, too.
After all, Under Armour shares,
which still trade for nearly 67 times
last-year’s earnings after the selloff, are far from cheap. But at the
same time, this kind of high-performance growth business should
come at a premium price.
Under Armour has grown sales
20 percent or more every quarter for
the past six years, and is still a small
player in the global athletic-clothing business. It had less than $4 billion in sales in 2015 compared to
$19.4 billion for Adidas, and $32
billion for Nike.
The best part is, Under Armour
doesn’t have to take gobs of market share from the industry giants
to continue its growth trajectory.
Yes, it will likely have to take at
least some share from both Nike
and Adidas to keep up the recent
pace of growth, but its international
presence is tiny.
Last quarter international sales
were up 55 percent; but even with
that huge jump, it only accounted
for 15 percent of total revenues.
Bottom line: The global middle
class will expand by 1 billion
people in the next couple of decades, and the athletic apparel and
footwear industry is likely to grow
substantially along with it. Under
Armour is an ideal stock to own
while that plays out, and now’s a
great time to buy.
Daniel Miller: Buying and holding for two entire decades is an investing strategy you rarely hear
about these days, even though longterm investing is a wise choice.
That’s simply because so many industries are rapidly changing due to
new technologies, which makes
buying and holding difficult. To
select a stock to safely hold for two
decades, investors have to find a
company poised to benefit from a
trend that won’t change anytime
soon. To me, LTC Properties Inc.
(NYSE:LTC) absolutely fits that
LTC Properties is a REIT, or
Real Estate Investment Trust, which
owns or finances income-producing
real estate. But it isn’t the fact that
it’s a REIT that’s enticing for investors looking at a 20-year timeline.
What’s great about this REIT is that
it owns more than 200 assisted living, memory-care, post-acute/
skilled nursing, and range-of-care
properties in the healthcare industry spanning roughly 30 states.
It isn’t pleasant to think about
family members getting old, but the
fact is that, by 2030, the population
aged 75 and older is expected to
jump by nearly 90 percent compared to 2012, and it’s expected to
increase from accounting for 6 percent of the total U.S. population to
roughly 10 percent. In fact, national
healthcare spending was $3.1 trillion in 2014, and that’s expected to
jump to $5.0 trillion by 2020..
For that reason, LTC Properties
is poised to generate significant income from its current properties
within the healthcare industry, and
it’ll pay you a dividend yield of 4.38
percent during the process.
Todd Campbell: Perhaps there
is no trend as likely to provide
tailwinds to drugmakers as the rising prevalence of diabetes worldwide. According to the International
Diabetes Federation, the number of
people with diabetes will soar from
415 million today to 642 million in
The market for diabetes treatment is already big, but with a forecast suggesting a 50 percent increase in patients during the next
couple of decades, spending on diabetes therapies is likely to be massive. If so, then diabetes marketshare leader Novo Nordisk
(NYSE:NVO) may be one of the
best healthcare stocks to stash away
in long-terml portfolios.
Unlike Eli Lilly & Co., Novo
Nordisk gets the lion’s share of its
revenue from the sale of diabetes
drugs. Diabetes accounts for threequarters of Novo Nordisk’s quarterly sales, and about a quarter of
Eli Lilly’s sales. Therefore, Novo
Nordisk, which boasts more than 45
percent market share in insulin, and
racked up $3.1 billion in sales from
diabetes and obesity drugs in Q1,
is the biggest and arguably purestplay in diabetes.
Novo Nordisk should be able to
hold onto its top-tier status in the
indication in the coming years, too.
Management is funneling about $2
billion per year into R&D, and that
commitment is already paying off
with next-generation medicines.
These include Victoza, a GLP-1 inhibitor that racked up sales of $678
million last quarter, and Tresiba, a
new long-lasting insulin that will
compete against Lantus, a drug with
$6.4 billion in 2015 sales.
Overall, proven leadership in
this massive indication, and a track
record of innovation in diabetes
treatment, makes this one of my top
stock picks for long-term investors.
5 Years From Now, You’ll
Probably Wish You’d Grabbed
These Stocks — Especially if
you’re near or in retirement!
An announcement this big
doesn’t happen every day. Motley
Fool co-founders David and Tom
Gardner just revealed two brandnew stock picks that they think have
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Some of their biggest winners have
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John Mackey, co-CEO of Whole
Foods Market, is a member of The
Motley Fool’s board of directors.
Daniel Miller has no position in any
stocks mentioned. Jason Hall owns
shares of American Express,
MasterCard, Under Armour (A
Shares), and Whole Foods Market.
Sean Williams has no position in
any stocks mentioned.Steve
Symington owns shares of Under
Armour (A Shares) and Whole
Foods Market. Todd Campbell
owns shares of Under Armour (A
Shares). The Motley Fool owns
shares of and recommends
MasterCard, Under Armour (A
Shares), and Whole Foods Market.
The Motley Fool recommends
American Express and Novo
Nordisk. Try any of our Foolish
newsletter services free for 30 days.
We Fools may not all hold the same
opinions, but we all believe that
considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.
The Motley Fool has a disclosure
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 27
Why the ‘Save Our Social Security Act’ would hurt
the economy and drive down other tax revenues
By Rachel Greszler
The Daily Signal
Rep. Reid Ribble, R-Wis., recently introduced the Save Our Social Security (S.O.S.) Act, which
includes some practicable and
commonsense solutions such as
raising the retirement age and using a more accurate inflation measure.
Unfortunately, the S.O.S. Act’s
faults significantly outweigh its
The bill’s most harmful provision is a significant increase in Social Security’s payroll tax cap. Currently, Social Security’s 12.4 percent tax only applies to the first
$118,500 of workers’ earnings (the
cap is adjusted upward with wage
growth each year). The S.O.S. Act
would increase that level to
$308,750 by 2021, and index it
thereafter to tax 90 percent of all
wage income. For top earners, that’s
almost a $22,000 per year tax increase in 2021.
While Social Security’s trust
fund will receive a significant boost
from these additional taxes, federal,
as well as state and local, tax revenues will decline. That’s because
employers will reduce employees’
taxable wages in response to having to pay higher payroll taxes.
It is well understood that employees bear the full burden of the
payroll tax, even though half of it
comes from employees’ paychecks
and half is collected from employers. As payroll taxes consume more
of the employees’ compensation,
taxable incomes will decline —
causing as much as a $5,000 loss in
federal income tax revenues and
another $1,000 in state income tax
That only includes the direct
impact of raising the payroll tax
cap. Excessive marginal tax rates
would further diminish taxable
wages by reducing the incentive to
work. The S.O.S Act would result
in a 55 percent marginal tax rate for
a two-earner family of four with
$125,000 in income (including federal and California state taxes).
Marginal rates for higher-income
earners could approach 70 percent.
Such excessive marginal tax
rates would reduce the labor supply, leading to even more lost tax
revenues. According to a 2006 economic study, raising the payroll tax
to cover 90 percent of earnings
would generate only 52 percent of
static revenue projections. In other
words, about half of the expected
gain in Social Security tax revenues
from the S.O.S. Act will likely be
lost through lower federal and state
Finally, higher payroll taxes will
enable higher government spending
as multiple economic studies have
concluded that Social Security surpluses have caused as much as a
one-for-one increase in non-Social
Security spending or decrease in tax
revenues. This means that the new
payroll tax revenue will largely
improve Social Security’s ability to
pay benefits merely on paper.
It is true that payroll tax surpluses will result in more treasury
securities being added to Social
Security’s trust funds. However,
these treasury securities represent
Rachel Greszler
a debt obligation for taxpayers and
not an asset. A better approach
would protect individuals’ retirement contributions from Congress’s
incessant spending appetite in private accounts that individuals own
and control.
Despite the inclusion of some
meaningful and commonsense reforms to Social Security, such as
raising the retirement age, using a
(See Greszler, Page 29)
Congress should build on the good reforms in the Save Our Social Security Act.
Page 28 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
What happens if you work after
signing up for Social Security?
Depending on your age and income, you might not be able to collect
your Social Security retirement benefits and work at the same time.
By Maryalene LaPonsie
You can sign up for Social Security retirement benefits as early
as age 62, and you do not actually
have to be retired to get them. However, working while receiving benefits may not be in your best interest.
“The Social Security election
point is one of the largest financial
decisions you’ll make in your life,”
says Larry Rosenthal, president of
Rosenthal Wealth Management
Group in Manassas, Virginia. If you
file early and continue to work, part
or all of your benefit could be temporarily withheld if you earn too
much. However, if you wait to sign
up for Social Security until full retirement age, you can work as much
as you like and only have to worry
about taxes.
Early filing could mean
withheld benefits
The full retirement age for those
reaching the milestone this year is
66. People as young as 62 are entitled to file for early benefits, but
by doing so they receive a monthly
amount that is roughly a third less
than what they would get if they had
waited until their full retirement
Benefits could be reduced even
more if you have an income greater
than $15,720 in 2016. For every two
dollars you earn in excess of that
amount, one Social Security dollar
will be withheld. “It’s not a tax, but
it is, in essence, a 50 percent penalty,” says Rick Seiler, vice president of ASC Financial Group’s office in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
In the year you reach your full
retirement age, Social Security allows up to $41,880 in earnings before wages begin to affect benefits.
Every three dollars earned in excess
of that amount results in one dollar
of benefits withheld.
Once workers reach their full
retirement age, they can earn as
much as they want while receiving
benefits. This is true regardless of
whether a person filed early or
waited to begin benefits. And if
your Social Security payments were
withheld because of your earnings,
your monthly benefit will increase
beginning at your full retirement
age to give you credit for the withheld benefits.
Working could make your
benefits taxable
Another consideration when it
comes to working is whether your
income could make part of your
Social Security benefits taxable.
For both early filers and regular filers, the Social Security Administration uses combined income to determine the amount of benefits, if
any, subject to income tax.
The combined income is calculated by adding the following three
money sources:
—Adjusted gross income
—Nontaxable interest
—50 percent of Social Security
If an individual filer’s combined
income falls between $25,000 and
$34,000, half of that person’s Social Security benefits may be subject to federal income tax. If combined income exceeds $35,000,
then 85 percent of benefits are subject to tax.
The actual amount owed will
depend on your tax bracket.
For couples filing a joint return,
half of benefits are taxable if the
combined income is between
$32,000 and $44,000. If the combined income exceeds $44,000,
then 85 percent of that couple’s benefits are taxable. Seiler notes these
numbers have been in place for decades without any adjustment for
inflation, and that may explain why
they are low compared to many of
today’s typical incomes.
Making the right decision
Many people have a “land grab
mentality” which makes them
likely to apply for benefits too early,
Seiler says. Unfortunately, a rash
decision can have long-term effects
on finances.
“They want to make sure they
understand the tax implications,”
says Willie Schuette, a financial
coach with The JL Smith Group in
Avon, Ohio.
While Social Security will allow
people to change their mind within
a year of filing and pay back the
benefits received, Schuette says for
most people, “If they select it early,
it’s a permanent decision.”
As a result, they may have a reduced monthly benefit for life and
also find it difficult to return to work
and maintain those benefits. For
that reason, finance experts say it’s
always wise to talk to someone
knowledgeable about the program
before taking any action.
“It’s a large decision, and you
need to have a Social Security discussion with your financial advisor,” Rosenthal says.
Maryalene LaPonsie is a
freelance writer who has been reporting on personal finance, retirement, higher education and insurance for more than seven years. You
can connect with her on LinkedIn,
circle her on Google+ or check out
her personal website at The Mighty
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 29
Social Security, Medicare shortfalls should
worry retirees, workers and students
By Scott Burns
The Social Security and Medicare Trustees reports, released last
month, came and went faster than
a bad sitcom. One day they were
news. The next day no one remembered, a casualty of the Brexit vote.
But those reports are much more
important for Americans than the
Brexit vote. Whether you’re retired,
working or still in school, you
should be concerned. Two massive,
vital and successful government
programs are in trouble. They are
in trouble today. They will be in
more trouble tomorrow.
We get mixed messages about
this from politicians. Some worry.
But most play the role of reassuring uncle. They report the trust
funds’ figures. Those tell us that (a)
everything is fine for the next 10
years and (b) that the Social Security Trust Fund will last until 2034,
just like last year. The Medicare
Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will
last until 2028, two years shorter
than last year.
That’s pretty far away, so the
news fades. Don’t worry, be happy.
But we have a problem now.
These reports aren’t beach reading,
but you can find where the rubber
meets the road if you know where
to look. One place is in the Medicare Trustees report. It is called
“Appendix F: Medicare and Social
Security Trust Funds and the Federal Budget.”
It begins on page 210 of the new
report, but the real meat is in Table
V.F1. on page 212. That’s where
you can compare how these two
programs look in trust accounting
and in federal cash accounting.
This year, trust accounting
shows that Social Security and
Medicare have a combined surplus
of $17.1 billion. Just above that
you’ll see the federal budget accounting. It shows that in spite of
employment taxes, taxes on Social
Security benefits, trust fund interest and premiums for Medicare B
and D, these programs were short
$354.5 billion. Their cash shortage
represented 80 percent of the entire
federal deficit for 2015. All other
government programs, after tax collections, operated at a loss of $83.9
Just to be clear, $354.5 billion
of the money spent providing Social Security and Medicare benefits
in 2015 had to be borrowed. That
$354.5 billion represents 23 percent
of total spending on those programs. That qualifies Social Security and Medicare as elephants in
the room. Today.
In 2004, the first year Appendix
F appeared in the Medicare Trustees report, the combined trust surplus was $163.7 billion. The federal budget shortfall was a mere
$18.5 billion, even though threefourths of the cost of Medicare hospital insurance is paid out of general revenue.
The 75-year Social Security
deficit is a big deal. The Trustees
report finds that the deficit for financing the program is 2.75 percent
of payroll — if the tax increase went
into effect immediately. That’s a
22.2 percent increase over the current old age and disability tax for
the 94 percent of all workers who
earn less than the Social Security
wage base maximum of $118,000
a year.
(Continued from Page 27)
more accurate measure of inflation,
providing a minimum anti-poverty
benefit, and increasing the number
of work years in the benefit calculation, the S.O.S. Act’s massive tax
increase would drive down other
tax revenues and cause significant
harm to the economy.
Ribble and his colleagues should
build on the good reforms in this
proposal and expand individuals’
options to build financial security
in retirement in private accounts.
Congress must not fall prey to embracing a bad tax increase that will
do more harm than good.
Rachel Greszler is a senior
policy analyst in economics and entitlements at The Heritage
Foundation’s Center for Data
Analysis. She focuses on federal
spending and the national debt as
the deputy director of Thomas A.
Roe Institute for Economic Policy
Studies and the Grover M.
Hermann fellow in federal budgetary affairs at The Heritage Foundation.
dential candidates talk about this
between now and November? Not
a chance.
Scott Burns is a syndicated col-
This is the fastest-rising tax most
Americans have paid during their
working lives, so increasing it to
avoid a benefits crisis won’t happen easily.
More important, the 22.2 percent
increase probably won’t be enough.
Remember, the Social Security reform commission of 1983, led by
Alan “See No Bubbles” Greenspan,
assured us that Social Security
would be well-financed for 75
years. Now, only 33 years later,
we’re already massively short.
Could the shortfall be eliminated
some other way? Sure. All we need
to do is die younger rather than
older. There are few volunteers.
Most people aspire to live longer.
And the Medicare figures aren’t
real either. The most important
statement in the Medicare Trustees
report doesn’t appear until the very
end, on page 260. There, chief actuary Paul Spitalnic offers his statement of actuarial opinion. Like Richard Foster before him, he declares
that medical costs are likely to rise
faster than mandated by law.
He writes:
“Absent an unprecedented
change in health care delivery systems and payment mechanisms, the
prices paid by Medicare for most
health services will fall increasingly
short of the cost of providing such
services. If this issue is not addressed by subsequent legislation,
it is likely that access to, and quality of, Medicare benefits would deteriorate over time for beneficiaries.”
Rome is burning. Will our presi-
umnist and a principal of the Planobased investment firm AssetBuilder
Inc. Email questions to
[email protected].
Page 30 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
stresses. You’ll love the other benefits, too: It
Trendelenburg position
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 31
What You
Need To
By Dr Nina Radcliff
Our nation’s narcotic
addiction and
overdose epidemic
By Dr. Nina Radcliff, MD
What will you do, Mr. or Madam
President, about our nation’s narcotic addiction and overdose epidemic?
Today’s voters are not settling
for a “quiet epidemic.” Instead, they
are turning-up the volume on our
stigmatized and tragically ignored
national plague — narcotic addiction and overdose. Our country’s
current approach to the addiction
crisis is simply not working.
The abuse of, and addiction to,
opioids — such as prescription pain
relievers, heroin and morphine —
is the worst addiction epidemic in
American history. In state after
state, driven by voters asserting that
it is impossible to ignore this issue
any longer, presidential candidates
are being forced to detail their strategies on how they will deal with the
devastating perils of addiction and
our addiction epidemic, if elected
to the Oval Office.
According to a report released
by the White House in 2011, prescription drug abuse was called the
nation’s fastest growing drug problem, with prescription painkillers
leading the way. Despite that dire
warning and its accompanying action plan proposals, the addiction
to prescription opioids has continued to grow throughout our country.
And the details are staggering.
Opioid pain relievers use has more
than tripled in the past 17 years and
has never been higher. Today, more
people are dying from prescription
opioids than cocaine and heroin
Overdose deaths from prescription opioids surpassed motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause
of unintentional death. And we
know the real heartbeat of these
harrowing statistics is the immeasurable heartbreak, agony and sorrow, along with all the dismantled
lives, as entire futures are lost to our
opioid crisis.
While addiction repeatedly starts
with addictive prescription painkillers, it is later often followed-up with
cheap heroin on the streets when the
prescriptions run out. And it is devastating lives young and old, within
all ethnicities, genders and every
socioeconomic status. It is estimated that every day 2,500 American youth abuse a prescription pain
reliever for the first time and 2.5
million Americans are living with
prescription opioid abuse or dependence or heroin addiction. As the
addiction to prescription opioids —
and more heroin addicts who got
addicted through prescription painkillers — grows in our country, it
is leaving in its wake masses of
overdose deaths, families struggling to find effective remedies and
communities under pressure to
forge a public response to these
In the past, political candidates
have pledged their commitment to
tougher drug laws, increased drug
enforcement and expansion of existing approaches to treatment and
prevention. However, this approach
has not prevented the rise of our
opioid addiction epidemic and the
“war on drugs” has led to mass incarceration, rather than treatment,
causing people to cycle through the
criminal justice system without recovering from drug dependence.
Siddhartha Mukherjee, The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography
of Cancer, wisely noted, “...a dis-
ease needs to be transformed politically before it can be transformed
scientifically.” Voters are echoing
this sentiment calling for action,
“What will you do?”
Our next President must be identifying strategies now in order to
implement comprehensive and effective policy within the first hundred days. For the sake of stemming
our opioid addiction epidemic, radical and comprehensive change must
be made. Too many lives are at
stake to stick with the status quo.
Echoing the voter’s voices, “What
will you as President do?” This epidemic can no longer be silent. We
need to keep the volume turned up.
This article is for general information only and should not be used
for the diagnosis or treatment of
medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your
medical professional. Dr. Nina has
used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it
may not apply to you and your
symptoms. Always consult a doctor
or other health care professional for
diagnosis and treatment of medical
Page 32 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
EarthTalk is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss
and is a registered trademark of E - The Environmental Magazine ( Send questions to:
[email protected]. Subscribe:
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Dear EarthTalk: Why do environmentalists consider Hawaii
“ground zero” in the fight against
genetically engineered crops? —
Michael Van, Poughkeepsie, NY
Most of us think of beaches,
surfing and luaus when we think of
Hawaii. But the constantly warm
and moist climate actually provides
some of the most productive land
in the world with a never-ending
growing season. As a result, Hawaii
has become a major player in commercial agriculture, and is frequently used to test new farming
Large agricultural companies
moved in on this productivity by
using Hawaii for trials of new genetically engineered (GE) crops.
Monsanto and DOW Chemical
both produce huge numbers of genetically modified seeds in Hawaii
for distribution around the world.
Some of Hawaii’s more common
GE crops include corn, sugarcane,
and papaya, among others.
But not everyone appreciates
how widespread GE crops are in
Hawaii. Many local Hawaiians are
upset that their homeland, otherwise a natural paradise, is used for
such risky activities. Most GE crops
are designed to resist intensive
chemical pesticides that kill most
other plants. Around the state, vulnerable populations including kids
and the elderly have suffered the
effects of this type of chemical exposure resulting from the overspraying of pesticides.
These issues aren’t unique to
Hawaii. People all over the world
are increasingly wary of GE products, even as the chemical companies insist they are safe. However,
the information on long-term effects is still inconclusive. Consumers want to know what’s in their
purchases. Chemical companies are
denying them this right by refusing
to label those products containing
genetically modified ingredients.
Unfortunately, the state of Hawaii has hesitated to enact any legislation banning some of their most
lucrative business ventures. Responsibility has fallen to the counties. Three Hawaiian counties initiated ordinances and moratoriums
against additional GE crops and
pesticide use in 2014. However,
large companies like Monsanto and
Syngenta sued to prevent these
measures from being implemented,
temporarily postponing these bans.
While they did win their initial suit
in late 2014, the counties have appealed the decision through the federal 9th circuit court of appeals in a
trial which started this past June.
The cases hinge on the concept of
preemption, i.e. does the county
legislation conflict with state rulings? The counties believe that the
state’s acceptance of genetically
engineered products does not mean
that the counties cannot implement
their own harsher regulations.
Whichever way the federal 9th
Circuit Court of Appeals decides
Hawaii has become ground zero for testing and trials of genetically engineered crops, and environmentalists
worry about the implications for ecosystems throughout the islands and beyond.
will set an important precedent. If
the court decides the federal law
allowing GE products preempts the
rights of the Hawaiian counties, any
future GE bans would likely experience a similar ruling. However,
the converse is also true. The judge
allowing the counties to construct
their own regulations regarding genetic engineering would pave the
way for other counties and states to
do the same. The cases will hope-
fully be resolved before the end of
2016. Safe to say, Hawaiians,
chemical and agricultural companies and the rest of the nation will
be watching.
July 27-August 2, 2016 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 33
Cocco Wedding at Celebration Point —Wedding on a cliff
Enchanted Wedding
Take the jeep into the mountains for your wedding.
By Sandy Zimmerman
Las Vegas Tribune
Photos by Sandy Zimmerman
With all of my travels around the
world, I feel the Inn at Newport
Ranch offers some of the most awesome, breathtaking natural outdoor
settings for weddings. When you
have vistas on cliffs, hideaways in
the mountains and over 2,000 acres,
there are so many choices.
“Bride’s Magazine” named the
Inn at Newport Ranch “One of the
10 Best Wedding Spots for 2016.”
Would you prefer your wedding
in the mountains, by the brook or
with the ocean as your background?
Instead of the usual, traditional
wedding, make a statement with a
special, creative way to take your
Northern California’s rugged
coastline, Redwood Mountains and
wilderness are magical, the atmosphere appeals to those who want
to breathe clean air and explore nature.
BBQ’s, Parties, Family Reunions and Weddings
Because all events should be
unique and magical, the Inn at Newport Ranch likes to customize
menus and offerings to meet your
taste and budget from intimate dinners to gala events for up to 99
Whether it is a birthday, family
reunion, anniversary, retreat,
groups, conference, business meeting or any event that is special, just
for you, the Inn at Newport Ranch
is the place!
They offer several locations —
Celebration Point, Panoramic Hilltop, Council Bluff, The Green, The
Newport Room, the North Lawn, in
the mountains, the forest and at the
The banquet room in the main
building has a wall of windows with
views of the ocean.
There is a conference room with
a separate entrance in the lower
level of Redwood House. It has a
wide screen TV, and Internet service. The room is dramatic as it is
here that the large redwood trees
holding up the structure are bolted
to the floor and rise up through the
ceiling. There is a cozy seating arrangement around a fireplace and,
when not used for conferences, the
room is available to our guests for
recreation. The conference room
can seat 40 people.
Flights from Las Vegas to Santa
Rosa’s Sonoma County Airport is
the closest to northern California’s
coast bringing visitors to see some
of the most beautiful sections of
northern California- the Redwood
Forest, wineries, coastal villages,
Mendocino, Fort Bragg, Little
River and Santa Rosa.
At the Santa Rosa Airport, the
Sixt Car Rental has a unique
Mercedes Smart Car-for-two, with
a choice of electric or gas cars,
luxury and economical cars. For
information, call 1-707-523-1676.
Sixt of Santa Rosa Sonoma County
Airport, 2200 Airport Boulevard,
Santa Rosa, California.
If you wish to fly from Las Vegas to San Francisco or Oakland (11/2 hours) take the Airport Express,
Inc., shuttle (every hour) for a quick
relaxing trip to the Santa Rosa Airport (special rates for seniors). For
rates, call 707-837-8700.
Award winning Syndicated Columnist Sandy Zimmerman Reviews
Shows and Restaurants, travel,
cars, health, luxury and more.
Sandy is talk show host of the Las
Vegas Today Show programs and
Discover the Ultimate Vacation
travel specials. Suggest topics for
articles or ask questions, please
contact Sandy Zimmerman at
(702)-731-6491 or email her at
[email protected].
Fire pit for evening events.
A Wedding on Horses
Page 34 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / July 27-August 2, 2016
Electronically Filed
/s/ Stewart Guinn
Clerk of the Court
Richard Moore
1600 Valley View
Las Vegas, NV 89102
(705) 465-4952
Case No. G-1644036-M
Dept. No. N
In the Matter of Guardianship of the person of Lyric Summers
Moore Minors and Saharie Richard Summers Moore
Upon reading the affidavit of the Petitioner on file herein, it
appearing that a verified Petition has been filed; that Micha
Moore is a necessary party; that Micha Moore cannot be
located within the State of Nevada or any other State cannot
be personally served in the State of Nevada or any other
State; and good cause therefore, it is:
ORDERED that if Micha Moore cannot be found so as to
be personally served, he/she/they may be served by
publication of the Citation at one (1) time a week for three (3)
consecutive weeks, thee last day of publication at least ten
(10) days before the date of hearing, in a newspaper of
general circulation published in Clark County, Nevada, and in
addition thereto, a copy of the Citation shall be forthwith
mailed to Micha Moore at his/her/their last known address,
certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested.
DATED this 11th day of July, 2016
/s/ CJS for Judge Harter
Submitted by /s/ Richard Moore
Richard Moore
1600 Valley View
Las Vegas, NV 89102
(705) 465-4952, 9602) 451-3315, (702) 826-6386
Printed in the Las Vegas Tribune
July 20, 2016, July 27, 2016 and August 3,2016