Georg Fischer Fifth Wheel Assemblies and Accessories
Georg Fischer Fifth Wheel Assemblies and Accessories
FIFTH WHEEL ASSEMBLIES FOR YOUR TRACTOR UNIT Efficiency Safety and Reliability SECTION F 20 SK-S 36.20 PLUS (standard) The lightweight, cast 20t fifth wheel • • • • • • • • • Weight optimised fifth wheel Dead weight reduced by 8 kg Reliable and robust Single-handed operation Automatic safety lock Simple and safe wear adjustment Permanent, maintenance-free bearings Optimised lubrication channels for effective grease flow Connections for central lubrication Technical data Automatic locking Type SK-S 36.20 PLUS SK-S 36.20 PLUS SK-S 36.20 PLUS SK-S 36.20 PLUS SK-S 36.20 PLUS Overall height mm 128 150 185 225 250 Imposed load t 20 20 20 20 20 D-value kN 152 152 152 152 152 Weight kg 116 116 119 121 131 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 4.5° / 6° 8° / 13° 17° / 26° 23° / 30° 29° / 42° Imposed load t 20 20 20 20 20 D-value kN 152 152 152 152 152 Weight kg 116 116 119 121 131 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 4.5° / 6° 8° / 13° 17° / 26° 23° / 30° 29° / 42° Order no. 662 129 046 662 129 047 662 129 048 662 129 031 662 129 049 Locking with carabiner hook Type SK-S 36.20 PLUS SK-S 36.20 PLUS SK-S 36.20 PLUS SK-S 36.20 PLUS SK-S 36.20 PLUS • • • • Overall height mm 128 150 185 225 250 Order no. 662 129 026 662 129 027 662 129 028 662 129 030 662 129 029 Tilt angle to ISO 1726 for height 128 mm is only guaranteed with our mounting plate MP 486 Approved for forced steering EU test no.: e 1-00-0218 Type approval, Germany: M 5134 Dimensions Mounting hole pattern according to DIN 74081 Subject to modifications in dimensions and design 21 Spare parts SK-S 36.20 PLUS Item 1 2 2 2 2a 2a Component (price per piece) Repair kit for locking mechanism and bearings Repair kit for locking mechanism and bearings Repair kit for locking mechanism (9, 11, 12, 18, 21) Repair kit for locking mechanism (9, 11, 12, 18, 21) Repair kit for bearings (13, 15, 23) Repair kit for wear ring (12,18) Repair kit for wear ring (12,18) Fifth wheel plate (PLUS) Operating handle, complete (2a, 2b) Operating handle Operating handle Adjustment plate Adjustment plate Serial no. 13000 - ... 0 - 12999 13000 - ... 0 - 12999 Pcs. 13000 - ... 0 - 12999 13000 - ... 12000 - 12999 0 - 11999 13000 - ... 0 - 12999 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 Order no. 662 101 493 662 101 477 662 101 492 662 101 475 662 101 473 662 101 566 662 101 565 662 129 471 662 129 166 662 129 146 662 129 130 662 129 158 662 129 133 Item 2b 2b 3 3 Component (price per piece) Cap bolt Cap bolt Mounting bracket 128 mm Mounting bracket 150 mm 3 3 3 9 10 10 10 10a 10b 10c 10d 11 12 Mounting bracket 185 mm Mounting bracket 225 mm Mounting bracket 250 mm Coupler jaw Locking hook Locking hook Locking hook Stopper Locking plate Bush Hex. bolt Pin Wear ring 12 13 14 15 16 16a Wear ring Rubber damper Tensioning bar Bearing insert Tension spring Tension spring 17 18 18 19a 19a 20 21 21a 23 24 26 26a 27 27 28 29 29 30 34 35 35 36 37 38 Carabiner hook with chain Cap bolt Cap bolt Hex. bolt Hex. bolt Washer Circlip Supporting washer Hex. bolt Manufacturer's plate Rivet Rivet Plastic plug Plastic plug Hammer rivet Lubrication tube Lubrication tube Grease plug Automatic latch Safety flange for carabiner hook Safety flange for carabiner hook Guide plate Lock nut Hex. bolt Lock nut (not shown) Grease nipple (not shown) Eyebolt (not shown) Plastic plug (not shown) Serial no. 13000 - ... 0 - 12999 13000 - ... 12000 - 12999 0 - 11999 13000 - ... 0 - 12999 12999 - ... 0 - 13000 13000 - ... 0 - 12999 13000 - ... 0 - 12999 13000 - ... 0 - 12999 13000 - ... 12000 - ... 0 - 11999 0 - 12999 0 - 12999 0 - 12999 0 - 12999 0 - 12999 The spare parts for the SK-S 36.20 PLUS are fully compatible with the SK-S 36.20. Repair kits also apply to SK-S 36.20 PLUS D. 23 Pcs. 2 1 2 2 Order no. 659 112 371 659 100 017 662 129 383 662 129 484 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 662 129 485 662 129 389 662 129 386 662 129 134 662 129 156 662 129 143 662 129 129 662 129 381 662 129 387 662 129 374 662 129 600 662 129 375 662 129 377 1 2 2 2 1 1 662 129 373 662 114 110 662 129 388 662 130 101 662 126 411 662 129 317 1 2 2 7 5 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 662 100 574 659 112 372 662 126 155 659 112 359 662 126 172 662 126 175 659 100 027 659 100 026 662 129 606 659 120 380 662 126 173 662 126 179 662 126 223 662 126 223 662 126 151 659 144 106 662 129 392 662 129 380 662 129 153 662 129 147 662 129 376 662 129 144 659 100 029 662 111 202 662 126 176 662 126 224 662 126 465 662 129 393 SK-S 36.20 PLUS W (low maintenance) The lightweight, low maintenance cast 20t fifth wheel • • • • • • • • • • Weight optimised fifth wheel Dead weight reduced by 8 kg Designed for highway application Less grease consumption* Plastic wear plates easy to change Central lubrication system connection not required Single-handed operation Automatic safety lock Simple and safe wear adjustment Permanent, maintenance-free bearings * For automatic lubrication of the locking mechanism, we recommend the use of our grease dispenser with adaptor. Technical data Automatic locking Type SK-S 36.20 PLUS W SK-S 36.20 PLUS W SK-S 36.20 PLUS W SK-S 36.20 PLUS W SK-S 36.20 PLUS W Overall height mm 128 150 185 225 250 Imposed load t 20 20 20 20 20 D-value kN 152 152 152 152 152 Weight kg 116 116 119 121 131 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 4.5° / 6° 8° / 13° 17° / 26° 23° / 30° 29° / 42° Imposed load t 20 20 20 20 20 D-value kN 152 152 152 152 152 Weight kg 116 116 119 121 131 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 4.5° / 6° 8° / 13° 17° / 26° 23° / 30° 29° / 42° Order no. 662 131 011 662 131 012 662 131 013 662 131 042 662 131 014 Locking with carabiner hook Type SK-S 36.20 PLUS W SK-S 36.20 PLUS W SK-S 36.20 PLUS W SK-S 36.20 PLUS W SK-S 36.20 PLUS W • • • Overall height mm 128 150 185 225 250 Order no. 662 131 005 662 131 006 662 131 007 662 131 045 662 131 008 Tilt angle to ISO 1726 for height 128 mm is only guaranteed with our mounting plate MP 486 Approved for forced steering EU test no.: e 1-00-0218 Dimensions Mounting hole pattern according to DIN 74081 Subject to modifications in dimensions and design 24 Spare parts SK-S 36.20 PLUS W 25 Item 1 2 2a 2b 3 3 3 3 3 9 10 10a 10b 10c 10d 11 12 13 14 15 16 16a 17 18 19a 20 21 21a 23 24 26 28 29 29 32 34 35 36 38 39 Component (price per piece) Repair kit for locking mechanism and bearings (9,11,12,13,15,18,21,23) Repair kit for locking mechanism (9,11,12,18,21) Repair kit for bearings (13,15,23) Repair kit for wear plate (38, 39) Repair kit for wear ring (12, 18) Fifth wheel plate (PLUS) Operating handle, complete ( incl. 2a, 2b) Adjustment plate Cap bolt Mounting bracket 128 mm Mounting bracket 150 mm Mounting bracket 185 mm Mounting bracket 225 mm Mounting bracket 250 mm Coupler jaw Locking hook Stopper Locking plate Bush Hex. bolt Pin Wear ring Rubber damper Tensioning bar Bearing insert Tension spring Tension spring Carabiner hook with chain Cap bolt Hex. bolt Washer Circlip Supporting washer Cap bolt Manufacturer's plate Rivet Hammer rivet Lubrication tube Lubrication tube Grease nipple Automatic latch Safety flange Guide plate Wear plate Flanged screw The spare parts for the SK-S 36.20 PLUS W are fully compatible with the SK-S 36.20 W. Repair kits also apply to SK-S 36.20 PLUS DW. 26 Serial no. 35178 - ... 0 - 35177 35178 - ... Pcs. 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 7 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 Order no. 662 101 516 662 101 517 662 101 518 662 101 469 662 101 534 662 131 471 662 129 166 662 129 158 659 112 371 662 129 383 662 129 484 662 129 485 662 129 389 662 129 386 662 131 107 662 129 156 662 129 381 662 129 387 662 129 374 662 129 600 662 129 375 662 131 114 662 114 110 662 129 388 662 130 101 662 126 411 662 129 317 662 100 574 659 112 372 659 112 359 662 126 175 659 100 027 659 100 026 659 112 365 659 120 380 662 126 173 662 126 151 659 144 146 659 144 106 662 126 224 662 129 153 662 129 147 662 129 144 662 131 103 662 130 114 5(&266 6DIHW\ 6HQVRU6\VWHP 5HPRWH&RQWUROOHG6DIHW\6\VWHP 2SWLPXP&RXSOLQJ 7KHFRPSHWLWLYHVLWXDWLRQLQWKHWUDQVSRUWVHFWRULVFR HOVH&RVWRSWLPLVDWLRQLVUHTXLUHGLQDOODUHDV1RER GULYHUVVWDQGLQJLGOH 7KHSURSRUWLRQRIDUWLFXODWHGWUXFNVLQYHKLFOHIOHHWV WKHPDLQFRPSRQHQWVLVWKHILIWKZKHHODVOLQNEHWZ LPPXQLW\WRZHDULWVUHOLDELOLW\DQGHDV\RSHUDWLRQ SHUIHFWIXQFWLRQRIWKHDUWLFXODWHGWUXFNDQGWKHUH HIILFLHQF\ 7RVWUHQJWKHQWKHZHDNHVWOLQNLQWKHFKDLQ*) 5(&266 5HPRWH&RQWUROOHG6DIHW\6\VWHP 9LVLEOH6DIHW\ :LWK5(&266*HRUJ)LVFKHUGHYHORSHG V\VWHPIRUILIWKZKHHOV7KHQHZWKUHHVHQ KLWFKLQJHYHQHDVLHU6WDWXVDQGRSHUDWLR GLVSOD\HGYLVXDOO\DQGDFRXVWLFDOO\LQWKH 3HUIHFW6DIHW\ 7KH5(&266 V\VWHPLVDYDLODEOHH[ 6.6ILIWKZKHHOVUHJDUGOHVV VSHFLILFDWLRQVXFKDVORZPDLQWHQD PRXQWLQJRUGXDOKHLJKW ([LVWLQJ6.6ILIWKZKHHOVF XSJUDGHGZLWKWKHHDV\DQGFRVW WLYHWRLQVWDOO5(&266 UHWURILWN 1RWLFHDEOH/LJKWZHLJKW 7KH6.63/86LVDQ HFRQRPLFDOO\VRXQGFKRLFH RIIHULQJJRRGYDOXHIRU PRQH\7KHILIWKZKHHOKDV IHZZHDULQJSDUWVDQGLV H[WUHPHO\ORZPDLQWH QDQFH7KHRSWLPLVHG VSKHURLGDOJUDSKLWHFDVW LURQILIWKZKHHOZHLJKV NLORJUDPVOHVV7KH 3OXVLVIRUWKHOLJKWHVW DSSURYHGWRQILIWK ZKHHORILWVFDWHJRU\ 27 6DIHW\ 6HQVRUVDQGRQFRXSOHUMDZDQG DXWRPDWLFODWFKPRQLWRUWKHVDIHDQG FRUUHFWFRQGLWLRQRIWKHILIWKZKHHORQ DSHUPDQHQWEDVLV ,WLVWKHGULYHU¶VGXW\WRPDNHVXUHWKDWHYHU\WKLQJLVHQJDJHG DQGORFNHGFRUUHFWO\±DIWHUHYHU\FRXSOLQJSURFHVVDQGDIWHU HYHU\VWRS5(&266JLYHVWKHGULYHUHOHFWURQLFDVVLVWDQFH LQGRLQJWKLV7KLVUHGXFHVWKHGULYHU¶VVWUHVVFRQVLGHUDEO\ $FFLGHQWVDQGXQQHFHVVDU\LGOHWLPHIRUYHKLFOHUHSDLUVFDQ EHDYRLGHG $5(&266 VHQVRULQGLFDWHVWKHFRUUHFWKLWFKLQJKHLJKW7ZR RWKHUVHQVRUVSHUPDQHQWO\PRQLWRUWKHFRQGLWLRQRIWKHILIWK ZKHHO$Q\SUREOHPVDUHGLVSOD\HGYLVXDOO\DQGDFRXVWLFDOO\LQ WKHFRFNSLW±WKDWPHDQVVDIHGULYLQJ &RPIRUW 5(&266HQDEOHVWKHPRQLWRULQJRIWKHHQWLUHFRXSOLQJ SURFHVVIURPWKHFDE 7KHGULYHUGRHVQRWKDYHWROHDYHWKHYHKLFOHGXULQJEDG ZHDWKHUWRFRQWUROWKHSURFHVV7KDWVDYHVWLPHDQGPDNHV ZRUNPRUHSOHDVDQW±WKDWPHDQVGULYLQJZLWKFRPIRUW (FRQRPLFHIILFLHQF\ 7KH6.6ZLWK5(&266LVDOVRWKHILUVWFKRLFHIURP DQHFRQRPLFSRLQWRIYLHZ$ORQJHUVHUYLFHOLIHLVWKHUHVXOW RIOHVVZHDUSDUWVDQGKLJKTXDOLW\PDWHULDOV7KHLQFUHDVH LQFRPIRUWDQGVDIHW\ZLWK5(&266 HQKDQFHVWKHGULYHUV SHUIRUPDQFHDQGUHGXFHVLGOHWLPHUHVXOWLQJIURPWUDFWRU IDXOWV±WKDWPHDQVHFRQRPLFGULYLQJ 6HQVRUPRQLWRUVWKHGLVWDQFHEH WZHHQWUDLOHUSODWHDQGILIWKZKHHODQG HQVXUHVWKHFRUUHFWSRVLWLRQGXULQJ KLWFKLQJ 28 RECOSS® - the proven safety sensor system for the SK-S 36.20 fifth wheel Audio and visual display function in drivers cabin. RECOSS is available for all models of the SK-S 36.20 PLUS fifth wheel. To connect the RECOSS system you will need our RECOSS installation kit. Model SK-S 36.20 PLUS S (standard, RECOSS) Type SK-S 36.20 PLUS S SK-S 36.20 PLUS S SK-S 36.20 PLUS S SK-S 36.20 PLUS S SK-S 36.20 PLUS S • • Overall height mm 128* 150 185 225 250 Imposed load t 20 20 20 20 20 D-value kN 152 152 152 152 152 Weight kg 116 116 119 121 131 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 4.5° / 6° 8° / 13° 17° / 26° 23° / 30° 29° / 42° Order no. 662 129 060 662 129 061 662 129 062 662 129 064 662 129 063 Tilt angle to ISO 1726 for height 128 mm is only guaranteed with our mounting plate MP 486. EU test no.: e1-00-0218 Model SK-S 36.20 PLUS WS (low maintenance, RECOSS) Type SK-S 36.20 PLUS WS SK-S 36.20 PLUS WS SK-S 36.20 PLUS WS SK-S 36.20 PLUS WS SK-S 36.20 PLUS WS • • • Overall height mm 128* 150 185 225 250 Imposed load t 20 20 20 20 20 D-value kN 152 152 152 152 152 Weight kg 116 116 119 121 131 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 4.5° / 6° 8° / 13° 17° / 26° 23° / 30° 29° / 42° Order no. 662 131 037 662 131 038 662 131 039 662 131 041 662 131 040 Tilt angle to ISO 1726 for height 128 mm is only guaranteed with our mounting plate MP 486. For automatic lubrication of the locking mechanism, we recommend the use of our grease dispenser with adaptor. EU test no.: e1-00-0218 Model SK-S 36.20 PLUS DS (direct mounting, RECOSS) Type SK-S 36.20 PLUS DS SK-S 36.20 PLUS DS SK-S 36.20 PLUS DS • • • Overall height mm 148* 190 225 Imposed load t 20 20 20 D-value kN 152 152 152 Weight kg 126* 135 143 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 9.5° / 13° 19° / 25° 24° / 30° * Additional vendor-specific mounting plate Please indicate vehicle type when placing orders (Mercedes-Benz, MAN, IVECO, DAF,...) EU test no.: e1-00-0218 29 Order no. 662 129 225 662 129 226 662 129 227 Model SK-S 36.20 PLUS DWS (direct mounting, low maintenance, RECOSS) Type SK-S 36.20 PLUS DWS SK-S 36.20 PLUS DWS SK-S 36.20 PLUS DWS • • • • Overall height mm 148* 190 225 Imposed load t 20 20 20 D-value kN 152 152 152 Weight kg 126* 135 143 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 9.5° / 13° 19° / 25° 24° / 30° Order no. 662 131 046 662 131 047 662 131 048 * Additional OEM specific mounting plate Please indicate vehicle type when placing orders (Mercedes-Benz, MAN, IVECO, DAF,...) For automatic lubrication of the locking mechanism, we recommend the use of our grease dispenser with adaptor. EU test no.: e1-00-0218 Model SK-S 36.20 HS (dual height, RECOSS) • RECOSS order no. for SK-S 36.20 H G2 see page 36 Model SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS (mounting angle, RECOSS, VOLVO) Type Overall height mm SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS 160 SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS 160 SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS 200 200 230 230 SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS • • Imposed load t 20 20 20 D-value kN 152,3 152,3 152,3 Weight kg 146 146 150 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 13° / 15° 13° / 15° 20° / 23° Length L mm 462,5 437,5 462,5 Order no. 662 129 228 662 129 231 662 129 229 20 20 20 152,3 152,3 152,3 150 153 153 20° / 23° 24° / 30° 24° / 30° 437,5 462,5 437,5 662 129 232 662 129 230 662 129 233 Length L mm 462,5 437,5 462,5 437,5 462,5 437,5 Order no. Angle of inclination in accordance with ISO 1726 EU test no.: e1-00-0218 Model SK-S 36.20 VS with central lubrication kit (mounting angle, RECOSS, VOLVO) Type SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VS • • Overall height mm 160 160 200 200 230 230 Imposed load t 20 20 20 20 20 20 D-value kN 152,3 152,3 152,3 152,3 152,3 152,3 Weight kg 146 146 150 150 153 153 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 13° / 15° 13° / 15° 20° / 23° 20° / 23° 24° / 30° 24° / 30° 662 129 236 662 129 239 662 129 237 662 129 240 662 129 238 662 129 241 Angle of inclination in accordance with ISO 1726 EU test no.: e1-00-0218 Model SK-S 36.20 PLUS VWS (mounting angle, low maintenance, RECOSS, VOLVO) Type SK-S 36.20 PLUS VWS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VWS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VWS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VWS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VWS SK-S 36.20 PLUS VWS • • • Overall height mm 160 160 200 200 230 230 Imposed load t 20 20 20 20 20 20 D-value kN 152,3 152,3 152,3 152,3 152,3 152,3 Weight kg 146 146 150 150 153 153 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 13° / 15° 13° / 15° 20° / 23° 20° / 23° 24° / 30° 24° / 30° Length L mm 462,5 437,5 462,5 437,5 462,5 437,5 Angle of inclination in accordance with ISO 1726 For automatic lubrication of the locking mechanism, we recommend the use of our grease dispenser with adaptor. EU test no.: e1-00-0218 30 Order no. 662 131 055 662 131 065 662 131 056 662 131 066 662 131 057 662 131 067 RECOSS® installation kits Our RECOSS installation kits contain all necessary components (electric control unit and wiring loom) for connecting the sensor safety system. Not included are the indicator lights which must be separately ordered from the respective vehicle manufacturer. Type Installation kit for all SK-S 36.20 PLUS models Installation kit for all SK-S 36.20 PLUS models (ADR version) Order no. 662 129 343 662 129 344 RECOSS® conversion kits All models of the SK-S 36.20 and SK-S 36.20 W can be retro-fitted with our RECOSS 2 sensor safety system. Type Order no. 662 129 188 662 129 189 Conversion kit for SK-S 36.20, complete Conversion kit for SK-S 36.20 W, complete RECOSS® spare parts Item 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 Type Repair kit for lock mechanism SK-S 36.20 S Repair kit for lock mechanism and bearings SK-S 36.20 S Repair kit for lock mechanism SK-S 36.20 WS Repair kit for lock mechanism and bearings SK-S 36.20 WS Coupler jaw SK-S 36.20 S Coupler jaw SK-S 36.20 WS Circlip Automatic latch, complete (2 sensors) Automatic latch, complete Bolts for lock mechanism (M10) Bolts for coupler jaw sensor (M4) Bracket for top plate sensor Bolts for top plate sensor (M6) Wiring loom 2 sensors (8a, 8b, 8c, 8d) Wiring loom 3 sensors (8a, 8b, 8c, 8d) Electronic control unit (ADR / GGVS type) Mounting adaptor for control unit Cable clip Cable tie Labels for indicator lights RECOSS installation and operating manual 31 Pcs. 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 Order no. 662 101 716 662 101 717 662 101 718 662 101 719 662 129 161 662 131 115 659 100 027 662 129 165 662 129 174 659 112 359 659 112 376 662 129 195 659 112 352 662 129 170 662 129 173 662 129 184 662 129 169 662 129 168 659 100 045 662 129 190 662 129 187 SK-S 36.20 H G2 (dual height) Dual height fifth wheel, Generation 2 The Georg Fischer dual height fifth wheel is designed for 2-axle semi-trailer tractors for large-volume transport. The dual height feature allows the use of the same semi-trailer tractor with various trailers. • • • • • • • • Extremely robust and user-friendly Weight optimized model Permanent, maintenance-free bearings Connections for central lubrication Simple and safe wear adjustment Automatic safety lock option Approved for forced steering EU test no.: e 11-00-1381 Ordering instructions • • • • • The standard versions listed are not pre-drilled Mounting hole patterns available for DAF, Mercedes-Benz, IVECO, MAN, Renault, SCANIA, VOLVO Indicate type and coupling point of semi-trailer tractor when ordering The coupling point is measured from the centre of the rear axle to the centre of the kingpin in lowered position The manufacturer's mounting kits are to be used. SK-S 36.20 H G2 Type Spec. Standard Standard Standard SK-S 36.20 H G2 SK-S 36.20 H G2 SK-S 36.20 H G2 Overall height mm 167 - 267 167 - 317 167 - 367 Imposed load t 15 15 15 D-value kN 110 110 110 Weight kg 333 338 340 Dimensions mm 1205 x 980 1205 x 980 1205 x 980 D-value kN 110 110 110 Weight kg 333 338 340 Dimensions mm 1205 x 980 1205 x 980 1205 x 980 D-value kN 110 110 110 Weight kg 333 338 340 Dimensions mm 1205 x 980 1205 x 980 1205 x 980 Weight kg 333 338 340 Dimensions mm 1205 x 980 1205 x 980 1205 x 980 Order no. 662 132 311 662 132 312 662 132 313 SK-S 36.20 HS G2 (RECOSS) Type Spec. SK-S 36.20 HS G2 SK-S 36.20 HS G2 SK-S 36.20 HS G2 Standard Standard Standard Overall height mm 167 - 267 167 - 317 167 - 367 Imposed load t 15 15 15 Order no. 662 132 331 662 132 332 662 132 333 SK-S 36.20 HW G2 (low maintenance fifth wheel plate) Type Spec. SK-S 36.20 HW G2 SK-S 36.20 HW G2 SK-S 36.20 HW G2 Standard Standard Standard Overall height mm 167 - 267 167 - 317 167 - 367 Imposed load t 15 15 15 Order no. 662 132 351 662 132 352 662 132 353 SK-S 36.20 HWS G2 (low maintenance fifth wheel plate, RECOSS) Type Spec. SK-S 36.20 HWS G2 SK-S 36.20 HWS G2 SK-S 36.20 HWS G2 Standard Standard Standard Overall height mm 167 - 267 167 - 317 167 - 367 Imposed load t 15 15 15 D-value kN 110 110 110 Order no. 662 132 371 662 132 372 662 132 373 Lift sub-assembly, complete Type Lift sub-assembly, complete Lift sub-assembly, complete Lift sub-assembly, complete Spec. Standard Standard Standard Overall height mm 167 - 267 167 - 317 167 - 367 32 Weight kg 252 257 259 Dimensions mm 1205 x 980 1205 x 980 1205 x 980 Order no. 662 132 051 662 132 052 662 132 053 Technical data • • • Movement around lateral axis at basic height ±8° Operation: adjustable (to max. 8 bar) in unhitched state by means of the tractor's compressed air system with pneumatic support (air bellows) Coupling point change when adjusting height: 11 mm [267] / 24 mm [317] / 34 mm [367] Dimensions • • • • The fixing holes (max. Ø 21 mm) may be drilled in these 10 areas. Increase number of bolts accordingly when using reduced diameter Mounting hole pattern in accordance with DIN 74081 Subject to modifications in dimensions and design Mounting kits for SK-S 36.20 H G2 Type Mounting kit 726 Mounting kit 728 Mounting kit 729 Mounting kit 730 Mounting kit 731 Mounting IVECO (Stralis), MAN (TGA), DAF (XF95) VOLVO (FH12) SCANIA (CA, LA, DA) Mercedes-Benz (Actros) RENAULT (Magnum, Premium) 33 Model 14 x M16 20 x M14 14 x M18 14 x M20 14 x M16 Order no. 662 101 726 662 101 728 662 101 729 662 101 730 662 101 731 Spare parts SK-S 36.20 H G2 When placing your order, please always indicate the article no. as well as the serial no. of your dual height fifth wheel. Spare parts for fifth wheel plate see spare parts list of the respective fifth wheel type. 34 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 39 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 60 61 62 63 Component (price per piece) Repair kits for rocker bearing (11,23,39) Repair kits for support bearing (19,20,24,25,35) Base plate Gear bolt Actuating rod Left support 100 mm Right support 100 mm Rocker arm Locking lever Toothed wheel Splint pin Stud Right locking plate Left locking plate Guide pipe Washer Hex. bolt Spring washer Hex. bolt Hex. bolt Locking nut Bush Bush Bush Air bellows Air inlet adaptor 90° elbow connector Cap Washer Grease nipple Spring washer Hex. bolt Sealing ring Spacer Spacer set ** Spacing washer Spring lock Spring lock Left support 150 mm Right support 150 mm Left support 200 mm Right support 200 mm Mounting plate Operating valve (3/2-way valve) Pneumatic hose Central lubrication system BEKA-MAX Toothed rack (LHS) Flanged bush Cap head bolt Nut Nut Fifth wheel top plate assembly (available on request) Shaft Hex. bolts Spring pin *) Set contains spacers D 116x80x0.5, D 116x80x1, D 116x80x2 **) Set contains spacers D 80x45x0.5, D 80x45x1, D 80x40.5x2 ***) Set contains spacing washers D 65x40.5x0.5, D 65x40.5x1, D 65x40.5x2 35 Pcs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 1 1 1 4 6 4 4 4 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 3 2 1 2 4 2 Order no. 662 132 195 662 132 196 662 132 105 662 132 161 662 132 162 662 132 122 662 132 123 662 132 165 662 132 170 662 132 119 662 132 205 662 132 110 662 132 111 662 132 155 662 132 120 662 132 206 662 101 359 662 132 202 662 132 203 662 132 211 662 132 215 662 132 132 662 132 130 662 132 146 662 132 200 662 132 135 662 126 493 659 144 142 662 126 204 662 132 214 662 132 208 662 132 207 662 132 201 662 132 198 662 132 197 662 132 199 662 132 172 662 132 171 662 132 125 662 132 126 662 132 128 662 132 129 662 132 139 662 132 156 662 132 169 662 132 041 662 132 173 662 132 174 662 132 381 659 115 313 659 115 312 662 132 292 659 112 627 662 132 293 SK-HD 38.36 Fifth wheels for extra heavy transportation • • • • • Permanent, maintenance-free bearings Conversion from 3½" to 2" and vice versa possible Simple adjustment of lock mechanism Suitable for steering wedge Special pneumatically operated version for harbour application Technical data Type SK-HD 38.36 SK-HD 38.36 SK-HD 38.36.2 SK-HD 38.36.2 • • • Lock size inch 3½" 3½" 2" 2" Overall height mm 150 190 150 190 Imposed load t 36 36 23 23 D-value Weight Angle of inclination Order no. kN 260 260 162 162 kg 185 185 185 185 degree (w1/w2) 12° / 12° 15° / 12° 12° / 12° 15° / 12° 662 111 065 662 111 066 662 111 085 662 111 074 Approved for forced steering EU test no.: e 1-00-0386 (3½") EU test no.: e 1-00-0387 (2") Dimensions Mounting hole pattern according to DIN 74081 Subject to modifications in dimensions and design 36 Spare parts SK-HD 38.36 from serial no. 40001301 Please note: Also applies to the serial no. 40001055-1144 and 40001195-1216 37 Item 1 2 4 6 9 9 10 10a 10b 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16a 17 18 19 19a 19b 20 22 23 24 26 28 32 35 Component (price per piece) 2" Repair kit for locking mechanism and bearings (9,11,12,13,15,18,23) 2" Repair kit for locking mechanism (9,11,12,18) 2" Repair kit for bearings (13,15,23) 2" Repair kit for wear ring (12,18) 3½" Repair kit for locking mechanism and bearings (9,11,12,13,15,18,23) 3½" Repair kit for locking mechanism (9,11,12,18) 3½" Repair kit for bearings (13,15,23) 3½" Repair kit for wear ring (12,18) Conversion kit from 3½" to 2" (9,12,18,24,26) Conversion kit from 2" to 3½" (9,12,18,24,26) Fifth wheel plate Operating handle Mounting bracket 150 mm Mounting bracket 190 mm Coupler jaw, 2" Coupler jaw, 3½" Locking hook Cam Lubrication tube assembly Pin Wear ring 2" Wear ring 3½" Rubber damper Tensioning bar Bearing Tension spring Tension spring Carabiner hook with chain Cap bolt Stud Hex. bolt Cap bolt Washer Grease nipple Hex. bolt Manufacturer's plate Rivet Hammer rivet Fork assembly Safety flange Tube clamp (not shown) Plug for lubrication tube (not shown) 38 Pcs. 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 3 2 2 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Order no. 662 101 706 662 101 708 662 101 457 662 101 710 662 101 707 662 101 709 662 101 457 662 101 711 662 101 704 662 101 705 662 111 254 662 111 276 662 111 293 662 111 256 662 111 249 662 111 247 662 111 239 662 111 317 659 144 106 662 111 344 662 111 342 662 111 343 662 111 259 662 111 258 662 111 264 662 126 410 662 111 130 662 100 574 659 112 624 662 126 449 659 112 359 659 112 358 662 126 175 662 126 224 659 112 510 659 120 380 662 126 173 662 126 151 662 111 314 662 111 281 662 111 345 662 111 346 Spare parts SK-HD 38.36 up to serial no. 40001300 Please note: Spare parts for serial numbers 40001055-1144, 40001195-1216 see new spare parts list from serial no. 40001301. 39 Item 1 2 4 6 9 9 10 10a 10b 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16a 17 18 19 19a 19a 19b 20 22 23 24 26 28 29 30 31 32 35 Component (price per piece) 2" Repair kit for locking mechanism and bearings (9,11,12,13,15,18,23) 2" Repair kit for locking mechanism (9,11,12,18) 2" Repair kit for bearings (13,15,23) 2" Repair kit for wear ring (12,18) 3½" Repair kit for locking mechanism and bearings (9,11,12,13,15,18,23) 3½" Repair kit for locking mechanism (9,11,12,18) 3½" Repair kit for bearings (13,15,23) 3½" Repair kit for wear ring (12,18) Conversion kit from 3½" to 2" (9,12,18,24,26) Conversion kit from 2" to 3½" (9,12,18,24,26) Fifth wheel plate Operating handle Mounting bracket 150 mm Mounting bracket 190 mm Coupler jaw, 2" Coupler jaw, 3½" Locking hook Cam Lubrication tube Pin Wear ring 2" Wear ring 3½" Rubber damper Tensioning bar Bearing Tension spring Tension spring Carabiner hook with chain Cap bolt Stud Hex. bolt Hex. bolt Cap bolt Washer Grease nipple Hex. bolt Manufacturer's plate Rivet Hammer rivet Lubrication tube Lock nut Eyebolt Fork Safety flange 40 Serial no. 651711 - ... 0 - 651710 651711 - ... Pcs. 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 5 3 2 2 8 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Order no. 662 101 453 662 101 455 662 101 457 662 101 563 662 101 454 662 101 456 662 101 457 662 101 564 662 101 431 662 101 432 662 111 254 662 111 276 662 111 293 662 111 256 662 111 249 662 111 247 662 111 239 662 111 317 662 130 118 662 111 316 662 111 319 662 111 250 662 111 259 662 111 258 662 111 264 662 126 410 662 111 130 662 100 574 659 112 363 662 126 449 662 126 172 662 126 172 659 112 358 662 126 175 662 126 224 659 112 510 659 120 380 662 126 173 662 126 151 662 111 289 662 126 176 662 126 465 662 111 314 662 111 281 SK-HD 38.36 G (off-road use) The cast 36t heavy duty fifth wheel • • • • • • Suitable for off-road use with oscillating bearings Max. tilt ± 7° around the longitudinal axis Simple and safe handling 5-stage wear adjustment Quick conversion from 3½" to 2" and back Suitable for steering wedge applications Technical data Type SK-HD 38.36 G SK-HD 38.36.2 G Lock Overall size height inch mm 3½ 290 2 290 D-value kN 260 162 Imposed load t 36 23 Weight Angle of inclination Order no. kg 272 272 degree (w1/w2) 17° / 14° 17° / 14° 662 111 088 662 111 089 Dimensions Mounting hole pattern according to DIN 74081 Subject to modifications in dimensions and design 41 Spare parts SK-HD 38.36 G from serial no. 40001301 Important: Also applies to the serial no. 40001055-1144 and 40001195-1216 42 Item 1 2 9 9 10 10a 10b 11 12 12 16 16a 17 18 19 19a 20 22 24 26 28 35 55 56 57 58 59 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Component (price per piece) Repair kit for locking mechanism 3½" (9,11,12,18) Repair kit for bearing sub-assembly 3 ½" (73,74,78,79,80,81,84,85,86) Repair kit for locking mechanism 2" (9,11,12,18) Repair kit for bearing sub-assembly 2" (73,74,78,79,80,81,84,85,86) Locking mechanism kit (55, 56, 57, 58, 59) Conversion kit 3½" to 2" Conversion kit 2" to 3½" Fifth wheel plate Operating handle Coupler jaw assembly 3½" Coupler jaw assembly 2" Locking hook assembly Cam Lubrication tube assembly Pin Wear ring 3½" Wear ring 2" Tension spring Tension spring Carabiner hook with chain Cap bolt Stud Hex. bolt Washer Grease nipple Manufacturer's plate Rivet Hammer rivet Safety flange Operating handle Stopper Countersunk screw Locking plate Cap bolt Mounting bracket Rocker arm Trunnion pin Bearing sleeve O-ring Spacing washer Plate Counterplate Locking plate Locking plate Hex. bolt Hex. bolt Circlip Spacing washer Cylindrical notched pin Grease nipple assembly Grease nipple Complete base assembly (not shown) 43 Pcs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 8 1 6 Order no. 662 101 456 662 101 487 662 101 455 662 101 487 662 111 313 662 101 704 662 101 705 662 111 261 662 111 276 662 111 247 662 111 249 662 111 239 662 111 317 659 144 106 662 111 347 662 111 343 662 111 342 662 126 410 662 111 130 662 100 574 659 112 624 662 126 449 659 112 359 662 126 175 662 126 224 659 120 380 662 126 173 662 126 151 662 111 281 662 111 297 662 111 296 662 100 371 662 111 298 662 126 155 662 111 299 662 111 303 662 111 306 662 111 300 662 111 301 659 122 075 662 111 304 662 111 307 662 111 305 662 111 308 662 111 203 659 112 320 662 111 302 659 122 074 662 111 311 662 111 312 662 126 224 662 111 096 Spare parts SK-HD 38.36 G up to serial no. 40001300 Important: Spare parts for serial numbers 40001055-1144, 40001195-1216 see new spare parts list from serial no. 40001301. 44 Item 1 2 9 9 10 10a 10b 11 12 12 16 16a 17 18 19 19a 20 22 24 26 28 29 30 31 35 55 56 57 58 59 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Component (price per piece) Repair kit for locking mechanism 3½" (9,11,12,18) Repair kit for bearing sub-assembly 3 ½" (73,74,78,79,80,81,84,85,86) Repair kit for locking mechanism 2" (9,11,12,18) Repair kit for bearing sub-assembly 2" (73,74,78,79,80,81,84,85,86) Locking mechanism kit (55, 56, 57, 58, 59) Conversion kit 2" to 3½" Conversion kit 3½" to 2" Fifth wheel plate Operating handle Coupler jaw assembly 3½" Coupler jaw assembly 2" Locking hook assembly Cam Lubrication tube Pin Wear ring 3½" Wear ring 2" Tension spring Tension spring Carabiner hook with chain Cap bolt Stud Hex. bolt Washer Grease nipple Manufacturer's plate Rivet Hammer rivet Lubrication tube Lock nut Eyebolt Safety flange Operating handle Stopper Countersunk screw Locking plate Cap bolt Complete base assembly (70-86) Mounting bracket Rocker arm Trunnion pin Bearing sleeve O-ring Spacing washer Plate Counterplate Locking plate Locking plate Hex. bolt Hex. bolt Circlip Spacing washer Cylindrical notched pin Grease nipple assembly Grease nipple 45 Pcs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 8 1 6 Order no. 662 101 456 662 101 487 662 101 455 662 101 487 662 111 313 662 101 432 662 101 431 662 111 261 662 111 276 662 111 247 662 111 249 662 111 239 662 111 322 662 130 118 662 111 316 662 111 250 662 111 319 662 126 410 662 111 130 662 100 574 659 112 363 662 126 449 662 126 172 662 126 175 662 126 224 659 120 380 662 126 173 662 126 151 662 111 289 662 126 176 662 126 465 662 111 281 662 111 297 662 111 296 662 100 371 662 111 298 662 126 155 662 111 096 662 111 299 662 111 303 662 111 306 662 111 300 662 111 301 659 122 075 662 111 304 662 111 307 662 111 305 662 111 308 662 111 203 659 112 320 662 111 302 659 122 074 662 111 311 662 111 312 662 126 224 SK-L 26.3 The new "lightweight" for distribution vehicles Specially developed for distribution vehicles, Georg Fischer offers a particularly lightweight and maintenance-friendly fifth wheel with an imposed load of up to 3 tonnes for reliable and flexible application. • • • Maintenance-friendly Higher payload - lower dead weight Optimum component design through spheroidal graphite cast iron construction Technical data Type SK-L 26.3 SK-L 26.3 • • Overall height mm 120 120 D-value kN 22.5 22.5 Weight kg 34.5 34.5 Angle of inclination degree (w1/w2) 30°/17.5° 30°/17.5° Coupling point Order no. from 101 mm up to 100 mm 662 119 005 662 119 006 Later conversion from ..005 to ..006 possible and vice-versa EU test no.: e 1-00-0474 Dimensions Subject to modifications in dimensions and design 46 Spare parts SK-L 26.3 Item 1 2 2a 3 9 10 11 11a 11b 13 14 Component (price per piece) Fifth wheel plate Operating handle for 662,119,005 Operating handle for 662,119,006 Mounting bracket Coupler jaw assembly Locking hook assembly Pin Hex. bolt Nut Rubber bush Trunnion pin 16 17 18 19 19a 19b 23 24 26 28 34 35 35a 35b 35c Tension spring Carabiner hook with chain Cap bolt Stud Hex. bolt Nut Cap bolt Manufacturer's plate D/E/F Rivet (3x8) Hammer rivet Bridge plate Safety flange Hex. bolt Hex. bolt Bush Serial no. 0 - 108683 0 - 108683 108684 - ... 0 - 108683 47 Pcs. 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Order no. 662 119 118 662 119 134 662 119 148 662 119 147 662 119 137 662 119 139 662 119 141 659 112 355 662 126 152 662 119 111 662 119 143 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 662 126 410 662 100 574 659 112 358 662 119 144 659 112 357 659 100 036 659 112 356 659 120 375 662 126 173 662 126 151 662 119 142 662 119 135 659 112 360 659 112 359 662 119 146 Mounting plates without holes for mounting angles Mounting plates serve to attach the fifth wheel to the vehicle and must be securely connected to the frame assembly of the semi-trailer tractor. Georg Fischer mounting plates with diverse heights enable you to optimally take advantage of the permissible total overall heights of tractors. • • • • • • • • Made of high-grade, weldable steel plate Large assortment, optimal design for all tractors and fifth wheels 7 individual mounting plate heights: 12, 16, 22, 40, 50, 100 and 150 mm The combinations of mounting plates and fifth wheels allow 23 different total overall heights and thereby cover all needs from the lowest to the highest construction type Approved for forced steering Mounting hole pattern according to DIN 74081, 74084 and ISO 3842 Wider range of application due to higher imposed load and higher D-value Type approved Mounting plates without holes for mounting angles for fifth wheels up to 22t imposed load Mounting hole pattern according to DIN 74081 / ISO 3842 Type MP 300 MP 299 MP 433 * MP 486 ** Overall Imposed height load mm t 12 22 12 22 12 22 12 20 D-value Weight kN 162,4 162,4 162,4 152,0 kg 64,0 69,0 60,0 44,5 MP 106 22 22 162,4 41,0 MP 199 22 22 162,4 45,0 MP 249 22 22 162,4 48,5 MP 060 MP 078 MP 331 MP 445 40 40 100 150 22 22 16 15 162,4 162,4 108,0 108,0 45,0 49,0 81,0 A B Mounting kit Type approval Order no. EG e11-00-0379 e11-00-0379 e11-00-0382 e11-00-0953 662 101 300 662 101 299 662 101 433 662 101 486 e11-00-0380 662 101 106 e11-00-0380 662 101 199 e11-00-0384 662 101 249 e11-00-0378 e11-00-0378 e11-00-0383 e11-00-0117 662 101 060 662 101 078 662 101 331 662 101 445 Mounting kit Type approval Order no. FW-MP 662 101 553 662 101 551 EG e11-00-0385 e11-00-0387 662 101 301 662 101 274 mm mm 710 960 710 1060 710 960 650 960 FW-MP 662 101 555 662 101 555 662 101 514 662 101 555 662 101 353 / 662 665 960 101 442 662 101 353 / 662 665 1060 101 442 353 / 662 710 1060 662 101 101 442 665 960 662 101 498 665 1060 662 101 498 710 970 662 101 498 665 960 662 101 498 *) for SK-S 36.22 / Overall height 128 mm **) for SK-S 36.20 / Overall height 128 mm (with cutout) Mounting plates without holes for mounting angles for fifth wheels up to 36t imposed load Mounting hole pattern according to DIN 74084 / ISO 3842 Type MP 301 MP 274 * Overall Imposed height load mm t 16 36 50 36 D-value Weight kN 280 220 kg 85,0 72,0 A B mm mm 710 960 730 960 Suitable for SK-HD 38.36 / G *) No stockkeeping, please request price and delivery schedule 48 Special mounting plates without holes for mounting angles No stockkeeping. Prices, delivery schedules and additional pre-drilled mounting plates available by request. Type MP 515 MP 302 * MP 246 ** Overall Imposed height load mm 12 16 40 t 22 36 22 D-value Weight kN 162,4 280,0 162,4 kg 64,0 85,0 45,0 A B mm mm 710 960 710 1060 710 960 Mounting kit Type approval Order no. FW-MP 662 101 555 662 101 553 EG e11-00-0379 e11-00-0385 e11-00-0217 662 101 515 662 101 302 662 101 246 *) for SK-HD 38.36 **) Replaced by MP 060 (Observe special mounting instructions) Dimensions Hole pattern in accordance with DIN 74081/84 and ISO 3842 49 Mounting plates with predrilled holes for mounting angles The following mounting plates are already equipped with the respective mounting hole patterns of the manufacturers. Prices and delivery schedules as well as additional pre-drilled mounting plates available by request. Type MP 526 * MP 532 MP 544 * MP 525 * MP 464 MP 527 * MP 531 MP 512 MP 574 MP 542 MP 511 MP 543 OEM Overall Imposed manufacturer height load hole pattern mm t MB 12 20 IVECO 12 22 IVECO 12 20 MAN 12 20 MAN 12 22 SCANIA 12 20 SCANIA 12 22 DAF 22 22 MAN 22 22 SCANIA 22 22 DAF 40 20 SCANIA 40 22 D-value Weight A B Type approval Order no. kN 152,0 162,4 152,0 152,0 162,4 152,0 162,4 152,0 162,4 162,4 152,0 162,4 kg 40,0 63,0 63,0 40,0 64,0 40,0 64,0 40,0 41,0 41,0 40,0 45,0 mm 650 715 715 650 710 650 710 700 665 665 700 665 mm 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 EG e11-00-0953 e11-00-0379 e11-00-0953 e11-00-0953 e11-00-0379 e11-00-0953 e11-00-0379 e11-00-0952 e11-00-0380 e11-00-0380 e11-00-0951 e11-00-0378 662 101 526 662 101 532 662 101 544 662 101 525 662 101 464 662 101 527 662 101 531 662 101 512 662 101 574 662 101 542 662 101 511 662 101 543 *) for SK-S 36.20 / overall height 128 mm (with cutout) Technical data and fastener sets Mounting hole pattern according to DIN 74084 / ISO 3842 Type MP 526 * MP 532 MP 544 * MP 525 * MP 464 MP 527 * MP 531 MP 512 MP 574 MP 542 MP 511 MP 459 MP 543 Mounting kit MP-VC 662 101 550 IVECO IVECO 662 101 552 662 101 551 663 101 552 662 101 551 662 101 552 Mounting kit FW-MP 662 101 555 662 101 555 662 101 555 662 101 555 662 101 555 662 101 555 662 101 353 / 442 662 101 353 / 442 662 101 353 / 442 662 101 498 662 101 498 662 101 498 A mm 650 715 715 650 710 650 710 700 665 665 700 665 665 *) for SK-S 36.20 / overall height 128 mm (with cutout) 50 B mm 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 960 C mm 50 45 45 50,75 50,75 50 50 50 50,75 50 50 50,75 50 D mm 860 860 860 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 880 E 8 12 12 8 8 8 8 12 8 8 12 8 8 F mm 21 19 19 18 18 19 19 18 18 20 18 18 20 Slider Bolted modular construction Bolt-on slider base and fifth wheel assemblies No welding required Manual or air operation Three different heights to obtain optimal towing height 525mm of travel at 37.5mm increments Self-cleaning for easy trouble-free operation 51 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION TYPE SK-V 20 is produced in two versions: Narrow slider Wide slider Part number Z-662204507 Z-662206401 Overall width 960mm 1060mm Overall length 1250mm 1250mm Sliding distance 525mm 525mm Application suits European models American and Japanese models Suitable for all standard frame hole patterns. Bolt hole centres (width): Narrow slider 880mm, Wide slider 952mm. The slider type SK-V 20 is designed to move the fifth wheel on the tractor unit in a longitudinal direction. The slider has 14 positions at increments of 37.5mm. • • • • • Maximum slider imposed load Maximum D-thrust value Minimum height fifth wheel Slider base thickness Weight 180 kN 135 kN 150mm 35mm 110/120kg These sliders are designed to suit Georg Fischer fifth wheels with heights of 150, 185 and 250mm. 52 Gauge The coupling lock and kingpin are subject to a certain amount of wear. Our reference gauges for 2" and 3½" kingpins and fifth wheels facilitate measurement of wear limits. Check the kingpin for deformation and firm seating. If the readings are lower than the limits shown here, the kingpins or wear rings must be replaced by original Georg Fischer parts. A 3½" reference gauge is under development. Technical data Type gauge Nominal size inch 2" Dimensions Weight Order no. mm 166 x 108 kg 0.155 659 920 032 Operating instructions The gauge surfaces may not slide over the Georg Fischer kingpins. Measure lengthways and crossways, as well as at various heights. After performing these checks, thoroughly coat the semi-trailer plate and the kingpin, as well as the top of the fifth wheel plate, the locking mechanism and the wear ring, using a long-life, high-pressure grease with molybdenum or graphite additive. At short intervals, but at least at every lubrication servicing of the semi-trailer tractor, the fifth wheel, semi-trailer plate and the kingpin must be recoated with lubricant. The reference gauge should not be able to slide into the closed fifth wheel locking mechanism from above. Measure lengthways and crossways. Safety instructions Before hitching, and especially before attaching the semi-trailer for the first time and after each lubrication, ensure that the locking mechanism of the fifth wheel is in the "hitching" position. After hitching by attaching the carabiner hook or by setting the safety lever (with automatic locking), check whether the locking mechanism is completely closed. After hitching the fifth wheel • with carabiner hook: attach it • with automatic latch: check whether it is engaged and the cam does not protrude next to the operating handle Important: Perform PULL TEST in a low gear. 53 5th WHEEL MAINTENANCE PLATE Vehicle Reg 5th Wheel Make Model SN Maintained to Manufactures Date or NZS5450 7.2 & 7.3 Mileage Serviced at Job Number Truck Stops (NZ) Limited P/N 54 Z-020175
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