Navigon Manual


Navigon Manual
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
User's manual
Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
October 2004
Berliner Platz 11
D-97080 Würzburg
Hotline (dtms-Service, 0,12 €/min): +49 180-5-NAVIKIT (+49 180-5-6284548)
The information contained herein may be changed at any time without prior notification. This manual nor any
parts thereof may not be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of
NAVIGON GmbH, nor transmitted in any form either electronically or mechanically, including photocopying and
 Copyright 2004, NAVIGON GmbH
All rights reserved.
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Table of contents
User's manual
Introduction................................................................ 5
Important safety information ............................................. 6
1.1.1 Safety information on navigation ............................. 6
1.1.2 Safety information on the GPS receiver .................... 7
1.1.3 Safety information on the installation in the
vehicle................................................................. 7
Search facilities and conventions........................................ 8
Liability .......................................................................... 8
1.3.1 Support ............................................................... 9
Trademarks .................................................................... 9
Operating mode and Installation .............................. 11
Operating mode of your Navigon Configuration Kit.............. 12
2.1.1 System requirements........................................... 13
2.1.2 Operating mode of your navigation system ............. 14
2.1.3 Hardware components at large .............................. 15
Installation of the navigation system ................................ 16
2.2.1 Software installation ............................................ 17
2.2.2 Transmitting a map extract to your Pocket PC ......... 18
2.2.3 Software registration and activation ....................... 19
2.2.4 Installation in the vehicle...................................... 20
Operating the navigation software............................ 25
Starting Configuration Kit................................................ 26
User interface and basic functionality................................ 27
3.2.1 Icons ................................................................. 28
Indicating destinations.................................................... 30
3.3.1 Entering a destination manually............................. 31
3.3.2 Selecting a special destination............................... 33
3.3.3 Selecting destinations from the Outlook contacts
list .................................................................... 37
3.3.4 Indicating destinations on the map ........................ 39
3.3.5 Saved destinations .............................................. 41
3.3.6 Recent destinations ............................................. 42
3.3.7 Save and use your home address .......................... 43
3.3.8 Voice command................................................... 44
Working with the map .................................................... 45
3.4.1 Operating the map .............................................. 46
3.4.2 Representation of the map in navigation mode ........ 50
3.4.3 Displaying additional information on the map .......... 52
Table of contents
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Navigation and Itinerary planning ............................ 55
General notes on navigation ............................................ 56
Navigating to a destination.............................................. 57
Navigating to several destinations (Itinerary planning) ........ 58
4.3.1 Working on itineraries, storage and management..... 60
4.3.2 Simulating the route ............................................ 61
Functions which are useful for navigation .......................... 62
4.4.1 Displaying the Way list ......................................... 62
4.4.2 Adding a stage point during navigation ................... 63
4.4.3 Blocking a route section ....................................... 64
4.4.4 Using TMC functionality for navigation purposes....... 65
4.4.5 Keeping the logbook ............................................ 68
Special NCK functions ............................................... 71
Configuration settings of the NCK.INI file .......................... 72
5.1.1 Setting size and position of the application
window .............................................................. 72
5.1.2 File interface....................................................... 73
5.1.3 Navigating to the destination of a destination file ..... 77
5.1.4 GPS-data ........................................................... 78
5.1.5 Simulation mode ................................................. 79
User defined POIs .......................................................... 82
Tracks.......................................................................... 83
5.3.1 Structure of a track file ........................................ 84
5.3.2 Activating track recording ..................................... 85
5.3.3 Recording tracks ................................................. 86
Communication with NCK via the Windows message
interface....................................................................... 88
5.4.1 Registering your application with NCK .................... 88
5.4.2 Transmitting GPS-data ......................................... 89
5.4.3 Navigation status ................................................ 90
5.4.4 Converting coordinates into addresses.................... 91
5.4.5 Converting addresses into coordinates.................... 92
5.4.6 Checking NCK version and build numbers ............... 92
5.4.7 Arriving at the destination .................................... 93
5.4.8 Terminating NCK ................................................. 94
5.4.9 Transmitting a new destination.............................. 95
5.4.10 Windows Messages Examples ................................ 96
Additional software: MapExport .............................. 107
Functionality of MapExport ............................................ 108
6.1.1 Map export and transmission .............................. 108
6.1.2 Transmission of provided map extracts ................. 108
Working with maps ...................................................... 114
6.3.1 Loading and displaying maps .............................. 114
6.3.2 Icons ............................................................... 116
Exporting segments of the map ..................................... 118
6.4.1 Corridor surrounding an itinerary ......................... 118
6.4.2 Zone ............................................................... 127
Transmitting segments of the base map .......................... 130
interface and basic functionality............................
Starting MapExport............................................
Operating elements ...........................................
Hot keys ..........................................................
Structure of the windows....................................
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Additional software: SkinEditor .............................. 133
Skin creation............................................................... 134
Selecting a Skin in Configuration Kit ............................... 135
Appendix................................................................. 137
Annex A: Configuration of Configuration Kit .....................
8.1.1 Info on the map ................................................
8.1.2 Itinerary info ....................................................
8.1.3 Volume ............................................................
8.1.4 Representation..................................................
8.1.5 Auto mode .......................................................
8.1.6 Speed profile ....................................................
8.1.7 Logbook...........................................................
8.1.8 Keys................................................................
8.1.9 Itinerary ..........................................................
8.1.10 Format.............................................................
8.1.11 GPS.................................................................
8.1.12 TMC ................................................................
8.1.13 Home address...................................................
Annex B: GPS receiver.................................................. 143
8.2.1 Equipping the GPS receiver ................................. 144
C: Problem solutions...........................................
Installation .......................................................
Performance .....................................................
GPS receiver.....................................................
Glossary .................................................................. 149
10 Index
................................................................... 151
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Topics covered in this chapter:
1.1 Important safety information
page 6
Safety information on navigation
Safety information on the GPS receiver
Safety information on the installation in the vehicle
1.2 Search facilities and conventions
page 8
1.3 Liability
page 8
1.4 Trademarks
page 9
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Important safety information
In your own interest, read the following notices and safety
information carefully before starting up your navigation system.
Notice: This manual explicitly treats Pocket PCs as navigation
devices. Nevertheless, any indication made in this manual may as
well be regarded for other devices (e.g. Windows CE devices).
Safety information on navigation
The use of Configuration Kit may only be effected at your own
Attention: To protect yourself and others from accidents please
do not operate the navigation system while driving!
Attention: You must not look at the display except when it is
absolutely safe to do so!
Attention: The road layout and the traffic signs are absolutely
prior to the instructions of the navigation system.
Attention: You must not follow the instructions of
Configuration Kit except when the circumstances and the road
traffic regulations allow doing so. Configuration Kit will guide
you to your destination even when you have left your planned
Notice: We recommend to effect route planning before beginning
the journey. If you are on the road and you want to establish a
new itinerary, please drive to the next parking site!
Notice: If you have not understood the instructions or if you are
not sure about what to do next you may quickly refer to the map
or arrow view of your navigation system.
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Safety information on the GPS receiver
Attention: As it is not waterproof, don’t expose your GPS
receiver to water!
Attention: Do not install the cable next to security relevant
equipment and supply lines.
Attention: Please check the security relevant equipment when
you have installed the navigation system.
Attention: The GPS receiver should be disconnected from the
power supply while your car is parking. As it spends energy
permanently you might risk discharging the car battery.
Attention: The installation of the GPS receiver must not interfere
with the sure operation of your car.
Notice: Do not varnish the GPS receiver. Doing so might impede
the reception of GPS signals.
Notice: Do not use any harsh solvents for cleaning the GPS
receiver. A damp cloth is sufficient! You might damage the case
of the GPS receiver.
Notice: Do not unplug by pulling the cable. This might damage
the cable!
Notice: Do not fold the cable. Check that the cable may not be
damaged by any sharp object.
Safety information on the installation in the vehicle
Attention: Do not fix the holder within the deployment zone of
Attention: When you install the holder, please check that it may
not constitute any safety risk, even in case of an accident.
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Search facilities and conventions
Find information
This manual offers the following search facilities:
In the footnote at the bottom of the page, you may check
which chapter and which section you are actually reading.
A glossary at the end of the manual contains explanations on
the technical terms used in this manual.
An index at the end of the manual allows precise search for
the information contained in this manual.
The conventions on the fonts and symbols used in this manual
are explained in the two following tables:
Buttons, icons, names of entry fields,
and elements of the software’s user
interface. Also used for highlighting
warnings and notices.
bold italic
Registered names and trademarks.
Window and dialogue box titles.
Source code
File names and source code.
Indicates hints and notices that may
ease the use of Configuration Kit.
Indicates additional information.
Warns against dangers that might cause
damage to objects and persons.
Limitation of liability
The software and the manual are subject to change without
notice. NAVIGON GmbH may not be liable for the correctness of
the information contained in this manual nor for damages
resulting from the use of this manual.
To improve the quality of our products and our services, we
appreciate all suggestions for improvement and all error notices.
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
You need help?
Call our support staff for Telephone support:
Mondays to Fridays 9am to 6pm
+49 180-5-NAVIKIT (0180-5-6284548)
(dtms-Service, 0,12 €/min)
Or call our Fax support:
+49 180-5-6284444
(dtms-Service, 0,12 €/min)
On the web site of NAVIGON GmbH (
you will find a Support section with a FAQ-list which gives
answers to frequently asked questions.
All brands and trademarks mentioned in this document are
possibly registered by third party and subject to the current
legislation and to the rights of their respective owners without
reservation. All mentioned names of products, societies, or
brands may be registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Every right that is not explicitly accorded is reserved.
The absence of an explicit labelling of registered trademarks does
not allow the conclusion that this brand was not subject to the
rights of third party.
Outlook, Windows and ActiveSync are registered trademarks
of the Microsoft Corporation.
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Operating mode and
Topics covered in this chapter:
2.1 Operating mode of your Navigon Configuration Kit
page 12
System requirements
Operating mode of your navigation system
Hardware components at large
2.2 Installation of the navigation system
page 16
Software installation
Transmitting a map extract to your Pocket PC
Software registration and activation
Installation in the vehicle
Operating mode and Installation
- 11 -
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Operating mode of your Navigon Configuration Kit
Configuration Kit
NAVIGON Configuration Kit (NCK) is a Software Development
Kit designed for corporate clients. Via an interface, it may directly
be connected to an order processing system; it gives useful hints
to optimise route planning and thus relieves order processing. For
example, office workers may directly transfer data from the data
base of clients to the NCK.
The big advantage of the NCK is its instant applicability on all
corporate requests and its easy integration into all relevant
processes. The technical basis of the NCK is our highly distinct
and well proven navigation software.
Mobility is the decisive factor for even more comfortable
navigation systems. Nowadays, systems must not be built-in into
the vehicle. The user must be able to carry them with him. The
navigation software being installed on a laptop, a PDA or on
another Windows CE client, its use is no more restricted to one
single vehicle. Its service may be requested in different
situations. Field workers or sales representatives may become
remarkably more efficient by using route planning or CRM
software. They may communicate directly with the departments
of their companies and thus better attend their clients.
.INI commands
With Configuration Kit you may easily realise the connection to
third-party systems (like route planning, order processing or
resource planning) for transmitting coordinates or address
information by entering .INI parameters.
For detailed information on the .INI commands, please refer to
"Special NCK functions", page 71.
With the Configuration Kit navigation system, you will not only
arrive quickly and safely at your destination. It is the perfect tool
for increasing the efficiency of your mobile navigation.
efficient and transparent route planning
quick Return-on-Investment
stress reduction for its users
unnecessary to know the places you want to go to
comfortable import of POIs
intuitive and easy use of the navigation system as manual
entries are not necessary
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
System requirements
Supported platforms
The following minimum requirements must be fulfilled for a
trouble-free use of NAVIGON Configuration Kit:
For laptops: Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4, Windows XP
with Service Pack 1)
For PDAs: Windows Mobile 2003
Notice: Support for further platforms is currently being
Pentium PC 266 MHz
Microsoft Windows 2000 (with SP4) or XP (with SP1)
32-x CD-ROM Drive
64 MB RAM (128 MB RAM recommended)
VGA Graphics Adapter with at least 32000 colours
Microsoft compatible mouse
about 40 MB of free hard disk capacity for the program data
optional: about 1.1 GB of free hard disk capacity for the
complete map of Europe
Pocket PC
ARM processor
Windows Mobile 2003
Notice: This manual explains the operation of the software on a
Pocket PC. The operation on a laptop works the same way.
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Operating mode of your navigation system
Based on satellites the Global Positioning System (GPS)
determines your current geographical position. The GPS has
originally been developed as a weapon guidance system for the
American forces.
Operating mode of
the GPS
The GPS is based on 24 satellites which are in orbit round the
earth. They are permanently emitting the time and their current
position. The GPS receiver receives this information and
calculates the longitude and the latitude of its own actual
The signals of at least three satellites are needed to determine
the longitude and the latitude. With the signals of at least four
satellites the elevation may be calculated, too. The determination
has an accuracy of about 3 yards.
Traffic information
with TMC)
The Traffic Message Channel (TMC) provides the navigation
system with the latest traffic information. A TMC module which is
available as accessory receives these signals broadcasted by
radio stations.
Operating mode of
the TMC
The traffic situation on highways, motorways, and other routes is
checked by jam sensors or by the police and other persons. The
collected traffic data is transmitted to traffic guidance centres
where they are evaluated and sent to the radio stations. The
stations are broadcasting the data inaudibly via RDS (Radio Data
The TMC-receiver extracts the TMC data from the RDS signal and
provides the navigation software with them. Current traffic
obstructions may then be displayed. The reported obstructions
may be considered for route calculation. In case of obstructions
on the computed itinerary they may be used for computing an
alternative route which evades the obstruction.
Configuration Kit features dynamic navigation which is well
adapted to the current traffic situation.
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Hardware components at large
components of your
navigation system
(Pocket PC)
Bluetooth and TMC are optional modules
Operating mode of
your navigation
The so-called base map (e.g. of Europe) and a software designed
for exporting extracts of this base map are installed on your PC.
Via ActiveSync you may transmit areas of the base map to your
Pocket PC. Itinerary planning may be done as well on your PC as
on your Pocket PC.
Notice: As your Pocket PC disposes of limited memory (64MB in
most of the cases) you may transmit only areas of the base map.
If you dispose of a 256MB storage card you may transmit a map
of Great Britain to your Pocket PC.
On your Pocket PC, you may use the map for navigation by
defining the destination. The software communicates with the
GPS receiver (via connection cable or via Bluetooth) to determine
your current position. If you dispose of the TMC module the
system is provided with the latest traffic information and may
calculate an alternative route evading possible obstructions.
Storage of the base map (e.g. of Europe)
Exportation of areas of the base map (MapExport)
Skin design (SkinEditor)
Itinerary planning
Transmission of segments of the base map to the Pocket PC
Pocket PC
Itinerary planning based on the transmitted areas of the base
Street navigation (with GPS receiver)
Determination of the current position
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Installation of the navigation system
Quick-start guide…
You must carry out the following procedures before using
Configuration Kit:
Case A: Installation
on a Pocket PC
You need a PC for installation. All software components necessary
for navigation will be installed on your Pocket PC. MapExport
(exportation and transmission of areas of the base map) and
SkinEditor (personalisation of your navigation software) will be
installed on your PC.
Case B: Installation
on a laptop
All software components necessary for navigation will be installed
on your laptop. MapExport (exportation and transmission of
areas of the base map) and SkinEditor (personalisation of your
navigation software) will also be installed.
Notice: Ignore the instructions given in "Transmitting a map
extract to your Pocket PC", page 18.
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Software installation
You must install software on your PC and, where appropriate, on
your Pocket PC before you can use your navigation system.
At the beginning of the installation process, the base map (e.g. of
Europe) and the MapExport software (which is designed for
defining and exporting your own areas of the base map and for
transmitting them to your laptop or to your Pocket PC) will be
installed on your PC.
At the end of the same process, the Configuration Kit
navigation software will be installed on your Pocket PC (when
Installing the
software on a
Pocket PC...
1. Establish an ActiveSync connection between your PC and
your Pocket PC (for details, please refer to the manual of your
Pocket PC).
2. Insert the Configuration Kit CD-ROM 1 into your CD-ROM
The installation procedure starts automatically.
Notice: If the installation procedure does not start
automatically, open the Windows Explorer, double-click the
entry of your CD-ROM drive and double-click Setup.exe.
3. Follow the instructions of the installation software.
The navigation software will be installed on your Pocket PC
when the installation process on your PC is finished.
Installing the
software on a
1. Insert the Configuration Kit CD-ROM 1 into your CD-ROM
The installation procedure starts automatically.
Notice: If the installation procedure does not start
automatically, open the Windows Explorer, double-click the
entry of your CD-ROM drive and double-click Setup.exe.
2. Follow the instructions of the installation software.
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Transmitting a map extract to your Pocket PC
Notice: If you have purchased a storage card with a map for
your Pocket PC, you don’t need to transmit a map extract. In this
case, proceed as described in “Software registration and
activation”, page 19.
Before using your navigation software, you must export a map
extract to your PC and transmit it to your Pocket PC.
Exporting maps…
Precondition: your Pocket PC is connected to your PC via an
ActiveSync connection.
1. On your PC, start the MapExport software by clicking on
Start > Programs > > Navigon GmbH > NCK 4.0
PocketPC > MapExport.
For details on this software, please refer to “Additional
software: MapExport”, page 107.
2. Define the segment of the base map you want to transmit to
your Pocket PC:
You want to...
select an already exported
click the Archive icon
define a rectangular segment,
click the Zone icon
define a map corridor by
determining the stages of an
click the Corridor icon
The software calculates the data and indicates the storage
capacity required by the defined segment.
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Notice: The size of the defined segment must not exceed the
available storage capacity on your Pocket PC.
3. Click the Via ActiveSync button to transmit the selected map
to your pocket PC.
The map will be transmitted to the Pocket PC and then be
ready for navigation purposes.
Software registration and activation
Activation code
At the first start of Configuration Kit you will be prompted to
enter an activation code. You cannot start the software without
entering this code.
To obtain the activation code, you will need the serial number
which is printed on the back of the Configuration Kit booklet
and the number which is indicated at the first start of the
With these two numbers you may obtain the activation code:
in the web on or
by phone from our support staff for Germany, Austria and
+49 180-5-NAVIKIT (+49 180-5-6284466)
(dtms-Service, 0,12 €/min).
Enter the activation code into the respective entry field and tap
the OK button or the ENTER-key of the on-screen keyboard.
Notice: Keep the activation code at a safe place. You might neet
it later, e.g. when you reinstall the software on your device.
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Installation in the vehicle
Mount the holder of the Pocket PC and the GPS receiver before
you use the navigation system. You will also have to initialise the
GPS receiver and, if purchased, the TMC module.
Notice: The holder and the adapter of the Pocket PC are not
supplied within the delivery.
Mounting and connecting the Pocket PC
Attention: The mounted holder must not impede the driver’s
attention on the traffic. If this is not possible, mount the holder
somewhere else so that safe driving is granted.
Connecting the
Pocket PC...
1. Attach the cradle of the Pocket PC to the swan-neck mount.
Notice: Take notice of the inscription on the swan-neck
mount. The arrow with the inscription close must show in
snap-on direction. The connection must snap on audibly.
2. Place the suction cup on the windscreen. Press the lever
firmly to the windscreen before switching it.
3. Put the Pocket PC into the cradle. Make sure that it is held
4. Plug the adapter into the socket at the bottom of the
Pocket PC.
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Mounting and connecting the GPS receiver
Attention: The mounted GPS receiver must not impede the
driver’s attention on traffic.
Connecting the GPS
1. Place the GPS receiver horizontally under the windscreen, as
far forwards as possible.
Notice: The reception of GPS-signals may be obstructed by
windscreen heating wires, by a windscreen aerial, or when the
windscreen is metallised. In this case you might use an
external vehicle antenna which may be ordered from our
support team.
2. Plug the connection cable of the GPS receiver to the
respective socket of the adapter which connects the Pocket PC
to the power supply.
3. Plug the jack of the adaptor into the socket of the cigarette
4. Turn the GPS receiver on.
Bluetooth module
4a Slide the Bluetooth-module into the respective slot of the
4b Start Configuration Kit on your Pocket PC to establish the
Bluetooth connection.
Notice: For detailed information on Bluetooth connections
between your Pocket PC and other Bluetooth-devices, please
refer to the manual of your Pocket PC.
4c At the first connection via Bluetooth, you will be prompted to
enter a code. Enter 0000.
5. On the main screen, tap the Configuration button.
The CONFIGURATION screen opens.
6. Via the arrow buttons, select GPS.
7. Tap the Type of receiver field and indicate the type of your
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
You have…
the expandable NAVIGON GPSreceiver,
select Navigon Modular.
a non-expandable NAVIGON GPSreceiver with TMC,
select Navigon with
a non-expandable NAVIGON GPSreceiver without TMC,
select Navigon without
a GPS-receiver of another brand,
select Other receiver.
8. Tap the at field and indicate the COM-port.
Notice: If you have established a wire connection, it is
normally COM-Port 1.
When you establish a Bluetooth-connection for the first time,
you are normally prompted which COM-port is used. When
you connect a HP Ipaq 3870, 3970, 2210, 5450, or 5550, it is
COM-Port 8. For a HP Ipaq 1940 it is COM-Port 5. For a HP
Ipaq 4150 it is COM-Port 6.
9. If you are using a GPS-receiver of another brand than
NAVIGON (Type: Other receiver), enter the respective Baud
rate into the Baud field.
The blue LED at the GPS-receiver shines when the connection
is established.
9a If you dispose of the TMC-module, slide it into the respective
slot of the GPS-receiver.
9b Plug the Chinch jack of the aerial supplied within the delivery
into the respective socket of the GPS-receiver.
Notice: Instead of using the supplied aerial you may connect
the receiver to the external vehicle antenna using a Yadapter. This Y-adapter is available from our support.
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Initialising the GPS receiver and the TMC module
Initialisation of the
TMC module
The initialisation process of the TMC module starts automatically.
Within a few seconds, the colour of the TMC icon in
Configuration Kit changes from red (no TMC reception) to
orange (Search) and finally to green (TMC reception). The
number on the icon indicates the number of received traffic
Notice: If the TMC icon does not become green, the receiver
may not be connected correctly. Check the fit of the TMC module
and all cable connections.
The TMC symbol is also red when no TMC module is inserted into
the GPS receiver.
For details on the operation of the TMC module, please refer to
“Using TMC functionality”, page 65.
Initialisation of the
GPS receiver
The initialisation process of the GPS receiver starts automatically.
Within 15 seconds the colour of the GPS icon in Configuration
Kit changes from red (No GPS signal) to orange (GPS signals
insufficient). The number on the GPS icon indicates the number
of satellites from which signals are being received. When the
signals of more than 3 satellites are being received, the GPS icon
becomes green (GPS ready). This process may take about 20
minutes. When the GPS icon becomes green earlier, it would be
good to leave the GPS receiver turned on for about 15 more
minutes in order to grant its correct operation.
The initialisation process is finished when the reception of more
than 3 satellites is indicated after about 20 seconds.
Notice: This initialisation process must be carried out only once.
The other times, the GPS receiver will be ready within about one
Notice: When the GPS receiver is connected to the power supply
for the first time, leave it connected for about 2 hours in order to
charge its battery.
Notice: A new initialisation may become necessary when the
GPS receiver has not been in use. In this case, the initialisation
process would take about 10 minutes.
Attention: Disconnect the receiver from the power supply when
you are leaving the car parked for a longer period. Failure to do
so might result in a flat battery as the recever consumes
electricity permanently.
For details on the operation of your GPS receiver, please refer to
“Icons”, page 28, and to “Annex B: GPS receiver”, page 142.
Operating mode and Installation
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Operating the navigation
Topics covered in this chapter:
3.1 Starting Configuration Kit
page 26
3.2 User interface and basic functionality
page 27
3.3 Indicating destinations
page 30
Entering a destination manually
Selecting a special destination
Selecting destinations from the Outlook contacts list
Indicating destinations on the map
Saved destinations
Recent destinations
Save and use your home address
Voice command
3.4 Working with the map
page 45
Operating the map
Representation of the map
Displaying additional information on the map
Operating the navigation software
- 25 -
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Starting Configuration Kit
You have carried out installation and activation of Configuration
Kit as described in “Installation of the navigation system”,
page 16.
Starting the
navigation software…
1. Turn on your Pocket PC.
2. Start Configuration Kit by tapping Start > Programs >
Navigon GmbH > NCK 4.0 PocketPC.
The Main screen opens:
Main screen
All functions of the program are accessible via the Main
One destination
Tap this button to indicate a destination for navigation (one
For details, please refer to “Indicating destinations”, page 30.
Tap this button to navigate to your home address.
For details, please refer to “Save and use your home address”,
page 43.
Tap this icon to indicate a stored destination by voice.
For details, please refer to “Voice command”, page 44.
Notice: Voice commands are not supported on laptops.
Operating the navigation software
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Several destinations
Tap this button for itinerary planning purposes.
For details, please refer to “Navigating to several destinations
(Itinerary planning)”, page 58.
Display the map
Tap this button to display the map currently in use.
Select a map
Tap this button to select another map which is stored on your
Pocket PC.
Notice: You can’t profit from this function unless you have
installed MapExport on your PC.
For details, please refer to “Working with the map”, page 45.
Tap this button to modify the settings of Configuration Kit.
For details, please refer to “Annex A: Configuration of
Configuration Kit”, page 138.
Tap this button to quit Configuration Kit.
User interface and basic functionality
In order to offer a maximum of flexibility and convenience for the
operation of Configuration Kit there is three ways to make
tapping with the stylus,
tapping with your finger, or
via the hardware keys of your Pocket PC.
Moreover, you may indicate a saved destination by voice to start
navigation to it.
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The following buttons appear on the bottom line of every
Configuration Kit screen:
Tap this icon to return to the previous screen. This icon is only
available when you have opened another screen before.
Main screen
Tap this icon to open the main screen. This icon is not available
on the main screen.
Tap this icon to access the logbook functions.
For details on the logbook functions, please refer to “Keeping the
logbook”, page 68.
Tap this icon to display TMC information.
For details on the TMC functionality, please refer to “Using TMC
functionality”, page 65.
The colour of this icon and the number displayed on it have the
following significance:
A GPS receiver is not connected or the
power supply is interrupted.
orange + number of
received satellites
A GPS receiver is connected, but the
received signals are not convenient
for navigation purposes (e.g. because
you are in a closed building).
green + number of
received satellites
The signals are convenient. Navigation
may begin.
Tap the GPS icon to display the current GPS status:
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Greenwich Mean Time
Time of London ignoring daylight saving
Longitude /
Current position:
Indication of east longitude and north
Number of received satellites. At least three
satellites must be received for navigation
Horizontal Dilution of Precision:
Indicates the quality of position
determination. Theoretically any value from 0
to 50 may occur. The smaller the value, the
more accurate is the position determination
(value 0 = no deviation from the real
position). Values up to 8 are convenient for
navigation purposes.
Indicates your current speed.
Indicates the address of your current
Save current
Tap this button to add the current address to
the saved destinations list.
Tap this button to quit the GPS screen.
Tap this icon to start another program on your Pocket PC without
quitting Configuration Kit. This may be useful if, e.g., you want
to modify a contact’s address data without interrupting the
navigation. Tap this icon again to return to Configuration Kit.
Notice: This icon is not available on a laptop.
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Indicating destinations
Basic principle of
The indication of destinations is the basis of navigation
respectively of itinerary planning. In this chapter, you will learn
about the possibilities to indicate and manage destinations in
Configuration Kit.
For details on destination management, please refer to
“Navigation and Itinerary planning”, page 55.
Indicating a
In Configuration Kit there are several possibilities to enter or to
select destinations:
Manual address entry, see page 31.
Via the Special destinations function, see page 33.
Via the Outlook contacts folder, see page 37.
By indication on the map, see page 39.
By selection from the Saved destinations list, see page 41.
By selection from the Recent destinations list, see page 42.
Via the Home icon, see page 43.
By Voice command, see page 44.
Via a destination file, see page 77.
Via Windows Messages, see page 88.
Destination screen
If you want to plan an itinerary or to navigate to a certain
destination, you have to indicate destinations. The DESTINATION
screen is the starting point for the indication or selection of a
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Entering a destination manually
Database of places
The data of all places covered by the currently loaded map is
stored in the database of places. You need not enter the complete
names of towns and streets as Configuration Kit lists
automatically all names that match with your entry. If you enter
for example “be” into the Town entry field you will obtain a list of
all towns beginning with “be” or having “be” into their names.
You may then select the correct entry or enter more letters to
shorten the results list.
Selecting the screen
You may carry out entries using the standard screen keyboard or
the mobile phone screen keyboard. .
The mobile phone screen keyboard is designed to make entries
by tapping with the finger. You need not enter special characters
on the mobile phone screen keyboard. Configuration Kit will
recognize them automatically. Example: if you are looking for a
French town called “Héroïnès”, simply tap “Heroines” on the
mobile phone screen keyboard.
Select a screen keyboard by tapping the respective icon at the
bottom of the screen. The icon of the active screen keyboard is
highlighted in orange.
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Indicating a
1. On the main screen tap One destination.
The DESTINATION screen opens.
2. Tap the Country entry field and select the destination
Notice: If you want to dispose of the destinations of all
countries covered by the currently loaded map, select All
countries. Note that in this case you may not enter a
postcode to indicate the destination town.
3. Tap the Address entry field.
The ADDRESS screen opens:
4. Enter the destination town into the Town entry field. Enter
either its name or its postcode.
5. Enter the destination street into the Street entry field. Enter
a house number into the field at the right hand side if
Notice: If the house numbers of the respective street are
stored in the database of places, you may tap the field
besides the Street field.
If no house numbers are stored, the respective field is
deactivated. The software navigates to the respective street.
6. Enter the name of a crossroad into the Intersection entry
field if you want to define an intersection as destination point
(e.g. because the house number is not available).
7. Tap the Save button if you want to navigate more often to
the entered destination. You may then quickly select it from
the Saved destinations list.
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Selecting a special destination
Special destinations
Special destinations, also known as POIs (Points of Interest), are
stored in the database of places and may be displayed on the
map. Ports, airports, restaurants, hotels, petrol stations, public
buildings, and others belong to the special destinations.
Indicate a special destination by selecting one
on the map, see “Indicating destinations on the map”,
page 39,
of superregional significance, or
in another town.
Notice: With Configuration Kit, you may as well define your
own POIs and use them for navigation purposes. For further
information, please refer to "User defined POIs", page 82.
Selecting a special
1. On the DESTINATION screen, tap the Special destination
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Special destinations nearby
Notice: You may only display special destinations nearby when
the GPS receiver is connected and when your current position can
be determined.
Selecting a special
destination nearby...
2. On the SPECIAL DESTINATIONS screen, tap the Nearby button.
3. Enter the radius around your current position within which
you want to search for special destinations into the Radius
entry field.
4. Select the main category of special destinations to search for
from the left one of the two Category list fields, e.g.
“Garages”. Only special destinations situated within the
indicated radius will be displayed.
5. Select the sub-category of special destinations to search for
into the right one of the two Category list fields, e.g. “BMW”,
“Ford”, “Volkswagen”.
Notice: If you leave the Sub-category field empty, all
special destinations matching with the selected main category
will be listed in the Special destination list field.
6. Select the correct destination from the Special destination
list field.
All special destinations matching your entries are listed,
including their linear distance from your current position:
7. Tap the Save button if you want to navigate more often to
the entered destination. You may then quickly select it from
the Saved destinations list.
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Special destinations of supraregional interest
Selecting a special
destination of
2. On the SPECIAL DESTINATIONS screen, tap the Of
superregional significance button.
screen opens:
3. Select the main category of special destinations to search for
from the Category list field, e.g. “Airports”.
4. Select the correct destination from the Special destination
list field.
5. Tap the Save button if you want to navigate more often to
the entered destination. You may then quickly select it from
the Saved destinations list.
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Special destination in another town
Selecting a special
destination in
another town...
2. On the SPECIAL DESTINATIONS screen, tap the In another
town button.
3. Enter the name of the town in which you want to search for
special destinations into the Town field.
4. Select the main category of special destinations to search for
from the left one of the two Category list fields, e.g.
“Nightlife”. Only special destinations matching your Town and
Category entries are listed.
5. Select the sub-category of special destinations to search for
into the right one of the two Category list fields, e.g. “Bar”,
“Cinema”, …
6. Select the correct destination from the Special destination
list field.
Notice: If you leave the Sub-category field empty, all
special destinations matching with the selected main category
will be listed in the Special destination list field.
If you leave both the Category and the Sub-category fields
empty, all special destinations situated in the selected town
will be listed in the Special destination list field.
7. Tap the Save button if you want to navigate more often to
the entered destination. You may then quickly select it from
the Saved destinations list.
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Selecting destinations from the Outlook contacts list
Using Outlook
contactsAddresses as
Any address from the Outlook contacts list on your Pocket PC
may be used as destination for navigation or itinerary planning
In order to identify an address clearly and without ambiguity,
town, postcode, street, and house number should be indicated.
Notice: Only contacts the address of which is covered by the
currently loaded map may be used for navigation or itinerary
planning purposes.
Notice: This functionality is not available on a laptop.
Incomplete address
If an address cannot be identified without ambiguity e.g. because
there are two towns with the same name on the map,
Configuration Kit lists them all, indicating their postcodes and
districts. Select the respective town and tap OK.
If the town has been found but the street of the contact is not
indicated, you will be guided to the centre of this town.
To avoid problems, the addresses from your Outlook contacts list
should be complete.
Selecting a contact’s
1. On the DESTINATION screen, tap the Contacts button.
Your Pocket PC’s contacts list opens.
2. Tap the respective contact’s entry and hold until you get the
context menu:
3. Tap NCK.
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3a The following screen opens when there was more than one
address to be found for the respective contact:
3b Tap the OK button which belongs to the address you want to
use as destination.
Configuration Kit adopts the address.
4. Tap the Save button if you want to navigate more often to
this contact. You may then quickly select the address from
the Saved destinations list.
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Indicating destinations on the map
You may indicate a destination directly on the map. In addition to
towns and streets, you may also select special destinations
Indicating a
destination on the
1. On the main screen tap One destination.
The DESTINATION screen opens.
2. Tap the Indicate on map button.
The map screen opens:
3. Tap on the place you want to determine as destination and
A circle of red points appears round the selected place:
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Database information on the respective place will be loaded
and displayed:
4. Tap the Task field.
The TASK screen opens where you may indicate how to
5. Select Start navigation from the list to navigate to the
respective place.
Tap the Save button if you want to navigate more often to
the entered destination. You may then quickly select it from
the Saved destinations list.
The TASK screen closes and the tasc is indicated in the Task
field of the precedent screen.
6. Tap the Execute button.
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Saved destinations
Saved destinations
All destinations you have saved by tapping the Save button are
listed on the SAVED DESTINATIONS screen. . On this screen you
select destinations for navigation purposes,
rename destinations, and
delete destinations from the list.
Take over
1. Tap the Saved destinations button.
2. Tap the entry of the respective destination.
Notice: The list may be scrolled via the “up” and “down”
icons. You may as well enter the first letter of the respective
destination. The list will then automatically scroll to the first
destination matching your entry.
3. Tap OK.
The destination will be taken over. The address is entered into
the respective fields.
Renaming a
1. Tap the Saved destinations button.
2. Tap the entry of the destination to be renamed.
3. Tap the Rename icon.
The SAVE AS… dialog box opens.
4. Enter the new name.
5. Tap OK.
The destination is now renamed.
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Deleting a
1. Tap the Saved destinations button.
2. Tap the entry of the destination to be deleted.
3. Tap the Delete icon.
The destination is now deleted.
Recent destinations
Recent destinations
All destinations you have navigated to recently are listed on the
RECENT DESTINATIONS screen. On this screen you may:
select destinations for navigation purposes,
Add destinations to the Saved destinations list, and
delete destinations from the list.
Taking over
1. Tap the Recent destinations button.
2. Tap the entry of the desired destination.
Notice: The list may be scrolled via the “up” and “down”
icons. You may as well enter the first letter of the town of the
desired destination. The list will then automatically scroll to
the first destination matching your entry.
3. Tap OK.
The destination will be taken over. The address is entered into
the respective fields.
Saving a destination
1. Tap the Recent destinations button.
2. Tap the entry of the destination you want to save.
3. Tap the Save icon.
The NAME OF THE DESTINATION dialog box opens.
4. Enter a name for the destination.
5. Tap OK.
The destination is now saved and will appear on the SAVED
Deleting a
1. Tap the Recent destinations button.
2. Tap the entry of the destination to be deleted.
3. Tap the Delete icon.
The destination is now deleted.
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Save and use your home address
You may store your home address in Configuration Kit in order
to quickly start navigation home at any place.
Saving your home
1. Tap the Settings button.
The SETTINGS screen opens.
2. Via the “Left” and “Right” icons, select Home address.
3. Tap the Enter your Home address button.
The DESTINATION screen opens.
4. Tap the Address button and enter your address as described
in “Entering a destination manually”, page 31.
5. Tap the Save as home address button.
The address is taken over to the HOME ADDRESS screen.
6. Tap the Save button.
Using your home
address for
1. On the main screen, tap
The route is now being calculated and navigation starts. The
route options you have chosen for the last navigation are
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Voice command
You may store a voice command with any saved destination. You
may then start navigation to this destination by speech.
Notice: This functionality is not available on a laptop.
Storing a voice
1. Open the SAVED DESTINATIONS screen and select the
destination for which you want to store a voice command.
2. Tap the Rename icon
The NAME OF THE DESTINATION dialog box opens.
3. Tap Voice command.
The following message appears:
4. Pronounce the name of the destination (into the Pocket PC).
5. Tap OK when you have heard the signal.
The voice command for this destination is now stored.
Navigating via Voice
1. Open the main screen.
2. Tap the Voice command icon
3. Pronounce the name of the destination (into the Pocket PC).
The route is now being calculated and navigation starts. The
route options you have chosen for the last navigation are
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Working with the map
There are various pieces of information available on the MAP
screen. Learn in this chapter about the possibilities for working
with the map which depend on whether you are in navigation
mode or not.
If you have not purchased a map on a memory card, you have to
transmit one or more maps from your PC to your Pocket PC using
the MapExport software before you can display a map or start
For details on map transmission, please refer to “Additional
software: MapExport”, page 107.
Displaying the map
On the main screen, tap the Show map button to open the MAP
Selecting a map
To load another map (which must be available on your Pocket PC
proceed as follows:
1. On the main screen, tap the Choose map button.
The Available maps screen opens:
2. Tap the entry of the map you want to work with.
3. Tap OK.
The selected map is now loaded. The main screen opens.
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Operating the map
Displaying the map
You may display the map
while planning an itinerary,
in order to show destinations on the map, or
in order to select destinations on the map.
You may display the map via the Show map button on the main
screen or via the Show on map and Select on map buttons
which are available when you indicate a destination. The map is
being displayed automatically when you are navigating.
Tapping the map
The icons appear when you tap the map.
If you tap a place on the map and hold information on this place
will be displayed and you may, e.g., take over the data for
navigation purposes. For details, please refer to “Indicating
destinations on the map”, page 39.
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The following icons are displayed on the map:
Zoom / Scroll
Tap the Scroll icon to switch between Zoom and Scroll mode.
In Zoom mode (the icon appears white) you may scale the map
up or down. Zoom in by drawing a rectangle on the map,
beginning with the upper left corner. Zoom out by beginning with
the lower right corner.
In Scroll mode (the icon appears red) you may scroll the map.
Tap on the screen and drag to the desired direction.
Itinerary planning
This icon is active when a calculated itinerary is loaded. Tap the
Itinerary icon to display the whole itinerary. Tapping this icon
again will display the precedent representation of the map.
North orientation
Tap the Orientation icon to north orientate the map. (the icon
appears red). Tapping this icon again will orientate the map in
driving direction (the icon appears white).
Centre (GPS reception necessary)
Tap the Centre icon to centre your current position on the map.
3D view (GPS reception necessary)
Tap the 3D icon to display the map in 3D mode (bee flight view).
The icon becomes the 2D icon. Tap the 2D icon to return to the
2D mode (standard). The icon becomes the 3D icon.
Zoom out
Tap Zoom out to scale the map up.
Zoom bar
Zoom bar
Drag the control to the left or to the right in order to modify the
scale of the map.
Zoom in
Tap Zoom in to scale the map down.
Auto mode (GPS reception necessary)
Tap the Auto icon to display the standard representation of the
map after you have modified the view. The settings of 3D view,
north orientation and autozoom mode will be applied. Your
current position will be centred. The icons will not be displayed.
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For details, please refer to “Annex A: Configuration of
Configuration Kit”, section “Auto mode”, page 140.
Additional functions
Tap the Additional functions icon to display the ADDITIONAL
FUNCTIONS screen. The availability of some functions depends on
whether you are being in navigation mode or not.
Tap the Day icon to adapt the luminosity of the screen to
daylight conditions.
Tap the Night icon to adapt the luminosity of the screen to night
Tap these icons to start / stop guidance by speech.
Display waypoints
This feature is only available in navigation mode or when a
calculated itinerary is loaded. Tap Display waypoints to display
a list of all important waypoints of the route. For details, please
refer to “Displaying the Way list”, page 62.
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Change preferences
Tap Change preferences to display the SETTINGS screen. For
details, please refer to “Annex A: Configuration of Configuration
Kit”, page 138.
Quit navigation
This function is only available in navigation mode. Tap Quit
navigation to exit navigation mode.
Block, Unblock, New block
These functions are only available in navigation mode.
For details, please refer to “Blocking a route section”, page 64.
Add route point
This function is only available in navigation mode. Tap Add route
point to add a new route point to your itinerary. The route will
be recalculated and the newly added route point will be the forst
destination to navigate to. Navigation to the other route points
will be executed later.
For details, please refer to “Adding a stage point during
navigation”, page 63.
Change the route options
This function is only available in navigation mode. Tap Change
route options to modify them.
For details, please refer to “Navigating to a destination”, page 57.
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Representation of the map in navigation mode
In navigation mode, there is some assistance for navigation,
some information on the itinerary and one more command button
being displayed:
Assistance for
The following assistance for navigation is being displayed at the
left and at the bottom of the map:
If there is two manoeuvres to be executed quickly one
after the other, the small upper arrow field indicates
the next manouever but one to be executed.
The red arrow indicates your current position on the
map. Since the displayed sector of the map changes
continually your current position is centred on the
map whenever possible (Moving Map).
The bigger arrow field indicates the next manoeuvre
to be executed.
The distance field indicates the distance to the next
manoeuvre. When you approach, the representations
changes into a distance bar:
The more yellow bars are displayed the nearer you
are to the place where the next manoeuvre must be
The upper street field indicates the name of the next
street to turn in.
The lower street field indicates the name of the street
you are currently in.
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Information on the
At the right of the map, the following information on the itinerary
is being displayed:
This symbol means "stage". All information displayed
below refers to the next stage point.
ETA (Estimated time of arrival).
Remaining time to arrival (estimated).
Remaining distance to arrival (estimated).
Tap this icon to repeat the last spoken instruction. All available
information will be displayed.
The additional information will disappear after some seconds.
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Displaying additional information on the map
In Configuration Kit you may determine which information is to
be displayed on the map. Modifying any configuration begins on
the SETTINGS screen.
Configuring the
display of additional
1. On the main screen, tap Settings or
tap the
icon on the map and select Settings.
The SETTINGS screen opens.
2. Select Info on the map using the arrow buttons:
Info bar
3. The Info bar at the bottom of the map displays the scale of
the map, the current gradient, the compass, the current
height above sea level, and the current speed.
Tap the respective command button to display (Yes) or not
(No) the Info bar.
Special destinations
4. Tap the respective command button to display (Yes) or not
(No) Special destinations on the map.
Street names
5. Tap the respective command button to display (Yes) or not
(No) Street names on the map.
6. Via the arrow buttons select Itinerary info:
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7. Tap the command buttons to display (Yes) or not (No) the
respective information on the map.
The desired information on the entire itinerary (upper section)
and on the current stage (lower sector) will be displayed at
the right hand side of the map.
This symbol means "itinerary". All information
displayed below refers to the final destination. This
section is only available if hou have indicated more
than one destination to navigate to.
This symbol means "stage". All information
displayed below refers to the next stage point.
Row 2
ETA (Estimated time of arrival).
Row 3
Remaining time to arrival (estimated).
Row 4
Remaining distance to arrival (estimated).
8. Tap Save to save the modifications.
The modifications will be taken over and displayed on the
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Navigation and Itinerary
Topics covered in this chapter:
4.1 General notes on navigation
page 56
4.2 Navigating to a destination
page 57
4.3 Navigating to several destinations (Itinerary planning)
page 58
Working on itineraries, storage and management
Simulating the route
4.4 Functions which are useful for navigation
page 62
Displaying the Way list
Adding a stage point during navigation
Blocking a route section
Using TMC functionality
Keeping the logbook
Navigation and Itinerary planning
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General notes on navigation
The use of Configuration Kit may only be effected at your own
Attention: To protect yourself and others from accidents please
do not operate the navigation system while driving!
Attention: You must not look at the display except when it is
absolutely safe to do so!
Attention: The road layout and the traffic signs are absolutely
prior to the instructions of the navigation system.
Attention: You must not follow the instructions of
Configuration Kit except when the circumstances and the road
traffic regulations allow doing so. Configuration Kit will guide
you to your destination even when you have left your planned
Obstructed GPS
When you turn off the GPS receiver or when the recepton of GPSsignals is obstructed Configuration Kit does not close but
navigation is interrupted.
As soon as the GPS receiver works again the navigation system
notices a possible change of your current position and
recalculates the route. You may simply continue navigation.
Notice: Navigation will always continue automatically when you
switch off your hardware without closing Configuration Kit
Quitting navigation
When you quit navigation mode by command the main screen
appears. You may then indicate another destination or reassume
the by selecting the former destination from the Recent
destinations list.
Arriving at your
When you have reached your destination the system pronounces
the message "You have reached your destination!"
The map is no more presented in navigation mode. A small red
arrow indicates your current position.
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Navigating to a destination
Navigating to a
1. Enter your destination as described in “Indicating
destinations”, page 30.
2. Tap the Start navigation button.
The ROUTE OPTIONS screen opens:
3. Tap the KIND OF ROUTING field and select one of the following
Dynamic route
You can't select this option unless your
GPS receiver is equipped with the TMC
Traffic and weather situation data
broadcasted by the radio stations will
permanently be considered for route
Quick route
The quickest route will be calculated.
Short route
The shortest route will be calculated.
Bike route
A route for cyclists will be calculated.
Pedestrian route
A route for pedestrians will be calculated.
One-way directives and prohibitions of
vehicular traffic will be disregarded.
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4. Tap the Motorways, Ferries, and Toll road fields
successively and select one of the following options:
The respective kind of street will be
regarded for route calculation.
The respective kind of street will be
avoided if reasonable.
The respective kind of street will be
disregarded for route calculation.
Notice: The Route options settings will be saved. You will no
more need to enter them except if you want to navigate using
modified options.
5. Tap Start navigation.
The route is now being calculated. The map is being displayed
in navigation mode.
Navigating to several destinations (Itinerary
Itinerary planning
You may plan itineraries without receiving GPS-signals, e.g.
comfortably at home. Planned itineraries may be stored. Thus
you may plan as many itineraries as you want, e.g. for holidays.
Navigating to several
1. On the main screen, tap Several destinations.
The ITINERARY screen opens:
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2. Tap the Add destination icon to indicate the first stage
The Destination screen opens.
3. Indicate the destination as described in “Indicating
destinations”, page 30.
4. Tap the Add to itinerary icon.
The ITINERARY screen opens. The destination is added as
Stage point 1.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for every stage point you want to add to the
6. Tap the entry of the stage point you want to navigate to first.
Notice: You have to select the stage point you want to
navigate to first. You may then continuer navigation when it
was interrupted. You may as well navigate to only some of
the stage points of a stored itinerary.
7. Tap Start navigation.
The route is now being calculated. The map is being displayed
in navigation mode.
navigation after the
arrival at a stage
If you have planned an itinerary with several stages,
navigation to the next stage point starts automatically when
you have reached a stage point. For details, please refer to
“Itinerary”, page 141.
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Working on itineraries, storage and management
You may plan as much itineraries as you want, e.g. for holidays.
You may save them and use them later for navigation purposes.
At any moment, you may add stage points, modify the order of
the stages, or display the itinerary on the map.
The following commands are available:
One place up
Tap the One place up icon to navigate to the respective stage
point earlier (example: stage 3 becomes stage 2).
One place down
Tap the One place down icon to navigate to the respective
stage point later (example: stage 2 becomes stage 3).
Add stage
Tap the Add destination icon to add a stage point. The new
stage point will be added at the end of the list. You may shift it
forward using the One place up icon.
Delete stage
Tap the Delete destination icon to delete the respective stage
Calculate the route
Tap the Calculate the route icon to calculate the distance and
the estimated duration of the entire itinerary. The information will
be displayed after you have entered (or confirmed) the route
Furthermore, the distance and the estimated duration of each
stage will be indicated with the stage entries.
Load an itinerary
Tap the Load itinerary icon to load a saved itinerary, e.g. to
modify it or for navigation purposes. If you had already entered
stage points, the stage points of the loaded itinerary will be
inserted after the stage point which is currently selected.
Save the itinerary
Tap the Save itinerary icon to save the itinerary. Enter an name
for the itinerary into the SAVE AS… dialog box.
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Show on map
Tap Show on map to display the entire itinerary on the map.
The route will be highlighted in blue:
Simulating the route
You may execute a simulated navigation along the itinerary when
the route has been calculated.
Notice: The reception of GPS-signals is not necessary for the
For further information, please refer to "Simulation", page 79.
Simulating the
1. Tap the Show on map icon.
The itinerary is displayed on the map.
2. Tap the Additional functions icon.
3. Tap Start simulation.
The route will be recalculated for simulation purposes
and simulation starts when calculation is ready.
Stop simulation
1. To quit simulation tap the Additional functions icon.
2. Tap Quit navigation.
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Functions which are useful for navigation
In Configuration Kit the following functions are available in
navigation mode:
Displaying the Way list, see below.
Adding a stage point during navigation, see page 63.
Blocking route sections, see page 64.
Using TMC functionality for navigation purposes, see page 64.
Keeping the logbook, see page 68.
Displaying the Way list
Route sections
During navigation (or just after the calculation of the route) you
may display the Way list which informs about the distance and
duration from one way point to the next. You may as well show
single route sections on the map.
You may as well save the Way list to a text file. For further
information, please refer to "Parameter RouteList", page 77.
Displaying the Way
Precondition: The map is being displayed.
1. Tap the Additional functions icon
2. Tap Way list.
The WAY LIST screen opens.
The Way list informs about the distance and duration from
one way point to the next. Total duration and total distance
are indicated at the end of the list.
Showing a route
section on the map…
3. Tap the entry of the section to be shown on the map. Tap OK.
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Adding a stage point during navigation
Adding a stage point
during navigation…
At any moment during navigation you may add a new stage point
to your itinerary. The route will be recalculated in order to make
the new stage point the next destination to navigate to. The
other remaining stage points will be navigated to after the new
Adding a stage
Precondition: The map is being displayed in navigation mode.
1. Tap the Additional functions icon.
2. Tap Add stage point.
The DESTINATION screen opens.
3. Indicate the new stage point as described in “Indicating
destinations”, page 30.
4. Tap the Set as stage point button.
The route will be recalculated in order to make the new stage
point the next destination to navigate to.
Notice: You may as well select the new stage point directly on
the map, just as described in “Indicating destinations on the
map”, page 39. Tap the respective place and hold. From the
context menu, select Set as stage point.
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Blocking a route section
Blocking a route
section manually
You may block a route section manually in order to evade it.
Manual blocking forces a recalculation of the route.
Presume that you are driving on a motorway and a radio
message announces a traffic jam of 4 miles near your current
position. With the “Block route sections” function you may
instruct the navigation system to evade the announced traffic
Notice: If your GPS receiver disposes of the TMC module,
Configuration Kit notices and evades obstacles concerning your
itinerary automatically.
A manual blocking is only valid for the current navigation
process. The respective route section will be unblocked for the
next navigation or when you restart the software.
Blocking a route
Precondition: The navigation system is in navigation mode and
the map is being displayed.
1. Tap the Additional functions icon.
2. Tap Block road.
The BLOCKING screen opens.
3. Enter how many miles (from your current position on) you
want to block.
4. Tap OK.
This forces a recalculation of the route. The indicated route
section will be evaded. On the map, it will be highlighted on
Unblocking a route
1. Tap the Additional functions icon.
2. Tap Unblock.
The route section is now unblocked. The navigation system
uses the route which had been calculated originally.
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Using TMC functionality for navigation purposes
TMC module
The TMC module Le module provides the navigation system with
the latest traffic information and enables dynamic route
calculation in order to evade traffic jams and other obstructions.
If your GPS receiver disposes of the TMC module, you may
display the received traffic information in Configuration Kit. The
number in the TMC-icon indicates how many pieces of
information have been received.
1. Tap the TMC icon.
The TMC screen opens:
Displaying traffic
2. Use the arrow icons of the “Messages” section to display the
next / previous traffic message.
Every message contains the country, the name or number of
the street (motorway, main road, country road), the
concerned road section and the kind of obstruction.
Updating traffic
3. Tap the Update icon to display traffic information received
since the TMC screen has been opened.
Screen closing
4. Tap the Done icon to close the TMC screen.
Automatic route
If the obstruction concerns your route and you have selected
“Route modification automatically” in the TMC settings
(preset), the system evades obstructions automatically.
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Route modification
with confirmation
If the obstruction concerns your route and you have selected
“Route modification With confirmation” in the TMC settings
(preset), the system informs you about the obstruction.
Tap the Evade button to evade the reported obstruction.
The route will be recalculated in order to evade the obstruction.
Tap the Ignore button to ignore the reported obstruction.
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Evading / ignoring at
a later moment
If you have selected “Route modification With confirmation”,
you may evade or ignore a reported obstruction before you at a
later moment. Proceed as follows:
1. Tap the TMC symbol.
The TMC screen opens:
Use the arrow icons of the “Messages” section to search for
an obstruction concerning your route.
2. Tap the Status button and select whether the respective
obstruction is to be Evaded or Ignored.
3. Tap the Done icon to update the route.
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Keeping the logbook
You may make Configuration Kit keep a logbook. Any start of the
logbook forces the creation of an Excel file in the root directory of
your Pocket PC. You may transmit these files to your PC and
open them with, e.g., Microsoft Excel.
Starting the
1. Tap the Logbook icon
The LOGBOOK screen opens:
2. Enter the reason of your journey into the Comment field.
3. Enter the mileage at the beginning of your trip into the
Mileage field.
4. Tap the Purpose button and indicate whether it is a Business
journey or a Private journey.
5. Tap OK.
The system creates the first logbook entry. The Logbook icon
changes from red to green (Logbook enabled).
Exiting the logbook…
Collecting data on your trip stops when you arrive at your
destination, when you quit navigation, or when you quit
Configuration Kit. Alternatively you may tap the Logbook icon.
Tap the Action field and select Exit. The Logbook icon changes
from green to red (Logbook disabled).
Adding an entry…
You may possibly want to add entries to the logbook, e.g. when
your car was refuelled or when you have visited several clients
without using your car. In this case tap the Logbook icon. Tap
the Action field and select Add entry.
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Working with the
you may transmit the logbook files to your PC where you may
open them and modify the entries (if necessary).
1. Establish an ActiveSync connection between your PC and
your Pocket PC. (For details refer to the manual or your
Pocket PC)
2. In the root directory of your Pocket PC select the logbook files
to transmit. The logbook files are Excel files named “Driverlog
Date Time.xls”.
3. Copy the files to your PC and open them with Microsoft
The following information is provided by the logbook files: the
mileage at the beginning of the journey, the reason of the
journey, town and street, the date of the journey, distance,
and others. You may print the logbook or, if necessary, add
them to the logbook you are keeping for tax purposes.
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Special NCK functions
Topics covered in this chapter:
5.1 Configuration settings of the NCK.INI file
Page 72
Setting size and position of the application window
File interface
Navigating to the destination of a destination file
5.2 User defined POIs
Page 82
5.3 Tracks
Page 83
Structure of a track file
Activating track recording
Recording tracks
5.4 Communication with NCK via the Windows message interface
Page 88
Registering your application with NCK
Transmitting GPS-data
Navigation status
Converting coordinates into addresses
Converting addresses into coordinates
Checking NCK version and build numbers
Arriving at the destination
Terminating NCK
Transmitting a new destination
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Configuration settings of the NCK.INI file
The NCK.INI file is stored in the NCK program folder. In this file,
you may change the following configuration settings:
Size and position of the application window, see below.
File interface, see page 73.
Submit GPS data to the NCK, see page 78.
Execute a simulation, see page 79.
5.1.1 Setting size and position of the application window
Size and position of
the application
The following parameters determine the size and the position of
the Configuration Kit application window when it is being run
on a laptop or on a Windows CE device:
Notice: The whole screen will be used for the application when
you don’t set these parameters.
Attention: Set these parameters carefully. Not every window
size grants satisfying results.
The concerned parameters must be set in the [Dimension]
section of the NCK.INI file.
Width of the application window in pixels.
Height of the application window in pixels.
X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the
application window.
Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the
application window.
Notice: If you have changed the window size, you may as well
change the character size with SkinEditor. For further
information, please refer to "Additional software: SkinEditor",
page 133.
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5.1.2 File interface
Via the File Interface, you may
indicate a destination file which contains a destination for
instant navigation (parameter DestinationFile), see
page 73.
determine whether navigation should begin automatically or
not (parameter AutoStart), see page 75.
determine whether the destination file shall be deleted or not
after having arrived at the destination (parameter Delete),
see page 76.
read out the current GPS-position (parameters GPSFile and
FormatGPSFile), see page 76.
output the way points of a route (parameter RouteList), see
page 77.
These parameters may be set in the [FileIO] section of the
NCK.INI file.
Path and name of the destination file which
contains the coordinates of a destination for
instant navigation.
Path and name of the GPS info file.
Format of the GPS info file.
Delete the destination file after navigation
or not.
Automatic start of navigation on / off.
Read and write data in the Tannis format.
Parameter DestinationFile
The DestinationFile parameter may be used for indicating a
file which contains a destination for navigation purposes. This
destination may be indicated
as WGS-84 coordinates,
as Gauss-Krueger coordinates, or
as an address.
The first line of the destination file informs Configuration Kit on
which format has been used.
Setting Autostart=1 starts navigation to the indicated
destination instantly. The destination needs not to be entered by
the user.
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Notice: File paths and names may be chosen without any
Notice: If no destination is indicated in the destination file, or if
the file DestinationFile does not exist the navigation software
starts in standard mode.
Structure of the
destination file
The file which is indicated in the DestinationFile parameter
must have the following structure:
Format of the coordinates
Format of the
The format of the coordinates must be indicated as the first
parameter in the first line of the destination file.
Coordinates format
Postal address
The indication of the destination depends on the selected format
of the coordinates:
Coordinates parameter
Destination parameters
X = 10.12737
Y = 53.37844
The format of the destination
coordinates may be modified with
Format=Tannis (see "Parameter
Format", page 77).
X = 3534445
Y = 5973018
City = Würzburg
Street = Berliner Platz
Hno = 11
ZipCode = 97080
CountryId = DEU
When you indicate the destination as a postal address, you must
not enter all of the address parameters. If the software cannot
identify the address without ambiguity, it lists all matching
addresses. The user may then select the correct one manually.
For information on how to navigate using a destination file,
please refer to Navigating to the destination of a destination file,
page 77.
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Parameter Autostart
Starting navigation
Using the Autostart parameter, you may set NAVIGON
Configuration Kit to start in navigation mode if a valid
destination file is provided.
AutoStart = 1
Navigation to the destination which is
indicated in the destination file
(DestinationFile parameter) starts
automatically as soon as the coordinates
have been read.
Autostart = 0
Navigation to the destination which is
indicated in the destination file
(DestinationFile parameter) does not start
The destination will be listed in the Saved
destinations list and may there be selected as
destination for navigation.
If the Autostart parameter is set to 1 (automatic navigation
mode activated), a destination file with valid destination
coordinates should exist.
Navigation starts only when a sufficient GPS signal is available. If
there is no or no sufficient GPS signal, the following message box
Notice: You cannot access any other screen of NAVIGON
Configuration Kit when automatic navigation mode is activated.
Nevertheless, you may interrupt navigation at any time.
If the destination point lies in an invalid area, or if the start or
the destination point is not covered by the map which is currently
loaded, the software will close after having displayed the
respective message.
When you have reached your destination, the respective message
box opens. Your current position will still be displayed on the
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Parameter Delete
Using the Delete parameter you may determine whether the file
which is indicated in the DestinationFile parameter shall be
deleted or not after the termination of NAVIGON Configuration
Delete = 1
The destination file will be deleted after the
termination of the software.
Delete = 0
(default) The destination file will not be
Parameter GPSFile
Using the GPSFile parameter you may write the GPS-data of
your travel into a file.
GPSFile = C:\Temp\GPSOutput.txt
As long as you are navigating, the system writes once in every
second the GPS-data of your current position into a file. By
default, output is in WGS-84 format:
X= 10.12737
Y= 53.37844
Parameter FormatGPSFile
Using the FormatGPSFile parameter you may write the data of
your travel in GPGGA or GPVTG format.
GPSFile = C:\Temp\GPSOutput.txt
FormatGPSFile = GPGGA
As long as you are navigating, the system writes once in every
second the GPS-data of your current position into the file
indicated in the GPSFile parameter. Output is now in GPGGA or
GPVTG format:
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Parameter Format
Setting the Format parameter to Tannis (Format=Tannis) makes
data being read and written in the Tannis format. This has an
influence on the coordinates of both the destination file (as
indicated in the DestinationFile parameter) and the GPS-info
file (as indicated in the GPSFile parameter).
Example destination
file (DestinationFile)
YMIN=49.804264 XMAX=9.947522 YMAX=49.804028"
Example GPS-info file
YMIN=49.812580 XMAX=10.001405 YMAX=49.812580"
Parameter RouteList
In the [FileIO] section you may indicate a file (path and name)
into which the way list with all its waypoints will be written as
soon as the route has been calculated.
RouteList = [File for Way list]
For further information on the Way list, please refer to
"Displaying the Way list", page 62.
5.1.3 Navigating to the destination of a destination file
When you have generated a destination file, e.g. via a track
record, you may navigate to the indicated destination. The
destination file must be indicated in the NCK.INI file using the
DestinationFile parameter.
DestinationFile=\Programme\NAVIGON\NCK 4.0\Track\
Special NCK functions
When you have set the Autostart parameter to 0, NCK starts
with the ADDRESS screen. The information of the destination file
has been adopted into the respective entry fields.
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Operating the
You have only restricted possibilities for operating NCK:
Via the Show on map button, you may display the
destination on the map. It will be highlighted by a blue circle:
You may Start navigation.
You may enter another address on the ADDRESS screen.
When you have set the Autostart parameter to 1, NCK starts
automatically in navigation mode. You won’t have other
possibilities for operating the software.
Configuration Kit may receive GPS-data not only from the GPSreceiver, but also from other interfaces. The necessary settings
may be effected in the [GPS] section of the NCK.INI file.
GPSInput = Message | File |Simulation
GPSInputFile = [File for GPS-Data]
Using the GPSInput parameter, you may indicate the source from
which Configuration Kit receives GPS-data.
Notice: Make sure that GPS-data have been written in the NMEA
format and once every second into the file before using this file
as GPS-data source.
If you don’t set the GPSInput parameter or if it does not exist,
NCK uses the standard GPS-receiver as source.
Special NCK functions
GPSInput = Message
When Message is set, NCK tries to
receive data from the Windows
Message interface. See also
"Transmitting GPS-data", page 89.
GPSInput = File
When File is set, you must indicate a
valid GPS-input file using the
GPSInputFile parameter.
GPSInput = Simulation
When Simulation is set and a valid
simulation file is indicated using the
GPSInputFile parameter, NCK starts
in simulation mode. By default, NCK
tries to load the GPSDemoFile.txt file
from the simfiles folder.
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5.1.5 Simulation mode
In Simulation mode, you may execute a navigation without using
a GPS-receiver and without moving, e.g. for test purposes. In
order to start the simulation mode, a simulation file must exist in
the simfiles folder.
Notice: TMC-data cannot be simulated.
Creating a simulation
The concerned parameters must be set in the [GPS] section of
the NCK.INI file.
GPSInput =
When Simulation is set and a valid
simulation file is indicated using the
GPSInputFile parameter, NCK starts in
simulation mode. You may now execute a
navigation without using a GPS-receiver
and without moving, e.g. for test
In order to start the simulation mode, a simulation file must exist
in the simfiles folder. You may create one as follows:
1. Start Configuration Kit.
2. Tap Several destinations.
For further information on itinerary planning, please refer to
"Navigating to several destinations (Itinerary planning)",
page 58.
3. Enter a start and a destination point.
4. Tap the Calculate the route icon.
5. Tap the Show on map button.
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6. Tap the Additional functions icon.
7. Select Start simulation.
The route will be recalculated.
Simulation mode starts just after the recalculation.
As soon as simulation mode has started, a file named
GPSDemoFile.txt is created in the simfiles folder which
may be used for further simulations.
Attention: When you start another simulation, an existing
GPSDemoFile.txt file in the simfiles folder will be replaced.
Rename the old file before if you want to keep it.
Loading a simulation file
You may load a simulation file
manually or
Loading a simulation
file manually
1. In the MAIN MENU, tap Configuration.
2. Via the arrow buttons, select the SIMULATION screen:
3. Tap Start simulation.
The Select a simulation file screen opens.
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4. Select the respective simulation file (default:
GPSDemoFile.txt) from the simfiles folder.
Simulation speed
Tap this button to set the speed of the simulation. 1 means a
very slow, 29 means a very fast simulation speed.
Loading a simulation
file automatically
When a GPSDemoFile.txt file exists in the simfiles folder and
when the GPSInput parameter is set to Simulation (GPSInput =
Simulation),Configuration Kit starts automatically in
simulation mode.
Simulated navigation
The software simulates a navigation using the GPS-data of the
simulation file. When the end of the file has been reached,
simulation restarts.
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User defined POIs
With NAVIGON Configuration Kit you may define your own
Points of Interest (POI) (e.g. all sites or branch offices of your
company) and select them as special destinations for navigation.
You may assign your user defined POIs to categories and thus
classify them. POIs of one category are represented on the map
by always the same symbol.
Notice: User defined POIs are an additional module for
Configuration Kit which may be purchased separately.
Database of POIs
User defined POIs must be stored in a database. Otherwise they
can not be displayed on the map. A new database can be created
by the POI Importer software (by Navigon GmbH).
POI Importer imports text files into a new database which
contains the relevant information only. You may as well define
how POIs shall be represented on the map.
You may use as many databases of POIs as you want at the
same time,
each record of a POI contains:
-Category number
POI folder
Data created with POI Importer will be stored in the POI folder
and will be loaded automatically at each start of NCK.
POI Finder
POI-Finder is a software for selecting user defined POIs. When a
POI is selected, it automatically starts Configuration Kit in
navigation mode. With POI-Finder, you may
assign a category to each POI and
indicate a track leading to it.
Notice: POI-Finder is an additional module for Configuration
Kit which may be purchased separately.
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Tracks may be used for navigating to destinations which are not
within reach of the public road network which is covered by the
map. You may define different tracks, e.g.
for different types of vehicles, or
for different seasons.
A track is composed by a list of coordinates which lead from a
point of the covered road network to points outside this road
network. Tracks are displayed on the map as a static red line.
When you are navigating to a destination outside the covered
road network, two route points are being displayed on the map
(see example above). The first one is the point where you have
to leave the digitized road (which is covered by the map). The
second one is the destination point which lays outside the
digitized road network. It is represented by a red flag.
As the distance between these two route points is not covered by
the map, the software cannot give instructions for driving like on
the public road network. Navigation must be effected using the
compass rose and the representation of your current position on
the map.
When you are reaching a position within 10 yards round the
destination point, the system prompts you that you have reached
the destination.
Notice: If the destination lies on the covered road network, only
the destination point is indicated on the map.
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5.3.1 Structure of a track file
Track file
A track file is, just like a destination file, indicated by the
DestinationFile parameter of the NCK.INI file. The track
consists of several coordinates in either Gauss-Krueger (GK) or
WGS84 format.
For further information on indicating files, please refer to
"Parameter DestinationFile", page 73.
A track file must have the following structure:
[Destination_WGS84] or [Destination_GK]
Category = [Name of the POI category (optional)]
Name = [Name of the POI]
Info = [Information text (optional)]
Number = [Number of track coordinates]
Xi = [Longitude]
Yi = [Latitude]
The X and Y coordinates of the [Destination_...] section
must be the same as the last Xi and Yi coordinates of the
[POI] section. In the example below, these are the
coordinates X6 and Y6.
Coordinates must be entered either in
WGS84 [Destination_WGS84] or in
Gauss-Krueger [Destination_GK] format.
Example for a track
Name=Pumping station
Info=Wear protective clothing during maintenance work
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5.3.2 Activating track recording
You may record a track while navigating and thus make the
system write automatically all necessary coordinates into a track
The parameters concerning track recording must be set in the
[Track] section of the NCK.INI file.
Track recording activated
(Default) Track recording
Maximum number of coordinates.
When the maximum number of
coordinates is reached, the system
inserts a line between the last
recorded coordinate and the current
Empty or
(Default) Unlimited number of
Number of Divergence for track recording in
degrees. The system writes a new
coordinate for the track only when
the newly followed direction differs
of more than the indicated number
of degrees from the precedent
direction. The default value is
2.5 degrees.
Path and name of the folder into
which the track file will be stored.
The default folder is the program
folder of NAVIGON Configuration
Record = 1
DeltaCourse = 2
Path = \Programme\NAVIGON\NCK 4.0\Track
Notice: At least the Record parameter must be set to 1,
otherwise track recording is not possible.
You may indicate a special folder for tracks (“track” in the
example), but you must create that folder before.
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If you have activated track recording, you will find an additional
icon in map view mode
which serves for recording tracks.
5.3.3 Recording tracks
You have activated track recording in the NCK.INI file as
described above.
Recording a track...
1. In navigation mode, tap the Record icon.
The system starts recording a track. On the map, the track is
highlighted by a coloured line.
2. Tap the Record icon again when you have reached your
The TRACK PROPERTIES dialog box opens:
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3. Change the default entries where necessary and tap the Save
The track file will be saved into the folder which is indicated
by the Path parameter. It may from now on be used as
destination file (see "Navigating to the destination of a
destination file", page 77).
You may as well transform the contained data into a file for
the POI-Finder software.
Notice: You may record further tracks as long as the system
is in navigation mode.
Track file
The properties you have entered in the TRACK PROPERTIES dialog
box will be saved as the parameters Category, Name, and Info in
the [POI] section.
Category=Track Kategorie:Mast
Name=Track Name: Mast 1752_a
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Communication with NCK via the Windows
message interface
Windows message
Via the Windows message interface other applications may
communicate with NCK. Below, you will find all Windows
messages which are available for NCK.
Before you can use Windows messages, you must bind the
NCKRegMsg.h file (which is to be found in the folder of the NCK
program folder) into your own project.
Data queries and
messages from NCK
Several states may be read while NCK is running. Thus your
application may react on defined states of navigation.
To do so your application must register the messages using the
RegisterWindowMessage API function. Use the WM_COPYDATA
Windows message to query different states.
5.4.1 Registering your application with NCK
Name of the
The message for registering your application with NCK returns a
WindowHandle to the client. NCK then broadcasts a message to
make itself known to the client.
wParam = 0;
// not used
lParam = (LPARAM)(HWND)clientHandle;
// WindowHandle of the client
Name of the
Broadcasts a WindowHandle to the server.
wParam = 0;
// not used
lParam = (LPARAM)(HWND)serverHandle;
// WindowHandle of the server
Special NCK functions
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
5.4.2 Transmitting GPS-data
Via Windows messages, GPS-data may be sent to NCK every
second. Use the WM_COPYDATA message to send the data.
Before sending data, your application must have made itself
known to NCK (as described in "Registering your application with
NCK", page 88).
GPS-data must refer to one specific GPS-position. They must
conform the NMEA protocol and must consist of either VTG and
GGA or RMC and GGA.
Name of the
cpd.dwData = NCK_GPS_DATA;
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = sizeof(NCKGPSData);
// Size of the GPS Data Structure
cpd.lpData = NCKGPSData;
// Pointer to auf the GPS Data Structure
typedef struct
LONG nSize;
// Size of the structure
TCHAR sGPSSignal[256];
// current GPS Information string
Example for
Notice: both of the NMEA-strings end with CR + LF.
Return value
This message has no return value
In the [GPS] of the NCK.INI file, the GPSInput parameter must
be set to Message.
GPSInput = Message
Special NCK functions
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
5.4.3 Navigation status
After both applications having registered each other, they may
exchange information using the WM_COPYDATA Windows message.
Name of the
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = 0;
// not used
cpd.lpData = 0;
// not used
NCK then returns the navigation status using a WM_COPYDATA
message with a NCK_STATUS_NAVIGATION data section.
Name of the
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = sizeof(NCKStatusNavigation);
// Size of the Status structure
cpd.lpData = NCKStatusNavigation;
// Pointer to the Status structure
typedef struct
LONG nSize;
// Size of the structure
LONG nDistance;
// remaining distance in meters
LONG nDuration;
// remaining time in seconds
} NCKStatusNavigation;
Notice: When NCK is not in navigation mode, it returns 0 for
both nDistance and nDuration.
Return value
Special NCK functions
This message has no return value.
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
5.4.4 Converting coordinates into addresses
Name of the
Converts a WGS-84 coordinate into a postal address.
cpd.dwData = NCK_GET_ADDRESS;
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = sizeof(NCKCoord);
// Size of the NCKCoord structure
cpd.lpData = NCKCoord;
// Pointer to the NCKCoord structure
typedef struct
LONG nSize;
// Size of the structure
FLOAT fLongitude;
// Longitude
FLOAT fLatitude;
// Breitengrad
} NCKCoord;
NCK returns the address which corresponds to the transmitted
coordinate via a WM_COPYDATA Windows message.
Name of the
cpd.dwData = NCK_ADDRESS;
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = sizeof(NCKAddress);
// Size of the NCKAddress structure
cpd.lpData = NCKAddress;
// Pointer to the NCKAddress structure
typedef struct
LONG nSize;
// Size of the structure
char sCountry[10];
// Country
char sCity[100];
// Town
char sZipCode[20];
// Postcode
char sStreet[100];
// Street
char sHouseNumber[20]; // House number
} NCKAddress;
Return value
Special NCK functions
The message returns 0 if an address has been identified,
otherwise it returns -1.
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
5.4.5 Converting addresses into coordinates
Name of the
Converts a postal address into a WGS-84 coordinate.
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = sizeof(NCKAddress);
// Size of the NCKAddress structure
cpd.lpData = NCKAddress;
// Pointer to the NCKAddress structure
NCK returns the coordinate which corresponds to the transmitted
address via a WM_COPYDATA Windows message.
Name of the
cpd.dwData = NCK_COORDINATE;
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = sizeof(NCKCoord);
// Size of the NCKCoord structure
cpd.lpData = NCKCoord;
// Pointer to the NCKCoord structure
Return value
The message returns 0 if the coordinate has been identified,
otherwise it returns -1.
5.4.6 Checking NCK version and build numbers
Name of the
Checks NCK’s major and minor version numbers, and the build
cpd.dwData = NCK_GET_VERSION;
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = 0;
// not used
cpd.lpData = 0;
// not used
NCK returns its version number via a WM_COPYDATA Windows
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Name of the
cpd.dwData = NCK_VERSION;
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = sizeof(NCKVersion);
// Size of the NCKVersion structure
cpd.lpData = NCKVersion;
// Pointer to the NCKVersion structure
typedef struct
LONG nSize;
// Size of the structure
LONG nMajor;
// Major version number
LONG nMinor;
// Minor version number
LONG nBuild;
// Build number
} NCKVersion;
Return value
The message returns 0 if the version number has been identified,
otherwise it returns -1.
5.4.7 Arriving at the destination
Name of the
If you have reached your destination, NCK sends a WM_COPYDATA
Windows message with a NCK_DEST_REACHED data section.
cpd.dwData = NCK_DEST_READHED;
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = 0;
// not used
cpd.lpData = 0;
// not used
Special NCK functions
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5.4.8 Terminating NCK
NCK may at any time be terminated by the application which has
called it. There are two possibilities:
Terminating NCK with user confirmation, or
terminating NCK without user confirmation.
Name of the
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = 0;
// not used
cpd.lpData = 0;
// not used
Name of the
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = 0;
// not used
cpd.lpData = 0;
// not used
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5.4.9 Transmitting a new destination
At any time, a new destination may be transmitted to NCK. It
calculates then instantly the route and starts navigation to the
new destination. The destination may be transmitted as WGS-84
coordinates, as Gauss-Krueger (GK) coordinates or as postal
Name of the
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = sizeof(NCKCoord);
// Size of the NCKCoord structure
cpd.lpData = NCKCoord;
// Pointer to the NCKCoord structure
Name of the
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = sizeof(NCKCoord);
// Size of the NCKCoord structure
cpd.lpData = NCKCoord;
// Pointer to the NCKCoord structure
Name of the
// Name of the message
cpd.cbData = sizeof(NCKAddress);
// Size of the NCKAddress structure
cpd.lpData = NCKAddress;
// Pointer to the NCKAddress structure
Special NCK functions
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
5.4.10 Windows Messages Examples
@author Andreas Metz (amz)
This file shows you, how to use the windows messages in your own
application. If you have questions or remarks to that example
implementation, you can reache me under:
[email protected]
Use windows messages with the NCK
2000-2004 NAVIGON GmbH
// include NCK windows message header
#include "NCKRegMsg.h"
// declare in your message map the corresponding method for
// NOTE:
// Dont forget to implement in the header file the msg prototyp for your
// It should look for the OnComAnnounceServerToClient() method like this:
// afx_msg LRESULT OnComAnnounceServerToClient( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
lParam );
// register nck windows messages on startup of your application
void main()
// register windows messages
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// register client to server
void COwnWnd::ClientRegistration()
post a broadcast message, ask NCK for a registration of the own
@param HWND
inform the PostMessage call to send the message as a broadcast message
registered message id to
announce the client to the server
@param WPARAM
not used
@param LPARAM
window handle to your own application
@return BOOL
Returns a boolean, if PostMessage call was succesfull or not
BOOL br = ::PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST,
// NCK answers to your message call for the registration
LRESULT COwnWnd::OnComAnnounceServerToClient(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// you receive a handle to the NCK window, store it in an own variable
m_hServer = (HWND)lParam;
return 0;
Special NCK functions
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// you are sending new gps signals
// NOTE: The NCK only handles the GPS signals, if you set in the NCK.ini
the [GPSInput] data to
void COwnWnd::SendGPSSignal()
// fill that string with your current gps signal in the nmea protocol
TCHAR gpsSignal[256];
// construct the NCK known NCKGPSData type with your own information
NCKGPSData gpsData;
gpsData.nSize = sizeof(TCHAR)*256+sizeof(LONG);
_tcscpy(gpsData.sGPSSignal, gpsInfo);
// fill the COPYDATASTRUCT with the new gps signal information
BOOL bRC = false;
cpd.dwData = NCK_GPS_DATA;
cpd.cbData = sizeof(TCHAR)*256+sizeof(LONG);
cpd.lpData = &gpsData;
// send the new gps signal information with help of an ::SendMessage
call to the NCK as a
// (use the m_hServer handle to specify the destination)
bRC = ::SendMessage(m_hServer, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cpd);
// you are asking for the status of the current active navigation
// NOTE: the response of that message will be handled in the OnCopyData()
void COwnWnd::GetStatusNavigation()
BOOL bRC = false;
cpd.cbData = 0;
cpd.lpData = 0;
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// send a request for the current status of the navigation
bRC = ::SendMessage(m_hServer, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cpd);
// converts a wgs84 coordinate into a postal address
// NOTE: the response of that message will be handled in the OnCopyData()
void COwnWnd::GetAddressFromWGS84()
// set user defined wgs84 coordinates
float fLatidude
// fill the NCKCoord struct
NCKCoord coord;
= fLatidude;
= fLongitude;
= sizeof(float)*2 + sizeof(LONG);
// @cpd.dwData
set the NCK_GET_ADDRESS flag
// @cpd.cbData
set the size of the struct
// @cpd.lpData
set the address to the NCKCoord struct
BOOL bRC = false;
cpd.dwData = NCK_GET_ADDRESS;
cpd.cbData = sizeof(float)*2 + sizeof(LONG);
cpd.lpData = &coord;
// send a request to the NCK to convert the wgs84 coords to a postal
bRC = ::SendMessage(m_hServer, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cpd);
// converts a postal address int a wgs84 coordinate
// NOTE: the response of that message will be handled in the OnCopyData()
void COwnWnd::GetWGS84FromAddress()
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// fill the address strings with your own postal address information
TCHAR sCountry[10];
TCHAR sCity[100];
TCHAR sStreet[100];
TCHAR sHouseNumber[20];
TCHAR sZip[20];
// fill the NCKAddress struct
NCKAddress address;
_tcscpy(address.sCountry, (LPCTSTR)sCountry);
_tcscpy(address.sCity, (LPCTSTR)sCity);
_tcscpy(address.sStreet, (LPCTSTR)sStreet);
_tcscpy(address.sHouseNumber, (LPCTSTR)sHouseNumber);
_tcscpy(address.sZipCode, (LPCTSTR)sZip);
address.nSize = sizeof(LONG) + sizeof(TCHAR)*250;
// @cpd.dwData
// @cpd.cbData
set the size of the struct
// @cpd.lpData
set the address to the NCKAddress struct
BOOL bRC = false;
cpd.cbData =
sizeof(LONG) + sizeof(TCHAR)*250;
cpd.lpData = &address;
// send a request to the NCK to convert the postal address to wgs84
bRC = ::SendMessage(m_hServer, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cpd);
// request the NCK major and minor version number and the current
// NOTE: the response of that message will be handled in the OnCopyData()
void COwnWnd::GetNCKVersion()
Special NCK functions
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// fill the COPYDATASTRUCT only with the NCK_GET_VERSION flag
BOOL bRC = false;
cpd.dwData = NCK_GET_VERSION;
cpd.cbData = 0;
cpd.lpData = 0;
// send a request, to get the current version and buildnumber of the NCK
bRC = ::SendMessage(m_hServer, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cpd);
// send a request to exit the NCK
void COwnWnd::QuitNCK()
// fill the COPYDATASTRUCT only with the NCK_QUIT_IMMEDIATELY or
BOOL bRC = false;
cpd.dwData = NCK_QUIT_IMMEDIATELY; // you can use also
cpd.cbData = 0;
cpd.lpData = 0;
// send a request to exit the nck
bRC = ::SendMessage(m_hServer, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cpd)
// send a new destination to the NCK in the wgs84 format
void COwnWnd::SendWGS84Destination()
// set user defined wgs84 coordinates
float fLatidude
// fill the NCKCoord struct
NCKCoord coord;
= fLatidude;
= fLongitude;
= sizeof(float)*2 + sizeof(LONG);
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// @cpd.dwData
// @cpd.cbData
set the size of the struct
// @cpd.lpData
set the address to the NCKCoord struct
BOOL bRC = false;
cpd.cbData = sizeof(float)*2 + sizeof(LONG);
cpd.lpData = &coord;
// send a request to the NCK to set a new wgs84 based destination
bRC = ::SendMessage(m_hServer, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cpd);
// send a new destination to the NCK in the Gauss-Krueger(GK) format
void COwnWnd::SendGKDestination()
// set user defined Gauss-Krueger coordinates
float fLatidude
// fill the NCKCoord struct
NCKCoord coord;
= fLatidude;
= fLongitude;
= sizeof(float)*2 + sizeof(LONG);
// @cpd.dwData
// @cpd.cbData
set the size of the struct
// @cpd.lpData
set the address to the NCKCoord struct
BOOL bRC = false;
cpd.cbData = sizeof(float)*2 + sizeof(LONG);
cpd.lpData = &coord;
// send a request to the NCK to set a new Gauss-Krueger based
bRC = ::SendMessage(m_hServer, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cpd);
Special NCK functions
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// send a new destination to the NCK as a postal address
void COwnWnd::SendPostalAddressDestination()
// fill NCKAddress struct with user defined postal address
NCKAddress address;
address.sHouseNumber = USER_DEFINED_HOUSENUMBER;
address.nSize = sizeof(LONG) + sizeof(TCHAR)*250;
// @cpd.dwData
// @cpd.cbData
set the size of the struct
// @cpd.lpData
set the address to the NCKAddress struct
BOOL bRC = false;
cpd.cbData =
sizeof(LONG) + sizeof(TCHAR)*250;
cpd.lpData = &address;
// send a request to the NCK to set a new postal address based
bRC = ::SendMessage(m_hServer, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)&cpd);
// NCK will send all informations to your application with help of a
WM_COPYDATA windows message.
// To handle the messages sended by the NCK you need an OnCopyData() method
to receive the messages.
BOOL COwnWnd::OnCopyData(CWnd* pWnd, COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct)
// Look up for the receiving sended NCK message depending on the dwData
// call method to handle the NCK_STATUS_NAVIGATION message
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// call method to handle the NCK_ADDRESS message
// call method to handle the NCK_COORDINATE message
// call method to handle the NCK_VERSION message
// call method to handle the NCK_DEST_REACHED message
return CWnd::OnCopyData(pWnd, pCopyDataStruct);
// response function to the NCK "GetStatusNavigation" methode
void COwnWnd::ReceiveNCKStatusNavigation(COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct)
// save pointer from the COPYDATASTRUCT in an own pointer variable
NCKStatusNavigation *currentState =
// save current status informations
int nMeter
int nDuration
= currentState->nDistance;
= currentState->nDuration;
// response function to the NCK "GetAddressFromWGS84" methode
void COwnWnd::ReceiveNCKAddress(COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct)
// save pointer from the COPYDATASTRUCT in an own pointer variable
NCKAddress *address = (NCKAddress*)pCopyDataStruct->lpData;
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// save the postal address sended by the nck
TCHAR sCountry[10];
TCHAR sCity[100];
TCHAR sStreet[100];
TCHAR sHouseNumber[20];
TCHAR sZip[20];
_tcscpy(sCountry, address->sCountry);
_tcscpy(sCity, address->sCity);
_tcscpy(sStreet, address->sStreet);
_tcscpy(sHouseNumber, address->sHouseNumber);
_tcscpy(sZip, address->sZipCode);
// response function to the NCK "GetWGS84FromAddress" methode
void COwnWnd::ReceiveNCKCoordinate(COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct)
// save pointer from the COPYDATASTRUCT in an own pointer variable
NCKCoord *coord = (NCKCoord*)pCopyDataStruct->lpData;
// save the wgs84 coordinates sended by the nck
float fLongitude = coord->fLongitude;
float fLatitude
= coord->fLatitude;
// response function to the NCK "GetNCKVersion" methode
void COwnWnd::ReceiveNCKVersion(COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct)
// save pointer from the COPYDATASTRUCT in an own pointer variable
NCKVersion *version = (NCKVersion*)pCopyDataStruct->lpData;
// save the version and buildnumber of the NCK
int nMajor = version->nMajor;
int nMinor = version->nMinor;
int nBuild = version->nBuild;
// response function from the NCK, if a destination point is reached by the
void COwnWnd::ReceiveDestReached(pCopyDataStruct)
// add your own handling code here
Special NCK functions
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Additional software:
Topics covered in this chapter:
6.1 Functionality of MapExport
page 108
Map export and transmission
Transmission of provided map extracts
6.2 User’s interface and basic functionality
page 109
Starting MapExport
Operating elements
Hot keys
Structure of the windows
6.3 Working with maps
page 114
Loading and displaying maps
6.4 Exporting segments of the map
page 118
Corridor surrounding an itinerary
6.5 Transmitting segments of the base map
Additional software: MapExport
page 130
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Functionality of MapExport
Map export and transmission
The transmission of maps is divided into two independent steps:
Map export:
The generation of determined map segments and their
storage on the hard disk of your PC.
For details, please refer to “Corridor surrounding an itinerary”,
page 118 and to “Zone”, page 127.
Map transmission:
Transmission of exported maps from your PC’s hard disk to
your Pocket PC.
There is no need to execute these two steps one after the other.
As exported maps are stored on your PC’s hard disk they may be
transmitted to your Pocket PC at any moment.
Duration of both
map export and map
Depending of the quantity of data and the performance of your
PC, the exportation of a map segment may take several hours. It
is the same with the transmission of this segment to your
Pocket PC via an ActiveSync connection. We recommend to use
a card reader to transmit large map segments.
Transmission of provided map extracts
Transmission of
provided map
If you have obtained two CDs containing ready-to-use map
segments with your navigation software, you may, with
MapExport, directly transmit them to your Pocket PC or to a
memory card.
For details, please refer to “Transmitting segments of the base
map”, page 130.
Additional software: MapExport
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
User’s interface and basic functionality
Starting MapExport
Starting MapExport…
1. Start MapExport on your PC by clicking Start >
Programs > Navigon GmbH > NCK 4.0 PocketPC/NCK
4.0 Notebook > MapExport.
The MAIN MENU opens:
Main menu
Via the MAIN MENU you may access all functions of the
Click the Archive icon to transmit provided or self-exported map
segments to your Pocket PC or to a memory card.
For details, please refer to “Transmitting segments of the base
map”, page 130.
Click the Zone icon to export a rectangular segment of the base
For details, please refer to “Zone”, page 127.
Click the Corridor icon to export a corridor segment based on an
For details, please refer to “Corridor surrounding an itinerary”,
page 118.
Standard directory
for the base map
Click the Browse button on the “Base map” section to determine
another folder for the base map.
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
For details, please refer to “Base map”, page 114.
Standard directory
for personal maps
Click the Browse button on the “Personal maps” section to
determine another folder for maps you have exported yourself.
For details, please refer to “Personal maps”, page 114.
Click Quitter to quit MapExport.
Click this icon to obtain information on the installed software
Click this icon for Online help.
Additional software: MapExport
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Operating elements
The operating elements of MapExport are listed below:
Entry field
Make entries into entry fields.
List field
Select between the entries listed in a
list field.
Command button
Click a command button to execute an
action, e.g. renaming a map.
Combo box
A combo box is a combination of both
entry field and list field. Make an
entry or select one of the listed
Option group
Select one of the available options.
Select one or several options by
checking the respective checkboxes.
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Hot keys
The hot keys which enable MapExport operation without mouse
are listed below:
Focuses the next field or button
Focuses the next menu item.
Focuses the previous field or button
Focuses the previous menu item.
Arrow keys
[UP] – Selects the previous list item
or focuses the previous radio button
of an option group.
[DOWN] – Selects the next list item or
focuses the next radio button of an
option group.
Executes the action of the focused
command button.
Validates a town or street entry.
Activates / deactivates the focused
radio button of an option group
Checks / Unchecks the focused
[ALT] + [DOWN]
Opens the list of the focused combo
Closes the dialog box.
Closes the combo box list.
Calls Online help.
[ALT] + [F4]
Quits Online help.
Quits MapExport.
Additional software: MapExport
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Structure of the windows
Main menu
Use and structure
Via the MAIN MENU you may access all functions of the
The paths of the standard directories for the base map
and for personal maps are indicated and may be modified.
Corridor, Zone, Archive
Corridor, Zone,
These windows consist of two sections: a map section al the left
and a functional section at the right. Open these windows via the
Map section
The map sector displays the currently loaded map (or a segment
of it). Any object which may be determined as destination may
also be displayed on the map: the towns, streets / roads and
special destinations contained in the database of places. At the
upper right corner of the map you may find icons with which you
may scroll the map and determine its scale.
Functional section
Varying according to the displayed window, the functional sector
provides information and operating elements which are needed
for map exportation and transmission.
Command buttons
The following command buttons are to be found on any of the
Click the Main menu button to return to the MAIN MENU. There
you may access other functions or quit MapExport.
Click the Online help button to access Online help.
Additional software: MapExport
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Working with maps
Loading and displaying maps
Base map
During the installation process the Base map has been stored on
your PC’s hard disk.
The path to the folder containing the Base map is indicated in the
Base map field of the MAIN MENU and may be modified there.
This map is the base for exporting map segments. It is displayed
in the Map section of the ZONE and CORRIDOR windows.
Transferring the
Base map to another
folder of your hard
1. In the WINDOWS EXPLORER, create a new folder for the Base
2. Cut the current folder of the Base map and copy it into the
new folder.
3. In the MAIN MENU of MapExport, click the Browse command
at the right of the Base map field.
The SELECT FOLDER dialog box opens.
4. Select the new folder for the Base map.
5. Click OK.
The new path is now indicated in the Base map field.
Personal maps
“Personal maps” are all zones and corridors of the Base map you
have exported. MapExport has stored them on the hard disk of
your PC.
The path to the folder containing the personal maps is indicated
in the Personal maps field of the MAIN MENU and may be
modified there (see below).
Personal maps may be transmitted to the Pocket PC or to a
memory card.
Notice: A copy of the personal maps remains on the hard disk,
even after the transmission to the Pocket PC.
Loading a Personal
1. On the MAIN MENU, click the Archive icon.
The ARCHIVE window opens.
2. In the Personal maps list field of the functional section, click
the entry of the map to display.
The respective map is now being displayed in the Map section at
the left of the window.
Additional software: MapExport
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Standard folder for
personal maps
A standard folder for personal maps has been created during the
installation process. All personal maps you have exported (zones
and corridors) are stored therein.
Modifying the path to
the standard folder
for Personal maps…
1. In the WINDOWS EXPLORER, create a new folder for Personal
2. In the MAIN MENU of MapExport, click the Browse command
at the right of the Personal maps field.
The SELECT FOLDER dialog box opens.
3. Select the new folder for the Personal maps.
4. Click OK.
The new path is now indicated in the Personal maps field.
Provided maps
If you have purchased the 5-CD-version of Configuration Kit,
the delivery contains two CDs (CD 4 and CD 5) with already
exported map segments which are ready for use on your
Pocket PC.
CD 4 contains maps of:
Germany; France; the Alpine region (Austria, Switzerland,
and the bordering alpine regions of France, Italy, and
Germany); Spain and Portugal.
CD 5 contains maps of:
Belgium; the BeNeLux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands,
Luxemburg); Denmark; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; the
Netherlands; Austria; Switzerland; Scandinavia.
You may load these maps directly from the CD-ROM and as well
transmit them to your Pocket PC.
Loading a provided
1. Insert the CD containing the respective map into your CDROM drive.
2. On the MAIN MENU, click the Archive button.
The ARCHIVE window opens.
3. In the Provided maps list field of the functional section, click
the entry of the map to display.
The respective map is now being displayed in the Map section
at the left of the window.
Notice: If you don’t have inserted the right CD you will be
prompted to do so. The respective map will then be displayed in
the Map section at the left of the window.
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At the upper right corner of the map, there are icons to scroll the
map, to determine the scale of the map, and to define segments
of the map in order to export them. Depending on which window
is active, some icons may be deactivated (for example the
segment definition icons on the ARCHIVE window).
Scrolling the map:
1. Click the Scroll map icon.
The mouse pointer becomes a hand.
2. Click on the map, keep the left mouse button pressed and
drag the map into the desired direction.
Click the arrow icons to scroll the map into the respective
Notice: Alternatively, you may scroll the map using the arrow
keys of your keyboard.
Zooming into the map:
Click the Zoom in icon to increase the scale of the map.
Notice: You may as well zoom in by pressing the NUM[+] key
(on the numeric keyboard) or by rolling the mouse wheel
Zooming out of the map:
Click the Zoom out icon to reduce the scale of the map.
Notice: You may as well zoom out by pressing the NUM[-] key
(on the numeric keyboard) or by rolling the mouse wheel
Displaying the entire map:
Click the Entire map icon to display the entire map.
Scaling the map to the size of a rectangle:
Click the Rectangle size icon to draw a rectangle and to scale
the map to its size.
Searching for a place or a special destination:
Click the Search icon to search for a place or a special
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Centring a determined zone:
The Centre icon is activated only on the ZONE window. Click this
icon to scale the map to the size of a marked rectangle and to
centre it on the map.
For details, please refer to “Zone”, page 127.
Adding a stage point:
The Stage point icon is only activated on the CORRIDOR window.
Click this icon to add a stage point by clicking it on the map.
For details, please refer to “Corridor surrounding an itinerary”,
page 118.
Defining a zone:
The Draw zone icon is activated only on the ZONE window. Click
this icon to define a rectangular zone which may be exported.
For details, please refer to “Zone”, page 127.
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Exporting segments of the map
Corridor surrounding an itinerary
You may cut a corridor of the base map and export it. The
definition is done by selecting stage points of an itinerary and by
indicating the width of the corridor and the radius round the
stage points. The stage points will be exported with the map. In
Configuration Kit, you may select them as destinations for
navigation purposes (For details, please refer to “Working on
itineraries, storage and management”, page 60).
Defining a corridor…
1. On the MAIN MENU, click the Corridor icon.
The CORRIDOR window opens:
The base map is being displayed in the map sector. The
functional sector shows a list of the stage points, information,
and the needed operational elements.
The definition of a corridor is divided into 6 steps:
definition of the stage points of an itinerary, page 119,
definition of the radius around the stage points, page 121,
definition of the width of the corridor, page 121,
definition of the route options, page 122,
final control of the itinerary, page 123,
Export of the corridor, page 126.
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Defining the stage points of an itinerary
Any town, street, or special destination covered by the base map
may be selected as stage point. To determine a stage point, you
enter it by keyboard or
click it on the map.
Adding stage points…
1. Click the Search icon.
window opens.
2. Click the Country combo box and select the destination
Notice: If you want to dispose of the destinations of all
countries covered by the currently loaded map, select All
countries. Note that in this case you may not enter a
postcode to indicate the destination town.
3. Enter the stage point town into the Town / Postcode combo
box. Enter either its name or its postcode.
4. Activate the Street option button.
5. Enter the stage point street into the Street combo box.
Notice: If the house numbers of the respective street are
stored in the database of places, you may enter the house
number into the Nr. field. The coloured field becomes green if
the entered housenumber is listed in the database of places,
otherwise it becomes red.
If no house numbers are stored, the Nr. field is deactivated.
The whole street will then be the stage point.
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6. Click the Set as stage point button to determine the entered
address as stage point.
The address will be added to the list of stage points. On the
map, the stage point will be indicated by a small flag with the
number of its position on the itinerary.
7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each address you want to add to the
list of stage points.
Adding a special
destination as stage
1. Click the Search icon.
window opens.
2. Click the Country combo box and select the destination
Notice: If you want to dispose of the destinations of all
countries covered by the currently loaded map, select All
countries. Note that in this case you may not enter a
postcode to indicate the destination town.
3. Enter the stage point town into the Town / Postcode combo
box. Enter either its name or its postcode.
4. Activate the Special destination option button.
5. In the Category combo box, select the main category of the
special destination (e.g. “Airports”).
6. In the Name combo box, select the desired special
7. Click the Set as stage point button to determine the
selected special destination as stage point.
The special destination will be added to the list of stage
points. On the map, the stage point will be indicated by a
small flag with the number of its position on the itinerary.
8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 for each special destination you want to
add to the list of stage points.
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Selecting a stage
point on the map…
1. On the map, search for the place or special destination you
want to set as stage point.
2. Click the Stage point icon.
The mouse pointer becomes an arrow with a small flag.
3. Click the desired place (or special destination) to add it to the
list of stage points.
The address (or special destination) will be added to the list of
stage points. On the map, the stage point will be indicated by
a small flag with the number of its position on the itinerary.
Notice: If you click a place which is not accessible by car, the
nearest accessible place will be taken over as stage point.
Defining the radius around the stage points and the corridor width
Defining the radius
around the stage
A circle with a determined radius around the stage points will be
exported with the corridor. This grants navigation in the
neighbourhood of the stage points, even outside the calculated
1. Enter the desired value for the radius into the Radius entry
field. Values between 2 miles and 150 miles are allowed.
Defining the corridor
2. Enter the desired value for the corridor width into the
Corridor width entry field. Values between 1 mile and 60
miles are allowed.
If you leave the calculated route, a new route may be calculated
within the selected corridor (and within the selected circles
around the stage points).
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Defining the route options
Defining the route
1. Click the Route options button.
The ROUTE OPTIONS dialog window opens:
Route options
Speed profile
2. Select one of the following options from the upper section:
Quick route
The quickest route will be calculated.
Short route
The shortest route will be calculated.
3. Select the appropriate entry from the Speed profile combo
This entry will have an effect on the calculation of the
remaining time and of the estimated time of arrival (ETA).
Roads to be avoided
4. Determine whether you want to Avoid motorways, to Avoid
ferries, and / or to Avoid toll roads by checking the
respective checkboxes.
Even if you check the boxes, the respective roads will only be
avoided if it is possible with reasonable detour and
5. Click OK.
Notice: The ROUTE OPTIONS configuration will be saved. You
will not have to modify them except if you want to determine
other route options.
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Checking, displaying and exporting itineraries
You may plan as much itineraries as you want, e.g. for holidays,
in order to use them later for navigation purposes.
At any moment, you may add stage points, change their order or
display an itinerary on the map.
The following commands are available:
One place up
Click the One place up icon to navigate to the respective stage
point earlier (example: stage 3 becomes stage 2).
One place down
Click the One place down icon to navigate to the respective
stage point later (example: stage 2 becomes stage 3).
Adding route points…
Determine other route points and add them to the list of route
For details, please refer to “Defining the stage points of an
itinerary”, page 119.
Delete stage
Click the Delete stage point icon to delete the respective stage
Display stage point
Click the Display stage point icon to display the respective
stage point on the map.
Displaying and
calculating the
Click the Display corridor icon to display and to calculate the
route with its corridor.
The route will be highlighted in blue, the corridor and the circles
around the stage points in transparent grey. The stage points will
be indicated by small flags.
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Route information
When the route has been calculated, the following information is
being displayed on the functional section:
In the Duration column, the distance and the estimated
duration to the next stage point are being indicated.
In the Entire route field, the total distance and the total
duration are being indicated.
In the Information on the corridor section, the amount of
required memory is being indicated.
Notice: If more than 360MB of memory are required, you will be
prompted to reduce the map segment.
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Loading the stage
points of a saved
Click From PC to load the stage points of an itinerary which is
saved on the hard disc of your PC.
Click From Pocket PC to load the stage points of an itinerary
which is saved on your Pocket PC.
The stage points will be added to the list of stage points and may
be modified.
Saving the itinerary…
Click To PC to save the itinerary to the hard disc of your PC.
Click To Pocket PC to save the itinerary to your Pocket PC.
On the SAVE AS… dialog window, enter a name for the itinerary.
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Exporting the corridor
Having entered stage points, radius and corridor width, you may
initiate the exportation of the corridor to the hard disc of your PC.
The new map may be transmitted to the Pocket PC instantly after
exportation or at a later moment.
Entering the name of
the map…
1. Enter the name of the new map into the respective entry
2. Click the Export map button.
Exportation of the map begins. It will be stored into the
standard folder for Personal maps.
Notice: If the route has not been calculated yet, MapExport
will calculate it now in order to verify the size of requested
If more than 360MB of memory are required, you will be
prompted to reduce the map segment.
The EXPORTATION dialog window opens:
The approximate duration of the exportation process (less than
10 minutes, 10 to 30 minutes etc.) and the already elapsed time
are indicated. Two progress bars indicate the progress of
Transmitting the
map to the
Pocket PC…
Having exported the map, you may transmit it to the Pocket PC
or export other segments of the base map and transmit them to
the Pocket PC at a later moment.
For details, please refer to “Transmitting segments of the base
map”, page 130.
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You may cut a rectangle of the base map and export it. The map
segment may be exported to the hard disc and may then be
transmitted to your Pocket PC.
Determining a zone…
1. On the MAIN MENU, click the Zone icon.
The ZONE window opens:
The base map is being displayed in the map sector. The
functional sector shows information and the needed operational
2. On the map, search for the zone you want to export.
If the zone is to cover certain places or special destinations,
you may search for them in the database of places.
3. Click the Search icon.
For details, please refer to “Defining the stage points of an
itinerary”, page 119.
4. Click the Draw Zone icon.
5. On the map, click one corner of the rectangle to define, keep
the left mouse button pressed and draw the desired
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The determined rectangle is highlighted by black hatching.
In the Information on the zone section, length, width, and
surface of the selected zone are indicated.
Calculating the size
of required memory
Determine whether the size of required memory is to be
calculated automatically.
Check the Calculate automatically check box.
The size of required memory will be calculated and indicated
automatically just after the determination (or modification) of the
Click the Calculate command button.
The size of required memory will be calculated and indicated.
Notice: If more than 360MB of memory are required, you will be
prompted to reduce the map segment.
Checking and
modifying the zone…
You may change the size and the position of the currently
indicated zone.
Modifying the size…
With the mouse, point one of the little squares at the borders of
the zone.
When the mouse pointer becomes a n arrow with two tips
keep the left mouse button pressed and draw the rectangle to the
desired size.
Scrolling the zone
Point at the middle of the zone.
Keep the left mouse button pressed and draw the rectangle to
the desired position.
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Exporting the zone
Having made all necessary indications, you may initiate the
exportation of the zone to the hard disc of your PC. The new map
may be transmitted to the Pocket PC instantly after exportation
or at a later moment.
Entering the name of
the map…
1. Enter the name of the new map into the respective entry
2. Click the Export map button.
Exportation of the map begins. It will be stored into the
standard folder for Personal maps.
Notice: If the route has not been calculated yet, MapExport
will calculate it now in order to verify the size of requested
If more than 360MB of memory are required, you will be
prompted to reduce the map segment.
The EXPORTATION dialog window opens.
The approximate duration of the exportation process (less
than 10 minutes, 10 to 30 minutes etc.) and the already
elapsed time are indicated. Two progress bars indicate the
progress of exportation.
Transmitting the
map to the
Pocket PC…
Having exported the map, you may transmit it to the Pocket PC
or export other segments of the base map and transmit them to
the Pocket PC at a later moment.
For details, please refer to “Transmitting segments of the base
map”, page 130
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Transmitting segments of the base map
Opening the Archive
1. On the MAIN MENU, click the Archive icon.
The ARCHIVE window opens.
On the functional sector, there are two list fields:
The first list contains all personal maps which are stored in
the standard folder for Personal maps on the hard disk of
your PC.
The second list contains provided maps (exported segments
of the base map included in the delivery).
The size of requested memory is indicated behind the names of
the maps.
Checking personal
Personal maps may be displayed, renamed, or deleted.
Displaying a personal
On the Personal maps list field, click the entry of the map to be
The desired will be displayed in the Map sector at the left hand
side of the window.
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Renaming a map…
1. On the Personal maps list field, click the entry of the map to
be renamed.
2. Click the Rename command button.
3. On the RENAME MAP dialogue window, enter the new name.
4. Click OK to save the new name of the map.
Deleting a map…
1. On the Personal maps list field, click the entry of the map to
be deleted.
2. Click the Delete command button.
3. Confirm by clicking Yes.
The map and its entry on the Personal maps list field are
now deleted.
Transmitting maps…
There is two ways to transmit a map:
Via an ActiveSync connection.
Via a card reader to a memory card.
1. To transmit a Provided map, insert the respective CD-ROM
into your CD-drive.
Transmission via an
2. Establish an ActiveSync connection between your PC and
your Pocket PC (for details, please consult the manual of your
Pocket PC).
3. Select the map to transmit from either the Personal maps
list field or the Provided maps list field.
The selected map is displayed on the Map sector.
4. Click the Via ActiveSync command button.
The SELECT FOLDER dialogue window opens. The size of
memory requested by the map is indicated.
5. Select the folder to which the map is to be transmitted. This
folder must not be within the range of the “My documents”
5a Click the New folder icon to create a new folder for the map.
5b Enter the name of the new folder and click OK.
6. Click OK.
The MAP TRANSMISSION dialogue window opens. Two progress
bars indicate the progress of transmission.
As soon as the map has been transmitted to the Pocket PC, a
dialog box prompts that the transmission is complete.
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Transmission via a
card reader
1. Connect the card reader to your PC and insert the memory
2. To transmit a Provided map, insert the respective CD-ROM
into your CD-drive.
3. Select the map to transmit from either the Personal maps
list field or the Provided maps list field.
The selected map is displayed on the Map sector.
4. Click the Via Card reader command button.
The SELECT FOLDER dialogue window opens. The size of
memory requested by the map is indicated.
5. Select the directory of the memory card.
5a Click the New folder icon to create a new folder for the map.
5b Enter the name of the new folder and click OK.
6. Click OK.
The MAP TRANSMISSION dialogue window opens. Two progress
bars indicate the progress of transmission.
As soon as the map has been transmitted to the Pocket PC, a
dialog box prompts that the transmission is complete.
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Additional software:
Topics covered in this chapter:
7.1 Skin creation
page 134
7.2 Selecting a Skin in Configuration Kit
Additional software: SkinEditor
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Skin creation
With SkinEditor, you may personalise the user interface of
Configuration Kit.
You may determine the colours of the screen elements and the
background of the screens. Any modification will instantly be
displayed on the example screens at the right hand side of the
1. Start SkinEditor by clicking Start > Programs > NCK 4.0
PocketPC/NCK 4.0 Notebook > SkinEditor.
SkinEditor opens:
2. Via the Settings combo box, determine the new “Skin”.
3. Click Save Skin as… to save the new skin.
4. Click Transmit Skin to Pocket PC to provide the skin to
Configuration Kit.
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Selecting a Skin in Configuration Kit
Selecting a Skin in
Configuration Kit…
1. Start Configuration Kit on your Pocket PC.
2. Tap the Settings button.
3. Select the REPRESENTATION screen and tap the Skin field.
4. Select one of the available skins and tap OK.
5. Tap the Save button to load this skin at the next starts of
Configuration Kit.
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Topics covered in this chapter:
8.1 Annex A: Configuration of Configuration Kit
page 138
Info on the map
Itinerary info
Auto mode
Speed profile
Home address
8.2 Annex B: GPS receiver
page 143
Equipping the GPS receiver
8.3 Annex C: Problem solutions
page 147
GPS receiver
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Annex A: Configuration of Configuration Kit
In Configuration Kit, you may modify the following settings:
Info on the map, see below.
Itinerary info, see page 139.
Volume, see page 139.
Representation, see page 140.
Auto mode, see page 140.
Speed profile, see page 141.
Logbook, see page 141.
Keys, see page 141.
Itinerary, see page 141.
Format, see page 142.
GPS, see page 142.
TMC, see page 142.
Home address, see page 142.
On the main screen, tap the Settings button to configure
Configuration Kit.
On the SETTINGS screen, tap the Save button to apply your
modifications if you have made some.
Info on the map
Info on the map
On the INFO ON THE MAP screen, you may effect the following
Info bar
The Info bar at the bottom of the map
displays the scale of the map, the current
gradient, the compass, the current height
above sea level, and the current speed.
Tap the respective command button to
display (Yes) or not (No) the Info bar.
Tap the respective command button to
display (Yes) or not (No) Special
destinations on the map.
Street names
Tap the respective command button to
display (Yes) or not (No) Street names on
the map.
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Itinerary info
Itinerary info
On the ITINERARY INFO screen, you may effect the following
ETA at final dest.
ETA (Estimated time of arrival) at the final
Remaining time to the final destination
Remaining distance to the final destination
Tap the respective command buttons to
display (Yes) or not (No) the respective
information on the map.
All information displayed below refers to
the final destination. This section is only
available if you have indicated more than
one destination to navigate to.
Time to final dest.
Dist. to final dest.
ETA at next dest.
Time to next dest.
Dist. to next dest.
ETA (Estimated time of arrival) at the next
stage point.
Remaining time to the next stage point
Remaining distance to the next stage point
Tap the respective command buttons to
display (Yes) or not (No) the respective
information on the map.
All information displayed below refers to
the next stage point.
On the VOLUME screen, modify the volume of the spoken
indications of the navigation system.
Tap the Volume field and select another value.
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On the REPRESENTATION screen, you may effect the following
Skins are made to personalise the user
interface of Configuration Kit.
Tap the Skin field.
Select one of the available skins and tap
For details, please refer to “Skin creation”,
page 134.
Darken at night
Tap this field and select whether the screen
or your Pocket PC is to be darkened at
night or not.
Notice: This function is available only on a Pocket PC.
Auto mode
Auto mode
On the AUTO MODE screen, you may effect the following
Autozoom increases or reduces the scale of
the map, depending on your current speed.
Tap the Autozoom field.
No autozoom if you don’t want the scale
to be modified in navigation mode.
Standard autozoom if you want the scale
to be modified continuously in navigation
Low autozoom if you want to increase the
scale quicker than with normal autozoom.
High autozoom if you want to reduce the
scale quicker than with normal autozoom.
Make your choice and tap OK.
North orientation
Tap the North orientation button to
orientate the map by standard to the north
(Yes) or in driving direction (No).
Tap the 3D button to display the map by
standard in 3D view (Yes) or in 2D view
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Speed profile
Speed profile
On the SPEED PROFILE screen, indicate your speed profile. This
entry will have an effect on the calculation of the remaining time
and of the estimated time of arrival (ETA).
Tap the Speed profile button. Select one of the available profiles
and tap OK.
On the LOGBOOK screen, determine whether the logbook is to be
started automatically at the beginning of navigation (Yes) or not
Tap the Start automatically button to toggle between Yes and
Independent from the settings made here, you may at any time
start or stop the logbook via the
On the KEYS screen, you may configure the hardware keys of
your Pocket PC to execute the “up”, “down”, “left”, “right”,
“enter” and “return” actions. This enables convenient and easy
When you quit the navigation software, the keys will have their
standard functionality.
Tap the Configure button to check or to modify the
automatically to the
next stage point…
On the ITINERARY screen, determine whether you want to
navigate automatically to the next stage point after having
reached a stage point (Yes) or not (No).
Tap the Proceed automatically to the next stage point
button to toggle between Yes and No.
If you don’t proceed automatically, you may proceed as follows:
On the map in navigation mode, tap the Additional functions
Select Next stage and tap OK.
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8.1.10 Format
On the FORMAT screen, determine which units are to be used for
time and distance indications.
Tap the Duration field to toggle between
12 hours (AM/PM) and 24 hours time
Tap the Distance field to toggle between
kilometres or miles distance units.
8.1.11 GPS
On the FORMAT screen, configure the GPS receiver.
Tap the Type of receiver field. Select the
appropriate receiver from the list and tap
Tap the COM-port field and indicate the
COM / USB-port used by the receiver.
If you are using a GPS receiver of another
brand than NAVIGON (Type: Other
receiver), enter the respective Baud rate
into the Baud field.
8.1.12 TMC
On the TMC screen, determine whether route modifications
caused by TMC traffic information are to be carried out
automatically or with explicit confirmation.
Tap the Route modification field to toggle between
Automatically and With confirmation.
8.1.13 Home address
Home address
On the HOME ADDRESS screen, you may save your home address
to quickly start navigation homewards from anywhere.
1. Tap Enter your home address.
The DESTINATION screen opens.
2. Tap the Address button and enter your home address as
described in “Entering a destination manually”, page 31.
3. Tap the Save as home address button.
The address is indicated on the HOME ADDRESS screen.
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Annex B: GPS receiver
Diodes of the GPS
receiver with
Bluetooth module
A GPS receiver with Bluetooth module has two diodes, a blue one
for the Bluetooth module and a red one for the battery status.
The signalisation of the diodes explains as follows:
No diode is shining when the receiver is on but not connected
to the charging cable.
If it is connected to the charging cable, the battery is flat.
Attention: In this case, connect the receiver to a power
supply as quick as possible in order to charge the battery.
Bluetooth diode
The blue diode is blinking (in intervals of 1 second) when the
receiver is on and searching for a Bluetooth connection.
The blue diode is shining when the receiver is on and a
Bluetooth connection is established.
Battery diode (red)
The red diode is blinking (in intervals of 1/10 of a second)
when the battery is discharging because of wireless service.
The red diode is blinking (in intervals of 1 second) when the
receiver is connected to a power supply and being charged.
The red diode is shining when the battery is fully charged.
The fully charged battery lasts for about 4 hours. Charging the
battery takes about 2 or 3 hours.
Diode of the GPS
receiver without
Bluetooth module
A GPS receiver without Bluetooth module has only a green diode.
It is shining when the receiver is on.
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Equipping the GPS receiver
Expansion modules
At any moment, the GPS receiver may be equipped with the
Bluetooth module (for wireless data transmission) and / or with
the TMC module (to provide traffic information to your navigation
TMC module
Equipping the GPS
receiver with the
TMC module…
1. Disconnect any cable from the GPS receiver.
2. Pull the respective dummy out of the receiver.
3. Insert the TMC module.
4. Reconnect the cables.
5. Plug the jack of the aerial supplied within the delivery into the
respective socket of the GPS receiver.
Notice: Instead of using the supplied aerial you may connect
the receiver to the external vehicle antenna using a Yadapter. This Y-adapter is available from our support.
6. Turn the GPS receiver on.
Initialisation ot the
TMC module
The initialisation process of the TMC module starts automatically.
Within a few seconds, the colour of the TMC icon in
Configuration Kit changes from red (no TMC reception) to
orange (Search) and finally to green (TMC reception). The
number on the icon indicates the number of received traffic
For details on the functionality of your TMC module, please refer
to “Using TMC functionality”, page 65.
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Bluetooth module
Equipping the GPS
receiver with the
Bluetooth module…
1. Disconnect any cable from the GPS receiver.
2. Pull the respective dummy out of the receiver.
3. Insert the Bluetooth module.
4. Reconnect the cables.
5. Turn the GPS receiver on.
The blue diode is blinking (in intervals of 1 second).
6. Start Configuration Kit on your Pocket PC in order to
establish the Bluetooth-connection in your navigation
Notice: For detailed information on Bluetooth connections
between your Pocket PC and other Bluetooth-devices, please
refer to the manual of your Pocket PC.
7. At the first connection via Bluetooth, you will be prompted to
enter a code. Enter 0000.
8. On the main screen, tap the Configuration button.
The CONFIGURATION screen opens.
9. Via the arrow buttons, select GPS.
10. Tap the Type of receiver field and indicate the type of your
GPS receiver.
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
You have…
the expandable NAVIGON GPS
select Navigon Modular.
a non-expandable NAVIGON GPS
receiver with TMC,
select Navigon with
a non-expandable NAVIGON GPS
receiver without TMC,
select Navigon without
a GPS receiver of another brand,
select Other receiver.
11. Tap the at field and indicate the COM-port.
Notice: If you have established a wire connection, it is
normally COM-Port 1.
When you establish a Bluetooth-connection for the first time,
you are normally prompted which COM-port is used. When
you connect a HP Ipaq 3870, 3970, 2210, 5450, or 5550, it is
COM-Port 8. For a HP Ipaq 1940 it is COM-Port 5. For a HP
Ipaq 4150 it is COM-Port 6.
12. If you are using a GPS receiver of another brand than
NAVIGON (Type: Other receiver), enter the respective Baud
rate into the Baud field.
The blue LED at the GPS receiver shines when the connection
is established.
13. Leave the GPS receiver connected to the power supply for
about 2 hours in order to fully charge its battery.
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Annex C: Problem solutions
Installation failed
Software installation on your Pocket PC has failed.
1. Uninstall the software by clicking Start > Programs >
Navigon GmbH > NCK 4.0 PocketPC > Uninstall on your
2. Reinstall Microsoft ActiveSync on your PC.
3. Reinstall the software.
Slow calculation
Route calculation is very slow, the voice indications in navigation
mode are coming late.
The efficiency of both route calculation and navigation depends
on the amount of free memory and on the kind of memory card
you use.
In order to navigate properly, the system should dispose of at
least 10MB of free memory on your Pocket PC.
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
GPS receiver
Possible error
sources concerning
the initialisation of
the GPS receiver
If the GPS symbol stays red (no GPS-reception) even though the
system has been installed correctly, this may be due to one of
the following reasons:
Reason A: an incorrect COM-port is selected.
Reason B: the receiver is not supplied with power.
The GPS receiver is connected to another COM-port than COM 1.
1. On the main screen, tap the Configuration button.
The CONFIGURATION screen opens.
2. Via the arrow buttons, select GPS.
3. Tap the COM-port field.
4. Select another COM-port.
If the GPS symbol becomes green, you may start navigation.
The cigarette-lighter is not permanently supplied with power.
If the GPS symbol stays red (no GPS-reception) even though you
have tried all available COM-ports, it may be that your cigarettelighter is not permanently supplied with power.
1. Quit Configuration Kit.
2. Start your engine.
3. Restart Configuration Kit.
The GPS receiver should now be ready for use within short
time (the GPS symbol becomes green). In the future, start
your vehicle before starting the navigation software.
The GPS receiver
takes long to be
ready to use
The GPS receiver has a battery which maintains saving data
collected during the initialisation process.
Once the initialisation has been executed successfully, there is
two modes of starting the GPS receiver up:
Mode 1
takes about 5 to 6 minutes. The GPS receiver has
not been used for at least one week.
Mode 2
takes about 1 to 2 minutes. The GPS receiver has
been used almost daily.
If starting the receiver up takes always about 5 to 6 minutes
even though it has been used almost daily the battery is
defective. Replace it.
- 148 -
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
A COM port is a connector to a communications interface, usually
the serial port. The ports are numbered by a number behind
“COM”. A communications interface is designed to connect
hardware like a mouse or a GPS receiver.
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is the mean solar time at the Royal
Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich near London, England,
which by convention is at 0 degrees geographic longitude.
Theoretically, noon Greenwich Mean Time is the moment when
the Sun crosses the Greenwich meridian (and reaches its highest
point in the sky in Greenwich). Up to 1972, GMT was the global
time standard. Because of the Earth's uneven speed in its elliptic
orbit, GMT has been replaced by UTC (Universal Time
Coordinated) which is an ultra stable time standard based on
atomic clocks.
The GPS (Global Positioning System) is based on 24 satellites
which are in orbit round the earth. They are permanently
emitting the time and their current position. The GPS receiver
receives this information and calculates the longitude and the
latitude of its own current position.
The signals of at least three satellites are needed to determine
the longitude and the latitude. With the signals of at least four
satellites the elevation may be calculated, too. The determination
has an accuracy of about 3 yards.
The Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP) indicates the quality
of position determination. Theoretically any value from 0 to 50 is
possible. The smaller the value is, the more accurate is the
position determination (value 0 = no deviation from the actual
position). Values up to 8 are convenient for street navigation.
Point of Interest (POI). See
Radio Data Signal (RDS) is a service offered by broadcasting
stations. TMC information is broadcasted via RDS.
Special destination
Special destinations, also called POI (Points of Interest), are
covered by the map and may be displayed on it. Harbours,
airports, restaurants, hotels, petrol stations, public buildings, and
others belong to the special destinations. You may determine
special destinations as itinerary points for navigation purposes.
Traffic Message Channel (TMC) supplies your navigation system
with the latest traffic information. A TMC module which is
available as accessory receives the signals which are broadcasted
by radio stations.
Map exportation
In MapExport, exportation of maps means the determination of
segments of the base map and their storage on the hard disk of
your PC.
Special destination.
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User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Map transmission
With MapExport you may transmit personal maps (which are
stored on your PC) and provided maps (included within the
delivery) to your Pocket PC.
- 150 -
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
10 Index
Destination file................................ 73
Delete ......................................... 76
3D View ........................................140
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) ....... 139
Activation code ............................... 19
Additional functions ......................... 48
TMC .................................... 22, 144
TMC .................................... 22, 144
register ....................................... 88
Application window
Position....................................... 72
Size............................................ 72
Assistance for navigation.................. 50
Autozoom .....................................140
Base map.................................. 15, 17
[FileIO] ....................................... 73
Blocking......................................... 64
Bluetooth ....................................... 15
Expansion module .......................145
Configuration Kit
Contacts ........................................
Addresses ...................................
convert .......................................
Current position ..............................
File interface................................... 73
Tannis....................................73, 77
GMT .............................................. 29
GPS............................................... 14
GPS icon ..................................... 28
Interfaces.................................... 78
Receiver ...................................... 15
Signals........................................ 14
GPS receiver................................... 56
Bluetooth module .................. 21, 145
COM-port .................................. 148
Diodes ...................................... 143
Equip ........................................ 144
Expansion modules ..................... 144
Initialisation................................. 23
Mount ......................................... 20
Possible error sources ................. 148
Settings .................................... 142
TMC module............................... 144
transmit ...................................... 89
GPS-Position................................... 76
HDOP ............................................ 29
Home address.......................... 43, 142
Database of places ..........................
Navigate to..................................
Rename ......................................
transmit ......................................
Destination file
Navigation ...................................
Indication of destinations
Contacts...................................... 37
Home address .............................. 43
Manually ..................................... 31
On the map ................................. 39
Recent destinations....................... 42
Saved destinations........................ 41
- 151 -
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
Special destination........................ 33
Voice command............................ 44
Info bar .................................. 52, 138
Itinerary ..................................... 53
Stage .................................... 51, 53
Windows message ........................ 88
Itinerary ................................. 53, 141
Itinerary planning............................ 58
Koordinatenformat .......................... 74
Adresse....................................... 74
Gauß-Krüger................................ 74
WGS-84 ...................................... 74
Logbook.................................. 68, 141
Main screen.................................... 26
Map .............................................. 45
3D view ...................................... 47
Active ......................................... 45
Auto mode .................................. 47
Centre ........................................ 47
Display .................................. 27, 46
Info bar ...................................... 52
Information ................................. 52
Itinerary ..................................... 47
Orientation .................................. 47
Scroll.......................................... 47
Segment ..................................... 18
Special destinations ............... 52, 138
Street names ........................ 52, 138
Zoom.......................................... 47
Zoom in ...................................... 47
Zoom out .................................... 47
Base map ...................................114
Corridor .....................................118
Check .....................................123
Definition.................. 119, 120, 121
Functional section........................113
Hot keys ....................................112
Icons .........................................116
Main menu .................................109
Delete .................................... 131
Display ............................ 114, 130
Load ...................................... 114
Rectangle ............................... 116
Rename.................................. 131
Scroll ..................................... 116
Transmission .................... 131, 132
Zoom in.................................. 116
Map export ................................ 108
Map section ............................... 113
Map segment
Corridor.................................. 118
Zone ...................................... 127
Map transmission........................ 108
Operating elements..................... 111
Operational elements .................. 116
Personal maps............................ 114
Provided maps ........................... 115
Route options............................. 122
Standard folder ............ 109, 114, 115
Zone......................................... 127
Definition ................................ 127
Export .................................... 129
Position .................................. 128
Size ....................................... 128
Mobile phone screen keyboard .......... 31
Begin .......................................... 57
Next stage ................................. 141
Proceed automatically ................. 141
Quit ............................................ 49
Navigation software
Start........................................... 26
NCK.INI ......................................... 72
Next stage.................................... 141
Orientation ................................... 140
Autostart ................................73, 75
Delete ....................................73, 76
DeltaCourse ................................. 85
DestinationFile ........................73, 77
Format ...................................73, 77
FormatGPSFile ........................73, 76
GPSFile ..................................73, 76
GPSInput..................................... 78
Height......................................... 72
MaxCoord .................................... 85
- 152 -
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
OffsetX ....................................... 72
OffsetY........................................ 72
Path ........................................... 85
Record ........................................ 85
RouteList..................................... 77
Width ......................................... 72
Personalisation ............................... 15
Skin creation ..............................134
Skin selection .............................135
POI ............................................... 33
Datenbank................................... 82
User defined ................................ 82
Proceed automatically .....................141
RDS .............................................. 14
Recent Destinations ......................... 42
Remaining distance ........................139
Remaining time..............................139
Route information ........................... 50
Route options ............................ 49, 57
Route point .................................... 49
Route section ................................. 62
Block .......................................... 64
Unblock....................................... 64
Saved destinations .......................... 41
Address ...................................... 32
Configuration ..............................138
Destination .................................. 30
Itinerary ..................................... 58
Settings .....................................138
Special destination........................ 33
Search facilities................................. 8
[Dimension] ................................ 72
[GPS] ......................................... 78
[POI] ..................................... 84, 87
[Track] ....................................... 85
Security information .......................... 6
Serial number................................. 19
Service ............................................ 9
Auto mode .................................140
Home address.............................142
Info on the map ..........................138
Itinerary ....................................141
Itinerary info ..............................139
Keys ..........................................141
Logbook .....................................141
Representation ........................... 140
Speed profile.............................. 141
TMC.......................................... 142
Volume ..................................... 139
Simulation file................................. 79
GPSDemoFile.txt .......................... 80
load ............................................ 80
Simulation mode ............................. 79
Simulationsgeschwindigkeit .............. 81
Skin ..................................... 134, 135
Skin creation.............................. 134
Skin selection............................. 135
Skins ........................................... 140
Special destination ..............33, 52, 138
Special destinations
In another town ........................... 36
Nearby ........................................ 34
Of supraregional interest ............... 35
Speech guidance ............................. 48
Speed profile ................................ 141
Stage ............................................ 53
Stage point..................................... 63
Street names ........................... 52, 138
Support ........................................... 9
Time of arrival .............................. 139
TMC ..................................14, 65, 142
Expansion module....................... 144
Initialisation.......................... 23, 144
recording................................85, 86
Track file........................................ 84
Structure..................................... 84
Track properties .............................. 86
Tracks ........................................... 83
Units ........................................... 142
Versionsabfrage .............................. 92
Voice command............................... 44
Voice Instruction ............................. 51
Volume ........................................ 139
Way list ......................................... 62
Waypoints ...................................... 48
Windows message ........................... 88
- 153 -
User's manual Navigon Configuration Kit 4.0
NCK_ADDRESS ............................ 91
............................................... 88
............................................... 88
NCK_COORDINATE ....................... 92
NCK_DEST_REACHED ................... 93
NCK_GET_ADDRESS ..................... 91
NCK_GET_COORDINATE ................ 92
NCK_GET_VERSION ...................... 92
NCK_GPS_DATA ........................... 89
NCK_QUIT_IMMEDIATELY .............. 94
NCK_VERSION ............................. 93
WM_COPYDATA ............................ 88
Zoom bar ....................................... 47
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