
April 2013
Below is a list of organisations with overseas involvement approved
by Elim’s National Leadership Team for our Elim churches to work with.
All funds for organisations with any overseas involvement
must be channelled through Elim International Missions
3P, London
A2Z World Without Walls (A2Z), Edinburgh
Abaana Ministries, Co Down, Northern Ireland
Abundant Life Church, Beirut, Lebanon
Act for Africa, Altringham
Africa Greater Life Mission
African Inland Mission International (AIM)
Africa Street Youth Ministries (ASYM), Zimbabwe
Agape Christian Mission, India
Agape Ministries Charitable Trust, India
Agape Ministries Ltd, Birmingham
Aid to the Balkans Forward Trust (A2B), Bury St Edmunds
Albanian Evangelical Mission, Wrexham
Ambassadors for All Nations, Chiswick
Antioch Centre, Romania
Arab World Ministries, Loughborough
Asia Link (UK Network), London
Asian Focus Mission, Sheffield
Asociatia Centrul Crestin, Brasov, Romania
Assemblies of God, Australia
Assemblies of God, Jordan (Rev. Dikran Salbashian)
Balm of Gilead Orphanage, Dodoma, Tanzania
Barnabas Fund, Wiltshire
Beersheba Ministries, Latur District, India
Bergville Christian Fellowship, South Africa
Betesda Foundation, Galatai, Romania
Bethany Fellowship, India
Bethel Agricultural Fellowship, Tamil Nadu, India
Bethel Full Gospel Church Ministries, Uttar Pradesh, India
Bethel Ministries & Welfare Association, India
Bethesda Church, Vidin, Bulgaria
Bible College of Pakistan, Pakistan
Bossou, Pauline, Benin
Bridges for Peace UK Ltd, Buckhurst Hill
British and Foreign Bible Society, Swindon
Build Jamaica, Jamaica
Elim Missions, Elim International Centre, De Walden Road, West Malvern, WR14 4DF
Tel: 0845 302 6750 / 01684 588 940 Email: [email protected]
Charity nos 251549 / SC037754
Calvary Community Trust, Coimbatore, India
Calvary Ministries (CAPRO), Nigeria
Care and Mercy Associates CAMA
Carmel Ministries International (UK), Bristol
Carmel Ministries, Eluru, India
Carr, Mary, Uganda
Casa Grace Christian Agency for Social Action, Romania
Central African Missions (CAM), Preston
Central Asia Free Exchange (CAFÉ), US & Uzbekistan
Centre Cristià Fe Esperança i Amor, Spain
Centre for the Nations, Tajikistan
Centre Pentecost European Assembly of God, Portugal
CFI Charitable Trust (Christian Friends of Israel), Eastbourne
Challenge Ministries Swaziland (formerly Teen Challenge Swaziland)
Che Roga Orphanage, Paraguay
Cherished Foundation, Bristol
Child Evangelism Fellowship, Cumnock, Ayrshire
Children Alone Trust, Salisbury
Children of Honduras Trust (CH Trust), Derby
Children’s Fellowship of India, India
Chosen People Ministries, UK/Israel
Christ for all Nations UK (CfaN), Halesowen
Christian Blind Mission, Cambridge
Christian Friends of Israel (CFI)
Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), New Maldon
Christians in Football Ministry, Hemel Hempstead
Christ Pour Tous, Kinshasa, Congo
Church of God, Lebanon
Church’s Ministry among Jewish People (CMJ), Hertfordshire
Coaching for Christ, Ballymena
Cooking for Life, Coventry
Comfort Rwanda, Kilsyth
Compassion UK Christian Child Development, Weybridge
Corabia Foundation, Romania
CORD (Christian Outreach) – approved for its Toilet Twinning project in conjunction with Tearfund
Countryside Children’s Welfare Home, Ghana
Cross Power Tabernacle, Malaysia
Crossroads International, Hong Kong
Daughters of Cambodia
Direction for Life Ministries CCI
Eagle Ministries UK re Romania and India
East African Missionary Society, London
Ebenezer Home for Social Outreach (EHO) India
Ebenezer Oasis Christian Fellowship, East Africa
Elam Ministries, Godalming, Surrey
Elim Salvation Church, Hong Kong
Emmanuel Assemblies, South Africa
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Croatia
Emmanuel Christian Centre Bucharest, Romania
English Council of the Ramabai Mukti Mission, Swindon
European Christian Mission (Britain), Northampton
Eurovangelism - Harvest for the Hungry, Kingswood, Bristol
Evangelical Action Brazil, Brazil
Evangelical Christian Fellowship, (a Polish Pentecostal Church), Poland
Evangelical Pentecostal Church of Bulgaria (AoG), Bulgaria
Elim International Missions Elim International Centre, De Walden Road, West Malvern, WR14 4DF
Tel: 0845 302 6750 / 01684 588 940 Email: [email protected]
Charity nos 251549 / SC037754
Faith comes by Hearing
Faith in Action Ministries India Trust, India
Faith in Action Missions, Belfast
Fast UK
FEBA Radio, Worthing
Federation of Flemish Pentecostal Churches (VVP), Belgium
Fihankra, Ghana
Flame International, Surrey
Focus on Israel, London
Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East (FRRE)
Friends of the Good Samaritan (Muneer Social Welfare Society), India
Frishta Children’s Village, Bristol/India
Frontiers, High Wycombe
Fulani Ministries, Dorset/Burkina Faso
Garabba, Joy & Yohanna, Nigeria
Gateway Ministries, India
Gideons International in the British Isles, Lutterworth
Global Care, Coventry
Good News Foundation, Hungary
Good News Ministry India, India
Good News Pentecostal Church, Russia (Kachkaner, Sverdlovsk Region)
Gospel Echoing Missionary Society (GEMS), India
Gospel for Asia, York
Grace Gospel Mission, India
Grassroots Trust, Farnham
Greenstones Christian Trust, Cumbria (Prison Fellowship Ethiopia)
Gurukul Outreach, India
Habitat for Humanity Great Britain, Banbury
Hand in Hand, Thailand
Hands at Work in Africa, Halesowen
Harvest India
Harvest India UK (Hope India UK), India/Looe
Harvest International Services, Sri Lanka
Harvest Ministries for India (Harvest Ministries International), India
Hasweh, Victor, Middle East
HCJB-UK, Bradford
Heartcry Trust, Oxford
Heartlink Charitable Trust, Coventry
Heaven Homes, Sierra Leone
Hebron House Charitable Trust Ltd, Novosibirsk, Russia
Helping Hands Ministry, Philippines
Hi-Hand (known as Hand in Hand), Chelmsford
House of Hope Children’s Home, Bethlehem
Hope and Kindness Ministries, Kenya
Hopestonia, Estonia
Hope for the Nations Children’s Charity, Peterborough/Malawi
Hope Home, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Hope of Christ Ministries, India
House of Faith Ministries, Ghana
IMS Mission (GB) International Mission Support, Halesowen
Elim International Missions Elim International Centre, De Walden Road, West Malvern, WR14 4DF
Tel: 0845 302 6750 / 01684 588 940 Email: [email protected]
Charity nos 251549 / SC037754
In Ministry to Children, Petersfield/Colombia, Hampshire
Institut de Formation International de Marseille, France
Inter Arc, Coventry
International China Concern
International Needs, Croydon
International Nepal Fellowship, Birmingham
International Teams UK Trust, Brecon
Interserve (International Service Fellowship Trust), London
Iris Ministries Inc, USA (Heidi Baker)
ISAAC, Reading
Isubilo Community Resource Centre, Zambia
Ithemba AIDS Foundation, Bath
Jagriti, New Delhi, India
Jesus Lifehouse International Church, Japan
Jesus Never Fails Good News Centre, India
Jews for Jesus, London
Jian Hua, Hong Kong/China
Jireh Outreach Ministries, Kenya
Jireh Women, Chorley
Joseph, Pastor Peter, Malawi
Justice for Children, Caribbean
K and D 61:1 Trust, Whitley Bay
Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC), Nepal
Kings Kids, Indonesia
Kitabisi Community Aids Victimized Orphans Programme (KCAVOP), Kenya
Language Recordings UK, High Wycombe
Latin American Dentistry, NI / Brazil
Latin American Ministries Ltd, Newtown Abbey, NI
Latin Link, London
Leprosy Mission International, Leprosy Mission England, Wales, Channel Islands & Isle of Man
Life for the World Trust, Buckinghamshire
Life Ministries Christian Centre, Uganda
Life Spring Ministries, Hertfordshire
Life to Rio, Brazil
Light of God Evangelism, Kenya
Lighthouse International Ministries (LIM UK)
Lighthouse of God Ministries, Kenya
Living Epistle Christian Family Church, Philippines
Living Faith Ministries, The Gambia
Living Hope Ministries, East Sussex
Living Waters Church (The Evangelical Pentecostal Church, Philadelphia), Bulgaria
Living Waters Ministries, India
Logos Ministries, Belfast
Love China International
Love Russia Ltd, Newport, IoW
Lugazi Pentecostal church Ministries Ltd (Previously Uganda Charitable & Benevolent Teamwork), Uganda
Lungisani-Indlela, South Africa
Mainstream Ministries, Hereford
Manna4Life, Cambodia
Maranatha Full Gospel Association, India
Elim International Missions Elim International Centre, De Walden Road, West Malvern, WR14 4DF
Tel: 0845 302 6750 / 01684 588 940 Email: [email protected]
Charity nos 251549 / SC037754
Masihi Mandli Church, Nainital, India
McKee, Chris and Maiko, Japan
Mercy Ships UK Ltd, Stevenage
Metro Ministries, USA
Micah Challenge UK
Middle East Christian Outreach Ltd (MECO), Tunbridge Wells (only approved for Elim personnel serving with
this organisation)
Middle East Gospel Outreach (MEGO), London
Ministry to Russia and Eastern Europe (MREE), Canada
Mission d’Evangelisation et d’implantation d’eglises (MEIE), Mali
Mission Encouragement Trust UK re Europe, Littlehampton
Mission to Eastern Europe, Cheshire
Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF), Ashford
Maoz (Israel), Greenwich
Munyasya, Joseph Matheka & Ria, Mombassa, Kenya
Mustard Seed Ministries, Hampshire
Nagaland Bible College & Residential School, India
NCC Abraham Charitable Trust, India
Nehemiah Construction Ministries UK
Nehemiah Ministries, Birmingham
New Hope Trust, Moldova
New Horizons, Goa, India
New Harvest Ministries, Northern Ireland
New Life Centre, Dedza, nr Lilongwe, Malawi
New Life Fellowship Association, India
New Life Medical & Educational, India
New Tribes Mission (NTM), South Humberside
Nibakure Children’s Village, Rwanda
Nigerian Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA), Nigeria
OAC Latvia
Oasis Gospel Ministries, Mali
On the Move Trust
Onesimus, Pastor, Romania
Open Door Gospel and Social Ministries, Chennai, India
Open Doors UK (Open Doors with Brother Andrew), Witney
Open Hands, UK
Operation Mobilisation (OM), Hyde
Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF)
Pais Project
Partners Relief and Development UK
People Aid (Rickshaws for India)
Petra Trust
Plenty to Share, India
Project O, South Africa
Quicken Trust, East Sussex
Elim International Missions Elim International Centre, De Walden Road, West Malvern, WR14 4DF
Tel: 0845 302 6750 / 01684 588 940 Email: [email protected]
Charity nos 251549 / SC037754
Ramachandran, Dr Suresh, Sri Lanka
Ratanak, Cambodia
Razzouk, Ellie - Lebanon
Reality Outreach UK (specifically for Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s Flames)
Reconciliation Ministries International, Halesowen
Rehema P.E.F.A. Home (Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa), Kenya
Rehoboth Children’s Homes Trust, Bideford
Release International, Kent
Revival Centre, Matugga, Uganda
Revival Fire Ministries Trust re Kenya, London
Riverside Christian Mission, Bournemouth
Rose of Sharon, Puerto Rico
Salvation Centre, Urals, Russia
Samaritan’s Purse International Ltd, Buckhurst Hill
Scottish Aid to Eastern Europe, Greenock
Servants of God Outreach Ministries, (Pastor Moses Wheigar), Liberia
Siloam Christian Ministries Ltd, Leamington Spa
Silva, Pastor Hudson - Portugal
SIM International UK, Suffolk
Slatina Church, Romania
Smiles Foundation (Smiles Club), Leeds
Society for Distributing Hebrew Scriptures, Hertfordshire
Soteria Trust, Chichester
Soul Action, Watford
Sovereign Ministries, Lancaster
Sovereign World Trust, Tonbridge
Sporting Marvels, Porth
Starr & Naderge Mercy Ministries, Romania
Stepping Stones Ministries, India
St Paul’s Educational & Welfare Association (Joseph Raju) India
Subbaraj, Ramesh (known as Babu), Tamil Nadu, India
Talent Christian Children’s Trust, Philippines
Tearfund, Teddington
The Church of God of Prophecy, Mali
The Church of Pentecost, Ghana
The Immanuel Christian Assembly (The House of Hope) Chennai, India
The Luis Palau Evangelistic Team, Buckinghamshire
The Maria Foundation, Romania
The Partnership Trust, Sheffield
The Rainbow Project, Romania
The Russian Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith, Russia (Faabritsiusa Moscow)
Think and Do, Egypt
TOS Ministries (Belarus Evangelical Church), Germany
Touch of Hope Children’s Home, Uganda
Ty Cariad, Uganda
UCCF Russia (Universities & Colleges Christian Fellowship of Evangelical Unions), Russia
Uganda Charitable and Benevolent Teamwork (see Lugazi Pentecostal church Ministries Ltd)
Ugandan Child Development Fund
Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS), Kiev
United Christian Broadcasters, Stoke on Trent
United Vision for Nepal
Urban Saints
Elim International Missions Elim International Centre, De Walden Road, West Malvern, WR14 4DF
Tel: 0845 302 6750 / 01684 588 940 Email: [email protected]
Charity nos 251549 / SC037754
Victory Christian Centre, Uganda
Victory Gospel Church, Gambia
Vineyard Christian Association of Romania
Vision for China (formerly Teachers for China), Wirral
Voice in the City Ministries, West Midlands
WEC International (Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade)(Note: SOON Ministries is part of WEC International)
Word Alive Ministries Association (WAMA) (Rev Charles Nyane), Takoradi, Ghana
Word for the World, The
Workspot Ministries Trust, UK
World Christian Ministries, Paignton
World Compassion Ministries, West Midlands
World Horizons Ltd, Llanelli
World Mandate Ministries, Northampton
World Outreach, Reading
Wycliffe Bible Translators Ltd, High Wycombe
Youth with a Mission Ltd (YWAM), Harpenden
Zimbabwe Orphan Care, Zimbabwe
Elim International Missions Elim International Centre, De Walden Road, West Malvern, WR14 4DF
Tel: 0845 302 6750 / 01684 588 940 Email: [email protected]
Charity nos 251549 / SC037754

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