MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 23rd January 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : Our Board of Directors resolved during the meeting today that: The real-estate of our Company specified as field with 159.671,81m2 in Bursa, Yenisehir, Çayır Mah. Kocaaralık Mevkii Ada 3 Parcel 3 Pafta 1 is sold to Hüseyin ĠĢsever and Mehmet ĠĢsever with the price of 1.000.000,- YTL depending on the valuation report of Vakif Gayrimenkul Ekspertiz ve Degerleme A.S. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, Tamer SOYUPAK Ass. Gen. Man.-Accounting and Finance 23.01.2008 – 17:10 Çetin TÜREÇ Ass. Gen. Man.-Production 23.01.2008 – 17:10 MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 24thJanuary 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : In addition to the material event statement form dated today regarding to the sale of our real-estate in Bursa, Yenisehir; There isn’t any relationship between Mr. Hüseyin ĠĢsever and Mr.Mehmet and our Company. The sale price of 1.000.000,00 YTL will be collected in advance. The book valu of real-estate is 302.472 YTL and the cash will be utilized in the cash flow of the Company. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, Tamer SOYUPAK Ass. Gen. Man.-Accounting and Finance 24.01.2008 – 09:30 Çetin TÜREÇ Ass. Gen. Man.-Production 24.01.2008 – 09:30 MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 07thMarch 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : Our Board of Directors unanimously resolved by the resolution dated today to call for the General Assembly for Tat Konserve Sanayii A.ġ. on 03.04.2008 Thursday at 10.30 at Buyukdere Cad. No: 84 Gayrettepe-Istanbul Divan City in order to negotiate the attached agenda. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, Tamer SOYUPAK Ass. Gen. Man.-Accounting and Finance 07.03.2008 – 17:30 Çetin TÜREÇ Ass. Gen. Man.-Production 07.03.2008 – 17:30 MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 07thMarch 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : Our Board of Directors resolved during the meeting today that , The existing machinery and equipment of Balıkesir plant which had been decided to close over its activities by the resolution dated 23.11.2007, is sold to Harranova Besi ve Tarım Ürünleri A.ġ. with the price of 4.661.000 YTL + VAT depending on the valuation report of Gayrimenkul Ekspertiz Değerleme A.ġ and the collection will be made in two installments. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, Tamer SOYUPAK Ass. Gen. Man.-Accounting and Finance 07.03.2008 – 17:30 Çetin TÜREÇ Ass. Gen. Man.-Production 07.03.2008 – 17:30 MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 10thMarch 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : The book value of machinery and equipment of Balıkesir plant mentioned in the material event statement form is 337.748.-YTL and the cash will be utilized in the Company’s cash flow. As Harranova Besi ve Tarım Ürünleri A.ġ. which we made the sale is subject to full consolidation in our Company’s financials, there will be profit/loss effect. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, N.ġenol TOLAN Accounting Manager 10.03.2008 – 10:00 Tamer SOYUPAK Ass. Gen. Man.-Accounting and Finance 10.03.2008 – :10:00 MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 14thMarch 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : Our Board of Directors resolved during the meeting dated March 13, 2008 that the net profit of the year 2007 YTL 11.028.934,- will be offset from the losses of the previous years and the proposal will be given to the approval of the Ordinary General Assembly to be held on 03rd April 2008. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, N.ġenol TOLAN Accounting Manager 14.03.2008 – 08:50 Tamer SOYUPAK Ass. Gen. Man.-Accounting and Finance 14.03.2008 – 08:50 MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 3rd April 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : The Dividend Distribution Table resolved during the General Shareholders Meeting today is attached herewith. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, N.ġenol TOLAN Accounting Manager 03.04.2008 – 16:45 Neslihan KAZANCI Finance Manager 03.04.2008 – 16:45 Annex : Minutes of Meeting and Annex (1 Page) MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 3rd April 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : The Minutes of Meeting regarding to the General Shareholders Meeting today is attached herewith. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, N.ġenol TOLAN Accounting Manager 03.04.2008 – 13:45 Neslihan KAZANCI Finance Manager 03.04.2008 – 13:45 Annex : Minutes of Meeting and Annex (9 Pages) TAT KONSERVE SANAYİİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ’NİN 03.04.2008 TARİHİNDE YAPILAN OLAĞAN GENEL KURUL TOPLANTI TUTANAĞI Tat Konserve Sanayii Anonim ġirketi’nin 2007 yılına ait Genel Kurul Toplantısı 03 Nisan 2008 tarihinde saat 10.30’da Büyükdere Caddesi No:84 Gayrettepe/Ġstanbul Divan City adresinde, T.C. Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı Ġstanbul Ġl Sanayi ve Ticaret Müdürlüğü’nün 02.04.2008 tarih ve 17595 sayılı yazılarıyla görevlendirilen Bakanlık Komiseri Nurgün ÖRS’ün gözetiminde yapılmıĢtır. Toplantıya ait davet Kanun ve ana sözleĢmede öngörüldüğü gibi ve gündemi de ihtiva edecek Ģekilde, Türkiye Ticaret Sicili Gazetesi’nin 12 Mart 2008 tarih ve 7018 sayılı nüshasında ve 12 Mart 2008 tarihli Milliyet ve Hürses Gazetelerinin Türkiye nüshalarında ilan edilmek suretiyle, süresi içinde yapılmıĢtır. Hazirun cetvelinin tetkikinden, Ģirketin toplam 136.000.000.-YTL sermayesine tekabül eden 13.600.000.000 adet hisseden 87.060.634,82 YTL’lik sermayeye karĢılık 8.706.063.482 adet hissenin asaleten, 5.011.959,07 YTL’lik sermayeye karĢılık 501.195.907 adet hissenin de vekaleten olmak üzere adet hissenin toplantıda temsil edildiğinin ve böylece gerek kanun gerekse ana sözleĢmede öngörülen asgari toplantı nisabının mevcut olduğunun anlaĢılması üzerine toplantı Kamil Ömer BOZER tarafından açılarak gündemin görüĢülmesine geçilmiĢtir. 1. Gündemin 1.maddesi gereğince, Genel Kurul’un yönetimi ile görevli BaĢkanlık Divanının seçimi yapıldı. Genel Kurul BaĢkanlığı’na Sayın Kamil Ömer BOZER oy toplama memurluklarına Sayın Güçlü TOKER ve Sayın Ali GÜLER Katipliğe Sayın Tamer SOYUPAK oy çokluğu ile seçildiler. BaĢkan Kamil Ömer BOZER hazirundan Tüm cep telefonlarının ve ses kayıt cihazlarının kapatılmasını rica etti. BaĢkan hazır bulunanlara teĢekkür etti ve gündemin 2. maddesine geçileceğini bildirdi. 2. BaĢkanın talimatı üzerine ġirketimizin 2007 yılı faaliyeti hakkında Yönetim Kurulu Raporu ve Denetçiler Raporu ile Bağımsız DıĢ Denetleme KuruluĢumuz BaĢaran Nas Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali MüĢavirlik A.ġ. (a member of Pricewaterhouse Coopers)’nin rapor özetini okudu. Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu’nun Seri XI, No.25 sayılı “Sermaye Piyasasında Muhasebe Standartları Hakkında Tebliğ” uyarınca hazırlanan Bağımsız Denetimden geçmiĢ, konsolide mali tablolar okundu ve üzerinde müzakere açıldı.100 hisseye sahip ortak Özdemir Bayur ve 100 hisseye sahip ortak Çağlar Bayur’un ortak imzalı Ģerhi toplantı tutanağına eklendi. Özdemir Bayur’un sorduğu sorulara BaĢkan cevap verdi, BirleĢme öncesinde Koç Holding % 6 hisse oranıyla , Tat Konserve A.ġ. ise % 18 hisse oranıyla Harranova Besi A.ġ. de hakim ortak sıfatını taĢımıyorlardı. Opsiyonlar Ģirket dövi kredisinde olduğundan kur artıĢlarının regüle edilmesi için opsiyonlar satın almıĢtır. Opsiyon iĢlemleri sonucunda geçen yıl 2,3 milyon YTL para kazanmıĢtır. Ayrıca bir opsiyondan zarar etmiĢ olabilir, bu opsiyonları sigorta poliçesi gibi düĢünmek gerekir. Yapılan görüĢmelerden sonra 2007 yılı konsolide mali tablolar oy çokluğu ile kabul edildi. Ayrıca Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu’nun 10.12.2004 tarih ve 48/1588 sayılı kararı gereğince, ġirket’in Kurumsal Yönetim Ġlkeleri Uyum Raporu okundu ve ortakların bilgi edinmeleri sağlandı. 3. BaĢkan Yönetim Kurulu Üyeleri ile Denetçilerin ibra edilmelerini Genel Kurul’un oyuna sundu. Yönetim Kurulu Üyeleri ve yönetimde görev alanlar oy kullanmadılar. Oylama sonucunda Yönetim Kurulu Üyelerinin tümü ve Denetçiler oy birliği ile ibra edildiler. 4. Kurumsal Yönetim Ġlkeleri gereği Şirketimizin kar payı dağıtım politikası hakkında bilgi verildi ve Şirketimizin kar dağıtım politikasının Ana Sözleşme’nin “Karın Tevzii”ne ilişkin 28. maddesi çerçevesinde tatbik olunacağı, kar payı dağıtımında, Şirketimizin uzun vadeli stratejileri, yatırım ve finansman politikaları, karlılık durumu da dikkate alınarak Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu’nun tebliğlerine istinaden hesaplanan dağıtabilir karın, SPK’nın Seri.IV, No.27 Tebliği’nde belirtilen orandan aşağı olmamak üzere Genel Kurulca saptanacak kısmının, nakit veya belli oranda nakit belli oranda bedelsiz olarak dağıtılmasına, keyfiyet Genel Kurul’un olmak üzere verileceğine oy çokluğu ile karar verildi. 1.508.700 adet hisseye sahip Forward Eastern Europe Equities Fund çekimser oy kullandı. 5. 2007 yılı kazancının dağıtılması konusunda ġirket Yönetim Kurulu’nun raporunda yer alan teklif görüĢüldü. Neticede Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartlarına göre hazırlanan Konsolide Gelir Tablosunda tahakkuk eden 11.028.934.-YTL karın geçmiĢ yıl zararlarına mahsup edilmesine oy birliği ile karar verildi. 6. Süreleri sona ermiĢ olan Yönetim Kurulu üyelerinin seçimine geçildi.Yönetim Kurulu üye adedi dokuz olarak tesbit edildi. Yapılan seçim sonucunda Yönetim Kuruluna Koç Holding A.ġ.’yi temsilen Sayın Kamil Ömer Bozer, Sayın Dr.Nüsret Arsel, Temel Ticaret ve Yatırım A.ġ.’yi temsilen Sayın Nevzat Tüfekçioğlu, Sayın Ġbrahim Tamer HaĢimoğlu, Kav DanıĢmanlık Pazarlama A.ġ.’yi temsilen Sayın Ahmet Fadıl Ashaboğlu, Sayın Ali Güler, Aygaz A.ġ.’yi temsilen Sayın Güçlü Toker, Aygaz A.ġ.’yi temsilen Sayın Ercan Bayramlı ve Kagome Co.Ltd.’i temsilen Sayın Kunihiko Sato’nun 2008 yılı hesaplarını incelemek amacıyla toplanacak Olağan Genel Kurul’a kadar vazife yapmak üzere seçilmelerine oy birliği ile karar verildi. Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı Komiseri Yönetim Kurulu adaylık beyanlarını gördü. Yönetim Kurulu Üyeleri özgeçmiĢleri ortakların bilgisine sunuldu. 7. Görev süreleri sona ermiĢ olan denetçilerin seçimine geçildi. Yapılan seçim sonucunda Bay Ġnanç Kiraz ve Bay Ahmet Sönmez 2008 yılı hesaplarını incelemek amacıyla toplanacak Olağan Genel Kurul’a kadar vazife yapmak üzere denetçi seçilmelerine oy birliği ile karar verildi. Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı Komiseri Denetim Kurulu adaylık beyanlarını gördü. 8. Yönetim Kurulu BaĢkanına ve üyelerine ayda brüt 665-YTL, denetçilere ayda brüt 360.YTL ücret ödenmesine oy birliği ile karar verildi. 9. 2007 yılında sosyal yardım amacıyla vergi muafiyetine haiz vakıf ve benzeri sosyal amaçlı kuruluĢlara 2.000.-YTL bağıĢta bulunulduğu hakkında bilgi verildi. Yapılan oylama sonucunda bağıĢ ve yardımlar oy çokluğu ile kabul edildi. 1.508.700 adet hisseye sahip Forward Eastern Europe Equities Fund çekimser oy kullandı. 10.Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu tarafından yayınlanan Sermaye Piyasasında Bağımsız DıĢ Denetleme hakkında yönetmelik gereği Yönetim Kurulumuz tarafından seçimi yapılan DRT Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali MuĢavirlik A.ġ’ın kabulüne oy birligi ile karar verildi. 11.Yönetim Kurulu BaĢkan ve Üyelerine Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun 334 ve 335. maddelerinde yazılı muameleleri yapabilmeleri hususunda izin verilmesine oy birligi ile karar verildi. 12.Genel Kurul BaĢkanı, tutanağın hissedarlar adına BaĢkanlık Divanı tarafından imzalanmasına yetki verilmesini oya sundu. BaĢkanlık Divanının toplantı tutanağını imzaya yetkili kılınmaları ve bununla yetinilmesine oy birliği ile karar verildi. 13.Gündemin dilekler maddesi münasebetiyle ġirketin baĢarılı çalıĢmalarının devamı temennisinde bulunuldu. Gündemde görüĢülecek konu kalmadığından BaĢkan toplantıyı kapattı. Bu tutanak toplantıyı müteakip toplantı yerinde düzenlenerek imza edildi. 03.04.2008 GENEL KURUL DĠVAN BAġKANI Kamil Ömer BOZER SANAYĠ VE TĠCARET BAKANLIĞI KOMĠSERĠ Nurgün ÖRS OY TOPLAMA MEMURU OY TOPLAMA MEMURU Güçlü TOKER Ali GÜLER Özdemir BAYUR KATĠP Tamer SOYUPAK Çağlar BAYUR MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 10th April 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : Our Board of Directors resolved during the meeting today that; Unanimously Mr. K. Ömer Bozer is appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Nevzat Tüfekçioğlu the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. Nevzat Tüfekçioğlu and Mr. Ahmet Fadıl Ashaboğlu be appointed as the Members of the Committee in charge of Audit under the communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial: X and No: 19. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, Neslihan KAZANCI Finance Manager 10.04.2008 – 17:50 Tamer SOYUPAK Ass. Gen. Man.-Accounting and Finance 10.04.2008 – 17:50 MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 10th April 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : Our Board of Directors resolved during the meeting today that; 13.500.000 units of shares with the nominal value of 10 YKr for each share and indicates 10% shares of Tat Konserve Sanayii A.ġ. in Harranova Besi ve Tarım Ürünleri A.ġ. in which Tat Konserve has totally %68,15 shareholdership has been sold to 2.500.000,- USD in advance payment to The Morning Star Company residing in California, USA. In line with this partnership, the Shareholdership Agremeent had been signed among the current shareholders of Harranova Koç Holding A.ġ., Temel Ticaret ve Yatırım A.ġ. , Tat Konserve Sanayii A.ġ. and The Morning Star Company, however there isn’t any change in the control of the Company. The cash generated from sales of shares would be utilized for the working capital requirements of Tat Konserve. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, Neslihan KAZANCI Finance Manager 10.04.2008 – 18:45 Tamer SOYUPAK Ass. Gen. Man.-Accounting and Finance 10.04.2008 – 18:45 MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 11th April 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : In addition to our declaration dated April 10, 2008 regarding to the sale of 10% shares of our Company in Harranova Besi ve Tarım Ürünleri A.ġ. to The Morning Star Company; 2.500.000.- $ sales price is the price determined after the mutual deal of the parties and the net income obtained from this sales is 2.138.292.- YTL. The net income figure is planned to transferred to shareholders equity accounts as participation sales income. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, Neslihan KAZANCI Finance Manager 11.04.2008 – 12:20 Tamer SOYUPAK Ass. Gen. Man.-Accounting and Finance 11.04.2008 – 12:20 MATERIAL EVENT STATEMENT FORM 22nd July 2008 Title of Corporation/Name of Shareholders Address Phone and Fax No. : TAT KONSERVE SANAYĠĠ A.ġ. : Sırrı Çelik Bulvarı No: 3 34788-TaĢdelen ISTANBUL : 0216 430 00 00 Fax: 0216 430 80 15 ABOUT : Explanation under Communiqué of the Capital Market Board with Serial : VIII, No: 39. DIRECTORATE OF ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE ISTANBUL Material Event(s) to be explained : The tomato paste plant investment of Harranova Besi ve Tarım Ürünleri A.ġ., which we have 58,15% shareholdership and declared the investment decision in South Eastern Anatolia Region in our declaration dated November 23, 2007, has been already completed and started to tomato paste production with the tomatoes cultivated from the region. 150.000 tons of tomato processing is targeted for this year. Please kindly be informed. We herewith declare that our explanations above are in compliance with the principles set out in the communiqué of the Board with Serial : VIII and No 39 and that it fully reflects the information we have acquired in connection with the matter(s); that such information is in conformity with our books, records and documents, that we have shown all the necessary efforts to obtain information regarding this matter fully and correctly and that we are responsible for the explanation provided herein. Sincerely yours, N.ġenol TOLAN Accounting Manager 22.07.2008 – 10:30 Neslihan KAZANCI Finance Manager 22.07.2008 – 10:30
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