GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No. 79. Records of the Waffen- SS, Part H National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration Washington: 1981 This finding aid has been prepared by the National Archives as part of its program of facilitating the use of records in its custody. The microfilm described in this guide may be consulted at the National Archives, where it is identified as Microfilm Publication T354. To order microfilm, write to the Publications Sales Branch (NEPS), National Archives and Records Service (GSA), Washington, DC 20408. Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and other guides of the same series may have been of private origin. The fact of their seizure is not believed to divest their original owners of any literary property rights in them. Anyone, therefore, who publishes them in whole or in part without permission of their authors may be held liable for infringement of such literary property rights. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 58-9982 GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA No. 79. Records of the Waffen-SS, Part II National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration Washington: 1981 I N T R The Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va., constitute a series of finding aids to National Archives microfilm of seized records of German central, regional, and local government agencies and of military commands and units, as well as of the Nazi Party, its formations, affiliated associations, and supervised organizations. The records described in the guides were created generally during the period 1920-45. The guide series was initiated by the microfilming project of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association (AHA) in cooperation with the National Archives and the Department of the Army. With the termination of AHA participation in July 1963, the National Archives assumed sole responsibility for the reproduction of records and the preparation of guides. This guide is complementary to the series describing the records of the German Army field commands that have been arranged by unit and filmed in discrete microfilm publications according to their military echelon as follows: Army Groups (Microfilm Publication T311); Armies (T312); Panzer Armies (T313); Corps (T314); Divisions (T315); and Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others (T501). Guide No. 79 (designated part II of the Guides to the Waffen-SS) describes the records of the 9. SS Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen," 10. SS Panzer-Division "Frundsberg," 11. SS Freiwilligen-PanzerGrenadier-Division "Nordland," 12. SS Panzer-Division "Hitlerjugend," 13. SS Waffen-Gebirgs-Division "Handschar" (Kroatische Nr. 1), 16. SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Reichsfuehrer-SS," 17. SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Goetz von Berlichingen," 190 SS Waffen-Grenadier-Division (Lettische Nr. 2), 20. SS Waffen-Grenadier-Division (Estnische Nr. 1), 21. SS WaffenGebirgs-Division "Skanderbeg" (Albanische Nr. 1), 23. SS Waffen-Gebirgs-Division "Kama" (Kroatische Nr. 2), 25. SS Waffen-Grenadier-Division "Hunyadi" (Ungarische Nr. 1), 26. SS Panzer-Division, 27. SS Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division O D U C T I O N "Langemarck," 30. SS Waffen-Grenadier-Division (Russische Nr. 2), 34. SS Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division "Landstorm Nederland," Ostmuselmanische SS Division, SS Kampfgruppe Jeckeln, 2. SS Sturmbrigade "Dirlewanger," 2. SS Infanterie-Brigade (mot), SS Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern," and SS Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande." These records are reproduced on 24 rolls of NARS Microfilm Publication T354, rolls 146-161 and 646-653; records reproduced on rolls 146-161 are also included among the records of Waffen-SS units listed in guide No. 27. Miscellaneous SS Records: Einwandererzentralstelle, Waffen-SS, and SS-Oberabschnitte. These records and other source material listed in unit histories give information on the units' military activities in Poland, 1941-44; the Soviet Union, 1941-44; Belgium, 1943-45; France and the Netherlands, 1943-44; Italy, 1944-45; Czechoslovakia, 1944; Hungary and Yugoslavia, 1944-45; and the retreat into Austria and Germany, 1944-45. These SS units consisted mostly of Albanian, Azerbaijani, Belgian, Bosnian Moslem, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Flemish, German, Hungarian, Khirghiz, Latvian, Norwegian, Rumanian, Soviet, Tadzhik, Tatar, Turkoman, and Uzbek volunteers (Freiwillige), including penal personnel. For detailed information see individual unit histories. The INDEX to guide No. 79 can be found immediately following the instructions for its use on page 104. It is primarily an archival index to this descriptive finding aid and only indirectly to the microfilmed documents it describes. Any attempt to index the massive contents of the documents themselves in the comprehensive manner of a book index would so encumber and bloat the index as to make it difficult to use. The master copy for this index was computer formatted and printed from terms input simultaneously with the descriptive material in the text of the guide, and was supplemented with references, cross-references, and explanatory subheadings. The full edition was then reproduced from the master copies by photographic offset printing. The provenance to which each record item is attributed is the unit headquarters that created or filed it, although a large proportion 111 of the items had in fact already been retired to depositories of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam, where accession numbers were assigned and stamped or written on the covers in the order received and where the records were then cataloged by unit. The records reached the United States still roughly arranged by unit because Allied intelligence officers retained this system, taking advantage of the circumstance that the original Potsdam catalogs were acquired along with the seized records. The AHA and the National Archives also followed this arrangement in their joint and separate microfilm projects, although some record items appear out of sequence because they were still classified or temporarily unavailable at the time the unit records were filmed. This also accounts for the occasional break in continuity of roll numbers in the guides where those unit records filmed later on higher roll numbers appear out of item number sequence at the end of the unit entries. Record items not yet retired to the Heeresarchiv depositories at the time of capture were assigned accession numbers above 75,000 by American custodians in extension of the original Potsdam numbering scheme. the beginning of rolls 646-653 reproducing the records of each unit. Records reproduced on rolls 146-161 were filmed without unit histories. Data cards or sheets describing each record item were microfilmed at the beginning of each roll. The information contained on these data cards or sheets was used as a reference in compiling descriptive entries for the guide. Considerable revision was undertaken because so many of these descriptions were prepared hastily to keep pace with the filming and restitution schedules. A unit history in tabular form precedes the file item listing for each unit. The DATE column gives the opening date or first date on a pertinent document for the LOCATION and ACTIVITY given in the next two columns, and the timespan extends to the next date given. The CHAIN OF COMMAND column gives the names of the commanding officers and superior units, with timespans for each, where available. The original records, filmed and unfilmed, have been returned to the Federal Republic of Germany for deposit in the BundesarchivMilitaerarchiv in Freiburg. The master negatives of Microfilm Publication T354 have been deposited with the Publications Sales Branch (NEPS), National Archives (GSA), Washington, DC 20408, from which copies of specific rolls may be purchased. Reference copies may be consulted in the microfilm reading room of the National Archives. For suggestions for citing microfilm, see page xvii. These unit histories are based on information found in the SS unit records, contemporary German daily situation maps, various documents reproduced on T175 records of the Reich Leader SS, and manuscripts of the Foreign Military Studies series. They supplement or correct the brief histories, based on the Order of Battle of the German Army (War Department, Washington, D.C., Mar 1945), which were filmed at The CONTENTS column on the pages containing records descriptions provides (a) the abbreviation of the staff section that originated the document, (b) the title appearing on the folder cover, and (c) additional information providing a general description of the contents. The inclusive dates of the file item are given under a DATE column; the ITEM NO. is the identification symbol given on the original folder; the ROLL refers to the sequence of the film in Microfilm Publication T354; and 1ST FRAME gives the frame number of the first page of the file item. The descriptions in this guide were prepared by Anton F. Grass 1 and Johanna M. Wagner. Mrs. Wagner also prepared the input data for the computer. This publication was edited by Harry Hickman and Annis Olsen, NARS, Editorial Branch. The computer-input scheme, a modification of the SPINDEX program, was devised by the undersigned ROBERT WOLFE Chief, Modern Military Branch Military Archives Division IV T A B L E OF C O N T E N T S Page Introduction iii . vii Equivalent Ranks in Waffen-SS, German Regular Army, U0S. Army German Military Symbols and Abbreviations Organization of German Army Staffs ix „ xii . xiv Published Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va. Suggestion for Citing Microfilm xvii . Records: T354: Roll 146-149 1 150-153 8 153 17 153-156 20 13c SS Waffen-Gebirgs-Division "Handschar" (Kroatische Nr. 1) 156 30 16. SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Reichsfuehrer-SS" 156 33 156-160 36 160 45 160 47 160 50 90 SS Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen" 10. SS Panzer-Division "Frundsberg" . . . . . . . . . . lie SS Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Nordland" 12. SS Panzer-Division "Hitlerjugend" . . . 17o SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Goetz von Berlichingen" . 19 c SS Waff en-Grenadier-Division (Lettische Nr. 2) 20. SS Waffen-Grenadier-Division (Estnische Nr. 1) . . . 21. SS Waffen-Gebirgs-Division "Skanderbeg" (Albanische Nr. 1) . . . . . T A B L E OF C O N T E N T S (cont'd.) 23. SS Waff en-Gebirgs -Division "Kama" (Kroatische Nr. 2) ..... Page 160 52 25. SS Waffen-Grenadier-Division "Hunyadi" (Ungarische Nr. 1) . . . . 160 54 26. SS Panzer-Division . o . . 160 56 27 o SS Freiwilligen- Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Langemarck" (Flaemische Nr. 1) 160 58 30. SS Waffen-Grenadier-Division (Russische Nr. 2) . 160 61 646 64 „ 161 67 2. SS Infanterie- Brigade (mot) . 161 71 647 75 . . . . . . . . . . . 34 o SS Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division "Lands torm Nederland" Ostmuselmanische SS Division SS Kampfgruppe Jeckeln . 2. SS Sturmbrigade "Dirlewanger" „ SS Freiwilligen- Legion "Flandern" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ...... 4. SS Freiwilligen-Panzer-Brigade "Nederland" Instructions for Ordering Microfilm . . ....... SS Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande" VI Roll . . . . . 653 90 . . . . 653 96 . 653 100 . . . 77 . . . 648-652 . . . . 165 EQUIVALENT RANKS IN WAFFEN-SS, GERMAN REGULAR ARMY, U.S. ARMY Waffen-SS German Regular Army U.S. Army SS Mann Grenadier, Schuetze No equivalent SS Sturmmann Obergrenadier Private SS Rottenfuehrer Gefreiter, Obergefreiter, Stabsgefreiter Private First Class SS Unterscharfuehrer Unteroffizier Corporal SS Scharfuehrer Unterfeldwebel Sergeant SS Oberscharfuehrer Feldwebel Staff Sergeant SS Hauptscharfuehrer Oberfeldwebel Technical Sergeant SS Sturmscharfuehrer Stabsfeldwebel Master Sergeant SS Untersturmfuehrer Leutnant 2d Lieutenant SS Obersturmfuehrer Oberleutnant 1st Lieutenant SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Hauptmann Captain SS Sturmbannfuehrer Major Major SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Oberstleutnant Lieutenant Colonel SS Standartenfuehrer Oberst Colonel SS Oberfuehrer No equivalent No equivalent SS Brigadefuehrer Generalmajor Brigadier General SS Gruppenfuehrer Generalleutnant Major General SS Obergruppenfuehrer General der Infanterie Lieutenant General SS Oberstgruppenfuehrer Generaloberst General Reichs fuehrer-SS Generalfeldmarscha11 No equivalent Reichsmarschall No equivalent VI1 Vlll GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOIS AND ABBREVIATIONS la Ic Ic/A.O. Id Ila lib III IVa IVb IVc IVd IVd/Ev. IVd/Kath. V VI VII Operations abte ilung Feindnachrichtenabteilung Feindnachrichtenwesen u. Abwehroffizier Ausbildungsoffizier 1. Adjutant 2. Adjutant Richter Intendant Arzt Veterinar Gruppe Seelsorge Evangel!sober Kriegspfarrer Katholischer Kriegspfarrer Kraftfahrwesenoffiz ier Nationalsozialistischer Fiihrungsoffizier (NSFO) Chef der Zivilverwaltung Abt. Abw. A.K. allg. A.Na.FU. Anl. Anordn. A.O. AOK A.O.Kraft A.Pi.Fu. Arfii. Arko Armeegeb. Art., Artl, Aufkl. A.V.L, Batl. Battr. Abteilung Abwehr Armeekorps allgemein Armeenachrichtenfiihrer Anlage Anordnung Abwehroffizier Ar me e ober kommando Abvehroffizier des Kraftfahrwesens Armeepionierfuhrer Artilleriefuhrer Ar t i Her ie kommand eur Armeegebiet Artillerie Aufklarung Arme ever pfle gungslager Bataillon Batterie Baupi Bd. Beob. bes. betr. Betr.St. Brig. Bt. B.V. Bv.T.O. bzv. Ch.d.Gen.St. Div. Eisenb. Fahrtr. Eallsch. feindl. Feldgend. Feldkdtr. Feldlaz. Feld.V.St. Fest. FK Fl. Flak Flivo FPM freiw. Fu. Gabo Geb. Gen.d.Inf. Gen.Kdo. Genlt. Genmaj. Genobst. Baupioniere Band Beobachtung besondere betreffend Betriebsstoff Brigade Bataillon Betriebsstoffversorgung Bevollmachtigter Transportoffizier beziehungsweise Chef des Generalstabes Division Eisenbahn Fahrtruppen Fallschirm feindliche Feldgendarmerie Feldkommandantur Feldlazarett Feldvorschriftenstelle Festung FeId kommandantur Flieger Flie ger abwehr kanone Flie gerverbindungs offiz ier Fe Id pos tme is t er freiwillig Fiihrer Gasabwehroffizier GebirgsGeneral der Infanterie Generalkommando Generalleutnant Generalmajor Generaloberst IX GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS (cont'd.) Genstb.d.H, G. F. P. Grenztr. grdlg. Grz.Tr. Harko H.Gr. H.Gr.Kdo. H.Mot. Hbh. Hbh.Art.Kdr. H.O.Kraft. Hptm. H.Qu. H.Streif.Dst. I.D. Inf. Ins p. I.R. I. u. A.G. Karapfw. Kan. Kav. Kdo. Kdr. Kdt.d.H.Qu. Kdtr. Kfz. Kgf. Kodeis. Kofeld. Kogend. Kol. Koluft. Korop. Koruck. Kp. Generalstab des Heeres Geheime Feldpolizei Grenztruppen grundlegend Grenztruppen Hbherer Artilleriekommandeur Heeres gruppe Heeres gruppenkommando Heeresmotorisierung Hbherer Hbherer Artilleriekommandeur Hbherer Offizier des Rraftfahrwesens Hauptmann Hauptquartier Heeresstreifendienst Infanterie Division Infanterie Inspektion Infanterie Regiment Infanterie u. Artillerie Gerat Kampfwagen Kanone Kavallerie Kommando Kommandeur Kommandant des Hauptquartiers Kommandantur Kraftfahrzeug Kriegsgefangener Kommandeur der Eisenbahntruppen Kommandeur der Feldgendarmerie Koramandeur der Gendarmerie Kolonne Kommandeur der Luftwaffe Kompanie Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes Kompanie Kps. Krad KTB, Ktb. Lkw. Lt. Lw. Mess. M.G. mil. Mob. mot. Mun. MVO Nachr. Nachsch. Nahaufkl.Gr. ND norweg. NSFO NT 01 OB Ob.d.H. Obit. Obst. Obstlt. Offz. OKH OKL OKM OKW O.Qu. O.Qu./Qu.l O.Qu./Q\i.2 O.Qu./IV Wi. O.QU./QU.L. Korps Kraftfahrrad Kriegstagebuch Lastkraftwagen Leutnant Luftwaffe Karten- u. Vermessungswesen Mas chinengewe hr militiirische Mobilmachung motorisiert Munition Marineverblndungsoffizier Nachrichten Nachschub Nahaufklarungs gruppe Nachrichtendienst norwegisch Nationalsozialistischer Fuhrungsoffizier Nachschubtransport 1. Ordonnanzoffizier des Stabes Oberbefehlshaber Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres Oberleutnant Oberst Oberstleutnant Offizier Oberkommando des Heeres Oberkommando der Luftwaffe Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Versorgungsabteilung Allgemeiner Versorgungsoffizier Sicherungsoffizier Armeewirts chafts fuhrer Milit'arverwaltung Oberquartiermeister der Luftwaffe GERMAN MILITARY SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS (cont'd.) O.Qu./Qu.Ro. O.Qu./Qu.T. O.Qu./W.Ing. ostw. Pak. Panz. Panzertr. Pi. Pi.Fii. Pion. Pk. Po. Prop, Pz. Qu. Reg., Regt. Res. Ro. ruckw. San. Schw, Stabsoff.f.Pz. Bekampf. Stb. stellv. Sto., R.u.F. Stoart. Stofeld. Gruppe Rohstoffe Gruppe Technik Wehrmachts-Ingenieur ostwarts Panz erabwehrkanone Panzer Panzertruppen Pioniere Pionierfuhrer Pioniere Park Polizei Propaganda Panzer Quartiermeister Regiment Reserve Rohstoffe ruckwartig SanitatsSchwadron Stabs of fizier fiir Panzerbekampfung Stab stelivertretend Stabsoffizier, Reit- u. Fahrausbildung Stabsoffizier der Artillerie Stabsoffizier der Feldgendarmerie Stoluft. Stomtt. Stopak. Stopi. takt. TB Transp. Trp.V.St. u.a. usw. Verb.Kdo.d.Luftfl. Verb.Offz.d.Luftfl. Vers. Yerw. Vet. Vo.Wi.Ru. W.B.K. Wehrers. Wehrm. W.Geol. W.G.O. Wi. W.O. W.Pr. WStb. WuG z.b.V. Stabsoffizier der Luftwaffe Stabsoffizier fiir Marschiiberwachung Stabsoffizier fiir Panzer be kampfung Stabsoffizier der Pioniere taktische Tatigkeitsbericht Transport Trans portvors chr iftens telle und andere; unter anderem und so weiter Verbindungskommando der Luftflotte Verbindungsoffizier der Luftflotte Vers orgung Verwaltung Veterinar Verbindungsoffizier OKW/Wehrwirtschaftsu. Rustungsamt Wehrbez irkskommando Wehrersatz Wehrmacht Wehrgeologe Wehrmachtgraber of f iz ier Wirtschaft Wehrwirts chafts offiz ier Wehrmachts propaganda Wehrwirtschaftsstab Waffen u. Gerat zur besonderen Verwendung XI ORGANIZATION OF GERMAN ARMY STAFFS Fiihrungsabteilung (Operations Group) Operationsabteilung (Operations Branch) Karten- und Vermessungswesen (Map & Survey Officer) Hbherer Artilleriekommandeur (Artillery Staff Officer) Pionierfuhrer (Engineer Staff Officer) Nachrichtenfiihrer (Signal Staff Officer) Stabsoffizier fur Panzer be kampfung (Antitank Staff Officer) Stabsoffizier fur Marschiiberwachung (March Control Officer) Gasabwehroffizier (Chemical Warfare Officer) Kommandeur der Luftwaffe (Air Support Commander) Koiranandant des ruckw'artigen Armeegebietes (Commander of Army Rear Areas) Kommandant der Eisenbahntruppen (Commander of Railway Troops) Bevollmachtigter Transportoffizier (Transportation Officer) Kommandant des Hauptquartiers (Headquarters Commanding Officer) Technischer Offizier des Stabes (Technical Staff Officer) 1. Ordonnanzoffizier des Stabes (Special Missions Officer) Ausbildungsoffizier (Training Officer) Feindnachrichtenabteilung (intelligence Branch) Feindnachrichtenwesen und Abwehroffizier (Intelligence Officer) fisfiE- AOK* AK» Div.* la Mess Stoart Gen d Pi Na Fu Stopak la Mess Harko Pi Fii Na Fu Stopak Stomii Gabo Koluft Koruck Kodeis Bv.T.O, Kdt.d.H.Qu. la/T. la/01 Id Ic Ic/A.O. la Mess Arko Stopi Na Fu Stopak la Mess Stopi Na Fu Stopak Ic Ic OQu OQu/Qu.l OQu/Qu.2 OQu/IV Wi OQu/VII OQu/W.Ing. B.V. A.O.Kraft Qu Ib Lw.Kdo. Gen Trs Id Ic Quartiermeisterabteilung (Supply Group) Versorgungsabteilung (Supply Branch) Allgemeiner Versorgungsoffizier (General Supply Officer) Sicherungsoffizier (Security Officer) Armeewirtschaftsfuhrer (Army Economics Officer) Militarverwaltung (Military Occupation Officer) Wehrmacht-Ingenieur (Armed Forces Engineer) Betriebsstoffversorgung (Fuel Supply Officer) Abwehroffizier d. Kraftfahrwesens (Security Officer for Motor Transportation) XI1 OQu * Ommissions of symbols in the H.Gr., AOK, AK and Div. columns indicate that either there was no comparable office for that echelon or information is not available at this time concerning the existence of an office on that level. ORGANIZATION OF GERMAN ARMY STAFFS (cont'd.) Gruppe Technik (Technical Group) Waffen und Ger&t (Ordnance Group) Feldgendarmerie (Military Police) Intendant (Administrative Officer) Arzt (Medical Officer) Veterinar (Veterinary Officer) Kraftfahrwesenbffizier (Motor Transport Officer) Feldpostmeister (Postmaster) WuG Feldgend IVa IVb IVc V FPM AOK AK Div. OQu/Qu.T WuG Feldgend IVa IVb IVc V FPM WuG Feldgend IVa IVb IVc V FPM WuG Feldgend IVa IVb IVc V FPM Ila lib III IVd VI Ila lib III IVd VI Ila lib III IVd VI Ad.lutantur (Personnel Group) 1. Adjutant (for officer personnel) 2. Adjutant (for enlisted personnel) Richter (Judge Advocate) Gruppe Seelsorge (Chaplain) Nationalsozialistischer Fiihrungsoffizier (Nazi Guidance Officer) Chef der Zivilverwaltung (Chief of Civilian Administration) Ila lib III IVd VI VII Xlll PUBLISHED GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. 1. Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaftsministerium). 1958. 75 p. (T71) 2. Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom (Reichskommissar fuer die Festigung deutschen Volkstums). 1958. 15 p. (T74) 3. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part I. 1958. 141 p. (T81) 4. Records of the Organisation Todt. 1958. 2 p. (T76) 5. Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Part I. 1958. 15 p. (T84) 6. Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Far East. 1958. 161 p. (T82) 7. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part I. 1959. 222 p. (T77) 8. Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Part II. 1959. 203 p. (T84) 9. Records of Private German Individuals. 1959. 23 p. (T253) 10. Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Reichsministerium fuer Ruestung und Kriegsproduktion). 1959. 109 p. (T73) 11. Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices. 1959. 19 p. (T178) 12. Records of Headquarters of the German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part I. 1959. 19 p. (T78) 13. Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministerium). 1959. 34 p. (T177) 14. Records of German Field Commands: Armies (AOK 1, 3, 5), Part I. 1959. 61 p. (T312) 15. Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates, 1890-1945. 1960. 63 p. (T179) 16. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part I: Records on Resettlement. 1960. 105 p. (T81) 17. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part II. 1960. 213 p. (T77) 18. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part III. 1960. 118 p. (T77) 19. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part IV. 1960. 76 p. (T77) 20. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part II. 1960. 45 p. (T81) 21. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part II: The General Records. 1961. 180 p. (T81) 22. Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. 1961. 41 p. (T70) 23. Records of Private Austrian, Dutch, and German Enterprises, 1917-46. 1961. 119 p. (T83) 24. Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High Command (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe/OKL). 1961. 59 p. (T321) 25. German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak, Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rumaenien. 1961. 41 p. (T405) 26. Records of Reich Office for Soil Exploration (Reichsamt fuer Bodenforschung). 1961. 11 p. (T401) 27. Miscellaneous SS Records: Einwandererzentralstelle, Waffen-SS, and SS-Oberabschnitte. 1961. 34 p. (T354) 28. Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Reichsministerium fuer die besetzten Ostgebiete), 1941-45. 1961. 69 p. (T454) 29. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part II. 1961. 154 p. (T78) 30. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part III. 1961. 212 p. (T78) 31. Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Baltic States (Reichskommissar fuer das Ostland), 1941-45. 1961. 19 p. (T459) 32. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuehrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei) Part I. 1961. 165 p. (T175) 33. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuehrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei) Part II. 1961. 89 p. (T175) xiv PUBLISHED GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. German Army Areas (Wehrkreise). 1962. 234 p. (T79) 34. Records 35. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part III. 1962. 29 p. (T81) Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Part III. 1962. 61 p. (T84) 36. Miscell; 37. Records of Headquarters, German Navy High Command (Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine/OKM). 1962. 5 p. (T608) 38. Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others, Part I. 1963. 200 p. (T501) 39. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuehrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei) Part III. 1963. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 198 p Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records (T175) of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German of German Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Commands: Army Groups (HGr A-C, G, H,Nord, Weichsel, Oberrhein, Sued), Part I. 1964. 126 p. (T311) Divisions (lst-5th), Part I. 1964. 160 p. (T315) Armies (AOK 2, 4), Part II. 1964. 110 p. (T312) Armies (AOK 6-9), Part III. 1964. 108 p. (T312) Armies (AOK 10-12, 14), PartIV. 1964. 96 p. (T312) (T315) Divisions (6th-9th), Part II. 1964. 118 p Corps (AK I-IV), Part I. 1965. 156 p. (T314) Armies (AOK 15-17), Part V 0 1965. 162 p. (T312) Armies (AOK 19-21, Fallschirm Ligurien), Part VI. 1965. 85 p. (T312) Annies (AOK 18), Part VII. 1965. 124 p. (T312) Armeeabteilungen (AAbt A, Fretter-Pico, Lanz-Kempf , Narwa-Grasser-Kleffel, von Zangen), 1966. 45 p0(T312) Panzer Armies (PzAOK 1-2), Part I. 1966. 112 p. (T313) , Part II. 1966. 139 p. (T311) Army Groups (HGr B-D, E-F, Nord, Mitte, Sued, Don) Panzer Armies (PzAOK 3-5, Afrika), Part II 1967. 160 p. (T313) Armies (AOK 2), Part VIII 1967. 132 p. (T312) Corps (AK V-IX), Part II. 1967. 150 p. (T314) Armies (AOK 4, 6-7, 9-11, 14, 25, DGen beim ital. AOK 8 AGr Woehler) Part IX. 1968. 166 p. (T312) Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others, Part II. 1968. 25 p. (T501) Corps (AK X-XVII), Part III. 1968. 84 p. (T314) Corps (AK X^TTT ^"*-r^ f Part IV> 1968< 144 p> (T314) Corps (AK XXVIII-XL), Part V. 1969. 124 p. (T314) Corps (AK XLI-LI), Part VI. 1969. 186 p. (T314) Corps (AK I, LII-XCI), Part VII. 1970. 223 p. (T314) Divisions (lst-9th (Supplementary), 10th-21st), Part III. 1970. 143 p. (T315) Divisions (22d-57th), Part IV. 1970. 141 p. (T315) Divisions (58th-96th), Part V. 1970. 143 p. (T315) Divisions (97th-114th), Part VI. 1972. 177 p. (T315) Divisions (116th-137th), Part VII. 1974. 179 p. (T315) Divisions (141st-187th), Part VIII. 1974. 244 p. (T315) xv PUBLISHED GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records Records of of of of of of of of of of German Field Commands: Divisions (189th-218th), Part IX. 1975. 243 p. (T315) German Field Commands: Divisions (221st-255th) Part X . 1975. 237 p. (T315) German Field Commands: Divisions (256th-291st) Part XI. 1976. 316 p. (T315) German Field Commands: Divisions (292d-327th), Part XII. 1976. 305 p. (T315) German Field Commands: Divisions C328th-369th) Part XIII . 1976. 293 p. (T315) German Field Commands: Divisions (370th-710th), Part XIV. 1977. 345 p. (T315) the Waffen-SS, Part I. 1978. 283 p. (T354) German Field Commands: Divisions (712th-999th and name divisions), Part XV. 1978. 287 p. (T315) the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei--NSDAP) Part IV, the German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part V. 1981. 180 p. (T77) Other National Archives finding aids to microfilm of seized foreign records: Guides to Records of the Italian Armed Forces, Part I-III. 1967. (T821) Guide to the Collection of Hungarian Political and Military Records, 1909-1945. 1972. 20 p. (T973) Guide to Records of the Smolensk Oblast of the Ail-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1917-41. xvi 1980. 295 p. 1980. 37 pc (T81) (T84, 87, 88) SUGGESTIONS FOR CITING MICROFILM OF CAPTURED GERMAN AND RELATED RECORDS IN THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES The National Archives and Records Service is frequently asked to provide recommendations regarding information to be included in footnotes or other references to records among its holdings. The following suggestions should serve this purpose and also help our staff in locating the records thus cited. Records Because of the great variety and complexity of some archival material, there are no convenient models that would be applicable to all records. The initial citation, however, might consist of those of the following elements applicable in each instance: item, file unit, or subseries, series title, originating office (and the administrative units of which that office is a part) name of collection or record group number and title, and depository. Except for placing the cited item first, there is no general agreement on the sequence of the remaining elements in the citation. Publishers, professional journals, and graduate faculties all prescribe their own style. Whatever sequence is adopted, however, should be used consistently throughout the same work,, If in doubt, the researcher should confer with an archivist regarding elements that may be necessary to identify adequately specific records being cited. Microfilm Publications Citation to records reproduced in National Archives microfilm publications should provide, in general, the same information as suggested above, but with sufficient additional information to identify the particular microfilm publication as well as roll and frame numbers, if applicable. Microfilm publications of foreign records seized during World War II involve such peculiarities of identification that largely individualized suggested systems of citation have been developed for them. The following examples suggest both a form of initial citation and of subsequent citations of the same document for each of five major microfilm projects reproducing captured German and related records; the form for the bibliography, which is not illustrated below, could be some appropriate modification of the initial citation, but should also include the National Archives record group title and number, and the title and number of the microfilm publication, e.g., National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records (Nuernberg), Record Group 238, U.S. v. Otto Ohlendorf, et al., Microfilm Publication M895, 38 rolls; National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized 1941, Record Group 242, Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics, Microfilm Publication T71, 148 rolls. 1. Captured records microfilmed at Alexandria, Virginia. Initial citation: CdS/Amt IVA1, Ereignismeldung UdSSR, Nr. 194, 20. April 1942, EAP 173-a-10/22a, National Archives Microfilm Publication T175, roll 235, frames 2724202-268. Subsequent citations: Ereignismeldung UdSSR, Nr. 194, T175/235/2724209-10. Initial citation: I, AK, la, "KTB Nr. 2," Aug.-Oct. 1939, E201/1, National Archives Microfilm Publication T314, roll 34, first frame 389. Subsequent citations: KTB 2, Aug 17, 1939, T314/34/397. Item numbers such as EAP 173-a-10/22a, or OKW 1015 are optional and serial numbers unnecessary. Frames are sometimes unnumbered. xvn 2. Foreign Ministry Archives and records of the Reichskanzlei filmed at Whaddon Hall. Initial citation: Ambassador in Madrid (Stohrer) to Foreign Ministry, Berlin, Dec. 9, 1940, German Foreign Ministry Archives, Serial 136, frames D674515-516; National Archives Microfilm Publication T120, roll 146. Subsequent citations: Stohrer to GFM, 136/D674516, T120/146. Initial citation: "Verwaltung besetzter Gebiete in Serbien, 15.11.16-31.7.17," SA Reel 83, National Archives Microfilm Publication T136, roll 83, frames 17-24. Subsequent citations: SA/T136/83/19. The serial number is the essential identification, whether the serial is of the interchangeable unlettered or H serials, or of the B,C,F,K,L, and M serials. The terms reel, container or roll are acceptable variations, with the last preferred by the National Archives. With the Tripartite Project microfilm, National Archives Microfilm Publication T120, it is imperative to distinguish between serial and roll numbers, and the Catalog of Files and Microfilm of the German Foreign Ministry Archives, 1920-1945, 4 vols., has as a supplement to each volume, a National Archives serial-roll conversion list.The Public Records Office in London uses the same serial and frame numbers, although not always the same roll numbers, and the microfilm publication symbols GFM 2-5 instead of T120, to identify the Tripartite Project microfilm. The other Whaddon Hall microfilm projects use the same number for serial and roll, as the SA (Saint Antony's College project) serial example, given above, indicates; the National Archives has substituted microfilm publication number for project symbols. 3. Records from the German Naval Archives microfilmed for the United States Navy at the Admiralty, London. Initial citation: "Luftschiffangriff auf England, 19-20.10.1917," Az. Kr. Op. Nordsee, 97, PG 64856, TA-108D, National Archives Microfilm Publication T1022, roll 650. Subsequent citations: PG 64856, T1022/650. PG number is the essential record item number; either the TA number or the T1022 roll number is sufficient microfilm identification. There are no frame numbers in this microfilm publication. 4. Heeresarchiv Potsdam records microfilmed at the National Archives. Initial citation: Groener to Alarich von Gleich, Papers of General Wilhelm Groener (Groener Nachlass) at the Bundesarchiv Koblenz, National Archives Microfilm Publication M137, roll 7. Subsequent citations: Groener to Gleich, M137/7. xvi 11 5. National Archives microfilm of Nuernberg War Crimes Trial Records. Initial citation: OB Suedost to HGr E, "Operation Kreuzotter," 13 Aug 1944, item NOKW-089, National Archives Microfilm Publication T1119, roll 2, frames 17-19. Subsequent citations: OB Suedost to HGr E, 13 Aug 44, T1119/2/17 Initial citation: Indictment, United States of America v. Otto Ohlendorf, et al. (Case 9), Transcript of Proceedings, Sep 15, 1947, vol. 1, p. 4, National Archives Microfilm Publication M895, roll 2, frame 0005. Subsequent citations: Case 9, Transcript, Sep 15, 1947, vol. 1, p. 4, M895/2/0005. The National Archives and Records Service will appreciate receiving copies of books and articles based in whole or in part on records in its custody. Such copies should be directed to the Library, NARS, GSA, Washington, DC 20408. xix 9. SS PANZER-DIVISION "HOHENSTAUFEN" - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1942/12/31 Berlin-Lichterfelde Activation of 9. SS PzGrD "Hohenstaufen" 1943/01/27 Brno (Bruenn), Moravia Formation of activation staff 1943/02/03 Chalons-sur-Marne, Mailly-le-Camp, France Transfer, completion of formation, training 1943/03/01 Ypres, Hazebrouck, Ghent, Belgium; Tourcoing, France Training, alert exercises, air raid protection 1943/08/03 Forges-les-Eaux, Amiens Occupation and security duty SS PzK 1 1943/10/26 Amiens Redesignated as 9. SS Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen" (source: T175, roll 111, frame 2635531) SS PzK 2 CHAIN OF COMMAND C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Wilhelm Bittrich Subordinate to: SS PzK 2 C.O.: Oberst Mueller (m.d.F.b.), 1944/06/29 Gen.Maj. Sylvester Stadler (m.d.F.b.), 1944/07/03 Oberst Friedrich Bock (m.d.F.b.), 1944/07/28 Oberst Walter Harzer (m.d.F. der Kampfgruppe 9. SS PzD beauftragt), 1944/08/29 Gen.Maj. Sylvester Stadler, 1944/10/10 (source: MS P-162) 1944/06/26 Paris, Caen, Thury-Harcourt, Villers-Bocage, Grainville, Lassy, Evrecy, Normandy Movement, regrouping, defensive operations 1944/07/20 Fontenai-les-Louvets, Caligny Counterattacks, reconnaissance and defensive operations 1944/08/01 Avenay, Le Beny-Bocage, Sourdeval Regrouping, disengagement movements 1944/08/20 Namur, Belgium Defensive engagements 1944/09/28 Arnhem (Arnheim), Netherlands Withdrawal, defensive operations 1944/10/15 Siegen, Germany Ahlen, Muenster Transfer, rehabilitation 1944/12/17 Stadtkyll Bergisch Gladbach Preparation for the Ardennes Offensive 1944/12/21 Spangdahlem, west of Mosel River Participation in the Ardennes Offensive DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1945/01/23 Saint-Vith, Malmedy, Belgium Withdrawal 1945/02/00 Traben-Trabach, Eifel, Germany 1945/03/01 Budapest, Hungary Defensive operations 1945/03/12 Austria Withdrawal 1945/05/08 Steyr, Austria Captured by U.S. Forces CHAIN OF COMMAND Records of the 9» SS Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen" are reproduced on rolls 146-149 of NARS Microfilm Publication T354, listed in guide No. 27, p e 5-6, and described following the unit history. There were no operation records available for this division during Jan 1944, 1 Mar-25 Jun, 8 Oct-15 Dec 1944, and no records after 28 Feb 1945. Situation maps of Lage Ost and West were used to supplement the unit history. Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S0 Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1949, contain references to the 9. SS Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen" as follows: MS B-470, Normandy (Combat report of the 9. SS Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen," 3-24 Jul 1944), by SS Brigadefuehrer Sylvester Stadler MS C-024, Normandy to the West Wall (I. SS Pz Corps in the West, Jun-Sept 1944), by Generalmajor Fritz Kraemer MS C-048, West Wall (!„ SS Pz Corps in the West in 1944, continuation of MS C-024), by Generalmajor Fritz Kraemer MS P-162, France (Die 9. SS Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen" im Westen, Juni bis November 1944), by Oberst Walter Harzer MS T-9, Parts I and II (Die Operationen der Heeresgruppe Suedukraine (Sued) in Rumaenien, Ungarn und Oesterreich (Mai 1944 bis Kriegsende) der Heeresgruppe Nordukraine (A) in Galizien und Ostpolen (Mai bis Ende August 1944) und der Armeegruppe Heinrici (1. Panzer Armee) in den Beskiden (September 1944 bis Ende Januar 1945)), by Gen.Lt. Otto Heidkaemper; Appendix No. 1 to MS T-9 (Die Operationen der Heeresgruppe Suedukraine (Sued), der Heeresgruppe Nordukraine (A) und der Armeegruppe Heinrici (1. Pz. Armee), Mai 1944 bis Mai 1945), by General der Panzertruppen Walter Wenck, Gen.Obst. Erhard Raus, Obst. Hermann Teske, Gen. Jon Gheorghe (Rumanian), and Gen.Obst. Gotthard Heinrici. 3 9. SS P A N Z E H - D I V I S I O N " HOHEN STA UFEN" CONTENTS la, Ila/b, III, IVa, Hochendienstclaene, G e f e c h t s a u s b i l d u n g s u n t e r r i c h t , B'eurteilungen. M e e k l y d u t y rosters, c o m b a t t r a i n i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s , and reports and orders on personnel, d i s c i p l i n a r y , a n c administrative matters. l a , I b , Ic, I l a / b , III, IVa, VI, A u s t i l d u n g s b e m e r k u n g e n , M e r k b l a e t t e r , Mitteilungen flier die T r u p p e und O f f i z i e r e , D r u c k s a c h e n , und Begimentsbefehle. Reports on a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , personnel, and disciplinary m a t t e r s ; t r a i n i n g directives; orders of the d a y ; special supply directives; p u b l i c a t i o n s relating to troop indoctrination, entertainment, and counterintelligence a c t i v i t y ; and G e r m a n A r m e d Forces c o m m u n i q u e s ( O K H N a c h r i c h t e n ) , 1943-44. l a , TE des SS PzGr Egt. 2 der Panzer G r e n a d i e r - D i v i s i o c 11 H o h e n s t a u f e n . " A c t i v i t y r e p o r t concerning the a c t i v a t i o n of the 9. SS P z G r D "Hohenstaufen" in Berlin-Lich terf el de, 31 Eec 1942; a c t i v a t i o n of SS PzGr R g t . 2 and f o r m a t i o n cf the a c t i v a t i o n s t a f f (Auf stell ungsstab) by the SS Ez Gr E r s a t z b a t a i l l o n " T o t t n k o p f " III in B r n c f B r u e n n ) , M o r a v i a , 27 Jan 1S43; m o v e m e n t to and f o r m a t i o n of the division in C h a l o n s - s u r - M a r n e and Hailly-le-Camp a r e a s , France, 3-28 Feb 1943 ; movement to and q u a r t e r i n g , t r a i n i n g , f o r m a t i o n , alert exercises, air raid protection, s e c u r i t y a c t i v i t y , a n d o c c u p a t i o n duty i n Ypres ( Y p e r n ) , H a z e b r o u c k , a c d G h e n t areas, B e l g i u m , a n d t h e Tourcoing area of F r a n c e , 1 M a r - 2 A u g , and icovement to for a i r r a i d p r o t e c t i c r ; t r a i n i n g , a l e r t exercises, s e c u r i t y a c t i v i t y , and o c c u p a t i o n d a t y in Amiens and Forges-les-Eaux areas, F r a n c e , 3 Aug-3 1 Dec 1943. ( T h i s d o c u m e n t contains t h r e e c a r t o n copies of the activity report.) la, VI, A u s b i l d u n g s r i c h t l i n i e n , A n w e i s u n g e n und M e r k b l a e t te r f u e r die T r u p p e n und O f f i z i e r e . DATES I T E M NO. BOLL 1ST F R A M E 1942/12/07-1943/08/25 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/1 146 3786969 1942/08/01-1944/03/03 9-SSPzD Hstf 78013/2 146 3787104 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 9. SSPzD Hstf 78013/3 146 3787633 1943/03/17-1944/02/16 9.SSPzD H s t f 78013/4 147 3737917 S. S£ P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N " H C H E N S T A r JFF.N •' CONTENTS Directives, i n s t r u c t i o n s , p a m p h l e t s , a n d p u b l i c a t i o n s p e r t a i n i n g to c o m b a t t r a i n i n g , the h a n d l i n g of f o r e i g n weapons, training o n t h e f i r i n g r a n g e , n i g h t f i g h t i n g , t a n k w a r f a r e , g u a r d d u t } , m a r c h c o n t E o l , leadership, b a t t l e conduct, a n d t r o o p c u t e r t a i n m e n t a n c indoctrination. I V a , Bekleidung u n d A u s r u e s t u n g . O r d e r s a n c reports r e g a r d i n g c l o t h i n g , w e a k e n s , a n d other a d m i n i s t r a t i v e matters. la, Ic, Ila/b, III, I V b , V, V I , D i v i s i o n s Befehle, H i t t e i l u n g e n f u e r d i e I r u p p e n , sonstige B e f e h l e . Division orders r e l a t i n g t c m o v e m e n t f o r d e f e n s i v e operations, r e g r o u p i n g , and w i t h d r a w a l in the Caen, T h u r y - H a r c o u r t , Villers-Eocage, G r a i n v i l l e , Lassy, Bonnemaison, Vire, and A u n a y-sous-Crecy areas, 26 J u n - 1 9 Jul 1 9 4 4 ; directives, o r d e r s , a n d r e p o r t s pertaining to personnel, discipline, training, troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t a n d i n d o c t r i n a t i o n , motor t r a n s p o r t , a n d counterintelligence a c t i v i t y . la, Dienstplaene. D a i l y a n d w e e k l y d u t y rosters, f i r i n g orders, and the s t r e n g t h and o r g a n i z a t i o n of "Jagd K o m m a n d o s . 1 1 la, Vernichtungsverhandlungen. Eeports r e g a r d i n g t h e destruction of classified m a t e r i a l . Na/Fue Leit u n g s s k i z z e n . Sketches of signal communication networks in the Ypres { Y p e r n ) , Ghent, and H a z e b r o u c k areas, B e l g i c i , a n d the Tourcoing area of France. la, Ib, Ila/b, IVa, V, V I , K e i s u n g e n an die Iruppe. Orders and directives r e g a r d i n g contents cf t r a i n i n g m a n u a l s and a c t i v i t y r e j c r t s ; the reorganization of division u n i t s ; alerts, t r a i n i n g , personnel, a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , s u p p l y , and m e t e r t r a n s p o r t m a t t e r s ; and troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t and i n d o c t r i n a t i o n . la, TB. A c t i v i t y r e p o r t concerning q u a r t e r i n g . DATES ITEM NO ROLL 1ST F R A H E 1943/08/20-1943/11/18 9 - S S P z D Hstf 78013/5 147 3783183 1943/04/19-1945/01/21 9. SSPzD H s t f 78013/6 147 3788195 1943/02 /24-1943/08/12 9. SSPzD H s t f 780 13/7 147 3788295 1943/07/14-1943/08/21 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/8 147 3783673 1943/04/15-1943/04/15 9.SSPZD H s t f 78013/9 147 3783697 1943/03/01-1944/03/18 9 . S S P Z D H s t f 78013/10 147 3788703 1942/12/31-1944/01/29 9.SSPzD H s t f 780 13/1 1 147 3788942 9. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N " H O H E N S T A U F E N " CONTENTS t r a i n i n g , air raid p r o t e c t i o n , and occupation d u t y in the Amiens and Forges-les-Eaux areas, F r a n c e , 1-21 Feb; and m o v e m e n t to, q u a r t e r i n g , t r a i n i n g , and occupation d u t y i n t h e Niraes a n d Aries a r e a s , s o u t h e r n France, 22-29 Feb 1944. (The a c t i v i t y report of the SS P z G r R g t . 2/SS P z G r D " H o h e n s t a u f en" and SS PzGr Eg t. 20/SS P z G r D " H o h e n s t a u f e n , " 31 Ceo 1942-31 Dec 1943, was erroneously f i l m e d en rcll 147, record i t e m 78013/11, and the activity r e p o r t fcr Jan .1944 was emitted.) la, Lagebericht und Tagesmeldungen. Daily reports concerning d e f e n s i v e acd reconnaissance operations, counterattacks, regrouping, and disengagement movements in the T h u r y - H a r c c u r t , G r a i n v i l l e , Lassy, and Evrecy areas, N o r m a n d y , 1-19 J u l ; F c n t e n a i - l e s - L o u v e t s and C a l i g n y areas, N o r m a n d y , 20-31 Jul; and the Sourdeval, Avenay, E s t r y , and Le Beny-Bccage areas, N o r m a n d y , 1-9 Aug 1944. Also a status report of the d i v i s i o n , 29 Apr-6 Aug 1944. la, A u s b i l d u n g s p l a e n e , R i c h t l i n i e n , flerkblaetter und Dienstplaene. T r a i n i n g schedules, directives, and instructional p a m p h l e t s and d u t y rosters. Also reports and order-of-battle chart of U.S. " L a f t i n f a n t e r i e " and the O.S. airborne u n i t s ( L u f t l a n d e t r n p p e n , Fallschirmjaeger) stationed in E n g l a a d concerning their capability and e g u i p n t e r t , 18 Aug 1943. la, Ib, Ila/b, III, I V a , VI, A u s b i l d u n g s p l a e n e , Eichtlinien und M e r k b l a e t t e r . T r a i n i n g schedules, directives, and i n s t r u c t i o n a l p a m p h l e t s pertaining to combat f i g h t i n g with all types o$ weapons; night combat t r a i n i n g , control and t r e a t m e n t of prisoners of w a r , handling and care of weapons and e q u i p m e n t , B r i t i s h and O.S. combat tactics; a d n i n i s t r a ti ve , personnel, disciplinary, and s u p p l y m a t t e r s ; and t r o o p entertainment and indoctrination.' Ila/b, Vorschlagslisten f u e r die Verleihung des 5 DATES I T E M NO, POLL 1ST F 8 A M E 1944/04/29-1944/08/09 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/12 147 3789333 1943/08/14-1944/11/03 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/13 148 3789165 1943/02/17-1944/07/21 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/14 148 3789363 1944/04/12-1944/07/21 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/15-16 148 3789943 6 9. S£ P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N " H C H E N S I A U F E N " CONTENTS K r i e g s v e r d i e n s t k r e u z e s II. Klasse. Lists of SS personnel granted a w a r d s f o r meritorious service, l a , Befehle ueber die K r i e g s g l i c d e r u n g der P a n t h e r - A bteilung u n d der P a n z e r Division, Z ustandsberichte und G l i e d e r u n g des SS PzGc i*gt. 20 " H o h e n s t a u f e n . " S t a t u s reports a n d order-of-Jsattle c h a r t s of the SS P z G r R g t . 20 " H o h e n s t a u f e n " and order of SS FHA concerning the o r g a n i z a t i o n of a r m o r e d SS divisions, l a , Eingehende Pern- u n d f u n k s p r u e c h e . D a i l y r a d i o and teletype messages c c n c e r n i n g r e q u e s t s f o r a i r support, defensive and o f f e n s i v e operations, c o u n t e r a t t a c k s , and e n e m y air raids in the Caen, H a u t - M a i n i l ( H a u t - M a i s n i l ) , Villers-Bccage, G r a i n v i l l e , Tilly-sur-Seulles, E o u g y , Eterville, R o c g u a n c o u r t , Lassy, Vassy, T h u r y - H a r c c u r t , and La Ferriere areas. l a , B e f e h l e , Meldungen und Fuaksprueche. Orders, reports, and radio messages pertaining to defense against British a i r l a n d i n g s ; t h e f o r m a t i o n , o r g a n i z a t i o n , and t r a i n i n g cf a l e r t units and combat g r o u p s ; a l e r t execises; reprisals against the civilian p o p u l a t i o n in the A r n h e o a r e a , N e t h e r l a n d s ; the m o v e m e n t of p a r t of t h e d i v i s i o n to £ u t p h € n for rehabilitation; status r e p o r t s ; and afteractjlon c r i t i q u e s relating to d e f e n s e against B r i t i s h air l a n d i n g s and the attacJc cr and d e s t r u c t i o n of the 1st English A i r b o r n e Division (1. Entjlische L u f t l a n d e D iv.) in the area west cf A r c h e r o . la, Ib, Ila/b, V, Befehle und M e l d a n g e n . Orders and reports p e r t a i n i n g to motor t r a n s p o r t , p e r s o n n e l m a t t e r s , a n d t r a i n i n g ; also special s u p p l y directives. I l a / b , SS S t a m m k a r t e n und Personalakten. SS personnel record cards, lists of SS p e r s o n n e l to be promoted and g r a n t e d a w a r d s , and othex p e r s o n a l data. I V a , SS S t a m m k a r t e n ueber Eesoldunig. SS personnel DATES I T E M NO. BOLL 1ST F R A M E 1944/06/02-1944/12/06 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/17 148 3793353 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 9-SSPzD Hstf 78013/18 148 3793082 1944/09/27-1944/10/07 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/19 149 3793454 1944/08/13-1944/12/23 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/20 149 3793558 1943/02/11-1944/04/20 9. SSPzD Hstf 7 8 0 1 3 / 2 1 - 2 3 149 3793575 1942/00/00-1944/00/00 9 . S S P z D Hstf 78013/24 149 3791347 >. S£ P A N D E R - D I V I S I O N " H C H E N S T A U F E N " CONTENTS record c a r d s r e l a t i n g to m i l i t a r y p a y , c a l c u l a t i o n cf m i l i t a r y p a y , and c c r r c s f c n d e r c e en the t r a n s f e r of savings. J a , M e r k b l a e t t e r u n d R i c h t l i n i e n f u e r taktische Planspiele u n d U e b u n g e n . I n s t r u c t i o n a l p a m p h l e t s a n d directives p e r t a i n i n g t c c c m b a t tactics, o r g a n i z a t i o n , t a n k a n d a n t i t a n k w a r f a r e , m a p exercises, m a n e u v e r s , British a n d A m e r i c a n combat t a c t i c s , a n d a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i q u e concerning ccirbat defense. (Filmed out of sequence. ) la, Ic, A n w e i s u n g e n u n d M e l d u n g e n . D i r e c t i v e s a n d reports concerning intelligence service and i n f o r m a t i o n regarding e n e m y ( B r i t i s h a n d J m e r i c a o ) c o m t a t tactics, weapons, u n i f o r m s , a n d c r g a n i 2 a t i o n ; c o u n t e r i n t e l l i g e n c e a c t i v i t y ; control o f t h e c i v i l i a n population; and rules g o v e r n i n g the b e h a v i o r of German soldiers as prisoners ot war. Also p r d e r - o f - b a t t l e charts of enemy u n i t s . (Filmed cut of sequence.) Ic, Richtlinien, Merkblaetter. CiECCtives and m e m o r a n d u m s r e l a t i n g tc intelligence service and activities; a report fcr the ffcrth of J u n e regarding British a i r a c t i v i t y a n d G e r m a n c o u n t e r m e a s u r e s i n t h e Hazebrouck area, B e l g i a n ; e n e m ^ acts of sabotage and espionage; German c o u n t e r i r . t e l l i g e n c e a c t i v i t y ; m o r a l e and control of the c i v i l i a n p c p u l a t i p n ; and cooperation w i t h the civilian a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . la, Befehle u e b e r U e b u n g e r und Elanspiele. Crders relating to m a n e u v e r s and m a p exercises. DATES POLL ITEM NO 1ST FRAME 3791454 1943/04/08-1943/12/10 9. SSPzD Hstf 780 13/26 1942/11 /03-1 9 4 5 / 0 2 / 2 8 9. S S P z D Hstf 70013/25 149 3791547 1943/06/01-1943/07/14 9. SSPzD Hstf 78013/27 149 3791763 1943/02/25-1943/06/11 9. SSPzD Hstf 7 8 0 1 3 / 2 8 149 3791799 10. SS PANZER-DIVISION "FRUNDSBERG" - UNIT HISTORY 8 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1943/02/15 Saintes, Saint-Jean-d'Angely, France Formation of 10. SS PzGrD "Karl der Grosse" C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Lothar Debes, 1943/02/15-1943/12/0 Subordinate to: HGr D 1943/05/03 Angouleme, Rognac, Aix, Dax Training, alert exercises 1943/09/20 Marseilles, Toulon, Saint-Cannat, Occupation duty, training Pelissanne 1943/10/03 Toulon Redesignation as 10. SS PzD "Frundsberg" (source: T175, roll 111, frames 2635150-51) 1943/10/23 Montfort, Bernay, Lisieux, Mailly-le-Camp Training 1944/04/02 Zolochev (Zloczow), Berezhany (Brzezany), Podgaitsy (Podhajce), Buchach (Buczacz), Poland Detraining, movement, combat operations AOK 1 AGr D CoO.: SS Gruppenfuehrer Karl von Treuenfeld, 1943/12/03-1944/04/27 Subordinate to: AOK 15 HGr Nordukraine SS PzK 2 1944/04/22 Lvov (Lemberg) Withdrawal movements C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Heinz Harmel, 1944/04/28 1944/06/16 Sokal, Poland Bar-le-Due, Toul, Vitry-le-Francois, France Trans fer 1944/06/30 Grainville, Evrecy, Eterville, Verson, Falaise, Normandy Combat operations 1944/08/01 Saint-Anne, La Poterie, Basseux, Mortagne, Montchamp, Cauville Defensive operations AOK 1 AK 86 AGr D HGr B SS PzK 2 AK 88 PzAOK 5 Records of the 10. SS PzD "Frundsberg" are reproduced on rolls 150-153 of NARS Microfilm Publication T354, listed in guide No. 27, p. 6, and described following the unit history. DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND Although no operation records of the division dated later than 1944/08/01 were available at the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Ost and Lage West show: 1944/09/02 Namur, Liege (Luettich), Belgium 1944/09/11 Arnhem, Netherlands 1944/10/31 Doetinchem, Dueren, Germany 1944/11/25 Heinsberg, Cologne (Koeln) 1944/12/15 Erkelenz, Grevenbroich, Odenkirchen, Eifel 1944/12/20 Euskirchen, Ardennes 1945/01/29 Haguenau (Hagenau), Bischweiler 1945/02/15 Stargard, Szczecin (Stettin) 1945/03/10 Goleniow (Gollnow) 1945/04/15 Spremberg, south of Cottbus 1945/04/30 Meissen Last trace on situation maps Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S. Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 10. SS PzD "Frundsberg" as follows: MS P-109f (Ardennes followup, 10. SS Panzer-Division "Frundsberg," 16 Dec 1944-11 Jan 1945), by SS Brigadefuehrer and Generalmajor Heinz Harmel MS P-163 (Die 10. SS Panzer-Division "Frundsberg" im Einsatz im Westen vom Juni bis November 1944), by SS Brigf. and Gen.Maj. Heinz Harmel MS T-10 (Abwehrtaktik bei Durchbruechen (Osten), Befreiung der 1. Pz.-Armee, Buchach (Buczacz), April 1944), by Generaloberst Erhard Raus. 10. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N "FRUNDSBEBG" 10 CONTENTS V I , W e l t a n s c h a u l i c h e Erziehung. Easic principles, organizations, and assignments of the SS; political and racial indoctrinations; historical information on the o f f i c i a l names of the 10. SS PzGrD "Karl der Grosse" and the 10, SS PzD "Trundsberg" (Georg von Frundsberg) ; also inventories of ammunition and motor vehicles and strength reports. K T B mit Anlagen der I/SS FzGr Bgt. 1 "Karl der Grosse," 15 Feb-18 Apr 1943, 10. SS PzGrD, 19 Apr-5 N o v , u n d SS PzGr Rgt. 21, 10. SS Pz C "Frundsberg." Bar journal concerning the f o r m a t i o n of the division and training in the Saintes and Saint-Jean-d 1 Angely areas, France, 15 Feb-2 May; redesignation cf the 10. SS PzGrD to 10. SS PzD " F r u n d s b e r g , " 6 Nov 1943; movement to and participation in alert exercises and occupation d u t y in the Aix, A n g o u l e m e , Rognac, Dax areas, southwestern France, 3 May-19 Sep; Marseilles, Toulon, Saint Cannat, Pelissanne, southeastern France, 20 Sep-22 Oct; and M o n t f o r t , Bernay, Lisieux, Mailly-le-Camp, northern France, 23 Oct-14 Dec 1943. Also a register of officers, strength and s t a t u s reports, and orders relating to m a n e u v e r s and map exercises. la, Ila/b, III, I V b , V, VI, Befehle und Anweisungen. Orders, directives, and reports pertaining to personnel and disciplinary and motor transport m a t t e r s ; medical services; and troop indoctrination. Also a war journal of the II/SS Pz R g t . 10 concerning the movement to Sokal, P o l a n d , for transfer to the West via Dppeln, Halle, Saarbruecken, M e t z , Bar-le-Duc, and N a n c y , 9-16 Jun 1944. la, Ib, Ic, Ila/b, I V a , I V b , V, Befehle, Anweisungen und Meldungen. G r a n t i n g of awards and decorations, t r a n s f e r s , training, and other personnel m a t t e r s ; military security; defense against airborne landings, partisans, and sabotage, especially in Montfort and DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1943/03/03-1944/02/12 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/1 150 3791354 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/2 150 3792083 1943/04/07-1944/37/21 l O . S S P z D Prdsbg 78014/3 150 3792213 1943/04/01-1 9 4 4 / 3 9 / 0 9 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/4 150 3792279 10. 11 SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N "FRO NDS BERG" CONTENTS Osserain-Rivareyte; counter intelligence activity; a d m i n i s t r a t i v e and m o t o r t r a n s p o r t operations; and medical and supply services. Also orders on defensive operations, counterattacks, and disengagement movements in the Odon River and Orne R i v e r areas; and the Evrecy, Tourville, M a l t o t , and Aunay-sur-OdDn areas. Ib, Besondere A nordnungen f u e r die Versorgung. Special directives for s u p p l y and supply service. V, Befehle und Anveisungen. Orders, directives, and reports p e r t a i n i n g to m a i n t e n a n c e , inspection, status, and care of motor vehicles; also drivers 9 training. la, Dienst- und A l a r m p l a e n e , Ausbildungsberichte- und Befehle. Orders, directives, and reports pertaining to combat t r a i n i n g , alert plans, and night exercises; also d u t y rosters and instructions for transportation officers. I l a / b , P e r s o n a l , Allgemein. Personnel t r a i n i n g order and table of organization. Includes English evaluation of the 10. SS PzD " Frundsberg." la, I b , I I I , IVa, Befehle und Anveisungen. Combat training, reorganization (Freie Div.) , training schedules, exploitation of the enemy economy, and code names of division u n i t s ; also supply, administrative, and disciplinary matters. IVb, Meldungen des Truppenarztes. Reports on casualties a n d medical service. Ib, N a c h s c h u b P r u p p 10 der 10. SS PzD "Frundsberg" Befehle und Meldungen. Orders of the supply branch concerning the transfer of supply units to Berezhany ( B r z e z a n y ) and Halicz, Poland, 23 Apr-2 Hay; movements in the Sokal, Peremyshlyany (Przemislany), and Lvov (L em berg) areas, 3 May-7 J u n ; t r a n s f e r to France in the Bar-le-Duc, Toul, and Vitry-le-francois areas, 16 Jun; and operations in the Verneuil, Saint-Anne, La DATES ITEM NO ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1943/02/19-1 9 4 4 / 0 5 / 1 1 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/5 150 3792439 1943/08/13-1944/04/20 13.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/6 150 3792606 1943/02/23-1944/04/12 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/7 150 3792622 1943/02/11-1944/07/23 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/8 150 3792397 1944/04/19-1944/07/31 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/9 150 3792723 1944/01/07-1944/08/03 1 0 . S S P Z D Frdsbg 78014/10 150 3792805 1944/04/09-1944/38/01 1 0 . S S P Z D Frdsbg 150 3792938 78014/11 10. 12 SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N " F R O N D S B E R S " CONTENTS Poterie, M o r t a g n e , C a u v i l l e , and M o n t c h a m p areas in N o r m a n d y , 30 Jun- 1 A u g 1944. Also special supply directives; i n f o r m a t i o n on intelligence service, counter intelligence a c t i v i t y , e n e m y tactics, and weapons; and orders for personnel t r a n s f e r s and decorations. l a , I b , Ic, Ila/b, Befehle u n d Meldungen. Division orders on the e v a c u a t i o n of civilian population f r o m the c o m b a t zone in the La Caine, Brieu, Fontaine, and T h u r y - H a r c o u r t areas, J u l 1 9 4 4 ; a special division order on the d i s b a n d m e n t of the strong point ( S t u e t z p u n k t L e m b e r g ) , Lvov, 30 Apr 1 9 4 4 ; and reports on s u p p l y , personnel, and intelligence operations. la, Ila/b, III, I V b , Tagesbef eh le. Daily orders relating to t r a i n i n g , the t r a n s f e r of personnel, d i s c i p l i n a r y m a t t e r s , and m e d i c a l service. It, Tagesbefehle und B e s t a n d s m e I d u n g e n . Daily r e p D r t s c o n c e r n i n g the s u p p l y situation, combat strength, expended a m m u n i t i o n and motor fuel, and rations on hand. I l a / b , Tages- und Personalbefehle. Orders and lists concerning promotions, t r a n s f e r s , and the g r a n t i n g of a w a r d s and decorations to SS personnel. Ib, Tages- und B e s t a n d s m e l d u n g e n de r Division Begleitkorapanie und F l a k z u g . Daily reports and inventories on the supply situation, ammunition a n d motor fuel expended and on h a n d , and the status and losses of m o t o r vehicles. Ila/b, Personal Befehle. Orders and reports concerning personnel assignments, t r a n s f e r s , promotions, awarding of decorations, disciplinary actions, casualties, and strength. la, I b , I c , I V a , Divisions- u n d Sonderbefehle, M e l d u n g e n . Division orders on indoctrination of troops, collections for the H H W , use of Hiwis DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 131 F J U M S 1943/05/09-1944/07/25 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/12 151 3793192 1943/12/20-1944/09/30 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/13 151 3793301 1944/06/01-1 9 4 4 / 0 7 / 0 9 1 0 . S S P Z D F r d s b g 78014/14 151 3793383 1944/01/01-1944/08/07 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/15 151 3793531 1944/04/05-1 9 4 4 / 3 7 / 0 9 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/16 151 3793835 1944/02/21-1944/08/03 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/17 151 3793968 1943/02/13-1944/07/02 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/18 151 3794108 10. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N "FRHNDSBEBG" CONTENTS ( H i l f s w i l l i g e - a u x i l i a r y volunteers) in battle, t r a n s f e r of the D i v i s i o n C o m m a n d e r SS B r i g a d e f u e h r e r Debes to the Finnish Front, 3 Dec 1943; the transfer of the Division C o m m a n d e r SS G r u p p e n f u e h r e r von T r e u e n f e l d , 27 Apr 1944; t a k i n g over of the command of the 10. SS PzD "Frundsberg" by SS S t a n d a r t e a f u e h r e r H a r m e l , 28 A p r ; operations of the division in southern and western France; and reports on training troops, securing classified mail, signal communications, and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e a n d s u p p l y matters, la, Zustandsberichte, A u s b i l d u n g . Status reports, d i s t r i b u t i o n of rations, m o t o r f u e l , and a m m u n i t i o n ; also training schedules and security activity. I l a / b , V e r l e i h u n g s l i s t e n . Lists of SS personnel t r a n s f e r r e d and decorations a w a r d e d . I l a / b , Division Tagesbef ehle, Verleihungslisten. Orders and lists pertaining to personnel matters and the g r a n t i n g of decorations, la, KTB der 6/SS Pz R g t . 10. War j o u r n a l concerniag d e t r a i n i n g in Zolochev (Zloczow) , Poland, 2 Apr 1944; movements to the Berezhany ( E r z e z a n y ) and Podgaitsy ( P o d h a j c e ) areas, 3-5 A p r ; offensive operations in the Podgaitsy and Buchach (Buczacz) areas, 5-22 A p r ; w i t h d r a w a l m o v e m e n t s , 23-29 A p r ; defensive operations in the Lvov ( L e m b e r g ) area, 30 Apr-10 J u n ; t r a n s f e r f r o m Sokal to Dreux, France, 11-18 J u n ; movement to south of Caen via D i g n y , Le Mage, to Foret du Perche, 18-20 J u n ; and construction of billets, 20-25 J u n . Included are lists showing that SS personnel participated in combat operations in the Podgaitsy and Buchach areas in Poland, 5-14 A p r ; and in Maltot and Esquay in N o r m a n d y , France, 10-23 Jul 1944. la, I l a / b , IVa, Zustandsberichte, 1st- und Sollstaerken, Gefechts- und V e r p f l e g u n g s m e l d u n g e n und Berichte der 5/II/SS Pz R g t . 10. Status and strength 13 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1943/06/12-1944/07/21 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/19 151 3794155 1944/02/20-1944/07/21 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/20 151 379446'4 1943/05/02-1944/07/21 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/21 151 3794511 1944/04/02-1944/37/23 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/22 152 3794560 1943/05/05-1944/08/05 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/23 152 3794534 14 10. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N "FEUNDSBERG" CONTENTS reports, personnel rosters, and reports on supply, rations, motor vehicles, personnel, and administrative matters. l a , Ila/b, III, IVa, IVb, V, VI, Eivisionstagesbefehle. Orders concerning assignments, promotions, decorations, and awards to SS and other personnel; also d i s c i p l i n a r y , raedical, administrative, and motor transport matters. l a , Bataillon- u n d Eegimentsbefehle, Verlustmeldungen. Daily orders on movements, regrouping, and combat operations in the Grainville, Baron, Evrecy, Verson, Eterville, La Polka, and Falaise areas, Normandy, 27 J u n - 8 Jul 1944. Casualty reports and m o n t h l y statistics on Hiwis (Hilfswilliqe - auxiliary volunteers) . Ila/b Stellenbesetzungslisten der 5.-8./SS Pz Regimente. Lists of company d u t y assignments. Ila/b, Veraenderungsmeldungen. Lists shoving SS personnel losses, decorations, and assignments; also interrogations of .SS personnel. I b , I V b , Besondere Andordnungen fuer die Versorgung. Special Directives concerning supply and medical services. la, V, Tages- und A u f k l a e r u n g s m e l d u n g e n . Daily reports on defensive and reconnaissance operations in the Evrecy and Verson areas in the Orne Biver sector, 2-9 Jul 1944. Also strength and casualty reports, training directives, status reports on motor vehicles and ammunition, and data on enemy operations. l a , Gefechts- und Zustandsberichte und StaerXe- und Verlustmeldungen. Battalion reports concerning defensive operations in the Eterville and Verson areas in N o r m a n d y , 3-6 Jul 1944; afteraction (no location listed) , status, strength, and casualty reports; and inventories of motor vehicles, and ammunition. DAIES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1943/05/28-1944/07/28 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/24 152 379*939 1944/06/23-1944/07/22 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/25 152 3795133 1944/07/26-1944/07/27 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/26 152 3795143 1944/06/06-1944/08/09 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/27 152 3795168 1943/05/07-1943/09/24 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/28 152 3795133 1944/06/05-1944/07/09 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/29 152 3795406 1944/04/01-1944/07/09 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/30 152 3795483 10. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N " F E O N D S B E R 3 " CONTENTS Ila/b, Vorschlagslisten f u e r die V e r l e i h u n g des K r i e g s v e r d i e n s t k r e u z e s . Lists of SS personnel granted a w a r d s and decorations. I l a / b , B e u r t e i L u n g e n , Dienstleistungszeugnisse, Fragebogen f u e r F u e r e r b e w e r b e r, Lebenslauf und Ausbildung. Reports on personnel matters. la, Ib, Ic, Ila/b, I V a , V , V I , Abteilungs- und P e r s o n a l b e f e h l e , M e l d u n g e n . Orders, reports, and lists p e r t a i n i n g to t r a i n i n g , discipline, garrison d u t y , assignments, control of civilian population, d e f e n s i v e operations in the Esguay, Basseux, and Eterville areas, 28 J u l - 9 Aug 1944; a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , s u p p l y , intelligence, and motor transport matters; and activities of e n g i n e e r i n g , ordnance g r o u p , and f l a m e t h r o w e r u n i t s . Also F e l d k o m m a n d a n t u r 801 orders for 1943. Ib, I V b , Besondere A n o r d n u n g e n fuer die Versorgung und das Sanitaetswesen. Special directives concerning supply services in the Falaise, A r g e n t a n , Fon t a i n e b l e a u , a n d Treprel areas; also medical services in the E v r e u x , D r e u x , and Nogent-le-Rotrou areas. l a , Ib, Ic, Ila/b, IVa, V, VI, Eerichte, Sonder- und Austildungsbefehle. O r d e r s , directives, and r e p o r t s pertaining to c o m b a t , chemical w a r f a r e , t r a i n i n g , and a n t i a i r c r a f t protection; also administrative, supply, personnel, intelligence, and motor transport matters. I l a / b , Tagesstaerke der Panzer und Artillerie Einheiten. Strength report cf the armored and a r t i l l e c j units of the division. la, Na/Fue, Empfangsscheine und Berichte ueber N a c h r i c h t e n w e s e n . Receipts for signal c o m m u n i c a t i o n m a t e r i a l and reports c o n c e r n i n g signal c o m m u n i c a t i o n services, t r a i n i n g , and other signal matters. la, Ila/b, Ic, I V b , V, Divisions- und Sonderbefehle. Orders, directives, and lists pertaining to combat 15 DATES ITEM NO. RDLL 1ST F J A 1 E 1944/04/16-1944/07/06 10.SSPZD F r d s b g 78014/31 152 3795523 1943/3 1 / 2 5 - 1 9 4 4 / 0 7 / 0 2 1 0 - S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/32 152 3795574 1943/12/13-194'4/33/09 13.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/33 152 3795703 1943/09/10-1943/09/22 10.SSPZD F r d s b g 78014/34 153 379S345 1943/32/11-1945/03/01 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/35 153 3795373 1945/03/25-1945/03/25 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/36 153 3795393 1944/01/02-1 9 4 4 / 0 5 / 0 3 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/37 153 3796393 1943/33/03-1944/07/24 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/38 153 3796*64 16 10. SS PANZEH-DI?ISION " P R U N D S B E H 3 " CONTENTS training, conduct w i t h P O H ' s , personal hygiene, medical service, prevention of venereal disease, casualties, personnel matters; also inventories of motor fuel expended and on h a n d , la, Ic, IVa, N a / F u e , Berichte und A u s b i l d u n g s a n o r d n u n g e n . Directives and reports concerning training, signal communication, security measures, aid to the Ukrainian population during spring p l a n t i n g , and an afteraction critique relating to the assignment of the division in Russia. No specific locations are m e n t i o n e d , 5-24 Apr 1944. Ill, A n o r d n u n g e n und Merkblaetter ueber Disciplinarund Garichtswesen. Directives and reports pertaining to the m i l i t a r y court system and disciplinary matters, la, E r f a h r u n g s b e r i c h t und Nerkblatt ueber Panzerbekaempfung. Afteraction critigue and training m a n u a l relating to a n t i t a n k warfare. V, M e r k b l a e t t e r , Anordnungen und Listen ueber Fahrausbildung. Directives, training manuals, and lists pertaining to drivers' education, assignment, and care of motor vehicles; also requisitions for motor vehicle parts and tires. DATES ITEM NO. RDLL 1ST P J M 3 1943/03/01-1944/08/20 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/39 153 3796489 1943/04/01-1944/32/09 lO.SSPzD Prdsbg 78014/40 153 3796619 1944/01/08-1944/01/08 lO.SSPzD Prdsbg 78014/41 153 3796684 1943/09/30-1944/06/10 l O . S S P z D Prdsbg 78014/42 153 379i393 17 11. SS FREIWILLIGEN-PANZER-GRENADIER-DIVISION "NORDLAND" - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1943/04/01 Truppenuebungsplatz Mlawa (Mielau), Poland Activated as 14. (germ.) SS PzGrD C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Fritz von Scholz, "Nordland" (source: T175, roll 108, (m.d.F.d. Aufstellungsstabes beauftragt), 1943/03/22 frame 2631187, RFSS Kdo.Amt d.W-SS, Subordinate to: SS Korps 3 (germ.) Org.Tgb.Nr.420/43, g.Kdos., 22.3.1943.) 1943/07/12 Tr.Ueb.Pl. Grafenwoehr Designated as SS PzGrFreiw0-Division "Nordland" CHAIN OF COMMAND 1943/10/03 Reorganized as SS Freiw0PzGrD "Nordland" (source: T175, roll 111, frame 2635150, Fuehrer Befehl.) 1943/10/22 Redesignated as 11. SS Freiw.PzGrD "Nordland" (source: T175, roll 111, frames 2635139-40„) 1943/11/29 Lomonosov (Oranienbaum), Kotly, Pillovo, Alekseyevka, Soviet Union Source: III.(germ.)SSPzK, item 64324, T354, roll 120, frame 3753885 1943/12/05 Gatchina (en route) Source: situation maps of Lage Ost and Reich 1944/01/27 Velkota, Koporye 1944/02/15 Narva, Estonia 1944/03/15 Narva-Joesuu (Hungerburg) 1944/10/28 Upenieki, east of Liepaja (Libau), Latvia 1944/11/28 Priekule (Preenkuln), Upenieki 1945/01/31 Liepaja (Libau) 1945/02/10 Stargard, Germany C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Joachim Ziegler 18 DATE LOCATION 1945/03/06 East of Szczecin (Stettin) 1945/03/15 Szczecin 1945/03/30 Neu Zittau (Sperrzone Berlin) 1945/04/18 Tiefensee, Proetzel ACTIVITY Last trace on situation maps CHAIN OF COMMAND SS Brigadefuehrer Gustav Krukenberg Only one record item of the 11. SS Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Nordland" was available at the National Archives and is reproduced on roll 153 of NARS Microfilm Publication T354, listed in guide No. 27, p. 6, and described following the unit history. Records of the III. (germ.) SS PzK, T354, roll 120, and of the Reich Leader SS, T175, rolls 74, 108, and 111 contain references to this division. Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S. Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, also contain reference to the 11. SS Freiw.-PzGrD "Nordland" as follows: MS D-151 (Fighting on the Narva Front, The Evacuation of Estonia and the Withdrawal to the Dvina, 1943-1944), by General Anton Crasser MS T-9 (Der Kampf urn die Oder im Abschnitt der Heeresgruppe Weichsel, Februar bis April 1945), by Generaloberst Gotthart Heinrici. 11. SS F R E I W I L L I G E N - P A N Z E P - G R E N A D T E P - D I V I S I O N " N O R D L A N D " CONTENTS Ib, I V b r Besondere A n o r d n u n g f u e r die Versorgunq Nr . 7, 1 2 . 7 . 1 9 4 3 . Special supply directive f r o m the SS Panzer-Grenadier-Freiwilligen-Division "Nordland" p e r t a i n i n g to medical service of the division at T r u p p e n u e b u n g s p l a t z G r a f e n w o e h r a n d reporting m e t h o d s to the subordinate III. ( g e r m . ) SS Panzer-Korps. Also various t r a i n i n g material of i n d i v i d u a l SS personnel. DATES 19U3/07/12-1 9 4 3 / 0 7 / 1 2 19 I T E M NO. 11. S3 F r w P z G r D Nold 7801 5// ROLL 153 1ST F R A M E 37967U2 12. SS PANZER-DIVISION "HITLERJUGEND" - UNIT HISTORY 20 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1943/06/01 Truppenuebungsplatz Beverloo, Brussels, Belgium Activation of SSPzGrD "Hitlerjugend" (source: T175, roll 108, frames 2631203-2631264) 1944/01/18 Turnhout, Herenthals, Vorselaar, Herenthout, Grobbendonk Training 1944/03/27 Tillieres, Aeon, France Menilles, Pacy-sur-Eure, Chambray, Hardencourt, Jouy-sur-Eure Training 1944/06/04 Lisieux, Evreux, Cheux, Cambes, Epron Movement, offensive operations 1944/06/11 Fontenay-le-Marmion, Cheux, Esquay-Notre-Dame, Carpiquet Brettevi1le-1'Orguei1leuse, Maltot, Caen, Normandy Defensive operations 1944/06/16 Surprise naval artillery attack killed Division Commander Witt C.O.: SS Standartenfuehrer Kurt Meyer, (source: MS P-164) 1944/06/17-1944/09/06 Verson, Grainville, Le Mesnil-Patry, Cheux, Fontenay-le-Pesnel, Defensive operations, retreat Mondrainville, Odon River, Orne River 1943/10/30 1944/06/27 CHAIN OF COMMAND C.00: SS Brigadefuehrer Fritz Witt, 1943/06/01-1944/06/16 GeneraIkommando SS Pz Korps 1 "Leibstandarte" OB West AOK 15 Redesignated as 12.SSPzD "Hitlerjugend" (source: T175, roll 108, fr. 2631204) 1944/07/08 Caen, Cabaret, Ardennes, Carpiquet, Garcelles Defensive operations 1944/07/11 Potigny, Falaise Rehabilitation 1944/07/17 Maltot, Vendes Alert, defensive operations AK 81 AK 84 21 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1944/08/04 Caen, Orne River, Potigny, Foret de Grimbosq, Saint-Laurent Defensive operations 1944/08/20 Dives River, Laigle, Verneuil, Dreux, Seine River, Hirson Defensive operations 1944/09/04 Yvoir, Meuse River, Namur, Godinne, Belgium Defensive operations 1944/09/06 Spontin, Dinant, Godinne, Durbuy, Vielsalm Defensive operations, retreat 1944/09/11 Hillesheim, west of Koblenz Rehabilitation 1944/10/18 Osnabrueck, Soest, Westphalia, Sullingen, Nienburg, Weser Training, rehabilitation 1944/11/17 Gross Koenigsdorf, Eifel, Gleuel Movement, preparation for the Ardennes offensive 1944/12/13 Zuelpich, Euskirchen, Weilerwist, Movement, assembly Erp, Mechernich, Marmachen, Sistig, Wahlen, Kail 1944/12/16 Malmedy, Eupen, Verviers Ardennes offensive 1945/01/23 Schleiden, Hellenthal, Odenkirchen, Cologne (Koeln) Withdrawal 1945/02/15 Bonn Hungary Transfer 1945/03/20 Mor, Bakonyszentlaszlo, north of Lake Balaton (Plattensee) (source: situation maps Lage Ost) 1945/03/25 Papa, Takacsi 1945/03/30 Sopron (Oedenburg), Neusiedler Lake CHAIN OF COMMAND SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Hubert Meyer (m.d.F.b.) SS Brigadefuehrer Hugo Kraas, 1944/11/15 Subordinate to: SS PzAOK 6; SS PzK 1 "LSSAH" 22 DATE LOCATION 1945/04/15 Stoob, Kaumberg, Vienna Forest (Wienerwald), Austria 1945/05/06 Kirchberg, Traisen River 1945/05/08 Enns, Linz ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND Surrendered to U.S. Forces Records of the 12. SS Panzer-Division "Hitlerjugend" are reproduced on rolls 153-156 of NARS Microfilm Publication T354, listed in guide No. 27, p. 6-7, and described following the unit history. Records of the Reich Leader SS, T175, rolls 108 and 111 contain references to this division. Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S. Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 12. SS Panzer-Division "Hitlerjugend" as follows: MS B-522 (The 12. SS Panzer-Division "Hitlerjugend" in the Ardennes offensive), by SS Brigadefuehrer Hugo Kraas MS B-814 (Panzer Operations, 6-8 Jun 1944; Answers to a questionnaire on the commitment of armor against the Normandy landings), by Generalmajor der W-SS Fritz Kraemer and Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein MS C-024 (I. SS Panzer-Korps in the West in 1944; From Normandy to the West Wall, June-September 1944), by Gen.Maj. Fritz Kraemer MS C-048 (I. SS Panzer-Korps in the West in 1944; A continuation of MS # C-024), by Gen.Maj. Fritz Kraemer MS P-164 (12. SS Panzer-Division "Hitlerjugend", Juni bis September 1944), by Gen.Maj. der W-SS, Kurt Meyer and Obstlt. der W-SS, Hubert Meyer MS T-9, Part II (Die Operationen der Heeresgruppe Suedukraine (Sued) in Rumaenien, Ungarn und Oesterreich (Mai 1944 bis Kriegsende) der Heeresgruppe Nordukraine (A) in Galizien und Ostpolen (Mai bis Ende August 1944) und der Armeegruppe Heinrici (1. Panzer Armee) in den Beskiden (September 1944 bis Ende Januar 1945)), by Gen.Lt. Otto Heidkaemper; Appendix No. 1 to MS T-9 (Die Operationen der Heeresgruppe Suedukraine (Sued), der Heeresgruppe Nordukraine (A) und der Armeegruppe Heinrici (1. Pz Armee), Mai 1944 bis Mai 1945), by General der Panzertruppen Walter Wenck, Gen.Obst. Erhard Raus, Obst. Hermann Teske, Gen. Jon Gheorghe (Rumanian), and Gen.Obst. Gotthard Heinrici. 12. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N " H I T L E R J U G E N D " CONTENTS l a , Ib, Ic f Ila/b, I V a , V r Btl. Befehle u n d Berichte der SS Pz.-Pionier Bataillon 12/12. SS PzD " H i t l e r j u g e n d . " Reports and orders p e r t a i n i n q to a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , medical, personnel, and motor transport m a t t e r s ; also securing and destroying classified m a t e r i a l , la, Ib, Tc, Ila/b, IVa, I V b , VT, Befehle und Eerichte. Orders and reports pertaining to supply; a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , oersonnel, and training m a t t e r s ; and medical service, m i l i t a r y security, and troop indoctrination, la, Ib, Ila/b, I V a , I V b , Befehle und Richtlinien. Orders, directives, and guidelines p e r t a i n i n g to a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , medical, personnel, and supply matters. Ic, R i c h t l i n i e n und Berichte des Oberbefehlshabers West, AOK 15, G e n . K d o . II. SS Panzer-Korps, 12. SS PzD " H i t l e r j u g e n d . " Directives and reports concerning intelligence service, control of the civilian population in France and northern Belgium, activities of the Flemish and Walloon guard units, defense against French resistance movement, counterintelligence activity, and enemy propaganda, la, Merkblaetter und A n o r d n u n g e n ueber A u s b i l d u n g und Planspiele= Orders and directives pertaining to combat t r a i n i n g , m a n e u v e r s , and map exercises, la, Ib, Ic, Ila/b, III, IVb, VI, Befehle, Berichte und A n o r d n u n g e n . Orders, directives, and reports p e r t a i n i n g to enemy propaganda, the dropping of a m m u n i t i o n and equipment to enemy agents in the Turnhout area, Belgium, 19 Sep 1943; defensive and protective measures in the Buron area, France, 2 Jul 1944; t r a i n i n g , personnel, disciplinary, intelligence, and supply matters; military security; defense against enemy agents, saboteurs, and terrorists; and control of P O W ' s and troop indoctrination. Also inventories of 23 DATES 1943/09 /04- 1944 /07/02 I P P M NO. 1 2 . S 5 P z D HJ 78016/1 ROLL 153 1ST F R A M E 3796852 191*3/09/29-1944/06/02 1 2 . S 5 P z D HJ 78016/2 153 3797025 1943/07/25-1944/05/29 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 78016/3 153 3797119 1942/02/08-1944/08/04 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/4 154 3797299 1943/08/21-1944/03/21 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 78016/5 154 3797315 1943/09/19-1944/07/22 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/6 154 3797495 24 12. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N " H I T L E R J O G E N D " CONTENTS a m m u n i t i o n , weapons, equipment, motor f u e l , and vehicle and casualty and strength reports, la, Ila/b, III, Ic, IVb, V, 71, Befehle, Tagesmeldungen, V e r n e h m u n g e n , Gefechtsberichte. Orders, directives, reports, and correspondence p e r t a i n i n g to combat operations in the Le Mesnil-Patry and Cheux areas, N o r m a n d y , 26 Jun 1944; t r a i n i n g in chemical warfare; personnel, disciplinary, medical, and motor transport m a t t e r s ; and troop i n d o c t r i n a t i o n . la, Ic, Besondere A n o r d n u n g e n fuer den Ic Dienst, A u s b i l d u n g und Tagesmeldungen. Special directives on combat t r a i n i n g and intelligence service; also reports on counterintelligence activity. I V b , a n f a l l m e l d u n g e n und Truppenarztberichte. Reports relatino to medical service, accidents, and casualties, la, Ic, Ila/b, I V b , Befehle und Berichte. Orders and reports concerning the inspection of the division by the R e i c h s j u g e n d f u e h r e r (Baldur von S c h i r a c h ) ; c o n t r i b u t i o n of R M 892.548.26 to Hitler in honor of his b i r t h d a y , 20 A p r ; troop discipline and e n t e r t a i n m e n t ; and control of travel and currency exchange. Ila/b, A n o r d n u n g e n f u e r V e r l u s t m e l d u n g e n . Directives relating to the care and welfare of dependents of deceased SS personnel, reporting of casualties, and other personnel m a t t e r s . I b , Ila/b, Besondere A n o r d n u n g e n f u e r die V e r s o r g u n g und Personal Listen. Special supply directives and listings of SS personnel showing promotions, decorations, t r a i n i n g , identification tags, and transfers, la, I l a / b , III, Sonderbefehle und Korrespondenz. Orders and reports pertaining to training, map exercises, and participation in maneuvers in the Schoenfeld and Beiersdorf areas, 7-9 Sep 1943; also personnel and disciplinary matters. DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1943/12 /12-1944 /08/05 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/7 154 3797648 1940/01 /11-1943/09/05 1 2 . S 3 P Z D HJ 78016/8 154 3797807 1943/10/01-1944/05/14 1 2 . S S P z D HJ 78016/9 154 3797833 1943/11/06-1944/04/20 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/10 154 3797983 1943/09/14-1944/01/15 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/11 154 3798003 1943/06/15-1944/08/04 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/12 154 3798019 1943/09/07-1944/03/25 12.S3PZD HJ 78016/13 154 3798161 12. SS P A N Z T I R - D I V I S I O N " H I T L E R J U G E N D " CONTENTS la, ITa/b, I V b , V , V I , S o n d e r b e f e h l e u n d Berichte. Special orders a n d reports p e r t a i n i n g to t r a i n i n g ; p e r s o n n e l , motor t r a n s p o r t , a n d m e d i c a l m a t t e r s ; troop i n d o c t r i n a t i o n ; code n a m e s ; a n d d u t y rosters. Ia r IIa/b r W u G , Befehle u n d M e l d u n g e n . Orders a n d reports p e r t a i n i n g to t r a n s f e r s , a s s i g n m e n t s , p r o m o t i o n s , a m m u n i t i o n on h a n d , and code n a m e s . la, Ib, I T a / b , I V b , V, Besondere A n o r d n u n g f u e r die V e r s o r g u n g und Sanitaets- und K r a f t f a h r w e s e n . Special directives concerning s u p p l y , medical and motor t r a n s p o r t services, and t r a i n i n g in the T u r n h o u t area. Ib, Besondere A n o r d n u n g f u e r die Versorgung. Special supply directives, guidelines for medical service, and t r a i n i n g directives. Ila/b, P e r s o n a l a k t e n . Correspondence and reports p e r t a i n i n g to v a r i o u s personnel m a t t e r s . la, T a g e s m e l d u n g e n . Daily reports concerning a m m u n i t i o n o n h a n d , e n e m y operations a n d G e r m a n reconnaissance a c t i v i t i e s in the Cambes and Epron areas, and combat s t r e n g t h . la, I I a / b r III, Sonder- und Tagesbefehle, A u s b i l d u n g s r i c h t l i n i e n . Orders and directives c o n c e r n i n g m a n e u v e r s ; also disciplinary and personnel matters. la, I b , Ic, I l a / b , I V a , I V b , V , R e g i m e n t s b e f e h l e . Orders p e r t a i n i n a t o t r a i n i n g , m a n e u v e r s , m a p exercises, inspections, a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , p e r s o n n e l , supply, and motor t r a n s p o r t m a t t e r s ; also t r o o p discipline, control of the civilian p o p u l a t i o n , and medical service. A r e g i m e n t a l order dated 27 Jul 1944 concerns t h e g r a n t i n g o f a w a r d s f o r c o m b a t d u t y d u r i n g defensive o p e r a t i o n s , 12 Jun- 10 Jul, in the Fontenay-le-Pesnel, 16-18 J u n , G r a i n v i l l e , C h e u x , and ffsguay-Notre-Dame areas, 19-29 J u n ; and the C a r p i g u e t , Caen, Bretteville-1'Orgueilleuse, and M a l t o t areas. 25 DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST FRA1E 191*3/10/06- 1944/08/04 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/14 154 3798202 1944/07/15-1944/08/05 1 2 . S 5 P Z D H J 78016/15 154 3798240 1943/12/05-1944/05/24 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/16 154 3798265 1943/12/05-1944/05/01 1 2 . S 3 P Z D HJ 78016/17 154 3798359 1943/09/29- 1944/03/08 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/18 154 3798464 1944/02/24-1944/07/07 1 2 - S S P z D H J 78016/19 154 3798532 1943/06/15-1944/06/05 1 2 . S S P Z D H J 78016/20 154 3798554 1944/01/06- 1944/07/27 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 78016/21 155 3798674 12. 26 SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N " H I T L E R J U G E N D " CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 4-10 Jul 1944. I a f Tagesmeldungen and Gefechtsberichte des SS Pz.Pionier-Bataillon 12. Daily reports concerning combat t r a i n i n g ; occupation d u t y in the Herenthals, Vorselaar, H e r e n t h o u t r and Grobbendonk areas, B e l g i u m ; t r a n s f e r to Tillieres, France, 27 Mar, and f o r m a t i o n and t r a i n i n g in the Menilles r Pacy-sur-Eure, C h a m b r a y r Hardencourt, and Jouy-sur-Eure areas, 1 A p r - 1 Jun 1944. V, Schlachterei und Baeckereikompanien und Stab des W i r t s c h a f t s b a t a i l l o n 12. Tables showing delivery and pickup points in the Falaise, Caen, Menil-Jean, Les Haies, V e r n e u i l , Chartres, Epinay, and S a i n t - G e r m a i n areas. 1944/01/01-1944/06/01 12.S5PZD HJ 78016/22 155 3798723 1944/07/01-1944/08/10 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 7 8 0 1 6 / 2 3 155 3798895 la, KTB Nr. 2, III/SS PzGr Rgt. 25/12. SS PzD 194U/11/17-194U/12/16 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 7 8 0 1 6 / 2 4 155 3799006 19U3/11/11-1944/07/20 12.S5PZD HJ 78016/25 155 3799025 1943/10/14-1943/12/25 1 2 . S 5 P Z D HJ 78016/26 155 3799104 1944/06/03- 1944/06/00 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/27 155 3799149 1943/00/00-1944/00/00 1943/00/00-1944/00/00 1 2 . S S P Z D H J 78016/28 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/29 155 155 3799153 3799272 "Hitler ju gen d. " War j o u r n a l concerning t r a n s f e r from Soest, Westphalia to Gross Koenigsdorf, E i f e l , 17-22 Nov; movement to the Gleuel area for t r a i n i n g and preparations for the Ardennes Offensive, 22 Nov-14 Dec; and assembly in the Sistig area, Eifel, 15-16 Dec 1944. Also a register of officers and strength and casualty reports. la, I b , Ic, Ila/b, I V b , V, V I , Besondere A n w e i s u n g e n , Meldungen und Listen. Special directives and reports pertaining to troop indoctrination, t r a i n i n g , and care and storage of the P a n z e r f a u s t ; medical and intelligence services; assignment of personnel; and duty rosters. Ill, Meldungen und Anweisungen des Feldgerichtes. Reports and instructions relating to disciplinary matters and court procedures. la, Karte - A u f m a r s c h I I I / P z A r t Rgt. 12/12. SS PzD " H i t l e r j u g e n d . " Map showing the assembly area south of Caen in preparation for the defense of N o r m a n d y . Ila/b S t a m m k a r t e n . SS personnel record cards. Ila/b, Kriegsstammrollen und 27 12. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N " H I T L E R J U G E N D " CONTENTS Erkennunasmarkenverzeichnisse. Personal data of SS personnel. Ila/b, Erkennungsmarkenverzeichnisse, Kriegsstammrollen. Personal data of SS personnel. Iar IIa/br IIIr V, Anweisungen, Meldungen, namentliche Aufstellungen. Directives, reports, and lists pertaining to personal data of SS personnel; proof of Aryan ancestry; and motor transport, training, disciplinary, and ordnance matters. Ila/b, Vorschlagslisten, Meldungen, Beurteilungen. Lists, directives, and reports concerning the selection of SS personnel as officer candidates; also training, appraisal, and other personal data of SS personnel. Ila/b, Namentliche Aufstellungen und Beurteilungen. Lists and appraisals of SS personnel for SS leadership, instructions governing the selection of last sons for military duty, and training directives. Ila/b, Sonderbefehle. Special orders concerning promotions and decorations of SS personnel, attendance at SS leadership training courses, and an order governing activities on the firing range. la, Ila/b, Befehle. Orders relating to training, assignments, transfer, promotions, and decorations of SS personnel; also administrative, motor transport, and ordnance matters. Ila/b, Personalverfuegungen. Regulations on personnel matters and lists of promotions, decorations, and transfers. Ila/b, Personal- und Verpflegungslisten, zahnaerztliche Reihenuntersuchung. Lists of SS personnel relating to dental care, payment of rations and clothing allowances, aranted decorations, unit rosters, and strength reports. la, KTB Nr. 1, I/SS PzGr Rgt. 25/12. SS PzD "Hitlerjugend." War journal concerning training and DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1 9 4 3 / 0 0 /OO- 1 944 /OO /OO 12. S S P z D HJ 78016/30 155 3799308 1943/10/11-1944/07/24 1 2 . S S P z D HJ 78016/31 155 3799435 1943/10/09-1944/02/11 1 2 . S 3 P Z D HJ 78016/32 155 3799486 1943/10/04-1944/05/01 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/33 155 3799546 1944/03/01- 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 0 1 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/34 155 3799583 1943/09/02-1944/08/05 1 2 . S S P z D HJ 78016/35 155 3799622 1944/01/08- 1944/06/01 1 2 . S S P z D HJ 78016/36 155 3799703 1944/01/10-1944/03/30 1 2 . S S P z D HJ 78016/37 155 3799831 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 1 2 . S S P z D HJ 78016/38 156 3799950 12. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N "HITLEEJUGEND" 28 CONTENTS alert exercises in the A u t h e u i l , C h a m b r a y , and Jouy-sur-Eure area, southeast of Caen, 1 May-1 J u n 1944; movement t o w a r d Caen, 1-5 J u n ; o f f e n s i v e engagements in the Caen and Cambes areas, 6-10 J u n ; movement toward and defensive operations in the F o n t e n a y - l e - M a r m i o n , Grainville, Cheux, Esquay-Notre-Dame, Carpiquet, Epron, and La Folie areas, southwest and west of Caen, 11 J u n - 4 Jul 1 9 4 4 ; also a register of officers and casualty and strength reports. la, A n o r d n u n g e n und Merkblaetter ueber die A u s b i l d u n g , SS Art R q t . 12 und SS PzGr Egt. 24/12.SS. SS PzD "Hitler j u g e n d . " Directives, orders, and m a n u a l s p e r t a i n i n g to combat t r a i n i n g and map exercises. la, Ila/b, ib, Besondere A n o r d n u n g fuer die Versorgung. Special supply directives and regulations governing alert exercises, unit rosters, and the g r a n t i n g of awards. la, Ila/b, T V b r Besondere A n o r d n u n g e n fuer die Versorgung und Sanitaetswesen. Special directives concerning medical service, grave registrations, t r a i n i n g , and personnel matters. la, IVb, V, A u s b i l d u n g s a n o r d n u n g e n . Directives pertaining to combat and chemical w a r f a r e t r a i n i n g , medical and supply services, and motor transport matters. la, B e f e h l e , Merkblaetter, Ausbildungsrichtlinien. Directives, orders, and training manuals pertaining to assault t r o o p m a n e u v e r s in the Autheuil and Jouy-sur-Eure areas southeast of Caen. la, Bataillonsbefehle. Orders relating to defensive operations in the Caen area, Normandy; also directives concerning administrative and daily reporting matters. Ila/b, Personalakten. Personal data on SS personnel. la. Division- und Bataillonsbefehle. Orders pertaining DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1943/11/29-1944/03/05 1 2 . S 5 P Z D H J 78016/39 156 3800012 1943/09/13- 1 9 4 4 / 0 7 / 0 6 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 7 8 0 1 6 / 4 0 156 3800150 1943/10/30-1944/06/17 12-SSPzD HJ 78016/41 156 3800263 1943/11 / 1 0 - 1 9 4 4 / 0 7 / 1 1 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/42 156 3800324 1944/03/11-1944/04/24 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/43 156 3300416 1944>r07/01-1944/07/02 12.SSPZD HJ 7 8 0 1 6 / 4 4 156 3300443 1943/12/31-1944/02/19 1943/10/26-1944/08/29 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/45 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/46 156 156 3300453 3800501 12. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N " H I T L E R J U G E N D " CONTENTS to the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n and renaming of "Recruten-Depot Beverloo," B e l g i u m , the f o r m a t i o n of alert u n i t s , r e c r u i t i n g of volunteers for SS u n i t s , and the induction of the oldest and youngest sons; also t r a i n i n g matters. 29 DATES I P E M NO. ROLL 1ST FRAflE 13. WAFFEN-GEBIRGS-DIVISION SS "HANDSCHAR" (KROATISCHE NR. 1) - UNIT HISTORY 30 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1943/03/01 Zagreb (Agram), Yugoslavia Activation of (Aufstellungsstab) C.O.: SS Standartenfuehrer Herbert von Oberwurzer Kroatische SS Freiwilligen-Division Subordinate to: SS FHA (source: T175, roll 111, frame 2635334) 1943/07/02 Le Puy, France Formation, redesignated as Kroatische SS Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division (source: T175, roll 111, frame 2635362) 1943/09/14 Mende, Le Rozier Formation (i.Aufstellung) (source: Situation map Lage West) CHAIN OF COMMAND SS Korps 5 (Geb) Redesignated 13. SS Freiw.b.h.Geb.-D (Kroatien); (b'.h0 Bosnien-Herzegowina) (source: T175, roll 108, frame 2631269) 1943/10/09 1944/01/05 Truppenuebungsplatz Neuhammer, Silesia, Germany Training 1944/03/07 Vinkovci, Osijek (Esseg), Yugoslavia Source: Situation maps Lage Italien und Balkan 13. SS GebD (Bosnische) 1944/05/28 Brcko 1944/10/22 Velika Kopanica, Andrijevci 1944/11/05 Klostar Ivanic 1944/11/24 Pecs (Fuenfkirchen), Hungary En route 1944/12/03 Valpovo, Bizovac, Yugoslavia; Vi zvar, Hungary (Teil) Part of the division 1944/12/12 Tarany, Vizvar, Hungary Situation maps Lage Sued-Ost 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division SS "Handschar" (Kroatische Nr. 1) C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Karl Sauberzweig SS Brigadefuehrer Desiderius Hampel 31 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1945/01/29 Csurgo, Berzence, Drava River Situation maps Lage Ost Subordinate to: AK 68, AOK 2 1945/02/28 Csurgo, Marcali, south of Lake Balaton (Plattensee) 1945/03/15 Csurgo, Marcali, Kiskomarom 1945/03/20 Csurgo, Szabas 1945/03/30 Drava River, west of Csurgo 1945/04/17 Friedau, Austria Situation maps Lage Reich 1945/04/25 Friedau Kampfgruppe (K.Gr.) 13. SS 1945/04/30 North of Friedau Last trace on situation maps (Teil) Part of the division, rehabilitation (i.Auffrischung) Only one record item of the 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division SS "Handschar" (Kroatische Nr. 1) was available at the National Archives and is reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 156, frames 3800513-3800531, listed in guide No. 27, p. 7, and described following the unit history. 32 13. SS WAFFEN-GEBIFGS-DTVISION " H A N D S C H A R " CONTENTS la, Divisionsbefehl f u e r den Besuch aes Reichsfuehrer-SS am 11. and 1 2 . 1 . 1 9 4 4 ; R e g i m e n t s b e f e h l fuer das Belehrungsschiessen des verst. I.Btls./SS-Geb. Jaeq. R g t . 28. Division order concerning the visit of Reichsfuehrer-SS, vho will inspect the 13. SS Gebirgs-Division, 11-12 Jan 1944 f at N e u h a m m e r . Regiment order giving details and a sketch on a t r a i n i n g exercise at the T r u p p e n u e b u n g s p l a t z Neuhammer. (KROATISCHE NR. 1) DATES 1944/01/05-1944/01/12 I T E M NO. 1 3 . S S W G e b D Hdschr 78017/1 ROLL 156 1ST F R A M E 3800513 16. SS PANZER-GRENADIER-DIVISION "REICHSFUEHRER-SS" - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1943/11/15 Ljubljana (Laibach), Yugoslavia Activation of 16. SS PzGrD "RF-SS" (source: T175, roll 108, frame 2631300) C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Max Simon, SS Oberfuehrer Max Baum Subordinate to: SS FHA 1944/01/27 Ljubljana, Empoli, Italy Source: Situation maps Lage Italien und Balkan (Teile in Aufstellung) 1944/03/07 Ljubljana En route 1944/04/30 Oradea (Grosswardein), Rumania Situation maps Lage Italien und Suedosten 1944/05/28 Reggio Emilia, Italy En route 1944/06/15 Leghorn (Livorno), Fauglia 1944/06/29 Antignano, Rosignano Marittimo 1944/07/10 Antignano, Pisa 1944/07/19 Pisa (i.Aufst.) 1944/07/27 Pisa, Viareggio, Pietrasanta Situation maps Lage Italien Camaiore, Capazzano, Massa, Apuania, Carrara, Bologna (1. Rgt. only) 1944/09/03 1944/09/22 Capriana, Lima Torrente, San Marcello Pistoiese 1944/09/26 Reno Fiume, Vergatello Torrente, Casigno OKW-Reserve AK 75; AOK 14 33 34 ACTIVITY DATE LOCATION 1944/09/31 Reno Fiume, south of Bologna, Marzabotto, Sasso Marconi (Praduro E Sasso) 1944/12/26 West of Bologna, Alfonsine, Ravenna, Fusignano Combat operations 1945/03/20 Marcali, Hungary Source: Situation maps Lage Ost 1945/03/30 Gelse, west of Marcali 1945/04/17 Bad Gleichenberg, Austria 1945/04/30 Straden Kampfgruppe 1945/05/06 Bad Gleichenberg, Straden Last trace on situation maps CHAIN OF COMMAND AK 22; AOK 2; HGr Sued Only two record items of the 16. SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Reichsfuehrer-SS" were available at the National Archives and are reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 156, frames 3800532-3800547, listed in Guide No. 27, p. 7, and described following the unit history, 16. SS P A N Z E R - G P E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N "P E I C H S F C T E H R E R - S S " CONTENTS la, E.S. P r o g r a m , Kriegsgliederung, Speiseplan. Signal recognition p r o g r a m 9 26-28 Jun 1944 and order-of-batt le chart of the 16. SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Reichsfuehrer-SS." Includes a d a i l y ration plan for the SS PzGr Pgt. 35 for 11-15 Sep 1944. la, K o r p s b e f e h l , ^ernschreiben, Kriegsgliederung der 16. SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Reichsfuehrer-SS" und A b t e i l u n g s b e f e h l e der SS P z . A . A . 1 6 . Corps order p e r t a i n i n g to reconnaissance activity and f o r t i f i c a t i o n of the Heinrich-Linie f a teletype message on the recruiting of 2,000 SS personnel for the 16. SS PzGrD "PF-SS" f r o m Volfcsdeutsche in H u n g a r y , and an order-of-battle chart of the division, 1 Sep 1 9 4 4 ; also orders concerning the movement to and combat operations in the F u s i g n a n o , R a v e n n a , Senio Terrente, Valletta, Bagnacavallo, Lugo, B i z z u n o , A l f o n s i n e , Fosso, and Torri areas, I t a l y , 26 Dec 1944-4 Jan 1945. DATES 35 T P S M NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1944/06/26-1944/11/01 1 5 . S 3 P z G r D RF-SS 78018/1 156 3800532 1944/04/17-1945/01/04 16.SSPz3rD PF-SS 78018/2 156 3800538 17. SS PANZER-GRENADIER-DIVISION "GOETZ von BERLICHINGEN" - UNIT HISTORY 36 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1943/11/15 Saumur, Bressuire, Parthenay, Poitiers, Chatellerault, France Activation of 17. SS PzGrD "Goetz von Berlichingen" (source: T175, roll 108, frame 2631358) C.O.: SS Oberfuehrer Werner Ostendorff, Stechowice, Davle, Vlatava (Moldau) River, Czechoslovakia Saumur, France Transfer of Pi.Btl. 15 and 17/SS PzGr Rgt. 37 and 38 Formation, training 1944/04/02 Thouars, Candes-Saint-Martin, Sables, Saint-Jean-de-Monts, Notre-Dame-de-Monts Training, equipping, construction of coastal defense 1944/06/06 Thouars Alert, Normandy Invasion, assembly, movement, defensive operations 1944/02/01 1944/07/06 Foret de Saint-Sever, Tribehou, Lozon, Saint-Lo, Le Mesnil-Vigot, Gournay Defensive operations, destruction of bridges 1944/07/19 La Chaussee, Cerisy-la-Salle, Saint-Denis-le-Gast, Savigny Demolition activities, retreat, combat operations 1944/08/01 Saint-Germain, Saint-Sauveur, Retreat, defensive operations Mortain, Viere, Dreux, La Fay, Saint-Leu-la-Foret 1944/08/18 Metz Rehabilitation of part of units, Brissard, Eure River, Montreuil, defensive operations, formation Tilloy-et-Bellay, Orne River, of Kampfgruppen Gravelotte 1944/08/20 Chambois, Argentan, Falaise Breakthrough of encirclement 1944/08/29 Rouen, Verdun, Metz, Dillingen Rehabilitation, reorganization, training, construction of defensive positions 1943/11/15-1944/12/00 Subordinate to: SS-FHA AOK 1; AK 84 C.O.: SS Standartenfuehrer Otto Baum (m.d.F,b.), 1944/06/18 Subordinate to: AK 47 Pz AK 80 C.O.: SS Standartenfuehrer Eduard Deisenhofer (m.d.F0b.), 1944/08/30 37 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1944/11/25 Saint-Avoid, Ars-Laquenexy, Sarreguemines fSaargemuend), Farebersviller, Seingbouse, Assweiler, Grossbliedersdorf Reconnaissance and combat operations, retreat SS Standartenfuehrer Hans Lingner, 1944/12/00 Saarbruecken, Zweibruecken, Hornbach, Reifenberg, Herschberg Trans fer SS Standartenfuehrer Fritz Klingenberg, 1944/01/00 1945/02/17 Dollenbach, Urbach, Buchenbusch, Saarpfalz, Bliesdalheim Retreat 1945/03/15 Saarbruecken, Pirmasens, Reinheim Source: Situation maps Lage Reich 1945/04/30 Bichl, Starnberger See (Wuerm See), Bad Toelz, south of Munich 1945/05/04 Haag, Muehldorf/Inn, east of Munich (Muenchen) 1945/01/16 CHAIN OF COMMAND Subordinate to: AOK 1 AK 13 C.O.: SS Oberfuehrer Georg Bochmann, 1945/03/30 Last trace on situation map Records of the 17. SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Goetz von Berlichingen" are reproduced on rolls 156-160 of NARS Microfilm Publication T354, listed in guide No. 27, p 0 7-8, and described following the unit history. Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S. Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 17. SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Goetz von Berlichingen" as follows: MS A-999 (Army Group G, 20 Sep-3 Dec 1944, Chapter 1: Preparations for a Defensive Stand in Lorraine and Vosges; Chapter 2: Strengthening the Defensive Front; Chapter 3 (MS A-1000): Combat for Metz and the Saverne Gap; Chapter 4 (MS B-078): Large-scale Attacks in Lorraine and The Vosges; Annex (MS B-018): FFI Operations - Southern France and Lorraine) by Generalmajor Friedrich von Mellenthin and others MS C-010 (347. Infanterie-Division, Lorraine and the Palatinate, 15 Nov 1944-24 Mar 1945) by Gen.Lt. Wolf Trierenberg MS C-023 (Report on the Rheinland and Southern Germany Campaigns; XIII. SS Corps in Lorraine between Metz and Saarbruecken, 16 Nov-27 Dec 1944) by Gen.Lt. Max Simon MS C-039 (Comment on the Report of 20 November 1947 on Operation "Nordwind" ("Sylvester-Offensive")) by Gen.Lt. Max Simon MS B-751 (Engagements of AOK 1, A Critical Survey of Events, 7 Nov-4 Dec 1944) by Oberst Willy Manthey MS B-780 (Bericht ueber die Kaempfe des XIII. SS AK in Lothringen in der Zeit vom 8. November 1944 bis 12. Januar 1945, Beteiligung des Korps an Operation "Nordwind") by Oberst Kurt von Einem MS P-165 (17. SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Goetz von Berlichingen", Juni bis September 1944) by Kurt Hallwachs. 17. SS P A N Z E R - G R E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N "GOFTZ VON B E R L I C H I N G E N " CONTENTS la, Ic, ITI, Dienstanweisungen, Meldungen, Beurteilunqen, Vernehmungen. Guard duty and patrol assignments, intelligence service, interrogations, and disciplinary matters. l a , KTB Nr. 1 mit Anlagen des SS Pionier-Bataillon 17 "Goetz von Berlichingen." War journal, 1 Feb-31 Aug 1 9 U U , concerning the change of command and the formation and t r a i n i n g of the SS Pi.Btl. 17 and 15/SS P z . G r . R g t . 37 and 38 in the Stechowice (Stiechowitz) and Davle areas on the Vl&ava (Moldau) River, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, 1 Feb-25 Mar 1 9 M U ; transfer to S a u m u r , France, 26 Mar-1 A p r ; training, alert exercises, and movement to and construction of coastal defense in the Candes-Saint-Martin, Saint-Jean-de-Monts, Sables, Notre-Dame-de-Monts, and Thouars areas, 2 Apr-5 J u n ; alert. Allied invasion, assembly, movements, h e a v y enemy air attacks, construction and destruction of bridges, and defensive operations in the Thouars, Loire R i v e r , Foret de Saint-Sever, Tribehou, Le M e s n i l - A n g o t , G o u r n a y , Le H o m m e t - d ^ r t h e n a y , Lozon, Saint-Lo, Le Mesnil-Vigot areas, 6 Jun-17 J u l ; r e g r o u p i n g , 18-19 J u l ; combat operations, retreat and demolition activities in the Marchesieux, C h a m p e a u x , La Chaussee, Savigny, Cerisy-la-Salle, Ouville, Saint-Denis-le-Gast areas, 20-31 Jul, and in the Dreux, Saint-Germain, Dompierre, Brissard, Saint-Sauveur, La F a y , Saint-Leu-la-Foret areas, 1-18 A u g ; rehabilitation for part of units in the Metz area, 18 A u q ; continued heavy combat operations of K a m p f g r u p p e 17, Fick, Braune, Ullrich, and others in the Viere, Mortain, P u t a n g e s , Tilloy-et-Bellay, M o n t r e u i l , and Orne River areas; and breakthrough f r o m e n e m y encirclement in Chambois between Argentan and Falaise, 20 A u g , movement to the DATES NO. 1943/12/17-19UU/05/30 1 7 . S 5 P z G r D GvB 78019/1 156 38005U8 194 4/02/01-19U5/03/18 1 7 . S 3 P z G r D GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 ROLL 1ST FRA1E 17. SS P A N Z E R - G K E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N "GOETZ VON BESL I C H I N G E N " CONTENTS DATES 39 i r E M NO. ROLL 1ST FRA1E V e r d u n , f l e t z , a n d D i l l i n g e n areas f o r r e o r g a n i z a t i o n and r e h a b i l i t a t i o n 9 23-30 A u g . Also i n c l u d e s a register of officers, s t a t u s and s t r e n g t h reports, a f t e r a c t i o n reports, c a s u a l t y lists, Aug 1944; and AK 13 orders on the a s s i g n m e n t of L . S . Polizisten and seizure of dispersed e l e m e n t s of the division, 13-18 Mar la, KTB N r . 1 mit A n l a g e n des SS Pionier-Bataillon 17 "Goetz von Berlichingen. " This war j o u r n a l ( a n d its appendixes) is a copy of record item 78019/2. la, T a g e s m e l d u n g e n und Skizzen des SS Pionier-Bataillon 17/SS P z . G r . R g t . 38. Daily construction reports, tables, and sketches p e r t a i n i n g to the v a r i o u s t y p e s of f o r t i f i c a t i o n s , the laying of m i n e f i e l d s , and t r a i n i n g in the Metz area, (^hese d o c u m e n t s are d a m a g e d . ) la, Ila/b, ITT, IVb, M e l d u n g e n , Befehle, A n o r d n u n g e n . Orders, reports, and directives p e r t a i n i n g to t r a i n i n g , t h e f o r m a t i o n o f n e w u n i t s , disciplinary m a t t e r s , decorations for SS personnel, medical service, and assignments and t r a n s f e r s of SS personnel, i n c l u d i n g t h e t r a n s f e r o f Division C o m m a n d e r O s t e n d o r f f . Also c a s u a l t y a n d s t r e n g t h reports. Ic, VI, W e l t a n s c h a u l i c h e Schulung, M i t t e i l u n g f u e r das Of f izierkorps, N a c h r i c h t e n des O b e r k o m m a n dos der Wehrmacht. Publications, reports, a n d i n s t r u c t i o n s p e r t a i n i n g to troop indoctrination. la. III, B e f e h l e ueber A u f s t e l l u n g und A u s b i l d u n g eines Straf vollstreckungszuges. Orders relating to the f o r m a t i o n and t r a i n i n g of SS penal u n i t s and the activities of a m i l i t a r y provost court. la, Ib, I T a / b , III, IVa, I V b , VI, B e f e h l e , M e l d u n g e n , A n o r d n u n g e n . Orders, reports, directives, and t e l e t y p e messages p e r t a i n i n g to t r a i n i n g , alert against p a r a c h u t i s t s , assignments and promotions, troop 1944/02 /01- 1944 /08/31 1 7 . S 3 P z 3 r D GvB 78019/3 156 3800885 1944/10/17-1944/11/05 1 7 , S 3 P z G r D GvB 78019/4 156 3301117 1944/08/13-1945/01/15 1 7 . S 5 P z 3 r D GvB 78019/5 157 3801305 1944/01/28-1944/10/14 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/6 157 3802013 1944/13/22-1944/11/01 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/7 157 3802281 1944/02/02-1944/12/01 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/8 157 3802289 40 17. SS P A N Z F R - G R E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N "GOFTZ VON B E R L I C f l l N G E N " CONTENTS indoctrination, m i l i t a r y security, medical service; disciplinary, a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , supply, and motor transport matters, 2 Feb-19 Jul; and defensive operations in the Saint-Avoid and Sarreguemines (Saargemuend) areas, 25 Nov-1 Dec 1944. la, Ila/b, A u s b i l d u n g s r i c h t l i n i e n a n d Bemerkungen. Training directives and reports relating to personnel matters for the period 22 Dec 1943-20 May 1944 and 9 Nov 1944. V, K r a f t f a h r ? . e u g (KFZ) Bestandsmeldungen. Formation of a motor vehicle section and inventories of vehicles. Ill, S t r a f b u c h . Penal records of SS personnel and directives of RFSS concerning the m i l i t a r y penal system. la, Ila/b, Tagesmeldungen und Staerkemeldungen. Daily reports concerning reconnaissance and combat operations in the Ars-Laquenexy, Saint-Avoid, and Sarreguemines (Saargemuend) areas and strength reports, Nov 1 9 4 4 ; also certificates of acceptance into the W a f f e n - S S . la, Ib, Ila/b, Befehle, A n o r d n u n g e n . Orders and directives pertaining to training, personnel matters, the f o r m a t i o n of a combat group, methods of reporting the status of personnel strength, weapons and a m m u n i t i o n , and supply operations. la. III, I V a , Meldungen. Reports pertaining to enemy booty taken (American r a t i o n s ) ; an investigation of destroyed American tanks in the Vaucremont area, Nov 1944; medical and disciplinary matters; and a pamphlet on t r a i n i n g exercises. V, K r a f t f a h r z e u g ( K F Z ) Meldungen. Inventories of available motor vehicles and reports on various motor vehicle matters. IVb, Meldungen und Anordnungen. Reports and directives concerning medical service. la, Ila/b, III, Gefechtsberichte, Meldungen und DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 1SP FRAME 1943/12/22- 1944/11/09 1 7 . S S P z G r D G v B 78019/9 157 3802582 1944/02/24-1944/04/24 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/13 158 3802612 1944/02/21-1944/02/24 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/11 158 3802636 1944/04/03-1944/12/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/12 158 3802658 1944/03/05-1944/12/03 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/13 158 3802752 1944/03/10-1944/12/01 17.SSPz3rD GvB 78019/1" 158 3302799 1944/01/28- 1944/08/08 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/15 158 3802815 1944/0 1 /07- 1 944/02 /06 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/16 158 3802902 1944/01 /17-1944/11/06 17.SS?zGrD GvB 78019/17 158 3802924 17. SS P A N Z E R - G P E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N "GOETZ VON B E R L I C K I N G E N " CONTENTS V e r n e h m u n g e n . Orders a n d reports p e r t a i n i n g to the movement to and c o m b a t operations in the R e t o n f e y r A r s - L a g u e n e x y , Pange, Metz, C o m i n g e n , G a u d a c h , a n d Mosel R i v e r areas, 5 Sep-6 Nov 1944; also correspondence and interrogations on personnel and disciplinary m a t t e r s , 17 Jan-22 Jan 1944. la, V, Divisions- u n d Tageshefehle, Fernsprueche, Skizzen. Orders, reports, radio messages, and sketches pertaining to the movement to the area east of M e t z , 21-22 Nov; defensive operations, artillery activity, counterattacks, construction of defensive positions, and regrouping in the Vahl-?,bersing, La V a l e t t e , S a i n t - A v o i d , Farebersviller, Seingbouse, Assweiler, and Grossbliedersdorf areas, 25 Nov-2 Dec 1944. Also a report on the s t a t u s of motor vehicles and a list of code names. I V a , B e f e h l e , Meldungen und Geldabrechnungsnachweise. Orders, reports, and tables pertaining to a d m i n i s t r a t i v e operations in the Ayron, La Ferriere, and Chalandray areas. Ib, V, Krieqsgliederung, K r a f t f a h r z e u g Bestandsrceldungen. Reports on the status of m o t o r vehicles and the e x p e n d i t u r e of m o t o r f u e l , an order-of-battle c h a r t , and tables showing a r m y postal numbers ( F e l d p o s t n u m m e r n ) . la, I l a / b , T I T , S t r a f s a c h e n , Meldungen. Excerpts of penal records, e v a l u a t i o n s , and interrogations concerning disciplinary matters; also reports relating to troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t and the construction of f o r t i f i e d positions. The period 31 May-14 Sep 1944 is not included in this d o c u m e n t , la, Ib, I l a / b , Regiments- und Tagesbefehle. Orders pertaining to t r a i n i n g , a d m i n i s t r a t i v e operations, personnel, and supply matters. IVa, III, Kriegsbesoldung, Stellenbesetzung der DATES 41 I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1944/11 /21-1944/12/02 17. S S P z G r D GvB 78019/18 158 3802983 1944/01/30-1944/07/13 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/19 158 3803083 1944/06/05-1944/07/14 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/20 158 3803129 1943/11/26-1944/09/16 1 7 . S 3 P z G r D GvB 78019/21 158 3803239 1943/12/29-1944/06/24 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/22 158 3803393 1943/12/18-1944/07/20 1 7 . S 3 P z G r D GvB 78019/23 158 3303505 42 17. SS P A N Z F R - G R E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N "GOITZ VON B E R L I C H I N G E N " CONTENTS Verwaltungen, Strafverfuegungen. Reports concerning military pay and allowances, administrative job assignments, and indictments of SS personnel relating to pay. Iar Ic, ITa/b, IVa, Reqimentsbefehle, Anweisungen, Kriegsurlaabsscheine. Orders and directives pertaining to training, military discipline and security, and the destruction of classified material; also administrative, postal, and intelligence matters. Includes SS personnel leave papers. VI, Bafehl fuer die weltanschauliche und politische Schulung. Order relating to political indoctrination. la, Ila/b, III, Dienstplan, Strafsachen, Beurteilungen. Unit duty schedule, reports on court-martial cases, disciplinary actions, and personnel matters. Ila/b, III, IVa, IVb, Meldungen und Anordnungen. Orders and reports concerning personnel, disciplinary and administrative matters, and medical service. Ila/b, III, Strafpruefheft, Divisionsbefehl, Mitteilungen. Penal record review book, 28 Mar 1944; communication of the provost court (Feldgericht) on various judiciary matters, 25 Jan 1945; and division order concerning collections for the needy and heroic actions of various SS personnel during the encirclement by the 44th O.S. Div., 20 ?eb 1945. la, Ib, Ic, III, Ila/b, Divisions- und Tagesbefehle und Meldungen. Orders and reports pertaining to the donation of 1,300,000 RM for German citizens from the East, 20 ?eb 1945; special supply directives, 6 Apr; communications of the provost court on the death sentences and executions of SS personnel on grounds of cowardice before the enemy and of deserters to the enemy, 23 Jan-23 Feb; lists of officer duty assignments (Kommandeurstellenbesetzungen) , 14 Apr 1945 and a table of organization. DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1943/12/30-1944/05/31 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/24 158 3803529 1944/01/24-1944/03/19 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/25 158 3803695 1944/01/05-1944/11/05 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/26 158 3803706 1944/01/12- 1944/05/29 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/27 158 3803762 1944/03/28-1945/02/20 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/28 159 3803986 1945/01/05-1945/04/08 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/29 159 3804003 17. 43 SS P A N Z F R - G P E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N "GOETZ VON B E R L I C H I N G E N " CONTENTS la, I l a / b , Ib, I V a , V, V T r Befehle. Orders r e l a t i n g to the t r a n s f e r of u n i t s to Oberhausen, Reifenberg, and Herschberg r 16 Jan 1945; the relief of III/SS PzGr Rgt. 37 to the Dollenbach area; also supply, a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , personnel, and grave registration matters. la, Ila/b, IVa, IVb, V, Befehle und M e l d u n g e n . Orders and reports concerning the transfer of III. Btl. to the Zweibruecfren area, 30 Dec 1944; rations, t r a i n i n g , a n d medical service; and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , personnel, and motor t r a n s p o r t matters. la, Ic, Ila/b, III, IVb, V, VI, Befehle und M e l d u n g e n . Orders and reports pertaining to reformation of the SS PzGr Rgt = 38 from the SS PzGr Lehr Rgt» , 30 Dec 1944; control of the civilian population; troop indoctrination; medical service; personnel, disciplinary, and motor transport matters; also communications of the provost court on AWOL and deserted SS personnel. la, Ila/b, Personalverfuegung, S t a e r k e m e l d u n g , Kriegsgliederung. Personnel transfer papers of SS S t u r m b a n n f u e h r e r Hans Lingner from the 10. SS PzD "Frundsberg" to the division, 1 Jun 1944; order-of-battle charts and strength report to AK 13, 31 Mar 1945; also a short evaluation on the status of the division by SS Oberfuehrer Bochmann and a c o m m e n t a r y by AK 13, 4 Apr 1945. Ila/b, Regiments- und Sonderbefehle. Orders concerning personnel matters. Ila/b, Namentliche Kompanie Liste. Company roster of the 5./SS Pionier Btl. of the 17. SS PzGrD "Goetz von Berlichingen." Ila/b, Kriegsstammrollen, Personalakten. Lists and personal data of SS personnel. Ila/b, III, B e u r t e i l u n g e n , S t r a f v e r f u e g u n g e n . DATES I F E M NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1944/12/29- 1945/03/02 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/30 159 3804075 1944/11/30-1945/02/21 1 7 . S S ? z G r D GvB 78019/31 159 3804119 1944/09/07-1945/03/01 1 7 . S 5 P z G r D GvB 78019/32 159 38D4152 1944/06/01-1945/04/04 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/33 159 3304244 1944/11/22-1945/04/11 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/34 159 3804251 1944/11/17-1944/11/17 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/35 159 3304436 1943/02/00-1944/11/00 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/36 159 3804446 1943/11/03- 1944/06/00 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/37 159 3805026 44 17. SS P A N Z E R - G F E N A D ! E R - D I V I S I O N "GOFTZ VON BERLICHI NGEN " CONTENTS Evaluations and reports pertaining to disciplinary and personnel matters. la, Staerke- und Verlustmcldungen. Strength and casualty reports, la, Ila/b, III, V, Befehle, Merkblatt. Orders relating to tactical operations and the activation of a penal unit. Also a list of motor transport technical personnel, la, Ila/b, Dienstanweisungen, Personalakten. Regulations for quard duty, reports, and list on the granting of decorations, assignments, and the transfer of personnel, la, Divisionssonderbefehl Nr. 37. Division order pertaining to supply matters for detached subordinated (Splittereinheiten) units, la, IVa, V, Versorgungs- und Abrechnungsnachweis, Bewirtschaftung der Besatzungskosten in Frankreich, Meldungen. Inventories and reports pertaining to administrative and motor transport matters and counterintelligence activity, la, Richtlinien ueber Gliederung und Kampfweise der Gruppe mit le. MG. Instructions concerning the organization and combat methods of a light machinegun section. V, E i n s a t z b e f e h l N r . 186. Order relating to the use of vehicles for the transportation of P O W ' s f r o m Kriechincren to Forbach. IVb, T r u p p e n k r a n k e n n a c h w e i s der III/SS P z . G r . R g t . 37. S t r e n g t h , sickness, and casualty statistics for the period 21-31 May and 1-10 Jul 1944. VI, Befehle ueber weltanschauliche und politische Schulung. Orders and instructions relating to troop indoctrination. DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1945/02/10- 1945/02/16 1944/01 / 2 8 - 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 2 3 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/38 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/39 159 159 3805236 3305248 1944/11/22-1945/01/30 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/40 159 3305269 1 9 4 4 / 1 1 / 3 0 - 1 9 4 4 / 1 1 /30 17.S5PzGrD GvB 78019/41 159 3805289 1943/11/27-1944/06/30 17.SS?zGrD GvB 78019/42 159 3805293 1943/12/20-1943/12/20 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/43 160 3805355 1944/10/05-1944/10/05 17.SSPzGrD GvB 73019/44 163 3805372 1944/05/21- 1944/07/10 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/45 160 3805375 1944/01/20-1944/04/26 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/46 160 3805386 19. WAFFEN-GRENADIER-DIVISION SS (LETTISCHE NR. 2) - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1943/09/22 Leningrad Front, Soviet Union Reorganization (Neugliederung) as Subordinate to: AK 38; AOK 18; HGr Nord Lettische SS Freiwilligen Division C.O.: SS Gruppenfuehrer Bruno Streckenbach from units of 2. SS Inf.-Brig (mot), Lettische SS Frw.-Brig., respectively (source: T175, roll 108, fr. 2631405 and roll 111, fr. 2635286) 1943/10/31 Spasskaya Polist, Myasnoy Bor Source: Situation maps Lage Ost 1944/02/20 Bolotsko, Terebuny, Porkhov 1944/03/15 Ostrov, Sofino 1944/04/02 Ostrov, Kryuki, Sofino, Opochka 1944/05/15 1944/06/01 Verkhneye Kunino, south of Ostrov 1944/07/15 Makushino, Latvia Remnants (Restteile) 19.W-GrD 1944/08/04 Madona, Gulbene (Schwanenburg) Kampfgruppe Streckenbach (15. u. 19. Lettische SS Divisionen) 1944/09/01 Tirza River, Gulbene Kampfgruppe 19. (Lettische) 1944/09/25 Sigulda (Segewold), Nitaure 19. Lettische SS 1944/10/01 Riga 1944/10/22 Rumbas, east of Yelgava (Mitau) SS Korps 6, AOK 16, HGr Nord 1945/02/15 Lestene, east of Rumbas, Jaunpils SS Korps 6, AOK 16, HGr Kurland 1945/03/20 Remte, Jurgi, Saldus (Frauenburg) 1945/05/04 Remte, Gaiki, Liesmas Subordinate to: AK 10; AGr Friessner; HGr Nord SS Korps 6; AOK 18; HGr Nord Listed as 19. Lettische Division SS Korps 6; AOK 16; HGr Nord 19o Waffen-Grenadier-Division SS (Lettische Nr. 2) SS Korps 6; AOK 18, HGr Nord Last available situation map Lage Reich Only one record item of the 19. Waffen-Grenadier-Division (Lettische Nr. 2) was available at the National Archives and is reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 160, frames 3805456-3805459, listed in guide No. 27, p. 8, and described following the unit history 45 46 19. SS W A F F E N - G R E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N (LETTISCHE N R . 2) CONTENTS la, K r i e g s g l i e d e r u n g e n der 19. W a f f e n - G r e n a d i e r - D i v i s i o n SS (Lettische Nr. 2) . Order-of-battle charts. DATES No date I F E M NO. 1 9 . S 5 W 3 r D (lett 2) 78020/f ROLL 160 1ST FRA1E 3895U56 20. WAFFEN-GRENADIER-DIVISION SS (ESTNISCHE NR. 1) - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1943/05/05 Truppenuebungsplatz (TrUebPl) Heidelager, Debica, Poland Reorganization of 1. SS Inf.Brig.(mot) as Estnische SS-Freiwillige Brigade (source: T175, roll 111, frame 2635256) 1943/11/00 Voru (Werro), south of Lake Peipus, Source: GMDS MS German Manpower, SE Estonia ch. 14, SS Organizations, app. 9 1944/02/15 Rakvere (Wesenberg), Kivioli 1944/04/02 Narva-Joesuu (Hungerburg) En route, listed as Estn.SS-Brigade (source: situation maps Lage Ost) listed as 20. Estnische SS Division 20. WGrD SS (Estn. Nr. 1) 1944/06/02 1944/08/04 Maetaguse, Pagari Coast of Narva Parts of units (Teile) 1944/09/18 Jogeva (Laisholm), Lohusuu, Tudulinna Parts of units (Teile) with KGr 87, remnants 207.SichD, SS Nordland Gen.Maj. Hoefer 1944/09/20 Turi (Turgel), Jogeva, Moisakula, SE Parnu (Pernau) 1944/09/25 Riga, Pabazi 1944/09/30 Priekule, Skuodas (Schoden) 1944/10/00 1944/11/25 1945/01/10 Truppenuebungsplatz Neuhammer, Sagan, Boleslawiec (Bunzlau), Lower Silesia (Niederschlesien) 1945/02/04 Niemodlin (Falkenberg), Oppeln 1945/03/20 Krapkowice (Krapnitz), Neisse 1945/04/17 Walbrzych (Waldenburg), Kowary (Schmiedeberg), Swiebodzice (Freiburg) CHAIN OF COMMAND Subordinate to: Befehlshaber-Nord; AK 8; AOK 16; HGr Nord SS Korps 3, AAbt. Narwa (AK 54); HGr Nord C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Franz Augsberger En route Not listed on situation maps Rehabilitation (in Auffrischung) Subordinate to: SS-FHA Reorganization (in Aufstellung) Kampfgruppe 20. (Estn.) (KGr Gen.Lt. Hoffmann) Gr Gen. Jeckeln AK 8; AOK 17; HGr Mitte 47 48 DATE LOCATION 1945/04/30 Zlotoryja (Goldberg), Gryfow Slaski (Greiffenberg) Kaczawa (Katzbach Gebirge) 1945/05/04 Jelenia Gora (Hirschberg) ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND Last trace on situation maps Lage Reich Records of the 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division SS (Estnische Nr. 1) are reproduced on roll 160, frames 3805460-3805936, of NARS Microfilm Publication T354, listed in guide No. 27, p. 8, and described following the unit history. Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U 0 S 0 Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain reference to the 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division SS (Estnische Nr0 1) as follows: MS D-151 (Fighting on the Narva Front, The Evacuation of Estonia, and The Withdrawal to the Dvina) by General Anton Crasser. 20. SS W A F F E N - G R E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N ( E S T N I S C H E NR. 1) CONTENTS Ila/b, Personallisten der 20. W a f f e n - G r e n a d i e r - D i v i s i o n (Estnische Nr. 1) . Alphabetical lists of SS personnel presenting r a n k , n a m e , date of b i r t h , m i l i t a r y u n i t r and profession. IIa/b r Personallisten der 20. W a f f e n - G r e n a d i e r - D i v i s i o n (Estnische Nr. 1) . Alphabetical lists of SS personnel presenting r a n k , n a m e r date of b i r t h , m i l i t a r y u n i t , and profession. la, I l a / b , W o c h e n m e l d u n g , Stand vom 10.2.45. Copy of a radio message of 20. WGrD (estnische 1) to G r u p p e n f u e h r e r Fegelein pertaining to veekly reports on the strength of six battalions; also the names of commanding officers and the situation on weapons. Ila/b, Meldungen des ErsatzVoramandos Estland, Erfassungsstelle. Reports concerning the recruiting of SS personnel in Estonia for the division. Ila/b B e w e r b u n g s m e l d u n g e n fuer die Einstellung in die W a f f e n - S S . Personal data pertaining to r e c r u i t i n g , e x a m i n i n g , and assigning Estonian SS personnel for t h e division. DATES 49 ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E No date 2 0 . S 5 W G r D ( e s t n 1) 7 8 0 2 1 / 1 160 3805463 No date 2 0 . S 5 W G r D ( e s t n 1) 78021/2 160 3805589 19U5/02/12-1945/02/12 2 0 . S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) 78021/3 163 3305859 19U4/11/21- 1 9 * 4 5 / 0 3 / 0 1 2 0 . S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) 78021/4 160 3805863 1945/01/09-1945/01/09 2 0 . S S W S r D ( e s t n 1) 78021/5 160 3805887 21. WAFFEN-GEBIRGS-DIVISION SS "SKANDERBEG" (ALBANISCHE NR. 1) - UNIT HISTORY 50 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1944/05/00 Pri zren SW Serbia, Yugoslavia (Albania, 1941-44) Activation of 21. SS GebD (source: GMDS MS German Manpower, ch. 14, SS Organizations, app. 9) C.O.: SS Oberfuehrer August Schmidhuber Subordinate to: SS FHA 1944/06/15 Pri zren Listed as SS Geb.-Freiw. "Skanderbeg" AK 21 Geb; PzAOK 2 (Albanische Nr. 1) (i.Aufst.) (source: situation maps Lage Suedwest und Suedost) 1944/07/19 Novo Selo, Zljeb, Pec 1944/07/27 Jakupica (Mokra Gebirge) 1944/09/23 Prizren, Novo Selo, Pec 1944/11/14 Pec, Prizren Rankovicevo (Kralyevo), Konarevo 1944/11/16 Rankovicevo (Kralyevo), Dubac, Rocevic Listed with main units (Masse) 7.SSGebD "Prinz Eugen" 1944/11/30 Sarajevo, Kusace, Vlasenica Listed with main units ll.LwD (Vor.Abt.) 1944/12/08 Zvornik, Loznica SS RgtGr "Skanderbeg" with 7.SS GebD "Prinz Eugen" 1945/01/10 Bijeljina, Amajlije, Petrovo Polje Last trace as "Skanderbeg" on situation maps; absorbed by 7.SS GebD "Prinz Eugen" Nov 1944; (source: GMDS MS German Manpower, ch. 14, SS Organizations, app. 9) Waffen-Gebirgs-Division SS "Skanderbeg" (Albanische Nr. 1) (i.Aufst.) En route AK 22 Geb AK 34 Only one record item of the 21. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division SS "Skanderbeg" (Albanische Nr. 1) was available at the National Archives and is reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 160, frames 3805937-3805951, listed in guide No. 27, p. 8, and described following the unit history. 21. SS W A F F E N - G E B I F G S - D I V I S I O N " SK A N D E R EFG" CONTENTS I a r Z u s a m m e n f a s s e n d e r Bericht ueber die A u f s t e l l u n g and den Zustand der 21. W a f f e n - G e b i r a s - D i v i s i o n der SS " S k a n d e r b e g . " Report concerning the activation and f o r m a t i o n of the division with A l b a n i a n M o s l e m s in t h e Kosovo-Prizren areas, Serbia; assignment of the division to arrest 281 Jews and 210 C o m m u n i s t leaders; e v a l u a t i o n of the combat e f f i c i e n c y of the A l b a n i a n s ; political and m i l i t a r y setbacks in the Balkans caused d i f f e r e n c e s in the division and heavy desertions (3,425) by 1 Oct 19UU. Mass desertions and dependency on German and other n a t i o n a l u n i t s in the Kosovo, P r i s t i n a , Decani, Pec, P r i z r e n , and G n j i l a n e areas of Yugoslavia necessitated reorganization of the division. Also a strength report. ( A L B A N I S C H E NP. 1) DATES 194U/10/02-19UU/10/02 51 I T E M NO. 2 1 . S 5 W 3 e b D (Skbeg) 78022/1 ROLL 160 1ST F R A M E 3305937 23. WAFFEN-GEBIRGS-DIVISION SS "KAMA" (KROATISCHE NR. 2) - UNIT HISTORY 52 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1944/06/10 Croatia Activation of 23. WGebD SS "Kama" C.O.: SS Standartenfuehrer Helmuth Raithel (Kroatische Nr. 2) with Bosnian Moslem, Croatian volunteers, and German Cadres (source: GMDS MS German Manpower, ch. 14, SS Organizations, app. 9) 1944/07/27 Vrbas, Srbobran, Danube-Tisa Canal, N. Serbia, Yugoslavia Source: Situation maps Lage Suedost, formation (i.Aufstellung) 1944/10/18 Vrbas, North of Novi Sad (Neusatz) Last trace on situation maps (considered disbanded, incorporation of Moslem personnel into 13.WGebD SS "Handschar," German cadre and equipment reserved for activation of 31. SS Freiwillige-GrenadierDivision) Subordinate to: Befehlshaber West-Ungarn AAbt. Serbien Only one record item of the 23. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division SS "Kama" (Kroatische Nr. 2) was available at the National Archives and is reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 160, frames 3805952-3805997, listed in guide No. 27, p. 8, and described following the unit history. 23. SS W A F F E N - G E B I R G S - D I V I S I O N " K A M A " ( K R O A T T S C H E NR. 2) CONTENTS la, Z u r E r i n n e r u n g an den Besuch bei der SS-Freiw. b.h .Geb. -Div ( K r o a t i e n ) . A photo a l b u m e n t i t l e d : Tn M e m o r y of a Visit W i t h the 13. SS Freiwilligen b.h. (Bosnien-Herzegowina) Gebirgs-Division ( K r o a t i e n ) , signed by SS B r i g a d e f u e h r e r Sauberzweig during a visit by the R e i c h s f u e h r e r SS and Chef der Deutschen Polizei Heiarich H i m m l e r and the Grand M u f t i ( G r o s s m u f t i ) in Croatia. Also pictures of p a i n t i n g s f r o m a N i e d e r e h n h e i m picture collection ( B i l d n i s - S a m m l u n g der O b e r r h e i n i s c h e n A d e l s , Buerger- u n d Bauern-Geschlechter) of A u s t r i a n historical nobilities, 15th-17th centuries. (This item was f i l m e d as a record item of the 23. W a f f e n - G e b i r g s - D i v i s i o n SS " K a m a " (Kroatische Nr. 2 ) . See also record item No. 78017/1, roll 156, f r a m e 3800513 of the 13. SS W G e b D "Handschar" (Kroatische N r . 1 ) . ) DATES 1944/01/12-19UU/01/12 53 I T E M NO. 2 3 . S 5 W G e b D K a m a 78023/1 ROLL 163 1ST FRA1E 3805952 25. WAFFEN-GRENADIER-DIVISION SS "HUNYADI" (UNGARISCHE NR0 1) - UNIT HISTORY 54 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1944/11/00 Truppenuebungsplatz Heuberg, Wehrkreis V, Stuttgart Activation (i.Aufstellung) of 25. WGrD SS "Hunyadi" (Ungarische Nr. 1) (source: GMDS MS German Manpower, ch. 14, SS Organizations, app. 9) C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Josef Grassy Subordinate to: SS FHA 1945/01/31 Truppenuebungsplatz Neuhammer, Silesia Formation (source: Situation maps Lage Ost) 1945/03/14 Redni t zhembach, Roth, Nuernberg Only one record item of the 25. Waffen-Grenadier-Division SS "Hunyadi" (Ungarische Nr. 1) was available at the National Archives and is reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication R354, roll 160, frames 3805998-380600, listed in guide No. 27, p. 8, and described following the unit history. 25. SS W A F F E N - G R f l N A D I F R - D I V I S T O N " H T J N Y A D I " CONTENTS la, Korrespondenz des K o m m a n d e a r s der 25. W a f f e n - G r e n a d i e r - D i v i s i o n der SS "Hunyadi" (Unqarische Nr. 1) . A letter from the division c o m m a n d e r to the lord mayor (Buergermeister) of R e d n i t z h e m b a c h , n o r t h of R o t h r M i d d l e Franconia, G e r m a n y , stating t h a t t h e division is stationed in the Eednitzhembach area and that cooperation between the liaison o f f i c e r s of the division and the local civilian officials is expected regarding the conduct and discipline of the partially new recruited volunteer units. ( U N G A R I S C H E NE. 1) DATES 1945/03/14-1945/03/14 55 I F E M NO. 2 5 . S 3 W G r D Hunyadi 78024/1 ROLL 160 1ST F R A M E 3805998 26. SS PANZER-DIVISION - UNIT HISTORY 56 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1944/08/00 Sieradz (Schieratz), Poznan, Wartheland, Wehrkeis XXI Activation of 26. SS PzD (Source: GMDS MS German Manpower, ch. 14, SS Organizations, app. 9) 1944/08/17 Amiens, France Calais, Provins, Suzanne, Paris, Montreuil-sur-Mer, Bray-sur-Somme, Piennes, Campagne-les-Hesdin, Nogent-sur-Seine Defensive operations 1944/09/00 CHAIN OF COMMAND Subordinate to: AOK 1 AK 80 Considered disbanded, remnants incorporated into 17. SSPzGrD "Goetz von Berlichingen" Only two record items of the 26. SS Panzer-Division were available at the National Archives and are reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 160, frames 3806003-3806163, listed in guide No. 27, p. 8, and described following the unit history. 26. SS P A N Z E R - D I V I S I O N CONTENTS la, I l a / b , Befehle, N e l d u n q e n u n d S k i z z e n . Orders, reports, and sketches p e r t a i n i n g to the d e f e n s e of Paris i n t h e A m i e n s , S u z a n n e , M o n t r e u i l - s u r - M e r , Calais, C a m p a g n e - l e s - H e s d i n , Provins, Piennes, B r a y - s u r - S o m m e areas and the Seine River sector. Also personnel and t r a i n i n g m a t t e r s . (Filmed ou* of sequence.) la, I V a , Eefehle, M e l d u n g e n . Orders and reports concerning the defense of Paris in the Provins and Nogent^sur-Seine areas and the Seine River sector, reconnaissance operations, and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e m a t t e r s . Also sketches and intelligence b u l l e t i n s . 57 DATES 194U/08/18-19UU/08/25 1 9UU/08/17-1944/03/25 ITEM NO. 2 6 . S 5 P z D 78025/2 2 6 . S 3 P z D 78025/1 ROLL 160 16") 1ST F R A M E 3336003 3806023 27. SS FREIWILLIGEN-PANZER-GRENADIER-DIVISION "LANGEMARCK" (FLAEMISCHE NR. 1) - UNIT HISTORY 58 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1943/05/31 Truppenuebungsplatz Heidelager Debica, Poland Reorganization (IMgliederung bzw. Neuaufstellung) of "Freiw. Legion Flandern" as SS Sturmbrigade "Langemarck" (source: T175, roll 111, frame 2635303) Formation (i.Aufst.) (source: GMDS MS German Manpower, ch. 14, SS Organizations, app. 9) 1943/11/00 1944/01/27 Lyubar, Ukraine, Soviet Union 1944/02/15 Staro-Konstantinov, Ostropol, Sluch River, Berdichev, Zhitomir Subordinate to: Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres (BdE) Situation maps Lage Ost AK 48 Pz; PzAOK 4; HGr Sued Not listed on situation maps 1944/03/15 1944/08/04 Narva-Joesuu (Hungerburg), Kohtla, Estonia SS Korps 3 Pz (germ.) 1944/08/15 Johvi (Jewe), Kukruse, Rakvere (Wesenberg) AGr Narwa 1944/09/20 Reorganization (In Umgliederung) 1945/01/00 In Reserve 1945/01/16 Listed as 27. SS FrwGrenD "Langemarck" (Flaemische Nr. 1) (source: T175, roll 140, fr. 2668431) 1945/02/08 Maszewo (Massow), Reetz, Stargard Prussian Pomerania, Germany (after 1945, Poland) 1945/02/28 Suchan (Zachan), Stargard, Saatzig, Schoenebeck Listed as Langemarck Gr Schaefer Langemarck Gr Voigt SS Korps 3 Pz (germ.); HGr Weichsel 59 DATE LOCATION 1945/03/15 Jasenitz, Szczecin (Stettin) 1945/03/30 Angermuende, Schwedt, Gryfow Slaski (Greiffenberg) 1945/04/18 Krackow, Randow River, West of Szczecin (Stettin), Oder River ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND Last trace on situation maps Lage Reich; listed as Gr SS Stand. Mueller (Langemarck Wallonien) Only one record item of the 27. SS Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Langemarck" was available at the National Archives and is reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 160, frames 3806166-3806171, listed in guide No. 27, p. 8, and described following the unit history. 60 27. SS FREIWILLIGEN-PANZER-GRENADIER-DIV, "LANGEMARCK" CONTENTS IVa, G e s c b a e f t s o r d n u n g , Uebersicht ueber das Arbeitsgebiet, Richtlinien fuer den Innendienst der I./SS S c h t z . - R g t . "Langemarck." A survey and directives concerning a d m i n i s t r a t i v e m a t t e r s . (FLAEMISCHE NR. 1) DATES 1942/05/15-1942/06/15 I T E M NO. 27. SSFrwPzGrD Lamk 78026/ ROLL 160 1ST F R A M E 3806166 30. WAFFEN-GRENADIER-DIVISION SS (RUSSISCHE NR. 2) - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1944/08/01 Susz (Rosenberg), East Prussia (after 1945, Poland) Redesignation of Schutzmannbrigade C.O.: SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Hans Siegling Siegling as 30, WGrD (Russische Nr. 2) formation with Soviet volunteers 1944/08/17 Mulhouse, Besancon, Dijon, France Formation, training, security duty 1944/11/25 Guemar, Ostheim, Rhine River, Neubreisach, Markolsheim Security duty 1944/12/04 Mulhouse, Rhine River Last trace on situation maps Lage West 1944/12/31 Truppenuebungsplatz Grafenwoehr CHAIN OF COMMAND Subordinate to: AK 58 Disbandment, Activation of Waffen-Grenadier-Brigade-SS (Weissruthenische) with German and Weissruthenische (Belorussian) personnel, Russian personnel transferred to 600. ID (Wlassow), (source: SS FHA, Org/Abt. Tgb. Nr. 164/45, 16.1.1945; T175, roll 140, frame 2668448) Records of the 30. Waffen-Grenadier-Division SS (Russische Nr. 2) are reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 160, frames 3806172'•3806676, listed in guide No. 27, p. 8, and described following the unit history. 61 62 30. SS W A F F S N - G R E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N ( R U S S I S C H E NR. 2) CONTENTS la, Kriegstagebuch IIT./76 R g t . / 3 0 . Waff en-Grenadier-Division der SS (Russische Nr. 2). War j o u r n a l concerning t r a i n i n g , alert exercises, security of the R h i n e River area, and regrouping in the W i t t i s h e i m , B i n d e r n h e i m r Strasbourg, a n d Mulhouse areas, France, la, I b , I l a / b , III, V, Befehle, Meldungen und Listen der S c h u t z m a n n Brigade Sieqling, 20-31 Juli 1944 und 30. W a f f e n - G r e n a d i e r - D i v i s i o n der SS (Russische Nr. 2 ) , 1 Aug-29 Sep 1944. Orders, reports, and lists pertaining to f o r m a t i o n , supply, personnel, disciplinary, a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , and motor transport matters: movement f r o m Susz (Rosenberg), East Prussia, via Ilawa (Deutsch E y l a u ) , Kowalewo (Schoensee), Torun (Thorn) , Tnowroclaw (Hohensalza) , F r a n k f u r t / O d e r , Juterbog, Grossbeeren, H a n a u , F r a n k f u r t / M a i n , Worms, G e r m a n y , and Mulhouse, Besancon, Dole, M o n t b e l i a r d , Pont-de-Roide, Saint-Hippolyte, Dijon, France, 17-31 A u g , and f r o m D i j o n to M u l h o u s e , 8-11 Sep 1944. Lists of deserters, o f f i c e r s d u t y assignments, reports showing personal data of Russian, U k r a i n i a n , and White Ruthenian (Belorussia) volunteers, and strength reports. la, KTB III./76 R g t . / 3 0 . W a f f en-Grenadier-Division (Russische Nr. 2) . War j o u r n a l , 16-19 Sep 1944, concerning movement from Dachau to Neubreisach and M a r k o l s h e i m areas north of Mulhouse, France, for t r a i n i n g and d i s b a n d m e n t of the 3. Regiment by order of the division dated 19 Sep. (For records of the war journal for the period 20 Sep-31 Oct 1944, see item No. 78027/1.) Also a unit personnel roster, a register of officers, combat and ration strength reports, data on enemy operations, and an order relating to defense against e n e m y air landings, and security of rear areas and supply routes in the Illhaeusern, G u e m a r , and DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1944/09/20-1944/10/31 30. SS WGrD (Russ 2) 78027/1 160 3806172 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 30. SSW3rD (Russ 2) 78027/2 160 3306183 1944/09/16-1944/11/25 30. SS W3 rD (Rus^s 2) 78027/3 160 3306452 63 30. SS WAFFEfl-GRENADIEE-DIVISION (RUSSISCHE NR.2) CONTENTS Ostheim areas. l a r T I a / b , Personal- a n d W a f f e n s t a e r k e m e l d u n g e n . Strength reports on personnel, e q u i p m e n t , and weapons. la, Tb, Ic, Ila/b, IVa, M e l d u n g e n und Befehle. Reports and orders p e r t a i n i n g to t r a i n i n g , worfc d e t a i l , maintenance of weapons, and supply, intelligence, personnel, and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e matters. Also an i n v e n t o r y of weapons and a m m u n i t i o n , s t r e n g t h reports, and a t r a i n i n g directive. la, Ila/b M e l d u n g e n . Reports in Russian language p e r t a i n i n g to t r a i n i n g , personnel, and operational matters. la, Ila/b, VI, Divisions- und Tagesbefehle. Orders concerning o r g a n i z a t i o n , assignments, maintenance and loss of weapons and e q u i p m e n t ; use of motor vehicles, investigations and troop discipline, search for deserters, military police and security operations, air raid protection, a t t a c h m e n t of the Russische 654. Batl. to the division, g r a n t i n g of awards and decorations, and troop indoctrination. la, Divisionsbefehle. Division orders and instructions in the Russian language concerning combat t r a i n i n g and security activity in the Guemar area north of M u l h o u s e , France. DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST FRAME 1 9 4 4 / 0 9 / 2 2 - 1 9 4 4 / 1 1/09 3 0 . S S W 3 r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/4 160 3306476 1944/09/16- 1944/11/10 3 0 . S S W 3 r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/5 160 3806515 1944/11/16-1944/11/18 3 0 - S S W G r D (Russ 2) 78027/6 160 380657D 1944/09/14-1944/11/10 3 0 . S S W G r D (Russ 2) 78027/7 160 380658D 1944/09/15-1944/11/17 3 0 . S S W 3 r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/9 160 3806631 64 34. SS FREIWILLIGEN-GRENADIER-DIVISION "LANDSTORM NEDERLAND" - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1943/11/19 Apeldoorn, Hertogenbosch, The Hague, Vught, Netherlands Redesignation of Gren Rgt. 1 Landwacht Niederlande as Gren Rgt. 1/Landstorm Nederland security duty C.O.: SS Oberfuehrer Viktor Knapp 1944/09/11 Rotterdam, Apeldoorn Security duty Subordinate to: BdO Rotterdam 1944/09/16 Geel, Retie, Genk, Belgium Defensive operations Formation (in Aufstellung) of 34. SS C.O.: SS Oberfuehrer Martin Kohlroser Frw.-Gren.-Div. "Landstorm Nederland" with Dutch and German volunteers (source: GMDS MS German Manpower, ch. 14, SS Organizations, app. 9) 1944/12/00 1945/02/26 Rhenen, Arnhem, Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands Subordinate to: Bfh. SS Niederlande; AK 88 Redesignation of SS Frw.-Gren.-Brig. "Landstorm Nederland" to 34. SS Frw.-Gren.-Div. "Landstorm Nederland" (source: SS FHA, Org.Tgb. Nr. 1401/45, T175, roll 140, frame 2668394) 1945/03/09 1945/04/30 Source: Situation maps Lage West and Reich Rhenen, Lower Rhine River Last trace on situation maps Only three record items of the 34. SS Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division "Landstorm Nederland" were available at the National Archives and are reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 646, and described following the unit history. 34. SS F R E T W I L L I G E N - G R E N A D I E P - D I V I S I O N " L A N D S T O R f l N E D E R L A N D " CONTENTS la, Befehle, Weisunqen und M e l d u n g e n . Orders relating to the quartering in Barchem by Lochem, N e t h e r l a n d s , 19 Jan 1945; movement of the 34. SS Freiwilligen-Div ision "Landstorm Nederland" to Apeldoorn, 12 Apr 1945; directives regarding correspondence with persons in e n e m y territory and the security of telephone conversations; a report concerning grievances of Dutch families having volunteers in SS units; and a flare signal program, la, B e f e h l e , Weisungen und H e l d u n g e n , Gren R g t . 1 L a n d w a c h t Niederlande der 34. SS Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division "Landstorm N e d e r l a n d . " Orders, directives, and reports pertaining to granting of a w a r d s , wearing of decorations f r o m foreign countries, troop indoctrination and e n t e r t a i n m e n t , and personnel and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e matters relating to German and Dutch volunteer SS u n i t s in The Hague, Apeldoorn, and V u g h t areas; defensive operations of Gren R g t . 1/Landstorm Nederland while subordinate to K a m p f g r u p p e Dreyer in Geel and Retie, Belgium, 16-20 Sep 1944; and to K a m p f g r u p p e Gebhardt in Genk, Belgium, 21 Sep. Also notes on c o m m a n d conferences, strength reports, data on enemy operations, and an order by Reichskommissar Generalkommissar fuer das Sicherheitswesen BdO (Befehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei) V e r b i n d u n q s o f f i z i e r , Rotterdam, 11 Sep, concerning subordination and commitment of the L a n d w a c h t Niederlande with a surveillance listing of SS personnel, 13 Apr 1945. Ila/b, Fuehrerstellenbesetzungslisten und Veraenderungen des Gren R g t . 1/Landwacht Niederlande. Lists of officer d u t y assignments while stationed in The Hague, Hertogenbosch, Apeldoorn, and V u g h t , N e t h e r l a n d s ; personnel rosters, transfers, assignments, and administrative matters; medical service; troop DATES 65 I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST FRA1E 1945/01/19-1945/04/12 3 4 . S S F r w G r D LaNe 78033/1 646 1 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 3 4 . S S F r w G r D LaNe 78033/2 646 11 1943/05/21-1944/10/04 3 4 . S S F r w G r D LaNe 78033/3 646 413 66 3U. SS F R E I W I L L I G E N - G R E N A D I E R - D I V I S I O N "LANDSTORM N E D E R L A N D " CONTENTS indoctrination; reference to Grenadier-Regiment 1/Landwacht Niederlande u p to 18 Nov 1943; and redesignation of Landwacht Niederlande as Grenadier-Regiment 1/Landstorm Nederland in Apeldoorn, N e t h e r l a n d s , 19 Nov 1943. DATES I P E M NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 67 OSTMUSELMANISCHE SS-DIVISION - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1944/01/04 Lublin, Poniatowa, Trawniki, Warsaw, Radom, Poland Activation, formation of Muselmanische SS Division "Neu Turkestan" with Turkoman, Azerbaijani, Kirghiz, Tadzhik, Uzbek, Tatar, Moslem volunteers C.O.: SS Sturmbannfuehrer Andreas Mayer-Mader Odessa Poniatowa Listed as Ostmuselmanische SS Division consisting of Turk Batl. 450 Turk Batl. 1/94, formation of 1. Ostmuselmanische Regiment 1944/02/26 Yuratishki (Juraciszki), Minsk, Belorussia, Soviet Union Training, formation, antipartisan operations 1944/07/11 Lomza (Lomscha), Bialystok, Warsaw, Poland Retreat Defense of Warsaw Myjava, Slovakia Training, antipartisan operations 1944/01/13 1944/10/20 SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Herrmann SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Billig Subordinate to: Hoehere SS- und Polizeifuehrer Minsk 20 SS Sturmbrigade "Dirlewanger" C.O.: SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Reiner Olzscha Only two record items of the Ostmuselmanische SS Division were available at the National Archives and are reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 161, frames 3806724-3807091, listed in guide No. 27, p. 8, and described following the unit history. Records of the Reich Leader SS and Chief of the German Police (Allgemeine-SS), T175, contain references to the Ostmuselmanische SS Division as follows: roll 108, frame 2631142 on the planning and difficulty of the activation of the Muselmanische SS Division, 4 Aug 1943; roll 162 on the conditions, operations, training, and leadership of the Ostmuselmanische SS Division and other Turkestani units, includes correspondence on Mayer-Mader; and roll 140, folder No. EAP.161-b-12/389, beginning frame No. 2668356 on the reorganizations and activations of various Waffen-SS units, including activation of "Kaukasischen Waffen-Verband der SS," with formations of "Georgien," "Aserbaijan," "Armenien," and "Nord Kaukasus," Waffen-Gruppen and "Ost-Tuerkischen Waffen-Verband," 11 Dec 1944. O S T M U S E L M A N I S C H E SS DIVISION 68 CONTENTS la, Ib, Ic, Ila/b, T V a , V I , Befehle r Meldungen and Funksprueche, 1. Ostmuselmanische SS Regiment/Ostmuselmanische SS Division. Orders, reports, and radio messages pertaining to p l a n n i n g by RFSS, SS Hauptamt Berlin, for the activation and formation of the Ostmuselmanische SS Division with M a j . (SS S t u r m b a n n f u e h r e r ) Andreas Mayer-Mader (formerly commander of T u r k Batl. 480 and after his release from the Wehrmacht assigned to the W a f f e n - S S , 1 Jan 19i*i») to be assigned to form the Muselmanische SS Division "Neu Turkestan," and recruiting of Turkmenian (or T u r k o m a n s ) , A z e r b a i j a n i , Kirghiz ( K i r g i s e n ) , Uzbek, and Tadzhik (Tadschiken) volunteers; the meeting on 14 Dec 1943 of his Eminence Grand M u f t i (Grossmufti) of Jerusalem with M a j o r Mayer-Mader and three of his Turkmenian officers to secure his aid in the fight against Bolshevism; the release of the Turk Batl. 450 and 1/94 by the Wehrmacht (Army) and assigned to the W a f f e n - S S , 17 Dec 1943-3 Jan 1944; a meeting in the SS HA Berlin on the activation of the Muselmanische SS Division "Neu Turkestan," 4 Jan, and its f o r m a t i o n in the SS Arbeitslager (work camp) Poniatowa, Poland, w i t h its f o r m a t i o n staff ( A u f s t e l l u n g s s t a b ) in Lublin; troop t r a i n i n g area (SS Ausbildungslager) T r a w n i k i , cadre units Turk Batl. 450 and 1/94, and the mission to combat Bolshevism and to free Turkestan; SS S t u r m b a n n f u e h r e r Mayer-Mader took over the command of the Mussulmen (muselmanische) u n i t s and formed the 1. Ostmuselmanische SS Rgt. , 5 Jan-14 Mar (no f u r t h e r mention was made of M a y e r - M a d e r ) ; SS HA reguested the Wehrmacht to release Captain ( H a u p t m a n n ) Billig for assignment w i t h the W a f f e n - S S , 5 Feb; SS H a u p t s t u r m f u e h r e r Billig was transferred to Yuratishki (Juraciszki) DATES 1943/11/17- 1945/01/10 IPEM NO. SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 ROLL 161 1ST F R A M E 3806724 OSTMUSELMANISCHE ss DIVISION CONTENTS by M i n s k e Belorussia^ Soviet Onion, and took command of the 1. Ostmuselmanische SS Rgt., 28 War-6 A p r . No mention of his n a m e was made a f t e r this date. SS H a u p t s t u r m f u e h r e r Herrmann was ordered to transfer Turk Batl. U50 from Odessa and guard personnel from the SS Arbeitslager Poniatowa, Poland, to Y u r a t i s h k i , Russia, 23 Feb; arrival of personnel in Minsk, 7-12 A p r ; SS H a u p t s t u r m f u e h r e r Herrmann commanded the 1. Ostmuselmanische SS Rgt. 27 A p r - 2 M a y ; inspection of the 1. Ostmuselmanische SS Rgt. in Yuratishki, 20 M a y , regarding Mayer-Mader 1 s command of that u n i t in relation to his preference for foreign personnel rather then German personnel; SS H a u p t s t u r m f u e h r e r Billig's d r u n k e n behavior plus his shooting of about 78 Turkmen thus causing hundreds to desert to enemy partisan groups; and SS H a u p t s t u r m f uehrer H e r r m a n n ' s more sensible c o m m a n d of the 1. Ostmuselmanische SS Rgt.; by order of the Reichsfuehrer-SS the 1. Ostmuselmanische SS R g t . was transferred to Kaposvar, H u n g a r y ; however, the order was rescinded and the units were rerouted f r o m Hungary and Oppeln, Upper Silesia to Lomza (Lomscha) , Bialystok, for the defense of Warsaw, where it came under the command of SS Standartenf uehrer (Staf. ) Dirlewanger, 27 Jul-23 A u g ; and the t r a n s f e r of the 1. Ostmuselmanische SS R g t . to M y j a v a , Slovakia, under the command of SS H a u p t s t u r m f u e h r e r Reiner Olzscha, 20 Oct Also includes a copy of a telegram, 11 Jul stating t h a t SS H a u p t s t u r m f u e h r e r Herrmann was killed in action; and reports on the recruiting of Turkomans, Crimean Tatars ( K r i m t a r t a r e n ) , 69 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 70 OSTMOSELMANISCHE SS DIVISION CONTENTS A z e r b i j a n i , and Meslems f r o m Soviet prisoner-of-war camps and other penal and labor camps for the Ostmuselmanische SS Division; and other operational matters. Ill, Bericht und Lebenslauf des SS Ontersturmfuehrer Kaliev m i t Korrespondenz RFSS r SS Hauptamt, A m t s g r u p p e D. Report and correspondence concerning the involvement of SS Untersturmfuehrer Kuliew in an attempt by Turkoman leaders to desert to enemy partisan groups; also the l i f e history of former Soviet POK Kuliew as a volunteer with the German Waffen-SS. DATES 194U/12/25-1945/01/20 ITEM NO. SS OstmuselmD 78042/2 ROLL 161 1ST F R A M E 3807079 2. SS INFANTERIE-BRIGADE (MOT) - UNIT HISTORY ACTIVITY DATE LOCATION 1941/05/01 1941/05/15 Warsaw, Poland Activation, Cadre Berlin-Lichterfelde, Oranienburg, Activation, Component Units Wohlau, Nuernberg, Dachau (source: SS-FHA, Org/Tgb. 1445/41, 24. 4. 1941, T175, roll 109, frames 2633308-2633318) Subordinate to: SS Fuehrungshauptamt C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Karl von Treuenfeld 1941/06/19 Arys, East Prussia Subordinate to: Kommandostab RF-SS C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Gottfried Klingemann, 1941/07/04 Departure for the Eastern Front (source: T354, roll 645, fr. 525) 1941/09/01 1941/09/04 Formation, Combat training Soviet Union Leningrad Front Penetration into Leningrad fortification (Befestigung) 1941/09/26 Leningrad Defensive combat operations 1941/09/29 Tosno, Kolpino Defensive and offensive operations 1941/12/07 Krasny Bor Defensive combat operations 1941/11/22 1941/12/17 Volkhov (Wolchovstroj) Tikhvin (Tichwin) Assault (Vorstoss) by part of units (Tie. Begl.Btl. "RF-SS", Tie. SS Frw.-Legion "Flandern") 1941/12/17 Volkhov Sector Defensive operations 1942/03/31 Podberez'ye, Vol'naya Gorka, Bol'shoye Zamosh'ye* Andryukhinovo, Koptsy, Tyutitsy Reconnaissance, artillery, assault, defensive operations 1942/05/21 Gorenka, Krechno, Ossiya Unternehmen "Kommandeurbesprechnung" 1942/07/23 Taytsy, Krasnogvardeisk Formation of Kampfgruppen 1943/03/31 Pushkin, Krasnoye Selo Source: Situation maps Lage Ost CHAIN OF COMMAND Subordinate to: AK 28; AOK 18; HGr. Nord AK 38 71 72 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1943/05/18 Leningrad Front Redesignated as Lettische SS Freiwillige Brigade (source: RF-SS, Kdo. Amt Org./Tgb Nr. 660/43, vom 18. 5. 1943, T175, roll 111, frame 2635286) 1943/09/22 CHAIN OF COMMAND Reorganized (Neugliederung) as Lettische SS Freiwilligen Division (source: SS FHA Org./Abt. Tgb. Nr. 1299/43, vom 22. 9. 1943, T175, roll 108, 2631405) Records of the 2. SS Infanterie-Brigade (mot) are reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 161, frames 3807092-3808045, listed in guide No. 27, p. 8, and described following the unit history. 2. SS I N F A N T E R I E - B R I G A D I (MOT) CONTENTS la, KTB G r u p p e B u r k . War journal concerning talcing command of K a m p f g r u p p e Hoppe (formerly Gruppe Debes) by SS O b e r s t u r m b a n n f u e h r e r B u r k , 31 Mar 1942, with command headquarters in Podberez*ye and V o l ' n a y a Gorka. Reconnaissance, artillery, assault, and defensive operations in the Koptsy, K r u t i k , Bol'shoye Z a m o s h ' y e , A n d r y u k h i n o v o , Tyutitsy areas; regrouping in the Dolgovo area, 22 Apr; redesignation of Gruppe Burk as SS Regiment Burk, 23 A p r ; Onternehmen "Kommandeurbesprechunq" with the participation of K a m p f g r u p p e n Massell, Valentin, and F i t z t h u m , 21 M a y ; and securing the enlarged defensive positions in the SS Freiwilligen-Legionen "Flandern" and "Niederlande" sectors in the Gorenka, Krechno, and Ossiya areas. Also afteraction reports on the attacks in the Volkhov encirclement (Wolchow Kessel) , especially Maloye Z a m o s h f y e ; POW interrogation; air reconnaissance; unit strength; casualty reports; and sketches of defensive positions. la, Befehle und Berichte. Orders and reports pertaining to the subordination of SS Flak-Abteilung "Ost" to the 2. SS Infanterie-Brigade and subsequent transfer (Landmarsch) from Arys, East Prussia to Tosno, Russia via Loetzen, Wegorzewo ( A n g e r b u r g ) , Chernyakhovsk ( I n s t e r b u r g ) , and Kaliningrad 29 Sep 1941; enemy evaluation report by AK 28 of the Leningrad-Narva Front, 1 N o v ; afteraction reports by SS Flak-Abteilung "Ost" on antiaircraft operations d u r i n g November in the K o l p i n o area, la, Ila/b, III, I V a , Allgemeine Berichte und Befehle. Brigade orders and reports pertaining to administrative, t r a i n i n g , disciplinary, and personnel matters; directives concerning supply and supply personnel; a copy of a translation and description (with sketches) of the Russian mine "Mohrenkopf"; lists 73 DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST FRAME 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 7803)/1 161 3807092 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/2 161 3807712 1941/09/29-1941/11/22 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/3 161 3807741 2. 74 SS I N F A N T E R I E - B R I G A D E (MOT) CONTENTS of personnel given awards for various combat operations; and evaluations on the combat tactics of the Soviet Forces. DATES ITEM NO, BOLL 1ST FRAME 75 SS KAMPFGRUPPE JECKELN - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1942/02/17 Soviet Union Activation of Kampfgruppe Jeckeln from units of 5 Pol.Btl., V./LSSAH and SS Freiwilligen-Legion "Norwegen" C.O.: SS Obergruppenfuehrer Friedrich Jeckeln Subordinate to: AK 50 (AOK 18) 1942/03/04 Lomonosov (Oranienbaum), Leningrad Front Regrouping 1942/03/05 Gulf of Finland, Konstantinovka, Pulkovo, Staro-Panovo, Uritsk Reconnaissance, assault, antiaircraft, combat operations, coastal defense 1942/07/11 Krasnoye Selo Defensive operations 1942/08/13 Krasnoye Selo Relief of Kpfgr. Jeckeln, new mission not recorded Only one record item of the SS Kampfgruppe Jeckeln was available at the National Archives and is reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 647, and described following the unit history. SS KAMPFGRUPPE 76 JECKFLN CONTENTS la, KTB Nr. 1 der Kampfgruppe Jeckeln. War journal concerning the activation of Kampfgruppe Jeckeln from units of 5 Pol.Btl., V./LSSAH, and the Freiwilligen-Legion "Norwegen" by order of the Fuehrer (Hitler), 17 Feb 1942; movement of units via air transport to the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Front, 4 Mar/ to relieve the 58. ID; regrouping from the coastal area west of Leningrad to the Pushkin area with headquarters location in Krasnoye Selo; evacuation of civilian population from Uritsk, Konstantinovka, and Staro-Panovo for the formation of labor units in Konstantinovka, 21 Mar; and reconnaissance, artillery, antiaircraft, and combat operations of German and enemy units in the Pulkovo, Staro-Panovo, Ligovo, Uritsk, and Konstantinovka areas. Military situation evaluations by Generalfeldmarschall Kuechler of AOK 18 and Oberbefehlshaber Generaloberst Lindemann of the L. AK at the Kampfgruppe HQ and various visits by the Norwegian Prime Minister (Ministerpresident) Quisling, Minister Riisness, SS Obergruppenfuehrer Rediess, Reichskommissar Gauleiter Terboven, and the Norwegian Minister Fuglesang. Relief of the Kampfgruppe Jeckeln for a special mission (not recorded), 13 Aug 1942. DATES 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 HEM NO. ROLL SS Kpfgr Jeckeln 78036/1 647 1ST FRAME 1 2. SS-STURMBRIGADE "DIRLEWANGER" - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1940/06/00 Berlin Activation, C.O.: SS Standartenfuehrer Oskar Dirlewanger, SS Sonderkommando "Dirlewanger" 1940/07/01 Oranienburg, Berlin Formation, training of so-called "Wildschuetz" (poachers), probation, penal personnel 1942/01/31 Mogilev, Soviet Union via Cracow, Lublin, Poland March readiness, transfer 1942/02/15 Minsk, Mogilev, Borisov, Orsha, Krugloye, Gumny, Osovo, Berezina and Oslik Rivers Antipartisan operations 1942/07/01 Bobruisk, Osipovichi, Berezino, Svisloch, Ivenets, Osovo, Logi, Bogushevsk, Rudnya, Antipartisan operations Unternehmen "Adler" Unternehmen "Greif" 1942/10/04 Moshkovo, Ryabki, Yanovo, Rekotka Krugloye, Borisov, Denisovichi, Orsha, Gumny, Osovo, Kleva 1942/10/31 Mogilev, Berezino, Bobruisk, Cherven, Petrovka, Khutor, Zabolot'ye, Rudnya, Borovino, Berezovka, Dubrova 1942/12/28 Petrovka, Cherven, Bogushevichi, Klichev, Makov'ye, Svisloch, Marina Gorka, Novinki Unternehmen "Franz" Unternehmen "Peter" 1943/01/19 Minsk, Ivenets, Osipovichi, Omgovichi, Slutsk, Krugloye, Osovo, Kopyl, Rakov Unternehmen "Erntefest I-II" 1940/07/01-1945/03/05 Subordinate to: SS FHA, 1940/07/01-1942/02/14 Unternehmen "Regatta" Unternehmen "Karlsbad" Reorganized, SS Sdr.-Batl. "Dirlewanger" Unternehmen "Frieda" Hoehere SS- und Polizeifuehrer Russland Mitte und Weissruthenien, 1942/02/15-1943/09/02 78 ACTIVITY DATE LOCATION 1943/02/15 Ratkovo, Milevichi (Milewicze), Moroch, Starobin, Staryye Velichkovichi Unternehmen "Hornung" 1943/03/31 Smolevichi, Borisov, Sloboda, Molodechno, Antonopol, Logoysk, Tsna, Usyazha, Gayna Rivers Unternehmen "Lenz Sued" Unternehmen "Lenz Nord" 1943/04/17 Minsk Kremenets, Pleshchenitsy, Yanushkovichi, Cherviaki, Kapus'tski, Il'ya, Starinki Unternehmen "Zauberfloete" Unternehmen "Draufgaenger I-II" 1943/07/01 Molodechno, Besyady, Rudnya Radoshkovichi, Zaslavl', Grodek, Volozhyn, Neman River Unternehmen "Guenther" Unternehmen "Hermann" 1943/08/10 Mogilev Reorganized, SS Sdr.-Rgt. "Dirlewanger" (source: T175, roll 225, frame 2763951, EAP 170-b-10-20/l) 1943/09/03 Minsk, Logoysk, Glussk, Molodechno, Slutsk, Losha Antipartisan operations, securing supply 1944/04/05 Gornovo, Lepel1, Polotsk, Ulla Berezino, Krulevshchizna, Otrubok, Peresechyno 1944/05/14 Zen'kovichi, Prisynok, Seliba, Paraf'yanovo, Minsk, Uzda CHAIN OF COMMAND Hoehere SS- und Polizeifuehrer Minsk, 1943/09/03-1944/06/24 Unternehmen "Regenschauer" Unternehmen "Fruehlingsfest" Antipartisan operations Records of the 2. SS-Sturmbrigade "Dirlewanger" are reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, rolls 648-652, and are described following the unit history. Additional information can be found on T175, rolls 140, 178, 198, 225, 226; T580, roll 97; T454, roll 30, frame 607ff, folder EAP 99/96. 79 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND Although no records of the 2. SS-Sturmbrigade "Dirlewanger" dated later than 1944/06/24 were available at the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Ost show: 1944/10/20 Turciansky Svaty Martin, NW Slovakia, Czechoslovakia 1944/11/03 Ruzomberok (Rosenberg) 1944/12/10 Krupina (Karpfen), Slovakia 1945/03/05 Guben, Germany Listed as 2. SS-Sturmbrigade "Dirlewanger" Deutscher Befehlshaber Slowakei, 1944/10/20-1945/03/04 Reorganized, 36. SS-Waffen-Grenadier Division (source: SS-FHA,, Tgb.Nr. 1283/45, 1945/03/01, T175, roll 140, frame 2668398) 80 2. SS STOEMBEIGADE " D I R L E H A N G E R " CONTENTS la, Ib, Ic, Ila/b, IVa-c, V, Pi., Tagesbefehle und M e l d u n g e n , Besondere Anordnungen fuer die Versorgung des SS Sonderbataillon Dirlewanger, K a m p f g r u p p e von G o t t b e r g , und Verstaerkte SS Polizei Regiment 24. Daily reports and o r d e r s pertaining to operations against partisans, defensive and reconnaissance operations, the enemy m i l i t a r y situation, medical service, and personnel; administrative, veterinary, motor transport, and engineering matters; and construction of defensive positions in the D r e t u n 1 , Izmoki, and Berezno areas. Also inventories of weapons, a m m u n i t i o n , equipment, and motor vehicles; unit rosters; special supply directives; and data relating to enemy operations, la, Befehle ueber den Geleitschutz des SS Sonderregimeat Dirlewanger. Orders relating to the securing of supply conveys and routes in the Zabolot'ye, M i n s k , Glussk, Uzda, and Usha areas; assignments in Unternehmen "Prissynok" and "Senkowitschi 11 (confiscation of agricultural products) in the Prisynok and Zen'kovichi areas, 21-26 May 1944; destruction of the village Ostrovok, deportation of its labor force, age 14-40; and the liquidation of the remainder of inhabitants of that village for being too friendly with partisans, 2 M a r ; assignment of SS personnel and motor vehicles for escort duty; and antipartisan operations while securing a lumber mill at Pavlovshchina, 7 Apr 1944. la, Ib, IVa, Befehle, Meldungen und Anweisungen des Verstaerkten SS Sonderbataillon Dirlewanger. Orders, reports, and directives pertaining to securing supply depots and routes, weapons, a m m u n i t i o n , and railroad lines; confiscation of livestock and agricultural products; seizure of the civilian population for slave labor; antipartisan operations in the Berezino, DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST F 1 \ 3 E 1943/10/28-1944/01/22 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/1 648 1 1944/03/01-19'44/05/27 2. SS-StBr D r l w 78028/2 648 623 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/3 648 719 2. SS S T U R M B R I G A D E "DI BLEW A N G E R " CONTENTS C h e r v e n , Osovo, Borovino, Slotoda, N i v k i , B o b r u i s k , Glussk, Bulino, Sakovshchina, K r u g l o y e , Yatskovo, B o r k i f N o v i n k i , and S h a y t r o v s h c h i n a areas; and o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s while crossing the Drissa River at I g n a t o v o , 3-8 Nov 1943. Also correspondence r e l a t i n g to administrative m a t t e r s and supplies f u r n i s h e d b y K a m p f g r u p p e Gottherg. la, Einsatzbefehle und M e l d u n g e n f u e r B a n d e n b e k a e m p f u n g . Orders, reports, r a d i o messages, and afteraction r e p o r t s pertaining to U n t e r n e h m e n "Adler" ( a n t i p a r t i s a n operation against partisan g r o u p s Oberst N i t s c h i p u r o w i t s c h and M a r s h a l K u l i k ) in t h e Bobruisk, R o g a c h e v , O s i p o v i c h i , Berezino, B y k h o v , B e l y n i c h i , Svisloch, a n d t h e Eerezina a n d D r u t R i v e r areas, 1 Jul- 12 Aug 1942; O n t e r n e h m e n "Greif" ( a n t i p a r t i s a n operation against partisan group Gregory Isatschenko) in the B o g u s h e v s k , Logi, Yanovo, and fiudnya areas, 1 J u l - 1 4 A u g ; U n t e r n e h m e n "Regatta" ( a n t i p a r t i s a n operation) in the Rekotka, Moshkovo, Dobraya, and R y a b k i areas, 4-7 Get; O n t e r n e h m e n " H o r n u n g " ( a n t i p a r t i s a n operation, securing a g r i c u l t u r a l p r o d u c t s , and e x e c u t i n g the civilian p o p u l a t i o n ) in the R a t k o v o , Povarchitsy, M i l e v i c h i (Nilevicze) , Moroch ( M o r o c z ) , Staryye Velichkovichi (Wieliczkowicze S t a r e ) , and S t a r o b i n areas, 15-17 Feb 1943; O n t e r n e h m e n "Lenz Sued" (antipartisan operation against partisan g r o u p s Rossgrom, Bolshevik, and Burya) in the B o r i s o v , C h e r v e n , Sloboda, Smolevichi, D u b n i k i , Zhodino, Zabashevichi, Slobodka areas, 31 M a r - 4 A p r ; U n t e r n e h m e n "Lenz N o r d " (continuation of a n t i p a r t i s a n operation "Lenz Sued" a g a i n s t partisan g r o u p Dowgalenok) in the Borisov, Molodechno, Smolevichi, Logoysk, Antonopol, 81 DAIES 1942/03/22-19'43/09/08 ITEM NO. 2. SS-StBr D r l w 78028/4 BOLL 649 151 F R A M E 1 82 2. SS S T U R M B R I G A D E " D I R L E S A N G E R " CONTEN1S Z e m b i n , and t h e Tsna, U s y a z h a , and Gayna (Gaina) River areas, 7-14 A p r ; U n t e r n e h m e n "Zauberfloete" (large-scale antipartisan operation, eliminating hostile elements, and securing slave laborers for the Reich) in the city of Hinsk (pop. 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 ) , 17-22 A p r ; U n t e r n e h m e n "Drauf gaenger I" (antipartisan operation, securing a g r i c u l t u r a l products and slave laborers) in the Molodechno, Pleshchenitsy (Pleschtschenizy) , Logoysk areas, 28-30 A p r ; and O n t e r n h e n e n "Dra uf gaenger II" (continued antipartisan operation, execution of suspicious villagers, and confiscation of a g r i c u l t u r a l products) in the Molodechno, Borisov, K a p u s f t s k i (Kapuscina) , I I ' y a , R u d n y a , Cherviaki (Czerwiaki), Kremenets (Krzemieniec) , Starinki (Starzynki) , Yanushkovichi (Januszkovicze) areas, 1-10 May; and Onternehmen "Guenther" (antipartisan operation against partisan groups "Djadja Hasja," "Fuer § s V a t e r l a n d , " "Kotow," and "Raykow") in the Molodechno, Besyady, Rudnya and "Manyly" forest areas, 1-7 Jul. Also orders and a f t e r a c t i o n reports of t h e 203. and 286. Sicherungs-Divisionen, SS Polizeiregiment 2 and 13, Einsatzstab Schimana, Einsatzgruppe Griep, K a m p f g r u p p e n Binz, Adler, Korsemann, Gottfcerg, and various SS u n i t s f r c m the Hcehere SS- und Polizeifuehrer Heissruthenien, which participated in these operations. I a , I b , Einsatzbefehle, Meldungen. Orders, reports, radio messages, and correspondence pertaining to Unternehmea " H e r m a n n " (antipartisan operations, confiscating agricultural products and livestock, and securing a labor force) in the Rakov, Radoshkovichi (Radoszkovice), Zaslavl*, Grodek. Ivenets (Ivieniec), DATES 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 I T E M NO. 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 RDLL 6'49 1ST FJU1E 359 2. SS S T U R M B R I G A D E " D I R L E » A N G E R " CONTENTS Volozhyn ( W o l o z y n ) , and Neman (Niemen) R i v e r areas, 14-24 J u l 1943; a n t i p a r t i s a n operations, evacuation of the civilian population, destruction of villages in the Mnishany, P a r a f • y a n o v o , N i v n o , logoysk, D u d k a , N o v y y D v o r , R u d n y a , K a m e n , Bol'shoy Kubisk, Potashnya, Pershay, Hir, Berezno, D o k u d o v o , Lyubcha ( L u b c z ) , and Volka River areas, la, Ib, IVa, Einsatzbefehle, Tagesmeldungen , Gefechtsberichte, Fernsprueche. Orders, reports, radio messages, and afteraction reports pertaining to Onternehmen "Hermann" in the Sloboda, Ivenets, Volraa, R a k o v , Naliboki, Grodek, V o l o z h y n , and Berezina River areas, 7 J u l - 6 Aug 1943; Onternehmen "Guenther" in the R u d n y a Forest, 1-7 Jul; U n t e r n e h m e n "Cottfcus" in the Selishche, Vileika, and Palik Lake areas, 20-21 W a y ; mopping-up operations; confiscating a g r i c u l t u r a l products, livestock, and e q u i p m e n t ; d r a f t i n g the male population for slave lator in Germany; securing railroad lines and supply routes; aad reconnaissance operations in the K r u l e v s h c h y z n a , Dovbeni, Zembin, Bobrovichi, Bakshty, Dokshitsy, Oles'ye, Uborok, Vasilkovka, Mstizh, Berezino, C h u p r y , Grebeni, Gorodishche, Rovanichi, and Buda areas. Also lists of penal personnel chosen for SS K o m m a n d o D i r l e v a n g e r , supply directives, and data relating to partisan activity, strength, and losses, l a , Ic, III, IVa-b, V, Bataillonsbefehle, Anweisungen, Funksprueche. Orders, directives, and messages pertaining to administrative, disciplinary, training, h e a l t h , and motor transport matters; the transfer of personnel; also correspondence pertaining to Hilfswillige (Hiwis) in the Logoysk area, la, Ic, III, V, NaFue. Befehle und Verf uegungen. Orders, instructions, and correspondence pertaining to 83 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 131 F R A H E 1942/11/10-1943/03/21 2. SS-StBr D r l w 78028/6 649 659 1942/02/22-1944/04/02 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/7 649 1151 1942/12/31-1943/1D/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/8 650 1 84 2. SS STOBMBRIGADE " D I R L E H A N G E R " CONTENTS d r a f t i n g Soviet workers for German war industry and agricultural labor; disciplinary measures against deserters; m o n t h l y code names; operations against partisans; the t r e a t m e n t cf captured partisans; special security measures on the employment of local personnel w i t h SS units pertaining to the death of Gauleiter K u b e ; U n t e r n e h m e n "Zeppelin" (recruiting Soviet P O H ' s for counter intelligence and acts of sabotage in rear areas of Soviet Forces), 20 May 1943; and movement of the command h e a d q u a r t e r s f r o m Nogilev, Smolensk, and Bobruisk to the Minsk area, Sep 1943. la, I l a , I V a , Bataillonsbef ehle, Meldungen und Fernsprueche. Orders, reports, and radio messages pertaining to Unternehmen "Erntefest I-II" (antipartisan operation, confiscating agricultural products and livestock, securing local personnel for the labor force in G e r m a n y ) carried out by K a m p f g r u p p e n Norm, Binz, Griep, SS Sonderfcataillon Dirlewanger, and the Russische Bataillon R o d j a n o f f in the Minsk, Ivenets, Nagornoye, Krugloye, Osipovichi, Slutsk, R a k o v , Osovo, Omgovichi, and Kopyl areas, 19-28 and 30 Jan-7 Feb 1943; U n t e r n e h m e n "Hcrnung" (antipartisan operation) carried out by K a m p f g r u p p e von Gottberg and others, including the Russische Bataillon Rodjanoff and Batterie Borissow in the Milevichi, Moroch, and Ratkovo areas, 7-17 Feb; Unternehmen "Franz" (antipartisan operation against 2 , 0 0 0 to 2 , 5 0 0 partisans) carried out by K a m p f g r u p p e n von Gottberg and Kutschera in the Berezino, Cherven, Khutor, N o v a y a Niva, N o v y y e Lyady, Petrovka, and Bogushevichi areas, 28 Dec 1942-14 Jan 1943; Unternehaen "Peter" (antipartisan operation) by K a m p f g r u p p e Coretti and the 203. Sicherungs-Division in the Klichev, Svisloch, Kolbcha, and Makov'ye, areas, 1-11 J a n ; DATES 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 ITEM NO. 2. SS-StBr Drln 78028/9 ROLL 650 1ST F R A M E 254 2. SS S T U B M B R I G A D E " D I R L E H A N G E R " CONTENTS and m o p p i n g - u p o p e r a t i o n s , reconnaissance activities, and securing of supply routes in the M a r i n a Gorka, Pavlovka, Staryye Dorogi, Pirunov Most, Pechishche, S t a r o b i n , Leonovo, L y a d n o , Zagortse, and Y a n o v o areas. Also a list of ostvoelkische (easterners) officers. Gen. S c h i l e m k o f f , Oberst B e j a r s k i , Obstlt. Korobin and Botscherow, Major I w a n o f f , Golowinki, Sokolow, and Bosnerotni. Ila/b, IVa, Verlustmeldungen, fleisungen, Lehrgangsteilnehmer Listen. Casualty reports, lists of SS personnel assigned to training courses, correspondence concerning requests for additional Soviet workers for the Reich, routine administrative m a t t e r s , and assignment order (cadre) for S o n d e r k o m m a n d o D i r l e w a n g e r at O r a n i e n b u r g , Berlin, 28 Aug 1940. Also personnel listings of SS-Sturmbann Sachsenhausen of the concentration camp Sachsenhausen. la, Ib, Ila/b, III, la-b, V, F u n k s p r u e c h e , Meldungen und Korrespondenz. Radio messages, reports, and correspondence pertaining to the assignment and t r a n s f e r of personnel, promotions, and the assignment of penal personnel; disciplinary, administrative, and m o t o r transport m a t t e r s ; p r e p a r a t i o n f o r a n d movement of SS S o n d e r k o m m a n d o D i r l e w a n g e r f r o m Oranienburg by Berlin to Mogilev, Russia, 31 J a n - 1 4 Feb 1942; movement of command headquarters f r o m Mogilev to Minsk, Sep 1943; o p e r a t i o n s against partisans, m o p p i n g - u p actions, and reconnaissance operations in the Bobruisk, Borisov, Mogilev, U b o r k i , Rudnya, Cherven, L y a d y , Berezino, Molodechno, K h a t y n , Minsk, Logoysk, Slutsk, A n t o n o p o l ' , Kosino, Molodi, Khotenovo, Borovo, Okolovo, Smolevichi, and Losha areas. Also orders concerning the d r a f t i n g of Russian workers for a r m a m e n t and the food i n d u s t r y in 85 DATES ITEM NO. RDLL 1ST F i A I S 1942/10/12- 1944/05/28 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/10 650 416 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 650 628 2, SS S T U R M B R I G A D E " D I R L E H A N G E R " 86 CONTENTS Germany, data on partisan a c t i v i t y , strength, and losses. Ila/b, Ib, IVb, V, Weisungen und Meldungen. Reports and i n s t r u c t i o n s relating to t h e granting of leave, medical service, and the mainte nance of motor vehicles; also requisitions and receipts for weapons, e q u i p m e n t , a m m u n i t i o n , motor vehicles, and other supply items issued, la, Einsatzbefehle, Richtlinien und Alarm- und W a c h v o r s c h r i f t e n . Orders regarding operations against partisan and security activities in the Minsk, Borisov, Berezino, Mogilev, B o b r u i s k , Rogachev, Seliba, and Zen'kovichi areas; reports, instructions, and regulations pertaining to collecting partisan weapons, interrogating and t r e a t i n g captured partisans and deserters, guard d u t y , and alerts. Also status and strength reports and data relating to partisan activities and losses. I l a / b , Staerke- und Verlustmeldungen, Offizierstellenbesetzung und Personelle Termine. Strength and casualty reports, lists of officer duty assignments, orders on personnel reports, and regulations governing shooting on the f i r i n g range, la, I l a / b , Einsatzbefehle, Merkblaetter, Namentliche Listen. Orders, instructions, and directives pertaining to Unternehmen "Regenschauer" und "Fruehlingsfest" (antipartisan operations, seizing Russian workers for the Reich, confiscating agricultural products and livestock) by K a m p f g r u p p e von Gottfcerg with subordinate E i n s a t z g r u p p e n Krehan, Kasinski, Anhalt, Rehdans, Sperrgruppen Grave and Jeckeln, SS Sonderbataillon Dirlewanger, and various other K a m p f g r u p p e n r e s e r v e n and PzAOK 3 in the Gornovo, Korchi, Lepel', Polotsk, Olla, Dokshitsy, Ushachi, Berezino, K r u l e v s h c h i z n a , Peresechyno, and Otrubok DATES I T E M NO. BOLL 1ST FXM1E 1942/06/24-19V4/34/29 2. SS-StBr D r l w 78028/12 651 1 1942/03/31-1944/06/24 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/13 651 173 1943/04/20-1943/08/15 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/14 651 319 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 651 433 2. SS S T U R M B R I G A D E " D 1 R L E H A N G E R " CONTENTS areas, A p r - M a y 1944. Also lists of SS personnel g r a n t e d combat awards, lists of Hiwis, partisan situation and e n e m y evaluation reports of Partisan Groups M e l n i k o w , Tschapajew, T j a b u t h , B a r a y k a , Lenin, R o m a n o v , U t k i n , L o b a n o k , Alexejew, Woroschilow, and many others, by Hoehere SS- und Polizeif uehrer R u s s l a n d - M i t t e und W e i s s r u t h e n i e n , 11 A p r ; translation of a combat order of the Lepel • Partisan Brigade "Stalin," and a relocation order for SS Sdr.-Batl. D i r l e w a n g e r f r o m P a r a f ' y a n o v o to azda via Minsk, 14 May 1944. la, Ib, Ila/b, III, I V a - b , V, VI, B e f e h l e , Heldungen, W e i s u n g e n . Funksprueche. Orders, reports, instructions, and radio messages pertaining to administrative, personnel, leadership training, supply, disciplinary, and motor transport matters, medical service, troop economy, security a c t i v i t y , reconnaissance, and a n t i p a r t i s a n operations in the Slutsk, O z d a , Kopyl 1 , M i n s k , Mogilev, S t a l ' b o v s h c h i n a , Osovo, G a r b u z y , Pechishche, Osipovichi, Sloboda, P e t u k h o v k a , and Derechin areas. Also an addendum to the daily report of K a m p f g r u p p e Binz on the shooting of 78 partisans and the destruction of 18 f a r m units in Sadkowazczyzna, 2 Feb; and the shooting of 54 undesirables in Osovo, 3 Feb 1943. la, Ib, I V a , Befehle, Tagesmeldungen, Funksprueche. Orders, daily reports, and radio messages pertaining to operations against partisans, the d r a f t i n g of Russian workers for slave labor in Germany, confiscating a g r i c u l t u r a l products, livestock, and equipment in the Y e s ' k o v o , Yarshevichi, Pozharyshche (Pozaryszcze), Y a n u s h k o v i c h i , Pershay (Perszaje) , Popki, Lubyanka, Sivitsa, and Rudnya areas and in the Isloch* and Volka River sectors. Also r e p o r t s concerning supply and 87 DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST F 3 A 1 E 1940/07/01-1944/35/26 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/16 651 676 1943/07/28-1943/08/09 2. SS-StBr D r l w 78028/17 651 923 2. SS STORMBBIGADE » D I R L E W A N G E R 1 1 88 CONTENTS administrative matters and data relating to partisan activity, strength, and losses, la, Ib, Ic, Ila/b, III, V, V I , NaFue, Funksprueche, M e l d u n g e n . Radio messages and correspondence concerning assignment, t r a n s f e r , and transport of SS personnel, criminals, M u s s u l m a n , and replacement units; leave control; the granting of decorations and awards; issuing and securing supplies and routes; troop entertainment and indoctrination; and disciplinary, administrative, motor t r a n s p o r t , and signal communication m a t t e r s in the Minsk and U z d a areas. Ila/b, III, Befehle, Listen und Fernschreiben, Ostvoelkisches S c h u t z m a n n s c h a f t Batl., Ukrainerzug, Hoehere SS- und Polizeifuehrer Russland Mitte. Orders, lists, and teletype messages pertaining to the granting of combat awards (Ostmedaille), promotions, assignment and transfer, security d u t y , medical service, and disciplinary and training matters of Ukrainian personnel and other Soviet volunteers serving under SS Sonderkommando Dirlewanger. Includes lists of personal data w i t h date and place of birth, l a , Richtlinien fuer die Partisancnbekaempf ung und Aktion der schwarzen Schutzmaenne r, Vorschrift fuer die Ausbildung ii N a h k a m p f . Instructions concerning operations against partisans, 19 Jun 1942; a report on antipartisan operations in the Litvyany and Gubino areas, 11-12 Feb 1944; interrogation report relating to partisan activity in the Losha and Uzda areas, 11 Feb 1944; complaints pertaining to the undisciplinary actions of the "schwarzen Schutzraaenner" in relation to the Russian population and their disloyalty to SS units in the Logoysk area, 12 nay 1943; and a combat directive, 8 May 1944. la, Ic, Einsatz- und Brigadebefehle, SS Sonderkommando Dirlewanger, SS Sdr.-Batl. "D" und 1. SS DATES I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST F J M E 1944/03/01-1 94'4/35/24 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/18 652 1 1942/02/05-1942/11/23 2. SS-StBr Drlir 78028/19 652 390 1942/06/19-1944/02/12 2. SS-StBr Dirlw 78028/20 652 433 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 652 506 2. SS S T U B M B R I G A D E "DIFLEW A N G E R " CONTENTS Inf an terie-Brigade (mot). Orders relating to U n t e r n e h m e n "Karlsbad" ( a n t i p a r t i s a n operations, confiscation of a g r i c u l t u r a l products and livestock) in the Borisov, C h e r v e n , Orsha / R u d n y a , K r u g l o y e , Kleva, Denisovichi, G u r a n y , B r u s y a t a , and Osovo areas and the Berezina and Oslik R i v e r sectors, 8-16 Oct 1942; and U n t e r n e h m e n "Frieda" (antipartisan operations, evacuation of Russian p o p u l a t i o n , confiscation of agricultural products) in the Berezino, Cherven, H u d n y a , Krasayy Dar (Bozhiy Car), Borovino, Belichany, G a y d u k o v a , Berezovka, D u b r o v a , Zaraostoch • ye, and Zabolot'ye areas, 1-12 Nov. Also a status report of the 1. SS I n f a n t e r i e - B r i g a d e (mot) , 10 Aug 1943; an interrogation s u m m a r y , 6 Nov 1942; and data r e l a t i n g to partisan activities. 89 DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 15T FRAME SS FREIWILLIGEN-LEGION "FLANDERN" - UNIT HISTORY 90 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1941/04/10 Hamburg, Langenhorn Activation, formation Freiwilligen-Standarte "Nordwest" (volunteers of Denmark, Netherlands, Flanders) 1941/07/14 Radom, Poland Training, formation, designated SS Freiwilligen-Verband "Flandern" (source: T175, roll 110, frame 2634681) 1941/08/03 Debica, SS Truppenuebungsplatz Training 1941/09/07 1941/09/14 Arys, East Prussia Transfer, training, reorganized "1. Inf Rgt. (mot) Freiw.-Leg. Niederlande" and "1. verstaerkte Inf Batl. (mot) Freiw.-Leg. Flandern" 1941/10/01 Arys Formation, redesignated Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern" (German and Flemish volunteers, 1. Batlo of Rgt0 "Nordwest") C.Oo: SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Michael Lippert, 1941/10/01-1942/04/18 1941/11/10 Tosno, Soviet Union via Tilsit, Riga, Pskov Transfer Subordinate to: 2. SS Infanterie-Brigade (mot), 1941/11/10-1942/07/23 1941/11/18 Tarasovo, Rublevo, Aviati Antipartisan, reconnaissance, security operations 1941/12/15 Sabile (Zabeln), Kandava (Kandau) Winter quartering Latvia 1942/01/09 Tosno, Soviet Union Movements of part of SS Freiw.-Leg. via Valmiera Latvia, Torma, "Flandern" Narva, Tartu (Dorpat), Estonia, Kingisepp CHAIN OF COMMAND Subordinate to: SS Fuehrungshauptamt (SS FHA) 91 CHAIN OF COMMAND DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1942/01/17 Podberez'ye, Tyutitsy, Zapol'ye, Koptsy (Kopcy) Defensive and assault operations 1942/01/12 Sabile (Zabeln)f Kandava (Kandau) Formation, Gruppe Debes (Begleit-Batl. RF-SS, rest of SS Freiw.-Leg. "Flandern" and Flak-Abtlg. Ost) 1942/01/29 Koptsy, Soviet Union via Smiltene, Latvia Movement 1942/02/02 Koptsy, Zemtitsy, Zapol'ye, Andryukhinovo (Andrichnowo), Tyutitsy, Krutik Regrouping, reconnaissance, defensive operations 1942/02/27 Podberez'ye Movement for rest 1942/03/02 Zemtitsy, Veshki Reconnaissance, assault, defensive operations 1942/03/09 Novgorod, Chechulino Rehabilitation 1942/03/17 Krutik, Lyubtsy, Tyutitsy Defensive, reconnaissance operations 1942/04/23 Dolgovo, Bol'shoye Zamosh'ye, Maloye Zamosh'ye, Glukhaya Kerest', Gorenka River sector Defensive, reconnaissance, assault operations 1942/07/04 Ossiya Rehabilitation 1942/07/21 Staro-Panovo Russian breakthrough 1942/07/22 Krasnogvardeisk, Krasnoye Selo, Lyubolyady, Finskoye Koyrovo Formation, Kampfgruppe "Fitzthum" (SS Freiw.-Leg. "Niederlande" SS Freiw.-Leg. "Flandern") counterattack by Legion "Niederlande" rest of Legion "Flandern" in reserve ( cO. SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Josef Fitzthum, 1942/04/18-1942/07/14 SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Konrad Schellong, 1942/07/15-1942/08/18 92 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1942/08/08 Finskoye Koyrovo Borisov Release of SS Freiw.-Leg. "Flandern" by Kampfgruppe "Fitzthum" Subordinate to: 1. SS Infanterie-Brigade (mot), 1942/08/28 Only two records of the SS Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern" were available at the National Archives and are reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 653, and described following the unit history. Additional reference found in the records of Reich Leader SS, T175, rolls 109-111, were used to supplement the unit history. 1943/05/31 Debica, Poland Truppenuebungsplatz Heidelager Reorganized as SS Sturmbrigade "Langemarck" (source: T175, roll 111, frame 2635303) SS F R E I W I L L I G E N - L E G I C N " F L A N D E R N " CONTENTS la, KTB Nr. 1 rait Vorgeschichte der Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern." War j o u r n a l concerning the activation and formation of Freiwilligen Standarte "Nordwest" in Hamburg-Langenhorn, 11 Apr 1941; from Freiwillige (volunteers) of the Netherlands and Flanders; Belgian and Flemish personnel assigned to Companies 1, 6, and 8 and trained as riflemen; transfer of the Flemish companies and designated as SS Freiwilligen-Verband "Flandern 11 to R a d o m (Generalgouvernement) , Poland, 14 Jul; continued formation and training, movement to Truppenuebungsplatz (troop training camp) Debica, 3 Aug; regimental units of Standarte "Nordwest" consisting chiefly of Flamen Batl. were formed a n d motorized, 11 A u g ; transfer to Truppenuebungsplatz Arys, East Prussia, 7 Sep, by order of RF-SS Himmler, 14 Sep; both Inf Rgt. , the Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande" and SS Freiwilligen-Standarte "Nordwest," were reorganized as " 1. Inf Rgt. (mot) Freiwilligen-Legion Niederlande 11 and "1. verstaerkte Inf Batl. ( m o t ) Freiwilligen-Legion Flandern" due to a lack of appropriate n u m b e r of volunteers. Formation of Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern," 1 Oct 1941; f r o m Rgt. units of Flemish personnel and 1. Batl. of Rgt. "Nordwest" consisting of German and Flemish volunteers, training and operational readiness, 27 Oct. Transfer to the Tosno area, Russia via Tilsit, G e r m a n y , R i g a , Latvia, and Pskov (Pleskau) , Russia, 10-17 N o v ; antipartisan operations and security duties in the Tarasovo, Rublevo, and Aviati areas, 18 Nov-14 Dec; movement to winter quarters in Sabile (Zabeln) a n d Kandava ( K a n d a u ) , L a t v i a via Luga and Pskov, Russia, and Cesis ( W e n d e n ) , Latvia, 15-18 Dec. 93 DATES 1941/11 /10-1941 /12/18 ITEM NO. SS Fr wLeg Flandern 30180/1 EOLL 653 1ST F R A M E 1 SS F R E I W I L L I G E N - L E G I C N " F L A N D E R N " 94 CONTENTS Afteraction report regarding the assignment of reinforced company of Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern" in the Olomna, Maluksa, Kustovo, and Lipovka River areas, 24 Nov-3 Dec 1941; combat and ration strength reports; casualty lists; officer registers; and inventories of motor vehicles. la, KTB Nr. 2. War j o u r n a l concerning assignments d u r i n g winter q u a r t e r i n g with the Latvian population in Sabile and K a n d a v a , 19 Dec 194T-3 Jan 1942; and preparation for movement, 3-8 Jan; transfer of part of the Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern" from Sabile, Latvia to Tosno, Russia, via Riga and Valmiera ( W o l m a r ) , Latvia, Torma, N a r v a , and Tartu (Dorpat) , E s t o n i a , and Kingisepp, Russia, 9-16 Jan; movement to, defensive, and assault operations in the Podberez'ye, T y u t i t s y , Zapol'ye, Koptsy (Kopcy) 17 Jan-1 Feb 1942; formation of Gruppe Debes (consisting of Begleit-Batl. RF-SS, Legion "Flandern," Flak-Abtlg. Ost) and preparation for transfer in the Sabile and Kandava areas by the r€St of Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern," 9-29 Jan; t r a n s f e r of the remainder of the u n i t , 29 Jan-1 Feb f r o m Sabile, Latvia to Koptsy via Smiltene, Latvia and L y u b o l y a d y , Grigorovo, and Podberez'ye, Russia; regrouping, reconnaissance, and defensive operations in the A n d r y u k h i n o v o ( A n d r i c h n o w o ) , Koptsy, Zemtitsy, Zapol'ye, Tyutitsy, and K r u t i c areas, 2-26 Feb; movement for rest to P o d b e r e z ' y e , 27 Feb-1 M a r ; assault, reconnaissance, and defensive operations in the Zemtitsy and Veshki areas, 2-8 Mar; movement to Chechulino by Novgorod for rehabilitation, 9-16 M a r ; reconnaissance and defensive operations in K r u t i k , Lyubtsy, T y u t i t s y , 17 Mar-22 A p r ; movement to Dolgovo, 23-27 A p r ; defensive, reconnaissance, and assault operations in Dolgovo, Bol'shoye and Maloye Zamosh'ye, and DATES 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 ITEM NO, SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 ROLL 653 1ST FRAME 151 SS F R E I W I L L I G E N - L E G I C N " F L A N D E R N " CONTENTS Glukhaya Kerest 1 areas, and Gorenka and Kerest 1 River sectors, 28 Apr-3 Jal; rehabilitation in Ossiya, 4-17 Jul; construction and maintenance of roads between Ossiya and Gorenka, 18-20 Jul; b r e a k t h r o u g h of Russian Forces at Staro-Panovo, 21 Jul; movement to L y u b o l y a d y , Krasnogvardeisk, Krasnoye Selor 22-23 Jul; and counterattack by Freiwilligen Legion "Niederlande" and part of Freiwilligen Legion "Flandern" (with rest in reserve) in the Finskoye Koyrovo area, 23 Jul 1942. Also data relating to enemy operations and strength, German and enemy losses, and air and artillery situation. 95 DATES ITEM NO, ROLL 1ST FRAME SS FREIWILLIGEN-LEGION "NIEDERLANDE" - UNIT HISTORY 96 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1941/07/15 Cracow, Poland Reorganization of Freiwilligen Standarte "Nordwest" into Freiwilligen-Verband "Niederlande" Freiwilligen-Verband "Flandem" (source: T175, roll 110, fr. 2634681) Subordinate to: SS Fuehrungshauptamt (SS-FHA) 1941/08/01 Cracow Activation, formation 1 Rgt. (besp.) Freiw.-Leg. "Niederlande" (source: T175, roll 110, fr. 2634651) C.O.: SS Standartenfuehrer Reich 1941/09/14 Truppenuebungsplatz Arys, East Prussia Training, formation 1942/01/13 Transfer Soviet Union via Gdansk (Danzig), Liepaja (Libau), Latvia, Riga, Yelgava (Mitau), Pskov (Pleskau) 1942/02/03 Girovo, Novgorod, Lake Ilmen, Selo-Gora, Gorenka, Pyatilipy, Glukhaya Keres t', Gu zi, Maloye Zamosh'ye, Kerest River sector, Volkhov Pocket (Wolchow-Kessel) Subordinate to: 20. Infanterie-Division (mot), 1942/01/13-1942/04/14 Detraining regrouping, security, reconnaissance, antipartisan, assault operations 126. Infanterie-Division, 1942/04/14-1942/04/22 2. SS Infanterie-Brigade (mot), 1942/04/22-1942/07/23 1942/07/21 Gorenka, Moyka Formation, Kampfgruppe "Fitzthum" (SS Freiw.-Leg. "Niederlande" SS Freiw.-Leg. "Flandern") 1942/07/22 1942/08/08 Krasnogvardeisk, Taytsy (Taizy), Finskoye Koyrovo Transfer, training, sharpshooting, reorganizing 1942/08/28 Borisov C00.: SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Theuermann SS Obersturmbannfuehrer Josef Fitzthum Subordinate to: !„ SS Infanterie-Brigade (mot), 1942/08/28 97 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1943/04/01 Truppenuebungsplatz Mlawa (Mielau), Poland Reorganized, incorporated into 14.(germ.) SS PzGrenD "Nordland" (source: T175, roll 108, fr.2631184) (See: 11. SS FrwPzGrD "Nordland") CHAIN OF COMMAND Records of the SS Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande" are reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 653, and decribed following the unit history. Records of the Reich Leader SS, T175, rolls 108 and 110 contain references to the SS Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande" and were used to supplement the unit history. SS FREIWILLIGEN-LEGION " N I F D E R L A N D E " 98 CONTENTS la, KTB der Infanterie-Regiment (mot) Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande." War journal concerning movement from Cracow, Poland, for training at the Truppenuebungsplatz Arys, East Prussia, 14 Sep 1941; transfer to Selo-Gora, Pskov (Pleskau) , Russia, via Liepaja (Libau) and Riga, Latvia, 13 Jan-2 Feb 1942; regrouping, security, assault, reconnaissance, a n t i p a r t i s a n , and defensive operations in the Selo-Gora, Gorenka, Glukhaya Kerest 1 , Pyatilipy, Radoni, G u z i , Ossiya, C h a u n i , and Maloye Z a m o s h ' y e areas and the Kerest 1 River sector, 3 Feb-20 Jul; formation of "Verband Fitzthum" f r o m Legion "Niederlande" and Legion "Flandern" in Gorenka, 21 Jul; and movement by rail transport f r o m Gorenka and Moyka to the Krasnogvardeisk area, 22 Jul 1942. Also register of officers, casualty lists, and combat and ration strength report. la, TB der Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande." Activity report concerning troop indoctrination and entertainment; authorized, actual, and combat strength: inventory of motor vehicles, casualties, and disciplinary matters. la, KTB Nr. II und Marsch- und Regimentsbefehle der I/Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande." War journal concerning transfer of the I. Batl. across the Estonian-Russian border to Selo-Gora via Pskov, Tatinc, and Gorenka, 29 Jan-5 Feb 1942; security activity, regrouping, reconnaissance, assault, and defensive operations in the Selo-Gora, Gorenka, Guzi, Pyatilipy, Radoni, Lyaga, Ossiya, Kleptsy, Chauni, Glukhaya Kerest 1 , and Maloye Zamosh'ye areas and the Kerest 1 River sector, 6 Feb-29 J u n ; rehabilitation in Gorenka, 30 Jun-15 Jul; construction of the road Gorenka-Ossiya, 16-20 Jul; securing of Gorenka and Selo-Gora, 21-28 Jul; movement of the I. Batl. to Finskoye Koyrovo DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST F R A M E 1942/01 / 1 3 - 1 9 4 2 / 0 7 / 2 2 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/1 653 360 1942/01/02-1942/01/09 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/2 653 515 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/3 653 520 SS F R E I W I L L I G E N - L E G I O N " N I E D E R L A N D E " CONTENTS ( L e n i m j a k i ) area via Krasnoye Selo, 29 Jul-1 Aug; securing Finskoye Koyrovo area, 2-7 A u g ; and the relief of the Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern" in that area, 8 Aug. Also a regimental order regarding the f o r m a t i o n of K a m p f g r u p p e "Fitzthum" consisting of an Einsatzbataillon and other units of Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande" and Freiwilligen-Legion "Flandern," 22 Jul; and the movement of K a m p f g r u p p e "Fitzthum" from Selo-Gora to Krasnogvardeisk, 22-23 Jul 1942; combat and ration strength reports, casualty lists, and a register of officers; data relating to enemy operations, losses, and propaganda, and German and e n e m y air and artillery activity. la, KTB Nr. 1 des III/Freiwilligen-Legion "Niederlande." War j o u r n a l concerning defensive, reconnaissance, and assault operations, r e g r o u p i n g in the Guzi, P y a t i l i p y , C h a u n i , Selo-Gora, Kleptsy, Radoni, Krechno, Maloye Zamoshye, and Gorenka areas and the Kerest River sector, 14 A p r - 1 5 Jul 1 9 4 2 ; movement to and training at S a k l i n j e , 16-22 Jul; f o r m a t i o n of Einsatzkompanie and its attachment to K a m p f g r u p p e "Fitzthum," 22-23 Jul; movement of Batl. to Selo-Gora, 23-24 Jul; entraining and movement to Krasnoye Selo, 28-29 Jul; guartering at Dudergof ( D u d e r h o f ) , 30-31 Jul; and movement to combat positions in the Finskoye Koyrovo area, 3-4 Aug. Also data relating to eneiy operations, losses, and propaganda, German and e n e m y air and artillery activity, and German losses. 99 DATES 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 I T E M NO. SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/4 ROLL 653 1ST F R A M E 663 100 4. SS FREIWILLIGEN-PANZER-GRENADIER-BRIGADE "NEDERLAND" - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1943/08/12 Zagreb (Agram) area, Yugoslavia Formation of Niederlaendische SS Freiwi11igen-Grenadier-Brigade (mot) with German and Dutch volunteers Subordinate to: SS Panzer-Korps III (germ.) 1943/10/26 Graz Activation order, SS FHA Org.Abt. Ia/II Tgb.Nr. 1612/43, SS PzGren.Ausb.u.Ers.Batl. 11 responsible for personnel (source: T175, roll 108, frame 2631165) Redesignation of SS Frw.-PzGren Rgt. 48 as "General Seyffard" and SS Frw.-PzGren Rgt. 49 as "De Ruyter" (source: T354, roll 120, frame 3753923) 1943/11/30 1943/12/30 Lomonosov (Oranienbaum), Leningrad Front, Russia Ostrov, Gorki, Kingisepp, Mustvee (Mustovo), Narva Arrival for coastal defense 1944/01/15 Narva Source: situation maps Lage Ost 1944/10/16 Priekule (Preekuln), Latvia 1944/11/13 Kaleti, south of Priekule 1945/02/18 Reetz, Suchan, Amswalde, east of Stargard, Germany 1945/03/09 C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer und General der Waffen-SS Juergen Wagner Redesignation of SS Frw.-PzGren.Brig. "Nederland" with SS Frw.-PzGren Rgt. 48 "General Seyffard" (niedl. Nr. 1) and SS Frw.-PzGren Rgt. 49 "De Ruyter" (niedl. Nr. 2) as 23. SS Frw.-PzGrenD "Nederland" (source: T175, roll 140, frame 2668394) DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY 1945/03/23 Greifenhagen, Penkim, Szczecin (Stettin"^, Oder River Source: situation maps Lage Reich CHAIN OF COMMAND Only one record item of the 4. SS Freiwillige-Panzer-Grenadier-Brigade "Nederland" was available at the National Archives and is reproduced on NARS Microfilm Publication T354, roll 653, and described following the unit history. Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U 0 S 0 Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 4. SS Freiwillige-Panzer-Grenadier-Brigade "Nederland" as follows: MS D-151 (Fighting on the Narva Front, The Evacuation of Estonia, and The Withdrawal to the Dvina, 1943-1944), by General Anton Crasser. 101 102 4. SS F R E I W I L L I G E N - P A N Z E R - G R E N A C I E R - B R I G A D E " N E D E R L A N D " CONTENTS la, Niederlaendische SS Freiwilligen Grenadier Brigade ( m o t ) , Befehle, Weisungen, Lehrplanspiele, Liste der Verpflegungs- und Rationssaetze f u e r die W a f f e n - S S un<3 Polizei, RF-SS, SS Fuehrungshauptamt, Befehlshaber in den Niederlanden, Der Befehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei und SS Wirtschafts und Verpflegungsamt. An order by RF-SS r 12 Aug 1943, relating to the activation of the Niederlaendische SS Freiwilligen Grenadier Brigade (mot) f r o m German and Dutch volunteers of 6000 men and subordinated to the III. (germ.) SS Panzer-Korps; directives regarding a map exercise pertaining to operations against partisans and other general training matters; and an instructional pamphlet concerning scales of supplies and rations for Waffen-SS and police. Also a copy of a directive by OKW/Chef Kriegsgef./San/Allg. (Ia)/0rg. (IVc) Nr. 3142/42, concerning instructions for the permanent identification m a r k i n g s of Soviet POW 1 s by using a lancet and Chinese ink (chinesische Tusche) . (Records of the Reich Leader SS, NARS Microfilm Publication T175, roll 108, frame 2631165 contain reference on the formation of SS Freiwilligen Panzer-Grenadier-Brigade "Nederland" instead of the planned SS Freiwlligen Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Nederland," 26 Oct 1943.) DATES 1942/09/03-1944/04/00 HEM NO. 4. SSPrwPzGrBr Nedl 30182A1 ROLL 653 1ST F R A M E 714 103 104 I N D E X This index was computer formatted and printed from terms input simultaneously with the descriptive material in the foregoing text of the guide. The ultimate objective of producing cumulative indexes dictated certain limitations on the format, structure, and nature; further complications were created by the need to cope simultaneously with two languages, abbreviations, page location of descriptive materials, and microfilm roll and frame locations of the records described, Format Economy of space and ease of reading seem sufficient justification for the asymmetry of the broad horizontal layout of the descriptive text of the guide and the narrow vertical format of the index. Language While the index does not pretend to bilinguality, it refers to the records in their original German terminology as well as in generally accepted English equivalents, using the original German word or its abbreviation as the index term and the English word as a cross-reference term. For purposes of automation, the diphthong is used instead of the Umlaut, so that "BUffel" becomes "Bueffel," for example. Geographical Terms Geographical terms are mainly rendered in the native language, but for transliteration from the Cyrillic alphabet the English rendition found in the Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World (1970) and NIS (National Intelligence Survey) Gazetteer (Office of Geography, Department of the Interior, Washington, 1955-64) are used, rather than the German-language transliteration found in the records. Discrepancies between place names used by the German creators of the records and accepted English language usage are generally indicated. Cross-References In order to take advantage of the cumulative and repetitive capabilities of automatic data processing in compiling future individual and multiple guide indexes, cross-references of broad or universal application are preferred, although this sometimes results in general references to types of entries for which there may be no specific examples in the index of a particular guide; e.g., ARMORED UNITS, GERMAN, gives cross-references to index headings under which all echelons of such units may be found, but there is no specific entry in this index for PzAOK 4. 105 Units and Commands In order not to encumber the index with a multiplicity of additional entries, the records of the units described in this guide were not listed separately under the unit number. Instead there is only a reference to the first page of the unit history, which lists all of the rolls on which that unitfs records are reproduced, and which is followed immediately by an item-by-item description of such records. All of the field command unit designations are indexed in official or recognizable German abbreviations, with the exception of the corps, where infantry, armored, mountain, and special corps are all grouped under the prefix AK (Armeekorps), followed by the specific unit name or number and a suffix denoting the type. Since the computer sorts Roman numerals alphabetically rather than numerically, the conventional German sequence for a corps designation was reversed and the number converted to Arabic, e.g., XVIII AK becomes AK 18 and II. SS Pz.-Korps becomes SS Korps 2 Pz. The "Item No." for all field command record items is a combination of the last designation of the provenance unit with the accession number assigned during World War II by the Heeresarchiv Potsdam. Span Dates and First Frames e years, months, and days under the "Dates" heading are the span dates of the entire record item Cor unit history) listed under the corresponding "Item" heading, rather than the specific date or dates of each index entry. Similarly the "1st Frame" is the first frame of the entire record item, rather than the exact frame location where reference to that index entry begins. An attempt to give specific dates or an exact microfilm frame location for each entry would produce an index cumbersome to the point of uselessness as a finding aid. It seems more purposeful and economical of time for the researcher to proceed in sequence from index term to unit history and/or to the record description, then to the microfilm roll and first frame reproducing the record item, and thence to searching out the particular frame or frames containing the specific reference indicated by the index entry. Such "narrowing down" or "bracketing-in" is, of course, a customary research practice. INDEX 106 DATES BOLL I T E M NO, 1ST F B A M E PAGE ACON 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 ADLEB, KAHPFGBOPPE 1942/0 3/22- 1 943 /09/08 ADLER, O N T E B H E H H E H 1 2 . S S P z D HJ U n i t History 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/4 ( A n t i p a r t i s a n operations in the Bobruisk, R o g a c h e v , Osipovichi, Berezino, B y k h o v , B e l y n i c h i , and Svisloch areas.) 2.SS-StBr Drlw U . H i s t o r y 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 AFTEBACTION REPOBTS 1943/12/12-1944/08/05 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/7 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/17 1944/01/17-1944/11/06 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/30 1944/04/01-1944/07/09 20 649 81 649 1 77 81 154 158 152 3797648 3802924 3795483 24 40 14 AGBAH (See Z a g r e b ) AHLEN 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 AIX 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 AK 9-SSPzD Hstf U n i t History 1 0 - S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/2 10-SSPzD Frdsbg U. History 1 150 3792083 10 8 A r m e e k o r p s ( A r m y Corps) , Hoeheres Komraando or G e n e r a l k o m m a n d o (Corps C o m m a n d ) . AK 8 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 AK 10 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 AK 13 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 AK 21 GEB 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 AK 22 GEB 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 AK 28 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 AK 39 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 AK 38 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 AK 47 PZ 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 48 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 AK 50 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 AK 58 1944/08/01- 1 9 4 4 / 1 2 / 3 1 AK 68 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 AK 75 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 AK 80 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 AK 81 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 AK 84 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 AK 86 1943/02/15- 1 9 4 5 / 0 4 / 3 0 AK 88 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 2 0 , S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) U . H i s t . 47 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) U.Hist. 45 17.SSPzGrD GvE U. History 36 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) U.Hist. 50 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS U . H i s t o r y 2 1 . S S W G e b D ( S k b e g ) U.Hist. 33 50 2.S3 I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U . H i s t . 2.SS T n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/2 161 3807712 71 73 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) U.Hist. 50 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U.Hist, 19,SSiGrD(lett.2) U.Hist. 71 45 17.SSPzGrD GvB U . H i s t o r y 36 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk 58 AK U.Hist. SS K p f g r Jeckeln U.Hist. 75 30.SSBGrD(Buss 2) U.Hist. 61 13.SSWGebD Hdschr U.Hist. 30 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS U . H i s t o r y 33 17.SSPzGrD G v B U . H i s t o r y 26.SSPZD Unit History 36 56 12.SSPZD HJ Unit History 20 12.SSPZD HJ U n i t History 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 20 36 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg U.History 8 10.SSPzD Frdsbg U. H i s t o r y 8 INDEX DATES ITEM NO. 88 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe a.History 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 ALBANIA See also specific p o p u l a t e d places and geographical terms. 1944/05/00- 1945/01/10 21.SSHGebD(Skbeg) U.Hist. A L B A N I A N HOSLEHS 1944/10/02-1944/10/02 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) 78022/1 ALEKSEYEVKA I I . S S F r w P z G r D Mold O.Hist. 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 ALEXEJEH, PABTISAH GROUP 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2.SS-StEr Drlw 78028/15 ALFOHSIHE 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U . H i s t o r y 1944/04/17-1945/01/04 1 6 . S S P z G r D RF-SS 78018/2 AHAJLIJE 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 21.SSHGebD(Skbeg) U.Hist. AMIENS 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 9. SSPzD Hstf 78013/3 1942/12/31-1944/01/29 9 - S S P z D Hstf 78013/11 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9. SSPzD H s t f U n i t H i s t o r y 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 26.SSPzD Unit History 1944/08/18- 1944/08/25 26.SSPZD 78025/2 ANDBIJEVCI 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13.SSHGebD Hdschr D . H i s t . ANDBYOKHINOfO 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS F r w L e g F l a n d e r n O.Hist. 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U . H i s t . 1941/12/19- 1 9 4 2 / 0 7 / 2 3 SS FrwLeg Flandern 3 0 1 8 0 / 2 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 2.SS I n f . B r g ( a o t ) 78030/1 ANGEBBORG (See Hegorzewo) ANGEHHOEHDE 2 7 . S S F r w P z G r D Lamk U . H i s t , 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 ANGOOLEHE 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 10, SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/2 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10, SSPzD Frdsbg U. H i s t o r y A N H A L T , EINSATZGROPPE 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/15 ANTIGNANO 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U . H i s t o r y ANTITANK W A R F A R E 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/41 1944/01/08-1944/01/08 ANTONOPOL 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr D r l w U . H i s t o r y 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr D r l w 7 8 0 2 8 / 4 AOK A r m e e o b e r k o m m a n d o ( G e r m a n Field A r m y C o m m a n d ) . ROLL AK AOK PAGE CONTINUED 64 50 160 3805937 51 17 651 430 86 156 3800538 33 35 50 146 147 3787633 3788942 160 3806003 3 4 1 56 57 30 653 151 161 3807092 90 71 94 73 58 150 3792083 10 8 651 430 86 33 153 3796684 16 650 649 628 1 77 85 81 1 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/08/00- 1944/09/00 AOK 2 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 AOK 14 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 AOK 15 1942/02/08-1944/08/04 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 AOK 16 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 1943/09/22- 1945/05/04 AOK 17 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 107 1ST FRAME 10.SSPzD Frdsbg U . H i s t o r y 17.SSPzGrD G v B U . H i s t o r y 26.SSPzD Unit History 8 36 56 13.SS*GebD Hdschr U . H i s t . 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS 0 . H i s t o r y 30 33 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U . H i s t o r y 33 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/4 12 SSPzD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y 23 20 20, S S w G r D ( e s t n 1) O.Hist. 19 SSWGrD (lett.2) U.Hist. 47 45 20.SSWGrD(estn 1) U.Hist 47 154 3797299 108 INDEX DATES AOK ITEH NO. ROLL 1ST FBAME PAGE 18 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) O.Hist. SS Kpfgr Jeckeln O.Hist. 19.SSUGrD(lett.2) O.Hist. 71 75 45 APBLDOORN 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 1943/05/21-1944/10/04 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 1945/01/19-1945/04/12 34.SSFrwGrD 34.SSFrwGrD 34.SSFrwGrD 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe LaNe LaNe LaNe 78033/2 78033/3 0.History 78033/1 646 646 11 413 646 1 65 65 64 65 ABDENNES See also specific populated places and geographical terms. 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9.SSPzD Hstf Unit History 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg U.History 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t History 1944/11/17-1944/12/16 12-SSPzD HJ 78016/24 1 8 20 155 3799006 26 153 3796045 156 3800635 15 36 38 U7 3788942 4 ABGEMTAN 1943/09/10-1943/09/22 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/34 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0,History 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 ABLES 1942/12/31-1944/01/29 9. SSPzD Hstf 78013/11 ARHEEABTEILUNG (Nonstandard headquarters, usually temporary, between AOK and AK in size, assigned to peninsulas or other limited geographical areas, or established for the purpose of Geman coordination of non-German units.) ABHEEABTEILONG NAB1A 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20.SSHGrD(estn 1) O.Hist. 47 ABHEEABTEILUHG SEBBIEN 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 23.SSWGebD Kama O.Hist. 52 ARHBBGBUPPE (Nonstandard headquarters, usually temporary, between HGr and AOK in size, assigned to peninsulas or other limited geographical areas, or established for the purpose of German coordination of n o n - G e r m a n units.) ABBEEGBOPPE D 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg O.History ABHEEGROPPE FBIESSNER 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19. SSWGrD (lett. 2) O.Hist. ABHEEGBOPPE N A B V A 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27. SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. ABHEEKOBPS (Army Corps). See prefix AK and specific unit number or name. For SS army corps, see prefix SS and specific unit n u m b e r with s u f f i x AK. ABHEEOBERKOHHABDO (German field a r m y ) . See prefix AOK and specific unit number or name. ARMIES, GEBHAH (Armeeoberkommandos) . See prefix AOK and specific unit number or name. For armored armies (Panzer-Armeeoberkommandos) , see prefix PZAOK and number or name. ABHIES, PANZER See prefix PZAOK (Panzer-Armeeoberkommando) and specific unit number. For 6. SS-PZAOK, see PZftOK 6 SS. ABHOBED OBITS, GEBHAN For armored ( t a n k ) armies, see prefix PZAOK (Panzerarmeeoberkommando) and specific unit n u m b e r ; for armored groups see prefix PzGr and specific name or number as well as specific name with s u f f i x Panzergruppe; for armored corps, see prefix AK and specific unit number w i t h s u f f i x PZ 8 45 58 INDEX ITEM NO. DATES ROLL 1ST F R A M E PAGE CONTINUED A R M O R E D UNITS, G E R M A N denoting type; for armored divisions see specific unit number or name with suffix PZD (Panzerdivision) or PZGRD ( P a n z e r g r e n a d i e r d i v i s i o n ) f o r armored i n f a n t r y . For SS a r m o r e d u n i t s , see p r e f i x SS and specific u n i t n u m b e r w i t h s u f f i x P Z K (Panzerkorps) , P Z D , or P Z G R D , except the 6. S S - P Z A O K , for which see P Z A O K 6 SS. A R M Y GROUPS, G E R M A N (Heeresgruppen) . See prefix Heeresgruppe and specific unit letter or name. ARNHEH 9.SSPzD Hstf Unit History 1942/12/31- 1 9 4 5 / 0 5 / 0 8 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10. SSPzD Frdsbg 0, History 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 1944/09/27-1944/10/07 ARNSIALDE 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 ARS-LAQUENEXY 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/01/17-1944/11/06 1944/04/03-1944/12/04 ARYS 1941/04/ 10- 1943/05/31 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 ASSVEILE6 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/11/21-1944/12/02 AUGSBERGER, F E A N Z 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 AUNAY-SOOS-CHECY 1943/04/19- 1945/01/21 AOHAY-Safi-ODOH 1943/04/01-1944/09/09 AUSTRIA 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 0.History 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/19 149 3790454 U o S S F r w P z G r B r Nedl a.Hist. 17, SSPzGrD GvB U.History 17, SSPzGrD GvB 78019/17 17, SSPzGrD GvB 78019/12 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist, 2«SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U . H i s t . SS FrwLeg Niedlde U . H i s t . 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/2 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/1 17 17, SSPzGrD G v B U . H i s t o r y SSPzGrD GvB 78019/18 1 8 64 6 100 3802924 3802658 36 40 40 161 653 3807712 360 90 71 96 73 98 158 3802983 36 41 158 158 2 0 . S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) U.Hist. 47 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/6 147 3788195 4 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/4 150 3792279 10 See also specific populated places and geographical teras. 1942/12/31- 1945/05/08 9.SSPZD Hstf Unit History 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13-SSHGebD Hdschr U . H i s t . 12.SSPZD HJ U n i t History 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1943/11/15- 1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U.History AOTHEUIL 1944/03/11-1944/04/24 12.SSPZD HJ 7 8 0 1 6 / 4 3 1944/05/01- 1944/07/05 12.SSPZD HJ 7 8 0 1 6 / 3 8 AVENAY 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9, SSPzD Hstf Unit History 9, SSPzD Hstf 78013/12 1944/04/29-1944/08/09 AVIATI 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 1 30 20 33 156 156 3800416 3799950 28 27 147 3789036 1 5 653 1 90 93 158 3803083 41 AYRON 1944/01/30-1944/07/13 BAD GLEICHEHBERG 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 BAD TOELZ 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 EAGNACAVALLO 1944/04/17-1945/01/04 BAKOSYSZEBTLASZLO 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 BAKSHTY 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 109 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/19 16.SSPzGrD HF-SS U.History 33 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 36 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS 78018/2 156 3800538 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 35 20 649 659 83 INDEX 110 DATES ITEM NO, BOLL 1ST FRAME PAGE BALATOI LAKE (Plattensee) 13.SSHGebD Hdschr 0.Hist. 12.SSPZD HJ U n i t History 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 BALKAH STATES (See specific countries, e.g., Albania, R u m a n i a , Yugoslavia, as well as populated palces and geographical t e r m s . ) 1944/10/02-1944/10/02 2 1 . S S H G e b D ( S k b e g ) 78022/1 BAB-LE-DOC 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10 SSPzD Frdsbg U. H i s t o r y 1943/04/07-1944/07/21 10, SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/3 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 10 SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/11 B A B A T K A , PARTISAN GROUP 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 BABCHEfl 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/1 1945/01/19-1945/04/12 30 20 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 BARON 1944/06/23-1944/07/22 BASSBOX 1943/02/15- 1945/04/30 1943/12/13-1944/08/09 BAUH, HAX 1943/11/15- 1945/05/06 BAOS, OTTO 160 3805937 51 150 150 3792213 3792938 8 10 11 651 430 86 646 1 65 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/25 152 3795108 14 10-SSPzD Frdsbg O.History 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/33 152 3795703 8 15 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS O.History 33 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 BAYEBLEIN, FBITZ 17.SSPzGrD GvB U , H i s t o r y 36 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 BDO 12.SSPZD HJ Unit History 20 Befehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei (Chief of R e g u l a r Police) . EDO ROTTERDAM 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/2 BEFEHLSHABEB ( C o m m a n d e r ) . See specific c o u n t r y , place, name, number or letter designation of the command, w i t h s u f f i x Befehlshaber, or Plilitaerbefehlshaber, i.e.. Military Commander. BEJARSKI, OBEBST 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 BELGIOH See also specific populated places and geographical terms. 9. SSPzD Hstf Unit History 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/02/15- 1945/04/30 10.SSPzD Frdsbg O.History 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/2 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History BELICHANY 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 BELOBOSSIA 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 1944/01/04- 1944/10/20 SS OstmuselmD O.History BELYHICHI 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 BENY-BOCAGB, LE 1942/12/31- 1945/05/08 9-SSPzD Hstf Onit History 1944/04/29-1944/08/09 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/12 BBBDICHET 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 BEBEZHAHY 10-SSPzD Frdsbg O.History 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1944/04/02-1944/07/23 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 7 8 0 1 4 / 2 2 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/11 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 BEBEZINA BIYEB 2. SS-StBr Drlw O.History 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 646 11 65 650 254 84 1 8 65 20 646 11 652 506 88 161 3806724 68 67 649 1 81 147 3789036 1 5 58 152 150 3794560 3792938 8 13 11 649 652 1 506 77 81 88 INDEX DATES I T E M NO. BOLL BEBEZINO 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/0 1/22- 1 9 4 4 / 0 2 / 2 8 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/03/31-1944/06/24 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 BEBEZHO 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 1943/10/28-1944/01/22 BEBEZOVKA 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 BEBGISCH G L A D B A C H 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 EEBNAY 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 BERZEHCE 1943/03/01- 1945/04/30 BBSAiCOH 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 BBSYADI 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 BE?EBLOO 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1943/10/26-1944/08/29 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 649 659 83 2. SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2. SS-StEr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StEr 650 649 651 648 652 649 650 651 628 1 173 719 506 659 254 430 77 85 81 86 80 88 83 84 86 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/1 649 648 359 1 82 80 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0. History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 652 506 77 88 Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw U. History 78028/11 78028/4 78028/13 78028/3 78028/21 78028/6 78028/9 78028/15 9-SSPzD Hstf U n i t History 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/2 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 0. History 1 150 3792083 13.SSWGebD Bdschr O.Hist. 10 8 30 160 3806183 2. SS-StBr D r l w 0. History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 77 81 12.SSPZD HJ Unit History 12-SSPzD HJ 78016/46 156 3800501 20 28 161 3806724 3 0 . S S B G r D ( R u s s 2) 7 8 0 2 7 / 2 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) U.Hist. BIALTSTOK 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstnuselmD 78042/1 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS OstmuselraD 0. History BICHL 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB a. History BIJELJI8A 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) O.Hist. BILLIG, SS HAOPTSTOBHFDEHBEB 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS O s t m u s e l m D 78042/1 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS O s t m u s e l m D U. History EINDEBHHEIH 1944/09/20-1944/10/31 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R a s s 2) 78027/1 BINZ, KAHPFGROPPE 1940/07/01- 1944/06/26 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/16 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 BISCfllEILER 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 BITTBICH, IILHELH 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 PAGE CONTINUED BEREZINA BIVEP 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 1ST F R A M E 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 62 61 68 67 36 50 161 3806724 68 67 160 3806172 62 651 649 650 676 1 254 87 81 84 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 0. History 8 9.SSPzD Hstf U n i t History 1 13.SSHGebD Hdschr O.Hist. 30 BIZOVAC 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 BIZZONO 1944/04/17-1945/01/04 BLIESDALHEIH 1943/11/15- 1945/05/04 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS 78018/2 156 3800538 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0. History 35 36 BOBBOVICHI 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 BOBBOISK 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/03/31-1944/06/24 111 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 649 659 83 650 649 651 628 1 173 77 85 81 86 2. SS-StBr Drlw U. History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/13 INDEX 112 DATES BOBRUISK 1942/08/20- 1944/01/08 1942/12/31-1943/10/08 BOCHHANN, GEOHG 1943/1 1/15-1945/05/04 1944/06/01-1945/04/04 BOCK, FBIEDBICH 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 BOGOSHEVICHI 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 BOLL I T E M NO, 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/3 2.SS-StBr Drlw 7 8 0 2 8 / 8 17.SSPzGrD G v B 17.SSPzGrD G v B 0.History 78019/33 648 650 159 1ST FHAHE CONTINOED 719 1 3804244 9-SSPzD Hstf Onit History PAGE 80 83 36 43 1 SS-StBr Drlw 0.History SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 650 254 77 84 SS-StEr Drlw U.History SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 77 81 156 3800635 38 BOGOSHEVSK 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 BOHEMIA 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 1 7 . S S P z G r D G v B 78019/2 BOLESLAWIEC (Bunzlau) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 2 0 . S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) D.Hist. 47 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS 0.History 33 1 9 . S S H G r D ( l e t t . 2 ) O.Hist. 45 BOLOGHA 1943/11/15- 1945/05/06 BOLOTSKO 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 BOLSHEVIK, P A R T I S A N GROUP 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 BOLSHOT KOBISK 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 BOLSHOYE ZAHOSHTB 1941/04/10- 1943/05/31 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 BOHHEHAISOH 1943/04/19-1945/01/21 BORIS07 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/03/31-1944/06/24 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 81 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 649 359 82 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) O.Hist. SS FrwLeg F l a n d e r n 30180/2 2.SS I n f . B r g ( n o t ) 78030/1 653 161 151 3807092 90 71 94 73 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/6 147 3788195 4 Drlw 0.History Flandern O.Hist, Niedlde O.Hist. Drlw 78028/11 Drlw 78028/4 Drlw 78028/13 Drlw 78028/21 650 649 651 652 628 1 173 506 77 90 96 85 81 86 88 Drlw 78028/9 650 254 84 Drlw 78028/3 648 719 80 Drlw 0.History Drlw 78028/3 Drlw 7 8 0 2 8 / 2 1 648 652 719 506 77 80 88 D r l w 78028/11 650 628 85 D r l w 78028/9 650 254 84 Drlw 78028/9 650 254 84 9-SSPzD Hstf 78013/18 148 3790082 6 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 38 26.SSPZD Onit History 26.SSPZD 78025/2 160 3806003 56 57 2-SS-StBr SS FrwLeg SS FrwLeg 2. SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr BOBISSOi, BOSSISCHE BATTERIE 1942/12/28- 1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr BOBKI 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 2. SS-StBr BOBOVINO 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 2.SS-StBr 19 42/10/08-1943/C8/10 2.SS-StBr BO BO 70 1942/01/22- 1944/02/28 2.SS-StBr BOSNEBOTNI, MAJOR 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr BOTSCHEROW, OBERSTLEOTMAHfi 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2. SS-StBr BOOGT 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 BBAONE, KAHPFGHOPPE 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 BRAT-SOR-SOHHE 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 1944/08/18- 1944/08/25 BRCKO 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 BRESSOIRE 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 13.SSSGebD Hdschr O.Hist 30 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 36 INDEX I T E M NO. DATES BOLL 1ST F R A M E PAGE BRETTEflLLB-L'ORGOEILLEUSE 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History 1944/01/06-1944/07/27 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/21 BBIEtJ 1943/05/09-1944/07/25 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/12 BRISSARD 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD G v B 0.History 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 1 7 . S S P z G r D G v B 78019/2 BRITISH DIVISION 1ST AIBBOBHE 1944/09/27-1944/10/07 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/19 BRITISH FOBCBS. E V A L U A T I O N 1942/11/03-1945/02/28 9 - S S P z D Hstf 78013/25 1943/02/17-1944/07/21 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/14 BBNO 155 3798674 20 25 151 3793192 12 156 3800635 36 38 149 3790454 149 148 3791547 3789363 146 3787633 (Bruenn) 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 BRDSSELS 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 BBUSYATA 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 BOCHACH 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1944/04/02-1944/07/23 BOCHENBOSCH 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 BODA 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 BUDAPEST 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 BOLIHO 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 BONZLAU (See Boleslawiec) BOBK, GROPPE 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 BOBYA, PARTISAN GROOP 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 BYKHOV 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 CABARET 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 CAEN 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/04/19-1945/01/21 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/01/06-1944/07/27 1944/03/11-1944/04/24 1944/04/02- 1944/07/23 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 1944/06/00-1944/06/00 1944/06/25- 1944/08/20 1944/07/01-1944/07/02 1944/07/01-1944/08/10 CALAIS 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 1944/08/18-1944/08/25 CALIGNT 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1944/04/29-1944/08/09 CAMAIOBE 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 CAHBBS 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/02/24-1944/07/07 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 113 9-SSPzD Hstf 78013/3 9 - S S P z D Hstf U n i t History 12.SSPzD HJ Unit H i s t o r y 3 1 20 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/21 652 506 88 10.SSPzD Frdsbg U. History 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 7 8 0 1 4 / 2 2 152 3794560 8 13 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0 . H i s t o r y 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 36 649 659 9-SSPzD Hstf U n i t H i s t o r y 83 1 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/3 648 719 80 2.SS I n f . B r g ( r a o t ) 78030/1 161 3807092 73 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 81 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/4 649 1 81 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History 20 9«SSPzD Hstf Onit H i s t o r y 9 » S S P z D Hstf 78013/6 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 78016/21 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 78016/43 1 0 . S S P Z D Frdsbg 78014/22 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 78016/38 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 78016/27 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/18 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/44 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/23 147 3788195 155 156 152 156 155 148 156 155 3798674 3800416 3794560 3799950 3799149 3790082 3800440 3798896 1 4 20 25 28 13 27 26 6 28 26 26.SSPzD Onit History 2 6 . S S P z D 78025/2 160 3806003 56 57 9. SSPzD Hstf Onit History 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/12 147 3789036 1 5 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS 0.History 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/19 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 78016/38 33 154 156 3798532 3799950 20 25 27 114 INDEX DATES ITEM NO. BOLL 1ST FRAME PAGE CAHPAGSE-LES-HESDIN 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 1944/08/18-1944/08/25 26, SSPzD Unit History 26. SSPzD 78025/2 160 3806003 56 57 17, SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17, SSPzGrD GVB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 CaNDES-SAIlT-HABTIN 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 CAPAZZAHO 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS 0.History 33 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS 0.History 33 CAPBIANA 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 CABPIQOET 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/01/06-1944/07/27 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 12, SSPzD HJ Dnit History 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/21 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/38 155 156 3798674 3799950 20 25 27 CARBARA 1943/11/15- 1945/05/06 16 SSPzGrD RF-SS a.History 33 16 SSPzGrD RF-SS a.History 33 CASIGNO 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 CASOALTIBS SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/1 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/4 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/10 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/6 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/9 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/10 CASUALTY AND STRENGTH HEPOBTS See also Strength Reports. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 1943/04/20-1943/08/15 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/14 1944/04/01-1944/07/09 10. SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/30 1944/08/13-1945/01/15 17. SSPzGrD GvB 78019/5 1944/11/17-1944/12/16 12. SSPzD HJ 78016/24 1945/02/10-1945/02/16 17. SSPzGrD G v B 78019/38 CAOVILLE 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10. SSPzD Frdsbg O.History 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 10. SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/11 CEBISY-LA-SALLE 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17. SSPzGrD GvB O.History 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17. SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 CESIS SS FrwLeg Flandem 30180/1 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 CHALANDHAY 1944/01/30-1944/07/13 17. SSPzGrD GvB 78019/19 CHALONS-SOR-HARNE 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 9. SSPzD Hstf 78013/3 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9. SSPzD Hstf U n i t History CHAHBOIS 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17. SSPzGrD GvB O.History 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17. SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 CHAHBBAY 12. SSPzD HJ Onit History 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/01/01-1944/06/01 12. SSPzD HJ 78016/22 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 12. SSPzD HJ 78016/38 CHAHPEAOX 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17. SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 CBABTRES 1944/07/01-1944/08/10 12. SSPzD HJ 78016/23 CHATELLEBAOLT 1943/1 1/15-1945/05/04 17. SSPzGrD GvB O.History CHAUNI 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/3 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/4 CHA8SSEE, LA 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17. SSPzGrD GvB O.History 1944/02/01- 1945/03/18 17. SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 CHECHOLIHO 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 1942/10/12-1944/05/28 1943/09/19-1944/07/22 1943/10/01-1944/06/14 1944/0 1/07-1944/08/03 653 653 650 154 154 150 3797495 3797833 3792805 98 99 85 23 24 11 653 651 152 157 155 159 1 319 3795483 3801305 3799006 3805236 93 86 14 39 26 44 150 3792938 8 11 156 3800635 36 38 653 1 93 158 3803083 41 146 3787633 3 1 156 3800635 36 38 155 156 3798723 3799950 20 26 27 156 3800635 38 155 3798896 26 360 663 416 36 653 653 520 663 98 99 156 3800635 36 38 90 INDEX DATES POLL I T E M NO, CHECHOLINO 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 CHERNYAKHOVSK (Insterb org) 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 CHERVEN 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 CHERVIAKI 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 CHEOX 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1943/12/12-1944/08/05 1944/01/06-1944/07/27 1944/05/01- 1 9 4 4 / 0 7 / 0 5 CHUPRY FRAME CONTINUED 151 PAGE SS FrwLeg Plandern 30180/2 653 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/2 161 3807712 73 2. SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr 2.SS-StEr 2. SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr U.History 78028/11 78028/4 78028/3 78028/21 78028/9 650 649 648 652 650 628 1 719 506 254 77 85 81 80 88 84 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0. History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 77 81 12.SSPZD 12.SSPZD 12.SSPZD 12.SSPZD 154 155 156 3797648 3798674 3799950 20 24 25 27 649 659 83 Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw HJ HJ HJ HJ Unit History 78016/7 78016/21 78016/38 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 COLOGNE 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg U.History 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1 2 - S S P z D HJ U n i t History COMBAT TACTICS, SOVIET POHCBS 1941/09/29-1941/11/22 2.SS I n f . B r g ( r a o t ) 7 8 0 3 0 / 3 COHHAHDER (Befehlshaber) . See specific c o u n t r y , place, n a m e , n u m b e r or letter designation of the c o m m a n d , with s u f f i x Befehlshaber, or M i l i t a e r b e f e h l s h a b e r , i.e.. M i l i t a r y Commander. CONCENTRATION C A R P SACHSENHAOSEH 1942/10/12-1944/05/28 2.SS-StEr Drlw 78028/10 CORETTI, KAHPFGHOPPE 1942/12/28- 1943/02/17 CORNINGEN 1944/01/17-1944/11/06 CORPS, G E R M A N 1ST 94 8 20 161 3807741 73 650 416 85 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/9 650 254 84 1 7 . S S P z G r D G v B 78019/17 158 3802924 40 649 659 83 See p r e f i x AK ( A r m e e k o r p s ) and specific u n i t n u m b e r o r n a m e w i t h s u f f i x GFB (Gebirgskorps) denoting a m o u n t a i n corps, or PZ (Panzerkorps) for an armored or t a n k corps. For SS corps, see prefix S S a n d specific u n i t n u m b e r w i t h s u f f i x denoting type. COTTBOS 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10.SSPZD Frdsbg U . H i s t o r y COTTBOS, U N T E R N E H B E N ( A n t i p a r t i s a n operations in the Selishche, Vileika, and Palik L a k e areas.) 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 COURTS, SS (See J u d i c i a r y , Provost Courts.) CRACOi 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. C R I M E A N TATARS 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 CROATIA 1944/01/12-1944/01/12 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 CSOHGO 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 CZECHOSLOYAKIA SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 161 3806724 63 23, SSHGebD Kama 78023/1 23, SSWGebD Kama O.Hist. 160 3805952 53 52 30 13.SSWGebD Hdschr 0.. Hist. See also specific populated places and geographical terms. 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 115 96 156 3800635 36 38 INDEX 116 ITEM NO, DATFS BOLL 1ST FRAME PAGE DACHAU 1944/09/16-1944/11/25 DANUBB-TISA CAIAL 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 DANZIG 30.SSHGID (Boss 2) 78027/3 160 3806452 23.SSWGebD Kama 0.Hist. 62 52 (See Gdansk) DAVLE 156 3800635 36 38 10 SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/2 19 43/02/ 15-1945 /04/30 10 SSPZD Frdsbg U. History DE ROTTER, SS FRWPZGR RGT 49 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist. 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 DEBES, GROPPE 150 3792083 10 8 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/1 653 161 151 3807092 94 73 10. SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/18 10, SSPZD Frdsbg 0. History 151 3794109 12 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 OAX 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 DEBES, LOTBAR 1943/02/10-1944/07/02 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 DEBICA 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 17. SSPzGrD 17, SSPzGrD SS SS 20, 27, GvB 0.History GvB 78019/2 FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 SSWGrD(estn 1) U.Hist. SSFrwPzGrD Larak U.Hist. 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 DECANI 2 1 , SSWGebD(Skbeg) 78022/1 1944/10/02- 1944/10/02 DEISENHOFER, EDOABD 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History DENISOVICHI 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 DERECHIN 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/16 DEUTSCHER BEFEHLSHABER SLOWAKII 100 8 90 93 47 58 653 160 3805937 36 652 506 77 88 651 676 87 (German C o m m a n d e r in Slovakia) 2. SS-StBr Drlw U.History 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 DIGNY 1944/04/02-1944/07/23 DIJON 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 DILLIHGEN 19 43/11/15- 1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 DINANT 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 DIRLEIANGEB, OSKAB (SS Oberfuehrer. "Dirlewanger.") 51 77 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/22 152 3794560 13 3 0 . S S H G r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/2 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) U.Hist. 160 3806183 e 17.SSPzGrD G v B D.History 17.SSPzGrD GvE 78019/2 6, 156 3800635 36 38 20 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History C o m m a n d e r of 2. SS Sturmbrigade 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 DIVES BITER 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t History DIVISIONS, G E R M A N , NUHBBRED See specific u n i t n u m b e r w i t h s u f f i x denoting type: ID (Infanterie D i v i s i o n ) , GEBD (Gebirgsdivision) for mountain divisions, PZD (Panzerdivision) for armored divisions, PZGRD (Panzergrenadierdivision) for armored i n f a n t r y divisions, SICHD (Sicherungsdivision) for security divisions. For SS divisions, see prefix SS and specific unit number with s u f f i x giving type and name. DIVISIONS, NOH-GERHA1 See prefix denoting nationality (e.g., BRITISH, etc.) and specific u n i t , n u m b e r , letter or naae. 161 3806724 77 68 20 INDEX DATES DOBBAYA 1942/03/22-191*3/09/08 DOETIMCHEH 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 DOKSHITST ITEM NO. 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 BOLL 1ST FRAME 649 PAGE 81 10-SSPzD Frdsbg O.History 8 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 DOR 0 DO VO 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/15 649 651 659 430 83 86 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 DOLE 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 DOLGOVO 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 649 359 82 3 0 . S S W G r D ( F u s s 2) 78027/2 160 3806183 62 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 2.SS I n f . B r g ( r a o t ) 78030/1 653 161 151 3807092 90 94 73 17.SSPzGrD G7B O.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/30 159 3804075 36 43 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 38 649 659 83 649 1 81 649 1 77 81 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 DOLL EN BACH 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/12/29-1945/03/02 DOHPIEBBE 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 DOBPAT (See T a r t u ) D07BENI 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 DOWGALEHOK, PARTISAN GROOP 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 DRAOFGAENGER I-II, OHTEBHEHBEN ( A n t i p a r t i s a n o p e r a t i o n s , confiscation of a g r i c u l t u r a l products in the Flolodechno, Borisov, K a p a s ' t s k i , I I ' y a , R u d n y a , Cherviaki, Kreoenets, S t a r i n k i , Y a n i s h k o v i c h i , and various other areas.) 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw O.History 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 DBIVA RIVER 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13.SSHGebD Hdschr O.Hist. DRETON 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/1 1943/10/28-1944/01/22 DREOX 12.SSPZD HJ Unit H i s t o r y 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/34 1943/09/10-1943/09/22 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 1944/04/02-1944/07/23 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/22 DREYER, KAHPFGROPPE 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/2 DRISSA RIVER 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/3 DBOT RIVBR 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22- 1943/09/08 DOfiAC 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 21.SSiGebD(Skbeg) O.Hist. DUBHIKI 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 DOBBOVA 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr Drlw a.History 1942/10/08- 1943/08/10 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 DDDEBGOF 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/4 DODKA 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 DOER EN 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10.SSPzD Frdsbg O.History DOBBOY 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History DUTCH fOLOITEEBS 1942/09/03-1944/04/00 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl 30182/5 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/2 117 30 648 1 153 3796045 156 152 3800635 3794560 20 15 36 38 13 646 11 65 648 719 80 649 1 81 80 50 649 1 81 652 506 77 88 653 663 99 649 359 82 8 20 653 646 714 11 102 65 INDEX 118 ITEM NO. DATES DUTCH V O L U N T E E R S 1945/01/19-1945/04/12 EAST PRUSSIA 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/1 See also specific populated places and geographical terns. SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist 19 4 1 / 0 4 / 1 0 - 1 9 4 3 / 0 5 / 3 1 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) O.Hist. 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 SS Frwleg Niedlde a.Hist. 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/2 3 0 . S S H G r D { R u s s 2) n.Hist. 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 EIF6L 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/11/17-1944/12/16 BINEH, KOBT TON 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 EMPOLI 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 ENNS 1943/06/01- 1 9 4 5 / 0 5 / 0 8 EPINAY 1944/07/01-1944/08/10 EPBON 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/02/24-1944/07/07 9-SSPzD Hstf U n i t History 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 0. History 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/24 (See Osijek) ESTONIA See also specific geographical terms 646 160 155 1ST F R A M E CONTINUED 1 3806183 3799006 PAGE 65 90 71 96 62 61 1 8 20 26 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 36 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U . H i s t o r y 33 12-SSPzD HJ Unit History 20 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/23 155 3798896 26 12, SSPZD HJ Onit History 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/19 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/38 154 156 3798532 3799950 20 25 27 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 ERKELEHZ 1943/02/15- 1945/04/30 10. SSPzD Frdsbg 0. History ERNTEFEST I-II, UNTERNEHHEN ( A n t i p a r t i s a n o p e r a t i o n s , securing of a g r i c u l t u r a l products and lator force for the Reich in the M i n s k , I v e n e t s , Nagornoye, K r u g l o y e , Osipovichi, Slutsk, Rakov, Osovo, O m g o v i c h i , and Kopyl areas.) 1 9 4 0 / 0 6 / 0 0 - 1 9 4 5 / 0 3 / 0 i5 5 2.SS-StBr Drl» U. History 1942/12/28- 1 9 4 3 / 0 2 / 1 7 2-SS-StBr D r l w 78028/9 7 EBP 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 8 ESQOAY 1943/12/13- 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 0 i9 9 ESQOAY-NOTBE-DAHE 1 9 4 3 / 0 6 / 0 1 - 1 9 4 5 / 0 5 / 0>8 8 1944/01/06-1944/07/27 !7 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 15 ESSEG BOLL 8 650 254 77 84 20 12. SSPzD HJ U n i t History 10. SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/33 152 3795703 15 12. SSPzD HJ U n i t History 12. SSPzD HJ 78016/21 12. SSPzD HJ 78016/38 155 156 3798674 3799950 20 25 27 ipulLated places and ;l 1941/04/10- 1943/05/31 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 8 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 11. SSFrwPzGrD Nold U.Hist. 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 >4 20. SSiGrD(estn 1) U.Hist. 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27. SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U.Hist. ESTONIAN SS PERSOHIEL LISTS No date 20. S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) 78021/2 No date 20. SSWGrD(estn 1) 78021/1 1 9 4 4 / 1 1 / 2 1 - 1 9 4 5 / 0 3 / 0 11 20. SSWGrD(estn 1) 78021/4 20. S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) 78021/5 1945/01/09-1945/01/099 ESTBY 1944/04/29-1944/08/09 9 9. SSPzD Hstf 78013/12 BTBBVILLE 1 9 4 3 / 0 2 / 1 5 - 1 9 4 5 / 0 4 / 3iO 0 10. SSPzD Frdsbg U. History 1943/12/13-1944/08/09 9 10. SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/33 10. SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/30 1944/04/01-1944/07/09 1944/06/23-1944/07/22 2 10. SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/25 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/18 90 17 47 58 160 160 160 160 3805589 3805460 3805863 3805887 I47 3789036 152 152 152 148 3795703 3795483 3795108 3790082 49 49 49 49 8 15 14 14 6 INDEX DATES BOPBH 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 EOBE filYBB 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 EOSKIRCHEH 1943/02/15- 1945/04/30 1913/06/01- 1945/05/08 EVBBCT 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1943/04/01-1944/09/09 19 4 4 / 0 4 / 2 9 - 194 4/08/09 1944/06/05-1944/07/09 1944/06/23-1944/07/22 EVREOX 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1943/09/10- 1 9 4 3 / 0 9 / 2 2 ITEM NO. FOLL 1ST F B A H E PAGE 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y 20 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 36 1 0 - S S P z D Frdsbg 0. History 12-SSPzD HJ U n i t History 8 20 9.SSPZD Hstf Unit History 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 0. H i s t o r y l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 7 8 0 H 4 / 4 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/12 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/29 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 7 8 0 H 4 / 2 5 1 8 150 147 152 152 3792279 3789036 3795406 3795103 10 5 14 14 1 2 - S S P z D HJ Onit H i s t o r y 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/34 153 3796045 20 15 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/16 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 SS O s t m u s e l f f l D 78042/1 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/2 651 649 16 1 648 676 1 3806724 623 87 81 68 80 EXECUTIONS 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 1944/03/01-1944/06/27 FALAISE 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1943/09/10-1943/09/22 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 1944/06/23-1944/07/22 1944/07/01-1944/08/10 FALKEHBEBG 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 0.History 12-SSPzD HJ Onit History 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/34 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/25 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/23 8 153 3796045 156 152 155 3800635 3795108 3798896 20 15 36 38 14 26 158 3802983 36 41 (See N i e n o d l i n ) FABEBERSVILLEB 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/11/21-1944/12/02 FAOGLIA 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 FAY, LA 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 FEGELEIi, H E B H A N N 1945/02/12-1945/02/12 FEBRIEBE, LA 1944/01/30-1944/07/13 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 PICK, KAHPFGBUPPE 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17.SSPzGrD G v B U . H i s t o r y 17. S S P z G r D GvB 78019/18 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS 0.History 33 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 2 0 . S S H G r D ( e s t n 1) 78021/3 160 3805859 49 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/19 9 . S S P Z D Hstf 7 8 0 1 3 / 1 8 158 148 3803083 3790082 41 6 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 38 151 520 663 90 96 94 98 99 FINSKOYE KOYHOYO 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 19 42/0 I/29-1942/08/08 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 SS SS SS SS SS FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg Flandern O . H i s t . Niedlde O.Hist. Flandern 3 0 1 8 0 / 2 Niedlde 3 0 1 8 2 / 3 Niedlde 3 0 1 8 2 / 4 653 653 653 FITZTHOH, JOSEF 1941/04/10- 1943/05/31 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 FITZTHOH, KAHPFGBOPPE 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 FLEHISH GUARD OBITS 1942/02/08-1944/08/04 FOLIE, LA 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 FOHTAIHE 1943/05/09-1944/07/25 FOHTAIHEBLEAO 1943/09/10-1943/09/22 119 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Niedlde 0.. Hist. 90 96 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 7 8 0 3 0 / 1 161 3807092 73 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/4 154 3797299 23 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/38 156 3799950 27 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 7 8 0 1 4 / 1 2 151 3793192 12 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 7 8 0 1 4 / 3 4 153 3796045 15 INDEX 120 DATES FONTENJU-LES-LOOVETS 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1944/04/29- 1944/08/09 FONTENAY-LE-HARMIOI 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 FONTENAT-LB-PESNBL 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 1944/01/06-1944/07/27 FORBACH 1944/10/05-1944/10/05 FOBGES-LES-EAUX 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 1942/12/31-1944/01/29 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 FOSSO 1944/04/17-1945/01/04 FRANCE ITEM MO, 9.SSPZD Hstf Unit History 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/12 BOLL 1ST F R A M E PAGE 147 3789036 1 5 12, SSPzD HJ 12, SSPzD HJ Unit History 78016/38 156 3799950 20 27 12, SSPzD HJ 12, SSPzD HJ Unit History 78016/21 155 3798674 20 25 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/UU 160 3805372 44 9. SSPzD Hstf 78013/3 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/11 9.SSPzD Hstf Unit History 146 147 3787633 3788942 3 4 1 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS 78018/2 156 3800538 35 See also specific populated places and geographical terms. 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9.SSPzD Hstf Unit History 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10.SSPzD Frdsbg U.History 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13.SSWGebD Hdschr U.Hist. 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 26.SSPzD Unit History 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 30.SSWGrD(Russ 2) U.Hist. FRANCE, RESISTANCE HOVEBEST 1942/02/08-1944/08/04 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/4 FBANCOHIA, MIDDLE 1945/03/14-1945/03/14 FRANZ, UHTEBHEHHEN 25.SSWGrD Hunyadi 78024/1 1 8 30 20 36 56 61 154 3797299 23 160 3805998 55 650 254 77 84 652 506 77 88 ( A n t i p a r t i s a n operations in the Berezino, Cherven. K h u t o r , Petrovka, and Bogushevichi areas.) 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 FBAUENBUBG 2.SS-StBr Drill 78028/9 (See Saldus) FREIBUBG (See Swiebodzice) FRIEDA, UNTEBNEHMEH (Antipartisan operations, evacuation of Russian population, and confiscation of agricultural products in the Berezino, Cherven, Rudnya, Krasny Dar, Berezovka, Dubrova, and various other areas.) 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr Drlw U.History 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 FBIEDAU 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13.SSwGebD Hdschr U.Hist. FRUEHLIHGSFEST, UNTERMEHHBH (Antipartisan operations, securing labor force for the Reich, and confiscation of agricultural products.) 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-St Br Drlw U.History 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 FBUHDSBEBG, GEORG TON 1943/03/03-1944/02/12 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/1 FUEHFKIBCHBN (See Pecs) FUGLESANG, NORWEGIAN MINISTER 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 FUSI GUANO 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16, SSPzGrD RF-SS U.History 1944/04/17- 1945/01/04 16 SSPzGrD RF-SS 78018/2 GAIKI 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) U.Hist 30 651 430 77 86 150 3791854 10 647 1 76 156 3800538 33 35 45 INDEX ITEM NO, DATES GABBUZY 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 GABCELLES 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 GATCHINA 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 GAODACH 1944/01/17-1944/11/06 GAYDOKOYA 1942/10/08- 1943/08/10 G A Y N A BIVEB 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22- 1943/09/08 GDANSK (Danzig) 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 GEBHABDT, KAHPFGBOPPE 1943/04/27- 1 9 4 5 / 0 4 / 1 3 GEBISGSEINHEITEN ROLL 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/16 FRAME 676 PAGE 87 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y 20 I I . S S F r w P z G r D Nold U.Hist. 17 17.SSPzGrD G v B 78019/17 158 3802924 40 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 652 506 88 2. SS-StBr Drlw a.History 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/4 649 1 77 81 S3 FrwLeg Niedlde O . H i s t , 3 4 . S S F r w G r D LaNe 78033/2 ( M o u n t a i n U n i t s ) . For G e b i r g s k o r p s , see p r e f i x AK and specific u n i t n u m b e r w i t h s u f f i x G E B ; f o r G e b i r g s d i v i s i o n , see s p e c i f i c u n i t n u m b e r with s u f f i x G E B D . For SS-Gebirgsfcorps and Gebirgsdivisionen, see p r e f i x SS and specific u n i t number with suffix GEB. GEEL 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 3 4 . S S F r w G r D L a N e 78033/2 GELDERLAND 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 0 . H i s t o r y GELSE 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 1 6 . S S P z G r D RF-SS 0 . H i s t o r y GENK 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/2 GHENT 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 9-SSPzD Hstf 78013/3 1942/12/31- 1945/05/08 9 - S S P z D Hstf U n i t H i s t o r y 1943/04/15-1943/04/15 651 1ST 9 . S S P Z D Hstf 78013/9 96 646 11 65 646 11 65 64 33 646 11 65 146 3787633 147 3788697 3 1 4 GHEOBGHE, JOM (General, R u m a n i a n Envoy to Berlin; coauthor of MS T-9, app. No. 1) . 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9-SSPzD Hstf U n i t H i s t o r y 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 12-SSPzD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y GIBOfO 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS FrwLeg Niedlde U . H i s t . 1 20 96 GLEOEL 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/11/17-1944/12/16 12.SSPZD HJ Unit History 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/24 3799006 20 26 653 653 653 151 360 520 90 96 94 98 98 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/3 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/2 648 648 719 623 77 80 80 21.SS»GebD(Skbeg) 78022/1 160 3805937 51 155 GLOKHATA KBREST 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 1942/01/29- 1 9 4 2 / 0 8 / 0 8 GLOSSK 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 1944/03/01-1944/06/27 SS SS SS SS SS FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. Niedlde O.Hist. Flandern 30180/2 Niedlde 30182/1 Niedlde 30182/3 GNJILAIE 1944/10/02-1944/10/02 GODINNE 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t History 20 GOLDBEBG (See Z l o t o r y j a ) GOLEHIOI 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 GOLOBINKI, HAJOB 1942/12/28- 1943/02/17 121 10.SSPZD Frdsbg U. History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 8 650 254 84 122 INDEX DATES GOBENKA 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 G O B E N K A BI7EB 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 BOLL I T E M NO. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) SS FrwLeg Niedlde SS FrwLeg Niedlde SS FrwLeg Niedlde 2.SS I n f . B r q ( a o t ) SS FrwLeg Niedlde 0. Hist. O.Hist. 30182/1 30182/3 78030/1 30182/4 SS FrwLeg Flandern U . H i s t . SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 1ST F R A H E PAGE 653 653 161 653 360 520 3807092 663 71 96 98 98 73 99 653 151 90 94 GOBKI 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 GORHOVO 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. 100 2.SS-StBr Drlw U . H i s t o r y 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 651 430 77 86 2.SS-StEr Drlw 78028/6 649 659 83 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StEr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 649 650 648 651 1 254 1 430 81 84 80 86 17.SSPzGrD G V B 78019/2 156 3800635 38 ILSSFrwPzGrD Nold 78015/1 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R a s s 2) O.Hist. 153 3796742 19 61 GORODISHCHE 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 GOTTBEBG, KAHPPGBOPPE TON 1942/03/22- 1943/09/08 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 1943/10/28-1944/01/22 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 GOORNAT 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 GRAFENiOEHR 1943/07/12-1943/07/12 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw 78028/4 78028/9 78028/1 78028/15 GRAINVILLE 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/02/15- 1945/04/30 1943/04/19-1945/01/21 1944/01/06-1944/07/27 1944/04/29-1944/08/09 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 1944/06/23-1944/07/22 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 G R A N D SOFTI 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 1944/01/12-1944/01/12 CRASSER, ANTON 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 GRASSY, JOSEF 1944/1 1/00- 1945/03/14 G R A V E , SPERBGRDPPE 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 9.SSPzD Hstf Onit H i s t o r y 10.SSPZD Frdsbg O.History 9-SSPzD Hstf 78013/6 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/21 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/12 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/38 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/25 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/18 147 155 147 156 152 148 3788195 3798674 3789036 3799950 3795108 3790082 SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 23.SSWGebD Kama 78023/1 161 160 3806724 3805952 1 8 4 25 5 27 14 6 68 53 I L S S F r w P z G r D Nold O.Hist. 17 25.SSWGrD Hunyadi U.Hist. 54 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/15 651 430 86 GRA?ELOTTE 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 GRAZ 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 17.SSPzGrD GvB O.History 36 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. 100 GREBENI 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 GREIPr OMTERHEHBEN (Antipartisan operations in the Bogushevsk, Logi, Yanovo, and R u d n y a areas -) 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw O.History 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 GRETFEHHAGE! 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 GRE7ENBROICH 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 6RIBP, KAMPFGROPPE 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 649 659 83 77 81 649 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. 100 10.SSPZD Frdsbg O . H i s t o r y 8 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78023/4 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 649 650 1 254 81 84 SS FrwLeg Flandern 653 151 94 GBIGOROfO 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 30180/2 GBIMBOSQ, FOBET DE 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History 20 INDEX DATES I T E M NO. BOLL 1ST F R A M E PAGE GBOBBENDONK 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/01/01- 1 9 4 4 / 0 6 / 0 1 1 2 - S S P z D HJ Unit History 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/22 155 3798723 20 26 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/6 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 649 649 659 359 77 83 82 12.SSPZD HJ Unit History 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/24 155 3799006 20 26 17.SSPzGrD G v B a.History 17. SSPzGrD GvB 78019/18 158 3802983 41 GBODEK 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 GBOSS KOEIIGSDOBF 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/1 1/17-1944/12/16 GBOSSBLIBDEBSDOBF 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/1 1/21-1944/12/02 36 GBOSSMABDEIN (See Oradea) GBOPPE ( G r o u p ) . See specific u n i t name, with s u f f i x GBOPPE. GBTFOi SLASKI (Greiffenberg) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20.SSWGrD (estn 1) O.Hist. 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U.Hist. 47 58 GO BEN 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 GOBIHO 1942/06/19-1944/02/12 GUEMAR 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 1944/09/15-1944/11/17 1944/09/16-1944/11/25 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Dirlw 78028/20 652 486 88 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) U . H i s t . 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) 7 8 0 2 7 / 9 3 0 . S S » G r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/3 160 160 3806631 3806452 61 63 62 649 649 1 659 77 81 83 GDBHTHEB, UNTERHEflHEH (Antipartisan operation s in the Holodechno,, Besyady, and Rudnya are as.) 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw U . H i s t o r y 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/6 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 GOLBEHE (Schwanenburg) 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19.SSiGrD(lett.2) U.Hist. GOHHI 19 40/06 /OO- 194 5 /03 /05 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 GUZI 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS FrwLeg Niedlde U.Hist. SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/1 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/3 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/4 HAAG 19 4 3 / 1 1/15-1 9 4 5 / 0 5 / 0 4 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History HAGOE, THE 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/2 1943/05/21-1944/10/04 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/3 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 34.SSFrwGrD L a N e U-History HAGOENAO 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg U. History HAIES, LES 1944/07/01-1944/08/10 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/23 HALICZ 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/11 HALLWACHS, KOBT 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History HAHBOBG 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. HAHPEL, DESIDERIOS 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13.SSHGebD Hdschr U.Hist. BABDEMCOORT 1943/06/01- 1 9 4 5 / 0 5 / 0 8 12.SSPZD HJ U n i t History 123 77 45 652 506 77 88 653 653 653 360 520 663 96 98 98 99 36 646 646 11 413 65 65 64 8 155 3798896 26 150 3792938 11 36 90 30 20 INDEX 124 DATES HABDENCOURT 1944/01/01-1944/06/01 HABHEL, HEIHZ 1943/02/10-1944/07/02 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 H A R Z E R , WALTER 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 HAOT-HAINIL 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 HAZEBROOCK 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/04/15-1943/04/15 1943/06/01-1943/07/14 HEERESGROPPE I T E M NO. BOLL 1ST F R A M E PAGE 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/22 155 CONTINUED 3798723 26 10. SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/18 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 0. History 151 3794109 12 8 1 9.SSPzD Hstf U n i t History 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/18 9. SSPzD 9.SSPZD 9.SSPZD 9. SSPzD Hstf 78013/3 Hstf Unit History Hstf 78013/9 Hstf 78013/27 148 3790082 6 146 3787633 147 149 3788697 3791763 3 1 4 7 (Army Group) HEEBESGROPPE B 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 HEERESGROPPE K O R L A N D 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 HEERESGBOPPE HITTE 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 BEERESGROPPE NORD 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 HEEBESGROPPE H O R D U K R A I N K 1943/02/15- 1945/04/30 HEERESGROPPE SDED 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 1943/11/15- 1945/05/06 HEERESGRUPPE BEICHSBL 1943/05/31- 1945/C4/18 HEIDKABHPEB, OTTO 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 HEINRICI, GOTTHARD 1942/12/31- 1 9 4 5 / 0 5 / 0 8 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 HEINSBERG 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 HELLESTEAL 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 HERENTHALS 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/01/01- 1944/06/01 HEBENTHOOT 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/01/01-1944/06/01 H E R H A H I , OITERHEHMEN 10.SSPzD Frdsbg U. History 8 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) O.Hist. 45 20.SSlGrD(estn 1) U.Hist. 47 2.SS I n f . B r g (mot) U.Hist. 20.SSWGrD(estn 1) U.Hist. 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) U.Hist. 71 47 45 10.SSPzD Frdsbg U . H i s t o r y 8 27, SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U.Hist. 16 SSPzGrD RF-SS U.History 58 33 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U.Hist. 58 9.SSPzD Hstf U n i t History 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History 1 20 9.SSPzD Hstf Unit History 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold U.Hist. 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History 1 17 20 10. SSPzD Fn Isbg U. History 8 12. SSPzD HJ Unit History 20 12. SSPzD HJ Unit History 12. SSPzD HJ 78016/22 155 3798723 20 26 12. SSPzD HJ Unit History 12. SSPzD HJ 78016/22 155 3798723 20 26 649 649 659 359 77 83 82 161 3806724 159 3804075 646 413 (Antipartisan operations in the Sloboda, Ivenets, Volma, R a k o v , Naliboki, Grodek, and Volozhyn areas.) 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/6 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 HEBBHANH, SS HAOPTSTORHFOEHRER 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstrauselffiD 78042/1 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS OstnuselmD U. History HEBSCHBERG 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17, SSPzGrD GvB U.History 1944/12/29-1945/03/02 17, SSPzGrD GvB 78019/30 HERTOGEMBOSCH 1943/05/21-1944/10/04 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/3 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe U.History 68 67 36 43 65 64 INDEX DATES I T E M NO, HILLESHEIR 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ Unit H i s t o r y HIHHLBB, HEINBICH (Reichsf uehrer SS; Chief of the German Police; Reich Commissar for the Strengthening of German Folkdom; Reich Minister of the Interior; Reichsleiter; Chief of the Replacement Army; Military Chief of the "Volkssturm"; was the chief executor of the final solution; committed suicide. May 23, 1945.) 1944/01/12-1944/01/12 23.SSHGebD Kama 78023/1 HIBSCHBEBG (See Jelnia Gora) HIBSON 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1 2 - S S P z D HJ D n i t H i s t o r y HITLEB JUGEND (H.J. - Nazi p a r t y y o u t h o r g a n i z a t i o n . ) HIVES Hilfswillige ( a u x i l i a r y volunteer - East-European or POW volunteers for n o n - c o m b a t service w i t h the German A r m y ) . 1942/02/22- 1 9 4 4 / 0 4 / 0 2 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/7 1942/12/28- 19U3/02/17 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 1943/02/10-1944/07/02 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/18 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 1944/06/23-1944/07/22 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/25 H O H B B T - D « A H T H E H A Y , LE 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 U . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/2 BOPPE, KAMPFGROPPE 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/1 HOBNBACH 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD G v B 0 . H i s t o r y HOHNOHG, OHTERNEHMEN ( A n t i p a r t i s a n operations in the Ratkovo, P o v a r c h i t s y , M i l e v i c h i r Moroch, and Starobin areas.) 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 HSSPOLF Hoehere SS- und P o l i z e i f u e h r e r (Senior SS and Police Leader) . HSSPOLF MINSK 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StEr Drlw 0 . H i s t o r y 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS OstrauselmD 0.History BOLL 1ST FRAME PAGE 20 160 3805952 53 20 1161 254 649 650 151 651 152 3794109 430 3795108 83 84 12 86 14 156 3800635 38 161 3807092 73 36 649 650 1 254 77 81 84 77 67 HSSPOLF BOSSLAND-MITTE 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History HUNGARY See also specific p o p u l a t e d places and 77 geographical terms. 9.SSPZD Hstf Unit History 13.SS«GebD Hdschr U.Hist. 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS O..History SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 HUNGARY, BEFEHLSHABER WEST-DUGARH 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 23.SS«GebD Kama U.Hist. HUNGERBURG (See Narva-Joesuu) IGNATOVO 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/3 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 I LAW A 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 30.SSWGrD(Russ 2) 78027/2 ILLHAEOSERH 1944/09/16-1944/11/25 30-SSWGrD (Russ 2) 78027/3 ILMEN LAKE 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS FrwLeg Niedlde U.Hist. 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 125 161 3806724 1 30 20 33 68 52 648 719 80 160 3806183 62 160 3806452 62 96 INDEX 126 DATFS ITEM NO. ILIA 2. SS-StBr Drlv 0.History 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 INOMBOCLAi 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 30.SS»GrD(Russ 2) 78027/2 INSTERBORG (See Chernyakhovsk) ISATSCHENKO, PARTISAN GBODP 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2 SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 ISLOCH BI?EB 1943/07/28-1943/08/09 2 SS-StBr Drlw 78028/17 ITALY See also specific populated places and geographical terms. 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS a.History IVENETS 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw D.History 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/6 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 IHANOFF, H A JOB 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 IZHOKI 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/1 1943/10/28-1944/01/22 JAKOPICA (Hokra Gebirge) 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 21.SSHGebD(Skbeg) O.Hist. JASEHITZ 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. JAONPILS 1943/09/22- 1945/05/04 19.SS«GrD<lett.2) O.Hist. JECKELH r FBIEDBICH 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS K p f g r Jeckeln U.Hist. JECKELN, GBOPPE 1943/05/05- 1945/05/04 20.SSWGrD (estn 1) O.Hist. JECKELH, SPEHR6ROPPE 1944/04/05- 194 4/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 JELNIA GOB A (Hirschberg) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20.SSWGrD(estn 1) O.Hist. JERUSALEM 1943/11/17- 1945/01/10 SS OstffluselffiD 78042/1 JEIS (Arrest of 281 Jews in Yugoslavia.) 21.SSWGebD (Skbeg) 78022/1 1944/10/02- 1944/10/02 JOGEfA (Laisholm) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20.SSiGrD(estn 1) O.Hist. JOHfl 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist, JOOY-SOB-EORE 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History 1944/01/01-1944/06/01 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/22 1944/03/11-1944/04/24 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/43 1944/05/01-1944/07/05 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/38 JUDICIARY, PROVOST COOBTS 1943/04/01-1944/02/09 1943/10/14-1943/12/25 1943/11/00-1944/06/00 1944/01/06-1944/11/05 1944/02/21-1944/02/24 1944/03/28-1945/02/20 1944/09/07-1945/03/01 1944/10/22-1944/11/01 1945/01/05-1945/04/08 10, SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/40 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/26 17, SSPzGrD GvB 78019/37 17, SSPzGrD GVB 78019/26 17, SSPzGrD GvB 78019/11 17.SSPzGrD GVB 78019/28 17.SSPzGrD GVB 78019/32 17.SSPzGrD GVB 78019/7 17.SSPzGrD GVB 78019/29 JOBGI 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) O.Hist, BOLL 1ST FBAHE PAGE 77 81 649 160 3806183 62 649 1 81 651 923 87 33 649 650 649 659 254 359 77 83 84 82 650 254 84 648 1 80 50 58 45 75 47 651 430 86 47 161 3806724 68 160 3805937 51 47 58 155 156 156 3798723 3800416 3799950 20 26 28 27 153 155 159 158 158 159 159 157 159 3796619 3799104 3805026 3803706 3802636 3803986 3804152 3802281 3804008 16 26 43 42 40 42 43 39 42 45 INDEX ITEM NO, DATES KACZA1A 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 2 0 . S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) O . H i s t . KALETI 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist, 1943/08/12- 1945/03/23 KALININGRAD (K oenigsberg) 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/2 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 KALL 1943/06/01-1945/05/09 1 2 . S S P z D HJ U n i t H i s t o r y KAMEN 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/5 K A N I N S K I , EINSATZGEOPPE 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/15 KAHPFGBOPPE (Battle Group) . See specific u n i t name, w i t h suffix KAMPFGROPPE. KANDAVA BOLL 1ST FBAHE PAGE 47 100 161 3807712 73 20 649 359 82 651 430 86 653 653 1 151 90 93 94 161 3806724 68 (Kandau) 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 KAPOSVAB SS FrwLeg Flandern a.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 SS F r w L e g F l a n d e r n 30180/2 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstffiUselmD 7 8 0 4 2 / 1 KIPOSTSKI 2.SS-StBr D r l w 0 , H i s t o r y 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StEr Drlw 7 8 0 2 8 / 4 KABLSBAD, OHTEBNEHHEN ( A n t i p a r t i s a n o p e r a t i o n s , confiscation of a g r i c u l t u r a l p r o d u c t s and livestock in the Borisov, C h e r v e n , O r s h a , R u d n y a , Krugloye, Osovo, and v a r i o u s other areas.) 1940/06/00- 1 9 4 5 / 0 3 / 0 5 2.SS-StBr D r l w 0 . H i s t o r y 1942/10/08- 1 9 4 3 / 0 8 / 1 0 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 KAOHBEBG 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 77 81 649 652 506 1 2 . S S P z D HJ O n i t H i s t o r y 77 88 20 KEBEST BIVEP 1941/07/15- 1 9 4 3 / 0 4 / 0 1 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 SS SS SS SS SS FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. F l a n d e r n 30180/2 Niedlde 30182/1 Niedlde 30182/3 Niedlde 30182/4 653 653 653 653 151 360 520 663 96 94 98 98 99 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 650 628 85 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 650 628 85 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 650 254 77 84 653 151 KHATYH 1942/0 1 / 2 2 - 1 9 4 4 / 0 2 / 2 8 KHOTEHOVO 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 KHUTOR 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 KINGISEPP 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 SS FrwLeg F l a n d e r n O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 4 . S S F r w P z G r B r Nedl O.Hist. 90 94 100 KIBCHBERG 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 KISKOHAROM 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 12-SSPzD HJ Onit History 20 13-SSWGebD Hdschr O.Hist. 30 20.SSSGrD (estn 1) O.Hist. 47 KI?OLI 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 KLEPTSY 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/3 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/4 653 653 520 663 98 99 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 652 506 77 88 2.SS-StEr Drlw 0 . H i s t o r y 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 650 254 77 84 KLEVA 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 KLICHE7 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/12/28- 1943/02/17 127 128 INDEX DATES KLIHGEHANH, GOTTFRIED 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 KLINGENBERG, FHITZ 1943/1 1/15-1945/05/04 KLOSTAB IVAMIC 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 KNAPP, VIKTOR 1943/11/19- 1945/04/30 KOBLBHZ 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 KOENIGSBEBG (See K a l i n i n g r a d ) KOHLBOSER, MARTIN 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 KOHTLA 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 KOLBCHA 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 KOLPIHO 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 BOLL I T E M NO. 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 KOPIL 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1940/07/01- 1944/06/26 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 KORCHI 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 KOROBIH, OBERSTLEOTHAVT 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 KOBPS PAGE 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U.Hist. 71 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 36 13.SSWGebD Hdschr O.Hist. 30 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe U.History 64 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History 20 3 4 . S S F r w G r D LaNe 0.History 64 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U.Hist. 58 2-SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/2 KOBMAHDEnRBESPRECHOHG, UHTERMEBHKH {Antipartisan operation in the Gorenka, Krechno, and Ossiya areas.) 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 2.SS I n f . B r g f m o t ) U.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/1 1942/03/31- 1942/06/25 KOHAREVO 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 KOHSTAITIHOVKA 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 KOPORTE 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 KOPTST 1ST FRAME 650 254 84 161 3807712 71 73 161 3807092 71 73 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) O.Hist. SS K p f g r Jeckeln U.Hist. SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 50 75 76 647 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold U.Hist. 17 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U.Hist, SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/1 653 161 151 3807092 90 71 94 73 2.SS-StBr Drlw U . H i s t o r y 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/16 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 651 650 676 254 77 87 84 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 651 430 86 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 650 254 84 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 81 2. SS-StBr 650 628 85 160 3805937 51 (Corps). See p r e f i x AK ( A r m e e k o r p s ) and specific unit number or name with s u f f i x GEB (Gebirgskorps) denoting a m o u n t a i n corps or PZ (Panzerkorps) for an armored or tank corps. For SS corps, see prefix SS and specific unit number with s u f f i x denoting type. RORSEHANH, KAHPFGRUPPE 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 KOSIMO 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 KOSOVO 1944/10/02- 1944/10/02 KOTLY 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 KOTOi, PARTISAN GROUP 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 KOIALEBO 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 KOIARI (Schmiedeberg) Drlw 78028/11 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) 78022/1 17 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold U . H i s t , 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 30.SSWGrD(Russ 2) 78027/2 160 1 81 3806183 62 INDEX DATES KOHARY 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 K R A A S , HUGO 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 KRACKOi 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 K B A E H E B , FBITZ 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 KBALYEVO (See I T E M NO, ROLL 1ST F R A M E PAGE CONTINUED 20.SSHGrD(estn 1) D.Hist. 47 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y 20 2 7 . S S F r w P z G r D Lamk O.Hist. 58 9.SSPzD Hstf O n i t H i s t o r y 1 2 - S S P z D HJ U n i t History 1 20 20.SSWGrD (estn 1) D.Hist. 47 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( n s o t ) O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Niedlde U.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/1 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/3 90 71 96 94 98 98 Rankovicevo) KBAPKOHICE (Krapnitz) 1943/05/05- 1945/05/04 KRASNOGVAEDEISK 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 1942/0 1/29-1942/08/08 KBASHOYE SELO 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 1942/02/17- 1942/08/13 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 K B A S H Y BOB 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 KBASNYY DAB 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( r o o t ) O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 SS FrwLeg Hiedlde 30182/3 SS K p f g r Jeckeln U.Hist. SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/4 653 653 653 151 360 520 653 653 520 647 653 1 663 151 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) O.Hist. 90 71 94 98 75 76 99 71 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 652 506 88 2.SS I n f . B r g ( o o t ) O.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/1 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/4 161 653 3807092 663 71 73 99 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 651 430 86 2. SS-StEr Drlw 0. History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/44 160 3805372 44 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0. History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/3 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 648 652 650 719 506 254 77 80 88 84 KBECH10 1941/05/01- 1943/09/22 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 KBERAH, EIHSATZGROPPE 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 KREHEHETS 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 KBIECHINGEH 1941/10/05-1944/10/05 KBOGLOYE 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 77 81 KBDKBHBEBG, GOSTAV 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 11.SSFrwPzGrD Hold U . H i s t 17 KBOLEVSHCHIZNA 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw o. History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 KBOPINA (Karpf en) 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0. History KBOTIK 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/ 2.SS I n f . B r g ( n o t ) 78030/1 KBYOKI 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) KOBE, O.Hist. HILBELH (Generalkoramissar von W e i s s r u t h e n i e n (Commissioner General for Belorussia) a f t e r serving as Gauleiter 129 649 651 659 430 77 83 86 77 653 161 151 3807092 90 94 73 45 130 INDEX DATES POLL I T E M NO, K U E E , HILHELH of the N S D A P f o r B r a n d e n b u r g . ) 1942/12/31-1943/10/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/8 KUECHLER, GEQRG VON SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 KOKRUSE 2 7 . S S F r w P z G r D Lamk D.Hist. 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 K U L I E W , ALICBAN 1944/12/25- 1945/01/20 SS OstrauselmD 78042/2 KOLIK, P A R T I S A N GBOOP 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 KONIMO 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19.SSWGrD (lett.2) U.Hist. KtJSACE 1ST FRAME PAGE CONTINUED 650 1 83 647 1 76 58 161 3807079 70 649 1 81 45 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 KOSTOVO 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) O.Hist. 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 KOTSCHEBA, KAHPFGRUPPE 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 LA CAINE 1943/05/09-1944/07/25 LA POLKA 1944/06/23-1944/07/22 LA POTERIE 1943/02/15- 1945/04/30 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 LAIBACH S3 FrwLeg Flaadern 30180/1 653 1 93 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 650 254 84 10, SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/12 151 3793192 12 10, SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/25 152 3795108 14 10, SSPzD Frdsbg 0. History 10, SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/11 150 3792938 8 11 50 (See L j u b l j a n a ) LAIGLB 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 LAISHOLM (See Joqeva) LANGENHOBH 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 LASS; 1942/12/31-1945/C5/08 1943/04/19-1945/01/21 1944/04/29-1944/08/09 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 LATVIA 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History 20 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 90 9.SSPzD 9.SSPzD 9.SSPzD 9.SSPzD Hstf Hstf Hstf Hstf Onit History 78013/6 78013/12 78013/18 147 3788195 147 148 3789036 3790082 See also specific populated places and geographical terms, 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS FrwLeg Niedlde U.Hist. 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold U.Hist. 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist. 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19.SSWGrD (lett.2) U.Hist. LE MAGE 1944/04/02-1944/07/23 LEGHORM 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/22 1 4 5 6 90 96 17 100 45 152 3794560 13 (Livorno) 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 LEHBEBG (See L v o v ) L E N I N , PARTISAN GROUP 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 LENINGRAD 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 LENZ, OHTEBNEHHEH 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS U . H i s t o r y 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U.Hist. 2. SS I n f . B r g ( n o t ) 78030/2 SS K p f g r Jeckeln U.Hist. SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 4.5SFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist. 1 9 . S S W G r D ( l e t t . 2 ) U.Hist. (Antipartisan operations in the Borisov, Cherven Sloboda, Smolevichi, D u b n i k i , Zhodino, Zabashevichi, Slobodka, Holodechno, Logoysk, 33 651 430 161 3807712 647 1 86 71 73 75 76 100 45 INDEX DATES LENZ, POLL I T E M NO. 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 LITVYAMY 1942/06/19- 1 9 4 4 / 0 2 / 1 2 LJUBLJANA (Laibach) 1943/11/15- 1945/05/06 LOBANOK, PARTISAH GROOP 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 LOCHEH 1945/01/19-1945/04/12 LOCI 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 LOGOYSK 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 1942/02/22-1944/04/02 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/06/19-1944/02/12 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 LOHUSUU 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 LOIRE BIVEB 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 LOHOHOSOV PAGE CONTINUED DNTERNEHMEN Antonopol, Z e m b i n , and the Tsna, U s y a z h a , Gayna R i v e r areas.) 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr D r l w U , H i s t o r y 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 LEOH070 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/9 LEPEL 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr D r l w U . H i s t o r y 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2.SS-StEr Drlw 78028/15 LESTEME 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 1 9 . S S W G r D ( l e t t . 2 ) U.Hist. LIEGE (Luettich) 1943/02/15- 1945/04/30 1 0 . S S P Z D Frdsbg U . H i s t o r y LIEPAJA (Libau) 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 I I . S S F r w P z G r D Nold O.Hist. LIESBAS 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 LIGOVO 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 L I R A TOBBENTE 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 L I N D E H A N N , GEORG 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 LINGHEB, H A N S 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/06/01-1945/04/04 LINZ 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 LIPOVKA HIVES 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 LIPPEBT, HIGH A EL 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 LISIEOX 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1ST F R A H E 649 1 77 81 650 254 84 651 430 77 86 45 96 17 1 9 . S S W G r D ( l e t t . 2 ) O.Hist. SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 45 76 647 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U . H i s t o r y 33 SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 647 1 7 . S S P z G r D G v E 0.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/33 159 76 3804244 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ U n i t H i s t o r y SS FrwLeg Flandem 30180/1 36 43 20 653 93 SS FrwLeg Flandern U . H i s t . 90 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/2 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg U . H i s t o r y 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t History 150 3792083 10 8 20 2.SS-StBr D i r l w 78028/20 652 486 88 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U . H i s t o r y 33 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 651 430 86 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/1 646 1 65 2.SS-StBr Drlw U . H i s t o r y 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 77 81 2.SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 650 649 649 652 649 628 1161 1 Drlw U.History Drlw 78028/11 Drlw 78028/7 Drlw 78028/4 Dirlw 78028/20 Drlw 78028/5 486 359 20.SSWGrD(estn 1) U.Hist. 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 77 85 83 81 88 82 47 156 3800635 38 (Oranien baud) 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 131 SS K p f g r Jeckeln U.Hist. 1 1 - S S F r w P z G r D Nold U . H i s t , 75 17 132 INDEX DATES LOMONOSOY 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 LOHZA BOLL ITEH HO. 1ST F R A H E PAGE CONTINOED 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. 100 (Lomscha) 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 LOBBAIHB 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 LOSBA 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 1942/06/19- 1 9 4 4 / 0 2 / 1 2 LOZNICA SS OstinuselmD 78042/1 SS OstmuselmD D.History 1944/05/00- 1945/01/10 LOZOH 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) U.Hist. 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01- 1945/03/18 LUBLIH 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 LOBYAHKA 1943/07/28-1943/08/09 LOGO 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History SS OstrauselmD 78042/1 SS OstmuselmD 0. History 161 3806724 77 68 67 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/17 651 923 87 16.SSPzGrD HF-SS 78018/2 156 3800538 35 10.SSPzD 10.SSPZD 10.SSPZD 10.SSPZD 151 152 150 3793192 3794560 3792938 8 12 13 11 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 650 254 84 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 650 628 85 SS FrwLeg Hiedlde 30182/3 653 520 98 1944/04/17-1945/01/04 LfOf 161 3806724 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 2.SS-StBr Dirlw 78028/20 68 67 36 650 652 628 486 77 85 88 50 (Leaberg) 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1943/05/09-1944/07/25 1944/04/02-1944/07/23 19 44/04/09-. 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 0 1 LYADHO 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 LTADT 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 LTA6A 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 LTUBAB 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 LYOBCHA 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 LYDBOLYADY 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 LYOBTSY 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 HADOHA 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 BAETAGOSB 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 Frdsbg Frdsbg Frdsbg Frdsbg 0.History 78014/12 78014/22 78014/11 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. 58 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 649 359 82 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 653 151 90 94 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 653 151 90 94 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) O.Hist. 45 20.SSiGrD(estn 1) O.Hist. 47 BAILLY-LE-CABP 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 HAKOVYB 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/12/28- 1943/02/17 HAKOSHIHO 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 HALBEDY 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 HALOYE ZAHOSHYE 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/3 9.SSPzD Hstf Onit History 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/2 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 146 3787633 150 3792083 3 1 10 8 650 254 77 84 19.SSHGrD(lett. 2) O.Hist. 45 9.SSPZD Hstf Onit History 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History 1 20 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. 90 96 INDEX DATES MALOYE ZAMOSHYE 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/01/13- 1 9 4 2 / 0 7 / 2 2 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 1942/04/14- 1942/08/04 HALTOT 1943/04/01-1944/09/09 1943/06/01- 1 9 4 5 / 0 5 / 0 8 1944/01/06-1944/07/27 HALOKSA 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 I T E M NO. ROLL 1ST FBAHE PAGE CONTINUED SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/1 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/3 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/1 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/4 653 653 653 161 653 151 360 520 3807092 663 94 98 98 73 99 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/4 12.SSPZD HJ U n i t History 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/21 150 3792279 155 3798674 10 20 25 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 653 1 93 HANTHEY, IILLY 1943/11/15- 1945/05/04 HABCALI 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 1943/1 1/15- 1945/05/06 HABCHESIEOX 1944/02/01- 1945/03/18 MARINA GOHKA 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/12/28- 1943/02/17 HABITTIHO 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 HABKOLSHEIH 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 1944/09/16-1944/11/25 MARHACHEH 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 MARSEILLES 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 36 13.SSWGebD Hdschr U . H i s t . 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U . H i s t o r y 30 33 1 7 . S S P z G r D G v B 78019/2 156 3800635 38 2.SS-StBr D r l w U . H i s t o r y 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/9 650 254 77 84 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS a.History 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) O.Hist. 3 0 . S S H G r D ( f i a s s 2) 78027/3 33 160 3806452 12-SSPzD HJ U n i t History 1 0 - S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/2 10.SSPZD Frdsbg U . H i s t o r y 61 62 20 150 3792083 10 8 HABZABOTTO 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 HASSA E C A B B A B A 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 HASSELL, KAHPFGBUPPE 1942/03/31- 1942/06/25 HASZE1O 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 HAYER-HADEB, ANDREAS 1943/11/17- 1 9 4 5 / 0 1 / 1 0 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 HECHEBNICH 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS U . H i s t o r y 33 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS U . H i s t o r y 33 2.SS I n f . B r g ( B o t ) 78030/1 161 3807092 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U . H i s t . SS O s t m u s e l m D 78042/1 SS O s t m u s e l m D U . H i s t o r y 73 58 161 3806724 12.SSPZD HJ U n i t History 68 67 20 MEDICAL SEBVICE 1943/09/10-1943/09/22 1944/01/07- 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 0 3 1944/05/21-1944/07/10 HEISSEH 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 MELLEHTHIN. FRIEDRICH VOH 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 MELHIKOI, PARTISAN GROOP 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 MENDE 1943/03/01- 1945/04/30 1 0 - S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/34 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/10 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/45 153 150 160 3796045 3792805 3805375 10.SSPzD Frdsbg U. H i s t o r y 8 17.5SPzGrD G v B U.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 15 11 44 36 651 430 13.SS*GebD Hdschr U.Hist. 86 30 HENIL-JEAN 1944/07/01-1944/08/10 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 78016/23 155 3798896 26 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History 12-SSPzD HJ 78016/22 155 3798723 20 26 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 38 12-SSPzD HJ Unit History 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/7 154 3797648 20 24 HENILLES 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/01/01-1944/06/01 MESNIL-AHGOT, LE 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 HESHIL-PATBY, LE 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 1943/12/12-1944/08/05 133 INDEX 134 DATES MESHIL-VIGOT, LE 1943/11/15- 1 9 4 5 / 0 5 / 0 4 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 HETZ 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/01/17-1944/11/06 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 1944/10/17-1944/11/05 MEOSE EIVEB 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 BEYER, HUBERT 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 M E Y E R , KOHT 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 MILBVICHI 194 0 / 0 6 / O O - 1 9 4 5 / 0 3 / 0 5 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 HINSK 1940/06/00- 1 9 4 5 / 0 3 /05 1940/07/01- 1944/06/26 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/03/31- 1944/06/24 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 1942/12/31-1943/10/08 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 1944/03/01-1944/06/24 1944/03/01-1944/06/27 ROLL I T E M MO. 1ST FRAME PAGE 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 17.SSPzGrD 17.SSPzGrD 17.SSPzGrD 17.SSPzGrD 158 156 156 3802924 3800635 3801117 36 40 38 39 GvB GvB GvB GvB U.History 78019/17 78019/2 78019/4 12.SSPZD HJ Unit History 20 12-SSPzD HJ Unit History 20 12.SSPZD HJ U n i t History 20 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/16 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/11 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/13 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/9 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/8 SS OstmuselfflD 7 8 0 4 2 / 1 SS OstmuselnD 0. History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/18 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/2 77 81 84 649 650 1 254 651 650 649 651 650 650 161 676 628 1 173 254 1 3806724 652 648 1 623 77 87 85 81 86 84 83 68 67 88 80 649 359 82 HIR 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 MITAO 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 <See Yelgava) BLAIA (Mielau) 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1943/04/01- 1 9 4 5 / 0 4 / 1 8 HNISHAHY 1943/07/07- 1943/08/08 HOGILEV 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 1942/03/31- 1944/06/24 1942/12/31-1943/10/08 ROHBEHKOPF, B0SSIAN SINE 1941/09/29-1941/11/22 BOISAKULA 1943/05/05- 1945/05/04 HOKHA GEBIHGE (See Jakupica) MOLODECHNO 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 BOLODI 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 BONDBAINYILLE 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 HOHTCHAHP 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 MONTEBELIABD 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 BOHTFOBT 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. 11.SSFrwPzGrD Sold U.Hist, 96 17 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 649 359 82 2.SS-StEr 2.SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 651 650 651 650 676 628 173 1 77 87 85 86 83 161 3807741 73 Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw 0.History 78028/16 78028/11 78028/13 78028/8 2.SS I n f . B r g ( i a o t ) 78030/3 20.SSWGrD(estn 1) U.Hist. 47 2.SS-StBr Drlw U,History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 650 649 623 1 77 85 81 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 650 628 85 12.SSPZD HJ Unit History 20 10.SSPZD Frdsbg D. History 10.SSP2D Frdsbg 78014/11 150 3792938 8 11 30.SSWGrD(Huss 2) 78027/2 160 3806183 62 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/2 150 3792083 10 INDEX DATES MONTFORT 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1943/04/01-1944/09/09 HOSTBEUIL 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 HOHT BEUIL-SOB-HEH 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 1944/08/18-1944/08/25 MOB 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 HOBAflA 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 HOBOCH 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 HOBTAGIE 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 HOBTAIM 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 HOSEL R I V E B 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1944/01/17-1944/11/06 HOSHKOYO 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/OR HOSLEHS 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 1944/10/02-1944/10/02 M O U N T A I N DHITS, G E B H A N BOLL ITEM NO, PAGE CONTINUED 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 0. H i s t o r y 10.SSP2D Frdsbg 78014/4 150 3792279 8 10 17.SSPzGrD G v B 0 . H i s t o r y 1 7 . S S P z G r D G v B 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 2 6 . S S P Z D Unit History 2 6 - S S P z D 78025/2 160 3806003 56 57 12-SSPzD HJ Unit H i s t o r y 78013/3 Unit History 20 146 3787633 2.SS-StBr D r l w U . H i s t o r y 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 649 650 1 254 77 81 84 10-SSPzD Frdsbg U. History 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/11 150 3792938 8 11 1 7 . S S P z G r D G v B U.History 17.SSPzGrD G v B 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 9.SSPzD Hstf Unit H i s t o r y 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/17 158 3802924 1 40 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 77 81 SS OstnuselmD 78042/1 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) 78022/1 161 160 3806724 3805937 68 51 653 360 96 98 649 659 83 9 . S S P z D Hstf 9.SSPZD Hstf For m o u n t a i n corps see p r e f i x AK (Arraeekorps) and specific u n i t n u m b e r w i t h s u f f i x G E B ; f o r fflountain divisions, see specific unit n u m b e r with s u f f i x GEBD. For SS m o u n t a i n u n i t s see p r e f i x SS a n d specific u n i t n u m b e r , w i t h s u f f i x GEBK (Gebirgskorps) or G E B D ( G e b i r g s d i v i s i o n ) . HOYKA 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/1 HSTIZH 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 HUEHLDOBF 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History MUELLER, GBOPPE 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lank O.Hist. 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 HOEHSTEB 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9-SSPzD Hstf U n i t H i s t o r y MOLHOUSE 1944/07/20- 1944/09/29 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/2 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 30.SSHGrD(Buss 2) U.Hist. 1944/09/15-1944/11/17 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/9 30.SS«GrD(Russ 2) 78027/3 1944/09/16- 1944/11/25 1944/09/20-1944/10/31 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/1 HDNICH 17.SSPzGrD GvB U . H i s t o r y 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 HOSTVEE 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 U.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist, HYASNOY BOB 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) U.Hist. BYJAfA 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstnuselmD 78042/1 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS OstffluselnD U.History 135 1ST F R A M E 3 1 36 58 1 160 3806183 160 160 160 3806631 3806452 3806172 62 61 63 62 62 36 100 45 161 3806724 68 67 INDEX 136 DATES ITEM HO, NAGORNOYE 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2.SS-StEr Drlw 78028/9 NALIBOKI 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/6 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 NAHOR 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9.SSPzD Hstf Onit History 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg D. History 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History NAHCY 1943/04/07-1944/07/21 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/3 NARVA 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/2 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold O.Hist. 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. NARVA-JOES00 (Hungerburg) 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 1 1 . S S F r w P z G r D Nold O.Hist. 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20.SSWGrD (estn 1) O.Hist. 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lank O.Hist. NEISSE 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 2 0 . S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) O.Hist. SEHAN BIVEB 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0,History 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 NETHERLANDS See also specific p o p u l a t e d places and geographical terras. 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9.SSPZD Hstf Onit History 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 0. History 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 0.History N E T H E R L A N D S , BEFEHLSHABER DEB SS NIEDERLAHDE 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 0.History NED ZITTAO 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold O.Hist. NEOBREISACB 30.SS«GrD(Russ 2) O.Hist. 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 1944/09/16-1944/11/25 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/3 NEOHAHHER 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20.SSHGrD(estn 1) O.Hist. 1944/01/05-1944/01/12 13.SSHGebD Hdschr 78017/1 1944/11/00-1945/03/14 2 5 . S S H G r D H u n y a d i O.Hist. NEDSIEDLER LAKE 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History NIEDEREHNHEIH 1944/01/12-1944/01/12 23.SSHGebD K a m a 78023/1 NIEHODLIR (Falkenberg) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20.SSHGrD(estn 1) O.Hist, NIENBDR6 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 12-SSPzD HJ Onit History HIKES 1942/12/31-1944/01/29 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/11 NITAOBE 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19-SSWGrD (lett.2) O.Hist, HITSCHIPUR09ITSCH, PARTISAN GROOP 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 NI7KI 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/3 NITNO 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 HOGBNT-LE-ROTROO 1943/09/10-1943/09/22 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/34 NOGEHT-SOH-SEINE 1944/08/00- 1944/09/00 26.SSPZD Onit History 1944/08/17- 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 2 5 26.SSPZD 78025/1 BOLL 1ST FRAME PAGE 650 254 84 649 659 83 1 8 20 150 3792213 161 653 3807712 151 10 90 73 94 17 100 17 47 58 47 649 359 77 82 1 8 64 64 17 160 3806452 156 3800513 61 62 47 32 54 20 160 3805952 53 47 20 147 3788942 4 45 649 1 81 648 719 80 649 359 82 153 3796045 15 160 3806023 56 57 INDEX DATES ITEM NO. FOL1 1ST F B A M E PAGE NO BH ANDY 9.SSPzD Hstf U n i t H i s t o r y l O . S S P z D Frdsbg U. History 12.SSPZD HJ Onit H i s t o r y 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/7 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/30 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/11 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/12 12-SSPzD HJ 78016/27 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/25 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/44 154 152 150 147 155 152 156 3797648 3795483 3792938 3789036 3799149 3795108 3800440 1 8 20 24 14 11 5 26 14 28 NORWEGIAN fOLONTEEBS 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 NOTBE-DAHE-DE-HONTS S3 K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 647 1 76 1943/11/15- 1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/9 650 254 84 151 90 96 94 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/02/15- 1 9 4 5 / 0 4 / 3 0 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1943/12/12-1944/08/05 1944/04/01- 1944/07/09 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 1944/04/29-1944/08/09 1944/06/00- 1 9 4 4 / 0 6 / 0 0 1944/06/23-1944/07/22 1944/07/01- 1 9 4 4 / 0 7 / 0 2 NOVAYA HI?A 1942/12/28- 1943/02/17 NO?GOHOD 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 NOVI SAD (Neusatz) 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 NOVINKI 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/08/20- 1944/01/08 SS FrwLeg Flandern O . H i s t . SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 653 23.SSWGebD Karaa U. Hist. 2.SS-StEr Drlw 0.History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/3 52 648 719 77 80 HOTO SELO 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 2 1 . S S W G e b D ( S k b e g ) O.Hist. 50 NOVYY D70B 1943/07/07- 1 9 4 3 / 0 8 / 0 8 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/5 649 359 82 650 254 84 NO?YYE L Y A D Y 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 NOEBNBEBG 1944/11/00- 1945/03/14 25.SSWGTD H u n y a d i U . H i s t . OB WEST O b e r b e f e h l s h a b e r West (Supreme C o m m a n d e r in C h i e f , western T h e a t e r ) . 1942/02/08-1944/08/04 1 2 . S S P Z D HJ 78016/4 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ Onit H i s t o r y OBERHAOSEH 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/30 1944/12/29-1945/03/02 OBERIORZEB, HERBERT VOH 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13.SSWGebD Hdschr O.Hist. ODENKIBCHEN 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg O . H i s t o r y 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ O n i t H i s t o r y ODEH BI?EB 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. ODESSA 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstmuselfflD 78042/1 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS O s t m u s e l m D O.History ODON BIVEB 1943/04/01- 1944/09/09 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/4 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 OEDEHBOBG 54 154 3797299 23 20 159 3804075 43 30 8 20 58 100 161 3806724 68 67 150 3792279 10 20 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 650 628 85 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 653 1 93 SS OstmuselfflD 78042/1 SS O s t m u s e l m D O . H i s t o r y 161 3806724 68 67 (See Sopron) OKOLOYO 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 OLOHNA 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 OLZSCHA, BBIIEB 1943/11/17- 1945/01/10 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 137 INDEX 138 DATES OMGOVICHI 1940/06/00- 1915/03/05 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 OPOCHKA 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 BOLL I T E H NO. 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 650 1ST F R A M E 254 19.SSBGrD(lett.2) O.Hist. PAGE 77 84 45 OPPELN 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 OBADEA (Grosswardein) 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 20.SSHGrD(estn 1) O.Hist SS OstauselmD 78042/1 161 3806724 47 68 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U.History 33 2,SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 77 ORANIEHBAOH (See Lomonosov) ORAHIEBBURG 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 OBNE BIVER 1943/04/01-1944/09/09 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 1944/06/05-1944/07/09 OBSHA 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/10/08- 1943/C8/10 OSIJEK (Esseg) 1943/03/01- 1945/04/30 OSIPOflCHI 19UO/06/00-194 5/03/05 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/4 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/29 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 150 3792279 156 152 3800635 3795406 10 20 36 38 14 652 506 77 88 13.SSWGebD Hdschr O.Hist. 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/16 30 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 650 1 254 77 87 81 84 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 652 506 77 88 651 676 OSLIK BIVEB 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 OSNABBOECK 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 OSOVO 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 1942/10/08- 1943/C8/10 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History 2. SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2,SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw 0.History 78028/16 78028/3 78028/21 78028/9 20 651 648 652 650 676 719 506 254 77 87 80 88 84 150 3792279 10 151 360 OSSEBAIN-RIVARETTE 1943/04/01-1944/09/09 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/4 OSSIYA 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 1942/03/31- 1942/06/25 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( a o t ) O.Hist. SS Frwteg Flandern 30180/2 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/1 SS FrwLeg Hiedlde 30182/3 2.SS Inf.Brg(mot) 78030/1 653 653 653 161 520 3807092 90 71 94 98 98 73 17.5SPzGrD GvB 0.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/5 157 3801305 36 39 3 0 . S S H G r D { R u s s 2) O.Hist. 30.SSiGrD(Huss 2) 78027/3 160 3806452 61 62 OSTENDORPF, IEBNEB 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/08/13-1945/01/15 OSTHEIH 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 1944/09/16-1944/11/25 OSTBOPOL 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lank O.Hist. 58 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) O.Hist. 100 45 OSTBO? 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 OSTBOVOK 1944/03/01-1944/06/27 OTROBOK 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/2 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 648 623 80 77 INDEX DATES OTRUEOK 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 ITEM NO, BOLL 1ST F R A M E PAGE CONTINUED 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 651 430 86 17-SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 38 OUTILLE 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 PABAZI 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 2 0 . S S H G r D ( e s t n 1) O . H i s t , 47 PACY-SUH-EUHE 1943/06/01- 1 9 4 5 / 0 5 / 0 8 1944/01/01-1944/06/01 12-SSPzD HJ Unit History 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/22 PAGARI 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 PALATINATE 2 0 . S S H G r D ( e s t n 1) U.Hist 47 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB U . H i s t o r y 36 155 3798723 20 26 PALIK LAKE 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 649 659 83 158 3802924 40 155 3799025 26 PAHGE 1944/01/17-1944/11/06 1 7 - S S P z G r D GvB 78019/17 PANZEREIHHEITEN ( A r m o r e d U n i t s ) . For Panzer ( t a n k ) armies, see prefix P Z A O K ( P a n z e r a r m e e o b e r k o m m a n d o ) a n d specific u n i t n u m b e r ; for P a n z e r q r u p p e n see p r e f i x PzGr and specific n a m e or n u m b e r as well as specific n a m e w i t h s u f f i x P a n z e r g r u p p e ; for P a n z e r k o r p s see p r e f i x AK ( A r m e e k o r p s ) and specific unit n u m b e r w i t h s u f f i x PZ d e n o t i n g type; for Panzer division see specific unit n u m b e r w i t h s u f f i x PZD or PZGPD (Panzergrenadierdivision) for armored i n f a n t r y . For SS armored units, see p r e f i x SS and specific u n i t n u m b e r w i t h s u f f i x PZK ( P a n z e r k o r p s ) , P Z D , or P Z G R D , except the 6. S S - P Z A O K , for which see P Z A O K 6 SS. PANZERFAOST (Also k n o w n as O f e n r o h r , a s l a n g term eguivalent to "bazooka" for Raketenpanzerbuechse (rocket l a u n c h e r ) , a long t u b u l a r missile weapon used against tanks and f o r t i f i c a t i o n s . ) 1943/1 1/11-1944/07/20 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/25 PAPA 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 PABAFYAHOVO 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 PARIS 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 1944/08/17- 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 2 5 12.SSPZD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 9.SSPZD Hstf U n i t H i s t o r y 2 6 . S S P Z D Unit History 26.SSPZD 78025/1 26. SSPzD 78025/2 1944/08/18-1944/08/25 PABMU (Pernau) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20 . S S W G r D ( e s t n PARTHEBAI 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17 .SSPzGrD GvE PARTISAN GROUP, ALEXEJEW 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw PARTISAN GROUP, B A R A Y K A 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw PARTISAN GROUP, BOLSHEVIK 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw PARTISAN GROUP, BORYA 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw PARTISAN GROUP, DOW5ALENOK 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw PARTISAN GROUP, ISATSCHEHKO 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 139 20 649 651 359 430 77 82 86 3806023 3806003 56 57 57 1 160 160 1) U.Hist. 47 U. History 36 78028/1 5 651 430 86 78028/1 5 651 430 86 78028/4 649 1 81 78028/4 649 1 81 78028/4 649 1 81 78028/4 649 1 31 140 INDEX DATES BOLL ITEM NO. PARTISAN GROUP, KOTO9 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22- 1943/09/08 PARTISAN GBOOP, KOIIK 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 PAHTISAH GBOOP, LEHIH 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 PABTISAH GBOOP, LOBAHOK 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/15 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 PABTISAH GBOOP, HITSCHIPOBOWITSCH 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22- 1943/09/08 PABTISAN GBOOP, BAYCOV 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 PABTISAH GBOOP, BOHANOi 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 PABTISAH GBOOP, BOSSGROM 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 PABTISAH GBOOP, STALIH BRIGADE 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr D r l w 78028/15 PABTISAH GROUP, TJABOTH 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 PABTISAH GBOOP, TSCHAPAJEI 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2-SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 PABTISAH GBOOP, OTKIH 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 PABTISAH GBOOP, VASJA DJADJA 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 PABTISAH GBOOP, HOBOSCHILOH 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 PABTISAN GBOOP, HELHIKOH 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 PABTISAHS 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstmuselaD 78042/1 1944/12/25-1945/01/20 SS OstmuselaD 78042/2 PAVLOVKA 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/9 PA7LOVSHCHIHA 1944/03/01- 1944/06/27 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/2 PEC 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 2 1 . S S W G e b D ( S k b e g ) U.Hist. 1944/10/02- 1944/10/02 21.SSHGebD(Skbeg) 7 8 0 2 2 / 1 PECHISHCHE 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/16 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 1ST FBAME PAGE 649 1 81 649 1 81 651 430 86 651 430 86 649 1 81 649 1 81 651 430 86 649 1 81 651 430 86 651 430 86 651 430 86 651 430 86 649 1 81 651 430 86 651 430 86 161 161 3806724 3807079 68 70 650 254 84 648 623 80 160 3805937 50 51 651 650 676 254 87 84 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 PECS (Fuenfkirchen) 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 PEIPOS LAKE 1943/05/05- 1945/05/04 PELISSAHHE 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 19 43/0 2/15-1945/04/30 PEHAL OHITS 13.SSWGebD Hdschr U.Hist, 30 20.SSIGrD(estn 1) U.Hist. 47 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/2 10.SSPZD Frdsbg U. History (See also Judiciary, Provost Courts.) 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/7 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1944/10/22-1944/11/01 PEHKOH 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 PEBCHB, FOBET DO 1944/04/02-1944/07/23 4. SSFrwPzGrBr 150 3792083 10 8 157 3802281 77 39 Nedl U.Hist. 100 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/22 152 3794560 13 lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/11 150 3792938 11 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 651 430 77 86 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/17 649 651 359 923 82 87 PBBEHISHLTAHY 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 PEBBSECHIHO 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 PEBSHAT 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 1943/07/28-1943/08/09 INDEX DATES I T E M NO, PERSONHEL HATTEBS No date No date 2 0 . S S H G r D ( e s t n 1) 78021/1 20.SSHGrD{estn 1) 78021/2 1943/00/00-1944/00/00 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/28 1943/00/00-1944/00/00 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/29 1943/00/00-1944/00/00 12. SSPzD HJ 78016/30 1943/01/25-1944/07/02 10, SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/32 17. SSPzGrD G v B 78019/36 1943/02/00-1944/11/00 1943/02/11-1944/04/20 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/21-23 1943/05/02-1944/07/21 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/21 1943/05/21- 1944/10/04 3 4 . S S F r w G r D LaNe 78033/3 1943/06/15-1944/08/04 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/12 1943/09/14-1944/01/15 12. SSPzD HJ 78016/11 1943/09/29- 1 9 4 4 / 0 3 / 0 8 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/18 1943/10/04-1944/06/01 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/33 1943/10/09-1944/02/1 1 1 2 . S S P z D HJ 78016/32 1943/11/00-1944/06/00 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/37 1943/12/31-1944/02/19 1 2 . S S P z D HJ 78016/45 1944/01/01-1944/08/07 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/15 1944/01/06-1944/11/05 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/26 1944/01/08-1944/06/01 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/36 1944/01/10-1944/03/30 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/37 1944/02/20-1944/07/21 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/20 1944/02/21- 1 944/08/03 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/17 1944/03/01- 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 0 1 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/34 1944/04/12-1944/07/21 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/15-16 1944/04/16- 1944/07/06 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/31 1944/06/06-1944/08/09 10 SSPzD Prdsbg 78014/27 1944/11/17-1944/11/17 17 SSPzGrD GvB 78019/35 20 S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) 78021/4 1944/11/21-1945/03/01 1944/11/22-1945/04/11 17 SSPzGrD GvB 78019/34 1945/01/09-1945/01/09 20 SS*GrD(estn 1) 78021/5 PERSONNEL HATTERS, SOVIET fOLONTEEBS 1942/02/06-1942/11/23 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/19 BOIL 1ST F R A M E PAGE 160 160 155 155 155 152 159 149 151 646 154 154 154 155 155 159 156 151 158 155 155 151 151 155 148 152 152 159 160 159 160 3805460 3805589 3799153 3799272 3799308 3795574 3804446 3790575 3794511 413 3798019 3798003 3798464 3799546 3799486 3805026 3800450 3793501 3803706 3799708 3799831 3794464 3793968 3799588 3789940 3795523 3795168 3804436 3805863 3804251 3805887 49 49 26 26 27 15 43 6 13 65 24 24 25 27 27 43 28 12 42 27 27 13 12 27 5 15 14 43 49 43 49 652 390 88 650 254 77 84 650 254 77 84 PETEB, OHTEBSEHHEH {Antipartisan operations in the Klichev, Svisloch, Kolbcha, a n d N a k o v ^ y e areas.) 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 PETBOYKA 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 PETBOVO POLJE 1944/05/00- 1945/01/10 21.SS«GebD(Skbeg) 0.Hist 50 PETOKOfKA 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 PIENHES 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 1944/08/18-1944/08/25 PIETBASANTA 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 PILLOVO 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 PIBHASBHS 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 PIBONOV HOST 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/16 651 676 87 26. SSPzD Unit History 26.SSPzD 78025/2 160 3806003 56 57 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS U . H i s t o r y 33 II.SSFrwPzGrD Nold O.Hist. 17 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 36 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 PISA 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 PLATTENSEE (See Balaton Lake) PLESHCHEHITSY 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS 0.History 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 PLESKAU (See Pskov) 141 650 84 33 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 254 649 77 81 INDEX 142 DATES ITEM NO, BOLL 1ST F R A M E PAGE PODBEBBZYE 1941/04/10- 19*43/05/31 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/12/19- 1942/07/23 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 SS FrwLeg Flandern 0-Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) O . H i s t . SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 2.SS I n f . B r g ( n o t ) 78030/1 653 151 161 3807092 90 71 94 73 152 3794560 8 13 PODGAITSY 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1944/04/02-1944/07/23 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 0. H i s t o r y 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/22 POITIERS 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD G v E U . H i s t o r y POLAND See also specific populated places and geographical terras. 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr Drlw U . H i s t o r y 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. 2.SS i n f . B r g C m o t ) O.Hist. 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10, SSPzD Frdsbg 0.History 1943/04/01- 1945/04/18 11, SSFrwPzGrD Nold O.Hist. 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20. SSWGrD(estn 1) O.Hist. 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27, SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. 1944/01/04- 1944/10/20 SS OstmuselaD 0.History POLOTSK 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 POMERANIA (Pommern) 1943/05/31- 1945/04/18 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist, PONIAT01A 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS OstmuselmD 0.History PONIATOMA, SS LABOB CAHP 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstmuselniD 78042/1 POHT-DE-ROIDE 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 30.SSiGrD(Huss 2) 7 8 0 2 7 / 2 POPKI 1943/07/28-1943/08/09 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/17 POBKROY 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19.SSWGrD(lett. 2) O.Hist. POTASHNYA 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 POTIGNY 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12. SSPzD HJ Onit History POV&RCHITSY 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 PO««S 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstffluselmD 78042/1 1944/10/05-1944/10/05 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/44 1944/12/25-1945/01/20 SS OstffluselmD 78042/2 POi'S IDENTIFICATION HABKINGS 1942/09/03-1944/04/00 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl 30182/5 POI"S, SOVIET 1942/12/31-1943/10/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/8 POZHABYSHCHE 1943/07/28-1943/08/09 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/17 POZN AN (Posen) 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 26.SSPzD Onit History PBIEKULE (Preekuln) 1943/04/01- 1945/04/18 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold O.Hist. 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 2 0 . S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) O.Hist. 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 4.sSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. PRISTINA 1944/10/02-1944/10/02 21.SSHGebD (Skbeg) 78022/1 PRISYBOK 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-StEr Drlw 0.History 1944/03/01-1944/06/27 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/2 36 77 90 71 96 8 17 47 58 67 651 430 77 86 58 67 161 3806724 68 160 3806183 62 651 923 87 45 649 359 82 20 649 1 81 161 160 161 3806724 3805372 3807079 68 44 70 653 714 102 650 1 83 651 923 87 56 17 47 100 160 3805937 51 648 623 77 80 INDEX DATES ITEM NO. PBIZBEN 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) U.Hist. 1944/10/02- 1 9 4 4 / 1 0 / 0 2 21.SSHGebD(Skbeg) 78022/1 PBOETZEL 1943/04/01- 1945/04/18 I I . S S F r w P z G r D Nold O . H i s t , PBOflNS 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 2 6 . S S P z D Onit History 1944/08/17- 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 2 5 2 6 - S S P z D 78025/1 1944/08/18-1944/08/25 2 6 . S S P Z D 78025/2 PSKOV (Pleskau) 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS F r w L e g F l a n d e r n O . H i s t 0 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS F r w L e g N i e d l d e O . H i s t . 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 SS F r w L e g Niedlde 3 0 1 8 2 / 1 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 SS F r w L e g Niedlde 3 0 1 8 2 / 3 POLKOVO 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS K p f g r Jeckeln O . H i s t . 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS K p f g r Jeckeln 7 8 0 3 6 / 1 PUSHKIN 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) O.Hist. 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 POTAHGES 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 POY, LE 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13.SSHGebD Hdschr O.Hist. PYATILIPY 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS F r w L e g Niedlde O.Hist. SS F r w L e q Niedlde 3 0 1 8 2 / 1 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/3 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 3 0 1 8 2 / 4 PZAOK Panzer A r m e e o b e r k o r a o a n d o ( A r m o r e d A r m y C o m m a n d ) . PZAOK 2 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 21.SSHGebD(Skbeg) O.Hist. PZAOK 3 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/15 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 PZAOK 4 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 2 7 o S S F r w P z G r D Lamk O.Hist. PZAOK 5 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 I Q o S S P z D Frdsbg O . H i s t o r y PZAOK 6 S3 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1 2 , S S P z D HJ Onit H i s t o r y QUISLING, VIDKON ( N o r w e g i a n politician; head of State Council of C o m m i s s i o n e r s u n d e r G e r m a n occupation.) 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS Kpfgr Jeckeln 7 8 0 3 6 / 1 BADOH 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS F r w L e g Flandern O . H i s t . 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS OstmuselraD O . H i s t o r y HADOHI 1942/01/13- 1942/07/22 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/1 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/4 BADOSHKO?ICHI 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw O.History 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/5 BAITHEL, HBLMOTH 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 23.SSHGebD Kama O.Hist. BAKOf 19 40/06/00- 1945/03 /05 2. SS-StBr Drlw O.History 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/9 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 BAKVEBE (Besenberg) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20.SSWGrD(estn 1) O.Hist 143 POLL 160 1ST F R A M E 3805937 PAGE 50 51 17 3806023 3806003 56 57 57 653 653 653 1 360 520 90 96 93 98 98 647 1 75 76 647 1 71 76 156 3800635 38 160 160 30 653 653 653 360 520 663 96 98 98 99 50 651 430 86 58 8 20 647 76 653 90 93 67 653 653 360 663 98 99 649 359 77 82 52 649 650 649 659 254 359 77 83 84 82 47 INDEX 144 ITEH NO. DATES BAKYEBE 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 BANDOi BIVBB 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 BANKOYICEYO (Kralyevo) 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 BATK070 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/03/22- 1943/09/08 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 BAaS, BRHARD 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 BAVEHHA 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 1944/04/17-1945/01/04 BAYKOS, PARTISAN GBOUP 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 BEDIBSS, ilLHELH 1945/03/14- 1945/03/14 REBTZ 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 1ST FBAHE PAGE CONTINOED 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist, 58 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U.Hist. 58 21.SSlGebD(Skbeg) U.Hist. 50 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 649 650 1 254 9.SSPzD Hstf Unit History lO.SSPzD Frdsbg U. History 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History 77 81 84 1 8 20 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS U.History 16.SSPzGrD BP-SS 78018/2 156 3800538 33 35 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 81 647 1 76 160 3805998 54 55 (SS O b e r g r u p p e n f u e h r e r ; Hoehere SS und Polizeifuehrer, Norwegen; General der Polizei; Member of the Reichstag.) 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 BEDNITZHEMBACH 1944/11/00-1945/03/14 BOLL 25.SSWGrD Hunyadi U.Hist. 25.SSHGrD Hunyadi 78024/1 27.SSFrwPzGrD Laak U.Hist, 58 100 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist. BEGATTA, UNTEBNBHBEH (Antipartisan operations in the Rekotka, floshkovo, Dobraya, and Kyabki areas.) 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 REGENSCHAUBB, UNTERNEHBEH (Antipartisan operations, securing labor force for the Reich, and confiscation of argricultural products.) 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr Drlw U.History 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 BEGGIO EBILIA 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS U.History BEHDAHS, EINSATZGBOPPE 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 BEICH, SS STAHDABTENFUBHBBB 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 BEIFENBEBG SS FrwLeg Niedlde U.Hist 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/30 1944/12/29- 1945/03/02 REIHHBIH 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 BEKOTKA 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 BEBTB 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 BENO FIUHE 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 BBTIB 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 B ETON FEY 1944/01/17-1944/11/06 BFSS 77 81 649 651 430 33 651 430 86 96 159 3804075 36 43 36 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 77 86 649 1 77 81 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) U.Hist. 45 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS U.History 33 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 78033/2 646 11 65 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/17 158 3802924 40 (Beichsfuehrer-SS - Himaler's title as chief of the SS.) INDEX DATES BHENEH 1943/11/19- 1945/04/30 RHINE RIVER 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 1944/08/01- 1944/12/31 1944/09/20-1944/10/31 BIG* 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/07/15- 1 9 4 3 / 0 4 / 0 1 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 BOLL ITEH NO. 64 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe U.History 3 0 . S S R G r D (Buss 2) U . H i s t . 3 0 . S S ¥ G r D ( B u s s 2) 78027/1 64 61 62 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/2 1943/02/15-1945/04/300 10.SSPZD Frdsbg U. History HOBANOW, PABTISAN GBOOP 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 ROSENBEBG, CZECHOSLOVAKIA (See R u z o n b e r o k ) BOSENBEBG, EAST PRUSSIA {See S u s z r Poland) ROSIGNANO 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS 0 . H i s t o r y ROSSGBOH, PABTISAN GBOOP 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 BOTH 1944/11/00-1945/03/14 25.SSiGrD H u n y a d i U . H i s t . 1945/03/14-1945/03/14 25.SSiGrD H u n y a d i 78024/1 ROTTERDAM, BEFEHLSHABER DER OBDNONGSPOLIZEI ( C o m m a n d e r of u n i f o r m e d regular police.) 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 3 4 . S S F r w G r D L a N e 78033/2 BOOEN 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD G v B U.History ROYAHICHI 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 ROZIEB, LE 1943/03/01- 1945/04/30 13.SS»GebD Hdschr U.Hist ROBLEVO 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern U . H i s t . 1941/11/10- 1941/12/18 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 BODNIA 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr Drlw U. History 1942/0 1/22-1944/02/28 2. SS-StBr D r l w 78028/11 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 1943/07/28- 1943/08/09 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/17 BUHANIA See also specific populated places and geographical terms. 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS 0.History 145 160 3806172 90 96 47 45 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. SS FrwLeg Niedlde O . H i s t . 2 0 . S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) IJ.Hist. 19.SS»GrD(lett.2) U.Hist. BOGNAC 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 4 RUSSIAN HINE, HOHBENKOPF 1941/09/29-1941/11/22 BOZOHBEROK (Bosenberg) 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 PAGE 34.5SFrwGrD LaNe U., History 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 HOCEVIC 2 1 . S S W G e b D (Sfcbeg) U.Hist. 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 BOCQOANCOOBT 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/18 RODJANOFF. BOSSISCHES BATAILLON 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 ROGACHEV 8 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/03/31- 1 9 4 4 / 0 6 / 2 4 4 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/13 ROHBAS 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 1ST F R A M E 50 148 3790082 6 650 254 84 649 651 1 173 81 86 150 3792083 10 8 651 430 86 33 649 81 160 3805998 54 55 646 11 65 36 649 659 30 653 1 90 93 650 649 652 649 649 651 628 1 506 659 359 923 77 85 81 88 83 82 87 33 19.SSHGrD(lett.2) O . H i s t . 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/3 2.SS-StBr Drlw u.History 83 45 161 3807741 73 77 INDEX 146 DATES BOLL ITEM NO. 1ST F f i A H E PAGE BYABKI 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 SAAB BEDECKEH 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17 .SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 36 17 .SSPzGrD GvB D.History 36 77 81 649 SAABPFALZ 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 SAATZIG 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27 .SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U.Hist. 58 SABILB (Zabeln) 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 SABLES 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 SS SS SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 17, .SSPzGrD 17, ,SSPzGrD GvB D.History GvB 78019/2 SACHSENHAOSEH, SS-STOBHBABH 1942/10/12-1944/05/28 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/10 653 653 1 151 90 93 94 156 3800635 36 38 650 416 85 651 676 87 SADKOMAZCZYZNA 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/16 SAGAH 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 SAINT-AHHE 1943/02/15- 1945/04/30 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 20 , S S H G r D ( e s t n 1) O.Hist. 10 • SSPzD 10 .SSPzD Frdsbg 0.History Frdsbg 78014/11 47 150 3792938 8 11 157 158 158 3802289 3802658 3802983 36 39 40 41 150 3792083 17 .SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17,.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 17 SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17, SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 12, SSPzD HJ 78016/23 156 155 3800635 3798896 36 38 26 3 0 . S S i G r D ( R u s s 2) 7 8 0 2 7 / 2 160 3806183 62 SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/2 SSPzD Frdsbg 0.History 150 3792083 10 8 156 3800635 SAINT-AVOLD 1943/11/15- 1945/05/04 1944/02/02-1944/12/01 1944/04/03-1944/12/04 1944/11/21-1944/12/02 17 SSPzGrD G v B 0 . H i s t o r y 17, SSPzGrD GvB 78019/8 17, SSPzGrD GvB 78019/12 SSPzGrD GvB 78019/18 17 SAIHT-CAHHAT 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10 .SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/2 10 .SSPzD Frdsbg 0. History 10 8 SAIHT-DBHIS-LB-GAST 1943/11/ 15- 1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 SAIHT-GEBHAIM 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 1944/07/01-1944/08/10 SAIHT-HIPPOLT.TE 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 SAINT-JEAN-D'AHGELY 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10, 10. SAIBT-JEAH-DE-HOHTS 1943/11/15- 1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 SAINT-LAURENT 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 17 .SSPzGrD 17 .SSPzGrD GvB 0.History GvB 78019/2 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History 36 38 20 SAINT-LEO-LA-FORET 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01- 1945/03/18 SSPzGrD GvB 0.History SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 17 .SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17 .SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 17 .SSPzGrD 17 .SSPzGrD GvB 0.History GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 17 .SSPzGrD 17 .SSPzGrD GvB 0.History GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 17, 17, SAINT-LO 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 SAINT-SAOVEOR 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 SAIHT-SEfEH, FORET DE 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 SAINT-?ITH 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 SAINTES 1943/02/15- 1943/12/14 9. SSPzD Hstf Unit History 10 .SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/2 1 150 3792083 10 INDEX DATES SAINTES 1913/02/15- 1945/04/30 SAKOVSHCHIiA 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 SALDOS ITEM NO. BOLL 1ST F B A H E PAGE CONTINOED lO.SSPzD Frdsbg D.History 2 o S S - S t E r Drlw 78028/3 8 648 719 80 (Frauenburg) 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 SAM MABCELLO PISTOIESE 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 SARAJEVO 1944/05/00- 1945/01/10 SARHBGUEHIHES 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/02-1944/12/01 1944/04/03-1944/12/04 SASSO HABCOHI 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 SAUBBRZWEI6, K A R L 1943/03/01- 1945/04/30 1944/01/12-1944/01/12 SAOHUB 1943/11/15- 1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 SAVIGHY 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 SCHAEFEB, GHUPPB 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 SCHELLONG, KO1RAD 1941/04/10- 1943/05/31 SCHILBHKOFF, GENERAL 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 SCBIHAHA, BINSATZSTAB 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 SCHIRACH, BALDOR fOH 1 9 . S S W G r D ( l e t t . 2 ) U.Hist. 45 1 6 . S S P z G r D BF-SS 0 . H i s t o r y 33 21.SSSGebD(Skbeg) D.Hist. 50 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/8 1 7 . S S P z G r D GvB 78019/12 157 158 3802289 3802658 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS 0.History 36 39 40 33 13.SSWGebD Hdschr U.Hist. 23.SSHGebD Kama 78023/1 160 3805952 30 53 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17-SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. 58 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 90 2oSS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 650 254 84 2oSS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 81 154 3797980 24 (Beichsj u g e n d f u e h r e r - Beich Leader for Youth E d u c a t i o n ; Beich Y o u t h Leader on the Staff of the SA Supreme C o m m a n d , Leader of Youth of the German Beich; Leader of the Hitler Y o u t h ; Beich Defense Commissioner, Eeichsstatthalter and Gauleiter of Vienna; member of the Reichstag; SA Obergruppenfuehrer.) 19 43/11/06-1 944/04/20 SCHLEIDEH 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 SCBHIDHUBBR, AUGUST 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 SCHHIBDBBERG (See K o w a r y ) SCHODEH (See Skuodas) SCHOB1BBBCK 1943/05/31- 1945/04/18 SCHOLZ, FRITZ ?OH 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 SCHVANEMBURG (See Gulbene) SCH1ARZE SCHUTZflAESHER 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/10 12.SSPZD HJ Unit History 20 21.SSHGebD(Skbeg) O.Hist. 50 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U.Hist, 58 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold O.Hist. 17 {Also known as "Scbwarze Posten," Soviet volunteers serving with SD Jagdkoamandos assigned to SS f i g h t i n g units for special antipartisan operations.) 1942/06/19-1944/02/12 2.SS-StBr Dirlw 78028/20 SCHWEDT 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 SEARCH LISTS 1944/09/14-1944/11/10 147 652 486 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist, 3 0 . S S M G r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/7 88 58 160 3806580 63 INDEX 148 BOLL I T E M NO. DATES 1ST F B A H E PAGE SEGEiOLD (See Sigulda) SEINE BIVEB 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 1944/08/17-1944/08/25 1944/08/18-1944/08/25 20 57 57 12 SSPzD HJ U n i t History 26 SSPzD 78025/1 26, SSPzD 78025/2 160 160 3806023 3806003 17, SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17, SSPzGrD G v B 78019/18 158 3802983 41 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/13 651 173 77 86 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 649 659 83 653 653 653 360 520 663 96 98 98 99 156 3800538 35 3805937 50 52 51 SEINGBOOSE 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/11/21-1944/12/02 36 SELIBA 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/31- 1 9 4 4 / 0 6 / 2 4 SELISHCHE 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 SELO-GOBA 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 1942/01/29- 1 9 4 2 / C 8 / 0 8 1942/04/14-1942/08/04 SS SS SS SS FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg FrwLeg Niedlde Niedlde Niedlde Niedlde U.Hist. 30182/1 30182/3 30182/4 SENIO, TEBBEHTE 1944/04/17-1945/01/04 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS 78018/2 SERBIA (Serbien). See Yugoslavia, as well as specific populated places a n d geographical terms. 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 21.SSWGebD (Skbeg) O.Hist. 23.SSHGebD Kama O.Hist. 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 1944/10/02-1944/10/02 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) 78022/1 SEYFFABD, SS FBBPZGR BGT 48, G E N E R A L 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist. 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 SHAYTBOTSHCHINA 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/3 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 SI EG EN 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 160 100 648 719 80 9.SSPzD Hstf Onit History 1 3 0 . S S W G r D ( B u s s 2) O.Hist. 61 26.SSPzD Unit History 56 19.SSffGrD(lett.2) 45 SIEGLIHG, HANS 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 SIEBADZ (Schieratz) 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 SIGOLDA (Segewold) 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 SILESIA (Schlesien) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 1944/11/00-1945/03/14 SIHOH, H A X 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 U.Hist. 20, S S H G r D ( e s t n 1) U.Hist. 25, SSWGrD H u n y a d i U.Hist. 47 68 54 17, SSPzGrD GvB U . H i s t o r y 16, SSPzGrD BF-SS U.History 36 33 SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 161 3806724 SISTIG 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 1944/11/17-1944/12/16 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History 12.SSPzD HJ 78016/24 155 3799006 20 26 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/17 651 923 87 SIVITSA 1943/07/28-1943/08/09 SKOODAS (Schoden) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 SLATE LABOB 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/08/20- 1944/01/08 1944/03/01-1944/06/27 SLOBODA 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 1942/03/22-1943/09/03 1942/08/20- 1944/01/08 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 20..SSWGrD(estn 1) O.Hist. 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/3 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/2 2. SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw Drlw U. History 78028/16 78028/4 78028/3 78028/6 47 649 648 648 1 719 623 81 80 80 651 649 648 649 676 1 719 659 77 87 81 80 83 INDEX DATES BOLL IT EH NO. SLOBODKA 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 SLOVAKIA ( S l o w a k e i ) . See Czechoslovakia, as well as specific populated places and geographical terms 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2-SS-StBr D r l w U.History 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS OstmuselmD 0.History SLOVAKIA, DEDTSCHEB BEFEHLSHABBH SLOiAKEI (German C o m m a n d e r in Slovakia) 2.SS-StBr D r l w 0 . H i s t o r y 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 SLDCH BIYEH 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 2 7 . S S F r w P z G r D Lamk U.Hist. SLOTSK 2. SS-StBr D r l w U. History 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 2.SS-StEr Drlw 78028/16 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2o SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 SHILTENE SS FrwLeg Flandern U . H i s t . 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 SS F r w L e g Flandern 30180/2 SHOLENSK 1942/12/31-1943/10/08 1ST F R A M E 649 PAGE 81 77 67 77 58 651 650 650 676 628 254 77 87 85 84 653 151 90 94 650 1 83 SS-StBr Drlw 0.History SS-StBr Drlw 7 8 0 2 8 / 1 1 SS-StBr Drlw 7 8 0 2 8 / 4 650 649 628 1 77 85 81 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y 12.SSPzD HJ 7 8 0 1 6 / 2 4 155 3799006 20 26 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/8 SMOLEVICHI 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 SOEST 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/11/17-1944/12/16 SOFINO 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19.SSWGrD(lett.2) O.Hist. 45 SOKAL 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 19 43/04/07- 1 9 4 4 / 0 7 / 2 1 1944/04/02-1944/07/23 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 10. SSPzD 10. SSPzD 10. SSPzD 10. SSPzD Frdsbg Frdsbg Frdsbg Frdsbg U. History 78014/3 78014/22 78014/11 150 152 150 3792213 3794560 3792938 8 10 13 11 650 254 84 SOKOLOi, MAJOB 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 SOPRON (Oedenburg) 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 SODBDE7AL 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1944/04/29- 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 0 9 SOVETSK (Tilsit) 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 2oSS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 12.SSPZD HJ Unit H i s t o r y 9.SSPzD Hstf U n i t H i s t o r y 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/12 20 147 SS FrwLeg Flandern U . H i s t . SS OstrauselmD 78042/1 SS O s t m u s e l m D 7 8 0 4 2 / 2 SOVIET UNION See specific p o p u l a t e d places and geographical terms. 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr D r l w U . H i s t o r y 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U . H i s t . 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS FrwLeg Niedlde U.Hist. 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS K p f g r Jeckeln U.Hist. 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 11-SSFrwPzGrD Hold U . H i s t . 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U . H i s t . 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist. 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19-SSHGrD (lett.2) U.Hist. 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS O s t m u s e l m D U.History SOVIET VOLUNTEERS 1942/02/06-1942/11/23 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/19 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 149 1 5 90 SOVIET FOB'S 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 1944/12/25-1945/01/20 3789036 16 1 161 3806724 3807079 68 70 77 90 71 96 75 17 58 100 45 67 652 650 16 1 390 254 3806724 88 84 68 150 INDEX DATES I T E M NO. BOLL SOVIET VOLUNTEERS 1944/12/25-1945/01/20 SS OstmuselnD 78042/2 SPANGDAHLEH 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9.SSPzD Hstf Unit History SPASSKAYA POLIST 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 19.SSWGrD (lett.2) a.Hist. SPONTIK 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History SPBEHBERG 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10.SSPzD Frdsbg U.History SRBOBRAH 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 23.SSHGebD Kama O.Hist. SS (Schutzstaffeln - elite guard of the National Socialist P a r t y , divided into the Allgemeine-SS and the Haffen-SS.) SS IRBEITSLAGER POHIATOHA (SS Labor Camp) 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 SS AfiBIES (See PzAOK 6 SS; u n i t records reproduced on T354, roll 116, described in guide No. 75, p. 2-4). SS AOSBILDOHGSLAGBB TRAINIKI (SS Training Camp) 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 SS BRIGADE "LETTISCHE" 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 2.SS I n f . B r g ( n o t ) O.Hist. SS BRIGADE 4 FBMPZGB "NBDEBLAHD" (Onit records reproduced on T354, roll 653, described in this guide, p. 100-102). 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl a.Hist, SS DIVISIOH "OSTHOSELHAHISCHB" (Onit records reproduced on T354, roll 161, described in this guide, p. 67-70). 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS OstmuselnD 0. History SS DIVISIOH 1 PZ "LSSAH" (Onit records on the evolution of the Leibstandarte SS "Adolf Hitler" reproduced on T354, rolls 192-237 and records of the 1. SS Panzer-Division "LSSAH" on rolls 609-625, described in guide No. 75, p. 40-72 and 73-103). SS DIVISIOB 2 PZ "DAS REICH" (Onit records reproduced on T354, rolls 103-111, described in guide No. 75, p. 104-124). SS DIVISIOH 3 PZ "TOTEHKOPF" (Onit records reproduced on T354, rolls 130-137 and 645, described in guide No. 75, p. 125-139). SS DIVISIOH 4 PZGR "POLIZEI" (Onit records reproduced on T354, rolls 626-638, described in guide No. 75, p. 140-157). SS DIVISIOI 5 PZ mi KING" (Onit records reproduced on T354, rolls 161 and 639, described in guide No. 75, p. 158-162) . SS DIVISIOH 6 GEB "NORD" (Onit records reproduced on T354, rolls 137-145, described in guide No. 75, p. 163-172). SS DIVISION 7 FR1GEB "PRIHZ EOGEN" (Onit records reproduced on T354, rolls 145-146, described in guide No. 75, p. 173-178). 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 21.SSHGebD(Skbeg) O.Hist. SS DIVISIOH 8 K A V "FLOBIAN GEYER" (Onit records reproduced on T354, rolls 640-645, described in g u i d e No. 75, p. 179-188). SS DIVISIOH 9 PZ "HOHENSTAUFEH" (Onit records reproduced on T354, rolls 146-149, described in this g u i d e , p. 1-7). 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9.SSPZD Hstf Onit History 161 1ST F R A H E CONTINOED 3807079 PAGE 70 1 45 20 8 52 161 3806724 68 161 3806724 68 71 100 67 50 INDEX DATES ITEM NO. FOIL 1ST F R A M E SS DIVISION 10 PZ "FBOHDSBBBG" (Onit records reproduced on T354, rolls 150-153, described in t h i s guide, p. 8-16). 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1 0 - S S P z D Frdsbg U . H i s t o r y SS DIVISION 10 PZGB " K A R L DEB GBOSSE" 1943/03/03-1944/02/12 10.SSP2D Frdsbg 78014/1 SS DIVISIOH 11 FBWPZGB "NOBDLAND" (Unit records reproduced on T354, roll 153, described in t h i s g u i d e , p. 17-19). 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS F r w L e g Niedlde O.Hist. 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold O.Hist. SS DIVISION 12 PZ "HIT1EBJOGEHD" (Unit records reproduced on T354, rolls 153-156, described in t h i s guide, p. 20-29). 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ O n i t History SS DIVISION 13 WGEB "HANDSCHAR" (KROATISCHE NR. 1) (Unit records r e p r o d u c e d on T354, roll 156, described in this g u i d e , p. 30-32). 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13.SSHGebD Hdschr O.Hist. 1944/01/12-1944/01/12 23.SSWGebD K a m a 78023/1 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 23.SSWGebD Kama O.Hist. SS DIVISION 14 WGB (GALIZISCHB NR. 1) (No unit records a v a i l a b l e at the N a t i o n a l Archives) . SS DIVISION 15 1GB (LETTISCHE MB. 1) (No u n i t records available at the National Archives). SS DIVISION 16 PZGB "BEICHSFOEHHEB-SS" (Onit records reproduced on T354, roll 156, described in t h i s g u i d e , p. 33-35). 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U . H i s t o r y SS DIVISION 17 PZGB "GOBTZ VON BEBIICHINGEN" (Unit records reproduced on T354, rolls 156-160, described in t h i s g u i d e , p. 36-44). 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 26-SSPzD Onit History SS DIVISION 18 FBWPZGB "HOBST WESSEL" (No unit records available at the National PAGE 8 150 3791854 10 96 17 20 160 3805952 30 53 52 33 36 56 Archives). SS DIVISIOM 19 WGB (LETTISCHE HB. 2) ( U n i t records reproduced on T354, roll 160, described in t h i s g u i d e , p. 45-46). 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 2. SS I n f . Brg (not) U . H i s t . 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 1 9 . S S W G r D ( l e t t . 2 ) O.Hist. SS DIVISION 20 WGB (ESTNISCHE HB. 1) (Unit records reproduced on T354, roll 160, described in t h i s g u i d e , p. 47-49). 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 2 0 . S S W G r D ( e s t n 1) U . H i s t . SS DIVISION 21 WGEB "SKANDERBEG" (ALBAHISCHE HB. 1) ( U n i t records r e p r o d u c e d on T354, roll 160, described in t h i s g u i d e , p. 50-51). 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 21. SSWGebD (Skbeg) SS DIVISION 22 F R W K A V " B A R I A THEBBSIA" O.Hist. (No u n i t records available at the National Archives). SS DIVISIOH 23 PZGB "NEDEBLAHD" (No unit records available at the National Archives). 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist. SS DIVISIOH 23 IGEB " K A M A " (KBOATISCHE Nfi. 2) ( U n i t records reproduced on T354, roll 160, described in t h i s g u i d e , p. 52-53). 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 23.SSWGebD Kama O.Hist. SS DIVISION 24 WGEB (KARSTJAEGEB) (No unit records available at the National Archives). 151 71 45 47 50 100 52 152 INDEX DATES ITEH NO. BOLL 1ST F R A M E PAGE SS DIVISION 25 WGB "HUHYADI" (DNGARISCHE MB. 1) (Unit records reproduced on T354, roll 160, described in this g u i d e , p. 54-55), 1944/11/00- 1945/03/14 SS DIVISION 26 PZ 25.SSWGrD H u n y a d i O.Hist. 54 (Dnit records reproduced on T354, roll 160, described in t h i s g u i d e , p. 56-57). 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 26.SSPzD Onit History SS DIVISION 26 WGB " H O N G A B I A " (ONGARISCHE MB. 2) 56 (No unit records available at the National Archives) . SS DIVISION 27 FRWPZGB "LMfGBHABCK" (FLAEMISCHE HB. 1) (Unit records reproduced on T354, roll 160, described in this g u i d e , p. 58-60). 1943/05/31-1945/C4/18 2 7 . S S F r w P z G r D Lank O.Hist. SS DIVISION 28 FBRPZGB "WALLOHIEH" 58 (No unit records available at the National Archives). SS DIVISION 29 VGB (ITALIEHISCHE NB. 1) (No unit records available at the National Archives). SS DIVISION 30 WGB (BOSSISCHE NB. 2) (Onit records reproduced on T354, roll 160, described in this g u i d e , p. 61-63). 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 30. S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) O.Hist. SS DIVISION 31 FBHGB 61 (No unit records available at the National Archives). 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 SS DIVISION 32 FBWGB "30. 23.SSWGebD K a m a O.Hist. JANOAR" 52 (No unit records available at the National Archives). SS DIVISION 33 WGB "CHARLEMAGNE" (FBAHZOESISCHE NB. 1) (No unit records available at the National Archives) . SS DIVISION 34 FB1GB "LANDSTORH HEDBBLAHD" (Onit records reproduced on T354, roll 646, described in t h i s guide, p. 64-65). 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 0.History 64 SS DIVISION 35 POLIZEI-GHEIADIEB (No unit records available at the National Archives). SS DIVISION 36 NGB (No unit records available at the National Archives). 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StEr Drlw 0.History SS DIVISION 37 FRiKAV "LOE1ZON" 77 (No unit records available at the National Archives) . SS DIVISION 38 GB "NIBELONGEN" (No unit records available at the National Archives). SS FLAK ABTEILONG "OST" 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 SS GERICHTSBARKEIT 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/2 (SS Jurisdiction. See Judiciary, Provost Courts.) SS INFANTERIE-BBIGADE 1 fHOT) See also SS Division 20 ¥Gr (Estnische Nr. 1). 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. 161 3807712 73 90 96 SS INFAHTEBIE-BRIGADE 2 (HOT) (Onit records reproduced on T354, roll 161, described in this guide, p. 71-73). See also SS Division 19 WGr (Lettische Nr. 2). 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) O.Hist. 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.flist. 90 71 96 INDEX DATES SS I N F A N T E R I E - B R I G A D E 2 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 I T E M NO. BOLL (MOT) 1ST F R A M E PAGE CONTINUED 19. SSWGrD (lett. 2) O.Hist. 45 SS KAHPFGBUPPE JECKELH ( U n i t records reproduced on T354, roll 647, described in this guide, p. 75-76). 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS K p f g r Jeckeln O.Hist. SS KORPS ( U n i t records reproduced on T354, rolls 603-604, described in guide No. 75, p. 5-10). 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9-SSPzD flstf Unit History 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History SS KOBPS 2 PZ ( U n i t records reproduced on T354, rolls 116-120 and 603, 605-608, described in guide No. 75, p. 11-25). 1942/02/08-1944/08/04 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/4 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9.SSPzD Hstf U n i t History 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10-SSPzD Frdsbg O.History SS KOBPS 75 1 PZ "LSSAH" 1 20 154 3797299 23 1 8 3 PZ "GERHAHISCH" {Unit records reproduced on T354, roll 120, described in guide No. 75, p. 26-29). 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 1 1 . S S F r w P z G r D Nold U . H i s t . 20. SSWGrD (estn 1) O.Hist. 17 47 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 27. SSFrwPzGrD Laiak U . H i s t . 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist. 58 100 SS KOKPS 4 PZ (Unit records reproduced on T354, roll 120, described in guide No. 75, p. 30-31). SS KOfiPS 5 GEB ( U n i t records reproduced on T354, roll 120, described in guide No. 75, p. 32-33). 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13.SSWGebD Hdschr U.flist. SS KOBPS ( U n i t records reproduced on T354, roll 120, described in g u i d e No. 75, p. 34-35). 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 1 9 . S S M G r D ( l e t t . 2 ) U.Hist. SS KOBPS 7 PZ (No unit records available at the National Archives). SS KOBPS 8 K A V (No unit records available at the National Archives, it is questionable if this u n i t was activated in 1945.) SS KOBPS 9 GEB (No u n i t records available at the National Archives) . SS KOBPS 10 (No unit records available at the National Archives) . SS KOBPS 11 (No unit records available at the National Archives) . SS KOBPS 12 ( U n i t records reproduced on T354, roll 120, described in guide No. 75, p. 36-37) * SS KOBPS 13 (Unit records reproduced on T354, roll 120, described in guide No. 75, p. 38-39). SS KOBPS 14 (No u n i t records available at the National Archives) . SS KOBPS 15 KOSAKEN-KA7ALLBBIB (No unit records available at the National Archives) . SS KOBPS 16 (No u n i t records available at the National Archives). 153 30 6 FBI 45 154 INDEX DATES SS KOHPS I T E M NO, BOLL 1ST F R A H E PAGE 17 (It is considered most d o u b t f u l that this unit was ever activated) . SS KORPS 18 {No unit records available at the N a t i o n a l Archives) . SS IEGIOH "FLANDEBH" ( U n i t records reproduced on T354, roll 653, described in this guide, p. 90-95). See also SS Division 27 FrwPzGr " L a n g e m a r c k " (Flaemische Nr. D1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1942/01/13-1942/07/22 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 SS LEGION "NIEDERLANDE" SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Niedlde 3 0 1 8 2 / 1 SS FrwLeg Niedlde 3 0 1 8 2 / 3 2.SS i n f . Brg (root) 7 8 0 3 0 / 1 (Unit records reproduced on T354, roll 653, described in t h i s g u i d e , p. 96-99). SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/1 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 SS LEGION "NORHEGEN" 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS SS STAHDAHTE "NOBD1EST" 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS SS 1941/11/10- 1 9 4 1 / 1 2 / 1 8 SS S T U B H B B I G A D E "LAHGEHARCK" 653 653 161 653 <61 360 520 3807092 90 71 96 98 98 73 1 3807092 90 96 93 73 K p f g r JecTceln O.Hist. K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 647 75 76 FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 653 90 93 (See also SS Division 27 F r w P z G r "Langemarck" (Flaeraische Nr. 1). 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. 90 SS S T O R H B R I G A D E 2 "DIRLEWANGER" ( O n i t records reproduced on T354, rolls 648-652, described in this g u i d e , p. 77-89). 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS O s t m u s e l m D 0.History 77 67 SS ONIT RECORDS (Other lower level ¥ a f f e n - S S u n i t records reproduced on T354, rolls 162-191 and 238-342, listed in guide No. 27 (Miscellaneous SS Records: E i n w a n d e r e r z e n t r a l s t e l l e , Haffen-SS, and SS-Oberabschnitte); and records of SS Totenkopf K a v a l l e r i e - R e g i m e n t e 1 and 2, reproduced on rolls 654-772, and H-773-R-799, to be described in f o r t h c o m i n g guide to the Records of the W a f f e n - S S , Part III.) STADLER, SYLVESTER 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 STADTKYLL 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 STALBOfSHCHINA 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 STALIN BRIGADE, P A R T I S A N 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 STARGARD 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 9.SSPZD Hstf Onit History 1 9.SSPzD Hstf Onit History 1 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/16 GBOOP 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 651 676 87 651 430 86 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 0. History I I . S S F r w P z G r D Nold O.Hist. 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. 8 17 58 100 STARIHKI 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 STABNBEBGEB SEE 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 17.SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 649 77 81 36 INDEX IT EH NO, DATES STABO-KOHSTANTIHO? 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 STARO-PAHOVO 1941/04/ 10- 1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/02/17- 1942/08/13 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 STAROBIN 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 1942/03/22- 1943/09/08 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 STAR TIE DOROGI 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 STARYYB VELICHK07ICHI 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 SfECHOWICE 1943/11/15- 1 9 4 5 / C 5 / 0 4 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 STETTIM (See Szczecin) STEYR 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 STOOB SS SS SS SS F r w L e g F l a n d e r n O.Hist. FrwLeg F l a n d e r n 30180/2 K p f g r Jeckeln O o H i s t . K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 155 PAGE 58 653 151 647 1 90 94 75 76 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0. H i s t o r y 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/4 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 6U9 650 1 254 77 81 84 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 650 254 84 2. SS-StBr Drlw U. H i s t o r y 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 77 81 17.SSPzGrD G v B 0. H i s t o r y 1 7 . S S P z G r D G v B 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 1 9 - S S P z D Hstf Unit H i s t o r y susz 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 1ST F R A M E 2 7 . S S F r w P z G r D Lamk O.Hist, 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12, SSPzD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y STBADEN 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS U.History STRASBOURG 1944/09/20-1944/10/31 30.SSWGrD(Rass 2) 78027/1 STRECKENBACH, BRONO (Deputy Chief of Sicherheitspolizei and SD; SS O b e r g r u p p e n f u e h r e r ; G e n e r a l l e u t n a n t der Polizei; C o m m a n d e r of the 19. W a f f e n - G r e n a d i e r - D i v i s i o n SS (Lettische Nr. 2). 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 1 9 . S S ¥ G r D ( l e t t . 2 ) O.Hist. STRENGTH REPORTS (See also Casualty and Strength Reports.) 1943/05/05-1944/08/05 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/23 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 17.SSPzGrD G v B 78019/12 1944/04/03- 1944/12/04 1944/06/01-1945/04/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/33 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) 7 8 0 2 7 / 2 1944/09/22-1944/11/09 3 0 . S S W G r D ( R u s s 2) 7 8 0 2 7 / 4 1944/10/02-1944/10/02 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) 78022/1 1945/03/25-1945/03/25 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/36 SOCHAN (Zachan) 2 7 . S S F r w P z G r D Lamk O.Hist. 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. SDLL IN GEN 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ Onit History SOPPLT 1943/02/19-1944/06/11 10 SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/5 1943/05/07-1943/09/24 10 SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/28 1943/06/15-1944/08/04 12 SSPzD HJ 78016/12 1943/07/12-1943/07/12 11 SSFrwPzGrD Nold 78015/1 1943/09/10-1943/09/22 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/34 1944/04/05-1944/07/09 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/16 1944/04/09-1944/08/0 1 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/11 1944/06/01-1944/07/09 10 SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/14 1944/11/30-1944/11/30 17 SSPzGrD GvB 78019/41 (Rosenberg) 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 SOZANNE BOLL 30, SSWGrD (Russ 2) 78027/2 30, S S H G r D ( R u s s 2) O.Hist. 26.SSPzD Onit History 20 33 160 3806172 62 45 152 156 158 159 160 160 160 153 3794584 3800635 3802658 3804244 3806183 3806476 3805937 3796390 13 38 40 43 62 63 51 15 58 100 20 150 152 154 153 153 151 150 151 159 3792439 3795188 3798019 3796742 3796045 3793835 3792938 3793383 3805289 11 14 24 19 15 12 11 12 44 160 3806183 62 61 56 INDEX 156 DATES SUZANNE 1944/08/18-1944/08/25 SVISLOCH 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 SWIEBODZICE ITEM NO. ROLL 26.SSPZD 78025/2 160 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 649 650 1ST FRAME CONTINOED 3806003 1 254 PAGE 57 77 81 84 (Freiburg) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 SZABAS 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 SZCZECIH 20.SSWGrD(estn 1) O.Hist, 47 13.SSWGebD Hdschr O.Hist 30 (Stettin) 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 TAKACSI 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 TABANY 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 TABASOfO 10.SSPZD Frdsbg O.History 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold U.Hist. 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. 8 17 58 100 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History 20 13.SSHGebD Hdschr O.Hist. 30 SS PrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/1 653 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 653 151 90 94 SS OstBiuselnD 78042/1 161 3806724 68 1942/01/29-1942/08/08 TAYTSI SS FrwLeg Niedlde 30182/3 653 520 98 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist. 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 TABTO 90 93 (Dorpat) 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 TATARS 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 T ATI HO 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 TEBBOfEB, JOSEPH 71 96 (SS G r u p p e n f u e h r e r ; Gauleiter of Essen and Duesseldorf; Reich Commissioner for Occupied N o r w a y , 1940-45; committed suicide in Norway, H a y 1945.) 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 TEBBBONT 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 TESKE, H EBB ANN 1942/12/31- 1945/05/08 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 647 76 19.SSSGrD(lett. 2) O.Hist. 45 9-SSPzD Hstf Onit History 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History 1 20 THEOEBHANN. SS OBEBSTOBBBANNFOEHBEB 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 96 SS FrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist, THOUABS 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17, SSPzGrD G v B 0.History 17, SSPzGrD G V B 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 9.SSPzD Hstf Onit History 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/6 10-SSPzD Prdsbg 78014/12 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/12 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/18 147 151 147 148 3788195 3793192 3789036 3790082 1 4 12 5 6 THOBI-HABCOUBT 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/04/19-1945/01/21 1943/05/09-1944/07/25 1944/04/29-1944/08/09 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 TIEFENSEE 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 H.SSFrwPzGrD Nold O.Hist. 17 2. SS Inf.Brg (mot) O.Hist. 71 TIKH7IN 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 TILLIEBES 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/01/01-1944/06/01 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/22 155 3798723 20 26 17, SSPzGrD GvB 0.History 17, SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 TILLOI-BT-BELLAY 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 INDEX DATES TILLY-SOB-SEOLLES 1944/06/25- 1944/C8/20 TILSIT (See Sovetsk) TIBZA HIVER 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 TJABUTH, PARTISAN GROUP 19 4 4 / 0 4 / 0 5 - 1944/06/08 TOBHA 1941/04/10- 1 9 4 3 / 0 5 / 3 1 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 TOfiHI 1944/04/17- 1945/01/04 TOBUN (Thorn) 1944/07/20- 1944/09/29 TOSNO 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 1941/11/10-1941/12/18 1941/12/19- 1 9 4 2 / 0 7 / 2 3 TOOL 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 TOULON 1943/02/15-1943/12/14 1943/02/15- 1945/04/30 TOOBCOIHG 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 1942/12/31- 1 9 4 5 / 0 5 / 0 8 ITEM NO, 9.SSPZD Hstf BOLL 78013/18 148 1ST FRAME PAGE 3790082 19.SSWGrD (lett.2) U . H i s t . 45 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/15 651 430 86 SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. SS F r w L e g Flandern 30180/2 653 151 90 94 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS 78018/2 156 3800538 35 3 0 . S S H G r D (Buss 2) 78027/2 160 3806183 62 SS FrwLeg Plandern O.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/2 SS F r w L e g Flandern 30180/1 SS FrwLeg F l a n d e r n 30180/2 161 653 653 3807712 1 151 90 71 73 93 94 10.SSP2D Frdsbg 0. H i s t o r y l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/11 150 3792938 8 11 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/2 10-SSPzD Frdsbg U . H i s t o r y 150 3792083 10 8 9 - S S P z D Hstf 78013/3 9.SSPzD Hstf Onit History 9 - S S P z D Hstf 78013/9 146 3787633 147 3788697 3 1 4 150 3792279 10 1943/04/15-1943/04/15 TOUBVILLE 1943/04/01-1944/09/09 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/4 TBABEH-TBABACH 1942/12/31- 1945/05/08 9-SSPzD Hstf Onit History 1BAISEN RIVER 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ Onit H i s t o r y TBABNIKI 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS OstrauselmD 0.History TBAWNIKI, SS TBAINING C A M P 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS O s t r a u s e l m D 78042/1 TBEPREL 1943/09/10- 1943/09/22 H O . S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/34 TBETJBNFELD, K A R L VON 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U . H i s t . 1943/02/10- 1944/07/02 1 0 - S S P z D Frdsbg 78014/18 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg 0.History TBIBEHOO 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD G v B U . H i s t o r y 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 TBIEBEHBEBG, WOLF 1943/1 1/15- 1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History TSCHAPAJEI, PARTISAN GROUP 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/15 TSN* RIVER 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2.SS-S+Br Drlw U . H i s t o r y 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 TUDULIHHA 1943/05/05- 1945/05/04 2 0 . S S » G r D ( e s t n 1) U.Hist. TOBCIANSKI SVATY BABTIH 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History TURI 1 20 67 161 3806724 68 153 3796045 15 151 3794109 71 12 8 156 3800635 36 38 36 651 430 86 649 1 77 81 47 77 (Turgel) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 TURKESTAN 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 157 20.SSWGrD(estn 1) U.Hist. SS OstnuselmD 78042/1 47 16 1 3806724 68 INDEX 158 DATES TURKOMANS 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 1944/12/25- 1945/01/20 TOENHOOT 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1943/09/19-1944/07/22 1943/12/05-1944/05/24 TYOTITSY 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 O.S. DIVISION 4 4 T H 1944/03/28- 1945/02/20 O.S. FORCES, EVALUATION 1942/11/03-1945/02/28 1943/02/17-1944/07/21 BOLL ITEM NO, 1ST F R A M E PAGE SS OstmuselfflD 78042/1 SS OstrauselraD 78042/2 161 161 3806724 3807079 68 70 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t History 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/6 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/16 154 154 3797495 3798265 20 23 25 SS FrwLeg Flandern U. Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) D.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 2.SS I n f . B r g ( n i o t ) 78030/1 653 161 151 3807092 90 71 94 73 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/28 159 3803986 42 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/25 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/14 9 . S S P Z D Hstf 78013/13 149 148 148 3791547 3789363 3789165 7 5 5 650 628 85 649 659 83 1943/08/14-1944/11/03 OBOBKI 1942/01/22-1944/02/28 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/11 0BOBOK 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 UKRAINE 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk U.Hist. ULESYA 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 ULLA 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw U.History 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 ULLRICH, KAHPFGBDPPE 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 UNTERNEHHEN (Undertaking). See specific n a m e , with s u f f i x UNTERNEHMEN. UPBNIEKI 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 I I . S S F r w P z G r D Nold U.Hist. URBACH 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History OBITSK 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS K p f g r Jeckeln U . H i s t . 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 58 649 659 83 651 430 77 86 156 3800635 38 17 36 647 1 75 76 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/2 648 623 80 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 651 430 86 2.SS-StEr Drlw U.History 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 1 77 81 2.SS-StEr Drlw 78028/15 651 430 86 2.SS-StBr 2. SS-StEr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2.SS-StBr 2. SS-StBr D r l w U.History Drlw 78028/16 Dirlw 78028/20 Drlw 78028/18 Drlw 78028/2 Drlw 78028/15 651 652 652 648 651 676 486 1 623 430 77 87 88 88 80 86 17. SSPzGrD GvB 78019/18 158 3802983 41 2.SS I n f . B r g ( i a o t ) 161 3807092 73 USBA 1944/03/01-1944/06/27 USBACHI 1944/04/05- 1944/06/08 USYAZHA RIVEB 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 UTKIN, PARTISAN GBOUP 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 UZDA 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1940/07/01-1944/06/26 1942/06/19-1944/02/12 1944/03/01-1944/06/24 1944/03/01- 1944/06/27 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 VAHL-EBERSING 1944/11/21-1944/12/02 VALENTIN, KAMPFGRUPPE 1942/03/31- 1942/06/25 TALETTE, L A 78030/1 1944/11/21-1944/12/02 17. SSPzGrD GvB 78019/18 158 3802983 41 ?ALLETTA 1944/04/17-1945/01/04 VALSIEBA 16.SSPzGrD RF-SS 78018/2 156 3800538 35 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 90 INDEX DATES I T E M NO. BOLL VALMIEBA 1ST FBAHE CONTINOED 151 PAGE 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 VALPOVO 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 VASILOVKA SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 1942/11/10- 1 9 4 3 / 0 8 / 2 1 VASSY 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 VAOCREHONT 1944/03/10- 1 9 4 4 / 1 2 / 0 1 VELIKA KOPAHICA 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 VELKOTA 1943/04/01- 1945/04/18 VEHDES 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 VEBDON 1943/1 1/15-1945/05/04 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 649 659 83 9 . S S P Z D Hstf 148 3790082 6 158 3802799 40 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 VERGATELLO TOBRENTE 1943/1 1/15-1945/05/06 YERNEOIL 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/04/09-1944/08/01 1944/07/01-1944/08/10 7ERSOH 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/04/01-1944/07/09 1944/06/05-1944/07/09 1944/06/23-1944/07/22 VBBVIERS 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 VESHKI 1941/04/10-1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 VIAREGGIO 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 VIELSALH 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 V I E N N A FOREST 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 VI ERE 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/0 1- 1945/03/18 VILEIKA 19 42/11/ 10-1943/08/2 1 TILLERS-BOCAGE 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/04/19-1945/01/21 1944/06/25-1944/08/20 VINKOVCI 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 VIBE 1943/04/19-1945/01/21 YITBY-LE-FRAHCOIS 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 1944/04/09- 1 9 4 4 / 0 8 / 0 1 VIZVAB 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 VLASENICA 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 V L A T A V A BIVEB 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 1944/02/01-1945/03/18 VOIGT, GBUPPE 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 159 653 13.SSWGebD Hdschr 0.Hist. 78013/18 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/14 94 30 13.SSHGebD Hdschr 0.Hist. 30 11.SSFrwPzGrD Nold U.Hist. 17 12.SSPzD HJ Unit History 20 17.SSPzGrD GvB U.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS 0.History 12.SSPZD HJ Unit History 10-SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/11 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/23 10.SSPzD 12.SSPZD lO.SSPzD 10.SSPZD lO.SSPzD Frdsbg O.History HJ U n i t History Frdsbg 78014/30 Frdsbg 78014/29 Frdsbg 78014/25 33 150 155 152 152 152 3792938 3798896 20 11 26 3795483 3795406 3795108 8 20 14 14 14 1 2 - S S P z D HJ Unit History SS FrwLeg Flandern O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 36 38 20 653 151 90 94 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS a.History 33 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t History 20 12-SSPzD HJ Unit History 20 17.SSPzGrD GvB a . H i s t o r y 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/2 156 3800635 36 38 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 649 659 83 9-SSPzD Hstf Onit History 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/6 147 9 . S S P Z D Hstf 148 3788195 3790082 1 4 6 78013/18 13.SSHGebD Hdschr O.Hist. 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/6 l O . S S P z D Frdsbg O.History 10.SSPZD Frdsbg 78014/11 30 147 3788195 4 150 3792938 8 11 13.SSHGebD Hdschr O.Hist. 30 21.SSWGebD(Sfcbeg) 50 O.Hist. 17.SSPzGrD GvB O.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 780H9/2 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. 156 3800635 36 38 58 160 INDEX DATES ?OLKA RIVER 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 1943/07/28-1943/08/09 VOLKHO? 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 ¥OLKHOV POCKET 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1942/03/31-194 2 / 0 6 / 2 5 VOLHA 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 V O L N A Y A GOBKA 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1942/03/31-1942/06/25 VOLOZBYN 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 VOLUNTEERS (See also H i w i s . ) VOLUNTEERS, DUTCH SS 1942/09/03-1944/04/00 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 1945/01/19-1945/04/12 VOLUNTEERS, HOSLEH SS 1943/11/17- 1945/01/10 VOLUNTEERS. NORWEGIAH SS 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 VOLUNTEERS, SOVIET SS 1942/02/06-1942/11/23 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 1943/11/17- 1945/01/10 1944/07/20-1944/09/29 1944/12/25-1945/01/20 VOBSELAAR 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/01/01-1944/06/01 VOBU 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 VOSGES 1943/11/15-1945/05/04 VRBAS 1944/06/10- 1944/10/18 YOGHT 1943/04/27-1945/04/13 1943/05/21- 1944/10/04 1943/11/19-1945/04/30 W A G N E R , JOERGEN 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 IAHLEI 1943/06/01- 1945/05/08 WALBRZYCH (Haldenburg) 1943/05/05- 1945/05/04 WALLOON GUARD DHITS 1942/02/08-1944/08/04 •ABSAi 1941/05/01-1943/09/22 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 ITEM NO, SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 SS-StBr Drlw 78028/17 BOLL 649 651 1ST FRA'HE 359 923 PAGE 82 87 71 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) O.Hist. SS FrwLeg Niedlde a.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/1 161 3807092 96 73 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 649 659 83 2.SS T n f . B r g ( m o t ) U.Hist. 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) 78030/1 161 3807092 71 73 2. SS-StEr Drlw U. H i s t o r y 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/5 649 649 659 359 77 83 82 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl 30182/5 3 4 . S S F r w G r D LaNe 78033/2 3 4 . S S F r w G r D LaNe 78033/1 653 646 646 714 11 1 102 65 65 SS O s t r a u s e l m D 78042/1 161 3806724 68 SS K p f g r Jeckeln 78036/1 647 1 76 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/19 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/9 SS O s t m u s e l m D 78042/1 3 0 . S S H G r D ( R u s s 2) 78027/2 SS O s t m u s e l m D 78042/2 652 650 161 160 161 390 254 3806724 3806183 3807079 88 84 68 62 70 12-SSPzD HJ Unit H i s t o r y 1 2 - S S P z D HJ 78016/22 155 3798723 20 26 20.SSWGTD (estn 1) U.flist. 47 17.SSPzGrD GvE U. History 36 23.SSHGebD Kama U.Hist. 52 3 4 . S S F r w G r D LaNe 78033/2 3 4 . S S F r w G r D LaNe 78033/3 34.SSFrwGrD LaNe 0. History 646 646 11 413 65 65 64 100 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist. 12-SSPzD HJ Unit History 20 20.SSHGrD(estn 1) O.Hist. 47 12.SSPZD HJ 78016/4 154 3797299 23 2.SS I n f . B r g ( m o t ) U.Hist. SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 SS OstrauselaD 0.History 161 3806724 71 68 67 1944/0 1/04- 1944/10/20 1ARTHELAND 1944/08/00-1944/09/00 26 SSPzD Unit History WASJA DJADJA, PARTISAN GROUP 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 IEGORZEHO (Angerburg) 1941/09/29-1941/11/29 2.SS I n f . Brg (mot) 78030/2 56 649 1 81 161 3807712 73 INDEX DATES I T E M NO. BOLL 1ST FRAME PAGE SEHBKBEIS (German army districts responsible for r e c r u i t m e n t , t r a i n i n g , and replacement of a r m y units-) IEHBKBEIS 7, STOTTG&BT 1944/11/00-1945/03/14 1EHBKBEIS XXI, POSEH 1944/08/00- 1944/09/00 WEILERilST 25, S S W G r D H u n y a d i U.Hist. 54 26, SSPzD Dnit History 56 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ Unit H i s t o r y IENCK, BALTEB (General de r P a n z e r t r u p p e n - L i e u t e n a n t General (Armored Command). 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9.SSPzD Hstf U n i t H i s t o r y 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ D n i t H i s t o r y 20 1 20 WESEHBEBG (See R a k v e r e ) VESEB BIVEB 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ U n i t History 20 WESTPHALIA 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 1944/11/17- 1944/12/16 12, SSPzD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y 12 SSPZD HJ 7 8 0 1 6 / 2 4 155 3799006 IESTMALL ( F o r t i f i c a t i o n s along t h e G e r m a n f r o n t i e r . ) 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 9.SSPzD Hstf U n i t H i s t o r y 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y iITT, FRITZ 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 20 26 1 20 12.SSPzD HJ U n i t H i s t o r y 20 HITTISHEIH 1944/09/20-1944/10/31 30.SSWGrD(Russ 2) 78027/1 160 3806172 62 MOBH, KAHPFGBOPPE 1942/12/28- 1943/02/17 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/9 •n lOBOSCHILOi, P A R T I S A N GROUP K 1944/04/05-1944/06/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/15 650 254 84 651 430 86 YANOVO 1940/06/00- 1 9 4 5 / 0 3 / 0 5 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/12/28- 1 9 4 3 / 0 2 / 1 7 2. SS-StBr Drlw U. H i s t o r y 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 2. SS-StBr D r l w 78028/9 649 650 1 254 77 81 84 2. SS-StBr D r l w U. H i s t o r y 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/4 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/17 649 651 1 923 77 81 87 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/17 651 923 87 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/3 648 719 80 YAHUSHKOYICHI 1940/06/00- 1 9 4 5 / 0 3 / 0 5 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1943/07/28- 1 9 4 3 / 0 8 / 0 9 YAFSHEVICHI 1943/07/28-1943/08/09 YATSKOVO 1942/08/20-1944/01/08 YELGAVA (Mitau) 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 1943/09/22-1945/05/04 SS FrwLeg Niedlde U « H i s t . 19.SSHGrD(lett.2) U.Hist. 96 45 YESKOVO 1943/07/28-1943/08/09 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/17 651 923 87 9. SSPzD Hstf 78013/3 9.SSPzD Hstf Unit History 9.SSPzD Hstf 78013/9 146 3787633 147 3788697 3 1 4 IPBES 1942/12/31-1943/12/21 1942/12/31-1945/05/08 1943/04/15-1943/04/15 TOGO SL AYI A See also specific populated places and geographical terms. 1943/03/01-1945/04/30 13.SSWGebD Hdschr U.Hist. 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 4.SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl U.Hist. 1943/11/15-1945/05/06 16.SSPzGrD BF-SS U . H i s t o r y 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) U.Hist. 1944/06/10-1944/10/18 23.SSWGebD Kama D.Hist. YORATISHKI 1943/11/17-1945/01/10 SS OstmuselmD 78042/1 1944/01/04-1944/10/20 SS OstmnselmD U.Hi story 161 30 100 33 50 52 161 3806724 68 67 INDEX 162 DATES YTOIB 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 ZABASHEVICHI 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 ZABELN (See Sabile) ZABOLOTYE 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 1944/03/01-1944/06/27 ZACHAH (See S u c h a n ) ZAGOBTSE 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 ZAGREB ITEM NO, BOLL 1ST FRAHE 12.SSPzD HJ Hnit History PAGE 20 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 649 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/2 652 648 506 623 77 88 80 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/9 650 254 84 81 (Agram) 1943/03/01- 1945/04/30 1943/08/12-1945/03/23 ZAHOSTOCHYE 1942/10/08-1943/08/10 ZAPOLYE 13.SS«GebD Hdschr O.Hist. 4. SSFrwPzGrBr Nedl O.Hist. 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/21 SS FrwLeg Flandern a.Hist. 1941/04/10- 1943/05/31 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 ZASLAYL 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/5 1943/07/07-1943/08/08 ZIOBEBFLOETE, UNTEBNEHHEH ( A n t i p a r t i s a n operation and securing labor force for the Reich in the city of Minsk.) 1940/06/00-1945/03/05 2. SS-StBr Drlw 0.History 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 ZEHBIN 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/6 1942/11/10-1943/08/21 ZEHTITSY 1941/04/10- 1943/05/31 SS FrwLeg Flandern U.Hist. 1941/12/19-1942/07/23 SS FrwLeg Flandern 30180/2 ZEHKOVICHI 1940/06/00- 1945/03/05 2.SS-StBr D r l w 0.History 1942/03/31-1944/06/24 2. SS-StEr Drlw 78028/13 1944/03/01- 1944/06/27 2. SS-StBr Drlw 78028/2 ZEPPELII, ONTEBNEBHEN (Recruiting of Soviet POfMs for counterintelligence and acts of sabotage in rear areas of Soviet Forces.) 1942/12/31-1943/10/08 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/8 ZHITOHIB 27.SSFrwPzGrD Lamk O.Hist. 1943/05/31-1945/04/18 ZHODIHO 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 ZIEGLER, JOACHIH 1943/04/01-1945/04/18 11.SSFrwPzGrD Hold O.Hist. ZLJEB 21.SSWGebD(Skbeg) U.Hist. 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 ZLOTOBYJA (Goldberg) 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 20.SSWGrD (estn 1) O.Hist. ZOLOCHE? 1943/02/15-1945/04/30 10.SSPzD Frdsbg 0. History lO.SSPzD Frdsbg 78014/22 1944/04/02-1944/07/23 ZOELPICH 1943/06/01-1945/05/08 12.SSPZD HJ Onit History ZOTPHES 1944/09/27-1944/10/07 9.SSPZD Hstf 78013/19 ZfOBNIK 21.SSiGebD (Skbeg) O.Hist. 1944/05/00-1945/01/10 30 100 652 506 88 653 151 90 94 649 359 77 82 649 1 77 81 649 649 659 81 83 653 151 90 94 651 648 173 623 77 86 80 1 650 83 58 649 81 17 50 47 152 3794560 8 13 20 149 3790454 6 50 INDEX DATES ZiEIBROECKBI 1943/11/15-19U5/05/Oa W4/11/30-19U5/02/21 163 ITEM NO. 17-SSPzGrD G v B 0.History 17.SSPzGrD GvB 78019/31 ROLL 159 1ST F B A M E 380U119 PAGE 36 «»3 INDEX 164 DATES 020. ID (HOT) 19 41/07/15- 1943/04/01 058.ID 1942/02/17-1942/08/13 126.ID 1941/07/15-1943/04/01 203. SICHEBUNGS DIVISION 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 1942/12/28-1943/02/17 207. SICHEBOHGS-DIflSIOH 1943/05/05-1945/05/04 286. SICHEBOHGS DIVISION 1942/03/22-1943/09/08 600.ID (RLASSOf) 1944/08/01-1944/12/31 I T E M NO. BOLL 1ST F R A H E 96 SS P r w L e g Niedlde O.Hist SS K p f g r Jecfceln 78036/1 647 1 649 650 1 254 20.SSWGrD(estn 1) U. Hist, 2.SS-StBr Drlw 78028/4 30.SSHGrD(Boss 2) U.Hist. 76 96 SS PrwLeg Niedlde O.Hist, 2.SS-StBr D r l w 78028/4 2.SS-StEr Drill 78028/9 PAGE 81 84 47 649 1 81 61 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING MICROFILM National Archives Microfilm Publication T354, rolls 146-161, 646-653 Records of the Waffen-SS, Part II Microfilm copies of one or more rolls of microfilm may be purchased at the current price of $15 a roll. Prices are subject to change without advanced public notice. This price includes postage or shipping costs on orders sent by surface mail within the United States or to Mexico or Canada and on small orders sent to other countries. Additional costs for airmail shipment will be quoted on request. Orders of 40 rolls or more sent to foreign countries other than Canada or Mexico are subject to an added 5 percent shipping charge, Checks or money orders for microfilm should accompany the order. They should be made payable to the General Services Administration (NEPS) and should be mailed to the Cashier, NARS, GSA, Washington, DC 20408. The order should specify Microfilm Publication T354, the roll number or numbers, and the price, Persons ordering microfilm from outside the United States or its possessions should make their remittance by international money order or check drawn in United States dollars on a bank in the United States made payable to the General Services Administration (NEPS) and mailed to the Cashier, NARS, GSA, Washington, DC 20408. The order should specify Microfilm Publication, T354, the roll number or numbers, and the price. 165
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