Spring Open House Schedule Your Program Today!


Spring Open House Schedule Your Program Today!
Schedule Your Program Today!
How the west
Have you noticed that outdoor/environmental education has been
making its way back into the headlines?
Our annual auction, Ebersole Goes
West, was a big success. Read News
from the Ebersole Foundation on page
three for more about this event and
opportunities to lend your support.
In 1961, the Lansing School District recognized the value of outdoor education
and initiated a camping program using sites around Michigan. The program
sparked such interest that in 1977 the district opened the Vernon D. Ebersole
Environmental Education and Conference Center. Over the years, thousands
of teachers and students from all over Michigan have participated in hands-on,
environmental educational experiences at the Center. What those teachers found
to be true is still true today—environmental and outdoor education works.
Mistress & Master
of Ceremonies,
Jane Aldrich
and Kip Bohne.
Programs offered at the Ebersole Center include residential overnight programs,
day visits and outreach programs. If you haven’t scheduled your date for the
2008-2009 school year, contact the Ebersole Center today. If it’s been a while
since you’ve taken part in an environmental education program or if you would
like information about starting a program, we’re here to help. Our staff will walk
you through every step of planning and help design a program to compliment
your curriculum while addressing the state benchmarks.
Bird Feeder Donors
Are “The Best”
Join Us Saturday, April 26th
Ebersole Center would like to
thank Droll Yankees, Inc. for the
donation of three new birdfeeders
to the Center’s bird feeding area.
Droll Yankees, who builds the very
best bird feeders available, donated
three feeders through their “Feeders
for Fun” program aimed at introducing children to bird watching.
All Droll Yankee feeders are covered
by a lifetime warranty, so these
feeders will be serving the Center
for many years to come.
The World’s Best Bird Feeders
Spring Open House
With temperatures below normal and snow flurries still within the realm
of possibility, it’s hard to believe that spring is really here.
However, our fragile earth is waking up and you are invited to join us for a free,
fun-filled day at the Ebersole Center to celebrate the sights and sounds of spring!
Grab your family, friends and camera and prepare to enjoy a guided wildflower
hike, canoeing on Jackson Lake, testing your skills in archery, touring the facilities
and much, much more. Whether you’re a parent wanting to see where your child
will be coming for camp, a teacher interested in starting an environmental
education program in your school, or simply someone with an interest in nature,
the open house has something for you.
Ebersole Center is not usually open to the public which makes the open house
a perfect time to visit and see who we are and what we have to offer. Mark your
calendars for the Annual Spring Open House on Saturday, April 26, 2008
from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Ebersole Center would like to extend a special thank you to
Dean Transportation for again providing free bus service
to and from the open house for Lansing area residents.
To reserve your seat on the bus, call (517) 755-5000.
Spaces fill up fast so sign up early!
Ve r no n D . E b e r s o l e E n v i r o n m e n ta l Ed u c at io n a n d C o n f e r e n c e C e n t e r
Staff Transitions
Lisa Gallinari
Lisa Gallinari, Ebersole’s Site Coordinator/
Resident Manager since 2002, has left the
Center to pursue a law degree. During her
time at Ebersole, Lisa added many creative
touches to both the facilities and programs
including new paint and curtains in the
dormitories, live animal programs, and
many other improvements. She oversaw
center operations and was the liaison with
the Lansing School District and the wider
community. Lisa will be missed and we
wish her the best of luck.
The search for a new Site Coordinator/
Resident Manager is underway. Naturalist
Jason Byler will act as Interim Site Coordinator until a suitable candidate is hired.
Ebersole Repairs
After 30 years the Ebersole Site Coordinator’s house is undergoing some much
needed updates. Lansing School District
carpenters will be replacing cupboards
and countertops in the kitchen, and
remodeling both bathrooms. With luck,
the repairs will be completed in time for
our new Site Coordinator to move in.
In the Ebersole kitchen, our Food Service
staff has a new dishwasher. The machine
replaces 1976 model that had developed
costly maintenance issues.
MSTA Conference
Ebersole staff were on hand to promote
the Center’s facilities and programs at the
Michigan Science Teachers Association
(MSTA) conference in Lansing last March.
Veteran camp instructors stopped by our
booth to say hello, along with new faces
inquiring about camping programs. Our
traveling bee hive and Eastern Box Turtle
also attracted many curious passers-by.
Ebersole Naturalists Tom Stone and
Jason Byler held sessions on linking
environmental education to the Michigan
Science Benchmarks and incorporating
honey bees into a classroom setting.
Ebersole Center
Summer Camps 2008
Ebersole Center Summer Camps are the perfect opportunity to help children get
outside and experience nature in a nurturing, camp environment. All summer camps
are staffed by experienced Ebersole Naturalists and college-level counselors to ensure
camper safety while having a great time. Camps are open to all children between
the ages of 9 and 13, regardless of where they attend school. Camp applications are
available from the Ebersole website: ebersole.lansingschools.net or by contacting the
Ebersole Center office (517) 755-5000. Camp registration deadline is May 30, 2008
Adventure Camp (June 9-13, 2008)
Children 9-11 years old, $200 /child
Adventure Camp is a five day, four night residential
camping experience at Ebersole Center. Campers will
have fun swimming in Gun Lake, canoeing, doing arts
and crafts, hiking the Lake Michigan dunes, and test-
ing their skills in archery. Campers will also take a
field trip to visit the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary and the Kellogg Dairy Farm. Evenings are filled with hayrides
in the woods, catching fish, bonfires with s’mores
and storytelling—all while making many new friends.
This is a great chance for first-time campers to come
and experience the outdoors!
Swimming at Lake Michigan.
Explorer Camp (June 9-13, 2008)
Children 12-14 years old, $200 /child
Explorer Camp is a five day, four night rustic camp-
ing experience. Children will sleep in tents at a rustic
campsite on Ebersole property. Campers will enjoy
hiking at Yankee Springs State Recreation Area and
swimming at Gun Lake. We’ll canoe the Thornapple
River and learn about human impact on the river ecosystem. We’ll fish the Center’s private lake (and taste our catch!), hone archery skills, cook over an open fire and play “Capture the Flag.” There will also
be a day trip to Lake Michigan to climb sand dunes
and relax at the beach with new friends.
Exploring the woods and waters.
Camp Scholarships and Transportation Available
Lansing Educational Advancement Foundation (LEAF) scholarships are avail-
able for both summer camps for Lansing School District students. Scholarship applications are available online at ebersole.lansingschools.net or by calling
the Ebersole Center at (517) 755-5000. Application deadline is May 2, 2008.
Round trip bus transportation from Lansing to the Ebersole Center is available
for all campers. The bus departs from Gardner Middle School on Mon., June 9
at 9:00 a.m. and returns Fri., June 13 at 1:00 p.m. Cost to ride the bus is $35.
fro m t
Making Our Final Payment
We’re closing in on our goal, but we still need to raise
$30,000 by August 2, 2008. If you have given before,
we applaud you and ask you to give one last time. If
you’ve never given—give now! Please send a donation
today using the enclosed envelope. Your gift will make
you a part of a valuable project that benefits kids, the
environment, outdoor education, and Ebersole Center.
The Western-themed decorations were outstanding,
the activities amusing, and the auction a big success.
As an added bonus, we missed the annual blizzard
and had our most successful banquet in years!
Roger and Robin Lewis and family were honored for their perennial
support of the Ebersole Center and Foundation.
Ebby Bear enjoys the “campfire” at the 2008 Ebersole Auction.
We extend our gratitude to the many friends of the
Ebersole Center who donated items, time and energy
to help make the event a success. Special thanks to
Ed Carpenter of Peacock Road Tree Farm who lent
us three of his wagons, including a recently restored
chuck wagon. Much appreciation to Pam Collins’
Everett High School art classes and Wendy McWhorter’s
Pleasant View Magnet School art classes for their
creative touches to our decorations. Of course, the
evening would not have run smoothly without the
help of our very talented mistress and master of
ceremonies, Jane Aldrich and Kip Bohne, and our
auctioneer, Bob Howe. A tip of the hat also to the
Eagle Eye Golf and Conference Facility and their
staff for making our auction events over the last
four years a hit.
Whether you panned for gold, lassoed a steer, or bid
high and often in our auctions, you helped us amass
a large gain for the Ebersole Foundation and Center.
After expenses we netted over $14,000 towards this
year’s final payment on our farm purchase.
Special recognition was awarded to the Lewis Family—
Robin, Roger, daughters Rachael and Rita, and son
Ryan—for their ongoing contributions to the Center.
A former school board member, Robin has been an
Ebersole supporter for many years, along with her
husband Roger who has been a frequent parent volunteer. Again, kudos to the Lewis family for their
devotion to the Ebersole Center and Foundation.
And last, but certainly not least, a note of immense
gratitude goes out to the Dart Foundation for their
gift of $50,000 toward this year’s payment. Over the
past five years, the Dart Foundation has given $250,000
in matching funds towards the $540,000 we needed
to complete our project. We are now within $30,000
of reaching our final payment!
Claudia Deschaine of the Dart Foundation presents John Schimmel,
Ebersole Foundation Chair, with a check for $50,000.
Spring and Summer Programs at Ebersole Center
Our Mission…
Inspire learners of
all ages to embrace
nature, engage their
minds, and acquire
A special thank you to the following schools that have booked their programs for
spring and summer 2008 at the Ebersole Center, we appreciate your dedication, hard work and support.
Overnight Residential Programs
Lansing School District: Fairview, Grand River, Post Oak, Riddle, Attwood, Mount
Hope, Sheridan Road, North, and Cumberland Elementary Schools; Dwight Rich
and Gardner Middle Schools; and Everett and Eastern High School Bands.
Non-district schools: Lowell Murray Lake, Saint Gerard, Bath, and Detroit Butzel
Elementary Schools; Detroit Butzel Middle School; and Hastings High School Band.
an awareness of
Day Camps
responsible steward-
Lansing School District: Lewton, Sheridan Road, Wexford, Lyons, Pleasant View, Willow,Forest View, Riddle, Gier Park, Averill, Post Oak and Reo Elementary Schools.
ship for our planet.
Conference and Weekend Programs
Women in the Outdoors, Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius Catholic Church,
Wayland Church of God, Syers Graduation.
Summer Programs
Community of Christ Summer Camp Program.
An equal opportunity employer.
Printed on recycled paper.
EarthBeat is a seasonal publication of the Ebersole Environmental
Education and Conference Center, owned and operated by the
Lansing School District.
Contributors: Jason Byler, JoAnn Robinson, John Schimmel
Design: McNenly Group
Photogaphy: Jason Byler and Mike Smith
Ebersole Environmental Education and Conference Center
3400 2nd Street, Wayland, MI 49348
Phone: 517.755.5000 or 269.792.6294
e-mail: [email protected]
web: http://ebersole.lansingschools.net
Lansing Office
519 W. Kalamazoo
Lansing, MI 48933
Lansing, MI
Permit #196
U.S. Postage

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