Summer 2015 - Wesleyan Senior Living


Summer 2015 - Wesleyan Senior Living
More Choice. More Freedom. Better Living.
Two swans were visitors to our
Wesleyan Meadows ponds this summer
Our Mission:
To provide an environment for older
adults to experience the fullness of life,
encouraging them to age successfully by
growing socially, intellectually, physically,
and spiritually with the care and support of
a Christian community.
From the Desk of the Interim CEO (pg. 2)
How a Gift Annuity Can Benefit You (pg. 2)
Kristen’s Comments (pg. 3)
A Historical Highlight (pg. 3)
Chef Demonstrations at Lakeside (pg. 4)
Health and Welfare Ministries (pg. 4)
21st Annual Golf Classic Recap (pg. 5)
Glenn Miller Orchestra Recap (pg. 6)
The Impact of Volunteerism (pg. 7)
Mary Lilly Society Save the Date (back cover)
Debra Cihla
Interim CEO
Wesleyan Senior Living
June 13th was a very exciting day for
Wesleyan Senior Living. Dr. Roger
Landry, President of Masterpiece Living,
was here to present our certification as a
Center for Successful Aging. In 2011, we
researched a partnership with Masterpiece
Living and made the decision to introduce
it to Wesleyan Senior Living. We became
only the third community in Ohio to
offer this culture change. In December,
we were notified that our application to
be certified as a Center for Successful
Aging under the Masterpiece Living
program was awarded. We are one of
eight communities in the nation and the
only one in Ohio to be recognized with
this certification. We are thrilled to have
achieved this level of accomplishment.
Residents and Associates and not by
policies or programming. It is not a
wellness program; rather, Masterpiece
Living embraces a lifestyle that focuses on
physical, intellectual, social and spiritual
engagement. Promoting this lifestyle helps
to reduce impairment and attain a higher
quality of life.
What is Masterpiece Living? It is a healthstyle approach to successful aging based
on years of research that older adults can
continue to grow. By creating a culture
that supports this we have been able to
encourage Residents and Associates to be
well and age successfully. Research for
this culture initiative is based on ground
breaking research by the MacArthur
Foundation, which found that the way
we live, more than the genes we are born
with, determines health and vitality.
Obtaining our certification as a Center for
Successful Aging sets us apart from other
communities and makes us unique. It
confirms us as a community that embraces
successful aging as part of our culture.
Our Residents and Associates are to be
congratulated on their willingness to take
a leadership role in this movement. As
we continue our journey to grow in our
successful aging culture we are excited
to see where this voyage takes us. We
welcome you to join us. Come and
experience Masterpiece Living.
When we initiated this approach
we, as an organization, were already
stressing this culture in many of our
programs and activities. This gave us
an opportunity to coordinate and focus
our energies under one umbrella. This
culture change has been driven by our
When is the last time someone let you...
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!
A Charitable Gift
Annuity lets YOU:
1.Make a Gift
2.Get a Fixed
Income for Life
3. Reduce Your Taxes
The rates for annuities are determined by age. We can provide you with information
on the rate for your particular age—or rates for joint survivors (“two lives”).
The annuity rate is determined at the time the gift is made and will not be affected by
future rate changes. As a portion of the annuity is a gift, you will receive an income tax
deduction for the portion that is the gift. A portion of the annuity income is exempt
from Federal Taxes as it is considered a return of principal. A two-life annuity will
make payments to you and your spouse or other annuitant for life, without a reduction
in payment upon the first person’s death. Your joint ages at the time you make the gift
determines your annuity rate.
Gift Annuities benefit our Endowed Charitable Care Funds
or an endowed use specified by the donor.
Would you like to learn more?
Contact Kristen Jones in the WSL Foundation office at (440) 284-9204
K R I S T E N ’ S
Kristen Jones
Vice President of Development and Church Relations,
Wesleyan Senior Living Foundation
The Glenn Miller Orchestra –
A Historical Event!
This past May, I stood on the stage of the
Elyria Schools’ Performing Arts Center
and welcomed an excited, sold-out crowd
of more than 800. The Glenn Miller
Orchestra was assembled behind me, and
as the curtain swung open to the sonorous
strains of “Moonlight Serenade,” I knew
we had accomplished something truly
Having never attempted such an event in
our history, we were unsure how successful
it would be. It turns out we didn’t need
to worry. This event was unlike anything
we have ever done before, and definitely
the largest and most complex event (both
in capacity and revenue) in our history.
What a night!
Behind the scenes, Residents volunteered
to make all the beautiful fresh floral
centerpieces and the decorations for the
dinner. The Arts and Crafts department
offered their help as well. Our Dining and
Hospitality department pulled out all the
stops to make a wonderful gala dinner for
150 VIPs and Sponsors prior to the show.
Local musicians and artists provided
entertainment and artwork for the dinner,
and Life Care Ambulance helped provide
shuttles to and from the concert.
Since we’ve never before functioned as
the producer of a major arts event, we
needed to create box office ticketing and
procedures, and our wonderful staff then
processed hundreds of ticket transactions
in the months prior, in addition to
accomplishing all their regular duties.
Associates and community members
volunteered as ushers for the concert –
even “valet parking” assistive devices and
assuring that our patrons were safe and
comfortable to enjoy the concert.
We were financially supported by many
corporate and individual sponsors
throughout the region, as well as
thousands of dollars in in-kind donations
from community organizations and
companies throughout Northeast Ohio
who all helped make this happen. The
Oberlin Inn provided all the hotel
accommodations for the Orchestra. Local
media provided in-kind advertising and
promotions. The Elyria City Schools
participated with an in-kind donation of
the use of their performing arts center
and operational logistics. The City of
Elyria helped by providing police traffic
direction, and the City Engineering
Department helped with barricades
and street closures. Concert-goers came
from all over Ohio and from several
surrounding states – hundreds of them
hearing about Wesleyan for the very first
time. And, of course, most importantly
we benefited our charitable Life Care
Fund with the largest amount raised in
a one-day special event. The intangible
and priceless revenue gained is the spirit
of goodwill and joy that was spread
throughout the community.
Many heartwarming stories emerged
from that evening, a night in which we
celebrated the spirit of the young men
and women who danced through the
streets 70 years ago on V-E Day, in May
of 1945. The Greatest Generation lives on
in that same spirit, and Wesleyan Senior
Living supports a continued zest for life
in each and every day, and in each and
every experience. Stay tuned for our next
exciting adventure!
Editor, The Messenger
(Photos from this event on page 6)
The fascinating and vivacious Ada Gates Patton of
Pasadena, California visited Wesleyan Village while
in town for a presentation. Both of Ms. Patton’s
grandparents were prominent in our founding and
also with many other organizations in Elyria, and
they were instrumental in the construction of the
first “Old Ladies Home”. Ms. Patton is a well-known
personage in her own right, and is credited as being
the first professional woman farrier. We look forward
to future visits from Ms. Patton whenever she is in
Photo: Ada Gates Patton (left) and VP of Development Kristen
Jones. The photo is the Old Ladies Home (our earliest name),
which Ms. Patton’s grandparents, William and Ada Gates,
helped to found.
Blooms of
ash Blossoms
s Stuffed Squ
Chef Warren’
Blossom Salad
and Zucchini
Chef Warren shows the Lakeside crowd how to prepare squash blossoms
In the fourth year of collaborating with Lakeside
Chautauqua, Wesleyan Senior Living presented two
outdoor cooking demonstrations to show how fresh
vegetables and flowers can be included in healthy
living. The shoppers enjoyed our delicious samples and learned interesting facts
and information about how to prepare edible blossoms and how they contribute
to a healthy lifestyle. Executive Chef Warren Dolata also demonstrated his
techniques at a gala Farm-to-Table Dinner held on Lakeside’s waterfront to benefit
the renovation of Hotel Lakeside. Wesleyan’s dining services provider, Morrison,
emphasizes the use of fresh local produce in Wesleyan Village’s daily cuisine.
God’s Love in Action
The Board of Health and Welfare of the East Ohio
Conference (EOC) is designated to establish and maintain
the relationships with United Methodist institutional
ministries located within the East Ohio Conference. This
includes five ministries of the Conference:
• Wesleyan Senior Living – providing an environment for
older adults to experience the fullness of life with the
care and support of a Christian community.
• Copeland Oaks – providing a continuing care retirement
community serving adults 55 and older.
• Flat Rock Homes – providing care to children and adults
with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
• Ohio Guidestone – serving children and families with
a full range of community-based services, including
mental health services, foster care and residential care.
• Otterbein Senior Lifestyle Choices at North Shore
– providing a place to enhance the quality of life and
holistic growth of older adults.
The committee meets quarterly at the various ministries to
tour the facility, meet with the staff, and see God’s love in
action among the residents.
Promoting excellence in Christian
ministry and mission is essential
to our work together. One of
the ways this is accomplished is
the requirement by the Health
and Welfare committee for the
ministries to be a member of the United
Methodist Association and receive
EAGLE accreditation. Additional
accreditations are also obtained
based on each ministry’s industryrecognized national and international
accrediting bodies.
Through the generous hearts of the United Methodist
people, some funding is provided for areas of special need
at each ministry. For Wesleyan Senior Living, funds are
applied to the Life Care Fund, which provides charitable
care to older adults whose funds become limited.
The EOC is grateful for the presence of these ministries
as they represent the “best of the best” in each of their
respective areas of service and reflect the heart of the United
Methodist people.
Reverend Lenore Robinson, Chair
21st Annual Golf Classic
a Great Success!
The sun shone brightly on the 21st Annual Golf Classic, held on July 20th.
We welcomed many returning, loyal golfers as well as new faces this year.
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the outing. It was a
great day, and we appreciate all of our friends and sponsors who donated so
many wonderful items and supported us through this event!
- Nate Woodw
nar Printing
mid and Ed
Winning team
p, Ryan Sch
Brandon Trip
Proceeds from the event benefit our charitable Life Care Fund, the fund used
to help those living in Wesleyan Senior Living communities who no longer
have the financial resources to completely support their home and medical
Though all the teams enjoy the camaraderie and fun of the day, a spirit of
competition is alive and well as outstanding golf was played at the same time.
The winning team, representing Bodnar Printing Company with Team
members Nate Woodward, Ed Cyrek, Brandon Tripp, and Ryan Schmid,
took home the first place prize with a score of 56 (-16). Sadly, no golfers
this year were able to secure a Hole-in-One, and so the prize of a HarleyDavidson Motorcycle from Lake Erie Harley-Davidson went unclaimed!
Our deepest thanks go to our premier sponsor, Select Medical
Rehabilitation Services, who has generously contributed at this level for
the past two years. We are also grateful to our other major sponsors of the
day, which included Alco Manufacturing Corporation, Bodnar Printing
Company, The Brickman Group, Elan Salon Group, The Fedeli Group,
Huntington Bank, HW&Co., Ideal Home Health Care, McKesson
Medical-Surgical, Mercy Regional Medical Center, Morrison Community
Living, NPL Home Medical Equipment, Skilled Care Pharmacy,
University Hospitals Elyria Medical Center, and Ziegler. Many
companies and individuals also contributed additional generous sponsorships
and prizes, and we are grateful for the community’s support.
We deeply appreciate the volunteers
who helped with the Outing, as well
as our committee members who
helped plan and organize the event.
We look forward to next year’s Golf
Classic, which will take place at Elyria
Country Club on July 18, 2016!
Wesleyan Village resident
(Counterclockwise) Marilou
Moorman, Carolyn Brown,
Bob Moorman and Bill Bro
with Interim CEO Debra Cih
la (standing)
p a new
king u
ogan ta
ike R
Resident Golf Ambassadors
Doug Schmittgen,
Walt Westermann and Art Bot
Bob Brown, M
ike Jaworski,
Dick Kretchm
and Jack Tabo
NPL Team
esenting Selec
ick Swope repr
ilitation Ser
Medical Rehab
Jim Poling, Bill Ash, Kevin
Moore, and Jeff Lewis
tor in Train
ing Richard
Photos from Our Spectacular Glenn Miller Gala!
We graciously recognize the
generous sponsors who made the
Glenn Miller
“Swingin’ into Spring” Gala
a tremendous success!
The Chronicle-Telegram and WEOL Radio 930 AM
Buckeye Community Bank
Lorain County Community College/LCCC Foundation
Nordson Corporation
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Poe,
from their family
Elyria City Schools
Metal Marker Manufacturing
Morrison Senior Living
NPL Home Medical Equipment
Oberlin Inn
University Hospitals – Elyria Medical Center
R. Edwin Crabtree and Associates
Jaworski Physical Therapy, Inc.
North Coast Sales
Select Medical Rehabilition Services, Inc.
We also thank our advertisers, gala dinner participants,
additional in-kind benefectors, and the community at
large for their support!
The Awesome Impact of Volunteerism
Volunteers are important to the fabric of Wesleyan Senior Living, and have had an enomous impact on the health and wellbeing of our community. Each day, volunteers give of their time and talent to serve in our community and support our
resident population. Not surprisingly, many of our volunteers are, in fact, residents who enjoy the opportunity to contribute
expertise, caring, and compassion to those around them.
Each April, our volunteers are honored at a gala luncheon. This event is a chance to look back at the many services our
dedicated volunteers have contributed, and to honor each one for their compassionate service.
of the Year
dent Volunteer
iving Resi
Bill Brown rece
By the Numbers
Another way to measure the impact of
volunteers is to take a look at statistics like
hours served and the economic value of
volunteer time. In 2014, our 174 active
volunteers contributed almost 15,621 hours of
service to our community. The economic value
of all this volunteering? $140,589 U.S. dollars
in 2014, and $9.8 million over the course of
our historical record-keeping
Aaron Gen (Com
munity Voluntee
r of the Year), Sh
(Marion & Lee
ig Nakanishi
Mosso Spirit Aw
ard), and Agne
(David Jones Hu
s Klimkowicz
manitarian Aw
arl Lang
la with Pe
Debra Cih
Our Volunteer program is eager to assist you in
sharing your time and efforts with the needs of
our community. Churches, individuals, couples,
groups such as civic organizations or students,
families with children, college students and
retirees can all volunteer at Wesleyan Senior
Volunteer Opportunities Include:
• Staffing the Village Little Store
• One-to-one visitation with Residents
• Special event staffing and planning
• Transport Residents in wheelchairs
• Pet therapy
• Sewing, crafting and quilting
• Assisting with games and activities
• Present programs about special interests,
hobbies, mission trips, events, etc.
• Piano playing
• Library assistance
• Sorting, delivering mail
• Leading Bible studies
To become a Volunteer or for more
information, please contact Cindy Sturgell at
(440) 284-9210.
Peter and Tina Crowell
PERMIT # 467
More Choices. More Freedom. Better Living.
Wesleyan Senior Living Foundation
807 West Ave.
Elyria, OH 44035
(440) 284-9204
A Masterpiece Living partner:
“Successful Aging in Action”
Our mailings to you…
If there has been a change, please call
(440) 284-9204 or email
[email protected]:
• Address correction
• Received multiple copies
• If you wish to be removed from mailing list
• If you would like to add someone to our
mailing list
• If you would like to receive our
Our services…
If you would like more information
regarding our programs, please call
(440) 284-9371:
• Adult Day Services
• Assisted Living Apartments
• Beacon House
• Independent Living Homes and
• Long Term Care Center
• Skilled Rehabilitation Center
The Messenger, a publication of Wesleyan Senior
Living Foundation, is distributed three times per
year. Wesleyan Senior Living Foundation generates
resources to support and enrich the quality of life
for residents at Wesleyan Senior Living – now and
in the future.
Save the Date!
Mary Lilly Society
Annual Appreciation Luncheon
October 16, 2015
Cascade Hall, Wesleyan Village
The Mary Lilly Society is a distinguished group of
contributors whose planned gifts help provide future
support of our mission. Not yet a member? Contact
Kristen Jones at (440) 284-9204 to learn how you can
become a part of this vital group of contributors.