12-29-1892 - Village of Pinckney
12-29-1892 - Village of Pinckney
vt, '•<•;••• imtumj f 5 4 temtch. inckneg VOL. x :,..#; PINOKNEY, LIVINGSTON CO., MICH., THURSDAY, DEC 29, 1892. No. 52. This is the last issue of the DISPATCH Holly turned on the electric lights A Busty Mail in His Ankle. this year. last week. The many friends of J. E. Forbes, PUBLISHED KVBST TUDE8DAY MORNING BY School scholars are enjoying their formerly of this place, but now of Gr. FRANK L. ANDREWS The new year commences next Sun- Thos. Read and wife spent their Rapids, will remember that be had an Christmas in Stockbridge. annual holiday vacation. day. Subscription Price $1 in Advance. Miss Millie Sykes, who is studying The saw-mill firm now has about ankle which has bothered him for years. Last week he underwent an Quail on toast has gone out of fash- music in Detroit, is home for the holi- half a dozen teams hauling logs. Entered i t the Postofflce at Plucfcnejr, Michigan, operation on the ankle and the doctors u aecomd-claas matter. ion. days. Miss Effie Reason of Ann Arbor took out, besides pieces of diseased We did not have a green Christmas is spending the holidays with friends E. J. Briggs and Frank Wright took Advertiiing rates made known on application. bone, a piece of rusty nail 1£ inches this year. a flying trip to Anderson on business and relatives here. long. The nail has been lodged in the South Lyon people are talking of a last Friday. F. L. Andrews, wife and daughter, ankle for seventeen years. The docBualaew Cards, f4DO per year. Death and marriage notices published free. cheese, factory. About 400 gallons of milk are re-spent Christmas with Mr. Andrews' tors assure Mr. Forbes that he will Announcements of entertainments may be paid or, it deaired, by presenting the office with tickSleigh-bells have been jingling ceived daily at the Howell condensed father, B. F. Andrews, at Parshallville. soon have a sound limb and will suffer eta of adinuaion. In case tickets are not brought o the office, regular rates will be charged, some the past week. milk factory. Although a very stormy day, last no more. All of his friends will be All matter In local notice column will be charged at 5 cents per line or fraction thereof, for each Miss Kate Markey of Chicago is vis- Mr. Abbott of Fenton spent Christ- Friday was a red-letter day for this pleased to learn of his recovery. insertion. Where no time is specified, all notices will be inserted until ordered discontinued, and iting friends in this village. inas with his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Al- town. Everyone seemed to be on hand, will be charged for accordingly. HP" All changes doing their general Christmas trading of advertisements MUST reach this office as early A dance at the rink tomorrow night. len near here. >Tew Route to the Northwest. as TUESDAY morning to insure an insertion the and laying in a stock of presents. Yonrself and ladies are invited. On and after Monday, November 28 same week. Miss Lucy Mann, who is attending 1892, the Toledo, Ann Arbor and JOS THIJV riJVG I J. E. Greiger, for many years an exDan. Howard and wife went to On- a school of music in Detroit, is home North Michigan Railway's new car In all its branches, a specialty. We have all kinds pressman in Jackson is one of the heirs erry, "Ann Arbor No. 1," will make and the latest styles of Type, etc., which enables ondaga to spend their Christmas. for the holidays. us to execute all kinds of work.auch as Books, to a large fortune. An uncle living daily trips between Krankfort, Mich., Pamplete, Posters, Programmes, Bill Heads, Not« J. S. Jenkins of Mason has been Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith of VicksHeads, Statementa, Cards, Auction Bills, etc., in and Kewaunee, Wis. euperier styles, upon tbe*borte&t notice. Prices as spending the past week with friends burg visited friends and relatives in Cuba died recently leaving an es- This boat will carry freight cars low as gooa work can be done. tate valued at over $3,000,000. near here. here the past week. across Lake Michigan, making the ALL BILLS PAYABLE FIBST OF EVKBY MONTH. The stained-glass windows have ar- rip in 6 hours, so that all freight H. G. Bri<?g and wife ate Christmas Claude Siprler of the University at 1 by this route will be carried THE VILLAGE" DIRECTORY." turkey with John Docking's people Ann Arbor is spending the holidays rived, and have been put in the Cong l shipped through breaking bulK, as west of town. church which adds much to its looks. has been without with his parents here. necessary heretofore with VILLAGE OFFICERS. The church has lately been undergofreight handled across the Lake. When you are having your annual PBBBIDSHT.. Warren A. Carr. John Mclntyre, who has been in TBUSTKKS, Samuel sykes, A. B. Green. Thompson As this is the shortest route to the settling up* time, do not forget the Dakota for the past summer, returned ing extensive repairs, both inside and Grimes, A. S. Leland, G. W. Hoff, northwest, it should be well patronizsd CL«BK IraJ. Cook DISPATCH office. out, and with the new windows, it to this place last week. TBXABCREB Fiord Reason. by Michigan Shippers. will make almost a new church out of ASSESSOR ; : Michael Lavey. Mrs. H. D. Grieve and daughter STHSXT COMMISSIONER Daniel Baker. Mrytella Reason, who 13 studying it. MARSHAL Simon Brogan. Kittie visitsd friends in Howell MonChristmas and New Tear's Holiday HBALTH Urwcisn Dr. H. P. Sigler music at Ann Arbor, is spending the Excursion Bate*. The Christmas exercises at the M. day and Tuesday. week with her parents here. The Chicago & Grand Trunk RailCHURCHES. E. and Cong'l churches were successes South Lyon expects to have another way, Cincinnati, Saginaw and MackiWilliam C, Mors^, of Bath, N. Y.,in every particular. At the Cong'l £THOD1ST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. naw R. R., and. the Michigan Air Line saw-mill, which will be located near R«v. W. G. Stephens pastor. Services every has been spending a few days with his church there were two t.rees with an and Detroit Division G. T. Ivy. have Sunday morning at" lO:3u, and every Sunday the Grand Trunk Ry. track. evening at 7:80 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thureuncle, Dan. Baker, at this place. arch between them, and both were arranged to sell special holiday excurdiiy evenings. Sunday Bchool at close of morning Bervice. W. D. Thompson, Superintendent. Through the compliments of the Mrs. Silas Barton slipped and fell loaded down with fine presents for old sion tickets at one and one third fare Board of State Auditors we have on on Sunday last, bruising her hip quite and young. The M. E. church had a between stations on their lines and alNUaEGATIONAL CHUHCH. so to points on Detroit, Grand Haven \J Rev. John Humphrey,pastor; service every badly. Luckily no bones were broken. Christmas sleigh, which was loaded & Milwaukee Ry., and Toledo, SagiSunday morning at 10:80, and every Sunday our table their report for 1892. evening at 7:3C o'clock. Prayer meeting ThursGlenn Richards and wife of Grand day evenings. Sunday school at CIOBO of mornR. A. Thomas, of this office, spent down "with presents. Of course old naw and Muskegon Ry., and connecting service. Ed. Glover, Superintendent. Rapids visited Mr. Richards' parents Christmas with his uncle, Henry Santa Claus appeared on the scenes. ing lines in Michigan under the following arrangement:— T. MAUV'S 'JA.THOUC CHURCH. The fore part of the evening was spen t and other iriends here the past week. Lockwood, and family, at Webberville. Rev. Wm. P. Ooneldine, Paetor. Services Christinas tickets will be on sale every third Sunday. Low maeB at 8 o'clock, in concert exercises, recitations and If you receive notice that your subfrom December 24 to December [?G. inW. H. Cadwell who is attending high mass with sermon at 10:30 a. m. Catechism songs, at both churches. at 3:IXJ p. m., vespers ana benediction at 7-M p.m. scription has expired please renew clusive, ancSgood to return up to and as Cleary's College at Ypsilanti, is spendincluding" JaiWry 371893. SOCIETIES; soon as possible as we are in need of ing the holiday week under the parenNew Year's/tickets will bo on said tal roof. Crushed By a Boiler. from December 31, 1892, to January he I. 0. G. T. Society of this place meets every funds to meet our bills. Wednesday evening iu the Maccabee hall. 2, 1893, inclusive, and good to return Only three days more, with today, Norman Mann, a former resident of CHAS. GRIMES, C. T. up to and>ncludinqr January -"5, 189-J. of the old year. Yes, and it lias been Pinckney, but now of Detroit, spent a Martin Gelirinirer Killed in Marion. he A. O. H. Society of thle place, meets every Special Return tickets to all Candithird Sunday in the Fr. Matthew Hall, leap year, too. Girls, if you are single few days with relatives and friends an points west of and including ToJohn McGuiness, County Delegate, now, don't blame the boys. Again the hand of Death lias reach- ronto, Niagara Falls, and Buffalo, will here iast week. PVVORTH L K A U U K . Meets every Tuesday ed out for one of our young1 men, and be sold on the above dates and limits E. L. Markey of Battle Creek, visitevening in their room in M. E. Church, Do not forget that the members cordittllnvltation is extended to all interested in at one and one third fare from all staChristian work. Kev. W. G. .Stephens, President ed friends here the past week. He is St. Mary's church have a supper on has taken him m a sad and an unextions on the above lines. h e C . T , A.anrtB. Society of this place, meet now traveling for the Duplex Print- Saturday evening of this week at the pected manner. eve/y third Saturday evening in the Fr. Mat- ing Press Co., of that city. A saw-mill that has been situated hotel. Supper, 25 cents. thew Hall. Johu Donohue, IreBident, on the Enos Burden place in the townThe insurance on the Brigg.s buildBusiness Pointers* NIGHTS OP MACCABEES. There are nearly 500 ^ 1 soldiers ship of Marion, was bej&g moved from Meet every Friday evening on or before foil ing in Howell, which was damaged by •at the Soldier's Home in onand Rapof the moon at old Masonic Hall. Visiting broththat place to the lailroad to he taken [ shall be at the town hall in Pinckare cordiallv invited. fire last fall, lias just been adjusted, ids, and the directors have asked for ne v W". H. Leland, Sir Knieht Commander . Friday v\ December for the and the work of repairing commenced. $82,000 for its maintenance during the to Bancroft last Wednesday, Dee. 21. ?> .u r e\ery >o f The boiler, engines, etc., were loaded ! . . » f. ? ^ceivin* taxes in the townBUSINESS CARDS. Jas. Allen, who Las been living with next two years. . . . , , . , , , ; s h i p or t u t n a n i . B. J. Allen of tbis place for the past were bemS hauled w. E. Muuriiv, Township treasurer, H. F. SIGLER, M. D., Have you kept the good resolutions onto trucks, andMartin G'ehrinpev, a i six months, died on Monday last. Mr. along the road. Martin G'ehrinpev, Physician and Sur?a«n. All calls promptly that you made a year ago? If not, German, about thirty years ot age, 1 nave engaared the rooms over F . attended today or night. Office on Main street, Allen was quite an old man and was Pinckney, Mich. one of the first things to resolve, is, was driving'the rear team and as the A. dialer's dnxu Move and am prepar3 very feeble. to keep your promises; and another wagon on wbich the boiler was loaded, ed to do fine dn ^-making. All work C.W.KIRTLANDTMTD; done <>n the Tailor .sj'stem, and a good Chas.'Taylor, of Hamburg, moved good resolution is, to pay the printer. sank suddenly into a rut, the HOMEOPATHIC PHYSCIAN; tit guaranteed. Graduate of the University of Michigan. his family to Panesviile Ohio yesterWere you ever a scholar in ourenormous weight of the thirty horse- 4G if Miss KATE KELLEY. OFFICE OV£R THE BANK, PINCKNEY. day where he will make his future school at this place? If so, remember power boiler toppled over onto the L. A VERY, Dentist. In Pinckney every Friday. Office at Pinck- home. Of course the DISPATCH will Send for onr valuable pamphlet. that we have a fine photo of the front unfortunate man in the buggy, crushney House. All work done in a careful and thorough manner. Teeth extracted without pain keep him informed of the news around Duliois <k Duliois, Inventive Age of the scbool building and grounds ing him into a shapeless mass of flesh by the use of Odontunder. Call and see me. Building, Washington, D. C. Mention Pinckney. wich we sell for 25 cents, or with the and bones. As soon as was possible this paper. Wheat, BeaaB, Barley, Clover Seed, DressThe subject at the Coog'l church DisrATCH one year for $1.15. he was extricated from under the tzr' ed Uoga, etc. ^F"The highest market price will For Sale. be paid. Lumber. Lath, Shingles, Salt, eta. for Sunday morning is, "The Brightness Miss Nina Jones, of Hamburg, met ible weight above him, and was at Several tons of mixed clover ard Bale. THOS. HEAD, Pinckney, Mien. of Growing Older." In the evening a with an unfortunate accident last Sat- once taken to his home. timothy hay. Enquire afthis office. Consecration Meeting will bft held urday, by cutting her hand on a piece fcloiver v S. B. SMITH & CO., . with addresses by botb pastors. The of glass. The wound was immediately Northern grown flower seeds and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Cecelia Quartette will furnish the muAnother Year Gone, plants. Best in the world. Ask your dressed by Dr. Brown, and she is at PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL With this issue of the DISPATCH iriends that come North about our fine sic both morning and evening. we hor post again in district number 8, close another volume. Daring the past improved flowers, aria send for price 154 MAIN gTREXT WEBT, JACKBOJf, MICHIGAN. Great preparations are being made Hamburg.—Livingston Democrat. State agent for the wonderful A. B. Chase Pianos year we have been greatly encouraged list. We give full instructions for and Organs. for the prohibition banquet at Howell Send for our catalogue of 10c. sheet music. We have just received another in- in our work by kind words from many cultivation of each kind i i b in bus can refer anyone to the editor of this on the evening of January 18, 1893.voice of job type and have added it to off our patrons and an increase Re^p'y, iness both in job work and on the sub- paper. Samuel Dickey, chairman of the pro-our already complete outfit. If you E. E. PALMITER, icription list. During the year that We have for sale in this office hibition national convention^ will be are in need of letter-heads, note-heads, s to come we shall endeavor to make Florist and Grower of Northern seeds, one good ink roller for Washing- present and speak, as well as other envelopes, circulars, *or any other the DISPATCH as interesting as ever to 51tf Harbor Springs, Mich. those who are away from home, and ton hand press. Nearly as good prominent prohibitionists. Every pro- plain or fancy jok printing, do not hibitionist in the county should go. fail to call and pee us. We are sure shall make it doubly interesting to as new, and will sell cheap. those in this vicinity. Act on a new ptiadpto— The bill for supper is only 50 cents. we can please you both in price and remlate the Uf«r» uomack It is our endeavor to chronicle all of •ad bowels through th* Write to S. D. Williams, Howell, and work. the news, but it is sometimes impossiturves. D B . M O S S ' PILLS tjxedilv tmrt blT tell him how many tickets you want. ble to secure aH of the items of intertorpid liver sad Owing to the trains not connecting est without your aid. You can h^lp tion. Smallest* On Saturday evening last F. A. Sig- at Wixom on Tuesday night, Geo. R. us very much by handing us items reG. W. T«KJ>IB, ler 's drug store was crowded, as theWallace, who was to have lectured garding yourself, your friends, or your drawing of the doll was to take place. here on that eveniug, could not getfriends' frienrls. Sold by F, A. Sigler. All of the tickets were put into a jar.here. Bills were at once ^tinted an- , Our list has hfjen increased until our Wideawake workers everywhere lor iast order of 650 supplements failed to .SHKSM"S IMlUTOUKAlMIS of tbe and a disinterested person was called nouncing a free lecture tta'sftnfeeven- KO the tfit'atest hook on eiuttu costing 31WI, around by large numbers. Tbis 'is >, rush or installments; limiumoth upon to draw them out. When all ing by Rev. John Hnuafreji « • "Icy very encouraging indeed. If each 000; rt'tiiil at |$:V#».Villustrated i cireuiars and terms frev; daily output over l.VX) volwere drawn but the last one, the jarNewfoundland.11 Th« okMWfe was friend of the DISPATCH will try and MONEY LOANED ON APPROVED NOTU. I fumes. Agents are wild with,sucv was turned over, and that one was to well filled, and all wto w t r t present get us one subscriber, we will be issuVecess. Mr. THOMAS L. MARTIN, RKCKIVED Ontrvville, Texa^. cleared $7n in nine days; Miss be the lucky one. The number was enjoyed the lector* t t r y awch. Mr. ing 1000 copies by next year. Will you not try and do so? $owfriends (wi iswed on time depotiU Aft«T 35, and as no one was present who Hum (revs was w»U wt%^tinted with we thank you for all past favors, and lU OH demand, held that number, the doll was left. his snbject, bftviog Worked there two hope to merit a continuance of th«N. Y., $101 in 7 hours; a bonanza; magnificent out; Who holds No. 35? We have not atyears as a n i t t i a i t r y . Tbe lecture same. Together, we can make the fit onlv $1.00. hooks on credit. FrelKbt DISPATCH the BEST local paper in LivPAM. Act. t.i.oBK .-ir TtirUlflDi II <${JL£CnONS A SPECIALTY tbis writing found out, but whoever was very ipttrtrtiftg and instructive. ingston felBLE PUBLISHING I or any other county. lf jr inrVllnlll does, has a fine present awaiting them. "Scarecrow*** m№ be given later. CO., T-JA Uhtstnut St., Philv, Pa., or 858 EDITOR. Dttrbon Mi Local D i s p a t c h e r $.••••7 M ' ~U S $i*?\: T T E E. rMuey Mange Bail Does a punl Banting U pt P M T l l J ' ' ' 'U If U II Llf P l \ P Db •;••*• •••it IN TWO PENINSULAS. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS Hold 11 Social Meeting at Jackson Which U Largely Atteuded. THE GRANDEST UNION NATION'S LAWMAKERS. SONG OF THE WIBES. —Tenth day—no session. House —A bill was Introduced to establish the national floral emblem of the United States; TALES TOLD BY THE TICKERS THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN the bill names the pansy &a the floral emblem ami the inauguration Is to be WOULD BE THAT OF THE TELEGRAPH. celebrated May 1,1893. Secretary of the treasury sent a deficiency estimate aggregating ffiO.UX) for the quurautlne service for Of the Halted States and the Dominion ol the nscal year lMW. The committee on The 80a of the Treasurer of St. Loal*, Mo., military affair* tmcceoded In passing a few Canada.—-A Youthful <lew» James In minor bills and tub remainder, of the day DUgntve* HU rather and then Cum* WHS consumed in constdHrlujf the $600,000 Wtaoouain Jtfardcr* an Old Mas and Florida cluiuj. Adjourned. xulta Suicide.---A Kear-Und CoUUlon SINATX Between 500 and 600 locomotive engineers met in Jackson for a jubilee MICHIGAN MATTERS. meeting behind closed doors. Grand Chief P. M. Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, was Almost 9700,000 to u» Asked or the Next present and engineers within a radius X'OgUlature to Kun State Institutions. of 100 miles were there to greet him. Excursion trains were run from Fort •-OffioUl Count of Pitutldeutlal Vote In Wayne, Ind., Port Huron and Bay Take* Possession of His Home. KesaiU In Eight Death. City. It was rumored that there was a the State.—Items In Brief. SKMATK.—Eleventh day—Very Hmall atbig grievance to be made but Chief teuduuee and no business of Importance transacted. The dealt of Senator Ulbson, Arthur denied this and said the gatherThe New York Sun, which for some the deceased member of Louisiana, WUM The city of St. Louis, Mo., waa ing was only a social union. Chief Estimates for State Institutions. in black. The usual resolutions startled by an early morning alarm of time has been urging the political draped Arthur said: "Om order has never were offered and as u further mark of reEstimates submitted, in accordance in a more flourishing condition. union of Canada and the United States, spect the Senate adjourned. HOUSE.—But lire in the city hall in City Treasurer •with statutory provisions, to the state been seats occupied. A bill for the relief of Foerstel's office. An investigation Since April 1, the close of the fiscal publishes a three column editorial on few Wm. L. Winans, of Maryland, the inventor showed that the vaults had been board of corrections and charities show year, the subject. It is one of Dana's new divisions have been the spindle-shaped ship brought on a that total appropriations of $693,4)47.18 formed.11 During masterpieces. A brief abstract read* of fight between the advocates of that form of opened, a great many of the books and my 19 years of grand are asked from the next legislature for chief 1 have never seen a more prosper- as follows: craft and those who put their faith in the papers taken out, piled on the floor new "whaleback.s." The lutter were suc- and set fire to. Fortunately the fire the 11 charitable, penal and reforma- ous state of affairs than a t present. "There can be no doubt that the cessful. Senate bill was passed to intory institutions in Michigan. Of this Grievances have, of course, arisen a t republic, with the addition of the crease theApension of Mexican war veterans was soon under control without" doing Bum, $410,^04.38 is asked for current different times, but thesti have all been Canadian possessions, would be much from |8 toflii per month. The rules were much damage. Shortly after this expenses and $283,542.tfu for special amicably adjusted and all of the stronger than it now is, whether as a suspended and u bill was passed prohibiting came the news that the treasurer's suits in United States courts by or against purposes. No new buildings are asked 35,000 of us are now happy." political, commercial or military power. corporations except to courts of the legal son, Edward, who was also his first for except in case of the asylums for domicile of the corporations in cases where assistant in the office, had shot him* In the evening the grand chief ad- Controlling, as it then would, the jurisdiction depends upon the citizenship of self in the right temple, inflicting a insane. The boai'd doubts the expeentire continent and the adjacent diency of adding to the accoinmodotions dressed a meeting held by the Ladies' islands, with a population at the start the partita. Adjourned. fatal wound. Acting Mayor Walbridge of existing asylums, as each now has Auxiliary Brotherhood of Locomotive of 70,000,000 of English-speaking immediately ordered the city auditor .—Twelfth day—The army appro- and controller to take charge of the about all the patients its staff of officers Engineers. Unofficially it was learned people. It would certainly be the priation bill was presented and referred. can care for, but additional room is that the World's Fair traffic was dis- richest, the strongest and most pro- Several The controller petitions objecting to the passage books in the office. cussed at length by the brotherhood. needed for the insane, and if the conthe Washburn antl-optlon bill were re- soon after made a partial report in gressive nation in the world. No of The engineers want a new scale of referred. James B. Augell, of which he says that Treasurer Foerstel struction of a fourth asylum is not auforeign nation would dare provoke it ceived andwas reapi>ointed rosont of the thorized the only way to care for the wages to be in vogue at that time, and to war or could successfully assail any Michigan, Smithsonian Institute. The bill presented is 863,000 short in his accounts. The a meeting with railway officials to adnecessary number of unfortunates will by Mr. Hate, (Democrat. Tenn.,) "to repeal mayor immediately suspended Mr. of its essential interests. all statutes relating to supervisors of elec- Foerstel, and appointed as temporary^ be by enlarging the three institutions just the matter will be soon held. '"And now that the question of contions and special deputies." Mr. Bate made now in existence. Very little is asked an argument favoring the wiping out of all treasurer Charles Parsons 3 a prominent ^-tinental union has come forward withfor1 the prison at Jackson, as it is payAROUND THE STATE. laws which go to make up or support the banker. •out assistance from us we must, in "force bill. After a few matters of minor ing its own expenses. view of what has been said and of importance For weeks past stories of peculiar was disposed of the anti-option Hog cholera is reported to be raging what remains to be said, regard it as bill was take' Mr. Palmer, of Illinois, doings in the treasurer's office have in Lena wee county. u clear ordble argument in opOfficial Presidential Electors Figures. altogether the most important question made There have been suits position to tii il, but, his time Laving ox- been afloat. claiming the attention of the American The footings of the vote cast for brought against the treasurer by money pirtd, he yi< uud the floor and the bill went An ice boat club is about to be people. I t is clearly to the interes of over without action. HOUSK,—No quorum, lenders, notorious for their usurious presidential electors in the several dis- organized at Cadillac. the entire union and of every state in The time was takeu up by the committee on charges, assertions regarding real estricts at the recent election have been There are 12 candidates for the office the union to encourage and assist by public lauds. announced by the secretary of state. tate deals of the treasurer and his son all proper means the movement now so The combined vote of the four parties of postmaster at Marcellus. :.—Thirteenth day—The McGarru- allegations of use of the city money by hopefully progressing in favor of an in the eastern and western districts of han elaim and the anti-option bill were the some one who recouped the treasThe city of Cadillac pays §2,000 per equal, honorable and perpetual union s u j e e t s of muoli discussion. Mr. Perkins, ury previous to the regular examinathe state at large was as follows: year for lighting 75 arc lights. \>( Kansas, addressed the Senate favoring tions by borrowing from the Shylocks, between the dominion of Canada and the Republican, 222,708; Democrat, 202,296; extension of either a state or terrltorul John McCreary was fatally hurt by a the great republic. The spirit for government Populist, 19,782; Prohibitionist, 20,569. for tlie Indian Territory. A who at last sued the treasurer himself union among the citizens north of the joint resolution was Introduced and re- on notes which he declares to be forHarrison's plurality in the state was fall from a scaffold at Fitchburg. directing tlie secretary of the treastherefore 20,412 in a total vote of 405,Dr. Chas. Russell has been appointed border, so far as we can ascertain, is ferred to suspend till purchases of silver bullion geries. The police cannot shake off 055. The eastern district went Demo- pension examining surgeon at Allegan, spontaneous; far transcending every ury under the "Sherman act" of July 14, 18'JO. the suspicion that young Foerstel set consideration of a partisan or sectional HOUSE.—No quorum; no business except ad- the fire that was discovered in time to cratic with a plurality of 1,538; the Mich. feature, and it should appeal to the journment. western district went Republican with save the records. Saide M. Joseph, a 12-year-old Iron a plurality of 21,950. The Republicans Mountain boy, has been missing since purest and most unselfish patriotism, Young Foerstel's record is that of a NEARLY 4-O YEARS IN BED. not only of every American citizen, carried eight districts and the Demo- Dec. 1. wild young man and plunger. On but of every English speaking person The Remarkable Case of a Woman Stricken horses he was a heavy better, placing crats four. Floyd R. Williams, a 13-year-old on the North American continent.'.' With ParalyHlt When Nine, Years Old. a thousand or more at a time. He was Marengo boy, was drowned while Rose Donohue has just died at Pawalso interested in real estate deals beA Distressing Accident. skating. tucket, R. I., aged 47. She was yond his capacity to handle, as is Richardson's paper mill, Monroe, A BOY'S BLOODY DEED. A Detroit syndicate has purchased stricken with paralysis a t the age of shown by recent developments in court was the scene of another distressing will develop the stone quarries at Killed an Old Man Who Lived Alone and nine and for 3S1 years had not left the proceedings, in the nature of injuncaccident, almost identical with that and little crib in which her three feet of tions, etc. Then Occupied the Old Man's House. which caused the frightful death of Maybee. reposed, nor during that time Rene Navarre a few weeks ago. A Sault people are contemplating A terrible tragedy has just been un- body had there been an apparent growth in KILLED WHILE ASLEEP. young man named Snider was eaiight §22,000 improvements in their water earthed in the town of Brannan, about the limbs, shoulders or trunk. After a in the same shaft, while attempting to works system. 10 miles from Ogema, Wis. John An- time her feet became locked, one on Eight Men Burned and Crushed t o Death remove some loose sheets of paper, and derson, 14 years old, son of Mauritz top of the other, and knit together so In an Awful Wreck. Newport has a population of 300 and Anderson, was drawn instantly into the belt gearrar away from home about A frightful accident occurred on the ing, making two revolutions before he four saloons. She takes the lead in two weeks ago and took a brother aged that the right foot, which was beneath Great Northern railroad at Nelson the left, could hardly be seen. Neverwas extricated. Fortunately other em- Monroe county. 10 and his father's gun with him. theless Station, five miles east of Alexander, her head grew as rapidly to its ployes saw the accident and rescued Frank Condon was killed at Glad- They went to the house of neighboring Minn. There had been a collision the proper proportions as that of a person the young man, but not before he had stone while switching cars. He lived farmer, Marcus Homefeld, a settler livmorning before at Nelson and a numwho enjoyed good physical health. sustained severe injuries, including a at Ottawa, Ont. ing alone. John proposed to his brother Her hands were palmiest and the four ber of cars were wrecked. The wreck broken arm, which may prove fatal. Mrs. Nancy Cramer, of Eau Claire, that when Homefeld came home in the fingers on her right hand and the three train had been there clearing and was was fatally injured by falling down a evening that they kill him and live in on her left were boneless bits of flesh making up preparatory to pulling out Ed Doyle, of Raisinville, was kicked cellar the house all winter in true robber stairway. inches long. Her memory was re- for the east and the caboose was left in the back by a horse and is dying. style. In accordance with that plan six on the main track with a A heavy wagon passed over Mrs. the older brother hid himself behind markably clear and her eyes beamed standing Col. M. O'Leary, of Adrian, is after Daniel number of cars. An east bound freight Borden, of Bad Axe, danger- the haystack, and when Homefeld came with brightness and intelligence. She was due, but the position of internal revenue col- ously injuring the engineer had orders was a constant reader of religious her. put two charges of buckshot into his works lector. to sidetrack for the passenger train and remembered everything Orlando Perry, a prominent Tustin liead, covering his body with hay and which she read and would repeat it due there at the same time. There is a The Marcellus adjustable school seat proceeded to take possession. from memory. She devoted all of her heavy grade west of the station and as factory has shut down for want of farmer, has been convicted of stealingTwo weeks afterward a brother-ina cow from a neighbor. time to reading works of eminent the freight with 36 cars, under charge 'suitable lumber. law of Homefeld went to the house find Catholics and in prayer. of Conductor William Nickey and EnThe Ionia poultry club had a fine ex- found the boys there. They told him Lyman Towusend, of Mecosta, has gineer James Maloney, approached the harvested a Held of carrots which netted hibition of fowls in that town. It was Homefeld was in the woods looking Monetary Conference Meets Again In May. switch the engine was shut off and its first annual exhibition. him §180 an acre. after his traps. He waited until the Berlin cable: The international brakes called for. There was no pernext morning and then went home, monetary conference adopted a motion ceptible decrease of speed and ConducLieut.-Col. John R. Bennett, of MusThere are to be three new corporals the younger boy with him. made by M. de Renzi declaring that the tor Nickey climbed out of the caboose at Orchard Lake. The competitive kegon, is a candidate for inspector- taking Arriving home he questioned the little conference recognizes the great value and began setting brakes, but the drill has been held and the judge rec- general of the state troops. boy ami drew the whole story out of was too great to stop. When ommended W. 11. Jones, Grand Rapids; Three bell boys and the night porter him. A party was organized, but on of the argument set forth in the speed E. H. Rohrburg, Ottawa, Ks., and R. at the Downey house at Lansing have arrival at the scene of the murder the reports presented and of the discus- within a train length of the caboose sions that have been held in plenary the engineer and fireman saw the P. Van Camp, Indianapolis, as deserv- been arrested for petty thievery. assassin had gone. sittings and that while reserving final track was full ahead and jumped. The ing of the honor. A G. R. & L train was wrecked at judgment on the questions submitted engine struck the wreck train, threw Hillsdale proposes to bond herself Kalaraazoo. About 20 freight cars The Pope Is Pleaded. the conference expresses gratitude to thts caboose on top of the next car, for $15,000 to establish an electric light- were pilled up aside of the track. Rome cable: Mgr. Satolli has sent the government of the United States setting both on fire. ing plant of her own. F. VV. Stock, to Cardinal Rampolla an important for affording an opportunity to study There were 14 men in the caboose, proprietor of the plant now in use, has Cold water is a local option town, but letter containing the two decisions and anew the present position of silver. One jumped off, five were hurt, three a bi-chloride of gold cure is an entercommenced an action for $10,000 damreport of the proceedings of the Continuing, the motion declares that were burned beyond recognition and ages, alleging that the election which prise now in process of formation. American bishops' conference and the conference agrees to suspend its four were killed. One was totally concarried the proposition was illegal. J. H. Cole, circuit court commissioner Rampolla has replied without delay, labors and, subject to the approval of sumed, not a sign of his remains being Court Vander Karr was recently ar- of Lapeer county, has been selected for expressing the pope's satisfaction with the governments represented, resume found. rested at Colon charged with abduct- executive clerk by Gov.-elect Rich. the communication and giving further its sittings on May 13 next. It also ing the 15-year-old daughter of WalINTERESTING ITEMS. Fenwick »*-en were content with instructions regarding Satolli's mission expresses the hope that during the lace Burch, of Leonidas. The prisoner darkness and mud. Now the women to the United States. A high church adjournment a thorough examination proved the girl was 17 years of age and have raised money for street lamps. authority says that the Vatican is in submitted to the conference will The war department has decided that they had been married, so he was fact well pleased with the decisions of admit of the recognition of an ultimate again to garrison Key West, Fla. Jacob Trebing was struck by an the conference on the scholastic ques- basis for an understanding with Norreleased. There have been 25 cases of cholera electric car at Grand Rapids. Concus- tions considering them at once moder- way. The Cadillac veneer and basket fac- sion of the brain resulted and the man ate and tending to union and peace. in Hamburg in the last week, and two tory, one of the new industries secured may die. deaths. This satisfaction is all the more lively Ireland Defends the Negro. by that town's improvement board, has Robert Beatty, charged with the The Ropes gold mine at Ishpeming seeing that the resolutions are in Archbishop Ireland with great pomp begun operations with orders ahead to poisoning non-union workmen at Homeharmony with the precise instructions run the plant for at least two months. is not going to close do*vn as has been given by the pop<> to Mgr. Satolli. The and ceremony dedicated the new stead, has been held in $5,000 bonds to announced. It made §4,422 last month church of St. Peter Claver in St. Paul, Peck & Cutler will open their handle pope would have opposed absolutely Minn,, for the special use of colored trial. factory in a few days, so that by Janu- and is prosperous. ary 1 Cadillac will have two new and Upper peninsula people will ask the any result of the conference tending to Catholics. The congregation of col- The controversy of Bishop Wigger, paying industries in successful opera- next legislature to build a branch of hamper his policy of -pacification or to ored Catholics was organized five years of Newark, and Fr. Corrigan, of Hoencourage dissension between Amertion. the reform school and an asylum in ican sentiment and the episcopate, ago with a membership of seven. It boken, N. J., has been settled by the now counts several hundred all con- latter's apology. between religion and the state. Eight Ishpeming iron mines shipped their section of the state. verts to the Catholic faith. The archThe extreme winter weather that Prof. O. M. Graves, of Cadillac, has 1,511,700 pounds of ore during the seabishop in his discourse denounced in has prevailed in Western Kansas this begun s'uit against the People's party son of 1892. This shows a gain of 289,Another Homeatead.| strong words the social ostracism from month has caused much suffering 603 pounds over 1891. The heaviest committee of Schoolcraft county for A company with §8,000,000 capital which the colored people suffer, deshipper was the Cleveland mine with services rendered during the campaign. has had an agent in New Haven, Conn., claring it contrary to humanity, to the among the settlers. 310,907 pounds, a gain of 89,111 pounds Capt. Pabst has forgiven his son for Charles Dostic, 13 years old, of South for some days past looking over the Christian religion and to the American over the previous year. The nine ship- Monterey, ground with a view to establishing a Republic. marrying Margaret Mather and haa near Allegan, accidentally ping mines of Negaunee sent forward discharged his shotgun while hunting. steel manufacturing plant. The comtaken the young couple to his bosom Another Klectrocutlon. 808,531 pounds during 1892. The Buf- The charge entered the stomach. The pany will use a new process which it is and his home in Milwaukee. Fred McGuire has been executed at falo is the heaviest shipper with 380,- lad expired almost instantly. expected will revolutionize certain Don M. Dickinson, Senator Vilas, Sing Sing prison, N. Y., for the mur714 pounds. lines of steel manufacture. Among ex-Secretary Whitney and W. R. Grace der of Mrs. Noah Gregory near MiddleJohn Shannon, one of the oldest and Michael Casey, state salt inspector best known hackmen in Kalamazoo the gentlemen said to be interested are town, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1891. Only two had long conferences with Mr. Clevehas submitted his annual report to was probably fatally injured while try- Senator Joseph B. Hawley, of Hart- shocks were administered. ,McGuire land at his New York home. Gov. Winans. Tl>ere are at present 109 ing to stop his team. He fell and the ford; Col. Litchfietd, U. S. A.; H. H. was killed by the first shock in 12 secBy a vote of 1,028 to 527 the Federafirms engaged in the manufacture of wheels passed over his head, causing Hunt, of Reading; Theodore Allyn, of onds. He was then examined by the tion of Labor, in session at PhiladelBrooklyn, and a few others." The consalt in the state, operating 98 steam shocking doctors, and as far as could be seen no phia, voted down a socialist resolution wounds. cern will employ 3,000 men. and 14 pan blocks, with a capacity of marks of scorching could be found, asking that the government shall conThe Lake Angeline mine at Ishpem6,424,000 barrels per annum. Some nor was there any discoloration of his trol all means of transportation, comStamhoul Sold Cheap. 3,710,024 barrels were manufactured ing has demonstrated after several flesh. McGuire's execution was deThe celebrated trotting stallion Stam- clared the most successful one that was munication and production. the past year. The total receipts of months' trial that men will do more the office for the fipcal year were $13,- work in eight hours per day than they boul, which holds the world's record of ever had in Sing Sing prison. The Kansas Democratic state com730.69 and thedisbursements810,880.55, will in ten. During the past two 2:O7#, the property of the late Walter mittee are now working to hold the leaving a balance on hand of $2,850.14. months under the eight-hour plan, the S. Hobart, of the Hobart Farm, San balance of power in the legislature be265,760 Deaths from Cholera In output was 450 pounds per man per Mateo, Cal., was sold by aution at the Final official statistics of the cholera tween the Republicans and Populists, The bids which will be opened day over the average of the best two American Institute building, New hope to name the next United on January 13 for the construction of months in the nine previous to the in- York City, for 841,000. The purchaser epidemic in Russia have been issued. and States senator. They also indorse exAccording to these figures there have the floor, culverts, breast walls and auguration of the trial. This was not was D. H. Harrirnan, a banker, of New Gov. Glick for secretary of agriculture. been 130,417 deaths from European and miter sills of the new 800 foot lock at a fair trial either, for the election was York, who owns a farm in Orange r 13. >,343 deaths from Asiatic cholera, the "Soo," will be for both labor and responsible for many lost shifts, and county, N. Y. Nicholas Fernandez, a wealthy making a total of 265,7fi0 deaths. Four young Spaniard of New Orleans, who material. The work it is estimated many hours were lost spent in discussThe price is ridiculously low, forleaders of the cholera riots have been will take 13,000 barrels of cement, ing the new scheme. The gain of 434 Hobart 850,000 for the horse, and sentenced by a court-martial to death. killed Aurelio Diaz, a nephew of 3,500,000 feet of white pine timber, 16,- pounds per day is for every man em- that waspaid President Diaz, in a duel last week, haa before Statnbou'l had broken Eight of them were sentenced been arrested and tried on a charge of 000 feet of white oak timber and 1,150,- ployed in or about the mine, including or even tied the record. to imprisonment and condemned to murder. The seconds of Fernandez 000 pounds of iron. The work will laborers, engineers, firemen, machinhard labor, 30 to detention in the house have also been arrested. The affair have to be completed by December 15, ists, carpenters and mine superintenA seven-time widow of Brooklyn has of correction arid 40 to prison without waa the outcome of trouble over a 1894. dents, erected a monument to the whole lot. bard labor. young woman. MERE MENTION OF MANY 1, from him since he left England with ugly cut just above the left eye. He had tripped and stumbled ia you in April," Queer fellow! Then you haven't the dark be said. Tin afraid he'll car* ry the scar as long as be lives. Bui beard about his accident?" BY T. VT. BPJK1GHT. "Accident? Good gracious, not' good gracious, bow ill you look- Miss Penleath. What can I do for youP What was UP" CHAPTER X—CONTINUEJX •He broke his arm within a few What can I get for you?" IS THE Enna might have overheard his bourn* of landing. But don't be "I shall be better presently. Give wordd, seeing thai when uho spoke alarmed; he's as right as a trivet me your arm as far as the terrace. It next she said. "And when shall I see again. I give you my word, He 1B cooler there." j you mjaia Roden?" hadn't been more than five or six Dancing began a few minutes later, ••That is mure lhan I can say." He hours in New York before he met aad Lord Seniac. who was engaged felt that it would he better for both with bis accident He was mooning for the first walt& hurried away in their sakes that their meetings should about the streets by himself, being, as search of h>s partner. Enna was glad be few and fur between, but bow was I dareaay you are aware, a bit un- to be left alona It possible to tell her no? The Official Government Reports: sociable at times and louder of his The whole terrible story was now Equally impobsible was it for Enna own company than that of other peo- made clear to her. 1. or. for so ma to press him on such a point ple, when be was. unfortunately purpose of hla own, had gone back to The United States Government, after elaborate ••You will at \eait leave mo an ad- knocked down and run over. He was the Croft and had there encountered tests, reports the ROYAL BAKING POWDER to be of dress at which a letter will Und you carried to the nearest hospital, and DarvilL A quarrel had ensued (eho in case of neue.-sity," she said. when be came to himself he sent for remembered that her brother had nevgreater leavening strength than any other. (BulThen as he seemed to hesitate: me." er disguised his dislike for the capletin 13, Ag. Dep.tp. 599.) "How can one tell from day to day '•Poor Ivor! No wonder we never tain), there had been a struggle, as what need may arise?" was evidenced by the wound over heard from him," said Eona. 'Of The Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show •*1 will send you an address to- course he could not hold a pen. But I v c ' s eye and the overturned lamp, morrow where a letter or message it would have been kind of you. Lord and in tbe beat of passion Ivor bad the ROYAL BAKING POWDER highest of all in leavenwill always find me." he said. Seniac to bavu dropped me or my stabbed Darvill to the heart Koden ing strength. (Bulletin i o, /. 16, Inland Rev, Dep.) bad somehow become cognizant of tbe They were walking slowly toward uncle a Line.11 the house. In the darker shade of a • 1 proffered to do so more than fact and in order to screen her brothIn practical use, therefore, the ROYAL BAKING clump of evergreens Enna came to a once, but Penleath forbade roe in the er, had allowed tbe burdon of guilt to stand. The moment for parting was most positive terma and you know be laid upon bis shoulders. Times PONDER goes further, makes purer and more perfect at hand. how very positive he can be when he ever since the interview with him she food, than any other. "If you could but come indoors likes. Well, the other fellows of our bad asked herself for whose sake be with me." she said, with sweet plead- party went oij next day; but although had allowed himself to be made a ing in her tones. "If you would but Penleath wan wild with me for not scapegoat Now she had her answer. Government Chemists Certify: trust Uncle Godfrey!" going with them, I stayed in New CHAPTER XIL "It cannot be," he answered with York upward of a week, seeing as "The Royal Baking P o w d e r is composed of pure and a ring of sharp pain in his voice. much of him as the hosp tal people Explanations. wholesome ingredients. It does not contain either alum or phos•vood-by then, and God bless would allow of my doing, and did not As uncle and niece were on their 1 phates, or other injurious substances. you I' bhe said, laying both her hands leave till he was fairly on the way to way home from Urswick manor, tbe in bis. " EDWARD G. LOVE, PH. D." recovery." colonel said: "I suppose Lord Seniac •<jood-by and Heaven keep you!" •That was very good of you. But did not fail to tell you about Ivor and "The Royal Baking P o w d e r is undoubtedly the purest he responded. did not Ivor .go west and join you as his accident and bow unaccountably and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. " ••Now that I have been there again, soon as he was a b l e " be seems to bo lingering on in«New " HENRY A. MOTT, M. D., PH. D." I dare say that on line evenings I shall "He never pot farther than New York?" often n'nU my way to the leads of the York. When I called on him on my The colonel bad been as surprised "The Royal Baking P o w d e r is purest in quality and high tower," said Enna in a low voice, way back. Jn the hope that he would as Enna at finding his lordship at the est in strength of any baking powder of which I have knowledge. feeling her cheeks flame in the dark- return to England with me, I found manor, and had not failed to question " WM. MCMURTRIE, PH. D." as she did so. that he had taken rooms, engaged a him as to bis unexpected return, For sole response Roden lifted the man to wait on him, and was living ••Yea be told me," answered Enna, hand which rested in his and there en garcon." The Government Report shows all other baking in her most matter-of-fact tones. pressed them one after the other to "Had he mite recovered from his "If it were any ottler than Ivor." his lips, 'i'hen he drew back a pace accident by that time?" " powders tested to contain alum, lime went on the colonel. ' I should say it and lifted his hut A whispered ••To all appearance. He had to bo was uncommonly ungrateful (not to or sulphuric acid. "Farewell" Heated through the sum- careful how he used his arm, and will use a harsher term) on his part never mer eve. A moment later he was have to be so, 1 dnre say, for a con- to ha e dropped a I ne to either of us alone. siderable time to corae." all tbe time he has been away; nor FEMININITIES, Coaching Leads to Consumption. •He declined to return with you?" even to send us a message by Seniac; CHAPTER XI. • -He did He said that ho had taken but I have grown so used to your Kemp's Balsam stop9 the cough at once. The women employes of the Chicago What Lord Seniac Had to Tell quite a liking for the republican in- brother's peculiarities that I am never telephone companies are to be attired Yale college has about 30 female students. Miss Ponleath's ehance interview stitutions and ways of life, and would surprised at anything be may do or in black uniforms. with Roden Bosworth left her in even stay and study them a little longer. say—or rather, as in this case, at Brummell'fl C o u g h Drops. "What would you do, Mr. Man, if UM Brnmniell's Celebrated CutiRh Droi s The («na greater perple«ity than before. It But entre nous. Miss Penleath, I'm anything that he may lea.e undone or lneh*T« A. U. U. 011 e«i-hdrop, bold b your wife died?" asked Mrs. D. Mr. was un iniinite relief to have the inclined to believe, from one or two unsaid." M., who is very methodical—I would As nothing further was BE id, Enna assurance from his own lips that in little things which came to my eara A short cut to happiness Is to try to give bury her. no shape or form was he personally that it s not the republic's institutions, concluded that Lord Seniac had notIt, implicated in l>arviil'd death, and yet but one of its fair daughters, that is thought it worth while to say anything FIT8-AI1 flu stopped tnv by DR. HUNTS SSRii KK8T0KKK. Norttafter f.rst day'i UM. Mar that he should allow the guilt of it to at the bottom of Master Ivor's disin- to the colonel about Ivor's return to IHtrK relou* cure*. TreatNe and 13 00 trial bottle free to Kit clination to quit .the New World. Thi3 the Croft on the night of the murder, lie at his door, and make no effort Bend to Dr. Kline, 031 Arcb St., Philadelphia, *•*. whatever to disprove it could point sounds a little like telling tales out of of which not a creature about the to but one conclusion—that he was school; but if I had not been some- house seemed to be aware, or of the The bride's slippers have gold tips and sacrificing himself in order to screen what anxious abbut him I should not wound over his eye when he got back iioels. some other person. But who could have taken the liberty of speaking to the station. To his lordship they Disease is unnatural and is but the proof as I have. If you have any influence doubtless seemed matters of trivial that we are abusing Nature. It Is claimed that other person bo? that durileld Tea, a simple herb remedy, over your brother, Miss Penleath. now After all Jay Gould died cf consump. All this time no word from Ivor is the time when it would seem de- import while to her they wore replete helps Nature to overcome this abuse. with the most tragic significance. tion. The doctors said he had neural* Penleath had reached any one at the sirable that you should bring it to This reticence on Senlac's part, all Brooklyn's women's clubs have about 10,- gia and Jay offered a million dollars Croft. But that was a faoi whicl* bear." unwittingly though it might be, was000 members. gave rise to no alarm, scarcely even 1 to any one who would cure him of his 'I understand, and I thank you. You a great relief to hnna. Although by to surprise, in the mind of either b.0 J.ane'i Medicine Moved the HoweU Ench sister or his uncle; they were used to will give me my brother's address in nature one of the most unsuspicious i>ay. In order to be healthy this Is neces- trouble. It turned out that he did hot Cures constipation, headache, ifldney of men. might not those two little sary. such vagaries on his part It was New York?" and liver troubles and regulates thf stomach hare neuralgia at all, but simply confacts had they been told her uncle, and bowels. Price 60c and$1.00 atalldealers. sumption. Don't you make his mis"With pleasure." only one instance the more added to tfce long list of his eccentricities. His "Did Ivor ever say anything to you ha e opened up a train of suspicion in A sachet for scenting stockings Is the la- take. If you feel that your lungs are sister had not failed to ask him for an about Captain Darviifs death?" asked bis mind, the following up of which tost tomfoolery. weak, or that you are subject to might have led him no one could say address at which letters and news- Enna presently, in a low voice. whither? Yes, she told herself as sho The rlrht time to repent is when you find coughs or colds, or that your throat be papers would find him or from which —hord Senlao bosritnted for a moment 4 they could be retnailed to him. while or two. them ho said: "As far as I alighted at the Croft it was bettor, out you are wrong. sore and tender, get a bottle of Reid's he on his part had not failed to go recollect, the sub eot was never men- infinitely better, that her uncle should Important t o Fleshy People. German Cough and Kidney Cure and) away without giving her what she tioned between us. During my first be left in ignorance, at least for the We hate notfeed a page article In the Daily Globt had asked for. Thus they had no days in New York I was greatly con- present and untfl she herself should on reducing weight at a very small expense. It take it freely. It contains no poisoa will pay our readers to send two-cent stamp fora and it is the only cough, remedy on the means of knowing at the Croft cerned about Penleath, and I don't be- have bad t me to think over what had copy to Atlaa Circulating Library, 118 8tata Street, been told hor and make up her mind whether any particulars of the lieve I as much as glanced at a newsChicago, 111. market that ministers to all of tho tragedy which had followed so closely paper. 1 found a lot of papers wait- as to what step it behooved her to one can have joy to-day who is worry- excretory organs. The small bottle* on his departure had reached him. ing lor me at Denver, and then, of take in view of the unexpected light ingNoabout to-morrow, are twenty-five cents, large size fifty Still though he might be beyond the course, I read all about the affair. thrown by Lord Seniac upon what hod T hitherto been to her an impenetrable reach of English newspapers, except W hen I got back to New York I had Deserving Confidence.—There i9 no arti- cents. Every druggist has i t cle which so richly deserves the entire conany which might be sent specially only a couple of hours with your mystery. STXVXN RKUKDT COMPART, fidence of the community as BROWN'S BKOJJafter him. it was unlikely that he brother, and I don't think the subject [TO BE CONTINUED.] , CHIAL TROCHES. Those suffering from Peoria, Ills. woul not have seen one or other of cropped up between us. By the way,; Asthmatic and Bronchial Diseases, Coughs, and Colds, should try them. Price 25 cents. A J U D G E ' S ROBE. the American journals containing, in it's rather singular when you come to however meagre a form, a notice of think of it—I mean as an illustration Chief Justice Chase and Hla Missing There is something wrong if you never the peculiar circumstances connected of the complexities of modern life— Gown. pray except when you have to. with Darvill'8 death. In the face, that Ivor should have been at the Have you ever seen the supreme however, of Ivor's continued jilence, Croft within an hour of the time the court of the United States during one Hotel Glcnham. 1 nothing could be taken for granted. murder is said to have been commit- of its sittings? Unliko judges in most can attest to the efficacy of Dr. Deane's Dyspepsia Pills—not only using them myted, and yet that neither he nor I It was about a fortnight after the lower courts, the supreme court self, but having civen them to several of my all of whom have been materially meeting on tho tower when Colonel should hear a syllable about it till we justices wear black gowns that are friends, beneritted bv them. For cases of Dyspepsia were more than nve thousand miles Bernage and Miss Penleath received much like ca^BOcks or church choris- ind Torpid Liver I consider them invaluN.B.BARRY, •ach a pressingly-worded invitation away." ters. Arrayed in these somber black able.Proprietor Hotel Glenham, New York. to the dinner, to be followed by a ball, 1 nna stared at him with startled gowns, the justices, a row of seven or Write Dr. J. A. Deano & Co., Catskill, N. Y. about to be given in honor of the eyes. eight very large and very learned men. coming of age of young Alan Cunlitfe, You have a splendid time to grow In grace • *I fail to understand you.'' she said. present an appearance of official digevery time somebody snubs you. of Urswick Manor. ••Ivor left the Croft that evening to nity that is most striking. One of the first people on whom join you at Broom Hill station, ia The supreme court convenes at 12 A CHILD ENJOYS Enna set eye3 when she entered the time to catch the 9 o'clock train for o'clock. One day Chief Justice Chase The pleasant flavor, gentle actiot* and drawing-room at Urswick Manor was Liverpool, whereas—" was unable to find his robe. He soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when Lord Seniac a fair-haired, short"Just so; but aren't you aware that searched every part of the robing- in need of a laxative, and if the father sighted little man, with a tlufty he went back to the Croft again in or- room, and even lighted a mat'-h to go or mother be costive or bilious,, the mustache and a very obtrusive eye- der to get something he had left be- deeper into his closet than usual in most gratifying results follow its use; glass, who saw her at the same hina?" " search of the missing gown, because so that it is the best family remedy B tost Cells. Cnfht, Sort Tktut, Crmp, f m moment and came forward to shake •Wo. I am not aware of anything of the day was a dark and rainy one. known and every family should have a 'Waooptae Otogb. SrucfcitU ud 4itha*. A etrtaia№• hands with her. te Cousaptiab first tUffM. u d » rat nUcf ia sd> the kind," answered Enna, faintly, It wanted but a minute or two of bottle, roeii Kagts. 7 u st act. Ypi will Mt tbt ttosUstt •Can it be really you Lord SenlacP'' with a shiver at her heart. twelve, when the chief justice, almost sflfcet thu Ukfcg ths 2nt dost. Sold tr l u l t n tTsrj* A Mrs. Billlncs, of Ashe county, N. O., demanded Jrnna, in unfeigned surwh»n, Lirft bortiet M c«tu Mil 81 00. p "Anyhow that-'s what be did," an- beside himself with long searching, .rave birth a short time ago, to six children prise. "I thouarht that you were five Bwered Senlao. "We met at the sta- appealed to Ben Wade, the famous at once. I I M •< A T T E X T I O S ! Wanted—A »mart,dU or six thousand miles away at the tion, as agreed upon, and Penleath rough and roady Benator from Ohio, >»MIII««i creetlftdy to Introduce to married womet A new srtele which they all want and all n red. Ad very least. Pray. sir. what have you had sent back the dog-cart when all who chanced to enter the room, to •1OO Reward dress, with stamp, Box 200. 85 Dearborn St, Chicago done with my brother?" The readers of this paper will be pleased to at once he discovered, and very much help him find the lost gown. 9 that there i« at least one dreaded disease "As far as I am aware, Ivor Pen* put out he seemed, that he bad left Wade had just come in from out of learn BT $ that science hat been able to cure in all iu leath is at the present moment in behind something of great importance doors, and so, thrusting his umbrella •Uffet, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh WILL CURE New Vork. At least; that is where I (what it was he never to4cl me <. which under one of the settees to see if the Cur* li tbe only positive cure known to the it was imperative that he should go missing garment was there, he for- medical fraternity. Catarrh being a conleft htm a fortnight ago." diftrate, requires a constitutional "But why are you back so soon? I back in person to fetch. Accordingly, tunately fished it out Holding it at stitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inthought your expedition, or whatever he hired a tiy, and was away a little arm's iength on the end of his drip- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and you oalled it* was to last till late in over an hour. Of course we missed ping umbrella, he shouted: "Here, mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de- Apply Balm into each nostril stroying the foundation of the disease, and the autumn. And why did not Ivor the 9 o'clock train, but \?e got away Chase—here's your old shirt." ELY £ £ O & , M Warren S t , N. 1 by tho one leaving at 11 o'clock. But The learned chief justice reached giving the patient strength by building up the return,with you? constitution and assisting nature In doing iU "Some special family business com- you say you knew nothing of this?" CURE GUARANTEED his seat in the middle of the row just work. The proprietors have so much faith or money frfanded. Peck*! n its curative powers, that they offer One pelled my father to cable for me and "No—nothing." Did she speak the as the clock struck the last stroke of Headache Powrler* cvr* bead* Hundred Dollars for any oase that It falls to ache in 15 mioutea. An exc«J* brought me back before my time. The words aloud, or only ancy that she twelve, but the spectator from the lent remevly iur Neuralgia* cure. Send for list of te«Mmonials, Coo rate 00 opium or other nai* reason why Ivor didn't come back didP She could not tell. front would never ha e guessed that Address, F. J. CHENKY & CO., Toledo^ a with me was, I suppose, because he "Penleath won't DO likely to forget the gown which clothed so much OTSold by Druggists, 75a cotica. Do a«t affect the n«rroua arttea. Cur* Headaiha didn't want to. But when did you that evening for some timo to come." dignity had been, ten seconds before, catiMd by IOM of »leep, N erraaa, Billoua. Nicotine, or turn hear la-»t from your brother?" Physicians say t hat cases of nervous pros- cv*T-iadul(tac« resumed Seniac. "When he got dangling at the en<3 of a very wet In Mqtorv By ,r itlon are less frequent alace low neels •all. cnnibi Addu "We have not had * ulna-It Jine back to the station be bad an umbrella.—Harper's Young People. lave come into general use* M1CUIGA* .0 |he Sandycroft Mystery. ROYAL : • ' * * , Best Baking Powder M i Jay Gould •m DO YOU '• • ' . / , ! DON'T DELAY BALSAM Cream Balm CATARR HEAD ACHE •»-'' T ' Read Me! READ ME! THUBSDAY, DEC. 29, 1892 Maoy of tjie Europeon governments aTe preparing to send their views on immigration to the government of the United States, It is not too much to say that their views on immigration are rather more welcome just now than some of the immigration itself. Now that the cluolera scare has entirely disappeared from the publie mind it is in order to quietly remind all local and provincial Boards of Health that they should prepare themselves for a possible recrudescdnce- of the infection in the next spring Steps taken in time will forestall hasty action or sensational outcry against inaction when the time of possible danger comes. FOR THEY DO JUST Railroad Guide, fcirand Traak Railway Time Table. MICBIQA.X AIR LINE ntVIPION. Having a very large stock of Overcoats, and Suits on hanl, and am very desirious of reducing them as much as possible before the Holidays, and to give everybody a chance to buy a Suit or Overcoat for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT, we will cut GOIMG EA8T. j STATlOJSb. | GOING WKST 4:10 8:40 2:60 2:15 A.M. 9:40 1006 7:15 7:00 6:1& 6:1)0 6.25 f ITf A l l ®f I I r.x. 6:ltt 7:45 7:06 H5: Wlzom d. I (a. { 8. Lyon-^ a.f id. Hamburg PINCKNEY Gregory Btockbrldge Henrietta News that the deadly cholera still continues in Hamburg emphesizes the necessity of taking vigorous mensures against invasion of this country next spring. What we need is a federal system of quarantine at New York and other leading ports, giving the national authorities full power. Representative B rosins has introduced a bill to this effect, naming New York, Portland, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore for national quarantine. This measure, judging from tho summary supplied from Washington, requires modification in several important particulars. But the essential idea of federal quarantine control is one which should be cariied into execution. - Press. Ho ward City louiu And Articles too numerous to mention will receive the same CUT IN PROPORTION. '<!•;• 5:10 4:18 4:47 5:07 6:56 B:25 DETROIT, MICH. (Jet New and Startling facts at Druggists. WANTED LIVE AGENTS FOR HART'S IMPROVED , . ; • , A M CnNtrsi«, P.\.. D?e. ??, lPgt. I h*»e not had one of iny l u d *pelis since I I commenced lakinj your medicine, six months PHTLACFLPHIA, ? A . , J.m. J, IP<JJ. I personally hu»u< of two cases ol .*¥/«, where the patient had given up fell hope, that were cured by this remcly. C. A. NVOOD, t Treasurer American 1'ublijhing Hou*«, 1TJ7 JffJVOTT our remedy CURES the J WORST CASES, 'lh«t you may try it, lurUhout ntpm**, wa will tenrf you O N « 1 BottU m e . AH rhurtf* prepaid by u». Give Age, Post-Offitc and Sute. Addreu JTaK Chemical Co,, WEST PHILADELPHIA, PA. P M 505 5 57 0 10 0 20 WVlilicrvilln Wiiliuttjslon Ar. P M 6 10 3 0? 1*,' :1H' r. a!) 9 ID u> w j ;i yo I; -^ ->sj (i M (».58 7 Io 7 37 10 4r •SH40 8 2« H 51) [I 47! L It3; 1 2!l 10 Oil 1 4" 10 4r> •J I.') 11 10 -i io- :i .ID Howurtl Citv l <ir> "> i i Grand P M !) 50 9 50 P M P M 10)0 P M *ICvery day, otliertrain* week duys only. T a r l o r etirw on all traliiK_bt'lw'e»;n tjlraud Rapids and l)p(roit.—Sent*1,2.1 ceiits. A 1'nvorite mute, via Muckiuiiw to I'pper I'e lu niiithwcsti'iri points. And conrK'iliii).' with t h e C h i c i i f f o fie W O M . t | i c l i i t r u n I t ) ' . A favorite route vis (irsind Knpi-ls to Hentou Ilarhor, St. Jos«>]>li; Miifkegon, Manistee, Traverse City, Chnrleviiix and I'CTMSKKY. Our new exttMwiou l'mni Truverse City is now ia operation to IVtoskey mid !.s the iNN ARBOJY AND I NORTH MICHIGAN RAILWAY. HAVE TONE, ACTION, FRAMEWORK, AND FINISH AND MODERATE PRICES. GUARANTEED 5 YEARS. SEND FOR r ' ~ " " ^ PRICES. IT.?-? Epilepay cared by I>r. Miles' Nervine. BARTRAM'S IVETERI NARY ELIXIR. [Reduced to 50 Cents a Bottle! . . . ADDUM . . . UNIONVILLE, CONN. PM 10 a 8 30 11 H2l 8 4v 11 47' Trains lenveHaniburfr. GOIVG NORTH GOING SOT'TH 7:58 a.m. h№ " 10:55 " 8:13p.m. VV. H. BENNETT, G. P. A., Toledo, O. T Sole Manufacturers, P M P M TOLEDO p , I Tho only liquid Iron and Quinine fformnck. The dos« is ?niail,OHnlly gand the UAO of one bottle will alwaye"pioidure beneficial retulta} Is equal in jefffot to Bis potrnda of any CoudlUon HE only crimper in the market which J Powder rtuidn. crimps and wave* the hair, and is controlled by our company. The 3 It is a FltO MPT AND RKLIABX»F: «ai© faahion of crimping the hair is alt the HOT Worms, Urinary Trouble*, 2>XMtenos«» rage, and becoming more popular every Bowrts, Shin JHttxtaes in OenartI, day. For the past six months our comi of Appetite, Indignation, JUe., Etc. pany have manufactured over 500,0000! ,-» animals brohen down by poor i'codthese crimpers, and not over one-third of ' by overwftrk or <li«rjwo, It \tt the nmut the towns have been reached, as they , jtual ronaedy over sold. It soon r'i'*1;* have been bandied by the largest hardo i a t of an animal n ataek, RIOSJ ware trade only. Now we are putting , •>Pl>oariinoe and In of Oreat Value tw them in the hands of agents only who 5»nd Livory stnble owners. Tft 1 • ri art waiting Urg« profits from the sale of ttiie Blood, lnviKT<»ra»B« the System the goods. We prefer ladies to handle Jl&croaaea tho strength and Activity. the agency for the goods, as they can show them up to much better advantage. J BnTt^m'B Veterinary EUrlr has tsJv^Aytt The crimpers are nickel plated, and put gbcon sold at 9 1 a bottle, but, in order to up in boxes % dos. in & box. Samples rlntroduoe it morn extetiaircly and create * will be sent on receipt of 3; oenta to pay ^national domaadj the price has been the postage and first cost of the crimper, when we will forward the prices and discount to agents, towns, county or state given to parties who will guarantee to take a certain number of crimpers to ,'for A Mmlt«d time only1, and every bottle start on. [ i o Mid U unrked "TRIAL. BOTTLE." THE UPSON A, HART CO. A M P M O M . V i t A I L L I N K ' 1 O I ' l l A 111,1! V O 1 X . Hair Crimper and Waver. WBBSTBR, S. C , Her. j<5, i8gt. I .TlVj.* I wish 1 coviUI let nil who stre suffer-1 I ing from a n / / Krrve flivritsc know just how I good your remedy is. My son ustd it one year, land is now the stoutest child 1 h.-.vc. With many thankj, I tcnuia yours, II. A. TATE. 1 30 T h r o u g h sleepers a n d p a r l o r cars I'roin Detroit to I'fttoskey, d u r i n g t)n> .suniiner. TraiiiN leave r i r a u d IInpidM For Uhiea^o 8:^0 a. ii>.nnd 1:2") p. tn. *11:8-'i p . in. Kor.MunistetMUifi TruverMe r i t y , 7;S(ift. rn. Cy.'Vt p . in. 5:?V> p , in. train liu.i free cliair ears t o Man Is tee. F o r r h i i r l e v o i x , Mini Petoskey, 7M0u. m For Miuskegon *;*>() a. in. l:2fl p . m. 5:li5 JI. JI. i n . K.4.") p. in. Goo. DnHaven. G. ,V A,, II..J, Winehell, Agent, Grand Kapide. Howell. TbeC WSJ 4 25 6 15 1120 7 00 PM THE TRSUSER STRETCHER GO,, P M P U *125 5 40 AM A M OOINO WKST Howell June Iluwe.ll Fowler ville Hoping you will not throw this little bill away and think it is nothing but a humbug, I remain Yours Very Truly, The destitution of more than 1000 victims of the unfortunate strike at Homestead presents a stirring appeal to the generous impulses of a charitable public. It means that women and children are hungry and cold, that homes are dreary and fireless, and that to many innocent hearts in the unfortunate town the coming of Christmas signifies only an added sense of despair. I t would be unjust to the generosity of the American character to assume that the distress and hardships of those suffering people will be permitted to remain long unrelieved.—N. Y. Press. Perhaps it is right for this government to go on and allow workingmen to go on a strike for three or four months each year, thereby losing for themsolves and their employers millions of dollars, ami then ask the law-abiding citizens to support them (the workmen) and their families, because they are destitute. Perhaps, we say, it may be right, but to us it looks like au outrage. This manlier of treating strikeis will only toward causing strikes. 7 10 It reel! Oak AND MAKE YOU HAPPY. After twelve years of rest the great volcano Mauna Loa, in Hiwaii has started into activity. Two villages in its vicinity, with their A Million Friend*. neighboring plantations aro threatA i'tier.d in need is a friend in- •rvaz ened with total destruction. Durdeed, and not less than one million ing the eruption of 1880, the lava people have found just such a friend emitted rose to a height of 800 ft. in J)r. King's Xew Discovery for above the mouth of the crater and Consumption, Coughs and Colds.— flowed in a stream from 12 to IK)If yon have never used this Great Medicine, one trial will confeet deep to the very outskirts of Couoh vince vou tlmt it has wonderful cura villnge4hiity-five miles distant. ative powers in all diseases of Throat, In 1802 the lava was shot 1000 ft. Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is in the air, ami boulders weighing guaranteed to do all that is claimed 100 tons and over were tcssed up or money will be refunded. Trial THE MOST PRACTICAL NOVELTY EVER INVENTED. bottles free at F. A. Siller's Drug in countless numbers, For sever- store. Large bottles 50c. and $1.(X). PATENTED. Whv hnvo your pants bnwry, when this al day8 before this latest overflow Btr.udier will inuko them last twice as long<\nd look li»c new'.' began terrific rumblings within, Deserving praise. NICKEL riATED! NO SCREWS 1 the volcano and the earth trembled TV r ursue to srtv u> u m c.uiicuD, SiKPLE AND PERFECT. violently. The danger to life is that for years we have been selling FOLDS UP. not very great, but it is feared the Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- T!rcr7 men phov.ld soml for one, and always sumption, Dr. King's-Now Life Pills look we.il d.v.s-jcd. Send for tho perfect lava will overun the surrounding Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric vorkini; T r o u a o r P t81.00 r e t c h e r , which bofiont!<> vou prepaid. Afjonts can cola country and do great damage. Hitters, and have? never bandied will jc:cncy. Write tor iliusiruu-d circular. AM Grand Ledge 7 55 S 4 2 45 2 45 20 8 :»'O y os 820 3 05 50 S Jti 20 H&i Webbervilla 8 50 8 30 404 Powlervillo 'J (Mi 8 40 4 15 Howell a y.r> 10 02 »«8 55 llowull June 10 05 4:# 4.S5 Brighton 9 J8 9 11 Green Oak II 54 5 00 South Lyon 10 (10 9 26 5 07 Sl 10 10 5 17 Plymouth 10 SH 9 49 r> so Detroit 11 1.511 30 6 3S *5 25 1035 Lv. Detroit Plymouth Su I em : South y SAVE YOU MONEY remedies that sell as well, or that hitve given SUCK universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guanin tee thorn every time, and we stand •early to refund the purchase price, il Rtisfiictory results do not follow heir use. These remedies have won teir-great popularity purely ou theii uorits. F. A. Sigler, druggist. If fl:40 NOV. 20, 1802. A M GOING EABT The Pinckney Clothier. 1 2:26 LANSING & NCIiTHEKN li. K. Now all those who are thinking of buying anything in ourAr. line for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT do not fail to call and examine our stock for we are bound to v i 8:15 8:4* 10:07 6.65 10:60 7:20 1185 1:2H 8:40 A11 trains ran oy "central stanuard" time. All trains run daily,tiundays excepted. W. J. SPIEJt, JOSEPH HICK80N, 8ui)erintendent. General Manager. Lv. (irand Kupids c A. 31. B:58 10:18 ti'.'M 10:01 5 "06 10:45 4:58 11:03 4:!iO JACKSON 11:30 5:40 All 6, 7, and 8 dollar Pants will go at 5.50. D E T R O I T , All 5 and 5.50 " " " " 4.50. " " " 2.75. work of All 3 and 4 I P.H LENOX Armada Komeo Kor.heeter «:38 9.80 The Regular Price From all A.X. 8:10 7:48 7:17 6:^5 M not on tale at your Druggists, write to L. PERRIGO & CO., kSanu^ctnrlBz CUsniists, - iUeeas, HicL, u. s. A, Sclentlflo American OAVIAT8, TKAD1 MARKS, DESIGN PATAMT8, COPYRIGHTS, etci For Informattrm and free Handbook writn to MUNV A CO., sci BROADWAY, NBW Yon*. . OJdMt bureau forftecurlngpatents 1n America. Kvery patent taken out by vt i§ brought beforo the pubao by a notice giren free of charge In the Scientific _._ . elrenlatlon of an, world, ipteodldly tnoairau^. . ^ nan ihould be without it. waeki ears tlJOtix nootha, Addrea* ML a**, 3 6 1 BroaAway, Mtw York < •ViV. W,4 CheapfffetcuntUasto Cuuud* V i a T . , A. A. Ac lf« 91. Hy« On December 20, 21, and 22, the Toledo, Ann Arbor * N . M. lly. will sell excursion tidkets at on* fare for the round trip to all prominent points in Canada. Tickets will be cood going 4M) regular trains on above dates, and fcr tftturn on any recralar train until Jan. 10, inclnaive. For full information call on Ticket Agent*. If you want to buy the best stove in the market,"get one of the celebrated VOBTHB Holiday Kates. For Christmas and New Years Holidays, the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan lly. will sell excursion rickets between alt stations on its line at which tickets are sold, also to points on several connecting lines, at one and one third fare for the round trip, tickets will be crood ^oin# Dec. 24, 25, 26. and 31, and .)an 1 and 2, and good reTh« A n t r i m people are MpuHy beoomtair • Taoe of nrrogfiwwcfct,and the fallowing suggest* turning until Jan. !3, inclusive. the belt reaMdrt Atpbosso Hempfllng, of BnUer. P»M twean thai when his BOD was speechltw from St. vitas Duoe. Or, Mll«s* Great R«atorattve) N«rvlne)«ar«dbUn. Hrt.j.R.MiU.er,of V«lp**> buoand.,J.D. Taylor, of Logaosport, lnd., «aeh The Detroit eatnedlDpoanfe from taking It. M n B . A. Oardtter.of Vistula. lnd-was cured of 40 to 60 eonruJ* •tons* 6*7, ana nuun headache, dullness, back•ese, ana nervous prostration, by one bottle. Daniel Myers. Brooklyn, Mloh., says bis daughter was eared of ioanslty of ten years' standlng.TrUl bottles and finebook of marvelous cares, FRBB ai druggist* TUs remedy contains no opiates. -Weekly Tribune- Dr.Mlles* Medloaf Co.,Elkhart, lnd. TRIAL. BOTTLE F B £ E . A General Family Newspaper. Sold by b\ A. Sigler. *•• YOU WANT THIS - BUY FROM THE MAKER GCT oun CATALOGUE AND PRICES. Won the position of the largest circulation in \J icbi£>• an many years a 1:0, and lias kept it because it i< always reliable, enterprising and full of oriyrina! matter, not stale reprhit f 10111 the dailies. BETTER THAN EVER. One Dollar a Year. S P E O I A T J ACCURATE, DAINTY and ARTISTIC rirtisrfs 15;iii- •will dclipht all who n-ci'lvc tlw-tn. Thi'Jr i1.:' ;1 !n liiiuHty eaiiriot hs obtaint-d I'tsewtiere for loss i;;.n Ci.00 iidozon. Write y«.nr v.r.nic and P. O. Address on tliMwk of the ijhoioi.rr;'vh you Btnd us. This will be rriurncd with t!u; rcpruductlons as KOQU as the latterure ci mDOK'T TfilSS THIS CHANCE. Send SI. 1" direct to our oflkv :it wuoi'-flr>t come first served. The Wci'kiy Detroit Fro-- r^^^ cViUi'nw.s comparison with uuy otbcr v.<tV.' vinw-^i'.-j i r ju'Ui.^hed In the iiorthwot. An exMihii'.tku w.ll the truth of the following il urns: L That The Vvoo l'rv>s ;ii\\ ;>(.• i ^ ^ t e•;-f ; : m m ; n t Of U f l l t t l i l e N t ' K i i - F . - t v . K , . : . ; : f i ( l - i T , rra*;* ami OJPX-JEZR. iiri'M'iti.-J , a T . H ' Good only iinHlJan. / J ?8!)3. Lp ro rc ha le—n fi il<vnei p i l a< 'mi l i ;»inl reuiUi'-'ic ^ : > . I.utl A copy of Dili Xy«'.s N^^v Book of 2 . T h a t T t u » ! i v i 3 l ' r < - . s r r > • ' . . • ; . a t ' i . ' l.i .t l.itmry i ' o n r - .: i i i i * t r < - r — 500 pawres, with 150 illustration^, sent TU il tut setnr ta:U ' pi lu l Sj l i: o; lr' <i cH; oDf i' oJ nr-a \t<1' i:ic-:>"jil A n . :•>.;.-.'V, S i i h > ! l ' i ! . ' i : i . - , \v{;r,, •*• o n t ! i « free, post-paid, together wUli t h e SF taorr mi e s ,m Hu ul i ii ij 'ai rr du r' tHi , S kJ ^e it- ci ^hl ieT s . , ii;>< I - : I ; M J > , i «• >11•«- J : o x , WKKKLY TUIHUNE for ono year upon T h e H o u s e h o l d . C h i l d r e n ' * M . ' r i > '1 'ir.> •> <le; .i r r r j i f l i t . t ' t o . — g i v i n g l i l m n d i J i ! ' ( n t ( ri.ui;i.:<nt ;uiti receipt ot only o n f u r e v r r v r u e i i . K i r « f ll:<' U . n . i l r , iti > h o r c 1 i t Is T h e F a m i l y One Dollar and Jen Cents. $110. $1.10. AND »'OR GOODS and we are selling them at BOTTOM PRICES. When in IPinoiiiiey <lo not fail to oall and insipoet oiif stock, " 5 T a r e welcome, >vlieatlxei* you pni-oiia^o or not. HIGHEST PRICE'PilD FOB PISODUCE. 1'upiT. W. D. THOMPSON & CO- 4 . T h a t T h e F r f f 1 I ' r p s s Is n o t < n l y t:->' iV.r«<nii»*t _ l c h i ^ H U U i ' W s j u t p e r I n Mir ,\\>u\ v j-^i-t Li'Ular.-, I i : t t h u t It I s t i n ' l . . \ l U - K S T - - t \ v < 1 .!• T.I : . \ t t ' i - n p a r • * e a c h w e t ' l e — t h e Hi l c h t r * r i . n < c [ f , i v . c - r . l . d t l i i n r<r; • p o r t t o i t s t u i i l c <•! c o n t e n t s a m i t \ \i<<;:\ a i h U - : i l i:\>p e a r a n c e ; a n i l t h e C K K A l ' i - S V , l » ' e a u • <• n o i ' ! i j i - r p a p e r d o e s o r c a n f;iv<-' w» i a u i li f o i 1 < l i e 1 ' ^ l l a r a o r MB mGnwr~wrrm, wr.wiu, iJVSff H ^ year. Such a paper RhouUl reeelve tin1 active support i f every dlsertininatlu^ uad falrinin nil nian a u l •woman In Mlchljrrfn. It Is a IIOVK 1'Al'Kll i f which overycltizen Tnny v e i l lie p-nv.a. lor isv.) it will bo bettor thun ever' before. Wo solicit your subscription. Address all communications to THE I'KilK PRESS CO., lJetrolt, Mich Subscribe For The WASHINGTON, D. C. BAKING BREAD, CAKES AND PUDDINGS. NEW 3. T h a t T h e I ' I - P C r v e s s i s ; i h v ; ' . - s f.ilv, c o i ; r f « m m a n d f o r w f u l I n t h * 1 U l M ' u s H l n n i . f ' p v . t i l U ' (|i;i s t i e n s . r e a d i l y c o m n m m i l n K tUo rfstit'i-tful i i t t ' ^ u t i m ^ud . t i o n o f m e u o f a l l s l i u t l e s i t i'l i u i v n . ARYLAND FOWL, FISH, ETC, A Large Invoice of v KELLMER PIANO C0. H tt£-' V Teeple & Cadwell The DETROIT FREE Prj:SM ^ illsfiid you T w r l y e fuhiniSjla J'iiotOH (s:;:iu- *',?.:• a-. a : j r.nd Tlia CIRCULATION, 65,000, \V«ek2y Fret* Veeud, oueycar U r h«l.!O. Send v.Ith y<u;r nubwrinicu u c;.li;ii< t or card Proven by Posi-offiee Receipts. photograph (tin-type vill net uo) ' f your^tlf <>r Republican in Politics, und the champ- frieud aud>ou v i l l receive twelve line nproduc ion er" the old Soldiers' interests, it i.stious—Genuine photOKraphs. a model newspaper, with its depart- The C'olumbli; 1'hotoa v UUjf made in tin* hlRhest style of the a-t and will txtliaudsiiimHy mounted on ments of Agriculture, Fiction, Fash- Jiuc, i.llt !,i.:dcTed cards, uud bt-auiii'ttiiy Liural.shfd. ions. Household News, Sporting, Re- They will bo The Weekly Tribune B E C A U S E — I t is an honest, reliable and durable instrument. It holds its tone and touch, and will give years of unbounded satisfaction . It embodies the choicest m a t e r i a l s , finest workmanship, and latest devices and improvements. The price is honest and as low as is consistent with a high grade instrument. A Dozen for IQ Cts. [FounUed in Eighteen hundred anil forty-nine.] ligious, Commercial, Etc., together with the news of the world, rewritten in a most attractive manner. PIANO OF I CHEERFUL CALL 10 CHRISTMAS B U S . NEVER SO GOOD! NEVER SO CHEAP! Our beautiful display of Furniture is open aud ready. The Newest Ideas. The Best Selection, T « NATIONAL TRIBUNK la now entering upon II 18th year of phenomenal success. No other family weekly In the country has hid BUCI a growth, MUI maintained It so sR-ttdllv. It Roes Into every County In the united. St*tes, aw has rlnba of subscribe™ at nearly every Postofflee. It has gained this proud position ROlnly on lta marit Mfthltflily-Lntereiiiliig family newspaper. Tried for 20 YearsT The most appropriate and desirable Presents G W l IND UI1IIIL W e 1893. It will be made much better and more attra?tlvi than ever. While retaining all Qf lta present populai fs»turea, It will constantly add new one*. if w i l l please you, W e w i l l satisfy y o u . The erreat success of our treatment has ffiven rise to a host of inntator<, v\nscrupulus persons, some calling their preparations Compound Oxygen, otien One lot genuine Ant. Ladies' Ko-kers — Upholstered, at $1.93 each. A B P M I I l ' R E S , by Thos. Xaat, tho famota appropriating our testimonials and the One lot genuine Ant. Oik Ladies' IJo^kers upholstered in silk plu>h at §2.50 T H E STEAM produced by the proem oteooMnj j names of our patients, to recomuiend I cinnot atcspe, Is absorbed h the article in tin artist, roaster, tnd sett si a tooting, there Is m> evtp. AR 1IWTORY; by men who actually serve* ; worthless concoctions. Hut any suboration, no drying up or burning, hence no •"?•№*•* and fought In the struggle. or loss of weight, and all the flavor snd nutrjttow H O R T KTOK1ES of Romance, Travel, Rxperl stance made elsewhere, or by others, One lot larare upholstered Patent l i n k e r s walnut frame, spring seat, edge qualities of the food are retslned. Tough meat* aw S ence and Adventure, by leading writers. and called Compound Oxygen, is j ami back, at, miaufaeturei-> prices, ranging from ^5.0'J to $10.00 each to close made tender. and any article roasted or baked wUlbj W A S M I X W T O X SEffX. Full accounts or them out. "spurious. sweeter, healthier and more digestible. Put the tool what Is takliiK place Ht the seat of Government FIRST COMES THE MATTER OF PRICES. BEST SIMPLEST AND CHEAPEST W in the roaster, place the roaster in a well heated eves-, careful reports of all Important matters in Congresl Ihe roaster will do the cooking. It requires n j a V and the Kxjcutlve Departments; gossip about public tsntlon. Can only be bought from dealers, the tra«< men. supplied by: orSKlIOT»l> nf)PART!Hi;NT. Edited b) a lady of Xntloual reputation. O . A. 11., W. R. C , AKD ». OF T . S E W S , VT niotv full and complete than published by anj 180 HANOVER ST., BAXTIMOMC, MB. jther paper. \ G R I f l l . T l B A L D E P A n T M K X T , CSXS 64 RIAOC »T M NEW YORK. J\. fully edited by practical men. E N E R A L NEWS, careftilly compiled. H MATTHAI, INGRAM & CO, EOPLE URCHA3ING RETTY ICTURES TJTK NATTOVAI. TnTurwiE Is strictly non-partisan, uul thoroughly American. It believes In the created sjood to tlie greatest number of our people, and the alffhwit development of our Institutions—la Rational anity and exalted loyalty. in fladdack'i ricB8 ILL FIRST-n.aSS WORK GUHRRNTEED. HOW ELL. MICH. ** "Compound Oxygen"—Us Mode of Action and Results, is the title of a book of 200 paffes published by Drs. Starkey k P^len, which tfiyps to all inquirers lull information as to this remarkable curative agent, and a record of surprising cures in a wide ran^ r e ot chronic cases—many of t h a in aft^r beincr abandoned to die by other pln'sicians. Will be mailed to any addrnss on apnliratinn. Ors. STARKEY i PALEN. ! 1529 flRCH STREET, PHUDELPHIft, PENN Ple6Mnontiiui tliia juv^e It claims to give more and better matter for the snm at t w o nc*nta a week than any other publication. c t n R t Every H appears In it Is written for It, and has ippcarrd in no otlier paper. I t nami n o dl •r boll«>r*pl»t« mmtter. Addn THE SHOULD ALWAYS COSSULT j ' t"l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIM NATIONAL TRIBUNE, 1729 New York Av«., WASHINGTON, D. C. Cleveland's Caliinpt. ns nv& alread}* fiornv:nir on the personnel of Pre<ident-fle * Cleve- ! land's Cabinet. Although >iivhis:nn did not. give him hi»r entire ^Sectoral votp, i t is loudly wliisprr^d t!<at. a place will hf> i/ivcn one of her most distinguished sons, and tin* hn will travel on one of ihs new 1000 mile family tickets issued by the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michicran Ry. They are pood for the purchaser and members of his fAmi]y and are now on sale at, all ticket offices of the Company—Price, $20.00. 47-52 RECULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR IndlffcrtloB, nilli>H«*«M, lltadftihe, C«n«tl* pat ton« TJy»i>^№*'*< Chronlo U T C TrtnWcn DUzlncwH Hod Complexion, Uy»r»tery» Offcniavo Bre«th, and all dhMrden *r the Blomnoh, l.lvcr »Nd Bowel*. Kiprns Tubules contain nothing Injurious to the most delicate constitution. Pl«u»ct to Uko, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial bottle wnt by mall on receipt of li cent*. Addrett ,. THE KIPAN8 CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCB STRSin, NKW YORK CITY. MIIIIHMMHHt back, genuine Ant. dinning chairs at §4.50 I I We carry in stock everything in the line of Furniture, such as Bed-room.Suits, Parlor Rockers, Reed and Rattan Rockers, Tables, Easles, Carpet Sweepers, Paintings, Etchings, Trunks, Valises, etc. Space will not permit us to mention more. EVERYTHING SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FOR THE NEXT 3O DAYS. Ail Orders For Frames Should be Given Early. FURNITURE DEALER, PINCRNEYMIGH. : • « ; • / • • / wild denizens of the region, CONFISCATED WAR MAPother who seek a quiet retreat from the MOLITOR'S MURDER AVENGED. Crime of Prcaqoe Ialc Oooaty constantly encroaching settlements; TIM Fkunous Now Bains; KxpUtod. IT CAVE THE LOCATION OFi but the only practical use of tbe .THANK L . AJfDHSWfi, PutX THE UNION FORTS. The first of the Molitor murder con- 8EWING works that onoe made the little faded map sheet famous 1B la one or two Bpiraoy trials at Alpena has ended and iuwiuiiiitwiutiiiiiuiiiiuaiiiniiiii MICHIGAN KKGKNEY, the prisoner is charged with murder in An Aocur»te Drawing- of th» Nation* cases where the fort is near a dwelling- the first decree. The jury was out all house and the powder magazine has Capital K«H Into tn» Hand* of tUe i c u e with which a crisis can be night before a verdict could be reached. been roofed over and dug out afresh The t'ont«4erat«-—Only On* prisoner—August Grossman—be* meipitated in France U remarkable. to be used as an icehouse. Xauia Survive*. came ghastly pale as the jury walk The wonder is not that there should polled and great beads of perspiration fea » fresh crisis so often, bat that the SOME WEATHER LORE. stood out on bis face as the words were air is not filled with flying crises all Probably one of the rarest maps of Th« Son la Supponwd to Forecast t h e spoken which consigned him to life imprisonment. His wife broke down and the time. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the District now in existence is a little State of tbe Weather. wept piteouBly. The prisoner was reIF the Oathmann gun can do half folding sheet about three feet square* Among the people of all countries manded for sentence. ••1H62." It was the work ot a and ages the tun's redness on riuinj? that the inventor claims for It the dated There are also three other defendents New York syndicate under the manbuilding of navies is a waste of time agement of K. b\ Arnold, a civil en- or netting has a ways been regarded in the case and they will be tried in the These notions have February term, each separately. Hepke and material. Those already con- gineer, and tshows the original area of as ominous. furnished material for many proverbs. and Reiger, who are also under indictstructed, it is equally plain, are exist- the 'ten miles square." with the admerit but who have made confessions, lag only by suffrance. However, the joining bits of Montgomery. Prince An old English adage informs us will probably plead guilty and throw point ol especial interest about the George's, and Alexandria counties. that— themselves on the mercy of the court. If red the sun begins his race, Is in understood that proceedings will new gun k that it has not yet been But the foature ol the map was that Be sure that r;un will full upace. be commenced against Mende, Sorgenit showed as well tbe position of all tested ______ Even Christ alludes to the same frie, Weisengart and Bruder, the rethe fortifications around the capital popular idea of the sun's color and Us maining four of the twelve who were 'A. MBS> DRAGOMANOVITCH has given and the location of all the roads leadrelations to wet or dry weather, whero are alleged to have been in the con• resident of San Francisco the dis-ing thereto. In this last respect in he says (Matthew xvu, £ 8 ) : "When spiracy, Barabas and Tuelgetski being tinction of being horsewhipped by a fact it is said to be one of the beat ig Shuttle. it is evening, ye say, it will be fair dead. Proceeding may also be begun "5 Ho Eqtu 1 In OoastroetloatA woman in the public streets. Such maps of the region that has ever been weather; for the sky is red. And in against Andrew E. Banks. The case taw' Ic p p j Mat UB fcle.A it Finish. \ acts are not uncommon, but it is not published. the in or o ing. it will be foul weather of Grossman will probably be appealed Hiia M Pe- • 3* / djiu*m«at», ncorded that any woman with such It'a career was short-lived, says the to-day: for the sky is red and lower- to the supreme court, but a new trial is H •%* a Poi'ti •< Take-upt " a s Ctyllsii fc'urnltim. It was issued ing. " It may be remembered, too. not expected. • name ever before had the courage to Washingt <a l'ost. Han airre u~~tl Sewin The story of the conspiracy is as fol4o anything that would get her into without the knowledge or consent of how graphically Shakespeare puts iic« o x O e a a «ck Machine la the WoskL the government, and two days after forth this same pro.verb in his lows: Albert Molitor and Ed Sullivan, print his clerk, were shut one night in Authe first copy had been put on sale. "Venub and AdonW-*"' ? T'>. ROYAL for polite tf THX strained relations existing be- the rumor of its existence reached Like a rea inoru, luut ever yet betokened gust, 1876, while at work in the former's cxcel'ence, and yoi will ** office in Rogers City, Presque Isle tween Messrs. Park hurst and Byrnes the ears of the war department and Wreck to the soamun, tempest to tha fields; county. Five shots were fired, the asboy no other. of New York, both notable as reform- the officers of the law swooped down Sorrow to the shophards, woe unto the sassins taking aim through an open ers working along different lines in on the bookstores and gobbled up Gusts birds. and foul flaws to herdsman and to window. Molitor and Sullivan died a the same field, is particularly unfor- every copy in stock. An edition was few hours later in great agony. herds Justice wasn't much of an institution tunate. It not only tends to check probably never exhausted so \^u,kly If we turn to European observa- in Presque Isle county in those days and before. Not only were all the bookChe reform, but it has placed one of tions we find that the Italians »ay: little effort was made to run down the the most active associates of Park hurst store copies taken, but the names of ••If the morn ba red, riin is at har.<i " murderers. Molitor was a man of those who had bought copies ot the ia jail on a charge of extortion. THIS IS TRUE OF THESE 8PICES. map were learned, and those individ- and, again, "if the sky be red \raea large wealth, but he was also the most the morning star is shining, there unpopular man in northern Michigan. uals were promptly called upon and T_re German emperor is incensed at He was something of a despot in Rogers the alternative of surrendering will be rain during the week." As is City. the tragedy was forthe Berliners for their want of awe in given the purchase or going to the Old well known, however, a red sunset is gotten.Presently In August, 1891, however, one the presence of majesty. When the Capital, which was then the political just as propitious as a red rising is Repke made a confession declaring empress went shopping recently an prison of the city. The plate trora unlucky—"a red sky at night being a that he was one of a dozen implicated unmannerly crowd gathered about which the map had been printed was shepherd's delight" and according to in the conspiracy. Twelve arrest were the shop the patronized and about confiscated as well, and thereon a saying very popular when the made, and Keiger, one of the prisoners, writer was a child— "red sunset and confessed complicity in the murders. her carriage and made oiTensive re-hangs another part of the tale. a gray rising sets the pilgrim a-walk- Only five were held, however, and Aumarks about the lady's appearance. The projectors of the map were aling." At Malta the stable boy gust Grossman is the first tried. The Royalty is not the thing in the eyes lowed $8,001) indemnity for their loss will tell you th-at "a red sun-cases were transferred to Alpena county soon after the war. but in some way of the masses it once was. last August, it being impossible to seor other the record of the payment of set says: Get 1your horse ready cure disinterested veniremen in Presque to-morrcw. " Jn "Richard WILL the one significant, palpable, this claim was either lost or never for Isle county. iebvious creation which shall stand to registered in the warrant division of IIL " Shakespeare gives us the same in different words: BRITAIN'S LAKE NAVY. the world as the American novel ever the treasury. About ten years ago it proverb The waary sun hath made a polden set, was presented for payment again, and appear? It seems unlikely, for the And, by the bright track of his lierv car, Three Large "Revenue Cutters" Which »r« conditions are all in favor rather of the government came near having to Gives token of u goodly day to-morrow In Reality Wamhipg. * multitude dioroductions of varying pay it over with interest added but a Indeed there are numerous proverbs Capt. Shepard, of the revenue marine of the files showed the origi- on this sub act. all to the same purpose, type, but of unquestionable excel- search service, has received a report from one check by which the claim had an ancient Scotch rhyme being; as follence. Great books will be written nal of his lieutenants on the new, revenue been paid with the indorsement of lows: cutters built by Canada during the la America, but the one great story in the attorney of the syndicate on the evening red and th'^ morning prray past year and now ready for service. which American life shall be forever back of it. indicating that ho had Ttie Is a n u n of a bright and ehoory day; There are three of them—the ConABSOLUTELY PURE typified will not be written within the probably pocketed the proceed:* at the Evening pray and morning red — stance, the Curlew and the Petrel. Put on your h i t or you' 1 wvr vour Vinid. toext century. time of the first payment. The first two were built at Owen In Germany it is commonly said that Sound and the Petrel has just been Jn spite of the care of the governSOMIBODY has been giving away, or Evening red. morning K''uy. EDWIN.J. GILLIES 8c CO. launched at Hamilton. Designs of the ment in suppressing the issue of the Souds the travoier on uis way. 2 4 5 T O 2 4 8 WASHINGTON &T NEW YORK. to be accurate, has been selling the map a few copies still remained in ships have been secured and accom•ecrets of the German army. Among private possession, and it is said that pany the report. They show that in these is the fact that a lot of guns ar- the most of theae found their way ON A LOG WITH A SNAKE. all essential features the boats are THE STIONfiEST HENCE THE MOST ECONOMICAL. irayed to strike terror to nations are much farther south of the Potomac A Union Spy Who Faond Drowning, Cold naval vessels. They have steel protected decks, ram bores, are fitted for PBPPEB, MUSTARD, ^Innocuous at the muzzle, but deadly at than it was ever intended that they I.pad and n Moccasin. the reception of torpedo boats, have CLOVES, CINNAMON, the breach and sidewise of marked should go. "I believe I got into the closest fittings for the mounting of four oneThe construction of the defenses place during the civil war that a man inch Hotchkisu rapid firing- guns and homicidal tendency. Much interest is Buy s tf tb. bottle of your favorite Splto f r o * eat taken in the revelations, that dis- arouud tbe city WHS placed in the ever got out of alive" said K. i\, carry three very effective weapons. of tht following leading grocers. The report states that English and played by the emperor being marked hands of three civil engineers. Al- Harper, the Mulhatton of Michigan. "by an almost enthusiastic desire to most every point of vantage was oc- to a Globe Democrat reporter. "I Canadian officers and citizens excupied, work after work being con- had been detailed to obtain informa- plained that these vessels were meet the betrayer. •w—oar structed, till at last the city was tion regarding the strength of a de- built with a view to protecting the Wei land canal from destruc•The schoolmaster is abroad." It encircled by a chain of tifty-two ram- tachment of confederate troops sta- tion in case of attack. And in ranging all the way in im- tioned on the Tennessee river, near this connection the statement would appear as though he is very parts, from a mere battery to earth Decatur, Ala. I got the information, made that there are 50 vessels inwas FOR YOUR HOME, the much abroad according to the last portance forts of considerable dimensions. Few and was working my way baci_ to British navy that can be introduced postofflce report Daring the last year of these ever saw any active hostiliwhen I was discovered and pur- into the great lakes via the SL there were 9,316,505 pieces of mail that ties. There wore skirmishes around camp sued by a scouting party. I imd con- Lawrence and canal route. could not be forwarded owing to In- some of them, especially on the Vir- cealed a 8kitT in the brush on the sufficient, incorrect or illegible ad- ginia side of the Potomac, and banks of tho river but a sudden rise THE MARKETS. dress (an ircrease of S,066,346 over demonstrations were made at times had swept it away, and there wa* ! Detroit. 1891);3, 581,358 could not be forwarded against Fort Buffalo and Fort Ramsey nothing to do but to surrender or Cattle—Good to choice.. .. I 4 to the persons addressed or returned on Oak and Upton HilU but the swim the swollen stream. j pifuoged HORS 3 5 (to the senders owing to the absence of works that eaw the liveliest times in, ,but the current was stronger than Sheep 5 information upon which they sould were Fort Stevens and De Kussey up I had anticipated, and by the time I W Lambs heat—Red spot, No. 2.... in the northern point of the district. reached midstream my strength was White spot, No. 1 be located,^where the tiafetlv arrival of the old about exhausted. 1 managed to get Corn—No. 2 spot \. RXPOBTKR TRICKERY, late of Boston, Sixth corps stemmed the tide of hold of the end of afloating1log and No. 2 Yellow Oats—No. 2 white spot who presented an array of affidavits Early'* advance on the capital. drifted down stream, while the John- Kye Hay No. 2 11 petting forth the guilt of Lizzie The first of the works that were nies made the water around me boil Potatoes per bu llorden, which affidavits had the dis-constructed are shown on the map by with their bullets. Apples—New, per libl 2 Butter—Dutry, per 1b tinguished peculiarity of being bogus. three little red dots up in the northI soon drifted out of range and Creamery, uer tb ... Is no longer a fugitive from justice. western corner of the map, ust be- crawled upon the log1, only to discover Epps, per dozen I'oultry—Fowls Be has the unhappiness to be dead. yond the district line. They crown that it was already occupied by a big Live Thickens Turkeys (While in Canada, whither desire to the. top of a saddle back hill, and are water moccasin who was inclined to Avoid personal contact with an in-labeled Kipley, ir.nklin and Alexan- ciisputo possession. I had no weapon Cattle—Steers Chicago. 5 but a water-soa ed pUtoL If I Common dictment had suggested his going, he jd r. 2 3 stayed on tbe log I would gel hit; if Shuep—Native... The approaches of the chain bridge fell under a moving car. Doubtless Lambs 3 I got off I would be drowned. While 'HORB- Common 6 the justice he dreaded would have were commanded by Battery Martin 2 red Scott on the north side of the river debating what I should do the log Wheat—No. been far less harsh than this. No. 2 spring.. and tort Ethan Allen on the south. drifted within range of tho union Corn No. 2 pic.ceta and they appeared to think I Oatn At the Virginia end of the aqueduct Da OLIVER WRITDKI, HOLMES has had' been raised up by a special Kyo "Wirley been invited to furnish the ode for the bridge four forta were ranged within providence as a practice target The Mess l'ork, per bbl 14 a short distance of each otuor. They May day opening of the world's fair. were Corcoran, Hagerty, De Kalb first volley killed tha moccasin, and Lard, per cwt 0 New York. The honor eould not have been more and Bennett, of all of which traces before they could reload I made them $ 4 10 worthily bestowed. The "Autocrat," still remain. Fort Myer is not shown understand that I was not trying to Cnttlo—Nrvtlves Hoirs 5 70 although more than eighty years old, on the map. us it was constructed pull any feathers out of the tail of bheep—Good to choice 3 95 has not lost his poetic fire, and should later in the war. the American eagle. Since my escape Lambs 6 40 Wheat—No. 2 rod he accept, will prove a laureate worthy On the hills back of Alexandria, from that position of fourfold paril I Corn No. 2 • ^ of the occasion. Since the deaths of which was quietly loyal only under have been something of a fatalist" Uat* WEEKLY TKADg REVIEW. Longfellow, Whittier and Lowejl, Dr. Btriit compulsion there were forta A Pnytnjj Kuii't«fl.i, Hoimea is the best known abroad and Taylor and Ellsworth, the latter NEW YORK, December 19.—R. G. Dun A weeklv review of trade says: The Some English newspaper women Oo.'s most distinctively representative named after the ill-fated young marshipment of more than $3,000,000 of gold to tyr of Alexandria. Farther up the who wanted to find out whether tha Europe early last week has caused some American poet that could be named. natural apprehension in speculative mark* road toward Washington tort R«nyon ! people who sing in the London streets ets. It Is true that the gold Is demanded by commanded the railroad and this, by make a good living or not put on a ACCORDIXO to the supreme court the Austria under such circumstances that an t n < IUa» to IllMt.--.ia Prto Lift premium is paid for it, but freedom of the press is by toleration the way. is the only one of the fort disguise and taking a guitar, went out exceptional ueither Austria nor any other country Instead of by right in this country, names on the map which is now in to try it for themselves. After sing- could draw gold from the United States at unless theru were heavy Bales of since the postal authorities may, when use to designate a locality. The end ing and playing for an hour and a present American securities by foreitfnors. The exof the Long Bridge was commanded half they had collected s H , And ports of breadstulTs, cotton, provisions, authorized by congress, exclude from QEflL DIEFFENBACH'S cattle and petroleum In Novoml>er by Fort Jackson, named after the setthey were only amateurs at that «nd the mail every document, public or tlement whoso corner-stone WHS laid with no previous experience la pleas- amounted toi72,t5tW.:Ki2, indicating aggregate PROTAQON CAPSULES, exports of about jttVtkiO.OW) per month and an private, political, religious or social, with such pomp by old Hickory in iing the people. flor« Cure for W e a k M«m.s« excess of merchandise exports over Imports proved by report* of leading p&f whenever the ideas or principles it the expectation that the yonng city ! not loss than *2O.0JO.00O. At the same time rtoiant. 8ta»e MT« in orderti silver has been (Join* abroad i n lnrjte Prto«, t l . Cattle aeeks to disseminate are condemned thus started was to be the rival of the ! A Cure for Rh«umtti<«tn. • R-fe am? ipsedf amounts. It IH clear t bat unless securities ! cure for Cfrl«*fc, had been moved this way In unusual by their judgment as injurious to the capital itself, an expectation which A Herman doctor of reputation pre- amount, K"Id could not bo taken abroad in S t r i c t u r e and people. Under such a sweeping declar- up to the present moment has notscribes aluminum as a cure for the settlement of International exchanges. «anatara)dlMta_ritea. Price I Hut the conditions of domestic trade are ation the constitutional amendment been realized. rheumatism* A linger ring made of decidedly REEK SPECIFICS.?.* healthy and tho approach I a* and I k U DlacMM, O«rerf <!ecaring that "congrew shall make Traces of nearly all of these works this metal, joined with another gen- close of the year will find a larger volume of «l«*ja Bor«ff andarphtltcie AS>etl*«a« Witt, business, both foreign and domestic, than out mercury. Price, • • > Order front oo law abridging the freedom of may still be found, in the most cas<>_ erates a genile current of electricity, has ever been known beforo. The business speeoh or of the press" doesn't amount overgrown with blackberry bushes, which ie said to make a permanent failures occurring throughout the country THE PERU DRU6 & CHEMICAL CO. during th« piist seven days numbor.104. For and a haunt for quaiL rabbits and the cure I M Th_i___l_ !__•__. Mrrtjf AI to much beyond soundinjjjretty. the corresponding week of last year the ROYAL WARRANTED /'5 YEARS S- M. CO., Rockfoii. OL IT Si '•'•( DELICIOUS FLAVOR! GHESTWEICHT i he Schumacher gymnasium Ha. C tig urea woieiCii, , * Lincoln'! Factor [One of my neighbors', Mr. John hat been sick for a long All thought him past recovery, was horribly emaciated from the . :tion of his liver and kidneys. Js difficult to describe his appearand the miserable state of his Ith at that time. /Help from any seemed impossible. He tried >ur August Flower and the effect >n him was magical. It restored to perfect health to the great raishment of bis family and 1 JofcnQuibcU, Holt, Ont.t) Frederlcksbarff. The increasing moonlight drifts across my bed And on the churchyard by the road, I know It falls as white and noiselessly as snow, 1' waa such a night two weary summers fled; The stars, as how, were waning orerhead. Listen! Again the shrill-lipped bugles blow Where the swift currents of the.river now Past Frederlcksburg, far off the heavens are red With sudden conflagration: on yon height, Linstock In hand, the gunners hold their breath; A signal rocket pierces the dense night, Flings its spent stars upon the town beneath. Hark I—the artillery massing on the right, Uark!—the biac.c squadrons wheeling down to Death! Lincoln an loitruinent of God. S* eauly M tea. It la called 1AHFSHEDICIHE Ag*l«UMUttatKo.aDdSlapaokaffe. If AUdrag*l«Ut«UttatKo.aDdSlapaokaffe. If A H d get l U t K TOUT d S l k for a free If on it, i«nd addreu ou cannot can fmne'« ' ane'i Family Medicine FaiAddrett ample. WOODWARD. LlSOT. V. X SHILOHSI CURE. 1 Consumption, Concha, Croap, Bora U Sold by all Drunists OB a Guarantee. [> Laos Side, Back er Chest Bhiloh'a Porous ' will give great *at i« fact inn.—«S cents; URE5 RISING BREA5T .. JOTHER' S FRIEND" fiAfSB Fered child-bearing woman. I have been a "Vwife for many yean, and In each case »"Mother's Friend" faadbeenusedlthas ipllah«d wonders and relieved much ig. It is the beat remedy for rtalne of tt known, and worth the price for that MBS. M. M. BRUSTER, Montgomery, Ala, at by express, charges prepaid, on receipt •ice, $1.60 per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, ' ' . v - ' ' , / \ ' '.<"•''**'''.,.'••. ing, I should like to inquire if there i* yet living another private Confederate soldier who hat the honor of having had a General of cavalry to hold hit horse during an act of battle before the the ejaemy. Respectfully, W. V. M. lOWBF Id by all druggist*. v GA. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil presents a perfect food—palatable, easy of assimilation, and an appetizer; these are everything to those who jare losing flesh and strength. The combination of pure cod-liver oil, the greatest of all fat producing foods, with Hypophosphites, provides a remarkable agent f<Jr Quick Flesh Building in all ailments that are associated with loss of flesh. Prepared by Seott ft Bom*, Mew York. Sold by alt d DR.KILMErTS Mother. Abraham Lincoln waa 7 or 8 yean old when his father, Thomas Lincoln, removed from Kentucky to Indiana, where, in a year or two his wife died. The year following her death, says a a writer in the Christian U nion, Mr. Lincoln returned to Elizabethtown to search out, if possible, a former neighbor, and friend, Mrs. Sally Johnson, whom, upon inquiry, he found still a widow, and to whom he at once made a proposal of marriage. On entering Mrs. Johnson's humble dwelling, Mr. Lincoln asked if she remembered him. "Yes," replied she, "I remember you very well, Tommy Lincoln. What has brought you back to old Kentucky ?" "Well," said he, "my wife Nancy is dead." "Why, you don't say so 1" "Yes," said Mr. Lincoln, "she died more than a year ago, and I have come back to Kentucky to look for another wife. Do you like me, Mrs. Johnson?" "Yes," replied Mrs. Johnson, "I like you, Tommy Lincoln." "Do you like me well enough to marry me ?" "Yes," she answered, "I like you, Tommy Lincoln, and I like you well enough to marry you, but I can't marry you now." "Why not?" said he. "Because I am in debt, and I could never think of burdening the man I marry with debt; it would not be right." "What are those debts?" said he, ,, She told him of the sums, "which," said she, "I have all down here in my account-book." On looking it over, he saw that her debts ranged from 50 cents to $1.25, and amounted in the gross to something less than twelve dollars—not a very startling sum even in those data of small things. He succeeded in putting the little book into nis coat pocket without attracting her attention, and went out, looked up the various parties, and paid off all the Bums according to the memorandum, and returned in the afternoon with the acknowledgements of payments in fulL On ohis returning the account book to her she exclaimed: "Why, Tommy Lincoln, have you gone and paid off all my debts?" "Yea," he said; "will you marry me now?" "Yes," said she, and they were married the next morning at 9 o'clock Mr. Uaycraft, the narrator of the story, was present at the ceremony. ' ' * $ ' ' •'•:••• ••;•'''• When you have over-exerted yourself fcy runalnx, jumping, or working, there Is nothing that will relieve the soreness of your Joint* and muscles so quickly and effectually as Salvation Oil, toe greatest cure oa earth lor pain. 28 ct». Every man hates his own sin when he sees it In another. The police-force In all parts of the country bear uniform testimony to the great value of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup as a remedy for cough, cold and incipient consumption. They all emphasise the fact that no one should be without It. One of the most beautiful sights on earth good? That Is the oass with Dr PToajsni PeUels. They're the m Is a htfppy child. stse, tho mildast fa action, bat the Prof. Barrett, of St. Lawrence county, N. thorough and far-reachimg in resmlts. " Y., speaking of pulmonary diseases, says: fellow nature's methods, and ' thattaatf. Constipatiom, Not one death occurs now where twenty died Attaoks, eUk aa4 BlUoas before Downs' Elixir was known. Over fifty dsranffaments owo*) of the UTer. stomach as years of constant success places Downs' are promptly relieved aaa permanent Elixir at the head of the long list of cough H remedies. If we eanH eure your Catarrh, how bad your ease er of how lone Don't suffer with indigestion, use Baxter's we'll pay you $5M in casn.M That b Mandrake Bitters is premised by tho proprietors of Dr. 1 Catarrh Remedy. iDoes&t It prove, One of the most foolish men is the one than any words could, that this is a remedy who worries about things he can't help. that ewra Catarrh f Costs only 50 cents. SssssssssS If afflicted •ore eyes. CUREDcVS^r? S Swift's S ASTHMA Te Specific edy COLLINS BKO8. MSJDICUiXOO., BtXouIi, Mo. s * fs*/5r s | Blood and Skin | s Disoases s j»a A reliable cure for Contagions S Morphine Habit Cured 1B 1 * DR. J.STtPHENCl.bajiOB.Oaie. SJBBVBYMBSSSSBSBBSSBSSa Avar* S ^ l h . KIDDER'S PASTILLES. - W l ^ i f i l A A Paid I a prises for Pc S I 0 0 0 UUou Eater»r..k«. Pea., The Richmond (Va.) Dispatch some ^ * : . Blood Polaon, Inherited Scro9 • W ¥ l aaa gend poatal for oireulara to fula and 8kia Cancer. time ago adversely criticised the editor Esterbreek 6c Ce.« X Joan gu. Mew York. of the Louisville Courier-Journal bea t a tonic for delicate Women aad Children it has s o equal. cause he styled Abraham Lincoln "The Brown's 1 o» Being purely vegetable, is harminspired of God." To this criticism French »£? leas in its effects. Dressing J Bnoes. Mr. Watterson last week replied ediA treatise on Blood and SkinXHs. torially and from his masterly effort _ essas saailed r&n on application. the following is auoted: I Wa»hln«ton, Bell It. F From Caesar to Bismarck and GladI L»tePrincipal Examiner U.S. Pension Burea«» SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., I SyralnlMt war, lSadjudicatiagclalma, attyi1nee> stone the world has had its soldiers Drawtr 3, Atlanta, 6s. and its statesmen who rose to eminence DOUBLE ' " ~ ' Brtteh and power, step by step, through a «acr«. Be for* ;o« $7.5O wad ntmy tat wWg Beries of geometrical progression, as it RIFLES «.' THEPOWEUSCCEIIMTI were, each promotion following in regWATCHES ular order, the whole obedient to well understood laws of cause and effect. S«td for Inventor's Quid* or How to Obtain * Patent. These were not what we call "men Bead forDlgett of PENSION and HOINTY LAWS. of destiny." 'They were men of the PATRICK 0'fARRET-L. - -^ASTTryqioy. P. & Corea Sick He*dache,Heatorei ComphodonJ time. They were men whose cause ABEHTS WANTED ON SAURY Billa. Sample tree. Q * a n i L D T x i . C o . . S U W ^ had a beginning, a middle and or ootnmUslon, t« handle the New Patent Ghemlca/ Ink Erasing Pencil. Agente makinv $ 5 0 per week. an end, rounding off a life with M K M r t l O . , J-OOT.»Cro«se, Win. Illustrated Publication, a history, full, it may be, of interestW l T *H, NM oA r tPaSk, t .dee*rlUa« taa* ing and exciting events, but compreMinne*ota,NorthDakota.Moitaaa* WMhinfUa and Or*«oa. Ike hensible and comprehensive, simple, VERNMENT ^kw clear and complete. The inspired men Cures All Female Diseases. are fewer. They rose from shadow Sample and Book Kree. Sand 8c stamp to Dr.J.J and they went in mist. They arrived, 3&5PmruttPL, Chicago. God's word upon their lips; they did l anting and Timber ^ ^ • their office, God's mantle about them; ,16 to 26 lbt, per month by harmleee hirbal Idaho, WMhinfUa and Or*«oa. Ike th b noh inoonrenieno*. l hb nmediea. no starring, and they passed away, God's holy light F R E I GOVERNMENT and no bad effect*. Strictly confidential. m Bdpo. for eirj-ulars and •petlmoojajs. A()dr«Ml)& between the world and them, leaving ANDLOW P R I C l l W I 8aTOaaJiloY*okaraThaatwBIdg, CSLLMBO. ILL behind a memory half mortal and half A A A | % M A «* T?* African BotaPlMt, myth. # % S T i l I I I ? 1 discovered in Congo, West J ^ T h e bert Agriealtunl, anting and Timber V " f * • • • • • • * Africa, is Nature's Sure Tried by this standard, and observed Cur* for Asthma. C«r« ttuaraale^ * r IV* Lands now opea to «ettl«n. Mailed FBEE. AUn* VMS. Export Offlc*. 1164 Bro»uwtty, New York. in an histrionic spirit, where shall we uua.mitUUMMJ.Ua4 ce*«i.r.a,a^s4.*Ma,aia«» > ( " L * r m T r l a J M * a e . F B K C Uj HtU add res* SOLA XM?0&TINe CO.. 131 VI«»Rt. j 7 tU n " ! \ hes* find an illustration more impressive than in Abraham Lincoln, whose life, WORN NICHT AND DAY. career and death might be chanted ty Holds U)fc™wor»t rupture with ea»e under ail a Greek chorus as at once the prelude L*ii'cuntntanL-e*. Perfect Adjustment. Comfort and the epilogue of the most imperial and Cure New Patented A Novel War Kellc lrrsproTement*. Illustheme of modern times? trated catalogue and rules for nelf-raearur©Born as lowly as the Son of God, in The widow of Capt. Charles Cline, of W. N. U., D 1O—52. m e n t cent securely Company E, Forty-sixth New York a hovel; reared, in penury, squalor, •etled. Ci. V. HOUSS When writing to Adrorttaeni pi MKO. CO., 7*4 Broadwith no gleam of light nor fair sur- Veteran Volunteers, who now reway. Hew York'Uty. ton saw the »dTertlaomeot In this rounding; it was reserved for this sides in Morristown, has an emstar about three inches strange being, late in life, without broidered in length, which was shot away name or fame or preparation, to be from the regimental flag in some snatched from obscurity, raised to supreme command at a supreme moment, battle in which the Forty-sixth New and intrusted with tho dentiny York was engaged during the civil of a nation. Where did Shak- war. The star hung by a single speare get his genius? Where did thread, and Capt. Cline cut it from the Mozart get his music? Whose hand flag and brought it home as a relic smote the lyre of the Scottish plowman If the star had been cut from the flag and staid the life of the German priest? with a pair of scissors it could hardly God, alone, and, as surely as these have been more neatly done. were raised up by God, inspired of Head of G«n. MeadVa Hone. God, was Abraham Lincoln; and a Meade Post of Philadelphia has, on thousand years hence no story, no tragedy, no epic poetn will be filled the wall of its room, the stuffed head with greater wonder than that which of the horse ridden by Gen. Meade dur tells of his life and death. If Lincoln ing the civil war. On a tablet which was not inspired of God then there is forms the background for the head is no such thing on earth as special provi- a history of the horse, giving a list of dence or the interpositiou of divine battles engaged in, with the date of his death, which resulted from a power in the affairs of men. wound. On either side of the head, and covered by glass cases, are the hoofs Work the Gnoi Themaelve*. • Atlanta Constitution: It is stated in of the horse's forefeet. The scar of a your paper that Gen. Longstreet was wound is to be seen on the nose. the only corps commander of our war Picket Shot*. who eyer trained and fired a cannon at Gen. W. S. Rosecrans, Register of the the enemy. I have no desire to gainsay this statement, but I may be per- United States treasury, is recovering from a severe illness. mitted to add this much to it: Leland J. Webb, ex-eommander-in During the campaign in Maryland in chief of the Sons of Veterans,has been Will ba given special attention in a series of complete page articles la 18R2 I was with Gen. Wade Hampton, declared insane and sent to an asylum who subsequently became commander at Topeka, Kan. of Gen. Lee's cavalry, a corps of itself. Patriotic Irfdianapolis will give the In one of our battles in that State, while G. A. R. a royal reception in 1893. we were being hard pressed by the inPreparations for the twenty-seventh for 1893. These papers are calculated to meet the needs of those who fantry of the Federals, I saw Gen. Hampton dismount from his horse and encampment are already on foot.— are in search of fresh suggestions for entertainments in the home. Paf« feature* will be made of personally work at one of the guns in Welcome Guest Pelham's famous artillery. He not A Montreal chemist claims to have only assisted in ramming down the discovered the formula of the German Musical Evenings In the Home double charge of grape and cannister, smokeless powder. He has been tryPretty Luncheons and Dainty Teas but he ran to the breach of the gun ing to sell his secret to the United Out-Door Fetes for Summer wheA it was ready for the firing, and States government, but has BO far it was he who aimed it* fire. During failed to make a bargain. New Ideas for Children's Parties the time I was a private soldier holdDaniel Hand Buell, a great-grandson Church Fairs and Church Sociables ing the General's horse at the wheels of Gen. Buell of Washington's staff, To Entertain an Evening Company of the gun. I remember distinctly not and Miss Ellen Lewis Nye, a greatonly the General's words on the grandneice of Washington, were marfor which twenty pens of the best authorities on home entertainmen occasion, but I remember also ried at Marietta, Ohio, recently. well that the shots fired checked Gen. Sherman's old home on Garrihave been employed. the advance of the enemy and son avenue in St. Louis is to be sold by saved the day to the Confederate auction. It is a handsome old mansion, ••••• troop/i Gen Hampton is alive and at locally historic, and was presented to our last conversation had a very vivid the General by this friends and adSubscription Agents wanted Profitable Work Send for'tenns memory of the thrilling and bloody mirers in 1865 in recognition of his eve*t. On a subsequent occasion he brilliant services throughout the reheld sny horse while I was engaged in bellion. The purchase price was $30,The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa, "working a gun" in efforts to keep 000, and this sum was raised very the enemy at bay until relief came to quickly at an impromptu meeting of our assistance. citizens at the Planter's house one J have no desire to appear conspicuous evening just after the peace of AppoIn a ay event, but whU« honor* are go- mattox. s s s s s s S S S S LADIES!I ssssssssS Patents! Pensions Garfield Tea Cures Constipation - BLOSSOM" I T FOLKS REDUCED LANDS •am The Social Side of the Home The Ladies' Home Journal KIDNft LIVER gs "Miff!1 Dissolves Gravel, (all stone, brick dust In urine, pains In urethra training after urination, pain in back and hips, addon stoppage of water with pressure. Brlght's Disease, ibe casts in urine, scanty urine. Suvimp-Jtoot res urinary trouble* and kidney difficulties. Liver Complaint, _ >rpld or enlarged liver, foul breath, bilioussen, bilious heudache, poor digestion, gout. Catarrh °< the Bladder, Inflammation, irritation, ulocration, dribbling, uent calls, pass blood,muous or pus. Guarantee—UM oontenta of One Bottle, if aoft be» ted, Dms*l*U will refund yon the priea paid. , At Druggists, 5Oe. Stse, $1.00 Slse. llda* Quid* to Health" free—Contulution fret* KZUUB * GO* BlXQHAMXOX, N. Y . One Dollar a year lOc, a copy at the News-stands Vf" •';: • - . • , » . - , : . „ . , ,.*-,., . . .• • . ; • » . ' , . . ; . • ^i•;.'., -'.' i ! , '. ' . ' '•;'." - ' . * - "'• Doev VUI* P l e a t * l'ou> Neighborhood news, gathered by our Chas. Cole and family of OwosFor Christmas and New Year's holicorps of hustling Correspondents. so spent the first of the week vis- days C. & W. M. and JJ., U, & N. iting Mrs. Cole's parents and oth- Rys. the will well excursion tickets at one IOSCO. er friends in this vicinity. and one-third fare for round trip, on This is what we call winter. The old steps at tho M. E. church Deo. 24, 25, 26 nnd 31, and Jan. 1 ;utd 2, ail yood to return Jan. 15, to all and Trade-Marks obtained, and «U PatA Japanese lecture at the 31. P. have been torn down, m.ul replaced points on their own and con live linjjf ii eCaveats, n t business conducted for MODERATE TEES. by new one which are much more church Friday evening, Dec. 'SO. <!-OUR Ornce i s OPPOSITE U. S . PATENT Orricc lity s, including Chicago, 11and we can secure patent iu leutiiuc thau those convenient than the old ones, To Canadian Points tickets will be # remote from Washington. 11. "Wilson, who is interested in Send model, dravricg or photo., with descr'pM. G. Andrews and wife of sold at one fare fare for round trip *Stion. the soap business, came home to We advise, if patentable or not, free of 5 Dec. 20, 21, and 22. with return limit charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, i OWOHSO returned ho'uo Monday spend Christmas, and tend to hi a A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patepts," with;' 51 52 after tho reunion-at Y. T. Rule's. Janunrv 10. cost of u n e in the U. S. and foreign countries |; ONE DOLLAR EVERY HOUR is etwlly earned by uny one of either uex iu any purt of th« couutry, who in willing to work ludustrlouHly at tlie einployment which we furnish. The lubor la light ami 'pleasant, und you run uu I risk whatever. We tit you out complete, so that 1 you can give the buBinens a trial witiioul expense to yourself. For thobc willing to do a little work, I thin is tbe grandest ufler nmde. You cau work J all diiv, or in the eveuiujf only. If you are enu sent free. Address, <i I pkned, and have a few spare hours at *your disposal, utilize theui, und add to your income,— our busiucss will not iuterfere at all. You will 1 be arsazed on the aturt at tlie rapidity uud ease by which you amass dollar upon dollar, day in und OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D . C. duy out. Kvi'U beginners arc successful from tnu first hour. Any out' cun run tlie business — nonu fail. You should try nothing else until you see fur yourself wlmt you can d« at the busines* which we oHVr. No caoital risked. Women ure grand workers; nowadays U»ey make as much as niiMi. They should trv this business, as it is so well iidiiptfd to them. W>ite at once nud see for yourself. Address U . H A L L K T T & CO., B o x 8 8 0 , P o r t l a n d , Me. 40 PAGE BOOK FREE. ADDRE8V? Loich. Mr. Andrews has been spending a few days visiting in ihis place. Jicfauh Imvliii; !>r:'ii unule in t h e c o n d i t i o n s of a PLAINFIELtt certain iiioi l ^ u p ' i whereby t h e powei (herein cona i n e d lo t v l l h a s become operative) executed by A very pleasant family reunion tDannie! K. O. T. M. regular review toM. ( ' . H i n d u y , u n m a r r i e d , of t h e towuof I'litiuun, L i n n e t mi e o u u t y , Michigan, to morrow evening. A full attend- took pluce at the residence of Y. nhip .Viw<[uiM Na tih til' tin* s.-iuu' place aforesaid, ilulnl T. Cole on Saturday hist, the Cole, the. ance is desired. d m ' ? n t h du.v OI November, A. 1>, lSsii, mid rein the uhli't' oMliw l;e^it»ier ofWeeds of the Lemon, and Andrews families corded County ill" Liviu^stoiir eitiito uf Mitliiguti. on t h e The donation given by the M.uniting in their annual reunion, eleventh il:iy of November, A. 1). 188(5, i n Liber M P. society last week was well at- in the evening a few exercises of M o i t ^ n e * . on paj, ea .>'rJ ami ,VTi$ thereof. It lieiiiH expressly provided in said mort^u^u that tended, and the receipts were §75. were indulged in and then the should uny default '>e made in the. jiiiyiik'iit of tho inti>ri-.st o r any p i n t thereof, o r ol'nuy instullinent Rev. Fuller is expected here Christmas tree was unloaded of uf principal nr any part thereof, on any duy whci *W. T. FItz Gerald, tUc sanu' i> made i>uyuliU', u n J should tlic t>;iiiu> next week to conduct a series of its many presents for both young oni'i.'Ui»i[i tui|Uiid and in a i i e a r s , lor t h e spiM *.' <-»f WASHINGTON. D. C ilavs, thi'ii ;nid I'm y ilji'iui'lorlJi, thui it* to by Dr. Miles' Nervinerevival meetings at the M. P. and old. There were many dol- si.\iy say uCtfr tin' lapse lit tlu* said sixty dayn, so Juui'li lars' of useful, ornamental, and uf'tlu'jiriiifipitl t^uin of two t h o u s a n d doliuis, nit'Uchurch. e i r i n Kiht n u n t ^ a ^ e , UM ltimiins uripnid, with fancy articles, besides books, toys, nilt i o narreui at «' ut i n u r<*sl iluTeoti, should a t i h e opSeveral young people from here etc, tion ol'suid niort^arit'i , his. I'xecutois, tiLlniinihtratthat make glad the heart of ors aud a>wi^ns, lu'coiuy mid lie iltio a n d payable attended the Christmas supper the young. imiut'tliiittOy thei ( a l t e r . And d f l a n l t having bcfn and entertainment at Parker's lutiile in tho pa\ incut of ono inotulluu'iit of p r i n eipal of tivit liitmlt'e() dolhtrs, which hy t k u tHrni.s Corners last Saturday evening. ANDERSON. of said iiuirt^itji'i IKTUIUI duo a n d pnyaljli: on tlie Every young lady and gentleman should learn Shorthand and Typewritfirs*t duy *>f November A. [). 1801, a n d uiuro t h a n George and Grace Martin were sixty days having ehijisinl riiuut' saiil instiillnu'ijt ing. Any one with only ordinary ability can master the art in from four to GREGORY. of piinoi*|ial tnHiinu' diu and |)ay»lile, and t l u ' s i t i n e in Howell Wednesday. r nor any juirt tlieieof not h a v i n g lut'n i>uid, tho ,sniU Prof. J. H. Sage has quite a mortyaji*' '' ^0' viiuu* of tlit» option in saiil m o r t - six months and command a salary of from $. )0 to $100 per month. Graduates Lewis Howlett of Howell visit- Kiigu contained, dorH consider, elect, a n d iltclarn assisted to good paying positions. Write for full particulars to good class in instrumental music thi' p r i i u i p u l sum of two tluii.Hiind duliHis semrwL ed Anderson friends last week. liy Baid iiKirt^iii,'e, *s'ith all arrt'aiage of interest ' in and around Gregory. t h e r e o n , to 1 it- du<> and payable imtnediutoly. 'i'here is elainu'd in IK due on s;iid mnrtjfumt' at t h e Dell Hall snd wifo spent the dute A series of vc ry interesting reTHE STENOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, of this iitijiee, tht'.susi ol'Twu Tliousand ono t h i r t y - t w o dollar* a n d t h i r t y six e d i t s vival meetings is in progress here. first of the week with Hamburg Inindri'd ($'_'1'-S'-'.'>(,!; and no suit o r proceeding at law or in ANN ARBOR. MICH. Rev. Lobb is assisted by Piev Ar- friends. equity having, been i n s t i t u t e d to recover t h e debt seeured by saiil mort^n^i or any part tlfereof;-Xrjnold. Wm. Keuseh, who is employed tice 18 tht'ret'ori'lii»i>'liy j^ivyn that on Sat. t h e fourth day uf March A. 1>. l>iw, at ten o'clock in t h e forein Miss Emma Isham, who has Gregoiy, spent Sunday with rn>i>n of «aid <l;iy. at t h e west front door of t h e court house in the village of Howell, in said county been assisting Mrs. Jacobs in the his family. (that bein^ tU« place of holding (he circuit court county in which t h e niortu'n^i'.l jireinisca hotel for the past year, has re- »'as. Burden and Durkee ship- tofor bt>thehuld live situated I the said moi'tK a^e will he foreclosed by sale al public vetnlue, to the hi^liest turned home. ped a car-load of hogs from Greg- bidder, of t h e preiuisea cotitaiiu d in said inort;:a^c (or HO much thei I'ul'iis may ho necessary to satisfy The two southern ladies who ory last week. the amount due on eaid mi>rt<_'aire with Inlerest anil HUMBERS AND ROVERS Ie^'al costs) tlr.it i-- to say:-AIl that certain piece or have been sojourning in our midst Mrs. (Jrne Smith has been parcel of laud s i ' u a t e and beint; in the to\\nsliip of Have tr;!:en 4t First Awards at International Exhibits, have returned to old Yirginia_ to s f >t>n<] imc the past week with r u t n a m , i n the county o f Livingston, and titate of at Paris Exposition. 24 years on tho Michigan and described a s follows, to wil: T h e Cr;: •J.!'~rJ'ri/.e participate in the holiday festivi- frit'jids in Niockbridge. East half of the South E a s t quarter of section minithe largest cycle malcers in the world. bor seventeen (17) in t<Mvnshi|> nuitilier o n e (1) ties. P i - v l'i:vc!^ of r a n ^ e n u m b e r four \ 1) East, and e o u t a i n IT. H. Swarthout shipped ten uortli inj{ eighty acres of land ace ji'diiij; lo tin) I ' n i t e d .We have been struck upon vis- tons of poultry from Anderson States survey tlieieof. iting the store of M. Topping k for tht; Christmas market. Dated: December .>, A. U. lSlia, Son, Plainneld, to note the very S XASH, II. H. Swarthout and family, tasteful manner in which they are P. VAXWINKI.K, and W. S. Swarthout and family Attorney for decorated for the holidays. spent Christmas in East Putnam. Sale. 11 y v i r t u e o f a n e x e c u t i o n unMr. and Mrs. VanBuran of d e r t h e t-~ral Hi' t h e c i r c u i t c o iusrstu e di no u. tuoufl <init GREEN #AK. CYCLE C3., T o r tlieNorth Stoi'kbridge spent Saturday ( ' m i n t y o f l . i v l n ^ i o n , t o im> d i r e c t e d a n d d e h ' v What did you get for Christmas'? L o v e , a n l (iL'iviust t h e with their daughter, Mrs. Levi tj ^v' ocodi .l s iann df acvl ioiri t t oc l!s . Ll ue iwuilss and 285 Waaash Ave., CHICAGO, t e n e m e n t s o f iittrf Dr. Wm. Lowry went to Tecinn- Lillie. \ V . I ">ii 11 I f u 11 m l H a l t i e > ! . J S v i r d f i i , [ d i d m i t l i e H'ni WE SELL DIRECT WHERE THERE IS NO AGENT, FOR CASH OR ON TIME. d u y o f > t i > \ e i i i l u ' r , A . [>.. l^'.l'J, l e v y u p o n sillll t a k e seh Saturday on business. n i l ' t h e i-i<_;>ii. t i t l i a n d i n t e r e s t o f t h e s a i d H u r t W. lion", Jefiery rud Dale} have l i u r d c i i a i n l l l j i t t i t ' M . ! ! \ i r d e n o f , i n m i d t o t h e d e s i r i l i e i l p i e c o a o r p u i r H s o f l a m ! , tt> Ernest Fulton spent Christmas starter! a i'ct-d mill at Anderson fi»1ltfwioj» w i t f T h e i ni i i h \ \ e s l < j u a r t i < r o l ' ( l i e s i i i t h i ' i i s t ijuaiwith his best girl at Mont-Rose. ami will gnml feed eveiy Friday t e : ' < > ! ' ^ H > . t i i i n t i u m l i e r s i v d ' i i t i t c > \ v i i s l , i | i i i i i i n l ' i ' - i o n e ( ] i n t n ' t l i o i 'r < i >i;t« i i m u l i - j r I ' m i r ( > )r : i - - t i n t h e l o w i i ! > l i i p <.»(' P u t n rs. i n i n t l i e c o u n t y n i ' I . i \ i u ^ s t o n , Will Worden and family are and Saturday. S l H t * ' o t ' .\l i r l i l ^ a n , a l t o f wllieh 1 .sliiill f\Jiop>e i u l d i e a m i i n i: o r w i n l u e t i > t l i e hi^lu-st spending the week in Green Oak. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pnrkee spent fl ioiri Ms ae rl e. nH-^t |f)i<• l;i\v i l i i v e t H a t tile w e s t front (loin Right now wo are ready with an immense assortment of Clyde Dunning helped eat thethe last of last week and the first cu uf i it il ii ct y c, oi ni lni a , l ui ime ist vi i ; i tnl i et l iI 'el ivi ic le l aig ne wol fi iUc lni w ei llul> i cni r sc uuiii tl of tin's with friends in Fowlerville e m i r ! f o r H;< i < 1 i i i n l i t y o l ' I J v i t i i ; . " t o n i s l i * > l d ) o n Christmas turkey at Geo. Green's. S a t u r d a y . I h e si'vi n t h ( l n y o f . I j i i u i a r y / A . 1 ) , ]Mi:i, and Williamston. a t t e n o ' e l n c k i n t h e l o r e n o o n o f s i t i i l ,l;i v , Miss Louella "Worden of Fowl ) i i t e , i : U n w e l l , M i c h i i j i i i i , N o v e n i h r r 1;ft 11. A , D , J c j / . v M c C . U i ". AV. S. Swarthout and family !*!'»-', lerville is visiting at Mrs. Wm. bheiiir'. s]>< lit Christmas at Mr. Hicks'. Green's. L f K K S . MiiNTAf.fK. A i t o n i e v fnr P l a i n t iiT. rVTrs. Eli/a Wood returned to Willard Wilson has boon called presents you ,TInrlQ-ui;e .Sale. to New York to see his sick broth- her home in Lansing last Thurs^ I iff u m a d e i n t h e e o n d i t i o n e i of ;i e o r t a i n i n n r t ucrtm i w l i e r r h y t h o j i n w c r t h e r e i n c i n i day. er. t u i n e d t o Hell h a n lieennic o j i e r n t i v c ) m a d e l)y AVillat tlie I I . M a r t in siinl N a n e y M a r t i n liis w i f e , nf t h e E. A. Sprout and wife attended i:*Tii Mrs. Wm. Green is visiting her t u w n s l i i j i " I ' |)i'ci-i'iahl i . i v i n ^ v t o u c o u n t y , M i c h i 1 In IIKSC * Ud^crM nt' K n i l i r H t P r . i n t l i r s t u t e u( sister, Mrs. W. Fulton, in North a family re-union at S. Collins , i,'iin, N e w V n r k , ilrtt^d .March 1 A . 1>. 1S8?, a n d ii.'curded "prices Waterloo. in t h e dtViee nt' tin r t ' ^ i > t e r <>( d i ' e d s of 11ns c o u n t y Brighton. <>f L i v i n g s t o n . Ptiitr i>;'.MirtiiL'im, o n t h e t w e n t y ; t h i r d d u y oi A p r i l A . I ) . ]KST, in l i b e r fi:), o f nior'tMiss L zzie Glover, who is ^';i>;es, Miss Nellie Wilson starts for o n pmr< x L'(i5 an<l ^liii. w h i c h niiirt^Hg^ w a s are included in our splendid line of u l y siM*-ii:neil t h e s e V r i i t h d a y uf (leic.her A , 1*. the south Monday where she in-teaching at Sand Beach, is spend- dIMH'i, h y t h e s a i d II jHeii l i n g e r s t o W i l l i m i V 1). ing the holidays at home. tends to spend the winter. C o o k , <>f i ' d l i o e t n t i L i v i n g s t o n c o u n t ) ' , M i c h i g a n , w h i c h saiil u ^ v i ^ n m e n t r.-(is d u l y n e o r d e d o n t h e t h d a v of O c t o i i e r A, I ) . IK-'i), iii esiM r e g i s C. Powell, for some }'ears in the tt ei frt' es r aofiiee, One of Green Oak's little boys in lil;er (>•*> o f niortjiiiL'fis, mi juipe !'JS cut two of his toes off while chop- employ of the T., A. A. & N. M. t h e r e o f . It 1'ein^ e x p r e s s l y j i r o v i d e d in s a i d m o r t " ' a ; >!)oiild a n y d e f a u l t lie m a d e in t h e [>;\yping wood. Hit the stick and not IIy. Co., has resigned his position WiV° n i e n t of t h e i n t e i i M o r a n y pfirt t hereof, o r o f a n y in.-*) , illfiienf oi pei m i j i i i ! o r a r i y \>nvt t h e r e o f , and will move back to Anderson tonl i e siny your toes, Thornton. w h e r e o n tlie p a n i c is m a d e p a y a b l e , 1 ^to resume his former occupation iiml s h o tbiy u l d tlie s a m e r e m a i n u n p a i d a n d i n a r r e a r s Jas. Knight went to Detroit to of farming. Mr. Powell is a good for t h e -"pace of t h i i i y d a y s , t h e n a n d f r o m t h e n c e of t h e s a i d dispose of two car-loads of hay,farmer with progressive ideas, and tf ho ri trht ,y tdhnavt s i^. t thoospar yi nacfitpear l tshuem lajise of t h r e e t h o u s a n d h u n d r e d d o l l a r s m e n t i o n e d in s a i d n i o r t / a L r c , and was held up by two crooks will be cordially welcomed by his live w i t h a l l a r r e a r a g e of i n t e r e s t t h e r e o n , -hoii.M at and relieved of £35. The detec- many friends. t h e o p t i o n of tlte snirl inort;,'ap:ee h i s a<luu i.s;rat(irH o r a ^ ^ i ^ n s h e e o i u e a n d h xerulorn, tives succeeded in capturing one pavahle- i i n m e d i a t c l y t h e r e a f t e r . A n d d e f a<lue u l t hand avi n g l i e e n m a d e in t h e p a y m e n t o f t w o i n s t allments of them, but Jim did not get his llars a m i ninety-five The Detroit Journal has pent us a cofe nitns t te ar ce hs t, , d uofe af on rdt iyi-af iyvaeh l de o M money back. a r e h 1 A . 1>. 1S01, C.A.SNOW&CO.i 1 PATENTS, r 1 1 r SHORTHAND , TYPEWRITING. 1 1 1 1 1 1 IN A Row: r 1 1 HURRAH FOR the HOflfAYSt CHRISTMA 1 1 1 1 TOYS, BOOKS, and NOVELTIES, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC. i i- PARSHALLVILLE. copy of their incomparable: Christmas number, to^pther with the art supplement. We beiieve we do not exaggerate when we say that it is the handsomest number from an artistic standpoint of any put out this year, not excepting the London and Paris Christmas nnrnl.ers, while from a literary point of view none excel. It may not he out of place to say that we are not at all surprised in the excellence of the number, as the Journal has a well-defined policy of always doing the best. It, is indeed a marvel the 8trides the Journal has been making under it.* new management. Every stroke made has hcen a telling one, until today it h;ts tlie confidence of tlie people, is unexcelled as a newspaper, and is enjoying the most remarkable tfiowfh of any Michigan newspaper. a n d M a r c h 1 A . I ) . IK 12 r e s p e c t i v e l y . And more t h n n t h i r t y flays h a v i n g e l a p s e d f i n c e s a i d i n s t a l l nientfl of i n t e r e s t b e c a m e d u e a n d p a y n W e a n d t h e s a m e n o r any part thereof n o t h a v i n g bpen paid, t h e w i l l a s p i i r n e e o f p a i d nirtrtpajje by ' v i r t u e o f t h e o p t i o n i n s a i d ])ior't;jiKe c o t i t a i n o d <]ois r o n f i d e r e l e c t a n d d e r l n r e t l i e p r i n c i p a l s u m of e a i d n i o r t « a » e n o w reni'iininu' u n p a i d a n d secured by s a i d innrtizaire a n d a l l a r r e a r a g e of i i i t n r e s t t l i f r e o n t o b e tine a n d p a y a b l e i i o n i e i l i a t e l y . 'i'hei'e i s c l a i m e d t o U ' d u e o n s a i d wuirtk'atre a ' t h e d a t e of t h i s n o t i e e t h e s u m of seven h u n d r e d e i g h t y - t h r e e d o l l a r s a n d t w e l v e r e n f v I?M.]•_'); a n d n o Mui'f o r p r o c e e d i n g nt l a w o r in e q u i t y h a v i n g lieen i n s t i t u t e d t o r e c o v e r tin; d e b t s e c u r e d b y .said m o r t g a g e o r a n y p a r t t h e r e o f : N o t i c e i s t h e r e f o r e h e r e b y j^iven t h i i t u n S a t u r d a y , tlie s e v e n t h d a y of . l a n u a r y A . 1). lSfl:?. ftt t e n o ' c l o c k i n t h e f o r e n o o n o f >nifl d a y , a t t h e w e s t f r o n t d o o r (if t h e c o u r t h o u s e i n t h e v i l l a g e of H o w e l l i n s a i d c o u n t y . ( t h a t liciritf t h e p l a c e o f l i o l d i n t ; t h e c i r c u i t c o u r t f'ir t h e c o u n t y i n w h i c h t h e m o i t ^ a ^ e d p r e m i s e s t o lie Hold a r e s i t u a t e d ) t h e s s i d inortpHkCft w i l l lie f o r e c l o s e d b y s a l e , a t p u b l i c vi>nilne, t o t h e h i g h e s t N i d d e r . of t h e p r e m ise* c n i i t a i n i d i n naiij iiiort^a;.".' ( o r H I n n i c h a s m a y b e nrofHsary t o patisfv t h e a i n m i n t d u n o n s a i d riinrttfaire w i t h i u t e r e s f a n d l e ^ a l c o s t s ) t h a t is t o s a y : All t h o s e c e r t a i n p i e c e s o r p a r c e N of l a n d s i t u a t e a n i l Ive-int: in t h e t o w n s h i p o f I >ivrliold in t h e c o u n t y o f L i v i n g s t o n a n d h t a t e t»f M i c h i g a n , a n d d e s c r i b e d »,* f o l l o w s t o w i t : K c _ f i n n i » ^ e i g h t y r o d s n o r t h of tiin Houth r j n a r t e r pm»t <,( sfctinh t i u i u b i \ r t h i r t y v u n n i n u ' t h e n c e w e s t e r l y e i g h t y (SO) r o d s , thi-ncr r i o r t l i e r l y fv\ c n t y - ( ; n i ' (XM ) Vodn, 1 h e n c e east t w e l v e d e y r i - m n'outh t o j i l a c e of b e ^ i n t i i n i ; , c o n i a i n i n i r live a c r r s of l a m l m o r e o r lens. A l s o t h e FOU11ie;ist ( j i i a r t e r of t h e .snuthwe>( f r a c t i o n a l i|iiarl e r o f i - . a i d s e c t i o n n u m b e r thirty(:K>) c o n t a i n i u v ; J'"rty n i v e i u l ' l n n d n y i r e o r loss. ' A l s o h i i at t h e - i i t h q u a r t e r riost of s a i d s e c t i o n rliii t.y i:V'i niBtiin<_' t h e n c e n o r t h s e v e n t y - t h r e e r o d s We offer a great variety of presents for Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children* We can supply a suitable gift for Old or Young at any price you may desire to expend. ' Rev. Bird visited his parents in Williamston this week. J. Cole and family of Durand Our elegant Holiday Stock is n Popular stock in all respects, full were here for Christmas. >f oi nt.'w Novelties and Pleasing attractions. Alfred Gonne and wife Sundayed at Highland Corners. Mrs. Eva Holcomb and son are visiting friends at Mt. Pleasant. F. L. Andrews and family of Pinckney spent Christmas at this place. Isaac CoLi fell from a load of straw Monday and was quite badly injured. The week of prayer will be observed at the M. E. church next week, the Baptist society joining A Handsome Present will A Chance on a Nice Doll with them. be given to Evero person H will be given with every Bucklt'ii's Arnica SAIVO. s i x feel | i i a r t e r l i n e , t h e n c e cast l i \ e deOn Sunday evening the M. E. THK I/K.-T SAI.VK i^n (he u-{»rlc] for und who buys S3.00 worth of i:rce> > o u l h t " eust l i n e o f said |,,| _ t lienei' s m i t h u n Dollar s worth of Holiday 61 IMII-« ol )i.( to s e r t i o n l i n e , f h e n r e west f o ))]:((• > o f cuts, bruises, sni'e. , nicrrs, suit rhonin Sunday school gave a Christmas, i i i n ; i ( n i t i i n i n ^ t l i i r t y t i v e acres- n! j a i n t Holiday Goods at one time. Goods. sores, tetter, chajipfid hands, chil- nI 'iej ijrrei n i*>r lew. A n d r n n ! a m i i " i t f i n a l l ef-_'hty nrrev concert, including songs, recita- fev^r M of ifirnl m o r e f.r less a n d occupied as om> p a r c e l blains, corns, and all skin erupton.*, nmiilier t h i r t y ''M) i n tions, etc. The church was well and positively euros piles, or no pav at «mi wi nfsa|ri imi . . n uAn ilblioTnl oseefion u r (4; n o r t h o f ran^'e' n u m b e r filled, and the exercises were good. reouirrd. It, is guaranteed to pive fiveD a(.Yit e dea->t. ( lelober C; A . I>. ] ^ i . perfect sativfacton, or mnnev rc-fundThe new Sunday school officers ed. 1'ricft 25 cents ricr beta. For sal . ' . s M ^ i i e e i i f .NfnrtLj.c^e. Wir.r.iAji r , \ A N \ V I N K I K will take their places next Sunday l>y F. A. Si^lor. J a n .1 A t i o r n e y luv a.-sl).;tici of inori^a^i'. jan. L VV i i . i . j <M V , 1), C O O K , We are glad to welcome visitors, Pleased to show our s:oods, And ready to make a close price to all. F. A. SIGLER '•? \