Economic Development - Western Upper Peninsula Planning
Economic Development - Western Upper Peninsula Planning
What is the Regional Prosperity Initiative? Who is participating? Why is this important to the Western Upper Peninsula? When will the Regional Prosperity Plan be complete? AGENCIES/ORGANIZATIONS Governor Snyder’s organizational representation Transportation Economic Development Workforce Higher education Adult education Local units of government Private Sector Foundations/Non-Profits Vision: Fostering stable and diversified economies in the Western U.P. What else? Questions? Western U.P. Regional Prosperity Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Executive Summary Introduction Regional Profile Previous Plans Planning Process Committee Composition Vision Western U.P. Regional Prosperity Plan 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Current Organizations & Services Existing Relationships Overlap & Duplication Unmet Need Collaboration Opportunities Collaboration Obstacles Low-Hanging Fruit Western U.P. Regional Prosperity Plan 15. 16. • • • 17. 18. 19. Linking to Previous Plans Action Plan Establishing Relationships Installing Category Leaders Implementing Concrete Objectives Measurable Goals Ongoing Evaluation Conclusion Organizational Profile Interviews Economic Development Baraga County Economic Development Corporation Iron County Economic Development Corporation Ironwood Economic Development Corporation Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance (KEDA) McMillan Township Economic Development Corporation MTEC SmartZone Northern Initiatives Ontonagon County Economic Development Corporation Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Upper Peninsula Economic Development Alliance (UPEDA) Chambers of Commerce & CVBs Baraga County Chamber of Commerce Bessemer Chamber of Commerce Copper Harbor Improvement Association Iron County Chamber of Commerce Ironwood Area Chamber of Commerce Keweenaw Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Keweenaw Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Lake Gogebic Area Chamber of Commerce Ontonagon County Chamber of Commerce Porcupine Mountains Ontonagon Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Wakefield Chamber of Commerce Watersmeet Chamber of Commerce Western U.P. Convention & Visitors Bureau Workforce Development Goodwill Industries/Vocational Strategies, Inc. Michigan Tech University – Innovation & Industry Engagement Michigan Works! Higher Education Finlandia University Gogebic Community College Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College Michigan Technological University Pre-K – 12 Education BHK Child Development Board Copper Country Intermediate School District Dickinson/Iron Intermediate School District Gogebic/Ontonagon Intermediate School District Human Services Baraga County Shelter Home Baraga-Houghton-Keweenaw Community Action Agency Baragaland Senior Citizens Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home Child & Family Services of the U.P. Copper Country Mental Health Services Copper Country Mental Health Services – The Institute Dickinson-Iron Community Services Agency Gogebic Community Mental Health Gogebic County DOVE Gogebic-Ontonagon Community Action Agency Goodwill Industries Keweenaw Family Resource Center Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly Love INC Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness Michigan Department of Human Services Michigan Rehabilitation Services Northpointe Behavioral Health Saint Vincent de Paul Salvation Army Superior Alliance for Independent Living U.P. Kids/ Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Western U.P. Western U.P. Health Department Western U.P. Substance Abuse Service Coordinating Agency Philanthropy Aspirus Keweenaw Health Foundation Baraga County Community Foundation Gogebic-Ontonagon Community Foundation Keweenaw Community Foundation Portage Health Foundation West Iron County Area Community Foundation Transportation Baraga County Road Commission Disabled American Veterans Gogebic County Road Commission Gogebic County Transit Authority (“Little Blue Bus”) Hancock Public Transit Houghton County Road Commission Houghton Public Transit Indian Trails Iron County Road Commission Keweenaw County Road Commission Michigan Department of Transportation MI-TRALE On-Tran Ontonagon County Road Commission R&A Transportation Rural Task Forces (Regions 13A & 13B) Veterans Transportation Service Other Don’t Do It Yourself Houghton/Keweenaw Conservation District U.P. Resource Conservation & Development Council Organizational Profiles Who? What? Where? Issues? Organizational Profile Questionnaire 2014 RPI Survey WUPPDR Organization: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________ Position: _______________________ Business Profile 1. Type of Organization: city county state federal non-profit public Other _________________________________ Are you a branch or subsidiary of a bigger organization? yes no Name: _________________________________________________________________ Is your current structure the result of consolidations, reorganizations, or expansions within agencies? 2. What service do you provide: adult education higher ed pre K – 12 education healthcare economic development charity workforce development human services natural resources transportation chamber of commerce tourism other _________________ 3. Mission Statement: (ask for copy – when make the appt.) 4. Service Area: ______________________________________________________________________ Financials 1. How is your agency funded? percentage percentage Federal _____________ Dues _____________ State _____________ Endowment _____________ Local _____________ Donations _____________ Private _____________ Private _____________ 2. How much is: hard money _____________ 3. Employees (number): soft money _____________ full-time ___________ part-time __________ temporary _________ volunteer __________ 4. Has your budget changed from last year? increase decrease (comments) 5. Do you have any discretionary funds? yes no If yes, what percentage of your budget? ___________ What are they used for? 6. Has your budget lead to changes in staffing? How? yes no stay the same 1. Has your budget lead to changes in the services you provide? yes no What? 2. Do you have any flexibility to increase revenues? yes no (comments) 3. How confident are you about your funding stream? confident unsure not confident (comments) Governance 4. Do you have a board or governing group responsible for your organization? yes no If yes, how many members are: volunteer ___________ paid ___________ staff ___________ 5. How often do they meet? Monthly Biannual Annual Other _______________________________ 6. Where do they meet? Agency office Public building Rotates Other ________________________________________________ 7. Are meeting costs reimbursed for board meetings? Restaurant/Bar yes no If yes, who covers those costs? ________________________________________________________ What are those costs as a percentage of your budget? ___________ Business Environment/ Consolidation of Services 1. What are areas of unmet needs or services for the area or population you serve? 2. Does anyone else provide services similar to your agencies in your area? yes no Explain: 3. What are areas of unmet needs or services for your organization? staffing office space office equipment travel resources conference attendance bookkeeping IT janitorial bulk purchasing Comments: 4. Do you have an informal relationship with any organizations to share resources and/or provide services? Which organizations/services? 5. Do you have a Memorandum of Understanding with any organization? yes no If yes, who? ______________________________________________________________________ What are the terms? 1. Have you collaborated with another agency to provide services? yes no Why/why not? 2. Are there barriers for your organization that make collaboration difficult? funding privacy regulations governmental regulations travel expenses compatible service providers staffing personalities/history other comments: 3. What one thing would help your agency the most? 4. Final thoughts Questions? = Economic Development Transition ? ? Economic Development Transition
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