Ripley Peru
Ripley Peru
RIPLEY CORP presentation January 2009 Ripley Corp 1. Ripley Today 2. Ripley Chile 2.0 3. Ripley Peru 4. Financing 5. Main goals Ripley Today – why invest Ripley? Because • Is a big player in the department store business in Chile (23.8% market share) and in Peru (47% market share) • Both economies have good relative prospects for 2009 • Diversified loan portfolio in different market segments • Has a solid financial position • Peru is a less developed market where Ripley is well established Financial performance has improved in 2008, but stock valuation has remained low: • Revenues 9M 2008: US$ 1,270 m (+4%) • EBITDA 9M 2008: US$ 126 m (+20%) • Net Income 9M 2008: US$ 49 m (+61%) • Market Cap December 31st 2008: US$ 966 m* • Multiples in their lowest level ( P/B: 0.81 ) Ripley Corp stock price as of Dec 31st 2008: CH$ 275, US$ 0.5 Ripley Today - 53 years of history 1956 1976 1985 1986 First Store opened in Chile Credit business starts First department store in Santiago First department store outside Santiago 1993 1997 2000 2002 Insurance business starts Banco Ripley Chile Parque Arauco Store: Starts new positioning on higher segments First department store in Peru 2003 2005 First bond issue IPO 2007 JV Mall Aventura Plaza (Peru) First store outside Lima Capital Increase bond Is issue 2008 4 new stores in Chile 1 new store in Peru Banco Ripley Peru (ex Financor) First Bond issue in Peru Distribution center in Chile Ripley Today - shareholders structure Free Float 19.0% Pension Funds 21.4% International Investors 19.7% 53.9% *20.0% Mutual Funds 2.8% Insurance Co 2.9% Calderon Group 81.0% * • A family member may sell 20% of Ripley due to liquidity needs • Free float may increase Source: Ripley. Figures as of January 2nd 2009 Ripley Today - department stores business La Polar 12.9% Falabella 37.9% Paris 25.4% Ripley Chile Stores Selling space Revenues LTM Market Share 42 239,365 m2 US$ 929 m 23.8% Ripley 23.8% Ripley Peru Stores Selling space Revenues LTM Market Share Ripley 11 99,978 m2 US$ 426 m 47.0% Source: Ripley Figures as of Sep-08; Stores as of Dec-08 Saga Falabella 47% 53% Ripley Today – financial retail business Chile Peru Tarjeta Ripley Banco Ripley Peru Loans: US$ 899 m Loans: US$ 309 m Revenues LTM: US$ 390 m Revenues LTM: US$ 145 m Provisions/loans: 10.8% Provisions/loans: 6.5% Banco Ripley Chile Loans: US$ 427 m Revenues LTM: US$ 102 m Provisions/loans: 5.6% Source: Ripley Figures as of Sep 2008 Ripley Today – shopping malls Chile • Ownership in 7 Shopping malls, with 101,211 m2 of weighted average selling space • Fully owned malls revenues LTM: US$ 17 m • Ripley has an option to buy 22.5% of new developments of Mall Plaza, including recently opened malls Alameda and San Bernardo • Ripley Corp S.A hired Citibank and Banchile to sell its shopping malls business in Chile Peru • Joint venture with Mall Plaza (20%) and Falabella (40%), to build, operate and manage shopping malls • The second shopping mall opened in Callao, Lima on December 2008 Source: Ripley Ripley Today – results Ripley Corp results 126 20% 105 88 19% 74 49 31 61% 9M 2007 Net Income 9M 2008 Operating Result EBITDA Figures in US$ million as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$) 9M: accumulated for the first nine months of the year Revenues LTM • Ripley Corp: US$ 1,762 m • Ripley Chile: US$ 1,336 m • Ripley Peru: US$ 426 m Ripley Today – revenues & EBITDA Revenues breakdown LTM By business Revenues breakdown LTM By country 21% 24% 24% EBITDA breakdown LTM By country 1% 75% Real estate Financial Retail Figures as of Sep-08 79% 76% Chile Peru Chile Peru Ripley Corp 1. Ripley Today 2. Ripley Chile 2.0 3. Ripley Peru 4. Financing 5. Main aims Ripley Chile 2.0 – taking a break Year Stores In Santiago Year Stores In Santiago 2000 20 8 Santiago Santiago +139% m2 More than one store 2008 42 18 Ripley Chile 2.0 – financial business Tarjeta Ripley • Loans Portfolio 3Q08: US$ 899 m • Provisions/ Loans Portfolio 3Q08: 10.8% 8.4% 10.8% 7.4% 6.9% 899 899 740 636 329 288 2005 Loans portfolio 2006 Financial revenues Figures in US$ million as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$) 341 2007 Provisions/ Loans portfolio 390 LTM Sep-08 Ripley Chile 2.0 – financial business Private label card Total Less than 30 days past due Between 30 Total loans portfolio (MUS$) Between 90 and and 90 days Including up to date amounts 360 days past due past due and total delinquency Past due installments as % of total portfolio RIPLEY Tarjeta Dorada La Polar Tarjeta DIN Tarjeta ABC 8,1% 13,0% 18,9% 25,4% 2,6% 4,5% 3,6% 4,2% 2,1% 4,1% 3,9% 5,1% 3,4% 4,4% 11,4% 16,1% 860,2 863,7 225,7 84,9 Past due loans as % of total portfolio Jumbo RIPLEY* Más Paris PRESTO Paris 24,5% 29,8% 30,4% 30,7% 39,8% Source: SBIF *Calculated by Ripley 13,0% 15,3% 15,6% 12,8% 12,2% 6,8% 7,6% 9,7% 9,9% 8,7% 4,7% 6,9% 5,0% 7,9% 18,9% 137,1 808,7 512,1 642,8 196,2 Ripley Chile 2.0 – shopping malls Changing mature shopping malls business for a growing one Leasing Space (M2) Shopping Mall Panoramico 5.671 Mall del Centro 18.917 Mall del Centro Rancagua 13.646 Calama 44.206 Marina Arauco 57.968 Mall del Centro Curico 45.911 Mall Concepcion (Under construction) 90.000 % Ownership Ripley 100% 100% 100% 25% 33% 33% 100% Ripley has the option to acquire 22.5% of all the new shopping malls (including the recently opened Alameda and San Bernardo) to be developed by Mall Plaza, the main player of the industry (32% market share) Ripley Chile 2.0 - new flatter structure Current Andrés Roccatagliata CEO Commercial Financial Products Channels and Services Marketing Risk Operations & Technology Before CEO Retail Division Financial Business Division Corporate Services Division Logistics Branches Ripley Chile 2.0 - efficiency Synergies Corporate savings Synergies between financial and retail business Savings of 14% on SG&As in 2009 (US$1.8 m approx. monthly) • Common divisions for both of them (operations, • Supplies marketing, HH.RR) • Holidays provisions • Unique sale commission fees • McCann Ericcson as unique advertising agency • Using stores as a distribution channel of Banco • Closing less profitable stores/areas (improving EBITDA/m2) Ripley, reducing independent sales force • New distribution center (saving 1% SG&As/Sales on Dec 2009) -15.7% 534 450 3Q 2007 3Q 2008 SGAs/M2 Figures in US$ as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$) Ripley Chile 2.0 – capex forecast US$ 78 m • Option to buy 22.5% of new Mall Plaza shopping malls • Banco Ripley Chile capital increase • Improvements in stores • IT Figures in US$ million as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$) Ripley Chile 2.0 – goals for 2009 • Continue improving efficiency (SGAs/m2, Sales/m2) • Keep risk controlled, focusing on collection • Reduce levels of inventory Ripley Corp 1. Ripley Today 2. Ripley Chile 2.0 3. Ripley Peru 4. Financing 5. Main aims Ripley Peru – stores • 1 new store 2008 • 2 new stores 2009 Ripley Peru – shopping malls • Aventura Plaza: Joint Venture with Mall Plaza (20%) and Falabella (40%) to build and manage shopping malls • 2 shopping malls operating • 1 new opening in 2009 Ripley Peru - revenues 94,978 94,978 87,653 6.5% 13.7% 428 402 353 2006 2007 Revenues Figures in US$ million as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$ ) LTM sep-08 M2 (end of period) Ripley Peru - results • Operating Income LTM Sep-08: US$ 62 m • Net Income LTM Sep-08: US$ 40 m 17.3% 62 53 42.7% 28 2007 40 LTM Sep-08 Net Income Figures in US$ million as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$ ) Operating Income Ripley Peru – capex forecast US$ 24 m • 2 new stores in 2009 • Capital increase for shopping malls of Aventura Plaza • Improvements in Stores • IT Figures in US$ million as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$ ) Ripley Peru – banco ripley peru • Loans portfolio Sep-08: US$ 309 m • Provisions/ Loans portfolio Sep-08: 6.5% 6.7% 5.8% 6.7% CAGR = 30% 257 141 Dec-05 6.5% 309 188 Dec-06 Loans portfolio Figures in US$ million as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$ ) Dec-07 Provision/Loans portfolio Sep-08 Ripley Peru – banco ripley peru • Revenues LTM Sep-08: US$ 145 m • Income LTM Sep-08: US$ 24 m 24 19 15 38.1% 145 18.1% 105 89 2006 2007 Revenues Figures in US$ million as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$ ) LTM Sep-08 Net Income Ripley Peru – banco ripley peru Best ROE on Bank Industry (47%) 47% 40% 37% 32% 32% 29% 21% Banco Ripley Banco Falabella Banco continental Source: SBS ( Banco de credito de Peru Interbank Scotiabank Citibank Ripley Peru – goals for 2009 • 2 new stores • Continue with positive SSS • Selective growth on loans portfolio • Keep risk controlled • Improve operating efficiency Ripley Corp 1. Ripley Today 2. Ripley Chile 2.0 3. Ripley Peru 4. Financing 5. Main aims Financing – 2008 • Ripley Corp first bond issue in Peru: August 7th • • • • US$125 million in 3 new medium term bank loans (2 years bullet) • • • • S./ 110.000.000 (US$39 m) - 9 years bullet - 8.56% Rated AAA by Equilibrium (local credit risk agency) The lowest spread of last comparable issue: 0.81% over Peruvian Government Bonds US$40 m; Rate 7.18%. Due date April 2010 US$44 m; Rate 8.23%. Due date July 2010 US$41 m; Rate 8.16%. Due date August 2010 Chilean credit risk confirmation by Humphreys and Feller-Rate for Ripley Corp (A+) and Ripley Chile (AA-), stable outlook (Sep 2008) Financing - inflation hedge 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Dec-07 Mar-08 Unhedged balance Figures in US$ million as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$ ) Jun-08 Sep-08 Forwards Dec-08 Financing - debt profile • Net debt 3Q 2007: US$ 675 m 3Q 2008: US$ 671 m Cash 3Q 2007: US$ 40 m Cash 3Q 2008: US$ 91 m 762 715 324.643 589 246.081 446 148.557 269 40 3Q 2007 Cash 91 95.382 173 3Q 2008 Short Term Debt Figures in US$ million as of Sep-08 (FX: $551.31/US$ ) Long Term Debt Financing - debt profile 250 200 150 100 CASH 50 0 2009 2010 Banks 2011 Bonds Figures in US$ million as of Dec 31st 2008 (FX: $551.31/US$) Source: RIpley 2012 Comex 2013 2014 Leasing 2015+ Cash Ripley Corp 1. Ripley Today 2. Ripley Chile 2.0 3. Ripley Peru 4. Financing 5. Main goals Main goals • Consolidation of Chilean business • Focus on efficiency and synergies • Focus on client with an integrated offer of retail and financial services • Growth in the financial business with controlled risk • Keep leading and growing in Peru • Add value to shareholders Contact information Speaker • Hernan Uribe – CFO Ripley Corp Investor relations • Alexander Cahn - [email protected] • Phone: (+56 - 2) 694 1449 • Andrés Oksenberg - [email protected] • Phone: (+56 - 2) 694 1462 RIPLEY CORP presentation January 2009
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