Sun City Summerlin Security Patrol - LINK
Sun City Summerlin Security Patrol - LINK
link August 2015 Sun City Summerlin’s Monthly Magazine · Sun City Summerlin Security Patrol Volunteer Squad Offers Lots of Ways to Give Back to Your Community 10 C 10 Sun City Summerlin heads out to Tuacahn next month to see “Sister Act” on September 9. Tickets are available now at all social monitor stations. See Page 11 for information. Contents From the Executive Director . . . . How to Contact Us . . . . . . . SCSCAI President’s Message . . . Community News . . . . . . . RSVP for SCSCAI Events . . . . Security Patrol . . . . . . . . Health & Fitness . . . . . . . . Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Oversight . . . . . . . . Neighbors . . . . . . . . . . Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . SCSCAI Board of Directors’ Motions SCSCAI Official Notice BOD Meetings SCSCAI Committee Meetings . . . Residents’ Forum Meetings . . . . Supplemental Financial Information . Starbright Theatre . . . . . . . Club Listings . . . . . . . . . Club Spotlight: Sun City Charities . Club Directory . . . . . . . . . Summary of Operations . . . . . Crossword Puzzle . . . . . . . Service Directory . . . . . . . Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 7 8 . . . . . 10 . . . . . 14 . . . . . 18 . . . . . 22 . . . . . 23 . . . . . 24 . . . . . 27 . . . . . 28 . . . . . 29 . . . . . 29 . . . . . 29 . . . . . 29 . . . . . 30 . . . . . 32 . . . . . 37 . . . . . 46 . . . . . 53 . . . . . 55 . . . . . 57 . . . . . 58 40 11 . . . . 14 37 From the Executive Director link Welcome to Sun City In the last few months, more than 60 homes have sold per month in Sun City. at means there is a high demand to live in our community and these new residents are recently retired or still working! We are nding that many of our newest residents do not know about the activity card. In fact, there are many homes that we show have new owners, who have not picked up their Sue Papilion, SCSCAI activity cards, so this article is for them. Executive Director [email protected] When your home sale is recorded with Clark County, it usually takes our membership department two weeks to get notice of the change in ownership. At that point, our staff is ready to issue your activity card. Your rst step is to come into the Administration office at Mountain Shadows community center and sign up for a simple orientation. e Activity Card that’s issued will have your resident account number and allows you access to the tness centers, swimming pools, tness classes, clubs and if you play golf, earns you special resident rates and 20 percent off everything in the pro shops. You also will receive the Link Magazine. So, it is worth the time to take orientation. At orientation, you will meet other new residents, see a computer presentation of where to nd the answers to questions you may have about remodeling, painting, landscaping, pool rules and lots of other things. Golf gives you two free coupons to play any of the courses, and you will receive an invitation to the New Residents Social, which is basically a meet-and-greet with appetizers and wine. e social takes place on the last Tuesday of the month at the Pinnacle community center and is hosted by the Board of Directors. e event is so popular that several old-timers come to meet and help new residents, too. Since so many residents today are working, Sun City will begin to keep the administrative office open until 7 p.m. on ursday nights, starting this month. And soon one of our tness centers and swimming pools will stay open until 10 p.m. Having new residents in Sun City Summerlin is good for the community, for property values and activity involvement. We all need to go out of our way to welcome new neighbors and new potential members to our clubs. If someone moves onto your street, take the time to go over and say, “Hi” and “Welcome!” The link does not endorse nor promote any product or service advertised. Verification of qualifications and current license are the responsibility of persons seeking service. get the enews bulletin You can subscribe to our e-News Bulletin and get reminders of meetings and notification of significant events in real time. Go to and click on e-News subscribe 4 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 Edition 298 Published monthly by Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. 10360 Sun City Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 (702) 966-1400 · Staff Sue Papilion, Editor [email protected] Jeannette Carrillo, Managing Editor [email protected] (702) 966-1436 Advertising For advertising information, call Dianne Pontillas, Ad Coordinator, [email protected] (702) 966-1434 Our office is located in the Mountain Shadows Community Center Editorial Board Tammy Collins, Ellen Greenspan, Betty Weltman, Aileen Zsenyuk, Ken Caroccia [SCSCAI Board Liaison]. The Editorial Board meets the third Friday of each month. The next meeting will be on August 21 at Desert Vista. Mission The Link is the official notification of Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. The primary mission of the magazine is to provide residents with information on official Association business. In addition, the Link provides unbiased communications to residents on community news, events and services. The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication. We reserve the right to edit, condense and verify all articles. Classified Advertisements October deadline is August 24. Advertise your items for sale at $2 per line based on the required Classified Advertisement Form. This service is restricted to residents only and if space is available. Purchase ads at the link Office, located at Desert Vista Community Center. SCSCAI card required at purchase. No business advertisements. Ads will also appear at Credits link Layout: Jeff Young Design. Cover: 2015 Sun City Security Board, from left, Fred Hinshaw, treasurer, Ellen Buchanan, secretary, Judy Hunt, chief, Sandy Weiser, secretary and Bill Henriod, assistant chief. Photo by D.J. Minella. Contributors: Adrian Cole, Charli Sue Douglass, Stu Gershon. © Copyright 2015, Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc. This publication may not be duplicated in whole or in part without the express written consent of the Sun City Summerlin Community Association. LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 5 Contact Information Get In Touch With the Board of Directors Jim Akers, (Assistant Treasurer), Fitnesss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1458 Bruce Alitt, CAP: [email protected] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271-4795 Ellen Bachman (Secretary), Legal: [email protected] . . . . . . . . . . 966-1453 Ken Caroccia , ARC/Link: [email protected] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254-8852 Leo Crawford (Vice President), DRHC, IT: [email protected] . . . . . . . . . 468-0277 Joe O’Connell (Assistant Treasurer), Golf Oversight [email protected] . . . 363-3355 Ken Resnik (Treasurer), Finance: [email protected] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366-0630 Glenda Rogers, CCOC: [email protected] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255-7755 David Steinman (President): CPC: [email protected] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493-9728 COMMUNITY CENTERS Mountain Shadows Community Center, 9107 Del Webb Blvd. Administration Office, Mon.-Wed & Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Thu. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. 966-1401 Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Sun., 8 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . 966-1410 Fitness Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1414 Community Standards, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1411 (Includes CC&R/Architectural Review Committee) Facility Maintenance, Mon.-Fri. 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1417 Link Magazine, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1436 Library, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1410 Desert Vista Community Center, 10360 Sun City Blvd. Community Services, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-3581 Room Scheduling, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-4790 Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Sun, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . 363-1341 Fitness Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-1278 Director of Fitness, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-1486 Pinnacle Community Center, 2215 Thomas Ryan Blvd. Social Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 8 a.m.-8 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1301 Fitness Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1326 The Summit, Mon.-Sun., 8 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1313 Sun Shadows Community Center, 8700 Del Webb Blvd. Fitness Monitor Station, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-1719 Library, Mon.-Sun., 6 a.m.-9 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-1719 GOLF COURSES (Open 1/2 hour after daylight) Highland Falls, Mon.-Sun., Closes 6 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254-7010 Palm Valley, Mon.-Sun., Closes 6 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-4373 Eagle Crest, Mon.-Sun., Closes 6 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1320 Golf Course/Landscape Maint., Mon.-Fri., 6 a.m.-3 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-7655 RESTAURANTS Five Star Tavern, Daily, 24/7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363-5330 Tavern at the Falls, Daily, 7 a.m.- 7 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254-1581 Eagle Crest Snack Bar, Daily, 7 a.m.- 5 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1313 The Summit Restaurant and Snack Bar, Daily, 7 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-1331 SECURITY PATROL Located at the rear of Desert Vista, 10362 Sun City Blvd. 24-hour service . . 254-2303 6 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 SEND US AN EMAIL Several Sun City Summerlin departments have added email addresses to their contact information as a way to give residents an additional way to get in touch. Please add these email addresses to your list of contacts to help us serve you better. (email addresses are not case sensitive.) [email protected] [email protected] communitystandards [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] get the enews bulletin You can subscribe to our e-News Bulletin and get reminders of meetings and notification of significant events in real time. Go to and click on e-News subscribe AREA CODE REMINDER All telephone numbers published in the Link and at are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise. D P B h d S w p i p d w r e A t c w s t s p e t c t r s a i l h S i m u President’s Message Will Sun City Summerlin See Changes by 2020? In mid-June a forecasting seminar was held for the Board of Directors and interested residents of Sun City. It was scheduled because we feel David Steinman, President, SCSCAI that changing with the times is so Board of Directors important for Sun City to keep pace with the new residents who purchase homes in ourcommunity. ese new residents have different needs and interests from those who moved into Sun City during the late 1980s and early 1990s. A person who came to Sun City in 1990 did not regularly use computers, Wi-Fi, cell phones and ipads unlike our new moveins of 2015. It has been 26 years since the rst residents purchased homes in Sun City and the world has produced a very different way to communicate since then. We have learned that tness is extremely popular with the residents of our community. A question that resulted from the seminar was, “Do we have the most efficient exercise machines in our tness centers?” Another targeted if we are offering the classes that today’s residents need. Over the next several months, you may see some changes to our programs. We will do this because we want the value of living in Sun City to be appealing to seniors looking for a new retirement community. Currently, Sun City Summerlin has about 80 organizations and clubs. As we gain new residents, we will possibly see the creation of new clubs based upon the needs of people who live in a different world than the one that existed in 1990. One of the big challenges of our community will be the factor of residents living longer and the high cost of care for those with serious medical issues. Seniors are trying to stay longer in their independent living environments. is produces a constant need for senior services or private citizens to care for these residents and make sure they live in a safe place and their health is satisfactory. As we age in place and avoid the high cost of assisted living and long-term nursing care, our community will have to react to this change in the lives of our residents. Sure, we are going to have the “young” seniors moving into our beautiful community, but we always have to be mindful of the “older” senior who elects to remain with us during his or her years of greater challenge. Top, technology and websites was a hot topic during a resident workshop held in June. The event, which was open to all residents, focused on keeping amenities on pace with the next generation of Sun City home buyers. Over the next several months, you may see some changes to our programs. We will do this because we want the value of living in Sun City to be appealing to seniors looking for a new retirement community. LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 7 Community News Coffee With the Board Keep Up With What’s Going On In Sun City Friday, August 21, 10:30 a.m. Desert Vista Residents are welcome to address the Board of Directors in a casual setting. While Board members are not allowed to vote on issues during the meeting, they are able to share background information on key decisions, answer questions and ask a few of their own. Sweets and coffee are served. Driver Safety Program Desert Vista Community Center August 5, 12 p.m. August 12, 8:30 a.m. August 26, 5:30 p.m. September 9, 8:30 a.m. $15 AARP members · $20 non-members by check to AARP Drop by the Desert Vista monitor station to sign up for this classroom refresher designed for those 50 years old and over. Improve your knowledge of traffic laws, learn to anticipate the actions of other drivers, and identify and correct poor driving habits. Upon completion of the four-hour course, taught by an AARP-certi ed instructor, you will receive a certi cate that may qualify you for an insurance premium reduction for up to three years. Max: 30. Signup is available now at the Desert Vista community center. Avoid Red Flag Potential for Mail Theft Residents should take precautions to reduce their chance of becoming victims of mail theft. Instead of using your home’s mail box to send outgoing letters, consider using the secure post office boxes located at Sun City’s community centers. For your safety, also remember to remove mail as soon as it’s delivered. If you must deposit mail into your home’s mail box, DO NOT raise the red ag. In addition to signaling the mail carrier, the ag also may catch the attention of others. More on Mailboxes: Per SCSCAI’s CC&R’s enforced by the office of Community Standards, mailboxes and posts are the responsibility of each home owner. Mailboxes should be black or white (depending on where you reside. All posts within the community are black). If you need to replace your mailbox you will not be able to nd an exact model. Replace it with one as close as possible to the original. Some of these models are available in locking units. ey can be found at home improvement stores. 8 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 n Religious Services Directory ——————————————————— Mountain View Presbyterian · 341-7800 Pastor David W. Dendy · 8601 Del Webb Blvd. · Sundays, 8:30, & 10:30 a.m. St. Andrew Lutheran · 255-1990 Rev. Phillip Shuart· 8901 Del Webb Blvd. Sundays, 8:30, 10 a.m. · Sunday School 10 a.m. S.C. Community Church · 255-PRAY (7729) 8560 Del Webb Blvd. · Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Sunday 9:45 a.m., Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Temple Bet Emet · 240-3719 Rabbi Craig Rosenstein, Janet Seidel 1st & 3rd Fridays, 7:15 p.m., Mountain Shadows Temple Bet Knesset Bamidbar President Mark R. Rosenfeld, 242-5284, Rabbi Steven Rosenberg, (956) 566-9328, Rabbi Emeritus Hershel Brooks 256-9433 Cantor Dr. Jonathan Friedmann, 562-405-4176 2nd & 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at Desert Vista n Sun City Service Organizations ———————————————————— New Resident Happy Hour Happy hours take place the last Tuesday of the month, 5 to 7 p.m. at The Summit. This month, Tuesday, August 25. If you are a new resident, our volunteers would like to present you with information about Sun City. Contact Tammy Collins, 838-0830 before 7 p.m., [email protected]. Sun City Summerlin Charities · 254-5831 10362 Sun City Blvd. · Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 11 a.m. Provides residents unable to drive transportation to medical appointments, shopping; offers handyman service and assists in contacting local and government services. Sunshine Service Club · 341-9741 10362 Sun City Blvd. Monday - Saturday, 9-11 a.m. We lend canes, wheelchairs and other medical equipment, as well as car seats, high chairs and children’s items to Sun City residents with a valid Association ID. We collect aluminum tabs, Campbell’s soup labels and fill Salvation Army food barrels at Mountain Shadows. August 3, 10:30 a.m., Desert Vista, general meeting and Bingo party. n Support Groups ——————————————————— Alcoholics Anonymous St. Andrew Lutheran Church · Thursdays, 12 & 7:30 p.m. Call Stan, 809-7475 Alzheimer’s Desert Vista · First & third Wednesday, 10 a.m. Call Marlene Wilson, 254-6144 Bereavement/Grief Support Sun Shadows · First and third Mondays, 1 p.m. Call Hariet Miller, 471-0203 G O Residents’ Forum If It's August, It's Ice Cream Social Time Wednesday, August 12, 7 p.m. Desert Vista Ballroom Your Residents' Forum has sponsored its free Ice Cream Social for you ever since Del Webb had its last one. This year, it's scheduled for Wednesday, August 12, 7 p.m., inside the ballroom at Desert Vista. As always, the event is free of charge for all residents holding a Sun City membership card. In addition to ice cream and all the trimmings, the Forum will present the wonderful band “In the Mood” for your dancing and/or listening pleasure. Mark your calendars and remember to join us for a fun evening out. We hope all new residents come down to meet their neighbors and make new friends. For further information, call Glenda Rogers, president, 255-7755. Get Ready, Set, Sing Open Mic Returns August 21 An event crafted for musicians by a musician, Open Mic Night offers a stage to share one’s musical talent with friends and family. Musical stylings run the gamut from bluegrass to folk to classic rock to show tunes and more. Admission is free and beer and wine specials, along with a $3 appetizer buffet make the event a great evening stop. Door open at 5:30 p.m. for signup; the show begins at 6 p.m. PIZZA NOW AT THE SUMMIT PIZ By the slice or whole. Take out available. (702) 240-1313 (7 LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 9 RSVP For SCSCAI Events and More Super Summer Theatre at the Spring Mountain Ranch presents “TARZAN” Thursday, August 20 · $30 per person includes show tickets Bus departs Pinnacle at 6 p.m.; returns at approx. 10:30 p.m. Enjoy another evening under the stars at the Spring Mountain Ranch. Based on Disney's animated musical adventure and Edgar Rice Burrough's “Tarzan of the Apes,” an infant boy washed up on the shores of West Africa is taken in and raised by gorillas. Tarzan's life is mostly monkey business until he encounters creatures like himself. For the first time, he discovers his animal upbringing clashing with his human instincts. A concession stand is available for food and drink, or bring your own picnic basket. You may bring blankets or regular folding chairs, or rent a folding chair at the park for $1 each. LAKE MEAD DINNER CRUISE Tuesday, August 25 $70 per person includes dinner and two-hour cruise Bus departs Pinnacle at 4:30 p.m.; returns at approx. 9 p.m. This popular trip is back, but we're serving up dinner this time! The Desert Princess is an authentic, three-level, Mississippistyle paddle-wheeler. Plenty of sunshine and refreshing breezes are yours to enjoy on beautiful Lake Mead while you take in the breathtaking sights. Dinner choices include choice of grilled garlic and herb chicken breast; broiled lemon pepper salmon; black pepper top sirloin steak; or pasta marinara. Dress is semi-casual for the dinner cruise. Layered clothing is recommended. FALL ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR SIGN-UP DAY Wednesday, August 26, 8 a.m. Desert Vista Community Center $25 per space (2 space limit) · Includes a 6’ table and two chairs Calling all artists and crafters! Come on down and get in the early bird line at Desert Vista to sign up for a booth on Wednesday, August 26. The Sun City Summerlin Arts & Crafts Fair is the perfect venue to show off your crafts and sell your work. This popular event takes place on Saturday, October 3, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Desert Vista community center. Spaces are available and sold to Sun City residents only. You must show your Association card at the time of purchase. Hand-crafted items only will be allowed. No prepared food sales allowed. Spaces are limited. Please bring a check or exact cash. NO REFUNDS. 10 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 Tuacahn Amphitheatre (in Ivins, Utah) presents “SISTER ACT” Wednesday, September 9 · $75 per person includes dinner at Chuck-A-Rama Buffet and show tickets Bus departs Pinnacle at 2 p.m.; returns at approx. midnight Deloris is the heart and soul of this hilarious musical about a wanna-be diva whose life takes a surprising turn when she witnesses a crime and the cops hide her in a convent – the last place anyone ever would think to look! Under the suspicious watch of Mother Superior, Deloris helps her fellow sisters find their voices as she unexpectedly rediscovers her own. “Sister Act” is reason to rejoice! Don't miss this feel-good musical favorite in Tuacahn's beautiful outdoor Amphitheatre. Super Summer Theatre at the Spring Mountain Ranch presents “LEND ME A TENOR” Thursday, September 17 $30 per person includes show tickets Bus departs Pinnacle at 5 p.m.; returns at approx. 9:30 p.m. Enjoy another evening under the stars at the Spring Mountain Ranch. The Cleveland Grand Opera Company has planned a gala $50,000 fundraiser! World-renowned tenor Tito Merelli has signed on to play Otello. He arrives late, passes out and is thought to be dead. The opera manager believes the show must go on, at all costs. He taps his hapless assistant, an aspiring singer named Max, to suit up as the Moor and replace Merelli, resulting in big laughs from mistaken identity, mixed signals and misunderstandings. A concession stand is available for food and drink, or bring your own picnic basket. You may bring blankets or regular folding chairs, or rent a folding chair at the park for $1 each. 2nd Annual CLASSIC CAR & MOTORCYCLE SHOW Sunday, September 20, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Free Admission Mountain Shadows community center Plan to attend a day of family fun at Sun City Summerlin’s 2nd Annual Classic Car and Motorcycle Show. This year’s show will be bigger and better than last year, with more than 150 antique, classic and custom cars, motorcycles and hot rods on display. Artists from the automobile and motorcycle industries will be displaying their products. Food vendors and music will be on site for refreshments and entertainment. Sure to be a tremendous hit for the entire family. Transportation to all events is provided. Unless otherwise specified, driver gratuity is not included in the ticket price. Tickets may be purchased at Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows and Pinnacle community centers. LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 11 12 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 13 B S Behind the Scenes at SECURITY PATROL S ecurity Patrol is a volunteer organization of your neighbors who are concerned with your safety and well-being. You can support the Patrol’s effectiveness by adding your neighborhood awareness to theirs. Get to know your neighbors – look out for each other and exchange personal contact information. Complete your Emergency Contact form and le it with Sun City’s Administration or the Security Patrol. Never hesitate to call Security Patrol, day or night, if anything worries you. You will nd the Patrol’s dispatchers responsive to your concerns and if you need help they will make sure that you get it. Residents may be most familiar with the Patrol’s dispatchers, drivers and staffers who serve in the Information CALL 254-2303 Centers at community entrances. However, there’s a multitude of vital roles lled by less visible specialists who work behind the scenes. ey supervise the myriad tasks and responsibilities de ned in Security Patrol’s procedures manual. e Patrol’s Chief and board of directors establish and oversee policy. A watch commander is charged with ultimate decision making for every shift. Daily logs are pored over by an officer who prepares a monthly activities report that highlights incidents. Motor officers keep the cars running smoothly and a car wash team keeps them clean. Communications/electronics specialists service radios at headquarters, as well as handheld radios, communications (continued on page 16) SUN CITY'S FRIENDSHIP TREE: Sculpture a Gift to Last for Generations Did you know that artist Joe A. Tyler was commissioned sioned projects, most of them huge public art sculptures. to sculpt Sun City Summerlin’s Friendship Tree by Del A great deal of Tyler’s work has strong botanical influWebb Corp., which donated the artwork to the community ences stemming from his passion for horticulture. Well in 1994? The Friendship Tree, located in the breezeway respected corporations, including Del Webb Corp., Mayo between buildings at Desert Vista community center, is Clinic and Westin Hotels have commissioned Tyler to the earliest sculpture listed on the artist's extensive create major art projects. He also created, then crated and professional resume. Tyler graduated from Arizona State shipped three massive, 35- to 55-foot sculptures to Japan, University in 1972 with a master's degree in environmental where he reassembled and installed them at a golf club. horticulture. He later became the university’s founding Tyler's work can be seen in Germany, Japan, California, director of the arboretum. On his 40-acre property in New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, and Arizona. He has created Arizona, Tyler has more than 500 mature trees of different a war memorial, transit shelters, commercial entryways, varieties, many of them grown from seedlings in his fountains, elaborate signs and animal sculptures. His greenhouses. In the early 1990s, Tyler decided to pursue durable work, including Sun City's Friendship Tree, is a career in art sculpting on a full-time basis. Over the designed to last for several generations. past 20 years, he has created more than 100 commis~ Ellen Greenspan/Link LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 15 (continued from page 15) equipment in and lights on the ve Patrol cars. e IT officers maintain hardware and software, and a procedures officer keeps instruction manuals current, making sure that all 220 volunteers work with consistent information. An editor writes Insider, the Patrol’s monthly newsletter, while another writer prepares Security Patrol articles for the Link. In addition, the Patrol has a pet officer, whose responsibilities involve reuniting lost and found pets. ere’s also a Patrol photographer, a membership recruiting team and shift schedulers who make sure that duties are covered, every day and every night. e Patrol’s social committee prepares refreshments for meetings and plans pot luck dinners and member get-togethers. Another officer keeps an array of 16 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 office supplies stocked and completes general paperwork. Telephone committee volunteers call every member to remind them of meetings and keep them apprised of current events. e Patrol’s crime reporter presents a monthly analysis of criminal activity in Sun City and nearby communities, while a training officer schedules classes that mandate sessions in every protocol for recruits, as well as refresher training for seasoned officers. e Patrol also has a Chaplain, and a well-wisher who sends consoling cards and owers, and they visit members who are facing illness or bereavement. Security Patrol is a vast, complex operation. It takes a village to make it work. ~ Ellen Greenspan/Link LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 17 Health & Fitness Why You Need Water Water is the most common substance on earth, and it’s also the most common substance in the human body, making up more than 60 percent of a person’s body weight. While you could potentially live without food for weeks, you’re unlikely to last more than a few days without water. Kristie McWhorter, Staying hydrated is extremely MS, CPT, GFI, important; water is used by your Director of Fitness body to perform almost every major [email protected] [email protected] function. For example, your body uses water to transport nutrients and oxygen to cells; regulate your body temperature; moisten mouth, eye and nose tissues; protect organs and tissues; lubricate joints; and ush out waste products. Without proper hydration, the body’s normal functions can become seriously inhibited. Dehydration occurs when liquid is replaced at a slower rate than it is being used up by the body. Common causes are diarrhea, vomiting and sweating. Early symptoms include dry mouth, the inability to produce tears or sweat, muscle cramping and lightheadedness. At its worst, dehydration can be life-threatening. We are half way through our hot summer and it is important to have extra water in situations that involve physical activity. It’s also a good idea to avoid outdoor exposure and limit physical activity when it’s particularly hot or humid outside. Pay close attention to physical cues (thirst, dizziness, headache), which might indicate your uid levels are getting low. Keep drinking water close at hand during these hot summer months to stay hydrated and healthy! FITNESS ADVISORY COUNCIL n AUGUST GROUP FITNESS CLASS SCHEDULE ——————————————————————— Effective Monday, August 3 MON TUE WED THU FRI Core Strength & Balance Doris 9 a.m. Body Sculpting Doris 10 a.m. Sit & Be Fit* Doris Sit & Be Fit* Charli Sit & Be Fit* Doris Sit & Be Fit* Kristie Sit & Be Fit* Doris 11 a.m. Body Sculpting Heather Int. Body Sculpting Charli Body Sculpting Doris Int. Body Sculpting Kristie Body Sculpting Doris All classes are held at Desert Vista and are subject to change. See for updates. w Please check with your physician before starting an exercise program. w Class space is limited due to safety reasons. w Please pick up a numbered ticket from the Fitness Monitor no more than 30 minutes prior to class. Resident must be present. No cards will be held. w Classes are 50 minutes long and are closed 3 minutes after they begin. w Participants must wear appropriate workout clothing and athletic shoes. w Please bring water and a towel to class for your health, safety and comfort. w Priority is given to participants of limited physical *abilities and to those who require a chair for a majority of their activities. Residents who attend Core Strength, Body Sculpting and other fitness classes will be able to sign up on a waiting list in order to attend the Sit & Be Fit class if there is space available. Body Sculpting: Use dumbbells, bands, tubing, body bars, gliding discs and balls to tone, shape and strengthen the muscles of your upper and lower body. All fitness levels are welcome. Increase the intensity of your workout with the Intermediate Body Sculpting class! Core Strength & Balance: A standing and floor class that will focus on strengthening your core and improving your balance through the use of gliding discs, tubing and dumbbells. Thursday, September 10, 8:30 a.m. Desert Vista Committee Room Residents are invited to attend and discuss fitness center and outdoor recreation-area-related issues. 18 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 Sit & Be Fit: Easy on the joints, this class is gentle yet effective. Join us to develop your muscular strength and flexibility as you move all your joints through an appropriate range of motion while seated. * S E T C s t l h t g P J o i O s e i v 5 T K L a o t N D IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT SEMINARS —————————————————————— n NEW EQUIPMENT ORIENTATION CLASSES ——————————————————————— All seminars are held at Desert Vista and require advance registration with the Social Monitor at the Desert Vista, Mountain Shadows or Pinnacle community centers beginning the first of the month, unless otherwise indicated. Space is limited. Seminars and Events Exercising Safely: Coming Back After a Surgery Tuesday, August 11, 12 p.m. Coming back into the tness center after surgery takes some special care. Even after your doctor has released you, are there still activities that may not be the best options? How long does it really take to regain full strength and be fully healed? Join Heather Senn, SCSCAI’s tness assistant, as she talks about bouncing back from orthopedic and general surgeries, and returning wisely to exercise and an active lifestyle. POLST vs. Advanced Directives ursday, August 13, 12 p.m. Jackie Casillas from In nity Hospice Care will present an overview of traditional Advanced Directives (ADR), including the new Nevada POLST, which stands for Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment, a medical order that states what kind of medical treatment patients want toward the end of their lives, along with the who, what and why of having your care needs in place. Light refreshments will be provided to those who sign up in advance with a Social Monitor. 5 Most Common Hand Problems – Lunch and Learn Tuesday, August 18, 12 p.m. Kenny Hanna, M.D., of the Foot, Ankle & Hand Center of Las Vegas will be here to discuss the problems he sees and treats most often, including carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger nger and arthritis affecting the thumb. He also will cover questions about ganglion cysts and Dupuytren's contracture, as well as offer a question-and-answer time. Lunch will be provided to those who sign up in advance with any Social Monitor. New Advancements in Eye Care – Lunch and Learn ursday, August, 27, 12 p.m. Derrick Neibaur, D.O., of Nevada Eye and Ear will discuss the importance of preventive eye care, including dry eyes, glaucoma and diabetic eye concerns, as well as surgical technologies currently being implemented. Lunch will be provided to those who sign up in advance with any Social Monitor. Learn how to use the strength and cardio equipment properly and safely in each fitness center. A fitness specialist will demonstrate proper equipment usage and answer your exercise questions. Classes are limited to five participants and are 60 minutes long. Residents must wear closed-toe/closed-heel shoes. Advance signup is required with the Fitness Monitor prior to the day of class. Weekly in August - NEW TIMES Desert Vista – Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. Mountain Shadows – Thursdays at 11 a.m. ridays at 9 a.m. Pinnacle – Fridays n MR. GYM ETIQUETTE —————————————— Safety first! What's safe for you is safe for others. A gym is a placee with lots of opportunity to get hurt, and we can put not only ourselves, but others at risk for injury. Some simple tips to keep safe while working out include: 1. Use the equipment the way it was designed to be used. Example? A treadmill is designed for walking and running, not for doing weight lifting. Hand weights can become missiles and ankle weights can come unstrapped and cause a trip hazard. 2. Keep the floor clear. Never leave bags, towels, hand weights or plates on the floor, even if you are doing circuits. Those extra steps between you and the rack or the locker count as cardio! 3. Know and admit your limits. Anyone can experience declines in balance, vision or strength for many reasons. Ignoring these problems is like an accident waiting to happen. Don't self-treat. Have the courage to admit you need some help if you are experiencing some physical problems. LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 19 Health & Fitness August 2015 Pool Schedule n BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS ——————————————————————— Free service provided by Summerlin Hospital 1st Wednesday 9 to 10 a.m. Mountain Shadows fitness center 2nd Tuesday, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Sun Shadows fitness center 3rd Wednesday, 9 to 10 a.m. Desert Vista fitness center C n TENNIS BALL MACHINE ———————————————————— Desert Vista Fitness Center (Indoor and Outdoor Pool & Spa – Salt) Hours: Monday – Sunday 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. Children: Monday – Sunday 1 – 4 p.m. (Indoor pool only) Aquacize: Monday – Saturday 8 – 8:45 a.m. Arthritis: Tuesday & Thursday 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Swim Club: Mon., Wed., Fri. 9 – 10 a.m. Lap Swim: Monday – Sunday 6 – 8 a.m. Monday – Sunday 4 – 6 p.m. (Indoor pool lanes 1-3 reserved for lap swimming and lane 4 reserved for walking during lap swim times) Pinnacle Fitness Center (Outdoor Pool–Salt, Spa – Chlorine) Hours: Children: Monday – Sunday Monday – Sunday 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Sun Shadows Fitness Center (Indoor Pool & Spa – Salt) Hours: Monday – Sunday 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. Aquacize: Monday – Saturday 10 – 10:45 a.m. WateRobics: Monday – Friday 9 – 9:45 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. 1 – 1:45 p.m. Lap Swim: Monday – Sunday 6 – 8 a.m. Monday – Sunday 4 – 6 p.m. (Lanes 2-4 reserved for lap swimming and lane 1 reserved for walking during lap swim times) Mountain Shadows Fitness Center (Outdoor Pool & Indoor Spa – Salt) Hours: Monday – Sunday 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. Aquacize: Monday – Saturday 8:30 a.m. – 9:15 p.m. Monday – Saturday 7 – 7:45 p.m. Children: Monday – Sunday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Lap Swim: Monday – Sunday 6 – 8 a.m. Monday – Sunday 4 – 6 p.m. Children must be 42” tall without shoes. Outdoor pools and spas OPEN for the season. 20 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 Summer hours: Thursdays 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Practice on your own or with a friend with our tennis ball machine. The cost is $4 per half hour, per person. Advanced signup is required at the Mountain Shadows fitness center. n FEE SERVICES ———————————————————— CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINERS All trainers are insured and certified through nationally accredited programs and are authorized to train residents in all Sun City fitness centers. Cece Ceccarini - Balance & Personal Trainer - 326-3236 Daria Clarke - Personal Fitness Training - 375-7154 MASSAGE THERAPY Molly Sher, L.M.T. - $60 per 1 hr, no gratuity - 240-1327, L.V. Bus. Lic. No. M12-00314-3-085104, NV St. Lic. No. NVMT 037 n SAVE THE DATE ———————————————————— Health Fair Set for Saturday, September 26 23rd Annual Fall Health Fair & Flu Shot Clinic 8 a.m. to 12 noon · Desert Vista Sun City Summerlin’s annual fall health fair is back. Come visit with local health and wellness professionals as they share information on services available to our community. Exhibitors will include hospitals, physical therapists, home healthcare agencies, government agencies that assist the elderly, services for the blind, balance specialists, chiropractors, diabetes educators and numerous other companies. Join us for a fun-filled morning to learn, snack and win prizes. Flu shots and pneumonia shots will be provided from 8 a.m. to noon. Flu shots are recommended for those 50 years old and over who are healthy at the time of receiving the flu shot. Pneumonia shots are only needed every five years. Most insurances will be accepted. For information, call Fitness Director Kristie McWhorter, 363-1486. C S A m y c m m S y u i s e o w p o Charli’s Corner Slow Down, You Move Too Fast, You’ve Got to Make Your Muscles Last Have you heard of the terms “full range of motion” or “R-O-M,” pertaining to exercises in the weight room? Range-of-motion exercise refers to activity aimed at improving Charli Sue Douglass movement of a speci c joint, and it SCSCAI Fitness allows muscles acting on the joint to Assistant, CPFT, GFI become stronger. Having stronger muscles means you have more stamina to do the activities you enjoy doing, like walking, tennis, golf, dancing, tness classes, swimming and strength training. I often see residents performing only short range-ofmotion exercises, which can cause your joint action or movement to shorten, causing more stiffness in your joints. Short range-of-motion exercises will ultimately decrease your overall muscle strength and functionality, setting you up for more injuries down the road. A safe and effective strength-training program needs to include full range-of-motion exercises for two out of three sets going at a slow, controlled pace (2 or more seconds in each direction). If you would like a little more intensity, add one set of pulsing or short R-O-M exercises. Doing this will allow your muscles to work all muscle bers to their proper length, and you will gain greater muscle strength over time. link Sun City Summerlin’s Online Magazine KEEPING SUN CITY SUMMERLIN CONNECTED The Link to the Link: l THIS WEEK IN SUN CITY: Find out what's happening in your community with weekly news and event updates. l EYE ON SCSCAI: Enjoy slideshows and videos that capture activities Sun City Summerlin residents are up to. l CLASSIFIEDS CORNER: Place your ad today, sell your item tomorrow. Online classied ads even let you post a photo of your item for FREE. Call Diane Pontillas, 966-1434. LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 21 Golf n HOLE IN ONE ————————————————————— Cart Path Project Continues at ley Palm Valley Doug Riach Eagle Crest No. 6 June 12 Kathy Tarby Palm Valley No. 3 June 30 CONGRATULATIONS! • e cart path project at Palm Valley is in full swing. We anticipate its continuing through the month of September before we are done. Here is the plan for the work we expect to occur this month: • August 3-7: We will be removing asphalt paths on Hole 9 and move to Hole 10 Jim Neighbors, head Golf Professional at Highland Falls, proposed to his longtime girlfriend, Sandi Walker. The two were married June 21. Jim has worked for Sun City Summerlin for 22-plus years. 22 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 e concrete workers installing the new paths will work on Holes 8 and 9 (planning to complete No. 9 by August 7). • August 10: If all goes as planned, we will close the back nine for play Monday through Friday . Please have patience with us while we complete this work. Our schedule for where work will be performed is our best guess and our “Plan.” ank you for your understanding. e end result will be a great improvement to the golf course, and one that will be long-lasting. ~ Brian Bagwell, Director, Golf Course Maintenance J C O Golf Oversight Golfers, we are in the middle of our construction. Please be patient and enjoy the special rates. Remember to keep the rakes out of the bunkers, ll divots and try to stay cool. Hopefully, some of the bunkers Joe O'Connell, will have fresh sand in them. Greenside Chairman, Golf bunkers should be raked by hand, so Oversight Committee the feel should be great. Cool weather is coming. Hit ‘em straight! LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 23 Neighbors Biker Bird: Tiny Tenant Brings a Wealth of Good Wishes With spring comes the return of brilliant blooms laden with nectar that attracts one of our favorite species of birds. How we enjoy seeing and hearing the whimsical maneuverings of these teensy creatures of which there are more than 300 documented species. Not enough to simply enjoy them as they whizz by, many of us feel the need to participate in their visits, concocting sugary solutions that make us feel like we’re doing our part to keep the tiny hummingbirds nourished. “ ey don’t like the red sugar you buy at the store,” said Sun City resident Charlotte Moravec, describing the amount of sugar and water that goes into her special recipe that entices hummingbirds back year after year. “I have always had feeders in the back yard, and now I have a hummingbird feeder in my front yard,” she said after her husband, Charles, noticed that his favorite wind chime had become a twig-themed nursery for a mama hummer. “I worked for Harley-Davidson for 43 years as a tool and dye maker in Milwaukee,” said Charles, who collects all things motorcycle. So it was quite a sight, he said, when he looked up one day and saw a hummingbird had made her nest in the seat of his motorcycle wind chime. “She’s a biker bird,” he said. “She looks so perfect, like she’s riding the motorcycle.” Charlotte said she’d notice the bird would dart in and out of their entryway every time she or Charles headed toward the front door. “I didn’t know what it was doing until I saw the nest up there,” said Charlotte. “It’s so small.” A quick survey of several Internet sites and one can learn a lot about hummingbirds. For one thing, they can y backward, pretty cool. Two, they are only found in the western hemisphere, so our neighbors across the pond won’t have the pleasure of enjoying Charles Moravec shows where the hummingbird made its nest in them in their beautiful English gardens, and three, it is illegal the motorcycle wind chime above his front door. to hold a hummingbird, nest or egg in captivity (they are Perhaps it wasn’t coincidence that that little bird staked its protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918). claim on the Moravec’s motorcycle chime. After all, wind But perhaps the most feel-good fact about the hummingchimes add to their environment by breaking the silence with bird is the mythology that surrounds them their music and the Moravecs celebrated 54 years of marriage Native tribes always associate the bird with light, love in the month they noticed their little visitor. and life. According to, “A Happy anniversary, Charles and Charlotte. Mayan legend says the hummingbird is actually the sun in disguise and he is trying to court a beautiful woman, who is ~ Jeannette Carrillo/Link the moon.” 24 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 k LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 25 Architectural Review Committee tee 26 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 August 2015 Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday LOCATION OF EVENT Desert Vista. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (D) Mtn. Shadows Fitness Ctr. . . . . . . . . (MF) Desert Vista Fitness Ctr . . . . . . . . . (DF) Pinnacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (P) Highland Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (HF) Starbright Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ST) Mountain Shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . (MS) Sun Shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (S) 2 “To Broadway and Beyond” 2 p.m. (SBT) 9 16 CPC 9 a.m. (DV) 3 10 17 Wednesday Thursday Saturday 1 SCSCAI COMMITTEES ARC–Architectural Review Committee Board–SCSCAI Board of Directors CAP–Common Area Properties CCOC – Clubs and Community Organizations Committee DRHC – Deed Restriction Hearing Committee IT – Information Technology Board of Directors' meeting, 9 a.m. (DV) 4 11 CAP 9 a.m. (DV) 5 Driver safety Noon (DV) CCOC 1 p.m. (DV) 12 Driver Safety 8:30 a.m. (DV) DRHC 10 a.m. (DV) Legal 9:30 a.m. (DV) Exercising Safely: Coming Back From Injury Noon (DV) Residents’ Forum 7 p.m. (DV) ARC 1 p.m. (DV) 18 6 7 IT 1 p.m. (DV) Golf Oversight 1 p.m. (DV) POLST vs Advanced Directives Noon (DV) 5 Most Common Hand Problems Lunch & Learn Noon (DV) Friday Open Mic Night 6 p.m. (P) 19 “Tarzan,” Super Summer Theater Bus trip 6 p.m. (P) 13 20 NV Assemblyman Glen Trowbridge office hours 10 a.m. (DV) “To Broadway and Beyond” 7 p.m. (SBT) 8 14 15 21 22 Link editorial board meeting – Open house, 9 a.m. (MS) Coffee With the Board 10:30 a.m. (DV) “Celine & Judy In Concert,” 7 p.m. (SBT) 23 24 25 U.S. Congressman Cresent Hardy Office hours 10 a.m. (DV) Fall Arts & Crafts Fair Sign-up Day 8 a.m. (DV) Lake Mead Dinner Cruise Driver Safety 5:30 p.m. (DV) 4:30 p.m. (P) New Residents’ Happy Hour, 5 p.m. (P) 30 26 New Advancements in Eye Care Lunch & Learn noon (DV) 27 28 29 Finance 2 p.m. (DV) 31 LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 27 SCSCAI Board Board of Directors’ Motions · June 2015 · Copies of the minutes in their entirety can be purchased for 10 cents per page at the Administration office 30 days after the meeting. Annual Unit Owner Meeting basic rent terms and term of the lease with Verizon for the cell tower located at the Pinnacle for $51,600 for the rst year rent and escalating for ten (10) years with a rate increase of 3% at each anniversary. w Motion approved to ratify the 2016 budget by the unit owners that has no increase in the annual assessment, which will continue to be $1,284. Regular Board Meeting w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the expenditure of $87,171.84 to contract with Par 5 Enterprise for Rye Grass Seed. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the assignment of the Verizon Palm Tree Lease to American Tower. w e Board of Directors approved the emergency replacement of eighty (80) golf carts. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the print contract for the Link with Rapid Color Printing and Mailing, Inc. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the emergency repair/replacement of the Palm Valley patio with a maximum expenditure of $28,000. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the expenditure of $4,161.85 for the purchase of one (1) Octane Pro 3700 Elliptical machines through Paci c Fitness Equipment. w e Board of Directors approved to transfer $800,000 of estimated surplus to reserves on or before June 30, 2015. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved a resolution authorizing Sue Papilion and Lavonda Raylene Elmore as designees for actions required regarding Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc.’s 401k Plan. w e Board of Directors withdrew the motion that all common area landscape be the responsibility of the Common Area Properties Committee. e Board of Directors unanimously approved the write-off of $8,448.96 in uncollectible nes associated with foreclosed homes that have been resold. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the motion to accept the green fee rate changes for FY2016, effective October 1, 2015. e Board of Directors unanimously approved the engagement letter of Colin Baenzinger & Associates at a cost not to exceed $25,000. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the SCSCAI Community Garage Sale on October 9-10 and 16-17. Sales times to be determined by the executive director. w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the motion to approve the Ironshore Directors & Officers Insurance. w w w w w e Board of Directors unanimously approved the expenditure of $14,532.43 for the purchase of three (3) True CS600T Treadmills through Paci c Fitness Equipment. e Board of Directors unanimously approved the motion to give the director of golf the authority to make special rates during the non-prime months. e Board of Directors unanimously approved the n Casino Shuttle Schedule · All casino shuttles pick up and return to Mountain Shadows Fitness Center Cannery Casino · Friday, 10 a.m. Departs the casino at 2:15 p.m., and returns to Sun City at 2:45 p.m. Each passenger receives a coupon for FREE food at Vino’s Deli, or $2 off at Victory Café or the buffet. CAN Club members receive Bingo session discounts and FREE kiosk offers each week. Rampart Casino · Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. Departs the casino at 2:30 p.m., and returns to Sun City at 2:50 p.m. Red Rock Casino · Daily at 12:30 p.m. Departs the casino at 4:10 p.m., and returns to Sun City at 4:30 p.m. 28 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 O A n SCSCAI Board and Committee Meetings ——————————————————————— Official Notice Board of Directors August – December 2015 Meeting Schedule B.O.D. Month Meetings ————————————————————————— August 2015 8/4/15 ARC – Architectural Review Committee Board – SCSCAI Board of Directors CAP – Common Area Properties CCOC – Clubs and Community Organizations Committee DRHC – Deed Restriction Hearing Committee IT – Information Technology CPC Aug. 3 9 a.m. (DV) Board Aug. 4 9 a.m. (DV) Golf Oversight Aug. 5 1 p.m. (DV) 11/10/15 CCOC Aug. 6 1 p.m. (DV) 12/1/15 IT Aug. 7 1 p.m. (DV) CAP Aug. 11 9 a.m. (DV) DRHC Aug. 11 10 a.m. (P) Legal Aug. 12 9:30 a.m. (DV) ARC Aug. 13 1 p.m. (DV) Finance Aug. 27 2 p.m. (DV) Fitness NO MEETING September 2015 9/1/15 October 2015 (Evening) 10/6/15 November 2015 December 2015 All daytime meetings will be held at Desert Vista, Room 5, at 9 a.m. Executive sessions will be held typically after the general meetings (if an E.S. is scheduled); however, executive sessions are sometimes held during a recess of the general meeting for various reasons. Evening meetings: All evening meetings will be held at Desert Vista, Room 5, at 6 p.m. Executive sessions are held prior to any evening meeting(s). Note: A resident has the right to: w Have a copy of the minutes, a summary of the minutes or a recording of the meeting upon request ($.10 per page and $1 for the recording per meeting) (NRS116.31083). Copies of the minutes and recordings of recent board meetings may be downloaded from the website without charge. w Speak to the executive board, unless the executive board is meeting in executive session (NRS116.31085). w The agenda is posted on the Association bulletin boards and website on the Friday prior to the meeting. Recordings of board meetings will be made. The recordings will be kept for 10 years in the Administration’s executive director’s office in the Mountain Shadows Community Center. Recordings, minutes or a summary of minutes will be available not more than 30 days after the meeting (NRS116.31083). Depending upon meeting schedules, on occasion, the minutes or summary of the minutes may be in draft form. AREA CODE REMINDER All telephone numbers published in the Link and at are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise. The Board agenda is posted on the Administrative bulletin board, on the website, and in the community centers. Copies may be obtained in the Administrative office on the Friday prior to the meeting. All meetings will be held at Desert Vista except where noted on the calendar. For updates, please visit n Residents’ Forum Meetings ——————————————————————— Residents’ Forum Workshop Wednesday, August 5, 1 p.m., Pinnacle Residents’ Forum Wednesday, August 12, 7 p.m.. Desert Vista n Supplemental Financial Information ——————————————————————— May 2015 NORA Current YTD — $672,050 Prior YTD — $518,337 May 2015 Home Sales Current YTD — 495 Prior YTD — 408 May 2015 Rounds Golf Current YTD — 80,872 Prior YTD — 78,840 LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 29 BILL FAYNE —————————— Las Vegas Follies presents “TO BROADWAY AND BEYOND” Saturday, August 8, 7 p.m. Sunday, August 9, 2 p.m. · $18 Rich Rizzo is bringing back his Las Vegas Fol Follies! Since we last saw them, the they have been performing at other Las V F lies! S Vegas venues at a sold-out performance for 500 in California, and just recently taped a dance number for a TV pilot to be produced right here in Vegas. Journey along with them for an exciting evening as they present “A Little Fosse, A Little Broadway, A Lot of Legs and Lots of Live Music.” e Follies is pleased to present Michael Leonetti and Sandy Kastel. Michael’s mellow voice will be backed by the Dick Kastel Sextette, as he sings some of his favorites, which are sure to be some of yours also. Sandy is a recording artist, and producer and host of the “Sandy Kastel and Friends” TV show. She also will join the Follies in a special tribute to Bob Fosse. What would the Follies be without the ever popular “Bambi – Queen of Burlesque?” Join the journey to Broadway and Beyond as the Gems of the Follies prove again and again that age has no relevance when it comes to this outstanding production! Saturday, S S September 19, 7 p Bill Fayne’s “Sondheim Celebration”is a tribute to lyricist of the contemporary musical theater, S include “West Side Story,” “Company,” “Sweeney To “Gypsy” and many more. Our sensational cast inc performers in Las Vegas: Kellie Wright, Ayler Glenn Heath, Amanda Kaiser and Adriana Lom put together a show lled with the best highligh Sondheim, and he continues to create these outs and produced by Mistinguett. Southern Nevada Bluegrass Music Society presents “AN EVENING OF COUNTRY AND BLUEGRASS” Saturday, September 26, 7 p.m. · $12 e Melanie Spector Trio delivers a fresh sound of acoustic folk, rock and country music that is as comfortable as a well-worn easy chair and at the same time energetic and heartfelt. is nostalgic musical journey from the 1960s to the present, with captivating vocals and amazing harmonies, is sure to be a memorable experience. 30 Bringing traditional bluegrass, gospel, Celtic level, Out of the Desert is made up of talented they do, and it shows. Performing weekly at the this group is fun, polished and energetic. Wit winning instrumentalists, this group is simply o Be sure to get your tickets early for all Starbright Theatre shows. If an event sells out, every attempt will be made to pro Mountain Shadows, Desert Vista and Pinnacle community centers. All ticket prices include Live Entertainment Tax. Ticket community centers (exact change required). For information on Starbright Theatre shows, call 240-1301. N purch ow you c Starb ase tick an onlin right The ets to all ea atr - Ser t www.scse shows vi c - Pickce availab l - Cre your ow e 24/7 dit ca rds a n seat ccept ed - LL FAYNE’S —————————— Mistinguett Productions presents “CELINE & JUDY IN CONCERT” Friday, August 21, 7 p.m. · $20 September 19, 7 p.m. · $20 tion”is a tribute to the most proli c composer and musical theater, Stephen Sondheim. His shows pany,” “Sweeney Todd,” “Into the Woods,” “Follies,” ensational cast includes some of the best theater lie Wright, Ayler Evan, Laurina Hendrickson, and Adriana Lomysh-Campbell. Bill Fayne has the best highlights from the works of Stephen create these outstanding shows, choreographed s, gospel, Celtic and newgrass music to a new de up of talented lifelong players who love what ming weekly at the Bluegrass Hangover Brunch, d energetic. With four-part vocals and awardgroup is simply one of the best in West. M Mistinguett Productions brings t together two of the most celebr brated impressionists in Las Vegas t today, Elisa Furr as Celine Dion and Denise Rose as Judy Garland. Elisa is currently starring in the Las Vegas production of “Legends In Concert” and Denise is preparing for a national tour. Doing amazing impersonations of the dynamic legends, Elisa and Denise will amaze the audience with their spot on look-alike and uncanny vocal impressions. ese performers have been awarded “Best Tribute Artists in Las Vegas” and have been touring around the country to rave reviews. Elisa as Celine sings her biggest hits, “My Heart Will Go On,” “I Drove All Night,” “Because You Loved Me,” and many more. Denise as Judy has her own arsenal of classic hits such as “Over e Rainbow,” “Zing! Went the Strings of My Heart” and “Get Happy” to name a few. An extraordinary evening of great music, talented entertainers and a few surprises. Get your tickets early, it’s sure to be a sell out! Community Theater presents “FOR BETTER OR WORSE” Saturday, Sept. 12, 7 p.m. · Sunday, Sept.13, 1 p.m. · $8 For Better or Worse? Good question. Join us for the answers when the Sun City Community eater Club presents its latest musical comedy on late-inlife love and mixed feelings from their family members. Tickets are available at all Social Monitor stations or online. be made to provide additional shows if possible. Tickets may be purchased online at, as well as at the ment Tax. Tickets are non-refundable. Purchases may be made online with a credit card, or paid with cash or check at the 31 Chartered Clubs (The deadline for October 2015 chartered club articles is Monday, August 24. If you have any questions, call Jeannette Carrillo, 363-1546, or email [email protected].) business meetings or featured classes in August. However, this is a good time to catch up on lessons you have missed. Come in to retrieve patterns and materials lists or nd fabuAerobics lous jewelry projects for you in our library. To register for Wednesday and Friday, 7-8 a.m., Sun Shadows, gentle our next beading introductory class (no previous experience cardio routine with weights; Monday, Wednesday and Frirequired) call Ellen Crawford, 478-8806. For other informaday, 8-9:30 a.m., advanced cardio routine/weights/mat work- tion, call Vicki Socol, 256-6247. out. Instructor: Ruth Wilson. Cost is $2 per class. Call MarBilliards garet at 562-9027. Join our club for $1 per Aquacize year. See Bob, Ron or Bill A big “thank you” to all the members who brought delicious for information. ey can dishes to our July 2 Independence Day indoor picnic. A great be found in the pool room time was had by all. Our summer schedule is 8:30 a.m. and Monday, Wednesday and 7 p.m., Mountain Shadows; 8 a.m., Desert Vista; 10 a.m., Friday around noon. For Sun Shadows. All classes are Monday-Saturday. Annual more information, call Ron membership is $10. Please pay by check made payable to Hill, 242-5948. Sun City Aquacize Club. Mark your calendars for the elecBocci Ball tion of 2016 officers, which will be held at the next business e time for all bocci meeting on October 6. e meeting will be at Desert Vista, games at Sun Shadows 1 p.m. We are required to have a minimum of 50 members in and Desert Vista is 2 p.m. attendance at the election meeting, so plan to attend. Class We welcome new memrepresentatives will act as the nominating committee and all bers. If you know how to nominations should be submitted through them. Nominaplay, great. If not, it’s easy tions need to be turned in to Donna Bailey by September 14. to learn. For more inforFor information, call Donna, 243-4386. mation, please call Rose, Art 463-9861. Our opening meeting at Desert Vista will be Monday, Book September 21, 1 p.m. Come meet our instructors, who will e Book Club meets the discuss their formats for the coming year. e featured artist second ursday of each at Mountain Shadows is Karen Evans. For information, call month at 2 p.m., Sun ShadKaren Bageman, 233-4497, or Steve Brenner, 749-7737. ows. Our book for the Arthritis August 13 meeting is is low-impact pool exercise club meets on Tuesdays and “Nemesis” by Philip Roth. ursdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Desert Vista indoor pool, and If you are a Sun City resisafely moves every part of your body. Stretching, range of dent and enjoy reading, motion, exibility and balance exercises improve health and you are welcome to join us. wellness. Check with your doctor to make sure you are t We would love to meet enough for the class. Our instructor, Tim, is certi ed for you. For more Club inforwater exercise and rst aid from the American Red Cross. mation, please contact Jean Please call Jim and Linda Gaughan, 233-1087, or Rosemary, at (660) 221-6514 or 363-0971. [email protected]. Beading and Jewelry We meet Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m., in the silver room at Mountain Shadows crafts building. Annual dues are $10. ere are no 32 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 Boomer Connection Are you new to Sun City? Are you young or young at heart and active and outgoing? Are you looking to make some Richard Adkins Sally Scott - n Sell Sun City Sun City Residents 35 Years Experience Partner With Us For Remarkable Results Free Consultation (702) - 378 - 9065 ® Email: [email protected] 5550 Painted Mirage Rd. # 120 Las Vegas, NV 89149 - LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 33 Chartered Clubs new friends? Would you like to attend fun events like happy hours and dinners? If any of these describe you, the Boomer Connection might be a club you should check out. Contact our president Julie at [email protected] for more information. Bridge (Duplicate) Duplicate Bridge Club meets on Wednesday and Saturday at Mountain Shadows, beginning play at 12:15 p.m. Need a partner? Call Wilma Oswald, 341-6376, or Martha McDonald, 255-8316. For bridge lessons, contact [email protected], or call (708) 610-3375. Welcome new members John and Diane Glismann. Excellent games: 74%, John Jeffrey & Allan Paul; 70%, Cora Penalosa & Ike Kaiser; 67%, Connie Morris & Sid Goldstein, Terry Hall & Marie Sullivan, Sherry & Bruce Gunderson; 66%, Jerry Bloch & Ralph Kaye; 65%, Gerry Mackin & Bob Robey. For information, call President Richard Colwell, 255-8320. Bridge (Friday Night) Join us for a game of bridge at Mountain Shadows on Fridays, 6:30 p.m. Please arrive 15 minutes early. Annual dues are $5 each and $1 each time you play. If you need a substi- 34 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 tute, call Mary Jo, 254-4640, or JoAnn, 255-6452. Recent winning pairs were Nancy and Hank Warren, Ernestine Hanna and Nancy Wruck, Wanda Fennell and Patti Rex, Bruce and Sherry Gunderson. Bridge (Rubber) Our group meets at Mountain Shadows on Mondays and ursdays. We ask that players be there by 12:15 p.m., so games can begin at 12:30 p.m. Please call Mary Jo, 254-4640, or Mickie Mullenhoff, 838-8547, to set up foursomes. Bunco We meet the fourth Saturday of the month at Mountain Shadows High Sierra Room. Check-in starts at 6:30 p.m. Remember to bring your Sun City Association card for the monitor to see. e game starts at 7 p.m. and is nished by 9:30 p.m. Call Trudy, 838-9959. Canasta e Canasta Club plays cards every ursday from 6-9 p.m. We meet in the High Sierra Room at Mountain Shadows. New members are always welcome, and if you require lessons, call Darlene Vaturi, 263-1873. In addition, a Canasta - tournament is held on Mondays at 6 p.m. at the same location. For information, call Marge Miller, 228-7462. Ceramics Come visit us during the summer. We are working on charity projects of Meals on Wheels and banks for children at Summerlin Hospital for the holidays. e Club has ordered some exciting new items for these projects. e next meeting will be a breakfast meeting on October 22, Desert Vista, Room 5, 9:30 a.m. At that time there will be the election of officers. ere is a signup sheet in the ceramics room, so please add your name if you wish to run for a Board position. ere are ongoing beginners’ classes with a signup sheet in the ceramics room, as well. We are always happy to see new members. Call or email Sharon Maddox for information, 228-5881, or [email protected]. Chicago/Midwest e Club will not meet in August. We wish all of our friends a wonderful, healthy summer. To those of you who have not yet joined us, think about becoming a member of this fun, dynamic group. Dues are $15 for the entire year for wonderful entertainment and delicious desserts. We’ll be back in September with another great program. Until then, be sure to use your sunscreen! For information, call President Gil Stern, 242-0236. Classical Music e Classical Music Club is unique because it meets exclusively in a magical place, the Starbright eatre in Sun City. Even our yearly officer election, which will be held on November 30, will be held there. Of course, we welcome volunteers to help organize our events at any time. We are also lucky because the fabulous reputation of LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 35 Chartered Clubs the Starbright eatre allows us to attract exceptional artists and provide them with a unique experience. For our Monday, August 31, concert, we will present a young violinist, Erika Dalton, who will perform violin works with piano accompaniment. Erika is the winner of the Las Vegas Philharmonic youth competition, is a full scholarship recipient for Interlochen Arts Academy and is currently a student of the Las Vegas Academy of the Arts. Her pianist will be her mother, Hope Dalton. e program will feature works by Mozart, Sarasate, Wieniawski and Bach. ere may be other guest performers. e performance starts at 7 p.m., with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. Please bring your Sun City ID card to facilitate check-in, and plan to arrive early if you need to register for this year. Contact Will Rydell at [email protected] or 580-0727. Computer ere will be no general meeting held for the month August. Seminars and classes will continue to be held as announced. For Club information, go to, or contact Howard Verne, president, at 527-4056 or email him at [email protected]. Conservatives Club e purpose of the Club is to discuss and educate members about current conservative issues. We meet the fourth ursday of the month from January to October, and the third ursday in November. ere is no meeting in December. Our August meeting will be held ursday, August 27, Desert Vista. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Meeting details can be found on our website, For more information, call President Richard Jones, 240-9863, or Vice President Nancy Gillie, 778-0942. Cribbage e Club meets at Mountain Shadows every Wednesday and play starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. We welcome new members and lessons are available for novices or just to refresh your skills. Our Club members are extremely friendly, so come on by. We had only one member who achieved a 400 this month. Congratulations to Harry Grabarek with a 406. e Cribbage Club will have nominations in November and then voting for officers will take place December 9. We look forward to your joining us for an interesting evening game of cribbage. For information about the Club, call Pat Risler, president, 252-7351. 36 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 . . . CLUB SPOTLIGHT: Sun City Charities, Inc. A Helping Hand When You Need One Located at the rear of the Desert Vista parking lot, at 10362 Sun City Blvd., is a very important building staffed entirely by resident volunteers. According to new President Mike Lee, the organization provides help to Sun City residents seeking to contact government services; helps with running errands; offers rides to the supermarket and doctor’s office; and works with handy men who change lightbulbs, smoke detector batteries and more. While Mike explained there are no formal charges for these services, Charities does appreciate a donation to help cover its operating costs. Talking about his volunteers, Mike said the handy men are invaluable, but they are getting older and he would like to see others step up to help with his group’s growing needs. Handy With a Hammer Gordon Fast is one of Charities’ volunteers, who is a selftaught handyman. He has lived in Sun City Summerlin for two and a half years and enjoys being a volunteer handyman because it is “a labor of love that gives me a good feeling to help people,” Gordon said. “I can do it when others can’t. If you feel like you want to help people, please join us!” Dave McConnell is another volunteer handymen who moved to Sun City last November. “I have been a handyman most of my life. I was a professional handyman in Pennsylvania for 10 years. I gained some of my knowledge by working in a tool mill. I think that this is a great service because it gives people someone they can trust and not be ripped off. So far, everyone I’ve met has been extremely nice, and the people I have helped have just been very grateful for the work. It gives you a great feeling. The last lady I worked for said, ‘You just made my day!’ ” Aside from these gentlemen, there are countless satisfied clients who want others to know what an asset Charities’ volunteers are to Sun City. Cerna Kalen just loves the handymen. “They are very friendly and helpful,” she said. “They will do light jobs like change lightbulbs, which I cannot reach, change the smoke detector batteries and move a heavy box.” Another resident, Edie Klar, said, “I’m just very grateful for the wonderful program that is offered. I've had to call them several times for transportation to get me to a medical procedure and, in the seven-and-a-half years I’ve been a widow, these people have been invaluable to my survival. The handymen have helped me get things done that I had always relied upon my husband to do. I don’t know where I’d be without them!” If you would like to add your name to the Charities’ handyman list or have questions about the organization, call 254-5831. ~ Stu Gershon/Link Gordon Fast, top, and Dave McConnell enjoy helping their neighbors as volunteers for the Sun City Charities. LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 37 Chartered Clubs Cruise & Foreign Travel For information on the Club, call Hershel Aron, 360-0484, or email [email protected]. Dance Company “A Class Act” We are on our summer break. No business meeting is scheduled. Dancers, continue to check with your individual teachers for any practice dates. Notice: On October 4, at our business meeting, in Room 5 at Desert Vista, nominations for new officers will be held with elections to follow on November 11. We are starting new beginning tap classes in September. Call Judy Walker, president, 240-3359, for more information. Dance Connection e Dance Connection Club currently offers 10 different classes catering to beginners, as well as experienced dancers. e Dance Connection offers three levels of line dancing, absolute beginner ballroom, advanced ballroom, Your Senior Real Estate Specialist BUY • SELL • LEASE [email protected] Power to Move YOU! * Focused on providing the highest level of service to both buyers & sellers * Call today for a FREE consultation * No transaction fees * Not just a Realtor, but a Neighbor * Look for my column at S SPECIALISTS REAL ESTATE [email protected] 38 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES ® REALTOR MLS TM hula, round dance, amenco, In Motion and Get Up & Boogie. e absolute beginner line dance is dark until September. e Club’s next general meeting is October 12, 1 p.m., Desert Vista. Our election for 2016 officers is November 9, 1 p.m., Desert Vista. For more information on the Club, contact Kris, 443-8759, or pick up a schedule of classes at the tness centers. Euchre Euchre is a card game usually played with four players per table (two partnerships). It is a trick-taking game with a trump suit and played with only 24 cards (cards below 9 are removed from the deck). We rotate tables and partners, so euchre is a very social game for all levels. No partners are necessary. Lessons are available. Join us at 6 p.m. Wednesdays at Mountain Shadows. Call Dolores, 838-7902. Fishermen & Friends e Fishing Club meets the second Saturday of each month, 10 a.m., Desert Vista. At our meetings we share shing information and make plans for local group trips. For information, call Bob, 242-4240, or [email protected]. 1 Fitness To stay healthy and strong, keep moving with Fitness Club classes. Summer classes end September 18. Besides $10 annual dues, you pay for classes taught by certi ed instructors contracted by us. Classes can include Cardio and More, Yoga, Pilates Sculpt, Strength and Toning, Zumba/Zumba Gold, Focus on Flexibility and Total Body Conditioning. For more information, call Jeanette, 778-4977; Mery, 228-8417, or e-mail scs [email protected] or French We would like to invite you to the French Club. We meet every Friday, 2-4 p.m., Sun Shadows. We have classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced. For information, call Danielle Luthy, 360-5141, or erese Perz, 631-7872. Gin Rummy e Club meets every Sunday night at Mountain Shadows. Singles and couples are welcome. Please sign in between 6-6:20 p.m. Play starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. If you need information, call Linda, 586-1007, or Jim, 367-1669. Golf (Guys and Gals) Come join the Guys and Gals Golf Club for a fun- lled morning of golf. e event will be at Highland Falls on Sunday, August 16, 7 a.m., check-in at 6:30 a.m. Our game will be Jack and Jill. Couples and singles are welcome. Please sign up on our bulletin board at Palm Valley. We are still accepting new members for the current year. For more information on our Club, go to, under the clubs section, and click on our website. Amos, 463-1046, or Jean, 463-0098, will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Congratulations to our 2015 Club champions, Ron Cole and Phyllis Resnik. Golf (Ladies) 18 Hole Our general meeting will not be held in August. Please join us for our rst fall meeting on September 8. Golf will continue every Tuesday throughout the summer at 7 a.m., with check-in at 6:30 a.m. Stay and join us for lunch at the clubhouse restaurant. Due to the replacement of the cart path at Palm Valley, we will be playing at Highland Falls this sum- LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 39 Chartered Clubs mer, and the course is in good condition. Please visit us at for up-to-date information, or call Neska, 545-0895. Golf (Ladies) Executive Tee times remain at 7 a.m., check-in begins at 6:30 a.m. Come September, tee times will be at 7:30 a.m. with check-in at 7 a.m. Our barbeque potluck picnic will be Monday September 21, 5 p.m., Desert Vista picnic grounds. Bring your spouse/guest and join us for great food and fun. Save the date: November 4 and 5 for our annual golf outing. Details to be announced later. Our election of officers will take place Tuesday, October 27, noon, at our general meeting. Interested in joining our group or checking us out with a round of golf ? Please call Glenda, 254-1774. She will be glad to hear from you. Golf (Men’s) 18 Hole As of the end of July we have 217 members and growing. e attraction of having different formats on ursday each month adds to the fun of golf. Golfers with high and low handicaps complement each other. Come join the fun. Due to the cart path renovation at Palm Valley, the member-member tournament has been moved to Highland Falls on Monday, August 10. e Directors Cup will be played at Highland Falls, Monday, August 24. It is not too early to start thinking about serving on the board or nominating someone. In September we will start taking nominations. For current updates, visit our web site (, or you may call Paul Hughes with any questions, 481-1184. Golf (Men’s) Niners We have a place for you to enjoy playing with golfers of your skill level regardless of your ability. We play a different tournament format, including scrambles, every ursday morning. Dues are $35 per year. For more information, please visit us at, or call Bob, 341-6576. Summertime play starts at 7 a.m. Gun Club As a reminder, the Gun Club will not meet in August. e next general membership meeting will take place Friday, September 11, 1 p.m., Desert Vista. We will establish a nomination committee for the election of Club officers for the coming year. I highly encourage all members to attend the 40 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 S a n q a c C j a C y T m i p o N d I s b p - . September, October and November meetings as we will need a quorum in order to secure the election committee, eld nominations and hold elections of new officers. For any further questions regarding the Club, please contact Allen Sakaguchi at [email protected] or 331-3390. Hawaiian ere is no general meeting in August. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 8, Desert Vista, 6 p.m., Rooms 1 and 2. We will be electing a nominating committee. Our luau, held in June, was a great success. Sun City residents raved about the food; the entertainment was just fabulous. Many kudos to all involved in making this luau an unforgettable experience. We welcome new members. Come and see what our club is all about. We have an exciting year ahead of us. For information, call Penny, 355-5488, or Tammy, 869-5212. Hiking ere will be no Club meeting in August. Our next Club meeting will be at 8:30 a.m., ursday, September 10, Desert Vista. Hikes take place on Mondays (easy/ moderate hikes). No scheduled Wednesday hikes will be held in August. Hiking carpools will leave at 7 a.m. from the lower parking lot at Desert Vista. Experienced hikers coordinate outings. Visitors are welcome. For information, including tness level recommendations, call Ann Cronin, 737-5758. Horseshoes e Las Vegas Club hosted a tournament on June 6 at Leavitt Park. Sun City posted a clean sweep in the A Class with Ray Leavitt No. 1, Dan Dunn No. 2 and Virgil Birgen No. 3. We practice daily at the Mountain Shadow pits, 8 a.m. Call 228-6939. Investment e Investment Club is on vacation for the summer. We are scheduled to have great guest speakers in September, October and November, along with a fabulous December holiday party for members. Check the Link for all the details. We LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 41 Chartered Clubs also will have a 2016 officer nomination committee established in September, along with initial nominations from the oor. e nominating committee will announce proposed nominees at the October meeting along with additional nominations from the oor. All 2016 officer nominees will be presented at the November meeting followed by the actual elections. Have a great summer. Steve Commander, president, 304-1768. Italian e Italian Club will be on vacation until our Italian BBQ meeting on September 18. Also, the annual election of officers for the Club will take place on November 20 at the monthly dinner-meeting social. e proposed slate of officers will be presented for vote at that time. Goda il Suo tempo di vacanza! For Club information, call George Pucine, 242-3707, or Helen Zannotti, 341-5836. Note: Italian language lessons are available for Italian Club members only. Contact: Joan Jones, 869-3999. Jewish Friendship Club e Jewish Friendship Club does not meet in August. We will resume meetings in September, on Tuesday, September 15, 7 p.m., Desert Vista. Ruth Kaplow’s discussion group does not meet in August or September. It will resume meetings in October. For more information, please call President Ed Turken, 341-9516. Krafty Kritters If you enjoy doing crafts, come and join us on Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m., and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon, also tole painting on ursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the multipurpose room at Desert Vista. We are making crafts for the craft fair in October. Also, please check out the window display of members’ handcrafted items. e next general meeting will be Saturday, August 1, 9 a.m. We welcome all new members. Dues are $10/year. We accept donations of craft items and yarn. Call President Sally Edwards, 242-0364. L p e i o o Liberal Club e Club will not meet in August or September. Our next meeting will be Monday, October 5. Also, please note our election of officers for 2016 will be held at the December 7 meeting. Club meetings are the rst Monday of each month, 7 p.m. Desert vista. All residents are welcome to join. Annual dues are $5 per person. Call Barry, 796-3232. i m f h c f M W Y j L a H D w d d 42 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 - - Mah Jongg e Sun City Mah Jongg Club meets every Tuesday at Mountain Shadows between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. We play Mah Jongg using the standardized hands and rules of the National Mah Jongg League. Dues are $10 for the year. We welcome experienced players and are happy to give lessons to people who are interested in learning this fun yet challenging tile game. For information on lessons, call Sharon Chaiken, 243-8271. For other information, please call Sharon or Ruthann, 243-8271, or Dorothy, 240-1686. Men’s Club Great program, great breakfast, great events, great friends. Men in Sun City are doing it. You should, too! Our club takes a break for August, although many of our members have become friends and get together informally. We will resume our busy schedule of activities and events in September, so watch the Link for announcements. Our club has monthly happy hours, discussion breakfasts at a local restaurant, movie and dinner at Suncoast, trips, hike/walks, many other great events for men and their signi cant others. We are re-de ning friendship and have a ton of fun as well. Call Alan, (847) 558-5423, or Vinnie, 489-9756. Military and Friends We are planning our October harvest dinner for October 10. Your input and assistance are important. Would you like to join our hospitality and planning committee? If so, contact Lorraine Spofford, 456-3958. August will be dark. Have a safe and cool August. For information about our club, call Herman Bishop, 255-9625. Don’t forget the veterans on V-J Day, August 15. Model Builders No meeting will be held in August. Next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 8, 10:30 a.m., Desert Vista. However, our club rooms will be open with the artisans working on their models Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to mid-afternoon. We now have new display shelves in our club rooms with beautiful models for LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 43 Chartered Clubs you to see. Also, our 4-track H/O trains are running for you to enjoy. New members are always welcome and our artisans are ready and willing to help you get started on models of your choice. For more information regarding our club, please call Bill Winchester, 240-9900. Musicmakers Ready, set, go! It’s time to tune up those voices and join the Musicmakers. We will be waiting for you. We welcome our new director from right here in Sun City, Dennis Gazso. It’s an exciting time for all who love to sing. Our rst rehearsal for our winter performance will be Monday, September 14, 1 p.m. in the music room at the Pinnacle. ere will be a short business meeting at 12:30 for returning members. For information, call Pat BeDunnah, 384-4222, or Jeanene O’Shea, 228-4429. New York Club ere will be no meeting in August. e Club will meet again in September. Have a great summer. For information, call Linda, 363-7377, or Fred, 869-6021. Organ, Piano and Keyboard Club We meet at 9 a.m. Tuesdays in the music room in the Starbright eatre building at the Pinnacle. Members play either at a Roland or Lowery organ or a piano. e teacher uses Hal Leonard E-Z Play book #200 “Best Songs Ever.” Dues are $5 per year. Club meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month. Visitors are always welcome and members may use the music room by reserving a time at the Social Monitor’s station. Elections for officers will be in November. Please call Marti Stimpson, 683-4112, for any other Club information. Pan Games Pan is played at Mountain Shadows on Tuesdays, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Dues for the year are $10. Learn to play pan with Al Weiner, 256-9415, on ursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Election of officers will be held on Tuesday, November 17, noon, at Mountain Shadows. If anyone would like to be on the board, call Linda, 778-1436. For condolence and get well cards, call Jo Ann Markowski, 675-3342. Photography Club e Club meets the second ursday of the month at 7 p.m., Room 5, Desert Vista. e program consists of member 44 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 slideshows, a monthly photo theme display and a Q&A period to help members become better photographers and enhancers. For more information, call Marina, 910-3564, or email Mary at [email protected], or call 838-3716. Pickleball If you enjoy paddle/net competition, if tennis is out of reach and racquetball is too much, pickleball is your answer. You can nd more information at our website,, or you can reach any of our board members. President Augie Costanzo, 301-2183; Vice President and Treasurer Sue Little, 363-5570, and Secretary Bob Altomondo, 743-3901. Pinochle Meets Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., Mountain Shadows. If you’re an experienced player, we would love to have you join us. New members are always welcome. Play begins at 5:30 p.m. Come 15 minutes early to register. For more information, please call Richard, 341-5314. Poker Where else would you like to spend a cool, comfortable night but playing poker with friends? For a fun, enjoyable evening, join us on Saturdays, August 1 and 15, at Mountain Shadows, 6 p.m. Club dues are $12 plus $1 for refreshments. Club elections will take place Saturday, November 7. For more information, call Jean Modes, 363-1939. Quilting Dream about winning a beautiful blue & white quilt at the October craft fair – but you have to buy a raffle ticket! Get six for $5 from a Quilt Club member, or stop by the quilt room, where they are for sale. Plans are in the works for a great quilt book sale in September. Board meeting, ursday, August 6; general meeting, Monday, August 10. Call eresa, 421-2150, or the quilt room, 240-1322. Racquetball We have doubles and singles available every day of the week. Check out our schedule for Club time, or just pick a partner LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 45 Chartered Clubs and come on down to the Mountain Shadows tness center. If you are a squash player or a handball player, give it a go. We have four levels of play to ensure you get the competition you’d like. Get to our website for more details, In the meantime, I’m Bob Altomondo, president of the Club, and I can be reached at 743-3901, or [email protected]. any questions about Residents’ Forum, please call Glenda Rogers, president, 255-7755. R.V. Our club will be on summer break, which means that most of our members will be out of town to visit friends and family living in cooler climates. erefore, we will not have our regular monthly meeting at Desert Vista. Our next Club Residents’ Forum meeting will be Monday, September 14. If you have any Annual Ice Cream Social with free ice cream and all the top- questions about our club, try to catch us when we are in pings, plus music for your dancing and listening pleasure to town, or please call President David, 592-0581. Have a great the music of Bob Altomondo’s band In the Mood. If you’re and safe summer! a resident of Sun City Summerlin, you’re automatically a member of the Residents’ Forum. We do not charge dues Sawdusters Our next meeting is on September 2, 9 a.m., Desert Vista. and only charge an admittance fee if the entertainment or program is too costly for our budget. If we have to charge a We will be looking for a nominating committee to recruit officers for 2016. Club election is on December 2, 9 a.m., nominal amount, it will be listed in the Link. If you have SCSCAI Chartered Clubs & Community Organizations* Directory AEROBICS Margaret Helsper, 562-9027 BRIDGE (RUBBER) Renee Simon, 280-8286 DANCE CONNECTION Kris Steinwand, 443-8759 GOLF (MEN'S) NINERS Dennis Brooks, 233-6701 AQUACIZE Donna Bailey, 243-4386 BUNCO Charles Durden, 838-9959 EUCHRE Dolores Zarriello, 838-7902 GUN CLUB Allen Sakaguchi, 331-3390 ART Karen Bageman (650) 922-2065 CANASTA Linda Collins, (918) 630-7104 (702) 912-1615 FISHERMEN & FRIENDS Bob McCauley, 242-4240 HAWAIIAN Penelope Rodrigues, 242-5298 ARTHRITIS Jim Gaughan, 233-1087 CERAMICS Sharon Maddox, 228-5881 FITNESS Jeanette Bucklew, 778-4977 HIKING Susan Feinberg, (312) 330-3471 BEADING & JEWELRY Victoria Socol, 256-6247 CHICAGO/MIDWEST Gil Stern, 242-0236 FRENCH Danielle Luthy, 360-5141 HORSESHOES Ray Leavitt, 228-6939 BILLIARDS Ron Hill, 242-5948 CLASSICAL MUSIC William Rydell, 580-0727 August 31 GIN RUMMY Linda Ray, 586-1007 BOCCI Henrietta Rapp, 987-3456 COMPUTER Howard Verne, 527-4056 GOLF (GUYS & GALS) Amos Barcus, 755-9623 August 16, tournament BOOK Jean Smith, (660) 221-6514 August 13 CONSERVATIVES Richard Jones, 240-9863 August 27 GOLF (LADIES) 18 HOLE Mona Waisanen, 215-1085 BOOMER CONNECTION Julie Zerbel, (512) 775-1309 CRIBBAGE Pat Risler, 252-7351 GOLF (LADIES) EXECUTIVE Joann Zornow, 242-1331 BRIDGE (DUPLICATE) Dick Colwell, 255-8320 CRUISE & FOREIGN TRAVEL Hershel Aron, 360-0484 BRIDGE (FRIDAY NIGHT) George Horvat, 255-6452 DANCE CO. “A CLASS ACT” Judy Walker, 240-3359 GOLF (MEN’S) 18 HOLE Richard Gluch, 362-4841 August 10, tournament August 24, Director’s Cup 46 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 INVESTMENT Steve Commander, 304-1768 ITALIAN George Pucine, 242-3707 JEWISH FRIENDSHIP Ed Turken, 341-9516 KRAFTY KRITTERS Sally Edwards, 242-0364 August 1 LIBERAL CLUB Barry Feinblatt, 796-3232 MAH JONGG Sharon Chaiken, 243-8271 Desert Vista. Anyone not getting emails please notify me and I will add yours to the list. We have a lot of new members this year. Our membership is open to all Sun City residents. Every new member must complete a safety class before using tools or the shop. We do repairs for Association members. Call Bev Pasco, 838-2621, or the wood shop, 240-1325. Security Patrol e general meeting is at 6 p.m., Tuesday, August 25, Desert Vista, potluck to follow at 7 p.m. Security Patrol is a community organization of resident volunteers who dedicate themselves to making Sun City Summerlin a safer place to live. ey are all about neighbors helping neighbors. Call 254-2303, any time. Someone’s always there to help you. Sewing (Just Sew) Beat the heat this summer! Our sewing room is cool. First and second Monday mornings are set up to work on American girl clothes for the raffle in October. On third and fourth Mondays come and work on your own projects, with help available. Join us for our craft and charities projects. Craft sessions are on the rst and third ursdays, 9 a.m. to noon. Charity projects are on the second and fourth ursdays. Call Gillian MacKenzie, 243-0997, for further information. Shuffleboard During these summer months of extreme heat, our club is now playing at 8 a.m., Tuesdays, ursdays and Saturdays. In addition, for health and safety reasons, some members y QUILTING MEN’S CLUB Alan Spector, (847) 558-5423 Theresa Cooper, 421-2150 July 10, general meeting MILITARY & FRIENDS Herman Bishop, 255-9625 RACQUETBALL Bob Altomondo, 341-0153 MODEL BUILDERS Bill Winchester, 240-9900 RESIDENTS’ FORUM* Glenda Rogers, 255-7755 MUSICMAKERS August 12 Pat Bedunnah, 384-4222 NEW YORK Estelle Cohen, 869-6021 R.V. Dave Stahlhut, 592-0581 ORGAN, PIANO AND KEYBOARD CLUB Marti Stimpson, 243-3662 SAWDUSTERS Bev Pasco, 838-2621 PAN GAMES Linda Harrington, 778-1436 PHOTOGRAPHY Mary Miles, 838-3716 PICKLEBALL August Costanzo, 375-4533 PINOCHLE Richard Mitchell, 341-5314 POKER Jean Modes, 363-1939 August 1 & 15 SECURITY PATROL* Judy Hunt, 254-2303 August 25, potluck SILVERTONES Joan Messineo, 363-3330 August 27, rehearlsals begin SOFTBALL-MEN’S Jim Parker, 858-0559 TENNIS Ellen Crawford, 478-8806 THEATER (COMMUNITY) Kim Tuel, 901-3358 SPANISH Ray LeMay, 254-1499 TRAVEL Marise Mizel, 242-2704 August 12 STAINED GLASS Roger Wagar, 243-0873 WATEROBICS Joan Lambert, 228-2060 SUN CITY SUMMERLIN CHARITIES* 254-5831 · Office open M-F 8:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. WOMEN’S CLUB Judy Auerbach, 242-0727 SUNSHINE SERVICE* Louise Carr, 256-4988 August 3 YOGA Carolyn Palubinskas, 243-3758 WRITER’S WORKSHOP Jerry Silvers, 489-3305 SEWING (JUST SEW) Gillian MacKenzie, 243-0997 SWIM Carol Rudolph, 869-3303 SHUFFLEBOARD Andrew Lawson, 242-1540 TABLE TENNIS Richard Swanson, 562-5098 SILVER FOXES Jean Modes, 363-1939 TAI CHI James Ko, 586-7787 SILVER, LAPIDARY & GLASS FUSION TEAM TENNIS Bob Miller, 612-3277 Jerry Barksdale, 254-4645 LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 47 Chartered Clubs also play on Mondays at a local senior center that provides indoor, portable courts in an air-conditioned atmosphere. New members are always welcome to join for games of friendly competition. Experience is not necessary. e game takes only a few minutes to learn. e courts are located behind Mountain Shadows between the tennis courts and putt-putt golf. Members also enjoy socializing at our monthly luncheons held at local restaurants. Members, please note our election of officers for the year 2016 will be held in November. Let it be known if you would like to be a nominee on the ballot. For information, call Andy Lawson, 242-1540. Considering an Implant? SAVE $750 On a single tooth implant surgery. Harmony Dental is now offering dental implants. Call for your FREE consultation. Silver Foxes Please join us for exercise classes to Richard Simmons’ tapes at Sun Shadows. We welcome new members to get moving at our classes on Mondays, 10-11 a.m.; Tuesdays and ursdays at 9-11 a.m. and 10-11 a.m.; Saturdays at 10-11 a.m. e Club’s yearly dues are $8. Officer elections will take place at the annual club luncheon at the Suncoast buffet, 11:30 a.m., on Tuesday, October 20. For more information, please call Sue, 739-9696. Silver, Lapidary & Glass Fusion Stop by our craft rooms for some one-of-a kind gift ideas. We are open Monday through Saturday, except Tuesday and Sunday, from 8 a.m. to noon. For questions regarding classes, contact Bob Miller, 612-3277. Silvertones e Silvertones hope you’re enjoying your summer. We are taking a break as well, but will resume rehearsals on ursday, August 27, when we begin preparing for our winter holiday concert. If you like to sing, can carry a tune and can commit to weekly rehearsals on ursday afternoons in the music room at the Pinnacle, 1-3 p.m., we would be pleased to have you join us when summer winds down. For more information, please call Joan, 363-3330. Softball-Men’s Announcement: e Sun City Men’s Softball Club will have a general membership meeting on Monday, August 17, 1 p.m., Desert Vista, Room 5. e board looks forward to seeing everyone there. We'll be starting up our 2015-2016 season this September, so if you're in the mood, dust off your glove and bat and join up. We meet (and throw out the rst pitch) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Pinnacle 48 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 - r eld. We also have a pickup game on Saturdays. We always have room for more players and especially new residents moving into our community. You can go to our website, Call President Jim Parker, 858-0569. October 10. We are located in the Mountain Shadows community center craft wing. Hope to see you soon. Please call our President Roger Wagar, 243-0873, for information and about our next scheduled classes. Spanish With the year more than half over, the classes at Mountain Shadows are going a little slow due to so many students going on vacation. It’s a great time for all instructors to go into review. A quick phone call can get you on your way to speaking Spanish. Classes start at 9 a.m., and we have four levels to offer. Classes are one hour in duration. e beginning class is still perfect for a newcomer. Interested? Contact Ray LeMay at 254-1499 or [email protected]. Sun City Summerlin Charities Charities provides residents who are unable to drive with transportation to medical appointments, shopping and other personal services. We also offer handyman services such as replacing light bulbs, re alarm batteries, furnace lters and repairing cabinet hinges and drawer guides. We currently need more volunteers to handle a growing demand for handyman services. If you are interested in helping your fellow residents who cannot perform these tasks, please call us at 254-5831, or stop by our office adjacent to the Desert Vista picnic area, Monday to Friday, 8:30-11 a.m. Stained Glass Not only are we a great club, but our membership is increasing. e members have many varied projects and the most important thing is that we help one another when necessary. Officer elections will be held on Sunshine Service Open Monday to Saturday, 9-11 a.m., Desert Vista (warehouse is to the right of the Sun City Security Patrol office). For informa- n- LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 49 Chartered Clubs tion, call 341-9741. Our organization lends canes, wheelchairs and other medical equipment, as well as car seats, high chairs and other children’s equipment to Sun City residents with valid Association ID. We also collect aluminum tabs, Campbell’s soup labels, greeting cards and food donations to be distributed to various charities. Please help us ll the Salvation Army food barrels with non-perishable food items. e barrels are located at our warehouse and in the lobby area of Mountain Shadows. A general meeting will be held Monday, August 3, 10:30 a.m. is meeting will feature our annual Bingo party. General meetings are held the rst Monday of each month at Desert Vista. Swim Senior Olympic Games are coming October 3-4. We will honor our Olympians at our “2nd Tuesday Lunch” in October. Anyone interested in joining the Club may contact any of us or just come on over to the Desert Vista indoor pool during our regular swim time, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9-10 a.m. We have swimmers at all levels and instructors who can teach swimming or improve your form. Beginner swim lessons are offered free to Club members. Annual dues are $10. For information, call Carol Rudolph, 869-3303. Table Tennis e SCS Table Tennis Club continues to attract new members. Regular practice and play are held at the Pinnacle on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to noon, and Tuesday, 5-8 p.m., where up to four tables are available. One table is available at Sun Shadows with Table Tennis Club time reserved on ursdays, 5:30-8 p.m. Other times are available at either location with prior phone calls to tness monitors. For information, call Bob Swanson, president, 562-5098; or Jeff McCabe, vice president and master table tennis player, 596-6405. Membership is $10 per year and the Club sponsors a spring breakfast and fall picnic. Tournaments are the rst Sunday of each month. Tai Chi Tai Chi Club’s annual election will be held in the Desert Vista picnic area on Friday, October 2, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. e slate put forward by the nominating committee follows: president, Doyle Kloehn; secretary, Judith Filangeri; treasurer, Arlene Gold. Nominations from the oor will be accepted as well. Classes at Desert Vista: Traditional Short Form-Advanced: Monday, and Friday, 50 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 d r . n 3 p.m.; Traditional Yang Short Form-Beginners: Wednesday and Friday, 4 p.m.; Traditional Yang Family Long FormAdvanced: Wednesday, 3 p.m., and Friday, 1 p.m.; Traditional Yang Family Long Form-Beginners: Friday, 2 p.m.; Andy’s Form: Monday (advanced) and Wednesday (beginners), 2 p.m. For information call Mery Finkle, 228-8417, or Jim Ko, 586-7787. Team Tennis e Club was established primarily to cater to more advanced players who play at a 3.5 to 4.5 level, although anyone can join. Dues are $10 per person, per year and that entitles members to attend the May 13 BBQ picnic, September 16 pizza party and December 12 Christmas party. It’s a good opportunity to have some positive social contact with those we play tennis with or their non-playing spouses, as well as a lot of good food, good fellowship and a good time for all. For more information, please call Jerry Barksdale, 254-4645, or Art Ott, 586-9585. Tennis Club Our Club has no formal meeting in August. Plan to join us when our leagues and meetings begin again in September. For Club information, call Ellen Crawford, 478-8806. Theater (Community) For better or worse? at’s a very good question and only you can answer it. However, only you can be the judge by seeing it for yourself. at being said, plan to come to the Starbright eatre on Saturday, September 12, 7 p.m., or Sunday, September 13, 1 p.m. (please note the time change). For $8 the answer will become very clear to you. e Social Monitors will have tickets. e scene is set, the cast is in place and all we need is you! A kooky cast of characters cannot be found anywhere else – so come see for yourself. For information, call Kim 901-3358. Travel e next meeting will be Wednesday, August 12, 3:30 p.m., Desert Vista, Room 5. Bring your checkbook. Checks are required at time of sign up. Make sure we have your email if you want to stay informed of new shows while you are away this summer. August 27, “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” at the Onyx eatre; September 3, Olivia Newton John at the Flamingo. A the Smith Center: September 29, Frankie LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 51 Chartered Clubs Moreno “Under the In uence;” Cabaret Jazz, October 29, “Ragtime;” November 26 “Elf the Musical.” For information, call Marise, 242-2704, or Sharon, 838-4319. WateRobics Appropriate exercise can relieve the pain and stiffness of arthritis, improve mobility and function, help ward off other conditions like heart disease, plus lift your spirits and selfesteem. A gentle beginning exercise is the aquatic program offered by the WateRobics Club in the Sun Shadows pool. Visit one of the eight weekly classes for a 45-minute workout led by a certi ed instructor, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.; Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 p.m. Dues of $110 may be pro-rated. Call Club President Joan Lambert, 228-2060. Women’s Club We are taking our much-needed vacation in August and will resume our Women’s Club meetings on ursday, September 17. ere will be an exciting array of programs this fall, so be sure to either renew your membership or join the Club if not already a member. e Club officers and board wish our members and their families a most enjoyable summer. Be careful in the sun! Writer’s Workshop Now if you love to write and want to be inspired by the most talented and friendly people in Sun City, come join us on the second and fourth Monday of each month at Sun Shadows, 9-11 a.m. Whether you’re interested in novels, short stories, memoirs, poems, etc., we have classes and members to assist you in a social and educational atmosphere. We welcome all visitors. During August our Author’s Seminar Series will be on hiatus until September. is program normally falls on the third Monday of each month. For information on activities and membership, call Jerry Silvers, president, 489-3305. Visit our two International blogs to read and meet some of our talented members: and Yoga is is an intermediate class, welcoming serious students not limited by complex physical restrictions. Classes are held at Desert Vista on Tuesdays, ursdays and Saturdays, 8-9:45 a.m. Monthly fees: One class weekly, $20; two classes weekly, $35; three classes weekly, $45. Walk in (someone trying this class or someone who can only come occasionally) $5. Please call Carolyn, 243-3758; or Joanie, 233-4416. 52 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 S Summary of Operations Unaudited May 2015 Balance Sheet Assets Current Assets Cash (Including Invested Cash) Due From Funds Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Investments Land, Buildings & Equipment - Net Other Assets Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balance Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Due To Funds Deferred Income Accrued Expenses Total Current Liabilities Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Operating Fund Reserve Fund $6,306,842 $8,411,459 1,295,981 3,895 9,711,335 5,162,062 272,325 6,579,167 13,608 $6,592,775 $14,873,397 Fixed Asset Fund Consolidated Funds $14,718,301 1,690,466 276,220 16,684,987 5,162,062 45,948,763 178,608 $67,974,420 $394,485 0 394,485 45,948,763 165,000 $46,508,248 $375,846 1,677,763 2,258,019 261,087 4,572,715 2,883 4,575,598 Fund Balance Surplus/(Deficit) Total Liabilities & Fund Balance 2,017,177 $6,592,775 $375,846 1,677,763 2,258,019 261,087 4,572,715 2,883 4,575,598 14,873,397 $14,873,397 46,508,248 $46,508,248 63,398,822 $67,974,420 May 2015 Summary of Operations Current Month Fiscal Year To Date (July 2014 -May 2015) Variance REVENUES Actual Assessments Golf Course Restaurants Newsletter/LINK Interest Income Other Income Subtotal EXPENSES Golf Course Pro Shops Golf Course Maintenance Restaurant Newsletter/LINK Administration Information Technology Landscaping Community Service Programs Facility Maintenance Fitness Security Subtotal Total Budget Favorable/ Unfavorable Variance Actual Budget Favorable/ Unfavorable 701,654 362,038 56,098 34,546 357 111,700 $1,266,393 701,654 384,676 51,814 35,900 1,125 74,335 $1,249,504 0 (22,638) 4,284 (1,354) (768) 37,365 $16,889 8,184,960 3,189,304 523,698 395,731 5,506 883,128 $13,182,327 8,184,961 3,179,140 550,209 432,300 4,500 750,610 $13,101,720 (1) 10,164 (26,511) (36,569) 1,006 132,518 $80,607 130,951 398,193 70,111 26,401 122,452 20,440 142,888 45,832 161,914 41,404 4,680 1,165,266 135,053 416,930 56,731 29,173 159,754 20,202 180,392 43,951 191,035 41,926 6,307 1,281,454 4,102 18,737 (13,380) 2,772 37,302 (238) 37,504 (1,881) 29,121 522 1,627 116,188 1,241,587 3,840,640 689,701 345,168 1,407,412 198,401 1,384,299 448,756 1,772,584 446,237 65,309 11,840,094 1,281,917 3,903,648 702,560 334,445 1,664,190 228,841 1,555,284 445,607 1,987,609 460,974 71,471 12,636,546 40,330 63,008 12,859 (10,723) 256,778 30,440 170,985 (3,149) 0 215,025 14,737 6,162 796,452 133,077 1,342,233 465,174 101,127 (31,950) 877,059 For additional SCSCAI financial information, please log on to The Association is in compliance with paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NRS 116.3115 and reserve funds have not been used for daily maintenance. LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 53 A Crossword Across 1 5 9 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 27 31 34 35 37 39 41 43 44 46 48 49 51 53 55 56 61 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 PC software Sobbed Piece of water sport equipment Butler, for Gable Outermost community Large pitcher Peachy Kind of candle Home of heroes? Flaw Marx/Engels creation Where to see the alphabet oat Either of the racing Earnhardts Fledgling businesses Send payment Have stuff Puts away Wash-off tattoo More of the lament Symbolized, with ‘for’ Art ___ Safety device Whiskey cocktails Important IHOP freebie Possessions (and a tax) Very little bit Dixie bread Central Developer's land Filet mignon source Seasoned rice Gumbo vegetable Give the slip to Skiing area Bracelet bit Lose traction Do a spit take Units of work Down 1 2 3 4 Cumbersome boats Browning job Humorous remark Highest in rank 1 2 3 4 5 13 14 17 18 20 21 24 27 49 57 30 37 42 50 69 71 52 60 61 66 62 63 67 70 72 Moisten Course climax Cocoon’s contents Pollster’s detection Cashed in Knocks for a loop Had an opinion Group of three Prickly shrub Brownie pieces Got out of Dodge Positions Scatters seeds Nincompoops Flower sites Attack like a hawk Vessel for Arctic conditions Unspoken Acidic Sluggish Made unfeeling, as a heart Word following eye or nose Happy cat's sound Position “_____ his ride” 48 55 59 68 43 51 58 38 47 54 65 33 16 31 46 64 32 12 26 41 53 11 23 36 45 10 19 35 44 9 15 29 40 8 22 28 39 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 21 23 25 27 28 29 30 32 33 36 38 40 42 45 47 50 7 25 34 56 6 73 52 54 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 66 Attire Prepares water for JELL-O Misfortunes Quiet spot Not nalized, legally Sow’s sustenance A runner may break it Mountain goat’s perch Insigni cant amounts Not very many ANSWER TO LAST MONTH’S PUZZLE L O S T L I A N A A F F I X S H A G P I N E R E D O F U R E R U N I S C E B E S T S H H O I E S W A A G S P T E I N T F R A T L O G O Y O U R T E N O E S U R H R B I D O T H A T I D S E L I D R A M O M I C I A S A N T H A N S U N T O G R E V S P R O U M A C R S E E O E P W H S O I F O R H A D E E T E D I D R O O U L N N E I E S C D O N O L D S P L A N LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 55 A U B C C F L M M N S W A A A A D E P T A D H H M A A A 56 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 Service Directory ALTERATIONS & UPHOLSTERY Alterations by Susan, Crown Dry Cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294-1333 Upholstery Servs, Indr & Outdr Furn. AG Interior Design . . . . . 596-7650 ASSORTED/MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 1-800-GOT- JUNK? Goodbye Junk/Hello Relief . . . . . . . . . . . 271-9333 Computer Tutoring & Help, Jim Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461-8741 Pet sitter, call Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586-2377 Transportation around Town, call Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812-5544 CAREGIVER & HOME CARE/MEDICAL HEALTH Acti-Kare, Lic, Non-Med In-Home Caregivers, Good Rates . . . . 765-4019 Alert911NOW, Personal Medical Alert Systems, locally owned . . 224-4100 Amada SR Care, Staff Bckgrn Chck'd, Lic/Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . 998-3996 Angel's Light Caregiving. Retired Nurse w/ref. Debbie . . . . . 580-6337 Comfort Keepers, non-med in-home care, lic. w/hlth dept . . . . 385-1000 Eko Caregiving, I live in Sun City. Res. Service, $15/hr . . . . 689-5693 Love is Here Home Care Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752-5852 Rose's Helping Hand & Hairdresser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463-9861 CARPET, HOME, & WINDOW CLEANING A Clean Getaway, House Cleaning, Lic/Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373-8396 AAA Carpet Cleaning, 1-RM $40/3-RM $90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458-2870 Absolute Affordable Window Cleaning, Lic/Ins . . . . . . . . . . . 521-1194 Air Duct Cleaning and Carpet Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616-0011 Baby Janie’s Cleaning Service, in business since '85 . . . . . . . . 642-3722 Benita’s House Cleaning licensed/insured. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396-7279 Carpet Guy: carpet/tile/air duct cleaning, BBB member . . . . 645-3092 Cleaning Ladies of Summerlin. We like to help. . . . . . . . . . . . . 755-8425 Fresco Carpet Cleaning $25/area. Lic/Ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340-9377 Larry's Window Cleaning, serving S.C. since '97 . . . . . . . . . . 658-8634 Maria’s Cleaning Service Lic/Ins. Competitive Rates . . . . . . 339-7977 Mr. Powerwash, driveways n’ more. Reasonable Rates. Mark . 353-4022 Nelly's House Cleaning Services, Lic/Ins... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205-7173 Summerlin Window Cleaning, 15% Snr Disc. Lic/Ins/Bnd . . . 965-2065 Window Bright Window Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497-6342 ELECTRICIANS & HVAC A/C Services, Campbell Mechanical. Lic/Bonded/Ins . . . . . . 807-6497 Affordable A/C, heating, repair by A.C.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328-3002 Alaskan Heating & Air; Senior and Military Discounts. . . . . . 803-3131 Air One Heating & Air Conditioning 15% disc on repairs . . . . . . 384-2471 D&B Electric, serving Sun City since '89 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870-7310 Electrician Brad #72389. Bonded/Insured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580-1414 Pacic Electric #23856 SR Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433-8777 The Electric Service Co. Lic #67680 24/7 Limit $10K . . . . . 736-4040 HANDYMAN Artale’s Handyman, Sr. Disc/Affordable, 28 yrs exp, lic. . . . . 758-9974 Day & Night Handyman, Always a senior discount . . . . . . . . . 521-4105 Handyman, All-In-One, Call Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (818) 297-0984 Handyman Dave, tile spec., 30 yrs exp, reasonable . . . . . . . 232-2510 Matt's Handyman. Affordable. No Job Too Small! Lic . . . . . . 682-1251 HOME SERVICES & HOME REMODELING AAA Garage Door & Opener Repair 24/7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568-7401 A.D.S. Garage Doors Lic/Ins. 24/7 service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595-2717 Al Zatkoff Painting/Wallpaper since 67, lic # 63982 . . . . . . . 610-4953 AREA CODE REMINDER All telephone numbers published in the Link and at are in the 702 area code unless noted otherwise. All Home Appliance Services, Sr. discount, call Keith . . . . . . . . 366-1861 Best Buy Shutters. The best 4 less; Russell & Valley View . . 870-9000 CabinetCraft Cabinet Refacing/Kitchen Remodeling . . . . . . . 233-1888 GC Glass, Windows, Showers, Doors, Mirrors, Lic . . . . . . . . 431-6025 Kitchen & Bathroom Cabinet Renishing Lic/Ref . . . . . . . . . . . 642-8323 LV Appliance Repair, Sr. Disc. 25yrs exp. Work Grntd . . . . . . 259-8988 FINANCIAL/INVESTMENTS/INSURANCE/LEGAL/TAX BankersLife/Life, Medicare, Home Healthcare & Annuities . . . 556-4485 Don Barsky CPA (Ret.) IRS Registered, Tax prep, res. . . . . . . . 236-8205 Revocable Living Trust, D.R. Gelbman, Esq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228-2568 Serl Keefer Welter Certied Public Accountants . . . . . . . . . . 363-1971 Wells Fargo Advisors, Tom Dunaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562-3920 LAWN CARE & SPRINGKLER SYSTEM SERVICES 1 A-A Sprinkler Repairs, 15% Senior discount . . . . . . . . . . . 596-5466 1st in Sun City. S&S Sprinkler, all repairs, lwst disc, SC Res. . . 363-1883 2 White Guys Trees & Landscape Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . 544-2355 Earthworks Landscaping, Sun City Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . 474-1599 Ezequiel Lawn Care Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807-4217 Jeff’s Lawn & Landscaping, lic # 0031233. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243-2924 Leon's Lawn Service - Get 3rd Month Free! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862-0283 Parra Lawn Care, sprinkler repair . . . . . . . . . 365-9329 or cell 250-0225 Serenity Landscaping & maint, sprinklers, lic. . . . . . . . . . . . 427-9289 Silver State Landscaping – Great Service at a Fair Price . . . 572-1300 PEST CONTROL A-Newman’s Pest Control, $20/mo. for Sun City Res. . . . . . . 682-7541 DeMille Exterminating $20/mo. We Keep out Unwanted Guest. 338-3365 It’s Your Bugman, Sun City res, starting at $22 . . . . . . . . . . . 341-9414 PCI - Pest Control Inc. “Sun City's Primary Provider” . . . . . . 228-4394 PLUMBING & WATER PURIFICATION SERVICES 1 A-A Plumbing, Drain Cleaning, 15% Senior Discount . . . . . 776-7033 All toilets, faucets, drains & elec, S.C. Resident . . . . . . . . . . 355-1302 All water softener & drinking water needs $49 . . . . . . . . . . . 737-1957 Butter Plumbing, Sr. Disc. Lic/Ins. 24 hr service . . . . . . . . . . 655-5214 Jack Dish Plumbing. Proudly Family Ownd & Oprtd Since 1977 . 283-2320 Sanderson Plumbing, Lic #0078397 Very Dependable . . . . . 610-7236 Superior Plumbing & Drain – Lic/Ins. Military & Senior Disc. . 478-9643 SOLAR ENERGY/SOLAR SCREENS America's #1 Solar Energy Provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271-9333 Atomic Solar Screens (see display ad) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869-2083 REAL ESTATE Adkins, Rich/Scott, Sally Realty Executives Experts . . . . . . . 378-9065 D.C. Calder, Elite Realty, [email protected] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274-7850 Donohue Team/Berkshire Hathaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494-9105 LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 57 Classifieds THANK YOU Thanks for the calls, visits, cards & prayers that we received for my wife Mary Ann during her illness and passing. I sincerely thank you ..............................................................Paul Knoop Thank you to all my Sun City friends for your good wishes for my speedy recovery. It is greatly appreciated ............Betty Weltman FOR RENT Roommate wanted to share house. Private bed/bath. Kitchen privileges. No pets, no smoking. Call .........................513-1067 Charming tahoe model 2bd/2ba/office. 1,553 sqft. in quiet Cul-DeSac, w/granite countertops, new paint and carpet. Comfortably furnished w/stocked kitchen. All you need is your toothbrush! $1,400/mo. Available July & August only...................493-3032 WANTED Female army veteran, 60, seeks companion for ALL Orlando theme parks Sept 21 - Oct 3. I get military rates on all tix and Disney hotel. Must be safe driver, 68 or younger; non-smoker, lite drinker preferred. Text cell....................................525-0075 Wanted furnished rental for Jan-Mar 2016........(605) 381-3803 Japanese Car. Low Miles ..........................................918-0876 Tall, Latin-dance partner wanted & Crystal Cruise travelling. Bob. Call PM. ..................................................................242-1260 Wanted to rent: Furnished 2bed/2bath house or villa. Jan, Feb, March 2016. Around 1,000 sqft. Single female, non-smoker, no pets. Please contact [email protected] SC collector buying old casino chips & slot cards ......228-2937. Sun city collector wants any toy soldier, building sets, metal toys & marx toys (playset) from 1950’s & 60’s .................463-9921 American Indian art, old Navajo rugs, Indian baskets, pots, turquoise jewelry, gold & silver coins, old watches, Sun City resident & collector, Mike .........................................360-0949 Sun City collector wants pistols, rifles, shot guns, reloading equipment and ammo. Top $ paid. Also, small handicap scooters .................................................................363-2894 FOR SALE Electric Golf Cart $1,500 ..........................................363-0279 Rug Cleaner. xlnt cond. $50 ......................................363-0279 Yamaha Electone HS-4 organ + bench. Xlnt cond. $125 obo ..............................................................................778-3340 Elliptical exercise machine w/pads. Horizon EX-59 Model, top rated, 2yrs old, LIKE NEW. Pd $750 asking $475........233-6212 100+ vhs tapes, vcr player, 18" flat screen tv. $100 ...341-8278 58 · LINK · AUGUST 2015 Residents may submit classified ads to the link office at the Mountain Shadows community center, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. COST: Ads are $2 per line (30 characters per line = 30 letters, numbers, and/or spaces) Services or offers of merchandise are considered business ads and will not be taken. No refunds are given for classified ads. SCSCAI card required at purchase. Antique Kimbal Player Piano built 1814. Over 100 Piano Rolls. Call.........................................................................255-4738 Signed framed lithograph Jean Richardson “misty riders” $400. Theratouch memory foam queen mattress $80. Queen bed frame $40. Text/call .................................................845-5131 White wicker furniture. Never used. Thick cushions, glass tops, lounge chairs, ottoman & loveseat. $1,400................804-0867 Trundle bed excellent condition with walnut wood frame, mattress like new. Asking $125. Call .........................228-1890 Karastan Persian style wool rug very good condition, neutral colors, 5'9" X 9'11" including fringe $350. Call............459-5541 Lifetime doll collection. All originals. Call to see ..........255-4738 D SOL D SOL Dused one year. .......$325. Gray faux-leather recliner couch. Only SOL New Microsoft Surface 2 computer for sale w/case...........$140 LG Washer & Dryer w/steam cycle 4.0cu ft. Red, front load, mounted on pedestal. 9 wash programs, 5yrs old. New $2,665. Asking...........................................................................$600. MOVING SALE Moving sale: August 7 – 8, 8am-4pm. 9960 Bundella Dr. A large assortment of household items including baskets, books, jewelry, dishes, shelves, small rocker/glider w/footstool & etc. Golf clubs of various brands, styles, lofts, & other golf associated items. Pretty bird bath, artificial flowers, wreaths, & décor for various holidays. Piano books, small tools and many more. Must sell prices. Call for info .................(517) 202-5507 TIMESHARE Beach condo on Mandalay Beach Oxnard, CA, 30 minutes south of Sta. Barbara. Walk through private, secure, condo complex to the beach. 2BR/2BA, sleeps up to 6. Newly remodeled w/new appliances, completely furnished, all towels and linens provided, wheelchair accessible. Gym, tennis, pool, bikes. Call Chris for photos and details....................................................255-4122 . . d , , l , . e , . LINK · AUGUST 2015 · 59
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