festival of barcelona


festival of barcelona
festival of
Modernity, tradition,
gunpowder, street theatre,
circus, dance, music… Just mix
them all together, stir, and
you have the festive cocktail
that is being served up in
Barcelona these days. For the
city is celebrating the feast
of its patron saint, La Mercè, a
compendium of Mediterranean
festivities, authentic Catalan
traditions and the talent
of artists from all over the
world. No one interested in
plumbing the very soul of
Barcelona and Catalonia can
afford to miss this festival,
whose special guest this year
is the Russian city of Saint
A little bit of history
According to legend, on 24 September 1218, Our Lady of Mercy –
La Mercè – appeared before King James I and Saint Peter Nolasco,
ordering them to found the Mercedarian Order to free the faithful
who were prisoners of the Saracens. This manifestation of the Virgin was made patron saint of Barcelona later when, in 1687, the
city overcame a terrible plague of locusts after offering up prayers
to Her. Nearly two hundred years later, Pope Pius IX officially
recognised La Mercè as the city’s patron saint and the people of
Barcelona began to celebrate Her feast, though the current format
of a programme featuring Catalan traditions was not adopted until
the late-19th century.
Getting the party started
Thursday, september 22 / 7.45 pm
Pl. de Sant Jaume
Those who want to experience the festival from the very start and, by
the by, get a live taste of Barcelona traditional imagery, should come to
Plaça de Sant Jaume. There you will find the city’s gegants, giants, along
with the Àliga, Víbria, the Bou, the Mulassa... ready to perform their
traditional dances, some accompanied by fireworks, to music played by
the Ministrils del Camí Ral. This ensemble, which performs only once a
year, is formed by some forty musicians, all playing traditional Catalan
instruments: the gralla, the tarota, the flabiol the tabal, and so on. Pure
Festa major matinee
Saturday, september 24 / 8.30 am
Pl. de la Mercè, Pl. de la Catedral and Pl. Sant Jaume
The traditional festivity takes to the squares and narrow streets of the
Gothic Quarter. A morning in this quarter during La Mercè leads festivalgoers to the very heart of Catalan tradition.
8.30 am
Graller matinee
Gralles are traditional instruments in the double reed family played by
grallers as they parade around the streets of old Barcelona in the early
morning, awakening the cityfolk and inviting them to join in with the
10 am
Galejada Trabucaire
Anyone that the grallers have failed to get out of bed will certainly jump
to it once the trabucaires begin firing their gunpowder salvoes in the
street. These traditional characters are a reminder of the bandoleers who
once rendered homage to the patron saint by firing their guns.
11 am
A date with Barcelona’s tallest citizens… and its shortest. On the morning of September 24, Plaça de Sant Jaume is packed, not only to see the
gegants dance, but also to greet the capgrossos that accompany them
and form an essential part of La Mercè.
12 noon
Comitiva de autoridades
It is pretty much inescapable duty to go and salute the patron saint at
some time during the festivities, and to visit Her home, the Basilica of La
Mercè, in the square of the same name. The city authorities gladly comply with this duty, taking Mass before returning to Plaça de Sant Jaume,
accompanied by the festive beasts. On their arrival, the gegants and the
Àliga perform their dances in what is amongst the most solemn moments
during the festivity.
Sardanes, castellers
and balls de bastons
Sardanes and castells are two well-known ingredients of Catalan popular tradition. However, to see them performed live is always a surprise,
particularly in the latter case, in which different colles or groups compete
to see who can build the best human tower or pyramid in an absolutely
thrilling spectacle.
castellS DAY
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 / 12.30 PM — Pl. de Sant Jaume
When the city’s gegants and the Àliga have performed their dances outside the City Hall, the colles or casteller groups of Barcelona enter Plaça
Sant Jaume to give an exhibition. This year, we welcome a new colla, demonstrating that the casteller tradition is more alive than ever in our city.
castellS DAY WITH GUEST colles
SUNDAY, September 25 / 12 MOON — Pl. de Sant Jaume
As well as themselves giving an exhibition of their skills to mark the
feast of their patron saint, the city’s castellers also invite the best colles
from all over Catalonia to share in this festive performance. As a result,
two top ensembles will perform on Sunday, September 25: the Minyons
de Terrassa and the Castellers de Vilafranca.
bastoner MATINEE
SUNDAY, September 25 / 11 am
Pl. del Rei (11 am) and Pl. de la Mercè (1 pm)
Two squares in old Barcelona host the great festivity staged by the local
groups of bastoners, performing traditional dances that are an essential
element in the festivities for La Mercè.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 / 19 PM — Pl. de la Mercè
The Colla Sardanista Violetes del Bosc performs sardanes accompanied
by the Cobla La Principal del Llobregat.
SUNDAY, September 25 / 11 AM — Av. de la Catedral
The competition for sardana groups has taken place regularly since 1950,
bringing together ensembles from Barcelona and guest groups from all
over Catalonia. At the end of this year’s event, the new sardana Bicicleta,
cullera, poma will be performed for the first time.
SUNDAY, September 25 / 6 pm — Pl. de Sant Jaume
Sardanes by the Cobla Nova del Vallès
La Mercè Cavalcade
C. de Gravina, C. de Pelai, Pl. de Catalunya, Rambla, C. de Ferran,
Pl. de Sant Jaume, C. de Jaume I, Via Laietana and Pl. de Ramon
Berenguer el Gran
Characters from traditional and popular Catalan culture take to the
streets at a festive event in which the real stars are the city’s gegants.
These popular “giants” will be joined by many street art companies to
give life and colour to a parade structured into different thematic blocks
following a route through the main streets of the city centre.
Popular culture
Dracs, gegants and fire beasts are the stars
amongst Barcelona’s mythical festive characters.
To meet them and other leading characters,
the best thing is to attend one of the
following events:
September 17-25, from 10 am to 8.30 pm
Palau de la Virreina (Rambla, 99)
September 12-23, from 10 am to 8 pm
Pati Manning, Casa de Caritat (C. de Montalegre, 7)
September 17-23, from 10 am to 8 pm
Vestibule, Barcelona City Hall (Pl. de Sant Jaume)
Children’s correfoc
SUNDAY, September 25 / 6.30 pm
From C. de Joan Massana to Pl. Antonio Maura,
passing through Via Laietana
Fire and gunpowder are essential elements in Barcelona’s festa major,
particularly during the famous Correfoc. Everyone wants to take part
in this spectacle, even younger children. So that they can do so without
danger, every year a family version of this great festival of fire takes
place, using lower-intensity fireworks. This scaled-down version is the
best way for young participants to get their first taste of what is an absolutely Mediterranean celebration.
Hell’s Gate
SUNDAY, September 25 / 8.30 pm
Via Laietana /Av. de la Catedrall
Where does the Correfoc come from? From Hell itself. Don’t believe us?
Well, all you need to do is to be there when the fireworks go off outside
the great gate that is installed right across Via Laietana. As the last explosion rings out, the gates of the underworld will open. Does it smell of sulphur? No, just the gunpowder that devils, fire beasts and all sorts of evil
creatures bring with them, ready to begin their route around the streets
of the city centre. But be warned: this year, Hell’s Gate will be even more
spectacular than ever.
SUNDAY, September 25 / 8.30 pm
Pl. de Antonio Maura, Via Laietana, Pl. de Antonio López
and the Consulat del Mar
The beasts from hell have been released and, accompanied by the devils,
are ready to bathe the city streets in fire. Although this is an outstanding event on the traditional Mercè programme of activities, contrary to
what it might seem, this is not an ancestral celebration, but an invention
that dates to the restoration of democracy, one that has become popular all over Catalonia and was even seen on the silver screen thanks to
Woody Allen. Dragons breathing smoke from their mouths, monsters like
Tarasca, the Mulassa and the Víbria, a dragon with a woman’s breasts a
snake’s tail; these are just some of the main characters in this awe-inspiring spectacle. Do you dare come and meet them?
Fun without danger
There is not doubt that the Correfoc is
a magical event, a spectacle not to be missed,
but it should be enjoyed with the maximum
precaution so as to avoid accidents. It is up
to each individual spectator to decide where
they want to see the show and how far they want
to be exposed to the fireworks, making a realistic
appraisal of the situation. Watching the Correfoc from
a prudent distance need take nothing away from our
enjoyment of the spectacle. In any case, those
taking part should wear clothing their covers their
whole body, wear a hat and a neckerchief, as well
as comfortable footwear. Better not to wear
synthetic materials (cotton is better), shorts or
high heeled shoes. And, above all, never pour water
over the devils, as wet gunpowder becomes highly
Firework display
Friday, September 23 and Saturday, September 24 /
10 pm
Barceloneta beach (Gas jetty)
Two firework displays will take place on the beach this year, filling the
city’s sky with awesome forms and colours. These shows will presented
by two companies devoted to creating elegant spectacles of fire and gunpowder, each with its own distinctive style.
Les Artisans du Spectacle (FranCE)
Pirotecnia Vulcano (Madrid)
SUNDAY, September 25 / 10 pm
Av. de la Reina Maria Cristina
This is one of the events that awakens the greatest expectation and
draws the biggest crowd, yet it is also one of the saddest moments. For
the Mercè Piromusical marks the end of celebrations until next year. The
fireworks launched from behind the Magic Fountain la Mercè light up the
sky, perfectly synchronised with music that, this year, will feature some
of the best-known songs, tunes that form part of the soundtrack to our
BAM Festival
Friday and Saturday, September 23 and 24
Various venues
The latest bands to emerge on the indie scene, both in Catalonia and internationally, are showcased at a festival whose goal is to discover new
talent and detect new trends. This year’s programme will feature not
only some of the most popular Catalan groups, such as Antònia Font,
Guillamino and Cuchillo, but also such outstanding international acts
as the French duo Herman Düne, the American acts Aloe Blacc and Man
Man and, from the UK, Portico Quartet and Zomby.
Mercè Music
Friday and Saturday, September 23 and 24
Various venues
Dance, pop, rock, jazz, flamenco, world music... All these sounds and more
make up the festival soundtrack. Those seeking to revive the spirit of the
traditional old festa major marquee should go to Plaça Sant Jaume, where
they can dance to such groups as Orquestra Plateria and the Gracia Power
rumba ensemble. Those who prefer jazz have a date with the Barcelona
Jazz Orquestra and the youthful Sant Andreu Jazz Band in Plaça Catalunya. World music fans should check out fado artists like Cuca Roseta and
the fusion of Aziz Sahmaoui in Avinguda de la Catedral. Finally, for rock,
pop and electronica, don’t miss the live show featuring Sidonie and many
other groups and singers at the Fòrum site.
Projections onto the
façade of the City Hall
September 22-25
Pl. de Sant Jaume
At night, throughout La Mercè, the City Hall will become the “house of
magic” for that is when a spectacular show featuring stunning projections will breathe life into the stone of the building, revealing its nocturnal alter ego. In this way, then, light technology joins the party to produce one of the most attractive events on the programme.
The Park of Dance
and Street Theatre
Saturday and SUNDAY, September 24 and 25
Ciutadella Park
One of the most popular parks in the city hosts a full programme of theatre and festive activities for all audiences. With or without the family,
festival-goers should not miss a visit to this venue, where they can enjoy a range of performances, from circus acts to variety theatre turns, all
with a large dose of humour. The venue will also centre particularly on
dance, in all its genres, and will feature, as a special guest, a huge travelling carillon from Douai in France.
The Park of Light
September 22-25
Ciutadella Park
At sunset, the park undergoes a radical change of scenery in order to host
a series of shows in which light plays a key role. Amongst the most exciting of these events this year is a version of the ballet Swan Lake, which
takes place in a waterfall, transformed by projections, and the central
lake in the park. Don’t miss the dancers – many are from Saint Petersburg, our guest city.
The Great Circus at Montjuïc
September 24-26
Montjuïc Castle
Once upon a time, this was a strategic point from which soldiers even
bombed the city itself. Today, however, the castle cannon fire only laughter and good cheer, and this is the site of the finest circus acts on the
Mercè programme, including several artistes from Saint Petersburg, this
year’s guest city, whilst others, testifying to the good health of Catalan
circus, are local performers.
The guest city
Saint Petersburg:
from Russia with Talent
September 22-25
Montjuïc Castle and Ciutadella Park
Every year, Barcelona invites a different city from around the world to
join in with the festivities in honour of its patron saint and, in doing so,
to present its finest artists to Barcelona audiences. This year, we are visited by Saint Petersburg, Russia’s second city, whose enormous artistic
wealth features particularly many outstanding circus and dance performers.
Montjuïc Castle
Visitors to Montjuïc Castle will enjoy an excellent taste of the circus talent to be found in Saint Petersburg. Absolutely not to be missed are the
performances by Licedei, a theatre company founded by the great Slava
Polunin that represents the very essence of that Russian city.
The circus programme at the castle venue also includes a superb selection
of the finest artistes from Saint Petersburg, including the most outstanding acrobats and tightrope walkers.
Ciutadella park
By day, Victor Savrasov’s unusual Tubo Transformer and the traditional
folk group Barynya. By night, dance by the Mariinsky Theatre of Saint
Petersburg, presenting their version of Swan Lake alongside several Catalan performers. The Russian artist have taken over the park and Barcelona audiences can only applaud this happy invasion.
Festive museums
Anyone interested in visiting some of the city’s many museums are informed that admission to a good number of them will be free on September 24, whilst others will also organised activities that day or at other
moments during the festivities. These include the following centres:
Montjuïc Castle
El Far Consortium
Capitanía General – Palau de la Mercè
Mercat de les Flors
Antoni Tàpies Foundation
Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA)
Music Museum
Barbier-Mueller Museum
Ceramic Museum
Natural Science Museum
Museum of the History of Catalonia
Marès Museum
Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sport Museum
Biomedical Research Park
Sagrada Familia
Please note!
These are just some of the events on the Mercè’11
programme. Many more activities are listed on the full
programme for Barcelona’s festa major.
Further information:
— On Internet. Visit the following websites:
— By telephone:
010: Barcelona Informació, 24 hours a day
(cost of call: €0.46, plus €0.06 per minute, charged by
the second, including VAT)
Information adapted for the deaf and hard of hearing:
send an SMS to tel. 93 317 14 16.
— At information offices:
Tiquet Rambles, Palau de la Virreina (Rambla, 99),
from 10 am to 8.30 pm
Information and Tourist Information Offices in Pl. de Sant Jaume
and Pl. de Catalunya