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GSAs – Showing
strength in numbers
The “It Gets Better” campaign may have helped convince sexual minority
youth they won’t always have to endure homophobic bullying. But even
if life gets better after high school, how do they deal with the abuse they
frequently suffer until then?
Having people who understand what they’re going through and a place where they can feel free to be
themselves certainly helps, and that’s why gay-straight alliances (GSAs) exist. The clubs offer space on
campus for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities to engage in advocacy, plan awareness-raising events or simply provide peer support for classmates.
Teachers are another important source of support for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered (LGBT) students, and the Alberta Teachers’ Association is eager to provide this assistance. The organization will host a
booth at the Pride Week Street Festival this year; some teachers from Calgary’s ATA Local 38 will also join
members of the Calgary GSA Network, which brings together students and teachers involved with GSAs, to
march in the Pride Parade.
Participating in the festival demonstrates the ATA’s commitment to ensuring schools offer a supportive environment for LGBT students, says Andrea Berg of the ATA’s Diversity, Equity and Human Rights committee
“The objectives are to connect with the public, specifically with teachers, students, with parents from
the community, from all different backgrounds, and to show them that teachers are committed to providing safe and inclusive environments for all students.”
Alberta’s first gay-straight alliance was established at a Red Deer high school in 2000. While the ATA
doesn’t keep track of GSAs within the province, Berg says the number of inquiries she’s received from
teachers seeking the ATA’s assistance in setting one up has increased in recent years.
“We just provide support and advice and guidance to teachers who are interested in facilitating GSAs at
their school,” says Berg. “GSAs are encouraged by the association, as they are about the whole community showing support for gender and sexual variant students.”
Fledgling and established GSAs can also get support from the Calgary GSA Network, established shortly after last year’s Pride Week. Participating in Pride Week this year, says Roseline Carter of the Calgary
Sexual Health Centre — which hosts the network’s meetings — shows that students across Calgary are
actively fighting homophobia.
“I think that the GSA marching in the parade is just a way for people to really come together and call
attention to the fact that there are youth who are working together to address the issues of gender identity
and sexual orientation in the schools.”
Although the ATA passed a resolution in favour of GSAs at its 2005 annual assembly, Berg acknowledges some Alberta schools and school districts have embraced them more readily than others. Nonetheless, she says there’s little dissent over the issue.
“There certainly hasn’t been any recent debate. Several years ago we had had the debate about inclusive
education. But today our teachers are relatively unified in their belief that they need to do what they can to
create safe and inclusive learning environments for all students.”
Indeed, the biggest obstacle to creating GSAs, in Carter’s experience, isn’t opposition to their purpose
so much as school officials’ belief there’s no need for one because their school is already safe and inclusive. But it’s usually pretty easy, Carter says, to convince skeptical teachers or principals that establishing
a GSA will ensure their school stays that way.
“I think when people hear the information and they hear the facts and they see how successful other
GSAs have been, that they are pretty open to the idea of helping us facilitate those within the schools.”
But that students are pressing teachers to establish GSAs, rather than teachers establishing GSAs for
students, may be a sign of progress.
The Alberta government’s announcement last June it would resume covering gender reassignment surgery didn’t just restore funding, says Brianne
Langille — it restored hope.
The government’s 2009 decision to delist the procedure was a heavy blow to the
province’s transgendered community, she
says. Langille is the president of Trans
Equality Society of Alberta (TESA), an
advocacy group that was founded in response to the 2009 decision. Many people
she knew began saving their money,
hoping to pay for the surgery themselves,
but the $20,000-$80,000 cost made this
something of a “pipe dream.”
“Most people lost a lot of hope that
they would ever have surgery,” says
Langille. “So there was a huge hit to
the morale of people that were half a
year or a year away from getting approved for surgery, and now they had
to wait this indeterminate, at the time,
amount of time before they could continue along their journey.”
Brianne Langille
But while the province’s roughly $1
million in annual funding will cover up to 25 people a year, Edmonton psychiatrist Dr. Lorne Warneke confirms the journey in question remains a long one.
Warneke, the province’s only psychiatrist who can refer patients for gender reassignment surgery, currently maintains a six-month waiting list for appointments,
and generally requires at least two sessions to diagnose gender identity disorder.
If they receive this diagnosis, patients must then spend a year undergoing hormone therapy and engaging in “real life experience” — i.e. living full time as the
gender they wish to become — before Warneke will recommend surgery. Following approval by Alberta Health, they face an eight to 12-month wait for surgery at a Montreal clinic, the only facility in Canada that provides the procedure.
This process’ length, Warneke says, does allow patients plenty of time to
decide whether they want to go ahead with irreversible surgery. But the lack
of psychiatrists with expertise in gender identity disorder, he believes, is
partly a reflection of the lingering prejudice transgendered people face.
“Transgenderism, I think is a still a stigmatized group in society, and I
think it is, unfortunately, still a stigmatized group within medicine to some
degree. And I think that a lot of psychiatrists seem to be uncomfortable dealing with issues of sexual orientation or gender.”
Increasing the number of psychiatrists in Alberta who can recommend gender reassignment surgery remains a priority for TESA, says Langille. But the
reinstatement of funding, she believes, is definitely a sign of progress. And
although she underwent gender reassignment surgery several years ago in
B.C., it’s still an issue she takes personally.
“It’s not going to affect me directly, the actual decision, but it’s going to
affect how I see my government, and it’s going to affect how a lot of my
friends are going through their transitions. It’s a big, big step and I’m really,
really happy that it’s gone through.”
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We’re 40 and Fabulous!
Proudly supporting the
LGBT community since 1972!
Celebrating 40 Years
#304, 301 - 14 Street NW Calgary, AB T2N 2A1 Phone: 403.283.5580

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