Park County Planning Department


Park County Planning Department
Park County Planning Department
P.O. Box 1598
Fairplay, Colorado 80440
Phone (719) 836-4293 • Fax. 719-836-4268 • E-mail address. [email protected]
Referral Response
Comment Deadline Date:
Submitted Date: 5/17/2016
Case Name:
Request: Applicant is requesting parcel be rezoned from Agricultural (A} to Commercial (C}.
Location/Legal Description: Property is a 1.5 acre tract of land in Section 09, Township 7S, Range 76W, State
Addition of the Townsite of Garo Lot 3 less .189 acre Row Per 142/45 and all of Lot 8 addressed as 37671
HWY 9 Fairplay, CO 80440.
Applicant: CT Management Services, LLC
Date of Planning Commission Hearing:
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Date of BOCC Hearing:
Thursday, June 23, 2016
We have reviewed this referral and find that it does comply with our Strategic Master Plan.
We have reviewed this referral and find that it does not comply with our Strategic Master Plan for the
following reasons:
We have reviewed this referral and find no conflicts with our interests.
A formal recommendation is under consideration and will be submitted to you prior to
Please refer to the enclosed letter.
We offer the following comments regarding this referral:
The Park County Office of Heritage, Tourism and Community Development and the Park County Historic
Preservation Advisory Commission is in support of the business IF the applicant is committed to
rehabilitation of the Garo Store, which is eligible for listing both locally and to the National Register of
Historic Places. Proper rehabilitation of this historic building may also provide owner with Colorado
Income Tax Credits.
Date:~ May19, 2016 _ _ _ _ __
Tit~ctor,Meounty Dept. of Heritage, Tourism and Community Development _ _ _ _ __
Dana Constantine
Amy Unger
Tuesday, December 23, 2014 10:40 AM
Dana Constantine
Jennifer Gannon; Sheila Cross; Tom Eisenman
RE: Referrals Requested for Marijuana License Application - Garo Depot - 37671 Hwy 9,
Staff Comments Garo Depot.pdf
Hi Dana, The Park County Historic Preservation Advisory Commission reviewed the marijuana license application for the Garo Depot at their Saturday, December 20, 2014, meeting. The board members unanimously voted in support of the business if it included the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the historic Newitt Store/A.S. Turner Grocery & General Store/ Garo Post Office, which first opened in 1885. The only significant historic building still standing within the once‐
vibrant townsite of Garo, the store and post office is culturally and historically significant for the important role it played in the economic life of Garo and the surrounding ranching community. The building is also architecturally significant as a fine example of the popular false front commercial building type constructed in small communities in Colorado during the late 1800s and early twentieth century. Furthermore, the building is significant for its association with the Robert “Chubb” Newitt and Alfred Turner families who both played important roles in the early development of Park County. The board is very excited by the possibility of returning this very visible and highly significant historic building to active use and offers its support and assistance in matters related to the rehabilitation and reuse of this historic Victorian Era building. The board did express concerns that the plans included with the application were confusing and did not clearly indicate that the historic building would be retained. Specifically, the plans on pages 83 and 84 did not show the historic building, but instead indicated new construction in the current location of the historic building. The board also noted that the signage plan included was for new construction as opposed to the historic building. The board recommends that the application be revised to more clearly indicate the preservation and adaptive reuse of the historic building. I am attaching the staff comments provided to PCHPAC for your information. The Park County Historic Preservation Advisory Commission and the Park County Office of Historic Preservation thank you for the opportunity to comment on this application, which has great potential to positively impact one of Park County’s outstanding and exceptionally significant historic buildings. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Best regards, Amy Unger Preservation Planner | Park County Office of Historic Preservation | 719.836.4292 From: Dana Constantine
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 12:50 PM
To: Sheila Cross; Tom Eisenman; Lee Phillips; Debra Green; Fred Wegener; Amy Unger; Garver Brown
([email protected]); Jay Hutcheson ([email protected]); Dave Wissel; Tracy Kosloff
([email protected]); [email protected]
Cc: Jennifer Gannon
Subject: Referrals Requested for Marijuana License Application - Garo Depot - 37671 Hwy 9, Fairplay
Hello all, Please find the attached marijuana license application for the Garo Depot. The applicant is applying for the retail store, retail cultivation, and retail/medical combined licenses. Please submit any comments you may have regarding this application to the Planning Department by 12:00pm on Dec. 23rd, 2014. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this application. Many thanks! Best regards,
Dana Constantine
Planning Secretary II
Park County Planning & Zoning Department
P.O. Box 1598
Fairplay, CO 80440
Phone: (719) 836-4254
Fax: (719) 836-4351
Offices open M-Thr 7AM-6PM
Park County
Office of Historic Preservation
PO Box 1373
Fairplay CO 80440
Eligible Historic Property:
Schedule Number:
Property Owner:
December 19, 2014
Newitt Store/A.S. Turner Grocery & General Store and Garo Post Office
37671 Hwy 9, Fairplay, CO 80440
John Ryan
Christine Taylor
Proposed work: Property owner John Ryan and business partner, Christine Taylor, are applying for a retail
marijuana store, retail marijuana cultivation, and retail/medical marijuana combined license. Their business, Garo
Depot, will cultivate and sell both medicinal and recreational marijuana on the site currently occupied by the
historic Newitt Store/A.S. Turner Grocery & General Store/Garo Post Office. Initial plans for the site proposed
demolition of the historic mid-1880s store/post office to make way for new construction. After a discussion on
site with Development Director Sheila Cross and Preservation Planner Amy Unger on December 11, 2014, the
owner voiced his intention to include rehabilitation and reuse of the historic store in his plans for the site.
Staff Findings: While the once-lively ranching community of Garo has slowly faded from sight, the 129-year-old
historic Newitt Store/A.S. Turner Grocery & General Store/ Garo Post Office has tenaciously survived and remains
a highly visible symbol of Garo’s storied past. The only significant historic building still standing within the historic
townsite of Garo, the store and post office is culturally and historically significant for the important role it played
in the economic life of Garo and the surrounding ranching community. The building is also architecturally
significant as a fine example of the popular false front commercial building type constructed in small communities
in Colorado during the late 1800s and early twentieth century. Furthermore, the building is significant for its
association with the Robert “Chubb” Newitt and Alfred Turner families who both played important roles in the
early development of Park County. (See attached for additional information on the history of the building.)
In 2002, the building was surveyed by Front Range Research Associates and found to be field eligible for
listing on the National Register of Historic Places. However, the store is not currently listed on the local, state or
national register. Staff has discussed Park County Historic Landmark designation with the owner, who has
expressed interest in designation.
Several historical photos of the building are available and demonstrate that the building has changed
relatively little since the late 1880s. Some alterations have been made to the building, but these changes have not
compromised the historic significance of the building, which retains a high level of physical integrity.
Since the store’s closure in the early 1970s, the condition of the building has deteriorated due to lack of
maintenance. However, rehabilitation and reuse is feasible and staff has discussed with the owner the possibility
of utilizing state historic preservation tax credits and PCHPAC grant funds to assist with the rehabilitation of the
building. Staff has also offered to assist the owner throughout the rehabilitation process.
Staff Recommendations: Demolition of the historic Newitt Store/A.S. Turner Grocery & General Store/Garo Post
Office, as originally proposed by the owner, would be a devastating loss for Park County. Therefore, staff strongly
encourages the adaptive reuse and historically appropriate rehabilitation of this iconic piece of Park County’s
cultural heritage. Before the license application is reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners, staff
recommends that the site plans included with the application be revised to document reuse of the existing
historic building and that the signage plan be revised to reflect the adaptive reuse of the historic building, with
signage placed in its historic location above the front entrance doors.
Park County Planning Depaftment
P.0. Box 1598
Fairplay, Colorado 80440
Phone: (719) 8364293
Fax 7fg-836-4268
E-mail addrcss, ifalchi(
Referral Re$lonse
comment Deadline
Date: 5/31/20f6
Submltted Date: 5/171201-6.
R€qucst; Aootierrt lsJFauecdno parcel be ]ezoned-.ft,om Agdculhlral (A) to CqFmerclal (CI.
location/Lega! Descrlptionr,-hopgrty is a i,5 acre uac-t of-land in Section 09. ft
A,.ddition of the Townsite of Gafq
3 less .189 acre Rorry Per 142/45 aud atl of Lot
addrsssed as 37571
HWY 9 Fairp_lqy-C9 80440.
Applicank, CT Managerncnt Services. LLC
Date of Planning Conmicslon
Tue4.ay, Iune 14. 2016
Thursdav. June 23. 2016
Date of BOCC Hearing:
We have reviewed this referral and find that it 3!g!Ei comply with our Strateglc Master PIan.
We have revlewed thls refenal and firrd that it
following rcasons:
comply with our Strategie Master Plan for the
We have revlewed this referraland flnd no mnflicts wlth our interests'
A formal recommendation is under considerathn and will be submithed to you prior to
Please refer to the enclosed letter.
We offer the following oomments reqarding this referral:
o"n i/t*/t t
,#lq, , S^ulu
rnrer 4dalirr Safe,r.vts,or$NrotrnE
89zD9E86rl l4V9B:68 9|AZ/81/SB OSAISCfU
Park County Planning Depaftment
P.O. Box 1598
Fairplay, Colorado 80440
Phone: (7Lg) 836-4293 o Fax 7L9-836-4268 o E-mail address, [email protected]
Referral Resoonse
Comment Deadline
Submitted Date: 5l L7 120L6
Request: Apolicant is requesting parcel be rezoned from Aoricultura! (A) to Commercial (C).
Location/Legal Description: Propertv is a 1.5 acre tract of land in Section 09. Township 75. Range 76W. State
Addition of the Townsite of Garo Lot 3 less .189 acre Row Per 142145 and all of Lot 8 addressed as 37671
HWY 9 Fairplay. CO 80440.
Applicant: CT Manasement Services. LLC
Date of Planning Commission Hearing:
Tuesdav .Tune 14 2016
Date of BOCC Hearing:
Thursdav- June23-2016
We have reviewed this referral and find that it does comply with our Strategic Master Plan.
We have reviewed this referral and find that it does
not comply with our Strategic Master
following reasons:
We have reviewed this referral and find no conflicts with our interests'
A formal recommendation is under consideration and will be submitted to you prior to
Please refer to the enclosed letter.
We offer the following comments regarding this referral:
"5-Lu{ ^ lb
Plan for the