DONOR aPPRECIaTION ISSUE - Children`s Hospital of Michigan


DONOR aPPRECIaTION ISSUE - Children`s Hospital of Michigan
■ Innovative Neurosurgery
Procedure Saves Young Girl
Pediatric Intensive Care
Nursing – Night Shift
■ Outdoor Tips
for Water Safety,
Bike Safety and more
Dear Friends,
Everywhere you look at Children’s Hospital of Michigan (CHM) you can see
where a donor has touched the lives of our young patients. Whether you are
standing in the lobby, walking through the halls, visiting patient rooms, or touring
research labs – it is there. Commitment to making a difference. Commitment to
better health. Commitment to finding new ways to treat and cure illnesses and
diseases. Commitment locally, statewide, nationally and globally, the positive impact
originating from Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
So much of what we do and would like to do is dependent on you – friends
of Children’s Hospital of Michigan. Very soon, I will be sharing with you an
exciting announcement that will dramatically impact the services we provide
and how you are an important part of this news. How your commitment has
supported our efforts over the years and how it will now take us to new
heights in pediatric health care is critical.
In this Donor Appreciation issue of the About Children’s, you will read about the many donors who support
CHM, about a lifesaving neurological surgical procedure developed here at CHM, summer safety tips, what a shift
might be like for a pediatric intensive care nurse and who a few of the new leaders are.
THANK YOU to all of the donors who so unselfishly give of their time and resources to help these young
patients. Your commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of young children now and in the future
is immeasurable.
Herman B. Gray, Jr., M.D., M.B.A.
President, Children’s Hospital of Michigan
“My Shunt”
Oil on Canvas
Tim Kean, at the age of 24, painted this piece
of artwork entitled “My Shunt” during the
summer of 2005 while he endured an eight
week stay in the hospital with complications
from hydrocephalus.
S P R I N G / S U mmer 2 0 0 6
About Children’s is a
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Development Department
Herman B. Gray, Jr., M.D., M.B.A.
Vice President, Development:
Patrick R. Kelly
Suzanne G. Dawes
Innovative Neurosurgery
Procedure Saves Young Girl
Caring Pairing: Chief and Diane
Schuler Share a Special Bond
Pediatric Intensive Care
Nursing – Night Shift
Editorial Staff:
Jamie Ferguson
Darlene Harris
Cynthia K. Rowell
Kimberly A. Trussell
Outdoor Tips for Water Safety,
Bike Safety and more
Feature Writers:
Marti Benedetti
Tom Frey
Marcy Hayes
Michael Hodges
Kate Lawson
Toast for Tykes
Design and Printing:
Grigg Graphic Services
Donna Terek
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Medical Photography
On the cover
Vanessa Lawson, 2,
smiles for the camera
at Children’s Hospital
of Michigan.
For more information or to make a donation, please contact:
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Development Department
3901 Beaubien St. • Detroit, MI 48201-2196
Office: (313) 745-5373
Fax: (313) 993-0119 Web:
General Hospital Information: (313) 745-KIDS (5437)
She is my miracle
child. I really believe
she wouldn’t be here
today if it weren’t for
Children’s Hospital
and Dr. Sood.
– Cheryl Morabito
Dr. Sandeep Sood
Innovative Neurosurgery
Procedure Saves Young Girl
magine your baby is screaming in pain 24 hours a day, week
after week. The family pediatrician examines her over and
over, but repeatedly finds nothing wrong. “You’re just overreacting,” he says. “Babies cry. That’s what they do.”
Cheryl and Jim Morabito of Clinton Township don’t need to imagine it.
They lived it.
In February 2001, Cheryl and Jim welcomed their second daughter, Julia,
into the world. From the beginning, they knew something was wrong.
“She cried and cried non-stop,” says Cheryl. “We brought her to the
doctor and he kept telling us she had colic, but our other daughter had
colic and we knew this was something else.”
Still, the Morabitos trusted the physician and followed his treatment
recommendations. But nothing helped. The crying went on for months.
Then little Julia began vomiting and having tremors. The doctor again
said nothing was seriously wrong with the 9-month-old girl. A blood test
and urinalysis revealed no problems.
“He called us at home and said, ‘Nothing is wrong with your baby and
I’m not doing any more tests,’” Cheryl says.
At that point, Cheryl and Jim called another pediatrician, but couldn’t
get an appointment for six weeks. “I was crying and I told the nurse on the
phone that I didn’t think my daughter had six weeks,” Cheryl says.
The nurse suggested she take Julia to the Emergency Department at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan. Within moments of arriving at Children’s
Hospital, nurses took Julia from her mother’s arms and rushed the crying
baby to an exam room.
“They were examining her before they’d even asked me if I had
insurance,” Cheryl says.
An hour later, Emergency Department physicians knew why Julia had
been crying all her life. It appeared she had hydrocephalus, which can
be extremely difficult to diagnose. Hydrocephalus is a condition where
there is an excess build-up of fluid on the brain – and for baby Julia, it
was causing excruciating, migraine-like pain. Doctors scheduled surgery for
the next morning to insert a shunt and drain the fluid from her brain.
“I was a wreck,” Cheryl says. “I was terrified because something was
seriously wrong with my child, but I was also very relieved that someone
was finally doing something to help her.”
The next morning Sandeep Sood, M.D., a neurosurgeon at
Children’s Hospital, examined Julia in preparation for the scheduled shunt procedure.
“We looked at the CT scan and it didn’t look quite right. It
didn’t fit the bill for simple hydrocephalus,” Dr. Sood says. “It
seemed that she might have a cyst in the fluid chamber obstructing
the flow of fluid.”
Dr. Sood ordered an ultrasound of Julia’s head. His suspicions
were confirmed; she had a golf-ball sized cyst in the third ventricle.
While most neurosurgeons at the time were treating cysts like
Julia’s with shunt placement, Dr. Sood was pioneering an innovative procedure that had the potential for fewer side effects, less risk
and better outcomes. Using an endoscope – a surgical instrument
about the size of a ball point pen refill – Dr. Sood was able to drain
the cyst and then use heat from a special device to shrink it. This
prevented the cyst from refilling with fluid and allowed the excess
fluid on Julia’s brain to drain off naturally.
“This new procedure offers many advantages,” Dr. Sood says.
“Shunts have a tendency to get plugged up and then you have to
go back in. Many children require repeated surgeries with shunts.”
Julia was just the seventh child to have this new procedure.
Dr. Sood later published a journal article outlining the many
advantages of the procedure. Since then, neurosurgeons at other
hospitals have adopted his technique.
Today, Julia is a healthy and extremely bright 5-year-old girl.
Not even in kindergarten yet, she already knows how to read.
Her mom says she loves riding her bike almost as much as taking
tap dancing lessons.
“She is my miracle child. I really believe she wouldn’t be here
today if it weren’t for Children’s Hospital and Dr. Sood,” Cheryl
says. “I thank God every day that we brought her to Children’s
Hospital. I just wish we’d brought her there sooner.”
Julia Morabito
Patrick Kelly: New V. P. Development
and Executive Director CHM Foundation
atrick Kelly has only been on the job for a few months,
but he already knows that being the new vice president of
development and executive director of the CHM Foundation
is the perfect fit for him. Kelly, who formerly worked for The Wall Street
Journal and Dow Jones in advertising and marketing and spent five years
in Singapore, brings with him an impressive list of credentials as he also
helped form the board for the McCarty Cancer Foundation nine years ago.
“That opened up the whole new world of nonprofit to me,” says Kelly
who comes to CHM from the Van Andel Institute, a bio-medical research
center in Grand Rapids, were he was vice president of development and
communications. “A wonderful set of circumstances brought me to
Children’s,” says Kelly. “I came here and met Dr. Gray and we talked passionately about the future of CHM. I admire the great work being done here and
feel that Children’s is one of the greatest assets of Southeast Michigan.”
Kelly says some of the future plans for CHM in addition to developing
financial support, is to enhance the facility to insure that “we
continue to provide the best care based on the latest research
and technology.”
He also cites the quality of staff at CHM as one of its
greatest strengths. “It’s not unusual to meet staff members who
have been here 20 to 30 years. It’s a special place, and Children’s
becomes part of your life. It gets in your blood,” he says. “People
here are committed to really providing quality care and to
making sure that the total experience for both the patients and
their families is a good one. To be in that environment provides
nourishment in terms of motivating everyone.”
He also appreciates the support from the community for
Children’s, which he says is most deserving. “When someone
tries to help, we can’t say thank you enough.” And to show the
gratitude he says the staff at Children’s “do a wonderful job every
single day with humility and modesty. It’s an amazing experience
just to be a part of that,” Kelly says. “The hospital is 120 years
old this year but the next 100 years promises to be even more
exciting for the hospital, its staff and the families we serve.”
Born in Detroit, Kelly grew up in Grosse Pointe and lives
in Birmingham now with his wife, Janie, and four sons, Patrick,
Charlie, Sean and Jack.
Lifelong Detroiter Always
Planned to Give
on J. Simonds was a lifelong Detroiter who never forgot what it was like to struggle with a serious illness during childhood. He passed away in December 2005 at
83, leaving behind a substantial gift for Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
“He absolutely loved kids,” says Karen Eggleston, D.D.S., a Southfield dentist and one of
Don Simonds’ five children. “I think he understood what sick children are going through
and wanted to help in any way he could.”
According to Dr. Eggleston, her father’s childhood experiences and his love for children,
including his 12 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren, likely influenced his decision
to include Children’s Hospital of Michigan in his estate plans.
As a boy in the 1920s, Don Simonds drew cars on scraps of paper and played with them
for hours; his family was too poor to buy a toy car. Then in 1938, at age 16, he was hospitalized with tuberculosis and missed two years of school.
“He always had a special place in his heart for children,” Dr. Eggleston says. “He had a
real soft touch with kids.”
Mr. Simonds set up his planned gift to Children’s Hospital more than 20 years ago. He
also gave sizable gifts to other local hospitals and a foster care program for Detroit children.
Despite his childhood challenges, Mr. Simonds graduated from Cass High School in
Detroit and later attended college at the University of Detroit. His education and lifelong
thirst for knowledge eventually led to a successful career in financial planning.
“He was a voracious reader. He read anything and everything about finance and other subjects,” Dr. Eggleston says. “His personal library had more than 3,000 books and periodicals.”
When Mr. Simonds retired at age 79 after 37 years as a financial
advisor, his client list included more than 5,000 metro Detroit residents.
“His clients really trusted him and respected his advice,” Dr.
Eggleston says. “He always encouraged his clients to call him anytime – day or night – and they did. Even after he retired, his former
clients would call him for advice.”
Mr. Simonds’ generous gift will support Child Life Services at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan to help reduce the stress and anxiety that children and their families may encounter during a hospital
visit. Through Mr. Simonds’ generosity, Child Life staff will continue to provide play and learning opportunities, such as reading, that
encourage normal growth and development for young people.
If you would like to include Children’s Hospital of Michigan in
your estate plans or have already done so, please contact Jodi Wong
in the Development Office at (313) 745-5855.
Don J. Simonds
Caring Pairing: Chief and Diane
Schuler Share a Special Bond
t was love at first sight. She fell immediately for his big brown eyes and his easygoing
nature. He loved her gentle and caring demeanor and the fact that she carried a fanny
pack stocked with liver treats.
Six years ago, Diane Schuler found herself without a dog for the first time in her life and set out
to find a new canine companion. Knowing that she wanted her next dog to do pet therapy, she started
her search with the Golden Retriever Rescue of Michigan (GRRoM). Chief, 5 years old at the time,
was the first dog she saw. “I just knew the moment I saw him that he was the one,” said Schuler.
Chief’s previous owners had given him up to be put to sleep after he was hit by a car. Instead,
the Humane Society called GRRoM and they decided to treat his injuries and put him up for adoption. “When I went to see him,” said Schuler, “it was like we had known each other forever.” With a
little bit of training for Schuler and Chief, a pet therapy duo was born. “Chief excelled in obedience
classes. In fact, he scored higher than I did,” admits Schuler.
Pet therapy began at Children’s Hospital of Michigan on the surgical unit about 20 years ago and
has expanded to other areas of the hospital. A visit from one of 15 cold-nosed specialists has become
an eagerly awaited respite from the pokes and prods that come with a hospital stay.
“The kids love it,” says Schuler, who is both a pet therapy volunteer and the program coordinator for the inpatient rehab unit. “It’s a chance for them to take their minds off how they’re feeling,
whether it’s sadness from not being home, or actual pain. The dogs represent normalcy amid an
abnormal situation,” Schuler says, “and they just seem to know instinctively
when someone needs special attention.”
Schuler recalls one day when three generations from one family
spotted Chief as they waited for a ride. After the kids fussed over him
for awhile, he padded over to the grandmother and laid his head in her
lap. “The woman said she was scheduled for heart surgery the following
week,” Schuler says, “and she began voicing her fears. Chief made her
feel comfortable.” Schuler says she has even seen reactions from children in comas.
“All I do is bring Chief in to see the kids,” says Schuler, “yet I
get so much happiness out of each visit. To see a child’s unbridled
joy when Chief walks into a room is just amazing.”
Chief’s innate ability to comfort people has even
been recognized nationally. In 2004, Schuler entered
him in Golden Rescue and Community Excellence
(G.R.A.C.E.) competition and he won the award
for Animal Assisted Therapy. “Chief and I flew to California to accept the award,” said Schuler. “I’m so proud
of him for winning the award, for everything
he has done at Children’s and for just being such a
cool dog. He’s my best friend.”
Chief wags his tail in agreement, as he eyes that
fanny pack full of treats.
Kids Helping Kids
Students Have a Knack for
Raising Money to Help Kids
Korte and her classmates at Pardee Elementary School in Dearborn
Heights have a future in fundraising. For several years, the students raised
money for causes that help children. The last couple years they decided to
help Children’s Hospital of Michigan, generating more than $7,000 for games, toys
and books for hospital patients and their siblings. The books, in fact, went to the
hospital’s Phyllis Colburn Library.
“I like helping other kids less fortunate than I am,” says Hannah, who is a sixth
grader this year at O.W. Best Middle School.
Cathy Korte, Hannah’s mom, and Pardee students organized a walkathon
last year and the year before on the neighboring high school track. They
collected pledges from friends and family based on how many miles they
walked. Hannah was the top fundraiser bringing in about $700 in pledges
each year.
“I push her a little, but this is something she is good at,” Cathy says.
“She wants to give back.”
Hannah initiated a spaghetti dinner fundraiser at her middle school this year to
raise money for a double lung transplant for one of her teacher’s adult children.
Pardee has been having annual fundraisers for 11 years. Early on, students raised
money for playground equipment and other school improvements. But it shifted its
focus to children helping children several years ago. Other organizations were
beneficiaries until the Korte’s
suggested they make Children’s
a beneficiary.
Why Children’s? “When my
brother was first born, he ended up
there,” said Cathy Korte. “They
saved his life. They have been an
awesome part of my life and my
brother’s life ever since. This year,
he’s going to be 38.”
Pictured left to right are: Tyler Etterman,
Shanna Dalhman, Lee Faith, Emily Smith,
Nicholas Etterman (standing), Jacob Smith,
and Hannah Korte
FedEx Committed to Giving Back
to the Community it Serves
osting Super Bowl XL in Detroit this past February was exciting
enough, but even more thrilling for Children’s Hospital of Michigan
was the generous donation through FedEx Operation Special Delivery
of $25,000 to buy a new ventilator for the hospital’s intensive-care unit.
The contribution was all part of the FedEx “Air and Ground NFL Players of
the Year” awards.
Which is all well and good. But for the several dozen young patients who
attended the event when the check was presented to CHM President Herman
Gray, the real draws were NFL stars Peyton Manning of the Indianapolis Colts,
and Boomer Esiason, the retired quarterback celebrated for his years with the
Cincinnati Bengals.
At the hour-long event in the CHM auditorium, Manning
gave instructions in proper passing technique, and the kids worked
on decorating helmets and t-shirts, which they presented to him
and Esiason. The two stars then signed autographs and posed for
innumerable photographs with children and their parents.
“Since Detroit was the host of the Super Bowl,” says FedEx
spokesman Ryan Furby, “we thought it would be nice to present
the awards, or at least announce them, at Children’s Hospital of
Michigan. And that’s when we donated the $25,000.” For the
past two years during football season, FedEx has invited fans to
vote on their website ( for the outstanding
passing and running players of the week. The delivery firm then
donates $5,000 to the children’s hospital in the hometowns of
those players.
Alisa, 2
Jessica Vincent
Addy, 13 and Ted, 11
CHM presents shirts signed by patients to
Carson and Boomer: (L to R) Carson Palmer,
Dr. Herman Gray, CHM President; Boomer
Esiason, Mary Lieh-Lai, M.D., Co-Chief, ICU
Over the last two years, FedEx has given almost $500,000 to
children’s hospitals nationwide.
Top vote-getters over the course of the season win the Players of
the Year award – which this year went to Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Carson Palmer, who led the NFL with 32 touchdown passes, and
Seattle Seahawks running back Shaun Alexander, who set a league
record with 28 touchdowns.
The program, says Furby, is part and parcel of the company’s
commitment to give back to the communities it serves.
“It’s important for our employees to know that we’re giving to
their hometowns,” he says. “It’s just as important for them
as it is for the children.”
Ryan, 3
Lynne Thomas Gordon:
New Chief Operating Officer
Lynne Thomas Gordon
Home: Birmingham
Spouse: Richard “Erik” Gordon
Children: Robert “Rob” (13)
Education: Medical College of Georgia,
Augusta (B.S. Health Information
Management) 1978;
Georgia State University, Atlanta,
(Executive M. B. A.) 1989
Prior Experience: Director of
Operations, Shands at Alachua General
Hospital (AGH) in Gainesville, Fla.,
Manager of Clinic Operations and
Director of Patient Financial Services at
Scottish Rite Children’s Medical Center
in Altanta; assistant director of medical
records at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta,
Utilization Review Coordinator for
University Hospital in Augusta, Ga.
Fellowship: Board certified in
healthcare management;
fellow in the American College
of Healthcare Executives.
Leadership: Board of Governors
for the American College of Healthcare
Executives. HIV Medicine Association
of the Infectious Diseases Society
of America
hildren’s Hospital’s new chief operating officer Lynne
Thomas Gordon readily admits that some of the most satisfying accomplishments of her career so far have been getting
people to achieve goals they did not think were possible. “I call them
BHAGs, Big Hairy Audacious Goals,” she adds. “And you can have
them for even the most mundane jobs.”
Gordon points to her last position at Shands AGH (Alachua General
Hospital) in Gainesville, Fla. She was trying to get employees to focus on
goals related to supply expense management. Since the project involved
materials management, she named the campaign M&M. The colorful
candy and M&M candy holders rewarded employee progress. She even
dressed up like an M&M to publicize the hospital wide effort. “I like to
make it the best fun you can, even for the less exciting efforts,” she says.
She hopes to create enthusiasm for her goals at Children’s. “I’m goal oriented to a fault,” she adds.
An avid reader, she started a
business book club at Shands.
The group would choose a business
book a month and meet in a hospital conference room for discussion.
“Most people don’t read business
books, so this was a fun way to get
them reading and talking about
business trends.”
Gordon says she wants to step
up value with cost, quality and
service initiatives at Children’s.
“We are doing so many things
well and my hope is to continue
in that same direction.”
She also believes in helping
employees prosper. “I want to
make sure they feel valued and
are recognized for the things they
do well,” she says. “I hope to give
them the tools they need to learn
more. We have a tuition reimbursement program here so I will
encourage further education
through advanced degrees and certification.”
The Hendersonville, N.C., native plans to continue the hospital’s
emphasis on family-centered care and patient-customer satisfaction. But
she would like to incorporate some of the tenets of the Planetree model,
which advocates caring for the whole person…body, mind and spirit.
In Memory - E. Bryce Alpern, M.D.
r. E. Bryce Alpern, “a champion of pediatrics,” passed away in
April 2006. Dr. Alpern was not only devoted to helping children
and their families, he was also dedicated to helping medical
students evolve into empathetic and knowledgeable pediatricians.
In the late 1940’s, Dr. Alpern graduated from the University of Michigan
and Johns Hopkins Medical School, served in World War II and became a
Children’s Hospital of Michigan intern earning $75 a month. In 1998, at
the age of 82, he retired after more than sixty years of practicing medicine
and mentoring pediatricians. For decades he touched the lives of thousands
of children and their families, as well as thousands of medical students.
Dr. Alpern, his wife Harriet, his brother Bob and sister-in-law Marjorie
generously contributed to create the E. Bryce Alpern, M.D. Innovative
Pediatric Education Program at Children’s Hospital of Michigan. Dr. and
Mrs. Alpern have also funded a very popular pet-therapy program that
facilitates canine visits to hospitalized kids.
Memorial tributes may be directed to the “E. Bryce Alpern, M.D.
Innovative Pediatric Education Program” at Children’s Hospital of
Michigan, 3901 Beaubien, Detroit, MI 48201 or phone (313) 993-8815.
In Memory - Josef M. Kobiljak, M.D.
r. Josef Kobiljak, an outstanding pediatrician who served
Children’s Hospital of Michigan for some 35 years, passed away
in April 2006.
After immigrating from Munich where Dr. Kobiljak
completed his medical education in 1954, he then practiced in Hiedelberg,
studied more in England and came to the US in 1966. He finished his
residency in pediatrics at CHM in 1968 and was on staff for more than
three decades specializing in neurology and epilepsy.
Dr. Kobiljak’s colleagues describe him as a very vibrant, demonstrative,
friendly, teacher and mentor, as well as an inquisitive student of medicine.
His dedication to the young patients, their families, colleagues and students
was remarkable.
Memorial tributes may be directed to Children’s Hospital of Michigan’s
greatest need, 3901 Beaubien, Detroit, MI 48201 or phone (313) 993-8815.
Pediatric Intensive Care
Nursing - Night Shift
Ethan with Beth Voyles, R.N.,
rom the time she was a young girl, Beth Voyles says she has always wanted to
be a nurse. Now, as a pediatric intensive care nurse for 30 years and for the
past eight years, the night charge nurse in the PICU (pediatric intensive care
unit) at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, it’s a job she loves as much as she loves the
children she cares for.
“When I was young I did a lot of babysitting,” says Voyles who
was Nurse of the Year in 2003, “I’m a natural caretaker. There was
never a doubt in my mind, that this is what I wanted to do.”
As night charge nurse in the PICU she has spent countless eight10- and 12-hour evening shifts tending to very sick children, comforting families, assisting doctors and overseeing a staff of more than a
dozen nurses. She is also president of the local chapter of the Society
of Pediatric Nurses and this year was elected to the National Board of
Pediatric Nurses, a first-ever for a staff nurse.
While at home she has a husband and two grown children, every
night when Voyles starts her shift at CHM, it’s the people in the
PICU that become her family.
That fact was illustrated one rainy evening last November. At 7
p.m., when most families were home sitting around the dinner table,
the PICU nurses were also gathered around a table ready to begin
their shift. Picking at crumbs from the day’s leftover brownies, sipping coffee and energy drinks, the nurses greet each other warmly awaiting shift reports
and patient assignments.
Tonight there is a 5-year-old with viral encephalitis, a 2-year-old with renal failure,
a 15-month-old heart transplant patient and a 15-year-old gunshot victim among the 17
patients in the 20-bed ward. Each nurse from Erica Mininni, a new graduate experiencing
her first PICU shift, to 18-year veteran, Chris Lockhart, is expertly trained and passionately dedicated.
“Every nurse attends only one or two patients a night,” explains Voyles after the shift
report. “It’s very rare that a nurse has more than two sick children at a time and
if the patient is quite sick, there is one nurse there exclusively.”
Five-month-old Ethan Jacobs, newly diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia is
Voyles’ patient this night. Entering his room for the first time, she gets a report from the
day nurses then the doctors enter the room to deliver the diagnosis to Ethan’s parents,
Alicia Jacobs and Alvin Copling of Warren.
“Doctors give you the information but it’s hard to concentrate
on the bad news,” says Copling trying to grasp what the doctors
have said. “You only can take in a little bit of what they’re telling
you.” The doctors leave the room, but it’s Voyles who stays behind
to answer the couple’s questions and offer emotional strength. She
suggests they might want to keep a notebook so they write down
questions and record the medicines and treatment he’s being given.
“It’s hard seeing a sick child; you don’t ever get used to it,” says Voyles after she
leaves the room. “But this is the best place he can be right now. We have to help the
parents, too, we’re not just dealing with the patient but the entire family.”
Voyles is also in charge of the nursing staff in the pediatric cardiac care ward
down the hall so, she makes a few trips down the long corridor to check on things
there as well. Fortunately, it’s a slow night there and she can return to Ethan’s bedside. “I wore a pedometer here one night and clocked nine miles,” she says. “I had
no idea how quickly it adds up.”
As the night gets later, the ward grows quieter. From the room next door, sounds
the steady beep of a heart monitor. Down the hall a little boy watches his Barney
cartoons and you can hear a little girl naming her colors with the encouragement of a nurse and a grandmother.
“The staff here is extremely caring not only for the family and
patients, but for the fellow staffers as well,” says Voyles. “Teamwork is so
essential here, everyone pitches in to help. They care about each other
and that’s why they can care for children.”
Eileen Lucier, a PICU nurse for 13 years, is part of that caring
team who says she loves working at CHM “because I like to work
with kids and the camaraderie here is incredible. It’s not nice to see
children in such bad shape but it’s nice to see them get better,” says
Lucier. And when you can’t make it better? “Then you have to be here
for the family,” she says softly.
“We all have our niches and callings, thank goodness,” says Voyles
nearing the end of the 12-hour shift that thankfully, has been uneventful.
“There’s a certain reward about pediatric nursing. I couldn’t see myself driving
a school bus or teaching a classroom, this is what I was meant to do.” She stops,
then adds, “You know, a child can be so sick and the next thing you know,
they’re coming back to the ward to visit, all smiling and happy. That’s what
really keeps us going.”
Ethan Jacobs, 1
Mary Lu Angelilli, M.D. - New Chief
of Staff is a Familiar Face
longtime member of the medical staff was
recently named chief of staff at Children’s
Mary Lu Angelilli , M.D.
Hospital of Michigan. Mary Lu Angelilli,
Home: Grosse Pointe Farms
M.D. was appointed to the physician leadership position
Children: Daughter Kathryn
in fall 2005.
graduated from medical school in
“While I’m new to the chief of staff position, I’m
May 2006
not new to the hospital. I’ve been on the medical staff
Title: Chief of Staff, Children’s
for 22 years, working full-time at the hospital for 17 of
Hospital of Michigan
those 22 years,” says Dr. Angelilli.
Education: Wayne State University,
Over the years she has served in many leadership
(B.S. in Chemistry)
positions, including vice chief of staff, interim chief of
Wayne State University School of
staff and division chief of ambulatory pediatrics and
Medicine, (M.D.)
adolescent medicine. She has also been deeply involved
Residency: Children’s Hospital of
in research and medical education, important compoMichigan
nents of the Children’s Hospital of Michigan mission.
Leadership: Fellow, American
While Dr. Angelilli modestly says there is much she
Academy of Pediatrics; Member,
still has to learn about the new position, there are a few
Ambulatory Pediatric Association;
things she’s sure of already.
Chapter Coordinator, Pediatric
“My primary role will be as an advocate for all
Research in the Office Setting
members of the medical staff – the faculty physicians and
physician extenders inside the hospital and the private
attending physicians in the community,” she says. “Secondly, I
see my role as a champion of the high medical standards we all
expect from Children’s Hospital.”
Another important role for the chief of staff: ambassador
of the hospital. Dr. Angelilli says she believes Children’s
Hospital provides the highest quality of pediatric medical
care in the state. As a physician who knows many of the
pediatricians in southeast Michigan, she hopes to
encourage more physicians to refer their patients to
Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
“A long time ago, I made the decision that I would
never work anywhere but in a children’s hospital,” Dr.
Angelilli says. “Everyone here is devoted to taking care
of children – from the doctors and nurses to the X-ray
technicians and respiratory therapists.”
She says it makes a huge difference for patients. “As
a physician, I know the expertise and technology available here is cutting edge. The quality of my physician
colleagues is top notch and the quality of the nurses and
other ancillary personnel here is incredible.”
Jeffrey Devries, M.D. - New Vice
President of Medical Affairs
r. Jeffrey Devries has come full circle. After splitting his career
between the Oakwood Healthcare System and the Henry Ford
Health System, he is the new vice president of medical affairs at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan, where 24 years ago he completed his residency.
“It feels like I’m returning to my medical home,” Devries says. “The
strong spirit and goals of deciding what is good for children are still here.”
Interestingly enough, Children’s Hospital President, Herman Gray, was the
chief resident when Devries was an intern.
The position, which he started in February, puts Devries in charge of
pediatric strategic planning and program development. He plans to
examine the range and quality of services offered at Children’s and find areas
to expand and improve.
“Overall, I hope to enhance the quality of patient care,” says the Oak Park
native. “We have many talented individuals, excellent programs and resources
that we need to make more easily accessible to patients and their families.”
In his last post at Oakwood Hospital, Devries oversaw the initiation and
development of the Program for Exceptional Families, which coordinates care
for families that have children with special
needs. When he was associate chair of the
department of pediatrics at the Henry Ford
Health System, he considers his greatest
accomplishment launching the first program
in the country to bring residents to community-based clinics for educational experience.
“Typically residents train at hospitals,”
he adds.
He is most proud of winning the first
annual “Ray E. Helfer Award for Innovation
in Pediatric Education,” awarded by the
national Ambulatory Pediatric Association
in 1994, and the major roles he has played in
obtaining grants to support development of
Oakwood’s Program for Exceptional Families.
“Although I’m not as involved in direct
patient care in my new role, I like that I can
have an even greater impact by helping design systems that deliver healthcare
to many children,” he says.
Devries has an open-door office policy and welcomes ideas on how to do
things better from those who are closest to health care delivery – patients,
their families, physicians, nurses and therapists.
Dr. Jeffrey M. Devries
Home: West Bloomfield
Children: Danny (19), David (17),
and Rachel (14)
Education: University of Michigan, (B.S.)
1975; University of Michigan, (M.D.) 1979;
University of Rochester (N.Y.) (M.P.H.)
Residency: Residency in Pediatrics,
1979-82 Children’s Hospital of Michigan;
Residency in Preventive Medicine 198284 Department of Preventive, Family
and Rehabilitation Medicine, Strong
Memorial Hospital, Rochester, N.Y.
Fellowship: General Pediatrics
Academic Development Program,
University of Rochester (NY) 1982-84
Ambulatory Pediatric Association
• Member, Board of Directors
and Chair Education Committee
• Member, Education Committee
Executive Team 2004 - Present
ichigan State Medical Society,
ayne County Medical Society,
merican Academy of Pediatrics
Southeast Michigan Center for Medical
Education (formerly OHEP) Member,
Board of Directors 2002-2006
Member, Board of Directors, Children’s
Hospital of Michigan Alumni Association
Outdoor Tips for Water Safety,
Bike Safety and more
Water Safety
• Never allow children to swim unsupervised.
• Know where your children are at all times.
• Use an approved barrier to separate the pool from the house.
• Never allow children to be alone near a pool or any water source.
• Have life-saving devices near the pool, such as a pole/hook or floatation
• Keep large objects such as tables, chairs, toys, and ladders away from pool
• Post the 9-1-1 number on the phone and have the phone near the pool.
• Do not allow children to play around the pool and store all toys outside the
pool area.
• If you leave the pool area, take the children with you.
• Learn to swim.
• Learn how to properly administer CPR.
• Make sure your pool is fenced on all four sides and is locked when not in use.
• Never swim alone; always use the buddy system.
• Never swim when thunder or lightning is present.
• Never dive into unfamiliar or shallow bodies of water.
• Enter all unfamiliar water feet first.
• Never assume someone else is watching your child. Always have a “designated
child watcher”.
• When staying at a relative or friend’s home, look for possible water hazards (pools, ponds, buckets, bathtubs, toilets, dog bowls, etc.).
• When boating, wear a Coast Guard approved lifejacket.
• If the water is shared by boats, BE VISIBLE: Have your
child wear a bright colored swim cap, stay close to shore
and actively watch for boats and other water craft.
Alexander, 6 and
Johnathon, 16 months
Bike Safety
Each year, almost 600,000 children sustain bicycle-related injuries, and over
90% of bicycle-related deaths involve collisions with motor vehicles. By wearing a
properly fitted bike helmet, a child can reduce the risk of serious brain injury by 85%.
Plan on spending 10-15 minutes to make sure the helmet is snug, level and stable. First,
adjust the fit pads. The pads should touch the head evenly and the helmet should sit level
on the head. Second, adjust the straps. The chin strap should fit snugly and the rim should
be visible when your child looks up. Finally, move the helmet side-to-side. If the skin near your
child’s eyebrows moves with the helmet, he or she is ready to ride.
Pedestrian Safety
Each year 50,000 children are injured while walking. In fact, these trauma-related injuries
remain the most common cause of death for children aged five to nine. Since children cannot
judge the speed or distance of moving cars, all adults should follow these important tips:
• Never allow children under the age of 10 to cross the street alone.
• Be a role model. Practice the same pedestrian safety tips you teach your child.
• Teach kids to obey all street lights and crossing guards. • Never tell your child to cross when you are on the other side of the street. Always cross with your child.
• Stop, look left, look right and look left again to make sure the street is clear.
• Praise your children when directions are followed properly.
Home Alone Safety
During the summer, many parents have no choice but to leave kids home alone.
However, experts say children under the age of 12 should never stay in a house
without adult supervision. If your older children must be left on their own, follow
this important safety information:
• Provide your child with several telephone numbers, such as your work number
and the number of a nearby friend or relative.
• Never allow your child to have friends inside the house without an adult present.
• Have cold snacks and meals prepared and available. • Remind children to keep doors locked at all times, and to never
open the door to strangers.
• Instruct your child not to tell callers he or she is home alone. Tell them
what to say when an adult isn’t home.
For more information on safety issues, please contact
the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Trauma Related Injury
Prevention (TRIP) team at (313) 745-1111. The TRIP
program is sponsored by Kohl’s Cares for Kids.
6 months
Your commitment to supporting
the mission of Children’s Hospital of
Michigan and the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation is a true gesture
of community leadership that enables the hospital to provide the highest quality care to thousands of kids in need throughout our Detroit area neighborhoods and beyond. Philanthropy
allows us to perform cutting-edge
research that will improve children’s
health, and educate medical professionals in the art of caring for
young people.Gifts from caring members of the community also support a vital range of advocacy and outreach programs that benefit children everywhere.
On behalf of the young patients, families, and medical staff, thanks again for your kindness and support.
By the terms of the Rewards of Giving program outlined here, these
donors’ gifts through December 31,
2005 have qualified them for inclusion
in this Donor Appreciation Issue. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. To report
a change or correction, please contact
the Development Department at (313) 745-5373.
• $5 million cumulative
giving since 1980
• $5 million 5-year
• $10 million deferred
Guardian Benefactor
Carman and Ann Adams
The Carls Foundation
Festival of Trees
Evergreen Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Helppie
and Family
Mr. and Mrs. W. Warren Shelden
Elizabeth, Allan, and Warren
Shelden Fund
• $1 million cumulative
giving since 1980
The Skillman Foundation
• $1 million 5-year
• $10,000 cumulative
giving since 1980
CATCH-Sparky Anderson's Charity
for Children
Children's Hospital of Michigan
Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II
The Henry Ford II Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. John Ginopolis
Georgie Ginopolis Golf Classic
Mrs. Miriam L. Hamburger
Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Heftler
James and Lynelle Holden Fund
Hudson-Webber Foundation
Dr. Patrick F. and Susan Jewell
George and Martha Bicknell Kellner
Kohl's Department Stores
The Kresge Foundation
Estate of Edna D. Lambert
Leukemia Research Life, Inc.
McGregor Fund
Oldies 104.3 WOMC
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Rosen
Elizabeth Schotanus Estate
Mrs. Peter Schotanus
Tennis and Crumpets, Inc.
United Way Community Services
Variety, The Children's Charity
William and Janis Wetsman
• $10,000 5-year pledge
Patron Benefactor
• $20,000 deferred
Theodore and Mina Bargman
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Barker
Mrs. Henry T. Bodman
Claybird Classic
Detroit Firefighters’ International
Benefit Softball Tournament
• $2 million deferred
Patron Benefactor
• $500,000 cumulative
giving since 1980
• $500,000 5-year
• $1 million deferred
Major Benefactor
• $100,000 cumulative
giving since 1980
• $100,000 5-year
• $200,000 deferred
• $25,000 cumulative
giving since 1980
• $25,000 5-year pledge
• $50,000 deferred
• $1,000 in 2005
• $100 in 2005
Principal Benefactor
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dumars
Joe Dumars Charitable Foundation
Endowment for Surgical Research
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Genthe
Grand Lodge Free and Accepted
Masons of Michigan
Guardian Industries Corporation
Stanley Imerman Memorial
The Robert Wood Johnson
Edward and Julie Levy Foundation
Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D.
Michigan Mortgage Lenders
Night of Excellence (formerly Taste
of Excellence)
Drs. Yaddanapudi Ravindranath and
Kanta Bhambhani
Estate of Jessie Castle Roberts
Patricia H. Rodzik
Estate of Ruth E. and Lester F. Ruwe
Margaret Couzens Slattery
Estate of Margaret Couzens
John W. and Louise S. Stroh
Estate of Jane V. Weber
Matilda R. Wilson Fund
Estate of Elmore F. and Marjorie
Paul V. Woolley, Jr., M.D.
Estate of Lester G. Young
Major Benefactor
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Ackerman, Elana,
Matthew, and Daniel
John and Elizabeth Allen
E. Bryce Alpern, M.D.
E. Bryce and Harriet Alpern
Eugene and Marcia Applebaum
Archway Cookies, Inc.
BPCT Charity Golf Outing
BenePro, Inc.
Beznos and Luptak Families
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Booth American Company
Estate of Karolina Briechle
The Eli and Edythe L. Broad Foundation
Estate of Edwin P. Bryen
Stephanie Savic was a little more than two weeks old when
she was rushed to Children’s Hospital of Michigan after suffering
multiple seizures. Physicians diagnosed her with hemolytic uremic
syndrome, a disorder which resulted in a rapid loss of kidney
function. Stephanie started kidney dialysis, but later developed
congestive heart failure. She remained at Children’s Hospital of
Michigan for treatment of both conditions.
Today Stephanie is a healthy, 17-year-old who enjoys being a
member of the National Honor Society, bowling, volunteering in
the community and tutoring other students. She recently graduated
with highest honors from Divine Child High School in Dearborn
and plans to attend Grand Valley State University in the fall. Both
Stephanie and her parents credit Children’s Hospital of Michigan
with giving her “a second chance” at life.
Major Benefactor (continued)
Estate of Ethel Burton
Mr. and Mrs. James Carr
The Cline Foundation
Estate of Mary E. Chaloner
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Charach
Charity Motors, Inc.
Child Research Center League
Comerica Charitable Foundation
Comerica Incorporated
Community Foundation for
Southeastern Michigan
Conrail, Inc.
Margot and Warren Coville
Coville-Triest Family Foundation
Estate of Celia M. Crane
Julie Fisher and Peter David Cummings
DTE Energy Foundation
DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund
Dearborn Firefighters' Burn Drive,
Local #412
Detroit Red Wings Wish Club
Estate of Donna J. Edley
Estate of Oswald C. Fischer
Estate of Lucile R. Fisher
Margaret K. and Charles T. Fisher, III
Family Fund
Mr. Curtis W. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. F. Macy Jones
Ethel and James Flinn Family
Ford Motor Company Fund
Benson and Edith Ford Fund
Walter and Josephine Ford Fund
William and Martha Ford Fund
Ann and Alan Frank
General Motors Foundation
Martin R. Goldman
Dr. and Mrs. Scott T. Grodman
The Grodman Cure Foundation
Curtis and Claire Gropman
James and Nancy Grosfeld
James Paul Gutai, M.D.
Happy Healthy Children's Golf Outing
Georges R. Harik, Ph.D.
Morton E. and Brigitte Harris
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
H.J. Heinz Company Foundation and
Heinz U.S.A.
Doreen and David B. Hermelin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buhl Hudson
Mrs. J. Stewart Hudson
James S. Hudson, Jr.
Jeffery MacLaren Hudson
Jane and Mario Iacobelli
The Jewish Fund
Estate of Earle F. and Mary Louise
Junior League of Detroit, Inc
Estate of Mary Elizabeth Kaiser
Kiwanis Club No. 1 Foundation of
Detroit, Inc.
Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Klein
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Else Kolhede Memorial Foundation
Mr. Jack Krasula
Emily and Joseph Krinsky and Family
The Kroger Company, Great Lakes
Estate of Gretchen Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Larson
Raymond J. LeVeque
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Lindquist
Little Caesars Pizza
Dr. Julie A. Long
Estate of Benard L. Maas
Benard L. Maas Foundation
Edward E. MacCrone Charitable Trust
Manheim Metro Detroit Charity
Golf Classic
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers I. Marquis
Masco Corporation
Masco Corporation Foundation
Mental Illness Research Association
Michigan AIDS Fund
J. Peter Ministrelli Family Foundation
David and Miriam Mondry
Philanthropic Fund
NBD Bank, N.A.
Lewis J. Nedelcoff
Mr. and Mrs. Linden D. Nelson
Charles and Linda O'Brien
Louis Padnos Iron and Metal Company
David and Andrea Page
William M. and Mary E. Pagel
Irrevocable Trust
Daniel J. Patrona, Sr. Family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Patterson
Perri Family Foundation
Jean-Baptiste and Delia I. Peyrat
Memorial Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Arvin I. Philippart
Plastic Brotherhood of America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Purtan
Lillian Ohrns Ragsdale Charitable Trust
Estate of Donna J. Ramey
L. Reynolds and Associates
Ring Screw Works/Textron Fastening
Systems Automotive
George, Lillian, Karan and Janice Roman
Ronald McDonald House of Detroit
Royal Oak Firefighters and Detroit Red
Wings Softball Game
S*T*A*R*S (Seeking Techniques
Advancing Research in Shunts)
Drs. Ashok P. and Ingrid A. Sarnaik
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee Schoenith
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Shelden, Jr.
The Sinai Guild
Yates G. and Marjorie S. Smith
The Families of Gari M. and John W.
Estate of Marguerite Stroh
Estate of Ruth Kraft Strohschein, M.S.,
Ph.D., M.D.
Textron Charitable Trust
Ticker Club, Inc., Cardiology Division
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend
Toys "R" Us, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet E. Tracy and Family
Estate of Helen K. Utley
Mr. and Mrs. Art VanElslander
Art Van Furniture Company
Visteon Corporation
Visteon Fund
Michael Volante Golf Outing
Estate of Valma Warren
Wayne State University, School of
Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Wayne State University, School of
Medicine, Office of the Dean
Estate of Jennie Weiman
Samuel L. Westerman Foundation
Estate of C. Frank Wilson
Jean Wilson
Estate of Luella W. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wrigley
The Yanouni Family
Dorothy O. Zink Estate Trust
A to Z Memorial Golf Outing
AAA Michigan
Estate of Gladys Aldrich
The Allen Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
The Allstate Foundation
Robert and Marge Alpern
Alternating Hemiplegia Foundation
Altria Group, Inc.
Wendell W. Anderson, Jr.
Ann Arbor Hyundai - Doug Fox
Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo Arciniegas
Arden Companies and Employees
Eugene J. and Clare Arnfeld Fund
Arnold Hyundai - Maury Feuerman
Arthur Murrays, Dearborn - Mark
Estate of Clarence L. and Henrietta C.
Estate of Blanche Atlas
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Avallone
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Baker
Estate of Viona Baraconi
Barton-Malow Company
The Stephen J. Bartush Foundation, Inc.
Walter M. Belenky, M.D.
The Bell Company - Mr. Henry G. Bell,
Mandell L. and Madeleine H. Berman
Estate of Erma S. Bernard
Michael Berry, J.D.
Ms. Elaine Blatt
Leland F. Blatt Family Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Robert H. and Suzanne Bluestein
Andrea Bocelli
Estate of Jean Taylor Bodkin
Edward Marshall Boehm, Inc.
William P. Bonbright
Al and Rachel Boomgaert
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Booth, II
Botsford General Hospital
Dr. Brenner Memorial Golf Outing
Mallory Brincat Memorial Fund
Gladys E. Brooks Residuary Trust
Broomfield Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brzustewicz
Buchanan Children Memorial Trust
Estate of C. Henry Buhl
Bundy Foundation
Thomas J. Burns Philanthropic Fund
Estate of Claire C. Burtch
Barbara Bush Foundation for Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Buttigieg, III
Estate of Anne Bytzko
“Why we give to CHM…We support Children’s Hospital because we
want to make a difference in the delivery of children’s health care. We are so
glad to be able to provide, through funding, the newest technological equipment
that isn’t provided for in the budget.” Rusty Rosman, President, Sinai Guild
Benefactor (continued)
Alexa Canady-Davis, M.D.
Estate of Doris L. Castle
Children Affected by AIDS Foundation
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Intensive Care Transport Team
Parade Event
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Medical
Estate of Josephine Codispoti
Estate of Minnie H. Coen
Leslie and Miriam Colburn
Compuware Corporation Employees
Congregation Beth AHM
Consumers Power Company
Coopers and Lybrand
Copper and Brass Sales, Inc.
Mr. Daniel R. Corbet
John P. Coughlin, M.D.
The Coulier Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Couzens, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Crain
Mary Jane McMillen Crowe Foundation
Cure Search, National Childhood
Cancer Foundation
DaimlerChrysler Corporation Mopar
Parts Division
Datanational Corporation
Daughters of Isabella Michigan State
Estate of Martha Henrietta Dawson
Dayton Hudson Department Store
Dearborn Police Department and
Detroit Red Wings Softball
Deloitte and Touche
Delta Air Lines Employees Fair Share
Delta Delta Delta, Detroit-Grosse
Pointe Alumnae
Delta Dental
The Helen L. DeRoy Foundation
Detroit Armory Corporation
Detroit Edison
Mr. S. Martin Taylor
Detroit Hyundai Dealer Advertising
NBA Detroit Pistons, WNBA Detroit
Shock and The Pistons-Palace
Detroit Red Wings “Power Plays for
Estate of Doris L. Dillingham
Downriver Bike for Bucks
Downriver Women for Children’s
Earl-Beth Foundation
Mrs. George M. Endicott
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Etkin
Charlotte C. Evans Trust
Mrs. William A. Evans, Jr.
The Farbman Group
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet E. Tracy, Jr.
Farmington Single Professionals
Federal-Mogul Corporation
Sergei Fedorov Foundation
Ferrantino Charitable Foundation
Festival of Trees International
First of America Bank-Southeast
Michigan, N.A.
Fischer Buick-Subaru, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher, III
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher, Jr.
Mrs. Charles T. Fisher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Larry E. Fleischmann
Flint Ink Corporation
Fox and Hounds
Virginia B. Fox
Dale and Bruce Frankel
Furniture Express, Children’s Charities, Inc.
The Honorable Hilda Gage
The Art Gagnon Memorial Golf Outing
Estate of Jane Campbell Geis
General Dynamics
The Gerber Foundation
Gilbert Family Philanthropic Fund
Mrs. Gaylord W. Gillis, Jr.
Norman and Rosanne Gjostein
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy III
The Glancy Foundation, Inc.
Glassman Hyundai - George Glassman
Estate of Eloise O. Goddard
Irving and Adele Goldberg
Mr. Nate Gooden
Mr. Goodwrench ‘Cares About Kids’
Dr. and Mrs. Herman B. Gray, Jr.
Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos
Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit
Ladies Philoptochos
Grosse Pointe South Girls Basketball
“Points for Pediatrics”
The Gruskin Family
Dr. and Mrs. Alan B. Gruskin
Estate of Gwendolyn B. Gussow
Claudia A. and Robert E. Hacker
Estate of Catherine E. Hague
Mehdi and Manijeh Hakimi, M.D.
Steven D. Ham, D.O.
Ms. Frankie Hardaway
Harper Grace Hospital Urologic
Research Group
Joey Harrington Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Heaton
Estate of Gertrude E. Hendra
John and Rose Herman Foundation
Hiram Walker Group
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hoag
Estate of Marilyn M. Hodges
Home Furnishing Representatives of
Michigan, Inc.
Mrs. Men-Chih Honeycutt
Tracy Ann Honeycutt (Liimatta)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Horonzy
Estate of Clara M. Hosie
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hudson
Gilbert and Anne Hudson Fund
Estate of Frederick G. L. Huetwell
Hyundai of Waterford - Roger Penske, Jr.
I.S.I. Manufacturing Inc. and Subsidiaries
Atanas Ilitch Osteosarcoma Foundation
Investaid Corporation
Mr. Ralph Irvin
J.P.E. Incorporated
Jacobson Stores Inc.
Polly Johnson Cancer Research
Justin’s Gift Golf Outing
Mrs. Alice M. Karoub
“Why we give to CHM…We’ve supported
CHM for 15 years, and when we needed them,
they were there for us. In 2003, my grandson,
Bobby, was born with two rare neurological
conditions. The odds for normal development are
against him, but with
the help of CHM, he is
exceeding everyone’s
Robert Jankowski,
CEO, Downriver
Cleaning Service
Susan M. Karr
Keebler Company
Estate of Helen Waive Kennedy
Estate of Martha Kenney
Estate of William J. Kernan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kessler
Kids Racing for Kids
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kielbowicz
Mr. and Mrs. William Earl King
Kmart Corporation
Drs. Stephen R. Knazik and Carla’nne
Margaret E. Kolodsick Irrevocable Trust
Donald and Mary Kosch Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Kovan
Fannie Kraft Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Kramer
Holly Construction Company
Virginia Krause
Sigmund and Stella Krug
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Kurko
Ruben Kurnetz, M.D.
Pauline Kuteron Charitable Remainder
Lafontaine Hyundai - Mike LaFontaine, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry K. Lanzen
Mrs. Ethel Lappin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ledyard
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Levy
Norman Levy Associates, Inc.
Mary Lieh-Lai, M.D. and Mr. Eduardo
O. Lai
Lincoln Health Care Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Lunt
William P. and Patricia H. MacKinnon
The R. C. Mahon Foundation
The Mainster Humanitarian Dinner
Make A Difference
Mamon’s Ride to Educate Hospitalized
Estate of Esther L. Manners
Mardigian Foundation
Estate of Phyllis Ellerton McCord
Vivian and Patrick McTigue
Estate of Louis H. Meyers, D.D.S.
MichCon Foundation
Michigan Jewish Sports Hall of Fame
Michigan Liquor Vendors Association
Jacquelyn A. Stewart
Michigan National Bank
Mrs. Jane Buell Mills
Steve Milnikel Memorial Golf Outing
Estate of Robert R. Mitchell
Molloy Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Brian J. Molloy
Pamela and Paul Morath
Bernard and Muriel Moray
Jack Morris
Dr. Michael J. Morykwas and
Mrs. Mardene Galanos Morykwas
Leon S. Moskovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Murphy
NFL Alumni - Detroit Chapter
National Baseball Hall of Famers for
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Golf Event
Neurology Parent Professional
Advisory Council (NPPAC)
The Niemiec Family Foundation
Estate of Miriam E. Nikkila
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Novick
Numatics, Inc.
Tara Nutting Fund
O.E.S. King David and Greater Queen
Esther Tribute Committee
Mr. and Mrs. Peters Oppermann
Gina E. Pacitto Touch an Angel Fund
Mitchell and Karen Padnos
Dave Palm Party
Parents Promoting Arthritis Research
for Children (PPARC)
Pastoral Care Commission
Frances and Leslie Pensler
Pepsi-Cola Central
The Karen and Drew Peslar Foundation
The Pfeister Company
Pheasant Ring Community
Benefactor (continued)
Al and Ruth Pierson Estate Trust
Fred Pischke Memorial Golf Outing –
Detroit Edison TCPP
Mr. Wesley Pontius
Estate of Florence Powell
Heinz C. and Waltraud Prechter
Estate of Marie Eleanor Pupava
Racing for Kids
Mrs. Mary G. Radom, Mary G. Radom
Honorary Fund
The Rakolta Family
Estate of Edward F. Randolph
Estate of Bertha B. Rapp
Milton M. Ratner Foundation
Dr. Charles E. Reed
Mrs. Joseph O. Reed
Members of Renaissance Club,
Skyline Club
Estate of Dolly Pentreath Renwick
Reye’s Syndrome Association
Ricelli Scheidt Family
Rich Smith Memorial Golf Tournament
Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez Foundation
Robert R. Roman, M.D.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Mr. Sheldon Rose
Bonnie and Norman Rosenberg
Miss Mathilde A. Rovin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rozek
Estate of John Wallace Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Jatinder Bir Sandhu
Estate of Myrtle Schaeffer
Geraldine M. Schafer Trust
Estate of M. Ralph Schafer
Mrs. Shirley K. Schlafer
Estate of Ilse Schloss
Mr. Joseph P. Schmidt
Lee Schweikart Trust
Estate of Ann M. Serratoni
Mrs. Allan Shelden, III
Jack and Miriam Shenkman
Sherbin, Keywell, and Purther Families
Fund for Neurosurgery
The Shiffman Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Slovis
The Garrett B. Smith Foundation
Raymond C. Smith Foundation
Endowment Fund
Estate of Elvira R. Snyder
Maurice H. Sobell Testamentary Trust
Estate of Anna Ruth Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Solomon
Peter and Dorothy Solomon
Southeast Michigan Cable Association
Estate of Dorothy Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sprengel
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Springer
St. Timothy Presbyterian Church,
Livonia, Michigan
Toys R Us Children’s Fund/Starlight
Starbright Children's Foundation
The Stavropoulos Family
Suburban Hyundai - David T. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Tanana
Ralph Thayer Hyundai, Livonia - Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Tindall, III
Nestor Truccone, M.D.
Unisys Corporation
Capital Area United Way, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Valenti III
Harry and Eleanore Vellmure Family
Frederick A. Vollbrecht Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Walters III
Estate of Clara V. Warner
Estate of Genevieve Waszak
Weather King Windows and Doors, Inc.
Mrs. Richard H. Webber
Estate of Pearl C. White
White Pine Stampede, Inc.
Estate of Elizabeth Wight
Estate of Millicent A. Wills
Ralph C. Wilson, Jr.
Mary and George Herbert Zimmerman
Mr. Herbert A. Abrash
Mr. Michael Acheson
Terence E. Adderley Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson J. Addison
American Association of Poison Control
American Legion Auxiliary
Charlotte Anderson
William R. Angell Foundation
Annapolis Nurse Anesthetist Education
Anschutz Family Foundation
Archdiocese of Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Y. Aronoff
Artisan Tile, Inc.
Estate of Martha S. Aust
Automated Benefit Services
Mrs. Thomas E. Barbour
Barmaids for Burns
Glenn R. Barnes
Employees of Barnes Industries and
Icon Machine
Barnes Industries, Inc.
Estate of Mary A. Bartush
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Baubie
Becker Orthopedic Appliance Company
Camille Beckman Foundation, Inc.
Mary P. Bedard, M.D. and Richard F. Lusis
Ranlet Shelden Bell
Susan B. Bellefleur, M.D. and Jeffrey P.
Bellefleur, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Berman
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Bernstein
Harold and Barbara Berry, Louis and
Vivian Berry
Beta Sigma Phi, Detroit City Council
The BIG Challenge Ford, DaimlerChrysler,
and General Motors
Mr. Dave Bing
Linda G. and Maurice S. Binkow
Birmingham-Bloomfield Women’s
Association, Inc.
The Bishop's Fund
Bloomfield Hills Middle School Carnival
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Dr. and Mrs. George L. Blum
Bockoff Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Rick James Bolyea
Mrs. Shirley Bolyea
Mrs. Frances P. Book
Marlene and Paul Borman
Estate of Edwin Boyle
Estate of Henry L. Brasza
Barbara Couzens Brennan and Leo J.
Mrs. Bonnie M. Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Brent
Briarwood Elementary School
A. Joseph and Mary Jo Brough
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Broughton
Mr. Vernon G. Buchanan
Estate of William J. Burns, Jr.
Mr. John D. Butler
Camera Mart
The Clarence and Grace Chamberlin
Championship Auto Racing Auxiliary
Born with HIV, Ashely Ware has been a Children’s Hospital
of Michigan patient since she was just three days old. But thanks to
expert medical care at Children’s Hospital, she is in excellent health.
“I have more problems with my allergies and sinuses than I do with
my HIV.”
Ashely has seen her share of challenges over the years. Both her
mother and father died of AIDS. “The medical team at Children’s
Hospital are like a second family to me,” she says. “They’ve helped
me through so much.”
Ashely, now 17, is a 2006 graduate of Redford Union
High School. An exceptional student, she will attend the
University of Wisconsin at Madison in the fall to study
business and psychology.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Chaney
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Foundation Heroes’ Committee
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Nurses’
Golf Outing
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Orthopaedic Surgery Department
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Staff and
Chiron Corporation
Mr. Timothy D. Codd
Estate of Harry B. Coen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cohen
Judge and Mrs. Avern Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. David Colburn
Colburn Family Foundation
Jack, Evelyn and Richard Cole Family
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cole
Mrs. Benjamin Colman
The Comcast Foundation
Comcast Corporation
Comedy Castle, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Connors
Construction Classic Golf Outing
Marty Cook Cancer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Cooper
Anthony P. Corrado Hearing Aid Loaner
Library Fund
Miss Mary E. Couzens
Crash Landing, Christmas is Love
Mr. Thomas J. Cratch
Dr. and Mrs. Marc L. Cullen
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Metro Detroit
D’Arcy Masius Benton and Bowles, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Dabrowski
DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Joseph C. Day Foundation
Dealer Concepts, LLC
Deb’s Kids Golf Outing
Drs. Virginia Delaney-Black and T. Burwell
Vaden, Jr.
Mr. Anthony G. DeLorenzo
Detroit Area Mobil Dealers
Detroit Area Saturn Retailers
Detroit Free Press Charities
The Detroit Medical Center Guild
Detroit Red Wings
Detroit Red Wings Wives
Felipe DeVivero
Doner Advertising
Dorcas Association, Inc.
Partner (continued)
The Douglas Foundation
Down River Cleaning Service, Inc.
Downriver Italian American Club,
St. Joseph Committee
Mr. Clark W. Durant
Kirk P. Dyer Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Eastman
Frances Eldis, Ph.D..
Embrace Change Charity Hockey
Emmanuel Lutheran Church Golf Outing
Doris Asselmeier England
Ex-Cell-O Corporation
Ida M. Faigle Charitable Foundation
Diane Farina
Mr. Fred Fecteau
Brendan Filzek Childhood Cancer
Assistance Fund
Harvey S. Firestone, Jr. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Fisher, Sr.
Max and Marjorie Fisher Foundation, Inc.,
Ms. Mary Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. David K. FitzSimons
Mrs. Katherine Flannery
David E. Flayer Irrevocable Trust
Estate of Estelle H. Flemming
Robert H. and Mary G. Flint Foundation
Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company, Lincoln Mercury
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Ford
Mrs. Henry Ford, II
Mr. and Mrs. William Clay Ford, Jr.
Judge and Mrs. Bernard A. Friedman
Friedman-Willker Family Fund
Leonard Fritz Enterprises, Inc.
Monte W. Fullerton, M.D.
Fundacion Cardio-Infantil
Ms. Mindi K. Fynke
Richard M. and Eleanore J. Gabrys
Estate of John E. Gajewski, M.D., Ph.D.
Gannett Foundation
Garden Fresh Salsa, Inc.
Gaylord Printing Company
Mr. James W. Gell and Ms. Beth Baerman
Genentech, Inc.
General Motors Corporation, Chevrolet
General Motors Men’s Club (GMMC)
Mr. Samuel A. George
Ralph and Erica Gerson
Drs. Lynda and Conrad L. Giles
Mr. Allan D. Gilmour
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Goodgine
Dr. Nancy Greger
Richard and Rosalie Gromacki
William R. and Dianne M. Halling
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Hamilton
Estate of Raymond E. Hamilton
David and Pamela Colburn Haron
Jennie O. Harrison Irrevocable Trust
Frieda and Gordon Hartunian
Louise Fisher Hartwick Trust
Estate of Eva D. Hawkins
Mr. Sheldon G. Hayes
Sheldon G. Hayes Foundation
Healing Hearts
Health Alliance Plan
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Heavey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Heidel
Drs. Sabrina and David Heidemann
Dr. James A. Heinsimer
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Henderson
Herlong Cathedral School
Dr. and Mrs. Jack H. Hertzler
Hi-Tech Mold and Engineering, Inc.
William and Marcia Hochkammer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hollerbach
Estate of Grace Hoobler
Jean Wright and Joseph L. Hudson Jr. Fund
Estate of Adelaide Huhn
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hurley
IBEW Huron Electronics, Local 158
IBM Matching Gifts Program
Independent Carpet One - Westland
Indianwood Golf and Country Club
Infants Service Group
Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
Italian American Delegates, Inc.
J. C. Penney Company, Inc.
J.F. Cavanaugh Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Jewell, Jr.
Mr. Wesley R. Johnson
D. Dan and Betty Kahn Foundation
Albert Kahn Associates, Inc.
Karoub Associates
Buelah S. Kay Trust
The Kelly Services, Inc. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Kelsey, Jr.
Kids Like Us
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kleinpell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Koss
Mrs. Hyman A. Kramer
Brig. Gen. Erick W. Kyro, USAF (Ret.)
L.O.F. Plastics, Inc.
Mr. Robert S. Labadie
Lady Pistons
Rose Marie Lajoie
Laurel Park Place 10th Anniversary
Mr. H. Bayard Leonard, Jr.
Little Angels of God
The Walter D. Ludwig Foundation
Estate of Mildred J. Lyman
Lidia and Bill Lyman
Mrs. Ellen Lysik
M & M Mars
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. MacDonald
Muriel Maierle Trust
Thomas Malone, M.D.
Mr. Jonathan K. Maples
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Marantette
Mrs. Rita Margherio
Florine Mark
The Mark/Lis Family Fund
Marsh USA, Inc
Drs. Rajesh and Tej K. Mattoo
Mrs. Henrietta McInally
Estate of LeRoy McInally
Medical Evaluation Specialists
Luke and Kathleen Meert
Mega League
Mr. Robert Meginnity
Estate of Lucia Messana
Metro Health Foundation
Allen and Virginia Metz
Maude Meyer Charitable Unitrust
MGM Mirage Vision Foundaiton
Michigan Elks Association
Michigan State Wrestling Association
Dr. and Mrs. Irving M. Miller
Mrs. Paul S. Mirabito
Mnich Wine Auction
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Moltz
Motor City Radio Reunion
National Basketball Association
Network Mortgage Corporation
New Center Company
Numatics Inc., Employees’ Good and
Welfare Committee
Mrs. JoElyn Nyman
Oakland Hills Country Club
OmniCare Health Plan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank William Osgood
Sylvia Ososkie Trust
Dr. Helen A. Papaioanou
Mr. Glen Lewis Passarell
Pediatric Anesthesia Associates, P.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan D. Perlmutter
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Pinsky
Plumbing and Heating Industry of Detroit
Mr. Alfons Podlack
Mr. Peter Pond
Premier Cellars
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Process Development Corporation
Professional Air Shuttle Service
Project H.E.L.P.
Proper Mold and Engineering, Inc.
Estate of Paul Arthur Purol
Mr. David A. Pytlowany
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Rand
Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick E. Rector, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Renkiewicz
Mrs. Geraldine Rissman
J. Marshall Robbins Foundation
Harold and Carolyn Robison Foundation
Roeper City and Country School, Inc.
Heart Art Event
Estate of Ruth Rolison
Cynthia A. Roman, Ph.D.
Eleanor Margaret Couzens Roney and
Edward C. Roney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rose
Roseville Lodge, Ken Lee, W.M.
Estate of Michael J. Roy
Rubenfaer and Associates, P.C.
Estate of Norma Rushton
Sage Foundation
Mr. Peter J. Sarvarino
Security Bancorp
Mr. Francis J. Sehn
Mr. Stanley A. Seneker
Mr. John H. Sennett
Estate of Regina R. Serafin
Seetha Shankaran, M.D. and M. K. Aravind
William G. Shaw Charitable Trust
Shell Oil Products Company Michigan
Retail District
Sherwood Studios, Inc.
Shower of Love
Silver Screen Soiree
Mr. Robert A. Sloan
Mr. Anthony Soave
Estate of Henrietta J. Sofer
Sandeep and Beena Sood, M.D.
Surgery for a cancerous brain tumor at 11 years old brought Priscilla
Woodliff Wagner relief from the seizures she had. “The surgery did not stop
the seizures; I still require medication to control them. With surgery, chemo, and
radiation, I am free of cancer for 15 years,” says Woodliff Wagner.
Unfortunately, it didn’t end the teasing from peers who viewed her as
“different” because of the brain tumor. “My family, doctors and the staff at
Children’s Hospital stuck by me and helped build my self esteem. They told me
I could overcome anything and made me believe in myself,” states Woodliff Wagner.
Today, a college graduate with a Bachelors degree in Arts and minor in
psychology, Priscilla wants to work with children – possibly at Children’s Hospital and instill in them the same self esteem and confidence she learned from her family
and her adopted “family” at Children’s. “I was blessed to find my husband, William
Wagner, who has been through a lot with me and understands me as a person.” “People take for granted how blessed and lucky they are” states
Priscilla. “I learned that with patience and effort, you can achieve your
goals – I’m the perfect example.”
Partner (continued)
Southeastern Michigan Transportation
St. Ignatius of Antioch
Bonita Stanton, M.D.
Sterling Heights Firefighters Union #1557
Sandra and Douglas Bitonti Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Tatge
The Taubman Company, Inc.
Mrs. Robert F. Taylor
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans - North
Berrien County Chapter
Ms. Gloria Dean Todd
Mr. Patrick A. Tooman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Torosian
Estate of Jeanette C. Tosch
Total Health Care, Inc.
Toyoda Gosei North America Corporation
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Trese
Troy Firefighters Women's Auxiliary
Mrs. Florine Trumbull
U.A.W. Local #985 Carron and Company
United Technologies Automotive
United Way Crusade of Mercy, Inc.
United Way of Genesee and Lapeer
United Way of Hillsdale County
United Way of Plymouth Community
United Way of Tri-State
United Way of Washtenaw County
University Pathologists, P.C.
V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary Department of
Mrs. Richard S. Van Pelt
Virginia Tile Company
Michael Volante Memorial Karate
WCSX 94.7 FM
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wagner
Walled Lake Central High School
Joan B. and Gerald E. Warren Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Waterman, III
Wayne and Joan Webber Foundation
Estate of Ivy B. Weller
Estate of Stephen Whitlock
Wieczorek Family Foundation
Mrs. David D. Williams
Witenoff Family Charitable Fund
Mr. Stephen L. Witenoff
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wolfe
Mr. Andrew L. Woods
Debra J. Wright, M.D. and Russell F.
Anchi Wu, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Petronio C. Yadao
Dr. and Mrs. Jinwoo Yoo
Young Woman's Home Association of
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Zmyslowski
AT&T Foundation
Abick’s Bar
Abdur-Rahman S. Alamah, M.D.
Allergan, Inc.
Alpha Delta Kappa - Michigan Chapter
The Angel Society, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gebran S. Anton
Aristo-Cast, Inc.
Axcan Scandipharm, Inc.
BASF Corporation
BP Foundation, Inc.
Gretchen M. Backer
Ms. Elaine R. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Barone, II
Richard Barton Law Memorial Trust
Belfor, USA
Mr. and Mrs. George Bellinger, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Anant Bhogaonker
Bice Family Iveanie Fund
Bishop Foley Catholic High School
Blanche Sims Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blazo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bonahoom
Timothy P. Bukowski, M.D.
Mr. Howard D. Cash
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cebulko
Celebrity Soft Cloth Car Wash
Certified Investigations International, Inc.
The Charity Giving Station
Mr. Edward Cherney
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Chirco
Christ Church of Grosse Pointe
Citigroup Foundation, Matching Gifts
Drs. Jeff A. and Laura C. Clark
Clare Bear Golf Outing
Cleary University
The Cold Heading Foundation
Comau Pico
Concerned Physician's Group
Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Crane, II
Mrs. Beverly Crider
Crop For A Cure
Cystic Fibrosis Services
DaimlerChrysler Corporation Advance
Stamping, Manufacturing Engineering
Ms. Kathleen DeBaker
Ms. Kathleen Debello
Detroit Firefighters Association Walleye
Detroit Rotary Foundation
Digestive Care, Inc.
Mr. Peter J. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Dych
Eppert Family Foundation
Mr. Brian E. Erickson
Mrs. Luanne M. Ewald
Ms. Joanne B. Faycurry
Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy and Galbraith, PC
Harold and Joan Feinbloom Family
Dr. Howard Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Fitzpatrick
Foote Health System
Ford Senior Players Championship
Foundation of Michigan Association of
Physicians of Indian Origin
Fraternal Order of Eagles Roseclair
Auxiliary #2895
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No. 2449
Dr. Danielle and Mr. Guy Gehlert
Genesee Hills Golf Club
Mr. and Mrs. Chad M. Grant
Great Lakes Employee Benefit Services, Inc.
Grigg Graphic Services, Inc.
Dr. Holly and Mr. Daniel Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Halso
Mrs. Kristen E. Harland
Dr. and Mrs. Jack P. Haynes
Mr. John C. Herklotz
Mrs. Gertrud Hicks
Ms. Gwendolyn Seay
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hildebrand
Shelby Wholesale Golf Outing
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hiltz, Jr.
Ms. Kyra Shink
Paul C. Holtrop, M.D. and Teresa G.
Dr. and Mrs. Norman J. Siegel, M.D.
Holtrop, M.D.
Skater’s Winter Snow Ball
Barbara Hosmer
Stephan F. Slavik, Sr. and Mary E. Slavik
Foundation Charitable Trust
Anne-Maré Ice, M.D.
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Mr. David H. Smith
Abubakr A. Imam, M. D.
South Lake Schools, National Honor
Inmart Group, Ltd.
Srere Women’s Care Fund
The Interface Financial Group
Mr. Gregory M. Steimel
International Association of Machinists and
Aerospace Worker, Local PM2848,
Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Stockmann
Lear Corporation Plymouth, MI
Superior Electric, Great Lakes Company
William F. Janelle, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Surdam
Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Kadouh Family, Inc. Dairy Queen's
J. R. Thompson Company
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Kaisch
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tocco
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Kalinowski
Tomkins Corporation Foundation
Joan M. Kelley, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. George Toth
Key Plastics Associates
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
King Jewelers, Inc.
Universal Grand Imperial Council
Marleen and Richard Kramer
Drs. Rudolph P. Valentini and Nancy J.
Mr. Derek Lackey
Drs. Scott and Lisa Langenburg
Viking Sewing Center
Mr. and Mrs. William Lefkofsky
Michael A. Wainstock, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Linshaw
Stan E. and Dorrie Wencley, Jr. Foundation
Mr. J. Edward Lundy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Luyckx
ZLB Behring L.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Mahu
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Maiman
1st Michigan Colonial Fife and Drum Corps
Ms. Anne Maloney
District 2 Council USA-AFL-CIO
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mankins
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Aaron
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Manzella
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Abbe
Ms. Charlota Marshall
Dr. Nahed Mustafa Abdel-Haq
Marshall Field's Eastland
Ms. Nora Abello-Labiano
Ms. Alyssa Martina
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Abrams
Maxwell's and Company, L.L.C.
Ms. Joanne Abramson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McDermott
Gyula Acsadi, M.D.
Michigan Association of Physicians of
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Adair
Indian Origin Auxiliary
Ms. Monica J. Adams
Michigan Association of Shrine Temple,
Mrs. Joyce G. Adderley
Adult Learning Institute
Michigan Rod Products
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Alessandrini
Mrs. Ronald K. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Allard
Molly Stark Inn
Allegra Print and Imaging
Motor City Mechanics
Ms. Susan E. Allen
Murray C. and Ina C. Pitt Charitable Trust
Ms. Pearl E. Nicholls
Mr. Stanley F. Oziem
PGA Tour, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Paczkowski
Parcells Middle School
Pardee Elementary School
Beatrice and Raymond Paul Foundation
Mr. Lee P. Peck
United Auto
Ms. Norma Plonkey
Mr. Leonard G. Porter
Mr. Leo Procida
Meghan, 8
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. David Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Robinson
Rock Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Roebuck
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Roney
The Rosenthal Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ruehle
Mr. Robert N. Sandzik
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Santeufemia
Mr. Donald L. Scheidt
Friend (continued)
Allen Park Service Organization
Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Allison
Allstate Giving Campaign
Dr. and Mrs. David Alnajjar
Dr. Dana Alpern
Alpha Case Management, Inc.
Alpha Tile Staff
Alsar Company
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Altermatt
Julian Alvarez, M.D.
Mr. Manuel B. Alvarez
American Legion #276 Calvary Post
American Red Cross Nurses of
Southeastern Michigan
Ms. Clare Amoroso
Anchor Bay Knights of Columbus 5981
Anchor Bay School District
Larry Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Anderson
Mr. Michael J. Ando
Ms. Mary E. Andrecovich
Mr. and Mrs. George Andres, Jr.
Anesthesia Business Consultants, L.L.C.
Angela Brown Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph F. Angelilli
Mary Lu Angelilli, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Angileri
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Anzlovar
Ms. Lisa Applebaum
Arcadia Services, Inc.
Mrs. Roslyn Aronow
Ms. Rosemarie Ash
Dr. and Mrs. Basim Asmar
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Assessor
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Assessor
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Astromovich
Mr. Victor Attar
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy F. Attard
Avis Ford, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Avitabile
Ms. Deborah A. Ayerst
BBK, Ltd.
Ms. Valerie Babin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Babitch
Mr. and Mrs. Brian N. Bachynski
Alcesa Backos, M.D.
Ms. Zelda Leonia Badgett
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Bady, Jr.
Mrs. Mary J. Bailey
Ms. Giselle M. Baillargeon
Kris Baird
Ms. Lora L. Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Baird
Mr. Demetrios A. Bakalis
Mr. Carl G. Baker
Ms. Shirley A. Baker
Mrs. Jeanne D. Bakken
Ms. Hope A. Bale
Ms. Anne Marie Ballew
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Balogh
Mr. John S. Baltes
Bank One Treasury Services - Customer
Mrs. Suzanne P. Baranyai
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Baranyal
Mr. Gregory J. Barath
Ms. Enid Barden
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Barden
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Barera
Mrs. Joanne Barker-Chaben
Mr. Robert C. Barley
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Barna
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Barnes
Ms. Joan Baron
Mr. Mark Barowicz
Ms. Victoria C. Barrows and Mary Toor
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Barry
Julie L. Bartoy, RN
Ms. Roslyn Bashawaty
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Basso
Ms. Lucille H. Baszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Pritam S. Bathla
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Y. Battista
Mrs. Helmut E. Bayer
Mr. Rick C. Beaudrie
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Beaudry
“Why we give to CHM…We believe in
helping children because they are our future,”
explains Joan Patterson, who with her husband,
Thomas, of Livonia have been donors for more
than 20 years.
gives care to
many children
so it’s our
pleasure to give
financial help
to this cause.”
Joan and
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Beauregard
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Beck
Mr. Robert F. Becker
Miss Virginia Becker
Dr. Marquita Bedway and Mr. Al LaHood
Ms. Linda K. Behnke
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Belcher
Mr. Robert O. Belcher
Mr. Eugene R. Belkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bennett
Ms. Aileen Bent
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Berg, Sr.
Bergamo Fabrics
Bergamo Fabrics Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Bertollini
Ms. Marcia Bessey
Better Life Institute, Inc.
Beverly Elementary School Students
Ms. Patricia Bevier
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bialk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bierley
Big Beaver United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bilot
Ms. Rose Biondo
Mr. Michael P. Birach
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Birrell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bittker
Mrs. Hildegard M. Black
Darlene A. Blair, RN, MSN
Mr. Martin F. Blake
Dr. and Mrs. George L. Bletsas
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Blohm
Mr. Saul Bluestone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Blumenthal
Mrs. Maxsine J. Bobbish
Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Bochenek
Mr. James A. Bodnar
Eileen M. Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent W. Bonkowski
Mr. Harold E. Bonner
Preyapan Boonsiri, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Bornstein
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bornstein
Mr. Willard H. Bosanko, Jr.
Ms. Fana Bosidis
Ms. Paula Bosneag
Mr. Patrick B. Bosworth
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bowen
Ms. Cynthia Bowen
Ms. Jennifer I. Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Bowen
Box Seat Videos, Inc.
Boy Scout Troop 1721
Mr. Alfred Boyd, Jr.
Ms. Sheryl L. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. H. James Boyes
Mr. Yavuz A. Bozer
Ms. Danita Y. Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brandenburg
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Branigin
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Braverman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Brayton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brehmer
Ms. Catherine Breimeister
Dr. Michael and Rita Brennan
Mr. James A. Brescoll
Mrs. Pleshetta R. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Bric
Mr. Salvino Briffa
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Briney
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Brogowicz
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. K. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Brown
Ms. Doris L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Brown
Mrs. Pamela Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Browne
Mrs. Florence Brownfain
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Browning
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brudzynski
Mr. and Mrs. Denis P. Brunt
Ms. Tina M. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Brywig
Mr. Frank Brzenk
Mr. Charles Buckland
Ms. Lois A. Budman
Mr. and Mrs. Webster Buell, Jr.
Mr. Thomas C. Buhl
Ms. Sally M. Buick
Mr. and Mrs. David Buie
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. David Burdette
Mr. Thomas J. Burelle
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Burger
Mr. Michael P. Burkert
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Burkmyre
Mrs. Jacqueline C. Burkowski
Colonel and Mrs. J.P. Burner
Ms. Donna M. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Burns
Mr. Michael J. Burskey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Butkovich
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Butler
Mrs. Lauren M. Buttazzoni
C & S Motors, Inc.
CMS Energy System Planning Department
Ms. Joann F. Cacioppo-Hodgson
Dr. Pravit Cadnapaphornchai
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Cady
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Calcagno
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Cameron, Jr.
Mr. Paul A. Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Guido M. Campagna
Ms. Bondetta V. Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Campbell
Ms. Patricia Campos
Ms. Patricia A. Cannarile
Card Solutions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cardone
Ms. Helen Ann Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Carey
Carhartt’s Customer Service Group
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Carleton
Mr. C. Arnold Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Carlson
Mr. Charles J. Carson
Ms. Carmen Carter
Mr. Peter J. Casanova
Mrs. Barbara Cash
Ms. Suzanne Casinelli
Mrs. Mary Cassar
Century 21 Market-Tech Realtors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph S. Chabot
Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Ho Chang
Nora F. Chang, M.D.
Mr. Kenneth H. Channell
Friend (continued)
Mr. Richard D. Chapman
Charfoos and Company
Irah M. Charles, Ph.D.
Chatwell Michigan
Ms. Cecilia Checkowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Cheng
Ms. Deborah Cherrin
Ms. Frances L. Cherry
Dr. Russell W. Chesney
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Chiappetta
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Child Life
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Gift Shop
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Inpatient
Pharmacy Staff
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Medical
Library Staff
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Operating
Room Employees
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Social Work
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Chimko
James L. Chinarian, M.D.
Ms. Verdene A. Chipman
Mr. Michael D. Chmielewski
Ms. Lorraine A. Chorkey
Mr. Timothy Choroba
Christ Church of Detroit
Christ The King Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Christensen
Mr. W. Donald Christian
Christian Women Of Cabrini
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Christiansen
Mr. David A. Christie, Jr.
Mr. George Chucales
Mrs. Caroline Chyla
Clarenceville High School - Vocal Music
Ms. Ella Clark
Jeff and Laura Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Clark
Harriet A. Clarke, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Claypool
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Clayton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Cleland
Dr. Volna Clermont
Clippers Unisex Hair Salon
Mr. William R. Close
Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn E. Coakley, Jr.
Mr. Andrew Coffee
C. Edward Coffey, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. Coffman
Mrs. Pearl Cohen
Sandra and Dr. Sanford Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Ted J. Coleman
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Collins
Mr. Carl L. Collins, III
Mr. John R. Collis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Condon
Mr. R. G. Conger
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Connell
Rhonda Conner-Warren, CPNP
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Connor
Mr. F. J. Constantine
ConsumerThink, Inc.
Ms. Cecilia E. Cook
Mr. Jack E. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Julian A. Cook, Jr.
Mr. Timothy M. Coon
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Corpolongo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cory
Mr. Robert W. Cosgrove
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Cosgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Cosma
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Costakis
Ms. Marianne Costakis
George C. Costea, D.O.
Janice A. Cottrell, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Couch
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Couzens
Mr. Justin Crandall and Ms. Valerie Holleran
Ms. Rosa Mary Crawford
Mr. James F. Creagh
Crestwood High School Child Care Center
and National Honor Society
Mr. Jerry L. Crist
Ms. Anna M. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Croswell
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Crowley, Jr.
Mr. Stephen Cruise
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cruse
Mr. Melvin F. Cryderman
Cub Scout Pack 880
Ms. Mary Rita Cuddohy
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Cueny
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Culloty
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Cummings
Mr. John E. Curley
Ms. Susan Eileen Curtis
Mr. Wayne A. Curto
Ms. Catherine Cushing
Drs. Ralph D. and Barbara A. Cushing
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Custer
Customeristic, Inc.
Mr. Stephen J. Cybulski
Mrs. Alfred W. Cytacki
Ms. Sally J. Czeszewski
DTE Energy Gas Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Daenzer
Dr. Dennis Dahlstedt Office Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dailey
DaimlerChrysler Financial
DaimlerChrysler Good Neighbor Good
Citizen Plant Award - Jefferson North
Assembly Plant
DaimlerChrysler Mopar and Service
Systems Information Technology
DaimlerChrysler Warren Stamping Plant
Mr. Frank J. Dale
Ms. Grace D'Alessandro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dallaire
Mr. and Mrs. John Dallas
Ms. Beatrice D'Ambrosio
Mr. Jerome D'Amico
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Damm
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Damon
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Darany, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale V. Dare
Mrs. Frank V. Darin
Darling Bolt Company
Daughters of Isabella Circle #736
Mr. Roy Davidson
Ms. Denise S. Davis
Mr. Ernest C. Davis
Ms. Luann M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William Davis
Miss Grace E. Davison
Deals on Wheels
Ms. Frances T. DeBasco
Ms. Gloria Ann Debella
Ms. Vita DeBellis
Decor Group International, Inc.
Mr. Gustavo Del Rio
Mr. Daniel T. Delegato
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dell'Eva
Ms. Carole E. DeLong
Delta Iota Chapter of Delta Omicron
Delta Staffing L.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dembry
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dembs
Mr. Randal Dennis
Departemental De Michigan, Eight Et Forty,
Salons 224, 230, 270, 322
Mr. Otto F. Depaulis
When Destiny Holmes was born premature at 28 weeks, she
weighed 2 pounds, 10 ounces, had bronchopulmonary dysplasia and
a host of neurological problems. “They told me she would never
walk, talk or eat,” says Destiny’s mother, RaShawn. They got it
wrong. Today, Destiny, 10, is in fourth grade at Rainbow Elementary
School in Clinton Township and a Girl Scout. The petite youngster
still has some physical challenges, but RaShawn says the years of
care and support Destiny received from the doctors and nurses
at Children’s Hospital of Michigan have made all the difference.
RaShawn also credits Children’s with helping her learn early on
how to care for Destiny, who had a tracheotomy until two
years ago. “I love Children’s,” Destiny chimes in.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Derian
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Derwin
Designs To Be
Detroit Country Day School Lower/Junior
School Parents Association
Detroit Unity Optimist Club
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Devereaux
Mr. Clifford J. DeVine
Mrs. Elizabeth Devitt
Ms. Irene Dewitt
Dextech, Inc.
Mr. Dennis Dhondt
Mr. Gregory V. Dicenso
Mr. and Mrs. Gino DiClemente
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. DiMaggio
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dinallo
Mr. and Mrs. George Dinu
Dirksen Screw Products
Mrs. Georgine S. Dittrich
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dizik
Mr. H. Jeffrey Dobbs
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Dobritt
Mrs. Marcella Dodge
Mr. Stephen M. Dodson
Mr. Frank J. Doetsch
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Donadio, Jr.
Mr. Raymond J. Donnelly
Mr. Michael D. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dorchen
Mrs. Katherine Doskocz
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dosmann
Ms. Donna R. Dotson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. James Downing
Michael and Madonna Draughn
Drs. Delaney, Plunkett, Ralstrom, Makowski
& Associates, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. DuBay
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Duncan
Mrs. Michele S. Duncan
Mrs. Mayme Dunigan
Carol Dunitz, Ph.D.
Mr. Charles A. Dunn
Ms. Cheryl Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dupke
Ms. Carol Dupuis
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Duquette
Friend (continued)
Nasser Durgham, M.D.
Mrs. Eustance J. Dykas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Dzendzel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Dziewit
Mr. R. J. Eadie
Cathy H. Eames
Mr. Lewis Eargood
Mr. Frank Easlick
Ms. Marla Easlick
Eastlake Pediatrics, P.C.
Eastland Center
Shirin Ebade Foundation
Mr. Robert H. Eckfeld
Mr. Allen F. Edwards, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton W. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Ehlers
Mrs. Sharon Eisenbraun
Dr. Elizabeth J. Eldon
Hanna El-Khouri, M.D.
Mr. Howard Ellias
Ellias Dallen Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ellis
Elmwood Park Plaza Social Club
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Elshoff
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Elster
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Emmer
Ms. Evelyn M. Fry English
Episcopal Churchwomen of St. Michael’s
Ms. Marlene C. Ercolani
Mr. and Mrs. John Ermanni
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Eschendal
Ms. Barbara Eskridge
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Essenmacher
Mrs. Helen Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Evans
Ever Seven Sports Club
Mr. and Mrs. Don Everett
James A. Everett, D.D.S.
Evigna Client Services
Mr. Patrick G. Evo
Excel Driver Road Testing - West, Inc.
Experiencia, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Fabian
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Fagerland
Family and Friends of Megan Dean
Mr. Leonard R. Farber
Mrs. Rebecca I. Farhat
Ms. Margie H. Farris
Ms. Beatrice Farrow
Mr. Gennaro Fedele
Mr. Raymond Fedoronko
Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Feldman
Dr. Robert M. Feldman
Mr. Paul Feles
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fenkell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Ferdinande
Mr. Florante R. Fermil
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Figurski
The Findling Law Firm, PLC
Mr. Theodore J. Fischer
Ms. Carol Lee Fishback and Mr. Stephen K.
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Fishback
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Fisk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Fitzgerald
Mr. John T. Flanagan
Ms. Shirley M. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Fledderjohann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fluker
Mr. Freeman Flynn
Mr. Frank J. Foley
Mr. James R. Foley, Jr.
Mr. Robert E. Follfaum
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ford, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Lary G. Ford
Ms. Linda S. Forrer
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Forrest
Dr. Michelle D. Foster and Mr. Robert A.
Rhonda R. Foster, Ed.D., M.P.H., M.S., R.N.
Mr. Robin R. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fowler
Mr. Harry E. Fox
Peter J. Francis, M.D.
Mr. Hyman H. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Darren C. Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Frankel
Ms. Nancy A. Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Frederick
Mrs. Roger Fridholm
Ms. Mary S. Frisby
Mr. Albert R. Friske
Mr. and Mrs. Jock T. Fritz
Mrs. Teresa L. Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Funke
Mrs. Jean B. Fuqua
Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Gable
Mrs. Hermenia Gabriel
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Gadzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Gagnon
Mr. Frank P. Galati
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Galea
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Galvin, Jr.
Gannett Matching Fund, Community
Foundation of Louisville
Ms. Arline F. Garcia
Ms. Arline F. Garcia
Mr. Joseph A. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gardella
Glendon Gardner, M.D.
Gardner-White Furniture
Ms. Judith L. Garrett
Mr. John Garvie
Ms. Nynier S. Garwood-Dancy
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Gassman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gawronski
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gay
Ms. Marie Gay
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Gaynor
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Gebauer
Mrs. Joanne Geelen
Mr. Mark Gehrke
Mrs. Mary Gelmini
General Motors Corporation - WFG
Capital Projects Employees
General Motors Foundation, GM Volunteer
PLU$ Program
General Motors GM Jumpstart Event
Ms. Elizabeth Gerity
Mr. Robert R. Geromette
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Gerson
Mr. Mark A. Gieseking
Gift of India
Mr. and Mrs. James Giftos
Mr. Albert M. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Gilbert
Ms. Betty Gill
Mr. Donald J. Gillard
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gilleran
Mrs. Dorothy Gillum
Mr. and Mrs. Troy W. Glasser
Ms. Vernita Glenn
Global Impact
Global Office Solutions, L.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Goddette
Mr. James I. Godfroy
Mr. Michael Gogola
Ms. Kimberly A. Goldberger
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Goldman, Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldring
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gonsler
Ms. Elizabeth Goodearl
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Goodgine
Ms. Martha B. Goodloe
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goodrich
Dr. Jesse F. Goodwin
Ms. Esther M. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gordy
Ms. Pauline A. Goretski
Michael J. Goretsky, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gorman
Mrs. Sharon K. Gould
Mr. Howard J. Gourwitz
Ms. Myong Hee Gouthro
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Gow
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Grabowski
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert E. Grabowski
Gracon Portrait Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Grant
Mr. Richard A. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Grasinski
Mrs. Anna Grasty
Mr. and Mrs. Terence R. Graves
Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild
Great Lakes Gas Transmission Ltd.
Greater Detroit Building Trades Council
Mr. Philip A. Greco
Ms. Bernice Green
Ivan L. Green, D.D.S.
Mr. Robert G. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Saul A. Green
Ms. Susan L. Greenfield
Mr. Kerry Greenhut
Mr. Fred E. Greenspan
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Greenspan
Mrs. Frances Greenup
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Grekin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Griffin
Mrs. Linda Grignolo
Ms. Janine Grillo
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Grimaudo
Grissom Middle School, 7th Grade “Skills”
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gropman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome V. Gross
Grosse Pointe South High School
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Grosso
Ms. Martha A. Grothe
When the medication was used to treat Catherine Matykowski’s
rapid heartbeat (Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome) stopped working,
she began to have increased fainting spells. “I was diagnosed at age 9
and as I got older my condition worsened,” says Catherine who lives
in Canton. When she was 15, doctors at Children’s Hospital of Michigan
used open heart surgery to eliminate the extra electrical pathway
causing Catherine’s lightheadedness and blackouts. Today at 31,
Catherine, who went on to get her Bachelor of Science degree in
Music at Eastern Michigan University, is employed at Kohl’s as a
visual merchandiser – climbing ladders and dragging about heavy
mannequins. She also works closely with the company’s many fundraising efforts, which ironically, include Festival of Trees. “I am so grateful
to Children’s,” she says. “I love how it all comes back to you.”
Friend (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gruber
Guardian Manufacturing Corporation
Mr. David A. Gumenick
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Gun
Mrs. Doris M. Gursin
Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Gushman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Guttovz
Ms. Michele Gwyn
Marcy Haase
Ms. Deborah A. Hachey
Mrs. Anne C. Haffner
Mr. Michael R. Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Hale
Emily J. Hales
Ms. Aleah Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hall
The Reverend John F. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Halsey
Mr. David S. Hamburger
Ms. Margaret A. Hammond
Ms. Kim Hamner
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Hankins
Mr. Thomas R. Hankins
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hanson
Mr. Constintinos N. Haratsaris
Mr. Albert E. Harbour
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardy
Mr. Hugh G. Harness
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harper
Ms. Anne W. Harris
Mr. Billy Harris
Lindsey Harris
Mr. John P. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris
Harsens Island Lioness Club
Mr. Lloyd E. Harsh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Nickey A. Hartley
Earl and Danielle Hartwig
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Haske
Ms. Michelle M. Hastings
Ms. Helen F. Hatch
Michael S. Haupert, D.O.
Ms. Eleanore M. Hausner
Mr. Fred C. Hawkey
Mrs. Ruby L. Hawkins
Mrs. Eleanor Hawley
Hayden Family Dentistry, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Hassan Hazamy
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Heavenrich
Ms. Deborah Hecht
Mr. David B. Heinrich
Mr. Bruce W. Hellmer
Ms. Alethia E. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Hengstebeck
Ms. Judith P. Herman
Herman's Creations, Ltd.
Mr. Michael J. Herringshaw
Ms. Joyce D. Herron
Dr. Richard K. Hertel
Drs. Georgiana and Tom Herzberg
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Hesano
Ms. Marie A. Heshczuk
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Hetner
Mr. Ronald J. Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Hickman, Sr.
Mrs. Jacqueline Hicks
Mr. Desi B. Hidalgo
Ms. Therisa L. Hiemstra
Ms. Cynthia J. Higgins
Audrey Hill, M.D.
Jacqueline L. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Hills
Mr. Daniel C. Himmelspach
Mr. Ryan A. Hindmarsh
Mr. David L. Hinds
Ms. Barbara A. Hirt
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hoban
Mr. and Mrs. Theo K. Hochstein
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hodas
Ms. Paris L. Hodge
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Hodges
Hoffen Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffer
Mr. Ira E. Hoffman
Mr. Terry Lee Hofmann
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hofstetter
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hogan
Mr. Paul S. Hoge
Mrs. Mildred D. Holick
Hollywood Super Market, Inc.
Mrs. Suzanne H. Holman
Ms. Ida B. Holmes
Mr. J. Eric Holt
Mr. Brian Homeszyn
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hood, Sr.
Ms. Ellen M. Hoogerwerf
William D. Hooper, D.D.S.
Ms. Susan M. Horling
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Horness
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Horning
Mrs. Della F. Horton
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Horwitz
Hosner Fine Arts
Hospital Inventories Specialists, Inc.
Ms. Rebecca M. Hostman
Mr. Donald F. Houck
Ms. Billie J. Plummer Howard
Ms. Laura E. Howard
Ms. Pauline Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Howell
Ms. Donnavae Hoyt
Ms. Gwendolyn W. Huffman
Drs. David A. and Eileen P. Hug
Mrs. Daniel Hughes
Franklin E. Hull, M.D.
Mr. Kenneth L. Hull
Mrs. Catherine E. Humes
Ms. Daisy Marguerite Humes
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Humes
Mr. Thaddeus M. Huminski
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Huntington
Huntington Woods Women’s League
Huron Elementary School, Staff, Students
and Parents
ITT Industries
The Iafrate Family
Dr. Olajire Idowu
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Inchaustegui
Independent Bank - East Michigan
Iron County Golden K Club
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Isenstein
J. Lewis Cooper Company
Tiffany Jablonski
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Jachym
Ms. Chaun Rene Jack
Sheila Jackman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jackson
Mr. Elmer C. Jackson, III
Mr. Frederick H. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jackson
Mrs. Martha C. Jackson
Mrs. Stirling P. Jackson
Mr. Aaron Jade
Mr. Sunday A. Jaiyesimi
Mr. John James
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Jamrock
Mrs. Alfreda A. Janitz
Ms. Janice E. Jankowski
Jaraco, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jarzombek
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Jaster
Mr. Randy Jenkins
Ms. Alicia M. Jennings
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Jenuwine
Ms. Josephine Jetter
Ms. Helen Jezewski
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Johns
Ms. Adale Johnson
Ms. Audrey L. Johnson
Reverend Wilma R. Johnson
Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts
Johnson Controls, Inc. Employees
George Johnson & Company
Mr. James J. Johnstone
Mr. Ermil Jones
Mr. Gary T. Jones
Ms. Teresa A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Joniec
Dr. and Mrs. Thad H. Joos
Mrs. Jeannille Jordan
Mr. Larry F. Jordan
Ms. Mary D. Jordan
Lynn and Betty Jordan and Neighbors
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jozwik
Mr. David O. Jumpa
Mr. Dale A. Jurcisin
K E Electric Supply Company
Thomas Kalas, J.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Kaloz
Mr. Donald R. Kalso
Mr. James A. Kaltenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kammann
Sujatha Kannan, M.D.
Karate and Fitness Center
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Karpinski
Mrs. Patricia J. Kaszeta
Mr. Edward A. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Katzman
Mr. Gary Kavanagh
Keepsake Patrollers
Dr. Ann M. Keillor
Ms. Debra Keller
Tina Marie Kelley, R.N., C.P. N., I.R.P.
Daniel J. and Rosemary Kelly
Dr. Katherine A. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kelly
Mrs. Lauren Kelm
Ms. Stella L. Kelsey
Patricia Barnett Kelter Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kempa
Dr. Sharon A. Kemper
Mr. Robert Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Kennedy
Mr. Ronald J. Kennis
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kent
Kenwood Women's Club
Mr. Alan William Kerns
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Keros
Mrs. Ivin E. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle K. Kerstetter
Drs. Ronald D. Kerwin and Michael A.
Mr. Philip J. Kessler and Ms. Mary Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Naif A. Khouri
Why we give to CHM… Last year
16-year-old Katie Calabro was diagnosed with
ADEM (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis).
To celebrate her complete recovery and the
care she was given at CHM, over 40 families at
their family reunion donated 100 brand new
toys for the patients. “We were so grateful to
the entire staff for giving us more time with
her,” says Katie’s mother, Laura.
Friend (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Afeworki O. Kidane
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Kiiskila
Ms. Judith Kilhefner
Mr. David M. Kimball
Mr. Damon King
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis King
Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. King
Ms. Roslyn P. King
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. King
Ms. Susan King
Mrs. Stephanie S. Kingsley
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kischuk
Victor and Patricia Kishigo
Kiwanis Club Birmingham Central
Kiwanis Club of Plymouth-Canton
Ms. Carole Y. Klapko
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Klar
Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Klarman
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kleiman
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Klein
Mrs. Gladys Klein
Ms. Karen Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Klein
Mrs. Erna Kline
Drs. Jeffrey and Kathy Klinger
Ms. Carolyn R. Knechtel
Mr. Todd Knickerbocher
Mr. and Mrs. Garland M. Knight, Jr.
Mr. Daniel Knobler
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Knoblock
Mrs. Patricia J. Knoll
Ms. Patsy M. Knoop
Mr. Dennis R. Knop
Ms. Karen L. Knopper
Dr. and Mrs. Josef M. Kobiljak
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Koester
Mr. Bruce F. Kohler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koneczny
Ms. Catherine M. Konicki
Mr. Peter J. Koprowicz
Mr. Joseph M. Kormos
Staff of Korotkin Insurance Group
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Koryciak
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Kosnik
Mr. and Mrs. Kostan Dino Kostopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kotzian
David and Betsy Kovach
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kovan
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Kovan
Ms. Kathleen Kowalewski
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kowalski
Mr. Louis Krajcz
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Krakauer
Ms. Mary M. Krasman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krasnick
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Krause
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Kreissl
Mr. Irwin Krinsky and Mrs. Catherine Rollin
Mr. Vincent Krizanic
Kroll Construction Co.
Ms. Kari L. Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kuczynski
Mr. Richard J. Kujala
Mrs. Jennie Kulesza
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Kusch
Mr. Thaddeus Kush
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kuta
Ms. Laura Kuzniar
La Societe Des 40, Et 8 Chevaux, Voiture
Local #1061
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Laba
Mr. and Mrs. John G. LaBahn
Mr. Wilbur J. Lacey
Mrs. Adeline Lachman
Ladies of the Red Hat Society
Mr. and Mrs. William Lakritz
Ms. Nancy Lamberti
Mrs. Maria Lambrix
Mr. Robert C. Lamkin
Ms. Anne C. Lampe
LandAmerica Lawyers Title
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Landau
Ms. Judy A. Landuyt
Mrs. Cristi M. Landy
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Lang
Ms. Annette Langwald
Lapeer County Community Mental Health
Ms. Guadalupe G. Lara
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Larese
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. LaRiche
Mr. and Mrs. David J. LaRocca
Mr. Michael Laurila
Ms. Sandra J. Lauzon
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Leach
Etta C. Leahy, M.D., MPH, FAAP
Ms. Dorothy LeBeau
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lebowitz
Thomas L’Ecuyer, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Lederman
Ms. Arlyn J. Ledford
Ms. Bonita Lee
Mr. Michael A. Leibowitz
Ms. Marguerite L. Leng
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Leonard
Ms. Lyla Lepisto
Joan C. Less, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Junius A. Leverett
Mr. and Mrs. H. Barry Levine
Mr. Joel Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald LeVine
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. Scott G. Lewis
Mr. Stephen R. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewnau
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Libcke
Dr. and Mrs. Kim Khong Lie
Ms. Shirley R. M. Lightle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lijana
Lincoln Park Middle School
Ms. Judith A. Lindsay
Mrs. Nancy A. Lindsay
Mrs. Rita-Ann Lindstrom
Lions Club of Grosse Pointe
Mrs. Addison H. Liquorish
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Litman
Mr. David Little
Ms. Ruth W. Littleton
Mr. O. D. Livermore
Mrs. James R. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Lock
Loco Promos, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Locricchio
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lombardi
Mr. Jim E. Long, Jr.
Mrs. Susan J. Long
Mr. Nicholas J. Lopiccolo
Nancy Lorence
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Loselle
Rabbi and Mrs. Harold Loss
Sandra Lotito
Mr. William W. Love
Mr. Scott Lozon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lucido
Mr. Stephen A. Luedecker
Mr. and Mrs. Laszlo Lukacs
Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Lundell
Ms. Linda Luoma
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Luyckx
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Lynch
Ms. Mary Ann Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Lynch
Lynn Equipment Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Lyons
M Group, Inc.
Michigan Pulmonary Disease Community, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. MacDonald
Ms. Clara A. Macek
Mr. and Mrs. Grant E. MacKenzie
Ms. Emma J. Maclin
Magical Touch Car Wash, Inc.
Magnet, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Majewski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Malek
Mrs. Bernice Malinowski
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malinowski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Malkowski
Mr. Joseph R. Malloure
Ms. Doris Malloy
D.J. Maltese Consutling, L.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maniaci
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis J. Mann
Ms. Barbra A. Manni
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Manzella
Mr. Nelson Mar
Mr. and Mrs. Don Marblestone
Mr. and Mrs. Gheorghe N. Marinescu
Ms. Christine L. Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Maroudis
Mrs. Helen D. Marsack
Mr. Bruce R. Marsh
Mr. Devon Marshall
Marshall E. Campbell Company, Inc.
Marshall Field’s Human Resources
Ms. Darlene Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Martin
Mecca A. Martin
Mr. Nick L. Martines
Mr. and Mrs. Rudawson Mason, Jr.
Mrs. Wendy H. Mason
MasterCard International Matching Gift
Ms. Aikaterina Mastropoulou
Ms. Karen D. Matelic
Ms. Barbara Jean Matesa
Mrs. Margaret J. Matkovich
Mr. Arthur A. Matsumura
Mr. Joseph P. Mattimoe
Mrs. Dennis Matuja
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Matuschek
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Matysiak
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis N. Maxey
Mr. Edward May
Dr. and Mrs. Jay H. Mayefsky
Mrs. Gail Mayes
Ms. Alicia A. Mazurek
Ms. Diane Mazzara
Ava McBrayer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McCarroll
Mrs. Joyce C. McCarter
Mr. and Mrs. James G. McCatty
Ms. Elizabeth McClay
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. McCloskey
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. McConaghy
Mrs. Mary Margaret McCormick
Mr. Walter F. McCoskey
Mr. Thomas M. McCullough
Mrs. Algeria McCutchen
Mr. Tom McDaniel
Mrs. Charlotte P. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. McDonald
Ms. Mary P. McDougall
Mrs. Ralph T. McElvenny
Mr. Hubert McFall
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McGrath
Ms. Marguerite McIntosh
Mr. James D. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. John H. McKane
Ms. Mary E. McMillan
Mr. Robert F. McNeilly
Mr. and Mrs. Martin McPhee
Deborah R. McWilliams
Mr. David L. Meadows
Dr. and Mrs. Aram Mechigian
Mrs. Mary Mecke
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hart Mecke, III
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Meer
Ms. Phyllis H. Meinke
Mrs. Mary Ann Meldrum
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Meldrum
Meldrum Properties
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle J. Melkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Meltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Menlo
Merrill Lynch and Company Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Merte
Mr. John Merten
Metro Cold Storage, Inc.
Metropolitan Power and Lighting, Inc.
Ms. Cora Michael
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin B. Michaels
Mrs. Frances Michaels
Ms. Bonnie Jean Michalak
Michigan Country Club Challenge
Michigan County Social Servies
Michigan First Credit Union
Michigan Limestone Operations, Inc.
Patricia L. Milani, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Milen
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Miller
Mrs. Martin M. Miller
Miller Elementary School - 3rd Grade Class
Mrs. Harriett A. Millies
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Millman
Mr. Charles Mills
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Misuraca
Mr. Samuel P. Misuraca
Mobley Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Andrew Moe
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mollicone
Mom’s Club of Livonia North
Mom’s Club of Rochester
Ms. Antsernette Moncrief
Ms. Cheryl Monroe
Monteith Elementary School
Ms. Connie Monteleone
Mr. Andrew S. Montpas
Mrs. Charles R. Moon
Father William G. Mooney
Mr. Glenn R. Moore
Gwendolyn Moore
Mr. John Mooznik
Friend (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Morabito
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Morath
Bernard and Muriel Moray
The Honorable Claudia House Morcom
Mr. and Mrs. David Moreen
Ms. Vicki L. Morgan
Mr. Vincent Morgante
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Morley
Morley Companies, Inc.
Mr. Daniel D. Morrill
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Morris
Ms. Sandi D. Morrison
Ms. Karolyn M. Morrow
Mr. Antonio Moscone
Ms. Evelyn J. Mossett
Mr. Shane Mostek
Mr. Richard Mosteller
Ms. Barbara S. Motala
Mr. George A. Moten
Ms. Marilyn Mowrer
Mt. Clemens Elks No. 2124
Ms. Sheila E. Muldoon
Ms. Nancy A. Mullin
Mr. Thomas G. Mulvihill
Mumford High School Students
Munger Middle School - 6th Grade
Ms. Heather B. Muschong
Jack and Cherri Musser
Ms. Suretta E. Must
Ms. Arline Nadler
Mr. and Mrs. Rajnikant Nagarsheth
Mrs. Mildred L. Nagy
Mr. Tawfiq E. Nakhleh
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Naoum
Mubariz Naqvi, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Nathan
National Lumber Company
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Nehro
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Nelligan
Mr. John Nelson, Jr.
Ms. Julie M. Nemeth
New England Pension Consultants
Kenneth K. Newton, M.D.
Mrs. Florence Nezamis
Niblick Golf League
Dr. and Mrs. Louis D. Nichamin
Ms. Denise Nicholas
Ms. Anna Nigliazzo
Ms. Darlis Nix
Ms. Michelle Nizich
Ms. Sherry L. Noble
Kay Nolte, R.N.
Ms. Lynette M. Norgan-Curtiss
Mr. Silas Norman, Jr.
North Star Home Lending
Mr. Ralph T. Northrup, Jr.
Ms. Antoinette A. Novak
Mr. Raymond L. Nowinski
Ms. Lois A. Nowling
Helen M. Nutting, M.D.
Mr. Hernan Naranjo O
O.E.S. #523
Oak Park High School
Oakland Mall, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane E. Oakleaf
Oakwood Home Care Services
Ms. M. Joyce Obed
Mrs. Walter J. Oben
Ms. Kathryn M. Oberliesen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. O'Brien
Cheryl and David Obudzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Ochtinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Oleshansky
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Oliver, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Olsen
Ms. Erin P. O’Mara
Mrs. Richard G. O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ong
Onyx Family Dental, Inc.
Onyx Skating Academy
Mr. James C. Orchard
Origen Financial, Inc.
Original Buscemi’s Michigan Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Orlandi
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ormsby
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Osentoski
Dr. and Mrs. David Osher
Mr. Adekunle E. Oshiyoye
Ms. Jean Outler
Ms. Cecilia Overstreet
Mrs. Loretta Pack
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paglino
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Palardy
Mr. Jeffrey W. Palmer
Dr. Douglas G. Pankratz
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Panson
Mr. and Mrs. Alex S. Papalas
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Papazian
Mr. Richard A. Parcells
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Parden
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Pare
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Parker
Dr. Michael Parker
Mr. A. Patrick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Patterson
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Paulikas
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Paull
Mr. and Mrs. Rick F. Pautz
Dr. William J. Pavlik and Ms. Barbara Rush
Mrs. Kathleen M. Pawlik
Mr. Thomas O. Peak
Ms. Sophie Pearlstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Peattie, Jr.
Ms. Denise Pendleton
Fangyu Peng, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Penirian, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Penoyar, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack A. Peoples
Dennis L. Perkins, D.D.S., P.C.
Ms. Anne Pernick
Mr. Paolo Persichetti
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Peterson
Mrs. Rita T. Peterson
Ward D. Peterson, Jr., Ph.D.
Mr. Frank Petrena
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Pettineo
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pfannes
Pfizer Foundation, Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pheiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Phelps
Philoptochos Annunciation Cathedral
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer B. Phinney
Mrs. Leonard Pickering
Mrs. Mary E. Pickford
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Pierce, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pierce
Mr. Ralph S. Pierro
Mary E. Pietrangelo, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Piggott
Mr. and Mrs. Vin Sou Pin
Mrs. Sarah Pinter
Mr. and Mrs. William Piontkowski
Mrs. Louise Pizzo
Mr. Edward K. Planchon
Rabbi and Mrs. Jonathan V. Plaut
Plymouth Children’s Nursery, Inc.
Mary Fran Podolak
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Polk
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Polulak
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Porte
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Porter
Marilyn Porth
Paul Tatge is a Shelby Township eighth-grader with Down’s
Syndrome who’s nuts about sports, loves riding his bike, and
roughhousing with his older brother.
Eleven years ago, you might not have put money on his future.
After the left side of his face became paralyzed, Paul was diagnosed
with acute myologenous leukemia, common to children with Down’s.
Paul’s mother, Bonnie, says their CHM experience was a blessing
for frantic parents. “We couldn’t have asked for anything better,”
she says, “and our hematologist was there every step of the way.”
After radiation and chemotherapy at Children’s Hospital
of Michigan, which virtually eliminated a brain mass a bit smaller
than a golf ball, Paul has been in remission since 1995.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Porties, Jr.
Ms. Anna Mary Postma
Dr. and Mrs. Rick A. Poston
Potomac Metals, Inc.
Mrs. Jean Povrzenich
Mr. William Power, II
Ms. Mary C. Pratt
Mr. Thomas J. Prescott
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Presser
Ms. Michelle D. Price
Ms. Patricia A. Price
Mrs. Elsie C. Prioleau
Stewart Prog and Lisa Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. R. Peter Prokop
Mrs. Karen L. Proudlock
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence B. Pryor
Mr. Arthur R. Przybylowicz
Matt Ptaszkiewicz, M.D.
Mr. Claudio M. Pullo
Purdy, Donovan and Beal
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Purther
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Pyden
Mr. John F. Quay
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Quigley
Mrs. Cynthia L. Quince
Mrs. John J. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Rafferty
Rahab Grand Court Heroines of Jericho
Dr. and Mrs. Ramegowda Rajagopal
Dr. and Mrs. Curt S. Ralstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ramik
Ms. Caroline Rancour
Ms. Antoinette R. Randazzo
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Randazzo
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ranke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rankin
Ms. Eleanor L. Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Rasak
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Rasico
Mrs. Jill K. Rastelli
Ms. Susan Rastenis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rathke
Mr. Richard E. Rau
A. Raymond, Inc. Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raymond
Mr. Russell R. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. G. Arthur Redebaugh
Ms. Carolyn Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Reed, III
Regional Economic Development Team
Cynthia L. Reid, Pharm.D.
Mr. Glenn J. Reid
Friend (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Reid
Mr. James M. Rein
Mr. and Mrs. Owen C. Reinert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Reinhard
Mr. Allen Renshaw and Ms. Deanna Butka
Mr. Richard A. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Ricci
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Rice
Ms. Rebecca Rich
Mr. Patrick D. Ridgeway
Mark F. Riederer, M.D.
Mrs. Norma L. Riehl
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Riggs
Mr. William A. Rinn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Rishavy
Mr. and Mrs. Baron V. Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Robakiewicz
Ms. Edith P. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Roberts
Ms. Sheila N. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Robinson
Mr. David S. Robinson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rochlin
Mr. J. Robert Rock
Rocky Peanut Co., Inc.
Rodgers Elementary School
Ms. Charlotte S. Roede
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Roeder
Mrs. Marian Roehm
Richard and Ann Casey Rohr Fund
Ms. Lois J. Rokash
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Romatowski
Mr. William C. Roney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Rose
Mr. Harvey B. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Rosenfeld
Mr. Joseph B. Rosol
Mr. George C. Ross
Ann and Milton Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ross
Mr. Keith Rossin
Dr. and Mrs. Scott L. Roth
Mrs. Ralle K. Rothman
Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto A. Rotondo
Ms. Laura R. Rovner
Mr. Lawrence E. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rowe
Cynthia and Kevin Rowell
Mr. John Rowland
Ms. Melody A. Royer
Dr. Arlene Rozzelle
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Rubenfaer
Eugene Rubin, M.D.
Mr. Richard L. Ruby
Darlene A. Rucinski-Janson,R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ruffner
Ms. Martha Ruggirello
Mrs. Rose M. Rumble
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Runk
Mrs. Mary Rusnak
Mr. and Mrs. Peter James Russ
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Russell
Ms. Frances Russo
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Ruza
Mrs. Julianne R. Rybicki
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rydholm
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Sachs
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Sachs
St. Elizabeth’s Church
Saint Gobain Corporation Foundation
St. Paul's United Methodist Women
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sajewski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Sakwa
Ms. Grace Salamie
Mr. Husni Salka
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Samhat
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Samrah
Mrs. Henrietta Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Samuels
Ms. Vyta L. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sanna
Mrs. Lynne A. Saperstein
Ms. Marilyn Sarkesian
Miss Nevart R. Sarkesian
Dr. and Mrs. Amit Sarnaik
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Saski
Mr. Frederic P. Satterlund
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Scalzi
Ms. Lucia E. Scarpace-Meehan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Scerbo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schalek
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Schanbeck
Ms. Donna M. Schave
Mr. Paul J. Scheuerman
Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Scheuern
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schmalenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Schmidt
Ms. Cheryl Schmitke
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schneider
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Schneider
Dr. Linda Schneider-Rediske and Mr. Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton G. Schoeffler
Mr. David L. Schoewe
Ms. Nancy A. Schroth-Pavlosky
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis W. Schultz
Mrs. Margaret E. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Willard W. Schultz, Jr.
Jane Redfield Schwartz Ltd.
Mrs. Stanley S. Schwartz
Why we give to CHM…We donate because it feels good, and
because it is a worthy cause. Students and parents have commented that
they look forward to shopping each year for the patients. For some, it is
their first exposure to charitable giving.
High School
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scoboria
Mr. Emmon Scott
Mr. John E. Scott
Mr. John T. Scott, Jr.
Mr. Randy Scott
Ms. Sonja Scott
Ms. Elizabeth M. Scully
Seavey, Vogel and Oziel, L.L.P.
Dr. Elizabeth A. Secord
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Seely
Mr. Barry A. Seifman
Mr. Frank R. Selak
Ms. Susan Selke
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Semanie
Ms. Lynn Semproch
Ms. Grace Serra
Mr. and Mrs. David Setlock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Sfire
Sonal N. Shah, B.D.S., D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Shaner
Mr. Saul Sharfman
Shobhit Sharma
Ms. Denise W. Sharpe
Ms. Fredrica Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Julius L. Shaw
Mr. Marc K. Shaye
Mrs. Minnie M. Shelby
Mr. Alger Shelden, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Sherbin
Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. Sherman
Mr. I. William Sherr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Sherron
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shimbo
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Shink
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shink
Ms. Karen P. Shulhan
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Sides
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Siegal
Dr. and Mrs. Marc J. Siegel
Patricia A. Siegel, Ph.D.
Heather B. Siegel
Donna Sill
Mr. Grant Silverfarb
Mr. Michael E. Simmers
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Singer
Sink-Rite Die Company Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Sipher
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Skaff
Mr. Gary A. Skarjune
Mrs. Janet E. Skillman
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sklar
Mr. Joel Skolnick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skone
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Skubik
Ms. Rosemary Skupny
Mrs. Michelle L. Skurya
Ms. Nancianne Sladkin-Rennie
Ms. Carita I. Sledge
Mrs. Jacqueline P. Slobodian
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Slomba
Mr. James J. Slowik
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Darin J. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Smith
Ms. Myreya A. Smith
Patricia A. Smith, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Friend (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Smith
Mr. Stuart W. Smith
Mr. Theodore S. Smith
John W. Smith, Old Timers Club, Inc.
Drs. Lynn C. and Herbert C. Smitherman
Mr. Richard T. Smolarek
Mr. and Mrs. David Sniderman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Snow
Kathryn Sobota
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Sobota
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Soltis
Mrs. Irene Soring
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Sorrentino
Dr. and Mrs. Allen Sosin
Source CF
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Southlea
Ms. Constance Spampinato
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Sparschu
Mrs. Sallie Spitzley
Splashy Designs, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. Sprague
Ms. Hildegard F. Staab
Mr. Ronald S. Stachurski
Ms. Anna Staltmanis
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Standish
Ms. Tracee C. Stanford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Starling
State Farm Insurance, Mr. Robert J. Ross
Mr. Henry J. Stawasz
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Stawski
Mr. Richard A. Stebbins
Mr. Samuel A. Steffes
Mr. David S. Steingold
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stellon
Mr. Mark S. Stephens
Laura and Gary Stern
Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Ms. Sharon A. Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Stewart
Mr. Stephen G. Stewart
Ms. Verna Lee Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Casper J. Steyer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Stillman
Mrs. Fraida Joy Stillwater
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Stolp
Dr. and Mrs. Allen J. Stone
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Stone, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Storch
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Stovall
Ms. Marion A. Stowell
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Strang
Ms. Nancy L. Stroman
Structura Group
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Sturdy
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Sturman
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Sturtz
Mrs. Zoe Styloglou
Dr. and Mrs. Mayer Subrin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Suggs
Mr. Adam J. Suhonen
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sullivan
Summit Academy Middle School
Super Car Wash Systems and Equipment, Inc.
Vijayakiran Surapaneni, M.D.
David Susser, D.O.
Swank Custom Services
Ms. Ann M. Swartwout
Ms. Diane L. Swatosh
Padraic J. Sweeny, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton I. Swimmer
Ms. Phyllis Swisher
Switzer Elementary School
Ms. Dorothy Synkonis
Sysco Food Services of Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Szatmary
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Szott
Mr. Patrick J. Szymanski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Szymanski, Jr.
TCF National Bank Michigan
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Tabbi
Ms. Claredine P. Tabor
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tabor
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Talon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Talovich
Dr. Arina and Mr. Dan Talpesh
Mr. Dennis A. Tamburo, Jr.
Mrs. Arlene A. Tanari
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Tanielian
Mr. Jon D. Tarnow
A. Alfred Taubman Foundation
Ms. Delores R. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Taylor
Mr. Jeremy Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tellitocci
Mr. Juhan Telmet
Ms. Linda Tempia
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Templin
Ms. Mary T. Thebo
Mr. Walter F. Thiede
Mr. and Mrs. Brad J. Thinnes
Mr. Charles T. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Thompson
Mr. Philip E. Thompson
Sally Thompson-Reid
Ms. Suetta Thornbury
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.Thorner
Celia Thurston
Mr. Norman O. Tilly
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Timm
Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Tischler
Dr. and Mrs. Rodrigo Tobar, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Tobin
Mr. Jeffrey L. Tolari
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Toller
Mr. Lawrence Toma
Ms. Karen L. Tomilo
Mrs. Mary Tomilo
Mr. Herbert A. Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Tonelli
Mrs. Anne M. Tooley
Top Flight Entertainment, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Torres
Ms. Marana Webber Tost
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Toth
Tram, Inc.
Mrs. Rita C. Trefzer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Trefzer
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Treharne
Ms. Joyce A. Tremblay
Trenton Firefighter Charities
Ms. June Trogu
Ms. Barbara Trueman
Mrs. Mahey Trupiano
Mrs. Eddye M. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tupy, Jr.
Mrs. Nola Huse Tutag
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Tymosko
Ms. Patricia A. Tyro
Mr. Michael R. Tyson
Angela Tzelepis, Ph.D.
U.A.W. #182
U.A.W. Local #1002
Mr. and Mrs. Idika I. Ubi
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Uhrin
Mr. Norman Ulmer
Matriosca Natacha Umlauf, M. D.
Unique Bistros, Inc.
United Way of Allegheny County
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
United Way of Livingston County
University Pediatricians
Ms. Laura Urbiel and Mr. Gregory Kelly
V.F.W. Post #1136 City of Wyandotte
V.F.W. #4644, Private William P. Tutro Post
V.F.W. #9973
Valassis Giving Committee
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Vallee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vallee
Value, Inc.
Ms. Kathleen J. Vance
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Vandervennet
Ms. Millicent VanDyke
Mr. Val C. Vangieson
Mr. Richard Vanpraet
Ms. Rebecca Vasil
Mr. and Mrs. Bogoljub Velanovich
Ms. Dorothy J. Vellmure
Ms. June Ventimiglia
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian C. Ventimiglia
Ms. Christine Verbruggen
Verizon Foundation
Vertigo Publishing
Marion M. Vesley, M.S.N., R.N.
Village Green of Rochester
Dr. Catherine Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Virgin
Visiting Nurse Association of SE Michigan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vitale
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Vlieg
Mr. Thomas A. Vollbach
Voluntary Benefits Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas Vroom
WDVD Holiday Cards for Kids
Ms. Mindy Waddle
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wainaina
Mr. and Mrs. David Walch
Ms. Judith A. Wales
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Walker
Ms. Patricia K. Walker
Mr. Gary Wall
Ms. Bobbie A. Walls
Wal-Mart Store #2618
Wal-Mart Store #2692
Wal-Mart Store #2872
Mr. Tim Walsh
Ms. Carolynn Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wand
Ms. Linda L. Wangbichler
Ms. Wanda G. Ward
Mrs. Yvonne Wardlaw
Mr. E. E. Wardlow
Mr. Thomas A. Wardlow
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Warren
Gregg Warren, D.O.
Warren, Inc.
Indira and Shanker Warrier
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Warzyniec
Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. Wash
Mrs. Mintie C. Washington
Waste Management
Mr. Thaddeus G. Wasung
Waterford Village Elementary
Mr. Robert A. Waters
Ms. Lillian Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Watson
Ms. Margaret C. Watson
Mrs. Charles J. Watza
Wayne County Prosecutors Office Staff
Ms. Gail A. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Weaver
Webasto Sunroofs Inc.
Mrs. Barbara M. Webb
Webster and Company
Ms. Paula Weckman
Mr. Robert A. Weed
Mr. and Mrs. Jim K. Wegerly
Mr. David D. Wehmeyer
Mrs. Rolfe Weil
Mrs. Lawrence M. Weiner
Rev. and Mrs. Leon Weir, Sr.
Mr. Steven R. Weisberg
Mr. Matthew J. Weise
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weisman
Ms. Alberta Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Weller
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Werder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wesolowski
West Bloomfield Township Staff
West Side Unity Optimist Club of Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Westenberg
Mrs. William E. Westerbeck
Ms. Robin Lynn Westerman
Ms. Edna F. White
Mrs. Marion White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. White
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Whitefoot
R.O. Whitesell and Associates
Mr. Tim Whitney
Mr. Grant C. Whittlesey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Wickens
Mr. and Mrs. John Wiebrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Wiedelman
Mr. Larry Wigginton
Mrs. Gretchen C. Wilbert
Mr. Bradley J. Wilcox
Mr. Robert Wilcoxson
Ms. Roberta Wilczewski
Ms. Judith Wilinski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wilk
Mrs. Jill Kageff Wilke
Willco Sales, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Williams
Mr. J. Terance Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Roland W. Williams
Ms. Tacoma M. Williams
Ms. Diann Williamson
Willow Woods Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilson
Ms. Carolyn Wilson and Mr. Dick Mundy
Ms. Nila Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wilson
Mr. Wayne W. Wilson
Mr. Greg Winborn
Window Dressers
Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Wingard
Mrs. Helen Winiarski
Mr. Thomas Winkes
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle E. Winn
Ms. Jennifer Withington
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Witt
Mr. Gene A. Witt, Jr.
Friend (continued)
Wittfields Florist and Gifts, L.L.C.
Ms. Willa Mai Wofford
Mrs. Florence Wojcik
Mr. and Mrs. George Wojdacki
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Wolberg
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Wolinski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wolking, Jr.
Women of St. Regis
Women of the Moose #2095
Woman’s National Farm and Garden
Association, Vernor Branch
Jodi L. Wong, CFRE
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Wood
Ms. Virginia A. Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Woodliff
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Woodson
Mr. Randolph M. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wycech
Mr. Paul M. Yantus
Mr. Raghavendra B. Yarlagadda
Aram Yasso
Steven Yedlin, M.D. and Patte Bishop, M.D.
Mr. Hugh Yee
Ms. Marilyn Yelder
Ms. Lisa Yeras
Mr. and Mrs. Dan D. Yessian
Mr. Timothy C. Yoe
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Yolles
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yonish
Mr. John H. York
Mr. Peter Yuhas
Ms. Maureen Zack
Mr. James D. Zaffino
Ms. Linda Zagornik
Mr. Robert C. Zahon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zalupski
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Zathey
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Zerbonia
Mr. and Mrs. Vadim Zilberberg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Zimmer
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Zoller
Ms. Nichole L. Zoya
Mrs. Sarah Zube
Dr. Robert Zurack
Traci Zuzelski
Raymond A. Zvirbulis, M.D.
Mr. Irvin K. Zwicker
Ms. Donna Zyrowski
Several endowments have been established for the benefit of Children's Hospital of Michigan by caring members of our community who share a commitment to improved child health and progressive pediatric medicine. The generosity of these benefactors is greatly appreciated and helps to ensure the hospital’s financial future. Endowment funds are established with a minimum gift of $50,000. A portion of the earned income provides annual support for programs and services vital to the patients in our care; the remaining
income is reinvested to build the fund, creating a lasting legacy for the benefit of generations to come. The following is a list of our current endowments:
Carman and Ann Adams Endowed
Chair for Pediatric Research
Cynthia and Edsel B. Ford II Family
Research Endowment Fund
Daniel J. Patrona, Sr. Family
Endowment Fund
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Barker
The Frankel Family Endowed Chair
in Pediatric Neuroscience
Pet Therapy Endowment Fund
Beznos and Luptak Families
Endowment for Pediatric
Neuropsychiatric Research
Bicknell-Shumaker Pediatric
Urology Endowment Fund
Frank Bicknell, M.D. Endowed Chair
of Pediatric Urology
Dick and Ginny Genthe Research
Endowment Fund
Bessie Scotten George Endowment
Dick and Gail Purtan Family
Endowment Fund
Joseph O. Reed, M.D. Endowment for
Pediatric Imaging
Mrs. Henry T. Bodman Endowment
Georgie Ginopolis Endowed Chair
in Pediatric Cancer and
Ring Screw Textron Endowed Chair in
Pediatric Cancer Research
Dr. Sheldon L. Brenner Memorial
Endowment Fund
Ginopolis-Karmanos Pediatric Cancer
Research Endowment Fund
Karolina Briechle Endowment For
Volunteer Services
Alan B. Gruskin, M.D. Family
Endowment for Nephrology
The Karan Ann Roman Memorial
Pediatric Cancer Research
Endowment Fund
Edwin P. Bryen Endowment Fund
Miriam L. Hamburger Endowed
Chair in Child and Adolescent
Neuropsychiatric Research
Ethel Burton Endowment Fund
Alexa I. Canady, M.D. Academic
Endowment for Pediatric
Caring for Kids Trauma Endowment
The Carls Ear Institute
The Carls Foundation
Endowed Chair in Pediatric
Bill Carls Research Endowment
Marie Carls Communication
Disorders Endowment Fund
William Carls Endowment Fund
Center for the Pediatric Nursing
Excellence Endowment
Natalie and Manny Charach Pediatric
Cancer Research Endowment
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Auxiliary Endowment Fund
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Critical Care Endowment
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Rheumatology Research
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Sickle Cell Endowment Fund
Children's Research Center of
Michigan Endowments
Claybid Classic Rehabilitation
Center Endowment Fund
Julie Fisher and Peter Cummings
Pediatric Neuropsychiatric
Research Endowment Fund
Datanational Endowment for Pediatric
Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive
Endowment Fund
Skye, 2
Furniture Express Endowment Fund
Arvin I. Philippart, M.D. Endowed
Chair in Pediatric Surgical
Research and Research in Solid
Tumors of Childhood
ENSURE, Endowment for Surgical
Research Fund
William A. Evans, Jr., M.D.
Endowment Fund for Radiology
Festival of Trees, Evergreen
Endowment Fund
Larry E. Fleischmann, M.D.
Endowment for Pediatric
Nephrology Research
Helppie Challenge Endowment Fund
for Pediatric Research
Helppie Family Endowed Professorship
in Urban Pediatric Health
Helppie Institute for Child Heath
Dr. Jack Hertzler Lectureship
Endowment Fund
Frederick G.L. Huetwell Endowment
Jane and Mario Iacobelli Family
Endowment for Inflammatory
Bowel Disease Research Fund
Jonathan Scott Kovan Endowment
Andrew and Theresa Krasula
Scholarship Endowment for
Language and Speech Therapy
Rosalie and Bruce Rosen Family
Endowed Chair in Tourette
Syndrome and Related
Neurological Disorders Research
Ashok and Ingrid Sarnaik Pediatric
Research Endowment Fund for
Residents and Fellows
Ingrid and Ashok Sarnaik Endowment
for Critical Care and Sickle Cell
Schotanus Family Endowed Chair in
Elizabeth Schotanus Endowed
Professorship in Pediatric Nursing
Peter Schotanus Endowed
Professorship in Pediatric
Jack and Miriam Shenkman
Endowment Fund
Robert and Rose Skillman
Endowment Fund
Margaret Couzens Slattery Memorial
Endowment Fund
Melissa Ann Krinsky Endowed
Lectureship Fund
Margaret Couzens Slattery Memorial
Lectureship Endowment Fund
The Ruben Kurnetz, M.D. Pediatric
Resident Educational Endowment
Yates G. and Marjorie S. Smith
Memorial Endowment Fund
Edna D. Lambert Endowment Fund
Leukemia, Research, Life Angel
Endowment Fund
Edward and Julie Levy Pediatric Cancer
Research Endowment Fund
Kenneth E. Lewis Memorial
Endowment Fund
Luptak and Beznos Family
Endowment in Memory of
Donald Szelinski
Benard L. Maas Memorial
Endowment Fund
Estelle Littlepage Macauley
Endowment Fund
Louis H. Meyers Endowment Fund
Donna Nedelcoff Endowment Fund
Lewis J. Nedelcoff Endowment Fund
Oldies 104.3 WOMC Pediatric
Research Endowment Fund
Mitchell and Karen Padnos Research
Endowment Fund
Anna Ruth, Helen, Lena Solomon and
Esther Solomon Krause Research
Endowment Fund
Dr. William A. Spitzley Endowment
Nicholas Wetherill Stroh and
Stephanie Wetherill Stroh
Endowment Fund
Ruth Kraft Strohschein, M.S., Ph.D.,
M.D. Pediatric Research
Endowment Fund
Tennis and Crumpets Endowment
Michael Volante Pediatric HIV/AIDS
Endowment Fund
Samuel L. Westerman Endowment for
Neuroscience Research
Janis and William Wetsman Family
Endowed Chair in Pediatric
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Paul V. Woolley, Jr., M.D. Endowment
Lester G. Young Endowment Fund
2005 “Labor of Love” Employee and Physician Campaign Recognition List
Nahed Mustafa Abdel-Haq, M.D.
Joanne Abramson, R.N.
Gyula Acsadi, M.D.
Monica J. Adams
Thomas K. Adams
Joyce M. Alexander, M.S.W., C.S.W.
Patricia N. Alexander
David Allasio
Rebecca F. Amann
Ahdi Amer, M.D.
Lawrence F. Andersen
Mary Lu Angelilli, M.D.
Eduardo Arciniegas
Basim I. Asmar
Melissa L. Aughe
Thomas L. Babb, Ph.D.
Valerie Babin
Brian N. Bachynski, M.D.
Gretchen M. Backer, P.T.
Alcesa Backos, M.D.
Giselle M. Baillargeon
Lora L. Baird
Dorothy L. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Baker
Allison Ball, M.D.
Amy C. Bambenek
Adrienne V. Barno
Charles J. Barone, II, M.D.
Penny L. Barrick
Julie L. Bartoy
Lucille H. Baszewski, R.N.
Mary P. Bedard, M.D.
Marquita Bedway, Ph.D.
Patricia S. Beierwaltes, R.N., M.S.N.
Gladys Bell
Susan Bellefleur, M.D.
Marcia Bessey
Patricia Bevier, R.N.
Anant Bhogaonker, M.D.
Kevin E. Biglin, Pharm.D.
Darlene Blair, R.N., M.S.N.
Eileen Bond
Mark B. Borkin, M.D.
Jennifer I. Bowen
Sheryl L. Boyd
Hilary Ann Boyer, OTR
Darla Breese, M.D.
A. Joseph Brough, M.D.
Tina M. Bryant, M.S.W., C.S.W.
Michele N. Budry, A.S.C.W.
Christopher J. Bunch
Carolyn E. Burks
Joann Cacioppo-Hodgson
Denise M. Cain-Jones
Nedim Cakan, M.D.
Jean Capellari
Julie E. Carpenter
Suzanne Casinelli
Dianne L. Cavitt
Chung-Ho Chang, M.D.
Michael Cher, M.D.
James L. Chinarian, M.D.
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Foundation Hero’s Committee
Suzanne Chynoweth
Lynn Ciaramitaro, R.N.
Ms. Cheryl Clark
Drs. Jeff A. and Laura Colone Clark
Volna Clermont, M.D.
Bernadette Cleveland
Sanford Cohen, M.D.
Cassandra Coleman
LaVonne Compton
Concerned Physician's Group
Rhonda Conner-Warren, MSN, RN,
Susan M. Connor
Adrienne E. Cook
Jan Cottrell, R.N.
Bev Crider
Amy Curtis
Munirah A. Curtis, M.D.
Catherine Cushing, R.N.
Drs. Ralph D. and Barbara A. Cushing
Susan Czaplicki
Annette David
David M. Davis, M.D.
Luann M. Davis
Laurie C. Dayton
Anna DeBoard
Virginia Delaney-Black, M.D.
Patrick Joseph Dennehy, M.D.
Donna R.K. Dotson
Madonna Draughn
Drs. Delaney, Plunket, Ralstrom,
Michael Duggan
Nasser Durgham, M.D.
Dawn M. Dusman
Cathy H. Eames
Jay Eastman, M.D.
Belinda Edwards
Hanna M. El-Khouri, M.D.
Frances Eldis, Ph.D.
Rabeh R. Elias
Arlene J. Elliott
Marlene C. Ercolani
Luanne M. Ewald
Gilda L. Familara
May S. Faraon
Russell Faust, M. D.
Jamie Ferguson
Kathleen M. Fink
Nathan S. Firestone, M.D.
Howard S. Fischer, M.D.
Joseph Fischhoff, M.D.
Larry E. Fleischmann, M.D.
Michelle D. Foster, M.D.
Rhonda R. Foster, Ed.D, MPH, MS, RN
Peter J. Francis, M.D.
Nancy A. Frantz, R.N.
Connie S. Freeman
Karen M. Gall
Deborah A. Gamrath, R.N.
Max J. Garber, M.D.
Glendon Gardner, M.D.
Natalie A. Gasiorowski, R.N.
Marie Gay, R.N.
Kenneth N. Gaynor, R.Ph.
Donita L. Gelinas, R.N.
Kellee Gerzich
Michelle Girdler
Frank Grabowski, Jr.
Chad M. Grant
Dr. Herman B. Gray, Jr. and
Mrs. Shirley Mann Gray
Oresha S. Greenidge
Pearl E. Griffeth
Nancy Griffith, R.N.
Mrs. Kristina R. Guse
Rebecca Gutierrez
Michele Gwyn
Marcy A. Haase
Deborah A. Hachey
Judy Haefner
Kellie Hagel
Emily (Jean) Hales
Aleah Hall
Steven D. Ham, D.O.
Lynn M. Hannon
Lindsey S. Harris
Earl R. Hartwig, M.D.
Michael S. Haupert, D.O.
Jack H. Hertzler, M.D.
Perri Herzog, R.N.
Joseph M. Hildebrand, D.D.S.
Jacqueline L. Hill
Courtney Hillyard, CCLS, CPST,
Beverly Hindson, I.H.M.
Jennifer Hitzelburger
Teresa G. Holtrop, M.D.
Marcia Hooper, R.N.
Stephanie E. Hoover
Mrs. Barbara Hosmer
Rebecca M. Hostman
Eileen L. Hug, D.O.
Richard A. Humes, M.D.
Sheila M. Hunt
Anne-Mare' Ice, M.D.
Margaret Idowu
Abubakr A. Imam, M. D.
Constantine Ionan
Sally Isola
Tiffany Jablonski
Chaun Rene Jack, C.Pht.
Sheila Jackman
Britt-Ann Jackson
Ann H. Jaglowski
Janice E. Jankowski
Jesse Jarvis
Michelle D. Jeffrey
Adale Johnson
Gary T. Jones
Teresa A. Jones
Thaddeus H. Joos, M.D.
Patricia A. Juip
Annemarie F. Kammann
Sujatha Kannan, M.D.
Sam E. Karalambo
Joan M. Kelley, R.N.
Mrs. Lauren Kelm
Sharon A. Kemper, D.O.
Catharine M. Khoury
Katherine Kingsley
Carole Y. Klapko
Karen Klein
Dr. Michael D. and Mrs. Peggy Klein
Stephen R. Knazik, D.O.
Mrs. Ursula Kobiljak, M.D.
David Kovach
Kathleen Kowalewski
Bernard Krakauer, M.D.
Richard L. Kramer
Barbara D. Kraus
LaRea Kremhelmer
Steven M. Kreshover, M.D.
Lawrence R. Kuhns, M.D.
Ruben Kurnetz, M.D.
Thomas L’Ecuyer, M.D.
Ms. Rosemary Lake, R.N.
Drs. Scott and Lisa Langenburg
Guadalupe G. Lara, LMSW
Sandra J. Lauzon
Arlyn J. Ledford
Kristin Lenz
H. Bayard Leonard, Jr.
Gary Lerner, M.D.
Joni Levine
Martin P. Levinson, M.D.
Michael G. Liadis
Mary Wong Lieh-Lai, M.D.
Roula Lipinski
Ronald and Delane Lombardi
Nancy Lorence
Sandra J. Lotito
Linda Luoma, R.N., M.S.
Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D.
Mary Ann Lynch, R.N.
Clara A. Macek
Thomas A. Malone, M.D.
Nancy Maniaci
Cynthia Lange Manrique
Christine L. Marks
Charlotta Marshall, R.N., M.S.N.
Recognition List
Douglas K. Martin
Karen D. Matelic
Kathleen Matthys
Tej Mattoo, M.D.
Ava L. McBrayer
M. Eileen McCormick, D.O.
Susan McCreadie, M.D.
Shannon McGarry
Nada McIntyre
Deborah R. McWilliams, R.N., M.S.N.
Kathleen L. Meert, M.D.
Ms. Tina D. Mellon
Michael J. Mendelow, M.D.
Susan A. Mendyk, R.N.
Victoria Mesrey
Victoria J. Meyring
Irving M. Miller, M.D.
Kathleen Moltz, M.D.
Antsernette Moncrief
Dominique Monde, M.D.
Gwendolyn A. Moore
Karen A. Morris
Sandi D. Morrison
Marilyn Mowrer
Mary Mueller
Ayelech Mulugeta
Heather B. Muschong
Donald Nadeau
Rajnikant Nagarsheth, M.D.
Florence Nezamis, R.N., M.S.
Darlis Nix
Kay L. Nolte, R.N.
Julie V. Nutting
Erin P. O’Mara
David Obudzinski, M.D.
Jean Outler
Cecilia Overstreet
Stanley F. Oziem
Melissa Passmore
Frank A. Pavlick
Kathleen M. Pawlik, R.N., C.P.D.P.
Denise Pendleton
James N. Peters
Rita T. Peterson
Ward D. Peterson, Jr.
Stacia M. Pfeifer
Mary Fran Podolak, R.N.
Marilyn Porth
Rick A. Poston, D.O.
Patricia A. Price
Stewart Prog
Claudio M. Pullo
Rubia P. Raizman
Curt S. Ralstrom, D.D.S.
Drs. Yaddanapudi Ravindranath
& Kanta Bhambhani
Reneé A. Reaume
Fredrick E. Rector, Jr., M.D.
Cynthia L. Reid, Pharm.D.
Mary Renkiewicz, R.N.
Steven Rhinehart
Rebecca Rich
Mark F. Riederer, M.D.
Deborah L. Ripplinger
Robert R. Roman, M.D.
Dominique M. Rondot
Susan Rooney
Amanda Ross
Robert D. Ross, M.D.
Michelle Roth
Laura R. Rovner
Cynthia Rowell
Melody A. Royer
Arlene Rozzelle, M.D.
Darlene A. Rucinski-Janson, R.N.
Mary C.L. Ruehle
Colleen Ruffini
Peggy W. Rush
Debbie Ryan
Valerie Sabo
Robert N. Sandzik
Richard A. Santucci, M.D.
Marilyn Sarkesian
Amit Sarnaik, M.D.
Drs. Ashok P. and Ingrid A. Sarnaik
Lucia E. Scarpace-Meehan
Donna M. Schave
Amanda H. Schenavar
Michaelle D. Schuler, R.N.
Gwendolyn Seay
Elizabeth A. Secord, M.D.
Lynn Semproch
Grace Serra
Sonal N. Shah, B.D.S., D.D.S.
Denise W. Sharpe
Heather B. Siegel, MS, CCC-SLP
Marc Siegel
Patricia T. Siegel, Ph.D.
Donna Sill
Carol J. Sims-Robertson, M.D.
Srividhya Sivanandan
Thomas L. Slovis, M.D.
Patricia A. Smith, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Sheila M. Smith
Stuart W. Smith, Ph.D.
Lynn C. Smitherman, M.D.
Richard T. Smolarek
Sharon Lynn Smolyn
Social Work Staff
Drs. Sandeep and Beena Sood
Allen Sosin, M.D.
Anna T. Souto
Kathryn Spagnolo, R.N.
Genevieve P. Springer
Tracee C. Stanford
Bonita Stanton, M.D.
Ann M. Steinmetz
Gary A. Stern, D.D.S., M.S.
Sheldon D. Stern, M.D.
Dovetta Stevenson
Douglas Bitonti Stewart, C.F.R.E
Stephen G. Stewart
Paul T. Stockmann, M.D.
Sandra M. Stoico
Cathy T. Strunk
Stephen W. Sturman, M.D.
Cynthia L. Suggs
Vijayakiran Surapaneni, M.D.
Colette Swaffar
Beth Robinson Swartz, M.D.
Donald W. Sylvester
Cheryl A. Szof
Arina S. Talpesh, M.D.
Melissa Tavolieri
Delores R. Taylor
Joan Kelley, R.N.
Joan Kelley of Allen Park has worked at Children’s Hospital of Michigan (CHM) for 12 years
“and I love every minute of it,” says the nurse on 5 West. In appreciation, for the past 12 years
the busy mother of two donates a week of unused vacation time to the hospital as part of
CHM’s Labor of Love Campaign. The time translates to dollars to be used to buy equipment or
wherever needed. “I have always wanted to give back,” says Kelley. “I know the money will be
put to good use.” Kelley says the reward is seeing a staff that supports each other and works
together to make sick children well. “It sends a positive message to everyone,” she says. “I do it
because I love children and I truly believe in Children’s Hospital. I just wish I could do more.”
Nannette K. Thibodeau, R.N.
Lynne Anne Thomas
Sharon D. Thomas
Linda Thompson
Sally A. Thompson-Reid
William Thrasher, II
Celia S. Thurston, D.Min.
Rebecca Tochet
Nabeel S. Toma, M.D.
Nestor J. Truccone, M.D.
Saudia Twine
Angela Tzelepis, Ph.D.
Matriosca Natacha Umlauf, M.D.
Rudolph P. Valentini, M.D.
Richard Vanpraet, R.Ph.
June Ventimiglia, R.D.
Marion M. Vesely, M.S.N., R.N.
Catherine Vincent, M.D.
Felicia Wade
Judith A. Wales
Henry L. Walters, III, M.D.
Indira Warrier, M.D.
Kari L. Way, R.N.
Robert E. Weaver, D.D.S.
Dennis Z. Weber, M.D.
Paula Weckman
Robin Lynn Westerman
Edna F. White
Grant C. Whittlesey
Tacoma M. Williams
Carolyn Willingham
Robert F. Wilson
Carol R. Wiseman
Howard L. Wolfe
Jodi L. Wong, C.F.R.E.
Tonya L. Woods
Calier Hood Worrell, M.D.
An-chi Wu, M.D.
Marilyn Yelder
Jin Woo Yoo, M.D.
Katherine Zalewski
Paul M. Zavell, M.D.
J. Michael Zerin, M.D.
Nichole L. Zoya
Traci E. Zuzelski
Memorial List
Memorial gifts allow family and friends to pay tribute to their loved ones in a special way, while providing hope for children in need of
specialized pediatric care. Children’s deeply appreciates the generosity of our community in providing resources critical to our mission.
Gifts totaling $100 or greater were received in memory of the following individuals in 2005.
Ron Adamick
M. Ann Adams
Lana Aho
Carol Albrecht
Marvin Alpiner
Matthew Altermatt
Arthur Anderson
Eugene J. and Clare W.
Archbishop Hesrop Ashscian
Hinda Askenazy
Jennifer Ann Assessor
Ina Atlas
Helen Attar
Kurtis J. Baird
Jillian Clare Barden
Richard Bartone
Jacob Bashawaty
Helmut E. Bayer
Zeina Bazzi
Archie Beck
Gloria Belen
Adam Bem
James Benjamin Benoit
Jerome A. Berg
Robert Berg
Frank B. Bicknel, M.D.
Julia E. Bluestein
Mother of Susie Bluestein
Louis C. and Edith Blumberg
Patricia Borowski
Matthew Ryan Bowen
Wayne Boyer
Sheldon L. Brenner, M.D.
Mallory Brincat
Charlotte M. Brogowicz
Talia Anae Burt
Rodvie L. Campbell
Burke Dale Carlson
Linda Carlson
David Carr
Evelyn Carson
Ralph Cash, M.D.
Salvatore Cassar
Fred Cherrin
Mark Claypool
Sam Cohen
Phyllis Ann Colburn
Tia Coleman
Mary Ann Collins
Diane Corby
Sierra Haley Crandall
Charlene Crawley
Joyce Cruise
Steven Edmund Cueny
Brian Michael Culloty
Marsha Cummins
Christina Dallas
Judith L. Damm
Sara Davis
Daniel J. Del Grosso
Alice DeRosier
Anthony C. Di Maggio
William Dolan
Riley Ann Dooley
Christopher John Dunn
Greg, Rose and Ralph
Vanessa Edwards
David Ehlers
Avery Epling
Michael Esslinger, Jr.
Alex Etkin
Karen Farner
Ann Marie Fedele
Dr. Joseph Feingold
Frema Fell
Ann C. Fink
Dr. Barbara Fischer
Charles T. Fisher, IV
Beverly Flood
Frances Elaine Flynn
Carole Mae Ford
Carol Lynn Slomba Foster
Robert M. Gage
Brian Patrick Geick
Elsie Geisz
Walter Scott Gell
Virginia and Leslie Gertz
Georgie Ginopolis
Yale Ginsburg
Mr. and Mrs. David Gogola
Irving and Adele Goldberg
John Goth
Donald L. Gould
Maxwell Greenspan
Jack Gropman
Alan B. Gruskin, M.D.
Corinne Haines
Matthew J. Halatsis
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hall, Sr.
Sue Hall
Christopher Paul Hamilton
Kevin A. Harris
Michael Maxwel Hartley
Emma Hazelton
John A. and Marian B.
Jeannette S. Hellmer
Danielle Hendricks
Frederick Henig, Sr.
Deanna Hewitt
Beatrice Hildebrand
John H. Hildebrand
Judygaye Hildebrand
Aret Hintiryan
Wallace Hodges
Brandon John Horning
Ian Chance Houston
Allen Irvin
Rose Jacobs
Jordyn M. Jarzombek
Jeff Jaye's daughter
Toni Lee Jurkowski
Margaret Kalso
Sylvia Kanneth
George Kantor
Nicolette T. Keller
Dr. Tina Kelley
Bruce Judson Khan
David Loren Klein
Jeffrey Lynn Kline
Zenta Klungsts
Bradley Koester
Marcia Kopman
Dr. Dennis D. and Flora
Kerner Kovan
Dr. Bradley S. Kovan
Dr. Dennis J. Kovan
Jonathan Scott Kovan
Derek Scott Kreissl
Melissa Ann Krinsky
Gregory Krug
Sigmund Krug
Daniel Krywyj
Irene Rose Kuczynski
Belle Kukes
Violet V. Kyro
Eduardo Lai
Robert Lamkin
Joe Langnas
Marie C. Leahy
Cynthia Adams Leonard
Edmund Less
Mark and Esther Levy
Ida Lewis
Kenneth E. Lewis
Marie V. Lightle
Tracy Honeycutt Liimatta
Vern & Jessie Lindstrom
Barry J. Lipson
Nicholas G. Lites
Joshua Daniel Litman
Howard Lohn
Patricia Lopez
Kathleen Lucido
Norbert Lysik
Scott G. MacKool
Tommy Malek
Joseph F. Manhart
Louis & Lily Manni
John P. Manzella
Miles Christain Mason
Rachel Mastin
Jennifer Mateja
Dennis A. Matuja
Sharon Maurer
Clare Ellen McCormick
Reginald McCutchen
Benjamin J. McDermott
Jonathan McGill
Connor Jack McKane
William C. McMillan, III
George Michaels, Jr.
Joni Miller
Ronald K. Miller
Emmett Mills
Laura M. Mills
Stephen Wayne Milnikel, II
Therese M. Molloy
Justin Morris
Robert F. Mossett
Peter Charles Murtagh
Tony Neuner
Idella and Bill Nicholls
Gail Novak
Walter J. Oben
Matthew Joseph Ochtinsky
Colin Christopher Olson
Kylie Nicole Olson
Frances Osterhout
Gina Elizabeth Pacitto
David Palm, Sr.
Bella Palma
Todd Pare
Patrick Joseph Paris
Maxine Peck
Dr. Leslie Pensler
Alan Perlmutter, M.D.
Jason Joseph Pettineo
Sara Jeanne Pfister
Ryan K. Pheiffer
Arvin I. Philippart, III, M.D.
Ann Phillip
John Piccinini
Marion Pirone
Fred Pischke
Nancy Plantz
Dr. Joseph Posch
Ann Poznik
Kyle Quackenbush
Jane Radyko
Kelson Mark Rastigue
Dr. Joseph O. Reed
Paige McKenzie Reed
William Restrick
Jim E. Riehl, Sr.
Karan Ann Roman
Catherine C. Roney
Billy Ross
Dr. Julius Rutzky
Dr. Richard Ryszewski
Glenn Ryver
Ray Ryver
Raymond Ryver
Nicole Sajkowski
Elaine Saltsman
Ramandeep Kaur Sandhu
Joshua Saski
Marissa Marie Scaglione
Elizabeth Ann Schaum
Erin Schembri
Sara Frances Schneiter
Lily J. Schultz
Dorothy Selik
Alex Andrew Setlock
Samuel Seyburn
Dr. Warren E. Shelden
Kylie Simpson
Margaret Couzens Slattery
Dawn Kimberly Smith
Rich Smith
Daniel Matthias Soltis
John Soring
Kyralisa Southlea
James Speight
Marcia Spoon
Sarah A. Springer
Luke Solky Stano
Rose Sterns
Dr. Karl Stillwater
Judy Ann Storch
Joe T. Strawder
Ernest Styloglou
Dorothy Sullivan
Jane E. Swartzenberg
Nino Tabbi
Marian Thiede
Michael Thomas
Virginia Thomas
Sebastian Tocco
Colin Derian Toth
Sarah Trafelet
Carl Tringali
Reginald L. Tucker
Stephen Uhl
Daniel R. Uhrin
Jack Vandermale
Michael Francis Volante
Rob Vozniak
Lisa Marie Vrabel
Jennifer M. Vroom
Theresa Walker
Caitlin Walsh
Inez Walton
Martha Theresa Ward
Charles J. Watza
Carrie Wawrzynski
Lt. Larry S. Weil
Zachary A. Werder
Ryan Michael Wesol
Elmer Westenberg
Samuel Wilbert
Jeffrey Williams
Marjorie Wilson
Henry Winiarski
Stanley Wojcik
Justin Wojdacki
Chris Wolfe
Dillon Matthew Yager
Christopher Ronald
Colin Zanger
Melanie C. Zebrowski
Kimberley Ann Ziembowicz
Morton Zieve
Jeffrey Zimmerman
Honorary List
Children’s Hospital of Michigan is grateful for the generous contributions received from our donors who wish to mark a special occasion
in the lives of their family and friends. These thoughtful gifts recognize members of our community while providing the hospital with
philanthropic support essential to meeting the health care needs of our young patients. Gifts totaling $100 or greater in 2005 were made
in tribute of the following individuals.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Abate
Breanna Duncan
Lane Luyckx
Root Canal Specialists, P.C.
Michael Allison
Kyle and Melissa Dunlap
Dr. William Lyman
Bruce H. Rosen
ArvinMeritor CV Challengers
Dennis Ehrhart
Shannon Lynch
Matt Ross
Danny Attard
Erlich, Rosen & Bartnick
Kristi Lysik - Petroff
Jenoe Roth
Edward and Eric Bailey
Patrick Fenton
Drs. MacIntosh and Lopczyk
Jenoe and Tobi Roth
Tyler Baird
Larry E. Fleischmann, M.D.
Megan Macomber
Kevin James Rucha
John D. Baker, M.D.
Jacob Fleming
Cynthia Madson
Lori Ruks
Brendon Baranyal
Jacob Daniel Fleming
Marnie Malley
Alexander George Runk
Dr. Edward Bayleran
Maxine J. Frankel
Martin, Dorchen & Coon
Gary and Becky Sakwa
Gail Beale
Stuart Frankel
Adam McNeilly
Santure Family
Eric G. Bell, II
Derek Fritz
Sarah McPharlin
Ashok and Ingrid Sarnaik, M.D.
Maurice J. Beznos
Kenneth Gaynor
Courtney Mecke
Emily Schaller
Sam Beznos
Danielle Gehlert
Emily Meretsky
Giavonna R. Scheidt
Bingham Farms Elementary School
Ginopolis Restaurant
Arden Middleton
Ruby Scott
Raymond Blake
David Goodman
Lynne and James Millies
Ethan and Brendan Shaeffer
Tracey Renee Grasty
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Moltz
Elizabeth Shannon
Sammy Gropman
William Monroe
Katherine Sherbin
Jacob Grosso
Margaret L. Montpas
Hannah Shink
Brooke Hale
James Mooney, III, M.D.
Kyra Shink
Steven D. Ham, D.O.
Ellen C. Moore, M.D.
Rachel Siegel
David Hamill
Mike and Amy Mulkey
Kristin Sladkin, R.N.
Kyle Harland
Vinny Multhaupt
Joy Sneyd
Krystin R. Harris
Mildred L. Nagy
Dr. Sandeep Sood
Havel Elementary School
Donna Nedelcoff
Arlene Starr
Jeff Haylett
Emmett and Kimberly Nicholas
Douglas B. Stewart
Dimitro and Mary Heshczuk
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nicholas
David Stollman
Jerome P. Horwitz, M.D.
Steven O'Brien
Haley Autumn Talovich
Richard A. Humes, M.D.
Daniel Osentoski
Jeffrey W. Taub, M.D.
Jane Iacobelli
Amanda Page
Nannette Thibodeau
Mario & Jane Iacobelli
Palace Employees
Jenny Tran
Jane Addams Middle School
Tristen Parent
Priscilla Anne Woodliff Wagner
Michael Jozwik, III
Jason Paslean
Henry L. Walters, M.D.
Mark and Judy Kahn
Penske Corporation
Dr. Henry Walters' Staff
Ruth Kahn
Periodontic Associates
Jayne Walters
Ian Kalinowski
Robert Proudlock
Cameron Wasiluk
Karen Kane
Donovan Ptaszkiewicz
Toby Way
Peter and Danialle Karmanos
Christy Ramik
Madeleine Weber
Jennifer Renee Kelley
Mark Rancour, III
Howard and Enelda Weiss
Carol Kelly
Gia Randazzo
William Wetsman
Jane and Charles Kessler
Andrew Gregory Rasico
Kim Wirth
Dennis Klein, Jr.
Dr. Ravi
George H. Witt
Logan Koryciak
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reeves
Bradley Wong
Dr. Bruce S. Kovan
Mr. and Mrs. David Reeves
Flora Yessian
UAW Local 182 Legion 501
Erica Reich
Monica Louise Young
John and Nancy Levy
David Andrew Rider
Gabriella Zilberberg
Deborah Lundin
Jen Roberts
Michael Zuccaro
Dr. George & Mrs. Joyce Blum
Stefanie Bolyea
Eileen Bradley
Danielle Brayton
Rebecca Brewster
Kaylie Brown
The Browning Family
Dr. Dana Buick
Gregory Burczycki
Vincent Buric
Margaret Mary Cassady
Bethy Ann Chatterson
Matthew Chayet
James Vincent Cianciolo
Frank Couzens, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Croom
David and Christine Crowl
Marc L. Cullen, M.D.
DaimlerChrysler Coworkers
Davis and Davis, P.C.
Laurie Dayton-Bailey
Megan Dean
Michael Dhondt
Robert Di Santi
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiCicco
Kristine (Gordon) Dillay
Katie Dittus
DMC Clinicians and Staff
Maria C. Donadio
Christopher Dowd
Tammy Downing
Mariah, 10
hildren’s Hospital of Michigan meets the highest national standards set for medical and nursing
staff, hospital personnel and patient care. Our young
patients and their families are assured the finest medical care and
the highest quality of hospital services.
Children’s Hospital of Michigan is a member of The Detroit
Medical Center, the academic health system for Wayne State
University, and is affiliated with Wayne State University’s School
of Medicine, College of Nursing, and College of Pharmacy and
Allied Health.
Children’s Hospital of Michigan is accredited by the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
and by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
(CARF). Accredited by the American College of Surgeons as a
Level 1 trauma center and as a regional poison control center by the
American Association of Poison Control Centers.
The hospital is certified by the Health Care Finance Administration
(Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act) and licensed by the Michigan
Department of Community Health.
Pediatric Endowed Chairs and professorships
The Marion I. Barnhart, Ph.D.
Endowed Chair in Thrombosis
Hemostasis Research
Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D., Incumbent
The Frank Bicknell, M.D.
Endowed Chair of
Pediatric Urology
Gordon A. McLorie, M.D.,
F.A.A.P., F.R.C.S.C., Incumbent
The Carls Foundation
Endowed Chair in Pediatric
Russell A. Faust, Ph.D., M.D.,
The Frankel Family
Endowed Chair in Pediatric
Neuroscience Research
Thomas L. Babb, Ph.D., Incumbent
The Georgie Ginopolis
Endowed Chair in Pediatric
Cancer and Hematology
Yaddanapudi Ravindranath, M.D.,
The Miriam L. Hamburger
Endowed Chair of Child
and Adolescent
Neuropsychiatric Research
David R. Rosenberg, M.D.,
The Helppie Endowed
Professorship for
Urban Pediatric Health
and Research
Vincent J. Palusci, M.D., M.S.,
The Arvin I. Philippart, M.D.
Endowed Chair in
Pediatric Surgical
Research and Research in
Solid Tumors of Childhood
Michael D. Klein, M.D.,
The Rosalie and Bruce Rosen
Family Endowed Chair for
Tourette Syndrome and
Related Neurological
Disorders Research
Harry T. Chugani, M.D., Incumbent
The Schotanus Family
Endowed Chair of Pediatrics
Bonita F. Stanton, M.D.,
The Elizabeth Schotanus
Endowed Professorship
in Pediatric Nursing
Linda A. Lewandowski, Ph.D.,
R.N., Incumbent
The Peter Schotanus
Endowed Professorship
of Pediatric Neurosurgery
Steven D. Ham D.O., Incumbent
The Carman & Ann Adams
Endowed Chair in
Pediatric Research
Dr. and Mrs. David Barker
Endowed Professorship in
Pediatric Imaging
The Samuel and Louis
Hamburger Foundation
Endowed Chair in
Child Psychiatry
The Ring Screw Textron
Endowed Chair In
Pediatric Cancer
Jeffrey W. Taub, M.D., Incumbent
The Janis & William
Wetsman Family
Endowed Chair
in Pediatric
Bowel Disease
Hannah, 3
Executive Staff
Herman B. Gray, Jr., M.D., M.B.A.,
Lynne Thomas Gordon, FACHE,
Chief Operating Officer
Jeffrey M. Devries, M.D.,
Vice President, Medical Affairs
Luanne M. Ewald,
Vice President, Business
Development, Strategic Planning
and Ambulatory Services
Rhonda Foster, Ed.D., MPH, M.S.,
R.N., Vice President, Patient Care
Chad Grant
Vice President, Professional Services
Jackie Hill,
Vice President, Finance
Patrick R. Kelly,
Vice President, Development
Medical Staff Chiefs
Herman B. Gray Jr., M.D. M.B.A.
Bonita Stanton, M.D.
Michael D. Klein, M.D.
J. Michael Zerin, M.D.
Chief of Pediatric Imaging
Mary Lu Angelilli, M.D.
Chief of Staff
Jeffrey M. Devries, M.D.
Vice President, Medical Affairs
Ibrahim F. Abdulhamid, M.D.
Chief of Pulmonary Medicine
Jacob V. Aranda, M.D.
Chief of Clinical Pharmacology
and Toxicology
Basim I. Asmar, M.D.
Chief of Infectious Diseases
Erawati V. Bawle, M.B.B.S.
Chief of Genetic and Metabolic
Harry T. Chugani, M.D.
Chief of Neurology
Marc L. Cullen, M.D.
Chief of Pediatric Surgery
Edward R. Dabrowski, M.D.,
Chief of Physical Medicine and
Chandra Edwin, M.D.
Chief of General Pediatrics
Chandra Edwin, M.D.
Interim Chief of Endocrinology
Mohammad F. El-Baba, M.D.
Chief of Gastroenterology
Russell Faust, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief of Otolaryngology
Howard S. Fischer, M.D.
Chief of Ambulatory Pediatrics
and Adolescent Medicine
David Grignon, M.D.
Chief of Pathology
Steven D. Ham, D.O.
Chief of Neurosurgery
Ebrahim, 13
Children’s Hospital
of Michigan Foundation
Board of Trustees
Joseph M. Hildebrand, D.D.S.
Chief of Oral and Maxillofacial
Richard A. Humes, M.D.
Chief of Cardiology
Stephen R. Knazik, D.O., M.B.A.
Chief of Emergency Medicine
Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D.
Co-Chief of Hematology
and Oncology
Tej K. Mattoo, M.D.
Chief of Nephrology
Gordon A. McLorie, M.D.
Chief of Urology
Ellen C. Moore, M.D.
Chief of Immunology, Allergy
and Rheumatology
Yaddanapudi Ravindranath, M.D.
Co-Chief of Hematology
and Oncology
John D. Roarty, M.D.
Chief of Ophthalmology
David R. Rosenberg, M.D.
Chief of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Neurosciences
Arlene A. Rozzelle, M.D.
Chief of Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery
Ashok P. Sarnaik, M.D.
Chief of Critical Care Medicine
Seetha Shankaran, M.D.
Chief of Neonatal and
Perinatal Medicine
James P. Stenger, D.D.S.
Chief of Dentistry
Henry L. Walters III, M.D.
Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery
Maria M. Zestos, M.D.
Chief of Anesthesiology
Board of Trustees
*John D. Baker, M.D., Chairperson
*Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II,
*Mrs. Stuart Frankel,
*Mr. Frank Couzens, Jr., Treasurer
*Mary Lu Angelilli, M.D.
Mr. Eugene Applebaum
Ms. Elaine Baker
Mr. Maurice J. Beznos
*Mr. Robert H. Bluestein
Alexa I. Canady, M.D.
Mrs. Mayme Dunigan
*Mr. Douglas M. Etkin
*Mrs. Luanne Ewald
Ms. Joanne B. Faycurry
*The Honorable Bernard Friedman
*The Honorable Hilda Gage
Mrs. Erica Ward Gerson
Mr. John Ginopolis
Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II,
Mr. William M. Wetsman,
Mr. Maurice J. Beznos
Mr. James F. Carr, Jr.
Mrs. Stuart Frankel
Mr. Daniel Gilbert
Mr. John Ginopolis
Mr. Brian Hermelin
Mr. Jack Krasula
Mr. Edward C. Levy, Jr.
Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D.
Mr. Jonathan K. Maples
Mrs. Rita Margherio
Mr. Dick Purtan Ms. Patricia Rodzik
Mr. Jatinder-Bir Sandhu
*Mrs. Norman Gjostein
*Herman B. Gray, Jr., M.D.
Ms. Patricia Heftler
Mrs. Richard Helppie
Reverend Nicholas Hood, III
*Mr. Joseph G. Horonzy
Mr. Arthur B. Hudson
*Mr. Gilbert Hudson
Mrs. Jane Iacobelli
Anne-Maré Ice, M.D.
Mrs. Josephine Kessler
*Mr. Nick A. Khouri
*Michael D. Klein, M.D.
Mrs. Arthur Kleinpell
*Mr. Robert C. Larson
*Mr. Edward C. Levy, Jr.
Mr. John G. Levy
Mr. Kirk J. Lewis
Mrs. Lawrence R. Marantette
*Mrs. Florine Mark
Ms. Alyssa Martina
*Mrs. Jane E. Mills
Mr. Charles R. O’Brien
*Mr. David K. Page
*Mr. Michael C. Porter
*Mrs. Gloria W. Robinson
Mr. Bruce H. Rosen
Ashok Sarnaik, M.D.
Mr. Aaron H. Sherbin
*Thomas L. Slovis, M.D.
*Bonita Stanton, M.D.
*Mr. George A. Wrigley
* Executive Committee
Honorary Board 2006
Mr. Wendell W. Anderson, Jr.
Mrs. Henry T. Bodman
Mrs. Warren Coville
Mrs. Charles T. Fisher III
Mr. William R. Halling
Mr. William P. MacKinnon
Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend
Mrs. David D. Williams
Advisory Board 2006
The Honorable Trudy DunCombe
Mr. Leslie Colburn
Mrs. Julie Fisher Cummings
Mr. Alan W. Frank
Mr. Martin Goldman
Mr. James Grosfeld
Mr. Joseph C. Murphy
Mr. Thomas L. Schoenith
Mrs. Samuel Valenti III
Mrs. Gerald E. Warren
Children’s Hospital of
Michigan Foundation
3911 Beaubien St.
Detroit, MI
(313) 964-1300
Patrick R. Kelly
Executive Director
Fred Pischke Sr.
Memorial Golf Outing
hen DTE electric supervisor Fred Pischke Sr., died in a tragic accident
on the job 11 years ago, his family and co-workers were shocked and
saddened. At the time, Fred’s five-year-old granddaughter, Stephanie
Cislo, had been diagnosed with cancer, specifically PNET or Primative Neuro
Echodermal Tumor in her right shoulder and after surgery was undergoing radical
chemotherapy and radiation at Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
After Fred’s death, friend and co-worker, Tom Labo, coordinated a golf event
to raise money in Fred’s name for CHM. “Stephanie was the light of my dad’s life
and Tom’s idea was so wonderful,” says Fred Jr., “Dad died helping someone else,
so this was especially meaningful.”
Since that first event in 1996, the Fred Pischke Sr. Memorial Golf Outing has
raised $58,000 for the oncology department and has gone directly to purchase
much-needed equipment such as a microscope and computer.
This year’s event will be held in September at the West Shore Golf &
Country Club in Grosse Ile and more than 120 DTE employees, including
Pischke’s family and friends are expected to turn out. Event details to follow.
Fred’s Granddaughter – Stephanie Cislo
According to her mother, Kim Cislo, today she’s a lively and active 16-yearold who enjoys playing volleyball and fast-pitch softball and is on the varsity
pompon squad at Gabriel Richard High School in Riverview. “Her heart was
damaged from the chemotherapy and she does have limitations,” says Kim.
For instance, she can’t run or she’d be playing basketball, too. It was such
a horrible time for us, but Children’s was wonderful. We go back to visit the
cardiology and oncology department every year and Stephanie will also help
out with the dinner after the golf event,” says Kim.
“My dad was her guardian angel and this is such a wonderful way to honor
him and contribute to Children’s Hospital. If it can save one life, it matters.”
Stephanie Cislo, 16
Kids Helping Kids
Toast for Tykes
are young
‘‘ These
are our future
leaders. It’s
exciting to
have them
on our team.
– Suzanne Chandler
even years ago, four buddies – from the Class of 1993 at Bloomfield Hills’
Brother Rice High School – decided to throw a holiday bash. To give
the event a little extra punch, they charged $5 a head, and donated the proceeds
to a children’s charity.
That’s how Toast for Tykes was born. That first year, they raised $1,200.
Things have mushroomed. Last year, Toast for Tykes’ Christmas gala raised $45,000,
which the group donated to support childhood leukemia research at Children’s Hospital of
Says one of the founders, Ajay Chawla – the group’s “president and janitor,” to hear him
tell it – “We’ve always said we wanted to give back to the people who support us.”
And that’s how CHM got involved. The son of one of the group’s
supporters was diagnosed last August with leukemia and has
undergone treatment at Children’s.
“We’ve had such a great time doing this with Children’s,”
says Chawla, “that we’ve talked about making it long term
and every year doing something different – this year it’s
leukemia research, then maybe money to build a toy
room, and perhaps the following year bone-disease
research. We want to vary it.”
Naturally, hospital officials couldn’t be more
pleased. “It’s reassuring to see this generation so
actively involved,” Suzanne Chandler CHM
major gift officer says. “These are young
people – mostly around 30 years old – and
just launching families and careers. They are
our future community leaders. It’s exciting to
have them on our team.”
Toast for Tykes meteoric growth delights
and still rather astonishes Chawla. “To go
from the Berkley Front to the Townsend
Hotel is a bit of a change,” he says, and
laughs. “That’s what happens when you
assemble an amazing team, support a worthy
cause, and throw a great party!”
For more information on Toast for Tykes, please call (248) 644-4449 or visit their web
site at
Kelly Mastin, Executive Director
and Ajay Chawla, President
is partnering
with the Detroit Tigers to help kids!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Detroit Tigers vs. Chicago White Sox
7:05 p.m.
Help Support the Children
We Serve & Have Fun at the Same Time!
Kids (14 & under) receive a free ride on the Ferris wheel or Carousel!
Join Children’s Hospital of Michigan supporters in a “healthy” competition
against C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital.
Proceeds will benefit the Social Work Department.
If you sell 101+ tickets, you/your group
can designate the funds to the department of your choice!
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Tigers Ticket Order Form
Face Value
Your Price
Per Ticket
# of Tickets
Children’s Hospital
friends and supporters must
use this ticket order form to
purchase tickets for the July 19th game.
This offer is not available at the
Comerica Park Box Office or through
any Ticketmaster outlets.
Orders must be submitted
to the Children’s Hospital of
Michigan Development
Department no later than
Friday, June 30, 2006.
$8 from each ticket purchased will benefit Children’s Hospital.
*Seat location is best available. PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION
City:____________________________________________________________________________ State:__________________ Zip:__________________________
E-mail:_________________________________________________________________________ # of Children Attending:________________
Credit Card # (MasterCard or Visa ONLY)
Exp. Date______ /_____ /___________
Name on Card: _______________________________________________________________________
Mail or Fax this form with payment to:
c/o Lynn Moore
3901 Beaubien
Detroit, MI 48201
Fax: 313-993-0119
Make Checks payable to
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
(Checks or Credit Cards only)
For more information
Or email:
[email protected]
Nonprofit Org.
Detroit MI
Permit No. 4772
3901 Beaubien St.
Detroit, Michigan 48201-2196
This is a listing of fundraising events benefiting Children’s
Hospital of Michigan. For additional details call the contact
person listed or the Children’s development department at
(313) 745-5373 or visit
June 9 thru 11
Embrace Change Hockey Tournament
July 22
Rich Smith Memorial Golf Outing
Mount Clemens Ice Arena
Contact: Rob Chevalier (248) 464-4517
Beacon Hills Golf Course, Commerce Twp.
Contact: Michael or Colleen Storch
(248) 363-5003
June 19
Kovan Golf Classic
Tam O’Shanter Country Club, West Bloomfield
Contact: Variety, The Children’s Charity
(248) 258-5511
July 11
Manheim Motor City
Charity Golf Outing
August 12
Justin’s Gift Golf Outing
Fernhill Golf Course, Clinton Twp.
Contact: Event Committee
(248) 244-4546
Grosse Ile Country Club, Grosse Ile
Contact: Jim Dimando (734) 783-3785
July 17
CATCH Golf Classic
Meadowbrook Country Club, Northville
Contact: CATCH Office (313) 876-9399
September 18
Visteon/CHM Golf Classic
TPC, Dearborn
Contact: Kim, Development Office
(313) 745-8890