Averting a shortage of primary-care physicians
Averting a shortage of primary-care physicians
2014 Area’s quality of life boosts immunity to doctor drought MEDICAL &DIRECTORY PAGE 6 Evolution of medical e-records PAGE 12 Mobile apps for medicinal purposes PAGE 14 Do you have an eating disorder? PAGE 16 Boulder Valley’s most comprehensive health-care listings ISBN #978-1-936674-16-9 BizWest Media LLC Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Longmont, CO Permit No. 376 BOULDER VALLEY MD/MEDICAL & WELLNESS DIRECTORY 2014 Averting a shortage of primary-care physicians BOULDER VALLEY Innovative treatment offers relief from the pain of knee arthritis Boulder Community Hospital now offers Boulder Valley residents MAKOplasty® partial knee resurfacing, a new treatment option for people with early- to mid-stage osteoarthritis of the knee. This less invasive procedure saves as much of your original knee as possible. The advanced MAKOplasty system offers: • Reduced pain • More natural feeling knee • Quicker recovery • Shorter hospital stay • Smaller scars Learn more at bch.org/newknee Our knee replacement program has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval by meeting rigorous national standards for quality and safety MD 2014 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT |1 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 2 | MD 2014 Obamacare not only vital health-care topic OK, so you’ve been hearing a lot about health care recently. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, increasingly known as “Obamacare,” has begun working its way into the public psyche, with the Colorado exchange launching Oct. 1, the individual mandate kicking in Jan. 1, and the employer mandate delayed until the following year. (Heck, we even had a 16-day government shutdown because of controversy surrounding the new law.) If, by some chance, you missed the shutdown, have never heard of the ACA and don’t know an employer mandate from a stethoscope, we have a hunch that you’ll become educated before too long. But there’s a lot more to health care than the Affordable Care Act, as monumental as that legislation will prove to become. In this edition of Boulder Valley MD, for example, you’ll find: • An in-depth look by Sally McGrath at how Boulder County hospitals are faring when it comes to recruitment of physicians. (They’re doing relatively well, compared with counterparts in other states.) • An article by McGrath and Michelle Venus explaining how many facilities are using nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants to alleviate any shortage in physicians. • Another article by McGrath examining the rapid adoption electronic PUBLISHER'S of N O T E B O O K medical records by hospitals and other medical facilities, even as patients are accessing those records at a slowerthan-expected rate. • A piece by Boulder County Business Report staff writer Beth Potter taking a look at eating disorders in the Boulder Valley. • McGrath’s piece on the burgeoning market for medical-related apps, including programs to track medications, heart rates, glucose levels – you name it. So, yes, health care provides many topics besides the ACA for talented journalists and their readers to investigate. Of course, Boulder Valley MD also includes the region’s most comprehensive directory of medical facilities and health-care practitioners. Thanks to researchers Mariah Tauer and Kiley Gant for their hard work assembling this directory, and thanks also to the entire staff of the Business Report for helping pull this magazine together. Boulder Valley MD is mailed to health-care providers throughout Boulder and Broomfield counties, with additional copies provided to the public via many of those same medical clinics and hospitals. We hope you enjoy the articles included in this edition and that you make full use of the directory itself. (And we welcome ideas for future editions.) Many more changes will occur in health care in the coming year. Trust that the Boulder County Business Report, along with Boulder Valley MD, will help put it all in perspective. Christopher Wood can be reached at 303440-4950 or via email at [email protected]. I N J U R ED AT WOR K? MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY L 30 ON 3. G 70 M 2. ON 16 T 12 Walgreens McDonald’s 119 KEN PRATT BOULEVARD Village Inn HWY 287 workwellworks.com NAPA Auto Parts Recent Accolades: 2012 inc 5000 – Fastest Growing Company in America #4219 2012 BCBR Mercury 100 – Fastest Growing Company #34 2012 NCBR Mercury 100 - Fastest Growing Company #22 S. MAIN ST. We partner with Boulder County businesses for all their corporate health and occupational health needs. We are consistently recognized for quality care and excellent customer service. DELAWARE AVE Big Lots S. PRATT PKWY Pre-Employment Screening | Medical Physicals Ergonomic Evaluations | On-Site Services Health and Wellness Programs N HWY 287 Walk-in Work-Related Injury Care Monday-Friday 8-5 Panera Bread 205 SOUTH MAIN ST., UNIT C LONGMONT Locations in Longmont, Loveland, Greeley, and Fort Collins W E M A K E I T E A S Y BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 |3 inside 6 8 9 12 14 Primary care Area’s quality of life boosts immunity to doctor shortage The care alternative Nurse practitioners, physician assistants provide economical, wide-ranging services Rural initiatives address a health-care disparity Data in an instant Medical records going electronic, but patients slow to adapt Doc in your pocket Apps add health smarts to smartphones BOULDER VALLEY & 2014 Clinics offer treatment, support when diet goes awry BOULDER VALLEY MD/MEDICAL & WELLNESS DIRECTORY 2014 16 Eating disorders BOULDER VALLEY Averting a shortage of primary-care physicians & PAGE 6 Evolution of medical e-records PAGE 12 Do you have an eating disorder? PAGE 14 Mobile apps for medicinal purposes PAGE 16 BOULDER VALLEY’S MOST COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH-CARE LISTINGS BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT ON THE COVER: Dr. John Ho, who spends half his time seeing patients at Avista Internal Medicine in Lafayette and the other half as medical director of the 500-member Centura Health Physician Group. BY JONATHAN CASTNER MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY BOULDER VALLEY & 4 | MD 2014 2014 Boulder Valley Medical Directory Table of Contents Directory Services and Facilities GLOSSARY OF MEDICAL ACRONYMS........18 MEDICAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES..........19 PHYSICIANS AND PRACTITIONERS.............56 Physicians and Practitioners Acupuncture............................................................19............................... 56 Anesthesiology.......................................................21............................... 57 Assisted living, Independent living........................21..................................... Asthma & Allergy....................................................22............................... 59 Audiology................................................................22............................... 59 Body Work Clinics...................................................23 Cardiology...............................................................24............................... 59 Chiropractic.............................................................25............................... 60 Dentistry & Oral Surgery........................................27............................... 62 Dermatology...........................................................30............................... 64 Ear, Nose & Throat.................................................30............................... 65 Emergency Medicine................................................................................. 66 Endocrinology.........................................................31............................... 66 Eye Care/Ophthalmology.......................................31............................... 67 Family Medicine.....................................................32............................... 68 Foot & Ankle............................................................34............................... 73 Gastroenterology....................................................34............................... 73 Geriatric Medicine...................................................35 Health & Fitness Centers-Private...........................35 Health & Fitness Centers-Public.............................36 Home Health Care & Hospice Care.......................37 Hospital Medicine...................................................38............................... 74 Infectious Diseases.................................................38............................... 74 Internal Medicine....................................................38............................... 74 Massage Therapy...................................................39............................... 76 Medical Associations..............................................40 Medical Products....................................................40 Medical Services....................................................41 Mental Health.........................................................42............................... 77 Midwives.................................................................45............................... 80 Directory Services and Facilities & Physicians and Practitioners Miscellaneous.........................................................45 Naturopathic Medicine...........................................45............................... 80 Nephrology.............................................................46............................... 80 Neurology...............................................................46............................... 80 Neurosurgery..........................................................46............................... 81 Obstetrics & Gynecology........................................46............................... 81 Occupational Medicine...........................................47............................... 83 Oncology & Hematology........................................47............................... 83 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery..................................47............................... 84 Orthopedics.............................................................47............................... 84 Osteopathic Medicine............................................48............................... 86 Pain Management..................................................48............................... 86 Palliative Medicine...................................................................................... 86 Pathology................................................................49............................... 86 Pediatrics.................................................................49............................... 87 Physical Therapy, Rehabi, & Sports Medicine......49............................... 89 Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery....................................51............................... 93 Pulmonology...........................................................52............................... 93 Radiology.................................................................52............................... 93 Rheumatology........................................................52............................... 94 Rolfing/Structural Integration.................................53............................... 94 Sleep Medicine.......................................................53............................... 95 Speech Rehabilitation.............................................53............................... 95 Surgery - General...................................................34............................... 95 Surgery - Hand.......................................................53............................... 95 Urgent Care............................................................53............................... 96 Urology....................................................................54............................... 97 Weight Management Companies.........................54 Yoga & Pilates Studios............................................54 PUBLISHER RESEARCH DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS Christopher [email protected] Mariah Tauer................. [email protected] DEVELOPMENT Kevin [email protected] EDITOR PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Doug [email protected] Dave [email protected] ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Storm [email protected] COPY EDITOR WEB DIRECTOR Scott [email protected] Dallas [email protected] Chase Miller.................... [email protected] CIRCULATION MANAGER WRITERS WEB DESIGNER Janet Hatfield................ [email protected] Joshua Lindenstein .. [email protected] Denise Schwartz........ [email protected] OFFICE MANAGER Beth [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT OF SALES Tiffanie Moore............ [email protected] Myles [email protected] All data for Boulder Valley MD, as well as for news archives, industry lists and directories published by newspapers in the BizWest Media LLC, now can be accessed online by subscribing to DataBank at www.BCBR.com. Entire directory also available on CD-ROM. Copyright 2013. BizWest Media LLC. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content without written permission is prohibited. The Boulder County Business Report (USPS 018-522, ISSN 1528-6320) Is published biweekly, with an extra issue in December, by BizWest Media LLC, a Colorado corporation, 3180 Sterling Circle, Suite 201,Boulder Colorado, 80301-2338. Periodical Postage Paid at Boulder, CO and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions are $49.97. International subscriptions are $180.00. POSTMASTER; Send change of address notices to: The Boulder County Business Report, P.O. Box 270810, Fort Collins, CO 80527. (303) 440-4950 Fax: (303) 440-8954 E-mail:[email protected] Web: www.BCBR.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY BOULDER VALLEY BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT 3180 Sterling Circle, Suite 201, Boulder, Colo. 80301-2338, is published biweekly by BizWest Media LLC, a Colorado corporation, in Boulder, Colo. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Sally McGrath, Michelle Venus PHOTOGRAPHERS Jonathan Castner, Peter Wayne GRAPHIC DESIGNER Brittany Rauch Subscriptions: $49.97, includes annual Book of Lists. Save $10, subscribe for two years, $89.97; Save $20, subscribe for three years, $129.97. Subscribe to Boulder County Business Report and Northern Colorado Business Report, includes both annual Book of Lists, $89.97. Subscribe to Wyoming Business Report, $19.97. Subscribe online at www.BCBR.com, www.NCBR.com or www.WyomingBusinessReport.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 |5 Boulder Medical Center, P.C. Putting Patients First since 1949 BMC AVISTA 303-673-0448 80 Health Park Dr., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 FAMILY PRACTICE 303-666-2710 GENERAL SURGERY 303-666-2632 Obstetrics & Gynecology 303-665-1045 Pediatrics 303-666-2720 BMC BROADWAY 303-440-3000 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 The physicians at BMC provide primary and specialty care including an Urgent Care Department. We provide care in three locations for your convenience. Each office is located in or near a hospital setting. BMC’s 300 staff members provide quality medical services in a caring, professional and friendly setting. The physicians, nurse practicioners and physician assistants can help you maintain a healthy life style through preventative care and they will work with you to help achieve wellness. We welcome new patients and contract with most major insurances. Multi-Specialty Clinic: Allergy – Cardiology - Dermatology Endocrinology – Family Medicine Gastroenterology – General Surgery Interventional Cardiology Neurology Ophthalmology – Orthopedics Otolaryngology (ENT) – Podiatry Radiology – Rheumatology Urology – Urgent Care Ancillary Services include: Audiology – Pharmacy – Optical Shop Nuclear Medicine Research BMC FOOTHILLS 303-938-4700 4745 Arapahoe Rd., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 GENERAL SURGERY 303-938-4710 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 303-938-4710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT PEDIATRICS 303-938-4750 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 6 | MD 2014 PRIMARY CARE BY SALLY McGRATH [email protected] Area’s quality of life boosts immunity to doctor shortage Health-care experts for years have been issuing care doctors. warnings about an impending severe shortfall “We haven’t felt the shortage like other areas of of primary-care physicians, and Boulder Valley the country,” Powers said. “Luckily, our experience hospitals and medical facilities are making plans to has been that Longmont and Colorado easily attract fill that gap. physicians because of the climate and lifestyle.” LUH does not take that for granted, Powers said. The United States already faces a doctor shortage The hospital prepares a staff development plan every in many parts of the nation, especially in critical three years and forecasts its needs based on population disciplines such as primary care. That shortage will demographics and the numbers of doctors in different get exponentially worse, studies predict, when the specialties. That plan guides the hospital’s human Affordable Care Act insures millions more Americans resources departments in starting in January. hiring decisions. Because of an ACA The hospital offers emphasis on wellness and THE NEW HEALTH-CARE LAW generous salary packages preventive medicine and only modestly increases the supply that include student loan an increase in payments which can amount to primary-care doctors of primary-care doctors, not nearly payoffs, to $250,000 by the time a who accept Medicare and physician graduates. Medicaid, the importance enough to cover the shortfall, and Powers said there of primary care will only even that tiny bump still is a few has been an increase in increase. doctors giving up their The new healthyears away because it takes so private practices and care law only modestly going to work directly increases the supply of long to train new doctors. for the hospital as the primary-care doctors, not cost of private practices nearly enough to cover the rises, including liability insurance, billing, insurance shortfall, and even that tiny bump still is a few years and managing staffs. Powers supports that trend and away because it takes so long to train new doctors. said, “We believe it can help with integration and Nationally, an estimated 30 million more people coordination of care.” will be required to carry health insurance under the Boulder Community Hospital also hasn’t yet felt new health-care law. In Colorado, more than 656,000 the squeeze in attracting primary-care doctors. uninsured people became eligible for insurance “Good doctors want to work with other good through the state’s exchange on Oct. 1, according to doctors,” said Richard Sheehan, director of public The Bell Policy Center. relations at BCH. While the nation at large is seeing a shortage of BCH offers a competitive compensation package, primary-care physicians because of the better pay up-to-date medical treatments and an attractive offered for doctors who specialize, the Denver-Boulder lifestyle. It also benefits from decisions by local metro area is in relatively good shape, according to practitioners to give up their practices and become Boulder Valley hospital administrators and physicians. employees of the hospital. Primary-care practices are concentrated in population “With some specialties, it is harder and harder to centers, and this area, with its high quality of life, remain in private practice, so they turn to their local attracts more than its share of physicians. hospitals,” Sheehan said. “A couple of them have said Peter Powers, director of business development at Longmont United Hospital, said the hospital is See Primary Care, page 10 not currently experiencing a shortage of primaryMEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 |7 Dr. John Ho, who spends half his time seeing patients at Avista Internal Medicine in Lafayette and the other half as medical director of the 500-member Centura Health Physician Group, said fewer and fewer medical students are going into primary care. “We are trying to hire more primary-care docs and grow our market share. We would like to see more candidates. We would like to fill more slots.” JONATHAN CASTNER 8 | MD 2014 THE CARE ALTERNATIVE BY SALLY McGRATH AND MICHELLE VENUS [email protected] Nurse practitioner Caryn Sheftel works with Dr. Mark Tennenbaum on a new database system. Sheftel has been a family nurse practitioner with Milestone Medical Group in Longmont for 10 years. A typical day starts with reviewing patients’ medical charts, lab results and prescription-refill requests, as well as responding to phone messages. JONATHAN CASTNER Nurse practitioners, physician assistants provide economical, wide-ranging services Hospitals and physician practices are averting primary-care shortages by using nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Nurse practitioners are licensed independent operators and don’t need a doctor on site. Physician assistants perform similar duties, but must work with a physician. Already, many advanced-practice nurses and PAs work as their patients’ principal provider. They make diagnoses, prescribe medications, and order and perform diagnostic tests. Since they are paid less than MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY physicians, policy makers say increasing the number of nurse practitioners and PAs could lower health-care costs. Nationwide, the ratio of “mid-level” nurses, nurse practitioners or PAs to doctors is 1 to 1, said Dr. John Ho, primary-care doctor at Avista Internal Medicine in Lafayette and director of the 500-member Centura Health Physician Group. “Our organization is a bit lower, but it’s probably going to climb higher.” Mid-levels are less expensive than doctors, Ho said, generally making half to two-thirds as much as doctors. A physician assistant working full time earned an average annual salary of $102,165, and the average full-time nurse practitioner earned $93,032, according to 2012 national salary data compiled by Advance Healthcare, another company that tracks hiring statistics. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median salary for a nurse practitioner in Boulder County is $95,000. Nationally, the American Medical See Alternative, page 10 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 Rural initiatives address a health-care disparity Some of rural Colorado’s innovative solutions center around expanding what first responders can offer to preventive-health services. For example, the Western Eagle County Ambulance District is training urban and rural communities across the nation in its innovative approach to Community Paramedicine. BY SALLY McGRATH [email protected] Much of the increased demand for primary-care physicians originates with Gov. John Hickenlooper’s decision to expand Medicaid eligibility in 2014 for the state’s poorest citizens, creating unprecedented access to health insurance in Colorado. The Colorado Health Benefit Exchange – created by 2011’s Senate Bill 200 and launching this fall – is giving Colorado families and small businesses new options for purchasing private health insurance. In addition, countless health-care innovations are being designed and tested across Colorado as new opportunities become available under the Affordable Care Act and other state health reforms. These changes are music to the ears to the more than 750,000 people who live in rural Colorado, as rural areas stand to benefit significantly. However, Coloradans living in rural communities face greater challenges in accessing health care, such as having health insurance, having a place to go to receive health care and having a primary health provider. Rural Coloradans lag behind urban Coloradans in each of these key health-care access indicators. Rural Coloradans are more likely to be uninsured than urban Coloradans. In 2011, 20.3 percent of rural Coloradans were uninsured, compared with 14.9 percent of those living in urban areas. Indeed, rural Americans as a whole are more likely to be uninsured, likely because of higher rates of poverty and less access to employer-sponsored health BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT |9 insurance in rural areas. While most Coloradans do have a “usual source of care,” rural Coloradans have fewer options. A usual source of care is a doctor’s office, community clinic or local health department, where a family or individual goes for basic services. Studies have shown that patients with a usual source of care are more satisfied with their care, take advantage of more preventive measures and utilize the emergency department less frequently. However, since 16 of Colorado’s rural counties have no hospital, and many other counties have limited options for health-care services, rural Coloradans may have to travel long distances to get the care they need. Finally, there is a shortage of healthcare providers across rural Colorado. A majority of Colorado’s rural counties have been designated health-care professional shortage areas by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. While about 15 percent of the state’s population lives in rural areas, less than 10 percent of its physicians work in rural areas. Urban centers in Colorado have one doctor for every 426 residents – but that number jumps to one for every 672 residents in rural areas. The shortage is likely to get worse in the coming years, according to data from the Colorado Health Institute, as rural physicians age and retire. Fortunately, some work already is under way to address these issues. Some of rural Colorado’s innovative solutions received national acclaim and are being replicated in other communities in the state and nation. The Western Eagle County Ambulance District is training urban and rural communities across the nation in its innovative approach to Community Paramedicine, which will save an estimated $10 million by expanding what first responders can offer to preventivehealth services. Southeast Mental Health Services in Prowers County is training and deploying behavioral health-focused patient navigators who will work one-onone with chronically ill patients to help improve their care and quality of life. The Upper San Juan Health Service District is expanding access to cardiac and stroke specialists in rural Southwest Colorado through telemedicine and remote diagnostic tools. Add these promising initiatives to established programs such as the Colorado Health Service Corps, which trains and places health providers in rural areas, and the future of health care access in rural Colorado undoubtedly will improve. “We have an obligation to represent the best that is Colorado,” Hickenlooper said, “and an urban/rural divide in access to health care is not the best.” MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 10 | MD 2014 Primary Care, from page 6 to me that it allows them to focus on their patients rather than be a business owner.” Centura Health, the largest health-care provider in Colorado and western Kansas, also is not yet experiencing a shortage in primary-care doctors, said Dr. John Ho, who spends half his time seeing patients at Avista Internal Medicine in Lafayette and the other half as medical director of the 500-member Centura Health Physician Group. “When you get away from the desirable places to live, there is a huge deficit across the United States,” Ho said. “You come to a saturated market like Denver- Boulder, there is a relative primary-care shortage, but it is based on insurance reimbursement. Some physicians choose not to see those patients who have insurance that is not as good. “The difficulty we are having is that fewer and fewer medical students are going into primary care,” Ho said. “We are trying to hire more primary-care docs and grow our market share. We would like to see more candidates. We would like to fill more slots.” Many medical students are choosing to go into higher-paying specialties such as orthopedics or become “hospitalists,” physicians who are responsible for a Susan Nicholson, seated, a nurse practitioner with Milestone Medical Group in Longmont, mentors Sheena Crowe, a nurse practitioner trainee. The Colorado State Nursing Board likes to see nurse practitioners mentoring students. IN COLORADO AND SOME OTHER STATES, NPs can work in their own independent practices, where they diagnose, treat and manage acute and chronic medical conditions. and many do — in family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, cardiology, neonatology or oncology and other specialties. Once they’ve JONATHAN CASTNER completed their bachelor of science in nursing, NP candidates go through advanced Alternative, from page 8 coursework and clinical rotations for an additional three years for a master of science Association and some doctors are in nursing. A Doctor of Nursing Practice objecting to the use of nurse practitioners degree requires an additional two or three in place of primary-care doctors. But years of study beyond the MSN, depending that pushback is not being seen in the on the specialty. After graduation, Boulder Valley, according to health-care candidates must successfully complete their professionals interviewed for this article. board examinations to receive licensure and “Pushback? I don’t see that at all,” Ho credentialing. said. “We view them in a collegial way, Susan Nicholson, a nurse practitioner and they are very respectful of us. There’s with Milestone Medical Group in never been a turf war, so to speak.” Longmont, has her MSN and completed Peter Powers, of Longmont United her coursework and internship while Hospital, said advanced nurses and PAs are working as a registered nurse. “That is not a critical part of the hospital team. With 194 uncommon,” she said. beds, LUH has 194 physicians on staff as As with physicians, nurse practitioners well as 34 PAs and 14 NPs. In Colorado and some other states, NPs need continuing-education credits to can work in their own independent practices, maintain their credentialing. Nicholson where they diagnose, treat and manage acute attends a yearly national conference and and chronic medical conditions. every five years needs to provide proof Like physicians, they can specialize, that she has been keeping up with her MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY patient’s care and treatment during their stay in the hospital and return them to their primary-care physician upon discharge. Hospitalists work shifts and have no paperwork or other patient follow-up after their shift ends. Ho said Centura Health competes for primary-care physicians by offering attractive salary packages, recruiting at trade shows, and interfacing with students during their residencies at area medical schools. “We try to get to know them as early in the training process as possible,” Ho said. “Hopefully, by the time they are ready to make a decision, they can make a commitment to us.” specialty. The Colorado State Nursing Board likes to see nurse practitioners mentoring students. Caryn Sheftel has been a family nurse practitioner with Milestone for 10 years. A typical day starts with reviewing patients’ medical charts, lab results and prescription-refill requests, as well as responding to phone messages. Once the paperwork is out of the way, she sees patients. She wraps up the day the way she starts it, reviewing paperwork and returning patients’ phone calls. “In the morning I may be explaining to a child who has put a bead in her ear the importance of not putting anything in her ears,” Sheftel said. “Later in the day I may have an 86-year-old who can’t hear for anything, and I have to tell him it’s time to start putting hearing aids in his ears. “It all comes full circle. It’s that variety that I love about my job.” What do practices look for in a nurse practitioner? “Bottom line,” said Jordan Aslor, director of Milestone Medical Group, “it’s about how the nurse practitioner fits in with our whole team, and that team includes our patients. “For us and our patients, wellness is a team effort.” BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 11 Investing in the health of our community. Guaranty Bank and Trust helps Longmont United Hospital manage their day-to-day banking and expand their facilities to further support their overall mission. A Colorado bank for over 50 years, Guaranty Bank offers practical advice, personalized solutions and local decision making. We’re here to help you reach your financial goals. GuarantyBankCO.com 303.293.5500 | 970.454.4220 Dr. Fabio Pivetta, DO Erin Dobbs, BSN Longmont United Hospital 12GBT BCBR Ad_LongmontFO.indd 1 1/12/12 8:15 AM 3 hours of dancing. 30 days in remission. 1 amazing life. Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Comprehensive Cancer Center is the area’s newest integrated, cancer diagnostic and treatment facility on a major medical campus. Our warm and caring environment offers the latest medical technology with the best physician care. One amazing center dedicated to getting you back to living your life. 5 Top % nationwide DISTINGUISHED HOSPITAL CLINICAL EXCELLENCE™ Visit www.exemplagoodsamaritan.org or call 303-673-1600 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 12 | MD 2014 DATA IN AN INSTANT BY SALLY McGRATH [email protected] Kaiser Permanente, the state’s largest not-for-profit health plan with more than 535,000 members and an office in Lafayette, reports use of the patient portal and personal health record, My Health Manager, of around 65 percent. Medical records going electronic, but patients slow to adapt MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Colorado hospitals and medical facilities are rapidly adopting electronic health records, or EHRs, but patients are accessing their records at a slowerthan-expected rate. Patient advocates say using those records is critical to ensuring quality care. Recent data show that health-care providers are adopting and integrating health information technology into their practices at greater rates than ever. Hospital adoption of basic EHR systems more than doubled from 2008 to 2012, according to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. These systems include technologies to improve patient documentation, advance clinical decision support and evidence-based protocols, reduce the likelihood of medication errors and rapidly restore access to data in the event of a disaster or outage. While EHRs are nothing new for BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 DR. MARK GROSHEK, a pediatrician at Kaiser’s Lafayette facility, said his patients love being able to access their records. One of the most popular features for parents is being able to see their children’s growth charts online. large health-care organizations, those records now are becoming readily accessible to patients. Patients have access to web portals where they can make and break appointments, have immediate access to lab results and studies such as MRIs, order prescriptions and email their doctors. Many patients may not realize they have access to these records via their home computer and often their smartphone, even though they are handed information about the program every time they visit their doctor, said Dr. John Ho. He spends half his time seeing patients at Avista Internal Medicine in Lafayette and the other half as medical director of the 500-member Centura Health Physician Group. Centura owns Avista Adventist Hospital in Louisville. Ho said his patients so far are showing little interest in accessing their records from their computers. However, the electronic records only have been available to patients for the past 12 months. For every 20 patients who are offered online access, “one or less is using it,” Ho said. “I’ve been offering access for a year, and only two people have communicated with me.” Ho is unsure why participation is so low, but he thinks it may be because the system is relatively new and accessing it can be a challenge. Kaiser Permanente, the state’s largest not-for-profit health plan with more than 535,000 members and an office in Lafayette, reports use of the patient portal and personal health record, My Health Manager, of around 65 percent. Dr. Mark Groshek, a pediatrician at BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT Kaiser’s Lafayette facility, said his patients love being able to access their records. One of the most popular features for parents is being able to see their children’s growth charts online. “They can see their height, their weight and compare them to the normal growth rate,” Groshek said. “All that happens because we have the records in one place.” Patients also are eager to look at lab and pregnancy test results, he said. Groshek is surprised that only 65 percent of his patients access their records electronically. “People are scratching their heads wondering why it isn’t higher,” he said. The electronic health-care record movement is being driven by the federal government, which committed from $44,000 to $64,000 in incentive payments per provider. In Stage One, medical facilities had to “plug in” to the electronic systems. In the second stage, they have to demonstrate “meaningful use” of the EHRs, including exchange of patient records with other facilities on different systems and patient access. As of July 2012, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services had made $6.5 billion in EHR incentive payments to more than 270,000 providers nationally, including $46.6 million to 937 eligible providers in Colorado. About 48 percent of eligible U.S. hospitals have received such payments, according to HHS. Anyone who does not have records in place by 2014 could lose 15 percent to 20 percent of Medicare reimbursements. In the Boulder Valley, Kaiser Permanente, an early adopter of electronic health records, remains a | 13 leader in their use. The company’s leaders were prescient about the future of electronic records and began working with IBM to build a system around 2000. Since then, doctors have had patients’ records at their fingertips. “When I see someone in the office, I don’t have to go through paper records; the records of anyone who has seen this patient are all there in one place,” said Groshek. “Health records have helped us provide much better, higher-quality care.” Groshek said the records have enabled physicians to study groups of patients with the same maladies to determine the most effective ways to treat them. One study showed that babies that sleep on their backs have a lower risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. A follow-up study found ways to reduce further the risk of SIDS. “Now that’s something a pediatrician can use,” he said. Kaiser’s electronic health record HealthConnect, one of the most robust non-governmental systems in the world, enables all of Kaiser’s 16,000 physicians to access electronically the medical records of its 9.1 million members and is a model for other care systems. That access is twoway; the system also enables those 9.1 million people to reach their health-care teams and review their personal health information. To help support its technical infrastructure, Kaiser opened an information technology campus in Greenwood Village in January, bringing 500 new jobs to the state. In July, Kaiser’s California hospitals were among those named the nation’s Most Wired based on results from Hospitals & Health Networks magazine’s Health Care’s Most Wired 2013 Survey. More than 659 surveys were submitted this year, representing 1,713 hospitals, or roughly 30 percent of all hospitals in the United States. Boulder Community Hospital will be rolling out its electronic health records in phases, with the patient portal in place by early next year, said Dr. Michael Corey McCarty. The system, which has been delayed by technical issues, will give patients better access to their providers, he said. MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 14 | MD 2014 DOC IN YOUR POCKET BY SALLY McGRATH [email protected] Apps add health smarts to smartphones While many digital developments – electronic medical records and mobile medical encyclopedias – have streamlined doctors’ work, new tools for patients are hitting mobile phones, offering help in keeping track of medications, recording heart rate and glucose levels and managing personal and family medical histories, among other tasks. Ranging from real-time emergencycenter locators to alerts that remind patients when to take their meds, apps are making a major entry into the market for mobile health care. The number of apps for mobile devices that aim to make remote health care possible are growing quickly. In 2012, more than 247 million people downloaded a health app. The following are some popular or interesting mobile apps. Most are free; some have free versions and paid upgrades. WebMD: Information on symptoms, diseases, drugs and treatments – plus a MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY useful pill-identification tool. Pill Reminder: Allows patients to maintain a list of all drugs they are taking, set reminders of when to take medications and get important information on dosages and side effects. Lose It!: Supports weight-loss efforts by keeping track of calorie consumption and amount of time spent exercising. MyFitnessPal: Another calorie and exercise-tracking app. Sleep Time: Uses a phone’s accelerometer to track your movements as you sleep and record when you transition from light to deep sleep. An alarm clock will wake you when it determines you are in your lightest sleep during a preset 30-minute wakeup window. ZocDoc: Helps find a physician based on patient reviews, doctor expertise, location and insurance plans. Also helps patients save time with doctor visits by entering patient’s personal information in other doctors’ forms, so there is no need to fill out a name and date of birth multiple times. iTriage: Can expedite arrival at an emergency room. Real-time wait times are posted and online admission services are available. Also provides information about medications and medical procedures. Centura Health uses this app. Emergency Medical Center Locator: Uses the phone’s GPS to find nearby centers. The app lists nearly 2,400 medical centers in 101 countries, and users can select from six specialty areas, BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 15 including trauma, eye and cardiac care. Mango Health: Lets patients monitor their use of medications, including helping them avoid combinations that could be hazardous to their health. Also allows users to set schedules for taking medication, and reminds them when it is time through banner push notifications or alarm tones. Pokitdok: Allows patients to search for and compare information about health services and pricing based on location, condition or a doctor’s specialty. Health care providers can fill out a profile with their professional background that consumers and potential patients can view. DrawMD: Free iPad app that lets physicians show patients exactly what a surgical or other procedure will entail. It provides interactive diagrams in nine specialties, giving doctors visual tools to help explain complex medical and surgical procedures. Patients also can use the diagrams to get their doctors to answer their questions. Propeller: In conjunction with a sensor that people can place on their inhaler, this app sends data to mobile phones that then can be used by doctors to better monitor asthma symptoms. Individuals with asthma can report their health history to respiratory therapists. Formerly called Asthmapolis. Centura Health Movementum: Tracks how much you’ve moved and adds up the calories you’ve burned. What do these businesses have in common? No one loves going to the doctor, but Via makes it easy. The Via driver comes right to my door and then assists me into the waiting room. From daily appointments to errands around town, Via helps me get where I need to go. I NC OR P OR AT E D 1 9 0 7 F F abulous inds Art UPSCALE CONSIGNMENT Furniture Clothing Decor Find out where Via can take you. Help keep our community connected. Donate to Via today. They have all joined Nextera Healthcare. Welcome to the next era of healthcare. How have you cut healthcare costs? nexterahealthcare.com Phone :: 303.501.2600 www.viacolorado.org 303.447.2848 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT Offered at North Vista Medical Center Longmont • Firestone • Boulder MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 16 | MD 2014 EATING DISORDERS BY BETH POTTER [email protected] Anorexia, bulimia and binge eating are the three behaviors classified as eating disorders. Nationally, as many as 24 million men and women of all ages suffer from an eating disorder, with up to 3.7 percent of women having some form of anorexia nervosa in their lifetime. Clinics offer treatment, support when diet goes awry BOULDER — In image-conscious Boulder County, eating disorders are more common than you would think. While statistics are hard to come by, University of Colorado-Boulder students who took part in a recent national survey said they had eating disorders at a rate twice that of the national average. About 2 percent of CU-Boulder students diagnosed themselves as anorexic in 2011 in the confidential survey, according to the National College Health Association Survey done every other year at Wardenburg Health Center on the Boulder campus. About 1.6 percent of CUBoulder students diagnosed themselves as bulimic, according to the survey. Nationally, 1 percent of all surveyed teens reported having an eating disorder, according to statistics from the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders Inc., a nonprofit group based in Naperville, Illinois. Anorexia, bulimia and binge eating are the three behaviors classified as eating disorders by the national nonprofit group. Nationally, as many as 24 million men and women of all ages suffer from an eating disorder, with up to 3.7 percent of women having some form of anorexia nervosa in their lifetime. The disorder is more common in women than in men, with men accounting for just 5 percent to 15 percent of all people with an eating disorder. Many parents of college students are “in denial” about the possibility that their children may have eating disorders, said Robin Kolble, manager of community health at Wardenburg Health Center. Eating disorders often strike younger people who feel they have no control over other events going on in their lives, Kolble said. “Lots of people don’t know they have an eating problem,” Kolble said. “Women get so much positive reinforcement for having an eating disorder.” Student patients who ask for help with eating disorders at Wardenburg Health Center receive counseling with staff psychiatrists, Kolble said. The medical clinic doesn’t have an inpatient program, she said. College students aren’t the only ones at risk of getting an eating disorder in the Boulder Valley. The region’s emphasis on health and fitness can be taken to an extreme by people prone to eating disorders, many therapists in the area say. No centralized statistics exist for eating disorders in age groups or populations MD 2014 other than college students in Boulder and Broomfield counties. Sometimes it’s tricky to try to figure out if the diet and exercise a woman does to look good in a bikini may lead to an eating disorder, said Janean Anderson, a therapist who recently opened her Janean Anderson LLC office in Boulder. Anderson has a doctorate in counseling psychology. For example, it may be important to seek treatment if you get anxious or upset when you can’t get to the gym to work out, Anderson said. That’s because someone with an eating disorder may exercise specifically to work off the exact number of calories consumed, or find other ways to be really rigid about an exercise routine, Anderson said. “If it causes injury or extreme fatigue or depletion, it’s not moderate exercise, it’s over-exercising,” Anderson said. Men and women of all ages can be susceptible to eating disorders, as can athletes, Anderson said. With men, binge eating or overeating can be the issue, she said. Ultimately, if you have a question about whether what you do might classify as an eating disorder, Anderson advised asking yourself if you do it for your health or for some other reason. Most therapists will offer potential patients a free first consultation, so there’s no financial loss if you choose to visit once, Anderson said. The question whether patients are doing something for health and fitness reasons or whether they have an eating disorder also is a big one at La Luna Center in Boulder, an outpatient treatment program, said Malia Sperry, a La Luna spokeswoman. La Luna in Boulder treats more patients than a similar-sized La Luna Center in Fort Collins, Sperry said, declining to give more specific details. A runner might start off feeling good and strong, running five miles a couple of times per week, but might start feeling “anxious” when he or she doesn’t get a chance to add more mileage in subsequent weeks, Sperry said. “It’s sorta sneaky. People don’t always realize that they’re starting to really struggle with the eating disorder, because there’s a lot of positive reinforcement,” Sperry said. “First, you’re running. And then you’re running and running and running and BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT | 17 It may be important to seek treatment if you get anxious or upset when you can’t get to the gym to work out, said Janean Anderson, a therapist who operates in Boulder. That’s because someone with an eating disorder may exercise specifically to work off the exact number of calories consumed, or find other ways to be really rigid about an exercise routine. “If it causes injury or extreme fatigue or depletion, it’s not moderate exercise, it’s over-exercising.” PETER WAYNE running. It’s ‘Are you feeling good and strong,’ versus a have-to exercise.” For students who seem to be slipping toward an eating disorder, CU-Boulder administrators have tried to train workers at the CU Recreation Center and at Wardenburg to watch for cues such as hours spent on the treadmill or an elliptical trainer, Kolble said. Rec center staffers and Wardenburg counselors have received training on how to approach students to tell them it’s OK to take a day off from working out to give their bodies some rest. About 75 percent of students report that they’re in a “normal, healthy weight range,” Kolble said. “You’re going to go hiking and biking and skiing. But there’s peer pressure to be outside and ultra-fit,” Kolble said. “If you’re not taking in enough calories for the activities you’re doing, that’s a problem. “The Wardenburg Health Center philosophy is, ‘Health at every size.’ ” With diet and exercise such a common topic in everyday conversation, it’s harder for therapists to pinpoint potential eating disorder problems than it used to be, Sperry said. The La Luna Center helps many patients who may have experimented with a variety of eating patterns, though. Therapists can help patients find ways to relieve stress that don’t have to do with food and exercise, she said. One La Luna patient was a competitive runner who had an eating disorder in her teens. The woman came to the clinic in her 40s because she was so miserable dealing with her continued binging and purging behaviors, Sperry said. The woman’s therapy has taken a couple of years, and has included therapists helping the patient find other coping tools to help her deal with stress, Sperry said. For one thing, the woman has turned to more noncompetitive exercise sessions, such as yoga, Sperry said. “Patients say ‘I always thought that I would grow out of it.’ Recovery is possible and getting back to a place of balance,” Sperry said. “There are a fair number of people who have that experience.” The La Luna Center works with patients on an outpatient basis. Patients who need more care are referred to the Eating Recovery Center in Denver, an inpatient treatment program. Mental Health Partners of Boulder County also offers outpatient service, referring patients with greater needs to La Luna or to the Denver program, said Jen Leosz, deputy chief clinical officer at Mental Health Partners. About 9 percent of patients at The Eating Recovery Center in Denver come from Boulder or Broomfield counties. Of those, 67 percent required inpatient care, residential care or partial hospitalization, said Liz Conant, a spokeswoman for the center, declining to give more specific numbers. MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 18 | MD 2013 GLOSSARY OF MEDICAL ACRONYMS A A.B.P.S. – American Board of Podiatric Surgery Certification A.C.N.P. – Acute Care Nurse Practitioner A.C.S.W. – Academy of Certified Social Workers A.P. – Acupuncture Physician A.T.C. – Certified Athletic Trainer A.T.R. – Registered Art Therapist Au.D. – Doctor of Audiology B B.S. – Bachelor of Science B.S.N. – Bachelor of Science, Nursing B.S.W. – Bachelor of Social Work C C.Ac. – Certified Acupuncturist C.A.C. – Certified Addiction Counselor C.C.C.-S.L.P. – Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology C.E.A.S – Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist C.I.M.I. – Certified Infant Massage Instructor C.M.T. – Certified Massage Therapist C.N.M. – Certified Nurse Midwife C.N.M.T. – Certified Neuromuscular Therapist C.N.S. – Clinical Nurse Specialist C.P.I. – Certified Pilates Instructor C.S.W. – Clinical Social Worker C.S.C.S. – Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist D D.Ac. – Diplomate in Acupuncture; Doctor of Acupuncture D.A.B.M.A. – Diplomate of the American Board of Medical Acupuncture D.C. – Doctor of Chiropractic D.C.S.W. – Diplomate in Clinical Social Work D.D.S. – Doctor of Dentistry Dipl.Ac. – Board certified diplomate in acupuncture of the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine D.M.D. – Doctor of Medical Dentistry D.O. – Doctor of Osteopathy D.O.M. – Doctor of Oriental Medicine D.P.M. – Doctor of Podiatric Medicine D.P.T. – Doctor of Physical Therapy D.Sc. – Doctor of Science E E.M.S. – Emergency Medical Services E.M.T. – Emergency Medical Technician E.P.C. – Certified Exercise Physiologist F F.A.A.P. – Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics F.A.C.C. – Fellow of the American College of Cardiology F.A.C.F.A.S – Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons F.A.C.G. – Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology F.A.C.P. – Fellow of the American College of Physicians F.A.C.S. – Fellow of the American College of Surgeons F.A.D.A. – Fellow of the American Dietetic Association F.A.G.D. – Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry F.A.Ph.A. – Fellow of the American Pharmaceutical Association F.A.S.H.P. – Fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists F.I.A.C.A. – Fellow of the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture F.I.A.M.A – Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture F.N.P. – Family Nurse Practitioner F.N.P.-C. – Family Nurse Practitioner, Certified H H.M.D. – Homeopathic Medical Doctor L L.Ac. – Licensed Acupuncturist L.C.S.W. – Licensed Social Worker L.M.F.T. – Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist L.M.T. – Licensed Massage Therapist L.P.C. – Licensed Professional Counselor L.P.N. – Licensed Practical Nurse L.S.Hom. – Licensed Member of the Society of Homeopaths (UK) L.S.W. – Licensed Social Worker L.V.N. – Licensed Vocational Nurse M M.D. – Medical Doctor M.Ed. – Master of Education M.H. – Master Herbalist M.H.Sc. – Master of Health Science M.Ir. – Master of Iridology M.S.Ed. – Master of Science in Education M.S.P.T. – Master of Science in Physical Therapy M.S.W. – Master of Social Work M.T.C.M. – Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine N N.C.M.T. – Nationally Certified Massage Therapist N.C.T.M.B. – Nationally Certified for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork N.D. – Naturopathic Doctor N.M.D. – Naturopathic Medical Doctor N.P. – Nurse Practitioner N.T. – Natural Therapist N.T.S. – Natural Therapeutic Specialist O O.D. – Doctor of Optometry; Optometrist O.M.D. – Oriental Medicine Doctor P P.A. – Physician Assistant Ph.D. – Doctor of Philosophy Psy.D. – Doctor of Psychology P.T. – Physical Therapist R R.D. – Registered Dietitian R.N. – Registered Nurse R.N.-C. – Registered Nurse, Certified R.N.C.S. – Registered Nurse Clinical Specialist MD 2014 | 19 MEDICAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES ABUNDANT HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE 195 S. Main St., Suite 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1700/303-684-8457 www.abundant-health-chiropractic.com Services: Chiropractic, acupuncture and massage. Person in charge: Steven Evans, D.C. Year founded: 1998 ACHTERMANN CHIROPRACTIC AND MASSAGE 600 Main St. Louisville, CO 80027-1828 303-673-9797 www.achtermann-us.com Services: Spinal adjustments (hands-on and low-force Activator Methods), acupuncture, massage therapy, nutritional counseling and custom-made foot orthotics. Most insurance accepted. Person in charge: Marty Achtermann, D.C.; Karen Achtermann, D.C. Year founded: 1995 ACUPUNCTURE BOULDER INC. 5757 Central Ave., Suite 212 Boulder, CO 80301 720-432-5373 www.acunpunctureboulder.com Services: Acupuncture, herbal medicine, fertility enhancement, men’s and women’s health, stress and pain relief. Gentle technique. Person in charge: Robin Schiesser, owner/ president Year founded: 2002 ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC OF BOULDER 2500 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 290 Boulder, CO 80302 303-665-5515/303-665-5832 www.acupunctureclinicofboulder.com Services: Acupuncture, Chinese herbology and dry needling. Person in charge: Erin Pass, L.Ac., Dipl. C.H. Year founded: 2007 ACUPUNCTURE ENERGY WORKS 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Services: Acupuncture clinic and Chinese herbs for women’s health, hormones, fertility, menopause, moxabustion, cupping. Person in charge: MaryAnne Bachia, owner Year founded: 2003 ACUPUNCTURE WORKS 1723 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-0087 www.acupunctureworksboulder.com Services: Acupuncture, body work, herbs, nutrition. Person in charge: Ted Hall, L.Ac.; Livia Hall, L.Ac. Year founded: 2004 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY ACUSPORTSMED 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.acusportsmed.com Services: Sports medicine, orthopedic issues, injury repair and recovery, performanceendurance optimization. Treatments with acupuncture, herbal tonics, sports-medical massage, cupping and topical liniments. Year founded: 2002 AMELIA MOLLY GREACEN, L.AC. 3625 Conifer Court Boulder, CO 80304 303-546-0987/303-447-0969 www.womanmedicine.com Services: Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine,women’s health care. Person in charge: Amelia Molly Greacen, L.Ac. Year founded: 1982 ASPEN CHIROPRACTIC AND WELLNESS CENTER BOULDER FAMILY ACUPUNCTURE 2955 Valmont Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-859-7556 www.boulderfamilyacupuncture.com Services: Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Including for pain relief, prenatal, fertility, pediatric. Person in charge: Monica Edlauer BOULDER NATURAL MEDICINE CLINIC 2885 Aurora Ave., Suite 29 Boulder, CO 80303 303-447-1339/303-447-1316 www.bouldernatural.com Services: Naturopathy, acupuncture, nutritional medicine, herbal therapy, complete lab testing, cleansing and detoxification. Person in charge: Erik Flatland, N.D., L.Ac. Year founded: 1998 BOULDER NATUROPATHIC CLINIC 2015 Ionosphere St., Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80504 303-678-8489/888-551-2163 www.brissonwellness.com Services: Chiropractic, acupuncture, nutritional consulting. Person in charge: Douglas Paul Brisson, D.C. Year founded: 1986 1295 Yellow Pine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-545-2021/303-545-2003 www.bouldernaturopathic.com Services: Natural medicine, family care, naturopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Qigong. Person in charge: Nancy Rao, N.D., L.Ac. Year founded: 1987 BOULDER ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC CHANCE CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 2299 Pearl St., Suite 204 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-3366/720-203-8333 www.boulderacupunctureclinic.com Services: Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine. Person in charge: Patricia Dautremont Johns, owner Year founded: 2000 BOULDER BACK PAIN CLINIC 2760 29th St., Suite 2B Boulder, CO 80301 303-499-4500/303-494-4982 www.boulderbackpainclinic.com Services: Chiropractic manual therapy for neck pain, back pain, occupational and sports injuries. Acupuncture, physical therapy modalities and rehabilitative exercise programs. Person in charge: Marc S. Cahn, D.C. Year founded: 1984 BOULDER CLINIC OF ACUPUNCTURE & ORIENTAL MEDICINE 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com Services: Orthopedic/sports injuries, pain and trauma, all internal medical issues, infertility, labor inducing, women’s issues, stress and emotional imbalances. Heart disease. Person in charge: David Fitch, owner Year founded: 2006 103 E. Simpson St., Suite 100 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-6164/303-604-6164 www.chancechiropracticcenter.com Services: Chiropractic and acupuncture. Person in charge: Debra Chance, D.C. Year founded: 2000 CLANCEY CHIROPRACTIC 195 S. Main St., Suite 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2060/303-651-9701 www.clanceychiropractic.net Services: Chiropractic, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, spinal decompression, nutritional counseling and supplements, strengthening and conditioning. Specializing in injury/accident relief. Person in charge: Douglas Clancey, D.C. Year founded: 1987 COURAGE MOUNTAIN CLASSICAL ACUPUNCTURE 1800 30th St., Suite 307 Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-7019 www.couragemountain.com Services: Classical acupuncture, zero balancing structural acupressure and WomenSpirit QiGong. Person in charge: Johanna Alper, L.Ac. Year founded: 1981 DR. DEAN RAFFELOCK & ASSOCIATES 3100 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-541-9019/303-449-4497 www.drdeanraffelock.com Services: Integrative medicine, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, chiropractic, applied kinesiology, precise foot orthotics. Person in charge: Dean Raffelock, D.C., Dipl. Ac., DAAIM, DIBAK, DACBN, CCN Year founded: 1992 DR. RITA STANFORD 3000 Pearl St., Suite 209 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-1243/303-440-3318 www.ritastanford.com Services: Acupuncture, herbal medicine, NAET and BioSET allergy elimination technique treatments. Treats pain, insomnia, hay fever, fatigue, digestive disorders, menopausal syndrome, PMS, etc. Person in charge: Rita Stanford, DAOM, Dipl. Ac., Dipl. C.H., L. Ac. Year founded: 1994 DREW HENDERSON L.AC. 1136 Alpine Ave., Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7004 Services: Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine. Year founded: 1994 EAST WEST WELLNESS LLC 1148 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-554-1600/720-328-8188 www.ewwellness.com Services: Acupuncture, herbal therapy, massage and board certified in functional nutrition. Specializing in internal medicine: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, autoimmune, food sensitivity, men/women issues. Person in charge: Donna Sigmond, R.D., LAc., LCh, Dipl.OM, CLT., FAARFM, ABAAHP Year founded: 2004 FIT WELLNESS CENTER 1140 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-0353/303-469-1066 www.broomfieldwellness.com Services: Chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, nutrition, acupuncture, orthotics. Year founded: 2000 FRONT STREET CHIROPRACTIC AND WELLNESS CENTER 901 Front St., Suite 120 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-2987/303-604-2997 www.frontstreetchiro.com Services: Chiropractic, acupuncture and massage. Person in charge: Elizabeth Kinneavy, D.C.; LeeAnn Benesh, D.C. Year founded: 2003 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT ACUPUNCTURE ACUPUNCTURE 20 | MD 2014 FULLY ALIVE MEDICINE 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80301 303-404-2232/303-447-2744 www.fullyalivemedicine.com Services: Chronic disease and pain, chronic sinusitis, diabetes, headaches, PMS, functional medicine, wellness, prevention, acupuncture, NST, Bowen Therapy, Healing Touch and medical marijuana evaluations. Year founded: 2009 GOOD EARTH ACUPUNCTURE 2600 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-545-5792/303-545-0030 www.chinesemedicinedoc.com Services: Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, functional medicine, naturopathic medicine. Person in charge: Jason Blalack, L.Ac.; Kate Blalack, L.Ac. Year founded: 2002 HEALTH CENTER OF INTEGRATED THERAPIES 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 125 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5188/720-494-4741 www.luhcares.org Services: Acupuncture, five-element acupuncture, private self-pay and prescriptive acupuncture, massage therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, nutrition therapy consultations. Person in charge: Michelle Bowman, R.N., B.S.N., Dipl.Ac. Year founded: 1994 HOLISTICA INTEGRATIVE CARE 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3777/303-449-3775 www.holisticacare.com Services: Integrative holistic medical clinic specializing in hormone imbalances, thyroid disorders, GI issues, food allergies, acute and chronic illness, immune dysfunction, mood disorders. Person in charge: Mary Shackelton, MPH, ND Year founded: 1999 INNER BALANCE ACUPUNCTURE 3405 Penrose Place, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-931-8272; 303-931-8294/303-4420746 www.innerbalanceacupuncture.net Services: Acupuncture and Chinese herbology. Person in charge: Julie Jiayu Zhang, L.Ac. Year founded: 2001 ACUPUNCTURE INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE 6644 Bird Cliff Way Niwot, CO 80503 303-652-6475/303-652-6477 www.integratedhealthcareclinic.com Services: Functional medicine, acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, clinical nutrition, chiropractic orthopedics, clinical and applied kinesiology, neuro-emotional, technique. Person in charge: Darryl Hobson, D.C.; Deborah Belote, D.C. Year founded: 1984 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY JAKE PAUL FRATKIN O.M.D., L.AC. 7764 Jade Court Boulder, CO 80303 303-554-0722/303-554-0299 www.drjakefratkin.com Services: Japanese acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, treatment of internal disorders, infections and pediatrics. Person in charge: Jake Paul Fratkin, O.M.D., L.Ac. Year founded: 1978 JANE CRAWFORD M.S., L.AC. 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-1710 Services: Acupuncture, nutrition, Chinese herbal medicine. (National board certified in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, masters in human nutrition.) Person in charge: Jane Crawford, M.S., L.Ac. Year founded: 1996 JIM GALBIATI L.AC. 4696 Broadway, Second Floor Boulder, CO 80304 303-718-1878 www.jimgalbiati.com Services: Acupuncture. Person in charge: Jim Galbiati, L.Ac. Year founded: 1992 JO HANNAH REILLY N.D., L.AC. 1416 Elder Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-541-9600/303-938-9402 www.johannahreilly.com Services: Naturopathic doctor, licensed acupuncturist, medical intuitive. Eclectic yet simple and specific. Nutrition, western and Chinese herbs, hands on, homeopathy. Practicing since 1982. Person in charge: JoHannah Reilly, N.D., LAc. Year founded: 1982 JOANNE NEVILLE L.AC. 5412 Idylwild Trail, Suite 106 Boulder, CO 80303 303-726-0084 Services: Licensed acupuncturist. Person in charge: Joanne Neville, L.Ac. Year founded: 2002 JUSTIN D. GREEN M.D. 5277 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 720-304-8154/720-304-8155 Services: Orthopedics, sports medicine, interventional spine care, physical medicine and rehabilitation, acupuncture, EMG-guided botox injections.. Person in charge: Marry Cohn, office manager Year founded: 1997 KENNEDY CHIROPRACTIC 3405 Penrose Place, Suite 106 Boulder, CO 80301 303-546-6325 www.colopainclinic.com Services: Myofascial pain, lumbar disk decompression, spine disorders, anti-aging, acupuncture. Person in charge: Doug Kennedy Year founded: 1996 LEFT HAND COMMUNITY ACUPUNCTURE 101 W. Cannon St. Lafayette, CO 80026 720-248-8626 www.lefthandacu.com Services: Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Moxa, electrical stimulation therapy, cupping. Sliding scale rates offered. Person in charge: Caroline Adams, owner, licensed acupuncturist Year founded: 2011 LONGMONT CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER 630 15th Ave., Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2525/303-651-2556 www.longmontchiropractic.com Services: Chiropractic care for the entire family, massage therapy, acupuncture and nutritional therapy. Walk-in treatment available. Person in charge: Wesley E. Statley, D.C. Year founded: 1982 LOUISVILLE CLINIC OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE 225 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 201 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0919 www.louisvilleclinic.com Services: Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, traditional Chinese nutritional therapy. Person in charge: Galen Williams, L.Ac., M.T.C.M. Year founded: 1997 LYNA NORBERG, DIPL. OM, L.AC. 2919 Valmont Road, Suite 109 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-3030 Services: Effective health care integrating Eastern wisdom and naturopathic functional medicine since 1989. National board certified acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Person in charge: Lyna Norberg, Dipl. O.M., L.Ac. Year founded: 1989 MANDALA INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE CLINIC 2805 Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-2357/303-444-2357 www.bouldermandala.com Services: Integrative medicine clinic which offers acupuncture and Chinese medicine, massage and structural body work, nutrition and health counseling, homeopathy, life coaching and naturopathic medicine. Person in charge: Marco Chung-Shu Lam, clinic director Year founded: 2001 MARY ELLEN METKE 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-2545 Person in charge: Maryellen Metke MICHAEL CASTLE, L.AC., DIPL. OM 2760 29th St., Suite 1C Boulder, CO 80301 303-710-5620 www.greatwaveacupuncture.com Services: Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and related Modalities (Tui Na, Cupping), pediatric acupressure. Person in charge: Michael Castle, Dipl. OM, L.Ac. Year founded: 2009 MOORE LIFE CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS CENTER 2687 Northpark Drive, Suite 103 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-0024/303-664-5915 www.moorelifechiropractic.com Services: Chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, cold laser, orthotics. Person in charge: Randall B. Moore, owner Year founded: 2004 MOUNTAIN WEST WELLNESS 5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-648-4066 www.boulder-colorado-acupuncture.com Services: Acupuncture and herbal medicine. Person in charge: Jack Schaefer, M.Ac. Year founded: 2001 PARTNERS IN HEALTH 308 W. Baseline Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-554-9000/303-543-9729 www.partnersinhealth4u.com Services: Acupuncture, nutrition, herbalism, holistic family medicine. Person in charge: Heather L. Fliege, M.D. Year founded: 2001 RED DRAGON CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-2130 www.doctorjaneray.com Person in charge: Jane Ray, owner ROSE SPOSITO, LIC. ACUPUNCTURE 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-579-2100 Services: Worsley five-element acupuncture to facilitate the health and well being of the body, mind and spirit. Specializing in anxiety, low energy and psychological challenges. Person in charge: Rose Sposito Year founded: 2000 RUSETO CENTER 1750 30th St., Suite 83 Boulder, CO 80301-1344 303-449-1686/303-449-1686 www.ruseto.com Services: Chinese natural medicines, acupuncture, massage. Person in charge: Pao-Chin Huang, president Year founded: 1986 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 21 1715 Iron Horse Drive, Suite 122 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4790 www.schultzchiro.net Person in charge: John F. Schultz, D.C., F.I.A.M.A. SHANGHAI ACUPUNCTURE LLC 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-525-3399 www.shanghaiacupuncturellc.com Year founded: 2001 SIX PERSIMMONS APOTHECARY 840 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-583-0179 www.sixpersimmons.com Services: Plant-based, skin-, body- and hair-care products. Massage, organic facials, homeopathy, acupuncture. Person in charge: David Scrimgeour, licensed acupuncturist; Kathy Thorpe, M.A., classical homeopath Year founded: 1990 SOUTHWEST ACUPUNCTURE COLLEGE CLINIC 6630 Gunpark Drive Boulder, CO 80301 303-581-9933/303-581-9944 www.acupuncturecollege.edu Person in charge: Valerie Hobbs, L.Ac., campus director TWIN CRANES NATURAL HEALING CENTER INC. 5370 Manhattan Circle, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-2001/303-449-0379 www.twincranes.wordpress.com Services: Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for all patients, with a particular emphasis on fertility. Person in charge: Deborah Harris Skelton, L.Ac. Year founded: 2003 ANESTHESIOLOGY BOULDER PAIN INSTITUTE 3445 Penrose Place, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-0100/303-413-0300 Person in charge: Melody F. Denham, M.D. BOULDER VALLEY ANESTHESIOLOGY 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244/866-552-2199 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com LONGMONT ANESTHESIA ASSOCIATES 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY ASSISTED LIVING, INDEPENDENT LIVING ALTAVITA MEMORY CARE CENTRE 800 S. Fordham St. Longmont, CO 80503 303-300-3700/303-682-9306 www.altavitaliving.com Services: Dementia care and evaluation. Person in charge: Haleh Nekoorad-Long, M.D. Year founded: 2003 ALWAYS BEST CARE OF BOULDER COUNTY 415 Coffman St. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-8407 www.coloradocareblog.com Services: Nonmedical in-home care and senior community placement. Person in charge: Inga Jermaine, owner Year founded: 2012 ANAM CHARA HOME 1795 Quince Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-4484/303-442-4482 www.anamchara.org Services: Holistic practitioners, hospice care, therapeutic arts, gardening and music therapy. Person in charge: Peggy Quinn, founder Year founded: 1991 APPLEWOOD LIVING CENTER 1800 Stroh Place Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6081/303-776-6066 Services: Nursing home and independent apartments. Skilled nursing care. Person in charge: Jeff Turnbull, administrator Year founded: 1962 BALFOUR CHERRYWOOD VILLAGE 282 McCaslin Blvd. Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-2700/303-604-2800 www.balfourcare.com Services: Three meals, respite, day care, staff trained for dementia/Alzheimer’s care. Person in charge: Megan Carnarius, executive director Year founded: 2002 BALFOUR RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 1855 Plaza Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-926-1000/303-926-9900 www.balfourcare.com Services: Exercise room, restaurant-style dining, scheduled transportation. Person in charge: Sandy Christiansen, executive director Year founded: 1999 BOULDER MERIDIAN 801 Gillaspie Drive Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-3900/303-494-6404 www.brookdaleliving.com Services: Housekeeping and linen services, on-site health services, transportation, social activities and events, continental breakfast, lunch and dinner included daily. Person in charge: Marcia Klassen, executive director Year founded: 1986 BROOKDALE SENIOR LIVING VILLAS AT THE ATRIUM 3350 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-0200/303-402-0565 www.brookdaleliving.com Services: Independent living, transportation, scheduled activities, 24-hour on-site management, restaurant, housekeeping. Person in charge: John McElderry, executive director Year founded: 1978 BROSS STREET ASSISTED LIVING 537 Bross St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-5095/303-532-3273 www.537bross.com Services: Day-to-day protective oversight for seniors in a homelike environment. Ten private rooms with private bathrooms. Person in charge: Michelle Wilderman, administrator Year founded: 1997 CINNAMON PARK 1335 Cinnamon St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-2882/303-772-8318 www.seniorhousingoptions.org Services: Caregivers available 24/7, all meals provided in community dining room, housekeeping, transportation, activities and medication management. Person in charge: Debbie Setlock, director Year founded: 1989 FRASIER MEADOWS RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 350 Ponca Place Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-4888/720-562-4395 www.frasiermeadows.org Services: Wellness, adult day care, dementia care, continuing care, retirement, independent living, skilled nursing, assisted living, child daycare, rehab activities, concierge. Person in charge: Pam Devine, administrator Year founded: 1960 GOLDEN WEST MANOR 1055 Adams Circle Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-3967/303-939-0808 www.gwboulder.org Services: Promotes quality housing and services for seniors in an environment that is supportive of the residents in the community. Person in charge: John Torres, executive director Year founded: 1965 HOVER MANOR 1401 Elmhurst Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-9292/303-651-7279 www.hovercommunity.org Services: Retirement community, meal plan, accepts Section 8. Person in charge: Lisa Czolowski, executive director Year founded: 1976 IMAGINE! 1400 Dixon Ave. Lafayette, CO 80026-2790 303-665-7789/303-665-2648 www.imaginecolorado.org Services: Support people of all ages with cognitive, developmental, physical and healthrelated needs. Person in charge: Mark Emery, executive director Year founded: 1963 MARY SANDOE HOUSE 1244 Gillaspie Drive Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-7317/303-494-0653 www.themarysandoehouse.com Services: Activities, medication management, 24-hour supervision. Person in charge: Dottie Longobardi, director Year founded: 1980 MESA VISTA OF BOULDER 2121 Mesa Drive Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-4037/303-442-2348 Services: Skilled acute rehabilitation, secured Alzheimer’s care/dementia unit and care for people with Huntington’s disease. Person in charge: Christine Beson, administrator Year founded: 1918 MILLBROOK HOMES 1746 Cove Court Longmont, CO 80501 303-220-7989/303-220-0380 www.millbrookcare.com Services: Secured community offering assisted care and all levels of memory care. Care staffing ratio is two care givers for five residents. Person in charge: Janet Cornell, director of new business Year founded: 1997 MILLBROOK HOMES 5011 Fox Hill Drive Longmont, CO 80501 303-220-7989/303-220-0380 www.millbrookcare.com Services: Secured community offering individualized care for Alzheimer’s patients and other memory impairments. Person in charge: Janet Cornell, director of new business Year founded: 1997 MOUNTAIN VIEW PLAZA 1350 Collyer St., No. 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-9103/303-776-9103 Services: HUD subsidized; 30 percent of income is rent. Person in charge: Chrys Klahr, office manager; Lynn Wing, manager BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT ACUPUNCTURE > ANESTHESIOLOGY > ASSISTED LIVING, INDEPENDENT LIVING SCHULTZ CHIROPRACTIC AND ACUPUNCTURE 22 | MD 2014 SHAWNEE GARDENS 4755 Shawnee Place Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-1123/720-221-4468 www.shawnee-gardens.com Services: Locally owned for 13 years with onsite manager, raised-bed gardens, greenhouse, chickens. Price all-inclusive. High care level, one staff member per five residents. Rate based on need. Hospice care. Year founded: 1999 ST. VRAIN MANOR 606 Pratt St., No. 106 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3785 www.stvrainmanor.org Services: Independent living for low-income seniors. Year founded: 1961 STERLING HOUSE OF LONGMONT 2240 Pratt St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-1066/303-684-8086 www.brookdaleliving.com Services: Spa, enclosed courtyard, daily activities and medication administration. Person in charge: Sue Wagner, executive director Year founded: 1997 ASSISTED-LIVING, INDEPENDENT-LIVING > ASTHMA & ALLERGY > AUDIOLOGY SUNRISE ASSISTED LIVING INC. 3955 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 720-406-1000/720-406-1003 www.sunriseseniorliving.com Services: Medication administration, incontinence care, Alzheimer’s care, hospice care, age in place, different levels of physical assistance. Person in charge: Claudia Rodriguez, executive director Year founded: 1981 THE ACADEMY 970 Aurora Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-938-1920/303-938-1277 www.theacademyboulder.com Services: Weekly housekeeping, personal transportation, dining, spa, pool, library, exercise facility, wellness program, nurses on staff, events, activities programming, maintenance, emergency call system. Person in charge: Shirley Berg, executive director Year founded: 1998 THE BRIDGE ASSISTED LIVING AT LONGMONT 2444 Pratt St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-774-8255/303-774-8578 www.thebridgeatlongmont.com Services: Medication management, different levels of care, wellness program, small pets, 98 cable TV channels provided, transportation, laundry, housekeeping, meals, nurse call system, on-site staff. Year founded: 1998 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY THE CARILLON AT BOULDER CREEK 2525 Taft Drive Boulder, CO 80302 720-565-6844 /720-565-6845 www.thecarillonatbouldercreek.com Services: Spacious one- and two-bedroom apartments, views of Flatirons, washers and dryers, emergency communication system, individual climate control, air conditioning, walk-in showers. Person in charge: Trudy Stephens, general manager Year founded: 2010 THE HOMESTEAD AT LONGMONT UNITED HOSPITAL 1380 Tulip St., Suite M Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-9152/303-651-5263 www.luhcares.org Services: Adult day care. Person in charge: Jody Mayer, director Year founded: 1982 THE LODGE AT BALFOUR INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR SENIORS 1331 Hecla Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-926-8300/303-926-3000 www.balfourcare.com Services: Swimming pool, exercise room, restaurant-style dining, scheduled transportation. Person in charge: Cheryl Davis, executive director Year founded: 2004 THE RESIDENCES AT BALFOUR 1336 Hecla Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-867-6400 www.balfourcare.com Services: Swimming pool, exercise room, restaurant-style dining, scheduled transportation. Person in charge: Cheryl Davis, executive director Year founded: 2008 VILLAGE PLACE AT LONGMONT 600 Coffman St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-5416/303-678-0339 www.longmontha.org Services: Transportation, grocery shopping, crafts, classes, 24-hour on site management. Person in charge: Linda Morgan, housing director/office manager Year founded: 1990 WINDHORSE FAMILY AND ELDER CARE 3450 Penrose Place, Suite 240 Boulder, CO 80301 303-786-9313 www.windhorsecare.com Services: End-of-life care, Alzheimer’s assistance, emergency assistance, light housekeeping, meals, transportation, Alzheimer’s and dementia specialists. Person in charge: Jyoti Sharp, owner Year founded: 2000 WYNWOOD AT RIDGE POINT 3375 34th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-473-0333/303-473-0134 www.brookdaleliving.com Services: Customized care, fitness program, social programs, three meals, medication administration, housekeeping, transportation, pet-friendly. Year founded: 1978 ASTHMA & ALLERGY ALLERGY AND ASTHMA CENTER OF COLORADO 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 211 Louisville, CO 80027 720-890-9904/720-890-1440 Person in charge: Betty A. Petrak, M.D. Year founded: 2012 BOULDER VALLEY ASTHMA & ALLERGY CLINICS 3950 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-5991/303-443-5030 www.boulderallergy.com Services: Allergy and asthma diagnosis and treatment. Person in charge: S. Allan Bock, M.D. Year founded: 1966 COLORADO ALLERGY & ASTHMA CENTERS P.C. 340 E. First Ave., Suite 307 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-428-6089/303-412-2141 www.coloradoallergy.com Person in charge: David Pearlman, M.D. Year founded: 1972 AUDIOLOGY BOULDER VALLEY HEARING ASSOCIATES 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2772/303-443-2784 www.bouldervalleyent.com Services: Complete audiology evaluations, hearing aid services and fittings, auditory response. Person in charge: J. Douglas Warren; Lisa Young Year founded: 1976 BOULDER VALLEY HEARING ASSOCIATES 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 220 Louisville, CO 80027 303-443-2772/303-443-2784 www.bouldervalleyent.com Services: Diagnostic audiometric and electrophysiological testing; amplification selection, fitting and follow-up for hearing aids; pediatric hearing evaluations; custom earplug fittings. Person in charge: Lisa Young; J. Douglas Warren Year founded: 1976 COLORADO HEARING TINNITUS AND BALANCE 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 500 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-7770/303-772-7043 www.coloradohearingcenter.com Services: Hearing aids, hearing protection and testing, balance and dizziness treatment. Person in charge: Alfred N. Carr, M.D. Year founded: 1976 FAMILY HEARING CENTER 3059 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-5085/303-443-9786 www.familyhearingco.com Services: Audiological services and products, including hearing conservation and hearing aids. Person in charge: Karima Thobani, business manager Year founded: 1963 FAMILY HEARING CENTER 2770 Arapahoe Road, No. 126 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-0454/303-443-9786 www.familyhearingco.com Services: Audiological services and products, including hearing conservation and hearing aids. Person in charge: Karima Thobani, business manager Year founded: 1963 FAMILY HEARING CENTER 300 Nickel St., Suite 15 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-4327 www.familyhearingco.com Services: Audiological services and products, including hearing conservation and hearing aids. Person in charge: Karima Thobani, business manager Year founded: 1963 FLATIRONS AUDIOLOGY INC. 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 365 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-9111/303-664-5333 www.flatironsaudiology.com Services: Customized tinnitus evaluation and treatment plans, hearing testing and evaluations for adults and children, Neuromonics tinnitus treatment, hearing aid fittings, adjustments and programming. Person in charge: Wendi Gonzales, office manager Year founded: 2007 HEARING HEALTHCARE CENTERS 1515 Main St., Suite 15 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-8748/303-684-9915 www.hearinghealthcarecenters.com Services: Comprehensive hearing evaluation, tinnitus evaluations and treatment. Hearing-aid fittings and services, earwax removal, assistive listening devices, custom ear protection. Person in charge: Whitney Swander, Au.D. Year founded: 1984 HEARING HEALTHCARE CENTERS 11480 N. Sheridan Blvd., No. 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-464-8440/ 303-404-9293 www.hearinghealthcarecenters.com Services: Comprehensive hearing evaluation, tinnitus evaluations and treatment. Hearing-aid fittings and services, earwax removal, assistive listening devices, custom ear protection. Person in charge: Whitney Swander, Au.D., owner Year founded: 1984 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 23 BODY WORK CLINICS 4800 Baseline Road, Suite E 108 Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-3900/303-499-9506 www.hearinghealthcarecenters.com Services: Comprehensive hearing evaluation, tinnitus evaluations and treatment. Hearing-aid fittings and services, earwax removal, assistive listening devices, custom ear protection. Person in charge: Whitney Swander, Au.D., owner Year founded: 1984 40PLUS FITNESS AND HEALTH LLC 765 Poplar Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-0402/303-954-0993 www.40plusintegrativehealth.com Services: Integrative medicine health coaching therapeutic exercise, yoga therapy, using mindfulness and neuroscience based techniques targeted to the needs of individuals over 40. Person in charge: Robin Saltonstall, Ph.D. Year founded: 1989 HEARING LIFE 2130 N. Main St., Suite 3 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-4313/303-776-4334 www.hearinglife.com Services: Clinics, sales and repairs of hearing aids. Person in charge: Adele Seitz, Au.D. Year founded: 1988 ADVANCED-TRAININGS.COM HEARING SOLUTIONS 722 Front St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-8149 www.myhearingsolution.com Services: Audiological evaluations, hearing-aid sales and consult, wax removal, repairs and service, assisted listening devices and hearing protection. Year founded: 2004 6821 W. 120th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-438-6633/303-438-9026 www.allamericanhearing.com Services: Hearing aid repairs, sales and services. Person in charge: Aranza Esquibel, office manager Year founded: 2003 COLORADO HEALTHQUEST COLORADO MASSAGE CENTER BOULDER LYMPHATIC & MASSAGE 715 Merry Lane Boulder, CO 80303 303-931-3469 www.bouldermassage.net Services: Therapeutic massage and manual lymph drainage. Person in charge: Lynn Herklotz, R.M.T., O.T.R., C.M.L.D.T. Year founded: 1995 Business Profiles Tell your story, your way…in Business Profiles 1800 30th St., Suite 215 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-1171 www.bouldertherapeutics.com Services: Masseuse for the Colorado Rapids. Person in charge: David Abookire, owner Year founded: 1999 AXIS OF MOVEMENT 2040 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-931-6673 www.barbbeard.com Services: Rolfing, structural integration. Person in charge: Barb Beard Passqlacqua, certified advanced rolfer Year founded: 2002 1146 Francis St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-1178/303-651-0488 www.longmonthearing.com Services: Audiology, hearing aids, repairs, hearing protection/conservation, comprehensive hearing testing and services. Tinnitus screening, evaluation and treatment. Person in charge: D’Anne Rudden, Au.D. Year founded: 1992 BOULDER THERAPEUTICS 842 Laurel Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-402-9088/303-402-9092 www.coloradohealthquest.com Services: Holistic physical therapy clinic; physical therapy, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation. Person in charge: Maureen Rimar, owner Year founded: 1996 BARB BEARD PASSALACQUA ADVANCED ROLFER LONGMONT HEARING & TINNITUS CENTER 2525 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-4635 www.bouldertherapeutics.com 3514 Nyland Way South Lafayette, CO 80026 303-499-8811/530-425-3285 www.advanced-trainings.com Services: Continuing education for body therapists. Rolfing and bodywork treatments. Person in charge: Til Luchau, director 451 Oak St., Suite 208 Longmont, CO 80530 303-833-7353 www.axisofmovement.com Services: Pilates mat, reformer classes and Pilates apparatus, massage therapy, yoga, dance. Private sessions and group classes. Person in charge: Alisa Schillinger, owner Year founded: 2003 HEARITE CORP./ AFFORDABLE HEARING BOULDER THERAPEUTICS Jonathan Castner LLP counsels local Holland & Hart market businesses in tough of in the Boulder office Scott Berdan is partner chairs the firm’s secuand Holland & Hart LLP group. companies practice rities and public and their concounsel companies lifecycle – from Berdan is able to the entire corporate in 15 offices throughout stituents through public offering (IPO). early stage With over 400 attorneys D.C., Holland & Hart to formation to initial Washington, to be counselor seven states and the Mountain West are “I am very fortunate law firm based in business concerns businesses of all LLP is the largest when the critical lawyers work with and Hol- companies,the entrepreneur’s intellectual property region. The firm’s and later stage protecting to Fortune 500 companies, experiin-depth new business vision, sizes, from startups through office offers this and financing a shifts to growth land & Hart’s Boulder Boulder community. when the focus throughout the and chair companies,financings and mergers and acquisitions,” ence to businesses conditions, in the Boulder office follow-on these difficult market Scott Berdan, partner public companies practice and Berdan said. “During to provide counsel to executives County has of the firm’s securities be able disclosure it is edifying to and living in Boulder that has with respect to their group, said working practice and boards of directors corporate constituencies develop a diverse startup comallowed him to to the several to the Secuentrepreneurial with obligations work shareholders – and public companies. enabled him to – employees, creditors, mature private and Commission.” firm’s growing panies, as well as to be a part of the that Holland & rities and Exchange pleased to report securities law “I am very excited Berdan said he is these services. transactional and can provide all of and vibrant corporate Hart’s Boulder office said. businesses,” Berdan Berdan opportuBoulder the the him practice,” “We are here for the business, the has also afforded Boulder County how small or large by working with during said. “No matter community outreach should know, especially nity to perform School of Business Boulder community turmoil, that there is a local Colorado Leeds the University of School’s Entreprethese times of market of Colorado Law and using his to help.” and the University resource available By teaching classes has represented decade, Berdan neurial Law Clinic. bring teaching For more than a investors and Berdan is able to capitalcompanies, angel background in law, entrepreneurs, venture private equity public and private way. venture capital and professionals, students, entrepreneurs, and together in a dynamic providing on ists and businesses for them, and funds. is keenly focused that we are there which enables “Holland & Hart “Our clients know our own,” he said. the Boulder community, needs in front of the university legal services to providing the that we put their interface between in our clients by me to enhance the the local entrepre“We instill confidence possible, and we do so with resources – and – with its abundant in promoting the highest caliber service a meaningful role he said. neurs, and to play integrity and gratitude.” the Boulder community,” practice, sustainability of and depth of his Because of the breadth Anton Collins Mitchell LLP – Local by Choice, Global by Resourc es Colorado Ownership. As the public accounting firm community through Mitchell LLP (ACM) of Anton Collins activity has proven charitable giving and volunteer approaches its there is certainly 10th anniversary, to be a great source a lot to celebrate. and motivation of inspiration partners of ACM The founding for employees. made a resounding volunteer programs Company-wide to the Colorado are arranged but commitment encouraged community in individuals are to pursue their 2002, acquired BDO USA, own passions, finding also LLP’s (BDO) Denver when they to give back that ways decision to be Colorado-owned have meaning to practice. The them personally. and operated allowed for complete control National Leadership. when directing needs of clients; provided for quick resources to the Leadership is not decision making; and efficient local merely a concept and created a wealth in fact a living, at ACM, but is for their people. breathing force. of opportunities ACM Yet ACM was still able to remain leaders from other cities to Colorado; doesn’t import “Global by Resources”—as leaders across the ACM sends its an independent the BDO Seidman United States member of One Alliance, ACM way this is demonstrated and around the world. LLP retains BDO worldwide network when additional access to the leadership is by ACM partners’ Holland & Hart Plaza positions at the required. resources are Certified One Boulder Public Accountants American Institute of October 2010 and (AICPA). Greg Suite 300 the current Chairman January 2012 marked 1800 Broadway, of offices in Greeley of the Board, Randy Anton is additions serves and Boulder through on the Executive Watkins Boulder, CO 80302 with well respected, adding firms Governmental Committee of long-standing practices. the AICPA & Schommer, Inc. Audit Quality Phone: 303-473-2700 Watkins Hooley Center and Melissa (Greeley) combined is on the Executive practice with ACM Fax: 303-473-2720 Committee of the in 2010. In January their 30 year Women’s Initiative. AICPA announced the om 2012 the firm The “About ACM” 20 year firm’s www.hollandhart.c practice pages website (acmllp.com) Web: on the of Rick Doty and Jones (Doty, Lyle provide further Bill the firm’s and Jones, LLC) proof of commitment to practice with ACM. combined their leadership and expertise. 1993 (Boulder_ technical This approach—local Year Founded: ownership and 1947 (National) with international control, paired Relationship-Based resources—has proven beneficial 50 (Boulder) to ACM and the Colorado Professional Services. The combination No. of Employees: business community of local ownership, alike. leadership 939 (National) ACM has grown 300 percent in national and international 10 years and offices resources makes Top Executives: the 4thin Denver, Boulder and Greeley. The firmnow has a uniquely effective accounting ACM Beat Steiner, Denver largest Colorado-owned accounting firmis today portfolio of services is comparablefirm. “ACM’s broad metro in the much larger to that offered (Boulder) 100 employees.area, with 17 partners and directors international CPA by and Partner Gary firms,” says Managing Administrative Partner Mitchell. “However, or Thomas R. O’Donnell, isn’t by itself a a list of services measure of success. (National) Colorado Commitment. be measured by Success can only Managing Partner the success of ACM was founded our clients and executed through with a deep Primary Service:responsibility staff a ‘local by choice’ belief in its to the Colorado foundation. At the Legal servicesmany local community. When end of the day, it’s the right combination CPA firms merged and how we do of what we do with nationally it that enables us mega-firms, ACM owned and deliver to took the opposite outstanding results.” exceed expectations local ownership. track—securing Within the firm, there is a keen fundamental understanding For more information that the community and company priority: about Anton Collins is the please visit people come first. Mitchell LLP the website at www.acmllp.com Giving back to the 303.830.1120. or by phone at 3109 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-5202/303-440-8897 www.coloradomassage.com Services: Massage therapy, rehabilitation and relaxation. Person in charge: Rick Gaines, owner Year founded: 1983 DARRELL SANCHEZ PH.D., L.P.C., CERTIFIED ADVANCED ROLFER 2031 Broadway, Suite 7 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-1539 www.rolfingboulderdenver.com Services: Specializing in trauma and motor vehicle accidents. Person in charge: Darrell Sanchez, owner Year founded: 1986 DEBRA KURESMAN, CERTIFIED ADVANCED ROLFER, ROLF MOVEMENT PRACTITIONER 3786 Wonderland Hill Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7357 Services: Advanced rolfer, movement education, visceral manipulation, cranio-sacral therapy. Person in charge: Debra Kuresman, certified advanced rolfer Year founded: 1979 ELEMENTS THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE INC. 2321 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-3998 www.touchofelements.com/boulder Services: Therapeutic massage, injury rehabilitation, sports and deep-tissue massage, hot stone, Swedish relaxation massage, prenatal massage. Person in charge: Mark Mills, owner Year founded: 2009 JOY OM, ADVANCED CERTIFIED ROLFER/CRANIAL THERAPIST 4236 Piedra Place Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-8664 www.essentialembodiment.net Services: Neurofeedback, rolfing, craniosacral therapy, embodiment counseling. Person in charge: Joy Om, CertifiedAdvancedRolfer, Neurotherapist Year founded: 1983 LIFE SPRING HEALING ARTS Mitchell Lane Boulder, CO 80301 303-527-2886/303-527-2886 www.lifespringarts.com Services: Therapeutic massage (deep tissue and relaxation), and on-site corporate chair massage. Person in charge: Jan DeCourtney, C.M.T. Year founded: 1997 LISA ZUCKER, N.C.M.T., R.P.P. 2299 Pearl St.,Suite 305 Boulder, CO 80303 303-258-3185 Services: Massage therapy, polarity therapy, craniosacral therapy. Person in charge: Lisa Zucker Year founded: 1995 LOUISVILLE CLINIC OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE 225 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 201 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0919 www.louisvilleclinic.com Services: Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, traditional Chinese nutritional therapy. Person in charge: Galen Williams, L.Ac., M.T.C.M. Year founded: 1997 AUDIOLOGY > BODY WORK CLINICS HEARING HEALTHCARE CENTERS Partners Back Row – left to right: Dan Schommer, Randy Watkins, Bill Jones, Jeff Barker Front row – left to right: Dave Taylor, Greg Anton, Melissa Hooley, Gary Mitchell, Rick Doty, Jack Allgood 303 E. 17th Avenue, Denver: Suite 600 Denver, CO 80203 303.830.1120 Main Northern Colorado: 3545 W. 12th Street, Suite 201 Greeley, CO 80634 970.352.1700 Main Boulder: 4999 Pearl East Circle, Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80301 303.440.0399 Main Web: www.acmllp.com Get the business community to know you. Available now in print, on-line and on CD-ROM www.BCBR.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT 24 | MD 2014 MANDALA INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE CLINIC 2805 Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-2357/303-444-2357 www.bouldermandala.com Services: Integrative medicine clinic which offers acupuncture and Chinese medicine, massage and structural body work, nutrition and health counseling, homeopathy, life coaching and naturopathic medicine. Person in charge: Marco Chung-Shu Lam, clinic director Year founded: 2001 MASSAGE ENVY 1170 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 300 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-404-3689/720-887-3330 www.massageenvy.com Services: Massage. Person in charge: Brittany Zeimet Year founded: 2005 MASSAGE ENVY 2490 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-3689/3034686066 www.massageenvy.com Services: Prenatal/postpartum specialty, therapeutic and injury massage, sports and orthopedic massage, deep tissue massage, Murad Signature facials. Hot stone massage. Person in charge: Diana Breedlove Year founded: 2005 MCMAHONMASSAGE.COM 1800 30th St., Suite 22 Boulder, CO 80301 303-819-2523 www.mcmahonmassage.com Services: Neuromuscular therapy, deep tissue massage. Private practice and outcalls. Nationally certified in therapeutic massage and bodywork. Person in charge: Keira McMahon, N.C.T.M.B. Year founded: 2004 BODY WORK CLINICS > CARDIOLOGY > CHIROPRACTIC MEGAN CHRISTENSEN C.M.T. 1613 Circle Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-668-5706 Services: Table massage and on-site chair Swedish and deep-tissue massage. Person in charge: Megan Christensen, C.M.T. Year founded: 2000 PILATES FOR LIFE 734 Tenacity Drive, Unit A Longmont, CO 80504 303-532-3362/303 532-3362 www.pilatesforlifeprospect.com Services: Private sessions, small-group equipment and mat classes, wheelchair accessible, insurance and rehab clients, all ages. Person in charge: Claudia K Miller, CEO/ president Year founded: 2003 PINNACLE PHYSICAL THERAPY AND PILATES 3434 47th St., Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-7078/303-440-7242 www.pinnaclephysicaltherapyboulder.com Services: Restore the human body to its most optimal level of function after injury, surgery or general wear and tear. Person in charge: Kristie Bennett, P.T., M.S., C.L.T. Year founded: 1999 REBECCA DELONG C.M.T. 726 Pearl St., Suite C Boulder, CO 80302 303-579-6566 Services: Neuromuscular and deep tissue therapy including sports, swedish and prenatal. Person in charge: Rebecca Delong, RMT Year founded: 1992 SIX PERSIMMONS APOTHECARY 840 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-583-0179 www.sixpersimmons.com Services: Plant-based, skin-, body- and hair-care products. Massage, organic facials, homeopathy, acupuncture. Person in charge: David Scrimgeour, licensed acupuncturist; Kathy Thorpe, M.A., classical homeopath Year founded: 1990 SUZANNE PICARD, CERTIFIED ROLFER, ROLF MOVEMENT PRACTITIONER 2600 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-519-7593 www.suzannepicard.com Person in charge: Suzanne Picard, owner Rolfing® Structural Integration Training & Community Client Clinic Release • Realign • Renew Part of the Boulder Community for over 40 years. Financial Aid Available to students who qualify finaid.rolf.org The Rolf Institute ® of Structural Integration 303-449-5903 • [email protected] • www.rolf.org MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY THE ROLF INSTITUTE 5055 Chaparral Court, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-5903/303-449-5978 www.rolf.org Services: Training program for Certified Rolfers. Person in charge: Diana Yourell, executive director Year founded: 1971 THE ROLFING WORKS LTD. 2868 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-870-1400 www.sharimaccallum.com Services: Integrative body work, Rolfing/structural integration, Swedish and sports massage, Ashiatsu oriental bar therapy, and myofascial release. Holistic esthetics. Licensed esthetician. Person in charge: Shari MacCallum Clark Year founded: 1992 WHITE CRANE 7735 Durham Circle Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-3175 www.whitecrane.org Services: Association of healers. Astrology and family constellation work. Person in charge: Janet Rupp, founder Year founded: 1979 CARDIOLOGY BOULDER HEART 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2395 www.bch.org/boulderheart Services: Cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, electrophysiology, interventional cardiology and nuclear cardiology. Person in charge: Jeffrey Reed, administrator of cardiology services BOULDER MEDICAL CENTER CARDIOLOGY 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3057 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Services: Electrocardiography, echocardiography, exercise tolerance testing and other diagnostic procedures; coronary stents. Person in charge: Matthew R. Holland, physician Year founded: 1949 CARDIAC REHABILITATION AT LONGMONT UNITED HOSPITAL 1950 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-4101/303-651-5150 www.luhcares.org Services: Cardiac rehabilitative services and educational classes. Person in charge: Keri Isernhagen, director of cardio/pulmonary services. Year founded: 1977 COLORADO CARDIOVASCULAR SURGICAL ASSOCIATES 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 190 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2244/303-440-2266 www.ccvsa.com Services: Adult surgery of the heart, lungs, chest, esophagus and the major blood vessels and veins. Person in charge: Cindy Smith, office coordinator EXEMPLA GOOD SAMARITAN MEDICAL CENTER’S CARDIOVASCULAR SERVICES 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 310 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6420/303-689-6430 http://www.exemplagoodsamaritan.org/ CardiovascularServices Services: Interventional cardiologists, general cardiologists and electrophysiologists. FLATIRONS HEART AND VASCULAR 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 350 Louisville, CO 80027 303-269-2905 /303-269-2910 www.flatironsheart.org Services: Comprehensive interventional cardiology care. Person in charge: Juan Weksler, M.D. LONGMONT CLINIC CARDIOLOGY 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-3117 www.longmontclinic.com Services: Cardiology services. Person in charge: John P. Stathis, cardiologist Year founded: 1906 Book of Lists Your Ultimate Business Tool. Available now in print, on-line and on CD-ROM www.BCBR.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 25 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 310 Longmont, CO 80501 720-652-8400 www.luhcares.org Services: Cardiology services including diagnosis and treatment. Also offers transradial catheterization and ambulatory heart monitoring. Person in charge: Jordan Aslor, director Year founded: 2012 CHIROPRACTIC ABUNDANT HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE 195 S. Main St., Suite 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1700/303-684-8457 www.abundant-health-chiropractic.com Services: Chiropractic, acupuncture and massage. Person in charge: Steven Evans, D.C. Year founded: 1998 ACHTERMANN CHIROPRACTIC AND MASSAGE 600 Main St. Louisville, CO 80027-1828 303-673-9797 www.achtermann-us.com Services: Spinal adjustments (hands-on and lowforce Activator Methods), acupuncture, massage therapy, nutritional counseling and custom-made foot orthotics. Most insurance accepted. Person in charge: Marty Achtermann, D.C.; Karen Achtermann, D.C. Year founded: 1995 ADVANCED HEALTH CARE 1715 Iron Horse Drive, Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80504 303-776-6110/720-204-6285 Services: Chiropractic, functional medicine, sports medicine. Nutrition applications, cold laser, electronic acupuncture. Person in charge: Reyne Kappius, office manager Year founded: 1985 ALIGN CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 1318 Vivian St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-0882/303-776-1053 www.alignchiropracticcenter.com Services: Palmer graduate specializing in conditions ranging from sciatica to tennis elbow. Person in charge: Kevin R. Mikalaitis, owner Year founded: 2007 ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CLINIC PC 5761 N. Orchard Creek Circle Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-2225/303-527-2969 www.drhartalternativehealth.com Services: Chiropractic; nutritional and allergy sensitivity testing, immune system building, applied kinesiology, muscle proprioception, focus on sports injuries, spinal injuries and nutrition. Person in charge: Pamela L. Hart, D.C. Year founded: 1987 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY ASPEN CHIROPRACTIC AND WELLNESS CENTER 2015 Ionosphere St., Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80504 303-678-8489/888-551-2163 www.brissonwellness.com Services: Chiropractic, acupuncture, nutritional consulting. Person in charge: Douglas Paul Brisson, D.C. Year founded: 1986 AUSTIN CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 362 S. McCaslin Blvd. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-5405/303-664-1697 www.austinchirocenter.com Person in charge: Paul Austin, D.C. BALSAM CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 2885 Aurora Ave., Suite 28 Boulder, CO 80303-2251 303-447-1656/303-443-5115 Person in charge: Michael Vanaria, owner Year founded: 1988 BEN ELDER JR., D.C. 1365 Forest Park Circle, Suite 201 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-7151 Services: Chiropractic. Person in charge: Ben Elder, D.C. Year founded: 1983 BORMAN & BORMAN 3915 W. 127 Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-1366/303-465-1366 Year founded: 1990 BOULDER BACK PAIN CLINIC 2760 29th St., Suite 2B Boulder, CO 80301 303-499-4500/303-494-4982 www.boulderbackpainclinic.com Services: Chiropractic manual therapy for neck pain, back pain, occupational and sports injuries. Acupuncture, physical therapy modalities and rehabilitative exercise programs. Person in charge: Marc S. Cahn, D.C. Year founded: 1984 BRADLEY RICHARDSON D.C. 54 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020-1730 303-466-3232/303-466-0110 www.summitchiropracticcare.com Services: Specializing in laser therapy CANYON CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 2625 28th St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-402-1300/303-402-1310 www.canyonchiro.com Services: Pelvic dysfunction and related issues. Sports performance. Jaw problems. Leg problems - numbness, pain and strength imbalance. Neck and mid-back dysfunction. Nutritional support and cleanses. Year founded: 2005 CHANCE CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 103 E. Simpson St., Suite 100 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-6164/303-604-6164 www.chancechiropracticcenter.com Services: Chiropractic and acupuncture. Person in charge: Debra Chance, D.C. Year founded: 2000 CHIROPRACTIC CENTER OF ERIE 655 Briggs St. Erie, CO 80516 303-828-3000 www.eriechiro.com Person in charge: Dave Ehrmantraut, owner CHIROPRACTIC OF BOULDER 2338 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-941-0570/303-443-8161 Person in charge: Michael Law Year founded: 1973 CHRISTOPHER VILLAGE CHIROPRACTIC COMPASS CHIROPRACTIC 1365 Forest Park Circle, Suite 102 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-955-5208/303-955-5290 www.compasschiropractic.net Person in charge: Evan White, D.C. COMPASSIONATE CARE CENTERS 1124 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-926-6865 www.compassionatecarecenters.com Services: Family chiropractic clinic. Person in charge: Adam Harris, D.C. COMPLETE CARE CHIROPRACTIC PC 1280 Centaur Village Drive, Unit 8 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-1575/303-666-8927 www.26vertebrae.com Services: chiropractic care for the family. Person in charge: Bevin Duke, C.T. Year founded: 2007 1017 South Boulder Road, Suite A Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7717/303-666-7746 www.cvchiropractic.net Services: Full-service chiropractic care. Person in charge: Bobby Heartsong, office manager Year founded: 1983 CONNELLY CHIROPRACTIC PC CLANCEY CHIROPRACTIC DARNELL CHIROPRACTIC 195 S. Main St., Suite 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2060/303-651-9701 www.clanceychiropractic.net Services: Chiropractic, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, spinal decompression, nutritional counseling and supplements, strengthening and conditioning. Specializing in injury/accident relief. Person in charge: Douglas Clancey, D.C. Year founded: 1987 COLORADO FIBROMYALGIA CENTER 380 Empire Road, Suite 120 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-8444/303-665-8448 www.coloradofibromyalgia.com Services: Physical medicine, pain management, chiropractic, physical therapy, orthopedic massage, clinical nutrition counseling, trigger point injections. Person in charge: Megan Moon, D.C. Year founded: 2004 COLORADO SPINE AND SPORT 335 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-4358/303-604-4359 www.coloradospineandsport.com Services: Chiropractic care, physical therapy, sports medicine, radiology, massage therapy. Person in charge: Jeremy Rodgers; Maureen Thomm Year founded: 2001 1325 Dry Creek Drive, Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80503 303-776-5535/303-776-3244 www.connellychiropractic.com Services: Chiropractic and acupuncture. Person in charge: Che Connelly, D.C. Year founded: 1997 300 Nickel St., Suite 9 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-543-1400/303-554-5834 www.darnellchiro.com Services: BioEnergetic Synchonization Technique (BEST) and Chiropractic adjustments. Person in charge: James Darnell, D.C. Year founded: 2007 DR. DEAN RAFFELOCK & ASSOCIATES 3100 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-541-9019/303-449-4497 www.drdeanraffelock.com Services: Integrative medicine, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, chiropractic, applied kinesiology, precise foot orthotics. Person in charge: Dean Raffelock, D.C., Dipl. Ac., DAAIM, DIBAK, DACBN, CCN Year founded: 1992 DR. GARRET ROCK D.C. AND SOUTH POINTE CLINICS 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660/303-848-8448 www.ssrehabcenter.com Services: Chiropractic, medical, massage, rehabilitation, sports injuries and performance. Person in charge: Garret Rock, D.C. Year founded: 2004 DUGGAN CHIROPRACTIC 2439 Broadway, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-1553/303-443-8069 www.dugganchiropractic.com Services: Health care. Year founded: 1985 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT CHIROPRACTIC MILESTONE MEDICAL GROUP - CARDIOLOGY 26 | MD 2014 ELITE CHIROPRACTIC 1020 W. Century Drive, Suite 101 Louisville, CO 80027 303-516-1517 www.elitechiroonline.com Services: Chiropractic and hydromassage. Year founded: 2000 EMILY J RUCKER, D.C. 3434 47th St., Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-9355/303-449-9355 www.emilyjruckerdc.com Services: Advanced Activator chiropractor. Registered Craniosacral therapist. Year founded: 1984 FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 1112 Francis St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-0266/303-678-0355 www.drbrendashelton.com Services: Chiropractic care including sports injuries. Various techniques from lower force to more aggressive procedures. Therapies such as cold laser therapy, interferential. Massage therapists in office. Person in charge: Brenda Kay Shelton Year founded: 1992 FINEGAN CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CENTER 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 260 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-2737/303-444-3002 www.drfinegan.com Services: Spinal decompression, CBP, Brimhall, nutrition, cold laser therapy, far infrared sauna, Pettibon, diversified, children, pregnancy, Ultrasound, EMS, sports injuries. Gonstead. Person in charge: Paul Finegan, D.C. Year founded: 1983 FIT WELLNESS CENTER 1140 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-0353/303-469-1066 www.broomfieldwellness.com Services: Chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, nutrition, acupuncture, orthotics. Year founded: 2000 FOSTER HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER PLLC 2051 Terry St., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-8300/303-772-4046 www.drbrianfoster.com Services: Chiropractic, massage, physical therapies, nutritional counseling and wellness care. Person in charge: Brian Keith Foster, D.C. Year founded: 1997 CHIROPRACTIC FOUNTAIN CHIROPRACTIC 590 Persimmon Drive Boulder, CO 80304 303-818-5343 www.jefffountainboulder.com Services: Structural biostructural correction. Cold laser therapy. Person in charge: Jeff Fountain, D.C. MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY FOUR WINDS FAMILY WELLNESS CENTER 1790 30th St., Suite 270 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-4498/303-444-0052 www.fourwindswellness.com Services: Gentle force chiropractic, network spinal analysis. Person in charge: Marc Wind, D.C. Year founded: 1998 FRITZ WELLNESS CENTER 1749 Terry St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3982/303-772-0990 www.fritzwellnesscenter.com Services: Chiropractic, applied kinesiology, acupuncture, soft laser therapy, bio-meridian, vibe. Person in charge: Thomas Fritz, D.C. Year founded: 1983 FRONT STREET CHIROPRACTIC AND WELLNESS CENTER 901 Front St., Suite 120 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-2987/303-604-2997 www.frontstreetchiro.com Services: Chiropractic, acupuncture and massage. Person in charge: Elizabeth Kinneavy, D.C.; LeeAnn Benesh, D.C. Year founded: 2003 GROOVER CLINIC 2725 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-7772/303-442-2426 www.grooverclinic.com Person in charge: Thomas D. Groover, owner Year founded: 1999 GUNBARREL FAMILY MEDICINE 6685 Gunpark Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301-3340 303-530-3062/303-530-5474 www.bch.org/gunbarrel-medical-center Services: General medical care of adults and children, newborn care, injuries, including fractures and lacerations, preventive care, including immunizations. Person in charge: Kirk Steadmon, director Year founded: 1980 HEALING TOUCH CHIROPRACTIC OF BOULDER PLLC 3005 47th St., Suite F-2 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-0036 www.healingtouchofboulder.com Services: Chiropractic, neuromuscular/ soft tissue therapy, low-level laser therapy, blood and salivary testing with interpretation, nutritional and lifestyle/wellness counseling. Person in charge: Joanie DeBever, owner Year founded: 1992 HELPING HANDS CHIROPRACTIC 195 S. Main, Unit 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-494-2800/303-499-8007 www.hhcboulder.com Services: Chiropractic and massage. Person in charge: Heather Meinke, D.O. Year founded: 2007 HOLISTICA INTEGRATIVE CARE LIFE CHIROPRACTIC INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE LONGMONT CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3777/303-449-3775 www.holisticacare.com Services: Integrative holistic medical clinic specializing in hormone imbalances, thyroid disorders, GI issues, food allergies, acute and chronic illness, immune dysfunction, mood disorders. Person in charge: Mary Shackelton, MPH, ND Year founded: 1999 6644 Bird Cliff Way Niwot, CO 80503 303-652-6475/303-652-6477 www.integratedhealthcareclinic.com Services: Functional medicine, acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, clinical nutrition, chiropractic orthopedics, clinical and applied kinesiology, neuro-emotional, technique. Person in charge: Darryl Hobson, D.C.; Deborah Belote, D.C. Year founded: 1984 JOHN DOUILLARD’S LIFESPA 825 Delaware Ave., PH P103 Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-1979/303-678-5577 www.inspirelifechiropractic.com Services: Chiropractics and holistic care. Applied kinesiology, NET, nutrition, brain balancing, innate awareness. Person in charge: John Wendt, D.C. Year founded: 2007 630 15th Ave., Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2525/303-651-2556 www.longmontchiropractic.com Services: Chiropractic care for the entire family, massage therapy, acupuncture and nutritional therapy. Walk-in treatment available. Person in charge: Wesley E. Statley, D.C. Year founded: 1982 MOORE LIFE CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS CENTER 6662 Gunpark Drive East, Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80301 303-516-4848/303-530-4409 www.lifespa.com Services: Chiropractic, Ayurveda, massage. Person in charge: John Douillard, D.C., Ph.D. Year founded: 1994 2687 Northpark Drive, Suite 103 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-0024/303-664-5915 www.moorelifechiropractic.com Services: Chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, cold laser, orthotics. Person in charge: Randall B. Moore, owner Year founded: 2004\ JOHNSTON CHIROPRACTIC AND ACUPUNCTURE MOUNTAIN VISTA CHIROPRACTIC & MEDICAL CENTER 2255 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-5042/303-776-2912 www.johnston-chiropractic.com Services: Chiropractic and acupuncture, DRX9000 spinal decompression treatment, nutrition, therapeutic exercises, physical therapy, laser therapy. Person in charge: Donald Johnston, D.C.; Derek Johnston, D.C. Year founded: 1977 KENNEDY CHIROPRACTIC 3405 Penrose Place, Suite 106 Boulder, CO 80301 303-546-6325 www.colopainclinic.com Services: Myofascial pain, lumbar disk decompression, spine disorders, anti-aging, acupuncture. Person in charge: Doug Kennedy Year founded: 1996 LARRY FRIEDER D.C. 3400 Table Mesa Drive, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-0944 www.bouldersportandspine.com Person in charge: Larry Frieder, D.C. LEFT HAND BACK AND BODY 701 Deleware Ave., Suite A Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-7003 www.lefthandbackandbody.com Services: Chiropractic, acupuncture, physiotherapy, specializing in whiplashassociated injuries. Massage, yoga studio. Person in charge: Christine Illman, D.C.; Drew Illman, D.C. Year founded: 2010 421 21st Ave., Suite 41 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-9600/303-772-9308 Person in charge: Daphnie Denovillis, office manager Year founded: 1978 MOUNTAINVIEW CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 1650 38th St., Suite 204 W Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-9700/303-447-0795 www.mountainviewchiropracticcenter.com Services: Chiropractic, massage therapy, nutrition, exercise. Person in charge: Dale Heimester, D.O. Year founded: 1986 NEDERLAND CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER 20 Lakeview Drive, Suite 204 Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-7730 Year founded: 1988 NETWORK FAMILY WELLNESS CENTER 1715 15th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-998-1000/303-998-1003 www.networkwellnesscenters.com Services: Advanced spinal corrective care and can help patients with neck and back pain, allergies, migraines and more. Massage, weight loss and nutrition. Person in charge: Daniel Marshall Knowles, III, D.C. Year founded: 1999 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 27 12995 Sheridan Blvd., Suite 101 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-3988/303-466-3878 www.ohchiro.com Services: Chiropractic, spinal rehabilitation, detoxification, weight loss. Person in charge: Christopher Stull, D.C. Year founded: 2002 RED DRAGON CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-2130 www.doctorjaneray.com Person in charge: Jane Ray, owner REJUV HEALTH MAKEOVERS 2130 E. Mountain View Ave., Suite 204 Longmont, CO 80501 720-340-4736/720-340-4790 www.rejuvhealthmakeovers.com Services: Chiropractic, massage, weight loss, therapeutic lifestyle programs (including treatment of metabolic syndrome, hypercholesteremia and insulin resistance). Person in charge: Beau Maudlin, director Year founded: 2000 SCHULTZ CHIROPRACTIC AND ACUPUNCTURE 1715 Iron Horse Drive, Suite 122 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4790 www.schultzchiro.net Person in charge: John F. Schultz, D.C., F.I.A.M.A. SOUTH BOULDER CHIROPRACTIC 4150 Darley Ave, Suite 6 Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-5000 www.southboulderchiropractic.com Person in charge: Mary Elsea, owner; Amber Thompson, owner SWAN LAKE CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CENTRE 724 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-3103/303-402-1095 www.swanlakechiro.com Services: Family chiropractic, spinal disc decompression and health maintenance. Person in charge: Ginger Shriver, D.C.; David Mamolen, D.C. Year founded: 1979 TERRY CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH CENTER 3083 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-0500/303-440-4621 www.terrychiropracticboulder.com Services: Chiropractic adjustments, massage, allergy testing, nutritional support. Integrated medical practice, physical therapy. Person in charge: Douglas J. Terry, D.C. Year founded: 1980 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY WARHURST FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC 1010 Depot Hill Road, Suite 104 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-464-9282/303-464-9752 www.warhurstchiropractic.com Services: Rehabilitative chiropractic health care, family care, sports injuries, auto and work injuries, 100-year lifestyle programs, weight loss programs, family wellness care, nutritional counseling. Person in charge: Craig E. Warhurst, D.C. Year founded: 2000 ZELLNER CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 1310 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-7524/303-444-2464 www.zellnerchiropractic.com Person in charge: Jack Zellner, D.C. Year founded: 1977 DENTISTRY & ORAL SURGERY 541 MAIN DENTAL 541 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3030/303-776-0312 Services: General dental. Person in charge: Bruce Sessions, D.D.S. AAA HEALTH CENTERED DENTISTRY 2130 Mountain View Ave., Unit 205 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6021/303-772-7281 Services: Holistic dentistry, wellness counseling, compatibility testing, mercuryfree fillings, cosmetic dentistry, laser cavity detection, digital X-rays. Person in charge: Frank G. Becvar, D.D.S. Year founded: 1998 ADLER COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY 1810 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-1119/303-449-1914 Services: Cosmetic and family dentistry. Person in charge: Michael Adler, D.D.S. Year founded: 1990 ADVENTURE DENTAL, VISION & ORTHODONTICS 1739 N. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-834-7919/303-834-6414 www.adventurelongmont.com Services: General dentistry, orthodontic and vision care for children and teens up to age 20. Person in charge: Ron Montano, D.D.S. ALAN BELENSKI D.D.S. 225 South Boulder Road, Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-5080/303-666-4339 www.alanbelenski.com Person in charge: Alan Belenski, D.D.S. ALAN REISMAN D.D.S. 1075 South Boulder Road, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2377/303-665-1301 www.alanreisman.com Services: Oral surgery. Person in charge: Alan Reisman, D.D.S. Year founded: 1999 ALIGN ORTHODONTICS ASPEN DENTAL GROUP 1720 Duchess Drive Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-6960/303-772-7215 www.aspendentalgrp.com Person in charge: Sean Visger, D.D.S. Year founded: 1994 AVANTI DENTAL CARE 1068 S. 88th St., Suite B Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-0800/720-266-6790 www.alignorthodontics.com Person in charge: Laurence J. Colletti, D.D.S. Year founded: 1991 900 S. Main St., Suite 201 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-9701/303-776-0176 www.avanti-dental.com Services: Dental services. Person in charge: Juan Sauza Year founded: 2001 ALPINE DENTISTRY BASELINE DENTAL 350 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-8200/303-494-2281 Person in charge: Tracy Neitenbach ANDREW L. FISCUS D.D.S. 3400 Penrose Place, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-5748/303-442-5749 www.fiscusdentistry.com Services: General dentistry. Person in charge: Andrew L. Fiscus, D.D.S. Year founded: 2001 ANDREW RANUCCI D.M.D. 515 Main St., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-9422 www.ranuccidental.com Services: General dentistry, implants, cosmetic dentistry. Person in charge: Andrew Ranucci, D.M.D. Year founded: 1996 ANDREW SEWELL D.D.S. 3000 Center Green Drive Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-6142/303-443-6163 Person in charge: Andrew Sewell, D.D.S. ANIA MOHELICKI D.D.S., P.C. 1400 28th St., Suite 4 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-0998/303-544-0372 www.drania.com Services: Family and comprehensive dentistry, including cosmetics and full orthodontic care for the entire family. Digital and laser. Person in charge: Ania Mohelicki, D.D.S., P.C. Year founded: 1998 ARAPAHOE DENTAL 2525 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-0905/303-442-0907 www.arapahoedental.net Services: Dental care. Person in charge: Phillip C. Harwood, D.D.S. Year founded: 1989 ARTISTIC SMILES 920 S. Hover St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-8888/303-485-7777 www.artisticsmiles.org Services: Cosmetic and family dentistry. Person in charge: Cliff Rogge Year founded: 1994 489 U.S. Highway 287 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-9355 www.baselinedental.com Person in charge: Linda Newsome, D.D.S. BISHOP & TAKEMOTO DENTISTRY 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-4777/303-440-4776 www.btdentistry.com Services: General dentistry. Person in charge: John Bishop, D.D.S. Year founded: 1983 BOULDER DENTAL GROUP 2919 Valmont Road, Suite 106 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3132/303-449-4320 www.boulderdentalgroup.com Services: General, cosmetic, Cerec 3D to produce porcelain crowns and fillings in one appointment, oral sedation. Person in charge: Marc Alber Year founded: 1978 BOULDER ENDODONTICS 3100 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-6621/303-413-9341 Services: Endodontics (root canals). Person in charge: Joseph Parsons, D.D.S. Year founded: 2000 BOULDER FAMILY DENTAL CENTER 3400 Penrose Place, Suite 5 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3131/303-449-9487 Services: Cosmetic dentistry, crowns, bridges, implant restoration, partials, dentures, bleaching, comprehensive family dentistry. Person in charge: Ken Poulsen, president Year founded: 1986 BOULDER ORAL SURGERY 3450 Penrose Place, Suite 120 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-9735/303-447-1025 www.boulderoralsurgery.net Services: Oral surgery, implants, maxillofacial surgery. Person in charge: Roman T. Hought, D.D.S. Year founded: 1979 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT CHIROPRACTIC > DENTISTRY & ORAL SURGERY OPTIMAL HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC 28 | MD 2014 BOULDER ORTHODONTICS 1900 Folsom St., Suite 211 Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-3250 www.boulderorthodontics.com Services: Braces, Invisalign, Damon System of braces Person in charge: Brent Lang, D.D.S., P.C. Year founded: 1992 BOULDER PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 3400 Penrose Place, Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-8250/303-443-7397 www.boulderpediatricdental.com Person in charge: Michael D. Jones, D.D.S. BOULDER VALLEY DENTAL CENTER 535 E. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-8820/303-666-0652 www.bouldervalleydental.com Services: General and cosmetic dentistry, laser gum therapy, implant restorations and sedation dentistry. Person in charge: Tracey Hughes Year founded: 1993 BOULDER VALLEY ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 1840 Folsom St., Suite 304 Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-9840/303-545-9712 www.bouldervalleyoms.com Services: Oral and maxillofacial surgery. Person in charge: Janet Chandler, office manager Year founded: 1978 BOULDERSMILES 1636 16th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-4417/303-443-1206 www.bouldersmiles.com Services: Cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Person in charge: Mark Birnbach, D.M.D. Year founded: 1977 BRIAN F. COATS D.D.S. 1305 Sumner St., Suite 300 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-4090/303-774-7758 www.longmontdentist.com Services: General, family and cosmetic dentistry. Person in charge: Brian F. Coats, D.D.S. Year founded: 1993 DENTISTRY & ORAL SURGERY BRIDGING YOUR HEALTH INC. 1068 S. 88th St., Suite A Louisville, CO 80027 303-938-1161/303-443-6830 www.bridgingyourhealth.com Services: Facial plastic surgery, repair of facial fractures and complex lacerations, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, general and preventive dentistry, bone grafting and reconstruction. Person in charge: Eve Bluestein, D.D.S., M.D. Year founded: 2012 BRIGHT NOW! DENTAL 15 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite 280 Louisville, CO 80501 303-417-9401/303-417-0258 www.brightnow.com Year founded: 1998 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY BRIGHT NOW! DENTAL COMFORT DENTAL LOUISVILLE BROADWAY SMILES CORBETT SUMMERS D.D.S. 15 Ken Pratt Blvd. Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-1155/303-678-5588 www.brightnow.com Services: Children; emergency; whitening. Person in charge: Brian Gurinsky 2430 N. Broadway, Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80304 303-786-8899 www.halekandrathburn.com Services: Dental, cosmetic dentistry, family dentistry. Person in charge: Tara Rathburn, D.D.S.; Milena Halek, D.D.S.; Kathleen Moineau, office manager Year founded: 1993 339 McCaslin Blvd., Unit D Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-0500 www.comfortdental.com Person in charge: Kristina Scott, office manager Year founded: 1996 777 29th St., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-6141/303-545-5669 Services: General dentistry. Person in charge: Corbett Summers, D.D.S. Year founded: 1982 COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTAL CARE 13606 Xavier Lane Broomfield, CO 80023 303-466-7306 Person in charge: Lee W. Gerry, D.D.S. Year founded: 1957 921 Ninth Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2035/303-651-9620 www.mylongmontdentist.com Services: General dentistry. Person in charge: Jennifer Scheidies, D.D.S. Year founded: 1983 BROOMFIELD DENTAL GROUP CRABTREE DENTAL LABORATORY BROOMFIELD DENTAL CARE 1140 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-438-9899/303-438-6698 Person in charge: Mandy Stecklein, office manager BROOMFIELD PLAZA FAMILY DENTISTRY 5015 W. 120 Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-2935/303-465-2255 Services: General dentistry for families. Person in charge: Franklin L. Bowling, D.M.D.; Nina Richardson Bowling, D.M.D. Year founded: 1983 CARIBOU DENTAL ARTS 40 E. Second St. Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-7234 www.cariboudentalarts.com Services: Crown and bridge lab Year founded: 1996 CHERYL S. MCCARTY D.D.S. 333 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 3 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7267/303-666-1245 Services: General and cosmetic dentistry, restoration of implants and occlusal therapy. Person in charge: Sherry Sullivan, office manager Year founded: 1992 COMFORT DENTAL BOULDER 3400 Arapahoe Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-2129 www.comfortdental.com Person in charge: Ben McEvoy, D.D.S. Year founded: 2005 COMFORT DENTAL LONGMONT 1750 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-7783 www.comfortdental.com Services: Dental services franchise. Person in charge: Jolly Johnson Year founded: 2006 1055 17th Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2906 Person in charge: Charles Brunette, owner Year founded: 1974 CRAIG J. HOVICK D.D.S. 1055 17th Ave., Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-5253/303-678-1054 www.longmontperiodontics.com Services: Dentistry and periodontics. Person in charge: Craig J. Hovick, D.D.S. Year founded: 1987 CRAIG ORTHODONTICS 1120 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 201 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-9224/303-926-9678 www.craigortho.com Services: Orthodontics for children, adolescents and adults. Person in charge: Robert A. Craig, D.D.S. Year founded: 2000 CYNTHIA M. SHEEKS D.D.S. 925 Main St., Suite C Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-3600 www.cynthiasheeksdds.com Person in charge: Cynthia M. Sheeks, D.D.S. DAMEN CARAWAY D.D.S 1760 Centennial Drive, Suite B Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-7333/303-664-9941 www.carawayortho.com Services: Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics for children and adults. Person in charge: Damen Caraway, D.D.S. Year founded: 2007 DANIEL B. FOLEY D.D.S. 1440 28th St. Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-2255/720-565-1091 www.foleyoralsurgery.com Services: Oral and maxillofacial surgery. Person in charge: Daniel B. Foley, D.D.S. Year founded: 1982 DANIEL P. JOHNSON D.D.S. 630 15th Ave., Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-0300/303-485-0777 www.johnson-oral-surgery.com Services: Implant surgery, orthognathic surgery, cosmetic surgery, tooth removal, orofacial trauma. Person in charge: Daniel P. Johnson, D.D.S. Year founded: 1998 DENTAL AID 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228/303-665-8994 www.dentalaid.org Services: Affordable dental care and education. Person in charge: Dennis Lewis, CEO/ president Year founded: 1974 DENTAL AID ADULT AND CHILDREN’S CLINIC 4155 Darley Ave., Suite C Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-7072/303-494-8449 www.dentalaid.org Services: To improve the quality of life of children and adults struggling to afford health care by providing compassionate, affordable, high quality dental care and education. Person in charge: Dennis Lewis, CEO Year founded: 1974 DENTAL AID ADULT AND CHILDREN’S CLINIC LONGMONT 1715 Princess Drive Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-2619/303-682-0455 www.dentalaid.org Services: To improve the quality of life of children and adults struggling to afford health care by providing compassionate, affordable, high quality dental care and education. Person in charge: Dennis Lewis, D.D.S. Year founded: 1974 DENTAL HEALTH OF BOULDER 2525 28th St., Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-0070/303-443-0073 www.dentalhealthcolorado.com Person in charge: Kimberly Trimbur, manager Year founded: 1996 DENTAL HEALTH OF LONGMONT 1260 S. Hover St., Unit H Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-1125 www.dentalhealthcolorado.com Person in charge: Bruce Howell, D.D.S. Year founded: 1996 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 29 1075 E. South Boulder Road, Suite 235 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0300/303-604-2535 www.drdixonortho.com Services: Orthodontic care. Person in charge: Gary Dixon, orthodontist Year founded: 2005 DR. KURT KNECHTEL 1322 Vivian St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-4229 Person in charge: Kurt Knechtel, D.D.S. DR. MIKE CARPENTER D.D.S, DR. FRED DONAGHY, D.D.S. 3093 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-1703/303-545-5324 www.mikecarpenterdds.com Services: Dental services. Person in charge: Mike Carpenter, d.d.s. Year founded: 1982 E. LYNN COLBERT D.M.D. 3100 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-0367/303-499-2566 www.colbertdentalcenter.com Services: Crown and bridge, full mouth reconstruction, cosmetic dentistry, family dentistry, veneers, BriteSmile whitening, bonding and tooth-colored fillings. Person in charge: E. Lynn Colbert, owner Year founded: 1977 ENDODONTICS OF THE ROCKIES 1055 17th Ave., Suite 105 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-0202/720-652-9430 www.endorockies.com Services: Endodontics. ERIE FAMILY DENTISTRY 77 Erie Village Square, Suite 200 Erie, CO 80516 303-828-5430/303-828-5429 www.eriefamilydentistry.com Services: General and cosmetic dentistry. Person in charge: Scott Timlin, D.D.S. Year founded: 2001 FLATIRONS ENDODONTICS LLC 850 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 201 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-6120/303-665-6127 www.flatironsendo.com Services: Endodontics. Year founded: 2004 FLEISCHMANN FAMILY DENTISTRY 1080 U.S. Highway 287 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-7300/303-469-9595 www.broomfielddentistry.com Services: General dentistry. Person in charge: David Fleischmann, D.D.S.; Brooke Fleischmann, D.D.S. Year founded: 1983 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY FOOTHILLS PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 1140 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 102 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-9500/303-604-9540 www.foothillspediatricdentistry.com Services: Pediatric dentistry. Person in charge: Edward A. Christensen, D.D.S. Year founded: 1999 GORDON H. WEST D.D.S., P.C. 1140 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 201 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-5335/303-665-0622 www.bouldercountysmiles.com Services: Cosmetic and general dentistry. Person in charge: Gordon H. West, D.D.S. Year founded: 1999 HEIDI WINQUIST D.D.S. 3400 Penrose Place, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-7538/303-442-3830 www.heididds.com Services: Family dentistry. Person in charge: Heidi Winquist, D.D.S. Year founded: 1999 JOHN BAUMAN D.D.S. 1055 17th Ave., Suite 92 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1852 www.baumandds.com Year founded: 1981 JOHN DODGE D.D.S. 2601 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-447-0460 www.dodgeperio.com Services: Periodontics and dental implants. Person in charge: John Dodge, D.D.S. LAFAYETTE DENTAL EXCELLENCE 511 Crossing Drive, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-1001 www.lafayettedentalexcellence.com Services: Dental, implants, cosmetic, crowns and endodontics. Person in charge: Mitchell N. Friedman, D.D.S. Year founded: 1998 LISA KALFAS D.D.S. LONGMONT FAMILY DENTAL MURRAY FAMILY DENTISTRY LONGMONT ORAL, FACIAL AND IMPLANT SURGERY PC NEW HORIZON DENTAL LABORATORY 1503 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-7804/303-774-6530 Services: General dentistry. Person in charge: Dianne Pierson, D.D.S. Year founded: 2007 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 260 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-8870 /303-772-8871 www.longmontoralsurgery.com Year founded: 2011 LONGS PEAK FAMILY DENTAL 7270 W. 118th Place, Unit D Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-3362 Year founded: 1982 NIWOT DENTAL 1616 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3313/303-772-2985 Person in charge: Paul Hartigan, D.D.S. 376 Second Ave. Niwot, CO 80544 303-652-3500/303-652-8246 niwotdental.com Year founded: 1984 MARK A. PIMPER D.D.S. PATIL ORTHODONTICS 2929 17th Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-2240 www.markpimperdds.com Services: Family and cosmetic dentistry. Person in charge: Mark A. Pimper, D.D.S. MARY E. PEEBLES-TURNER D.D.S. 899 Highway 287, Suite 600 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9366/303-460-8056 www.broomfielddentist.com Services: Professional dental services. Person in charge: Mary E. Peebles-Turner, D.D.S. Year founded: 1992 MAURER FAMILY DENTAL CARE 2211 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-7000/303-772-1725 Year founded: 1985 MICHAEL E. SHORE D.D.S., P.C. 335 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 4 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4260/303-664-5538 http://demandforce.com/b/micahel-shore-dds Services: General dentistry, cosmetic dentistry. Person in charge: Michael E. Shore, D.D.S. Year founded: 1982 2300 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-9161/303-245-8031 www.lisakalfasdds.com Services: Cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Person in charge: Lisa Kalfas, D.D.S. MOUNTAIN VISTA ORTHODONTIC STUDIO LONGMONT DENTAL ASSOCIATES MURRAY FAMILY DENTISTRY 1325 Hover St., Suite 103 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3018 www.longmontdental.net Person in charge: Robert Ahern, D.D.S. Year founded: 1991 1332 Linden St., No. 2 Longmont, CO 80502 303-772-2392 www.murrayfamilydentistry.net Person in charge: Ryan R. Murray; Megan R. Murray 1005 Sunburst Court Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-7240 www. mountainvistaortholab.com 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 207 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4900/303-666-4902 www.murrayfamilydentistry.net Services: General, family and cosmetic dentistry, Invisalign, and Cerec crowns. Person in charge: Ryan R. Murray, D.D.S.; Megan R. Murray, D.D.S. Year founded: 1987 1600 N. Hover St., Suite D-1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-7722 www.patilortho.com Services: Board certified orthodontist. Hidden (tongue side) braces and Invisalign certified since 2000. Customized smiles for children, teens and adults. Free consultations and second opinions. Person in charge: Rajesh Patil, D.D.S., M.S. PATIL ORTHODONTICS 615 Mitchell Way, Suite 106 Erie, CO 80516 303-828-5385/303-828-5396 www.patilortho.com Services: Board certified orthodontist. Hidden (tongue side) braces and Invisalign certified since 2000. Customized smiles for children, teens and adults. Free consultations and second opinions. Person in charge: Rajesh Patil, D.D.S., M.S. Year founded: 2009 PDA DENTAL LABORATORY 1408 Horizon Ave. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-494-2118 www.pdacolorado.com Services: Full-service dental lab. Person in charge: Troy Gasser Year founded: 2003 PEARL STREET DENTAL 2575 Pearl St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-3771/303-443-3611 www.pearlstreetdental.com Services: Minimally invasive dentistry using fewer needles. Uses dental lasers, microscopes and digital X-rays to keep procedures small and precise. One appointment crowns. Person in charge: Elliott Higgins, D.M.D. Year founded: 1996 PEDIATRIC DENTAL GROUP 300 Exempla Circle, No. 460 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-9494/720-890-1444 pediatricdentalgroupco.com Services: Children’s dentistry. BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT DENTISTRY & ORAL SURGERY DIXON ORTHODONTICS 30 | MD 2014 PERFECT TEETH 11550 N. Sheridan Blvd., Suite 101 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-0922/303-465-0147 www.perfectteethdentalplan.com PERFECT TEETH 1840 Folsom St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-5133 www.perfectteethdentalplan.com Person in charge: Danelle Anderson, office manager ROBERT O’BRIEN FAMILY DENTISTRY 1446 Hover St., Suite 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-9700/720-206-3518 www.robertobriendds.com Person in charge: Robert O’Brien, D.D.S. Year founded: 1999 ROSEWOOD DENTAL GROUP 6700 Lookout Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-0300/303-530-3902 Services: General dentistry. Person in charge: Kristy Dhaliwal, D.D.S.; Allan G. Skromme, D.D.S. Year founded: 1990 RUSSELL HANSON D.D.S. 1371 Hecla Drive, Suite D-2 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-2609/303-664-0854 www.russellhansondentist.com Person in charge: Russell Hanson, D.D.S. Year founded: 1976 DENTISTRY & ORAL SURGERY > DERMATOLOGY > EAR, NOSE & THROAT SMILE DESIGNERS FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY 1246 N. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-7800 www.smiledesignersteam.com Services: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental conditions in adults and children. Person in charge: Thomas Drake, D.D.S. Year founded: 1996 SMILELOGIC INC. 403 Summit Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80021 303-665-1281/303-469-0705 www.smile-logic.com Services: Dental cleanings, sealants, radiographs, fluoride treatments and the treatment of gum disease. In office and take home teeth whitening. Adults and children. Person in charge: Angie Rhoades, R.D.H., owner; Lisa Guinther, office manager Year founded: 1998 SQUIRE ORAL, FACIAL & DENTAL IMPLANT SURGERY 1325 Hover St., Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-8585/303-776-4895 www.squireoralsurgery.com Services: Oral, facial and implant surgery. Person in charge: Douglas L. Squire, D.D.S. MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY STUDIO Z DENTAL 1017 E. South Boulder Road., Suite B Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7110/303-666-7111 www.studiozdental.com Person in charge: Wayne Zarlengo, D.D.S.; Thomas Zyvoloski, D.D.S. Year founded: 1981 THE DENTAL SHOPPE 297 N. U.S. Highway 287, Suite 104 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-8321 ww.dentalshoppe.com Person in charge: Jeffrey Winnicki, D.D.S. Year founded: 2006 WHOLE FAMILY DENTISTRY 1400 28th St. Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-8625/303-541-9867 www.wholefamilydentistry.com Services: General dentistry. Person in charge: Ted Kawulok, D.D.S. Year founded: 1983 WILLIAM A. BRACHVOGEL D.D.S. 1840 Folsom St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-1146/303-440-8954 www.bouldersmiledesign.com Services: General Dentistry. Person in charge: William A. Brachvogel, D.D.S. Year founded: 1991 WONG ORTHODONTICS 3400 Penrose Place, Suite 203 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-6680 www.drwongortho.com Person in charge: Jeffrey Wong, D.D.S. YOUNG DENTISTRY FOR CHILDREN 1056 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0710/303-604-2995 www.youngdentistryforchildren.com Services: Pediatric dentistry. Person in charge: Dawn M. Dennison, practice administrator Year founded: 1986 DERMATOLOGY BELLA PELLE LASER 13383 Briarwood Drive Broomfield, CO 80020 303-438-6604 www.bellapellelaser.com Services: Laser hair removal/wrinkle reduction, color science, nutritional supplies. Person in charge: Claudia Hall Year founded: 2005 BOULDER DERMATOLOGY CLINIC PC 3575 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304-1825 303-449-0933/303-447-0794 www.boulderdermatology.com Services: General dermatology and Mohsmicrographic surgery. Person in charge: John R. Steinbaugh, owner Year founded: 1973 BOULDER DERMATOLOGY CLINIC PC FOOTHILLS FAMILY DERMATOLOGY BOULDER VALLEY CENTER FOR DERMATOLOGY GEORGE R. RUSSELL M.D. 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-5261/303-604-6062 www.boulderdermatology.com Services: Dermatology and Mohs surgery. Person in charge: John R. Steinbaugh, owner Year founded: 1973 1140 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 202 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-1444/303-666-0911 www.bvderm.com Services: Treat all conditions of the skin, including skin cancer, moles, acne and rosacea, psoriasis, warts, nail disorders. Cosmetics products and procedures offered. Person in charge: Thomas C. Gallagher; Jeanie Chung Leddon, M.D., Ph.D. Year founded: 2003 BOULDER VALLEY CENTER FOR DERMATOLOGY 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80303 303-604-1444/303-666-0911 www.bvderm.com Services: Treat all conditions of the skin, including skin cancer, moles, acne and rosacea, psoriasis, warts, nail disorders, lupus. Cosmetic services also available. Person in charge: Jeanie Chung Leddon, M.D.; Thomas C. Gallagher, M.D. Year founded: 2003 DERMATOLOGY CENTER OF THE ROCKIES PC 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 135 Longmont, CO 80501 303-532-2810/303-532-2816 www.dermatologyoftherockies.com Services: Skin cancer, skin diseases, Botox, photo rejuvination, laser hair removal, fillers, MOHS surgery. Person in charge: Rebecca Pett, practice administrator Year founded: 2006 DERMATOLOGY SPECIALISTS OF BOULDER PC 2880 Folsom St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-6647/303-442-2696 www.dsboulder.com Services: Focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers as well as the latest advances in cosmetic dermatology. Offers complete spectrum of surgical and cosmetic skin-care needs. Person in charge: Shawn B. Allen, director Year founded: 2007 FLATIRONS DERMATOLOGY 13605 Xavier Lane, Suite B Broomfield, CO 80023 303-404-3376/303-468-8793 www.flatironsdermatology.com Services: Skin cancer, Moh’s surgery and reconstruction, melanoma. Cosmetic: Botox, fillers, lasers and sclerotherapy. Year founded: 2006 361 Second Ave., Suite 101 Niwot, CO 80503 303-652-9222/303-652-9333 Services: Botox, Juvederm, skin-care consults, IPL, acne, rosacea, warts, skin-cancer screening and treatment, mole removal, hair loss, nail disease, treatment of sun damage, etc. Person in charge: Patricia A. Sinoway, M.D. Year founded: 2006 1000 Alpine St., Suite 50 Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-4864/303-444-4865 Person in charge: George R. Russell, owner LONGMONT CLINIC DERMATOLOGY 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-3118 www.longmontclinic.com MOUNTAIN VIEW DERMATOLOGY 2935 Baseline Road, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-3152/303-444-3151 [email protected] Person in charge: Richard G. Levine, M.D. Year founded: 1998 SUSAN MELCHING INC. 2449 Pine St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-7921 www.susanmelching.com Services: Computer-assisted skin analysis and consultation; clinical skin care for men, women, teens; bioesthetic facial muscle toning and lifting, removal of minor skin irregularities, photo facial. Person in charge: Susan Melching, owner Year founded: 1982 TWIN PEAKS DERMATOLOGY PC 205 S. Main St., Suite E Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-8913 www.twinpeaksdermatology.com Person in charge: John C. Fueston, M.D. Year founded: 2008 EAR, NOSE & THROAT BOULDER MEDICAL CENTER PC 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4710/303-541-0807 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Services: Prevention, identification and assessment of hearing impairment. Habilitation and rehabilitation of patients with hearing impairments. Person in charge: Bradford B. McKane, CEO Year founded: 1949 BOULDER VALLEY EAR, NOSE & THROAT ASSOCIATES 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 220 Louisville, CO 80027 303-443-2771/303-443-2784 www.bventdocs.com Services: Medical services for the ear, nose and throat. Year founded: 1978 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 31 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80304-3406 303-443-2771/303-443-2784 www.bouldervalleyent.com Services: Medical services for the ear, nose and throat. Person in charge: Sun Young Monkman, office manager Year founded: 1978 BOULDER VALLEY EAR, NOSE & THROAT ASSOCIATES 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 210 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-443-2771/303-443-2784 www.bouldervalleyent.com CARR, DR. ALFRED N. 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 500 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3204/303-772-7043 www.coloradohearingcenter.com; www. coloradoaestheticscenter.com Services: Ear, nose and throat surgeon; sinus disorders; hearing aids, hearing protection; maxillofacial plastic surgery. Allergist on staff. Person in charge: Alfred N. Carr, M.D. Year founded: 1976 PEAK ENT AND VOICE CENTER 403 Summit Blvd., Suite 204 Broomfield, CO 80021 720-401-2139 www.peakentandvoicecenter.com Services: Treats ear, nose and throat disorders and a variety of laryngeal, tracheal and esophageal disorders in adults and children. Specializes in voice conditions and treatments. Person in charge: J. Michael King, M.D. Year founded: 2011 LONGMONT CLINIC ENDOCRINOLOGY 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-3119 Website: www.longmontclinic.com Services: Treating disorders of the endocrine system. 3D VISION EYE CARE BOULDER EYE SURGEONS 5760 W. 120th Ave., Suite 240 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-404-EYES (3937)/303-823-4030 www.3dvisioneyecare.com Services: Provides both general and specialized comprehensive eye exams. Takes most vision and medical insurances. Has new technology to treat and manage most eye care problems. Person in charge: Cameran A. Drake, president Year founded: 2007 ADVENTURE DENTAL, VISION & ORTHODONTICS 1739 N. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-834-7919/303-834-6414 www.adventurelongmont.com Services: General dentistry, orthodontic and vision care for children and teens up to age 20. Person in charge: Ron Montano, D.D.S. ASPEN EYEWEAR BOULDER ENDOCRINOLOGY PLLC BENTON BRITT, O.D. 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 260 Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-4441/303-444-2015 805 S. Broadway, Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-4449/303-499-5003 www.britteyecare.com Services: Primary eyecare, contact lenses, spectacles. Person in charge: Benton Britt, O.D. Year founded: 1983 DataStore Earn more interest than you ever have before. Say hello to the marketing director of your dreams. DataStore Lists & Directories Available in Excel www.BCBR.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY BOULDER EYE CLINIC EYE CARE ENDOCRINOLOGY FLATIRONS ENDOCRINOLOGY 2795 Pearl St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80302 720-565-3031/303-444-9488 385 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303-3344 303-449-1510/303-449-5383 2525 Arapahoe Ave., Suite E-23 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-0210/303-413-9421 www.aspeneyewear.com Services: Optical, retail, sunglasses, repairs, eye exams. Person in charge: Heinz Ebner, owner; Jennifer Ebner Year founded: 1986 892 W. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-586-5200/303-586-5201 www.boulderendo.com BOULDER EYE CARE PROFESSIONALS 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-3000/303-444-3226 www.bouldereyesurgeons.com Services: Adult and pediatric ophthalmology, cataract and refractive eye surgery. Person in charge: Brian E. Nichols, M.D., Ph.D. BOULDER MEDICAL CENTER PC BOULDER VISION CENTER PC 1645 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-4545/303-443-6892 www.bouldervisioncenter.com Services: Optometric eye care, vision examinations, contact lenses and eyeglasses. Person in charge: Kristin Gurholt, M.D. Year founded: 1975 BOULDEREYES - BEYER LASIK 1810 30th St., Suite B Boulder, CO 80301 303-499-2020/303-554-5846 www.bouldereyes.com Services: Full-service eye center, offering LASIK eye surgery, plastic surgery, cosmetic dermatology, aesthetics, optical, cataract surgery. Person in charge: Craig F. Beyer, D.O. Year founded: 1998 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3057/303-440-3281 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Services: LASIK, PRK, cataract surgery, laser surgery for glaucoma, diabetes, contacts, complete eye exam, optical dispensary. Person in charge: Donald L. McCormack, CEO Year founded: 1949 COLLEGE OPTICAL BOULDER VALLEY VISION THERAPY 4 Garden Center, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-1941/303-469-6634 www.coloradoeyecenter.com Services: Complete eye care. Person in charge: Lisa Brill, O.D.; Edward Hagen, O.D. Year founded: 1963 1790 30th St., Suite 311 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-2257/303-443-4599 www.bouldervt.com Services: Vision therapy. Person in charge: Jennifer Simonson, clinical director Year founded: 2001 BOULDER VISION ASSOCIATES PC 5305 Spine Road, Suite B Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-2020/303-530-1072 www.bouldervision.com Services: Family eye care, specialty contact lens fitting, LASIK. Person in charge: Richard A Cross, O.D. Year founded: 1993 1350 College Ave., Unit 100 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-3092 www.collegeopticalboulder.com Services: Optometry. Person in charge: Jeffrey Holland, owner Year founded: 1958 COLORADO EYE CENTER EAGLE VISION & EYE CLINIC 2080 N. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2020/303-776-2460 www.evec.com Services: Optometry, optical, laser consults, difficult contact lens fits, scleral lenses, vision therapy. Person in charge: Clark Blackwood, O.D. Year founded: 1977 ELDORADO RETINA ASSOCIATES 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-1800/303-666-8830 Services: Ophthalmology, retina only. Person in charge: Mary B. Lansing, M.D. Year founded: 1998 LASIK LAYAWAY Apply the money you spend on glasses and contacts towards your LASIK or PRK procedure. Told you weren’t a LASIK candidate? Stop by for a free consultation. If you’re not a LASIK or PRK candidate we’ll give you free contacts for 6 months. Schedule your free consultation bouldereyes.com or 303-816-8226 • 1810 30th St. Suite B, Boulder, CO 80301 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT EAR, NOSE & THROAT > ENDOCRINOLOGY > EYE CARE BOULDER VALLEY EAR, NOSE & THROAT ASSOCIATES 32 | MD 2014 ENVISION BOULDER 1011 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-939-8021/303-939-8025 www.envisionboulder.com Services: Eyes exams, contact lens care, prescription and non-prescription eyewear. Year founded: 1988 ERIE FAMILY EYECARE 71 Erie Parkway Erie, CO 80516 303-828-9877 www.erieeyes.com Services: Full-scope primary eye care optometry practice providing routine and emergency eye care services. Person in charge: Jeff Berger, O.D. Year founded: 2010 EUROPTICS EYE CARE ASSOCIATES 265 E. Flatiron Crossing Drive, Suite C Broomfield, CO 80021 720-566-0300/303-635-0203 www.eoptics.com Services: Optical retail, eye exams on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Year founded: 2001 EYE CARE CENTER OF BOULDER 385 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305 303-449-3770/303-449-5383 Person in charge: Marilyn A. Dougherty, M.D. EYE CARE CENTER OF BOULDER 1836 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-2401/720-563-0157 www.eyecarecenterofboulder.com Services: Eye care. Person in charge: Dennis Dupuis, O.D. Year founded: 1991 EYE CARE CENTER OF NORTHERN COLORADO 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3300/303-682-3380 www.eyecaresite.com Services: Comprehensive, multi-specialty eye care group, board-certified eye doctors, and fellowship-trained sub-specialists. Person in charge: Joel Meyers, M.D. Year founded: 1969 EYE CARE > FAMILY MEDICINE EYE GALLERY FLATIRON VISION AND ASSOCIATES 1 W. Flatiron Circle, Suite 1104 Broomfield, CO 80021 720-887-3737/720-887-6857 www.broomfieldeyecare.com Services: routine eye care, contact lens sales, office visits for medical eye care Person in charge: Ryan Smedley, O.D. Year founded: 2010 FOOTHILLS OPTICAL 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303-1080 303-444-3175/303-444-3226 Services: Retail optical. Person in charge: Ken Apple Year founded: 2004 FRONT RANGE EYE HEALTH CENTER PC 1220 Summit View Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-7797/303-673-9578 www.frontrangeeye.com Services: Visual, medical, and surgical eye care. Person in charge: Cindy J. Beeks, O.D.; Hale M. Kell, O.D. Year founded: 1994 FRONT RANGE EYE PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS 1315 Vivian St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3611/303-772-3609 www.frontrange eyephysicians.com Services: LASIK surgery, eye exams, contact lenses, treatment of all eye diseases and conditions. Person in charge: Mohammad Karbassi, M.D. Year founded: 1977 GOOSE CREEK OPTICAL 2800 Folsom St., Suite D Boulder, CO 80304-3738 303-442-6266/303-447-0792 www.goosecreekoptical.com Person in charge: Warren Tripp, M.D. Year founded: 1980 LAFAYETTE EYE ASSOCIATES 511 Crossing Drive, Suite 202 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-2068/303-665-5473 www.lafayetteeyeassociates.com Person in charge: Sherrie A. Nunn, O.D. 1 W. Flatiron Circle, Suite 2052 Broomfield, CO 80021 720-887-6066/720-887-5866 www.coloradoeyegallery.com Services: Eye exams, sunglasses, contacts, prescription eyewear. Person in charge: Gurpreet K. Deol, O.D. Year founded: 2000 LONGMONT VISION CENTER EYEWORKS PEARLE VISION 615 Main St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-6320/303-666-6520 www.eyeworkslouisville.com Services: Ophthalmology, eye surgery, LASIK, optometry, eyeglasses, contact lenses, optician, on-site lab to make glasses and repairs. Person in charge: Jack Roffis, O.D. Year founded: 1989 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 412 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-6700/303-776-9193 www.longmonteyes.com Services: Family eye care. Person in charge: Kevin C. Cottrell, O.D.; Roger Trudell, O.D. 1285 E. First Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-464-7627/303-464-7799 www.pearlvision.com PEARLE VISION 2795 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-1211/303-444-9488 www.bouldereye.com Services: Eye exams, contact lenses. REBECCA HUTCHINS O.D. 6800 79th St., Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80503 303-652-0505/303-652-0606 www.niwotvision.com Services: Vision evaluations, TBI evaluation and rehab, learning-related visual problems, contact lenses, glasses, special needs, ASD. Person in charge: Rebecca Hutchins, O.D. Year founded: 1986 SENSATIONAL EYES VISION CLINIC 1280 Centaur Village Drive, Suite 2 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-1060/720-890-8153 www.sensationaleyes.com Year founded: 1995 SUNRISE VISION CARE 1692 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-0857 www.sunrisevisioncare.com Year founded: 1985 TERRY ROBINSON, M.D. 500 Coffman St., Suite 109 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3937/303-772-8760 www.longmonteyecare.com Services: Eye physician and surgeon specializing in LASIK and in treating cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal and macular degenerative eye problems. Person in charge: Terry E. Robinson, owner Year founded: 2006 THIRD AVENUE EYECARE 800 Third Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-6140/303-772-9128 www.thirdavenueeyecare.net Person in charge: Audrey Brodie, O.D./owner TOM’S SPORTIQUE EYEWEAR 3121 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-2010/303-442-2010 www.sportiqueeyewear.com Services: Optical retail and sunglasses Rx or non-Rx sunglasses and goggles, eye exams. Sports eyewear, eyeglass repair. Person in charge: Tom Buell, owner Year founded: 1991 VISION SOURCE LONGMONT P.C. 2130 Mountain View Ave., Suite 207 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-2755/303-772-0104 www.visionsourcelongmont.com Services: Eye examinations, glasses, contact lenses, treatment of eye disease, low-vision assessment and treatment, laser-vision correction consultation and co-management. Person in charge: Jason Kaminski, optometrist Year founded: 1950 VISIONS EYECARE CENTER 1933 28th St., Suite 206 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8470/303-443-9555 www.visionsboulder.com Person in charge: Lowell Steinberg, O.D. Year founded: 1997 WINK OPTICAL 3301 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-4311/303-443-4313 www.winkoptical.net Services: Optical and optometric care, including contacts, eyeglasses and comprehensive exams. Person in charge: Brian Erley, manager Year founded: 2007 FAMILY MEDICINE ADVANCED FAMILY HEALTH PLLC 325 South Boulder Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4949/303-666-4950 www.advancedfamilyhealth.org Services: family practice Person in charge: Lora Bulmahn Year founded: 2007 AVISTA FAMILY MEDICINE 5365 Spine Road, Suite C Boulder, CO 80301 303-269-2500/303-269-2501 www.avistafamilymedicine.org Services: Family practice and wellness and prevention. Person in charge: Susan Allely, practice administrator AVISTA FAMILY MEDICINE ERIE 611 Mitchell Way, Unit 103 Erie, CO 80516 303-269-2780/303-269-2790 www.avistafamilymedicine.org Services: Family practice and wellness and prevention. Person in charge: Susan Allely, practice administrator AVISTA INTERNAL MEDICINE 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 350 Louisville, CO 80027 303-269-2700/303-269-2690 www.avistainternalmedicine.org Services: Internal medicine. Person in charge: Susan Allely, Director Year founded: 2011 BOULDER HOLISTIC MEDICAL CENTER 805 S. Broadway, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80305 303-269-2560/303-269-2578 www.boulderholisticmedicalcenter.org Services: Family practice and wellness and prevention. Person in charge: Susan Allely, director Year founded: 2011 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 33 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710/303-673-0438 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Person in charge: Claudia Whiteman, site manager Year founded: 1949 BOULDER MEDICAL CENTER P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200/303-440-3232 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Services: Audiology, Boulder Heart Institute, diabetic education, EKG, laboratory services, nuclear medicine, optical shop, outpatient surgery, pain management. Person in charge: Bradford B. McKane, CEO Year founded: 1949 BOULDER MEDICAL CENTERFOOTHILLS 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Person in charge: Bradford B. McKane, CEO BOULDER NATUROPATHIC CLINIC 1295 Yellow Pine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-545-2021/303-545-2003 www.bouldernaturopathic.com Services: Natural medicine, family care, naturopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Qigong. Person in charge: Nancy Rao, N.D., L.Ac. Year founded: 1987 BROOMFIELD FAMILY PRACTICE 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866/303-466-4081 www.broomfieldfp.com Services: Family medicine. Person in charge: Dianna Chmielowiec, business office manager Year founded: 1958 BUFFALO RIDGE INTERNAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATES 16677 Lowell Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80023 303-938-3498 www.buffaloridgemedical.com Services: Audiology, cardiology, gastroenterology, imaging, laboratory, internal medicine, oncology, orthopedics, urology. Person in charge: Kirk Steadman, director Year founded: 2010 CARE PLUS MEDICAL CENTER 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 140 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-2001/303-776-2378 www.careplusmedcenter.com Services: Family practice, pediatrics. Person in charge: Michelle Adams, office manager Year founded: 1991 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY CEDALION HEALTH 4895 Riverbend Road, Suite C Boulder, CO 80301 720-381-3318/720-496-1780 www.dorfmanmd.com Person in charge: Todd A. Dorfman, M.D. CLINICA FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES 2000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-650-4460/303-926-0363 www.clinica.org Services: Family medicine. Person in charge: Pete Leibig, CEO/president Year founded: 1977 CLINICA FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 /303-449-9631 www.clinica.org Services: Primary health care for the uninsured and medically underserved in Boulder. Person in charge: Pete Leibig, CEO Year founded: 1970 COAL CREEK FAMILY MEDICINE 1044 S. 88th St., Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7119/303-666-5995 www.coalcreekfamilymedicine.net Services: Sports physicals, colonoscopies, wellness all around. COLUMBINE FAMILY CARE PC 20 Lakeview Drive, Unit 204 Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-9355/303-258-3382 Services: Family practice. Person in charge: Kathy Spratford, office manager Year founded: 2010 DAKOTA RIDGE FAMILY MEDICINE 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2544/303-443-6476 www.drfmdoctors.com Services: Family practice. Person in charge: Vickie McKay, office manager DR. GARRET ROCK D.C. AND SOUTH POINTE CLINICS 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660/303-848-8448 www.ssrehabcenter.com Services: Chiropractic, medical, massage, rehabilitation, sports injuries and performance. Person in charge: Garret Rock, D.C. Year founded: 2004 EAST WEST INTEGRATED MEDICINE 333 S. Boulder Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-1999/303-443-1588 www.nitadesaiMD.com Services: Holistic health care, family practice, women’s health, Ayurveda, nutrition, Tibetan cranial therapy. Person in charge: Nita Desai, M.D. Year founded: 1999 EXEMPLA FAMILY, PEDRIATRIC AND INTERNAL MEDICINE OF LAFAYETTE 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900/303-673-1915 www.exempla.org Services: Whole family care. Year founded: 2002 FAMILY MEDICAL ASSOCIATES 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-7555/303-666-9168 www.bch.org/family-medical-associates Services: General medical care of adults and children, newborn care, etc. Person in charge: LeighAnn Burns, director Year founded: 1994 HEALTH CARE HEALTH SYSTEMS 5190 W. 120th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-410-1105 Services: A clinic inside Walgreen’s that treats patients 18 months and older for common illnesses. HOLISTIC FAMILY PRACTICE 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-8843 www.bch.org Services: Family practice, adolescent medicine, adult medicine, geriatrics, holistic medicine, nutritional counseling, mind body medicine, etc. Person in charge: Jerry Rippy, manager Year founded: 1996 HOLISTICA INTEGRATIVE CARE 1022 Depot Hill Road Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-2323/303-465-1260 www.fmapc.com Services: Family practice, sports medicine, obstetrics care, child and adult health. Person in charge: Michael R. Iannotti, partner Year founded: 1978 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3777/303-449-3775 www.holisticacare.com Services: Integrative holistic medical clinic specializing in hormone imbalances, thyroid disorders, GI issues, food allergies, acute and chronic illness, immune dysfunction, mood disorders. Person in charge: Mary Shackelton, MPH, ND Year founded: 1999 FAMILY PRACTICE ASSOCIATES INTERNAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATES FAMILY MEDICINE ASSOCIATES 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 260 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9090/303-673-9195 www.ourfpa.com Services: Family practice medical office. Person in charge: Pamela Abrams, M.D.; Brad Anderson, M.D.; David Nuhfer, M.D. Year founded: 1970 FLATIRON FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 1 Boulder, CO 80303-4251 303-443-9590/303-443-9787 www.drcarnahan.com Services: Functional medicine, holistic and preventive medicine, nutritional counseling; consultations for complex, chronic illness. Year founded: 2010 FLATIRONS FAMILY PRACTICE 1995 W. Midway Blvd., Suite A Broomfield, CO 80020 303-554-9310/720-890-7601 Services: Family practice health care, hormone management. Person in charge: Elane Shirar, M.D. Year founded: 2002 GUNBARREL FAMILY MEDICINE 6685 Gunpark Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301-3340 303-530-3062/303-530-5474 www.bch.org/gunbarrel-medical-center Services: General medical care of adults and children, newborn care, injuries, including fractures and lacerations, preventive care, including immunizations. Person in charge: Kirk Steadmon, director Year founded: 1980 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 720-854-7272 www.bch.org Services: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels, arthritis, hormonal disorders, digestive disorders, infections, allergies and immunology. Person in charge: Alyson White, manager Year founded: 1994 INTERNAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATES 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 214 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-6669/303-661-9496 www.bch.org Services: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels, arthritis, hormonal disorders, digestive disorders. Person in charge: Alyson White, clinic manager Year founded: 1994 INTERNAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATES 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-8840/303-440-9629 www.bch.org Services: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels, arthritis, hormonal disorders, digestive disorders. Person in charge: Jerry Rippy, director Year founded: 1994 LONGMONT CLINIC 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Services: Multispecialty medical center with more than 50 physicians and 20 medical specialties. Ancillary services include radiology, lab, walk in urgent care, diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine. Person in charge: Jack B. Campbell, administrator Year founded: 1906 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT FAMILY MEDICINE BOULDER MEDICAL CENTER AT AVISTA 34 | MD 2014 LYNA NORBERG, DIPL. OM, L.AC. 2919 Valmont Road, Suite 109 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-3030 Services: Effective health care integrating Eastern wisdom and naturopathic functional medicine since 1989. National board certified acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Person in charge: Lyna Norberg, Dipl. O.M., L.Ac. Year founded: 1989 MATTHEW A. LIEBENTRITT D.O. 12169 Sheridan Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-603-9400/303-603-9420 www.exempla.org Services: Family medicine, physical and occupational therapy, osteopathic manipulation, aviation medicine, geriatrics, pediatrics, minor office procedures, X-rays, sports medicine. Person in charge: Matthew A. Liebentritt, D.O. MILESTONE MEDICAL GROUP FAMILY MEDICINE 6800 79th St., Suite 102 Niwot, CO 80503 720-494-7100/303-652-0518 Services: Family medicine FAMILY MEDICINE > FOOT & ANKLE > GASTROENTEROLOGY > GENERAL SURGERY MY FAMILY DOCTOR PLLC 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 230 Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-7150/303-557-6274 www.myfamilydoctorboulder.com Services: Wellness exams, annual physicals, homeopathy, well-child check-ups, or well-woman exams including pap smear and breast exam. Urgent same day appointments for members. Person in charge: Lila Rosenthal, physician Year founded: 2010 NATUREMED CLINIC INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557/303-448-9069 www.naturemedclinic.com Services: Comprehensive health care to adults, elderly and children using natural treatments, alternative and conventional medicine. Person in charge: Kelly Jacobs Parcell, owner Year founded: 2004 NORTHWEST FAMILY MEDICINE 500 Discovery Parkway, Suite 150 Superior, CO 80027 303-425-9581/303-425-9259 www.bch.org Services: Family services for all ages. Teambased medical care that includes preventive, chronic and acute care, obstetrics, gynecology, medication management, pediatrics and minor surgical procedures. Person in charge: Jeff Raikes, clinic manager PARTNERS IN HEALTH 308 W. Baseline Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-554-9000/303-543-9729 www.partnersinhealth4u.com Services: Acupuncture, nutrition, herbalism, holistic family medicine. Person in charge: Heather L. Fliege, M.D. Year founded: 2001 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY PAUL E. MACKELL M.D. 588 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 204 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-4606/303-666-4610 Services: Primary care. Person in charge: Paul Mackell, M.D. Year founded: 1983 PURE HOMEOPATHY ELITE FEET ORTHOTICS 685 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 2B Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-5889 www.elitefeetusa.com Services: Custom performance orthotics. Person in charge: Tammy Harbison, owner Year founded: 1997 600 W. Emma St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-2423 www.purehomeopathy.com Services: Family practice medicine with an emphasis on natural and alternative medicines. Person in charge: Lisa Amerine, N.D. Year founded: 2004 FLATIRONS FOOT & ANKLE CLINIC SAGE FAMILY MEDICINE FOOT AND ANKLE CENTER OF NORTHERN COLORADO 413 Summit Blvd., Suite 201 Broomfield, CO 80021 303-464-7243/303-469-2898 www.sagefm.com Person in charge: Sara A. George, M.D. Year founded: 2010 TABLE MESA FAMILY MEDICINE 1755 48th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-5263/303-494-5265 www.bch.org Services: General medical care of adults and children, newborn care, injuries, including fractures and lacerations, outpatient surgical procedures. Person in charge: Bernie Borkowitz, clinic manager Year founded: 1994 WARDENBURG STUDENT HEALTH CENTER Campus Box 119 Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-5101/303-492-4875 http://www.colorado.edu/healthcenter Services: Serving University of Colorado students. Person in charge: Donald Misch, director WARREN H. VALENCIA M.D. 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 220 Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-5995/303-702-5990 Services: Family practice and internal medicine. Person in charge: Warren H. Valencia, M.D. Year founded: 1976 FOOT & ANKLE BOULDER COUNTY FOOT AND ANKLE 2575 Pearl St., Suite 240 Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-2910/303-442-2931 www.bocofoan.com Services: Podiatry, diabetic wound care and sports medicine. Person in charge: Lynda Jachimiak, office manager Year founded: 2009 630 Cossman St., Suite A Longmont, CO 80501-6461 303-772-7008/866-358-1067 www.flatironsfoot.com Services: Foot care; sports injuries. Person in charge: Ritchie H. Steed Year founded: 1999 1305 Sumner St., Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501-3270 303-772-3232 www.footandankle.com Services: Routine foot and ankle care, as well as surgical correction. Person in charge: Shelly Korell, office manager Year founded: 1981 FUNCTIONAL FITNESS & WELLNESS CENTER 2868 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-1440 www.functionalfitnessusa.com Services: Fitness Longevity, personal training center, small membership, therapeutic massage, structural integration, rolfing, ashiatsu, physical therapy, body work. Muscle activation technique. Person in charge: Sam Iannetta, founder/ master trainer Year founded: 2002 LOUISVILLE FOOT & ANKLE CLINIC 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 210 Louisville, CO 80027-9586 303-673-0004/303-673-9361 PODIUM FOOTWEAR 10835 Dover St., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80021 303-554-0505 www.podiumfootware.com Services: Makes orthotics Person in charge: Tyler Dieterich Year founded: 1994 PTI ORTHOTIC LABORATORY 2805 Wilderness Place, Suite 400 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-9999 www.ptiorthotics.com Services: Foot orthotic fabrication. Person in charge: Aaron Anderson, owner, president Year founded: 2001 GASTROENTEROLOGY COLORADO CENTER FOR DIGESTIVE DISORDERS 205 S. Main St., Suite A Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6115/303-776-4318 www.gastromd.com Services: Specializing in the diagnosis and prevention of colon cancer and digestive disorders. Person in charge: Sara Zavala, office manager Year founded: 1995 GASTROENTEROLOGY OF THE ROCKIES BOULDER 1755 48th St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-4066/720-890-0502 www.gastrorockies.com Services: Medical services in gastroenterology. Person in charge: Nick Goralsky, vice president of clinical operations Year founded: 1989 GASTROENTEROLOGY OF THE ROCKIES BROOMFIELD 16677 Lowell Blvd., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80023 303-604-5000/303-890-0502 www.gastrorockies.com Person in charge: Nick Goralsky, vice president of clinical operations GASTROENTEROLOGY OF THE ROCKIES LAFAYETTE 1000 W. South Boulder Road., Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-444-4066/720-890-0502 www.gastrorockies.com Services: Specialty medical practice. Person in charge: Nick Goralsky, vice president of clinical operations GASTROENTEROLOGY OF THE ROCKIES LONGMONT 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 290 Longmont, CO 80501 303-604-5000/720-890-0364 www.gastrorockies.com Services: Medical services in gastroenterology. Person in charge: Nick Goralsky, vice president of clinical operations GASTROENTEROLOGY OF THE ROCKIES LOUISVILLE 382 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066/720-890-0502 www.gastrorockies.com Services: Medical services in gastroenterology. Person in charge: Nick Goralsky, vice president of clinical operations Year founded: 1989 GENERAL SURGERY ALPINE SURGICAL 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-3642/303-440-7298 www.alpinesurgical.net Services: General, breast, vascular and thoracic surgery. Minimally invasive surgical specialists. Person in charge: Richard J. Fox Year founded: 2007 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 35 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710/303-673-0438 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Person in charge: Claudia Whiteman, site manager Year founded: 1949 CHARLES JONES, M.D. 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2123/303-443-9497 www.bouldervalleysurgery.com Services: General and vascular surgery clinic. Person in charge: Charles G. Jones, M.D. Year founded: 1984 COLORADO HEALTH MEDICAL GROUP, CARDIOLOGY, VASCULAR AND THORASIC SURGERY 6800 79th St., Suite 203 Niwot, CO 80503 303-652-8888/303-652-2720 Services: Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. Person in charge: Sherry Goodman, office manager Year founded: 2003 EXEMPLA BLUESTONE ADVANCED SURGICAL CARE 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 360 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6560/303-689-6550 www.exempla.org FLATIRONS SURGICAL SPECIALISTS 3434 47th St., Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80301 303-709-3050/303-558-3802 Year founded: 2011 HEALTH & FITNESS CENTERS-PRIVATE 24 HOUR FITNESS 2900 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 303-209-9274 www.24hourfitness.com Services: Personal training and nutritional programs, yoga and Pilates, cycling and other group classes, supplements, steam room, hot tub and sauna. Person in charge: Ross Paller, club manager Year founded: 1983 24 HOUR FITNESS 4650 W. 120th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 720-887-9024/720-887-9090 www.24hourfitness.com Services: Basketball court, coin collect lockers, kids’ club, pool, pro shop, sauna, spa, steam room, volleyball. 40PLUS FITNESS AND HEALTH LLC 765 Poplar Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-0402/303-954-0993 www.40plusintegrativehealth.com Services: Integrative medicine health coaching therapeutic exercise, yoga therapy, using mindfulness and neuroscience based techniques targeted to the needs of individuals over 40. Person in charge: Robin Saltonstall, Ph.D. Year founded: 1989 ANYTIME FITNESS 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., No. 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-0375/303-682-0593 www.longmontsurgerycenter.com 1100 U.S. Hwy 287 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-464-1445 Services: Spacious, inviting environment, 24hour access. Gym includes massage, tanning, showers. Person in charge: David Dewier, general manager Year founded: 2009 ROSS M. LEIBOVITZ M.D. ANYTIME FITNESS LONGMONT SURGERY CENTER 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 370 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-9839 GERIATRIC MEDICINE TRIPNURSE LLC 1609 Cottonwood Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-460-8416 www.tripnurse.com Services: Private duty-nursing care, travelmedical escort/companion, relocation, local nonemergency transport, outpatient procedures. Post-op recovery, neurologicaldisease care, long hours/hospice support. Person in charge: Suzanne Brandler, R.N. Year founded: 2006 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 325 Waneka Parkway Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-7437 www.anytimefitness.com Services: Spacious, inviting environment, 24hour access. Gym includes aerobics, massage, tanning, showers and more. Person in charge: Paul Larson, general manager Year founded: 2007 ANYTIME FITNESS 701 Delaware Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-2633 www.anytimefitness.com Services: Personal training, group classes, boxing, kickboxing, yoga, spinning, free weights, circuit, tanning. Person in charge: Dennis Dewier Year founded: 2005 AXIS OF MOVEMENT 451 Oak St., Suite 208 Longmont, CO 80530 303-833-7353 www.axisofmovement.com Services: Pilates mat, reformer classes and Pilates apparatus, massage therapy, yoga, dance. Private sessions and group classes. Person in charge: Alisa Schillinger, owner Year founded: 2003 BODY DYNAMICS 2660 Canyon Blvd., Suite A4 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-5776/303-546-0020 www.bodydynamics.net Services: Pilates, yoga, physical therapy, personal training, massage, Fitball, Bosu, Smart Bells, Body Bar, core training and sports rehab. Person in charge: Lindsay Ross, co-owner; Wendy McClure, co-owner Year founded: 1998 BOULDER NUTRITION & EXERCISE SERVICES 2900 Valmont Road, Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-1015/303-440-8990 www.bouldernutritionexercise.com Services: Registered dietitians/certified personal trainers provide nutrition education and exercise programs in one-on-one sessions for all abilities. Person in charge: Katie Doran Filkins, owner Year founded: 2006 BOULDER QUEST CENTER 1501 Lee Hill Road, Suite 18 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3647 www.boulderquest.com Services: Teaches self-defense, mind and body techniques to create life mastery through martial arts. Person in charge: Mary Aitoshi Stevens Year founded: 2005 BREAKTHROUGH HEALTH AND FITNESS LLC 12303 Airport Way, Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80021 303-327-1570/303-327-1499 www.breakthroughhw.com Services: Weight loss and cardiac fitness products, health and fitness services, nutritional services. Person in charge: Jonathan Roche, founder Year founded: 2004 COLORADO ATHLETIC CLUB AT FLATIRONS 505 Thunderbird Drive Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-6590/303-499-4233 www.flatironathleticclub.com Services: Indoor group cycling, Cybex, U.S. Masters swimming, tennis, racquetball, yoga, Pilates, indoor track, indoor/outdoor pools, senior programs. Person in charge: Jens Husted; Keith McQuillen Year founded: 1982 CURVES 3800 W. 144th Ave., No. 700 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-274-0992/720-274-0992 www.curves.com Services: 30-minute weight-loss program for women using hydraulic machines. Person in charge: Jennifer Gulley Year founded: 2004 CURVES 489 U.S. Highway 287 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-4447/303-665-9881 www.curves.com Services: Women’s fitness gym, weight management. Person in charge: Kathy Nagel, owner CUSTOMIZED NUTRITION & EXERCISE LLC 2500 30th St., Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-8787/303-443-2535 www.cneboulder.com Services: Nutrition store with a personal training studio. Also sells fitness equipment. Person in charge: Rick Jones, owner Year founded: 2004 FITNESS FOR LIVING 1516 Columbine Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-550-3491 www.fitliv.com Services: Fitness boot camps and yoga camps in Boulder, Lafayette and Longmont. Co-ed and women’s camps for a wide range of abilities. Camps available indoors and out. Person in charge: David Clair, director Year founded: 2003 FITNESS TOGETHER 159 McCaslin Blvd., Suite C Louisville, CO 80027 303-926-8800 www.fitnesstogether.com/louisville Services: Personalized one-on-one training and small group personal training, three-room studio. Person in charge: Matt Oster, co-owner; Scott Strini, co-owner Year founded: 2004 FUNCTIONAL FITNESS & WELLNESS CENTER 2868 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-1440 www.functionalfitnessusa.com Services: Fitness Longevity, personal training center, small membership, therapeutic massage, structural integration, rolfing, ashiatsu, physical therapy, body work. Muscle activation technique. Person in charge: Sam Iannetta, founder/ master trainer Year founded: 2002 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT GENERAL SURGERY > GERIATRIC MEDICINE > HEALTH & FITNESS CENTERS-PRIVATE BOULDER MEDICAL CENTER AT AVISTA 36 | MD 2014 HUDSON INTEGRATIVE HEALTH + HOME LLC 1200 28th St., S-100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-6444/303-442-4505 www.hudsonhealthplushome.com Services: In-home services include functional fitness, nutrition, technology enabled social engagement. Home modification and maintenance services for a safe home. Year founded: 2012 IMPACT SPORTS PERFORMANCE 11575 Main St., Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-467-2288 www.impactsport.org Services: Sports training, sports medicine, massage therapy, physical therapy. Person in charge: Rylan Reed, director Year founded: 2005 HEALTH & FITNESS CENTERS-PRIVATE > HEALTH & FITNESS CENTERS-PUBLIC IYENGAR YOGA CENTER OF BOULDER/BOULDER YOGA MEDICALLY BASED FITNESS IN BOULDER 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-2873/303-447-2741 www.mbfphysicaltherapy.com Services: Physical therapy and supervised exercise programs for all populations: specialized programs for aging, medically complex and chronic disease. Year founded: 1996 MEDICALLY BASED FITNESS IN LONGMONT 1860 Industrial Circle, Suite D Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-2440/303-682-0229 www.mbfphysicaltherapy.com Services: Physical therapy and supervised exercise programs for all populations: specialized programs for aging, medically complex and chronic disease. Year founded: 1996 2299 Pearl St., Suite 6 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-9642 www.boulderyoga.com Services: Iyengar yoga studio offering general classes for all levels and therapeutics weekday classes. Anatomy education seminars. Person in charge: Laura Antelmi, founder/ director Year founded: 1991 MOUNTAIN KIDS KRAV MAGA NUTRITION CONNECTIONS 6470 W. 120th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 720-214-1691/720-214-1692 www.coloradokravmaga.com Services: Teaches self-defense. Person in charge: James Hiromasa, CEO LAKESHORE ATHLETIC CLUB - FLATIRON 300 Summit Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80021 303-729-4300/303-729-2550 www.lsac-flatiron.com Services: 150,000-square-foot facility, highend amenities and caring professionals, locker and towel service, 120 classes weekly in four studios, warm-water exercise pool, indoor lap pool, rock-climbing. Year founded: 2003 474 S. Taylor Ave., Suite A Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8287/303-665-9122 www.mountain-kids.com/louisville Services: Gymnastics, dance and summer day camp for kids ages walking and up. Person in charge: Anna Baretta Narvaes, managing director Year founded: 2004 174 Timber Lane Boulder, CO 80304 [email protected] www.nutritionconnections.com Services: Cookbook can be used as an education tool, incentive award, or gift for patients and employees to promote wellness. Person in charge: Eileen Faughey, M.A., R.D. Year founded: 1992 ONE BOULDER FITNESS 1800 Broadway, Suite 190 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-8545 www.oneboulderfitness.com Services: Strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, nutritional guidance, group fitness, yoga studios. Corporate rates. Person in charge: Glen Marshman Year founded: 2006 PAT GUYTON PILATES 3825 Iris Ave., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-7284/303-449-7288 www.patguytonpilates.com Services: Pilates for Prime 50+, athletic performance and rehabilitation. Franklin Method educator level III. Person in charge: Pat Guyton, president Year founded: 2005 PILATES BODIES 1515 Main St., Unit B Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-9778/720-685-8963 www.pilatesbodies.org Services: Private instruction and classes with certified instructors. Person in charge: Donna M McLean, owner/ operator Year founded: 2000 PILATES FOR LIFE 734 Tenacity Drive, Unit A Longmont, CO 80504 303-532-3362/303 532-3362 www.pilatesforlifeprospect.com Services: Private sessions, small-group equipment and mat classes, wheelchair accessible, insurance and rehab clients, all ages. Person in charge: Claudia K Miller, CEO/president Year founded: 2003 RALLYSPORT HEALTH & FITNESS CLUB 2727 29th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4800/303-938-8718 www.rallysportboulder.com Services: Private fitness training, group exercise, yoga, Pilates, swim lessons, Masters swim, kinesis, spin, golf, Biosignature, youth programs, massage. Person in charge: Dennis Dipaula, owner Year founded: 1978 ROCKY MOUNTAIN TENNIS CENTER-BOULDER 1345 28th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-5033/303-444-0730 www.rmtenniscenter.com Services: Reciprocal agreement with Mountain’s Edge Fitness center and One Boulder Fitness, indoor and outdoor pools, hot tub, 15 tennis courts (five enclosed for winter play), pro shop. Person in charge: Duke Paluch, director Year founded: 1974 SNAP FITNESS 165 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite B Louisville, CO 80027 720-890-7004 www.snapfitness.com/louisvilleco Services: Twenty-four hour access. Person in charge: Kevin Cochran, owner THE GUNBARREL ATHLETIC CLUB 6565 Gunpark Drive, Suite 160 Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-7648/303-530-5217 www.gunbarrelclub.com Services: Sauna, aerobics, spinning, weights, yoga, Pilates, personal training, PiYo, life fitness, Stairmaster. Year founded: 1996 THE PILATES CENTER 5500 Flatiron Parkway, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-494-3400/303-499-2746 www.thepilatescenter.com Services: Private one-on-one sessions, classes, teacher training program. Person in charge: Amy Taylor Alpers, owner; Rachel Taylor Segel, owner Year founded: 1990 WAY OF THE CRANE 1925 55th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-7559 www.wayofthecrane.com Services: Self-defense training, martial arts. Person in charge: Melanie Murphy, Sensei owner/director Year founded: 1983 HEALTH & FITNESS CENTERS-PUBLIC ALTA PHYSICAL THERAPY AND PILATES 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707/303-444-8109 www.altatherapies.com Services: Physical therapy and Pilates practice. Person in charge: Jane M. Milliff, owner Year founded: 1990 Subscribe to the limited by pain? let us help Are you recovering from an injury, surgery or illness and need to restore function? Maybe you just want to get back to doing what you love to do and your body is currently limiting you. No matter what the situation may be, we are here to help. MBF offers private treatment rooms, as well as a full gym, to provide you with the most effective, comfortable and private care possible. Our physical therapists are skilled at hands-on manual treatment, and 40 minutes of one-on-one at each session with them is our standard. MBF—your first choice in physical therapy. Call and see the difference our therapists can make. Boulder: 303.447.2873 Longmont: 303.682.2440 www.mbfphysicaltherapy.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY mbf PHYSICAL THERAPY Boulder County Business Report Thousands of business leaders get it. Now you can too. Subscribe today for only $49.97. www.BCBR.com + SUPERVISED EXERCISE BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 37 2900 Valmont Road, Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-1015/303-440-8990 www.bouldernutritionexercise.com Services: Registered dietitians/certified personal trainers provide nutrition education and exercise programs in one-on-one sessions for all abilities. Person in charge: Katie Doran Filkins, owner Year founded: 2006 BROOMFIELD COMMUNITY CENTER 280 Lamar St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-464-5500/303-464-5515 www.broomfieldrecreation.com Services: Indoor pool, gymnasium, fitness room, weight/cardio room, preschool facilities, meeting rooms, lunch program, woodshop, dry/ wet pottery/craft room, banquet room. EAST BOULDER COMMUNITY CENTER 5660 Sioux Drive Boulder, CO 80303 303-441-4400 bouldercolorado.gov Services: Pool, raquetball courts, dance studios, group classes. Person in charge: Todd Calvin, center supervisor Year founded: 1991 ED & RUTH LEHMAN YMCA LONGMONT 950 Lashley St. Longmont, CO 80504 303-776-0370/303-682-2301 www.longmontymca.org Services: Provides life-enhancing programs for children, families and seniors that focus on developing relationships, healthy lives and respect for diversity. Person in charge: Tony Shockency, CEO Year founded: 1989 LONGMONT RECREATION CENTER 310 Quail Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-774-4800/303-485-9793 www.ci.longmont.co.us Services: Lap pool, leisure pool, hot tub, sauna, steam room, gym with basketball courts, three-lane track, fitness area, aerobics room, climbing wall. Silver Sneaker provider, meeting room. Person in charge: Ben Wagner Year founded: 2002 MOUNTAINS’ EDGE FITNESS CENTER 693-K S. Broadway Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-5000 www.mountainsedgefitness.com Services: Cardio equipment and weight room, fitness classes, massage, yoga, Pilates and cycling. Person in charge: Shannon Derby, managing partner Year founded: 1999 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY NORTH BOULDER PILATES 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-3496/303-413-9907 www.northboulderpilates.com Services: Pilates osteoporosis and osteopenia classes. Pilates with an emphasis on a safe, fun, effective exercise program for medical problems. Home programs, mat classes and reformer/equipment classes. Person in charge: Debra Layne, owner Year founded: 2007 PAUL DERDA RECREATION CENTER 13201 Lowell Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-6900/303-460-6940 www.broomfieldrecreation.org Services: Track, gymnastics center, gymnasium, two fitness studios, meeting rooms, preschool facility, climbing wall, aquatic center. Person in charge: Nancy Harrold, director of recreation services Year founded: 2003 ST. VRAIN MEMORIAL BUILDING 700 Longs Peak Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-8404/303-651-8395 www.ci.longmont.co.us Services: Gymnasium, fitness/wellness room, weight room and fitness area, fitness classes. YMCA OF BOULDER VALLEY 2800 Dagny Way Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-5455/303-664-5456 www.ymcabv.org Services: Youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Person in charge: Chris Coker, CEO/president Year founded: 1955 HOME HEALTH CARE & HOSPICE CARE ALWAYS BEST CARE OF BOULDER COUNTY 415 Coffman St. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-8407 www.coloradocareblog.com Services: Nonmedical in-home care and senior community placement. Person in charge: Inga Jermaine, owner Year founded: 2012 AMEDISYS HOME HEALTH 806 S. Public Road, No. 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-759-2999/303-759-2525 www.amedisys.com Services: Home health-care needs. Comprehensive disease-management programs. Person in charge: Christine Bartel, managing director Year founded: 1982 BRIGHTSTAR LIFECARE 2095 W. Sixth Ave., Suite 204 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-890-7777/720-890-7797 www.brightstarcare.com Services: Nonmedical home care, medical home health services and medical staffing. Person in charge: Donny Sepin, president/ owner Year founded: 2006 COMPLETE HOME HEALTH CARE LLC 2095 W. Sixth Ave., Suite 209 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-457-3200/303-502-9740 www.completehhc.com Services: Skilled nursing, home health aides, physical, occupational and speech therapists, personal care. Person in charge: Valarie Elliott Year founded: 2001 HAPPY HOMES MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC. P.O. Box 18593 Boulder, CO 80308 303-938-1086/303-530-5454 www.happyhomesmgt.com Services: Support services for the elderly and physically and cognitively challenged. Nurseassisted travel. Person in charge: Paula Enrietto, owner Year founded: 1996 HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE 588 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-0184/720-890-0185 www.homeinstead.com397 Services: Companionship, light housekeeping, meal preparation, shopping, medicine reminders, errands. Person in charge: Dean Price, owner Year founded: 200 COMPLETE HOME HEALTH CARE LLC HOMEWATCH CAREGIVERS OF BOULDER COUNTY DIGNITY CARE LLC HUDSON INTEGRATIVE HEALTH + HOME LLC 916 17th Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 720-652-0292/720-652-0295 www.completehhc.com Services: Skilled nursing, physical, occupational and speech therapy, home health aides, personal care providers, rehabilitation and cardiac care. Person in charge: Rod Dafour, owner Year founded: 2001 1570 Lee Hill Drive, No. 7 Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-4040/303-557-6180 www.dignitycare.com Services: 24-hour in-home care. Companions, personal care, homemaking, respite care, transportation, care management. Medically skilled and other services as requested. Person in charge: Mary Kirk, owner Year founded: 1997 FAMILY HOSPICE 1790 30th St., Suite 308 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-0205/303-440-0209 www.familyhospice.net Services: Personal hospice care tailored to the needs of the patient and family. Person in charge: Melody Stanton, administrator Year founded: 2005 GOOD SAMARITAN SOCIETY COLORADO HOME CARE 425 S. Bowen, Unit 6 Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-0410/303-702-0513 www.good-sam.com Services: Skilled nursing, physical, occupational and speech therapy, social worker, home making, home health aides, cardiac care, IV infusion, foot care, Medicare, Medicaid. Person in charge: Nancy Kadlec, R.N., director Year founded: 1992 2945 Center Green Court, Suite D Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-1133/303-444-5580 www.homewatchcaregivers.com/boulder Services: Light housekeeping, meal preparation, medication reminders, personal care, mobility assistance, errands, companionship. Person in charge: Julie Heidemann, president Year founded: 1994 1200 28th St., S-100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-6444/303-442-4505 www.hudsonhealthplushome.com Services: In-home services include functional fitness, nutrition, technology enabled social engagement. Home modification and maintenance services for a safe home. Year founded: 2012 INTERIM HEALTHCARE OF GREATER DENVER INC. 325 E. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-339-9219/303-339-9217 www.interimhealthcare.com Year founded: 2004 NURSE NEXT DOOR 1035 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 720-441-5111 www.nursenextdoor.com Person in charge: Helen Todd, director Year founded: 2013 PROFESSIONAL HOME HEALTH CARE INC. 2400 Central Ave., Suite H Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-1981/303-447-8159 www.homecarephhc.com Services: Skilled nursing, therapies, personal care, homemaking, case management. Year founded: 1977 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT HEALTH & FITNESS CENTERS-PUBLIC > HOME HEALTH CARE AND HOSPICE CARE BOULDER NUTRITION & EXERCISE SERVICES 38 | MD 2014 RESCARE HOMECARE 1375 Ken Pratt Blvd. Longmont, CO 80501 720-864-4305/303-684-0164 www.rescarehomecare.com Services: Companionship, personal care, homemaker services for individuals who want to remain in their home. Nonmedical, one-hour to 24-hour care. Person in charge: Deedra Moats, executive director Year founded: 1954 SAFE AT HOME CARE LLC 533 Indian Peaks Trail West Lafayette, CO 80026-9316 303-444-7112/303-665-2657 www.safeathomecare.com Services: Medical management, physical therapy, nursing, care coordination, occupational therapy. Person in charge: Ann Girard, founder Year founded: 1998 HOME HEALTH CARE AND HOSPICE CARE > HOSPITALS > INFECTIOUS DISEASES > INTERNAL MEDICINE TRIPNURSE LLC HOSPITALS INFECTIOUS DISEASES AVISTA ADVENTIST HOSPITAL BEACON CENTER FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASE 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1000/303-673-1048 www.avistahospital.org Services: Comprehensive medical services, including 24-hour emergency care. Maternity care and advanced total joint replacement provider. Person in charge: Dennis Barts, CEO Year founded: 1990 BOULDER COMMUNITY FOOTHILLS HOSPITAL 4747 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 720-854-7000/720-854-7039 www.bch.org Services: Emergency, ICU, surgery, radiology (imaging), laboratory, cancer care, general medicalsurgical care, maternity care and pediatrics. Year founded: 2003 1609 Cottonwood Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-460-8416 www.tripnurse.com Services: Private duty-nursing care, travelmedical escort/companion, relocation, local nonemergency transport, outpatient procedures. Post-op recovery, neurologicaldisease care, long hours/hospice support. Person in charge: Suzanne Brandler, R.N. Year founded: 2006 BOULDER COMMUNITY HOSPITAL TRU COMMUNITY CARE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL COLORADO NORTH CAMPUS 2594 Trailridge Drive E Lafayette, CO 80026 303-449-7740/303-604-5393 www.trucare.org Services: Care for those who are seriously ill and their families. Programs include hospice, palliative home health, along with grief counseling and education. Person in charge: Darla Schueth, CEO/ president Year founded: 1976 VISITING ANGELS OF BOULDER COUNTY 526 Briggs St., Suite C Erie, CO 80516 303-828-2664 www.visitingangels.com/longmont Services: Nonmedical home care for seniors. Meal preparation, bathing/dressing assistance, light housekeeping, medication reminders, shopping, appointments, companionship. Person in charge: Petey Webster, owner Year founded: 2002 WINDHORSE FAMILY AND ELDER CARE 3450 Penrose Place, Suite 240 Boulder, CO 80301 303-786-9313 www.windhorsecare.com Services: End-of-life care, Alzheimer’s assistance, emergency assistance, light housekeeping, meals, transportation, Alzheimer’s and dementia specialists. Person in charge: Jyoti Sharp, owner Year founded: 2000 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273/303-441-0478 www.bch.org Services: Emergency, cardiology, oncology, ICU, orthopedics, neurology, general medicalsurgical care, rehabilitation, stroke care, radiology (imaging), laboratory. Person in charge: David Gehant, president/CEO Year founded: 1922 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Services: 24-7 urgent care, 72-hour in-patient observation Imaging: digital X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound Neurodiagnostics/EEG/sleep studies. Asthma, audiology, cardiology. Cerebral palsy clinic. Person in charge: Jana Paquet, director of network of care Year founded: 2008 EXEMPLA GOOD SAMARITAN MEDICAL CENTER 200 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-4000/303-689-6999 www.exempla.org/goodsamaritan Services: Cardiovascular care, comprehensive cancer care, neurology, level II neonatal care, emergency and trauma services, Bone and Joint Institute, general surgery, occupational medicine, OB/GYN. Person in charge: David Hamm, CEO, president Year founded: 2004 LONGMONT UNITED HOSPITAL 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111/303-678-4050 www.luhcares.org Services: Cardiology, dialysis, orthopedics, cancer treatment, women services, neurosurgery, diagnostic imaging, rehabilitation, 24/7 emergency. Person in charge: Mitchell C. Carson, president, CEO Year founded: 1959 1136 Alpine Ave., Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80304 303-938-3167/303-938-3174 www.bch.org Services: Treats variety of infectious diseases, including fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Person in charge: Jerry Rippy, director Year founded: 1994 BOULDER COUNTY AIDS PROJECT 2118 14th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-6121/303-444-0260 www.bcap.org Services: BCAP tests individuals at risk for HIV, making sure those who test positive get access to the care, information, and support they need. BCAP also serves as an outreach and information center. Person in charge: Ana Hopperstad, executive director Year founded: 1985 BOULDER COUNTY AIDS PROJECT 515 Kimbark St., Suite 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-774-8827/303-684-2944 www.bcap.org Services: BCAP tests individuals at risk for HIV, making sure those who test positive get access to the care, information, and support they need. BCAP also serves as an outreach and information center. Person in charge: Ana Hopperstad, executive director Year founded: 1985 INTERNAL MEDICINE ADVANCED PREVENTION PROGRAM AT BOULDER INTERNAL MEDICINE 2880 Folsom Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80304 303- 327-7047/303-443-7168 www.boulderinternalmed.com Services: Internal medicine and disease prevention. Person in charge: William L. Blanchet, M.D. Year founded: 1998 AVISTA INTERNAL MEDICINE 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 350 Louisville, CO 80027 303-269-2700/303-269-2690 www.avistainternalmedicine.org Services: Internal medicine. Person in charge: Susan Allely, Director Year founded: 2011 BROOMFIELD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES 6363 W. 120th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-635-2225 www.broomfieldmedicalassociates.com Services: Primary care for adults. Person in charge: Lawrence Janowski, M.D. BROOMFIELD PEDIATRICS AND INTERNAL MEDICINE 3301 W. 144th Ave., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80023 303-438-5522/303-438-5686 www.bfpim.com Services: Pediatric and internal medicine newborn through adults. Person in charge: Cyndi Kremer, practice manager Year founded: 2000 BUFFALO RIDGE INTERNAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATES 16677 Lowell Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80023 303-938-3498 www.buffaloridgemedical.com Services: Audiology, cardiology, gastroenterology, imaging, laboratory, internal medicine, oncology, orthopedics, urology. Person in charge: Kirk Steadman, director Year founded: 2010 EXEMPLA FAMILY, PEDRIATRIC AND INTERNAL MEDICINE OF LAFAYETTE 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900/303-673-1915 www.exempla.org Services: Whole family care. Year founded: 2002 EXEMPLA INTERNAL MEDICINE OF LAFAYETTE 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 300 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1300/303-689-6670 www.exempla.org FLATIRON INTERNAL MEDICINE 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 320 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7560/303-666-7511 www.flatironinternalmed.com Services: Internal Medicine office. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic and acute illness. Preventive care, physicals, immunizations, same day appointments available. Person in charge: Cathy Demahy, practice manager Year founded: 1998 FLATIRON PREMIER MEDICINE 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 320 Louisville , CO 80027 303-327-4971/303-666-7511 www.flatironpremiermedicine.com Services: Concierge and executive health medical-care services. Person in charge: Cathy Demahy, manager Year founded: 2009 FRONT RANGE PREVENTIVE IMAGING 2880 Folsom St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-7226/303-443-7168 www.boulderscan.com Services: EBT heart scans, virtual colonoscopy, lung cancer screening, diagnostic CAT scan imaging, ultrasounds. All insurances accepted. Person in charge: William L. Blanchet, M.D. Year founded: 2004 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 39 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1532/303-776-3109 www.bch.org Services: High blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, stomach and intestinal problems, arthritis, thyroid disease, geriatric problems. Person in charge: Kirk Steadmon, clinic manager Year founded: 2011 INTERNAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATES 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 720-854-7272 www.bch.org Services: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels, arthritis, hormonal disorders, digestive disorders, infections, allergies and immunology. Person in charge: Alyson White, manager Year founded: 1994 INTERNAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATES 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 214 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-6669/303-661-9496 www.bch.org Services: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels, arthritis, hormonal disorders, digestive disorders. Person in charge: Alyson White, clinic manager Year founded: 1994 INTERNAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATES 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-8840/303-440-9629 www.bch.org Services: Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels, arthritis, hormonal disorders, digestive disorders. Person in charge: Jerry Rippy, director Year founded: 1994 LAFAYETTE PEDIATRICS AND INTERNAL MEDICINE 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 420 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-565-6101/314-536-8764 www.lafayettemedpeds.com Services: Focuses on childhood illnesses as well as the range of health-care issues for adults. Person in charge: Adam Palazzari, M.D. Year founded: 2011 LONGMONT CLINIC 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Services: Multispecialty medical center with more than 50 physicians and 20 medical specialties. Ancillary services include radiology, lab, walk in urgent care, diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine. Person in charge: Jack B. Campbell, administrator Year founded: 1906 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY NATUREMED CLINIC INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557/303-448-9069 www.naturemedclinic.com Services: Comprehensive health care to adults, elderly and children using natural treatments, alternative and conventional medicine. Person in charge: Kelly Jacobs Parcell, owner Year founded: 2004 SPRUCE STREET INTERNAL MEDICINE 2575 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-3594/303-449-3112 www.sprucestreetinternalmedicine.com; www. bch.org Services: Family practice, immunizations, patient resource and disease risk estimation, hormone therapy, women’s health, heart scans, virtual colonoscopy, nutrition consultations, bone density testing. Person in charge: Terri Davis, office manager Year founded: 1992 WARREN H. VALENCIA M.D. 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 220 Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-5995/303-702-5990 Services: Family practice and internal medicine. Person in charge: Warren H. Valencia, M.D. Year founded: 1976 MASSAGE THERAPY ACUSPORTSMED 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.acusportsmed.com Services: Sports medicine, orthopedic issues, injury repair and recovery, performanceendurance optimization. Treatments with acupuncture, herbal tonics, sports-medical massage, cupping and topical liniments. Year founded: 2002 AVISTA THERAPY CENTER 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 50 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1240/303-673-1245 www.avistahosp.org Services: Adult physical, occupational and speech therapy. Sports medicine, ortho-manual therapy, dry needling, massage therapy. Person in charge: Jeff Wagnaar, P.T. Year founded: 1894 AXIS OF MOVEMENT 451 Oak St., Suite 208 Longmont, CO 80530 303-833-7353 www.axisofmovement.com Services: Pilates mat, reformer classes and Pilates apparatus, massage therapy, yoga, dance. Private sessions and group classes. Person in charge: Alisa Schillinger, owner Year founded: 2003 BOULDER CLINIC OF ACUPUNCTURE & ORIENTAL MEDICINE ELEMENTS THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE INC. BOULDER LYMPHATIC & MASSAGE FOSTER HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER PLLC BOULDER THERAPEUTICS FRONT STREET CHIROPRACTIC AND WELLNESS CENTER 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com Services: Orthopedic/sports injuries, pain and trauma, all internal medical issues, infertility, labor inducing, women’s issues, stress and emotional imbalances. Heart disease. Person in charge: David Fitch, owner Year founded: 2006 715 Merry Lane Boulder, CO 80303 303-931-3469 www.bouldermassage.net Services: Therapeutic massage and manual lymph drainage. Person in charge: Lynn Herklotz, R.M.T., O.T.R., C.M.L.D.T. Year founded: 1995 1800 30th St., Suite 215 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-1171 www.bouldertherapeutics.com Services: Masseuse for the Colorado Rapids. Person in charge: David Abookire, owner Year founded: 1999 BOULDER THERAPEUTICS 2525 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-4635 www.bouldertherapeutics.com COLORADO FIBROMYALGIA CENTER 380 Empire Road, Suite 120 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-8444/303-665-8448 www.coloradofibromyalgia.com Services: Physical medicine, pain management, chiropractic, physical therapy, orthopedic massage, clinical nutrition counseling, trigger point injections. Person in charge: Megan Moon, D.C. Year founded: 2004 COLORADO HEALTHQUEST 842 Laurel Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-402-9088/303-402-9092 www.coloradohealthquest.com Services: Holistic physical therapy clinic; physical therapy, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation. Person in charge: Maureen Rimar, owner Year founded: 1996 EAST WEST WELLNESS LLC 1148 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-554-1600/720-328-8188 www.ewwellness.com Services: Acupuncture, herbal therapy, massage and board certified in functional nutrition. Specializing in internal medicine: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, autoimmune, food sensitivity, men/women issues. Person in charge: Donna Sigmond, R.D., LAc., LCh, Dipl.OM, CLT., FAARFM, ABAAHP Year founded: 2004 2321 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-3998 www.touchofelements.com/boulder Services: Therapeutic massage, injury rehabilitation, sports and deep-tissue massage, hot stone, Swedish relaxation massage, prenatal massage. Person in charge: Mark Mills, owner Year founded: 2009 2051 Terry St., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-8300/303-772-4046 www.drbrianfoster.com Services: Chiropractic, massage, physical therapies, nutritional counseling and wellness care. Person in charge: Brian Keith Foster, D.C. Year founded: 1997 901 Front St., Suite 120 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-2987/303-604-2997 www.frontstreetchiro.com Services: Chiropractic, acupuncture and massage. Person in charge: Elizabeth Kinneavy, D.C.; LeeAnn Benesh, D.C. Year founded: 2003 FUNCTIONAL FITNESS & WELLNESS CENTER 2868 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-1440 www.functionalfitnessusa.com Services: Fitness Longevity, personal training center, small membership, therapeutic massage, structural integration, rolfing, ashiatsu, physical therapy, body work. Muscle activation technique. Person in charge: Sam Iannetta, founder/ master trainer Year founded: 2002 HUDSON INTEGRATIVE HEALTH + HOME LLC 1200 28th St., S-100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-6444/303-442-4505 www.hudsonhealthplushome.com Services: In-home services include functional fitness, nutrition, technology enabled social engagement. Home modification and maintenance services for a safe home. Year founded: 2012 LIFE SPRING HEALING ARTS Mitchell Lane Boulder, CO 80301 303-527-2886/303-527-2886 www.lifespringarts.com Services: Therapeutic massage (deep tissue and relaxation), and on-site corporate chair massage. Person in charge: Jan DeCourtney, C.M.T. Year founded: 1997 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT INTERNAL MEDICINE > MASSAGE THERAPIST FRONTIER INTERNAL MEDICINE 40 | MD 2014 LISA ZUCKER, N.C.M.T., R.P.P. 2299 Pearl St.,Suite 305 Boulder, CO 80303 303-258-3185 Services: Massage therapy, polarity therapy, craniosacral therapy. Person in charge: Lisa Zucker Year founded: 1995 LONGMONT CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER 726 Pearl St., Suite C Boulder, CO 80302 303-579-6566 Services: Neuromuscular and deep tissue therapy including sports, swedish and prenatal. Person in charge: Rebecca Delong, RMT Year founded: 1992 RELEAF THERAPY 630 15th Ave., Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2525/303-651-2556 www.longmontchiropractic.com Services: Chiropractic care for the entire family, massage therapy, acupuncture and nutritional therapy. Walk-in treatment available. Person in charge: Wesley E. Statley, D.C. Year founded: 1982 5412 Idylwild Trail Boulder, CO 80301 303-918-4147/303-530-1517 www.releaftherapy.com Services: One-on-one private physical therapy and massage treatments; manual therapy focus with individualized treatment plans. Person in charge: Michelle Pearl, physical therapist/massage therapist Year founded: 2004 MASSAGE ENVY YOUR HEALTH MATTERS 2490 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-3689/3034686066 www.massageenvy.com Services: Prenatal/postpartum specialty, therapeutic and injury massage, sports and orthopedic massage, deep tissue massage, Murad Signature facials. Hot stone massage. Person in charge: Diana Breedlove Year founded: 2005 MCMAHONMASSAGE.COM MASSAGE THERAPIST > MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS > MEDICAL PRODUCTS REBECCA DELONG C.M.T. 1800 30th St., Suite 22 Boulder, CO 80301 303-819-2523 www.mcmahonmassage.com Services: Neuromuscular therapy, deep tissue massage. Private practice and outcalls. Nationally certified in therapeutic massage and bodywork. Person in charge: Keira McMahon, N.C.T.M.B. Year founded: 2004 MOORE LIFE CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS CENTER 2687 Northpark Drive, Suite 103 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-0024/303-664-5915 www.moorelifechiropractic.com Services: Chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, cold laser, orthotics. Person in charge: Randall B. Moore, owner Year founded: 2004 NEDERLAND CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER 20 Lakeview Drive, Suite 204 Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-7730 Year founded: 1988 PURE HOMEOPATHY 600 W. Emma St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-2423 www.purehomeopathy.com Services: Family practice medicine with an emphasis on natural and alternative medicines. Person in charge: Lisa Amerine, N.D. Year founded: 2004 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 2362 Eagleview Circle Longmont, CO 80504 720-273-8155 www.yhmsuccess.com Services: Massage and nutrition therapy. Person in charge: Gail S. Longenecker, dip LCM MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS AFFILIATED DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2020/303-444-2030 www.dr-postma.com Services: Family eye care, contact lenses, Lasik co-management. Person in charge: Paula Postma, O.D. BOULDER COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY 6676 Gunpark Drive, Suite B Boulder, CO 80301 303-527-3215/303-527-3216 www.bcms.net Person in charge: Judy Ladd, director BRAIN INJURY ALLIANCE OF COLORADO 1385 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 606 Bldg. A Denver, CO 80222 303-355-9969/303-355-9968 www.biacolorado.org Person in charge: Gavin Attwood, executive director COLORADO SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS 4582 S. Ulster St., Suite 201 Denver, CO 80237 303-770-6048/303-771-2550 www.csa-online.org Services: Develop, promote, safeguard and further the specialty and practice of anesthesiology within the state of Colorado. METROPOLITAN DENVER DENTAL SOCIETY 925 Lincoln St., Unit B Denver, CO 80203 303-488-9700/303-488-0177 www.mddsdentist.com Person in charge: Elizabeth A. Price, executive director MEDICAL PRODUCTS ACERTARA ACOUSTIC LABORATORIES LLC 1860 Lefthand Circle, Suite H Longmont, CO 80501 303-834-8413 www.acertaralabs.com Services: Medical imaging development and regulatory company that provides diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound related products and services. Person in charge: G. Wayne Moore, CEO, president Year founded: 2011 ADVANCE TOOLING CONCEPTS LLC 33 S. Pratt Parkway Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-2525/303-772-8686 www.atcmold.com Services: Manufactures plastic injection molds. Person in charge: Nigel Sutton, owner Year founded: 1999 ALLPRO INC. P.O. Box 733 Broomfield, CO 80038 800-243-2285/303-466-8965 www.allprodental.com Services: Manufacture and reselling of dental products. Person in charge: Peggy Leech, operations manager Year founded: 1987 APOGEE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP 159 Alpine Way Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-8473/303-443-0500 www.apogeevideo.com Services: Pet emergency first DVD series, medical and safety videos and DVDs. Medical and corporate video productions. Radiation detection equipment. Person in charge: Arthur J. Levy, president Year founded: 1966 BIODESIX INC. 2970 Wildress Place, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-417-0500 www.biodesix.com Services: Provides clinicians with information relating to patient’s diagnosis, prognosis or response using a VeriStrat serum proteomic test, which doctors can use to determine treatment for patients. Person in charge: David Brunel, CEO Year founded: 2006 BIOFEEDBACK SYSTEMS INC. 2756 47th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-1411 Services: Medical electronic device development and cervix-based electrohygraph objective pain monitor for animals and humans. Person in charge: John Picchiottino, CEO/ president Year founded: 1971 BLUE POPPY ENTERPRISES INC. 1990 N. 57th Court, Unit A Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8372/303-245-8362 www.bluepoppy.com Services: Acupuncture supplies, herbal formulas, treatment-room supplies, books and continuing education to practitioners of Chinese medicine. Person in charge: Bruce Staff, general manager Year founded: 1981 BOULDER INNOVATION GROUP INC. 4824 Sterling Drive Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-0248/303-447-3905 www.boulderinnovators.com Services: Manufacturer of real-time, freehand, 3-D digitizer of points in 3-D space for medical and industrial applications; involved in manufacturing of camera systems, scanners, trackers, fiber-optic systems Person in charge: Ivan Faul, president Year founded: 2001 BUFFALO SUPPLY INC. 1650 Coal Creek Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-6333/303-666-8518 www.buffalosupply.com Services: Distributor of high-tech medical equipment and supplies. Person in charge: TJ Jackson, CEO Year founded: 1983 CARE ELECTRONICS INC. 3301 W. 151st Court Broomfield, CO 80023 303-444-2273/303-447-3502 www.careelectronics.com Services: Medical safety products and alarms; wanderer monitoring systems; comfort, safety and communication products for long-term and assisted-living facilities, home health care. Person in charge: Thomas Moody, president Year founded: 1988 COLORADO HEALING ARTS PRODUCTS 4635 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304-0509 303-449-2425/303-449-3941 www.greatmassagetables.com Services: Manufactures massage-therapy tables. Person in charge: Rick Reynolds, president Year founded: 1977 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 41 11575 Main St., Suite 400 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-457-4345/303-457-4519 www.corgenix.com Services: Development and promotion of specialized diagnostic test kits for vascular diseases and immunological disorders. Person in charge: Douglass T. Simpson, CEO/ president Year founded: 1990 COVIDIEN, ENERGY-BASED DEVICE, RESPIRATORY AND MONITORING SOLUTIONS 5920 Longbow Drive Boulder, CO 80301-3299 303-530-2300/303-530-6285 www.covidien.com Services: Manufactures medical systems using electrical, radio frequency and microwaves as power sources, which allow surgeons to conduct a range of procedures. Person in charge: Bryan Hanson, president, energy-based devices; Pete Wehrly, president, respiratory and monitoring solutions Year founded: 1967 CROSSTREES MEDICAL INC. 4735 Walnut St., Suite E Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-2328/303-442-2369 www.crosstreesmedical.com Services: Developing surgical instruments for the treatment of vertebral compression fractures of the spine. Year founded: 2003 E.A.R. INC. 5763 Arapahoe Ave., Unit L Boulder, CO 80303 303-447-2619/303-447-2637 www.earinc.com; www.freehearingtest.com Services: Specialized hearing systems for protection and enhancement. Person in charge: Garry G. Gordon, CEO Year founded: 1971 FISCHER MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES LLC 325 Interlocken Parkway, Building C Broomfield, CO 80021 303-280-2311/303-920-0836 www.fischermti.com Services: Designs, manufactures and markets medical technology for general radiography, electrophysiology and surgical imaging systems. Person in charge: Ron Shores, president Year founded: 2006 GHX LLC 1315 W. Century Drive Louisville, CO 80027 720-887-7000/720-887-7200 www.ghx.com Services: Medical software for automating manual processes. Person in charge: Bruce Johnson, CEO Year founded: 2000 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY HEARITE CORP./ AFFORDABLE HEARING MIQS INC. SPORIAN MICROSYSTEMS INC. 6821 W. 120th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-438-6633/303-438-9026 www.allamericanhearing.com Services: Hearing aid repairs, sales and services. Person in charge: Aranza Esquibel, office manager Year founded: 2003 2100 Central Ave., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80301-2887 303-440-5181/303-444-8639 www.miqs.com Services: Develops and markets health-care software for patient records. Software enables and unifies clinical care and administrative and billing aspects. Person in charge: Victor Pollak, founder Year founded: 1990 HIRSH PRECISION PRODUCTS INC. MOUNTAINSIDE MEDICAL LLC TRS INC. AKA THERAPEUTIC RECREATION SYSTEMS 6420 Odell Place Boulder, CO 80301-3310 303-530-3131/303-530-5242 www.hirshprecision.com Services: Contract manufacturing: emphasis on components that repeat and have stringent cosmetic and dimensional requirements; serves the medical, automotive, defense, scientific and communications industries. Person in charge: Mike Hirsh, CEO/president Year founded: 1979 LANX LLC 310 Interlocken Parkway, Suite 120 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-443-7500/303-443-7501 www.lanx.com Services: Specializes in devices and systems for all segments of spinal surgery. Person in charge: Dan Gladney, CEO Year founded: 2003 LENOX-MACLAREN SURGICAL INSTRUMENTATION CORP. 657 S. Taylor Ave., Suite A Louisville, CO 80027-3063 720-890-9660/720-890-9868 www.lenoxmaclaren.com Services: Designs and manufactures spinal and neurosurgical instrumentation. Year founded: 1986 LINCARE INC. 686 S. Taylor Ave., Suites 103, 104 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-1222/303-604-1223 www.lincare.com Services: Oxygen and medical equipment. Year founded: 1980 MAGNELAB CORP. 600 Weaver Park Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-9100/303-772-9400 www.magnelab.com Services: Manufactures magnetic components (transformers and inductors) for medical field. Year founded: 1968 MAJOR MEDICAL SUPPLY 1649 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-6400/303-678-4837 www.majormedicalsupply.com Services: Home oxygen, C-Pap, wheelchairs, hospital beds, bath safety products, ostomy, breast pumps, braces and supports, lift chairs, walking aids and wound supplies. Person in charge: Ty Harper Year founded: 1983 6165 Lookout Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-222-1260/303-222-1270 www.mountainsidemed.com Services: Contract manufacturing for medical products. Person in charge: Pete Neidecker, executive vice president Year founded: 2006 OWL TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES INC. 357 McCaslin Blvd., No. 200 Louisville, CO 80027-2932 303-651-1616 www.owltechnical.com Services: Polarimeters, saccharimeters and refractometers for the sugar, beverage and pharmaceuticals industries. Person in charge: Cris Lovett, general manager Year founded: 1973 PARASCRIPT LLC 6273 Monarch Park Place Niwot, CO 80503 303-381-3100/303-381-3101 www.parascript.com Services: Image analysis suite extracts information from images. Person in charge: Alexander Filatov, CTO/ president Year founded: 1996 PTI ORTHOTIC LABORATORY 2805 Wilderness Place, Suite 400 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-9999 www.ptiorthotics.com Services: Foot orthotic fabrication. Person in charge: Aaron Anderson, owner, president Year founded: 2001 SEPTODONT, CONFI-DENTAL DIVISION 416 S. Taylor Ave. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-7535/303-666-4320 www.confi-dental.com Services: Dental and orthodontic consumable materials including restorative composites, impression trays, stannous fluoride gels, whitening gels and plastic accessories. Person in charge: Kathleen Sanford, sales manager; Atif Zia, general manager Year founded: 1976 515 Courtney Way, Suite B Lafayette, CO 80026 303-516-9075/303-516-9116 www.sporian.com Services: Provides novel sensors, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) design and packaging services. Person in charge: Brian Schaible, president Year founded: 2000 3090 Sterling Circle, Studio A Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-4720/303-444-5372 www.oandp.com/trs Services: External upper limb prosthetic component manufacturing. Person in charge: Robert Radocy, CEO/ president Year founded: 1979 MEDICAL SERVICES AEROCARE 200 E. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-9066/303-926-9067 www.aerocareusa.com Person in charge: Chris Taywater, manager Year founded: 2002 BONFILS BLOOD CENTER 3113 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-361-3250/303-363-2309 www.bonfils.org Services: Blood donation opportunities, laboratory services, marrow donation opportunities. Person in charge: Myron Johnson, manager community donor operations Year founded: 1943 COLEMAN ASSOCIATES 2515 Grape Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80304 303-499-2058 www.patientvisitredesign.com Services: Trains and coaches managers and staff to make patient experience at healthcare/social services offices more productive, efficient and complete. Person in charge: Melissa Stratman, owner/ Ceo Year founded: 1993 INTERIM HEALTHCARE OF GREATER DENVER INC. 325 E. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-339-9219/303-339-9217 www.interimhealthcare.com Year founded: 2004 JUSTIN D. GREEN M.D. 5277 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 720-304-8154/720-304-8155 Services: Orthopedics, sports medicine, interventional spine care, physical medicine and rehabilitation, acupuncture, EMG-guided botox injections.. Person in charge: Marry Cohn, office manager Year founded: 1997 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MEDICAL PRODUCTS > MEDICAL SERVICES CORGENIX MEDICAL CORP. 42 | MD 2014 MEDAMORPH LLC 382 S. Arthur Ave., Unit 140 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066/720-890-0502 www.medamorph.com Services: Billing, IT and administrative services for the medical field. Person in charge: Nick Goralsky, vice president operations PASSPORT HEALTH 2595 Canyon Blvd., Suite 120 Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-8728/303-442-8735 www.passporthealthco.com Services: Immunizations, medications and information for international travel and general wellness. Person in charge: Michelle Reesman, executive director Year founded: 2001 TRIPNURSE LLC 1609 Cottonwood Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-460-8416 www.tripnurse.com Services: Private duty-nursing care, travelmedical escort/companion, relocation, local nonemergency transport, outpatient procedures. Post-op recovery, neurologicaldisease care, long hours/hospice support. Person in charge: Suzanne Brandler, R.N. Year founded: 2006 MENTAL HEALTH A RELATIONSHIP HEALING CENTER LLC 990 Poplar Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-8969/303-442-6612 www.boulderrelationshiphealing.com Services: Psychotherapy for adult individuals, couples and groups. Psychodynamically oriented. Trained in Gestalt Therapy, Imago Relationship Therapy, Somatic Experiencing trauma work, EMDR and Brainspotting. Person in charge: Jaylynne Chase-Jacobsen, licensed clinical social worker Year founded: 1990 MEDICAL SERVICES > MENTAL HEALTH ADDICTION EXCHANGE 255 Canyon Blvd., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-3110/303-449-8973 www.addictionexchange.org Person in charge: Daniel Minerva, L.C.P., Ph.D. ADDICTION RECOVERY CENTER 3470 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-1275/303-441-1286 www.bouldercounty.org Services: Addiction counseling and detox. Person in charge: Widd Medford, manager AHMEE HEWITT, L.C.S.W. 740 Burbank St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-6282/303-499-8539 Services: Psychotherapy. Person in charge: Ahmee Hewitt, L.C.S.W. Year founded: 1980 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY ALCOHOL BEHAVIOR INFORMATION INC. 500 Ninth Ave., No. 11 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2554/303-485-2479 Person in charge: Tom Owen, program director Year founded: 1975 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 5401 Western Ave. Suite D Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8201 www.bouldercountyaa.org Services: Carries the message of recovery to alcoholics seeking help. Person in charge: Mary Lennox, office manager Year founded: 1939 ALTAVITA MEMORY CARE CENTRE 800 S. Fordham St. Longmont, CO 80503 303-300-3700/303-682-9306 www.altavitaliving.com Services: Dementia care and evaluation. Person in charge: Haleh Nekoorad-Long, M.D. Year founded: 2003 AMY WINTERS M.S.W., L.C.S.W. 4860 Riverbend Road, Suite 1 Boulder, CO 80301 303-554-9800/303-545-0076 Services: Mental health: sexual abuse/trauma treatment, depression/anxiety, relationship issues, parenting, adolescents, stress, workplace issues, life transitions. Person in charge: Amy Winters, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. Year founded: 1998 ANGELA GOULD PH.D. 1634 Walnut St., Suite 221 Boulder, CO 80302 720-304-7180/720-304-8108 Services: Individual, couples, family therapy with an empahsis on relationships, loss and trauma. Neurofeedback, Brainspotting and EMDR are some of the techniques used, along with traditional psychotherapy. Person in charge: Angela P. Gould, clinical psychologist Year founded: 36 BARRY ERDMAN LCSW, DCSW 1900 Folsom St., Suite 203 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-1404 www.BoulderTherapist.com Services: Relationships, anxiety, depression, complicated grief loss, transition, stress, mindfulness Person in charge: Barry Erdman, owner Year founded: 1979 BEN COHEN PH.D. 1634 Walnut St., Suite 221 Boulder, CO 80302 303-717-5651 Person in charge: Ben Cohen, Ph.D. BOULDER ALCOHOL EDUCATION CENTER INC. 1525 Spruce St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-6142/303-444-6177 www.boulderalcohol.com Services: Outpatient assessment, treatment, counseling, therapy, education, consults, expert testimony, court-ordered treatment, drug and alcohol testing. Person in charge: John Gilburt, Ph.D., L. Psy., CMC III Year founded: 1982 BOULDER CENTER FOR COGNITIVE AND BEHAVIORAL THERAPIES LLP 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-225-2709/303-484-1636 www.bouldercbt.com Services: Psychotherapy, consultation, supervision. Person in charge: Monika Hauser, Ph.D. Year founded: 2008 BOULDER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 3400 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-1089/303-441-1289 www.co.boulder.co.us./social/socialsv.html Year founded: 0 BOULDER MEN’S CENTER 711 Walnut St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-8064/303-200-7662 Services: Mental health therapy. Specializing in work with males. Individual, group, couple and family therapy. Person in charge: Doug Wassberg, L.C.S.W.; Quinn Daly, CAC II Year founded: 1987 BOULDER PSYCHOTHERAPISTS’ GUILD INC. 350 Broadway, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80305 303-444-1036 www.boulderpsychotherapistsguild.com Services: Website to find a therapist and answer questions about therapy; personal referrals to more than 58 licensed therapists in Boulder County; free directory of therapists and therapy groups. Person in charge: Amy Kilbride, manager Year founded: 1984 BRYAN D. MUNROE PH.D, L.P.C. 421 21st Ave., Suite 4 Longmont, CO 80501-1421 303-651-1881/303-651-2099 Services: Individuals, couples, families, teens, testing, assessments, anxiety, depression, spiritual values. Person in charge: Bryan D Munroe, owner Year founded: 1989 CARYL HEARST PSY.D. CATIE MCDOWELL, P.C., L.M.F.T. 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-6877 ext. 2 www.catiemcdowell.com Services: Psychotherapy with adults, adolescents and couples. Person in charge: Catie McDowell, psychotherapist CENTENNIAL PEAKS HOSPITAL 2255 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9990/303-673-9703 www.centennialpeaks.com Services: Free-standing JCAHO-accredited psychiatric hospital. Acute inpatient mentalhealth care, treatment for adolescents, intensive outpatient chemical dependency treatment. Person in charge: Alicia Bunch, CEO Year founded: 1976 CHINOOK CLUBHOUSE 1441 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-4842/303-415-0413 www.chinookclubhouse.org Services: Social and vocational rehabilitation for adults with major mental illness; job placement, prevocational work, social and recreational activities; functions through Mental Health Partners. Person in charge: Debra Sprague, director Year founded: 1990 CHRISTIE C. RANDOLPH PH.D. 350 Broadway, Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-9044/303-499-3383 Services: Psychotherapy, EAP. Person in charge: Christie C. Randolph, licensed psychologist Year founded: 1984 CLAUDIA MURPHY, M.A., DIPL. PSYCH., LPC 954 North St., Suite 309 Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-4618/303.496.0366 www.claudiamurphyboulder.com Services: Counseling and psychotherapy for adults, couples, young adults and teens, working with issues related to depression, anxiety, mood disorders and other issues. Working in a solution-focused way. Person in charge: Claudia Murphy, owner COLORADO CENTER FOR BIOBEHAVIORAL HEALTH 1229 Kalmia Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2364/720 254 6965 Services: Psychotherapy, EFT EMDR for PTSD. specializing in physical illnesses and injuries which are associated with emotional issues. Serves adults 18 and up. Person in charge: Carol Joyce Schneider, Ph.D. Year founded: 1978 1707 N. Main St., Suite 404 Longmont, CO 80501 303-744-7410/303-776-7693 Services: Clinical psychologist. Person in charge: Caryl L. Hearst, Psy.D. Year founded: 1989 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 43 1479 Lincoln Circle Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6376 www.bouldertherapy.net Services: Self-esteem, alternative lifestyles, compulsive overeating, adult children of alchoholics, addictions, relationships. Person in charge: Phyllis Tainey, owner Year founded: 1998 COLORADO INSTITUTE FOR MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY 528 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-8320/303-417-0700 Services: Marriage and family therapy, training, supervision, child and adult psychiatry. Person in charge: Suzanne Pope, clinical director Year founded: 1980 COLORADO THERAPY GROUP 1800 30th St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-2987 www.lynnefoote.com Services: Individual psychotherapy, marriage counseling, grief counseling, sex therapy. Person in charge: Lynne Foote, L.P.C. Year founded: 1984 CONNECTIONS 1650 38th St., No. 204W Boulder, CO 80302 303-588-0522/303-527-3797 www.lwcounsel.com Services: Group interactions for teens and adults to break social isolation in growthproducing ways. Rebound groups for people seeking employment are offered. The program offers individual therapy for people in transition. Person in charge: Linda Woods, owner Year founded: 1986 CORPORATE PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 4860 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80303-2251 303-449-4392/303-449-7755 www.cpseapsplus.com COUNSELING FOR THE FAMILY PC 700 Burbank St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-5077/303-469-5601 www.barbarastratton.com Services: Marriage and family therapy. Person in charge: Barbara Stratton, marriage and family therapist Year founded: 1987 CU RAIMY PSYCHOLOGY CLINIC CU campus Boulder, CO 80301 303-492-5177/303-492-2967 www.psych.colorado.educlinicalraimy.html Person in charge: Dr. Emily Richardson MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY CYNTHIA ROPEK L.P.C. 545 Collyer St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-2551 www.cynthiaropek.com Person in charge: Cynthia Ropek, M.A., L.P.C. DISCOVERY COUNSELING CENTER INC. 728 Front St., Suite E Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-8866/303-666-4460 Services: Alcohol/drug education and outpatient therapy. DUI classes. Alcohol/drug evaluations. Mental-health assessments. Person in charge: Delores Dehaven, director, senior counselor Year founded: 1999 DISCOVERY COUNSELING CENTER INC. 3300 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 219 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-4121/303-666-4420 Services: Addictions counseling, mental health issues, DUI. Alcohol, drug evaluations, mental health assessments. Person in charge: Delores Dehaven, director Year founded: 1999 DIVORCE SPECIFIC COUNSELING SERVICES LLC 4747 Franklin Drive Boulder, CO 80301 720-933-1329/303-447-2106 Services: Mental health; works with children including play and sand tray therapy; family therapy; divorce and separation work with parents and children. Parenting consultation especially with single parents. Person in charge: Cathy Allan, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. Year founded: 1995 DONNA ROE DANIELL M.S.W., L.C.S.W. DBA BALANCE YOUR LIFE COACHING & PSYCHOTHERAPY 5412 Idylwild Trail Boulder, CO 80301 303-682-5220/303-530- 1517 www.findbalanceinyourlife.com Services: Family, marital, individual therapy (children, adolescents and adults). Women’s wellness, stress-management groups for women in transition/ mindfulness groups. Person in charge: Donna R. Daniell, L.C.S.W., M.S.W. Year founded: l994 DR. STEPHANIE SMITH 526 Briggs St., Suite A Erie, CO 80516 303-828-3080 www.drstephaniesmith.com Services: Psychotherapy for adults, children, teens, and families. Psychological evaluations offered on a limited basis. Person in charge: Stephanie Smith, Psy.D. Year founded: 2006 DR. STEPHEN WALKER HEALTH & SPORT PERFORMANCE ASSOCIATES 5829 Niwot Road Longmont, CO 80503-8828 303-530-4439 www.drstephenwalker.com Services: Counseling and psychotherapy, sport and performance enhancement consultation. Person in charge: Stephen Walker, Ph.D. Year founded: 1991 EAST WEST WELLNESS LLC 1148 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-554-1600/720-328-8188 www.ewwellness.com Services: Acupuncture, herbal therapy, massage and board certified in functional nutrition. Specializing in internal medicine: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, autoimmune, food sensitivity, men/women issues. Person in charge: Donna Sigmond, R.D., LAc., LCh, Dipl.OM, CLT., FAARFM, ABAAHP Year founded: 2004 ELINOR NYGREN SZAPIRO M.A., L.P.C. 4690 Berkshire Place Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-5391/303-516-9017 www.therapistboulder.net Services: Psychotherapy for individuals, couples, adults and teens. Person in charge: Elinor Nygren Szapiro, psychotherapist Year founded: 1982 ELLEN ROSSIER L.C.S.W. 3393 Iris Ave., Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80301 303-494-6877/N/A www.ellenrossier.com Services: Individual therapy for adolescents and adults; couples therapy. Person in charge: Ellen Rossier, psychotherapist Year founded: 1999 FAMILY THERAPY CENTER OF BOULDER 1634 Walnut St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-4062/303-440-6244 Services: Child, adolescent and family therapy. Year founded: 1984 IMAGINE! 1400 Dixon Ave. Lafayette, CO 80026-2790 303-665-7789/303-665-2648 www.imaginecolorado.org Services: Support people of all ages with cognitive, developmental, physical and health-related needs. Person in charge: Mark Emery, executive director Year founded: 1963 INA ROBBINS ED.D. 2043 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-6878/303-443-2051 www.psychotherapistsguild.com Services: Psychological services. Person in charge: Ina Robbins, Ed.D. Year founded: 1980 IVAN J. MILLER PH.D. 350 Broadway, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-3888 Services: Individual and family therapy. Person in charge: Ivan J. Miller, Ph.D. JIM BOWEN M.A., L.P.C. 1800 30th St., Suite 217B Boulder, CO 80301 303-534-8717 www.sexualintimacyboulder.com Services: Affairs, building intimacy, cancer, couples counseling, divorce, emotional intimacy, enneagram grief, healthy marriage, infidelity, premarital. Person in charge: Jim Bowen, licensed professional counselor Year founded: 1992 JOANNE NEIMAN, M.A., L.P.C. 1634 Walnut St., Suite 221 Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-4676 www.joanne-neiman.com Services: Psychotherapy with individuals and families of all ages. Specializing in issues related to chronic and terminal illness, aging, and family caregiving. Expertise in attachment, trauma, family of origin Person in charge: Joanne Neiman, owner JOHN R. RIFKIN PH.D. 2501 Walnut St., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80302-5705 303-473-4433 Person in charge: Gregory Gerritsen, Ph.D. Year founded: 1990 350 Broadway, Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80305 303-442-8652 www.emotionalsuccess.com Services: Psychotherapy with adults, couples and late adolescents. Person in charge: John R. Rifkin, Ph.D., psychologist Year founded: 1970 HOPE WEISS L.C.S.W. KARI FRASER PH.D., P.C. FOOTHILLS PSYCHOLOGICAL GROUP PLLC 627 Kimbark St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-717-8645 www.hopeisthere.com Services: Licensed psychotherapist offering counseling services to adults, teens and families. Empower Yourself workshops for women. Person in charge: Hope Weiss, L.C.S.W. Year founded: 2004 3405 Penrose Place, Suite 203 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-3487 Services: Psychological services: counseling and assessment. Person in charge: Kari Fraser, Ph.D. BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MENTAL HEALTH COLORADO CENTER FOR COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 44 | MD 2014 KATE M. MARSHALL PH.D., P.C. 1517 Easy Rider Lane, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-5811/303-440-0152 www.drkatemarshall.com Services: Individual, emotionally focused couple therapy, and family therapy with adults and teens. Areas of emphasis include anxiety and stress management, depression, addictive patterns and codependency. EMDR, EFT and trauma work. Person in charge: Kate Marshall, licensed clinical psychologist Year founded: 1980 KATHLEEN LAMEIRO-DAWSON L.C.S.W. 1314 Main St., Suite 205 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-6087/303-666-2159 Services: Psychotherapy for children, adults, individuals, couples and families. Specialtes include EMDR for trauma, CBT for anxiety disorders, and EFT for couples therapy. Most insurance accepted. Person in charge: Kathleen Lameiro-Dawson, L.C.S.W. Year founded: 1998 KRUPNICK COUNSELING ASSOCIATES 500 Kimbark St. Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-1515 www.krupnickcounseling.com Person in charge: Louis Krupnick, director, Ed.D. Year founded: 2000 LAURA M. RIEFFEL PH.D. 225 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 203 Louisville, CO 80027 303-478-7140/720-881-0022 www.lmrieffel.com Services: Psychological and neuropsychological testing, of ADHD, learning problems, dementia and TBI. Individual and couple’s psychotherapy specializing in mood and anxiety disorders. Person in charge: Laura M. Rieffel, Ph.D. Year founded: 1995 LIFE IN WAVES 1800 30th St., Suite 209D Boulder, CO 80301 303-752-6711/720-890-1162 Services: Counseling to help people navigate life’s challenging transitions and changes. Also helping people resolve trauma and live effectively with chronic illness. Person in charge: Rosalind Bard, owner Year founded: 1991 MENTAL HEALTH LINDA HALL-TAYLOR PH.D. 9647 N. 63rd St. Longmont, CO 80503 303-447-9293/303-651-1247 Services: Licensed clinical psychologist. Working with adult individuals and couples. Year founded: 1983 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY LISA AWEIDA-ROSS PSY.D., LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST 3405 Penrose Place, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-1600 www.psychotherapistsguild.com Services: Psychotherapy for adults and children: anxiety, depression, relational issues, parenting, grief and transitions. Process difficult emotions and learn new skills in a safe, confidential environment. Person in charge: Lisa Aweida-Ross, Psy.D. LYNDA HILBURN, M.A., L.P.C. P.O. Box 20443 Boulder, CO 80308 303-939-8832 http://soulworkscounseling.blogspot.com Services: Mental-health counseling, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. Person in charge: Lynda Hillburn, M.A., L.P.C., C.C.H. Year founded: 1994 MAPLETON COUNSELING CENTER 311 Mapleton Ave., Second Floor Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-0560/303-441-2202 www.bch.org/behavioral-health Services: Individual and group therapy. Psychiatric evaluation and medication management. Substance abuse/chemical dependency treatment. Dialectical behavior therapy. Intensive outpatient treatment program. Person in charge: Bart Grow, manager MARCY COOPER M.D. 1314 Main St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-0443/303-666-7505 Services: Child and adolescent psychiatry. Person in charge: Marcy Cooper, M.D. Year founded: 2001 MARGE THEEMAN PH.D. 740 Burbank St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-692-4897 www.psychotherapistsguild.com Services: Counseling adults, couples, families and groups. Person in charge: Marge Theeman, Ph.D. Year founded: 1984 MARLENE’S YOGA & SOMATIC PROCESSING 2412 Bristol St. Superior, CO 80027 303-543-9150 Services: Intuitive yoga, spinal rehabilitation, and somatic processing. The Prinzing Method is 80 percent unwinding/indirect work and 20 percent corrective/direct work. Person in charge: Marlene Marie Prinzing, physical and mental rehabilitation expert Year founded: 1984 MICHAEL R. FREEDMAN PH.D. 1123 Spruce St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-4487 Services: Adult, couples, children and family therapy. Person in charge: Michael R. Freedman, Ph.D. Year founded: 1991 MICHELE L. GERARD PH.D. 1750 30th St., Suite 224 Boulder, CO 80301 303-939-9650/303-939-9677 www.michelegerardphd.com Services: Clinical psychology, neuropsychology, wellness, peak performance, trauma resolution, family issues, divorce, recovery from injury. Person in charge: Michele L. Gerard, Ph.D. Year founded: 1989 MICHELE WEINER-DAVIS L.C.S.W. 2005 10th St., Suite A Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-7004 www.divorcebusting.com Services: Marriage counseling. Person in charge: Michele Weiner-Davis, owner PATRICIA J. LEDESMA PH.D. 4770 Baseline Road. Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-1200 Services: Licensed psychologist for 30 years. Specializing in depression, anxiety, sexual issues and spirituality. Trained in brainspotting and hypnosis. Person in charge: Patricia J. Ledesma, Ph.D. Year founded: 1982 PHILIP D. SUTTON PH.D. 595 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 720-406-0400/303-444-7371 www.philipsuttonphd.com Services: Psychological evaluation and treatment. Person in charge: Philip Sutton, psychologist Year founded: 1983 PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING & EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 421 21st Ave., Suite 4 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-1881/303-651-2099 Services: Individuals, couples, families, teens, testing, assessments, anxiety, depression, spiritual values. Person in charge: Bryan D Munroe, owner Year founded: 1989 REAL PARENTING 1530 55th St. Boulder, CO 80303 303-397-0646/303-443-9338 www.realparenting.com Services: Parent coaching, mental health and addictions counseling using cognitive behavior therapy, EMDR and brainspotting. Five parenting classes. Person in charge: Stephanie Bryan, clinical social worker/parent coach Year founded: 1988 REGGIE GRAY L.C.S.W. 1634 Walnut St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80302 303-654-7334 www.reggiegraytherapy.com Services: Psychotherapy for individuals and families of all ages and stages of life. Marital consultation, sex therapy, brainspotting and parenting consultations for traditional and nontraditional families. Person in charge: Regina Gray, L.C.S.W. Year founded: 1980 REVEREND ELIZABETH DAWN WILLIAMS, R.N. INC. 2769 Iris Ave., Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80304 720-331-6874 www.spiritualcounselingcolorado.com Services: Spirit, heart, mind and body-centered counseling. Specializing in marriage counseling. Person in charge: Elizabeth Dawn Williams, reverend Year founded: 2005 RICHARD WESLEY L.P.C. 2975 Valmont Road, Suite 310 Boulder, CO 80301 303-652-9151 www.networktherapy.com/rwesley Services: Free initial consultation. Insurance accepted. Person in charge: Richard Wesley, L.P.C. Year founded: 2002 ROBERT UNGER PH.D. 2455 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-938-9494/303-291-1180 www.robertungerphd.com Services: Individual, group, couples and family psychotherapy; clinical supervision, organizational consulting. Person in charge: Robert Unger, Ph.D. Year founded: 1984 ROBIN L.W. ALCHIN PH.D. 710 Burbank St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-725-8258 www.robinalchin.com Person in charge: Robin L.W. Alchin, Ph.D. Year founded: 0 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES LLC 2919 17th Ave., Suite 214 Longmont, CO 80503 303-651-9290/303-651-7158 www.drmichaelsmith.org Services: Marriage and relationships, trauma resolution, mood disorders, coaching, seniors and work issues. Also provide psychological assessments for geriatric and rehabilitation populations. Person in charge: Michael Smith, Ph.D. Year founded: 2001 ROSE SPOSITO, LIC. ACUPUNCTURE 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-579-2100 Services: Worsley five-element acupuncture to facilitate the health and well being of the body, mind and spirit. Specializing in anxiety, low energy and psychological challenges. Person in charge: Rose Sposito Year founded: 2000 SARA COHEN L.P.C. 1634 Walnut St., Suite 221 Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-3637/303-443-3845 www.saracohen.com Services: Psychotherapy: depression, anxiety, trauma, life management and planning, transition for adults and couples. Person in charge: Sara Cohen, M.A.,L.P.C. Year founded: 1993 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 45 840 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-583-0179 www.sixpersimmons.com Services: Plant-based, skin-, body- and hair-care products. Massage, organic facials, homeopathy, acupuncture. Person in charge: David Scrimgeour, licensed acupuncturist; Kathy Thorpe, M.A., classical homeopath Year founded: 1990 STEPHEN J. WESTRA L.P.C. 1800 30th St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80301 303-428-8486/303-413-1871 Services: Psychotherapy for adolescents, adults, couples and families. Treating depression, anxiety, communication problems, all forms of trauma, ADD/ADHD, all types of addictions, etc. Person in charge: Stephen J Westra, psychotherapist and consultant licensed professional counselor certified addictions counselor III Year founded: 1983 THE INTIMACY INSTITUTE FOR SEX AND RELATIONSHIP THERAPY 737 29th St., Suite 200-D Boulder, CO 80303 720-331-3354 www.theintimacyinstitute.org Services: Sex and relationship therapy for couples and individuals. Psychotherapy includes topics regrading sexual function, pleasure, and health. Person in charge: Jenni Skyler, Ph.D., M.S.Ed. Year founded: 2009 WARNER HOUSE 2833 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2217/303-786-9247 www.mhpcolorado.org Services: Hospital alternative serving up to 15 adults with chronic mental illnesses. Person in charge: Suzi Mandics, program manager WILLIAM L. FINK M.D. 1707 Main St., Suite 404 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-9797/303-776-7693 Services: Psychiatry. Person in charge: William L. Fink, M.D. Year founded: 1990 WINDHORSE COMMUNITY SERVICES 1501 Yarmouth Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-786-9314/720-554-8043 www.windhorsecommunityservices.com Person in charge: Anne Marie DiGiacomo, director of admissions MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY ZOE RABINOWITZ M.S.W., M.ED., B.DIV. 1304 N. Vivian St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3202/303-772-3214 www.liim.org Services: Adult psychotherapy and counseling. Person in charge: Christine Zach Year founded: 1985 ZOE ZIMMERMANN M.A., L.P.C. 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 206 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-1195/720-259-4180 www.eft-emotionalfreedom.com Services: Specializing in recovery from physical and emotional trauma; PTSD; pain and illness symptom alleviation; phobias, anxiety problems; relationship and family therapy. Person in charge: Zoe A. Zimmermann, L.P.C. Year founded: 1987 MIDWIVES BOULDER NURSE MIDWIVES 4800 Riverbend Road, Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2229/720-317-2312 www.boulderbirth.com Person in charge: Merrilynn Artman Year founded: 2007 JOAN KNUDSON (SHAKLEE DISTRIBUTOR) 4745-E White Rock Circle Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-4461/303-530-0817 www.knudson.myshaklee.com Services: Vivix (telomere lengthening), Vitalizer, Shaklee 180 Weight Management, pre/ probiotics, protein and sports drinks, immunestrengthening, skin care, food supplements, and Get Clean household products. Person in charge: JoAn Knudson, independent Shaklee distributor Year founded: 1979 NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE ACUPUNCTURE ENERGY WORKS 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Services: Acupuncture clinic and Chinese herbs for women’s health, hormones, fertility, menopause, moxabustion, cupping. Person in charge: MaryAnne Bachia, owner Year founded: 2003 ANANDA APOTHECARY 231 E. 9th Ave., Suite 1A Longmont, CO 80504 303-651-2800 /303-774-9100 Services: OB/GYN, certified nurse midwives. Person in charge: Mary T. Barrett, M.D. Year founded: 1996 2555 49th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-3766 www.anandaapothecary.com Services: Essential oils, aromatherapy products, books, flower essences, diffusers and supplies. Person in charge: Eric Cech, owner Year founded: 2004 JENNIFER DOSSETT - BOULDER HOMEBIRTH MIDWIFERY BOULDER NATURAL MEDICINE CLINIC CENTENNIAL WOMEN’S HEALTH CENTER 5377 Manhattan Circle Boulder, CO 80303 720-271-7460 www.boulderhomebirthmidwife.com Services: Certified midwife. Person in charge: Jennifer Dossett, registered midwife MISCELLANEOUS 2885 Aurora Ave., Suite 29 Boulder, CO 80303 303-447-1339/303-447-1316 www.bouldernatural.com Services: Naturopathy, acupuncture, nutritional medicine, herbal therapy, complete lab testing, cleansing and detoxification. Person in charge: Erik Flatland, N.D., L.Ac. Year founded: 1998 ERGONOMIC ASSESSMENTS LLC BOULDER NATUROPATHIC CLINIC Boulder, CO 80303 303-638-7771 www.ergonomic-assessments.com Services: Ergonomic evaluations, recommendations and service to workers in all environments. Person in charge: Rob Schubert, owner Year founded: 2004 HUDSON INTEGRATIVE HEALTH + HOME LLC 1200 28th St., S-100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-6444/303-442-4505 www.hudsonhealthplushome.com Services: In-home services include functional fitness, nutrition, technology enabled social engagement. Home modification and maintenance services for a safe home. Year founded: 2012 1295 Yellow Pine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-545-2021/303-545-2003 www.bouldernaturopathic.com Services: Natural medicine, family care, naturopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Qigong. Person in charge: Nancy Rao, N.D., L.Ac. Year founded: 1987 CLARK NATURAL MEDICINE 5412 Idylwild Trail Boulder, CO 80301 303-507-0179/303-530-1517 www.deniseclarknd.com Services: Areas of focus include gastrointestinal disorders, fibromylagia, chronic fatigue syndrome and lyme disease. Person in charge: Denise Clark, naturopathic doctor Year founded: 2006 COLORADO NATURAL HEALTH CENTER 921 Main St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-997-2297 www.coloradonaturalhealthcenter.com Services: Treatment of chronic conditions Person in charge: Cheri King, N.D. Year founded: 2010 DR. DEAN RAFFELOCK & ASSOCIATES 3100 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-541-9019/303-449-4497 www.drdeanraffelock.com Services: Integrative medicine, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, chiropractic, applied kinesiology, precise foot orthotics. Person in charge: Dean Raffelock, D.C., Dipl. Ac., DAAIM, DIBAK, DACBN, CCN Year founded: 1992 EAST WEST WELLNESS LLC 1148 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-554-1600/720-328-8188 www.ewwellness.com Services: Acupuncture, herbal therapy, massage and board certified in functional nutrition. Specializing in internal medicine: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, autoimmune, food sensitivity, men/women issues. Person in charge: Donna Sigmond, R.D., LAc., LCh, Dipl.OM, CLT., FAARFM, ABAAHP Year founded: 2004 FULLY ALIVE MEDICINE 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80301 303-404-2232/303-447-2744 www.fullyalivemedicine.com Services: Chronic disease and pain, chronic sinusitis, diabetes, headaches, PMS, functional medicine, wellness, prevention, acupuncture, NST, Bowen Therapy, Healing Touch and medical marijuana evaluations. Year founded: 2009 HOLISTICA INTEGRATIVE CARE 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3777/303-449-3775 www.holisticacare.com Services: Integrative holistic medical clinic specializing in hormone imbalances, thyroid disorders, GI issues, food allergies, acute and chronic illness, immune dysfunction, mood disorders. Person in charge: Mary Shackelton, MPH, ND Year founded: 1999 JO HANNAH REILLY N.D., L.AC. 1416 Elder Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-541-9600/303-938-9402 www.johannahreilly.com Services: Naturopathic doctor, licensed acupuncturist, medical intuitive. Eclectic yet simple and specific. Nutrition, western and Chinese herbs, hands on, homeopathy. Practicing since 1982. Person in charge: JoHannah Reilly, N.D., LAc. Year founded: 1982 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MENTAL HEALTH > MIDWIFE > MISCELLANEOUS > NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE SIX PERSIMMONS APOTHECARY 46 | MD 2014 LYNA NORBERG, DIPL. OM, L.AC. 2919 Valmont Road, Suite 109 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-3030 Services: Effective health care integrating Eastern wisdom and naturopathic functional medicine since 1989. National board certified acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Person in charge: Lyna Norberg, Dipl. O.M., L.Ac. Year founded: 1989 NATUREMED CLINIC INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE > NEPHROLOGY > NEUROLOGY > NEUROSURGERY > OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557/303-448-9069 www.naturemedclinic.com Services: Comprehensive health care to adults, elderly and children using natural treatments, alternative and conventional medicine. Person in charge: Kelly Jacobs Parcell, owner Year founded: 2004 PHARMACA INTEGRATIVE PHARMACY INC. 4940 Pearl East Circle, Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-2304/303-442-4605 www.pharmaca.com Services: Combines pharmacy services and over-the-counter medications with natural health and beauty products, delivered by licensed health-care practitioners. Person in charge: Mark Panzer, CEO/president Year founded: 2000 PURE HOMEOPATHY 600 W. Emma St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-2423 www.purehomeopathy.com Services: Family practice medicine with an emphasis on natural and alternative medicines. Person in charge: Lisa Amerine, N.D. Year founded: 2004 REBECCA’S HERBAL APOTHECARY AND SUPPLY 1227 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-8878/303-443-8884 www.rebeccasherbs.com Services: Botanical medicines, tinctures, glycerities, teas, oils, salves, essential oils, salts, baths, hydrosols, steams, dried herbs, waxes, butters, clays, powders, medicinemaking tools and supplies. Person in charge: Rebecca Luna, owner Year founded: 2004 SIX PERSIMMONS APOTHECARY 840 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-583-0179 www.sixpersimmons.com Services: Plant-based, skin-, body- and hair-care products. Massage, organic facials, homeopathy, acupuncture. Person in charge: David Scrimgeour, licensed acupuncturist; Kathy Thorpe, M.A., classical homeopath Year founded: 1990 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY TARA SKYE GOLDIN, N.D. 2825 Marine St., Suite 203 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2206/303 415-2500 www.taraskyegoldin.com Services: Natural medicine, specializing in women’s health care, weight loss, prediabetes reversal, digestive issues, leaky gut, food allergies and pediatrics. Person in charge: Tara Skye Goldin, N.D. Year founded: 1993 NEPHROLOGY WESTERN NEPHROLOGY 1155 Alpine St., Suite 260 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-4200/303-443-4168 www.westneph.com Services: Treat CKD, ESRD, PKD, renal dialysis patients, pre and post transplant patients, and all other kidney and renal-related issues. Person in charge: Sharon Rising, office manager WESTERN NEPHROLOGY 1960 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-7759/303-776-3958 www.westneph.com Services: Treat CKD, ESRD, PKD, renal dialysis patients, pre and post transplant patients, and all other kidney and renal-related issues. Person in charge: Sharon Rising, office manager Year founded: 1997 WESTERN NEPHROLOGY 2655 Crescent Drive, Suite D Lafayette, CO 80026 303-443-4200/303 443-5470 www.westneph.com Services: Treat CKD, ESRD, PKD, renal dialysis patients, pre and post transplant patients, and all other kidney and renal-related issues. Person in charge: Sharon Rising, office manager NEUROLOGY ASSOCIATED NEUROLOGISTS EXEMPLA FOOTHILLS NEUROLOGY ASSOCIATES 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 300 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6591/303-689-6694 www.exempla.org NORTHWEST NEUROLOGY PC 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 390 Louisville, CO 80027 303-426-0215/303-426-4003 Services: Treatment of neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, dementia, headaches, West Nile and more. Person in charge: William James Wagner, M.D. Year founded: 1984 NEUROSURGERY BOULDER HOLISTIC MEDICAL CENTER 805 S. Broadway, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80305 303-269-2560/303-269-2578 www.boulderholisticmedicalcenter.org Services: Family practice and wellness and prevention. Person in charge: Susan Allely, director Year founded: 2011 BOULDER NEUROSURGICAL & SPINE ASSOCIATES 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-5700/303-998-0007 www.bnasurg.com Services: Physicians trained in both neurosurgery and orthopedic spine conditions, specialize in neuro-oncology, neurovascular, spinal deformity and movement disorders. Using minimally invasive techniques. Person in charge: Leslie Laws, practice administrator Year founded: 2001 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY BOULDER GYNECOLOGY AND MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY 3434 47th St., Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80301 720-382-2621/720-382-2625 www.bouldergynecology.com Services: Women’s health provider. Person in charge: Lisa Lepine, M.D. BOULDER MEDICAL CENTER AT AVISTA 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710/303-673-0438 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Person in charge: Claudia Whiteman, site manager Year founded: 1949 BOULDER NURSE MIDWIVES 4800 Riverbend Road, Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2229/720-317-2312 www.boulderbirth.com Person in charge: Merrilynn Artman Year founded: 2007 BOULDER VALLEY WOMEN’S HEALTH CENTER 2855 Valmont Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-5160/303-440-8769 www.boulderwomenshealth.org 0z Person in charge: Susan B. Levy, executive director Year founded: 1973 BOULDER WOMEN’S CARE 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80303 303-441-0587/303-996-0801 www.boulderwomenscare.com Services: OB/GYN private practice. Person in charge: Christine Smith, practice manager Year founded: 2000 BOULDER WOMEN’S CLINIC 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-5110/303-444-7457 www.boulderwomensclinic.com Services: Gynecology. Year founded: 1972 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-3566/303-443-4620 Services: Neurological consultations by referral only. Person in charge: Kathy Talbot, office manager AVISTA WOMEN’S CARE BOULDER NEUROLOGICAL AND SPINE ASSOCIATES AVISTA WOMEN’S HEALTH CENTENNIAL VALLEY WOMEN’S CLINIC BOULDER ABORTION CLINIC COLORADO CENTER FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 720-465-8008 www.bnasurg.com Services: Neurological surgery, brain, neck, back and total spine. Person in charge: Leslie Laws, office manager COLORADO INSTITUTE FOR NEUROMUSCULAR AND NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS 600 S Airport Road, Suite E Longmont, CO 80503 720-491-3322/720-684-6715 longmontneurology.com Person in charge: Pierre V. Pavot; Paula M. Mendes 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 290 Louisville, CO 80027 303-439-8910/303-439-9134 www.awcare.net Person in charge: Ester Burke, office manager 611 Mitchell Way, Suite 103 Erie, CO 80516 303-649-3180 www.avistawomenshealth.org Person in charge: Alison Leigh Mall, M.D. 1130 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304-3413 303-447-1361/303-447-0020 www.drhern.com Services: Abortion services. Person in charge: Warren M. Hern, M.D. Year founded: 1975 2687 N. Park Drive, Suite 101 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-0777/303-673-9313 Services: Gynecology clinic. Person in charge: Carolyn Sue Schaffter, M.D. 80 Health Park Drive, Avista Two Medical Plaza, Suite 240 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0150/303-665-0740 www.colcrm.com Services: Infertility/reproductive endocrinology. Person in charge: William Schoolcraft, M.D., medical director Year founded: 1987 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 47 THE WOMEN’S HEALTH GROUP MILESTONE MEDICAL GROUP OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY WOMEN’S HEALTH WISE 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 250 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-318-3220/303-318-3219 www.exempla.org 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 400 Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-1112/303-702-5935 www.luhcares.org Services: Obstetrics and gynecology. Year founded: 2012 NATUREMED CLINIC INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557/303-448-9069 www.naturemedclinic.com Services: Comprehensive health care to adults, elderly and children using natural treatments, alternative and conventional medicine. Person in charge: Kelly Jacobs Parcell, owner Year founded: 2004 PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS BOULDER 2525 Arapahoe Ave., Suite C-200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-1040/303-447-2882 www.pprm.org Services: Health-care services for women, testing and treatment of STDs for men and women, HIV rapid tests. Medication abortion services also available. Lower cost birth control services. Person in charge: Ann Firstenberg, health center manager Year founded: 1970 PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS LONGMONT 195 S. Main St., Suite 8 Longmont, CO 80501-6218 303-772-3600/303-772-4285 www.pprm.org Services: Reproductive health and family planning clinic offering services on a sliding fee scale to men, women and teens. Person in charge: Amy LaRue, health center manager Year founded: 1916 THAYER GROUP FOR WOMEN’S CARE M.D. PC 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 230 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-2010/303-443-7882 www.thayermd.com Services: Comprehensive and compassionate gynecological services. Complete care of women at all stages of life. Particularly knowledgeable in hormonal evaluation and treatment and bleeding issues. Person in charge: David O. Thayer, M.D. Year founded: 1985 THE WOMEN’S HEALTH GROUP 6363 W. 120th Ave., Suite 300 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-7116/303-665-0121 www.whg-pc.com Year founded: 1992 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 470 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-6016/303-665-0121 www.whg-pc.com Services: Obstetrics and gynecology. 630 15th Ave., Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-5820/303-776-3302 www.womenshealthwise.com Services: Obstetrics and gynecology. Person in charge: Joan Smith, office manager Year founded: 2002 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE ARBOR OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 290 Nickel St., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9339/303-460-7443 www.arboroccmed.com Services: Occupational medicine. Person in charge: Rosemary Grewe, clinic manager Year founded: 1993 ARBOR OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-0496/303-447-2741 www.arboroccmed.com Services: Treatment of work-related injuries, pre-employment physicals, drug testing, toxicology. Occupational medicine. Year founded: 1993 ARBOR OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 1860 Industrial Circle, Suite D Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-2473/303-682-0229 www.arboroccmed.com Year founded: Boulder CONCENTRA URGENT CARE 3300 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-541-9090/303-541-9393 www.concentra.com Services: Occupational health services and urgent care. Person in charge: Brett DeMooy, center operations director Year founded: 1999 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 214 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-4660/303-926-2680 www.bch.org/ohs Services: Occupational medicine and rehabilitation services, board-certified psychiatrist, board-certified internal medicine specialist, post/offer, fit for duty and prevention and educational program. Person in charge: Alyson White, clinic manager Year founded: 1987 WORKWELL OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 3434 47th St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-219-5022/303-219-5027 www.workwelloccmed.com Person in charge: Peter Mars, M.D. Year founded: 2012 WORKWELL OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE LLC 205 S. Main St., Suite C Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-1612/303-774-7899 www.workwelloccmed.com Services: Workers compensation injury care, physical therapy, ergonomics. Person in charge: Steve Pottenger, CEO Year founded: 1997 ONCOLOGY & HEMATOLOGY COLORADO CYBERKNIFE CREEKSIDE CANCER CARE 120 Old Laramie, Trail E Lafayete, CO 80026 303-926-9800/303-926-9801 www.coloradocyberknife.com Services: A nonsurgical treatment that uses 3-D imagery to aim multiple radiation beams on a specific location inside the body in order to destroy a tumor. Person in charge: Mathew O’Rourke, CEO Year founded: 2010 HOPE CANCER CARE CENTER 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5252/303-678-4889 www.luhcares.org Services: Radiation therapy. Year founded: 1995 ROCKY MOUNTAIN CANCER CENTERS 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000/303-444-1839 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Services: Medical oncology, hematology, genetic counseling. Year founded: 1983 ROCKY MOUNTAIN CANCER CENTERS 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 210 Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-1900 /303-684-1925 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Services: Medical oncology and hematology. YOUR GATEWAY TO HEALING 3393 Iris Ave., Suite 106 Boulder, CO 80301 720-317-5170 www.YourGatewaytoHealing.com Services: Healing Beyond Cancer: six week workshops for patients, family members and caregivers. Individual and group counseling for catastrophic illness, loss and trauma. MDSR classes. Person in charge: Diane Renz, professional counselor Year founded: 2004 ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY BRIDGING YOUR HEALTH INC. 1068 S. 88th St., Suite A Louisville, CO 80027 303-938-1161/303-443-6830 www.bridgingyourhealth.com Services: Facial plastic surgery, repair of facial fractures and complex lacerations, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, general and preventive dentistry, bone grafting and reconstruction. Person in charge: Eve Bluestein, D.D.S., M.D. Year founded: 2012 SQUIRE ORAL, FACIAL & DENTAL IMPLANT SURGERY 1325 Hover St., Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-8585/303-776-4895 www.squireoralsurgery.com Services: Oral, facial and implant surgery. Person in charge: Douglas L. Squire, D.D.S. ORTHOPEDICS ALPINE SPINE CENTER 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80303 303-546-6600/303-546-6500 www.alpinespinecenter.com Services: Surgical spine practice, specializing in cervical and scoliosis. Person in charge: Cathleen S. Van Buskirk, M.D. Year founded: 1997 ANCHOR PHYSICAL THERAPY SPINE AND SPORTS MEDICINE PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329/303-460-0387 www.anchorpt.com Services: Orthopedics, sports medicine, hand therapy, manual therapy, one-on-one treatment sessions. Sports performance and injury prevention. Vertigo and dizziness treatments. Back pain specialists. Person in charge: Robin Braden, president Year founded: 2003 BOULDER BONE AND JOINT 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4545/303-449-2812 Person in charge: James G. Reid, M.D. Year founded: 1990 BOULDER BONE AND JOINT 1032 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0286/303-666-5112 Person in charge: James G. Reid, M.D. Year founded: 1990 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY > OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE > ONCOLOGY & HEMATOLOGY > ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY > ORTHOPEDICS EXEMPLA MOUNTAIN STATES UROGYNECOLOGY 48 | MD 2014 BOULDER CENTER FOR SPORTS MEDICINE EAST 1000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-2665/303-926-2688 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Services: Evaluation and treatment of sports injuries, orthopedic impairments, post-surgical rehab, running gait analysis and massage therapists. Person in charge: Jason Glowney, clinic director; Jim Milani Year founded: 2004 BOULDER INSTITUTE FOR SPORTS MEDICINE 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-8807/303-247-1232 www.boulderinstitute.com Services: Arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder and knee. Person in charge: Joanne Halbrecht, M.D. Year founded: 1996 BOULDER ORTHOPEDICS 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 218 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-449-2730/303-665-5267 www.boulderorthopedics.com Person in charge: Colleen Kinlund, administrator BOULDER ORTHOPEDICS PC 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2730/303-449-5821 www.boulderorthopedics.com Services: Orthopedic. Person in charge: Colleen Kinlund, administrator Year founded: 1968 ORTHOPEDICS > OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE > PAIN MANAGEMENT CORNERSTONE ORTHOPEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603/303-665-2605 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com CU SPORTS MEDICINE 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219/303-441-2230 www.cusportsmed.org Services: Orthopedic surgery (knees, shoulders, hips, elbows, ankles) rehabilitation medicine, exercise physiology. Person in charge: Patti McFate Year founded: 2003 FRONT RANGE ORTHOPEDICS & SPINE 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1600/303-772-9317 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Services: Foot and ankle, total joint replacement, spine, sports medicine, upper extremity and hand. Person in charge: David Demchuk, CEO Year founded: 1970 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY FRONT RANGE ORTHOPEDICS & SPINE 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Services: Orthopedic and spine care; total joint replacement; sports medicine. Person in charge: Dave Demchuk, CEO Year founded: 1975 JUSTIN D. GREEN M.D. FULLY ALIVE MEDICINE 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80301 303-404-2232/303-447-2744 www.fullyalivemedicine.com Services: Chronic disease and pain, chronic sinusitis, diabetes, headaches, PMS, functional medicine, wellness, prevention, acupuncture, NST, Bowen Therapy, Healing Touch and medical marijuana evaluations. Year founded: 2009 5277 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 720-304-8154/720-304-8155 Services: Orthopedics, sports medicine, interventional spine care, physical medicine and rehabilitation, acupuncture, EMG-guided botox injections.. Person in charge: Marry Cohn, office manager Year founded: 1997 HEALTHY Z OSTEOPATHIC FAMILY MEDICINE MAPLETON HILL ORTHOPEDICS ACUPUNCTURE ENERGY WORKS 975 North St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7941/303-440-7586 www.mapletonhill.com Year founded: 1984 SPINE WEST 5387 Manhattan Circle Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-7773/303-494-1104 www.SpineWest.com Services: Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic that treats more than just spine. Boardcertified providers offer advanced nonsurgical care for nerve, muscle and bone issues. Person in charge: Cliff Gronseth, M.D., Spine West founder/co-owner; Scott Tobey, Administrator; John Tobey, M.D., Spine West co-owner Year founded: 2001 OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE BOULDER OSTEOPATHIC CENTER 2150 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302-4525 303-444-8337/303-444-8393 www.boulderdo.com Services: Osteopathic manipulation, medical acupuncture, homeopathy, massage therapy, Feldenkrais. Person in charge: Sharon Stanley, D.O.; Keith Suan, D.O. Year founded: 1986 FLATIRONS PRIMARY CARE AND SPORTS MEDICINE 777 29th St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80303 303-440-8243/303-440-0292 www.flatironshealth.com Person in charge: Stanley K. Jack, D.O. Year founded: 2007 1440 28th St., Suite 4 Boulder, CO 80303 720-259-4609 Person in charge: Eric J. Vanzura, D.O. Year founded: 2001 PAIN MANAGEMENT 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Services: Acupuncture clinic and Chinese herbs for women’s health, hormones, fertility, menopause, moxabustion, cupping. Person in charge: MaryAnne Bachia, owner Year founded: 2003 ALTA PHYSICAL THERAPY AND PILATES 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707/303-444-8109 www.altatherapies.com Services: Physical therapy and Pilates practice. Person in charge: Jane M. Milliff, owner Year founded: 1990 BOULDER COMMUNITY HOSPITAL MAPLETON CENTER 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-0493/303-441-0536 www.bch.org Services: Adult and pediatric outpatient rehabilitation including hand therapy, pain management, brain injury, neurological and orthopedic, women’s health, therapeutic pool. Person in charge: Virginia Carducci, director of rehabilitation services; Colleen Grady Yuskwich, director Year founded: 1925 BOULDER LYMPHATIC & MASSAGE 715 Merry Lane Boulder, CO 80303 303-931-3469 www.bouldermassage.net Services: Therapeutic massage and manual lymph drainage. Person in charge: Lynn Herklotz, R.M.T., O.T.R., C.M.L.D.T. Year founded: 1995 BOULDER PAIN INSTITUTE 3445 Penrose Place, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-0100/303-413-0300 Person in charge: Melody F. Denham, M.D. COLORADO FIBROMYALGIA CENTER 380 Empire Road, Suite 120 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-8444/303-665-8448 www.coloradofibromyalgia.com Services: Physical medicine, pain management, chiropractic, physical therapy, orthopedic massage, clinical nutrition counseling, trigger point injections. Person in charge: Megan Moon, D.C. Year founded: 2004 COLORADO PAIN CLINIC 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 120 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-4141/303-444-4144 www.coloradopainclinic.com Person in charge: Brad Sisson, medical director CREEKSIDE PHYSICAL MEDICINE 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-2705 www.theheadachecenter.info Services: Physical medicine with an emphasis on pain and headache management. Person in charge: David Tanner, D.O.; Alex Reish, D.O. DIMENSIONS PAIN MANAGEMENT 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 50 Louisville, CO 80027 303-661-4100/303-269-2094 www.dimensionspainmanagement.com Services: Physician pain-management service, physical therapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture. Year founded: 2009 EAST WEST WELLNESS LLC 1148 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-554-1600/720-328-8188 www.ewwellness.com Services: Acupuncture, herbal therapy, massage and board certified in functional nutrition. Specializing in internal medicine: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, autoimmune, food sensitivity, men/women issues. Person in charge: Donna Sigmond, R.D., LAc., LCh, Dipl.OM, CLT., FAARFM, ABAAHP Year founded: 2004 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 49 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80301 303-404-2232/303-447-2744 www.fullyalivemedicine.com Services: Chronic disease and pain, chronic sinusitis, diabetes, headaches, PMS, functional medicine, wellness, prevention, acupuncture, NST, Bowen Therapy, Healing Touch and medical marijuana evaluations. Year founded: 2009 PHILIP D. SUTTON PH.D. 595 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 720-406-0400/303-444-7371 www.philipsuttonphd.com Services: Psychological evaluation and treatment. Person in charge: Philip Sutton, psychologist Year founded: 1983 PILATES FOR LIFE 734 Tenacity Drive, Unit A Longmont, CO 80504 303-532-3362/303 532-3362 www.pilatesforlifeprospect.com Services: Private sessions, small-group equipment and mat classes, wheelchair accessible, insurance and rehab clients, all ages. Person in charge: Claudia K Miller, CEO/ president Year founded: 2003 ROCKY MOUNTAIN CENTER FOR ADVANCED MEDICINE 4790 Table Mesa Drive, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80305 303-444-0840/303-444-0838 www.rmcam.com Services: Holistic medicine and acupuncture. Year founded: 2006 ROSE SPOSITO, LIC. ACUPUNCTURE 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-579-2100 Services: Worsley five-element acupuncture to facilitate the health and well being of the body, mind and spirit. Specializing in anxiety, low energy and psychological challenges. Person in charge: Rose Sposito Year founded: 2000 TRIPNURSE LLC 1609 Cottonwood Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-460-8416 www.tripnurse.com Services: Private duty-nursing care, travelmedical escort/companion, relocation, local nonemergency transport, outpatient procedures. Post-op recovery, neurologicaldisease care, long hours/hospice support. Person in charge: Suzanne Brandler, R.N. Year founded: 2006 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY TRU COMMUNITY CARE 2594 Trailridge Drive E Lafayette, CO 80026 303-449-7740/303-604-5393 www.trucare.org Services: Care for those who are seriously ill and their families. Programs include hospice, palliative home health, along with grief counseling and education. Person in charge: Darla Schueth, CEO/president Year founded: 1976 ZOE ZIMMERMANN M.A., L.P.C. 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 206 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-1195/720-259-4180 www.eft-emotionalfreedom.com Services: Specializing in recovery from physical and emotional trauma; PTSD; pain and illness symptom alleviation; phobias, anxiety problems; relationship and family therapy. Person in charge: Zoe A. Zimmermann, L.P.C. Year founded: 1987 PATHOLOGY BOULDER VALLEY PATHOLOGY 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2078/303-440-2394 www. bouldervalleypathology.com Year founded: 1978 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC. 2130 Mountain View, Suite 208 Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-9322/303-684-8103 www.questdiagnostics.com Services: Medical diagnostic testing. PEDIATRICS ARVADA PEDIATRIC ASSOCIATES 3830 W. 121st Place Broomfield, CO 80020 303-410-8041/303-410-8044 www.arvadapeds.com Services: Pediatric clinic. Person in charge: John Gordon, practice manager Year founded: 1999 BOULDER MEDICAL CENTER AT AVISTA 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710/303-673-0438 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Person in charge: Claudia Whiteman, site manager Year founded: 1949 BROOMFIELD PEDIATRICS AND INTERNAL MEDICINE 3301 W. 144th Ave., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80023 303-438-5522/303-438-5686 www.bfpim.com Services: Pediatric and internal medicine newborn through adults. Person in charge: Cyndi Kremer, practice manager Year founded: 2000 CENTENNIAL VALLEY PEDIATRICS 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 103 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7337/303-666-7379 www.cvpeds.com Services: Comprehensive health care for pediatric patients. Person in charge: Ellen Boyd, administrator Year founded: 1981 CORNERSTONE PEDIATRIC ASSOCIATES PC 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 160 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9030/303-604-1095 www.cornerstonepeds.co Services: Pediatric clinic. Year founded: 1992 EXEMPLA FAMILY, PEDRIATRIC AND INTERNAL MEDICINE OF LAFAYETTE 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900/303-673-1915 www.exempla.org Services: Whole family care. Year founded: 2002 LAFAYETTE PEDIATRICS AND INTERNAL MEDICINE 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 420 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-565-6101/314-536-8764 www.lafayettemedpeds.com Services: Focuses on childhood illnesses as well as the range of health-care issues for adults. Person in charge: Adam Palazzari, M.D. Year founded: 2011 THE PEDIATRIC CENTER 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 310 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2913/303-442-7635 www.thepediatriccenter.net Services: Primary pediatric care. Person in charge: Judy Dietz, MBA, administrator Year founded: 1981 PHYSICAL THERAPY, REHABILITATION & SPORTS MEDICINE 40PLUS FITNESS AND HEALTH LLC 765 Poplar Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-0402/303-954-0993 www.40plusintegrativehealth.com Services: Integrative medicine health coaching therapeutic exercise, yoga therapy, using mindfulness and neuroscience based techniques targeted to the needs of individuals over 40. Person in charge: Robin Saltonstall, Ph.D. Year founded: 1989 ACTIVE SOLUTIONS PHYSICAL THERAPY 4150 Darley Ave., Suite 8 Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-4100/303-494-0212 www.activesolutionspt.com Services: Physical therapy, Feldenkrais. Person in charge: Olaf Deroos, P.T., M.H.Sc., M.T.C. Year founded: 1999 ALPHA REHABILITATION PLLC 290 Nickel St., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9151/303-460-7443 www.alpharehabilitation.com Services: Physical therapy, outpatient orthopedics, dry needling, Pilates. Person in charge: Curtis Stepan, CFO Year founded: 1997 ALPHA REHABILITATION PLLC 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8105/303-447-2741 www.alpharehabilitation.com Services: Physical therapy, outpatient orthopedics, dry needling, McKenzie back therapy, work-related injuries, Pilates. Person in charge: Curtis Stepan, CFO Year founded: 1997 ALTA PHYSICAL THERAPY AND PILATES 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707/303-444-8109 www.altatherapies.com Services: Physical therapy and Pilates practice. Person in charge: Jane M. Milliff, owner Year founded: 1990 ANCHOR PHYSICAL THERAPY SPINE AND SPORTS MEDICINE PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329/303-460-0387 www.anchorpt.com Services: Orthopedics, sports medicine, hand therapy, manual therapy, one-on-one treatment sessions. Sports performance and injury prevention. Vertigo and dizziness treatments. Back pain specialists. Person in charge: Robin Braden, president Year founded: 2003 APEX PHYSICAL THERAPY 54 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-0084/303-465-0584 www.apexptco.com Services: Physical therapy, dry needling. Person in charge: Mara Lynn Lund, owner Year founded: 2006 AVANTI THERAPY 5350 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-1201/303-543-1206 www.avantitherapy.com Services: Orthopedic, cancer, scoliosis and Parkinson’s therapy; craniosacral, deep-tissue mobilization, Pilates and movement therapy, myofascial release, trigger point needling, kinesiotaping, low-level laser. Year founded: 2008 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT PAIN MANAGEMENT > PATHOLOGY > PEDIATRICS > PHYSICAL THERAPY, REHABILITATION AND SPORTS MEDICINE FULLY ALIVE MEDICINE 50 | MD 2014 AVISTA THERAPY CENTER 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 50 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1240/303-673-1245 www.avistahosp.org Services: Adult physical, occupational and speech therapy. Sports medicine, ortho-manual therapy, dry needling, massage therapy. Person in charge: Jeff Wagnaar, P.T. Year founded: 1894 BODY DYNAMICS 2660 Canyon Blvd., Suite A4 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-5776/303-546-0020 www.bodydynamics.net Services: Pilates, yoga, physical therapy, personal training, massage, Fitball, Bosu, Smart Bells, Body Bar, core training and sports rehab. Person in charge: Lindsay Ross, co-owner; Wendy McClure, co-owner Year founded: 1998 BODYWISE PHYSICAL THERAPY 713 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-2529/303-444-2563 www.bodywisept.com Services: Physical therapy. Person in charge: Ann Hodel, M.S.P.T. Year founded: 1999 BOULDER BODYWORKS 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 330 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-2739/303-938-1311 www.boulderbodyworks.com Services: Private and semi-private sessions of yoga, Pilates, pre- and post-natal Pilates; massage and physical therapy. Person in charge: Shoshana Chandler, office manager Year founded: 1992 PHYSICAL THERAPY, REHABILITATION AND SPORTS MEDICINE BOULDER CENTER FOR CANCER SURVIVORSHIP 5350 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-1201/303-543-1206 www.avantitherapy.com Services: Provides therapeutic exercise, symptom management and nutritional guidance to individuals undergoing treatment for a cancer diagnosis as well as those who have completed treatment. Schroth program. Person in charge: Larry Eckstein Year founded: 2002 BOULDER CENTER FOR SPORTS MEDICINE 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700/303-544-5710 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Services: Family practice, orthopedic, physical therapy, massage, fitness classes, biomechanics testing, physiology testing, nutrition, coaching, and occupational-health physical therapy and massage therapy. Person in charge: Jason Amrich P.T., O.C.S., C.S.C.S., administrative director Year founded: 1998 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY BOULDER CENTER FOR SPORTS MEDICINE EAST 1000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-2665/303-926-2688 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Services: Evaluation and treatment of sports injuries, orthopedic impairments, post-surgical rehab, running gait analysis and massage therapists. Person in charge: Jason Glowney, clinic director; Jim Milani Year founded: 2004 BOULDER COMMUNITY HOSPITAL MAPLETON CENTER 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-0493/303-441-0536 www.bch.org Services: Adult and pediatric outpatient rehabilitation including hand therapy, pain management, brain injury, neurological and orthopedic, women’s health, therapeutic pool. Person in charge: Virginia Carducci, director of rehabilitation services; Colleen Grady Yuskwich, director Year founded: 1925 BOULDER ORTHOPEDICS PHYSICAL THERAPY 1000 Alpine Ave., Suite 211 Boulder, CO 80304 303-417-1277/303-417-1311 www.boulderorthopedics.com Services: orthopedics, sports injuries, core stabilization, spine. Pilates. Person in charge: April Smith, P.T. Year founded: 1968 BROOMFIELD SKILLED NURSING & REHABILITATION CENTER 12975 Sheridan Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-785-5800/303-785-5801 www.broomfieldnursingcenter.com Person in charge: Mark Morley, director Year founded: 2002 CARY GOLD PHYSICAL THERAPY INC. 5377 Manhattan Circle, Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-7611/303-442-8786 Services: Spinal manual therapy, orthopedic rehabilitation, Pilates, massage, intramuscular stimulation/trigger point dry needling. Person in charge: Cary Gold, Owner Year founded: 1994 COAL CREEK PHYSICAL THERAPY LLC 315 South Boulder Road, No. 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4151/303-666-4166 www.coalcreekpt.com Services: Sports, orthopedic, spine, auto, work injury, knee, ankle, shoulder, neck, low back, hip, orthotics, headaches, TMJ, vertigo, trauma and PTSD, chronic pain, pediatrics. Person in charge: Julie Byrt, executive director Year founded: 2000 COLORADO FIBROMYALGIA CENTER 380 Empire Road, Suite 120 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-8444/303-665-8448 www.coloradofibromyalgia.com Services: Physical medicine, pain management, chiropractic, physical therapy, orthopedic massage, clinical nutrition counseling, trigger point injections. Person in charge: Megan Moon, D.C. Year founded: 2004 COLORADO HEALTHQUEST 842 Laurel Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-402-9088/303-402-9092 www.coloradohealthquest.com Services: Holistic physical therapy clinic; physical therapy, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation. Person in charge: Maureen Rimar, owner Year founded: 1996 COLORADO PAIN CLINIC 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 120 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-4141/303-444-4144 www.coloradopainclinic.com Person in charge: Brad Sisson, medical director COLORADO PHYSICAL THERAPY INSTITUTE 300 Nickel St., No. 6 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9129/303-469-2324 www.coloradopti.com Services: Sports, work injuries, pre- and post-surgical orthopedics, neck and spine care, headaches, TMD, Diabetic neuropathy, hand therapy, repetitive motion injuries, pediatric orthopedics. Person in charge: Roger Rettig, owner, director Year founded: 1987 COLORADO THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER INC. 11968 Mineral Road Longmont, CO 80504 303-652-9131/303-652-2072 www.ctrcinc.org Services: Therapeutic horseback riding and equine-assisted activities for people with special needs; all-abilities and summer camps. Person in charge: Carol Heiden, executive director Year founded: 1980 CORNERSTONE ORTHOPEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603/303-665-2605 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com CU SPORTS MEDICINE 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219/303-441-2230 www.cusportsmed.org Services: Orthopedic surgery (knees, shoulders, hips, elbows, ankles) rehabilitation medicine, exercise physiology. Person in charge: Patti McFate Year founded: 2003 DR. GARRET ROCK D.C. AND SOUTH POINTE CLINICS 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660/303-848-8448 www.ssrehabcenter.com Services: Chiropractic, medical, massage, rehabilitation, sports injuries and performance. Person in charge: Garret Rock, D.C. Year founded: 2004 FIT WELLNESS CENTER 1140 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-0353/303-469-1066 www.broomfieldwellness.com Services: Chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, nutrition, acupuncture, orthotics. Year founded: 2000 FLATIRONS PRIMARY CARE AND SPORTS MEDICINE 777 29th St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80303 303-440-8243/303-440-0292 www.flatironshealth.com Person in charge: Stanley K. Jack, D.O. Year founded: 2007 FORM AND FITNESS PHYSICAL THERAPY LLC 13606 Xavier Lane, Unit C Broomfield, CO 80023 303-404-9494/303-404-2252 www.formandfitnesspt.com Services: Sports medicine, manual therapy techniques, post-surgical recovery. Person in charge: Brian Forman, M.S.P.T. Year founded: 2004 FUNCTIONAL FITNESS & WELLNESS CENTER 2868 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-1440 www.functionalfitnessusa.com Services: Fitness Longevity, personal training center, small membership, therapeutic massage, structural integration, rolfing, ashiatsu, physical therapy, body work. Muscle activation technique. Person in charge: Sam Iannetta, founder/ master trainer Year founded: 2002 IMPACT SPORTS MEDICINE PC 300 Summit Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80021 303-446-2200/303-446-2201 www.ImpactSportsMed.com Services: Orthopedics, sports medicine, orthotic management, bike fit, video gait analysis, golf fit. Year founded: 2005 IMPACT SPORTS PERFORMANCE 11575 Main St., Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-467-2288 www.impactsport.org Services: Sports training, sports medicine, massage therapy, physical therapy. Person in charge: Rylan Reed, director Year founded: 2005 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 51 5277 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 720-304-8154/720-304-8155 Services: Orthopedics, sports medicine, interventional spine care, physical medicine and rehabilitation, acupuncture, EMG-guided botox injections.. Person in charge: Marry Cohn, office manager Year founded: 1997 KENNEDY CHIROPRACTIC 3405 Penrose Place, Suite 106 Boulder, CO 80301 303-546-6325 www.colopainclinic.com Services: Myofascial pain, lumbar disk decompression, spine disorders, anti-aging, acupuncture. Person in charge: Doug Kennedy Year founded: 1996 LYONS PHYSICAL THERAPY INC. 435 High St. Lyons, CO 80540 303-823-8813/303-823-2355 www.lyonspt.com Services: Physical therapy: back pain, headaches, car accidents, sports injuries, ortho surgeries, hand therapy. Person in charge: Bronwyn Muldoon, R.P.T. Year founded: 1999 MANORCARE HEALTH SERVICES OF BOULDER 2800 Palo Parkway Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-9100/303-440-9251 www.hcr-manorcare.com Services: Skilled nursing 24/7. MARLENE’S YOGA & SOMATIC PROCESSING 2412 Bristol St. Superior, CO 80027 303-543-9150 Services: Intuitive yoga, spinal rehabilitation, and somatic processing. The Prinzing Method is 80 percent unwinding/indirect work and 20 percent corrective/direct work. Person in charge: Marlene Marie Prinzing, physical and mental rehabilitation expert Year founded: 1984 MEDICALLY BASED FITNESS IN BOULDER 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-2873/303-447-2741 www.mbfphysicaltherapy.com Services: Physical therapy and supervised exercise programs for all populations: specialized programs for aging, medically complex and chronic disease. Year founded: 1996 NORTH BOULDER PHYSICAL THERAPY 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903/303-447-3390 www.northboulderpt.com Services: Sports, orthopedic, auto, work injury, Pilates, knee, ankle, shoulder, incontinence, braces, orthotics, women’s health, TMJ, vertigo. Person in charge: Debra Layne, owner Year founded: 1979 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY NORTH BOULDER PILATES 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-3496/303-413-9907 www.northboulderpilates.com Services: Pilates osteoporosis and osteopenia classes. Pilates with an emphasis on a safe, fun, effective exercise program for medical problems. Home programs, mat classes and reformer/equipment classes. Person in charge: Debra Layne, owner Year founded: 2007 PARADIGM PHYSICAL THERAPY LLC 380 Empire Road, Suite 230 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-1091/720-890-1098 www.paradigmphysicaltherapy.com Services: Manual therapy, trigger point dry needling, massage therapy and Pilates, used to treat a wide variety of orthopedic and spine injuries. Person in charge: Bo Richardson, physical therapist Year founded: 2003 PILATES FOR LIFE 734 Tenacity Drive, Unit A Longmont, CO 80504 303-532-3362/303 532-3362 www.pilatesforlifeprospect.com Services: Private sessions, small-group equipment and mat classes, wheelchair accessible, insurance and rehab clients, all ages. Person in charge: Claudia K Miller, CEO/ president Year founded: 2003 PINNACLE PHYSICAL THERAPY AND PILATES 3434 47th St., Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-7078/303-440-7242 www.pinnaclephysicaltherapyboulder.com Services: Restore the human body to its most optimal level of function after injury, surgery or general wear and tear. Person in charge: Kristie Bennett, P.T., M.S., C.L.T. Year founded: 1999 RADIANT RUNNING 4586 N. 95th St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-499-2062/303-604-6777 www.radiantrunning.com Services: Injury rehabilitation and prevention. Sports movement specialist with focus on running form and technique correction, postural correction. Person in charge: Douglas Wisoff, P.T. Year founded: 1996 RELEAF THERAPY 5412 Idylwild Trail Boulder, CO 80301 303-918-4147/303-530-1517 www.releaftherapy.com Services: One-on-one private physical therapy and massage treatments; manual therapy focus with individualized treatment plans. Person in charge: Michelle Pearl, physical therapist/massage therapist Year founded: 2004 ROCKY MOUNTAIN CENTER FOR ADVANCED MEDICINE 4790 Table Mesa Drive, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80305 303-444-0840/303-444-0838 www.rmcam.com Services: Holistic medicine and acupuncture. Year founded: 2006 ROSEMARY HEGARTY P.T., CCRT 375 28th St. Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-4602/303-499-4602 www.rosemaryhegarty.com Services: Manual therapy for spinal, pelvis and extremity issues, visceral mobilization, craniosacral therapy, certified canine rehabilitation therapist Person in charge: Rosemary Hegarty, P.T. Year founded: 1987 PLASTIC & COSMETIC SURGERY AURA ADVANCED SKIN AND LASER AESTHETICS 2595 Canyon Blvd., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-7546/303-440-5364 www.colaserskincare.com; www.auraboulder.com Services: Laser skin rejuvenation, microdermabrasion and chemical peels, injectables, liposculpture, plastic and cosmetic surgery, massage therapy. Person in charge: Nicole Roesner, business manager Year founded: 2013 BLUE ASPEN PLASTIC SURGERY 5377 Manhattan Circle, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-0621/303-442-8218 Services: Physical therapy. Person in charge: Lori M. Saige, PT, MTC Year founded: 1987 2668 Northpark Drive, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-6336/303-666-0616 www.blueaspenplastics.com Services: Breast surgery, cosmetic surgery, liposuction. Person in charge: Debora Ma, M.D. Year founded: 2002 SPINE WEST BOULDER PLASTIC SURGERY SYNAPSE PHYSICAL THERAPY BOULDER VALLEY PLASTIC SURGERY RPT ASSOCIATES 5387 Manhattan Circle Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-7773/303-494-1104 www.SpineWest.com Services: Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic that treats more than just spine. Boardcertified providers offer advanced nonsurgical care for nerve, muscle and bone issues. Person in charge: Cliff Gronseth, M.D., Spine West founder/co-owner; Scott Tobey, Administrator; John Tobey, M.D., Spine West co-owner Year founded: 2001 11575 Main St., Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-467-2288 ext. 2/303-410-0100 www.synapsept.com Services: Sports medicine, spine, dry needling, joint replacement, pool therapy, orthotics, concussion evaluation, vestibular rehab, ACL prevention. Person in charge: Michael Keating, owner/ director Year founded: 2005 WALDRON’S PEAK PHYSICAL THERAPY PC 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 A Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-7878/303-543-7676 www.waldronspt.com Services: Manual therapy, orthopedics, sports medicine, general physical therapy. Person in charge: Audrey Waldron, owner Year founded: 2002 WORKWELL OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE LLC 205 S. Main St., Suite C Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-1612/303-774-7899 www.workwelloccmed.com Services: Workers compensation injury care, physical therapy, ergonomics. Person in charge: Steve Pottenger, CEO Year founded: 1997 2525 Fourth St., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-2277/303-443-7124 www.boulderplasticsurgery.com Services: Breast reconstruction and augmentation, facial rejuvenation, body contouring, skin cancer reconstruction. Minimally invasive short-scar facelifts. Body contouring after weight loss or pregnancy. Person in charge: Hans R. Kuisle, M.D., F.A.C.S. 2575 Pearl St., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-6666/303-449-7023 www.bvplasticsurgery.com Services: Plastic and reconstructive surgery: facelifts, eyes, liposuction, tummy tucks, hand specialist, breast reduction, reconstruction, augmentation, lifts, Botox, facial fillers, laser treatments. Person in charge: Jeffrey T. Swail, M.D. Year founded: 1995 BRIDGING YOUR HEALTH INC. 1068 S. 88th St., Suite A Louisville, CO 80027 303-938-1161/303-443-6830 www.bridgingyourhealth.com Services: Facial plastic surgery, repair of facial fractures and complex lacerations, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, general and preventive dentistry, bone grafting and reconstruction. Person in charge: Eve Bluestein, D.D.S., M.D. Year founded: 2012 CLAUDE H. BURROW, M.D. 2800 Folsom St., Suite B Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-5822 www.drburrow.com Services: Plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery with emphasis on breast enhancement, reduction and reconstruction. Person in charge: Claude H. Burrow, M.D. Year founded: 1980 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT PHYSICAL THERAPY, REHABILITATION AND SPORTS MEDICINE > PLASTIC & COSMETIC SURGEONS JUSTIN D. GREEN M.D. 52 | MD 2014 COAL CREEK PLASTIC & COSMETIC SURGERY 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 303-664-9400/303-665-1013 www.coalcreekplasticsurgery.com Services: Breast enhancement, reduction and reconstruction, tummy tuck, arm lift, thigh lift, body lift. Person in charge: Glenn Eric Herrmann, M.D. Year founded: 2007 EYE CARE CENTER OF NORTHERN COLORADO AESTHETICS 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3300/303-682-3398 www.eyecaresite.com/aesthetics Services: Botox, Exilis, fillers, facial aesthetic surgery, liposuction and fat transfer, laser resurfacing, eyelid surgery, medical spa services (facials, intense pulsed light treatments, massage). Person in charge: Joel Stuart Meyers, M.D. Year founded: 1992 FLATIRONS DERMATOLOGY PLASTIC & COSMETIC SURGEONS > PULMONOLOGY > RADIOLOGY > RHEUMATOLOGY 13605 Xavier Lane, Suite B Broomfield, CO 80023 303-404-3376/303-468-8793 www.flatironsdermatology.com Services: Skin cancer, Moh’s surgery and reconstruction, melanoma. Cosmetic: Botox, fillers, lasers and sclerotherapy. Year founded: 2006 FRONT RANGE OTOLARYNGOLOGY 1325 Dry Creek Drive, Unit 103 Longmont, CO 80503 720-494-9111/720-494-9555 www.frontrangeoto.com Services: Facial plastic surgery, otolaryngology. facial Botox. Person in charge: Kevin C. Cavanaugh, M.D. Year founded: 2002 FRONT RANGE PLASTIC & RECONSTUCTIVE SURGERY 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 500 Longmont, CO 80501 303-872-8250 www.frontrangeplasticsurgery.com Services: Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Person in charge: Deb Schoonover, office manager Year founded: 2009 PETER M. SCHMID, D.O., FAACS 1305 Sumner St., Suite 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-6846/303-651-6794 www.theaestheticsurgeon.com Services: Facial plastic surgery, cosmetic, reconstructive surgery, nose surgery, face lifts, eye lifts. Person in charge: Peter M. Schmid, D.O. Year founded: 1993 RESTORATION PLASTIC SURGERY PC TWIN PEAKS MEDICAL IMAGING 340 E. First Ave., Suite 333 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-3261/303-440-8954 Services: Plastic surgery and hand surgery. Person in charge: Mitchell A. Fremling, M.D., F.A.C.S. Year founded: 2004 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 155 Longmont, CO 80502 720-494-4777/720-494-4771 www.twinpeaksmedicalimaging.com Services: MRI, X-ray, CT scans, ultrasound. Person in charge: Barbara Hoffman, manager Year founded: 2003 PULMONOLOGY WOMEN’S IMAGING CENTER BOULDER VALLEY PULMONOLOGY 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-2150/303-442-3363 Year founded: 1977 PULMONARY REHABILITATION AT LONGMONT UNITED HOSPITAL 1950 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5126/303-702-5795 www.luhcares.org Services: Pulmonary rehab, smoking cessation classes. Person in charge: Laura Wesenberg, R.R.T. Year founded: 1987 RADIOLOGY BOULDER RADIOLOGISTS INC. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170/303-440-2168 Services: Radiology. Person in charge: Bonnie Lovato, manager Year founded: 1969 1380 Tulip St., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5160 www.luhcares.org Services: Bone densitometry, osteoporosis testing for men or women, body composition, mammograms. RHEUMATOLOGY COLORADO CENTER FOR ARTHRITIS AND OSTEOPOROSIS 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 235 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4700/720-494-4706 www.ccao.net Services: Specializes in rheumatology, a subspecialty of medicine that deals with disorders of joints and connective tissues. Treats many diseases, from the common to the very rare, including arthritis. Person in charge: Gene Perkins, CEO; Jeff Perkins, medical director; Liz Chapman, practice leader Year founded: 1998 Experience. Integrity. Artistry. Aging gracefully relies on more than genetics. It’s about diet, skin care and proactive choices you make to maintain your appearance as the years pass. Whether you choose surgical, laser or nonsurgical options, surgeon and sculptor Dr. Peter Schmid has the expertise to help you look and feel your best. Call today to find out how he can help you. Dr. Peter Schmid with his original Institute of Aesthetic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, LLC bronze sculpture, Transcendence. Peter M. Schmid, DO, FAACS Board Certified Fellowship Trained For more information, visit 1305 Sumner Street, Suite 100, Longmont 303.651.6846 TheAestheticSurgeon.com TheAestheticSurgeon.com/Artist. MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 53 COLORADO HEALTHQUEST 842 Laurel Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-402-9088/303-402-9092 www.coloradohealthquest.com Services: Holistic physical therapy clinic; physical therapy, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation. Person in charge: Maureen Rimar, owner Year founded: 1996 2095 W. Sixth Ave., Suite 106 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-494-4700/720-494-4706 www.ccao.net Services: Ultrasound-guided injections, bone density exams, bone health consults, rheumatism consultations, urine sample collection, blood draws. Person in charge: Jeff Perkins, clinical director; Gene Perkins, CEO Year founded: 1998 DARRELL SANCHEZ PH.D., L.P.C., CERTIFIED ADVANCED ROLFER 2031 Broadway, Suite 7 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-1539 www.rolfingboulderdenver.com Services: Specializing in trauma and motor vehicle accidents. Person in charge: Darrell Sanchez, owner Year founded: 1986 COLORADO CENTER FOR ARTHRITIS AND OSTEOPOROSIS 3434 47th St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80301 720-494-4700/720-494-4706 www.ccao.net Services: Specializes in rheumatology, a subspecialty of medicine that deals with disorders of joints and connective tissues. Treats many diseases, from the common to the very rare. Person in charge: Gene Perkins, CEO; Jeff Perkins, clinical director Year founded: 1998 JOY OM, ADVANCED CERTIFIED ROLFER/CRANIAL THERAPIST 4236 Piedra Place Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-8664 www.essentialembodiment.net Services: Neurofeedback, rolfing, craniosacral therapy, embodiment counseling. Person in charge: Joy Om, CertifiedAdvancedRolfer, Neurotherapist Year founded: 1983 ROLFING/ STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION SUZANNE PICARD, CERTIFIED ROLFER, ROLF MOVEMENT PRACTITIONER ADVANCED-TRAININGS.COM 3514 Nyland Way South Lafayette, CO 80026 303-499-8811/530-425-3285 www.advanced-trainings.com Services: Continuing education for body therapists. Rolfing and bodywork treatments. Person in charge: Til Luchau, director 2600 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-519-7593 www.suzannepicard.com Person in charge: Suzanne Picard, owner THE ROLF INSTITUTE BARB BEARD PASSALACQUA ADVANCED ROLFER 5055 Chaparral Court, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-5903/303-449-5978 www.rolf.org Services: Training program for Certified Rolfers. Person in charge: Diana Yourell, executive director Year founded: 1971 2040 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-931-6673 www.barbbeard.com Services: Rolfing, structural integration. Person in charge: Barb Beard Passqlacqua, certified advanced rolfer Year founded: 2002 Business Report Reprints 2012 ROCKY MOUNTAIN TECH Numerica: tary Helping the mili g problems internet 2012 trackin solve surveillance, Software engineer on Nick Parrish works Numerica’s Advanced Fusion and Tracking System, used by the Army and Navy. by Dan Cook | [email protected] mode, defying the Corp. is in growth as it spins out ravages of the recession upon an already-impressive services and builds new products and company provides client base. research and development The Loveland-based industry. Numerica primarily for the defense of vast amounts of products and services at making sense out has considerable expertise are in demand. of those and data fusion solutions growth numbers most data, so its tracking has posted double-digit raw and uncertain the recession and 2012 since 2006 as the company sailed neatly through Sales have nearly tripled in 2011. Numerica to top $10 million contracts are pending. to his son. JONATHAN CASTNER years. Revenue is expected phone call from a father as several new government be traced to a single and a group of already looks promising, success can probably when, in 1988, he impact.” Yet Numerica’s considerable math professor at Colorado State University mapping will potential to make an expertise in terrain a tenured a single piece of Aubrey Poore was of distinct data into Mapping: The company’s and accurate. fuse large amounts combatants terrain data more portable useful to, for instance, solution called that and compress be directed to making information that is to work on a software methods to encode actionable began system students looking into new graduate so the data System. The and pri- “We are and shrink the footprint Assignment Tracking on the battlefield. the Multiple Frame large amounts of data a healthy mix of government done before,” in the surveillance sector. This has not been The company boasts contracts since these company to had myriad applications It’s received 70 government can be wirelessly transmitted. Numerica develby CSU to start the vate industry clients. mapping algorithm $7.4 million in Small “My dad was encouraged and try to comhe said. The compression produces a more million (plus another technology he developed On the private 2002, worth $28 large data files, but take this core software president and COO. such as jpegs. Research enhancements). oped not only transmits crop: Northrop Business Innovation his son Jeff, company terrain than other solutions, but not unremercialize it,” said getting complicated. of the defense-contracting accurate view of the for it then things started side, it lists the cream This is a new field Boeing, Raytheon. “So he did that. But Financial markets: Lockheed Martin, becoming more solutions call from him.” com- Grumman, base growing and That’s when I got a lated to the mathematical act that truly got the Poore sees that customer includes taking Numerica’s Numerica specializes in. “We will It was 1996. The father-and-son few strategy going forward to take the stage. a The — about know was diverse. we research what and mathematical pany off the ground a construction firm be applying some of a project manager for core capability — scientific for new customers to manage unJeff was working as defense solutions and The paperwork was in financial markets called asking for help. steps further, both with across a dynamic market,” in Denver when dad scientists, not business industry. tracking a certainty told Jeff. They were outside the defense models we use for killing them, Aubrey said. “The advanced mathematical applied to emerging technolo- Poore will require found direction “We be new people. can Collins. The at sea Jeff headed for Fort missile, car or ship air-traffic managebig brains. For Ever the dutiful son, from the Navy,” he more recruiting of cyber attacks, optimizing reams of paperwork gies like detecting in live cells – the commer- the scientists and mathematicians it our way through the we had to hire some individual particles Manager ment and tracking contract, then realized cutting-edge said Numerica Marketing said. “We got the the amount of evenneeds to develop its got to the point where cial potential is amazing,” and services, Numeriemployees. It finally too much. I had to products was Poore Jeff comin company Jensen. dad’s Becky from something ing work for me for path, or leap into the many businesses share ca battles with recruiters Jensen asserts that on my current career they are drowning and Goldmake the choice: stay government customers: Google, Facebook actionable informon with Numerica’s Northfound himself in small business.” man Sachs. That’s where translated into meaningful, at age 29, Jeff Poore a in data and want it Numerica’s sweet spot. He took the leap. And, Colorado gives Numerica whizzes. That happens to be activities. Once we will always ern of scientists and math mation in real time. our people like outdoor and applied research charge of a roomful But I had been around for outdoor achuge edge. “Most of Says Poore: “Fundamental or mathematician. see the possibilities However, over the “I’m not a scientist them in here and they university. So I have of what we’re about. productize bring Poore said. dad teaching at the be at the foundation usually got them,” has been to work to it my whole life, with request for to me. And, I bring ques- tivities, we’ve 15 years, the transformation that has been helpful considerably since dad’s forward, there’s no side. I under- last gained a comfort level The company has grown employed 10. Today, we’ve been doing. Looking a profound amount of they don’t — the business Ten years ago, Numerica creating a the reports something to the table headed. There’s the help to his son. to look for new physical law, the business cycle, tion that’s where we’re We have to harvest will probably have stand intellectual property business. They were to be productized. it employs 65 and business on a growth financial parts of the research here waiting time.” can get crazy in a small in business strategy, the problem at the right space soon. Things his back on a career right idea for the right focus: Poore ever regret turning happy to have me.” in-depth research will be of particular dad? for curve. Does Three areas he says focused on producing cliinto business with his to apply its capability Initially, Numerica construction to go said. “Being part of The company intends and military-contractor he migrate that,” sciences: Life Department about particles you reports for its Defense and tracking prob—understanding how “Here’s what I’ll tell able to do this with to solve surveillance in vivo particle tracking to block the progresgreat opportunity. Being ents — reports designed playing field. As its a team like this is a can lead to new drugs of a lifetime.” the national security within a cell. “This methods for undersaw more longlems encountered on said.” There are no dad makes it the opportunity with a lot of my grew, though, management outlined in the sion of a disease,” Poore good meaty problem team of researchers this right now. It’s a the solutions that were algorithms standing term potential in creating the company implements permission. research reports. Today, Numerica Turning data into ‘actionable information’ © 2012 BizWest Media LLC. May not be reproduced without written Showcase your company Available now in print, on-line and on CD-ROM www.BCBR.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY SLEEP MEDICINE URGENT CARE REM SLEEP MEDICINE PC BOULDER MEDICAL CENTER AT AVISTA 1000 Alpine Ave., Suite 105 Boulder, CO 80304 720-279-9098/720-540-4250 www.remsleepmedicine.com Services: Insomnia, sleep apnia, narcolepsy, circadian, restless leg syndrome, parasomnias. Person in charge: Mark Hickey, M.D. 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710/303-673-0438 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Person in charge: Claudia Whiteman, site manager Year founded: 1949 SPEECH REHABILITATION BOULDER MEDICAL CENTER URGENT CARE 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200/303-440-3232 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com CENTER FOR STUTTERING THERAPY INC. 6610 Gunpark Drive, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-9191 www.coloradostutteringtherapy.com Services: Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of stuttering in children and adults. Person in charge: Mary Wallace, owner Year founded: 1992 CONCENTRA URGENT CARE 3300 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-541-9090/303-541-9393 www.concentra.com Services: Occupational health services and urgent care. Person in charge: Brett DeMooy, center operations director Year founded: 1999 SPEECH AND MYOFUNCTIONAL CLINIC OF THE FRONT RANGE 357 McCaslin Blvd., Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-0285 www.frontrangespeech.com Services: Orofacial myofacial disorders, habit elimination, articulation, oral motor. Person in charge: Anne Venables, owner Year founded: 1993 DR. GARRET ROCK D.C. AND SOUTH POINTE CLINICS 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660/303-848-8448 www.ssrehabcenter.com Services: Chiropractic, medical, massage, rehabilitation, sports injuries and performance. Person in charge: Garret Rock, D.C. Year founded: 2004 SURGERY - HAND THE HAND CENTER LONGMONT CLINIC 4745 Arapahoe Blvd., No. 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-957-7116/720-536-5725 www.handcentercolorado.com Services: Experts in the care and rehabilitation of the hand, and wrist; hand surgery. Year founded: 2009 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Services: Multispecialty medical center with more than 50 physicians and 20 medical specialties. Ancillary services include radiology, lab, walk in urgent care, diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine. Person in charge: Jack B. Campbell, administrator Year founded: 1906 THE HAND CENTER 80 Garden Center, Suite 223 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-9577116/720-536-5725 www.handcentercolorado.com Services: Experts in the care and rehabilitation of the hand and wrist; hand surgery. Year founded: 2009 Rolfing® Structural Integration Training & Community Client Clinic Release • Realign • Renew Part of the Boulder Community for over 40 years. Financial Aid Available to students who qualify finaid.rolf.org The Rolf Institute ® of Structural Integration 303-449-5903 • [email protected] • www.rolf.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT RHEUMATOLOGY > ROLFING/ STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION > SLEEP MEDICINE > SPEECH REHABILITATION SURGERY - HAND > URGENT CARE COLORADO CENTER FOR ARTHRITIS AND OSTEOPOROSIS 54 | MD 2014 UROLOGY ALPINE UROLOGY 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 250 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-776-9400/303-682-2952 www.alpineurology.net ALPINE UROLOGY 16677 Lowell Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80023 303-938-3484/303-665-1443 www.alpineurology.net ALPINE UROLOGY 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-9000/303-444-9073 www.alpineurology.net ALPINE UROLOGY 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 340 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4343/303-666-6741 Person in charge: Charles C. Anderson, M.D. Year founded: 1985 ALPINE UROLOGY 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 420 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-9400/303-682-2952 www.alpineurology.net UROLOGY > WEIGHT MANAGEMENT COMPANIES > YOGA AND PILATES STUDIOS WEIGHT MANAGEMENT COMPANIES BOULDER NUTRITION & EXERCISE SERVICES 2900 Valmont Road, Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-1015/303-440-8990 www.bouldernutritionexercise.com Services: Registered dietitians/certified personal trainers provide nutrition education and exercise programs in one-on-one sessions for all abilities. Person in charge: Katie Doran Filkins, owner Year founded: 2006 CURVES 489 U.S. Highway 287 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-4447/303-665-9881 www.curves.com Services: Women’s fitness gym, weight management. Person in charge: Kathy Nagel, owner FULLY ALIVE MEDICINE 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80301 303-404-2232/303-447-2744 www.fullyalivemedicine.com Services: Chronic disease and pain, chronic sinusitis, diabetes, headaches, PMS, functional medicine, wellness, prevention, acupuncture, NST, Bowen Therapy, Healing Touch and medical marijuana evaluations. Year founded: 2009 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY FUNCTIONAL FITNESS & WELLNESS CENTER 2868 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-1440 www.functionalfitnessusa.com Services: Fitness Longevity, personal training center, small membership, therapeutic massage, structural integration, rolfing, ashiatsu, physical therapy, body work. Muscle activation technique. Person in charge: Sam Iannetta, founder/ master trainer Year founded: 2002 JOAN KNUDSON (SHAKLEE DISTRIBUTOR) 4745-E White Rock Circle Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-4461/303-530-0817 www.knudson.myshaklee.com Services: Vivix (telomere lengthening), Vitalizer, Shaklee 180 Weight Management, pre/ probiotics, protein and sports drinks, immunestrengthening, skin care, food supplements, and Get Clean household products. Person in charge: JoAn Knudson, independent Shaklee distributor Year founded: 1979 NUTRITION CONNECTIONS 174 Timber Lane Boulder, CO 80304 [email protected] www.nutritionconnections.com Services: Cookbook can be used as an education tool, incentive award, or gift for patients and employees to promote wellness. Person in charge: Eileen Faughey, M.A., R.D. Year founded: 1992 AXIS OF MOVEMENT 451 Oak St., Suite 208 Longmont, CO 80530 303-833-7353 www.axisofmovement.com Services: Pilates mat, reformer classes and Pilates apparatus, massage therapy, yoga, dance. Private sessions and group classes. Person in charge: Alisa Schillinger, owner Year founded: 2003 BODY DYNAMICS 2660 Canyon Blvd., Suite A4 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-5776/303-546-0020 www.bodydynamics.net Services: Pilates, yoga, physical therapy, personal training, massage, Fitball, Bosu, Smart Bells, Body Bar, core training and sports rehab. Person in charge: Lindsay Ross, co-owner; Wendy McClure, co-owner Year founded: 1998 BOULDER BODYWORKS 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 330 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-2739/303-938-1311 www.boulderbodyworks.com Services: Private and semi-private sessions of yoga, Pilates, pre- and post-natal Pilates; massage and physical therapy. Person in charge: Shoshana Chandler, office manager Year founded: 1992 BOULDER QUEST CENTER YOGA & PILATES STUDIOS 1501 Lee Hill Road, Suite 18 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3647 www.boulderquest.com Services: Teaches self-defense, mind and body techniques to create life mastery through martial arts. Person in charge: Mary Aitoshi Stevens Year founded: 2005 40PLUS FITNESS AND HEALTH LLC COLORADO HEALTHQUEST 765 Poplar Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-0402/303-954-0993 www.40plusintegrativehealth.com Services: Integrative medicine health coaching therapeutic exercise, yoga therapy, using mindfulness and neuroscience based techniques targeted to the needs of individuals over 40. Person in charge: Robin Saltonstall, Ph.D. Year founded: 1989 ALCHEMY OF MOVEMENT 842 Laurel Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-402-9088/303-402-9092 www.coloradohealthquest.com Services: Holistic physical therapy clinic; physical therapy, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation. Person in charge: Maureen Rimar, owner Year founded: 1996 COREPOWER BOULDER ON THE HILL 2436 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4410 www.alchemyofmovement.com Services: Soul Sweat and Barre Boulder. Person in charge: Lucy Wallace, teacher Year founded: 1996 1129 13th St., 2nd Floor Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-8952 www.corepoweryoga.com Services: Vinyasa, hot yoga, yoga sculpt and hot fusion. Person in charge: Trevor Tice, owner Year founded: 2013 ALTA PHYSICAL THERAPY AND PILATES COREPOWER YOGA BROOMFIELD 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707/303-444-8109 www.altatherapies.com Services: Physical therapy and Pilates practice. Person in charge: Jane M. Milliff, owner Year founded: 1990 3700 W. 144th Ave., Suite C100 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-887-6191 www.corepoweryoga.com Services: Vinyasa, hot yoga, yoga sculpt and hot fusion. Person in charge: Trevor Tice, owner Year founded: 2002 COREPOWER YOGA NORTH BOULDER STUDIO 3280 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-3930 www.corepoweryoga.com Services: Vinyasa, hot yoga, yoga sculpt and hot fusion. Person in charge: Trevor Tice, owner Year founded: 2002 COREPOWER YOGA SOUTH BOULDER STUDIO 645 27th Way Boulder, CO 80305 303-497-9642 www.corepoweryoga.com Services: Vinyasa, hot yoga, CoreRestore, yoga sculpt and hot fusion. Person in charge: Trevor Tice, owner Year founded: 2002 ELDORADO MOUNTAIN YOGA ASHRAM SHAMBHAVA SCHOOL OF YOGA 2875 County Road 67 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-3051 www.eldoradoyoga.org Services: Hatha yoga. Home of the Shambhava School of Yoga. FUNCTIONAL FITNESS & WELLNESS CENTER 2868 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-1440 www.functionalfitnessusa.com Services: Fitness Longevity, personal training center, small membership, therapeutic massage, structural integration, rolfing, ashiatsu, physical therapy, body work. Muscle activation technique. Person in charge: Sam Iannetta, founder/ master trainer Year founded: 2002 IYENGAR YOGA CENTER OF BOULDER/BOULDER YOGA 2299 Pearl St., Suite 6 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-9642 www.boulderyoga.com Services: Iyengar yoga studio offering general classes for all levels and therapeutics weekday classes. Anatomy education seminars. Person in charge: Laura Antelmi, founder/ director Year founded: 1991 MARLENE’S YOGA & SOMATIC PROCESSING 2412 Bristol St. Superior, CO 80027 303-543-9150 Services: Intuitive yoga, spinal rehabilitation, and somatic processing. The Prinzing Method is 80 percent unwinding/indirect work and 20 percent corrective/direct work. Person in charge: Marlene Marie Prinzing, physical and mental rehabilitation expert Year founded: 1984 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 55 NORTH BOULDER PILATES 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-3496/303-413-9907 www.northboulderpilates.com Services: Pilates osteoporosis and osteopenia classes. Pilates with an emphasis on a safe, fun, effective exercise program for medical problems. Home programs, mat classes and reformer/equipment classes. Person in charge: Debra Layne, owner Year founded: 2007 PILATES FOR LIFE 734 Tenacity Drive, Unit A Longmont, CO 80504 303-532-3362/303 532-3362 www.pilatesforlifeprospect.com Services: Private sessions, small-group equipment and mat classes, wheelchair accessible, insurance and rehab clients, all ages. Person in charge: Claudia K Miller, CEO/ president Year founded: 2003 PAT GUYTON PILATES PILATES OF LYONS PILATES BODIES PINNACLE PHYSICAL THERAPY AND PILATES 3825 Iris Ave., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-7284/303-449-7288 www.patguytonpilates.com Services: Pilates for Prime 50+, athletic performance and rehabilitation. Franklin Method educator level III. Person in charge: Pat Guyton, president Year founded: 2005 440 Main St. Lyons, CO 80540 720-934-7887 www.pilatesoflyons.com Services: Fully equipped Pilates studio offering private sessions, equipment and mat classes. Person in charge: Martina Mason, owner Year founded: 2007 1515 Main St., Unit B Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-9778/720-685-8963 www.pilatesbodies.org Services: Private instruction and classes with certified instructors. Person in charge: Donna M McLean, owner/ operator Year founded: 2000 3434 47th St., Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-7078/303-440-7242 www.pinnaclephysicaltherapyboulder.com Services: Restore the human body to its most optimal level of function after injury, surgery or general wear and tear. Person in charge: Kristie Bennett, P.T., M.S., C.L.T. Year founded: 1999 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PILATES STUDIO BE YOGA SOLAR YOGA THE PILATES CENTER 418 E. Simpson St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-588-1596 www.rmpilates.com Services: Full-service studio with private, semi-private and classroom instruction in Pilates. Teacher training by Power Pilates. Person in charge: Melanie Walter, owner Year founded: 2005 2077 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-402-1763 www.studiobeyoga.com Services: Personalized yoga with wide array of styles for all student levels. Experienced teaching staff. Person in charge: Michelle Anderson, co-director Year founded: 2000 645 Tenacity Drive, Unit E Longmont, CO 80504 303-485-0490/303-485-1818 www.solar-yoga.com Services: Hot yoga, power Vinyasa, beginner’s, pre-natal and gentle yoga classes; boutique with yoga wear, fun/casual clothing, jewelry, books, CDs and more. Person in charge: Loretta Richter, co-owner Year founded: 2005 SOUL TREE YOGA HUB 422 E. Simpson St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-5244 www.soultreecolorado.com Services: Yoga, pilates, dance, massage, workshops and teacher training. Person in charge: Meghan Stockdale, owner Year founded: 2010 5500 Flatiron Parkway, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-494-3400/303-499-2746 www.thepilatescenter.com Services: Private one-on-one sessions, classes, teacher training program. Person in charge: Amy Taylor Alpers, owner; Rachel Taylor Segel, owner Year founded: 1990 YOGA JUNCTION 908 Main St., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-658-0365 www.louisvilleyogajunction.com Person in charge: Carey King, owner YOGA POD 1750 29th St., Suite 2020 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-4232 www.yogapodcommunity.com Services: Level one and two vinyasa yoga, all levels hot yoga, Forrest yoga, yin yoga and YogaTone. Person in charge: Nicole Wienholt, owner; Gerry Wienholt, Owner Year founded: 2008 e-newsletters e-newsletters Stay informed with BCBR eNewsletters Stay informed with BCBR eNewsletters Reporting the region’s top business news daily. top Reporting the region’s business news daily. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Available now in print, Available now What are you waiting for? on-line and in print, on waiting CD-ROMfor? What are you on-line and on CD-ROM DataStore www.BCBR.com 3180 Sterling Circle, Boulder, CO | 303-440-4950 | fax 303-440-8954 www.BCBR.com 3180 Sterling Circle, Boulder, CO | 303-440-4950 | fax 303-440-8954 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Lists & Directories DataStore Available in Excel Lists & Directories Available in Excel BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT YOGA AND PILATES STUDIOS SUBSCRIBE NOW! 56 | MD 2014 PHYSICIANS AND PRACTITIONERS ACUPUNCTURE ADAMS, CAROLINE L.AC. Left Hand Community Acupuncture 101 W. Cannon St. Lafayette, CO 80026 720-248-8626 www.lefthandacu.com ALPER, JOHANNA L.AC. Courage Mountain Classical Acupuncture 1800 30th St., Suite 307 Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-7019 www.couragemountain.com BACHIA, MARYANNE L.AC. Acupuncture Energy Works 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Boulder Clinic of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com BLALACK, JASON L.AC. Good Earth Acupuncture 2600 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-545-5792 www.chinesemedicinedoc.com Medical School: Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, 2002 BLALACK, KATE L.AC. Good Earth Acupuncture 2600 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-545-5792 www.chinesemedicinedoc.com BOWMAN, MICHELLE R.N., L.AC., B.S.N. Health Center of Integrated Therapies 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 125 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5188 www.luhcares.org BRISSON, DOUGLAS PAUL D.C. Aspen Chiropractic And Wellness Center 2015 Ionosphere St., Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80504 303-678-8489 www.brissonwellness.com BUNN, TOM L.AC. ACUPUNCTURE Rocky Mountain Center for Advanced Medicine 4790 Table Mesa Drive, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80305 303-444-0840 www.rmcam.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY CAHN, MARC S. D.C. Boulder Back Pain Clinic 2760 29th St., Suite 2B Boulder, CO 80301 303-499-4500 www.boulderbackpainclinic.com Medical School: Palmer College of Chiropractic West, 1983 FLATLAND, ERIK N.D., L.AC. HUANG, PAO-CHIN L.AC. FRATKIN, JAKE PAUL O.M.D., L.AC. IVKER, ROBERT D.O. Boulder Natural Medicine Clinic 2885 Aurora Ave., Suite 29 Boulder, CO 80303 303-447-1339 www.bouldernatural.com Michael Castle, L.Ac., Dipl. OM 2760 29th St., Suite 1C Boulder, CO 80301 303-710-5620 www.greatwaveacupuncture.com Jake Paul Fratkin O.M.D., L.Ac. 7764 Jade Court Boulder, CO 80303 303-554-0722 www.drjakefratkin.com Medical School: Southwest Acupuncture College CRAWFORD, JANE M.S., DIPL.AC. GALBIATI, JIM L.AC. CASTLE, MICHAEL DIPL. OM, L.AC. Jane Crawford M.S., L.Ac. 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-1710 Medical School: Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine University DAUTREMONT JOHNS, PATRICIA L.AC. Boulder Acupuncture Clinic 2299 Pearl St., Suite 204 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-3366 www.boulderacupunctureclinic.com Medical School: Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine DISSENGER, TRACIE DP.O.M. L.AC Front Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center 901 Front St., Suite 120 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-2987 www.frontstreetchiro.com EDLAUER, MONICA L.AC. Boulder Family Acupuncture 2955 Valmont Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-859-7556 www.boulderfamilyacupuncture.com EVANS, STEVEN D.C. Abundant Health Chiropractic & Acupuncture 195 S. Main St., Suite 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1700 www.abundant-health-chiropractic.com Medical School: Palmer College of Chiropractic, 1974 FITCH, DAVID L.AC. Boulder Clinic of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com AcuSportsMed 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.acusportsmed.com Jim Galbiati L.Ac. 4696 Broadway, Second Floor Boulder, CO 80304 303-718-1878 www.jimgalbiati.com Medical School: Johns Hopkins; Traditional Acupuncture Institute GREACEN, AMELIA MOLLY L.AC. Amelia Molly Greacen, L.Ac. 3625 Conifer Court Boulder, CO 80304 303-546-0987 www.womanmedicine.com GREEN, JUSTIN D. M.D. Justin D. Green M.D. 5277 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 720-304-8154 Boulder Bone and Joint 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4545 Boulder Bone and Joint 1032 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0286 Medical School: Hahnemann University, 1987 HALL, LIVIA L.AC. Acupuncture Works 1723 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-0087 www.acupunctureworksboulder.com HALL, TED L.AC. Acupuncture Works 1723 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-0087 www.acupunctureworksboulder.com HENDERSON, ANDREW L.AC. Drew Henderson L.Ac. 1136 Alpine Ave., Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7004 HOBBS, VALERIE L.AC. Southwest Acupuncture College Clinic 6630 Gunpark Drive Boulder, CO 80301 303-581-9933 www.acupuncturecollege.edu Ruseto Center 1750 30th St., Suite 83 Boulder, CO 80301-1344 303-449-1686 www.ruseto.com Fully Alive Medicine 331 Maxwell Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-404-2232 www.fullyalivemedicine.com Fully Alive Medicine 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80301 303-404-2232 www.fullyalivemedicine.com KEATING, MICHAEL M.S., A.T.C., C.S.C.S. Synapse Physical Therapy 11575 Main St., Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-467-2288 ext. 2 www.synapsept.com Medical School: University of Illinois, 1994 KIRBY, MALIA L.AC. Blue Poppy Enterprises Inc. 1990 N. 57th Court, Unit A Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8372 www.bluepoppy.com KIRBY, SHAWN L.AC. Blue Poppy Enterprises Inc. 1990 N. 57th Court, Unit A Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8372 www.bluepoppy.com MA, JIN L.AC., R.N. Shanghai Acupuncture LLC 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-525-3399 www.shanghaiacupuncturellc.com MA, JIN SHI M.S., L.AC. Health Center of Integrated Therapies 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 125 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5188 www.luhcares.org MARCHAND, TOBY L.AC. FIT Wellness Center 1140 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-0353 www.broomfieldwellness.com METKE, MARY ELLEN L.AC. Mary Ellen Metke 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-2545 NEVILLE, JOANNE L.AC. Joanne Neville L.Ac. 5412 Idylwild Trail, Suite 106 Boulder, CO 80303 303-726-0084 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 57 SEIFERS, LUKE D.C. WOLFE, HONORA L.AC. Zoe Rabinowitz M.S.W., M.Ed., B.Div. 1304 N. Vivian St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3202 www.liim.org Medical School: SUNY-Downstate Medical School, New York; Beth Israel Hospital, New York SIGMOND, DONNA RD, LAC, LCH, DIPL OM, CLT, FAAFM, ABAAHP YAN, PEI FEN L.AC. RAO, NANCY N.D., L.AC. SPOSITO, ROSE L.AC. Lyna Norberg, Dipl. OM, L.Ac. 2919 Valmont Road, Suite 109 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-3030 RABINOWITZ, NAOMI M.D. Boulder Naturopathic Clinic 1295 Yellow Pine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-545-2021 www.bouldernaturopathic.com RAY, JANE D.C. Red Dragon Chiropractic & Acupuncture 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-2130 www.doctorjaneray.com REIDHEAD, AMY D.C., R.N. Holistica Integrative Care 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3777 www.holisticacare.com REILLY, JOHANNAH N.D., L.AC. Jo Hannah Reilly N.D., L.Ac. 1416 Elder Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-541-9600 www.johannahreilly.com SCHAEFER, JACK M.AC. Mountain West Wellness 5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-648-4066 www.boulder-colorado-acupuncture.com SCHIESSER, ROBIN L.AC., DIPL. OM Acupuncture Boulder Inc. 5757 Central Ave., Suite 212 Boulder, CO 80301 720-432-5373 www.acunpunctureboulder.com Medical School: Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine, Santa Monica, Calif. SCHULTZ, JOHN F. D.C., F.I.A.M.A. Schultz Chiropractic and Acupuncture 1715 Iron Horse Drive, Suite 122 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4790 www.schultzchiro.net SCRIMGEOUR, DAVID L.AC. Six Persimmons Apothecary 840 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-583-0179 www.sixpersimmons.com Medical School: American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Abundant Health Chiropractic & Acupuncture 195 S. Main St., Suite 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1700 www.abundant-health-chiropractic.com East West Wellness LLC 1148 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-554-1600 www.ewwellness.com Blue Poppy Enterprises Inc. 1990 N. 57th Court, Unit A Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8372 www.bluepoppy.com Chi Sheng Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs & Massage 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite A Boulder, CO 80301 303-939-9732 ZHANG, JULIE JIAYU L.AC., O.M.D. Rose Sposito, Lic. Acupuncture 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-579-2100 Inner Balance Acupuncture 3405 Penrose Place, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-931-8272; 303-931-8294 www.innerbalanceacupuncture.net STANFORD, RITA L.AC. ANESTHESIOLOGY Dr. Rita Stanford 3000 Pearl St., Suite 209 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-1243 www.ritastanford.com ANGEL, JOSE M.D. Boulder Osteopathic Center 2150 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302-4525 303-444-8337 www.boulderdo.com Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com STEVENS, REBECCA L.AC. ARNOLD, KEVIN M.D. STANLEY, SHARON D.O. Health Center of Integrated Therapies 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 125 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5188 www.luhcares.org SUAN, KEITH D.O. Boulder Osteopathic Center 2150 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302-4525 303-444-8337 www.boulderdo.com Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com BINDSEIL, RICHARD F. D.O. Left Hand Community Acupuncture 101 W. Cannon St. Lafayette, CO 80026 720-248-8626 www.lefthandacu.com Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie, Penn. WEST, KRISTEN N.D. BRADLEY, JOHN C. M.D. WEIGEL, DENNIS L.AC. NatureMed Clinic Integrative Medicine 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557 www.naturemedclinic.com WHITEDOVE, LINDA L.AC. Health Center of Integrated Therapies 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 125 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5188 www.luhcares.org WILLIAMS, GALEN L.AC. Louisville Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine 225 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 201 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0919 www.louisvilleclinic.com Medical School: 1995 Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas CABRERA, ARTHUR R. M.D. High Plains Anesthesia 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-422-9438 Medical School: University of Kansas CAFFREY, RICHARD R. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com CASTRO, PETER L. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com CHALMERS, THOMAS H. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org CHALMERS, TOM M.D. Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com DE GOES, SOPHIA L. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com DENHAM, MELODY F. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Pain Institute 3445 Penrose Place, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-0100 Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com Medical School: University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT ACUPUNCTURE > ANESTHESIOLOGY NORBERG, LYNA DIPL. O.M., L.AC. 58 | MD 2014 DHALIWAL, AVNINDER S. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com ELLIS, OWEN G. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com ESCAJEDA, DANIEL L. M.D. Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: University of Colorado, Aurora FARRIS, CLINT A. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com HAUG, JONATHAN M.D. Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com HILLENBRAND, A. BLAKE D.O. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com JENNINGS, JAMES E. M.D. High Plains Anesthesia 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-422-9438 Medical School: Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia FORTNER, CORWYN D. M.D. KIRKPATRICK, JEFFREY C. M.D. Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California FORTNER, SANDRA T. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org GAMBRELL, WILLIAM M. III, M.D. Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: University of Texas Medical School GEBHARDT, BRIAN M.D. ANESTHESIOLOGY GILDERSLEEVE, RICHARD G. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: Medical College of Georgia LAYNE, STEPHEN K. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com MILLER, LYNN D. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com MORROW, KENYON M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com MUNCY, TRAVIS R. D.O. Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: Des Moines University Osteopathic Center MURARESCU, BOGDAN M.D. Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com MURARESCU, MIHAI B. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org NIVENS, JR., DARREL THOMAS M.D. RANSOM, DAVID M.D. High Plains Anesthesia 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-422-9438 Medical School: Creighton University School of Medicine RAPHAEL, DAVID ALLEN M.D. High Plains Anesthesia 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-422-9438 Medical School: Louisiana State University School of Medicine ROBINSON, RONALD R. M.D. High Plains Anesthesia 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-422-9438 ROLLINS, CHARLES J. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org ROLLINS, CHARLIE M.D. Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com High Plains Anesthesia 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-422-9438 Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences SCHLAFLY, JEANIE MARIE D.O. PAVLIK, ROSTISLAV M.D. Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: University of Colorado Denver Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: Palacky University PESHOCK, JAMES ROBERT M.D. James Peshock, M.D. 2525 Fourth St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-269-2580 Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston PETRILLI, RALPH L. M.D. Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: University of Kentucky Hospital RAMIREZ, JACQUELYN L. D.O. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org High Plains Anesthesia 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-422-9438 SNEDDON, WALLACE A. M.D. STOICA, CRISTINA M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com TONKS, MICHAEL K. M.D. Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: University of Miami Hospital TRASK, WILLIAM M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 59 PEARLMAN, DAVID M.D. WARM, THEODORE T. M.D. PETRAK, BETTY A. M.D. Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org WEDDEL, STEPHEN J. M.D. Longmont Anesthesia Associates 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.longmont-anesthesia.com Medical School: University of Colorado Denver ZELIGS, MICHAEL A. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com ASTHMA & ALLERGY ANDREWS, KAREN M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com BOCK, S. ALLAN M.D. Boulder Valley Asthma & Allergy Clinics 3950 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-5991 www.boulderallergy.com Medical School: University of Maryland, 1972 DAVE, SHOBAN M.D. Northern Colorado Allergy & Asthma Clinic Avista Medical Complex 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 390 Louisville, CO 80027 800-221-6007 www.flatironallergy.com Medical School: The Pennsylvania State College of Medicine IVKER, ROBERT D.O. Fully Alive Medicine 331 Maxwell Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-404-2232 www.fullyalivemedicine.com Fully Alive Medicine 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80301 303-404-2232 www.fullyalivemedicine.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Colorado Allergy & Asthma Centers P.C. 340 E. First Ave., Suite 307 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-428-6089 www.coloradoallergy.com Boulder Valley Asthma & Allergy Clinics 400 McCaslin Blvd., Ste. 211 Louisville, CO 80027 720-890-9904 Medical School: New York Medical College, 1982 SCHAEFER, JACK M.AC. Mountain West Wellness 5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-648-4066 www.boulder-colorado-acupuncture.com SIGMOND, DONNA RD, LAC, LCH, DIPL OM, CLT, FAAFM, ABAAHP East West Wellness LLC 1148 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-554-1600 www.ewwellness.com TSAI, KATHERINE SHUANG-CHYUANG M.D. Colorado Allergy & Asthma Centers P.C. 340 E. First Ave., Suite 307 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-428-6089 www.coloradoallergy.com Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri AUDIOLOGY CAVANAUGH, KEVIN C. M.D. Front Range Otolaryngology 1325 Dry Creek Drive, Unit 103 Longmont, CO 80503 720-494-9111 www.frontrangeoto.com Front Range Otolaryngology & Facial Plastic Surgery PC 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 280 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-9111 Medical School: Loyola University School of Medicine, Chicago ESCHENBRENNER, JULIE AU.D. Flatirons Audiology Inc. 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 365 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-9111 www.flatironsaudiology.com GERHARDT-JEWELL, CHRISTINE M.A., C.C.C.-A. Hearing Solutions 722 Front St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-8149 www.myhearingsolution.com JEWELL, MALCOLM BS, BC-HIS Hearing Solutions 722 Front St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-8149 www.myhearingsolution.com RUDDEN, D’ANNE AU.D FEJKA, MARTIN M.D. SEITZ, ADELE AU.D. GUBER, MYLES S. M.D. SWANDER, WHITNEY AU.D. HOFER, BRADLEY O. M.D. Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center 1146 Francis St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-1178 www.longmonthearing.com Medical School: Arizona School of Health Sciences Hearing Life 2130 N. Main St., Suite 3 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-4313 www.hearinglife.com Hearing Healthcare Centers 4800 Baseline Road, Suite E 108 Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-3900 www.hearinghealthcarecenters.com Hearing Healthcare Centers 11480 N. Sheridan Blvd., No. 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-464-8440 www.hearinghealthcarecenters.com Hearing Healthcare Centers 1515 Main St., Suite 15 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-8748 www.hearinghealthcarecenters.com CARDIOLOGY BACKUP, LINDA D. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Washington DOUCET, JAMIE J. M.D., F.A.C.C. Boulder Heart at Anderson Medical Center 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2395 www.bch.org Medical School: Louisiana State University, 1992 DOUTHIT, MARK B. M.D. Colorado Health Medical Group, Cardiology, Vascular and Thorasic Surgery 6800 79th St., Suite 203 Niwot, CO 80503 303-652-8888 Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine, 1981 DRESCHER, MURRY M.D. Milestone Medical Group - Cardiology 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 310 Longmont, CO 80501 720-652-8400 www.luhcares.org Medical School: Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York EYSTER, DARLENE M.D. Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Cardiovascular Services 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 310 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6420 http://www.exemplagoodsamaritan.org/ CardiovascularServices Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Cardiovascular Services 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 310 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6420 http://www.exemplagoodsamaritan.org/ CardiovascularServices Colorado Cardiovascular Surgical Associates 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 190 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2244 www.ccvsa.com Colorado Cardiovascular Surgical Associates 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 190 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2244 www.ccvsa.com HOLLAND, MATTHEW R. M.D. Boulder Medical Center Cardiology 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3057 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Johns Hopkins University KESSLER, RANDOLPH M. M.D. Colorado Cardiovascular Surgical Associates 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 190 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2244 www.ccvsa.com MATTHEW, THOMAS L. M.D. Colorado Health Medical Group, Cardiology, Vascular and Thorasic Surgery 6800 79th St., Suite 203 Niwot, CO 80503 303-652-8888 MCNEIL, JOHN RICHARD M.D. Boulder Heart at Anderson Medical Center 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2395 www.bch.org Medical School: Medical College of Ohio, 1998 OZA, SAMEER A. M.D. Boulder Heart at Anderson Medical Center 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2395 www.bch.org Medical School: Government Medical College, India, 1996 PORTER, MICHAEL M.D. Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Cardiovascular Services 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 310 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6420 http://www.exemplagoodsamaritan.org/ CardiovascularServices BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT ANESTHESIOLOGY > ASTHMA & ALLERGY > AUDIOLOGY > CARDIOLOGY WARM, TED M.D. 60 | MD 2014 REYNOLDS, BRYAN J. M.D. WARE, MOLLY G. M.D. ROGERS, CHARLES PETER M.D., F.A.C.C. WEKSLER, JUAN EDUARDO M.D. Boulder Heart 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-5958 www.bch.org Medical School: University of New Mexico, 1991 Boulder Heart at Anderson Medical Center 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2395 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Vermont, 1977 Flatirons Heart and Vascular 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 350 Louisville, CO 80027 303-269-2905 www.flatironsheart.org Medical School: Texas A&M University College of Medicine SCHAFFER, MICHAEL M.D. WHITE, DANIEL S. M.D., F.A.C.C. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org SCHUTZ, JOHN A. M.D. Boulder Heart at Anderson Medical Center 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2395 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Missouri at Columbia, 1998 SHARMA, RAJESH M.D. Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Cardiovascular Services 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 310 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6420 http://www.exemplagoodsamaritan.org/ CardiovascularServices STATHIS, JOHN P. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Autonomous de Guadalajara THOMPSON, ROY W. M.D., F.A.C.C. CARDIOLOGY > CHIROPRACTIC Boulder Heart at Anderson Medical Center 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2395 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences Boulder Heart 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-5958 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Colorado at Denver, 1992 YEUNG, ELIZABETH M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org CHIROPRACTIC ACHTERMANN, KAREN D.C. Achtermann Chiropractic and Massage 600 Main St. Louisville, CO 80027-1828 303-673-9797 www.achtermann-us.com Medical School: Logan College, 1994 ACHTERMANN, MARTY D.C. Achtermann Chiropractic and Massage 600 Main St. Louisville, CO 80027-1828 303-673-9797 www.achtermann-us.com Medical School: Logan College, 1995 Boulder Heart at Anderson Medical Center 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2395 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Colorado, 1983 AUSTIN, PAUL D.C. TRUJILLO, JR., NELSON P. M.D., F.A.C.C. BENESH, LEEANN D.C. Boulder Heart at Anderson Medical Center 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2395 www.bch.org Medical School: George Washington University, 1988 VILLAVICENCIO, KARRIE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Austin Chiropractic Center 362 S. McCaslin Blvd. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-5405 www.austinchirocenter.com Front Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center 901 Front St., Suite 120 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-2987 www.frontstreetchiro.com BENNETT, DOUGLAS D.C. Clancey Chiropractic 195 S. Main St., Suite 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2060 www.clanceychiropractic.net BORMAN, BILL D.C. DUGGAN, GENE M.D BORMAN, BONNIE D.C. ELDER, BEN D.C. BRISSON, DOUGLAS PAUL D.C. ELSEA, MARY D.C. CAHN, MARC S. D.C. EVANS, STEVEN D.C. CHANCE, DEBRA D.C. FINEGAN, PAUL D.C. Borman & Borman 3915 W. 127 Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-1366 Medical School: National College of Chiropractic, 1989 Borman & Borman 3915 W. 127 Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-1366 Medical School: National College of Chiropractic, 1989 Aspen Chiropractic And Wellness Center 2015 Ionosphere St., Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80504 303-678-8489 www.brissonwellness.com Boulder Back Pain Clinic 2760 29th St., Suite 2B Boulder, CO 80301 303-499-4500 www.boulderbackpainclinic.com Medical School: Palmer College of Chiropractic West, 1983 Chance Chiropractic Center 103 E. Simpson St., Suite 100 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-6164 www.chancechiropracticcenter.com Medical School: Life University, 1999 CLANCEY, DOUGLAS D.C., F.I.A.M.A. Clancey Chiropractic 195 S. Main St., Suite 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2060 www.clanceychiropractic.net CONNELLY, CHE D.C. 2439 Broadway, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-1553/303-443-8069 www.dugganchiropractic.com Services: Health care. Year founded: 1985 Ben Elder Jr., D.C. 1365 Forest Park Circle, Suite 201 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-7151 Medical School: National College of Chiropractic, 1982 South Boulder Chiropractic 4150 Darley Ave, Suite 6 Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-5000 www.southboulderchiropractic.com Abundant Health Chiropractic & Acupuncture 195 S. Main St., Suite 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1700 www.abundant-health-chiropractic.com Medical School: Palmer College of Chiropractic, 1974 Finegan Chiropractic Health Center 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 260 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-2737 www.drfinegan.com FOSTER, BRIAN KEITH D.C. Foster Health & Wellness Center PLLC 2051 Terry St., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-8300 www.drbrianfoster.com Medical School: Palmer College of Chiropractic, San Jose, CA. Connelly Chiropractic PC 1325 Dry Creek Drive, Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80503 303-776-5535 www.connellychiropractic.com Medical School: Colorado State University; Parker College of Chiropractic FOUNTAIN, JEFF D.C. DEBEVER, JOANIE D.C., C.C.S.T., C.C.C.N. Larry Frieder D.C. 3400 Table Mesa Drive, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-0944 www.bouldersportandspine.com Healing Touch Chiropractic of Boulder PLLC 3005 47th St., Suite F-2 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-0036 www.healingtouchofboulder.com DOUILLARD, JOHN D.C., PH.D. John Douillard’s LifeSpa 6662 Gunpark Drive East, Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80301 303-516-4848 www.lifespa.com Medical School: Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, 1984 Fountain Chiropractic 590 Persimmon Drive Boulder, CO 80304 303-818-5343 www.jefffountainboulder.com FRIEDER, LARRY D.C. FRITZ, THOMAS D.C. Fritz Wellness Center 1749 Terry St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3982 www.fritzwellnesscenter.com FRY, JOEL D.C. Elite Chiropractic 1020 W. Century Drive, Suite 101 Louisville, CO 80027 303-516-1517 www.elitechiroonline.com Medical School: Cleveland College of Chiropractic, 2000 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 61 KENNEDY, DOUG D.C. GROOVER, THOMAS D. B.S., B.S.C.I., M.A., D.C. KENYON, BRIAN A. D.C. FIT Wellness Center 1140 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-0353 www.broomfieldwellness.com Kennedy Chiropractic 3405 Penrose Place, Suite 106 Boulder, CO 80301 303-546-6325 www.colopainclinic.com Groover Clinic 2725 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-7772 www.grooverclinic.com FIT Wellness Center 1140 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-0353 www.broomfieldwellness.com Medical School: Texas Chiropractic College, 1998 HANECA, SHANMANIE D.C. KINNEAVY, ELIZABETH D.C. Aspen Chiropractic And Wellness Center 2015 Ionosphere St., Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80504 303-678-8489 www.brissonwellness.com Front Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center 901 Front St., Suite 120 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-2987 www.frontstreetchiro.com HARRIS, ADAM D.C. KNOWLES, RICHELLE M. D.C. Compassionate Care Centers 1124 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-926-6865 www.compassionatecarecenters.com HART, PAMELA L. D.C. Alternative Health Clinic PC 5761 N. Orchard Creek Circle Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-2225 www.drhartalternativehealth.com HEIMESTER, DALE D.C. Mountainview Chiropractic Center 1650 38th St., Suite 204 W Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-9700 www.mountainviewchiropracticcenter.com HERNANDEZ, ELIU D.C. Mountainview Chiropractic Center 1650 38th St., Suite 204 W Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-9700 www.mountainviewchiropracticcenter.com ILLMAN, CHRISTINE D.C. Left Hand Back and Body 701 Deleware Ave., Suite A Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-7003 www.lefthandbackandbody.com ILLMAN, DREW D.C. Left Hand Back and Body 701 Deleware Ave., Suite A Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-7003 www.lefthandbackandbody.com JOHNSTON, DEREK D.C. Johnston Chiropractic and Acupuncture 2255 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-5042 www.johnston-chiropractic.com Medical School: Logan Chiropractic College, 2000 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Network Family Wellness Center 1715 15th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-998-1000 www.networkwellnesscenters.com KNOWLES, III, DANIEL MARSHALL D.C. MOORE, RANDALL B. D.C. Moore Life Chiropractic Wellness Center 2687 Northpark Drive, Suite 103 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-0024 www.moorelifechiropractic.com Medical School: Palmer College of Chiropractic PEARSON, CRAIG D.C. Canyon Chiropractic Center 2625 28th St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-402-1300 www.canyonchiro.com Advanced Health Care 1715 Iron Horse Drive, Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80504 303-776-6110 MEYER, KEVIN D.C. FIT Wellness Center 1140 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-0353 www.broomfieldwellness.com MOON, MEGAN D.C., R.N., C.D.N.P. Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660 www.ssrehabcenter.com Colorado Fibromyalgia Center 380 Empire Road, Suite 120 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-8444 www.coloradofibromyalgia.com SHELTON, BRENDA KAY D.C. SHRIVER, GINGER D.C. REICHLIN, KEVIN F. D.C. ST. PIERRE, ERIC D.C., DACBSP, CSCS Red Dragon Chiropractic & Acupuncture 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-2130 www.doctorjaneray.com REIDHEAD, AMY D.C., R.N. MESSER, ROBERT ALAN D.C. Abundant Health Chiropractic & Acupuncture 195 S. Main St., Suite 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1700 www.abundant-health-chiropractic.com RAY, JANE D.C. MAUDLIN, BEAU D.C., B.C.N.P., C.C.S.T. Helping Hands Chiropractic 195 S. Main, Unit 1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-494-2800 www.hhcboulder.com SEIFERS, LUKE D.C. Dr. Dean Raffelock & Associates 3100 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-541-9019 www.drdeanraffelock.com Duggan Chiropractic 2439 Broadway, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-1553 www.dugganchiropractic.com MEINKE, HEATHER D.C. Schultz Chiropractic and Acupuncture 1715 Iron Horse Drive, Suite 122 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4790 www.schultzchiro.net Family Chiropractic Clinic 1112 Francis St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-0266 www.drbrendashelton.com Medical School: Palmer College of Chiropractic. RAFFELOCK, DEAN Network Family Wellness Center 1715 15th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-998-1000 www.networkwellnesscenters.com Rejuv Health Makeovers 2130 E. Mountain View Ave., Suite 204 Longmont, CO 80501 720-340-4736 www.rejuvhealthmakeovers.com SCHULTZ, JOHN F. D.C., F.I.A.M.A. Holistica Integrative Care 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3777 www.holisticacare.com ROCK, GARRET D.C. Swan Lake Chiropractic Health Centre 724 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-3103 www.swanlakechiro.com Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660 www.ssrehabcenter.com Colorado Fibromyalgia Center 380 Empire Road, Suite 120 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-8444 www.coloradofibromyalgia.com STATLEY, WESLEY E. D.C. Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660 www.ssrehabcenter.com Longmont Chiropractic & Wellness Center 630 15th Ave., Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2525 www.longmontchiropractic.com Medical School: Texas Chiropractic College. RODGERS, JEREMY D.C. TERRY, DOUGLAS J. D.C. RUCKER, EMILY J. D.C. THOMM, MAUREEN D.C. SCHMIDT, DONALD D.C. VALEN, CATHERINE D.C. Colorado Spine and Sport 335 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-4358 www.coloradospineandsport.com Medical School: Cleveland College of Chiropractic, 1998 Emily J Rucker, D.C. 3434 47th St., Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-9355 www.emilyjruckerdc.com Mountainview Chiropractic Center 1650 38th St., Suite 204 W Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-9700 www.mountainviewchiropracticcenter.com Terry Chiropractic Health Center 3083 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-0500 www.terrychiropracticboulder.com Medical School: National College of Chiropractic, 1980 Colorado Spine and Sport 335 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-4358 www.coloradospineandsport.com Nederland Chiropractic & Wellness Center 20 Lakeview Drive, Suite 204 Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-7730 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT CHIROPRACTIC GRATACOS, OSVALDO D.C. 62 | MD 2014 WARHURST, CRAIG E. D.C. Warhurst Family Chiropractic 1010 Depot Hill Road, Suite 104 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-464-9282 www.warhurstchiropractic.com Medical School: Logan College of Chiropractic, 1977 WENDT, JOHN D.C. Life Chiropractic 825 Delaware Ave., PH P103 Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-1979 www.inspirelifechiropractic.com WHITE, EVAN D.C. Compass Chiropractic 1365 Forest Park Circle, Suite 102 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-955-5208 www.compasschiropractic.net WIND, MARC D.C. Four Winds Family Wellness Center 1790 30th St., Suite 270 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-4498 www.fourwindswellness.com ZELLNER, JACK D.C. Zellner Chiropractic Center 1310 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-7524 www.zellnerchiropractic.com DENTISTRY & ORAL SURGERY BARFIELD, DARBY D.M.D. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org ADLER, MICHAEL D.D.S. CHIROPRACTIC > DENTISTRY & ORAL SURGERY Adler Cosmetic & Family Dentistry 1810 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-1119 AHERN, ROBERT D.D.S. Longmont Dental Associates 1325 Hover St., Suite 103 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3018 www.longmontdental.net ALBER, MARC D.D.S. Boulder Dental Group 2919 Valmont Road, Suite 106 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3132 www.boulderdentalgroup.com ANDRUS, KEVIN M.D. Longmont Oral, Facial and Implant Surgery PC 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 260 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-8870 www.longmontoralsurgery.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY BAUMAN, JOHN D.D.S. CARAWAY, DAMEN D.D.S. DIXON, GARY D.M.D., M.S. BECVAR, FRANK G. D.D.S. CARPENTER, MIKE D.D.S. DODGE, JOHN D.D.S. John Bauman D.D.S. 1055 17th Ave., Suite 92 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1852 www.baumandds.com AAA Health Centered Dentistry 2130 Mountain View Ave., Unit 205 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6021 Medical School: University of Nebraska BILES, JILL D.D.S. Avanti Dental Care 900 S. Main St., Suite 201 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-9701 www.avanti-dental.com BIRNBACH, MARK D.M.D. Bouldersmiles 1636 16th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-4417 www.bouldersmiles.com Medical School: Tufts University, 1973 BISHOP, JOHN D.D.S. Damen Caraway D.D.S 1760 Centennial Drive, Suite B Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-7333 www.carawayortho.com Dr. Mike Carpenter D.D.S, Dr. Fred Donaghy, D.D.S. 3093 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-1703 www.mikecarpenterdds.com CATHERS, JUSTIN W. D.D.S. CHRISTENSEN, EDWARD A. D.D.S. DRAKE, THOMAS D.D.S. Foothills Pediatric Dentistry 1140 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 102 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-9500 www.foothillspediatricdentistry.com Medical School: University of Colorado, 1997 BLUESTEIN, EVE M.D., D.D.S. E. Lynn Colbert D.M.D. 3100 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-0367 www.colbertdentalcenter.com Broomfield Plaza Family Dentistry 5015 W. 120 Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-2935 Medical School: Washington University, 1983 BOWLING, NINA RICHARDSON D.M.D. Broomfield Plaza Family Dentistry 5015 W. 120 Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-2935 Medical School: Washington University, 1981 BRACHVOGEL, WILLIAM A. D.D.S. William A. Brachvogel D.D.S. 1840 Folsom St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-1146 www.bouldersmiledesign.com Medical School: University of Washington CAMPBELL, BELINDA D.D.S. Young Dentistry for Children 1056 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0710 www.youngdentistryforchildren.com DONAGHY, FRED D.D.S. Dr. Mike Carpenter D.D.S, Dr. Fred Donaghy, D.D.S. 3093 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-1703 www.mikecarpenterdds.com COATS, BRIAN F. D.D.S. BOWLING, FRANKLIN L. D.M.D. John Dodge D.D.S. 2601 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-447-0460 www.dodgeperio.com Pediatric Dental Group 300 Exempla Circle, No. 460 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-9494 pediatricdentalgroupco.com Bishop & Takemoto Dentistry 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-4777 www.btdentistry.com Medical School: University of Southern California, 1981 Bluestein, Dr. Eve 1068 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-938-1161 www.bsurgicalarts.com Medical School: University of Cincinnati Dixon Orthodontics 1075 E. South Boulder Road, Suite 235 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0300 www.drdixonortho.com Brian F. Coats D.D.S. 1305 Sumner St., Suite 300 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-4090 www.longmontdentist.com COLBERT, E. LYNN D.M.D. COLLETTI, LAURENCE J. D.D.S. Smile Designers Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 1246 N. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-7800 www.smiledesignersteam.com FISCUS, ANDREW L. D.D.S. Andrew L. Fiscus D.D.S. 3400 Penrose Place, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-5748 www.fiscusdentistry.com FLEISCHMANN, BROOKE D.D.S. Fleischmann Family Dentistry 1080 U.S. Highway 287 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-7300 www.broomfielddentistry.com FLEISCHMANN, DAVID D.D.S. Align Orthodontics 1068 S. 88th St., Suite B Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-0800 www.alignorthodontics.com Fleischmann Family Dentistry 1080 U.S. Highway 287 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-7300 www.broomfielddentistry.com Medical School: University of Nebraska, 1996 CRAIG, ROBERT A. D.D.S., M.S. FLETCHER, VICTOR D.D.S., F.A.C.P. Craig Orthodontics 1120 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 201 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-9224 www.craigortho.com Medical School: University of Missouri, 1980 Bridging Your Health Inc. 1068 S. 88th St., Suite A Louisville, CO 80027 303-938-1161 www.bridgingyourhealth.com DECKER, JILL D.D.S. Young Dentistry for Children 1056 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0710 www.youngdentistryforchildren.com Daniel B. Foley D.D.S. 1440 28th St. Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-2255 www.foleyoralsurgery.com Medical School: Creighton University, 1976 DHALIWAL, KRISTY D.D.S. FRANZ, WAYNE D.D.S. Rosewood Dental Group 6700 Lookout Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-0300 Medical School: University of Colorado School of Dentistry FOLEY, DANIEL B. D.D.S. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 63 Lafayette Dental Excellence 511 Crossing Drive, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-1001 www.lafayettedentalexcellence.com Medical School: New York University, 1978 FRUTCHEY, BRIAN C. D.M.D. Flatirons Endodontics LLC 850 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 201 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-6120 www.flatironsendo.com GERRY, LEE W. D.D.S. Broomfield Dental Care 13606 Xavier Lane Broomfield, CO 80023 303-466-7306 HALEK, MILENA D.D.S. Broadway Smiles 2430 N. Broadway, Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80304 303-786-8899 www.halekandrathburn.com HANSON, RUSSELL D.D.S. Russell Hanson D.D.S. 1371 Hecla Drive, Suite D-2 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-2609 www.russellhansondentist.com Medical School: Loma Linda School of Dentistry, 1975 HARTIGAN, PAUL D.D.S. Longs Peak Family Dental 1616 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3313 HOVICK, CRAIG J. D.D.S. Craig J. Hovick D.D.S. 1055 17th Ave., Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-5253 www.longmontperiodontics.com HOWE, KEATON D.D.S. Young Dentistry for Children 1056 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0710 www.youngdentistryforchildren.com Medical School: University of Illinois at Chicago, 2000 HOWELL, BRUCE D.D.S. Dental Health of Longmont 1260 S. Hover St., Unit H Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-1125 www.dentalhealthcolorado.com HUGHES, TRACEY D.D.S., F.A.G.D. Boulder Valley Dental Center 535 E. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-8820 www.bouldervalleydental.com JOHNSON, DANIEL P. D.D.S. Daniel P. Johnson D.D.S. 630 15th Ave., Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-0300 www.johnson-oral-surgery.com JONES, DAVID D.D.S. Endodontics of The Rockies 1055 17th Ave., Suite 105 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-0202 www.endorockies.com KIMBALL, SHAWN D.D.S. Broomfield Dental Group 1140 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-438-9899 KNECHTEL, KURT D.D.S. Dr. Kurt Knechtel 1322 Vivian St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-4229 KOCHEVAR, CASEY D.D.S. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org KRETSCH, KIMBERLY A. D.D.S. Young Dentistry for Children 1056 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0710 www.youngdentistryforchildren.com LAHM, AMY D.D.S. Broomfield Dental Group 1140 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-438-9899 LANG, BRENT D.D.S., P.C. Boulder Orthodontics 1900 Folsom St., Suite 211 Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-3250 www.boulderorthodontics.com LEWIS, DENNIS D.D.S. Arapahoe Dental 2525 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-0905 www.arapahoedental.net Medical School: Creighton University JONES, MICHAEL D. D.D.S. Boulder Pediatric Dentistry 3400 Penrose Place, Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-8250 www.boulderpediatricdental.com Dental Aid Adult and Children’s Clinic 4155 Darley Ave., Suite C Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-7072 www.dentalaid.org Dental Aid Adult and Children’s Clinic - Longmont 1715 Princess Drive Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-2619 www.dentalaid.org HIGGINS, ELLIOTT D.M.D. KALFAS, LISA D.D.S. MAINES, JASON D.D.S., M.S. HARWOOD, PHILLIP C. D.D.S. Pearl Street Dental 2575 Pearl St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-3771 www.pearlstreetdental.com HOSSEIN, MOOGAVI D.D.S. Perfect Teeth 11550 N. Sheridan Blvd., Suite 101 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-0922 www.perfectteethdentalplan.com HOUGHT, ROMAN T. D.M.D. Boulder Oral Surgery 3450 Penrose Place, Suite 120 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-9735 www.boulderoralsurgery.net MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Lisa Kalfas D.D.S. 2300 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-9161 www.lisakalfasdds.com Medical School: University of Colorado School of Dentistry, 1987 KASPER, SUSAN D.M.D. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org KAWULOK, TED D.D.S. Whole Family Dentistry 1400 28th St. Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-8625 www.wholefamilydentistry.com Medical School: University of Colorado School of Dentistry Endodontics of The Rockies 1055 17th Ave., Suite 105 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-0202 www.endorockies.com MAURER, JAMES D.D.S. Maurer Family Dental Care 2211 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-7000 MCCARTY, CHERYL S. D.D.S. Cheryl S. McCarty D.D.S. 333 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 3 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7267 Medical School: University of Colorado, 1988 MCNEAR, NICOLE D.M.D. Young Dentistry for Children 1056 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-0710 www.youngdentistryforchildren.com MENA, JOSE D.M.D. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org MOHELICKI, ANIA D.D.S., P.C. Ania Mohelicki D.D.S., P.C. 1400 28th St., Suite 4 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-0998 www.drania.com MONTANO, RON D.D.S. Adventure Dental, Vision & Orthodontics 1739 N. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-834-7919 www.adventurelongmont.com MURRAY, MEGAN R. D.D.S. Murray Family Dentistry 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 207 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4900 www.murrayfamilydentistry.net Murray Family Dentistry 1332 Linden St., No. 2 Longmont, CO 80502 303-772-2392 www.murrayfamilydentistry.net MURRAY, RYAN R. D.D.S. Murray Family Dentistry 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 207 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4900 www.murrayfamilydentistry.net Murray Family Dentistry 1332 Linden St., No. 2 Longmont, CO 80502 303-772-2392 www.murrayfamilydentistry.net NEWSOME, LINDA D.D.S. Baseline Dental 489 U.S. Highway 287 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-664-9355 www.baselinedental.com NICHOLS, TIMOTHY D.D.S. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org O’BRIEN, ROBERT D.D.S. Robert O’Brien Family Dentistry 1446 Hover St., Suite 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-9700 www.robertobriendds.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT DENTISTRY & ORAL SURGERY FRIEDMAN, MITCHELL N. D.D.S. 64 | MD 2014 PAIMAGHRAM, BRAMARAMBA SRUTHI D.D.S. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org PARK, MICHAEL D.D.S. Alan Reisman D.D.S. 1075 South Boulder Road, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2377 www.alanreisman.com Medical School: Case Western Reserve University, 1988 541 Main Dental 541 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3030 Medical School: Case Western Reserve University RHOADES, ANGIE RDH PARSONS, JOSEPH D.D.S. ROGGE, CLIFF D.D.S. SmileLogic Inc. 403 Summit Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80021 303-665-1281 www.smile-logic.com Boulder Endodontics 3100 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-6621 Medical School: University of Colorado School of Dentistry, 1995 Artistic Smiles 920 S. Hover St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-8888 www.artisticsmiles.org PATIL, RAJESH D.D.S., M.S. Niwot Dental 376 Second Ave. Niwot, CO 80544 303-652-3500 niwotdental.com Patil Orthodontics 1600 N. Hover St., Suite D-1 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-7722 www.patilortho.com Patil Orthodontics 615 Mitchell Way, Suite 106 Erie, CO 80516 303-828-5385 www.patilortho.com PEEBLES-TURNER, MARY E. D.D.S. Mary E. Peebles-Turner D.D.S. 899 Highway 287, Suite 600 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9366 www.broomfielddentist.com PIERSON, DIANNE D.D.S. Longmont Family Dental 1503 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-7804 PIMPER, MARK A. D.D.S. DENTISTRY & ORAL SURGERY > DERMATOLOGY REISMAN, ALAN D.D.S. Mark A. Pimper D.D.S. 2929 17th Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-2240 www.markpimperdds.com POULSEN, KEN D.D.S. Boulder Family Dental Center 3400 Penrose Place, Suite 5 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3131 RANUCCI, ANDREW D.M.D. Andrew Ranucci D.M.D. 515 Main St., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-9422 www.ranuccidental.com RATHBURN, TARA D.D.S. Broadway Smiles 2430 N. Broadway, Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80304 303-786-8899 www.halekandrathburn.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY SAEKS, ADAM D.D.S. SAUZA, JUAN D.D.S. Avanti Dental Care 900 S. Main St., Suite 201 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-9701 www.avanti-dental.com Medical School: University of Colorado, 2001 SCHEIDIES, JENNIFER D.D.S. Cosmetic & Family Dental Care 921 Ninth Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2035 www.mylongmontdentist.com SESSIONS, BRUCE D.D.S. 541 Main Dental 541 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3030 Medical School: University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry SEWELL, ANDREW D.D.S. Andrew Sewell D.D.S. 3000 Center Green Drive Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-6142 SEWELL, DOUG D.M.D. Artistic Smiles 920 S. Hover St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-8888 www.artisticsmiles.org SHEEKS, CYNTHIA M. D.D.S. Cynthia M. Sheeks D.D.S. 925 Main St., Suite C Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-3600 www.cynthiasheeksdds.com Medical School: University of Illinois, 1985 SHORE, MICHAEL E. D.D.S. WINNICKI, JEFFREY D.D.S. SKROMME, ALLAN G. D.D.S. WINQUIST, HEIDI D.D.S. STRANGE, DAVID MALCOLM JR., D.D.S. WONG, JEFFREY D.D.S., M.S. Michael E. Shore D.D.S., P.C. 335 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 4 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4260 http://demandforce.com/b/micahel-shore-dds Rosewood Dental Group 6700 Lookout Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-0300 Pediatric Dental Group 300 Exempla Circle, No. 460 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-9494 pediatricdentalgroupco.com SUMMERS, CORBETT D.D.S. Corbett Summers D.D.S. 777 29th St., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-6141 TARAN, KRISTY D.D.S. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org TIMLIN, SCOTT Erie Family Dentistry 77 Erie Village Square, Suite 200 Erie, CO 80516 303-828-5430 www.eriefamilydentistry.com TOWNSEND, JENNINA D.D.S. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org VISGER, SEAN D.D.S. Aspen Dental Group 1720 Duchess Drive Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-6960 www.aspendentalgrp.com WEST, GORDON H. D.D.S. Gordon H. West D.D.S., P.C. 1140 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 201 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-5335 www.bouldercountysmiles.com Medical School: Marquette Dental School, 1998 The Dental Shoppe 297 N. U.S. Highway 287, Suite 104 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-8321 ww.dentalshoppe.com Heidi Winquist D.D.S. 3400 Penrose Place, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-7538 www.heididds.com Wong Orthodontics 3400 Penrose Place, Suite 203 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-6680 www.drwongortho.com ZARLENGO, WAYNE D.D.S. Studio Z Dental 1017 E. South Boulder Road., Suite B Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7110 www.studiozdental.com Medical School: University of Colorado, 1980 ZYVOLOSKI, THOMAS D.D.S. Studio Z Dental 1017 E. South Boulder Road., Suite B Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7110 www.studiozdental.com DERMATOLOGY ALLEN, SHAWN B. M.D. Dermatology Specialists of Boulder PC 2880 Folsom St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-6647 www.dsboulder.com Medical School: University of Tennessee College of Medicine BACHMANN, PETER M. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com BAILEY, BRIAN M.D. Bailey Dermatology 335 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-8288 www.baileydermatology.com/ BAIRD, KRISTIN M. M.D. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org Dermatology Center of the Rockies PC 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 135 Longmont, CO 80501 303-532-2810 www.dermatologyoftherockies.com Medical School: Medical College of Virginia, Richmond WILLIAMS, MARGIE D.D.S. BECKER, TODD M.D., PH.D. WHITESTONE, CHRISTOPHER D.D.S. Dental Aid 877 South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-8228 www.dentalaid.org Dermatology Center of the Rockies PC 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 135 Longmont, CO 80501 303-532-2810 www.dermatologyoftherockies.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 65 Boulder Dermatology Clinic PC 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-5261 www.boulderdermatology.com Boulder Dermatology Clinic PC 3575 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304-1825 303-449-0933 www.boulderdermatology.com FUESTON, JOHN C. M.D. Twin Peaks Dermatology PC 205 S. Main St., Suite E Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-8913 www.twinpeaksdermatology.com Medical School: University of Cincinnati GALLAGHER, THOMAS C. M.D. Boulder Valley Center for Dermatology 1140 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 202 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-1444 www.bvderm.com Boulder Valley Center for Dermatology 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80303 303-604-1444 www.bvderm.com Medical School: University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine JANOWSKI, LAWRENCE M.D. Sonata Laser Aesthetics 6363 W. 120th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-0064 www.sonatalaser.com KALLGREN, DIANE L. M.D. Kallgren Dermatology Clinic PC 3434 47th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-8100 www.kallgrenderm.com Medical School: University of Missouri Columbia School of Medicine, 1984 LEDDON, JEANIE CHUNG M.D. Boulder Valley Center for Dermatology 1140 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 202 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-1444 www.bvderm.com Boulder Valley Center for Dermatology 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80303 303-604-1444 www.bvderm.com Medical School: Cornell Medical School LEVINE, RICHARD G. M.D. Mountain View Dermatology 2935 Baseline Road, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-3152 [email protected] Medical School: University of Western Ontario MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY MORRISON, ALLISON E. M.D. Dermatology Center of the Rockies PC 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 135 Longmont, CO 80501 303-532-2810 www.dermatologyoftherockies.com Medical School: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston WEBER, MEGAN M.D. Rocky Mountain Dermatology 2400 Spruce St., Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-0833 www.rockymtndermatology.com EAR, NOSE & THROAT LILLYDAHL, WILLIAM C. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Duke University MORRISSEY, DAVID D. M.D. PROK, LORI M.D. ABERLE, KATHERINE M.D. Boulder Valley Ear, Nose & Throat Associates 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80304-3406 303-443-2771 www.bouldervalleyent.com Boulder Valley Ear, Nose & Throat Associates 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80304-3406 303-443-2771 www.bouldervalleyent.com Medical School: University of Colorado RUSSELL, GEORGE R. M.D. ALLEN, GREGORY M.D. PRAGER, JEREMY M.D. CARR, ALFRED N. M.D. SCHMID, PETER M. M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org George R. Russell M.D. 1000 Alpine St., Suite 50 Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-4864 SCATENA, LISA HACKNEY M.D. Rocky Mountain Dermatology 2400 Spruce St., Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-0833 www.rockymtndermatology.com SIGMOND, DONNA RD, LAC, LCH, DIPL OM, CLT, FAAFM, ABAAHP East West Wellness LLC 1148 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-554-1600 www.ewwellness.com SIMMONS, RACHEL M.D. Dermatology Specialists of Boulder PC 2880 Folsom St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-6647 www.dsboulder.com SINOWAY, PATRICIA A. M.D. Foothills Family Dermatology 361 Second Ave., Suite 101 Niwot, CO 80503 303-652-9222 Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta SMITH, CHRISTOPHER M.D. Flatirons Dermatology 13605 Xavier Lane, Suite B Broomfield, CO 80023 303-404-3376 www.flatironsdermatology.com STEINBAUGH, JOHN R. M.D. Boulder Dermatology Clinic PC 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-5261 www.boulderdermatology.com Boulder Dermatology Clinic PC 3575 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304-1825 303-449-0933 www.boulderdermatology.com Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1975 Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Colorado Hearing Tinnitus and Balance 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 500 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-7770 www.coloradohearingcenter.com Medical School: University of Colorado CAVANAUGH, KEVIN C. M.D. Front Range Otolaryngology 1325 Dry Creek Drive, Unit 103 Longmont, CO 80503 720-494-9111 www.frontrangeoto.com Front Range Otolaryngology & Facial Plastic Surgery PC 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 280 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-9111 Medical School: Loyola University School of Medicine, Chicago EMDUR, ABBY C. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Southern California School of Medicine GOLDMAN, ANDREW C. M.D. Boulder Valley Ear, Nose & Throat Associates 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80304-3406 303-443-2771 www.bouldervalleyent.com Medical School: Rush Medical College of Rush University KING, MICHAEL J. M.D. Peak ENT and Voice Center 403 Summit Blvd., Suite 204 Broomfield, CO 80021 720-401-2139 www.peakentandvoicecenter.com Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Institute of Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1305 Sumner St., Suite 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-6846 www.theaestheticsurgeon.com Institute of Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1305 Summer St., Suite 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-0412 www.theaestheticsurgeon.com Peter M. Schmid, D.O., FAACS 1305 Sumner St., Suite 100 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-6846 www.theaestheticsurgeon.com Medical School: University of Health Sciences, Kansas City SCHOLES, MELISSA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org STREUBEL, SVEN OLRIK M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org TERKONDA, RAJ P. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Missouri WARREN, J. DOUGLAS M.D. Boulder Valley Ear, Nose & Throat Associates 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80304-3406 303-443-2771 www.bouldervalleyent.com Medical School: University of Missouri BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT DERMATOLOGY > EAR, NOSE & THROAT CURRY, ALISE M.D. 66 | MD 2014 WILLIAMSON, MARY M.D. Boulder Medical Center PC 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3057 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com YOON, PATRICIA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: New Jersey Medical School, Newark JOHANOS, ANDREW MARK M.D. EMERGENCY MEDICINE Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia ARMSTRONG, LESLIE L. M.D. KRUGER, DAVID D.O. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Colorado< Aurora CABEEN, MARTHA A. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org CARTER, JOHN E. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org COLTON, ALBERT H. M.D. EAR, NOSE & THROAT > EMERGENCY MEDICINE > ENDOCRINOLOGY HALL, WYATT JASON M.D. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Arkansas, Little Rock DORFMAN, TODD A. M.D. Cedalion Health 4895 Riverbend Road, Suite C Boulder, CO 80301 720-381-3318 www.dorfmanmd.com FELDHAUS, KIM M. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org HALL, JULIE KRELL M.D. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Washington, Seattle MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org LUND, DEBORAH S. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org MCCOLLESTER, LAUGHLIN B. D.O. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org MEYERS, TIMOTHY J. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org MOELLER, MARK S. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org MONAHAN, MICHAEL J. M.D. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Minnesota OAKES, MARIA R. M.D. Avista Adventist Hospital 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1000 www.avistahospital.org OGDEN, HERBERT G. M.D. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine OGLE, JOHN W. M.D. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill REGHITTO, MIKE R. M.D. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of California Davis ROZESKI, JASON E. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org SHEETS, ALISON LESLIE M.D. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center SOVNDAL, SHANNON S. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org SULLIVAN, PAUL R. M.D. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Pennsylvania TURNBOW, JOE F. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Arkansas, 1975 WANG, DALE S. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org WHITLING, DAVID M. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org WOLFE, LAIRD S. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org WU, MING-JAY JEFFERY M.D. Avista Adventist Hospital 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1000 www.avistahospital.org ENDOCRINOLOGY BACHIA, MARYANNE L.AC. Acupuncture Energy Works 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Boulder Clinic of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com BARKER, JENNIFER M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org FOX, CHRISTOPHER R. M.D. Boulder Endocrinology PLLC 892 W. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-586-5200 www.boulderendo.com KAMATH, VINAYA K. M.D. Boulder Endocrinology PLLC 892 W. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-586-5200 www.boulderendo.com LERNER, KIMBERLY D. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com MANDAGERE, KELLY A. M.D. Boulder Endocrinology PLLC 892 W. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-586-5200 www.boulderendo.com PODLECKI, DAVID A. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Loyola University of Chicago RENTSCHLER, LINDSEY M.D. Boulder Endocrinology PLLC 892 W. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027 303-586-5200 www.boulderendo.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 67 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Kirov State Medical Academy, Russia STJERNHOLM, MELVIN M.D. Flatirons Endocrinology 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 260 Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-4441 STRATES, ELENE M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org Medical School: Rush Medical College, Chicago EYE CARE/ OPHTHALMOLOGY ANDREWS, PETER RICHARD M.D. Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3300 www.eyecaresite.com Boulder Vision Associates PC 5305 Spine Road, Suite B Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-2020 www.bouldervision.com Medical School: Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C. BLACKWOOD, CLARK O.D. Eagle Vision & Eye Clinic 2080 N. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2020 www.evec.com Medical School: 1972 BOLLENBACHER, MICHAEL O.D. Aspen Eyewear 2525 Arapahoe Ave., Suite E-23 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-0210 www.aspeneyewear.com Medical School: University of Houston, 1996 BRILL, LISA O.D. Colorado Eye Center 4 Garden Center, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-1941 www.coloradoeyecenter.com Medical School: Pacific University College of Optometry, 1989 BRITT, BENTON O.D. Benton Britt, O.D. 805 S. Broadway, Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-4449 www.britteyecare.com BRODIE, AUDREY O.D. Third Avenue Eyecare 800 Third Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-6140 www.thirdavenueeyecare.net CROSS, RICHARD A. O.D. Front Range Eye Health Center PC 1220 Summit View Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-7797 www.frontrangeeye.com Boulder Vision Associates PC 5305 Spine Road, Suite B Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-2020 www.bouldervision.com Medical School: Michigan College of Optometry, 1989 BENEDICT, WILLIAM L. M.D. DEMAYO, EUGENE O.D. BEEKS, CINDY J. O.D. Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3300 www.eyecaresite.com Medical School: University of Cincinnati BERGER, JEFF O.D. Boulder Valley Vision Therapy 1790 30th St., Suite 311 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-2257 www.bouldervt.com Erie Family Eyecare 71 Erie Parkway Erie, CO 80516 303-828-9877 www.erieeyes.com BEYER, CRAIG F. D.O., M.D. BoulderEyes - Beyer LASIK 1810 30th St., Suite B Boulder, CO 80301 303-499-2020 www.bouldereyes.com Medical School: University of Health Sciences, Kansas City, Missouri MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Tom’s Sportique Eyewear 3121 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-2010 www.sportiqueeyewear.com DEOL, GURPREET K. O.D. DRAKE, JENNI O.D. 3D Vision Eye Care 5760 W. 120th Ave., Suite 240 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-404-EYES (3937) www.3dvisioneyecare.com DUPUIS, DENNIS O.D. Eye Care Center Of Boulder 1836 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-2401 www.eyecarecenterofboulder.com DUPUIS, ERIC O.D. Eye Care Center Of Boulder 1836 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-2401 www.eyecarecenterofboulder.com ELMONT, ASHLEY O.D Boulder Eye Care Professionals 2795 Pearl St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80302 720-565-3031 ENZENAUER, ROBERT M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Colorado Eye Center 4 Garden Center, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-1941 www.coloradoeyecenter.com Medical School: University of Houston College of Optometry, 1987 HANEY, AMANDA O.D. Flatiron Vision and Associates 1 W. Flatiron Circle, Suite 1104 Broomfield, CO 80021 720-887-3737 www.broomfieldeyecare.com HIMEL, DAVID O.D. Sensational Eyes Vision Clinic 1280 Centaur Village Drive, Suite 2 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-1060 www.sensationaleyes.com HUTCHINS, REBECCA O.D. FALLS, ELIZA O.D. ISRAELSON, JEAN O.D. FORREST, LARRY O.D. JOHNSON, DALE S. M.D. Flatiron Vision and Associates 1 W. Flatiron Circle, Suite 1104 Broomfield, CO 80021 720-887-3737 www.broomfieldeyecare.com Eagle Vision & Eye Clinic 2080 N. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2020 www.evec.com Medical School: Pacific University, 1972 DOUGHERTY, MARILYN A. M.D. GRAHAM, VICKY O.D. 3D Vision Eye Care 5760 W. 120th Ave., Suite 240 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-404-EYES (3937) www.3dvisioneyecare.com HAGEN, EDWARD O.D. Wink Optical 3301 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-4311 www.winkoptical.net GITCHELL, HEATHER O.D. DRAKE, CAMERAN A. O.D. Boulder Vision Center PC 1645 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-4545 www.bouldervisioncenter.com Medical School: Pacific University College of Optometry Rebecca Hutchins O.D. 6800 79th St., Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80503 303-652-0505 www.niwotvision.com Medical School: Pennsylvania College of Optometry ERLEY, LIZ O.D. Eye Gallery 1 W. Flatiron Circle, Suite 2052 Broomfield, CO 80021 720-887-6066 www.coloradoeyegallery.com Medical School: Illinois College of Optometry Eye Care Center of Boulder 385 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305 303-449-3770 Medical School: Pennsylvania State University GURHOLT, KRISTIN M.D. Front Range Eye Health Center PC 1220 Summit View Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-7797 www.frontrangeeye.com Envision Boulder 1011 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-939-8021 www.envisionboulder.com Envision Boulder 1011 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-939-8021 www.envisionboulder.com Medical School: University of Wisconsin Hospital KAMINSKI, JASON O.D. Vision Source Longmont P.C. 2130 Mountain View Ave., Suite 207 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-2755 www.visionsourcelongmont.com KARBASSI, MOHAMMAD M.D. Front Range Eye Physicians & Surgeons 1315 Vivian St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3611 www.frontrange eyephysicians.com Medical School: George Washington University, Washington D.C. KELL, HALE M. O.D. Front Range Eye Health Center PC 1220 Summit View Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-7797 www.frontrangeeye.com Medical School: Southern California College of Optometry, 1990 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT ENDOCRINOLOGY > EYE CARE/OPHTHALMOLOGY ROBINSON, IRINA M.D. 68 | MD 2014 KELLER, DONALD J. M.D. Boulder Eye Surgeons 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-3000 www.bouldereyesurgeons.com Medical School: University of Nebraska Medical Center KREIDL, KEN M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Stanford University School of Medicine KRONE, ROBERT O.D. Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3300 www.eyecaresite.com KUSKIE, KURT O.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Iowa College of Medicine MEYERS, JOEL STUART M.D. Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3300 www.eyecaresite.com Medical School: Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia NICHOLS, BRIAN E. M.D., PH.D. Boulder Eye Surgeons 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-3000 www.bouldereyesurgeons.com Medical School: University of Iowa, 1995 Colorado Eye Center 4 Garden Center, Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-1941 www.coloradoeyecenter.com Medical School: Pacific University College of Optometry NUNN, SHERRIE A. O.D. LALWANI, GEETA A. M.D. Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3300 www.eyecaresite.com Medical School: Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine Rocky Mountain Retina Associates 1330 Vivian St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-900-8507 303-578-7823 Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine LANSING, MARY B. M.D. Eldorado Retina Associates 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-1800 Medical School: George Washington University, 1986 LEHMANN, PETER O.D. EYE CARE/OPHTHALMOLOGY > FAMILY MEDICINE MCCORMACK, DONALD L. M.D. BoulderEyes - Beyer LASIK 1810 30th St., Suite B Boulder, CO 80301 303-499-2020 www.bouldereyes.com LEWIS, SARAH E. O.D. Front Range Eye Health Center PC 1220 Summit View Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-7797 www.frontrangeeye.com LUCAS, JERRY J. O.D. Eye Gallery 1 W. Flatiron Circle, Suite 2052 Broomfield, CO 80021 720-887-6066 www.coloradoeyegallery.com Medical School: Illinois College of Optometry MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Lafayette Eye Associates 511 Crossing Drive, Suite 202 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-2068 www.lafayetteeyeassociates.com OLIJNYK, IRENE M.D. PETTIJOHN, MAXWELL O.D. Pearle Vision 2795 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-1211 www.bouldereye.com POLOMSKY, MATEJ M.D. BoulderEyes - Beyer LASIK 1810 30th St., Suite B Boulder, CO 80301 303-499-2020 www.bouldereyes.com POSTMA, PAULA O.D. Contact Lens Dispensary 2885 Aurora Ave., Suite 4 Boulder, CO 80303-2251 303-443-2020 Affiliated Doctors of Optometry 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2020 www.dr-postma.com ROBERTS, WILLIAM A. M.D. William A. Roberts M.D. 385 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305 303-449-3770 Medical School: University of Colorado, 1976 ROBINSON, TERRY E. M.D. Terry Robinson, M.D. 500 Coffman St., Suite 109 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3937 www.longmonteyecare.com Medical School: University of Nebraska, 1983 ROFFIS, JACK O.D. Eyeworks 615 Main St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-6320 www.eyeworkslouisville.com ROTHSTEIN, MICAH W. M.D. Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3300 www.eyecaresite.com Medical School: University of South Carolina SIMONSON, JENNIFER O.D. Boulder Valley Vision Therapy 1790 30th St., Suite 311 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-2257 www.bouldervt.com UTLAUT, NILES M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org WHARTON, KAREN O.D. Sunrise Vision Care 1692 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-0857 www.sunrisevisioncare.com WOLFORD, JANE O.D. Third Avenue Eyecare 800 Third Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-6140 www.thirdavenueeyecare.net WRAY, JACKIE O.D. Eagle Vision & Eye Clinic 2080 N. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-2020 www.evec.com FAMILY MEDICINE SMEDLEY, RYAN O.D. O’BRIEN, DANIEL LANE M.D. SMITH, JEFFREY O.D. ABRAMS, PAMELA M.D. Flatiron Vision and Associates 1 W. Flatiron Circle, Suite 1104 Broomfield, CO 80021 720-887-3737 www.broomfieldeyecare.com Envision Boulder 1011 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-939-8021 www.envisionboulder.com STEINBERG, LOWELL O.D. Visions Eyecare Center 1933 28th St., Suite 206 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8470 www.visionsboulder.com STEWART, RICHARD M.D. Eye Associates of the Rockies 1332 Vivian St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-1516 www.rockieseye.com TILTON, ELISHA P. M.D. Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3300 www.eyecaresite.com Medical School: University of Vermont TRIPP, WARREN M.D. Goose Creek Optical 2800 Folsom St., Suite D Boulder, CO 80304-3738 303-442-6266 www.goosecreekoptical.com Medical School: Loma Linda University, 1978 Clinica Family Health Services 2000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org Family Practice Associates 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 260 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9090 www.ourfpa.com Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1989 ALLEN, MICHAEL W. D.O. Salud Family Health Centers 220 E. Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250 www.saludclinic.org Medical School: University of Health Sciences, Kansas City, Missouri ALTER-PANDYA, AMY D.O. Exempla Family, Pedriatric and Internal Medicine of Lafayette 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900 www.exempla.org AMBROSE, CHRISTA D.O. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org AMERINE, LISA N.D. Pure Homeopathy 600 W. Emma St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-2423 www.purehomeopathy.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 69 Family Practice Associates 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 260 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9090 www.ourfpa.com Medical School: University of Illinois, 1985 ANSELL, JULIE M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com ARNSBERGER, M. SHANNON D.O. BIDGOLI, HEATHER M.D. Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Ohio State University College of Medicine BLAIR, JENNIFER M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org Exempla Family, Pedriatric and Internal Medicine of Lafayette 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900 www.exempla.org Medical School: Ohio University, College of Osteopathic Medicine BLEISTEIN, ABBY M.D. BACHIA, MARYANNE L.AC. Coal Creek Family Medicine 1044 S. 88th St., Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7119 www.coalcreekfamilymedicine.net Medical School: Creighton University, 2001 Acupuncture Energy Works 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Boulder Clinic of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com BALLANTINE-TALMADGE, SHERRIE D.O. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine East 1000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-2665 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org BASSETT, RACHEL M. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University, Chicago BENSON, ERIC M. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Vanderbilt University, Nashville BERGER, PAUL A. M.D. Boulder Holistic Medical Center 805 S. Broadway, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80305 303-269-2560 www.boulderholisticmedicalcenter.org Medical School: University of Minnesota, 1992 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Exempla Family, Pedriatric and Internal Medicine of Lafayette 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900 www.exempla.org BOEHM, KEVIN S. M.D. BOND, BREA A. M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org BOS, RACHEL ANN M.D. Rocky Mountain Urgent Care & Family Medicine 4800 Baseline Road, Suite D106 Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-4800 www.rockymountainurgentcare.com Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences BOYER, DAVID O. D.O. BOYSEN, ERIC M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org BRETT, MATTHEW S. M.D. Milestone Family Medicine 303 Main St., Unit C Lyons, CO 80540 303-823-6535 Medical School: New York Medical College BRITT, DAVID W. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Colorado BRUNSON, DEBORAH M.D. COOMES, MELISSA R. M.D. BULMAHN, LORA M.D. COOPER, PAUL L. M.D. NatureMed Clinic Integrative Medicine 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557 www.naturemedclinic.com Advanced Family Health PLLC 325 South Boulder Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4949 www.advancedfamilyhealth.org BURTON, WILLIAM V. M.D. Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-5263 www.bch.org CAMARATA, MICHAEL M.D. Columbine Family Care PC 20 Lakeview Drive, Unit 204 Nederland, CO 80466 303-258-9355 CANNELL, JASON D.O. Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-5263 www.bch.org CARNAHAN, JILL M.D. Flatiron Functional Medicine 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 1 Boulder, CO 80303-4251 303-443-9590 www.drcarnahan.com CARPENTER, JULIET A. M.D. Dakota Ridge Family Medicine 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2544 www.drfmdoctors.com Medical School: New York University School of Medicine, 1969 CAVENDER, CATHERINE E. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Maryland, Baltimore CHRISTIANSEN, AMMIE E. D.O. Rocky Mountain Family Practice 205 S. Main St., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-6244 www.rockymountainfp.com Medical School: Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, Missouri CHRISTIE, STEPHANIE RENEE M.D. Broomfield Family Practice 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866 www.broomfieldfp.com New West Physicians Broomfield 11550 N. Sheridan Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-6000 www.nwphysicians.com Rocky Mountain Family Practice 205 S. Main St., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-6244 www.rockymountainfp.com Medical School: St. George’s University School of Medicine DAARUD, SCOTT M.D. Avista Family Medicine 5365 Spine Road, Suite C Boulder, CO 80301 303-269-2500 www.avistafamilymedicine.org DAEHN, MARY JEAN M.D. Rocky Mountain Urgent Care & Family Medicine 4800 Baseline Road, Suite D106 Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-4800 www.rockymountainurgentcare.com DAMEK, HERMAN M.D. Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-7555 www.bch.org/family-medical-associates DENZEL, DR. GREGORY D.O. Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660 www.ssrehabcenter.com DESAI, NITA M.D. East West Integrated Medicine 333 S. Boulder Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-1999 www.nitadesaiMD.com DIXIT, ANJOLI MARIE M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org Medical School: Loyola University Health System DODSON, WILLIAM M.D. Dakota Ridge Family Medicine 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2544 www.drfmdoctors.com DOWDY, SUSAN M.D. Exempla Family, Pedriatric and Internal Medicine of Lafayette 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900 www.exempla.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT FAMILY MEDICINE ANDERSON, BRAD M.D. 70 | MD 2014 DRURY, MICHELLE L. M.D. FRANKEL, ZARA P. M.D. HADLEY, DANIEL C. M.D. HOBSON, JUDY D.O. DRYDEN, KEVIN J. M.D. FRETWELL, JAMES MATTHEW M.D. HAMILTON, FRANCES I. M.D. HORNER, JILLIAN M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org DUIKER, SUSAN M.D. Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-7555 www.bch.org/family-medical-associates Medical School: University of Colorado, 1986 EHRENBERGER, DAVID R. M.D. Broomfield Family Practice 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866 www.broomfieldfp.com Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine, 1984; residency at the University of California, Los Angeles. ELZINGA, HANS DAVID M.D. Salud Family Health Centers 220 E. Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250 www.saludclinic.org Medical School: University of Rochester, Rochester, NY ESSIG, JULIA M.D. Broomfield Family Practice 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866 www.broomfieldfp.com Medical School: Michigan State University, 1984 FAINI, MARY E. M.D. Longs Peak Family Practice 1309 Sunset St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-5578 www.longspeakfamilypractice.com Medical School: Georgetown University School of Medicine FLIEGE, HEATHER L. M.D. FAMILY MEDICINE Partners In Health 308 W. Baseline Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-554-9000 www.partnersinhealth4u.com Medical School: Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1994 FOX, TERRI M.D. Holistica Integrative Care 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3777 www.holisticacare.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-5263 www.bch.org Rocky Mountain Family Practice 205 S. Main St., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-6244 www.rockymountainfp.com Medical School: Northeastern Ohio University FREUDENBURG, JAMES C. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Nebraska FUNK, KAREN ANNE M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org GALLAGHER, EILEEN S. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com GEORGE, SARA A. M.D. Sage Family Medicine 413 Summit Blvd., Suite 201 Broomfield, CO 80021 303-464-7243 www.sagefm.com Medical School: American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine GERRITSEN, ALYSSA M.D. Dakota Ridge Family Medicine 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2544 www.drfmdoctors.com GRAFF, KARIN B. M.D. Dakota Ridge Family Medicine 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2544 www.drfmdoctors.com Medical School: Oregon Health Sciences University, 1987 GRASMICK, GARY M.D. Northwest Family Medicine 500 Discovery Parkway, Suite 150 Superior, CO 80027 303-425-9581 www.bch.org GUTHRIE, PAMELA M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org Dakota Ridge Family Medicine 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2544 www.drfmdoctors.com Holistic Family Practice 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-8843 www.bch.org Medical School: Dalhousie Medical School, 1989 HAND, MIKYONG M.D. Salud Family Health Centers 220 E. Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250 www.saludclinic.org Medical School: University of Colorado Aurora HASKEW, STEPHEN W. M.D. Medical School: University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City HERNANDEZ, ERIC J. M.D. Milestone Medical Group - Family Medicine 6800 79th St., Suite 102 Niwot, CO 80503 720-494-7100 Medical School: University of Michigan Medical School HESS, STEPHANIE L. M.D. Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-5263 www.bch.org Medical School: Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, Ohio HIBBARD, H. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org HILL, JAMES R. M.D. Broomfield Family Practice 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866 www.broomfieldfp.com Medical School: Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1974 HILL, SHANNON NICOLE D.O. Broomfield Family Practice 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866 www.broomfieldfp.com HINMAN, MARK W. M.D. Mark W. Hinman, M.D. LLC 1350 Tulip St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6872 Medical School: University of Kansas Medical Center Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-7555 www.bch.org/family-medical-associates Gunbarrel Family Medicine 6685 Gunpark Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301-3340 303-530-3062 www.bch.org/gunbarrel-medical-center HRYWNAK, VIRGINIA A. D.O. Longs Peak Family Practice 1309 Sunset St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-5578 www.longspeakfamilypractice.com Medical School: Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, Missouri HUGHES, BRIAN R. D.O. Rocky Mountain Family Practice 205 S. Main St., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-6244 www.rockymountainfp.com Medical School: Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine IANNOTTI, MICHAEL R. M.D. Family Medicine Associates 1022 Depot Hill Road Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-2323 www.fmapc.com Medical School: Thomas Jefferson University JACK, STANLEY K. D.O. Flatirons Primary Care and Sports Medicine 777 29th St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80303 303-440-8243 www.flatironshealth.com JACOBI, RICHARD E. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Pennsylvania JARAMILLO, GREGORY M.D. Salud Family Health Centers 220 E. Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250 www.saludclinic.org Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver JOHNSON, JENNIFER M. M.D. Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver JUENEMANN, SHANE M.D. Gunbarrel Family Medicine 6685 Gunpark Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301-3340 303-530-3062 www.bch.org/gunbarrel-medical-center BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 71 Family Medicine Associates 1022 Depot Hill Road Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-2323 www.fmapc.com KEENAN, CHRISTOPHER M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org KELTS, ELIZABETH M.D. Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center 2855 Valmont Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-5160 www.boulderwomenshealth.org KIEREIN, REBECCA M.D. Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Colorado, 1995 KINGSTON, BRIAN J. M.D. Longs Peak Family Practice 1309 Sunset St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-5578 www.longspeakfamilypractice.com Medical School: Texas Tech. University Health Sciences Center KIRKER, MARY E. M.D. Evergreen Family Medical Care 630 15th Ave., Suite 103 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-0600 Medical School: University of Nebraska. KNOWLES, III, DANIEL MARSHALL D.C. Network Family Wellness Center 1715 15th St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-998-1000 www.networkwellnesscenters.com KOZA, LOREE M.D. Broomfield Family Practice 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866 www.broomfieldfp.com LANDBLOM, JEROME C. M.D. LEE, MIRA M.D. MARKEL, WILLIAM R. M.D. LEISTIKOW, DAVID M.D. MCCARTY, M. D.O. Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-7555 www.bch.org/family-medical-associates Medical School: Ohio State University, 1996 Family Medicine Associates 1022 Depot Hill Road Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-2323 www.fmapc.com Medical School: University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics LIEBENTRITT, MATTHEW A. D.O. Matthew A. Liebentritt D.O. 12169 Sheridan Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-603-9400 www.exempla.org Medical School: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1999 LISCHWE, THOMAS J. M.D. Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Northwestern University, 1985 LONGORIA, ADELINA M.D. Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-7555 www.bch.org/family-medical-associates Medical School: University of New Mexico, 1997 MCELWAIN, NANCY M.D. Wardenburg Student Health Center Campus Box 119 Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-5101 http://www.colorado.edu/healthcenter MCKENNA, MICHAEL PAUL M.D. Care Plus Medical Center 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 140 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-2001 www.careplusmedcenter.com Medical School: Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine MEAD, DAINA M.D. Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin, 1986 MOON, MEGAN D.C., R.N., C.D.N.P. Salud Family Health Centers 220 E. Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250 www.saludclinic.org Medical School: Michigan State University MACKELL, PAUL M.D. MOORE, CAMILLE F.N.P., B.C. LU, JEAN M. M.D. Paul E. Mackell M.D. 588 U.S. Highway 287, Suite 204 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-4606 Medical School: Indiana University, 1980 MADDEN, CHRISTOPHER C. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of North Dakota LAVIGNE, MARCIE M. M.D. MALMGREN, MICHAEL D.C., P.A. MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Gunbarrel Family Medicine 6685 Gunpark Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301-3340 303-530-3062 www.bch.org/gunbarrel-medical-center Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660 www.ssrehabcenter.com Colorado Fibromyalgia Center 380 Empire Road, Suite 120 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-8444 www.coloradofibromyalgia.com Longs Peak Family Practice 1309 Sunset St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-5578 www.longspeakfamilypractice.com Medical School: University of Nebraska Medical Center Coal Creek Family Medicine 1044 S. 88th St., Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7119 www.coalcreekfamilymedicine.net Medical School: University of Cincinnati college of Medicine, 2000 Broomfield Family Practice 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866 www.broomfieldfp.com Medical School: University of Illinois, 1955 Flatirons Family Practice 1995 W. Midway Blvd., Suite A Broomfield, CO 80020 303-554-9310 Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660 www.ssrehabcenter.com MORITZ JR., CARL ALBERT M.D. Crossroads Medical Center 1000 Alpine St., Suite 280 Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-6400 MUZNY, LISE C. M.D. Dakota Ridge Family Medicine 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2544 www.drfmdoctors.com Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1997 MYERS, REBECCA A. M.D. Longs Peak Family Practice 1309 Sunset St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-5578 www.longspeakfamilypractice.com Medical School: Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa NUHFER, DAVID M.D. Family Practice Associates 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 260 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9090 www.ourfpa.com Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine, 1998 OBERBECK, GLORIA P. M.D. Gloria Bachelder Oberbeck, MD 363 Kattel St. Erie, CO 80516 303-828-9200 Medical School: Harvard, 1989 OTTEMAN, SHAWN D.O. Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-7555 www.bch.org/family-medical-associates PADDOCK, JULIE M.D. Exempla Family, Pedriatric and Internal Medicine of Lafayette 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900 www.exempla.org Medical School: University of Missouri, 1984 PARCELL, STEPHEN W. N.D. NatureMed Clinic Integrative Medicine 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557 www.naturemedclinic.com PFEIFER, LYLE M. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Nebraska PINTO, RANDOLPH A. M.D. Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Wayne State University, 1984 PITTENGER, SHARON T. M.D. Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-7555 www.bch.org/family-medical-associates Medical School: Michigan State University, 1985 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT FAMILY MEDICINE KANDEL, ELISABETH E. M.D. 72 | MD 2014 PLONSKA, JOANNA M.D. ROCK, GARRET D.C. SHEA, BRIAN T. D.O. POTHULOORI, ANTARA M.D. ROONEY, ANNA M.D. SHEPHERD, CAROLYN MURIEL M.D. Gunbarrel Family Medicine 6685 Gunpark Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301-3340 303-530-3062 www.bch.org/gunbarrel-medical-center Avista Women’s Care 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 290 Louisville, CO 80027 303-439-8910 www.awcare.net The Women’s Health Group 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 470 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-6016 www.whg-pc.com The Women’s Health Group 6363 W. 120th Ave., Suite 300 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-7116 www.whg-pc.com QUARLES, LETO M.D. Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-5263 www.bch.org REDAL, LEIF A. M.D. Northwest Family Medicine 500 Discovery Parkway, Suite 150 Superior, CO 80027 303-425-9581 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Washington School of Medicine REISH, ALEX D.O. Creekside Physical Medicine 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-2705 www.theheadachecenter.info RICHKER, JEFFREY OWEN M.D. Exempla Family, Pedriatric and Internal Medicine of Lafayette 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900 www.exempla.org ROACH, SUSAN I. M.D. Longs Peak Family Practice 1309 Sunset St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-5578 www.longspeakfamilypractice.com Medical School: University of Michigan FAMILY MEDICINE ROBERTSON, SUSAN J. M.D. Broomfield Family Practice 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866 www.broomfieldfp.com Medical School: Duke University, 1987 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660 www.ssrehabcenter.com Gunbarrel Family Medicine 6685 Gunpark Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301-3340 303-530-3062 www.bch.org/gunbarrel-medical-center ROSENTHAL, LILA M.D. My Family Doctor PLLC 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 230 Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-7150 www.myfamilydoctorboulder.com ROYER, KRISTEN M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Clinica Family Health Services 2000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org SHIRAR, ELANE M.D. Flatirons Family Practice 1995 W. Midway Blvd., Suite A Broomfield, CO 80020 303-554-9310 SIEGFRIED, JILL L. M.D. Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-7555 www.bch.org/family-medical-associates Medical School: University of California, 1985 Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine RUSH, ADAM J. M.D. SPERRY, CORYDON S. M.D. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: Rush University Medical Center, Chicago SALAS-MEYERS, MONICA M.D. Broomfield Family Practice 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866 www.broomfieldfp.com SANDERS, CAROLYN M.D. Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-7555 www.bch.org/family-medical-associates Medical School: Harvard Medical School SARINOPOULOS, MARK M.D. University Family Medicine 350 Broadway, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80303 303-372-3800 www.uch.edu SPINE, JOHN M. D.O. Doc Spine Family Medicine 77 Erie Village Square, Suite 200B Erie, CO 80516 303-828-9355 ST. PIERRE, ERIC D.C., DACBSP, CSCS Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660 www.ssrehabcenter.com Colorado Fibromyalgia Center 380 Empire Road, Suite 120 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-8444 www.coloradofibromyalgia.com Broomfield Family Practice 1420 W. Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020-2090 303-466-1866 www.broomfieldfp.com Medical School: University of Oklahoma, 1998 STANLEY, JACK K. D.O. SCHEIDENHELM, LYNN L.C.S.W. SUSSKIND, KARIN M.D. SHANNON, RACHEL L.C.S.W. TALAMANTES, LISA M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org Clinica Family Health Services 2000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org Flatirons Primary Care and Sports Medicine 777 29th St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80303 303-440-8243 www.flatironshealth.com Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Coal Creek Family Medicine 1044 S. 88th St., Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7119 www.coalcreekfamilymedicine.net Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, 1991 TANENBAUM, MARC H. M.D. The Stuart Medical Group 1350 Stuart St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-7300 www.doctan.com Medical School: University of Louisville, Kentucky TAWA, CHARLES E. M.D. Boulder Family Medicine PC 1000 Alpine Ave., Suite 181 Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-5774 TODD, CHRISTOPHER M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org TURNBOW, JOE F. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Arkansas, 1975 VAN EIMEREN, WILLIAM ARTHUR M.D. Avista Adventist Hospital 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1000 www.avistahospital.org Medical School: University of Texas, Galveston VAN KONYNENBURG, KRISTIN M.D. My Family Doctor PLLC 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 230 Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-7150 www.myfamilydoctorboulder.com Medical School: University of California, Davis VANZURA, ERIC J. D.O. Healthy Z Osteopathic Family Medicine 1440 28th St., Suite 4 Boulder, CO 80303 720-259-4609 WALKER, K. LYNN M.D. Care Plus Medical Center 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 140 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-2001 www.careplusmedcenter.com WARNER, DEE N.P.C. Pure Homeopathy 600 W. Emma St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-2423 www.purehomeopathy.com WATSON, CHRISTOPHER M.D. Avista Family Medicine Erie 611 Mitchell Way, Unit 103 Erie, CO 80516 303-269-2780 www.avistafamilymedicine.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 73 Avista Family Medicine Erie 611 Mitchell Way, Unit 103 Erie, CO 80516 303-269-2780 www.avistafamilymedicine.org WEAVER, ALEXANDRA M.D. Salud Family Health Centers 220 E. Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250 www.saludclinic.org Medical School: University of Colorado Aurora WEBER, PHILIP F. M.D. Holistic Family Practice 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-8843 www.bch.org WERNER, SARAH C. M.D. Northwest Family Medicine 500 Discovery Parkway, Suite 150 Superior, CO 80027 303-425-9581 www.bch.org WILENSKY, BONNIE C.N.S. Boulder Community Hospital Mapleton Center 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-0493 www.bch.org WISNER, MARK D.O. Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-5263 www.bch.org WOLF, HOWARD M.D. Community Medical Associates 401 E. Cleveland St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-5635 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Iowa School of Medicine, 1959 WYNETT, JANA M.D. Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com YEASH, JAMES M. D.O. New West Physicians Broomfield 11550 N. Sheridan Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-6000 www.nwphysicians.com Medical School: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine ZORRILLA, RUBEN E. M.D. Salud Family Health Centers 220 E. Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250 www.saludclinic.org Medical School: University of Illinois, Peoria, Ill. MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY FOOT & ANKLE ATHERTON, STACY M. D.P.M. Foot and Ankle Center of Northern Colorado 1305 Sumner St., Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501-3270 303-772-3232 www.footandankle.com Medical School: Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia, Penn. GOLDMAN, MICHAEL A. D.P.M. Alpine Foot & Ankle Clinic 1120 Alpine Ave., Suite B Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-3500 Medical School: California College of Podiatric Medicine HOFFMAN, KRISTINE D.P.M. Boulder Valley Foot & Ankle Clinic 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-8900 JACHIMIAK, JOHN S. D.P.M. Boulder County Foot and Ankle 2575 Pearl St., Suite 240 Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-2910 www.bocofoan.com JELINEK, ROBERT A. D.P.M. Columbine Foot & Ankle Center 350 Broadway, Suite 208 Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-4448 Medical School: Des Moines University of Osteopathic Medicine, 1996 PARKS, TARA T. D.P.M. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com SHONKA, THOMAS E. D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S. Foot & Ankle Care of Boulder County LLC 1400 28th St., Suite 2 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-2000 www.facboulder.net SMITH, ROBERT M. D.P.M. Medical School: Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, 2003 STEED, RITCHIE H. D.P.M. Flatirons Foot & Ankle Clinic 630 Cossman St., Suite A Longmont, CO 80501-6461 303-772-7008 www.flatironsfoot.com Medical School: California College of Podiatric Medicine WEBER, CHRISTINA A. D.P.M. Boulder Valley Foot & Ankle Clinic 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-8900 Medical School: Dr. W. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine WEBER, YVONNE B. D.P.M. Boulder Valley Foot & Ankle Clinic 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-8900 Medical School: Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine YAKEL, JAMES DAVID D.P.M. Boulder County Foot and Ankle 2575 Pearl St., Suite 240 Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-2910 www.bocofoan.com Medical School: Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine GASTROENTEROLOGY BERSENTES, KORINA R. M.D., F.A.C.P. Gastroenterology of the Rockies Louisville 382 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Gastroenterology of the Rockies Lafayette 1000 W. South Boulder Road., Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Medical School: University of Washington School of Medicine CHETHAM, STEVEN T. M.D., F.A.C.P. Gastroenterology of the Rockies Longmont 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 290 Longmont, CO 80501 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Gastroenterology of the Rockies Louisville 382 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Medical School: Albany Medical College, 1985 DOLAN, ROBERT P. M.D. Gastroenterology of the Rockies Longmont 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 290 Longmont, CO 80501 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Gastroenterology of the Rockies Louisville 382 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Medical School: Vanderbilt Medical School GATOF, DAVID M.D. Gastroenterology of the Rockies Longmont 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 290 Longmont, CO 80501 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Gastroenterology of the Rockies Louisville 382 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Medical School: University of Florida College of Medicine GREENWOOD, ARIANA WALLACK M.D. Northwest Gastroenterology Specialists 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 280 Louisville, CO 80027 303-269-2085 www.nwgispecialists.org GROSSMAN, BRUCE M. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Far Eastern University School of Medicine, Manilla, Phillippines HALLGREN, SCOTT E. D.O. Northwest Gastroenterology Specialists 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 280 Louisville, CO 80027 303-269-2085 www.nwgispecialists.org IQBAL, NUZHAT M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Aga Khan University JENSEN, JONATHAN EDWARD M.D. Colorado Center for Digestive Disorders 205 S. Main St., Suite A Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6115 www.gastromd.com Medical School: Albany Medical College KAROWE, MATTHEW W. M.D. Gastroenterology of the Rockies Boulder 1755 48th St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Gastroenterology of the Rockies Louisville 382 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Medical School: Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, New York SULLIVAN, LISA D.P.M. Louisville Foot & Ankle Clinic 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 210 Louisville, CO 80027-9586 303-673-0004 Medical School: CA College of Podiatric Medicine, 1982 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT FAMILY MEDICINE > FOOT & ANKLE > GASTROENTEROLOGY WATSON, JO ANN M.D. 74 | MD 2014 KAYE, PETER S. M.D. , F.A.C.G. Gastroenterology of the Rockies Boulder 1755 48th St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Gastroenterology of the Rockies Louisville 382 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine KOBAK, GREGORY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org LEVINE, ROBERT H. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Boston University GASTROENTEROLOGY > HOSPITAL MEDICINE > INFECTIOUS DISEASES > INTERNAL MEDICINE MAHNKE, DAUS M.D. Gastroenterology of the Rockies Lafayette 1000 W. South Boulder Road., Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Gastroenterology of the Rockies Louisville 382 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Medical School: Vanderbilt University MONTBRIAND, JOEL R. M.D., F.A.C.P. Gastroenterology of the Rockies Boulder 1755 48th St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Gastroenterology of the Rockies Louisville 382 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Medical School: University of Minnesota, 1982 NEIGUT, DEBORAH M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org RAJU, RAMU P. M.D. Gastroenterology of the Rockies Louisville 382 S. Arthur Ave., Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Gastroenterology of the Rockies Boulder 1755 48th St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-4066 www.gastrorockies.com Medical School: Grace University School of Medicine, Boca Raton, Florida MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY HOSPITAL MEDICINE ALBUISSON, JESKA M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org BULKACZ, ALEX D. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org MBA, OBIANUJU M.D. Longmont Hospitalist Group 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 250 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5302 Medical School: St. Matthews University School of Medicine MORGAN, DOUGLAS C. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org O’NEIL, CATHY M. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: George Washington University Hospital, Washington D.C. CHU, EUGENE M.D. PAGETT, CRISTINA M.D. CARTER, JEFFREY M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org KING, MARK D. M.D. Beacon Center for Infectious Disease 1136 Alpine Ave., Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80304 303-938-3167 www.bch.org PUJET, HEATHER M.D. Beacon Center for Infectious Disease 1136 Alpine Ave., Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80304 303-938-3167 www.bch.org RAO, ARATHI M.D. Beacon Center for Infectious Disease 1136 Alpine Ave., Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80304 303-938-3167 www.bch.org TURNER, D. TODD M.D. Beacon Center for Infectious Disease 1136 Alpine Ave., Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80304 303-938-3167 www.bch.org INTERNAL MEDICINE ANTON-SCHNELL, KRISTINA M.D. DAVIS, SCOTT M.D. RYAN, COLLEEN M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Frontier Internal Medicine 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1532 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Sint Eustatius EMDUR, JOSH D.O. RYAN, MELANIE S. M.D. BACHIA, MARYANNE L.AC. GOULD, JACQUELYNN M. M.D. SIMMONS, SUZANNE M.D. HAWKINS, JR., MATTHEW T. M.D. SPRAGUE, JONATHAN M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Front Range Preventive Imaging 2880 Folsom St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-7226 www.boulderscan.com Medical School: Louisiana State University KAFUUMA, ROLAND K. M.D. TAYLOR, ANGELA C. M.D. BLEISTEIN, ABBY M.D. INFECTIOUS DISEASES BROWNE, HILLARY L. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Longmont Hospitalist Group 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 250 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5302 Medical School: University of Colorado Aurora Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Longmont Hospitalist Group 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 250 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5302 Medical School: Makerere University KARAGEORGE, KRYSTIE M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Longmont Hospitalist Group 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 250 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5302 Medical School: Thomas Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia GILL, E. PATRICIA M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine Acupuncture Energy Works 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Boulder Clinic of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com BLANCHET, WILLIAM L. M.D. Exempla Family, Pedriatric and Internal Medicine of Lafayette 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900 www.exempla.org Spruce Street Internal Medicine 2575 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-3594 www.sprucestreetinternalmedicine.com; www. bch.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 75 Internal Medicine Associates 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-8840 www.bch.org BRYAN, CHRISTINA H. M.D. Wardenburg Student Health Center Campus Box 119 Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-5101 http://www.colorado.edu/healthcenter CAGAN, LAIRD PETER M.D. Frontier Internal Medicine 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1532 www.bch.org Medical School: New York University CHRISTENSEN, JENNIFER H. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Johns Hopkins University CRUSE, ELIZABETH S. M.D. Buffalo Ridge Internal Medical Associates 16677 Lowell Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80023 303-938-3498 www.buffaloridgemedical.com DELGADO, JOSE M. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com DOBIJA, C. ANTONI M.D. Internal Medicine Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 214 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-6669 www.bch.org DORFMAN, TODD A. M.D. Cedalion Health 4895 Riverbend Road, Suite C Boulder, CO 80301 720-381-3318 www.dorfmanmd.com DREIMAN, CHESTER J. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org DUGHI, COCO M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Mayo Graduate School of Medicine MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY FANESTIL, BRADLEY D. M.D. Internal Medicine Associates 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 720-854-7272 www.bch.org Medical School: Kansas University Medical School FOWLER, STAR V. D.O. Milestone Internal Medicine 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 310 Longmont, CO 80501 720-652-8400 Medical School: Midwestern University, Glendale, Ariz. GARAS, WAEL M.D. Exempla Internal Medicine of Lafayette 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 300 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1300 www.exempla.org GRAHAM, CONNOR W. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Texas-Houston Medical School. HAIMES, MARK D. M.D. Internal Medicine Associates 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-8840 www.bch.org HALL, LISABETH M.D. Spruce Street Internal Medicine 2575 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-3594 www.sprucestreetinternalmedicine.com; www. bch.org HO, JOHN EUGENE M.D. Avista Adventist Hospital 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1000 www.avistahospital.org Avista Internal Medicine 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 350 Louisville, CO 80027 303-269-2700 www.avistainternalmedicine.org Medical School: University of Missouri at Kansas City. HUANG, SHIRLEY M.D. Internal Medicine Associates 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 360 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-8840 www.bch.org IACOFANO, LISA ANN M.D. Lisa A. Iacofano, MD 335 S. Boulder Road, Suite 6 Louisville, CO 80027 909-665-0900 JANOWSKI, LAWRENCE M.D. LUCE, W. DAVID M.D. KAWECKI, DENISE F.N.P. MAHALINGAM, INDIRA M.D. KEIDAN, BENJAMIN J. M.D. MAIOCCO, AMY M.D. Sonata Laser Aesthetics 6363 W. 120th Ave. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-469-0064 www.sonatalaser.com Buffalo Ridge Internal Medical Associates 16677 Lowell Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80023 303-938-3498 www.buffaloridgemedical.com Internal Medicine Associates 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 720-854-7272 www.bch.org LANNIGAN, AMY BETH M.D. Broomfield Pediatrics and Internal Medicine 3301 W. 144th Ave., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80023 303-438-5522 www.bfpim.com LETKOMILLER, LORENA M.D. Exempla Internal Medicine of Lafayette 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 300 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1300 www.exempla.org LEWIS, HOLLY M.D. Frontier Internal Medicine 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1532 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 1995 LING, SHEILA M.D. Spruce Street Internal Medicine 2575 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-3594 www.sprucestreetinternalmedicine.com; www. bch.org Medical School: Harvard Medical School, 1986 LIPETZ, VALERIE E. M.D. Internal Medicine Associates 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 720-854-7272 www.bch.org LONG, LORI A. M.D. Arbor Occupational Medicine 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-0496 www.arboroccmed.com Arbor Occupational Medicine 1860 Industrial Circle, Suite D Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-2473 www.arboroccmed.com Medical School: Louisiana State University, 1986 W. David Luce, MD 885 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-5689 www.drdavidluce.com Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Advanced Prevention Program at Boulder Internal Medicine 2880 Folsom Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80304 303- 327-7047 www.boulderinternalmed.com Medical School: University of Colorado MCCARTY, DAVID W. D.O. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery MEYER, SUE ANNE M.D. Milestone Internal Medicine 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 310 Longmont, CO 80501 720-652-8400 Medical School: University of Colorado Aurora MILLER, HARRIET MERLE M.D. TRU Community Care 2594 Trail Ridge Drive E. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-449-7740 www.hospicecareonline.org MOINUDDIN, SHIRAZ M.D. Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 2095 W. Sixth Ave., Suite 106 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Medical School: University of Tennessee, Memphis MONDROW, ERIK M. M.D. Flatiron Premier Medicine 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 320 Louisville , CO 80027 303-327-4971 www.flatironpremiermedicine.com Medical School: Mt. Sinai School of Medicine NISSIM, JOSEPH JOHN M.D. Frontier Internal Medicine 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1532 www.bch.org Medical School: Rush Medical College, Chicago BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT INTERNAL MEDICINE BRUBAKER, WILLIAM H. M.D. 76 | MD 2014 ORENT, SANDER M.D. Arbor Occupational Medicine 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-0496 www.arboroccmed.com Arbor Occupational Medicine 290 Nickel St., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9339 www.arboroccmed.com PANE, ROBERT D. M.D. Internal Medicine Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 214 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-6669 www.bch.org Medical School: New York Medical College POOLE, MARY B. M.D. Frontier Internal Medicine 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1532 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Edinburgh, Scotland SCHOECH, HONOR M.D. Internal Medicine Associates 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 720-854-7272 www.bch.org SIMMONS, SUZANNE M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org TAMBLYN, JENNIFER M.D. Avista Internal Medicine 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 350 Louisville, CO 80027 303-269-2700 www.avistainternalmedicine.org Medical School: University of Colorado at Denver INTERNAL MEDICINE > MASSAGE THERAPY TROJANOVICH, CHRISTOPHER A. M.D. Buffalo Ridge Internal Medical Associates 16677 Lowell Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80023 303-938-3498 www.buffaloridgemedical.com VALENCIA, WARREN H. M.D. Warren H. Valencia M.D. 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 220 Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-5995 Medical School: State University of New York WALLACE, HILARY M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Colorado MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY WEST, KRISTEN N.D. DECOURTNEY, JAN C.M.T. ZACHARIAS, ERIC M.D. DELPOZO, AGATHA L.M.T. NatureMed Clinic Integrative Medicine 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557 www.naturemedclinic.com Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Vanderbilt University MASSAGE THERAPY ABOOKIRE, DAVID C.M.T. Boulder Therapeutics 1800 30th St., Suite 215 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-1171 www.bouldertherapeutics.com BAKER, SHANNON C.M.T. Boulder Bodyworks 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 330 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-2739 www.boulderbodyworks.com BESHURES, RENEE C.M.T. Boulder Bodyworks 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 330 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-2739 www.boulderbodyworks.com BIGELOW, KIM C.M.T. Colorado HealthQuest 842 Laurel Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-402-9088 www.coloradohealthquest.com BOTTENFIELD, LISA CERTIFIED ROLFER Colorado HealthQuest 842 Laurel Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-402-9088 www.coloradohealthquest.com BRISSON, DOUGLAS PAUL D.C. Aspen Chiropractic And Wellness Center 2015 Ionosphere St., Suite 102 Longmont, CO 80504 303-678-8489 www.brissonwellness.com CHRISTENSEN, MEGAN C.M.T. Life Spring Healing Arts Mitchell Lane Boulder, CO 80301 303-527-2886 www.lifespringarts.com East West Wellness LLC 1148 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-554-1600 www.ewwellness.com EATON, AMANDA C.M.T. East West Wellness LLC 1148 W. Dillon Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-554-1600 www.ewwellness.com EDENS, ASHLEY N.C.M.T. Axis of Movement 451 Oak St., Suite 208 Longmont, CO 80530 303-833-7353 www.axisofmovement.com GRAYSEN, JANET C.M.T. Colorado HealthQuest 842 Laurel Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-402-9088 www.coloradohealthquest.com HERKLOTZ, LYNN R.M.T., O.T.R., C.M.L.D.T. Boulder Lymphatic & Massage 715 Merry Lane Boulder, CO 80303 303-931-3469 www.bouldermassage.net KEATING, MICHAEL M.S., A.T.C., C.S.C.S. Synapse Physical Therapy 11575 Main St., Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-467-2288 ext. 2 www.synapsept.com Medical School: University of Illinois, 1994 LONGENECKER, GAIL S L.C.M 2362 Eagleview Circle Longmont, CO 80504 720-273-8155 www.yhmsuccess.com Services: Massage and nutrition therapy. LEHRER, LINDA C.M.T. Megan Christensen C.M.T. 1613 Circle Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-668-5706 Front Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center 901 Front St., Suite 120 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-2987 www.frontstreetchiro.com CONLON, ROSEMARY C.M.T. MCCLAIN, ELIZABETH C.M.T. Boulder Bodyworks 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 330 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-2739 www.boulderbodyworks.com Boulder Bodyworks 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 330 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-2739 www.boulderbodyworks.com MCMAHON, KEIRA N.C.T.M.B. McMahonMassage.com 1800 30th St., Suite 22 Boulder, CO 80301 303-819-2523 www.mcmahonmassage.com Medical School: Boulder College of Massage Therapy MILLS, MARK N.C.T.M.B. Elements Therapeutic Massage Inc. 2321 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-3998 www.touchofelements.com/boulder PEARL, MICHELLE P.T., M.T. Releaf Therapy 5412 Idylwild Trail Boulder, CO 80301 303-918-4147 www.releaftherapy.com RAPIER, ROB D.P.T., C.M.T. Alpha Rehabilitation PLLC 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8105 www.alpharehabilitation.com RIDDLE, KEVIN C.M.T. Boulder Bodyworks 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 330 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-2739 www.boulderbodyworks.com SCHAEFER, JACK M.AC. Mountain West Wellness 5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-648-4066 www.boulder-colorado-acupuncture.com SCHWARTZ, DAVID B. D.O.M.P. Boulder Bodyworks 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 330 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-2739 www.boulderbodyworks.com SINGER, DAWN C.M.T. Pinnacle Physical Therapy and Pilates 3434 47th St., Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-7078 www.pinnaclephysicaltherapyboulder.com SODER, STEPHANIE C.M.T. Pure Homeopathy 600 W. Emma St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-2423 www.purehomeopathy.com STANFORD, RITA L.AC. Dr. Rita Stanford 3000 Pearl St., Suite 209 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-1243 www.ritastanford.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 77 ADLER, CHARLES M.D. Colorado Center for BioBehavioral Health 1229 Kalmia Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2364 ALCHIN, ROBIN L.W. PH.D. Robin L.W. Alchin Ph.D. 710 Burbank St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-725-8258 www.robinalchin.com ALLAN, CATHY M.S.W., L.C.S.W. Divorce Specific Counseling Services LLC 4747 Franklin Drive Boulder, CO 80301 720-933-1329 Medical School: M.S.W. from University of Denver ALMONY, JEFFREY L. M.D. Mental Health Partners 1333 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-8500 www.mhpcolorado.org AWEIDA-ROSS, LISA PSY.D. Lisa Aweida-Ross Psy.D., Licensed Psychologist 3405 Penrose Place, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-1600 www.psychotherapistsguild.com Medical School: Lewis and Clark College, 1989 BACHIA, MARYANNE L.AC. Acupuncture Energy Works 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Boulder Clinic of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com BARAN, LINDA S. PH.D. Boulder Community Hospital Mapleton Center 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-0493 www.bch.org BARD, ROSALIND M.A., PSY.D., L.P.C., N.C.C. Life In Waves 1800 30th St., Suite 209D Boulder, CO 80301 303-752-6711 Medical School: University of Colorado at Boulder, 1975 BEATTE, HOPE M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org BOWEN, JIM M.A., L.P.C. Jim Bowen M.A., L.P.C. 1800 30th St., Suite 217B Boulder, CO 80301 303-534-8717 www.sexualintimacyboulder.com Medical School: University of Colorado, 1992 BROSSE, ALISHA PH.D. Boulder Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies LLP 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-225-2709 www.bouldercbt.com BRYAN, STEPHANIE L.C.S.W., C.A.C. III REAL Parenting 1530 55th St. Boulder, CO 80303 303-397-0646 www.realparenting.com Medical School: University of Pittsburgh, 1965. Certified Parent Coach, 2004. BUCY, EMILY M.D. Boulder Community Hospital Mapleton Center 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-0493 www.bch.org CHARLTON, KIMBERLY M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org CHASE-JACOBSEN, JAYLYNNE L.C.S.W. DAFLER, CYNTHIA E. M.D. Colorado Recovery 2818 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 DANIELL, DONNA R. M.S.W., L.C.S.W. Donna Roe Daniell M.S.W., L.C.S.W. dba Balance Your Life Coaching & Psychotherapy 5412 Idylwild Trail Boulder, CO 80301 303-682-5220 www.findbalanceinyourlife.com DELUCA, JOHN PH.D. Colorado Center for BioBehavioral Health 1229 Kalmia Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2364 DEHAVEN, DELORES M.A., L.P.C. CACIII Discovery Counseling Center Inc. 3300 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 219 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-4121 Discovery Counseling Center Inc. 728 Front St., Suite E Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-8866 FREEDMAN, MICHAEL R. PH.D. Michael R. Freedman Ph.D. 1123 Spruce St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-4487 GERARD, MICHELE L. PH.D. Michele L. Gerard Ph.D. 1750 30th St., Suite 224 Boulder, CO 80301 303-939-9650 www.michelegerardphd.com GILBURT, JOHN PH.D., L. PSY., CMC III Mental Health Partners 529 Coffman St., Suite 300 Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-0555 www.mhpcolorado.org Mental Health Partners 1333 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-8500 www.mhpcolorado.org ERDMAN, BARRY LCSW, DCSW COHEN, SARA M.A.,L.P.C. FARIS, DOROTHY E. M.D. Marcy Cooper M.D. 1314 Main St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-0443 Kari Fraser Ph.D., P.C. 3405 Penrose Place, Suite 203 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-3487 Medical School: University of Colorado, 1996 ELIOPULOS, GEORGE A. M.D. COHEN, BEN PH.D. COOPER, MARCY M.D. FRASER, KARI PH.D. GERRITSEN, GREGORY PH.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org ENGEL, BRIDGET L.C.P. Sara Cohen L.P.C. 1634 Walnut St., Suite 221 Boulder, CO 80302 303-443-3637 www.saracohen.com Medical School: University of Colorado, 1985 Colorado Therapy Group 1800 30th St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-2987 www.lynnefoote.com Medical School: University of Northern Colorado, 1991 DOW, MICHAEL M.H.P., PSY.D. A Relationship Healing Center LLC 990 Poplar Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-8969 www.boulderrelationshiphealing.com Medical School: University of Denver, 1980 Ben Cohen Ph.D. 1634 Walnut St., Suite 221 Boulder, CO 80302 303-717-5651 Medical School: University of Delaware, 1988 FOOTE, LYNNE M.A., L.P.C. Dr. Stephanie Smith 526 Briggs St., Suite A Erie, CO 80516 303-828-3080 www.drstephaniesmith.com Barry Erdman LCSW, DCSW 1900 Folsom St., Suite 203 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-1404 www.BoulderTherapist.com Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org FINK, WILLIAM L. M.D. William L. Fink M.D. 1707 Main St., Suite 404 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-9797 Medical School: University of Nebraska College of Medicine Foothills Psychological Group PLLC 2501 Walnut St., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80302-5705 303-473-4433 Medical School: University of Colorado, 1985 Boulder Alcohol Education Center Inc. 1525 Spruce St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-6142 www.boulderalcohol.com Medical School: University of Colorado at Boulder GOULD, ANGELA PH.D. Angela Gould Ph.D. 1634 Walnut St., Suite 221 Boulder, CO 80302 720-304-7180 GRAY, REGINA L.C.S.W. Family Therapy Center of Boulder 1634 Walnut St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-4062 Reggie Gray L.C.S.W. 1634 Walnut St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80302 303-654-7334 www.reggiegraytherapy.com Medical School: University of Denver, 1977 GRAYBILL, DAVID L. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org GREER, GWENDOLYN M.D. Rocky Mountain Psychiatric Associates 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 106 Boulder, CO 80303 303-569-8858 www.rockymtnpsych.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MENTAL HEALTH MENTAL HEALTH BEIN, ROBERT M.D. 78 | MD 2014 GUERRA, FRANK M.D. Frank Guerra 1155 Alpine Ave Suite 385 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2456 HALL-TAYLOR, LINDA PH.D. Linda Hall-Taylor Ph.D. 9647 N. 63rd St. Longmont, CO 80503 303-447-9293 HANSON, KESTREL M.H.P., L.P.C. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org HAUSER, MONIKA PH.D. Boulder Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies LLP 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-225-2709 www.bouldercbt.com HEARST, CARYL L. PSY.D. Caryl Hearst Psy.D. 1707 N. Main St., Suite 404 Longmont, CO 80501 303-744-7410 HEGG, ARLENE P. M.D. Arlene P. Hegg, M.D. 2501 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-4340 Medical School: University of Colorado, 1982 HERSCH, L. BRIAN M.D. L. Brian Hersch, M.D. 4789 Briar Ridge Trail Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-7341 HEWITT, AHMEE L.C.S.W. Ahmee Hewitt, L.C.S.W. 740 Burbank St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-6282 Medical School: Syracuse University, 1980 HILBURN, LYNDA M.A., L.P.C., C.C.H., Lynda Hilburn, M.A., L.P.C. P.O. Box 20443 Boulder, CO 80308 303-939-8832 http://soulworkscounseling.blogspot.com Medical School: Michigan State University, 1987 HORSTMANN, NANCY M. PH.D. MENTAL HEALTH Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org JOHNSTON, CATHERINE LEE PH.D. Catherine Lee Johnston Ph.D. 2885 E. Aurora Ave., Suite 18 Boulder, CO 80303 303-447-8521 Medical School: University of Colorado at Boulder, 1982 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY KRUPNICK, LOUIS ED.D. Krupnick Counseling Associates 500 Kimbark St. Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-1515 www.krupnickcounseling.com LAMEIRO-DAWSON, KATHLEEN L.C.S.W. MILLER, DAVID ETHAN M.D. David E. Miller 400 S. McCaslin Blvd. Louisville, CO 80027 720-279-9682 MILLER, IVAN J. PH.D. OBERWETTER, JAMES M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org OLLAR, SUSAN PH.D. Kathleen Lameiro-Dawson L.C.S.W. 1314 Main St., Suite 205 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-6087 Ivan J. Miller Ph.D. 350 Broadway, Suite 210 Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-3888 Medical School: University of Colorado at Boulder, 1986 LEDESMA, PATRICIA J. PH.D. MUNROE, BRYAN D PH.D., L.P.C. OLSEN, GREGG M.D. Patricia J. Ledesma Ph.D. 4770 Baseline Road. Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-1200 Medical School: University of North Texas, 1979 LEIDIG, MARJORIE W. PH.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org LESLIE, BENNETT PSY.D. Boulder Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies LLP 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-225-2709 www.bouldercbt.com MARSHALL, KATE PH.D., P.C. Kate M. Marshall Ph.D., P.C. 1517 Easy Rider Lane, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-5811 www.drkatemarshall.com Bryan D. Munroe Ph.D, L.P.C. 421 21st Ave., Suite 4 Longmont, CO 80501-1421 303-651-1881 Professional Counseling & Educational Services 421 21st Ave., Suite 4 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-1881 Medical School: The Fielding Institute, 2002 MURPHY, CLAUDIA M.A., DIPL. PSYCH., L.P.C. Claudia Murphy, M.A., Dipl. Psych., LPC 954 North St., Suite 309 Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-4618 www.claudiamurphyboulder.com Medical School: University of Berlin, 1982 NAWROZ, SAFIA M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org NEIMAN, JOANNE M.A., L.P.C. Colorado Center for BioBehavioral Health 1229 Kalmia Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2364 Joanne Neiman, M.A., L.P.C. 1634 Walnut St., Suite 221 Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-4676 www.joanne-neiman.com Medical School: Naropa University, 1998 MATOS, MARIA L. M.D. NEKOORAD-LONG, HALEH M.D. MASON, CHRIS PH.D. Mental Health Partners 1333 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-8500 www.mhpcolorado.org MAXIMON, JULIA M.D. Colorado Recovery 2818 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 MCDOWELL, CATIE L.M.F.T. Catie McDowell, P.C., L.M.F.T. 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-6877 ext. 2 www.catiemcdowell.com Medical School: San Francisco State University, 1997 MILLER, BARBARA L.C.S.W. Family Therapy Center of Boulder 1634 Walnut St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-4062 Medical School: University of Denver, 1980 AltaVita Memory Care Centre 800 S. Fordham St. Longmont, CO 80503 303-300-3700 www.altavitaliving.com Medical School: University of Tennessee, Nashville NGUYEN, SANH D.O. Mental Health Partners 1333 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-8500 www.mhpcolorado.org NYGREN SZAPIRO, ELINOR M.A., L.P.C. Elinor Nygren Szapiro M.A., L.P.C. 4690 Berkshire Place Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-5391 www.therapistboulder.net Medical School: Naropa University, 1981 Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org PHILLIPS, WAYNE M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org POPE, SUZANNE PH.D. Colorado Institute for Marriage and the Family 528 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-8320 PRINZING, MARLENE MARIE M.A. Marlene’s Yoga & Somatic Processing 2412 Bristol St. Superior, CO 80027 303-543-9150 QUE, LEON M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org RABINOWITZ, ZOE M.S.W., A.C.S.W. Zoe Rabinowitz M.S.W., M.Ed., B.Div. 1304 N. Vivian St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3202 www.liim.org RANDOLPH, CHRISTIE C. PH.D. Christie C. Randolph Ph.D. 350 Broadway, Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-9044 Medical School: Michigan State University, 1970 RAYNAK, JAN M.D. Colorado Institute for Marriage and the Family 528 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-442-8320 REED, DON L.C.S.W. Family Therapy Center of Boulder 1634 Walnut St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-4062 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 79 RIEFFEL, LAURA M. PH.D. SHANNON, RACHEL L.C.S.W. SUTTON, PHILLIP D. PH.D. WEISS, HOPE L.C.S.W. RIFKIN, JOHN R. PH.D. SHAPIRO, JED S. M.D. TAINEY, PHYLLIS L.C.S.W., C.A.C. III WENOKOR, WILLIAM M.D. John R. Rifkin Ph.D. 350 Broadway, Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80305 303-442-8652 www.emotionalsuccess.com Medical School: University of Colorado at Boulder, 1976 ROBBINS, INA ED.D. Ina Robbins Ed.D. 2043 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-6878 www.psychotherapistsguild.com Medical School: Rutgers University, 1979 ROBINSON, DAVID D. PH.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org ROPEK, CYNTHIA M.A., L.P.C. Cynthia Ropek L.P.C. 545 Collyer St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-2551 www.cynthiaropek.com ROSEN, GARY B. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org ROSSIER, ELLEN L.C.S.W. Ellen Rossier L.C.S.W. 3393 Iris Ave., Suite 205 Boulder, CO 80301 303-494-6877 www.ellenrossier.com Medical School: Smith College School of Social Work, 1989 SCHEIDENHELM, LYNN L.C.S.W. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org SCHILLER, LANNING S. PH.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org SCHWARZ, JACQUELINE A. PH.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Clinica Family Health Services 2000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org Family Therapy Center of Boulder 1634 Walnut St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-4062 SKYLER, JENNI PH.D., M.S.ED. The Intimacy Institute for Sex and Relationship Therapy 737 29th St., Suite 200-D Boulder, CO 80303 720-331-3354 www.theintimacyinstitute.org SMITH, MICHAEL PH.D. Rocky Mountain Psychological Services LLC 2919 17th Ave., Suite 214 Longmont, CO 80503 303-651-9290 www.drmichaelsmith.org SMITH, STEPHANIE PSY.D. Dr. Stephanie Smith 526 Briggs St., Suite A Erie, CO 80516 303-828-3080 www.drstephaniesmith.com SOPER, ERNEST T. PH.D. Psychological Services 613 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302-5031 303-443-1223 SOPER, JOAN C. PH.D. Psychological Services 613 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302-5031 303-443-1223 Philip D. Sutton Ph.D. 595 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 720-406-0400 www.philipsuttonphd.com Colorado Center for Counseling and Psychotherapy 1479 Lincoln Circle Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6376 www.bouldertherapy.net THEEMAN, MARGE PH.D., M.S.W. Marge Theeman Ph.D. 740 Burbank St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-692-4897 www.psychotherapistsguild.com Medical School: Smith College, 1981 UNGER, ROBERT PH.D. Robert Unger Ph.D. 2455 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-938-9494 www.robertungerphd.com Medical School: Hunter College, 1976 VANN, PATRICK R. ED.D. Boulder Community Hospital Mapleton Center 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-0493 www.bch.org WALKER, ARZELIA PH.D. Family Therapy Center of Boulder 1634 Walnut St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-4062 WALKER, STEPHEN PH.D. Rose Sposito, Lic. Acupuncture 2500 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 303-579-2100 Dr. Stephen Walker - Health & Sport Performance Associates 5829 Niwot Road Longmont, CO 80503-8828 303-530-4439 www.drstephenwalker.com Medical School: University of Colorado, 1984 STOKES, TIMOTHY B. PH.D. WARNER, RICHARD M.D. SPOSITO, ROSE L.AC. Corporate Psychological Services 4860 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80303-2251 303-449-4392 www.cpseapsplus.com Medical School: California School of Professional Psychology, 1977 STRATTON, BARBARA M.A., L.M.F.T. Counseling for the Family PC 700 Burbank St. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-5077 www.barbarastratton.com SUDDATH, RICHARD L. M.D. Richard L. Suddath M.D. 2501 Walnut St., Suite 204 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-7228 Medical School: University of Virginia, 1982 Colorado Recovery 2818 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 WASSBERG, DOUG L.C.S.W. Hope Weiss L.C.S.W. 627 Kimbark St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-717-8645 www.hopeisthere.com Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org WESLEY, RICHARD L.P.C. Richard Wesley L.P.C. 2975 Valmont Road, Suite 310 Boulder, CO 80301 303-652-9151 www.networktherapy.com/rwesley Medical School: Antioch University, 1995 WESTRA, STEPHEN J. L.P.C. Stephen J. Westra L.P.C. 1800 30th St., Suite 301 Boulder, CO 80301 303-428-8486 Medical School: Western Michigan University, 1977 WHITEHOUSE, BOB ED.D. Colorado Center for BioBehavioral Health 1229 Kalmia Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2364 WINTERS, AMY M.S.W., L.C.S.W. Amy Winters M.S.W., L.C.S.W. 4860 Riverbend Road, Suite 1 Boulder, CO 80301 303-554-9800 Medical School: University of Kansas, 1993 WONG, JEAN-MARC M.D. Mental Health Partners 1333 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-8500 www.mhpcolorado.org Mental Health Partners 834 S. Sherman St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-247-8700 www.mhpcolorado.org Medical School: Creighton University School of Medicine ZIMMERMANN, ZOE M.A., L.P.C. Boulder Men’s Center 711 Walnut St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-8064 Zoe Zimmermann M.A., L.P.C. 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 206 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-1195 www.eft-emotionalfreedom.com WEINER-DAVIS, MICHELE L.C.S.W. ZONA, MICHAEL M.D. Michele Weiner-Davis L.C.S.W. 2005 10th St., Suite A Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-7004 www.divorcebusting.com Medical School: University of Kansas, 1977 Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MENTAL HEALTH Laura M. Rieffel Ph.D. 225 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 203 Louisville, CO 80027 303-478-7140 www.lmrieffel.com 80 | MD 2014 MIDWIVES ARTMAN, MERRILYNN C.N.M. Boulder Nurse Midwives 4800 Riverbend Road, Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2229 www.boulderbirth.com KLUENDER, KALA C.N.M. Boulder Nurse Midwives 4800 Riverbend Road, Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2229 www.boulderbirth.com LASSITER, NICOLE M.S., C.N.M. Boulder Nurse Midwives 4800 Riverbend Road, Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2229 www.boulderbirth.com MITCHELL, SUSAN C.N.M., M.S. Boulder Nurse Midwives 4800 Riverbend Road, Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2229 www.boulderbirth.com SCHNEIDER, SARIT C.N.M. Boulder Nurse Midwives 4800 Riverbend Road, Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2229 www.boulderbirth.com STEVENS, ANGELA M. C.N.M. MIDWIFE > NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE > NEPHROLOGY > NEUROLOGY Boulder Nurse Midwives 4800 Riverbend Road, Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2229 www.boulderbirth.com DESAI, NITA M.D. SHACKELTON, MARY MPH, ND BROWNSTONE, PAUL K. M.D. FLATLAND, ERIK N.D., L.AC. NEPHROLOGY BUSHARD, PATRICK M.D. East West Integrated Medicine 333 S. Boulder Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-444-1999 www.nitadesaiMD.com Boulder Natural Medicine Clinic 2885 Aurora Ave., Suite 29 Boulder, CO 80303 303-447-1339 www.bouldernatural.com FOX, TERRI M.D. Holistica Integrative Care 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3777 www.holisticacare.com GOLDIN, TARA N.D. IVKER, ROBERT D.O. HALTERMAN, RICHARD K. M.D. Fully Alive Medicine 331 Maxwell Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-404-2232 www.fullyalivemedicine.com Fully Alive Medicine 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80301 303-404-2232 www.fullyalivemedicine.com KING, CHERI N.D. AMERINE, LISA N.D. NORBERG, LYNA DIPL. O.M., L.AC. Acupuncture Energy Works 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Boulder Clinic of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com CLARK, DENISE N.D. Clark Natural Medicine 5412 Idylwild Trail Boulder, CO 80301 303-507-0179 www.deniseclarknd.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Western Nephrology 2655 Crescent Drive, Suite D Lafayette, CO 80026 303-443-4200 www.westneph.com Western Nephrology 1960 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-7759 www.westneph.com Medical School: University of Utah, Salt Lake City FISH, EILEEN M. M.D. NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE BACHIA, MARYANNE L.AC. BOSEMAN, J. PETER M.D. Tara Skye Goldin, N.D. 2825 Marine St., Suite 203 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2206 www.taraskyegoldin.com Medical School: Bastyr University, Seattle, Wash. Colorado Natural Health Center 921 Main St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-997-2297 www.coloradonaturalhealthcenter.com Pure Homeopathy 600 W. Emma St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-2423 www.purehomeopathy.com Holistica Integrative Care 4840 Riverbend Road, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-3777 www.holisticacare.com Lyna Norberg, Dipl. OM, L.Ac. 2919 Valmont Road, Suite 109 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-3030 PARCELL, KELLY JACOBS N.D. NatureMed Clinic Integrative Medicine 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557 www.naturemedclinic.com RAO, NANCY N.D., L.AC. Boulder Naturopathic Clinic 1295 Yellow Pine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-545-2021 www.bouldernaturopathic.com REILLY, JOHANNAH N.D., L.AC. Jo Hannah Reilly N.D., L.Ac. 1416 Elder Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-541-9600 www.johannahreilly.com Western Nephrology 1960 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-7759 www.westneph.com Medical School: University of Colorado Denver Western Nephrology 2655 Crescent Drive, Suite D Lafayette, CO 80026 303-443-4200 www.westneph.com Medical School: Ohio State University, 1991 KRAFT, STEVEN W. M.D. Western Nephrology 2655 Crescent Drive, Suite D Lafayette, CO 80026 303-443-4200 www.westneph.com Medical School: Rush Medical College, Rush University, Chicago MOONEY, THOMAS G. M.D. Western Nephrology 2655 Crescent Drive, Suite D Lafayette, CO 80026 303-443-4200 www.westneph.com Western Nephrology 1960 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite B Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-7759 www.westneph.com Medical School: Rush Medical College, Chicago NEUROLOGY BENTLEY, WILLIAM H. M.D. Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center 200 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-4000 www.exempla.org/goodsamaritan Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Exempla Foothills Neurology Associates 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 300 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6591 www.exempla.org GARMANY, GEORGE P. M.D. Associated Neurologists 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-3566 JANAS, JOANNE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org KATUNA, BRUCE A. M.D. Rocky Mountain Neurodiagnostics 2217 Harvard Court Longmont, CO 80503 303-776-5298 KURTZ, AVROM M.D. Exempla Foothills Neurology Associates 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 300 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6591 www.exempla.org MENDES, PAULA M. M.D. Colorado Institute for Neuromuscular and Neurological Disorders 600 S Airport Road, Suite E Longmont, CO 80503 720-491-3322 longmontneurology.com Medical School: George Washington University Hospital, Washington D.C. MILLER, JANICE A. M.D. Associated Neurologists 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-3566 Medical School: Eastern Virginia Medical School OLSON, JILL M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com PAVOT, PIERRE V. D.O. Colorado Institute for Neuromuscular and Neurological Disorders 600 S Airport Road, Suite E Longmont, CO 80503 720-491-3322 longmontneurology.com Medical School: Western University of Health Sciences, 1996 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 81 Boulder Valley Neurology 1044 S. 88th St., Suite 102 Louisville, CO 80027 303-926-1015 SABO, TONIA M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org TAINSH, CYNTHIA SHEARN M.D. Rocky Mountain Neurodiagnostics 2217 Harvard Court Longmont, CO 80503 303-776-5298 WAGNER, WILLIAM JAMES M.D. Northwest Neurology PC 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 390 Louisville, CO 80027 303-426-0215 ZACHARIAS, ALAN S. M.D. Associated Neurologists 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-3566 ZONA, MICHAEL M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org NEUROSURGERY BEASLEY, KARA D. D.O. Boulder Neurosurgical & Spine Associates 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com Medical School: Arizona College of of Osteopathic Medicine BURNEIKIENE, SIGITA M.D. Boulder Neurosurgical & Spine Associates 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com MASON, ALEXANDER MICHAEL M.D. Boulder Neurosurgical & Spine Associates 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com Medical School: Ohio State University College of Medicine NELSON, E. LEE M.D. Boulder Neurosurgical & Spine Associates 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY RAJPAL, SHARAD M.D. Boulder Neurosurgical & Spine Associates 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com Medical School: University of Wisconsin Hospital VILLAVICENCIO, ALAN T. M.D. Boulder Neurosurgical & Spine Associates 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com Medical School: Harvard Medical School BEGLEY, COLLEEN M.D. The Women’s Health Group 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 470 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-6016 www.whg-pc.com The Women’s Health Group 6363 W. 120th Ave., Suite 300 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-7116 www.whg-pc.com Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine BERGERON, KIM G. M.D. CHRISTENSEN, CAROLE A. M.D. Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Iowa, 1980 CHRISTOPHER, DIANE M.D. Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Women’s Health Wise 630 15th Ave., Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-5820 www.womenshealthwise.com Medical School: Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. CIESLIK, LAURA M.D. BISSELL, MARY ELIZABETH M.D. EASTMAN-GALLO, DAWNA L. M.D. Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Colorado Medical School, 1984 BLATTNER, JENNIFER M.D. FINNEGAN, PATRICK A. M.D. BACHIA, MARYANNE L.AC. Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY ABAIR, CHRISTINE H. M.D. Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Texas Health Science Center AUSTIN, DANIEL C. M.D. Acupuncture Energy Works 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Boulder Clinic of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com BARNES, KIMBERLEE M.D. Medical School: Michigan State University College of Human Medicine BARRETT, M. THERESE M.D. Centennial Women’s Health Center 231 E. 9th Ave., Suite 1A Longmont, CO 80504 303-651-2800 Medical School: University of South Dakota BARTON, SCOTT M. M.D. Kaiser Permanente/Rock Creek Medical Offices 280 Exempla Circle Lafayette, CO 80026 303-338-4545 www.kaiserpermanente.org Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Boulder Medical Center PC 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com BRIGHT HOFFMEYER, HEATHER M.D. BURGESS, ANDREA M.D. The Women’s Health Group 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 470 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-6016 www.whg-pc.com BUSH, MARK ROBERT M.D. Conceptions Reproductive Associates 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 370 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-449-1084 www.conceptionsrepro.com Medical School: Georgetown University School of Medicine BUTLER, LAURA B. M.D. Milestone Medical Group - Obstetrics & Gynecology 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 400 Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-1112 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Nebraska, Omaha Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com The Women’s Health Group 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 470 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-6016 www.whg-pc.com Medical School: University of Vermont College of Medicine Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Colorado GUSTOFSON, ROBERT M.D. Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Avista Two Medical Plaza, Suite 240 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0150 www.colcrm.com HANSEN, CHRISTINE C. M.D. Boulder Women’s Clinic 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-5110 www.boulderwomensclinic.com Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine HENNESY, STACEY M.D. The Women’s Health Group 6363 W. 120th Ave., Suite 300 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-7116 www.whg-pc.com HERN, WARREN M. M.D. Boulder Abortion Clinic 1130 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304-3413 303-447-1361 www.drhern.com BUYERS, ELIZABETH M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT NEUROLOGY > NEUROSURGERY > OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY RAMPY, THOMAS M.D. 82 | MD 2014 HIGBIE SCHULTZ, BRETT ALISON D.O. Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine HUYNH, LONG PHI M.D. Avista Women’s Care 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 290 Louisville, CO 80027 303-439-8910 www.awcare.net Medical School: Virginia Commonwealth University IMIG, JOHN R. M.D. Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Iowa JAMROZ, LISA D. M.D. Boulder Women’s Care 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80303 303-441-0587 www.boulderwomenscare.com JOHNSON, AMY L. M.D. Milestone Medical Group - Obstetrics & Gynecology 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 400 Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-1112 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver KAUFMAN, KAREN M.D. Thayer Group for Women’s Care M.D. PC 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 230 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-2010 www.thayermd.com OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY KEENE, HEATHER MICHELE M.D. LANDRY, THOMAS B. M.D. MATTSON, ANN L. M.D. LANE, KIM R. M.D. MCBRIDE, ANDREW M.D. Kaiser Permanente Boulder Medical Offices 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-338-4545 Medical School: Louisiana State University School of Medicine Women’s Health Wise 630 15th Ave., Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-5820 www.womenshealthwise.com Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern, 1993 LEPINE, LISA M.D. Boulder Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery 3434 47th St., Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80301 720-382-2621 www.bouldergynecology.com PRICE, BRENDA C. M.D. Boulder Women’s Care 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80303 303-441-0587 www.boulderwomenscare.com Northwest Comprehensive Women’s Healthcare 1225 Cimarron Drive, Suite 101 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-204-1870 Medical School: University of Oklahoma School of Medicine MACSALKA, MARY A. M.D. MUNKS, ERYN B. M.D. ROMARY, MOLLY E. M.D. Boulder Women’s Clinic 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-5110 www.boulderwomensclinic.com Medical School: University of Illinois School of Medicine MACSALKA, ROBERT E. M.D. Boulder Women’s Clinic 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-5110 www.boulderwomensclinic.com Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine MARTIN, ANN C. M.D. MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Avista Two Medical Plaza, Suite 240 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0150 www.colcrm.com Medical School: Stanford University REITINGER, RUSSELL GEORGE M.D. KERR-LAYTON, JEFFREY A. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: New Jersey Medical School MINJAREZ, DEBRA M.D. Avista Women’s Care 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 290 Louisville, CO 80027 303-439-8910 www.awcare.net The Women’s Health Group 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 470 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-6016 www.whg-pc.com The Women’s Health Group 6363 W. 120th Ave., Suite 300 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-7116 www.whg-pc.com Avista Women’s Care 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 290 Louisville, CO 80027 303-439-8910 www.awcare.net Medical School: George Washington University, 1990 MALL, ALISON LEIGH M.D. KIM, JENNY B. M.D. Exempla Mountain States Urogynecology 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 250 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-318-3220 www.exempla.org POTHULOORI, ANTARA M.D. MOELLER, LORALIE D. M.D. LINDHOLM, LAURA M.D. Milestone Medical Group - Obstetrics & Gynecology 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 400 Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-1112 www.luhcares.org Medical School: State University of New York Medical School Kaiser Permanente Baseline Medical and Behavioral Health Offices 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80303 303-338-4545 Medical School: Georgetown University School of Medicine Wardenburg Student Health Center Campus Box 119 Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-5101 http://www.colorado.edu/healthcenter Medical School: University of Maryland, 1989 Avista Women’s Health 611 Mitchell Way, Suite 103 Erie, CO 80516 303-649-3180 www.avistawomenshealth.org Medical School: University of California, Irvine Milestone Medical Group - Obstetrics & Gynecology 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 400 Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-1112 www.luhcares.org Colorado Women’s Care 1739 Terry St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-678-9090 Medical School: University of Minnesota, 1990 Boulder Women’s Care 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80303 303-441-0587 www.boulderwomenscare.com NELSON, BRIAN S. M.D. Milestone Medical Group - Obstetrics & Gynecology 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 400 Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-1112 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Texas Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Colorado Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: George Washington School of Medicine SCHAFFTER, CAROLYN SUE M.D. ODEA, BESSIE M.D. Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Avista Two Medical Plaza, Suite 240 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0150 www.colcrm.com Medical School: University of Kansas Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org PIERSON, ASHLEY M.D. The Women’s Health Group 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 470 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-665-6016 www.whg-pc.com POMFRET, HEIDI A. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of California at Davis Centennial Valley Women’s Clinic 2687 N. Park Drive, Suite 101 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-0777 Medical School: University of Nevada SCHOOLCRAFT, WILLIAM M.D. SHEA, KERRY D.O. Boulder Women’s Care 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80303 303-441-0587 www.boulderwomenscare.com SHERIDAN, AUDREY L. M.D. Kaiser Permanente Baseline Medical and Behavioral Health Offices 580 Mohawk Drive Boulder, CO 80303 303-338-4545 Medical School: University of Washington School of Medicine BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 83 Boulder Women’s Care 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 320 Boulder, CO 80303 303-441-0587 www.boulderwomenscare.com SPEARS, KARIN G. M.D. Avista Women’s Care 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 290 Louisville, CO 80027 303-439-8910 www.awcare.net Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine, 1991 STONE, PAMELA J.B. M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of Minnesota School of Medicine THAYER, DAVID O. M.D. Thayer Group for Women’s Care M.D. PC 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 230 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-2010 www.thayermd.com Medical School: Jefferson Medical College, 1975 WEINBERG, RUTH K. M.D. Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center 2855 Valmont Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-5160 www.boulderwomenshealth.org WEPMAN, CAROLYN JO M.D. Woman To Woman Healthcare 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 190 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-0224 Medical School: University of Colorado OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE BUSH, MARIE M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Jefferson Medical College CAZDEN, BRUCE B. M.D. Arbor Occupational Medicine 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-0496 www.arboroccmed.com DENZEL, DR. GREGORY D.O. Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660 www.ssrehabcenter.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY FERNANDEZ, LYNNE A. M.D. Occupational Health Medical Services 1000 W. South Boulder Road., Suite 214 Lafayete, CO 80026 303-604-4662 www.bch.org Medical School: Howard University College of Medicine, 1984 KISTLER, DAVID M.D. Arbor Occupational Medicine 290 Nickel St., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9339 www.arboroccmed.com LONG, LORI A. M.D. Arbor Occupational Medicine 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-0496 www.arboroccmed.com Arbor Occupational Medicine 1860 Industrial Circle, Suite D Longmont, CO 80501 303-682-2473 www.arboroccmed.com Medical School: Louisiana State University, 1986 SCHERR, FRED M.D. WorkWell Occupational Medicine LLC 205 S. Main St., Suite C Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-1612 www.workwelloccmed.com STOLL, STEPHANIE P.T., D.P.T. Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com ONCOLOGY & HEMATOLOGY ANDORSKY, DAVID J. M.D. FOX, JENNY R. M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine JENSEN, LORI M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of Texas, San Antonio JOHNSON, MICHAEL J. M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: Harvard Medical School Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 210 Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-1900 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of Texas at Galveston, 1986 ANTELL, ANDREW G. M.D. KLISH, MARIE DAVIS M.D. Workwell Occupational Medicine 3434 47th St., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 303-219-5022 www.workwelloccmed.com Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri ORENT, SANDER M.D. BARNETT, JOHN MARK M.D. MCNEELY, LEE K. M.D. MARS, PETER M.D. Arbor Occupational Medicine 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-0496 www.arboroccmed.com Arbor Occupational Medicine 290 Nickel St., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9339 www.arboroccmed.com ORGEL, DAVID Concentra Urgent Care 3300 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-541-9090 www.concentra.com OSGOOD, MICHELLE O.T.R., C.H.T. Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com OTTEN, RYAN M.D. WorkWell Occupational Medicine LLC 205 S. Main St., Suite C Longmont, CO 80501 303-702-1612 www.workwelloccmed.com REIMS, RANDOLPH M.D. Occupational Health Medical Services 1000 W. South Boulder Road., Suite 214 Lafayete, CO 80026 303-604-4662 www.bch.org Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 210 Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-1900 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: Southern Illinois University BUSBY, LESLIE T. M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of Nevada FISHER, ROBERT E. M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 210 Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-1900 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine - 1983 FLEAGLE, JOHN T. M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of Illinois Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 210 Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-1900 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Medical School: University of Utah, Salt Lake City MORAN, PATRICK L. M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine PATEL, MEERA M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com SIMPSON, C. KELLEY M.D. Colorado CyberKnife Creekside Cancer Care 120 Old Laramie, Trail E Lafayete, CO 80026 303-926-9800 www.coloradocyberknife.com Medical School: University of Mississippi School of Medicine, Jackson. SITARIK, MARK A. M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY > OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE > ONCOLOGY & HEMATOLOGY SHIMODA, MAKO M.D. 84 | MD 2014 STONE, PAMELA J.B. M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of Minnesota School of Medicine WEST, KRISTEN N.D. NatureMed Clinic Integrative Medicine 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557 www.naturemedclinic.com WRIGHT, RALPH “BUZ” M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY ANDRUS, KEVIN M.D. Longmont Oral, Facial and Implant Surgery PC 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 260 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-8870 www.longmontoralsurgery.com ONCOLOGY & HEMATOLOGY > ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY > ORTHOPEDICS BLUESTEIN, EVE M.D., D.D.S. Bluestein, Dr. Eve 1068 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-938-1161 www.bsurgicalarts.com Medical School: University of Cincinnati FOLEY, BENJAMIN D.D.S. Daniel B. Foley D.D.S. 1440 28th St. Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-2255 www.foleyoralsurgery.com FOLEY, DANIEL B. D.D.S. Daniel B. Foley D.D.S. 1440 28th St. Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-2255 www.foleyoralsurgery.com Medical School: Creighton University, 1976 HARPER, CLAYTON D.D.S., M.D. Boulder Creek Implant and Oral Surgery 2625 28th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-5063 www.bouldercreekoralsurgery.com NEDBALSKI, TERRENCE R. D.D.S. Boulder Oral Surgery 3450 Penrose Place, Suite 120 Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-9735 www.boulderoralsurgery.net MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY REISMAN, ALAN D.D.S. Alan Reisman D.D.S. 1075 South Boulder Road, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2377 www.alanreisman.com Medical School: Case Western Reserve University, 1988 SIBLEY, LONNIE M. D.D.S. Boulder Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 1840 Folsom St., Suite 304 Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-9840 www.bouldervalleyoms.com Medical School: Louisiana State University, 1975 SQUIRE, DOUGLAS L. D.D.S. Squire Oral, Facial & Dental Implant Surgery 1325 Hover St., Suite 101 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-8585 www.squireoralsurgery.com ORTHOPEDICS ABERLE, NICHOLAS M.D. CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org BIERBRAUER, DAVID M.D. Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com BRADEN, CORY P.T., D.P.T. Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com BRADEN, ROBIN P.T., D.P.T. Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com BRAVMAN, JONATHAN M.D. CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org BRITTON, JAMES A. M.D. Boulder County Medical Society 6676 Gunpark Drive, Suite B Boulder, CO 80301 303-527-3215 www.bcms.net Medical School: Orthopedics, certified, 1983; M.D., University of Colorado, 1971; Internship, Cleveland Metro General Hospital, 1972; Residency, University of Miss., 1980; Fellow, Scottish Rite Hospital in Atlanta, 1981 CASTRO, BRYAN A. M.D. Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com CAVANAUGH, KENNETH J. M.D. Salud Family Health Centers 220 E. Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250 www.saludclinic.org Medical School: St. Louis University CICCONE, WILLIAM JOHN M.D. Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com COONEY, WILLIAM P. M.D. Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1600 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Medical School: St. Louis University School of Medicine DAHAB, KATHERINE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org DOLBEARE, DIRK M.D. Boulder Orthopedics PC 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com EICKMANN, THOMAS H. M.D. Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com Medical School: Loma Linda School of Medicine FITZGIBBONS, ROBERT E. M.D. Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1600 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Medical School: Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, IL FULKERSON, LORRI J. M.D. Boulder Orthopedics PC 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com Medical School: University of California, Davis, 1986 GERLACH, MATTHEW R. M.D. Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1600 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Medical School: University of Minnesota Hospital GRAUER, J. DAVID M.D. Boulder Bone and Joint 1032 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0286 Boulder Bone and Joint 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4545 Medical School: Case Western Reserve GREER, RAYANN P.T., D.P.T. Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com HALBRECHT, JOANNE M.D. Boulder Institute for Sports Medicine 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-8807 www.boulderinstitute.com Medical School: New York Medical College, 1990 HOANG, QUYNH M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org HSIN, JOSEPH M.D. Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1990 KOCH, ROBERT B. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: McGill University School of Medicine BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 85 Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1600 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Medical School: University of Iowa, 1993 LELAND, ROBERT H. M.D. Mapleton Hill Orthopedics 975 North St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7941 www.mapletonhill.com Medical School: Baylor College of Medicine LEONARD, CURTIS L. M.D. Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1600 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Medical School: University of Iowa MANN, THOMAS A. M.D. Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com Medical School: Jefferson Medical College, 1992 MASTER, DANIEL LEE M.D. Mapleton Hill Orthopedics 975 North St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7941 www.mapletonhill.com MCCARTY, ERIC C. M.D. CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org Medical School: University of Colorado, 1993 MEI-DAN, OMER M.D. CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org MILLER, NANCY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY OCEL, DANIEL L. M.D. Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com Medical School: Creighton University School of Medicine PATER, TIMOTHY J. M.D. Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1600 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine PAUL, STEPHEN D. M.D. Boulder Orthopedics PC 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com Medical School: University of Colorado, 1980 PROVANCE, AARON M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org RECTOR, JAMES B. M.D. Boulder Orthopedics PC 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com Medical School: Ohio State University, 1973 REID, JAMES G. M.D. Boulder Bone and Joint 1032 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0286 Boulder Bone and Joint 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4545 Medical School: Chicago Medical School REPINE, MICHAEL J. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine REYNOLDS, KIRK M.D. CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org RHODES, JASON M.D., M.S. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org RUPP, GERALD M.D. Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1600 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com SALIMAN, LAUREL M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org SCHAEFER, JACK M.AC. Mountain West Wellness 5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-648-4066 www.boulder-colorado-acupuncture.com SENG, KHEMARIN M.D. Mapleton Hill Orthopedics 975 North St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7941 www.mapletonhill.com SHAH, NIRAV R. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine SHAHIDI, BAHAR P.T., D.P.T. STOLL, E. JORDAN M.D. Boulder Bone and Joint 1032 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0286 Boulder Bone and Joint 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4545 Medical School: University of Virginia VAN BUSKIRK, CATHLEEN S. M.D. Alpine Spine Center 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80303 303-546-6600 www.alpinespinecenter.com Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin, 1991 VIDAL, ARMANDO F. M.D. CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org VOSS, LYNN A. M.D. Boulder Orthopedics PC 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com Medical School: Chicago Medical School, 1992 WERTZ, MICHAEL P. M.D. Boulder Bone and Joint 1032 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0286 Boulder Bone and Joint 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4545 Medical School: Case Western Reserve University, 1982 WIEDER, DRIGAN D. M.D. Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com Mapleton Hill Orthopedics 975 North St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7941 www.mapletonhill.com Medical School: University of Colorado Medical School, 1986 SMITH, SAMUEL E. M.D. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM J. M.D. Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1600 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Medical School: University of Nebraska STILP, SONJA M.D. Boulder Orthopedics PC 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com Boulder Orthopedics PC 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com Medical School: University of Minnesota, 1978 WOOD, PETER D. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of California at San Diego School of Medicine BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT ORTHOPEDICS KOLDENHOVEN, GREGG A. M.D. 86 | MD 2014 YURTH, ELIZABETH E. M.D. Mapleton Hill Orthopedics 975 North St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7941 www.mapletonhill.com Medical School: University of Southern California OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE IVKER, ROBERT D.O. Fully Alive Medicine 331 Maxwell Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-404-2232 www.fullyalivemedicine.com Fully Alive Medicine 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 130 Boulder, CO 80301 303-404-2232 www.fullyalivemedicine.com ORTHOPEDICS > OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE > PAIN MANAGEMENT > PALLIATIVE MEDICINE > PATHOLOGY SCHWARTZ, DAVID B. D.O.M.P. Boulder Bodyworks 3020 Carbon Place, Suite 330 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-2739 www.boulderbodyworks.com STANLEY, SHARON D.O. Boulder Osteopathic Center 2150 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302-4525 303-444-8337 www.boulderdo.com SUAN, KEITH D.O. Boulder Osteopathic Center 2150 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302-4525 303-444-8337 www.boulderdo.com VANZURA, ERIC J. D.O. Healthy Z Osteopathic Family Medicine 1440 28th St., Suite 4 Boulder, CO 80303 720-259-4609 PAIN MANAGEMENT BACHIA, MARYANNE L.AC. Acupuncture Energy Works 2400 Central Ave., Suite G Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-4101 www.acupunctureenergyworks.com Boulder Clinic of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 4880 Riverbend Road, Suite 2D Boulder, CO 80301 720-201-2449 www.boulderclinicofacupuncture.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY DENHAM, MELODY F. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Boulder Pain Institute 3445 Penrose Place, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-0100 Boulder Valley Anesthesiology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 866-491-1244 www.bouldervalleyanesthesiology.com Medical School: University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine GREEN, JUSTIN D. M.D. Justin D. Green M.D. 5277 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 720-304-8154 Boulder Bone and Joint 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4545 Boulder Bone and Joint 1032 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0286 Medical School: Hahnemann University, 1987 KEATING, MICHAEL M.S., A.T.C., C.S.C.S. Synapse Physical Therapy 11575 Main St., Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-467-2288 ext. 2 www.synapsept.com Medical School: University of Illinois, 1994 MILLIFF, JANE M. M.M.SC., P.T., C.B.P. Alta Physical Therapy and Pilates 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707 www.altatherapies.com Medical School: UCSF, 1978; Emory University, 1987 MILLS, MARK N.C.T.M.B. Elements Therapeutic Massage Inc. 2321 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-3998 www.touchofelements.com/boulder SCHAEFER, JACK M.AC. Mountain West Wellness 5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-648-4066 www.boulder-colorado-acupuncture.com SISSON, BRAD M.D. Colorado Pain Clinic 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 120 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-4141 www.coloradopainclinic.com SORENSEN, LIEF ANDERS M.D. Dimensions Pain Management 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 50 Louisville, CO 80027 303-661-4100 www.dimensionspainmanagement.com SUTTON, PHILLIP D. PH.D. MAZZOLA, MARION BETH M.D. TRU Community Care 2594 Trailridge Drive E Lafayette, CO 80026 303-449-7740 www.trucare.org Medical School: Michigan State University Philip D. Sutton Ph.D. 595 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 720-406-0400 www.philipsuttonphd.com MILLER, H. MERLE M.D. TANNER, DAVID D.O. COOL, CARLYNE D. M.D. TRAN, NGUYET-ANH (THERESA) M.D. DEBOOM, TODD M. M.D. Creekside Physical Medicine 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-2705 www.theheadachecenter.info Medical School: University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1997 Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 235 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 2095 W. Sixth Ave., Suite 106 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Medical School: University of Tennessee ZIMMERMANN, ZOE M.A., L.P.C. Zoe Zimmermann M.A., L.P.C. 75 Manhattan Drive, Suite 206 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-1195 www.eft-emotionalfreedom.com Medical School: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill PATHOLOGY Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Iowa, Iowa City FORSYTHE, ROBERT C. M.D. Boulder Valley Pathology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2078 www. bouldervalleypathology.com HANLEY, KEVIN W. M.D. PALLIATIVE MEDICINE Boulder Valley Pathology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2078 www. bouldervalleypathology.com CLARK, CLIFFORD M.D. HOWLAND, WILLIAM M.D. GIESEN, ANNE M. D.O. MEYER, JOHN E. M.D. HOLT, PETER BARKALOW M.D. PAVOT, DAWN R. M.D. MASSONE, JOHN G. M.D. SMOUSE, JASON H. M.D. Family Hospice 1790 30th St., Suite 308 Boulder, CO 80302 303-440-0205 www.familyhospice.net Wisdom Health PC 350 Ponca Place, Suite 250 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-1110 www.wisdomhealthboulder.com TRU Community Care 2594 Trailridge Drive E Lafayette, CO 80026 303-449-7740 www.trucare.org Medical School: University of Colorado Medical School TRU Community Care 2594 Trail Ridge Drive E. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-449-7740 www.hospicecareonline.org Medical School: McGill University School of Medicine, Montreal Boulder Valley Pathology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2078 www. bouldervalleypathology.com Boulder Valley Pathology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2078 www. bouldervalleypathology.com Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: Virginia Commonwealth University Boulder Valley Pathology 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2078 www. bouldervalleypathology.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 87 ABBEY, SHAWNA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org ALLEN, GREGORY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BARKER, JENNIFER M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BAUMGARTNER, RONALD R. M.D. Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Illinois BELLUS, GARY M.D., PH.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BHANDARI, PURVI M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BOCK, S. ALLAN M.D. Boulder Valley Asthma & Allergy Clinics 3950 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-444-5991 www.boulderallergy.com Medical School: University of Maryland, 1972 BONTRAGER, JEFF M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BOWYER, TRISTA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BRAUND, CORTNEY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY DAWSON, PETER M.D., M.P.H. BUCKNAM, ROBERT C. M.D. DELEYIANNIS, FREDERIC M.D., M.PHIL., M.P.H. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Cornerstone Pediatric Associates PC 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 160 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9030 www.cornerstonepeds.co Medical School: University of Southern California, 1988 BUYERS, ELIZABETH M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org CALTAGIRONE, RYAN M.D. Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 www.clinica.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org DICHIARO, MIKE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org DICKERSON, MAUREEN A. M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Colorado, 1991 CAMPBELL, JEFFREY M.D. DILLABAUGH, LISA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org CARNEY, KEVIN M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org CAVANAUGH, CHERYL L. M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org DUEBER, KATHERINE M. M.D. Longmont Clinic Pediatrics 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-3133 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: New York Medical College Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Iowa College of Medicine, 1989 DUNN, STEPHANIE M.D. COHEN, PAUL B. M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Boston University School of Medicine CUNNINGHAM, MAUREEN M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org DAHAB, KATHERINE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org ENZENAUER, ROBERT M.D. FAN, GRACE C. M.D. Longmont Clinic Pediatrics 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-3133 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of California, Los Angeles FRIES, STEPHEN M. M.D. Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: Ohio State University FRY, JOEL D.C. Elite Chiropractic 1020 W. Century Drive, Suite 101 Louisville, CO 80027 303-516-1517 www.elitechiroonline.com Medical School: Cleveland College of Chiropractic, 2000 GAINOR, LAUREN M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org GETZOFF, MARK M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org GONZALES, GENE G. M.D. Broomfield Pediatrics and Internal Medicine 3301 W. 144th Ave., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80023 303-438-5522 www.bfpim.com Medical School: University of the Philippines, Faculty of Medicine GRATHWOHL, PATRICK M.D. Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 103 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com GREER, NANCY L. PH.D., M.D. Broomfield Pediatrics and Internal Medicine 3301 W. 144th Ave., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80023 303-438-5522 www.bfpim.com Medical School: Northeast Ohio Medical University GROVER, AMY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org HAMILTON, DEBORAH M.D. Holistic Pediatric Consulting 1800 30th St., Suite 304 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-0107 www.holisticpediatric.com HARDY, JEN M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org HOANG, QUYNH M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT PEDIATRICS PEDIATRICS BRAZELTON, MICHAEL M.D. 88 | MD 2014 ISAACSON, HEATHER N. M.D. Longmont Clinic Pediatrics 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-3133 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Arizona JANAS, JOANNE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org JORDAN, JON-PAUL M.D. Cornerstone Pediatric Associates PC 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 160 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9030 www.cornerstonepeds.co KAMON, JILL S. M.D. The Pediatric Center 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 310 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2913 www.thepediatriccenter.net Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine KELLEY, NANCY M.D. The Pediatric Center 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 310 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2913 www.thepediatriccenter.net KHAN, TALAT M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org KLEE, KARIN M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org KNAPP, KARIN M.D. Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com KOBAK, GREGORY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org PEDIATRICS KONDA-SUNDHEIM, RACHEL M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY LAFFERTY-OZA, MARGARET J. M.D. MENDENHALL, MARCELA M.D. ORENDAC, CATHY M.D. LANNIGAN, AMY BETH M.D. MERTZ, ANDREA MARIE M.D. PALAZZARI, ADAM M.D. Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Broomfield Pediatrics and Internal Medicine 3301 W. 144th Ave., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80023 303-438-5522 www.bfpim.com LARSON, SUSAN M.D. Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com LAZATIN, LANCE M.D. Broomfield Pediatrics and Internal Medicine 3301 W. 144th Ave., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80023 303-438-5522 www.bfpim.com LEGARE, JANET M. M.D. Boulder Medical Center-Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4700 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com LINDSETH, ERIK M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MAHNKE, SHEELA N. M.D. The Pediatric Center 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 310 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2913 www.thepediatriccenter.net Medical School: Vanderbilt University, 1999 MASSANARI, DERREK M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MCBURNEY, MICHELLE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MELLION, SARAH M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Texas Medical School MEZARINA, KARRIN B. M.D. Cornerstone Pediatric Associates PC 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 160 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9030 www.cornerstonepeds.co MILLER, DAVID M. M.D. Cornerstone Pediatric Associates PC 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 160 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9030 www.cornerstonepeds.co Medical School: University of Southern California, 1988 MILLER, NANCY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MOON, SANDY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MORTAZARI, MO M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org NEIGUT, DEBORAH M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org NEUBRAND, TARA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org NEWGENT, KELLY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Lafayette Pediatrics and Internal Medicine 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 420 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-565-6101 www.lafayettemedpeds.com PANE, CAMILLE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org PITTS, ANDREW D.O. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org PRAGER, JEREMY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org PROK, LORI M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org PROVANCE, AARON M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org REFAELI, TRACI M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org REYNOLDS, MELISSA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org RHODES, JASON M.D., M.S. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 89 SCHATEN, ROBIN L. M.D. ROLFSON, DEBRA H. M.D. SCHOLES, MELISSA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 103 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com Medical School: University of Chicago, 1985 ROSQUIST, PATTI R. M.D. SERLEN, MELISSA M.D. TURNER, LISA A. M.D. Exempla Family, Pedriatric and Internal Medicine of Lafayette 2600 Campus Drive, Suite A Lafayette, CO 80026 303-673-1900 www.exempla.org Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 103 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Duke University Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com SHAH-ELZINGA, GRISHMA S. M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Salud Family Health Centers 220 E. Rogers Road Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250 www.saludclinic.org Medical School: University of Rochester, New York SALIMAN, LAUREL M.D. SMITH, CHRISTY M.D. ROSWELL, KELLEY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org SAMUELSON, LISA M.D. Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 103 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com SANTOS, JAY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org SARKO, DANIEL M.D. The Pediatric Center 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 310 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2913 www.thepediatriccenter.net SCHAFFER, MICHAEL M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org SCHANE, MARK D. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Southern Florida MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org SMITH, SUSAN M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org STEITZ, DAVID L. M.D. Cornerstone Pediatric Associates PC 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 160 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9030 www.cornerstonepeds.co Medical School: University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, 1991 STIDHAM, TIMOTHY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org STILLWELL, PAUL M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org STREUBEL, SVEN OLRIK M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org TANNEY, DIANA C. M.D. YEUNG, ELIZABETH M.D. TERPENNING, LAURA B. M.D. YOON, PATRICIA M.D. The Pediatric Center 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 310 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-2913 www.thepediatriccenter.net Longmont Clinic Pediatrics 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-3133 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Texas Health Sciences Center VAN HORNE, ANN D.O. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org VANSAMBEEK, RACHEL M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org VILLAVICENCIO, KARRIE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org WEISZ, RACHEL M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org WILSON, PAMELA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org WRIGHT, MICHAEL J. M.D. Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 103 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com WUDEL, AMY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org ZANG, ANGELA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org ZANG, PETER M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org PHYSICAL THERAPY, REHABILITATION, SPORTS MEDICINE ABEL, MARGELL M.P.T. Alta Physical Therapy and Pilates 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707 www.altatherapies.com AMRICH, JASON P.T., M.B.A., O.C.S., C.S.C.S. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Medical School: Quinnipiac University, 1996 ARENDS, GREGORY N. M.D. Colorado Center for Spine Medicine 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-2955 www.co-spine.com ARENDS, JACLYN C. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org BALLANTINE-TALMADGE, SHERRIE D.O. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine East 1000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-2665 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT PEDIATRICS > PHYSICAL THERAPY, REHABILITATION, SPORTS MEDICINE RICHKER, JEFFREY OWEN M.D. 90 | MD 2014 BARTH, CHRISTY M.S., P.T., C.S.C.S. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Medical School: University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1989 BAUGH, DENISE M.S., P.T. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com North Boulder Pilates 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-3496 www.northboulderpilates.com Medical School: University of Colorado Health Science Center, 1994 DANE, DELOZIER P.T., D.P.T., A.T.C., P.E.S. GATEWOOD, PAMELA M.P.T. BRENNAN, LEE M.S., P.T. DEROOS, OLAF P.T., M.H.SC., M.T.C. GEHRS, MELINDA A. M.D. CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org North Boulder Pilates 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-3496 www.northboulderpilates.com Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences, 1998 BRUNSON, DEBORAH M.D. NatureMed Clinic Integrative Medicine 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557 www.naturemedclinic.com Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Active Solutions Physical Therapy 4150 Darley Ave., Suite 8 Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-4100 www.activesolutionspt.com DICHIARO, MIKE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org DICK, TAMI P.T., C.S.C.S. BENNETT, KRISTIE P.T. BYRT, JULIE P.T. Coal Creek Physical Therapy LLC 315 South Boulder Road, No. 100 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4151 www.coalcreekpt.com Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Medical School: Washington University, St. Louis, 1987 BERARDELLI, EVA A. M.D. CAMBE, PHIL C. M.D. DUNHAM, ERIN P.T., D.P.T. BOSWELL, F.E. M.S.P.T. CARPENTER, KRISTIN P.T., D.P.T., O.C.S. ECHERY, KAREN M.S., P.T. Pinnacle Physical Therapy and Pilates 3434 47th St., Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-7078 www.pinnaclephysicaltherapyboulder.com Eva Berardelli M.D. 2211 Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1579 Medical School: University of Rome Rocky Mountain Center for Advanced Medicine 4790 Table Mesa Drive, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80305 303-444-0840 www.rmcam.com BRADEN, CORY P.T., D.P.T. PHYSICAL THERAPY, REHABILITATION, SPORTS MEDICINE BRAVMAN, JONATHAN M.D. Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com BRADEN, ROBIN P.T., D.P.T. Boulder Community Hospital Mapleton Center 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-0493 www.bch.org Waldron’s Peak Physical Therapy PC 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 A Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-7878 www.waldronspt.com CHOHAN, JAMEEL M.D. Broomfield Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 12975 Sheridan Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-785-5800 www.broomfieldnursingcenter.com Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com CICCONE, WILLIAM JOHN M.D. BRAKKE- HOLMAN, RACHEL M.D. COOK, KORTNY D.P.T. CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org BRAUN, STEPHANIE P.T. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine East 1000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-2665 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com COOPER, GREG B.H.M.S., C.S.C.S.*D. Medically Based Fitness in Boulder 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-2873 www.mbfphysicaltherapy.com Alta Physical Therapy and Pilates 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707 www.altatherapies.com Alpha Rehabilitation PLLC 290 Nickel St., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9151 www.alpharehabilitation.com Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Alabama School of Medicine GLOWNEY, JASON M.D. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org GOLD, CARY P.T., M.M.T.C. Cary Gold Physical Therapy Inc. 5377 Manhattan Circle, Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-7611 GONDER, NANCY M.S.P.T. Alpha Rehabilitation PLLC 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8105 www.alpharehabilitation.com GREEN, JUSTIN D. M.D. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com North Boulder Pilates 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-3496 www.northboulderpilates.com Medical School: Grand Valley State University, 2003 Justin D. Green M.D. 5277 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 720-304-8154 Boulder Bone and Joint 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4545 Boulder Bone and Joint 1032 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0286 Medical School: Hahnemann University, 1987 EVANS, BRENDA P.T. GREER, RAYANN P.T., D.P.T. Colorado Physical Therapy Institute 300 Nickel St., No. 6 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9129 www.coloradopti.com FLEMING, JEFF D.P.T., A.T.C. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org FRASER, CATHY P.T. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Medical School: University of Sydney, Australia, 1998 Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com GRONSETH, CLIFF A. M.D. Spine West 5387 Manhattan Circle Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-7773 www.SpineWest.com Medical School: University of San Francisco, 1992 HANDY, TERRI P.T., A.T.C. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com Medical School: University of Hahnemann, 1991 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 91 Colorado Physical Therapy Institute 300 Nickel St., No. 6 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9129 www.coloradopti.com HARRIS, MICHELLE P.T. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com North Boulder Pilates 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-3496 www.northboulderpilates.com Medical School: North Western University, 1987 HAUPTMANN, MARTINA M.S., P.T. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com North Boulder Pilates 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-3496 www.northboulderpilates.com KEATING, MICHAEL M.S., A.T.C., C.S.C.S. Synapse Physical Therapy 11575 Main St., Suite 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-467-2288 ext. 2 www.synapsept.com Medical School: University of Illinois, 1994 Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com Medical School: Jefferson Medical College, 1992 KELLY, LISA P.T. MAZZOLA, TIMOTHY J. M.D. Pinnacle Physical Therapy and Pilates 3434 47th St., Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-7078 www.pinnaclephysicaltherapyboulder.com KENNEDY, LORI O.T. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com KIM, CARYN M.P.T. Medically Based Fitness in Boulder 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-2873 www.mbfphysicaltherapy.com LAYNE, DEBRA P.T. Alta Physical Therapy and Pilates 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707 www.altatherapies.com Medical School: CU Health Sciences Center, 1982 North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com North Boulder Pilates 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-3496 www.northboulderpilates.com HEGARTY, ROSEMARY P.T. LAYNE, TED P.T. HAYNE, LORI E. C.M.P.T. Rosemary Hegarty P.T., CCRT 375 28th St. Boulder, CO 80305 303-499-4602 www.rosemaryhegarty.com HILDEN, TIM M.S., P.T., A.T.C. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Medical School: St. Ambrose University, 1996 HODEL, ANN M.S.P.T. Bodywise Physical Therapy 713 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-2529 www.bodywisept.com KAY, CHARLES M.D. Broomfield Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 12975 Sheridan Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020 303-785-5800 www.broomfieldnursingcenter.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY MANN, THOMAS A. M.D. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com MCCARTY, ERIC C. M.D. CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org Medical School: University of Colorado, 1993 MCCLURE, MARY M. M.M.SC., P.T., C.B.P. Alta Physical Therapy and Pilates 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707 www.altatherapies.com Medical School: Emory University, 1987 MCNAMARA, ANN P.T. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine East 1000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-2665 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org MEI-DAN, OMER M.D. CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org MENON, RADHIKA P.T. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Medical School: Western Australian Institute of Technology, 1980 LUND, MARA LYNN O.P.T., O.C.S. MEYER, LARRY D.P.T. LEE, BRENNAN M.S., P.T. Apex Physical Therapy 54 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-465-0084 www.apexptco.com LUTHER, LEAH M.P.T. Alpha Rehabilitation PLLC 290 Nickel St., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9151 www.alpharehabilitation.com Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org MILLIFF, JANE M. M.M.SC., P.T., C.B.P. Alta Physical Therapy and Pilates 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707 www.altatherapies.com Medical School: UCSF, 1978; Emory University, 1987 MILLS, MARK N.C.T.M.B. Elements Therapeutic Massage Inc. 2321 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-440-3998 www.touchofelements.com/boulder MORELLI, CHRISTOPHER D.O. Spine West 5387 Manhattan Circle Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-7773 www.SpineWest.com MULLIGAN, NANCY F. P.T., D.P.T., O.C.S. Waldron’s Peak Physical Therapy PC 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 A Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-7878 www.waldronspt.com Medical School: University of Texas, 1984 NAKAOKA, SUE P.T. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org OLDHAM, JONATHAN M.S.P.T. Alta Physical Therapy and Pilates 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707 www.altatherapies.com OSGOOD, MICHELLE O.T.R., C.H.T. Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com OVERY, RUSS D.P.T., O.C.S. Alta Physical Therapy and Pilates 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707 www.altatherapies.com PALERMO, FRANCIS M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org PARCELL, STEPHEN W. N.D. NatureMed Clinic Integrative Medicine 5330 Manhattan Circle, Suite B Boulder, CO 80303 303-884-7557 www.naturemedclinic.com PASCOE, STEPHANIE P.T., D.P.T., O.C.S. Waldron’s Peak Physical Therapy PC 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 A Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-7878 www.waldronspt.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT PHYSICAL THERAPY, REHABILITATION, SPORTS MEDICINE HARPER, MAGGIE M.S.P.T. 92 | MD 2014 PEPPER, MICHELLE M.D. Spine West 5387 Manhattan Circle Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-7773 www.SpineWest.com PERKINS, DOUG D.P.T. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com PESKIN, ED P.T. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com Medical School: New York University, 1993 PHILLIPS, SUZANNE P.T. Waldron’s Peak Physical Therapy PC 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 A Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-7878 www.waldronspt.com SAIGE, LORI M. RPT Associates 5377 Manhattan Circle, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80303 303-442-0621 Medical School: University of Colorado Health Science Center SALTONSTALL, ROBIN PH.D. 40plus Fitness and Health LLC 765 Poplar Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-0402 www.40plusintegrativehealth.com Boulder Center for Sports Medicine East 1000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-2665 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 1990 SHAHIDI, BAHAR P.T., D.P.T. PRINZING, MARLENE MARIE M.A. SHELL, MICHAEL G. D.O. Marlene’s Yoga & Somatic Processing 2412 Bristol St. Superior, CO 80027 303-543-9150 RAPIER, ROB D.P.T., C.M.T. Alpha Rehabilitation PLLC 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8105 www.alpharehabilitation.com RAUPP, KIM P.T. PHYSICAL THERAPY, REHABILITATION, SPORTS MEDICINE RYG, JEFF P.T., D.P.T., O.C.S., A.T.C., C.S.C.S. Colorado Physical Therapy Institute 300 Nickel St., No. 6 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9129 www.coloradopti.com Boulder Center for Sports Medicine East 1000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-2665 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org RETTIG, ROGER M.S.P.T. Colorado Physical Therapy Institute 300 Nickel St., No. 6 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9129 www.coloradopti.com RICHARDSON, BO P.T. Paradigm Physical Therapy LLC 380 Empire Road, Suite 230 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-1091 www.paradigmphysicaltherapy.com RIMAR, MAUREEN P.T., B.C.S.T. Colorado HealthQuest 842 Laurel Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-402-9088 www.coloradohealthquest.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com The Shell Center 630 15th Ave., Suite 104 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3698 www.theshellcenter.com Medical School: Oklahoma State University SHOVE, LAURA M.S., P.T. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com North Boulder Pilates 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-3496 www.northboulderpilates.com Medical School: Washington University, 1992 SIMONE, SUSAN P.T. Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-544-5700 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Medical School: Medical College of Virginia at Richmond, 1982 SISSON, BRAD M.D. Colorado Pain Clinic 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 120 Boulder, CO 80301 303-444-4141 www.coloradopainclinic.com SMITH, APRIL P.T. Boulder Orthopedics Physical Therapy 1000 Alpine Ave., Suite 211 Boulder, CO 80304 303-417-1277 www.boulderorthopedics.com SMITH, DADE P.T.,D.P.T. TOBEY, JOHN M.D. SNOW, LORI M.S.P.T., O.C.S. TORRENCE, SUE M.S., P.T., A.T.C. Waldron’s Peak Physical Therapy PC 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 A Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-7878 www.waldronspt.com Alpha Rehabilitation PLLC 290 Nickel St., Suite 200 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9151 www.alpharehabilitation.com SPIVEY, COURTNEY D.P.T. Colorado Physical Therapy Institute 300 Nickel St., No. 6 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-9129 www.coloradopti.com STAPLETON, JULIE A. M.D. Julie A. Stapleton M.D. 5277 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-499-9950 www.juliestapletonmd.com Medical School: University of Michigan, 1985 STILP, SONJA M.D. Boulder Orthopedics PC 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com STOLL, STEPHANIE P.T., D.P.T. Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC 340 E. First Ave., No. 100 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-460-0329 www.anchorpt.com SULLIVAN , MEREDITH O.T. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com SWANN, SCOTT M.P.T., O.C.S., C.S.C.S. Spine West 5387 Manhattan Circle Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-7773 www.SpineWest.com Boulder Center for Sports Medicine East 1000 W. South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-926-2665 www.bouldersportsmedicine.org Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis TSCHOEPE, BARBARA ANN PH.D., P.T. Waldron’s Peak Physical Therapy PC 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 A Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-7878 www.waldronspt.com Medical School: Texas Women’s University, 1977; University of Colorado, 1989 VASTENBURG, ANTOINETTE P.T. Active Solutions Physical Therapy 4150 Darley Ave., Suite 8 Boulder, CO 80305 303-494-4100 www.activesolutionspt.com WAGNAAR, JEFF P.T., M.B.A. Avista Therapy Center 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 50 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1240 www.avistahosp.org WALDRON, AUDREY P.T., D.P.T Waldron’s Peak Physical Therapy PC 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 A Boulder, CO 80303 303-543-7878 www.waldronspt.com WEBB, SENECA D.P.T. North Boulder Physical Therapy 3000 Center Green Drive, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80301 303-413-9903 www.northboulderpt.com Alta Physical Therapy and Pilates 2955 Baseline Road Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-8707 www.altatherapies.com Medical School: Old Dominion University, 1996 WILSON, PAMELA M.D. TANNER, DAVID D.O. Radiant Running 4586 N. 95th St. Lafayette, CO 80026 303-499-2062 www.radiantrunning.com Creekside Physical Medicine 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-2705 www.theheadachecenter.info Medical School: University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1997 THOMM, MAUREEN D.C. Colorado Spine and Sport 335 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 1 Louisville, CO 80027 303-604-4358 www.coloradospineandsport.com Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org WISOFF, DOUGLAS P.T. YURTH, ELIZABETH E. M.D. Mapleton Hill Orthopedics 975 North St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7941 www.mapletonhill.com Medical School: University of Southern California ZUBLIN, GUY M. M.D. BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 93 ZUCK, MARK M.P.T. Alpha Rehabilitation PLLC 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-8105 www.alpharehabilitation.com Medically Based Fitness in Boulder 1690 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-447-2873 www.mbfphysicaltherapy.com PLASTIC & COSMETIC SURGERY BLUESTEIN, EVE M.D., D.D.S. Bluestein, Dr. Eve 1068 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-938-1161 www.bsurgicalarts.com Medical School: University of Cincinnati BURROW, CLAUDE H. M.D. Claude H. Burrow, M.D. 2800 Folsom St., Suite B Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-5822 www.drburrow.com Medical School: University of Mississippi School of Medicine, 1973 CAVANAUGH, KEVIN C. M.D. Front Range Otolaryngology 1325 Dry Creek Drive, Unit 103 Longmont, CO 80503 720-494-9111 www.frontrangeoto.com Front Range Otolaryngology & Facial Plastic Surgery PC 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 280 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-9111 Medical School: Loyola University School of Medicine, Chicago DELEYIANNIS, FREDERIC M.D., M.PHIL., M.P.H. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org FREMLING, MITCHELL A. M.D., F.A.C.S. Restoration Plastic Surgery PC 340 E. First Ave., Suite 333 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-3261 Medical School: Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY HARTLEY, JR., R. WINFIELD M.D. Boulder Plastic Surgery 2525 Fourth St., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-2277 www.boulderplasticsurgery.com Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine, 1997 HERRMANN, GLENN ERIC M.D. Coal Creek Plastic Surgery PC 1032 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-664-9400 www.coalcreekplasticsurgery.com Coal Creek Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 303-664-9400 www.coalcreekplasticsurgery.com KUISLE, HANS R. M.D., F.A.C.S. Boulder Plastic Surgery 2525 Fourth St., Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80304 303-443-2277 www.boulderplasticsurgery.com Medical School: Northwestern University, 1973 MA, DEBORA M.D. Blue Aspen Plastic Surgery 2668 Northpark Drive, Suite 110 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-666-6336 www.blueaspenplastics.com Medical School: University of Rochester, 1993. MEYERS, JOEL STUART M.D. Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3300 www.eyecaresite.com Medical School: Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia SCHUTTE, WARREN P. M.D. Front Range Plastic & Reconstuctive Surgery 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 500 Longmont, CO 80501 303-872-8250 www.frontrangeplasticsurgery.com SMITH, CHRISTOPHER M.D. Flatirons Dermatology 13605 Xavier Lane, Suite B Broomfield, CO 80023 303-404-3376 www.flatironsdermatology.com SWAIL, JEFFREY T. M.D. Boulder Valley Plastic Surgery 2575 Pearl St., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-6666 www.bvplasticsurgery.com Medical School: University of Manitoba TERKONDA, RAJ P. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Missouri PULMONOLOGY BJERKE, RANDAL DEAN M.D. Boulder Valley Pulmonology 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-2150 Medical School: University of Minnesota, 1972 DELGADO, BRYANT L. M.D. Longmont Pulmonology & Critical Care Associates 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 250 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5302 Medical School: University of Miami Hospital EMDUR, JOSH D.O. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org GRADY, JAMES R. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Iowa KHAN, TALAT M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MINOR, THOMAS A. M.D. Boulder Valley Pulmonology 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-2150 Medical School: Johns Hopkins University, 1991 TANGEL, DOUGLAS JOAQUIM M.D. Longmont Pulmonology & Critical Care Associates 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 250 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5302 Medical School: University of Chicago School of Medicine VAN HOOK, CHARLES J. M.D. Longmont Pulmonology & Critical Care Associates 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 250 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5302 Medical School: New Jersey Medical School, Newark WILCOX, THOMAS M. M.D. Boulder Valley Pulmonology 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-2150 RADIOLOGY BLOMQUIST, MATTHEW H. M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 BOWLES, CHARLES R. M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 FINER, RICHARD M. M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 GOODBEE, DAVID G. M.D. MORGAN, DOUGLAS C. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging 1950 W. Mountain View Longmont, CO 80502-1157 303-776-4824 www.rockymountainmedicalimaging.com Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 155 Longmont, CO 80502 720-494-4777 www.twinpeaksmedicalimaging.com Medical School: Chicago Medical School SMITH, HUNTER R. M.D. GRANTHAM, J. GEARY M.D. STILLWELL, PAUL M.D. GUTIERREZ, HILARIE J. M.D. Boulder Valley Pulmonology 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 150 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-2150 Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1980 Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Missouri Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging 1950 W. Mountain View Longmont, CO 80502-1157 303-776-4824 www.rockymountainmedicalimaging.com Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 155 Longmont, CO 80502 720-494-4777 www.twinpeaksmedicalimaging.com Medical School: Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT PHYSICAL THERAPY, REHABILITATION, SPORTS MEDICINE > PLASTIC & COSMETIC SURGERY > PULMONOLOGY > RADIOLOGY Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org 94 | MD 2014 GUTIERREZ, HORACIO M.D. Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging 1950 W. Mountain View Longmont, CO 80502-1157 303-776-4824 www.rockymountainmedicalimaging.com Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 155 Longmont, CO 80502 720-494-4777 www.twinpeaksmedicalimaging.com Medical School: State University of New York, Buffalo HELGANS, ROBERT E. III, M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 ISUANI, GUSTAVO L. M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 KATUNA, BRUCE A. M.D. Rocky Mountain Neurodiagnostics 2217 Harvard Court Longmont, CO 80503 303-776-5298 KING, PAUL D. M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 RADIOLOGY > RHEUMATOLOGY > ROLFING/ STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION KLISH, MARIE DAVIS M.D. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 210 Longmont, CO 80501 303-684-1900 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com Medical School: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill LAHM, MICHAEL C. M.D. Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging 1950 W. Mountain View Longmont, CO 80502-1157 303-776-4824 www.rockymountainmedicalimaging.com Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 155 Longmont, CO 80502 720-494-4777 www.twinpeaksmedicalimaging.com Medical School: University of Toledo College of Medicine MAGSAMEN, KARL E. M.D. Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging 1950 W. Mountain View Longmont, CO 80502-1157 303-776-4824 www.rockymountainmedicalimaging.com Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 155 Longmont, CO 80502 720-494-4777 www.twinpeaksmedicalimaging.com Medical School: Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY MAO, JIE M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 MILLER, STEPHEN M. M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 GIBSON, JILL E. M.D. Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 235 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Medical School: Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri LAUGHLIN, JANELLE C. M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Rosalind Franklin University, North Chicago NUSSER, CHRISTOPHER A. M.D. LUTT, JOSEPH R. M.D. NICHOLS, ROGER D. M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 OPPENHEIMER, DAVID A. M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 TALUSANI, SACHIN K. M.D. Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging 1950 W. Mountain View Longmont, CO 80502-1157 303-776-4824 www.rockymountainmedicalimaging.com Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 155 Longmont, CO 80502 720-494-4777 www.twinpeaksmedicalimaging.com Medical School: University of Texas, San Antonio WAHL, WILLIAM BRENT M.D. Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging 1950 W. Mountain View Longmont, CO 80502-1157 303-776-4824 www.rockymountainmedicalimaging.com Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 155 Longmont, CO 80502 720-494-4777 www.twinpeaksmedicalimaging.com Medical School: Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. WICKERSHAM, NICHOLAS M.D. Boulder Radiologists Inc. 36 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020 303-440-2170 RHEUMATOLOGY CHAUDHARY, PRATEEK D.O. Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 2095 W. Sixth Ave., Suite 106 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Medical School: University of North Texas Health Science Center Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 235 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 3434 47th St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80301 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 2095 W. Sixth Ave., Suite 106 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Medical School: University of Nebraska Medical Center TRAN, NGUYET-ANH (THERESA) M.D. Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 235 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 2095 W. Sixth Ave., Suite 106 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Medical School: University of Tennessee TRAN, TERESA THI M.D. Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 235 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Medical School: University of Tennessee WEISMAN, STUART M. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Southern California ROLFING/ STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION MARAN, LORI M.D. BEARD PASSALACQUA, BARB CERTIFIED ADVANCED ROLFER MOINUDDIN, SHIRAZ M.D. BOTTENFIELD, LISA CERTIFIED ROLFER Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 2095 W. Sixth Ave., Suite 106 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Medical School: University of Tennessee, Memphis PERKINS, JEFFREY D. M.D. Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 235 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 2095 W. Sixth Ave., Suite 106 Broomfield, CO 80020 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis 3434 47th St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80301 720-494-4700 www.ccao.net Medical School: University of Texas Medical School, 1993 Barb Beard Passalacqua Advanced Rolfer 2040 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-931-6673 www.barbbeard.com Colorado HealthQuest 842 Laurel Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-402-9088 www.coloradohealthquest.com KURESMAN, DEBRA CERTIFIED ADVANCED ROLFER Debra Kuresman, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Movement Practitioner 3786 Wonderland Hill Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7357 LUCHAU, TIL CERTIFIED ADVANCED ROLFER, ROLF MOVEMENT PRACTITIONER Advanced-trainings.com 3514 Nyland Way South Lafayette, CO 80026 303-499-8811 www.advanced-trainings.com MACCALLUM CLARK, SHARI ADVANCED CERTIFIED ROLFER The Rolfing Works Ltd. 2868 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-870-1400 www.sharimaccallum.com BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 95 Joy Om, Advanced Certified Rolfer/Cranial Therapist 4236 Piedra Place Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-8664 www.essentialembodiment.net PICARD, SUZANNE CERTIFIED ROLFER, ROLF MOVEMENT PRACTITIONER Suzanne Picard, Certified Rolfer, Rolf Movement Practitioner 2600 30th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-519-7593 www.suzannepicard.com SANCHEZ, DARRELL PH.D., CERTIFIED ADVANCED ROLFER Darrell Sanchez Ph.D., L.P.C., Certified Advanced Rolfer 2031 Broadway, Suite 7 Boulder, CO 80302 303-447-1539 www.rolfingboulderdenver.com SLEEP MEDICINE CAVANAUGH, KEVIN C. M.D. Front Range Otolaryngology 1325 Dry Creek Drive, Unit 103 Longmont, CO 80503 720-494-9111 www.frontrangeoto.com Front Range Otolaryngology & Facial Plastic Surgery PC 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 280 Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-9111 Medical School: Loyola University School of Medicine, Chicago HICKEY, MARK M.D. REM Sleep Medicine PC 1000 Alpine Ave., Suite 105 Boulder, CO 80304 720-279-9098 www.remsleepmedicine.com SPEECH REHABILITATION CONTINI, CHELSEA M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P. Center for Stuttering Therapy Inc. 6610 Gunpark Drive, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-9191 www.coloradostutteringtherapy.com DEMES, JULIE M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P. Center for Stuttering Therapy Inc. 6610 Gunpark Drive, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-9191 www.coloradostutteringtherapy.com SACCHI, VANESSA M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P. Center for Stuttering Therapy Inc. 6610 Gunpark Drive, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-9191 www.coloradostutteringtherapy.com MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY VENABLES, ANNE M.H.SC., C.C.C. FOX, RICHARD J. M.D. WALLACE, MARY M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P., B.R.F.S. GAWART, MATTHEW J. M.D. Speech and Myofunctional Clinic of the Front Range 357 McCaslin Blvd., Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-0285 www.frontrangespeech.com Medical School: University of Toronoto Center for Stuttering Therapy Inc. 6610 Gunpark Drive, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-9191 www.coloradostutteringtherapy.com WALTON, PATTY M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P. Center for Stuttering Therapy Inc. 6610 Gunpark Drive, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-9191 www.coloradostutteringtherapy.com KAUFFMANN, WHITNEY M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P. Center for Stuttering Therapy Inc. 6610 Gunpark Drive, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-530-9191 www.coloradostutteringtherapy.com SURGERY - GENERAL ALBREHT, MISA A. M.D. Colorado Health Medical Group, Cardiology, Vascular and Thorasic Surgery 6800 79th St., Suite 203 Niwot, CO 80503 303-652-8888 AUDET, ISABELLE M. M.D. Isabelle M. Audet, MD, PC 3434 47th St., Suite 101 Boulder, CO 80301 303-709-3050 Medical School: Michigan State University BERG, KEVIN R. M.D. Longmont Clinic General Surgery 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-3135 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Mayo Medical School, Rochester, Minn. BIFFL, WALTER M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org BLACKWOOD, C. M.D. Mapleton Hill Orthopedics 975 North St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7941 www.mapletonhill.com DOLBEARE, DIRK M.D. Boulder Orthopedics PC 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com Alpine Surgical 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-3642 www.alpinesurgical.net Medical School: Chicago Medical School, 1997 Alpine Surgical 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80303 303-449-3642 www.alpinesurgical.net MOONEY, HERBERT S. M.D. Herbert S. Mooney M.D. 1350 Tulip St. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6001 Medical School: University of Pennsylvania PLATNICK, K. BARRY M.D. Exempla BlueStone Advanced Surgical Care 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 360 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6560 www.exempla.org HAGEN, SUSAN M.D. POHLMAN, CHRISTOPHER ROBERT M.D. JOHS, STEPHEN M. M.D., F.A.C.S. POWELL, ROBERT L. M.D. Charles Jones, M.D. 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2123 www.bouldervalleysurgery.com Boulder Medical Center at Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, CO 80027-4644 303-666-2710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: UCLA School of Medicine JONES, CHARLES G. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine Charles Jones, M.D. 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-443-2123 www.bouldervalleysurgery.com Medical School: University of Colorado, 1974 SUDING, PAUL M.D. KNUDSON, KELLY PETERS M.D. TAYLOR, SANDRA J. M.D. KOH, KILSAN M.D. SURGERY - HAND Exempla BlueStone Advanced Surgical Care 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 360 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6560 www.exempla.org Avista Adventist Hospital 100 Health Park Drive Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1000 www.avistahospital.org Medical School: Loma Linda University School of Medicine LEIBOVITZ, ROSS M. M.D., F.A.C.S. Ross M. Leibovitz M.D. 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 370 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-9839 Medical School: University of Colorado, 1982 LEONARD, JOHN D. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: University of Alberta, Canada MILLER, DENISE M. M.D. Exempla BlueStone Advanced Surgical Care 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 360 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6560 www.exempla.org Boulder Medical Center PC 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80303 303-938-4710 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com BIERBRAUER, DAVID M.D. Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com FREMLING, MITCHELL A. M.D., F.A.C.S. Restoration Plastic Surgery PC 340 E. First Ave., Suite 333 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-466-3261 Medical School: Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine MASTER, DANIEL LEE M.D. Mapleton Hill Orthopedics 975 North St., Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-7941 www.mapletonhill.com Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Creighton University BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT ROLFING/ STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION > SLEEP MEDICINE > SPEECH REHABILITATION > SURGERY - GENERAL > SURGERY - HAND OM, JOY CERTIFIED ADVANCED ROLFER 96 | MD 2014 PATER, TIMOTHY J. M.D. Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-1600 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Front Range Orthopedics & Spine 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine REID, JAMES G. M.D. Boulder Bone and Joint 1032 S. 88th St. Louisville, CO 80027 303-665-0286 Boulder Bone and Joint 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-4545 Medical School: Chicago Medical School WEAR, KELLEY M.D. The Hand Center 4745 Arapahoe Blvd., No. 140 Boulder, CO 80301 303-957-7116 www.handcentercolorado.com The Hand Center 80 Garden Center, Suite 223 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-9577116 www.handcentercolorado.com URGENT CARE ABBEY, SHAWNA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BERMAN, JONATHAN S. M.D. Community Medical Center 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 100 Lafayette, CO 80026-1334 303-666-4357 www.bch.org BHANDARI, PURVI M.D. SURGERY - HAND > URGENT CARE Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BONTRAGER, JEFF M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BOWYER, TRISTA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY BRAUND, CORTNEY M.D. DILLABAUGH, LISA M.D. JONES, DAVID W. M.D. BRAZELTON, MICHAEL M.D. DORFMAN, TODD A. M.D. KLEE, KARIN M.D. BUSH, MARIE M.D. DUNN, STEPHANIE M.D. KONDA-SUNDHEIM, RACHEL M.D. GAINOR, LAUREN M.D. LINDSETH, ERIK M.D. GETZOFF, MARK M.D. MASSANARI, DERREK M.D. GROVER, AMY M.D. MCBURNEY, MICHELLE M.D. HARDY, JEN M.D. MELLION, SARAH M.D. HART, RALPH W. M.D. MENDENHALL, MARCELA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Jefferson Medical College CALTAGIRONE, RYAN M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org CARNEY, KEVIN M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org CLOWER, BENJAMIN M.D. Community Medical Center 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 100 Lafayette, CO 80026-1334 303-666-4357 www.bch.org CORYELL, LAURIE A. M.D. Community Medical Center 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 100 Lafayette, CO 80026-1334 303-666-4357 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Colorado Health Science Center CUNNINGHAM, MAUREEN M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org DAHAB, KATHERINE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org DENZEL, DR. GREGORY D.O. Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics 380 Empire Road Lafayette, CO 80026 303-604-2660 www.ssrehabcenter.com Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Cedalion Health 4895 Riverbend Road, Suite C Boulder, CO 80301 720-381-3318 www.dorfmanmd.com Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Community Medical Center 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 100 Lafayette, CO 80026-1334 303-666-4357 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Colorado, 1992 HILL, KAREN D. D.O. Rocky Mountain Urgent Care 1551 Professional Lane Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-4747 www.rockymountainurgentcare.com Medical School: Midwestern University, 1994 HOGAN, JAMES L. M.D. Community Medical Center 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 100 Lafayette, CO 80026-1334 303-666-4357 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Pittsburgh, 1969 Community Medical Center 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 100 Lafayette, CO 80026-1334 303-666-4357 www.bch.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org MONAHAN, MICHAEL J. M.D. Longmont United Hospital 1950 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5111 www.luhcares.org Medical School: University of Minnesota MOON, SANDY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 97 Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org NEUBRAND, TARA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org NEWGENT, KELLY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org ORENDAC, CATHY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org ORGEL, DAVID Concentra Urgent Care 3300 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 303-541-9090 www.concentra.com PANE, CAMILLE M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org PITTS, ANDREW D.O. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org REFAELI, TRACI M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org REYNOLDS, MELISSA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org ROSWELL, KELLEY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org SANTOS, JAY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org SMITH, CHRISTY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org SMITH, SUSAN M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org SOVNDAL, SHANNON S. M.D. Boulder Community Hospital 1100 Balsam Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-2273 www.bch.org WUDEL, AMY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org ZANG, ANGELA M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org ZANG, PETER M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org UROLOGY ANDERSON, C. CRAGIN M.D. STIDHAM, TIMOTHY M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org Alpine Urology 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 340 Louisville, CO 80027 303-666-4343 Alpine Urology 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-9000 www.alpineurology.net Medical School: Louisiana State University, New Orleans, 1991 THOMPSON, MICHAEL C. M.D. CAMPBELL, JEFFREY M.D. Community Medical Center 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 100 Lafayette, CO 80026-1334 303-666-4357 www.bch.org Medical School: University of Colorado VAN HORNE, ANN D.O. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org VANSAMBEEK, RACHEL M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org WATTS, CLIFFORD K. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com WEISZ, RACHEL M.D. Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus 469 W. State Highway 7 Broomfield, CO 80023 720-777-1340 www.childrenscolorado.org CLARK, JAMES E. M.D. Alpine Urology 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-9000 www.alpineurology.net Alpine Urology 16677 Lowell Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80023 303-938-3484 www.alpineurology.net Medical School: University of Colorado KEFER, JOHN C. M.D. MALCOM, TROY J. D.O. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Des Moines University MANION, SEAN P. M.D. Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-1234 www.longmontclinic.com Medical School: Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago MELOUK, SAMEH H. M.D. Alpine Urology 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-9000 www.alpineurology.net Medical School: University of Oklahoma School of Medicine MUNCH, LARRY C. M.D. Boulder Medical Center P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3200 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com Medical School: University of Kentucky College of Medicine RIPOLL-BUNN, EMILIA A. M.D. Rocky Mountain Center for Advanced Medicine 4790 Table Mesa Drive, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80305 303-444-0840 www.rmcam.com Choices in Health 4790 Table Mesa Drive, Suite 202 Boulder, CO 80305 303-444-0840 www.choicespc.net Medical School: University of Colorado Health Sciences WEBSTER, J. CHRISTOPHER M.D. Alpine Urology 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 420 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-9400 www.alpineurology.net Medical School: University of South Florida Alpine Urology 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 420 Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-9400 www.alpineurology.net Alpine Urology 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 250 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-776-9400 www.alpineurology.net Medical School: Loyola University of Chicago URGENT CARE > UROLOGY MORTAZARI, MO M.D. MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY 98 | MD 2014 INDEX OF MEDICAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES 24 Hour Fitness.............................35 3D Vision Eye Care........................31 40plus Fitness and Health LLC........23, 35, 49, 54 541 Main Dental...........................27 INDEX > MEDICAL FACILITIES AND SERVICES A A Relationship Healing Center LLC...................42 AAA Health Centered Dentistry.....27 Abundant Health Chiropractic & Acupuncture....................19, 25 Acertara Acoustic Laboratories LLC.......................40 Achtermann Chiropractic and Massage......................19, 25 Active Solutions Physical Therapy.......................49 Acupuncture Boulder Inc. .............19 Acupuncture Clinic of Boulder......19 Acupuncture Energy Works............................19, 45, 48 Acupuncture Works......................19 AcuSportsMed........................19, 32 Addiction Exchange......................42 Addiction Recovery Center............42 Adler Cosmetic & Family Dentistry.....................27 Advance Tooling Concepts LLC.....40 Advanced Family Health PLLC......32 Advanced Health Care..................25 Advanced Prevention Program at Boulder Internal Medicine.....38 Advanced-trainings.com.........23, 53 Adventure Dental, Vision & Orthodontics ...................27, 31 Aerocare.......................................41 Affiliated Doctors of Optometry.....40 Ahmee Hewitt, L.C.S.W.................42 Alan Belenski D.D.S......................27 Alchemy of Movement..................54 Alcohol Behavior Information Inc..........................42 Alcoholics Anonymous..................42 Align Chiropractic Center..............25 Align Orthodontics........................27 Allergy and Asthma Center of Colorado....................................22 Allpro Inc.......................................40 Alpha Rehabilitation PLLC.............49 Alpine Dentistry............................27 Alpine Spine Center......................47 Alpine Surgical..............................34 Alpine Urology...............................54 Alta Physical Therapy and Pilates..............36, 48, 49, 54 AltaVita Memory Care Centre...21, 42 Alternative Health Clinic PC..........25 Always Best Care of Boulder County.....................37 Always Best Care of Boulder County.....................21 Amedisys Home Health.................37 Amelia Molly Greacen, L.Ac..........19 Amy Winters M.S.W., L.C.S.W.......42 Anam Chara Home.......................21 Ananda Apothecary.......................45 Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC............47 Anchor Physical Therapy Spine and Sports Medicine PC............49 and Acupuncture...........................26 Andrew L. Fiscus D.D.S.................27 Andrew Ranucci D.M.D.................27 Andrew Sewell D.D.S....................27 Angela Gould Ph.D........................42 Ania Mohelicki D.D.S., P.C.............27 Anytime Fitness............................35 Apex Physical Therapy..................49 Apogee Communications Group........................................40 Applewood Living Center..............21 Arapahoe Dental...........................27 Arbor Occupational Medicine...................................47 Artistic Smiles...............................27 Arvada Pediatric Associates..........49 Aspen Chiropractic and Wellness Center...........19, 25 Aspen Dental Group......................27 Aspen Eyewear.............................31 Associated Neurologists...............46 Aura Advanced Skin and Laser Aesthetics.................51 Austin Chiropractic Center............25 Avanti Dental Care........................27 Avanti Therapy..............................49 Avista Adventist Hospital...............38 Avista Family Medicine Erie..........32 Avista Family Medicine.................32 Avista Internal Medicine .........32, 38 Avista Therapy Center.............39, 50 Avista Women’s Care....................46 Avista Women’s Health.................46 Axis of Movement.......23, 35, 39, 54 B Balfour Cherrywood Village...........21 Balfour Retirement Community....21 Balsam Chiropractic Center..........25 Barb Beard Passalacqua Advanced Rolfer..................23, 53 Barry Erdman LCSW, DCSW.........42 Baseline Dental.............................27 Beacon Center for Infectious Disease................38 Bella Pelle Laser...........................30 Ben Cohen Ph.D............................42 Ben Elder Jr., D.C..........................25 Benton Britt, O.D...........................31 Biodesix Inc. .................................40 BioFeedback Systems Inc.............40 Bishop & Takemoto Dentistry........27 Blue Aspen Plastic Surgery...........51 Blue Poppy Enterprises Inc...........40 Body Dynamics.................35, 50, 54 Bodywise Physical Therapy..........50 Bonfils Blood Center.....................41 Borman & Borman........................25 Boulder Abortion Clinic..................46 Boulder Acupuncture Clinic...........19 Boulder Alcohol Education Center Inc.................42 Boulder Back Pain Clinic.........19, 25 Boulder Bodyworks.................50, 54 Boulder Bone and Joint................47 Boulder Center for Sports Medicine East...........50 Boulder Center for Sports Medicine...................50 Boulder Center for Cancer Survivorship.............50 Boulder Center for Sports Medicine East...........48 Boulder Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies LLP...42 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Boulder Clinic of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine.............19,39 Boulder Community Foothills Hospital.......................38 Boulder Community Hospital Mapleton Center..........48 Boulder Community Hospital Mapleton Center..........50 Boulder Community Hospital........38 Boulder County Medical Society.........................40 Boulder County AIDS Project.........38 Boulder County Department of Social Services......................42 Boulder County Foot and Ankle .................................34 Boulder Dental Group...................27 Boulder Dermatology Clinic PC.....30 Boulder Endocrinology PLLC.........31 Boulder Endodontics.....................27 Boulder Eye Care Professionals....................31 Boulder Eye Clinic.........................31 Boulder Eye Surgeons..................31 Boulder Family Dental Center.......27 Boulder Family Acupuncture.........19 Boulder Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery.......46 Boulder Heart................................24 Boulder Holistic Medical Center.....................32,46 Boulder Innovation Group Inc........40 Boulder Institute for Sports Medicine...................48 Boulder Lymphatic & Massage....................23, 39, 48 Boulder Medical Center at Avista............33, 35, 46, 49, 53 Boulder Medical Center Cardiology.....................24 Boulder Medical Center PC......................30, 31, 33 Boulder Medical Center Urgent Care...................53 Boulder Medical Center - Foothills.......................33 Boulder Men’s Center...................42 Boulder Meridian..........................21 Boulder Natural Medicine Clinic....................19, 45 Boulder Naturopathic Clinic............................19, 33, 45 Boulder Neurological and Spine Associates................46 Boulder Nurse Midwives.........45, 46 Boulder Nutrition & Exercise Services......35, 37, 54 Boulder Oral Surgery....................27 Boulder Orthodontics....................28 Boulder Orthopedics Physical Therapy.....................................50 Boulder Orthopedics PC................48 Boulder Orthopedics.....................48 Boulder Osteopathic Center..........48 Boulder Pain Institute..............21, 48 Boulder Pediatric Dentistry...........28 Boulder Plastic Surgery................51 Boulder Psychotherapists’ Guild Inc....................................42 Boulder Quest Center..............35, 54 Boulder Radiologists Inc................52 Boulder Therapeutics..............23, 39 Boulder Valley Dental Center.........28 Boulder Valley Plastic Surgery......51 Boulder Valley Asthma & Allergy Clinics........................22 Boulder Valley Center for Dermatology........................30 Boulder Valley Ear, Nose & Throat Associates............30, 31 Boulder Valley Hearing Associates....................22 Boulder Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.............28 Boulder Valley Pathology...............49 Boulder Valley Pulmonology..........52 Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center.............................. 46 Boulder Valley Anesthesiology......21 Boulder Valley Vision Therapy.......31 Boulder Vision Associates PC........31 Boulder Vision Center PC..............31 Boulder Women’s Care.................46 Boulder Women’s Clinic................46 BoulderEyes - Beyer LASIK...........31 Bouldersmiles...............................28 Bradley Richardson D.C................25 Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado................................40 Breakthrough Health and Fitness LLC........................35 Brian F. Coats D.D.S......................28 Bridging Your Health Inc....28, 47, 51 Bright Now! Dental.......................28 BrightStar Lifecare........................37 Broadway Smiles..........................28 Brookdale Senior Living Villas at the Atrium....................21 Broomfield Community Center.....37 Broomfield Dental Care.................28 Broomfield Dental Group..............28 Broomfield Family Practice...........33 Broomfield Medical Associates.....38 Broomfield Pediatrics and Internal Medicine.........38, 49 Broomfield Plaza Family Dentistry........................28 Broomfield Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center.............50 Bross Street Assisted Living..........21 Bryan D. Munroe Ph.D, L.P.C.........42 Buffalo Ridge Internal Medical Associates.............33, 38 Buffalo Supply Inc.........................40 C Canyon Chiropractic Center..........25 Cardiac Rehabilitation at Longmont United Hospital.....24 Care Electronics Inc......................40 Care Plus Medical Center.............33 Caribou Dental Arts.......................28 Carr, Dr. Alfred N............................31 Cary Gold Physical Therapy Inc.....50 Caryl Hearst Psy.D........................42 Catie McDowell, P.C., L.M.F.T........42 Cedalion Health.............................33 Centennial Peaks Hospital............42 Centennial Valley Women’s Clinic.46 Centennial Valley Pediatrics..........49 Centennial Women’s Health Center............................45 Center for Stuttering Therapy Inc..53 Chance Chiropractic Center....19, 25 Charles Jones, M.D.......................35 Cheryl S. McCarty D.D.S...............28 Children’s Hospital Colorado North Campus................38 Chinook Clubhouse.......................42 Chiropractic Center of Erie............25 Chiropractic of Boulder.................25 Christie C. Randolph Ph.D.............42 Christopher Village Chiropractic...............................25 Cinnamon Park.............................21 Clancey Chiropractic...............19, 25 Clark Natural Medicine.................45 Claude H. Burrow, M.D..................51 Claudia Murphy, M.A., Dipl. Psych., LPC.......................42 Clinica Family Health Services......33 Coal Creek Family Medicine.........33 Coal Creek Physical Therapy LLC................50 Coal Creek Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery....................52 Coleman Associates......................41 College Optical..............................31 Colorado Fibromyalgia Center.......................................48 Colorado Allergy & Asthma Centers P.C...............22 Colorado Athletic Club at Flatirons................................35 Colorado Cardiovascular Surgical Associates...................24 Colorado Center for BioBehavioral Health............42 Colorado Center for Counseling and Psychotherapy...................43 Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine........46 Colorado Center for Digestive Disorders..............34 Colorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis................52, 53 Colorado CyberKnife Creekside Cancer Care.............47 Colorado Eye Center.....................31 Colorado Fibromyalgia Center...........................25, 39, 50 Colorado Healing Arts Products....40 Colorado Health Medical Group, Cardiology, Vascular and Thorasic Surgery................35 Colorado HealthQuest......23, 39, 50, 53, 54 Colorado Hearing Tinnitus and Balance............................... 22 Colorado Institute for Marriage and the Family......43 Colorado Institute for Neuromuscular and Neurological Disorders.......46 Colorado Massage Center............23 Colorado Natural Health Center....45 Colorado Pain Clinic................48, 50 Colorado Physical Therapy Institute.......................50 Colorado Society of Anesthesiologists..................40 Colorado Spine and Sport.............25 Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center Inc........................ 50 Colorado Therapy Group...............43 Columbine Family Care PC...........33 Comfort Dental Boulder................28 Comfort Dental Longmont............28 Comfort Dental Louisville..............28 Compass Chiropractic...................25 Compassionate Care Centers.......25 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 99 D Dakota Ridge Family Medicine.....33 Damen Caraway D.D.S.................28 Daniel B. Foley D.D.S....................28 Daniel P. Johnson D.D.S................28 Darnell Chiropractic......................25 Darrell Sanchez Ph.D., L.P.C., Certified Advanced Rolfer....23, 53 Debra Kuresman, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Movement Practitioner................................23 Dental Aid Adult and Children’s Clinic.................28 Dental Aid Adult and Children’s Clinic - Longmont......................28 Dental Aid.....................................28 Dental Health of Boulder...............28 Dental Health of Longmont...........28 Dermatology Center of the Rockies PC....................... 30 Dermatology Specialists of Boulder PC............................30 Dignity Care LLC...........................37 Dimensions Pain Management.....48 Discovery Counseling Center Inc..43 Divorce Specific Counseling Services LLC..........43 Dixon Orthodontics.......................29 Donna Roe Daniell M.S.W., L.C.S.W. dba Balance Your Life Coaching & Psychotherapy.......................43 Dr. Dean Raffelock & Associates...................19, 25, 45 Dr. Garret Rock D.C. and South Pointe Clinics...........25, 33, 50, 53 Dr. Kurt Knechtel...........................29 Dr. Mike Carpenter D.D.S, Dr. Fred Donaghy, D.D.S............29 Dr. Rita Stanford............................19 Dr. Stephanie Smith......................43 Dr. Stephen Walker - Health & Sport Performance Associates...........43 Drew Henderson L.Ac...................19 Duggan Chiropractic.....................25 E E. Lynn Colbert D.M.D...................29 E.A.R. Inc.......................................41 Eagle Vision & Eye Clinic...............31 East Boulder Community Center....................37 East West Integrated Medicine.....33 East West Wellness LLC....19, 39, 43, 45, 48 Ed & Ruth Lehman YMCA Longmont.......................37 Eldorado Mountain Yoga Ashram Shambhava School of Yoga.......54 Eldorado Retina Associates...........31 Elements Therapeutic Massage Inc........................23, 39 Elinor Nygren Szapiro M.A., L.P.C..43 Elite Chiropractic...........................26 Elite Feet Orthotics........................34 Ellen Rossier L.C.S.W....................43 Emily J Rucker, D.C.......................26 Endodontics of The Rockies..........29 Envision Boulder...........................32 Ergonomic Assessments LLC.......45 Erie Family Dentistry.....................29 Erie Family Eyecare......................32 Europtics Eye Care Associates......32 Exempla BlueStone Advanced Surgical Care............35 Exempla Family, Pedriatric and Internal Medicine of Lafayette...................33, 38, 49 Exempla Foothills Neurology Associates................46 Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center........38 Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Cardiovascular Services...............24 Exempla Internal Medicine of Lafayette...............................38 Exempla Mountain States Urogynecology..........................47 Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado...........32, 52 Eye Care Center of Boulder...........32 Eye Gallery....................................32 Eyeworks......................................32 F Family Chiropractic Clinic.............26 Family Hearing Center..................22 Family Hospice.............................37 Family Medical Associates............33 Family Practice Associates...........33 Family Therapy Center of Boulder..................................43 Finegan Chiropractic Health Center....26 Fischer Medical Technologies LLC......41 FIT Wellness Center..........19, 26, 50 Fitness for Living...........................35 Fitness Together............................35 Flatiron Functional Medicine.........33 Flatiron Internal Medicine.............38 Flatiron Vision and Associates.......32 Flatirons Audiology Inc..................22 Flatirons Dermatology.............30, 52 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Flatirons Endocrinology ...............31 Flatirons Endodontics LLC............29 Flatirons Family Practice...............33 Flatirons Foot & Ankle Clinic.........34 Flatirons Heart and Vascular.........24 Flatirons Primary Care and Sports Medicine...........48, 50 Flatirons Surgical Specialists........35 Fleischmann Family Dentistry.......29 Foot and Ankle Center of Northern Colorado.................34 Foothills Family Dermatology........30 Foothills Optical............................32 Foothills Pediatric Dentistry..........29 Foothills Psychological Group PLLC...............................43 Form and Fitness Physical Therapy LLC................. 50 Foster Health & Wellness Center PLLC......26, 39 Fountain Chiropractic....................26 Four Winds Family Wellness Center........................26 Frasier Meadows Retirement Community.............21 Fritz Wellness Center....................26 Front Range Orthopedics & Spine.....................................48 Front Range Otolaryngology.........52 Front Range Preventive Imaging.......38 Front Range Eye Health Center PC.......................32 Front Range Eye Physicians & Surgeons................................. 32 Front Range Plastic & Reconstuctive Surgery...........52 Front Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center.....19, 26, 39 Frontier Internal Medicine.............39 Fully Alive Medicine...........20, 45, 48, 49, 54 Functional Fitness & Wellness Center...............34, 35, 39, 50, 54 G Gastroenterology of the Rockies Boulder..............34 Gastroenterology of the Rockies Broomfield.........34 Gastroenterology of the Rockies Lafayette............34 Gastroenterology of the Rockies Longmont..........34 Gastroenterology of the Rockies Louisville............34 George R. Russell M.D..................30 GHX LLC........................................41 Golden West Manor......................21 Good Earth Acupuncture...............20 Good Samaritan Society Colorado Home Care.................37 Goose Creek Optical.....................32 Gordon H. West D.D.S., P.C............29 Groover Clinic...............................26 Gunbarrel Family Medicine.....26, 33 H Happy Homes Management Services Inc...............................37 Healing Touch Chiropractic of Boulder PLLC........................26 Health Care Health Systems.........33 Health Center of Integrated Therapies.............20 Healthy Z Osteopathic Family Medicine......................... 48 Hearing Healthcare Centers....22, 23 Hearing Life..................................23 Hearing Solutions..........................23 Hearite Corp./ Affordable Hearing..............23, 41 Heidi Winquist D.D.S.....................29 Helping Hands Chiropractic..........26 Hirsh Precision Products Inc.........41 Holistic Family Practice.................33 Holistica Integrative Care........................20, 26, 33, 45 Home Instead Senior Care............37 Homewatch Caregivers of Boulder County.....................37 Hope Cancer Care Center.............47 Hope Weiss L.C.S.W......................43 Hover Manor.................................21 Hudson Integrative Health + Home LLC.36, 36, 39, 45 I Imagine!..................................21, 43 Impact Sports Medicine PC...........50 Impact Sports Performance....36, 50 Ina Robbins Ed.D...........................43 Inner Balance Acupuncture...........20 Integrated Healthcare...........20, 266 Interim HealthCare of Greater Denver Inc..........37, 41 Internal Medicine Associates..33, 39 Ivan J. Miller Ph.D.........................43 Iyengar Yoga Center of Boulder/Boulder Yoga......36, 54 J Jake Paul Fratkin O.M.D., L.Ac......20 Jane Crawford M.S., L.Ac.............20 Jennifer Dossett - Boulder Homebirth Midwifery................45 Jim Bowen M.A., L.P.C..................43 Jim Galbiati L.Ac...........................20 Jo Hannah Reilly N.D., L.Ac.....20, 45 JoAn Knudson (Shaklee Distributor)............45, 54 Joanne Neiman, M.A., L.P.C..........43 Joanne Neville L.Ac.......................20 John Bauman D.D.S.....................29 John Dodge D.D.S........................29 John Douillard’s LifeSpa...............26 John R. Rifkin Ph.D.......................43 Johnston Chiropractic ..................26 Joy Om, Advanced Certified Rolfer/Cranial Therapist.......23, 53 Justin D. Green M.D....20, 41, 48, 51 K Kari Fraser Ph.D., P.C....................43 Kate M. Marshall Ph.D., P.C...........44 Kathleen Lameiro-Dawson L.C.S.W.........44 Kennedy Chiropractic........20, 26, 51 Krav Maga....................................36 Krupnick Counseling Associates...44 L Lafayette Dental Excellence..........29 Lafayette Eye Associates..............32 Lafayette Pediatrics and Internal Medicine.........39, 49 Lakeshore Athletic Club - Flatiron...................................36 Lanx LLC.......................................41 Larry Frieder D.C...........................26 Laura M. Rieffel Ph.D....................44 Left Hand Back and Body.............26 Left Hand Community Acupuncture..............................20 Lenox-MacLaren Surgical Instrumentation Corp...41 Life Chiropractic............................26 Life In Waves.................................44 Life Spring Healing Arts..........23, 39 Lincare Inc....................................41 Linda Hall-Taylor Ph.D...................44 Lisa Aweida-Ross Psy.D., Licensed Psychologist...............44 Lisa Kalfas D.D.S..........................29 Lisa Zucker, N.C.M.T., R.P.P.....23, 40 Longmont Anesthesia Associates...................................21 Longmont Chiropractic & Wellness Center.........20, 26, 40 Longmont Clinic Cardiology..........24 Longmont Clinic Dermatology......30 Longmont Clinic Endocrinology...........................31 Longmont Clinic................33, 39, 53 Longmont Dental Associates........29 Longmont Family Dental...............29 Longmont Hearing & Tinnitus Center.......................23 Longmont Oral, Facial and Implant Surgery PC ...........29 Longmont Recreation Center........37 Longmont Surgery Center............35 Longmont United Hospital.............38 Longmont Vision Center................32 Longs Peak Family Dental............29 Louisville Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine................20, 23 Louisville Foot & Ankle Clinic.......34 Lyna Norberg, Dipl. OM, L.Ac................20, 34, 46 Lynda Hilburn, M.A., L.P.C.............44 Lyons Physical Therapy Inc...........51 M Magnelab Corp.............................41 Major Medical Supply...................41 Mandala Integrative Medicine Clinic.............................20 Mandala Integrative Medicine Clinic.............................24 ManorCare Health Services of Boulder..................................51 Mapleton Counseling Center.........44 Mapleton Hill Orthopedics.............48 Marcy Cooper M.D........................44 Marge Theeman Ph.D...................44 Mark A. Pimper D.D.S...................29 Marlene’s Yoga & Somatic Processing...44, 51, 54 Mary E. Peebles-Turner D.D.S.......29 Mary Ellen Metke..........................20 Mary Sandoe House.....................21 Massage Envy........................24, 40 Matthew A. Liebentritt D.O............34 Maurer Family Dental Care...........29 McMahonMassage.com.........24, 40 Medamorph LLC...........................42 Medically Based Fitness in Boulder.............................36, 51 Medically Based Fitness in Longmont..............................36 Megan Christensen C.M.T.............24 Mesa Vista of Boulder...................21 Metropolitan Denver Dental Society. 40 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT INDEX > MEDICAL FACILITIES AND SERVICES Complete Care Chiropractic PC....25 Complete Home Health Care LLC.37 Concentra Urgent Care...........47, 53 Connections..................................43 Connelly Chiropractic PC..............25 Corbett Summers D.D.S................28 CorePower Boulder on the Hill......54 CorePower Yoga Broomfield.........54 CorePower Yoga North Boulder Studio.................. 54 CorePower Yoga South Boulder Studio................. 54 Corgenix Medical Corp..................41 Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine...............48, 50 Cornerstone Pediatric Associates PC...........................49 Corporate Psychological Services....................................43 Cosmetic & Family Dental Care....28 Counseling for the Family PC........43 Courage Mountain Classical Acupuncture..................19 Covidien, Energy-based Device, Respiratory and Monitoring Solutions..........41 Crabtree Dental Laboratory..........28 Craig J. Hovick D.D.S....................28 Craig Orthodontics........................28 Creekside Physical Medicine........48 Crosstrees Medical Inc..................41 CU Raimy Psychology Clinic.........43 CU Sports Medicine................48, 50 Curves....................................35, 54 Customized Nutrition & Exercise LLC..........................35 Cynthia M. Sheeks D.D.S..............28 Cynthia Ropek L.P.C......................43 100 | MD 2014 Michael Castle, L.Ac., Dipl. OM.....20 Michael E. Shore D.D.S., P.C.........29 Michael R. Freedman Ph.D...........44 Michele L. Gerard Ph.D.................44 Michele Weiner-Davis L.C.S.W......44 Milestone Medical Group Family Medicine........................34 Milestone Medical Group Obstetrics & Gynecology...........47 Milestone MedicalGroup Cardiology.................................25 Millbrook Homes...........................21 MIQS Inc.......................................41 Moore Life Chiropractic Wellness Center............20, 26, 40 Mountain Kids...............................36 Mountain View Dermatology.........30 Mountain View Plaza.....................21 Mountain Vista Orthodontic Studio....................29 Mountain Vista Chiropractic & Medical Center......................26 Mountain West Wellness...............20 Mountains’ Edge Fitness Center...37 Mountainside Medical LLC...........41 Mountainview Chiropractic Center.26 Murray Family Dentistry................29 My Family Doctor PLLC.................34 N NatureMed Clinic Integrative Medicine.....................34 NatureMed Clinic Integrative Medicine......39, 46, 47 Nederland Chiropractic & Wellness Center...............26, 40 Network Family Wellness Center..26 New Horizon Dental Laboratory....29 Niwot Dental.................................29 North Boulder Physical Therapy....51 North Boulder Pilates........37, 51, 55 Northwest Family Medicine..........34 Northwest Neurology PC...............46 Nurse Next Door...........................37 Nutrition Connections ............36, 54 INDEX > MEDICAL FACILITIES AND SERVICES O/P Occupational Health Services....47w One Boulder Fitness......................36 Optimal Health Chiropractic..........27 Owl Technical Associates Inc........41 Paradigm Physical Therapy LLC...51 Parascript LLC..............................41 Partners In Health...................20, 34 Passport Health.............................42 Pat Guyton Pilates...................36, 55 Patil Orthodontics..........................29 Patricia J. Ledesma Ph.D..............44 Paul Derda Recreation Center.......37 Paul E. Mackell M.D......................34 PDA Dental Laboratory.................29 Peak ENT and Voice Center...........31 Pearl Street Dental........................29 Pearle Vision.................................32 Pediatric Dental Group..................29 Perfect Teeth.................................30 Peter M. Schmid, D.O., FAACS......52 Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy Inc............................46 Philip D. Sutton Ph.D................44,49 Pilates Bodies.........................36, 55 Pilates for Life.......24, 36, 49, 51, 55 Pilates of Lyons.............................55 Pinnacle Physical Therapy and Pilates....................24, 51, 55 Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Boulder.........47 Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Longmont..........................................47 Podium Footwear..........................34 Professional Counseling & Educational Services.............44 Professional Home Health Care Inc..........................37 PTI Orthotic Laboratory...........34, 41 Pulmonary Rehabilitation at Longmont United Hospital.....52 Pure Homeopathy.............34, 40, 46 Q/R Quest Diagnostics Inc...................49 Radiant Running...........................51 RallySport Health & Fitness Club..36 REAL Parenting.............................44 Rebecca Delong C.M.T............24, 40 Rebecca Hutchins O.D..................32 Rebecca’s Herbal Apothecary and Supply.............46 Red Dragon Chiropractic & Acupuncture....................20, 27 Reggie Gray L.C.S.W.....................44 Rejuv Health Makeovers...............27 Releaf Therapy........................40, 51 REM Sleep Medicine PC...............53 ResCare HomeCare......................38 Restoration Plastic Surgery PC.....52 Reverend Elizabeth Dawn Williams, R.N. Inc......................44 Richard Wesley L.P.C.....................44 Robert O’Brien Family Dentistry....30 Robert Unger Ph.D........................44 Robin L.W. Alchin Ph.D..................44 Rocky Mountain Psychological Services LLC......44 Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers..47 Rocky Mountain Center for Advanced Medicine.......49, 51 Rocky Mountain Pilates................55 Rocky Mountain Tennis Center - Boulder........................36 Rose Sposito, Lic. Acupuncture...................20, 44, 49 Rosemary Hegarty P.T., CCRT.......51 Rosewood Dental Group...............30 Ross M. Leibovitz M.D..................35 RPT Associates.............................51 Ruseto Center...............................20 Russell Hanson D.D.S...................30 S Safe At Home Care LLC................38 Sage Family Medicine...................34 Sara Cohen L.P.C...........................44 Schultz Chiropractic and Acupuncture.................21, 27 Sensational Eyes Vision Clinic.......32 Septodont, Confi-Dental Division..41 Shanghai Acupuncture LLC..........21 Shawnee Gardens........................22 Six Persimmons Apothecary..............21, 24, 45, 46 Smile Designers Family and Cosmetic Dentistry.............30 SmileLogic Inc..............................30 Snap Fitness.................................36 Solar Yoga.....................................55 Soul Tree Yoga Hub.......................55 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY South Boulder Chiropractic...........27 Southwest Acupuncture CollegeClinic............................... 21 Speech and Myofunctional Clinic of the Front Range...........53 Spine West..............................48, 51 Sporian Microsystems Inc.............41 Spruce Street Internal Medicine...39 Squire Oral, Facial & Dental Implant Surgery....30, 47 St. Vrain Manor.............................22 St. Vrain Memorial Building...........37 Stephen J. Westra L.P.C................45 Sterling House of Longmont.........22 Studio Be Yoga..............................55 Studio Z Dental.............................30 Sunrise Assisted Living Inc...........22 Sunrise Vision Care.......................32 Susan Melching Inc......................30 Suzanne Picard, Certified Rolfer, Rolf Movement Practitioner..........................24, 53 Swan Lake Chiropractic Health Centre............................27 Synapse Physical Therapy............51 T Table Mesa Family Medicine.........34 Tara Skye Goldin, N.D...................46 Terry Chiropractic Health Center...27 Terry Robinson, M.D......................32 Thayer Group for Women’s Care M.D. PC........47 The Academy................................22 The Bridge Assisted Living at Longmont...................22 The Carillon at Boulder Creek.......22 The Dental Shoppe.......................30 The Gunbarrel Athletic Club..........36 The Hand Center...........................53 The Homestead at Longmont United Hospital.........22 The Intimacy Institute for Sex and Relationship Therapy..........45 The Lodge at Balfour Independent Living for Seniors.22 The Pediatric Center.....................49 The Pilates Center...................36, 55 The Residences at Balfour............22 The Rolf Institute.....................24, 53 The Rolfing Works Ltd...................24 The Women’s Health Group..........47 Third Avenue Eyecare...................32 Tom’s Sportique Eyewear.............32 TripNurse LLC.............35, 38, 42, 49 TRS Inc. aka Therapeutic Recreation Systems..................41 TRU Community Care.............38, 49 Twin Cranes Natural Healing Center Inc.....................21 Twin Peaks Dermatology PC.........30 Twin Peaks Medical Imaging........52 Warner House...............................45 Warren H. Valencia M.D..........34, 39 Way of the Crane..........................36 Western Nephrology.....................46 White Crane..................................24 Whole Family Dentistry.................30 William A. Brachvogel D.D.S.........30 William L. Fink M.D.......................45 Windhorse Community Services...45 Windhorse Family and Elder Care....................22, 38 Wink Optical..................................32 Women’s Health Wise...................47 Women’s Imaging Center.............52 Wong Orthodontics.......................30 WorkWell Occupational Medicine LLC.....47, 51 Wynwood at Ridge Point...............22 Y/Z YMCA of Boulder Valley.................37 Yoga Junction...............................55 Yoga Pod.......................................55 Young Dentistry for Children.........30 Your Gateway to Healing...............47 Your Health Matters......................40 Zellner Chiropractic Center...........27 Zoe Rabinowitz M.S.W., M.Ed., B.Div..................45 Zoe Zimmermann M.A., L.P.C..45, 49 V/W Village Place at Longmont............22 Vision Source Longmont P.C.........32 Visions Eyecare Center.................32 Visiting Angels of Boulder County.....................38 Waldron’s Peak Physical Therapy PC..................51 Wardenburg Student Health Center............................34 Warhurst Family Chiropractic .......27 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT MD 2014 | 101 INDEX OF MEDICAL PHYSICIANS AND PRACTITIONERS Abair, Christine H. M.D.................... 81 Abbey, Shawna M.D.................87, 96 Abel, Margell M.P.T......................... 89 Aberle, Katherine M.D.................... 65 Aberle, Nicholas M.D...................... 84 Abookire, David C.M.T.................... 76 Abrams, Pamela M.D..................... 68 Achtermann, Karen D.C.................. 60 Achtermann, Marty D.C.................. 60 Adams, Caroline L.Ac..................... 56 Adler, Charles M.D.......................... 77 Adler, Michael D.D.S....................... 62 Ahern, Robert D.D.S....................... 62 Alber, Marc D.D.S........................... 62 Albreht, Misa A. M.D....................... 95 Albuisson, Jeska M.D..................... 74 Alchin, Robin L.W. Ph.D.................. 77 Allan, Cathy M.S.W., L.C.S.W.......... 77 Allen, Gregory M.D...................65, 87 Allen, Michael W. D.O...................... 68 Allen, Shawn B. M.D....................... 64 Almony, Jeffrey L. M.D................... 77 Alper, Johanna L.Ac........................ 56 Alter-Pandya, Amy D.O................... 68 Ambrose, Christa D.O..................... 68 Amerine, Lisa N.D........................... 68 Amerine, Lisa N.D........................... 80 Amrich, Jason P.T., M.B.A., O.C.S., C.S.C.S............................ 89 Anderson, Brad M.D....................... 69 Anderson, C. Cragin M.D................ 97 Andorsky, David J. M.D.................. 83 Andrews, Karen M.D...................... 59 Andrews, Peter Richard M.D.......... 67 Andrus, Kevin M.D....................62, 84 Angel, Jose M.D............................. 57 Ansell, Julie M.D............................. 69 Antell, Andrew G. M.D..................... 83 Anton-Schnell, Kristina M.D........... 74 Arends, Gregory N. M.D.................. 89 Arends, Jaclyn C. M.D.................... 89 Armstrong, Leslie L. M.D................ 66 Arnold, Kevin M.D........................... 57 Arnsberger, M. Shannon D.O.......... 69 Artman, Merrilynn C.N.M................ 80 Atherton, Stacy M. D.P.M................ 73 Audet, Isabelle M. M.D................... 95 Austin, Daniel C. M.D...................... 81 Austin, Paul D.C.............................. 60 Aweida-Ross, Lisa Psy.D................ 77 B Bachia, MaryAnne L.Ac...56, 66, 69, 74, 66, 80, 81, 85 Bachmann, Peter M. M.D............... 64 Backup, Linda D. M.D..................... 59 Bailey, Brian M.D............................ 64 Baird, Kristin M. M.D....................... 64 Baker, Shannon C.M.T.................... 76 Ballantine-Talmadge, Sherrie D.O...........................69, 89 Baran, Linda S. Ph.D....................... 77 Bard, Rosalind M.A., Psy.D., L.P.C., N.C.C................................ 77 Barfield, Darby D.M.D..................... 62 Barker, Jennifer M.D.................66, 87 Barnes, Kimberlee M.D.................. 81 Barnett, John Mark M.D................. 83 Barrett, M. Therese M.D................. 81 Barth, Christy M.S., P.T., C.S.C.S..... 90 Barton, Scott M. M.D...................... 81 Bassett, Rachel M. M.D.................. 69 Baugh, Denise M.S., P.T.................. 90 Bauman, John D.D.S...................... 62 Baumgartner, Ronald R. M.D.......... 87 Beard Passalacqua, Barb Certified Advanced Rolfer.. 94 Beasley, Kara D. D.O....................... 81 Beatte, Hope M.D........................... 77 Becker, Todd M.D., Ph.D................. 64 Becvar, Frank G. D.D.S................... 62 Beeks, Cindy J. O.D........................ 67 Begley, Colleen M.D....................... 81 Bein, Robert M.D............................ 77 Bellus, Gary M.D., Ph.D.................. 87 Benedict, William L. M.D................ 67 Benesh, LeeAnn D.C....................... 60 Bennett, Douglas D.C..................... 60 Bennett, Kristie P.T.......................... 90 Benson, Eric M. M.D....................... 69 Bentley, William H. M.D.................. 80 Berardelli, Eva A. M.D..................... 90 Berg, Kevin R. M.D......................... 95 Berger, Jeff O.D.............................. 67 Berger, Paul A. M.D......................... 69 Bergeron, Kim G. M.D..................... 81 Berman, Jonathan S. M.D.............. 96 Bersentes, Korina R. M.D., F.A.C.P............................ 73 Beshures, Renee C.M.T.................. 76 Beyer, Craig F. D.O., M.D................. 67 Bhandari, Purvi M.D.................87, 96 Bidgoli, Heather M.D...................... 69 Bierbrauer, David M.D..............84, 95 Biffl, Walter M.D.............................. 95 Bigelow, Kim C.M.T......................... 76 Biles, Jill D.D.S............................... 62 Bindseil, Richard F. D.O.................. 57 Birnbach, Mark D.M.D.................... 62 Bishop, John D.D.S......................... 62 Bissell, Mary Elizabeth M.D............ 81 Bjerke, Randal Dean M.D............... 93 Blackwood, C. M.D......................... 95 Blackwood, Clark O.D..................... 67 Blair, Jennifer M.D.......................... 69 Blalack, Jason L.Ac........................ 56 Blalack, Kate L.Ac........................... 56 Blanchet, William L. M.D................ 74 Blattner, Jennifer M.D..................... 81 Bleistein, Abby M.D..................69, 74 Blomquist, Matthew H. M.D........... 93 Bluestein, Eve M.D., D.D.S...62, 84, 93 Bock, S. Allan M.D....................59, 87 Boehm, Kevin S. M.D...................... 69 Bollenbacher, Michael O.D............. 67 Bond, Brea A. M.D.......................... 69 Bontrager, Jeff M.D..................87, 96 Borman, Bill D.C............................. 60 Borman, Bonnie D.C....................... 60 Bos, Rachel Ann M.D...................... 69 Boseman, J. Peter M.D................... 80 Boswell, F.E. M.S.P.T....................... 90 Bottenfield, Lisa Certified Rolfer.76, 94 Bowen, Jim M.A., L.P.C.................. 77 Bowles, Charles R. M.D.................. 93 Bowling, Franklin L. D.M.D............. 62 Bowling, Nina Richardson D.M.D... 62 Bowman, Michelle R.N., L.Ac., B.S.N.......... 56 Bowyer, Trista M.D....................87, 96 Boyer, David O. D.O........................ 69 Boysen, Eric M.D............................ 69 Brachvogel, William A. D.D.S.......... 62 Braden, Cory P.T., D.P.T.............84, 90 Braden, Robin P.T., D.P.T...........84, 90 Bradley, John C. M.D...................... 57 Brakke- Holman, Rachel M.D......... 90 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Braun, Stephanie P.T....................... 90 Braund, Cortney M.D................87, 96 Bravman, Jonathan M.D..........84, 90 Brazelton, Michael M.D............87, 96 Brennan, Lee M.S., P.T.................... 90 Brett, Matthew S. M.D.................... 69 Bright Hoffmeyer, Heather M.D...... 81 Brill, Lisa O.D.................................. 67 Brisson, Douglas Paul D.C..56, 60, 76 Britt, Benton O.D............................. 67 Britt, David W. M.D.......................... 69 Britton, James A. M.D..................... 84 Brodie, Audrey O.D......................... 67 Brosse, Alisha Ph.D........................ 77 Browne, Hillary L. M.D.................... 74 Brownstone, Paul K. M.D................ 80 Brubaker, William H. M.D................ 75 Brunson, Deborah M.D.............69, 90 Bryan, Christina H. M.D.................. 75 Bryan, Stephanie L.C.S.W., C.A.C. III.77 Bucknam, Robert C. M.D................ 87 Bucy, Emily M.D.............................. 77 Bulkacz, Alex D. M.D...................... 74 Bulmahn, Lora M.D........................ 69 Bunn, Tom L.Ac.............................. 56 Burgess, Andrea M.D..................... 81 Burneikiene, Sigita M.D.................. 81 Burrow, Claude H. M.D................... 93 Burton, William V. M.D.................... 69 Busby, Leslie T. M.D........................ 83 Bush, Marie M.D.......................83, 96 Bush, Mark Robert M.D.................. 81 Bushard, Patrick M.D..................... 80 Butler, Laura B. M.D........................ 81 Buyers, Elizabeth M.D..............81, 87 Byrt, Julie P.T................................... 90 C Cabeen, Martha A. M.D.................. 66 Cabrera, Arthur R. M.D................... 57 Caffrey, Richard R. M.D.................. 57 Cagan, Laird Peter M.D.................. 75 Cahn, Marc S. D.C....................56, 60 Caltagirone, Ryan M.D..............87, 96 Camarata, Michael M.D................. 69 Cambe, Phil C. M.D........................ 90 Campbell, Belinda D.D.S................ 62 Campbell, Jeffrey M.D..............87, 97 Cannell, Jason D.O......................... 69 Caraway, Damen D.D.S.................. 62 Carnahan, Jill M.D.......................... 69 Carney, Kevin M.D....................87, 96 Carpenter, Juliet A. M.D.................. 69 Carpenter, Kristin P.T., D.P.T., O.C.S................................ 90 Carpenter, Mike D.D.S.................... 62 Carr, Alfred N. M.D.......................... 65 Carter, Jeffrey M.D.......................... 74 Carter, John E. M.D......................... 66 Castle, Michael Dipl. OM, L.Ac....... 56 Castro, Bryan A. M.D...................... 84 Castro, Peter L. M.D........................ 57 Cathers, Justin W. D.D.S................. 62 Cavanaugh, Cheryl L. M.D.............. 87 Cavanaugh, Kenneth J. M.D........... 84 Cavanaugh, Kevin C. M.D.............59, 65, 93, 95 Cavender, Catherine E. M.D............ 69 Cazden, Bruce B. M.D.................... 83 Chalmers, Thomas H. M.D............. 57 Chalmers, Tom M.D........................ 57 Chance, Debra D.C......................... 60 Charlton, Kimberly M.D.................. 77 Chase-Jacobsen, Jaylynne L.C.S.W........................ 77 Chaudhary, Prateek D.O................. 94 Chetham, Steven T. M.D., F.A.C.P.... 73 Chohan, Jameel M.D...................... 90 Christensen, Carole A. M.D............. 81 Christensen, Edward A. D.D.S........ 62 Christensen, Jennifer H. M.D.......... 75 Christensen, Megan C.M.T............. 76 Christiansen, Ammie E. D.O........... 69 Christie, Stephanie Renee M.D...... 69 Christopher, Diane M.D.................. 81 Chu, Eugene M.D........................... 74 Ciccone, William John M.D.......84, 90 Cieslik, Laura M.D.......................... 81 Clancey, Douglas D.C., F.I.A.M.A.... 60 Clark, Clifford M.D.......................... 86 Clark, Denise N.D........................... 80 Clark, James E. M.D....................... 97 Clower, Benjamin M.D.................... 96 Coats, Brian F. D.D.S....................... 62 Cohen, Ben Ph.D............................ 77 Cohen, Paul B. M.D......................... 87 Cohen, Sara M.A.,L.P.C................... 77 Colbert, E. Lynn D.M.D.................... 62 Colletti, Laurence J. D.D.S.............. 62 Colton, Albert H. M.D...................... 66 Conlon, Rosemary C.M.T................ 76 Connelly, Che D.C........................... 60 Contini, Chelsea M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P....95 Cook, Kortny D.P.T........................... 90 Cool, Carlyne D. M.D...................... 86 Coomes, Melissa R. M.D................ 69 Cooney, William P. M.D................... 84 Cooper, Greg B.H.M.S., C.S.C.S.*D... 90 Cooper, Marcy M.D......................... 77 Cooper, Paul L. M.D........................ 69 Coryell, Laurie A. M.D..................... 96 Craig, Robert A. D.D.S., M.S........... 62 Crawford, Jane M.S., Dipl.Ac......... 56 Cross, Richard A. O.D..................... 67 Cruse, Elizabeth S. M.D.................. 75 Cunningham, Maureen M.D......87.96 Curry, Alise M.D.............................. 65 D Daarud, Scott M.D.......................... 69 Daehn, Mary Jean M.D.................. 69 Dafler, Cynthia E. M.D..................... 77 Dahab, Katherine M.D........84, 87, 96 Damek, Herman M.D..................... 69 Dane, DeLozier P.T., D.P.T., A.T.C., P.E.S....................... 90 Daniell, Donna R. M.S.W., L.C.S.W..77 Dautremont Johns, Patricia L.Ac.................................... 56 Dave, Shoban M.D......................... 59 Davis, Scott M.D............................. 74 Dawson, Peter M.D., M.P.H............ 87 De Goes, Sophia L. M.D.................. 57 DeBever, Joanie D.C., C.C.S.T., C.C.C.N................ 60 DeBoom, Todd M. M.D................... 86 Decker, Jill D.D.S............................ 62 DeCourtney, Jan C.M.T................... 76 Dehaven, Delores M.A., L.P.C. CACIII ...................... 77 Deleyiannis, Frederic M.D., M.Phil., M.P.H............87, 933 Delgado, Bryant L. M.D.................. 93 Delgado, Jose M. M.D.................... 75 DelPozo, Agatha L.M.T.................... 76 DeLuca, John Ph.D......................... 77 DeMayo, Eugene O.D..................... 67 Demes, Julie M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P..... 95 Denham, Melody F. M.D...........57, 86 Denzel, Dr. Gregory D.O......69, 83, 96 Deol, Gurpreet K. O.D..................... 67 Deroos, Olaf P.T., M.H.Sc., M.T.C.... 90 Desai, Nita M.D.........................69, 80 Dhaliwal, Avninder S. M.D.............. 58 Dhaliwal, Kristy D.D.S..................... 62 Dichiaro, Mike M.D...................87, 90 Dick, Tami P.T., C.S.C.S................... 90 Dickerson, Maureen A. M.D........... 87 Dillabaugh, Lisa M.D................87, 96 Dissenger, Tracie Dp.O.M. L.Ac...... 56 Dixit, Anjoli Marie M.D.................... 69 Dixon, Gary D.M.D., M.S................. 62 Dobija, C. Antoni M.D...................... 75 Dodge, John D.D.S......................... 62 Dodson, William M.D...................... 69 Dolan, Robert P. M.D....................... 73 Dolbeare, Dirk M.D...................84, 95 Donaghy, Fred D.D.S...................... 62 Dorfman, Todd A. M.D........66, 75, 96 Doucet, Jamie J. M.D., F.A.C.C....... 59 Dougherty, Marilyn A. M.D.............. 67 Douillard, John D.C., Ph.D.............. 60 Douthit, Mark B. M.D...................... 59 Dow, Michael M.H.P., Psy.D............ 77 Dowdy, Susan M.D......................... 69 Drake, Cameran A. O.D.................. 67 Drake, Jenni O.D............................ 67 Drake, Thomas D.D.S..................... 62 Dreiman, Chester J. M.D................ 75 Drescher, Murry M.D...................... 59 Drury, Michelle L. M.D.................... 70 Dryden, Kevin J. M.D...................... 70 Dueber, Katherine M. M.D.............. 87 Duggan, Gene M.D......................... 60 Dughi, Coco M.D............................ 75 Duiker, Susan M.D.......................... 70 Dunham, Erin P.T., D.P.T.................. 90 Dunn, Stephanie M.D...............87, 96 Dupuis, Dennis O.D........................ 67 Dupuis, Eric O.D............................. 67 E Eastman-Gallo, Dawna L. M.D....... 81 Eaton, Amanda C.M.T..................... 76 Echery, Karen M.S., P.T................... 90 Edens, Ashley N.C.M.T.................... 76 Edlauer, Monica L.Ac...................... 56 Ehrenberger, David R. M.D............. 70 Eickmann, Thomas H. M.D............. 84 Elder, Ben D.C................................. 60 Eliopulos, George A. M.D................ 77 Ellis, Owen G. M.D.......................... 58 Elmont, Ashley O.D......................... 67 Elsea, Mary D.C.............................. 60 Elzinga, Hans David M.D................ 70 Emdur, Abby C. M.D........................ 65 Emdur, Josh D.O.......................74, 93 Engel, Bridget L.C.P........................ 77 Enzenauer, Robert M.D.............67, 87 Erdman, Barry LCSW, DCSW.......... 77 Erley, Liz O.D................................... 67 Escajeda, Daniel L. M.D.................. 58 Eschenbrenner, Julie Au.D............. 59 Essig, Julia M.D.............................. 70 Evans, Brenda P.T........................... 90 Evans, Steven D.C....................56, 60 Eyster, Darlene M.D........................ 59 F Faini, Mary E. M.D.......................... 70 Falls, Eliza O.D................................ 67 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT INDEX OF MEDICAL PHYSICIANS AND PRACTITIONERS A INDEX OF MEDICAL PHYSICIANS AND PRACTITIONERS 102 | MD 2014 Fan, Grace C. M.D........................... 87 Fanestil, Bradley D. M.D................. 75 Faris, Dorothy E. M.D...................... 77 Farris, Clint A. M.D.......................... 58 Fejka, Martin M.D........................... 59 Feldhaus, Kim M. M.D.................... 66 Fernandez, Lynne A. M.D................ 83 Finegan, Paul D.C........................... 60 Finer, Richard M. M.D..................... 93 Fink, William L. M.D........................ 77 Finnegan, Patrick A. M.D................ 81 Fiscus, Andrew L. D.D.S................. 62 Fish, Eileen M. M.D......................... 80 Fisher, Robert E. M.D...................... 83 Fitch, David L.Ac............................. 56 FitzGibbons, Robert E. M.D............. 84 Flatland, Erik N.D., L.Ac.............56,80 Fleagle, John T. M.D....................... 83 Fleischmann, Brooke D.D.S........... 62 Fleming, Jeff D.P.T., A.T.C............... 90 Fletcher, Victor D.D.S., F.A.C.P......... 62 Fliege, Heather L. M.D.................... 70 Foley, Benjamin D.D.S.................... 84 Foley, Daniel B. D.D.S...............62, 84 Foote, Lynne M.A., L.P.C................. 77 Forrest, Larry O.D........................... 67 Forsythe, Robert C. M.D................. 86 Fortner, Corwyn D. M.D.................. 58 Fortner, Sandra T. M.D.................... 58 Foster, Brian Keith D.C.................... 60 Fountain, Jeff D.C........................... 60 Fowler, Star V. D.O.......................... 75 Fox, Christopher R. M.D.................. 66 Fox, Jenny R. M.D........................... 83 Fox, Richard J. M.D........................ 95 Fox, Terri M.D............................70, 80 Frankel, Zara P. M.D........................ 70 Franz, Wayne D.D.S........................ 62 Fraser, Cathy P.T.............................. 90 Fraser, Kari Ph.D............................. 77 Fratkin, Jake Paul O.M.D., L.Ac...... 56 Freedman, Michael R. Ph.D............ 77 Fremling, Mitchell A. M.D., F.A.C.S.......93, 95 Fretwell, James Matthew M.D....... 70 Freudenburg, James C. M.D.......... 70 Frieder, Larry D.C............................ 60 Friedman, Mitchell N. D.D.S........... 63 Fries, Stephen M. M.D.................... 87 Fritz, Thomas D.C........................... 60 Frutchey, Brian C. D.M.D................ 63 Fry, Joel D.C..............................60, 87 Fueston, John C. M.D..................... 65 Fulkerson, Lorri J. M.D................... 84 Funk, Karen Anne M.D................... 70 G Gainor, Lauren M.D...................87, 96 Galbiati, Jim L.Ac............................ 56 Gallagher, Eileen S. M.D................. 70 Gallagher, Thomas C. M.D.............. 65 Gambrell, William M. III, M.D.......... 58 Garas, Wael M.D............................. 75 Garmany, George P. M.D................. 80 Gatewood, Pamela M.P.T................ 90 Gatof, David M.D............................ 73 Gawart, Matthew J. M.D................ 95 Gebhardt, Brian M.D....................... 58 Gehrs, Melinda A. M.D.................... 90 George, Sara A. M.D....................... 70 Gerard, Michele L. Ph.D.................. 77 Gerhardt-Jewell, Christine M.A., C.C.C.-A............. 59 Gerlach, Matthew R. M.D............... 84 Gerritsen, Alyssa M.D..................... 70 Gerritsen, Gregory Ph.D.................. 77 Gerry, Lee W. D.D.S......................... 63 Getzoff, Mark M.D....................87, 96 Gibson, Jill E. M.D........................... 94 Giesen, Anne M. D.O....................... 86 Gilburt, John Ph.D., L. Psy., CMC III............................ 77 Gildersleeve, Richard G. M.D.......... 58 Gill, E. Patricia M.D......................... 74 Gitchell, Heather O.D...................... 67 Glowney, Jason M.D. ..................... 90 Gold, Cary P.T., M.M.T.C.................. 90 Goldin, Tara N.D.............................. 80 Goldman, Andrew C. M.D............... 65 Goldman, Michael A. D.P.M............ 73 Gonder, Nancy M.S.P.T.................... 90 Gonzales, Gene G. M.D................... 87 Goodbee, David G. M.D.................. 93 Gould, Angela Ph.D......................... 77 Gould, Jacquelynn M. M.D............. 74 Grady, James R. M.D...................... 93 Graff, Karin B. M.D.......................... 70 Graham, Connor W. M.D................. 75 Graham, Vicky O.D.......................... 67 Grantham, J. Geary M.D................. 93 Grasmick, Gary M.D....................... 70 Gratacos, Osvaldo D.C.................... 61 Grathwohl, Patrick M.D.................. 87 Grauer, J. David M.D....................... 84 Gray, Regina L.C.S.W...................... 77 Graybill, David L. M.D..................... 77 Graysen, Janet C.M.T..................... 76 Greacen, Amelia Molly L.Ac............ 56 Green, Justin D. M.D..........56, 86, 90 Greenwood, Ariana Wallack M.D.... 73 Greer, Gwendolyn M.D................... 77 Greer, Nancy L. Ph.D., M.D............. 87 Greer, Rayann P.T., D.P.T...........84, 90 Gronseth, Cliff A. M.D..................... 90 Groover, Thomas D. B.S., B.S.C.I., M.A., D.C.......... 61 Grossman, Bruce M. M.D............... 73 Grover, Amy M.D.......................87, 96 Guber, Myles S. M.D....................... 59 Guerra, Frank M.D.......................... 78 Gurholt, Kristin M.D........................ 67 Gustofson, Robert M.D................... 81 Guthrie, Pamela M.D...................... 70 Gutierrez, Hilarie J. M.D.................. 93 Gutierrez, Horacio M.D................... 94 H Hadley, Daniel C. M.D..................... 70 Hagen, Edward O.D........................ 67 Hagen, Susan M.D......................... 95 Haimes, Mark D. M.D..................... 75 Halbrecht, Joanne M.D................... 84 Halek, Milena D.D.S........................ 63 Hall, Julie Krell M.D........................ 66 Hall, Lisabeth M.D.......................... 75 Hall, Livia L.Ac................................ 56 Hall, Ted L.Ac.................................. 56 Hall, Wyatt Jason M.D.................... 66 Hallgren, Scott E. D.O..................... 73 Hall-Taylor, Linda Ph.D................... 78 Halterman, Richard K. M.D............. 80 Hamilton, Deborah M.D.................. 87 Hamilton, Frances I. M.D................ 70 Hand, Mikyong M.D........................ 70 Handy, Terri P.T., A.T.C..................... 90 Haneca, Shanmanie D.C................ 61 Haney, Amanda O.D....................... 67 Hanley, Kevin W. M.D...................... 86 Hansen, Christine C. M.D............... 81 Hanson, Kestrel M.H.P., L.P.C.......... 78 Hanson, Russell D.D.S.................... 63 Hardy, Jen M.D............................... 87 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Hardy, Jen M.D............................... 96 Harper, Clayton D.D.S., M.D........... 84 Harper, Maggie M.S.P.T.................. 91 Harris, Adam D.C............................ 61 Harris, Michelle P.T.......................... 91 Hart, Pamela L. D.C........................ 61 Hart, Ralph W. M.D.......................... 96 Hartigan, Paul D.D.S....................... 63 Hartley, Jr., R. Winfield M.D............ 93 Harwood, Phillip C. D.D.S............... 63 Haskew, Stephen W. M.D............... 70 Haug, Jonathan M.D....................... 58 Hauptmann, Martina M.S., P.T........ 91 Hauser, Monika Ph.D...................... 78 Hawkins, Jr., Matthew T. M.D......... 74 Hayne, Lori E. C.M.P.T..................... 91 Hearst, Caryl L. Psy.D..................... 78 Hegarty, Rosemary P.T.................... 91 Hegg, Arlene P. M.D........................ 78 Heimester, Dale D.C....................... 61 Helgans, Robert E. III, M.D.............. 94 Henderson, Andrew L.Ac................ 56 Hennesy, Stacey M.D..................... 81 Herklotz, Lynn R.M.T., O.T.R., C.M.L.D.T......................... 76 Hern, Warren M. M.D...................... 81 Hernandez, Eliu D.C........................ 61 Hernandez, Eric J. M.D................... 70 Herrmann, Glenn Eric M.D............. 93 Hersch, L. Brian M.D...................... 78 Hess, Stephanie L. M.D.................. 70 Hewitt, Ahmee L.C.S.W................... 78 Hibbard, H. M.D.............................. 70 Hickey, Mark M.D........................... 95 Higbie Schultz, Brett Alison D.O...... 82 Higgins, Elliott D.M.D...................... 63 Hilburn, Lynda M.A., L.P.C., C.C.H.,.78 Hilden, Tim M.S., P.T., A.T.C............ 91 Hill, James R. M.D.......................... 70 Hill, Karen D. D.O............................ 96 Hill, Shannon Nicole D.O................. 70 Hillenbrand, A. Blake D.O................ 58 Himel, David O.D............................ 67 Hinman, Mark W. M.D.................... 70 Ho, John Eugene M.D..................... 75 Hoang, Quynh M.D...................84, 87 Hobbs, Valerie L.Ac......................... 56 Hobson, Judy D.O. ......................... 70 Hodel, Ann M.S.P.T.......................... 91 Hofer, Bradley O. M.D..................... 59 Hoffman, Kristine D.P.M.................. 73 Hogan, James L. M.D..................... 96 Holland, Matthew R. M.D............... 59 Holt, Peter Barkalow M.D............... 86 Horner, Jillian M.D.......................... 70 Horstmann, Nancy M. Ph.D............ 78 Hossein, Moogavi D.D.S................. 63 Hought, Roman T. D.M.D................ 63 Hovick, Craig J. D.D.S..................... 63 Howe, Keaton D.D.S....................... 63 Howell, Bruce D.D.S....................... 63 Howland, William M.D.................... 86 Hrywnak, Virginia A. D.O................. 70 Hsin, Joseph M.D........................... 84 Huang, Pao-Chin L.Ac.................... 56 Huang, Shirley M.D......................... 75 Hughes, Brian R. D.O...................... 70 Hughes, Tracey D.D.S., F.A.G.D...... 63 Hutchins, Rebecca O.D................... 67 Huynh, Long Phi M.D...................... 82 I Iacofano, Lisa Ann M.D................... 75 Iannotti, Michael R. M.D................. 70 Illman, Christine D.C....................... 61 Illman, Drew D.C............................. 61 Imig, John R. M.D........................... 82 Iqbal, Nuzhat M.D........................... 73 Isaacson, Heather N. M.D............... 88 Israelson, Jean O.D........................ 67 Isuani, Gustavo L. M.D.................... 94 Ivker, Robert D.O...........56, 59, 80, 86 J Jachimiak, John S. D.P.M............... 73 Jack, Stanley K. D.O....................... 70 Jacobi, Richard E. M.D................... 70 Jamroz, Lisa D. M.D....................... 82 Janas, Joanne M.D...................80, 88 Janowski, Lawrence M.D.........65, 75 Jaramillo, Gregory M.D.................. 70 Jelinek, Robert A. D.P.M.................. 73 Jennings, James E. M.D................. 58 Jensen, Jonathan Edward M.D...... 73 Jensen, Lori M.D............................ 83 Jewell, Malcolm BS, BC-HIS.......... 59 Johanos, Andrew Mark M.D........... 66 Johnson, Amy L. M.D..................... 82 Johnson, Dale S. M.D..................... 67 Johnson, Daniel P. D.D.S................ 63 Johnson, Jennifer M. M.D.............. 70 Johnson, Michael J. M.D................ 83 Johnston, Catherine Lee Ph.D........ 78 Johnston, Derek D.C...................... 61 Johs, Stephen M. M.D., F.A.C.S...... 95 Jones, Charles G. M.D.................... 95 Jones, David D.D.S......................... 63 Jones, David W. M.D....................... 96 Jones, Michael D. D.D.S................. 63 Jordan, Jon-Paul M.D..................... 88 Juenemann, Shane M.D................ 70 K Kafuuma, Roland K. M.D................ 74 Kalfas, Lisa D.D.S........................... 63 Kallgren, Diane L. M.D.................... 65 Kamath, Vinaya K. M.D................... 66 Kaminski, Jason O.D...................... 67 Kamon, Jill S. M.D.......................... 88 Kandel, Elisabeth E. M.D................ 71 Karageorge, Krystie M.D................ 74 Karbassi, Mohammad M.D............ 67 Karowe, Matthew W. M.D............... 73 Kasper, Susan D.M.D...................... 63 Katuna, Bruce A. M.D...............80, 94 Kauffmann, Whitney M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P......... 95 Kaufman, Karen M.D...................... 82 Kawecki, Denise F.N.P.................... 75 Kawulok, Ted D.D.S........................ 63 Kay, Charles M.D............................ 91 Kaye, Peter S. M.D. , F.A.C.G........... 74 Keating, Michael M.S., A.T.C., C.S.C.S..56, 76, 86, 91 Keenan, Christopher M.D............... 71 Keene, Heather Michele M.D......... 82 Kefer, John C. M.D.......................... 97 Keidan, Benjamin J. M.D................ 75 Kell, Hale M. O.D............................. 67 Keller, Donald J. M.D...................... 68 Kelley, Nancy M.D........................... 88 Kelly, Lisa P.T................................... 91 Kelts, Elizabeth M.D........................ 71 Kennedy, Doug D.C........................ 61 Kennedy, Lori O.T............................ 91 Kenyon, Brian A. D.C....................... 61 Kerr-Layton, Jeffrey a. M.D............ 82 Kessler, Randolph M. M.D.............. 59 Khan, Talat M.D........................88, 93 Kierein, Rebecca M.D..................... 71 Kim, Caryn M.P.T............................. 91 Kim, Jenny B. M.D.......................... 82 Kimball, Shawn D.D.S.................... 63 King, Cheri N.D............................... 80 King, Mark D. M.D.......................... 74 King, Michael J. M.D...................... 65 King, Paul D. M.D............................ 94 Kingston, Brian J. M.D.................... 71 Kinneavy, Elizabeth D.C.................. 61 Kirby, Malia L.Ac............................. 56 Kirby, Shawn L.Ac........................... 56 Kirker, Mary E. M.D......................... 71 Kirkpatrick, Jeffrey C. M.D............. 58 Kistler, David M.D........................... 83 Klee, Karin M.D.........................88, 96 Klish, Marie Davis M.D.............83, 94 Kluender, Kala C.N.M...................... 80 Knapp, Karin M.D........................... 88 Knechtel, Kurt D.D.S....................... 63 Knowles, III, Daniel Marshall D.C.........................61, 71 Knowles, Richelle M. D.C............... 61 Knudson, Kelly Peters M.D............. 95 Kobak, Gregory M.D.................74, 88 Koch, Robert B. M.D....................... 84 Kochevar, Casey D.D.S................... 63 Koh, Kilsan M.D.............................. 95 Koldenhoven, Gregg A. M.D............ 85 Konda-Sundheim, Rachel M.D...........................88, 96 Koza, Loree M.D............................. 71 Kraft, Steven W. M.D....................... 80 Kreidl, Ken M.D............................... 68 Kretsch, Kimberly A. D.D.S............. 63 Krone, Robert O.D........................... 68 Kruger, David D.O........................... 66 Krupnick, Louis Ed.D...................... 78 Kuisle, Hans R. M.D., F.A.C.S.......... 93 Kuresman, Debra Certified Advanced Rolfer........... 94 Kurtz, Avrom M.D........................... 80 Kuskie, Kurt O.D.............................. 68 L Lafferty-Oza, Margaret J. M.D........ 88 Lahm, Amy D.D.S........................... 63 Lahm, Michael C. M.D.................... 94 Lalwani, Geeta A. M.D.................... 68 Lameiro-Dawson, Kathleen L.C.S.W... 78 Landblom, Jerome C. M.D............. 71 Landry, Thomas B. M.D.................. 82 Lane, Kim R. M.D............................ 82 Lang, Brent D.D.S., P.C................... 63 Lannigan, Amy Beth M.D..........75, 88 Lansing, Mary B. M.D..................... 68 Larson, Susan M.D......................... 88 Lassiter, Nicole M.S., C.N.M........... 80 Laughlin, Janelle C. M.D................. 94 Lavigne, Marcie M. M.D................. 71 Layne, Debra P.T............................. 91 Layne, Stephen K. M.D................... 58 Layne, Ted P.T................................. 91 Lazatin, Lance M.D......................... 88 Leddon, Jeanie Chung M.D............ 65 Ledesma, Patricia J. Ph.D.............. 78 Lee, Brennan M.S., P.T.................... 91 Lee, Mira M.D................................. 71 Legare, Janet M. M.D..................... 88 Lehmann, Peter O.D....................... 68 Lehrer, Linda C.M.T......................... 76 Leibovitz, Ross M. M.D., F.A.C.S..... 95 Leidig, Marjorie W. Ph.D.................. 78 Leistikow, David M.D...................... 71 Leland, Robert H. M.D.................... 85 Leonard, Curtis L. M.D.................... 85 Leonard, John D. M.D..................... 95 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT M Ma, Debora M.D............................. 93 Ma, Jin L.Ac., R.N........................... 56 Ma, Jin Shi M.S., L.Ac.................... 56 MacCallum Clark, Shari Advanced Certified Rolfer.............. 94 Mackell, Paul M.D........................... 71 Macsalka, Mary A. M.D.................. 82 Macsalka, Robert E. M.D................ 82 Madden, Christopher C. M.D.......... 71 Magsamen, Karl E. M.D.................. 94 Mahalingam, Indira M.D................. 75 Mahnke, Daus M.D......................... 74 Mahnke, Sheela N. M.D.................. 88 Maines, Jason D.D.S., M.S............. 63 Maiocco, Amy M.D......................... 75 Malcom, Troy J. D.O....................... 97 Mall, Alison Leigh M.D.................... 82 Malmgren, Michael D.C., P.A.......... 71 Mandagere, Kelly A. M.D................ 66 Manion, Sean P. M.D...................... 97 Mann, Thomas A. M.D...............85,91 Mao, Jie M.D.................................. 94 Maran, Lori M.D.............................. 94 Marchand, Toby L.Ac...................... 56 Markel, William R. M.D................... 71 Mars, Peter M.D.............................. 83 Marshall, Kate Ph.D., P.C................ 78 Martin, Ann C. M.D......................... 82 Mason, Alexander Michael M.D..... 81 Mason, Chris Ph.D.......................... 78 Massanari, Derrek M.D............88, 96 Massone, John G. M.D................... 86 Master, Daniel Lee M.D............85, 95 Matos, Maria L. M.D....................... 78 Matthew, Thomas L. M.D............... 59 Mattson, Ann L. M.D....................... 82 Maudlin, Beau D.C., B.C.N.P., C.C.S.T................. 61 Maurer, James D.D.S..................... 63 Maximon, Julia M.D....................... 78 Mazzola, Marion Beth M.D............. 86 Mazzola, Timothy J. M.D................ 91 Mba, Obianuju M.D......................... 74 McBride, Andrew M.D.................... 82 McBurney, Michelle M.D..........88, 96 McCarty, Cheryl S. D.D.S................ 63 McCarty, David W. D.O.................... 75 McCarty, Eric C. M.D.................85, 91 McCarty, M. D.O.............................. 71 McClain, Elizabeth C.M.T................ 76 McClure, Mary M. M.M.Sc., P.T., C.B.P................ 91 McCollester, Laughlin B. D.O.......... 66 McCormack, Donald L. M.D........... 68 McDowell, Catie L.M.F.T................. 78 McElwain, Nancy M.D.................... 71 McKenna, Michael Paul M.D.......... 71 McMahon, Keira N.C.T.M.B............ 76 McNamara, Ann P.T........................ 91 McNear, Nicole D.M.D.................... 63 McNeely, Lee K. M.D...................... 83 McNeil, John Richard M.D.............. 59 Mead, Daina M.D............................ 71 Mei-Dan, Omer M.D.................85, 91 Meinke, Heather D.C...................... 61 Mellion, Sarah M.D...................88, 96 Melouk, Sameh H. M.D.................. 97 Mena, Jose D.M.D.......................... 63 Mendenhall, Marcela M.D........88, 96 Mendes, Paula M. M.D................... 80 Menon, Radhika P.T........................ 91 Mertz, Andrea Marie M.D............... 88 Messer, Robert Alan D.C................. 61 Metke, Mary Ellen L.Ac.................. 56 Meyer, John E. M.D........................ 86 Meyer, Kevin D.C............................ 61 Meyer, Larry D.P.T........................... 91 Meyer, Sue Anne M.D..................... 75 Meyers, Joel Stuart M.D...........68, 93 Meyers, Timothy J. M.D.................. 66 Mezarina, Karrin B. M.D................. 88 Miller, Barbara L.C.S.W................... 78 Miller, David Ethan M.D.................. 78 Miller, David M. M.D....................... 88 Miller, Denise M. M.D..................... 95 Miller, H. Merle M.D........................ 86 Miller, Harriet Merle M.D................ 75 Miller, Ivan J. Ph.D.......................... 78 Miller, Janice A. M.D....................... 80 Miller, Lynn D. M.D.......................... 58 Miller, Nancy M.D.....................85, 88 Miller, Stephen M. M.D................... 94 Milliff, Jane M. M.M.Sc., P.T., C.B.P..........86, 91 Mills, Mark N.C.T.M.B.........76, 86, 91 Minjarez, Debra M.D....................... 82 Minor, Thomas A. M.D.................... 93 Mitchell, Susan C.N.M., M.S........... 80 Moeller, Loralie D. M.D................... 82 Moeller, Mark S. M.D...................... 66 Mohelicki, Ania D.D.S., P.C............. 63 Moinuddin, Shiraz M.D.............75, 94 Monahan, Michael J. M.D........66, 96 Mondrow, Erik M. M.D.................... 75 Montano, Ron D.D.S....................... 63 Montbriand, Joel R. M.D., F.A.C.P... 74 Moon, Megan D.C., R.N., C.D.N.P.........................61, 71 Moon, Sandy M.D.....................88, 96 Mooney, Herbert S. M.D................. 95 Mooney, Thomas G. M.D................ 80 Moore, Camille F.N.P., B.C.............. 71 Moore, Randall B. D.C.................... 61 Moran, Patrick L. M.D..................... 83 Morelli, Christopher D.O................. 91 Morgan, Douglas C. M.D..........74, 93 Moritz Jr., Carl Albert M.D............... 71 Morrison, Allison E. M.D.................. 65 Morrissey, David D. M.D................. 65 Morrow, Kenyon M.D..................... 58 Mortazari, Mo M.D.......................... 88 Mortazari, Mo M.D.......................... 97 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY Mulligan, Nancy F. P.T., D.P.T., O.C.S.................................... 91 Munch, Larry C. M.D...................... 97 Muncy, Travis R. D.O....................... 58 Munks, Eryn B. M.D........................ 82 Munroe, Bryan D Ph.D., L.P.C......... 78 Murarescu, Bogdan M.D................ 58 Murarescu, Mihai B. M.D................ 58 Murphy, Claudia M.A., Dipl. Psych., L.P.C............................................ 78 Murray, Megan R. D.D.S................. 63 Murray, Ryan R. D.D.S.................... 63 Muzny, Lise C. M.D......................... 71 Myers, Rebecca A. M.D.................. 71 N Nakaoka, Sue P.T............................ 91 Nawroz, Safia M.D......................... 78 Nedbalski, Terrence R. D.D.S.......... 84 Neigut, Deborah M.D...................... 74 Neigut, Deborah M.D...................... 88 Neiman, Joanne M.A., L.P.C........... 78 Nekoorad-Long, Haleh M.D............ 78 Nelson, Brian S. M.D...................... 82 Nelson, E. Lee M.D......................... 81 Neubrand, Tara M.D....................... 88 Neubrand, Tara M.D....................... 97 Neville, Joanne L.Ac....................... 56 Newgent, Kelly M.D..................88, 97 Newsome, Linda D.D.S.................. 63 Nguyen, Sanh D.O.......................... 78 Nichols, Brian E. M.D., Ph.D........... 68 Nichols, Roger D. M.D.................... 94 Nichols, Timothy D.D.S................... 63 Nissim, Joseph John M.D.............. 75 Nivens, Jr., Darrel Thomas M.D...... 58 Norberg, Lyna Dipl. O.M., L.Ac.....................57, 80 Nuhfer, David M.D.......................... 71 Nunn, Sherrie A. O.D....................... 68 Nusser, Christopher A. M.D............. 94 Nygren Szapiro, Elinor M.A., L.P.C..78 O O’Brien, Daniel Lane M.D............... 68 O’Brien, Robert D.D.S..................... 63 O’Neil, Cathy M. M.D...................... 74 Oakes, Maria R. M.D....................... 66 Oberbeck, Gloria P. M.D.................. 71 Oberwetter, James M.D................. 78 Ocel, Daniel L. M.D......................... 85 ODea, Bessie M.D.......................... 82 Ogden, Herbert G. M.D................... 66 Ogle, John W. M.D.......................... 66 Oldham, Jonathan M.S.P.T............. 91 Olijnyk, Irene M.D........................... 68 Ollar, Susan Ph.D............................ 78 Olsen, Gregg M.D........................... 78 Olson, Jill M.D................................. 80 Om, Joy Certified Advanced Rolfer..95 Oppenheimer, David A. M.D........... 94 Orendac, Cathy M.D.................88, 97 Orent, Sander M.D....................76, 83 Orgel, David..............................83, 97 Osgood, Michelle O.T.R., C.H.T..83, 91 Otteman, Shawn D.O...................... 71 Otten, Ryan M.D............................. 83 Overy, Russ D.P.T., O.C.S................ 91 Oza, Sameer A. M.D....................... 59 P Paddock, Julie M.D......................... 71 Pagett, Cristina M.D........................ 74 Paimaghram, Bramaramba Sruthi D.D.S........................................... 64 Palazzari, Adam M.D...................... 88 Palermo, Francis M.D..................... 91 Pane, Camille M.D....................88, 97 Pane, Robert D. M.D....................... 76 Parcell, Kelly Jacobs N.D................ 80 Parcell, Stephen W. N.D............71, 91 Park, Michael D.D.S........................ 64 Parks, Tara T. D.P.M......................... 73 Parsons, Joseph D.D.S................... 64 Pascoe, Stephanie P.T., D.P.T., O.C.S......................... 91 Patel, Meera M.D............................ 83 Pater, Timothy J. M.D................85, 96 Patil, Rajesh D.D.S., M.S................. 64 Paul, Stephen D. M.D..................... 85 Pavlik, Rostislav M.D...................... 58 Pavot, Dawn R. M.D........................ 86 Pavot, Pierre V. D.O......................... 80 Pearl, Michelle P.T., M.T.................. 76 Pearlman, David M.D...................... 59 Pearson, Craig D.C......................... 61 Peebles-Turner, Mary E. D.D.S....... 64 Pepper, Michelle M.D...................... 92 Perkins, Doug D.P.T......................... 92 Perkins, Jeffrey D. M.D................... 94 Peshock, James Robert M.D.......... 58 Peskin, Ed P.T.................................. 92 Petrak, Betty A. M.D........................ 59 Petrilli, Ralph L. M.D....................... 58 Pettijohn, Maxwell O.D................... 68 Pfeifer, Lyle M. M.D......................... 71 Phillips, Suzanne P.T....................... 92 Phillips, Wayne M.D........................ 78 Picard, Suzanne Certified Rolfer, Rolf Movement Practitioner............... 95 Pierson, Ashley M.D........................ 82 Pierson, Dianne D.D.S.................... 64 Pimper, Mark A. D.D.S.................... 64 Pinto, Randolph A. M.D................... 71 Pittenger, Sharon T. M.D................. 71 Pitts, Andrew D.O......................88, 97 Platnick, K. Barry M.D..................... 95 Plonska, Joanna M.D..................... 72 Podlecki, David A. M.D................... 66 Pohlman, Christopher Robert M.D..95 Polomsky, Matej M.D...................... 68 Pomfret, Heidi A. M.D..................... 82 Poole, Mary B. M.D......................... 76 Pope, Suzanne Ph.D....................... 78 Porter, Michael M.D........................ 59 Postma, Paula O.D.......................... 68 Pothuloori, Antara M.D..............72, 82 Poulsen, Ken D.D.S......................... 64 Powell, Robert L. M.D..................... 95 Prager, Jeremy M.D..................65, 88 Price, Brenda C. M.D...................... 82 Prinzing, Marlene Marie M.A......78, 92 Prok, Lori M.D...........................65, 88 Provance, Aaron M.D...................... 85 Provance, Aaron M.D...................... 88 Pujet, Heather M.D........................ 74’ Q/R Quarles, Leto M.D........................... 72 Que, Leon M.D................................ 78 Rabinowitz, Naomi M.D.................. 57 Rabinowitz, Zoe M.S.W., A.C.S.W... 78 Raffelock, Dean.............................. 61 Rajpal, Sharad M.D......................... 81 Raju, Ramu P. M.D.......................... 74 Ramirez, Jacquelyn L. D.O............. 58 Rampy, Thomas M.D...................... 81 Randolph, Christie C. Ph.D............. 78 Ransom, David M.D........................ 58 Ranucci, Andrew D.M.D................. 64 Rao, Arathi M.D. ............................. 74 Rao, Nancy N.D., L.Ac...............57, 80 Raphael, David Allen M.D............... 58 Rapier, Rob D.P.T., C.M.T............76,92 Rathburn, Tara D.D.S...................... 64 Raupp, Kim P.T................................ 92 Ray, Jane D.C...........................57, 61 Raynak, Jan M.D............................ 78 Rector, James B. M.D..................... 85 Redal, Leif A. M.D........................... 72 Reed, Don L.C.S.W......................... 78 Refaeli, Traci M.D......................88, 97 Reghitto, Mike R. M.D..................... 66 Reichlin, Kevin F. D.C...................... 61 Reid, James G. M.D..................85, 96 Reidhead, Amy D.C., R.N..........57, 61 Reilly, JoHannah N.D., L.Ac......57, 80 Reims, Randolph M.D..................... 83 Reish, Alex D.O............................... 72 Reisman, Alan D.D.S................64, 84 Reitinger, Russell George M.D........ 82 Rentschler, Lindsey M.D................. 66 Repine, Michael J. M.D.................. 85 Rettig, Roger M.S.P.T...................... 92 Reynolds, Bryan J. M.D.................. 60 Reynolds, Kirk M.D......................... 85 Reynolds, Melissa M.D.............88, 97 Rhoades, Angie RDH...................... 64 Rhodes, Jason M.D., M.S.........85, 88 Richardson, Bo P.T.......................... 92 Richker, Jeffrey Owen M.D............. 72 Richker, Jeffrey Owen M.D............. 89 Riddle, Kevin C.M.T......................... 76 Rieffel, Laura M. Ph.D..................... 79 Rifkin, John R. Ph.D........................ 79 Rimar, Maureen P.T., B.C.S.T.......... 92 Ripoll-Bunn, Emilia A. M.D.............. 97 Roach, Susan I. M.D....................... 72 Robbins, Ina Ed.D........................... 79 Roberts, William A. M.D.................. 68 Robertson, Susan J. M.D................ 72 Robinson, David D. Ph.D................. 79 Robinson, Irina M.D........................ 67 Robinson, Ronald R. M.D................ 58 Robinson, Terry E. M.D................... 68 Rock, Garret D.C............................. 61 Rock, Garret D.C............................. 72 Rodgers, Jeremy D.C..................... 61 Roffis, Jack O.D.............................. 68 Rogers, Charles Peter M.D., F.A.C.C...................... 60 Rogge, Cliff D.D.S........................... 64 Rolfson, Debra H. M.D.................... 89 Rollins, Charles J. M.D.................... 58 Rollins, Charlie M.D........................ 58 Romary, Molly E. M.D..................... 82 Rooney, Anna M.D.......................... 72 Ropek, Cynthia M.A., L.P.C............. 79 Rosen, Gary B. M.D........................ 79 Rosenthal, Lila M.D........................ 72 Rosquist, Patti R. M.D..................... 89 Rossier, Ellen L.C.S.W..................... 79 Roswell, Kelley M.D..................89, 97 Rothstein, Micah W. M.D................ 68 Royer, Kristen M.D.......................... 72 Rozeski, Jason E. M.D.................... 66 Rucker, Emily J. D.C....................... 61 Rudden, D’Anne AU.D.................... 59 Rupp, Gerald M.D........................... 85 Rush, Adam J. M.D......................... 72 Russell, George R. M.D................... 65 Ryan, Colleen M.D.......................... 74 Ryan, Melanie S. M.D..................... 74 Ryg, Jeff P.T., D.P.T., O.C.S., A.T.C., C.S.C.S..................... 92 Sabo, Tonia M.D.............................. 81 Sacchi, Vanessa M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P..95 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT INDEX OF MEDICAL PHYSICIANS AND PRACTITIONERS MD 2014 | 103 Lepine, Lisa M.D............................. 82 Lerner, Kimberly D. M.D................. 66 Leslie, Bennett Psy.D...................... 78 Letkomiller, Lorena M.D................. 75 Levine, Richard G. M.D................... 65 Levine, Robert H. M.D..................... 74 Lewis, Dennis D.D.S....................... 63 Lewis, Holly M.D............................. 75 Lewis, Sarah E. O.D........................ 68 Liebentritt, Matthew A. D.O............ 71 Lillydahl, William C. M.D................. 65 Lindholm, Laura M.D...................... 82 Lindseth, Erik M.D....................88, 96 Ling, Sheila M.D............................. 75 Lipetz, Valerie E. M.D...................... 75 Lischwe, Thomas J. M.D................ 71 Long, Lori A. M.D......................75, 83 Longenecker, Gail S L.C.M............. 76 Longoria, Adelina M.D.................... 71 Lu, Jean M. M.D............................. 71 Lucas, Jerry J. O.D......................... 68 Luce, W. David M.D........................ 75 Luchau, Til Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Movement Practitioner................... 94 Lund, Deborah S. M.D.................... 66 Lund, Mara Lynn O.P.T., O.C.S........ 91 Luther, Leah M.P.T.......................... 91 Lutt, Joseph R. M.D........................ 94 INDEX OF MEDICAL PHYSICIANS AND PRACTITIONERS 104 | MD 2014 Saeks, Adam D.D.S........................ 64 Saige, Lori M................................... 92 Salas-Meyers, Monica M.D............ 72 Saliman, Laurel M.D.................85, 89 Saltonstall, Robin Ph.D................... 92 Samuelson, Lisa M.D..................... 89 Sanchez, Darrell Ph.D., Certified Advanced Rolfer......................... 95 Sanders, Carolyn M.D..................... 72 Santos, Jay M.D.......................89, 97 Sarinopoulos, Mark M.D................. 72 Sarko, Daniel M.D........................... 89 Sauza, Juan D.D.S.......................... 64 Scatena, Lisa Hackney M.D........... 65 Schaefer, Jack M.Ac.....57, 59, 76. 85 Schaffer, Michael M.D.................... 89 Schaffter, Carolyn Sue M.D............ 82 Schane, Mark D. M.D..................... 89 Schaten, Robin L. M.D.................... 89 Scheidenhelm, Lynn L.C.S.W...72, 79 Scheidies, Jennifer D.D.S............... 64 Scherr, Fred M.D............................. 83 Schiesser, Robin L.Ac., Dipl. OM.... 57 Schiller, Lanning S. Ph.D................ 79 Schlafly, Jeanie Marie D.O............. 58 Schmid, Peter M. M.D.................... 65 Schmidt, Donald D.C...................... 61 Schneider, Sarit C.N.M................... 80 Schoech, Honor M.D...................... 76 Scholes, Melissa M.D...............65, 89 Schoolcraft, William M.D................ 82 Schultz, John F. D.C., F.I.A.M.A....................57, 61 Schutte, Warren P. M.D................... 93 Schutz, John A. M.D....................... 60 Schwartz, David B. D.O.M.P......76, 86 Schwarz, Jacqueline A. Ph.D.......... 79 Scrimgeour, David L.Ac.................. 57 Seifers, Luke D.C......................57, 61 Seitz, Adele Au.D............................ 59 Seng, Khemarin M.D...................... 85 Serlen, Melissa M.D....................... 89 Sessions, Bruce D.D.S.................... 64 Sewell, Andrew D.D.S.................... 64 Sewell, Doug D.M.D....................... 64 Shackelton, Mary MPH, ND............ 80 Shah, Nirav R. M.D......................... 85 Shah-Elzinga, Grishma S. M.D....... 89 Shahidi, Bahar P.T., D.P.T...........85, 92 Shannon, Rachel L.C.S.W.......72, 799 Shapiro, Jed S. M.D........................ 79 Sharma, Rajesh M.D...................... 60 Shea, Brian T. D.O........................... 72 Shea, Kerry D.O.............................. 82 Sheeks, Cynthia M. D.D.S.............. 64 Sheets, Alison Leslie M.D............... 66 Shell, Michael G. D.O...................... 92 Shelton, Brenda Kay D.C................ 61 Shepherd, Carolyn Muriel M.D....... 72 Sheridan, Audrey L. M.D................. 82 Shimoda, Mako M.D....................... 83 Shirar, Elane M.D............................ 72 Shonka, Thomas E. D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S................................... 73 Shore, Michael E. D.D.S................. 64 Shove, Laura M.S., P.T.................... 92 Shriver, Ginger D.C......................... 61 Sibley, Lonnie M. D.D.S.................. 84 Siegfried, Jill L. M.D........................ 72 Sigmond, Donna RD, LAc, LCh, Dipl OM, CLT, FAAFM, ABAAHP..........................57, 59, 65 Simmons, Rachel M.D.................... 65 Simmons, Suzanne M.D...........74, 76 Simone, Susan P.T.......................... 92 Simonson, Jennifer O.D................. 68 Simpson, C. Kelley M.D.................. 83 Singer, Dawn C.M.T........................ 76 Sinoway, Patricia A. M.D................. 65 Sisson, Brad M.D......................86, 92 Sitarik, Mark A. M.D........................ 83 Skromme, Allan G. D.D.S................ 64 Skyler, Jenni Ph.D., M.S.Ed............ 79 Smedley, Ryan O.D......................... 68 Smith, April P.T................................ 92 Smith, Christopher M.D............65, 93 Smith, Christy M.D...................89, 97 Smith, Dade P.T.,D.P.T..................... 92 Smith, Hunter R. M.D...................... 93 Smith, Jeffrey O.D.......................... 68 Smith, Michael Ph.D....................... 79 Smith, Robert M. D.P.M.................. 73 Smith, Samuel E. M.D.................... 85 Smith, Stephanie Psy.D.................. 79 Smith, Susan M.D....................89, 97 Smouse, Jason H. M.D................... 86 Sneddon, Wallace A. M.D............... 58 Snow, Lori M.S.P.T., O.C.S.............. 92 Soder, Stephanie C.M.T.................. 76 Soper, Ernest T. Ph.D...................... 79 Soper, Joan C. Ph.D........................ 79 Sorensen, Lief Anders M.D............. 86 Sovndal, Shannon S. M.D.........66, 97 Spears, Karin G. M.D...................... 83 Sperry, Corydon S. M.D.................. 72 Spine, John M. D.O......................... 72 Spivey, Courtney D.P.T.................... 92 Sposito, Rose L.Ac....................57, 79 Sprague, Jonathan M.D................. 74 Squire, Douglas L. D.D.S................ 84 St. Pierre, Eric D.C., DACBSP, CSCS......61, 72 Stanford, Rita L.Ac....................57, 76 Stanley, Jack K. D.O....................... 72 Stanley, Sharon D.O..................57, 86 Stapleton, Julie A. M.D................... 92 Stathis, John P. M.D........................ 60 Statley, Wesley E. D.C..................... 61 Steed, Ritchie H. D.P.M................... 73 Steinbaugh, John R. M.D................ 65 Steinberg, Lowell O.D..................... 68 Steitz, David L. M.D........................ 89 Stevens, Angela M. C.N.M.............. 80 Stevens, Rebecca L.Ac................... 57 Stewart, Richard M.D..................... 68 Stidham, Timothy M.D..............89, 97 Stillwell, Paul M.D.....................89, 93 Stilp, Sonja M.D........................85, 92 Stjernholm, Melvin M.D.................. 67 Stoica, Cristina M.D........................ 58 Stokes, Timothy B. Ph.D................. 79 Stoll, E. Jordan M.D........................ 85 Stoll, Stephanie P.T., D.P.T.........83, 92 Stone, Pamela J.B. M.D............83, 84 Strange, David Malcolm Jr., D.D.S..64 Strates, Elene M.D.......................... 67 Stratton, Barbara M.A., L.M.F.T....... 79 Streubel, Sven Olrik M.D..........65, 89 Suan, Keith D.O........................57, 86 Suddath, Richard L. M.D................ 79 Suding, Paul M.D............................ 95 Sullivan , Meredith O.T.................... 92 Sullivan, Lisa D.P.M........................ 73 Sullivan, Paul R. M.D...................... 66 Summers, Corbett D.D.S................ 64 Susskind, Karin M.D....................... 72 Sutton, Phillip D. Ph.D...............79, 86 Swail, Jeffrey T. M.D....................... 93 Swander, Whitney Au.D.................. 59 Swann, Scott M.P.T., O.C.S., C.S.C.S............................ 92 MEDICAL AND WELLNESS DIRECTORY T Tainey, Phyllis L.C.S.W., C.A.C. III.... 79 Tainsh, Cynthia Shearn M.D........... 81 Talamantes, Lisa M.D..................... 72 Talusani, Sachin K. M.D.................. 94 Tamblyn, Jennifer M.D................... 76 Tanenbaum, Marc H. M.D.............. 72 Tangel, Douglas Joaquim M.D....... 93 Tanner, David D.O.....................86, 92 Tanney, Diana C. M.D..................... 89 Taran, Kristy D.D.S.......................... 64 Tawa, Charles E. M.D..................... 72 Taylor, Angela C. M.D...................... 74 Taylor, Sandra J. M.D...................... 95 TerKonda, Raj P. M.D................65, 93 Terpenning, Laura B. M.D............... 89 Terry, Douglas J. D.C...................... 61 Thayer, David O. M.D...................... 83 Theeman, Marge Ph.D., M.S.W...... 79 Thomm, Maureen D.C..............61, 92 Thompson, Michael C. M.D............ 97 Thompson, Roy W. M.D., F.A.C.C.... 60 Tilton, Elisha P. M.D........................ 68 Timlin, Scott.................................... 64 Tobey, John M.D............................. 92 Todd, Christopher M.D.................... 72 Tonks, Michael K. M.D.................... 58 Torrence, Sue M.S., P.T., A.T.C........ 92 Townsend, Jennina D.D.S.............. 64 Tran, Nguyet-Anh (Theresa) M.D.......................86, 94 Tran, Teresa Thi M.D....................... 94 Trask, William M.D.......................... 58 Tripp, Warren M.D........................... 68 Trojanovich, Christopher A. M.D..... 76 Trujillo, Jr., Nelson P. M.D., F.A.C.C..60 Tsai, Katherine Shuang-Chyuang M.D................ 59 Tschoepe, Barbara Ann Ph.D., P.T..92 Turnbow, Joe F. M.D.................66, 72 Turner, D. Todd M.D........................ 74 Turner, Lisa A. M.D.......................... 89 U/V Unger, Robert Ph.D......................... 79 Utlaut, Niles M.D............................. 68 Valen, Catherine D.C....................... 61 Valencia, Warren H. M.D................. 76 Van Buskirk, Cathleen S. M.D......... 85 Van Eimeren, William Arthur M.D... 72 Van Hook, Charles J. M.D............... 93 Van Horne, Ann D.O..................89, 97 Van Konynenburg, Kristin M.D....... 72 Vann, Patrick R. Ed.D...................... 79 VanSambeek, Rachel M.D........89, 97 Vanzura, Eric J. D.O..................72, 86 Vastenburg, Antoinette P.T.............. 92 Venables, Anne M.H.Sc., C.C.C....... 95 Vidal, Armando F. M.D.................... 85 Villavicencio, Alan T. M.D................ 81 Villavicencio, Karrie M.D...........60, 89 Visger, Sean D.D.S.......................... 64 Voss, Lynn A. M.D........................... 85 W Wagnaar, Jeff P.T., M.B.A................ 92 Wagner, William James M.D.......... 81 Wahl, William Brent M.D................. 94 Waldron, Audrey P.T., D.P.T............. 92 Walker, Arzelia Ph.D........................ 79 Walker, K. Lynn M.D....................... 72 Walker, Stephen Ph.D..................... 79 Wallace, Hilary M.D........................ 76 Wallace, Mary M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P., B.R.F.S......... 95 Walton, Patty M.A., C.C.C.-S.L.P..... 95 Wang, Dale S. M.D......................... 66 Ware, Molly G. M.D......................... 60 Warhurst, Craig E. D.C.................... 62 Warm, Ted M.D............................... 59 Warm, Theodore T. M.D.................. 59 Warner, Dee N.P.C........................... 72 Warner, Richard M.D...................... 79 Warren, J. Douglas M.D................. 65 Wassberg, Doug L.C.S.W................ 79 Watson, Christopher M.D............... 72 Watson, Jo Ann M.D....................... 73 Watts, Clifford K. M.D..................... 97 Wear, Kelley M.D............................ 96 Weaver, Alexandra M.D.................. 73 Webb, Seneca D.P.T........................ 92 Weber, Christina A. D.P.M............... 73 Weber, Megan M.D......................... 65 Weber, Philip F. M.D........................ 73 Weber, Yvonne B. D.P.M.................. 73 Webster, J. Christopher M.D........... 97 Weddel, Stephen J. M.D................. 59 Weigel, Dennis L.Ac........................ 57 Weinberg, Ruth K. M.D................... 83 Weiner-Davis, Michele L.C.S.W...... 79 Weisman, Stuart M. M.D................ 94 Weiss, Hope L.C.S.W...................... 79 Weisz, Rachel M.D....................89, 97 Weksler, Juan Eduardo M.D........... 60 Wendt, John D.C............................. 62 Wenokor, William M.D.................... 79 Wepman, Carolyn Jo M.D.............. 83 Werner, Sarah C. M.D..................... 73 Wertz, Michael P. M.D..................... 85 Wesley, Richard L.P.C..................... 79 West, Gordon H. D.D.S.................... 64 West, Kristen N.D................57, 76, 84 Westra, Stephen J. L.P.C................. 79 Wharton, Karen O.D........................ 68 White, Daniel S. M.D., F.A.C.C........ 60 White, Evan D.C.............................. 62 Whitedove, Linda L.Ac.................... 57 Whitehouse, Bob Ed.D.................... 79 Whitestone, Christopher D.D.S....... 64 Whitling, David M. M.D................... 66 Wickersham, Nicholas M.D............ 94 Wieder, Drigan D. M.D.................... 85 Wilcox, Thomas M. M.D.................. 93 Wilensky, Bonnie C.N.S.................. 73 Williams, Galen L.Ac....................... 57 Williams, Margie D.D.S................... 64 Williams, William J. M.D................. 85 Williamson, Mary M.D.................... 66 Wilson, Pamela M.D.................89, 92 Wind, Marc D.C.............................. 62 Winnicki, Jeffrey D.D.S................... 64 Winquist, Heidi D.D.S..................... 64 Winters, Amy M.S.W., L.C.S.W........ 79 Wisner, Mark D.O............................ 73 Wisoff, Douglas P.T......................... 92 Wolf, Howard M.D.......................... 73 Wolfe, Honora L.Ac......................... 57 Wolfe, Laird S. M.D......................... 66 Wolford, Jane O.D........................... 68 Wong, Jean-Marc M.D................... 79 Wong, Jeffrey D.D.S., M.S.............. 64 Wood, Peter D. M.D........................ 85 Wray, Jackie O.D............................ 68 Wright, Michael J. M.D................... 89 Wright, Ralph “Buz” M.D................ 84 Wu, Ming-Jay Jeffery M.D............. 66 Wudel, Amy M.D.......................89, 97 Wynett, Jana M.D........................... 73 Y/Z Yakel, James David D.P.M.............. 73 Yan, Pei Fen L.Ac............................ 57 Yeash, James M. D.O..................... 73 Yeung, Elizabeth M.D................60, 89 Yoon, Patricia M.D....................66, 89 Yurth, Elizabeth E. M.D.............86, 92 Zacharias, Alan S. M.D................... 81 Zacharias, Eric M.D........................ 76 Zang, Angela M.D.....................89, 97 Zang, Peter M.D........................89, 97 Zarlengo, Wayne D.D.S................... 64 Zeligs, Michael A. M.D.................... 59 Zellner, Jack D.C............................. 62 Zhang, Julie Jiayu L.Ac., O.M.D..... 57 Zimmermann, Zoe M.A., L.P.C..79, 86 Zona, Michael M.D...................79, 81 Zorrilla, Ruben E. M.D..................... 73 Zublin, Guy M. M.D......................... 92 Zuck, Mark M.P.T............................ 93 Zyvoloski, Thomas D.D.S................ 64 BOULDER COUNTY BUSINESS REPORT PULSE What’s Next for Health-Care Reform? Nov. 12, 2013 BREAKFAST 7:30 am to 1:30 pm KEYNOTE SPEAKER Plaza Conference Center in Longmont PRESIDENT AND CEO, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System and Chair of the Exempla Healthcare Board of Directors MICHAEL SLUBOWSKI BREAKFAST KEYNOTE SPEAKER JANDEL ALLEN-DAVIS MD 303-440-4950 | www.bcbr.com VICE PRESIDENT, Government and external relations, Kaiser Permanente WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Business owners, hospital administrators, health-care and insurance executives, human-resource officers and government officials. SPONSORED BY Contact us about 2014 Sponsorship Changing The Caring Experience... Ask & Choose. Understand your choices. Choose the best health option for you. 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