HTG-12-62 - City of Oshawa
HTG-12-62 - City of Oshawa
HTG-12-62 Heritage Oshawa, Heritage Salvage Working Group Report, June 8, 2012 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2867 Bridle Road North - Ontario ministry of Transportation #CM18 Subject property is located on the southern edge of lot 10, Concession 6 th - mid-19 century 1% storey dwelling, garage, shed and barn Impacted by partial displacement STUDY AREA DWELLING, NORTHWEST ELEVATION OUTBUILDING SOUTHEAST ELEVATION Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2867 Bridle Road North, page 2 Moderate cultural heritage value - Not listed on the City of Oshawa's Inventory of Heritage Properties 1802 Crown Patent - lot 10, Concession 6, in the former Township of East Whitby, County of Ontario, to Joel Prinelle - acquired by Benjamin Booth 1813 sold to Joshua Booth 1831 acquired by John Harper 1834 sold southern portion to Richard Harper 1851 Personal Census notes a 1 storey frame house 1860 Tremaine's Map of the County of Ontario notes a farmhouse in approximately the same location as the subject farmhouse 1878 sold southern portion to Richard Power by executors for Richard Harper 1891 Census Returns notes a 1Yo storey frame house with ten rooms 1925 sold to James Moore 1946 sold to Steve and Annie Vasko 2012 sold to MTO Lands were held in the Vasko family for 66 years Landscape Salvage List various items Building Salvage List • Foundation stone Original banister on second floor landing . j Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2867 Bridle Road North, page 3 Panelled and vertical board doors and hardware Door hardware in dwelling and outbuildings Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report Salvage List - page 95 Heritage Oshawa, Heritage Salvage Working Group Report, June 8, 2012 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage Listfor 1054 Winchester Road East - Ministry of Transportation Site #CM26 Subject property is located on south-east corner of 5, Concession 6 th - mid- 20 century dwelling , garage Directly impacted, full displacement STUDY AREA SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 1054 Winchester Road East, page 2 Low-moderate cultural heritage value - Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report, page 13: "not recognized by the City of Oshawa as a property of cultural heritage interest" 1801 Crown Patent -southerly half of lot 5 Concession 6, in the former Township of East Whitby, County of Ontario, to George Cascallen and subsequently to Edwin Cascallen 1841 sold south east quarter of lot to John Parraman 1953 sold to Greta May McCormack for $360 - great, great granddaughter of John Parra man 1965 sold part lot to Douglas and Phyllis Scott 1973 sold part lot to Stanley and Louise McCormack 1995 sold part lot to Douglas and Diana McCormack 2009 MTO purchased Lands were held in the Parraman/McCormack family for 168 years Landscape salvage List Yucca, Iris, Hosta, Peony, misc bulbs (tulip, daffodil), misc Building Salvage List Foundation stone front door original hardware - 1950's style design, 3 elongated lights that taper to a point Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report Salvage List - page 34 6 Heritage Oshawa. Heritage Savage Working Group Report. June 8.2012 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2951 Simcoe Street North - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Site # CM16 Subject property is located on the southerly half of lot 12, Concession 6 - 19th century dwelling, attached 20th century garage Direct impact to the subject property involving full displacement • STUDY AREA DWELLING, WEST ELEVATION DWELLING, SOUTH ELEVATION DWELLING AND GARAGE SECTIONS, SOUTH ELEVATION, - / Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2951 Simcoe Street North, page 2 Moderate to high cultural heritage value - Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report, Executive summary: "The subject property is listed in the City of Oshawa's Inventory of Heritage Properties." - Heritage Oshawa Inventory, published February 2011, page 2: Class B 1839 Crown Patent - south portion of lot 12 Concession 6, to Thomas Wilcox (1837 Toronto and Home District Directory notes Thomas Wilcockson lived on the site prior to Crown Patent) - 1851 census notes Thomas Wilcockson lived in 1 storey frame house, a tavern owner - 1861 census notes dwelling was 1 Y, storey frame house 1875 passed to his son, Thomas Jr. - 1877 Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Ontario notes Thomas and Robert Wilcockson co-owned the property on which there were two farmhouses located north of the creek - 1891 census notes a 1Y, storey dwelling with 9 rooms 1914 passed to Frank Wilcockson and others (Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report page 7, section 3.3.1) 1940 sold to Elmer Powell 1967 sold to Windfields Farm - 1967 survey of sale notes 1 storey frame house with stucco, concrete back garage, barn with silo 2010 sold to MTO Lands held in the Wilcockson family for over 100 years. Landscape Salvage List Forsythia Building Salvage List Basement door lintel: initials "FW" carved into lintel, possibly by a Wilcockson family member Door and hardware (garage entry) Foundation stone Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report Salvage List - pages 87 and 88 8 Heritage Oshawa, Heritage Salvage Working Group Report, June 8, 2012 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2820 Simcoe Street North - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Site #CM 15 Subject property is located on the southerly half of lot 13, Concession 6 th - 19 century 1 % storey dwelling, attached garage, barns, sheds - Granary building was relocated from Elm Croft Farms (Windfields Farm) in the first half of th the 20 century (Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report, page 29) Direct impact, very high disruption to the subject property, involving displacement STUDY AREA DWELLING, NORTH ELEVATION DWELLING, SOUTH ELEVATION Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2820 Simcoe Street North, page 2 CROFT FARMS /WINDFIELDS FARM) Moderate to high cultural heritage value - Not listed on the City of Oshawa's Inventory of Heritage Properties 1803 Crown Patent - lot 13, Concession 6, in the former Township of East Whitby, County of Ontario to H. McCormick 1816 sold to Thomas Dickson 1824 sold south half to Samuel Jarvis 1834 sold to Elisha Doolittle 1836 sold north half to William Proudfoot 1851 Personal Census Returns note a 1 storey frame house on the south lot 1861 Personal Census Returns note a 111, storey frame house on the south lot 1871 Census notes two dwelling houses and three barns/stables 1877 Historical Atlas notes a farmhouse located north of the creek 1881 Census Return notes one house occupied and a second house uninhabited 1887 Deed of Exchange notes 50 acres sold to Henry Doolittle, son 1891 sold to son, Moses Doolittle - Personal Census Returns note the family lived in a 111, storey frame house 1922 acquired by Hiram Dearborn 1941 sold to Elmer Powell by Mrs. Dearborn 1963 sold to Vern and Helen Powell 2011 sold to MTO Lands were held in the Doolittle family for 88 years 1(j Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2820 Simcoe Street North, page 3 Landscape Salvage List Hosta, Peony Building Salvage List Foundation stone in basement Granary upper window - see photograph on page 2 and Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report, Plate 71 1 century enclosed staircase intact , tread , stringboard and banister - Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report, Plate 37 Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report List of Salvageable Materials - pages 90 and 91 Heritage Oshawa, Heritage Salvage Working Group Report, June 8,2012 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 1020 Winchester Road East - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Site #CM24 Subject property is located on the southerly edge of lot 5, Concession 6 - mid to late 19th century barn Direct impact to the subject property involving full displacement SOUTH ELEVATION 12 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 1020 Winchester Road East. page 2 BARN OPPER lEVEL BARN, GROUND LEVEL, STABLES BARN NORTH ELEVATION Moderate heritage significance - Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report, Executive Summary: "The structure is not listed on the City of Oshawa's Heritage Inventory of Architecturally and/or Historically Significant Resources." Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 1020 Winchester Road East. page 3 1801 Crown Patent - south half of lot 5 Concession 6, in the Township of East Whitby, County of Ontario, to George Cascallen, then transferred to Edwin Cacallen - Edwin Cascallen divided the 100ac lot in two halves 1841 sold south-west portion to Thomas Burns (barn is located on this property) - 1851 Census Returns note Burns lived in a one storey log house 1856 sold south-east portion to John Parraman 1856 sold south-west lot to William Smith - 1861 Census Returns note William Smith lived in 1Y, st frame building - 1871 Census Returns note 3 barns on the property - 1877 historical mapping shows house on SIW corner of lot 1882 sold to Robert Scott - 1891 census shows 1 Y, storey frame house, 9 rooms 1914 sold to son James Gordon Scott 1960 sold to Alvin Scott, who buys out other siblings for ownership of the lot 1987 sold to Courtice Auto Wreckers 2009 sold to MTO Land was in the Scott family for over 100 years Landscape Salvage List Nil Building Salvage List Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 1020 Winchester Road East, page 4 Post and rail fence to east, Plate 22 Cultura l Heritage Evaluation Report, Salvage List - Nil 1J Heritage Oshawa, Heritage Salvage Working Group Report, June 8,2012 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 980 Winchester Road East - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Site CM43 City map (OLl) has address as 976 Winchester Road Subject property is located on lots 5 and 6, Concession 6 - mid-19th century frame dwelling (the subject property) - late 20 th century house to the west - not part of this report - 19th century barn to the east, at 1020 Winchester Road East, is a separate Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report Impact through disruption; encroachment is expected to limit access to the property STUDY AREA SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION 16 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 980 Winchester Road East. Page 2 Moderate to high cultural heritage value - Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report, page 7, #2.5: " ... The subject property is not listed on the City of Oshawa's Heritage Inventory. However, a review of the City of Oshawa's online mapping indicates that the address of the subject property should be 976 Winchester Road East, rather than 980 Winchester Road East. It is unclear why there is a discrepancy between the City's and the MTO's records. The property at 976 Winchester Road East is listed on the City of Oshawa's Heritage Inventory with an estimated construction date of 1840. The inventory indicates that no research has previously been undertaken. - The Heritage Oshawa Inventory, dated February 2011, lists neither address. It is listed on a search of the Heritage Oshawa web site as 976 Winchester Road East Search th e Municipal Heritage Council's inventory database fo r heritage homes in you r neighbourhood. En ter street name: ~'inchester I Search I e.g . Enter -thornton" fer Thornton Road Search Re sults for: Winchester Results 1 to 7 of 7 Property Name Date Built Re search? Designated? Address 590 Winchester Rd. E. 1870 No 976 Winche ster Rd . E. 1840 No 1801 Crown patent - south half of lot 5, Concession 6, granted to George Cascallen , transferred to Edward Cascallen who divided into two equal parts 1841 sold west half to Thomas Burns - 1851 census shows Thomas Burns in 1 storey log house on lot 6 1856 sold to William Smith - 1861 census shows Wm Smith lived in 1 % storey dwelling - 1871 census shows Wm Smith owned 1 dwelling plus 3 barns/stables 1882 sold to son-in-law Robert Scott - 1891 census shows Robert Scott lived in 1 % storey farmhouse with 9 rooms - 1901 census shows Robert Scott lived in farm house with 10 rooms with 1 dwelling, 4 barns/stables 1914 sold to youngest son, James Gordon Scott 1960 Alvin Scott, son of James Scott, becomes sole owner 1987 sold to Courtice Auto Wreckers 2009 sold to MTO Property was in the Smith/Scott family for over 130 years 1i Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 980 Winchester Road East. Page 3 Landscape Salvage List Peony, Iris, Hosta, Daylily Building Salvage List Door and hardware, second floor Linoleum in north-east bedroom Plate 54 18 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 980 Winchester Road East, Page 4 Oil cloth, Plate 58 Door hardware, Plate 59 Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report. Salvage List - pages 92,93 and 94 1CJ Heritage Oshawa, Heritage Salvage Working Group Report, June 8, 2012 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2940 Wilson Road North - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Site #CM 23 Subject property is located on the southerly edge of lot 7, Concession 6 th - 19 century dwelling and 4 outbuildings; woodshed, garage, implement shed, barn complex, covered feedlot Direct impact to the subject property involving full displacement We were unable to access any outbuildings on the property as they had not been cleared by the previous owner. The property sale had just recently closed .. Moderate to high cultural heritage value - Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report page 6: "The subject property is listed in the City of Oshawa's inventory of heritage properties under Category A: highest potential for designation." - Heritage Oshawa Inventory published February 2011, page 10: Class A 2CJ Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2940 Wilson Road North, Page 2 1801 Crown Patent - part of lot 7, Concession 6,in the former Township of East Whitby, County of Ontario, to John Carscallin 1830 sold to Robert Graham 1835 sold northern third (50ac) to George Lyle 1837 granted eastern half of southern 2/3rds (75ac) to son James Graham - sold to brother Henry Graham 1870's sold to John Bradley by Annie Graham, daughter of Henry Graham - sold to Edward Reesor - 1871 census notes one house and one barn, Bible Christian church on south-west corner of lot 1902 granted to son Herbert Reesor 1925 sold to son-in-law Robert Garland 1933 sold to Ruth Lillian Down 2012 current resident, Mr. Donald Down 2012 sold to MTO Lands were held in the Reesor family for approximately 60 years Landscape Salvage List Peony, Iris, Hollyhock, Rhubarb, Asparagus Building Salvage List Porch gingerbread trim, Plate 8 2 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2940 Wilson Road North, Page 3 Date stone at Barn, Plate 101 Front door, outside Front door inside 2L Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2940 Wilson Road North Page 4 Lower newel post Original door hardware throughout Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report, Salvage List - pages 108 and 109 Heritage Oshawa, Heritage Salvage Working Group Report, June 8, 2012 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2940 Ritson Road North - Ontario Ministry of Transportation #CM20 Subject property is located on the southerly edge of lot 9, Concession 6 - 2 storey stone dwelling, barn ruins, outbuildings, silo Impacted by partial displacement O.S km 't" -' ~ ArmaeolOlic.a1S ervices Ill(. h SCAlE Figure 1: loc ation or st udy area in the City Of Oshawa. Ontario NTS Map: oshawa . 30M/ l S STUDY AREA BUILDING LOCATIONS CIRCA 1860 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2940 Ritson Road North, page 2 DWELLIING, EAST ELEVATION DWELLING, NORTH ELEVATION Moderate to high cultural heritage value - Heritage Oshawa Inventory, published February 2011, page 7: Class A - Research report done in 1997 2J Comprehensive Heritage Salvage Listfor 2940 Ritson Road North, page 3 1832 Crown Patent -lot 9, Concession 6 in the former Township of East Whitby, County of Ontario, granted to the Canada Company 1839 sold to Henry Hicks 1843 sold to John Campbell - 1848 Assessment Rolls note frame house and sawmill - 1851 Census notes water-powered sawmill 1854 sold to Thomas Coutts 1861 Census notes 1 Y, storey stone house 1868 sold to son-in-law Edward Cole 1907 transferred to wife and son, Martha Ann Cole and Hartnell Cole 1946 sold to Stavro Elia 1960 sold to his children 2009 sold to MTO Lands were held in the Coutts/Cole family for 73 years Landscape Salvage List Norway Spruce in front yard (as per HTG-12-36) Building Salvage List Door/window hardware 26 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 2940 Ritson Road North, page 4 Wooden brackets Cattle poster in shed Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report, Salvage List - page 75 2i Heritage Oshawa, Heritage Salvage Working Group Report, June 8,2012 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 590 Winchester Road East - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Site #CM 21 Subject property is located on southerly edge of lot 8, Concession 6 th - 19 century 1 % storey dwelling with 20 th century addition, 1 barn, 1 barn ruins Direct Impact to the subject property involving partial displacement N J ~ DWELLING, EAST ELEVATION ... DWELLING, WEST ELEVATION 28 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 590 Winchester Road East. page 2 20 TH CENTURY BARN. NORTHWEST ELEVATION AND EAST ELEVATION Moderate to high cultural heritage value - Heritage Oshawa Inventory, published February 2011, page 25: Class B 1802 Crown Patent - part lots 8 and 9, Concession 6, in the former Township of East Whitby, Ontario County, to H. McDonnell 1820 sold to John Cumming 1823 sold to Hart Logan - assumed by James Logan (presumably his son) 1842 sold to John Woodwork 1849 sold to Walter Hill - 1851 census notes a 1 storey log house - 1861 census notes a 1 storey frame house - 1891 census notes a 1% storey frame house 1902 sold to son-in-law John Nesbitt 1955 sold to son, Russell Scott Nesbitt 2000 sold to John and Nancy Williams 2011 sold to MTO Lands were held in the Hill/Nesbitt family for over 150 years Landscape Salvage List Clematis, Hosta, Iris, Hydrangea, Apple 29 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 590 Winchester Road East, page 3 Building Salvage List ~~;;;jfo;~ta~tij;;o~n~s:t;to~n~e, Lightening rod on barn Plate 10 3U Newel post/balusters Plate 71 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 590 Winchester Road East. page 4 Plate 110 Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report Salvage List - pages 122, 123, 124 3 Heritage Oshawa. Heritage Salvage Working Group Report. June 8.20102 Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 268 Winchester Road West - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Site #CM12 Subject property is located on the southerly edge of lot 15, Concession 6 - 19th century stone house, horse barn, garage with apartment, workshop, pool house, pump house, pool, and peacock pens Direct impact to the subject property .. STUDY AREA SITE PLAN DWELLING SOUTH ELEVATION DWELLING NORTH ELEVATION 3L Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 268 Winchester Road West. page 2 BARN, SOUTH ELEVATION GARAGE/APARTMENT WEST ELEVATION BARN, NORTH-EAST ELEVATION FRONT TERRACES, LAWN AND POOL Heritage Oshawa Inventory, page 1: Designated property, July 2004 1803 Crown Patent - lot 15, Concession 6, in the former Township of East Whitby, County of Ontario, granted to Arthur McCormick 1816 sold to Thomas Dickson 1836 sold south portion of the lot to William Proudfoot by Mary Dickson 1844 sold to John Magner 1861 Census notes a log cabin at an unspecified location on the property 1891 census notes a two storey stone house 1901 sold to Samual Stocks by executor, son George Peter Magner - bequeathed to his son Norman James Stocks 1916 sold to James Lyon 1943 sold to Edna Ellen Patterson by Annie Isabel Lyon 1944 sold to Charles Norman Robson 1989 transferred to Americana Hold ings ltd. , - 1989 transferred to Ursula Mary Gurney Robson - 1992 transferred to Sandra Robson 1995 sold to MTO Property was in the Magner family for 55 years, Robson family for 51 years 3) Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 268 Winchester Road West. page 3 Landscape Salvage List Iris, Peony, Hollyhock, Oaylily, Ginkgo cutting Building Salvage List and Examples Window hardware including any counter weights Foundation stone Fireplace surround and hearth in living room -- \ Interior door knobs, hinges and locks or latches Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 268 Winchester Road West. page 4 Light fixtures Banister, newel post, stairs, pickets in basement 3J Comprehensive Heritage Salvage List for 268 Winchester Road West, page 5 Fireplace surrou nd ; tiles and hearth in the master bed room .....7,{-J