Spring Newsletter 2011


Spring Newsletter 2011
Community Edition, Spring 2011
VIP Services, Inc.
811 East Geneva Street
Volume 11, Issue 1
Elkhorn, WI
2010 Individual Achievement Honorees (below)
include: (first row) Tina Drews (Delavan),
Adam Ehlen (Lyons), Val Percente
(Lake Geneva) and Kathy Tully (Delavan);
(middle row) Scott Sims (Burlington),
Alex Whitmore (Genoa City), Ed Zwieg
(Elkhorn) and Fawn Sontag (Delavan);
(back row) Cynthia Gritsonis (Delavan),
Jonathan Stuesser (Delavan), Michael Snodie
(Lake Geneva) and Ronald Duell (Whitewater).
Over 250 family members, friends
and staff gathered at Evergreen Golf
Club on February 10, 2011 to honor
the twelve VIP Services clients
named as outstanding individual
achievement honorees during 2010.
The Individual Achievement Award of
the Year was presented to Val
Percente of Lake Geneva in
recognition of the amazing progress
she has made in the past year. Val,
always considered an excellent
worker, had been held back by her
shyness and fear of working with new
people in a community setting. In
early March of 2010 Val had an
opportunity to work with a small
enclave of co-workers at Prairie Tree
The supportive
environment she found there, coupled
with her love of gardening, helped her
to blossom in this new role and she
was hired as a part-time employee.
Acknowledging that she had
discovered “a whole new world of
knowledge,” Val attributed her
success to all of the people who
believed in her.
See FAMILY, FRIENDS, etc. on Page 4
Dear Friends,
Re-balancing, re-inventing and re-affirming have been the “buzz” words that have
helped to shape VIP Services’ journey through its latest strategic planning process.
Shifts in the way shrinking public funds for services are distributed, coupled with
changes in the way clients are referred, have made some operational changes
mandatory. While responding out of necessity to these external influences, we have
also come to realize that we need to take a hard look at ourselves as an organization
in order to survive and continue to thrive in the future.
Our Board and staff, with broad-based input from a range of agency
stakeholders, have recently completed a six month strategic planning process
that will provide a focus for our efforts over the next three years. Thanks to the
training we received through our 2009 and 2010 Pathways to Independence
grants, we have been “re-balancing” our operations to ensure that we are
offering the most effective program options to help clients meet their outcomes
of achieving independence and community inclusion.
Cynthia D. Simonsen
Like everyone else embroiled in the bubbling stew of today’s economic reality, VIP
Executive Director
Services has a responsibility to dissect our programs for any inefficiencies which
may have developed, to analyze how we can get “more for less” and to continue to offer quality services that meet client needs.
While this self-examination may have been born out of harsh financial realities, it has also provided us with an opportunity to
“re-invent” our systems to ensure that our services are truly aligned with both current and emerging client needs.
VIP Services has been extremely fortunate in recent years - not only have we received generous support for the renovation of
our beautiful new building, but we have had the extraordinary benefit of an active and diversely talented Board of Directors
and the expertise of a dedicated and committed staff. We know who we are and what we need to do. Our strategic plan
reaffirms the philosophy, values and mission that have served us so well over our 41 year history. We are confident that these
important elements, and your continuing support, will light the way for change and guide us through these challenging times.
“Empowering People with Disabilities
to Explore and Experience Endless Possibilities” . . . VIP Services’ Mission Statement
VIP Services, Inc. honored volunteer service at a 40th Anniversary Open House held at the agency on October 24th. Volunteers provide an array of valuable
skills and talents to assist VIP Services, including leading health and fitness activities, coaching client Ambassadors on public speaking techniques,
operating computer lab work sessions, offering music therapy, creating enrichment classes and after work activities and assisting with community outings,
recreational activities and special fundraising events. Among those in attendance to receive awards were (front row): Amanda Giacomelli, Robyn Nanna,
Sadie Hintz, Executive Director Cindy Simonsen, Mary Nell Anderson, Mark Anich and Susan Lambert. (2nd row) Carrie Pawinski, Helene Hagenmayer,
Sharon Knobel, Doris Sprague, Lynn Coon, Dianne Matteson, Sandy Berndt, Patti Kiepert, Harold Morris. (3rd row). (back row) Carol Prchal,
Mary Reich, Kathy Peterson, Jan Beardsley, Melanie Paluch, Ed Scaro, Ruth Jones, Michael Snodie, Connie York, Dean Anderson, and Pam Westberg.
VIP Services, Inc. capped the observance of its 40th Anniversary year with a
special celebration dinner at Big Foot Country Club on November 6th. The
evening honored the leadership roles played by Kikkoman Foods, Inc. and The
Kikkoman Foods Foundation, the Shodeen Family Foundation and the Geneva
National Foundation in helping the agency move into its new home in Elkhorn.
Gene Johnson, one of VIP Services founders
visited the new site recently with his son, Steve.
Johnson was amazed to tour the building and
see just how far his dream of building a better
future for people with disabilities has come.
A special highlight involved a ceremonial
burning of the new building’s mortgage by
Kent Shodeen, Kevin Paluch (Geneva National
Foundation) and Bill Nelson (Kikkoman)
with VIP Services Board President
John Nanna looking on.
Geneva National Board member Kathy Garske,
Foundation Executive Director Julia Ingersoll
and Melanie and Kevin Paluch joined
Cindy Simonsen as representatives
of the Geneva National Foundation.
Co-Chair Terri Jambor (l.), VIP Executive
Director Cindy Simonsen, and Co-Chair
Donna Neshek (second from right)
thanked Beth, Joan, Kent and
Anna (Harmon) of the Shodeen Family
Foundation for the critical role they
played in the capital campaign.
Board President John Nanna, who presided
over the evening’s program, presents Bill Nelson
with an award for Kikkoman Foods and the
Kikkoman Foods Foundation’s
outstanding support over the years.
The 40th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner Committee included Lanette Maurina,
Co-Chairs Terri Jambor and Donna Neshek, Becky Fideler, Jo Pfeil, Cheri Ackman and
Melanie Paluch. Members not pictured included Cheri Brost and Melita Grunow.
No celebration of a major milestone
like the 40th Anniversary is complete
without taking a moment to look back
to our founders with enormous gratitude
for their exceptional contributions.
Like most innovations, VIP Services
grew out of a clearly established need
stemming from the bleak prospects
facing the graduates of Lakeland
School once they graduated. In 1970,
members of the Walworth County
ARC and its then President Gene
Johnson, started talking about
starting a workshop aimed at
providing a pathway to productivity
for young adults with disabilities.
Members of the ARC worked together
Administrators Bill Truesdale and
Phil Knobel to put together a package
that would win support from the
Walworth County Board of
Their commitment,
dedication and hard work resulted in
the multi-faceted program offered
today. Everyone affiliated with VIP
Services will be forever in their debt.
Advocates for individuals
with disabilities lost a lifelong activist with the
passing of
Bill Truesdale this past
January. An educator,
founder and former VIP
Services Board member and
devoted family man, Bill
was an invaluable asset to the community.
VIP Services Individual Achievement Awards, determined by staff and supervisors, are presented to clients on a monthly
basis at a gathering of all participants. The annual honoree is selected from this group of achievers through a voting
process open to both clients and staff. The event also provided an opportunity to honor Speare Tools, Inc., Prairie Tree
Landscape Center and Lakeland Health Care Center for the vital partnership roles that each entity has played in the past
year. Clients, family members, friends and guests look forward to this event with great anticipation and are rarely
disappointed as you can see from the photos included.
Honoree Fawn Sontag (c.) is joined by family members and friends to celebrate her special honor.
Board President John Nanna presided
over the festivities and, in addition to
recognizing the honorees, also paid tribute
to the agency’s dedicated Board members
and committed volunteers.
Also honored at the dinner was employee Sue
Schmidt who was presented with an award
recognizing her 25 years of service to the agency.
Did you know that VIP
Services can shred and
destroy your sensitive
documents? We do this
for many local companies
on a regular and annual
information on how we
might be of assistance to
you, please call Rob Likes
at (262)723-4043 x147.
The anticipation of honorees is palpable as
they await for their moment on stage. Honoree
Kathy Tully waits with volunteer
Jack Scherer to hear her name called.
Client Jay Leach, shown here with his
mother Irene, was one of a number of
clients recognized for years of participation.
The celebratory nature of the
Recognition Dinner makes it fun for honorees
and colleagues. Amy Shrove (above) and
Chris Schadewald (below) share in the
achievement of their friends.
2010 Business Partner of the Year - Speare Tools, Inc. (Williams Bay)
Speare Tools, a local Williams Bay
based company, manufactures
innovative tools to solve carpentry
problems for home repair and
remodeling projects. The partnership
between VIP Services and Speare
Tools is highly valued for its clientfriendly jobs including the assembly of
the firm’s popular adjustable quick
cutter hole saw used for installing
recessed can lights and HVAC
registers. The hands-on collaboration
of company owner Bill Speare is a
cornerstone of the relationship and his
presence at VIP Services always brings
a smile to the faces of our clients.
Bill Speare (r.) receives his award from VIP Services Sales Manager Rob Likes and client Evan Walther.
2010 Employer of the Year - Prairie Tree Landscape Center (Elkhorn)
Prairie Tree Landscape Center has
been a long-time supporter of VIP
Services and has played a large role
in creating the agency’s ambient
landscape environment.
Over the
past 18 months, Prairie Tree has
employed four individual VIP
Services clients and provided tree
skills training for a four-client “tree
farm crew.” The Stepp’s are currently
working with VIP Services staff to
create an educational training
program in Horticulture and
Landscaping for VIP Services clients
who have outdoor work as an
employment objective.
VIP Services Program Director Jim Ryan congratulates Prairie Tree’s Jamie and Tom Stepp.
2010 Client Volunteer Site of the Year - Lakeland Health Care Center (Elkhorn)
On hand to receive the award for Client Volunteer Site of the Year were the Center’s Office Manager
Bernadette Janiszewski, Superintendent Linda Seemeyer and Volunteer Coordinator Colleen Lesniak.
Lakeland Health Care Center has, for
more than a decade, provided VIP
Services’ clients with opportunities to
give back to the community through
Currently, VIP
Services has a rotating cadre of
eleven client volunteers who take
turns going to the Health Care
Center every Monday morning to
assist residents. Their tasks include
assisting with bringing residents to
the game room for Bingo and then
helping them to participate fully in
the experience.
This opportunity
allows clients to experience the full
rewards of helping others.
VIP Services Day Programs have been undergoing a significant metamorphosis over the past year. The new face of day
services is jam-packed with a variety of activities for clients at all levels. Program Director Angie Brunhart explains that
“we want to provide opportunities to engage clients in new experiences that will enhance their development and use of
multiple skills and senses.” She noted that volunteers are playing a critical role in opening new doors for Day Programs clients.
- LaTia Ross, Intern
Carroll University
With the help of new volunteer Beth Welsh,
clients like Laureen Green are experiencing
the joys of working with clay and
showcasing their creative talents.
Jack Scherer, who has been volunteering with
us since last summer, has been successful in
launching a new and improved program of
individualized fitness goals for clients,
allowing them to improve mobility and
increase self-esteem. Warren Werner is
shown here with one of our stationery bikes.
Collectively the group has logged over
3177 minutes on the stationery bikes and
walked 224 miles from September 2010
to April 2011.
Thanks to the generosity of the Elkhorn Fund of the Southern Wisconsin Community Foundation,
Day Services has launched an exciting new photography program. Their first effort, known as the
Picasso project, challenged clients to recreate their photographic images in a Picasso-like style.
The photographic equipment funded by the Elkhorn Fund’s grant is helping to provide a
powerful new voice for many clients who have written or spoken language barriers.
A cadre of community volunteers has been essential in supporting client outings to a variety of interesting sites. Recent outings have included
the Mitchell Park Conservatory Domes in Milwaukee, the Janesville Air Show, the Train Show at the American Legion Hall in Delavan
and the Hoard Historical Museum and Dairy in Fort Atkinson. A May outing is scheduled to the Milwaukee County Zoo.
The VIP Aktion Club continued to
grow in the 2010-2011 year with the
addition of seven new members at the
October Installation Ceremony (see
below). The Club meets monthly and
meetings include presentations from
a variety of community organizations.
The Aktion Club awarded its first
grant in December to help support
the Matheson Memorial Library’s
after-school “Lego Building Club”
program, in keeping with its mission
of helping children.
On Sunday, April 3rd the group held
it’s second annual Pancake Breakfast
and served over 400 guests. Long
time Kiwanis Club member George
Lauderdale noted that “It is most
rewarding to see clients take on
leadership roles. It is mind-blowing
the effort that these individuals put
into group efforts.”
Aktion Club
Treasurer Connie York expressed
how important the Club has been for
her by saying, “Being a part of the
Aktion Club makes me feel good
inside. I enjoy helping children in
need and I enjoy meeting new people.
The Pancake Breakfast was fun and
we enjoyed it very much!” Aktion
Club members are looking forward to
the opportunity of helping more
children’s organizations in the coming
year with proceeds from the Breakfast.
- LaTia Ross, Intern
Carroll University
Aktion Club member Connie York thanks D.J. Richardson, George Lauderdale and Jodi Klabunde
for their help in making the 2011 Pancake Breakfast a great success.
Elkhorn Kiwanian Henry Lopez (l.) and Tony Colletti instructed
Aktion Club member Michael Snodie on the fine art of pancake making.
Aktion Club Members 2010-2011
◄ First row: Lynne McIntyre, Mark Anich,
Tim Kiepert, Jill McCartney and John Soen
Middle row: Chuck Rosen, Jamie Aguirre,
Sara Jo Matthews, Collean Frank,
Tenney Oberto, Chris Carr, Jessica Morely,
Laura Fietshans, Kristen Stawicki
and Sandra Olsen
Back row: WI-UM District Governor Lyle Plagenz,
Brandon Blume, Michael Snodie,
Sharon Harkness, Bob Boardman,
Connie York, Tony Arneson
and Scott Bushey
Thanks to Our Event Donors
 Abell’s Country Lunch & Tavern
 Alder Group, Inc.
 Beloit Snappers
 Birchwood Foods
 Angie Brunhart
 Linda & Ira Cheney
 Coyote Grill
 Daniels Sentry of Elkhorn
 Deakin Isle
 Elk Restaurant, Inc.
 Elkhorn Chamber of Commerce
 Elkhorn Wine & Spirits LLC
 Fox River Foods, Inc.
 Frito-Lay
 Ms. Melita F. Grunow
 Hagen Transfer
 Hawk’s View Golf Club
 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jambor
 Mr. Dick Jones
 Kettle Foods
 Phil & Sharon Knobel
 Lake Geneva Country Meats
 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Likes
 Lucke’s Cantina
 Lyles TV & Appliance, Inc.
 Main Street Country Store
 Mid-Town Auto Inc.
 Mr. & Mrs. Joel K. Nelson
 Ms. Mimi Olsen
 Paielli’s Bakery
 Pharmacy Station
 Pirates Cove
 Putnam Company, Inc.
 RJ’s Drive Thru Liquor
 Linda & Jim Rose
 Mr. Jim Ryan
 Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Scaro
 Terry & Don Seichter
 Snug Harbor Inn on Turtle Lake
 The Sports Page
 State Farm Insurance Joan Palmer Agency
 Tellos Restaurant
 Village Supper Club
 Walmart Super Center - Lake Geneva
 Walworth Inn LLC
 Walworth State Bank
 Nancy Ward
 Wheeler’s Bowling Center
 Mr. William C. Wiswell
Despite competing with multiple popular local events and an incredibly gorgeous
fall day, the 2010 Ultimate Indoor Tailgate Party was another great success,
raising over $29,000 in support of VIP Services. Somehow, the assembled crowd
sensed that despite the Packer’s loss that day to the Washington Redskins, the
team would have a banner year. In addition to enjoying the game, participants
were able to dine on tasty tailgate treats including samplings from the Chili
Cook-Off and to bid on sports-themed silent auction items and gourmet baskets
of choice meats from the ever popular Meat Prize Raffle.
The day’s activities began with
the ever popular Chili Cook-Off Competition
very ably judged by Chef John Bogan
of the Lake Geneva School of Cooking.
Thanks to the able assistance of numerous
volunteers from the Elkhorn High School Honor
Society, younger fans were able to participate in
a variety of Packer-themed craft projects and
games throughout the afternoon.
As expected, the Packers rose to their now
unforgettable run that ended with a win in
Super Bowl XLV. VIP Services clients led by
Jackie Hale held one final Packer Pep Rally
prior to the big game to ensure the team’s luck!
Join us for the
2011 Ultimate Indoor
Tailgate Party in November!
Whether novices or experienced bowlers, everyone who participated in the 3rd
Annual VIP Services Bowl-a-thon reported having a great time. Divided into
two shifts, the 32 four-man teams alternated from games of Cosmic Bowling to
Scotch Doubles and the always fun-filled Crazy Bowl.
Restaurant gift
certificates from eight local dining leaders provided grand prize packages for the
top pledge earning teams from each shift.
Members of the Bowl-a-thon Planning Committee expressed delight that the
event has grown into such a popular coming together of corporate supporters,
clients, friends and family members. Planning Committee members included
Connie Kretschmer, Missy Putnam, Ellen Weber, Ed Scaro and Bob Putnam. The
Committee will begin work soon on the 2012 event, scheduled for March 10, 2012.
The 2011 Bowl-a-thon at Delavan Lanes was once again a sold out event
and netted over $14,000 in support of VIP Services programs.
Day Services staff members Dana Correa, Sara
Scherer, Mel Bates and Shawna Johnson were
grateful for all of the sponsors of their team.
The prize winning team for the 3:00 p.m. shift
received their prize package from Committee
members Bob Putnam (l.) and Ed Scaro (r.).
Team members included: Sadie Hintz
and Jennifer Coon (front row) and
Michael Snodie and Evan Walther (back).
Participants were kept busy winning prizes from
the Spinning Wheel Raffle throughout the day.
Lucky winner Alex Voskuil spins while Committee
members Ed Scaro and Ellen Weber look on.
Executive Director Cindy Simonsen (center)
is flanked by members of the 6:00 p.m. shift
prize winning team including Steve Pils,
Derek Weber, David Weber and Donald Moore.
Event Sponsors
 AXA Equitable - AXA Advisors Bob Handel
 American Family Insurance Mike Spragia Agency
 Cheri Brost
 Clearing Spaces, LLC
 Dale’s Cycle
 Daniels Sentry Foods
 Deignan & Associates, S.C
 Ron & Ann Deschner
 Edward Jones-Fontana Daniel Maus Financial Advisor
 First Banking Center
 Geneva Lake Women’s Association
 Godfrey, Leibsle, Blackbourn &
Howarth, S.C.
 Haase - Derrick - Lockwood
Mealy’s Funeral Homes, Inc.
 Hudapack Metal Treating, Inc.
 Integra, Inc.
 Lake Country Disposal, Inc.
 Leece & Phillips Law Offices, S.C.
 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Likes
 Mode Industries, Inc.
 Rose Mohr
 Palma Insurance Agency State Farm Insurance
 Pete’s Porting Service /
Engine Design & Machine
 Steven Pils
 Prop Shaft Supply, Inc.
 Bob & Missy Putnam
 Putnam Company, Inc.
 R.A. Carlson Plumbing, Inc.
 Robertson Ryan & Associates, Inc.
 The Sports Page-Elkhorn
 State Farm Insurance Joan Palmer Agency
 Tate Management, LLC
 Voskuil Adult Family Home, LLC
 Walworth County ARC, Inc.
 Youngquist Smiles
Grand Prize Restaurant
Package Sponsors
 Charlie O’s
 The Duck Inn
 Holi Cannoli
 The Next Door Pub &Pizzeria
(Lake Geneva)
 The Public House
(Williams Bay)
 Sugar Creek Inn
 The Village Supper Club
 The Waterfront
Annual Fund Drive
VIP Services is grateful to its many friends, supporters and family members for their generous annual gifts. These gifts allow VIP Services to be as
flexible as possible in meeting the complex and varied needs of our clients. In addition, annual gifts can be designated to special projects that best meet
an individual donor’s interests. Annual gifts of any size are welcomed by VIP Services. All gifts listed on this page were received during the period of
August 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011.
Platinum Champions
($25,000+ Donors)
 Mr. William C. Wiswell
Community Champions
($10,000+ Donors)
 Robert & Patricia Moore Foundation
 United Way of Walworth County
Designated Grants & Gifts
 Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
 Community Foundation of Southern
Wisconsin, Inc. - The Elkhorn Fund
 Elkhorn Kiwanis Club
 Walworth County ARC, Inc.
Community Leaders
($1,000+ Donors)
Geneva National Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Melita F. Grunow
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Johnson
Knights of Columbus, Council 1647
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sagui
John & Mary Schroeder
Community Supporters
($250+ Donors)
The Golden Years of Walworth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Gruenwald
Phil & Sara Kinzer
Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Paddock
Ms. Valerie A. Piechur
Truist - Daniel & Lanette Maurina
Community Friends
Mrs. Mary Gene Alder
Anonymous (Multiple Gifts)
Ms. Cheryl A. Baker
Ms. Alice J. Blue
Ms. Peggy Blum
Ms. Angie Brunhart
David & Joan Byerley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve F. Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Lee J. Christensen
Clair Law Offices, S.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Dall
Rodger & Maureen Darling
Mrs. Betty Doebert
Ed & Kay Drexler
Chris & Sandi Goebel
Mr. John A. Hagenah
Ms. Mary J. Hauser
Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Hovde
Ms. Pat J. Jenner
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Johnson
JustGive - Sue Kremer
Knights of Columbus, Council 1690
Knights of Columbus, Council 3464
Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Knobel
Adam Lofy, with Rick & Donna
Mr. & Mrs. Darwin L. Logterman
Ms. Janis T. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Markham
Mohr Pier Service, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Allen L. Morrison
Pete’s Porting Service, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert L. Recknagel
Community Friends - Continued
Ms. Sue Ellen Rich
Mr. Kenneth A. Robers
Dr. Bruno E. Schiffleger, D.D.S
Ms. Germaine H. Shipman
Mr. & Mrs. Don Smith
Ms. Jennifer Smith
Mr. James P. Sorensen
Dick & Patty Spurway
Carol & Ron Stevens
Mr. Jerome Sucharski
Ms. Sandralee H. Thiele
Truist - Anonymous
Walworth County Toastmasters Club
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Watts
Mr. Barry P. Weiss
Mr. Gregory W. Zito
In-Kind Donors
Mrs. Janet G. Kelly
Putnam Company, Inc.
Spacesaver Corporation
Mr. Dennis Yaeggi
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40th Anniversary Sponsors
 Community Bank Delavan
 Walworth State Bank
40th Anniversary Patrons $1,000+
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Austin
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Borden
Mr. & Mrs. Bertil E. Brunk
Ms. Melita F. Grunow
Mr. & Mrs. George Leedle
40th Anniversary Contributors
Advanced Eyecare & Contact Lens Center, LLC
Anonymous - Multiple
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Arnett
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Balestrieri
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Balestrieri
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Beardsley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bentley
Mr. Bob Boardman
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bollero
Bone Roofing Supply, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Breitenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Brellenthin
Mr. & Mrs. Jay H. Brost
Ms. Brigette Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Steve F. Carlson
Mr. Christopher Carr
Clair Law Offices, S.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Daukus
Del’s Service Station
Mr. & Mrs. Louis L. Eastman
Elkhorn Wine & Spirits LLC
Mr. Richard Fassl
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Fibiger
Dr. & Mrs. Brad Fideler
Ms. Kelly Findlay
40th Anniversary Contributors - Continued
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Forsythe
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Geldermann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. George
Mr. John Gioielli
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Haas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hannon
Ms. Wendy Harmon
Mr. & Mrs. John Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Ingersoll
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jambor
Mr. Kent Johanson
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Johnson
Ted & Coreen Johnson
Mrs. Janet G. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip A. Koss
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Kremer
Lakeland Bakery
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Langille
Mr. & Mrs. Allen C. Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Francois X. Letarte
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Likes
Lockhart Service, Inc.
Market Street Citgo
Daniel & Lanette Maurina
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. McClellan
Mr. & Mrs. John Nanna
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Neshek
Mr. & Mrs. Eli Nieuwenhuis
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Nieuwenhuis
Mr. Ronald Nieuwenhuis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nordenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Steven O’Laughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. O’Neill
Ms. Nicole Opper
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Paluch
Mark & Laina Papenfus
Parrish Insurance Planning, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Pfeil
Mr. Steven A. Pils
Dr. Carol L. Prchal
Mr. & Mrs. Monroe P. Putnam
Ms. Mary A. Reich
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Rice
Robert J. Handel Financial Services
Mr. Jim Ryan
Salon 67
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Scaro
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Serpe
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sheldon
Ms. Beth C. Shodeen
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Shodeen
Ms. Cynthia D. Simonsen
Ms. Fawn Sontag
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Spletzer
Stinebrink’s Piggly Wiggly
Thelen Total Construction, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ven Housen
Nancy Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer A. Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Wodicka
Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Youngsteadt
Please accept our regrets for any inadvertent omission on these donor lists.
Memorials and Honorariums
We are especially grateful that the following
VIP Services donors have chosen to honor those
who are or have been important in their lives.
In Honor of:
Hope Bernick
 Dean & Mary Nell Anderson
Bob Boardman
 Mr. & Mrs. Greg Loth
Marriage of Ryan & Lindsay Brockmann
 Ken & Jan Brockmann
Melita Grunow
 Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson
 Mr. & Mrs. Allen C. Lehman
Denise Johnson
 Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert J. Ipsen
Duane Kosin
 Mr. Dennis Kosin
In Appreciation of the Services Provided
to My Brother, Lowell Thies
 Carl & Cynthia Thies
Frank Kosik & Robert Kosik
 Mr. & Mrs. Laddie J. Svarc
The Shodeen Family Foundation
 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Breitenstein
John Sucharski
 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Rybak
Shannon Sutej
 Mr. Dennis W. Findlay
In Memory of:
Daniel Brust
 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. McGinn
Beverly Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert J. Ipsen
Mr. Bruce D. Johnson
Mr. Steven A. Pils
Dr. Carol L. Prchal
Bill Truesdale
Don Althaus and Family
Laura Anschutz
David & Shannon Ashamalla
Jeff & Jan Beardsley
Sandy Berndt
Colin & Jane Beveridge
Robert & Louise Bleser
Tim & Dani Brellenthin
Norman & Jean Brummel
Budget Blinds, Elkhorn
Thomas & Josephine Burke
Norma Burnham
Richard & Kay Butke
David & Linda Clikeman
Janice Conway
George Cuccia
Dan & Luann Dall
Dodd & Kathy Davey
Mike & Jennifer Demski
Paul & Julie Dieck
Stanley & Marlene Dingle
Donna Doebert
James & Patricia Ehlen
Bill Truesdale - Continued
Robert & Lisa Engelbrecht
Robert & Rita Fair
Ralph Forseth
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Forseth and Family
Jason & Janely Fredrick
Smokey & Lynn Gardinier and Family
Gary & Louise Genske
Don & Arla Green
David & Jean Grochowski
Peter & Karen Hall
Bob & Mary Lee Handel
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hansen and Family
Gerald & MaryJo Hanson
Dan & Jennifer Hanzel
William & Patricia Havlik
John Jaeger
Dan & Cynthia Jakopin
Judy Jensen
Gene & Lois Johnson
Craig & Naomi Kastelic
Duane & Carol Katzman
Kevin & Jennifer Klimek
Thomas & Joan Kluck
Phil & Sharon Knobel
Peter & Lisa Koss
Susan Lambert
Mary Ellen Last
Robert Lauderdale
Tom Leahy
Gary & MaryJo Lewis
Roger & Jean Mashack
Joseph & Kathy Matthiesen
Mr. & Mrs. Harry McCarthy
Kris McMillan & Ted McMillan
Linda McMillion
Neil & Mary Ann Memmel
Gerard & Lorraine Millette
Bruce & Margaret Mitchell
Gerald Neinfeldt
Earl & Susan Paddock
Rod & Virginia Paulsen
Estelle Peatee
Gary Peatee
Mark & Kyle Peterson
Douglas & Dennise Pierce
Precision Plus, Inc., Elkhorn
J. Philip Reader
Allen & Carol Rockwell
Brian & Orsolya Salerno
S.C. Johnson Global Internal Audit Team
Merle & Mary Lou Schinke
Estelle Schmitt
Skip & Janet Schuren
Tony & Ann Serpe
Jennifer Smith
Rodney & Cynthia Smith
Gordon & Alyce Smith
Dan & Lisa Smith
Bette Smith
Gerald & Dee Smudde
David & Lisa Snyder and Family
Mike & Lois Spragia
Greg & Judith Staponkus
Tom & Jamie Stepp
Annette Stewart
John & Erma Surrem
William & Susan Thornburgh
Arthur Tillman
Carol VanDromme
Chris VanDromme
Michael VanDromme
Bill Truesdale - Continued
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy VanFleet
Donald & Eileen Voss
Eric & Laurie Walker and Family
Nancy Ward
Allen Washburn
Jason & Laura White
Robert & Cheryl Willson
Donald & Gail Wolf
Bob Yunkers
Robert “Bobby” Vahovius
Ms. Debra J. Alder
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Beardsley
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Brown
Mr. Donald G. Lightfield
Mr. & Mrs. Dale G. Matteson
Mrs. Rose R. Mohr
Mr. & Mrs. Duane L. Neuendorf
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Pellegrino
Ms. Cynthia M. Salvador
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Stoller
Nancy Ward
Robert Waechter
 Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. McClellan
Hollis & Joyce Ward
 Nancy Ward
Legacy Leaders
The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great
name and the inheritance of a great example.
- Benjamin Disraeli
It is hard to imagine a better
example of day to day heroism than
the one carved out by Paul and
Katharine Schmidt. Their decision
to retire here, their involvement in
the community and their quiet but
amazing generosity made an
indelible mark on VIP Services and
the entire community. With their
final bequest of $100,000 to VIP
Services, they will always be
recognized as our Legacy Leaders.
811 East Geneva Street
Elkhorn, WI 53121
Telephone: 262-723-4043
Fax: 262-723-4984
Website: www.vipservices-inc.org
Recognizing that people with special
needs face gaps in life from the moment
they are born, the Lifelong
Empowerment Open has adopted a
theme of “Bridging the Gaps” to
headline the 2011 event.
outstanding afternoon of golf on the three premier courses of Geneva National
will once again be followed by a gala tented dinner and amazing live and silent
auction. Partnering with the Geneva National Foundation are VIP Services,
Lakeland School, SMILES and Inspiration Ministries.
 Bridging the Gaps
Following up on its incredible reception last year, there will also be a 2011
Bridging the Gaps Push/Walk/Ride staged on the Palmer Course on Sunday,
June 26th. The day, which is open to the public, will kick-off with a Health Fair
sponsored by Mercy Health Systems at 2:00 p.m. and will feature a special
presentation from nationally known motivational speaker Butch Lumpkin.
Lumpkin, one of the surviving “Thalidomide Babies” of the 1950’s and 60’s, was
born with no functional arms at all. Blessed with a natural athleticism, Butch
has spent a lifetime defying the word “impossible” and, in addition to becoming a
full-time tennis pro, has developed into a scratch golfer.
The Push/Walk/Ride which allows participants to raise funds for the participating
charities will begin at 4:00 p.m. and be followed by an old fashioned ice cream
social. For information about how you can support VIP Services through the
Push/Walk/Ride, contact Nancy Ward at VIP Services (262)723-4043 x 105.
Push/Walk/Ride & Ice Cream Social
Geneva National Golf Club
June 26, 2011
 Lifelong Empowerment Open
Geneva National Golf Club
June 27, 2011
 VIP Client Picnic
July 19, 2011
 VIP Volunteer Recognition Reception
October 13, 2011
 Ultimate Indoor Tailgate Party
November 2011
 4th Annual Bowl-a-thon
Delavan Lanes
March 10, 2012
Content Editor: Nancy Ward
Copy Editor: Sharon Cobler
Designer: Luann Dall