BOD Meeting Votes 06-16-06 - Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians
BOD Meeting Votes 06-16-06 - Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians
RESOLUTIONNO: .;LODf:,. "" TRUST LANDLEASE -LOT(S) 692 & §2! SUGGITT/SUGGITT KlNROSS,MICIDGAN Mln Waban Dan Administrative Office RESOLVED, the Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians hereby authorized its Tribal Chainnan Aaron A. Payment, and Treasurer, Todd K. Gravelle, to execute a lease to the land located at Kinross, Michigan to, Eric S. Suggitt and Nancy F. Suggitt, husband and wife, land being described as follows: 523 Ashmun Street Lots 692 & 691, Cedar Grove Estates III sault Ste. Marie Michigan CERTIFICATION 49783 906.635.6050 Fax 906.635.4969 Government Services We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of \3 members constituting a quorum were present at a members, of whom ~ meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the --Lk.. day of JJU1\.R 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by an affinnative vote of --'L- members for, ~ members against, ~ members abstaining, and that said resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Meml/enhlp Service. Economic Development Commission Aaron Paymen#,TdLal Chairperson Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Cathy Abralrlson, Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTION NO: 02...0010 - ~? TRUST LAND LEASE -LOT(S) 702 & 701 QUlNLAN/QmNLAN KINROSS, MICHIGAN Min Waban Dan Admini51'ul:ve Office RESOLVED, the Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians hereby authorized its Tribal Chairman Aaron A. Payment, and Treasurer, Todd K. Gravelle, to execute a lease to the land located at Kinross, Michigan to, Trevor J. Quinlan and Lena M. Quinlan, husband and wife, land being described as follows: 523 Ashmun Street Lots 702 & 701, Cedar Grove Estates ill Sault Sle. Marie MichIgan CERTIFICATION 49783 Phone 006.635.6050 Fax 006.635.4969 Government Servlc.. D Economic lopment Commission We, the undersigned, as Chaitperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members, of whom ~ ~g members constitutinga quorum were present at a ~ _ thereofduly 2006; thatcalled,noticed,convened, the foregoing resolution was and duly held adopted on theat said meeting day of members against, ~ by an affirmative vote of -1L members for, ~ members abstaining, and that said resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Aaron Payment, TrI>al Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Cathy Ab~'n, Secretary Sault Ste.1.larie Tribe of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTION NO: OlDO~ -~ ~ TRUST LAND LEASE -LOT(S) 661& 660 ERICKSONIHAACK KINROSS, MICHIGAN Min Waban Dan Administrative Office RESOLVED, the Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians hereby authorized its Tribal Chainnan Aaron A. Payment, and Treasurer, Todd K. Gravelle, to execute a lease to the land located at Kinross, Michigan to, David F. Erickson, a single man, and Jessica A. Haack, a single woman, land being described as follows: 523 Astunun Streel saul. Sle. Marie Lots 661 & 660, Cedar Grove Estates ill Michigan 49783 006.635.6050 Fax 006.635.4969 Govemment Service. CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members, of whom iib... members constituting a quorum were present at a meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the iJ:::.. day of ~L4\.P 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by an affinnative vote of --1L members for, -D- members against,--'L- members abstaining,and that said resolutionhas not been rescindedor amended in any way. Memllenhlp Services Economic Develapment Commission Aaron Payment, tribalfChairperson Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Cathy Ab~n, Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTION NO: d OOb-'-9 TRUST LAND LEASE -LOT(S) 659 & 658 TROTTERlfROTTER KINROSS, MICHIGAN Mln Waban Dan Administrative Office 523 AShmun 5"001 RESOLVED, the Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians hereby authorized its Tribal Chainnan Aaron A. Payment, and Treasurer, Todd K. Gravelle, to execute a lease to the land located at Kinross, Michigan to, Marc A. Trotter and Tracy M. Trotter, husband and wife, land being described as follows: Lots 659 & 658, Cedar Grove Estates m saull 5te. Marie Michigan CERTIFICATION 49783 1106.635.6060 fax 1106.635.4009 Government Service. We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members, of whom l.:i members constituting a quorum were present at a day of meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the ~ J.P.w...L 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by an affirmative vote of J.l members for, ~ members against, ~ members abstaining, and that said resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Meml1enhlp ServIce. Economic D lo.....Commlulon Aaron Payment, TriW C Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians ') cath;'Ab~n, Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTION NO: c:J.OO/:;> - '1D TRUST LAND LEASE -LOT(S) 639 BRADLEY/GREGG KlNROSS, MICHIGAN Min Waban Dan Adminishuli.e Office RESOLVED, the Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians hereby authorized its Tribal Chainnan Aaron A. Payment, and Treasurer, Todd K. Gravelle, to execute a lease to the land located at Kinross, Michigan to, Colin T. Bradley and Shauna O. Gregg, a single man and a single woman, land being described as follows: S;z3 J\Shmun 51reel Lot 639, Cedar Grove Estates ill saull 51e. Marie Michigan CERTIFICATION 49783 _.635.6050 Fax _.635.4969 Government Services Economic DeveI.., t Commission We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certifYthat the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members, of whom /.;J... members constituting a quonnn were present at a meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the ~ day of ~ 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by an affirmative vote of --I-Lmembers for, 'i- members against, ~ members abstaining, and that said resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Aaron Payment, Tri Sault Ste. Marie Tn"beof Chippewa Indians 'erson Cathy A\(r4ffison,Secretary Sault Ste.'tiarie Tribe of Chippewa Indians AUTHORIZATION OF UTILITY EASEMENT RESOLUTIONNO: Ol.bob CLOVERLAND ELECTRIC - BESSEL "11 PROPERTY WHEREAS,the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of ChippewaIndians (Tribe) is a federally rccogroi7.ed Indian Tribe organizedIU1derthe Indian Reorvni7S1tionAct of 1934,25 USC 467, et seq; and Min Waban Dan Administrative Office 523 Ashmun SlrC'".et WHEREAS, the United States of America holds land located in the County of Mackinac, Clark Township in trust for the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians; and WHEREAS, Cloverland Electric has requested an easement, without tenure, for the relocation of an overhead electric distribution line to provide an increase in service for current and future growth. Sault Ste. Marte Michigan 49783 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians hereby approves the granting of an easement for no monetary consideration due to the overall benefits to the Tribe and its members derived from the overhead distribution line benefiting the Housing Development, Casino and Community Center; across the following described property: 906.635.6050 Fax Land situated in the State of Michigan, County 0 f Mackinac, and more particularly described as follows: 906.635.4969 Service8 Economic o.-Iopment Commission The Northeast Y. of the Northeast Y. of Section 9, Township 42 North, Range I West This easement is limited to the North 15 feet lying South of and abutting the South right-of-way line of the County Road. Approximate distance of the right-of-way will be one-quarter mile and will not exceed a width of 15 feet outside of the County Road right-of-way. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors authorizes its Chairman, Aaron A. Payment and Treasurer, Todd K. Gravelle to execute any documentation required concerning the grant of easement, without tenure, and for no monetary consideration, consistent with this resolution for and on behalf of the Tribe. CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members, of whom /!ib..- members constituting a quorum were present at a meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the ...l.1z.- day of Ju.~ 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by an affirmative vote of -1!2..- members for, Lmembers against, ---Z2...members abstaining, and that said resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Aaron Payment, tribatt:hairperson Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Cathy AbrAn~n, Secretary Sau1tSre.~arieTribeof Chippewa Indians RESOLUTION NO: ,;2 DfXo - 7 ~ AMENDMENTTO PLAN YEAR 8, TO INCLUDEA NEW ACTIVITY Min Waban Dan Administrative Office WHEREAS, Section 102 of the Native American Housing Assistance and SelfDetermination Act (NAHASDA) requires the submission of an Indian Housing Plan for guiding and accomplishing housing activities to meet community needs; and WHEREAS, there are funds made available through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Native American Programs to meet the needs according to the Indian Housing Plan; and 523 Ashmun Street sault SIC. Marie Michigan 49783 906.635.6050 fax 906.635.4969 G0'4I8nunent Services Meml1enhip ServIces Economic _Iopment Commission WHEREAS, the Sault Tribe Housing Authority Commission does hereby request approval from the Tribal Board of Directors to amend the Plan Year 8, NAHASDA Grant No. 05-IH-2654680, according to Section 103(c) NAHASDA and CFR 1000.232. WHEREAS, NAHASDA requires timely obligation of funds and there is a minimal amount available to be reprogrammed, and; WHEREAS, the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians Housing Commission wishes to provide alternative activities for our children living on the Manistique site as deterrents to drug and alcohol abuse and crime, by re-allocating $6,000.00 from Housing Services to Crime Prevention and Safety to repair and upgrade a basketball court on the Manistique Site. NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Board of Directors supports the amended budget for PY 8 recommended and approved by the Housing Board of Commission. CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members, of whom ~ members constituting a quorum were present at a meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the A- day of J."A1..JL.. 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by an affirmativevote of -LL- members for, --12- members against, ~ members abstaining,and that said resolutionhas not beenrescindedor amendedin anyway. Aaron Payment, TfibalChairperson Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Cathy Ab~n, Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTION NO: ~ 00(0 -73_ AMENDMENTTO PLAN YEAR 9 (F1RSTAMENDMENT) Min Waban Dan Administrative Office 523 Ashmun 5,"",' saul' 5.e. MarIe Michigan 49783 906.635.6050 Fax WHEREAS, Section 102 of the Native American Housing Assistance and SelfDetennination Act (NAHASDA) requires the submission of an Indian Housing Plan for guiding and accomplisbing housing activities to meet community needs; and WHEREAS, there arc funds made available through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Native American Programs to meet the needs according to the Indian Housing Plan; and WHEREAS, the Sault Tn"beHousing Authority Commk.ion does hereby request approval from the TnDal Board of Directors to amend the Plan Year 9, NAHASDA Grant No. 06-1lI-2654680, according to Section 103(c) NAHASDA and CFR 1000.232. WHEREAS, the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians Housing Commission wishes to allocate the additional grant monies to include activities and a new staff person, Home Inspector; and 906.635.4069 C4,6m ~ nt .de8. NOW, TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Board of Directors does hereby support the amended budget recommended and approved b y the Sault Tribe Housing Board 0 f Commission in order to add m odemization activities, the development 0 fat bird quad, travel and training and a Home Inspector position. E--me D81'81opm8nt CommIuIon CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members,ofwhom /~ members constituting a quorum were present at a meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the ...A.. day of J<.uv 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by an affirmative vote of -.LL members for, -'2- members against, ~ members abstaining, and that said resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Aaron Payment, T~al Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Cathy Ab~n, Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTIONNO:~ PATHWAYSINORmCARE NETWORK COORDINATING AGENCY PRIMARY PREVENTION PROGRAMMING GRANT APPLICATION WHEREAS, the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians is a duly recognized Indian Tribe under the provisions of Indian Rcorg;mi7ation Act of June IS, 1934 (25 U.S.CA); and Mln Waban Dan Administrative OffIce S23 AShmun Stteet sault 5'''. MarIe Mk:hJgan 49783 006.635.6050 006.635.4!J69 CD48mrnent s.. .ices Economic D6.alopment Commission WHEREAS, the Sault Ste. Marie Tn"be Of Chippewa Indians is committed to continuing its efforts of expanding and improving access to primary and prevention care services as outlined in the Health Strategic Plan; and WHEREAS, the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Health Division has began implementation of integrated behavioral health and primary care services and we wish to expand the continuum of care to include the LifeSkills Training Program a Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Model Program - for substance abuse prevention to be facilitated in local schools, tribal schools, and other community settings such as youth educational actiVities,and tribal community and cultural events; and WHEREAS, the PathwaysINortbcare Network Coordinating Agency for the counties of Alger, Chippewa, Delta, Luce, Mackinac, Marquette, Menominee, and Schoolcraft is accepting applications for fiscal year 2006-2007 Primary Substance Abuse Prevention Programming grant. NOW, TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Board of Directors supports and authorizes an application to be submitted to PathwaysINortbcare Network Coordinating Agency for Primary Substance Abuse Prevention Programming funding to support and expand our substance abuse prevention to be facilitated in local schools, tnoal school. and other community settings such as youth educational activities, and tnoal community and cultural events. BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, that Aaron A. Payment, Tribal Chairperson, or his duly authorized designees, are authorized to sign, negotiate, amend or rescind any agreement thereto. CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members constituting a quorum were present at a meeting members, of whom ~ thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the ~ day of ~~ 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by an affirmative vote of Jf) members for, -1members against, ---'2- members abstaining, and that said resolution bas not been rescinded or amended in any way. Cathy Ab~n, Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTIONNO:~ APPROVAL OF FY 2006 BUDGETS JUNE 2006 Min Waban Dan Administrative Office 523 Ashmun s.reel Sault Ste. MarIe NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOVLED, that the Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians hereby approves the attached FY 2006 Budgets, for an increase of 58,550,288 in Tooal Support donars. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Directors also approves the attached FY 2006 Budget Modifications for an increase of 571,990 in Tribal Support dollars. CERTIFICATION MIchIgan 49783 We, the undersigned, as ChaiIperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members constituting a quorum were present at a members, of whom ~ _.635.6050 Fax _.635.4969 m~ thereof duly noticed,resolution convened,was andduly heldadopted on theat Lfz day of 2006; thatcalled, the foregoing said meeting by an affirmative vote of ..lf2-- members for, ...L.- members against, ~ members abstaining, and that said resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Co..ernntenf 5erYI... Economic o-Iopment Commission Aaron Payment, Tribal Chairperson Sault Ste. Marie Tribeof Chippewa Indians Cathy Abramson, Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tore of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTION NO: d()()(P~ '7LAPPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION OF AMENDMENT TO NATIONAL CITY BANK FINANCING INCREASING LOAN AMOUNT Mln Waban Dan Administrative OffIce S23 l\SIunun Stree. saull s.c. Marte MIchIgan 49783 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, as follows; Section 1 Findings 1.1 The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians (the "Tn"be") is a federally recogroi7.edIndian Tn"balGovernment org;on;7,ednnder the provisions of the Indian Reorglln;7.ationAct of 1934. 1.2 Kewadin Casinos Gaming Authority (the "Authority'') is an autonomous instrumentality of the Tribe. _.635.4969 1.3 The Authority is the borrower nnder a Loan Agreement ("Loan Agreement'') among the Authority, the Tn"be,National City Bank of the Midwest (fOimerly known as National City Bank of MichiganlDlinois), as Administrative Agent, and the Lenders party from time to time thereto (the "Lenders''), as amended (the "Financing"). Economk DewIAp nt eonv-. . n 1.4 The Tribe is a party to the Loan Agreement as an additional obligor with respect to certain representations, warranties and covenants, has guaranteed repayment of the Financing and performance of the obligations of the Authority pursuant to a guaranty agreement (the "Guaranty"), and has entered into certain other documents in respect of the Financing (the Loan Agreement, the Guaranty and other documents are the "Tribe Loan Documents'') evidencing its obligations ("Tn"bcObligations"). _.635.6060 Fax 1.5 The Authority and the Tribe wish to increase the loan amonnt of the Financing by $5,000,000 pursuant to a First Amendment to Loan Agreement (the "Amendment"). 1.6 It is a condition to the Financing and the Amendment that the Tribe waive the jurisdiction of the Tribal Court in connection with the Financing, except to the extent that the Tribe Loan Documents or the Authority Loan Documents, as amended by the Amendment, may provide for limited jurisdiction for enforcement of an arbitration award nnder Chapter 95 of the Tribal Code, and the Board of Directors has determined that it is in the best interests of the Tribe that the Financing be amended on substantially the terms set forth in the draft Amendment and that the Tribe waive the jurisdiction of the Tribal Court in connection therewith. Res. No: ~ Dt>f., - 7fo Page 2 Section 2 Approvals and Authorization 2.1 The Board of Directors authorizes and directs the Tribe, through its Chairperson, on such conditions and terms as he deems fit, to enter into the Amendment on such terms as he may agree upon, which approval will be conclusively presumed by execution and delivery of the Amendment by the Chairperson, and to perform its obligations thereunder. 2.3 The ChaiIperson is authorized and directed to execute and deliver such other certificates, documents, or instruments, as may be required or to take any and all such action which may be necessary or convenient to effectuate the Amendment. Section 3 Waiver of Sovereign Immunity and Consent to Jurisdiction 3.1 The Tribe hereby expressly confirms its waiver under the Tribe Loan Documents and Resolution 2005-39 and waives its sovereign immunity from suit should an action be commenced on the Tribe Obligations, as amended by the Amendment. This waiver: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) shall terminate upon performance by the Tribe of all of its obligations under the Tribe Loan Documents, as amended by the Amendment; is granted solely to the Administrative Agent and the Lenders; shall extend to, inter alia. any judicial or non-judicial proceeding or action, including, but not limited to, any lawsuit, arbitration, judicial or non-judicial foreclosure proceeding, any judicial or nonjudicial action to enforce the rights of the Administrative Agent as a secured creditor, and the assertion of any claim in a court of competent jurisdiction or with any arbitrator or arbitration panel to enforce the obligations of the Tribe under the Tribe Loan Documents, as amended by the Amendment; shall be enforceable against all assets and property of the Tribe, to the extent sufficient to satisfy the Tn"be's obligations under the Tribe Loan Documents, as amended by the Amendment; shall be enforceable only in a court of competent jurisdiction, including courts of the State of Michigan, the Sault Ste. Marie Tribal Court, and the federal courts in Michigan (including the United States Bankruptcy Court), or any arbitrator or arbitration panel; the governing law shall be as set forth in Section 3.2. Res. No: diDO". 7f.. Page 3 3.2 The Tribe Loan Documents, as amended by the Amendment, shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the internal law of the State of Michigan; except that matters concerning the validity and perfection of a security interest shall be governed by the conflict of law rules set forth in Michigan Uniform Commercial Code. The Tribe expressly submits to and consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Michigan and the federal courts of Michigan, including any courts to which decisions may be appealed, with respect to any dispute or controversy arising out of the Tribe Loan Documents and the Amendment, or to any transactions in connection therewith. Section 4 Waiver of Tribal Court Jurisdiction The Board of Directors expressly confirms its waiver under the Tribe Loan Documents and Resolution 2005-39 and waives jurisdiction of the Tribal Court over any action arising under the Tribe Loan Documents and the Authority Loan Documents identified in Authority Resolution ..:loo~. 01./. as amended by the Amendment, pursuant to the provision of Chapter 44.108, except to the extent that the Tribe Loan Documents or the Authority Loan Documents, as amended by the Amendment, may provide for limited jurisdiction for enforcement of an arbitration award under Chapter 95 of the Tribal Code. CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned,as Chairpersonand Secretaryof the SaultSte. MarieTribeof ChippewaIndians, herebyc ertifYthat theBoard 0 f Directors is composedof 13 members, of whom ..l.L- members constitutinga quorum were present at a meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the ~ day of ...Jtu\.L 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting members for, ~ members against, ~ by an affirmative vote of ~ membersabstaining,and that said resolutionhas not been rescindedor amendedin anyway. Aaron Payment, 1tibar.t:hairperson Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Cathy Abr.Q}lsOn,Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTIONNO:~ODh- 77 MIDJIM PETIY CASH ACCOUNT AUTHORIZATION TO CHANGE SIGNATURE AUTHORITY Min Waban Dan Administrative Office RESOLVED, the Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians hereby authorizes c hanging the signature authority 0 ft he M idjim Petty Cash account, National City Bank, to the following individuals. Said account will require the signature of two of the individuals for any and all transactions: Victor L. Matson Jaime MacDonald Aaron A. Payment William P. Connolly 523 Ashmun Srreet Sault Sle. Marie MIchIgan CERTIFICATION 49783 906.635.6050 Fax 906.635.4969 Go.emma"' 5erYia. 11:~nomk D lopment Commission We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members, of whom &:... members constituting a quorum were present at a meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the --'i£.. day of ~ 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by an affirmativevote of L1.- members for, t2..- members against, ~ members abstaining, and that said resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. ~ Aaron Payment, mall Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians n Cathy AbrflrisOn.Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTIONNO:~ AMENDING CHAPTER 20: TREATY FISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS Min Waban Dan Office S23 AShmun 5.ree. sault Sle. Marie WHEREAS, it bas come to the attention of the Conservation Committee that Chapter 20 Section 102 (5)(a) and (5)(b) are incompatible as written; and WHEREAS, this incompatibility is the fact that Chapter 20 Section 102 (5)(a) states that tribal members that are eighteen years of age or older sbaII be eligible for a commercial fishing captain's license, while Chapter 20 Section (5)(b) states that in order to be eligible for a commercial fi~h;"g helper's license without Seeking Board of Director's approval, a tribal member must be nineteen years of age; and Michigan 49783 006.635.6050 WHEREAS, out of a desire to correct this incompatibility, the Conservation Committee requests that the Board of Directors amend Chapter 20 Section 102 (5)(b) to allow tribal members who are eighteen years of age and older to secure commercial fishing helper's license without seeking approval from the Board of Directors. Fax 006.635.4969 GO.8rn..A8nt L.. _LM.. Economic Development Commission NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Director's hereby amends Chapter 20 Section 102 (5)(b) to read as follows: "(b) A member, the ages of sixteen and seventeen, sbaII be eligible for a helper's license only with the written consent of a parent or guardian and approved by the Tribal Board of Director's." CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members, of whom Jd: members constituting a quorum were present at a meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the ...1l2 day of ~I..u..c 2006; that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at said meeting members for, I.:L members against, !2by an affirmative vote of members abstaining, and that said resolution bas not been rescinded or amended in any way. ~ Aaron Payment, Trib Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Cathy AbrafPSon.Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians RESOLUTIONNO:~ WAIVER OF SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY AND CONSENT TO WAIVER OF TRIBAL COURT JURISDICTION BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, as follows: Min Waban Dan Administrative Office 523 J\Shmun Slmel Section 1 FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS: The Board of Directors finds and determines that: 1.1 The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians (the "Tn"be") is a federally recogJ"i7.edIndian Tribal Government Org;m;7Mundel' the provisions of the Indian ReoTglln;7J1nonAct of 1934. Saull SIC. MarIe 411783 1.2 The K.ewadinCasinos Gaming Authority, on behalf of the Kewadin Shores Resort and Casino, bas negotiated a contract with Sprung Instant Stmctures, Inc., ("SIS") for the lease of a 90 foot by 285 foot Tedlar coated opaque structure together with certain accessories for a term of24 months. Fax 1.3 SIS bas refused to consent to a modification of its lease in a manner that would permit the Tribe to contract without a waiver of sovereign immunity or Tn"balCourt jurisdiction. Michigan 906.635.04969 Go.&............... s.. ~118J1 D Economk lapment Commlalon 1.4 In order to induce SIS to enter into the lease, the Tribe must confirm that the Tribe and all other entities claiming by, through or under the Tribe will not claim tribal immunity or Tn"balCourt jurisdiction with respect to any matter pertaining to disputes arising from the SIS lease. All of the foregoing are referred to herein as the "Waiver and Consent Obligations." 1.5 It is in the best interests of the Tribe to consent to the SIS contract and to enter into the Waiver and Consent Obligations. Section 2 APPROVALS AND AUTHORIZATION 2.1 The Board of Directors authorizes and directs the Tn"be,through its Chairperson, for and on behalf of the Tn"be and the Gaming Authority, for and OD behalf of the Kewadin Casinos to enter into the SIS lease, in the form attached, and the Tn"beand the Gaming Authority agree to the terms of this SIS lease, and entering into this lease is in compliance with the Tribe's Constitution and Bylaws. 2.2 The Board of Directors authorizes and directs the Tribe and the Gaming Authority to give express consent to the terms and provisions of the SIS lease. 2.3 The Chairperson or his designee is authorized and directed to execute and deliver such other agreements, certificates, documents, or instruments, as may be required or to take any and all such action which may be necessary or convenient to effectuate the foregoing. Res. No: ,.30017' 7't Page 2 Section 3 WANER OF SOVEREIGN JURISDICTION; GOVERNING LAW IMMUNITY; CONSENT TO 3.1 The Tribe hereby waives its sovereign immunity ftom suit should an action be commenced under the SIS lease. This waiver: i) shall terminate upon performance by the Tribe of all of its obligations under the SIS contract; ii) is granted solely to SIS and its successors and assigns; and iii) shall cxtend to inter alia, any judicial or non judicial action, including, but not limited to, any lawsuit, arbitration, and judicial or non judicial action to enforce the rights of SIS and the assertion of any claim in a court of competent jurisdiction or with any arbitrator or arbitration panel to enforce the obligations of SIS under the SIS lease; Section 4 WANER OF TRIBAL COURT JURISDICTION 4.1 The Board of Directors waivesjurisdiction of the Tribal Court over any action arising under the SIS lease. CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, as Chairperson and Secretary of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, hereby certify that the Board of Directors is composed of 13 members, of whom .l.l- members constituting a quorum were present at a meeting thereof duly called, noticed, convened, and held on the --1..I.L day of ~ 2006; that the foregomg resolution was duly adopted at said meeting by an affirmative vote of ~ members for, ~ members against, ~ members abstaining, and that said resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Aaron Payment, Tri Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Cathy Ab~ Secretary Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians ROLL CALL MATRIX MeetingDate: 0r / to -D ~ Ii A Res. Number O0 ft &7 7) £1 f;b b1 70 7/ 1J- 73 t1 1,,1 Unanimous v Cathv Abramson 1,/ Joe Eitrem v' Todd Gravelle Iv DennisMcKelvie 0/ .... Paul Shal!en /11 Y1 ;/1 J 02.y 1/ I A.. I I I I \j he- -- Lana Causlev V Bob LaPoint I V 0/ Fred PaCluin N v Rob Lambert II Denise Chase Y IV Tom Miller -{ 1...- Vic Matson y . Aaron Pavrnent I = Made Motion . Y = VotedYes . A = Abstained I ,/ Iv III J ,;L :J-. --2.. .;z., " .;L 2 = Second/Support Motion N = Voted No U = Unanimous ROLL CALL MATRIX b -/ (.. - o.,b Meeting Date: P A Res. Number ,1 / t.j 1S -tfo C1ODy. 1'1 Unanimous v LA , v Cathy Abramson " y v Joe Eitrem '" y V'" Todd Gravelle y Dennis McKelvie \/ ..... l- Y I 1-11 };1 I I fA Af>SI- . y t.r-Paul Shagen ..... N v Lana Causley y l/ Bob LaPoint N 1'1 j Fred Paquin v "{ J. v Rob Lambert ' v Denise Chase Y 'I v Tom Miller \f :L'/, Vic Matson '(, " '" s 1 I 01.- Aaron Payment . I = Made Motion . Y = VotedYes . .,.A A = Abstained * .;< bOlt> ~ 2 = Second/Support Motion N = Voted No U = Unanimous 1 ~ - JottJ. vJbJ:,~ 7' ~ '=+-dOOft,' 1~ I'\D-!- Vo~ .