2011 catalog - Bulk Herb Store


2011 catalog - Bulk Herb Store
Dried Herbs
Herbal Mixes
Water Filtration
This & That
Books & DVDs
Recipes & Procedures56-59
Office hours | 8:00–4:00 CST
Website | www.bulkherbstore.com
Address | 26 West 6th Ave,
Lobelville, TN 37097
Phone | 877.278.4257
2011 Catalog
Editor and Writer | Shoshanna Easling
Design and Layout | Clint Cearley
Audrey Madill
Photos © Laura Newman Photography
When we were growing
up, herbs were like
tomatoes. We grew
them. We put them up
for the winter. We used
them daily, and gave
concoctions away to
other people in need
of them. My mother
was always teaching us.
If we were weeding
the garden, she would
talk about which weeds
James & Shoshanna Easling with son,
Jeremiah James and daughter, Penelope Jane
were herbs and what
those herbs could do. She instilled in us a passion to
learn and create.
By the time I (Shoshanna) was 13, my family started
the Bulk Herb Store. Quite a few years have passed
since then, and my wonderful husband James and I
now run the Bulk Herb Store together. Our son Jeremiah James helps pull your orders. At five years old,
Jeremiah already can go outside, gather herbs in the
wild and know what they are good for. He doesn’t
even know he’s growing into a little herbalist, but he is!
At the Bulk Herb Store we provide our homemade
concoctions, our experiences, and the tested wisdom
of others. We want to do more than sell quality herbs.
We want to teach you what we know and inspire you
to learn and research beyond that. It is fun, easy, and
above all, a great way to keep your family more healthy.
Send along your own recipes and testimonies...we would
love to hear from you!
Learn and Live Well!
Look for these symbols used
throughout this catalog:
Organic: One or more versions of
these products are organic.
Best Seller: These products are our
customer favorites.
Shoshanna’s Favorites: Shoshanna’s
top products that she uses all the time.
Bulk Herb Store offers information for educational purposes
only; use in the maintenance and promotion of good health in
cooperation with a licensed medical practitioner. Just because a
small amount of an herb works well does not mean that more is
better. As individuals, we all have different constitutions, sensitivities, allergic reactions and possible health conditions. We cannot
provide medical advice, dosage information, potential drug/herb
reactions, or assistance with questions relating to injury, illness,
etc. Consult with your physician for diagnosis or treatment. Use
caution when using any herb, and always do your own research
before deciding what and how much to take, especially when concerning children, or women who are nursing or pregnant. Statements in this catalog have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. Prices are subject to change without notice.
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
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Activated Charcoal Powder
has been used as an effective anti-poison
remedy for centuries. It works as an absorbent of toxins in the digestive system, relieves gases,
can eliminate fungi, viruses and bacteria, and may promote recovery from food poisoning.
Preliminary research shows that regular high dosages may lower cholesterol and fat levels.
ACCP-2 Activated Charcoal powder - ½ lb $6.10
has been called the “king of plants” since it is extremely rich in vitamins
and minerals. It has 8 essential amino acids and the highest chlorophyll content of any plant.
Alfalfa is used as a base in many combinations and vitamin formulas because it permits rapid
assimilation of plant elements. It is most popular as a blood purifier and as a cure for all inflammations, including rheumatism.
AHC-2 Alfalfa herb cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.60
Arnica can be used externally in a muscle rub, massage oil, cream, or diluted tincture to
speed the healing of wounds, bruises, sprains, and swellings. It also increases resistance to
AFW-2 Arnica flowers whole - ½ lb $8.35
Arrowroot flour
is a nutritious food, obtained from the fleshy rootstock of a
tropical American plant. It is easily digested and well-suited for infants and convalescents, and
it makes an excellent thickening agent in recipes.
AP-2 Arrowroot powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $2.45
Astragalus root
is most popular for stimulating the immune system. People who
frequently fall victim to colds and get respiratory infections are prime candidates for astragalus
root. Astragalus has an anti-viral agent that helps the body destroy viruses and other harmful microbes. It has been used to treat colds, upper respiratory infections, cancer, asthma, and nervous
conditions, as well as to lower blood sugar and blood pressure and boost energy levels.
ASR-2 Astragalus root cut, ORGANIC- ½ lb $6.95
has antibacterial, antiviral and digestive aid properties, but it is best known for
its flavorful taste. Great in spaghetti, soup, pizza and more.
BC-2 Basil cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $3.95
Bay leaves
are an ideal herb for cooking. Not only do they add flavor, they have
many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. They are also
anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.
BLW-2 Bay leaves whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $7.50
Bentonite Clay
is an effective and powerful healing clay used to treat both
internal and external maladies. Its greatest power lies in its ability to absorb toxins, impurities, heavy metals and other internal contaminants. When mixed with water, it rapidly swells
open like a highly porous sponge. The toxins are drawn in by electrical attraction and are then
bound and flushed out of the system.
BCP-1 Bentonite clay powder - 1 lb $5.70
BCP-2 Bentonite clay powder - ½ lb $3.50
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Beet Root powder
Red beet is unique for its high levels of anti-carcinogens and its very high carotenoid content.
Beets are loaded with antioxidant that help the body fight against heart disease, some cancers
- especially colon cancer - and even birth defects.
Beet roots fight against certain oxidative stress-related disorders. They reduce serum cholesterol by 30% to 40%. They help in normalizing blood pressure and were traditionally used in
treatment for leukemia. Because beet roots are a powerful cleanser and builder of blood, they
are very effective in treating many ailments caused by toxic environments. Beet root stimulates
the function of liver cells and protects the liver and bile ducts.
It is used to treat gout, kidney problems, gall bladder probles, headaches, toothaches, dysentery, lumbago, skin problems, menstrual problems and many others.
It contains: Vitamin A, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus,
Fat, Carbohydrates, and Protein.
BERP-2 Beet Root Powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $6.95
has marvelous anti-aging properties in both its fruit and leaves. It improves
visual acuity both at night and during the day, as well as being useful in the prevention and
treatment of glaucoma as it strengthens connective tissue and prevents free-radical damage.
Bilberry inhibits collagen destruction, reduces capillary permeability, increases blood circulation to peripheral blood vessels and the brain, reduces inflammation and pain, and relieves
muscle spasms.
BFP-2 Bilberry Fruit powder - ½ lb $16.95
BLC-2 Bilberry Leaf cut - ½ lb $6.55
BFW-2 Bilberrry Fruit, whole - ½ lb $14.95
Black Tea
is a common herb. Scientific research has shown that black tea
helps to attack harmful bacteria in the mouth that cause gum disease and cavities.
BT-2 Black Tea, ORGANIC - ½ lb $6.95
Black Walnut has anti-fungal, antiseptic, astringent, and antiviral properties, and has
earned a great reputation as a vermifuge and anti-parasitical remedy, particularly for the intestinal tract. Traditionally, black walnut has been used to treat hemorrhoids, intestinal worms,
parasites, fevers, wounds and bruises, and is effective on the malaria parasite and tapeworm.
BWHP-2 Black Walnut hull powder - ½ lb $3.80
Blessed Thistle is an excellent herbal source of potassium and sodium. It is most
commonly used to enrich and increase milk in nursing mothers, and to help balance female
problems such as dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea.
BTC-2 Blessed Thistle cut - ½ lb $4.65
is a blood purifier and cleanser, and has been used to neutralize and eliminate
toxins in the system and is one of the best herbs for chronic skin problems. The root also contains trace amounts of organic mercury, making it a good choice for mercury detox formulas.
BRC-2 Burdock root cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.70
BRP-2 Burdock root powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $6.65
Butcher’s Broom
is very high in iron and silicon, and is one of nature’s most potent remedies for a wide spectrum of circulatory ailments. It has been used to treat thrombosis,
phlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, edema and dysmenorrhea.
BBRC-2 Butcher’s Broom root cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.95
BBRP-2 Butcher’s Broom root powder - ½ lb $5.70
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ish Royal
During World War II, pilots in the Brit
flying to
Air Force ate Bilberry
improve their nigh
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
y different plant
Calendula is actually an entirel
ive to Africa and
from other Marigolds. It is nat
es off a less insouth-central Europe, and giv
native to America.
tense smell than the marigold
rial, anti-fungal,
The flower contains antibacte
y properties.
antiviral and anti-inflammator
Calendula/Pot Marigold
is rich in phytochemicals, including lycopene. It
has traditionally been used internally as a gargle for reducing inflammation of the mouth
and throat, laryngitis and tonsillitis, dryness of the lungs, and digestive upsets. An effective
external use of calendula is on wounds, burns and abrasions to help rejuvenate the skin and
overcome abnormal skin growths.
CPM-2 Calendula/Pot Marigold whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $12.95
Cat’s Claw Bark can be used for a variety of health conditions, including viral infections such as herpes and HIV, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and arthritis. It has been used to
support the immune system and promote kidney health.
CCBC-2 Cat’s Claw bark - ½ lb $4.15
is one of the traditional cold and flu remedies. It is an excellent diaphoretic, and its ability to induce sleep while producing perspiration without increasing body heat
makes it a valuable drink in any case of fever. Owing to its gentle nature, catnip is highly prized
in the treatment of children’s ailments.
CLC-2 Catnip herb cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.40
Cayenne stimulates every system and cell of the body. Regular use strengthens the
pulse, feeds the heart, lowers cholesterol, thins the blood, helps prevents heart attack
and stroke, cleanses the circulatory system, regulates blood pressure, and heals ulcers.
It also stops hemorrhaging, speeds healing of wounds, rebuilds damaged tissue, eases
congestion, regulates elimination, relieves arthritis and rheumatism, prevents the spread
of infection, and numbs pain. A small quantity of cayenne can dramatically increase the
efficiency of most herbs.
CP90P-2 Cayenne pepper 90K HU powder - ½ lb $4.45
CP135P-2 Cayenne pepper 135K HU powder - ½ lb $6.10
is one of the best herbal sources of niacin, magnesium, and essential fatty acids. The actions of chamomile are strongest on the liver and kidneys where the
volatile oils apparently stimulate the organs to purge themselves of toxins. In tea or tincture,
chamomile is soothing and relaxing to the nerves, helps one sleep, improves the appetite, and
aids in digestion.
CFP-2 Chamomile flowers powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.80
CFW-2 Chamomile flowers whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.60
Chaste Tree Berries
Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) got its name from the aphrodisiac quality purported since
its early use. Chaste Tree Berry is a natural flavonoid that has a progesterone like effect. It is
also effective in altering the neurotransmitters that modulate hormonal levels, such as dopamine, prolactin and neuroactive flavonoids. Through these actions, Chaste Tree Berry acts to
regulate heavy menstrual flow due to insufficient progesterone production and alleviate mood
changes associated with erratic hormone production. Women have found it helpful for menstrual irregularities and PMS symptoms.
CTB-2 Chaste tree berries whole - ½ lb $3.95
Chia Seed
is one of the richest plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, an antiinflammatory agent that is good for healthy skin, and is involved in the cholesterol metabolism function. It is an excellent source of natural antioxidants, protein, calcium, phosphorus,
manganese, potassium, zinc, copper, and iron. In fact, chia contains six times more iron than
spinach. It’s also gluten free.
CSW-2 Chia Seed whole - ½ lb $5.20
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
I wanted to thank you for sending me my order so
quickly. I am on my way with my family to Mexico
for 2 months, and I wanted to take some herbs along.
Thank you for your articles, and hard work at the
Bulk Herb Store. God bless. ~Christina
acts as a tonic to the entire body. It dispels colds and winter chills, and
kills a variety of illness-causing bacteria, including E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and the
Asian flu virus. It has strong volatile oils that are potently antibacterial, anti-fungal, and are
even uterine-stimulant. Because it is so good-tasting, it is doubly effective in fighting mouth
infections. The most recent research proves cinnamon is most valuable for helping to stabilize
blood sugar and blood pressure.
CBP-2 Cinnamon powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $3.10
C234W-2 Cinnamon sticks whole (2¾ in), ORGANIC - ½ lb $3.50
are a perfect breath-freshener that kill the bacteria that causes odor while
leaving the mouth clean-tasting and fresh-smelling. Cloves have been used to treat toothaches,
earaches, colds, flu, backaches, bronchitis, dysentery, muscle aches, nausea, and vomiting. Apply directly to a toothache or the oil to a cold sore.
CW-2 Cloves whole -½ lb, ORGANIC $5.95
is high in calcium and vitamin C. It has a strong history of being used
as an external application by itself or in poultices for mending wounds and broken bones. It is
a contact healer, relieving pain and helping new flesh and bone to grow quickly.
COLC-2 Comfrey leaf cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.95
serves as a potent diuretic, which relieves water retention and tissue swelling
from PMS or kidney disease, cystitis, and urinary infections or inflammations. Cornsilk is a rich
source of vitamin K to help control bleeding. It also has been shown to assist with bedwetting
and prostate disorders.
CSC-2 Cornsilk cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $7.95
Cumin is not only a needed spice in chili but also an herb. It contains compounds that
fight inflammation, pain, and swelling. Cumin can help with carpal tunnel syndrome.
CUP-2 Cumin - ½ lb $4.95
is one of the best blood purifiers and builders available. It is high in vitamins
and minerals, especially calcium. It restores and balances the blood so that anemia caused by deficiencies disappears. This is the herb for improving low blood pressure, and it helps build energy
and endurance. It is also one of the best liver cleansers and is therefore great for skin diseases.
DLC-2 Dandelion leaf cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $6.40
DRC-2 Dandelion root cut - ½ lb $4.85
Diatomaceous Earth (DE, also called Fossil Shell Flour) moves through the digestive tract attracting and absorbing bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticide and
drug residues, E. coli, and heavy metals. The toxins are captured and passed out of the body.
If there are larger parasites in the digestive tract, they are killed by the sharp edges of the DE.
DEP-2 Diatomaceous Earth powder - ½ lb $3.10
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Echinacea Purpurea
(also known as Purple Coneflower) is an excellent infection
fighter and powerful natural antibiotic. Echinacea stimulates the overall activity of the cells responsible for fighting all kinds of infection. It increases the amount of T-cells and macrophages in the
bloodstream. For a powerhouse immune booster mix echinacea, elderberries, rose hip, ginseng,
and garlic.
EPRC-2 Echinacea Purpurea root cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $11.50
EPTC-2 Echinacea Purpurea herb, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.50
have been in the spotlight for their amazing immune boosting properties.
They are high in antioxidants that stimulate the immune system. Elderberries are used for inflammation and pain and to soothe the intestines, thus making them useful in all inflammatory bowel diseases.
EW-2 Elderberries whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $7.95
is best known for the treatment of respiratory ailments. The oil which
comes from the leaves, roots and bark has antibacterial, antiseptic, and astringent qualities. It
is an effective expectorant and is used in many commercial products to clear mucus from the
nose and lungs, and to relieve upper respiratory distress. Eucalyptus also has a warming effect.
ELC-2 Eucalyptus leaf cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.95
is most commonly known as a sweet cooking spice, however, both the seed
and the leaves are used for their medicinal value. Fennel is a good example of cooking with
herbs to flavor food for additional nutrition as well as giving healthy benefits.
• Good for children because of its mildness and sweet flavor. Marvelous for colic in small
babies or for stomach aches for all ages.
•Aids digestion especially when uric acid is a problem, as in gout.
• Helps normalize the appetite, used to help weight loss.
• Increases the flow of urine and is a liver cleanser.
• The tea makes good eyewash.
• Helps in milk production
FSP-2 Fennel Seed powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $3.95
FSW-2 Fennel seed whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $3.20
is a key component of lung healing and expectorant formulas. It relieves
the symptoms of allergies, hay fever, and resolves unproductive coughs often found in humid
climates. It also expels mucus and phlegm from the bronchial tubes and soothes sore throats.
FGSW-2 Fenugreek seed whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $2.40
contains substances that promote good health. They are rich in alpha-linolenic acid
(ALA), an essential fatty acid that research has shown to be beneficial to good health. Flax seed
has been used for menopausal, heart disease, high cholesterol, cancer, and arthritis.
FSB-2 Flax seed whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.95
contains allicin, a natural antibiotic. It is active against staphylococcus and E. coli
bacteria and is good to take for all diseases (anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-cancer). It protects against infection, has a detoxifying effect on all the body systems, and builds endurance and energy. Ingesting garlic improves the body’s defenses against allergens, strengthens blood vessels, and
equalizes blood pressure. It is one of the most effective herbs for killing and expelling parasites. Besides its medicinal qualities, garlic contains many vitamins and minerals for nutritional benefit as well.
GM-2 Garlic minced - ½ lb $2.60
GP-2 Garlic powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.95
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
has been used as a remedy for digestive disorders, morning sickness, diarrhea, rheumatism, lumbago, nausea, fever, and coughing. Studies have shown that the ginger
plant prevents motion sickness, thins the blood, lowers cholesterol, and prevents cancer.
GRC-2 Ginger root cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.70
GRP-2 Ginger root powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $6.60
is an excellent source of iron, calcium, and vitamin C, and has a rich history of
treating poor circulation. Studies have shown it to be effective in increasing peripheral blood circulation. The anti-aging effects of better circulation include increased energy, antioxidant effects, decreased blood clotting, better concentration, and improved memory. Ginkgo is the brain food herb.
GLC-2 Ginkgo leaf cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.60
GILP-2 Ginkgo leaf powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.95
, Siberian (Eleuthero) contains compounds that help the body respond
more quickly to stress. It regulates both male and female hormones and is especially helpful
for men in alleviating and preventing impotency. It has been used to treat anemia, insomnia,
diarrhea, fatigue debility, stress, weak digestion, hypoglycemia, lethargy, immune deficiency,
lack of endurance, weight loss, poor memory and appetite.
GRSC-2 Ginseng root, Siberian (Eleuthero) cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.80
GRSP-2 Ginseng root powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.95
Green Tea
is full of tannins which are known to fight cancer. With daily consumption, green
tea has been shown to help fight and prevent a wide variety of cancers, including bladder, colon, esophagus, pancreas, skin, rectum, respiratory, and stomach. Green Tea is a high antioxidant. It also helps heart
function, immune system, blood pressure, aging brain regression, weight loss, blood sugar, and more.
GTC-2 Green Tea, ORGANIC - ½ lb $8.40
is known as the heart herb. It regulates high and low blood pressure, arrhythmic heartbeat, and irregular pulse; prevents hardening of the arteries; treats arteriosclerosis; and cools
inflammation of the heart muscle. Used regularly, it strengthens the heart muscle and the nerves to the
heart. For those who have already suffered a heart attack, studies show that hawthorn speeds recovery,
strengthens the heart, and forestalls the onset of coronary disease. No other herb in the plant kingdom
provides the same nourishing regeneration before or after a heart attack. Use with or just after meals to
avoid nausea.
HBP-2 Hawthorn berries powder - ½ lb $5.85
HBW-2 Hawthorn berries whole - ½ lb $5.40
is best known as a natural dye for the hair. Research has shown that henna not
only colors hair, but its conditioning properties also bring body, life and vibrancy back to dry or
damaged hair. Henna permeates the hair shaft to strengthen and enrich your hair, giving it a distinctive, natural radiance not found with chemical-based coloring.
HLP-2 Henna leaf powder, red, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.95
has a tart, fruity taste. It is used in many teas because of its burst of flavor.
Egyptians used it to calm muscle spasms associated with heart and nerve disease. Hibiscus is
often added to bulk laxatives to help calm muscle spasms.
HFC-2 Hibiscus flowers cut, ORGANIC – ½ lb $4.95
is best known as a relaxing nerve tonic, useful for relieving tension and anxiety,
and soothing pain, restlessness and agitation. Hops have also greatly helped people suffering
from insomnia. The bitters in hops aid in overall digestive function, enhancing the action of the
liver and the secretion of bile and digestive juices.
HFW-2 Hops flowers whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $14.95
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on a
This is not like the Ginger you may find
spice rack in a supermarket. This is muc
and more effective. Like most spices, it
we do go
and a little goes a long way. Nonetheless,
wild with it- this is one of our favorite
As a tea, oil inhalation, or vapor rub,
lavender is effective for colds, coughs,
asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, flu,
tonsillitis, and laryngitis.
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is unique among herbs because it contains the highest
amount of silicon. Silicon is an essential element in the manufacturing of collagen, the connective tissue that holds the body together. It gives elasticity and suppleness to the skin and
contributes flexibility and strength to the bones, hair, and nails.
SP-2 Horsetail/Shavegrass powder - ½ lb $5.70
SC-2 Horsetail/Shavegrass cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.60
Indian Gooseberry/Amalaki is the most potent bioavailable source of
vitamin C. Its strong antioxidant effect helps protect against free radical damage, and
it is important in the regeneration of other key antioxidants such as vitamin E. It has
been shown to be effective for cardiovascular support and protection against strokes
and cancer.
IGP-2 Indian Gooseberry/Amalaki powder - ½ lb $6.45
Jasmine Green Tea
is a very nutritious mix of green tea and jasmine flowers.
It is helpful in losing weight, boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation, and it has
even been shown to combat stomach and skin cancers. An increased consumption significantly improved the odds of survival of breast and ovarian cancer patients. It is also rich in
fluoride and can reduce the risk of tooth decay.
JGTC-2 Jasmine Green tea - ½ lb $5.95
is an amazing seaweed that contains a high content of natural plant iodine.
Iodine is necessary for proper function of the thyroid, which is essential for proper
growth, energy, and metabolism. It is also used to treat rheumatism, hypothyroid, enlarged glands, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, and more. Kelp is a blood purifier and also
strengthens hair, skin, and nails.
KP-2 Kelp powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $3.40
has a wonderful relaxing effect on the mind and body. It makes a good
remedy for anxiety, nervousness, and physical symptoms caused by stress, such as tension
headaches, migraine, palpitations, and insomnia.
LFP-2 Lavender Flower powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $9.95
LFW-2 Lavender Flowers whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $6.60
Lemon Balm
is an excellent remedy for soothing the nerves and “lifting the
spirits.” It especially helps the digestive system as it calms and soothes nausea, vomiting, poor
appetite, colic, dysentery, colitis, and many stress-related digestive disorders. It is also one of
the best herbs for herpes.
LBC-2 Lemon Balm cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $6.75
Lemon Grass
is rich in geraniol and citral, which help lower serum cholesterol levels. The essential oil of lemon grass is used to soothe fevers, treat respiratory problems,
sore throats, and oily skin. It is also a tasty mild tea that promotes sleep.
LGC-2 Lemon Grass cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $3.20
Lemon Peel
is full of nutrition. It has vitamin C to help build the immune system
and citrus bioflavonoid for healthier circulation. It has been used to aid digestion, ease colic,
indigestion, upset stomach, and vomiting. When added to herbal teas, it gives a pleasant aroma
and enhances the taste.
LPG-2 Lemon Peel granules, ORGANIC - ½ lb $6.95
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
is thought to harmonize the action of all other herbs and is also used to
mask undesirable tastes. It acts as a natural cortisone and helps to heal weakness or hoarseness
in the voice caused by damage to the throat muscles. Its varied uses include sore throat relief,
cough suppressant, expectorant, mild laxative, treatment of various cancers, and enhancement
of immune response.
LRC-2 Licorice root cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $3.95
Lobelia is one of the most potent singular herbs and a powerful relaxant. The relaxing effects of lobelia can be felt over the entire body, and it works very quickly. It has been utilized in
the treatment of asthma, whooping cough, bruises, ulcers, inflammations, sprains, ringworm,
swelling, insect bites, and poison ivy symptoms.
LHC-2 Lobelia herb cut - ½ lb $6.30
Marshmallow Root contains a large concentration of mucilage that soothes
and protects mucous membranes in the throat, stomach, intestines and urinary tract.
It is also packed with pectin, a soluble fiber that keeps the gastrointestinal system running regularly. Both substances help deal with irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s
MRC-2 Marshmallow Root cut - ½ lb $5.70
Milk Thistle Seed
is one of the strongest liver protectors available. Unlike any
other substance known to science, the silymarin found in milk thistle regenerates liver cells
and guards the organ from damage by pollutants, toxins, and viral invaders. Its ability to lessen
the devastation and fatality of cirrhosis, hepatitis, and mushroom poisoning is unparalleled.
MTSW-2 Milk Thistle Seed whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.95
is high in iron, magnesium, potassium, and sulfur. It is considered the herb
of choice for respiratory problems and pulmonary diseases. Not only does it loosen mucus
and expel it out of the body, it also calms spasms, is a natural painkiller and helps to reduce
swelling in the glandular system.
MLC-2 Mullein leaf, ORGANIC - ½ lb $6.40
Mustard Seed is a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as dietary fiber
and many minerals. Mustard is a rubefacient, which causes the skin to feel warm and opens
the lungs to make breathing easier. A mustard plaster of powder and cold water is the timehonored cure for a congested chest. Take care to never apply the plaster directly to the skin
as it may cause painful blistering. A layer of thin material should be put between the mustard
paste and the skin, and the poultice should be removed if it becomes uncomfortable.
MSYP-2 Mustard Seed powder, yellow - ½ lb $3.20
is a significant source of vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, silicon, potassium
chloride, chlorophyll, protein, and dietary fiber. Its tincture has been included in hair tonics
for centuries due to its ability to stimulate hair growth. It is a blood purifier, increasing the
efficiency of liver and kidney function, and has been used to treat asthma, ulcers, bronchitis,
jaundice, nephritis, hemorrhoids, and spasmodic dysmenorrhea.
NLC-2 Nettle leaf cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.20
NLP-2 Nettle leaf powder - ½ lb $4.95
is an excellent source of the major minerals, including magnesium and calcium.
These body building nutrients help strengthen bones and teeth, and are vital to a healthy nervous system.
OC-2 Oatstraw cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $3.95
OP-2 Oatstraw powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.20
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Olive Leaf
is a natural antibiotic and antioxidant that has been used to effectively
treat or prevent many diseases. Its active compounds have been reported to act as anti-microbial agents, which slow invaders so the body’s natural immune system can counterattack. It
also lowers high blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, improves respiratory response, aids in
skin health, and fights heart disease and fatigue. Olive leaf tea can be enjoyed regularly as a
preventative or used directly to combat ailments.
OLW-2 Olive Leaf whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.20
Orange Peel
is high in vitamin C and potassium. It is used to aid in circulatory
problems. Orange peel contains bitter compounds that are anti-inflammatory, and it reduces
muscle spasms and increases the production of digestive fluid. Orange peel has been used to
treat coughs, colds, flu, fevers, and bronchitis.
ORP-2 Orange Peel cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.95
Passionflower is one of the best herbs for chronic insomnia with no addictive effects
so you can awake refreshed and alert. It has been used as a mild sedative and to treat pain and
imbalances of the nervous system. Passionflower relieves smooth muscle spasms and is useful
for treating spasmodic dysmenorrhea, colic, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, and
PHC-2 Passionflower herb cut - ½ lb $3.95
Pau D’Arco bark tea is used as a blood purifier, diuretic, and to treat ulcers, fight
yeast infections, rheumatism, and leukemia. Externally it is used for treating skin diseases
including eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, hemorrhoids, and skin cancers. It shows antifungal activity in treating systemic yeast infections like candida albicans.
PDABC-2 Pau D’Arco bark cut - ½ lb $2.95
is one of the oldest and most popular remedies for simple colic
and minor bloat. It promotes relaxation, and is good for all digestive problems, such as stomach pain caused by indigestion and colon gas. It also aids in headache relief.
PLTB-2 Peppermint leaf tea bags - ½ lb $5.95
PPLC-2 Peppermint leaf cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.95
is a great “first aid” plant that usually grows close at hand. A few fresh
leaves crushed or chewed quickly stop the bleeding of an open wound. Plantain also relieves
pain and inflammation of bites, stings, and the itching from poison ivy. It is a useful remedy
for many skin ailments, including diaper rash.
PLC-2 Plantain herb cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.40
has been called a “colon broom” because it scrubs the colon. It contains mucilaginous compounds that create absorbent bulk in the stool, pulling putrefactive
toxins from the sides of the intestines and colon. It has been used to treat constipation, dysentery, chronic diarrhea, and cystitis. Make sure to drink plenty of water when using psyllium.
PSP-2 Psyllium seed powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.60
Red Clover
is an excellent herbal source of calcium, chromium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. It is often compared to alfalfa for both its nutritional value and appearance. It is an excellent blood purifier that increases the body’s production of urine and
mucus, and promotes menstrual flow. It has been used to treat cancer, rheumatism, jaundice,
inflammatory skin conditions, spasmodic dysmenorrhea and bronchitis.
RCT-2 Red Clover tops whole - ½ lb $5.95
RCHC-2 Red Clover herb, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.95
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Red Raspberry
is full of vitamins and minerals. It strengthens the wall of the
uterus and the entire female reproductive system, decreases profuse menstrual flow, and relieves muscle
spasms. As a drink taken regularly during pregnancy, it is unequaled by any other agent. The tea can
alleviate morning sickness and nausea, quiet premature pains and helps produce a safe, speedy, and easy
delivery. It relieves afterpains and strengthens, cleanses and enriches milk after delivery.
RRLC-2 Red Raspberry leaf cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.95
Red Rooibos Tea
has a sweet, slightly nutty flavor. It contains a high level of
minerals and antioxidants and is naturally decaffeinated. It acts as an anti-spasmodic agent to relieve
stomach cramps and colic in infants and helps with nervous tension, allergies and digestive problems.
RRT-2 Red Rooibos tea, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.70
Red Rose Petals
are not merely a decorative symbol of love! With their astringent properties, they are used for tonics and gargles to cure catarrh, sore throat, mouth sores,
and stomach disorders. The oil from the petals is used to relieve headaches, insomnia, and
nervous tension. Rose petal tea is mild and quite lovely. Toss rose petals with seasonal fruit
and sprinkle with freshly squeezed lime juice--enjoy!
RRP-2 Red Rose Petals, ORGANIC - ½ lb $6.95
Rose Hips
are the dried fruit of roses that contain vitamin C complex. They are
especially good for fighting stress and infections. Rose hips also have bioflavonoids which affect the heart and circulatory system, particularly strengthening the capillaries.
RHC-2 Rose Hips cut, seedless, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.95
is an excellent tonic and all around stimulant, making it ideal for treating
exhaustion, weakness, and depression. It also stimulates digestion and is good for alleviating
“cold conditions” like chills and rheumatism.
RLW-2 Rosemary leaf whole, ORGANIC - ½ lb $2.95
Sage has a reputation for restoring failing memory in the elderly. It possesses much of the
same anti-Alzheimer’s potential as rosemary and works well in combination with ginkgo in
fighting off the disease.
SLW-2 Sage leaf cut - ½ lb $5.70
Saw Palmetto
is excellent for all diseases of the reproductive organs in both
males and females, and is used as a sexual stimulant and aphrodisiac. In men it is a well known
remedy for atrophy of the testes, low libido, impotence, and prostate enlargement. It relieves
urinary infections and fluid retention and can be taken for incontinence and bed-wetting.
SPBP-2 Saw Palmetto berries powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $9.40
Slippery Elm
is a mild-flavored, highly nutritious herb. It is used in many combinations and poultices for both its medicinal properties and its cohesive quality. It is an internal
and external contact healer that coats, relaxes, and heals inflamed tissue, including irritated
mucus membranes of stomach, bowels, intestines, and kidneys. This is a gentle herb and one
of the best for diarrhea, especially in babies.
SEBP-2 Slippery Elm bark powder - ½ lb $7.20
Spearmint is just plain good! We drink it regularly as a refreshing glass of cold tea in
the summer or a soothing cup of hot tea in the winter. Spearmint also settles heartburn. It is
available as a cut leaf or in tea bags.
SLC-2 Spearmint leaf cut - ½ lb $3.20
SLTB-2 Spearmint leaf tea bags - ½ lb $6.95
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Red Raspberry
“Recent scientific studies have shown antiviral,
antifungal, hypotensive, and antioxidant
properties in the plant and its extracts.”
-Taken from Practical Herbalism, by Phil Fritchey
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St. John’s Wort
Because of its wonderful effects on the
nervous system, we use St. John’s Wort
in both our Less-Stress Herba-Smoothie
mix and our Stress-Buster tea.
(Found on pages 23 and 26.)
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is a highly concentrated source of protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals,
and amino acids. It has 26 times the calcium of milk, 35 times the protein of meat, and is easy
to digest. It has been used to treat cataracts, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, glaucoma, and
hepatitis. Spirulina also aids in weight loss.
SPP-2 Spirulina powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $11.95
St. John’s Wort
is well-regarded as an herb to lift the burden of depression and is
particularly useful when menopausal changes trigger depression, irritability, and anxiety. It has
a sedative and pain-reducing effect, which gives it a place in the treatment of neuralgia, anxiety,
tension, muscular twitching, and uncontrolled movements. It helps especially with nerve injuries
to the extremities, teeth, and gums.
SJWC-2 St. John’s Wort cut - ½ lb $3.60
is naturally 30 to 300 times sweeter than sugar. It is an alternative to artificial
sweeteners with no added calories, no side effects, and very little aftertaste. Stevia is a widely
available tabletop sweetener in Asian countries. It has been used to treat digestion, liver, and
intestinal problems.
SHC-2 Stevia herb cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.60
repels all sorts of insects, including moths, ants, spiders, and flies, and will even
deter mice from your home. It can be placed in herb sachets or sprinkled in cupboards.
THC-2 Tansy herb cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $5.95
is both a spice and an herb. It is good in Italian dishes, soups, stocks, salads,
meats, and vegetables. Adding thyme to your food adds beneficial medicinal properties and
nutrition, as well as flavor. It removes mucus from head, lungs and respiratory passages, has a
soothing action on nerves, fights infection, and is anti-fungal.
TLC-2 Thyme leaf cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.40
has curcumin as its active ingredient, which is a first-rate antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Laboratory studies have shown that curcumin is as effective in reducing inflammation as
the potent drugs hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone, without the serious steroidal side effects. Add
turmeric to food or use in capsule form. For best results, take it with bromelain capsules and flaxseed oil.
TRP-2 Turmeric root powder, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.60
has the power to soothe nerves, relax smooth muscles, relieve anxiety, and
ease hypertension. It helps the heart by slowing its rate while increasing the power of each
beat, making the action more efficient and less strained.
VRC-2 Valerian root cut - ½ lb $5.80
VRP-2 Valerian root powder - ½ lb $6.20
White Willow Bark
is known for relieving pain, and has been used for fevers,
rheumatism, inflammation, and more. White willow’s main substance is salicin. Its bark was
used to make aspirin in the early days of medicine. Unlike manufactured aspirin, white willow
bark does not thin the blood or irritate the stomach.
WWBC-2 White Willow Bark cut - ½ lb $3.90
Wild Cherry Bark has expectorant and mild sedative properties. The tea serves as
an aid to treat fevers, colds, sore throats, and diarrhea. It has also been used to ease pain in
the early stages of labor. This herb loses many of its properties when boiled. It is best used in
tinctures, or you can let it sit in warm water for tea.
WCBC-2 Wild Cherry Bark cut - ½ lb $3.40
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Wild Yam is known to help balance hormonal shifts. It has been used for easing
menstrual or pregnancy cramps, muscle spasms, flatulence, ovarian and uterine pain,
and conditions of the urinary tract. It is utilized by menopausal women to help control
hot flashes.
WYRC-2 Wild Yam root cut - ½ lb $5.20
Wormwood is excellent to expel intestinal worms and stimulate the appetite and liver.
Two of its phytochemicals stimulate digestion, and a wormwood tincture improves liver and
gallbladder function in people with liver disease. It is also an effective external antiseptic.
WHC-2 Wormwood herb cut - ½ lb $4.20
WP-2 Wormwood powder - ½ lb $5.30
is unsurpassed for flu and fevers. If used abundantly at the onset of a cold, it
usually breaks it up within 24 hours and it is especially good for fevers since it produces perspiration. Yarrow helps the glandular system, regulates and tones the liver, and relieves kidney
and bladder infections. Good for all childhood diseases.
YFC-2 Yarrow flowers cut, ORGANIC - ½ lb $4.45
Yellow Dock is an excellent herbal source of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium. It is a blood cleanser and purifier that tones the entire
system. Because of its high content of vitamin C and iron compounds, yellow dock is one of
the best blood builders, and good for all skin problems. It is one of the best herbs for anemia.
YDRC-2 Yellow Dock root cut - ½ lb $3.40
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all-original herb blends
Black Spice Chai Tea
This Chai Tea is a robust, smooth blend of delicious flavor and beneficial herbs. Best with
milk and brown sugar. Contains: Black tea, cinnamon chips, orange peel, fennel seed, cardamom, bay leaf, ginger root, cloves, black peppercorns.
BSCT-2 Black Spice Chai Tea, ORGANIC - ½ lb $12.95
Black Tea, Passionfruit flavored
Orange Pekoe with passionfruit flavoring and marigold petals. Black tea helps block viruses, as
well as cut the risk of cancer. It also helps boost your metabolism, which can result in weight
loss. Black tea benefits anyone: men, women (before, during or after pregnancy, and while
nursing), children and animals. Best served cold.
PFBT-2 Black Tea - Passionfruit flavored - ½ lb $6.95
Black Tea, Tropical flavored
Orange Pekoe with tropical flavoring and flower petals. Black tea helps block viruses, as well
as cut the risk of cancer. It also helps boost your metabolism, which can result in weight loss.
Black tea can be used to benefit anyone: men, women (before, during or after pregnancy, and
while nursing), children and animals. Best served cold.
TRBT-2 Black Tea - Tropical flavored - ½ lb $6.95
Creamy Pumpkin Pie Tea
Our delicious Creamy Pumpkin Pie tea is an essential tea for your holiday season. The rich, nutty
flavor of our Red Rooibos tea is blended with a variety of spices including orange peel to create this
creamy, soothing blend. We recommend using 1-2 tsp. tea per 8 oz. cup of water. You can brew it in
a coffee pot, or by adding it to boiling water and steeping for a few minutes before straining. Make
sure you sweeten it with honey and add some cream to get the full pumpkin pie flavor. Contains:
red rooibos tea, cinnamon chips, orange peel, cloves, ginger root. Best served hot.
CPP-2 Creamy Pumkin Pie Tea, ORGANIC - ½ lb $8.95
Cough Tea
Cough Tea has a light honey flavor. It is best with a little raw honey and a splash of cream. This
tea is a great remedy for whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, and numerous other cough-related
issues. Sweetened with raw honey, it helps to loosen phlegm and calm bronchial spasm. Contains:
red clover tops, licorice root, and ginger root. Best served hot.
CTM-2 Cough Tea - ½ lb $9.95
Double-E Immune Booster
These herbs work together to strengthen your body’s natural defenses against colds, stress, flu,
viruses, and infections. Double-E is very high in vitamin C, one of the best immune boosters.
It also builds T-cells, and increases energy. This tea has great flavor but also makes a great tincture! Contains: echineacea roots and tops, elderberry fruit, nettle, ginseng root, peppermint, and
rose hips.
DEIB-2 Double-E Immune Booster, ORGANIC - ½ lb $13.95
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Dr. Cinnamon Tea
Dr. Cinnamon’s main ingredient is cinnamon chips. The smooth flavors you will experience as you sip this delicious tea are all herbal and very healthy. Each brew of Dr. Cinnamon can be reused several times. This tea is used in treating varicose veins, boosts
brain activity, reduces inflammation in the body and improves Type 2 diabetics’ ability
to respond to insulin. Contains: cinnamon, orange peel, red raspberry leaf, ginkgo, and
green tea.
DCT-2 Dr. Cinnamon Tea, ORGANIC - ½ lb $8.95
Green Tea, Pomegranate flavored
Natural Green tea with pomegranate fruit flavoring. Green Tea is not only delicious and full
of antioxidants, but it is also known to help with: rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol levels,
cardiovascular disease, infections and impaired immune function. Green Tea can be used to
benefit anyone: men, women (including before, during or after pregnancy, and nursing), children and animals.
PGT-2 Green Tea - Pomegranate flavored - ½ lb $6.95
Hibiscus Orange Delight
Our refreshing tea blend with an exotic, citrusy flavor is high in vitamin C. You can enjoy it hot
or cold. Add it to ginger ale and orange juice to make a wonderful punch! Contains: Hibiscus
flowers, orange peel, rose hips, green tea, red raspberry leaf.
HOD-2 Hibiscus Orange Delight, ORGANIC - ½ lb $12.95
Lemon Divine Tea
This is a truly delightful tea with a smooth taste you can enjoy every day! This tea is packed
with vitamin C complex. Contains: lemongrass, rose hips, lemon balm, lemon peel, orange
peel, green tea. Best served hot.
LDT-2 Lemon Divine Tea, ORGANIC - ½ lb $11.95
Mama’s Milk Tea
This delicious tea helps nursing mothers increase their milk supply and also improves breast
milk’s nutritional value. Contains: blessed thistle, dandelion leaf, fennel seed, fenugreek seed,
nettle, red raspberry leaf.
MMT-2 Mama’s Milk Tea, ORGANIC - ½ lb $8.95
Mama’s Red Raspberry Brew
Red raspberry strengthens the womb in pregnancy, and it is also reported to be effective in
restoring the womb after delivery. Alfalfa has very high nutritional value while nettle and peppermint help with bloating and aid digestion. This delicious and nourishing tea can be enjoyed
during and after pregnancies, as well as for morning sickness. It also can increase a man’s fertility. Contains: red raspberry leaf, alfalfa, peppermint, nettle.
MRRB-2 Mama’s Red Raspberry Brew, ORGANIC - ½ lb $12.95
Red Rooibos Spice Chai Tea
This naturally non-caffeinated Chai Tea is a mild, smooth blend of delicious flavor and beneficial herbs. Best with milk and brown sugar. Contains: red rooibos tea, cinnamon chips, orange
peel, fennel seed, cardamom, bay leaf, ginger root, cloves, black peppercorns. Best served hot.
RSCT-2 Red Rooibos Spice Chai tea - ½ lb $12.95
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Rise and Shine Tea
This tea is a mix of herbal energy that will wake you up with a burst of flavor! It is designed to
increase blood flow for clear thinking, energy and overall health. Great cold or hot! Contains:
bilberry leaf, cloves, ginger, ginkgo, green tea, and peppermint.
RST-2 Rise and Shine tea - ½ lb $14.95
Rooibos Tea, Mandarin flavored
Rooibos tea with mandarin orange flavoring. This naturally non-caffeinated tea has a sweet and
slightly nutty flavor. It contains a high level of minerals and antioxidants, including copper, iron,
potassium, calcium, fluoride, zinc, manganese, alpha-hydroxy (great for the skin), and magnesium.
MR-2 Rooibos Tea - Mandarin Flavored $6.95
Sleep Tight Tea
Sleep Tight Tea is great for insomnia and restless sleep. It can be used to benefit men, women
(including before, during or after pregnancy, and nursing), and children. This tea has a mild,
pleasant flavor. Contains: catnip, chamomile, lemon balm, passionflower.
STT-2 Sleep Tight Tea - ½ lb $9.95
Stress Buster Tea
Stress-Buster Tea is a mix of herbs that aid the circulatory, immune, glandular, digestive, and respiratory systems. Simplified, this combination of herbs relaxes the muscles, feeds the brain, and
strengthens the body. This tea is naturally caffeinated, as it contains Green tea. Contains: st. John’s
wort, ginkgo leaf, siberian ginseng root, green tea, jasmine flowers, peppermint leaf, raspberry leaf,
and stevia leaves. Best served cold.
SBT-2 Stress Buster Tea - ½ lb $9.25
Stress Zapper Tea
This tea is wonderful for relieving mild depression and heavy stress. It has a fresh, sweet flavor and is
naturally caffeine free. We keep a pitcher in the refrigerator and enjoy several glasses a day. Contains: Siberian ginseng, St. John’s wort, ginkgo, peppermint, rose hips, stevia, passion flower, ginger, lemon balm,
lemongrass, milk thistle.
SZT-2 Stress Zapper Tea - ½ lb $12.95
Swelling Relief Tea
Swelling Relief Tea serves as a diuretic and antiseptic, and is good for kidney function. Its contents
are high in potassium and chlorophyll, and it helps reduce muscle spasms. It is great as a tincture or
tea. Contains: stevia, orange peel, cornsilk, nettle, lemon peel, lavender, rosemary, rose petals, yarrow.
SRT-2 Swelling Relief Tea, ORGANIC - ½ lb $9.95
Very Berry Tea
This mix is similar to our Very Berry Tincture, but makes a delicious berry tea. Contains: whole
bilberry fruit, bilberry leaves, whole elderberry, red raspberry leaf, and orange peel.
VBT-2 Very Berry Tea - ½ lb $14.95
Zach’s Black Special - Tea
Refresh yourself with a burst of flavor while feeding your body vitamin C complex and brain
food! Contains: black tea, hibiscus, rose hips, ginkgo, orange peel. Best served cold.
ZBST-2 Zach’s Black Special - Tea, ORGANIC - ½ lb $12.95
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Baby Bath Mix
Baby Bath is a mix of herbs to soothe and cleanse the skin. This is a natural antiseptic and
skin cleaner for the new baby and mama. Contains: lavender, rose petals, rosemary, and yarrow.
HBB-2 Baby Bath mix, ORGANIC - ½ lb $11.95
Beautiful Hair Treatment
The herbal properties of this treatment penetrate only the broken parts of the hair shafts, leaving damaged
hair looking healthy and full. The clear silicon creates a brilliant shine and nettle nourishes your scalp. This
treatment brings out lovely highlights but does not cover gray hair. The Dark and Red mixtures contain
nettle, oatstraw, henna, and horsetail/shavegrass. Strawberry Blond contains henna, chamomile, nettle,
oatstraw, and horsetail/shavegrass. Blonde contains chamomile, nettle, oatstraw, and horsetail/shavegrass.
BHB-2 Beautiful Hair mix Blond - ½ lb $11.95
BHD-2 Beautiful Hair mix Dark - ½ lb $11.95
BHR-2 Beautiful Hair mix Red - ½ lb $11.95
BHSB-2 Beautiful Hair mix Strawberry Blond - ½ lb $11.95
Beginner’s Herb Kit
This kit give you a nice variety of herbs and mixes to start learning and making herbs a part of daily living. Live healthy and live long! We will give you instruction on how to make all your herbal concoctions.
You will be surprised how easy it is! Contains: Snooze Tincture, Less Stress Herba-Smoothie, Cough
Tea, Double-E Immune Booster, Red Rooibos Spice Chai Tea, Peppermint Leaf cut, Rise and Shine Tea.
BHK Beginner’s Herb Kit - 3½ lb $59.95 - Savings $10.55!
Berry Herbal Brew Mix
Berry Herbal Brew is a unique blend of specially formulated ingredients that combine during the fermentation process to release their healthful benefits, including antiviral, antimicrobial, and very high antioxidant properties. Can be used for heart disease, eye health, brain function, digestion, and as a good
source of Vitamin E and C, and more! Combine this nutritional mix with your own fresh or frozen red
grapes and blueberries and you will have a delicious powerhouse! Contains: Indian gooseberry powder,
bilberry fruit powder, bilberry leaf, pomegranate powder, fig leaf powder, and grape leaf powder.
BEHB-1 Berry Herbal Brew - 1 lb $29.95
BEHB-2 Berry Herbal Brew - ½ lb $19.95
Detox+ Mix
Detox+ sucks up bad junk and flushes it out. It scrapes the wall of your colon, and helps your
body’s immune system. Mix it in water or juice and drink it 1-2 times a day. Contains: flax seed,
apple fruit pectin, Bentonite clay powder, psyllium seed, slippery elm bark powder, marshmallow root powder, peppermint leaf powder, activated charcoal powder, and bilberry fruit powder. Drink plenty of water while using this mix.
DPM-1 Detox+ Mix - 1 lb $22.95
DPM-2 Detox+ Mix - ½ lb $14.95
Herbal Colon Cleanse Kit
Save over 15% off the regular price of these products when purchased together
•1 lb activated charcoal powder
Kit includes:
•6 lbs Bentonite clay powder
•1 lb garlic powder
•2 lbs Detox+
•1/2 lb 130K HU cayenne pepper.
HCCK Herbal Colon Cleanse Kit - 10½ lb $95.76
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Herba-Smoothie Mixes
If your body can digest food, it can also digest and assimilate herbs. Unlike many vitamins, herbs act as a food to your body and are easily digestible. Herba-Smoothies are
a delicious way of getting your vitamins every day! Circulatory contains: bilberry fruit,
gingko, burdock root, orange peel, rose hips. Daily Boost contains: Siberian ginseng, hawthorn berries, bilberry fruit, gingko, burdock root, horsetail/shavegrass, oatstraw. Heart
Health contains: hawthorn berries, bilberry fruit, turmeric, alfalfa, oat straw. Less Stress
contains: Siberian ginseng, St. John’s Wort, gingko, passion flower, hawthorn berries.
HSMK Herba-Smoothie mix kid, all four mixes - 2 lb $59.95 (Save 20%)
CHS-2 Circulatory Herba-Smoothie mix - ½ lb $18.95
DBHS-2 Daily Boost Herba-Smoothie mix - ½ lb 19.95
HHHS-2 Heart Health Herba-Smoothie mix - ½ lb 19.95
SLHS-2 Less Stress Herba-Smoothie mix - ½ lb 18.95
Herb Crusted Roast
Yumm!! You can also use this seasoning for delicious beef soup or stew. Since it’s not always
convenient to have fresh herbs around, I have put together dried herb mixes that are pretty
close to perfection. Enjoy our Pearl family recipes with the delicious taste of this herb mix!
Approximately 20-25 tablespoons and MSG-free. Contains: thyme, onion powder, bay leaf,
garlic powder, oregano, black peppercorns, black pepper.
HCR-2 Herb Crusted Roast - ½ lb $9.95
ImLife Tincture Mix
This is a great anti-cancer mix. It puifies the blood, builds the immune stystem, kills fungi and
yeast, and is high in vitamins and minerals. Contains: red clover tops, olive leaf, pau d’arco
bark, cat’s claw bark, dandelion root, burdock root, butcher broom root, echinacea, nettle.
ILT-2 ImLife Tincture - ½ lb $11.95
Liver Cleanse Tincture Mix
This tincture is used to clean and rebuild the liver. The herbs in this mix are some of the best
herbs for purifying the blood and liver, shrinking enlarged liver, and helping the liver function
properly. Contains: Indian gooseberry, milk thistle, dandelion, burdock, turmeric, ginseng,
astagalus root, hawthorn berries, ginger, licorice.
LCT-2 Liver Cleanse Tincture - ½ lb $9.95
LCT-1 Liver Cleanse Tincture - 1 lb $16.95
New Mama and Baby Kit
Did you know that the skin the biggest organ in your body? That means that lotions, soaps,
shampoos and other topical products are not just going on your skin, but going in your body.
As a new mama, with a new baby, I wanted my life to be free of chemicals as much as possible. So, I started with our bath and body products. The New Mama and Baby Kit is designed
to make a healthier, happier mama and baby. And, you save 25% by purchasing these great
products together!
•½ lb Lavender Flowers-whole
•½ lb Baby Bath Mix
•½ lb Mama’s Milk Tea
•½ lb Chamomile Flower-whole
•½ lb Mama’s Red Raspberry Brew
•4.oz can Eden Salve
•½ lb Lavender Flowers -pwd
•½ lb Arrowroot-pwd
NMBK New Mama and Baby Kit - 4 lb $59.95 (save 25%)
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Parasite Cleanse Kit
Read Shoshanna’s parasite article, “You’ve Got Worms” on page 50 to learn how she uses
these herbs. Save over 20% when you buy these herbs together!
Kit includes:
•1 lb. Wormwood powder
•1½ lb. Cloves whole
•1 lb. Black Walnut Hull powder
•2 bags of Gelatin capsules - size “00”
PK Parasite Cleanse Kit - 3½ lb $39.95
Pearl’s Chicken Perfection
Amazing cooking blend of herbs and seasonings for chicken and shrimp! Contains: thyme, onion powder, marjoram, crushed chili pepper, garlic powder, oregano, lemon peel, sweet paprika.
PCP-2 Chicken Perfection - ½ lb $9.95
Resolution Collection
This product collection is specially formulated to help you lose weight by building metabolism,
cleansing your system and providing essential nutrients. Collection contains 1/2 pound of each:
Resolution Tea mix
Contains: Nettle leaf, Alfalfa, Corn Silk, Green Tea, Cinnamon Chips, Dandelion leaf, Siberian Ginseng
Resolution Tincture mix
Contains: Nettle leaf, Alfalfa, Fennel seed, Green Tea, Milk Thistle, Dandelion root, Ginger
root, Cayenne, Minced Garlic, Burdock root, Siberian Ginseng
Resolution Fiber mix
Contains: Flax seed, Chia seed, Psyllium seed powder
RMK Resolution Collection - 1 ½ lb $29.95 (save 20%)
RTM-2 Resolution Tea Mix, ORGANIC -½ lb $12.95
RCM-2 Resolution Tincture Mix - ½ lb $12.95
RFM-2 Resolution Fiber Mix - ½ lb $12.95
Salve Mix Kit
This kit contains a 1/2 lb. of each Green Salve Mix, Arthritis Salve Mix, and Muscle Salve Mix. It
also includes 1 lb. of beeswax, and six metal cans with lids.
One bag of each mix will make approximately 16-24 oz. of salve.
Green Salve Mix
Contains: Plantain Leaf, Calendula Flower, Comfrey Leaf, Yarrow Flower, Rosemary Leaf,
Echinacea Root, Echinacea Leaf
Helps heal skin, knit bone, clear rashes, figh infection, pull out poison, and much more. You
can rub it on wounds or put some on problem areas, then wrap it, and let the salve work.
Arthritis Salve Mix
Contains: Ginger Root, Echinacea Leaf, St. John’s Wort, Boswellia Serrata, Cayenne
Each herb has benefits that come together to relieve inflammation, fight pain, and promote
circulation. Rub this salve onto the sore areas as often as needed.
Muscle Salve Mix
Contains: St. John’s Wort, Arnica Flowers, Lobelia Leaf, Comfrey Leaf, Peppermint Leaf, Cayenne
WWW.BULKHERBSTO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
This salve penetrates the skin, soothes and helps to heal damaged muscles, while reducing
inflammation. Rub this salve onto the sore muscle as often as needed
SMK Salve Mix Kit - 2 ½ lb $48.95 (save 15%)
GSM-2 Green Salve Mix, ORGANIC - ½ lb $14.95
ASM-2 Arthritis Salve Mix - ½ lb $11.95
MSM-2 Muscle Salve Mix - ½ lb $18.95
Snooze Tincture Mix
Snooze tincture does just that...it helps you sleep like a baby! These herbs relaxe and soothe,
and before you know it you will be fast asleep. It can be made as a food grade glycerine or
alcohol tincture. Contains: lemon balm, chamomile, passion flower, catnip, oatstraw, hops.
SNT-2 Snooze Tincture - ½ lb $13.95
The Vinegar of the Four Thieves Mix
This mix serves as a powerful insect repellent when combined with garlic and vinegar. Also used as a
gargle for strep throat. Contains: rosemary, peppermint, wormwood, sage, lavender.
VFT-2 The Vinegar of the Four Thieves mix - ½ lb $12.95
Tincture Mix Kit
This kit includes our most popular items that can be used to make glycerine or alcoholic tinctures. Save
20% when you purchase these herbs together.
Kit Includes ½ lb of each:
•Cough Tea mix
•Snooze Tincture mix
•Double-E Immune Booster mix
•ImLife Tincture mix
TMK Tincture Mix Kit - 2 lb $38.95 (save 20%)
Very Berry Tincture Mix
Improves visual acuity, boosts immune response, reduces inflamed tissues and is high in vitamin
C. Contains: bilberry fruit and leaves, whole elderberry, red raspberry leaf, and orange peel.
VBT-2 Very Berry Tincture - ½ lb $19.95
Women’s Only Tincture Kit
This combination of herbs was created to balance a woman’s hormones. It is used to get rid of
PMS, depression, irregular periods, excessive cramping or bleeding, and hormonal anxiety.
1 lb. Pre-two week herbal mix contains chasteberry, ginseng, red raspberry, milk thistle, elberberry, dandelion, mustard seed, orange peel, nettle leaf, oat straw, lemon peel, ginger root, peppermint and feverfew.
½ lb. Pre-one week herbal mix contains chasteberry, ginseng, red raspberry, milk thistle, St. John’s
wort and wild yam.
½ lb. Cramp herbal mix contains cramp bark, white willow, chamomile flower, passion flower and valerian root.
WOT Women’s Only Tincture Kit - 2 lb $49.95 (10% off)
WOT-2W week tincture mix - ½ lb $12.95
WOT-1W Pre-one week tincture mix - ½ lb $13.95
WOT-TC Cramp tincture mix - ½ lb $16.95
See pages 58-59 for instructions on making
salves and tinctures.
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Berkey Filtration System
We all know that clean drinking water is foundational to good physical
health. This is the most advanced passive water filter available. It removes pathogenic bacteria, cysts, foul tastes and odors, and chemicals
including herbicides and pesticides. It also reduces heavy metals without removing the healthful and nutritional minerals your body needs!
Other filtration systems are inferior. Most do not remove pathogenic
bacteria and many remove beneficial minerals from the water as well.
In addition, the Big Berkey is powerful enough to filter raw, untreated
water from sources like lakes, streams, rivers and ponds. Features:
• Filters 3.5 gallons per hour using the 2 Black Berkey filtering elements (included).
• Holds 2.25 gallons.
• 19.25” in height and 8.5” in diameter.
• 2 Additional Black Berkey purifying elements may be purchased
and installed to double the filtering rate (7 gallons per hour).
BIGB Big Berkey - FREE Shipping $250
• Filters 4 gallons per hour using 2 filtering elements (included).
• Holds 3.5 gallons.
• 23” in height and 9.5” in diameter.
• 2 additional Black Berkey purifying elements may be purchased
and installed to double the filtering rate (8 gallons per hour).
RBKY Royal Berkey - FREE Shipping $275
Berkey Light
The Berkey Light is made from shatter-resistant copolyester designed
for use during travel and outdoor actvities. It’s perfect for enviroments where electricity, water pressure or treated water may not be
available. It purifies treated and untreated raw water from such sources as streams, stagnant ponds and water supplies in foreign countries
where regulations may be substandard. The system does not leach
foul tasting plasticizers into your water and will not retain foul tastes
and odors from waterborne contaminants. Its self-sterilizing and recleanable purification elements remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts and
parasites, as well as harmful chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides,
VOCs, organic solvents, radon 222, trihalomethanes and reduce nitrates, nitrites, sediment and unhealthy minerals such as lead and mercury. Features:
• System comes complete with two purification elements
• Storage capacity of 2.75 gallons
• When in use it stands 26.5” in height with a diameter of 9”. The
system stands 21” when used without the base (included).
• Filters 4 gallons per hour.
BL Berkey Light - FREE Shipping $209.00
WWW.BULKHERBSTO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
Black Berkey Filtering Element
No need for expensive disposable filters. Black Berkey purification elements are re-cleanable. Each durable and efficient purification element will last for up to 3,000 gallons (6,000 gallons
per set of two) and provide years of efficient water purification.
What’s more, the unique Black Berkey purification elements are
BB Black Berkey Filtering Element - FREE Shipping $99.00
Berkey PF-2 Arsenic and Fluoride
Reduction Elements
PF-2 reduction elements are designed for use with Black Berkey
water purification elements to adsorb the following unwanted
elements found in drinking water. Fluoride, Arsenic V and preoxidized Arsenic III, Other residual heavy metal ions. Under
normal conditions it is recommended that each set of two PF-2
elements be replaced after 1,000 gallons.
PF-2 Berkey Reduction Elements - FREE Shipping $59.00
KDF Shower Filter
Effective in both hot and cold water. Reduces up to 95% of
chlorine. Reduces chemical absorption and vapor inhalation.
Reduces 98% of water soluble heavy metals. Contains bacteriostatic media (KDF-55). Reduces damage to hair and skin
and eliminates foul tastes and odors. Back Flush Attachment to
prevent premature clogging. Reduces lime, scale, mold and fungi
in showers. Includes massage shower head.
BSF-1 Shower Filter w/o massage head - FREE S&H $59.00
BSF-2 Shower Filter with massage head - FREE S&H $67.00
Sport Berkey Portable Water Purifier
This is the ideal personal protection traveling companion featuring the Ionic Adsorption Micro Filtration System. The bottle’s
filter is designed to remove and/or dramatically reduce a vast
array of health-threatening contaminants from questionable
sources of water. Holds up to 22 oz. Water From Any Source:
160 Refills. Municipal Water: 640 Refills.
SPRT Sport Portable Water Purifier - FREE Shipping $29.00
Sport Berkey Element
The media within the filter element removes contaminants by
a surface phenomenon known as “adsorption” which results
from the molecular attraction of substances to the surface of
the media. As the bottle is pressed, the source water is forced
through the filter. The quality and volume of media used determine the rate of adsorption.
SBKYE Sport BerkeyElement - FREE Shipping $17.00
All Berkey products include FREE SHIPPING!
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Beeswax Pastilles
Our all-natural yellow beeswax comes in convenient pastille form. It
has many uses including salves, cosmetics, skin care products and fine
BW Beeswax Pastilles, yellow, ORGANIC - ½ lb $3.95
Bee’s Winter Defense
Bees Winter Defense is a pure, potent, synergistic blend of herbs, vitamins, and other essential ingredients. Propolis, which is one of the main
ingredients in Bee’s Winter Defense, is a resinous substance gathered by
the bees that is rich in minerals, B-vitamins and antibiotics. It raises the
body’s natural resistance by stimulating it to produce its own diseasefighting defenses. Contains: Bee Propolis, Echinacea Angustifolia (root), Echinacea
Purpurea, Goldenseal (root), Garlic (odor controlled, bulb), Astragalus,
Elderberry, Vitamin C, Bioflavonoid (citrus), Zinc. Free of yeast, salt, sugar, starch, preservatives and common allergens.
H-BWD Bee’s Winter Defense - ¼ lb $13.90
Certified Organic Honey
This organic honey is harvested with extreme care. It is 100% pure,
natural, unheated and unfiltered, fresh from healthy beehives. The result is a superior, energy packed honey with the highest possible levels
of live enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
COH Certified Organic Honey - 2¾ lb $13.49
Cheese Cloth
This cheese cloth is made from 2 square yards of unbleached 100%
Great for: canning, baking, basting, poaching, straining, wrapping,
cheese making, tofu making, winemaking.
CC-1 Cheese Cloth - ½ lb $2.95
Clover Honey
This is a delicious wildflower honey harvested by healthy bees from
a healthy environment. Clover honey with toasted pecans and cinnamon powder makes a natural, healthy, and tasty dessert topping.
H-CH Clover Honey - 2¼lb $7.22
Gelatin Capsules
Size “0” is the industry standard and most popular size used for capsulated products. Each “0” capsule will hold 400 mg-800 mg. The “00”
is about 50% larger and works well for those who don’t mind swallowing a large capsule. The “00” size will hold 550-1,100 mg. (5,000 mg=1
teaspoon). Dense powders like Bentonite clay and spirulina will be close
to the 800/1,000 mg range, while light powders such as slippery elm and
ginseng will be near the 400/550 mg range. Using a tamper will greatly
increase the amount that will fit into each capsule. Gelatin source is
kosher beef and it is sulfite free.
GC0 Size “0” 1,000 gel caps - ½ lb $12.00
GC00 Size “00” 450-500 gel caps - ½ lb $8.00
WWW.BULKHERBSTO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
Eden Salve
We specially formulated this salve using herbs and other
natural ingredients to numb pain as well as to heal and
soothe with its allantoin properties. It is an astringent, which
draws out infection and poisonous bites, and an antiseptic
that fights bacteria. One of our bestselling products, used
often by young and old alike!
EDN-4 Eden Salve tin - 4 oz $22.95
EDN-1 Eden Salve tin - 1 oz $7.95
Mesh Tea Infuser
This 2½ inch, stainless steel tea infuser is great for making
your favorite loose-leaf tea. Simply squeeze the handle, insert
tea and let tea infuse for the desired amount of time.
MTI Mesh Tea Infuser - ½ lb $4.95
Moresca Bottle
Great for holding cooking liquids, tinctures, and other mixes.
This Italian-made, clear glass bottle has a clamp-style, foodsafe top with a rubber seal. It is approximately 12½ inches tall
and holds up to 1 liter.
MB Moresca Bottle - 1 lb $6.95
Mortar and Pestle
Maximize flavor and health benefits by grinding spices and herbs
with this invaluable kitchen tool. Unglazed interior and pestle tip
create the perfect surface for efficiency and clean up is a breeze!
MPB Mortar and Pestle - 1 lb $9.99
Press & Brew Tea Bags
Fill your own tea bags with the tea of your choice. Each bag
holds 2-3 teaspoons of loose dried herbs. Put your herbs in
the bags, leaving half an inch between the open end, fold it
down, and with a hot iron press it closed. Great for everyday
or give some away to say, “Thinking of you.”
TB-100 Tea Bags, 100 count - ½ lb $9.95
TB-50 Tea Bags, 50 count - ½ lb $5.75
Propolis is a resinous substance gathered by the bees that is
rich in minerals, B-vitamins and antibiotics. It works to raise
the body’s natural resistance by stimulating it to produce its
own disease fighting defenses. Bee propolis is one of nature’s
richest sources of bioflavonoid. This propolis is Ultra Mega
H-PROP Propolis - ¼ lb $13.90
Raw Honey
Our Raw honey is U.S. Grade A, pure, unfiltered, and unpasteurized (containing live enzymes, vitamins, and minerals).
All the nutrients are carefully preserved as a whole food –
fresh and straight from the hive! This honey is harvested by
healthy bees from healthy environment and is never forcefully processed to make creamy. (spreadable)
H-RH Raw Honey - 1½ lb $7.95
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Redmond Real Salt
There is a vast difference in the quality and content of table salts
on the market today. Most table salts are bleached, kiln dried,
heated, or altered with chemicals or pollutants. Redmond Real
Salt is none of the above. It comes to you in its natural form,
with nothing added. This unrefined sea salt is mined from ancient
sea beds and contains 50+ trace minerals including iodine. The
result is a delicate “sweet salt” flavor that you may not have experienced before.
Contains: Sodium Chloride 98.32%, Calcium .40%, Potassium .12%, Sulphur .11%, Magnesium .10%, Iron .06%, Phosphorus .05%, Iodine .002%, Manganese .0015%, Copper .001%, Zinc .0006%
RRS Redmond Real Salt - 26 oz $4.95
Royal Jelly
Ultra Mega Strength Royal Jelly is made of the complex, life forming, highly nutritional, super food that queen bees feed on. It provides a full array of B-Vitamins, essential amino acids, fatty acids,
phytosterols, enzymes, acetylcholine, gamma globulin, lecithin, natural hormones, 10-HDA, catalytic factor “R” and more.
H-PRJ Royal Jelly - ¼ lb $18.95
Sprouting Kit
This is a great way to easily add delicious and fresh nutrients
to your diet.
Includes: one lid, three sprouting trays, one bottom tray, three
siphon caps, and one instruction leaflet with recipes.
Some facts about our sprouting kit:
•Easy to handle; a child can do it!
•No rinsing or washing is necessary once started.
•Easy and fun for kids
•Produces delicious, fresh, tasty, tender sweet sprouts.
•Sprouts have high nutritive value. Rich in vitamins, minerals,
proteins and enzymes.
•Sprouts are low in calories.
•Sprouts are ready to harvest and eat in three days.
•Economical: A few pennies per serving.
S Sprout Kit - 2 lb $31.95
Funnel With Strainer
This is a 5-inch stainless steel funnel with screen. Insert the
detachable screen when you need to strain out larger solids.
FNL Funnel With Strainer - ½ lb $10.95
Tea Mug Basket Strainer
This is a wonderful tea strainer that I use every day. It is
suitable for all sizes of mugs, and fits well on small tea pots.
Dimension of the actual infuser mesh is 2” inches and the
dimension of outer rim is 3-3/4” inches.
TS-1 Tea Mug Basket Strainer - ½ lb $5.95
WWW.BULKHERBSTO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
Tin Can
This is a nice 4 oz round, multi-purpose, tin can with a lid. I
use these for salves, creams, ointments, and more.
TC4-1 One 4 oz can $0.95
TC4-5 Five 4 oz cans $3.80
Tincture Bottles
I had a hard time taking my daily tinctures. It takes too much
time opening a jar and using a spoon several times a day. If you
are taking two or three tinctures at a time, it really takes a while.
No more! I love my 4 oz glass bottles. They have pinch caps with
droppers so I never have to use a spoon. They are easy to use,
which makes living healthy a breeze. The brown glass protects the
herbs from damaging UV light. These bottles are not only great
for tinctures, but also oils, herbal extracts and more.
TB-1 Tincture Bottle, 1 count - $2.95
TB-2 Tincture Bottles, 5 count - $11.95
Vegetable Glycerin
Glycerin (or glycerol) is a natural component of all fats and oils.
When fats are digested in the body, they are broken down into
fatty acids and glycerin. Hence, glycerin is a non-toxic, natural
food substance.
You can make a simple herbal glycerite by simmering herbs in a mixture of 60% glycerin and 40% purified water for two to three hours.
VG-1 Vegetable Glycerine, 1 pint (16 oz.) - 2 lb $9.95
VG-2 Vegetable Glycerine, 1 quart (32 oz.) - 3 lb $14.95
VG-3 Vegetable Glycerine, 1 gallon (128 oz.) - 11½ lb $39.95
“00” Capsule Machine
Stop filling your capsules one at a time by hand! This Capsule
machine helps you fill 24 “00” size capsules at a time with as
much powder as will fit in the longer “half.”
Includes tamper & stand. Each Capsule Machine comes with
one desiccant bag.
“00” size holds about 1,000 mg. Two teaspoon will fill about
7 “00” capsules. This can be used for all types of herb and
vitamin powders.
CAP-00 “00” Capsule Machine - 1 lb $15.95
“0” Capsule Machine
Stop filling your capsules one at a time by hand! This Capsule machine helps you fill 24 “0” size capsules at a time with
as much powder as will fit in the longer “half.”
Includes tamper & stand. Each Capsule Machine comes with
one desiccant bag.
“0” size holds about 500 mg. One teaspoon will fill about 7 “0”
capsules. This can be used for all types of herb and vitamin powders.
CAP-0 “0” Capsule Machine - 1 lb $15.95
Hi! I want to thank you for your EXCELLENT customer service, informative and easy to navigate website, and super fast shipping! Thanks again! ~Cindy
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
All New Square Foot Gardening
If you want to grow more vegetables and flowers in less space,
this book is for you. The author unveils ten new improvements
that save you more time and money—all with less work. And
with Barholomew’s special soil mix, you no longer have to
worry about weeds and fertilizer.
Paperback, 272 pages • SFG - 1½ lbs $19.95
Carrots Love Tomatoes
First published in 1975, this classic companion planting guide
has taught a generation of gardeners how to use plants’ natural
partnerships to produce better harvests. If you want to know
whether it is kosher to plant onions between cabbage plants,
this is the place to look.
Paperback, 219 pages • CLVT - 1 lb $14.95
Good Bug Bad Bug
Helps you quickly identify the most common invasive and beneficial insects in your garden, and gives the best organic advice
on how to attract the good guys and manage the bad guys
without toxic chemicals. Shows 38 bugs in full color.
Hardcover binder, 90 pages • GBBB - 1 lb $16.00
Growing 101 Herbs That Heal
A medicinal herbalist and organic grower introduces you to
the special cultivating and care techniques required for growing
herbs. Includes charts for propagating and harvesting, profile
photos, delicious recipes, and common herbal preparations.
Paperback, 250 pages • GHTH - 2 lbs $24.95
Gardening With Heirloom Seeds
A resource for gardeners, cooks and plant lovers of all levels
of expertise who want to find, share, and propagate the seeds
of heirloom flowers, fruits and vegetables. Includes illustrations, practical advice and lists sources for finding the seeds of
many old varieties.
Paperback, 328 pages • GWHS - 2 lbs $22.50
WWW.BULKHERBSTO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
Dear BHS, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate
your quick service. ~Karen
Growing & Using Herbs Successfully
This illustrated guide teaches how to plant, propagate,
harvest, dry, freeze, store, and sell 64 of the most popular
herbs. New herb growers will find a wealth of information
and encouragement.
Paperback, 223 pages • GUHS - 1 lb $14.95
Heirloom Farm & Garden
Learn how to plant a garden, start and save seeds, preserve the
harvest and cook with heirlooms. Beautiful color plates to assist
you in planning and planting your garden. A great reference and
how-to guide with quality photos and articles.
Magazine softcover, 128 pages • HFG - 1 lb $9.99
Herbs In Bloom
Herbs in Bloom is a delightful A-Z selection of over 700 favorite
flowering herbs. Along with detailed information on how to grow
each herb from seed or cuttings, the book offers systematic advice
on site selection, soils, transplanting, and other practical concerns.
Paperback, 394 pages • HIB - 2 lb $24.95
How to Grow More Vegetables
This classic shows how to produce a beautiful organic garden
with minimal watering and care, whether it’s just a few tomatoes
or enough food to feed a family of four on less than half an acre.
An essential reference for all seeking to grow their own food.
Paperback, 268 pages • HTGMV - 2 lbs $17.95
Joy of Gardening
Joy of Gardening can show anyone, anywhere, how to turn any
patch of ground into a lush, bountiful vegetable garden.
With Dick Raymond’s help, you will:
Double your harvest with wide rows. Less weeding, too.
Solve soil problems forever. His secrets will work anywhere.
Get your earliest and healthiest tomatoes. Use his trench-planting technique.
Harvest the sweetest melons. Use tin cans for sweeter melons
that ripen faster.
Paperback, 365 pages • JOG - 3 lb $18.75
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Lasagna Gardening
Turn in your tiller for a stack of old newspapers! Let Pat Lanza
show you how you can create lush, successful, easy-care gardens
in practically any location without hours of back-breaking digging or noisy tilling. Specific layered “lasagna” techniques for
the most popular vegetables, flowers, herbs, fruits, and more.
Paperback, 244 pages • LG - 1 lb $14.95
Lavender: The Growers Guide
With their powerful fragrance and stunning visual appeal, lavenders have been prized by gardeners since ancient times. Lavender is a truly comprehensive study, covering more than 200
species and varieties. Lovers of this exquisite plant will have
everything they need to know at their fingertips.
Hardcover, 180 pages • LGG - 2 lb $29.95
Let it Rot
This is the classic guide to turning household waste into gardener’s gold! Since 1975, Let it Rot has helped countless gardeners recycle waste materials like household garbage, grass
clippings, and ashes to create useful, soil-nourishing compost.
Paperback, 153 pages • LIR - 1 lb $11.00
Perennial Garden Design
Perennials form a key part of a garden’s structure and are dynamic and colorful plants whose forms and textures can influence the way we respond to and use a garden. This useful book
instructs gardeners in all aspects of designing with perennials,
from color schemes to matching different styles of gardens.
Hardcover, 191 pages • PGD - 2½ lb $34.95
Seed to Seed, 2nd Edition
Now includes seed-starting information and complete seedsaving guide for 160 vegetable crops with detailed information
on each vegetable: pollination methods; isolation distances;
caging and hand-pollination techniques; and proper methods
for harvesting, drying, cleaning and storing the seeds. Easy to
read, this is a must for all seed savers!
Paperback, 228 pages • STS - 1½ lbs $24.95
Seeds of Deception
This book reveals how industry manipulation and political collusion,
not sound science, allow dangerous genetically engineered food into
your daily diet. Eating such experimental food is gambling with your
health. Find out how you can protect yourself and your family.
Paperback, 289 pages • SOD - 1 lb $17.95
WWW.BULKHERBSTO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
The Vegetables Gardeners Bible
Discover Ed Smith’s System, the Last W-O-R-D in Vegetable
Wide Rows are easier to tend and provide a bigger yield per
square foot. You’ll get up to four times more delicious vegetables!
Organic Methods are better for you, your garden, and the earth.
They really work, so you’ll have few pests and diseases!
Raised Beds mean soil that drains better and warms up faster in
the spring. The result is bigger, healthier, and better vegetables!
Deep Soil provides a reservoir of nutrients and moisture that
encourages root growth while producing the best harvest ever!
Paperback, 309 pages • VGB - 3 lb $18.75
Weedless Gardening
Turning conventional wisdom on its head, Reich offers a system
that is good for plants and people. Say good-bye to backaches
and weed problems! Weedless Gardening is an easy-to-follow, lowimpact approach to planting and maintaining flower gardens,
vegetable gardens, trees and shrubs naturally.
Paperback, 200 pages • WG - 1 lb $8.95
10 Essential Herbs for Lifelong Health
This book teaches you about 10 essential herbs, what they are good
for and how to use them. Herbs covered Calendula, Chamomile,
Echinacea, Garlic, Ginger, Lavender, Peppermint, St. John’s Wort
and Valerian.
Paperback, 32 pages • TEH - ½ lb $3.95
Comfort for the Burned & Wounded
A helpful step-by-step guide for treating all severity of burns.
Keim describes the application of inexpensive natural products
that aid in healing and explains how to use substitutes in emergencies. Methods for using simple preparations in healing hemorrhages, broken bones, or joint swellings are also included.
Paperback, 92 pages • CBW - ½ lb $11.95
Healthy Bones & Joints
If you suffer from arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, and other diseases of the bones, connective tissues, muscles, and joints, you know
how important a healthy musculoskeletal system is to well-being.
Learn how to make herbal remedies and simple lifestyle changes to
prevent and fight bone and joint diseases in this easy-reference guide.
Paperback, 121 pages • HBJ - ½ lb $12.95
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Herbal Antibiotics
Through our indiscriminate use of pharmaceutical antibiotics in
hospitals and factory farms, humans have created ‘superbugs’—tenacious and virulent bacteria that develop resistance to solitary antibiotic compounds at an alarming speed. Learn how antibiotic herbs such
as aloe, garlic, and grapefruit seed extract represent our best defense.
Paperback, 135 pages • HA - ½ lb $10.35
Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health
Promote health and beauty, soothe everyday ailments, and ease stress
with 175 simple herbal recipes covering everything from infant colic
to dry skin and cold symptoms to insomnia. Gladstar guides you
every step of the way, from the growing and ecologically sound harvesting of herbs to basic preparations and dosage directions.
Paperback, 400 pages • HRVH - ½ lb $16.95
Herbs for Hepatitis C and the Liver
Buhner examines research on how hepatitis C affects the body.
Includes clear descriptions of medical tests and treatments for
hepatitis C, what they mean and how effective they are; a guide to
knowing and using the top herbal remedies that protect the liver
and strengthen the immune system; and a protocol for cleansing
and strengthening the body with a combination of diet, herbs, and
lifestyle changes.
Paperback, 155 pages • HHCL - ½ lb $12.95
How to Sleep Soundly Tonight
Say goodnight to sleeplessness! Getting a good night’s sleep
will build your energy, increase your productivity, and lengthen
your lifespan. Heller offers more than 250 tips and recipes for
sleep-inducing foods, herbal baths, sleep pillows, and more.
Paperback, 183 pages • HSST - ½ lb $8.95
Every week we send out a FREE e-mail called Herb Pearls. We will let you know
when we have new herbs mixes or remedies. You will receive articles on herbal
experience, or one of our favorite recipes that are delicious and healthy. Also we
will send you a short video clip with Shoshanna teaching you simple healthy living
tips. With every e-mail we send you discounts of some kind. If you want to be on
our Herb Pearls e-mail news letter go to BulkHerbStore.com and sign up today. 40
WWW.BULKHERB STO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
Making Herbs Simple Vol. 1 & 2 (DVD)
With all of mankind’s achievements, we have yet to outgrow
our need for the healing power of the God-given herb! Join
Shoshanna and friends as we show you how to identify and
use herbs that may be growing in your own backyard. These
professional recordings introduce you to the wonderful world
of herbs so no herbal experience is needed. We make learning
fun and interesting for the whole family! Both DVDs include
bonus 20-page, full-color companion booklets highlighting the
featured herbs.
Volume 1 shows step-by-step demonstrations on how to find,
wash, dry and store peppermint, echinacea, nettle, comfrey, elderberry, yarrow, mullein, and plantain; make poultices, tinctures, herbal hair treatments, and more!
DVD format, 78 min. • HWS1 - ½ lb $24.95
Volume 2 features hands-on instructions on how to find, wash,
dry and store bloodroot, Queen Anne’s lace, wild cherry bark,
mustard seed, dandelion, red clover, goldenseal, and soap wort;
make herbal steams, syrups, infusions, and more!
DVD format, 75 min. • HWS2 - ½ lb $24.95
Both DVD’s • HWS12 - 1 lb $39.90
Companion Guidebooks: Making Herbs
Simple, Volumes 1 & 2
Each booklet highlights 8 common herbs. They include beautiful color photos and interesting facts with usage tips.
Softback, 20 pages • HWS1-CG - ½ lb $4.95
Softback, 20 pages • HWS2-CG - ½ lb $4.95
Medicinal Plants of the World
Medicinal Plants of the World is a comprehensive and scientifically accurate guide to the best-known and most important medicinal plants. Each entry gives a short summary with a description of the plant, the geographical origin, therapeutic category,
historical and modern uses, active ingredients, and pharmacological effects.
Hardcover, 480 pages • MPW - 3 lb $39.95
Nutritional Herbology
This one-of-a-kind resource gives a complete summary of each
herb’s medicinal properties and nutritional content. Many effective herbal combinations are also included. This book does
not teach how to make remedies, nor is it designed as a “firstaid” reference. Instead, it has empowered us to create our own
remedies as we better understand the effects of each herb on
the body. This is an indispensable resource for those interested
in natural remedies and our most used reference.
Paperback, 336 pages • NH - 2½ lbs $18.65
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Practical Herbalism
This is the best book we offer with detailed instructions on
preparing remedies of all kinds at home. It explains herbs’ actions on the body and how to use them to bring about desired
results, including dosage suggestions. Dr. Fritchey provides a
refreshing and enlightening historical perspective, and a bounty
of reassuring, down-to-earth methods for using 46 commonly
found or easily grown medicinal herbs. It’s one of our favorites,
very easy to understand and apply.
Paperback, 444 pages • PH - 2 lbs $27.00
The Green Pharmacy
Learn everything you need to create your own natural medicine cabinet! Includes detailed information on herbs, medicinal foods and other natural products used to heal many health
problems. (Listed by condition.)
Paperback, 617 pages • TGP - 1 lb $7.95
The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook
A thorough and comprehensive herb reference guide listing the
world’s medicinal plants. Written in a down-to-earth style, this
handbook provides herbal descriptions, medicinal properties,
dosage options, prescription counterparts, and much more.
Paperback, 391 pages • TGPHH - ½ lb $6.95
The Herbal Drugstore, 2nd Edition
Enter a completely different type of drugstore—one where
herbal medicines are offered alongside conventional pharmaceuticals. The Herbal Drugstore is the only place where you can
compare mainstream drug treatments and their herbal alternatives for nearly 100 common health problems. Whether you
need first-aid or long term relief, this resource has a remedy.
Paperback, 610 pages • THDS - 2 lbs $18.95
The Herbal Home Remedy Book
Acquire herbal healing wisdom with this guide to gathering,
drying, storing, and blending 25 common herbs. Create your
own all-natural home medicine cabinet filled with teas, tinctures, salves, syrups, and lozenges.
Paperback, 176 pages • HHRB - ½ lb $14.95
[Practical Herbalism] is my daughter’s (a young budding
herbalist) absolute favorite book. It is very exciting to see
her interest develop with the ease & use of this very
practical book... ~ Heather
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Herbal Remedies for Children’s Health
Learn how to use herbs to create gentle baby care products
that will promote health and well-being. Gladstar includes
dozens of safe, easy-to-prepare herbal formulas for easing
the symptoms of childhood illnesses. She also includes safety
precautions, dosage information, and guidelines for when to
seek medical help.
Paperback, 75 pages • HRCH - ½ lb $8.95
The ABC Herbal
If you are new to the subject of home remedies and have
little ones at home, this is the book for you. You will learn
“tried and true” herbal home remedies that can prove
more effective than treatments offered by orthodox medicine. Instructions on making simple glycerin tinctures for
your children are included, as well as several other herbal
Paperback, 73 pages • TAH The ABC Herbal - ½ lb $7.95
Basic Country Skills
This is for anyone who wants to become more self-reliant, from
suburbanites with a quarter acre to country homesteaders with
several. More than 150 of Storey’s expert authors in gardening,
building, animal raising, and homesteading share their specialized knowledge and experience in this ultimate guide to living a
more independent, satisfying life.
Paperback, 576 pages • BCS - 3.5 lbs $24.95
Encyclopedia of Country Living, 10th Ed.
Carla Emery first started compiling this book in 1974 and continued to improve, refine, and update it. She traveled the country, enthusiastically teaching the skills for living independently
off the land - finding your place in the country, planning and
planting a garden, raising animals, and being self-sufficient.
Whether you live in the city or the country, this is the complete
practical guide to living simply and living well.
Softcover, 922 pages • ECL - 3½ lbs $24.95
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Homesteading for Beginners DVD, Vol. 1,2, 3
Journey with the city-gone-country Harrison family as they
teach you basic homesteading skills in a practical and entertaining way.
Volume 1 shows everything from starting and maintaining a
garden, harvesting and preserving food, raising and butchering chickens, to milking cows, making cheese and kefir, baking
bread, cutting firewood, and much more.
DVD format, 120 min. • HFB1 - ½ lb $19.95
Volume 2 demonstrates how to gather and process maple
syrup; can soup, pumpkin and applesauce; sprout beans; wildcraft herbs; make yogurt, cream cheese and kefir bread, and
many other practical skills. Bonus 20-page instruction booklet
is included.
DVD format, 149 min. • HFB2 - ½ lb $19.95
Volume 3: Journey with this family as they share some basic homesteading skills. In this video you will learn everything
from meat canning to making many meals using the canned
goods. Topics covered include:
Canning Meat
Canning Potatoes
Canning Tomatoes
Homemade Noodles
Buttermilk and Ricotta Cheese
Recipes using the canned meat
. . . And much more!
DVD format, 149 min. • HFB2 - ½ lb $19.95
Just in Case
Disaster can strike at any time. Be one of the prepared few
by following this practical plan for emergency self-sufficiency.
Learn how to evaluate, organize, and rotate your food supply; pack an evacuation kit; protect important documents from
fire; develop a communications system; make nutritious soup
with canned and dried pantry items; and entertain the kids for
several television-free days.
Paperback, 240 pages • JIC - ½ lb $15.95
Nourishing Traditions
“Packed with over 700 authentic recipes from around the world,
this cookbook combines the customs and wisdom of times past
with accurate scientific research. It is the only one I have ever
heard people talking about as if were an interesting novel—even
my husband read through it! It is a textbook of food, a science
book, a chemistry book and a history book. I would recommend it to all young wives. It is just that good!” Debi Pearl.
Paperback, 674 pages • NT - 3 lbs $19.75
WWW.BULKHERB STO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
Primitive Wilderness Skills, Applied DVD
Create a life from only what nature has to offer. Start a fire in
wet conditions, create a shelter, make baskets, bow & arrows,
traps, pottery, string, knives and more.
DVD format, 115 min. • PWSAV - ½ lb $24.95
Raw Energy
Offers 125 simple recipes for mouthwatering parfaits, trail
mixes, smoothies, energy bars, juice blends, soups, vegetable
chips, dips, candies, cookies, and more. Made from unprocessed whole foods, these snacks have fewer than 250 calories
and are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and enzymes.
Paperback, 270 pages • REB - 1 lb $16.95
Root Cellaring
Use the earth’s naturally cool, stable temperature as an energysaving way to store nearly 100 varieties of perishable fruits and
vegetables all year long. Root Cellaring explains how to successfully use this natural storage approach. It’s the first book devoted
entirely to the subject, and it covers the subject with a thoroughness that makes it the only book you’ll ever need on root cellaring.
Paperback, 320 pages • RCB - 1 lb $14.95
Salt Your Way To Health
For years, we have heard the following: A low-salt diet is
healthy. There is no difference between table salt and sea salt.
Low-salt products are better for you. These are the myths of
salt. Dr. Brownstein will present the research on salt that will
change the way you look at this vital substance.
All of these comments are believed to be true, both by physicians and lay people. Dr. Brownstein will show you what are
the myths of salt and why adding the correct form of salt to
your diet can markedly improve your health. Salt Your Way to
Health, 2nd Edition will challenge each of the above statements and give you a healthier alternative to regular table salt.
Paperback, 148 pages • SWH - ½ lb $14.95
The Backyard Homestead
With just a quarter acre of land, you can feed a family of
four with fresh, organic food year-round. This comprehensive guide to self-sufficiency gives you all the information
you need to grow and preserve food, raise animals, and keep
honey bees. Simple instructions make it easy to enjoy produce
all winter; use your own grains and fresh milk; make your own
wine, cordials, and herbal teas; and much more.
Paperback, 368 pages • BYH - 1½ lbs $18.95
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
The Big Book of Preserving the Harvest
Learn how to preserve a summer day—in batches—from this
classic primer on drying, freezing, canning, and pickling techniques. Even the busiest cook can create a well-stocked pantry
of fruits, vegetables, flavored vinegars, pickles, chutneys, and
seasonings with more than 150 step-by-step recipes.
Paperback, 352 pages • PTH - 2½ lbs $18.95
The “Have-More” Plan
This classic book was written by the Robinson family over 60 years
ago. Their “a little land, a lot of living” approach remains very relevant in our day. They give many practical illustrated ideas on how
to live large on a small income by purchasing land and building in
the country, along with gardening and farming tips.
Softback, 70 pages • HMP - ½ lb $8.50
The Home Creamery
You don’t need a commercial kitchen or hard-to-find specialty
ingredients to whip up fresh buttermilk, yogurt, mozzarella, goat
cheese, and other dairy delights. The Home Creamery features 75
cooking and baking recipes with step-by-step instructions.
Paperback, 220 pages • THCB - 1 lb $16.95
The Woman’s Hands-on Home Repair Guide
Solve your own fix-it problems and save money in the process
with home repair expert Lyn Herrick at your side. With her upbeat,
no-nonsense style, Herrick offers basic fix-it rules, along with stepby-step instructions for repair and renovation of the things that
can, and will, go wrong in and around your house. You’ll learn how
to fix:
Appliances, from washers and dryers to disposals and ice-makers
Dripping faucets and clogged drains, Broken windows, stuck
doors, and faulty latches, Holes in walls and creaky or worn floors
And much more!
Paperback, 200 pages • WHHRG - 1 lb $13.00
Cancer: Step Outside the Box, 4th Ed.
Every once in a while, someone writes a definitive book on a popular
subject. This is one such book. The author reveals the best cancer cures
that have truly worked on thousands of patients. He also lists where
to buy products and gives contact information for places that provide
comprehensive treatment. This book took the many ideas that we had
gleaned from other material and put it all into perspective. Don’t wait
until you or your loved one get cancer to learn what to do.
Paperback, 411 pages • CB - 1½ lbs $24.95
WWW.BULKHERB STO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
Diet and Heart Disease
At the turn of the century, heart disease and arteriosclerosis were
virtually unheard of. Today, they are one of the Western world’s
biggest killers. What went wrong? Heart disease has a complex
rubric of causes, including diet. The answer may surprise you!
Paperback, 96 pages • DHD - ½ lb $7.50
Gut and Psychology Syndrome
In treating her own autistic son, the author found how nutrition plays a critical role in helping children and adults overcome their behavioral and learning disabilities, and adults with
digestive and immune system disorders. The link between
food and drink, the digestive system, learning disabilities, and
mental health is explored.
Paperback, 266 pages • GSS - 1 lb $29.95
Left for Dead
Left for dead by his doctors after a heart attack and failed bypass surgery, Quinn discovered an herb that saved his life. This
book tells his story and shows how he enjoys good quality of
life without drugs or special diets. This is not only an exciting
read, but is full of vital information on health.
Paperback, 200 pages • LFD - 1 lb $10.50
Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and Pervasive Development Disorder
Looking for answers on how to overcome yeast, fungus,
chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, asthma, or autoimmune disorders? Does autism have to do with these conditions? Find out
how one family defied all odds to find a successful treatment
plan that reversed their son’s autism and provided answers to
a number of other ailments. A must read to autism, diet, vaccinations, and how they’re all related.
Paperback, 289 pages • UMA - 1 lb $12.00
Unwrapping the Mystery of Asperger’s
Kristi Hubbard gives summaries of over a decade of
intensive research on autism spectrum conditions. She
offers insight, advice, encouragement, understanding,
solutions and suggestions for girls and women with
Read this book to learn:
•Sex differences in Asperger’s
• Early signs detecting Asperger’s
• Insight on more than 21 Asperger’s traits
• How to overcome sensory issues
• How to overcome social difficulties
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
• Tips on making friends and keeping them
• Solutions on more than 26 common life issues
• Methods to have a happier family life living with
• Better understanding of the meaning and purpose in life
• Numerous helpful resources for those with Asperger’s
• How to prevent or decrease the chances of your child from
developing Autism
Paperback, 302 pages • UWA - 1½ lb $27.95
The Whole Soy Story
Soy is not a health food. In fact, studies link soy to premature
puberty, malnutrition, digestive problems, thyroid dysfunction,
reproductive disorders, immune system breakdown, heart disease and cancer. This book shows how much soy is added to
processed foods and how properly fermented soy products are
nutritious. Testimonies and facts are given in a concise way on
the often-contradictory evidence on soy and disease.
Hardcover, 457 pages • WSS - 1½ lbs $19.75
Husband Coached Childbirth
This revised and updated guide to The Bradley Method of natural childbirth utilizes the teamwork approach to help fathers work
with mothers to provide a joyful birthing experience that eliminates
drugs, shortens labor, lessens complications, and promotes healthy
Paperback, 275 pages • HCC - 1 lb $15.95
Natural Baby Care
The reader will learn about herbs, essential oils, homeopathy, pregnancy, childbirth, labor, breastfeeding, baby care, organic food, skin
care, massage, homemade shower gifts, and more! Advanced herbalists will enjoy this book for the recipes provided, while the book’s
simplified style appeals to women with an emerging interest in natural living.
Paperback, 156 pages • NBC - ½ lb $14.95
The Naturally Healthy Pregnancy
Beginning with God’s design for health, Parker deals with how to
eat for a healthy baby, which herbs are safe or dangerous during
pregnancy, and the best ways to minimize times of nausea and discomfort. A broad range of information coupled with experience
creates this great guide to health and nutrition during pregnancy.
Paperback, 442 pages • NHP - 1½ lbs $24.95
WWW.BULKHERB STO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way
The Bradley Method, used and praised by women for more
than thirty years, prepares couples for drug- and surgeryfree natural childbirth. Many births today are still medicated,
forceped, or caesarean - not natural. The Bradley Method
changes all that for couples who wish to give birth in a relaxed,
warm, loving environment that maximizes the joy of the birth
experience - and puts the mother in control.
You will learn:
•The crucial differences between The Bradley Method and Lamaze - and why you may end up medicated with the latter
•How to choose a doctor who will respect your wishes for natural childbirth
•Exercises and nutrition to get your body ready for birthing
•How to involve your partner as a birth coach and fully en
gaged participant
•The truth about episiotomy, caesarean surgery, and other
routine medical interventions that may pose a threat to
your baby
Paperback, 236 pages • NCBW - 1½ lb $14.95
Naturally Healthy Skin
Full of recipes, techniques, and practical tips for natural skin
care, this book includes sections on every common skin problem and on the specific concerns related to aging skin.
Paperback, 208 pages • NHS - ½ lb $16.95
Organic Body Care Recipes
“Radiantly healthy skin, hair, and nails.” Commercial beauty products make this promise and live up to it with varying degrees of success. Take control of beauty treatments with homemade products
that use safe, nourishing ingredients.
Paperback, 378 pages • OBCR - 2 lbs $18.95
The Natural Soap Book
Take the mystery out of soap making with advice and formulas for
high-quality soaps that are good for your skin and free of synthetic
additives. Clear directions and illustrations to guide you step-by-step
through the entire process – from buying supplies to cutting the
final bars. Includes creative wrapping and gift packaging ideas.
Paperback, 182 pages • TNSB - 1 lb $11.50
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
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W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
article by
Shoshanna Easling
I have been trying to write this article for a long time, but I
would get so grossed out with my research that I put it off.
Here it is, the PG-rated version!
Did you know it is estimated that more
than 85% of the world’s population have
some kind of parasite living inside them?
You can get parasites from people, animals,
mosquitoes, ticks, the air you breathe, food,
and your drinking water. You can get the
disgusting little creatures almost anywhere,
any time! They need you to survive and
multiply. Are you grossed out yet?
So what is a parasite? It is an organism that
lives on or in another organism (a person, an
animal, etc.) from which it obtains nutrients
to live, causing harm in the process.
Parasites have been linked to almost ev52
ery illness. However, just because you have
parasites does not mean that you are sick.
Many people have parasites and never know.
When your body has a healthy, strong immune system, it can deal with most parasites.
However, if you have poor circulation, your
pH is off-balance, your organs and tissues
lack oxygen, or your immune system crashes, it creates conditions favorable to the invasion and multiplication of parasites. Parasites migrate to the areas of the body where
it is not functioning optimally. Often people
get a disease, crashing their immune system,
thus making their body a perfect home for
WWW.BULKHERBSTO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
the parasites. This makes the disease worse.
There are over 100 different types of parasitic
worms that can live in the human body. They
range from microscopic in size to many feet long.
Female worms can release 3,000 to 200,000 eggs
per day depending on their type. Parasites’ waste
make your body very toxic. People with parasites
can become under-nourished and weak, because
parasites secrete toxins and steal vital mineral nutrients and amino acids needed for digestion and
a healthy body. People often end up with issues
such as viruses, fungal and bacterial infections,
anemia, bloating, fatigue or hunger, allergies,
asthma, gas, digestive disorders, nervousness,
skin rashes, foggy brains, aches and pains, chemical and metal poisoning, and much more.
Most doctors are not trained to recognize the
symptoms of parasitic infections. If they think
you might have worms, they have to guess what
kind you have, and then test you for them. They
only test or treat two kinds at a time. You would
have to be tested fifty times for all of them (that
is, for all of them that they know about)! On top
of that, the medicine they give you to kill the
worms is very toxic to you.
But there is good news! God gave us three
herbs that kill over one hundred different
parasites: green Black Walnut hull (Black Walnut hull that is still green when harvested and
processed.), fresh ground clove powder, and
wormwood. These three herbs must be used
together to kill the worms and eggs all at once.
Black Green
Walnut Tincture >>
Parasitic infections can cause physical trauma by burrowing into the intestines, the circulatory system, the liver, the lungs--anywhere in
the body. Worms can literally drill holes in your
organs as they destroy cells faster than cells can
be regenerated. A parasite cleanse is required if
your body is overburdened with other toxins. Do you have parasites?
You may have parasites if you have stomach
pain, indigestion, ulcers, constipation, Parkinson’s disease, joint or muscle pain, food or environmental allergies, dermatitis, itching, psoriasis,
eczema, hives, swelling and rashes, acne, anemia, fatigue or drowsiness after meals, or frequent infections in the lungs, sinuses, vagina,
bladder or any mucous membrane. Signs that
a child may be infected with parasites include:
blisters on the inside of the lower lip, wiping of
the nose, restlessness and grinding of the teeth
at night, twitching eyelids, dark circles under the
eyes, hyperactivity, bed wetting, headaches, sensitivity to light, and rectal or nasal bleeding.
How to kill your parasites
There are many studies with various conclusions as to the herbs you should take and the conditions of the treatment. So you need to do your
own research and decide what you what to take,
but this is what I do: Each day I take black green
walnut, cloves and wormwood. Here is what I do
for each herb:
Capsules size 00 >>
Day 1:
I take 1 drop of black walnut tincture
four times in a beverage every 4 hours
through the day, on an empty stomach. Day 2:
I take 2 drops of black walnut tincture
four times in a beverage every 4 hours
though the day, on an empty stomach. Day 3:
I take 3 drops of black walnut tincture
four times in a beverage every 4 hours
though the day, on an empty stomach. I keep increasing this way until I have taken
14 drops four times a day. I do this 14
days on, then 5 days off, then 14
days on and continue this for the
remainder of three months. 877.278.4257
Day 1:
I take 1 capsules 3 times a day 20
minutes before I eat.
Day 2:
I take 2 capsules 3 times a
day 20 minutes before I eat.
Day 3:
I take 3 capsules 3 times a day
20 minutes before I eat.
I do this 14 days on, then 5 days off, then
14 days on, then just do 3 capsules once a
day for the remainder of three months.
continued >>
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Continued >>
capsules size 00 >>
Day 1:
I take 2 capsules 20 minutes before I eat.
Day 2:
I take 4 capsules 20 minutes before I eat. Day 3:
I take 6 capsules 20 minutes before I eat.
Day 4:
I take 8 capsules 20 minutes before I eat.
Day 5:
I take 10 capsules 20 minutes before I eat. Day 6:
I take 12 capsules 20 minutes before I eat.
Day 7:
I take 14 capsules 20 minutes before I eat.
I do this 14 days on, then 5 days
off, then 14 days on, then
just do 14 capsules twice
a week for the remainder of three months.
Alternative for
Black Green
Walnut Tincture >>
If it is not in season for fresh walnut hulls
and I need to do a cleanse, I take Black
Walnut Hull powder capsules. If you have
them fresh it is always best, but in need,
take what you can get. Black Green
Walnut Capsules
Day 1:
I take 1 capsule twice a day on an empty
Day 2:
I take 2 capsules twice a day on an empty
Day 3:
I take 2 capsules three times a day on an
empty stomach.
Then I continue 2 capsules three times a
day on an empty stomach for the remainder
of three months.
For Children >>
When it comes to kids it can be hard to give them an herbal concoction that tastes bad, and
most of them do. Wormwood is one terrible tasting herb. You cannot expect your kids to
take it by itself. I like to mix 1/2 maple syrup and 1/2 herb. That helps with the taste. You
can also give them a reward when they take it. I wrapped little things up and gave them to
my son for the first ten times of taking herbal concoctions. This made him look at them as,
“Good things”. Even though it tastes bad, and he no longer gets presents for taking them,
he still takes them with a smile!!!
For children 40 to 65 LB, I do 1/4 the amount of an adult dose, and only do 14 days on, 7
day off, then 14 days, and then that is all. For children 65 to 90 LB, I do 1/3 the amount of an adult dose, and only do 14 days on, 7
day off, then 14 days, and then that is all.
Other things uses to expel parasites >>
Garlic, Pumpkin Seeds, Cayenne Pepper, Goldenseal, Sage, Thyme, Fennel, Male Fern, Cranberry Powder, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Apple Kernel, Olive Leave Extract, Apple Seeds,
Red clover Blossoms, Vitamin C, Wheat grass juice, Grapes and Grape Juice, Echinacea,
Metabolic Enzymes.
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W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Chicken Stock >>
1 whole free-range chicken or 2 to 3
lbs. of chicken parts, such as necks,
backs, breastbones and wings
2 carrots peeled and chopped, if organic
do not peel
2-4 chicken feet (optional)
4 whole garlic cloves
4 free-range or organically grown
egg shells
4 quarts cold filtered water
2 tbsp. vinegar
3 celery stalks chopped
1 onion chopped 1 tsp. pepper corns
1 bunch parsley
Reduce heat, cover and simmer for at least 6 hours or as long as 48 hours.
Tidbit on Eggshell and Bone Health
1. Studies have shown that taking eggshell with vitamin D3 improves bone mineral
density. Egg shells have been used for the pain, and treatment of all kinds of
arthritis and joint pain. 2. Pour 2 cups of
hot water over 4-5 crumbled egg shells (free range or organic
is best.) Add 1 tsp fresh lemon juice or vinegar. Cover and let sit for until cool.
Strain shells off and put liquid in a clean glass jar with a lid. Take a sip of the
liquid one or two times a day. Just because it works does not mean you should
take more than you need. So, slowly up your doses until pain is gone, but after
that, do not keep upping it. Some of us need more calcium than others, but
remember our bodies cannot handle too much calcium.
3. Egg shells are high in Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Glycine, Gelatin, Collagen, and other trace minerals.
For more healthy lifestyle tips and recipes read Nourishing Traditions and Raw Energy. 56
WWW.BULKHERBSTO R E . C O M • 8 7 7 . 2 7 8 . 4 2 5 7
Beef Stock >>
Fish Stock >>
3 or 4 whole carcasses, including
heads, of non-oily fish such as
sole, turbot, trout, brim, rockfish
or snapper
about 4 lbs. of beef and knuckle
1 calves foot, cut into pieces (optional)
2 tablespoons butter
3 lbs. meaty rib or neck bones
2 onions chopped
4 or more quarts cold filtered water
1 carrot chopped
½ cup vinegar
1 bunch of cilantro
4 free range or organic egg shells
3 cloves garlic
3 onions chopped
milk of one young coconut (optional)
3 carrots chopped
3 celery stalks chopped
½ cup dry white wine or vermouth
5 or 6 whole garlic cloves
¼ cup vinegar
1 or 2 tsp. dried thyme
about 3 quarts cold filtered water
1 tsp. peppercorn Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for at
1 bunch parsley
Simmer stock for at least 12 hours or as
least 4 hours or as long as 24 hours.
long as 72 hours.
Tips: 1. CALVES FEET • Asian and Latin American markets sometimes carry whole birds
and some butchers in ethnic neighborhoods carry calves’ feet. Use 2-4 chicken feet for
chicken stock or about 2 lbs. calves’ feet pieces for a large pot of beef stock.
2. ARROWROOT • If you want to make a gravy you can add 2 tbsp. arrowroot powder
with 2 tbsp. water to one cup broth. Bring to boil, stirring constantly, until sauce thickens. Add sea salt, and, if desired, other seasonings.
3. SOAK • Let all the ingredients sit in the water for an hour before starting to cook broth.
This helps the vinegar break down the calcium. 877.278.4257
W W W. BU L K H E R B S TO R E . C O M
Making Massage Oil or Salve >>
See our salve mix kit on page 28 for pre-mixed herbs, beeswax, and tins for packaging
your salve.
You need a crockpot, mason jar, a rag, 2/3 jar of herbs, 1 full jar of oil of your choice
(coconut oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil, etc.), water, cheese cloth (cotton sheet or
Tshirt will work), grated beeswax, Vitamin E oil.
1. STARTING • Making a salve might sound hard but it is really not that difficult.
The thing that takes the longest is infusing your herbs with oil. The best way
for you to do this is in a crockpot on very low heat.
2. HERBS • Fill a mason jar / full of herbs.
3. COMBINE • Fill jar with oil (coconut oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil, etc.) of
2 3
your choice, leaving at least one inch from the top of jar. With your herbs and
oil in the mason jar, screw a lid on tight.
4. CROCK POT • Put a rag in the bottom of the crockpot. Put jar in the center of
the pot (on the rag). Fill the crockpot with water, one inch below top of jar.
5. HEAT • Keep crockpot on low heat (oil needs to be very hot but not boiling)
for 3 days. Water will evaporate out so keep adding water as needed.
6. OIL • As the herbs’ properties release in the oil, the oil will have more color
and smell like herb oil.
7. STRAIN • With a cheese cloth (cotton sheet or T-shirt will work too) strain
herbs out of oil. Now you have a herbal infused oil. It is great for massage oil!
8. WAX • To make the oil into a salve you need beeswax. You need approximately 2 oz. of grated beeswax for 8 to 9 oz. of infused oil.
9. MELT • On low heat, warm oil and beeswax until wax is all melted.
10. VITAMIN E • Add a drop of vitamin E oil for every oz. of oil. This is a
natural preservative.
11. POUR • While salve is still hot pour into your container (widemouth jar, can, etc.)
12. WAIT • Let sit over night or until salve is hard.
13. LABEL • Screw a lid on tight and label with what it is and date. Voila! You have a salve!
TOO SOFT • If it is too soft for you, reheat it and add a bit more beeswax. If it is too hard
reheat it and add a touch more oil.
SALVE • Salve is a thick oil that is used for cuts, bites, burns, rashes, boils, massage,
and more. Salves can keep up to five years or more.
HEAT & LIGHT • Keep out of light and extreme heat.
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How to Make a Tincture >>
Check out our tincture mixes on pages 27-29 for
tincture-ready herbs.
You need a glass canning jar with lid, herbs, and vodka.
1. HERBS • Fill clean jar 1/3 full with dried herbs.
Choose herbs for the desired remedy. You can use
one herb or mix a few. (If you want to make a liver
cleanser, you could use turmeric, milk thistle, burdock,
dandelion, bilberry, etc.)
2. the
VODKA • Add enough vodka (any vodka, or rum or vinegar) to one inch above
3. STORE • Screw lid on tightly. Cover with a dark cloth and put in cabinet away
from light.
4. SHAKE • Shake 3 to 7 times a week. You will see the vodka growing darker in
color as the herbs break down and make a tincture.
5. WAIT • The tincture needs to sit at least 2 weeks. You can let it sit up to six
months but after this time the vodka will no longer extract the medicinal properties from the herbs.
6. STRAIN • When you are ready to pour your tincture you can use a cheese-
cloth or a clean T-shirt to strain the herbs from tincture. Holding the cloth with
herbs inside, squeeze all the liquid out, then discard the used herbs.
7. POUR • Pour tincture liquid into a colored glass bottle and close tightly with
a lid so that it does not evaporate. (If you don’t have a colored bottle, you can
wrap the bottle in dark paper or material to keep the light out.)
8. 2-3
LABEL • Label tincture with date and contents. Alcohol tinctures are good for
Tinctures need to be kept in a cool, dark place, like a cabinet that is not used much.
NEW MOON • Start making your tincture at the start of the new moon. Two weeks later
when it is full you can pour it up. This might sound strange, but the gravitational pull of the
moon helps draw out the medicinal properties.
RUM • You can use rum instead of vodka. Rum helps hide the taste of bitter herbs. Standard
dosage for an alcohol tincture is 1 teaspoon, 1-3 times daily, diluted in tea, juice or water.
VINEGAR • You can also make a tincture with apple cider vinegar - with the mother-if you
do not want to use alcohol. (The “mother” is the cob-web like formation that develops in the
vinegar.) Make it just like a vodka tincture but let it sit 3 weeks instead of 2 weeks. Apple cider
vinegar (with the mother) has many amazing properties on its own and mixed with herbs it
can make an amazing tincture. Some mothers use apple cider vinegar tinctures with their
children. Vinegar tinctures will only last 6-12 months. After making a vinegar tincture, keep it
refrigerated. Standard dosage is 1-2 teaspoons, 2-3 times daily, diluted in tea, juice or water.
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Check out our website: www.BulkHerbStore.com
26 West 6th Ave.
Lobelville, TN 37097