A Supercomputer Centre ECMWF has operated a world-class HPCF for weather forecasting since the installation of its first CRAY-1 supercomputer in 1978. ECMWF’s HPC has always been amongst the most powerful supercomputers in Europe and provides users with leading-edge HPC technologies. Over time, various supercomputer architectures have been used, including vector shared-memory systems, vector distributed-memory systems and clusters of scalar shared-memory processing systems. ECMWF has always ensured that its codes are portable and it has invested considerable resources in ensuring that they remain portable for most prevailing high-performance computing architectures. The available HPCF computing resources are allocated to operational activities (25%), ECMWF’s research programme (50%) and workload from ECMWF’s Member States (25%). Emphasis is placed on delivering the operational forecast production to a strict schedule, providing a good service to users, whilst using the HPCF resources effectively and maintaining a very high level of utilisation. The HPCF currently processes about 370,000 parallel jobs per week, which account for about 96% of the HPCF resources, and over a million serial jobs per week, which perform ancillary tasks for the parallel jobs, such as archiving results to the data handling system. European members the TIGGE-LAM archive. Launched by the World Weather Research Programme as a new tool to facilitate research designed to improve global (and more recently regional) ensemble forecasts of high-impact weather and so strengthen early warning and disaster prevention, TIGGE-LAM is a single web portal hosted by ECMWF. The new regional archive groups 10 European ensemble predictions in a standard data format produced on grids between 10 and 2 km resolution and provides detailed information for the short-range, up to a few days ahead. This complements the larger-scale information provided by the global data in the established TIGGE archive and allows the meteorological community easy access to all of these ensembles to study their performance. The TIGGE-LAM archive has been developed as part of the EU-funded GEOWOW project to improve Earth observation data discovery, accessibility and exploitability. It is part of the weather contribution to the GEO System-of-Systems (GEOSS) and is accessible through the GEO Common Infrastructure (GCI). ECMWF’s 20 Member States are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. ECMWF has concluded co-operation agreements with the following 14 States: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Morocco, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia. ECMWF has been working in collaboration with national meteorological and hydrological services (NMHSs) and research institutions from many of these 34 States, to develop its modelling capabilities, to design new products and to evaluate and diagnose forecast quality. The relationship with the Member and Co-operating States is a formal one governed by the ECMWF Convention, which has the status of an international governmental treaty. Advancing weather science to improve global numerical weather prediction Member States Co-operating States The largest meteorological archive in the world Aside from its operational and research usage, ECMWF’s HPCF provides easy access to the whole archive for scientists and other users. An important example of such archive capability is the hosting of Satellite data Another reason why weather centres need supercomputers is the amount of observations needed to be processed every day to produce reliable predictions. ECMWF routinely processes data from 75 different instruments on 30 satellites as part of its operational daily data assimilation and monitoring activities. A total of 40 million observations are processed and used daily; the vast majority of these are satellite measurements, but ECMWF also processes all available observations from non-satellite sources, including surface-based and aircraft reports. Information on the availability, data counts and quality of the different observing systems is updated continuously for the purposes of monitoring the inputs to the forecasting system. The observation quality statistics are provided as important feedback to satellite agencies and other observation providers on a regular basis. ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ECMWF Shinfield Park, Reading RG2 9AX, UK Tel: +44 118 949 9000 August 2014 ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ECMWF is an intergovernmental organisation established by a Convention that came into force on 1 November 1975. The Centre has 20 Member States and has co-operation agreements with another 14 States (Co-operating States). It is both a research institute and a 24/7 operational service producing and disseminating global numerical weather predictions and other data to Member and Co-operating States. The Centre also offers a catalogue of forecast data that can be purchased by businesses worldwide and other commercial customers. Other strategic activities include maintaining a data archive, assistance in advanced education and assistance to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in implementing its programmes. The supercomputer facility (and associated data archive) at ECMWF is one of the largest of its type in Europe. ECMWF was established as a major initiative in European scientific and technical co-operation in meteorology, based on a high-performance computing facility, a scientific and technical workforce, the production of medium-range weather forecasts, and related research and development. The collaborative aspect of ECMWF remains to this date a key to its success; our staff of 270 are from over 30 countries, and developing effective partnerships with meteorological services, universities and other organisations that help ECMWF to achieve its targets is a key priority. Establishing closer and more effective collaborations with leading institutions is helping the Centre to continue to develop its models and satisfy its users’ increasing requirements. ECMWF operates with an annual budget of £53m, of which Member States contribute 78%, sales of data 8%, and external research funding 13% (ECMWF Annual Report 2013). ECMWF is based in Reading, UK. Copernicus The Copernicus programme, a joint initiative of the European Union and the European Space Agency, aims to ensure operational monitoring of the atmosphere, oceans, and continental surfaces, and to provide reliable, validated information services for a range of environmental and security applications. Based on the exploitation of space-based and in situ observations and models, Copernicus will provide information services for land, marine, atmospheric and climate monitoring, as well as emergency management and security. The full operational phase of Copernicus is starting in 2014 and is funded by the EU, under its Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. ECMWF has had a strong association with the development of the Copernicus programme particularly via its MACC, ERA and wave forecasting activities. It is expected that this will be continued and strengthened as Copernicus services enter their fully operational phase. Photo: Sentinel-1A liftoff Copyright ESA–S. Corvaja, 2014 Global numerical weather prediction at ECMWF: Accurately forecasting the most likely future weather and the associated uncertainties ECMWF’s key scientific objectives are to improve the data assimilation and forecast models and develop fundamental research in numerical weather prediction. This includes ocean waves, currents and sea-ice, atmospheric composition aspects, and coupled ocean-land-atmosphere extended-range predictability. This in turn helps ECMWF meet its strategic goal of providing its Member and Co-operating States with global analyses and predictions that enable national meteorological services to provide forecast products to their users. Model components Medium-range and monthly predictions utilise a common atmospheric model that is typically upgraded twice a year. The seasonal forecasts, reanalyses, atmospheric composition predictions, ocean model, and analyses are also upgraded regularly but on a less frequent basis. The latest model cycle to date, 40r1 was introduced on 19 November 2013. Scientific developments include the vertical resolution upgrade for ensemble predictions, the coupling to the ocean from the initial time, the enhancement of the ensemble of data assimilations to 25 ensemble members producing background error co-variances, the improved diurnal cycle of convective precipitation, and the upgrades to vertical diffusion and orographic drag, producing significant medium-range predictive skill enhancements. An Integrated Forecasting System Our Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) produces forecasts for multiple time ranges to address different user requirements. These provide key aspects of the forecast evolution and the associated uncertainty. Specific products designed to highlight potential severe weather events include the Extreme Forecast Index and tropical cyclone activity. Our predictions cover the medium-range (up to two weeks ahead), extended range (up to a month ahead), and long range (up to a year ahead). and an Open IFS! ECMWF launched in 2014 an open version of its IFS, in order to facilitate its use by the academic and scientific community worldwide, but also to help improve it through external research collaboration. OpenIFS provides research institutions with an easy-to-use version of the ECMWF IFS, offering the forecast capability of IFS (no data assimilation), a Single Column Model (SCM) version and supporting software and documentation. OpenIFS is free but requires a license from ECMWF. For more information, please email [email protected] ECMWF’s Numerical Weather Prediction •Uses an ensemble made of 52 members •One member (HRES) is higher resolution with the most accurate initial conditions and model (16 km horizontal resolution, 137 vertical levels) •One member (CNTL) has a lower resolution (32 km, 91 vertical levels) but otherwise has the most accurate initial conditions and model •50 members are perturbed relative to the CNTL to explore the uncertainties Assessing the uncertainty: ensembles •Perturbations are made to the observations and to the model physics in an ensemble of 4DVAR data assimilations •Ensemble spread is a measure of the uncertainties associated with possible future weather •Error of the ensemble mean should be equal to the ensemble spread for a balanced prediction of uncertainties •Reliability assesses the frequency of predicted events compared to actual frequency of occurrence Most accurate individual forecast •HRES is on average the most accurate prediction of the larger scale aspects of the weather up to about 10 days ahead •Its skill has been advancing at approximately one day per decade •Comparing with re-forecasts (using a fixed model version) allows the variations in atmospheric predictability to be taken into account in assessing the skill improvements from new science Key scientific advances •Reduced numerical errors by increasing resolution, enabled by increasing supercomputer capacity •Improved quality of initial conditions using data assimilation to combine increasing number and variety of observations with prior information •Improved representation of physical processes using meteorological research •Design of reliable ensemble predictions Looking to the future: Over the next decades the science of NWP is expected to advance significantly and so the following capabilities have the potential to be realised: •Global NWP at kilometre-scale horizontal resolution (towards “forecasts on the human scale”) •Predict high-impact weather out to 2 weeks ahead: accurately and reliably •Predict large-scale weather patterns and regime transitions out to a month or more ahead •Predict global circulation anomalies out to a year ahead •Predict aspects of natural environment in addition to the weather Building effective partnerships ECMWF has a history of successfully integrating externally-funded projects with its core activities to produce results that consistently meet the expected outcomes for which the funding was granted. Over the last five years we have managed or participated in 70 different projects with a combined total value of over €75 million. Two major programmes ECMWF has delivered with EU funding have been in the fields of atmospheric composition and climate reanalysis. Both programmes owe their success to extensive scientific and technical collaboration with the national meteorological services in the Member States, but also with the worldwide meteorological community. Atmospheric composition Starting in the early 2000’s, atmospheric composition has gradually become an increasingly important (optional) component of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). We provide pre-operational daily global forecasts of aerosols and atmospheric species such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and methane. As part of the European Union’s Copernicus programme on environmental monitoring, greenhouse gases, aerosols, and chemical species have been introduced in the ECMWF model allowing assimilation and forecasting of atmospheric composition. At the same time, the added atmospheric composition variables are being used to improve the Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) system itself, most notably through the interaction with the radiation scheme and the use in observation operators for satellite radiance assimilation. The atmospheric composition programme, operating under the acronym MACC (Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate), is led by ECMWF with contributions from a consortium of 36 partners from 13 countries. It offers daily services of analyses and forecasts ranging from air quality to climate forcing, solar radiation and ozone, and a range of products including aerosol, fire, greenhouse gasses forecast. Its users include National agencies responsible for air quality forecasting and assessment, companies providing tailored information to users, such as solar radiation information for solar power generation, and the science community. The data generated by MACC-II have proven to be very useful to study atmospheric composition and climate interactions. Climate reanalysis ECMWF periodically uses its forecast models and data assimilation systems to ‘reanalyse’ archived observations, creating global data sets describing the recent history of the atmosphere, land surface, and oceans. Reanalysis data are used for monitoring climate change, for research and education, and for commercial applications. Another major use of reanalysis data at ECMWF is for verification of the daily forecasts. Current research in reanalysis at ECMWF focuses on the development of consistent reanalyses of the coupled climate system, including atmosphere, land surface, ocean, sea ice, and the carbon cycle, extending back as far as a century or more. The work involves collection, preparation and assessment of climate observations, ranging from early in-situ surface observations made by meteorological observers to modern high-resolution satellite data sets. Special developments in data assimilation are needed to ensure the best possible temporal consistency of the reanalyses, which can be adversely affected by biases in models and observations, and by the ever-changing observing system. Current datasets available from ECMWF cover the reanalysis of over 100 years of weather.
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