41185 Healing News.pub
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HEALING NEWS A Publication of the Healing & Restoration Ministry Founded by Rev. Edward J. McDonough C.S.s.R. Basilica of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Mission Church 1545 Tremont Street Boston, MA Office 617-442-2008 Prayerline 617-442-3938 www.fathermcdonough.org [email protected] Summer 2015 Co-Apostles Prayer Jesus, when you walked the earth you invited the sorrowing and suffering to come to You for help. Today You invite us all saying once again, “Come to Me all you who find life burdensome and I will refresh you.” Thank You Jesus for this invitation and wonderful promise. I come to You, Jesus, and pray for my own needs, my loved ones and those who seek my prayers and the prayers of the Healing & Restoration Ministry. Refresh us all with living waters of the Holy Spirit. Bless the Healing & Restoration Ministry and use it to carry Your healing Love and Holy Spirit to the world. Bless and reward all our Co Apostles. Jesus be our Lord and Good Shepherd and take care of all our needs. Heal us physically, emotionally and spiritually. Rev Ed McDonough C.S.s.R. PSALM 23 THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD I SHALL NOT WANT. IN GREEN REPOSE PASTURES HE GIVE ME … As we pray for healing let us remember that the greatest healing we can receive is a spiritual healing. A spiritual healing touches our soul, by a spiritual healing we get reconciled with God for our sins and He fills us with His grace, His power and His love. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, God strengthens us spiritually to fulfill our mission in life. God heals our minds takes away our worry, fear, anxiety, guilt & shame and fills us with the mind which is in Christ Jesus. Let us ask Jesus to heal our sick and broken bodies, heal all our ailments and give us strength and renew our strength.” Rev. Edward McDonough C.S.s.R. In the fall of 2013 the members of the Healing and Restoration Ministry visited the Crystal Cathedral “an iconic glass church” a magnificent Church in Garden Grove, California. The first concern for me that day was to celebrate Mass on this thirty-four acre campus. Concelebrating Mass with Spanish and Vietnamese people in an atmosphere of deep love and respect was very peaceful. All this took place in the shadow of Crystal Cathedral. After Mass we walked outside to view this magnificent Cathedral. Unfortunately the Cathedral was locked, we could not get inside. We continued to tour the grounds It was like breathing –in a special spiritual air flavor of the Holy Scriptures. Bronze sculptures narrated the stories from the Bible, such as Moses holding up the ten laws of God, the Holy Family travelling to Jerusalem, the Prodigal Son, the Good Shepherd carrying the lost sheep on his shoulders and many more. Since that visit we have learned that the talented gifted person who was responsible for the wonderful Crystal Cathedral and campus has died but his spirit of goodness and love for God goes on. He has shared his ecumenical gift to us it seems. The latest update says that the Crystal Cathedral has become “Christ” Cathedral. “ The process is underway to transform Robert Schuller iconic Protestant Church into a Catholic center for liturgy, art, and culture.” We have been blessed by Rev. Robert Schuller especially for his love of scripture and the great goodness that he preached for many years. We now have a chance to continue meditating on God’s goodness and His divine word. “A new facility of Orange’s Christ Cathedral in Garden Grove is the (EWTN) Eternal Word Television Networks first facility on the West Coast.” It seems Psalm 34 reflects Rev Robert Schuller last words to us . “GLORIFY THE LORD WITH ME TOGETHER LET US PRAISE HIS NAME.” Rev Robert Lennon C.S.S.R. FR. MCDONOUGH, POPE FRANCIS AND THE HOLY YEAR OF MERCY This year 2015, from December 8, 2014 to December 8, 2015 marks the 40 th Anniversary year of the founding of the Healing and Restoration Ministry by Fr Edward McDonough, the first organized, full-time healing ministry in New England, some say even in the United States. In Advent 1974, Fr McDonough with the full approval of his Redemptorist provincial and Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston began his work of bringing God’s ministry of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to all who needed it. He believed profoundly in the message of Pentecost, “As the apostles and disciples gathered together in prayer with Mary, Jesus sent His Holy Spirit with peace and healing for the world.” And “ Pray that God may use this Ministry to bring His peace and Healing to the World. Pray with us for all those sick and suffering who seek our help and prayers.” The request were not slow in coming as the Holy Spirit sent him to Malta, England, Ireland, Rome, Hawaii, the Caribbean, Australia, Canada and many parts of the United States and always at the Shrine of Mother of Perpetual Help at the Mission Church in Roxbury. It is no exaggeration to say that the blind saw, the crippled were healed and the dead were raised to life-a teenager at the Mass. General Hospital and others. Most of all, so many people found hope and found Jesus and His love for them. Always there was constant prayers to the Holy Spirit, to be poured out on us. Pope Francis often speaks of the need to go out to the periphery of the church to the outskirts for the shepherds to smell like the sheep, to go to the forgotten and abandoned. For Fr McDonough this was natural and instinctive. He said once, “ I’ve given my will to God.” There was nowhere he would not go if it meant helping the sick or bringing Jesus to someone. A young man from Spain very sick in one of our hospitals was visited and helped. The Native Americans in Northern Maine, a nursing home on a small island in the Caribbean or the psychiatric wards of the local hospitals were all part of his ministry. One day he received a call and went to a homeless shelter in Boston where he found, lying on the floor, a young alcoholic whose kidneys had failed and whose color was turning yellow. He prayed and the man was completely healed. Afterward, to help him get back to a normal life he had the man accompany him and help him with his ministry when he traveled to various parishes and healing services. The new evangelization was not yet thought of as a term for a new need. Fr McDonough lived it as a call from God. First, there was the newsletter for a group of co-apostles who prayed for and were interested in the ministry. Then there came the daily radio programs and the television programs televised in Boston and several other dioceses in the country. And a prayer line staffed by volunteers and which he himself sometimes answered. Innumerable request for interviews or commentary by local or national television found him easy to approach. Many remember the memorable program on healing conducted by Geraldo Rivera and the prime time segment on CBS evening news with Dan Rather. For him it was all part of bringing God’s Word to wherever the Holy Spirit wanted, so people could know about God’s love for them. Pope Francis has decreed a Holy Year of Mercy beginning December 8, 2015 until November 20, 2016 asking all humanity to turn toward Christ and receive Mercy. The end of Fr McDonough's Anniversary year of the Healing and Restoration Ministry coincides with the beginning of the Year of Mercy . It is a truly fitting since Fr McDonough not only lived God’s Mercy but prayed that it be brought to the entire world, to both the great and the small. Today his ministry of compassion and healing continues as Fr. Robert Lennon leads the Healing and Restoration Ministry into a new time where God’s love is sorely needed and people more than ever need to know that Jesus truly loves them. Fr. Richard Santere “A BIG MILESTONE” HYMN … SOUND THE BELL OF HOLY FREEDOM; call all nations of the earth. Sons and daughters of one Father, sent to spread God’s saving Word. Celebrating sixty years of Come, and gather, as one fam’ly at the table of the marriage with their nine children Lord. and twenty grandchildren this David branch from root of Jesse, Mary that vine’s June was a great blessing for Vi and Joe Lynch. “Jesus flow’ring rose. She brought forth for us the Savior as the angel did propose; Overshadowed by the is the reason for the season” praised all the gathered Spirit, by her “yes” new life arose. family before the Image of Divine Mercy. Blessed Joseph, spouse of Mary, teacher of your God and Lord, You did shelter and provide for wonWe don’t have all the answers and we’ve certainly drous child by kings adored. Open to God's Word in have had many problems. But trust in God, prayers, dreaming saved your child from Herod’s sword. repentance, obedient to His Word show good, fruit in Jesus, our relationships with God, each other and beyond the youth in low’ly family. Continuing to surrender all the Fathers’s all Naz”reth, merciful will brings the miracle of God’s everlasting faithful faithfulness and love in fulfilling His promises to and son, and through us, “they gratefully say”. loving child, Joe offered his legal and business skills to Fr. EdGuest and ward McDonough in the early years of the healing & host at Cana’s wedding, finest wine you did provide. Restoration Ministry. Vi has served through her musi- You, our rock and you our shelter, keep us ever by your side. cal and spiritual gifts at prayers services and on the At the cross a grieving mother, on the cross, her only prayer- line for many years. son, With all mothers and their children, Blessed Mary, you are one. In our joys, and in our sorrows 150 YEARS OF MAKING HER KOWN 1866-2016 may we do as you have done. On June 27th, 2016, Sound the bell of holy freedom; call all fam’lies of Redemptorist worldwide will celebrate the world To be fed by lover incarnate; to proclaim the150th Anniversary of Pope Pius IX God’s holy Word; Through the love of Christ our entrusting the Icon of our Mother of Perpetual Help to the Redemptorist, with brother, in the Spirit make us one. Andrew Ciferni Tune: Normand Gouin the mission to “make her known.” Congratulation to Biju Madathikunnel, CSsR., from the Liguori Province, India who has won the Logo Design. 150TH JUBILEE OF THE ICON OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL “ Mass was celebrated every Monday through Friday at 7:30 PM at the Healing & Restoration Ministry Center located at St. Patrick's in Cambridge, MA and Sacred Heart in Watertown, MA., we were encouraged to attend our own Parish for Sunday Mass. Every Wednesday we prayed the Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual, for Fr. Edward McDonough CSsR was a Redemptorist Priest. When the Ministry moved to Mission Church in Boston we joined the Wednesday Novena led by Fr. Adamac CSsR and now Fr. Philip Dabney CSsR and many more . He always wanted to make Our Mother of Perpetual Help known. When one would ask, what can we do for you Fr. Ed? He would say, “bring a bus to Mission Church the Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help.” How happy he must be as the 150 TH Marcella L. JUBILEE unfolds.” www.world meeting2015.org The Mission of LOve TWO BECOME ONE CREATED FOR JOY 2015 THEMES CHOOSING LIFE A HOME FOR A WOUNDED HEART ALL LOVE BEARS FRUIT CREATING THE FUTURE LIGHT IN A DARK WORLD THE MEANING OF HUMAN SEXUALITY MOTHER TEACHER FAMILY: THE NATURE AND THE ROLE OF THE CHURCH HEALING SERVICE led by REV. ROBERT LENNON C.S. .R. MISSION CHURCH 1545 Tremont St Roxbury , MA 02120 Services begins at 2:00 PM - 4:00PM S July 26, 2015, August 30, 2015, Sept. 27, 2015 October 25, 2015, Nov. 29, 2015, Dec. 27, 2015 Mother of Perpetual Help Prayer group Monday night at 6:30PM at the parish center led by Rev. Robert Lennon C.Ss.R. BASILICA OF OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP Ministry News Many thanks to you for your prayers and financial support. Unfortunately finances are very low. This Healing & Restoration Ministry started in the 70’s continues to be a great consolation to individuals and families in need. Special thanks and many blessings to Very Rev. Raymond Collins C.Ss.R. Rector of the Mission Church who has been assigned to St. John Neumann in Philadelphia. We wish you the best. Let us remember to continue to pray for one another. All of us through our prayers can carry the Healing Love of Jesus. We will remember you and your intentions at Mass, novenas, the rosary and other prayers. Rev Robert Lennon & The Healing Ministry MISSION CHURCH 1545 Tremont St Roxbury MA Staffed by the Redemptorist Fathers For outreach services and upcoming events contact: Healing & Restoration office located at Mission Church 617 442 2008 Email healandrest@verizon .net www.fathermcdonough.org MASS SAT., vigil 4 PM Sun.,Mass 9 AM, 11AM, 12:30 PM, 5 PM Weekday Masses 7:00 AM and 12:10 PM WEDNESDAY, NOVENA 12:10 PM, 5:30 PM, 6:30 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday and Friday The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants Rosary Vigil for life 8:45 am JOIN US AS WE PRAY THE ROSARY (fifteen Decades) August 8 , 2015 - September 12, 2015 - October 10, 2015 Planned Parenthood abortion facility 1055 Commonwealth Ave—Allston, MA. Prayer Mission Statement The Healing & Restoration Ministry has a Mission to bring the Healing Love of Jesus and His Holy Spirit to the family of God. By daily prayers, sacrifices and good works this Ministry tries to help all God’s children to be healed in body, mind and soul. It strives to help all God’s children to be restored to more and more each day into the unique image of Himself God created them to be. It strives to help all God’s children let God use them in fulfilling daily their life’s God given Mission. “For we are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to live the good life, as from the beginning he had meant us to live it.” Ephesians 2:10 Fr. Edward McDonough C.S.s.R. CRS Family Fiesta Picnic August 1, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Fatima Shrine Holliston, MA 24/7 PRAYER LINE 617 442-3938 ———————- CRS Healing Service August 15, 6;00 PM-9:00PM ST PATRICK 10 MAGAZINE ST ROXBURY, MA ———————— CRS Fall Conference for more info September 11,12, 2015 Call CRS Boston Most Blessed Sacrament 781-333-5308 1015 Sea St Quincy MA Fr Tom DiLorenzo In Season & Out of Season RADIO WROL 950 AM Dial 11:30 AM & 7:30 PM WEZE 590 AM Dial 11:15 AM, 9:45PM, 3AM for more info www.inseason.net 1-800-338-2445 Www.nsc-chariscenter.org