academic sessions
academic sessions
C O N T E N T S 00 Introduction 00 Welcome Messages 00 Committee Member 00 Program at a Glance 00 Keynote Speeches 00 Special Sessions 00 Academic Sessions 00 Poster Sessions 00 Sudent Exhibition 00 Floor Plan 00 Symposium Information 00 Useful Information INTRODUCTION The International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA) is a biennial international symposium cosponsored by the Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK) together with the Architectural Society of China (ASC) and the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ). The 9th ISAIA is scheduled to be held on October 22~25, 2012 in Gwangju, Korea and hosted by AIK. ‘The International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia’ was established to promote communication with people in the rest of Asia and cooperate for the development of 26th Asian architecture and culture in 1986. And the history of it follows as; 1st ISAIA September 6~12, 1986 Fukuoka, Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan 2nd ISAIA Asian Architecture in the 21st Century September 8~10, 1998 Kobe, Japan 3rd ISAIA Challenges and Roles of Asian February 23~25, 2000 Jeju, Korea September 17~19, 2002 Chongqing, China June 1~4, 2004 Matsue, Japan 6th ISAIA A+T : Neo-Value in Asian Architecture October 25~28, 2006 Daegu, Korea 7th ISAIA Urban Renewal and Architecture Creation October 15~17, 2008 Beijing, China 8th ISAIA Asian ViewOrder and Wisdom for the Future November 9~12, 2010 Kitakyushu, Japan 9th ISAIA Technological Advancements in October 22~25, 2012 Gwangju, Korea Architecture for the New Millennium 4th ISAIA Resource Architecture and Modern Technology 5th ISAIA Global Environment and Diversity of Asian Architecture Architecture * The 1st ISAIA was held in conjunction with AIJ 100th Anniversary INTEGRATION : Technological Advancements in Architecture In recent development of technology industrywide, the core of their major changes can be defined as the integration of seemingly different sectors of knowledge. Architectural field is no exception from this mega trends and also facing new challenges which might redirect the way that the architecture has been realized. Building Information Modeling, even though it itself is a great challenge to be perfected, is merely an implication of the greater wave of new spirit of our age. It is time to discuss and share new ideas and researches crossing over various fields of technological advancement in Architecture. October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 02 | 03 WELCOME MESSAGES Chee-Ho Seo Sae-Jun Lee President of AIK Local Organizing Committee We are honored to be here today and delighted to welcome all of you to the 9th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia(ISAIA2012). Gwangju, the hosting city of our symposium has rich cultural heritages and is also, significant city of Korean democratic history. With this year of symposium theme : Technological Advancements in Architecture, it is quite meaningful to hold the event in this cultural city. Fast advancement of new technologies, Historic preservation, Growing consciousness to sustainable environment, Global and Local Industrializations, The new century has brought out a great deal of challenges in the field of architecture. And we are here together to share the valuable results of our researches and precious knowledge. Through this event, we will not only promote the scholarly achievements, but, more importantly, enhance mutural understanding and friendship with common value towards the future. Since its commencement in 1986 and the first proceedings published in 1998, the scholars and professionals of architecture not only from Korea, China and Japan but also from the other parts of Asia have convened and shared their experiences and knowledge for betterment of architecture in this region and beyond. It has been almost two decades of our cooperative endeavor to make this symposium meaningful and mutually beneficial to us all. Having this 9th Symposium with demanding issues which would relate advanced technologies to envrinoment towards the better future. Seven catgegorized Academic Sessions and four Special Sessions regarding specific issues such as Technologies in Architectural Design, IT & Automation in Construction Engineering, Zero Energy Building and High rising building construction in Asia are all tailored to welcome respectable scholars, professionals and stakeholders. Along with a valuable academic exchanging opportunity, we sincerely wish that you enjoy and celebrate this gathering with friends and colleagues. Again, on behalf of the all member of the AIK, we would like to thank you for your participantion and contribution and, welcome to the 9th International Symposuim on Architectural Interchanges in Asia. WELCOME MESSAGES Che Shujian President of ASC On behalf of the Architectural Society of China, I would like to forward our warmest welcome to all participants to the 9th ISAIA, which will be held in Gwangju, Korea from October 22 to 25. I would also like to thank AIK for their sincere hard work for organizing the event. In the 21th century, the Architectural Society of China is studying the core value of the architectural profession, encouraging the inheritance of the traditional architecture and the architectural innovation, and increasing the understanding of the public to the architectural professionals via a series of activities. The International Symposium of Architectural Interchange in Asia is co-organized by AIK, AIJ and ASC which has a bigger and bigger influence and attracts the leading professionals from all over the world. The main theme of the 9th ISAIA is the “Technological Advancements in Architecture”. The delegates will have a broad exchange on the topic of architectural design, construction engineering, building environmental engineering and structural engineering. We wish that the meeting will bring forward the new thoughts and ideas, new techniques and measures, new method and experience to promote the sustainable development of architectural technology and culture in the east Asia, Asia and even the world. I wish a great success for the 9th International Symposium of Architectural Interchange in Asia. October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 04 | 05 WELCOME MESSAGES Akira Wada President of AIJ It gives me great pleasure today to announce the opening of the 9th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia here in the historic city of Gwangju in the Republic of Korea. We appreciate much for your sympathy and supports from Korea and China after the severe earthquake disaster on March 11, 2011 in Japan. Today’s theme, entitled ‘Technological Advancements in Architecture’, poses the question of how architecture in Asia should be ascending. Since architecture constitutes nothing less than the living environment of human societies, it is now seeking new modalities which it can pass on to the next generation. We have learned that, if we continue with the mass production and consumption of today, we will leave a terrible legacy concerning the global environment and ecology. Using our unique cultural traditions and the research findings and technology we have accumulated, we need to build a sustainable society which not only preserves and passes on architectural heritage and historical structures, but also offers solutions to problems such as natural disasters caused by climate change, very severe earthquakes and tsunami. I am sure that the Symposium which begins today will provide a wide range of responses to this challenge from the various regions and specialist fields. South Korea, China, Japan and the other countries of Asia therefore need to build ever-closer ties, and progressively pool their knowledge for the resolution of shared problems. I sincerely hope that this Symposium will represent a step forward for the architecture of Asia as it progresses toward the next generation. We, Architects and Engineers, must not forget that we have a mission to make the world a better place to live. Before I close, I would like to thank the Architectural Institute of Korea, who kindly undertook the preparations for this symposium, from the Institute’s President Professor Seo Chee-Ho to the organizing committee and secretariat members. I also wish to thank the participants who have gathered here today from far and wide, and to offer my best wishes for the success of the symposium. Thank you very much. ORGANIZATION Organization Committee Chairman Chee-Ho Seo (President, AIK) Vice Chairman Jaepil Choi (Vice President, AIK) Waon-Ho Yi (Kwangwoon University) Members Sang-Ho Lee (Vice President, AIK) Shujian Che (President of ASC) Akira Wada (President, AIJ) Hyun-Soo Lee (Seoul National University) Young-Soo Lee (Vice President, AIK) Zongwei Xu (Executive Vice President) Shuji Funo (Vice President, AIJ) Hway-Suh Kim (Dankook University) Local Organizing Committee Chairman Sae-Jun Lee (Honam University) Vice Chairman Gee-Min Kim (Mokpo National University) Members Kil-Joon Yoo (Vice President, AIK) Dae-Ik Kim (Vice President, AIK) Yong-Ho Lee (Vice President, AIK) Jun-Seon Yoon (Kangnam University) Bong-Hee Jeon (Seoul National University) Hyo-Seong Jang (Daewoo E&C.) Gee-Joo Ha (Vice President, AIK) Nak-Joon Seong (Vice President, AIK) Nam-Yong Jee (Hanyang University) Won-Hwa Hong (Kyungpook National University) Jong-Hun Kim (Paichai University) Mi-Jin Park (Incheon University) Local Executive Committee Chairman Jun-Seon Yoon (Kangnam University) Members Ji-Hoon Kweon (Keimyung University) Park (Dongguk University) Bo-Sik Son (Namseoul University) Ha-Yub Song (Chungang University) Kum-Yeol Oh (Utop) Jae-Hee Chung (Hongik University) Hun-Hee Cho (Korea University) Seok-Ho Kim (Kumho E&C) Kwan-Soon Jun-Seok Park (Hanyang University) Doo-Sam Song (Sungkyunkwan University) Sai-Gyu Oh (Chonnam National University) Jae-Yong Chung (Hongik University) Young-Jin Cho (AURIC) Jae-Hyouk Choi (Chosun University) Academic Session Organizer Architectural Planning and Design Bon-Deok Ku (Yeungnam University) Architectural History and Theory Deuk-Youm Cheon (Chonnam National University) Urban Planning and Design Tae-Ho Byun (SungKyunKwan University) Environmental Technologies Seung-Jik Suh (Inha University) Structural Engineering Yeong-Soo Shin (Ewha Womans University) Building Materials Soo-Kyung Choi (Hanseo University) Construction Engineering & Management Sang-Keun Oh (Seoul National University) October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 06 | 07 PROGRAM AT A GLANCE Oct 22 (Mon) Oct 23 (Tues) Convention Hall Venue 08:00 Oct 24 (Wed) Oct 25 (Thur) 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 C310 09:00 Academic Session 09:30 Opening A-1 A-2 G-1 G-2 A-3 G-3 C-1 F-1 B-1 A-4 10:00 Keynote Speech 1 10:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break 11:00 Keynote Speech 2 11:30 Keynote Speech 3 12:30 Lunch Student Exhibition Registration 13:00 13:30 14:00 Special Session 1 14:30 Special Session 2 Poster Display / Student Exhibition Registration 12:00 A-5 A-6 G-4 G-5 E-1 E-2 C-2 F-2 B-2 A-7 Cultural Tour Lunch A-8 A-9 G-6 G-7 E-3 E-4 D-1 B-3 B-4 A-10 15:00 15:30 Coffee Break 16:00 Coffee Break 17:00 17:30 Registration 16:30 Special Session 3 Special Session 4 A-11 A-12 G-8 G-9 A-13 E-5 D-2 B-5 B-6 A-14 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 Welcome Reception 20:00 Farewell Party 20:30 21:00 A : Architectural Planning and Design D : Construction Engineering and Management G: Urban Planning and Design B : Architectural History and Theory E : Environmental Technologies C : Building Materials F : Structural Engineering KEYNOTE SPEECHES Date / Time Oct 23 (Tues), 2012 / 10:00~10:30 Session Room Convention Hall 2+3 (4F) Keynote 1 The Space Open In-Cheurl Kim Archium, Chung-Ang University, Korea The ground is a fundamental element in architectural design. It has to be considered from the beginning of the process of design. An architectural concept is determined by the conditions of the ground. Nature and Geography influence the shape of the spaces as well as the architectural form. In Korea, this form consists of an architecture without boundaries. Unlike the closed space of a masonry wall, the opened space of post-and-lintel constructional system has evolved into a domain that blurs the limits between an inside and an outside by bringing down constructive boundaries. Hence, our space (the “Korean space”) can’t apply to this strict dichotomy of separation of inside and outside. Urbanhive and Gilmosery projects expanded on this domain by separating the boundaries of space between skin and structure. It is different condition with Korea, the projects in Cambodia and Nepal are trials to convert a space to a domain, according to each locally conditions. The main theme of Khmeresque, the project located in Cambodia, is the heat of the tropics while the one in Nepal, the JOMSOM radio station, is the wind of the alpine regions. October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 08 | 09 KEYNOTE SPEECHES Date / Time Oct 23 (Tues), 2012 / 11:00~11:30 Session Room Convention Hall 2+3 (4F) Keynote 2 Soft Sustainability Zhang Li Associate Dean of Architectural School, Tsinghua University / Atelier TeamMinus, China In our current time of Internet and Globalization there is a strongthened world wide belief in Science and Technology. While this optimism in the leadership of technology does result in improved lives in most places around world, there are issues that may be tackled if we have a smarter approach to technolgy. One such issue is the continuity of regional/local culture. We can hardly imagine a city/community be truly sustainable without extending its own cultural tradition. Simply adopting newer and higher technology doesn’t contribute to this. If technological advancement provide the ‘hard’ part of sustainability - material capabilities and choices- it needs to be complimented by the ‘soft’ part of sustainability, namely the selection and use of technology that is distinctive to the uniqueness of a given situation. The speaker therefore argues that the purpose of using technology should not bethe celebration of technological advancement per se, but the celebration of cultural resilience of a particular place at a particular time. With a series case studies, discussions are made on different technological strategies and their successes or failures in different places. KEYNOTE SPEECHES Date / Time Oct 23 (Tues), 2012 / 11:30~12:00 Session Room Convention Hall 2+3 (4F) Keynote 3 TOKYO SKYTREE Challenge to design the tallest structure in the world Toru Kobori Senior Executive Officer, Nikken Sekkei Ltd., Japan TOKYO SKYTREE, which was completed in the spring of 2012, has a height of 634m, the second tallest structure in the world after Burj Khalifa, and the world’s tallest freestanding tower. Observation decks are situated at two locations, 350m and 450m above the ground, with a broadcast antenna installed in the part above a height of 500m. The plan shape of the tower gradually changes from a triangular shape at the lowest level to a circular shape at the highest level, rendering a different silhouette depending on the viewing position. The structural form is mainly structural steel using pipes, but “core column vibration control” was adopted using a cylindrical shaped RC core in the center of the tower designed to deal with earthquakes and typhoons. October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 10 | 11 SPECIAL SESSIONS Special Session 1 Architectural Planning and Design Technologies in Architectural Design Oct 23 (Tues) 13:30~15:30 Convention Hall 2 Moderator Eui-Young Chun (Professor, Kyonggi University, Korea) Speakers Han-Jong Jun (Professor, Hanyang University, Korea) Yong Jiang (Assistant President of Arcitectural School, Tsinghua University, China) Shimamura Kazuyuki (Senior Deputy General, Taisei Corporation, Japan) Panels Seung-Koo Jo (Professor, Tongmyong University, Korea) Kyung-Hoon Lee (Professor, Kookmin University, Korea) Special Session 2 Building Materials IT & Automation in Construction Engineering Oct 23 (Tues) 13:30~15:30 Convention Hall 3 Moderator Soonwook Kwon (Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) Speakers Sang-Won Han (Professor, University of Seoul, Korea) Maeda Junichiro (Former Deputy General, Shimizu Corporation, Japan) Min-Yuan Cheng (Professor, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan) Panels Young-Suk Kim (Professor, Inha University, Korea) Jun-Bok Lee (Professor, Kyung Hee University, Korea) Special Session 3 Environmental Technologies Zero Energy Building Oct 23 (Tues) 16:00~18:00 Convention Hall 2 Moderator Geun-Young Yun (Professor, Kyung Hee University, Korea) Speakers Jin-Chul Park (Professor, Chung-Ang University, Korea) Ida Hedvig Bryn (Erichsen & Horgen A/S, Norway) Shigeo Nagase (Advisor, Samsung C&T, Japan ) Panels Jurng-Jae Yee (Professor, Dong-A University, Korea) Soo-Young Kim (Professor, Yonsei University, Korea) Yang-Ki Oh (Professor, Mokpo National University, Korea) Special Session 4 Structural Engineering High Rising Building Construction in Asia Oct 23 (Tues) 16:00~18:00 Convention Hall 3 Moderator Kwang-Ryang Chung (Chief Executive Officer, Dongyang Structural Engineers Group, Korea) Speakers Tanno Yoshio (Principal Engineer, Takenaka Corporation, Japan) Jiemin Ding (President, Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd, China) Kwang-Ryang Chung (Chief Executive Officer, Dongyang Structural Engineers Group, Korea) Panels Young-Kyu Ju (Professor, Korea University, Korea) Jae-Hyouk Choi (Professor, Chosun University, Korea) ACADEMIC SESSIONS OCT 24 (Wen) 09:00-10:45 Room : 201 Chairs: Soomi Kim(Korea), Akiko Watanabe(Japan) A-1 Architectural Planning and Design A-1-1 A Study on the Planning Direction of the ‘Small-scaled Container Housing’ Jongju Cho, Haeyeon Yoo, Yeonjung Park, Jungyeon Yoon, Taeho Chung Soongsil University, Korea A-1-2 Common Ecological Technology for Modern Office Buildings in China Zhi Dou, Min Zhao Beijing China-Union Engineering Co., Ltd., China A-1-3 Development of High-Volume Timber House Tetsu Masaki, Terukazu Takeshita Kyushu University, Japan A-1-4 Floating Building as a New Paradigm of Architecture Changho Moon Kunsan National University, Korea A-1-5 A Study on Spatial Effectiveness Relies on Actual Use Situation of Community Centers. A Case Study in the YongKang District, Taiwan Bo-Nian Su, Makoto Tsunoda Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan A-1-6 Visual Characters Attribute of Restaurants & Cafe’ Hybrid Function in Bandung Sri Astuti TB / RIHS, Indonesia A-1-7 Architectural Planning Features of Multi-Use Commercial Complexes Based on Recent Development in Korea Soomi Kim Soongsil University, Korea 09:00-10:45 Room : 202 Chairs: Sai-Gyu Oh(Korea), Maki Watanabe(Japan) A-2 Architectural Planning and Design A-2-1 Significance of Site Reconstruction after Earthquake Disasters: Cases of 2006 Central Java and 2007 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Hidefumi Yamaguchi Kobe University, Japan A-2-2 Resistance Time – Exploring Improve Old Area Inhabitant Environment Zhang Zhiqiang, Guo Ying, Shaosen Wang, Shijie Liao Xiamen University, China A-2-3 Analysis of Demographic by Small Mesh and Study on Urban Reduction Kaoru Matsumiya, Kiyoaki Oikawa Ritsumeikan University, Japan A-2-4 Spatial Planning and Children’s Behaviors of Toy Library in Japan Puei Kuen Cheow, Kazuhiko Nishide The University of Tokyo, Japan A-2-5 A Study on the Class Space Utilization of Elementary School Makoto Tsutsuno, Young-Ju Yoo, Kaname Yanagisawa Chiba University, Japan A-2-6 Personal Space Small Mobile Robot Moves Towards Crouching, Sitting, and Supine Adult Males Saori Nakajima, Akiko Watanabe Tokyo Denki University, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 12 | 13 A-2-7 A Research of the Recent Situation and Future Agenda for the Reconstruction Dwelling Planning in the Tohoku Quake & Tsunami Stricken District – A Study of the Sanriku Coast Tsunami Disaster Area in Japan Osamu Sakuma KIT, Japan 09:00-10:45 Room : 203 Chairs: Jae-yong Chung(Korea) G-1 Urban Planning and Design G-1-1 Development of Environmental Evaluation Tool for Low Carbon Society Toward the Planning of Compact City Akinori Yamashita, Shinji Ikaruga, Takeshi Kobayashi Yamaguchi University, Japan G-1-2 The Way to Change a Reinforced Concrete City Into a Liveable City for Human Living Wei Zheng, Xue-dong Xu Shandong Agricultural University, China G-1-3 Analysis on Summer Temperature Distribution in the Basin City - For Making an Urban Environmental Climate Map of Hadano City, KanagawaShohei Noguchi, Takahiro Tanaka, Satoru Sadohara Hiroshima University, Japan G-1-4 Structure and Framework of the Sustainability Plan for the University Takao Ozasa Hokkaido University, Japan G-1-5 A Study on the Outdoor Temperature Distribution in High-dense and Low-rise Urban Area in Summer: For Improving Thermal Environment in Summer Kentaro Hayashi, Takahiro Tanaka, Shusuke Inachi Hiroshima University, Japan G-1-6 The Transformation and Management Issue of Water Environment of Irrigation Ponds in Urban District Kazumi Kudoh Nishida Akashi National College of Technology, Japan 09:00-10:45 Room : 204 Chairs: Tae-Yang Shin(Korea) G-2 Urban Planning and Design G-2-1 Research on New Development Modes of Urban and Rural Cultural Landscape Qing Yuan, Yanhong Ma Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China G-2-2 Landscape Issue and Multi-agent Simulation of City Development. The Case Study of Hirakata City Eric Boris Raphael Lefebvre, Kazuhiko Sakakibara, Okinori Taniguchi Osaka Sangyo University, Japan G-2-3 Research Into Liyuan Buildings, the Spatial Composition of Liyuan Blocks and Liyuan Residents’ Lifestyles in Qingdao, China Limin Shao, Hiroyuki Kanekiyo Shandong University of Art & Design, China G-2-4 A Study of the Adaptive Design of Urban Waterfront Based on City Features Rong Li Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China G-2-5 Characteristics of Population Dynamics of Local City Focused on Transportation Facilities Hiroki Ogawa Wakayama University, Japan ACADEMIC SESSIONS G-2-6 Migration Patterns and the Future of a Marginal Community Kentaro Yagi Nishinippon Institute of Technology, Japan 09:00-10:45 Room : 206 Chairs: Kyong-Won Kim(Korea) A-3 Architectural Planning and Design A-3-1 Analysis of Cooling/Heating Loads Depending on Window Area Ratios and Mass Forms of Green BIMBased Office Towers Kweon-hyoung Lee, Jae-wook Lee, Jung-rim Ryu, Seung-Yeon Choo Kyungpook National University, Korea A-3-2 The Sustainable Technological Strategies Applied on Commercial Architecture in Australia Jizhong Shao Southeast University, China A-3-3 Characteristics of Tasks in the Research of the Effects of Foliage Plants on Human Performance Desto Jumeno, Hiroshi Matsumoto Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan A-3-4 Optimal Design Method for Sustainable Housing Incorporating Environmental Performance-Focused on the Sunlight Environment and Energy Efficiency Ji Eun Lee, Kang Up Lee Hanyang University, Korea A-3-5 Analysis on Evaluation Method of Solar Decathlon as an Improving Process Angel Rafael Martinez Mora, Hiroki Suzuki, Akiko Okabe, Shota Tajima Chiba University, Mexico A-3-6 Development of Building Load Prediction Formula for ZEB Realization Sungmo Seo, Sujin Kim, Eonku Rhee Chung-Ang University, Korea 09:00-10:45 Room : 207 Chairs: Dong-Hee Lee(Korea) G-3 Urban Planning and Design G-3-1 Rural Landscape Composition and Protection in Sasayama City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan Naoko Kuriyama, Koichi Miwa Kobe University, Japan G-3-2 Development and Community in a Rural Improvement Project in Japan Kyoung-Hwa Chang, Juichi Yamazaki Kobe University, Japan G-3-3 Research on the Effective Reutilization of Wooden Schoolhouses Located in the Ru-ral, Mountainous Regions of Japan - An Example of Activities Concerning the Effective Reutili-zation of a Wooden School Naoyuki Yamaguchi TASTEN Architects, Japan G-3-4 Relationship between Geographical Condition and Cultivation Form of Farm Households in Mountainous Village - Case Study on Kutsuwai Village in Shimonoseki CitySachiko Yamamoto, Hirotaka Watanabe, Mahito Nakazono University of Tsukuba, Japan G-3-5 Accessibility and Availability Analysis of Temporary Fueling Sites in Rikuzentakata-City Ryo Sanuki, Tatsuya Suzuki, Tohru Yoshikawa Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 14 | 15 G-3-6 Research on the Relationship between CO2 Emissions from Person-Trip of Daily Activity and Urban Structure in Kumamoto City, Japan Jun Ye, Kazuhisa Iki, Riken Homma Kumamoto University, China G-3-7 Comparative Study on the Regeneration Practice of Urban Public Space Guided by the Bus Rapid Transit System – Case Studies of Guangzhou’s Tianhe Center District and Portland’s Downtown City Center Jianwen Huang, Ying Xu Guangdong University of Technology, China 09:00-10:45 Room : 208 Chairs: Jun-Seon Yoon(Korea) C-1 Building Materials C-1-1 Study on the Development of Super-high-early-strength Precast Concrete Using a Hardening Accelerator Taebeom Min, Hanseung Lee Hanyang University, Korea C-1-2 An Experimental Study on the Prediction for the Compressive Strength of Concrete with Blast Furnace Slag by Maturity Method Myungwon Cho, Hyunmin Yang, Hanseung Lee Hanyang University, Korea C-1-3 A Study on the Early Compressive Strength of Mortar with Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Using the Plastic Deformation of Industrial Byproducts Jinhyoung Kim, Hanseung Lee, Kangjin Lee Hanyang University, Korea C-1-4 Changes in Solar Reflectance of Highly Reflective Roofing Sheets Installed on the Building Roofs Jihui Yuan, Kazuo Emura, Hideki Sakai Osaka City University, Japan C-1-5 An Experimental Study in Strength Development and Cementing Efficiency Estimation of Mortar Containing Fly Ash Changseok Lee, Namyong Jee Hanyang University, Korea C-1-6 Strangth Properties of The Cement Type Materials Utilizing Paper Sludge Ash Teruji Iwahara Sojo University, Japan 09:00-10:45 Room : 209 Chairs: Chang-Geun Cho(Korea) F-1 F-1-1 Structural Engineering A Feasibility Study of Direct-connection Technique by Use of Post-installed Anchor Bolts for Horizontally Mixed Structural System Ryota Mitomi, Kazuki Takahashi, Takumi Ito, Wataru Kambe, Kenji Fujii Tokyo University of Science, Japan F-1-2 A Simplified Evaluation Method for Fire Resistance Performance of Donut Type Biaxial Hollow Slab Hae-Jeong Cho, Joo-Hong Chung, Hyun-Ki Choi, Seung-Chang Lee, Chang-Sik Choi Hanyang University, Korea F-1-3 Evaluation on Seismic Behavior of Existing RC Structures with Old Masonry Wall Sijeong Jeong, Woojung Jung, Taein Jeon, Takashi Kamiya, Jaehyouk Choi Chosun University, Korea F-1-4 Anchorage Capacity of Headed Bars with Side Split in TTC Nodes Jinsoo Hong, Hyungsuk Jung, Baekil Bae, Changsik Choi Hanyang University, Korea ACADEMIC SESSIONS 09:00-10:45 Room : 210 Chairs: Jong-Hun Kim(Korea) B-1 Architectural History and Theory B-1-1 A Study on Integration of Prefabrication and Locality Focusing on Rudolph Schindler’s “Schindler-Shelter” Shingo Suekane, Yasuhiro Yamasaki Kansai University, Japan B-1-2 Between History and Tradition: Architectural Modernity in the Japanese Exhibitions in the West and the Colonized Korea Yoonchun Jung McGill University, Canada B-1-3 Importation of Le Corbusier’s ‘Roof Garden’ to Japanese Modern Architecture Shoichiro Sendai, Michiya Tsukano Hiroshima University, Japan B-1-4 Hi-Skill – The Typical Concept Towards the Phenomenon of Craft Missing during Chinese Architectural Development Cui Guo, Zhou Yang Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, China B-1-5 A Study on the Urban Planning Projects Internationally Presented by Seok Chul Kim Ransoo Kim Myonji University, Korea B-1-6 Yørn Utzon’s Architectural Thought from the Viewpoint of Key Words and Its Classification in His Writings Keiichi Wakisaka Nagoya University, Japan 09:00-10:45 Room : C310 Chairs: Jung-In Kim(Korea) A-4 Architectural Planning and Design A-4-1 The “KABATA”, An Unique Water Utility Space Yoshihiro Kametani Kansai University, Japan A-4-2 A Study on Design Support Tools through Analyzing for Practical Process of Timber Manufacture in Han-ok Soohwan Kwun, Hanjong Jun Hanyang University, Korea A-4-3 Study on Recent Wooden House System in Korea-Happiness Village Project SunWook Kim, Tomoyuki Gondo, YongSun Kim, Kaori Fujita, Hirotake Kanisawa Univ. of Tokyo, Japan A-4-4 Urban Conservation-Analysis of Users Conflicts in Built Heritage of Hong Kong Kevin KK Yap, Miki PY Tse City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong A-4-5 Comparative Study on Recent Wooden House Construction System in Korea and Okinawa Tomoyuki Gondo, Sunwook Kim, Yongsun Kim, Hirotake Kanisawa Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan A-4-6 A Survey on the Residents’ Perception about Attractiveness of Korean Traditional House ‘Hanok’ in Urban Area Saerom Min, Taiyoung Kim Cheongju University, Korea A-4-7 Use Characteristics of Childcare Support Facilities Converted a Traditional Timber House in Yamaguchi City Yuri Ito, Sachiko Yamamoto, Mahito Nakazono Yamaguchi University, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 16 | 17 11:00-13:00 Room : 201 Chairs: Osamu Sakuma(Japan) A-5 Architectural Planning and Design A-5-1 A Study on the Utilization Method of Flexible Space in Interior Space of Housing Dayoeng Im, Yekeong Shin Namseoul University, Korea A-5-2 Interpretation of 360° Hall Junhua He Xiamen University Tankahkeei College, China A-5-3 Grid System in the Floor Plan of Brick Country House Project by Mies Takasago Masahiro Wakayama University, Japan A-5-4 A Study on the Resident Consciousness of the Occurrence of Accidents in Residential Buildings Mun-Young Jang, Woo-Jung Lee, Sung-Wha Kim, Jae-Hoon Lee Dankook University, Korea A-5-5 Biofied Space Design Akiko Watanabe Kyungpook National University, Korea A-5-7 A Study on the Revitalization of Sense of Place through Rebuilding Historical Place -Focused on the American Embassy and Duksu Palace AreaJeong Eun Kim Inha University, Korea 11:00-13:00 Room : 202 Chairs: Sai-Gyu Oh(Korea), Hidehumi Yamaguchi(Japan) A-6 Architectural Planning and Design A-6-1 Usage of Day Service Part of Composite Welfare Facility Converted a Closed School - Case Study on ‘HIDAMARI-NO-SATO’ in Abu Town Yamaguchi Prefecture Sachiko Mishima, Mai Nakagawa, Mahito Nakazono, Sachiko Yamamoto Yamaguchi Univ., Japan A-6-2 A Study on the Improvement of Collegiate Dormitories in South Korea through Actual Condition Survey Taeho Chung, Haeyeon Yoo, Yeonjung Park, Jongju Cho, Jungyeon Yoon Dankook University, Korea A-6-3 An Analysis of Spatial Evaluation on Elementary School Special Classrooms Youngju Yoo, Kaname Yanagisawa Chiba University, Japan A-6-4 A Study on Toyama-style Day Care Service Centers for the Elderly, Handicapped and Children Wen-Jing Chiang, Kazuhiko Okamoto, Kazuhiko Nishide The University of Tokyo, Taiwan A-6-5 Personal Space Small Mobile Robot Moves Towards Standing or Sitting Elderly Individuals Masako Sakai, Akiko Watanabe Tokyo Denki University, Japan A-6-6 A Study of Changing Boundary Caused by Changing University Youngmin Koo, Seung Hwan, Kim Inha University, Korea A-6-7 Utilization of Yato Areas for Environmental Education of Elementary Schools Maki Watanabe, Nobuo Mitsuhashi Akita Prefectural University, Japan ACADEMIC SESSIONS A-6-8 A Study on International Schools in Japan, Korea and US Miho Takahashi, Yuka Goto, Kaname Yanagisawa Chiba University, Japan 11:00-13:00 Room : 203 Chairs: Jae-yong Chung(Korea), Takao Ozasa(Japan) G-4 Urban Planning and Design G-4-1 A Study of the New Subdivision Where Environmental Model Single-Family Houses Gathered - EastAsumigaoka, Midori-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba Prefecture, JAPAN Toshinobu Obata The Building Surveyor’s Institute of Japan, Japan G-4-2 A Study on The Actual Situation of “Silver Housing” and Senior Citizen Residence Support System in AJA Housing Estates in Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture Akira Koshiba, Takayuki Ikeda University of the Ryukyus, Japan G-4-3 An Estimation Study on House Reconstruction and Revival Subsidy Policy after 1999 Western Tottori Prefecture Earthquake Kazuyoshi Ohnishi, Xiaoyu Yuan Kobe University, Japan G-4-4 A Study on the Design of Housing Complexes for Regional City Identity Sihwa Choi, Daebong Yeom Chosun University, Korea G-4-5 Quantitative Study on Green Coverage Ratio and Cooling Effects in the Surrounding Terraced-Houses, Malaysia Kei Saito, Owen Yeo, Ismail Said, Michihiko Shinozaki University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia G-4-6 A Study on the Housing Regeneration and Management in the Suburban Area Masayuki Ikezoe Fukuoka University, Japan G-4-7 Transition of Miners’ Housing at Kokura Coal Mine Yuto Abe, Kentaro Yagi Nishinippon Institute of Technology, Japan G-4-8 Health Related Factors Structure of Housing and Regional Environment Dependent on Urban Structure and Scale Shintaro Ando, Toshiharu Ikaga, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Tanji Hoshi, Kenichi Kawamura, Shun Kawakubo Keio University, Japan 11:00-13:00 Room : 204 Chairs: Tae-Yang Shin(Korea), Naoko Kuriyama(Japan) G-5 Urban Planning and Design G-5-1 Structure Analysis of Facade in Shopping Streets in Front of Railway Station and Its Relationship with People’s Activities – Case of the Shopping Street in Front of Ohashi Station in Fukuoka City Tao Zhou, Tetsuya Ukai Kyushu University, Japan G-5-2 Study on the Welfare Environment in Shopping Streets Regarding the Properties of Awareness Barriers and Spatial Barriers Perceived by Users and Operators in Different Shopping Streets Risa Noda, Umekazu Kawagishi Nihon University, Japan G-5-3 A Study on Functional Change of Buildings in Large-Scale Retail Store Surrounding Areas, Fukuoka, Japan Hongxin Sui, Shichen Zhao, Ze Liu, Xiaoyan Mi Kyushu University, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 18 | 19 G-5-4 Collective Background Extraction for Station Market Area by Using Location Based Social Network Kousuke Kikuchi, Tatsuto Kihara, Atsushi Enta, Hideaki Takayanagi, Takeshi Kimura, Kazuto Hayashida, Hitoshi Watanabe Waseda University, Japan G-5-5 Developing a Walkable Compact City: Experience from Chongqing YiMing Wang, Jie Chen Chongqing University, China G-5-6 Analysis on Liking Spaces and Space Constitution in Open Pedestrians Hiroshi Tsuchida, Hiroshi Tsumita Tokyo Denki University, Japan G-5-7 The Distance between the Outer Walls Along Narrow Roads in Kyojima, Tokyo Hitoshi Nakamura, Toshiya Yamamoto Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan G-5-8 Study on Relation of Psychological Quantity and Discontinuous Elements in Discontinuous Streetscape Mitsutoshi Kamada, Hiroshi Tsumita, Yoshizumi Tsunematsu Tokyo Denki Univ., Japans 11:00-13:00 Room : 206 Chairs: Yu-Jin Nam(Korea), Hiroshi Matsumoto(Japan) E-1 Environmental Technologies E-1-1 Study on Development of the Next Generation Power Supply System Investigation of Office Building and Development of Electric Supply Control System Jeong-soo Kim, Yasutomo Yamamoto Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan E-1-2 A Method to Evaluate the Annual Thermal Performance of Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems Considering Whole System Efficiency Seung Hyo Baek, Hyun Min Nam, Myoung Souk Yeo, Kwang Woo Kim Seoul National University, Korea E-1-3 A Study on Development of Intelligent Energy Assessment Model for Building User based on Augmented Reality BoRang Park, EonKu Lee, MinHee Chung Chunang Univercity, Korea E-1-4 Case Study on Estimation of Private Habitat Energy Consumption in Yurihonjyo City Using Questionnaire Survey Results Azusa Takayama, Koichi Asano Akita Prefectural Univercity, Japan E-1-5 A Study on the Effective Installation of Solar Collectors to Apartment Buildings through Their Performance Tests Miyeon Kim, Hyunggeun Kim, Byungdo Choi, Jinchul Park4 SH Corporation, Korea E-1-6 A Proposal of the Measurement and Verification Methods in Building Energy Retrofit Process Jun-won Park, Kyumin Kang, Ki-nam Kang, Young-jae Lee, Doosam Song Sungkyunkwan University, Korea E-1-7 Performance-based Built Energy and Environment Design Method: How BIM Works in Building Airconditioning System Design Qiong Yu, Yingqiu Zhu, Ning Li, HongQing Xu Beijing Insititute of Architectural Design, China ACADEMIC SESSIONS 11:00-13:00 Room : 207 Chairs: Kwan-Ho Lee(Korea), Yasuko Yoshino(Japan) E-2 Environmental Technologies E-2-1 Improvement of Negative Images in Shopping Center by the Introduction of Entertainment Display Systems Sachi Urano, Junichi Hoshino University of Tsukuba, Japan E-2-2 Development of Wireless Measurement System for Ground-borne Vibration in Buildings and Case Evaluations of Building-vibration Yoshihiro Hirao, Sunao Kunimatsu, Takuji Hamamoto Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research, Japan E-2-3 Development and Standardization of Building Function Continuity Plan Yukihiro Masuda Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan E-2-4 A Simple Formula for Room Flashover Possibility Sungchan Lee, Kazunori Harada Kyoto University, Japan E-2-5 The Rural Toilet of Stool and Urine Separated and the Irrigation Technology of Urine Flushing Junying Zhao, Xue-dong Xu Shandong Agricultural University, China E-2-6 A Simple Model for Burning of Combustible Items Close to a Wall and Corner of Wall Junghoon Ji, Kazuhiko Ido, Kazunori Harada, Yoshifumi Ohmiya, Masaki Noaki Kyoto University, Korea 11:00-13:00 Room : 208 Chairs: Bo-Sik Son(Korea) C-2 Building Materials C-2-1 Evaluation of Prediction Models for Creep and Creep Properties of Ultra-High Strength Concrete JungSoo Ha, Minsu Paik, SeungHoon Lee, JooHa Lee, SangJin Jung Dankook University, Korea C-2-2 Fundamental Study on the CO2 Fixation Method Using the By-product’s Calcium Ion Jae-Seok Kwack, Chnag-Soo Kang, Han-Seung Lee Hanyang University, Korea C-2-3 Digestive Infrastructure: Architecture Within Fiber Recycling Flow Chong Wang University of Tokyo, Japan C-2-4 A Study of Carbon Fiber Strand Rod Using a Thermoplastic Resin Yasuhide Mochida, Honami Noda, Yutaka Hayashi Ritsumeikan University, Japan C-2-5 The Thermal Deformation of Building Stone according to Thickness in High Temperature Season Moon-Jeong Jang, Nam-Yong Jee Hanyang University, Korea 11:00-13:00 Chairs: Jae-Hyouk Choi(Korea) F-2 F-2-1 Structural Engineering Research and Development on Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Structure Masakazu Terai, Koichi Minami Fukuyama University, Japan Room : 209 October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 20 | 21 F-2-2 Reliability of Earthquake Resistant Construction in Indonesia Traditional Houses Wahyu Wuryanti Ministry of Public Works, Indonesia F-2-3 The Feasibility of the Metabolism of the Row Houses Renovated with Hybrid Timber System in Taiwan - Part 2. the Study of Structural System Meng-Ting Tsai, Chieng-Chung Chen The University of Tokyo, Japan F-2-4 Residual Displacements of Damaged Low-rise Moment Resisting Frames Subjected to Vertical Loads after Inelastic Seismic Response Kazuki Takahashi, Kenjiro Mori, Takumi Ito Tokyo University of Science, Japan F-2-5 The Study on the Structural Performance Evaluation of Traditional Japanese Timber Joint -Result of Nondestructive Inspection at Kenchoji-Temple and Hori-zontal Load CapacityEunMi Shin, SunWook Kim, Akito Ibaraki, Kazuki Chiba, Kaori Fujita The University of Tokyo, Japan F-2-6 Evaluation on Postbuckling Residual Strength and Stain Recovery of HSS Column Daniel Yeshewawork, Jae-hyouk Choi, Soo-kon Lee Chosun University, Korea F-2-7 An Experimental Study on Compression Resistant Mechanism of Plywood Panel- Steel Sandwich Wall Structure Sumiya Takahashi, Saki Kondo, Wataru Kambe, Takumi Ito Tokyo University of Science, Japan F-2-8 Restoring Force Characteristics and Inelastic Response Behavior of Steel Semi-rigid Connections by Use of Spring Washers Yuta Sakurada, Takumi Ito, Wataru Kambe, Junya Yazawa Tokyo University of Science, Japan 11:00-13:00 Room : 210 Chairs: Jong-Hun Kim(Korea), Shoichiro Sendai(Japan) B-2 Architectural History and Theory B-2-1 Difficulties with Preserving the Masterpieces of Modern Architecture in Japan Kazunobu Minami Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan B-2-2 ‘Ornamental Structure’ of Korea - through Analysis of World Perspective Mary Jung, Jaepil Choi Seoul National University, Korea B-2-3 Innermost Sanctum Ruins of Mani-temple – Excavation and Reconstruction Study – Shigeo Asakawa, Yorikazu Okagaki, Takuo Shimizu, Toshihiro Nakashima, Yutaka Hirano Tottori University of Environmental Studies, Japan B-2-4 The Building Types and the Construction Method in Postwar Okinawa Toru Irie University of the Ryukyus, Japan B-2-5 Spatial Characteristics of Components Factory of Kawanami Shipyard Viewing from Structure Form Daisuke Akiba, Nobuo Mishima, Yoko Taguchi Saga University, Japan B-2-6 A Study on the Possibility of Architectural Representation in the Works of Piranesi Kyoung Jun Jeong Inha University, Korea B-2-7 Reconstruction Study on the Shinto-Shrine Building Remnants in the Ancient Times of the Political System Based on the Ritsuryō Codes – A Case Study on Aoki Ruins in Izumo-city – Takuo Shimizu, Shigeo Asakawa, Megumi Hinokio, Sugiyama Mao, Nozomi Nakasa Tottori University of Environmental Studies, Japan ACADEMIC SESSIONS B-2-8 Ancient Features of Taiwanese Architecture: through the Lens of East Asian Cultural Sphere Lan-shiang Huang National Taiwan University, Taiwan 11:00-13:00 Room : C310 Chairs: Jung-In Kim(Korea), Yu Morishita(Japan) A-7 Architectural Planning and Design A-7-1 An Analysis on the Spatial Characteristics of Duplex House Jeongeun Lee, Yekyeong Shin Namseoul University, Korea A-7-2 Assessment of Tourist Satisfaction for Museum Exhibition Space: A Case Study of National Science and Technology Museum Yi-Lin Chen, Tzung-Hui Tzeng, Szu-yu Wang National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan A-7-3 Intervisibility Analysis Shaped by Building Elevations Dongkuk Chang, Joohee Park Chosun University, Korea A-7-4 Study on Feelings of Worriment due to Middle-sized Robot in Living Space Kodai Yokoyama, Akiko Watanabe Tokyo Denki University, Japan A-7-5 Void Spaces and Integrative Relation of Each Space Occurring to Visitors’ Diverse Viewing Experiences in Museums Mihyun Kim Sangmyung University, Korea A-7-6 Geometry, Material, Modeling Experimental Design-works on Architectural Studies of Form Motomu Uno, Makoto Yokomizo, Jun Sato, Yoshiyuki Yamana, Ryohei Kunagai Tokyo University of Science, Japan A-7-7 A Study on the Elevator Vertical Zoning Method for Mixed-use High-rise Buildings June Kyung Kang, Jaepil Choi, Jungwon Lee, Do Young Kim, Eun Seok Jung Seoul National University, Korea A-7-8 The Study on the Application of VAE Model to the Map Design of First Person Shooter Game Junsik Moon, Jaepil Choi Seoul National University, Korea 14:00-16:00 Room : 201 Chairs: Jae-Hee Chung(Korea), Yasuo Omi(Japan) A-8 Architectural Planning and Design A-8-1 Individual Distances a Small Mobile Robot Moves Towards Adult Male and Female : The Cese of Uppight/chair-sitting Miyu Aoki, Akiko Watanabe Tokyo Denki University, Japan A-8-2 Study of the Modular Design of Rural Police Station in China Te Zhang Jilin Province Architectural Design Institute Co.Ltd., China A-8-3 A Study on the Improvement of Residential Environment in Domestic Container Houses by FGI Jungyeon Yoon, Yeonjung Park, Haeyeon Yoo, Jongju Cho, Taeho Chung Soongsil University, Korea A-8-4 Issues on Usage Judgment Against Group Home and Its Fire Safety Performance Naoko Okada, Kazuyoshi Ohnishi Kobe University, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 22 | 23 A-8-5 African Union Headquarters and Conference Centre Lizhi Ren Tong Ji Architectural Design (Group) Co.,Ltd., China A-8-6 Individual Distance a Small Robot Moves Towards Non-Japanese Adult Male Shun Ota, Akiko Watanabe Tokyo Denki University, Japan A-8-7 A Study of Architectural Expert Requirements Analysis of BIM Template by Survey Hye Jung Kang, Se Young Moon, Sang Heon Kee, Han Jong Jun Hanyang University, Korea A-8-8 A Basic Study on Soccer Stadiums: The Form and Scale of “Class S” Soccer Stadiums in Japan Tomio Watanabe, Yuichiro Nomura, Hikaru Nakada Nihon University, Japan 14:00-16:00 Room : 202 Chairs: Sun-Young Rieh(Korea), Tomotsune Honda(Japan) A-9 Architectural Planning and Design A-9-1 A Study on the School Design Workshop with Children and Adults Kaname Yanagisawa, Miho Takahashi, Hikaru Esaki Chiba University, Japan A-9-2 Research on Patients’ Behaviors in Open Space of Psychiatric Hospital Jing Luo, Shigeki Nakayama, Hiroki Suzuki, Hiroshi Tsumita, Akira Kuryu Chiba University, Japan A-9-3 The Issues of Earthwork as Land Reclamation Project at Haizuka Reservoir Shinichiro Nakano, Kentaro Yagi, Jun Hwa Heo Nishinippon Institute of Technology, Japan A-9-4 A Study on the Accumulation of Infrastructure and the Place-Making Come out from Urban Sprawl Jun Hwa Heo, Young Min Koo Inha University, Korea A-9-5 Children’s Place Constructing Behavior and Environmental Resource Evaluation Daisaku Hayashida, Kei Adachi, Koichi Nakaie, Ayumu Fujii Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan A-9-6 Influence of Seismic Retrofitting on Facility Users’ Impressions of Educational Facilities Fumihiko Shiwa, Hiroyuki Nakahara, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, Masaharu Motokane Kyushu University, Japan A-9-7 Foundation of “Childcare Support Center Project” in Yamaguchi Prefecture Ayaka Yoshioka, Yuri Ito, Sachiko Yamamoto, Nakazono Mahito Yamaguchi University, Japan 14:00-16:00 Room : 203 Chairs: Dae-Han Youn(Korea), Koji Itonaga(Japan) G-6 Urban Planning and Design G-6-1 The Pillar House Guideline for Flood and Townscape Protection Siyanee Hirunsalee, Chaweewan Denpaiboon, Kanegae Hidehiko Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Japan G-6-2 The Formation and Feature of the Low Residential Places of Concession Area a Case Study of Tianjin City, China Yichen Liu University of Tsukuba, Japan ACADEMIC SESSIONS G-6-3 Values of Urban Historical Heritage in the Context of Cultural Tourism Budi Arlius Putra Seoul National University, Korea G-6-4 Research on the Spatial Morphology and Holistic Structural Preservation of East Asian City Moat Area Sample : Haohe River Historic Area of Nantong City Sun Leilei, Gu Hua Southeast University, China G-6-5 How to Conserve the Historic Site and Build the Buffer Zone - the Case of Shenyang Imperial Palace Li Qin, Yuichi Fukukawa Chiba University, Japan G-6-6 Verification of Present Condition to Secure Two-way Evacuation Routes in a Historic Preservation Area Nobuo Mishima, Naomi Miyamoto, Yoko Taguchi Saga University, Japan G-6-7 Evaluation of the Transition of Conservation Planning and Model in Historical and Cultural Town (Village) in China-The Case of Lizhuang in ChinaXu Feng, Yota Hinamoto, Juichi Yamazaki Kobe University, Japan G-6-8 Transformation of Urban Elements in the Old Town Area of Songkhla, Thailand Supachai Chusree, Nawit Ongsavangcha Chiangmai University, Thailand 14:00-16:00 Room : 204 Chairs: Ki-Bong Nam(Korea), Takahiro Tanaka(Japan) G-7 Urban Planning and Design G-7-1 An Analysis of and Proposal for a Location Plan for the Local Community Centers and the Private Community Clubs for the Elderly in Omuta City Chen Chen, Riken Homma, Kazuhisa Iki Kumamoto University, Japan G-7-2 Study on Measures of Primary School and Children’s Conscious for Crime Prevention in Outdoor Playground Liu Peng, Nakayama Toru Nara Women’s University, Japan G-7-3 Components of ‘Play City’ – As 10 City Case in Japanese ‘Child’s Towns’– Yuki Hanawa Kyoto University, Japan G-7-4 Structural Review of Studies and Policies on Children’s Developmental Growth Influenced by Urban Physical Environment Yuriko Takayanagi, Tatsuo Akashi National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Japan G-7-5 A Study on Urban Integration of the University Facilities in France Daebong Yeom Chosun University, Korea G-7-6 Mixed Results of Technological Advancement in Asian Architecture Arno Suzuki Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan G-7-7 Non-Intentional Aesthetics of Industrial Port Terminals Sebo Suzanne, Matsumoto Yutaka Osaka Sangyo University, Japan G-7-8 A Case Study on Trend of Changes of Building Usages on Surrounding Areas of Fukuoka Railway Stations and Subways Xinyu Zhuang, Shichen Zhao Kyushu University, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 24 | 25 14:00-16:00 Room : 206 Chairs: Jaeock Yoon(Korea), Yasuko Yoshino(Japan) E-3 Environmental Technologies E-3-1 The Comparison of Grade Levels between Korea Green Building Certification and LEED (leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) through the Cases on Domestic Buildings SeonSoo Mok, DongWoo Cho Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Korea E-3-2 Study on the Natural Ventilation Performance by Status of the Connection between the Solar Chimney and Chimney Shaft SungKi Song Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan E-3-3 Reconstruction of Production Methods and Process Based on Thermal Evaluation the Traditional Technology of Japanese Roof Tiles as Cool Roofs (Part 2) Makoto Sakaguchi, Hikaru Kinoshita, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Izumi Yamamoto Kansai University, Japan E-3-4 Development of Future Climate Change Weather File Generator (FCCWeatherGen) for South Korea Kwanho Lee, Hochun Yoo, Geoff J. Levermore Ulsan College, Korea E-3-5 Study on the Analysis of System Performance for the Floor Heating System Using Solar and Ground Heat Hyeji Yoon, Yujin Nam, Janghoo Seo Cheongju University, Korea E-3-6 Optimizing Green Architectural Design with Technical Analysis: A Case Study Nan Liang, Jia Wang, Yanlin Feng, Xiaojun Ma Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, China E-3-7 Evaluation on the Use of Bamboo Fibers as Permeable Pavement Material Hideo Takashima, Bart Dewancker The University of Kitakyushu, Japan 14:00-16:00 Room : 207 Chairs: Jae-Han Lim(Korea), Yukihiro Masuda(Japan) E-4 Environmental Technologies E-4-1 Study on a Geothermal Ventilation System for Residential Buildings Tomomi Motooka, Makoto Koganei, Kazuhiro Fukuyo, Masanari Hashimoto, Motofumi Yoshihara, Miki Yokoyama Yamaguchi University, Japan E-4-2 Study on Performance of a Desiccant Air-Conditioning System with Rotor Cooling Process Yushi Shirokane, Makoto Koganei, Wanghee Cho, Ryouichi Kobayashi, Hitoshi Kohno, Koichi Kawamoto, Shinsuke Kato, Ryozo Ooka, Shizuo Iwamoto Yamaguchi University, Japan E-4-3 Dynamic Evaluation of Cooling Effect of an Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger Ryuichi Yasunaga, Yasuyuki Shiraishi The University of Kitakyushu, Japan E-4-4 Hybrid Air-Conditioning System Using Natural Ventilation with Flow Control in an Office Building; Evaluation of Natural Ventilation Properties Based on Numerical Simulation Tomoya Sakamoto, Yasuyuki Siraishi, Ryuichi Yasunaga The University of Kitakyushu, Japan E-4-5 Development of Natural Ventilation System with Constant Air Volume Haeyoung Kim, Kunio Mizutani, Hiroki Ninomiya, Takuya Nakai Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan ACADEMIC SESSIONS E-4-6 Application of TABS (Thermally Activated Building System) to the Campus Building in Korea Jin-Hee Song, Jea-Han Lim, Seung-Yeong Song Ewha Womans University, Korea E-4-7 Study on the Prediction of the Heat Exchange Rate for the Horizontal Ground Source Heat Pump System Using the Building Structure Young-Mo Lee, YuJin Nam, Ho-Byung Chae Cheongju University, Korea E-4-8 Field Measurement and CFD Analysis of Cool Spot Formed in Semi-enclosed Space Consisting of Evaporative Cooling Wall Yukari Hirayama, Akira Hoyano, Naoyuki Oyoshi, Isamu Ohta Misawa Homes Institute of Research and Development Co., Ltd., Japan 14:00-16:00 Room : 208 Chairs: Kyu-Man Cho(Korea) D-1 Construction Engineering and Management D-1-1 Discriminant Factors for Monitoring Contractor’s Liquidity Status Jae In Lee, Hyun-Soo Lee, Moonseo Park, Sung-Keun Kwon, Sooyoung Kim Seoul National University, Korea D-1-2 Maintenance Cost Prediction Model for Window and Door Work of Multi-family Housing at the Planning Phase Mia Jung, Soungmin Ji, Sunim Kang, Joghyeob Kim, Changtaek Hyun University of Seoul, Korea D-1-3 Shanghai World Expo Has Promoted the Development of Design Management Yao Jianming Shanghai Xian Dai Architects, Engineering & Consultants Co., Ltd., China D-1-4 Value Appraisal Model for Existing Housing in Japan Yu-Chia Liao University of Tokyo, Taiwan D-1-5 A Study on Selecting Optimal Combination of Energy Saving Measures Using Genetic Algorithms Kwonsik Song, Moonseo Park, Hyun-Soo Lee, Sooyoung Kim, Jinho Shin Seoul National University, Korea 14:00-16:00 Room : 209 Chairs: Don-Son Woo(Korea), Li Zhang(China) B-3 Architectural History and Theory B-3-1 The Location and Urban Characteristics of Public Retail Markets in Kyeongseong during the Japanese Colonial Period IlHyang Park, BongHee Jeon Seoul National University, Korea B-3-2 The Characteristics of Liyuan Block and Study on the Protection and Activation Conditions of Liyuan Block from the Perspective of Local Resident Awareness Limin Shao, Hiroyuki Kanekiyo Kyushu University, China B-3-3 Natural Morphology and Historic Spatial Pattern of Nanjing Yuanyuan Gu Southeast University, China B-3-4 A Consideration on Spatial Formation of Xiangcheng District in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Natsumi Kono, Shuji Funo, Chong Zhao The University of Shiga prefecture, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 26 | 27 B-3-5 Appreciation of Japanese Cityscape in Western Publications from Meiji Restoration Until WW2 Tyana Santini, Takahiro Taji Kyoto University, Japan B-3-6 Considerations on the Urban Formation of Binondo and San Nicolas District in the City of Manila Keizo Umetani, Juan Ramon Jimenez Verdejo University of Siga Prefecture, Japan B-3-7 Evaluation Method of Historictiy of Walled Cities of Chosun Dynasty Garam Kim, Kwangsoon Im, Sungwoo Kim Yonsei University, Korea 14:00-16:00 Room : 210 Chairs: Hyo-Won Lee(Korea), Toshiei Tsukidate(Japan) B-4 Architectural History and Theory B-4-1 A Study on Establishment of Ju-hab-ru in Jeong-jo Reign (1752-1800) Chang Hyun Bae, Bong Hee Jeon Seoul National University, Korea B-4-2 Study of Liao Hua-yan and Esoteric Buddhism Architecture Jing Wen The University of Tokyo, China B-4-3 The Aspect of Hwangnyong-temple in the Middle Gate in the Silla Era and the Changing Process Hyowon Seo, Bonghee Jeon Seoul National University, Korea B-4-4 An Outline of Cat Tien Takeshi Nakagawa, Nao Tabuchi Waseda University, Japan B-4-5 Technological Development of Cell Door Fittings of Vihara Caves at Ajanta – In Order to Consider the Sequence of the ExcavationNaomichi Yaguchi Kanazawa University, Japan B-4-6 Restoration of the Kashinozaki Lighthouse Keeper’s Residence Norio Yoshinaga, Tomotsune Honda, Takayuki Hirata, Masayuki Kawasaki, Hiroaki Ueda Honda Environmental and Architectural Design Office, Japan B-4-7 Architectural Styles of Padang’s Historical Shophouses in West Sumatra, Indonesia Katsura Sato, Masahiko Tomoda, Yasushi Takeushi, Yoshihisa Wakita National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan B-4-8 A Study on Architecture and Technology of Tea Firing Places of Foreign Settlement in 19c. Japan Susumu Mizuta Hiroshima University, Japan 14:00-16:00 Chairs: Dong Kuk Chang(Korea) A-10 Architectural Planning and Design A-10-1 Difference of The Block Layout by Building Typology Nahyang Byun, Minseok Kim, Jaepil Choi Seoul National University, Korea A-10-2 A Primary Exploration of Designing Container as Youth Apartment Wei Wang, Xiongquan Ou, Chunyu Wei Hunan Universuty, China Room : C310 ACADEMIC SESSIONS A-10-3 A Study on the Planning Characteristics of Mixed-use Apartments in Hanoi Jihyuk Choi, Haeyeon Yoo Soongsil University, Korea A-10-4 The Reconsideration on Living-room Design in Chinese Public Housing Zhubin Li, Tsuyoshi Setoguchi, Ke Huo Northeastern University, Japan A-10-5 Demand Survey for Programs in Community Facilities of Senior Citizen-friendly Apartment Housing Hye Kyeong Shin, Dae Jin Kim, Ho Sik Ryu SH Corporation, Korea A-10-6 A Study on the Coomunity Facilities for 1-2 Persons’ Households in a Small Apartment Chan Young Park, Euisoon Ahn, Hana Kim, Su Young Kim, Jae Seop Shin, Jaepil Choi Seoul National University, Korea A-10-7 The Feasibility of the Metabolism of the Row Houses Renovated with Hybrid Timber System in Taiwan - Part 1. the Study of Spatial Diversity Chien-Chung Chen, Meng-Ting Tsai The University of Tokyo, Japan A-10-8 Fortifying Nationwide Low-income Habitat Strategy with Hybrid Prototype Actors Nayatat Tonmitr, Nobuyuki Ogura, Toru Irie University of the Ryukyus, Japan 16:30-18:30 Room : 201 Chairs: Jae-Hee Chung(Korea) A-11 Architectural Planning and Design A-11-1 The Report on the Preservation and Reuse of Koyaguchi Elementary School Tomotsune Honda, Takayuki Hirata, Masayuki Kawasaki, Norio Yoshinaga, Hiroaki Ueda Wakayama-University, Japan A-11-2 A Study on Design Methods of Recent Architectural Conversion in New York Sho Kadono, Katsuhiro Kobayashi, Tetsuya Mitamura Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan A-11-3 Development of Knowledge Base in Detailed Design for Building Renovations Yasuo Omi Tokyo City University, Japan A-11-4 The Development of Infill System for Housing in Japan Kazunobu Minami Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan A-11-5 Usage of Group Home of Composite Welfare Facility Converted a Closed School Mai Nakagawa, Sachiko Mishima, Mahito Nakazono, Sachiko Yamamoto Yamaguchi Univ., Japan A-11-6 Analysis on Remodeling Characteristics and Design Elements of Community Space in the Domestic Apartment Housing Soonjeong Yim, Jungeun Park, Hyowon Lee Chonnam National University, Korea A-11-7 Renovation of a Vacant House Reusing Materials and Equipments for Student Residence in a City Center Yoko Taguchi, Kazuha Otsuka, Nobuo Mishima Saga University, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 28 | 29 16:30-18:30 Room : 202 Chairs: Dong Kuk Chang(Korea), Daisaku Hayashida(Japan) A-12 Architectural Planning and Design A-12-1 A Study of about How to Lead Designer Choice and Crematory Designs by the Proposal Itaru Takeda, Soichi Yagisawa Kasouken, Japan A-12-2 A Study on the Revitalization of Historical Relics with Sense of Place - Focused on “Wongudan” So Ra Kim, Young Min Koo Inha University, Korea A-12-3 A Practical Study on Live Configuration for Community in A Small Open Space Kazumasa Matsukuma, Yoko Taguchi, Nobuo Mishima Saga University, Japan A-12-4 Renovation of Community – The Recovery of Old Community’s Texture Guo Ying, Zhang Zhiqiang, Wang Shaosen, Liao Shijie Xiamen University, China A-12-5 The Way of Sustaining Small Mountain Villages with the Program of ‘Village Life Supporters System’ Hiroaki Ueda, Tomotsune Honda, Kei Adachi, Norio Yoshinaga, Takayuki Hirata Wakayama University, Japan A-12-6 A Study on the Place-Making of ‘Intentional Terrain Vague’ - Based on the Thought of Heidegger’s “Rift-design” Dong Gyun Lee, Young Min Koo Inha University, Korea A-12-7 New Direction of Inclusive Design to Reflects Various Needs of Users Min-jung Cho, Chie Murosaki Hyogo Institute of Assistive Technology, Japan A-12-8 Homestay as a New Rural-cultural-community-based Tourism Product (A Case Study of Malaysian Homestay Program in Selangor) Rohaslinda Binti Ramele, Yamazaki Juichi Kobe University, Japan 16:30-18:30 Room : 203 Chairs: Dae-Han Youn(Korea), Nobuo Mishima(Japan) G-8 Urban Planning and Design G-8-1 A Case Study on Relations between Characteristics of Residents of Areas Affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Their Preferences of Habitation Yuiko Yamakawa, Akihiko Hokugo, Tomoaki Nishino Kobe University, Japan G-8-2 Tsunami Disaster in Sanriku Fishing Villages and the Challenges of Disaster Mitigation and Restoration Tsutomu Shigemura, Tomohiro Mikasa Kanagawa University, Japan G-8-3 Applying Gaming Simulation for Better Community-Based Flood Management Plan: a Case Study of Thai Flooded Community Pongpisit Huyakorn, Hidehiko Kanegae, Chaweewan Denpaiboon Ritsumeikan University, Japan G-8-4 Research on Trend of Influenza Infection Based on Usage Ratios of the City Space Ryo Nakamura, Shinichiro Iwata Nihon University, Japan ACADEMIC SESSIONS G-8-5 Indigenous Knowledge to Cope with Flood in Historic Old Quarters of Hue City, Vietnam Miki Yoshizumi, Phuong Truong Hoang, Tung Ngoc Nguyen, Hirohide Kobayashi Kyoto University, Japan G-8-6 Preliminary Study of Information Tool for Community-based Sustainable Activities for Disaster Mitigation Takatoshi Yamamoto, Akira Ohgai, Keiichiro Hitaka, Masahiro Murakami, Takayuki Yamamoto Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan G-8-7 A Study on Actual Situation of the Disaster in the Nuclear Power Generation Disaster Village, Iitate and Villager Action and on Support Activity Koji Itonaga, Kenji Uragami, Masataka Seki, Naoki Fujisawa Nihon University, Japan 16:30-18:30 Room : 204 Chairs: Ki-Bong Nam(Korea), Arno Suzuki(Japan) G-9 Urban Planning and Design G-9-1 A Study on The Spatial Form of Traditional Villages Ze Liu, Shichen Zhao, Hongxin Sui Kyushu University, China G-9-2 Study on the Difference between the Element Which Remains in an Image and Feel the Change of Space Element Using the Indication Method Experiment in River Side Space Norimichi Suzuki, Hiroshi Tsumita, Kayo Tsumura Tokyo Denki University, Japan G-9-3 A Study on the Classification of the Site Enclosures in Ogusuku and Ogido Village, Okinawa Chihiro Terada, Hikaru Kinosita, Yuki Miyata, Makoto Sakaguchi, Kazuya Matsumoto Kansai University, Japan G-9-4 A Study on the Trend of the Central City Area in the Local Industrial City Ablishing the Area Division Toshihiro Ishimura, Shinji Ikaruga Landbrains Co.,Ltd, Japan G-9-5 A Study on the Spatial Distribution Patterns of Living Environment Evaluations by Inhabitants in Hillside Urban Area Iyo Yonemasu, Takahiro Tanaka, Daisaku Nishina Hiroshima University, Japan G-9-6 A Study on the Preferable Urban Structure of Provincial Small Town in the Depopulation Tendency Takahiro Tanaka, Shimpei Iwamoto, Daisaku Nishina Hiroshima University, Japan G-9-7 Imagining a New Asia? Three Cities and Three Tales Jung-In Kim Soongsil University, Korea 16:30-18:30 Room : 206 Chairs: Sun-Young Rieh(Korea), Lizhi Ren(China) A-13 Architectural Planning and Design A-13-1 Analysis of Energy Consumption Influenced by Remodeling Factors of Building Exterior of Ultra-high-rise Apartments Kyoung-Jin Kim, Sun-Sook Kim, Hae-Seong Je Ajou University, Korea A-13-2 Summary of Planning Process of the Solar Housing and Changes in Its Design in International Competition Shota Tajima, Angel Rafael Martinez Mora, Masamichi Hanazato, Hiroki Suzuki, Akiko Okabe Chiba University, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 30 | 31 A-13-3 A Study on Template Development for Application of BIM to Green Building Certification System in Korea Mikyoung Kim, Minseong Roh, Iksung Kim, Hanjong Jun Hanyang University, Korea A-13-4 Comparative Research on the Sunlight Regulations’ Influence on the Residential District Form - Taking the China, Japan and South Korea for Example Guangxun Cui, Yue Fan, Jie Zhao Dalian University of Technology, China A-13-5 Teaching Sustainable Architecture: Holistic Approach for a Sustainable Design Studio Sun-Young Rieh University of Seoul, Korea A-13-6 Urban Resident Districts with Fully Utilizing Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Yanhui Bao, Kang Zheng Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, China A-13-7 What Can Bring Us Beyond the Standard? Operational Information to Sustainable Solution Yu Morishita, Bumpei Magori, Tomonari Yashiro The University of Tokyo, Japan 16:30-18:30 Room : 207 Chairs: Jae-Han Lim(Korea), Yukihiro Masuda(Japan) E-5 Environmental Technologies E-5-1 Field Measurement of the Infiltration Rate in New Apartments, Korea JaeOck Yoon Hoseo University, Korea E-5-2 A Demonstrative Study on Indoor Air Quality Control and the Performance Evaluation of an Improved Air Cleaner Based on Adsorption/desorption Effect Hiroshi Matsumoto, Masashi Hamma Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan E-5-3 Development of Support Tool for Luminous and Thermal Environmental Design Inside Semi-Outdoor Membrane Structures Akihiko Oyakawa, Akira Hoyano, Tatsuya Yoshino Taiyo Kogyo Corporation, Japan E-5-4 Study on the Effect of Indoor Environment on Arousal State Hiroki Morioka, Tomonobu Goto, Yasuto Ogata, Haruna Ando, Makoto Koganei Yamaguchi University, Japan E-5-5 A Study on Actual Conditions of Residential Environment in Western Region of China - Part 1. a Survey on Environmental Actual Conditions of Tradition Residence in Turpan Yasuko Yoshino, Jiaping Liu, Yan Wang, Koichi Ikeda, Tatsunobu Ichiyanagi, Liu Yang, Katsuo Inoue, Kazuo Aoki, Qingyuan Zhang, Tsutomu Miyasaka, Kousei Mikami, Yebei Qian, Kazuaki Kumada Nihon University, Japan E-5-6 Interaction Analysis between Countermeasures for Stack Effect in High-Rise Office Buildings Using Design of Experiment Jungmin Seo, Jaehun Kim, Jooyoung Kim, Joonghoon Lee, Doosam Song Sungkyunkwan University, Korea E-5-7 Evaluation of Indoor Lighting Environment Using Daylight with Light Shelf Madoka Anami, Yasuyuki Shiraishi The University of Kitakyushu, Japan ACADEMIC SESSIONS 16:30-18:30 Room : 208 Chairs: Seong-Seok Go(Korea), Liao Yu-chia(Japan) D-2 Construction Engineering and Management D-2-1 Optimization Model of Modular Construction Process Using DSM in Fabrication Stage Tae-Yoon Kim, Moonseo Park, Hyun-Soo Lee, Jeoung Hoon Lee Seoul National University, Korea D-2-2 Analysis of Developing Process With 2x4 House in Japan Seiichi Kawamoto Mitsubishi Estate Home, Japan D-2-3 A Model for Predicting an Electrical Performance of BIPV System Hyuck Choi, Kyuman Cho, Euisic Kim Chosun University, Korea D-2-4 Accident Earth Model and Safety Management Strategies Mingyu Shin, Hyun-Soo Lee, Moonseo Park, Sung-Keun Kwon, Hyunsoo Kim Seoul National University, Korea D-2-5 Research on Progress Management of Equipment Procurement for China Nuclear Power Project Based on EPC Model Huiqian Yu, Qiuliang Chen, Libin Yuan China nuclear power engineering co.LTD, China D-2-6 Analysis of Influences of Related Factors on Labor Productivity -Focused on Working Tools and Musculoskeletal Disorders of Form WorkersDong-Jin Kwark, Jung-lo Park, Ju-Hyung Kim, Jae-Jun Kim Hanyang University, Korea D-2-7 LCC Analysis of Thermal Insulation Materials for Housing Projects Yesim Hong, Kyuman Cho, Euisic Kim Chosun University, Korea 16:30-18:30 Room : 209 Chairs: Don-Son Woo(Korea), Takeshi Nakagawa(Japan) B-5 Architectural History and Theory B-5-1 Architectural Style of Traditional Manchu Residence in Liaoning Province, China Dan Yang, Yao Fu, Mahito Nakazono Yamaguchi University, Japan B-5-2 A Research of Characteristics of Modern Chinese Architecture – Through Da-Hong Wang’s Houses’ Design Sheng Chieh Ko AIJ, Taiwan B-5-3 Considerations on Transformation of House Plan of Licheng District (Quanzhou, Fujian) Chong Zhao, Shuji Funo The University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan B-5-4 Considerations on Spatial Formation and Transformation of House Types in Shangxiahang Neighbourhood Area (Fuzhou, Fujian) Kanami Yamada, Chong Zhao, Shuji Funo, Zhang Ying University of Shiga Prefecture Japan B-5-5 A Study on the Historical Village Landscape Conservation of World Heritage Andong Hahoe Village in Korea Yon Park, Juichi Yamazaki Kobe University, Japan B-5-6 Heights of Japanese Traditional Furniture and Related Factors Keiko Nagata Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 32 | 33 B-5-7 Study of Construction System and Heating System of Vernacular Architecture in Eurasia Continen Tsukidate Toshiei Hachinohe Institute of Technology, Japan B-5-8 The Proxemic Study in Waterfront Shophouses: A Case Study of the Khlong Suan Market, Samut Prakarn and Chachoengsao Provinces, Thailand Waricha Wongphyat Chulalongkorn University, Thailand 16:30-18:30 Room : 210 Chairs: Bong-Hee Jeon(Korea), Shingo Suekane(Japan) B-6 Architectural History and Theory B-6-1 A Study on the Chi-Gi Convergence Place Centrally Located Around Main Exit Door Youngran Kim Chosun University, Korea B-6-2 Roofing Materials and Spaces Hierarchy on Edo Castle, Honmaru Palace Adriana Piccinini Higashino Akashi National College of Technology, Japan B-6-3 A Study on the Techniques of the Surface Image Expression in Contemporary Commercial Buildings Kee Wook Jeung, Young Min Koo Inha University, Korea B-6-4 Development of Assessment Method of Resilient Capacity of Urban Energy Systems: Distinguishing and Defining Resilience Voon Yau Chew The University of Tokyo, Japan B-6-5 Urban Planning Projects in the Developing Country Based on the International Cooperation Kosuke Matsubara University of Tsukuba, Japan B-6-6 Consideration on the Formation of the Parian of Manila Juan Ramon Jimenez Verdejo, Keizo Umetani University of Siga Prefecture, Japan B-6-7 The Overview of Architectural Design and Element Techniques of Environmentally Symbiotic Housing in Recent 40years in Japan Miwako Nakamura, Kazuo Iwamura MEI, Japan B-6-8 Japan-Europe Comparative Study of Architecture Observation Programs to the Public Tadashi Saito Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Japan 16:30-18:30 Room : C310 Chairs: Jae-Hoon Lee(Korea), Kaname Yanagisawa(Japan) A-14 Architectural Planning and Design A-14-1 The Impact of Tourism Development on the Residential Spaces in Traditional Town Houses - Hoi an Ancient Town, a World Heritage in Vietnam Sawako Utsumi Showa Women’s University, Japan A-14-2 Prototype and Development of Minnan Architecture Shaosen Wang, Shijie Liao Xiamen University, China ACADEMIC SESSIONS A-14-3 Sustaining the Nationwide Low-income Habitat Strategy: The Lessons Learned Since the 1970s Nayatat Tonmitr, Nobuyuki Ogura, Toru Irie University of the Ryukyus, Japan A-14-4 Comparative Study of Planning Characteristics between Local-Vietnamese, Korean-made Vietnamese, and Local-Korean Apartments Jaepil Choi, Youngjun Choi, Jaeseop Shin, Junekyung Kang Seoul National University, Korea A-14-5 A Study on Spatial Formation and Transformation of Zhasake-zhen in Ordos City of Inner Mongol Misao Kawai, Junko Kunihiro, Yu Liu, Yi Zhang Tokyo UAA International Lab, Japan A-14-6 A Study on Design Characteristics of the ‘Korean-style Apartment’ in Vietnam Minjeong Song, Haeyeon Yoo Soongsil University, Korea A-14-7 Study on the Relation between Corporate Architectural Design (CorpAD) and Local Character in Indonesia Gregorius Prasetyo Adhitama, Hisashi Komatsu Nagoya University, Japan A-14-8 A Study on Space Characteristics of Urban Housings in the Transition of Vietnam Urban Area through Space Syntax Jaepil Choi, Youngwoo Kim, Jaeun Kim, June Kyung Kang Seoul National University, Korea POSTER SESSIONS Convention Hall 1 PA. PA-1 Architectural Planning and Design Usefulness of Sensory Guidance Methods as Seen from Wandering and Disoriented Activity in Elderly Individuals with Dementia Naoto Tanaka, Tomomi Oida Setsunan University, Japan PA-2 A Study on Public Procurement Systems and Processes for Educational Facility in France Kohei Kajihara, Kaname Yanagisawa Chiba University, Japan PA-3 Suggesting Factors Influencing on Residential Satisfaction of Inhabitant-Centered for Developing User Manual in Apartment Housing. Junghee Jung, Heechang Seo, Juhyung Kim, Jaejun Kim Hanyang University, Korea PA-4 Analysis of Energy Performance by Retrofit in Deteriorated Houses Jin-Woo Jeong, Dong-Woo Cho, Geun-Soo Park Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Korea PA-5 A Study on the Cause Analysis of Deficit Construction of Four Rivers Restoration Project JongHoon Lee, Seungkyu Yoo, Juhyung Kim, Jaejun Kim Hanyang University, Korea PA-6 The Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Architectural Design Li Yang Tongji University, China PA-7 The Present Status and Problem of Building Greening in Korean Apartment Complexes Eun Joo Yoon LH Land & Housing Institute, Korea PA-8 The Acquired Score Analysis by Assessment Categories and Items of the Korea Green Building Certification for Apartments Ah-Reum Park, Dong-Woo Cho Korea Institute of Construction and Technology, Korea PA-9 The Implications through Analysis on the Application States of Home Network for Elderly People Soyi Cheong, Hoyoung Kee Land & Housing Research Institute, Korea PA-10 Social Change and Spacial Structure of Library Mihyun Kim Sangmyung University, Korea PB. PB-1 Architectural History and Theory The Development and Energy Conservation Measures of Chinese Hui Style Timber Frame Construction Di Peng, Liu Xinyang Xi’an University of Science and Technology, China PB-2 An Investigation for New Life-assisted Housing Toward Senior Peoples Who Failed in Their Health in Japan Kiyoko Kamada Hokkaido Bunkyo University, Japan PB-3 Port Heritage: Urban Memory Along the Huangpu River Shao Ming Lu Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China PB-4 A Pre-Modernism Building in China: Beiyushan Lighthouse Xiaolong Yang, Li Yu, Lin Xu Zhejiang University, China PB-5 (II) Historical Characteristics of Cat Tien Nao Tabuchi, Takeshi Nakagawa Waseda University, Japan October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 36 | 37 PC. PC-1 Building Materials Development of High-Ductile Fiber Cementless Mortars Hyeon-Jin Lim, Chang-Geun Cho, Bang-Yeon Lee Chosun University, Korea PC-2 Mechanical Tests on Amorphous Micro Steel Fiber-Reinforced Composites Chang-Hwan Park, Chang-Geun Cho, Wha-Jung Kim, Se-Jin Choi RIST, Korea PC-3 A Experimental Study on Effect of Sensor Fine Line on the Reactivity of Chloride Ion Reactive Corrosion Sensor Hwa-Sung Ryu, Hyun-Seok Lee, Han-Seung Lee Hanyang University, Korea PD. PD-1 Construction Engineering and Management The Relationship between Gold Price Fluctuation and Housing Market Change Jun Sang, Jeong-Yoon Byun, Seung-Kyu Yoo, Ju-Hyung Kim, Jae-Jun Kim Hanyang University, Korea PD-2 Relative Efficiency of Korea Architectural Firm Using DEA-Delphi Sungsik Kim, Junglo Park, Jaejun Kim Hanyang University, Korea PD-3 The Study on Process Control Techniques Utilizing NDSM (Numerical Dependency Structure Matrix) in Construction Projects Jinsik Lim, Woohyun Kim, Seungkyu Yoo, Juhyung Kim, Jaejun Kim Hanyang University, Korea PD-4 A Study on Activation Plan of the Unit Modular Construction in Korea Domin Kim, Heechang Seo, Juhyung Kim, Jaejun Kim Hanyang University, Korea PD-5 A Study on the Necessity of Validity Analysis of Minimum Revenue Guarantee System on Benefit-Cost for People in SOC Private Financing Project Banseok Kim, Sukwon Lee, Juhyung Kim, Jaejun Kim Hanyang University, Korea PD-6 Analysis Factor Influencing Construction Cost Index according to International Oil Prices Changes Jin-Yong Park, Seung-Kyu Yoo, Ju-Hyung Kim, Jae-Jun Kim Hanyang University, Korea PE. PE-1 Environmental Technologies Support Systems to Maintain Building Function Continuity in the Event of a Disaster Koji Akamatsu, Yukihiro Masuda, Ayumu Suzuki Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan PE-2 Subject Experiments on Speech Transmission of Emergency Escape Guidance in Buildings for Aged People Akiko Tamiya, Hiroshi Matsumoto, Yuria Motosu Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan PE-3 Assessment of the Green Amenity of Foliage Plants in the Office Buildings Kosuke Fukui, Hiroshi Matsumoto, Satoshi Kusano, Yukihiro Masuda, Kahori Genjo Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan PE-4 Evaluation Method of Area Energy Supply System Part 1: Comparison and The Proposal of an Evaluation Method Yusuke Ishimoto, Kiyoaki Yamada, Yukihiro Masuda Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan PE-5 Evaluation Method of Area Energy Supply System Part 2: The Case of Study of a University Campus Kiyoaki Yamada, Yusuke Ishimoto, Yukihiro Masuda Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan POSTER SESSIONS PE-6 A Study on Transparent Insulation Panel for Curtain Wall System Hyeokjun Ryu, Byungju Park, Seungkyu Yoo, Juhyung Kim, Jaejun Kim Hanyang University, Korea PE-7 Performance Analysis of BIPV for Roof in Environment-friendly Architecture - BIPV Installed on Apartment Building Seungbeum Kim, Heechang Seo, Juhyung Kim, Jaejun Kim Hanyang University, Korea PE-8 Evaluation of Resource Nature of Environmental Infrastructure for the Heat Island Phenomenon Yuma Morinaka, Yuki Kawakami, Yukihiro Masuda Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan PE-9 Thermal Evaluation of Roof Tiles Manufactured in Different Production Methods -The Traditional Technology of Japanese Roof Tiles as Cool Roofs (Part 1)Izumi Yamamoto, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Hikaru Kinoshita, Makoto Sakaguchi Kansai University, Japan PE-10 Evaluation of Environmental Load Per Person Takashi Mori, Morinaka Yuma, Yukihiro Masuda Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan PE-11 Quantitative Meaning of Countermeasures to Reduce Stack Effect in High-Rise Office Buildings Jooyoung Kim, Jaehun Kim, Jungmin Seo, Joonghoon Lee, Doosam Song Sungkyunkwan University, Korea PE-12 Effect of the Stack Effect in High-rise Residential Building on Heating Load Jaehun Kim, Joo-young Kim, Jung-min Seo, Joong-hoon Lee, Doosam Song Sungkyunkwan University, Korea PF. PF-1 Structural Engineering Method of Reinforced Concrete Composite Column Using HPFC Precast Box Sung-Jin Han, Chang-Geun Cho, Hisato Hotta Chosun University, Korea PF-2 Nonlinear Evaluation of Extruded SHCC and RC Composite Slabs Hoyeon Kim, Chang-Geun Cho Chosun University, Korea PF-3 Bending Experiments of SHCC and Reinforced Concrete Composite Slabs Hyung-Joo Moon, Chang-Geun Cho, Seung-Jung Lee Chosun University, Korea PF-4 Development of Composite Beam Concrete Encased on Web of H-Beam Wonjik Yang, Jinyoung Park, Waonho Yi Kwangwoon University, Korea PF-5 Study on the Configuration of Frictional Surfaces for Stable Friction Behavior Kyung-Suk Choi, Jin-Young Park, Hyung-joon Kim University of Seoul, Korea, Korea PF-6 Seismic Performance of Beam-to-Column Connections with Slit Plate Damper Sanghoon Oh, Haeyong Park Pusan University, Korea PF-7 Cyclic Response of Frictional Energy Dissipative Devices Using Disc Springs Byungtae Park, Kihyuk Kwan, Hyungjoon Kim University of Seoul, Korea PF-8 Seismic Evaluation of Shear Type Friction Damper Using Shaking Table Test Eun-soo Park, Jeong-hyun Jang, Jae-hyouk Choi, Ji-hoon Moon Chosun University, Korea PF-9 Hybrid Simulation of Linked Structural System with Shear-panel Damper Using the Low-yield Point Steel Material Kyeong Seok Yang, Jeong Hyun Jang, Hyun Soo Kim, Ji Won Park, Jae Hyouk Choi Chosun University, Korea October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 40 | 41 GUIDELINES FOR PRSENTATION Guidelines for Oral Presentation Presentation All presenters are asked to observe their presentation time strictly as assigned. Presenters are requested to be in their symposium room at least 10 min. before the start of the session. Presentation Time • Keynote Speeches 30 min. presentation • Special Speeches 30 min. presentation • Academic Sessions 15 min. presentation (Including 3 min. Q&A time) Presentation Material Submission • All speakers are required to bring their presentation file(s) in Microsoft PowerPoint file format on USB or on CD to the Preview Room (205). It is strongly recommended that all presenters check in at the Preview Room at least 6 hours before the session to upload and review/update their presentation materials. • Video files: To ensure the best condition of your presentation, please create your video files as WMA or AVI. Audio-Visual Equipment • The session room will be equipped with a master computer, which shall be used for all presentations. • If you need audio equipment, please contact Preview Room in advance. • Please note that we do not prefer Macintosh environment. • We do not recommend using your own laptop computer for presentation to avoid problems with computer projector compatibility and to save time that would otherwise be needed for changing connection. Guidelines for Poster Session Poster Setup The organizing committee will provide with a series of poster display easel boards. Posters should be affixed to the poster easel boards using a sprey in designated area. We will prepare spray and boards. After attaching the poster, please mount in your easel board on time. Schedule Mounting Display Removal Conference Hall 1 Oct 23, 2012 (13:00-18:00) Oct 24, 2012 (09:00~18:00) Oct 24, 2012 (18:00-19:00) Poster Easel Board Dimensions Poster foam board will be provided by ISAIA2012 Secretariat. The prepared foam board size should be 900mm high and 600mm wide and the poster size is 800mm high and 550mm wide. Materials, including title, may not extend beyond the poster size. Poster Removal All posters should be removed. The Organizing Committee is not responsible for loss or damage to those posters which are not removed by authors within the times of removal as informed. Posters not removed will be destroyed. SYMPOSIUM INFORMATION Registration Date Operation Hours Oct 22 (Mon) 13:00~19:00 Oct 23 (Tues)~24 (Wed) 08:00~17:00 Place Convention Hall Lobby (4F) Poster Session Date Operation Hours Place Oct 24 (Tues) 09:00~18:00 Convention Hall 1(4F) Date Operation Hours Place Oct 23 (Tues)~24 (Wed) 09:00~18:00 Convention Hall 1(4F) Date Operation Hours Place Oct 23 (Tues) 08:00~18:00 Oct 24 (Wed) 08:00~17:00 Student Exhibition Preview Room 205 Secretariat Office Date Operation Hours Place Oct 22 (Mon) ~ 24 (Wed) 08:00~19:00 2F Date Operation Hours Place Oct 22 (Mon)~24 (Wed) 08:00~19:00 2F, 3F, 4F Internet Access • Only provide free Internet Connetion. Need to bring your own laptop for use. Message Board Any news and changes in the program will be put up on the board (Conventional Hall Lobby, 4F). Lunch Lunch will be served to the registered delegates for free during the symposium period in Deli House (KDJ Convention Center). Print & Copy The business Center offers print & copy in KDJ Convention Center (2F). Operation Hours 09:00~18:00 October 22-25, 2012, KDJ Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea 42 | 43 Social Programs Program Operation Hours Place Welcome Reception Oct 22 (Mon) 18:00~20:00 Convention Hall 2+3(4F) Opening Ceremony Oct 23 (Tues) 09:30~10:00 Convention Hall 2+3(4F) Farewell Party (Standing) Oct 24 (Wed) 19:00~21:00 Outdoor, Gwangju Traditional Culture Center • The bus service will be provided for the participants in Farewell Party. • - Departure 18:20 In front of KDJ Convention Center � Gwangju Traditional Culture Center • - Return 21:00 Gwangju Traditional Culture Center � KDJ Convention Center • Please bring your coupon and an extra jacket for outdoor event. • The Farewell Party ticket can be purchased until 17:00, Oct 24 (Wed) on the Registration Desk (4F). Tour Date Operation Hours Fare Itineary Oct 25(Thur) 09:00~18:00 USD 100 Pilam Seowon- Soswewon - Nakan Eupseong - Seonam Temple • Tour ticket can be purchased until 17:00, Oct 24 (Wed) on the Registration Desk (4F). • Only restricted seats are available. USEFUL INFORMATION Time Difference Korean time is nine hours ahead of Universial Coordinated Time / Greenwich Mean Time (UCT/GMT+9hours). Climate & Weather Korea has four distint seasons; spring, summer, fall and winter. Especially, October the season for ISAIA2012 is one of the best times to visit Korea. You may enjoy the beautiful Korean fall including dear blue sky and mild weather. During the month of October, the temperature in Gwangju average 15.8°C For more information, please visit Korea Meteorlogical Administration ( Currency & Foregin Exchange —10, W —50, W —100 and W —500 coins, W —1,000, W — Korea’s official monetary unit is the won (KRW). Korean monetary units are W —10,000 and W —50,000 notes. For higher denominations, negotiable casher’s checks are used. USD 1 is equivalent to 5,000, W about KRW 1,112 as of Oct 2012. Major currencies and traveler’s checks can be exchanged into Korean won at the airport, hotels and at all Korean banks. Insurance and Liability The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for medical expenses, accidents or losses or unexpected damage to property belonging to conferece participants, either during or as a result of the symposium or during all the tours and events. Participants are strongly advised to arrange their own insurance for the health and accidents, lost luggage and trip cancellation. Credit Card Foreign credit cards, including Diners Club, Visa, American Express and MasterCard are widely accepted at major hotels, shops and restaurants in major cities. However, you should always check with individual shop and restaurant to make sure your card is accepted. Also, check with your credit card company beforehand for detail of merchant acceptability and other services which may be available. Useful Phone Numbers Emergency If you should find yourself in an emergency situation, dial 112 for police 119 for fire/rescue (through most operators speak only Korean). Hotel staff can also call a doctor or an ambulance. Travel Phone Emergency Interpretation Service (1330) provides 24-hours emergeny service for foreigners, and a bilingual operator will offer you detailed information on English assistance or travel information. BBB Service Interpretation Service provided for tourists via BBB mobile phone. Dial the number below and press your language preference to connect to a BBB Number of your language. • How to use the service : Dial 1588-5644 + your language number • BBB language numbers are as follow: • English 1/Japanese 2/ Chinese 3/ French 4/ Spanish 5/ Italian 6/ Russian 7/ German 8/ Portuguese 9/ Arabic 10/ Polish 11/ Turkish 12/ Swedish 13/ Thai 14/ Vietnamese 15/ Malay-Indonesian 16 Business Hours Categories Weekdays Weekends & National Holidays Banks 09:00-16:00 Closed Government Offices & Organizations 09:00-18:00 Closed Department Stores (Various according to store) 10:30-20:00 10:30-19:00 Usually close once a month (Usually on Monday) Foreign Diplomatic Missions 09:00-17:00 Closed (Closed on their respective national holidays) Call Taxi Service (Gwangju) 1577-8582 SPONSORS (주)종합건축사사무소 가람건축 (주)간삼건축종합건축사사무소 (주)강남종합건축사사무소 (주)종합건축사사무소 건원 (주)건축사사무소 건원엔지니어링 경동건설(주) 계룡건설산업(주) (주)공간종합건축사사무소 (주)그룹신도시건축사사무소 (주)금성종합건축사사무소 금호건설(주) (주)나우동인건축사사무소 (주)다울건축사사무소 (주)다원구조안전기술사사무소 (주)다인그룹엔지니어링건축사사무소 대우산업개발(주) (주)도심엔지니어링종합건축사사무소 동부건설(주) (주)동양구조안전기술 (주)종합건축사사무소 동우건축 (주)동우E&C건축사사무소 (주)종합건축사사무소 동일건축 (주)디에이그룹엔지니어링종합건축사사무소 (주)범건축종합건축사사무소 (주)부산건축종합건축사사무소 삼영종합건설ㄜ (주)삼우종합건축사사무소 (주)삼정아코텍 (주)삼호 (주)상지이엔에이건축사사무소 (주)서희건설 (주)시공테크 (주)시명종합건축사사무소 (주)시아플랜건축사사무소 신성종합건축사사무소(주) 신세계건설(주) 쌍용건설(주) (주)아이엔지엔지니어링건축사사무소 (주)엄앤드이종합건축사사무소 (주)에스티엑스건설 (주)종합건축사사무소 에이그룹 에이앤유디자인그룹건축사사무소(주) 영동건설(주) (주)원양건축사사무소 (주)유선엔지니어링건축사사무소 ㄜ유탑엔지니어링건축사사무소 (주)이가종합건축사사무소 (주)정림종합건축사사무소 (주)진아건축도시종합건축사사무소 (주)창조종합건축사사무소 (주)케이씨씨건설 코오롱글로벌(주) (주)토문엔지니어링건축사사무소 (주)포스코 (주)포스코A&C건축사사무소 (주)피에이씨건축사사무소 (주)하우드엔지니어링종합건축사사무소 (주)한양 (주)한진중공업건설부문 현대엘리베이터(주) 현대엠코(주) (주)현대종합설계건축사사무소 흥우건설(주) Architectural Institute of Korea Architectural Center, 917-9 Bangbae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea TEL +82-2-525-1841 FAX +82-2-525-1845 E-MAIL [email protected]
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