May - Tampa Bay Latinos


May - Tampa Bay Latinos
A P u b l i c a t i o n f o r T h e E l i t e L a t i n o • w w w . l a t i n - t i m e s . c o m • J u l y / A u g u s t 0 6 • Vo l 5 N o . 4
Tampa Bay
Takes on
Florida –
in more
than one!
The Victims of
September 11:
A Survivor’s Story.
ADENTRO: Community News, Biz Block, Relocation Central & More!
w Bu iss
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m ss ex
pa N ci
Ba etw ting
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AN k at
D ing in C
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Don’t miss
the fight of
the year –
September 9th
@ St. Pete
Times Forum.
Latin Times Top 10 Websites
By: Jolie R. Gonzalez
Jolie R. Gonzalez
Publisher / Editor In Chief
Letter from La Editor In Chief
By: Jolie Gonzalez
Meet Marti Lopez our new Senior Editor
in charge of Central Florida Market.
En La Comunidad
Biz Block
Marti Lopez
Editor / Assistant Creative Director – Central Florida
Robert Carmichael
Creative Director
Sergio Sodre
Hispanic Market Liaison – Tampa Bay
Relocation Central
Daisy Medina
Community Liaison – Tampa Bay
Julio Aviles
Community Liaison – Central Florida
On The Cover
Shin Do Kumaté – The most devastating warriors of all time!
En La Cocina
Grilled Spiced Chicken with Caribbean Citrus – Mango Sauce
In Review: Gentry’s Fine Dining Restaurant
Horoscope Highway
Spanglish Horoscopes. By: La Chic A’Divina
Bochinche Blvd 24
Cruisin La Calle 26
JV Y Farandula 28
E-Guide 29
Rosa Mercado
Editorial Assistant / Staff Writer / Reporter – Tampa Bay
Sales Staff
Sales Director – Central Florida
Special Feature:
Remembering September 11th
A Story of how one Latina Survived America’s worst disaster
Calle Social
By: Jolie R. Gonzalez
Veronica Diaz
Editorial Assistant / Reporter
Max Martin
Account Executive / Special Reporter
Tampa Bay
Yvonne Morales
Account Executive / Special Reporter – Central Florida
Carmen Santiago
Account Executive / Special Reporter – Central Florida
Photography / Video
Miguel Matos, H. Medina, Angel Luis Pagan
and Eddie Perez
For a one (1) year subscription (6 issues),
please send a check or money order in the amount of $15.00 to:
P.O. Box 262574. Tampa, FL 33685-2574
Special ThanX to God.
Thank you to: Alfred Frederick for Business Photography.
Action Avenue 30
Cover Credit: Medina Photography
• July/August 06 • Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura!
Main Office: (813) 901-5292 Central Florida Office: (321) 284-4599
Websites: +
For events:
No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced without the
expressed written consent from Latin-Times Magazine and/or C.L.U.B.
Magazine, Inc. 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
Proud Members of: Tampa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Puerto
Rican Chamber of Commerce of the Gulf Coast, EWomen Network,
Hispanic Professional Women Assocation,
Latin ConneXions Network and HYPE.
Top 10 Websites!
Network Your Business @ Latin ConneXions! • July/August 06 •
Hola Mi Gente de Bonita!
Welcome to the new edition of Latin Times Magazine –it is with
much pride and joy that we swing open the doors of opportunity
to face new and exciting challenges on the horizons! This is a
very special issue to me because we (Latin Times Magazine) have
grown in distribution to include Central Florida and after a long
bumpy road I believe I have officially come full circle, providing
advertising and marketing services to both metropolitan areas.
My very special friend y hermana Martha (Marti) Lopez has
re-joined my team and this, I know, is only the beginning!
Jolie R. Gonzalez
Editor In Chief
New Team Members for Central Florida Include:
Julio Aviles - Community Liaison – Central Florida
Yvonne Morales - Account Executive / Special Reporter
Angel Luis Pagan – Special Reporter / Photography / Video
Miguel Matos – Special Reporter / Photography / Video
Eddie Perez – Special Reporter / Photography / Video
For information and rates, please call us at (321) 284-4599.
Distribution Expansion!
In addition to the 500 Tampa Bay distribution locations,
Latin Times will now also be available at 400 locations
throughout Central Florida.
Latin ConneXions Business Networking Socials!
Our “infamous” Latin ConneXions Business Networking Socials
are headed for Orlando, Florida. The kick-off of Latin ConneXions
is scheduled for Friday, July 21st, 2006 in Orlando, FL. This
exciting event will be held at Gentry’s @ 4120 S. Orange Ave in
Orlando. Exhibit spacing is available on a limited basis, more
information contact: [email protected] or call our
office at: (321) 284-4599.
Our Tampa Bay Event, 1st Friday Latin ConneXions Business
Networking Socials continue to GROW and we have exciting
new things lined up for you. Upcoming events include: Latin
X-Pressions – A Cultural Art Exhibit, Monte Carlo Night, Taste
of Latino – A Cultural Exploration of Latin Cuisines, A Latin
Christmas y mucho, mucho MAS! Exhibit spacing is available on
a limited basis, for information contact: JGonzalez@thelatinvill or call our office at: (813) 901-5292. Additional Event
September 11, 2006
In this issue I would also like to send out a loving prayer to all
those we lost on this, the tragic 5-year anniversary of September
11. As that tragic day draws near, let us remember - somos
Latinos –Pero somos niños adoptivos de los Estados Unidos,
therefore we are Americanos. Remember to hold a moment of
silence for all those lost souls that this tragedy took from us and
to pay tribute to this great nation –the good ole’ U.S. of A!
Thank you to God Y Mi familia!
See ya at the next Latin ConneXions!
- Sigue Pa’lante, Jolie
Hola mi gente de Orlando, Kissimmee y toda la Florida
Marti Lopez
I am happy to join forces with Jolie Gonzalez in introducing
Latin Times Magazine to Central Florida and making our
presence known to this side of town! I actually joined forces
with Jolie year’s back, in Chicago, where she and I first met.
Jolie relocated to Central Florida from Chicago, and embarked
in realizing her dream of serving the Latin community. She
had always wanted to be a means of informing and uniting
the Latino community; I call her a LiaisonVehicle: she
connects the community in so many different ways, and her
vehicle of choice is media. I joined Jolie in 2001 when I,
too, relocated to Central Florida from Chicago, and I jumped
right on board assisting Jolie with the development of her
publication. Well, Latin Times Magazine sure has come a
• July/August 06 • Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura!
long way, all the way from C.L.U.B. Magazine (City of Latin
Urban Beats) which first hit the streets in 1999, through Latin
Village Magazine, and finally arriving at our destination point:
Latin Times Magazine. This publication has evolved, and
through her guidance and nurturing, has matured into what it
is today: a fine publication for “The Elite Latino. And with the
evolution process, it has expanded, from Tampa to Orlando.
I look forward to helping you grow your business through
this vehicle, Latin Times Magazine. Tampa Bay and Central
Florida are joining forces, Jolie and Marti are joining forces,
“may the force” be with you too!
Estoy a su orden, tu amiga,
Marti Lopez
Access Tampa Bay
Hundreds of references of how to access
personal and professional rewards in
Tampa. Community,
social and professional associations,
charities, how to find
them and a summary
of each. A fantastically comprehensive listing
of networking resources. If you want more out
of your life or your career, if you want to enjoy
yourself and connect with your community this
is the book to guide you. For the up-and-comers looking to find other fun people, make a
mark in the community, give back, or a salesman looking to find new leads, or a native
looking to rediscover and re-explore. For your
friends that need to get out of the house, and
anyone who want to fill their lives with rewards.
This is a treasure trove of social connectivity
available for us all. Find friends, rewards and
business from the 100 Black Men of Tampa to
the Zone Art Lounge.
$17.99. 183 Pages. Sold at
About the Author:
Eric Sturm, a professional purchasing agent in
the Tampa Bay, area co-founded the Downtown
After-Six events in Tampa, promotes networking mixers at the Tampa Club, sits on the advisory board of Creative Tampa Bay, authored the
Young and Involved survey that was detailed in
the Tampa Bay Business Journal, and publishes
a weekly e-zine of arts and cultural events in the
area. Eric has and continues to lead, assist and
promote efforts to improve our community. He
is committed to Tampa Bay, resides in South
Tampa and plans to make this his life long home.
Author’s website:
Cada año, Latino Leadership organiza la Feria Anual de Información de la Comunidad de la Florida
Central. Este acontecimiento reúne exitosamente
a las grandes corporaciones, la pequeña empresa,
el gobierno, las organizaciones no lucrativas, y
agencias de fe que tienen interés en llegar a las comunidades latinas y minoritarias proporcionando
programas servicios innovadores.
La Feria se llevara acabo en la Oak Ridge High
School, 6000 S. Winegard Rd., Orlando, FL
32809, el sábado, 29 de julio de 2006 de 10:00
AM- 2:00 PM.
Clinton Visits
Los asistentes recibirán, ademas de información
valiosa, alimento, refrescos, los suministros de la
escuela y recortes de pelo para niños, vacunaciones, exámenes físicos, orientacion de la salud,
entretenimiento musical, y Exposición del
Talento, entre otras atracciones. Todo libre de
costo para los asistentes.
– Angel Pagan / News
El año pasado más de 100 negocios y organizaciones tuvieron el beneficio de publicitar sus
servicios a todos los participantes. Este acontecimiento cuenta también con la cobertura de
varios medios de comunicacion (afiliadas locales de CBS y Univision, El Orlando Sentinel
y otros periodicos locales.
Bill Clinton Visited Central Florida
To Support The Orlando Democratic
Fundraising Mission. The former
President helped the democrats
raise about $250,000 for the 2006
Are you doing business in the
Tampa Bay & Orlando Latin Community?
Then advertise with us! Call NOW!
TPA: (813) 901-5292 ORL: (321) 284-4599
EnLaComunidad Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary
Celebrating 10 years for any business is a milestone, but for an internet website it is something more. first went online July
17, 1996 - long before the “Dot-Com Bubble”
was even beginning to inflate. The website
was created by Co-founders John Kobel and
Elizabeth Saldaña Kobel on a concept that was
so new, no one even cared. The idea was to create an online community where Puerto Ricans
living throughout the United States could find
each other, locally as well as nationwide.
City Council of
Avon Park
Pushing for
By Rosa Mercado
An ordinance making English the official
language of the city of Avon Park, FL
was being put up for approval by the City
Council on July 10th. “English-Only”
would apply to all official city business,
excluding privately-owned companies.
Also under the ordinance, any landlord
renting property to an illegal immigrant,
and any business that employs one will be
fined $1,000. The controversial “English-Only” ordinance was recently introduced by Avon Park Mayor Tom Macklin
and has sparked debate from both sides
of the table - some call it racial profiling
while others say it’s necessary.
Here is what local Latin Times Spanish
speaking readers had to say about the issue:
“It is a very complicated issue, which is why it is
handled at a federal level; this should not be handled
at a state level. Every time race is an issue the
matter becomes very delicate. Yes these individuals are illegal aliens, but they come here seeking
an opportunity to succeed just like you and I and
with the dream to become citizens of this great
country.” – Noslen A. Rosario
It was a tremendous struggle in the beginning.
The first month, the website had three visitors
and content was hard to come by. Now Boricua.
com is a well established, worldwide website
that covers information about events and
organizations in communities throughout the
United States. We have covered the National
Puerto Rican Day Parade for the past seven
years and have thousands of photos from events
across the country.
Don't kid yourselves…You are not accommodating
us! You are NOT "trying to make us feel at home"
by offering services in Spanish... It's all about the
money!! You are just trying to tap into the HUGE
Hispanic Buying Power!! That's right! That is
why many companies do offer a "for Spanish press
X button"... because they know. I say cutting
Spanish is a very good idea - if you want to lose on
the Hispanic power we bring to Tampa!
– Daniel Caballero
I cannot believe that a Spanish flyer or Spanish
billboard is such a big deal. We are in the 21st
century - this country is so diverse, what is a true
American anyways? We have pride of where we
come from, that's all! Yo soy Boricua, Pa que tu lo
sepas!!!!!!!!!!” - Fralia Rosario
“My grandfather worked in farm labor in the 40's
and 50's. My tios and tias have worked in factories
and in the textile mills of the Northeast. Today
my cousins have careers in industries ranging from
Computer Engineers to Taxi-cab Drivers. My
hermanos and hermanas have fought in EVERY
WAR this country has been in since 1889. I am a
college educated, working my way through school;
working overnight and sometimes three jobs at a
time. I am a homeowner and have excellent credit.”
- Naydelis Rivera Lebron
Adding a website store four years ago has contributed to the financial growth of
Selling everything from “dulces tipicos” y café
Puertorriqueño to sneakers with the Puerto Rican flag, tries to bring ‘un pedacito
de la Isla” right to your desktop.
Thank you,
John y Liz
The President visits Orlando!
President George Bush with Latin Times Reporter Angel Pagan
A Closer Look at
By Celia Rentería Szelwach
¡Hay mucha excitación en Tampa Bay sobre el
comienzo de la organización nueva, HYPE!
HYPE stands for Hispanic Young Professionals
and Entrepreneurs, Inc., a new community-focused organization catering to young Hispanic
professionals. According to founder and co-chair,
Gilberto “Gil” Sanchez, a corporate attorney
with Maney & Gordon, P.A., HYPE is a nonprofit organization registered through the State
of Florida which officially started in May 2006.
Sanchez developed the conceptual framework
and philosophy underlying HYPE with co-chair
Maria Elena Elisalde, Assistant Vice President
of Commercial Banking with SunTrust Bank
and past-President of the National Society of
Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA). Endorsed by the
Tampa Bay Hispanic Chamber of Commerce,
Sanchez and Elisalde formed a steering committee which has evolved into the 13-member Board
of Directors. An Honorary Advisory Board comprised of five distinguished leaders also oversees
HYPE’s strategic planning and offers expertise
and resources as needed.
Currently, HYPE serves over 60 members. Ninety
percent of the members are Hispanic and fifty
percent are women. Annual membership fees are
$50 and members have to be 21 years or older. In
keeping with HYPE’s mission
“to fuse Hispanic/Latino young
professionals amongst each other
and integrate them within the community,” members are expected to
contribute their energy, knowledge
and time to worthy causes.
Says Sanchez: “From a community standpoint,
HYPE members will assist students in elementary and high school through mentoring since
education plays a large part in socioeconomic
status. We’ll assist them as they rise through grade
levels, expose them to different options for careers, colleges, or trade schools, and let them know
what’s possible.” Since HYPE’s philosophy is not
to reinvent the wheel, the community outreach
committee intends to develop strategic community partnerships in order to leverage resources.
One such partnership is already in the works with
the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce.
Approached by Jose Valiente, Chairman for the
Chamber’s Board of Directors, Sanchez is looking
for 400 mentors to work with high school students in the Junior Achievement program.
HYPE members will also reap tremendous
business benefits through education, networking,
professional development, and
community leadership. Members
will meet like-minded professionals with a variety of experiences and have access to influential
community leaders who can offer
career mentoring, entrepreneurial
coaching, and start-up capital for
new ventures. In addition, members will enhance
their skills by participating in HYPE’s four standing committees: Social and Marketing; Community Outreach; Public Relations; and Professional
Sanchez expects HYPE (www.hypetampabay.
org) to make a big impact initially in Pinellas
and Hillsborough counties, eventually spreading
into Pasco and Hernando counties as well. But
his vision doesn’t stop there. Sanchez fervently
declares, “On a grander scale, (when) HYPE is a
successful community organization in Tampa Bay,
we want to replicate this throughout the country!”
Latin Times enthusiastically says, “¡Bien Hecho!”
Celia Rentería Szelwach is a writer, speaker, and
president of Creative Collaborations Consulting.
Contact her at cszelwach@creative-collaborations.
com or 941-795-0928.
The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Gulf Coast of Florida, Inc.
Announces the Election of the new Board of Directors
By Elizabeth Saldaña Kobel, President
The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Gulf
Coast of Florida, Inc., founded in 1992, has reemerged with a renewed dedication to create an
awareness and appreciation of Puerto Rican culture
and its contributions in economics, arts, government
and industry and support business opportunities for
the Puerto Rican community in the Tri-county area,
as well as promoting increased trade and commerce
between this market and the Island of Puerto Rico.
At a recent meeting, founding member and former
Chamber President, Jose Ramos CPA, enthusiasti-
cally approved the renewal of the Chamber, and
encouraged the new Board of Directors to continue
with the Chamber’s tradition of outreach, networking, and establishment of partnerships with other
community and business groups.
Charged with the task of reorganizing the Chamber
of Commerce are Mrs. Elizabeth Saldaña Kobel and
Mr. John Kobel – owners of – a website and company offering information, goods and
services to the Puerto Rican community worldwide.
The members of the new Board of Directors are:
• July/August 06 • Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura!
Executive Directors:
Elizabeth Saldaña Kobel – President
Luis A. Lopez – Vice President
Toni Cruz – Treasurer
Yesenia Collazo – Esq.
Awilda Castro
Eric López
Jolie González
María A. López – Press Secretary
John Kobel – Sergeant At Arms
Jose Ramos – Past President
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of
Metro Orlando Business After-Hours
@ Pirate’s Dinner Adventure in Orlando, FL
Tampa’s Largest Office Party!
Held on Thursday, June 22, 2006 at the
XO Club at the St. Pete Times Forum
Brazil Tampa Bay Chamber
of Commerce get together!
L-R El Nuevo Dia Staff Con Jolie Gonzalez de Latin Times
Magazine y Jerry Alicea de Ron Don Q
Carmen Santiago de Latin Times Magazine
Ricardo Acosta of Presidente Beer.
Hispanic Business Executives
Share Their Secrets to Career Success!
By Rosa Mercado
For Adriana Colina, the road to career success was
long and bumpy – but worth it. Colina, a native
Tampeña of Italian, Spanish and Cuban descent,
oversees the City of Tampa’s Business & Housing
Development budget and human resources. “I’ve been with
the City of Tampa for 17 years
– and I started in a clerical position,” Colina said. “Working
my way up the ranks was hard
because I’m Hispanic, I’m a
woman, and young.”
But her dedication paid off,
and in addition to her post
with the City of Tampa, she
also serves as Producer and
Host of the City’s Spanishlanguage TV show “¿Qué
Pasa, Tampa?” Colina was one of three executive panelists at the National Society of Hispanic
MBAs Executive Speaker Forum sponsored by
PricewaterhouseCoopers in June. Panelists shared
their insights on topics like balancing work life,
diversity and career challenges with more than 60
Teodoro Mercado-Pérez, Director of Information
Technology Procurement for PricewaterhouseC-
oopers, said being open to change is one of the
keys to career success.
Mercado-Pérez, who was born and raised in
Puerto Rico, also said professionals should ask
themselves how their personal
goals line up with what they
do at work. “Keep your goals
in front of you, and prioritize,”
said Mercado-Pérez. “It’s all
about working hard - and
Robert Rios, Executive Vice
President for Citigroup
Business Services for Latin
America and a native Tejano,
encouraged attendees to follow
their dreams and stressed the
awareness of one’s interactions with others. “Treat people how you want to
be treated – never lose the sensitivity of how to
treat people,” Rios said. And for those who may
not have their dream job just yet? Rio’s advice is
simple: “Find that spark that makes you want to
get up everyday.”
For more information about the Tampa Bay Chapter of
the National Society of Hispanic MBAs visit:
(L-R) Roberto Germain of Strayer University, Jefferson
Michaelis, President of the Brazil Tampa Bay Chamber of
Commerce, Jolie Gonzalez of Latin Times Magazine and
Andrew Meacham, Staff Writer for St. Petersburg Times.
Jackie Rojas-Quiñones. Chairwoman
of the Tampa Bay Hispanic Chamber
of Commerce with Elizabeth
Saldaña Kobel, President of the
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce
of the Gulf Coast @ 1st Friday Latin
ConneXions @ the Mirage.
Tampa Bay Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Pinella’s Chapter Luncheon
Keith Landry, Reporter / Anchor for Fox
35 News in Orlando with Jolie Gonzalez, Publisher of Latin Times Magazine.
@ The Belleviw Biltmore Resort. Special Guests: Tampa Bay Devil Rays!
Installation Luncheon for the Hispanic Professional
Women’s Association @ The Columbia Restaurant in Ybor City
Title Insurance: What does your Premium really pay for?
An important part of title is its emphasis on
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Title insuring begins with a search of public
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determine whether the property is insurable.
The examination of evidence from a search is
Respectfully submitted by:
Marlene Butkus
Stewart Title of Tampa
Hablo Español
[email protected]
intended to fully report all “material objections”
to the title. Frequently, documents that don’t
clearly transfer title are found in the “chain”, or
history that is assembled from the records in a
search. Here are some examples of documents
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wording or incorrect names
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• Pending legal action against the property that
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Through the search and examination, title
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Stewart Title of Tampa provides comprehensive real
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today – we’re ready to serve you.
• July/August 06 • Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura!
The Most Devastating
Warriors Of All Time!
By: Marti Lopez
Professional Martial Arts & Muay Thai
Fighting Event, Shin Do Kumaté, which was
founded by “The Persian Warrior” Master
Mehrdad Khan Moayedi of St. Petersburg,
Florida, is coming to The St. Pete Times
Forum on September 9, 2006. This will be a
televised, Pay-Per-View event. The heavyweight title fight will feature Master Mehrdad “Persian Warrior” against Rick “The Jet”
Roufus. The middleweight
title fight will feature (from
Tampa) Chico “The Renegade” Mendez against
(from Orlando) Mikey
I sat down with The
Renegade from
Tampa, and
his brain
actly is all the “Muay Thai” hype about, and why he
is in the “game.”
LT: What is Muay Thai?
Chico: It is a style of kickboxing where the boxers integrate the use of their legs and fists so
that all four limbs are utilized in one fluid, savage, but clean style. The Muay Thai workout
improves the cardiovascular system, increases
strength and muscle tone, while developing
balance and coordination. The combative
skills developed make this fighting art the easiest and most effective form of self-defense.
LT: Que Cool. What is Shin Do Kumaté?
Chico: Shin Do Kumaté has been designed as the arena for fighters to prove
themselves as the “The Most Devastating Warriors of All Time.” It takes
a warrior with courage to get into our
ring. Fighters earn ultimate respect for
fighting in a Shin Do Kumaté, win
or lose. These fighters go one-onone with the most advanced fighting techniques. The Shin Do
• July/August 06 • Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura!
Kumaté is hardcore, action-packed full contact
martial arts and Muay Thai. We use powerful
hand techniques, shin-breaking kicks, knees to
the head & body, front kicks, ax kicks, spinning
heel kicks, and many more devastating kicks.
LT: OMG, que crazy-cool! Why are you
a kick-box fighter?
Chico: Because ever since I was a child, the science of the Arts intrigued me, the mere concept
on mind, body and soul all-in-one is a lifetime
experience to achieve. Not everyone can do it.
And I strive to achieve that goal.
LT: What goes through
your mind on your way in
to the ring?
Chico: That which is closest
to my heart: my family and
LT: How do
you prepare for a
Chico: Mind,
Body, and
Soul. My
focusing on
my opponent; My body:
one word, Purity;
My soul: my beliefs in God,
strong faith,
and the belief
that my family
has in me.
Chico “The Renegade” Mendez
Height: 5’8
Weight: 180 lbs
Pro record: 24-0 (20 KO’s)
Amateur Record: 20-0
Rankings Titles: 2001 W.O. C.
Middleweight Champ
2002 NKKU Middleweight Champ
2000 Olympic Gold Medal Middleweight Division
1993/94 – Korea Middleweight Champion
1992 – Made Olympic Team for the 2nd time
1992 – Texas WeLTerweight Champion
Hometown: Tampa, FL
LT: If you could meet any fighter still here or departed, who
would it be, and why?
Chico: I would like to meet Bruce Lee and Bill “Super foot” Wallace because
of their passion and their demonstrated desire in the Science of the Arts.
LT: How did you get your fight name, “The Renegade?”
Chico: By my 9th-Degree black belt “Kyoshi” (“Grand master”), Sinclair
Thorne. He always told me, “Never limit yourself.” “Learn other styles; you
only fail if you fail to try. Add everything that you have learned from other
styles to your arsenal and always humble yourself.”
LT: What message can you send to today’s Latino youth?
Chico: Never limit yourself, set yourself realistic goals in life, and remember
you only fail if you fail to try.
Good Luck gentlemen. Nos vemos at ringside. ~Marti
Bio - Mikey “ el Paraguaio” Gomez
Mikey Gomez moved to Orlando from
Paraguay five years ago to pursue a career
in martial arts and has been training for the
kumate for two years under Bobby Robare
and Gracie Barra in Orlando.
His nickname was given to him by the people
of Brazil: “el Paraguaio.” Gomez feels that
the most complete “ground” martial art form
is Brazilian jujitsu and the most complete
“stand-up” martial art form is Muay Thai. He has won three MMA fights where
he was 12-0 with nine knock-out’s, and has been approached by the AFC and the
CFC for a December title fight. Gomez continues to gain exposure with his fighting
and thanks Bobby Robare, Marcio Simas and all the training partners who helped
him become the fighter he is today.
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Grilled Spiced Chicken with Caribbean Citrus-Mango Sauce
By: Tita dé Cocina
“A taste of the islands!”
The spices and sweettart sauce are a wonderful combinación, and
just the way to start the
summer grilling season.
Original recipe yield: 4
What To Do!
In a medium bowl, mix the ginger, cinnamon,
cumin, anise, and cayenne pepper. Rub the
chicken with the spice mixture, and place
in the bowl. Cover, and refrigerate 20 to
30 minutes. Combine 2 cups of water and
basmati rice in a saucepan, and bring to a
boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20
minutes, or until tender.
In a small saucepan, mix
the mango, orange juice,
lime juice, and honey.
Bring to a boil, reduce
heat, and simmer for 5
minutes, stirring occasionally. In a small cup,
mix cornstarch with 1
1/2 tablespoons of water
until cornstarch is dissolved. Stir into mango
mixture, and simmer one minute, or until
sauce has thickened slightly. Stir in dark rum.
Preheat an outdoor grill for medium heat.
When grill is hot, brush the grate with oil.
Grill chicken 6 to 8 minutes per side, until no
longer pink and juices run clear. Serve over the
cooked rice, and top with the mango sauce.
Buen Provecho!
Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 45 Minutes
Ready In: 1 Hour 25 Minutes
• 1 teaspoon ground ginger
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
• 1/4 teaspoon ground anise seed
• 1 dash cayenne pepper
• 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
• 2 cups water
• 1 cup basmati rice
• 1 mango - peeled, seeded and diced
• 1/2 cup orange juice
• 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 2 teaspoons cornstarch
• 1 1/2 tablespoons water
• 2 tablespoons dark rum
Looking for great food in Florida? Visit:
Latin Times Would like to thank our Sponsors!!!
Estrella Tropical provided a huge buffet for our Casino Night fundraiser.
The event was held at Mirage in order to raise funds for Florida State
Representative, Democratic Candidate Karen Perez.
A note from the Estrella Tropical family: We would like to take the time to
thank all of you for your continued support and patronage of Estrella Tropical
Latin Restaurant and Deli as we continue to grow and become a positive
influence in the Puerto Rican community, as well as in the Brandon/ Valrico
community. We are growing, and people like Tito Nieves and his family are
talking about our "comida criolla", our family-friendly atmosphere, and our
preservation of the Puerto Rican culture. Visit Estrella Tropical @ 1941 E SR
60 Valrico, FL 33594. Info: (813) 643-8700 or visit:
Cinco de Mayo Sponsors!
An Incredible buffet was sponsored by:
Mi Casa Mexican Restaurant
2613 Thonotosassa Rd
Plant City, FL 33563
(813) 752-0057
If you missed the Cinco de Mayo, Latin ConneXions event then you missed the
delicious Mexican buffet compliments of Mr. y Mrs. Guillermo Gama proprietors
of Mi Casa Mexican Restaurant in Plant City, FL. We would like to thank them
for their generosity; over 250 people enjoyed the buffet. The next time you are
in the mood to eat authentic Mexican cooking, Mi Casa Mexican Restaurant is
highly recommended!
• July/August 06 • Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura!
GENTRY’S: Great Food, Fine Wine and Noble Service!
The Perfect Place for Business Lunches, Romantic Dinners or Special Celebrations
By: Jolie R. Gonzalez
I have done many food reviews in the last few
years but never have I enjoyed myself so much
as when I visited Gentry’s located at 4120 S.
Orange Ave in Orlando, Florida.
There was a HUGE rain storm when I arrived
for my review, and as I sat in my car trying to give
the rain an opportunity to settle down a little, I
was surprised and happy to see someone come
out to greet me at my car with an open umbrella!
How is that for service, I was very grateful.
Once inside I was greeted by a wonderful staff of
friendly faces. The décor of the Restaurant was
simply beautiful as I looked around I took in the
cinnamon colored walls, the welcoming lounge
area and the intimate dinner booths. Fresh flowers decorated each side of the bar, where countless bottles of fine wines decorated the back wall.
How charming, I thought!
We were seated and I
was joined by Martin
Flynn, Jr., the owner
of the new restaurant,
Scott A. Fender, the
Executive Chef, Felix
Alvarado, the General Manager, and Brenda
Carter de Treville, President of Marketing
Image Group. I could not have asked for better
company. I listened to the group re-count of
how “Gentry’s” came to be, and was so
impressed by the enormous amount of passion
and knowledge these individuals brought to the
Orlando community.
A Unique Restaurant – The name says it all!
Gentry’s offers incredibly delicious food teamed
with the finest wines. Their “Wine Tour” is an
educational experience, as each entrée is paired
by their experienced staff with the proper wine,
all this at an affordable price. Gentry’s also
has a private meeting room for small to
medium sized groups that are looking for a
place to meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I
HIGHLY recommend visiting this one-of-akind restaurant soon!
My favorite part of the evening – The tour
through the kitchen at which point the very
considerate kitchen staff surprised me with my
favorite dessert (Crème Brulee) “To-GO!”.
Thank you Gentry’s, for an outstanding experience! Additional Info:
Reservations: (407) 856-6640.
Network Your Business @ Latin ConneXions! • July/August 06 •
By: La Chic A’Divina
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Rams tienen un habit of pushing to the front of the line,
both literally and figuratively. And while this quality has
helped Aries get pa’lante, it can also compromise their
relaciones. Putting an animal, child or plant in their care
can correct the problem. As soon as this sign’s nurturing
qualities are cultivated, their selfishness will diminish.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Bulls love clutter. Being surrounded by all their possessions
gives them a sense of seguridad. It also creates headaches,
confusion, y chaos. Storage systems that keep their stuff
on display will prevent this sign from strewing their stuff
all over the house. Stacking baskets, glass jars, and open
shelving can promote organización.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
While bountifully blessed with the gift of gab, Gemini are
notoriously bad listeners. A good way to become more
attentive is to practice staying silent..silencio por favor!
At first, Gemini will have a hard time breaking the minute
mark. Eventually, however, even the biggest blabbermouth
will learn how to button their lips and open their ears.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
If you’ve ever wondered how Cancers stay so sweet, take
a look at their sugar intake. This sign le encanta cookies,
dulces, and ice cream. An occasional indulgence is fine, but
too much dessert can take a toll on waist lines and energy
levels. What Crabs are really seeking is oral gratification.
Sugar-free gum or dried fruit provides a healthy distraction
from candy crunching.
This Latin Diva was
soften this sign’s heart and
born Gloria Fajardo in
enable forgiveness.
Havana, Cuba on September 1, 1957. Gloria
Sagittarius (Nov. 22was raised primarily in
Dec. 21)
Miami, FL, after her
Archers have a bad habit of
father, a bodyguard in
telling la verdad. And while
the employ of Cuban
these folks have the best
president Fulgencio
intentions, that doesn’t take
Batista, was forced to flee the island following
the sting out of comments
the 1959 coup helmed by Fidel Castro. Today,
like, “Gee, those pantalones
Gloria is one of the most popular female vocalists make you look fat!” or “Were
and songwriters in the world. The Miami Sound you drunk when you wrote
Machine had great success overseas before gaining this report?” The best way
recognition in the U.S., Gloria rose from poverty for Archers to cultivate tact
to have a successful career, but she never forgot
is through prodigious study.
Etiquette books will definitely
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
These nit-pickers a veces
compromise their own pleasure for the sake of perfection.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
Deep down adentro, these folks are really sensualists at
This sign is the original workaholic. Many Capricorns
heart. They need to learn that it is better to feel good than
fear that poverty will set in el momento they stop toiling.
to look good. Allocating a few minutes each day for fun but
Keeping a gratitude journal can break this terrible habit.
messy activities like baking, painting, or sculpting can cure
The more Capricorn becomes aware of their non-material
Virgos of their fear of filth.
blessings, the healthier their behavior will become. No more
cortando las vacaciones short for the sake of work!
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 23)
Libras gave birth to the term “shopaholic”. These folks
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
have every credit card known to hombre y mujeres. And
Water-bearers get into the habit of creating completely
while their taste is undeniably impeccable, it can get them
self-sufficient lives. Desafortunadamente, this makes it
en problemas at bankruptcy court. What’s really at stake
difficult for them to achieve intimacy. Basically, Aquarians
here is a quest for beauty. Enjoying simple but inexpensive
are afraid that relationships will compromise their
pleasures like nature walks and museums can quell the
independence. Fortunately, these folks love to experimentar.
urge to splurge.
By treating intimacy as an exercise, this sign can relinquish
control for the sake of loving relationships.
Scorpio (Oct. 24 – Nov. 21)
Nadie carries a grudge better than
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)
this sign. Unfortunately, hanging on
to resentments has a way of crowding Como el signo de agua, it’s only natural quet Pisces finds
comfort in liquids. Cuando those liquids have a high
out love, happiness, and trust. In
alcohol content, problemas can ensue. Naturally, a twelveorder for Scorpios to let go of anger,
step program can be of enormous benefit here. Meditation y
they must first practice self-care.
yoga can help, too, as they allow Pisces to achieve a healthy
Getting a massage cada mes or
sense of nirvana. That’s all these Fish are really seeking.
writing in a journal each day will
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
El Señor who’s sitting
next to you in the elegant
restaurant, shouting to his
personal assistant on his cell
phone? Probably a Leo. It’s
only natural that a sign that
is blessed with creativity,
charm and wit feels tempted
to show off. Actually, this
desire to brag is rooted in
insecurity. The sooner Lions
learn to compliment others,
lo mas rapido they’ll receive
the praise they crave.
Remembering September 11th.
A story of how one Latina survived America’s worst disaster.
LT: What is your name and where are
you from?
My name is Judith Victoria and I’m originally
from The Bronx, New York.
LT: How long have you lived in Florida?
What made you move here?
Judith: I’ve lived in Tampa, FL for two years. I
moved here because I wanted to escape from
the stressful life and some terrible memories I
experienced in New York.
LT: Tell us about what the date September 11th means to you, what you
remember about that day.
Judith: September 11th to me means the end
of many lives, but to me it’s also “my second
birthday”. I remember the day being the one of
the most beautiful days I have ever seen in New
York with the clearest blue-sky, warm, crisp air;
just a perfect day. I bought my
coffee not knowing what the day
would be like and just enjoying
the walk into WTC 1. I was at my
desk on the 29th floor, bringing
up a document on the computer
when I heard a loud noise that
sounded like a lion’s roar and the
floor moved back and forth under
my seat. I looked out towards the
office windows and saw fiery debris
falling. My boss was screaming
from the top of his lungs, “Get away from the
windows! Everybody get out of here.” I was in
shock. I took my purse and my cell phone and
ran towards where the rest of the people were
running. When I got to the stairwell it was
already full of an eerie green smoke that burned
your eyes and nostrils. My friend was screaming
and crying in Spanish, “It exploded! It exploded!” I grabbed her by the arm and asked her,
“What exploded?” She told me, “The freight
elevator exploded behind me and Tony was in
it”! I said, “What?!” She kept repeating the same
sentence and cried all the way down the stairs.
On the 27th floor, I saw two co-workers. One
was in a wheelchair. I asked him, “What are you
still doing here”? He said he was waiting for the
flow of people to ease up. The wheelchair would
take up the whole stairway”. I told him to hurry
up and get out.” Later I found out, they didn’t
survive. I tried to contact my husband who
worked a few blocks away, it was a miracle that
the call went through, but I got his voicemail. I
said, “Honey, I’m on the 22nd floor. Something
really bad has happened. I don’t know exactly
what, but I’m trying to get out.” With a bit of
doubt I ended my message with, “I hope to see
you again. I love you.” As we got to the down
escalator, we could look out to the fountain area.
I saw the most horrific site of blood, flesh and
bones splattered all over the windows and people
lying there lifeless. I was running out of hope. I
was convinced this was my last day so I said to
God, “I thank you for everything you have given
me. Please have my family take good care of my
children. Thank you for all the blessings.”
We went down the escalator and
got to an exit door leading outside. There, cops gave evacuees
food trays to cover our heads as
we ran out of the building. By
the time it was my time to exit,
they had run out of food trays
and I ran with my hands covering
my head. I lost my balance and
fell, twisting my right ankle. I
looked up at the Towers and saw
both of them burning. I said, “God, you gave
me the strength to get out the building, please
don’t stop helping me now.” I got up and ran
towards Battery Park. Miraculously another
call came through to my cell phone, it was my
husband. I told him I was OK. He asked that
I go to his job. He was waiting for me in front
of his building and when I saw him I collapsed
in his arms. He took me to his desk and sat
me on a chair with my foot up. Then we heard
a loud boom. It was the collapse of WTC
2. We looked out his window and saw Chase
Plaza disappear in the cloud of dust. There
was another evacuation; total chaos. When
we got outside, there was a deadly silence, one
I’ve never heard in New York City in all my
life. No cars, no people, no noise. We walked
through the cloud of dust holding hands, but
we couldn’t see each other. We could only hear
each other.
LT: Tell us about the people that you
knew that were lost in this tragedy.
Judith: My Company lost 9 people. But I
really only knew one of them, Vivian Casalduc. When I had started at Empire BlueCross
BlueShield, she was the only one that really
helped me out. Every time I had a question,
Vivian could answer it. Every time you saw
Vivian, she had a new hair-do and/or hair color.
She was full of life and she always had a smile. I
last saw Vivian on September 10th at 4:30 pm
LT: How do you feel now –as the 5th
year anniversary approaches? Has the
memory faded –or does it feel just as
painful today, as it did 5 years ago?
Judith: I still continue to feel very sad. I still
have nightmares. I just had one about a bomb
in Madison Square Garden. Every time I
have these dreams, in the end I always survive.
However, in this dream, my daughter had
perished. The memory will never fade. It hurts
everyday. I was hoping my move to Florida
would ease it, but it hasn’t. Moving to Florida
has eased the stress of riding on the buses and
trains and not feeling terrorized, but it’s always
in the front of my mind, not the back of my
mind. And maybe, that’s the way it should be,
because all those people that lost their lives
should never be forgotten.
1st. Fridays R 4 Networking Socials! • July/August 06 •
Latin ConneXions Business Networking Socials by Latin Times!
Over 250 Business Professionals! Complimentary Buffet & LIVE Entertainment!
Great Networking Opportunities!
Central Florida Event Details:
The 1st. 2 hours of these events are a business card exchange. Latin
ConneXions offers you a unique opportunity to meet and greet other
local business professionals. Latin ConneXions guests include
Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Community Leaders, Corporate
Professionals, Doctors, Attorneys, Real Estate Professionals, and MORE!
Tampa Bay Event Details: 1st. Friday of every month! Latin ConneXions @
Mirage, 3605 W. Hillsborough Ave in Tampa, FL. 5:45 PM – 9:00 PM.
• July/August 06 • Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura!
3rd Friday of each month! Premiering on Friday, July 21st @ Gentry’s Fine
Dining @ 4120 S. Orange Avenue in Orlando, FL. Time: 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM. For
future event locations please visit our website at:
Take advantage of this opportunity to meet your next potential client,
business associate or friend! Free Parking. Exhibit and sponsorship
opportunities are available. If you are interested in participating as an exhibitor
at the next Latin ConneXions Business Networking Social, contact our office at
(813) 901-5292 (Tampa) or (321) 284-4599 (Orlando).
Cinco de Mayo Sponsored by:
Elvi Lamping
Ind. Executive
Senior Sales Director
Mary Kay Cosmetics
Info: (800) 585-3823
[email protected]
Premium Sponsors
Mirage Staff
Network Your Business @ Latin ConneXions! • July/August 06 •
Meet Yamel Christina Arronte – Candidate for Hillsborough County Commissioner, District # 5.
No Party Affiliation – A bi-lingual Latina!
Yamel Christina Arronte is a candidate for
Hillsborough County Commissioner, Districtwide # 5. She is not affiliated with a party. Yamel
es una nuestra, she represents the people not the
party. Florida born, Tampa raised and bi-lingual.
Yamel attended Webb MS and Leto HS c/o
88. In 1986, Yamel hand-delivered the key of
the city of Tampa to the Governor of Hawaii
on a good will trip with Latin Fiesta Court! She
also attended USF on a Latino Scholarship and
graduated with a Masters from Troy with a 4.0
GPA. Yamel is married to Brent whom she met
while serving overseas in the Army during the
first Gulf War. They have two children, Aaron
12 and Sabrina 9. Yamel works as a public school
teacher, mentor and guidance counselor. She
has worked at Progress Village, Pierce,
Ben Franklin, Town and Country and
is assigned to Farnell next year. Yamel
also participates with grants such as
ENLACE and the College Board. She
was an ambassador for the Hispanic
Colleges and Universities Conference and is trained by the Humanities
Council in Asian Religions. Yamel
even hosted an exchange student from
Spain and was a foster care provider.
Her kids keep her busy with Boy
Scouts, Tae Kwon Do, and animal rescue. She
loves to attend all the local beaches, theme parks,
and historical venues.
Yamel also stays politically involved with the
In an incredible tribute to “El Cantante” Hector Lavoe, Van
Lester performed to a full house at Green Iguana. The event was produced and
promoted by Johnny Rivera of Vaya DJ. Great JOB Vaya DJ!
• July/August 06 • Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura!
model United Nations, the Veterans associations, and grass roots elections.
For more information about Yamel Christina Arronte, visit her
website at: or call 813-385-1220.
Magazine Release Fiesta
@ Mirage Restaurant and Lounge!
Grand Opening!
Pearl’s Steakhouse, located at 135 Church
Street in Orlando, FL celebrated its
Grand Opening on Tuesday, June 27th.
Fabulous looking place, great food and delicious frozen Mojitos!
Ana Maria Polo, Geraldine
Bazan and Arap Bethke
meet, greet and wow the
crowd at Telemundo’s Feria de la
Familia presented by CarePlus and
the Florida Lottery
Ana Maria Polo surprises the crowd by singing
an original song!
Over two hundred fans eager to meet Ana Maria
Polo, Geraldine Bazan, and Arap Bethke at
Telemundo’s 2nd annual La Feria de la Familia,
started lining up outside of A La Carte Event
Pavilion by 10am, even though doors were not
scheduled to open until noon on Sunday the
21st of May.
Fundraiser for
local Latina Karen
Perez, Democratic
Candidate for
Florida State
Lorena Rivas, Hispanic Neighborhood Liaison for
the City of Tampa and Arlene Segovia, General
Manager of Telemundo greeted the anxious
crowd.” We are proud to bring our community a
first-class event filled with entertainment and
education,” greeted Ms. Segovia prior to opening
the doors. The visitors rushed in waving to the
cameras and walked into the venue where a
live band, Los Cheveres del Son Band played
while they visited booths offering information
on several topics of key interest for the Hispanic
took place on Thursday,
May 25, 2006 @ Mirage
Restaurant and Lounge.
Network Your Business @ Latin ConneXions! • July/August 06 •
Saludos a la Reunion
Estrella Tropical
Domino Tournament
Forever Amor: Our Love
Affair with Freestyle Music
The tournament took place on Saturday, June 24. It was
a huge success, and 24 teams from Tampa, Orlando,
Sol Vita, Valrico/ Brandon, and Kissimmee participated
in the day-long event. A special "thank you" to Johnnie
Rivera of Vaya DJ and John Kobel of for
their support for our event. For more information on
Estrella Tropical Restaurant, please visit them at: 1941
E SR 60 Valrico, FL 33594. For info: (813) 643-8700 or
By: Marti Lopez
Saturday, May 13, 2006.
There was a thunderous
invasion at the UCF Arena
in Orlando, Florida. Approximately 5,000 people
invaded the UCF arena
-- full to capacity, all in the
name of Freestyle. The
turnout of fans proved that
this music has survived the
test of time, which has spanned a good 20
years, and counting! All of our favorites
showed up to perform: Judy Torres, Cynthia,
Lisa Lisa, The Cover Girls, Lizette Melendez,
Johnny-O, George Lamond, Coro, TK7, and
Stevie B.
All of the performances were outstanding,
not to mention the host, Joey Vega, a Latino
comedian who had us rolling, the man was
too funny! Las Ladies de Freestyle all looked
lovely. I am a straight Latina, but let me just
say, Damn, those Cover Girls looked HOT!
And as for the men of Freestyle, aye Paaapii!
That goes for George Lamond, K7 - - all
4 of them, Coro and Johnny-O and Stevie
B… I love them all.
Yes, we 30 and 40
something’s still
love our freestyle,
we are loyal and we
will always love you,
Freestyle. Here’s
to 20 more years,
Forever Amor.
It was a memorable event for me, in more
ways than one… Thanks to Sal Abbatiello
of Fever Enterprises who brought the event
to UCF Arena in Orlando, and to Chad
Baransky with UCF for his hospitality.
Enjoy the Pics!
• July/August 06 • Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura!
HYPE Networking Social
@ Sangria’s!
Re-Encuentro Menudiando En Orlando
El Re-Encuentro hizo historia al presentarse en la Arena de la
Universidad Central de la Florida con su excelente espetaculo
musical! Esta ves fueron adultos y no ninos (menudos) los
que asistieron al concierto. El tema a volar interpretado por
Ricky, Johnny, Charlie, Miguel, Rene y Rey, sirvio de apertura
al maravilloso concierto que puso al publico a gozar de lo
lindo! No hay duda de que los muchachos que originaron el
fenomeno de Menudo, hoy por hoy continuan cautivando la
admiracion de su publico. Durante el concierto se anuncio
oficialmente el lanzamiento del DVD que estara Disponible
a partir del mes de Agosto en su tienda musical favorita.
Concierto por Unforgettable Events.
Angel Pagan – News Correspondent, Latin Times Magazine
Stormy Bay Concert @ The A’la Carte Pavilion! Great Job Ismael!
HYPE Networking Social
@ Tina Tapas
A Night out with
By: Veronica “Vee” Diaz
I loved Mamma Mia, which appeared at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts! Hilarious, nonstop laughing, bring some tissues for you sensitive ones. Put on your dancing shoes for
you 70's retro lovers. A great show to see with your girlfriends or your mom, Mamma Mia
was such a unique musical, the entire show is based on all the ABBA hit songs.
Every act was centered around an ABBA hit. All of the performers were incredible. I truly
found myself so into it that I felt as though I was actually involved in the story line. I
highly recommend Mamma Mia, it is truly a "MAMMA MIA" experience.
Network Your Business @ Latin ConneXions! • July/August 06 •
En la musica, lo menos que
podemos hacer es derrumbar
esas fronteras y limitaciones
que el negocio de la industria discografico ha dictado
y marcado. Pero dejemos
aparte esos protagonistas
y hablemos de los artistas
activos en la comunidad.
Este mes es bien activo en el
cual topamos con el dueño
de Mango Biche - el unico
lugar mas lujoso colonbiano.
(como dije “COLONBIANO”) donde disfrutaremos de artistas de salsa y
musica latina donde la conga,
las luces, y el sabor estaran combinados. Todos nosotros los latinos
disfrutaremos de este lugar VIP.
En esta temporada estamos combinando los colores de la moda pero
hay una verdadera lider. Esa es nada
menos que ELVI LAMPING de
Mary Kay cosmetics. Esta señora
con su elegancia que la distingue
ha ayudado a las mujeres sin
distincion a superar y lograr sus
aspiraciones, ayudando a la mujer
latina a crecer y desarollarse en
este negocio.
Me despido…
JV - Besos
Tampa Clubs
Anjali Restaurant - Tampa
8725 N. Himes Ave
Latin Nights; Friday, Saturday and
Black Beans Cuban Bar & Grill
– Tampa
8218 Hanley Road
Latin Nights: Friday & Saturday
Caliente Casino @ The Gulfport
Info: greg_richardson_
[email protected]
Latin Nights; Thursdays Gorgeous Location!
Club Mirage - Tampa
3605 W. Hillsborough Ave.* (813)
673-8835 * Latin Nights on
Wednesdays & Fridays 9:00 PM.
Gorgeous, upscale club. Home of
1st. Fridays, Latin ConneXions,
the Biggest Latin Business
Networking in Tampa Bay! 5:45
PM - 10:00 PM. Free Parking,
Complimentary Buffet, LIVE
Entertainment! Call: (813) 9015292.
Coco Bongo - Tampa
4235 Armenia Ave., Tampa
813-873-7776 * Latin Nights on
Fridays and Saturdays @ 9:00
Don Leoncio - Downtown St.
340 1st. Avenue North
727-895-3402 * Upscale NY Style
Cigar Lounge.
Live Music. Call for schedule
La Rumba Restaurant and Bar
- Tampa
3409 W. Columbus Dr
(813) 876-3191 * Latin Nights on
Friday, Saturday and Sunday @
10:00 PM.
Green Iguana Bar & Grill
– Tampa
9202 Anderson Rd
Fabulous Latin Night on
Thursdays by Vaya DJ!
Paracas Nightclub – Tampa
3602 N. Armenia Ave
813-348-4806 * Friday Nights:
Lots of Great Salsa! Latin Format
Thursdays –Sundays.
Hyde Park Café - Tampa
1806 W. Platt St
Latin Nights on Thursday Nights
@ 10:30 PM. Great looking club!
Park Place - Clearwater
420 Park Place Blvd. (SR 60/Gulf
to Bay and US 19)
727-791-6114 * Latin Nights on
Wednesday, 9:30 PM. Free salsa
dance classes.
Recuerdos Bar - Tampa
6416 North Florida Ave
(813) 234-1267 * Latin Nights
on Tuesdays thru Sundays @
9:00 PM.
Recuerdos Bar II - Tampa
4347 West Waters Avenue, Tampa
(813) 887-3065 * Latin Nights
on Tuesdays thru Sundays @
9:00 PM.
Salsa Fridays at the Pier,
downtown St. Petersburg
727 515-1086 * Latin on Fridays
@ 7:00 PM. No cover charge, Free
dance class.
Salsa Saturdays @ Baywalk - St.
Info: greg_richardson_
[email protected] * Latin Night on
Saturdays @ 7:00 PM/
Skye – Ybor City
1509 8th Ave
813-247-6606 * Latin Night on
Fridays @ 10:00 PM
Storman’s Nightclub
Ulmerton Road - Clearwater
Latin Night on Saturdays.
Studio Inc. - Tampa
3603 Waters Ave.
813-935-5339 * Latin Nights
on Wednesdays, Fridays and
Saturdays @ 9:00 PM.
Velvet Room – Tampa
615 Channelside Dr (inside
Margarita’s Mama)
Latin Nights: Friday @ 9:00 Pm,
Very Nice!
Orlando Clubs
Club Mambo - Orlando
2368 W. Oakridge Road
Latin Nights; Friday, Saturday
The Club @ Firestone - Orlando
578 N. Orange Avenue
Latin Nights: Fridays
Club Paris - Orlando
122 W. Church St. (Cnr of S.
Garland & Church St .)
Latin Nights: Wednesdays
Club Element – Orlando
39 W. Pine Street
Orlando, FL
Latin Nights: Saturdays
Club Whispers – Orlando
4732 Kirkman Road
Latin Nights: Fridays
Coco Bongos - Orlando
1350 S. Orange Blossom Trail
Latin Nights on Thursdays, Fridays
and Saturdays
Glo Lounge – Orlando
8967 International Drive
Latin Nights: Saturdays
Latin Quarter - Orlando
Located in City Walk Universal
Studios @ Universal
Latin Nights: Fridays, Saturdays
Roxy Night Club - Orlando
740 Bennett Rd. next to Colonial
Latin Nights: Wednesdays,
Salsa Latina Night Club
– Orlando/Kissimmee
2783 S. Orange Blossom Trail,
Latin Nights: Fridays, Saturdays,
Samba Room - Orlando
7468 W. Sand Lake Rd.
Latin Nights: Fridays, Saturdays
Tabu - Orlando
46 N. Orange Avenue
Latin Nights: Sundays
Do you have or know of an entertainment
establishment serving the Latin Community
in the Tampa Bay & Orlando area and want it
listed here? Then Call NOW!
TPA: (813) 901-5292 ORL: (321) 284-4599
Mirage – 3605 W. Hillsborough Avenue in Tampa, FL
Friday, July 28th, 2006
Willie Colon – LIVE @ Hard
Rock LIVE (Orlando)
Universal Studios CityWalk
6050 Universal Blvd.
407-351-LIVE (5483)
Friday, August 4th, 2006
1st Fridays Latin ConneXions – Business
Networking Social in Tampa, FL.
Presents “The 2nd Annual Latin Xpressions – A
Cultural Art Exhibit”
@Mirage – 3605
Hillsborough Avenue,
(Tampa). Held on
the 1st Friday of
every month, this is
the biggest, most
exciting business
networking social in
Tampa Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your
dancing shoes. Free parking & buffet, giveaways and
much more! Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 10:00pm.
Exhibit or Info: (813)901-5292. Visit:
Monday, August 7, 2006, Mariah Carey & Sean Paul
@ St. Pete Times Forum, 401 Channelside Drive,
Tampa, FL. Tickets: $17.75-123.25 Time: 7:30pm.
Info: (813) 301-2500.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Shelton Quarles’ Bowling in the Tropics II @
Head down to Splitsville Lanes,
All-Pro, Tampa Bay Buccaneer
Linebacker, Mr. Shelton
Quarles, in a celebrity-bowling
tournament. Information
or to purchase tickets:
813.239.1179, ext. 219 or
[email protected].
Saturday, August 26, 2006, Mary
J. Blige with Jaheim @ Ford
Amphitheatre, 4802 US 301 North,
Tampa, FL. Tickets: $45.50-65.50
Time: 8:00pm.Info:
Friday, September 1st, 2006
1st Fridays Latin ConneXions – Business
Networking Social in Tampa, FL.
@Mirage – 3605 Hillsborough Avenue, (Tampa). Held
on the 1st Friday of every month, this is the biggest,
most exciting business networking social in Tampa
Bay! Bring plenty of business cards and your dancing
shoes. Free parking and buffet, giveaways and
much more! Price: Free, Time: 5:45pm – 10:00pm.
Exhibit or Info: (813)901-5292. Visit:
Saturday, September 9th, 2006
Sunday, September
3, 2006, Earth, Wind
& Fire @ the Ford
Amphitheatre, 4802 US
301 North, Tampa, FL.
Tickets: $35.00-60.00.
Time: 7:30pm Info: www.
Friday, September 29, 2006, Santana with Los
Lonely Boys & the Salvador Santana Band @
Ford Amphitheatre, 4802 US 301 North, Tampa, FL.
Tickets: $55.00-65.00. Info:
Wednesday, August 9, 2006, Al Jareau & George
Benson @ Ruth Eckerd Hall, 1111 McMullen Booth
Road, Clearwater, FL. Tickets: $49.00-100.00. Time:
Info: 727-791-7400.
September 12th – 15th, 2006. Tampa Bay
MEDWeek 2006 @ Radisson Hotel in St. Pete.
Minority Enterprise Development Week. www.
On the cover! Shin Do Kumate X – Tampa Bay
takes on Orlando! @ St. Pete Times Forum. 401
Channelside Drive in Tampa, FL. To order tickets
by phone, call Ticketmaster at 813.287.8844 or
Saturday, September 23, 2006, We Are the 80’s
featuring Rick Springfield, Loverboy, Eddie Money &
Scandal @ Ruth Eckerd Hall, 1111 McMullen Booth
Road, Clearwater, FL. Tickets: $48.80-100.00. Time:
7:00 pm. Info: 727-791-7400
Monday-Thursday, September 25-28, 2006, YBOR
City Bike Fest. For more info call: 813-248-0721
Saturday & Sunday, Sept 9-10 2006
Rent @ Tampa
Bay Performing
Arts Center (Carol
Morsani Hall) Tampa,
FL. Tickets $25.5058.50. Info: 813-2297827.
For additional Latin ConneXions events in Central Florida and Tampa Bay
visit: or call (321) 284-4599
• July/August 06 • Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura!