Worship Celebration - Holman United Methodist Church
Worship Celebration - Holman United Methodist Church
H OLMAN U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH Church of the Bells 3320 West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles California 90018 Phone: (323) 731-7285 Fax: (323) 731-2609 Email: [email protected] www.holmanumc.com Visit us on – Facebook: HolmanChurch Twitter: @HolmanUMC REV. KELVIN SAULS, Senior Pastor MINISTER VICTOR CYRUS-FRANKLIN, Assistant Pastor REV. MARGUERITE PHILLIPS, Minister of Congregational Care Ministries REV. JAMES M. LAWSON, JR., Pastor Emeritus 6th SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 25, 2014 The 11:00 a.m. Worship Celebration is broadcast LIVE on KJLH Radio Free 102.3 FM and worldwide on www.kjlhradio.com TODAY’S RADIO BROADCAST MINISTRY IS SPONSORED BY WILLIE AND MATTEAL KIRBY In celebration of their 52nd Wedding Anniversary, May 25, 1962 We are thankful to God for our bountiful blessings! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!! VISION A place where bells are rung to GATHER people for dynamic worship, ANOINT them for joyful service, TEACH them powerful Christian spiritual principles, and ENGAGE them through expanding ministries, causing them to grow exponentially as they embrace the mandate of Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. MISSION To make disciples for Jesus Christ by bringing to the people of Los Angeles, and particularly the historic West Adams community, hope-filled, Christ-inspired responses to urban needs. 69 Years of Mission and Ministry 1 WORSHIP CELEBRATION THE CENTERING MOMENT Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me; let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be. With God as our parent, brothers and sisters all are we. Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now, with every step I take. To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally; let there be peace on earth; and let it begin with me. THE PRELUDE *** THE GREETING *** Robert Johnson, Jr. *THE CALL TO WORSHIP One: It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Many: Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. One: Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. All: For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage each other, watch out—in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be then? *THE PROCESSIONAL HYMN #369 “Blessed Assurance” THE LITANY OF THANKS AND REMEMBRANCE Leader: Let us give thanks to God for this country, the land of our birth and our adopted home, with all of its chartered liberties. For all the wonder of our country's ongoing story: ALL: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: For leaders in nation and state, and for those who in days past and in these present times have labored for the commonwealth in our stride toward freedom: ALL: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: For those who in all times and places have been true and brave, and in the world’s common ways have lived upright lives and ministered to their fellows: ALL: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: For those who served their country in its hour of need, and especially for those who gave even their lives in that service: ALL: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: O almighty God and most merciful Father, as we remember these your servants, remembering with gratitude their courage and strength, we hold before you those who mourn them. Look upon your bereaved servants with your mercy. As this day brings them memories of those they have lost awhile, may it also bring your consolation and the assurance that their loved ones are alive now and forever in your living presence. THE CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE “My God is Awesome” Charles Jenkins My God is awesome, He can move a mountains, keep me in the valley, hide me from the rain. My God is awesome, heals me when I'm broken, strength where I've been weakened, forever He will reign. My God is awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome; My God is awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome. ________________________ * Congregation please stand *** Worshipers may enter 2 THE MINISTRY OF MUSIC *** Voices of Harmony “Because of Who You Are” Vicki Yohe *THE INVITATION TO CHILDREN AND YOUTH CHURCH SCHOOL *THE SCRIPTURE PSALM 23 *THE CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Liturgist: The Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God! THE MINISTRY OF MUSIC *** Jubilant Voices “Psalms 23” Vicki Allen and Melida Smith-Byrd, soloists Eddie James & Colourblind THE SERMON Minister Victor Cyrus-Franklin “FOLLOW THE LEADER” THE INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP, MEMBERSHIP AND COMPANIONSHIP (ALTAR CALL) Persons desiring to become disciples of Jesus Christ and/or members of Holman UMC are asked to come forward and complete a Discipleship / Membership Registration, Intercessory Prayer Card found in the pew rack. Please place the card in the offering plate and/or bring it with you to the Altar while the choir / congregation is singing. THE PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS “We’re Blessed” Offertory Jubilant Voices *Doxology UMH #95 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM (11:00 am) Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr. ALANNA M. GRIGSBY THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GUESTS & VISITORS THE SONG OF ASSURANCE / PASSING OF THE PEACE THE INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN MINISTRY (ANNOUNCEMENTS) *THE HYMN OF SENDING FORTH AND RECESSIONAL *THE BENEDICTION As we depart worship, wherever you Go, toll YOUR Bell!! THE POSTLUDE Robert Johnson, Jr. PARTICIPATING IN OUR SERVICES TODAY: Our Clergy: Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr., Minister Victor CyrusFranklin, Rev. Marguerite Phillips; Liturgists: (8:00 am) Sandra Jefferson, (11:00 am) Joyce Burrell Garcia; Voices of Harmony and Jubilant Voices directed by Melida Smith Byrd; Robert Johnson, Jr., Organist; Ricardo L.J. Mowatt, Drummer; Ushers chaired by Gilbert Jones; Acolytes coordinated by Pearlene Allison and Muriel Parker; Greeters chaired by Donna Richardson; Hospitality Ministry coordinated by Sharon Jackson; New Members Ministry chaired by Sharon Hodgson; Transportation Ministry coordinated by Cynthia Gibson; Media Ministry: David Sears, Keith McGruder, Mark Conway, Reggie Moon and Kayla Bennett. 3 HEART TO HEART FOR THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE Righteous God, you rule the nations. Guard brave men and women in military service. Give them compassion for those who confront them as enemies. Keep our children from hate that hardens, or from scorekeeping with human lives. Though for a season they must be people of war, let them live for peace, as eager for agreement as for victory. Encourage them as they encourage one another, and never let hard duty separate them from loyalty to your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. PRAISE REPORT & INVITATION On Sunday, June 1, 2014 ELEANOR THOMAS and ANNA SPELL will celebrate their May Birthdays after the 11:00 A.M. with birthday cake, and sponsorship of the Fellowship Hour. You are invited to join them for this time of celebration and thanksgiving. We give God thanks for blessing them with another birthday, and for their gift of generosity to the Hospitality Ministry. LET US PRAY FOR THE BEREAVED WILLIAM A. JOHNSON, JR. (95 Years old of Palm Springs, CA), brother of Holman member Alice “Bunny” Taylor, passed away on May 13, 2014. Funeral will be held at 10 am on May 28, 2014 at Angelus Chapel (3875 Crenshaw Blvd., L.A.). VIDA CYNTHIA FIBLEUIL, aunt of Holman members Tamika and Jahkeema King, passed away on May 18, 2014, in Florida. Funeral Amen service was held on May 24 at Vista Memorial in Miami Lakes, Florida. JULIETTE MORRIS, aunt of Holman members Cynthia and Lynn Matthews, passed on May 3, 2014 in Evanston, IL. Funeral service was held on May 14th. IRENE BUTLER, cousin of Cynthia and Lynn Matthews, passed on May, 10th in Las Vegas, NV. The home going service was on May, 17, 2014 in Las Vegas, NV. RITA JONES, aunt of Cynthia and Lynn Matthews passed on May 15th, 2014 in Evanston, IL, Home going service was on May 23, 2014 in Evanston, IL. NEW PRAYER REQUESTS Debbie Craig, Alice “Bunny” Taylor and Family, Tamika and Jahkeema King & Family, Lynn and Cynthia Matthews Flowers on the Altar In celebration of my handsome husband’s birthday, today May 25th CLIFFORD CANNON May God continue to bless you and our union. You have been my soul mate and friend for over 50 years, and my love for you still burns bright! Happy Birthday!! Love and Blessings, JUANITA CANNON In Celebration of the 80th Birthday of our Beautiful Mother and Grandmother, CLAUDIA JEAN BROWN SPEARS today, May 25th! You are the best, and you are so special to us! We give God thanks for you! May this day be filled with amazing joy that will light up each day to come! With all our Love, STEPHEN, CATHY, CARLA, TREVIS, SILAS & SAVANNAH 4 THIS WEEK AT HOLMAN MAY 25 TO JUNE 1, 2014 CHILDREN’ & YOUTH CHURCH SCHOOL 8 am & 11 am, Educ. Bldg. FELLOWSHIP HOUR, 9:30 am, Patio Adults Church School, 9:45 am: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, Love Educ. Bldg., Room 5 BOOK TALK – Lawson MP Bldg., Room 204 currently reading The Last Week: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus' Final Days in Jerusalem, by Marcus J. Borg & John Dominic Crossan M EN IN THE W ORD – Woodson Parlor 203 Cherub Choir Rehearsal, 10 am, Johnson Chapel FELLOWSHIP HOUR, 12:30 pm, L.L. White Hall CELEBRATING THE 96TH BIRTHDAY OF MR. JOHN L. RICHARDS UMW UNIT MEETING, 1 pm, Johnson Chapel & Crockett Library In HIS Steps Liturgical Dance Rehearsal, 1:30 pm, Johnson Chapel MONDAY INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY – 7 am (Mon. Wed. Fri.) Join us on the PHONE PRAYER LINE from any location for a time of prayer & encouragement. Call 424-203-8000; Code 528519#. MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY CHURCH OFFICE & FACILITY CLOSED TUESDAY Banners & Paraments Ministry, 10 am, Room 203 LINE DANCING (Health & Wellness Ministry) 5 pm, L.L. White Hall (fee applies: $5) Disciple IV Bible Study, 6:30 pm, Room 204 Disciple IV Bible Study, 7 pm, Crockett Library Finance Committee / Stewardship Meeting, 7 pm, Room 202 WEDNESDAY Storehouse is open (for the needy), 1 pm – 3 pm (Wed. & Fri.), Educ. Bldg. Disciple V Bible Study, 8 am, Crockett Library Prayer Shawl Ministry, 12 pm, Crockett Library Sports Ministry (Table Tennis), 5 pm, L.L. White Hall Beyond the Battlefield Committee, 6 pm, Room 202 Women’s Weekend Committee, 6:30 pm, Room 203 Disciple I Bible Study, 7 pm, Crockett Library Jubilant Voices Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Bowick Music Room BIBLE STUDY, 12 pm, Crockett Library In HIS Steps Dance Ministry Rehearsal, 6 pm, Sanctuary Recovery Ministry Meeting, 6:30 pm, Room 202 A contemporary worship experience that draws upon the rich treasures of the African tradition of Gospel and Jazz!! WE GATHER NEXT ON JUNE 12th Disciple III Bible Study, 7 pm, Crockett Library Disciple II Bible Study, 7 pm, Room 204 Holman Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Bowick Music Room FRIDAY FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, Share & Communion Service, 7 am, Johnson Chapel Disciple V Bible Study Retreat, 4 pm, L.L. White Hall Bell Choir Rehearsal, 6 pm, Love Educ. Bldg. Room 1 SATURDAY SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE & WORSHIP, 7 am, Johnson Chapel. All are welcome! Join us and experience your blessing! BOOT CAMP, (Health & Wellness Ministry) 8 am, Patio. (fee applies: $10) LEADERSHIP TRAINING, 9 am, L.L. White Hall CAMP ORIENTATION, 10 am, Bowick Music Room Holman CDC – SAT PREP, 2 pm, L.L. White Hall THURSDAY BEATING OBESITY SYMPOSIUM, 8 am, L.L. White Hall (see p. 7) Banners & Paraments Ministry, 10 am, Room 203 5 MINISTRY AND MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS WEEKLY HEALTH TIP: May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Though skin cancer is rare among blacks, we are more likely to die from melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) than whites. Be sure to wear sunscreen with at least a 15 sun protection factor (spf) daily! Lay off the Vaseline. It's those really bad sunburns that can end up killing you, not ashy skin. INVITATION TO JOIN – The Harriet Tubman Subgroup of the Holman United Methodist Women invites women, who are interested in becoming more active as a member of the world's largest organization of Christian women involved in education and mobilization for social action on local and global issues affecting women and children, to join us for our next monthly meeting. We meet every third Sunday of the month. Due to Father's Day celebrations, our June meeting will be on JUNE 29, 2014 @ 1:00 p.m. in Room 204, Lawson Multipurpose Building. We look forward to seeing you at our meeting. For more information please contact: Connye Thomas at 323-938-9595 or email [email protected] . Light refreshments will be served. STAY AT HOME TEA – The Holman United Methodist Women invites you to participate in this special fundraiser that supports our Claudia Whitmore / Beatrice Borders Memorial Scholarship Fund. Invitations are available at our UMW table on the patio after the 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM worship services. Enjoy a wonderful cup of tea at your leisure, and share your blessings by making a donation to this project that supports our young people in their pursuit of higher education. Thank you in advance for your support. GRADUATES! It’s that time of year again!! The time when we get to celebrate you and your next step on the ladder of education. Please let us know when and what grade and school you are graduation or culminating from (even Kindergarten), and what school / college / university you are planning to attend. Contact the church office at 323-7317285 and leave a message for Tracey Morgan, our Higher Education Ministry Coordinator. KEEPING ACCURATE RECORDS We encourage you to complete your attendance slips and offering envelopes completely and clearly, preferably by printing, to assist us in accurate record keeping. Thank you for your cooperation and collaboration in serving you. OFFICE RECORD KEEPING DEPT. BULLETIN DEADLINE Submissions for bulletin are due by 5 pm on Mondays. Please forward via email to [email protected]. Please include “BULLETIN INSERT” in your subject line. THANK YOU RADIO BROADCAST SPONSORSHIP Celebrate a special a loved one or a special occasion!! Radio Broadcast Sponsorships available at $750.00. SUNDAY DATE SPONSOR June 8 – DAY OF PENTECOST June 29 July 20 August 24 October 26 November 16 November 30 – 1st Sunday in Advent December 21 – 4TH Sunday in Advent Contact Bettye Fontenot at 323 731-7285 for further info. 6 HOLMAN CAMP UPDATE – “Last chance” Camp Orientation session has been scheduled for Saturday, MAY 31st, 10 am to 11:30 am in the Bowick Music Room. If you are the SUMMER CAMP 2014 Parent(s) / Grandparent / Guardian / CAMP CEDAR GLEN July 27th – July 31st Caregiver of a child that is “new” to the Holman Camp experience, you MUST attend an orientation. Additionally, if your plan is for your child to participate in our 2014 camp and you have not submitted your registration form and/or deposit, please, please, please help us help your children/youth by turning it in NOW! Forms and deposits may be delivered to the church office in an enveloped marked “Summer Church Camp” to the attention of Van Scott. Information is available on our Holman website at www.holmanumc.com/camp, or you may contact Van Scott at 310-422-2561, [email protected]. GRACE SPOTLIGHT KARAOKE NIGHT Saturday, MAY 31ST, 4 pm – 7 pm. Grace UMC invites you to a night of music, fellowship and fun for family and friends. Donation is $5 for adults; $2 for ages 2 to 18. Refreshments available for purchase. Grace UMC is located at 4112 W. Slauson Avenue, L.A. – Rev. Paul Hill, pastor. Call 323.294.6653 for more information – www.graceumcla.com. SHERRILL CLASSICS – The Afro-American Chamber Music Society Orchestra and Conductor, Janise White will premiere Marimba Concerto No. 1 by Renowned Composer, Barbara Sherrill at Holman United Methodist Church on Sunday, JUNE 1st at 3:30 pm. The concert will feature Robert Ball, Marimbist. Also on program will be works by Carlos Gomes; Cantata and musical excerpts by Barbara Geyen Sherrill. Performers include: James Bryant, Bradley Baker, Sheila Judson, Jennifer Lindsey, Byron Motley, Nicholas Marcelletti, Donald Perry, Dr. Cheatham and the Episcopal Chorale. For ticket information contact: aacms.weebly.com or www.//brownpapertickets.com or (310) 677-8155. 7 SPRING LEADERSHIP TRAINING SATURDAY, MAY 31st 9:00 am – 11:30 am L.l. White Hall Pressing Toward The Mark: Developing a Playbook for Renewed Vitality & Growth All Holman leaders are invited and requested to be present at this Spring Leadership Conference. The projected outcome of this training is to provide us with tools on how to develop, train and retain volunteers, and setting and implementing S.M.A.R.T. goals. Our training will include a special session led by Neema Cyrus-Franklin for all Holman leaders that work in any ministry area that includes children and youth. REFRESHMENTS AT 8:30 AM TRAINING SESSION – 9 am – 11:30 am Please call Ann in the church office and confirm your attendance 323.731.7285 NOTE: This training will be held in place of our regular bi-monthly NOW Ministries meeting of May 25th! Our journey together will include conversation and discussion on SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 2014 WELCOME, INTRODUCTION, ORIENTATION TO HOLMAN & UNITED METHODISM SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2014 BUILDING BLOCKS FOR VITAL MEMBERSHIP & STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 2014 MINISTRY & LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE OF HOLMAN UMC SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 2014 PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION ON N.O.W. MINISTRY AREAS SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 2014 NEW MEMBERS CELEBRATION IN WORSHIP AND RECEPTION 3320 West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90019 323.731.7285 323.731.2609 fax Email: [email protected] Website: www.holmanumc.com Rev. Kelvin Sauls, Senior Pastor 8 9 HOLMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION STOP BY THE HCDC TABLE AFTER WORSHIP TODAY TO GET YOUR TICKET!! For information please contact the HCDC office at 323-731-0140 or [email protected]. Transportation available on Holman van. 10 SOCIAL ACTION & ADVOCACY MINISTRY – Join us in our commitment to Social Justice! We meet the 1st Tuesday of the month in Room 203 at 6 p.m. The threefold purpose of SAAM is to raise awareness, mobilize resources and organize to affect legislation. Focus areas for 2014 include: Candidate and Issue Forums | Child/Sex Trafficking | Mass Incarceration | Urban Oil Drilling | Immigration | Veterans. Next meeting date is Tuesday, JUNE 3RD. For more information, contact Joyce Burrell Garcia, 213.388.4468. SANTA BARBARA SUNSET TRIP – The 55+ Fellowship is taking reservations through JUNE 8TH for this trip. There are still a few seats available. Cost is $90. Deadline To sign up is JUNE 8th. For trip details and reservation please contact Pearl Crowell (323) 751-1458 or Phyllis Stephenson 310.673.3710 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Westin LAX fee applies STRENGTHENING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN FATHERS AND THEIR AT-RISK CHILDREN Visit childrensinstitute.org for additional event information FATHER INVOLVEMENT – IT’S A GAME CHANGER! “Come join nationally recognized experts and your colleagues for a day long exploration of the most important issues related to fatherhood. Discover new ways to build and strengthen relationships between fathers and their children. This year’s conference will include a designated Father Track with workshops covering topics that are relevant and beneficial to fathers in attendance. If you are a community service provider, policy advocate, government representative, mental health professional, public health professional, or a community member who is concerned about solving the problem of absentee fathers’ effects on the lives of children, you won’t want to miss this conference.” SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin NEED A SCHOLARSHIP? Applications are now available for the 2014 CLAUDIA WHITMORE / BEATRICE BORDERS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. To qualify you must be an active member of Holman United Methodist Church. A high school graduating senior accepted for admission to a college or university or a continuing college / university student (age limit 25 yrs). An official transcript from your school, college / university must be submitted with the completed application. Applications may be obtained by calling Gloria Allen at (323) 299-1896. Deadline to return completed applications and official transcripts is Friday, JUNE 6, 2014. AMERICAN WOMEN FOR INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING (AWIU), Los Angeles County Chapter, invites you to join them for an International Round Table and hear a panel of women from all over the world share their personal stories, experiences and advocacy regarding women and girls’ right to education. The event will be held 9 am – 12 pm on Saturday, JUNE 21st at Veteran's Memorial Building–Garden Room, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230, and will include panelists from Afghanistan, China, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Senegal – USA, Zimbabwe. AWIU is a national nonprofit organization that promotes worldwide woman-to-woman interaction and understanding. Please visit our website at: www.awiu.org. To RSVP for the event please email [email protected] or call (323) 331-1398. We are looking forward to an exciting dialog that should lead to an action plan to support the global issue of women and girls seeking the right to education. Our own Diane Henry serves as the local president. 11 AFTER THE SERMON FAITH FORMATION IN ACTION LIVING OUR SOCIAL GOSPEL FRACKING MORATORIUM BILL (SB1132) – We have received news that on Friday, May 23rd, the SB 1132 passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee on a 4-2 vote! It will be taken up on the floor next week for a vote by the full Senate. Senator Holly Mitchell and staff express thanks for all the energy and support! JANET LAHR LEWIS is a commissioned missionary with the Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church and has served since 2006 as Methodist Liaison in Palestine and Israel for the global Methodist Church. She has been living in Israel-Palestine since 1994 when she sold her house in the U.S. in order to serve as a volunteer until her commissioning as a missionary in 2001. From 1994-1997 she worked as Personal Assistant for H.E. Archbishop Elias Chacour in the Galilee at Mar Elias Educational Institutions, a UMC Advance Project. In 1997 she moved to Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestine where she worked in various capacities at the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in East Jerusalem. In 2006 she began her assignment as Methodist Liaison in Palestine and Israel, working from her office in Bethlehem. In 2011 the office became partnered with the World Methodist Council and the Methodist Church of Britain, expanding her responsibilities as the main contact and resource person for the global Methodist church. Her work includes coordinating UM Volunteer in Mission teams, working with the local committee for the Community Development Project in Wadi Fouqin, coordinating and hosting Methodist and ecumenical delegations, and continuing to partner with the Advance and Partner projects in both Israel and Palestine. In addition, Janet has been serving as the main resource and contact person in Israel and Palestine for the global Methodist Church. “CLUE” SPONSORED CONFERENCE ON IMMIGRATION The LET MY PEOPLE WORK Conference, set for JUNE 9 to JUNE 11 will be held at Holman (see information in top righthand column of this page). We are excited to share that Bishop Minerva Garza Carcaño of the California Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church will also be joining us and speaking about the role and voice of the Faith Community in the Immigrant Rights Movement. Bishop Carcaño is the first Hispanic woman to be elected to the episcopacy of The United Methodist Church (UMC), the second largest Protestant denomination in the United States, and she has been a relentless and outspoken advocate for both Immigrant and Economic Justice. For registration information please contact Rev. Deborah Lee, ICIR -CLUE CA, 415-297-8222 or [email protected]. 12 CONNECTED IN COMMUNITY 13 CIRCLE OF CARE MINISTRIES EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Holman UMC is searching for a part-time DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES! This person would lead in developing Holman's strategy for faith formation with children on Sundays and beyond by organizing teachers and volunteers for Sunday church school classes for children ages 5-12, serving on the leadership team for various children's ministry events (Christmas program, Easter program, Summer Camp, etc.), and organizing parents as partners in faith formation with their children. CONGREGATIONAL CARE QUARTERLY MEETING Our quarterly meeting will be held on Saturday, JUNE 14th, 10 am – 12 pm, in the Bowick Music Room. All persons involved in our Congregational Care Ministries (Communion Visitation Ministry, Bereavement Ministry, Telephone Care Ministry, Friday Morning Prayer Group, Intercessory Prayer, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Holman/Kaiser Collaborative Ministry) are asked to be in attendance to receive updates and provide input in these important ministries of care, compassion and outreach. For others who may be interested in learning more about these ministries, you are welcome!! Please feel free to join us! “Kindness and caring are ambrosia for the soul.” ―Amy Leigh Mercree The person should have experience and exhibit initiative and creativity with educating children, coordinating volunteers and working with a team, and be familiar with United Methodist theology. For a job description and more info. please contact Asst. Pastor Victor Cyrus-Franklin at [email protected]. 14 15 Worship Celebration 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. SERMON NOTES “Follow the Leader” SCRIPTURE REFLECTION Memorial Day is a US federal holiday wherein the men and women who died in service through the United States Armed Forces are remembered. This occasion is a time to remember the many who died to make this country a better place for all who reside in this land. SCRIPTURE The 23rd Psalm, a familiar and oft recited scripture, serves as a PSALM 23 reminder to all of us that in the struggle for freedom, when we “follow the leader,” God can calm Minister Victor Cyrus-Franklin our fears, allow goodness and mercy to follow us and fulfill the promise of eternal life. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ L KING AHEAD ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "RE-ENVISIONING YOUR FUTURE, REDEEMING YOUR PAST" ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, June 1, 2014 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8:00 am Rev. Kelvin Sauls ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 11:00 am Father Michael Lapsley ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PENTECOST SUNDAY ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, June 8, 2014 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ WE ARE PENTECOST, WE ARE THE WORLD ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (We begin a new worship series.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Lord God, Our hands are open to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our ears are listening to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our eyes are watching you. Our hearts are trying to beat with yours. _________________________________________________________________________ _______________ Live in us and love others ____________________________________________________________________________________________ through us today. Amen. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 16