Arts in Ellijay


Arts in Ellijay
Gilmer Arts and Heritage Association
207 Dalton St., Ellijay, GA 30540
Phone: 706-635-5605
Fax: 706-636-5606
Email: [email protected]
Non–Profit Org.
U.S. postage
Ellijay, GA
Permit No. 79
May 25, 2010
GAHA is endorsed and
by the
May 25, 2010
Georgia Council for the
is endorsed
and the cities of Ellijay
and East Ellijay.
Arts in Ellijay
Arts in Ellijay
Gilm er Arts and Heritage As sociation
Dedicated to Prom oting Arts and Heritage in Gilm er C ounty
Gilm er Arts and Heritage Ass ociation
207 Dalton St., Ellijay, GA 30540
Gilmer Arts and Heritage Association
Dedicated to Promoting Arts and Heritage in Gilmer County
Toccoa River Band Kicks Off Picnic by the River Series June 18
Summer Classes at GAHA
Art Class with Mark Menendez
Fridays, 10 am to 12 noon (call GAHA to check schedule)
Bring your own drawing/painting project in progress and
receive expert instruction.
Complimentary trial class, future sessions $27 each.
Children’s Art Class with Mark Menendez
Fridays, beginning June 18, 1 pm to 2:30 pm
6 weekly classes
Choose from project selection list and complete a project
each week.
Class fee $75, supply list available upon sign up
Two Day Acrylics Workshop with Lytha Nicholson
June 14 and 15, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm (break for lunch)
Introduction to acrylic painting with focus on color mixing from a limited palate, brush strokes and the elements of a good painting.
Class fee $90, supply list available upon sign up.
One Day Pastel Workshop with Carolyn Molder
Thursday, July 15, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm (break for lunch)
Paint from a photo of a rural landscape or your favorite
pet. Fundamentals of working with soft pastels, composition, color and technique as well as tips for care and
handling of the pastel painting.
Class fee $60, supply list available upon sign up.
Members receive 10% off class prices.
Welcome New and Returning Members
Cindy Brady
Mozelle Varner
Ana Guzman
John and Myra Thomas
Tom Parker
Sybille Bassano
Sandi Carey
Al and Trudy Johnson
Brenda Fulp
Ted Register
Ron and Mollie Cardamone
GAHA members Gary and Patty Headley enjoying the
evening at a patriotic themed table at one of last season’s
Picnic by the River events.
Summer is just
around the corner, and
Gilmer Arts and Heritage
Association is proud to
once again host our Picnic
by the River events.
Mark your calendars
for Friday, June 18; Friday, August 13; and Sun-
day, September 26. The
June 18 date will serve as
GAHA’s annual meeting.
We are pleased to
welcome back Toccoa
River Band to perform at
our first picnic event of
the season.
"With a mellow rock
and roll sound, the Toccoa
River Band will take you
down memory lane with
music from the 60s, 70s,
and 80s,” says Tammy
Williams, GAHA Director.
Band members include
Bob Ferguson who plays
lead guitar and sings;
Mike Keenum on drums;
Ron Smith plays base;
and Mike Carroll on lead
“If you haven’t
attended a Picnic by the
River event, you are
missing out on a unique
way to picnic under a
shaded pavilion in style
while listening to some
really great music,” says
John Mahan, GAHA Board
Gates open at 6:00
pm, and the band will
start performing around
7:15 pm and conclude
around 9:30 pm.
“The Picnic by the River
events sell out quickly, so
call GAHA early to make a
reservation,” informs
Tables seat up to eight
people and are $60 for
members or $70 for nonmembers. If you don’t
need a table, members
may bring a lawn chair for
$8 and non-members for
$10. Dining is at your
leisure. Pack a picnic
basket with your favorite
foods or contact Deli
Junction about a custom
prepared basket for the
Table decorations
from past years range
from pirate themes to
white linens and sterling
flatware. Decorating your
table is completely
optional, having fun is
Purchase tickets by
calling (706) 635-5605 or
stop by the GAHA office
at 207 Dalton Street in
Please join us!
“Run for the Roses” May Auction Huge Success
“Special thanks to Kay
West, Jack Nunn and Lou
Anne Nunn for doing an
outstanding job chairing
this year’s auction event,”
says Tammy Williams,
GAHA Director.
“The auction commit-
tee decorated the facility
and Connie Stover
arranged the auction
items in a most attractive
manner. GAHA Board
member Sam Rise did
an outstanding job of
coordinating volunteers
to solicit donations from
much-needed funds.
the community,” she
Thank you to our local
businesses and members
The annual May
for your support!
auction is GAHA’s main
fundraiser. This year’s
event sold out quickly and
grossed over $13,000 in
Page 2
Arts in Ellijay
The Arts in Gilmer County, More Important Than You Think
By Camille Day
recipients’ participating
programs. In 2009,
$3.9 million in GCA
awards returned over
$6.1 million to our
Georgia counties and
cities in sales tax
revenue. No wonder a
loud cry went up when
our state leaders wanted
to cut GCA funding. In
one Georgia county, a
It’s the time of year
non-profit art association
to join or renew your
comprises the fifth largest
membership with Gilmer
employer--Miller County,
Arts and Heritage
home of the beloved
Association (GAHA), but
“Swamp Gravy”. This is
you may not realize how
a prime example of a
important your support is, community growing their
not just to our organizaown economy through the
tion, but to the entire
arts when little else was
As we all try to think
Every year, GAHA
of ways to help our
events put money back
struggling local economy, into our own economy
we often overlook one of
through shows, programs,
the best resources right
galas, art shows, classes,
here in our own back
a history museum and
yard: our local, non-profit more. Any community
art association. To
without the arts would be
understand how impordull indeed.
tant the arts are in any
“Many of the shows
community, we must take brought to Ellijay over
a look at its impact, both
the years have been
from an economic and a
world-class productions
cultural point of view.
that would normally
Collectively, local
require a trip to a large
arts programs across the
city to experience,” says
state of Georgia contribJohn Mahan, GAHA Board
ute millions to our
communities every year.
Culturally, our local
These are dollars that
art association brings
remain local, tourism
both the visual and perdollars being a large part forming arts to many who
of those revenues.
would otherwise never be
Nationally, the arts
able to experience it.
account for approximately GAHA and its volunteers
six percent of the U. S.
work tirelessly every year
gross national product,
to bring both the big
more than many other
shows, through the
industries. According to
B.E.S.T. (Bringing Ellijay
the Georgia Council for
Sensational Talent)
the Arts (GCA), one study Concert Series and small
estimated a $376 million
events such as our
impact to our state from
Coffeehouse where you
only ninety-eight grant
can meet folks in our
community over coffee
and dessert while enjoying a free evening of live,
local entertainment. Both
the Run for Roses Auction
and the Masquerade in
the Mountains event gave
local citizens and visitors
alike an unequalled night
of entertainment.
In fact, when members of the committee
began meeting to
discuss soliciting items,
there were concerns that
local merchants might be
unable to donate this year
due to the poor economy.
“Boy did that concern
go away fast,” says Sam
Rise, GAHA Board
Member and committee
member in charge of
donations for the auction
“Not only did our local
merchants step up to the
plate, they hit homerun
after homerun with their
giving. It goes without
saying that without their
generosity, our auction
would not have been the
success that it was,” she
The Gallery at GAHA
has been recently
renovated and has a year
round calendar ranging
from student art exhibits
to regular and juried art
shows which provide
the community an
opportunity to view and
purchase the best of our
local artists’ work.
GAHA’s youth programs
bring both cultural events
and opportunities to the
children of our community
through the B.E.S.T. for
Kids endowment and
annual art exhibits.
“It is well documented
that individuals look for
these types of programs
when considering living in
or visiting a community,
and GAHA strives to provide something for
everyone in designing our
programs each year,”
says Tammy Williams,
GAHA Director.
“We are always open
to fresh ideas and
welcome new volunteers,”
she continues.
GAHA has been well
supported in our
community for over thirty
years and continues to
bring Ellijay and Gilmer
County entertainment
and opportunities to
participate in the arts,
culture experiences,
educational opportunities
and historical experiences
for both citizens and
visitors alike.
“In a time when we
are losing the personal
touch with our neighbors
and community, you can
help us fight to keep the
small town atmosphere of
Ellijay alive and well by
supporting not just your
local non-profit art
organization but also our
local merchants and
artists,” says Camille Day,
GAHA Board Member.
Please consider
joining Gilmer Arts and
Heritage Association and
start taking advantage of
the wonderful programs
we offer. Membership
begins at just $25. The
membership year is July
1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.
For more information, call
706-635-5605 or visit us
Your membership fee is
considered a donation
and is tax deductible.
Page 3
Garden Club Flower and Juried Art Show Planned at GAHA in June
The Flower Show designs
include creative florals, collages
and miniatures. The horticulture
entries will include single specimens and container grown plants.
There will also be two educational
entries, one on how to make a
hypertufa (an artificial stone
material used for pots, stepping
stones and other garden art)
and the other on single-stream
recycling (which is the type of
recycling done in Gilmer County).
The Flower Show will be judged
Original watercolor artwork for the
by fifteen nationally accredited
Garden Club Flower and Juried Art
flower show judges. Last year's
Show designed by artist, Kathy Maas.
flower show was recently awarded
first place in the country for clubs
The Garden Club of Ellijay will
their size (21-49 members) by
present a Standard Flower Show,
the National Garden Club, which
Summertime and the Livin' is Easy, has 6,300 clubs. If you enjoy
at Gilmer Arts and Heritage
flowers, even if you've never been
Association (GAHA). The Flower
to a Flower Show, you will see
Show will be held June 11 from
some of the most beautiful
2:00 pm to 7:00 pm and June 12
and interesting flower creations,
from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
plants and exhibits.
In conjunction with the Flower
Show, GAHA is presenting a Juried
Art Show. The reception for both
events is scheduled for June 11
from 5 pm to 7 pm. Prizes will be
awarded to winning artists at the
reception. Artwork will be on
display in the GAHA gallery through
June 30.
“We are delighted to have
Connie Reilly juror this event,” says
Camille Day, GAHA Board Member
and Gallery Director. “Connie is an
Atlanta native and has over thirtyeight years experience,” says
Fifteen artists submitted work
for the show, and of the forty-three
entries, twenty-six were accepted.
Mark your calendars and make
plans to visit the GAHA gallery in
June. Both events are free and
open to the public.
B.E.S.T. for Kids Brings Performing Arts to Ellijay
By Brian Barrentine
Thanks to a generous
grant from the Harrison
Foundation, the 2010
B.E.S.T. for Kids Series
provided an opportunity
for every student in Gilmer County to experience
live performing arts.
This year's diverse
programming featured a
wide variety of musical
presentations from
classical, latin, jazz, and
rock. Featured artists
from the Woodruff Arts
Center included the Rialto
Jazz Ensemble and
Havana Son (featured in
the photo), in a rhythmic
journey of Latin
America. The acclaimed
Atlanta Percussion Trio
also performed in the
series. B.E.S.T. for Kids
was also the primary
sponsor for the 1st
Annual SummerPalooza
Music Festival at the
Lion's Club Fairgrounds.
SummerPalooza featured
ten different regional and
national acts in a carnival
atmosphere complete
with activities, games and
carnival food. The events
were well attended by
students of all ages from
primary to high school.
So, be proud of the
Harrison Foundation and
GAHA for reaching out to
enrich the lives of young
audience members in
Gilmer County. Also
sponsoring this year’s
events were funds from
Amicalola EMC Operation
Round Up, a program
that provides financial
assistance to worthwhile
community projects by
“rounding up” the electric
bill of participating
“Through this series,
we hope to enrich the
lives of our youth and
develop an interest in the
arts that will last a
lifetime,” says Brian
Barrentine, GAHA Board
Member and Gilmer High
School Chorus Director.
Special thanks to
our event organizers,
Jessica Nohner and Katie