Giclée Print Catalog
Giclée Print Catalog
DAVID KIEHM Giclée Print Catalog All Limited-Edition Giclée prints in this catalog are printed with the highest quality professional archival papers and inks available. Each Fine Art Giclée Print is individually approved, signed, and numbered by David Kiehm. There is an individualized certificate of authenticity accompanying each fine art giclée print. Dave and Maggie 8 1/2” x 11” Giclée Prints $48 10-0069W 11-0111W Blue Jay in Maples 10-0061W 11-103W 10-0063W Praire Warbler 10-0064W Common Yellowthroat Warbler 10-0062W Chestnut-sided Warbler Corn Crib 10-0085 10-0067W Barn Owl Watching Cherry Blossoms Blue-winged Warbler 10-0073 Turkey Vulture The Roost 09-0081W Harris Hawk 10-0059W Peregrine Falcon 10-0100W Eagle Owl 09-0080W Peregrine Falcon 09-0078W Gyrfalcon 09-0077W Barn Owl 11”x14” Limited-Edition Prints $68 10-0082W Waiting 09-0042 Hanging On 10-0000W Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 11-0119 09-0009W Evening Grosbeak 09-0048 Downy Woodpecker High-Quality Archival 09-0035 Eastern Meadowlark 09-0032W Red-Breasted Nuthatch 11-0118 September Apples 2 September Apples 1 Fine Art Paper 09-0021W Black & White Warbler 09-0020W WhiteBreasted Nuthatch 10-0102 Scarlet Tanager 11-0106 Maple Perch 09-0014W Screech Owl 09-0011W Common Yellowthroat 09-0036W Eastern Bluebird 11”x17” and 13”x19” Giclée PRINTS High-Quality ARchival fine Art Paper and inks $88 11-0113W Wood Duck Reflecdtion 10-0084W Long Shadows 09-0049 Watching Spring 10-0077W 09-0024W Ollie Kestrel 11-0117w 08-0006W Barred Owl 09-0030 10-0069W 09-0029W Yellow Warbler on Iris 08-0008W GreatHorned Owl 110115W East or West? Mallards American Goldfinch 10-0068W “Who Said That?” Autumn Reds 09-0052 Forgotten Gears 11-0107W Indigo Song 08-0013W Red-Tail Hawk 17”x22” Large-Format Giclée Prints These Large-Format 17”x 22” giclée firne art prints add presence and charm to any room. Fine Art Limited Editions $98 11-0101O Young Stalkers 10-0076W Blue Flags 10-0070A 10-0075A Frozen Mud 2 degrees below zero 09-0027W Blue Jay with Apples 09-0034W 10-0087O 110115W Red-tail Hawk Oilver Pond Cinnamon Teal 09-0057W Taking Flight 10-0072AW Bridge #1356 Distinctive Oil Paintings Signature Edition Available May 2012 08-0016O Turkey Vulture Portrait David Kiehm’s Exclusive Signature Edition Giclée Fine Art Prints are professionally matted, and ready to frame. Carefully chosen four distinctive oil paintings are included in this collection. The highest quality materials and printing standards are used to execute these lasting images. Only one-hundred prints of each image will be included in this Exclusive Signature Edition. $218 08-0008O 09-00150 Great Egret 09-0039O Montana High Rise Forgotten Bales Matted Giclée Prints MINATURE ready To Frame Minature Giclée Birds of Prey Prints These prints are fit beautifully in their 8”x10” mats which set off the intricate details intrinsic to these Birds of Prey. They are ready to fit into an 8”x10” frame. Purchase one or all six for the individual price of 11-4M Eagle Owl Mini 11-2M Barred Owl Mini $40 11-5M 11-6M Screech Owl Mini 11-1M Burrowing Owl 11-2M Barn Owl Mini Mini Harris Hawk Mini Available April 2012 David Kiehm Dead Drift Studio. LLC 607 286 9222 1020 Cty Hwy 46, Oneonta, NY 13820 [email protected]
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