EL2.018 - Issue 3 statement per Emery Planning representor 182
EL2.018 - Issue 3 statement per Emery Planning representor 182
Blackburn Site Allocations DPD Issue 3 – Housing Delivery Click here to enter text. for Mr and Mrs Gee ID182 Emery Planning 2-4 South Park Court, Hobson Street Macclesfield, SK11 8BS Tel: 01625 433 881 www.emeryplanning.com Project Site address Client : 14-336 : Land west of Gib Lane, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 5BP : Mr and Mrs Gee ID182 Date Author : 14 November 2014 : Stephen Harris This report has been prepared for the client by Emery Planning with all reasonable skill, care and diligence. No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written approval of Emery Planning. Emery Planning Partnership Limited trading as Emery Planning. Contents: 1. Introduction 1 2. Questions 3.1 to 3.7 2 3. Question 3.8 2 Planning Statement Land west of Gib Lane, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 5BP November 2014 1. Introduction 1.1 Emery Planning is instructed by Mr & Mrs Richard Gee to attend the Examination with particular regard to their land which forms part of the allocated site land of west of Gib Lane, Blackburn (Site 16/9). Their land is shown in Appendix EP1. Background 1.2 Our client submitted representations to the Publication Plan and their representor ID is 182. Those representations were submitted by McAteer Associates Ltd. Our client has been invited to attend Issue 3 (Housing Delivery). Emery Planning will attend on their behalf. 1.3 Since the submission of the representations to the Publication Draft, Mr and Mrs Gee have agreed an option with Wainhomes North West Ltd to bring forward their site. Wainhomes is one of the main developers in the region and are seeking to bring forward the site via a planning application early next year. Summary of our Position 1.4 The original representation supported the allocation of the land west of Gib Lane, although objected on the basis that the delivery of our client’s land should not be held back by a masterplan to be approved by the Council. 1.5 Since those submissions were made, the Council has progressed with a masterplan for the Gib Lane allocation and this was consulted on in August and September this year. Therefore the current position is that a masterplan is to be approved by the Council in December which would then be used for the determination of planning applications. However that is a related but importantly a separate process to the Examination of this Plan and the policies contained therein. 1.6 We therefore set out our response to the specific questions set out by the Inspector in the Issues and Questions dated October 2014. 1 Planning Statement Land west of Gib Lane, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 5BP November 2014 2. Questions 3.1 to 3.7 2.1 These questions specifically relate to releases in the Green Belt and safeguarded land. As our clients land is neither Green Belt nor safeguarded land we do not intend to provide a response to these specific questions. However we do support the Council’s position that land is required to be released from the Green Belt to meet its objectively assessed housing need. 3. Question 3.8 3.1 Question 3.8 asks two specific questions. 3.2 The first is whether the proposed housing allocations, set out under Policy 16, are based on a sound assessment of land availability and deliverability? 3.3 The second is whether there is any evidence that any of the housing sites proposed by the Council are not viable or deliverable? Land Availability and Deliverability 3.4 The housing requirement that the Allocations Plan should be seeking to meet is set out in Policy CS6 (Housing Targets) of the Core Strategy. However the figures set out in paragraph 4.5 of the Allocations Plan is some 335 dwellings less than the 9,365 dwellings set out in Policy CS6. A further change is that the phasing of the housing requirement has been altered in paragraph 4.5 to that set out in CS6. The changes are not significant but it is noted that they are lower. Therefore in light of the Wokingham judgment it is not open for the Allocations Plan to reassess the objectively assessed need and the housing requirement. This issue was recently debated at the Preston Local Plan Examination where the requirement in the Core Strategy could not be altered. The debate on this issue will take place on Issue 2. 3.5 The latest Housing Position Statement is dated June 2014. That assumes, even on the lower housing requirement in the Allocations Plan, that the supply is 5.1 years. Part of that 5 year supply of 3,536 dwellings is 120 dwellings from the land west of Gib Lane. Therefore it is clear that even if all the Council’s assumptions on their deliverable supply are correct in order to meet paragraph 47 of the Framework, sites allocated in the draft Allocations Plan are required immediately. Therefore the delivery of sites, such as our clients, is integral to the soundness of the plan. 2 Planning Statement Land west of Gib Lane, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 5BP November 2014 3.6 We now assess their land specifically but also in the context of the wider allocation. Site 16/9 Land west of Gib Lane 3.7 In the Submitted Plan (1.01A) the land west of Gib Lane (16/9) is allocated for 440 dwellings. Pages 57 and 58 of the Plan set out the site boundary and the Key Development Considerations. Our client’s land is in the north eastern corner of the site and adjoins the existing urban area. As a standalone site it is a sustainable urban extension. However we recognise that the site is part of a wider allocation and it can deliver vehicular and pedestrian links as a first phase for that wider site. 3.8 Whilst we note that there are objections to the allocation of the wider land we are confident that the site is deliverable and particularly now in that our client now has a contract with Wainhomes. The evidence base to date and the more detailed work that Wainhomes is undertaking in preparation for a planning application, for example landscape and visual assessment, highways and drainage demonstrates that the site is deliverable. We would expect a planning application to be submitted early next year. 3.9 We now assess the criteria in the policy. 3.10 Criterion 1 states that the site is to be brought forward in line with the masterplan and that the masterplan must be agreed by the council prior to the granting of planning permission for any part of the site. Whilst we understand that the council intends to adopt the masterplan in December, we would not maintain our objection to this criterion provided that master plan is in accordance with the key development considerations in 16/9 and particularly how the development is to be accessed. 3.11 Nevertheless, we consider that to be effective criteria 1 should be amended so that applications can come forward which would not prejudice the wider development of the site particularly if that application was not contrary to the Key Development Considerations in 16/9. This is because the Key Development Considerations are part of the Allocations DPD and therefore form part of the statutory development plan. The masterplan will not have the weight of a statutory development plan and therefore provided any application is in accordance with the Key Development Considerations, it should be granted in advance of the masterplan. This would be in accordance with paragraph 14 of the Framework as it would be in accordance with an up to date development plan. 3 Planning Statement Land west of Gib Lane, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 5BP November 2014 3.12 Criterion 4 refers to the SFRA and that the site is not at risk of surface water flooding. However it does note that the site has a high water table and sloping ground therefore development would be required to incorporate SUDS and soft measures to control surface water run-off. Whilst we support the use of such measures, from our own investigations, alternative methods should be included within the policy due to the underlying ground conditions. However what is clear is that the site can come forward and can be drained in order to deliver the required housing development. 3.13 Criterion 5 refers to this site being accessed off Livesey Branch Road, Broken Stones Road and GIb Lane. The masterplan, which was consulted upon, shows two potential highway access points off Gib Lane. The northernmost access point is into our clients land and we note that two pedestrian access routes are also proposed in the masterplan. Again pedestrian access onto Gib Lane forms an integral part of the sustainability and permeability of the wider allocation. Therefore vehicular and pedestrian access onto Gib Lane is a fundamental part of the delivery of the site and criterion 5 should remain as drafted. 3.14 Enclosed as Appendix EP2 is a draft layout showing that the land within the control of our client can deliver some 95 dwellings whilst ensuring the pedestrian and vehicular routes as identified on the master plan can be secured. Enclosed as Appendix EP3 is a site access drawing showing the proposed vehicular access into the site from Gib Lane. Discussions have taken place with the council and the local highway authority on their requirements. Therefore the Inspector can be assured that delivery of this part of the wider Gib Lane allocation can be achieved which would be an integral part of phase 1 of the wider development to provide the necessary vehicular and pedestrian links through to the existing urban area and the local facilities such as the primary school. 3.15 This concludes our statement and we can provide further clarification at the Examination on 3rd December. 4 EP1 ‘r ii E;__4 L 1 L — JI - Fz - z1 Lz - zz - . 1 VH \ ‘* . - -- 444 jLr - 0. 2 ‘0. EP2 EP3 ST DO NOT SCALE: CONTRACTOR TO CHECK ALL DIMENSIONS AND REPORT ANY OMISSIONS OR ERRORS 15 2.2 97 BT KEY: TP Site Boundary 15 3.5 G G 15 15 2. 2. 67 75 9 7 GI B Retaining wall (indicative location) 4. 02 Visibility splay are based on 85th percentile speeds: 15 2.4m x 51m Visibility Splay 5.6 31 15 4.3 5 8 15 6 .24 1 15 6.2 Existing footway ST ST 05 15 6.2 14 M CL H IL 15 15 7. 5. 18 58 8 8 RH EH 15 15 9.6 7. 63 83 4 7.3 18 15 BR IC K W AL L LP Existing footway Northbound speed = 39.7mph Southbound speed = 37.7mph 15 7 15 8.4 ST 08 BT 4.1 15 BR 15 G IC K 8 W AL L 17 .36 9 BT 15 9.4 67 L AL W BR IC K 16 2 7 30 2.9 NP NP TV 16 3. 44 4 1 C General Revision LB AK AK 23.10.14 B Revised access design and retaining structure added Realigned junction layout & visibility splays based on 85th percentile speeds LB AK AK 23.10.14 SH AK AK 16.06.14 A LP 0 16 2. 75 BY CHK APP DATE S STT WAINHOMES (NW) LTD BT 16 3. 83 5 75 1 16 4. 55 16 6.1 5. 56 16 QUAY WEST at MediaCity UK TRAFFORD WHARF ROAD TRAFFORD PARK MANCHESTER M17 1HH TEL: +44 (0)161 872 3223 FAX: +44 (0)161 872 3193 e-mail: [email protected] Project: 16 6. 30 3 16 6. 26 6 5 16 S ST T 2 5 16 2. 19 16 4.6 R EH H1 16 67. 5. 94 65 8 9 Proposed site access DESCRIPTION 16 2.4m x 72m visibility splay Verge REV 2. 20 AL L W K BR IC R EH H1 16 67. 3. 33 60 7 9 16 1. 76 5 BT New footway 163 ST 53 .194 6 15 5. 24 1.3 TV 3 1 16 ST ST M C H UT L1 L 61. (b 29 lo 8 ck ed ) G BT P 167 162. 16 1.2 6 RI S GR EDA OV LE E BT .8 08 ST LP 16 0. 18 3 16 G P R EH H1 16 63. 1. 82 11 5 1 Proposed footway 9 60 .9 0 Gib Lane, Blackburn Drawing Title: IC K W AL 16 9. L 13 0 Proposed Site Access BR FILENAME : J:\2014\A087996 GIB LANE, BLACKBURN\CAD\WYG DRAWINGS\A087996-P001 REV C.DWG | PLOTTED BY : LUKASZ.BARAN | PLOTTED DATE : 23 October 2014 12:33:02 S 15 TN 9. 1 90 3 BT .57 4 63 15 9 0. 3 21 16 7.8 W AL L 15 BR IC K 22 Visibility Splay LA NE BT 2.5 61 .2 9 15 Approximate Highway Boundary 42 16 2.1 67 Scale @ A2 1:250 Project No. A087996 Drawn Date Date Approved Date Checked SH 16.06.14 AK 16.06.14 AK 16.06.14 Revision Office Type Drawing No. 27 T A087996-P001 C C WYG Group Ltd.