technical details for digital versions
technical details for digital versions
TECHNICAL DETAILS FOR DIGITAL VERSIONS Magazine ABITARE IL BAGNO * B‐BELLEZZA E BENESSERE IN FARMACIA * BEAUTY BUSINESS * BEST MOVIE * BOX OFFICE/ITALIAN CINEMA * BUSINESS PEOPLE * PROGETTO CUCINA * TIVU’ * TOY STORE * TRADE BIANCO * TRADE CONSUMER ELECTRONICS * Single page 240x325 mm 240x325 mm 240x325 mm 230x287 mm 297x420 mm 240x287 mm 240x325 mm 240x325 mm 210x297 mm 240x325 mm 210x297 mm Double page 480x325 mm 480x325 mm 480x325 mm 460x287 mm 594x420 mm 480x287 mm 480x325 mm 480x325 mm 420x297 mm 480x325 mm 420x297 mm THE FILE FOR THE DOUBLE PAGE MUST BE DIVIDED INTO SINGLE PAGES (LEFT/RIGHT) DUE TO DEVICES’ VISUAL DETAILS The file must be a PDF with all elements in RGB Images should have a resolution equivalent to 150 dpi No overflows/ Colour bars/Registration Marks/Crop marks. The page must be at Trim size with no bleed The file must not be protected p All the fonts must be included No vector objects because the application crashes If you wish to have a text/an images linking to a website you should insert an hyperlink in the page . Instructions in the next pages of this document We kindly request you not to make the entire page clickable We can insert special contents in the page (Photogallery/Videoclip) previous your sending us materials . Technical details at the end of this document No JPEG 2000 compression To avoid compatibility problems, we inform you that INDESIGN CS4 is the program that should be used to export the file. In the next pages , we reproduced all the settings to create the file DELIVERY Mail ANTONELLA BARISONE: abarisone@e‐ PAOLA LORUSSO: plorusso@e duesse it PAOLA LORUSSO: plorusso@e‐ ftp//ftp.e‐ Userid: guest‐e2s Password: ftp_guest.e2s We kindly request you to give us communication of the upload by using the email adresses above indicated Ftp For information : Antonella Barisone (0227796408) abarisone@e‐ – Paola Lorusso (0227796401) plorusso@e‐ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 For information:AntonellaBarisone(0227796408)[email protected]– PaolaLorusso(0227796401)[email protected] TEXTUALHYPERLINKS 1 OpenthepagebyusingIndesign For information:AntonellaBarisone(0227796408)[email protected]– PaolaLorusso(0227796401)[email protected] 2 Selectthetextthatyouwouldliketobelinkable 3 From“Window”,selecttheoption“Interactive”/”Bookmarks For information:AntonellaBarisone(0227796408)[email protected]– PaolaLorusso(0227796401)[email protected] 4 Selecttheoption“NewHyperlinkfromUrl” 5 …andfromtheoptions… For information:AntonellaBarisone(0227796408)[email protected]– PaolaLorusso(0227796401)[email protected] 6 …set therectangle as “Invisible” The rectangle Th t l must be invisible For information:AntonellaBarisone(0227796408)[email protected]– PaolaLorusso(0227796401)[email protected] HYPERLINKS(FORANIMAGE/PARTOFANIMAGE) 1 OpenthepagebyusingIndesign For information:AntonellaBarisone(0227796408)[email protected]– PaolaLorusso(0227796401)[email protected] 2 3 Selecttheareayouwouldliketobelinkableandchoosetheoption“NewHyperlink”… …andconnecttheURL For information:AntonellaBarisone(0227796408)[email protected]– PaolaLorusso(0227796401)[email protected] 4 Therectangle must be setas “invisible” The rectangle Th t l must be invisible For information:AntonellaBarisone(0227796408)[email protected]– PaolaLorusso(0227796401)[email protected] TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR THE “PHOTOGALLERY” (Special contents for digital files) Quantity of photos: Max n° 15 Size: 1024x768 px Size: 1024x768 px Colour : RGB Resolution: 135 dpi On the page, you have to insert “button” (at your choice) THE BUTTON IS USEFUL TO NOTIFY TO THE READER THE PRESENCE OF THE PHOTOGALLERY NO FLASH IMAGES (Apple is not compatible with Flash) For information : Antonella Barisone (0227796408) abarisone@e‐ – Paola Lorusso (0227796401) plorusso@e‐ TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR VIDEO/CLIP/TRAILER / / (Special contents for digital files) CODEC : H. 264 FORMAT : mpeg4 KBPS : 1.500 SOUND/AUDIO : 44.1 KHZ stereo FILE EXTENSION: .mp4 MAX SIZE OF THE VIDEO: 10 mb For information : Antonella Barisone (0227796408) abarisone@e‐ – Paola Lorusso (0227796401) plorusso@e‐