Jean Prouvé in Nancy, build better days - Musée des Beaux


Jean Prouvé in Nancy, build better days - Musée des Beaux
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NANCY 30 JuNE - 28 OCtObEr 2012
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
2 Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
Opening of 2 permanent exhibition venues
Prouvé room at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Prouvé space at the Museum of Iron History in Jarville-la-Malgrange
4 temporary exhibitions
Jean Prouvé, wrought iron craftsman at the Museum of the Ecole de Nancy
Jean Prouvé in Nancy, building better days at the Lorrain Museum
The tropical House at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Design emotion, the collection of Alexander von Vegesack at the Poirel Galleries
Route Jean Prouvé in the city and its suburbs: in the footsteps
of Jean Prouvé in Nancy
including Jean Prouvé’s house and office workshop as well as the buildings on which he
worked, in the city and its suburbs.
Press release
Media Contacts
national and international press
Claudine Colin Agency, communications
Penelope Ponchelet: 0142726001
[email protected]
local and regional press
Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Michèle Thisse: 0383853316\/0383853072
[email protected]
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
timetable of events
1. The project
a tribute to Jean Prouvé through major events
Jean Prouvé, the story of a relationship
Jean Prouvé: historical landmarks, achievements
those involved in the project: committee of honour, Renzo Piano, commission
II. Jean Prouvé at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Jean Prouvé, a multi-talented artist
the conception of a space dedicated to the building doctrines of Jean Prouvé
the words of Luca Lotti,designer
the collection
Prouvé’s line: graphic works display
III. Jean Prouvé at the Museum of Iron History
Jean Prouvé, builder
design: Sim and Sam Agency
the collection
IV.Route Jean Prouvé in the city and its suburbs
in the footsteps of Jean Prouvé in Nancy
V. Temporary exhibitions
Jean Prouvé, wrought iron craftsman at the Museum of the Ecole de Nancy
Jean Prouvé in Nancy, building better days at the Lorrain Museum
The tropical House at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Design emotion, the collection of Alexander von Vegesack at the Poirel Galleries
VI. Annexes
about the exhibitions
info pack
4 VII.Pictures
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
timetable of events
30 June: opening of the Jean Prouvé room at the Museum of Fine Arts
30 June: opening of the Jean Prouvé space at the Museum of Iron History
30 June – 29 October: Jean Prouvé in Nancy and the Route Jean Prouvé in the city and its
30 June - 29 October: 4 temporary exhibitions at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy, at the
Museum of the Ecole de Nancy, the Lorrain Museum and the Poirel Galleries.
opening of the Palais des Congrès, Prouvé centre in Nancy
installation of the tropical House at the Museum of Iron History, Montaigu area in Jarville - laMalgrange
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
1. The project
a tribute to Jean Prouvé through major events
The city of Nancy and the urban community of Grand Nancy, decide to pay tribute to one of
theirs illustrious personalities, Jean Prouvé. This genius of construction, who still continues
to influence architects and designers around the world, remained faithful to his city. A direct
descendant of the Ecole de Nancy, where his father, Victor Prouvé, was one of the major artists
and his God father Emile Gallé, the founder; he was trained in its spirit.
The centenary of his birth, in 2001, has already been celebrated by exhibitions in Nancy. Today’s
events honour his work in the city centre in a lasting manner, with permanent displays devoted
to his achievements located at the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Iron History.
An urban journey highlights the importance of his work in the area, including his house and his
former office-workshop in Maxéville as well as evidences of his creativeness on various buildings.
Finally, 4 temporary exhibitions are showing his personality and the many facets of his talent:
the ironworker at the Museum of the Ecole de Nancy, the humanist at the Lorrain Museum, the
builder at the Museum of Fine Arts and the designer at the Poirel Galleries.
To ensure the consistency and relevance of this major project, a Committee of honour, chaired
by Renzo Piano, has been convened. It is made up of architects, art and architecture historians,
family members and the association of the friends of Jean Prouvé.
This event starting in June 2012 will continue well beyond. First of all due to the on-going improvement of the collections on show at the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Iron History,
as well as by 2 highlights to be held in 2013 and 2014:
opening of the Palace of the Congress Prouvé in the former Nancy postal sorting centre built
by Claude Prouvé, son of Jean, and fully redesigned by architect Marc Barani
installation of the tropical House at the Museum of Iron History, in the Montaigu area.
These different venues will ensure that Nancy finally becomes known as the city of reference
for Jean Prouvé.
6 The project
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
Jean Prouvé and Nancy, the story of a relationship
In 1931, after his apprenticeship in the art of iron works, Jean Prouvé launches the Jean Prouvé
Workshop Company. He then starts to apply the fundamental principles of the Ecole de Nancy,
which will influence him throughout his career: the lust for experimentation, the care for detail,
the mastery of material, the need for collective creation. He retained them all.
At an early stage he shows interest in architecture and conceives ironworks and metal frames.
His work is noted by the architects of avant-garde with whom he would later work on producing
nomadic homes. The post war period also allows him to produce pre-fabricated dwellings to
house the victims of war. After having fought in the resistance, he is nominated Mayor of Nancy
in September 1944, by the departmental Committee of the Liberation. He holds this position
but only for a few months.
The years from 1948 to 1954 represent the golden age of the Jean Prouvé Workshops. In 1947,
the company moves to Maxéville, near Nancy. The workshops produce demountable and preassembled structures: woodwork, metal parts, assemblies and constructive casings. They also
produce furniture in the same way and then move on to industrial production of houses to meet
the economic demands of reconstruction. Jean Prouvé performs different public commissions
for school grounds (Martigues, Vantoux…) and equipment for university residences (Nancy,
Antony...). Some of these (chairs, beds, desks, shelving) are considered today as iconic 20th
century furniture.
1954, he builds his own house on the heights of the city using all of his manufacturing expertise. Purchased in 1990 by the city of Nancy, it is today open to be visited and is one of the most
exciting examples of his work. From 1953, he leaves the workshops and sets himself up as a
senior engineer, working with the leading architects of the time. From 1957 to 1970, Jean Prouvé
teaches at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, where his master classes are widely
followed by both architects and building professionals. 1971, he is asked to chair the international Jury for the competition for the National Centre of Art and Culture initiated by President
Georges Pompidou, and imposes the project of Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers. Forty years
later, Renzo Piano pays him tribute in turn by chairing the Scientific Committee set up in his
At the end of his career of Jean Prouvé achieves international recognition. Many well-known
20th century buildings bear his mark, and some are already protected as historic monuments.
The project
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
chronological milestones and achievements
Jean Prouvé (1901-1984)
1901 Jean Prouvé is born in Paris
1916 - 1921 learns wrought iron work in the workshop of Emile Robert
in Enghien then by Szabo in Paris
1924 Opening of the 1st workshop in rue Custine in Nancy where he produced wrought
iron work and light fixtures, grills, and gates…
1926 meets and collaborates with Mallet-Stevens, Le Corbusier, Jeanneret and Herbé
in Paris
1929 First patent for a movable partition
1930 A founding member of the Union des Artistes Modernes (UAM)
1931 A large workshop opens in Rue des Jardiniers in Nancy, first furniture production
launches the company Jean Prouvé Workshops
1938 Maison du Peuple in Clichy (Beaudouin and Lods Architects)
1939 - 1944
joins the resistance during the war
After the war, is appointed Mayor of Nancy and delegate to the consultative
Assembly for a few months
Tests of pre-fabricated housing
Construction of 400 houses for the victims in Lorraine
1947 The workshops of Jean Prouvé move to Maxéville
1947 - 1953 The work carried out by the Maxéville factory attracts many architects’ attention
Aluminium français acquires majority shares in the plant implementing new procedures
Prouvé leaves his workshops in Maxéville
1954 builds his house in Nancy
1956 Jean Prouvé Construction company launched in Paris.
joins the national Conservatory of Arts and crafts where he teaches until 1969
Professor at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts until 1969
The CIMT absorbs the Jean Prouvé Construction company where he shares
responsibilities as head of the building department and as chief engineer
1956 - 1975 numerous projects including the House of Abbot Pierre, the Saharran house,
school and university buildings, petrol stations, hundreds of thousands of square
metres of façade-curtain panels.
1966 leaves the CIMT
1971 President of the jury for the competition for the Georges Pompidou Centre
1981 Erasmus Prize (created in 1958 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, this award
recognizes individuals or institutions that have contributed to the public
exposure of European culture)
1984 23 March, Prouvé dies in Nancy
8 The project
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
achievements (furnitures or metal structures)
University Campus, Nancy (1930-1932), furniture
Maison du Peuple Clichy (1935-1939 - Beaudouin and Lods, architects), facade
Lycée Fabert, Metz (1935-1936), furnitures
Detached houses 6 x 6 and 6 x 9 with internal portico for the victims of Lorraine (1944-1945)
School of glassware apprenticeship (1948 - Henri Prouvé, architect)
Tropical homes, Niamey (Niger, 1949), Brazzaville (Republic of the Congo, 1951)
«Metropole» house, household Arts show, Paris (1950 - Henri Prouvé, architect)
School group, Vantoux (1950 - Henri Prouvé, architect)
Pavilion for the centenary of Aluminium, Paris (1954)
University campus Jean Zay, Antony (1954-1956), furniture
Own House, Nancy (1954)
Cachat refreshment area, Evian (1956 - Novarina, architect)
CNIT (1956 - Zehrfuss, Architect), façade
Faculty of medicine, Rotterdam (1965-1968 - Choisy and van Emdben, architect), façade
Tour Nobel, Paris la Defense (1967 - Mailly and Depussé, architects), façade
Headquarters of the PCF, Paris, (1970 - Oscar Niemeyer, architect), façade
The project
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
the project’s principals
the Jean Prouvé committee of honour
Established in September 2010, this Committee, chaired by Renzo Piano, has as its mission,
the implementation of the Jean Prouvé project in his home town.
Members of the Committee of honour
André ROSSINOT, Mayor of Nancy, President of the urban community of Grand Nancy,
former Minister
Renzo PIANO, architect, Chairman of the Committee of honour Jean Prouvé
Jean-Luc BREDEL, Regional Director of Cultural Affairs of Lorraine
Pierre-Yves CAILLAULT, Chief Architect of Historic Monuments
Lorenzo DIEZ, Director of the national higher school of Architecture of Nancy
Michel DINET, President of the General Council of Meurthe-and-Moselle
Pierre ENGEL, Professor at the national higher school of Architecture of Paris Val-de-Seine
Denis GRANDJEAN, President of the modern Archives of Architecture in Lorraine
Laurent HENART, Deputy Mayor of Nancy delegate for culture, MP for Meurthe-et-Moselle
Marie-Christine LABOURDETTE, Executive Director of cultural heritage
Bertrand LEMOINE, Director of the international workshop of Grand Paris,
President of the association of the friends of Jean Prouvé
LEROY Marie-Christine, Vice-President of the urban community of Grand Nancy,
Mayor of Dommartemont, Vice-President of «Nancy Tourism», tourist office for Nancy and
the Grand Nancy area.
Jean MASSON, former companion of Jean Prouvé, Member of the association of the friends
of Jean Prouvé
Véronique NOËL, Director of culture and entertainment, Nancy
Catherine PROUVÉ, Manager of the limited company, Jean Prouvé, representing the children
of Jean Prouvé
Jean-Luc REMY, Director of the Museum of Iron History †
Robert RUBIN, President of the American Pompidou Foundation
Hélène SAY, Director of the county Archives of Meurthe-and-Moselle
Alain SEBAN, President of the Centre Georges Pompidou
Claire STOULLIG, Director of the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Alexander von VEGESACK, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Vitra Design museum
Laurence WERNER-ROSSINOT, Director-General Deputy of the Centre for culture, sports
and recreation in the urban community of Grand Nancy
10 The project
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
Renzo Piano
Born in 1937 in Genoa, Renzo Piano meets Jean Prouvé in the early seventies. This is the beginning of a deep friendship that has a strong influence on the architect’s life and work.
Renzo Piano is currently leading three workshops grouped under the name of Renzo Piano
Building Workshop (RPBW), Genoa, Paris and New York. The RPBW brings together architects,
engineers and other specialists, including some with whom they have worked for years.
Internationally renowned architect, Renzo Piano is passionate about the renewal of peripheral
urban areas and suburbs. His work is mainly devoted to major public facilities in the main cities
of the world.
His creations include prestigious cultural centres, such as the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris
(in collaboration with Richard Rogers and for which the President of the jury for the design
competition was Jean Prouvé), many museums (the Paul Klee Museum in Bern, the Fondation
Beyeler in Basle, the Cultural Centre Tjibaou at Nouméa…), restoration of churches, factories,
the construction of underground railways, stadiums, the international Kansai Airport, Osaka
and the Ushibuka bridge Japan.
Renzo Piano has been awarded 26 prizes, honours and honorary doctorates (honoris causa)
worldwide for his achievements over the last twenty years.
Commission / Curators
General Office
Claire Stoullig, General curator of cultural heritage, Director of the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy,
assisted by Benoit Martin
Scientific Office
Catherine Coley, historian of architecture, specialist on Jean Prouvé
Office at the Museum of Fine Arts
Claire Stoullig, General curator of cultural heritage, Director of the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Office at the Museum of the History of iron
Florence Besset, responsible for operations for the urban community of greater Nancy
Office of exhibitions
Jean Prouvé, wrought iron craftsman at the Museum of the Ecole de Nancy: Blandine Otter,
Jérôme Perrin, art historians
Jean Prouvé in Nancy, building better days at the Lorrain Museum: Lisa Laborie, curator at
the historical Lorrain Museum
The tropical House at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy: Aurélien Lemonier, curator at the
national Museum of modern art, Centre Georges Pompidou
Emotion design, the collection of Alexander von Vegesack at the Poirel Galleries: Mathias
Schwartz-Clauss, curator at the Vitra Design museum.
The project
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
II. Jean Prouvé room
at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Jean Prouvé, a multi-talented artist
While Jean Prouvé now enjoys international recognition from architects and designers, the ambition of the Museum is to make him familiar to the general public.
In the collections, a room is now entirely dedicated to an anthology of his achievements and
addresses the many facets of his talent: ironworker, creator of furniture, collaborator with architects. It brings together, over 300 m², a group of pieces of furniture and elements of architecture. Audio-visual facilities using suspended screens accentuate this presentation: archive
documents, film extracts, and interviews all illustrate the atypical direction that defines him
as a «Builder.»
The Jean Prouvé room at the Museum opens onto the Place Stanislas, a double nod to the inhabitant of Nancy that he was: as both the ironworker who restored the Jean Lamour gates and
the resistance member who spent a few months at City Hall, when he was appointed mayor of
Nancy at the time of the Liberation.
Chair metropolis No. 305 Jean Prouvé
12 Jean Prouvé room at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
a setting that shows the value of the principles of
construction of Jean Prouvé
I build furniture like a House (Jean Prouvé)
The design of the room is based upon this statement and shows through 5 areas the themes
that define the constructive principles of Jean Prouvé: mechanical, series and standard, structure, material and construction, mobility and lightness.
Far from suggesting a complete view or biography of his work, the presentation at the Museum
seeks to emphasize the exceptional capacity of creation, of anticipation, of simplicity that it
demonstrates. These values are inherited from the Ecole de Nancy, whose his father Victor
Prouvé one of the founders was.
It is particularly accurate now, more than ever, to attract public attention on how Jean Prouvé
succeeded on the same ideas of scale economy, functionality, ingenuity and creativity for the
benefit of the community, which still occupy us nowadays.
Displaying Jean Prouvé in a Museum, is also a way to recognize his work as part of the history
of 20th century art and create an artistic dialogue. The paintings and sculptures of Etienne
Cournault, Duchamp-Villon, François Morellet, Frank Stella, Carmen Perrin, Carl André as well
as a poster painting by Fernand Léger dedicated to Jean Prouvé in 1939 and Lucien Hervé’s photographs illustrating the work of the «builder» are a logical counterpoint to his achievements .
Forming part of the Museum’s general restoration the display in the Jean Prouvé room is the
work of the Italian architect Luca Lotti. A graduate of the Venice school of architecture, based in
France since 1992, Luca Lotti worked on the project of the Familistère de Guise (Aisne), carrying
out the renovation of the witness apartment, former home of Jean-Baptiste André Godin. He
was also in charge of the museum museography at the Museum of the Renaissance in Ecouen
(Val d’Oise). He is assisted by Dorothy Nourisson, a graduate of the Ecole supérieure de Paris of
industrial design, who is responsible for graphic design and signage.
Jean Prouvé room at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
the words of Luca Lotti,designer
«Working at the Prouvé exhibition I had in mind the scope of his work which started with analogies, systematic observations, simplifications and permanent redefinition of new sets of
objects, in which, what mattered was not the simple assembly of components, but the relationship between the different parts which formed a coherent whole and then worked cohesively. Whether it’s a piece of furniture or an architectural design, the problems posed and the
solutions studied were the same for Prouvé.
In our presentation, we show that different achievements - tables, chairs facades, supporting
structures... - are not seen as singular objects attached to a referential style, but are considered
part of the natural process of possibilities provided by Prouvé’s technical thinking. Most of the
furniture will be partially disassembled and not fully presented. In each set, the focus will be on
some significant elements in relation to the themes chosen for the exhibition, which we have
spoken about above.”
14 Jean Prouvé room at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
the collection
The city of Nancy retains the largest public collection of works by Jean Prouvé in France today.
Still being added to, the museum’s collection is regularly enhanced through acquisitions and
gifts, thanks to the generosity of its donors.
room furnishings from the university campus, 1932-1952 (donation CROUS, 2011)
The regional University centre and school of Nancy-Metz works donated to the city
of Nancy, a set of furniture from the University Campus of Monbois in Nancy:
6 “City» beds (1930-1932)
2 “City» headboards (1930-1932)
1 « City» Chair (1930-1932)
2 «City» tables (1930-1932)
3 «City” shelves (1930-1936)
2 number 100 cabinets (1945-1952)
panel from the façade of the headquarters of the ICBL (Galerie Patrick Seguin, 2009)
panel from the façade Institute of the environment, 1969 (Galerie Patrick Seguin 2009)
furniture from theatre of the University of Besançon, 1953 (Galerie Patrick Seguin, 2009)
no. 4, chairs 1934 (Lycée Fabert in Metz, 2010)
stepladder (General society with the support of the Galerie Patrick Seguin, 2011)
architectural element from the Pavilion of Aluminium, 1954 (École nationale supérieure
of architecture and landscape of Lille, 2011)
director’s armchair, 1952 (private donation)
« compass » desk Permali, 1952 (acquisition 2009)
« métropole » chair aluminium, 1953 (acquisition 2010)
ceiling light in ironware, 1924 (acquisition 2010)
kindergarten furniture: chair and table (acquisition 2010)
porthole panels (acquisition 2011)
sun break for schools in Cameroon, 1964 (acquisition 2010)
panel in pressed sheet metal, aluminium Pavilion (acquisition 2011)
Jean Prouvé room at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
no. 4, chairs 1934 (Lycée Fabert in Metz, 2010)
Standard desk BS, 1946 (national higher school of art of Nancy, 2011)
Table (École nationale supérieure of Nancy for brilliance in industrial systems, 2011)
Standard chairs 302 (École nationale supérieure d’architecture of Nancy, 2012)
This collection will be completed with loans from the collections of the national Museum of
modern art - Centre Pompidou, Museum of Decorative Arts of Paris, the Vitra Design Museum
as well as individual gifts and partnerships such as those of the departmental Archives of
Meurthe-et-Moselle, and of the École nationale supérieure d’architecture of Nancy.
Room at the University Campus - photograph
16 Jean Prouvé room at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
Prouvé’s line: graphic works display
Jean was the son of Victor, the father of Claude and the brother of Henri. All have a common
talent: drawing. A selection of their drawings, engravings and watercolours, originating from
the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy; the Museum of the Ecole de Nancy; the Lorrain Museum;
the county archives of Meurthe and Moselle and the Centre Georges Pompidou has been hung
to underline the is family’s artistic links.
Adjacent to the Jean Prouvé room, this presentation stresses the likeness of hand, character
and spirit across these generations and these four people: Victor, one of the founders of the
Ecole de Nancy, his son, Jean, the «builder» and Henri, the architect and finally Claude, architect, painter and above all, artist.
Claude Prouvé - The Bird Hunter - Drawing
Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Étude de Fantasia, 1888 - Victor Prouvé - Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
BNP Paribas, trustee of the Nancy fine arts museum
Jean Prouvé room at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
III. Jean Prouvé space
at the Museum of Iron History
Built on a steel frame, the Museum of Iron History earned Claude Prouvé, in association with
the architects Jacques and Michel André, the 1969 Equerre d’Argent.
Jean Prouvé, builder
The creation of a permanent space at the Museum of Iron History, in the urban community
of Grand Nancy, pays tribute to Jean Prouvé as a builder who planned his career with energy,
conviction and a constant commitment to research ways of improving our environment.
This new permanent space, located outside in the «garden of structures» of the museum, gathers the leading elements of the Prouvé construction system: portico, interlaced structure,
awning, shelter.
Inside the Museum, a 300 m2 of display space for models, sketches, plans of iconic achievements and pieces of furniture; together with a documentary and illustrated exhibition, offers
visitors the opportunity to get acquainted both with the man and his work. Extracts from films,
showing fixed or animated images display the achievements of Prouvé «in situ».
Collections Museum of the History of iron; Nancy-Jarville © Claude Philippot
18 Jean Prouvé space at the Museum of Iron History
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
Display: Sim and Sam Agency
The design was entrusted to a multidisciplinary team led by Bruno Cohen.
«The double practice of display design and Visual Arts has fostered in the heart of our team the
development of a genuine culture of multimedia exposure, creating the conditions for an open
dialogue taking heed of the artistic and technical requirements of the new permanent Jean
Prouvé space, at the Museum of Iron History.”
The work of Bruno Cohen is to be especially noted due to its belonging to both the worlds of
display and production. That of Marie-Christine Dieudonné for design and plastic arts, that of
Morgan Fortems for art direction and graphic design, that of Jérôme Picquant for architecture,
and of Jean-François Salieri for light and AV installations. Their work is complementary to that
of Marc Mamane, head of the Sim and Sam Agency, and Director of production.
Working together or with other professionals they have produced a number of exhibitions, plastic structures, films, staged events, all of which bear witness to their collective knowledge; in
the Theatre Antique d’Orange, at the Musée de la Corderie Royale in Rochefort, at the Poirel
Galleries in Nancy, at the Centre International de la Mer in Cherbourg, at the Electropolis Museum in Mulhouse....
Particularly aware of developments in media mediation and interactive technologies, they seek
to offer visitors, a visual show by structuring the presentation and stimulating the imagination.
Jean Prouvé space at the Museum of Iron History
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
the collection
The collection Jean Prouvé at Museum of Iron History is being constantly improved.
Amongst its exhibits are:
recent acquisitions:
Furnace Pyrobal, 1941 (donated)
Portico from Orly airport, 1957 (donated)
School desk two-seater PG 11, 1949 (acquisition 2010)
Cinema door handles from Marivaux, Luxembourg, 1939 (acquisition 2010)
Showcase, Hotel Hermitage, Vittel, 1929-1930 (acquisition 2011)
Lorraine collection:
Banister’s beginning, facsimile, Palais de la bière, 1926
Bed, table and Chair «Cité», University of Nancy campus, 1930-1932 (donation Crous, 2011)
School desk 1936, facsimile, 1990, high school G. Beaumont, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Panel front, 1963, headquarters of the ICBL (Galerie Patrick Seguin, 2009)
Panel front, 1969, Institute for the environment of Paris (Galerie Patrick Seguin, 2009)
20 Jean Prouvé space at the Museum of Iron History
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
donations and loans for the permanent space:
National superior school of architecture in Nancy
«compass» table, 1953
“métropole” chair n ° 305, 1950
zzJean Prouvé and Georges de la Tour Schools, Nancy, Hanzelet high school in Mousson,
Cugnot school in Toul
Sun break «Sometina», 1950, facsimile PMB 1990
Shed Mame, 1950, 1990 facsimile
Crutch, 1957, facsimile 1990
Model of a bark house, 1951-1957, facsimile 1990
Model of the youth club at Ermont, 1967, facsimile 1990
Chair feet and small table and wooden moulds, 1953, facsimile 1990
Framework of bicycle, 1939, facsimile 1990
Lorraine Steelworkers
Pétroff woodwork
CCC facade panels
facade panels «grid» ( Bagnols-sur-Cèze, school)
Collections Museum of the History of iron; Nancy-Jarville © Claude Philippot
Jean Prouvé space at the Museum of Iron History
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
IV. route around the city and
the metropolitan area
following the footsteps of Jean Prouvé in Nancy
Building a route, like the Art Nouveau route, answers the ambitions shared by the city of Nancy
and the urban community of Grand Nancy who have, for several years, been involved in considering where art, architecture, the landscaped environment, social life and urban spirit are closely
bonded together.
This route, punctuated with iconic views (including the House of the builder and his office
workshop originating from the Maxéville factory, the future Palais de Congrès …), allows one to
understand the scale of Jean Prouvé’s work in the city and metropolitan area.
Inspired in 2012 by the opening of Jean Prouvé room at the Museum of Fine Arts, Place Stanislas, this route covers a dozen sites in Nancy and its agglomeration and adds emphasis to Jean
Prouvé exhibits at the Museum of Iron History in Jarville-la-Malgrange. It has been organized
in partnership with the Office of Tourism, Nancy.fer à Jarville-la-Malgrange. Il est organisé en
partenariat avec l’Office de tourisme de Nancy.
Maison de Jean Prouvé à Nancy
Jean Prouvé © Adagp, Paris 2011 - Nancy, musée des beaux-arts © Ville de Nancy, P. Buren
22 route around the city and the metropolitan area
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
list of different places, not detailed
metal aedicule rue de la Commanderie, Nancy (circa 1927)
ramp of the Excelsior (1931)
university Campus of Monbois (door and furniture, 1930-1932)
metalwork in the Aquarium Museum (1932-1933)
ironwork on the Leroy building (1928)
academic law library (door and radiator screen, 1932-1937)
gates to the cemetery of Préville (1927-1929)
house of Jean Prouvé (1954) and Office-workshop (1945)
kindergarten of Placieux, Villers-les-Nancy, 1951
ironwork at the Diebold House, Malzéville, 1931
Dollander House , Nancy, 1952
façade of the parish Centre of Haut-du-Lièvre, Nancy, 1963
The route will be completed in 2013 by the opening of the Palais de Congrès Prouvé, built in the
fully renovated former postal sorting office (architect Claude Prouvé) and by the installation of
the tropical House at the Museum of Iron History in Jarville-la-Malgrange, in 2014.
route around the city and the metropolitan area
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
V. temporary exhibitions
4 exhibitions are presented in 4 places in the city of Nancy from 30 June to 29 October: two
are dedicated to the personality of Jean Prouvé, another presents one of his achievements, the
last refers to the influence he still exerts on today’s designers.
Jean Prouvé, wrought iron craftsman
at the Museum of the Ecole de Nancy
The exhibition at the Museum of the Ecole de Nancy presents the ironwork of Jean Prouvé. He
began his career as an iron worker, after having served his apprenticeship between 1917 and
1922 in the workshop of Emile Robert (a friend and collaborator of his father) at Enghien and in
the workshop of Georges-Adalbert Szabo in Paris.
Back in Nancy, in 1924 he opens his first metalwork workshop where he begins to produce artistic items and architectural elements (banisters, doors, grilles …) at first inspired by the Art Deco
shapes that match his clients’ tastes. He then starts to follow his own direction and continues
to do so into the 1940’s, leaving works that bear witness to his stylistic experiments and his
technical evolution. This little-known aspect of the work of Jean Prouvé is part of his direct
lineage to the Ecole de Nancy and the tradition of the craftsman that started around 1900 in the
workshops of Nancy. The museum already has several exemplary works of this artistic legacy
such as the wrought iron foot that Jean made to support the vase of Emile Gallé that his father
had received in 1896 and the grills of a large library designed by the decorator Jacques Gruber.
The museum of the Ecole de Nancy exhibits some metalwork mainly dating from the years
1916-1925 and representatives of the first wrought iron productions by Jean Prouvé. The bases
of lamps and vases, decorative library grills, ventilation grills, radiator screens and documents
from that time will all be shown, to illustrate both the heritage of the craftsman from the Ecole
de Nancy as well as his being the creator of a new style of wrought iron objects. The portraits
and graphic documents produced by Victor Prouvé allow one to discover the personality of Jean
Prouvé, whose tools – the blacksmith’s anvil and hammer - show his early interest in this craft.
Finally, this exhibition is an opportunity to recall the role played by his father, Victor Prouvé,
painter and decorative artist, second President of the Ecole de Nancy, which has an important
set of works and documentary evidence allowing one into the family environment of Jean Prouvé. Alongside the exhibition Jean Prouvé, wrought iron craftsman, the museum of the Ecole de
Nancy presents a recent donation, made by the descendants of the artist, of graphic arts and
paintings of Victor Prouvé.
this exhibition benefits from the financial support of CIC Est Bank
24 temporary exhibitions
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
Jean Prouvé in Nancy, building better days
the Lorrain Museum
The exhibition at the Lorrain Museum provides a portrait of a man of his time (1939-1956). It
introduces the social commitment in Lorraine during the reconstruction following the Second
World War whilst immersing the visitor in the history of this complex period.
A committed man
Using archive documents, films, photographs and everyday objects, the exhibition brings to life
the daily existence of the Second World War at the time of the liberation of Nancy. These works
allow better understanding of the role played by Jean Prouvé in this context: his position during
the war, the reasons for his appointment as Mayor of Nancy at the time of liberation and his
actions whilst holding municipal office.
While continuing his industrial activities, he joined the resistance and became part of the departmental Committee for the liberation, which played a vital role in the liberation of Nancy.
Jean Prouvé, who had no political training, is then selected, on 15 September 1944, as interim
Mayor, a position he held in the service of the city, for 8 months.
A humanist
The exhibition also analyses his social role as a humanitarian employer and focuses on his actions to help the victims of Lorraine.
Throughout the Second World War, Jean Prouvé continued his industrial activities placing early
in the war his workshops at the service of the French army and then later at the service of the
people of Nancy, to help them improve their daily life. Above all he wanted to ensure his employees had the best possible working conditions. At the time of his municipal mandate he was
involved in provisioning, supplying, appeasement and reconstruction - in particular in respect of
his works for emergency housing. From 1945 he chose, to focus on the issue of reconstruction
not just in Lorraine but also at a national level and therefore renounced his municipal position.
Jean Prouvé and emergency
The thread of the exhibition will be Jean Prouvé’s products during this period, particularly those
linked to emergency housing. Typical works by the artist such as the all wooden chair or the
pyrobal stove pipe will be put in perspective with his architectural achievements. Several shelters for evacuees will be reconstructed and staged in the exhibition to help one understand the
circumstances during the reconstruction of Lorraine.
A current news theme
Refugees of climatic conditions, without fixed abode; emergency housing is still a current subject. The exhibition concentrates on this theme, in partnership with students from the national
superior school of architecture in Nancy, who will show their work with a contemporary architectural creation in the gardens of the ducal palace.
this exhibition benefits from the financial support of Banque Populaire Lorraine Champagne
temporary exhibitions
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
The tropical House
at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
The exhibition in the gardens and on the ground floor of the temporary exhibition halls at the
Musée of Fine Arts, presents both the finished product and the manufacturing stages of the
product. Architectural exhibitions that allow one to see the concept drawings next to the final
structure are indeed, rare. The assembly of the tropical house in the garden of the Museum is
being carried out to make this meeting of concept and building possible and, in itself, this is an
exceptional event. The exhibition shows the conceptual design stages, the manufacturing and
the construction of the house using the original drawings and records of the three principals:
the departmental Archives of Meurthe-et-Moselle, the collection of architectural drawings of
the national Museum of modern art - industrial creation Centre and the Kandinsky Library at
the Pompidou Center, the archives of the French Institute of architecture (IFA).
manufactured houses, tropical model
Build a House as a machine, invent a standard, organize an industry sector, these were the
ambitions of Jean Prouvé. The workshops Jean Prouvé in Maxéville produced many design studies for pre-fabricated houses. Several designs have come of age since the emergency housing
needs of the Second World War, such as «Métropole» and «Albi» in the 1950’s. The «Tropic»
was designed between 1947 and 1949. It appears to be the embodiment of the prefabricated
house and as well as a sort of manifesto.
Forgotten for nearly forty years, the tropical Brazzaville House got a second chance of life at
the end of the 1990’s. It was saved due to the passion of a collector and was transported, restored and then displayed in the collections of the Pompidou Centre. This «resurrection» gives
it a new status: that of a museum piece, of a symbolic prototype that physically embodies
the recognizable Jean Prouvé’s vision, as the industrial archive that he left let it appear. Half
of the archives, from concept sketches to final architectural documents, are conserved by the
Meurthe-et-Moselle departmental archives and the other half at the Centre Pompidou in the
MNAM collection; these archives highlight the continuity between the arts of designing and of
The exhibition is aiming to emphasize the tropical House’s originality of design, both from the
spacial point of view and that of the technical thinking that underlies it. Putting the tropical
House and the designs which led to its manufacture in one place shows the unique methods
of productions used by the Jean Prouvé Workshops whilst giving a closer vision to the general
this exhibition benefits from the financial support of BNP Paribas
26 temporary exhibitions
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
Design emotion, the collection of Alexander von Vegesack
Poirel Galleries
The exhibition of the Poirel galleries presents some of the fabulous collection of objects of
Alexander von Vegesack, founder of the Vitra Design Museum (Weil am Rhein - D), that he
co-directed until December 2010. It is an intimate look, and a very personal history of design
including Jean Prouvé, his masters, his contemporaries and his descendants.
Alexander von Vegesack has been interested in design thanks to his passion for the famous
Chair n °14 of 1859, made of turned wood by Michael Thonet and which marked the birth of the
design. This dis-mountable chair, whose parts are easily assembled with screws, is the first
step to manufacturing industrialized furniture. Thonet’s industrial mass production vision,
impassioned Alexander von Vegesack for its highly innovative conception of technology, design
and marketing and guided his future choices as a collector.
Today the collection is clearly illustrating the evolution of the techniques, materials and shapes
of modern furniture since the mid-19th to the end of the 20th century. Adolf Loos, Josef Hoffmann, Alvar Aalto and Charles and Ray Eames, Marcel Breuer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le
Corbusier... are all there. Classic and contemporary materials (furniture from paper mâché,
Bakelite, glass fibre ....) live side by side in this extraordinary collection. In addition, detailed
documents such as photographs of the manufacturing process, sale catalogues, publications
on historical exhibitions and specialist literature are all on show.
It is in this inspired collection that we discover the true genius of Jean Prouvé, engineer, selftaught innovator, pushing boundaries to achieve «value for money», inquisitive about innovative technology.
The exhibition at the Poirel Galleries is a history of design made by an educated collector. A special place is devoted to chairs and armchairs, as a tribute to Von Vegesack “first love”, with the
red and blue chair by Gerrit T. Rietveld (1918), the chair known as B3 «Wassily» by Marcel Breuer
(1925), Jean Prouvé Chair (1931), works of Le Corbusier\/Perriand\/Jeanneret, Frank Gehry Chair
(1980), Red Big Easy Chair by Ron Arad (1989)...
Lightings, utensils and objects, paintings, photographs reveal the insatiable curiosity of Alexander Von Vegesack, always on the search for a magical object, or a young designer, or to help save
a former master from oblivion.
This exclusive venue will open the new dedication of the Poirel Galleries from 2013 to contemporary art and design.
an exhibition of C.I.R.E.C.A – Domaine de Boisbuchet, France
temporary exhibitions
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
VI. Annexes
around the Jean Prouvé
events in Nancy
Friends of the Museum, Association Emmanuel Héré, faithful to their commitment to enrich
the collections, they wished to donate to the Museum of Fine Arts a work symbolising the opening of the Jean Prouvé Hall: a Fernand Leger poster painting dedicated to Jean Prouvé. It is of
course presented in respect of the works of the constructor.
The national superior school of art of Nancy has partnered with the event Jean Prouvé in Nancy
through 2 productions organized by the students on the design course:
a virtual tour of the House of Jean Prouvé is presented on Ipads in the Office \/ Workshop
located in the garden of the House.
a giant totem pole representing a Jean Prouvé Chair is installed on the place Stanislas oposite
the Museum. This project is funded by the France-Lanord Bichaton Company.
The national superior school of architecture of Nancy is involved in the event Jean Prouvé in
Nancy at the Lorrain Museum through a reflection on a contemporary news theme: emergency
a presentation of representative emergency housing and buildings for those without shelter,
refugees of wars or climate refugees from the 1940’s to the present day.
exhibition of emergency housing projects visualized and designed by 5th year students
(plans, models and designs)
the achievement of an architectural creation in the gardens of the Ducal palace, next to the
projects formulated by the students.
The ephemeral gardens - October 2012
The city of Nancy parks and gardens department, puts up a themed display in the ephemeral
gardens on Place Stanislas each year. In 2012, Jean Prouvé is of course being honoured. Two
different spoken tours will be offered by the Museum guides and by the horticulturists of the
parks and gardens department.
28 Annexes
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
A catalogue for all events will be published. With about 400 pages and richly illustrated ,it
allows one to discover or rediscover the different facets of the talent of Jean Prouvé, and highlights his major works and the fundamental principles of the constructor.
Many texts, records and essays by historians of art, historians of architecture, curators, philosophers, and collectors make this catalogue a work of reference on Jean Prouvé.
format 28.5 x 23, 5 cm, bound -15 texts, 8 essays, 29 records - 500 photos - Editions Somogy
Ministry of culture
Regional Council
with the financial support of BNP Paribas, Banque Popoulaire Lorraine-Champagne and CIC
Est and the patronage of France-Lanord Bichaton, Lorraine Steelworkers jurisdiction, Vitra and
G Star Raw.
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
Museum of Fine Arts
3, place Stanislas - 54000 Nancy - 0383853072 - [email protected]
Open every day, except Tuesday, from 10 am to 6 pm - closed on July 14th
Museum of Iron History
Avenue General de Gaulle-54140 Jarville-la-Malgrange – 0383152770 - [email protected]
Open from Monday to Friday (except Tuesday) from 14 h to 18 h
weekend and bank holidays from 10 h to 12 h and 14 h to 18 h - open July 14th
Museum of the Ecole de Nancy
36-38, rue Sergent Blandan – 54000 Nancy - 0383401486 - [email protected]
Open Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm - closed on July 14th
Musée Lorrain
64 Grande rue –54000 Nancy-0383321874 - [email protected]
Open every day, except Monday, from 10 a.m. to 12 h 30 and 14 h to 18 h - closed on July 14th
Poirel Galleries
3, rue Victor Poirel - 54000 Nancy - 0383323125 - [email protected]
Open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 13: 00 to 18: 00. and
Saturday, Sunday, Monday from 14 h to 18 h: - closed on Tuesday and on July 14th
special night in September and October (dates to be specifies)
urban route
find the 12 stops on the route in the city and the metropolitan area
- by audio guide issued by the office of tourism
- by QR code for those who have a smart phone, from a map available at the tourist office
Tourist Office
Place Stanislas - 54000 Nancy - 0383352241
Open daily: Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 19.00 - Sunday and bank holidays from 10 h00
to 17 h00
30 Annexes
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
entrance fees
museum of Fine Arts, museum of the Ecole de Nancy,
Lorrain museum
full rate : 6€ / reduced :4€
museum of Iron history
full rate : 4,10€ / reduced : 2,10€
Poirel galleries
full rate : 4€ / reduced: 2€
Exhibition Passes
museums pass : 10€
give saccess to 6 museums in Nancy and Grand Nancy : museum of Fine Arts, museum of the
Ecole of Nancy, Lorrain museum, museum of Iron history, muséum-aquarium of Nancy and
Conservaroty and Botanical gardens of Nancy
validity of 10 days from purchase day
museum card : 40€
gives unlimited access to 6 museums in Nancy and Grand Nancy : museum of Fine Arts,
museum of the Ecole of Nancy, Lorrain museum, museum of Iron history, muséum-aquarium
of Nancy and Conservaroty and Botanical gardens of Nancy
validity of 1 year from purchase day
personnal card, giving free access to a second visitor accompanying the cardholder
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
VII. Pictures
room Jean Prouvé at the Museum of Fine Arts
room Jean Prouvé at the Museum of Iron History
32 Pictures
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
portraits of Jean Prouvé
Jean Prouvé, wrought iron craftsman
at the Museum of the Ecole de Nancy
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
Jean Prouvé in Nancy, build better days at the Lorrain Museum
the tropical House at the Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
design emotion, the collection of Alexander von Vegesack at
the Poirel Galleries
34 Pictures
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
room Jean Prouvé at the museum of Fine Arts
1 bedroom, university campus
photography - Jean Prouvé Estate - National museum of Modern art
© Centre Pompidou MNAM/CCI, Kandinsky Library - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
2 study for school furnishing
Jean Prouvé - Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle’s departemental archives
© ADMM © ADAGP, Paris 2012
3 Métropole Chair n°305 aluminium, 1953
Nancy, museum of Fine Arts
© City of Nancy, photo P. Buren - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
4 University Campus Chair
Nancy, museum of Fine Arts
© city of Nancy, photo P. Buren - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
5 Façade panels, 1954
photo Lucien Alff
Paris, Institute of aluminium history- © ADAGP, Paris 2012
6 panels with portholes, detail
Nancy, museum of Fine Arts
© ville de Nancy, photo C. Cossin - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
room Jean Prouvé at the Iron history museum
7 Two- seaters writing desk, 1949
Folded sheet steel, laminated wood
Iron history museum ; Nancy-Jarville © photo Claude Philippot -© ADAGP, Paris 2012
8 brise soleil Sometina, 1950
aluminium, fac-similé CGP 1990
Jean Prouvé high school, Nancy - © Jarville la Malgrange, iron history museum - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
9 Entrance portico, Orly Airport, 1970
steel frame covered with aluminium, Orly sud Airport
Collections musée de l’histoire du fer ; Nancy-Jarville © cliché Claude Philippot - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
portraits of Jean Prouvé
10 Jean Prouvé in front of his house in Nancy, vers 1955
photography - Jean Prouvé Estate – National museum of Modern Art
© Centre Pompidou MNAM/CCI, Kandinsky Library - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
11 Jean Prouvé in his house in Nancy, 1955
photography - Jean Prouvé Estate – National museum of Modern Art
© Centre Pompidou MNAM/CCI, Kandinsky Library - Marc Domage © ADAGP, Paris 2012
12 Jean Prouvé teaching at the CNAM
photography Edmond Remondino
private collection - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
13 Jean Prouvé’s house in Nancy, 1954
photography - © city of Nancy, photo P. Buren - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
14 Workshop- Office of Jean Prouvé in Nancy, 1947
photography - © city of Nancy, photo P. Buren - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
15 Staircase in the Excelsior Restaurant in Nancy, 1928 – 1929
photography - © Regional inventory office of Lorraine -photo Bastien - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
Le grand Nancy et la Ville de Nancy présentent
Jean Prouvé
été 2012
Jean Prouvé, wrought iron au musée de l’École de Nancy
16 Jean Prouvé, apprentice in Emile Robert’s workshop, c. 1917
photography - Jean Prouvé Estate – national museum of Modern Art
© Centre Pompidou MNAM/CCI, Kandinsky Library - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
17 Vase Canthare
Emile Gallé, 1896, wrought iron foot made by Jean Prouvé vers 1918 - Nancy, Ecole de Nancy museum
© Nancy, École de Nancy museum, photo studio Image - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
18 Lamp, 1924
Nancy, museum of Fine Arts
© Regional inventory office of Lorraine -photo Bastien - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
Jean Prouvé in Nancy, Building better days musée Lorrain
19 Jean Prouvé, City Mayor, 1945
General Sebree, 35th division of the American Army, is decorated a Honorific citizen
photography - © Regional Image conservatory of Lorraine - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
20 Dismontable House for victims of war in Lorraine produced by Jean Prouvé Workshop, 1944-1945
photography - © Courtesy Galerie Patrick Seguin, Paris / Adagp, Paris 2012
21 Abbot Pierre looking at the prototype for the “House of better days”, Paris 1956
© Est Républicain archives - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
the tropical House in museum of Fine Arts, Nancy
22 Tropical house
drawing, c. 1949 - Henri Prouvé - Jean Prouvé Estate – National museum of Modern Art
© Centre Pompidou MNAM/CCI, Kandinsky Library- © ADAGP, Paris 2012
23 prototype of span for the Tropical House, Maxéville 1949
photography - Jean Prouvé Estate- National museum of modern Art
© Centre Pompidou MNAM/CCI, Kandinsky Library- © ADAGP, Paris 2012
design emotion, Alexander von Vegesack collection , Poirel galleries
24 Armchair for Nancy’s university Campus, 1931-32
Jean Prouvé - Metal frame, leather, cloth - Jean Prouvé Workshops, France
© Andreas Sütterlin - © ADAGP, Paris 2012
25 model of the Sakane House, c. 2005
19th cent mansion of family Sakane, Japan - wood - Japanese Kominka Research society
© Andreas Sütterlin
26 bench n°1, c . 1855
anonymous - waisted wood, rattan - Gebrüder Thonet, Vienna Austria
© Andreas Sütterlin
All the pictures are under copyrights. Works belonging to ADAGP ( can be published under following conditions:
- Press publications: exemption for the two first publications regarding event communication and not exceeding a page quarter.
For further publications, copyrights will be applied. For covers, please ask for authorisation at the ADAGP Press Office.
- For all reproduction, please add author’s name, title and date with © Adagp, Paris 2012.
- For on line publications, please note that pictures are limited to 400x400 pixels and 72 dpi max;
36 Pictures