Aslacton and Great Moulton
Aslacton and Great Moulton
Aslacton and Great Moulton (Rural Area) Policy 15 of the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) identifies Aslacton and Great Moulton as a combined Service Village in which land will be allocated for small-scale housing growth in the period 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2026, within the range of 10-20 dwellings, subject to form, character and servicing constraints. Form and Character The main concentrations of development within the parishes of Aslacton and Great Moulton are in three distinct settlements ā the historic village cores of Aslacton and Great Moulton, and an area of largely modern development at Sneath Common. The historic core of Aslacton is concentrated around The Street and Church Road and includes the village school. Immediately to the east of the existing built-up area of the village is a former scrapyard known as Coopers Scrapyard in which planning permission was granted on appeal for 15 dwellings. Great Moulton is a compact settlement which has developed between a number of traditional farmsteads strung along the south side of High Green and some further farms on the north side of Old Road. The village has seen a considerable amount of modern development, with estate development such as Potters Crescent and Heather Way as well as a large amount of infill development. The local road network comprises of mainly āCā and unclassified roads, but the B1134 to the south of Sneath Common provides links to the A140 to the east and the B1077 and New Buckenham to the west. Services and Community Facilities There are a few facilities including a village hall and pub (the village shop has closed). The village has mains sewers. Development Boundary and Constraints The development boundary has been drawn to include the main built form of the three settlements. In addition, the boundary includes a small allocation on High Green and the former scrapyard in Aslacton. The existing permission on this site was not included in the 2008 base date and therefore the site is counted towards the 10 to 20 dwellings required by the Joint Core Strategy and is included within the boundary as an allocation. 149 Policy GRE 1 : Land north of High Green opposite White House Farm Bungalow The site comprises of part of a field to immediately to the west of the extent of development in Great Moulton along the northern side of High Green. Another part of the field to the rear of the site has recently been developed as an exceptions affordable housing scheme. Land amounting to some 0.55 hectares is allocated for housing and associated infrastructure. This allocation could accommodate approximately 5 dwellings. The developer of the site is required to provide the following: 1. Frontage development on to High Green only 2. Wastewater infrastructure capacity must be confirmed prior to development taking place Policy ASL 1 : Coopers scrapyard site, Church Road The site comprises of a former scrapyard adjoining the existing built-up area of Aslacton. The site is close to the school and bus services along Muir Lane. Land amounting to some 0.78 hectares is allocated for housing and associated infrastructure. This allocation could accommodate approximately 15 dwellings. The developer of the site is required to provide the following: 1. A safe vehicular access onto Church Road 2. Footway links along Church Road between the site access and the school entrance and the bus stops on Muir Lane 150 Aslacton MA P Local Plan - Site Specific Allocations & Policies DPD (Please see this map in conjunction with the policy text for this settlement) 025a Bridge Post Pond ck a Tr Foot Bridge IR MU NE LA d Matale e Th w s illo W Pond Renescot 30.8m Pond Pond Un W ar Two Firs FB d Pond B dy Rookwood Ford Bauhina Garage Peldon 2m 1.2 Maple Leaf Farm RH Willow Cottage AD ELL RO BUNW Drain The Laurels 29.3m ON RO as er T Riv Bridge Farm AD Hollyhock Cottage Laburnun Cottage n Drai GP Pond Drain Ashfields FB FB Def Rosebank Ford Path (um) Brook Hall Montbretia Cottage k Trac Builder's Yard Pond Dr REET ain ERGA TE ST Pond Pond POTT Pond Pond E MUIR LAN PLE STEE LAN in 40.5m E Dra Pond CR Ward Bdy Aslacton Dra in Great Moulton Holly Tree House The Old Rectory Poultry Houses Airedale House Oakfield House 1 Maythorn 2 Badgers Retreat 18 Wemburg 13 8 TCB 3 CHURCH ROA D The Old School GP 45.4m Arden Primary The Shambles k a Sarandal Aslacton Guide Post Aslacton School use Ho w e od wo Fourways funo Track GP Rosedale House a Hous Hey Itldo Esperance Karm 44.8m The Homestead Field View St Michael's Church Anfield View Chance Cottage Chapel Doors Boundary Villa ASL 1 Playing Field Pond Pond Church Meadow Barn Pond Provender Mill Worlds End Farm Church Farm Pearl Farm Barn Pond 36.6m Lime Manor Farm Bungalow Cottage CR Lime Tree House LB Pond The Granary se ain ou eH E TH Th Dr Ponds Tree Pond Trac k EE R ST T Pond Elm Howards Way Drai n Derwent House Pond Dr ain Pond 1.22m RH Street Farm e om e Dr ag tt Co Pond Manor Farm Pond Highfields Lindum House Pond Pond Def Sutton Rise Matchbox Farm The Old Manor Stables Stables Rose Cottage Manor Farm Pond Pond Woodrow Farm Drai Drain in Dra n Track Pond Pumping Station Pond rain D Model Farm Track Bridge Farm LANE WAS H LANE WOODROW Bide-a-Wee ck Tra dy rd B Wa Playing Field The Brambles Heather House Little Westfield Pond Heather Cottage 100 200 300 400 Metres Miltara The Paddocks Pond E LAN 50 EEN GR 0 Forella Well Windmill (disused) Mill House Development Boundary Parish Boundary Housing Allocation River Valleys CR COMM Trac LOW Scale at A3: 1:5,000 County Wildlife Sites © Crown copyright and database rights 2015 to date Ordnance Survey Licence no 100019483 151 Aslacton and Great Moulton MA P Local Plan - Site Specific Allocations & Policies DPD (Please see this map in conjunction with the policy text for this settlement) 025b 40.8m LANE WASH LANE WOODROW Capital Farm Pond Pond Bide-a-Wee rd Bd Wa Playing Field The Brambles Pond y NE Pond T'S LA OS FR Heather House Little Westfield Barn Meadow Pond Heather Cottage Carpenter's Cottage EEN GR Miltara The Paddocks Pond LANE Pond Pond Forella Well Windmill (disused) CR LL Pond Oakbrook AY W NE LA Arcondale H Pond ING OW MILL LANE IT FR HA Mill House Farm Path (um) Pond Collects 38.7m Works (PH) t ck Manor Cottages age New House Farm Tra Dyers in Windrif The Cott Dra Pond The Fox and Hounds MP 102 Belmead LB Pond White Gables Connemara House PO 2 Elm Cottage Orchard Farm 1 2 AD RO Pond CH AR OLD OR Kett's Farm D Ketts Farm Barn CR 12 ES CE NT 50.9m West View Shomac 13 Pond 14 Great Moulton Hu lebe e The Old Parsonage se Hou Hol a ly 10 1 Ho 55.5m 5 Villiers View Pond 2 8 1 6 14 12 13 FARROW CLOSE 16 Orchard Barn LANE 9 17 23 Fla m ed os 22 1 Track GORE Pond Highfields 24 WOODR OW LAN E Dunromin NT ESCE RS CR POTTE 26 11 11 6 ES CR 1 12 S Gore Lane Farm Rosewood 17 Evergreen Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond se Pond Pond Pond Level Crossing Drain Pond Moulton Crossing Cottage Ward Bdy Drain 1 Drain 11 lle se Eben House Lark Hou se We Great Moulton Guide Post Track nd an eM Pond Pond Pond ll Moulton Gate House ale Rosetree Farm Th Willow Farm Beechwood The Laurels Laurels Farm The Annexe Sneath Farm White House Farm Bungalow Hoppers Hoppers House Hornbeam Pond cks The Paddo Greendale Chapel Meadow View Oakwood 5 Pump House (Ppg Sta) Ile Ayo Laburnum Farm House Pond Meadow Bank Cottage Keston Halfway Farm Pond nd mo Lo EN HIGH GRE White Acorn Farm House House Pond Pond Toadabode Beech Farm St Claire Pond South Cottage Well Oak Lodge Barn Field House Kiwanja s 51.2m Sneath Farmhouse one yst GRE 1 Def Drain The Bravers The ws Willo April Lodge se Roroft C The Bungalow TCB 54.3m Chandos MP .75 Pond Cottages North Cottage Hollensworth Gre Rookery Farm rfed ha 6 Sunray 1 8 R WAY HEATHE Issues Pond 7 Cherry Tree House El Sub Sta 2 Wheatsheaf Po 20 The New Inn Rookery Farm Barn The ns thor Haw de ersi Wat Barn 48.5m W The ws Hallo 2 LB Litchmere ER TT PO 12 CR 10 Walnut Tree Bunglaow Pond 6 GP 14 LL HA Tranquil Cottage Pond NT CE ES G CR IN OW Mo 4 Anchordoone 27 47.2m 2 16 Pond GP at n erto Wav 10 Dale Farm etre eR Th Pond Pond ge tta s Co nter App SL The Stables Pond Pond The Bungalow Appleby ETL Pond Pond Sedgley Pond 47.9m Rosewood FR CR Ashwood House WAY ITH Pond Aslacton Cairn Lodge DGATE BROA 50.0m LANE Hill Farm 17 De f 22 29 MP .5 ATE NARROWG PLANTATION ROAD Pond 27 15 WAY (Trac 23a Downsland Park k) 16 24 12 1 s Barnsdal Old Barn White House Pens-Joy Woodstock Perivale Cobblers Atlast Mila House Toulouse Hamptons Mandalay Shrublands 4 Byways 5 Costaplenti 6 8 The Birches 9 10 Bona Vida 2 7 11 Hopper Casa Serena Tank 11a Newhall Half Acre 12a e CR 26 Amerdale s Cherry Trees Rozel 51.2m Poultry Houses GP 52.1m Def SNEATH ROAD Lynnton f s 1 2 10 Woodlands Sneath Common Three Gates Farm Drain Hopper Hoppers 1.22m RH SHEVAL CLOSE Ashley Linmore Ronssoy Folly Fir Copper Beech The Lodge Hoppers 1 The Chalet e Th Little Orchard 3 Evergreens Claylans 1 Pond 1.22m RH De 7a Track Deans Farm 9a 9 7 6 Pond Pond Def El Sub Sta 12a 1 Ashlea 14 11 STATION ROAD Track 1.22m RH 4 Ward Bdy New House Farm Pond CLOSE 15 Pond Pond Pond MEADOW Pond ETL 22 Drain 20a Drain 27 MP .25 NEWPORT DRIVE 28 Drain 31 33 Pond 32 35 34 37 1 39 41 Pond Woodlands Drain Broadgate Way Broadgate Cottage Pond 45 Def Broadgate Way Bungalow 4 Pond Plantation House Drain Drain Pond 44 OW NARR Sneath Cottage 55.2m 51 (Tr WAY GATE Oak Farm Linley Cottage Pond Pond Drain ) Pond k ac Tr Sneath Common ack BROADGATE LANE Pond Sneath House Drain 61 STATION ROAD 57 65 Pump House 67 69 3 1 Pond Level Crossing 71 BLACK MILL LANE Glen Loy HUNDRED LANE Blackmill Crossing Cottage Syvanus LB Drain 4 Pond Hundred Lane Farm The Old Mill House MP 101 77 79a 79b 79 1.22m RH Drain 1.22m RH m RH 1.22 1 5 The Grange Drain HUNDRED LANE (Track) Drain Def 81 Pond FF Pond 1.22m RH CR Pond Pond Pond SP ETL 10 1.22m RH Ward Bdy Moat Pond Pond Drain Pond Pond Drain Drain MOULTO N ROA D Tivetshall St. Margaret MP .75 Pond Track Mast Pond Silos SP Track Track Fernleigh Farm Silos Hopper Tanks Pond Maltings 100 200 300 Silo Pond 400 Metres STATION Silo WB HOLD LANE COPY 53.0m SP Track Wyvern B 113 4 Fernleigh Cottages Drain STATION Housing Allocation RO AD Well 3 Tank 1 Hoppers The Cottage Development Boundary ROAD 48.2m Silos in 50 Dra 0 52.4m ck Tra Scale at A3: 1:7500 Parish Boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2015 to date Ordnance Survey Licence no 100019483 152