February 9 2010 - City of Virginia, Minnesota
February 9 2010 - City of Virginia, Minnesota
AGENDA FEBRUARY 9 2010 1 CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2 ROLL CALL 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4 PUBLIC FORUM 5 CONSENT AGENDA Limited 6 30 P M to 5 minutes per Council protocol Motion will be to approve the Consent The following ite s will be enacted by one motion unless a Councillor requests that the item be considered separately 1 5 5 2 5 3 4 5 Note Agenda as or listed Citizen ofthe Approval correction ofminutes of Regular Meeting held January 26 2010 Adoption ofFinance Resolution No 10 003 Schedule of Bills Approve Application for Exempt Permit for Dave Salsman Memorial Chapter Ruffed raffle to be held on April 22 2010 Approve Transient Merchant s License for Barb s City ofVirginia Grouse Society for Fried Bread 5 5 Adopt Resolution authorizing execution of agreement with Land ofthe Loon Ethnic Arts Festival Inc for use of Olcott Park for the Land ofthe Loon Festival 5 6 Approve travel request Crafts for Britt See Benes MCFOA Annual Conference March 16 19 2010 St Cloud MN 6 APPEARANCES 6 1 Keith Nelson St Louis Limited to 10 minutes County Commissioner and representatives from the Virginia Rifle Club transfer of property 2 6 regarding A Adopt Resolution authorizing transfer of property to the Virginia Rifle Club Scott Asbach Hometown Focus regarding follow up on status on legal newspaper 7 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7 1 Adopt an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 Section 37 ofthe 2 City Code Commission 8 DISCUSSION ITEMS 1 8 9 COMMITTEE REPORTS 9 1 Finance Committee A B C D E as a Committee ofthe Whole February 2 2010 Partnership with Virginia Foundation me services Payment for City Att Golf Course reorganization plan Fourth of July fireworks Street striping contract If approved adopt Resolution entitled Park and Recreation 2 9 Buildings Grounds Committee as a Committee of the Whole January 28 2010 A Request for proposals for lease and operation ofthe greenhouse 10 COMMISSION 10 1 Mayor A B 11 LIAISON DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS Report Appointment to Virginia Economic Development Authority for term ending Hospital Council Conimission Sub Committee meeting Report on City s ADJOURN TO TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23 2010 AT 6 30 P M 12 31 11 COUNCIL CHAMBERS S 1 of 2 Gambling Minnesota Lawful Application LG220 Application for Exempt Permit If anolication oostmarked or received less than 30 days more than 30 days An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days and awards less than 50 000 in prizes during a calendar year MN Virginia 55792 copy of ONE of the Do not attach a sales tax Nonprofit Articles exempt te Sta for status or federal ID proof of nonprofit status employer numbers as they are not Check proof of one nonprofit Incorporation c letter in IRS income tax exemption 501 your organization s name To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter have an Don t have a copy organization contact the IRS at 877 829 5500 a b IRS statewide falls under If your proof previously submitted If you previously submitted or international a to Gambling Control Board proof of nonprofit status from the IRS no attachment is required GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where gambling activity will be conducted for raffles list the site where the drawing will take Coates Plaza Hotel Address do not use of activity Zip City PO box 502 Chestnut St Date s Code Virginia the box o Bingo or IZI Raffles gambling activity o Paddlewheels o Pull your Tabs organization will conduct DTipboards Gambling equipment for pull tabs bingo paper tipboards and paddlewheels must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the and bingo Gambling Control Board EXCEPTION Bingo hard cards number selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo To find a licensed distributor go to www gcb 4076 639 of Licensed Distributors or call 651 state mn us and click on List place Saint Louis for raffles indicate the date of the drawing boxes that indicate the type of and County MN 4 222010 Check officer parent nonprofit organization charter attach organization copies of both of the following parent organization IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501 c organization with a group ruling subordinate the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a Affiliate of national IRS lliJ status OR a current Certificate of Good Standing This certificate must be obtained each year from Business Services Div 180 State Office Building St Paul MN 55155 Phone 651 296 2803 of Don t have a copy following Page Email address 2187419115 Bernal Knutson Secretary of Saint Louis number Daytime phone County Zip Code State Name of chief executive officer CEO D number j City 600 Chestnut St D gambling permit Check one Mailing address D Previous o Religious Dveterans IX Other nonprofit organization o Fratemal a 50 100 Check Organization name Dave Salsman Memorial Chapter Ruffed Grouse Attach before the event before the event ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Type of nonprofit organization 1 10 fee AlSO complete Page 2 rlrif f 9tm 1 ll l of this form i9r1J j 1 LG220 Application for Exempt Permit Page 2 of2 1 10 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT If the gambling premises is within city limits city official must check the action that the city is taking on this application and sign the application If the gambling premises is located in a township a county official must check the action that the county is taking on this application and sign the application A township official is not required to sign the application a The application application The is acknowledged with no waiting period acknowledged with a 30 day waiting is period and allows the Board to issue 60 days for a 1 st class city a The pennit after 30 Print application city Print county Virginia name city Signature official of days The application is denied On behalf of the city I acknowledge this is acknowledged acknowledged with no with a period and allows the Board to issue days The application The application is waiting period day waiting 30 a pennit after 30 is denied name On behalfof the county I acknowledge this application Signature of county official receiving application application receiving application Title Title l Date l Optional TOWNSHIP On behalf of the township I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within township limits A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application Minnesota Statute 349 166 l Date l Print township Signature of name township official acknowledging application Title Date 1 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER S SIGNATURE The information provided in this financial rep rt will be com application is complete eted and re and accurate to the best of my knowledge I acknowledge that the hin 30 days of e date of our gambling activity Chief executIve officer s signature a separate Complete application one day of gambling activity two or each Send more day consecutive days of raffle a application drawing Date for each Financial report and record gambing activity gambling activity is held www Gambling copy of your proof of nonprofit status and application fee for each event To Gambling gcb state to keeping required Within 30 days of the activity date the financial report form to the Control Board complete and with payable 0 A financial report fonn and instructions will be sent with your pennit or use the online fill in fonn available at a Make check 1 mn us return Questions Call the Licensing Section of the State of Minnesota Board at 651 Control Board County Road S Suite 300 South Roseville MN 55113 Gambling Control 4076 639 1711 West This form will be made available in altemative format Brallie rirlnQrmiB 1 j theBoard will be able to process your organization s application Your organization information s request name and address will be public information Data pnvlIcy notice The Information equested when received by theBoard All other on thiS form y the et b e large l nn upo and any attachments will be used ambhng Con ol O rd B y ur organlzatio s qu I rmlne Involved Minnesota In lawful ga Your bl ng 8ti activities ns to In ngh t to refuse to upply the In ation requested h ver If our organization refuses to supply o arnzati rd to n has the thiS Information the Board may not be able to determine your organization s qualifica ons and consequence may refuse to Issue a If you supply theinformation requested as a permit information provided will be the Board issues the permit issues the become permit private data until When the Board all information provided will public Ifthe Board does not issue a permit all information provided remains private with the exception of your organization s name and address which will remain public Private data are available to Board members Board staffwhose work req ires access to th Public Minnesota Safety Attomey Jm J 1 lii s Department of General Commissioners of Administration Minnesota Management Budget and Revenue Legislative Auditor national and intemational gambling regulatory agencies anyone pursuant to court order other individuals and agencies state or federal law to specifically authorized by have access to the information individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of infOrmation after this Notice was given and anyone with your written consent COUNCIL CHAMBERS Resolution No City of Virginia Minnesota February Resolution for use authorizing execution of agreement with Land of the Loon Ethnic Arts of Olcott Park for the Land of the Resolved by the City Council ofthe Loon City of Virginia 2010 for a the that City of Virginia for the use Crafts Festival Inc is desirous of of the Olcott Park authorized to execute said use Moved Ayes Nays on June 18 agreement Mayor and City with the Land of the Loon Ethnic Arts Clerk are Councillor supported by Councillor hereby Crafts Festival Inc of Olcott Park for the Land of the Loon Festival by through 20 fee of 100 and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the the Crafts Festival Inc Festival WHEREAS the Land of the Loon Ethnic Arts entering into an agreement with 9 2010 that the above resolution be adopted for 0the 2and f 2oon f crafts festiva4 inc 565 virginia minnesota 55792 ethnic arts box January 26 2010 Mayor Steve Peterson City Hall 327 First Street South Vrrginia MN 55792 Dear We Mayor Peterson are writing in regard annual rental of Olcott Park for The The Festival will be held June 19 20 to our Land of the Loon Festival We will need use of the park June 18 As in the past Rental we are enclosing a 20 check in the amount of agreement the City in The Committee appreciates the cooperation of Festival each year Sincerely C C r Luke 1 00 for the Chopp Co chair 1J qChOf1J Brittany Chopp Co chair facilitating our s CITY OF VIRGINIA TRA VEL REQUEST FORM Name of Person Department Date s s Britt See Benes to Attend City Attorney s March 16 of Travel MCFOA Annual Conference Purpose of Meeting If Seminar March 19 2010 Finance Officer Association Minnesota Clerks Sponsor MCFOA Saint Cloud MN Location Estimated Costs Registration 180 00 Fee if any Means of Travel and Estimated Cost ir bus train other Circle city vehicle onal vehi ST 370 Miles @ If perso il1 vcl lc i Hotel Lodging No of nights Meals Will if if 0 5 Imile applicable Cost Per 3 MAXIMUM applicable personnel need to be 34 replaced YES day for at x a all but high cost to the NO 267 00 89 00 Night 185 00 68 00 cost localities City Total addt llabor cost 700 00 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST Additionallnformation Expected Benefit of Attending Courses offered relate to daily work activities Attendance will earn required Clerk and with CEU credits for Muncipal Clerk Certification As backup to City is pertinent to my daily job duties my work in Finance Dept this information II Reviewed by IV rI NOTES L V vffl I 1 Attach copy of Date 5 I o I agenda 2 Submit at least 30 days in advance for Council action 3 Mayor has authority to approve emergency travel requests APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON TRVREQ Is online at www mngts orgmcfoa Registering online simplifies the registration process You will be able to print or email a bill or receipt It will allow group registrations and gives you all of the options of the paper form Payment methods include credit card purchase order and mailed in check The form below is for those who cannot register online The preferred registration method MCFOA 2010 Conference Please print your name as you would like it to appear Seeb@Virgini8DID E mail REQUIRED on your name badge us First Name AcJmini strative Assistant City Affiliation City of Street Address 327 Form r To assist in assigning breakout sessions to appropriate sized rooms please indicate below which sessions you plan to attend on Wednesday and Thursday SESSION OPTIONS Weds 10 45 AM Weds 1 15 PM 1 t5 2 3 4 7 8 9 2 UJJ 12 13 14 PM 10 Weds 4 15 PM 15 Thurs 11 00 AM 16 17 18 Thurs 1 45 21 22 23 Weds Last Name Title Registration 45 2 PM 20 inia VirJ 1st Street check all that SPECIAL OPTIONS South apply I would like to receive CEU credit Virginia City 1m State Daytime Zip 218 Phone Social Security Social Security 55792 748 o 7500 I have a dietary or MUSTbe included to receive credit special need Please contact me at circle one CONFERENCE REGISTRATION o 3 17 3 19 o MCFOA MEMBER 200 person postmarked by 21210 o Early Bird Special 220 person postmarked after 21210 o Regular o 180 person for MCFOA members 235 person for non MCFOA members Bill at this em ail address If payment is not received by the start of the Conference you will be billed with a 20 service o 3 16 Leaving No Rock Untumed if Visa Mastercard Spotlight Identifying Options Card Security Exp Date Code 3 digits on Cardholder Name Email address for OTHER o 30 each Additional Banquet Tickets One ticket is included in full conference registration fee AMOUNT DUE 180 00 Conference Optional Tuesday Workshop Extra Banquet Tickets 1 180 00 TOTAL Please indicate the o o o o approximate population under 500 500 to 1 000 1 001 to 2 500 2 501 to 5 000 over 5 000 Discover Card 45 person o 2010 Elections Process in the o amount due of your jurisdiction applicable Credit Card Circle one o charge added to PO 120 person OPTIONAL TUESDAY WORKSHOP to GTS in the amount of FIRST TIME ATTENDEE RETIRED MCFOA MEMBER payable Check 250 person postmarked by 2 1210 o Early Bird Special 270 person postmarked after 2 1210 o Regular o before the 2011 Conference Check is enclosed NON MCFOA MEMBER J o retiring PAYMENT OPTIONS o o I will be Voice or TTY 2010 Must be received by February 23 receipt back AmExpress I Agenda THURSDAY MARCH 18 2010 TUESDAY MARCH 16 2010 12 30 1 00 1 1 PM On Site Check in for Half Day Workshops CHOOSE ONE 8 00 AM 4 30 00 No Rock Unturned Leaving Identifying the options and understanding the trade offs to help your city remain on solid financial ground 4 30 00 Sit Down Breakfast MCFOA Business 2010 Elections Process in the Spotlight GENERAL SESSION 10 30 Refreshment Break 10 30 Exhibits On Site Conference Check In 7 00 9 00 Informal Conference Gathering Storytelling and networking 17 18 WEDNESDAY MARCH 17 2010 19 On Site Conference Check In AM 9 00 OPENING KEYNOTE ADDRESS 20 The Power of Positive 12 15 Break CONCURRENT SESSIONS I 10 45 1 Creating a More 1 45 CHOOSE ONE NOON PM 12 00 1 15 NOON CONCURRENT SESSIONS V 21 Respectful Workplace by Appreciating Home 3 A First Aid Kit of Essential Information 4 Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Luncheon and MCMC 5 Fund Accounting 22 23 CHOOSE ONE 7 A First Aid Kit of Essential Information Part 2 Prepare our Creative Solutions 9 or Be Gone Part 1 2 30 Break 2 45 CONCURRENT SESSIONS III Various Benefit Plans What Qualifies 11 HR and 14 Exhibits Close 4 00 Free Time 6 00 7 00 Reception Banquet 8 30 12 00 Dance 8 00 or Be Gone AM 8 30 5 15 6 30 The beverages etc Spirit Formal greetings introductions getting to know Free Time to visit the City of St Cloud note Dinner is NOT included in registration fee 4 00 8 00 12 00 Up Light Refreshments FINALE GENERAL SESSION Overcoming Roundtables for Small Cities pop under 5 000 15 and Pick FRIDAY MARCH 19 2010 Part 2 4 15 5 15 Pay Merchandise How to Administer Technology For Better or For Worse Surviving an OSHA Inspection Rebuilding Morale in Tough Times Coaching To Improve Performance Be Good 13 Refreshment Break in Exhibit Area 4 00 CHOOSE ONE 10 12 3 00 Next Generation of Talent to Performance Be Good New and Data Practices Record Retention and Social SilentAuction CloseslWinners Move Up Coaching to Improve Planning for Employees Liquor Licensing PERA and Financial Media Which of These Is Not Like the Others Where Do I Code This Committees that Work Common How Do We 24 CMC Recognition Awards 6 8 Consequences CHOOSE ONE of Unmanaged Stress and Mid Career Part 1 Traps The How to Build Resistence A Growing Concern Occupations CONCURRENT SESSIONS II PM Commission Lunch in the Exhibit Area Generational Differences 2 New Council Board Orienting Members Choice 10 15 CHOOSE ONE Preparing for Your Retirement Managing a Budget in Tough Economic Times update to 2009 Gambling Licensing 101 Trick or Tweet Benefits Bogeymen of Social Media Welcome and Presentation of Colors 9 15 PM Opens CONCURRENT SESSIONS IV 11 00 16 8 00 Oath of Office and Awards Election Training until 4 00 Open SilentAuction 5 00 8 00 Meeting 9 20 10 30 11 30 Obstacles to Achieve Success Brunch and CEU Certificate pick up of MCFOA snacks you activities Dance with OJ Pay ItFowardExample Cihj of Phlmouth sponsors Habitat building team or each leal Humanihj Pay It FowardExample At its annual Business Brealdast Cihj of Iianover collected to the local foodshell lS and food itemsto donate to 61 COUNCIL CHAMBERS Resolution No City of Virginia authorizing transfer Resolution by the City Resolved Council of the WHEREAS the Virginia County Fifty 59 N Township Nine N the of Virginia is the Quarter Range WHEREAS the property to City City of Virginia Virginia Rifle owner of the Northeast Range February 9 2010 Club that of real of St Louis State of Minnesota and The Northwest 30 of property to the Minnesota property located within legally described Quarter NW the City of as of NE of Section 17 W and Government Lot One of Section 30 Thirty Township 17 W and of Virginia will convey via a Quit Claim Deed the above described Rifle Club a non profit corporation for purposes of construction of a City Virginia public shooting facility by the City Council of the City of Virginia property is in the public interest and thus Quit Claim Deed NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed shall be sold to the sale of the above described real Virginia Rifle Club through BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor authorized to execute the necessary documents to effect and Moved Ayes Nays by Councillor supported by Councillor and City Operations complete Director are the transfer of property that the above resolution be adopted Readers 6 to Hometown Focus in print respond 2 Susan Weirich of Bear River I interesting and upbeat and there is other publications It s the best of everything enjoy your publication immensely that doesn t exist in People be blind to the gift can modern and Its been theyve captures what intelligent a gift given life on the Iron an intelligence level there but your Range it is to live here and passes it on publication to the next Maybe through efforts like Hometown Focus our young people will be encouraged educations return to the Range and contribute to their communities to generation get tt eir Brenda Kochevar of Britt I love your theyre covers Handbags gal Suzanne she so creative s very and the funny And very feature stories And I like the High Heels and always make sure I read Julie s Healthy for Life cover I column And as an advertiser I tell you the ads work Mike Jugovich says I read HTF because of the great local interest stories It friends and neighbors The Michael great Michael name says it all the focus is s always interesting to on the Iron Range read and the an article written people by that make it Jugovich Chisholm Jugavich is the Mayor of Chisholm MN Carol Umhauer says people events and history It has a positive supporting this local paper with my subscription I like Hometown Focus because it features local that you can t get anywhere Carol Umhauer works at the else I like Virginia Public Library and lives on local touch northside Virginia Dale Gilbertson says I first subscribed to Hometown Focus because it was a new business venture and I wanted to support enjoy the variety of human interest stories that people send in and I look forward to special features like the history section I ve learned a lot about the history of the Range by reading that I like and Doug Nelson s stories with the pictures by AI Zaverl the sports commentary from Brian Miller Now I Roland Fowler s weather trivia I Dale Gilbertson works at East Range DAC in Eveleth and lives in Mt Iron Jim Macomber and Ann Flannagan say We subscribe to Hometown Focus because it appreciate the attention they Ann and Jim live in Tower and have are given us provides for our a variety of interesting local articles and Train Restoration project involved with the Tower Soudan Historical Society we it Nathan Thompson says I lave the hametawn recipes nat failed mind up my Thempsen Royer lang As yet cleaning Nathan Tina me mess as Seeing there my Hametawn friends favarite are great treats cammunity my wife and daughters has dan t in the kitchen warks in Virginia and iives in Gilbert MN I Hametawn Focus because enjay it is a pasitive cannectian to the vibrant Iran the variety af tapics that are cavered each week and the great illustratians that tell the staries And af caurse Tina to laak farward to aut a few says I subscribe to Mesabi recipes and trying I lave reading abaut all the great Range writing and things happening at Range Callege Rayer Eveleth Rayer is Prevest ef Mesabi Range Dr Tina Dawn Trexel and lives in Eveleth MN of Virginia I wanted to be staries in Cailege mare peaple cannected with the s awn wards and cammunity and read abaut whats gaing reading what theyve cantributed an I like hearing the Norm Jarva of Gilbert Its a lacal cammunity saurce crassward puzzle Every puzzle Finally I figured I far infarmatian and week I used to go to ceuld save steries with relatives alJt af state really I a myselfthe clip the news that I like And drap eff paint and hassle and pick up subscribe just histary sectian actually a sa I capy really enjay the just far the crassward I did I also share a lat afthe and send it to my brother in IlIinais who likes it Rae Lynn Koivu of Virginia capyat the Rehab Center in Virginia and theught it was sa terribly interesting I subscribed right away My sister in law had tald me she enjeys it taa I ve been sa busy lately we ve gat two piles of HTF here read and unread My husband has been reading them and I ll get to them after the holidays I saw a Tom Jakel of Wolf I mastly like the History sectian I ve always been interested in Range Histary Karen Underhill of Aurora I subscribed because every time I went to like the paper a lat I get a feeling hemetawn feel toit And I get It s just a joy really Dorothy Carpenter to a pick afthe lacal up a free area kick aut ef Daug Nelsen recipes they s were gane peaple staries and these I just enjay the Itsgat articles I nice feeling gaafy drawings by AI are a Zaver read of Virginia Well I lave the Sudaku And the aid steries that are like the ane and what lacal I like that there is no natianal interest steries that f1aver And I like the J news M Auto reprinted Yeu tips can frem way back when Then the get that abaut cars anywhere recipes I like the human I My girlfriend bought the subscription for a me because she knew I liked it Which just wonderful It s was nice paper of Virginia Dorothy Carpenter Well I love the Sudoku And the old stories that are like the I recipes really like that there is no national interest stories that flavor And I like the J My girlfriend bought the subscription for a nice And I like the kids on I save Anyway I said She ipes I re like the human cars because she knew I liked it Which was just wonderful Its I enjoy the intelligent typo Ratliff Mountain Iron get really Monday s one because I have to have you can use a crossword When my was puzzle little or we I go crazy were taking look at the a damdog word I decided then I better clean up my act wasone of Mt Iron interesting Thanks Jean a about get that anywhere paper Thank you for Rhonda it for thought damdog really enjoy the Harvey Its very have can daughter Janey there was a dog running alongside the road Oh Here quotes the road to Tower and Mommy Janey Ruth tips You paper Marge Hallin of Britt III m just lovin the paper ride news M Auto me from way back when Then the reprinted free they bring back really witty writing a lot of good and great memories design Best of luck I don t read the regular newspaper too much because I airthe sensationalized problems in the world So it s really nice to I actually just picked it up about a month ago and have been s just about community I love reading anxious when paper that stories Hometown Focus read about reading it each week since Mae Wall Virginia and I am planning subscribe to Jeff and Scott morning I just wanted to say THANK YOU for making Hometown Focus I used to be the managing editor at News 6 but have since switched careers to marketing One of the reasons I left the business was because of the downgrade I saw in local coverage I ve been a long time believer that a forum an interactive portal of community news is what this region needs and wants And I m just so happy that you guys had the forward thinking to do it It makes me believe in journalism again which is saying a lot Should you ever need a contributor from this region please consider me a resource and Good strong supporter of your product And I hope others in the region follow your lead Keep up the great work Beth Erickson Duluth Hi Jean I want to let you know how much I writing feel like you You have a are talking special to me enjoy your articles in the Hometown Focus such personal get personally I have laughed and I feel that you make it so way with words a I a and cried just smiled am when skill that I wish that I had especially enjoyed your Memorial Day article on your visits to to reading the you for enlightening my Fridays I look forward I or style of reading that reading them I like your connection with what I cemeteries I would just like to thank Hometown Focus and I look for your articles right away If you could also mention to Brian Miller I enjoy reading his articles as well I enjoy his humour in the world of sports Thank you Nancy Ralston Virginia Jean Thank you so much for letting our student voices be heard through Hometown Focus Have a wonderful holiday season Carmen Seppa Mesabi Range College English Instructor Jean You and your staff did graphics on community the cover an I AWESOME job in the graphics and shouldn t be surprised 1 Celebration and I lay out of Street Dance Very clever particularly like the 1 fire 1 church 1 decade 1 thanks for all your efforts Many Pastor Kristin Foster Mt Iron Jean Hope all is going well I enclose a few recent photos to contribute to HTF HTF print edition each week A very close friend of mine got bi polar and I shared the HTF edition on the topic and it We also have tried several ofthe Paul Pluskwik was verY helpful to him as I continue to has had he is being a enjoy the great hard time with it and treated fqr the illness recipes Virginia Jean Thank you thank you thank you for the wonderful story pleased to be featured and your article will surely on volunteering encourage others to Our volunteers were so join them in serving the community Bonnie Ebnet Arrowhead RSVP NE Minnesota Virginia Northland Volunteer Center Food Shelf Network MN Hi Jean Once again you and the Hometown Focus have your paper went miles for and be presented an have us and I hope them with both of the stories and enthusiastic response This will enable seen to see the come the stories in the paper has been impact through for us The follow up letter to the editor in for your paper too We were at the HRA board meeting us a to huge thank you letter for their support There seemed to keep doing our work The number of people who I didn t keep track I wish now that I would have just of one story in your paper Thank you Jeffery Noble Family Investment Center of Virginia Jean I saw my story in your paper Thank you so much And must I say Hometown Focus is a great read I It s better than any other paper around these parts Just about everyone I know and everyone my family knows reads your paper and says they really enjoy it I also enjoy so much going online and bummin around especially the pictures again for publishing WipJ Angora Thank you Mollie my story Jean I would Thought drop you a note on the Four Horse Johnson article Great Thank you for providing an outlet for local writers and artists to show their stuff Tim Miro Virginia Ms Cole of your papers while sitting in the Laurentian clinic and I read the story by Joe Legueri about driving the big 35 ton Euclid He made it sound like we were in the front seat with him I have read I read some one of Joe contributes It would be nice to hear work in the Duluth News Tribune also s again Id from him more So if he appreciate reading something Dave Sherek Biwabik Jean This contest was a you guys do a great great idea job for the community Keep up the work good Tina Anderson Jean Hey This contest is SUCH a cool idea Your paper makes the goofy history and the wild fashionista girl thanks Sincerely me crack up every week The captain guy and looking paper Roberta Dietz Jean This is really a cool idea to have a contest like this we need things like this Also great Thanks Nick Oja Dear Hometown Focus I would like to cast my vote in your story Thanks for Beers bringing a new writing contest for Jo Pouchnik s story A Bagel a Couple of newspaper to the Iron Range and good luck with circulation Sincerely Jayne Harkonen To the Staff of Hometown Focus Congrats give outstanding website and northern Minnesota What an enjoyable fun time I am newspaper that you have created here for food market after the Natural Harvest health yesterday and picking stopping by having online today I would like to take this opportunity to the one page newsletter Notonly does having the introducingus a huge HURRAH judgment to continue The on Range so we can continue to more keeping contemporary fashion with the website available to here us as us well Congratulations informed in I am a much pleased Asbach brothers for more that you have remained enjoy your method of communicating the news to us Sincerely Brenda Brown Jean just love your articles and especially the one on hope you influenced some more folks out there it is passionate shopping locally I vital to our economy up here Loved your left over recipes didn t make them but saved them I have been meaning to e mail you for am a week now about that I Brenda K Kochevar Director of Enrollment Services up to your website this cover all that the MDN does but so much stamina and wise for the Public Information Mesabi Range Community Technical College 218 749 0314 Office Jean I c was able to pull compliments Good job Gary Liubakka Good First strings some and I read the paper last night I will be subscribing Hibbing Morning Jeff and congratulations Scott on launching a new paper in the Its so refreshing full of great content and I read through it cover ta cover last week after area put together nicely Much better than our local dailies picking up a copy at Cobb Cook Grocery in tiibbing Thanks much and congratulations I Katie Fredeen and I would like to extend my m really excited about your paper Hibbing Jeff Lanfranchi I LOVED the paper Looks AWESOME Jennifer Willard There is a TON to read WOW Way to go Hometown Focusll Hibbing Scott and Jeff It was very the Iron refreshing to completely communities gave Range day Your focus is is to come truly read your me a prize winning edition feeling that we finally have about the Iron What s inside is of Hometown Focus a com Range newspaper that Reading about enlightens my pletely satisfying and I know more KUDOS to you both and your STAFF RDL Northland Media Inc Gilbert Scott I read Hometown and very cool very nice very good I like it a lot It is easy to read and is attractive Focus nice format Whoever did the design deserves huge kudos It is much better than a stimulating the MON Jots better Thank you for the pat Peggy on the back it is nice to be recognized Metzer Hello Jean I am a big fan of your p per and have been that you have as a a fantastic product reader and fan I following you out there that is very greatly appreciate guys since you started unique everything up I think in this market and for what it s worth the work you put into it Thank you for inviting me to be a contributor I am excited about your invitation Even though I know it is your job to find people to submit items and that it is totally open to the public to do so it still is a nice feeling knowing that someone locally has noticed my work and thinks it would be worth submitting David Szweduik Jean I really enjoyed the surprised that an Renae Darland paper I have heard intellectual some community positive things exists in One person said that they were so our area Virginia Jean So It s as of 1 30 p m obvious for crammed with considering there was just ONE copy of HTF left in the Chisholm Jubilee once that the paper drives the ads interesting the MON articles usually has even a half a not the other way crossword dozen round Only saw a couple a page on a good day Something s going on Just an excellent job of typos which is amazing You should be very very competition with MDN they re different newspapers you while he talks about what a crappy job neighbor who totally unexpectedly plows figure you re question of pretending to be friendly I don t think it s even proud of your work with this one is the bos doing behind your back driveway while you re out your a the other one to is the at work I m sure you can which is which out Jon Dallas Chisholm Jeff I have to say as I scanned the first edition here weekend I was excited and I mean this at the office and read it twice anyway over this proud of you sincerely welcome back There is SO much information to look at Jim Currie the and your crew communitY and has to be thrilled congratulations Gilbert Dear Jean I feel it will be of interest to Virginia residents and the Iron up your newspaper this morning I signed a Range as a whole Would you consider doing a feature story on my art sometime Recently wish moment to look at work I Please take a you the contract with in my I picked Minneapolis Hadley licensing best of luck Tom Anderson Virginia Jean HTF Just a note to say you and the HTF staff are doing a great job I just got done reading the newest sent a story I in for the summer celebrations very helpful and enjoyed it and found all the dates etc Please and photos on the Vince Shute wildlife sanctuary near Orr MN I hope you enjoy it and can use it critique and edit since I fund a couple errors And last I wanted to thank you very much for after I sent it including my photos in your print HTF Take care and great job Paul Pluskwik Virginia Hi Jean You folks have done swing in there nice job on someday soon so Thanks PauIPolloc a Tower I everything of mine can and I meet you in person really enjoy the content of the paper I ll MISCELLANEOUS COMMENTS WE VE COLLECTED Opening up the My teenage Hometown Focus is son is not a exactly what our community It entertaining Please don t stop I felt good I like having I m glad it the about the Iron a new looked My story doing s adventure I good know what I ll find history Range needs section after reading the paper I like that the stories so never newspaper reader but he loves Hometown Focus This is s so an are paper told by regular people in the paper Thank you not full of bad news I loved the David and Goliath editorial A 97 year old reader loved the 4 in Alaska I can I like the It format cool s Thank Can I part series by a local student and her adventures volunteering t wait fqr the next part she said you get some back I didn t know issues had Virginia a brewery An 87 year old lady from Iron subscriber called yesterday to say I like your paper very much has good AND A lt abol stories in it I subscribe and have for a long time I like your paper because it nd it doesn t have all that other stuff in it that doesn t matter a powerful Washington Hometown Focus as website and our an D C website innovative www understandinggov org wro e admiringly community journalism project providing a Captain Community Hits the Subscription Pavement video link to our respond to Hometown Focus online Readers Jean with my dial up modem and everything was user friendly I enjoyed all the features that the site offers I thought your article about the first snowwas well written It reminded The site loaded me a You Joe quickly even Stopping by Woods lot of Robert Frost s re off to Legueri a good start on a Snowy Evening bring your paper edition of the HTF May you continued success Gilbert Jean nice website Very very Lots of information to click on and that is nice I love all of the pictures and the The photos are fabulous I love the communities many different articles from different people that are full of information education lifestyles interactions squares My first impression ofthe website was very listings ofwhat is happening in the area and start sending I like how we can email the article to somebody else If and when can I and I know contact with via email world that in I keep family and friends all over the done and neatly around the world in recipes I have they would definitely add some I like the organized Great Job recipes Tammy Spelts Virginia Hi Jean There some Wow are sure a lot of areas and I read articles and to see what other that I know to offer articles I like that ordinary people on people health talking are some or s neat things for be I might example responses gardening I think it would be fun to start might about what s important to them responding to people try to encourage other in their own way Thanks Elanne Palcich Chisholm It is great Kris Toole O Jean Virginia Jean at your website I really enjoyed the Hello and thanks for the winter photo feedback and the link to look users to navigate around the area or focus on site It really does give me a home town feel that allows Matt N and the snowboard video clip of a home town I enjoyed the feature on the local hockey player a real home Mark W Now what I feel would really addto the site and the weekly newspaper and give rich heritage and history of people and stories of town focus would be a section or special feature on the Home Towns Paul Pluskwik Virginia Note We have implemented a weekly historical piece that has proven to be wildly popular Hello Jean website I jotted down a couple of my wonderful day brightener to visit your new hometown lliked the pleasing blue that first First thought immediate reactions I was wowed went on to easy to seemed appropriate for Virginia Then I write What a read more appeared good amoun comfortable on of white the eyes please don t ever lose totally different focus appealing it is what makes it easy to read and that this is than MDN mmmmm gives a voice to anyone and exciting interactive loved the scrolling news choices from other now the unheard will be everyone heard its everyday the real core of our community great way to stay in touch with sources t be typically newsworthy in a great stories that wouldn people doing everyday things liked that this site will be very traditional paper yeasound and What fun to show the yard of our ingenuity very incJusive llove the video ofthe snowboarders in their back pictures own young people broad range of reporting around easy to find your way 1 GUESS I LOVED ITI Can twait to return Carol Sundquist Virginia Good morning Jean a peek at your website I took and find it to be one that people will file under favorites It is definitely designed keep people simply cannot do I also know that once Brenda have created they will be excited about it as well computer newspaper Tina Royer on their connected to their communities in ways that the to and Jennifer see what you and your team Provost MRC Jean Oh my gosh it s FABULOUS way to go Brenda Kochevar it is now on my list of favorites nice job Jean and team I Virginia Jean Congratulations This was no doubt a huge undertaking nice to get some news that warms the heart forward enjoying Jeanne Sopp Scott to I m happy and you did it On this very cold day it for you wish you the very best and look the Hometown Focus Jeff Congratulations Glad to hear that you Arkansas Tony Joyce Nig o are up and running We look forward to following the news while we are in s US US Locally Owned Hometown Focus Contributors 358 39 contributors communities These contributors have shared Local to Steps becoming a contributor 1 Register 2 Log Videos Photos In 3 Submit Its as Recipes easy as one two three Jen Waldorf AITKIN Bailey Carolyn Hokkanen Boro iec Rients Mollie Wipf Ed ALANGO Pastor PJ ANGORA Caleb AURORA Ida Rukavina BIWABIK Karen Lere Nick Wonderlich Kevin Nisen Gary Sack BRAINERD Charlene Luoma BRITT Stories Music news Marty Henry Elanne Palcich Jon Dallas CHISHOLM Bey Jody Phenning Audra Lensen Marty Henry Christopher Snyder Carolyn Hokkanen Brandan Fiedler Trina O Joe Sertich Kerby Green Dave LaCoe Mike Jugovich COOK Judith Pearson Sally Mayasich CLOQUET DEER RIVER DULUTH Sharon Johnson Gordon Sirvio Katie Cole Laramie Carlson Gina Gleason Chandler June Kallestad Jeff ELY Mary Joy Borling Okey Ukaga Moroni EMBARRASS Martin Menart Allan Weirmaa Coco Buscombe Eric Kevin Preckel Linda Grover Lenont Mark Carlson Mike Jankovec Matsen Chris Peggy Anderson Arlene Mary Cich Sue Cherne Anne Swenson Bob Dan Miller Roland Fowler Pat Blackhurst Doug Asp and Robin Laulunen Matt Ray Janna Goerdt Debbie Havenor Martin EVELETH Cron Sheehy Funeral Home Clarence Cadeau lach Beckman Don Peterson Gina Kramer Wudinich Nancy Driscoll Jon Wagner Debbie Motley Michelle llimen Mick Barb White Mark Muhich Mary Les Crawford Kwaitkowski Liz Motley Jay Hoiland Branden Mattson Liz Kuoppala Erin Foster Larry Ory Nancy Jo Bartos Branden Mattson Mark McCarty Nancy Roseen Nelson Colleen Ray Alan John on Tucker Miller Jack Gritzmacher Kat Gritzmacher Lynn Damberg Deb Burritt Magee Lizzy Craven Maari Benda Alex Prebarich Matt Bird Joe Legueri Sandy Bozich Jennifer Shatava Funeral Home Jacky GILBERT liemer Moeglein Matthew Shears Jon Monica Von Wald Roberta Klink Carver Richards Armstrong Liz Sorlie Rose Judnick Amy Hay Angel Imberg Liubakka Lori Jennifer Rian Pat Eliason Victor Bagan Josh Weaver Jon Chiaravalle Gary Manthei Julie Stein Rupp Funeral Home Alice Jacksha Peter Kero Cindy Hilligoss Wendall Sabin HOYT LAKES Cindy Noponen Martha Running Wolf Patricia Benolken HIBBING 401 6th Avenue North Suite 1111 Jeff Asbach Founder Co CEO Virginia MN 55792 jeffa@hometownfocus us P 218 0106 741 F 741 218 Scott Asbach CoFounder 0108 wwww hometownfocus CFO scotta@hometownfocus us us HUGO Wiskow Bryce IRON Heather Lindula Darcie Novak Brian Leffler KEEWATIN MAKINEN Nicole Wiebusch MElRUDE Stan Peterson MARKHAM Jim Hoffsommer MINNEAPOLIS William Juntunen Mt Iron native MOUNTAIN IRON Stephanie Michelle Niska Tanaya Perpich Erik Anderson Jean Johnson Friebe Messiah Lutheran Church members Gerald Johnson Silas Walters Jerry Kujala Joan Kujala Terry Lynn Casey Newberg Shannon Hautala Johnson Martha Norha Lil Jeannette Johnson Josh Krueger Angelo Joan Lewandowski Cindy Kujala FARGO MOORHEAD NASHWAUK NETT LAKE ORR John Rian Aaron Brown Bois Forte Tracey Swenson Ernie Mitchell Mike Brockman Clint and Debbie Diefenthaler OSSEO PIKE April Bob Tatur Phillips ROCHESTER SOUDAN McGill Doug Phil Bakken ST PAUl Dane Smith TOWER Paul Pollock Johnny Eloranta Terry Sjoberg Cliff Wagenbach Kay Torkkola Jim Laine Joe Dennie John Gobats VIRGINIA Kristin Foster David Haines AI Zaverl Maureen Weidner Mary McReynolds Lana Lee Jennifer Pontinen Contented Critters Steph Simich Doug and Angele Wright Mesabi Humane Society Terry Wayne Edwards Rep Tom Rukavina Milo Von Strom Robin Cronk Britta Bloomquist Carol Sundquist Karl Sundquist Mike Flatley Christine Cole Paul Pluskwik Tammy Spelts Berglund Brandie Hummel Sara Paul Eldred Ingersoll Ron Smith Jr Dana Bozich Laura Thelen David Torrel Cherie Seppi Shannon Nordby Cathy Kishel Joe Dren Michelle Perpich Wendorf Ardyth Sigmund Beth Peterson Bethani LaCoursiere Bauman Funeral Homes Great Virginia Get Together Lyric Center for the Arts Mesabi Range Community Technical College VRMC Hartikka Emilie VanDeventer John Cowan Dennis Benz SMDC Mary Jo Ralston Beth Peterson Jennifer Bonner Tom Anderson Tim Runquist Dawn Trexel Fleming Mary Jo Pouchnik Deb John Pouchnik Erik Peterson Mary Jo Ralston Bartoletti Bob Ralston Nelson Allison Kreibich Kris O Toole Sandra Markovich James Gilness Steve Pellinen George Doug Erickson Peggy Hejda Cassie Barb Fivecoate Dana Swift Kristi Sutton Dana Swift Lori Maki Kerby Roger Manning Jeff Noble Carolyn Gentilini Phil Johnson Doris Knoll Willie Spelts Jr Polly Podpeskar Louise Grams Brian Burleigh Andrea Wilson Greg Baughman Tyne Lothberg Twyla Ahola Scott Dahlquist Lori Maki Travis Vake Edna Johnson Shannon Malovrh Willie Spelts Steve Johnson Mark Pucel Tim Miro Jenn Zimmel Christina Glover Allison Hill Cindy Green Mary Jo Ralston Donna Leese Julie Asbach Scott Jo and Bruce Bjerke Liz Voelker Kujala Dahlquist Wendy Lindsay Kelsey Cole Cindy Garson Christie Sandnas Marlene Kauppinen Deb Monacelli Brendan Pucel Andrea Whiting Meagan Esterby Kathy Merkel Rob Raplinger Christina Nelson Sally Kosmalski Bill Bauman Joanne Ohmann Tanner Jacobson Dawn Thomas Dave Stewart WlllMAR ZIM Sue Rep AI Juhnke Froehlingsdorf Mary McReynolds Mrs Sachetti s 5th graders Jenni Smith Mike Luoma Louise Irwin Bob and Ashley Asbach Tempe AZ Bob Driscoll Los Angeles CA Virginia native Faye Rofters Boca Raton FL Judy Ohlsson Ashland WI Jim Beatty Louisville KY Alan Bair Cottage Grove OR Sen Amy Klobuchar Washington DC Maren Tregillis Sylvania OH Phyllis OTHER STATES Tom Michal Tallahassee FL Entis CO Alex Rozier Columbia MO Total number of contributors and communities is accurate Actual list names still need to be added to this 7 J ORDINANCE NO An Ordinance Amending CHAPTER 2 SEC 2 37 of the city code entitled Park and Recreation Commission The City Council ofthe City of Virginia does ordain as follows Section 1 That pursuant to the provisions be amended to read SEC 37 2 Subd 1 as ofCHAPTER 2 of the City Code SEC 2 37 shall follows PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION A Park and Recreation Commission is hereby It is the duty and members serving three year terms Powers and Duties created to consist of SIX 6 responsibility of this Commission to advise the Council City Council shall assign performed on an as needed basis The on park and recreation issues the Park and Recreation Commission duties to be Section 2 This ordinance becomes effective upon its passage and publication according to law Moved the ordinance by be adopted The President declared the ordinance that supported by adopted Adopted Steve Peterson Attest Lois Roskoski City Clerk v1ayor J FINANCE COMMITTEE AS A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE February 2 2010 9 00 A M Tuesday Council Chambers City Hall Councillors Cuffe Littlewolf Ralston Baribeau Present Mayor Absent Peterson Sipola Russo 7 None Director Virginia Foundation Mike Appelwick Parkon Recreati Brandon Seppala Bill Hafdahl Public Utilities Finance Director John Tourville City Director Lois Roskoski City Clerk Quentin Bloomquist Public Utilities Also Present John Bachman Operations Commission Tom Butorac City Attorney were present to Seppala and Mike Appelwick representing the Virginia Foundation The Virginia discuss the purchase of the former ICO property on Chestnut Street for redevelopment to be issues with the environmental Foundation has a purchase agreement in place for the property dealt with after they obtain ownership The Virginia Foundation is willing to purchase the property with any environmental issues that may be found contingent upon a partnership with the City to assist submit grants to obtain funding to help City Operations Director Tourville stated the City could with the demolition and environmental issues but the City would have to own the property which a maximum of 45 000 Brandon Seppala stated the Virginia Foundation could provide ofthe environmental review would cover th purchase the building and possibly Phase I and Phase II for the site if the a Mayor Peterson recommended that the Virginia Foundation develop plan with the environmental liability City takes possession of the site and assists Mike Appelwick stated funding may be available through the COO group City Operations DEED Program Iron Range Director Tourville stated additional funding sources would include the Resources and Community Development Block Grants the Virginia Foundation to Moved by Russo and supported to approve a partnership with Brandon I pursue a the the former ICO building located on Chestnut Street with the site to clean up Director to provide a timeline for possible funding sources development plan for City Operations Motion carried the Public Utilities will not be Bill Hafdahl Public Utilities Finance Director stated for 2009 and further stated the issue was s reimbursing the City for the City Attorney services held on March 17 2009 Mr Hafdahl stated the addressed at a City Personnel Committee meeting on the quality of s services and it is not a reflection Public Utilities does not utilize the City Attorney which has been in place since 1983 should be service provided Mr Hafdahl stated the agreement as follows s City 40 Public Utilities reviewed The agreement divides the City Attorney salary 40 Hospital Mayor 20 Peterson stated the issue Personnel Committee with a motion made not brought up again as the Public Utilities was discussed at the The issue was their to not pay for the Attorney s services notice on intention did not provide any formal entities was to divide his services between the three City Attorney Butorac stated the agreement and recognizes that the agreement should be reviewed City put in place prior to his employment the Public the City Attorney must be involved to some degree with Attorney Butorac also stated that for them and recommended that information be Utilities as the City Council is ultimately responsible to table the issue to the budget committee obtained from other cities in a similar situation as Virginia I L J Public Utilities pay their portion of the City services for 2009 and 2010 and until a new agreement is negotiated between the City Moved Attorney by Ralston and supported that the Hospital and Public Utilities Ayes Councillors Cuffe Littlewolf Nays Councillor Sipola 1 Ralston Baribeau Russo 6 Mayor Peterson Motion carried Mr Hafdahl stated 3 000 was included in the 2010 budget for legal fees and they pay 150 per hour for the City Attorney services submit a formal Mayor Peterson recommended that the Public Utilities for the City Attorney s services requesting that the agreement be renegotiated The review of the Golf Course enterprise fund will be discussed at for 2009 meeting after the year end adjustments are made a suggested that letter to the City future Finance Committee a to the golf course City Operations Director Tourville recommended making change Park to the Department and contracting with operations by transferring the three golf course employees The proposed change the current Golf Pro for the daily operations and maintenance of the golf course Erickson course Finance Director stated the bonds would reduce the cost to City to operate the golf for the golf course will be paid off in 2013 for the Golf Pro ParklRecreation Director Bachman stated he is compiling budget information to review ParklRecreation Director Bachman distributed information on the f fees rounds and for the past ten years Moved by Sipola and supported to reorganization plan Motion carried revenue golf course authorize City staff to develop a golf course of July Finance Director Erickson Discussion was held on the fireworks display for the Fourth ofthe Loon Committee donating stated the cost of the fueworks for 2009 was 7 500 with the Land 1 000 to offset the cost D supported to utilize 7 500 from of July fireworks display for 2010 Motion carried Moved Fourth Lead by Russo and an done in 2009 due to Moved street public excess pension fund for the the major Hennis recommended contracting with St Louis County for striping street striping was not estimated cost of 4 000 Lead Engineer Hennis stated the Engineer streets in 2010 at E the striping by budget cuts Baribeau and in 2010 at an supported to approve contracting with estimated cost of 4 000 St Louis County for Motion carried the City Council regarding the Lead Engineer Hennis stated he will provide information to Plant facilities plan which will be held at 6 30 P M on hearing on the Wastewater Treatment submit grants to fund the upgrades to the 23 2010 Once the plan is adopted the City could February Wastewater Treatment Plant to the City and Public Utilities for a water Discussion was held on a claim that was submitted Butorac will review the s line break which caused damage to a citizen basement City Attorney insurance deductibles and revisit the issue Meeting adjourned at 10 55 A M 2 COUNCIL CHAMBERS e Resolution No City of Virginia Resolution Resolved entering into contract with the St Louis by the City Council of the City of Virginia WHEREAS St Louis County has to obtain necessary administration work and St Louis County and a Minnesota County for street all the streets within the City agreed contract for portion Plan striping specifications and perform all and highways for the City of Virginia to prepare bid striping roads Department does not have the manpower to limits and WHEREAS the City of Virginia shall Striping 9 2010 that WHEREAS the City of Virginia Public Works stripe February provide St Louis County with the City of Virginia and Louis County for all costs for the Virginia WHEREAS the City of Virginia will reimburse St accordance with the City of Virginia of the roadway striping plus a 225 administrative fee in Striping Plan that the NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED authorized to execute the contract with St Louis County for street striping Moved by Councillor Ayes Nays supported by Councillor Mayor and that the above resolution be adopted City Clerk be 12 BUILDINGS GROUNDS COMMITTEE AS A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thursday January 28 2010 11 00 AM Council Chambers Sipola 4 Peterson 3 Present Councillors Littlewolf Cuffe Ralston Absent Councillors Baribeau Russo Mayor City Hall Also Present John Bachman ParklRecreation Director Lois Roskoski City Clerk Bill Hennis Lead Engineer John Tourville City Operations Director Dave Koeneman Park Department Richards Alexis Gunderson Marlyn Swanson Angie Paul Monacelli Citizens News Riebe Mesabi Daily Handeen Virajita Singh Kelly University of Minnesota Jim Skurla Erin Stream Dan Senior Research Fellow University of Minnesota presented the final Feasibility and in the Business Plan for the Olcott Park Greenhouse and thanked the following partners involved UMD Center for Sustainable Building Research project Bureau of Business Economic Research of the Northeast Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnership City ofVirginia Friends Greenhouse and the Virginia Sustainability Task Force Virajita Singh Ms Ms and is seen as a legacy in the City Singh stated the greenhouse has been in Virginia since 1935 the greenhouse if the recommendations are Singh stated there is strong potential to sustain addressed as outlined in the feasibility study Erin Stream Research Assistant reviewed the recommendations greenhouse 1 2 Prune plants Create a in conservatory social gathering greenhouse to allow easier space in the entry greenhouses to be implemented to better walking to create and outdoor spaces 3 4 and a room accessibility connection with the park for outdoor events such as landscape area west of conservatory to create outdoor weddings receptions etc Introduce community garden plots inside the greenhouse to provide Re utilize the year round growing opportunities for community members Skurla Director of the UMD Research financially sustainable greenhouse 1 Pursue grants Jim Need to move immediately Bureau provided to pursue Federal seven recommendations for planning a stimulus funds gather financial statements and history to complete the financial Jim Skurla is willing to continue with the project at no charge analysis of the greenhouse leasing options from private businesses or non profit Prepare arequest for proposals to get offers the greenhouse in organizations to determine if there is interest utilizing 2 Continue 3 Pursue 4 Establish to managementlleadership at the lot ofvolunteers that are interested in helping out unions Discuss use of volunteers with the employee Consider a partnership with another entity There are a joint greenhouse 5 Develop contacts and partners The Friends ofthe Greenhouse and key players in volunteer efforts Consider a 6 Retail Community College and use to assist with greenhouse partnership with energy technical classes Virginia Sustainable Task Force should be used the Mesabi as of alternative plants Initiate a plant and food Consider 7 Begin option to sell growing operation beddings plants sustainable building program Consider energy improvements to result in utility savings the energy Dan Handeen Research Fellow reviewed the final set of recommendations to decrease and expenses for the operations use greenhouse 1 Finish installation of remaining double walled 2 Seal all drafts and cracks in the 3 Insulate glazing on windows greenhouse Currently foundations along greenhouse there is insulation along the exterior no concrete foundation 4 000 90 000 to meet greenhouse Install geothermal heating system at estimated cost of 80 15 000 for drilling of wells or cost of 10 000 heating needs There would be an additional installation of ground loop operate the greenhouse to operate greenhouse in 2009 Jim Skurla further reviewed costs to Actual costs Additional cost of 17 000 to utilize 106 386 college labor for summer holidays and weekends which is necessary to operate Additional cost of 11 440 to utilize seasonal labor Capital expenses would be a one improvements time charge for energy be read and improvements site identified for buildings some restrictions which funding Singh recommended that the entire study would have landscaping and cultural aspects Historical preservation funding may increase capital costs Ms sources with Nancy City is currently working on identifying government funding sources Councillor Littlewolf stated the Resources ParklRecreation Director Bachman will City Council Discussion Ms was held Singh stated the on greenhouse or revenue to offset the for the operational greenhouse for the costs City to reestablish connections others staff to work with Jim Skurla to prepare a with bids to be opened to obtain offers to lease and operate the greenhouse request for proposals operational budget encouraged and explore partnerships with by Sipola and supported to March 19 2010 2010 is under utilized and Moved on a the need to obtain grants with the Friends of the Greenhouse A provide Larson of the Iron Range authorize City Motion carried 2 Engineer Hennis stated the Request for Proposals will be reviewed by Committee meeting to be held on February 16th Lead Councillor Littlewolf noted that the final Meeting adjourned the Buildings Grounds feasibility study will be posted on the City at 12 05 P M 3 s website