ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Association for Research and enlightenment of New York Energy for Prosperity and healing With Coni Buro page 5 Mid-Year 2011 Predictions Update With Antot Masuka page 10 God is Still in the business of Miracles! With Malcolm Smith page 5 Personal Transformation & Courage 2 Workshops with Mary Elizabeth Lynch Friday, June 3, 7-9 pm & Saturday, June 4, 11 am - 5 pm or email [email protected] A.R.E. OF NY is a non-profit organization largely staffed by volunteers and supported by memberships and donations Edgar Cayce on Eczema, Psoriasis and Scleroderma with Jack Rosen For Updates Check out www.edgarcaycenyc.org Association for Research & Enlightenment (A.R.E.) of New York, Inc. 241 West 30th Street, 2nd Floor (West of 7th Avenue Entrance on left, Buzz in #102 New York, NY 10001 Tel: 212-691-7690 FAX: 646-861-0845 Mary Elizabeth Lynch, J.D. is president and co-founder of the Personal Transformation and Courage Institute, as well serving as a faculty member of Atlantic University and an adjunct faculty member of George Mason University. A graduate of the School of Law at the University of Virginia, she worked for many years as an attorney and a mediator before turning her career towards the work of helping people transform their inner conflict. As a life member of the A.R.E. she brings more than 30 years of experience working with the Cayce material. Mary Elizabeth is best known for her abilities to skillfully and intuitively lead people through physical, mental and emotional patterns that stand in the way of fully expressing their talents in the world. www.transformationandcourage.org Read about her upcoming workshops on page 8. An affiliate of the international Association for Research & Enlightenment NEW YORK, N.Y. PERMIT NO. 8994 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID May - June 2011 Sunday, May 1, 12:30 - 3:30 pm; Followed by 3:30 - 4:30 PM (Overview of Cayce Remedies) While doctors may tell you that there’s no cure for these conditions – only a possibility of symptomatic relief if you remain on medications for the rest of your life – many people have experienced complete cures using Cayce’s recommendations. Learn what the medical community are just beginning to put together – how “leaky gut syndrome,” eczema and psoriasis are related. And discover natural healing methods for scleroderma – a sometimes fatal disease. Also, Leo Weinberger will be sharing his healing experience of Psoriasis. Leo had psoriasis over most of his body. Using the Edgar Cayce protocol and with the help of Dr. Pagano he was able to heal himself of this affliction. Recommended reading: Healing Psoriasis by Dr. John Pagano A.R.E. of New York www.edgarcaycenyc.org 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New Edgar YorkCayce’s 212-691-7690 Cayce Ongoing Groups MOndays A SEARCH FOR GOD STUDY GROUP: 7-9 PM Holistic Health Facilitator: Leonardo Cassara BY Donation Holistic Healthat Practitioners Practitioners at Swami BuaJi Hatha Yoga: 6-7:30 PM The Edgar Cayce Facilitator: Bijoy George MEDITATION GROUP: 6-7 PM Facilitator: Randall Okey TUESdays $10 Per class BY Donation AFFordable Healings: 7-9 PM Support Marie Crosby Fund!! $35 Per hour Intuitive Tarot Practice Class: 5-7 PM Facilitator: Veronica Figueroa Wednesdays Thursdays Reiki Circles: 7-9 PM (please see pull out calendar) Facilitator: Peter Goldbeck Facilitator: Peter Goldbeck $15 Prayers for Healing: 7-9 PM Call 212-691-7690 for appointments Health anD Healing Michael Edan Polarity Therapy (845-943-1879 Peter Goldbeck Reconnective Healing (917-539-3001 Mark Josefsberg Alexander Technique, Cranio Sacral Facilitators: Norman Curtis & Paul Dorogoff BY Donation Scott Keller, D.C. Group Readings: Pamela Markley, L.M.T. 12-2 PM Caycean Chiropractor Members $10 Non-Members $15 Swedish Massage, Shiatsu Self healing Circles: 5 - 7 PM 2nd & 4th Sat Kenny Matthewson, Revelation Group: 7 - 8:30 PM Swedish Massage, Reiki sunday morning services: 11AM - 12:30PM Homeopath Support Group (Marie Crosby Fund) Facilitator: Elyse Curtis, Ph.D Facilitator: Reverend Kev O’Kane sundays $10 PSYCHIC ENHANCEMENT CIRCLES: 7-9 PM Facilitator: Milou Polycarpe saturdays BY Donation the Edgar Center, NEW YORK Cayce Center Call 212-691-7690 NEW YORK for appointments BY Donation BY Donation BY Donation Prosperity Support Group: 1 - 2 PM Facilitator: Cathy Outeiral BY Donation Dream Study Circles: 2 - 4 PM Facilitator: Ken Klein BY Donation A course IN Miracles: 4:30 - 6 PM Facilitator: Tom Carelli BY Donation L.M.T. Deborah Monlux, C.C.H. Kev O’Kane, CHt Hypnosis, Past Life Regression (646-338-6715 Toshi Endo, L.M.T. Shiatsu Acupressure Massage, Posture Therapy (973-951-2939 Coni Buro, PhD, CHt Healing Touch, Hypnosis Readings ARE Sunday Morning Services NEW!! with Reverend Kev O’Kane Every Sunday, 11 am-12:30 pm By Donation Based on the Cayce readings, these services are a gentle way to celebrate our love of God and to raise our vibrational rates. Come to sing, share comraderie, receive a healing or a message, and to show gratitude! This is a nondenominational offering. 2 Coni Buro, PhD, CHt Psychic & Tarot Readings, Healing Touch Leonardo Cassara Intuitive Tarot Readings T.C. Eisele Psychic, Astrology & Tarot Milou Polycarpe Psychic, Clairvoyant Readings Veronica Figueroa Channeled Tarot Readings English and Spanish Antot Masuka Astrology Readings Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org May June 2011 Cayce Ongoing Group Descriptions The Edgar Cayce Week Group Description called “A Search for God”, books I and II. These two books are based Prosperity Support Group modeled after the original Edgar Cayce on a series of Cayce readings. People interested in joining or Readings on Economic Healing explores spiritual and practical prin- starting a group can contact ciples of abundance and prosperity Leonard Cassara or Norman Curtis, in a supportive group. Facilitated by coordinator of Small Groups, ARE/ NY at either 212-691-7690 or NorCatherine Outeiral, ceo.prosperiman: [email protected]; [email protected]. Leonard: [email protected]. Dream Group applies Cayce’s principles to interpret your dream and those of others in a supportive Tuesdays group. It meets to focus on dream A Meditation Practice Group So interpretation and symbolism using many of us struggle to have concepts from the Cayce Readings. greater depth and discipline in our Members are encouraged to keep a experience with meditation. Oftentimes having a group dream journal and discuss their structure and Instruction once a dreams with others in the group. week helps to keep our Intention Lucid dreaming may also be fresh and our practice consistent. explored. Facilitated by Ken Klein, The Edgar Cayce readings clearly [email protected] present meditation as a foundation for spiritual growth and it is in fact A Course in Miracles Group (ACIM) Most people are unaware of the subject of the first chapter in the Search for God books upon “A Course in Miracles” (ACIM) which all the material following is connection with the A.R.E. Edgar Cayce’s son Hugh Lynn was one of built. The group will meditate together primarily using the the few people shown the Course methods described within the before it was published. He considered it to be a very important Cayce readings. This will be followed with a short session piece of work. For more during which particular issues and information, email Tom Carelli : [email protected]. For class individual problems associated with meditation can be brought information and updates, Visit : forth and discussed. We will also www.geocities.com/Area51/ look at other diverse meditation Nova/2131/ACIM.HTML methods that could be of assistance to particular individuals. Mondays Please note that we will begin Facilitated by Leonardo Cassara, promptly at 6pm. We trust you will A Search for God Study Group understand that unfortunately, out Participants study in a supportive of courtesy and respect for those group format, seeking step-by-step currently in meditation, we will not self-transformation by applying the be able to admit latecomers. spiritual principles in the Edgar Facilitated by Randall Okey; Cayce readings. “As you search for [email protected] GOD, you find yourself.’ Using the text books Edgar Cayce put together SUndays THURSdays A Prayers for Healing Group. Come for meditation and healing prayer or phone in to be placed on prayer list. Laying on of hands done on request. It meets to practice healing prayer, meditate, and study materials related to healing. The group devotes special attention to a “Prayer List.” Anyone can submit the name of any individual, living or dead, to be placed on the List. Listed names receive the focus of the group’s healing prayer and energy. Facilitated by Norman Curtis and Paul Dorogoff. 212-691-7690 Saturdays A Revelation Study Group On going group to research and study the Edgar Cayce information on how the Biblical Revelation of John to the seven churches in Asia relates to our seven spiritual centers in the body individually. Followed by meditation. Facilitated by Elyse Curtis, [email protected] The Revelation: “For if you will read the Book of Revelation with the idea of the body as the interpretation, you will understand yourself and learn to really analyze, psychoanalyze, mentally analyze others. But you will have to learn to apply it in self first.” Cayce Reading: 4083-001 n T here is progress whether ye are going forward or backward! The thing is to move! Reading 3027-2 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org May June 2011 3 Cayce REAdings & REmedies Cayce Workshops with Jack Rosen Jack Rosen, Cayce Method Educator, of West Nyack, N.Y., has been using the Cayce remedies for about 35 years. He has taught hundreds of people how to make and use them through his private practice and in workshops for the A.R.E. Center and the Wainwright House. He has freely donated his expertise and time at previous New Life Expos and other Center events. Edgar Cayce on Eczema, Psoriasis and Scleroderma Sunday, May 1, 12:30-3:30 pm; Followed by 3:30-4:30 PM (Overview of Cayce Remedies) See cover page for details. Edgar Cayce’s Electrical Healing “Appliances” Sunday, June 5, 12:30-3:30 pm; Followed by 3:30-4:30 PM (Overview of Cayce Remedies) odern medical science offers limited help and hope for the many people affected by neurological syndromes such as Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, “Lou Gherig’s Disease” (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), and others. But some of those who have used the Edgar Cayce treatment plans for these conditions -- including Cayce’s mysterious “appliances” -- have reported significant improvement and sometimes complete cures. Learn about the “Wet Cell” and “Radial Appliance,” which were recommended by Cayce for regenerating nerve function in these syndromes and for other uses such as spiritual attunement & overcoming possession -- and have recently proved useful for Lyme Disease. Rosen will also discuss the Violet Ray, another mysterious electrical apparatus recommended in over 900 Cayce readings. This high frequency appliance uses a sophisticated coil reportedly invented by the electrical genius, Nicola Tesla. Once in common use by physicians, it is virtually a forgotten tool of conventional health care. Learn about its use in treating nervous disorders, arthritis and rheumatism, hair and skin disorders, problems with digestion and elimination, possession and schizophrenia - and especially problems related to poor circulation. M 2012, Quantum Physics, and The New Root Race according to Edgar Cayce with Jack Rosen Sunday, June 26, 12:30-3:30 pm; followed by 3:30-4:30 PM (Overview of Cayce Remedies) The Mayan Prophecy for Dec 21, 2012 - Quantum Physics and the Double Slit Experiment - Thoughts are things - There are no accidents - FREE WILL - DESTINY - The New Root Race According to Edgar Cayce - Amilius the First Soul who became Jesus Christ, the First completed soul - MARTINUS - HAROLD W PERCIVAL - OUSPENSKY - JOHN OF GOD and others. I will be talking about all of the above subjects and others that I really don’t understand, and show how they all tie in and are talking about the same thing. I will be using youtube videos and diagrams from the works of Martinus. The following websites and books are highly recommended: Thinking and Destiny by Harold W Percival, The Path by Richard Matheson, The Third Testament by Martinus, Tertium Organum by P.D. Ouspensky, What The Bleep Do We Know (the movie), The Mayan Prophecy PART 1 & 2 (youtube. com), www.martinus.nu, word-foundation.com. Members $15 4 Health and Healing GOD Is Still in the Business of Miracles! Healing with Malcolm Smith Wednesday, May 25 to Sunday, May 29, 10-6 PM Please call the center for healing appointments The internationally known healer from Yorkshire, England, considers himself an ordinary person with an extraordinary gift — the ability to be a channel for healing energy from God: “It is God who does the healing, not me.” For over 25 years, he has used his gift to relieve the pain, disease and suffering of thousands. Sometimes, the healing he gives results in instant cures. Often, several sessions over several weeks are required for results to manifest physically. He has restored sight and hearing, cured “incurable” diseases including cancer, and changed hundreds of lives. He emphasizes that slow progress is the norm and Spiritual Healing should not replace orthodox medical treatment. www.malcolmsmithhealer.com Awakening Your Mind with Brainwave Meditation with Judith Pennington 3 day workshop: Friday, May 6, 6-9 pm, Saturday, May 7, 10 AM - 6 pm, Sunday, May 8, 10-1 pM Members $190 This unique and fascinating event shows how to orchestrate the awakened mind of clarity, creativity, insight, intuition and spiritual awareness. While you are hooked up to an EEG device, Judith will lead you to optimal meditation states for self-discovery, healing, transformation and higher guidance. You will see sketches of your brainwave patterns of consciousness on Sunday afternoon. Master your mind to master your life! Visit www.BrainwaveTraining.com to see YouTube videos & more. Non-Members $200 Energy for Prosperity & Healing with Coni Buro, Ph.D. Wednesdays, May 4, 11 & 18, 7-9 PM The body’s energies are the keys to health, vitality and healing. This three week course will provide you with all the help you need to experience & enjoy deep rejuvenation meditations and learn how to use this energy for “Hands-on-Healing.” The Edgar Cayce information offers ancient techniques which can help you connect with the Unseen Forces to create Miracles. Miracles are possible for health and prosperity. Learn techniques to gain access to your own natural healing potential to improve the quality of your life & experience deeper meditations. • • • • Learn Techniques of energy healing Improve health & Healing Connect with Universal Laws Achieve balance of Body, Mind & Spirit For more info: [email protected] Members $60 Non-Members $65 • • • • Improve concentration Improve your intuitive ability Achieve personal empowerment Make responsible choices Pre-reg by Wed April 27: $50 Each class: $25 A ll souls were created in the beginning and are finding their way back to whence they came. Edgar Cayce Non-Members $20 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org May June 2011 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org May June 2011 5 Ongoing Programs/ARE 51 MARIE CROSBY PROGRAM: Affordable Healings! Every Tuesday 7-9 pm Affordable readings and healings from ARE practitioners and advanced students of various healing modalities such as reiki, psychic readings, massage, chakra balancing etc... $35 - Only 2 spaces available. Advanced booking absolutely necessary. Check edgarcaycenyc.org for updated schedule of practitioners Shamanic Journeying Circles with Manuel Peralta Monthly Sound Healing Meditations by Roger Ansanelli NEW!! Childhood Alien Abductions with Robert Morningstar Friday, June 10, 2011 7-9pm Robert Morningstar will present several Childhood Alien Abduction cases from the 1930s/40s/50s through the present. He will discuss the long term physical, mental, psychic and psychological effects of ETAP (Extraterrestrial Alien Abduction) on children and the concept of “Indigo Children” and “Star Children.” Morningstar will reveal how the abduction of children by extraterrestrial entities (since 1962) compelled him to “go public” with his knowledge of ETAP and UFOs after the death of Dr. John Mack. For more info: [email protected]. Members $25 Non-Members $30 6 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org May June 2011 • Healing Workshop - $20 Saturday, May 28 7 - 9:30 pm Get rid of your old concepts of healing and your Limitations… serious stuff but also fun! • Prophecy Celebration - $15 New Moon: May 2 (7:30 PM), June 1 - Full Moon: May 16 (7:30 PM), June 157 PM May: May 2nd the New Moon in Taurus urges us to set intentions that we intend to full commit to in a very tangable way. On the 16th, the Moon becomes Full in Scorpio and shows us how what we have set into motion on the 2nd can have very transformative potential. April: On June 1st , the New Moon Moon will also be a Solar Eclipse in Gemini a sign of duality. It asks us quit directly if we are having “spiritual ADD” or are we focused in our intentions yet open to trying various ideas that honor those intentions. The June 15th full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius challenges us to evaluate whether we are attached to “the facts” or are we attached to TRUTH. Much honesty is required over the months to come to get valuable and freeing answers from within. For more info: [email protected]. Suggested donation: Members $15 Non-Members $20 √ Saturday, May 21, 12-6 PM √ Saturday, June 18 - Summer Solstice - 12-6 PM √ Sunday, July 10 - ARE Picnic √ Saturday, Sept 17 - Fall Equinox √ Saturday, October 22 √ Saturday, December 17 - Winter Solstice Sundays, May 1, 15, 22 and June 12, 26 1-5 pm Reiki 1 (May 1), Reiki 2 (May 15, Jun 12), and Reiki Master Level 3 (May 22, Jun 26). Please see edgarcaycenyc.org for fees. Saturdays, May 14, June 11 7 - 9:30 pm C’mon down for a Group Healing as well as an Individual Healing. Plus Powerful Attunement /Activations for ALL!! Honoring the New & Full Moon with Alexander Santiago 2011 ARE Psychic & Health Fairs • Earn Your Reiki Mastership with Peter Goldbeck • Healing Celebration - $15 Monday, May 30 and June 27 7:30-9 pm Come and practice the ancient knowledge of communication and walk in to the unknown world. The place where you dont need winds to fly, where you meet your ancestors. For more info: [email protected]. Suggested Donation $15-$20 Wednesday, May 4 & June 1, 7-9 pm Come experience the way your vibrational bodies come into alignment as you meditate to the frequencies of Roger’s unique blend of voice and crystal bowl playing. www.rogeransanelli.com Members $20 Non-Members $25 ONgoing programs Workshops & Events with ARE Reiki Master Peter Goldbeck Saturdays, May 7, June 4; Fridays, May 20, June 17,7 - 9:30 pm Emphasis will then be centered on providing Prophetic Visions and Readings for all that are attending. • Reiki Circles - suggested donation $10 Tuesdays, May 3 and June 21; Wednesdays, May 18 and June 8, 7 - 9 pM Through the use of a unique energy attunement and reprogramming one can dramatically increase ones intuitive or “Psychic” abilities. • Psychic Enhancement Circles - suggested donation $15 Tuesdays, May 10 and June 14; Wednesdays, May 25 and June 29, 7 - 9 pM Through the use of a unique energy attunement and reprogramming one can dramatically increase ones intuitive or “Psychic” abilities. GRoup Readings With Milou Every Saturday 12 - 2 PM Special Group Session: Friday, May 13 7 - 9 PM Milou, a third generation clairvoyant and psychic shares his information and guidance from the world of spirit. Messages from departed loved ones, influences that lie ahead of you on your path, and other impressions from the world of spirit come through Milou for participants. Members $10 Non-Members $15 For personal consultations, please contact Milou at 201 264 4651 or [email protected] Movie Night: $5 DEATHTRAP: Friday, May 27, 7-9 pm Starring Michael Caine, Christopher Reeve, Dyan Cannon & Irene Worth as Helga Ten-Dorp. A far-out who-done-it Murder Mystery is were we find Psychic, Helga Ten-Dorp and new neighbor of famed playwright Sidney Bruhl. Having just debuted his latest play in a series of Broadway flops, he come up with a new plan. The elimination of a former student who has just written a play called “Deathtrap”. Helga censors pain and death in the house and warns Sidney to be careful. Yes, there is a murder, but who kills whom? That’s the mystery. Leaving one victorious owner of their hit play “Deathtrap”. K-PAX: Friday, June 17, 7-9 pm Starring Kevin Spacey as Prot & Jeff Bridges as Dr. Powell. A stranger who calls himself Prot seemingly appears out of nowhere, claming to come form the planet K-PAX and gets the attention of Dr. Powell. With fascination and amazement, leading scientists are at a loss to explain Prot’s detailed knowledge of the star system he calls home. But with Prot’s return to K-PAX fast approaching, the search for answers intensifies and the mystery takes on pulse-quickening proportions. Featuring unforgettable performances and surprising turns, it’s a thrilling story that “Keeps you guessing right to the end”. Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org May June 2011 7 Personal Development Psychic & Intuitive Development Personal Transformation & Courage Mediumship Development Workshop - One Day workshop with Francesca Kimpton 2 Workshops with Mary Elizabeth Lynch Saturday, June 11 11 am-5:30 pm Do you ever feel that you are receiving information from the spirit world? Do you doubt these feelings or not know how to use the information? Friday, June 3, 7-9 pm: Exploring the Three Paths to Enlightenment Ancient traditions of spiritual development point to three distinct pathways to enlightenment. This mini-workshop will explore modern applications of three equally valuable approaches: The Path of Renunciation, the Path of Perfection, and the Path of the Poison Pill (also know as the Path of Transformation). You will learn the essence of each pathway and which one best fits your own temperament and style. The workshop can be especially helpful in showing you alternative pathways when you find that you have gotten stuck or stagnant with your personal growth. Members $15 Non-Members $20 Saturday, June 4, 11 am - 5 pm: One-Day Workshop!!! Transforming Your Wounds Into Your Wisdom We are all touched by wounds from the past – traumas, failures and disappointments whose lingering effects can seem to weigh us down. But what if those heavy memories were actual the means for accessing a deeper wisdom about our own spirituality? This one-day workshop explores that very promise. What has been a stumbling block can in fact, as the Cayce readings put it, become a stepping-stone to your enlightenment. You will have the chance to experience how your personal spiritual ideal is a powerful ally for reframing wounds from the past. It allows you to creatively transform sorrows and resentments. It allows you to use your wounds as windows into soulful wisdom about who you really are and how you can move with grace and understanding through the new challenges and difficulties that life brings your way. Mary Elizabeth Lynch will guide you with sensitivity and gentleness to examine experiences from your past that have felt like unresolved burdens – to see your past with new eyes and claim the gifts that lie hidden in some of your most difficult memories. The workshop will include individual meditative explorations, as well as group experiences such as Energy Constellation work to help you attain insights of wisdom. Members $75 Non-Members $85 Re-vision Economy: Seeing Abundance Everywhere with Green Phoenix Permaculture Tuesday, May 3 Everybody has received a message in some form from the other side that they do not understand or do not know how messages are received. During this workshop, you will learn how to make direct contact with the spirit world; identify the communicator and give evidence that they are communicating to you. Pass on evidence and messages to other students. The day will include a brief outline of the mechanics and philosophy of mediumship. This is an interactive workshop with full student participation suitable for students of all levels. For more info: [email protected] Members $110 Non-Members $120 A Special Group Channeling/Personal Sessions with Your Angels with Sheryl Blumenthal Friday, June 24 Group Pastlife Sessions with Rev Kev O’Kane • Psychic & Intuition Development - Mother’s Day Special Saturday, May 7, 12-3 pm: Is your relationship with your Mother either a Blessing or a curse? Do your children take over your life? Do you resent or treasure their doing so? Mother and child relationships and our feelings about them were forged in past lives! This month, in honor of Mother’s Day, we will seek new and helpful understandings of this closest of unions! • 7:15-9 pm Don’t let a “down economy” get you down. Allow it to be an invitation to simplify your life, get creative, build self-reliance and have more fun in stronger and more connected communities. This workshop focuses on simple strategies that will help you (and your neighbors) meet your needs without spending more money. Sliding Scale $5-20 Tapas Acupressure Technique with Lucas Boladian Friday, June 24 7-9 pm Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT®) is a powerful method that provides relief from mindbody distress. You will learn how to use it for yourself to eliminate negative emotions that, left unaddressed, could develop into physical issues. A group TAT® session will follow. For more information, contact [email protected]; www.tatlife.com Members $15 Non-Members $20 8 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org May June 2011 Wedding month: Past-life bliss or blues” Friday, June 10, 7-9 pm: Relive times with your most significant other from the past! Find out if she/he is in your present life now or will be in the future! Gift yourself with a past-life love and knowledge of his/her present life intentions! For more info: [email protected] Members $20 Non-Members $25 DISCOVERING YOUR POWER ANIMAL MEDICINE with Linda Fernandez and Walking Hawk Friday, May 20 7-9 PM Life on the red road is shaped and influenced by the inherent animal medicine we carry inside each of us. Learning about your power animal is a process of self-discovery—as you learn about the animal medicine you carry, you learn how to consciously walk through life. To better cater to participants’ various levels of experience working with power animal medicine, this workshop will be taught in an open Q & A type format and include the following topics: • • Soul development should take precedence over all things. Reading 3357-2 7-9 pm Sheryl Blumenthal, a messenger, offers a powerful and transforming unity with the Council. These angelic presences throughout history are revered beings of ‘the most high’ who lovingly assist the transformation of our earth towards her highest ascension........”Heaven”. www.littleone.us Members $20 Non-Members $25 Personal Sessions from 12-5 PM; $85 for a half hour; $125 for an hour How the type of animal medicine you carry affects your interactions with the various elements, seasons, etc. Totem animals, how to identify their rotation through the predator-prey cycle and how their process through the cycle directly affects you and much more! For more info: [email protected] Members $20 Non-Members $25 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org May June 2011 9 Personal DEvelopment Occult America: A Talk and Signing with Mitch Horowitz Friday, May 6 7-9 pm In this lively, substantive evening, author Mitch Horowitz explores the lives of our nation’s leading mystical figures, from Madame Blavatsky to Edgar Cayce, and shows how America ignited the worldwide revolution in alternative spirituality. The popular author of Occult America, Horowitz has recently written for The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. For more info: [email protected] Members $20 Non-Members $25 Embracing Your Worth as a Woman: Connect with the Divine Feminine with Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway Wednesday, May 25 7-9 pm Join us for a very special women’s gathering and blessing to revitalize your spirit and strength. Learn more about the Divine feminine and plant seeds for a better life, and a better world. For more info: [email protected] or visit www.lauriesuebrockway.com. Members $25 Non-Members $30 Astrology Circles with Annabel Gat & T.C. Eisele Monday, May 23 and Monday, June 20 7:30-9 PM Join Tom and Annabel in a discussion of what to expect for June & July 2011. By looking at your personal horoscope chart, and the current planetary transits, we’ll discuss the best ways to work with the planetary energies. [email protected] Suggested Donation $15-$20 A WARRIORS STANCE, STALKING AWARENESS: A Toltec Shamanic Series with Irma StarSpirit Woman 5 week series: Wednesday, June 8, 15, 22, 29 and July 6 7-9 pm In the Toltec tradition we begin to learn how to stalk energy, reclaim energy by using recapitulation, shape-shifting and shadow work. Clear karma from petty tyrants in our life, and past traumas and repair our luminous cocoon by removing psychic imprints, as we step into the gateway of the void, and enter the temple of self. For more info, contact Irma at [email protected] Members $95 Non-Members $110 Pre-reg before June 1: Members $85 Non-Members $95 Drop In: Members $20 Non-Members $25 MID-YEAR 2011 PREDICTIONS UPDATE! - July to December 2011 with Antot Masuka Saturday, June 25 4:30-6:30pm The first three months of 2011 has proved to be exciting times. Some would say the Signs of the Times are upon us. What will the next 6 months bring? Antot takes a look at upcoming transits for 2011 and provides insights on what global events are likely to express themselves from July- Dec 2011 against our entry into the Age of Aquarius. For more info, contact Antot at [email protected]; www.celestialaffairs.com Members $15 Non-Members $20 10 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org May June 2011 Personal Development Mondays with Diana Caughell Your Soul Has A Plan For You! Do You Know What It Is? Monday, May 9, 7:30-9 pm and Monday, June 6, 7:30-9 pm: Knowing the plan, the map your soul choose for you to experience in this life time is your ticket to everything you desire; inner peace, happiness, joy, prosperity, abundance in all areas of your life. Anything-else is the physical manifestation and direct result of not knowing who and what you are. For more info, email Diana at [email protected] or visit www.nulifetraining4u.com. Who Are You, and Why Are You Here? Monday, May 9, 7:30-9 pm: Knowing who and what you are in truth is the pre-requisite to creating inner peace, happiness and a fulfilling and successful personal and professional life. Dealing with LACK Monday, June 6, 7:30-9 pm: Knowing who and what you are in truth is the pre-requisite to creating inner peace, happiness and a fulfilling and successful personal and professional life. Members $15 Non-Members $20 From the foothills of the Himalayas... Resting in Our True Nature - Practical Tips of Patanjali Yog Sutras with Yogacharya Ganga Puri 2 week Tuesday Series: Tuesday, May 10, 17 7:15-9 pm A spiritual workshop with Yogacharya Ganga Puri from Haridwar, India, to introduce the knowledge of the Vedic scriptures as an experience in higher consciousness leading us to wisdom that ensures destruction of ignorance and related suffering. Each session will include guided breathing exercises and Q & A. srisantosh.wordpress.com yoganga.or es chniqu transforming te Tuesday, May 10: What is Yoga, its goal, Yog Life emotions, for body, mind & & Samadhi? ignorance. liberation from Tuesday, May 17: Spiritual Practice, Sadhana Members $25 Non-Members $30 Uncover your Soul Program: An introduction to the Human Design System with Peter Roth 5 Week Series: Tuesdays, May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 28 7:15-9:15 pm NOTE: The first class and part of the second will focus on your sexual signature and the rest of the series will offer information about your overall human design. You don’t have to come to every class to learn valuable information but you also won’t want to miss important data. Peter will introduce a surprising new map to understand the mechanics of your personality. Human Design can describe the unique ways you think, behave, feel and pursue your life. It knows your personal strengths and purposes. You’ll be working with your own personal chart. The Human Design System is a synthesis of the Chinese I’Ching, chakras and astrology. It uses your birth data to explain not only why you are who you are, but also why your life has become what it has. It explains each one of us in precise and uncanny detail and why all of us are so different from each other. This system outlines your unique fears and gifts and points to how you , To have your chart done can maximize the personality you’ve been given. It changes people’s ur yo th wi E AR l lives to be given the map of ourselves. It’s actually a language of our you must cal 90 76 1 identity that we can use for our own clarification and to help others 69 2 21 at birth info know us better. For more info, email Peter at [email protected]. You must call ahead in time to provide your birth information. Call A.R.E at 212-691-7690 Each class: Members $20 Non-Members $25 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org May June 2011 11 MaY SUN 1 Sunday Morning Services w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Edgar Cayce on Eczema, Psoriasis and Scleroderma w/ Jack Rosen 12:30-3:30 pm Reiki Class Level 1 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm Prosperity1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm MON 2 New Moon Meditation w/ Alexander Santiago 7:30pm Prosperity1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm TUE Intuitive Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Search for God 7-9pm 9 Your Soul Has A Plan For You! Do You Know What It Is? w/ Diana Caughell 7:30-9pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Search for God 7-9pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm 10 Intuitive Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm What is Yoga, its goal, Yog & Samadhi w/ Yogacharya Ganga Puri 7:15-9pm Psychic Enhancement Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm 16 17 Full Moon Meditation w/ Alexander Santiago 7:30pm Intuitive Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Prosperity1-2pm Search for God 7-9pm Spiritual Practice, Sadhana w/ Yogacharya Ganga Puri 7:15-9pm 5 Prayers For Healing 7-9pm Association for Research and enlightenment of New York FRI 6 Occult America: A Talk and Signing w/ Mitch Horowitz 7-9pm Awakening Your Mind with Brainwave Meditation - 3 day workshop w/ Judith Pennington 6-9pm 11 Energy for Prosperity & Healing w/ Coni Buro 7-9pm Energy for Prosperity & Healing w/ Coni Buro 7-9pm Reiki Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm 12 Prayers For Healing 7-9pm 23 Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm 29 30 Shamanic Journeying Circle with Manuel Peralta 7-9pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Search for God 7-9pm 24 Intuitive Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm Search for God 7-9pm 31 Intuitive Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Uncover your Soul Program: An introduction to the Human Design System w/ Peter Roth 7:15-9:15pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm 13 Prayers For Healing 7-9pm SAT Group Readings w/Milou 12-2pm Group Sessions w/ Rev Kev: Mothers Day Special 12-3pm Prophecy Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm 7 Awakening Your Mind with Brainwave Meditation w/ Judith Pennington 10am-6pm 14 Group Readings w/ Milou 12-2pm Self Healing Circles 5-7pm Healing Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm 20 21 ARE Psychic/ Health Fair 12-6pm Revelations 7–8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm Malcolm Smith 10am-6pm Prophecy Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm Discovering Your Power Animal Medicine w/ Linda Fernandez and Walking 7-9pm Hawk Uncover your Soul Program: An introduction to the Human Design System w/ Peter Roth 7:15-9:15pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Astrology Circle w/ Annabel Gat & T.C. Eisele 7:30-9pm Special Group Reading w/ Milou 7-9pm 19 18 Affordable Healings 7-9pm 22 ARE center is closed for Memorial Day Weekend! 4 Monthly Sound Healing Meditations w/ Roger Ansanelli 7-9pm Meditation Group 6-7pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm Healing with Malcolm Smith 10-6pm Energy for Prosperity & Healing w/ Coni Buro 7-9pm THU The Edgar Cayce Meditation Group 6-7pm 15 Sunday Morning Services w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Reiki Class Master Level 3 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm WED Re-vision Economy: Seeing Abundance Everywhere w/ Green Phoenix Permaculture 7:15-9pm Sunday Morning Services w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Reiki Class Level 2 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm 3 Reiki Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm 8 Awakening Your Mind with Brainwave Meditation w/ Judith Pennington 10am-1pm Sunday Morning Services w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm 2 011 PULL OUT AND KEEP Healing with Malcolm Smith 10-6pm 25 Psychic Enhancement Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck Embracing Your Worth 7-9pm as a Woman: Connect with the Divine Feminine w/ Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway 7-9pm 26 27 Healing with Malcolm Smith 10-6pm Healing with Malcolm Smith 10-6pm Prayers For Healing 7-9pm Movienight Deathtrap 7pm 28 Healing Workshop w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm Healing with Malcolm Smith 10-6pm ARE center is closed for Memorial Day Weekend! Every Thursday Every Saturday Prayers for Healing 7 - 9 PM Group Readings 12 - 2 PM Self Healing Circles (2nd & 4th Sat) 5 - 7 PM Revelation Group 7 - 8:30 PM Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org J une SUN SUN MON TUE Every Sunday Every Monday Every Tuesday Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Intuitive Tarot Practice Class 5-7pm Morning Services11am-12:30pm Prosperity 1-2pm Search for God 7-9pm Dream Group 2-4pm 5 Sunday Morning Services w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Sunday Morning Services w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Science Meets Spirituality w/ Diana Caughell 12-2pm Reiki Class Master Level 3 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm 19 Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Group 2-4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30-6pm 6 Your Soul Has A Plan For You! Do You Know What It Is? w/ Diana Caughell 7:30-9pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Search for God 7-9pm 1 Monthly Sound Healing Meditations w/ Roger Ansanelli 7-9pm Prayers For Healing 7-9pm 2 FRI Exploring the Three Paths to Enlightenment w/ Mary Elizabeth Lynch 7-9pm 3 Intuitive Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm SAT Transforming Your Wounds Into Your Wisdom w/ Mary Elizabeth Lynch 11am-5pm 4 Group Readings 12-2pm w/ Milou 7 Uncover your Soul Program: An introduction to the Human Design System w/ Peter Roth 7:15-9:15pm Reiki Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 3-5:30pm 8 A Warriors Stance, Stalking Awareness: A Toltec Shamanic Series w/ Irma StarSpirit Woman 7-9pm Prayers For Healing 7-9pm 9 10 Group Sessions w/ Rev Kev: Wedding month: Past-life bliss or blues” 7-9pm Childhood Alien Abductions w/ Robert Morningstar 7-9pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm Prophecy Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm Revelations 7–8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm 11 Mediumship Development Workshop w/ Francesca Kimpton 11am-5:30pm Group Readings w/ Milou 12-2pm Self Healing Circle 5-7pm Revelations 7–8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm Healing Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm 13 Search for God 7-9pm Astrology Circle w/ Annabel Gat & T.C. Eisele 7:30-9pm 14 Intuitive Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Uncover your Soul Program: An introduction to the Human Design System w/ Peter Roth 7:15-9:15pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Full Moon Meditation w/ Alexander Santiago 7pm 15 A Warriors Stance, Stalking Awareness: A Toltec Shamanic Series w/ Irma StarSpirit Woman 7-9pm Prayers For Healing 7-9pm 16 Prophecy Celebration w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9:30pm 17 18 ARE Psychic/ Health Fair 12-6pm Revelations 7–8.30p Science of Light 8:30pm Movie Night K-PAX 7pm Psychic Enhancement Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7:45-9:30pm Meditation Group 6-7pm 20 Affordable Healings 7-9pm 22 21 Intuitive Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm A Warriors Stance, Stalking Awareness: A Toltec Shamanic Series w/ Irma StarSpirit Woman 7-9pm Reiki Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Search for God 7-9pm Prayers For Healing 7-9pm 23 24 A Special Group Channeling/ Personal Sessions with Your Angels w/ Sheryl Blumenthal 7-9pm Tapas Acupressure Technique w/ Lucas Boladian 7-9pm 25 Mid-Year 2011 Predictions Update! - July to December 2011 w/ Antot Masuka 4:30-6:30pm Group Readings 12-2pm w/ Milou Self Healing Circle 5-7pm Revelations 7–8.30pm Science of Light 8:30pm 26 Sunday Morning Services w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Reiki Class Master Level 3 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm Quantum Physics, and The New Root Race according to Edgar Cayce w/ Jack Rosen 12:30-3:30pm; 3:30-4:30pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Group 2-4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30-6pm New Moon Meditation w/ Alexander Santiago 7pm THU Affordable Healings 7-9pm 12 Reiki Class Level 2 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm WED Association for Research and enlightenment of New York Meditation Group 6-7pm A Course in Miracles 4:30-6pm Sunday Morning Services w/ Rev. Kev 11am-12:30pm Reiki Class Level 1 w/ Peter Goldbeck 1-5pm Edgar Cayce’s Electrical Healing “Appliances” w/ Jack Rosen 12:30-3:30pm; 3:30-4:30pm Prosperity 1-2pm Dream Study Group 2–4pm A Course in Miracles 4:30–6pm 2 011 The Edgar Cayce PULL OUT AND KEEP 27 Shamanic Journeying Circle with Manuel Peralta 7:30-9pm Hatha Yoga 6-7:30pm Search for God 7-9pm 28 Intuitive Tarot Practice Class w/ Veronica Figueroa 5-7pm Uncover your Soul Program: An introduction to the Human Design System w/ Peter Roth 7:15-9:15pm Meditation Group 6-7pm Affordable Healings 7-9pm Psychic Enhancement Circle w/ Peter Goldbeck 7-9pm 29 A Warriors Stance, Stalking Awareness: A Toltec Shamanic Series w/ Irma StarSpirit Woman 7-9pm Prayers For Healing 7-9pm 30 Every Saturday Group Readings 12 - 2 PM Self Healing Circles (2nd & 4th Sat) 5 - 7 PM Revelation Group 7 - 8:30 PM Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. of New York 212-691-7690 www.edgarcaycenyc.org
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