From: Parrish, Andy (DSD) [[email protected]] Sent


From: Parrish, Andy (DSD) [[email protected]] Sent
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From: Parrish, Andy (DSD) [[email protected]]
Sent: 28 August 2009 13:40
To: Nicola Sugg
Cc: Robert Till
Subject: RE: Ref No. 0928086 - Drainage Cley Road / Blakeney Way
Attachments: R00-106A.pdf; R05-16.pdf; R05-17.pdf
I’ve attached a pdf copy of our drawing H0487/R00/106A which shows the surface water
drainage regime for Phase 1 of the site with includes your area of interest. This drawing
was discussed with and approved by the Environment Agency (John Beckett at the
Fradley, Lichfield office).
The EA requested that the design catered for a 1 in 100 year storm with a run off equal to
the pre-works run off and this was given by the EA as 6 l/ha. The required attenuation is
provided in the balancing pond so none will be required within your site. The pond has a
weir at its outfall so that the maximum depth of retained water is 0.5m and it outfalls into
Wash Brook via and existing ditch.
I’ve also attached pdf copies of our drawings H0487/R05/16 and /17. These show the
catchment areas used in the modelling of the development plots using a notional drainage
layout within the plots.
Let me know if you require any further information.
Andy Parrish
Senior Project Engineer
Staffordshire County Council
Development Services Directorate
ST16 3TJ
Tel: 01785 276684 Fax: 01785 276771
[email protected]
-----Original Message----From: Nicola Sugg [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 26 August 2009 15:34
To: Parrish, Andy (DSD)
Cc: Robert Till
Subject: FW: Ref No. 0928086 - Drainage Cley Road / Blakeney Way
Many thanks for the information you provided to my colleague Rob (below). I would be grateful if
you could please provide some further details regarding the surface water drainage design in
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order to advise our site specific requirements.
1. Please can you provide design details for the balancing pond to the south of Blakeney
Way, including the total catchment area, design return period (e.g. 100 year event), etc.
Was the design discussed/agreed with the Environment Agency? Any paperwork you
can provide would be appreciated.
2. Similarly, please provide further details on the design of the outfall from this balancing
pond. What is the design maximum permitted discharge rate and how has this been
derived? Have individual discharge rates been assumed from the contributing sites
(including ours)?
I would be grateful for any further details you can provide as we are in the process of designing
a site specific surface water management plan and therefore need to confirm how much
attenuation is provided elsewhere and whether we have a maximum permitted discharge rate to
Please give me a call if you wish to discuss the above.
With kind regards
Nicola Sugg
[email protected]
SLR Consulting Ltd
Treenwood House
Rowden Lane
Bradford on Avon
BA15 2AU
Tel: +44 (0) 1225 309400
Fax: +44 (0) 1225 309401
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From: Parrish, Andy (DSD) [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 18 August 2009 10:49
To: Robert Till
Cc: Daniels, Sharon (DSD); Raba, Ann (DSD)
Subject: FW: Ref No. 0928086 - Drainage Cley Road / Blakeney Way
Further to your email to our Ron Parker and our telephone conversation on 17
August, I confirm the following:
1. There are two separate surface water and foul water drainage systems in
Blakeney Way and Cley Road;
2. The foul drainage outfalls to the foul pumping station sited approximately
550m to the east of the Blakeney Way/Cley Road roundabout. It is then
pumped back along Blakeney Way to outfall into a gravity system near
3. The surface water drainage for your area of interest outfalls into the
balancing pond to the south of Blakeney Way;
4. The surface water drainage design for the development plateaux assumed
80% impermeability;
5. The drainage shown as dotted lines on the attached drawing number
H0487/R05/15AB shows the drainage which will be adopted by Severn
Trent (their reference is WIPS79195). The remaining drainage is owned by
the County Council;
6. Stubs for both surface water and foul drainage were provided within the
development plots to provide connections into the systems without the need
for excavation within the highway.
Hopefully this answers your queries but give me a call if you’d like to discuss this.
Andy Parrish
Senior Project Engineer
Staffordshire County Council
Development Services Directorate
ST16 3TJ
Tel: 01785 276684 Fax: 01785 276771
[email protected]
-----Original Message----From: Robert Till [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 30 July 2009 14:24
To: Parker, Ron (DSD)
Subject: Ref No. 0928086 - Drainage Cley Road / Blakeney Way
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I was directed to you as somebody who might be able to help me regarding surface water
drainage in the vicinity of Cley Road and Blakeney Way on the Kingswood Lakeside Industrial
Estate, Cannock. I have a sewer plan from Severn Trent which shows private sewers running
along both the aforementioned roads (attached), but they were unable to tell me who owned the
private sewers and suggested that I speak to the local authority.
Based on this, I was wondering if you would be able to tell me if they are owned by the council,
and if so, whether they are combined surface water and foul sewers and would potentially be
able to accept site drainage from the highlighted area at the current (greenfield) rate after
development? Also, if they are owned by the council and we would be able to discharge to
them, what would be the procedure for applying for this consent and getting connected?
I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Kind regards,
Robert Till
Senior Hydrogeologist
[email protected]
SLR Consulting Ltd
Langford Lodge
109 Pembroke Road
Tel: +44 (0) 117 906 4280
Fax: +44 (0) 117 317 9535
Mob: +44 (0)7876 441001
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