The Full Issue - North Itasca Electric Co-op
The Full Issue - North Itasca Electric Co-op
VOL.17 NO. 5 PUBLISHED FOR THE MEMBERS OF NORTH ITASCA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE MAY 2014 North Itasca Electric Cooperative invites all its Members and friends to the annual Mother's Day Open House We will also have corsages for all the Mothers! Friday, May 9 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Enjoy coffee and pastries, register for door prizes, visit with your friends and neighbors, and see the large selection of appliances on sale. 2014 Road Construction Co-op Connection Business Profile: Road construction projects in northern Itasca County during 2014 include three regrade and/ or paving projects and three bridge replacements. Roads are county state aid highways (CSAH). Effie Cafe by Sally Sedgwick “What a lovely oasis in the wilderness!” wrote a visitor from St. Paul. “Nick ate the 2 scoop ice cream!!” wrote another. “It was tough BUT I DID IT!!” answered Nick. “We had a good meal here, and we come from Norway…” commented one international visitor. In fact, a quick browse of one year’s guest book shows visitors from 19 states and 6 foreign countries who came to the Effie Café at the corner of Highways 38 and 1 in northern Itasca County. Customers are a mix Show your Cooperative of hometown regulars, Connections card and seasonal visitors, traffic receive: 25 percent off along Highway 1 and along second entreé of equal the snowmobile trails that or lesser value (Limit: intersect in Effie, fishermen one discounted meal per and bird hunters. card per visit) Finding out their Highway 5 north of Effie Regrading the road will be done in early June and will not detour traffic. Paving will start on July 14 and be completed August 22. Bituminous and shoulder work will also continue stories is the best part of the job, said owner Kathy Powell. “There are no strangers here,” says a sign on the wall, “only friends we have not met.” The walls of the Effie Café also hold history of the area, Effie to p. 4> into Koochiching County. Highway 14 The furthest west bridge on Highway 14 over Fletcher Creek is scheduled to start on June 2 and continue to August 15. A detour will be required. Immediately following the bridgework, the road will be paved with a completion date of October 3. No detour will be required. Road to p.5> Spring Round-Up® grant awards The North Itasca Electric Trust Board has announced its 2014 spring grants. Listed on p. 4 are 38 grant awards totaling over $11,500. North Itasca Electric Co-op would like to thank those members who round up their monthly bills making these projects possible and the members of the Trust Board who donate their time to make the difficult yet rewarding decisions on the grant requests. The next application deadline for Round-Up grants will occur in October. • inside • inside • inside • inside • inside • inside • inside • inside • Round-Up® Greenhouse Ground Source Mother's Day Sale Flyer Heat Pump Openings grant award list page 4 pages 7-10 page 5 page 16 Summer Hours start May 27 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. CLOSED Monday, May 26 page 2 May 2014 ~May Calendar~ 1 1 5 5 9 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 19 21 23 23 26 27 28 29 30 Storytelling at the Marcell Town Hall 6:30 p.m. Subject is "Spring Stories." Nominating Committee for North Itasca Electric Director Districts 4, 5 and 6 meets at headquarters in Bigfork, 6 p.m. Last day for entries to the 2014 Edge Gallery juried art exhibit, Art on the Edge. Forms at . North Woods Cradft Store in Northome opens to the public. Summer hours are Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mother's Day Sale and Open House at North Itasca Electric Co-op, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Women of the Woods meet at 10 a.m. at Sand Lake Community Center. Call Pat Sievertson at 659-2157 or Marlys Maki at 659-2901. Deer River School Board meets, 6 p.m., public forum before meeting. Blackduck School Board meets, 7 p.m. Stop and Stitch at Marcell Family Center. Bring sack lunch, project and $1, come and go. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Contact Rhonda 259-9220 or Judy at 832-3237. Evergreen Friendship Club meets at 5 p.m. at the Sand Lake Community Center. For more info, call 659-2683. Interested in the logistics of a total knee or total hip replacement surgery? Come to Bigfork Valley’s comprehensive program to learn about replacement surgery. Board Room, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. RSVP required: (218) 743-4135. Bigfork Lions Club meets second Wednesday, 6 p.m. at Golf on the Edge. Opening reception for the Student Show at the Edge Gallery in Bigfork, 4-6 p.m. Exhibit runs from May 1-17. Gallery is open Thurs.-Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Bigfork School Band and Choir concert at the Edge Center, 7 p.m. Blackduck High School Band concert, 7 p.m. Northome School Board meets, 7 p.m. Edge Theatre in Bigfork hosts Igor Begelmann, clarinet, and Rieko Aizawa, piano, presented by the Piatigorsky Foundation, 7 p.m. North Country Gardeners meet at 7 p.m., Marcell Family Center. Blackduck High School Choir concert, 7 p.m. Veteran's program presented by Bigfork School 5th grade at the Edge Center, 1:30 p.m. Northome High School Graduation, 7 p.m. Memorial Day. No school, all schools. North Woods Quilters at Marcell Town Hall building, 9 a.m. Lots of show and tell. Lesson "String Along with Me" by Margaret Make. Mystery Table Runner Part 2 with Gloria Bitzer. Potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m. Bring a dish to share or a bag lunch. Disaster Preparedness at Marcell Family Center presented by the Itasca County Sheriff's Department and TRIAD.. Sponsored by local senior clubs. Open to the public. Memorial Blood Centers bloodmobile at Bigfork Valley, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sign up online at or call 743-4249 Opening reception at the Edge Gallery in Bigfork for Steve Premo, Ojibwe painter, in his show titled "Introspection," 5-7 p.m. Show runs May 29-July 5. Gallery is open Thurs-Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free.more>> WATTS NEWS WATTS NEWS is published monthly by: North Itasca Electric Cooperative, Inc. 301 Main Avenue P.O. Box 227 Bigfork, MN 56628 Subscriptions for Members are included as part of the annual membership dues. $8.00 per year or partial year for nonmembers, billed and payable in January for the following year. Second class postage paid at Bigfork, MN 56680. USPS 016-849 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to WATTS NEWS, North Itasca Electric Cooperative, Inc., P.O. Box 227, Bigfork, MN 56628-0227 Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Telephone: (218) 743-3131 After hours (to report power outages): (218) 743-3131 or (800) 762-4048 Web site: Chief Executive Officer: Jared Echternach WATTS NEWS Editor: Sally Sedgwick Send all calendar items, recipes, advertisements and other correspondence for WATTS NEWS to the Editor at: P.O. Box 243, Bigfork, MN 56628 Board Meeting Highlights The Regular Meeting of the Board was held at the Cooperative's Office on March 27, 2014, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Directors Present: Schmitz, Cox, Salmela, Bain, White, Breeze, Leino & Waller Absent: Shearen Also Present: CEO Echternach, Line Supt. Pederson, Staff Assistant Karels, Energy Management Specialist Loney, Manager of Finance and Office Services Corradi, and Attorney Shaw. Line Supt. Pederson presented the Line Dept. and Safety Reports. Pederson also presented the February Outage Report. Manager of Finance & Office Services Corradi presented his Office Dept. Report. Energy Management Specialist Loney presented his Load Management Report. CEO Echternach presented the February 2014 Operating Report. CEO Echternach presented his CEO Report, which included an update on legislative issues, annual audit, preparations for the 2014 Annual Meeting and Northland Connect Broadband LLC. Round-table discussions were held. Waller reported on the MREA Board Meeting. Waller, Leino and Echternach reported on the NRECA Annual Meeting. The recent MREA Annual Meeting and Legislative Conference were discussed. Upcoming Meetings and Events were noted as follows: Operation Round-Up - April 17, 2014; Nominating Committee - May 1, 2014; Project GreenTouch - May 3, 2014; NRECA Legislative Conference - May 4-7, 2014 Leino reported on the GRE Board Meeting. Action Items: -Approved Consent Agenda. -Accepted the February 2014 Operating Report. -Authorized Treasurer Bain to sign Work Order Close #24607 in the amount of $ 48,161.70 -Approved to pass one half of the $63,276.74 GRE PCA onto the members at this time. -Appointed the 2014 Nominating Committee as: District 1...Delegate - Myron Albrecht; Mizpah MN 56660, 897-5048; District 2...Delegate - Wayne Pifher; Bigfork MN 56628, 743-3867; District 3...Delegate Marcie Lindgren; Effie MN 56639, 743-3261; District 4...Delegate - Beth Rahier; Bigfork MN 56628, 245-3347; Alternate - Darla Seifert Bigfork MN 56628, 245-1381; District 5...Delegate - Ms. Kris Olson; Bigfork MN 56628, 832-3664; Alternate - Mildred (Sis) Johnson; Bigfork MN 56625, 832-3088; District 6...Delegate - Mark Bitzer; Northome MN 56661, 8975671; Alternate - Russell Michalek; Blackduck MN 56630, 835-6272; District 7...Delegate - Jack Kallroos; Squaw Lake MN 56682, 659-4344; District 8...Delegate - Hazel Harris; Marcell MN 56657, 832-3951; District 9...Delegate - Jack Schultz; Deer River MN 56636, 832-3784. -Set the next meeting date of April 24, 2014. Meeting Adjourned. >>more calendar 30 Blackduck High School graduation, 7:30 p.m. 31 North Country Gardeners Club plant sale from 10 a.m. until plants are gone, at the Marcell Family Center 31 Bigfork High School graduation, 2 p.m. North Itasca Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board of Directors Chairman: Terry Schmitz, District 8 Vice-Chairman: Wes Waller, District 2 Secretary: Walter Breeze, District 6 Treasurer: Roy Bain, District 9 Rep. to GRE Board: Bruce Leino, District 7 James White, District 1 Larry Salmela, District 3 James Cox, District 4 Ed Shearen, District 5 May 2014 page 3 What is a Power Cost Adjustment? This winter has been one for the record books. Because of the extreme cold, many homeowners used more electricity to heat their homes than in recent memory, which has resulted in larger electricity bills. The increased electricity use resulted in extra costs for North Itasca Electric’s wholesale power supplier, Great River Energy. Like any business, utilities budget their sales and expenses for the year ahead in order to set prices. In the case of a not-forprofit electric cooperative like Great River Energy, electricity is sold to its member cooperatives at cost, with margins allotted to ensure the company’s financial strength. When actual expenses differ from what is budgeted, Great River Energy is able to collect from or credit its member cooperatives through a power cost adjustment (PCA). A PCA is a common rate component on an electric bill that reflects the fluctuating cost of wholesale power and the fuel (natural gas and coal) required to run electric generation plants. A PCA enables Great River Energy to set a lower rate each year because it provides the organization with a way to react to unexpected events and costs, such as those caused by extreme weather. For example, while it is simple to budget for a car payment, it can be a bit more difficult to plan for the price you will pay at the pump for an upcoming year. Any dollars above or below what you budgeted for gas acts like a PCA. In 2013 North Itasca Electric members received a PCA credit of roughly $35,000 over the course of the year. The PCA for the month of January was a charge of $10.7 million. North Itasca Electric’s portion of the PCA was just over $63,000. GRE did not bill the January PCA to member cooperatives. Instead, they used funds from the 2013 revenue deferral to offset the PCA. GRE intends to replenish the revenue deferral funds with any PCA credits experienced over the remainder of 2014. The PCA for the month of February was a charge of $11.6 million. North Itasca Pederson Hovila Agency Insurance Services 218-743-3545 Operation a great program I’d like to thank members who participate in the Operation Round Up program. This is a great program in which members elect to round up their electric bill each month with the additional change placed into an Operation Round Up Trust. The ORU Trust Board met April 17 to distribute more than $11,000 to community organizations. I’d also like to thank the Trust Board for their stewardship of this great organization and to those who Jared Echternach, CEO volunteer in our communities to make these worthwhile projects happen. A list of organizations and the grants received are located in this issue of WATTS NEWS. I encourage non-profit community organizations to apply to this program. The next application deadline will be in early October. Hours: Sun-Thurs: 6 a.m.-7 p.m. Fri and Sat: 6 a.m.-9 p.m. ● Auto, Home, Farm, Health, Life, Mobile Home, Boat, etc. ● Discount, Preferred and Value Plans available 401 Main Ave., Bigfork 56628 next to the post office Round-Up®, 743-3607 Local, friendly, personal service for over 35 years Call Kevin for a no-obligation quote or policy review Electric’s portion of the PCA was just over $63,000. At its March board meeting, your cooperative’s board of directors decided to pass through 50 percent of the PCA charge it received from Great River Energy, roughly $31,500. The PCA charge for February was due to continued unusually high loads throughout the system and transmission congestion in parts of GRE’s service territory, which caused GRE to pay considerably more for electric load than the market was paying for generation. ! za Piz Friendly, small town atmosphere Ice cream ... the dipping kind! Pie ! Wireless Internet available Every Monday evening: 1/4 lb. hamburger & fries Every Friday evening: fish or fantail shrimp Every Tuesday 11am-2 pm: hot beef sandwiches Every Thursday 11am-2 pm: hot pork sandwiches ● New Decks ● Deck Replacement ● Deck Repair FREE ESTIMATES Lovely new items just in time for... Matt Hanson: 218-850-9494 ● Bernie Elhard 218-556-8334 Experienced in serving Northern Minnesota’s Lake Country since 1998 at B igfor k Va lley Mother's Day! 218-743-GIFT (4438) Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat., 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. License #060672-PM 33204 Shadywood Road • Grand Rapids, MN 55744 fax: (218) 327-9283 • [email protected] page 4 May 2014 Effie Cafe >from p.1 pictures of pioneers, logging camps and some of the big timber that grew in the area. It’s a history, Kathy worries, “that’s getting away from us.” The café was built in the 1930s after the logging trains pulled out. George Rahier built the building on the right of way and it has been a restaurant ever since except for a short time as a home. Kathy purchased the business in April 1994, and some specialty items have been on the menu since almost the beginning: Busti Browns, hayburger, Jake’s Special and homemade caramel rolls. And of course, homemade soups and pies. When she bakes pies, Kathy said, she makes nine at a time, and always includes cherry, cranberry-cherry and blueberry. And sometimes there is a creative pie – depending on what’s in the larder. Those, she points out, can only be savored once, since she doesn’t write down the recipe! Customer tastes have changed over the years: today people are eating healthier, Kathy said, trending more to salads and poultry and away from fried foods. Dinner rolls are only by request now, she said. But traditional specials remain: Monday night burgers, Friday night fish fry, every other Saturday Mexican night and the daily specials. The Café is open every day; Sunday through Thursday from 6 a.m. –7 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 6 a.m.-9 p.m. The Effie Cafe can be reached at (218) 743-3607, and is also on Facebook. Be sure to sign the guestbook… “Awesome café in the wilderness!” …diner from Monticello. Plum Tree & Co. Antiques, Primitives & Gifts Opening for the season Thursday; May 8th Stop in and see everything new we bought over the winter! Thursday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Highways 38 & 286, Marcell, MN Round-Up® spring grant awards Applicant Organization Bigfork Fire Department Bigfork School Bigfork School Bigfork School Bigfork School Bigfork School City of Effie City of Squaw Lake Deer River Area Food Shelf Deer River High School Deer River School Dora Lake Walleye Restoration Assn Edge of Wilderness Disc Cntr Freedom Ranch Grand Rapids Area Male Chorus Itasca Chap., Let's Go Fishing Itasca County Sheriff's Triad Jesse Lake Watershed Assn Koochiching Cty Ag, Assoc. Marcell Family Center Marcell Family Center Marcell Family Center Mount Itasca Ski Patrol North Woods Craft Northland Progressive Inc. Northome City Library Northome Community Ed Northome Community Ed Northome Community Ed Northome First Responders Northome School Northome School Northome School Jr. Class Northome School Northwood Saddle Club Santa's Mitten Maids Squaw Lake Fire Department Squaw Lake First Responders Project Title Amt Awarded Wilderness Event to Educate $250.00 High School Speech Team $250.00 Special Needs Sensory Integration $200.00 Photoshop for the Photo Class $300.00 Rachel's Challenge $300.00 Google Glass & Google Explorer Project $253.12 Effie Rodeo Daze - Kids Games/Prizes $300.00 Shed Elect & Outside Emergency Elect $500.00 Purchase Food for Food Shelf $550.00 Band - Percussion Upkeep/Repair $300.00 High School - Accessible Text for Teens $211.85 Dora Lake Walleye Restoration $200.00 Nature Programs - Summer 2014 $350.00 Propelling the Mission of Freedom Ranch $250.00 Grand Rapids Area Male Chorus Concert $250.00 LGF-With Seniors - Outings $500.00 2014 MN TRIAD Conference $500.00 JLWA Share the Lake Day $350.00 Arena Announcement Stand for Equestrian $250.00 Marcell Family Center Emergency Generator $100.00 Marcell Family Center Summer Programs $500.00 Kid's Fishing Day $350.00 Replacement of Outdated Radios $200.00 New Furnace $200.00 Community Beautification & Crazy Daze $400.00 New Books $250.00 Northhome Community Education Fitness $250.00 Northhome Community Education Zumba $200.00 After School Program $400.00 Digital Blood Pulse Oximeters - Fingertip $245.00 I Clean, You Clean, We All Clean Together $135.00 Canoe Paddles $200.00 Northome - Kelliher Post-Prom Party $250.00 Purchase Treadmill $250.00 Hall Rentals, Insurance & Arena Rental $200.00 Christmas Presents and School Supplies $400.00 Numbering on Fire Trucks $250.00 New First Responder Kits $699.00 (218) 838 2332 Total $11543.97 Public Auction Sat, May 17, 9:30 a.m. Harley & Violet Dahl 11052 Cty Rd 56, Mizpah Shop, Tools, Antiques, Collectables, Household, Furniture, Sporting Goods and Outdoors Tiller; lawn tractors; utility trailer; logging shack w/ bunks; ’64 MF 35 w/loader, chains, forks, bucket; rifles; 3 wheeler; much more. Vehicles: ’94 Tahoe, ’93 Lumina; ’91 Caprice Info at ▪ Septic installation May 2014 Area greenhouses open Bigfork <Northome Bigfork > Lower Balsam Lake> Section of route permit application map showing two alternative routes for the 550kV Minnesota Power GNTL line. Approximate locations added for clarity. Full map on MP chooses alternative routes In mid-April Minnesota Power filed a route permit application for the 550 kV Great Northern Transmission Line (GNTL) with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and also applied for a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of Energy for the international interconnection at the U.S.-Canadian border. The new transmission line will facilitate the delivery of at least 750 MW of energy into the U.S. beginning in 2020. Minnesota Power, which will have majority ownership of the project, will utilize the GNTL to deliver to its service area 250 MW from Manitoba Hydro. The two utilities are also finalizing an agreement outlining how Minnesota Power will purchase additional energy and substantially expand its energy storage opportunities using the new asset. "The Great Northern Line enhances a unique synergy involving hydropower and wind," said Minnesota Power Chief Operating Officer Brad Oachs. "The new transmission capacity more readily allows the Manitoba Hydro system to store intermittent wind generation during times when energy markets don't need it. Minnesota Power estimates total project cost in the U.S., including substation work, between $500 million and $650 million, depending upon the final approved route. The applications filed with the MPUC and DOE explain that the line will generally require a 200 ft. wide right-of-way, with four or five structures per mile about 100 to 150 ft. in height. The type of structures will depend on land type and land use. Two alternate routes are listed in the applications. Both proposed alternatives are approximately 220 miles and, where feasible, follow existing transmission line rightsof-way. A University of Minnesota-Duluth economic study estimated the project will create 213 construction jobs and 73 additional indirect jobs. The Great Northern Transmission Line will generate approximately $28 million annually in state and local taxes, according to the study. About $875 million of direct and indirect spending on goods and services will be needed to support construction activities, researchers said. For more information about the project, visit www. -Excerpted from MP news release, April 16, 2014 page 5 Please note: opening dates may be dependent on weather. plants, hanging baskets and planters. Phone: (218) Bigfork Hardware is located just north of the river on 835-6656 Highway 38. Adjacent greenhouse open by Mothers’ Effie Day (depending on weather) with baskets, planters Forevergreen Greenhouse and Gifts is located 1 and patio vegetables. Phone: (218) 743-3231. mile east of Effie on Highway 1. Opening Sat., May Country Gardens Greenhouse is located in the 3. In honor of its 19th year, there will be drawings parking lot of Kocian’s. Open by Mothers’ Day for free plants. The Forevergreen has expanded this featuring flowers, heirloom vegetables and hanging year with two new greenhouses and an even bigger baskets. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon. – Sat. Phone: selection of vegetables and flowers. There is an Carol at (218) 743-3343 attached gift shop with candles, western primitives, Burt’s Bees products and more. Open 7 days a week, Blackduck Grundmeier’s Greenhouse is located at 589 Main St 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Phone (218) 743-3358 or email North, Blackduck. Opening May 8. Hours are 9 a.m. [email protected]. – 5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Grundmeier’s carries bedding Marcell Lloyd’s Landscaping is located at the junction of Highways 38 and 286 in Marcell. Opening May 8 with flowers, vegetables, shrubs, trees, baskets and >from p.1 gifts. Landscaping services available - call with Highway 4 your questions. Open Mon-Sat., 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Replacing the bridge of the unnamed creek just east Sun., 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Phone: (218) 832-2842, www. of Spring Lake is scheduled to begin June 30 and be completed by July 8. A detour will be required. Road Construction Highway 31 A 1.3 mile section of Highway 31 from Island Lake to County 24 will be reconstructed, requiring a detour. The regrade is tentatively scheduled to start August 11 and be complete September 18. Third River Twp Rd.1 A bridge over Otter Creek will be replaced with a tentative start date of Sept. 29 and completion date of Oct. 17. Bigfork, MN 56628 218-743-3232 • 877-541-2817 Edwin Anderson, MD • Lisa Harmon, MD Heidi Korstad, MD • Jeffrey Scrivner, MD Denyse Trebs, CANP • Ruth Eckstrom, NP-C Kari Drake, PA-C • Natalie Gustafson, NP-C Cathy Sellers, CANP/CWOCN Same-Day Appointments page 6 Edge Gallery News Bigfork Student Art in the Edge Center Gallery May 2014 Arts on the Edge by Paul Kraska Bigfork School Extravaganzas Mother's Day, fishing openers and watching for spring flowers are all May events, but right at the top of the list is the end of the school year. This May is full of school activities including one group of young adults graduating into a new part of their lives. It is great that The Edge Center gets to be the venue for many of these Bigfork School activities. Congratulations from everyone associated with The Edge to the Bigfork School for a year of progress in all areas. All of the activities are free of charge and open to anyone who would like to attend. Mark these dates on your calendar and support our local youth in the process. The following may by Lynn Nachbar May Day this year brings the beginning of the Bigfork Student Art Show. The exhibit will run through May 17 with a reception on Wednesday, May 14 from 4:30 -6:30 p.m. before the Student Concert at 7 p.m. The art on display has been created in Roberta Steinhart’s seventh through twelfth grade art classes. There are several projects represented in the exhibit: photos made with pinhole cameras, pictures made with melted crayons, mixed media compositions and book arts. Old windows in frames are the “canvas” for interesting paintings. Memory jugs in the show are an unusual but creative project made by the young artists. Memory jugs are based on historical examples. They are glass jars with objects covering the outside to signify a meaning. There are three theories about the origin of these jugs. They may have begun as a craft project for Victorian young ladies and may have been an expression of grief. There are also similarities to African American clay work. It is interesting to interpret the meanings intended by Bigfork students. There were two guest artists working with the students this school year. Karlyn Atkinson Berg, whose specialty is collage, taught students the basics of combining various papers and other materials Kenny Porter (above, second from into a successful composition that expresses left) and Karlyn Atkinson Berg (below, a meaning. Kenny Porter brought his love of standing) brought their skills to teach carving to the classroom. Several students students as guest artists. learned how to carve loons. One usually active young man especially enjoyed the slow, contemplative pace of careful carving. Student artwork is some of the most interesting, imaginative and emotional work you will see in the Gallery. As the students learn the basics of color, texture, shape, line, and darks and lights used in compositions, they are stretching their creativity. Even if art students never pursue artistic activities in the future, what they learn about creativity can help them throughout life. Visit the exhibit in the Edge Center Gallery attached to the Bigfork School. It is always free and is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Next show at the Gallery The Gallery will be closed May 22 to 24. May 29 - July 5: The deadline for entries to Art on the Edge: Tenth Annual Juried Art Exhibit is Introspection: Steve Premo, Ojibwe artist Friday, May 30, 5 -7 p.m., Monday, May 5. There are entry forms in Artist’s Reception the Edge Gallery or online at The website has all the details. change so check with the school to make sure. The Edge hosts the following public events in May: May 7 hosts the academic awards for high school students with every class participating at 11a.m. May 14 opens the student art show with a reception from 4 to 6 p.m. with one of the most colorful exhibits of the year. At 7 p.m. on the same day is the spring concert with the band and choir. Grades 7 through 12 are participating with two solo performances. May 17 is the Grand March for 10th through 12th grades at 4 p.m. May 20 features the senior reception for scholarships at 7 p.m. May 22 has the athletic banquet with letter awards at 6:30PM. May 23 the 5th grade presents a veterans recognition program at 1:30 p.m. May 29 the kindergarten graduation occurs at 2 p.m. May 31 ends the festivities with senior graduation in the Jerry Chiabotti gym at the school at 2p.m. National Volunteer Week For National Volunteer Week this year (the week of April 6), the Grand Rapids Herald Review helped the community celebrate all of our wonderful volunteers at the Edge Center with an article in a special supplement. The title of the supplement was “Active Volunteering Promotes Healthy Aging and Healthy Communities” and we could not agree more, except that many of our volunteers are young in age AND heart! Studies have shown the many health benefits of volunteering and the positive effects of being part of something beneficial with other people. How many times have I heard the “use it or lose it” motto reminding us to keep our minds and bodies active? The Edge Center simply would not exist without the 15,000 volunteer hours given in each year. If you’d like to volunteer, give us a call. We thank you all, and if you’d like to read more you can see lots of volunteer pictures and the whole Edge Article on our blog at: http://edgecenterarts.blogspot. Edge Events Learn more about all of these at: • May 7 - Bigfork School Academic Achievement Awards, 11 a.m. • May 14 - Bigfork School Band and Choir Concert, 7 p.m. • May 14 - Bigfork School Student Art Exhibit reception 4-6 p.m. • May 16 - Piatigorsky Foundation presents Igor Begelmann and Rieko Aizawa, 7 p.m. • May 23 - Bigfork School 5th grade presents a veterans recognition program 1:30 p.m. • May 30 - Gallery Opening Reception Steve Premo Ojibwe painter: “Introspection” • July 11 - Gallery Opening Reception Juried Art Show • July 18-21 – Stages Theater brings THE WIZ, theater for Young Audience Version. • August 9 - Piano Bar Concert • August 16 - Marshall Oelmann Tribute Concert • August 22 - Gallery Opening Reception Terr Rathia photography • August 23 - John Perkins and Friends Concert • Oct. 31-Nov. 2 — EdgeWild Players perform The House of Bernarda Alba, 7 and 2 p.m. Keep watching here and the website for more upcoming events as they are set! com/2014/04/try-volunteering-at-edgecenter-enrich.html World-renowned Clarinetist and Pianist in Concert this May If May was not full enough with school events, we will also fit in two concerts by world-renowned clarinetist Igor Begelmann accompanied by talented Rieko Aizawa. The programs will be brought to us by the generosity of the Piatigorsky Foundation. With a history of top national and international awards to his credit, Igor is also an active educator believing strongly in musical education of young people. At 13 years old, Rieko Aizawa performed at Kennedy Center and Carnegie Hall. Rieko is also an active chamber musician and has performed as a guest with string quartets. Public performance is Friday, May 16th, 7 p.m., $10 adults, $5 children. May 2014 page 7 ANNUAL MOTHER’S DAY SALE May 9 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Coffie & doughnuts will be served! ENERGY STAR® REBATES Free corsage for all mothers! Purchase an Energy Star refrigerator or freezer and recycle an old working one and receive a $75 energy rebate on your electric account! Laundry Center FFLE1011MW Retail $1,356 Sale $1,248 2.95 c.f. washer/5.5 c.f.dryer, Immersion Care wash action, advanced rinse technology, balanced dry system, vibration control, Ready Select controls, 8 wash cycles including delicate, heavy and bedding; 90, 60, 30 and 15 minute timed dry options, delicate, normal and casual drying cycles GLASS TOP RANGES FGEF3055MW Retail $938 Sale $863 5.8 C.F self clean oven, true convection cooking for bake, broil & convection roast, oven light, hidden bake element, power broil, Effortless Temp Prob, keep warm, auto oven shut off 6-hr., pizza button, delay start, kitchen timer. 12” front right, 6” rear right, 6” rear left, 9” front right 5x radiant element. FFEF3018LQ Retail $648 Sale $596 Ready-Select controls, One-touch self-cleaning oven, Space-Wise expandable element, Even Baking Technology, Store-More storage drawer, extra-large oven window, Hi/Lo broil option, automatic shut-off after 12 hours. FFEF3018LM Retail $702 Same as above, silver mist color. FFEF3018LB-BLACK Retail $625 Sale $646 Sale $575 FFEF3019MWB Retail $738 Sale $679 1-ONLY Ready-Select controls, large capacity, One-Touch self clean, Spacewise expandable elements, extra large elements, Store More drawer, quick clean, delay start baking option, delay clean, Hi/Lo broil option, auto shut off 12-hr., timed cook option, electronic kitchen timer, bright lighting. FGEF3032MW Retail $790 Sale $727 (2) 1,200W elements, (1) 1,700W/2,700W expandable element, (1) 3,000W/1,200W expandable element Easy Temp probe, (displays food’s internal temperature), (2) space wise expandable large elements, (2) small elements and a keep warm zone. Vari-Broil Hi/Lo, 1-24 hr. delay, 2 or 3 hr. self clean setting, oven light. 5.3 c.f. COIL TOP RANGES FFEF3015LB Retail $522 Sale $480 Ready select controls, (2) 6”-1,250W elements and (2) 8” 2,100W elements. Upswept coil elements. 3.5 c.f. oven. Even baking &Vari broil Hi/Lo. (2) oven racks, extra large window, 2 and 3 hour self clean settings, times cook option, kitchen timer, 12 hour timed shut-off. FFEF3005MWB Retail $500 Sale $460 Plain coil top range perfect for the cabin. Manual clean oven. page 8 May 2014 TOP LOAD WASHERS AND MATCHING DRYERS FRIGIDAIRE FAHE4044MW-WASHER Retail $727 Sale $669 Energy Star, glass top, Immersion Care wash action, WaterFall wash technology, Fits More design, fresh water rinse, viberation controll system, DuraMotion tub w/ lifetime warranty, specialty cycles enclude jeans and kids wear, Energy Saver option, auto temperture control, end of cycle signal, light inside drum, Express Select controls. FARE4044MW-DRYER Retail $727 Sale $669 3.38 DrySense technology, quick dry setting, Fits More dryer, Energy Saver option, One-Touch wrinkle release, numerous specialty cycles including Shrink Guard, Allergen and Line Dry, TimeWise technology, No-Wash sanitize cycle, Express Select controls, SilentDesign sound, 60, 75 and 90 minute timed dry settings, 4 adjustable leveling legs. FFTW1001PW-WASHER Retail $568 Sale $523 3.4 c.f. 8 wash cycles; bedding, casual, delicates, heavy, normal, presoak, rinse and spin, Auto temperature control, 3 manual temperature settings; cold, hot warm, auto water level adjustment, Ready Select controls, stainless steel drum, SureSpin suspension system, 850 RPM, bleach and fabric dispenser, start, pause, cancel buttons, adjustable leveling legs. FFRE1001PW-DRYER Retail $566 Sale $521 7.0 c.f., 8 preset drying cycles, 4 temperature selections, 4 timed dry options; 15, 30, 60 and 90 minutes. Wrinkle Release, Ready Select controls, painted steel drum, cycle status lights, end of cycle signal w/ on/ off option, start, pause, cancel knobs, lint screen, adjustable legs. FAHE1011MW-WASHER Retail $616 Sale $567 Immersion Care wash action, Energy Star rating, FitsMore design, fresh water rinse, vibration control system, DuraMotion tub w/ lifetime warranty, silent design 20% quieter. Cycles include bedding, casual, delicates, heavy, normal and presoak. Auto temperature control, interior light, ExpressSelect controls. FFARE1011MW-DRYER Retail $616 Sale $567 7 c.f., high efficiency, FitMore design, TimeWise technology, one-touch wrinkle release, Express Select control knob, painted steal interior drum, 8 dry cycles, 4 temperture selections, 15, 30, 60 and 90 minute timed dry settings, lint screen. GENERAL ELECTRIC GTWN4250DWS-WASHER Retail $705 Sale $649 3.9 c.f. Energy Star, hydrowave quiet agitator wash system, rotary electronic controls, cycle status lights, 16 varied wash cycles, PreciseFill with the option of 5 water levels, perfect temp water temperature, Rain Shower system, bleach/fabric softner, auto balance suspension. HOT POINT HTWP1400FWW-WASHER Retail $487 Sale $448 3.7 c.f. Plastic ribbed basket, auto balance suspension system, dual action agitator, Power Rinse option, 4 water levels, 8 wash cycles, 3 wash rinse tempertures, bleach and fabric softener dispensers, auto balance suspension, 630 max RPM. HTDX100EDWW-DRYER Retail $402 Sale $370 6 c.f. Dura Drum Dryer, door can be reversed, auto dry setting monitors air temperature to adjust dry time, upfront lint filter, 3 heat selections, 4 dry cycles, 80 minute timed dry. May 2014 page 9 FRONT LOAD WASHER/DRYERS FriGIdaire FFFW5100PW-WASHER Retail $901 Sale $829 3.9 cu. ft, 5 water temp. selections with auto. temp. control, 5 spin speeds (up to 1200 rpm) and 3 soil level selections. TimeWise technology, SilentDesign with Vibration Control system. Advanced rinse technology, Easy-to-use ReadySelect controls. Energy Saver/fresh water rinse/stain clean option. Up to 10 hour delay start option, Stay-Fresh antimicrobial door seal, cycle status lights, adjustable end-of-cycle chime FASE7021NW-DRYER Retail $625 Sale $575 DrySense technology, dries a full load in 25 minutes, Ultra-capacity 7.0 c.f., Ready steam, One-Touch Wrinkle release, No-Wash Sanitize cycle FASE7073NW-DRYER Retail $698 Sale $642 7.0 c.f. electric dryer, TimeWise Technology, One-touch wrinkle release, Ready steam option, Express-Select controls REFRIGERATORS FFHT1817LW Retail $769 Sale $708 1-Wire freezer shelve, 1- clear dairy, 2- clear humidity controlled crisper drawers. 3- spill proof glass shelves. FFHT1814LW Retail $685 Sale $630 18.3 c.f., 2- Store more humidity controled crisper drawers, 1- store more gallon door shelf, dairy compartment w/ clear dairy door, 3 full width fixed door racks. FFHT1715LW Retail $728 Sale $670 17 c.f., 2- store more humidity controlled crisper drawers, 3- full width fixed door racks, 2- Store More gallon door shelves, Cool zone drawer, full width freezer shelf, refrigerator 12.8 c.f. freezer 3.7 c.f. FFHT2126PW Retail $843 Sale $776 1-Wire freezer shelve, 1- clear dairy, 2- clear humidity controlled crisper drawers. 3- adjustable spill proof glass shelves. 1- clear zone drawer, 2gallon size door bins, 2- full width door racks and 1- full width shelf in the freezer. FFHT2117LW Retail $919 Sale $845 2- Store More humidity controlled crisper drawrs, 1- store more gallon door shelf, Cool zone drawer, 1- full width fixed freezer shelf, 2- full width wire door racks, dairy compartment with clear dairy drawer. FFHT1513LW Retail $673 Sale $619 15 c.f., 2-store more humidity controlled crisper drawers, 2- full width and 1- half width fixed door rack, Store more gallon door shelf, refrigerator capacity 11 c.f. freezer 3.8 c.f. FGHB2844LP Retail $2,129 Sale $1,959 French door bottom freezer, Effortless Glide crisper drawer, Effortless Glide freezer drawers, Store More bins, (gallon size) Spill Safe glass shelves, Energy Saver Plus technology, Express-Select control on ice and water dispenser, designer lighting. FFHS2622MW Retail $1,160 Sale $1,067 26 c.f. standard depth side by side, store more organization includes gallon door, stacked drawer and adjustable door bins, humidity controlled crisper drawer, PureSource 3 water filteration, Spill Safe shelves, Energy Saver Plus technology, Ready Select controls, bright lighting, filter change alert, control lock option. page 10 May 2014 DISHWASHERS FFBD2406NS Retail $433 Sale $398 Quiet dishwasher, tall tub design holds up to 14 place settings, 2-4-6 hour delay option, Space wise silverware basket, Ready-Select controls, high temp. wash, control lock option, 5 wash levels with 3 options. Grills Electric grill/smoker Meco Electric Grill Retail Sale $88.00$73.60 $222.52$204.72 DEHUMIDIFIER Retail $301 Sale $277 FFBD2411NQ Retail $377 Sale $347 Holds up to 14 place settings, Energy saver plus cycle, Energy Saver dry option, 2-4-6 hour delay start option, NSF certification guarantees 9.99% of bacteria is removed, removable silverware basket, 5 preset wash options, Ready Select controls, High temp. wash option, Energy Star certified. FFBD2403lW Retail $354 Sale $326 1-ONLY Quiet Dishwasher, Energy Saver dry option, delay start, 2/4/6/ hour delay start option, fits up to 14 place settings, SpaceWise removable silverware basket, Ready-Select controls, high temperature wash, control lock option GSD2300ROOBB Retail $325 Sale $299 1-ONLY 3-level wash system, Energy Star Qualified, Piranha™ hard food disposer, hot start option, ensures that water temperatures remain consistent from the beginning of a cycle to the end, 5 cycles with 2 options FFBD2411NB Retail $377 Sale $347 Holds up to 14 full place settings, Energy Saver plus cycle & Energy Saver dry option, 2-4-6-hr delay, NSF certification, SpaceWise multicompartment, removable silverware basket, 5 preset wash options, ready select controls, high wash option, control lock option, Energy Star. FREEZERS UPRIGHT FREEZERS Model Number FFUH21F2NW FFU14M5HW FFU12F2HW8 FFH17F7HW FFU17M7HW FFU21M7HW CHEST FREEZERS Model Number FFC0523DW FFC07M4NW FFCH09M5MWO FFCH15M1NW Retail $663 $613 $613 $774 $775 $644 SALE $610 $564 $564 $712 $713 $592 RetailSALE $226 $208 $263 $242 $412 $379 $473 $435 FGD2434PW Retail $408 Sale $375 Stainless steel exterior, Energy Star, NSF certified, sanitized rinse, 4 wash cycles, 5 wash levels, 1-wash speed, heat/no heat option, 2/4/6/ hour delay start, effortless drying system, soft food disposer, Nylon Tufracks, stainless steel filter with removable filter trap, ultra quiet 3 sound pkg. 55dbl. FGHD2465NW Retail $502 Sale $462 Quick clean option, SpaceWise organization system, delay start 1-24 hr., NSF certified, smudgeproof stainless steel, PowerPlus cycle for extra heavy wash, largest silverware basket holds over 180 items, Express Select control design, digital display, Sahara dry, 5 wash levels, 5 wash speeds, DishSense & AquaSurge technology, ultraquiet plus sound pkg., 7 cycles. May 2014 page 11 Outage Report - March 2014 Outages: This is a chart showing what the Line Department responded to during the month, including cause, length of outage, whether the fault was overhead (OH) or underground (UG), and the location. DATE OFF ALL TYPES OF GUNS - BUY, SELL, TRADE Talmoon Firearms and Supplies Ed Shearen, FFL P.O. Box 12 218-832-4867 49635 State Hwy 6 218-832-GUNS Talmoon, MN 56637 - By appointment only.- WILLIAMS SEPTIC & ELECTRIC, INC. Licensed & Bonded Contact: ● Septic Brian Williams at Installation (218) 659-4216 Inspection Design ● Hauling & Excavating ● Residential & Commercial Wiring P.O. Box 633 / 52034 Silk Rd. Squaw Lake, MN 56681 Where skill meets compassion. Chiropractic clinic at Marcell Wednesdays Walk-ins welcome Mike Olson, D.C. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (218) 832-2033 Chiropractic clinic at Bigfork Valley (218) 743-4340 LOCATION AREA AFFECTED OH/UG CAUSE TIME OFF MEMBERS AFFCTD page 12 May 2014 AARP Smart Driver Course The AARP Smart Driver course teaches valuable defensive driving skills and provides a refresher of the rules of the road. AARP Smart Driver courses will be held at the locations and times listed below, cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. Space is limited, register by calling the host phone listed with class dates. There are NO written or driving tests to pass this course – just be an active participant. By completing the AARP Smart Driver course you will qualify for a 10 percent automobile insurance discount. ● Tuesday, May 6, Bigfork School, 100 Huskie Blvd., Bigfork. 5-9 p.m. refresher course. To register, call (218)743-3444. An Old Fashioned General Store Spring Lake Store Groceries, hardware, movies, gas, gifts, post office, waste coupons, licenses, housewares MasterCard and Visa Hours: Mon-Sat: 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. Sun: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. 218-832-3626 On Hwy 4, 1 mile west of Hwy 29 American Legion Riders Enjoy a motorcycle trip with the American Legion Riders out of Post 122 in Deer River this summer. Riders have to be members in good standing of any American Legion, Legion Auxiliary, be a son of a Legion member or have a family member who has served for most events. All rides leave from the Deer River Vets Club unless noted. May 17: 11th Annual Jody Spitzack Memorial Ride Benefits families with unexpected medical crises. 11 a.m. registration, leave at noon. $20 May 26: Memorial Day Service Ride Short ceremony before the ride, then continuing to seven other cemetery presentations; ending at the Winnie Dam area for a short presentation and 21 gun salute. Dinner served about 12:30 p.m. at the Deer River Vets Club. 8 a.m. from Essentia Health-Deer River. Free. June 14: Fallen Veterans Ride & Chili Feed Travel 100 miles or more, returning for the chili feed. 10 a.m. registration, leave at noon. $20 return to apple pie and ice cream. 10 a.m. registration, leave at noon. $20. June 28: Chap. #1 American Legion Riders Fun Run 9 a.m. registration, leave 10 a.m. $20. July 27: Minnesota Operation Nice Benefit Ride Benefits care packages for overseas service members. Dinner at 2 p.m. 10 a.m. registration, leave 11 a.m. $20. August 16: Vets on the Lake Resort Fund Raiser Ride Ride different roads to Vets on the Lake Resort near Ely. 8 a.m. registration, leave at 9 a.m. $20. September 20: POW / MIA Annual Ride POW/MIA presentation and dinner (free will offering) follows the ride. 9 a.m. registration, leave at 10 a.m. Free. September 27: Cass Lake Legion Ride Meet 8:30 a.m., leave at 9 a.m. for Cass Lake. $20. November 11: Veteran's Day Parade, Deer River Line up at 10:30 a.m. Highway 6. Chili feed (free will June 22: 1st Annual American Pride Ride Travel the best paved roads of northern Minnesota and offering). G&G Lic. No. BC-667984 Restoration, Remodeling, Roofing ● Free estimates ● Home repairs ● Additions ● Decks ● Licensed & insured 218-743-6396 218-398-0901 May 2014 Community News Ardenhurst Marcell Family Center 218-832-3444 Email editor at sedgwick@, put Community News in the subject line Ardenhurst Township is looking for volunteers for Cemetery Clean Up Day! Bring your rakes and gloves and join us on Saturday, May 17 at 12 noon so our cemetery is ready for Memorial Day! Bigfork 49023 State Highway 38 Marcell, MN 56657 MFC hours: Fitness Center, multi- Tues, Thurs: 6:30-8:30 a.m.(8:30 library), purpose room, public computer room and high speed Internet wireless hotspot. Mon: 11 a.m.-2 p.m., 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Registration for the 2nd Annual BikeBender on Saturday, June 28 is open online at The BikeBender is a family event sponsored by Bigfork Valley, offering bicycle tours of 7, 17 and 42 miles. Blackduck The Tin Pan gALLErY exhibit in Blackduck of oil painting, copper tooling, photography and cards by Diana Collison Jones, continues until May 10. The Blackduck Area History and Tin Pan gALLErY Art Center hours are Thursday and Friday, 1-4 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Northome The North Woods Craft Store opens to the public on Monday, May 5. Hours are Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Marcell North Country Gardeners Club of Marcell will hold a plant sale on Saturday, May 31 from 10 a.m. until plants are gone at the Marcell Family Center, downtown Marcell. Electrical Inspections MFC Computer Room/ Book Exchange Book Exchange: After filling out a registration form, the public may check out books for FREE. Computer Room: Computers and printers available for public-use. Requires registration and fees. Wireless Internet Hotspot: FREE: Requires registration. Open during MFC hours above. Yoga Tuesdays: 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Instructor: Patti Alt Location: Marcell Family Center Fee: $10 per individual class/session Register with Marcell Family Center, 218832-3444 (www. area bookmobile stops Tuesdays: May 20; June 10 11:15-11:45 Spring Lake Store 1:15 - 2:00 Bowstring Store 2:15 - 3:00 Talmoon: Hayslip’s Corner 4:00 - 4:30 Effie: Effie Cafe 4:45 - 5:45 Bigfork: Main Street 6:45 - 7:15 Balsam: Comm. Center Thursdays: May 1, 22; June 12 1:15 - 2:00 Togo: School vicinity Fridays: May 16; June 6, 27 12:30 -1:00 Gemmel; Comm.Church 1:15 -1:45 Mizpah; Post Office 2:15 - 3:00 Northome; Post Office 3:45 - 4:45 Alvwood; Hoot-n-Holler 5:00 - 6:30 Squaw Lake; Community Ctr Bookmobile or Mail-a-Book information: call Arrowhead Library System at (800) 257-1442 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-8 p.m. Weds: 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. 11 - 2 p.m.. Fri: 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Sat: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Except for minor repair work, all electrical work you do at your home, cabin, or property is required to be inspected by a State Electrical Inspector. A rough-in inspection must be made before any wiring is covered. A final inspection is also required. Please visit for more information. The inspectors can be reached weekday mornings between 7:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Itasca County - Steve Bartlett (218) 591-1616; Beltrami County - Mark Smythe (218) 751-0487; Koochiching County - Robert Orgon (218) 556-3829 page 13 Blackduck Community Library: 835-6600 Sun, Mon.: Closed Tues: 1-6 p.m.. Weds: 9a.m.-1 p.m. Thurs:1-7 p.m. Fri: 1-6 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Blackduck Area History and Art Center: 835-4478 Construction Services Inc. EFFIE, MN 56639 218-743-3297 1-800-936-4083 “Serving the excavation needs of Itasca County and beyond since 1968” if no answer please leave message or call MPCA CERTIFIED * BONDED RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL TANKS 150’ HOSE * NO LAWN DAMAGE BACKFLUSH FOR “TOTAL” CLEANING CABLE OR HYDRO-JET DRAIN CLEANING PROMPT YEAR-ROUND SERVICE Ray V. Kongsjord & Sons email: [email protected] Office: (218) 832-2842 Cell: (218) 244-6201 39335 State Highway 286 Marcell, MN 56657 Area resources: Northome Library/ Resource Center 897-5952 Mon: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Tues: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Weds: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Thurs.: 12-3 p.m., Fri.: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Resource Centers: Blackduck: (218) 835-5768 Northome: (218) 897-5952 David Lick, CIC, LUTC Bill Sergot, CIC, AAI Dan Drennen, CIC, LUTC Sheila Gustafson Greg Passard Steven Swentkokske • Demolition roll off service • Site preparation • Landscaping • Basements • Septics • Shoreland • Gravel • Road construction Bonded and licensed - MPCA Lic. 1204 Support Groups Chronic Pain: Marcell Family Center, 3rd Thursday, 2 - 3 p.m. Call JoAnne at (218) 743-4243. Parkinsons: Bigfork Valley, 4th Wednesday, 2 p.m. Lower level Villa, Call Kim at (218) 743-4273. AA meetings: Old Scenic Community Church, 25747 County Road 340, Thurs., 7 p.m. Contact: Richard at (218) 7433970 or Jim at (218) 245-1804. 12” sub sandwiches, $5; $5 off oil changes page 14 Five Star Mechanical 5% off one service call. 375 SE Hwy 1 List of participating businesses, Co-op Connections Frontier Sports & Grocery 48919 St Hwy 38,Card Marcell 10% off 14” pizza. North Itasca Electric Cooperative 301 Main Ave., Bigfork (218) 743-3131 Buy 1 appliance at regular price, receive 15% off second appliance of equal or lesser value. Receive an additional 10% off on each appliance if you pick up. May 2014 (218) 743-6145 (218) 832-3901 JoAnn’s Floral and Gifts 202 Main Ave., Bigfork 10% off any one floral arrangement. (218) 743-6315 Anchor Inn Resort 55960 Co Rd. 4, Spring Lake 10% off gifts, garments, bait and tackle; 15% off basic cabin rental. (218) 659-2718 Kocian’s Family Market P.O. Box 225, Bigfork 5% off on Tuesdays excluding lottery, tobacco and alcohol products. (218) 743-3113 Cozy Air Heating and Plumbing Services 46461 Alder Rd., Marcell $50 off purchase off an Energy Star appliance with $1,000 purchase. (218) 832-3246 Laurel’s All Needlecrafts Supply 40095 Hwy 2 E, Deer River 10% off needlecraft supplies with $25 purchase (218) 246-8330 Dun-Rite Cabinets & 50917 E Dixon Lk Rd, Squaw Lake (218) 659-4797 Construction, LLC Free octagon cedar bird feeder with the purchase of a full set kitchen cabinets. Effie Café 100 NW State Hwy 1, Effie (218) 743-3607 25% off purchase of second entree of equal or lesser value. Limit 1 meal per card per visit. Effie Country Service P.O. Box 14, Effie 12” sub sandwiches, $5; $5 off oil changes (218) 743-3616 Five Star Mechanical 5% off one service call. (218) 743-6145 Frontier Sports & Grocery 10% off 14” pizza. 375 SE Hwy 1 48919 St Hwy 38, Marcell (218) 832-3901 JoAnn’s Floral and Gifts 202 Main Ave., Bigfork 10% off any one floral arrangement. (218) 743-6315 Kocian’s Family Market P.O. Box 225, Bigfork 5% off on Tuesdays excluding lottery, tobacco and alcohol products. (218) 743-3113 Laurel’s All Needlecrafts Supply 40095 Hwy 2 E, Deer River 10% off needlecraft supplies with $25 purchase (218) 246-8330 Little Turtle Lake Store 49926 State Hwy 6, Talmoon (218)832-3804 Save 3 cents per gallon of gas for cash sales only. (No department store or credit cards.) My Lake Home B&B 50917 E Dixon Lake Rd, Squaw Lake (218)659-4797 10% off of lodging of 3 nights or more. Polar Insulation 3% insulation upgrade. 51041 State Hwy 46, Squaw Lake (218) 659-4351 Riley’s Fine Food & Drink 29314 County Rd. 52, Bigfork 10% off food. (Beverages not included.) (218) 832-3656 Scenic Pines Bar & Grill 46551 Riley Rd, Deer River 10% off food. (Beverages not included.) (218) 245-1818 Sleepy Hollow Resorts 10% off lodging. (218) 897-5234 64264 State Hwy 46, Northome Little Turtle Lake Store 49926 State Hwy 6, Talmoon (218)832-3804 Save 3 cents per gallon of gas for cash sales only. (No department store or credit cards.) My Lake Home B&B 50917 E Dixon Lake Rd, Squaw Lake (218)659-4797 10% off of lodging of 3 nights or more. Polar Insulation 3% insulation upgrade. 51041 State Hwy 46, Squaw Lake Riley’s Fine Food & Drink 29314 County Rd. 52, Bigfork recipes • not recipes • recipes • recipes 10% off•food. (Beverages included.) (218) 659-4351 (218) 832-3656 • recipes • recipes • recipes • recipes • recipes • recipes • recipes • Scenic Pines Bar & Grill 46551 Riley Rd, Deer River (218) 245-1818 10% off food. (Beverages not included.) Thanks to Carolyn Wojtysiak for46,this May recipe! (218) 897-5234 Sleepy Hollow Resorts 64264 State Hwy Northome 10% off8lodging. oz. tube pasta Cool Cucumber Pasta 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 medium cucumbers, sliced thin 1 medium onion, sliced thin 1-1/4 cup sugar 1 cup water 3/4 cup vinegar 1 Tablespoon mustard 1 Tablespooon parsley flakes 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt Cook pasta according to package directions, drain and rinse in cold water. Place in large bowl. Stir in oil, cucumbers and onion. Combine remaining ingredients, pour over salad and toss (I put in Ziploc bag). Chill 3-4 hours, turning bag or stirring occasionally. Serve with slotted spoon. Rhubarb Cake 2 cups diced rhubarb 1 cup sugar 1 cup sour cream 1/2 cup margarine 1 egg 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix rhubarb, 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of sour cream. Let stand. Cream margarine, 1/2 cup sugar and egg. Add dry ingredients, 1/2 cup sour cream and vanilla. Add rhubarb mixture. Bake in a 9" x 13" pan at 350° for 1 hour. Please share your recipe with us! If your recipe is chosen, you will receive a $10 credit on your electric bill from North Itasca Electric Cooperative. Send your recipe to the editor, WATTS NEWS, P.O. Box 243, Bigfork, MN 56628. May 2014 -SERVICES- Landscaping Services www. landscapewithlloyd. com JB Mercantile Affordable used items in Deer River next to Cenex. Fri-Sat, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Marcell Boat & Mini Storage Main Street Marcell Call (218) 832-3500 or (218) 832-3503 Two’s Company 218-897-5959 218-244-1916 Interior/exterior painting and staining, window washing fully insured, references Gus’s Auto and Recycling of Bigfork Wanted: Junk. Cars, trucks and other property clean up. Used auto parts, steel, tires and bridge beams. A buyer of metals Snowplowing Over 20 years experience (218) 929-7117 Hm: (218) 743-3598 Gus David Monuments and Markers Available in granite and bronze. Also do final dating, cleaning, foundation work. FREE estimates. Serving your area. Jerry Pula, sales rep. Call (218) 743-3711 -SERVICESPenny’s Keepsake Quilting Turn your quilt top into a keepsake. Offering quality machine quilting at reasonable prices (218) 832-3684 10% discount with ad. M.A.D. Gutters Gutterglove® gutterguard Ultimate gutter protection Seamless gutter installation (218) 743-6448 Cell: (218) 929-7134 Proudly made in the USA Life’s Companion Highland Care: Home care providers for elderly, adults, special needs children. “Our goal is to maintain dignity and independence in a safe home environment.” Call collect weekdays; 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. (218) 326-1179 or stop by at 111 NW 11th St., Grand Rapids, MN 55744. We are an EOE employer. page 15 CLASSIFIEDS -WANTED- -FOR SALE- Wanted: Model A Ford For sale: RCA 36” box parts. Call (320) 252- type television. Used 9525 or (218) 832-3011 very little. Good for 5/14 cabin. Call (218) 832Wanted: Small, older mo- 3778 5/14 bile home. Nothing fancy For sale: Elecric range. but must be moveable. Sears model. Older but A fixer-upper okay. Call works great. Yellow. 4 5/14 (218) 832-3791 burners $30. Call (218) Wanted for granddaughter headed to college. French horn in exc. Shape. Yahaha model YHR66D7 or Yamaha model YHR668 or Holton H179 FARKAS or Holton H181 Pro Farkas or CONN 8D double horn. Call (218) 8326/14 3599 -FOR SALE- For sale: Teeter Hangup. Hang upside down, used little, not for me. Paid $320, sell for $280. Call 6/14 (218) 659-2729 For sale: 15 hp Johnson motor. Standard shaft. Bought in 1987. Sale $550. No checks. Phone (218) 659-2671 or (952) 6/14 934-6775 743-3450 5/14 For sale: Wrecker/ winch truck w/ 5 ton hyd. rotating crane. 6 wheel drive, 14x20 (49”) super single tires. 8,300 mi, 300 hr on Cummins 8.3 turbo diesel and Allison auto. Front & rear heavy duty hyd. winches, 350’ cable. Fully rigged. Military BMY M936A2, Runs like new, could use some paint. Minn. title. Will provide new DOT. $25,000 Call Jim (763) 355-8394, jskiff1@ 6/14 For sale: Yugo Md 57 & Romian TT33. 7.62 X 25 cal w/holsters $325 each. Russian Nagant revolver w/holster, 7.62 X 38R, $195. New Yugo SKS 7.62 X 39 rifle, $350. K31 Swiss 7.5 X 55 st pull bolt w/sling, $350. Remmington 870 Magn Exp 12 GA Pump 2 3/4 & 3" chamber shotgun, wd stock & sling $325. Call 5/14 (218) 832-3651. EARLY AD DEADLINE for JUNE issue, WEDS, MAY 14 -FOR SALE- For sale: 1-Worth lift 2-post 12,000 lb. O.H. 162 O.W. 150 inches wt. 2,840 lbs. Call (612) 2425/14 1230 For sale: 1996 30 ft Coachman Motorhome 454 V8. 38,000 miles, 4,000 mi on all new tires, 117 hrs on Onan 4,000 watt power unit, queen bed, sleeps 6. $8,500. Call (218) 832-3651 5/14 For sale: Simer shallow well pump, near new, 7 gal. tank/13 gpm. Works -REAL ESTATEgreat to pump lake water! See also Wanted section. Call (507) 456-1671 5/14 For sale by owners: For sale: SunQuest Diamond S RV Park, Tanning Bed. Mod 24 Ronan, MT (close to RST, $400 obo. Call Flathead Lake, Glacier (218) 832-3651 5/14 Park, National Bison Range, golf courses VEHICLES 23 For sale: 1999 Dodge Da- & Mission Mts). kota Sport 4x4 with top- pull through sites, hwy per, 4 spd auto, 5.2L V8, frontage, tent sites, city club cab, towing package, sewer, well, mature trees 169,000 mi $1,500. Call & recreational area. Office bldg with apartment, 6/14 (218) 256-2923 showers. Rental bldg. w/ For sale: 2005 Toyota apt., roofed pavilion, 2 Highlander, 109,000 mi, mobile hm sites, 16x70 Good cond. 3rd row seat. apt. 7.8 acres, $768,000 Call Meryl at (218) 244- or 2 lots (one developed). 6/14 4935 Call Diane at (218) 259MOTOR HOMES 0164 -TRAVEL TRAILERS- For sale: 12’ x 65’ trailer house on wheels/blocking. Partially furnished. Great hunting cabin. $500. Call (218) 2456/14 0281 For sale: House and 8 acres on North Star Lake. 375 ft shoreline, 3/4 mi to town. Call Jim at (931) 752-2888 7/14 For sale: 20 hp/46” deck Scotts riding lawnmower, House for rent in Bigfork: Flea Market at Balsam $449. Call (218) 6593 bedroom, 1 bathroom Store: Corner Hwy 8 4222 6/14 For sale: For sale: 2003 with large detached and Scenic 7. Every Sat. For sale: 3 piece Dutchman 5th wheel garage. $600 a month and Sun, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., computer desk, pecan 27RL one slide. $9,500. plus utilities. Available weather permitting. Venwood, exc. condition. Call (218) 245-0224 6/14 April. Call (218) 301dors welcome, just come $200. Call (218) 7435/14 and set up. Freewill doFor sale: 2008 Flagstaff 9552 6/14 3946 nations accepted. May RGSS travel trailer, 31 -FARMFor sale: AB Lounge October. ft, 1 slide. $13,900. Exc. For sale: Case 8 ft. drill like new, $35. Call (218) To cancel an ad, contact condition. Can e-mail with grass seeder. Great -WANTEDthe editor before the 6/14 743-3946 pictures if interested. Call shape. $600. Call (218) deadline date. Wanted: Someone to 5/14 (218) 659-2997 659-4222 6/14 prune apple trees in Squaw Lake area. Will Place a Classified Ad Today! If you are an individual member of the cooperative, classified ads are free as a service from your pay cash. (218) 256-6695 -SALES- 6/14 Wanted: Person interested in cutting and baling on a Gemmell property, Call Sheila at (218) 3356/14 8587 Wanted: 20-160 acres in Itasca County. Call (507) 5/14 838-6434 cooperative. If you are advertising for a business or are a non-member, please remit $5 per ad per month. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Receipt will be acknowledged if email is given here:___________________________________________ Run my ad for one month only. Your ad will run for two months unless you check this box. (Business classifieds are $5 per insertion.) Please note: We are as careful as possible, but are not responsible for errors. Send to: Editor, WATTS NEWS, P.O. Box 243 Bigfork, MN 56628 or call: (218) 659-2779 or email: [email protected] Put WATTS AD in subject line. If no response, please resend. page 16 May 2014 Ground source heat pump Call before digging Whenever you plan to dig over 12 inches deep, 2 days before you start, call Gopher One at (800) 252-1166. It’s required by Minnesota state law and it is a free service. By calling Gopher One, homeowners only need to make one call to alert utilities so any underground services can be located. Heating program: Ground source heat pumps are the most energy efficient means of heating a home or business, requiring much less energy to maintain desired temperatures. Electricity is sold at the general service rate but only 25 percent to 30 percent of the energy is needed compared to other heating and cooling sources. With a qualifying backup system, your heat pump can be placed on the Dual Fuel rate of 5.2 cents per kWh. At 300 to 400 percent efficient, this is equal to paying 1.7 per kWh. How does it save energy? Ground temperatures maintain a constant 45 to 50 degrees year around below the frost line. Instead of raising temperatures from -30 degree to +70, a 100 degree difference, you only need to raise temperatures from +50 to +70 degrees, a 20 degree temperature difference. Cooling program: If a system is placed on the Dual Fuel program, cycled air conditioning would also be controlled, Diagram of a ground source heat pump. reducing your cooling cost from 11.9 cents to 5.2 cents per kWh. Federal tax credits and incentives: The federal government mandates a tax credit of 30 percent off the cost of installation. North Itasca Electric is also offering a $400 per ton rebate. A CEE loan of 2.99% interest is available to those interested. For more information call Jerry Loney at 218-743-3131 BIGFORK LAND FOR SALE BY OWNER Lots ready for building from $6,500 SCENIC VIEWS ONE MILE FROM TOWN (218) 256-2267 Overlooking Golf on the Edge Golf Course SIGN UP NOW AND SAVE MONEY Only $39.99 per month for the first year! FREE SUPER FAST Speeds up to 12 Mbps PROMPT & PROFESSIONAL Installation INSTALL ATION RELIABLE Customer support 24/7 AFFORDABLE Service for about $2 a day Exede High Speed Internet lets you surf the web, shop online and download your favorite movies, shows and songs the way you want – super-fast! It’s the Internet service that delivers 140% of its advertised speed* and comes with the reliability and support of Northland Connect, a service of East Central Energy. Activate your account now and save money! code: NEW2014 Offer ends June 30, 2014. Call 1-866-567-1919 or visit A service of East Central Energy. UNBEATABLE EFFICIENCY The ultimate in home heating and cooling, Ground-Source Heat Pumps take advantage of natural energy to operate with 300% – 400% efficiency. Your energy cooperative makes it easy to save money on your home heating and cooling costs with an efficient Ground-Source Heat Pump. REBATES AVAILABLE from your cooperative COVERED UPTO 30% GROUNDSOURCE HEAT PUMPS by a federal tax credit 2.9% FINANCING up to $25,000 SMARTER HOME SOLUTIONS *FCC, 2013 Measuring Broadband America.
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P.O. Box 227
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