El Gran Telescopio Milimétrico
El Gran Telescopio Milimétrico
El Gran Telescopio Milimétrico: David Hughes (INAOE) Director Científico del GTM (LMT Project Scientist) El Gran Telescopio Milimétrico: • LMT & site characteristics • project status • first-light & 2nd generation instrumentation • examples of key-projects during early-science Primary Science with the LMT The formation & evolution of structure in the Universe Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT/GTM) www.lmtgtm.org • Bi-national project: INAOE (Mexico) & UMASS (USA) • 50-m main reflector (180 panel segments) • active surface (compensates gravity & thermal deformations) to achieve surface r.m.s. of ~70 microns • operational wavelengths 0.85 - 4 mm beam resolution (FWHM) 4 -18 arcsec • FOV ~ 4 arcmin diameter • site: Sierra Negra (4600m); Lat. +19; tau(225)~0.1 (winter); wind 4m/s; temp -0.3C • First-light instruments already in operation; commissioning & science starting early 2010 (with inner 32-m diameter) Volcán Sierra La Negra (97o 18’ 53” W, +18o 59’ 06”) altitude 4600m Monthy-averaged opacity (225 GHZ) above LMT site 8mm PWV = 60% transmission at elevation 45 degs 2mm PWV = 90% transmission at elevation 45 degs Effective area of (5-ring) 50m LMT 3mm 2mm 1.4mm 1.1mm 0.85mm Inner 32-m surface-segments installed LMT panel segments • 180 segments (~5 x 3m) in 5 concentric rings • 8 sub-panels (<7 microns) electro-formed Nickel • thermal insulation • 45 adjusters (segments set to 20-30 microns in lab) • aluminium base plate • stainless steel sub-frame & axial bars • 4 actuators Installation of holography receiver at prime focus (July 2008) LMT 12GHz holography map (inner 32-m) 0.9 m resolution Effective area of (3-ring) 32m LMT 3mm 2mm 1.4mm 1.1mm 0.85mm LMT receiver & control rooms Receiver front-end/back-end & control rooms 2nd Floor 3rd Floor AzTEC and Future Continuum Instruments 10-m SEQUOIA BACKENDS Future 1mm Array Elevation Axis M3 Mirror Cassegrain Focus Instruments: Redshift/1mm RX First-light Instrumentation Overview Commissioned • AzTEC (JCMT 15-m, ASTE 10-m) 144-pixel 1.1mm (or 2.1mm) continuum camera • SEQUOIA (FCRAO 14-m) 32-pixel dual-polarization spectrometer at 85-116 GHz with 15 GHz instantaneous bandwidth • 90 GHz Redshift Receiver (FCRAO 14-m) 2 pixel, dual-polarization, ultra-wideband analog autocorrelation spectrometer (instantaneous bandwidth ~35 GHz) at 75-111GHz First-light LMT instrumentation • • • • • • • • • • AzTEC (P.I. Grant Wilson - UMASS) 1.1mm camera (144 pixels) 0.23 sq. deg/hr/mJy2 (SCUBA-2, ALMA) wide-field & confusion-limited continuum mapping of Galactic & extragalactic fields. Faster multi-frequency larger-format camera planned. operational JCMT(2005), ASTE (2007-2008) Redshift Seach Receiver (P.I. Neal Erickson - UMASS) 75 – 111 GHz instantaneous bandwidth; ~100 km/s resolution; 2 pixel (2 pol). Receiver temp ~ 60K; stable baselines detect multiple molecular-lines without prior information on galaxy redshifts operational FCRAO-14m (2007-2008) Effective area of (3-ring) 32m LMT 3mm 2mm 1.4mm 1.1mm 0.85mm RSR molecular line spectroscopy AzTEC continuum imaging camera First-light Instrumentation Overview Under development • SPEED 4 pixel (FSB) prototype continuum camera. Each pixel operates simultaneously at 0.85, 1.1, 1.4, 2.1 mm • 1.3mm SIS receiver 1 pixel dual-polarization spectrometer 210-275 GHz • LMT wideband spectrometer versatile digital autocorrelator e.g. Redshift searches BW > 10000 km/s, dnu~100 km/s quiescent Dark Clouds BW ~20km/s, dnu~0.01km/s SPEED P.I. Grant Wilson UMASS Ch.4 1.5THz FSB 1.1THz FSB Ch.3 Ch.2 Ch.1 FSB Detector SQUID multiplexor • designed to measure mm-wave SED of previously detected objects • simultaneous multi-frequency measurements • matched beams in all bands • high per-pixel sensitivity • takes advantage of new bolometer technologies • TES detectors (thermistor) +SQUIDs • Frequency Selective Bolometers FSB Backshort Future Instrument Development • CIX (Cluster Imaging eXperiment) 256-pixel 4-band multi-frequency camera based on SPEED prototype • OMAR 16-pixel receiver (210-275 GHz) based on single-pixel 1.3mm SIS development • TolTEC Large-format continuum camera (~6400 pixels), full-sampled array filling available FOV based on successful TES development (e.g. SCUBA2, MUSTANG, MBAC, … ) or other new technologies Commissioning to “early-science” schedule • November 2009 – March 2010 – Begin commissioning (drive systems; control software; reflector surface alignment; installation of M2 & receiver room coupling optics (M3-M6) for AzTEC & RSR; optical camera & initla pointing model; determine initial system efficiencies & performance of LMT) • January 2010 – March 2010 – Installation of first-light receivers (AzTEC & RSR); test software & hardware interfaces; generate mm- calibration & pointing models; test all basic observing modes (pointing; photometry; map) • March 2010 – mid / late 2010 – Science-verification tests. Observe known targets to prove LMT works. Transition to “First-light” science with AzTEC & RSR • > late 2010 – early-science “shared-risk” proposals LMT Key-science: Evolution of large-scale structure need larger samples of massive galaxies at high–z i.e. wider & deeper (sub-)mm surveys COSMOS 2sq. degs Discovery first & basic characterisation of population – N(>S,z), followed by understanding of physical properties & nature (sub-)mm Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) • EBL (0.24 nW/m2/sr) at 1100 microns due to z >> 1 SMGs (~ 20 – 25 Jy/deg2) 1.1mm source-counts LFIR = 1012 L SFR ~ 100 M/yr redshift (Austermann et al. 2009) age (Myr) Mstars ~ 1e10 M or MH2 > 5e8 M in SF SFR (M/yr) LFIR (L) 1.1mm flux 5 < z < 15 900 > 10 >1e11 > 0.1 mJy 10 < z < 15 210 > 50 >5e11 > 0.5 mJy Mapping speeds of current and next-generation continuum cameras CCAT 850 microns TolTEC AzTEC on LMT comparable mapping speed to SCUBA-2 (0.5 sq. degs/hr/mJy^2) Large-format camera (TolTEC) with 6400 pixels at 1.1mm we expect (10 sq. degs/hr/mJy^2) • TolTEC more than 100x faster than ALMA detection rate for sources > 0.5mJy sources at 1.1mm adapted from CCAT Feasibility/Concept Study Review Tracing obscured starformation in LSS environments LMT +TolTEC 5 sq. deg COSMOS 2sq. degs • LMT Key Project: 5 sq. degs sample (TolTEC 10 sq. deg/hr/mJy^2) • > 50,000 galaxies in 800 hr confusion-limited survey (>0.1mJy; SFR >20 Msun/yr ; or resolving 100% of the extragalactic mm-background or 60% of FIR background) SCUBA survey of the Hubble Deep Field Hughes etal. 1998, Nature, 394, 241 HST optical SCUBA 850 microns HDF850.1 bright SMG 8 mJy at 850 microns ALMA + ELT 0.1 arcsec SCUBA on 15-m JCMT 14 arcsec FWHM beam IDs redshift luminosity SFR Advantage of intermediate resolution AND high mapping-speeds Radio-FIR photometric –z Spectroscopic –z Radio-detected + radio-dim SMGs Radio-detected SMG (Aretxaga et al. 2007) AzTEC/SMA ACS IRAC 3.6um (Chapman et al. 2005 MIPS 24um VLA 1.1mm/0.87mm (Younger et al. 2007) Photometric redshifts support AzTEC 1.1mm sources at z > 3-4 (Younger etal 2009). LABOCA 870um sub-mm selected (SMG) at z=4.76 (optical redshift). dnu ~ 0.6 GHz at 95 GHz Weiss et al. 2005, A&A, 440, L45 LMT 90 GHz Redshift Receiver – Rx-z Strongest spectral lines from CO and CI (492, 810 GHz). More than one line needed; search the maximum possible bandwidth. CO lines (separated by 115 GHz in rest-frame) are expected to be quite weak, search in best 3 mm (75 -111 GHz) window. System noise temp (TRx = 60 K) & 2 and 5 mm PWV Redshift coverage in 3mm atmospheric window red - no CO line; yellow – one CO line; green - two CO lines. Direct measurement of molecular gas (CO) and spectroscopic-redshifts with the LMT “redshift-receiver” LMT • perform efficient measurements of CO spectroscopic redshifts without the prior necessity to have accurate X-ray, optical, IR or radio positions. (Yun et al. 2006) Large Millimeter Telescope early-science >2010 • Valuable complement to multifrequency science in next 3 decades with ELT’s, JWST, ALMA, SKA, ….. • Spain has access to LMT: scientific collaboration with ALMA, IRAM 30-m, IRAM PdBI, Yebes 40-m, Herschel, SKA, … Redshift Search Receiver
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