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CATALOG ng: P L AT ZHA LT E HOUDINI 4 PRO 2 vice GB RAM Pack , 3) u.v.m nt 25 6 M. , 7/8 dows B RAM, M rogram edia Play er Chec maktivie 9 k und rung. M, (Qua Upda dc te 7/8 ectX10ore), 4 GB s. M, , 100%, Grafikka rte r9 Playe Windo DirectX1 mit 0w ng. vieru und In s Media Pl pdat chach.es.ternetzuga ayer ng fü 4UpGB der da kkartetes.mit tX10dia Player ugang für R Weite re www. Informat io ch H A LT E R essbase.nen: de SBN 978- HOUDINI 4 STANDARD 4 eGH(übe z, r DA R D scha ch.d e OR AN ORT D 4 IN G UP GB TO OF HA SH 3-86 681- 382- isem pfeh lun 3g 69 ,9 681-382- 3-86 ISBN 978- 6 MONAT E PREMIU M schach.de GmbH ChessBase 90a, tr. Osterbeks burg 22083 Ham se.com sba info@ches ase.com ssb www.che unverb. M schach.de 382- 3 hlung 69,90 Preisempfe 0 HA CH SE SC PR OG 4 b. Pre isem Inklusive: kelte 64 Bit – 9,90 €69,90 DOWNLOAD VERSION 6M ON sch All new products available ach.de as downloads. AT E PR EM IUM 14 DAS GANZ GROSSE SCHACHPROGRAMM ntwic Komplett neue (und 32 Bit Engine) Anfang als erstmals von Engine DA Deep Fritz it-Engine läche der neue Fritz SG rammoberf alb kommt mit einer 64-B 32 Bit Prog A N gles“ ist vorbei. Desh wird erstmals 64 Bit- und ig nutzen. „SinZ G Deep Fritz 14 für Schach.de e gleichzeit Die Zeit der itgliedschaft eine R Oessor-Version. Prozessorkern Premium-M Multiproz ren Version S S Vorgänger bis zu 8 frühe der r Die Zengsfähige leistu te nübe E Kreis der für 6 Mona it de rt und kann wie sein S C Hickelt und bietet gege Fritz 14 zum k* r „Sin leistuneliefe entw Chec Deep ausg A neu Let’s zählt C Hen. Damit glese“ komplett sierten Zugang zu gsfähie wurd unkt ist vo nen tief analy e-Cloud ausgEngin Die p 100 Elo-P P R O rbknap eliefe ge Merun (mit 200 Millio ultip g von ei. GR e Engin rtsteig und ChessBas AM sh gramme. Die Enungs und rozessorSchaDechpro Leist Deep Stellungen) kann sten -Ver alb kom M oberfläche von gi von Alex Kure sio ramm mt de w w stärk Leist weitne spiel welt nungsbuch : Auch die Prog ungs urde kom ie sein Vo n. Deep Neues Eröff 7/8r ne den aktuellen plilität Fritzert und läuft auf Stellungen), die weltw steigeru patib änge owsFritz 14 ueelief ett ne mitrgWind rlich bietet n u.v.m. erstm (über 4 Mio. r ng ausg Kom ei MU L w natü u bi Partie rsion t ird s Und male vo en Mio. it-Ve zu Opti spielst al iger. n kn als 64-B 64 BI T mit über 1,5 malsflüsss von An n, die Fritz zum app twickelt un 8schn Prozellererstund ärkste als Datenbank 100somit noch mit unktione N fang Optim 14 wird erstm n Scha men d bi essorkerAnal Fritz VE RS IO ale KoBetriebssyste et ge und ne glysefeiner 64 alhabe s n. chprog Elo-Pul-,nk Trainetings: genü Fritz owseichzegem-Bacht m Inkl Wind it-Engi ussetzungen GB RAM, mme. ten. Dam (DER beSPIEGEL) tib bekanntenraSpie 14 w ionpaalle us iti Systemvora ird er ilität m III 1 GHz, 2 ogramm“it zählt r der frühe g nutzen ne größten ive: Windo Vers ium chpr , neue Pent : 7/8 it Scha mum . weit Kompl Deep re m schenW ws-Bstenstdeut Pack 3), welt ett ne Mini aufn Veden Fr14 etrie als als 64 indows 7/ neue iebte rsion , XP (Service ieren itzR „bel , Fritz Vista eturn De RAM ue ows bs Deep 14 MB klass Ve eine ep Fr mit ES SO tare ntwiWind sy em -Bit-Veen Sie8: sich zumzu Welt AuchOC ckelte Grafikkarte mit 256 itz r9 „bel rsion alle stch.d off, rsionIPR Kreis , Klaus Bisch ene:soLoggLT tX9, die Pre Live-Kommen Media Playe 64 Bi Engine Direc iebtes für Scha bekaT MU der (und 64 BiLaufw sgelienend it no Sieauspan ogra meistern Daniel King erk, Windows aktivierung. tPremium ten de BI nn meßen 64 mmob 32 Bi t – ROM fertden Groß ist die und 32 BiDVDn Sp ch schn n wie utscheundtegeni t En ugang für Programm erflä von Deep Fritz 14 Premium Prem chserver ein t Pr tes. Scha l-, Tr phäeeller un und läufrumfang IO n Sc N mitieKory iumVE RS rammnetzgine) Let’s Check und Upda für 6 -Mitglie undogInter ningu.v.a. Imd flüLiefe t auf che von füringseinheitenhachpr aier ob-Zuga Scha Train Mon dschaf ch.de ssiger den ak Deep oder erflä ng, ), 4 GB chse6 4 ScBhay,chDr. ramm s- und An Karsten ogMüll . Und tuelle Zuga ’s ate Schat für Sc n: PCcheIntel i5 (Quadcore kkarte mit alysn. “ (Dinbegriffe er ei IT.de: Logg 6 Mon oder riceVrvAshle ate ha ng na n Mau „Let Grafi ER SP efunkt türlich Sie Zugriff auf (m zu Le Empfohle ch.de , DirectX10, M t für Train E Rnlieds un chaf en n io t’s Ch , Windows 7/8 IEGE inMitg gs d ge U L Sie Mau iumn, habebietet Prem L) geFritzne14 % DirectX10 Mio.it 200 ec RAM rice einhSeiIO nießenTSiIPsicRh mit g. Mit Deep e Fritzysen. diÜber e 200 Stellu Millio k * RAM oder mehr, 100 Media Player macht diAnal O CDeep Fr Prem Ashley, ten N mit Kosinde spgutan genu n tie MB wertigen habe zum rver gespeichertngen) un ne512 iu nenban f anal Soundkarte, Windows ugang für nDr.Analysen ry Neue nd Ek SmitSitz hoch Nur diem-Mbeste ysleierte rste größphteäeDate itglie Kaweit Let’s n.Check-Se s Ern,öf d Chkom Internetz essBpatib O14auf n wie e Live-Kosind de Raufdem nLaufwerk und ase EnROM ell wissen(üwolle chaf n Müller rechn Nur dik“*, die dswelt ber fnungs DVD n Grnoß mmentadazun .wWen Chec el n Sie schn u.v.a. deunge ch vo gine-Cierun e be mit tiefet nfürEngi g. Schach.de re zu tweit gr Check rein –Dahier4 Mio. St bu11, 6 Mnebe ysen m lo Anal Im st aktiv n ei n ud onat genauere Chec unge en An öß elluProg Alex tenb Liefe stern uen WSieeltkbei Let’s Stell ngenramm k“*, ank KureCheck und Updates. almen rumfa schaDani denlang la ten ysen neue unde inbegr halte ), Let’s mit üb Zuga 31.12.2016 Stellutäglidiche wkom ng vo elfürKingdie ssIhreturPCniersonst stunSy sind sstellung zu iffen. n ist, und 4 endet am er 1, ng, eltwei nung ng stem Deep , Klaus en 5 Mio. Zugang mit Deep Fritz1 t gr gut genu sofort die Informatinon, m r Eröff und vonen eine Bi Fritz was Minim voraus *) Let’s Check Parti te Dasklick g. Mit tägl it tiefen mößMau 14 ist schoff, en u. tenb De was n ich Siekomit eineEn v.m. Windo um: Pent setzunge die finde von mmen ginebere ank mit ep Fritz ws Vi ium III n: chnu hoch 14 ha ner Erte. neue finde eneimüss Di st 1 ng re rechn a, un w be GH en ct öf n Si ertig d n XP X9 fn z, DVD- , Grafik (Servic 2 GB RA rechne e mit ei ungsstel genauere sind auf en Anal Sie Zugriff e Pa ka RO M n müs nem M lung zu Analys dem Le ysen. auf „L und M Laufw rte mit 25 ck 3), , Üb ausk t’s ste. Inte 7/ er lick so halten ist en dazu. Check- er 200 et’s 6 Scha rnetzuga k, Windo MB RAM 8, fort di , scha Wenn Server Mio. ch w ng , mationen: gesp e Info uen Si Sie sc Empf .de-Zuga für Prog s Media Weitere Infor e.de ei hn rmat e ng Play oh ra ion, bei Let’s ell wiss chert www.chessbas RAM len: PC , Let’s Ch mmaktiv er 9 für di en w Ch ,W eck 64 ieru Inte ec ol e Ihr PC so k rein – len, 512 M indows 7/ l i5 (Qua und Upda ng. B IT nst st hier 3 VE MU kom B RAM od 8, Direct dcore), tes. 681-382unde RS 978-3-86 patib 4 X1 er nlang ISBN GB MIUM 0, IO LT IP 11, DV le Soun mehr, 10 Grafik TE PRE N RO dk ka 6 MONA CE Prog D ROM La arte,MW 0% Direct rte mit ramm PREufMIU SS werk indows X10E ak OR Zu NAT M tiv MO ga 6 ng, Le ierung und Inte edia Pl GmbH t’s Ch . Scha rnetzu ayer b. Preisempfehlung 69,90 ChessBase 90a, *) Le eck un ch.de- gang unver t’s Ch tr. eck Zu für d Up Osterbeks gang g da bur tes. mit De 22083 Ham se.com ep Fri sba tz1 hes @c 4 en det am .com Cheinfo 31.12 ssB .chessbase .2016 as Ostwww er e Gm 2208 bekstr bH . 90 3 info Hambu a, @ www chessb rg .che ase. ssba com se.c 6M om Weite ON ATE re PR www. Informat EM ches ionen: IUM sbas e.de ISBN 144 TZ scha ch.d e 14 schach.de schach.de DEEP FRITZ 14 DE FR EP ITZ 6 M 978-3ON 8668 AT 1E P 382-3 RE MIU M scha ch.d e Play, train and analyse – with the latest Fritz program. Completely rebuilt and strongly improved 64-bit engine. Optimized for Windows 7/8: full 64-bit program interface. Includes: access to „Let‘s Check“ with more than 200 million deeply analysed positions. unve rb. Pre isem lun g 69 ,9 0 pfeh 2-3 lung €6 86681-38 DE FRI RA MM pfeh nver pfehlung 3 . Pre MIU TE PRE 6 MONA 681- 978- mationen: Weitere Infor e.de unve.chessbas www rb ITZ 1 EP FR E D DE DEEPEFP D ZI RITR FE FR EP TZ 14 I DEEP FRITZ 14 4 SCHACHPROGRAMM INI HOUD PRO HO UD STA IN I N NEW! OS NZ GR DA S GA 14 FRITZ NEW! 3-86 formationen: essbase.de 14 DAS GANZ GROSSE SCHACHPROGRAMM DAS GANZ GROSSE SCHACHPROGRAMM ch.de eck“ -Ser oud ver* un d von Al ex Ku de re (ü ber 4 1,5 M io. Pa rtien und u.v.m . DAS GANZ GROSSE SCHACHPROGRAMM fläch e aft fü r Scha ITZ DAS GANZ GROSSE DAS GANZ GROSSE SCHACHPROGRAMM Deep FR DEEP DEEPFRITZ FRITZ 14 14 DEEP kelte EP DA SG AN ZG RO SS Die Ze ES it CH leistun der „Sin AC gles gs HP ausg fähige M “ ist vorb RO eliefe ultipro ei. De GR AM ze sh Die En rt und M gine kann w ssor-Versio alb komm w Leist ungs urde kom ie sein Vo n. Deep t der neue weltw steigeru plett ne rgänge Fritz 14 Fritz r bis eit sp ng vo wird erstmal u en zu erst ielstär n knap twick s 8 ksten p 10 elt und Prozesso mals m von Anfa Optim it 0 ng Scha bi al chprog Elo-Punk etet gege rkerne gl einer 64 als Fritz e Kompa -Biteich Inkl ramm ten. Da nü tib 14 usiv mit zä ber der zeitig nu Engine e. e: Windo wird erst ilität mit hlt De frühere tzen. Kom Win m w n ep Fr plet neue s-Betriebs als als 64 dows 7/ itz 14 Version Deep t neuent Versio system -Bit-Ve 8: Au wick zum eine Fritz „bel n Kreis 64 Bi Engine elte 64 Bi iebtes alle be en som rsion au ch die Pr de (und r t- un t– ten de kannte it noch sgelie ogram schn fert un mober utsche n Spie Prem d 32 Bit 32 Bit En Prem el d ium flä Pr l-, gi le n Sc ium hach Training r und flü läuft auf che von für 6 -Mitglie ogramm ne) ober Scha für Scha prog Mon dschaf fläch chse ram s- und An ssiger. Un den aktu Deep ch t für e Zuga ate alysef Scha “ (D MM d na ellen oder rver ein .de: LoggPR OGmRA ng ch.de ER Train HA en SPIE unktione türlich bi (mit zu Let’s ingsei und geCH SC GEL) Mau Chec 200 nieß Sie sich etet usive: SE n, OS nh di ric Inkl – k en ge Mill64 Bit * die mit Stellu kelte mac e Fr NZ GR Pr e Ashl eiten m Si ngen ionen tie e) neuentwic emiu ey, Dr it Ko e spanne Deep Fritz Anfang alsht habe itz zuKom DA S GA plett m Engin ) f Bit un . anal ryph m-M Ne (und 32d ndeals von 14 n. ysierte äen erstm itglie Karsteneue Liveauit-En Fritz Engineues Eröffn ChessBasläche n Mül Fritz f dengine w Deep ds Ko der n ie 64-B oberf mt (ü ch m un e Nur di alb kom aft fü ber Programm ler u. als de Engi mitn Greiner menta weltw gs ne-C v. r 6 M erstm vorbei. Desh e oßmig nutzen. eit gr 64 Bit- und 32DaBit 4 Mio. St buchch.de re zu vo lo sten Fritz 14 wird ei „Singles“ ist onat a.e Im Ch beDeep öß W tenb ft für elScha Liehzeit lung n Alex Ku ud Die Zeit der e inbe gleic fe m stern on r-Verecsion. k“*, Analys8 Prozessorkern ank Da eineeltkla ten ium-Mitgliedscha re mit üb en), Multiprozesso Stel änge direbis zu en sin gr en ruren faVersi ng vo niel King sseturniPrem er 1, d gu nüber der ifffrühe leistungsfähige te st . sein Vorglungen weltwbiete n De der , Klau füreren6 MonaSy Kreis eit gr t gege 5 Mio. t emvo * ep Fr und kann wie und ickelmtitund ößte genuDeep Fritz 14 zum kra Pa itz 14 s Bischoff,ng zu MLet’s ausgeliefert täglich tiefen Dam inimChec Date g. Mit De plett neu entw um: tiefusanaly setzsierten rtien u.v.m en. Engineit zählt ist diZuga nban wurde kom w100 unkt ep Fr as voElo-Pko W m Pe un nen . in e m Die Engine k p be nt Millio itz m iume Engingee-Clo n eine en ne re n: ud (mit 200 Di dows Vi sBas erung von knap finde ue un chnung it hochw 14 habe reund Chessta, III 1 GHz, Leistungssteig en sin n me.r Eröf ere tigvon Deepn Si chprogram d Stellungen)DV ctX9, Gr XP Alex (S Kure 2 GB stärksten Scha rech Sie mit ei fnungsstel gena au de en Anal e Zugriff uere oberdfläch D- sbuchafikvon ervic nen weltweit spiel nem die Prog lung ramm ys Anal faktu s EröffunnungROM La ),karte m e Pack RAM, m7/8 Let’s en. Üb auf „LNeue M zuläuft ysen m ellen üs : Auch ufwer it 25 3), 7/ halteauf den Internngen Chtecdie er 20 et’s r 4 Mio.dStellu mit Windows ste. eliefauertsklicund darlich 6n Mu.v.m . 8, ilität k, biete zu n k patib 0 k(übe W ist . ausg et so B Scha 1,5 Partie in zu fort diUnd ,natü scha Wenn Si Server Mio. Optimale Kom 64-Bit-Version ng fü dows M RAM, flüssiger. .de- gaMio. uen zume sc mit chüber ge e Info die nbank Em erstmals als schneller und Si n, Fritz hnell speichDate pfoh Zugang r Progra edia Play Fritz 14 wird ert somit noch ysefunktione rmatio e bei w RAM len: PCgen, :Let’s Ch mmaktiv er 9 iebssystemen ings- und Anal gemacht haben,n.für di Let’s Chec issen w , Wtzun Inte eck un, ierung Windows-Betr ollen,vorausse e Ihr n Spiel-, Train l RAM SPIEGEL) 512 indowGHz, d Up . PC k reinSystem alle bekannte s 2i5GB(Q mm“ (DER ten sonst st – himum neue Version dcor , dates. er : PentkoiumMBIIIRA1M 7/8, Di3),ua7/8 Schachprogra unMini weltweit größ mpa(Ser deutschen viceoderPack rectX10, e), 4 GB denlan tib XP 14 auf den , ieren m „beliebtesten Fritz le Vista ehr,RAM, Graf g 11, DV So256 klasseturn Windows un MB 100% r 9ikka sich mit Deep tare zu Welt kkarteD mit rte Loggen Sie ROM dkarMed te Playe s Bischoff, Live-Kommen DirectX9, GrafiProgramWind Schach.de: ows La , Wiaindo Direg.ctX1 mit el King, Klau spannende Premium für maktiv ufwerkaktiv ws M 0ierun meistern Dani Zuerk, genießen Sie die ROM Laufw ist Groß und ga DVDramm un 14 ein den ie d In edia Pl Fritz wie , Le Prog rung. Upda ugangngfür Schachserver Koryphäen rnetzu ayer ang von Deep Scha tetes. und Internetz *) Let’s Let’st’sChec Ch k und inheiten mit . Im Lieferumf ng, Check eck un ), ch4.dGB e- gang für oder Trainingse Müller u.v.a d Schach.de-Zuga n. gang dcoreUpda Dr. Karsten i5 Zu(Qua y, griffe mit Intel Ashle inbe te te PC mit ,DeGrafikkar s. Maurice „Let’s 6 Monate Empfohlen: Zugriff auf liedschaft für 7/8, DirectX10 ep Fritz14 14 haben Sie ende Premium-Mitg RAM, Windows mehr, 100% DirectX10 200 Mio. CheFritz t amr g. Mit Deep oder Playe 31 ssBigen Analysen. Über rt sind gut genu 512 MB RAM dkarte, Windows Media für .12.2016 as Ostwert n Analysen rver gespeiche k mit hoch g erbe e GmChec Soun Nur die besteCE SS OR n, te Datenban bH k-Se Internetzugan kompatible auf08demksLet’s ROdie weltweit größ TOungen sind 22 tr. 90 Sie schnell wissen wolle Laufwerk und IPk“*, 3 Wen n a, MU LTChec UP 11, DVD ROM ch.de neberechn hier G infodazuH.am Scha Engi – n g. rein TIN ysen tiefe 64 BI T ierun Anal @ch bubeirg Let’s Check OR n mit uere unge PP SH Programmaktiv k und Updates. HA und gena Siesb wscha ang N SUStell uen es neueOF ww.c denl IO Chec men stun .2016 t ist, RS GB n kom Let’s 31.12 ch 6 VE halte PC sons he dieasIhr tägli25 e.co Zugang, undD 4 endet am 64 sstellung zu AN on, fürssba Deep Fritz1 se.c m Zugang mit B ITRE S was von einer Eröffnung die Informati CO 6 M *) Let’s Check 32 om sklick sofort Weite ON VE MU einem Mau ATE re RS LT finden Sie mit PR www. Informat IP R müsste. EM 6 C IO N ches ionen: IUM en O sbas S rechn OR CE e.de ISBN ES UPP SS 2014 DEEP FRITZ 14 DE Order: Houdini 4 Place your order at the ChessBase Shop www.chessbase.com or contact your ChessBase distributor. Combine the strongest chess engine in the world with the powerful new 64-bit interface of Deep Fritz 14! CHESSBASE PROGRAMM CHESSBASE CHESSBASEPROGRAMM PROGRAMM STARTER PACKAGE Your entry to the universe of chess. The ChessBase 12 starter package offers access both to the continually updated ChessBase online database* and to the Big Database 2014 (supplied with the package) with over 5.7 million games from 1475 till November 2012. The download service updates your Big Database 2013 week by week with several thousand new games. The difference from Mega Database is that the Big Database does not contain annotations and analysis. 179,90 & ChessBase 12 Programm Big Database 2014 Games download until 31st December 2014 Access to ChessBase Online Database (over 6.4 million games)* Access to “Let’s Check” and “Engine Cloud” Half a Year’s subscription to ChessBase Magazine (3 issues) MEGA PACKAGE Now all ChessBase 12 packages with Big / Mega Database 2014! Train like Carlsen, Kramnik & Co ChessBase 12 START YOUR PERSONAL SUCCESS STORY WITH THE NEW CHESSBASE 12 AND PROFIT FROM SEVERAL NEW SEARCH AND ONLINE FEATURES NEW in ChessBase 12: • “Similarity search” finds all games with a similar pawn structure or sacrifice motif etc. • “Deep ananlysis” generates a dynamic tree of variations. Variations which do not hold up at the greater depth of calculation are automatically excluded. The result is commentary containing analysis of the important candidate moves. Strong improvement over analysis in Fritz • Cloud analysis: deep analysis done by several engines working in parallel, which saves an enormous amount of time. The engines may run on other computers • “Let’s Check”: access the world’s largest database of in-depth analyses (more than 200 million positions)* and much more! 02 * Access through 31.12.2015 Train like Carlsen, Anand & Co. All 5.7 million games in the Mega Database 2014 are classified not only from A to E according to the openings. Over 67,500 games which are important for opening theory or from the historical point of view are presented with annotations by titled players. With the Mega Database 2014 you will understand your own opening moves much better and learn new openings much more efficiently. And every two months ChessBase Magazine presents the most important and up-to-date tournaments and opening trends. 269,90 & ChessBase 12 Programm Mega Database 2014 – over 5.7 million games, completely classified and with 67,500 annotated games Games download until 31st December 2014 Access to ChessBase Online Database (over 6.4 million games)* Access to “Let’s Check” and “Engine Cloud” Year’s subscription to ChessBase Magazine (6 issues) PREMIUM PACKAGE You can’t get more than this: the best ChessBase program of all time with an ultra-rapid online database *, special functions such as “Prepare against”, “Opening report” and many more. In addition, the collected chess knowledge of Mega Database 2014. A must for correspondence chess players and for tournament players a valuable treasure trove: the new Corr Database 2014 with over one million correspondence games. On top of all that, perfect top class entertainment and training with ChessBase Magazine. The icing on the cake: premium membership of playchess.com for a year. Enjoy the games of top players with live commentary from GM Daniel King, GM Yasser Seirawan and many others! 369,90 & UPDATE FROM CB 11 99.90 & ChessBase 12 Programm Access to ChessBase Online Database (over 6.4 million games)* ChessBase 12 Programm Mega Database 2014 Games download until 31st December 2014 Year’s subscription to ChessBase Magazine Access to ChessBase Online Database (over 6.4 million games)* Access to “Let’s Check” and “Engine Cloud” Year’s subscription to ChessBase Magazine Corr Database 2013 Endgame Turbo 3 (9 DVDs) DOWNLOAD VERSION ChessBase 12 download version: Available at www.chessbase.com only 99,90 & CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 03 3 3 das ganze mit bleibt Jahr neue die Mega .4 m illions gam enta es fr ry fr om 15 ct ac om top player 60 to 20 cess 12 in ase in to player s, with Che the high s, to the ss 13 al world. T urnamen Base op est so fe ts, m enin he m at g iddl ost ur ayer es a new recent ga egame inde x no ed mes iti on includ w cont of the pl the da es ab theainshighofest al ou ay in octur201 es no3 t 293,00 ready mor erbase. A w. se ope0 ning e s nam ChessBa es. D than 281, oing 000 you ame this, n do dleg nts,camid the 2013 wnes load of the entwigam ll rem games fo ainplay up erbar Mse n Winof the to date ega 2012 dows now con fo from7/Vxis Januar r the whol for oninde yer e y to D line ta/X s P,about ecem date 512 M ich inclupude ber. B RA s. . M, D pictures now VD-R OM le who the for 201 H A M3 B U R to December. G, G January B RAM, ERM Incl. onlin e update: 200. 200,000 new gam es in 2014 new 000 game 2014 s in ! In cl. u on MEGA DATABASE 2014 M E G A D ATA B A S E 2 0 1 4 achd aten Qua bank fü litätss r höch mmlu tandard. ste Ansp Mit rüch ng ho üb Mon chklassig er 67.0 e. Über 5, 00 ko gole 4M ko eltwei i: Diese D mmentie mmentie ill. rt t über rt aten bank er Partie en alle form iert zu Bereiche bietet di n. Von e Si de se artie n au in. Wei s Schach cherheit, s Deu te l. s re H öchs Übertsch 5,7 Mil ighl umfassen che.ten K la d hts: , al Partigien ategortiertnden lbkom ao, Tamen ie de le Partie 1.050.00 0 s Jahr n- n der l-Mem Sen es Tu be deroria iore en.r 59Von l M 2012, w rniere de 0.00 ie Sa r Pa übeosrkaalle stabelwelt0weit u, o it, le er rtien sind . Biel und Paulo/ m W ub zu sein en unformlaiert n d ca t. Die D it der M, ijk an Z ee. . 33.0Deutsch VD land annsch rtien aus 00 Spie enthält au aftsbeessB le ot ßerd as egorierfdes os. em da hstene 10Kat bi s 12 , Tals che in don kö sgesLon urnier amt nnen Sie r ca. Zee da 20 . Übe nd Wijk an 0.000! s ganze Ja Dam hr ezeichnung it blei neue Wnsch indo aftsb bt ws erte Spie- die Meg Badas se 11aktualisi a chSpie ! lerfotos. 20 pdatel:ine ne 0,0 w 0 ga 0 in m 20 es 14 A S E 2 014 B A T A D A G E – MME G A –– 5.5.77 mmilillilionontegagaddmmgagaesesmm–eses –– te ta ta no no an an D––A6767T ,5,50000 – 5.7 A B A S – 67 million g E 2 0 ,500 anno ames – 14 ta 5,7 million games Update-Service till 31.12.2014 – Over 5,000 new games for your Mega Database 2014 every week, over 200,000 new games in 2014! (for ChessBase 11/12) at e d g ames – 67,500 annotated games – all annotated games from ChessBase Magazine from the first issue to CBM #156 (Dezember 2013) ANY ChessBase Player Encyclopaedia with 290,000 names and 33,000 photos THE MOTHER OF ALL DATENBASES Mega Database 2014 CAREFULLY EDITED AND COMPLETELY CLASSIFIED: THE MEGA DATABASE IS THE EXCLUSIVE CHESS DATABASE WHICH MEETS THE MOST EXACTING STANDARDS. Over 5.7 million games from 1560 till 2013 in ChessBase quality standard. With over 67,500 annotated games, Mega 2014 contains the world’s greatest collection of top class annotated games. From the Seniors WCh to the Mongolian Team Championship: this database offers you the security that you will be comprehensively informed about what is happening all over the world in all forms of chess. All the games from the highest level tournaments of 2013, such as Wijk aan Zee, Biel, Dortmund, Chennai, and London. Update from Mega Database 2012 or older 04 FR Deep Fritz 14 EA TC Sing le-pr HE SS powe ocessor en PR rful gine OG engine multi-proc s are a RA th esso , and, M r versi ing of th That lik e on rig e past 's wh its pr rede ere the edecesso ht from – that's signe simila the r, ca wh Deep d and pa rities en n suppor word go y the ne . De w cks al d, ho Fritz t 14 am weve up to eig ep Fritz Fritz com most r, es as ht 14 fe 10 on as pr 0 gst th oc th Optim e str Elo points e engine essor co atures a a Inclu ize onge des: faste d for Win st ch more th itself ha res simul 64-bit r an dows ess pr an ta s Com ogra the prev been co neously. ple retain d flows be 8.1: W mpl ms in io Deep tely rede s al ith tte the wo us versi etely Fritz signe most l of the r on the its novel on rld. , putti we la 64 popu 64 Bi Engine d 64 Bi ng t– (and lar ch ll-known test versi -bit prog t- an ess pr playin ons of ram Prem d 32 Bit 32 Bit En Go Pr in ogra ium gine) m in g, trainin Windows terface, emiu mem progra (s ix De the wo g an mon bership m interfa excit m: Log d an . Naturally ep Fritz ths) ce rld. ing liv on to to Pla alysis Acce , the 14 yche e th runs ss functio co with e Play RA M ne ss.co front mmen million to the Le ns th w version ches m taryPR OG S ru t's ES s.c at nn ex As of wo Chec om madIncludes: te EAhlTey CH er co and e Fritz Bitly–an k* (with Ches 64nsive ULY GR Pr , Dr. Ka aches su rld-class server wi TR igned sB E th redes aly rst th a as TH emiu tourna e ch sed 200 A ne 32 eBitengin De s as Engine) Completely come m M en Mülle as Granthe new w op mFritz e clo position ents, ep Fritz it Engin(oe (and embe r en why dm Fritz s an ing ud s) 14 that' Deep 64-b ace aster featuorresta a ver fo am interf rship– d man and ke 14Dani Only of the past ur m book com Bit progr to Pl Deepy mFritz . tune in64 Bit- and 32 Da illion hess.com el Ki ltanepa es are a thing ore. the be rt go. ay pil ously engin in r word ta ed ch posit ba ess.c ssor De st the by Ale ep Frsimung, Klau training to Single-processo bershipsetowiPlayc onworight om. cores rld's fromis good eight proce x Ku th ov ion) itz 14letely s Bisc se io ium mem larsupp -processor versi re er Sy gestort up entoough hoff, ssPrem comp ns inclu powerful multi 5 milli databa . De Mau (six months) stem re (with1.200 cessoanr, nocan de itself has been e ep tate on Minim Check * like its prede seengin Fr ous version, putting s a free six rice with as the pack previ Let's quirem ons) games beinghowed ver, engine, and, deep than s end, ed wi itz 14 -monAccess to theWind umanaly etc. en : Pe sed positi engin the th hig gives yo e the similaritie ta Eloaddepoint th ow ntium ts: sively d evers more That's wher u acce million extenDire s Viestacloud III 1 GH st 100ke y day.amse incalcu the worldh-q.ua engin z, 2Kure and packs almo un a loochess Base ctX k on progr 9, 25 , XP (Ser Alex If yo lations ar lity analy ss to “Lruns Chess and GB gest redesigned W Let's u 6 MBiled byvice Pa RAM sis. 14 et's indbook e saveDeep Fritz the stron cover. ow comp Chec wantinter graphic ck 3) , 14 amongst d on Over 20 Check”*, A new opening progra s Medon) k an am to knface, Deep Fritz the version 0 m ow progr s card , 7/8, the d fin nmpositi ia Pla novel 64-bit dNatu at tonew Let's Ch illion po (over four millio DVDLet’s activation yenr 9game s, etc. out inrally,whthe 8.1: With its think Fritzecthe millio Ch k serv sitions second made , acce and Intern ROM dr of Windows. for Windows of Recoovereck1.5 that ase with Optimized et ac ive, latest versions m and pr ss to sis functions s what a particu er, with Datab better on the m it wo lar ing and analy RAM, mended: ogram up Playchess cess for faster and flows uld ta opening ore dates. .com playing, train Wents indow: PC Inte RAM, irem ke yo , well-known ca requ po the l of em rd GB s . sit i5 all 2 , 10 ur PCSyst ion, retains 1 GHz,8.1, Di (Quadc III 0% am in the world in to hour um: PentiWum rectX7/8, ore) indow iceDirePack 3), chess progr 14 and tune s lar Minim ctX 10 to Fritz popu , 2 , 4 GB s Med 10-co OM most , XP (Serv r with Deep mpatib 51drive, ing sessions MB Windows Vista Interngraph PlayeDVD-R et acics iacard, hess.com serve part in train Playc for le take s MB the r ce or to so graphic ts, ss foIntern11et, acces Log on DirectX9, 256 Playcherss9 and DVD- und card s tournamen off, Maurice Go Premium: ROM a Playe .com, r proghess. Klaus Bisch , com, Medi ra y of world-class King, l ows m entar Wind onth *A comm s toLePlayc ter Danie t's Ch activat drive an tion,ccessacces exciting live as Grandmas ion, ac d to “Le des a free six-m ec program activa t’s tes. k an upda Fritz 14 inclu r coaches such cess and program Check” dadcore), d4prGB more. Deep with frontrunne Let’s Check (Qua tabase ograicsm up to r and many : PC Intel i5 dates. till graph Karsten Mülle com. Ashley, Dr. Recommended DirectX10, 512 MB 31.12.20 k”*, the ip to Playchess. 16 8.1, Chec card, ows bersh s Wind Mem sound “Let' to RAM, atible Ches access Premium and DirectX10-comp positions 14 gives you sBas card, 100% DVD-ROM drive to 200 million Oste sis. gh. Deep Fritz s a Player 11, GmbH analy eOver is good enou r, with more Windows Medi program activation, acces high-quality22 rbekst Chec Only the best 083the Let's r. 90 k serve packed with s for updates. st database a, ular opening position, Internet acces and program are saved infoon Hambu partic world's large Let's Check calculations ch of arg to to@think Playchess.com, deep engine .2016 know whatwww.c essbasd take your PC hours se till 31.12 annotated with you want to heitsswoul e.co If Check” databa day. “Let’s what to ds s every *Acces base m out in secon being added .com 6M Check and find Let's on O M NTH ore take a look S PR www. informat EM ches ion: uncover. IUM sbas e.com ITZ 14 Single-processor engines are a thing of the Z 14 as RITcomes past – that‘s why D the new Fritz PF EE a powerful multi-processor version right from the word go. Deep Fritz 14 features a 64-bit engine, and can support up to eight processor cores simultaneously. The engine has been completely redesigned and packs almost 100 Elo points more than the previous version, putting Deep Fritz 14 amongst the strongest chess programs in the world. 159,90 & 59,90 & 99,90 & EEP D DR ITZ EE F FR P ITZ 4 14 OC ES SO MU LT IPR 64 BIT RS IO N VE 64 B IT VE MU RS IO LT IP N RO CE SS OR R play ches s.co m Optimized for Windows 8.1: With its novel 64-bit program interface, Deep Fritz 14 runs faster and flows better on the latest versions of hess.com playcWindows. Naturally, the new version retains all of the wellknown playing, training and analysis functions that made Fritz the most popular chess program in the world. se GmbH ChessBa str. 90a, Osterbek burg 22083 Ham ase.com info@chessb se.com ssba www.che THS 6 MON PREMIU retail S PREMIU M om playchess.c 6 MONTH ation: More inform .com commsbase wwwRe.ches en ded DVD-ROM Update from Mega Database 2013 CHESS PROGRAM EP UL YG R THE TRULY GREAT CHESS PROGRAM With Upd Serv ateice: ET R THE TRULY GREAT CHESS PROGRAM TH DEEP FRITZ 14 DE DEEP FRITZ 14 DATABASE price : 69 ,90 M ed retail Recommend price: 69,90 Go Premium: Log on to the Playchess.com server with Deep Fritz 14 and tune in to exciting live commentary of world-class tournaments, or take part in training sessions with frontrunner coaches such as Grandmaster Daniel King, Klaus Bischoff, Maurice Ashley, Dr. Karsten Müller and many more. Deep Fritz 14 includes a free six-month Premium Membership to Playchess.com. 6M Includes: play che ss.c om ON TH SP RE MIU M Completely redesigned 64 Bit – Deep Fritz Engine (and 32 Bit Engine) 64-Bit- and 32 Bit program interface Premium membership to Playchess.com (six months) Access to the Let‘s Check* (with 200 million extensively analysed positions) and ChessBase engine cloud A new opening book compiled by Alex Kure (over four million position) Database with over 1.5 million games etc. *Access to “Let’s Check” database till 31.12.2016 Only the best is good enough. Deep Fritz 14 gives you access to “Let‘s Check”*, the world‘s largest database packed with high-quality analysis. Over 200 million positions annotated with deep engine calculations are saved on the Let‘s Check server, with more being added every day. If you want to know what to think of a particular opening position, take a look on Let‘s Check and find out in seconds what it would take your PC hours to uncover. 69,90 & System requirements: Minimum: Pentium III 1 GHz, 2 GB RAM, Windows Vista, XP (Service Pack 3), 7/8, DirectX9, 256 MB graphics card, DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9 and Internet access for program activation, access to Playchess.com, Let’s Check and program updates. CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 05 HO HOUD INI CHESS PROGRAM 4 NEW! INI 4 scha ch.d e N 97 isemp feh -3 lung €69,9 0 €69,90 pfehlung Preisem 49,90 & 32,90 & M Give in to the magic! Houdini 4 Houdini is the unquestionable number one! The program, written by the scha ch.d e Belgian Robert Houdart, is known for finding tricks and resources in positions that just can’t be cracked by other engines. Now, with the release of its latest incarnation, Houdini 4, the engine has been improved significantly across the board. Its 50 Elo point boost in playing strength represents practically double the performance in analysis and engine matches. 6M ON AT E PR EM IUM A significant element of the new version is its support of the new Syzygy tablebases, which represent the complete analysis of all endgames up to 6 pieces.* Indeed, Houdini 4 was developed with compatibility in mind and has been tuned to work with this ultramodern tablebase format to deliver the optimum in terms of precision and strength in the endgame. Houdini 4 also offers all the virtues and elements that made its predecessor the most popular analysis program in the chess world, but now also uses extremely precise evaluation functions that directly correlate with the engine’s expectations of winning a particular position. As well as this, the improved “tactics mode” now makes Houdini 4 the best tactical puzzle solver ever. DE BY AM IR EP BA N AN JU NI Deep D SH Jun AY over ior is BU ba a SH and decade ck – an IN ideas, by top d as SK Y where player strong as The tradit s as rea ional a sec ever. Thi functio son is cle chess ret we s pro ar: engin apon gram ha and ns that ma Junior es on to fin s ent ha ly see d astou been use provid ertaining kes it dif s its ow unins nding d for ing new , sac ferent n spe pired no Wh rifi cia at yo ideas cing ma to any oth l search moves velties The u ge in tra terial . er che techn name t: Junior dit for iqu ss som Junior ional es 13. eth engine 8 YOK positi initiative program. and eva He wa ing for is perha ons wh (64 OHAM chi ps bit) again enever It is ent luation A che s The ss st ma it see erprisi new dynam held to ldren, as deceptive ng n or interfac Deep a s Ga . machi a chance bisho ic style, 3-3 dra rry Kaspa Playing e (+3 Fritz 64ag ne. p sac greatl w by , 2 bit bit pro Premiu progra gram rifice y sur the Isra rov discov ainst Jun m inte (6 mo m memb on h2 prisin ior is You g the eli progra ered in rface) nths) ership not can tha a to Pla KY t forme m. Jun match neces forBUS Online progra look for ced HINS ychess him r World ior pla in Ne sarily you get: SHAY m on wa .com databa access to to con Cham yed in w YorWhat your rd to a wo BAN AND the wo se chess AMIR MA k. „Le ced mil com pion for its typ BY YOKOHA e a been puter rld class Junior 13.8 lion ext t’s check“ rld’s larg wit dra used ensivel . bit) lly (64 Dat program grand has w.noveltiehsnow-f icaengine wit est y ana h ove analysi as ever. This abase ing am ma strong program s r astound as lyze ou find ster of 1.5 Fritz 64-bit s d) pos 200 is back – and weapon to when The new Deep program interface mil itio red moves. as a secret Deep Junior lion bit you chess ns* by top players only see uninspi interfaceSy(+32 instal decade s.com engines a gam ste chess over ion l nal hip to Playches es m req ues and evaluat the newPremiumMinmembers where traditio uir imu and ideas, search techniq Windowm: Pen ements: analysis is enterprising own special It (6 months) . its has tium chess program Vist world’sIIIlargest DirectXtos the is clear: Junior chance, 1 GH200 t to any other The reason er it sees a Online access over 9, 25 a, XPwith z, Win„Let’s makes it differen l for initiative whenev rvice 2*GB RAM 6 MB (Sepositions e. dow check“ database machin functions that materia Pac or s gra ng progra lyMeanalyzed dia Pla phics k 3), 7/ , ining, sacrifici nal positions against man million extensive card, and enterta yer games 8, Let’s m actmillion chess necessarily ideas in traditio 1.5 ivation 9 and DVD Che Junior is not DatabaseRecof ck and , access Interne -ROM driv providing new om Playing against match in New York. e, t pro to deceptive. in a RAM mended: gram Playch access for y is perhaps upd , Win ess v discovered in its typicall dow PC Intel ates. .com, The name Junior card, ments: , as Garry Kasparo program. Junior played i5 (Qu ous 100 s 8.1, GB for children % Dire 2 RAM, Window III System require adcore something ion with now-fam 1 GHz, Dire by the Israeli ctX 7/8, Pentium Me ctX10- 3), World Champ to a 3-3 draw Minimum: Interne s(Service Pack 10, 512 ), 4 GB ng the former e a draw. He was held XP acc dia Pla com MB gra patible drive, yer DVD-ROM greatly surprisi Windows Vista, Playch t graphics card, conced soufor MB ess for pro 11, DVD dynamic style, h2 that forced him to nd phics access Internet DirectX9, 256 ess.com, on gram -ROM card, install the new 9 and you Player sacrifice Let when driv Media s.com, acti bishop Windows * accessn, access to'sPlayches Check vation e and grandmaster to and , access a world class program activatio „Let’s chec updates. progra forward to to and program k“ unti re), 4 GB m You can look Check er. upd Let’s l Dec Ches PC Intel i5 (Quadco your comput emb graphics ates. program on Recommended: DirectX10, 512 MBer 31, 201 Os sBas DEEP JUNIO ter e Gm 2208 bekstr. bH info@3 Hamb 90a, ur www.cchessb g hess ase.c base om .com OR R 13•8 6 MO 8.1, tible sound card, 5 RAM, Windows DirectX10-compa drive and card, 100% to Player 11, DVD-ROM Windows Media program activation, access for updates. Internet access and program Let's Check Playchess.com, play ches s.co m check“ until NT access to „Let’s *HS PR EM Deep Junior 13.8 13 8 • December 31, 2015 BY AMIR BAN AND SHAY BUSHINSKY BY AMIR BAN AND SHAY BUSHINSKY M Here you will immediately meet an opponent of your own strength! Or you can kibitz at grandmaster games, take a look at world-class tournaments, take a training lesson or play in a simultaneous against a grandmaster. Enjoy the best on playchess.com and prepare to see forthcoming world class tournaments with top class live commentary by the very best presenters such as GM Daniel King, GM Maurice Ashley, GM Yasser Seirawan, GM Yannick Pelletier etc.! PREMIU schach.de b. Pre unverb. THE ULTIMATE CHESS EXPERIENCE. EVERY DAY 20 000 CHESS FANS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD MEET ON THE WORLD’S BIGGEST CHESS SERVER “PLAYCHESS.COM”. Test the free browseraccess to playchess now! Open the ChessBase site www.chessbase.com and simply click on the board on the top! Also for Mac OS, iPad, Linux etc.! & 99.90 ATE 6 MON Playchess.com Classic membership for one year - Six months playchess.com (Premium) PREMIUM schach.de Houdini 4- Pro - Supports up to 32 cores and 256 GB of hash 2-3 Gratis app for iOS and Android now available! - Multiprocessor version 1-38 JOIN THE WORLD’S LARGEST CHESS SERVER Premium membership for one year D ESS OR PR OC TO MU LTI TIN G UP 64 BIT SU PP OR HA SH GB OF VE RS ION 64 AN D 256 B ITRE S 32 CO VE MU RS LT IP R 6 C IO N OC S OR ES UPPO ESS O R AN R D 4 T IN G UP GB TO OF HA SH 8668 All-embracing training program with master trainers P L AY H E S S C & 79.90 8-3- -86681-382 ATE 6 MON e GmbH ChessBas 90a, 22083 str. Osterbek Hamburg m sbase.co info@ches se.com ssba www.che Houdini 4- Standard - Six months playchess.com (Premium) ver DEEP JUNIOR 13•8 DEEP JUNIOR 13•8 The “Endgame Magic” show. Karsten Müller offers deep insights into the world of endgames INI HOUD PRO HO UD STA IN ND I AR 4 4 - Multiprocessor version - Supports up to 6 cores and 4 GB of hash ISB ationen: Weitere Informase.de www.chessb un ISBN 978-3 MIU PRE M .CO 1 YEAR “Ask the experts” – what you always wanted to know. HOUDINI 4 PRO The “Powerplay” show. Daniel King extends your chess knowhow in the most entertaining way. HOUDINI 4 STANDARD All world class tournaments with top class live commentary. DAS GANZ GROSSE SCHACHPROGRAMM For Premium members only: UD DA SG AN ZG RO SS Die Ze ES it CH leistu der „Sing AC ng les HP RO ausg sfähige Mu “ ist vorbe eliefe GR ltip i. A M STA Die En rt und rozesso Deshalb kann r-V M ko gin ND Leist e wurde wie se ersion. De mmt der AR ungs in Vo ne ep ko D weltw steigerun mplett ne rgänger Fritz 14 ue Fritz ers eit sp bis zu wird g von u en tw ers tmals ielstä rksten knapp 10 ickelt un 8 Prozesso tmals mi von Anfan Optim d t ein 0 g als Sc bie rke hach Elo-Pu ale progra nkten tet gegenü rne gleich er 64-Bi Fritz Kompati Inkl mme. . Dami ber de zeitig t-Engine usiv 14 wi bilitä e: nutze t zählt r frü t Wind rd ers Komp Deep heren Ve n. tm mit Wind ow let Fritz rsi neue s-Betrieb als als 64 ows 7/ Fritz1 t neu en 14 zu on eine ssy Ve -Bi 8: 4-Eng twick m Kre „beli rsion all stemen t-Version Auch die elte ine is de ebtes e beka somi 64-Bi Deep r t no ausgeli Progra ten de t Pro nn gramm utsch ten Spiel ch schne efert un mmoberf Premi Premi d läu O läc oberf en Sc lle -, um um hach Training r und flüPRft auf he von für 6 -Mitglie läche Scha für Scha progra s- un ssige den ak Deep Mona dscha chse d ch r. mm An tue ft für Un .de te MM alyse lle : Logg OG RA“ (D oder rver ein Zuga Scha ER SP funkti d natürlic n ng zu Traini AC un HPR en ch.de h bie IEGEL onen ngse d genie Sie sic SCH „L Ch Ma SE et’ ess tet ) gema , die Inklusive: inheit OS urice h mi ßen BaseDeeps Check die Fri NZ GR Premi Ashley, en mit Ko Sie span t Deep Fri g als cht ha tz zum neu entwic Neuekelte Engine-C “-Server* DA S GA nend von Anfan ben. Komplett um-M Dr. Ka tz s Erö lou ryp und rsten Fritzhäerstm itglie neue au en als e Live-K 14-Engin ine Mio. ffnungsb d Stellun Fritz14-Eng om f deen 64-Bit chaft Müller wimite deeiner Nur dielb kommtdsder e ge uch von u.v.a. n Groß men.ntare weltweit für 6erstmals vorbei. Desha Ale mmobDaerfläch besteFritz 14 wird tenba n), meist Mona gleich zu We grö Im Lie nutze 64-Bit Progra „Singles“ ist Ch Deep h.de x Kure (üb nk mi Schac rnete inb zeitig ltklas ßten Die Zeit der ferum ern für or-Version.eck“, die n An8alyProze ssorke Da eine chaft er 4 t n rozess üb glieds egriff en Versio fang niel Kin sePremiu zu sen sin er 1,5 m-Mit ge Multip Stellu bis we vonder g, Kla turnieren Syst ltweit gegen d guüber der früheren. leistungsfähi Mi sein Vorgänger ng und kann wie mit bietetgrößte t genug.Fritz 14 zum Kreis Deep Fri usfürBis6 Monate Mi emvora er* und o. Partien undckeltenund ausgeliefert tz 14 choff nim Da Deep Mi u.v.m fen zählt usse lett neu entwi täglich tie. Damit Check al: “-Serv . ist die g zu, „Let’s wurde komp komm Engineb tenbank t Deep Fri Wind Pentium tzung: Zugan s von nkten 100waElo-Pu Die Engine mi ere tz en ow knapp -Cloud t III 1 Engine s igerung von 4 finde e.einer Erö neue un chnung hochwe 14 habe ChessBase -DirectX9 Vista, XP Kure ramm Leistungsste en sin he von rtigenDeep n Sie z, 2 Alex (S GH(über von n Schachprog rec n Sie mi ffnungs d gena erfläc ch , GB ärkste d Gra ngsbu erv DV An Zu auf de ue Eröffnu D-ROM fikka stellu mmob alyse gri ice Pa RAM, hnen t einemdie Progra weltweit spielst Analyaktue llen m n. Üb ff auNeues ng re den mü Auch f „Let’ und Int Laufw rte mit 25 ck 3), gen), er 6 Mio. Stellun uskli läuftzuauf halte sen da Let’sdie Windows 7/8:sste. Maund Ch s 6 MB 7/8 ernetzMio.erkPartien bietet , Wi u.v.m. atibilität mit ist, schich zu . We eck-Serv Mio. ausgeliefert ck soforUnd nnatürl Scha 1,5 Optimale Komp als als 64-Bit-Version ch.de ugang für ndows Me RAM, er ge Datenbank mit über auen zumnn Sie und flüssiger. t die Infdie -Zu ller sp Fritz erstm Em sch dia Sie Pro schne eic orm ga wird n, pfoh ktione Fritz 14 ation bei Le nell wi hert en somit noch len ng, Le gramm Playe Analysefun sse triebssystem M, g:: PC Int t’s Check aktivier r 9 Trainings- und cht haben. , für die t’s Check n wolle aussRAetzun Windows-Be Ihr PC nten Spiel-, rein mvorn, 512 Window2s GBelRAM, SPIEGEL) gema i5 (Q und Up ung. n alle bekan – sonsSyste uadc ramm“ (DER dates mkoIII 1MBGHz, neue Versio RAM 7/8,3),Dir7/8 t stu al:hiePentiu Schachprog größten ectX1 ore), 4 GB . mpati ce Pack nden r Minim od n deutschen den weltweit en lang XP11(Servi ble So er meRAM, 0, „beliebteste Fritz 14 auf lasseturnier Windows Vista, , mitD 256 unMB hr, 100%9Grafikka sich mit Deep ntare zu Weltk karte DV ff, Loggen Sie ROM dkarte,Player Direct rte mit Live-Komme Klaus Bischo Schach.de: -DirectX9, Grafik Progra Windo ufwerk Windng. mm ws LaMedia Sie spannende ow X10Premium für n Daniel King, tivieru Zuga aktivmmak OM Laufwerk, ist die Großmeister und genießen und Int s Media DVD-R 14 ein den ier r ng Progra Fritz wie ang für , Let’s ung.Updat Schachserve g von Deep Sc es.ern Playe mit Koryphäen Chund und Internetzug , Let’s Check Lieferumfan eck un haGBch.de etzugang r gseinheiten r u.v.a. Im ugang oder Trainin 4 Mülle für n h.de-Z d core), Upda Schac , Dr. Karste tesmit PC Intel i5 (Quad Grafikkarte te inbegriffen. . Maurice Ashley auf „Let’s für 6 Mona Empfohlen: X10, Sie Zugriff itgliedschaft ws 7/8, Direct X10Premium-M Fritz 14 haben RAM, Windo 100% Direct Mio. Mit Deep Ch oder mehr, essBAnalysen. Über 6 Player gut genug. 512 MB RAM karte, Windows Media ertige Os n ase Gm -Server gespeichert Analysen sind ang für Sound bank mit hochw terbLet’s Nur die besten kompatible größte Daten dem ekstCheckbH ll wissen wollen, und Internetzug Ha eit auf erk sind weltw Laufw r. m gen buWenn 90a,schne P L AT Check“, die eberechnun rg Sie 11, DVD ROM ng. Schach.dedazu. 2208 rein – hier ZHA fo@ tivieru mit tiefen Engin genauere Analysen in LT E ch bei Let’s Check 3 es. Stellungen Programmak und g ww Sie R Check und Updat ist, schauenw.ch essbasPC sonst stundenlan kommen neue Zugang, Let’s und täglich diesbIhr e.com tellung zu halten für es ase. Eröffnungss Information, Weite com was von einer lick sofort die re 6M einem Mausk ONA www. Informati finden Sie mit TE e. PR LT E Rchessbas onen: EM P L AT Z H A rechnen müsst e.de IUM DAS GANZ GROSSE SCHACHPROGRAMM PLAYCHESS.COM EP D DENIOR JJUEHA EMAP U YOKO N YO KO HA I O M R 8 13 3••8 World champion 2013 Deep Junior is back – and as strong as ever. This program has been used for over a decade by top players as a secret weapon to find astounding novelties and ideas, where traditional chess 79,00 & engines only see uninspired moves. A R OCE SSO MULTIPR 64 BIT SION VER 64 B V ER IT M SI O U LT IP R N OC ES SO R IUM ISB N 978 -3- 81- 399 -1 PREMIUM .com playchess HS 6 MONT 866 Rec om men ded reta il pric 9-1 e: 79, 90 6681-39 ISBN 978-3-8 06 GmbH ChessBase 90a, Osterbekstr. rg 22083 Hambuase.com info@chessb se.com www.chessba HS 6 MONT PREMI UM om playchess.c nded retail CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 price: 79,90 Recomme 6 MO play NT HS PR E 07 CHESSBASE MAGAZIN TUTORIALS HOW CHESS IS LEARNED NOWADAYS! ChEssbAsE MAgAzInE THe MaGazINe For ProFeSSIoNaL CHeSS ChessBase Tutorials fEbRUARy/MARCh February/MarCH 2014 | No. 158 | 19,95 euro COnTEnTs Of ThE DVD ON DV D bOOKLET OPEnIngs (see also booklet from p. 10) Schandorff: Caro-Kann 3.Nc3 TOP TOURnAMEnTs World Championship, Chennai: After a muted start the WCh match delivered great games, which have all been annotated for the DVD. The annotators are Krasenkow, Müller, Postny, Stohl, Sumets and Szabo. In addition the DVD also offers Daniel King’s video commentary on all 10 games. Illingworth: Sicilian Paulsen Kuzmin: Sicilian 2...d6 3.Bb5+ Bd7 Oleg Romanishin already played 4.c4 in the seventies. now that the move is back in fashion, Alexey Kuzmin has investigated it Antic: French 3.Nc3 Nf6 Moskalenko: French 5...Ba5 Stohl: Italian Game 4.c3 Nf6 5.d4 exd4 6.e5 Daniel King demonstrates all 10 games in video European Team Championship Warsaw. The European Team Championship started with a hecatomb amongst the favourites, with the most amazing result probably being Turkey’s victory over Russia. Even Azerbeijan at first gave away one point or another, but then the Azeris quite unspectacularly played their way to the top of the table and reached the title with a concluding 2:2 draw against Armenia. Adams, Andreikin, Bartel, Berg, Edouard, Jones, Laznicka, Radjabov and Volokitin have annotated games of their own and there are additional annotations by Krasenkow, Marin, Meulders, Mikhalchishin, Postny, Stohl, Sumets and Szabo as well as an opening survey by Marin. Magnus Carlsen: the beginning of a new era? TOP TOURNAMENTS VIDEO REPORTS · World Championship Anand-Carlsen, European Team Ch., World Team Ch. · Mihail Marin: Queen's Gambit Exchange · Alexei Shirov: Botvinnik Variation Th OPENINGS TRAINING · 12 new opening ideas: From the Caro-Kann to the King’s Indian Mag Krasenkow: Semi-Tarrasch · Michael Adams · Dmitry Andreikin · Teimur Radjabov Gutman: Nimzo-Indian 4.f3 The 9th WCh game was hotly discussed. Did Anand have a clear advantage after the opening? Lev gutman presents extensive analyses World Team Championship Antalya: Ukraine e Ma notched up one win after another and led the ga zin e foWCh for teams by three clear points. The eternal r Pr top favourites ruar of es were, after a defeat by the USA, y/Mar sioto throwing away another Ch 201 well on their way na Magnu l Ch by the leading after a slip-up 4title. noHowever, the begs Carls 158 the Netherlands,es team .against it swas their direct a new inning en: encounter which decided matters: Russia just of era? won and collected gold. With games annotated by Friedman, Krasenkow, Meier, Mikhalchishin, Sumets, Szabo. Postny: Nimzo-Indian 4.Qc2 ChessBase Rankings 2013 Müller: Endgames – “Recent rook endings” Karsten Müller’s article contains two introductory texts, 22 annotated endgames, many training questions and four videos. Of course the rook endings from Anand-Carlsen have a special role to play. In addition the endgame expert has recorded two endings in the new interactive format. Rogozenco: Strategy – “Exchanging pieces” Dorian Rogozenco’s article is devoted to the subject of “Exchanging pieces”. In a video the grandmaster explains a few basics and then it is all about answering training questions. 9 Leinier Dominguez may not be player of the year, but with average performance of 2791 he is the rising player of 2013 Openings Introduction to the DVD articles Openings # 01 – Open games 10-21 Masthead 19 Tactics Nine combinations to solve 22 Power Play 20 23 service New products with videos of the DVDs by Collins, King, Lilov, Müller, Nielsen, Pähtz, Pert Complete booklet in PDF format Daniel King has made intensive use of the new interactive video format for his new Power Play DVD Overview of previous opening articles Endgames Nine endgame exercises to solve Szabo: King’s Indian Fianchetto Overview of previous video opening articles Opening videos introduced inklusive DVD 24 25 ChessBase Magazine #158 | 5 SB OPENINGS # 01 AS E GM RG BH BU GM M E HA AS , SB DVD with first class training material for club players and professionals! THE OPEN GAMES BH © C H ES Every game starts with the opening – and sometimes that is even where it ends. That need not be. With the ChessBase Tutorials you are rapidly clued in with little expenditure of time. “Openings # 01: Open games” (1.e4 e5) is the first part of a series of five on the basics of the chess openings. In 24 video lectures grandmasters and top-class trainers Daniel King, Igor Stohl, Lars Schandorff and others tell you all you really need to know about the King’s Gambit, the Italian game, the Two Knights Defence, the Scotch, the Open or Exchange Ruy Lopez, the Marshall Attack, the Petroff etc. Accompanying booklet + DVD Opening videos (see also p. 25) Bojkov: Sicilian 2...e6 3.b3 Marin: Queen’s Gambit Exchange Variation Shirov: Semi-Slav Botvinnik Variation Marin: Nimzo-Indian 4.e3 4 | ChessBase Magazine #158 MASTER TRAINERS EXPLAIN THE BASIC MOVES OF EVERY IMPORTANT OPENING IN VIDEO FORMAT - IN ONLY 15 MINUTES! DVD + ACCOMPANYING BOOKLET Top tournament 6-8 World Championship, European Team Championship, World Team Championship Reeh: Tactics – “Back rank pieces and open hfile matters” Oliver Reeh’s article contains an introductory text and a video in interactive format and in addition 31 games studded with many training questions. ES Daniel King: Move by Move Rainer Knaak: Opening Trap Dorian Rogozenco: Strategy Oliver Reeh: Tactics Karsten Müller: Endgames 3 4-5 © C H · · · · · azin e for Pro uary fess /Mar iona Ch 2014 Magn l Che us Carls no. 158 the begin ss en: a new ning of era? febr Editorial Contents Knaak: The opening trap This time Rainer Knaak’s opening trap (including a Fritztrainer video) contains a trap in the English Opening. Sumets: Schlechter Variation WORLD CLASS PLAYERS ANNOTATE feb PRACTICAL TRAINING The Ivanchuk had a go with the Italian game in the WCh against Kramnik. Igor stohl spots a trend in 6.e5, improvements for both sides are to be expected DVD COLUMns King: Move by Move This time Daniel King has chosen the game Polgar-Rasmussen (Warsaw 2013, Caro-Kann) for training. In the new interactive video format you have the opportunity to find the correct moves and there is also feedback on other moves. OPEN INGS VIDEO CHESS TRAINING WITH TOP PLAYERS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE OPEN GAMES: · Grandmaster Adrian Mikhalchishin · International Master Lawrence Trent · Grandmaster Lars Schandorff · FM Valeri Lilov · From the King´s Gambit to the Italian Game · From the Scotch to the Four Knights · From the Ruy Lopez Marshall Attack to the Berlin Defence · From the Petroff to the Philidor 20 13 , HA M BU RG 20 13 MODERN OPENING TRAINING # 01 THE OP · DVD: 24 Videos with a total of 5 hours running time · Accompanying booklet: An overview of all the important systems THE MAGAZINE FOR PROFESSIONAL CHESS OPE System requirements: Pentium PC with Windows 7, Vista or XP (SP3), DVD-ROM drive, Soundcard. ChessBase Magazine GAME S OPENING S # 02 SEMI-OPEN 29,90 & Openings # 03 – Queen’s Gambit and Queen’s Pawn Games Here you will learn what you absolutely need to know about the Slav, Catalan, Classical Queen’s Gambit, the Chigorin Defence etc., if you do not want to meet with an accident at an early stage. In over 5 hours running time, King, Stohl, Schandorff, Collins, and Lilov demonstrate all the important lines. GAMBIT PAWN GAME # 03 QUEEN’S & QUEEN’S Systemvoraussetzungen: Pentium-PC mit Windows 7, Windows XP (SP3) oder Windows Vista, DVD-ROM-Laufwerk, Maus, Soundkarte. · DVD: 24 Videos, insgesamt 5 Stunden Laufzeit · Begleitheft: Alle wichtigen Systeme im Überblick MODERNES ERÖFFNUNGSTRAINING · Slawisch, Halbslawisch und Katalanisch · Klassisches Damengambit bis Tschigorin · Londoner und Colle-System · Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit, Albin u.a. ALLES WAS SIE WISSEN MÜSSEN ÜBER: S OPENING · Bundestrainer GM Uwe Bönsch · Deutscher Meister Niclas Huschenbeth · Großmeister Jan Gustafsson · Großmeister Daniel King · Großmeister Rainer Knaak · Internationaler Meister Martin Breutigam VIDEOSCHACHTRAINING MIT TOP-SPIELERN DAMENGAMBIT UND DAMENBAUERNSPIELE ERÖFFNUNGEN # 03 OPENINGS # 03 QUEEN’S GAMBIT & QUEEN’S PAWN GAME Systemvoraussetzungen: Pentium-PC mit Windows 7, Windows XP (SP3) oder Windows Vista, DVD-ROM-Laufwerk, Maus, Soundkarte. # 04 INDIAN S OPENING · DVD: 24 Videos, insgesamt 5 Stunden Laufzeit · Begleitheft: Alle wichtigen Systeme im Überblick OPENING System requirements: Pentium PC with Windows 7, Vista or XP (SP3), DVD-ROM drive, Soundcard. S # 03 QUEEN’S & QUEEN’S 29,90 & GAMBIT PAWN GAME Openings # 04 – Indian Openings Nimzo-Indian, King’s Indian, Grünfeld Defence, Queen’s Indian and also the BogoIndian belong to the most classical and best known openings in chess. On this DVD the experienced team of authors shows you in 24 video lectures the basic plans and they explain the most important types of positions. MODERNES ERÖFFNUNGSTRAINING · Großmeister Jan Gustafsson · Großmeister Daniel King · Großmeister Klaus Bischoff · WGM Elisabeth Pähtz · Internationaler Meister Martin Breutigam · Großmeister Leonid Kritz · Nimzowitsch-Indisch, Damenindisch, Bogoljubow-Indisch · Königsindisch und Grünfeld-Indisch · Budapester Gambit, Trompowsky, Torre, Altindisch · Benoni, Benkö-Gambit und Blumenfeld-Gambit VIDEOSCHACHTRAINING MIT TOP-SPIELERN ALLES WAS SIE WISSEN MÜSSEN ÜBER: INDISCHE VERTEIDIGUNGEN ERÖFFNUNGEN # 04 DEFENCES 12 opening articles with new ideas for your repertoire – from Caro-Kann to Nimzo-Indian! VIDEO CHESS TRAINING WITH TOP PLAYERS · Grandmaster Igor Stohl · Grandmaster Lars Schandorff · Grandmaster Daniel King · International Master Sam Collins · FIDE Master Valeri Lilov MODERN OPENING TRAINING OPENINGS # 04 INDIAN DEFENCES ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT: VIDEO CHESS TRAINING WITH TOP PLAYERS · Nimzo-Indian, Queen’s Indian, Bogo-Indian · King’s Indian Defence and Grünfeld · Budapest Gambit, Trompowsky, Torre, Old Indian · Benoni, Benko Gambit and Blumenfeld Gambit · Grandmaster Daniel King · Grandmaster Igor Stohl · Grandmaster Lars Schandorff · FIDE Master Valeri Lilov · International Master Lawrence Trent MODERN OPENING TRAINING · DVD: 24 videos with a total of 5 hours running time · Accompanying booklet: An overview of all the important systems September 2011 World Team Championship Antalya: Russia won the decisive match against Ukraine and collected gold. All games + lots of annotations. NEW! Interactive video training: Daniel King „Move by Move“, Oliver Reeh “Tactics“, and Karsten Müller „Endgame“ offer feedback to your ideas! ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT: · Slav, Semi-Slav and Catalan · Queen‘s Gambit Declined to Chigorin · London and Colle System · Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, Albin Counter-Gambit · DVD: 24 videos with a total of 5 hours running time · Accompanying booklet: An overview of all the important systems 29,90 € European Team Championship Warsaw. Azerbeijan quite unspectacularly played their way to the top and reached gold. Annotated games by Adams, Andreikin, Edouard, Jones, Radjabov, Volokitin etc. ChessBase Tutorials / Openings #04 08 # 01 THE OPEN GAMES World Championship, Chennai: After a muted start the WCh match delivered great games, which whave all been annotated for the DVD + Daniel King’s video commentary on all 10 games. ISBN 978-3-86681-185-0 (6 issues) VIDEO CHESS TRAINING WITH TOP PLAYERS · Großmeister Klaus Bischoff · Großmeister Daniel King · Großmeister Rainer Knaak · Großmeister Georg Meier · Großmeister Dr. Karsten Müller · Deutscher Meister Niclas Huschenbeth u.v.m. MODERN OPENING TRAINING System requirements: Pentium PC with Windows 7, Vista or XP (SP3), DVD-ROM drive, Soundcard. March 2011 One year subscription 19,95 & 99,70 & ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW: · Von Französisch bis Sizilianisch · Von Caro-Kann bis Skandinavisch · Von Aljechin bis Pirc und Nimzowitsch · DVD: 24 Videos, insgesamt 5 Std. Laufzeit · Begleitheft: Alle wichtigen Eröffnungssysteme im Überblick Highlights of #158 (February 2014): 29,90 € (DVD + booklet) OPENINGS # 02 ChessBase Tutorials / Openings #03 SingLe issue 29,90 & S From the Alekhine Defence to the Najdorf Variation, from the Panov Attack to the French Defence Advance Variation – the second volume covers all the important systems in which Black does not meet 1.e4 with 1…e5. The team of authors has been extended with the famous IM Sam Collins from Ireland. THE SEMI-OPEN GAMES ISBN 978-3-86681-184-3 DVD + accompanying booklet. NING Openings # 02 – Semi-open games A CHESS MAGAZINE AND A TRAINING DVD IN ONE: THE CBM IS THE MOST COMPLETE AND SOPHISTICATED CHESS MAGAZINE OF THEM ALL. ChessBase Magazine is the modern training tool for every ambitious chess player. World class players analyse their best games and explain the ideas behind their moves. Openings specialists show you the latest trends in opening theory and present exciting ideas for your repertoire. Master trainers in tactics, strategy and the endgame give you precisely those tricks and techniques which the experienced tournament player needs. EN GA MES OPENING System requirements: Pentium PC with Windows 7, Vista or XP (SP3), DVD-ROM drive, Soundcard. S # 04 INDIAN DEFENCES 29,90 & Openings # 05 – Flank Openings Here you will find lots of sharp systems that are highly popular on amateur level. Let the master trainers show you what the Reti, the English Opening, the King’s Indian Attack or the Bird Opening is all about and get readey to run a surprise attack! OPENINGS # 05 FLANK OPENINGS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT: VIDEO CHESS TRAINING WITH TOP PLAYERS · Réti System and English · King’s Indian Attack · Dutch and Bird · 1.b3 and 1.b4, 1.Nc3, 1.g4 · Black Knights’ Tango, English Defence · Grandmaster Lars Schandorff · Grandmaster Daniel King · FIDE Master Valeri Lilov · Grandmaster Adrian Mikhalchishin · International Master Lawrence Trent · Grandmaster Lubomir Ftacnik MODERN OPENING TRAINING · DVD: 24 videos with a total of 5 hours running time · Accompanying booklet: An overview of all the important systems 29,90 & OPENING System requirements: Pentium PC with Windows 7/8, Vista or XP (SP3), DVD-ROM drive, Soundcard. S # 05 FLANK OPENINGS CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 09 VIDEOTRAINING VIDEOTRAINING ChessBase Master class Get a move on! The best players in the world are the ones you can learn most from! The new “MasterClass“ series revives the World Champions in the history of chess. What strengths did Bobby Fischer have to distinguish him from all other players of his time? Which strategic concept of Mikhail Tal still applies in modern chess to this very day? The new “MasterClass“ DVDs present to you the fascinating facets of the chess legends - in interactive video format with training feedback! Interactive and communicative - the new ChessBase training format turns you from an idle onlooker to an active participant! Training questions can now be answered by entering moves to receive feedback immediately, making it easy to grasp motifs and variations. Chess lessons have never been that entertaining and efficient! € 29,90 L. agon ilian Dr nt player The Sic Bc4 tourname for the in Line with 9. Vol. 1: Ma ed to Ch ess Os ter Ba se D-2 bek str Gm bH 20 . inf o@ 83 Ha 90 a ww che ssbmb urg w.c hes ase.co sba se. m com ,Ves pio wor elinTn ka op gain - n awell-know eNielsenis ,when rPeterHeingnusCarlsen fhis GrandmastekedwithMa onasoneo ion eDrag hamp TheDanishpert.Hewor ayerusedth dofWorldC openingex orwegianpl VeselinTop dwasseconirKramnik, theyoungN inst1.e4,an workagain ainstVladim nsaga estartedto hesag weapo inhismatclfand.Recently,h Anand risGe alovandBo Carlsen. agnus withM . GB nnec dia RAM, en Dir RAM, ded: tio ec n for with tX10 WindPC Int pro gra ow el Co comp512 MB s7 ph re i7, ati ts: RA ic card orRAM, Plaemen requir M or1 GB(orWind 2.8 GH yer ble so System ow conn m 11,IIIDV1 GHz, und Pack comp be 3), s 8, z, Pentiu ce ca tte RAM, ec (Servi D-RO r, 100 ati Minimum:Vista, XPtio rd, MB 256 ble n with M ws card for driveWind % Dir ) Windo proMedia ow graphic ec ws gra for proDirectX9 drive, Windo m and ints MediatX10 ction OM activ ern et conne DVD-R ation et 9 and intern Player tion. 2.8 GHz,. i7, activa Core gram PC Intel ws 8, mended: ws 7 or Windo atible) Recom Windo (or comp DirectX10 4 GB RAM,graphic card , 100% DirectX10 RAM or better ws Media MB card, Windointernet with 512 sound and compatible OM drive tion. 11, DVD-R am activa Player for progr connection RRP € 29, 90 GmbH Chess Base 90a Osterb ekstr. Hambu rg D-2208 3 se.com info@c hessbase.com www.c hessba RRP FritzMasterClass Vol. 3: Alexander Aljechin 10 D LASIEREN 100% BLACK HE INE NIE LSE N SILBER ODER GRAUVERLAUF 100% MAGENTA 100% YELLOW LASIEREND 100% BLACK PE TE RH E IN EN IE L SE N 29,90 & Peter Heine Nielsen: NEW! PE TE R H The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 2: All Lines except 9.Bc4 The E IN E N IE for Sicilia L S E N Vo the to n Dra l. 2 urn go :A The ll L ame n site Drag on ine nt p to castl is on he ing se analylp Bl an e of d xce layer inc sis ofack to stronBlack’s lud you es Blac scor g mut mos pt up gam k’s e wi ua t da 9.B Whit to sp es fromos th th l atta ring t e c4 safe e pla eed m th reliableDragcks. Thopen with e ye on is ing r wo de cove optio rs af curre rld fe . 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Drag Black stron and The wh ps the Drag ces to give ru enfor ng and •W go ing o wa nn dence game defen score with site castli s. ith 9 Bc4inoften nt gtim The DVD Black to ’s most reliable elite, correspon Dragon. ide. on with vide inte ’s to help in the Drag kings Black ing nts world e: of ng ra the show 4 ofe while ct analysis games from the nt developme lines of on castli •E tries ed ivetr hours in the main lines based ’s best xc ba includes speed with curre 35 attack ck ainin positional against White es lusiv to min gin or more you up of the black sent edafounded repBlack rs afraid 9 0-0-0, 9 g4, solutions for clu well ta who want •I but ial ding as ba gam rs White playe s a sharpnclu playe sew ng sound ns such es who want for all chess ings. di r safer optiothese lines, offeri dubious tries. ith ngopen playe also 15 more all ament But it is of all chess CB12 0 covers White’sTh tious tournhis opponent. the sharpest exploit eD Rea 5min be how to anish op ambi at the ure on well urs3 t en de press aimed is ing Gran what migh diate r time:4ho ex ts of The DVD puts immetheyo nning Sy ding that we secre un pe dm •Videoru stem ertoire more about the ap gN rt.He aster ininginclu req An onsa orwe w Pe Minim etra ractiv ter or an uir to know em alo dinhgains gianp kedw Heine •Withinte Wback ents: ind um: va t1 feed with ndBoisma .e4,alayer ithM Niel Dir ows Penti video ectXbase um 150 tch Vis with nd used agnu seni Ma ris es DV ta, III 1 data gn Gelf ag was th sC sa D- 9 gra usCa GH w an ain se eD arl •Exclusive Pla ROM phicXP (Serv z, 1 rlsen d.Re stVla cond ragonsen, ell-kn tialgames ye ice GB gra r 9 andrive ca centl dim ofW as whessen . en own , r rd wi Pack RAM, m ac deade y,he irK orldoneo int Wind th gCB12R 3), fhludin Reco tivati ernet ows 256 MB startramnik Ch •Inc is on 29,90 & ed to Ch ess Os ter Ba se D-2 bek str Gm bH 20 . inf o@ 83 Ha 90 a ww che ssbmb urg w.c hes ase.co sba se. m com n awell-know eNielsenis ,when rPeterHeingnusCarlsen fhis GrandmastekedwithMa onasoneo ion eDrag hamp TheDanishpert.Hewor ayerusedth dofWorldC eselinTopopeningex orwegianpl dwasseconirKramnik,V again theyoungN inst1.e4,an ladim work ainstV nsaga estartedto hesag weapo inhismatclfand.Recently,h Anand risGe alovandBo Carlsen. agnus withM 29,90 & 29,90 & MAGENTA 100% YELLOW 100% The Dragon is one of Black’s most daring openings, leading to fascinating positions with opposite castling and strong mutual attacks. This DVD provides a complete and up to date repertoire to help Black to score with the Dragon. Daring exchange sacrifices are mixed with in-depth analysis of Black’s most reliable defences to give Black numerous options to play. Volume one of the DVD deals with 9 Bc4, White’s sharpest option, and shows how Black can counter this ambitious try by White with the main lines of the Soltis variation (12…h5), which was played by Magnus Carlsen regularly as well. The DVD is aimed at the ambitious tournament player who wants a sharp but well founded repertoire that puts immediate pressure on his opponent. But it is also for all chessplayers who want to know more about the secrets of what might well be the sharpest of all chess openings. In preparation: FritzMasterClass Vol. 2: Mihail Tal SILBER LAUF ODER GRAUVER n Dragon The Sicilia rnament player tou Bc4 Tfor he the in Line with 9. S fo Vor l.th1:icilMa PET ER ian Vol. e tou Drag 1: M rna on ain men Lin t p e w laye ith 9. 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Bu ng to fascin t letea and shar mixed…hwith 5) k ca comp a ht we it is als are ings, leadi des p open fices o buto play., whichn ll be g provi sacri t fons most darin ks. This DVD g exchange r all wellee rousthoptio Black’s attac ches foun is one of strong mutual the Dragon. 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But be the luding tournamen ith 10 ambitious ure on his oppo CB was playe the might well 0 atTh eD d press what 12 is aime ts of op andiate Rea 0min en ishG t the secre The DVD that puts imme de the ing :4hours2 ex randm r yo abou Syste time pe repertoire to know more nning we unings. ding apon gN rt.He aster •Videoru Mi m req ininginclu open orwe w Pe who want all chess An ter or nim etra an sa uir of ractiv em alo dinhgains gianp kedw Heine um sharpest •WithinteWind ents: va t1 ow : Penti with ndBoisma .e4,alayer ithM Niel feed Dirback ec s Vis ewit um h100 tch video se nd us ag Ma DV tXabas ta, III gn risGelf esag was edth nusC nisa D- 9 gra XP 1 GH usCa an ain se eD arl well lusivedat Pla ROM ph ic ca(Serv z, 1 GB rlsen d.Re stVla cond ragonsen, •Exc -kn yer ames dr ice ow tialg gra 9 an ive centl dim ofW as wh . essen n r wi Pack RAM, , rd en m activ d eade y,he irK orldoneo int Wind th Re 12R gCB ati ern ow 256 3), startramnik Cham fhis co •Includin 4 mm on et co s Me MB PET ER OPENING S The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 1: Main Line with 9. Bc4 AS The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 1: Main Line with 9. Bc4 CL NIELSEN ER NIELSEN Bobby Bobby Fischer Fischer ST GmbH Chess Base 90a Osterb ekstr. Hambu rg D-2208 3 se.com info@c hessbase.com www.c hessba ,Vesampio wor elinTn ka op gain - 4 GB mm conn Media RA . en M, ectio Dir RAM, ded: ec n for with tX10 WindPC Int pro gra ow el Co comp512 MB s ph re ic 7 RA card or Pla atits: W i7, 2.8 RAM, requiremen ye ble so M 1orGB (or indow GH System connmr 11, III 1 GHz, un be 3),comp s 8, z, Pentiu ectioDVD-cedPack card,tter,RAM, Minimum:Vista, XP (Servi MB 100 atible n for RO256 W M ws % card with Windo pro drive indow Direc) graphic ws Media gra anproDirectX9 drive, Windo d s Me tX ctionmfor activ intern dia 10 OM conne et DVD-R ation et 9 and intern Player tion. 2.8 GHz, . Core i7, gram activa PC Intel ws 8, ed: Windo mend ws 7 or atible) Recom Windo (or comp DirectX10 4 GB RAM,graphic card , 100% DirectX10 RAM or better ws Media MB card, Windointernet with 512 sound and compatible OM drive tion. 11, DVD-R am activa Player for progr connection RRP € 29, 90 RRP ING OP EN OP EN IN G SILBER LAUF ODER GRAUVER n n Drago The Sicilia rnament player Thethe tou ept 9.Bc4 for SicAll Lines exc forl. 2: il Vo PET ER th ian Vol. e tou Drago rn n 2: A ll Linamen t es e play xce er pt 9 .Bc 4 MAGENTA 100% YELLOW 100% D LASIEREN 100% OPENING RRP MA The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 1: Main Line with 9.Bc4 R H OPENING ,90 With the new training series “Master Class” you can share in the knowledge of these exceptional players. A renowned team of authors demonstrates masterly strategic performances, ground breaking endgame manoeuvres and model combinations in video format and in this way brings these legends to life. The DVD series opens with the best-known world champion in the history of chess: Bobby Fischer. In his introductory video GM Rogozenco presents the openings of the 11th world champion and delves into the development of his repertoire. Which variations did Fischer play? And what sources did the American make use of to arm himself against the almighty Soviets? GM Marin works out the development of Fischer’s style using, for example, games against Filip, Spassky, Taimanov and Petrosian. An ambitious task, yet the Romanian grandmaster manages to tease out that special strategic gift which made Fischer superior to his opponents. Karsten Müller’s work on Fischer’s endgame technique is particularly extensive and enthusiastic. Our endgames expert covers the whole spectrum going from theoretical endgames to the legendary Fischer endgames” in which a rook + bishop do battle against rook + knight. „Combine like Fischer“ is the motto of Oliver Reeh’s interactive contribution to the DVD. The tactics expert presents exercises from 17 games in the new video format and leaves the next move up to you. It is your turn and you can see if you can find Fischer’s brilliant moves all by yourself! cher bby Fis o B Bo bb 01 yF isc her TE The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 2: All Lines except 9.Bc4 € 29 PE Peter Heine Nielsen: The E IN E N IE for Sicilia L S E N Vo the to n Dra l. 1: g The Ma urnam on op Drag in L en po on repe site is on ca ine t pla in- rtoire stlinge of de Bl wit ye The pth to he and ack’s an lp str h9 r gamDVD alysis Blac ong most es includ of k to mut darin . Bc to Blac scor ua Vo l at g op lum br es 4 coun e on ing yo gamesk’s m e with tack ening os s. u s, The Sicilian Dragon Vol. 2: All Lines except 9.Bc4 RRP S NEW! NIELSEN mpa B: c 7 or re i7,, ents Pl irem tib RAM card W 2. GB RAM em requcoayer le1so GHz,or1 (or3),indow 8 GH com s 8, z, be ium11,IIIDV und Pack nn , ectio card tte patib mum: Pent, XP RAM (SerD-vice r, 10 RO 256 n with , MB Win 0% le) dows Vistahic card fo r pr M drive Di Media do w rect proctX9 grap , Windows ogra n for X1 m and s M -ROM drive net connectio activ internedia 0 inter atio et er 9 and n., ation. i7, 2.8 GHz m activ Core ows 8, d: PC Intel ommende ows 7 or Wind patible) Wind com , (or tX10 B RAM hic card 100% Direcia better, ctX10 grap RAM or , Windows Med MB 512 card net sound and inter patible -ROM drive ation. er 11, DVD program activ for ection AS ER CL 01 MASTER CLASS VOL. 01 thours io bl rtoi.5h tr ictr ee prox rea eWor grap es, ai timai ning hy san ld ng e:ap ningni deorunSystem que :100 stio ith F requ estw nglish) Minim icst ns. isch ire erg Wtact indoum: Pe ments teractive bles, am Diback : game,ta esw ws ntiu her hy ith deofeed rectX9 Vist Fisc m very DV biograp a, XP IIIhort ofe 1 GH D-RO grapge,s ollectionPlkno wled (SerWor z, 1ld ay M hic the ckround gramer rboo 9 drk”– ive card vice PaGB RA ,W wn asa erpoweac andoire ith ck M, in in isch tiv do te 25 3) Re pert y com atio rnet ws 6 M ,ith pion4’sre ham Med B RA conn esw n e men n. her gam gtreGB M, ectioia deFisc nenin Dire RA100 ing: M, W d: PC n fo withctX10 ctictrain indo Inte r pr ns. estio gr ol 51 w Co co 2 M aphi s ainingqu M AS T VO L . Master Class vol.1 – NEW! Bobby Fischer MASTER CLASS VOL. 01 sb ot e se h in si hesscrets de an to d ss alone his se outs le id h W gend – and nsat e th or , an w iona e ch sche ld Cha d sh in? O l ab ess ili w Fisc r’s op mpioows yon this ty, an orld he u th DVD d w ? M r p enin n. e w , a te hat g la ih inni am ted ail M y, an s, and ng gam arin d w re es exp hat sotraces agai lain urcewor al en nst sche ed ss thld t el Sp Fische s dwha schedgout id heev am side the asity, and r’ and sk steam e r’s e ex us p onal abil y, ,Ta senlesati gen perthis DVD aim arti e mhis dar t, butwinning anovcular bin win? On atio ws youy the and end also haand mpsho ns gam a tr and ueelunni ioion. n’s like Fi es dev Fisc amp bes retr sche s the canuse in thng t co ace only her band he r! ri s, did ninge ne llian soumrces bin Ger manicular be w Ct cies her’ ats part y, and wha Fisc by ioano Band she ssB, Taim en ns v un • Vi ssky in explain as teri – and deslig de Spa against (Engorunn e med ng yo now a her • In lish) ina formur so it’s trueiaFisc tera also gtim be lu but ctiv es cane:only app at! expert,videgam rox. •end o eta 5h endary Colle feedbactics ck test desligaours back ctio with it’s nman Bun •her! Ger undofeveand now “F ro skn– ryF ike Fisc Chischtion bina erp owyou isr soluow ledg cher opam est com pionring ente er g e, by at! en bo in ’sia iancies• Ta med ok shortame,ta reform ase gtr pe ”– b ChessB ct NIELSEN er The new Fritz Trainer generation BLACK HE INE NIE LSE SILBER ODER GRAUVERLAUF 100% MAGENTA 100% YELLOW LASIEREND 100% BLACK PE TE RH E IN EN IE LS EN N White players who are afraid of the black attack in the main lines of the Dragon with 9 Bc4 often go for safer options such as 9 0-0-0, 9 g4, or more positional lines based on castling kingside. The DVD covers all these lines, offering sound solutions for Black against White’s best tries while howing how to exploit White’s more dubious tries. Nielsens two DVDs provide a complete and up to date repertoire to help Black to score with the Dragon. Daring exchange sacrifices are mixed with in-depth analysis of Black’s most reliable defences to give Black numerous options to play. 29,90 & € 29,90 CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 011 VIDEOTRAINING VIDEOTRAINING Mihail Marin: NEW! RRP € 29 ,90 RRP ho la SP e The solid Slav Defence Rt d Dutch Leningra Len ing rad Du tch IN G A MAGENT 100% YELLOW 100% ND LASIERE 100% BLACK MI ha Il Ma RIN SILBER ODER GRAUVERLAUF 100% MAGENTA 100% YELLOW LASIEREND 100% BLACK M Ih a Il Ma 2 is y cra ears . c4 c a co a 6 m m Sla med nd pro. GM plete v lin in N v o es, to 1 ides ick P pen In ert in D a a a som dditio nd h VD. N ll his has g rep ee xp ick h latest playe ertoir the e inte n to lain as e th d Rt o a ra Pe re la S tic ctive e usu s his spen nd m the S for b al q Nic ho o t a la la uest clips l vid favou man st up v de ck aft rite y h fen er to ion whe eo e d ce x sa v ou nd re the plana ariati rs st ate a for tac on udy naly ove ti s in ing sis r tic viewe ons sa o risi r is te f the this the b D ng e fro sted Frenc VD. st on m h rth Sbla lavck aafte ra for re r n eove ga e for ertoire enc me ges o are ning rep the Slav def f lysi s. • plete ope yed date ana best toVide is a com k Pert has pla oru ng the (Engdyi most up stu v DVD Nic nnin and GM st This Sla lis rs D. gtim h) DV 2. c4 c6. es all his late nt many hou •Win iththis e:5 vid 1. d4 d5 vi in te k has spe and pro variations de nch there hare ou ofe ractiv rs2 10 years into 1 DVD. Nic s his favourite • ExFre ed ge 0m ed lain ns of the ba etrof cl in es ck aining cramm he exp lanatio on usaivran eda s, and eo exp incl is tested• se ntia es. Slav line usual vid v gam ud viewer lg taba ing n to the s where the from Sla Includin ames sew ith arising clip In additio Gtive gCB in 10 tactics racwM Nic 0 urs20m and inte 12 e 5ho ns k Pe ime: Rea hostio som Syunningt Oly has rt is de tical que •Videor stem r m re theore requ He piad gula a ches uding Mini rly (English) ire iningincl um etra the is a fo s and plays gran Windmactiv men : Pe nter ts: nt Ch currenrmer Euro ed fo dmas •Withi Dire owsack ess ctX9 Vist ium III t N Wor pean r th ter DVedb a, XP with Fede videofe at ld 1 GH100 D-RO grapase Te e En from Pl ratioional U18 ch am Ch gl ay atab M dr hic ca(Servicz, 1 GB ived En •Exclusgr er 9 anes n. Head ess amand te glan lgam d ive, W rd withe Pack RAM, Co cham pion am dessentiaam activ int ind r 25 3) ach eade Re er ship in ow , pi atio ne 6 com 12R of on gCB t co s Me MB 4 GB men n. the and s.•Includin nnec dia RAM, En Dire RAM, ded: tio glis is n fo PC h withctX10 Wind In r pr R IN Ch es Os tersB as e D- 22 be ks tr. Gm bH inf o@08 3 Ha 90 a ww ch es mb ur g w. ch sb as es sb e.c om as e.c om England ster fromteam in and s grandma Engl a ches s. Pert is ed for theChampionship is GM Nick regularly play and Team who has s and European chess champion English Olympiad er World U18 Coach of the form onal Head He is a ent Nati the curr ration. Chess Fede GmbH Chess Base 90a r. Oster bekst Hamb urg D-220 83 base. com info@ chessbase. com www. chess € 29,90 te o512 gr ap ows l Co comireme nts: reRAM, requ pa MB RAhic ca 71orGB i7, System Play tible III 2.8 1 GHz,rd Wind er ium so M or (or 3),ow GH coPent 11, DV(Serv und icebePack co s , z, Minimum: nnec, XP tte MBmRAM 256 pa 8, card Vista tio D-RO r, with card Windows n , W a100% tible) M Medi graphic for ows ind proprog drive n DirectX9 drive, Wind for Di ectioan ows rect ra DVD-ROM internet conn m ac d int Medi X10 9 and tivat erne a Player t ation. 2.8ioGHz, i7, n. activ gram Intel Core ows 8, nded: PC Wind Recomme , Windows 7 or compatible) (or DirectX10 4 GB RAMgraphic card r, 100% a DirectX10 RAM or bette ows Medi MB card, Wind internet with 512 sound and compatible -ROM drive ation. 11, DVD ram activ Player n for prog connectio RRP € 29 ,90 RRP OP EN OP oPeNiNG oPeNiNG SILBER ODER RLAUF GRAUVE EN IN G The solid ce efen TShla ev D Sla solid vD efe nce ho la S P e In VD. It lines, D. N es a k Pe lete a rt h att ll a som dditio almo and ick h his la as p ckin a h st e n reRt see e ex s spe test laye g o ti inte to la S Pe cal q racti the u ms li plain nt th and md the penin g ke s th ou uest ve sua F o ion clip l vid dayli e pic sand st up rench repert s s a s w eo gh to nd here ex t ro k of thof ho da defen oire p te tac u b c tic the lanati bery e bun rs st ana e s a vie ch udy lysis risi we ons o ! for ing ng r is f th th th fro test e co e ertoeire m edninFgrerep Fre n ch ence st nch on a def cking ope the s te atta French De raana re ple lysi the n com g fe are played •up date nce e ofthe D is a Vi to ence DV Nick Pert has most (Edeors studyigng am th nch Def GM st and t eong runn es. This Fre after 1.e4 e6. es all his late usands of•hou in the cos lis Withchh) forgtim ck tho vid bun nt pro e: spe for bla the and vi in 7h de tera ole life DVD. Nick has s the pick of y! ou his wh 1 lain • Ex ofeed ct ive re are rs t robber ed into s, and he exp tr clus nch bathe cramm Fre dayligh ck ofaithe ning oive ge nch line ms like ns of the esseantran incl da best Fre It almost see lanatio on ialg taba es. • ud eo exp gamse ing D. e am is tested Inclenc of a DV usual vid the viewer Def uding es with G the 10 CB m French Nic s wh ere ition to wMhoclip 0 12 k Pe ing fro In add ractive R hours Syst rt is tics aris Oly has tac time:7 eade inte ning e run em r and som pi regu a ch ns H m requ •Video Min ding questio e is ads larly ess im ire retical Chess is so complicated that making the right r the ence fo choice on the basis of calculation alone is not The French DPef t layer en m na always possible. This is when general rules andTour principles come into play to to help us distinguish between what we would like to do – and what we should do. In other words, it is a matter of establishing the right order of priorities. This series of DVDs aims to demonstrate the importance of taking proven principles into account before choosing the direction of your over-the-board calculations. The first DVD deals with the initial phase of the game, when the all the reigning principles can be crystalized into just one: DEVELOPMENT! Deviating from the natural course of development for the sake of some illusory advantages is likely to lead one to the same fate as that of those sailors who fell under the syrens’ spell – ruin. 100% BLACK N ic OP EN € 29 ,90 RRP € 29,90 STRATEGY STRATEGY RA MA Rin Mi hA il Power Power Strategy Strategy 11 the MM ih AA i li lMM AA RR in ih in for with X10 Wind In prote 512 gr ap ows l Co comireme nts: reRAM, requ pa MB RAhic ca 71orGB i7, System Play tible III 2.8 1 GHz,rd Wind er ium so M or (or 3),ow GH coPent 11, DV(Serv und icebePack co s , z, Minimum: nnec, XP tte MBmRAM 256 pa 8, card Vista tio D-RO r, with card Windows n , W a100% tible) M Medi graphic for ows ind proprog drive n DirectX9 drive, Wind for Di ectioan ows rect ra DVD-ROM internet conn m ac d int Medi X10 and a er 9 tiv Player at net ation. i7, 2.8ioGHz, n. gram activ Intel Core ows 8, nded: PC Wind Recomme , Windows 7 or compatible) (or DirectX10 4 GB RAMgraphic card r, 100% a DirectX10 RAM or bette ows Medi MB card, Wind internet with 512 sound and atible drive comp -ROM ation. 11, DVD ram activ Player n for prog connectio RRP e, am rin nds”. ong TE 1– GY Strategy Power ening to the the op PFroom welegame Fmi dd r S rom tr mid the o ateg dle pen gam ing y 1 – to e lish) the a fo and pl gran Win um meninginclu (Eng rain ay : do vet Ch currenrmer Euro ed fo dmas Di acti ws Pentiu ts: nter ess t N Wor pean r th ter •Withi DVrectack X9 Vist m III Fede edb at ld fro Te e D-RO grapa, XP 1 GH ofePl ratioional U18 ch am Englan m En vide (Ser100 z, 1 hic with ay atab M ase n. Hea ess Cham d te glan clusived gramer 9 andrive card vice PaGB RA d Co ch pi , •Exd am ck M activ d in Windowith lgames ach ampi onsh in ntiaRe te 25 3) , com at der of on ip s.esse et ws M 6 MB , ion. rn 4 GBB12 conn ed the an menRea RA ngC d ludi M, En •Inc ectioia Dire RAM ded: glis is n fo h wi ctX10 , Win PC In r Ch es Os tersB as e D- 22 be ks tr. Gm bH inf o@08 3 Ha 90 a ww ch es mb ur g w. ch sb as es sb e.c om as e.c om M ih A il MA R in England ster fromteam in grandma a chess for the Englandnships. Pert is ed mpio GM Nick regularly play Team Cha pion and is who has s and European chess cham English Olympiad er World U18d Coach of the form onal Hea He is a ent Nati the curr ration. Fede ss Che e GmbH Ches sBas 90a r. Oster bekst Hamb urg D-220 83 base. com info@ chessbase. com www. chess 12 SP e Rt 29,90 & The French Defence for the Tournament Player th prodo te com 512 Mgraphi ws 7 l Core c B or paents: i7,, RAM ay tible RAM ca1rdGB W requPlirem indo 2.8 GH or (or 3), System 1 GHz, conner 11, III so und Pack com ws 8, z, be ium Pent ectioDV D- ice card tter, RAM pa , (Serv Minimum:Vista, XP n ROM256 , MB100% tible) in r pr driveW cardfowith Windows Mediaandows Direct og graphic ram n for X1 DirectX9 drive, Windows ectio M d proactiv inte edia 0 rn DVD-ROM internet conn atio et 9 and n. Player ation. i7, 2.8 GHz, gram activ Intel Core ows 8, nded: PC or Wind atible) Recomme , Windows 7 (or comp DirectX10 4 GB RAMgraphic card r, 100% Media DirectX10 RAM or bette MB Windows net d card, with 512 inter soun and compatible -ROM drive ation. 11, DVD ram activ Player n for prog RRP € connectio RRP 29,90 IN G ce ch Defen The Fren urnament Tfo her the To F r fP ola r tyeernch Pla he To Defe yer urn nc am e ent EN SILBER ODER RLAUF GRAUVE IN G TA MAGEN 100% YELLOW 100% END 100% The French Defence The French Defencefor forthe theTournament TournamentPlayer Player oPeNiNG oPeNiNG ST ame middleg la LASIER NicholaS PeRt GY ST RATE ho OP NicholaS PeRt the mid dle gam e es te Thermptat cret e is ions no : to e g th actio thin grab g les e rightns, on fund a pa am w an e – an d pr choice shou enta n, to oc in ld ties. d wha ciples on th be lly wro cupy ng e su tw an e shcome basis re the with mpo po ould into of al rt over ance do. play calcul sition l atio is In ot to ll th -the of ta -b ki e her to he n al natu reig oard ng pr wor lp us one ni an, it to ral co ng pr calcul oven py ds the atio toproccu ur in is sa se ofa cipaw ci with all a plesn, ns. ing : tomgrab The ples e fa dentall ycawron is in tion ve n stions te ame posi fir to lopmthe in w g fund as sure be st DValone othin crulati ystaon th hichshould bethat of en D de calc forhelp lizus ns,e one less deve basis of th t to ed al the ed th to ceonon into s pm play toose sa s,e it s onelointo sais a test com clchoi en r wordilors ke of ud les thei th In tothe e rig and who dncipedshou ldr do. weth databa skills ht w deve at on fell e DV se with ay lointo ping to iples , w princ D. a ho naDVD m deals hich g proven ov st of vigateinto contfirst e of takin • ons. The ed fro es ulati talizqu ai calc Vi crys d ns iz vi be de of m th boar can sake oru for the ga iples mes de os e fell ho ent nn ning princ 4 who lopm cove . deve gtimrs s52einsailo • W ofurthos urse of that ring as ithin min e: me fate incl .( te moves ggl ud ractlopinEn is • Exandindeve g ivegate h) the from ent clus tovinavi de traini os. developm w way ofe vide ng rightith ivetrof quiz ring ed s on the with a5host cove 0es aigam • ning es ba ck ains cl se heir skills In d cont ud which ing ntialg atab tabase, as CB 12 ames e Syst DVD. – em ngtime: Rh) unni ea requ Mini •Videor n.(Englis der 2mi um iremen Windm 4hours5 : Peetraining Dire ow ntium ts: activ s nter ack st edb X9 Viofe •Withi DVD-ct III vide gr a, XP 1 GH ase Play ROM aphic atab (S z, including ngd ervic 1 GB am gramer raini pio 9 andrive card es n anclusivet , W withe Pack RAM, posse d intlgam •Ex ac ntia d ind Re essetiv ow 256 3), mp sse atio erne der s 50 co rehwith t co s Me MB n.Rea 4 GB mmen his en12– RA di nn abilit gCB M, ectio a Dire RAM, ded: ne. •Inc y ludin Ma is n PC ct Rt la S Pe Rt Nic ho 1– Nic ho € 29,90 The Tou Fren rna ch D me ef Th is nt enc for Fren c b Pla e f his lack h De fe w cra hole after nce yer or 1. m D be med life a e4 e VD the st nd 6. G is a in F to of a D rench 1 D providM Nic comp V Power Strategy 1 – From the opening to the middlegame BLACK 100% This Slav DVD is a complete opening repertoire for black after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6. GM Nick Pert has played the Slav defence for over 10 years and provides all his latest and most up to date analysis crammed into one DVD. Nick has spent many hours studying the best Slav lines, and he explains his favourite variations in this DVD. In addition to the usual video explanations of the Slav there are some interactive clips where the viewer is tested on a range of theoretical questions and tactics arising from Slav games. Video running time: 5 hours 20 min. With interactive training including video feedback! Nicholas Pert: N ic Mihail Marin: END LASIER LASIEREND NEW! NEW! TA MAGEN 100% YELLOW 100% 100% MAGENTA 100% YELLOW 29,90 & SILBER ODER RLAUF GRAUVE IN G SILBER ODER GRAUVERLAUF The Thesolid solid Slav Slav Defence Defence OPENING OPENING G Strategically risky or rather promissing? Slightly dubious or, on the contrary, entirely sound? A weapon for the champions or just a kids toy? These are some of the main lines along which the usual controversy about the Leningrad Dutch lid takes place. The Leningrad system may a bit of The so ence Slav Def everything above. On some occasions it would yield you a perfect win, on others it could cause you “shameful” defeats. This DVD is intended in the first line to offer strategical guidance for Black, based on the examination of the most typical structures. For objectivity’s sake Marin examines both sides of the medal, putting the main strategic dangers aside with the typical plans. He includes all his earlier database articles published in Chessbase Magazine, a database with all the games to which he reers in the videos as well as a small database with essential games that one should know. Video running time: 5 hours 16 min. NN ic hh oo ll aa SSPP ee RR tt ic Co ap com 2 MBnts: , ireme hic s 7 orGBreRAM pa requ card 1 W i7, 2.8 System Play tible RA 1 GHz, III M 3), er iumso (o ind GH or Pack coPent 11, DV (Serv und ice better comow s 8, , z, RAM Minimum: nnec , XP card256 Vistatio D-ROwith r, MBpa ncard Windows , W a100% tible) graphic for M drMedi Dire ive ind DirectX9 drive, Windprows ow profor og ectio ctX1 ann s ra DVD-ROM internet conn m ac d int Medi 0 tivat erne a 9 and Player GHz, t ation. 2.8ion. Core i7, gram activ : PC Intel Windows 8, nded or Recomme , Windows 7 atible) (or comp DirectX10 4 GB RAMgraphic card r, 100% a DirectX10 RAM or bette ows Medi MB card, Wind internet with 512 sound and drive . compatible ROM ation 11, DVDram activ Player n for prog connectio EN LeningradDutch Dutch Leningrad nds”. g OP EN IN OP Ih IN MM Ih aa I lI lMM aa RR IN pu lM with g ar es bl 72 • In ishe in’s„ n. clud din 5ho Le urs16mi C ning ing ime: Sy unningt CB hessBa rad“ •Videorstem 12 art g seMudin requ Mini Rea incl ining ire (English) ag icles etra de Windmum men azin r nteractiv : Pe ts: e •WithiDire ows ack edb Vi ntium 72 DV ctX9 sta,aseIIIwith videofe D-ROatab grap XP 1 GH Plived z, hic (S am •Exclus ayer M dres ca ervic 1 GB les gramlgam pio 9 an ive e Pa artic RA ad“ , W rd posse n esse with and ntia ingr ck M, activ d int „Len ind 3), ine 25agaz ReMarin’s mp sses hail seM net ow com atio erssBa reh s 6 n. en conn Medi MB RA 4 GBdin his •Mi menChe ab - lishe M, de eader ectio a Dire RAM,12R ne. ilitpub y d: Ma is n fo ctX1 W PC e, am rin ludin withgCB r pr ind Inte 0 •Inc ow on ol 51 gr N ic The Sla solid vD efe Th nce is 1. d Slav 4 D 10 d5 VD h ight ly st a dubi ou bout kids to s or y? , on th abov e Le Thes the co ni e u “s e. On ngra are so ntrary ha , en so d D m tir e fo meful me oc utch e of th ely ” rB ca ta ake lack defeat sion kes pl e mai n , ac s I s. with have based This it wou e. Th ex e D on ld ssba the ty amin the VD is yiel pica ed ex inte d yo se both amenti u M l nd rely os as agazin plancon side, inatio ed s. I trary the wel n on main e, s ha or, of theof th of th ubious l as aareasom da e ve in e. The em e se sm taba plac sse clud edal al toy? The take ed l h withyieldalyou , ad Dutc datawou ba ld Leningr all dl my sions it se w nde th occa e e On som • Vi This DVD is inteith es the of ats. deo ination sentia ful” defe (E the ru exam al, l d on ng nning of the med s tim ck, base • Withlish)side e:5 all my ined both inte included e exam vide hou s. I have ofe ractiv all the • Ex rs16 plan ed with typical cl base l m ba etrai , a data esse ni ntia in. esseusive ck agazine da with ngin ntiabase ta clud sma•llMdata ihai lgam base ell as a in Nicholas Pert: NEW! The Leningrad Dutch BLACK Ni ch ol SILBER ODER GRAUVERLAUF 100% MAGENTA 100% YELLOW LASIEREND 100% BLACK N ic ho la SP e Rt Rt aS Pe This French Defence DVD is a complete attacking opening repertoire for black after 1.e4 e6. GM Nick Pert has played the French defence his whole life and provides all his latest and most up to date analysis crammed into one DVD. Nick has spent thousands of hours studying the best French lines, and he explains the pick of the bunch for the cost of a DVD. It almost seems like daylight robbery! In addition to the usual video explanations of the French there are some interactive clips where the viewer is tested on a r ange of theo - retical questions and tactics arising from French Defence games. Video running time: 7 hours. With exclusive database (100 essential games) and interactive training including video feedback! € 29,90 29,90 & 29,90 & CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 13 VIDEOTRAINING VIDEOTRAINING Lawrence Trent: RRP RO bE Rt R IS € 29,90 NEW! IN G OP EN OP EN IN G ,90 RRP € 29,90 14 OPENING OPENING A Black Repertoire against the Two Knights A Black Repertoire against the Two Knights RObERt RIS GB men be nnec dia RAM, resti rt ha Dire RAM, ded: tio n fo 1-2 giou s withctX10 Win PC In r pr 013 s grap dows tel Co oand com 512 MB hic 7 or re ents: Play pa tib RAM caGB Win,i7, 2.8 RAM requirem 1 rd (o le so ystem or conner 11, r co dows GHz, III 1 GHz, 3), undPack bette DV ice Pentium mpa, 8, ec(Serv inimum: tio D-RO cardMBr,RAM 100% tible) 256 , Vista, XP nwith card for pr M draiveWindo Di Windows graphic og ws rect ows Medi anprorectX9 ram for d in Medi X10 drive, Windconnection OM ac VD-R net tivat tern a and inter ion. et ayer 9 ation. i7, 2.8 GHz, activ Core ram Intel ows 8, ed: PC ) 7 or Wind ecommend , Windows (or compatible tX10 card GB RAM Direc graphic r, 100% a rectX10 RAM or bette ows Medi MB card, Wind internet ith 512 sound and ompatible -ROM drive ation. DVD ram activ ayer 11, for prog RRP € 29 onnection RObERt RIS ith 12 e: –Rea de nningtim r Videoru Syst in(English) 0m 5hours4 Mi em requraining nimivet ire ract um mback Withinte Windo eof: eed en Dire ws Pentiu ts: ith dingvid ithw inclu Vi ct m has st sew X9 DV taba III Dgrapa, XP 1 GH even repr usiveda Play ROM es Excl ts. egam dr hic ca(Servicz, 1 GB on er sist ssential gr 9 ive rd e am an Rea g50e Pack RAM, , der privaof activ d in Windowith 12– te 25 3) Re r wi tedingCB com atio rnet ws 6 MB , Inclu th a n. Ro 4 co Me Che ssB Oste ase D-2 rbek str. Gmb H 208 info 3 Ham90a @ch www essb burg .che ase. ssba com se.c om from Eng- a and as ional Master as a player San is an Internat England of the Porto ce Trent Lawren has represented winner ahead of land. He has been a 3-time ent, finishing coach and ional tournam Internat Giorgio asters. many Grandm Cor com phi s ents: eRAM, pat MB RAMc car7 1orGB i7, requirem 2.8 System Player ible III 1 GHz,d (orWin3), dow GH sou or bet Pack con 11, DVD : Pentium com RAM, s 8, z, nd (Service Minimum nec XP ter,MB pat car 256 s Vista,tion -RO card with d, Win100% ible) Window Mediadow Dire graphic for proMsdriv proDirectX9 drive, Window gra eion andfor s MedctX10 M connect m act DVD-RO inte 9 and internet ivat rne ia Player n. GHz,t i7, 2.8ion. gram activatio PC Intel Core s 8, Window ended: ble) Recomm Windows 7 or compati ISBN : 978-DirectX10 4 GB RAM,graphic card (or 100% 0 3-86 or better, DirectX1 s Media 681MB RAM 409card, Window with 512 7 ble sound drive and internet M compati n. activatio 11, DVD-RO Player program ion for connect RRP € 27,9 81-409-7 0 ISBN: 978-3-866 e GmbH ChessBas 90a tr. Osterbeks Hamburg m D-22083 ssbase.co info@che m ssbase.co www.che RRP € 27,90 A Black Repertoire against the Two Knights st against Inte nts Pen Diredow tivetra ma rgio Intehas resent rna interac tium : ack bee ny •With DVDctX9s Vist tion ofeedb Gra rna n a ed Eng ngvide a, III 1 GH al Ma ndm tion 3-t includiPlay -ROMgraphi XPwith (Se z, tabase ast al tou ime land as ster driv c car rvic 1 GB gra er 9 and ers rna winner a from •Exclusiveda e, Wind withe Pac RAM mes m act . pla me dow 256 k 3), , Recntialga ivat interne ader nt, of theyer Eng ion. fini and -50esse om 12–Re t con s Med MB 4ingCB shi Por as GB mende nec ia RAM ng , Dire RAM d: tion ahe to •Includ Sana PC for ad withctX10 , Win Inte pro of l 512 gra dow Robert Ris: oire s again ?) sp for earh tio the ineadin n g nstr shoul itiative thei r d at ort es - n’t p agai reper ed ns to ut acti by a gre you t th ire, an at ce o o e nd incl riginal deal ff fro Two K y ud (! f lin ) at e Shanal of sp m buy night ec one es, anLinare irov ysis. E tacu ing s nt s an xp d la eeti a ha even 1991. d B one r rd W elia nts ve ng 4.d tim then hite vsky of any a co 3 ire, th e. ca ,w erto rep Wha ereKnignhts t co thei m ran it ding 4.d Two t is is st hope h ul plete d the ki fo m ingill ng e daga ea instre 4as buy ativ this silyoff pfrom wel ore, enoug r you fall erto l, so the ire ular n’t put repl er spe victctac D h of of ag ainsthat afVD onents ire im great dea to lysis. Exp t th ter anavstoky, Blawith id ginal ana• Vi Beli ck’s e eahop ov and de l w e for wea de Shir 5Whoite eaugh runncan 1. ho p eno lt 199 o ures is in still nares gtim DVDn fo h • W ther r ith 40m e,in the e: even then at inclisinmor (En after te that ud l, raso time. Wh ing ctive glish) •as Exclwel vide the tr and 4.d4 50 usagainst ninglth ofe ai wea ertoire ssiveda k’s ed ete rep • imeto ba taba enBlac for In ck tia vict pon clud l wea lg sew ly fall e an ideaingCB ames ithw pertoir oire Repert A Black e Two A Bainst th ag la s ht c agaig k R Kn Kn inst t eper igh he toir ts Tw e o SILBER ODER RLAUF GRAUVE TA MAGEN 100% YELLOW 100% END LASIER 100% BLACK RO bE SILBER ODER GRAUVERLAUF 100% MAGENTA 100% YELLOW LASIEREND 100% BLACK RO bE Rt R IS Rt RIS With the Traxler Variation (4.Ng5 Bc5!?) spearheading their repertoire, any player should look forward to fighting for the initiative against the Two Knights with Black. Its slightly dubious reputation shouldn’t put you off from buying this DVD - as the author clearly demonstrates - a great deal of spectacular resources for Black are on show, supported by original analysis. Exponents of the Traxler variation in tournament practice include Shirov and Beliavsky, with the latter having used it to defeat Anand (!) at Linares 1991. What is more, the DVD includes a host of ideas for actively meeting 4.d3 and 4.d4as well, so that after studying the material you basically have a complete repertoire against the Italian Game! 29,90 & N IN G G Law Ren nT ce TRe La w Re n ce TR en T Che ssB Oste ase D-2 rbek str. Gmb H 208 info 3 Ham90a @ch www essb burg .che ase. ssba com se.c om se GmbH ChessBa tr. 90a Osterbeks Hamburg m D-22083 ssbase.co m info@che ssbase.co www.che , Dire RAM d: tion PC for withctX10 , Win Inte pro gra dow l Cor com 512ents: MB phic s 17GB RAM, e requirem car or Win i7, 2.8 Play patibleIII RAM 1 GHz, d (or 3),dow GH Pack sou or bet : Pentium con er 11, (Service com RAM, s 8, z, Minimum Vista, XPDVD nd 256 MB nec s withcard, ter, 100patible tion card -RO Window Win % for sMMedia graphic proDire ) pro driv dow for DirectX9 drive, Window e and gra ion M s MedctX10 connect m act DVD-RO inte 9 and internet ivat rne ia Player n. ion. t i7, 2.8 GHz, gram activatio PC Intel Core s 8, ended: or Window ble) ISBN recomm Windows 7 : 9780 (or compati DirectX1 4 GB RAM,graphic card 100% 3-866810 or better, DirectX1 s Media 413MB RAM card, Window 4 with 512 ble sound drive and internet M n. compati activatio 11, DVD-RO Player program ion for connect soft chessb” & war ase e. .com He England. from London, books. He nal Master of three chess the Engis an Internatio and author talent, and ChampiYouth Lorin D’Costanal chess coach s best young European us events. is a professio some of England’ World andthese prestigio both the at has coached an acknowmedals squad at t - and in land youth pupils winning enthusias and living & with and chess in Yorkshire se” onships, Born is an actor to ChessBa e.com Nick Murphy software expert.DVDs: “Guide for chessbas two chess videos . ledged released provides se software he has London, Fritz” and regularly new ChessBa to most from “Guide to get the on how NEW! Lo D’ Co system RRP € 27,9 81-413-4 0 ISBN: 978-3-866 RRP € 27,90 The Queens Gambit Declined is the “Mr. Reliable” of responses Gambit Queen’s ed clin Q De ue De en’s to 1.d4. A favourite clin Ga ed mbit of many of the world champions, both past and present, its reputation has never been called into question. After the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 - black sets up a solid centre and plays in a classical style; intending simple development, and quick castling to maintain central control. In this second edition of the “Master & Amateur” style ChessBase DVD in English, International Master Lorin D’Costa and chess-software expert Nick Murphy take you through the main ideas of the QGD in an easy to understand, conversational style. In this DVD they examine: 1) The Tartakower and Lasker Defences 3) Bf4 lines 2) The dangerous exchange variation 4) Other attempts v the QGD e.g. the Catalan. Video running time: 7 hours 28 min. + interactive training! 27,90 & OPE NIN O PE N IN G G opENING opENING OPE NIN O PE OPenInG OPenInG dern The mo x Attack Grand Pri rI N The Qu fav een our s cal ite of Gamb led it cla into many Declin ssic que al sty stioof the ed (kn The n. Aft world ow le; QG line D is intendi er the cha n as s mp the put and thea favour ng sim mo ion ‘QG - wa ple ves 1.d4s, bot D’) is cha ite dev h of In this tch bot this nces elo d5 2.c past the “Mr pm and DV to out h clu Ma sec . ond ste D and pla b and ent, 4 e6 pre Rel r and - bla sen iable” of you y you pro the Lorin edition t, r gen r opp fes quick ck set its repof res QG D’C of cas s up 1) the D in osta the era one sio uta ponses a an and “Ma l che nt nal pla tling tion eas tar to solid ss undusing yers has to 1.d4 2) y to chess- ster & ma the takow .A inta centre nev sup alik und sof Am er dan in cen and er bee phy twa ate erstan erio e, due andMurers ger The din r mid to tan re exp ur” tra plays n Las ous sty g wil d, con Ma / NICk l con dle the ker le ert sta in a sid exc ste tro D’Co ver De Nic Chess l imp game lack e han an r and l. fen of sat rov k LorI N ge am for A ion Murph Base ces e! strateg1.d4. var ate Amate al sty to ies cing DV iati ur y D in es pla ur ser on . le. ”tak been ofe respons 3) yer In this Eng never Simaply Bf4 Reliable you ion has “Mr. ask ies giv lish plays in the line its reputat DV throug ing 4) , Inte es is D the and oth , s present centre you the as the ‘QGD’) . h the rna er up a solid past and typ the d (known y exacontrol tion n central e of- black Decline ons, both e6 advsets attem al min main champi Gambit pts que ant to maintai 2.c4 ide e: of forcing castling age The Queens many of the worldmoves 1.d4 d5 lack v stio as quick the ns the of to the e of ment, and QG ies. Simply alike, tha due hav n. After favourit strateg develop D e.g questio t YO ame ing ional players r middleg g simple che called into U wa . the profess intendin e! l style; club and using superio tional improv nt to ss exp Cat nt both will classica of Interna e oppone ala •V in English anding ask, ert tra ideas is a favourit to outplay your underst ide . maininin n s ase DVD the l chess 7h or The QGD ChessB through unn g, the chance and your genera r” style alo take you ours2 ing e: lines and examin & Amateu Nick Murphy ngthis DVD •Wthey 8m tim this DVD ith put - watch expert of the “Master in. e: style. In oftware inc int edition (En ational chess-s glis lud eractiv In this secondD’Costa and and, convers h) ing theetCatalan Lorin lines e.g. •E to underst vid Master rain 3) Bf4 xcl an easy the QGD in v eo ts es along, Lor wit usive fee ing attemp Defenc of the QGD in D’C training db 4) other h5 is a Lasker tra ack osta chess expert wer and 0e inin n has profess variatio tartako sse gd ge is an ge of having •In 1) the to ask. clu nti landcoacheional Inte advanta ous exchan alg atabas din YOU want rnatyou the danger ons youth d somche gC ss gives am ns that iona 2) the hipsr series gtime: questio B1 sh) es e squ e of coach ofl Mas runnin , with adthe Nic type 2– Eng and ter and Amateu k asking •Video system .(Engli Re pup at bot land auth ledg Mur from 28min The Master ade phy ’s h ils r player req 7hours Min Lon ed che is an win the Wobest or of Lon r amateu uire ining imu ning you thre don side an Win tivetra me “Gudon, hess soft acto m: medrld and ng talee che, Eng interac ntsack Pen r land : Diredows ofeedb als on ide to has ware and ss •With how Frit rele exp che at Europent, and boo . He ngvide Vist tium DVDctX9 III 1 ks. e includi to getz” andased ert. ss enththese an the gra a, XPatabas Bor pre You EngHe phi (Se GHz, Play -ROiningd the reg two DVD n in usia stig th Cha M driv c car es rvic 1 GB sivetra mos ularly ious •Exclu Yor st gra er 9 and mpi e, Wind withe Pac RAM t from pro s: “Gu ksh - and m act ialgam essent ire an events. dow 256 k 3), , newvides ide to and ack with50 rec ivat interne ion. ader om 12–Re Che vide Che livin nowt con s Med MB 4 GB me ssB os for ssBaseg in ingCB nec ia RAM nde ase •Includ Queen’s Queen’s Gambit Gambit Declined Declined Rt RIS Lo Qu sta / NI een Ck Mu ’s rp hy The Grand Prix At-Gambit Dec line tack is one of White’s d Declined most enterprising dern Gambit The mo Queen’s x Attack TGra he nd Pri Gra mode weapons against the nd rn Pri xA tta ck Sicilian Defence, and a favourite among club players and Grandmasters alike. Over the past few years Grandmaster Gawain Jones has used the Grand Prix Attack to defeat a number of world class opponents, which demonstrates that underestimating its potential can cause casualties even at the highest level. The DVD provides a comprehensive repertoire that explores all of Black’s ideas against the Grand Prix set up. The recommendations include a number of lines which are relatively unexplored by theory. With these surprises under your belt, you will be well placed to deliver the devastating blows that the Grand Prix Attack is famous for! 27,90 & The Themodern modernGrand GrandPrix PrixAttack Attack RO bE w Re The Gr Sic and ilia Pri is an n De x At fen tac k is few open ce, one yea ing and tha a var t mu fav of Wh iat rs Gr nents ion, andm st ourite ite’s ha ast be tre am mo er on eve , whichs use st d the Gawa ated g clu enter n at the demo in Jo with b pla pri Gr This sin bo hig nst an hest rat d Pri nes, arg th cauyers an g we Bla DVD es x ap wil ck’ l pro level. that Attac uably tion d Gran ons s of unde k to line ideas vid dm again the and res ast de res siv s wh again e yo tim fea world pect. ers st the ely st theu wit T . Wi ich ating t a nu ’s lea Ov alik h edeTRen vas th theare rel Gr a co mb din er thee. Th its tat is g er Law Renc po ing se surativel and Pri mpreh ten of wo expert past y blo tial ws prises unexp x set ensiv can rld cla on the up e tha cau t the ss t the unde lored . My repert op oir ns againsse cas Gran r your by the recom Thispo weapo e tha s alike. ualtie ory be rising d Prienterp me master t exp , an most Grandnd x At lt,syo atiOver the past s White’s u wil d I ha t. on lor tac and is one of club player ve s inc es k isand lrespec onallthe be Attack n among Prix lud of fam cautio we anexpert favourite ll pla alyclass The Grand sed eoppowith both the world’souleading a nu e, and a s forworld ly Defenc ced the ties be treated mb r of arguab Sicilian !” m casual er a numbe g that must n Jones, cause to delive exten defeat can openin Gawai to •V ial an is ide its potent r the GrandmasterGrand Prix Attack 6h or stimating the few years 10 unning es all of has used that undere mi •W explor strates variation, n( tim a number that ith demon Eng e: inc int include repertoire nents, which t level. tions lud eractiv lish) extenehensive them ing edet the highes a compr •E recommenda vid xclanalys even at up. My rain the e you with eodeliver 50 usive to Prix set , and I have ing will provid es placed dat fee t the Grand lored by theory be well This DVD •In sentia aba dback will unexp ideas agains clu se belt, you Black’s relatively s for!” dingC lgame with under your is famou which are s Law surprises B1 Attack of lines Prix 2– these ren Sys lan ce the Grand tem gtime: Reade d. that runnin sively. With blows req lish) coa He Trent •VideoMin r in(Eng uire imu devastating Gio ch andhas repis an Win m: me ining 6h10m L aw RR en cc e eT R ee nn TT L aw en TR A World Champions Repertoire against the Queen’s Gambit Declined OPENING A World Champions Repertoire against the Queen’s Gambit Declined OPENING M, ectio Dire RAM, ded: n fo withctX10 Win PC In r pr grap dows tel Co ocom 512 MB hi re 7 Play patib RA c card or W i7, 2.8 ents:le M , (or indo requirem conner 11, soun or 1 GB RAM ws GH ystem 1 GHz,d cabette3),compa 8, z, ec IIIDV Pentium tion D-ice rd, r, 10 , tib RO Pack (Serv 0% le) inimum: WinRAM M MB for 256 Vista, XP pr dr do Dire card with ogra ive ws Windows ct a hic an grap d in Medi X10 ows Medim for irectX9 ac prodrive, Wind ection tivat ternet a VD-ROM internet conn ion. and layer 9 ation. i7, 2.8 GHz, ram activ Intel Core ows 8, ed: PC ) 7 or Wind ecommend , Windows (or compatible tX10 card GB RAM Direc graphic r, 100% a irectX10 RAM or bette ows Medi MB card, Wind internet ith 512 sound and atible drive . omp DVD-ROM ram activation RRP layer 11, € 29 for prog ,90 onnection OP EN IN G ons Champi A World against AW pertoire Gambit Re ’s orue Reep Q ld en th er Cha thec ire mp e lintoed D De Quee aga ions clin n’s inst ed Ga mb it RObERt RIS resti rt ha 1-2 giou s 013 s and IN G OP EN RObERt RIS po pu ich larise in revo volv d the es he lution pu Exchan id ar tt lly ea of y at ing th ge Va as ag soci starti that e knig riatio ai n at ng ti ht footnst th ed w a m me. U on of th e2 e e nt it in st com eps, Black h the ority il then in oachplete bringi King. intent attack , Whi ng io s 3. to porepert ye Kaspa n of on th te t ..N and f6 anse th oire fo furtherov, B castline e ot g r r ha of ying poss d 3… oppoatio nnd rethe fin vinnik ible geBVari em e7 nente2lin the han ’s in le to Exc g en tr ar an ht eon mor thte the an theo knig ts co , Whi rtoi ing there sposil then e pr is solid putt re swer ti.ca Unt it vered the acti into time the l lin ions on y at that es ckare in tw cal quy atta yourorit o se iz n ,of thecastmling a min owntioqu arting pa stra en ik’s ti the inte n gav,esBot tionvinn tegi oned d with • Vi s sunts de paromes eme c id . Kas oru refin. cc ea lack King 5furt her yet hours nninggthis solidessful s inging • W han dlin tim tical ly for ith (Engelisprac e: pertoire inclntinmor one ud tera inh)two sepact in e the opp• Excov ered gvi ivetrtioned are men aini us are de 3…Be7 50clns ofe c idea ng s sitio iveda tegi ed ss stra e transpo • s,ethe baully taba ck lineIncl entia succ essf ud ns lgamsew oretical ing questio ith quiz es w CB the ith 12 games. –R our own eade ime: r unningt Videor System English) qu ning 5hours( Minim retrai um iremen Win tive erac : Peedback ts: Withint Diredows ofe nt Vi iu dingvide ha DV ctX9 sta, m III ith inclu ithw s D-RO grsew even repr aphi XP (S 1 GHz, e- eda Play taba ts.lusiv M er on 1 c es Exc sis gam gramer 9 andrive card vice PaGB RA g pr t ofssential , derwi ck M, 50e activ dRea th iva in in W 3), Re 12– r wi te at ternet dows 256 MB co gCB Ro th udin 4 GB mm ion. conn Medi Incl be a en a RA Back in the 1950s, it was Botvinnik who popularised the Exchange Variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined. The setup, which involves putting the knight on e2 in combination with castling kingside, was revolutionary at that time. Kasparov, Botvinnik’s pupil, would soon follow in his mentor’s footsteps, bringing yet further refinements to this flexible system. This DVD covers both of the main continuations 3...Nf6 and 3…Be7 in two separate parts and their inherent differences and possible transpositions are mentioned wherever they arise. After seriously studying the theoretical lines, the strategic ideas and tactical motifs, you will surely be able to answer the quiz questions successfully and integrate this World Champion repertoire into your own games. 29,90 & La The nc e TR en Gra mod T nd ern Prix Att ack / D’Co sta Mur phy D ’C o M ursta ph / y Lorin D’Costa: Chess Prodigies Uncovered: Sergey Karjakin ri n Ch D‘ Co sta e Sergss Pro ey dig Karj ies akin Unc ove red : Ser gey ma ste Kar tod r agejakin hit ay. mo In d jus the the t st on fam firs 12 yeaheadlin Ser ous t cur gey pro of thisrs 7 moes in ren ’s ear dig new nth 200 No t world ly ies of ser s, a 2 wh car t top eer moderies witrecorden he he many def fro 10 sta m aspn tim h Ch whichbecam gam eat chess ess tus ed pla e , and irin es – Ser Bas shockee the Ho at tha Pavel yers on g 9 yea gey e, IM w d world t! Elja can at thedid Ser ’s nov say who Kar Lor the r his old up jak in D’Cchess younge in the the gey in. riva y wo Ho age of def Uk defeat ls areto gra In thisosta inv rld st eve w rain and r gra opp did Ser just eat one for ndm DVD, estiga 12? ian ed a osi ndthe aster D’C tes still gey Tea gra of te sta Enj the titl m Ch ndm ost one nds oy acolour grind e at wo am aster of wo12, cul a foc of D‘ Cost for the ed dow rld ma se pio ’s bes use the Lori n nsh at age rld chaminatin pla t of and bishop n the s t pla yer ips end reig 11, but mp g inmainly s in Quest many in 200 yer ion ing nin his mo ion oth s, Ale . 1, st Ser der & An er sci in theg wo ever geygrandxei youngeand n day swe ntil Do rld cha did Shi fro stands rov and stillm a the che r, to lating rtmund the mp world’s world of when , wit enj he became ss ion chess gam the ates one lev and el end dpla whenoy mainly investig h ma es, an shocke yof Vladim his es in 2002 focuses ste which alo D’Costa f age D’Costa headlin roa inte ir rfuin his IM Lorin , a record ase, hit the res ngthis DVD, ting d fro l pre d jus Kra 7 months ting Karjakin mn . In with at ChessB 12,t culmina cis m you 12 years Sergey doc 14? ik inon. series with – Sergey Karjakin asterthe ion aged just new champi grandm 200 new ng um to times of this world master old up proof ent title the first ChSergey did4when in an 9 year es of modern for the dig ary ess today. In but prodigi abo Basa level endrivals are agey11, from aspiring to and from e who his career aster at 2001, most famous gra ut and on s early ndm one interac d a grandmionships in•V 10 status, on Sergey’ ide ast ofprecisio tiven they defeate Champ or world top erul the stro can say n Team unn •In current and with masterf ing ter chess players in the Ukrainia bey nge Shirov, vid active tim Not many d Pavel Eljanov ond st , Alexei e:5 an eo ! tra inho best players he defeate feek in 2004 •D that! the world’s db iningin urs ata ir Kramni one of game at ack defeat clu on Vladim •In14?bas Sergey ive din aged just clu ew world champi How did of just 12? g ith interact st reigning din ase nd playoff 1.7 ChessB age the stronge the •L the new Dortmu gC at of 29 the in the ang oneB1 grind down gam ! ending along with entary about Sergey uag 2– beyond and es aster How did d bishop Re ting games, ing docum e:E e coloureLor ades to grandm ngl other scintilla an interest opposit prodigy system r 5hour ish and many , to enjoy gtime: D’C req Lonin from young Min runnin n & Answer Enjoy these ost and his road •VideoWinimum: uireme including anddon,chess of Questio nts day Enga is dow aining Pen format Dire ctivetr tale author lan an Int tium : in modern •InteraDVDctX s Vist nts k d. players 9 gra a, XP III 1 . Thi, coa He ernatio eedbac GH videof Play -ROM phi (Se s is ching is a games z, c full nal Ma h1.729 rvic 1 GB er his gra 9 drive, card asewit e firs some tim ste with Pac RAM •Datab m actand inte Winader t DV of e che r fro , k 12–Re rec ivat rne dow 256 3), D forEng ss m ingCB lan tea •Includ4 GBomme ion. t con s Med MB RAM Ch ds nec ia glish RAMnde ess bescher , Dire tion age:En d: Ba •LanguwithctX , Win PC Inte for se. t you 10 pro ng l Cor 512 gra dow - covered: digies Un Chess Pro rjakin Ka Sergey Che ssB Oste ase D-2 rbek str. Gmb H 208 info 3 Ham90a @ch www essb burg .che ase. ssba com se.c om from tional Master teacher chess young is an Interna a full time ds best d. He is Lorin D’Costa of Englan ase. , Englan g some London coachin DVD for ChessB and author, is his first This talents. e GmbH ChessBas 90a tr. Osterbeks Hamburg m D-22083 ssbase.co info@che m ssbase.co www.che com phi s ents: eRAM, pat MB RAMc car7 1orGB i7, requirem 2.8 system Player ible III 1 GHz,d (orWin3), dow GH sou or bet Pack con 11, DVD : Pentium com RAM, s 8, z, nd (Service Minimum nec XP ter,MB pat car 256 s Vista,tion -RO card with d, Win100% ible) Window Mediadow Dire graphic for proMsdriv proDirectX9 drive, Window gra eion andfor s MedctX10 M connect m act DVD-RO inte 9 and internet ivat rne ia Player n. GHz,t i7, 2.8ion. gram activatio PC Intel Core s 8, Window ended: ble) recomm Windows 7 or compati ISBN : 978-DirectX10 4 GB RAM,graphic card (or 100% 0 3-86 or better, DirectX1 s Media 681MB RAM 379card, Window with 512 3 ble sound drive and internet M compati n. activatio 11, DVD-RO Player program ion for connect RRP € 27,9 81-379-3 0 ISBN: 978-3-866 RRP € 27,90 In this DVD, the viewer is invited to solve over 60 puzzles in the new interactive Question & Answer format. All positions are from digies the Ruy Lopez and have been carefully selected to illustrate the Chess Prod: Sergey ere CUn hescov s UKa ncrjaPkin ro most important recurring tactical themes throughout this opening, Karjovere digies akin d: S erg ey one of the most important in modern chess. Starting with Black’s alternatives on move three and working through until the main lines of the Closed Lopez and the Marshall and Anti-Marshall, the viewer will find his knowledge of the opening developing in tandem with an improvement in his tactical ability. The puzzles range in difficulty from straightforward tactics and opening traps to intricate combinations even grandmasters will struggle to solve. Completely interactive training including video feedback! 27,90 & MON OGR MO Chess ChessProdigies ProdigiesUncovered: Uncovered:Sergey SergeyKarjakin Karjakin MonoGraPH MonoGraPH ons n’s Reper Gam toir bit e Dec line d ire eperto lined ec ambit D A World Champions Repertoire against the Queen’s Gambit Declined Queen’s Gambit Declined NO GR APH A PH ta D‘ Cos Lor in Lo ri n D‘ Co st a DD ‘ Co s ta ‘ Co s ta NEW! NEW! D ’ C o s ta / M u r p h y Robert Ris: Lorin D’ Costa / Nick Murphy: The modern Grand Prix Attack D ’ Co sta / M u r p h y NEW! CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 15 Che ssB Oste ase D-2 rbek str. Gmb H 208 info 3 Ham90a @ch www essb burg .che ase. ssb com ase. com with two ds, from Ireland at six Olympia auional Master country He is the has is an Internat ted his in 2002. he at Bled As a coach, Sam CollinsHe has represen medal class at GM norms. individual gold opening books. the master an national ng and taught has been bestselli winning He squads several thor of national junior Chess School. lectured d Berkeley Japan. and the renowne n of Ireland champio M, PC n nat s at for wit ctX10 Win Inte pro games h gra dow ion com 512 MB phi s l Core al ents: RA c car7 orRAM, i7, Play pat 2.8 ible requirem d (orWindow M or1 GB GHz, GH con er 11,III 1 sou com s 8, z, bet 3), DVD nd Pack : Pentium nec (Service ter, RAM, pat car MB Minimum Vista, XPtion -RO 256 100 ible d, s with M card for Window driv Window% Dire ) Media graphic spro e andpros MedctX10 DirectX9 drive, Window gra ion for M connect m act inte DVD-RO ivat rne ia 9 and internet ion t Player n. i7, 2.8 GHz,. gram activatio PC Intel Core s 8, ended: or Window ISBN ble) Recomm Windows 7 : 9780 (or compati DirectX1 4 GB RAM,graphic card 3-86 100% 0 or better, DirectX1 s Media 681-404MB RAM card, Window 2 with 512 ble sound drive and internet M n. compati activatio 11, DVD-RO Player program ion for connect System se GmbH ChessBa str. 90a Osterbek Hamburg m D-22083 ssbase.co m info@che ssbase.co www.che 27,90 27,90 & RRP € 27,9 81-404-20 ISBN: 978-3-866 RRP € 27,90 SA LL IN S ssB Oste ase D-2 rbek str. Gmb H 208 info 3 Ham90a @ch www essb burg .che ase. ssba com se.c om of was a member at U16 Sergei Tiviakov Youth Champion s. Since (Soviet Union), of World Olympiad the titles in Krasnodar the Chess With his new Born 1973 school and gained ed Russia in ds). in (Netherlan Championships the Smyslov 1994 he represent Groningen Teams levels. of the Nethliving in and U18 has been in the Europeanchampionship in 2008 success 1997 Tiviakov he won the titlevictorious in the his biggest and was home country ship. celebrated and 2005 2007. Tiviakov Chess Champion both 2001 2006 and Individual erlands in European won the when he se GmbH ChessBa tr. 90a Osterbeks Hamburg m D-22083 ssbase.co m info@che ssbase.co www.che MB c 7 or e i7, ents: Play pat Win 2.8 ible RAM carGB d RAM, requirem dow GH GHz,or1 bet(or3), con er 11, III 1sou com s 8, z, nec DVD nd car Pack ter, : Pentium pat -RO (Service RAM, Minimum Vista, XPtion d, MB100 ible for M256 s driv Window% Dire ) card with Window proMedia graphic s gra e and proctX DirectX9 drive, Window m for s Med 10 ion M connect activatinterne ia DVD-RO ion. t 9 and internet Player n. i7, 2.8 GHz, gram activatio PC Intel Core s 8, ended: or Window ble) Recomm Windows 7 0 (or compati 4 GB RAM,graphic card 100% DirectX1 0 or better, DirectX1 s Media MB RAM card, Window with 512 ble sound drive and internet M n. compati activatio 11, DVD-RO Player program ion for connect System RRP € 27,9 0 RRP Se He was r rated 2544. membe arian GM, and is a in 2009, the currentta mpion He is also al team. champion Antoane and s 2009 women` of Bulgaria in n n champio at the Europea n team Bulgaria 9. e GmbH ChessBas 90a tr. Osterbeks Hamburg D-22083 sbase.com nfo@ches m ssbase.co www.che pat tion(Service -RO card, MB100 RAM, Minimum XP ible s Vista, for M 256 driv Window% Dire ) card with Window pro Media graphic s gra e and pros MedctX10 DirectX9 drive, Window m ion for M connect activatinterne ia DVD-RO ion. t 9 and internet Player n. i7, 2.8 GHz, gram activatio PC Intel Core s 8, Window ended: Recomm Windows 7 or compatible) 0 4 GB RAM,graphic card (or 100% DirectX1 0 or better, DirectX1 s Media MB RAM card, Window with 512 ble sound drive and internet M compati n. activatio 11, DVD-RO Player program ion for connect RRP € 27,9 0 RRP 16 € 27,90 an Bo jk ov v of was a member at U16 Sergei Tiviakov Youth Champion s. Since (Soviet Union), of World Olympiad the titles in Krasnodar the Chess With his new Born 1973 school and gained d Russia in ds). in (Netherlan Championships the Smyslov 1994 he represente Groningen Teams levels. of the Nethliving in and U18 has been in the Europeanchampionship in 2008 success 1997 Tiviakov he won the titlevictorious in the his biggest and was home country ship. celebrated and 2005 Tiviakov Champion both 2001 and 2007. Individual Chess in 2006 erlands European won the when he Se Rg ip. Inte 10 pro gra dow com 512 MB phi s 7 l Core c or i7, Play patents: ible RAM car1 dGB Win RAM, 2.8 requirem or (or dow GH 1 GHz, con er 11, III sou com s 8, z, bet 3), Pack nec DVD nd car : Pentium ter, RAM, pat (Service tion -RO Minimum Vista, XP d, MB100 ible s M256 driv Window% Dire ) cardforwith Window pro graphic s Media e s MedctX10 for proDirectX9 drive, Window graion m and M connect activatinterne ia DVD-RO 9 and internet ion. t Player n. i7, 2.8 GHz, gram activatio PC Intel Core s 8, ended: or Window ble) Recomm Windows 7 0 (or compati 4 GB RAM,graphic card 100% DirectX1 0 or better, DirectX1 s Media MB RAM card, Window with 512 ble sound drive and internet M n. compati activatio 11, DVD-RO Player program ion for connect in 2008 System RRP € 27,9 0 RRP € 27,90 SeR gei Se Rg ei Ti vi a ko Tivi ako v v Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez ei Att Ti vi akov a Itali cking an Ga with me the and the Ru yL ope z. The fere purpos ver nt me e of y oft tho this en ds. Alt DV Thi D pos s sib houghis to uni DVD le to tea que enc cheis bas ma the Italch pla ed scoe of thess pro mo ke use ian yers red of Gam how aut duc stly div ide with hor t. Theon the attackie and to con it ma wh the d into ng the duc o me per ple author 4 chany, ma has thods sonal methoRuy t the ) hav the pte ny pla des exp ds Lopez atta e of To bes rs accwin yed the crib erie ck com been t res s, ed nce pla are mo on aut add ults ord includ Ruy in the and y. stly the bla hor ple ing Lop hav hasment ed and . Als to ing som pos ck ez DVD games o sev tho e the and itio kin tha never played nal g usin inst explain era se attae aga the are of the n ope com 1 mil been in theruction ed. l oth cki inst Ital the res aut nin g diflion er gamng the ian ults hor pub gs, bee piled me wo Gam of , thu it is kov gam lish Italian, a dat es tho rld’ e from the s ma hown add from es pla ed bef Gam aba Tivia by ds s stro ei life diff ed kin oth wh to pla as ere yed ore e andse is SeRg er pla ich nge his chi-long g it y thewell. nt souonly . The theprovid exp a yer have st pla ldhood eriRuy ed s (su giv yer Ital Everythrces).in the re is also s. The difian Lop wh and ch en and Gam ing OtherItalian on ez ich con as king using itDV ma isD has sinc the this Gam e and kes dat tain black A. Karstills,are DV eon s al opening e and attack pov givis D 198 the this abatses the position 6. all , for ing DV conduc mostly the a com A the are D an of how to Ruy Lop exa onl Ruy pre huge gam players Ruy Lopez es it a mnum making ez excelley ann Lop hen wh thus is to teach Game and the s of play. sive and DVD ber ich experiauthor, ez nt ota of this of the g method (th dat of life-long has the h the Italian the gamesachiev comofted the aba and gam is dat od The purpose s. Althoug use of attackin nce and se ing prehen the results se is his childho aba DVD es The to make l experie from of mogam ferent method the DVD are se giving possible sive and players. ed in the the Italian Game bes st on the persona are has refe re es very often still describ pro stronge s mostly t •V and and bee renexamgivenresults ducfor is based the world’s haveide ces n . The method the Ruy Lopez This DVD against A. Karpov, s which 4h or wit t for played as unn g some chess product (suchour h the lea have who has g method includin unique s3 ingtim the the author many wins, to those attackin by other players •W se rning 0m which ope ence of ng ith games e: games other games with it many, s accordi nin theint inu these scored s allinc gs! era oftes Also several ludnumber into 4 chapter contain huge results. d. ing ctivet e of more divided d which 1986. A•E the best explaine vid has xcl databas e is provide the authorbeen added and hensive e rainbeen Lopez since tha usi databas a compre (this have ve eofeedesing ion, a databas the Ruy DVD ple) have and n1 instruct dat this ma and bac mi referenc Ruy Lopez also on ment the the Italian Game aba learning k and the There is ny llio forse ed games s! To comple played inBorn ann ng opening •In product the 1973d before. the Italian Gameof only annotat hensive has am withm in Smy in Kras es author ota these clu with been publishe and databas excellent compre slov only results ted es din played ore nod U18 an have never games1997 ). Other g the best gC ga and leve school ar (Sov this DVD Sys t sources achievin me B1 and tem gtime: than 1 million differen iet Lopez and hom Tiviakovls.ing 1994makes s 2– runnin Unio gainRuy d from e coun has hethe Everyth Re •Video Minimu requtes ed compile n), as well.both Game ade 30min uire bee representhe Serg try and title erla 2001 he n been added the Italian 4hoursWindowm: Pen meining r nts ted s ei Tivia nds and won livin play : Dire tivetra whe in 200 200 the g in GronRuss of Wor kov tium ack s how to interac n he was ld title ia 5 •With DVDctX9 Vist ofeedb won 6 and and was in the inge in the Youth a mem ngvidegra a, XP III 1 GH ore n the 200 includi Play -ROM phi withm (Se z, 1 victo Euro (Net Chess Champi ber Euro 7. Tivia rvic GB driv c car nd riou pea herland Olym on of siveda gra er 9tabase pea at U16 e, Wind withe Pac RAM m actandamesa n Indivkov celes in then Team s). Withpiad•Exclu s. Sinc k 3), , inte illiong s dow s cham 256 brat Cha Rec idua ivat than1m e dgame new l Che ed his pion mpi his ion. rnet con s Med MB om 4 GB me nnotate ss Cha bigg ship onships nde adernec ia RAM, manya of the Dire RAM in mpi est succ tion 12–Re d: PC onsh Neth ingCB for withctX10 , Win Inte ip. ess •Includ pro in gra dow with the y Lopez. Attackingme and the Ru Italian Ga Che ssB Oste ase D-2 rbek str. Gmb H 208 info 3 Ham90a @ch www essb burg .che ase. ssba com se.c om of was a member at U16 Sergei Tiviakov Youth Champion s. Since (Soviet Union), of World Olympiad the titles in Krasnodar the Chess With his new Born 1973 school and gained d Russia in ds). in (Netherlan Championships the Smyslov 1994 he represente Groningen Teams levels. of the Nethliving in and U18 has been in the Europeanchampionship in 2008 success 1997 Tiviakov he won the titlevictorious in the his biggest and was home country ship. celebrated and 2005 2007. Tiviakov Chess Champion both 2001 2006 and Individual erlands in European won the when he e GmbH ChessBas 90a tr. Osterbeks Hamburg m D-22083 ssbase.co m info@che ssbase.co www.che l Cor 200 com 512ents: 8 MB phic s 7 or RAM, e requirem car1 GBWin i7, 2.8 Play patible RAM System III 1 GHz, d (or 3),dow Pack com s GHz, con er 11, soundor bet : Pentium (Service necXPDVD Minimum MB RAM, pat 8, car ter, s Vista, tion -RO with 256 d, Win100 ible card Window for sMMedia % Dire ) graphic pro drive for dow proDirectX9 drive, Window gra ion s MedctX10 M connectm and inte DVD-RO act 9 and internet ivat rne ia Player n. ion. t i7, 2.8 GHz, gram activatio PC Intel Core s 8, ended: or Window ble) Recomm Windows 7 0 (or compati 4 GB RAM,graphic card 100% DirectX1 0 or better, DirectX1 s Media RAM MB card, Window with 512 ble sound drive and internet M n. compati activatio 11, DVD-RO Player program ion for connect RRP € 27,9 0 RRP OPE NIN O PE N IN G Attacking Attackingwith withthe theItalian ItalianGame Gameand andthe theRuy RuyLopez. Lopez. oPeNiNg oPeNiNg info 3 Ham90a @ch www essb burg .che ase. ssba com se.c om D ej Boj kov a ko Che ssB Oste ase D-2 rbek str. Gmb H 208 info 3 Ham90a @ch www essb burg .che ase. ssba com se.c om NEW! T i v i a kov uire ano form nat mpionGM, •Video Winimu utes(E me rate 50min m: va. er ion nts a me Boj wo al tea in 200 d 254 4hoursDiredow Pentium ining : rld s Vist mp mb kov was ctXtivetra wo m. He 9, and4. He interac a, XP IIIack ion er of me •With DVD-RO9 gra 1 ofeedb ship cha n`s is also is a was phi (Se GHz, ngvide Play M driv s in the Bul mp cha me includi c atabase car rvice 1 GB mb gra er 9iningd mp the 200 gar ion d with Pac RAM m and e, Wines sivetra ian of Bul ion curren er 9. k 3), , inte Ant •Exclu Rec activat 50gam tea rne dows 256 MB lected m atgaria oan t t con Med withse 4 GBomme ion. ader eta the in 200 12–Re nec ia RAM nde Eur , Dire RAM d: tion 9 and ingCB ope PC •Includ for withctX10 , Win Inte an pro gra dow com 512 MB Che phi s 7 l Core c ssB or i7, Play patents: Oste ase ible RAM cardGB Win RAM, 2.8 requirem or 1 (or dow GHz, System con er 11, IIIsou 1 GHz, D-2 rbek str. Gmb H com s 8, bet 3), nec DVD nd Pack 208 ter, : Pentium Deja n Ti vi G Sergei Tiviakov: The true value of the pieces alanced erial is unb When mat Wh en mat eria l is unb alan ced ei se GmbH ChessBa tr. 90a Osterbeks Hamburg m D-22083 ssbase.co m info@che ssbase.co www.che € 27,90 T i v i a kov ces of the pie ced unbalan terial is Rg v As Sergei Tiviakov explains on fence. this DVD 3.Nd2 nch De The Fre complete T3.N he d2: a for White. Freoire 3rep .N ert n is an excellent repd2: a ch De ert com fen oire p ce for lete . Wh choice against ite. the French. Based on his personal experience and the latest theoretical developments this DVD is a great starting point to learn 3.Nd2. Sergey Tiviakov is very successful in beating the French Defence with overal score of 80% (well above average) from 219 games played. The DVD contains lot of exclusive information and databases not available anywhere else. The main database consists of about 312,000 games. With interactive training: test yourself and find out if you master the new repertoire and if you are ready for battle at the board. Including videofeedback on your proposals! 27,90 & OPE NIN O PE N IN G 27,90 & In our first steps in chess we are taught about the nominal value of the pieces. The queen is equal to nine pawns; a rook to five, a minor ces piece is worth three pawns. This is a common sense solution aimed of the pie e value The tru The tru ev at teaching the beginner a system of values so that he or she does alu eo f th ep iec not trade a more valuable piece for a less good one. Later however, es situations occur in games in which one side can trade two minor pieces (six pawns) for a rook and a pawn (also six pawns). Theoretically speaking, this should result in an equal position, but in reality one of the two sides will profit from the exchange. GM Dejan Bojkov gives valuable advice on how to handle unbalanced positions. He also explains the hidden factors behind the imbalances, explanations which will guide you through the art of exchanging pieces. 27,90 & STRaTeGY e value Tivi ako SeR gei Dejan Bojkov: GY STR ATE ST RA TE GY STRaTeGY s s occ no uti roo t llat ces k and ur t tra on aim k to abou ion , as we de s in five t itio a pa game a mo ed at , a the no where ll as n, wn mi re tea mi s the a roo ere but in (al in wh valuab chi nor nal ng pie val mater k plu are rea so six ich ue s le the ce Bu of ial is pawn pa one pie lga many lity be is uab ria ma cas one wns). side ce for gin worth the pie unba vs of es le a lesner a three ces lancedtwo the Theo can of tor ad kes ovs be vice an att mater two reticatrade s go system pawn. The . In han hin on od tw sid qu ou es lly spe o mi on of val s. Th een r gin d the how empt ial im g pie balan will to aki nor e. Lat ues is is im to ces balanhandlesystem ce profit ng, thi pieces er ho so thaa . we s ces ati in che fro ver t he , expthe res se the ss. m the should(six pa , situ vs two wn our lan ulting mo In his exc pawn res ation ult In s) st plus new hannced. aspoa rook ge. in anfor a s wh is unbala as well siti im po queen eq pieces, onal materi rta DV . The D GM the ich s.pieces ual where He nt on three minor is a the ofwil l gu pawns als . This rooks or es Dejanhe l value constellations o ide that Bo nomina soand worth threeof values e are typical about the you explain giv situpiece is taught es jkov thr er, system howev we are oughs)the a five, a minor beginner a •V Later forhid one. rook to g the ide (six pawns theequal wns; a den or a less good pieces at teachin for 4h an art piece minor our unn tion aimed result in of valuable should s5 ingtim trade two this•W 0m ge. de a more one side can ith speaking, exchan int inu e: Bojkov tes es in which ). Theoreticallyprofit from the includ era Dejan GM (E ctiv ing pawns •E DVD ngl sides will lso six gives vid et xcl ish In his new rain usi and of the two wit ones ) ing ve seof ity one the nce in chess. important eedhidden hs most al imbala bacof ele trainin art also explain atise the k cteh the ns. He •Incluthroug es of materi gd system an d5 t to g positio you din 0g atabas attemp n Boj gC gar kov the resultinwhich will guide am B1 ian to ishandle es e 2– he nat a Bulexplanations how Sys Bul ion tem gtime: Reade ner gar ces, al gar mbalan req ian cha ian Min of runnin nglish) r The is anaim of exp exc this elle DV thi lains. nt D s Ba we is Var DVD sed apo to pro n iati is ove on. an as it with vide rall Ser exc is on wh the The sco gei ellent his ich pla yer to re of Tiviak startinperson fig The DVD ht with ma con 80% ov has g po al exp the Wh in the (we tain in Fre ite int Als Fre databa s lot ll abobeen fro erience nch wit h o, the nch se s of ve ver m wh andDefen a com It als re Defenconsistexclus averagy suc ich ple are ces to the ce, new o con on ce are s of ive info e) fro sfu lea late as the te rep rn m l in bea als reperttains this DV pro abo howst the aut ertoir 219 ut rm hor is gam ting to plaoretica D a vided, 312 ation to also oire intera of e. 3.N ,00 and pla and thi the es l d2 y y againclud if ctive refere many 0 gam pla dat Fre 3. Nddevelos DV you trainin nce of aba yed nch 2, kov inst ed! Eve pm D dat wh es. All ses . are Tivia De the g: the aba ich fen Tar ents, not SeRg ei Fre rythin ready test se hav the gam ce ras ava nch g and e not for you wit ch ilab De makes bat rself h an a bee es the le fen tle and databa thi n ce aut any 3.Nd2 by s DV at the find se publishire. hor where cho D wit out te reperto has a a bo ed DVD els comple osiwith of this ard ifauthorh ann pre pla, e. ng mu . Vid you the otapments ashav vio yed 3.Ne,stdevelo with White eoicalhav ted uslh Defenc d2. player e the theoret French one feedbethe gam y. ma Tarrasc the latest play 3. ifNd2, to provide to fight the ste an es. DVD is nce and you acke with red which how to Defenc of this n with al experie French wa on you you to learn The aim the•V nt weapo on his person from which nt beating r pror tore else. . ide point as it is sful in is an excelle lea played or le anywhe succes starting s. Based rn po •W unn explain is an excellent has been very from 219 games availab has playedhow sith author e) v ses not incthe int ingtim sly. this DVD Sergei Tiviako above averag databa n. tion and All the games lud era e:5 ed previou 80% (well Variatio ing ctiv •Epublish ho ve informa games. been et games. score of vid ted xcl annota exclusi rain urs overall have not with usi s lots of s of about 312,000 ing ed your ve eofeed of which a database 312 contain ,00 master Da propos The DVD database consistprovided, many se and tabyourbac •D have0g on k out if you ce databa e are ase how ata ckam The main Defenc a referen wi es learn lf and find Video feedba to has bas th this DVD ew in the French : test yourseat the board. one if you plawant are on •In ave yed ithall Born tive training for battle Also, there a must-h clu ag s interac 1973 are ready theif you din ain gamses this DVD 3.Nd2. contain in stt gC 5hour makes It also g ire andand Smyslov Krasing he theau B1 gtime: U18 schonodar e by choosin d! Everyth Fre new reperto 2– runnin include 1997 Tivialevels.Defenc ol and(Sov nch thor Re •Video System ining French als is also thehom ade De tivetra kov 1994 gainiet Unio req against Min fen interac ack r bothe coun has he repr ed n), uire to play •With Winimu ofeedb ce try bee esenthe titleSerg me erla 2001 n he ngvide m: nts nds and won living ted s of ei Tivia dow Pen includi with Dire tabase : whe in Russ Wor kov 200 the in n he 2006 5 and title Gron ia ctX s Vist tium was ld siveDa won and in the ingen in the Youth a mem •Exclu DVD-RO9 sgra a, XP III 1 GH the 200 was victo 0game phi (Se z, author Play Euro (Net Chess Champi 312,00 ber M driv Euro 7. Tivia riou cmesthe e pea herland Olym on of car rvice 1 GB pea gra er 9hallga Defenc RAM d with Pac and e, WinFrench n Indivkov celes in then Team s). piad at U16 asewit m With •Datab act instthe s. Sinc , idua brat cham s Cha Rec ivat interne dow 256 k 3), yedaga e l Che ed his pion mpi his haspla om t con s Med MB new 4 GB me ion. ader ss Cha bigg ship onsh 12–Re nec ia RAM of theips in ingCB , Dire RAMnded: mpi est succ tion onsh •Includ Neth for ess withctX , Win PC G oPeNiNg rare combat How to Black lines as OPE NIN O PE N IN G The French Defence with 3.Nd2 ei De fe The author haspletevery rep nce. ert 3.N oire d2 : often been asked byfor White. : ce. 3.Nd2 rare h Defen e for White. his students what at nc mb Fre co The ertoir How to lete rep Ho s as Black a comp w line line to co to do against rarely sa s B mbat lac k rare played lines and openings? This DVD sets out a complete repertoire for Black against moves such as 1.Nf3, 1.f4, 1.g3, 1.Nc3, 1.b3, 1.b4 and 1.g4. Important chess principles are explained which help the student tackle the unknown! A large part of this DVD is about the Reti Opening – 1.Nf3. This DVD contains lot of material which cannot be found anywhere else, including a large database of almost 1 million games, all the games the author has played against these moves from 1986 are on this DVD as well (half of these games have never been published before) and many annotated games. 27,90 & ov The true value of the pieces jk The true value of the pieces Bo Wh true en mat valu een eria e o nor again pie st f l is t ste ces two roo unb the qu ps in these ks al or mm to ninchess are thr alan pie we typ ee mi on she sen e pa are ica ced ce se wns; tau l con nor pie on does sol gh ste a D e ja n B oj kov an he CO Rg The Ti vi akov a c Fren om ch ak oPeNiNg OPENING OPENING NEW! M Ti vi The ope author nin to be gs? has ver Thi from used s DV y often aga are his ow instD is aimbeen exp mo ed ask Op lain n notebo ves at ed by eni ed ans on ng – wh oks such we his the 1.Nf ich hel to pro as 1.Nf ring studen wh Cat 3. ts vid 3, that ich ala Tiv p ord cor n, the iakov the stu e a full1.f4, 1.g3questiowhat er not respon Qu exp den to een lain t tac explan , 1.Nc3, n... A do aga Thi ’s Ind s how kle s DV to be ds to atio 1.b3 com inst of alm D con trickedlines ian to the unkn of , 1.b4 plete rare wh tain on ost by ich and theplay aga nowhow to and repertoly pla this 1 mil s an ire yed Nim inst n! A pro 1.g4 opp have gam DV lion lot of one already zo- it and larg ceed. . The for Blalines and D ma e par Imp aut Ind comes. 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Tivia riou 1 GB includi of pea herland Olym on car pea gra ertabase 9 driv withm d withe Pac RAM n Indivkov celes in then Team s). Withpiad at U16 siveda m actand e, Winnd s. Sinc inte amesa dow 256 k 3), , idua brat cham s Cha •Exclu Rec ivat illiong l Che ed his pion mpi his new e ion. rne s s om than1m4 GB medgamet con MediaMB RAM ss Cha bigg ship onsh nec ips nde nnotate of the , Dire RAM d: ader mpi est succ in tion manya onsh PC , Neth for withctX12–Re ip. ess in - ingCB 10 Window Inte pro 200 •Includ com 512 graphi s l Cor Che 8 The French Defence. 3.Nd2: a complete repertoire for White. oPeNiNg S Se ei Ho w ov line to c s a om s B ba lac t ra k re The French Defence. 3.Nd2: a complete repertoire for White. oPeNiNg IN Rg Sergei Tiviakov: NEW! T i v i a kov LL LINS SAM COL Se How to combat rare lines as Black T i v i a kov CO Vol. 6 Terrain Know the een’s Pawn Kn lated Qu Iso o Iso w the late Te d Q rrain uee Vo n’s l. 6 Paw n NEW! How to combat rare lines as Black M G OPE NIN O PE N IN G Know the Terrain Vol. 6 : Isolated Queen’s Pawn SA Using games almost exclusively from grandmaster praxis in the last two years, Collins explains all of the major ideas for playing with and against the IQP, including the d5advance, kingside attacks (including the rook lift, h4-h5 and Bxh6 sacrifices), central sacrifices (including the Rxe6 exchange sacrifice in various positions from the Petroff), queenside play and simplification, and gives some guidance on how to assess transpositions into related structures. The universality of the IQP is illustrated by the games on this DVD, played in openings as diverse as the Nimzo Indian, Queen’s Gambit Accepted, Semi-Tarrasch, Caro-Kann, Slav, c3-Sicilian, French Tarrasch, Bogo Indian and Petroff. A final section of questions and answers tests and reinforces the reader’s knowledge of the IQP, one of the most important structures in modern chess. Know the Terrain Vol. 6 : Isolated Queen’s Pawn Tactic Toolbox: Ruy Lopez / Spanish Opening Tactic Toolbox: Ruy Lopez / Spanish Opening OPENING LINS SAM COL The win inform atio a som gam e n exp ing e blockbwith los ion s ust a pre has bet lead we – an er novpared led In this en diff und elty line to a Usi DV erent erstan , but ? Wh massiv D, ng at gam Sam openinding a dee gives e inc all tha p rea of Co es att the ma alm llins gs wit t las unders strong se in ts ack ost exa exc s (inc jor ide exc minh sim into tandin playeropenin ilar the han lus g giv ge luding as for ivelyes the stru mid of thes the g theory es edg sac ctu dle . 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What tanding n, Sla ninres. game and most inte The informa with a prepare deep unders v, c3-gs as middle imp rac ted structu , but a s into the associa ort tive win a game uster novelty Sic divers explain that lasts structures. ant Collins for (IQP) and years, eilian, e tanding stru ma s Pawn some blockb •Vid similar two kingsid unders Queen’ t) last an with ance, – ctu gs tes Rxe6 in the eo d5-adv res the ings lead t openin ts and g the(En es the Isolatedaster praxis ing ru in mo n differen examin includin nni and rein es (includ grandm betwee the IQP, ng cation, sacrific glish) der Sam Collins ely from against n che •Wiand simplifitime:4 es), central play In this DVD, almost exclusiv with and th playing Bxh6 sacrific queenside ss. h3 res. diverse Using games ideas for structu h4-h5 and the Petroff), 5m vid int era gs as major rook lift, in openin in cti into related played eo ns from ian, all of the ing the fe c3-Sicil sitions positio DVD, (includ •In ed vetra transpo on this ann, Slav, attacks e in various inin assess games Caro-K cludin back ge sacrific ce on how to gi ed by the Semi-Tarrasch, exchan gCtests and reinncl •Exc guidan B1 IQP is illustrat Accepted, chess.uding lus gives some ality of theSam tive format) 2R ive in modern s Gambit interac gam res ead . 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ISBN: 978-3-866 In this DVD, the d Queena’sinPVaowl. 6 n viewer is invited to Vol. 6 lbox: Terrain wn solve over 60 puzzles the Tactic Too ow / Pa Kn z ’s Lope T Queen acy Ru tic sh Opening Isolated R To u ani Sp Spay Lop olbox in the new interactive nis ez / : hO pen ing Question & Answer format. All positions are from the Ruy Lopez and have been carefully selected to illustrate the most important recurring tactical themes throughout this opening, one of the most important in modern chess. Starting with Black’s alternatives on move three and working through until the main lines of the Closed Lopez and the Marshall and Anti-Marshall, the viewer will find his knowledge of the opening developing in tandem with an improvement in his tactical ability. The puzzles range in difficulty from straightforward tactics and opening traps to intricate combinations even grandmasters will struggle to solve. Completely interactive training including video feedback! S A M CO L L I N S oolbox: ish Opening an pez / Sp RRP € CO Kn LL IN S o Iso w the late Te rr d his the ’s alt Ch , on e of most from essb t in knowClose ernati the impo the ase’s ics his tac led d Lo ves on Ru mo ne ge pe an st imrtant y Lo w gg d op tical ab of the z an move le to en po recurr pez d the 3 ilit rta solveing tra y. Th open nt ing Ma and in ps e pu ing de rshall worki . to int zzles velop and ng thr ricate ran ing Anti- ou base’s new in Chess Ma gh combge in s in un rsh Lopez puzzledif tan Ruy dem fic the all til the over 60 inatiofrom the to solve with , ing ns are ns ult y frorecurr invited vie All positio evtant ewer is m str in an im we en tant most impor format. r the r te gra impor on & Answe ed to illustra ndmaaightf prove of the most •Vid ste orwardefully select opening, one eo rs wi this (En runni the roughout ll until gli sh) hngtim r gWithroug • e:4viewe l, the and workin tharshal h3 vemove 3 vid intera an impro5m and Anti-M in eo atives on cti mfewith Marshall in tande ard k’s altern •In ed vehtforw and the bac trainin ping straig clu k din will losed Lopezopening develo difficulty from gi gC ncl masters in the ud s range edge of ing even grand B12R s puzzle ead ination . The l ability er te comb Col to intrica 35min traps ime:4h g lins orm is GmbH hessBase 90a . terbekstr 22083 Hamburg ase.com o@chessb base.com ww.chess M NEW! Sergei Tiviakov: How to combat rare lines as Black Know the Terrain Vol.6: Isolated Queen‘s Pawn T i v i a kov Sam Collins: Tactic Toolbox Ruy Lopez / Spanish Opening T i v i a kov Sam Collins: SA CO actiLL IN S c uy Too Lop lbo his DV ez x: rac D, the tiv /S have e Qu viewe es pan ica been tion r is inv l dern theme caref & Answited ish ches s thr ully se er forto solve ough lec Op s. ma t. over out ted tin enin g thi to illuAll po 60 pu n lin with s op stratesition zzles es Black ening g of fin the s are in ej VIDEOTRAINING SA M CO L L I N S NEW! D e ja n B oj kov M VIDEOTRAINING € 27,90 G with the Attackingme and the A ttalian Ga z. Ita c in pe ItRu aliy kLo g Ru an Ga with yL m ope e a the z. nd th e Se Rg SeR gei ei Ti vi a ko Tivi ako v v The methods described in the DVD are the results of the life-long experience of the author who has played the Ruy Lopez and the Italian Game from his childhood and has scored with it many, many wins, including some against the world’s strongest players. The DVD is divided into 4 chapters according to those attacking methods which have given and still are giving the author the best results. Also several other games by other players (such as A. Karpov, for example) have been added and explained. An excellent DVD for learning how to play the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez and achieving the best results with these openings! 27,90 & CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 17 VIDEOTRAINING VIDEOTRAINING Finest hour Learn from the masters Treat yourself to an hour of the finest chess training available. Train with Vishy Anand, Viktor Bologan, Daniel King, or Adrian Mikalchishin? In the new series world-class players, opening experts and top-class trainers help you build up a repertoire or explain some middlegame strategy to you. In sixty minutes per lesson. For only 9,90 Euro each. Available only at the ChessBase Shop: NEW! NEW! NEW! 18 www.chessbase.com Daniel King: New ideas in the Najdorf Adrian Mikhalchishin: Play the King‘s Indian Defence with g3 Lubomir Ftacnik: An ambitious setup against the Benoni Valeri Lilov: How to fight the Queen‘s Pawn Openings Adrian Mikalchishin: Fighting the Grünfeld with g3 Loek Van Wely: An Anti-Sicilian Repertoire Lubomir Fratcnik: The Grünfeld Main Line Dejan Bojkov: Meet the English Opening Alexei Shirov: Fascinated by the French Winawer Nigel Davies: Play the Exchange Variation against the Caro-Kann Leonid Kritz: Countering with the Chebanenko Thomas Luther/Jürgen Jordan: Solide aufgebaut gegen die VorstoSSvariante im Franzosen Martin Breutigam: 2.g3 gegen Holländisch Elisabeth Pähtz: 3... Le7 gegen den Tarrasch-Franzosen Robert Ris: Fighting for the initiative with the Fajarowicz Gambit Henrik Danielsen: An effective way of meeting the 6.Ne5-Slav Lawrence Trent: Winning with the fantasy variation (Caro-Kann with 3.f3) Henrik Danielsen: Pressing straight away The London System 1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 Adrian Mikhalchishin: Fighting the Grünfeld with g3 9,90 Rustam Kasimdzhanov: Euro Beat the Slav the classical way each! Loek van Wely: An Anti-Sicilian Repertoire Henrik Danielsen: A clear program to fight the Panov Attack Lubomir Ftacnik: The Grünfeld Main Line Dejan Bojkov: Meet the English Opening Andrew Martin: 6.Bg5 in the Sämisch Variation of the King‘s Indian Henrik Danielsen: The Benko Gambit with g3 Dejan Bojkov: Meeting the Pirc Defence The classical way! Alexei Shirov: Fascinated by the French Winawer Nigel Davies: Play the Exchange Variation against the Caro-Kann Leonid Kritz: Countering with the Chebanenko Slav Leonid Kritz: Being safe in the Berlin Defence Adrian Mikhalchishin: The King in the center Sam Collins: The Korchnoi Gambit against the French Loek van Wely: Fighting against the King‘s Indian The Chess Media system brings the stars, top grandmasters and leading trainers into your living room. Not only is that a lot of fun, but it is also much more effective than the dry-as-dust study of books or the playing through of games on your PC. Authorities on the opening, master trainers and endgame experts explain to you tricky variations, patented winning plans and crystal clear endgame technique in pictures and sound. The symbiosis of presenting a game and expert analysis is the ideal training medium for all chess players. With it amateur and club players can also understand the most complex of circumstances. The series of Fritztrainer DVDs covers all the important themes in chess, from the fundamentals of the chess opening via strategy and tactics in the middlegame all the way through to the endgame university. CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 19 VIDEOTRAININGVIDEOTRAINING VIDEOTRAINING Daniel King Let Daniel King show you in his unique Powerplay series what to look out for and remember when carrying out a kingside attack together with how to improve the way your pieces work together and how to attack right out of the opening. NEW! iß •Musterpartien mit typischen Gewinnstrategien POWER PLAY 19 DANIEL KING POWER PLAY 19 e DVD ein sehr praxisnahes Repertoire. Wenn Sie sich die en haben, können Sie diese Varianten mit guten ErfolgsTurnierpraxis einsetzen. Und Sie werden sehen, dass Sie chehen auf dem Brett diktieren werden. tsch) spieler •Auf dem aktuellen Stand der Eröffnungstheorie el King ist seit über 20 Jahren Profischachspieler, ist und ist bekannt als Kommentator vieler großer Schachist seit über 20 Jahren Profischachspieler, ist nd Internet. und ist bekannt als Kommentator vieler großer Schachnd Internet. fritztrainer m Prozessor 300 MHz oder besser, 64 MB RAM, dows 7 oder 8, DVD-ROM Laufwerk, Maus, Soundkarte. h abspielbar mit PocketFritz 4 fritztrainer power play 19 ISBN: 978-3-86681-366-3 schach.de unverb. Preisempf. € 29,90 This DVD provides you with a repertoire of attacking lines against the Scandinavian, Alekhine’s Defence, the Petroff, the Philidor, the Pirc, and the Modern Defence. Many of these openings are very popular in club chess, yet they are often underestimated by players of the white pieces. Using his wealth of experience playing with 1.e4, Grandmaster Daniel King explains the openings and provides you with an aggressive system against each of them. King’s recommendations aim to put your opponent under pressure right from the start of the game, and when players are under pressure, mistakes occur. After just a few moves, you will be dictating play! Powerplay 15 – Practical pawn endgames Making good use of your strengths and deploying them at the correct moment. Daniel King explains both features to you: recognising when you need to calculate and how to do so properly. In the endgame the wheat is separated from the chaff. Here you will gain the practical abilities and knowledge which you definitely need when the going gets tough in a pawn ending. DANIEL KING: Powerplay 11 – Defence Powerplay 16 – Test your rook endgames 29,99 & 29,90 & Powerplay 12 – The Hedgehog DANIEL KING: The hedgehog is a universal system with its own quite specific character. Starting from a secure position, develop the greatest possible activity and destructive power! 29,99 & 29,90 & Powerplay 13 – The squeeze DANIEL KING Powerplay 20 - Test Your Attacking Chess DANIEL KING 19: mIt 1.e4 – tEIL 2 n Angriffsrepertoire gegen folgende Eröffnungen: rteidigung, Russisch, Philidor-Verteidigung, Pirc-Verteidigung (1. e4 g6). ind im Amateur- und Vereinsschach sehr beliebt. Dennoch neiie zu unterschätzen. Großmeister Daniel King nutzt seinen imals 1.e4-Spieler, um Ihnen auf dieser DVD gegen jedes dieser fsrepertoire zu präsentieren und zu erklären. n DVD “Angreifen mit 1.e4” (auf der es um Sizilianisch, Frannn ging) zielen Kings Empfehlungen auch hier darauf ab, den unter Druck zu setzen. Denn wenn ein Spieler unter Druck steht, ! n diese DVD ein sehr praxisnahes Repertoire. Wenn Sie sich die ngesehen haben, können Sie diese Varianten mit guten Erfolgsgenen Turnierpraxis einsetzen. Und Sie werden sehen, dass Sie as Geschehen auf dem Brett diktieren werden. n (Deutsch) für Weiß •Musterpartien mit typischen Gewinnstrategien DANIEL KING POWER PLAY 19 POWER PLAY 19 POWER PLAY 19: ANGrEIfEN mIt 1.e4 – tEIL 2 Vereinsspieler •Auf dem aktuellen Stand der Eröffnungstheorie Pentium Prozessor 300 MHz oder besser, 64 MB RAM, ta, Windows 7 oder 8, DVD-ROM Laufwerk, Maus, Soundkarte. ind auch abspielbar mit PocketFritz 4 mbH 0a rg se.de se.de ISBN: 978-3-86681-366-3 schach.de unverb. Preisempf. € 29,90 fritztrainer r Daniel King ist seit über 20 Jahren Profischachspieler, ist üchern und ist bekannt als Kommentator vieler großer SchachRadio und Internet. fritztrainer power play 19 Every chessplayer should have the ability to play a direct attack against the enemy king. Positional chess is important but one has to be able to recognise when to launch an attack. Checkmate ends the game. This DVD has two aims: · To test your attacking ability · To provide you with an arsenal of potent attacking ideas Using the new Fritz Trainer interactive system, Grandmaster Daniel King presents ten exemplary attacking performances. At key moments he stops and asks you to play a move. King then gives feedback on the most plausible continuations using video clips. It’s the next best thing to having your own personal trainer!! Complete interactive training course with video feedback + exclusive database with 50 Attack test games. 29,90 & 20 Learn about the classics of endgame theory. Starting from elementary drawing and winning methods and going all the way up to amazing rook lifts or zugzwang motifs. DANIEL KING: DANIEL KING: NEW! 29,90 & DANIEL KING: The best prophylaxis against passive positions is good defensive play. Train your feeling for those key moments in a game when danger is threatening. Powerplay 19 - Attack with 1.e4 part 2 POWER PLAY 19: ANGrEIfEN mIt 1.e4 – tEIL 2 ffsrepertoire gegen folgende Eröffnungen: ung, Russisch, Philidor-Verteidigung, Pirc-Verteidigung g6). Amateur- und Vereinsschach sehr beliebt. Dennoch neinterschätzen. Großmeister Daniel King nutzt seinen im4-Spieler, um Ihnen auf dieser DVD gegen jedes dieser toire zu präsentieren und zu erklären. “Angreifen mit 1.e4” (auf der es um Sizilianisch, Frang) zielen Kings Empfehlungen auch hier darauf ab, den ruck zu setzen. Denn wenn ein Spieler unter Druck steht, DANIEL KING: Powerplay 10 – Calculation 29,99 & DANIEL KING DANIEL KING t 1.e4 – tEIL 2 DANIEL KING: POWER PLAY 17 – ATTACK WITH 1.e4 This DVD provides you with a repertoire of attacking variations against the four main defences to 1.e4 – i.e. 1...e5, Sicilian, French and Caro-Kann. Kings systemsw will put your opponent under pressure, and when players are under pressure it is well known that they make mistakes. 29,99 & Don’t give your opponent a chance. Learn how to apply the squeeze: deprive him of any counterplay and then move by move crush his position. 29,99 & DANIEL KING: Powerplay 14 – Test your tactics Nothing works without tactics. And what really demonstrates the class of masters is specifically their rapid recognition of the presence of tactical motifs. 29,99 & DANIEL KING: POWER PLAY 18 – The Sicilian Najdorf – a repertoire for black Daniel King is a life-long practitioner of the Najdorf. On this DVD he explains the fundamental principles of the opening and o ffers a repertoire of systems for Black against all of White’s major alternatives. Suitable for club players. Includes model games with typical middlegame and endgame strategy. 29,90 & CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 21 VIDEOTRAINING · rook and knight against two bishops · queen and rook against queen and bishop · rook and knight against bishop and knight · rook against two bishops These endgames allow one to study the important characteristics „coordination“ and „harmony of the pieces“ in detail and lead to interesting practical insights. For instance, Müller shows that rook and knight are markedly superior to bishop+knight whereas the two bishops cope much better. With the help of a large number of examples the internationally renowned endgame expert explains the pertinent winning motifs of the side with the rook, such as returning the exchange, opening lines for the rook and restricting the bishop. Another factor that is of great importance in converting one‘s advantage is the question when and when not to exchange. Video running time: 8 hours 26 min. fritztrainer The grandmaster from Hamburg Dr. Karsten Mueller has been playing in the top division of the Bundesliga for the Hamburg Chess Club since 1988 and in 1996 and 1997 he came in third in the German Championship. An internationally recognised expert on the endgame, he writes the Endgame Column for ChessBase Magazine and the Endgame Corner on ChessCafe.com. ChessBase GmbH Osterbekstr. 90a D-22083 Hamburg [email protected] www.chessbase.com NEW! Karsten Müller: ENDGAMES 14 - The golden guidelines of endgame play Endgames 13 – Double Rook Endings fritztrainer endspiel meister Dr. Karsten Müller spielt seit 1988 für den Hamburundesliga und wurde 1996 und 1997 Dritter der Deutschen onal anerkannter Endspielexperte schreibt er die Endspielazins und die Endgame Corner auf ChessCafe.com. ntium Prozessor 300 MHz oder besser, 64 MB RAM, Windows 7 oder 8, DVD-ROM Laufwerk, Maus, Soundkarte. ISBN 978-3-86681-407-3 H schach.de unverb. Preisempf. € 29,90 DIE GOLDENEN ENDSPIELREGELN Autor: Der Hamburger Großmeister Dr. Karsten Müller spielt seit 1988 für den Hamburger Schachklub in der 1. Bundesliga und wurde 1996 und 1997 Dritter der Deutschen Meisterschaft. Als international anerkannter Endspielexperte schreibt er die Endspielkolumne des ChessBase Magazins und die Endgame Corner auf ChessCafe.com. fritztrainer endspiel Systemvoraussetzungen: Pentium Prozessor 300 MHz oder besser, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 oder 8, DVD-ROM Laufwerk, Maus, Soundkarte. iSBn 978-3-86681-367-0 ChessBase GmbH Osterbekstr. 90a D-22083 Hamburg [email protected] www.chessbase.de schach.de unverb. Preisempf. € 29,90 SchachendSpiele 13 SCHACHENDSPIELE 14 KARSTEN MÜLLER d O, wenn es darum geht, in einem komplexen Endspiel schlagen. Auf dieser letzten DVD seiner Endspielreihe spezialist die wichtigsten Faustregeln vor. Im ersten ine Leitlinien wie „Aktivieren Sie den König“, „Der Freibauern“, „Übereilen Sie nichts“. Neben solchen Prinzipien kommen auch Faustregeln zum richtigen zum Prinzip der Verbesserung der schlechtesten Figur aximen, die Sie bereits im Mittelspiel berücksichtigen m zweiten Teil stehen ausgewählte Endspiele von den zu Endspielen mit Turm und Leichtfigur gegen Turm rainingsplan. Einmal mehr schärft Karsten Müller hier snahmen von den Regeln ausfindig zu machen. Denn die über das bloße Auswendiglernen der Faustregeln ahre Meisterschaft. Diese DVD bildet den Abschluss arsten Müller, die schon jetzt zu den Klassikern der Für die immer zahlreicheren Fans des Hamburger Videospielzeit: 7 Stunden (Deutsch) fritztrainer ENDSPIELREGELN ER Doppelturmendspiele kommen in der Praxis häufig vor und weisen eine Reihe wichtiger Unterschiede zu einfachen Turmendspielen auf. Dennoch gibt es viel weniger Literatur darüber. Die vorliegende DVD soll helfen, diese Lücke weiter zu schließen. Denn viele Faustregeln bleiben gültig, wie Aktivität ist das Gebot der Stunde, der König blockiert Freibauern gerne, der Turm nicht und der Turm gehört hinter die Freibauern, seien es eigene oder gegnerische. Doch es gibt auch viele neue Motive. Insbesondere spielt die Königssicherheit aufgrund der höheren Feuerkraft auf dem Brett eine größere Rolle, was viel mehr Mattangiffsmotive ermöglicht. Daher steigt in der Regel auch der Wert von Mehrbauern an, weil sie dem eigenen König wertvolle Deckung geben können. Weiterhin legt der international anerkannte Endspielexperte viel Wert auf die Diskussion von Abtauschfragen, welche nun viel häufiger auftreten als in einfachen Turmendspielen. Daher ist es wichtig, hier eine gute Intuition zu entwickeln, ob der Angreifer oder der Verteidiger mehr von einem Turmtausch profitieren würde. Videospielzeit: 4 Std. 21 min (Deutsch) KARSTEN MÜLLER KARSTEN MÜLLER fritztrainer DoppelturmenDspiele SCHACHENDSPIELE 14 Double rook endings occur frequently and are different from single rook endings in several respects. However, there is much less literature on them. This DVD shall help filling the gap. Many guidelines remain valid of course like activity is the order of the day, the king wants to blockade passed pawns, the rooks does not and the rook belongs behind passed pawns be they friendly or enemy. But there are also many new motifs. Especially king safety plays a much larger role due to the increased firepower on the board. Therefore the value of extras pawns often also increases as they can provide the king with much needed shelter. 29,90 & KARSTEN MÜLLER SchAchENdSpiELE 13 Rules of thumb are the key to everything when you are having to set the correct course in a complex endgame. In this final DVD of his series, our expert introduces you to the most important of these rules of thumb. The first part deals with general guidelines such as “activate the king”, “the rook belongs behind passed pawns”, “do not rush”. In addition to such endgame principles there are also rules of thumb as to making the correct exchanges, prophylaxis, improving the position of the worst placed piece, which you should already take into account in the middlegame! The second part is sorted by material, going from pawn endings to endings with rook and minor piece against rook and minor piece. 29,90 & KARSTEN MÜLLER SchAchENdSpiELE 13 DoppelturmenDspiele fritztrainer endspiel Karsten Müller: ENDGAMES 12 – Rook against Knight piel ßmeister Dr. Karsten Müller spielt seit 1988 für den HamburBundesliga und wurde 1996 und 1997 Dritter der Deutschen tional anerkannter Endspielexperte schreibt er die Endspielagazins und die Endgame Corner auf ChessCafe.com. Pentium Prozessor 300 MHz oder besser, 64 MB RAM, ta, Windows 7 oder 8, DVD-ROM Laufwerk, Maus, Soundkarte. iSBn 978-3-86681-361-8 schach.de unverb. Preisempf. € 29,90 22 SchAchENdSpiELE 12 Turm gegen Springer KARSTEN MÜLLER · Turm und Springer gegen Springerpaar nd Springer · Turm gegen Läufer und Springer ufer und Springer · Turm gegen zwei Springer oordination“ und „Harmonie der Figuren“ lassen sich in diesen n und führen zu interessanten praktischen Einsichten. Insbesondere kann hier genau unter die Lupe genommen werden. Was übrigens r unliebsamen Überraschungsgabeln schützt, solange man im eibt. e Endspielexperte erläutert die einschlägigen Gewinnmotive der er Mehrqualität, Öffnung von Linien für den Turm und Restriktion nkung des Springers anhand zahlreicher Beispiele. Und auch die hs spielt bei der Verwertung des Vorteils oft eine wichtige Rolle. uten (Deutsch) fritztrainer ziert ist, desto wichtiger ist es, das Potential der eigenen wie der g einzuschätzen. Das gilt insbesondere in Endspielen, in denen sich auf dem Brett gegenüberstehen. Die neue 12. DVD aus Karsten Müllers and 11 begonnene Diskussion asymmetrischer Materialverteilungen Endspielexperte aus Hamburg u.a. folgende Konstellationen: SchachendSpiele 12 KARSTEN MÜLLER NdSpiELE 12 pringer LER fritztrainer endspiel The DVD continues a discussion of asymmetrical material balances which started in volume 11. This time the endgame expert explains endgames with rook against knight, two rooks against rook and knight, rook against bishop and knight etc. These endgames allow one to study the important characteristics „coordination“ and „harmony of the pieces“ in detail and lead to interesting practical insights. Especially the geometry of the knight becomes evident. Don’t miss Karsten Muellers demonstration of the „knight check shadow“. It will help you save your games – not only in the endgame! 29,99 & The more the material is reduced, the more important it is to correctly evaluate the potential of the remaining pieces. That is especially the case when there is an imbalanced distribution of forces remaining on the board. On this DVD Müller tackles a central them of asymmetrical forces and examines, e.g., the constellations rook versus bishop, two rooks against rook and bishop, rook and knight versus rook and knight and also queen and rook against queen and bishop. 29,99 & The constellation of rook and two minor pieces versus rook and two minor pieces comes about very frequently in practice, yet there has hardly been any literature on it so far. Müller’s DVD plugs this gap and in doing so extends modern endgame theory by a series of exciting facets. 29,99 & Retail price: € 29,99 chESS ENdGAMES 11 rook againsT Bishop fritztrainer endgames chESS ENdGAMES 10 rook and Two minor pieces KARSTEN MUELLER Although the distribution of material with a rook and two minor pieces against a rook and two minor pieces is a very common one in practical play, there is very little literature on the subject apart from that dealing with questions relating to the bishop pair. This gap should be plugged by the present DVD. The harmony and coordination of the minor pieces, such as for example “the geometry of the knight pair” constitute a subject which lends itself very well to being examined in connection with rooks. Should the knights be defending one another or standing side by side? Other typical questions are: when is the combination rook+bishop+knight superior to the trio of rook and 2 knights? When should we liquidate to an ending with rook and minor piece against rook and minor piece, the sort of theme dealt with in the 9th endgame DVD? What are the rules of thumb and methods which we can deduce from this? For example is a slight initiative even greater when there are a rook + 2 knights against a rook + 2 knights? In addition, attention will be paid to the restricting the mobility of the knights by means of Steinitz’ restriction method and questions of pawn handling such as Capablanca’s rule. Some examples with 4 rooks are also considered so as to be able to examine a question which is important in practical play: when to exchange rooks. Also examined here in systematic fashion are many aspects of piece coordination which are also important in the middlegame and models are worked out to help you to better assimilate the important question of harmony. Video running time: 6 hrs. 30 min. The grandmaster from Hamburg Dr. Karsten Mueller has been playing in the top division of the Bundesliga for the Hamburg Chess Club since 1988 and in 1996 and 1997 he came in third in the German Championship. An internationally recognised expert on the endgame, he writes the Endgame Column for ChessBase Magazine and the Endgame Corner on ChessCafe.com. fritztrainer endgames System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard ChessBase GmbH Osterbekstr. 90a D-22083 Hamburg [email protected] www.chessbase.com Retail price: € 29,99 KARSTEN MUELLER cheSS endGaMeS 10 · rook against bishop · two rooks against rook and bishop cheSS endGaMeS 11 The more reduced the material, the more important it is to correctly assess the potential of your own and the enemy pieces. This is particularly true in endgames with unbalanced material. On DVDs 9 and 10 of his endgame series Dr. Karsten Müller explored symmetrical material constellations with two pieces against two pieces, and this DVD begins with a discussion of asymmetrical material balances, including KARSTEN MUELLER KARSTEN MUELLER Karsten Müller: ENDGAMES 10 – ROOK AND TWO MINOR PIECES KARSTEN MUELLER chESS ENdGAMES 11 rook againsT Bishop System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard iel mbH 0a burg se.com se.de fritztrainer endgames Karsten Müller: KARSTEN MUELLER Anyone who despairs at the dry and laborious book study associated with endgames will be happy to discover the following training DVDs, where internationally recognised endgame expert and GM Dr. Karsten Müller introduces you to the fascinating world of endgames Karsten Müller: ENDGAMES 11 – ROOK AGAINST BISHOP fritztrainer Karsten Müller NDSPIELE 14 g com de VIDEOTRAINING chESS ENdGAMES 10 rook and Two minor pieces fritztrainer endgames and than 100,- € „Safe more of s rie se e et pl buy the com Endgame rs le ül M n te Kars #14) at the DVDs (#01 to of 299,- €! special price DVD or for on e bl la Avai e ChessBase th download at .“ Online Shop On Karsten Müllers endgame series: „If I have to tell you that Karsten Müller is one of the very top endgame analysts of our time, I would first have to ask what planet you have been living on for the past fifteen years,“ (Steven B. Dowd in ChessCafe.com) “This is a great series and definitely one of the brightest jewels in the ChessBase crown.” (Sean Marsh in Marsh Tower) „My overall impression is that these endgame DVDs may be the best resource available for students who want to learn quickly the fundamentals of endgame play.“ (Richard Roseborough in ChessCafe.com) CHESSBASE CATALOG 2014 23 Fritz & CHESSTER „Fritz & Chesster“ THE CHESS TRAINING SERIES FOR KIDS “FRITZ & CHESSTER” HAS WON AWARD AFTER AWARD AND CAPTURED THE HEARTS OF MANY CHILDREN ALL OVER THE WORLD. RECOMMENDED FOR KIDS FROM SIX YEARS ONWARDS. NEW! Fritz & Chesster Part 1 – version 3.0 Online-version LERN TO PLAY CHESS Part 1 – 3.0 Online-Version! For PC/Mac/Linux/Android/iOS. Browser based chess adventure for all topical operating systems! www.fritzandchesster.com • Availalbe from March 2014“ 29,90 & FRITZ & CHESSTER PART 1 Learn to play chess Cute, witty and full of snappy sayings. A splendid way for children to learn the rules of chess. In an exciting adventure story the pieces and the way they move are brought in step by step and you learn to use them. FRITZ & CHESSTER PART 2 29,00 & CHESS IN THE BLACK CASTLE On to new adventures! Fritz and Bianca want to free their friend from the black castle. But to do so the need the help of innovative machines such as Damiano’s mating automaton. FRITZ & CHESSTER PART 3 CHESS FOR WINNERS Along with Fritz and Bianca visit a village fairground! Discover mini-games, brain-twisters and more at every attraction. Pick up chess tips and skills as you ride in bumper cars and the Ferris wheel. Several tactical motifs (attraction or line breaking) and in the endgame the tricky mate with knight + bishop is practised. 29,00 & Online Shop: www.chessbase.com ChessBase GmbH · Osterbekstr. 90a · 22083 Hamburg · Germany · [email protected] Februar 2014 – Subject to alteration of prices 29,00 &