Emergency Orders - Ceres Unified School District
Emergency Orders - Ceres Unified School District
Ceres Unified School District 2012– 2013 Warehouse Supply Catalog Updated: 10/29/12 Hello everyone and welcome to a new school year! You will notice something new to our catalog; we have placed pictures together with some of the items to give you an idea of what it looks like. Please keep in mind that if there is a brand name associated with the item, it may not necessarily be the brand that is stocked in our warehouse, it is a general idea only. We have a new section, Appendix A in the back of the catalog which has samples of some of the writing & drawing papers that are located on pages 36 & 37. If you have questions, concerns or comments about stock items, ordering procedures or locating an item in the catalog, please contact Linda Davis at ext. 1340. GENERAL INFORMATION Warehouse Supply Orders Orders should be on the appropriate Warehouse Supply Order Form with the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Requester Name Account Code (please use “dashes” in between number groups) Categorical School Plan Reference (if applicable) Signature of Administrator Stock Number Quantity and Unit of Measure * (As sold by warehouse, example: box, each, package, etc.) 7. Incorrect: GU-003 Correct: GU-003 Brief Description 1 box 12 each * Please check the unit of measure before ordering. Ceres Unified School District WAREHOUSE SUPPLY ORDER FORM SITE: DATE: CODE: NAME: APPROVED BY: CATEGORICAL SCHOOL PLAN REFERENCE: Goal #1, B-4 ED. SERVICES APPROVAL: NOTE: Classification code MUST be complete or order form will be returned. Stock # Qty GU-003 12 Filled Unit Unit Cost Total* Description Each 0.19 $0.00 Glue Stick PRICES MAY CHANGE DEPENDENT UPON STOCK AVAILABILITY, REORDERING, ETC. If you have any questions about warehouse items, ordering and/or deliver days, or procedures, please call Arden at 556-1585 or ext. 1425. The order form is now on our website: http://www.ceres.k12.ca.us/business_services/warehouse_order_form Reminder: NO HANDWRITTEN ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED! Sample on next page Order & Delivery Schedule Sam Vaughn, La Rosa & Child Nutrition Order: Deliveries: 1st & 3rd Mondays of calendar month 2nd & 4th Mondays of calendar month Argus/Endeavor & District Office Order: Deliveries: 2nd & 4th Mondays of calendar month 1st & 3rd Mondays of calendar month Don Pedro, Westport & Hidahl Order: Deliveries: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of calendar month 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of calendar month Blaker-Kinser & Maint/Trans Order: Deliveries: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of calendar month 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of calendar month Caswell, Walter White & Adkison Order: Deliveries: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of calendar month 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of calendar month Ceres High School Order: Deliveries: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of calendar month 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of calendar month Virginia Parks, Whitmore Charter & Grandview Order: Deliveries: 1st & 3rd Thursdays of calendar month 2nd & 4th Thursdays of calendar month Carroll Fowler, Mae Hensley Order: Deliveries: 2nd & 4th Thursday of calendar month 1st & 3rd Thursdays of calendar month Sinclear, Chavez Order: Deliveries: 1st & 3rd Fridays of calendar month 2nd & 4th Fridays of calendar month Central Valley Order: Deliveries: 2nd & 4th Fridays of calendar month 1st & 3rd Fridays of calendar month Receiving Your Order When you receive your order, please check it within seven (7) days of receipt. We know that sometimes there is an error and we ship you the wrong item or too much of the right item. It would help us help you in correcting your order promptly if you notified us within this seven-day period. Please contact Arden Lambert at 556-1585 or ext. 1425 if you have a problem with your order. Return Policy All returns must be completed within seven (7) days of receiving your order. There is now a Return for Credit form for you to use when returning an item, please see the following page. If you have questions, call Linda Davis at ext. 1340. In order to provide the most cost-effective service by warehouse staff, we ask that requests to return supply items for credit or exchange not be processed unless the dollar amount exceeds $5.00. Dollar values less than that amount are not cost effective considering your staff time and the time taken by district and warehouse personnel to process the return/exchange and credit your account. This procedure is for items being returned/exchanged due to incorrect ordering, wrong quantity ordered or don’t want the item. However, if you should happen to receive an item and/or quantity that you did not order (i.e., wrong item delivered), contact Arden and it will be picked up and exchanged for the correct item. The credit form is now on our website: http://www.ceres.k12.ca.us/business_services/warehouse_credit_form Reminder: NO HANDWRITTEN FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED! Sample on next page Emergency Orders Emergency orders should be for small quantities of a few items that cannot wait for the normal delivery day. An Emergency Order Form must be hand carried or faxed to the Business Office for signature by Linda Davis. The order will be forwarded to the warehouse for delivery to the site the following day. Orders sent through the district mail will not be processed as emergencies. You may not go to the warehouse to pick up an order. EMERGENCY SUPPLY ORDER FORM This form should be used to order only those items essential to maintain the continuity of an instructional or administrative activity. Emergency orders must be HAND CARRIED OR FAXED to Fiscal Services Department for approval. Emergency orders sent through district mail will not be processed. Emergency orders will be processed within 24 hours after receipt and will be delivered to the site. NO ORDERS CAN BE PICKED UP AT THE WAREHOUSE. PLEASE STATE THE NATURE OF THE EMERGENCY IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW. Please describe the emergency: Site: Date: Code: Name: Principal or designee’s signature: _________________________________________________ Categorical School Plan Reference: _______________________________________________ Ed. Services Approval: __________________________________________________________ **************************************************** FOR FISCAL SERVICES USE ONLY: Date: Approved by: Stock # Qty Unit Filled Description Price Changes We will attempt to update catalog prices each quarter; however, they may fluctuate depending on the purchasing that may take place during that quarter. New Items to Introduce to You! After our warehouse meeting at the beginning of 2012, we took your suggestions by adding some new items to the warehouse inventory. CM-008 CM-003 CM-010 CM-009 PB-201 PB-085 PE-006 PB-085 Bulk CD-R on spindle Envelope for bulk CD Computer power strip Laser Printer Transparencies Post-It sticky easel pad Ruled White-Red Margin (Primary) Colored pencils Sharpie king-size permanent marker Page 12 Page 12 Page 12 Page 12 Page 31 Page 37 Page 40 Page 42 If you have any questions, please call Arden at ext. 1425 or Linda Davis at ext. 1340. TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTS & CRAFTS SUPPLIES ............................................................... 1-2 Bordettes Clay Cotton Balls Craft Sticks Glitter Pipe Cleaners Sponges Starch Twine ATHLETIC SUPPLIES .......................................................................... 3 Award Ribbons Whistles Lanyards BATTERIES ........................................................................................... 4 AA AAA C D 9-Volt BINDERS ............................................................................................... 5 Ring Binders (D-ring) Clear View Binders (Round ring & D-ring) BINDER ACCESSORIES ...................................................................... 6 Binder Indexes Filing Guides Loose-Leaf Rings Sheet Protectors (Non-glare & clear) CALENDARS......................................................................................... 7 Desk Pad Calendar National School Calendar i TABLE OF CONTENTS CHALK................................................................................................... 8 Chalk Holder White Chalk Mellow Gold Chalk CLIPS...................................................................................................... 9 Paper Clips Paper Clip Holder Binder Clips COMPASSES & PROTRACTORS ....................................................... 10 Compasses Plastic Protractors COMPOSITION BOOKS & NOTEBOOKS ......................................... 11 Composition Books Zip-Out Notebooks Steno Notebooks Skill Notebooks COMPUTER & PRINTER SUPPLIES.................................................. 12 Computer Diskettes Computer CDs (Re-writable) Computer CD Envelopes Computer Transparencies (Laser Printers) Computer Paper (Perforated, continuous feed) Computer Outlet Power Strip CORRECTION FLUID & TAPE ........................................................... 13 Correction Fluid Correction Tapes CRAYONS & OIL PASTELS................................................................ 14 Large Crayons Regular Crayons Multicultural Crayons Oil Pastel Sets ii TABLE OF CONTENTS DRY ERASE PRODUCTS..................................................................... 15 Expo Black Markers Expo Marker Sets Expo Surface Cleaner Expo Eraser ENVELOPES.......................................................................................... 16 Unprinted Small - White Unprinted #10 No-Window Envelopes - White Unprinted #10 Window Envelopes - White Manila Clasp Envelopes ERASERS ............................................................................................... 17 Pencil Cap Erasers Artgum Erasers Small Pink Erasers Eraser Refills for Mechanical Pencils Chalkboard Erasers Expo Erasers FASTENERS/FILING/STORAGE ........................................................ 18 Brass Fasteners FILING SUPPLIES & STORAGE......................................................... 19-21 Filing Guides (A-Z, Jan-Dec & Numerical) Expanding File Pockets Bankers File Boxes Magazine File Manila File Folders Colored File Folders Heavy Duty Pressboard Folders (for IEP’s) Transparent File Holders Poly Slash Pockets Hanging Folders & Frames Pocket Portfolios Report Covers Slash Pockets iii TABLE OF CONTENTS FLAGS .................................................................................................... 22 Classroom Flags Outdoor Flags Flag Brackets GLUE ...................................................................................................... 23 School Glue Glue Sticks HEALTH & FOOD HANDLING SUPPLIES ....................................... 24 Water Dispenser Cups Hot Drink Cups Facial Tissue Pop-Up Wipes Disposable Gloves INDEX CARDS & GUIDES .................................................................. 25 Ruled & Blank 3x5 Index Cards 4x6 Index Cards 5x8 Index Cards LABELS ................................................................................................. 26 Typing Labels Printer Labels LIBRARY & BOOK SUPPLIES ........................................................... 27 Card Pockets Circulation Cards Book Tape iv TABLE OF CONTENTS MISCELLANEOUS CLASSROOM & OFFICE SUPPLIES................ 28-30 Adhesive Putty Audio Cassette Tapes Brown Paper Bags Clipboards Comfort Grips for Pens/Pencils Compressed Air Duster Envelope Sealers Fingertip Moistener Gold Foil Seals Hole Punches - Single & 3-Hole Key Tags Letter Opener Name Tags Plastic Desk Trays Plastic Tabs for Hanging File Folders Receipt Books Reinforcements Re-sealable Ziplock Bags Sheet Protectors (Non-glare & clear) Transparencies Video Cassette Tapes Wastebaskets “We Recycle” Wastebaskets PADS ...................................................................................................... 31-32 Chart Pads & Easel Pads Post-It “Sticky” Chart Pad Columnar Pads Ruled Legal Pads Phone Message Pads PAINT & PAINT BRUSHES................................................................. 33 Paint Brushes Tempera Paints Multicultural Tempera Paints Watercolor Paint Sets v TABLE OF CONTENTS PAPER - CONSTRUCTION.................................................................. 34-35 12" x 18" 9" x 12" PAPER - GRAPH, DRAWING, BINDER, PAINTING, PLAIN & RULED NEWSPRINT, RULED WHITE ............................ 36-37 Binder Filler Drawing Paper Graph Paper Finger Paint Paper Plain Newsprint Ruled Newsprint Ruled White Writing Paper PAPER - SENTENCE STRIPS, TAGBOARD & COPY ...................... 37 Sentence Strips Tagboard Copy Paper PAPER - TISSUE, RAILROAD BOARD & ART ROLLS................... 38-39 Tissue Paper Railroad Board Art Kraft Rolls Fadeless Art Rolls Butcher Paper vi TABLE OF CONTENTS PENCILS, PENS, MARKERS & HIGHLIGHTERS............................. 40-43 #2 Pencils – Un-sharpened & Pre-sharpened Watercolor Pencils Kindergarten Pencil Colored Pencils (Standard) Mechanical Pencils Lead Refills Pencil Sharpener Ball-point Pens Flexigrip Pens Porous Point Pens Permanent Markers Washable Markers Highlighters Overhead Transparency Markers Expo Dry Erase Markers PINS & TACKS...................................................................................... 44 Push Pins Safety Pins Straight Pins Thumb Tacks POST-IT NOTES & TAPE FLAGS....................................................... 45 Yellow Post-It Notes Tape Flags Page Markers Post-It Pop-Up Note Dispenser Post-It Pop-Up Note Dispenser Refills Write-On Index Flags RUBBER BANDS .................................................................................. 46 RULERS ................................................................................................. 47 Hardwood Rulers Plastic Rulers Stainless Steel Rulers Yardsticks vii TABLE OF CONTENTS SCISSORS .............................................................................................. 48 Fiskars (Sharp tip & blunt tip) Teacher's Scissors STAMP PADS & INK............................................................................ 49 Ink Inked & Un-Inked Stamp Pads STAPLERS & SUPPLIES...................................................................... 50 Staplers Staples Staple Remover STARS .................................................................................................... 51 1/2" Stars 3/4" Stars 2" Stars TAPE....................................................................................................... 52-53 Blue Painters Tape Book Tape Calculator Tape Dispenser Replacement Core Masking Tape Sealing/PVC Tape Tape Dispensers Transparent Tape TEACHER/CLASSROOM FORMS...................................................... 54 Lesson Plan Book Grade Book TYPEWRITER & CALCULATOR RIBBONS & TAPE...................... 55 IBM Typewriter Cassette Calculator Ribbons Calculator Tape viii TABLE OF CONTENTS YARN ..................................................................................................... 56 Roving Yarn Rug Yarn Appendix A – Paper Samples ................................................................. 57-71 Index ....................................................................................................... 72-75 ix ARTS & CRAFTS SUPPLIES Bordettes 2-1/2" x 50' Rolls BD-001 Black. BD-002 Brown. BD-003 Blue. BD-004 Green. BD-005 Lavender. BD-006 Lt. Blue. BD-007 Orange. BD-008 Red. BD-009 White. BD-010 Yellow. 1.24 Each 1.20 Each 1.20 Each 1.25 Each 1.25 Each 1.23 Each 1.26 Each 1.22 Each 1.25 Each 1.22 Each Clay CK-002 CK-002 CK-003 CK-005 CK-003 CK-005 Crayola Modeling Clay. Four assorted colors. 1.14 Box Plaster of Paris. Carton, approx. 4 lbs. 1.58 Each Crayola Model Magic. 2 lb. bucket. 11.64 Each (stock on the items above are limited to ensure freshness) Cotton Balls AR-001 Cotton Fluffs. Non-sterile, 100 per bag. 1.39 Bag Craft Sticks AR-003 Craft Sticks. Jumbo size, 500 per box. 1 4.01 Box ARTS & CRAFTS SUPPLIES (con't) Glitter - 1 lb., Shaker Top Can Individual colors below GL-001 GL-002 GL-003 GL-004 GL-005 Blue. Green. Gold. Red. Silver. 2.92 Each 2.95 Each 2.97 Each 2.94 Each 2.74 Each Pipe ClEAners - 12", 100 per pkg. Black & Assorted only PI-001 PI-013 Black. Assorted. 0.56 Package 0.49 Package Sponges SP-001 SP-001 SP-002 SP-002 Compressed Sponge. 8" x 11" sheet. 3/pkg. Hydra Sponge. 3” x ¾” thick. 8.63 Package 2.48 Each AR-004 Starch. 1 quart bottle. 2.22 Each Twine TW-001 Twine. 2 lb. cone. 6.06 Each Starch 2 ATHLETIC SUPPLIES Award Ribbons AT-001 1st Place Ribbon. AT-002 2nd Place Ribbon. AT-003 3rd Place Ribbon. (colors may be different) 0.49 Each 0.23 Each 0.24 Each Whistles & Lanyards AT-007 Whistle. AT-009 Lanyard for whistles. 0.58 Each 0.31 Each 3 BATTERIES BT-001 BT-002 BT-003 BT-004 BT-005 AA Batteries. 4 per pkg. AAA Batteries. 2 per pkg. C Batteries. 2 per pkg. D Batteries. 2 per pkg. 9-volt Batteries. 4 per pkg. 4 1.32 Package 1.01 Package 1.45 Package 1.85 Package 10.62 Package BINDERS D - Ring Binders BI-006 1" Blue. BI-008 2" Black. BI-009 2" Blue. BI-010 2" Red. BI-012 3" Black. BI-013 3" Blue. BI-014 3" Red. 3.12 Each 4.79 Each 4.40 Each 4.81 Each 6.76 Each 6.86 Each 7.32 Each Note: As the inventory of the binders listed above is depleted, they will not re-ordered Clear View Binders – Round Ring BI-017 1” Black. BI-018 1” White. BI-019 2” Black. BI-020 2” White. BI-021 3” Black. BI-022 3” White. BI-023 1-1/2” Black. BI-024 1-1/2” White. 2.70 Each 2.70 Each 3.94 Each 4.02 Each 5.35 Each 5.37 Each 3.22 Each 3.31 Each Clear View Binders – D – Ring BI-025 1” Black. BI-026 1” White. BI-027 1-1/2” Black. BI-028 1-1/2” White. BI-029 2” Black. BI-030 2” White. BI-031 3” Black. BI-032 3” White. 4.06 Each 4.08 Each 4.89 Each 4.91 Each 5.63 Each 5.86 Each 7.91 Each 8.06 Each 5 BINDER ACCESSORIES Binder Indexes DI-002 DI-002 DI-003 DI-006 DI-007 DI-008 DI-003, DI-006 & DI-007 DI-008 Insertable Tab Indexes. 8 colored dividers. A-Z Binder Indexes. 8-1/2" x 11". 12 Month Tabs (January-December) 1-31 Numerical tabs Insertable Tab Indexes. 5 CLEAR dividers. 0.35 Set 1.74 Set 2.33 Set 3.57 Set 0.50 Set Filing Guides DI-005 A-Z Filing Guides. 8-1/2" x 11", pressboard 7.34 Set Loose-Leaf Rings BI-016 2" diameter. 50 per box. 2.80 Box Sheet Protectors MI-007 Sheet Protectors-NON-GLARE. 8-1/2" x 11". 2.56 Box Top loading. 3-hole punched. 50 per box. MI-017 Sheet Protectors-CLEAR. 8-1/2” x 11”. 3.61 Box Top loading. 3-hole punched. 50 per box. 6 CALENDARS CA-003 CA-003 CA-004 CA-004 Desk Pad Calendar. 17" x 22". 16 Month. 2012-2013 National School Calendar. 5-1/2" x 8-1/2". Book style. July 2012 thru June 2013 7 7.37 Each 10.58 Each CHALK CH-004 CH-001 CH-004 CH-005 Chalk holder. Crayola White Chalk. 12 sticks/box. Anti-dust. Crayola Mellow Gold Chalk. 12 sticks/box. Note: Colored chalk has been discontinued 8 0.76 Each 0.32 Box 0.32 Box CLIPS Paper Clips CL-001 & CL-002 CL-001 CL-002 Small paper clips. 10 boxes per carton. Large paper clips. 10 boxes per carton. 1.40 Carton 3.86 Carton Paper Clip Holder CL-003 Paper Clip Holder. Plastic with magnetic top. 0.32 Each Binder Clips CL-004, CL-005 & CL-006 CL-004 CL-005 CL-006 Binder Clips. Small. 3/8" capacity. 12 per box. Binder Clips. Medium. 5/8" capacity. 12 per box. Binder Clips. Large. 1" capacity. 12 per box. 9 0.14 Box 0.34 Box 1.04 Box COMPASSES & PROTRACTORS Compass CP-002 Safety Compass with safety tip. Measures In millimeters and inches. Protractors PR-002 Plastic Protractor. 6". 180 degrees. 10 0.92 Each 0.10 Each COMPOSITION BOOKS & NOTEBOOKS Composition Books – 12 per package BO-002 Classmate Composition Book. 10" x 7-7/8". Soft Cover, sewn binding. 40 sheets. 7.12 Package Notebooks BO-003 BO-003 BO-004 BO-004 Zip-Out Notebook. Side bound, 11" x 9". 80 pages, single subject. Steno Notebook. 6" x 9", green tint. 1.46 Each 0.55 Each Skill Notebooks BO-005 BO-006 BO-019 BO-020 Grade K-2 Skill Notebook. 8-1/2" x 11". 0.82 Each 4-1/4" picture top, 1/2" ruled. (Lime Green Cover) Grade 3-4 Skill Notebook. 8-1/2" x 11". 0.99 Each 1/2" ruled, 3/16" broken line, 7/8" heading. Grade 4-6 Skill Notebook. 8-1/2" x 11". 0.99 Each 7/16" ruled, 1/4" broken line, 7/8" heading. Grade 4-6 Skill Notebook. 8-1/2" x 11". 0.71 Each 1/2" ruled, 1/4" broken line, 3/8" heading. (Red Cover) 11 COMPUTER & PRINTER SUPPLIES Computer Diskettes (10 per box) CM-001 Diskettes. 3-1/2" High Density. Formatted. 2.81 Box Computer CD’s & Supplies CM-002 CM-002 CM-003 CM-008 CM-009 CM-003 CM-008 CDR+ Compact Disc with jewel case. Re-writable, 48X max. speed, 700MB/80 min. 10 per package. CD Envelope, 50 per package CD-R Compact Disc, 50 per spindle. 800MB/80 min. Laser Printer Transparencies. 7-1/2” x 11”. 100 per box. THESE ARE NOT THE SAME AS TH-004 CM-009 5.99 Package 4.03 Package 16.77 Each 12.51 Box Computer Paper CM-006 Continuous Form Computer Paper. White, 9-1/2" x 11". 2400 sheets per box. Perforated. (Not for desk top printers) 27.78 Box Computer Power Strip CM-010 6-Outlet Power Strip, Surge Protector. White, with 6 ft. cord, 3-prong outlets and circuit-breaker switch. 8.36 Each WE NO LONGER CARRY PRINTER RIBBONS, DESKJET CARTRIDGES OR LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGES 12 CORRECTION FLUID & TAPES Correction Fluid CO-001 Multi-Fluid Correction Fluid. 0.53 Each Correction Tapes CO-005 CO-005 CO-010 CO-010 Mono Correction Tape - Single. Ergonomic Dispenser – Non-refillable. Post-It Cover Up Tape. 1", white. 13 1.25 Each 2.43 Each CRAYONS & OIL PASTELS Crayons CR-001 CR-001 CR-002 CR-005 CR-007 CR-002 CR-005 CR-007 8 Large crayons. 12 boxes per pkg. 8 Regular crayons in tuck box. 12 boxes/pkg. 24 Regular crayons in tuck box. 12 boxes/pkg. 8 Regular Multicultural crayons. Oil Pastels CR-006 Oil Pastels. 12 colors. 6.03 Package 2.87 Package 8.49 Package 0.36 Box 0.39 Set 14 DRY ERASE PRODUCTS Markers WH-001 WH-001 WH-002 WH-005 WH-006 WH-002 WH-005 WH-006 Expo Wide Tip, Black. * Expo 4 Color Set. * Expo Fine Point, Black. * Expo 8 Color Set. 0.61 Each 2.37 Set 0.57 Each 4.61 Set Cleaner & Erasers WH-003 WH-003 WH-004 WH-004 Expo Surface Cleaner. 8-oz. spray bottle. Expo Eraser. Dry eraser with soft pile. 1.30 Each 1.23 Each * Low odor will be available once existing supplies have been depleted 15 ENVELOPES Plain White Envelopes EN-001 White Envelopes. Unprinted, 3-5/8"x6-1/2". EN-002 Unprinted No-Window Envelopes. (#10 env.) EN-003 Unprinted Window Envelopes. (#10 env.) 8.09 Box 7.90 Box 9.65 Box Manila Clasp Envelopes- 100 per box EN-023 5-1/2" x 7-1/2". EN-024 6" x 9". EN-025 7-1/2" x 10-1/2". EN-026 9" x 12". EN-027 10" x 13". EN-028 12" x 15". 6.43 Box 4.57 Box 7.89 Box 4.28 Box 6.71 Box 9.69 Box 16 ERASERS Pencil Erasers ER-001 ER-001 ER-002 ER-005 ER-002 ER-005 Pencil Cap Erasers. 144 per box. Artgum Eraser. Small Pink Erasers. 1.27 Box 0.19 Each 2.24 Box Eraser Refills ER-004 ER-004 Refill for .7mm pencil eraser, 5/tube. (Fits PE-011 pencil) 0.64 Tube Chalkboard Erasers ER-006 ER-006 ER-007 Chalkboard Eraser. 5", felt. Chalkboard Eraser. 18" Finney. Expo Eraser WH-004 Expo Eraser. Dry Eraser with soft pile. 17 0.36 Each 11.13 Each 1.23 Each FASTENERS Brass Fasteners FA-001 FA-002 Brass Fasteners. 1/2". 100 per box. Brass Fasteners. 1". 100 per box. 18 0.49 Box 0.57 Box FILING SUPPLIES & STORAGE Filing Guides DI-005 DI-005 DI-006 DI-007 DI-006 & DI-007 A-Z Filing Guides. 8-1/2" x 11", pressboard. 7.34 Set Monthly Tab Dividers (Jan-Dec). 8-1/2” x 11”. 2.33 Set Numerical Tab Dividers (1-31). 8-1/2” x 11”. 3.57 Set Expanding File Pockets FB-002 Letter size expanding file. 3-1/2". 0.44 Each File & Magazine Storage FB-001 FB-001 FB-004 FB-004 Bankers File Boxes. 10" x 12" x 15". Lift-off lids. 12 boxes per case. Magazine File. Open back, 9" x 11". 12.93 Case 0.84 Each Manila File Folders FO-001 FO-001 FO-002 FO-003 FO-004 FO-002 FO-003 FO-004 Manila folders with two fasteners. 50/box. Letter size manila folders. 100/box. Manila folders with one fastener. 50/box. Legal size manila folders. 100/box. 19 31.52 Box 5.27 Box 12.86 Box 5.02 Box FILING SUPPLIES & STORAGE (con't) Colored File Folders - 100 per box FO-005 Orange. FO-006 Pink. FO-007 Purple. FO-008 Yellow. FO-009 Blue. FO-010 Gray. FO-011 Green. FO-012 Red. 8.31 Box 8.87 Box 8.85 Box 9.01 Box 9.26 Box 9.52 Box 8.95 Box 9.11 Box Misc. Folders, etc. FO-020 FO-020 FO-021 FO-022 FO-022 Gray-Green Heavy Duty Pressboard Folders. 38.13 Box 2”Fasteners in 1 & 3 position. (No dividers) Transparent File Holder. Assorted colors. 1.32 Package 5 per pkg. Poly Slash Pocket. 3-hole punched. Jacket 4.73 Package has slash pockets on both sides. Assorted colors, 5 per pkg. Hanging Folders & Frames FO-013 Letter size hanging folders. Green, 25 per box. FO-014 Legal size hanging folders. Green, 25 per box. FO-015 Frames for letter size hanging folders. 2 per set. FO-016 Frames for legal size hanging folders. 2 per set. 20 4.48 Box 5.13 Box 1.56 Set 1.39 Set FILING SUPPLIES & STORAGE (con't) Portfolios, Report Covers & Slash Pockets – 25 per box FO-017 FO-017 FO-018 FO-019 FO-019 Pocket Portfolios. 2 pocket. Assorted colors. Report Covers with Fasteners. 3-hole punched. Assorted colors. Slash Pockets. Letter size. Assorted colors. 21 4.61 Box 5.64 Box 7.04 Box FLAGS FL-001 FL-001 FL-002 FL-003 FL-004 FL-005 FL-003 FL-004 FL-005 United States Classroom Flag. 16" x 24". 3.35 Each Flag bracket. For classroom flags. 0.30 Each California Outdoor Flag. 3' x 5'. 13.75 Each United States Outdoor Flag. 4' x 6'. 13.23 Each Republic of California Classroom Flag (Bear) 3.42 Each 12" x 18". 22 GLUE Glue GU-005 Elmer's School Glue. 8 oz. squeeze bottle. 1.02 Each Glue Stick. Disappearing color. 0.24 Each Glue Stick GU-003 Note: the manufacturer discontinued the 1-quart bottle of glue (GU-002) 23 HEALTH & FOOD HANDLING SUPPLIES Cups CU-001 CU-003 Water Dispenser Cups. Pleated, 100 per box. 2.09 Box Hot Drink Cups. 8 oz., 50 per pkg. 1.70 Package Facial Tissue & Wipes HL-002 HL-002 HL-004 Gloves HL-005 HL-004 Facial Tissue. 2-ply, White. 30 boxes per case. Pop-Up Wipes. Alcohol free. 270 ct. Disposable Gloves. For food handling. Medium. 100 per box. 24 14.04 Case 11.98 Each 0.72 Box INDEX CARDS 3 x 5 Cards - 100 per pkg. IN-001 Blue, blank. IN-002 Canary, blank. IN-003 Cherry, blank. IN-004 Green, blank. IN-005 White, blank. IN-006 White, ruled. 0.56 Package 0.52 Package 0.55 Package 0.56 Package 0.36 Package 0.37 Package 4 x 6 Index Cards - 100 per pkg. IN-007 White, blank. IN-008 White, ruled. 0.55 Package 0.60 Package 5 x 8 Index Cards - 100 per pkg. IN-009 White, blank. IN-010 White, ruled. IN-011 Cherry, blank. 0.91 Package 0.97 Package 1.27 Package 25 LABELS Typing Labels. Self-adhesive LA-021 4" x 2" White. LA-022 4" x 3" White. LA-023 4" x 6" White. 1.87 Package 2.82 Package 2.82 Package Printer Labels LA-024 Laser Printer Labels. 2-5/8" x 1". White. 30 labels per sheet, 100 sheets per box. LA-025 Laser Printer Labels, 2” x 4”. White. 10 labels per sheet, 100 sheets per box. 5.70 Box 7.70 Box ********************************************************************************* The following labels are limited; once the stock is depleted we will not restock. CM-004 CM-005 1 Across Labels. 3-1/2" x 15/16". White, 5000 per box. 3 Across Labels. 3-1/2" x 15/16". White. 15,000 per box. 26 16.59 Box 20.34 Box LIBRARY & BOOK SUPPLIES LI-001 LI-001 LI-003 LI-003 Card Pockets for Books. Holds 3 x 5 circulation cards. Circulation Cards. 3 x 5, white. Heading for author, title, etc. 500 per box. 10.79 Box 7.30 Box Book Tape TA-006 TA-007 TA-008 TA-009 1-1/2" Transparent Tape. 15 yards. 2" Transparent Tape. 15 yards. 3" Transparent Tape. 15 yards. 4" Transparent Tape. 15 yards. 27 2.64 Roll 3.76 Roll 4.31 Roll 7.10 Roll MISCELLANEOUS CLASSROOM & OFFICE SUPPLIES BG-001 BG-003 MI-003 BK-001 MI-004 BK-002 MI-005 BK-003 MI-006 MI-001 MI-002 MI-008 BG-001 Brown Paper Bags. Lunch size, 500 per pkg. 12.35 Package BG-003 Re-sealable Ziplock Bags. 10" x 13". BK-001 Wastebasket. 15" plastic. 28 gallon capacity. 4.62 Each BK-002 Plastic Desk Tray. Letter size. 1.07 Each BK-003 “We Recycle” wastebasket, blue, 15 “ 4.09 Each MI-001 Clipboard. Letter size. 0.64 Each MI-002 Key Tags. Metal rim, 5 per box. 2.93 Box MI-003 Letter Opener. 9" stainless steel. 0.22 Each MI-004 Fingertip Moistener. (Tacky finger) 1.40 Each MI-005 Name Tags. Self-adhesive, 100 per box. 0.65 Box MI-006 Envelope Sealer. Plastic tube, sponge end 0.40 Each MI-007 Sheet Protectors-NON-GLARE. 8-1/2" x 11". 2.56 Box Top loading. 3 hole punched. 50 per box. MI-008 Reinforcements (Donuts). Self-adhesive. 200 per box. 28 1.47 Each 0.30 Box MISCELLANEOUS CLASSROOM & OFFICE SUPPLIES (con't) MI-009 MI-011 MI-016 MI-012 PU-001 MI-013 MI-014 PU-002 MI-015 RE-007 MI-009 Gold Foil Seals. 1-7/8" round. 45 per pkg. 1.60 Package MI-011 Audio Cassette Tapes. 45 min, blank tape. 0.49 Each MI-012 Video Cassette Tapes. Maxell GXT-120. 6-hour blank tape. 1.43 Each MI-013 Comfort Grips. For pen/pencil. 5 per pkg. Soft foam (pencil pillow) 1.57 Package MI-014 Plastic tabs for hanging file folders 0.56 Package MI-015 Adhesive Putty – 84 squares per pkg. 1.47 Each MI-016 Compressed Air Duster – 10 oz. can 2.62 Each MI-017 Sheet Protectors-CLEAR. 8-1/2" x 11". Top loading. 3-hole punched. 50 per box. 3.61 Box PU-001 Hole Punch. Single. 1/4" hole. 0.36 Each PU-002 Hole Punch. 3-hole. Adjustable for 2 or 3 hole combination. 12 sheet capacity. 7.69 Each RE-007 Receipt Book. 3-part NCR, pre-numbered, 50 sets per book. 4.39 Each 29 MISCELLANEOUS CLASSROOM & OFFICE SUPPLIES (con't) RE-008 RE-008 Receipt Book, 8 ½” x 11” – Four receipts per 4.96 Each page. 100 receipts per book. TH-004 Transparencies. 8-1/2" x 11" for copiers. 100 per box. 30 13.47 Box PADS Chart Pads & Easel Pads Chart pads PB-001 PB-087 PB-088 PB-089 PB-090 PB-091 PB-201 PB-201 Ruled Chart Pad, 24x32. 1-1/2" ruled both Sides 2-hole punched at top. 25 sheets. Ruled Chart Pad, 24" x 16". 1-1/2" ruled. Chart Pad, 24" x 16". Plain. Easel Pad, 27x34. White bond paper. Perforated at top. 50 sheets per pad. Chart Pad, 24x32. White bond paper. Spiral bound, 2-hole punched at top. 25 sheets. Ruled Chart Pad, 24x32. 1" ruled. 2-hole punched at top. 25 sheets pad. Post-It Easel Pad (self-stick). 30” x 25”. 30-Plain white sheets. Columnar Pads PD-001 6 column pad. Ruled both sides. 3-hole punched. 2.71 Each 1.51 Each 1.73 Each 6.05 Each 2.80 Each 2.83 Each 16.88 Each 1.34 Each Ruled Legal Pads PD-004 PD-004 PD-005 PD-006 PD-005 PD-006 Legal size pad. 8-1/2" x 14", Yellow. 12 per pkg. Letter size pad. 8-1/2" x 11", White. 12 per pkg. Junior size ruled pad. 5” x 8” 12 per pkg. 31 7.26 Package 6.03 Package 6.86 Package PADS (con’t) Phone Message Pads ME-002 ME-002 ME-003 ME-003 "While You Were Out" pads. 12 per pkg. Phone Message Book. Spiral bound. 4 per page. Carbonless forms. 32 2.62 Package 1.86 Each PAINT AND PAINT BRUSHES Paint Brushes BR-001 & BR-002 BR-001 BR-002 BR-008 BR-009 BR-010 BR008 – BR-010 Easel Brush. 1/2", Crayola #178. Easel Brush. 1", Crayola brand. Size 6 Red Sable Watercolor. 12/pkg. Size 7 Camel Hair Watercolor. 12/pkg. Size 8 Camel Hair Watercolor. 12/pkg. 0.59 Each 1.00 Each 5.27 Package 5.05 Package 5.90 Package Crayola Tempera Paints, 16 oz. PA-001 PA-002 PA-003 PA-004 PA-005 PA-006 PA-007 PA-008 PA-009 PA-012 Black. Blue. Brown. Green. Orange. Red. Violet. White. Yellow. Peach Multicultural Paint. 1.33 Each 1.35 Each 1.33 Each 1.34 Each 1.32 Each 1.35 Each 1.31 Each 1.33 Each 1.34 Each 2.18 Each Note: Terra Cotta Multicultural has been discontinued by Crayola Paint Sets. 6 sets per package. PA-010 Crayola Watercolor Paint Set. 8 pans with brush. 33 7.00 Package PAPER - CONSTRUCTION SOLD BY THE REAM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 12" X 18" 12" x 18" PB-002 PB-003 PB-004 PB-005 PB-006 PB-007 PB-008 PB-009 PB-010 PB-011 PB-013 PB-014 PB-015 50 sheets/pkg Black. Blue. Brown. Emerald Green. Gray. Holiday Red. Lilac. Orange. Pink. Purple. Sky Blue. White. Yellow. 2.05 Ream 2.11 Ream 2.19 Ream 2.19 Ream 2.04 Ream 2.21 Ream 1.90 Ream 2.21 Ream 2.21 Ream 2.15 Ream 2.21 Ream 2.19 Ream 2.17 Ream 34 PAPER – CONSTRUCTION (con’t) SOLD BY THE REAM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 9" X 12" 9" x 12" 50 sheets per ream PB-016 Black. PB-017 Brown. PB-018 Emerald Green. PB-019 Gray. PB-020 Lilac. PB-021 Orange. PB-022 Pink. PB-023 Purple. PB-024 Red. PB-025 Blue. PB-026 Sky Blue. PB-027 White. PB-028 Yellow. 1.11 Ream 1.07 Ream 1.11 Ream 1.09 Ream 1.05 Ream 1.08 Ream 1.10 Ream 1.05 Ream 1.10 Ream 1.10 Ream 1.08 Ream 1.15 Ream 1.07 Ream 35 PAPER - GRAPH, DRAWING, BINDER, PAINTING, PLAIN & RULED NEWSPRINT WRITING Some paper samples have been provided in this catalog, see appendix A Graph Paper PB-041 9 x 12 Manila - 1" squares. PB-042 9 x 12 Manila - 1/2" squares. PB-043 9 x 12 Manila - 1/4' squares. 4.99 Ream 4.97 Ream 4.96 Ream Drawing Paper PB-047 9 x 12 Plain White. PB-048 12 x 18 Plain White. 5.21 Ream 10.46 Ream Binder Paper (10 reams per case) PB-050 Binder Filler Paper. 3 hole punched. 28.05 Case Painting Paper PB-051 Finger Paint Paper. 16 x 22, white. Heavy duty, 100 sheets per ream. Plain Newsprint PB-060 6 x 9 Plain Newsprint. 50 lbs. PB-062 8-1/2 x 11 Plain Newsprint. 50 lbs. PB-064 9 x 12 Plain Newsprint. 50 lbs. Ruled Newsprint Writing Paper PB-070 6 x 9 - 20 reams per case. PB-200 Kindergarten paper, double-sided picture top. Ruled newsprint, 11” x 8½”. D’Nealian, 4½” heading, blue headline, broken blue midline, red baseline & skip-a-line format. 500 sheets per ream. 36 2.90 Ream 28.42 Case 28.55 Case 22.78 Case 45.73 Case 3.02 Ream PAPER - RULED WHITE WRITING, SENTENCE STRIPS, TAGBOARD & COPY Some paper samples have been provided in this catalog, see appendix A Ruled White Writing Paper PB-073 9 x 12, 1/2" ruled, 5" double-sided picture top. 6.57 Ream PB-074 8-1/2 x 11, 4-1/2” single-sided picture top, 7.01 Ream ½” ruled. Sold per ream – 10 reams per case PB-081 3/8" ruled, 1" heading, no margins. 27.78 Case Double-sided. PB-082 8-1/2 x 11, 1/2" x 1/4" alternate skip 1/2". 4.73 Ream 3/4" top. (Not Landscape) No picture top. PB-085 Red Margin, 3-hole punched, 8-1/2 x 11, 2.00 Ream* with top margin. (Not Landscape) No picture top. * Discounted price, once inventory is depleted, it will not be reordered. Sentence Strips PB-094 Sentence Strips. 1-1/2" guideline. 3" x 24". 100 per pkg. Tagboard PB-095 PB-126 PB-127 PB-128 12 x 18 Plain Manila. 100 sheets per pkg. 22-1/2" x 28-1/2" Plain Manila. 24 x 36 Manila - 1" squares. 22-1/2" x 28-1/2" Manila ruled. Copy Paper (10 reams per case) PB-144 Copy Paper. 8-1/2" x 11". 37 1.25 Package 3.97 Package 0.25 Sheet 0.40 Sheet 0.22 Sheet 37.09 Case PAPER - TISSUE, RAILROAD BOARD & ART ROLLS Tissue Paper. 20" x 30" PB-096 Baby Pink. PB-097 Black. PB-098 Brown. PB-099 Blue. PB-100 Violet/Purple. PB-101 Holiday Green. PB-102 Lt. Blue. PB-103 Lt. Green. PB-104 Lavender. PB-105 Orange. PB-106 Yellow. PB-107 Holiday Red. PB-108 Raspberry. PB-109 White. 1.56 Quire 1.31 Quire 1.18 Quire* 1.47 Quire 1.44 Quire 1.47 Quire 1.30 Quire 1.52 Quire 1.41 Quire 1.52 Quire 1.59 Quire 1.55 Quire 1.39 Quire 0.81 Quire * While supply lasts, it is being discontinued by manufacturer Railroad Board. 22" x 28" PB-110 Black PB-111 Gold PB-112 Green PB-113 Orange PB-114 Pink PB-115 Red PB-116 Dark Blue PB-117 White PB-118 Yellow 0.22 Each 0.24 Each 0.23 Each 0.24 Each 0.24 Each 0.24 Each 0.24 Each 0.24 Each 0.20 Each 38 PAPER - TISSUE, RAILROAD BOARD & ART ROLLS (con't) Art Kraft Rolls 36" x 1000' PB-129 Black. PB-130 Blue. PB-131 Green. PB-132 Orange. PB-133 Pink. PB-134 Red. PB-135 White. PB-136 Yellow. PB-137 Brown. PB-147 Lt. Blue. 41.52 Each 46.12 Each 39.18 Each 48.37 Each 46.50 Each 48.70 Each 34.32 Each 50.11 Each 38.35 Each 47.10 Each Fadeless Art Rolls 48" x 50' PB-138 Dark. Blue. PB-139 Yellow. PB-140 Dark. Green. PB-141 Red. PB-142 Pink. PB-145 Violet. 10.26 Each 9.55 Each 9.57 Each 9.72 Each 8.76 Each 9.24 Each Butcher Paper PB-143 White Butcher Paper. 18” x 1000’. PB-148 White Butcher Paper. 36” x 1000’. 33.99 Each 28.87 Each 39 PENCILS & PENS PE-001 & PE-002 Pencils PE-001 PE-002 PE-004 PE-005 PE-006 PE-009 PE-010 PE-011 PE-004 PE-005 PE-006 PE-009 #2 Pencils. Un-sharpened. #2 Pre-sharpened Pencil Crayola Watercolor Pencils. 12 colors. Kindergarten Pencil, without eraser. Colored Pencils. 12 colors. Bic Disposable Mechanical Pencils. .7mm. Contains 3 leads each. 0.5mm Mechanical Pencil. Pentel Quicker Clicker, clear colored barrel. 0.7mm Mechanical Pencil. Pentel Quicker Clicker, solid colored barrel. PE-010 PE-011 1.04 Dozen 0.92 Dozen 1.77 Set 3.49 Dozen 0.70 Set 2.76 Dozen 1.85 Each 2.08 Each Pencil Leads PE-012 Lead Refill, 0.5mm pencil. 12/tube. PE-013 Lead Refill, 0.7mm pencil. 12/tube. 0.44 Tube 0.48 Tube Pencil Sharpeners PE-014 Pencil Sharpener. Crank style handle. 6.75 Each Porous Point Pens PE-016 Sanford Expresso, Black. 0.3mm point. PE-019 Sanford Expresso, Red. 0.3mm point. PE-020 Berol Fine Point, Black. 0.7mm point. 11.58 Dozen 9.92 Dozen 2.48 Dozen 40 PENCILS & PENS (con’t) Ball-point Pens - Fine Point PE-024 PE-024 PE-025 PE-026 PE-025 Black. Blue. Red. PE-026 0.92 Dozen 0.95 Dozen 0.97 Dozen Ball-point Pens - Medium Point PE-059 PE-059 PE-060 PE-062 PaperMate, Black. PaperMate, Blue. PaperMate, Red. PE-069 PE-069 PE-070 PE-071 PE 062 0.89 Dozen 0.84 Dozen 0.96 Dozen PE-071 Flexigrip, Blue. Refillable. Flexigrip, Black. Refillable. Flexigrip, Red. Refillable. PE-081 PE-081 PE-082 PE-070 PE-060 4.27 Dozen 4.78 Dozen 4.10 Dozen PE-082 Retractable Flexigrip, Blue. Retractable Flexigrip, Black. 5.45 Dozen 5.93 Dozen Refills will no longer be available – they dry out quicker than we can sell them! 41 MARKERS & HIGHLIGHTERS Permanent Markers PE-032 PE-028 PE-032 PE-080 PE-085 PE-080 PE-085 Black wide tip markers. 8 Color Crayola Marker Set. Wide tip. Sharpie, fine point, black. Sharpie, king size, chisel tip, black. 1.73 Dozen 1.29 Set 0.45 Each 10.23 Dozen Washable Markers PE-037 PE-037 PE-077 PE-078 PE-077 12 Crayola Washable Marker Set. 8 Bold Color Crayola Marker Set. 8 Multicultural Color Crayola Marker Set. PE-078 2.51 Set 1.69 Set 2.01 Set Highlighters PE-038 PE-038 PE-041 PE-042 PE-045 PE-041 PE-042 Wide Tip Highlighter Set. 6 colors. Fluorescent Yellow Highlighters. Wide tip. Pen Style Highlighter Set. 5 colors. Pen Style Fluorescent Yellow Highlighters. 42 PE-045 1.93 Set 4.70 Dozen 2.11 Set 2.24 Dozen MARKERS & HIGHLIGHTERS (con’t) Overhead Transparency Markers PE-050 PE-050 PE-054 PE-054 Black, fine point. 8 Color Marker Set. Fine point. 6.48 Dozen 4.55 Set Expo Dry Erase Markers WH-001 WH-001 WH-002 WH-005 WH-006 WH-002 Black, wide tip. * 4 Color Marker Set, wide tip. * Black, fine tip. * 8 Color Marker Set, wide tip. * Low odor 43 WH-005 WH-006 0.61 Each 2.37 Set 0.57 Each 4.61 Set PINS & TACKS PN-001 PN-001 PN-002 PN-003 PN-004 PN-002 PN-003 Push Pins. 100 per box. Safety Pins. 1 gross per bag. Straight Pins. 300 per roll. Thumb Tacks. 100 per box. 44 PN-004 0.51 Box 1.50 bag 0.38 Roll 0.20 Box POST-IT NOTES & TAPE FLAGS Yellow Post-It Notes PO-001 PO-001 PO-002 PO-003 PO-002 PO-003 1-1/2" x 2". 12 per pkg. 3" x 3". 12 per pkg. 3" x 5". 12 per pkg. 3.30 Package 7.33 Package 10.48 Package Post-It Tape Flags PO-006 Blue. PO-007 Green. PO-008 Orange. PO-009 Purple. PO-010 Red. PO-011 Yellow. PO-016 0.91 Package 1.33 Package 1.34 Package 1.33 Package 1.34 Package 1.31 Package PO-018 Post-It Pop-Up Note Dispenser & Refills PO-016 Post-It Pop-Up Note dispenser, 3” x 3” black PO-018 Post-It Pop-Up Note refill. 3” x 3” Neon color 5.22 Each 5.55 Package Post-It Page Markers PO-019 PO-019 PO-020 PO-020 Post-It Page Markers, ½” x 2” Fluorescent Index Flags, 2” x 1.7” – 50 ct. 45 3.38 Package 5.70 Each RUBBER BANDS RN-002 RN-003 RN-004 RN-005 Size 12. 1-3/4" x 1/16". Size 14. 2" x 1/16". Size 64. 3-1/2" X 1/4". Size 117. 7" x 1/8". 2.69 Box 2.92 Box 3.16 Box 3.46 Box 46 RULERS Hardwood Rulers 36 per box RU-002 & RU-009 RU-002 RU-009 1/2” Ruler Metric/Inch Ruler. Scaled 1/16". (Wooden - 36 per box) 2.91 Box 3.48 Box Plastic Rulers RU-012 & RU-013 RU-012 RU-013 6" Ruler. 12" Ruler. 0.11 Each 0.09 Each Stainless Steel Rulers RU-016 12” cork backing. Inches & centimeters. 0.68 Each Yardstick 0.70 Each Yardsticks RU-018 47 SCISSORS Classroom Scissors SC-003 SC-003 SC-008 SC-008 Fiskars, 5" Sharp Tip. Fiskars, 5" Blunt Tip. 13.06 Dozen 12.69 Dozen Teacher's Scissors SC-006 9" Sharp Tip. Plastic handles. 48 4.75 Each STAMP PADS & INK Ink. 2 oz. Bottles IK-001 Black. IK-004 Red. 0.97 Each 0.93 Each Stamp Pads IK-006 IK-006 IK-007 IK-007 Inked Stamp Pad. Black. Foam Rubber. Un-Inked Stamp Pad. Foam Rubber. 0.65 Each 0.98 Each Note: Green & blue ink have been discontinued by the manufacturer. 49 STAPLERS & SUPPLIES Staplers ST-001 ST-001 ST-002 ST-002 Small Stapler. Holds 1/2 strip of staples. Opens for tacking. Large Stapler. Holds full strip of staples. Opens for tacking. 3.38 Each Standard Staples. 5,000 per box. 0.48 Box 2.30 Each Staples ST-003 Staple Remover ST-004 Staple Remover. Steel prongs, plastic grips. 50 0.14 Each STARS NOW SOLD PER PACKAGE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Self-Adhesive SU-001 1/2" Blue. 125 per pkg. SU-002 1/2" Green. 125 per pkg. SU-003 1/2" Gold. 250 per pkg. SU-004 1/2" Silver. 250 per pkg. SU-005 3/4" Blue. 60 per pkg. SU-006 3/4" Green. 60 per pkg. SU-007 3/4" Gold. 175 per pkg. SU-008 3/4" Red. 60 per pkg. SU-009 3/4" Silver. 60 per pkg. SU-010 2” Blue. 15 per pkg. 0.75 Package 0.78 Package 0.59 Package 0.57 Package 0.34 Package 0.22 Package 0.80 Package 0.40 Package 0.60 Package 0.61 Package * Note: The 2” stars (SU-010) have been discontinued by the manufacturer; there is limited stock available. 51 TAPE – Book, Sealing, Transparent, Calculator, Masking, Dispenser, Replacement Core & Blue Painter’s Book Tape TA-006 1-1/2" Transparent Tape. 15 yards. TA-007 2" Transparent Tape. 15 yards. TA-008 3" Transparent Tape. 15 yards. TA-009 4" Transparent Tape. 15 yards. 2.64 Roll 3.76 Roll 4.31 Roll 7.10 Roll Sealing/PVC Tape TA-010 TA-010 TA-011 TA-011 Clear Tape. 2" x 165', waterproof. Tan Tape. 2" x 165', waterproof. Transparent Tape TA-013 Invisible Tape. Matte finish, 1/2" x 36 yds. Calculator Tape TA-014 Calculator Tape. 2-1/4" x 150' roll. White paper. Masking Tape TA-015 2" x 60 yards. TA-016 1/2" x 60 yards. TA-017 1" x 60 yards. 0.93 Roll 0.63 Roll 0.47 Roll 0.40 Each 1.95 Roll 0.63 Roll 1.00 Roll 52 TAPE – Book, Sealing, Transparent, Calculator, Masking, Dispenser, Replacement Core & Blue Painter’s (con’t) Tape Dispenser & Replacement Core TA-018 TA-018 TA-019 Tape Dispenser for 1/2" tape. Replacement Core for dispenser. Blue Painter’s Tape TA-020 ¾” Blue Painters Tape. TA-021 1-1/2” Blue Painters Tape 53 TA-019 1.53 Each 0.07 Each 2.23 Each 4.19 Each TEACHER/CLASSROOM FORMS RE-005 RE-006 Grade Book. Spiral bound. 5” x 10 ½” Lesson Plan Book. Spiral bound. 54 FREE FREE TYPEWRITER AND CALCULATOR RIBBONS & TAPE ********************************************************************************* The following typewriter supplies are limited; once the stock is depleted we will not restock. Typewriter Ribbons & Cassettes RI-015 IBM Easystrike Typing Cassette. 9.66 Each **IBM Easystrike Correcting Cassette – deleted from stock. Calculator Ribbons RI-002 Black/Red ribbon. 1.32 Each Calculator Tape TA-014 Calculator Tape. 2-1/4" x 150' roll. White paper. 55 0.40 Each YARN Roving Yarn 150 yds. YA-001 Black. YA-002 Blue. YA-003 Brown. YA-004 Green. YA-005 Lavender. YA-006 Orange. YA-007 Pink. YA-008 Red. YA-009 White. YA-010 Yellow. 4.12 Each 3.55 Each 4.14 Each 4.40 Each 3.64 Each 3.65 Each 3.73 Each 4.49 Each 4.53 Each 3.86 Each Rug Yarn 70 yds. ** YA-011 Black. YA-012 Blue. YA-013 Brown. YA-015 Lilac. YA-018 Red. YA-019 White. YA-020 Yellow. 3.51 Each 3.17 Each 3.17 Each 3.17 Each 3.12 Each 3.51 Each 3.41 Each ** Once the stock of rug yarn is depleted, we will no longer be able to re-stock it, the manufacturer has discontinued it. 56 APPENDIX A PAPER SAMPLES for Pages 36 & 37 In this section are paper samples for your information: Graph Paper • PB-041 • PB-042 • PB-043 Drawing Paper • PB-047 • PB-048 Newsprint Paper • PB-060 • PB-062 • PB-064 • PB-070 • PB-200 White Writing Paper • PB-073 • PB-074 • PB-081 • PB-082 • PB-085 Sentence Strip • PB-094 INDEX A Adhesive putty ...............................29 Art Kraft Rolls ..............................39 Audio Cassette Tapes.....................29 Award Ribbons ................................3 B Bags................................................28 Batteries ...........................................4 Binder Clips .....................................9 Binder Indexes .................................6 Binder Filler Paper.........................36 Binders, Ring ...................................5 Blue Painters Tape .........................53 Book Pockets .................................27 Book Tape.................................27,50 Books, Steno ..................................11 Books, Composition.......................11 Bordettes ..........................................1 Boxes, Bankers ..............................19 Brushes, Paint ................................33 Bulk CD-R .....................................12 Butcher Paper.................................39 C Calculator Tape.........................52,55 Calculator Ribbons ........................55 Calendars .........................................7 Card Pockets ..................................27 Cassettes.........................................29 CD’s (bulk) ....................................12 CD Envelopes ................................12 CDs with Jewel Cases....................12 Chalk ................................................8 Chalk Holder....................................8 Chalkboard Erasers ........................17 Chart Pads ......................................31 Circulation Cards ...........................27 Clay ..................................................1 Cleaner, Expo.................................15 Clear View Binders..........................5 Clip Holder ......................................9 Clipboards ......................................28 Clips .................................................9 Colored File Folders ......................20 C Colored Pencils ..............................40 Columnar Pads ...............................30 Comfort Grips ................................29 Compass.........................................10 Composition Books........................11 Compressed Air Duster…………..29 Compressed Sponges .......................2 Computer Supplies.........................12 Construction Paper....................34,35 Copy Paper.....................................37 Core, Tape Dispenser.....................53 Correction Fluid.............................13 Correction Tape .............................13 Cotton Balls .....................................1 Craft Sticks ......................................1 Crayons ..........................................14 Cups ...............................................24 D Desk Tray, Plastic ..........................28 Diskettes.........................................12 Dispenser, Tape .............................53 "Donuts".........................................28 Drawing Paper ...............................36 Dry Erase Products ..............15,17,43 E Easel Pads ......................................30 Envelope Sealer .............................28 Envelopes for Mailing ...................16 Envelopes for CDs .........................12 Erasers............................................17 Expo Products ......................15,17,43 F Facial Tissue ..................................24 Fasteners ........................................18 File Boxes ......................................19 File Folders ...............................19,20 File Holders....................................20 File Pockets....................................19 File, Magazine ...............................19 Filing Guides...............................6,19 Finger Paint Paper..........................36 F Fingertip Moistener........................28 INDEX Fiskars ............................................48 Flags...............................................22 Folders ......................................19,20 Frames, Hanging Folder.................21 G Glitter ...............................................2 Gloves ............................................24 Glue................................................23 Glue Sticks .....................................23 Grade Book ....................................54 Graph Paper ...................................36 Guides, Filing.................................19 H Hanging Folders.............................21 Heavy Duty (IEP) File Folders ......20 Highlighters ...................................42 Hole Punches .................................29 Hydra Sponges .................................2 I Index Cards ....................................25 Indexes, Binder ................................6 Ink, Stamp ......................................49 K Key Tags ........................................28 Kleenex ..........................................24 Kraft Rolls......................................39 L Labels.............................................26 Lanyards...........................................3 Lead Refills....................................40 Legal Pads......................................31 Lesson Plan Book ..........................54 Letter Opener .................................28 Library Supplies.............................27 Loose-Leaf Rings.............................6 M Magazine File ................................19 M Manila Envelopes ..........................16 Manila Folders ...............................19 Markers ..........................................42 Masking Tape ................................52 Model Magic....................................1 N Name Tags .....................................28 Newsprint Paper.............................36 Notebooks ......................................11 O Oil Pastels ......................................14 Overhead Transparencies...............30 Overhead Markers.....................15,43 P Pad, Stamp .....................................49 Pads - ........................................31,32 Chart Columnar Easel Phone Message Ruled Legal Paint ...............................................33 Paint Brushes .................................33 Paint Sets........................................33 Painters Tape (Blue) ......................52 Paper Bags .....................................28 Paper .....................34,35,36,37,38,39 Binder Filler ................................36 Butcher........................................39 Computer.....................................12 Construction...........................34,35 Copy............................................37 Drawing.......................................36 Finger Paint.................................36 Graph...........................................36 Newsprint....................................36 Ruled Bond ................................37 Tagboard .....................................37 Tissue ..........................................38 Pen/Pencil Grips ............................29 Pencils ............................................40 P Pencil Erasers.................................17 Pens ...........................................40,41 Permanent Markers ........................42 INDEX Phone Message Pads ......................31 Pins.................................................44 Pipe Cleaners ...................................2 Plaster of Paris .................................1 Plastic Desk Tray ...........................28 Pockets, Slash ................................21 Pockets, Expanding File ................19 Poly Slash Pockets .........................20 Pop-up Wipes.................................24 Portfolios, Pocket...........................21 Post-It Chart Pad (Sticky) ..............31 Post-It Cover Up Tape ...................13 Post-It Index Flags/Markers...........45 Post-It Notes ..................................45 Post-It Pop-Up Dispenser/refills....45 Post-It Tape Flags ..........................45 Power Strip ....................................12 Protractors ......................................10 Punches, Hole ................................29 Push Pins........................................44 R Railroad Board ...............................38 Receipt Book.............................29,30 Refills, Eraser.................................17 Refills, Lead...................................40 Reinforcements ..............................28 Report Covers ................................21 Re-writable CDs ............................12 Ribbons, Award ...............................3 Ribbons, Calculator .......................55 Ribbons, Typewriter ......................55 Rings, Loose-Leaf............................6 Roving Yarn...................................56 Rubber Bands.................................46 Rug Yarn........................................56 Ruled White Bond..........................37 Ruled Legal Pads ...........................31 Ruled Newsprint ............................36 Rulers .............................................47 S Safety Pins .....................................44 Scissors ..........................................48 Sealing Tape ..................................52 Seals, Gold Foil..............................29 Sentence Strips...............................37 Sheet Protectors .....................6,28,29 Sharpeners (pencil)……………….40 Skill Notebooks..............................11 Slash Pockets .................................21 Sponges ............................................2 Stamp Pads.....................................49 Staple Remover..............................50 Staplers...........................................50 Staples ............................................50 Starch ...............................................2 Stars ...............................................51 Steno Books ...................................11 Straight Pins ...................................44 T Tabs (plastic)……………………..29 Tacks ..............................................44 Tagboard ........................................37 Tape...........................................52,53 Tape, Calculator........................52,55 Tape Dispenser ..............................53 Thumb Tacks .................................44 Tissue Paper ...................................38 Tissue, Facial .................................24 Transparencies ..........................12,30 Tray, Plastic Desk ..........................28 Twine ...............................................2 Typewriter Ribbons .......................55 V Video Cassette Tapes.....................29 W Washable Markers .........................42 Wastebasket ...................................28 Watercolor Pencils .........................40 Whistles............................................3 Wipes, Pop-Up...............................24 Writing Paper ............................36,37 W “We Recycle” Wastebasket……….28 Y Yardstick ........................................47 Yarn................................................56 INDEX Z Ziplock Bags ..................................28
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